Books about Inventions (sorted alphabetically)
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American Inventions and Inventors William A. Mowry and Arthur May Mowry
Art of Inventing Edwin J. Prindle
Boy's Book of New Inventions Harry E. Maule
Boys' Second Book of Inventions Ray Stannard Baker
Discoveries and Inventions: A lecture by Abraham Lincoln delivered in 1860 Abraham Lincoln
Famous Days in the Century of Invention Gertrude L. Stone and M. Grace Fickett
Great Facts Frederick C. Bakewell
Great Inventions and Discoveries Willis Duff Piercy
Historic Inventions Rupert Sargent Holland
How to Succeed as an Inventor Goodwin Brooke Smith
Inventing for Boys A. Frederick Collins
Invention and Discovery: Curious Facts and Characteristic Sketches Anonymous
Inventions in the Century William Henry Doolittle
Inventions of the Great War A. Russell Bond
Inventors & Inventions Henry Robinson
Learn to Invent, First Steps for Beginners Young and Old Samuel Evans Clark
Life, Times, and Scientific Labours of the Second Marquis of Worcester Henry Dircks
Little Masterpieces of Science: Invention and Discovery
Marvels of Modern Science Paul Severing
Marvels of Scientific Invention Thomas W. Corbin
Nature's Teachings: Human Invention Anticipated by Nature J. G. Wood
odkryciach i wynalazkach (Polish) Bolesław Prus
Romance of Industry and Invention
Romance of Modern Invention Archibald Williams
Romance of War Inventions Thomas W. Corbin
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