Books about Mystery fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Disappearing Eye Fergus Hume
Diva's Ruby F. Marion Crawford
doings of Doris Agnes Giberne
Don Hale Over There W. Crispin Sheppard
Doors of the Night Frank L. Packard
Dorothy Dale's Great Secret Margaret Penrose
duplicate death Arthur Charles Fox-Davies
Dynamiter Robert Louis Stevenson and Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson
Earth transit Charles L. Fontenay
Éthiopiennes, ou Théagènes et Chariclée, tomes 1-3 (French) of Emesa Heliodorus
Evil Guest Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
Eye for an Eye William Le Queux
Eye of Istar: A Romance of the Land of No Return William Le Queux
Fairview Boys and Their Rivals; or, Bob Bouncer's Schooldays Frederick Gordon
Fairview Boys at Camp Mystery; or, the Old Hermit and His Secret Frederick Gordon
Fairview Boys at Lighthouse Cove; or, Carried out to Sea Frederick Gordon
Fever of Life Fergus Hume
File No. 113 Emile Gaboriau
Finding the Lost Treasure Helen M. Persons
Five Knots Fred M. White
Five nights at the Five Pines Harriet A. Gaul
Five Thousand Dollars Reward A. Frank Pinkerton
Flying Death Samuel Hopkins Adams
For the Defence Fergus Hume
Fortune Hunter David Graham Phillips