Alexander, William S.

Algard, George A., 1941-2012


Bancroft, Caroline, 1900-1985

Beal, Merrill D., 1898-1990

Beal, Samuel M.

See: Beal, Merrill D., 1898-1990

Beaugrand, Honoré, 1849-1906

Bird, Isabella L. (Isabella Lucy), 1831-1904

Bishop, Isabella Lucy Bird

See: Bird, Isabella L. (Isabella Lucy), 1831-1904

Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company

Chittenden, Hiram Martin, 1858-1917

Christopherson, Edmund, -1974

Colborn, Edward F., 1854-1926

Cole, Cyrenus, 1863-1939

Comstock, Enos B. (Enos Benjamin), 1879-1945

Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company

Dimsdale, Thos. J. (Thomas Josiah), -1866

Driggs, Howard R. (Howard Roscoe), 1873-1963

Dyson, James L. (James Lindsay), 1912-1967

Estes Park Chamber of Commerce

Everts, Truman, 1816-1901

Fitzgerald, Helen

See: Sanders, Helen Fitzgerald, 1883-

Forrest, James T. (James Taylor), 1921-

France, Lewis B., 1833-1907

Francis, Theresa V.

Francis, William Lamartine

Freeman, Lewis R. (Lewis Ransome), 1878-1960

Geological Survey (U.S.)

Gillis, Charles J.

Grable, F. C.

Graham, Stephen, 1884-1975

Hall, Ansel F. (Ansel Franklin), 1894-1962

Hambleton, Chalkley J., 1829-

Harrison, Carter H. (Carter Henry), 1825-1893

Harry, G. Bryan

Hieb, David L.

Hill, Vernon, 1887-1972

Hoss, Della Taylor

Howbert, Irving, 1846-1934

Ingersoll, Ernest, 1852-1946

Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942

Langford, Nathaniel Pitt, 1832-1911

Lindsay, Vachel, 1879-1931

Marston, E. (Edward), 1825-1914

Mattes, Merrill J., 1910-1996

Mattison, Ray H., 1903-1980

Mesa Verde Museum Association

Mills, Enoch Josiah

See: Mills, Joe, 1880-1935

Mills, Enos A., 1870-1922

Mills, Joe, 1880-1935

Milwaukee Road (Railroad)

See: Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company

National Park Service (U.S.)

See: United States. National Park Service

Olsen, Mary Ann

Parrish, Thomas C. (Thomas Clarkson), 1846-1899

Peterson, Daniel K.

Price, Con, 1869-1958

Richards, Clarice E.

Richardson, James (Geologist)

Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 1876-1958

Rossi, Paul A., 1929-

Sanders, Helen Fitzgerald, 1883-

Saunders, A. C. (Arthur Charles)

Slack, Rosamund

Soo Line Corporation. Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company

See: Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company

Steele, James W. (James William), 1840-1905

Stewart, Elinore Pruitt, 1878-

Stoddard, John L. (John Lawson), 1850-1931

True, Allen Tupper, 1881-1955

Uncle Nick

See: Wilson, Elijah Nicholas, 1842-1915

Union Pacific Railroad Company

United States. Department of the Interior

United States. Forest Service

United States. Forest Service. Rocky Mountain Region

United States. National Park Service

United States. National Park Service. Division of Publications

U.S. Geological Survey

See: Geological Survey (U.S.)


Vaughn, Robert, 1836-1918

Victor, Frances Fuller, 1826-1902

Watson, Don

White, Alma, 1862-

Whitney, Ernest, 1858-1893

Wilson, Elijah Nicholas, 1842-1915

Wilson, F. N. (Frederick N.), 1876-1961

Winkler, Merrie


See: Wilson, Elijah Nicholas, 1842-1915

Yellowstone Library and Museum Association