Books about Confectionery (sorted alphabetically)
Displaying results 1–15
Art of Confectionary Edward Lambert
Art of Home Candy Making, with Illustrations Home Candy Makers
Bread and Biscuit Baker's and Sugar-Boiler's Assistant Robert Wells
Candy Maker's Guide Fletcher Manufacturing Company
Candy-Making at Home Mary M. Wright
Candy-Making Revolutionized: Confectionery from Vegetables Mary Elizabeth Hall
Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes Maria Parloa and Janet McKenzie Hill
Frye's Practical Candy Maker George V. Frye
Homemade candy—sweet and dandy CPC International. Best Foods Division
How to Make Candy Anonymous
Little Candy Book for a Little Girl Mrs. Amy Harlow Waterman
Party sweets Mary Blake and Carnation Milk Products Company
Pfefferkuchenbäcker und Lebküchler (German) F. H. Stegmann
Rigby's reliable candy teacher and soda and ice cream formulas W. O. Rigby
Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes and Sweetmeats, by Miss Leslie Eliza Leslie
Displaying results 1–15