Books about Cookbooks (sorted alphabetically)
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12 Pies Husbands Like Best: Aunt Jenny's Recipe Book Lever Brothers Company
30 Tempting Spaghetti Meals: Easy, Economical, Delicious Campbell Soup Company
50 Wonderful Ways to Use Lucerne Sour Cream, From Appetizers to Desserts Lucerne Foods and American Dairy Association
Auxiliary cook book Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society. Auxiliary Society
Baker's Coconut Recipes Franklin Baker Co.
Betty Crocker picture cooky book Betty Crocker and Inc. General Mills
cake and biscuit book Elizabeth Douglas
Calumet Book of Oven Triumphs! General Foods Corporation
Certo: A Short Cut to Better Jams and Jellies General Foods Corporation
Cheese and its economical uses in the diet Caroline Louisa Hunt and C. F. Langworthy
Chinese cook book Vernon Galster
Choice Recipes and Menus Using Canned Foods American Can Company. Home Economics Department
Cocina del tiempo, ó arte de preparar sabrosos y exquisitos platos propios de cada estación (Spanish) Luis Ruiz Contreras
Compleat Cook W. M.
Congress Hotel, Home of a Thousand Homes Irving S. Paull and W. S. Goodnaw
Cook book of tested receipes Ida Lee Cary
Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome Apicius
Cottage Cheese Recipe Book Milk Industry Foundation
cuisine creole : a collection of culinary recipes from leading chefs and noted Creole housewives, who have made New Orleans famous for its cuisine Lafcadio Hearn
Delicious Recipes: Including Toll House Chocolate Cookies Nestlé
Faster Ways to Favorite Dishes With the New Minute Tapioca Minute Tapioca Co.
Grandma's Recipes for Mother and Daughter American Molasses Company
Handbook of Cookery for a Small House Jessie Conrad
Homemade candy—sweet and dandy CPC International. Best Foods Division
How to Use and Enjoy Your New Frigidaire Refrigerator General Motors Corporation. Frigidaire Division
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