Books about Parapsychology (sorted alphabetically)
Displaying results 1–21
Adventurings in the Psychical H. Addington Bruce
babonák könyve (Hungarian) János Varga
Beyond Henry Seward Hubbard
Case Against Spirit Photographs C. Vincent Patrick and W. Whately Smith
Fact and Fable in Psychology Joseph Jastrow
Ghosts I Have Seen, and Other Psychic Experiences Violet Tweedale
Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death F. W. H. Myers
Law of Psychic Phenomena Thomson Jay Hudson
Lock and Key Library: The Most Interesting Stories of All Nations: Real Life
Mistä tulen, mihin menen? : Johdantoa salaisiin tieteihin (Finnish) Carl Du Prel
Night-Side of Nature; Or, Ghosts and Ghost-Seers Catherine Crowe
Occultism and Common-Sense Beckles Willson
Phénomènes Psychiques Occultes: État Actuel de la Question (French) Albert Coste
Problems of Psychical Research Hereward Carrington
Psychical Miscellanea J. Arthur Hill
Psychic phenomena : a brief account of the physical manifestations observed in psychical research Edward T. Bennett
Seen and Unseen E. Katherine Bates
Shadow World Hamlin Garland
Studies in the Out-Lying Fields of Psychic Science Hudson Tuttle
Theory of the Mechanism of Survival: The Fourth Dimension and Its Applications W. Whately Smith
Unknown Guest Maurice Maeterlinck
Displaying results 1–21