My Uncle Florimond
Henry Harland
Tom Newcombe; Or, the Boy of Bad Habits
Harry Castlemon
The Unseen Hand; or, James Renfew and His Boy Helpers
Elijah Kellogg
The Peddler's Boy; Or, I'll Be Somebody
Francis C. Woodworth
Wings and Stings: A Tale for the Young
A. L. O. E.
Sturdy and Strong; Or, How George Andrews Made His Way
G. A. Henty
Baseball Joe in the Big League; or, A Young Pitcher's Hardest Struggles
Lester Chadwick
The Fairchilds : or, "Do what you can"
Lucy Ellen Guernsey
Making the Nine
Albertus T. Dudley
Campmates: A Story of the Plains
Kirk Munroe
Dan, the Newsboy
Jr. Horatio Alger
Up the ladder; or, striving and thriving
Madeline Leslie
A Debt of Honor: The Story of Gerald Lane's Success in the Far West
Jr. Horatio Alger
Tony, the Hero; Or, A Brave Boy's Adventures with a Tramp
Jr. Horatio Alger
Charlie Codman's Cruise: A Story for Boys
Jr. Horatio Alger
Rough and Ready; Or, Life Among the New York Newsboys
Jr. Horatio Alger
Mark Mason's Victory
Jr. Horatio Alger
Adrift in the City; or, Oliver Conrad's Plucky Fight
Jr. Horatio Alger
Teddy and Carrots: Two Merchants of Newpaper Row
James Otis
The Boy Broker; Or, Among the Kings of Wall Street
Frank Andrew Munsey
Tom Thatcher's Fortune
Jr. Horatio Alger
Tom Temple's Career
Jr. Horatio Alger
The Worst Boy in Town
John Habberton
Baseball Joe at Yale; or, Pitching for the College Championship
Lester Chadwick
Grit; or, The Young Boatman of Pine Point
Jr. Horatio Alger