Our Bird Comrades
Leander S. Keyser
The Bird Study Book
T. Gilbert Pearson
Roof and Meadow
Dallas Lore Sharp
Bird Houses Boys Can Build
Albert Frederick Siepert
A Bird Calendar for Northern India
Douglas Dewar
Birds from North Borneo
Max C. Thompson
Birds and Man
W. H. Hudson
Birds Illustrated by Color Photography, Vol. 3, No. 2 [February, 1898]
Ducks and Geese
Harry M. Lamon and Rob R. Slocum
Birds, Illustrated by Color Photography, Vol. 2, No. 1
Birds, Illustrated by Color Photography, Vol. 1, No. 3
Birds, Illustrated by Color Photography, Vol. 2, No. 6
Myology and Serology of the Avian Family Fringillidae: A Taxonomic Study
William B. Stallcup
Territory in Bird Life
Henry Eliot Howard
A Bird-Lover in the West
Olive Thorne Miller
The Subspecies of the Mountain Chickadee
Joseph Grinnell
The Breeding Birds of Kansas
Richard F. Johnston
Birds, Illustrated by Color Photography, Vol. 1, No. 6
The Woodpeckers
Fannie Hardy Eckstorm
Friends in Feathers and Fur, and Other Neighbors: For Young Folks
James Johonnot
Birds Illustrated by Color Photography, Vol. 3, No. 1 [January, 1898]
Food Habits of the Thrushes of the United States
F. E. L. Beal
Birds, Illustrated by Color Photography, Vol. 1, No. 4
Birds, Illustrated by Color Photography, Vol. 2, No. 4
Phylogeny of the Waxwings and Allied Birds
M. Dale Arvey