Books by Sinclair, Upton (sorted by popularity)
The Naturewoman Upton Sinclair 151 downloads
The Machine Upton Sinclair 151 downloads
Jimmie Higgins Upton Sinclair 144 downloads
Good Health and How We Won It, With an Account of the New Hygiene Upton Sinclair and Michael Williams 137 downloads
The Pot Boiler: A Comedy in Four Acts Upton Sinclair 136 downloads
The Journal of Arthur Stirling : ("The Valley of the Shadow") Upton Sinclair 133 downloads
Sylvia's Marriage: A Novel Upton Sinclair 131 downloads
Samuel the Seeker Upton Sinclair 128 downloads
The West Point Rivals: or, Mark Mallory's Stratagem Upton Sinclair 125 downloads
The industrial republic: a study of the America of ten years hence Upton Sinclair 121 downloads
The Goslings: A Study of the American Schools Upton Sinclair 119 downloads
On Guard: Mark Mallory's Celebration Upton Sinclair 118 downloads
The spokesman's secretary : Being the letters of Mame to Mom Upton Sinclair 109 downloads
Letters to Judd, an American Workingman Upton Sinclair 108 downloads
Sadan prosentin patriootti (Finnish) Upton Sinclair 105 downloads
The Overman Upton Sinclair 101 downloads
A West Point Treasure; Or, Mark Mallory's Strange Find Upton Sinclair 100 downloads
The Second-Story Man Upton Sinclair 100 downloads
Prince Hagen Upton Sinclair 98 downloads
Sylvia: A Novel Upton Sinclair 93 downloads
The Jungle Upton Sinclair 92 downloads
Etsivä Samuel (Finnish) Upton Sinclair 88 downloads
Pörssiylimys: Erään amerikalaisen miljoonamiehen elämäntarina (Finnish) Upton Sinclair 88 downloads
Kuningas kivihiili (Finnish) Upton Sinclair 78 downloads
The Cruise of the Training Ship; Or, Clif Faraday's Pluck Upton Sinclair 77 downloads