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Displaying results 1–25
The boys of Columbia High on the river : or, The boat race plot that failed
Graham B. Forbes
The boys of Columbia High on the ice : or, Out for the hockey championship
Graham B. Forbes
Grace Harlowe's Plebe Year at High School
Josephine Chase
Just Patty
Jean Webster
The Girls of Central High; Or, Rivals for All Honors
Gertrude W. Morrison
The Girls of Central High on the Stage; Or, The Play That Took The Prize
Gertrude W. Morrison
The Girls of Central High on Track and Field
Gertrude W. Morrison
Marjorie Dean, High School Senior
Josephine Chase
The Girls of Central High at Basketball; Or, The Great Gymnasium Mystery
Gertrude W. Morrison
Grace Harlowe's Sophomore Year at High School
Josephine Chase
Harry Watson's High School Days; Or, The Rivals of Rivertown
Frank V. Webster
Grace Harlowe's Senior Year at High School
Josephine Chase
Marjorie Dean, High School Junior
Josephine Chase
Grace Harlowe's Junior Year at High School
Josephine Chase
The Girls of Central High on Lake Luna; Or, The Crew That Won
Gertrude W. Morrison
The boys of Columbia High on the gridiron : or, The struggle for the silver cup
Graham B. Forbes
Betty Lee, Freshman
Harriet Pyne Grove
Billy To-morrow Stands the Test
Sarah Pratt Carr
Betty Lee, Sophomore
Harriet Pyne Grove
Jacquette, a Sorority Girl
Grace Ethelwyn Cody
Jimmy Drury: Candid Camera Detective
David O'Hara
The Motor Maids' School Days
Katherine Stokes
The Purple Pennant
Ralph Henry Barbour
The Chums of Scranton High
Donald Ferguson
Marjorie Dean, High School Sophomore
Josephine Chase
Displaying results 1–25