Books by Housman, Laurence (sorted by popularity)
- Alias Bunny, Benjamin
Displaying results 1–23
The return of Alcestis : A play in one act Laurence Housman 564 downloads
An Englishwoman's Love-Letters Laurence Housman 474 downloads
The Were-Wolf Clemence Housman 416 downloads
Stories from The Arabian Nights Laurence Housman 314 downloads
Weird Tales from Northern Seas Jonas Lie 246 downloads
The sensitive plant Percy Bysshe Shelley 223 downloads
Princess Badoura: A tale from the Arabian Nights Laurence Housman 176 downloads
The End of Elfintown Jane Barlow 150 downloads
Possession: A Peep-Show in Paradise Laurence Housman 147 downloads
Moonshine & Clover Laurence Housman 140 downloads
An Englishwoman's Love-Letters Laurence Housman 131 downloads
The Field of Clover Laurence Housman 122 downloads
Trimblerigg : A book of revelation Laurence Housman 120 downloads
Echo de Paris Laurence Housman 118 downloads
King John of Jingalo: The Story of a Monarch in Difficulties Laurence Housman 116 downloads
Bird in hand : a play in one act Laurence Housman 115 downloads
The Blue Moon Laurence Housman 112 downloads
Ploughshare and Pruning-Hook: Ten Lectures on Social Subjects Laurence Housman 101 downloads
Nazareth: a morality in one act Laurence Housman 96 downloads
The snow man : A metrical play in one act Laurence Housman 95 downloads
The Chinese lantern : A play Laurence Housman 95 downloads
Angels and Ministers, and Other Victorian Plays Laurence Housman 88 downloads
Bethlehem: A Nativity Play Laurence Housman 78 downloads
Displaying results 1–23