Books by Petherick, Horace (sorted by popularity)
Displaying results 1–9
The Repairing & Restoration of Violins Horace Petherick 236 downloads
The Vee-Boers: A Tale of Adventure in Southern Africa Mayne Reid 215 downloads
Antonio Stradivari Horace Petherick 172 downloads
A Forgotten Hero; Or, Not for Him Emily Sarah Holt 159 downloads
For the Master's Sake: A Story of the Days of Queen Mary Emily Sarah Holt 157 downloads
My Dog Tray Unknown 124 downloads
The Maidens' Lodge; or, None of Self and All of Thee Emily Sarah Holt 123 downloads
The Loss of the Royal George William Henry Giles Kingston 96 downloads
David's Little Lad L. T. Meade 87 downloads
Displaying results 1–9