Captain Cook: His Life, Voyages, and Discoveries
William Henry Giles Kingston
Greater Britain: A Record of Travel in English-Speaking Countries During 1866-7
Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke
Reise durch den Stillen Ozean (German)
Max Buchner
A New Voyage Round the World in the Years 1823, 24, 25, and 26. Vol. 1
Otto von Kotzebue
Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II
Thomas Stevens
Following the Equator: A Journey Around the World. Part 6
Mark Twain
Um die Erde: Eine Reisebeschreibung (German)
J. Hirschberg
A Voyage Round the World, Volume I
James Holman
Under the mizzen mast: A voyage round the world
Nehemiah Adams
La vuelta al mundo de un novelista; vol. 3/3 (Spanish)
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
From Job to Job around the World
Alfred C. B. Fletcher
Meine erste Weltreise (German)
James Cook
The old world and its ways : describing a tour around the world and journeys through Europe
William Jennings Bryan
Meine Reise um die Welt. Erste Abteilung (German)
Mark Twain
La vuelta al mundo de un novelista; vol. 2/3 (Spanish)
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
Descobrimento das Filippinas pelo navegador portuguez Fernão de Magalhães (Portuguese)
Caetano Alberto da Silva
Due West; Or, Round the World in Ten Months
Maturin M. Ballou
À travers l'hémisphère sud, ou Mon second voyage autour du monde. Tome 1
Ernest Michel
La vuelta al mundo de un novelista; vol. 1/3 (Spanish)
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
Around the World on Wheels, for The Inter Ocean
H. Darwin McIlrath
Foot-prints of Travel; Or, Journeyings in Many Lands
Maturin M. Ballou
Working my Way Around the World
Harry Alverson Franck and Lena M. Franck
Following the Equator: A Journey Around the World. Part 5
Mark Twain
La Granda Admiralo: Unua vojaĝo ĉirkaŭ la mondo (Esperanto)
František Omelka
My Trip Around the World: August, 1895-May, 1896
Eleonora Hunt