Nothing goes to waste when you use PEARS
It is of such complete purity and of such incomparable quality that every particle of it comes into use as SOAP.
A touch or two well worked up yields lather enough for face and hands or for shaving.
That is why Pears lasts so much longer than common toilet soaps indeed it WEARS TO THE THINNESS OF A SIXPENCE and will then adhere to a fresh tablet if you wet it, thus there is no waste and
It's fit for the Angels!
Harrods Illustrated
Harrods for Everything
Telephone:- WESTERN ONE (80 Lines)
Harrods LONDON
HARRODS The Supply Center for the Empire
A word to Country Customers
From this General Price List you can order by post with the same certainty of satisfaction as though you paid a personal visit to the Store.
It matters not how large or small the order is, you may rely upon it receiving expert attention.
Many thousands deal daily with Harrods by post and seldom does any hitch in the transactions arise.
Harrods pay carriage on all Drapery and Fashion goods to any part of the Kingdom, and on other goods, with certain exceptions in the case of unusually bulky articles, on orders over 2s. 6d. in value, and on Furniture on orders of £2 and upwards to any Railway Station within 100 miles; on orders of £5 and upwards to any Railway Station in England and Wales, and on orders of £10 and upwards to any Railway Station or Port with Steamer communication in Scotland and Ireland.
Agricultural Implement, 1090, 1091
Amusements and Entertainment, 1349, 1350
Antique Furniture, 740-743
Art Needlework, 1468, 1469
Artificial Flower, 1466, 1467
Artists’ Materials, 308-318
Auctioneers, 1508
Bag, Trunk, and Portmanteau, 519-554
Bakery, 1296, 1297
Banking, 1503
Barrack Furniture and Camp Equipment, 744-764
Beer, 1322, 1323
Blouse, 1388-1393
Boating, 470-474
Book, 261-269
Bookbinding, 270
Boys’ Clothing, 641-650
Brushes and Turnery, 1092-1170
Building, Decorating, Sanitary and Lighting, 1172-1201
Business Arrangements, 3, 4
Calico, Flannel and Print, 1445-1449
Carpet and Linoleum, 765-782
Catering, 1289
China, 846-881
Church Furnishing, 736-739
Cigar, 1324-1348
Clock, 64-83
Coal and Coke, 1303
Corn and Forage, 1303, 1304
Corset, 1402, 1403
Costume, 1363-1369
Cutlery, Silver and Electroplate, 104-228
Cycle and Accessories, 475-483
Deliveries, Town and Country, 5-10
Depositories, 808
Dispensing, 356
Dog Collar, 495, 496
Dress Material and Robe, 1444
Dressed Provision, 290-1293
Dressmaking, 1442
Drug, Dispensing and Perfumery, 327-373
Dyeing and Cleaning, 1499-1501
Electrical Engineering, 1202-1226
Electro-Plate, Silver and Cutlery, 104-228
Entertainment and Amusements, 1349, 1350
Entomological Apparatus, 453-455
Estate Agency, 1506
Export and Shipping, 1510
Fan, 256, 257
Fancy Leather Goods, 229-260
Fish, 1294
Fishing Tackle, 439-449
Floral, 1295
French Confectionery, 1300-1302
Fruit and Vegetable, 1295
Funeral, 1442, 1443
Fur, 1378-1380, 1383
Furnishing Drapery, 783-805
Furniture, 674-735
Games and Sport, 404-438
Garden Sundries, 1305-1307
General Hire, 1351-1361
Gentlemen’s Boot and Shoe, 637-640
Gentlemen’s Hat, 632-634
Gentlemen’s Outfitting, 613-631
Gentlemen’s Tailoring, 599-612
Glass, 882-911
Glove, 1429-1433
Grocery, 1230-1284
Gun, Rifle, and Ammunition, 456-469
Haberdashery, 1468-1477
Hair Dressing, Manicure, Massage and Chiropody, 374-389
Hire—Ball Furnishing and Entertainment, 1357-1361
Hire—Ball, Rout and Fete Furnishing, 1351-1356
Household Linen, 1479-1498
India Rubber and Water-proof, 484-494
Insurance, 1504, 1505
Ironmongery, 946-1089
Jewellery, 12-63
Job Masters’, 1525
Juvenile Costume, 1374, 1377
Juvenile Outfitting, 642-650
Lace, 1452-1463
Ladies’ and Children’s Boot and Shoe, 1434-1438
Ladies’ and Children’s Glove, 1429-1433
Ladies’ and Children’s Hosiery, 1414-1428
Ladies’ and Children’s Outfitting, 1394-1413
Lamp, 913-938
Lamp Shade, 912, 939-945
Library, Circulating, 1519
List of Departments—See under Sections I to V, 11, 673, 1229, 1362, 1502
Made Lace, 1450, 1451
Mantle, 1370-1373
Meat, 1294
Millinery, 1384-1387
Mineral Water, 1320-1322
Motor Accessories, 555-591
Motor Clothing, 592-598
Motor Hire, 1514
Music, 834-845
Naturalists’, Taxidermists’, and Entomological, 450-452
Optical, 84-103
Oriental, 319-326
Perfumery and Toilet Articles, 359-373
Photographic Materials, 390-402
Pianoforte and Musical Instrument, 817-833
Picture, 806, 807
Portrait Studios, 403
Post and Telegraph Office, 1503
Poultry, 1294
Provision, 1285-1288
Railway and Steamship Passenger Agency, 1511
Removals and Warehousing, 808-816
Restaurant, Silver Grill and Tea Rooms, 1515
Ribbon, 1464, 1465
Saddlery, 497-518
Safe Deposit, 1512, 1513
Silk, 1439-1441
Silver, Electro-Plate and Cutlery, 104-228
Sports and Games, 404-438
Stationery, 272-306
Sunshade, 1381, 1383
Surgical Instrument, 343-356
Theatre Ticket Agency, 1509
Toilet Soap, 369-373
Toy, 651-672
Trimmings, 1477
Umbrella and Walking Stick, 635, 636
Umbrella, Ladies’, 1382, 1383
Valuations and Inventories, 1507
Veterinary Drug, 341, 342
Watch, 51, 63
Waterproof and India Rubber, 484-494
Wholesale, 1509
Wine and Spirit, 1311-1319
Wool and Yarn, 1468
Telephone No: WESTERN ONE (80 Lines).Telegraphic Address: “EVERYTHING, LONDON.”
For Index to Advertisers’ Announcements, see page 4.
Abbey’s Effervescing Salt, 327
A.B.C. Dinner Stoves, 1061
Letter Cases, 287
Pyramids (Toy), 664
Abdomen Compresses, 491
Abdominal Belts,
Ladies’, 346
Gents’, 345, 346
Pads, 418
“Abercrombie” Folding Bedsteads, 724
Abernethy Biscuits, 1234
Abol Insecticide, 1306
Abricoma Sauce, 1243
Abricotina (Liqueur), 1318
Abricotines, 1301
Abscess Lancets, 353
Absinthe, 1318
Absorbent, Gauze, 344
Lint, 345
Lozenges, 327
Wool, 345
Absorbers, Shock (Motor), 585
Accident and Emergency Cases, 343
Insurance, 1504
“Accomodato” Corset, 346
Accordion Flexible Paint, 470
Folding Boats, 470
Pleated Chiffon, 1463
Pleating Machine, 1058
Accouchement Sets, 344
Outfits, 345
Sheets, 344
Account Books, 280, 292
Loose Leaf, 293
Bridge, 301
Cases, 287
Current, 1503
Deposit, 1503
Accumulator Repair Outfit for Motors, 565
Accumulator Repair Outfits, 590
Accumulators for Electrophones, 350
Hand Lamps, 1224
Motor, 584
for Operaphones, 350
Acesma, Horn’s, 368
Acetic Acid, 327
Aceto-Salicylic Acid Tablets, 340
Acetylene, Dissolved, 573
Gas Burners, 1201
for Country Houses, 1202
Lamps, 479
Head Lamps, 570, 571
Achromatic Lenses, 87
Acidol, 327
Acetic, 327
Boracic, 327
Carbolic, 327, 330, 342
Citric, 327, 1238
Crystals, Tartaric, 340
Muriatic, 327
Oxalic, 327
Salicylic, 338
Tartaric, 327, 1262
Acidulated Syrup, 340
“Acme” Chimney Cleaner, 1260
Cuirasse, 348
Fruit Labels, Cast, 1305
Skates, 427
Aconite Cough Powders, 342
Acorn Biscuits, 1234
Adal Calculators, 296
Adams’s Furniture Polish, 1247
Adaptors for Candle Shades, 933
Address Books, 279, 286
Specimens of Printed, 276
Adhesive Insulating Tape, 584
Plasters, 337
Adjusta Jig-Saw Boards, 438
Adjustable Bedsteads, 726
Book Rests, 290
Chairs, 757, 759
Children’s Chairs, 685
Desk Racks, 293
Drawer Partitions, 293
Easy Chairs, 697
Hammocks, 1015
Pendants, 1205
Pince-nez, 85
Reading Tables, 703
Shaving Stands, 1033
Spanners, 1075
Try Guns, 456
Admiralty Serges, 1444
Adshead’s Furniture Polish (Derby Cream), 1247
Advantages of Running an Account at Harrods, 1520
Advertisers’ Announcements, Index to, 4
Advertising Agency, 8
Aerated Candles, 1237
Aerators, 1069
Aerial Advertising Outfits, 424
Spiral Mono-Rail, Model, 672
Aeroplanes, Toy, 424
Aesculap Mineral Water, 1320
After-Dinner Coffee Sets, 868, 869
Afternoon Tea Biscuits, 1236
Games, 436
Sets, 114, 867
Electro-Plated, 116
Agarase, 327
“Agra” Folding Table and Seats, 1137
Agricultural Implements:
Barrows, 1091
“Beam” Choppers, 1091
Binders, 1090
Chaff Cutters, 1091
Corn Crushers, 1091
Kibblers, 1091
Grindstones, 1090
Harrows, 1090
Mowers, 1090
Oil Cake Breakers, 1091
Ploughs, 1091
Rakes, 1090
Root Cutters, 1091
Seed Drills, 1091
Sowers, 1091
Stackers, 1090
Swath Turners, 1090
Vegetable Cutters, 1091
Agricultural Salt, 1306
Ahmuty & Co.’s Chutney (various), 1238
Curry Powder, 1241
Ahoy Metal Polish, 962
Aigulettes de Naples Spaghetti, 1250
Macaroni, 1246
Ainsley Packing Co.’s Bottled Fruits, 1246
Ainsley’s Bottled Fruits, 1231
Air Bags, Politzer, 352
Beds, Indiarubber, 492
Compressors, Motor, 569
Cushions, Indiarubber, 492
Gas Lighting, 1202
Neck Pillows, Indiarubber, 492
Pillows, Indiarubber, 492
Rifles, 461
Seat Cushions, Indiarubber, 492
Squabs, Indiarubber, 492
Airers, Bed, 954
Clothes, 1120
Linen, 982
Saddle, 517
Air-tight Cases, 532
Chests, 532
Corks, 966
Aix-les Bains Mineral Water, 1320
Aix-la-Chapelle Mineral Water, 1320
Akbar Carpets, 765
Akell’s Biscuits, 1234
Alabastrine Tablets, 327
Alarm Guns, 467
Alaxa, 327
Albanine, 308
Albata White Rouge, 1254
Albert Biscuits, 1234
Chains, Gold, 45
Leather, 44
Platinum, 45
Albion Milk and Sulphur Soap, 1258
Albo-Carbon Light, 1230
Albulactine, 327
Albums, Auto, 289
Botanical, 291, 454
Crest, 269
Dance, 836
Film Storage, 402
Monogram, 269
Mounting, 455
News Cutting, 286
of Pianoforte Music, 834
Photo Scrap, 294
Postage Stamp, 293
Postcard, 269, 294
Record, 830
Removable Leaf, 286
Song, 843, 844
Stamp, 269
Writing, 305
Alcoholic Ether, 342
Aleotic Physic Balls, 341
Alet Mineral Water, 1320
Aletris Cordial, 327
Alexandria Rugs, 765
Alexine, 327
Algerian Cigarettes, 1331
Alhambra Quilts, 1489
Alkaram, 327
Alkan’s Anti-Neuralgic Water, 327
All Change (Game), 437
All Risks, Insurance Against, 1504
Allan’s Antifat, 327
Allcock’s Bunion Plasters, 327
Corn Plasters, 327
Porous Plasters, 327
Plasters, Various, 337
Allen Brown’s Soaps, 369
Allen & Hanbury’s Preparations, 327
Soaps, 369
Allen’s Foot Ease, 327
Preparations for the Hair, 367
Allnut’s Fumigating Paper, 327
Allovers, Cambric, 1461
Lace, 1455
Muslin, 1461
Milanese, 1461
Allsopp’s Ales, 1323
Allspice, 1261
Almond Essence, 1243
Jelly, 1248, 1249
Oil, 327, 336
Almonds, Banquet, 1301
Bitter, 1230
Burnt, 1301
Chocolate, 1301
Cooking, 1230
Crystallized, 1301
Dessert, 1230
Devilled, 1301
Ground, 1230
Jordan, 1230
Salted, 1230, 1301
Alms Bags, 738
Boxes, 736
Dishes, 737
Aloes, 327
Powdered Barbadoes, 341
Aloin Co. Tablets, 340
Alpha (Game), 436
“Alpha” Phares and Projectors, 570
Alpine Hats, Gents’, 632, 633
Raspberries, 1301
Strawberries, 1301
“Alu” Labels, 1305
Alum, 327
Burnt, 341
Pencil, 327
Altar Candles, 1237
Crosses, 737
Desks, 737
Linen, 738
Vases, 737
Alterative Balls for Horses, 341
Cooling Powders, 342
Drinks for Cattle, 342
Powder for Dogs, Sherley’s, 342
“Alvina” Table Salt, 1255
Aluminium Goods:
Bain Marie Pans, 950
Bait Boxes, 444
Baking Pans, 951
Sheets, 953
Billy or Tea Cans, 758
Binoculars, 91
Boxes, 953
Breakfast Dishes, 951
Butter Dishes, 951
Camp Saucepans, 758
Candlesticks, 952
Canisters, 952
Canteens, 754, 758
Cocktail Shakers, 952
Coffee Pots, 952
Coffee Tricolators, 952
Colanders, 950
Collapsible Drinking Cups, 758
Covers for Milk Jugs, 953
Cream Jugs, 952
Cups and Saucers, 952
Nest, 953
Dinner Plates, 951
Dish Covers, 951
Drinking Cups, 751, 753, 953
Egg Bowls, 952
Cups, 952
Poachers, 952
Slicer, 951
Eyeglass Cases, 85
Fish Slicer, 951
Fryers, 950
Kettles, 950
Flasks, 751, 952
Flour Dredgers, 952
Fly Boxes, 444
Fly Reels, 441
Folding Candlesticks, 758
Forks, 758
and Spoons, 953
Frying Pans, 758, 950
Funnels, 952
Gravy Strainers, 950
Gravy Tureens, 952
Gridirons, 951
Hot Water Cans, 952
Dishes, 951
Jugs, 952
Plates, 951
Kettles, 952
Knuckle Dusters, 467
Lazy Tongs, 966
Lemon Squeezers, 952
Matting, 582
Milk Boiler, 950
Jugs, 952
Saucepans, 951
Moulds (various), 953
Muffin Dishes, 951
Picnic, Knife, Fork, and Spoon, 752
Pie Dishes, 951
Plate Covers, 951
Plates, 738
Pocket Magnifiers, 87
Porridge Saucepans, 951
Preserving Pans, 950
Pudding Basins, 953
Range Kettles, 952
Roller Skates, 421
Sandwich Boxes, 758, 953
Saucepans, 950, 951
Sauce Tureens, 952
Sauté Pans, 950
Shooting Seats, 466
Soap Boxes, 753
Soup Ladles, 951
Plates, 758, 951
Spectacle Cases, 85
Spitting Flasks, 353
Sponge Boxes, 1105
Spoons, 758
Steamers, 951
Stewpans, 950
Stock Pots, 950
“Strainettes”, 953
Sugar Boilers, 950
Tankards, 952, 953
Tea Balls, 953
Infusers, 953
Teapots, 952
Telescopic Sportsmen’s Stools, 1105
Tripods, 402
Toby Jugs, 952
Travelling Etnas, 953
Trays (various shapes), 953
Tumblers, 952
Vegetable Dishes, 951
Stewpans, 950
Water Bottles, 751
Carrier, 749
Wine Funnels, 952
Yorkshire Pudding Pans, 951
Amandes Aboukir, 1301
Amazons, Black, 1442
Amber Cigar and Cigarette Tubes, 1340
Varnish, 311
Amberoid Cigarette Tubes, 213
Ambrecht and Nelson’s Coca Wine, 341[ii]
Ambrecht’s Coca Wine, 327
Pyrethreum, 327
Ambulance Collars, Nurses’, 1462
Amel Jelly, 327
American Axes, 1073
Cigarettes, 1331
Clocks, 83
Cloth, 765
Books, 280
Cocktails, 1317
Recipes for, 1311
Confectionery, 1302
Corn Sugar, 1241
Dial Clocks, 83
Figs, 1302
Flour, 1245
Handcuffs, 467
Organ Tutors, 834
Oysters, 1253
Playing Cards, 300-303
Potash, 337
Revolvers, 461
Rheumatic Cure, 327
Rye Whisky, 1317
Salmon, 1255
Tobacco, 1332
Amethyst and Pearl Rings, 19, 21
Ammonia, Aromatic Spirits of, 327
Bromide, 327
Carbonate, 327
Chloride, 327
Clarke’s, 327
Cloudy, 327
King’s Household, 327, 367
Liquid, 327
Scrubbs’, 338
Spirits of, 339
Sulphate of, 1307
Ammoniated Tincture of Quinine, 327
Quinine, Tincture, 340
Ammonium Chloride Tablets, 340
Ammunition, 463, 464
for Air Guns, etc., 461
Analax, 327
Analgesic Balsam, 328
Analyses, 327
Analysis, Water, 341
Anchor Lamps, 472
Anchors, Sea, 474
Stockless, 474
Anchovy Essence, 1230, 1243, 1256
Paste, 1230, 1248, 1254, 1287
Aneroid Barometers, 96, 98, 99
Aneroids, Pocket, 98
Travelling, 99
Watch-sized, 98
Angelica, Crystallized, 1301
Des Pyrénées (Liqueur), 1318
Angelus (Liqueur), 1318
Emulsion, 327
Tablets, 327
Angle Straining Posts, 1005
Anglo-Bavarian Ales and Stout, 1322, 1323
Anglo-German Concertinas, 832
Knives, 185, 445
Rods, 440
Curtains, 796
Lamp Mats, 796
Mantel Slips, 796
Table Covers, 796
Mounted, 450, 452
Performing, 1350
Preserved, 450
Toy, 653, 660
Wool, 345
Cordial, 1318
Powder, 341
Ankle Guards, 426
Anklets, 351
Announcements, Advertisers’, 4
Annual Books of Reference, 261
Annuities, 1504
“Annular” Burner Lamps, 915-917, 919, 920, 923, 925, 926, 927
Anodyne Mixture, Sherley’s, 342
“Answered” and “Unanswered” Wallet, 290
Antexema Co.’s Soaps, 369
Anthracite Stoves, 1186, 1187, 1188
Anti-Asthmatic Cigarettes, 341
Anti-Blight, 1305
Anti-Catarrh Smelling Salts, 327
Anti-Corrosion Paint, 1173
Anti-Diarrhœa Mixture, 342
Anti-Incrustators, 1050
Anti-Neuralgic Water, 327
Anti-Obesity Tablets, 327
Anti-Phlogistine, 327
Anti-Recoil Rubber
Heel Plates, 467
Shoes, 467
Anti-Rust, 467
Anti-Splash Taps, 954
Anticatarrh, 339
Antifat Biscuits, 327
Anti Kamnia
Powder, 327
Tablets, 327
Antimacassars, Lace, 805
Black, 341
Boxes, 322
Caskets, 322
Canisters, 322
Liver of, 341
Match Holders, 322
Rose Bowls, 322
Serviette Rings, 322
Antineurasthin, 327
Antipon, 327
Bureaus, 740
Bookcases, 743
Roman Lamp, 1345
Tobacco Jars, 1347
Card Tables, 743
Carpets, 765
Chairs, 741
Chest of Drawers, 740, 741, 742
Dining Tables, 743
Dressers, 741
Fountains, 740
Furniture, 740-743
Garden Furniture, 740
Seats, 740
Gates, 740
Half Circle Side Table, 742
Hall Lanterns, 1204
Hanging Cupboards, 741
Lead Figures, 740
Marble Figures, 740
Photograph Frames, 253
Rugs, 765
Settees, 696
Settles, 741
Side Tables, 741
Stationery Cabinets, 237
Stone Figures, 740
Vases, 743
Wardrobes, 742
Well-heads, 740
Writing Tables, 743
Dressings, 344
Hartmann’s, 345
Pencils, 389
Telephone Mouth-pieces, 908
Toilet Paper, 334
Antitoxine Tablets, 327
Ant’s Eggs, 1303
Anturic Bath Salts, 327
Antynite Rubber Solution, 482
Anusol Suppositories, 327
Apax Biscuits, 1234
Apenta Mineral Water, 1320
Biscuits (Dog), 342
Powders, Sherley’s, 342
Aphanizon, 327
Apiol Capsules, 327
Apollinaris Mineral Water, 1320
Apothecaries’ Weights, 341
Climbing, 430
Entomological, 453
Gymnastic, 430, 431
Heating, 1023
Soxhlet, 339
Swedish, 431
Appendicitis Belts, 346
Appetising Relish, 1253
Jelly, 1249
Rings, 1230
Evaporated, 1244
Butter-making, 1121
Electrical, 1202-1228
Invalid, 343
Applique Letters, 1468
Appointment Slates, Silver-mounted, 218
Brandy, 1318
Jam, 1248
Jelly, 1248, 1249
Marmalade, 1250
Pulp, 1230
Apricots, 1230, 1231
in Brandy, 1246
Californian, 1238
Crystallised, 1301
Evaporated, 1230, 1244
Peeled, 1230, 1231
in Syrup, 1230, 1231, 1246
Butlers’, 1127
Cambric, 1463
Carriage (Waterproof), 485
Driving, 500
Waterproof, 485
Gardeners’, 1305
Hunting (Waterproof), 488
Maids’, 1463
Mail Cart, 500
Motor, 596
Waterproof, 485
Nursery, 1405
Nursing (Waterproof), 493
Perambulator, 500
Waterproof, 485
Apterite, 1305
Aqua Emollient, Tapp’s, 340
Aquatic Weed Cutters, 474
Arabella Mineral Water, 1320
Archangel Mats, 1305
Archery Requisites, 421
Arm Guards, 421
Arrow Boxes, 421
Arrows, 421
Bags, 421
Belts, 421
Bow Strings, 421
Bows, 421
Children’s Sets, 421
Finger Tips, 421
Gloves, 421
Grease Cups, 421
Instruction Books, 421
Ivory Tablets, 421
Prickers, 421
Quiver Belts, 421
Scoring Cards, 421
Sundries, 421
Target Stands, 421
Targets, 421
Garden, 1006
Rustic, 1130
Archibald’s Oatmeal Cream, 327
Archimedian Drills, 1074
Architects’ Drawing Boards, 318
Candles, 928
Lamps, 928
Areca Nut, 341
Argyle Bags, 535
Chairs, 682-684, 1146-1148
Cane, 1155
Pulp Cane, 1151
Rush, 1153, 1154
Wicker, 1149, 1153, 1154
Guards, Archery, 421
Splints, 353
Armatico (Liqueur), 1318
Armenia Bole, 341
Armitage’s Poultry Specialities, 1304
Mourning, 632
for Beaters, 467
Armour & Co.’s Extract of Meat, 1244
Glycerine Extract of Red Bone Marrow, 327
Pepsin Tablets, 327
Armure Washing Ribbons, 1465
Blankets, 751
Chests, 745
Cloaks, Waterproof, 489
Foot Powder, 327
Arnica, Tincture of, 340
Plasters, 337
Vaseline, 341
Seasoning, 1230
Spirits of Ammonia, 327, 339
Vinegar, 327, 341
Arrow Boxes, Archery, 421
Arrowroot, 1232
Biscuits, 1234
Arrows, Archery, 421
Arsenate of Lead Paste, 1305
Arsenical Toilet Soap, 335
Books on, 261
Carpets, 774, 775
Art Needlework:
Appliqué Letters, 1468
Books on, 1468
Cable Silks, 1468
Canvas, 1468
Crochet Hooks, 1468
Embroidery Thread, 1468
Filo Floss, 1468
Filoselle, 1468
Flannel Silk, 1468
Foundation Letters, 1468
Frames, 1468
Hatpin Stands, 1469
Knitting Pins, 1468
Silk, 1468
Lambs’ Wool Socks, 1468
Lustrine, 1468
Macrame Twine, 1468
Mallard Floss, 1468
Pincushions, Linen and Lace, 1469
Pincushions, Spotted Muslin, 1469
Pin Stands, 1469
Purse Silk, 1468
Rug Canvas, 1468
Sachets, 1469
Silk Pompoms, 1468
Tartans, 1468
Tea Cosies, 1469
Tidies, 1469
Toilet Boxes, Spotted Muslin, 1469
Transfer Designs, 1468
Twisted Embroidery, 1468
Waistcoat Silk, 1469
Work Bags, 1469
Art Pottery, Dresden, 857
Printed Blinds, 786
Artery Forceps, 352
Baits, 447
Eyes, 455
Flowers, 1466, 1467
Foliage, 1466
Manures, 1306, 1307
Plants, 1467
Roses, 1466
Silk Braids, 1476
Artistes, Hire of, 1361
Artistic Floral Series, 359
Framing, 807
Artist’s Materials:
Blackboards, 313
Academy, 314
Black and White, 314
Bristol, 314
Canvas, 308
Cavalry Sketching, 318
Drawing, 318
Engineers’ and Architects’, 318
Mounting, 314
Whatman, 314
Bows, Spring, etc., 318
Boxes of Paints, 309-312
Cases, 315
Washers, 315
Oil Painting, 313
Varnish, 313
Water Colour, 313
Calculating Circles, 315
Canvas Boards, 308
Canvases on Stretching Frames, 314
Card Panels, 314
Chain Scales, 317
Chalk, Blackboard, 313
Charcoal, 313
Saucers, 314
Slope Tiles, 314
Colour Boxes, 308-312
Oil, 311, 312
Water, 308, 310
Crayon Paper, 313
Crayons, 313
Dividers, 318
Blocks, 313
Books, 314
Instruments, 315-318
Drawing Paper, 313[iii]
Pins, 314
Portfolios, 315
Easels, Sketching, 315
Stool, 315
Etching Pens, 314
Gold Ink, 315
Leaf, 315
Paint, 315
Indian Inks, 308
Indiarubber, 314
Ivories for Miniature Painting, 308
Landscape Boxes, 311
Mahl or Rest Sticks, 315
Marquois Scales, 318
Mathematical Instruments, 315-318
Mediums, Oil, 311
Water-colour, 308
Military Sketching Cases, 318
Oil Bottles, 314
Oils, 311
Palette Knives, 314
Palettes, 314
Parallel Rules, 317
Pencil Compasses, 318
Planimeters, 317
Rectangular Protractors, 317
Rules, Parallel, 317
Scales, 317
School Sets of Drawing Instruments, 316
Sectional Books, 317
Set Squares, 318
Shells, Gold and Silver, 315
Silver Ink, 315
Leaf, 315
Sketch Blocks, 313
Books, 313, 314
Sketcher’s Holdall, 309
Sketching Boxes, 309
Easels, 315
Stools, 315
Umbrellas, 315
Smudge Pans, 315
Spring Bows, 318
Surveyors’ Rods, 317
Technical Instruments, 318
Territorial Sketching Outfits, 317
Tracing Paper, 313
T Squares, 318
Universal Scales, 317
Varnishes, 311
Water Bottles with Cups, 314
Artillery Guns, Toy, 665
“Artox” Flour, 1245
Asbestos Fuel, 1194
Aseptic Dressings, 343
“Aseptus” Enema Syringe, 351
Ash Bowls, 1345
Silver, 210, 211
Oars, 473
Trays, 1345
Glass, 908, 911
Motor, 587
Silver, 210
Ashford’s Ritrovare Lozenges, 327
“Ashton” Firelighter, 1244
Asparagus, 1232, 1245
Boilers, 954
Enamelled, 978
Dishes, Electro-plated, 137
Plates, 875
Servers, Electro-plated, 136
Tongs, Electro-plated, 136
Aspinall’s Enamel, 1174
Wapiciti, 1174
Aspic Cutters, 1041
Aspirin Tablets, 340
Assam Tea, 1264
Assegai Game, 421
Biscuits, 1234, 1236
Fruits, 1301
Aster Moons, 1237
Asthma Cures, 333
Potter’s, 338
Schiffman’s, 338
Papers, 333
Polish, 1244
Furniture Polish, 1247
Astronomical Telescopes, 94
Athenstadt’s Iron, 327
At Homes, Musicians for, 1350
Athlete’s Loop, 431
Athletic Bandages, 344
Home-made Chutney, 1238
Home-made Curry Powder, 1241
Perfumes, 359, 360
Preparations for the Face, 364, 367
Soap, 369
Atlantic Biscuits, 1234
Atlas Impulse Pumps, 568
Atlases, 268
Atomisers, 345
Cases, 230 ,233, 237, 289, 291, 305
Leather, 545
Dressing Cases, 249, 251
Jewel Cases, 245
Attack (Game), 437
Attendants’ Liveries, 604
Pate Lactucarium, 327
Syrup, 327
Aubusson Carpets, 765
Auction Bridge, 303
Auctioneers, 1508
Audiphones, Ear, 350
Augur Bits, 1074
Aunt Sally (Game), 423
Aurilaves, 327
Aurosine, 327
Australian Wines, 1314
Austrian Carpets, 765
Auto Albums, 289
Auto-Harps, 832
Autoclipse Lamp Brackets, 576
Autograph Books, 285
Cricket Bats, 418
“Automat” Suspensory Bandage, 344
Ball Returner (Billiards), 429
Caddies (Golf), 409
Card Tables, 1158
Cartridges, 464
Date Indicator, 290, 292, 304
Folding Platform Steps, 1128
Grip Spanners, 581
Mouse Traps, 1124
Numbering Machine, 298
Organs, 829
Pistols, 462
Rifles, 460
Sewing Machines, 1058
Shot Guns, 45
Stamp Delivery Machine, 292
Toilet Box, 334
Toilet Paper Rack, 278
Wrenches, 1071
Autotherm Vacuum Bottles, 192, 962, 1138
Autotypes, 806
Aviaries, 1019
Aviary Nettings, 469
Awls, Lacing (Football), 426
Balcony, 791
Erection of, 1359
Hire of, 1359
Sun, 1011
Axes, American, 1073
Axle Oil, 518
Carpets, 765-772
Rugs, 765
Aylesbury Ducklings, 1294
Ayres’ Lawn Tennis Requisites, 1273
Baby Carriages, 1045-1047
Grand Pianos, 821
Linen Baskets, 1141
Scales, 1085
Plates, 872
Wraps, 1418
Candlesticks, 964
Kettles, 1028
Wardrobes, 1068
Carriers, Cycle, 481
Compresses, 491
Lamps, 927
Rests, 707
Backache Tablets, 340
Backgammon Boards, 434
Backgrounds, Photographic, 402
Bacon Dishes, 875, 1025
and Bread Slicer, 955
Old Cumberland, 1286
Wiltshire, 1286
Backs, Chair, 1142
Badminton Requisites, 420
Bat Cases, 420
Bats, 420
Laws of, 420
Nets, 420
Poles, 420
Posts, 420
Presses, 420
Sets, 420
Shuttlecocks, 420
Sundries, 420
Bagatelle Boards, Folding, 428
Stands for, 428
Balls, 429
Tables, 428
Bags, Archery, 421
Alms, 738
Argyle, 535
Beaded, 241
Boot, 509
Bowl, 417
Brief, 534
Cabin, 541
Cartridge, 465
Chain (Gold), 36
(Silver), 205, 206
Collar (Gents’ ), 251
Cookery, 282
Cordelier, 239, 240
Courier, 534
Cricket, 419
Devonshire, 240
Dorothy (Oriental), 321
Dressing (Fitted), 546-550
Ferret, 469
Fishing, 446
Flap-over, 238, 239, 240
Game, 465
Garage, 588
Gas (Motor), 576
Gladstone, 535
Golf, 409
Grape Net, 1305
Hand (Wisteria), 321
Ice, 352
Jelly, 1124
Jewel, 244, 245
Kit, 535, 537, 750, 751
Ladies’ Carriage, 238
Dressing (Empty), 544
Hand, 544
Lavender, 334, 359
and Verbena, 359
Lawn Tennis, 414
Mechanics’ (Motor), 588
Midwife’s, 344
Monitor, 544
Motor (Ladies’), 545
Parisian, 238
Politzer Air, 352
Post, 534
Puff, 357
Reel (Fishing), 441
Saddle, 505
Shooting, 468
Silver-mounted, 207
Skate, 421
Sleeping, 750, 753
Soiled Linen, 541, 757
Sponge, 357
(Canvas), 752
(Waterproof), 493
Telescopic (Cycle), 481
Tool, 1075
(Cyclists’), 482
Motorists’, 565
Trapeze, 240
Trunks, and Portmanteaux, 519-554
Vanity, 238, 240
Work (Art), 1469
Bailey’s Enema, 351
Bails and Stumps, Cricket, 418
Bain Marie Pans, Aluminium, 950
Vessels, 948, 954
Bait Kettles, 445
Baiting Needles, 448
Baits, Artificial, 447
Preserved, 442
Bake Sheets, 948
Baked Beans and Tomato Sauce (Heinz), 1247
Baking Dishes, 954
Enamelled, 981
Pans, 947, 948
Aluminium, 951
Plates, 954
Powder, 1232
Borwick’s, 1266
Cowan’s, 1250
Sheets, Aluminium, 953
Balances, Letter, 234, 290, 291
Spring, 441
Balconies, Fixing of, 1359
Balcony Awnings, 791
Rails, 1157
Ball, Basket, 421
Bouquets, 1295
Boxes, Billiard, 429
Cleaners, Golf, 408
Lawn Tennis, 414
Furnishing, 1289
Markers, Golf, 408
Net, 421
Bags, Lawn Tennis, 414
Painter, Golf, 408
Programmes, 277
Push, 421
Room Guides, 836
Powder, 1232
Rooms, Hire of, 1357
Scoops, Golf, 409
Stands, Croquet, 416
Supper Menus, 1289
Testers, Croquet, 415
Ballardvale Mineral Water, 1320
Balls, Alterative, for Horses, 341, 342
Bagatelle, 429
Bands for, 1349
Billiard, 429
Cough (for horses), 341
Cricket, 418
Croquet, 415
Diuretic, 341
Dog (Indiarubber), 494
Fever, 341
Golf, 407
Hockey, 426
Lacrosse, 422
Lawn Tennis, 414
Novelty, (Toy), 662
Polo, 422
Pool, 429
Punching, 433
Pyramid, 429
Racquets and Fives, 417
Tea (Aluminium), 953
Tonic, 341
Velvet, 658
Water Polo, 422
Worm, 341
Balm of Bethesda, 327
Columbia Oldridge’s, 368
Balsam, Analgesic, 328
Friar’s, 327
Powell’s, 338
Bamboo Baskets, 321
Book Cases, 324
Stands, 324
Boot Cupboards, 324
Canes, 1305
Card Tables, 324
Curtain Poles, 324
Settees, 324
Sticks, 1305
Stools, 324
Tables, 324
Band Flutes, 833
Bandages, 344
“Bandite”, 1305
Bandoline, 368
Bands for Hire, 1361
for Parties, etc., 1349
Mast, 473
Spider, 473
Banister Brushes, 1108
Toy, 1109
Banjo Bridges, 832
Cases, 831
Music Books, 844
Pegs, 832
and Piano Pieces, 844
Strings, 832
Tutors, 834
Banjoes, 831
Mandoline, 831
Zither, 831
Bank of England File, 288
Note Cases, 243
Note Sovereign, and Letter Cases, 243
Banking, 1503
Banner Arms, Brass, 963
Banquet Almonds, 1301
Banquets, Bands for, 1349
Barbadoes Aloes, Powdered, 341[iv]
Barbed Wire, Galvanised, 1005
Barcola Compound, 328
Barff’s Boro Glyceride, 327
Barium Mineral Water, 1320
Bark, Peruvian, 327
Quilla, 338
Soap, 327, 339
Tincture of, 340
Barker’s Shaving Paper, 328
Bar-le-Duc, Confitures de, 1241
Barley, 1232, 1303
Flour, 1246
German, 1246
Meal, 1303
Pearl, 1232
Barns, floored for Dancing, 1356
Barographs, 97
Barometers, Aneroid, 96, 98, 99
Baro-Thermographs, 97
Barrack Furniture and Camp Equipment, 744-764
Aluminium Candlesticks, 758
Canteens, 754, 758
Drinking Cups, 753, 758
Etnas, 752
Frying Pans, 758
Kettles, 758
Knives, Forks and Spoons, 752
Plates, 758
Sandwich Boxes, 758
Saucepans, 758
Water Carrier, 749
Basin Covers, 752
Basins, 752
Sugar, 105-116
Beach Rests, etc., 753, 756
Bed Rests, 756
Bedding, 748, 764
Bags, 751
Life-saving, 755
Bedsteads, 745, 747, 750, 751, 755, 756,
760, 763
Boot Stands, 748
Boxes for, 747
Cabin Holdalls, 757
Camp Baths, 750, 756
Buckets, 750, 758
Canteens, 748, 754
Furniture, 744-764
Ground Sheets, 750, 751, 761, 762
Hammocks, 745, 754
Kettles, 758
Kit Bags, 750, 751
Lanterns, 752, 760
Mirrors, 747, 752, 760
Pillows, 748, 750, 753, 764
Camp Ranges, 760
Saucepans, 758
Sleeping Bags, 750
Stools, 756, 759, 760
Stoves, 752, 760
Tables, 749, 754, 756, 760
Tripods, etc., 760
Wardrobes, 752, 753
Candlesticks, 752
Canteen Boxes, 748
Cavalry Drawers, 744
Chairs, Adjustable, 756, 757, 759
Camp, 750, 753-757
Croquet, 754
Deck, 753, 754
Hammock, 757
Indian, 754
Chests, Army, 745
Sea, 746
of Drawers, 744, 745
Commode Pails, 752
Condiment Boxes, 758
Cots, 762
Cribs, 762, 763
Cushions, Chair, 748
Drinking Cups, 751, 753, 758
Explorers’ Tables, 754
Filters, 751, 752
Folding Bedsteads, 745, 747, 750, 751, 755,
756, 760, 762
Bookshelves, 746
Camp Furniture, 749, 751, 755, 756, 759, 760
Cribs, 763
Hammocks, 745, 754
Hanging Wardrobe, 752
Haversacks, 752
Latrine Seats, 749
Life-saving Pillows, 755
Linen Bags, 757
Lounges, 763
Marquees, 761
Mirrors, 747, 752, 760
Mosquito Curtains, 747, 748, 751, 756
Head Guards, 749, 762
Pannikins, 758
Picnic Knife, etc., 752
Pocket Companions, 751
Sandwich Boxes, 758
Settees, 747
Sheets, 748
Ground, 750, 751, 761
Sleeping Bags, 750
Soap Boxes, 753
Sponge Bag, 752
Straps, Stick, 748
“Surprise” Cooking Stove, 760
Tables, 745, 746
Tent Pole Clips, 760
Straps, 754
Tents, 761
Towel Horses, 746, 760
Towel Rails, 746
Trousers Racks, 749
Trunk Stands, 762
Valise Bivouacs, 749
Valises, 747, 749, 753
Wardrobe, 752, 753
Washstands, 746, 750, 752, 753, 756
Water Bottles, 749, 751
Carriers, 749
Coolers, 749
Barrel Preserving Rods, 468
Reflectors, 468
Shaped Jugs, 876
Stands, 1117
Barrels, Flour, 1117
Barrows, Farm, 1091
Garden, 1007, 1120
Water, 1002, 1008
Toy, 659
Barton’s White Liniment, 328
Basic Slag, 1306
Basilicon Ointment, 336
Basin Cloths, 1490
Rings, Indiarubber, 494
Basins, Enamelled, 978, 980
and Ewers, 860-864
Indiarubber, 492
Lavatory, 1196
Pudding (Aluminium), 953
Pus, 352
Slop, 853
Sugar, 853, 857
(Electro), 115, 116, 157
(Silver), 157
Surgical, 347
Wall, 1196
Basket Slop Pails, 877
Work, 1139
Baskets, Baby Linen, 1141
Ball, 421
Bamboo, 321
Burgundy, 1141
Cake (Electro), 124, 125
(Silver), 124, 125
Carriage, 1141
Correspondence, 236
Cycle, 481, 1139
Dirty Plate, 948
Dog, 1143
Fern, 1141
Fishing, 446
Flower, 1141
Fry, 947, 948
Frying, 999
Fruit (Electro), 125
(Silver), 125
Garden, 1126, 1142
Gipsy Flower, 1142
Hamper (Japanese), 321
Hand, 1141
Infants’, 1404
Knife, 1034
Key, 1142
Laundry, 1142
Letter, 291, 1143
(Leather and Wicker), 236
Library (Wicker and Leather), 237
Linen, 1140
Loochoo, 321
Luncheon, 1134, 1135, 1136, 1137
Fittings for, 1138
Packing, 291
(Leather), 235
Picnic (Toy), 654
Plant, 1006
Plate, 1142
Pool, 429
Sandwich (Japanese), 321
Seat, 446
Sponge, 1143
Stocking, 1142
Sweet, 305
of Sweets, 1300
Tea, 1134, 1135, 1136, 1137
Fittings for, 1138
Travelling Dog, 1141
Waste Paper, 1141
Wicker Arm, 1141
Wire, 1008
Wisteria, 321
Wood, 1142
Work, 246, 247, 1144, 1145
Writing, 289
Bass Broom Heads, 1108
Drums, 833
Bassanophones, 830
Basses, 833
Bassinette Linen, 1485
Sheeting, 1486
Bassinettes, 1142, 1409
Dolls’, 652
Bassoon Reeds, 832
Bass’s Ales, 1323
Bat Cases, Badminton, 420
Covers, Lawn Tennis, 414
Cricket, 418
Folding Nets, 469
Handle Covers, Cricket, 418
Oil, Cricket, 418
Bates’ Sulphur Salt, 328
Bath Biscuits, 1234
Blankets, 1491
Bricks, 1232
Brushes, 1102
Chairs, 1048
Hire of, 360
Chaps, 1290
Cleaners, 1232
Cleaning Brushes, 1119
Covers, Canvas, 493
Eucryl, 328
Gloves, 1102
Gowns (Boys’), 647
Gowns, Gents’, 629
Mats, 765, 1492
Mops, 1119
Mustard, 1232, 1251
Powder, 328, 367
Preparations for the, 367
Puff Bowls, 367
Salts, 328, 367
Jars, Glass, 907
Seats, 1198
Sheets, 1491
Slippers, Oriental, 321
Sponges, 357, 1107
Straps, 357
Sulphaqua Sulphur, 340
Tablets, 328, 370
Trays, 1124
Bathing Caps, Waterproof, 494
Suits, Gents’, 625
Tents, 1011, 1012
Bathroom Towel Rails, 1127
Baths, Bed, 347
Bidet, 956
Canvas, 751
Children’s, 956, 1126
Collapsible (India-rubber), 493
Combination, 956
Eye, 350
Foot, 877, 956
Galvanised, 999
Hip, 956
Hire of, 1355
House, 1197
Leg, 956
Nursery, 956
Portable, 956
Repairing, 949
Sanitary, 956
Sitz, 956
Sponge, 956
Sulphur, 342
Taper, 956
Toy, 655
Travelling, 956
and Washstands, Camp, 750
Batistes, 1447
Batons, Conductors’, 832
Bats, Badminton, 420
Cricket, 418
Fives, 417
Lacrosse, 422
Racquets and Fives, 417
Squash, 417
Tennis (Toy), 663
Batteries, Electric, 387
Foot (Electric), 387
Motor, 584
Pritchetts and Gold’s, 1203
Batting Gloves, 419
Battledore Sets, 663
Battledores and Shuttlecocks, 423
Batty’s Nabob Pickle, 1254
Baudon, Vin de, 341
Baume Bergne Analgesique, 328
Bazaar Stalls, Hire of, 1360
Bay Poles, Brass, 788
Rhum, 367
Salt, 328, 1255
Bayer’s Guiacose, 328
Bayley’s Perfumes, 360
Bayley’s Soap, 369
Bayonet Fencing Equipment, 432
Beaded Bags, 241
Beads, Kindergarten, 664
Beadworkers, Toy, 664
Beakers, Chinese, 319
Silver, 228
“Beam” Choppers, 1091
Bean Stringers, 955
Beans, Bile, 328
Butter, 1233
French, 1232
Haricot, 1247
Split, 1303
Tonquin, 340, 362
Bear Traps, 469
Bears’ Grease, 367
Beaters’ Armlets, 467
Butter, 1117
Canes, 467
Carpet, 1143
Flags, 467
Furniture, 1143
Smocks, 467
Steak, 947, 948, 1131
Beavers’ Fir Wood Oil, 328
Wool Wadding, 328
Bébé Ribbons, 1465
Cameras, 400
Bed Airers, 954
Baths, 347
Brooms, 1109
Coronas, 787
Cradles, 347
Drapery, 784
Jackets, Gents’, 629
Lights, 1237
Poles, 787
Pans, 347, 877
Pans, Hire of, 1360
Rests, 707, 756
Hire of, 1360
Settee, 725
Sheeting, Waterproof, 493
Slippers, Hire of, 1360
Socks, Gents’, 615
Tables, 707, 955, 1161, 1360
Ticks, 735, 1489
Whisks, 1108
Bedding, 732-735
Camp, 748
for Camp Bedsteads and Cots, 764
Hire of, 1355
Hygienic, 733-735
Life Saving, 755
Bedroom Art Carpet, 774
Candlesticks, 874
Easy Chairs, 695
Electric Light Fittings, 1209
Fenders, 982
Furniture, 709-721
Antique, 741
Suites, 709-714
Beds, Air (India-rubber), 492
Dolls’, 654
Feather, 735
Water (India-rubber), 491[v]
Bedspreads, 1488
Indian, 326
Lace, 800
Bedstead Lamps, 930
Bedsteads, 722-732
and Bedding, 722-735
Black and Brass, 723, 727, 728
Brass, 728, 729
Camp, 762
Chair, 724
Combination, 723
Cupboard, 725
and Easy Chairs Combined, 725
Folding, 724, 725, 726, 732, 745, 750,
751, 755, 756, 763
Half-Side, 723, 732
Hire of, 1355
Iron, 727
Portiere, 724
Press, 720
Servants’, 726
Wood, 730-732
Beecham’s Pills, 328
Beef, 1288
Dripping, 1287
Essence, 1232
Fluid, 1244
Liebig’s, 1232
Forks, 948
Graters, 948, 999
Hung, 1287
Juice, Wyeth’s, 341
Olives, 1291
Peptone, Liebig’s, 1244
Peptonoids, 330
Potted, 1254, 1287
Pressed, 1290
Salt, 1255
Spiced, 1290
Suet, 1287
Tea, 1287
Lazenby’s, 1232
Jelly, 1232
Tabules, 1232
Tinned, 1288
Analysis, 327
Bottled, 1322
in Casks, 1323
Draught, 1322, 1323
Glasses, 896
Jugs, 870
Lager, 1322
Beeswax, 328, 341
and Turpentine, 1247
Beetawline, 328
Beetham’s Corn Plaster, 328
Glycerine and Cucumber, 328
Larola, 328
Soap, 369
Soft Corn Cure, 328
Beetle Paste, Union, 341
Powder, Harrods’, 333
Traps, 954
Belaying Pins, 473
Belcher Rings, Gold, 39
Belgian Rusks, 1236
Belgravia Series of Soaps, 1258
Belgravian Brawn, 1288
Cutlets, 1288
Bell Grates, 1182
Organs, 827
Pliers, 1071
Shades, Glass, 911
Tents, 761
Tents, Hire of, 1359
Belladonna Plasters, 328
Liniment, 334
Bellis’ Soap, 369
Turtle Cup, 328
Belloc’s Charcoal, 328
Pastilles, 328
Bellows, Brass, 963, 1118
Copper, 963
Foot, 1170
Keating’s, 334
Bells, Brass, 255
Call, 1031
Cycle, 480
Dog, 495
Electric, Sundries for, 1223
Hand, 1031
Rumble, 516
Table, 1031
Silver, 215
Wrist, 833
Bell’s Soap, 369
Belmontine Grease, 567
Candles, 1237
Belt Ribbons, 1465
Belting Webs, 1470
Belts, Abdominal (Ladies’), 346
Gents’, 345, 346
Appendicitis, 346
Archery, 421
Body (Gents’), 628
Boys’, 650
Cartridge, 465
Children’s, 347
Cholera, 345
Cotton, Silk and Flannel, 346
Gents’, 497
Groom’s, 497
Indiarubber, 347
Life (Kapok), 472
Lumbago, 346
Money, 497
Obstetrical, 347
Riding, 497
Silver, 207
Travellers’, 346
Benares Brass Pots, 322
Trays, 322
Benbow’s Dog Mixture, 328, 342
Benches, Tool, 1081
Wash, 1087
Bendle’s Meat Port, 328
and Port Wines, 341
Bénédictine, 1318
Bengal Club Chutney, 1238
“Bengee” Turpentine, 1174
Benger’s Preparations, 328
Bengue’s Analgesic Balsam, 328
Menthol Dragees, 328
Stella Pastilles, 328
Benskin’s Ales and Stout, 1323
Benson’s Plaster, 328
Turpentine and Beeswax, 1247
Benzoin Soap, 370
Tincture of, 340
Benzoline Brazing Lamps, 582
“Berkefeld” Filter, 881
Pump Filter, 752
Berlingots, 1301
Berries, Juniper, 341
Bertelle’s Catramin Pills, 328
Berthon Folding Boats, 470
Canoes, 470
Beta Naphthol, 369
Bethesda Mineral Water, 1320
Betul-ol Liniment, 328
Bevels, Sliding, 1072
Bicarbonate of Potash, 328, 337
Soda, 328, 339
Bichromate of Potash, 328, 337
Bicycle Holders, 478
Bidet Baths, 956
Bifocal Lenses, 85
Bijou Lamps, 913, 914
Watches, Motor, 587
Bile Beans, 328
Bilge Pumps, 474
Bilin Mineral Water, 1320
Bill Files, 287, 288
Hooks, 1069
Bills for Collection, 1503
Billy or Tea Cans, 758
Billiard Requisites, 428-429
Bagatelle Balls, 429
Ball Boxes, 429
Balls, 429
Brushes, 429
Butt Rests, 429
Chalk, 429
Suspenders, 429
Cloth, 428
Covers, 429
Cross Rests, 429
Cue Cases, 429
Cement, 429
Clips, 429
Racks, 429
Stands, 429
Tip Fasteners, 429
Tip Wafers, 429
Tipping Compendiums, 428
Tips, 429
Cues, 429
Cushions, Low, 428
Cushion Warmers, 429
Hand Markers, 429
Irons, etc., 429
Lamp Shades, 933
Markers, 429
Miniature Tables, 428
Pocket Pads, 429
Pockets, 429
Pool Balls, 429
Baskets, 429
Markers, 429
Skittles, 429
Pyramid Balls, 429
Triangles, 429
Repairs, 428
Rules of, 429
Silk Spots, 429
Spectacles, 84
Spider Rests, 429
Spirit Levels, 429
Straight Edges, 429
Sundries, 428-429
Table Brushes, 1115
Cloth, 1484
Covers, Waterproof, 494
Tables, 428
Re-covering, 428
Small, 428
Waterproof Covers, 429
Billiard Nicholas (Game), 437
Bimbo, 1232
Binaurals, 353
Bindings (various), 1470
Binnacle Rings, 473
Binoculars, Military, 90, 91
Naval, 91
Prismatic, 92, 93
Sportsmen’s, 92
Telescopes, 91, 93
Bins, Coal, 969-972
Corn, 976
Dust, 948, 976
Flour, 995
Pail, 976
Petrol, 583
Wine, 1089
Birch Brooms, 1119
Press, Lawn Tennis, 414
Bird Aviaries, 958, 959
Baths, 959
Breeding Cages, 957
Calls, 455
Cage Chains, 959
Stands, 958
Cages (various), etc., 957-959
Feed Cups, 959
Fountains, 959
Kites, 424
Hook Pots, 959
Mixture, 1303
Sand, 1303
Sanitary Nest Pans, 959
Seed, 1303
Shooting, Inanimate, 467
Traps, 469
Birds, China, 864
Birds’ Eggs, Cabinets for, 453
Mounted, 450, 452
Performing, 1350
Preserved, 450
Toy, 653
Birds’ Baking Powder, 1232
Custard Powder, 1241, 1271
Egg Powder, 1243
Bird’s Eye Diapers, 1405
Tobacco, 1332
Birk’s Junket Powder, 1243
Birley’s Phosphorus, 328
Birmensdorf Mineral Water, 1321
Birthday Books, 262
Biscuit Boxes, 872
Electro-plate, 146B, 148
Glass, 894
Oak, 165
Silver, 146B, 148
Canisters, 955
Dockers, 1041
Jars, 872
Moulds, 1042
Prickers, 1041
Biscuits, 1234-1236
Abernethy, 1234
Acorn, 1234
Alberts, 1234
Antifat (Cheltine), 327
Aperient (for Dogs), 342
Arrowroot, 1234
Assorted, 1234
Atlantic, 1234
Bath, 1234
Bournemouth, 1234
Breakfast, 1234
Butter, 1234
Button Nut, 1234
Cabin, 1234
Café Noir, 1234
Captain’s, 1234
Cassava Cake, 1234
Charcoal, 328
Cheese, 1234
Cheltine, 328
Chester, 1234
Chicago, 1234
Chocolate, 1234
Assorted, 1234
Croquette, 1234
Dessert, 1234
Fingers, 1234
Gem, 1234
Macaroons, 1234
Moselle, 1234
Popcorn, 1234
Shortbread, 1234
Table, 1234
Venice Fingers, 1234
Cocoa Nut, 1234
Coffee, 1234
Colonial, 1234
Coronation, 1234
Cracknels, 1234
Cream Crackers, 1234, 1235
Toast, 1235
Cuddy, 1235
Currant Cream, 1235
Diadem, 1235
Digestive, 1235
Dinner, 1235
Dogs’, 1242, 1243
Du Barry’s, 328
Fairy Cakes, 1235
Finger Gingerbread, 1235
Frame Food, 328
Fruit, 1235
German Rusk, 1235
Ginger Nuts, 1235
Gingerbread, 1235
Ginger Cream, 1235
Shortbread, 1235
Finger, 1235
Golf, 1235
Granola, 1235
Granose, 1248
Hand Made (various), 1297
Hotel, 1235
Household Mixed, 1235
Hovis, 1235
Ice Cornets, 1235
Cups, 1235
Cream, 1235
Jamaica, 1235
“Kalari”, 330
Keil Fingers, 1235
Kentucky Crackers, 1235
Kindergarten, 1235
Lemann’s, 1273
Lemon Dessert, 1235
Little Mary Wafers, 1235
Lunch, 1235
Macaroon, 1235
Malted Rusks, 1235
Marie, 1235
Mellin’s, 328
Milk, 1235
Chocolate Fingers, 1235
Mistletoe Mixed, 1235
Mixed, 1235
Fancy, 1235
Dessert, 1235
Diadem, 1235
Combination, 1235
Nice, 1235
Nonpareil, 1235
Norwich, 1235
Nursery, 1235
Rhymes, 1235
Oatcakes, 1235
Caledonian, 1235
Oaten, 1235
Olive, 1235
Orange Dessert, 1235
Osborne, 1235
Oswego, 1235
Parmena, 1235
Pat-a-Cake, 1235
Pearl, 1235
Petit Beurre, 1235
Philippine, 1235
Plasmon, 328, 1235
President, 1235
Protein, 1235
Salt, Sugar or Cheese, 1235
Luncheon, 1235
Medical, 1235
Oatmeal, 1235
Training, 1235
Ratafia, 1235[vi]
Rich Digestive, 1235
Travellers’, 1235
“Rotino” Toast, 1235
Royal Assorted, 1235
Ginger, 1235
Roy Hunt, 1235
Rusk, 1235
Rusks, Table, 1235
Saloon, 1235
Salt, 1235
Savoury, 1235
Savoy Fingers, 1236
Selected Plain, 1236
Shortbread, Fancy, 1236
Social, 1236
Soda Cracker, 1236
Spartan, 1236
Sponge Rusks, 1236
Swiss Cream, 1236
Table, 1236
Tea, 1236
Rusks, 1236
Texas Crackers, 1236
Toast, 1236
Tops and Bottoms, 1236
Tunbridge Wells Water Cake, 1236
“Ufillit”, 1236
Vœbts’, 341
Wafers (various), 1236
Water (various), 1236
Wheatmeal, 1236
Wheaten, 1236
Wholemeal, 1236
Wine, 1236
York, 1236
Zoological, 1236
Biscuits Specially Packed in Half-Square Tins:
Afternoon, 1236
Assorted, 1236
Belgian Rusks, 1236
Breakfast, 1236
Butterette, 1236
Buttermilk, 1236
Butter Puffs, 1236
Cheese, 1236
Cold Water Crackers, 1236
Cornish Cream, 1236
Cream Crackers, 1236
Creamy Chocolate, 1236
Ealing, 1236
Family, 1236
Festival, 1236
King’s, 1236
Malted Milk, 1236
Marie, 1236
Mealo, 1236
Mistletoe Mixed, 1236
Nursery Rhymes, 1236
Petit Beurre, 1236
Polo, 1236
Popcorn, 1236
Popular Digestive, 1236
Sandringham Tea Cakes, 1236
School, 1236
Small Breakfast, 1236
Spongette, 1236
Standard Wholemeal, 1236
Teddy Bear, 1236
Water Wafers, 1236
Wine, Mixed, 1236
Bishop’s Effervescing Preparations, 328
Granulets, 328
Maxils, 328
Pills, 328
Tonules, 328
Bismuth Carbonate, 328
Subnitrate, 328
Bisto, 1232
Bistouries, 353
Bits, Augur, 1074
Brace, 1074
Centre, 1074
Drenching, 516
Horse, 506, 507
Bitter Almonds, 1230
Apple, 328
Bitters, 1318
Black Antimony, 341
Berlin, 1232
Boards, 313
and Brass Bedsteads, 723, 727, 728
Brunswick, 1233
Currant Jam, 1248
Jelly, 1248
Vinegar, 1263
Currants in Syrup, 1247
Enamel, 483
Electric, 1233
Lead, 1232
Nixey’s, 1271
Oil, 518
Pepper, 1253
Plover, 1294
Ribbons, 1464
Potash, 337
Stain, 1159
Sulphur, 341
“Black and White” Boards, 314
Portraits, 403
Blackberries, Bottled, 1233
Blackberry Jam, 1248
Jelly, 1249
Hoe-ford, 1248
Blackbird Food, 1303
Blackcock, 1294
Bladders, Football, 426
Blair’s Gout Pills, 328
Blanc Mange Powder, 1232
Blancard’s Pills, 328
Blankets, 1497
Army, 750
Bath, 1491
Camel Hair, 751
Hire of, 1355
Horse, 512
Blattis for Beetles, 328
Blaud’s Iron Pills, 328
Tablets, 340
Blazers, Boys’, 642
Bleeding Lancets, 353
Blended Coffee, 1240
Blind Brushes, 1109
Cord, 1474
Fittings, 790
Blind Materials, 786
Ticks, 786
Union, 786
Blind Man’s Buff, 437
Blinds, Art printed, 786
Canaletta, 793
Cane, 794
Casement, 785
Chintz, 792
Fancy Striped, 786
Festoon, 792
Florentine, 793
Helioscene, 793
Inside, 792
Jalousie, 792
Outside, 791-793
Roller, 792, 793
Shutter, 792
Spanish, 793
Sun, 791
Tropical, 792
Venetian, 792
Window, 790
Wire, 794
Blister Liquid, 342
Ointment, 342
Blisters, James’, Horse, 342
Bloaters, 1294
Preserved, 1232
Block Planes, 1071
Blocks, Bridge Scoring, 301
Calci, 479
Chopping, 1117
Daily Engagement, 285
Drawing, 313
Home Engagement, 296
Kitchen Orders, 291
Memorandum (Leather), 237
Mitre, 1074
Motor Orders, 285
Note, 279
Picquet Scoring, 301
Shaving, 1167
Ships’, 474
Sketch, 313
Veritas Gas, 1194
Writing, 275
Yacht, 474
Blood, Dried, 1306
Iron Pilloids, 339
Purifier, Harrod’s, 333
Salt, Kossolian, 342
Blossom Carpets, 765
Blouse Cases, Ladies’, 529
Galon, 1459
Insertions, 1459
Irons, 1026
Materials, 1447
Pins, Gold, 41
Robes, 1392, 1393
Blouses, Boys’, 646
Girls’, 1377
Ladies’, 1388, 1393
Blow Lamps, 1075
Pipes, Egg, 453
Blotters, 1167, 1168
Letter, 234
Silver-Mounted, 217, 234
Blotting Books, Brass, 254
Photographic, 402
Silk Tapestry, 229
Silver-Mounted, 218
Pads, 275, 292
Silver-Mounted, 232
Blue, 1232
Hungarian Band, 1349
Jay Corn Cure, 328
Pill and Black Draught, 328
Stain, 1159
Vitriol, 341
and White Tea Ware, Oriental, 322
“Bluebell” Metal Polish, 1251
Boa Constrictor Motor Horns, 578
Boards, Backgammon, 434
Bagatelle, 428
Black, 313
“Black and White”, 314
Bristol, 314
Canvas, 308
Chopping, 1131
Cribbage, 437
Draining, 1120
Draughts or Chess, 434
Drawing, 318
Emery, 384
Hymn, 737
Ironing, 1131
Knife (India-rubber), 1127
(Leather), 1127
Mounting, 314
Patience, 303
Pastry, 1131
Polishing (Photographic), 402
Puzzle, 438
Setting, 453
Sketching (Cavalry), 318
Sleeve, 1120
Spring, 430
Telegraph (Cricket), 419
Washing, 1131
Whatman, 314
Boars’ Heads, 1291
Boas, Ostrich, 1451
Boat Bailers, 472
Rowlocks, 473
Scrubbers, 1109
Seats, India-rubber, 494
Varnish, 472
Whistles, 467
Boathook Heads, 473
Boathooks, 473
Boating Accessories:
Anchor Lamps, 472
Anchors, 474
Aquatic Weed Cutters, 474
Belaying Pins, 473
Bilge Pumps, 474
Binnacle Rings, 473
Boat Bailers, 472
Boathook Heads, 473
Boathooks, 473
Blocks, 474
Bollards, 473
Box Compasses, 472
Canoe Paddles, 473
Chain Pipes, 473
Plates, 473
Chains, 474
Cleats, 473
Cork Cushions, 472
Deck Lead Pulleys, 474
Dinghy Covers, 472
Fair Leads, 473
Fendoffs, 472
Fog Horns, 472
Goose Necks, 473
Halliard Pulleys, 474
Hampers, 1291
Kapok Pillow Life Belts, 472
Lamps (various), 472
Launch Telegraph, 474
Life Belts, Kapoks, 472
Lifebuoys, 472
Marline Spike, 473
Mast Bands, 473
Trucks, 473
Masthead Lamps, 472
Megaphones, 472
Mooring Buoys, 474
Mops, 472
Paddle Boathooks, 473
Pillow Life Belts, 472
Port Lamps, 472
Punt Pole Heads, 473
Poles, 473
Oars, 473
Rigging Screws, 473
Rope Fendoffs, 472
Ropes, 472
Rowing Mats, 472
Rowlocks, 473
Rudder Hangings and Lines, 472
“Saven” Vests, 472
Sculls, 473
Shackles, 473
Shroud Plates, 473
Side Lamp Brackets, 472
Spider Bands, 473
Starboard Lamps, 472
Steering Gear, 474
Stern Fair Leads, 473
Stockless Anchors, 474
Swivels, 474
Tackle Hooks, 473
Thimbles, 473
Thwart Bands, 473
Varnish, 472
Water Breakers, 474
White Cotton Rope, 472
Wing Pumps, 474
Yacht Blocks, 474
Scrapers, 472
Boats: “Accordian” Coracles, 470
Boats, Folding, 470
Berthon Folding, 470
Canoes, 471
For Hire, 1361
Canoes, 471
Canadian, 471
Caper, 874
Collapsible, 470
Coracles, 470
Dinghies, 471
Dinghy Masts, 471
Sails, 471
James’ Patent Folding, 470
Motor Dinghies, 471
Nursery Punts, 471
Pontoon, 470
Punts, Shooting, 471
Secondhand, 471
Shooting Punts, 471
Skiff-head Punts, 471
Skiffs, 471
Torpedo, 470
Bodices, Ladies’, 1427
Body Belts, Gents’, 628
Brushes, Motor, 590
Boehm’s Soap, 369
Boer Tobacco, 1332
“Bogey” Hole Tins, 409
Boiler Fillers, 955
Fillers, Galvanised, 999
Insurance, 1504
Boilerettes, 954
Boilers, Asparagus, 954
Enamelled, 978
Coffee, 967
Egg (Electro), 140
Silver, 140
Gourmet, 874
Laundry, 954
Milk, 138, 880
Aluminium, 950
Sugar (Aluminium), 950
Boissy’s Saponaceous Pills, 328
Bokhara Rugs, 765
Bole Armenia, 341
Boletto (Game), 423
Bollards, 473
Bologna Sausage, 1288
Bolster Cases, 1485
Ticks, 1489
Bolt Nets, 469
Bolton Sheetings, 1485
Bolts, Brass, 960
and Nuts (assorted), 580
Bombardo (Game), 437
Bombardons, 833
Bombay Chutney, 1238
Duck, 1233
Bon-bon Bowls, Silver, 126
Bonbonnieres, 1300
Bon-bons, 1301
Bon Don Cream Cheese, 1287
Bond’s Marking Ink, 328
Bone Buttons, 1473
Nigger, 832
Counters, 435
Dice, 435[vii]
Dust, 1131, 1233
Manicure Sets, 382, 383
Meal, 1242, 1304, 1306
Boned Poultry, 1291
Sardines, 1256
Bones, Crushed, 1306
Bonifacius Mineral Water, 1321
Bon Jour Sets, 857
Bonne’s Mineral Water, 1321
Bonnet Brushes, 1098, 1099
Cases, 524
Infants’, 1406
Locks (Motor), 587
Whisks, Silver, 201
Bonsa Tool Sets, 1072
Bonzoline Billiard Balls, 429
Book Binding, 270
Cases, 691, 692, 701, 703, 1159
Antique, 743
Bamboo, 324
Holders, 1127
Markers, 738
Silver, 217
Muslin Curtains, 803
Racks, Leather, 237
Rests, Adjustable, 290
Embroidered, 325
Shelf and Cupboard combined, 1162
Shelves, 691, 719, 1157, 1161
Camp, 746
Folding, 746
Slides, 1159, 1167
Stands, 229
Bamboo, 324
Newspaper, 701
Revolving, 702, 1160
Troughs, 701
Extending, 258
Folding, 1162
Books, Account, 280, 292
Address, 286
American Cloth, 280
Archery, 421
on Art, 261
Atlases, 268
Autograph, 285
Banjo Music, 844
Bibles, 264, 265
Biographical, 261, 262
Birthday, 262
Blotting (Silver-mounted), 218
for Boys and Girls, 266, 267, 268
Bridge, 262, 301
Cash, 280
Cookery, 262
Copy, 279
Copying, 284
Daily Wants, 285
Day, 280
Devotional, 262, 263
Drawing, 314
Game, 290, 306
Gardening, 263
Golf Scoring, 289, 305
Guide, 263
Guitar Music, 844
History, 261, 262
Household, 280
Housekeeper’s Account, 279
Hymn, 264, 265
Indexed, 279
Letter, 280
for Little Ones, 268
Loose Leaf, 293
Manifold Order, 280
Manuscript, 279
Medical, 263
Memorandum, 279
Minute, 280
Miscellaneous, 265, 266
Motorists’ Record, 305
Music, 844
Nature, 263
Note, 279, 280, 285
Novels, 263, 264
Painting, 268
Petty Cash, 280
Photo Scrap, 285
on Photography, 402
Picture, 268
Pocket, 263, 296
Poetical, 264
Prayer, 264, 265
Private MS., 280
Reference, 261, 265
Scoring, Cricket, 418
Sectional, 317
Sketch, 313, 314
Song, 843
on Sport, 265
Telegram (Leather), 237
(Silver-mounted), 218
Telephone Register Call, 289
Theological, 265
on Travel, 265
Trout, 444
Visitors’, 279, 306
Washing, 280
Week’s Engagements, 285
“Where is it?”, 279
“Year by Year”, 285
Booms, 431
Boot Bags, 509
Brush Outfits, 1114
Brushes, 1114
Brown, 1119
Buttons, 1473
Creams, 1233
Cupboards, 1143, 1157
Cupboards, Bamboo, 324
Dusting Mop, 1111
Hooks, 509
Jacks, Gents’, 637
Kits, 538, 539, 540, 1114
Laces, 637, 1474
Polishes, 1232, 1275
Racks, 748
Scrapers, 997
and Shoe Preparations, 637
Trunks, 528
Specialities, 1233
Stands, 1120, 1125, 1143
Boot Stretchers and Cleaners, 1118
Trees, Gents’, 637
Varnish Brushes, 1119
and Wardrobe Stands, 1125
Wipers, 1111
Boots, Box Calf (Ladies’), 1435
Brown (Ladies’), 1436
Button (Ladies’), 1434, 1436
Children’s, 1437
Cricket (Boys’), 640
Field, 637
Fishing, 446
Football (Boys’), 640
Glacé (Ladies’), 1436
Horse, 511
Hunting (Gents’), 637
Jockey, 637
Knee, 446
Lace (Ladies’), 1436
Livery, 637
Riding (Gents’), 637
(Ladies’), 1434
School, 640
and Shoes, Gents’, 637-640
Shooting (Gents’), 638
Skating (Gents’), 638
“Ski” (Gents’), 638
Sportsmen’s, 637
Tennis (Gents’), 638
Walking (Boys’), 640
(Gents’), 638, 639
(Ladies’), 1435
Wellington, 637
Willow Calf (Ladies’), 1435
Boracic Acid, 327
Gauze, 328, 345
Lint, 345
Ointment, 328, 342 , 336
Wool, 345
Borated Vaseline, 341
Borax, 328, 1233, 1261
and Myrrh, 363
Bordeaux Mixture, 1305
Pigeon’s, 1294
White, 1312
Border Hurdles, 1005
Moulds, 874, 953, 1037, 1039
Shears, 1069
Bordering, Lawn, 1006
Boricine Meissonnier, 328
Boro Glyceride, 327
Borwick’s Baking Powder, 1232, 1266
Custard Powder, 1241
Knife Polish, 1249
Powder, 1279
Bosch Magnetos, 585
Spare Parts for, 585
Botanical Albums, 291, 454
Cases, 454
Presses, 454
Bottle Carriers, 1087
Catching Game, 423
Holders, Electro-plated, 152
Jacks and Fittings, 947, 948, 954
Locks, 966
Bottle Openers, 966
Bottled Fruits, 1231, 1233, 1245, 1246
Soups, 1260
Bottles in Boxwood Cases, 328
Chloroform Drop, 347
Killing, 454
in Leather Cases, 328
in Leather Cases (Silver-mounted), 543
Milk and Cream, 1121
Oil, 314
and Vinegar (Silver and Electro), 143
Pickle, 143
Scent, 908
(Silver-mounted), 194, 197, 199, 200, 204
Smelling Salts, 339
Spirit, 901
Vacuum, 962
(Autotherm), 1138
Water, 906
(Aluminium), 751
(Artists’), 314
Wicker-covered, 1138
Bottom Rods, 440
Bourboule, La (Mineral Water), 1321
Boudoir Caps, 1450
Combination Trays, 285
Bougies, 347
Bouilli, 1260
Bouillon, Beef Tea, 1232
Marmite, 1250
Boules Argentines (Silver Sweets), 1301
Boundary Flags, Hockey, 426
Netting, Croquet, 416
Lawn Tennis, 413
Supports, Lawn Tennis, 413
Pegs, Croquet, 415
Bouquets, Ball, 1295
Court, 1295, 1522
Wedding, 1295
Bourjois Perfumes, 360
Bournemouth Biscuits, 1234
Bournville Cocoa, 1239
Boutty’s Thyroidine, 328
Bovinine, 328
Bow Bags, Archery, 421
Bowie Knives, 184
Bowl Bags, 417
Boxes, 417
Scraper (Pipe), 1348
Stands, Chinese, 319
Bowling Green Rollers, 1007
Shoes, 417
Screens, Cricket, 419
Sets, 417
Sundries, 417
Bowls, Ash, 1345
(Silver), 211
Bon-bon (Silver), 126
Broth, 871, 880
Bulb, 996, 1117
Celery (Glass), 894
Children’s (Silver), 221, 222, 223
Chinese, 319
Egg, 948
(Aluminium), 952
Finger (Glass), 910
(Syrian), 323
Flower, 890-893 , 896-898
(Silver), 126, 127
Fruit, 857
or Flower (Glass), 890-893, 896-898
Hand, 947, 948, 955
Lawn, see Lawn Bowls.
Lipped, 876
Milk, 880
Mincing (Enamelled), 978
Potato, 1117
Pressed, 876
Pudding, 876
Rose (Glass), 890-893, 895-898
Salad, 857
(Electro), 150
(Glass), 894
(Silver), 150
Scotch, 417
Silver, 224, 225
Soap (Silver), 193
Wood, 1117
Yellow, 876
Bows, 318
Archery, 421
Gents’, 620
Liniment, 328
Satin, 1462
Violin, 831
Bowyer’s Wiltshire Bacon, 1284
Box Churns, 1121
Compasses, Wood, 472
Irons, 1026
Kites, 424
Ottoman Couches, 694
Sextants, 102
Spanners, 580, 581, 582, 1075
Boxes, Aluminium, 953
Antimony, 322
Arrow (Archery), 421
Ball (Billiard), 429
Biscuit, 872
(Electro), 148
(Silver), 148
Bowl, 417
Bridge, 300, 301, 1164
(Silver), 213
Butter, 1121
Cake, 967
Card, 1165
(Silver), 213
Cash, 967
Cast, 444
Cigar, 1164
and Cigarette, 1344
Cigarette, 1164
Coal, 969-972
Collar, 534
of Conjuring Tricks, 437
Deed, 533
Dental, 876
Designed for Mosaic Work, 1164
Despatch, 533
(Leather), 236
Dress, 1126
Egg Collecting, 453
(Transit), 1127
Fancy, 1167
Fishing Rod, 440
Fly, 444
Glass, 908
Glove, 1165, 1168, 1169
Hairpin, 1164
Handkerchief, 1164, 1165
Hat (Underbed), 1126
Honey (Glass), 909
Housemaid’s, 967, 1117
Knife, 1127
Landscape, 311
Lavatory, 1117
Letter, 1033
Match, 1164
(Gold), 48
(Silver), 213
Money, 967
Morocco, 236
Musical (Toy), 662
Negative, 402
Nesting, 455
Paper, 533
Patience, 1167
Pencil, 1165
Picnic, 282
Plain, 1165
Play, 532
Playing Card, 1168
Post, 234
Card, 1167
Potpourri, 322
Puff (Gold), 37
Relaxing, 455
Saddle, 505
Salt, 1124
(Enamelled), 978
Sandwich (Aluminium), 953
Seasoning, 947, 948
Sets of, 1165
Shoe Brush, 1124
Sketching, 309
Soap, 753
Spice, 947, 948
Stamp, 304, 1164
(Leather), 237
String, 235, 254, 255, 1117
(Silver), 215
Store, 454
of Sweets, 1300
Tie, 1168
Tinder (Silver), 213
Tobacco (Silver), 213
Trinket, 245
(Glass), 908
Twine (Leather), 236
Wedding, 277
White Wood, 1164, 1165
Work, 246, 247
Boxing Gloves, 432
Boy Scouts’ Knife, 665
Outfit, 665
Telescopes, 94
Boys’ Bath Gowns, 647
Bedroom Slippers, 640
Belts, 650
Blazers, 642
Blouses, 646
Books, 266, 267, 268
Braces, 650[viii]
Cambridge Shoes, 640
Capes, Waterproof, 486
Caps, 642, 643, 645
Cardigan Waistcoats, 645
Clothing, 641-650
Collars, 650
Combinations, 649
Court Suits, 647
Cricket Boots, 640
Sets, 418, 419
Shoes, 640
Dress Suits, 641
Dressing Gowns, 644
Driving Coats, 644
Eton Suits, 641
Evening Shoes, 640
Fancy Dresses, 648
Waistcoats, 642
Felt Hats, 650
Flannel Suits, 642
Football Boots, 640
Knickers, 642
Fur-lined Coats, 643
Gaiters, 647
Gloves, 650
Handkerchiefs, 650
Hats, 645
Hockey Sticks, 426
Hose, 650
Jerseys, 645
Knicker Drawers, 649
Knitted Coats, 645
Leggings, 640
Links, 650
Motor Coats, 643
Norfolk Suits, 642
Overcoats, 641, 643, 644
Pages’ Costumes, 647
Suits, 647
Panama Hats, 645
Pants, 649
Patent Shoes, 640
Pyjamas, 649
Quilted Pad Saddles, 503
Rainproof Coats, 643
Riding Breeches, 647
Coats, 643
Saddles, 502
Sailor Suits, 644
School Outfits, 642
Rugs, 650
Serge Suits, 641
Shirts, 649
Socks, 650
Spurs, 509
Straw Hats, 650
Studs, 650
Suits, 641-648
Sweaters, 645
Tennis Jackets, 642
Shirts, 649
Shoes, 640
Ties, 650
Tool Chest, 667
Tunic Shirts, 649
Tweed Suits, 641
Ulsters, 643
Umbrellas, 650
Under Vests, 649
Walking Boots, 640
Sticks, 647
Wool Waistcoats, 645
Brace Bits, 1074
Bracelets, 34, 35
Diamond, 22
Pearl, 22
(Tool), 1074
Boys’, 650
Expanding, 348
Gents’, 628
Cloister, 1157
Corner, 1157, 1163
Electric Light, 1211
Gas, 998
Harness, 517
Hat and Coat, 676
Lamps, 922-924
Lamp (Autoclipse), 576
Lanterns, 1209
Match (Hanging), 1345
Picture (Brass), 961
Wall, 1157, 1163
Sponge, 1199
Bradawls, 1072
Bradenham Hams, 1286
Bradmintine (Liqueur), 1318
Bragg’s Preparations, 328
Braids (various), 1474
Brake Blocks, 516
Brakes, Cycle, 482
Bramble Jelly, 1249
Bran, 1303
Tubs, Hire of, 1360
Branalcane, 334
Branch Shears, 1069
Branding Irons, 307
A1 Sauce, 1251
Beef Essence, 1232
Meat Juice, 328
Sauces, 1256
Soups, 1260, 1261
Californian, 1317
Cherries, 1301
in, 1238
Cherry, 1318
Fruits in, 1246
Ginger, 1318
Orange, 1318
Raspberry, 1318
Warmers, 152
Branson’s Coffee Extract, 1239
Ash Trays, 1345
Banner Arms, 963
Bay Poles, 788
Bed Poles, 787
Bedsteads, 728-729
Bellows, 963, 1118
Bells, 255
Bird Cages, 957-959
Blotting Books, 254
Bolts, 960
Bottle Jacks, 954
Brackets, 1211
Cake Stands, 965
Calendar Frames, 255
Candle Sconces, 963
Candlesticks, 254 ,255, 737, 752, 931, 964, 1217
Cheque Blotters, 255
Coal Vases, etc., 969-971
Cornice Poles, 789
Cots, 722
Curtain Poles, 788
Door Plates, 307
Porters, 965
Drawer Handles, 961
Eagle Lectern, 736
Fenders, 982, 983, 984, 985, 986, 987
Fern Pots, 996
Finger Bowls, 323
Plates, 960
Fire Guards, 989-991
Irons, 992, 993
Screens, 973
Fishing Reels, 441
Floor Lamps, 921
Flower Pots, 996
Gongs, 1031, 1032
Hall Lanterns, 1204
Hat Hooks, 961
Head Lamps, 570
Inkstands, 254, 255
Jardinieres, 323, 996
Joints, 1000
Kettles, 1028-1030
Knuckle Dusters, 467
Lamps, 915-921
Letter Balances, 254, 255
Racks, 254, 255, 1033
Loop Hooks, 787
Match Brackets, 1345
Stands, 255
Musical Instruments, 833
Night Light Holders, 930
Paper Knives, 255
Paste, 962
Pen Trays, 255
Penwipers, 25
Perpetual Calendars, 254
Polishing Liquid, 1233
Portiere Rods, 789
Pots, Benares, 322
Pulley Rods, 787
Rods and Brackets, 787
Roman Lamp, Antique, 1345
Sealing Sets, 254
Seals, 307
Stamp Boxes, 255
Stationery Racks, 254
String Boxes, 254, 255
Sundries, 960-961
Swing Arms, 787
Syringes, 1001
Table Standards, 1215-1217
Taps, 1059
Telemeters, 402
Tobacco Jars, 1346
Towel Rails, 787, 1509
Trays, 323
Trinket Boxes, 254
Umbrella Stands, 1084
Waste Paper Basket, 1033
Wire Scratch Brush, 468
Brasses, Memorial, 737
“Brasso”, 1251
“Brasso” Metal Polish, 1275
Preparation, 328
Vin, 341
Brazilian Cigarettes, 1331
Analysis, 327
and Bacon Slicer, 955
Crocks, Enamelled, 980
Cutters, 955
(Electroplated), 124, 125
(Silver), 124, 125
(Electroplated), 163
(Silver), 163
Graters, 947, 948, 955, 999
Knives, 1117
(Electro-plated), 131
Makers, 955
Mountain, 1303
Pan Lids, 1117
Pans, 874
(Electroplated), 131
(Silver), 131
Plates, 1117
Breaking Bits, 507
Cavesons, 513
Tea Sets, 869
Biscuits, 1234, 1236
Cereals, 1233
Cocoa, 1299
Cookers, Electric, 1221
Cruets, 974
Dishes, 879, 1025
Aluminium, 951
Electro-plate, 132, 146B
Silver, 146B
and Stands
Electroplated, 137
Silver, 137
Services, English, 856
Sets, 853-855
Kitchen, 853
Nursery, 853
Stock, 853
Glasses, 347
Plasters, 337
Relievers, 347
Breastplates, Hunting, 503
Brecknell’s Soap, 1258
Chauffeurs, 592
Paste, 518
Riding (Boys’), 647
Breeding Cages, Bird, 957
Larva, 454
Perfumes, 360
Soap, 369
Bretby Ware, 859
Bretonne Net, 1452
Briar Pipes, 1338, 1339
in Cases, 1333, 1334-1337
Brical Calculators, 296
Bath, 1232
Children’s Wooden, 664
Fire, 1194
Brie Cheese, 1287
Brief Bags, 535
Bridge Account Books, 301
Books, 262, 301, 306
Boxes, 300, 301, 1164
Silver, 210, 213
and Drawbridge, 301
Ladders, 431
Scoring Blocks, 301
Tables, 699, 1158
Trays, 300
Bridle Holders, 517
Hooks, 517
Bridoons, 507
Brighton Sauce, 1256
Brillantes, 1447
“Brilliant Shinio”, 1251
Brill’s Sea Salt, 330
Brisket Presses, 955
Bristol Boards, 314
Central African Tobacco, 1332
British Cordials:
Aniseed, 1318
Cinnamon, 1318
Cherry Brandy, 1318
Cloves, 1318
Dantzig Spruce, 1318
Ginger Gin, 1318
Brandy, 1318
Liqueur, 1318
Lovage, 1318
Noyeau, 1318
Milk Punch, 1318
Orange Brandy, 1318
Gin, 1318
Peppermint, 1318
Raspberry Brandy, 1318
Spruce, 1318
British Lace Curtains, 801, 802
British Wines:
Cowslip, 1318
Elderberry, 1318
Ginger, 1318
Green Ginger, 1318
Orange, 1318
Port, 1318
Raisin, 1318
Raspberry, 1318
Red Currant, 1318
Sherry, 1318
Stone’s, 1308
Tent, 1318
Brittany Butter, 1286
Broaches, 1073
Brocade Borders for Curtains, 794
Brochettes, Crystallized, 1301
Broderie Anglaise
Cambric Motif, 1459
Flouncing, 1461
Brodie’s Corn Plasters, 328
Brogues, 446
Bromide of Ammonia, 327
Chalk, 402
Bromide Lamps, 402
Portraits, 403
of Potassium, 328
Bromo Caffeine, 328
Paper, 328
Seltzer, 328
Soda, 328
Warner’s, 341
Brompton Cough Specific, 328
Disinfecting Fluid, 328
Enema, 351
Bromural, 328
Broncholine, 342
Bronnley & Co.’s Soap, 369
Bronze Clock Ornaments, 69, 77, 82
Clocks, 69, 70
Brooches, Diamond, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 28
and Pearl, 15
Gem-set, 18, 28-30, 32
Gold, 28-32
Pearl, 28-30, 32
Sporting, 31
Broom Covers, Selvyt, 1118
Heads, Wall, 1109
Tidy, 1108
Brooms and Brushes, 1108-1116
Bed, 1109
Whisk, 1108
Besoms, 1119
Birch, 1119
Carpet, 1108
Curtain, 1109
Floor, 1109
Hair, 1108
Heads for, 1108
Hearth Whisk, 1108
Holders, 517
Stable, 514
Toy, 655, 657
Wall, 1109
Broth Bowls, 871, 880
Sets, 871
Brougham Harness, 498
Brou’s Injection, 328
Brown Hollands, 1489
Leather and Kid Preparations, 637
Towelling, 357
Windsor Soap, 370
Brown & Polson’s Corn Flour, 1241, 1279
Brownies, Toy, 653
Browning for Gravies, 1233
Salt, 1255
Sauce, 1256
Brown’s (E.) Boot Creams, 1233
Meltonian Furniture
Polish, 1247
Troches, 328
Bruges Lace, 1452
Brunswick Black, 1233
Brush Cases, 315
and Comb Bags, 1495
Holders, Lavatory (Enamelled), 978
Pipe Cleaners, 1348
Brush Racks, 1102[ix]
Sets, Hall, 1106
Trays, 1098
Silver, 194, 195, 197-200
Glass, 908
Washers, 315
Brushes and Brooms, Household, 1108-1116
and Turnery, 1092-1170
Aphis, 1109, 1305
Banister, 1108
Bath, 1102
Cleaning, 1119
Billiard Table, 429, 1115
Bit, 515
Blind, 1109
Boat, 1109
Body (Motor), 590
Boot (Brown), 1119
and Shoe, 1114
Top, 515
Varnish, 1119
Breeches, 515
Button, 1113
Camel Hair, 328, 347
Carriage, 515, 1113
Chain (Cycle), 483
Churn, 1119
Cloth, 1099
(Silver), 194-201
Compo, 515
Conservatory, 1109
Cornice, 1109
Crest, 515
Crevice, 1113
Crumb, 1115
Cushion, 590
Cycle Spoke, 1114
Damping, 284
Dandy, 515
Decanter, 1115, 1119
Deck, 1109
Dish, 1112, 1115
Distemper, 1114
Dog, 496, 1115
Double-ended, 1113
Enamel, 1119
Feather, 1111
Flesh, 1101
Floor Polishing, 1111
Flue, 1109
Fox, 450, 451
Furniture, 1113
Gun, 468
Hair, 1098, 1099
(Silver), 193-201
Hall Foot, 1111
Hand, 1111-1115
Hat, 194-201, 1099
Hearth, 992, 1116
(Toy), 1116
Horse Body, 515
Infants’ Hair (Silver), 221
Insect, 1109
Jamb, 1114
Jewellery, 1119
Jug, 1119
Lamp, 1119
Laundry, 1112
Library Dusting, 1109
Marble, 1119
Mattress, 1119
Military, 1098, 1099
Motor, 590
Mudguard, 590
Nail, 357, 1102, 1119
Oil, 515, 1112
Painting, 313
Oven, 1112
Painter’s, 1114
Dusting, 1114
Pantry Sink, 1119
Pastry, 1115
Petrol, 590
Photographic, 402
Picture Dusting, 1109
Plate, 1115
Radiator, 590
Range, 1112
Round, 1113
Sash, 1114
Saucepan, 1112
Scotch or Motor, 515
Scrubbing, 1112
Shampooing, 1102
Shaving, 385, 1102
(Silver), 193
Smoothing, 1099
Spoke, 483, 515, 590
Stable, 515
Stove, 1112
Sweeps, 1111
Throat, 328, 347
Tidy for, 1108
Tooth, 364, 1101
Toy Banister, 1109
Triangular, 1113
Tube, 341
Turk’s Head, 1109
Under Furniture, 1109
Varnish, 1114
Vulture Dusting, 1111
Wardrobe, 1109
Water, 515
W.C., 1115
Water Colour, 313
Wheel (Motor), 590
Whisk, 1101, 1108
Xylonite, 1098
Brush’s Remedy for Sea Sickness, 328
Appliqué Lace, 1452
Carpets, 765, 777
Net, 1461
Bryant & May’s Matches, 1250, 1268
B.S.A. Cycles, 478
Byard’s Oil of Eucalyptus, 330
Bubble Blowers, 664
Buck Saws, 1073
Camp, 758
Canvas, 751
Chair, 660
Indiarubber, 492
Buckinghamshire Lace Edgings, 1452
Buckles, Silver, 207
Buckram, 1474
Buckwheat, 1303
Sure-raising Flour, 1245
Budding Knives, 1069
Buffalo Lithia, 1321
Old Welsh, 741
Reception Menus, 1289
Bugeaud’s Quinine and Cocoa Wine, 341
Buggy Whips, 501
Bugle Net, 1452
Bugles, 833
Building Bricks, 664
Decorating, Sanitary and Lighting, 1172-1202
Bulb Bowls, 996, 1117
Planters, 1069
Tubs, 701
Bulbs, 1295
Electric, 1225
Sparklet, 339
Bull (Game), 423
Dog and Terrier Meal, 1242
Bullet Catchers, 466
Bullock’s Glycerine and Pepsine, 328
Pepsin Porci, 328
Bull’s Eye Lanterns, 931
Bumble Puppy (Game), 423
Bumsted’s Salt, 1270
Bundle Carriers, Cycle, 481
Bungalow Lighting, 1203
Bungalows, 1024
Bunion Levers, 385
Plasters, 328, 337
Bunnies (Puzzle), 437
Buns, 1297
Bunter’s Nervine, 328
Buoys, Mooring, 474
Bureau Marqueterie, 740
Burgess’ Lion Ointment, 328
Pills, 328
Burgoyne’s Australian Wines, 1314
Chlorobrom, 328
Burglary Insurance, 1504
Burgundy Baskets, 1141
Red, 1312
Sparkling, 1313
White, 1312
Burjois Soap, 369
Burn Brands, 1071
Burners, Acetylene, 1201
“Elta”, 576
Incandescent, 1201
Inverted, 1201
“Luta”, 576
Petrol Air Gas, 1201
“Roni”, 576
Burnishing Gloves, 515
Burnt Almonds, 1301
Burroughs, Wellcome’s Preparations, 328, 329
Soap, 369
Busks, Stay, 1473
Bussang Mineral Water, 1321
Butcher’s Shops, Toy, 659
Butler’s Aprons, 1127
Dress Suits, 604
Plate Trays, 1127
Butler’s Stands, 1127
Tray and Stand, 1127
Butt Hinges, Brass, 961
Rests, Billiard, 429
Butter, 1286
Analysis, 327
Beans, 1233
Beaters, 1117
Biscuits, 1234
Boxes, 1121
Coolers, 955
Curler, 955
Dishes, 872
Aluminium, 951
Electro-plated, 158, 159
Glass, 894, 909
Oak, 165
Silver, 158, 159
Forks, Silver, 163
Electro-plated, 163
Knives, 176, 177, 1117
Electro-plated, 157, 158, 159, 161
Silver, 157, 158, 159, 161
Jars, 876, 1138
Makers, 1121
Making Appliances, 1121
Nut Biscuits, 1234
Pats, 1117
Prints, 1117
Puffs, 1236
Scales, 1121
Scoops, 1121
Scotch, 1302
Shells, 879
Slicers, 1117
Vegetable, 1286
Workers, 1121
“Buttercup” Metal Paste, 1233, 1251
Butterette Biscuits, 1236
Butterfly Nets, 453
Buttermilk Biscuits, 1236
Button Brushes, 1113
Hooks, 637
Silver, 194, 197, 198, 200
Sticks, 515
Buttonhole Scissors, 191
Flowers, 1295
Buttons, Bone, 1473
Boot, 1473
Door, 960
Glove, 1473
Linen, 1473
Shirt, 1473
Byrrh, 1318
Cabbage, Dried, 1249
Pickled, 1253
Cabin Bags, 541
Biscuits, 1234
Holdalls, 757
Hooks, Brass, 960
Requisites, 757
Trunks, 519-522, 525, 528, 531, 532
Cabinet Book Cases, 1159
Brassfoundry Goods, 961
Cork, 454
Folding Bedstead, 725
Frames, 1157, 1164, 1166, 1168, 1169
Silver, 218, 219
Handles, Brass, 960
Portraits, 403
Cabinets, Bath, 956
Bird’s Egg, 453
Cake, 967
China, 702, 703
Cigar Box, 1343, 1344
Coins, 451
Cutlery, 175-177
Drawer, 288
Dried Plants, 451
Egg and Insect, 455
Filing, 688
Fossil, 451
Gun, 465
Heraldic Ware, 1162
Insect, 453
Letter, 306
Liqueur, 154, 155
Microscopic Objects, 451
Mineral, 451
Music, 701, 1158
Needlework, 1475
Oil (Motor), 583
Packing, 235
Reference, 234, 237
Shell, 451
Show, 1160
Smoker’s, 1343, 1344
Stationery, 258, 259, 1164
(Antique), 237
String, 235
Tool, 1082
(Motor), 580
Wall, 1160
“Cabinetta” Bedsteads, 762
Cable Candles, 1237
Silks, 1468
Cachets, Harrods’, 356
Cachous, 330
Hooper’s, 333
Sen-Sen, 339
Cactina Pellets, 330
Cadbury’s Chocolate, 1298, 1302
Cocoa, 1272
Caddies, Automatic
(Golf), 409
Tea, 1165
Caddy Spoons,
Electro-plate, 146B, 160
Silver, 146B, 160
Cadum Ointment, 330
Cæmentium, 1174
Cæsar (Game), 436
Café au Lait Sets, Electro-plated, 156
Silver, 156
Noir Biscuits, 1234
Vierge, 330
Zylak, 330
Cafetières, 948, 968
Enamelled, 979
Caffeta Coffee Maker, 968
Cafolin, 1238
Cages, Breeding (Larva), 454
Wicker, 1143
Cailles, 1288
Cairn’s Marmalade, 1250
Cajuput Oil, 336
Cake Baskets, 124, 125
Electro-plated, 124, 125
Silver, 124, 125
Boxes, 967
Cabinets, 967
Cotton, 1303
Dishes, Electro-plated, 124, 125
Silver, 124, 125
Forks, Electro-plated, 163
Silver, 163
Frills, 283
Linseed, 1303
Mixers, 967
Moulds, 953, 1040, 1041
Saws, Electro-plated, 161
Silver, 120, 161
Stands, 700, 965, 1143, 1162
Electro-plated, 124, 125
Revolving, 700
Tins, 947, 955, 1041
Tobacco, 1332
Cakeoma, 1238
Cakes, Caracas, 1296
Cherry, 1296
Cokernut, 1296
College, 1296
for Dogs, 1242
Fancy, 1297
Genoa, 1296
Gingerbread, 1296
Lunch, 1296
Madeira, 1296
School, 1296
Seed, 1296
Sponge, 1297
Sultana, 1296
to Order, 1297
Wedding, 1296
Calci Blocks, 479
Calcined Magnesia, 330
Calculating Circles, 315
Calculators, 296
Calefacio, 357
Calendar Frames, Leather, 237
Letter Clip, 290
and Letter Clip, 235
Pads, 292
Penwipers, 234
Calendars, Fancy, 229
Mechanical, 290
Perpetual, 292, 304, 1167
(Silver), 215
Calendula Plasters, 337
Calico, Flannel, and Print Goods, 1445-1449
Batiste, 1447
Buckram, 1449
Calicoes, 1445, 1446[x]
Cambric Longcloths, 1446
Cambrics, 1446
Chevrons, 1449
Costume Linens, 1447, 1449
Crystalline, 1447
Damask Dimities, 1447
Delaines, 1449
Dimities, 1447
Dress Linings, 1449
Drills, 1447
Ducks, 1447
Fancy Sateens, 1449
Flannelettes, 1448
Flannels, 1448, 1449
Fancy, 1449
French Linen, 1446
Galateas, 1449
Ginghams, 1449
Hollands, 1447
Household Flannels, 1448
Irish Linen, 1446
Cambric, 1446
Lenos, 1447
Linen Lawns, 1446
Linenette, 1449
Longcloths, 1445
Marcella Toiletings, 1447
Melange de Soie, 1449
Mercerised Sateens, 1449
Moire Lustre, 1449
Moirette Skirting, 1449
Muslins, 1447
Nainsooks, 1446
Organdis, 1447
Piques, 1447
Printed Cambrics, 1449
Dress Muslins, 1449
Scotch Cambrics, 1447
Silvasheen Sateen, 1449
Spot Muslins, 1447
“Spunjama”, 1447
Swiss Muslins, 1447
Tarlatans, 1447
Twills, 1447
Voiles, 1449
Washing Materials, 1447
Yosemite, 1447
Zephyrs, 1449
Zingaline, 1449
Calicoes, 1445
California Syrup of Figs, 330
Californian Brandy, 1317
Fruits and Fruits in Syrup, 1238
Honey, 1248
Peaches, 1253
Pears, 1253
Wines, 1314, 1317
Calipers, Inside and Outside, 1073
Micrometer, 1075
Call Bells, 1031
Electric, 1223
Callard’s “Kalari” Biscuits, 330
Carbolic Preparations, 330
Soaps, 369, 1258
Feet Jelly, 1248, 1249
Tongues, 1287
Calving and Lambing Medicine Chest, 342
Aprons, 1463
Edging, 1459, 1460
Embroideries, 1458
Embroidery, 1460
Lawn Edging, 1460
Longcloths, 1446
Sheets and Pillow Cases, 1487
Veining, 1458
Cambrics, 1446
Sausages, 1288
Shoes, Boys’, 640
Cambrunnen Mineral Water, 1321
Camel Hair
Blankets, 751
Brushes, 347
“Cameo” Cameras, 398
Camera Cases, 402
Cameras, 390-400
Harrod’s, 390-392, 395, 398-400
Camisole, Ladies’, 1398
Camomile Flowers, 330
Baths and Buckets, 750
Bedding, 748
Beds, Hire of, 1355
Bedsteads, 747, 750, 751
Bolsters, 764
Bookshelves, 746
Buckets, 758
Canteens, 754
Chairs, 759
Chests of Drawers, 744, 745
Coffee, 1239
Equipment, Hire of, 1359
Furniture and Equipment, 744-764
for Summer Encampments, 760
Hammocks, 745
Kettles, 758
Kits, 750
Lanterns, 752
Latrine Seats, 749
Looking Glasses, 747
Mattresses, 764
Pies, 1288
Pillows, 750, 753, 764
Ranges, 760
Saucepans, 758
Settees, 747
Stools, 759, 1152
Tables, 745, 746, 749, 756
Towel Horses, 746
Washstands, 746
Camphor, 330
Compound Liniment, 330, 334
Essence of, 330
Ice Vaseline, 341
Liniment, 334
Pills, 330
Rolls, 330
Spirits of, 330, 339
Chalk, 330, 363
Chloroform, 330
Oil, 330, 336
Vaseline, 341
Camphylene, 330
Canoes, 471
Cheddar Cheese, 1287
Organs, 827
Partridges, 1294
Whisky, 1317
Canaletta Blinds, 793
Food, 1303
Guano, 1306
Seed, 1303
Canarydine, 1303
Candied Peel (various), 1238
Branches, 737
Cramps, 1237
Fittings, 1214
Fixers, 1237
Lamps, 930
Cycle, 479
Electro-plated, 128
Reading Lamps, 930
Rings, 964
Glass, 908
Sconces, 963
Screens, 933, 934
Shade Holders, 933
Supports, 933
Shades, 936, 937, 938
Tubes, 933
Candles, 1237
Aerated, 1237
Altar, 1237
Arctic, 928
Aster Moon, 1237
Bed Lights, 1237
Belmontine, 1237
Bougies (coiled tapers), 1237
Cable, 1237
Carriage, 1237
Coloured, 1237
Composite, 1237
Cramps for, 1237
Crystal Paraffin, 1237
for Cycle Lamps, 479
Dips, Snufflers, 1237
Dropless, 1237
Electric, 1225
Fields, 1272
Fixer for, 1237
Household, 1237
Lotus, 1237
Ozokerit, 1237
Palmer’s, 1274
Paraffin, 1237
Parastrine, 1237
Petro-stearine, 1237
Piano, 1237
Price’s, 1280
Sperm (various), 1237
Spermaceti, 1237
Stearing, 1237
Sulphur, 340
Tapers, 1237
Vegetable Wax, 1237
Wax, 1237
Candlestick Lamps, 931
Candlesticks, 857, 1217
Aluminium, 952
Brass, 254, 255, 752, 931
Electro-plated, 129
Flemish, 964
Folding, 758
Glass, 907
Silver, 129
(various), 874, 948, 964
Molasses, 1302
Smith’s Livelong, 339
Sugar, 1262
Arm Chairs, 683
Bed Tables, 1143
Blinds, 794
Chairs, 683, 1148, 1154, 1155, 1156
Lounges, 1149
Rocking Chairs, 1156
Settees, 1151
Sugar, 1262
Tables, 1140, 1151
Trunks, 526, 527
Bamboo, 1305
Beaters, 467
Riding, 501
Swagger (Boys’), 662
Aluminium, 952
Antimony, 322
Biscuit, 955
Coffee, 947, 948
Sugar, 947, 948
Tea, 947, 948, 1262
Canker Lotion, 342
Canoe Paddles, 473
Canadian, 471
Folding, 470
Canopies, 1011
for Prams, 1047
Cans, 967
Hot Water, 876, 947, 948
(Aluminium), 952
Milk, 1121, 1122
Oil (Cycle), 481
Toilet, 967
Cantatas (Vocal Scores), 844
Canteen Boxes, 748
Aluminium, 754
Cavalry, 758
Hunting, 510
Cantharides, Tincture of, 340
Art, 1468
Bath Covers, 493
Baths, 751
Boards, 308
Buckets, 751
Camp Baths and Buckets, 750
Chairs, 756, 757, 759, 1152
Curtains, 800
Files, 306
Holdalls, 757
Kit Bags, 750, 751
Motor, 565
Packing, 1490
Prepared, 314
Razor Strops, 188, 385
Sheets for Lawn Bowls, 417
Shoes, 446
Shooting Bags, 468
Sponge Bag, 752
Tents, 761
Trunks, 520
Wallets, 306
Wardrobe, Portable, 753
Water Cooler, 749
Canvases, French, 805
Cap Strings, Nurses’, 1463
Carriers, Cycle, 481
Cart Hood Lamps, 577
Gauntlets, 597
Gooseberries, 1238
Caper Boats, 874
Capercailzie, 1294
Bird Seed, 1303
Blackbird Food, 1303
Finch Mixture, 1303
Parrot Mixture, 1303
Capers, 1238
Boys’ (Waterproof), 486
Gardeners’ (Waterproof), 490
Girls’ (Waterproof), 486
Golfing (Waterproof), 488
Mackintosh (Children’s), 1407
Servants’ (Waterproof), 490
Shooting (Waterproof), 488
Transvaal (Waterproof), 488
Capons, 1294
Bathing (Waterproof), 494
Boudoir, 1450
Boys’, 642, 643, 645
Chauffeur’s, 592, 596
Ear, 350, 1405
Gents’, 632, 633
Ice (Indiarubber), 491
Knitted (Ladies’), 1418
Muslin, 1463
Motor (Gents’), 596
Racing, 509
Scrum (Football), 426
Capsicum Vaseline, 341
Capsules, 330
Ammoniated Tincture of Quinine, 327
Apiol, 327
Blaud’s Pill, 331
Cascara, 330, 331
Colchi Sal, 331
Copaiba, 338
Goudron de Guyot, 333
Hæmoglobin, 333
Phytin, 337
Sandal Wood, 338
Santal Oil, 338
Terebene, 340
Worm, 342
Capsuloids, 330
Captain’s Biscuits, 1234
Captive Golf Ball, 408
Carabana Mineral Water, 1321
Cake, 1296
Cocoa, 1239
Carafes, 906
Caramel Cutters, 1043
Caramels, Cream, 1301
Essence, 1243
Seeds, 1261
Carbolated Fluid, 335
Carbolated Vaseline, 341
Acid, 327, 330, 342
Ointment, 336
Gauze, 345
Wools, 330
Lint, 345
Lotion, 330
Oil, 330
Powder, 330, 1243
Smoke Balls, 330
Tooth Powder, 330
Harrods’, 333
Wool, 345
Filament Electric Light, Cost of, 1203
Portraits, 403
Prints, 806
of Ammonia, 327, 330
of Iron, 330
of Magnesia, 330
of Potassium, 1307
Carbonated Soda, 1260
Carborundum Niagara Grinders, 1073
Car Covers, 595
Boxes, 1165
(Silver), 213
Cases, Fancy, 243
Gents’ (Silver), 213, 214
Gold, 49
Ladies’ (Gold), 37
(Silver), 214
Leather (Ladies’ and Gents’), 242
Dealer, 301
Frames, Brass, 960
Games, 436
Houses (Game), 437
Panels, 314
Racks, 289
Shades, 933
Tables, 699
Bamboo, 324
Folding, 1158
Electroplated, 123
Silver, 123
Cardamoms, Tincture of, 340
Cardiac (for Hens), 1304
Cardigan Waistcoats, Boys’, 645
Ladies’, 1420, 1427
Gents’, 616, 617
Correspondence, 274
Invitation, 277
Menu, 277, 281
Mourning, 274
Name, 277
Playing, 300-303[xi]
Post, 314
Return Thanks, 277
Cargoes (Game), 437
Mineral Water, 1321
Plums, 1238
Salts, 330
Sparkloids, 339
Cuti Cream, 384
Soap, 369
Carminative Chalk Mixture, 342
Rings, 1305
Wire Rolls, 1305
Carnrick’s Preparations, 330
Carolina Rice, 1255
Caroma, 368
Carpenter’s Benches, 1081
Beaters, 1143
Beating, 1500
Brooms, 1108
Cleaners, 975
Cleaning and Beating, 1478
Cork, 765
Stretchers, 1074
Sweepers, 1110, 1217
Toy, 1110
Akbar, 765
Antique, 765
Aubusson, 765
Austrian, 765
Axminster, 765-772
Bedroom Art, 774
Belgrave, 765, 774
Blossom, 765
Brussels, 765, 777
Donegal, 765
Florentine, 765
Garland, 765
Gobelin, 765
Grosvenor, 765
Halcyon, 765
Hire of, 1359
Indian, 779
Kensington, 765, 774
Mahrud, 765
Nouveau, 765
Oriental, 765
Persian, 765
Roman, 765
Savonnerie, 765
Saxony Wilton, 765
Seamless, 765
Shampooing, 1478
Turkey, 765, 776, 778
Wilton, 765, 769, 773
Yarn, 776
Carraway Seed Powder, 341
Back (Cycle), 481
Bundle (Cycle), 481
Cape (Cycle), 481
Dinner, 875
Front (Cycle), 481
Game, 466
Gramophone Record, 830
Hand Bag (Cycle), 481
Hot Water, 876
Letter, 306
Luggage (Collapsible), 576
Music (Leather), 244
Pen, 298
Sporting (Cycle), 481
Tyre, 569
Air Cushions, India-rubber, 492
Aprons, Waterproof, 485
Bags, Ladies’, 238
Baskets, 1141
Brake Blocks, 516
Brushes, 1113
Candles, 1237
Clocks, 65-67
Companions, 244
Foot Warmers, 997
Insurance, 1504
Ladders, 514
Lamps, 511
Lifting Jacks, 976
Rollers, 765
Setters, 514
Sponges, 1107
Wraps, 500
Baby, 1045-1047
Invalid, 1048
Carrick-ma-Cross Lace, 1452
Carrot Soup Squares, 1260
Carrots, Dried, 1249
Carr’s Boot Creams, 1233
Carrying Chairs, 707
Cars, Motor (Toy), 661
Carson’s Washable Water Paint, 1173
Seed, 1303
Sand, 1303
Iron Pills, 330
Little Liver Pills, 330
Nerve Pills, 330
Parrot Food, 1303
Cartes de Visite, 403
Cartier’s Perfumes, 360
Cartons, 454
Bags, 465
Belts, 465
Extractors, 468
Magazines, 465
Paper, 313
Re-sizers, 468
Roller, 1007
Water, 1008
Carved Wood
Striking Clocks, 71-78
Carvers in Cases, 174-177
Melon (Electro), 146B
(Electro), 146B
(Silver), 146B
Cloths, 1495
Knives, 172-174
Tables, 679
Tools, 1078, 1079
Capsules, 330
Sagrada, 331
Elixir of, 339
Pills, 330
Tablets, 340
Cascarine Le Prince, 330
Case Openers, 1071
Blinds, 785
Curtain Requisite, 795
Curtains, Pulley Rods for, 787
Accident and Emergency, 343
Account, 287
Airtight, 532
Attaché, 230, 233 ,237, 289, 291, 305
(Leather), 545
Banjo, 831
Book, 691, 692
Botanical, 454
Camera, 402
Card (Fancy), 243
Catheter, 348
(Gold), 49
(Silver), 212
and Cigarette (Fancy), 243
(Gold), 37, 48, 49
(Silver), 212
Coat (Waterproof), 492
Cornet, 833
Cribbage, 301
Cue, 429
Cushion, 805
Document (Leather), 236
Dominoe, 434
Dress, 536
Dressing (Fitted), 546-550
Flute, 832
Foil, 432
Gents’ Dressing, 250, 251
Guitar, 831
Gun, 465
Hat (Gents’), 537
“Home Office”, 287
Insect, 454
Jewel, 244, 245
(Leather), 237
Kodak, 402
Ladies’ Dressing, 249
Letter, 287
(Silver-mounted), 243
Mallet, 416
Mandoline, 831
Manicure, 381-383
Matchbox, 1345
Miniature, 252
Music, 534
(Leather), 244
Patience, 301
Peg (Silver), 213
(Gold), 46, 47
(Silver), 298
Piccolo, 832
Picquet, 301
Pocket Medicine, 343
Ramequin, 281
of Razors, 188
Regalia, 533
Sandwich (Electro), 192
Shaving, 382, 385
Shirt (Gents’), 250,
251, 534, 537
Skate, 421
Sketching, 318, 534
Soufflé, 281
Stamp, 290
(Silver), 218
for Stationery, 292
Suit (Gents’), 536
Surgeons’ Dressing, 349
Sweet, 281
Tea and Luncheon, 248, 1137
Fittings for, 1138
Telegram, 285
Tie, 534
Travelling (Ladies’), 544
Umbrella, 541
Uniform, 533
Vanity (Gold), 37
Violin, 831
Watch (Silver), 220
Work, 246, 247
Cashmere, 1444
Black, 1442
Chutney, 1238
Cask Stands, 1117
Antimony, 322
Jewel (Silver), 195, 197, 203
Tobacco, 1346
Cassara Cakes, 1234
Cast Boxes, 444
Castanets, 833
Castello (Game), 423
Casting Reels, 441
Castor Oil, 327 , 330, 336, 341
Capsules, 330
Sugar, 1262
Castrique for Dogs, 342
Boot Specialities, 1233
Furniture Polish, 1247
Catalane, Esscoffiers’, 1243
Catarrh Cure, 335
Catelle (Game), 436
Folding Table, 1125
Tables, 1160
Cases, 348
Cleaners, 348
Sterilizer, 348
Catheters, 348
Alterative Drinks for, 342
Cleansing Drinks for, 342
Killers, Humane, 467
Veterinary Preparations, 342
Cauldrons, 969
Pencils, 348
Soda, 339, 1306
Cauterets Mineral Water, 1321
Boot Kits, 538
Canteens, 758
Drawers, 744
Sketching Boards, 318
Cavendish Music Books, 844
Tobacco, 1332
Caves, Ice, 948
Caviare, 1291
Cayenne Pepper, 1253
Pots, Electro-plated, 144
Silver, 144
Sauce, 1256
Cedar Dust, 330
Ceiling Clocks, Electric, 64
Fittings, 1204, 1205
Rose, 1204
Shades, Enamelled, 980
Shoring of, 1359
Celandine, 330
Celerina, 330
Celery Bowls, Glass, 894
Essence, 1243
Glasses, 902
Salt, 1255
Seed, 1238
Soup, 1261
Cells, Electric, 1223
Celluloid Cycle Handles, 481
Pumps, 481
Dress Shields, 483
Funnels, 402
Measures, 402
Mud Guards, 483
Celmo, 330
Cement for Laying Linoleum, 765
Cements, 330
Central African Tobacco, 1332
Centre Bits, 1074
Hanging Lamps, 1358
Partings, Hair, 378
Pieces, Glass, 890-893, 896-898
Silver, 128, 228
Table, 282
Centrifugal Sugar, 1262
Cepes, Extra, 1245
Cereal Foods, Manhu, 1249
Breakfast, 1233
Cerebos Salt, 1255
Cerises, 1238
Cero for Polishing Floors, 1174
Chafing Dish Servers, 974
Dishes, 974
Electroplated, 134
on Stands, Electro Plated, 137
Chain Bags, Silver, 205, 206
Gold, 36
Brushes, Cycle, 483
Burnishers, 966
Covers, Detachable, 483
Pipes, 473
Plates, 473
Purses, Gold, 36
Silver, 205, 206
Scales, 317
Chains, Albert (Platinum, etc.), 45
Curb Key (Silver), 211
Cycle, 480
Door, 960
Dog, 496
Eye Glass, 86
Galvanised, 474
Key, 966
Measuring (Cricket), 418
Picture (Brass), 961
Roller (Cycle), 482
Whistle, 467
Chair Backs, 1142
Embroidered, 325
Bed Cushions, 735
Beds, Hire of, 1355
Bedsteads, 724
Chairs, 1146-1148
Antique, 742, 743
Arm, 682-684
Bath, 1048
Bedroom, 709-714, 717
Bucket, 660
Cane, 683, 686, 1148, 1151
Canvas, 756, 757, 759, 1152
Carrying, 707
Children’s, 657, 685, 1148
Commode, 707
Corner, 686
Croquet, 754, 759, 1148
(Wicker), 1154
Deck, 753, 754
Dining Room, 682
Easy, 693, 695, 696, 697
Elbow, 682
Folding, 756, 757, 759, 1149, 1152
Garden, 1013, 1014, 1018
(Cane), 1155, 1156
(Rustic), 1130
Hall Step, 676
Hammock, 757, 759, 1014, 1152
Indian, 754
“Jacobean”, 741
Kindergarten, 686
Kitchen, 684
Library, 687, 1147
“Merlin”, 707
Musical, 662
Nursery, 685, 1140
Occasional, 698, 1155
Office, 687
Revolving, 687
Rocking, 683, 1156
Rush, 683, 736, 1153
Smoking, 687
Spinning, 1162
Tub, 1147
Window Cleaning (Safety), 1128
Windsor, 684
Chalices, 737
Chalk, 313
Billiard, 429
Bromide, 402
Camphorated, 363
French, 330, 1131
Mixture, Carminative, 342[xii]
and Orris Root, 363
Precipitated, 330, 338
Prepared, 330, 338
Suspenders, Billiard, 429
Challes Mineral Water, 1321
Chambard Tea, 330
Candlesticks, 129
Cleaners (Gun), 468
Cloths, 1490
Linen, Hire of, 1355
Pails, 967
Enamelled, 980
Galvanised, 999
Pedestals, 877
Chambers’ Castrique for Dogs, 342
Leathers, 515
Spencers, 1420
Waistcoats, Ladies’, 1420
Chamoisin ’’ 1118
Gauntlets, 1118
Gloves, 1118
Champagne, 1313
(Eugène Laroche), 1308
Goblets, Silver, 155
Jugs, 151
Nippers, 966
Taps, 966
Tumblers, 905
Chandeliers, Hire of, 1358
Channels, Ear, 349
Chantilly Lace, 1452
Chapman’s Entire Wheat Food, 1238
Chaps, 1286
Character Dolls, 652
Charcoal, 313, 363, 1307
Belloc’s, 328
Biscuits, 328
Dog Biscuits, 1242
Prepared, 330
Charges, Seltzogene, 339
Charlotte Moulds, 953, 1037, 1041
Charlottes, 1290
Chartreuxe, 1318
Chase’s Beetle Paste, 330
Chasseur Sauce, 1243
Chateau Belmont’s Bordeaux Wines, 1310
Chatel Guyon Mineral Water, 1321
Memo, Gold, 37
Note Books, 303
Pen Cases, 298
Spectacle Cases, 86
Finger (Gold), 37
Nurses’, 348
Chauffeurs’ Clothing
Outfits, 592, 593
Breeches, 592
Caps, 592, 596
Cleaning Overalls, 593
Coats, Waterproof, 484
Collars and Cuffs, 593
Dust Coats, 593
Garage Suits, 592
Goggles, 569
Jackets, 592
Knickers, 592
Leggings, 592
Livery, 592
Mufflers, 593
Overalls, 593
Overcoats, 592
Rainproof Coats, 593
Scarves, 593
Sweaters, 593
Third Hand, 569
Tunics, 592
Vests, 593
Woollen Waistcoats, 593
Checks, Door, 976
Cheddar Cheese, 1287
Guards, 507
Leathers, 507
Cheese, 1287
Biscuits, 1234, 1236
Bon Don, 1287
Brie, 1287
Camembert, 1287
Canadian, 1287
Cheddar, 1287
Diploma, 1287
Cheshire, 1287
Cream, 1287
Damson, 1241, 1249
Demi Set, 1287
Dishes, Electro-plated, 131
Dunragil, 1287
Dutch, 1287
Fingers, 1234
Electro-plated, 163
Silver, 163
Gloucester, 1287
Gorgonzola, 1287
Graters, 955
Gruyere, 1287
Knives, 172-174
Lancashire, 1287
Little Gloster, 1287
Little Wilts, 1287
Maclaren’s Imperial, 1287
Midget Dutch, 1287
Shabziegar, 1287
Moonrakers, 1287
New Forest, 1287
North Wilts, 1287
Parmesan, 1287
Pommel, 1287
Port du Salut, 1287
Roquefort, 1287
Electro-plated, 163
Silver, 163
Stands, 873
Stewers, 966, 967
Stilton, 1287
St. Ivel, 1287
Lactic, 1287
Straws, 1234
Wensleydale, 1287
Yorks, 1287
Chef Sauce, 1256
“Chelsea” Boot Polishes, 1275
“Chelsea” Floor Polish, 1244
Cheltenham Spa Mineral Water, 1321
Biscuits, 328
Diabetic Food Preparations, 330
Apparatus, 330
Balance, 330
Extract Liniment, 342
Fire Extinguisher, 994
Parrish’s, 337
Tablets, 342
Panel Polish, 590
Chemicals for Photography, 402
Chemises, Ladies’, 1398
Chemists’ and Druggists’ Insurance, 1505
Candle Shades, 937, 938
Silk Lamp Shades, 939, 940
Chenille Curtains, 796
Brass, 255
Fancy, 229
Perforating Presses, 307
Cheroots, 1329
Bottled, 1233
in Brandy, 1238, 1246
Californian, 1238
in Crême de Menthe, 1238
Crystallised, 1301
Glacé, 1301
in Maraschino, 1238
in Syrup, 1246
Blossom Boot Polish, 1233
Brandy, 1318
Cakes, 1296
Jam, 1248
Jelly, 1248, 1249
Sauce, 1243
Stoners, 966
Whisky, 1318
Chesebrough Manufacturing Co.’s Soap, 369
Chess or Draught Boards, 434
Pocket, 434
Chessmen, 434
Compresses, 491
Expanders, 348
Expanding Braces,
Ladies’, 348
Gents’, 348
Handles, Brass, 961
and Lung Protectors, 330
Chester Biscuits, 1234
Chesterfield Settees, 693, 695
Flour, 1246
Roasters, 966
Airtight, 532
Army, 745
Cut-Open, 532
of Drawers, 720
Camp, 744, 745
Dressing, 715-717
“Jacobean”, 741
Library, 1159
Linen, 532
Marqueterie, 740
Medicine, 343, 1161
Plate, 1125
Rug, 676
Sea, 746
Tool, 1079, 1080
Cheviots, 1444
Chevrons, 1449
Chewing Gum, 1302
Chicago Biscuits, 1234
Chick Feed, Dry, 1304
Broth, 1260, 1261
Essence of, 1232
Galantine, 1288
and Ham Patés, 1255
Galantine, 1288
Potted, 1287, 1254
Ham and Tongue,
Potted, 1287
Jelly, 1238
Meal, Harrods’, 1304
Moulds, 1039
Rearers, 1123
and Tongue, Potted, 1287
Troughs, 1009, 1123
Chickens, 1294
Chicory, 1238
Scarves, 1463
Velvet, 1440
“Chikko” Meal, 1304
Cure, 330, 336
Liniment, 330
Archery Sets, 421
Bands and Combs, 379
Baths, 956, 1126
Bedsteads, 723, 732
Belts, 347
Boots and Shoes, 1437
Bowls, Silver, 221-223
Bucket Chairs, 660
Cane Chairs, 1155, 1156
Chairs, 657, 685, 1148
Chair Saddles, 504
Combinations, 1400, 1423, 1428
Combs, 379
Cots, 732, 1404
Hire of, 1355
Desks, 657
Developers, Sandow’s, 433
Drawers, 1423
Dress Materials, 1444
Easy Music Pieces, 836
Egg Cups and Spoons, Silver, 221, 222
Flannel Dressing Gowns, 1407
Frocks, 1407, 1408
Funerals, 1443
Gaiters, 647
Garden Furniture, 657
Gloves, 1431, 1433
Hats, 1407
High Chairs, 685
Hose, 1423-1426
Hosiery, 1423-1426
Hunting Crops, 501
Insurance, 1504
Jerseys, 1423
Knickers, 1405, 1423
Knitted Coats, 1407, 1419
Knives and Forks,
Silver, 221, 222
Mackintosh Capes, 1407
Mackintoshes, 486
Money Boxes, 967
Motor Goggles, 569
Muffs, 1407
Mugs, 872
Silver, 221, 223
Nightdresses, 1405
Notepaper, 306
Nursery Swings, 657
Outfitting, 1404-1409
Overalls, 1408, 1428
Pails, 663
Painting Books, 667
Panniers, 504
Parties, Amusements for, 1350
Playgrounds, 652
Playhouses, 658
Pyjamas, 1405
Saddles, 503
Seaside Requisites, 663
Serviette Rings, 221, 222
Settees, 685
Sleeping Socks, 1423
Vests, 1423
Smocks, 1408
Socks, 1423, 1425, 1426
Songs, 844
Spoons, Silver, 221-223
Stay Bands, 1405
Stockinette Gaiters, 1428
Stockings, 1423
Suits, 646, 647
Tea Sets, Enamelled, 981
Tennis Bats, 663
Ties, 1407
Toy Furniture, 660
Tunics, 1408
Vests, 1428
Vests (Silk or Wool), 1423
Washstands, 1089
Watering Cans, 663
Whistles, Silver, 221, 223
Wool Vests, 1405
Woollen Gloves, 1432
Chili Vinegar, 1263
Chillee Paste, Smedley’s, 339
Chillies (various), 1238
Chimes, Peal of, 1032
Chimney Cleaner (“Acme”), 1260
and Drain Machine, 1111
Talcs, 933
Chimneys, Duplex, 915, 917, 923, 925, 926
Lamp, (various), 932
China After-Dinner Coffee Services, 868, 869
Art Pottery, 857
Asparagus Plates, 875
Bacon Dishes, 875
Bed Pans, 877
Birds, 864
Biscuit Boxes, 872
Boilers, Gourmet, 874
Bon Jour Sets, 857
Border Moulds, 874
Bowls, Broth, 871
Lipped, 876
Rose or Salad, 858
Salad, 852
Brazing Pans, 878
Bread and Butter
Plates, 853-855
Pans, 874
Breakfast Dishes, 879
Services, 846, 856, 867
Sets, 853-857
Broth Bowls, 871, 880
Butter Shells, 879
Dishes, 872
Cabinets, 702, 703
Candlesticks (various), 857, 874
Caper Boats, 874
Casseroles, 878
Chamber Pedestals, 877
Cheese Dishes, 873
Plates, 852
Cocoa Jugs, 880
Coffee Services, 867-869
Pot and Filter, 880
Pots, 872
Commode Pans, 877
Comports, 857
Composition of Services, 846
Consomme Cups and Saucers, 871
Covered Cups and Saucers, 871
Pie Dishes, 880
Cradle Ramequins, 879
Cream Jugs, 853-855, 857, 866
Crested Dinner Services, 847
Crickled Dishes, 879
Cruets, 871
Crust Supports, 874
Cullenders, 874
Cupboards, 1157
Cups and Saucers, 853-857
Dental Boxes, 876
Dessert Services, 846, 868
Dinner Carriers, 875
Services, 851, 852
Dishes, 852
Bacon, 875
Breakfast, 879
Butter, 872
Cheese, 875
Entrée, 875, 880
Fish, 879
Gravy, 852
Honey, 866[xiii]
Hors d’Œuvre, 873
Muffin, 853-855
Pie, 876
Potting, 879
Roasting, 878
Sardine, 873
Sole, 878
Soufflé , 879
Sweet, 866
Vegetable, 852, 875
Dresden, 855
Eared Dishes, 879
Egg Cups, 853-855
Cruets, 871
Poachers, 879
Entrée Dishes, 875
Fireproof, 880
Fern Pots, 859
Filters, 881
Fireproof, 138, 878-880
Fish Dishes, 879
Flower Pots, 859
Foot Baths, 877
Warmers, 877
Funnels, 874
Gravy Dishes, 852
Hair Tidies, 875
Ham or Tongue Pans, 874
Hexagonal Dishes, 879
Hire of, 1353
Honey Dishes, 866
Hors d’Œuvre Dishes, 873
Hot Pots, 874, 879
Water Cans, 876
Jugs, 870, 880
Jam Pots, 876
Jelly Moulds, 874, 879
Jug Stands, 865
Jugs, 870
Churn shaped, etc., 876
Kettles, 878
Lamps, 912
Luncheon Trays, 873
Magnum Cups and Saucers, 871
Marabout Jugs, 880
Marmalade Jars, 872
Marmites, 878
Matchings, 846
Menu Holders, 866
Menus, 866
Milk Boilers, 880
Bowls, 880
Horns, 857
Jugs, 853-855, 866
Hot, 873
Morning Sets (Tea and Coffee), 867, 872
Muffin Dishes, 853-855
Mugs, 857
Night Light Stands, 876
Old Luneville Designs (Réverbère Fin), 864
Oyster Shells, 879
Packing of, 846
Palettes, 314
Petite Marmites, 878
Saucepans, 878
Pie Dishes, 876, 878, 879
Funnels, 874
Plates, Asparagus, 875
Bread and Butter, 853-855
Breakfast, 853-855
Cheese, 852
Dinner, 851, 852
Porridge, 866
Salad, 875
Soup, 852
Tea, 853-855
Porridge Plates, 866
Tureens, 866, 875
Potting Dishes, 879
Poulet Casseroles, 879
Preserve Jars, 866
Prices of, 852
Prunus Vases, 858
Pudding Bowls, 876
Quail Cases, 879
Ramequins, 879, 880
Repairs, 846
Revolving Dumb Waiters, 875
Luncheon Trays, 875
Roasting Dishes, 878
Rose Bowls, 858
Salad Bowls, 852, 858
Plates, 875
Sardine Dishes, 873
Saucepans, 878, 880
Sauce Tureens, 852
Scallop Shells, 879
Services, 846-852
Shaving Mugs, 875
Sick Feeders, 875
Slop Basins, 853-855
Pails, 877
Sole Dishes, 878
Soufflé Dishes, 879, 880
Soup Cups, 880
Plates, 852
Tureens, 852
Spitting Mugs, 875
Spittoons, 875
Starch Pans, 874
Stew or Store Jars, 874
Stewpots, 878
Sugar Basins, 857
Sundries, 871-877
Sweet Dishes, 866
Trays, 857
Tart Dishes, 879
Tea, 1264
Infusers, 865
Services, 846, 856, 867
Sets, 853-857, 867
Teapot Stands, 865
Teapots, 857, 865, 867, 869, 874, 880
Toast Racks, 872
Toilet Services, 846
Sets, 860-864
Troughs, Cat or Dog, 874
Tureens, Sauce, 852
Soup, 852
Urinals, 877
Urn Stands, 865
Vases, 858
Vegetable Dishes, 852, 875
Chinese Beaker, 319
Bowl Stands, 319
Bowls, 319
Cisterns, 319
Coats, 325
Figs, 1301
Flower Pots, 319
Ginger Jars, 319
Jars, 319
Joss Sticks, 322
Piano Backs, 325
Preserves, 1238
Puzzles, 437
Skirts, 325
Sleeves, 325
Vases, 319
Waste Paper Baskets, 321
Chinois, Crystallized, 1301
Chinosol Preparations, 330
Chintz Blinds, 792
Chintzes, 797
Carving Designs, 1169
Guide to, 1165
Tools, 1078, 1079
Potato Cutters, 1050
Chipped Potatoes, 1291
Chiron’s Bath Salts, 330
Chiropodists’ Knives, 184
Chiropody, Manicure, and Hairdressing, 374-389
Carpet Soap, 1257
Boot Preparation, 1233
Custard Powder, 1241
Jellies, 1248, 1275
Marmalade, 1250
Chlorate of Potash, 330, 337
Tablets, 340
Chloric Ether, 330
of Ammonia, 327
of Ammonium Inhalers, 330
Chlorinated Lime, 331
Chlorobrom, 331
Chlorodyne, 331
Chloroform, 331
Drop Bottles, 347
Inhalers, 347
Masks, 347
Kohler, 1298
Menier, 1299
Biscuits, 1234
Boxes, 1301
Cadbury’s, 1298, 1302
Cigarettes, 1302
Compagnie Coloniale, 1302
Cooking, 1302
Croquettes, 1234, 1302
Dessert Biscuits, 1234
Drops, 1301
Fingers, 1234
Fry’s, 1302
Gem Biscuits, 1234
Halton’s, 1298
Kohler’s, 1302
Kola, 334
Liqueurs, 1301
Lombart’s, 1302
Macaroons, 1234
Marquis, F., 1302
Menier, 1302
Milk, 1302
Moselle Biscuits, 1234
Peter’s, 1302
Petits Tablettes, 1302
Plasmon, 1302
Popcorn Biscuits, 1234
Powder, 1238
Rod, Lindt & Co.’s, 1302
Rowntree’s, 1298, 1302
Sante, 1302
Shortbread, 1234
Suchard’s, 1302
Table Biscuits, 1234
Vanilla, 1302
Venice Fingers, 1234
Chocolates, Assorted (Harrods’):
Almonds, 1301
Boxes of, 1300
Caramels, Covered, 1301
Coffee Creams, 1301
Dessert, 1301
Ginger, 1301
Langues de Chats, 1301
Lilac Creams, 1301
Marshmallows, 1301
Napolitan Pistache, 1301
Dur, 1301
Montélimar, 1301
Orange Creams, 1301
Pastilles, 1301
Peppermint Creams, 1301
Pineapple, 1301
Pistachio, 1301
Praliné, 1301
Raspberry Creams, 1301
Rhum Creams, 1301
Rose Creams, 1301
Vanilla Creams, 1301
Violet Creams, 1301
Cholera Belts, 345
Chop Dishes, 1025
Electro-plated, 137-139
Silver, 137-139
Choppers, Meat, 947, 948, 1025
Blocks, 1117
Boards, 1131
Trays, 1131
Chow Chow, 1238
Christening Presents, 105
Silver, 221
Christy’s Preparations, 331
Chrome Stain, 1159
Chrysanthemum Manure, 1307
Chumps, Dolly, 1131
Embroidery, 738
Alms Bags, 738
Altar Crosses, 737
Book Markers, 738
Boxes, 736
Candlesticks, 737
Chalices, 737
Communion Sets, 737
Dishes, 737
Desks, 737
Desks, Pulpit, 737
Embroideries, 738
Extinguisher and Taper Holder, 737
Floss Silk, 738
Font Ewers, 737
Frontals, 738
Furnishing, 736-739
Hymn Boards, 737
Lecterns, 736
Memorial Brasses, 737
Mitres, 737
Monumental Sculpture, 739
Mural Tablets, 739
Patens, 737
Pew Cushions, 735
Prie-Dieu, 736
Rush Seats, 736
Service Books, 265
Stoles, 737
Tapestries, 737
Pectoral Tablets, 331
Syrups, 331
Brushes, 1119
Shaped Jugs, 876
Box, 1121
Glass, 1121
Milk, 1121
Railway, 1122
Esscoffier’s, 1243
Jars, Glass, 902
Menager’s, 1253
Sauce, 1256
Electroplated, 163
Silver, 163
Tomato (Heinz), 1247
(various), 1238
Cicfa, 331
Box Cabinets, 1343, 1344
Boxes, 1164, 1344
Silver, 210
Cabinets, 1344
Cases, 1341, 1342
Fancy, 243
Gold, 49
Silver, 212
and Cigarette Companions, 1341
Cutters, 1348
Gold, 48
Silver, 211
Electric, 1225
Silver, 210
Magazines, 1342
Gold, 46
Silver, 211
Tubes (various), 1340
British, 1328, 1329
Cheroots, 1329
Darvel Bay, 1327, 1329
Dutch, 1329
Havana, 1324-1326
Indian, 1329
Jamaica, 1329
Manila, 1329
Mexican, 1329
Swiss, 1329
Boxes, 1164, 1344
Silver, 210
Cases, 1341, 1342
Fancy, 243
Gold, 37, 48, 49
Silver, 212
Holders, Gold, 48
Machines, 1348
Papers, 1348
Tinder and Match Case, 1341
Tubes (various), 1340
Algerian, 1331
American, 1331
Anti-asthmatic, 341
Brazilian, 1331
Chocolates, 1302
Datura Tatula, 331
Egyptian, 1329, 1330
Espic, 331
French, 1331
“Gourdoulis”, 1330
Gicquel’s, 333
Grimault, 331
Havana, 1331
H. L., 1331
Joy’s, 331
Kutnow’s, 331
Marshall’s Cubeb, 331
Nyasaland, 1331
Russian, 1331
Sandorides’, 1330
Teofanis’, 1330
Turkish, 1329, 1331
Virginia, 1331
Weight, 1331
Zematone, 331
Cimolite, 331
Cream, Taylor’s, 340
Taylor’s, 340
Cinch Zonophones, 830
Sieves, 1124, 1059
Sifters, 976, 1120
Shovels, 947, 948
Cinematographs, 1350
Cinnamal, 339
Cinnamon, 1261
Cordial, 1318
Essence, 1243
Tablets, 340
Circles, Calculating, 315
Circuit of Capitals (Game), 435
Circular Horns, 578
Cylinder, 1199
Library, 1519
Cisterns, 1199
Chinese, 319
Galvanised, 1008
of Caffeine, 331
Iron Quinine, 331
Lithia, 331
Magnesia, 331
Potash, 331, 337
Citron Peel, Candied, 1238
City Office and Depôt, 1518
Civet Skins, 359[xiv]
Clamp Fasteners, 427
Cayenne Sauce, 1256
“Clarendo” Cooked Corn, 1304
Poultry Meal, 1304
Claret, 1312
Cup, 1239
Jugs, Glass, 894
Recipes for, 1311
Jugs, 904
Electro-plated, 151
Silver, 151
Clarionet Reed, 832
Clarionets, 833
Essence of Rennet, 1243
Night Lights, 1251
Soap, 369
Ammonia, 327, 331
Blood Mixture, 331
Dogs’ Biscuits, 1243
Glycola, 331
Pills, 331
Clarkson’s Embrocation, 331
Clap Nets, 469
Clasps, Silver, 207
Claws, Grouse, 451
Clay’s Fertiliser, 1306
Carpet, 975
Catheter, 348
Chimney (“Acme”), 1260
Lamp, 1118
Pump, 1348
Vacuum (Electric), 1222
Window, 1109
and Dyeing, 1499-1501
Gloves, Cyclists’, 483
Selvyt, 1118
Hooks, 517
Overalls, Chauffeurs’, 593
Pads, 331
Walmsley’s, 341
Rods, 468
Sets, Cyclists’, 483
Swabs, 590
Cleansing Drinks for Cattle, 342
Clearing Rings, 448
Cleats, 473
Perfumes, 360
Preparations for
the Face, 364
the Hair, 367
Toilet Soaps, 1258, 1259
Terebene Soap, 1281
Hats, 632, 633
Suits, 601
Clertan’s Perles d’Ether, 331
Apparatus, 430
Irons, 453
Clinical Thermometers, 340, 348
Clinometers, 100
Collar, 41
Cue, 429
Files, 287
for Fountain Pens, 298
Inflator (Cycle), 481
for Lamps, 933
Letter, 289, 291, 305
(Silver), 217
Pump (Cycle), 481
Spring (Croquet), 416
Tie, 41
Toe, Cyclists’, 482
Trouser (Cyclists’), 480
Clippers, Dog, 496
Horse, 516
Toilet, 387
Army (Waterproof), 489
Navy, (Waterproof), 489
Clogs, Coachman’s, 514
Golf, 423
Repairs, 12
Stands, 1167, 1168
Thermometer and Barometer Combined, 96
Clock Winding and Regulating, 12
American, 83
Bronze, 69, 70
Buhl, 68, 70
Carriage, 65-67
Chiming, 77, 78-80
Combined with Aneroid and Barometer, 65
Cuckoo, 83
Dark Room, 402
Dashboard, 65
Drum, 83
Eight Day, 83
Electric Ceiling, 64
Engine Room, 83
Factory, 83
French Buhl, 68
Gilt, 66, 67
Grandfather, 78-80
Illuminating, 64
Inlaid, 71-78
Mahogany, 71-78
Marble, 69, 70, 81, 82
Miniature Grandfather, 78
Motor, 65, 587
Night, 64
Ormolu, 68
Ornaments for, 69
Saloon, 83
Ship, 83
Silver, 220
Striking, 66-82
Travelling, 64, 65-67
Combination Barometers and, 65
Tubular Chiming, 79, 80
Watchman’s, 83
Weight, 83
Winding and Regulating, 65
Clockwork Locomotives, 667
Cloisonne Vases, 322
Cloister Brackets, 1157
Closets, 1195
Billiard Table, 428
Brushes, 1099, 1167
Silver, 194-201
Cleaners, 331
Emery, 1243
Glass, 1243
Veronese, 786
Dryers and Airers, 1120
Horses, 1120
Line, 1119
Pegs, 1131
Posts, 1131
American, 765
Basin, 1490
Carving, 1495
Chamber, 1490
Cooks’, 1490
Dish, 1119
Floor, 1119
Glass, 1490
Hearth, 1490
Horse, 512
House, 1490
Knife, 1490
Lamp, 1490
Lavatory, 1490
Mutton, 590
Nursery, 1490
Oven, 1490
Pad, 500
Pudding, 1490
Selvyt, 483, 1118
Sideboard, 1492, 1493
Silk Shining, 483
Slop, 1490
Soup, 1490
Sponge, 483
Tea, 1490, 1492, 1493, 1494
Tray, 1492-1494
Clover Hay, 1303
Cloves, 1261
Cordial, 1318
Essence of, 1243
Oil of, 336
Cloudy Household Ammonia, 327, 334
Clowns, Musical, 1350
Ash Bowls, 1345
Croquet, 415
Golf, 404-406
Ladies’, 406
Youths’, 406
Indian, 431
Polo, 422
Cluny Lace, 1452
Clusters of Curls, 375, 376, 377, 378
Hampers, 1291
Prints, 806
Coats, Waterproof, 484
Liveries, 604
Washing Clogs, 514
Cement, 330
Kays’, 331
Coal, 1303
Bins, 969-972
Boxes, 969-972
Hods, 969-970
Savers, 1249
Scoops, 969, 970
Scoops, Hand, 993
Scuttles, 947, 948, 969-972
Shovels, 947, 948
Pills, Wright’s, 341
Saponine, 331
Soap, Wright’s, 1259
Tongs, 993
Vases, 969-972
Coach Wrenches, 1071
Coarse Oatmeal, 1252
Cases, Waterproof, 492
Hooks, Brass, 961
Racks, 961
Slings, 492
Boys’ (Waterproof), 486
Chauffeurs’ (Waterproof), 484
Chinese, 325
Coachmen’s (Waterproof), 484
Dog, 495
Driving (Boys’), 644
Dust (Chauffeurs’), 593
Footmen’s (Waterproof), 484
Frock (Gents’), 601
(Ladies’), 1378
Lined (Boys’), 643
Hunting (Gents’), 603
Huntsmen’s (Waterproof), 487
(Boys’), 645
Children’s, 1407, 1419
Ladies’, 1419
Ladies’, 1370-1373
Military (Waterproof), 489
Morning (Gents’), 601
(Boys’), 643
Gents’, 594, 595
Pedestrians’ (Waterproof), 486
Quorn (Waterproof), 487
Rainproof (Boys’), 643
(Boys’), 643
Ladies’, 487
Sporting (Gents’), 609, 610
Sportsmen’s (Waterproof), 486
Storm (Waterproof), 484
Umpires’, 418
(Gents’), 489
Ladies’, 489
Cob Harness, 499
Cobra Motor Horns, 578
Wine, 327, 1318
Ambrecht’s, 331, 341
Hall’s, 331
Harrods’, 331, 341
Mariana, 331
Cocaine Sprays, 355
Cockades for Livery Hats, 632
Cock-a-Leekie, 1261
Cockle’s Pills, 331
Combs, 1245
Kidneys, 1246
Cocktail Shakers, Aluminium, 952
American, 1317
Recipes for, 1311
Analysis, 327
Bournville, 1239
Butter, 331, 389
Cadbury’s, 1272
Epps’, 1239
Harrods’, 1239, 1268
Fibre Slip Mats, 765
Fry’s, 1276
Husks, 1239
Jugs, 880
Mats, 765
Matting, 765
Hire of, 1359
and Milk, 1239
Nibs, 1239
Nut, 1239
Biscuits , 1234
Oil, 331, 336
Pots, 138
Rowntree’s, 1276
Van Houten’s, 1277
Cocoanut Fibre, 1307
Cocoas, 1239
Bensdorp’s, 1239
Cadbury’s, 1239
Fry’s Concentrated Cocoa, 1239
Fry’s Extract, 1239
Fry’s Malted Cocoa, 1239
Kohler’s, 1239
Kond’s, 334
Mazawattee, 1239
Plasmon, 1239
Prepared Admixtures, 1239
Rowntree’s, 1239
Tibbles’ (Dr.), 1239
Van Houten’s, 1239
Cocoatine, Schweitzer’s, 1239
Cocolardo, 1287
Liver Oil, 331, 341
Dog Cakes, 1242
Puppy Biscuits, 1242
Wampole’s, 341
Roes, 1239, 1248
Smoked, 1294
Sounds, 1294
Analysis, 327
Biscuits, 1234
Blended, 1240
Boilers, 967
Camp, 1239
Canisters, 947, 948
Costa Rica, 1240
Creams, 1301
Crosse and Blackwell’s, 1239
Cups and Saucers, 868, 869, 871
Silver Mounted, 152
East India, 1240
Essence and Milk, 1239
Essences and Extracts, 1239
Extract, Branson’s, 1239
French, 1240
Harrods’, 1240, 1267
Java, 1240
Jugs, Electroplated, 115
Kavhee, 1239
Mills, 947, 948, 968
Mocha, 1240
Mysore, 1240
Pot and Filter, 880
Pots, 872, 947, 948, 968
Aluminium, 952
Electro, 115, 118, 146A, 156
Enamelled, 978, 981
Silver, 118, 146A, 156
Roasters, 968
Services, 105-115
Electro-plated, 105-110, 111-116
Silver, 105-113
Toy, 654
Sets, 867
After-Dinner, 868, 869
Turkish, 968
Tricolators, Aluminium, 952
Urns, 967
Vera Paz, 1240
Walnuts, 1301
Coffers, Antique Oak, 741
Cognet’s Hémoneurol, 331
Coiffures, 375, 376
Court, 1521
Coils, Electric, 1223
Coin Cabinets, 451
Coke, 1303
Cokernut Cakes, 1296
Kisses, 1302
Colanders, 947, 948, 977
Aluminium, 950
Enamelled, 978, 980
Colchi Sal Capsules, 331
Cold Chisels, Engineers’, 1073
Cream Vaseline, 341
Cure, Kax, 334
Water Crackers, 1236
Cole & Lewis’s Bacon, 1285
Coleby’s Balsam, 331
Cole’s Ossidine, 342
Colgate’s Perfumes, 360
Soap, 369
Collan Oil, 590
Collapsible Baths, Indiarubber, 493
Boats, 470
Drinking Cups, 758
Aluminium, 953
Gates, 1187
Goggles, 569
Luggage Carriers, 576
Sandwich Boxes, Aluminium, 953
Shutters, 1187
Silver Cigarette Tube, 1340
Collar Bags, Gents’, 251
Boxes, 534
Clips, Gold, 41
Studs, Gold, 41
Supports, 1471
Collars, Ambulance (Nurses’), 1462
Boys’, 650
Cat, 495[xv]
and Cuffs, Chauffeurs’, 593
Dog, 495
Engraving on, 495
Ferret, 469
Gents’, 627
Harness, 499
Lace, 1463
Linen, 1462
Peter Pan, 1450
Pie, 281
Teething, 340
Collectors’ Guns, 458
College Cakes, 1296
Tables, 1161, 1162
Collins & Co.’s Curries, 1241
Collis Brown’s Chlorodyne, 331
Collodion, 331
Colman’s Corn Flour, 1241
Mustard, 1251
Oil, 331
Nervelettes, 331
Self-raising Flour, 1245
Wincarnis, 331
Colocynth, 331
Cologne, Unical Headache, 341
Colonial Biscuits, 1234
and Foreign Properties, 1506
Saddles, 502
Coloured Candles, 1237
Faille Ribbons, 1465
Felts, 774
Glass, 1177
Inks, 279
Ribbons, 1464, 1465
Tapers, 1237
Windows, 1177
Colouring, 1239
Colour, Food, 1303
Colours, Harmless Vegetable, 1250
Liquid, 1250
Oil, 311
Paste, 1250
Vegetable (Marshall’s), 1239
Water, 308-310
Comb Cleaners, 385
Trays, Silver, 197, 198
Combination Baths, 956
Bedsteads, 725, 726
Dressing Chests, 720
Knives, 186
Knives and Forks, Silver, 183
Ladders, 1128
Letter Locks, 480
Levers, 569
Lounges, 1149
Matchbox Holder and Ash Trays, 1345
Oil and Grease Guns, 583
Pliers, 581
Stepney Wheels, 566
Tents, 1012
Combinations, Boys’, 649
Children’s, 1400, 1423, 1428
Gents’, 614
Ladies’, 1399, 1400, 1414, 1415, 1426-1428
Silk (Ladies’), 1427
Combs, 1101
Curry, 515
Dog, 496
Hair, 379-381
Mane, 515
Neck, 380
Shampooing, 385
Silver and Silver-mounted, 194-201
Trimming, 515
Comic Operas (Piano Scores), 845
Vocal Scores, 844, 845
Songs, 843, 845
Commercial Envelopes, 275
Lithographic Printing, 277
Note Paper, 274
Commode Chairs, 707
Pails, 752
Pans, 877
Communicators, 587
Communion Sets, 737
Compagnie Coloniale Chocolate, 1302
Companions, Carriage, 244
Cigar and Cigarette, 1341
Motor, 245
Needlework, 1475
Packing, 235
Smoker’s, 1347, 1348
Taxidermists’, 452
Work, 246, 247
Company Seals, 307
Compass and Clinometers combined, 101
Compasses, 100
Box (Wood), 472
Gold, 44
Hunter, 100
Military, 100
Night Marching, 100
Pencil, 318
Pocket, 100
Prismatic, 100
Compendium, Cue Tipping, 428
of Games, 434
Complexion and Face Preparations, 364-366
Comports, 857
Composite Candles, 1237
Composition of China Services, 846
Compound Pumps, Motor, 568
Syrup of Hypophosphites, Harrods’, 333
Texaline, 340
Compressed Cinnamon Tablets, Taylor’s, 340
Towelettes, 353
Compresses, Abdomen, 491
Back, 491
Chest, 491
Ear, 491
Eye, 491
Face, 491
Hot or Cold Water (Indiarubber), 491
Throat, 491
Comprimés, Vichy, 341
Concentrated Perfumes, 362
Concert Flutes, 833
Parties, 1350
Concertina Tutors, 834
Concertinas, 832
Condal Mineral Water, 1321
Condensed Milk, 1251
Condiment Bottles, 1138
Pots, 974
Condiments, Palace, 1253
Condition and Nerve Cure Tablets, 342
Conditions of Hire, 1351
Conductors’ Batons, 832
Condy’s Fluid, 331
Ozonised Disinfecting Powder, 331
Remedial Fluid, 331
Confection of Senna, 331
of Sulphur, 331
Confectionery, American, 1302
English, 1302
French, 1300-1302
Confitures de Bar-le-Duc, 1241
Congreve’s Elixir, 331
Conjurers, 1350
Conjuring Tricks, 437
Conserve de Tomatoes, 1256
Conservatories, 1022, 1023, 1295
Conservatory Brushes, 1109
Consommé, 1261
Sildeen, 1250, 1261
Constitution Horse Balls, 342
Constructional Clockwork Locomotive, 667
Consumers, Smoke, 1348
Contest (Game), 438
Continental Tea Baskets, 1134
Tours, 1511
Contrexeville Mineral Water, 1321
Convectors, Electric, 1220
Conversation Tubes, 347
Cooke’s Mulligatawny, 1251
Cookers, Electric, 1221
Portable, 1049
Cooking Almonds, 1230
Butter, 1286
Chocolate, 1302
Liqueurs, 1318
Pots, Warren’s, 954
Stoves, 1189
Model, 655
Oil, 1061
“Surprise”, 760
Cook’s Canteen Box, 748
Cloths, 1490
Forks, 947, 948
Knives, 947, 948
Ladles, 1034
Sieves, 1059
Soaps, 1259
Cooksley’s (Capt.) Consolidated Soup, 1260
Coolers, Butter, 955
Cooper’s Effervescent Lozenges, 331
Glycocuter Pastilles, 331
Marmalade, 1250
Sinapine Tissue, 331
Cooper Smith’s Ebberzine, 342
Pascora, 342
Coops, Poultry, 1010
Copeland’s China, 854
Copies of Old Sheffield Plate, 166, 167
Copper Bain Marie Vessels, 948
Bake Sheets, 948
Bed Airers, 954
Bellows, 963
Boilerettes, 954
Brazing Pans, 948
Candle Sconces, 963
Candlesticks, 964
Coal Vases, etc., 969, 970
Crumb Sets, 964
Egg Bowls, 948
Fenders, 982, 983
Fish Kettles, 948
Gongs, 1031
Jardinières, 996
Jelly Moulds, 1037
Kettles, 1028-1030
Labels, 1305
Lids, 1117
Moulds, 947
Sauté Pans, 948
Sugar Saucepans, 948
Stewpans, etc., 1055
Sulphate, 341, 1306
Copperplate Engraving, 277
Printing, 277
Copy Books, 279
Copying Books, 284
Inks, 279
Press Stands, 284
Presses, 284
Fittings for, 284
Sheets, Loose, 284
Coracles, 470
Cord, Blind, 1474
Dress Guard, 483
Eye-glass, 1474
Holders, Brass, 961
Snaring, 469
Stay, 1474
Water, 442
Cordial, Lemon Juice, 1249
Lime Juice, 1249
Cordials, British, 1318
Cords, Eye-glass, 86
Coriander Essence, 1243
Seeds, 331, 1261
Corisol, 339
Cork, Burnt, 389
Cabinet, 454
Carpet, 765
Cushions, 472
Mats, 1102
Mattresses, 755
Drawing Machines, 966
Corks, Air-tight, 966
Corn Bins, 976
Crushers, 1091
Cures, 328, 331, 335
Harrods’, 333
Emery, 590
Flour, Harrods’, 1241
and Forage, 1303
Kibblers, 1091
Knives, 184, 386, 388
Meal, Maize, 1250
Measures, 514
Plasters, 331, 337
Razors, Safety, 388
Rings, Wasmuth’s, 341
Rubber, 331
Sieves, 514
Silk, 331
Stable Baskets, 514
Sugar, 1262
American, 1241
Corned Beef, 1288
Cornet Cases, 833
Mouthpieces, 833
Mutes, 833
Cornice Brushes, 1109
Poles, Brass, 789
Corner Brackets, 1157, 1163
Chairs, 686
China Cupboards, 1157
Cupboards, 1158
Cramps, 1074
Wardrobes, 1158, 1162, 1163
Corniere, La, 342
Cornish Cream Biscuits, 1236
“Cornucrescine”, 518
Coronas, 1210
Bed, 787
for Lamp Chimneys, 933
Coronation Biscuits, 1234
Coronet Caps, 1463
Correspondence, 4
Baskets, 236
Cards, 274
Corset “Accomodato”, 346
Corsets, Elastic, 1403
Girls’, 1403
Ladies’, 1402, 1403
Cortèges, 1443
Cosies, Egg, 325
Hot Water, 967
Tea (Art), 1469
Cosmetique, 389
Cosmetiques, 368
“Cosmos” String Holder, 1119
Cosmostyles, 296
Costa Rica Coffee, 1240
Costume Linens, 1447
Costumes, Juvenile, 1374, 1375
Ladies’, 1363-1366
Pages’, 647
Cot Fittings, 1409
Mattresses, 734, 764
Cots, 722
Brass, 722
Camp, 762
Children’s, 732
Dolls’, 652
Hire of, 1355
Infants’, 1404, 1409
Cottages, Portable, 1024
Cotton Bandages, bleached, 344
Cake, 1303
Crochet, 1470
Elastic, 1473
Machine, 1470
Marking, 1470
Mendings, 1470
Wool, Pink, 453
Sewing, 1470
Sheeting, 1485, 1486
Sheets, 1485
Table Covers, 796
Tape, 1470
Wool, 345
Knitting, 1470
Coty’s Perfumes, 360
Soaps, 369
Couch Hammocks, 1015
Coudray’s Perfumes, 360
Cough Balls, 341
Cure, Veno’s, 341
Elixir, 331
Lozenges, 331
Harrods’, 333
Pills, Woodcock’s, 341
Powders, Aconite, 342
Tablets for Dogs, 342
Counterpanes, Hire of, 1355
Counters, 435
Country Houses to Let, 1506
for Sale, 1506
Lighting for, 1202, 1203
and Suburban Deliveries, 9-10
Coupling Rings, 516
Courier Bags, 534
Court Bouquets, 1295, 1522
Catering, 1522
Coiffures, 1521
Dresses, 1521
Functions, 1521
Plaster, 331, 337
Shoes, Boys’, 640
Gents’, 639
Simplification of Presentation at, 1521, 1522
Suits, Boys’, 647
Courtauld’s Crapes, 1442
Courvoisier’s Perfumes, 360
Soaps, 369
Coutt’s Acetic Acid, 331
Sponges, 331
Covered Cups and Saucers, 871[xvi]
Pie Dishes, 880
Muffin Dish, 853-855
Coverlets, Crib, 1487
Covers, Bat (Cricket), 418
Bat (Lawn Tennis), 414
Handle, Cricket, 418
Billiard Table, 429
Waterproof, 494
Cushion, 1495, 1496
Cycle, 483
Dish, 947, 948
Aluminium, 951
Canvas, 1131
Electro, 131
Enamelled, 977
Dinghy, 472
for Enamelled Iron Basins, 752
Gun, 465
Handle Bar, 483
Lace, 805
Luggage, Waterproof, 485
for Milk Jugs, Aluminium, 953
for Motor Lamps, 564
Pedal, 482, 589
Plate, 1025
Pot, 1141
Preserve, 282
Rick (Waterproof), 494
Rifle, 465
Saddle, 502
Cycle, 482
Table (Indian), 326
Telephone Directory, 291
Toilet, 1489, 1492-1494
for Trunks, Suit Cases, etc., 530
Tyre (Waterproof), 564
Covertina, 1304
Cowan’s Baking Powder, 1250
Cowls, 1193
Cows, Drenches for, 342
Cowslip Wine, 1318
Cox’s Gelatine, 1247
Crab Paste, 1254
Crackers, Floral, 1300
Nut, 966
Cracknel Biscuits, 1234
Cradle Ramequins, 879
Cramps, Candle, 1237
Joiners’, 1074
Cranberries, Bottled, 1233
Crapes, Courtauld’s, 1442
Crates, Cycle, 1139
Crawfish, 1294
Crawling Rugs (Toy), 652
Crayfish, 1294
Crayon Paper, 313
Crayons, School, 313
Crazy Maze (Game), 437
Cream, 1287
of Anchovy, 1287
of Bloater, 1287
Bottles, 1121
Cream, Caramels, 1301
Cheese, 1287
Crackers, 1234, 1235, 1236
Cuti, 384
Horseradish, 1248
Jars, 1121
Jugs, 853-855, 857
Aluminium, 952
Electro-plated, 115, 116, 146A
Glass, 910
Silver, 146A, 157
Kettles, 1122
Linen, 786
Lobster, 1287
of Malt (Oppenheimer) Preparations, 331
Massage, 384
Meltonian, 1233
Nelson’s, 1241
Oatine, 389
Plate, 1254
Prawn, 1287
Regalia, 338
Salmon, 1287
Sardine, 1287
Skimmers, 1122
Squeezer, 1121
Starch, 1261
of Tartar, 331, 1241
Taylor’s Cimolite, 340
Toast Biscuits, 1235
Vinolia, 341
of Wheat, 1233, 1241
Creams, 1290
Boot, 1233
for the Complexion, 364-366
Hair, 367
Ice, 1297
Creamy Chocolate Biscuits, 1236
Crib Coverlets, 1487
Linen, 1485
Skating, 1486
Sheets, 1487
Cribbage Boards, 437
Cases, 301
Patience, 303
Cricket Requisites, 418, 419
Spectacles, 84
Abdominal Pads, 418
Autograph Bats, 418
Bags, 419
Bails, 418
Balls, 418
Bat Covers, 418
Handle Covers, 418
Oil, 418
Bats, 418
Batting Gloves, 419
Boots, Boys’, 640
Bowling Screens, 419
Crease Markers, 418
Gauntlets, 419
Gloves, Batting, 419
Ground Rollers, 1007
Laws of, 418
Leg Guards, 419
Measuring Chains, 418
Nets, 419
Pavilions, 1024
Pitches, 419
Scoring Books, 418
Sets, 418
Boys’, 663
Shoes, Boys’, 640
Stumps, 418
Sundries, 418, 419
Table, 436
Tapes, 418
Telegraph Boards, 419
Umpires’ Coats, 418
Wicket Keeping Gauntlets, 419
Crickled Dishes, 879
Crimping Irons, 386
Crimson Stain, 1159
“Crissel” Granulated Prairie Meat, 1304
Crease Markers, Cricket, 418
Crême de Cacao, 1318
de Cassis, 1318
de Menthe, 1301, 1302
de Menthe, Cherries in, 1238
de Orge, 1246
de Riz, 1246, 1250
Creosote, 331
Crèpe de Chine Ties, 1462
Velpean Bandages, 344
Crest Albums, 269
Crests, 168, 1117
for Harness, 498
Crêtes de Coq, 1245
Crevettes à l’Orientale, 1243
à la Sicilienne, 1243
Crevice Brushes, 1113
Crewel Wool, 1468
Crochet Cotton, 1470
Hooks, 1468
Lace, 1453
Silks, 1468
Crocodile Purses, 242
Crocus Powder, 1241
Crops, Hunting, various, 501
Croquet Requisites, 415-416
Ball Stands, 416
Testers, 415
Balls, 415
Boundary Netting, 416
Pegs, 415
Chairs, 754, 759, 1148
Wicker, 1154
Club, 415
Corner Flags, 416
de Luxe, 415
Hoops, 416
Juvenile, 415
Mallet Cases, 416
Mallets, 416
Juvenile, 416
Manacle Hoop Grip and Gage, 416
Marking Pins, 415
Painting Compendiums, 415
Posts, 415
Recorders, 415
Rules of, 416
Sets, 415
Sockets, 416
Spring Clips, 416
Stands, 416
Starting Posts, 416
Sundries, 415, 416
Targets, 416
Croquettes, Chocolate, 1234
Cross, Altar, 737
Patches, Cycle, 482
Rests, Billiard, 429
Staff-heads, 102
Crosse & Blackwell’s Curries, 1241
Orange Marmalade, 1250
Pickles, 1253, 1254
Soups, 1260, 1261
Specialities, 1269
Croupiers’ Rakes, 435
Crown Perfumery Co.’s Soap, 369
Perfumes, 360
Cruet Sets, Glass, 910
Cruets, 974
Breakfast, 974
Egg, 871
Kitchen, 1120
Lunch, 974
Luncheon, Electro, 146B
Silver, 146B
Silver, 141
Silver-plated, 141
Toby, 871
Crumb Brushes, 1115
and Trays, 1115, 1167
Cloths, 765
Scoops, 964
Electro-plated, 163
Sets, 964
Crumpets, 1297
Crupper and Rein Holder, 517
Crushed Bones, 1306
Sugar, 1262
Crust Supports, 874
Crutch Ends, India-rubber, 494
Crystal Gazing Balls, 911
Nail Polish, 384
Stone, 384
Oil, 1241, 1252
Paraffin Candles, 1237
Varnish, 311
Crystalate Billiard Balls, 429
Crystallized Flowers:
Fleurs d’Orange, 1301
Lavender, 1301
Lilac, 1301
Menthe, 1301
Rose, 1301
Violet, 1301
Crystallized Fruits:
Almonds, 1301
Angelica, 1301
Apricots, 1301
Cherries, 1301
Chinois, 1301
Figs, 1301
Ginger Cubes, 1301
Greengages, 1301
Knots, 1301
Lunettes, 1301
Mandarines, 1301
Melon, 1301
Mixed Fruits, 1301
Peaches, 1301
Pears, 1301
Pineapple, 1301
Raspberries, 1301
Strawberries, 1301
Crystallizing Trays, 1043
Crystals for Making Beverages, 339
Shirley’s, 339
Tartaric Acid, 340
Cubebs Powder, 331
Cuckoo Clocks, 83
Cuddy Biscuits, 1235
Cue Cases, 429
Cement, 429
Clips, 429
Racks, 429
Stands, 429
Tip Fasteners, 429
Wafers, 429
Tipping Compendiums, 428
Tips, 429
Cues, Billiard, 429
Cuff Links, Gold, 42
Cuffs, Lace, 1463
Nurses’, 1462
Cuirasse, “Acme”, 348
Cullenders, 874 (See also Colanders.)
Culto, 384
Cultone, 363
Cumberland Bacon, 1286
Hams, 1286
Sauce, 1243
Cummin Seed, 341
Cumquats, 1238
Cup Goggles, 569
Hooks, Brass, 961
Sponges, 357
Turtle, 341
Cupboards and Book Shelves, combined, 1162
Boot, 1143, 1157
China, 1157
Enema, 351
Hall, 675
Hanging (Antique), 741
Linen, 720, 1160
Pedestal, 708, 720
and Shelves, combined, 1158
Store, 1160
White Wood, 1158
Cupiss’ Constitution Horse Balls, 342
Cups, Dice, 435
Drinking, 1138
(Aluminium), 953
Egg, 853-855
(Aluminium), 952
Feeding, 351
Liqueur (Silver), 152
Nests of (Aluminium), 953
and Saucers, 857, 868, 869, 871
(Aluminium), 952
Covered, 871
Enamelled, 978, 981
Magnum, 871
Silver, 225-228
Soap, 1199
Soup, 880
Cupboard Bedsteads, 725
Curaçao, 1318
Curb Chains, Gold, 45
Guards, 507
Key Chains, Silver, 211
Cure for Chronic Skin Diseases (dog), 342
Dandruff, 367
for Distemper, 342
for Ear Canker(dog), 342
for Foot Rot, Spratts’, 342
for Gape, 342
for Jaundice, dog, 342
Sherley’s, 342
Neuralgic (Stanley’s), 339
for Rheumatism, dog, 342
Skin, 342
Toothache, Stanley’s, 339
Veno’s Cough, 341
Warner’s Rheumatic, 341
Safe, 341
Curler, Butter, 955
Curling (Game), 438
Iron Heaters, 386
Stoves, 386
Irons, 386
Lamp Boxes, Silver, 203
Papers, 278
Tongs, Silver, 203
Curls, 377
Clusters of, 375-377
Pin, 377
Currant Cream Biscuits, 1235
Jam, Black and Red, 1248
Currants, 1241
Black and Red, Bottled, 1233
in Syrup, 1246, 1247
Current Accounts, 1503
Currie Powder, 331
Sauce, 1256
Curried Prawns, 1254
Preparations, 1241
Curries, 1293
Curry Combs, 515
Gravy, Kroomda, 1241
Paste, 1241
Powder, 1241, 1250
Curtain Borders, 794
Brooms, 1109
Holders, 787
Hooks, 787
Loops, Lace, 803
Curtain Nets, 805[xvii]
Pin Hooks, 794
Poles, Bamboo, 324
Brass, 788
and Rings, 787
Rings, 794
Rods, 788
Rosettes, Lace, 803
Stretchers, 1124
Curtains, Angora, 796
Book Muslin, 803
Canvas, 800
Chenille, 796
Djijim, 325
Guipure d’Art, 800
Hire of, 1359
Indian, 325
Lace, 800, 801, 802
Muslin, 800
Nottingham Lace, 800
Novelty, 800
Printed (Indian), 326
Renaissance, 800
Scotch Lace, 800
Swiss Lace, 800
Curtis’ Lavender Bouquet, 360
Curvature Ladders, 431
Curved Glasses, Motorists’, 569
Cushion Brushes, 590
Cases, 805
Covers, 1495, 1496
Warmers, Billiard, 429
Cushions, 1496, 1497
Air (Indiarubber), 492
Seat (Indiarubber), 492
for Barrack Chairs, 749
Billiard, 428
Cork, 472
Matting (Oriental), 321
Motor, 542
Pew, 735
Travelling, 542
Custard Glasses, 909
Powder, 1241
Cut Flowers, 1295
Glass Biscuit Boxes, 150
Butter Dishes, 158, 159
Carafes, 906
Celery Glasses, 902
Champagne Jugs, 151
Claret Jugs, 151
Cruet Sets, 910
Cruets, 141, 142
Decanters, 151
Dessert Services, 882
Dishes, 899
Flower Bowls, 890-893
Ice Pails, 902
Jam Dishes, 159
Pen Trays, 911
Perfume Sprays, 358
Pickle Jars, 902
Salad Bowl, 150, 900
Spirit Bottles, 151, 155, 901
Sundries, 911
Table Services, 882-889
Tumblers, 905
Water Bottles, 906
Cuti Cream, 384
Cuticle Knives, 388
Silver, 198
Scissors, 388
Trimmers, 388
Cuticura Ointment, etc., 331
Soaps, 369
Cabinets, 175-177
of Spoons, Forks, and
Canteens of, 175-177
Carvers in Cases, 174-177
Carving, 172-177
Dessert Knives, 177
Forks, 176, 177
Engraving on, 168
Gentlemen’s Toilet Sets, 191
Kitchen, 1064
Knives, Anglers’, 185
Bowie, 184
Butter, 176, 177
Cheese, 172-177
Chiropodists’, 184
Combination, 186
Corn, 184
Fish, 178
Hunting, 184
Ladies’, 184
Pocket, 184-186
Scissors, 185
Scout, 185
Shooting, 185
Smokers’, 186
Sports, 185, 186
Stymie, 184
Table, 172-177
Toilet, 184
Razor Combination Sets, 189
Razors, 187-189
Cases of, 188
Safety, 188, 189
Repairs to, 169
Scissors, Buttonhole, 191
Cutting Out, 190
Drapers’, 191
Embroidery, 191
Fancy, 191
Flower, 191
Folding Nail, 191
Lamp, 191
Manicure, 191
Nail, 191
Vine, 191
Sets, Toy, 654
Shears, 190
Spoons, Forks, and Cutlery, Canteens of, 176, 177
Steels, 172-177
Table Forks, 176, 177
Cutlet Cutters, 1041
Frills, 283
Skewer Frills, 281
Cutlets, Belgravian, 1288
Salmon, 1255
Cutoline, 331
Cut-Open Chests, 532
Cutters, Bread, 955
Gold, 48
Silver, 211
Egg, 977
Marmalade, 1036
Paste, 947, 948
Vegetable, 947, 948
Weed (Aquatic), 474
Cutting Nippers, 1071
Cutting-out Scissors, 190
Cuttle Fish Powder, 331
Cyanide Wool, 345
Cycles and Accessories:
Acetylene Gas Lamps, 479
Back Carriers, 481
Baskets, 481, 1139
Bells, 480
Bicycle Holders, 478
Black Enamel, 483
Brakes, 482
Bundle Carriers, 481
Calci Blocks, 479
Candle Lamps, 479
Candles for Cycle Lamps, 479
Cape Carriers, 481
Carbide, 479
Carriers, Sporting, 481
Chain Brushes, 483
Lubricants, 567
Covers, Detachable, 483
Chains, 480
Cleaning Gloves, 483
Sets, 483
Corps, Toy, 666
Covers, 483
Crates, 1139
Cross Patches, 482
Stands, 478, 480
Cycles, 475-478
Dress Guard Cord, 483
Holders, 480
Shields, 483
Duplex Lamps, 479
Dunlop Tyres, 478
Electric Bicycle Lamps, 479
Frame Carriers, 481
Free Wheels, 482
Front Carriers, 481
Fork and Lamp Bracket, 479
Gear, 482
“Grapholine”, 482
Hand Bag Carriers, 481
Shields, 479
Handle Bar Covers, 483
Handles, 481
Handy Bags, 481
Harrods’ Cycle Oil, 483
Hold-all, 481
Horns, 480
Houses, 1019
Portable, 1132
Inflator Clips, 481
Knicker Shields, 483
Lamp Wicks, 479
Letter Locks, 480
Locks, 480
Lubricant, 1241
Lucas’s Bells, 480
Michelin Tyres, 478
Mud Flaps, 483
Guards, 483
Name Plates, 480
Oil Cans, 481
Lamps, 479
Palmer Tyres, 478
Paraffin Lamps, 479
Pedal Covers, 483
Polishing Straps, 483
Pouches, 491
Pump Clips, 481
Pumps, Celluloid, 481
Puncture Remedy, 480
Puttee Straps, 480
Rear Rim Brakes, 482
Repair Outfits, 482
Repairs, 480
Revolving Dome Bell, 480
Road Lights, 479
Roller Chains, 482
“Rustoff”, 483
Saddle Covers, 482
Saddles, 482
“Selvyt” Cloths, 483
“Silico” Enamel, 483
Silk Shining Cloths, 483
Skirt Holders, 480
Solution, 482
Spanners, 480
Spectacles, Cyclists’, 480
Spirit Otium, 483
Spoke Brushes, 483, 1114
Sponge Cloths, 483
Syrens, 480
Tea Sets, 480
Cyclists, 480
Telescopic Bags, 481
Three-in-One Oil, 483
Toe Clips, 482
Tool Bags, 482
Tools, Motor, 1075
Trouser Clips, 480
Tyre Levers, 482
Repairing Requisites, 482
Squeegees, 483
“Veedee” Trip Cyclometer, 480
Warwick Tyres, 478
Watches, 479
Wraps, 483
Cycles, Motor, 556
Cyclometers, 480
“Cyclonier” Puncture Remedy, 480
Cyder, 1322, 1323
Cup, Recipes for, 1311
Cydrax, 1323
Cylinders, Circulating, 1199
Cyllin, 331, 334
Soft Soap, 1305
Cymbals, 833
Cyona Ointment, 331
Tincture, 331
Veterinary Oil, 342
Ointment, 342
Tincture, 342
DADO Rails, 1175
Dadoes, Indian, 325
Daggers, Tortoiseshell, 381
Dahl Dyspepsia Cakes, 331
Dahlia Stakes, 1305
Daily Engagement Blocks, 285
Pad, 292
Wants Book, 285
“Dairy” Thermometers, 340
Dalby Carminative, 331
“Dalli” Box Irons, 1026
Daloff Tea, 331
Damascus Brass Jardinières, 323
Flower Stands, 323
Pot Stands, 323
Stools, 323
Tray Stands, 323
Damask Curtain, 799
Dimities, 1447
Napkins, 1484
Table Cloths, 1479-1485
Damp Detectors, 103
Dampers, Label, 280
Stamp, 304
Silver-mounted, 218
Damping Brushes, 284
Damson Cheese, 1241, 1249
Jam, 1248
Damsons, Bottled, 1233
in Syrup, 1247
Dances, Musicians for, 1350
Dancing Floors, Hire of, 1359
Sandals, Girls’, 1437
Ladies’, 1435
Dandelion Coffee Extract, 1239
Dandruff Cure, 367
Dantzic Spruce, 1318
Danysz Virus, 331
Dapping Rods, Tackle, etc., 439
Darby’s Dog Pills, 342
Dari, 1303
Dark Room Clock, 402
Lamp, 402, 397
Rooms, 1019
Darrell’s Dirt Defier, 1241
Darupan, 384
Dashboard Clocks, 65
Lanterns, 931
Mirrors, 582
Date Indicators, 290, 292, 304
Stamps, 307
Daters, Hand, 307
Dates, 1241
Davis’ Pain Killer, 331
Davol Whirlpool Syringe, 351
Day Books, 280
Gowns, Infants’, 1406
Day & Martin’s Boot Creams, 1233
Polishes, 1233
Furniture Polish, 1247
Day, Son & Hewitt’s Animal Medicines, 342
Daylight Enlargers, Photographic, 401
Decanter Brushes, 1115, 1119
Drainers, 1120
Labels, 153
Decanters, Cut Glass, 151
Glass, 889, 894, 896
Deccan Rugs, 765
Deck Chairs, 753, 754
Dolls’, 757
Requisites, 757
Scrubbers, 1109
Decorating, Building, Sanitary, and Lighting, 1172-1202
Decorations, Floral, 1295
Hire of, 1358
on Zinc, “Emdeca”, 1176
Decoy Calls, 466
Decoys, 468
Deed Boxes, 533
Deer Slots, 450, 451
Stalking Telescopes, 94
De Jongh’s Cod Liver Oil, 331
Delaines, 1449
Delat’s Glyco-Phenique, 331
Delf, Hire of, 1352
Delhi Chutney, 1238
Deliveries, Country and Suburban, 9, 10
of Oil, 1252
Town, 5-8
Delivery of Goods, 5
of Meat, 1294
Dellar’s Corn Plaster, 331
Demerara Sugar, 1262
Demi Sel Cream Cheese, 1287
“Denmark” Earthenware, 853
Denta Cura, 363
Dental Boxes, 876
Forceps, 349
Hypodermic Syringes, 349
Mirrors, 349
Plasters, 331, 337
Silk, 363
Steriliser, 1220
Dentophenoline, 363
Densimeters, Petrol, 583
Deodorising Powder, 1243
Depilatories, 368
Deposit Accounts, 1503
Depositories, Harrods’, 808
Derby, China, 855
Race (Game), 435
Sauce, 1243[xviii]
Deschien’s Syrup, 331
Wine, 331
Desiccated Extract of Malt, 341
Soup, Edwards’, 1260
Designs for Chip Carving, 1169
for Marqueterie Work, 1169
of Monograms, 1100
for Poker Work, 1169
Desks, Altar, 737
Children’s, 657
Retouching, 402
Rolled, 689, 690
Typewriter, 295
Typewriting, 688
Writing, 259
Despatch Boxes, 533
Dessert Almonds, 1230
Chocolate, 1301
Forks, 176, 177
Fruits in Jelly, 1247
Knives, 177
and Forks, Electro-plated, 180, 181
Silver, 180, 181
Moulds, 1038
Muslin, 283
Papers, 281
Plates, 868
Services, 868
Glass, 882
Spoons, 176, 177
Sweets, 1301
Detachable Bands, Motor, 561
Chain Covers, 483
Door Hooks, 433
Knicker Shields, 483
Pedal Covers, 482
Developers, 433
Developing Dishes, 402
Photographs, 401
Sinks, 402
Tanks, 394, 401
Devonshire Bags, 240
Clotted Cream, 1287
Devilled Almonds, 1301
Ham, 1255
Hazel Nuts, 1301
Dextrine, 331
Diabetic Biscuits (Plasmon), 328
Diable Sauce, 1243
Diachylon Plaster, 331
Diadem Biscuits, 1235
Dial Barographs, 97
Dialysed Iron, 331
Wyeth’s, 341
Diamalt, 331
Diamine Massage Cream, 384
Diamond Bracelets, 22
Brooches, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 28
Cement, 330, 331
Earrings, 13, 14, 33
and Emerald Rings, 19
Head Ornaments, 16
Neck Slides, 15, 17
Necklets, 13, 14-18
and Opal Rings, 19, 20, 21
and Pearl Bracelets, 22
and Pearl Brooches, 14
Rings, 19, 20, 21
Pendants, 15, 17
Rings, 19, 20, 21
and Ruby Rings, 19, 20, 21
and Sapphire Rings, 19, 20, 21
and Tourmaline Rings, 19
and Turquoise Rings, 19, 20, 21
Diamonds, Glaziers’, 1072
Diapente, 341
Diapers, Birds’ Eye, 1489
Nursery, 1405
Ladies’, 1405
Table, 1484
“Diaphragm” Churns, 1121
Diaries, 296
Diarrhœa, 331
Die Sinking, 277
Dieppe Herrings, 1248
Dies, Steel, 276
Diffusers, Sprays and Perfume, 362
Digestive Biscuits, 1235
Dog Rusks, 1243
Granules, 332
Mixture, 331
Harrods’, 333
Digestenzyme Tablets, 331
Dill Seed Water, 331
Dimities, 1447
Dimity Quilts, 1488
Dinghies, Pram, 471
Motor, 471
Rowing, 471
Dinghy Covers, 472
Masts, 471
Sails, 471
Dining Room Chairs, 682
Easy Chairs, 693
Suites, 681
Tables, 680
Antique, 743
Dinneford’s Fluid Magnesia, 331
Dinner Carriers, 875
Gongs, 1032
Lifts, 1200
Mats, 321
Plates, 851, 852
Aluminium, 951
Enamelled, 978, 981
Services, 846-851
Stock, 851, 852
Table Decorations, 1295
Wagons, 679, 1087
Dips, Snuffless, 1237
Dirt Defier, 1241
Dirty Plate Baskets, 948
Disappearing Targets, 466
Discs for Driving Aprons, 485, 500
and Marks, Photographic, 402
Disgorgers, 445
Dish Brushes, 1115
Cloths, 1119
Covers, 947, 948, 1131
Aluminium, 951
Enamelled, 977
Meat (Electro), 131
Papers, 282
Servers, Chafing, 974
Tubs, 1124
Washing Brushes, 1112
Dishes, Alms, 737
Asparagus (Electro), 136
Bacon, 875, 1025
Baking, 954
Bread (Electro), 124
Silver, 124, 125
Breakfast, 879, 1025
Aluminium, 951
Electro, 132, 146B
Silver, 146B
Butter, 872
Aluminium, 951
Electro, 158, 159
Silver, 158, 159
Cake (Electro), 124, 125
Silver, 124, 125
Chafing (Electro), 134
Cheese (Electro), 131
Chop, 1025
Electro, 137-139
Silver, 137-139
Crinkled, 879
Developing, 402
Eared, 879
entrée, 875
Electro, 133
Fireproof, 880
Silver, 105
Fish, 879
Electro, 131
Fruit (Glass), 899
Silver, 124-126
Glass, 894
Hash, 138
Hexagonal, 879
Hors d’Œuvres, 873
Hot Water, 1025
Aluminium, 951
Jam (Electro), 159
Jelly (Electro), 159
Silver, 159
Muffin, 853-855
Aluminium, 951
Electro, 137-139, 146A
Silver, 137-139, 146A
Nut (Electro), 126
Silver, 126
Pie, 876, 878, 879
Aluminium, 951
Enamelled, 978
Electro, 135
Potting, 879
Poultry (Electro), 134
Revolving (Electro), 132
Roasting, 878
Soap, 956
Soap (Enamelled), 978
Sole, 878
Soufflé, 879
Electro, 135, 139
Steak, 1025
Sweet, 866
Silver, 124, 126, 127
Tart, 879
Trifle (Glass), 899
Vegetable, 875
Aluminium, 951
Electro, 132, 134
Dishing Forks, 995
Brompton, 331
Burnett’s Disinfecting Fluid, 331
Calverts, 331
Camphylene Cream, 331
Carbolic Acid, 331, 342
Powder, 331
Condy’s Fluid, 331
Fluid Carbolate, 331
Harrods’, 333
Izal, 331
Jeyes’, 331
for Kennels, etc., 342
Little’s Phenyle, 331
Lysoform, 331
Lysol, 331
Napthaline Tablets, 331
“Oleusaban”, 331
Perfect Pine Fluid, 331
Permanganate of Potassium, 331
Powder, 1243
“Sanitas” Preparations, 338
Terebene, 340
Zotal, 341
Dispatch Boxes, Leather, 236
Distemper Brushes, 1114
Cure, 342
Powders, 342
Distemper, 1174
Distributors for Tobacco Powder, 1305
Dissected Maps, Toy, 667
Dissecting Stand Microscopes, 88
Dissolved Acetylene, 573
Dispensing, 356
Price List, 356
Diuretic Balls, 341
Divan Easy Chair, 696
Dividers, 318
Dixon’s Graphite, 567
Djijim Curtains, 325
Doan’s Pills, 331
Document Cases, Leather, 236
Dog Baskets, 1141, 1143
Balls, Indiarubber, 494
Meat (Electro), 131
Bells, 495
Biscuits, 1243
Brushes, 496, 1115
Cart Harness, 499
Chains, 496
Clippers, 496
Coats, 495
Collars, 495
Engravings on, 495
Medallions for, 495
Padlocks for, 495
Combs, 496
Couples, 496
Food, 1243
Foods, Spratt’s, 1242
Gloves, 496
Grates, 1185
Hampers, 1139
Harness, 496
Kennels, 1009, 1128, 1141
Leads, 496
Meal, Plain, 1242
Medicines, Spratt’s, 342
Muzzles, 496
Pads, 496
Pills, Darby’s, 342
Powders, Chamberlain’s, 342
Naldire’s, 342
Rings, India-rubber, 494
Show Chains, 496
Slips, 465
Soap, 1260
Jeyes’, 342
Liquid, 341
Naldire’s, 342
Soaps, 369
Stripping Combs, 496
Troughs, 874, 1009
Enamelled, 981
Whips, 496
Whisk Brushes, 1115
Whistles, 496
Dogs, Chamber’s Castrique for, 342
Insurance, 1505
Mixture, Benbow’s, 342
Dollar’s Corn Plasters, 337
Dolls, 651
Bassinettes, 652
Beds, 654
Character, 652
Clothes, 652
Deck Chairs, 657
Dressed, 651
Folly, 662
High Chairs, 657
Hospital, Harrods’, 652
House Clocks, 667
Houses, 659, 661
Jointed, 652
Musical, 662
Pierrot, 652
Swimming, 669
Undressed, 652
Dolly Chumps, 1131
Pegs, 1131
Tubs, 1131
Galvanised, 999
Dome Garden Seats, 1156
Domes of Silence, 961
Domestic Washers, 1088
Domette, 344
Domino Case, 434
Dominoes, 434
Donegal Carpets, 765
Donkey Chimes, Toy, 662
Harness, 499
Door Awnings, Hire
of, 1359
Chains, 960
Door Checks, 976
Furniture, Inside, 961
Hooks, Detachable, 433
Knockers, Brass, 960
Plates, 307
Porters, 965
Springs, 976
Stops, 976, 1131
Sun Blinds, 791
Dorin’s Preparations for the face, 365
Dormouse Cages, 957
Dorothy Bags, Matting, 321
D’Orsay’s Perfumes, 361
Double-Barrelled Guns, 458, 459
Bass Strings, 832
Headed Shooting Punts, 471
Douche Fittings, 349
Doughty’s Lozenges, 331
Douglas’s Preparations for the Hair, 367
Doulton’s China, 854
Filters, 752
Dove Mixture, 1303
Down Quilts, 1497
D’Oyleys, 282, 1493
Star, 283
Turkish, 325
Dragees, Almonds, 1301
Liqueurs, 1301
Menthol, 328
Mollies, 1301
Dragon’s Blood, 331
Drain and Chimney Machine, 1111
Drainage Levels, 101
Tubing, 349
Drainers, Decanter, 1120
Draining Boards, 1120
Racks, 967
Dralle’s Soaps, 369
Drapers’ Scissors, 191
Drapery, Bed, 784
Furnishing, 783-786
Window, 783
Drawbridge and Bridge, 301
Racks, 301
Drawer Cabinets, 288
Handles, Brass, 961
Partitions, 293
Trunks, 527
Drawers, Chests of, 715-717, 720, 744, 745
Children’s, 1423
Gents’, 613, 614
Ladies’, 1427
Paddling (Waterproof), 494
Drawing Blocks, 313
Boards, 318
Books, 314
Instruments, 316-318
Paper, 313
Pencils, 284
Pens, 318
Pins, 314
Portfolios, 315
Room Perfume Lamps, 1348
Perfumes, 358
Draught or Chess Boards, 434[xix]
Excluders, 977
Draughts, 435
Drawings, Water Colour, 806
Dredgers, Flour, 947, 948
(Aluminium), 952
Iodoform, 349
Sugar, 147
Dredge’s Heal All, 331
Drenches for Cows, 342
Drenching Bits, 516
Horns, 516
Dresden Art Pottery, 857
China, 855
Dress Boxes, 1126
Buttons, 43
Cases, 536
Fobs, 44
Guard Cord, 483
Hangers, 1131
Holders, Cycle, 480
Linings, 1449
Models, 1133
Protectors, 1131
Rings, 19-21
Rowels, 509
Shields, 1472
Stands, 719, 1133
Studs, 41
Suits, Boys’, 641-648
Dress and Robe Materials:
Admiralty Serges, 1444
Cashmere, 1444
Cheviots, 1444
Children’s, 1444
Evening Dress, 1444
Friezes, 1444
Mohairs, 1444
Satin Cloths, 1444
Sicilians, 1444
Venetians, 1444
Dressed Crabs, 1294
Dolls, 651
Dressed Provisions:
Bath Chaps, 1290
Boars’ Heads, 1291
Braised Beef, 1290
Brawn, 1290
Brisket Beef, 1290
Caviare, 1291
Charlottes, 1290
Creams, 1290
Entrées, Cold, 1290, 1293
Hot, 1292, 1293
Entremets (Cold), 1293
Hot, 1293
Foreign Dishes, 1290
Fowls, 1290
French Comestibles, 1290
Galantines, 1290
Game Pies, 1291
German Sausage, 1293
Hampers, Boating, etc., 1291
Hams, Glazed and Decorated, 1291
Hors d’Œuvres, 1291, 1292, 1293
Jellies, 1290
Larks, 1290
Œufs, 1292
Ox Tongues, 1290, 1291
Patties, 1291
Pies (various), 1291
Poissons (Cold), 1292
Hot, 1292
Potages, 1292
Potted Meats, 1291
Poultry, 1290, 1291
Pressed Beef, 1290
Quails, 1290
Roast Beef, 1290
Round of Beef, 1290
Salads, 1293
Sandwiches, 1291
Savouries (Cold), 1293
Hot, 1293
Soups, 1290
Spiced Beef, 1290
Table Delicacies, 1290
Timbales, 1291
Turtle Specialities, 1290
Vol-au-Vents, 1291
Dresser, Antique “Jacobean”, 741
Side Table, Antique, 741
Sideboards, 677, 678
Dresses, Court, 1521
Dressing Bags and Cases (Fitted), 546-550
Ladies’ (Empty), 544
Cases, Ivory Fitted, 1093
Gents’, 250, 251
Ladies’, 249
Surgeon’s, 349
Chests, 715-717
Companions, Gents’, 191
Forceps, 351, 352
Glasses, 719
Gown Girdles, 1474
Lace Sets, 1450
Gowns, Boys’, 644
Children’s, 1407
Gents’, 630
Ladies’, 1395-1397
Jackets, Ladies’, 1396, 1397
Rolls, Gents’, 250, 251
Salad, 1255
Suits, Gents’, 629
Tables, 709-714
Water, 345
Dressings, Aseptic, 343, 344
Jaconet Waterproof for, 352
Dressmaking, Mourning, 1442
Dried Blood, 1306
Cabbage, 1249
Carrots, 1249
Fish, 1294
French Beans, 1249
Herbs, 1247
Julienne, 1243, 1249, 1263
Mixed Vegetables, 1246, 1249
Sprats, 1294
Dried Onions, 1249
Parsnips, 1249
Plants, Cabinets for, 451
Rhubarb, 1249
Spinach, 1249
Vegetables, 1249
Drill Overalls, 1463
Drilling Machines, 1075
Drills, 1447
Archimedian, 1074
Breast, 1074
Egg, 453
Hand, 1074
Shank, 1074
Twist, 1074
Drimp (Game), 434
Drinking Cups, 1138
Aluminium, 751, 753, 953
Horn and Silver, 152
Fountain, Poultry, 1123
Horns, 1138
Tubes, 510
Drinks for Cattle, 342
Fever, 341
Gripe, 341
Drip Filters, Stoneware, 881
Pans and Stands, 948
Dripping, Beef, 1287
Pans, 977
Drive Lamps, Hire of, 1358
Driving Aprons, 500
Discs for, 500
Waterproof, 485
Coats, Boys’, 644
Eyes, 1005
Nets, Golf, 408
Whips, 501
Droitwich Salt, 331
Drop Bottles, 331
Bottles, Chloroform, 347
Light Shades, Electric, 934, 935
Measures, 331
Tube, 331
Dropless Candles, 1237
Drops, Steel, 339
“Drudgee” Scrubber, 1115
Drums, Bass, 833
Boys’, 666
Side, 833
Striking, 433
Toy, 833
Drugget Pins, 961
Druggist Sundries and Appliances, 347
Drugs and Patent Medicines, 327-341
Veterinary, 341
Dry Chick Feed, 1304
Ginger Ale, 1320
Soap, 1274
Dryers, 1174
Clothes, 1120
Hair, 387
Du Barry’s Biscuits, 331
Food, 331
Dubonnet’s Quinquina, 331
Dubourg’s Dragees Cascaraloine, 331
Duchess Coils of Hair, 377
Duchesse Blinds, 790
Point Lace, 1452
Duck, Bombay, 1233
Houses, 1009
Presses, 1036
Shooting (Game), 437
Ducks, 1294
Duets, Pianoforte, 836
Vocal, 844
Dulcimers, Toy, 662
Dumb Jockeys, 513
Keyboards, 832
Waiters, 875
Dummy Practice Key, 466
Dumpy Levels, 101
Dunbar’s Alkaram, 331
Duncan & Flochart’s Preparations, 331
Soap, 369
Dunlop Tyres, 478
Dunn’s Custard Powder, 1241
Malted Leaven Flour, 1245
Dunragil Cream Cheese, 1287
Duplicators, 294
Duplex Chimneys, 915, 917, 923, 925, 926
Burner Lamps, 913-917, 919, 920, 923,
925, 926, 927
Lamps, Hire of, 1358
Music Cases, 244
Wicks, 915, 917, 923, 925, 926
Durbar (Game), 438
Dursley Pedersen Cycles, 478
Ducellier Head Lights, 570
Duco Jacks, 568
Dusart’s Preparations, 332
Dusart, Vin, 341
“Dusmo”, 1115
Dust Bins, 948, 976
Bone, 1131
Coats, Chauffeurs’, 592, 593
Pans, 947, 948, 977
Rugs, Motor, 594
Sheets, 1489
Wraps, 500
Dusters, 1490
Hire of, 1353
Knuckle, 467
Dusting Brushes, 1109
Mops, Boot, 1111
Dutch Cigars, 1329
Cheese, 1287
Dutch Drops, 332
Marqueterie Furniture, 740
Dwarf Rose Trees, 1295
Dyeing and Cleaning, 1499-1501
Dyspepsia Tablets, Stuarts’, 339
Dys’s (Dr.) Aesthetic Products for the Face, 364, 365
EADE’s Pills, 332
Eagle Grates, 1184
Lecterns, 736
Portable Ranges, 1190
Ealing Biscuits, 1236
Ear Audiphones, 350
Canker, Cure for dog, 342
Caps, 350, 1405
Channels, 349
Compresses, 491
Forceps, 352
Mops, 350
Plugs, 350
Specula, 350
Sponges, 350, 353
Syringes, 350
Trumpets, 332, 350
Eared Dishes, 879
Earrings, Diamond, 13, 14, 33
Gem-set, 33
Gold, 33
Pearl, 33
Peridot, 33
Earth Closets, 1195
Rammers, 1070
Earthenware “Denmark”, 853
Fireproof, 878
Ilam, 853
Easels, Sketching, 315
Stool, 315
East India Coffee, 1240
Easton’s Syrup, 332, 340
Syrup, 340
Tablets, 340
Easy Chairs, 693, 695, 696, 697
Adjustable, 697
and Bedsteads Combined, 725
Music Pieces for Children, 836
Washer, Harrods’, 1257
Eau de Botot, 363
de Cologne, 359, 360
Receptacles, 361
de Suez, 363
Ebberzine, 332
Cooper Smith’s, 342
Ebonite “Service” Water Bottles, 751
Economisers, Fuel, 1194
Ecru Lawn Embroidery, 1459
Eczema, Escolent Compound for, 332
Lotion for Dogs, 342
Edam Cheese, Dutch, 1287
Edgar’s Lotion, 332
Edging, Cambric, 1459
Tools, 1070
Ediswan Lamps, 1228
Edos Purging Powders, 342
Educational Lanterns, 401
Edward’s Bird Seed, 1303
Desiccated Soup, 1260
Harlene, 367
Parrot Food, 1303
Eeckelaer’s Soaps, 369
Effervescing Preparations, 332
Salt, Abbey’s, 327
Egg Blowpipes, 453
Boilers, Silver, 140
Bowls, Aluminium, 952
Boxes for Transit, 1127
Collecting Boxes, 453
Collectors’ Requisites, 453
Cosies, 325
Cruets, 871
Cups, 853-855
Aluminium, 952
Enamelled, 981
and Spoons, Children’s Silver, 221, 222
Cutters, 977
Drills, 453
Flake, 1303
Frames, Electro-plated, 140
and Insect Cabinets, 455
Julep, 368, 389
Lifters, 453
and Milk Testers, 910
Papers, 281
Poachers, 879, 974, 977
Aluminium, 952
Enamelled, 979, 981
Powder, 1243
Safes, 977
Slices, 947, 948, 977
Aluminium, 951
Spoons, 176, 177
Steamers, 1059
Stands, 1124
Testing Lamps, 1123
Timers, 1131
Whisks, 947, 948, 977
Eggs, 1287, 1292
Ant’s, 1303
Waterglass for Preserving, 341
Egyptian Cigarettes, 1329, 1330
Eiderdown Quilts, Dolls’, 652
Eiffel Tower Lemonade, 1249
Eight-Day Clocks, 83
Ejector Guns, 456, 457, 458
Penholders, 305
Gold, 46
Elastic Stockings, etc., 351[xx]
Web Bandages, 344
Elastine Wood Wool, 1305
Elbow Chairs, 682
Guards, 432
Pieces, 343
Elder Flower Ointment, 332, 336
Water, 332
Vinegar, 1263
Elderberry Wine, 1318
Electra Music Rolls, 825
Electric Appliances, 1202-1228
Batteries, 387
Bell Sundries, 1223
Bicycle Lamp, 479
Black, 1233
Brackets, French, 1214
Breakfast Cookers, 1221
Bronze Figures, 1218
Bulbs, 1225
Candles, 1225
Carpet Sweeper, 1217
Ceiling Clocks, 64
Fittings, 1204, 1205
Cells, 1223
Chatelaines, 1214
Cigar Lighters, 1225
Coils, 1223
Convectors, 1220
Cooking and Heating Utensils, 1220
Stoves, 1221
Coronas, 1210
Cranes, Model, 672
Drop Light Shades, 934, 935
Dynamos, Model, 672
Fans, 1226
Fires, 1221
Floor Standards, 1219
Foot Batteries, 387
Hair Dryers, 387
Hand Lamps, 576, 1224, 1225
Heating and Cooking Apparatus (“Archer” System), 1226
House Lamps, 1224
Inspection Lamps, 1224, 1225
Irons, 1221, 1222
Lamp Shades, 1213, 1226
Supports, 933
Lamps, 1213
Mazda, 1228
“Royal Ediswan”, 1228
Launches, Hire of, 1361
Light Installations, Testing of, 1172
Shades, 932
Lighting for Country Houses, 1202, 1203
Sets, 672, 1203
Motor, 573-575
Luminous Heat Lamps, 1222
Morning Calls, 1223
Motor Horns, 579
Ovens, 1220
Pocket Lamps, 1225
Radiator Lamps, 1222
Radiators, 1220, 1222
Reading Lamps, 1225
Refills for Lamps, 1225
“Royal Ediswan” Lamps, 1228
Stoves, 1221
Tablecloths, 1217
Table Lamps, 1218
Standards, 1215-1217
Timepieces, 64
Torches, 1225
Travelling Lamps, 1224
Vacuum Cleaner, 1222
Vibrators, 387
Wall Fittings, 1212
Watch Stands, 1225
Electrical Engineering, 1172-1228
Fittings, 1204-1228
Electroliers, 1210
Electro-Plated Goods:
Afternoon Tea Sets, 114, 116
Asparagus Dishes, 136
Servers, 136
Tongs, 136
Biscuit Boxes, 146B, 148
Brandy Warmers, 152
Bread Dishes, 124
Forks, 163
Knives, 131
Platters, 131
Breakfast Dishes, 132, 146B
and Stands, 137, 138
Bottle Holders, 152
Butter Dishes, 158, 159
Forks, 163
Knives, 157, 158, 161, 163
Cabinets of, 175, 176, 177
of Spoons, Forks and Cutlery, 104
Caddy Spoons, 146B, 160
Café au Lait Sets, 156
Cake Baskets, 124, 125
Dishes, 124, 125
Forks, 163
Saws, 161
Stands, 124, 125
Candelabra, 167
Candle Lamps, 128
Candlesticks, 129
Card Trays, 123
Cayenne Pots, 144
Chafing Dishes, 134
on Stands, 137
Champagne Goblets, 155
Jugs, 151
Cheese Dishes and Covers, 131
Forks, 163
Scoops, 163
Chop Dishes, 137, 139
Chutney Spoons, 163
Claret Jugs, 151
Cocoa Pots, 138
Coffee Cups and Saucers (mounted), 152
Jugs, 115
Pots, 115, 138, 146A, 156
Services, 105-125
Copies of Old Sheffield Plate, 166, 167
Cream Jugs, 115, 116, 146A, 157
Crests on, 168
Cruets, 141, 142
Luncheon, 146B
Crumb Scoops, 163
Decanter, 151
Dessert Knives and Forks, 180, 181
Dishes, Asparagus, 136
Bread, 124
Breakfast, 132
Butter, 158, 159
Cake, 124, 125
Chafing, 134
Cheese, 131
Chop, 137, 139
Entrée, 133
Fish, 131
Hash, 138
Jelly, 159
Meat, 131
Muffin, 137, 138, 139
Nut, 126
Pie, 135
Poultry, 134
Revolving, 132
Soufflet, 135
Vegetable, 132, 134
Drinking Cups, 152
Egg Boilers, 140
Frames, 140
Engraving on, 168
Entrée Dishes, 133
Fern Pots, 127
Fish Carvers in Cases, 182
Dishes, 131
Knives and Forks, 179, 181
Flasks, Hunting, 192
Floor Kettles on Stands, 118
Flower Vases, 127, 130
Fruit Coolers, 150
Baskets, 125
Dishes and Stands, 124-126
Spoons, 162
Stands, 125, 126
Grape Scissors, 164
Stands, 126
Hash Dishes, 138
Hire of, 1353
Hors d’Œuvre Frames, 136
Knives and Forks, 136
Hot Milk Jugs, 146A
Water Jugs, 115
Plates, 134
Tumblers, 153
Ice Pails, 155
Tongs, 155
Ink Stands, 167
Jam Dishes, 159
Jam Pot Holders, 146B
Spoons, 146B, 160
Jardinières, 128
Jelly Dishes, 159
Jugs, Coffee, 115
Hot Water, 115
Milk, 118
Kettles, 115, 116
and Stands, 146A
Knife Rests, 163
Labels, 153
Lamps, 128
Liqueur Cabinets, 154, 155
Labels, 153
Lobster Picks, 163
Luncheon Cruets, 146B
Frames, 148, 149
Marmalade Jar Holders, 159
Marrow Scoops, 163
Meat Dishes, 131
Dish Covers, 131
Melon Carvers, 146B
Milk Boilers, 138
Jugs, 118, 156
Pots, 138
Monograms on, 168
Motor Vases, 127
Muffin Dishes, 137, 138, 139, 146A
Muffineers, 144
Mustard Pots, 144-146B
Nut Dishes, 126
Picks, 164
Nutcrackers, 164
Oil and Vinegar Bottles, 143
Frames, 146B
Pepper Castors, 144-146, 146B, 147
Mills, 165
Pickle Bottles and Frames, 143
Forks, 163
Pie Dishes, 135
Pineapple Carvers, 146B
Plate Racks, 137
Plates, Hot Water, 134
Poultry Dishes, 134
Preserve Frames, 159
Jars, 159
Ramequin Frames, 135
Pans, 135
Repairs to, 169
Replating, etc., 169
Revolving Dishes, 132
Soup Tureens, 132
Salad Boats, 150
Salt Cellars, 144-146, 146B
Pourers, 144
Sandwich Cases, 192
Forks, 163
Sardine Boxes, 137
Stands, 124
Sauce Boats, 135
Frames, 143
Stands, 143
Tureens, 135
Serviette Rings, 149
Skewers, 163
Soufflet Dishes, 135, 139
Soup Tureens, 138
Spoon Warmers, 135
Spoons, 170, 171
Caddy, 146B
and Forks, 176-178
Jam, 146B
Sugar Basins, 115, 116, 146A, 157
and Cream Frames, 157
Dredgers, 146B, 147
Sifters, 161, 162
Tongs, 155, 161
Sweet Stand, 127
Syphon Dripper, 153
Holders, 153
Syphons, 339
Table Heaters, 137
Tantalus Frames, mounted, 154, 155
Tea Caddies, 146B, 160
or Coffee Services, 146A
Knives, 120
Pots, 115, 116, 146A
Services, 105-125
Trays, 121
Urns, 117
Toast Racks, 139, 141, 146A
Toasters, 139
Trays, 156, 165
Tea, 121
Vegetable Dishes, 132, 134
Waiters, 122, 123
Wine Bottle Corks, 155
Labels, 153
Strainers, 155
Electrophones, 350
Electrum Drawing Instruments, 316
Eley’s Bird Traps, 467
Targets, 467
Elixir Bravais, 332
of Cascara Sagrada (Kasak), 339
Mariani, 332
Paregoric, 332
St. Patrick’s, 339
Terperoin, 339
Elliman’s Embrocation, 332
(Royal) Embrocation, 342
Ellon’s Crystal Balm, 332
Elswick Cycles, 478
“Elta” Burners, 576
Elve or Liquid Veneer, 1174
Elva Plums, 1243
Embossed Glass, 1177
Embossing Presses, 307
Embrocation, Clarkson’s, 331
Elliman’s, 332
Royal, 342
Powell’s, 338
Roche’s, 338
Sandow’s, 433
Watts’, 342
Embroidered Bedspreads, 1488
Embroidered Book Rests, 325
and Hemstitched Flouncing, 1461
Muslin, 1459, 1460
Insertion, 1459, 1460
Pillow Cases, 1486
Sheets, 1486
Silk, 1463
Embroideries, Cambric, 1458
Flannelette, 1463
Muslin, 1458
Oriental, 324
Embroidery, Church, 738
Imitation, 1459-1461
Linen, 1489
Madeira, 1459, 1460
Scissors, 191
Thread, 1468
Twisted, 1468
“Emdeca”, 1176
Emerald and Diamond Rings, 19
Emergency and Accident Cases, 343
Chest, Sherley’s, 342
Emery Boards, 384
Cloth, 1243
Corn, 590
Knife Powder, 1131
Powder (various), 1243
Emollient, Tapp’s Aqua, 340
Empties, 3
Ems Mineral Water, 1321
Pastilles, 332
Salt, 333
Emu Brand of Australian Wines, 1314
Emulsion, Angier’s, 327
of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites, 332
Petroleum, 337
Enamel, Aspinall’s, 1174
Black, 483
Brushes, 1119
Cuff Links, 42
Douches, 349
Necklets, 26
Pendants, 26
“Silico”, 483
Varnish, 1233
Enameline, 1232
Stove Polish, 1275
Enamelled Ware:
Asparagus Boilers, 978
Baking Dishes, 981
Basins, 978, 980
Baths, 978
Toy, 655
Bread Crocks, 980
Cafetieres, 979
Candlesticks, 981
Ceiling Shades, 980
Chamber Pails, 980
Children’s Tea Sets, 981
Coffee Services, Toy, 655
Pots, 978, 981
Sets, Toy, 654
Colanders, 978, 980
Cups and Saucers, 978, 981
Dinner Plates, 978, 981[xxi]
Dog Troughs, 981
Egg Cups, 981
Poachers, 979, 981
Ewers, 978
Fish Kettles, 978, 979
Slices, 981
Trowels, 981
Flour Crocks, 980
Dredgers, 980
Scoops, 980
Flower Vases, 979
Foot Baths, 981
Fry Pans, 978
Funnels, 980
Gravy Strainers, 981
Hand Bowls, 979
Hot Water Bottles, 979
Cans, 980
Jugs, 978, 979
House Pails, 978, 980
Iron Basins, Covers for, 752
Jugs, 981
Kettles, 978, 979
Kitchen Sets, Toy, 655
Lavatory Brush Holders, 978
Measures, Graduated, 980
Meat Dishes, 978
Milk Cans, 1121
Jugs, 978, 981
Saucepans, 978, 979
Mixing Bowls, 978
Pans, 979
Mugs, 978
Name Plates, 981
Omelette Pans, 979
Pie Dishes, 978, 981
Plate Covers, 980
Pudding Bowls, 980
Steamers, 980
Refuse Holders, 980
Salt Boxes, 978
Saucepans, 979
Lipped, 978
Sink Drainers, 980
Slop Pails, 980
Soap Dishes, 978, 980
Soup Ladles, 981
Sponge Bowls, 980
Spoons, 981
Stewpans, 978, 979
Stewpots, 979
Stockpots, 979
Store Canisters, 981
Tea Sets, 654, 655
Teapots, 980, 981
Toilet Sets, 980
Trays, 980, 981
Tumblers, 978
Vegetable Dishes, 981
Enamelled, 981
Presses, 981
Wash-ups, 978
Water Pitchers, 978
Endelline, 1174
Endowments, 1504
Enema Cupboards, 351
Enemas, 351
Engagement Slates, Silver-mounted, 218
Tablets, 305
Engine Oil, 1252
Engine, Motor, 567
Room Clocks, 83
Engineering, Electrical, 1172-1228
Engineers’ Benches, 1081
Drawing Boards, 318
Tools, 1077
Engines, Fire (Toy), 660
Garden, 1002
Model, 672
England’s Never Fail Liniment, 332
English Breakfast Services, 856
China Fern Pots, 859
Concertinas, 832
Confectionery, 1302
Tea Services, 856
English’s American Fluid, 332
Engraving, 277
Copperplate, 277
on Dog Collars, 495
Machines, Wood, 1170
on Silver, Electroplate, etc., 168
Engravings, 806
Enlargers, Photographic, 401
Enlarging Photographs, 401
Eno’s Digestive Granules, 332
Fruit Salt, 332
Medicated Sugar, 332
Pills, 332
Vegetable Moto, 332
Ensign Cameras, 391
“Ensignette” Cameras, 394
Entertainments and Amusements:
Bands, 1349
Cinematographs, 1350
Clowns, Musical, 1350
Concert Parties, 1350
Conjurors, 1350
Harpists, 1350
Instrumentalists, 1351
Italian Troupes, 1350
Magic Lanterns, 1350
Marionettes, 1350
Niggers, Musical, 1350
Orchestras, 1349
Palmists, 1350
Performing Birds and Animals, 1350
Pianists, 1350
Programmes for, 1350
Punch and Judy, 1350
Soloists, 1350
Ventriloquists, 1350
Violinists, 1350
Vocalists, 1350
Entomological Apparatus, 453, 455
Cabinets, 453
Forceps, 455
Naturalists’ and Taxidermists’ Requisites, 450-452
Nets, 453
Pins, 453
Entomologists’ Sundries, 455
Entrée Dishes, 875
Electro-plated, 133
Fireproof, 880
Silver, 133
Moulds, 1042
Entrées (Cold), 1293
Hot, 1292, 1293
in Glass Mould, 1288
Entremets (Cold), 1293
Hot, 1293
Envelope and Blotter Sets, 234
Cabinets, 306
Stands, 1167
Envelopes, 273, 274, 275
Cloth Lined, 275
Commercial, 275
Mourning, 274
Official, 275
Opaque, 275
Eoliennes, 1442
Epergne Frames, 996
Epicure Pickle, 1254
Epinards, 1246
Epps’ Glycerine Jujubes, 332
Epsom Plasters, 337
Salts, 333, 341
Eptianbad Anti-Obesity Tablets, 332
Equipment for Exploring, Scientific and Shooting Expeditions, 1523
“Era” Files, 288
Erasmic Co.’s Perfumes, 361
Soap, 369
Erato Auto-harps, 832
Eschalot Vinegar, 1263
Escolent Compound for Eczema, 332
Espalier Fencing, 1005
“Esse” Stoves, 1187
Esscoffier’s Preparations, 1243
Essences, 332
Almond, 1243
Anchovy, 1230, 1243, 1256
Beef, 1232
Bergamot, 332
Camphor, 332, 338
Caraway, 1243
Celery, 1243
Chicken, 1232
Cinnamon, 334, 1243
Cloves, 1243
Oil, 332
Cochineal, 1243
Cocoa, 1239
Harrods’, 1268
Coffee, 1239
Coriander, 1243
Ginger, 332, 1243
Gravy, 1253
Lemon, 332, 1243
Linseed, 334
Mace, 1243
Maraschino, 1243
Mustard, Whitehead’s, 341
Mutton, 1232, 1244, 1251
Noyeau, 1243
Orange, 1243
Parisian, 1256
Peach Kernel, 1243
Pennyroyal, 332
Peppermint, 332, 337
Pumiline, 338
Ratafia, 1243
Rennet, 338, 1243
Rose, 1243
Senna, 332
of Smoke, 1243
Soup Herbs, 1243
Stern’s, 339
Vanilla, 1243
Estate Agency, 1506
Esvach Mineral Water, 1321
Etching Pens, 314
Etchings, 806
Ether, 332
Alcoholic, 342
Chloric, 332
Spirits of, 332
Etnas, Travelling, 752
Aluminium, 953
Eton Suits, Boy’s, 641
Eucalyptus, 339
Oil, 332, 336
Pastilles, 332
Sawdust, 332
Smelling Salts, 332
Eucryl, 363
Bath, 332
Tooth Powder, 332
Soap, 332
Soap, 369
Eugène Laroche Champagne, 1308
Eugol Antiseptic Solution, 332
Preparations, 363
Euphoniums, 833
Eureka Flour, 1245
Gun Barrel Cleaner, 468
Weed Killer, 1307
Evans’ Pastilles, 332
Evaporated Apricots, 1230
Fruit, 1244
Evenden’s Digestive Candy, 332
Evening Dress Materials, 1444
Gowns, Ladies’, 1364
“Ever-Ready” Electric Specialities, 1224, 1225
Everett’s Boot Polishes, 1275
Preparations, 1233
Evian Mineral Water, 1321
Ewers and Basins, 860-864
Glass, 907
Enamelled, 978
Font, 737
“Excelite” Croquet Balls, 415
Jacques’, 417
Lawn Bowls, 417
Exceptions to Free Carriage, 4
Exercisers, Sandow’s Lady’s, 433
Music, 834
Sculling, 433
Whitely’s, 433
Exhaust Cutouts, Motor, 579
Whistles, Motor, 579
Cycle, 578
Exotic Lepidoptera, 451
Expanding Attaché Cases, 233
Braces, 348
Lamp Cleaners, 1118
Watch Bracelets, 59-61
Expeditions, Exploring, Scientific and Shooting, 1523
Explorer’s Tables, 754
Exploring Expeditions, 1523
Export and Shipping, 1510
Exposure Meters, 402
Extending Dining Tables, 680
Ladders, 1128
Wood Trellis, 1132
Extinguishers, 737
Extract, Goulard, 333
of Malt, Desiccated, 341
Trommer’s, 341
of Meat, Liebig’s, 1244
Mutton, 1251
Liebig’s, 1244
Pond’s, 337
Pumiline, 338
of Quassia, 1306
Soap, 1257
Stern’s, 339
of Soap (various), 1257
Vegetable (Marmite), 1250
Eye Baths, 350
Compresses, 491
Glass Cases, 85
Chains, 86
Cords, 86, 1474
Stands, 87
Glasses, 85
Ointment, Singleton’s, 339
Preservers, 85
Protectors, 85
Shades, 350, 351
Sponges, 353
Syringes, 353
Eyebrow Pencils, 389
Eyes, Artificial, 455
Face Compresses, 491
Preparations, 364-366
Factory Clocks, 83
Faille Ribbons, 1464
Fair Leads, 473
Fairchild’s Preparations, 332
Fairy Cakes, 1235
Velvet Balls, 658
Faliere’s Phosphatine, 332
Fames’ Fertiliser, 1306
Family Biscuits, 1236
Gymnasium, 431
Fancy Leather Goods, etc.:
Antique Stationery Cabinets, 237
Attaché Cases, 230, 233, 237
Bank Note Cases, 243
Sovereign and Letter Cases, 243
Beaded Bags, 241
Bells, Brass, 255
Blotters, 234
Silver-mounted, 234
Blotting Books, 229
Brass, 254
Pads, 232
Book Racks, 237
Stands, 229
Troughs, 258
Boxes, 236, 1167
Brooches, 28-30, 32
Brush Penwipers, 255
Calendar Frames, 237
Brass, 255
Calendars, 229
Candlesticks, Brass, 254, 255
Card Cases, 243
Gents’, 242
Ladies’, 242
Carriage Companions, 244
Cheque Blotters, 255
Cigar Cases, 243
Collar Bags, 251
Combination Cigar and Letter Cases, 243
Cordelier Bags, 239, 240
Correspondence Baskets, 236
Cut Smelling Salts Bottles, 339
Devonshire Bags, 240
Dispatch Boxes, 236
Document Cases, 236
Dressing Cases, Gents’, 250, 251
Ladies’, 249
Rolls, 250, 251
Envelope and Blotter Sets, 234
Fans (various), 256, 257
Flap-over Bags, 238, 239, 240
Fruits, 1301, 1302
Glove, Tie and Handkerchief Cases, 244
Gum Pots and Calendars, 235
Horn Pins, 381[xxii]
Ice Cases, 281
Ices, 1297
Inkstands, Brass, 254, 255
Invalid’s Writing Pads, 232
Jewel Bags, 244, 245
Cases, 237, 244, 245
Ladies’ Carriage Bags, 238
Hand Bags, 238-241
Letter Balances, 234
Baskets, 236
Boxes, 259
Brass, 254, 255
Cases, 243
Clips, 235
Racks, Brass, 254
Trays, 233
Library Baskets, 237
Trays, 237
Match Stands, Brass, 255
Memorandum Blocks, 237
Miniature Cases, 252
Motor Companions, 244
Music Carriers, 244
Cases, 244
Nests of Drawers, 229
Overdoors, 1157
Packing Baskets, 235
Cabinets, 235
Companions, 235
Paper Knives, Brass, 255
Parisian Bags, 238
Paste and String Stands, 235
Pen Trays, Brass, 255
Penwipers, Calendar, 234
Perpetual Calendars, 254
Photograph Cases, 252
Frames, 229, 252, 253
Screens, 252, 253
Picture Boxes of Sweets, 1300
Pincushion Boxes, 229
Post Boxes, 234, 259
Purses, Gents’, 243
Ladies’, 242
Reference Cabinets, 234, 237, 258
Rings, 21
Sateens, 1449
Scissors, 191
and Sheaths, 254
Screens, 1163
Sealing Sets, 254
Sewing Cases, 246
Shirt Cases, 250, 251
Silk Tapestry Cheque Blotters, 229
Frames, 229
Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, 229
Hat-pin Boxes, 229
Silk Tapestry Hatpin Stands, 229
Lace Boxes, 229
Nests of Drawers, 229
Note Blocks, 229
Pincushion Caskets, 229
Trinket Boxes, 229
Waste Paper Barrels, 229
Holders, 229
Writing Pads, 229
Sovereign Cases, 243
Stamp Boxes, 237
Brass, 255
Stationery Baskets, 235
Cabinets, 258, 259
Racks, 236, 254
and Blotter Sets, 237
Inlaid, 258
String Boxes, 235, 254, 255
Cabinets, etc., 235
Stud Boxes, 244
Tables, Bamboo, 324
Tea Caddies, 258
and Luncheon Cases, 248
Telegram Books, 237
Trapeze Bags, 240
Travelling Inks, 234
Trinket Boxes, 245
Brass, 254
Twine Boxes, 236
Vanity Bags, 238, 239, 240
Vegetable Cutters, 1041
Waistcoats, Boys’, 642
Wall Brackets, 1157
Wallets, 236, 243
Work Cases, 246
Baskets, 247
Boxes, 246, 259
Inlaid, 259
Companions, 246, 247
Tables, 260
Writing Cabinets, Inlaid, 260
Cases, 230, 231
Desks, 259
Pads, 229, 232
Sets, 258
Tables, 260
Fans, Electric, 1226
Feather, 257
Gauze, 256, 257
Indian, 322
Japanese, 322
Lace, 256, 257
Painted, 257
Silk, 256, 257
Spangled, 256, 257
Tassel, 257
various, 256, 257
Wing, 256
Farina, 1232
Farina’s Soap, 369
Farinaceous Foods, 1244
Farms, Model, 660
Fascinators, Ladies’, 1418
Fattening Foods, 1304
Faulconer’s Worm Powder, 332
Favourite Sauce, 1243
Feather Beds, 735
Purification of, 735
Brushes, 1111
Fans, 257
Penholders, 300
Pipe Cleaners, 1348
Trimmings, 1474
Fecule de Pomme de Terre, 1246
Feed, Dry Chick, 1304
Feeders, Sick, 875
Bottles, Teats, etc., 332
Cups, 351
Fellows’ Bronchial Leaflets, 332
Syrup of Hypophosphites, 332
Fells’ Australian Wine, 1314
Fels’s Soap, 369
Felt Bath Mats, 765
Covered Syphons, 339
Hats, Boys’, 650
Gents’, 632
for underlaying Carpets, 765
Lined Egg Boxes, 1127
Felts, Coloured, 774
Fencing Equipment, 432
Elbow Guards, 432
Foil Cases, 432
Foils, 432
Gauntlets, 432
Helmets, 432
Jackets, Gents’, 432
Ladies’, 432
Masks, 432
Rapier Gloves, 432
Rapiers, 432
Shoes, 432
Sword Gauntlets, 432
Fencing, Espalier, 1005
Garden, 1005
Kennel, 1009
Poultry, 1010
Wire, 1005
Fenders, 947, 948, 982-988
Bedroom, 982
Nursery, 982
Seat, 987, 988
Fendoffs, 472
Fenestrated Forceps, 352
Fennings’ Cooling Powders, 332
Fever Cure, 332
Lung Healer, 332
Worm Powders, 332
Fenugreek Powder, 341
Feret’s Soap, 369
Fermanglobin, 339
Fermenlactyl, 332
Fern Baskets, 1141
Pots, 996
China, 859
Electroplated, 127
Silver, 127
Ferocal, 339
Ferranti Electric Cookers, etc., 1221
Ferratin, 332
Ferret Bags, 469
Collars and Bells, 469
Gloves, 469
Hutches, 1009
Muzzles, 469
Ferris’ Cascara Bonbons, 332
Ferris & Co.’s Soap, 369
Ferroleum, 332
Fertola, 1307
Festival Biscuits, 1236
Festoon Blinds, 792
Fever Balls, 341
Cure, Fennings’, 332
Drinks, 341
Fibre, 1307
Cocoanut, 1307
Jadoo, 1307
Osmunda, 1307
Prepared, 1307
Fichus, Lace, 1450
Fidelity Guarantee, 1504
Field Boots, 637
Glasses, 90, 91
Houses, 1010
Field’s Candles, 1237
Ozokerit Candles, 1272
Toilet Soaps, 1259
Fig and Lemon Jam, 1248
Figs, 1244
American, 1302
in Brandy, 1246
Crystallised, 1301
in Syrup, 1244, 1246
Californian, 1238
Figure Trainers, 433
Figures, Brass, 961
File Handles, 1072
Files, 287, 288
Canvas, 306
Engineers, 1075
Nail, 388
Filing Cabinets, 688
Tools, 581
Fillers, Boilers, 955
Filleted Herrings, 1248
Fillets of Herrings, 1248
Film Pack Adaptors, 395
Storage Albums, 402
Filo Floss, 1468
Filoselle, 1468
Filters, 752
“Berkefeld”, 881
Hand Pump, 881
House, 881
Pasteur, 881
Stoneware Drip, 881
Table, 881
Travellers’, 881
Travelling, 881
Finch Seed, 1303
Findon Haddocks, 1247
Finger Bowls, Brass, 323
Glass, 910
Chatelaines, Gold, 36
Ginger Bread, 1235
Guards, 467
Plates, Brass, 960
Tips, Archery, 421
Fingering, 1468
Fir Tree Oil, 1305
Wool Oil, 332
Fir Wool Wadding, 332
Fire Bricks, 1194
Engines, Model, 656
Toy, 660
Extinguishers, 994
Petrol, 583
Extinguishing Appliances, 1525
Guards, 973, 982, 989-991
Insurance, 1504
Irons, 947, 948, 992, 993
Lighters, 1244
Screens, 973, 982, 989-991, 1139, 1159
Japanese, 320
Sets, Kitchen, 999
Tiles, 1193
Fireproof China, 138, 879, 880
Breakfast Dishes, 879
Broth Bowls, 880
Butter Shells, 879
Cocoa Jugs, 880
Coffee Pots, 880
Cradle Ramequins, 879
Crinkled Dishes, 879
Eared Dishes, 879
Egg Poachers, 879
Entrée Dishes, 880
with Electro-plated stands, 135, 138
Fish Dishes, 879
Game Pie Dishes, 879
Hexagon Dishes, 879
Hot Pots, 879
Water Jugs, 880
Jelly Moulds, 879
Marabout Jugs, 880
Milk Boilers, 880
Bowls, 880
Oyster Shells, 879
Pie Dishes, 879, 880
Potting Dishes, 879
Poulet Casseroles, 879
Quail Cases, 879
Ramequin, 879, 880
Saucepans, 880
Scallop Shells, 879
Soufflé Dishes, 879, 880
Soup Cups, 880
Stewpots, 879
Tart Dishes, 879, 880
Teapots, 880
Fireproof Earthenware, 878
Brazing Pans, 878
Casseroles, 878
Dishes, Sole, 878
Kettles, 878
Marmites, 878
Petite Marmites, 878
Saucepans, 878
Stewpots, 878
Pie Dishes, 878
Roasting Dishes, 878
Saucepans, 878
Sole Dishes, 878
Stewpans, 878
Stewpots, 878
Fires, Electric, 1221
Gas, 1194
“Red”, 1181
Fireside Companion
Sets, 992
Firewood, 1244
Firework Displays, 1358
Fish, 1294
Carvers in Cases, Electroplated, 182
Silver, 182
Cold, 1292
Delivery of, 1294
Dishes, 879
Electroplated, 131
Flared (“Marvis”), 1249
Fryers, 995
Aluminium, 950
and Drainers, 948
Globes, 911
Hot, 1292
Kettles, 947, 948, 995
Aluminium, 950
Enamelled, 978, 979
Knives and Forks, 178
Electroplated, 179, 181
Silver, 179, 181
Manure, 1306
and Meat Fibrine Dog Cakes, 1242
Moulds, 1039
Mounted, 450
Ponds (Game), 437
Hire of, 1360
Puppy Biscuits, 1242
Slices, 947, 948, 981, 999
Aluminium, 951
Enamelled, 981
Specimen, 452
Enamelled, 981
Fishing Tackle, etc., 439-449
Anglers’ Knives, 445
Rods, 440
Artificial Baits, 447
Bags, 446
Bait Kettles, 440, 445
Baiting Needles, 448
Baits, Preserved, 442
Bank Runners, 448
Baskets, 446
Boots, 446
Bottom Rods, 440
Brogues, 446
Canvas Shoes, 446
Caps, Gents’, 632, 633
Cast Boxes, 444
Casting Reels, 441
Casts and Traces, 443
Clearing Rings, 448
Cork Trimmers, 448
Dapping Rods, Tackle, etc., 439
Disgorgers, 445, 448
Eel Spears, 448
Traps, 448
Flax Lines, 442
Flies, 443, 444
Float Caps, 445
“Floatane”, 448
Floating Coch-y-Bondhu, 441[xxiii]
Floats, 445
Fly Boxes, 444
Reels, 441
Releasers, 443
Rods, 439
Tweezers, 448
Vices, 444
Gaffs, 441
General Rods, 440
Gimp, 443, 448
Grilse Rods, 439
Gut Straighteners, 448
Hats and Caps, 632, 633
Handles for Landing Nets, 445
Hooks, 447
Loose, 448
Mounted, 448
Jackets, Waterproof, 488
Kettles, Bait, 440
Knee Boots, 446
Pads, 448
Knuckle Joints, 442
Landing Nets, 445
Rings, 445
Lead Wire, Spiral, 448
Light Bait Casting
Rods, 439
Line Driers, 441
Greasers, 442
Lines (various), 442
Mahseer Rods, 440
Muscatol, 443
Nets (various), 445
Odourless Paraffin, 448
Pike Gags, 448
Rods, 440
Tackles, 447
Pliers, 448
Plummets, 448
Pouches, Cast, 444
Prawn Tackles, 447
Prawning Rods, 439
Preserved Baits, 442
Red Deer’s Fat, 442
Reel Bags, 441
Oil, 442
Reels, 441
Fly, 441
Repairs, 439, 440
Roach Poles, 440
Rods, 440
Rod Boxes, 440
Spears, 448
Varnish, 448
Rods (various), 439, 440
Salmon Rods, 439
Sea Fishing, 449
Baits, 449
Leads, 449
Lines, 442, 449
Reels, 441
Rods, 449
Seat Baskets, 446
Silk Lines, 442
Silkworm Gut, 443
Spinning Leads, 448
Rods, 439, 440
Splicing Tape, 448
Split Rings, 448
Shot, 448
Spring Balances, 441
Steel Ribbed Rods, 439
Sundries, 446-448
Swivels, 448
Tarpon Lines, 442
Rods, 440
Traces, 443
Trolling Rods, 440
Trout Books, 444
Rods, 439
Tuna Rods, 440
Tweezers, 448
Wading Trousers and Stockings, 446
Water Cord, 442
Winches, 441
Winders, 448, 449
Worm Boxes, 448
“Fibo” for Puppies, 1242
Fitted Toilet Cases, 1096-1098
Fittings, Candle, 1214
Ceiling, 1204, 1205
Douche, 349
Electrical, 1204-1210
for Infants’ Cots, 1409
for Luncheon and Tea Baskets, 1138
Fives Gloves, 417
Fixers for Candles, 1237
Flagons, Spirit, 974
Flags, Beaters’, 467
Boundary (Hockey), 426
Croquet, 416
Golf, 409
Flake Graphite, 567
Flaked Cocoa, 1239
Oatmeal, 1252
Oats, 1233
Rice, 1255
Rizine, 1255
Flakes, Granose, 1248
Flannel, 1448
Bandages, 344
Belts, 346
Binding, 1470
Calico, and Print Goods, 1445-1449
House, 1113
Silk, 1468
Suits, Boys’, 642
Flannelette Embroideries, 1463
Patches, 468
Flannelettes, 1448
Flannels, 1448, 1449
Fancy, 1449
Household, 1448
Infants’, 1405
Flap Chess, 434
Flaked Fish (“Marvis”), 1249
“Flare-lamps”, 576
“Flare-light”, 576
Flash Lamps, 402
“Flashlamps”, 576
“Flashlite” Lamp, 576
Flasks, Aluminium, 751, 952
(various) Electroplated, 192
Hunting, 510
Pocket, 1138
(various), Silver, 192
Spirit, 962
Spitting, 353
Wicker Covered, 1138
Flat Flame Oil Lamps, Cost of, 1203
Iron Stands, 947, 948, 1026
Irons, 947, 948, 1026
Flats, Furnished, 674
to Let, 1506
Flavouring Syrups, 1262
Flax Fishing Lines, 442
Fleecy Wool, 1468
Fleming’s Alabastrine Tablets, 327
Preparations, 332
Flemish Candlesticks, 964
Flesh Brushes, 1101
Forks, 995
Rubbers, 386
Fletcher’s Vibrona, 332
Flexible Bracelets, 22
Gold Bracelets, 34, 35
Metallic Tubing, 999
Paint, Accordian, 470
Saws, 1073
Wire Mats, 997
Flint Grit, 1304
Flip-Flap (Game), 438
Flitwick Mineral Water, 1321
Float Caps, 445
“Floatane”, 448
Floating Coch-y-Bondhu, 441
Night Lights, 1251
Floats, Fishing, 445
Flon’s Syrup Lenitif, 332
Floor Brooms, 1109
Cloths, 1119
Kettles on Stands, Electro-plated, 118
Lamp Shades, 945
Lamps, 919-922
Brass, 921
Hire of, 1358
Polish, 1171, 1244
Polishers, 1111
Polishing Brushes, 1111
Standards, Electric, 1219
Flooring, Parquet, 1178
Floors, Dancing Hire of, 1359
Floral Ball Bouquets, 1295
Bouquets, 1295
Bulbs, 1295
Buttonhole Flowers, 1295
Conservatories, 1295
Contracts, 1295
Court Bouquets, 1295
Crosses, 1295
Cut Flowers, 1295
Decorations, 1295
Dress Sprays, 1295
Dwarf Rose Trees, 1295
Flowering Plants, 1295
Foliage, 1295
Hothouse Flowers, 1295
Myrtles, 1295
Palms, 1295
Plants, 1295
Sprays, Glass, 896-898
Standard Rose Trees, 1295
Table Decoration Crackers, 1300
Wedding Bouquets, 1295
Window Boxes, 1295
Wreaths, 1295
Florentine, 311
Blinds, 793
Carpets, 765
Florex, 1282
Floriline, 363
Flour, 1245
American, 1245
Analysis, 327
“Artox”, 1245
Bags and Sacks, 1245
Barley, 1246
Barrels, 1117
Bins, 995
Buckwheat, 1245
Chestnut, 1246
Corn (various), 1241
Crocks, Enamelled, 980
Dredgers, 947, 948, 995
Aluminium, 952
Enamelled, 980
Eureka, 1245
Granulated Wheat Meal, 1245
Household, 1245
Hungarian, 1245
Malted Leaven, 1245
Manhu, 1245
Diabetic, 1245
McDougall’s, 1245
Millennium, 1245
Paisley, 1245
Panir (Harrods’), 1253
of Peas, 1253
Potato, 1246, 1254
Prewett’s, 1245
Scoops, 995
Enamelled, 980
Self-raising, 1245
Stone Ground Household, 1245
Tapioca, 1246
Wheat Meal, 1245
Whites, 1245
Flourishing Thread, 1470
Flower Baskets, 1141
Bowls, 890-893, 895-898
Silver, 126, 127
Centres, Silver, 128
Garden, 1006
Gathering Scissors, 1069
Holders, 996
Brass, 737
Motor Car, 589
Pots, 859, 996
Chinese, 319
Scissors, 191
Stands, 1006, 1161
Damascus, 323
Sticks, 1305
Trainers, 1006
Tubes, Glass, 894, 895
Vases, Electro-plated, 127, 130
Enamelled, 979
Motor, 589
Silver, 127, 130
Water, Varaldi’s Orange, 341
Flowering Plants, 1295
Flowers, Crystallized, 1301
of Oxoin, 332
of Sulphur, 332, 340, 1306
Fluer Rings, 1041
Fluid Beef, 1244
Magnesia, 332, 342
Fluinol, 332
Flute Cases, 832
Cleaners, 832
Fluted Paraffin Candles, 1237
Fluting Machines, 1058
Flutes, 833
Fluxite Soldering Paste, 590
Fly Boxes, 444
Cemeteries, 332
Papers, 332
Reels, 332
Releasers, 443
Rods, 439
Traps, 995
Vices, 444
Fobs, Dress, 44
Focussing Glasses, 402
Fog Horns, Mouth, 472
Foie Gras Natural, 1246, 1253
Potted, 1287
Foil Cases, 432
Foils, 432
Folding Bagatelle Boards, 428
Bat Nets, 469
Bathing Tents, 1011
Bedsteads, 724, 725, 726, 745, 763
Boats (Accordian), 470
Berthon, 470
James, 470
Book Shelves, 746
Troughs, 1162
Cameras, 393, 395, 396
Camp Bedsteads, 755, 756
Stools, 1152
Candlesticks, 758
Canvas, 470
Card Tables, 699, 1158
Chairs, 757, 759, 1149
Cribs, 763
Croquet Chairs, 754
Dark Rooms, 402
Eye Preservers, 85
Fire Guards, 973, 990, 991
Flap Chess, 434
Foot Pumps, 568
Game Boxes, 467
Garden Tables, 1013
Ground Clap Nets, 469
Guns, 460
Hammock Garden Chair, 1152
Hats, 632, 633
Irons, 386
Ladders for Motors, 587
Lanterns, 752
Library Steps, 1117
Lounges, 1149
Manicure Sets, 383
Mantle Holders, 1126
Mirrors, 752
Nail Scissors, 191
Needlework Cases, 1475
Platform Steps, 1128
Pocket Corkscrews, 966
Medicine Cases, 343
Portmanteaux, 519
Rout Seats, 1152
Screens, 704, 1124
Hire of, 1359
Seats, 1014, 1018, 1137
Waterproof, 492
Shelves, 1120
Sleeve Boards, 1120
Stands for Trays, 323
Table Mats, 1115
Tables, 749, 756, 1137, 1161
Caterer’s, 1125
Travelling Clocks, 64, 65
Tripods, 402
Trunk and Boot Stand, 762
Stand, 762
View Finders, 397
Wash Benches, 1087
Wash Stand, 753
Work Stands, 260
Writing Pads, 237
Fancy, 229
Tables, 260
Foliage, Artificial, 1466
Folly Dolls, 662
Fomenting Pails, 514
Fomos, 363
Fondants, Fourrés, 1301
Pineapple, 1301
Pralines, 1301
Simple, 1301
Font Ewers, 737
Allenbury’s Food Cocoa, 332
Benger’s, 332
Blackbird, 1303
Canary, 1303
Carmick’s Soluble, 332
Cereal, 1233
Manhu, 1249
Colour, 1303
Dogs’, 1243
Spratt’s, 1242
Du Barry’s, 332
Farinaceous, 1244
Farola, 1244[xxiv]
Fattening (for Chickens), 1304
Florador, 1233, 1244
Force, 1233, 1244
Frame Food, 332
Jelly, 332
Game, 1304
Gough’s Russian, 333
John Bull, 332
Lark, 1303
Lentil, 1249
Mellin’s, 332
Milk and Cereal, 332
Moseley’s, 336
Neave’s, 332
Nestlé’s Milk (Milo), 332
Nicholl’s, 332
Ovaltine, 332
Parrish’s, 337, 339
Parrot, 1303
Plasmon, 332
Poultry, 1304
Racia, 332, 338
Ridge’s, 332
Rizine Flake, 1244
Savory & Moore’s, 332
“Uveco” (for Poultry), 1304
Virogen, 332
Wheat (Chapman’s), 1238
Foolscap Papers, 274
Foot Baths, 877, 956
Enamelled, 981
Batteries, Electric, 387
Bellows, 1170
Cosies, India-rubber, 491
Ease, 327
Gongs, Motor, 578
Muffs, 598, 1383
Powders, Wawkphar, 341
Pumps, Folding, 568
Rests for Garden Seats, 1016
Rot, Spratt’s Cure for, 342
Oil, 342
Scrapers, 997
Warmers, 877, 1025
Motorists’, 589
Football Requisites, 425, 426
Ankle Guards, 426
Bladders, 426
Boots, Boys’, 640
Footballs, 425
Gloves, Goalkeeper’s, 426
Goal Nets, 426
Goal Posts, 426
Inflaters, 426
Knickers, Boys’, 642
Laces, 426
Lacing Awls, 426
Protectors, 426
Referees’ Whistles, 426
Scrum Caps, 426
Shin Guards, 426
Footballs, Wool, 653
Footman’s Coats, Waterproof, 484
Footman’s Liveries, 604
Footprint Wrenches, 581
Footstool Luncheon Cases, 1137
Footstools, Ottoman, 997
Footwear, Hygienic, 1437
Rubber, 1438
Forage Barley, 1303
Meal, 1303
Beans, Split, 1303
Bran, 1303
Buckwheat, 1303
Chaff, 1303
Clover Hay, 1303
Cotton Cake, 1303
Dari, 1303
Dove Mixture, 1303
Groats, 1303
Hay, 1303
Linseed Cake, 1303
Whole, 1303
Maize, 1303
Meal, 1303
Middlings, 1303
Molassine Meal, 1303
Moss Litter, 1303
Oats, 1303
Peas, 1303
Pigeon Mixture, 1303
Pollard, 1303
Poultry Mixture, 1303
Rice, 1303
Rock Salt, 1303
Straw, Wheat, 1303
Tares, 1303
Wheat, 1303
Forbes’ Lozenges, 333
Force Cups, 995
Food, 1233, 1244
Forceps, Dental, 349
Dressing, 351, 352
Entomological, 455
Oologists’, 453
Forcing Pits, 1021
Foreign Note Paper and Envelopes, 274
Removals, 808
Rugs, 765
Foresight Rings, 468
Forfars, 1490
“Forget-Me-Not” Furniture Polish, 1247
Formalactol, 332
Formalin Lozenges, 332
Preparations, 332
Tablets, 340
Formalyptol, 333
Formamint, 333
Formarose Tablets, 332
Fork Cleaners, Leather, 1119
Holders, Stable, 517
Polishers, 1118
Tyres, 569
Forks, Aluminium, 758
Beef, 948
Bread, 163
Butter, 163
Cheese, 163
Children’s (Silver), 221, 222
Cooks, 947, 948
Dessert, 176, 177
Electro-plated, 170, 171, 176, 177
Fish, 178
Garden, 1070
Pickle, 1254
Electro, 163
Silver, 163
and Spoons, Aluminium, 953
Silver, 170, 171, 176, 177
Sardine, 163
Stable, 514
Tea (Silver), 120
Toast, 947
Tuning, 832
Weeding, 1070
Fortafix, 1244
Fossils, Cabinets for, 451
Foster’s (M. B.) Ales and Stout, 1322
Foster Mothers, 1123
Foulards, 1440
Foules, 1442
Foulke’s Cement, 333
Foundation Letters, 1468
Fountain Pen Carriers, 298
Clips, 298
Holders, 911
Stands, 289
Pens, 297-299
Fountains, Antique, 740
Drinking (Poultry), 1123
Model, 672
Poultry, 1009
Four-in-Hand Harness, 498
Whips, 501
Fowl, Curried, 1241
Fowler’s Corn Plasters, 337
Fowls, 1294
Cooked, 1290
Rice for, 1255
Fox Brushes, 450, 451
Masks, 450, 451
Pads, 450, 451
Framboisines, 1301
Frame Carriers, Cycle, 481
Food, 333
Biscuits, 328, 333
Jelly, 333
Frames, Art Needlework, 1468
Cabinet, 1157, 1164, 1166, 1168, 1169
Silver, 218, 219
Calendar (Leather), 237
Egg (Electro), 140
Silver, 140
Hair, 376, 378
Luncheon (Electro), 149
Silver, 149
Melon, 1021
Oil and Vinegar (Silver and Electro), 143
Photo, 807, 1164, 1166, 1168, 1169
Fancy, 252, 253
Silver, 218, 219
Pickle (Electro), 143
Picture, 807
Plant, 1021
Preserve, 159
Printing (Photographic), 402
Ramequin (Electro), 135
Sauce (Electro), 143
Sugar and Cream, 157
Tantalus (Silver-mounted, etc.), 154, 155
Turban, 378
Framing, Artistic, 807
Frampton’s Pills, 333
Franc’s Grain de Saute, 333
Frankfort Sausages, 1288
Franz-Josef Mineral Water, 1321
Fraser’s Tablets, 333
Free Carriage Arrangements, 3, 4
Wheels, Cycle, 82
Freeman’s Chlorodyne, 333
Freezing Machines, 1027
Salt, 1255
French Goods
Artichokes, 1245
Asparagus, 1232, 1245
Beans, 1232
Dried, 1249
Buhl Clocks, 68
Canvases, 805
Capons, 1294
Cepes, Extra, 1245
Chalk, 333, 1131
Chestnut Flour, 1246
Cigarettes, 1331
Coffee, 1240
Comestibles, Bordin’s, 1245
Confectionery, 1300-1302
Crème de Orge, 1246
Riz, 1246
Crêtes de Coq, 1245
Dried Mixed Vegetables, 1246
Epinards, 1246
Fecule de Pomme de Terre, 1246
Financière aux Truffes, 1246
Flageolets, 1246
Foie Gras Natural, 1246
Gherkins, 1245
Glue, 1247
Green Peas, 1246
Groult’s Paris Preparations, 1246
Guitars, 831
Haricot Vert, 1246
Hendebert’s Farinaceous Specialities, 1246
Linen, 1446
Macaroni Aiguilettes, 1246
Moyen, 1246
Macedoines, 1246
Mixed Pickles, 1245
Mushrooms in Vinegar, 1245
Mustard, 1245, 1251
Nouilles Aux Œufs, 1246
Olives, 1253
Onions, White, 1245
Orge d’Allemagne, 1246
Overlay Mattresses, 734
Perles du Nizam, 1246
Petites Patés Alphabetiques, 1246
Pickles, Mixed, 1245
Piment, 1245
Plums, 1245
Potato Flour, 1246
Prunes, 1245, 1254
Purée de Foies Gras, 1246
Rognon de Coq, 1246
Roll Plates, 1041
Sagou des Indes, 1246
Semoule d’ltalie, 1246
Soups, 1261
Tapioca Exotique, 1246
Flour, 1246
Truffle Peelings, 1246
Truffled Paté de Foie Gras, 1246
Truffles, 1246
Trunks, 531
Vermicelli Moyen, 1246
Vinegar, 1263
Tarragon and Chili, 1245
Voiles, 1442
White Onions, 1245
Fresh Herrings, 1248
Fretwork, 1076
Centre Pieces, 1163
Corners, 1163
Fitments, 1163
Machines, 1076
Friar’s Balsam, 333
Friction Gloves, 357
Friedrichshall Mineral Water, 1321
Friezes, Cloth, 1444
Frilled Curtain Nets, 805
Frillings, 1463
Frills, 1463
Cake, 283
Cutlet, 282
Ham, 281
Pie, 283
for Sardine Boxes, 282
Skewer, 281
Fringe Nets, 1463
Fringes, Hair, 377
Fripps’s Soaps, 369
Frisettes, Hair, 378
Fritter Moulds, 1043
Frock Coats, Gents’, 601
Frocks, Children’s, 1407, 1408
Infants’ Nursery, 1408
Frog in the Throat, 333
Front Carriers, Cycle, 481
Fork and Lamp Bracket, Cycle, 479
Frontals, 738
Fronts, Horse, 500
Fruit Baskets, electroplated, 125
Silver, 125
Biscuits, 1235
Bowls, 857
Glass, 893
Coolers, 150
Dishes, Glass, 899
and Stands, Electroplated, 124-126
Silver, 124-126
Drink Crystals, 339
Evaporated, 1244
Fourrés Glacés, 1301
Gatherers, 1069
Jars, 995
Jellies, Harrods’, 1249
in Jelly, 1247
Knives, Pocket (Silver), 183
Labels, 1305
in Liqueur, 1238
and Liqueur Syrups, 1262
Mixture, 1303
Preserved, 1231
Preservers, 995
Quarters, 1301
Salad, 1247
Slicers, 1087
Spoons, Electro, 162
Silver, 162
Stands, 1143
Electroplated, 125, 126
Silver, 125, 126
Storing Racks, 995
Trays, 1128
in Syrup, 1246, 1247
Californian, 1238
Tarts, 1297
Trays, 1128
and Vegetables, 1295
Fruits, Assorted, 1301
Bottled, 1230, 1233
in Brandy, 1246
Californian, 1238
Fruneau’s Asthma Papers, 333
Fry Baskets, 947, 948
Pans, 947, 948
Aluminium, 950
Enamelled, 978
Fryers and Drainers, Fish, 948
Fish (Aluminium), 950
Frying Baskets, 999
Oil, 1252
Pans, 999
Aluminium, 758
Fry’s Chocolate, 1302
Cocoas, 1276
Homœopathic Cocoa, 1239
Fuel, Asbestos, 1194
Economisers, 1194
Fuller’s Earth, 333, 1247
Cream, 333
Powder, 333
Fumigating Materials, 1306
Paper, 327
Pastilles, 333, 352
Fumigen Fumigators, 1306
Funeral Furnishing, 1443[xxv]
Funnels, 333, 874, 947, 948, 999
Aluminium, 952
Enamelled, 980
Garage, 567
Petrol, 567
Photographic, 402
Pie, 874
Wine, Aluminium, 952
Fur Hats, Children’s, 1407
Lined Coats, Boys’, 643
Motor Rugs, 596
Trimmings, 1383
Furnished Flats, 674
Furnishing, Church, 736-739
Drapery, 783-805
Sundries, 795
Funeral, 1443
Guide, Kitchen, 947, 948
Furniture, 673-721
Antique, 740-743
Arm Chairs, 684
Beaters, 1143
Bed Rests, 707
Bedroom Suites, 709-714
Bedsteads, Press, 720
Bentwood, 683, 684
Bidets, 708
Book Cases, 691, 692, 701, 703
Shelves, 691, 692, 719
Stands, Revolving, 701, 702
Troughs, 701
Brushes, 1113
Bulb Tubs and Stands, 701
Bureaux, 691
Cabinets, Office, 688
Cake Stands, 700
Card Tables, 699
Chairs, 698
Arm, 684
Bentwood, 683, 684
Carrying, 707
Children’s, 685
Commode, 707
Cane and Rush, 683, 686
Dining-Room, 682
Easy, 693, 695, 696, 697
Kitchen, 684
Library, 687
Merlin, 707
Office, 687
Revolving, 687
Rocking, 683
Smoking, 687
Step, 676
Children’s Chairs, 685
Toy, 660
China Cabinets, 702, 703
Commodes, 708
Couches, 694
Invalid, 707
Desks, 688, 690
Dining-Room Chairs, 682
Suites, 681
Tables, 680
Dinner Wagons, 679
Door, 961
Drawers, Chests of, 716, 720
Dress Stand, 719
Dresser Sideboards, 677, 678
Dressers, 677, 678
Dressing Chests, 715, 717, 720
Glasses, 719
Easy Chairs, 693, 695, 696, 697
Flats, 674
Garden (Children’s), 657
Gentlemen’s Easy Chairs, 696
Hall Cupboards and Umbrella Stands, 675
Wardrobes, 675
Hat and Coat Brackets, 676
Racks, 676
Invalid, 707
Kitchen Chairs, 684
Tables, 684, 721
Toy, 655
Ladies’ Easy Chairs, 696
Lamps, 333
Lavatory Glasses, 719
Library, 689-690
Chairs, 687
Linen Cupboard, 720
Lounges, 694, 695
Mirrors, 705, 706
Hanging, 719
Music Cabinets, 701
Stands, 701
Stools, 698
Newspaper Racks, 691
Stands, 701
Waggons, 700
Occasional Chairs, 698
Office, 687-690
Chairs, 687
Overmantels, 705, 706
Palm Stands, 702
Pedestal Cupboards, 708, 720
Pedestals, 702
Polish, 1247
Reading Stands, 707
Tables, 703
Revolving Chairs, 687
Rug Chests, 676
Sales of, 1508
Screens, 704
Scullery Tables, 721
Settees, 693, 695, 696
Children’s, 685
Shaving Stands, 719
Sideboards, 677, 678
Smoking Chairs, 687
Step Chairs, 676
Stools, Music, 698
Storage, 808
Tables, Bed, 707
Card, 699
Dining, 680
Dressing, 720
Gate Leg, 702, 721
Hall, 721
Kitchen, 721
Library, 689
Nests of, 701
Nursery, 721
Occasional, 702
Office, 689
Scullery, 721
Specimen, 702
Writing, 689, 690, 702, 703, 721
Tea Tables, 700
Waggons, 700
Toilet Glasses, 719
Towel Horses, 720
Typewriting Desks, 688
Umbrella Stands, 676
Under Wardrobes, 716
Wagons, Dinner, 679
Wardrobes, 718
Hall, 675
Washstands, 715, 716, 717, 720
Work Tables, 700
Writing Tables, 689, 690
Gaffs, 441
Gags, Pike, 448
Gaiters, Boys’, 647
Stockinette, 1428
Galantine Moulds, 1039
Galantines, Chicken, 1288
Game, 1288
Pheasant, 1288
Plain, 1288
Truffled, 1288
Turkey, 1288
Various, 1290
Veal, 1288
Galateas, 1449
Gall Cures, 518
and Opium Ointment, 336
Galops (Music), 837
Galvanised Barbed Wire, 1005
Baths, 999
Boating Sundries, 473, 474
Boiler Fillers, 999
Breaking Bits, 513
Camp Bucket, 758
Cisterns, 1008, 1199
Cylinders, 1199
Dolly Tubs, 999
Espalier Wire, 1005
Fencing Wire, 1005
House Pails, 999
Iron Houses, 1019, 1020
Lawn Bordering, 1006
Seed Guards, 1006
Skeps, 999
Staples, 1005
Tanks, 1199
Wash-ups, 999
Wire Baskets, 1008
Netting, 1005
Umbrellas, 1006
Game, 1294
Bags, 465
Books, 290, 306
Boxes, Folding, 467
Carriers, 466
Carvers, 172-174, 175-177
Foods, 1304
Galantines, 1288
Keeper’s Life Preservers, 467
Larders, 1131
Meal, 1304
Ovens, 955
Panniers, 505
Pates, 1255
Pies, 1288, 1291
Potted, 1254, 1287
and Poultry Medicines, Spratt’s, 342
Spice, 342
Purettes, 1288
Registers, 466
Rice, 1304
Scorers, 467
Skewers, 947, 948
Soup, 1260, 1261
Games, Afternoon Tea, 437
Card, 434, 436
Compendiums of, 434
Indoor, 428-438
Outdoor, 423-427
Race, 435
Sets of, 434
and Sports, 404-438
War, 437
Gancia and Co.’s Italian Wines, 1309
Gape Cure, 342
Garage Bags, 588
Funnels, 567
Inspection Lamps, 576
Jacks, 568
Suits, Chauffeurs’, 592
Garages, Motor (Toy), 660
Garbage Holders, 976
Garden Requisites:
Angle Straining Posts, 1005
Arches, 1006
Rustic, 1130
Barbed Wire, 1005
Barrows, 1007, 1120
Baskets, 1126, 1142
Fitted, 1069
Border Hurdles, 1005
Bowling Green Rollers, 1007
Brass Joints, 1000
Brooms, 1119
Chairs, 1013, 1014, 1018
Cane, 1155, 1156
Folding, 1152
Rustic, 1130
Cisterns, 1008
Conservatories, 1022, 1023
Cricket Ground Rollers, 1007
Cycle Houses, 1019
Driving Eyes, 1005
Engines, 1002
Espalier Fencing, 1005
Fencing Wire, 1005
Flower Baskets, 1006
Stands, 1006
Trainers, 1006
Forcing Pits, 1021
Furniture, Children’s, 657
Gates, Antique, 740
Grass Edge Trimmers, 1003
Greenhouses, 1022, 1023
Holdfasts, 1005
Hose, 1000
Branches, 1000
Connecting Unions, 1000
Reels, 1000
Repair Outfits, 1000
Illumination Lamps, Hire of, 1358
Lawn Bordering, 1006
Mowers, 1003, 1004
Sprinklers, 1000
Sweepers, 1007
Machines, 1001
Lift Pumps, 1003
Line Reel, 1000
Lounges, 1014
Manure Tanks, 1008
Melon Frames, 1021
Microscopes, 87
Netting Stakes, 1005
Palings, 1005
Parties, Bands for, 1349
Pea Guards, 1006
Plant Baskets, 1006
Frames, 1021
Preservers, 1021
Pneumatic Sprayers, 1001
Potting Sheds, 1020
Raidisseurs, 1006
Retreats, 1152
Roller Carts, 1007
Rollers, 1007
Toy, 657
Rose Trainers, 1006
Seats, 1013, 1014, 1016, 1017, 1018
Antique, 740
Rustic, 1130
Seed Guards, 1006
Shelters, 1011, 1012
Rustic, 1129
Spraying Syringes, 1001
Staples, 1005
Straining Bolts and Nuts, 1005
Suction Hose, 1002
Syringes, 1001
Tables, 1013
Rustic, 1130
Tap Unions, 1001
Terminal Ports, 1005
Tool Houses, 1020
Tools, 1070
Turf Cutting Machines, 1004
Vine Eyes, 1005
Wall Fruit Protectors, 1021
Nails, 1005
Water Barrows, 1002, 1008
Carts, 1008
Distributors, 1000
Pots, 1001
Tubs, 1008
Wheelbarrows, 1006
Wire Baskets, 1008
Netting, 1005
Workshops, 1020
Garden Sundries:
Abol Insecticide, 1306
Acme (Fruit Labels) Cast, 1305
Rose Labels Cast, 1305
Agricultural Salt, 1306
“Alu” Labels, 1305
Anti-Blight, 1305
Aphis Brushes, 1305
Apterite, 1305
Archangel Mats, 1305
Arsenate of Lead Paste, 1305
Artificial Manure, 1306, 1307
Bamboo Canes, 1305
Sticks, 1305
“Bandite”, 1305
Basic Slag, 1306
Beetlecute, 1305
Bone Meal, 1306
Bones, Crushed, 1306
Bordeaux Mixture, 1305
Canary Guano, 1306
Carnation Rings, 1305
Wire Rolls, 1305
Carter’s Worm Killer, 1305
Caustic Soda, 1306
Chandler’s Copper Labels, 1305
Charcoal, 1307
Chrysanthemum Manure, 1307
Clay’s Fertiliser, 1306
Clift’s Manurial
Insecticide, 1305
Cocoanut Fibre, 1307
Copper Sulphate, 1306
Cyllin Soft Soap, 1305
Dahlia Stakes, 1305
Dean’s Medicated Shreds, 1305
Distributors for Tobacco Powder, etc., 1305
Dried Blood, 1306
Eclipse Special Fish Manure, 1306
Elastine Wood Wool, 1305
“Eureka” Weed Killer, 1307
Fame’s Fertiliser, 1306
Fertola, 1307
Fibre, 1307
Prepared, 1307
Fir Tree Oil, 1305
Fish Manure, 1306
Flower Sticks, 1305[xxvi]
Fruit Labels, 1305
Fumigating Materials, 1306
Fumigen Fumigators, 1306
Garden Lines, 1305
Gardener’s Aprons, 1305
Gardo Insecticide, 1305
Gauntlets, 1305
Gishurst Compound, 1305
Gloves, 1305
Grape Net Bags, 1305
Greaseproof Banding Papers for Trees, 1305
Ground Shells, 1307
Hellebore Powder, 1305
Hop Manure, 1307
Horticol, 1305
Horticultural Manures, 1307
Hughes’ Vapor Roll Fumigators, 1306
Ichthemic Guano, 1307
Ideal Labels, 1305
Imperishable Stratford Labels, 1305
Indelible Garden Inks, 1305
Pencils, 1305
Insecticides, 1305
Jadoo Fibre, 1307
Jeyes’ Horticultural Wash, 1305
Kainit, 1307
Labels for Pots, 1305
Lane’s Lead Wire Ribbon, 1305
Metallic Combination Wire Labels, 1305
Lawn Manure, 1307
Sand, 1307
Lemon Oil Insecticide, 1306
Maple’s Patent Plant Pots, 1305
McDougall’s Garden Insecticide Wash, 1306
Insecticide Fumers, 1306
Sheets, 1306
Weed Killer, 1307
Nicoticide Fumigating Compound, 1306
Nicotina Fumigators, 1306
Nitrate of Soda, 1307
Osmunda Fibre, 1307
Peat, 1307
Peruvian Guano, 1307
Potassium Carbonate, 1307
Sulphide, 1306
Raffia, 1305
Rosebud Brushes, 1305
Rose Labels, 1305
Sand, 1307
Shingle, 1307
Slug Death, 1306
Traps, 1305
Smith’s Weed Killer, 1307
Sodalin, 1306
Soft Soap and Paraffin, 1306
and Quassia, 1306
Standen’s Manure, 1307
Sulphate of Ammonia, 1307
Sulphate of Iron, 1307
Sulphur, Flowers of, 1306
Summer Cloud (for Shading), 1305
Superphosphate of Lime, 1307
Tabor’s Fertiliser, 1307
Tarred Twine, 1305
Terbena Pins, 1305
Thomson’s Chrysanthemum Manure, 1307
Vine Manure, 1307
Tiffany, 1305
Tobacco Paper, 1306
Powder, 1306
Rag, 1306
Tomato Manure, 1307
Tying, Shading, and Protecting Materials, 1305
Vaporising Materials, 1306
Vaporite, 1306
Vine Manure, 1307
Wall Nails, 1305
Weed Killers, 1307
Wikeham Weed Eradicator, 1305
XL-All Extract of Quassia, 1306
Liquid Insecticide, 1306
Non-Poisonous Insecticide, 1306
Vaporising Compound, 1306
Fumigators, 1305, 1306
Weed Destroyer, 1307
Winter Washes, 1306
Zinc Labels, 1305
Gardener’s Aprons, 1305
Capes (Water-proof), 490
Gauntlets, 1305
Gloves, 1305
Gardening Books, 263
Gloves, 1118
Sets, Toy, 663
Gardo Insecticide, 1305
Garfield Tea, 333
Garland Carpets, 765
Garlic Vinegar, 1263
Garment Shields, 1472
Garter, Elastic, 1473
Garters, Riding, 508
Gas Bags, Motor, 576
Blocks, Veritas, 1194
Brackets, 998
Engine Insurance, 1504
Fires, 1194
Light Burners, Incandescent, 1201
Pendants, 998
Radiators, 1194
Shades, Inverted, 935
Talcs, 933
Tubing, 999
Gaseodyne, 342
Gaseous Fluid, 342
Gate Leg Tables, 680, 702, 721, 741
Nets, 469
Gateaux, Fancy, 1297
Gates, Collapsible, 1187
Gatinais, 1248
Gauges, 1072
Pressure (Motor), 569
Rain, 102
Tyre Pressure, 569
Gauntlets, Cape, 597
“Chamoisin”, 1118
Cricket, 419
Gardener’s, 1305
Girls’, 1431
Ladies’, 1431, 1433
Matting, 321
Sword, 432
Gauze, Absorbent, 344
Boracic, 345
Carbolic, 345
Fans, 256, 257
Iodoform, 345
Sublimate, 345
Wire, 343
Gayetty’s Medicated Paper, 333
Gear Box Grease, Motor, 567
Cycle, 482
Oil, Motor, 567
Geese, 1294
Gelatine, 1247, 1250
Powder, 1247
Gelle Frères’ Perfumes, 361
Soaps, 369
Gem-set Bracelets, 22
Brooches, 18, 28-30, 32
Earrings, 33
Hat Pins, 23
Necklets, 23, 25
Pendants, 23-25
Rings, 19-21
Scarf Pins, 40
Studs, 41
Vest Buttons, 43
General Deliveries, 5
Hire, 1351-1361
Rods, 440
Generators, Motor, 571
Genoa Cakes, 1296
Macaroni, 1250
Gentian Powder, 341
Root, 333
Tincture of, 340
Gentlemen’s Alpine Hats, 632, 633
Abdominal Belts, 345
Bath Gowns, 629
Bathing Drawers, 625
Suits, 625
Bed Jackets, 629
Socks, 615
Belts, 497, 628
Body Belts, 628
Boot Jacks, 637
Laces, 637
and Shoe Preparations, 637
Boots and Shoes, 637-640
Bows, 620
Braces, 628
Button Hooks, 637
Cane Chairs, 1155, 1156
Crops, 501
Caps, 632, 633
Card Cases, Leather, 242
Silver, 213, 214
Cardigans, 616, 617
Chest Expanding Braces, 348
Clerical Hats, 632, 633
Suits, 601
Collar Bags, 251
Collars, 627
Combinations, 614
Court Shoes, 639
Covert Coats, 600
Cutting Whips, 501
Dinner Jackets, 601
Drawers, 613, 614
Dress Suits, 601
Vests, 617
Dressing Cases, 250, 251
Fitted, 554
Companions, 191
Gowns, 630
Rolls, 250, 251
Suits, 629
Evening Coats, 601
Dress Suits, 603
Fancy Waistcoats, 605
Felt Hats, 632
Field Boots, 637
Fishing Hats, 632, 633
Jackets, Waterproof, 488
Flannel Shirts, 623
Fleecy Vests, 617
Folding Hats, 632, 633
Foot Muffs, 598
Frock Coats, 601
Gauntlets, 597
Gloves, 597
Various, 618
Golf Bags, 409
Hose, 616
Jackets, 617
Overshoes, 408
Shoes, 638, 639
Golfing Capes, Waterproof, 488
Caps, 632
Hair Brushes, 1098, 1099, 1167
Handkerchiefs, 621, 1496
Hat Cases, 537
Guards, 632
Pads, 632
Hats, 632-634
Helmets, 634
Hose, 615
Hunting Boots, 637
Crops, 501
Hats, 632, 633
Jewel Boxes, 244
Jockey Lifts, 637
Leather Purses, 497
Leather Undercoats, 594
Leggings, 595, 637
Letter Cases, 243
Links, 628
Livery Boots, 637
Mackintoshes, 486
Manicure Sets, 193
Mauds, 631
Monitor Bags, Fitted, 551
Morning Coats, 601
Motor Caps, 596
Coats, 594, 595
Cycle Suits, 490
Motoring Cap, 633
Mourning Armlets, 632
Hat Bands, 632
Mufflers, 621
Night Shirts, 624, 626
Opera Hats, 632, 633
Outfitting, 613-636
Overboots, 595, 598
Overcoats, 602, 603, 606, 608-612
Panama Hats, 632, 634
Pants, 613, 614
Pocket Letter Cases, 243
Purses, 243
Puttees, 595
Pyjamas, 624-626
Raincoats, 600
Ready-to-Wear Tailoring, 605-612
Respirators, 353
Riding Boot Hooks, 637
Boots, 637
Breeches, 603
Suits, 600
Whips, 501
Rubber Footwear, 1438
Saddle Brackets, 517
Scarves, 619-621
Shirt Cases, 250, 251, 534, 537
Shirts, 622, 623, 625, 626
Shoe Horns, 637
Laces, 637
Shoes and Boots, 637-640
Shooting Boots, 638
Capes (Water-proof), 488
Hats and Caps, 632, 633
Silk Hats, 632, 633
Skating Boots, 638
“Ski” Boots, 638
Slippers, 637, 638
Smoking Suits, 629
Spats, 637
Sporting Coats, 600
Sportsmen’s Boots, 637
Stirrups, 508
Straw Hats, 632, 634
Stud Boxes, 245
Studs, 628
Suit Cases, 522, 527, 536
Fitted, 551-553
Suits, 600, 601, 605, 607, 610, 611
Suspenders, 628
Sweaters, 616
Swimming Costumes, 625
Tailoring, 599-612
Tennis Boots, 638
Shoes, 638
Terai Hats, 632, 634
Tie Clips, 628
Ties, 619, 620
Toilet Sets of Cutlery, 191
Travelling Caps, 632, 633
Rugs, 631
Trees (Boot), 637
Tropical Hats, 634
Outfits, 602
Trousers, 603
Trunk Drawers, 625
Tweed Caps, 632, 633
Hats, 632, 633
Umbrellas, 635
Undervests, 613, 614
Walking Boots, 638, 639
Sticks, 636
Wardrobes, 718
Watches, 51, 52, 53, 54-56
Woollen Caps, 632
Waistcoats, 617
Yachting Caps, 632, 633
Geological Requisites, 454
Geraudel’s Pastilles, 333
German Barley, 1246
Rusks, 1235
Sausages, 1293
Sect, Sparkling, 1313
Gerolstein Mineral Water, 1321
Geysers, 1198
Gherkins, Bordin’s, 1245
Pickled, 1253
Giant Strides, 430
Gibbs’ (D. and W.) Soaps, 369
Giblet Soup, 1260
Gibson’s Preparations, 333
Gicquel’s Cigarettes, 333
Giesshubler Mineral Water, 1321
Gig Whips, 501
Gimblets, 1072
Gin, 1318
Ginger, 1318
Orange, 1318
Ginger, 1261
Ale, 1320
Dry, 1320
Beer Crystals, 339
Brandy, 1318
Liqueur, 1318
Cream Biscuits, 1235
Cubes, Crystallised, 1301[xxvii]
Essence, 1243
Finger Biscuits, 1235
Gin, 1318
Ground, 1247
Jars, Chinese, 319
Liqueur, 1318
Marmalade, 1250
Nut Biscuits, 1235
Powder, 341
Preserved, 1247, 1301
Shortbread, 1235
Syrup, 340
Wine, 1318
Ginghams, 1449
Gipsy Flower Baskets, 1141
Girandoles, Hire of, 1358
Giraud Fils’ Perfumes, 361
Giraud’s Soaps, 369
Girder Wrenches, 581
Girdles, Dressing Gown, 1474
Girls’ Blouses, 1377
Books, 266, 267, 268
Capes, Water-proof, 486
Corsets, 1403
Costumes, 1374, 1375
Dancing Sandals, 1437
Gauntlets, 1431
Gloves, 1431
Mackintosh Capes, 1375
Riding Habits, 1376
Skirts, 1405
Giroflée Perfume, 359
Girths, Leather, 508
Gishurst Compound, 1305
Glacé Cherries, 1301
Ginger Stem, 1301
Ribbons, 1464
Glacialine, 333
Gladstone Bags, 535
Glaseptic Sprays, 355
Glass Goods:
Ash Trays, 908, 911
Bath Salts Jars, 907
Beer Glasses, 896
Bell Shades, 911
Biscuit Boxes, 148, 894
Jars, 909
Boxes, 908
Brush Trays, 908
Vases, 907
Butter Dishes, 158, 159, 894, 909
Forks, 909
Knives, 909
Candle Rings, 908
Candlesticks, 907
Carafes, 906
Celery Bowls, 894
Glasses, 902
Centre Pieces, 890-893, 895-898
Champagne Glasses, 889
Jugs, 151, 894
Glass, 894
Churns, 1121
Chutney Jars, 902
Claret Jugs, 151, 904
Cup Jugs, 894
Glasses, 889
Cloth, 1243, 1490
Hire of, 1353, 1355
Coloured, 1177
Comports, Low, 889
Tall, 889
Cream Jugs, 910
Crystal Gazing Balls, 911
Cruet Sets, 910
Cruets, 141, 142
Custard Glasses, 889, 909
Decanters, 151, 889, 894, 896
Dessert Plates, 889
Services, 882
Dishes, 899, 894
Douches, 349
Egg and Milk Testers, 910
Embossed, 1177
Ewers and Basins, 907
Finger Bowls, 910
Glasses, 910
Figured, 1177
Fish Globes, 911
Floral Sprays, 896-898
Flower Bowls, 890-893
Tubes, 894, 895-898
Fountain Pen Holders, 911
Fruit Bowls, 893
Dishes, 899
Funnels, 402
Goblets, 896, 904
Hair Tidies, 908
Hire of, 1353
Hock Glasses, 904
Holders for Night Lights, 1251
Honey Boxes, 909
Jars, 909
Hors d’Oeuvre Dishes, 909
Horticultural, 1177
Ice Pails, 894
Plates, 889, 902, 910
Ink Bottles, 290, 911
Jam Dishes, 159
Jelly Glasses, 889, 909
Jugs, 894, 896, 903, 904
Lemon Squeezers, 910
Liqueur Glasses, 889
Sets, 905
Measures, 402
Mustard Pots, 910
Ornamental, 1177
Paper Racks, 911
Weights, 911
Pen Trays, 911
Wipers, 911
Pepper Pots, 910
Perfume Sprays, 358
Piano Insulators, 910
Pickle Bottles, 143
Jars, 894, 902
Pin Trays, 908
Port Glasses, 889
Powder Boxes, 907, 908
Preserve Baskets, 905
Jars, 894, 909
Spoons, 909
Propagating Shades, 911
Puff Jars, 893
Ring Stands, 908
Rose Bowls, 890-893, 896-898
Salad Bowls, 150, 894, 900
Incorporators, 910
Plates, 900
Servers, 900
Salt Cellars, 894, 910
Sardine Boxes, 909
Scent Bottles, 908
Scoops for Bath Salts, 907
Shelves, 1199
Sherry Glasses, 889
Soap Dishes, 907
Sorbet Glasses, 909
Spirit Bottles, 151, 901
Decanters, 894, 896
Sponge Dishes, 907
Stands, 1167
Sugar Basins, 910
Dredgers, 894
Sifters, 910
Sweet Comports, 905
Dishes, Glass, 905
Table Filters, 881
Mats, 908
Table Services, 882, 883-889
Telephone Mouth-pieces, 908
Top Boxes, 455
Trays, 1167
Trifle Dishes, 899
Trinket Boxes, 908
Tumblers, 889, 896, 905
Twin Oil and Vinegar, 894
Vacuum Jars, 911
Vases, 890-893, 895-898
Vinegar Bottles, 910
Watch Stands, 908
Water Bottles, 906
Sets, 889
Whisky Noggins, 901
Glasses, Beer, 896
Breast, 347
Celery, 902
Champagne, 889
Claret, 889
Custard, 889, 909
Dressing, 719
Field, 90, 91
Finger, 889
Focussing, 402
Graduated, 352
Hock, 904
Jelly, 889, 909
Lavatory, 719, 1157, 1161
Liqueur, 889
Magnifying, 454
Marine, 90, 91
Measure, 352
Opera, 89
Port, 889
Pulse, 352
Racing, 91
Reading, 87
Sherry, 889
Sorbet, 909
Theatre, 89
Toilet, 719
Tourist, 91
Whisky, 894
Wicker-covered, 1138
Glattolin, 333
Glausch’s Hæmaticum, 333
Glaxo, 333
Glaze, 1287
for Hams, 1247
Starch, 1261
Glazed Hams, 1291
Glaziers’ Diamonds, 1072
Glenfield Starch, 1261
“Glenveet” Polishing Cloths, 467
Ribbon, 467
Gliasyer and Kemp’s Throat Pastilles, 333
Glidagraph Pens, 284
Glidine, 333
Glidettes, 333
Globe Brass Paste, 962
Globes, 268
Fish, 911
Lamp, 916
Gloss Paint, 1174
“Glosso”, 1251
Gloucester Cheese, 1287
Glove Boxes, 1165, 1168, 1169
Buttons, 1473
and Handkerchief Boxes, Fancy, 229
Stretchers, 1098, 1102
Tie, and Handkerchief Boxes, 244
Gloves, Archery, 421
Bath, 1102
Batting, 419
Boys’, 650
Boxing, 432
Burnishing, 515
Children’s, 1431
Cleaning, Cyclists, 483
Ferreting, 469
Fives, 417
Friction, 357
Gardeners’, 1305
Gardening, 1118
Gents’, 618
Girls’, 1431
Goalkeepers’ Football, 426
Golf, 409
Hockey, 426
Hound, 496
Indiarubber, 494
Lacrosse, 422
Ladies’, 1429
Biarritz, 1429
Buckskin, 1432
Cape, 1430, 1433
Doeskin, 1429, 1431, 1432, 1433
Driving, 1430, 1433
Fabric, 1433
French Kid, 1429, 1430, 1433
Ladies’ Fur, 1432, 1433
Golfing, 1431, 1433
Lisle Thread, 1433
Luxembourg Kid, 1430
Pique Kid, 1430, 1433
Reindeer, 1431, 1433
Silk, 1433
Suède, 1429, 1430, 1432, 1433
Taffeta, 1433
Tan, 1430, 1431
Woollen, 1432
Loofah, 334
Punch Ball, 433
Rapier, 432
Selvyt, 1118
Ski, 427
Sledging, 427
Surgeons’, 352
Tobogganing, 427
Turco, 357
Wash Leather, 1118
Washing, 357
Glowworm Night Lights, 1251
Gloy, 279
Glycerine, 333, 1247
Borax, 333
Cucumber, 333
Extract of Red Bone Marrow, 327
Jujubes, 333
Medicinal, 333
Pastilles, 333
Price’s, 333
Rose Water, 333
Suppositories, 333, 340
Tannin, 333, 340
Glycola, 333
Glykaline, 333
Glyphocal, 339
“Gnom” Patent Milk Sterilizer, 339
Gnomo Felt Studs, 961
Rubber Studs, 961
Goal Nets, Football, 426
Hockey, 426
Lacrosse, 422
Posts, Football, 426
Hockey, 426
Lacrosse, 422
Rugby, 426
Goalkeeper’s Gloves (Football), 426
Goals, Water Polo, 422
Goat Harness, 499
Gobelin Carpets, 765
Goblets, Champagne (Silver), 155
Electroplated, 228
Glass, 896, 904
Silver, 228
Godesborger Mineral Water, 1321
Godfrey’s Chloride of Ammonia Inhaler, 333
Goerz Cameras, 396
Goffering Irons, 1026
Gofky (Game), 423
Gofstacle (Game), 423
Goggles, 994
“Chauffeur”, 569
Collapsible, 569
Cup, 569
Ladies’ Motor, 569
Gold Albert Chains, 45
Belcher Rings, 39
Blouse Pins, 41
Bracelet Watches, 52, 56, 59-61
Bracelets, 34, 35
Brooches, 28-32
Card Cases, Gents’, 48
Ladies’, 37
Chain Purses, 36
Bags, 36
Charms, 29, 31, 34
Chatelaine Memo, 37
Cigar Cases, 49
Cutter, 48
Piercers, 46
Holders, 48
Cigarette Cases, 37, 48
Holders, 46
Collar Clips, 41
Studs, 41
Compasses, 44
Curb Chairs, 45
Dress Studs, 41
Dust, 389
Earrings, 33
Finger Chatelaine, 36
Flake Tobacco, 1332
Guards, 50
Hat Pins, 25
Ink, 315
Leaf, 315
Links, 42
Lockets, 27
Match Boxes, 48
Neck Chains, 27
Necklets, 25, 27
“Ninon de Soie”, 1441
Paint, 315
Pencil Cases, 46, 47, 298
Pendants, 24, 25
Penholders, 46
Pocket Knives, 46
Puff Boxes, 37
Safety Pins, 41
Scarf Pins, 40
Seals, 44
Shells, 315
Signet Rings, 39
Size, 311, 1174
Snake Rings, 39
Sovereign and Note Case, 37
Purses, 37, 48
Tassels, 1474
Telescopic Pencils, 47
Tie Clips, 41
Tinsel Ribbons, 1465
Toothpick, 46
Vanity Cases, 37
Vest Buttons, 43
Watches, Gents’, 51-56
Ladies’, 52, 56-62
Goldbeater’s Skin, 333
Golden Plover, 1294
Virginia Tobacco, 1332
Golden Syrup, 1262
Shred Marmalade, 1250
Plums in Syrup, 1247
Golding’s Ales and Stout, 1322, 1323
Gold-mounted Cigar and Cigarette Tubes, 1340
Golf Requisites, 404-408[xxviii]
Automatic Caddies, 409
Bags, 409
Ball Cleaners, 408
Markers, 408
Painter, 408
Scoops, 409
Balls, 407
Biscuits, 1235
Steel “Bogey” Hole Tins, 409
Caddies, Automatic, 409
Captive, 408
Clock, 423
Clubs, 404-406
Driving Nets, 408
Flags, Steel Spring, 409
Gloves, 409
Golfer’s Watches, 408
Hole Cutters, 409
Holes, 409
Hose, Gents’, 617
Irons, 405, 406
Juvenile Sets, 406
Ladies’ Clubs, 406
Marking Out Pins, 409
Mittens, 409
Overshoes, 408
Painting Outfit, 408
Pneumatic Grips, 406
Portmanteaux, 409
Practice Nets, 408
Repairs, 404
Registers, 408
Rules of, 409
Sand Boxes, 409
Score Books, 408
Cases, 408
Scorers, Harrods’ (Silver), 214
Scoring Books, 289, 301
Cases, Pocket, 301
Shoes, Gents’, 638
Spectacles, 84
Staff with Bunting Flag, 409
Stance Mats, 408
Starting Ball Through, 409
Tee Mats, 408
Stamps, 408
Tees, 408
Umbrellas, 409
Youths’ Clubs, 406
Golfing Capes, Waterproof, 488
Caps, Gents’, 632
Gong Stands, 1032
Gongs, 1031, 1032
Foot (Motor), 578
Hand (Motor), 578
Oak, 165
Goodall’s Baking Powder, 1232
Goods on Approval, 3
Damaged in Transit, 3
Reported Missing, 3
Goodwin & Sons’ Soaps, 369, 370, 373
Goose Necks, 473
Gooseberries, Bottled, 1233
Cape, 1238
Gordon’s Asthma Cure, 333
Medicated Paper, 333
Gorgonzola Cheese, 1287
Goslings, 1294
Gosnell’s Perfumes, 361
Soaps, 369
Gossage’s Dry Soap, 1274
Gossamers, 1452
Gotha Sausages, 1288
Gouda Cheese, Dutch, 1287
Night Lights, 1251
Stearine Candles, 1237
Goudron de Guyot, 333
Gouges, 1072
Gough’s Russian Food, 333
Goulard Extract, 333
Water, 333
“Gourdoulis” Egyptian Cigarettes, 1330
Gourmet Boilers, 874
Gout Mixture, Gibson’s, 333
Gowns, Bath (Boys’), 647
Dressing (Boys’), 644
Children’s, 1407
Gents’, 630
Ladies’, 1395, 1396, 1397
Grading Trays, Fruit, 1128
Gradometers, 587
Graduated Glasses, 352
Jugs, 876
Grain Sheds, Portable, 1204
Gramaphone Record Albums, 830
Carriers, 830
Cases, 830
Records, 830
Stands, 830
Gramaphones, 829
Horn Baskets for, 830
Grand Pianos, 819, 821, 822, 824
Baby, 821
Granola Biscuits, 1235
Granose Biscuits, 1248
Flakes, 1248
Wheat Flakes, 1248
Grant’s Soaps, 369
Granular Effervescent Citrate of Magnesia, 333
Granulated Prairie Meat, 1304
Sugar, 1262
Wheat Meal, 1245
Granulets, Bishop’s, 328
Grape Jelly, 333
Net Bags, 1305
Nuts, 1233, 1247
Scissors, 164
Stands, Electro-plated, 126
Grapes, Glacé, 1301
in Syrup, 1246
Graphite, Flake, 567
“Grapholine”, 482
Grass Edge Trimmers, 1003
Shears, 1069
Grate Economisers, 1194
Polishes, 1232
Graters, Beef, 948, 999
Bread, 947, 948, 955, 999
Cheese, 955
Nutmeg, 947, 948
Grates, 1180-1185
Bell, 1182
Dog, 1185
Eagle, 1184
Hob, 1183
Grating Machines, 955
Grave Stones, 739
Gravel, Hyde’s Shell, 1303
Gravies, Browning for, 1233
Gravina, 1260
Gravy Essence, 1253
Spoons, 176, 177, 999
Strainers, 947, 948, 999
Aluminium, 950
Enamelled, 982
Tureens, Aluminium, 952
Gray’s Chutney, 1238
Grease, Bear’s, 367
Cups, Archery, 421
Gear Box (Motor), 567
Motor, 567
and Oil Guns for Motors, 565
Paints, 388
Protectors, Hire of, 1358
Vacuum, Motor, 567
Greaseproof Banding Paper for Trees, 1305
Green Fig Marmalade, 1250
Pea Soup, 1260
Peas, 1246
Mints, 1301
Stain, 1159
Greengage Jam, 1248
Greengages, Bottled, 1233
Californian in Syrup, 1238, 1246, 1247
Greenlees Scotch Whiskies, 1308
Greenwich Sperm Candles, 1237
Gregory Powder, 333
Tablets, 340
Grelots, 833
Grenadier Outfits, Toy, 665
Grenadine Veils, 1452
Grenadines, 1442
Gre-Solvent Motor Soap, 590
Grey Hens, 1294
Greyhound Coats and Hoods, 495
Meat Fibrine Dog Cakes, 1242
Gridirons, 947, 948, 999
Aluminium, 951
Hanging, 999
“Griff” Lamp Covers, 564
Tyre Covers, 564
Grilling Stoves, 1062
Grilse Rods, 439
Grimault’s Cigarettes, 331, 333
Guarana Powder, 333
Syrup of Hypophosphites of Lime, 333
Grip Binders, 296
Handles, 433
Gripe Drinks, 341
Water, Woodward’s, 341
Grocery, Albo Carbon Light, 1230
Almonds, Dessert, 1230
Anchovies, 1230
Anchovy Essence, 1230, 1256
Paste, 1230, 1254
Apples, 1230
Apricots, 1230, 1231, 1244, 1246, 1247
Aromatic Seasoning, 1230
in Brandy, 1246
in Syrup, 1246
Arrowroot, 1232
Artichokes, 1232, 1245
Asparagus, 1232
Baking Powder, 1232
Ballroom Powder Polishing, 1232
Barley, 1232
Bath Bricks, 1232
Cleaner, 1232
Mustard, 1232
Beans, Butter, 1247
French, 1232
Haricot, 1247
Beef Essence, 1232
Extract, 1244
Fluid, 1232, 1244
Tea, 1232
Jelly, 1232
Berlin Black, 1232
Bimbo, 1232
Biscuits, Various, 1234-1236
Dog, 1242
Bisto, 1232
Blacking, 1232
Black Lead, 1232
Blanc Mange Powder, 1232
Bloater Paste, 1254
Bloaters, Preserved, 1232
Blue, 1232
Bombay Duck, 1233
Bone Dust, 1233
Boot Cream, 1233
Polish Outfits, 1233
Borax, 1233
Bottled Fruits, 1231, 1233, 1246, 1247
Bovril, 1232
Brass Polishing Liquid, 1233
Breakfast Cereals, 1233
Browning for Gravy, 1233, 1253, 1255
Brunswick Black, 1233
Butter Beans, 1233
“Buttercup” Metal Paste, 1233, 1251
Cacao Menier, 1239
Cafolin, 1238
Cakeoma, 1238
Californian Fruits, 1238, 1244
Plums, 1238
Candied Peel, 1238
Candles, 1237
Canisters, Tea, 1262, 1264, 1265
Cape Gooseberries, 1238
Capers, 1238
Carlsbad Plums, 1238
Carpet Soap, 1257
Castor Sugar, 1262
Celery Seed, 1238
Soup, 1238
Cerises, 1238
Chapman’s Wheat Food, 1238
Cherries in Brandy, 1238
in Crême de Menthe, 1238
in Maraschino, 1238
Chicken Broth Soup, 1260
Essence, 1232
Jelly, 1238
Chicory, 1238
Chillies, 1238
Chinese Preserves, 1238
Chiswick Carpet Soap, 1257
Chocolate Powder, 1238
Chutney, 1238
Citric Acid, 1238
Claret Cup, 1239
Cock’s Combs, 1239
Kidneys, 1246
Cocoa, 1239
Bensdorp’s, 1239
Bournville, 1239
Cadbury’s, 1239
Essence, 1239
Harrods’, 1239
Fry’s, 1239
Homœopathic, 1239
Kohler’s, 1239
Mazawattee, 1239
Nut, 1239
Plasmon, 1239
Prepared Admixtures of, 1239
Rowntree’s, 1239
Tibbles’, 1239
Van Houten’s, 1239
Cocoatina, 1239
Cods’ Roes, 1239
Coffee, 1239, 1240
Extracts, etc., 1239
Harrods’, 1240
Colouring Vegetable, 1239
Colours, Vegetable, 1239
Colza Oil, 1239
Confitures de Bar-le-Duc, 1241
Corn Flour, 1241
Sugar, 1241
Cream, Nelson’s, 1241
of Tartar, 1241
of Wheat, 1241
Crocus Powder, 1241
Crosse & Blackwell’s Preparations, 1241
Crystal Oil, 1241
Curd, 1241
Currants, 1241
Curried Preparations, 1241
Curry Gravy, 1241
Paste, 1241
Powder, 1241
Custard Powder, 1241
Cycle Lubricant, 1241
Damson Cheese, 1241
Darrell’s Dirt Defier, 1241
Dates, 1241
Dazzleine, 1241
Deodorising Powder, 1243
Disinfecting Fluid, 1243
Dog Biscuits, etc., 1242, 1243
Foods, 1242, 1243
Soaps, 1260
Dried Herbs, 1247
Julienne, 1243, 1249
Turtle, 1260, 1261, 1263
Vegetables, 1263
Dust, Mason’s, 1250
Egg Powders, 1243
Elva Plums, 1243
Emery Cloth, 1243
Powder, 1243
Escoffier’s Preparations, 1243
Essence of Beef, 1232
Chicken, 1232
Cocoa, 1239
Coffee, 1239
Flavouring, 1243
for Gravies, 1253
Mutton, 1244
Rennet, 1243
Essences, Harrods’, 1243
Evaporated Fruit, Californian, 1244
Extract, Beef, 1244
Meat, 1244
Mutton, 1244
Soap, 1257
Farinaceous Foods, 1244
Figs, 1244
in Brandy, 1238
Firelighters, 1244
Firewood, 1244
Flavouring Essences, 1243[xxix]
Floor Polish, 1244
Florador Food, 1244
Flour, Bags and Sacks, 1245
Chestnut, 1246
Potato, 1246
Tapioca, 1246
Fluid Beef, 1244
Disinfecting, 1243
Foods, Farinaceous, 1244
Dog, 1242 ,1243
Force, 1244
Lentil, 1249
Force Food, 1244
Fortafix, 1244
French Coffee, 1240
Comestibles Bordin’s, 1245
Goods, 1245, 1246
Plums, 1245
Fruit Jellies, 1247
Syrups, 1246, 1248
Fruits, Bottled, 1231, 1233, 1245-1247
in Brandy, 1246
Preserved, 1245-1247
in Syrup, 1246-1247
Fuller’s Earth, 1247
Furniture Polish, 1247
Gelatine, 1247
Ginger, in Syrup, 1247
Glaze for Hams, 1247
Starch, 1261
Glue, 1247
Glycerine, 1247
Gooseberries, Cape, 1238
Grape Nuts, 1233
Groats, 1247
Groult’s Preparations, 1246
Haddocks, Tinned, 1247
Hargreave’s Linoleo, 1244
Haricot Beans, 1247
Vert, 1246
Harrods’ Boot Cream, 1233
Soaps, 1257, 1258
Specialities, 1233
Hat Polish, 1247
Hearth Stones, 1247
Heinz & Co.’s Preparations, 1247
Herbs, Dried, 1247
Herrings, 1248
Hoe-ford Jam, 1248
Hominy, 1248
Honey, 1248
Hors d’Œuvres, 1248
Horseradish Cream, 1248
Household Oil (Hydrosol), 1248
Hydrosol Oil, 1248
Ice Cream Powders, 1248
Icing Sugar, 1262
Isinglass, 1248
Isinglassine, 1248
Italian Paste, 1248
Ivelcon Consommé, 1248
Jams (various), 1248
Jellies, Fruit, 1248, 1249
Table, 1249
with Wine, 1249
Jelly Powder, 1249
Julienne, Dried, 1243, 1260, 1261
Junket Powder, 1249
Tablets, 1249
Karpetine, 1249
Kerosene Oil, 1249
Kitchen Paper, 1249
Kitlene, 1249
Klinoff, 1249
Knife Polish, 1249
Lamp Oils, 1252
Lard Oil, 1252
Laver, 1249
Lax, 1249
Lead, Red, 1255
Lemon Curd, 1249
Juice, 1249
Squash, 1249
Lemonade, Concentrated, 1249
Lentil Food, 1249
Lentils, 1249
Liebig’s Extracts, etc., 1232, 1244
Lime Juice, 1249
Linoleum Polish, 1244, 1247
Linseed Meal, 1249
Oil, 1252
Liquorice, 1249
Loaf Sugar, 1262
Lobsters, 1249
Lubricant, Cycle, 1241
Macaroni, 1250
McDoddie’s Dried Vegetables, 1249
Mackerel, Tinned, 1249
“Magic” Metal Paste, 1251
Maize Corn Meal, 1250
Malt Vinegar, 1263
Mandarins in Brandy, 1246
Manhu Cereal Food, 1249
Flour, 1245
Maquereaux des Gastronomes, 1249
Marblette, 1250
Marble Powder, 1250
Marblerito, 1250
Marmalade, 1250
Marmite, 1250
Marshall’s Specialities, 1250, 1262
Mason’s Dust, 1250
Matches, 1250
Meat Extract, 1244
Patés, 1255
Potted, 1254
Metal Paste, 1251
Polish, 1251
Methylated Spirit, 1251
Milk, Condensed, 1251
Mulligatawny Paste, 1251
Muscatels, 1251
Mushrooms, 1245, 1251
Powder, 1251
Mustard, 1251
Mutton, Essence of, 1232, 1244
Extract, 1244
Neat’s Foot Oil, 1252
Night Lights, 1251
Nodust, 1251
Normandy Pippins, 1244, 1251
Oatmeal, 1252
Oats, Plasmon, 1252
Oil, Colza, 1252
Crystal, 1252
Household, 1252
Kerosene, 1252
Lamp, 1252
Lard, 1252
Linseed, 1252
Neat’s Foot, 1252
Olive, 1252
Salad, 1252
Sperm, 1252
Okra and Tomatoes, 1253
Olive Oil, 1252
Olives, 1253
Onions, White, 1245
Orangeate, 1253
Oxo Beef Fluid, 1253
Oysters, Tinned, 1253
Palace Condiments, 1253
Panir Flour, 1253
Parisian Essence for Gravies, 1253
Paste, Anchovy, 1254
Bloater, 1254
Curry, 1241
Italian, 1248
Metal, 1233, 1251
Mulligatawny, 1251
Plate, 1254
Polishing, 1254
Sardine, 1254
Shrimp, 1254
Pastilles de Legumes, 1253
Pâtés de Foie Gras, 1246, 1253
Meat, 1255
Pea Flour, 1253
Peaches, 1238, 1246, 1247, 1253
in Brandy, 1246
in Syrup, 1246
Pears, Bottled and Tinned, 1231, 1238, 1246, 1253
Californian, 1244
in Syrup, 1246
Peas, 1246, 1253
Split, 1253
Peel, Candied, 1238, 1253
Pepper, 1253
Pickle Forks, 1254
Pickles, French, Various, 1253, 1254
Pilchards, 1254
Pimientos, 1254
Pineapple, 1246, 1247, 1254
Pipeclay, 1254
Pippins, Normandy, 1244, 1251
Pistachio Kernel, 1254
Plasmon Preparations, 1252
Tea, 1262
Plate Polish, etc., 1254
Plums, Californian, 1238
Carlsbad, 1238
Elva, 1243
Evaporated Silver, 1244
French, 1245
Polishes, Floor, 1244
Furniture, 1247
Hat, 1247
Knife, 1249
Linoleum, 1244
Metal, 1251
Paste, 1254
Potato Flour, 1254
Potted Meats, etc., 1254
Powders, Baking, 1232
Ballroom, 1232
Blanc Mange, 1232
Chocolate, 1238
Crocus, 1241
Curry, 1241
Custard, 1241
Deodorising, 1243
Egg, 1243
Emery, 1243
Ice Cream, 1248
Jelly, 1249
Junket, 1243, 1249
Mushroom, 1251
Plate, 1254
Pudding, 1255
Putty, 1255
Soap, 1257
Steel, 1261
Tartaric Acid, 1262
Washing, 1263
Yeast, 1263
Prawns, 1254
Preserved Bloaters, 1232
Fruits, 1231
Prunes, 1245, 1254
Evaporated, 1244
Pudding Powders, 1255
Pulp, Teyssonneau’s, 1255
Pumice Stone, 1255
Putty Powder, 1255
Pyn-ka, 1254
Raisins, 1255
Red Lead, 1255
Relishes, 1254
Rennet Essence, 1243, 1255
Tablets, 1255
Rice, 1255
Flaked, 1255
Rizine, 1244, 1255
Ronuk, 1244, 1255
Rottenstone, 1255
Sago, 1255
Salad Dressing, 1255
Oil, 1252, 1255
Salmon, Tinned, 1255
Salt, Sea, 1255, 1256
Table, 1255
Saltpetre, 1255
Sand, Household, 1256
Silver, 1256
Sardines, 1256
Sauces, 1243, 1256
Savouries, 1248
Scotch Oatmeal, 1252
Seasoning, Aromatic, 1230
Semolina, 1256
Shrimps, 1256
Soap, 1257-1259
Cooks’, 1259
Dog, 1260
Extract, 1257
Household, 1257
Soft, 1257
Toilet, 1258, 1259
Soda, 1260
Solidified Soup Squares, 1260
Soot Destroyer, 1260
Soup Squares, 1260
Soups, Bottles, 1261
Tins, 1260
Spanish Olives, 1253
Sperm Oil, 1252
Spices, 1261
Spiritine, 1261
Split Peas, 1253
Spratt’s Specialities, 1242
Starch, 1261
Glaze, 1261
Steel Powder, 1261
Strawberries in Brandy, 1246
à la Fine Champagne, 1238
String, 1261
Succotash, 1261
Sugar, 1262
Candy, 1262
Cane, 1262
Castor, 1262
Corn, 1262
Crushed, 1262
Demerara, etc., 1262
Granulated, 1262
Icing, 1262
Loaf, 1262
Refined, 1262
in Tablets, 1262
Vanilla, 1263
Sultana Raisins, 1255
Syrups, Fruit, 1250, 1262
Tapers, 1262
Tamarinds, 1262
Tapioca, 1262
Flakes, 1262
Flour, 1246
Tartaric Acid, 1262
Tea, 1264, 1265
Canisters, 1262
Plasmon, 1262
Samples of, 1264, 1265
Thon, 1262
Toilet Soap, 1258, 1259
Tomatoes, 1263
Treacle, 1263
Truffles, 1246, 1263
Turpentine, 1263
Turtle, Dried, 1263
Jelly, 1263
Soup, 1260, 1261
Vanilla Pods, 1263
Sugar, 1263
Vegetable Colours, 1250
Vegetables, Dried, 1245, 1249
Preserved, 1263
Venetian Red, 1263
Vermecelli, 1246
Soup, 1260
Vinegar, French, 1245, 1263
Table, 1263
Tarragon, 1243, 1245, 1263
Washing Powders, 1263
Wax, 1237
Wheat Food, Chapman’s, 1238
Whiting, 1263
Wood, Bundles, 1244, 1263
Grooms’ Belts, 497
Liveries, 604
Saddles, 502
Grossmith’s Perfumes, 361
Soaps, 369
Grosvenor Carpets, 765
Groult’s Paris Preparations, 1246
Ground Almonds, 1230
Clap Nets, 469
Rice, 1255
Shells, 1307
Sheets, 750
Grouse, 1294
Claws, 451
Pies, 1288
Potted, 1254, 1287
Soup, 1260
Trailing Nets, 469
Grubbers, 1070
Grula, 1304
Gruyere Cheese, 1287
Guaiacose, 333
Guano, Canary, 1306
Ichthemic, 1307
Peruvian, 1307
Guard Chains, Gold and Platinum, 50
Guards, Arm (Archery), 421
Elbow, 432
Finger, 467
Fire, 982, 989-991
Hat, 632
Pea, 1006
Seed, 1006
Shin and Ankle (Football), 426
Splash (Indiarubber), 494
Watch, 497
Guava Jelly, 1249
Guavas, Californian, 1238
in Syrup, 1246
Guberquelle Mineral Water, 1321
Gude’s Pepto-Mangan, 333
Guerlain’s Perfumes, 361
Soaps, 369
Guide Books, 263
Guide Book to Chip Carving, 1165[xxx]
Furnishing, 947, 948
or Household Linen, 1498
to Poker Work, 1165
Guides, Ball Room, 836
Guimpes, 1450
Guinea Fowls, 1294
Guinness’s Stout, 1323
Guipsine, 333
Guipure Sets, 1450
d’Art Curtains, 800
Lace, 1452
and Muslin Insertion, 1459
Guitar Bridge Pins, 832
Capodastras, 832
Cases, 831
Music Books, 844
Strings, 832
Tutors, 834
Guitars, 831
Gum Arabic, 333
Benzoin, 333
Chewing, 1302
Dragon, 333, 340
Lancets, 353
Pots, 304
Silver-mounted, 218
Spirit, 389
Tragacanth, 340
Gun Brushes, 468
Hand Protectors, 468
Implements, 468
Oil, 467
Tow, 467
Guns, 456-461
“Adjustable Try”, 456
Air, 461
Ammunition for, 461
Alarm, 467
Alterations to, 456
Ammunition for, 456, 463, 464
Automatic Shot Guns, 458
Cabinets for, 465
Cases for, 465
Collectors’, 458
Covers for, 465
Double-Barrelled, 458, 459
Ejectors, 456, 457, 458
Fitting of, 456
Folding, 460
Garden, 461
Hammerless, 456, 457, 458
Ladies’ Guns, 458
Measuring, 456
Repairs to, 456
Repeating, 458
Saloon, 461
Saluting, 464
Sporting, 1282
Warehousing of, 456
Wild Fowl, 458
Winchester Self-Loading, 458
Gunter’s Sketcher’s Holdall, 309
Gusset Cases, 85
Gut, Fishing, 443
Revivers, Lawn Tennis, 414
Gut Silkworm, 443
Various, 443
Gutta Percha Tissue, 333
for Tooth Stopping, 340
Guy Ropes, Lawn Tennis, 414
Gymnasium Mats, 430
Mattresses, 430
Haantjes Lager Beer, 1322
Angola Cards, 1470
Artificial Silk
Braids, 1476
Back Combs, 1474
Belting, 1470
Satin Serge, 1470
Webs, 1470
Bindings, 1470
Flannel, 1470
Prussian, 1471
Skirt, Leather, 1470
Velvet, 1470
Stay, 1470
Wool, 1470
Blind Cord, 1474
Blocked Tape, 1470
Blouse Retainers, 1473
Bone Buttons, 1473
Boot Laces, 1474
Braids (various), 1474
Buckram, 1474
Buttons, 1473
Carpet Needles, 1471
Thread, 1470
Children’s Suspenders, 1474
Collar Bones, 1471
Supports, 1471
Cotton Cord, 1474
Mendings, 1470
Tape, 1470
Cottons, 1470
Crewel Needles, 1471
Crochet Cotton, 1470
Thread, 1470
Dress Shields, 1472
Dressing Gown Girdles, 1474
Dressmakers’ Pins, 1471
Dutch Tape, 1470
Elastic, 1473
Eye-Glass Cords, 1474
Feather Trimmings, 1474
Flannel Binding, 1470
Flexor Hairpins, 1471
Flourishing Thread, 1470
Fringe, Gold or Silver, 1474
Garment Shields, 1472
Garters, Elastic, 1473
Glove Buttons, 1473
Gold Tassels, 1474
Hair Pins, 1471
Hat Bandeaux, 1473
Horn Combs and Prongs, 1474
Hussifs, 1475
India Tape, 1470
Invisible Hairpins, 1471
Italian Hairpins, 1471
Jet Pins, 1471
Knitting Cotton, 1470
Machine Cotton, 1470
Silks, 1473
Marking Cotton, 1470
Mattress Needles, 1471
Natural Wool Bindings, 1470
Neck Combs, 1474
Needle Cases, 1475
Needles, 1471
Needlework Cabinets, 1475
Ladies’ Suspenders, 1474
Laundry Pins, 1471
Leather Skirt Binding, 1470
Lillikin Pins, 1471
Linen Buttons, 1473
Tape, 1470
Thread, 1470
Lisle Thread, 1470
Oktis Corset Shields, 1473
Packing Needles, 1471
Pink Tape, 1470
Pins, 1471
Prongs, 1474
Prussian Binding, 1471
Pyjama Cord and Girdles, 1474
Raffia Tape, 1470
Ribbon Wire, 1474
Safety Pins, 1471
Satin Serge Belting, 1470
Quiltings, 1474
Wires, 1474
Scientific Hair Pins, 1471
Sewing Cottons, 1470
Silks, 1473
Shirt Buttons, 1473
Shoe Laces, 1474
Side Combs, 1474
Silk Dress Laces, 1474
Galons, 1470
Girdles, 1474
Silver Tassels, 1474
Skirt Bands, 1473
Slides, 1474
Spun Silk Mending, 1473
Stay Bindings, 1470
Busks, 1473
Cord, 1474
Laces, 1474
Steel Pins, 1471
Stocking Suspenders, 1474
Swansdown Trimming, 1474
Tailors’ Twist, 1473
Tape Measures, 1473
Tapes, 1470
Thread, 1470
Travelling Pockets, 1473
Trimmings, 1477
Tulip Pearl Buttons, 1473
Velvet Grip Suspenders, 1474
Skirt Bindings, 1470
Waddings, 1474
Waved Hairpins, 1471
Wool Mendings, 1470
Work Boxes, 1475
Worsted, Coloured, 1474
Zita Dip Front Adjuster, 1473
Hack Saws, 1073
Hacking Bridles, 506
Hæmaboloids, 333
Hæmatogen, 333
Hæmoferrum, Stern’s, 339
Hail Storm Insurance, 1504
Haine’s Golden Specific, 333
Broom Heads, 1108
Brooms, 1108
Brushes, 1098, 1099, 1167
Infants’ (Silver), 221
Silver, 193-201
Centre Partings, 378
Clippers, 387
Clusters of Curls, 375, 376, 377, 378
Coiffures, 375, 376
Combs, 379-381, 1474
Back, 1474
Neck, 1474
Side, 1474
Creams, 367
Crimping Irons, 386
Curling Iron Heaters, 386
Irons, 386
Stoves, 386
Curls, 377
Dryers, Electric, 387
Duchess Coils, 377
Dyes, 368
Fancy Combs, 379-380
Folding Irons, 386
Frames, 376, 378
Fringes, 377
Frisettes, 378
Helmet Curls, 377
“Kroko” Combs, 380
Lotion Sponges, 386
Lotions, 367, 368
Neck Combs, 380
Nets, 1463
Oils, 367, 368
Pads, 378
Pin Boxes, Silver, 194
Curls, 377
Waves, 376
Pins, 1471
Horn, 379, 380
Plaits, 375, 376
Pomade, 367, 389
Preparations for the, 367-368
Prongs, 1474
Puff Coils, 377
Restorer, Sherley’s, 342
Restorers, 367-368
Restoring Ointment, 342
Side Partings, 378
Slides, 379-381, 1474
Stains, 368
Stimulant, 342
Sundries, 386, 387
Tails of, 377
Tidies, 875
Glass, 908
Silver, 199
Transformations, 371
Turban Frames, 378
Washes, 367, 368
Waved Dips, 378
Wavers, 384
Waving Irons, 386
Wigs, Measurement for, 375
Hairdressing, Manicure, Massage, and Chiropody, 374-389
Hairpin Boxes, 1164
Hair’s Asthma Cure, 333
Pills, 333
Halcyon Carpets, 765
Half-Circles, Hire of, 1358
Halford’s Curry Paste, 1241
Powder, 1241
Sauce, 1256
Curries, 1241
Half-minute Thermometer, 342
Hall Brush Sets, 1106
Cupboards and Umbrella Stands, 675
Decoration, 1357
Foot Brush, 1111
Lamps, 925, 926
Lanterns, 1204
Letter Boxes, 259
Porter’s Liveries, 604
Stands, 675
Step Chairs, 676
Stoves, 1189
Wardrobes, 675
Halliard Pulleys, 474
Hall’s Perfumes, 361
Wine, 333, 341
Halma (Game), 437
Halogen, 363
Halter Chains, 514
Halters, 514
Halton’s Chocolates, 1298
Marmalade, 1250
Ham and Chicken Patés, 1255
Potted, 1254
Devilled, 1255
Entrée Moulds, 1039
Frills, 281
Glaze, 1247
Pans, 874
Ham, Potted, 1254, 1287
Stands, 1025
Hamamelis Ointment, 336
Hamilton’s Linseed Leaves, 333
Hammer Toe Springs, 385
Hammers, 947, 948
Coal, 947, 948
Gardener’s, 1070
Geological, 454
Sledge, 432
Throwing, 430
Various, 1071
Hammock Chairs, 757, 759, 1014, 1152
Lounges, 1015
Hamper Baskets, Japanese, 321
Hampers, Boating, Racing, etc., 1291
Dog, 1139
Linen, 1139
Picnic, 1141
Provision, 1139
Travelling, 1141
Wine, 1139
Hand Bag Carriers, Cycle, 481
Bags, Ladies’, 238-241, 544
Wisteria, 321
Baskets, 1141
Bells, 1031
Bowls, 947, 948, 955
Enamelled, 979
Cameras, “Reflex”, 395
Cleaners, 335
Coal Scoops, 993
Daters, 307
Flingers, 467
Gongs, Motor, 578
Grenade Sprinklers, 994
Kit Bags, 535
Lamps, 927
Electric, 576
Motor, 576
Lanterns, 931
Mincers, 1043
Mirrors, 1102, 1167
Silver, 197-201
Pads, Indiarubber, 1107
Painted Lamp Shades, 942, 943
Protectors, 467
Pump Filters, 881
Rings, 431
Saws, 1073
Screens, Japanese, 322
Shields, Cycle, 479
Handbooks for Home Arts, 1165
Handcuffs, 467
Handkerchief Boxes, 1164, 1165
and Glove Boxes, 244
Puffs, 357
Handkerchiefs, Boys’, 650
Handkerchiefs, Gents’, 621[xxxi]
Ladies’, 1496
Silk, 1463
Handle Bar Baskets, 1139
Covers, 483
Puffs, 357
Handles, Cycle (Celluloid), 481
Hockey Stick, 426
Hand-made Beaded Bags, 241
Biscuits (various), 1297
Lace, 1450-1458
Handy Bags, Cyclists’, 481
Hanger Pencils, 285
Hangers, Dress, 1131
Hanging Corner Wardrobes, 1158
Cupboards, Antique, 741
Fire Guards, 973
Gongs, 1032
Gridirons, 999
Lamps, 925, 926
Match Bracket, 1345
Mirror, 719
Trousers Rack, 749
Wardrobes, 752
Hannah’s “Magic” Furniture Polish, 1247
Hansom Cabs, Model, 656
Harbank Note Paper, 296
Hardman’s Beetle Powder, 333
Hare Masks, 450, 451
Netting, 469
Pads, 450, 451
Potted, 1254
Soup, 1260, 1261
Hares, 1294
Haricot Beans, 1247
Soup Squares, 1260
Vert, 1246
Harlene, Edwards’, 367
Harles’ Cloth Cleaner, 333
Harmless Pistol and Target, 665
Vegetable Colours, 1239
Harmonium Music, 837
Tutors, 834
Harmony, Rudiments of, 834
Harness, 498
Brackets, 517
Bridles, 503-507
Brougham, 498
Cob, 499
Collars, 499
Composition, 518
Crests for, 498, 512
Dog, 496
Cart, 499
Donkey, 499
Fittings, 517
Four-in-hand, 498
Goat, 499
Halters, 514
Head Collars, 514
Martingales, 503
Monograms for, 498
Muslin, 804
Nosebands, 506
Pair Horse, 498
Pole Chains, 499
Pole Pieces, 499
Pony, 499
Reins, 499, 514
Saddles, 502, 503
Strappings, 499
Tail Covers, 513
Traces, 498
Victoria, 498
Harnisch Polish, 384
Harp Strings, 832
Harpists, 1350
Harris’s Bacon and Hams, 1285
Harrods’ Adjusta Jig-Saw Boards, 438
Advertising Agency, 8
Anchovy Essence, 1256
Paste, 1287
Antique Galleries, 740-743
Artistic Floral Series, 359
Assorted Chocolates, 1301
Baking Powder, 1232
Blacking, 1232
Blacklead, 1232
Bloater Paste, 1287
Blue, 1232
Boot Cream, 1233
Bottled Beers, etc., 1322, 1323
Bridge Blocks, 301
Cachets, 356
Cameras, 390-392, 395, 398-400
Car Repair Outfits, 565
Chicken Meal, 1304
Chocolate, 1302
Powder, 1238
Circulating Library, 1519
City Office and Depôt, 1518
Coca Wine, 341
Cocoa Essence, 1239, 1268
Coffee, 1240, 1267
Corn Flour, 1241
Crackers, 1300
Curry Powder, 1241
Cycle Oil, 483
Cycles, 477
Depositories, 808
Dispensing Department, 356
Dolls’ Hospital, 652
Eau de Cologne, 360
Educational Lanterns, 401
Electric Lighting Sets, 1203
Emery Knife Powder, 1131
Essences, 1243
Footballs, 425
Fountain Pens, 299
Fruit Jellies, 1249
Furniture Polish, 1247
Gargles, 356
Golf Scorers (Silver), 214
Hammerless Guns, 456
Homœpathic Cocoa, 1239
India Taper, 1470
Jellies, 1249
with Wine, 1249
Juvenile Golf Clubs, 406
Kitcheners, 1192
Knife Cleaners, 1034
Lawn Sand, 1307
Letter Tablets, 276
Linen-faced Notepaper, 306
Liners for Tyres, 563
Liniments, 356
Lotions, 356
Medical Preparations, 333
Mineral Waters, 1320
Mixtures, 356
“Modeeci”, 1133
Motor Log Books, 565
Oils, 567
Tail Lamps, 572
Panir Flour, 1253
Peppermint Creams, 1301
Pessaries, 356
Photograph Enlargers, 401
Phototints, 402
Pickles, 1254
Pills, 356
“Pineapple” Tea or Coffee Services, 146a
Plate Powder, 1254
Poultry Meal, 1304
Poultry and Game Foods, 1304
and Game Spice, 342
Powders, 356
Ranelagh Tournament Sets (Croquet), 415
Repair Patches for Motor Tyres, 565
Rubber Motor Solution, 565
Safe Deposits, 1512, 1513
Safety Pins, 1471
Scotch Marmalade, 1250
Soaps, 370, 371, 1257, 1281
Solidified Soup Squares, 1260
Suppositories, 356
Syrups, 356
System of Deferred Payments, 817
Teas, 1282
Telescopic Cycle Bags, 481
Tennis Balls, 414
Toilet Preparations, 389
Soaps, 1258
Wall Basins, 1196
Writing Pads, 275
Harrodian Boot Polish, 1282
Boot and Shoe Preparations, 637
Kites, 424
Harrows, 1090
Hartmann’s Antiseptic Dressings, 345
Preparations, 333
Sanitary Towels, 353
Hartshorn and Oil, 333
Spirits of, 333, 339
Harvey’s Horse Remedies, 342
Sauce, 1256
Hash Dishes, 138
Hasps and Staples, Brass, 961
Hassall’s Sponge Powder, 333
Brush Powder, 333
Hat Bands, Mourning, 632
Boxes, 525, 529, 1126
Ladies’, 523, 529
Brushes, 1099
Silver, 194-201
Cases, Gents’, 537
and Coat Brackets, 676
Guards, 632
Hooks, Brass, 961
Irons, 1026
Pads, 632, 1118
Pin Boxes, Fancy, 229
Stands, Art, 1469
Fancy, 229
Silver, 203
Hat Pins, Gem-set, 23
Gold, 25
Hatchets, 1073
Hathaway’s Milk Churn, 1121
Hatherley Steps, 1125
Hats, Boys’, 645
Children’s, 1407
Gents’, 632-634
How to Measure for, 632
Ladies’, 1384-1387
Livery, 604
Havana Cigarettes, 1331
Cigars, 1324-1326
Haversacks, 752
Hawk Kites, 468
Hay, 1303
Clover, 1303
Sheds, Portable, 1024
Spice, 1304
Hayman’s Balsam of Horehound, 333
Hazel Nuts, Devilled, 1301
Salted, 1301
Hazeline Preparations (B. W. & Co.), 333
Head Bands, 350
Guards, Mosquito, 749
Lamps, Acetylene, 570, 571
Ornaments, Diamond, 16
Squares, Infants’, 1405
Headache Cologne, Unical, 341
Health Marmalade, 1250
Hearson’s Incubators, 1123
Heart-Shaped Thimbles, 473
Hearth Brushes, 992, 1116
Toy, 1116
Cloths, 1490
Rugs, 766, 767
Stands, 1065
Tiles, 1193
Whisk, 1108
Heaters, Curling Iron, 386
Heating Apparatus for Greenhouses, 1023
Heel Ointment, 341
Heidsieck’s Champagne, 1309
Heinz Co.’s Preparations, 1247
Hektographs, 296
Helioscene Blinds, 793
Helmet Curls, 377
Help for Amateur Photographers, 401
Hemp Seed, 1303
Hemstitched Linen and Cotton Sheets and Pillow Cases, 1487
Muslin Embroidery, 1460
Hendebert’s Farinaceous Specialities, 1246
Hendrie’s Toilet Soap, 371
“Henno” for Poultry, 1304
Henrietta, Black, 1442
Henry’s Calcined Magnesia, 333
Heraldic Ware Cabinet, 1162
Windows, 1177
Herbs, Dried, 1247
Hermannsbad Salts, 333
Hernia Supports, 355
Herring Roes, 1248
Herrings, 1248
Kippered, 1294
Red, 1294
Hexagonal Dishes, 879
Hexo for Puppies, 1243
Hidden Treasure (Game), 436
Hiera Picra, 333
High Chairs, Children’s, 685
Highlander’s Outfit, Toy, 665
Hillas Cleaning Fluid, 467
Fouling Remover, 467
Rangoon Oil, 467
Himrod’s Cure for Asthma, 33
Hinges, Butt (Brass), 961
Hints to Naturalists, 450
on the Proper Care of Pianos, 818
Hip Baths, 956
Hippacea, Vet Homocea, 333
Hire, Ball, Rout and Fête Furnishing, 1351-1361
Hire, General:
Artistes, 1361
Awnings, Door, 1359
Balconies, 1359
Ball Room, Temporary, 1357
Bands, 1349
Bath Chairs, 1360
Baths, 1355
Bazaar Stalls, 1360
Bed Pans, 1360
Rests, 1360
Slippers, 1360
Tables, 1360
Bedding, 1355
Bedsteads, 1355
Bell Tents, 1359
Blankets, 1355
Bran Tubs, 1360
Bunting, 1358
Camp Equipment, 1359
Carpets, 1359
Chamber Linen, 1355
Chandeliers, 1358
China and Delf, 1353
Chinese Lanterns, 1358
Commodes, 1360
Concert Parties, 1361
Counterpanes, 1355
Crutches, 1360
Curtains, 1359
Cutlery, 1354
Dancing Floors, 1359
Decorations for Ball Rooms, etc., 1358
Door Awnings, 1359
Electric Launches, 1361
Electro-plated Goods, 1353
Firework Displays, 1358
Fish Ponds and Rods, 1360
Flags, 1358
Folding Screens, 1359
Furniture, 1353
Girandoles, 1358
Glass, 1353
Cloths, 1353, 1355
Illuminating Lamps, 1358
Invalids’ Appliances, 1360
Italian Troupes, 1360
Japanese Troupes, 1361
Kettles, 1360
Kitchen Cloths, 1353
Lamps, 1358
Launches (various), 1361
Leads, 1359
Lighting, 1358
Lime Light, 1360
Mailcarts, 1360
Marquees, 1356
Merlin Chairs, 1360
Motors, 1514
Musical Instruments, 817
Officers’ Messes, 1359
Officers’ Requisites, 1356
Pavilions, Temporary, 1357[xxxii]
Pendants, 1358
Perambulators, 1360
Pierrot Troupes, 1361
Plate, 1354
Small, 1353
Specimens of, 1352
Platforms, 1360
Rubbers, 1355
Scenery and Properties, 1360
Screens, 1359
Seats, 1353
Special Contracts, 1359
Stages, 1360
Streamers, 1358
Street Decorations, 1358
Table Lamps, 1358
Linen, 1353, 1355
Napkins, 1355
Tableau Lights, 1360
Tables, 1353
Tents, 1356
Triumphal Arches, 1358
Urns, 1354
Venetian Masts, 1358
Water Beds, 1360
Pillows, 1360
Weighing Chairs, 1360
H.L. Cigarettes, 1331
Hob Grates, 1183
Hock Caps, 513
Glasses, 904
Sparkling, 1313
Hockey Requisites, 426
Balls, 426
Boundary Flags, 426
Gloves, 426
Goal Nets, 426
Posts, 426
Handles, 426
Rules of, 426
Rubber Rings, 426
Shin and Ankle Guards, 426
Sticks, 426
Sundries, 426
Hocks, Still, 1312
Hoe-ford Jam, 1248
Marmalade, 1250
Hoes, Dutch, 1070
Hoff’s Malt Extract Homax, 333
Hoge’s Horehound Honey, 333
Holdalls, 757
Cycle, 481
Sketcher, 309
Waterproof, 541
Holders, Book, 1127
Curtain, 787
Garbage, 976
Key (Silver), 211
Lavatory Brush (Enamelled), 978
Luminous Match, 1250
Mantle, 1126
Match, 1164
Box, 1345
Menu, 304
Newspaper, 1127
for Night Lights, 1251
Holders Porridge, 866
Refuse, 976
Sponge, 956
String, 304
Tape, 290
Taper, 737
Watch (Silver), 215
Wax, 304
Holdfasts, 1005
Hole Cutters, Golf, 409
Holes, Golf, 409
Hollis’s Furniture Polish, 1247
Metal Polish, 1251
Holloway’s Pills, 333
Ointment, 333
“Holophane” Roof
Lamps, 577
Holsters, 465
Homburg Salts, 333
Mineral Water, 1321
“Home Office” Cases, 287
Engagement Blocks, 296
and Colonial Boot Outfits, 637
Home-Made Marmalade, 1250
Pickle, 1253
Hommel’s Hæmatogen, 333
Homocea, 333
Homœopathic Medicines, 333
Homovet, 333
Honey, 1248
Boxes, Glass, 909
Dew Tobacco, 1332
Honeycomb Quilts, 1488
Sponges, 1107, 339, 357
Hood Lamps, Motor, 577
Hoods, Children’s, 1418
Lens, 397
Hood’s Pills, 333
Sarsaparilla, 333
Hoof Dressing, 518
Ointment (Hornicura), 342
Picks, 515
Hooks, Bill, 1069
Boot, 509
Bridle, 517
Button, 637
Silver, 194, 195, 197-200, 202
Cleaning, 517
Coat (Brass), 961
Crochet, 1468
Cup (Brass), 961
Curtain, 787
Pin, 794
Fishing, 447
Hat (Brass), 961
Loose (Fishing), 448
Moulding (Brass), 961
Mounted, 448
Picture (Brass), 961
Riding Boot, 637
Sash (Brass), 961
Sliding (Brass), 961
Wardrobe (Brass), 961
Hooper’s Cachous, 333
Female Pills, 333
Hoops, Croquet, 416
Hop Manure, 1307
Pillows, 333
Tonic, 333
Hopla (Game), 437
Hoplemuroma, 518
Hops, 333
Horehound Honey, 333
Horizontal Bars, 430, 431
Grand Pianos, 819, 821-823
Ladders, 431
Horlick’s Malted Milk, 333
Hornbeam Skittles, 423
Hornicura, 342
Horn Back Combs, 379
Baskets for Gramophones, 830
Bulb Covers (Motor), 578
Bulbs, Motor, 578
Combs, 379, 380
and Prongs, 1474
Drinking Cups, 534
Pins, 379, 380
Horns, Coach, 833
Cycle, 480
Drenching, 516
Drinking, 1138
Fog, 472
Hunting, 501, 833
Mail, 833
Milk, 857
Motor, 578, 579
Mounted, 450, 452
Post, 833
Shoe, 637
Signal, 467
Snake (Motor), 578
Horn’s Preparations for the Hair, 368
Horrockses’ Longcloths, Sheetings, and Flannelettes, 1446
Hors d’Œuvre
Dishes, 873
Glass, 909
Frames, Electro-plated, 136
Silver, 136
Knives and Forks, Electro-plated, 136
Silver, 136
Hors d’Œuvres, 1248, 1291, 1292, 1293
Horse Bandage Material, 513
Bandages, 513
Blankets, 512
Blisters, James’, 342
Body Rollers, 513
Boots, 511
Clippers, 516
Clothing, 512
Collar Holders, 517
Collars, 514
Cradles, 516
Hobbles, 511
Hock Caps, 513
Insurance, 1504
Knee Caps, 513
Lawn Boots, 511
Malt, Macadam’s, 342
Measuring Standards, 509
Walking Sticks, 509
Medicine Balls, 342
Muzzles, 511
Powders, John’s, 342
Keane’s, 342
Richmond’s, 342
Remedies, Harvey’s, 342
Scrapers, 515
Sponges, 1107
Horsekeeper’s Medicine Chest, 342
Horseradish Cream, 1248
Heinz, 1247
and Mustard, 1251
Sauce, 1243, 1256
Horses, Alterative Balls for, 341
and Carts, Toy, 657
Clothes, 1120
and Gigs, Toy, 659
Hoofs, 450, 451
Tooth Rasps, 515
Towel, 717, 720
Veterinary Preparations for, 341
Horseshoe Ink Stands, 451
Horsford’s Acid Phosphates, 333
Horticol, 1305
Horticultural Buildings, 1022, 1023
Glass, 1177
Manures, 1307
Wash, 1305
Hose Branches, 1000
Boys’, 650
Children’s, 1423-1426
Connecting Unions, 1000
Garden, 1000
Gents’, 614
Ladies’, 1421, 1422, 1424-1426
Reels, 1000
Repair Outfits, 1000
Hosiery, Children’s, 1423-1426
Ladies’, 1414-1426
Hospital Enema, 351
Nurses’ Caps and Aprons, 1463
Hot or Cold Water Compresses, Indiarubber, 491
Milk Jugs, 873
Electroplated, 146A
Silver, 146A
Pots, 874, 879
Water Bottle Covers, Indiarubber, 491
Bottles, 997
Enamelled, 979
Indiarubber, 491
Cans, 876, 947, 948
Aluminium, 952
Hot Water Cans Enamelled, 980
Carriers, 876
Cosies, 967
Dishes, 1025
Aluminium, 951
Jugs, 880, 967
Aluminium, 952
Electro-plated, 115, 118
Enamelled, 978, 979
Silver, 118
Plates, 875, 1025
Aluminium, 951
Electro-plated, 134
Tanks, 1199
Tumblers, 1138
Mounted, 153
Hotch Potch, 1260
Hotel Biscuits, 1235
Hothouse Flowers, 1295
Houbigant’s Eau de Toilettes, 361
Perfumes, 361
Preparations for the Face, 365
Toilet Soap, 371
House Cloths, 1490
Filters, 881
Flannel, 1113
Lamps (Electric), 1224, 1225
Pails, 947, 948
Enamelled, 978, 980
Galvanised, 999
Sand, 1256
Steps, 1120
Housebreaking Insurance, 1504
Household Biscuits, 1235
Books, 280
Brushes and Brooms, 1108-1116
Butter Maker, 1121
Candles, 1237
Flannels, 1448
Flour, 1245
Glass Churn, 1121
Jam, 1248
Linen, 1479-1498
Guide for, 1498
Necessaries in Stationery, 272
Oil, 1252
Roasters, 954
Salt, 1255
Soap, 1257, 1260
Housekeepers’ Account Books, 280
Outfit, Toy, 655
Housemaids’ Boxes, 967, 1117
Pails, 1124
Sets, 658
Wash Leather Gloves, 1118
Houses, Cycle Portable, 1132
Lawn Tennis, Rustic, 1129
Motor Car, Rustic, 1129
Poultry, 1123
Summer, Rustic, 1129
Wicker, 1152
Hovis Biscuits, 1235
“How to Build” Series, Toys, 664, 667, 668
to Measure for Hats, 632
to Reach Harrods’, 1516, 1517
Howard’s Soda Bicarbonate, 339
H.P. Sauce, 1256
Hughes’ Vapour Roll Fumigators, 1306
Huileme, 368
Human Absorbine, 327
“Humane Cattle Killers”, 467
Humber Cycles, 475
Humming Tops, 664
Humorous Songs, 845
Hungarian Bands, 1349
Flour, 1245
Wines, 1314
Hunter Compasses, 100
Watches, Gents’, 51, 52, 54, 56
Hunting Appointment Slates,
Silver-mounted, 218
Aprons, Waterproof, 488
Boot Kits, 540
Boots, Gents’, 637
Breastplates, 503
Bridles, 506
Canteens, 510
Coats, Gents’, 603
Crops, Ladies’ and Gents’, 501
Flasks, 510
Hats, 632, 633
Horns, 501, 833
Kit Bags, 535
Knives, 184
Prints, 806
Saddles, 502
Songs, 843
Spurs, 509
Stocks, Ladies’, 1462
Thongs, 501
Wire Nippers, 505
Huntley & Palmer’s Biscuits, 1234-1236
Huntsman’s Outfit, Toy, 665
Huntsmen’s Coats, Waterproof, 487
Hunyadi Janos Mineral Water, 1321
Hurdles, Border, 1005
Hurricane Back Lamps, 927
Lanterns, 927
Hussifs, 1475
Hutches, Ferret, 1009
Rabbit, 1009, 1125
Huxley’s Sal Antisepticus, 334
Wintergreen Cream, 334
Hyde’s Bird Seed, 1303
Dove Mixture, 1303
Finch Seed, 1303
Mountain Bread, 1303
Parrot Food, 1303
Shell Gravel, 1303[xxxiii]
Hydraulic Lifting Jacks, 568
Hydraulic Lifts, 1200
Sculling Exerciser, 433
Hydrogen Peroxide, 334
Hydrometers, 102
Hydrothermic Foster Mothers, 1123
Hygeso, 334
Hygiana, 334
Hygienic Bedding, 733-735
Footwear, 1437
Stoves, 1193
Thermometers, 95
Underfelt, 774
Hygrometer, 95
Hypodermic Syringes, 354
Dental, 349
Hypophosphites, 334
Syrup of, 340
Hymn Board, 737
Books, 264, 265
Ice, Natural, 1294
Bags, 352
Breakers, 1027
Caps, Indiarubber, 491
Cases, 281
Caves, 948, 1027
Cornets, 1235
Cream Biscuits, 1235
Machine, 948
Powders, 1248
Creams, 1297
Cup Biscuits, 1235
Freezing Machines, 1027
Moulds, 1037, 1038
Pails, Electroplated, 155
Glass, 894, 902
Oak, 165
Picks, 966
Plates, Glass, 910
Pots, 1027
Prickers, 1027
Safes, 1051, 1052
Skates, 427
Spaddles, 1027
Tongs, Electroplated, 155
Tubs, 1027
Iceland Moss, 334
Ices, Fancy, 1297
Ices, Neapolitan, 1297
Notes concerning, 1297
Ichthemic Guano, 1307
Icilma Preparations, 334
for the Face, 365
for the Hair, 368
Toilet Soap, 371
Icing Sets, 1043
Sugar, 1262
Syringes, 1043
“Ideal” Bandages, 344
Labels, 1305
Ignition Sundries (Motor), 584, 585
Ilam Earthenware, 853
Illuminating, 276
Table Cloth, 1217
Timepieces, 64
Illumination Lamps,
Hire of, 1358
Imitation Embroidery, 1459, 1460
Lace, 1452, 1456-1458
Imperia Clothing, 606
Imperial Paste, 384
Powder, 384
Varnish, 384
Imperishable Labels, 1305
“In” and “Out” Stands, 285
Inanimate Pigeons, 467
Bird Shooting, 467
Thrower, 467
Incandescent Gas, Cost of, 1203
Light Burners, 1201
Incense, 334
Income Insurance, 1504
Incubators, Hearson’s, 1123
Indelible Pencils, 1305
Ink, 1305
Index to Advertisers’ Announcements, 4
Indian Bedspreads, 326
Carpets, 779
Cashmere Shawls, 1418
Chairs, 754
Cigars, 1329
Clubs, 431
Curtains, 325
Dadoes, 325
Despatch Boxes, 533
Ink, 308
Kus Kus Fans, 322
Mangoes, 1254
Matting, 765
Outfits, Toy, 665
Printed Curtains, 326
Rugs, 765
Suits, Toy, 658
Table Covers, 326
Tea, 1264, 1265
Water Bottle, 749
Indiarubber and Waterproof Goods, 484-494
Abdomen Compresser, 491
Air Beds, 492
Cushions, 492
Neck Pillows, 492
Pillows, 492
Seat Cushions, 492
Squabs, 492
Army Cloaks, 489
Back Compresses, 491
Bandages, 344
Basin Rings, 494
Basins, 492
Bathing Caps, 494
Baths, Collapsible, 493
Bed Baths, 347
Cradles, 347
Sheeting, 493
Billiard Table Covers, 494
Belts, 347
Boat Seats, 494
Buckets, 492
Capes, Boys’, 486
Girls’, 486
Carriage Air Cushions, 492
Aprons, 485
Chauffeurs’ Coats, 484
Chest Compresses, 491
Coachmen’s Coats, 484
Coat Cases, 492
Coats, Boys’, 486
Children’s, 486
Gents’, 486
Crutch Ends, 494
Cycle Ponchos, 490
Date Stamp, 307
Dog Balls, 494
Rings, 494
Door Stops, 976
Douches, 349
Driving Aprons, 485
Ear Compresses, 491
Eye Compresses, 491
Face Compresses, 491
Fetlock Rings, 511
Fishing Jackets, Gents’, 488
Folding Seats, 492
Foot Cosies, 491
Footmen’s Coats, 484
Gardeners’ Capes, 490
Gloves, 494
Goggles, 569
Golfing Capes, Gents’, 488
Hand Daters, 307
Pads, 1107
Hot or Cold Water Compresses, 491
Water Bottles, 491
Bottle Covers, 491
Hunting Aprons, 488
Huntsmen’s Coats, 487
Ice Caps, 491
“Inkit” Self-Inking Stamp-Pads, 307
Invalid Air Cushions, 492
Knife Boards, 1127
Ladies’ Riding Coats, 487
Linen Markers, 307
Livery Mackintoshes, 484
Luggage Covers, 485
Mats, 492
Military Coats, 489
Motor Air Cushions, 492
Aprons, 485
Cycle Suits, 490
Navy Cloaks, 489
Nursing Aprons, 493
Oiled Silk Yachting Coats (Ladies’), 489
Oilskin Suits, 489
Yachting Coats (Gents’), 489
Overalls, 490
Paddling Drawers, 494
Pedestrians’ Coats, 486
Perambulator Aprons, 485
Plate Rubbers, 494
Razor Wipes, 494
Rick Covers, 494
Rug Sacs, 492
Seatless Trousers, 490
Servants’ Capes, 490
Shooting Capes, 488
Signatures, 307
Sleeve Protectors, 494
Soap Stands, 493
Splash Guards, 494
Sponge Bags, 493
Wraps, 493
Sponges, 1107, 493
Sportsmen’s Coats, 486
Stamp Pads, 307
Stamps, 307
Stick Ends, 494
Storm Coats, 484
Tarpaulins, 494
Teapot Spouts, 494
Thigh and Knee Protectors, 492
Throat Compresses, 491
Toilet Cases, 493
Mats, 494
Transvaal Capes, 488
Types, 307
Specimens of, 307
Water Beds, 491
Neck Pillows, 491
Pillows, 491
Squabs, 491
Indicators, Mechanical, 587
Indigestion Pills, 328
Inexhaustible Lock Smelling Salts, 339
Infantina, 334
Infantry Boot Kits, 539
Saddlery, 502
Infants’ Baskets, 1404
Bonnets, 1406
Cot Sheets, 1404
Cots, 1404, 1409
Fittings for, 1409
Day Gowns, 1406
Flannels, 1405
Hair Brushes, 221
Head Squares, 1405
Lace Veils, 1406
Layettes, 1412, 1413
Night Gowns, 1406
Nursery Frocks, 1408
Pilches, 1405
Pillow Slips, 1406
Robes, 1406
Shirts, 1405
Strap Shoes, 1437
Travelling Baskets, 1404
Wool Vests, 1405
Inflator Clips, Cycle, 481
Inflators, Football, 426
Sparklet, 568
Infusers, Tea, 865
Aluminium, 953
Ingluvin, 334
Ingrain Cottons, 1468
Ingram & Royle’s Mineral Water, 1309
Ingram’s Enema, 351
Initial Seals, 285
Initials, 305
Ink, 279
Bottles, 290, 911
Silver-mounted, 216
Coloured, 279
Copying, 279
Gold, 315
Indelible, 1305
Indian, 308
Marking, 335
Pellets, 279
Pots, Silver, 216
Removers, 334
Stands, 167
Brass, 254, 255
Electro-plated, 216
Horseshoe, 451
Silver, 216
Silver, 315
for Stylo Pens, 279
Writing, 279
“Inkit” Stamp Pads, 307
Inlaid Furniture, 698-703
Linoleums, 781, 782
Perpetual Calendars, 258
Photo Frames, 807
Reference Cabinets, 258
Stationery Cabinets, 258, 259
Racks, 258
Tea Caddies, 258
Wood Clocks, 71-78
Work Boxes, 259
Writing Cabinets, 260
Sets, 258
Inner Tubes, Motor, 560
Insalus Mineral Water, 1321
Insect Brushes, 1109
Cabinets, 453
Cases, 454
Death, Ward’s, 341
Pencils, 334
Powder, 334
for Poultry, 342
Sherley’s, 342
Vermite, 341
Proof Chests, 532
Insertions, Lace, 1453-1458
Various, 1459, 1460
Inside Blinds, 792
Door Furniture, 960
Inspection Lamps, Electric, 1224, 1225
Garage, 576
“Instra,” Pocket, 997
Instrumentalists for Concerts, etc., 1350
Instruments, Mathematical, 316-318
Surgical, 343-356
Instruments, Technical, 318
Insufflators, 352
Insulating Tape, Adhesive, 584
Insulators, Piano, 910
Insurance, 1504, 1505
Against Accidents and Sickness, 1504
All Risks, 1504
Annuities, 1504
Boilers, 1504
Burglary, 1504
Carriages, 1504
Chemists’, 1505
Children’s, 1504
Cycles, 1504
Dogs, 1505
Druggists’, 1505
Endowments, 1504
Fidelity Guarantees, 1504
Fire, 1504
Gas Engines, 1504
Hail Storm, 1504
Horses, 1504
and Cattle, 1504
Housebreaking, 1504
Income, 1504
Leasehold Redemption Policies, 1505
Life, 1505
Lifts, 1505
Loss of Profits by Fire, 1504
Marine, 1505
Motor Cars, 1505
Nurses, 1505
Oil Engines, 1504
Opticians’, 1505
Plate Glass, 1505
Property Owners’, 1505
Servants’, 1505
Steam Engines, 1504
Workmen’s Compensation, 1505
International Health Association’s Preparations, 1248
Mail (Game), 438
Invalid Air Cushions, Indiarubber, 492
Appliances, 343
Biscuit for Dogs, 1242
Carriages, 1048
Food for Dogs, 1242
Furniture, 707
Port, 1312
Invalids’ Appliances, 1360
Rusks, 1235
Sanitary Spittoons, 334
Spittoons, 339
Writing Pads, 232
Inventories and Valuations, 1507
Inverted Gas Shades, 935
Investments, 1506
Invitation Card Plates, 277
Cards, 277
Iodex, 334
Iodide of Potash, 337
Iodine, Tincture of, 340[xxxiv]
Liniment, 334
Iodoform, 334
Dredgers, 349
Gauze, 334, 345
Iodoglidine, 334
Ipecacuanha Wine, 334
Irish Crochet Edgings, 1452
Hams, 1286
Linen, 1446
Cambric, 1446
Sheetings, 1485
Moss, 334
Whisky, 1317
“Irish Mether” Cigarette Holders, 211
Iron and Ammonium Citrate, 334
Bravais, 328
Carbonate, 334
Dialysed, 334
Hangers, 1026
Heaters, 1026, 1062
Holders, 1026
Jelloids, Warrick’s, 341
and Quinine Citrate, 334
Tonic, 340
Spoons, 947, 948
Sulphate, 334, 1307
Stands, Flat, 947, 948
Tincture of, 340
Wyeth’s Dialysed, 341
Ironal, 334
Ironing Boards, 1131
Ironmongery, 946
Exceptions to General Rules of, 946
Furnishing Guide, 947, 948
Kitchen, 947, 948
Re-japanning, 949
Repairs, 946, 949
Ironox, 334
Irons, 1220
Balling, 516
Billiard, 429
Blouse, 1026
Box, 1026
Branding, 307
Climbing, 453
Crimping, 386
Curling, 386
Electric, 1220, 1221
Fire, 947, 948, 992, 993
Flat, 947, 948, 1026
Folding, 386
Goffering, 1026
Golf, 405, 406
Hat, 1026
Lace, 1026
Mrs. Pott’s, 1026
Sad, 1026
Salter’s, 1026
Soldering, 1073
Spirit, 1026
Stirrup, 508
Tourists’, 1026
Turfing, 1070
Irons, Wafer, 1043, 1087
Waving, 386
Irrigateurs, 352
Irvine’s Australian Wines, 1314
Isinglass, 1248
Isinglassine, 1248
Isochromatic Screens, 402
Isola Vacuum Bottles, 962
Italian Bed Drapery, 784
Butter, 1286
Mandolines, 831
Paste, 1248
Troupes, 1350
Hire of, 1361
Swords, 432
Wines, 1314
Ivories for Miniature Painting, 308
Ivory Billiard Balls, 429
Button Hooks, 1093
Dice, 435
Fitted Dressing Cases, 1093
Manicure Sets, 382, 383
Miniatures, 403
Mirrors, 1094
Napkin Rings, 1093
Nets, 804, 1452
Paper Knives, 1093
Ring Mirrors, 1093
Stands, 1093
Tablets, Archery, 421
Toilet Brushes, 1094
Izal Embrocation for Cattle and Dogs, 342
Preparations, 334
Veterinary Fluid, 342
Jack Planes, 1071
Snipe, 1294
Spurs, 509
Jacketed Jugs, 967
Jackets, Bed, Gents’, 629
Chauffeurs’, 592
Dressing, Ladies’, 1396-1397
Fencing, Gents’, 432
Ladies’, 432
Fishing, Waterproof, 488
Racing, 509
Tennis, Boys’, 642
Jacks, Boot, Gents’, 637
and Fittings,
Bottle, 947, 948, 954
Motor, 568
Tyre, 569
Jackson’s Floor Polish, 1171
Lavender Cream, 1171, 1247
Varnish Stains, 1171, 1174
Jaconet Insertion, 1459
Sheeting, 493
Waterproof for Dressings, 352
Jadoo Fibre, 1307
Jaeger Sleeping Bags, 750
Jaillet’s Pepto Fer, 334
Jalap, 334
Jalousie Blinds, 792
Jam Dishes, Electro-plated, 159
Silver, 159
Pot Holders,
Electroplate, 146B
Silver, 146B
Pots, 876
Spoons, Electro-plated, 160, 161, 146B
Silver, 160, 161
Tops, 282
Jamaica Biscuits, 1235
Cigars, 1329
Jamb Brushes, 1114
James’ Cycles, 476
Depilatory, 334
Folding Boats, 470
Horse Blisters, 334, 342
Jams, 1248
Japan Gold Size, 311
Japanese Fans, 322
Fire Screens, 320
Hamper Baskets, 321
Hand Screens, 322
Kimonos, 325
Lamp Shades, 320
Lanterns, 320, 322
Matting, 765
Paper Serviette, 322
Sandwich Baskets, 321
Screens, 320
Silk Handkerchiefs, 1463
Jackets, 1396
Suit Cases, 321
Sunshades, 322
Tea Sets, 322
Trays, 319
Troupes for Hire, 1361
Umbrellas, 322
Vases, 322
Washing Crêpe, 1447
Waste Paper Baskets, 321
Jaques’ Croquet de Luxe, 415
Jardinières, 996, 1164
Damascus, 323
Electro-plated, 128
Silver, 128, 224
Jars, Biscuit, 872
Butter, 876, 1138
Cream, 1121
Ginger, 319
Marmalade, 872
Pantry, 876
Preserve, 857
Glass, 894
Sanitary Brush, 876
Stew, 874
Stoneware, 876
Store, 874, 876
Tobacco, 1346
Vacuum, 911
Jaundice Cure, Sherley’s, 342
Jugs, Cream, Electro, 146A
Silver, 146A
Java Rice, 1255
Javol, 368
“Jaybeco” Uniform Cases, 533
Jellied Fruits, 1247
Jellies, 1248, 1249, 1290
with Wine, 1249
Jelloids, Warrick’s Iron, 341
Jelly, Amel, 327
Bag Stands, 1124
Bags, 1124
Blackberry, Hoe-ford, 1248
Beef Tea, 1232
Chicken, 1238
Dishes, Electro-plated, 159
Silver, 159
Frame Food, 332
Glasses, 909
Grape, 333
Moulds, 874, 879, 948, 953, 1037, 1039, 1040
Powder, 1249
Turtle, 1232
Jenner’s Cultures, 334
Lactaion Health Milk Apparatus, 334
Jenson’s Cod Liver Oil, 334
Jerseys, Boys’, 645
Children’s, 1423
Jet, Waterproof, 518
Jewel Bags, 244, 245
Cases, 244, 245
Leather, 237
Caskets, Silver, 195, 197, 203
Jewellers’ Rouge, 1254
Jewellery, 12-63
Alterations and Repairs, 12
Amethyst Brooches, 30
Earrings, 33
Necklets, 25
Pendants, 23
Bracelet Watches, 52, 56, 59
Bracelets, Gem Set, 22
Gold Flexible, 34, 35
Brooches, Diamond, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
Gem-set, 18
Brushes, 1119
Card Cases, 37
Chain Bags, 36
Chains, Albert, 45
Charms, 29, 31, 34
Chronographs, 51, 53
Cigarette Cases, 48, 49
Clock Winding and Regulating, 12
Diamond Bracelets, 22
Brooches, 13, 17, 28
Earrings, 13, 14, 33
Head Ornaments, 16
Necklets, 13, 14-18, 23
Neck Slides, 15, 17
Pendants, 15, 17
Rings, 19
Scarf Pins, 40
Studs, 41
Dress Rings, 19-21
Vest Buttons, 43
Earrings, Diamond, 13, 14
Enamelled Pendants, 26
Studs, 41
Fancy Brooches, 30, 32
Buttons, 43
Necklets, 24, 25
Pendants, 24, 25
Rings, 21
Fobs, 44
Gem-set Bracelets, 34
Brooches, 18, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
Earrings, 33
Hat Pins, 23
Necklets, 23, 25
Pendants, 23, 24, 25
Plaques, 23
Rings, 19-21
Safety Pins, 31
Scarf Pins, 40
Sporting Brooches, 31
Gold Belcher Rings, 39
Bracelet Watches, 52, 56, 59, 60, 61
Bracelets, 34, 35
Brooches, 29, 30, 31, 32
Card Cases, 48
Ladies’, 37
Chain Bags, 36
Purses, 36
Chains, 45
Charms, 29, 31, 34
Chatelaine Memo Books, 37
Chatelaines, 36
Cigar Cases, 49
Cutters, 48
Piercers, 46
Cigarette Cases, 37, 48, 49
Collar Clips, 41
Compasses, 44
Earrings, 33
Guards, 50
Hat Pins, 25
Links, 42
Lockets, 27
Match Boxes, 48
Neck Chains, 27
Necklets, 25, 26, 27
Note Cases, 37
Pencil Cases, 46, 47
Pendant Watches, 58
Pendants, 23, 24, 26
Penholders, 46
Pens, 46
Pocket Knives, 46
Puff Boxes, 37
Repeating Watches, 53
Safety Pins, 41
Scarf Pins, 40
Signet Rings, 39
Snake Rings, 39
Sovereign Purses, 48
Studs, 41
Tie Clips, 41
Toothpicks, 46
Vanity Cases, 37
Gold Watches, Gents’, 51-55
Ladies’, 52, 56-62
Wedding Rings, 31
Guards, 50
Hat Pins, Gem-set, 23
Head Ornaments, Diamond, 16
Links, 42
Mother-o’-Pearl Links and Buttons, 42, 43
Necklets, Diamond, 13, 14-18
Neck Slides, 15, 17
Nurses’ Watches, 57
Oxidised Watches, Gents’, 53, 54, 63
Pearl Bracelets, 22
Brooches, 28, 29, 30, 32
Dress Studs, 41
Earrings, 33
Necklets, 23, 25
Pendants, 23, 25
Rings, 20, 21
Scarf Pins, 40
Studs, 41
Pendants, Diamond, 15, 17
Platinum and Gold Chains, 45
and Pearl Guards, 50
Presentation Watches, 52
Purses, 36
Repeating Watches, 53
Revivers, 1102
Safety Pins, 41
Scarf Pins, 40
Seals, 44
Service, 38
Signet Rings, Gold and Stone, 39
Silver Watches, Gents’, 52-54, 56, 62
Ladies’, 56-57
Sovereign Purses, 37
Double, 48
Sporting Brooches, Gold and Gem-set, 31
Studs, 41
Vanity Cases, 37
Watch Bracelets, Gold and Silver, 52, 56, 59, 60, 61, 62
Watches, Hunter, 51
Keyless Lever, 51
Presentation, 52
Wedding Rings, 21
Jeyes’ Dog Soap, 342
Preparations, 334
Toilet Soaps, 371
Veterinary Tincture, 342
Jobmasters’ Department, 1525
Jockey Boots, 637
Johannis Mineral Water, 1321
John’s Horse Powders, 342[xxxv]
Johnson’s Digestive Tablets, 334
Soothing Syrup, 334
Johnston’s Corn Flour, 1241
Joiboy Coasting Engines, 660
Jointed Dolls, 652
Jonathan’s Bay Rum, 389
Jonette, Game, 423
Jordan, Almonds, 1230
Joss Sticks, 322
Journals, 280
Judson’s Dyes, 334
Jug Brushes, 1119
Mops, 1112
Stands, 865
Jugs, 870, 967
Barrel-shaped, 876
Beer, 870
Champagne, 151
Churn-shaped, 876
Claret, Electro, 151
Silver, 151
Cocoa, 880
Coffee, Electro, 115
Cream, 853-855, 857
Aluminium, 952
Electro, 115, 116
Silver, 157
Enamelled, 981
Glass, 894, 896, 903, 904
Graduated, 876
Hot Milk, 873
Water, 870, 880, 967
Aluminium, 952
Electro, 115, 118
Enamelled, 978
Silver, 118
Jacketed, 967
Milk, 853-855
Aluminium, 952
Electro, 118
Marabout, 880
Shaving, 1220
Tankard-shaped, 876
Water, 1220
Juice, Meat, 1232
Taraxacum, 340
Valentine’s Meat, 341
Vitalia Meat, 341
Wyeth’s Beef, 341
Jujubes, 334, 335
See also under Lozenges.
Glycerine, Epps’, 332
Pumiline, 338
Stern’s, 339
Julienne, Dried, 1243, 1249
Soup, 1260, 1261
Jumbo Records, 829
Jumping Stands, 430
Junket Powder, Birk’s, 1243, 1249
Tablets, 1249
Junora Wine, 1318
Juvenal Herb Shampoo, 384
Juvenile Clothing, 641-650
Costumes, 1374-1375
Croquet, 415
Mallets, 416
Cycles, 477
Golf Sets, 406
Tricycles, 659
Kaffee Kannee, 968
Kaga Tea Ware, 322
Kainit, 1307
“Kalari” Biscuits, 330
Kalodent, Sarg’s, 363
Kalzmar Mineral Water, 1321
“Kanda”, 962
Kanthos, Perla’s, 368
Kapok Life Saving Bedding, 755
Pillow Life Belts, 472
Karabagh Rugs, 765
Karmalak, 368
Karpetine, 1249
Karswood Creosote, 334
Kasagra, Stern’s, 339
Kasak, 339
Kasena, 339
Kasenit, 1075
Kavhee (Coffee), 1239
Kax Cold Cure, 334
Kaye’s Worsdell’s Pills, 334
Kay’s Coaguline, 334
Essence of Linseed, 334
Tenasitine, 334
Kazacs Rugs, 765
Keane’s Horse Powders, 342
Keating’s Bellows, 334
Cough Lozenges, 334
Powder, 334
Worm Tablets, 334
Keen’s Mustard, 1251
Keen’s “One Night Corn Cure”, 334
Keil Finger Biscuits, 1235
Keiller’s Marmalade, 1250
Kelpion Ointment, 334
Keltie Products, Ltd, 371
Kennel Chains, 496
Fencing, 1009
Liquid Dog Soap, 341
Soap for Dogs, 342
Medicine Chests, 342
Wicker Dog, 1141
Kennels, Disinfectants for, 342
Dog, 1009, 1128
Kent’s Knife Polish, 1249
Kentucky Crackers, 1235
Kepler Preparations, 334
“Kern” Gas Radiators, 1194
Kerol Fluid, 334
Sanitary Powders, 334
Ketchup, Mushroom, 1256
Tomato, 1256
Heinz, 1247
Walnut, 1256
Kettles, 878, 1138, 1220
Aluminium, 952
Bronchitis, 347
Camp, 758
Electro-plated, 115, 116
Enamelled, 978, 979
Fish, 995
Aluminium, 950
Enamelled, 978
Milk, 1122
and Stands, 1029, 1030