Books about Villages -- Juvenile fiction (sorted by popularity)
Displaying results 1–12
Everybody's business Agnes Giberne 170 downloads
Janice Day Helen Beecher Long 166 downloads
Frank Hardy's choice, and what came of it Charlotte Grace O'Brien 151 downloads
Elsie's scholarship : and why she surrendered it Emma Leslie 145 downloads
That Little Girl of Miss Eliza's: A Story for Young People Jean K. Baird 142 downloads
The other Miller girl Joslyn Gray 141 downloads
The little Barefoot : A tale Berthold Auerbach 130 downloads
Neue Kindergeschichten aus Oberheudorf: Fünfzehn heitere Erzählungen (German) Josephine Siebe 116 downloads
Ralph Trulock's Christmas Roses Annette Lyster 106 downloads
Oberheudorfer Buben- und Mädelgeschichten: Sechszehn heitere Erzählungen (German) Josephine Siebe 102 downloads
Rose Cottage : A story Eleanora H. Stooke 94 downloads
The Village Champion William O. Stoddard 90 downloads
Displaying results 1–12