The Project Gutenberg eBook of Quotes and Images From Memoirs of Louis XV. and XVI.

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Title: Quotes and Images From Memoirs of Louis XV. and XVI.

Author: Mme. Du Hausset

princesse de Marie Thérèse Louise de Savoie-Carignan Lamballe

Editor: David Widger

Release date: February 1, 2005 [eBook #7561]
Most recently updated: December 30, 2020

Language: English

Credits: Produced by David Widger



By Hausset and Princess Lamballe

versailles.jpg (121K)

"It was indigestion."


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Madame du Hausset

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Madame Pompadour

lamballe.jpg (154K)

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ma-prison.jpg (97K)

Marie Antoinette in the Temple

A liar ought to have a good memory

Air of science calculated to deceive
the vulgar

And scarcely a woman; for your answers
are very short

Bad habit of talking very indiscreetly
before others

Beaumarchais sent arms to the Americans

Because he is fat, he is thought dull
and heavy

Can make a Duchess a beggar, but cannot
make a beggar a Duchess

Canvassing for a majority to set up

Clergy enjoyed one-third the national

Clouds—you may see what you please in

Danger of confiding the administration
to noblemen

Dared to say to me, so he writes

Dead always in fault, and cannot be put
out of sight too soon

Declaring the Duke of Orleans the
constitutional King

Do not repulse him in his fond moments

Educate his children as quietists in
matters of religion

Embonpoint of the French Princesses

Fatal error of conscious rectitude

Feel themselves injured by the favour
shown to others

Few individuals except Princesses do
with parade and publicity

Foolishly occupying themselves with
petty matters

Frailty in the ambitious, through which
the artful can act

French people do not do things by

Fresh proof of the intrigues of the

He who quits the field loses it

Honesty is to be trusted before genius

How difficult it is to do good

I dared not touch that string

Infinite astonishment at his sharing
the common destiny

It is an ill wind that blows no one any

Judge of men by the company they keep

Laughed at qualities she could not

Les culottes—what do you call them?'
'Small clothes'

Listeners never hear any good of

Madame made the Treaty of Sienna

Many an aching heart rides in a

Mind well stored against human

Money the universal lever, and you are
in want of it

More dangerous to attack the habits of
men than their religion

My little English protegee

No phrase becomes a proverb until after
a century's experience

Offering you the spectacle of my

Only retire to make room for another

Over-caution may produce evils almost
equal to carelessness

Panegyric of the great Edmund Burke
upon Marie Antoinette

Pension is granted on condition that
his poems are never printed

People in independence are only the
puppets of demagogues

Pleasure of making a great noise at
little expense

Policy, in sovereigns, is paramount to
every other

Quiet work of ruin by whispers and

Regardlessness of appearances

Revolution not as the Americans,
founded on grievances

Ridicule, than which no weapon is more
false or deadly

Salique Laws

Sending astronomers to Mexico and Peru,
to measure the earth

Sentiment is more prompt, and inspires
me with fear

She always says the right thing in the
right place

She drives quick and will certainly be
overturned on the road

Suppression of all superfluous
religious institutions

Sworn that she had thought of nothing
but you all her life

Thank Heaven, I am out of harness

The King remained as if paralysed and

These expounders—or confounders—of

To be accused was to incur instant

To despise money, is to despise
happiness, liberty...

Traducing virtues the slanderers never

Underrated what she could not imitate

We look upon you as a cat, or a dog,
and go on talking

We say "inexpressibles"

When the only security of a King rests
upon his troops

Where the knout is the logician

Who confound logic with their wishes

Wish art to eclipse nature

You tell me bad news: having packed up,
I had rather go

If you wish to read the entire context of any of these quotations, select a short segment and copy it into your clipboard memory—then open the following eBook and paste the phrase into your computer's find or search operation.

Memoirs of Louis XV. and XVI., by Hausset and Lamballe

These quotations were collected from the works of the author by David Widger while preparing etexts for Project Gutenberg. Comments and suggestions will be most welcome.