Summary |
"Vera, the Medium" by Richard Harding Davis is a novel written during the late 19th century. The story revolves around Stephen Hallowell, an aging millionaire on the brink of death, whose life is disrupted by rumors of his wealth, mysterious mediums, and the machinations surrounding his estate. Through the interactions of characters like Hallowell, his lawyer Judge Gaylor, and the enigmatic Vera, the medium, the novel explores themes of influence, deception, and the clash between the old guard of wealth and the emerging spiritualist movement. The opening of the book sets a dramatic tone, introducing us to Stephen Hallowell as he grapples with his declining health amidst swirling media attention and familial tensions. The narrative unfolds in a tense atmosphere where young reporters speculate about Hallowell's condition and his potential influence over his fortune. Enter the character of Vera, a medium who holds the promise of connecting Hallowell with the dead. As the story develops, we see the struggle for control between Hallowell's niece, who seeks her inheritance, and those who wish to manipulate him through spiritualism. This rich opening invites readers into a world of intrigue and suspense, as the characters converge on Hallowell, each with their own motives, setting the stage for an engaging tale. (This is an automatically generated summary.)