Transcriber's Note

Throughout the Dictionary two different forms of the letters E and O are used, to represent the different sounds they can have in Italian. The close E is displayed in its normal form (E — e), the open E with a special character the author had made for this very purpose: it has here been rendered with Ẻ — ẻ. The close O has an oval shape, and is shown in italics, while the open O has its normal appearance.

A brief table of contents, not present in the original text, has been added for the reader's convenience.

Qveen Anna's



of the Italian and English

Collected, and newly much augmented by
Iohn Florio,

Reader of the Italian vnto the Soueraigne
Maiestie of ANNA,

Crowned Queene of England, Scotland, France
and Ireland, &c.

And one of the Gentlemen of hir Royall Priuie

Whereunto are added certaine necessarie
rules and short obseruations for the
Italian tongue.

Printed by Melch. Bradwood, for
Edw. Blount and William Barret.
Anno 1611.

Maestà di ANNA, Serenissima Regina
d'Inghilterra, di Scótia, di Fráncia,
& d'Irlánda:

Giovanni Florio, súo hum.mo seruitóre bráma, &
augúra il cólmo & godimento d'ógni vera &
compíta felicità.

In sù l'altáre della túa Eccélsa & Sere.ma MAESTA, (al quále ógni nóstro ginócchio douerebbe inchinársi) che le túe innáte & Reáli virtù (Gloriosíssima REGINA) s'hánno erétto nél sácro Témpio d'Honóre (che ógni cuóre conuerebbe adoráre sénza idolatría) Io con ógni humiltà & riuerenza dedico & consácro quésto húmile vóto, & cón le ginócchia délla ménte inchíne ALLA TVA GRANDEZZA DALL'ECCELSO, báscio le Realíssime mani, volendo víuere & moríre

Di túa Gloriosíssima & Sublime Maestà
hum.mo ossequen.mo & inuiolabile
súddito & seruitóre

Giovanni Florio.

of the Highest-borne Princes, ANNA of
Denmarke, by God's permission, Crowned
Qveene of England, Scotland,
France & Ireland, &c.

Hir humblest seruant I. F. wisheth all the true felicities, that this
world may affoord, and the fullest fruition of the blessednesse
that heauen can yeeld.

This braine-babe (ô pardon me that title most absolute supreme Minerua) brought with it into the world, now thirteen yeers since, a world of words: Since, following the fathers steps in all obseruant seruice of your most sacred Maiestie, yet with a trauellers minde, as erst Colombus at command of glorius Isabella, it hath (at home) discouered neere halfe a new world: and therefore as of olde some called Scotia of Scota, and others lately Virginia, of Queenes your Maiesties predecessors: so pardon again (ô most Gracious and Glorious) if it dare be entitled Qveen Anna's New world of words, as vnder your protection and patronage sent and set foorth. It shall be my guard against the worst, if not grace with the best, if men may see I beare Minerua in my front, or as the Hart on my necke, I am Diana's, so with heart I may say, This is Qveen Anna's, as the Author is, and shall euer be

Your Soueraigne Majesties inuiolably-
deuoted subiect and most obliged
Iohn Florio.


To be a Reader, requires vnderstanding; to be a Critike, iudgement. A Dictionarie giues armes to that, and takes no harme of this, if it mistake not. I wish thee both, but feare neither, for I still rest

Resolute Iohn Florio.

ANNA Seren.ma Regína délla
Grán Britágna

Regina Grande, e fíglia di grán Régi,

E suóra di Rè grándi, e al Gran Re spósa,

E Madre sópra tútte Gloriósa

Di Re futúri in ógni etáde egrégi.

Ecco a tánte Coróne, a tánti prégi,

Di quánti mái se n' gío Dónna pompósa

Giúngi beltáde Augústa, e luminósa

Di túo próprio valór Te ségni e frégi

Te il móndo inchína; Te l'Itália cóle,

Ch'il sermón nóstro di túa grátia honóri,

E sì dólce lo párli, e dólce scríui.

ANNA REGINA, víui al móndo, víui

All'Itália deuóta, e nuóui albóri

Dall'occáso a nói spléndi vn nuóuo sóle.

Humilíssimo seruitóre

Alberico Gentili.

To my dearely-esteemed friend and fellow M. John
, Reader of the Italian tongue vnto the most Excellent
Maiestie of our sacred Mistris.

I am, all that I am, Florio, thy debter:

Many men owe thee more. yet thou of all

Oblig'd to thee in deepe affections fetter,

Doest for this testimoniall tribute call

But to three more; who haue discharg'd it better:

I say but this (but this is too-too small)

Great is thy Masters-prize, thy Mistris greater,

At whose foot praises, phrases, poem's fall.

Th' analogie is short. She is of worth

A wondrous Anacephalaiosis;

A None-pareil, sans parallel: set forth

To shew perfections Abstract. So is this.

Italian honor's hir, Italian She.

That language thou adorn'st, that language thee.

Il Cándido.

L'istésso all'istésso.

Come i grán fátti di quéi gránd'Herói

Achille, Vlísse, e 'l più famós' Ænea,

Il gránd'Homero, e 'l grán Máro ascriuéa

Alle lór Protettríci e Númi suói:

Cosi ciòche tù sái, che fái, che puói,

Di sénno o seruitù all'Archi Dea

Che ti détta, díta, dóta, nútre e bea

Ascríui Flório; chè bén scríui pói.

Incomíncin da lei gl'Annái lór lódi,

In lei finíscano: da lei Grandézza

Scend'a' Británni, póich'élla è Británna.

Di quésta sómma ti contenti e gódi:

Sómma di Sénno, Amór, Virtù e chiarézza,

E d'Inghilterra Imperatríce ANNA.

Il Cándido.

To my deare friend and brother M. Iohn Florio,
one of the Gentlemen of hir Maiesties Royall

I stand not to giue praise before the face

Of this great worke, that doth it selfe commend:

But to congratulate the good and grace

That England com's thereby to apprehend:

And in hir name to thanke your industry

Laborius Flório, who haue so much wrought

To honour hir in bringing Italy

To speake hir language, and to giue hir note

Of all the treasure that rich tongue containes:

Wherein I cannot but admire your paines

In gathering vp this vniuersall store,

And furniture of words for euery arte,

And skill of man: So that there seem's no more

Beyond this search, that knowledge can impart.

Which being a worke that would take vp the powers

Of more then one whole man, I wonder how

You could substract so many serious howres

From that great summe of seruice that you owe.

But that it seemes the beaming Gracefulnesse

That lightens from the most refulgent QVEENE

Our sacred Mistris, work's that ablenesse

As mak's you more, then els you could haue beene.

Wherein the power of Princes well is seene

That can infuse such force, and make age greene.

And it were well, if in this season, when

They leaue erecting Churches, Colledges,

And pious monuments, they would build men

Who of their glory may be witnesses,

And what they doe be theirs: As Mazons raise

Work's not for them, but for their masters praise.

For, would they but be ples'd to know, how small

A portion of that ouer-flowing waste

Which run's from them, would turne the wheeles and all

The frame of wit, to make their glory last:

I thinke they would doe something: but the stirre

Still about greatnesse, giues it not the space

To looke out from it selfe, or to conferre.

Grace but by chance, and as men are in place.

But that concern's not me, It is ynow

I doe applaud your worke. Thus from my Plow.

Samuel Daniel.

To my dearely-esteemed friend M.
Iohn Florio

Kinde friend, the strictnesse of these few-few lines

Can not expresse thy worth, nor my goodwill:

As for thy worke, I leaue it to the skill,

And sharpest censure of the best engyn's.

Nor can thy choise be better'd, who propynes

Th' industrious labor's of thy painefull quill

To one who is, and was, and shalbe still

That Phœbe, who in fulnesse euer shin's.

She shalbe great Protectrice of thy paines,

And she will weigh this worke at no small rate;

I know hir high Heroike heart disdain's

To show it selfe forgetfull or ingrate:

Els she should wrong that race from whence she spring's

B'ing Daughter, Sister, Mother, wife to Kings.


* * *

Ioanni Florio Iacobus Mab hoc mittit Anagramma.

Ioannes Florio.
Ori fons alieno.

Flore, per Hetruscos volitas apis Itala campos,

Inq; tuum condis roscida mella fauum.

Flore tuis Anglis, velut Ori Fons Alieno,

Ausonias venâ perpete sundis opes.

Anglia sic per te gemino decoratur honore,

Flore tuo compta est, arida rore madet.

Vpon the tittle of M. Iohn Florio's second
Italian Dictionarie, called Qveen Anna's
New world of words.

Florio, thou doest deserue a world of flowers,

No garden can supply thy store of merit;

A garland made out of Parnassus bowers

Must girt thy temples and adorne thy spirit.

Thy Former World, built vp thy Fames high-towers,

Whereby eternall praise thou doest inherit;

But this New World, giuen thee by sacred powers

Doeth to a neuer falling height now reare it.

What Name, but from the Font of Maiesty

Could haue bin giuen vnto so rare a child?

It's fit, whose Sire liues in the Princes eye,

He, should to all hir subiects passe, so stil'd.

The QVEEN his praises mak's hirs; hirs his are;

For she with him, and he with hir doeth share.

I. Thorys.

Mote sobre el Dictionario del Señor Ivan Florio;
Intitulado, El Nueuo Mundo de ANNA: auiendo el antes
hecho otro Dictionario, que llamò, El Mundo
de palabras

Florio, eres fruto, y no flor,

Pues nos tanto aprouechays,

Y al mundo dos mundosdays.


Hijo dichoso! pues tiene

Varon muy cuerdo por padre,

Y la Reyna por commadre.


Flores, muy bien floresceys,

Pues descienden en su arbol

Rayos de tan claro Sol.

I. Thorys.

The names of the Authors and Books that haue been read of purpose for the collecting of this Dictionarie.


En virtute suâ contentus, nobilis arte,

Italus ore, Anglus pectore, vter[que] opere

Floret adhuc, et adhuc florebit; floreat vltra

FLORIVS, hâc specie floridus, optat amans.


Gul:Hole sculp:      Tam fælix vtinam.


A most copious and exact Dictionarie in
Italian and English.


A, The first letter of the alphabet, and the first vowell.

A, a preposition or sign of the Datiue case, to, vnto, at, at the, to the.

A, a preposition or signe of the accusatiue case, by, through, for, pẻr.

A, a preposition or signe of the ablatiue case, namely comming after verbes of priuation, as Tógliere, Rubbáre, &c. from, from of, of.

A, a preposition gouerning the infinitiue moode of verbes; to, for, for to.

A, about, being before any number or noune numerall as Erano a diéci, they were about ten.

A, by, veggéndosi consumáre a Gótti, seeing themselues wasted by the Gothes: a cénto a cénto by hundred and hundred, a dúo a dúo, by two and two: a permissione, by permission.

A, vsed for after or according to, as A módoo, a sénnoo: after my manner.

A, being ioined with the article la, and any noune of profession, becomes an aduerbe of qualitie or similitude, as ala francése, after the French fashion, alla soldáta, soldier-like. Ala scolástica, scolastically.

A, at, giuocáre a scácchi, to play at chesse, lui ẻ a cása, he is at home.

A, at the, or in the, as a nóme, at the or in the name.

A, on, as, a cauállo & a piédi, on horse-backe, and on foot, a crẻdito, on credite.

A, with, as abachétta, with a wand or staffe, a fórza, with force, or forcibly, a sufficiénza, with sufficience, or sufficiently.

Ab, vsed before, antiquo, espẻrto, etẻrno, by, from, of.

Abacáre, as Abbacáre.

Abacchiére, a caster of accounts.

Abachísta, idem.

Ábaco, as Ábbaco.

Abacináre, as Abbacináre.

Abacinaménto, as Abbacinaménto.

Abacchétta, with a wand or commanding staffe of auctoritie.

Abáculi, counting rundles, or counters.

Abáda, as Abbáda.

Abadáre, as Abbadáre.

Abadéssa, an Abbesse.

Abadía, an abbie.

Abadiále, abbot-like.

Abaiaménti, as Abbaiaménti.

Abaiáre, as Abbaiáre.

Abalroáre, as Balroáre.

Abampáre, as Abbampáre.

Abampóso, as Abbampóso.

Abandonáre, as Abbandonáre.

Abandóno, as Abbandóno.

Abantíquo, of old, of yore, in ancient time, from antiquity.

Abardósso, bare-backt, without a saddle.

Abaruffáre, to ruffle together, to bicker.

Abásso, below, beneath.

Abastánza, enough, sufficiently.

Abastáre, to suffice, to be enough.

Abáte, an abbot.

Abatéssa, an abbesse.

Abatía, an abbie.

Abattúta, orderlie, in proportion, as musitians keepe time.

Abauáre, to slauer, to driuell.

Ábba, a Syrian word, father, or dad.

Abbabáre, to astonish, to amaze, also to loiter about idely.

Abbacáre, to number or cast account, also to prie into or seeke out with diligence.

Abbachiére, an arithmetician or caster of accounts.

Abbachísta, idem.

Abbacinaménto, a blinding, a dazeling, a glimmering, a blearing.

Abbacinánza, idem.

Abbacináre, to blinde, to dazle, to glimmer, to glimpse, to bleare, to dim.

Ábbaco, arithmeticke. Also a deske, a cabinet, or a casket. Also a court-cupboord, or counting table. Also a chesse-boord, a paire of playing-tables, also a quadrant, or base, or square of a pillar below, which may serue to sit vpon. Also a merchants booke of accounts, a shop-booke, or counter.

Abbáda, at a bay, at a stay, in delay, in hope, aloofe of; leasurely, with expectation.

Abbadáre, to keepe at a bay or stay, or delay; also to delay, to demurre, to prolong, to hold or put off; also to attend or wait on.

Abbadéssa, an abbesse, or Ladie of an abbie.

Abbadía, an abbie.

Abbagliággine, as Abbacinaménto.

Abbagliaménto, idem.

Abbagliáre, as Abbacináre.

Abbái, barkings, houlings, or bayings of a dog. Also malitious railings, idle pratings, vaine brags, detractions, skoldings.

Abbáia, as Abbái.

Abbaiaménti, as Abbái.

Abbaiáre, to barke, to houle, to bay or quest as a dog, also by metaphor to prate or speake, or brag idely, also to raile or detract, to skold at.

Abbaiatóre, a barker, a houler, a baier, or quester as a dog; also a pratler, a boaster, a railer, a detractor, an idle speaker, a skolder.

Abbalordiménto, as Balordía.

Abbalordíre, dísco, díto, as Balordíre.

Abbambagiáre, to bumbast, also to stuffe or quilt with bumbasin or such like.

Abbampáre, to flame, to flash, to blaze.

Abbampóso, flamie, blazing, flashie.

Abbandonáre, to abandon, to forsake, to leaue, to refuse, to cast off.

Abbandonatíssimo, vtterly abandoned, most forsaken, wholly forlorne.

Abbandóno, abandoning, refusall, leauing off, forsaking. Also at random, in forsaken or vnregarded manner.

Abbarbagliaménto, as Abbacinaménto.

Abbarbagliáre, as Abbacináre.

Abbarbáglio, as Abbacinaménto.

Abbarbicáre, to take root, to clinch or twine about.

Abbardáre, to bard, to trap, or caparison a horse.

Abbáre, as Abbaiáre.

Abbarráre, to barre, to embarre, to baricado.

Abbaruffaménto, a bickering, or falling to blowes. Also a touzing or ruffling. Also a singing, a scorching or smoking with fire.

Abbaruffáre, to cause or breed a quarrell, to set together by the eares; also to touze or ruffle; also to singe, to scorche or smoke with fire.


ABB   Abbassaménto, an abasing, a depressing, a bringing low, an humbling.

Abbassáre, to abase, to depresse, to suppresse, to bring low, to stoope, to decline, to bend downe, to descend, to humble, to submit, to prostrate, to alay.

Abbasséuole, that may be abased, or brought low.

Abbastardiménto, a bastardizing, an adulterating, a degenerating.

Abbastardíre, dísco, díto, to bastardize, to degenerate, to adulterate.

Abbastionáre, to embastion, to entrench, to enskonce, to emblocke.

Abbastionéuole, that may be entrenched, enskonced, or emblocked.

Abbáte, an abbot.

Abbateggiáre, to play the abbot or lazie Churchman.

Abbatéssa, an abbesse.

Abbatiále, abbot-like, or belonging to an abbie.

Abbáttere, bátto, battéi, battúto, to abate, to beat, throw, or cast downe, to depresse, to suppresse, to ouerthrow; also to meet, to light, to fall, to come, or happen on, with, or vpon by chance, and casually.

Abbáttersi con qualcúno, to meet with some body by chance.

Abbattiménto, an abatement, an encounter, an assault, a fight, a combat, an ouerthrow, a depressing; also a meeting with, or lighting vpon by chance, also a chance, a hap or casualty.

Abbattitóre, an encounter, a combatant, an abater, an ouerthrower.

Abbatutaménte, met by chance, or casually, also ouerthrowingly.

Abbauáre, to slauer or driuell.

Abbegliaménti, as Abbigliaménti.

Abbegliáre, as Abbigliáre.

Abbẻlláre, as Abbẻllíre, also to sooth vp, or please ones mind.

Abbẻlliménto, an embellishment, a beautifying. Also painting that women vse.

Abbẻllíre, lísco, líto, to embellish, to beautifie, to decke, to adorne, to decore, to make faire.

Abbẻluardáre, to embulwarke, to fortifie, to enskonce.

Abbendáre, as Bendáre.

Abbentáre, to rest, to be quiet, to be glad, to reioice, to enioy.

Abbẻrfáre, to besprinkle, to spirt.

Abbẻrfatióne, a besprinkling, an asperging, a spirting.

Abbẻrgáre, as Albẻrgáre.

Abbẻrgo, as Albẻrgo.

Abbẻrsagliáre, as Bẻrsagliáre.

Abbestiáre, to embeast, or become beast.

Abbeueráre, to water cattell.

Abbeueratóio, a watring place, or trough for cattell.

ABB   Abbiadáto, prouendred, fed with oats.

Abbianchíre, chísco, chíto, to whiten, to blanch.

Abbicáre, to heape together as hay-cocks.

Abbiccáre, idem.

Abbicí, an a, b, c, booke for children to learne, an alphabet.

Abbiẻndo, hauing.

Abbiẻntáre, to enable, to make capable or fit for.

Abbiẻnte, able, capable.

Abbiẻttáre, to abiect, to reiect.

Abbiẻttióne, abiection, vilitie, basenesse of courage.

Abbiẻtto, abiect, base, vile.

Abbigiáre, to make or become gray.

Abbigliaménti, raiments, attires, apparrells, clothings, ornaments, embellishments.

Abbigliáre, to array, to attire, to apparrell, to cloth, to adorne, to embellish, to make red.

Abbisognáre, to need, or be needfull.

Abbisognáto, needed, brought or made needy.

Abbisógno, need or necessity.

Abbisognóso, needy, full of want.

Abbiosciággine, deiection, cowardise, faint-heartednesse.

Abbiosciáre, to deiect, to make or become faint hearted.

Abbiosciáto, deiected, made or become faint hearted.

Abbissáre, to engulphe, to sinke or throw downe as into hell, or deepe and bottomlesse pit.

Abbísso, an abisse, a hell, a gulphe, a bottomlesse pit, a deepe, an infinit gathering of water.

Abbitumáre, to bepitch, to ciment, or clam together.

Abboccaménto, a parly, an enteruiew, a meeting face to face, or mouth to mouth, a speaking face to face. Also an en-mouthing.

Abboccáre, to parly or speake together, to come mouth to mouth, or face to face. Also to enmouth, or put to the mouth.

Abboccatóio, the mouth of a limbecke or furnace.

Abboccatóre, a broker, a daies-man, one that brings men to speake together.

Abbocconáre, to morsell, to mince, or shred in peeces.

Abbollíre, lísco, líto, to abolish, to abrogate, to disanull, to cancell.

Abbollitióne, an abolishing, an abrogation, a cancelling, a disanulling.

Abbominándo, abhominable, loathsome, detestable.

Abbominánza, abhomination, detestation, loathsomnesse.

ABB   Abbomináre, to abhor, to haue in abhomination, to loath, to detest.

Abbominatióne, idem.

Abbominéuole, as Abbominándo.

Abbomínio, as Abbominánza.

Abbominóso, as Abbominándo.

Abbonacciáre, to calme, to appease, to asswage, to quiet.

Abbonaménto, a making good, a ripening. Also an asswaging, a calming.

Abbonáre, idem; also to make good, or seasonable. Also to ripen.

Abbonéuole, that may be made good, or that may be calmed.

Abboniménto, as Abbonaménto.

Abboníre, nísco, níto, as Abbonáre.

Abbordáre, to goe neere the shore. Also to bond or grapple with a ship.

Abbórdo, a boording or grapling of ships.

Abborracciaménto, a stuffing, or quilting, a botching or clouting, a bungling of any thing, a hudling vp. Also a mumbling or thicke speaking. Also a being drunke.

Abborracciáre, as Abborráre; also to make or become drunke.

Abborraménto, as Abboracciaménto.

Abborráre, to stuffe or quilt, to botch, or bungle, to huddle vp; also to mumble in speech, or speake faltringly.

Abbortáre, to be deliuered abortiuely, to cast vntimely, to be borne out of time.

Abbortióne, an abort or vntimelie birth.

Abbortíre, tísco, títo, as Abbortáre.

Abbortíuo, abortiue, vnseasonable, monstrous, vntimely borne, out of time.

Abbórto, idem.

Abbottare, to swell or become toad-like. Also to puffe vp with spite or pride.

Abbottinaménto, a mutiny, an vprore, a disordering; also a boot-haling, or booty.

Abbottinare, to mutiny, to praie, to rob, to spoile, to seduce, to goe a freebooting.

Abbottinatóre, a mutinous or seditious man.

Abbozzaménto, a first, rough, or imperfect draught; also a swelling to a bile or botch.

Abbozzáre, to rough-hew or cast any first draught, to bungle vp ill fauouredly. Also to swell as a byle or botch.

Abbozzatóre, a rough, vnskilfull caster or drawer of any thing.

Abbozzatúra, as Abbozzaménto.

Abbózzo, as Abbozzaménto.

Abbracciaménti, embracements, claspings, collings, huggings.


ABB   Abbracciáre, to embrace, to claspe, to coll, to hug.

Abbracciáta, an embracing, an armefull.

Abbracciatóie, a kind of tongs, mullets, or pincers, that goldsmiths vse.

Abbráccii, as Abbracciaménti.

Abbragiáre, to set on fire, to glow, to burne to embers, to enkindle.

Abbreuiaménto, an abbreuiating.

Abbreuiáre, to abreuiate, to shorten, to abridge.

Abbreuiatióne, an abreuiation.

Abbreuiatúra, idem.

Abbrigliaménto, a brideling, a curbing, a snaffling.

Abbrigliáre, to bridle, to curbe, to snaffle.

Abbrigliatúra, idem.

Abbriuidáre, to benum or stiffen with cold.

Abbronzacchiáre, to sunne-burne, to tanne, to skorche, to singe, to skald, to parch, to blast; also to haue the meat sticke to the pot, for want of liquor.

Abbronzacchiáto, sunne-burnt, tanned, skorched, singed, skalded, parched.

Abbronzáre, as Abbronzacchiáre.

Abbrugiáre, as Abrusciáre, to burne.

Abbruníre, nísco, níto, to burnish, to make or become browne, duskie, or darke.

Abbruscáre, to ensowre; also to frowne or skoule; also to skorche or singe.

Abbrusciáre, to burne, as Abrusciáre.

Abbrustáre, as Abbrustoláre.

Abbrustíre, tísco, títo, as Abbrustoláre.

Abbrustoláre, to burne, to singe, to tost, to skorche, to blast, to seare, to parche.

Abbrutáre, to make or become brutish.

Abbruttáre, to foule, to defile, to pollute.

Abbuiáre, to darken, to obscure, to duskie.

Abbuíre, ísco, íto, as Abbuiáre.

Abbuoníre, nísco, níto, as Abbonáre.

Abburattáre, to bolt meale.

Abburattaménto, a boulting.

Abburattóio, a bolter.

Abdicáre, to forsake or renounce.

Abdicatióne, a renouncing or forsaking.

Abdómen, the outward part of the belly betweene the nauell and priuie members, and couereth all the entrailes. Also the fat or sewet of a sow that is found between the flanke, and body.

Abdúto, led, remooued or caried away. Also lawlesse, or exempt from lawes.

Abecè, the A, B, C, or Criscrosse-row.

Abecedáre, to alphabet or abee-cee.

Abecedário, a teacher or learner of A, B, C. Also a horne-booke, or A-bee-cee-booke.

Abedário, as Abecedário.

ABI   Abedáre, as Abecedáre.

A bẻll'ágio, at faire leasure, leasurely.

A bẻlla pósta, for the verie nonce, purposely, wittinglie, expreslie.

A bẻl stúdio, as A bẻlla pósta.

Abẻllíne, a kind of fill-birds, or small-nuts.

Abenchè, although, albeit.

A bendẻlle, with bendlets in armory.

Abentáre, as Abbentáre.

Abénto, vsed for Atténto.

Abẻrráre, to stray or wander vp and downe.

A bẻrtolótto, scotfree, without paiment, fidlers fare, meat, drinke and mony.

Ab espẻrto, by experience, by proofe.

Abestóne, a kind of blackish stone.

Abẻte, the tree or wood called Firre.

Abẻto, idem.

Ab etẻrno, of yore, from all eternitie.

Abgiuráre, to abiure, to forsweare.

Abgiuratióne, an abiuring, or forswearing.

Abhorréuole, loathsome, to be abhorred.

Abhorriménto, abhorring, loathsomnesse.

Abhorríre, rísco, ríto, to abhorre, to loath.

Abiccáre, as Abbiccáre.

Abiẻttaménte, abiectly, basely, contemptibly, scornfully.

Abiẻttáre, to abiect, to dispise, to scorne, to outcast, to contemne.

Abiẻttióne, abiection, basenesse, scorne, contempt.

Abiẻtto, abiect, base, vile, outcast, scorned.

Abíga, Iuie, or ground frankinsense.

Abigáre, to twine or bind about, as Iuie.

Ábile, able, sufficient.

Abilità, ablenesse, abilitie.

Abilitáre, to enable.

Abilẻo, a kind of fine, soft, and best spunge.

Ab inítio, from the beginning.

A bisdósso, bare-backt, looke Caualcáre.

Abissáre, as Abbissáre.

Abísso, as Abbísso.

Abísto, a stone which being once heated keepes his heat eight daies.

Abitábile, enhabitable.

Abitácolo, an habitation, a dwelling.

Abitánte, a dweller, an enhabitant.

Abitánza, a dwelling, an inhabitation.

Abitáre, to dwell, to inhabit, to win.

Abitatióne, a dwelling, an habitation.

Abitatíuo, inhabiting, dwelling.

Abitẻllo, any kind of little weede or habit.

Ábito, as Hábito.

Abitúdine, as Habitúdine.

ABO   Abitúro, as Habitúro.

Ablatíuo, the Ablatiue case of taking away.

Abláto, caried away by force, or violently.

Abnegáre, to deny, to abiure.

Abnegatióne, a denying, an abiuring.

A bócca, by word of mouth, by mouth.

A bócca piéna, with full mouth.

A bócca baciáta, as easie as to kisse my mouth, that is to say with thanks.

Abócco, a kind of waight or coine.

Abolatíuo, looke vẻrme.

Abólla, a Senators habite, a furred garment vsed anciently by Kings and Philosophers.

Abollíre, as Abbollíre.

Abollitióne, as Abbollitióne.

Abómba, is properly the place, where children playing hide themselues, as at a play called king by your leaue. Some call it Gióstra prigioniéra: it is also prouerbially vsed of them that in hard enterprises keepe their wits about them. It is also a mans home or dwelling. Also as we vse to say: Home againe home againe, market is done. Also soked or laid in steepe.

Abombáre, to steepe or lay in soke, looke Abómba.

Abominándo, as Abbominándo.

Abominánza, as Abbominánza.

Abomináre, as Abbomináre.

Abominatióne, as Abbominatióne.

Abominéuole, as Abbominéuole.

Abomínio, as Abbomínio.

Abominóso, as Abbominóso.

Abonaménto, as Abbonaménto.

Abonáre, as Abbonáre.

Abondánte, abundant, plenteous.

Abondanteménte, abundantly, plenteously.

Abondánza, abundance, plenty, store.

Abondanziére, one that hath the charge to looke to the store of victualls in a citty or campe, and to prouide plenty of prouision, a victualer.

Abondáre, to abound, to haue plenty.

Abondéuole, abundant, plentifull.

Abondóso, abundant, plenteous.

Abonéuole, that may be made good.

Abordáre, as Abbordáre.

Abórdo, as Abbórdo.

Aborráre, to stuffe or guilt. Also to abhorre.

Abortáre, as Abbortáre.

Abortíre, as Abbortáre.

Abortióne, as Abbortióne.

Abortíuo, as Abbortíuo.

Abosimáre, as Bosimáre.

Abotáre, to vowe or promise vnto.

A bótta, made like the back of a toad, as some breast plates be.

A bótta di fíco, look Tiráre a bótta di fico.


ABR   Abottinaménto, as Abbottinaménto.

Abottináre, as Abbottináre.

Abottíno, mutinously, a boot-haling, a freebooting.

Abozzaménto, as Abbozzaménto.

Abozzáre, as Abbozzáre.

Abozzatóre, as Abbozzatóre.

Abozzatúra, as Abbozzatúra.

A bráccia apẻrte, with open armes.

A bráccia quádre, with vnfolded armes.

A brága, with a breeche, as some pieces are.

Abráme, a fish called a breame.

A bráno, by piece-meale, by mamocks.

A bráno a bráno, idem.

Abrenúzzo, as Abronúntio.

A bríglia sciólta, in full speed, vnbrideledly.

Abriólo, a singing Canary bird.

Abristicáre, as Abbrustoláre.

A brócca. Nemíco a brócca, an enemy from the lance to the bodkin or nailes point.

Abrocáre, to become hoarce. Also to snort.

Abrodiẻto, fine, delicate and sumptuous.

Abrogáre, as Abbollíre.

Abrogatióne, as Abbollitióne.

Abronúntia, hath beene vsed for a whirret on the eare, or any other meanes to rid one away, as one would say, a casting of.

Abrostína, a kind of wild wine or grape.

Abrótano, the herb southernwood.

Abruciáre, as Abrusciáre.

Abruggiáre, to burne, as Abrusciáre.

A brúno, vestíto a brúno, clad in mourning or blacke.

Abrúsca, any wild wine or grape.

Abruscáre, to make sowre or sharpe. Also to seare, to parch, to scorch, to singe.

Abrusciáre, to burne or consume with fire. Also to itch or smart.

Abrusciaménto, a burning.

Abrusciéuole, that may burne.

Abrustíre, as Abbrustoláre.

Abrutáre, as Abbrutáre.

Abruttaménte, abruptly, out of order, without preface or due course.

Abrútto, abrupt, disordered, out of course.

Absentáre, to absent.

Absénza, absence.

Absíde, the point wherein any planet is furthest from the earth.

Absíde supréma, the highest point of any planet.

Absíde ínfima, the lowest point of any planet.

Absínthio, the herbe wormewood. Also a kind of blackish stone.

Absinthíno, made, or tasting of wormewood.

ABV   Absíte, a kind of pretious stone.

Absoléto, out of vse, vtterly abolished.

Absólto, as Assólto.

Absóluere, as Assóluere.

Absolutióne, as Assolutióne.

Absolúto, as Assolúto.

Absóno, dissonant, vntuned.

Absórbere, sórbo, sorbéi, sorbúto, sórto, to swallow, or glut vp.

Absordità, absurdity, inconuenience.

Absórdo, absurd, inconuenient, against reason.

Abstenére, to abstaine.

Abstẻrgere, to cleanse or wipe away.

Abstẻrtíuo, scouring, cleansing, or wiping away.

Abstinẻnte, abstinent.

Abstinẻnza, abstinence.

Abstrárre, to abstract, or draw from.

Abstrattióne, abstraction.

Abstrúso, abstruse, secret, inward, darke to be vnderstood.

Absurdaménte, absurdly, vnorderly.

Absurdità, absurdity, inconuenience.

Absúrdo, absurd, against reason.

Abucciuólo, looke Innestáre.

A buóna derráta, good cheape, cheapefull.

A buóna lúna, in a luckie time of the moone, as we say in a good houre.

A buóna ragióne, vpon good reason, good reason why, rightfully.

A buón barátto, cheape, good cheape.

A buón cónto, in part of paiment, toward the reckoning.

A buón hóra, early, timely, betimes.

A buón hótta, idem.

A buón mercáto, cheape, good cheape.

Aburattáre, to belt or sift meale.

Abusáre, to abuse, to misorder.

Abuséuole, that may be abused.

Abusióne, abusion, misorder.

Abusiuaménte, abusiuely, misorderly.

Abusíuo, abusiue, improper.

Abúso, abuse, misorder.

Ab úso, from vse or custome.

Abuzzágo, a kind of buzzard, kite or puttocke.

A cáccia, a hunting, a hawking, a fowling, a chasing, a driuing.

Acácia, a shrub called the Egyptian thorne. Also a certaine iuice made of apples and other things. Also a kind of thorny plant bearing great timber.

Acadẻmia, an academie or vniuersitie where studies are professed.

Acadẻmiánte, of or pertaining to an vniuersitie, an academian.

Acadẻmico, academicall, a student in any vniuersity.

A cagióne, by occasion, because.

A calzóppo, skipping or hopping vpon one foot.

A cámbio, by exchange, mutually.

A cámmẻra locánda, in or at an hired chamber.

ACA   Acaníno, a casting bottle. Also an ewer.

Acáno, the sea-holy. Some take it for licorice.

Acantáuola, an instrument that Chirurgions vse to pull out bones with.

Acánte, the hearb grounswell. Also a dumb grashopper. Also the bird Linnet or Siskin.

Acanthicéne, the thistle-masticke.

Acánthio, the brazell-tree or wood.

Acántica, a kind of gum or drug.

Acántida, as Acánte.

A cánto, neere, by, ioining or close vnto. Also the hearb Beare-foot, Beares-breech, or Brank-ursin.

Acánzi, soldiers among the Turkes that only to get themselues honor goe to the wars on their owne charges.

Acapnóne, a kind of hony gathered without smoke.

A cápo, to the head, or end, or conclusion.

A cápo chíno, with head bending, that is reuerently stooping or louting.

A cápo ẻrto, with an vpright head, or vndanted looke.

A cápo rítto, idem.

A capríccio, toyeshly, humorously.

Acaremónde, the root of Ossimirsine.

Acarionágrio, the hearb Ossimirsine.

Acárno, a sea fish hauing a great head and skales like gold.

A cáro, deer, acceptably, gladly, pleasing to ones mind. Also wild Mirtle or Gow. Also a kind of little worme or mite.

Acaróne, a kind of Mirtle with indiuisible branches.

A cása, at home, home, in the house.

A casáccio, by ill or filthy chance.

A cáso, by chance, by fortune, by hap, casually.

Acáta. Acáte, an agath stone.

A catafáscio, in hudling or rumbling fashion.

Acatía, a kind of drug so called.

A caualcióni, stradling as men ride.

A caualliére, as topping ouer or mounted vpon. Looke Caualliére.

A cauállo, on horseback mounted vpon.

A cauállo a cauállo, in post-hast, a snatch and away. Also a certaine march that trumpetters vse to sound in giuing a suddaine alarum.

A cáusa, because, by occasion.

A cáusa chè, because, that.

Ácca, the letter H.

Accadére, cádo, cáddi, cadúto, to befall, to happen.

Accadéuole, that may befall, or happen.

Accadútoo, befalne, hapned, chanced.

Accaffáre, as Acceffáre.


ACC   Accagionáre, as Occasionáre, to blame, to lay to ones charge, to impute.

Accagliáre, to crud or crudle.

Accaglióso, cruddy, full of cruds.

Accaláre, as Caláre.

Accaldáre, to heat, to warme.

Accalonniáre, as Calonniáre.

Accambiáre, to exchange, as Cambiáre.

Accambiatóre, as Cambiatóre.

Accampanáre, to frame as a bell.

Accampanáto, fashioned as a bell.

Accampáre, to encampe, to beleagre, to besiege. Also to place a cote vpon any field or Skutcheon.

Accanalatúra, a chanfuring, a chaneling.

Accanáre, Accanáto, as Accaníre.

Accaneggiáre, to bait with dogs.

Accanẻlláre, to dresse with cinamond.

Accanẻlláre, to chamfure, to enchanell, to make gutter-wise.

Accaníre, nísco, níto, to make or become dogged, currish, churlish, cruell, or remorcelesse, to enrage as a mad dog.

Accaníto, endogged, currish, enraged as a mad dog. Also set on by dogs.

Accannáre, to pricke or strike with canes, or reeds. Also to glut to the throte.

Accanneggiáre, as Accannáre.

Accánto, a Goldfinch or Linnet as some take it.

Accantonáre, as Cantonáre.

Accantonáto, cornered, angled. Also cosened, cheated or left in a corner.

Accantoniére, as Cantoniére.

Accapacciáto, entangled in businesse, busied in mind and bodie.

Accapére, to cull, to chuse.

Accapestráre, as Capestráre.

Accapẻzzáre, to put in a maund or hutch.

Accaponáre, to capon, to geld, to lib, to splaie.

Accappáre, to snatch, to catch, or seaze vpon.

Accapparisonáre, to caparison a horse.

Accapparisonáto, caparisoned.

Accappiáre, to make in sliding knots. Also to entangle, to ensnare, to entramell.

Accappiatúra, an entangling, an entrameling, an ensnaring.

Accappigliáre, to tug or touze by the haire, to bind vp a womans haire. Also to ioine battell, to set together by the haires, to bind, to tie, to knit.

Accappucciáre, to grow round as a cabadge.

Accappucciáta lattúca, a hard cabidge letuce.

Accapricciársi, to take a mood or humor in ones head. Also to looke staringlie, to be affrighted till ones haire stand for feare.

ACC   Accarezzaménto, any cherishing or cockering or making much of.

Accarezzáre, to cherish, to cocker, to make much of, to entertaine louingly.

Accarieráre, to teach a horse to cariere.

Accarnáre, to flesh, to incarnate, to entre a dog.

Accárno, as Acárno.

Accarpionáre, to souse or dresse fish with vinegre to bee eaten cold, to marle fish.

Accartocciáre, to wrap or fold vp in coffins of paper.

Accasáre, to house, to build or store with houses, to ioine house to house, to lodge, to harborough. Also to marry or allie house to house.

Accascáre, to befall, to happen.

Accasciáre, to crudle as cheese. Also to bruse, to squease or make flat. Also to weare flat, to diminish, to bruise or squat in falling.

Accastiáre, as Accasciáre.

Accatta-bríghe, as Catta-bríghe.

Accattalíngua, a getter of the word, a purchaser of audience.

Accattaménti, borrowings, gettings, findings or shiftings.

Accattáre, to borrow, to get, to shift for, to acquire. Also to beg vp and downe.

Accattáre in préstito, to get by borrowing.

Accattaráto, as Accattarróso.

Accattarróso, rheumatick, full of catarrhs.

Accattastáre, to pile or range orderly.

Accattatóre, a shifter, a getter, a borrower.

Accattatózzi, a begger of scraps.

Accátti, gettings, gaines, vailes, borowings, or shiftings for.

Accattítia, a kind of grose furmentie gurts.

Accaualláre, to set or mount on horse-back. Also to mount ordinance.

Accauigliáre, to stringe silke or giue it a glasse.

Accauigliatóre, a stringer of silke.

Accecaménto, a blinding.

Accecáre, to blind.

Accédere, cẻdo, cedéi, cedúto, to accede, to aproch or haue accesse vnto. Also to assent vnto.

Acceffáre, to take by the snout. Also to busse or beake as a hog doth.

Accẻffo, a taking by the snout. Also a bussing of beake to beake.

Accégia, a moore hen.

Acceleránza, haste or quicke speed.

Acceleráre, to hasten, to make speed.

Acceleratióne, haste or quick speed.

Accencíre, císco, cíto, to reduce vnto tatters or rags. Accencíre úna dónna, to thrum a wench.

ACC   Accẻndere, accẻndo, accési, accéso, to kindle, to enflame, to set on fire, to light. Also to prouoke or egge-on. Also in Florence to curse, to banne, to chafe, to sweare.

Accẻndéuole, that may be enkindled.

Accẻndiménto, an enkindling, a prouoking.

Acceneríre, rísco, ríto, to consume or burne to ashes or cinders, to encinder.

Accennáre, to nod, to becken, to make a signe, to giue an inkling. Also by some signe to glance at anie thing a far of by speech or action.

Accennaménto, a nod, a beck, an inkling. Also a signe or glancing at anie thing.

Accẻnsióne, an enkindling, an enflaming.

Accẻnso, enflamed, enkindled. Also such a one as is appointed in the place of a dead man.

Accẻntáre, to accent or giue the due sound to any letter or word.

Accẻnto, an accent or point ouer anie letter to giue it a due sound.

Accentuáre, as Accentáre.

Accerchiáre, to hoope or circle about. Also to encompasse round.

Accerchiéuole, compassable, that may be hooped.

Accẻrrimo, cruell, fell, moodie.

Accẻrtaménto, an assurance, a warrant.

Accẻrtánza, assurance, a warrant.

Accẻrtáre, to assure, to ascertaine, to warrant.

Accẻrtatióne, an assurance, a certificate.

Accẻrto, certes, certainlie.

Accẻruíre, vísco, víto, to heape or huddle together.

Accẻruo, a heape, a hudle, a round masse.

Accéso, enflamed, enkindled, set on fire.

Accẻssíbile, accessible, that accesse may be had vnto.

Accẻssióne, an accession, an eeking, an augmentation. Also as Accẻsso.

Accẻssíuo, accessiue, aproachable.

Accẻsso, accesse or aproach vnto. Also an encrease or flowing vnto. Also a fit or accesse of an ague or any other sicknesse, a qualme. Also a skonce.

Accẻssóre, accessarie or a consenter.

Accẻssoriaménte, accessiuelie, by his owne seeking.

Accẻssório, accessorie, consenting vnto.

Accẻttábile, acceptable.

Accẻttábolo, the pan or hollownesse wherein the huckle bone turneth. Also a iuglers box. Also a certaine measure. Also a kind of musicall instrument. [6] Also a kind of plant.

ACC   Accẻttáre, to accept, to take.

Accẻttár l'inuíto, to accept an offer or inuitation, to see the vie at any plaie.

Accẻttatióne, an acceptation.

Accẻttéuole, acceptable.

Accẻtteuolézza, acceptation.

Accẻttíssimo, most acceptable.

Accẻtto, accepted. Also acceptable, gratefull, in good worth.

Acchéggia, a moore hen.

Acchenẻa, a hackney or ambling nag.

Acchetáre, to quiet, to hush, to still, to appease, to calme.

Acchetatióne, a quieting, a hushing, a stilling, an appeasing, a calming.

Acchetéuole, that may be quieted, husht or calmed.

Acchiappáre, to catch by the buttocks. Also to take or ouertake or catch in running.

Acchinẻa, a hackney or ambling nag.

Acchiocciáto, become lustie and strouting as a cackling hen about her chickens.

Áccia, anie yarne to be wouen, any spinning, or statute yarne in skeanes. Also a hatchet, an axe, a chip-axe, or chopping knife.

Acciaccáre, to stampe or punne in a morter, to hauock, to spoile or destroie. Also to offer some affront or suddaine iniurie vpon ods and aduantage.

Acciácco, a hauock, a spoile. Also an affront or iniurie offered vnto another vpon anie ods and aduantage. Also a stamping or punning and brusing in a morter.

Acciaffáre, to snatch or hooke away.

Acciáio, Acciále, steele.

Accialáre, to steele.

Acciále, anie kind of steele.

Accialíno, a steele to strike fire. Also the swiuell of a chaine.

Acciapináre, to miche, to shrug or sneake in some corner, and with pouting lips to shew anger as an ape being beaten and grinning with his teeth.

Acciáre, to reduce into skeanes as spinning yarne. Also to hatch or chop.

Acciárpa, botchinglie, bunglinglie.

Acciarpáre, to botch or bungle.

Accidẻntalità, casualtie, chance, hap.

Accidẻntále, accidentall, casuall.

Accidẻntalménte, by chance, accidentallie.

Accidẻnte, an accident, a chance, a hap. Also a fit of an ague or other sicknesse.

Accidẻntário, accidentall, casuall.

Accídia, sloth, idlenesse, lazinesse.

Accidióso, slothfull, idle, lazie.

Acciẻcáre, to blind, to hoodwinke.

Acciẻcatúra, a blinding.

Acciẻffáre, as Acciuffáre.

ACC   Accigliáre, to seele a pigeons eies. Also to looke staringlie or musinglie.

Accimáre, to sheare clothes. Also to clip, to pare, to top or lop trees. Also to trim, to dresse or pranke vp. Also to gird or prepare for something.

Accimatúra, as Cimatúra.

Accíngere, cíngo, cínsi, cínto, to gird about. Also to prepare to doe something.

Accíno, a grape-stone, a kernell, a graine or seed of anie fruit. Also the wheele of anie well wherein the chaine goes. Also a crane to draw vp anie waight.

Accinóso, full of kernells, graines or seeds.

Acciò, that, to the end, to that purpose.

Áccio, being added to any positiue noune it makes it great, vnhandsome, ruinous, as Homáccio, caualláccio, casáccia, donnáccia.

Accioccáre, to tuffe, to tassell, to flake, to reduce into locks, tuffes, tassells, or flakes. Also to put a handfull of wooll or flax vpon a distaffe. Also to make or become hoarce in speaking. Also to reduce to a block, a stump or logge of wood. Also to catch by a tuffe of haires.

Accióchè, that, to the end that, least that or enaunter.

Acciócchè, idem.

Acciócche vióle, a kind of double violets.

Acciò fratánto, that in the meane time.

Accióne, being added to anie noune positiue, as Homaccióne, Cauallaccióne, Casaccióne, Donnaccióne, it makes it foule and great, huge and ruinous, lubbardlike and vnhandsomelie big.

Accipensẻro, a fish hauing the skales turned toward the head, and swimmeth against the streame. Some take it for the Sturgeon, the Elops or the Stuer.

Accircondáre, to encircle, to compasse about.

Acciríre, rísco, ríto, to dight, to prepare, to set in order.

Acciríto, prepared, dight, set out.

Accismáre, to molest, to vex, to afflict, to grieue, to trouble. Also to make or become obstinate, wilfull and head-strong. Also to deuide.

Accitáre, to cite vnto, to summon.

Accitatióne, a citation, a summoning.

Accitatóre, a summoner, a citator.

Acciúcche, trifles, toies, vanities.

Acciuffáre, to gripe, to seaze, to catch or to clinch by the snout, or muzzle. Also to catch by the haires or forelocks.

Acciúga, a fish like a Sprat called Anchioues. Also a kind of fruit. Also a kind of hashie or minced meat or galimafrie.

ACC   Acciuiménto, an atchieuement, a bringing to passe. Also a shifting for. Also a bartering, a trucking, a corcing. Also a storing with.

Acciuíre, uísco, uíto, to atchieue, to bring to passe, to shift for. Also to bartre, to truck, to change or corce for profit. Also to furnish or store with.

Acclamáre, to call vnto, to crie out, to exclaime.

Acclamatióne, an acclamation, a calling vnto, a hue and crie.

Acclináre, to encline, to bend or stoope vnto.

Acclinatióne, an inclination or bending vnto.

Acclíno, enclined or bended vnto.

Accliuáre, to bend, to encline or pitch downward as a hill.

Accliuità, a bending downward, an enclining disposition, a hillinesse.

Acclíuo, bending downe, steepie, enclining, hillie.

Accobalísta, as Balísta.

Accoccáre, to set in the nock, to nocke. Also to stick or cleaue vnto. Also to fasten a iest vpon one, or to make one swallow a gudgion. Also to strike or smite vpon.

Accoccatúra, a nocking, a fastning vnto, a sticking or cleauing vnto. Also fastning a iest vpon one. A gudgion giuen.

Accoccoláre, to coure or squat to the ground.

Accodáre, to set or fasten a taile vnto.

Accodunánza, an assemblance.

Accodunáre, to gather or assemble together.

Accógliere, cólgo, cólsi, cólto, to gather or collect together. Also to receiue or embrace friendly, or to entertaine a friend with loue and affection.

Accogliẻnza, a collecting together. Also a friendly embracing and louing entertainment.

Accogliménto, idem.

Accóla, a sea Swallow or a sea Bat, or a sea Reare mouse.

Accoláre, to glue vnto or together.

Accolatíccio, gluish, or clammie.

Accoliticciáre, to gather together pell mell, confusedly or tumultuouslie.

Accolitíccia gẻnte, people gathered together pell mell and confusedlie.

Accolíto, as Acolíto.

Accollanáre, to enchain or hang a chain of gold about ones neck.

Accolláre, to hug, to coll or embrace about the neck.

Accolláta, a colling or embracing about the neck.

Accollatúra, idem.

Accoltelláre, to fence or fight with cutting weapons.


ACC   Accoltelláta, a wound or blow with a sword or cutting weapon.

Accoltellatóre, a fencer or fighter.

Accólto, collected. Also receiued and embraced with loue and affection.

Accománda, a recommendation vnto.

Accomandagióne, a recommending.

Accomandáre, to recommend or bequeath vnto.

Accombiatáre, as Accomiatáre.

Accomiatáre, to dismisse, to giue licence to depart.

Accomitáre, to accompanie, to associate.

Accomodábile, that may be accomodated.

Accomodáre, to accomodate, to ease, to place, to stowe. Also to lend vnto.

Accomodaménto, an easing, a setling, a placing. Also a lending vnto.

Accómodo, commodiouslie, at ease.

Accompagnaménto, an accompanying.

Accompagnáre, to accompanie.

Accompagnatúra, idem, a coupling.

Accompiacére, to please vnto.

Accompíre, písco, píto, to accomplish.

Accomunáre, to make commune.

Acconciaménto, a mending, a dressing, a making handsome, a reforming.

Acconcia-pẻlle, a dresser of leather, a tanner, a currier.

Acconciáre, to mend, to dresse, to order, to settle, to repaire, to make handsome.

Acconciársi, for a man to settle, place, accord, or reconcile himselfe.

Accóncia-stágni, a mender of pewter.

Acconciataménte, handsomlie, orderly.

Acconciatóre, a mender, a setler.

Acconciatúra, as Acconciaménto.

Acconcíme, a mending, a repairing.

Accóncio, a dighting, a making fit or readie, handsome, setled, drest, conuenient.

Accóne, a fish called in Latine Agonus.

Acconsentiẻnte, a consenter vnto.

Acconsentiménto, a consenting vnto.

Acconsentíre, to consent vnto.

Accontaménto, acquaintance. Also accounting.

Accontáre, to acquaint. Also to account or put into number.

Accontáto, acquainted. Also accounted, or put in the number.

Accontentáre, to giue content vnto.

Accontéuole, acquaintable. Also accountable.

Accónto, acquainted. Also as Acónto.

Acconueníre, to be conuenient. Also to come with or vnto.

Accoppáre, to knock on the head and kill as a butcher doth an oxe.

Accoppiáre, to couple vnto.

ACC   Accoppiatúra, a coupling vnto.

Accopuláre, to couple vnto.

Accoráre, to grieue to the heart.

Accoratággine, griefe at the heart.

Accoráto, toucht or grieued at the heart.

Accorciaménto, as Accorciatúra.

Accorciáre, to shorten, to curtall.

Accorciatúra, a shortning, a curtalling.

Accorciéuole, that may be shortned.

Accordaménto, an according, an agreement, an atonement.

Accordáre, to accord or agree vnto. Also to tune an instrument, to attone.

Accordáre col fornáio, to agree with the baker. By metaphor to be well to liue, to haue no need of bread, to keepe the wolfe from the dore. Also to die and goe out of this world.

Accordẻllatíno, a kind of corded or striped stuffe worne in doublets.

Accordéuole, that may be accorded, tunable.

Accórdo, an accord, an attonement.

Accórgere, córgo, córsi, córto, to perceiue, to be aware of.

Accorgiménto, warinesse, perceiuing.

Accórrere, to run or flie vnto.

Accórri, helps, assistances.

Accórri huómo, hue and crie for helpe.

Accorroláre, to roule vp one within an other.

Accortaménte, warilie, with foresight.

Accortaménto, a shortning, a curtalling.

Accortáre, to curtall, to shorten.

Accortézza, warinesse, foresight.

Accórto, aware, perceiued. Also wise, wittie, wilie, craftie, foreseeing.

Accorrucciáre, to anger, to be wroth.

Accorrucciéuole, subiect to anger.

Accorruccióso, angrie, fretfull.

Accosciáre, to thigh, to coure down.

Accostáre, to accost, to ioine side to side, to approach, to come neere.

Accostaménto, an acosting, an approaching, a ioining side to side.

Accostánte, acosting, familiar, easie to be acquainted with. Also a kind of briske and well-relishing wine. Also aproaching vnto.

Accostéuole, aproachable, familiar.

Accostiáre, as Accosciáre.

Accostiataménte, cowring downe.

Accósto, neere, by, close vnto.

Accostumáre, to accustome, to enure, to be wont. Also to nurture or bring vp in good manners or ciuill fashions.

Accostumánza, custome, vse, vre. Also nurture, ciuilitie, manners.

Accostumatézza, idem.

Accostumataménte, customarilie. Also mannerly, ciuillie.

Accostumáto, accustomed, vsed, wont, enured. Also well brought vp, ciuill, mannerlie.

ACC   Accostuméuole, customable, vsuall.

Accottonáre, to cotton or set a nappe vpon.

Accouáre, to hatch or couie as a hen her chickens. Also to squat or cowre downe.

Accoueráre, to recouer or haue recourse vnto. Also to get shelter or protection.

Accozzaménto, an entershocking or butting together. Also a ioining or fitting together.

Accozzáre, to butte, to shock as rams doe. Also to ioine, to fit or put close together.

Accozzatúra, as Accozzaménto.

Accreditáre, to make or become of credit and reputation in the world.

Accréscere, crésco, crẻbbi, cresciúto, to accrease, to augment, to accrue.

Accresciménto, an accrease, an accruing, an augmenting, a growing vnto.

Accrestáre, to crest or coxcomb.

Accrestiménto, as Accresciménto.

Accriuẻlláto, hackt, hewed or cut full of holes. Also sifted, or made siue-wise.

Accrostáre, to bring to a crust, to crust.

Accubiáre, to couple as dogs, to leash.

Accuíre, ísco, íto, to sharpen.

Accumáre, as Accumuláre.

Accumulánza, a heaping or hording vp.

Accumuláre, to heape together or hord vp in store.

Accumulatióne, as Accumulánza.

Accumulatóre, a heaper or horder vp.

Accupáre, to occupie or put to vse.

Accupatóre, an occupier.

Accuráre, to care with diligence, exactnesse or curiositie.

Accurataménte, diligently, curiouslie, exactlie, carefullie.

Accuratézza, exactnesse, diligence, curious carefulnesse.

Accuratissimaménte, most exactlie.

Accuráto, carefullie diligent, curiouslie exact, warilie precise.

Accurbáre, to bend or make crooked.

Accúsa, an accusation.

Accusáre, to accuse.

Accusatióne, an accusation.

Accusatíuo, the accusatiue case.

Accusatóre, an accuser.

Accuséuole, that may be accused.

A cénso, at rent. Also in fee-farme.

A cẻnto, by hundreds, by a hundred.

A centináia, by hundreds.

Acedóne mẻle, a kind of vnctuous and excellent honie.

Aceráte, a kind of snailes without hornes.

Acẻrbáre, to ensowre, to ensharpen. Also to exasperate or make eagre.

Acẻrbaménte, sowrelie, sharplie. Also [8] cruellie or eagerlie.

ACE   Acẻrbezza, sowrenesse, sharpnesse, tartnesse. Also eagernesse, or crueltie.

Acẻrbíre, bísco, bíto, as Acẻrbáre.

Acẻrbità, as Acẻrbézza.

Acẻrbo, sowre, sharpe, tart, vnripe. Also cruell, seuere, eager, bitter.

Acérco, about, circling, wheeling.

Ácero, the maple tree or wood.

Acẻrrimo, most eagre, sharpe, sowre, fell, cruell, fierce, or vehement.

Acẻruíre, uísco, uíto, as Acẻrbáre.

Acẻruo, as Acẻrbo.

Acesíno, a kind of naturall borax vsed in physicke.

Acetábulo, as Accetábolo.

Acetáre, to make or grow sowre as vinegre.

Acetaríe, all manner of salades.

Acetíre, tísco, títo, to become vinegre.

Acéto, vinegre, or alliger.

Acetósa, the hearb Sourell or Sorell.

Acetosẻlla, idem.

Acetosità, sowrenesse or sharpnesse.

Acetóso, full of sowrenesse or sharpnesse.

Achánte, as Acánte.

A chè, to what? to what end? wherefore? at what? whereto?

A chè égli è déntro? in or out? fast or loose?

A chè égli è fuóra?, out or in?

A chè effẻtto? to what end or effect?

A chè fáre? what to doe?

A chè fíne? to what end?

A chè guísa? how? in what sort?

Acheméne, Acheménide, an hearb of the colour of Amber, which as some write being cast into an armie will make the soldiers be in feare and run away.

Achemenidóne, idem.

A chè módo? how? in what manner?

A chè propósito? to what purpose?

A chè siámo? how are we? how is it with vs?

Achetáre, to quiet, to whosh, to still.

Achéte, a kind of grashopper that sings verie loud.

Achéto, still, quiet, husht, calm.

A chì? to whom? at whom?

Áchia, a fish called a Mullet.

A chiamáta, at call, within call, at hand.

Achilẻa, the hearb Yarrow, All-heale, Nose-bleed, or Milfoile.

Achilẻe, images of naked men wrestling.

A chiócciole, snaile wise, as a paire of winding staires.

Achináre, to encline, to stoope. Also to abase or bring low.

Achíno, enclined, stooped. Also abased or brought low.

ACI   Achiráde, a kind of hearb.

A chì tócca? to whose turne falls it?

A chì tócca súo dánno, at his perill be it on whom it lights.

A chiúnque módo, in what manner soeuer, howsoeuer.

A chiúsi ócchij, blindfold, hoodwinkt.

Aciáio, Aciáro, steele.

Acialáre, to steele.

Acialíno, a steele to strike fire.

Aciauatáre, to cobble or plaie the souter. Also to stuffe or quilt.

Acícula, a horne fish, or horneback.

Acidále pére, a kind of peares.

Acidári, a kind of hat, broad about the brim, but sharpe and winding vpward.

Acidíre, dísco, díto, to grow sowre or tart.

Ácido, soure, tart or sharpe in rellish.

Ácie, the front of an armie, a battell-araie, a squadron or maine battell. Also the edge or point of anie weapon or toole.

A cilóffo, Andáre a cilóffo, to go sleep, snort, fizzle and fiste.

Aciliáca, an ague proceeding of corruption of humors.

Acilóne, the akehorne or mast of the Ilex or Huluer-tree.

A címe, by tops or chiefs.

Acíno, as Accíno. Also a kind of hearb neuer bearing flowre, like to Basill.

Acinóso, as Accinóso.

A cínta, A cíntola, idely as one holding his hand vnder his girdle.

Acipensẻro, as Accipensẻro.

Áco, Ágo, anie kind of needle.

Áco a pómo, a pin with a head.

Áco da pómolo, a pin with a head.

A códa di róndine, like a Swallowes taile. Also a kind of combining or cimenting of stones in mazonrie so called.

A códa rítta, with a standing taile.

Acolásto, a prodigall, riotous, sensuall or lecherous person.

Acólito, a resolute man, one that will not be brought from an opinion or will.

Acólla, glue colour, or wrought with glue.

A compagnía, in companie as partners that share alike.

Acomparáre, to compare together.

A comparatióne, in comparison.

A compásso, by compasse, line or measure.

A compiacẻnza, at will and pleasure.

A compiaciménto, idem.

A compiménto, at full, in complete manner.

Acompitáre, to spell or read distinctlie.

A compíto, distinctlie, sillable by syllable.

ACO   A concorrẻnza, striuinglie, in competencie.

Aconiáre, to billettie in armorie.

Acónij, billetie in armorie.

Acónito, the hearb wolues-bane.

A consciẻnza rítta, with a readie conscience. Also with a stiffe-standing pricke.

Acóntia, a blazing starre or firie impression in the aire that shaketh and brandisheth like a dart or speare with great swiftnesse. Also a kind of swift gliding serpent of a greene colour.

A cónto, as A buón conto.

Acópa, a medicine, plaster or ointment to cure wearinesse or vnlustinesse of the bodie. Also a kind of pretious stone.

Acópi, Acópici, as Acópa.

Acópo, Acópu, as Acópa. Also an hearb.

Acoratággine, as Accoratággine.

Acoratággini, sobs, pantings, or blubrings drawne from the heart.

Acórna, a thistle called Mans blood.

A córpo di cauállo, within the length of a horse.

Acóro, the sweet Cane, or as some thinke the great Galingale or false Calamus.

Acorr'huómo, with hue and crie.

A córsa, running, in full speed.

Ácqua, anie kind of water.

Ácqua bollẻnte, scalding or boiling water.

Ácqua di fiúme, riuer water.

Ácqua di látte, clarifide whaie of milke.

Ácqua d'órgio, tysane or barlie water.

Ácqua fẻrráta, smiths water wherein iron was quenched.

Ácquagliáre, to crud or crudle.

Ácquaglióso, cruddie, full of cruds.

Acquáia, as Acquázzo.

Acquáio, a cesterne, a waterish place.

Ácqua inrosáta, rose water.

Acquaiuóle, a kind of wind gattes full of water in a horse.

Acquaiuóle hẻrbe, al manner of hearbs growing by or in the waters.

Acquaiuóli, water-bearers, tankard-bearers.

Ácqua maẻstra, the master-water. Saltpeeter men call it mother of Salt peeter.

Acquamaníle, an ewer to giue water with.

Ácqua mórta, anie dead or standing water.

Ácqua nánfa, sweet washing water.

Ácqua orgiáta, barlie water.

Ácqua pẻrpẻtua, a still-standing water.

Ácqua pioggiána, raine water.

Ácqua piouána, raine water.

Ácqua quẻta, a still water. Also a close, [9] slie, lurking knaue, a stil sow as we say.

ACQ   Acquáre, to water, to ouerflow.

Acquarẻlla, a little brooke or water. Also washt or water colours. Also thin waterish matter running from sores.

Acquarẻllo, an ewer. Also a kind of small weake wine.

Acquaríno, waterish, borne vnder Aquarius. Also tasting of water.

Acquário, one of the twelve signes in the Zodiack named Aquarius. Also anie place for water, an eawerie.

Ácqua rósa, rose water.

Acquaruólo, a water man, a water-bearer.

Ácqua stánte, anie standing water.

Ácqua stilláta, Aquavitæ, or Rosa-solis.

Acquastríno, that groweth or liueth in the water.

Acquatẻlle, a kind of fresh water fish.

Acquático, waterish, plashie, moist, fennie, moorish, full of water. Vccẻllo acquático, anie kind of water or sea-foule. Also a kind of smallest wine.

Acquatíle, as Acquático.

Acquáto, a kind of small waterish wine.

Acquattáre, to squat to the ground, to cowre downe as it were to hide himself.

Ácqua víte, Aquauite, water of life.

Ácqua víua, running-spring water.

Acquazzáre, to plash or slough or pudle.

Acquázzo, a pudle, a plash, or sinke where filthie water is cast, a flood of waters.

Acquazzóne, as Acquázzo.

Acquazzóso, watrish, plashie, moorish.

Acquedótto, a water conduit.

Acquẻo, waterish, of the nature of water, water-bred. Also a waterie colour.

Acquetáre, to quiet, to whish, to still, to appease, to calme, to pacifie.

Acquétta, a little water or brooke.

Acquidóccio, a water conduit or pipe.

Acquiẻscere, ẻsco, ẻscéi, ẻsciúto, to still, to quiet, to whish.

Acquiẻsciménto, a quietting, a whishing.

Acquietáre, to quiet, to still, to whish.

Acquifóglio, to hollie, Holme or Huluer-tree.

Acquidóso, moist, waterish, plashie.

Acquidótto, a watery conduit.

Acquisitióne, an acquisition, a purchasing.

Acquisíto, acquired, gotten, purchased.

Acquistáre, to acquire, to purchase.

Acquistaménto, a purchase, an acquiring.

Acquistéuole, requirable, purchasable.

Acquísto, a purchase, an acquisition.

Acquittánza, an acquittance.

ACR   Acquóne, a great water. Also a fish called in Latine Agonus.

Acquosità, waterishnesse.

Acquóso, watrish, full of water.

Ácre, sowre, sharp, tart, agre.

A crẻdẻnza, at or vpon trust or credit.

Acrẻditáre, to credit or trust.

A crẻdito, vpon credit or trust.

Acreménte, sowrely, sharply, eagrelie.

A crépa cuóre, at hearts ease, as a mans heart would wish, hold bellie hold. Some take it in the contrarie sense, against ones heart, vntill ones heart burst.

A crépa fégato, idem.

A crépa páncia, idem.

Acrestáre, as Accrestáre.

Acrézza, eagrenesse, sharpnesse, sowrenesse.

A crída, by cries or proclamation.

Acrilogía, sowre or bitter speaking.

Acrilógo, a sowre or bitter speaker.

Acrimónia, as Agrimónia.

Acrimónio, as Agrimónio.

Acrimonióso, full of sharpnesse or tartnesse.

Acrísia, want of iudgement or wit.

Acrità, sharpnesse, eagrenesse, sowrenesse.

Ácro, sowre, eagre, sharpe, tart.

A crocétte, with croslets in armorie.

Acrocordóne, a kind of wartes so small at the roots that they seeme to hang by sinewes.

Acrocoríno, a kind of Onion or Bulbous plant.

Acronicaménte, looke Acronícto.

Acrónico, as Acronícto.

Acronícto, voce astronómica, cioè, estrémo princípio dẻlla nótte.

Acróre, eagrenesse, sharpnesse, sowrenesse.

Acrúme, as Agrúme.

Acúglia, an Eagle. Also a needle.

Acuíno, a horne fish or horneback.

Acuíre, ísco, íto, to make sharp pointed.

Aculẻáre, to prick or sting, as Acuíre.

Aculẻo, a sting, a prick, a thorne.

Acúme, sharpnesse of wit or fight.

Acumináre, to make sharp-pointed. Also to stir vp ones wit, to set in full fight.

Acuráto, as Accuráto.

Acutángolo, a sharpe corner or angle.

Acutáre, to make sharp pointed.

Acutézza, sharpnesse. Also subtiltie of wit, or viuacitie of fight.

Acúto, sharp pointed, keene. Also witty, subtile, politick, ingenious. Also anie sharpe pin, or peg of wood.

Ad, euen as A in the second, third, fourth, and sixt line of A.

Adacquábile, that may be watred.

Adacquáre, to water as men doe wine, gardines, hearbs, or cattell.

ADB   Adadunephósio, a kind of pretious stone named of the kidnies.

Adagiáre, to ease, to accomodate, to settle.

Adágio, at ease, at leasure, faire and softlie, leasurelie. Also an adage or prouerb.

Adamánte, the adamant-stone. Also a Diamond. Also an hearb vsed in enchantments.

Adamántida, an hearb that makes Lions loose their strength, and fall to the ground if they come neere vnto it.

Adamantíno, adamantine. Also hard, sterne, fell, inexorable.

Ad ámbe máni, with both hands.

Adámi, a kind of Ducke or wigin.

Adánda, a kind of deuiding in arithmetick vsed by marchants.

Adána, as Adéna.

Adáre, to be aware or circumspect, to perceiue, to forecast, to foresee.

Adarẻa, a kind of reed called Calamachne. Also a certaine beast liuing in the water.

Ad árma cóllo, with or as an armed neck. Also hugging about the necke.

Adastáre, to spite, to vex, to prouoke, or set on. Also to striue or contend.

Adastiaménto, spite, vexation, prouocation. Also strife or rancor.

Adastiáre, as Adastáre.

Adásto, as Adastiaménto.

Adattaménte, aptlie, fitlie, warilie.

Adattáre, as Addattáre.

Adátto, apt, proper, readie for all assaies.

Adberfáre, to sprinkle, to asperge, to spirt.

Adberfatióne, a sprinkling, an asperging.

Ádda, a kind of root.

Addáce, a kind of Roe-buck in Affrica.

Addagiáre, as Adagiáre.

Addágio, as Adágio.

Addáre, as Adáre, but properlie to become or beseeme well vnto, to be conuenient.

Addáto, wise, warie, circumspect. Also beseemed well vnto, fitting, conuenient.

Addattaménte, aptlie, fitlie, properly.

Addattáre, to fit, to adapt, to apropriate.

Addebolíre, lísco, líto, to weaken.

Addegnáre, to daigne, to vouchsafe. Also to make worthie.

Adémmo, as Auedémmo, we foresaw or perceiued, of Auedére.

Addempiménto, an accomplishment.

Addempíre, písco, píto, to fulfill, to accomplish.

Addensaménto, a condensing, a thickning.

Addensáre, to thicken, to condense.

Addentáre, to season, to catch hold, to pinch or nip with the teeth as a dog [10] doth a Deare, or with any tonges or pincers. Also to indent any worke. Also to engraile or indent in armorie.

ADD   Addentẻlláte paróle, biting, sharpe words.

Addẻstráre, to fit, to adapt or sute vnto. Also to enable, to make nimble, to tame. Also to place, to be or to goe on the right hand of one. Also to sooth ones humor.

Addì, Adì, on the daie.

Addiacciáre, to freeze or become frost.

Addimánda, a demand, a question.

Addimandáre, to demand, to aske. Also to name, to nominate, or call by name.

Addíre, to wit, id est, that is to saie.

Addirizzáre, to addresse, to direct. Also to leuell or make straight. Also to redresse.

Addíscere, to learne.

Additáre, to point at with ones fingers.

Additióne, an addition, or adiunct.

Addíto, to be pointed at, at gaze, in view.

Addobbaménti, enrobings, ornaments, costlie raiments, funitures, or dightings.

Addobbáre, to enrobe, to arraie, to adorne, to dight or set forth with ornaments.

Addóbbo, any dressing or dighting.

Addocchiáre, to eie, to gaze on, to take view of.

Addogáre, to border about, as some armes be, to pane, or to pale about.

Addogliáre, to grieue or afflict with sorow, smart or vexation.

Addolciáre, to sweeten, to enmilden.

Addolcíre, císco, cíto, as Addolciáre.

Addoloráre, as Addogliáre.

Addománda, a demand, a question.

Addomandáre, as Addimandáre.

Addomẻsticáre, to tame, to make familiar.

Addonáre, to giue vnto, to adict.

Addoppiáre, to double.

Addormentáre, to lull or fall asleepe.

Addormíre, idem.

Addossáre, to laie on ones back, to heape vpon.

Addósso, on, vpon, or about ones backe.

Addottáre, as Adottáre.

Addottoraménto, a doctoring.

Addottoráre, to take or giue the degree of a doctor, to doctorate.

Addótto, alledged, produced, brought.

Addottrináre, to endoctrine, to instruct.

Addouináre, to diuine, to guesse.

Addozzenáre, to make vp in dozens.

Addrizzáre, as Addirizzáre.

Adduáre, to put two and two to double.

Addúcere, dúco, dússi, dútto, dótto, to lead or bring vnto. Also to alledge.

Adduggiáre, to moisten or make humid. Also to obscure or darken. Also to bewitch, to forspeake, to make or become vnluckie.

ADD   Adduggiatóre, a witch, a sorcerer.

Adduggióso, humid, full of moistnesse. Also darkesome. Also full of charmes or witchcraft.

Adduráre, to harden, to obdurate.

Addúrre, as Addúcere.

Addútto, Addótto, led or brought vnto. Also obledged.

Adeguánza, an equalling, a matching.

Adeguáre, to equall, to euen, to match.

Adeguatióne, an equall computation.

Adẻllo, a fish called Attilus in Latine.

Adẻlphíde, a kind of Date as it were sister to others.

Adempiménto, an accomplishment.

Adempíre, to fulfill, to accomplish.

Adéna, as Adẻllo.

Adentáre, as Addentáre.

Adentáto, embattelled or as some say engrailed, or endented in armorie.

Adentẻlláre, to vnderprop, to support. Also among masons, to leaue stones or timbers ends ietting out in vnfinished buildings, that they may the easier be continued or ended.

Adentẻlláto, an out iutting of an vnfinished worke. Also vnderpropt.

Adẻnti, engrailed in armory.

Adẻntráre, to enter far in, to inward.

Adẻntro, within, far in.

Adérgere, as Ergere.

Adẻrsáre, to addresse or direct vnto.

Adẻrso, adressed or directed vnto.

Adescaménto, an embaiting, an allurement.

Adescáre, to embait. Also to allure or entice.

Adescáre un pẻzzo, to prime a piece.

Adescatúra, as Adescaménto.

Adẻsso, now, at this instant.

Adẻss'adẻsso, euen now, by and by.

Adẻstáre, to awaken.

Adẻstráre, as Addẻstráre.

Adẻstro, fitly, prosperously, adue.

A détta, by, or vpon report.

A dẻxtra, from without, without.

Adhẻrbáre, to growe or goe to grasse.

Adherẻnte, adherent, coherent.

Adherẻnza, adherency, affinity.

Adheríre, rísco, ríto, to adhere, or take part with.

Adhóra, now, at this houre. Also at times, at houres, or sometimes.

Adhóra adhóra, euen now at this houre.

Adhorríre, rísco, ríto, to bee or put in horror.

Adhótta, ad hótta, as Adhóra ad hóra.

Adhúggere, úggo, uggéi, uggiúto, to swallow vp with greedinesse. Also to parch and consume with heat. Also to darken or obscure.

ADI   Adhuggiáre, as Adduggiáre.

Adiacẻnte, adiacent neere bounding.

Adiánto, the hearb Maidens haire.

Adiáto, idem.

Adícto, Adítto, one doomed to serue, such debters as by an ancient law were adiudged to serue their creditors as slaues being vnable to pay them.

Adiẻtro, behind, after, also heretofore.

Adiẻtrouía, behind, afterward.

Adiẻttíuo, a noune adiectiue.

A digiúno, fasting, before feeding.

Adiguazzáre, to dash or dable in water, to plash. Also to make good cheere.

Adiguázzo, dashingly. Also making good cheere with full dishes.

Adiligióne, in mockery, in derision.

Adilóngo, at length, forth right.

Adimáino, a beast in India as big as an Asse, with wooll and hornes like a sheepe.

Adíma, low, sunken to the ground.

Adimáre, to descend or sinke downe.

Adimẻsticáre, to tame or make familiar.

Adiméuole, that may be brought low.

Adímo, close vnto, neere adioining.

Adímo adímo, very close vnto.

Adinamóne, a kind of wine made of spices.

Ad instánza, at the instance, or entreaty.

Ad intentióne, with intention or purpose.

Adíntra, from within, withinward.

Adinueníre, to meet or find by the way.

A dío, adue, to God, fare ye well.

A dío non piáccia, God forbid.

Adípe, the sewet or seame of a sow.

Adipéne postéme, as Adipína.

Adipína, a bile or impostume or sore full of fatty matter and corruption.

Adipóso, a kind of Date or Date tree.

Adipsatóne, a kind of prickie shrub.

Adipsóne, an hearb that alaieth hunger and thirst.

Adipsóso, as Adipóso.

Adiráre, to anger, to wroth, to enrage.

Adirataménte, angerly, irefully.

A dirítto, forthright, directly on.

A dirittúra, as A dirítto.

Adirizzáre, to adresse or direct vnto.

Adirízzo, an addresse, an addressement.

Adiróso, irefull, wrathfull, angry.

Adirupáre, to tumble downe ruinously as from a rock.

A dirúpo, ruinously tumbling downe.

A dismisúra, beiond measure.

A dispẻtto, in despight, maugre ones will.

A distésa, outstretchedly, forthright.

Aditáre, to point at with ones finger.

A díto, to be pointed at, at view, at gaze.

Ádito, accesse, aproach or way vnto.


ADO   Adítto, adicted or giuen vnto.

Adiueniménto, a comming vnto, or to passe.

Adiueníre, to come vnto, to come to passe.

Adiuénne, it hapned, it came to passe.

Adiuráre, to abiure.

Adiuratióne, an abiuration.

Adiustáre, as Aggiustáre.

Adimiánte, help-affording, helping.

Adméttere, to admit.

Adminícolo, a help, a stay, a support.

Administráre, to administer.

Administratióne, an administration.

Administratóre, an administrator.

Admissióne, an admission.

Admistiáre, to mix or mingle vnto.

Admistióne, a mixing or blending vnto.

Adobbaménti, as Addobbaménti.

Adobbáre, as Addobbáre.

Adóbbo, a kind of dressing of meat.

Adocchiáre, as Addocchiáre.

Adócchio, by the eie, by sight. Also looke Inestáre.

Ad ócchio veggẻnte, manifestly as an eie witnesse.

Adoganiẻre as Doganiẻre.

Ad ógni hóra, at all houres.

Adogáre, to border about in armory.

Adóghe, bendy or bordered in armory.

Ad ógni módo, by any meanes howsoeuer.

Ad ógni prẻgio, at any rate or price.

Ad ógni pruóua, at all assaies.

Ad ógni tẻmpo, at all times.

Adógo, that tenure of land, which we call in Knights seruice.

Adógo, quasi adunaménto di feudatárij, a beneuolence of subiects to their Prince.

Adolẻscere, lẻsco, lẻscéi, lẻsciúto, to grow in age, to wax ripe or come to his flowre.

Adolomáto, hauing a crick, or wrench in the neck or backe.

Adoloráre, as Addoloráre.

Adolẻscẻnte, a yong child or lad.

Adolẻscẻnza, childhood, youth.

Adománda, a demand, a question.

Adomandáre, as Addimandáre.

Adombráre, to shade, to shadow, to ouershadow a picture. Also to start or giue back for feare as some horses. Also to suspect or mistrust and as we say to take pepper in the nose. Also to couer, to hide a thing or meaning, or to figure a matter, to glance at any thing in speech.

Adonáre, to giue vnto. Also to tame or danton.

Adonáto, giuen or enclined vnto.

Ad óncia, by ounces.

Ad óncia ad óncia, ounce by ounce.

Adóne, a fish that hath a voice, and sleepeth on dry land.

ADO   Adonestáre, to make honest.

Adónio, the Adonis flowre.

Adónta, in despight or reproch.

Adontáre, to despight, to shame, to reproach.

Adontáto, spighted, shamed, wronged.

Adoperáre, to vse, to occupie, to employ in any manner of worke.

Adoperaménto, a vsing or occupying.

Adoperatíuo, as Adoperéuole.

Adoperéuole, that may be vsed, emploied or occupied about any worke.

Adoppiáre, to double.

Adóppio, doubly, twofold.

Adopráre, as Adoperáre.

Adopraménto, as Adoperaménto.

Adopratíuo, as Adoperéuole.

Adopréuole, as Adoperéuole.

Adorándo, to be adored or worshipped.

Adoránza, as Adoratióne.

Adoráre, to worship, to adore.

Adoratióne, worship, adoration.

Adoratóre, a worshipper, an adorer.

Adorbággine, blindnesse.

Adorbáre, to blind, to make blind.

Adórbo, blindly, as a blind man, carelesly, hand ouer head.

Adorcáre, to grub or harrow the earth.

Adorẻa, the glory and honour belonging to corne in generall.

Adorẻo, red bearded wheat, so called in old times.

Adoréuole, that may be worshipped.

Adorezzáre, to ouershade with trees or leaues. Also to blow as the wind.

Adormentáre, to bring or fall asleep.

Adormíre, as Adormentáre.

Adornaménti, ornaments, deckings, dightings, trimmings, embellishments.

Adornáre, to adorne, to deck, to dight, to trim, to embellish.

Adornatúra, any kind of ornament or adorning.

Adornézza, as Adornatúra.

Adossáre, to lay on ones backe.

Adósso, on, about, or vpon ones backe.

Adottióne, adoption or endowment.

Adottíuo, adoptiue or fostered.

Adottáre, to adopt, to endow, or foster vp.

Adottoráre, to doctor, to doctorate.

Adottrináre, to endoctrine, to instruct.

Adouráre, as Adoperáre.

Adráchne, as Aráchnen.

Adrastía, the ineuitable law of Fate, or reuenger of arrogance and insolence.

Adrítto, rightly, by right. Also leuell or point blank.

Adrizzáre, to adresse or direct vnto.

Ádro, as Átro.

A dúa, A dúe, A dúo, by two and two. Also a dewce at tennice.

Aduáre, to double two and two.

ADV   Aduedére, as Auuedére.

Aduentítio, as Auuentítio.

Aduénto, a comming vnto, an aduent.

Aduẻrbialménte, aduerbially.

Aduẻrbio, an aduerbe.

Aduẻrsario, an aduersary.

Aduẻrsità, aduersity.

Aduẻrso, aduerse.

Aduggiáre, as Adduggiáre.

Aduggióso, as Adduggióso.

Aduicináre, to aproach or come neere vnto.

Aduilíre, lísco, líto, as Auilíre.

Aduíncere, as Auíncere.

Aduínto, as Auínto.

Aduláre, to flatter, to blandish.

Adulatióne, flattery, adulation.

Adulatóre, a flatterer, a clawbacke.

Adulatório, flattering, blandishing.

Adulatríce, a shee-flatterer.

Adúlta, a woman mariageable.

Adultẻránza, as Adultẻratióne.

Adultẻráre, to commit adulterie, to adulterate. Also to falsifie or corrupt.

Adultẻratióne, an adulterating or falsifying, or corrupting of any thing.

Adultẻríno, adulterate, a bastard.

Adultẻrio, adultery, vncleannesse of life.

Adúltẻro, an adulterer. Also false, counterfet, or sophisticated.

Adúlto, a man well growne and sprung vp.

Ad úna, together, in company, with. Also at once. Also one by one.

Ad úna ad úna, one by one.

Adunánza, an assembly.

Adunáre, to assemble together.

Adunatióne, an assembly.

Aduncáre, to bend or make crooked.

Adúnco, crooked or bending like an Eagles beake.

Adunghiáre, to catch, sease on, or take hold with nailes, clawes or pounces.

Ad úno ad úno, by one and one.

Adúnque, then, therefore.

Ad un trátto, at once, at a cast, at a draught, at a throw.

A dúo, as A dúa.

A dúo a dúo, by two and two.

Aduocáre, as Auocáre.

Aduocáto, as Auocáto.

A duólo, in mourning weeds.

Adusánza, according to custome.

Adusáre, to vse, to accustome, to enure.

Adúso, according to vse or custome.

Adustáre, to burne, to parch, to scorch, to tanne with heat.

Adustíbile, that may be burnt, parched, scorched or tanned.

Adustióne, parching or scorching heat.

Adustíuo, burning or parching.

Adústo, adust, burnt, skorched.

Áe, for Ha, he or she hath.

Aẻlio, a kind of hawke.


AFF   Aẻllo, the name of a dog, tempest.

Aeráre, to aire, to weather.

Áere, the aire. Also an aspect, a countenance, a cheere, a looke or apparance in the face of man or woman. Also a tune or aire of a song or ditty. Also a kind of wood good to make oares with.

Aerẻo, airy, of the nature of aire.

Aeróide, a pretious stone of a skie colour.

Aeróne, a Hearon.

Aeróso, airie, full of aire. Also cheerefull in aspect, full of countenance.

Aerománte, a diuiner by the aire.

Aeromantía, a diuination by the aire.

Aetíte, a stone found in an eagles neast, it is also vsed for Borax to solder mettals with.

Áfa, a sultry faint heat, when the sunne is ouercast with clouds, presaging some vnseasonable weather. Also tediousnesse or wearinesse of time. Also molestation, lazines, or anxiety of mind.

Afáca, a kind of weed among corne.

A fáccia a fáccia, face to face.

A fáme, by famine or hunger.

Afáre? Afáre sia, is it so? then do your worst, doe what you can.

A fatíca, with labour, hardly.

Afátto, wholly, altogether, vtterly.

Afè Aféde, in good faith, faithfully.

A fẻrro, to the sword.

A fẻrro di cauállo, looke Briglio.

A fẻrro & fuóco, to fire and sword.

A festóne, leafe-worke, looke Festóne.

A fétte, by slices or collops.

Affábile, affable, curteous, gratious.

Affabilíre, lísco, líto, to make or become affable, curteous, gratious and gentle.

Affabilità, affability, curtesie, kindnesse.

Affabilménte, curteously, gently, kindlie.

Affáccia affáccia, face to face.

Affacciáre, to face, to outface. Also to come before ones face. Also to appeare or looke out of a window or from of some high place, to shew ones face.

Affacchinársi, to become a Porter; to become base minded, to become a slaue.

Affacẻndáto, busied, full of affaires.

Affácere, as Confáre.

Affagiauáre, to en-phesant, to dresse pheasant-like.

Affalcáre, is properly when a horse stops and staies vpon his hinder parts.

Affaldáre, to fold vp, to pucker, to plait, to wrinkle.

Affaldatúra, a folding, a pleiting, a puckering or wrinkling in clothes.

Affalsáre, to falsifie, to forge.

Affamáre, to famish, or hunger starue.

Affamático, greedy, hunger starued.

Affangáre, to bemire, to bemud.

AFF   Affannáre, to grieue or molest in mind.

Affánno, griefe, vexation, sorrow or trouble of mind, dreriment.

Affannóso, full of griefe, sorrow or vexation of mind, drerie.

Affardẻlláre, to packe, or fardle vp, to trusse or fold vp together.

Affáre, as Confáre. Also emploiment or businesse, huómo di gránde affáre.

Affarináre, to floure with meale. Also to reduce or grind to meale.

Affársi, to beseeme, to sute together.

Affasciáre, to swathe or bind about, to bundle or fardle vp, to sheafe up corne.

Affascinaménto, as Affascinatióne.

Affascináre, to charme, or for-speake or bewitch with lookes and words.

Affascinatióne, a bewitching or for-speaking with lookes and words.

Affascinatóre, a bewitcher with lookes and words.

Affasgianáre, as Affagianáre.

Affastẻlláre, to bundle or fardle vp.

Affastidíre, dísco, díto, to trouble, to vex, to be tedious or fasheous vnto.

Affatáre, to enchant as Fairies doe.

Affatíca, hardly, with labour.

Affaticánte, a labouring man. Also labouring, or suffering.

Affaticáre, to labour, to put to labour, to weary, to toile, to moile. Also to endeuour.

Affatichéuole, as Affaticánte.

Affatocchiáre, to charme or bewitch.

Affatocchiéra, a witch, a sorceresse.

Affatucchiáre, to bewitch, to charme.

Affatucchiéra, a witch, a charmer.

Affaturáre, to bewitch, to charme.

Affátto, wholly, vtterly, throughly.

Affè Afféde, in good faith.

Affebbráre, to take or haue an ague.

Affedáre, to trust, to affie. Also to warrant. Also enfeoffe, to commit vnto trust.

Afféde, in good faith or sooth.

Afferési, a figure which taketh a letter or sillable from the beginning of a word.

Affermagióne, an affirmation. Also a fixing vnto as a signet or seale.

Affermáre, to affirme. Also to affix vnto.

Affermataménte, affirmatiuely.

Affermatióne, as Affermagióne.

Affermatiuaménte, affirmatiuely.

Affermatíuo, affirmatiue.

Affẻrránte, grapling or clinching. Also a horse for seruice or for battell.

Affẻrráre, to gripe, to grapple, to clinch or seaze on violently.

Affẻttáre, to affect, to desire, to wish. Also to imitate curiously. Also to slice or cut into collops.

AFF   Affẻttatióne, affectation, curiosity, a desire of that which nature hath not giuen.

Affẻttatóio, a curious affecting fellow.

Affẻttatúzzo, a nice, ouercurious, too much affected and ouerweening fellow.

Affẻttéuole, affectable, that may bee affected.

Affettionáre, to affectionate, to loue or beare good will vnto.

Affettionatíssimo, most affectionate.

Affettionáto, affectionated, adicted.

Affettióne, affection, good will, loue.

Affettíuo, affecting, affectiue.

Affẻtto, an effect, a motiue, a disposition, a passion, a loue or good will vnto. Also affected, enclined, adicted, or liable vnto.

Affẻttuosaménte, very affectionately.

Affẻttuóso, affectionate, following the disposition or passion of another.

Áffia, Áfia, a kind of fish.

Affiatáre, to breath, or draw breath.

Affiáto, as Affláto.

Affibbiáglio, a buckle or buckling place.

Affibbiaménto, a buckling, a clasping.

Affibbiáre, to buckle. Also to claspe.

Affibiatúre, a buckling, a clasping.

Afficcáre, to affix. Also to thrust in.

Affidánza, affiance, trust.

Affidáre, to affie, to trust vnto.

Affiebolíre, as Affieuolíre.

Affielíre, lísco, líto, to engall or enbitter.

Affieníre, nísco, níto, to become hay.

Affieuolíre, lísco, líto, to enfeeble.

Affieuolézza, feeblenesse, weaknesse.

Affíggere, fíggo, físsi, físso or fítto, to affix, to fasten or stick vnto.

Affiguráre, to marke, to view or to take notice of.

Affiláre, to spin, to thrid. Also to set an edge vpon. Also to put into files or ranks.

Affiláto, spun. Also sharpe or edged. Also put into files or ranks. Also straight as a line.

Affílo, as Afíla.

Affilatúra, a spinning, a thriding. Also a setting of an edge. Also a girdle.

Affináre, to refine. Also to giue ouer and make an end. Also as Affiláre.

Affinatóre, a refiner. Also a sheare-grinder.

Affinimúndo, to the worlds end.

Affiníre, nísco, níto, as Affináre.

Affído, a kinsman by mariage or bob-taile.

Affioccaménte, in flaking manner. Pell mell, thicke and threefold. Also horcely. Also droopingly, faintly, or languishingly.

Affioccáre, to flake as snow doth. Also to betassell, to tuffe, or hang with [13] locks. Also, to flocke or come thicke and threefold together. Also to burst out in laughter. Also to make or become hoarse in speaking. Also to droupe and wither away. Also to make or become faint and languishing.

AFF   Affirmáre, to affirme or affix vnto.

Affirmatióne, an affirmation.

Affissáre, to affix vnto.

Affísso, affixed or fastned vnto. Also an affix, or thing fixt to another.

Affittagióne, a fee-farme, a demising or letting or renting of lands.

Affittaiuólo, as Affittuále.

Affittáre, to demise, to farme, to rent or hire any lands or houses, to fee-farme.

Affittaruólo, as Affittatóre.

Affittatióne, as Affittagióne.

Affittatóre, a Farmer, a Landlord. Also a tenant of lands.

Affittéuole, rentable, that is or may be let or rented.

Affítti, rents, reuenewes or profits of lands or houses.

Affítto, by rent, in fee-farme, by lease, for rent. Also a fee-farme or rent. Also as Affísso.

Affittuário, of or belonging to farming, letting, or renting.

Affittuále, a Land-lord. Also a Tenant.

Affiubáre, to buckle or claspe together.

Afflábile, that may be blowne, breathed or enspired.

Affláre, to blow, to breath vnto, to fill with winde. Also to enspire or to puffe vp.

Affláto, filled of puffed vp with winde. Also breathe or winde. Also breathing aire.

Affláto, a blast, a winde, a breathing, a blowing. Also an inspiration.

Afflíggere, flíggo, flíssi, flítto, to afflict, to molest, to vex, to trouble.

Afflittióne, affliction, trouble, vexation, calamity.

Afflittíno, afflicting, full of affliction. Also that afflicteth.

Affluẻnte, affluent, flowing, or abounding in wealth.

Affluẻnza, affluence, abundance.

Affluíre, ísco, íto, to flow vnto. Also to abound in wealth.

Affocáre, to set on fire, to kindle. Also to neale red whot. Also to stifle or smother.

Affocáto, set on fire, nealed red whot, stifled, smothered. Also a sorell colour of a horse.

Affocatíccio, firie, full of fire, easie to be set on fire.

Affodẻllo, the Daffodill or Affodil.

Affodíllo, idem.

Affogágine, a stifling or choaking. Also a curse, as we say, a pockes choake you.

AFF   Affogáre, to stifle, to smother, to choake. Also to drowne.

Affoggiáre, to fashion vnto.

Affolláre, to croud or presse thick together. Also to blow, to pant or gaspe.

Affoltaménto, as Affoltáta.

Affoltáre, to presse, to thrust or croud together. Also to hudle vp thicke or in heapes. Also to speake mery, thicke and fast.

Affoltáta, a presse, a croud, a thrust, a hudling vp in heapes. Also a thick-told tale, a hudling or fast speech.

Affondaménto, a sinking or plunging to the bottome.

Affondáre, to sinke or plunge downe to the bottome, to ouerwhelme.

Affondatióne, idem.

Affóndere, as Fóndere.

Affóndo, to the bottome, very deepe.

Afforísmo, as Aphorísmo.

Afforticáre, to trusse or tucke vp.

Affortificáre, to fortifie, to strengthen.

Affórza, by force, forcibly, vpon compulsion, by maine strength.

Afforzaménto, an enforcement.

Afforzáre, to re-enforce, to strengthen, to fortifie, to vnite, to force, to gather or adde strength. Also to force or compell.

Affoscáre, to make or become duskie, foggie, mistie or darke.

Affossaménto, a ditching, an entrenching.

Affossáre, to enditch, to entrench, to dike. Also ditch or mote about, to pit.

Affra, Afra, a kinde of fish.

Affraccassáre, as Fraccassáre.

Affradẻlláre, as Affratẻlláre.

Affrancáre, to enfranchise, or make free.

Affrancatióne, an enfranchising.

Affrángere, as Frángere.

Affránto, as Fránto.

Affrappáre, as Frappáre.

Affrappatóre, as Frappatóre.

Affratẻllánza, a fraternity or brother-hood.

Affratẻlláre, to become as breathren, to embrother.

Affreddáre, to coole, to take cold.

Affrenáre, to bridle, to curbe. Also to rule, to keepe in awe, to restraine.

Affréno, bridled, in awe, in feare.

Affrésco, a Painters worke called wash or water-colours.

Affrettaménto, a hastning or making speed.

Affrettáre, to hasten or make speed.

Affrezzoláre, idem.

Áffrica id est. coldles, or alwaies whot.

AFF   Áffrico, the winde South-west and by West.

Áffrico áuftro, the winde Southwest and by South.

Affrittẻlláre, to frie as fritters.

Affrittióne, affliction, sorrow.

Affrítto, afflicted, grieued.

Affrodisiáce, a stone which once heated keepes his heat seuen daies.

Affrontagióne, as Affrónto.

Affrontaménto, as Affrónto.

Affrontáre, to affront, to face, to out face, to encounter. Also to cheate or cunnicatch.

Affrontáta, as Affrónto.

Affrontatóre, an affronter, a facer. Also a cheater, a cozener, a conicatcher.

Affrónte, face to face, ouer against.

Affrónto, an affront, an on set, a bold part, an iniury. Also a cozening, cheating tricke.

Affrustáre, as Frustáre. Also to breake or shiuer in peeces.

Affrústo, by peecemeale, by scraps.

Affrustráre, as Frustráre.

Affumáre, to besmoake, to drie in the smoake as bacon, to blote hearings.

Affumáte, blote hearings, dried sprate.

Affumicáre, as Affumáre.

Affuocáre, as Affocáre.

Affuriáre, to enfury, to enrage.

Affusáre, to spindle, to make as a spindle.

Affuseláre, idem. Also to stretch vpon a frame as Painters doe canuase to paint vpon it.

Affusoláre, as Affuseláre.

Affusoláte gámbe, spindle shankes.

Affusoláto, smale, spinie, like a spindle. Also spruce, fine, smugge, or trickt vp.

Affustáre, to stocke or mount peeces.

Áfia, a kinde of fish.

A fiácca cóllo, to the vtmost danger, to the breaking of ones necke.

A fíla, in files, in roes, in rankes as soldiers march.

Afiláre, to put into files, or roes. Also to set an edge vpon any weapon.

A fílo di spáda, to the edge of the sword.

A fílo, leuell, by line and thrid.

A finimóndi, to the worlds end.

Afittáre, as Affittáre.

Afítto, as Affítto.

Afláre, as Affláre.

Aflíggere, Aflítto, as Afflíggere.

Aflittióne, as Afflittióne.

Afluẻnte, Afluẻnza, as Affluẻnte.

A fóndo, to the bottome, deepe.

Aforisticaménte, briefly, succinctly.

Afórza, as Affórza.

A fracásso, in ruine, to hauocke.

A fréno, bridled, in awe, in feare.

Afrésco, as Affrésco.

A frónte, face to face, ouer against.

A fuóco, to the fire, with fire.

A fuóco et fẻrro, with fire and sword.

A fúria, in fury, furiously.


AGA   A furóre, in fury. Also furiously.

A fusóne, spindled, shanked, staued.

Agabbaménto, a mocking, a flouting.

Agabbáre, to mocke, to flout, to iest.

Agábbo, in mockery, in iest.

Agacciáre i dẻnti, to set ones teeth an edge.

Agaglíno, a kind of coine in Italy.

Agála, a flote, floting as corke vpon the water.

Agaláre, to flote lightly vpon the water.

Agálma, an image, a statue. Also a cifer or mysterious obscure caracter.

Agalmaría, a place where images are kept.

Agalmóne, any obscure or mysticall language.

Agalmónico, obscure, mysterious, alluding to some other thing, equiuocall.

Agámo, a batcheler, an vnmarried man.

Aganciáre, to make sharpe-pointed, or keene.

Agáncio, sharpe-pointed, keene.

Aganípidi, hath been vsed for the nine Muses.

Agápi, a yellow stone that cureth the stinging of Serpents.

A gára, striuingly, for the maistery.

Agárico, a white fungous excrescence growing out of trees, vsed in physicke. Agarike.

Agasílli, the hearb whereof Ammonike is made.

Agasóne, is properly a leader of wilde beasts when they are tame.

Ágata, an Agate stone.

Ágato, the needle-fish.

Agatóne, a crafty, slie, suttle fellow.

Agauignáre, to claspe fast, to tugge, to touze, to wrestle or clinch about.

Agauocciáre, as Gauocciáre.

Ageláre, to freeze.

Agelásto, a man that neuer laughs.

Agẻmma, looke Innestáre.

Agẻnte, acting, working. Also an agent, a factor, a doer, a negotiator.

Agẻnza sp. Haziénda.

Ageráto, an hearb of the Ferula kind.

Ageuoláre, to make easie or facile.

Agéuole, easie, facile. Also tractable, gentle, nimble, light, ethe.

Ageuolissimaménte, most easily.

Ageuolménte, easily, with facility.

Ageuolézza, facility, easinesse. Also agility, dexterity, nimblenesse.

Aggabbáre, to mocke, to flout, to iest.

Aggábbo, in mockery, in iest.

Aggaffáre, to catch or snatch vp.

Aggarbáre, as Garbeggiáre.

Aggarbáto, as Garbáto.

Aggarbatúra, as Garbézza.

Aggarbeggiáre, as Garbeggiáre.

Aggárbo, as Gárbo.

Aggecchírsi, chísco, chíto, to grow faint hearted, to become a coward or a dastard, to loose ones courage.

AGG   Aggéggia, a moore-hen.

Aggegnáre, to frame any kind of carpenters, ioiners or smiths work or building, so that it may be taken asunder and set vp againe, to engine together.

Aggeláre, to freeze.

Aggeráto, the hearb Cotton-weed, Stechado, or Moth-weed.

Aggẻttáre, to abiect, to reiect or cast from.

Aggẻttíuo, a noune adiectiue.

Aggẻtto, abiect, outcast, despised, base.

Agghiacciáre, to freeze, to become frost.

Agghiadáre, idem.

Aggiaccársi, to put on a iacket, or shirt of maile. Also as Aggecchírsi.

Aggiaccáto, with a iacket or shirt of maile on. Also become faint hearted or a coward.

Aggiacẻnte, adiacent, neere-lying.

Aggiacére, to lie neere vnto, to neighbour.

Aggiacciáre, to freeze or grow to frost or ice. Also to vnderprop, or make sure.

Aggialláre, to make or become yellow.

Aggieláre, to freeze or grow to frost.

Aggiogáre, to yoke vnto.

Aggióngere, as Aggiúgnere.

Aggiontáre, as Giontáre.

Aggiónta, as Aggiúnta.

Aggiontatóre, as Giontatóre.

Aggiontióne, an adiunct, an addition.

Aggiónto, adioined, annexed, added vnto. Also ouertaken or ouer-reached, or ouer gone. Also arriued or come to any place. Also an addition or adiunct.

Aggiornaménto, an adiourning. Also a proroguing to a day. Also a summoning.

Aggiornáre, to adiorne, to summon. Also to wax day. Also to prorogue to a day.

Aggiornatóre, an apparitor, a summoner.

Aggiraménti, as Giraménti.

Aggiráre, as Giráre.

Aggirársi in váno, to loose labour, to go about had I wist.

Aggiráta, a winding, a turning or walking about.

Aggiróne, a kind of hat or cap.

Aggiudicáre, to adiudge, to doome.

Aggiúgnere, gióngo, giónsi, giónto or giúnto, to adioine, to annex, to adde vnto. Also to reach vnto or ouertake. Also to outgo, to ouer-reach, to ouer-goe. Also to ariue, to come, or reach to any place.

Aggiúngere, as Aggiúgnere.

Aggiúnta, an addition or annexing vnto. Also reaching or ouertaking. Also an arriuing or comming to a place. Also the vantage that Bakers or any other man that selleth a thing giueth to the buier in euery dozen or hundred.

AGG   Aggiuntáre, Aggiuntatóre, as Giontáre.

Aggiúnto, as Aggiónto.

Aggiuráre, to adiure, to vrge.

Aggiustáre, to make iust, euen or leuell.

Aggiustáre vn pẻzzo, to leuell a piece.

Aggiustéuole, that may be made iust.

Agglobáre, to en-globe or make round.

Agglomeraménto, a winding vp as a bottom or clue of thrid.

Agglomeráre, as Aggomiccioláre.

Agglutináre, to glue vnto.

Aggobbáre, as Gobbáre.

Aggoluppáre, as Goluppáre.

Aggomiccioláre, to wind vp round as a clue of thrid.

Aggomícciolo, a clue or bottom of thrid. Also any round bundle.

Aggomitoláre, as Aggomiccioláre.

Aggomítolo, as Aggomícciolo.

Aggottáre, to drop. Also to swell or puffe as one full of wind or dropsie.

Aggottóso, full of drops. Also swolne or puft vp as with wind or dropsie.

Aggradáre, as Gradíre.

Aggradíre, as Gradíre.

Aggraffáre, as Aggraffiáre.

Aggraffiáre, to scratch. Also to scramble.

Aggranchiáre, to seaze on, to gripe or take hold of with clawes, to crampe or haue the cramp. Also to stiffen or benum with cold. Also to scratch or to torture.

Aggrandiménto, a making or becoming great.

Aggrandíre, dísco, díto, to make or become great.

Aggrappaménto, a grapling, a griping. Also a shrinking. Also a clammering.

Aggrappáre, to graple, to gripe. Also to shrinke vp. Also to clammer or rampe.

Aggrappéuole, that may bee grapled, griped, or taken hold of.

Aggratiáre, to grace.

Aggratáre, as Gradíre.

Aggratiatíno, gratious, or comely.

Aggratiáto, gracefull, graced, full of grace and comelinesse.

Aggrátta, as Gráta. Also a watch towre.

Aggrattáre, to scratch.

Aggrattigliáre, as Aggratticciáre. Also to tickle with clawing or scratching. Also vsed for to sooth vp and flatter a man with faire words.

Aggratticciáre, to make hurdle or great wise. Also to clinch, to graple or gripe fast. Also to broile vpon a gridiron. Also to be entangled in some grate or hurdle.

Aggrauaménto, as Aggráuio.

Aggrauáre, to aggrauate. Also to harden [15] as Pharaoes heart was.

AGG   Aggráuio, a grieuance, a burthening.

Aggrauóso, grieuous, burthensome.

Aggregáre, to aggregate, to assemble.

Aggregatióne, an assembly or aggregation.

Aggregáto, as Aggregatióne.

Aggreggiáre, to flocke, to troupe, to heard.

Aggreuaménto, a grieuance.

Aggricciaménti, astonishments, starings of ones haires.

Aggricciáre, to astony, to affright or make ones haire stand an end.

Aggriccioláre, to become toish, humorous or phantasticall.

Aggrigiáre, to make or become gray.

Aggrinzáre, to wither, to wrinkle.

Aggrinzáre, as Aggricciáre.

Aggroppaménto, a fast knotting.

Aggroppáre, to knot together fast. Also to shrinke as it were in a knot.

Aggroppársi, is properly when a horse knits himselfe close together to shew the strength of his backe. Also to shrinke backe.

Aggrottáre, to make or become rugged or craggie.

Aggrottáre le cíglia, to froun, to skoule, to lowre or looke grim.

Aggrumáre, to heape or scrape together. Also to make sharpe. Also to roule or wind vp as a clue of thrid. Also to make or become soure, sharpe, or tart in tast.

Aggruppáre, as Aggroppáre.

Agguagliánza, an equalling or matching.

Agguagliáre, to equall, to compare.

Agguáglio, an equalling, a paragon.

Agguardáre, to regard, to behold.

Agguatáre, to watch at an aduantage.

Agguáto, a watch set for entrapping.

Agguattáre, as Acquattáre.

Agguazzáre, as Guazzáre.

Agguerríre, as Aguerríre.

Agguindoláre, to reele or wind silke.

Agguindolatóre, a reeler of silk or yarne.

Aghedáre, to freeze.

Aghẻrbíno, the South-west wind.

Aghiadáre, to freeze.

Aghiádo, with or by the sword. Also benummed with cold. Also vpon colde blood. Also perforce or vpon constraint.

Aghiróne, an Hearon.

Agiámbo, a kind of steele so called.

Agiaménto, any kind of casement. Also a priuie.

Agiáre, to ease, to accomodate, to place at ease. Also to grow a God.

Agiaróso, sandie, grauelly, grettie.

Agiataménte, easily, comodiouslie. Also agedly.

Agiáto, eased, setled comodiously. Also able to liue, or wealthie. Also aged.

AGI   Agíbile, that may be acted or done.

Agíes, an hearb in India whereof they make good bread, and yet the iuice is poison.

Ágile, agile, easie, nimble, light.

Agilità, agility, nimblenesse, facilitie, dexterity.

Agilitáre, to make easie or nimble.

Agimína, a kind of tapistrie worke or damaske worke in Persian blades.

Aginína, a kind of networke worne ouer tinsell or cloth of gold to make it shew clinkant.

Ágio, ease, leasure while, conueniencie, comodity. Also age.

Agióccia, by drops, droppingly.

Agiocciáre, to drop, to trill.

A gióco, in sport, in game, in iest. Also sea-room, la náue và a gióco the ship hath sea-roome. Also l'uccẻllo è a gióco, that is when a hawke hath no manner of let but may flie at his pleasure.

Agiogáre, to yoke or couple together.

A giógo, by yokes or couples.

A giósa, plenteouslie, store, enough and to spare, hold belly hold.

Agiótto, an Eagle called an Ospraie.

Agirábile, that may be turned about.

Agiraménti, as Aggiraménti.

Agiráre, as Aggiráre or Giráre.

A girónda, about and about.

Agiróne, an Hearon.

Agiróni, geronie in armorie.

Agitáre, to mooue or stir or tosse vp and downe. Also to perturbe the mind.

Agitatióne, agitation, motion or tossing vp and donwe. Also perturbation of mind.

Agitéuole, that may be agitated.

Agitílla, a white stone with blacke streakes in it.

Ágito, a kind of waight in India.

A gítto, at a cast, at once, at a throw. Also framed by casting as great ordenance. Also a sport that children vse in Italie called Alle óssa, that is with vs at nine pinnes or heeles, and what one doth cast downe at the first throw they say, fárlo a gítto.

A giúre, by or according to law.

Ágla, a kind of flat fish like a Flounder.

Aglaphotíno, an hearb vsed of enchanters.

Agláudo, a dogs name, White tooth.

Agliádo, as Aghiádo.

Agliáta, a meat made of garlicke.

Agliétti, yong or little Garlickes.

Áglio, Garlicke.

Aglióna, as Agliáta.

Aglióne, as Agliáta.

Aglióso, full, or tasting of Garlicke.

Ágna, an eaw Lamb.

Agnatióne, kindred by the fathers side. Also growing out of natures course.

AGO   Agnáto, a kinsman by the fathers side. Also growne beyond natures course.

Agnẻlláre, to yeane as an eawe.

Agnẻllátto, as Agnẻllo.

Agnẻllo, a Lambe.

Agni, lambes. Also a kind of little fish.

Agnísta piombína, as Ossifrágo.

Agnitióne, agnition, acknowledgement.

A gniún módo, by no meanes, in no manner.

Ágno, an he lambe. Also a fellon in ones finger.

Agnocásto, looke Agrifólio.

Agnolétto, a little lambkin.

Ágnolo, an Angell. Also a kind of bird.

Agnóme, a sirname, a nicke name.

Agnomináre, to sirname, to nickename.

Agnominatióne, agnomination.

Agnóne, the chast tree or willow.

A gnún módo, by no means, in no maner.

Ágnus dẻi, a lambe with a crosse. Also a kind of rauenous sea-foule. Guardáre in agnus dẻi, that is to looke backe, because the agnus dei in Saint Iohn Baptist doth so. It is also taken for to looke or be harmlesse and innocent.

Ágo, a needle, a sharp sting or prick. Also the Needle-fish or hornebacke. Also the chaffe comming from winnowed or bolted corne.

Ágo a pómo, a pin with a head.

Ágo da pomẻlla, idem.

Ágo da sácchi, a packe-needle.

Agóge, a trench or conduit that miners make to draine the waters they meete withall.

Agognánte dámma, a Doe embost.

Agognánti cáni, dogs panting and lilling out their tongues.

Agognáre, to wish, to desire, to couet or long for with sighing. Also to pant and bee out of breath or lill out the tongue as a dog that is weary, to embosse as a deare.

Agógno, carke or care of mind. Also sighingly, desirous and longing for.

Agolpíre, písco, píto, to enfox or become foxe-like.

Agoluppáre, as Goluppáre.

Agolúppo, as Golúppo.

Agomitoláre, as Gomitoláre.

Agóne, a place in Rome to ride horses in, now called Piazza nauóna. Also a campe, a battell, a combat.

Agóni, a kind of dainty fish.

Agonía, agonie, trembling for feare.

Agonióso, full of agony or anguish.

Agonísta, a champion, a publike fighter.

Agonizzánte, anguishing, languishing in agony. Also panting for breath, as we say embossed.

Agonizzáre, to anguish, to be or languish in agony. Also to fight a publike combat. Also to pant for breath.


AGR   Agóno, a fish called in Latine Agonus.

Agónta, a kinde of ancient coine in Italie.

Agónzi, certaine broad sleeues as thoseof a gowne of a master of Art in Oxford.

Agóra, all manner of needles.

Agorgogliáre, as Gorgogliáre.

Agosẻllo, as Agusẻo.

Agostáne, a kinde of August plum.

Agostáro, an ancient coine of Augustus.

Agósto, Aósto, the moneth August.

Agotíle, a kinde of strange bird.

Ago vóto, an emptie needle.

Agozzíno, a Seriant, a Catchpole, a Beadle, a Prouest marshall, a Surueior of good orders. Also a captaine ouer slaues in a galley. Also an executioner or hangman. Also a clerk of the market.

Agracchiáre, as Gracchiáre.

Agradáre, as Gradíre.

Agradíre, as Gradíre.

Agrádo, acceptablie in good worth.

Agraménte, eagerly, sharply.

Agramónia, as Agrimónia.

Agranchiáre, as Aggranchiáre.

Agrandẻlláre, to hurle with fury.

A grán fatíca, with much labour.

A grán giornáte, by long iorneis.

A grán péna, with much paine.

A grán pẻzze, by a great deale or while.

A gran tórto, most wrongfully.

A grán vóce, with a high voice, loudlie.

Agrária, of or pertaining to lands. Also a law made for the distributing of lands among the people.

Agrário, a field-man. Also a fauourer of that law.

Agratiáre, to grace.

Agratiáto, graced. Also, gracefull.

Agraticciáre, to scratch, to scrape.

Agrauáre, to agrauate, to oppresse.

Agráuio, grieuance, oppression.

Agrédine, sharpnesse, sourenesse.

Agregánza, an assemblie or aggregation.

Agregáre, to assemble, to aggregate.

Agregatióne, as Agregánza.

Agrẻsto, Agrẻsta, vnripe grapes. Also vertiuice or alligar. Also water cresses, or waterkarnes, or Nosesmart. Also a soure surly fellow.

Agrẻste, rusticall, rurall, clounish. Also a swine or vplandish man.

Agrẻstína, a kinde of sourish sauce.

Agrétto, sourish. Also water-creasses. Also soure wig. Also butter-milke.

Agreuaménto, a grieuance.

Agrézza, egernesse, sourenesse.

Ágrico, rusticall, rurall, clownish.

Agrícola, a till-man, a Ploughman, a husband-man.

Agricoltóre, as Agrícola.

AGR   Agricoltúra, tillage, plowing, husbandrie, harrowing.

Agrifólio, the Holly, or Huluer-tree. Also a kinde of Withie or willow, called in Latine Agnus castus, and in English Parke-leaues, Abrahams balme, the Clust or Hemp-tree.

Agrimónia, the hearbe Agrimony or Liuer-wort. Also tartnesse or sharpnesse on the tongue.

Agrimónio, tart or biting the tongue.

Agrinciáre, to wrinkle, to wither.

Ágrio, Sauage, belonging to the fields. Also a kind of wilde Spikenard.

Agrióne, a kind of radishroote, horse-radish. Also a kind of Nitre.

Agriophági, people that feede on Panthers or Lions.

Agríppa, a child borne with his feet forward. Also a wilde Oliue. Also an hearbe.

Agríre, grísco, gríto, to make or become eager, sharpe, or soure. Also to exasperate.

Ágro, eager, soure, tart, vnripe. Also fierce and cruell. Also a field. Also the winde Garbino.

Agroppársi, as Aggroppársi.

Agrósto, Stitchwort or Dogsgrasse.

Agrótto maríno, a bird like a swan, braying like an Asse.

Agrumáre, as Aggrumáre.

Agrúme, eagerneese, sourenesse, tartnes. Also any kind of soure meate, or sauce.

Agrúzzo, the frounze in a hauke.

Agruzzoláre, to scrape together.

Aguagliánza, equaling, comparision.

Aguáio, woe or afflication.

Aguaíre, ísco, íto, to enwo, or afflict.

Aguále, equall, euen.

Aguatáre, as Guartáre.

Aguáti, watchings, lurkings, scoutes, wiles. Also ambushes.

Aguazzáre, as Guazzáre.

A guázzo, in wading manner. Also plashingly. Also, wash or water coloures.

Agúcchia, a Needle, any sharpe pricke or sting. Also a spire of a steeple, or sharp pinacle, a sharpe pointed piramides. Also knit or wrought with needles. Also amongst gunners a pricker or pruning iron.

Agúcchia da pómo, a Pine with a head.

Agúcchia rampináta, a crooked Iron that gunners vse to finde the thicknes of chambred peeces of the breach.

Agucchiáre, to thrid a nedle, to needle, to pin with pins. Also to make sharpe as a needle. Also to knit or worke with needles.

Agucchiáro, as Agucchiaruólo.

Agucchiaruólo, a nedlemaker. Also a pinner or pinmaker.

AGV   Agucchiáto, needled, or knit with needles.

Aguẻffáre, to match or ioyne together.

Aguẻrríre, rísco, ríto, to enwar, to enure, or traine vp to war, to make or become a warrior.

Agufẻo, an celepout, or as some thinke a kind of dog-fish.

Agugióne, as Aguglióne.

Agúglia, as Agúcchia. Also an Eagle.

Agugliáre, as Agucchiáre.

Aguglíno, a kind of graine in Italy.

Aguglionáre, to needle, to make sharpe pointed. Also to pricke, to sting, or to goade.

Aguglióne, a great Agúcchia. Also a great Eagle. Also a spike of iron. Also a pricker or pruning or priming Iron.

Agugnáre, as Agognáre.

Agúgno, as Agógno.

Aguifólio, as Agrifólio.

A guísa, in manner, guise or fashion.

Aguisáre, to enure, to accustome.

Agúlla, a fish called a roch.

Aguluppáre, as Goluppáre.

Agulúppo, as Golúppo.

Agunánza, an assembly.

Agunáre, to assemble together.

Agúra, Agúro, Agúrio, as Augúrio.

Aguráre, as Auguráre.

Aguróso, as Auguróso.

Agusẻo, as Agufẻo.

Agúto, as Acúto.

Agutézza, as Acutézza.

Aguzzáre, to make sharpe pointed. Also to whet, to make keene or to set an edge vpon. Also to set on, to ensharpen, to entice.

Agúzza coltẻlli, a whetter of kniues.

Aguzzatóre, a grinder, or whetter of any weapon. Also a sharper.

Aguzzétta, as Agozzíno.

Aguzzíno, as Agozzíno.

Agúzzo, as Acuto, sharpe, keene.

Áh, alas, oh, aye me, welledaie. Also instead of an answer when one is called, ah? what? what now?

Ahẻssia, the hearbe orchanet or Alkanet.

Áhi, Ahimé, alas, aye me, oh.

Ahótta, now at this time, at this houre. Also at some houres, sometimes.

Ahumiliáre, to humble, to enmeeken.

A huómo per huómo, man by man, or man for man.

Ai, to the, by the. Also from the.

Áia, a court yard or plot of ground desseigned for any building, an open meeting place in a citie where Marchants resort and meete as in the Exchange at London, the floore of a house or barne, a threshing floore. Also a voide space in some figures. Also a plot a bed, a quarter or broad banke in a garden. Also a round circle about a [17] starre. Mettersi in aie, a prouerbe, as much to say as for one to put him self into pecke of troubles, or to meddle with what belongs not to him, to put his oare into another mans boate, &c.

AIT   Aiáce, a flower so called.

Aiáre, to floore any roome or low foundation. Also to thresh or tread corne. Also to make into beds, quarters or plats as gardens are. Also to loiter and gaze vp, and down idly, to houer and linger about as a kite about his pray.

Aiáto, looke Andáre aiáto.

Áiẻre, as Áẻre or Ária.

Aiẻróso, airy, as Aẻróso.

Aierótta, the breath of man or woman.

Aiétta, a buzzard, or a puttocke.

Aigléuco víno, sweet hollocke wine.

Aimé, ay me, alas, woe is me.

Áio, a fosterer, an ouerseer, a ruler, a bringer vp. Also a cuckoe-bird. Also a long-tongued knaue, one that vttereth all he knowes. Also a darling, a minion, a fauorite.

Aiólo, as Aiuólo.

Aióne, Aiáto, looke Andár' aióne.

A iósa, store, good plentie, hold bellie hold.

Áira, Áire as Áẻre.

Airemánte, a deuiner by the aire.

Airemantía, diuination by the aire.

Airóne, an hearon.

Aíssa, as Aízza.

Aissáre, as Aizzáre.

Aissatóre, as Aizzatóre.

Aíta, aide, helpe, succour.

Aitánte, aiding, helpfull. Also lusty or that can helpe himselfe.

Aitáo, an officer in China, who is chiefe president of the Counsell of warre.

Aitáre, to aide, to helpe, to succor.

Aitatóre, an ayder, a helper.

Aitéuole, helpfull, that may help.

Aitoreáre, to helpe forward.

Aitório, aide, helpe, succor.

Aiuóla, as Áia, a little Áia.

Aiuoláre, as Aiáre.

Aiúolo, a kind of net to catch birdes with.

Aiutánte, as Aitánte.

Aiutánte di cámmera, a Groome of a chamber.

Aiutáre, to aide, to helpe, to succor.

Aiutatóre, a helper, an aider.

Aiutéuole, helpefull, that may helpe.

Aiúto, aid, helpe, succour.

Aiutóre, an aider, an helper.

Aiutórij, the arme-bones of a man.

Aiutório, aide, helpe, succor.

Aiutríce, a she helper.

Aízza, a prouocation or egging on. Also anger or wrath. Also a hissing.

Aizzáre, to prououke, to set or egge on, to hisse on as they doe dogges vpon Beares.

ALA   Aizzatóre, a prouoker, an egger or hisser or setter on, angry, or reuengefull.

Aizzóne, houselecke, sea greene, Mosetale, or Prickmadam.

Aizzóso, ful of prouocation or hissing on, quarellous reuengefull.

Aizzótto, as Aizzóne.

Al, a signe of the Datiue, to the, at the.

Al, a signe of the Ablatiue, from the, from him.

Al, a signe of swearing, by, Al córpo, by the body, Al sangue, by the blood.

Ála, a wing of any foule, a wing of a squadron, the wing of a doublet, the brime of a hat, the flap of any wing, the fin of a fish, the broade or flat of an oare. Also a side troupe or wing of men, the flot of a Water-mill-wheele. Also the drinke Ale. Also the measure called an Ell. Also a great or common halle. Also the datiue case to hir, or to the. Also the signe of the Ablatiue from hir or from the. Also ioyned to any noune of profession, it makes the same an Aduerbe of quality or profession or similitude, as Ála francése, after the French fashion, Ála scolástica, Scholler-like, in which kinde you may vse Alla.

Alabandíno, a kinde of ruby or carbuncle stone.

A la bárba, before or in disgrace of one beard.

Alabárda, a holbard.

Alabardáre, to strike with holbards.

Alabardáro, a holbardier, or maker.

Alabardería, the vocation or troupe of holbardiers.

Alabárdica, a kinde of whitish rose.

Alabardiére, a holbardier.

Alabardína, a little holbard. Also a yellow stone which being drunk in powder is good against poison, but it causeth the bloody flux.

A la bárra, at the barre or barriers.

Alabastríno, made of Alleblaster.

Alabastríte, the Onix stone.

Alabástro, the Alabaster stone. Also a white and shining minerall or stone found in Mines of siluer, vsed, in Physike, called by Paracelsus Antimonium.

A la buóna, plainely, with a good intent.

A la búsca, in proling or shifting maner.

A la cáccia, a hunting a chasing.

A la carlóna, plainely, Dunstable-way.

Alacrità, alacritie, cheerfulnesse of spirit.

Aláce, a meate made of spaunes of fishes.

Alacciaménti, as Allacciaménti.

Alacciáre, as Allacciáre.

ALA   Aláda, Armísa in Latine.

Ála di búe, the wing of an Oxe, by metaphore, an Épicure or tall trencher-man that makes no more of the shoulder of an Oxe then of the wing of a Capon.

A la distésa, at large, out stretchedly.

A la féde buóna, in good faith.

Aláffio, a kinde of Pomegranet.

Alafía, a kinde of whistling of a Maister or Masters-mate of a ship when he can not be heard speake, but would command attention and ceasing from labour.

Alagáre, to ouerflow or turne to a Lake.

Alagaménto, an enlaking or ouerflowing.

Alággio, the alloye or value of coine as it is allowed by a Prince. Also the losse of mony by exchange.

Alágna, vsed for Germany.

Alamána, an Almane in musicke.

Alamári, such long-loope buttens as are commonly worne on cloakes or gounes.

Alambicáre, to distill in a Limbecke.

Alambíco, a Limbeck or still.

A la modẻrna, after the moderne fashions.

Alánda, a Larke, also a Bunting.

Alamói, a certain sound in Musicke raised aboue others.

Aláno, a mastiue dog.

A l'antíca, after the ancient fashion.

Alántide, the slime that compasseth the skin wherein the infant is wrapped.

A la pedóna, like a footman.

A l'apẻrta, openly, manifestly.

Alardáre, to lard, to inlard.

Aláre, wing or set wings on.

Alári, andirons set in chimneis.

Alárma, an alarm in time of war. Also the name of march or warning sounded vpon drum or trumpet.

A la riuẻrscia, waiwardly, inside outward, contrarie, topsituruy.

A la sboccáta, as Alla sboccáta.

A la sgangeráta, rashly out of frame.

Alasignéte, a kinde of hearbe.

A la spiegáta, at large, displaiedly.

A la sprouedúta, extempore suddenly.

A la sprouísta, idem, vnprouidedly.

Alatẻrno, a tree like an Oliue or Holme tree.

Aláto, winged, hauing wings. Also neare vnto, hard by, close to ones side. Also in regard, or in respect. Also as Pégaso, a signe in heauen so called of the horse Pégasus.

A l'auentáta, furiously, headlong.

Alavóga, as Alafía, but that this encourageth the Mariners to worke and labour lustily.

Álba, the dawne or breake of day. Also a white sow.

Álba delle mósche, cleare daie-light.


ALB   Albagía, fondnesse, peeuishnesse. Also a toyish conceit, a proud selfewill, a humour.

Albána, a kind of Malmesia.

Albanẻllo, a puttocke, or buzard. Also a kind of delicate small wine in Italie.

Albáno, a kinde of tree. Also a coine. Also a kind of excellent wine in Albania.

Albára, a kind of pitch-tree.

Albarẻllo, a gali-pot. Also a little measure. Also a Limbeck or stillatorie.

Albári, a kinde of seafishes.

Álba spína, the white thorne. Also the white or Ladie-thistle.

Albátro, the Strawberry tree. Also a kind of wild sowre Orenge.

Albazzáno, a stone to make lime with.

Albédine, as Albúgine.

Albeggiáre, to dawne or whiten as the morning at breake of day.

Albendúccio, a let, an impediment.

Albẻo, as Aluẻo. Also a Pitch-tree.

Alberáre, to grow to a tree. Also to set vpright or pitch an end. Also to shaft or staue any weapon as a holbard. Also to enstaffe as a Steamer or banner. Also to put an handle or shaft to any toole. Also to furnish a ship with masts. Also to make or reduce into, or couer with trees, boughes or branches as an arbor or bowre. Also to furnish or set any place with trees.

Alberáre il pẻzzo, to set a piece vpright.

Alberáre le sbárre, to pitch an end or set the barres vpright.

Alberáre la cázza, to hold the ladle vpright in charging of a piece.

Alberáre la pícca, to aduance the pike.

Alberáta, an arbor or bowre of boughs.

Alberẻllo, as Albarẻllo.

Alberétto, a little tree.

Albẻrgaménto, a lodging, a dwelling.

Albẻrgáre, to lodge, to harborow, to dwell.

Albẻrgatóre, a lodger, an harbenger.

Albẻrges, a kind of fruit in Italie.

Albẻrghétto, any little roome or lodging.

Albẻrgo, a dwelling, an harborow.

Álbero, any kind of tree. Also the shaft or staffe of any weapon or banner. Also the mast of a ship. Also a stemme or pedigree of any house or name. Also the Poplar tree in particular, a monstrous sea-fish, called the Sea-tree.

Álbero maríno, a monstrous great fish called a Sea-tree.

Albícẻre, a kind of whitish Oliues.

Albichísta, as Abbacchiére.

Álbio, a pigs trough. Also a racke to fodder cattell in. Also a certaine toole that smiths vse. Also a fish called in Latine Aburnus.

ALC   Albipéde, white footed.

Albiteráti, a kind of whitish figs.

Albitráre, as Arbitráre.

Albitráro, an arbitrator.

Albitratóre, as Arbitratóre.

Álbitro, as Árbitro.

Albítrio, as Arbítrio.

Álbo, white, whitish. Also a fish called in Latin Orfum or Capitonus.

Albogalẻro, a hat like a myter which Iupiters Priests were wont to weare.

Alboráre, looke Alberáre.

Alboráta, an arbor of boughs or trees.

Alboráto, set with, or full of trees, looke Alberáre.

Álbore, as Álbero.

Albóre, the dawne or peepe of day. Also whitishnesse.

Alboréto, a groue or thicket of trees.

Alborétto, idem. Also a young tree.

Albúco, the white or dutch Daffodill.

Albuẻla víte, a kind of vine or grape.

Albúgine, whitenesse. Also a white blemish in the eie. Also the white of an egge.

Albúme, as Albúgine.

Albuólo, a pigs trough, a kneading tub, a washing-boule, a wooden tray.

Albuscẻllo, any kind of shrub or yong tree.

Albúra, whitishnesse. Also as Albúrno.

Albúrno, a fish called Blaie or Bleake. Also the white, the sappe or softest part of any timber subiect to worme-eating. Also that whitish colour of womens hair which we call an Alburne or Auburne colour.

Alcachéngi, the winter Chery.

Alcáido, a Captaine, a chiefe gouernor, or chiefe Iusticer, with vs a Sheriffe.

Alcatrázzi, a bird as big as a Goose, a kind of Sea-gull.

Álce, a beast called an Elke. Also as Alice.

Alcẻa, as Alímo.

Alchè, to which, at which.

Alchímia, the art of Alchimie.

Alchimísta, an Alchimist, a chimicke.

Alchiteráno, a kind of drug.

Alcibíade, the vipers hearbe or Buglosse.

Alcibióne, as Alcibíade.

Alcióne, a bird called a Kings fisher, which makes her nest by the sea side, and then is it a signe of faire weather.

Alcionẻi giórni, quiet and calme daies.

Al conspẻtto, in presence, in view.

Al contrário, on the contrary.

Al conuenéuole, decently, conueniently.

Al conuẻrso, arsi-uersie, contrary.

Alcoráno, the booke of the Turkish lawes or institutions called the Alcoron.

Al córpo di mè, by the body of me.

Al cospẻtto, in the presence or view.

Alcunaménte, in some sort, some way.

ALD   Alcúna quálche vólta, at sometime or other.

Alcúna vólta, some times.

Alcúno, some one, some body, any, anie one.

Alcun cotánto, any other so much.

Aldárga, a kind of target among the Mores in Barbarie.

Aldasézzo, at last, in fine, at the end.

Aldẻa, a village, a towne, a hamlet.

Al di déntro, inward. Also within.

Al di diétro, behind-ward.

Al di fuóri, outwardly, without.

Al di longo, at length, forth-right.

Al dirítto, forth-right, directly, right on.

Al di sópra, aboue, ouer, or vpon.

Al disótto, vnder, vnderneath, below.

Al dispẻtto, in despight, maugre ones will.

Al distéso, at large, with extention.

Al disúso, against vse or custome.

Áldo, vsed for Io ódo, I heare.

Alẻa, an allie or walking place.

Aléce, as Alíce.

Alechsalàm, a turkish salutation.

Alédia, as Alíce.

Alefángine, a kind of pills so called. Also all manner of spices.

Alẻffe, the first Moresco letter, as Alfa.

Álega, as Álga.

Alegáre, to alleadge, as Allegáre.

Alẻggere, to elect, to chuse.

Aleggiáre, to feede vpon wings.

Aleghéuole, that may be alleadged.

Alegória, an allegorie.

Alegoricaménte, allegoricallie.

Alegorizzáre, to vse allegories.

Alegráre, as Allegráre.

Alegrétti, as Allegrétti.

Alegrézza, as Allegrézza.

Alenáre, to giue or take breath, to enseame a horse, to breath, to bring in breath.

A lénza, by or with a net, looke lénza.

Alepárdo, a Leopard.

Alẻpe, the name of a fish. Also of an hearbe.

Alẻppe, the first Hebrew letter. Also the beginner of all things.

A l'ẻrta, heedfully prepared against dangers, watchfull at all aduantages.

Alési, usáto per grádo o gíro del ciélo.

Alessandrína, the hearbe Perwinckle.

Alessáre, to boile, or seeth meat.

Alessiphármaca, counter-poisons or antidotes.

Alésso, boiled or sodden meat.

Alestíre, as Allestíre.

Alétte, little wings, &c. looke Ála.

A lẻttere di scátole, as plaine to be seen or heard as are the great letters vpon boxes in Apothecaries shops.

Alettéria, a stone of the bignesse of a beane found in the maw of a cocke.

Alettóridi, certaine birds with long bills [19] liuing in garden-hedges or vineyards.

ALG   Alettório, Aletório, Alettéria.

Alettorolópho, the hearbe Coxcombe.

Álfa, the first Greeke letter, a beginning.

Álfa & oméga, the first and last letter of the Greeke Alphabet.

Alfabẻto, an Alphabet or A, B, C.

Alfabẻtico, in order of letters.

Alfáique, as one would say wise, or learned in Mahomets law, skilfull in diuine matters.

Alfána, a breeding wild Mare.

Al fár del giórno, by peepe or breake of day.

Alféste, a kind of fish.

Alfẻro, as Alfiẻro.

Alfiẻro, an ensigne bearer. Also a Bishop at chesse.

Alfíno, as Alfiẻro.

Alfio, the hearbe Liuerwort. Also a spauin in a horse. Also a tetter or ring-worme.

Alfonsíno, a certaine coine in Naples.

Alfórdio, a kind of venemous Serpent.

Álga, sea-grasse, Reete, Rites. Also Ducke-weede. Also Speltcorne.

Algẻbra, the arte of figuratiue numbers or Arithmeticke. Also the art of bone-setting.

Algẻbrísta, an arithmetician. Also a bone-setter.

Algẻnse, any kind of fish that breedeth in, or feedeth vpon Sea-weede or Rite.

Algẻnte, cold, chill, freezing.

Álgere, álgo, álsi, to chill for cold.

Alghẻbra, as Algẻbra.

Alghẻbrísta, as Algẻbrísta.

Al gíro, turning or wheeling round. Also in Latine Dianapharum.

Algiróni, a kind of cormorant.

Algorísmo, the art of numbring.

Algóso, full of sea-grasse or Rite.

Al grósso, in grosse, by great.

Algúno, used as Alcúno.

Algúra, as Augúrio.

Alguráre, as Auguráre.

Alguzzíno, as Agozzíno.

Alhẻppe, for Ale hẻbbe, he had wings.

Alhór', Alhóra, then, at that houre.

Alhótta, then, at that houre.

Áli, wings. Also among armorers called lamms.

Alia, a wing, as Ala.

Áli apẻrte, displaid in armorie.

Aliáre, to sore or houer vp and downe as a hawke. Also to sneake about.

Alibánti, such as die for want of moistnesse.

Alibẻa, a kind of hearbe.

Alíbile, nourishable, nourishing. Also lawfull or allowable.

Alibíre, bísco, bíto, to nourish or giue nourishment vnto. Also to make lawfull.

Alibíto, quelled, ouercome, and put to silence.

ALI   Álica, as Alga.

Alicástro, the wheat called Far.

Alíce, a Pilcher or sprat fish. Also a kind of fish sauce.

Alichíno, the name of a deuill in Dant, that is, inclination to vice and sinne.

Alicórno, an Vnicorne. Also the Vnicornes horne.

Alicúbi, some where, in any place.

Álido, stale, flie-bitten or tainted meat.

Alidáre, to taint, or become stale meat.

Álie, the plurall of Ála, wings.

Aliẻnáre, to alienate, to estrange.

Aliẻnatióne, alienation, estranging.

Aliẻnigenáre, to alien, to estrange.

Aliẻnigéno, an alien, a forrene.

Aliẻno, an aliene, a forraine, a frenne.

Aliéta, a kind of Eagle which alone fixeth her eies against the sunne.

Aliétte, the little wings or finnes of fishes.

A liéua, in lifting or raising manner.

Alieuáre, to lift, heaue, or raise vp.

Áliga, as Alga.

Aligáre, to tie or bind vnto.

Alígero, bearing wings.

Alígi, a blew Lilly flowre.

Aligóso, as Algóso.

Aligósta, a kind of dainty fish.

Alíma, an hearb, which being eaten keeps one a long time from hunger.

Alimáre, to place or shoot leuell or point-blanke.

Alimentáre, to nourish and sustaine.

Aliménto, nourishment, sustenance.

Alímo, a kind of Sea-wort, brackish in taste.

Alimóne, a nourisher, a fosterer. Also a kind of hearbe as Alíma.

Alimonía, any nourishment or sustenance.

A l'impensáta, extempore, not thought on.

A l'imprẻscia, in great haste.

A l'improuíso, vnprouided for, extempore.

A l'improuísta, idem.

A l'impúra, impurely, vnchastly.

A l'incánto, at who giues most, or sold by a common crier.

A l'incóntro, ouer against, opposite.

Alíno, a kind of Liquorish.

Alióssi, at keeles, skales or ninepinnes.

Alípo, a weede growing on rockes by the sea.

Alipóne, idem.

Aliquánta, párte che non misúra il tutto.

Aliquóta, párte che misúra il tútto.

Aliquóto, some or certaine, in aliquóta párte in some part.

Alísma, a weede growing in fennes or marishes like to a Planten, a water docke.

ALL   Alíso, a blew Lilly flowre.

Alísto, cottized in armory.

Alísso, Alissóne, an hearbe or reede called Allison, some take it for the wood-rose.

Alíta, a kind of praing bird with a long beake and hooked tallons.

Alitáre, to pant or draw breath.

Álito, breath, respiration, or panting.

Aliuẻlláre, to leuell, or make euen.

Aliuẻlláta, a leuelling or euen-nesse.

A liuẻllo, leuell, point-blanke.

Aliúngia, the plant Spikenard.

Alizzáre, to feede vpon wings.

Álla, to the, at the, with verbes of priuation, from the. Also the measure called an Ell. Also a hall, a common or guild-hall. Also being ioined to any noune it makes the same an aduerbe of quality or similitude, as Ala, as like, according vnto, after the fashion.

Álla affrontáta, in affronting manner.

Alla buóna, in good fashion.

Alla buón hóra, in a good houre.

Álla capricciósa, phantastically, rashly.

Allacciaménti, lacings, snarings, tramelings, entanglings, knittings. Also enwrappings, allurements, enueaglings, entrappings.

Allacciáre, to lace, to bind or tie vnto, to ensnare, to entangle, to entramell, to knit, to enwrap. Also to allure, to enueagle or wind in with flattery.

Álla cerca, in searche or pursuit.

Álla ciẻca, blindly, blindfold.

Álla chína, bending or stoopingly.

Álla confúsa, confusedly, pell mell.

Álla cróce, by the crosse.

Álla diffíla, stragglingly, scatteringly.

Álla dirótta, outright, mainly.

Álla disdóssa, bare-backt, without a saddle.

Álla disfiláta, as Álla diffíla.

Álla distésa, at length, extendedly.

Álla disperáta, desperately.

Álla facchína, basely, porter-like.

Álla fíla, in files, in roes, in rankes.

Álla fíne, at last, in the end, in fine.

Álla fin fíne, in fine, when all is done.

Álla fóggia, after the fashion, like as.

Álla fuggíta, cursory-wise, running away.

Allagàre, to enlake, to ouerflow. Also to dilate or extend.

Allagaménto, an ouerflowing. Also a dilating or extending.

Allagatióne, as Allagaménto.

Álla gemína, a kinde of damaske-worke vpon iron or steele wrought with gold.

Álla ginétta, in fashion of a ginnet.

Álla giornáta, dailie, daie by daie.

Álla gránde, according to greatnesse. Also magnificently or sumptuously.

Álla gróssa, grosely, homely, clounishly.


ALL   Alla grossolána, idem.

Alla ingiù, downeward.

Alla infínta, fainedly.

Alla leggiẻra, lightly, slightly.

Alla líbera, freely, frankely, sans feare.

Alla lónga, at length, at large, in time. Also after the long fashion.

Alla mal'hóra, in an ill houre.

Alla máno, at hand, readily.

Allámbra, Alhámbra, a strong hold, a pallace for a King.

Alla mescoláta, confusedly, pell mell.

Alla minẻlla, a play at nine or twelue holes.

Alla múta, dumbly, mutely.

Allancáre, to sobbe, to throbbe, to blubber.

Allanciáre, to hurle with violence.

Alla non pensáta, extempore, vnthought on.

Alla perfíne, at last, in fine, in the end.

Alla piggióre, at the worst.

Alla piú trista, at worst, if the worst come.

Alla príma, at first, firstly.

Alla ráfta, in rifling maner, at rifling.

Alla ráppa, rap and runne, shiftingly, snatchingly, higledy, pegledly.

Alla rása, razedly or shaued smoothly.

Allardáre, to larde, to enlard.

Allargáre, to enlarge, to spread.

Alla recísa, cuttingly, hackingly.

Alla reále, royally, magnificently.

Allárga la máno, a spend all, a wast-good.

Allargaménto, an enlargement, an enlarging, an amplifying.

Allargatúra, an enlarging, a spreading.

Allária, the hearbe Sauce alone or Iacke of the wood or hedge, it tasts of garlike.

Alla rifrescáta, in Autumn time when it beginneth to be cold.

Alla rincóntra, front vnto, face to face.

Alla rinfúsa, confusedly, helterskelter.

Alla ritrátta, in retyring maner.

Alla Romána, after the Roman fashion.

Alla rótta, in rout, in a broken manner.

Alla sbardẻlláta, roistingly, swaggeringly.

Alla sboccáta, impudently, shamelesly.

Alla sbracáta, beastly, without shame.

Alla scamisciáta, loosely, nakedly, rashlie.

Alla scapestráta, riotously, headlongly.

Alla scatenáta, furiously, desperately.

Alla schiẻtta, plainely, simply.

Allasciáre, to slacken, to loosen, to vnbind.

Alla scondescésa, rumbling downe as from a rocke.

Alla scopẻrta, openly, in view of all.

Alla sfiláta, scatteringly, straglingly.

ALL   Alla secónda, in seconding, or southing manner.

Alla sfuggiásca, as Alla sfuggíta.

Alla sfuggíta, running-away, a snatch and away, without stay, cursory.

Alla sicúra, securely, vndoubtedly.

Alla spaparáta, openly, with open breasts.

Alla spianacciáta, plainely, openly.

Alla spiccioláta, scatteringly. Also in lusking manner as souldiers go a shifting and freebooting.

Allássero, an hearbe yeelding bitterish Sugar.

Alla stagliáta, cuttingly, hackingly.

Alla strácca, to the point of wearinesse.

Allastricáre, to paue with flat stones.

Allatíuo, as Ablatíuo.

Alláto, as Aláto, in respect, in comparison.

Alla trísta, poorely, wretchedly.

Allattáre, to give sucke, to feed with milke, to milke, to sucke.

Allattánte, sucking, or giuing milke.

Alla túa bárba, in sight, or spite of thy beard.

Alla tuliána, eloquently, Ciceronian-like.

All'auenánte, ratably, sutably.

All'auenẻnte, in fitting or seemely maner.

Alla vísta, in view, in full sight.

Alla vólta, towards, toward.

All'auuiluppáta, confusedly, intricatelie.

Alla zemína, as Alla gemína.

Álle, to the, at the, but plurally. Also a kinde of birde.

Alle bótte, at times, sometimes. Also at blowes, at handicuffes, at stroakes.

Alleccáre, as Allecchiáre.

Allecchiaménti, lickings, sleekings. Also faunings, enticements, or blandishments.

Allecchiáre, to licke, to sleeke, to smoth, to licke and wash himself as a cat doth, to stroake ones beard. Also to faune, to flatter, to entice or allure with blandishments.

Alle fiáte, at times, sometimes.

Alleficáre, to foster, to feede or nourish.

Allegánza, a combining or aliance.

Allegáre, to alleage, to cite. Also to adresse vnto. Also to allie to combine to binde together or vnto and confederate. Also to set ones teeth an edge by some soure tast.

Allegáti dénti, teeth set on edge.

Allegatióne, an alleaging, an allegation.

Alleggeraménto, an eating, a refreshing.

Alleggeríre, rísco, ríto, to lighten, to ease, to disburden. Also to refresh.

Alleggiaménto, an easing, a lightening, a disburdening.

ALL   Alleggiáre, as Alleggeríre.

Allegránza, as Allegrézza.

Allegraménte, gladly, merily, iocondly.

Allegráre, to glad, to reioice, to blithe, to make and wax merry and frolike.

Allegratíuo, make merrie and glad.

Allegrétti, an hearbe good in salets.

Allegrézza, mirth, gladnesse, ioy, solace, pastime, glee. Also a march sounded on trumpet and drume in signe of victory.

Allegría, as Allegrézza.

Allegrissimaménte, most ioyfully or gladly.

Allégro, glad, merry, iocond, ioyfull, pleasant, blithfull, frolike.

Alle guagnẻlle, an oath that country people sweare by, as we say, by the Masse, by the holy Gospell.

Allelúia, praise to God, God be praised. Also the hearbe wood-sorell.

Alle máni, together by the eares, in hands.

Allenáre, as Alenáre.

Alleníre, nísco, níto, to aswage, to relent.

Allentánza, a slacking, a relenting.

Allentáre, to slacke, to relent, to slow.

All'entráta, at the entrance.

Alle ósse, a game called, at che-ripit.

Alle póme, Giocáre alle póme, looke póme.

Alle riscósse, ready to releeue, to redeem, to rescue or helpe of.

Allessáre, as Alessáre.

Allésso, as Alésso.

Allẻstíre, tísco, títo, to make nimble, slie, or quicke, or dight with aquilitie.

Alle strétte, at grapling, or handy gripes.

Allẻsto, nimble, quicke, riquilant.

Allétta, a fish called a mullet.

Allettaménti, enticements, allurements.

Allettánza, allurement, inticement.

Allettáre, to entice or allure vnto.

Allétte, shelters, shrouds, hosteries.

Alletteráre, to enliterate.

Alletteráto, literated, learned.

Allettéuole, that may be allured.

Alle túllie, Ciceronian like, eloquently.

Alleúare, to foster, to breed or bring vp.

Alleuatríce, a foster-mother, a midwife.

Alleuiaménto, a lightning, a disburdening.

Alleuiáre, to lighten, to disburden.

Alle vólte, at times, sometimes.

All'hóra, then, at that houre or time.

All'hótta, then, at that houre or time.

Alliária, as Allária.

Allíbile, as Alíbile.

Allibíre, as Alibíre.

Allignáre, to take roote, to prosper in growing, to follow kinne.

Allieuáre, as Alleuáre.


ALL   Alliéuo, a foster childe or seruant of ones bringing vp.

Alligáre, as Allegáre.

All'imbrátto, foully, filthily.

All'incánto, as A l'incánto.

All'inánzi, forward.

All'incóntro, as A l'incóntro.

All'indiétro, backward.

All'infuóra, outwardly.

All'ingrósso, in grosse, by great.

All'instánte, at the instant, or instance.

Allisciáre, as Lisciáre or Allecchiáre.

Alliuẻlláre, as Aliuẻlláre.

Alliuẻlláta, as Aliuẻlláta.

Alliuẻllo, as Aliuẻllo.

Állo, to the, at the. Also from the.

Allocáre, as Allogáre.

Alloccáre, to play the owle, to make an owlet of.

Allocánda, that is to be hired or rented. Also vsed for a bawde.

Allodétta, a little larke.

Allodiáre, to rent or farme for profit.

Allodiále, rentable, or finable.

Allódola, a Larke, looke Dare l'allódola.

Allogáre, to place, to settle. Also to let to farme or demise. Also to hire for monie.

Allogagióni, placings, farmings, lettings.

Alloggiáre, to lodge. Also to quarter a campe.

Alloggiaménto, a lodging. Also a place where a campe or soldiers bee quartered.

Allóggio, a lodge, a lodging. Also a skollers house, as the halls in Oxford, that haue no lands, but all liue of themselues.

Allo indiẻtro, backward.

Allo ingiù, downward.

Allo insù, vpward.

Allongáre, to lengthen, to prolong.

Allongaménto, a lengthning, a prolonging.

Allongársi, as Allontanársi.

Al longo andáre, in processe of time.

Allontanánza, an elonging or farre distance, or going far of.

Allontanáre, to elong or goe far of.

Alloppiáre, to bring a sleepe by art, by drugs or potions, as with Opium.

Alloppiáto víno, wine opiated.

Allóra, then, at that houre.

Allóro, the lawrell or Baie tree. Also to them, at them, or from them. Also a crying of boies calling one to another to see some strange sight, as wee say, Now, now.

Allo scórcio, at last, at the cutting of.

Allo spropósito, arcie-uersie, cleane from the purpose.

Allucciáre, to looke earnestly vpon a thing with a greedy desire to haue it, it is commonly taken in ill part.

ALM   Allúdere, lúdo, lúsi, lúso, to allude or haue reference vnto. Also to plaie with.

Allúi, to him. Also from him.

Allumáre, to light, to enkindle. Also to allome or steepe in allome.

Allumatióne, an enlightning.

Allumináre, as Allumáre. Also to illuminate. Also to limme in water colours.

Alluminatóre, an enlightner. Also a limmer.

Alluminatióne, illumination.

Allunáre, to arch, to bow or bend as the moone.

Allungáre, as Allongáre.

Al lúngo andáre, in processe or tract of time.

All'uscita, at the going out.

Allusingáre, to flatter, to blandish.

Allusióne, allusion or reference vnto.

Álma, the soule of man.

Almadéu, a strange name that nigromants vse to call vpon.

Almadía, a little boat or wherrie.

Almagésta, as much to say as perfect, the booke of Ptolemies great mathematicke is so called.

Almagẻsto, a kind of mathematicall instrument.

Al mẻglio, at, or to the best.

Almánco, at least.

Almén', Alméno, at least.

Al méntre, whilst, whilst that.

Almicanthári, circles imagined to passe through euery degree of the meridian, paralell to the horizon vp to the Zenith.

Almiráglio, an Admirall at sea.

Almiránta, an admirall-ship.

Almiránte, an admirall at sea.

Álmo, high, omnipotent, life-giuer, sustainer, holy. Also an elder-tree. Also a foster-father, the husband of ones nurse. Also vsed for nourishment.

Almocohól, a kind of Borax.

Almoniáca, an Apricocke plumbe.

Almoniáco, an Apricocke-tree.

Almosarifáto, sp., the customer-ship of any place.

Almucábala, as Algébra.

Almugímo, a kind of pretious wood mentioned in the old Testament, some take it for Brazill wood.

Álna, the measure called an Ell.

Álno, an Aller or Elder tree.

Alno négro, the blacke Elder-tree.

Álo, the Crow-garlicke. Also the hearbe Comfrie of the rocke.

Aloccággine, gullishnesse, owlishnesse.

Aloccáre, to play the owle or gull.

Alócco, an owle, an owlet. Also a simple gull.

Aloè, the bitter drug Aloes, whereof are diuers kinds. Also an hearbe so called.

ALP   Alóe cauallíno, the cource kind of Aloes.

Aloétta, a Larke.

Alógia, want of reason, blockishnesse. Also excesse in banquetting or riotous feasting.

Alongiáre, to elong, to goe or put far of.

A lóngo andáre, in processe or in tract of time.

Alopáce, a kind of vine or grape.

Alopacẻro, the hearbe Fox-tale.

Alopacéia, the hearbe Fox-taile.

Alopẻcia, the falling away or shedding of haire through diseases. Also a fish.

Alopiáre, as Alloppiáre.

A l'oppósito, opposite, ouer against.

A lor sénno, at their will or pleasure.

Alósa, a fish that killeth the Tunnie to haue a vaine in his iawes. Also as Láccia.

A lo spícchio del sóle, at rise of sunne.

Alósso, the hearbe Madder.

Alostendárdo, a march on drumme or trumpet so called.

Álpa, an instrument called a harpe.

Al palése, publikely, manifestly.

Al pári, euen, alike, matched.

Álpe, Álpi, alpes or high mountaines.

Alpédica perníce, a kind of partridge breeding on mountaines.

Al pẻggio andáre, if the worst fall out.

Alpẻstre, alpish, craggie, mountanous.

Alpẻstrézza, cragginesse, ruggednesse.

Álphi, a kind of vlceration. Also the morphew or staining of the skin.

Alphitománte, a diuiner by corne.

Alphitomantía, diuination by corne.

Alpicórdi, as Arpicórdi.

Al piè, Al piéde, at the foot, below.

Alpigiáno, borne or bredde vpon the Alpes.

Alpisáno, borne or bred on the Alpes.

Al più, at the most, at the vtmost.

Al più al più, at the very most.

Al possíbile, to the vtmost possibility.

Al postútto, in the end, after all. Also to the vtmost of all possibility.

Al presẻnte, now, at this present.

Alquánti, some, some few in number.

Alquánto, some, somewhat in quantity.

Alquitrána, a kind of liquid pitch or tar.

Alrádo, sildome or rarely.

Álse, did freeze or chill.

Al segréto, secretly, priuily.

Al seréno, in the cleare or open aire.

Álsi, also, moreouer, eftsoones.

Alsidénie, Ciues, Cibolls, or Onions.

Alsína, Chicke-weede or Ducke-weede.

Alsióso, cold, chill, freezing.

Alsórdio, a venemous Serpent.

Al súbito, at the suddaine, suddainly.

Altabásso, as Altobásso.

Altaléna, a kind of fish or Serpent. Also a kind of game.


ALT   Altána, a high roofe window.

Altáni, certaine winds rising suddainly out of the earth.

Altáno, a pleasant gale of wind.

Al tánto, as much more.

Al tárdi, late, lately.

Altáre, an Altar. Also an oyle-mill. Also a certaine signe in Heauen.

Altarẻllo, somewhat or a little high. Also a little Altar.

Altẻa, the hearbe smallage.

Altarúccio, a little, silly Alter.

Alteluógo, in Lat. Colophon.

Alterábile, changeable, alterable.

Alterabilità, change, alteration.

Alteraménte, haughtily, proudly, statelie.

Alteraménto, alterating, changing.

Alteráre, to alter, to change. Also to make one become angry.

Alteránte, altering, changeing.

Alteratióne, alteration, change.

Alteratíuo, subiect to alteration.

Altercangéno, the hearbe henbane.

Altercáre, to wrangle, to brabble, to debate, to brawle, to chide.

Altercatióne, a wrangling, a brabling, an altrecation, a brawling.

Altẻrco, the hearbe Henbane.

Alteréuole, alterable, changeable.

Altereggiáre, to state it in proud or haughty manner.

Altẻro, haughty, proud, high minded.

Alterézza, haughtinesse pride.

Alterígia, as Alterézza.

Altẻrio, as Alterézza.

Alteritá, an altering, an othernes, an instant of alteration or change.

Alternáre, to doe by course or turne. Also to change or be inconstant.

Altẻrnaménte, by turnes, by courses, enterchangeably.

Altẻrnatióne, enterchangeablenesse.

Altẻrnatiuaménte, as Altẻrnaménte.

Altẻrnatíuo, that doth or may alter. Also enterchangeable.

Altẻrno, alternall, enterchangeable.

Altẻrsi, as Altrési.

Altézza, height, highnesse.

Altezzóso, as Altẻro.

Althẻa, the Marsh-mallowes.

Altieraménte, haughtily, proudly.

Altierézza, haughtinesse, pride.

Altiẻro, hautie, proud, highminded.

Altimẻtra, a measure of altitudes.

Altimẻtría, measuring of height.

Altinánico, a venemous Serpent.

Altíno, high, or proceeding from on high.

Altitonánte, high thundring.

Altitonáre, to high or loud thunder.

Altitúdine, altitude, height.

Altizzóso, proud in burning manner.

Álto high, eminent, lofty. Also a treble voice in musike.

ALT   Álto, vsed for broad, Panno álto, broad cloath.

Altobácche, a kinde of great cart or wane.

Altobásso, high and low. Also a kinde of high and low wrought or figured veluet. Also a certain musical instrument with strings.

Altoleuáre, to aduance or raise high.

Altouolánte, high-flying.

Altouoláre, to flie high.

Altouolẻnte, high willing.

Altra cósa alcúna, any other thing.

Altraménte, otherwise.

Altravólta, another time.

Altrési, also, eke, moreouer, besides, est-soones, likewise, withall, asmuch besides.

Altretále, such another in quality.

Altretánto, as much more in quantity.

Altre vólte, other times.

Altríce, a nurce, a foster-mother.

Áltri, others.

Altriménte, otherwise.

Altrílo, a wren.

Áltró, other, also, ought else, or any other thing. Also except.

Áltro alcúno, any other.

Altrochè, except, if not, sauing, or there then.

Altro ci uuóle, something else is required.

Altro móndo, another world or Countrie.

Altrónde, elsewhere, from elsewhere.

Altróue, elsewhere, somewhere else.

Altrúi, other mens, to others, others, of or from others.

Altúra, hight, depth, altitude.

Altútto, wholy, altogether.

Aluála, an acquittance, a bill, a warrant, a ticket, a cedula.

A lúca ti viddi, prou. those daies are past I know you no more.

Alúccia, any little wing. Looke Ala.

Aluẻário, a beehiue. Also a place where beehiues be kept.

Aluẻo, a beehiue. Also a shelter vnder a roofe, a couer or a roofe. Also the channell or bed of a running riuer, or the pipe of any Conduite. Also a vain in any body. Also a bathing tub, that is couered. Also a bulke or belly or bottom of a ship.

Aluẻrde, prou. almost at an end, as we say burning in the socket.

Aluíno, to the quicke or life, liuely.

A lumáca, made winding vpward like a Snaile or wrinkle. Scala a Lumáca, a winding paire of staires.

Alumáre, as Allumáre.

Alúme, Allome, whereof are diuers sorts.

Alúme catíno, a kinde of Allome, or ashes of the hearbe Bali and Salicornia burnt.

ALZ   Alúme di piúma, a kinde of Allome.

Alúme di rócca, roch Allome.

Alumóso, full, or tasting of Allome.

A lúna príma, at the quarter of the Moone.

A lúna secónda, at the second quarter of the Moone.

A lúna piéna, at the full of the Moone.

A lúna tẻrza, at the third quarter of the Moone.

A lúna scéma, at the wane of the Moone.

A lúngo andáre, in processe or tract of time.

Alúnno, a nurse or foster-child, a child kept for Godsake.

Áluo, a wombe. Also a tombe or Sepulcher. Also the bed or channell of a riuer.

Alutáre, to lute as Alchimists doe their pots or glasses.

Alutatióne, a luting or lutation.

Álza, as Alzáta.

Alzabára, a kinde of drugge.

Alzaménto, as Alzáta.

Alzána, a halfe or cable to toe or draw boates, barges or shipes withall. Also a crane to hoise vp any great waight.

Alzaniẻre, a halsier or he that haleth or toeth a ship or boate by a rope, a halse or halsier in a ship.

Alzáre, to aduance, to raise, to hoise, to heaue, to rere, to eleuate, or lift vp.

Alzáre al ciẻlo, to raise to the heauens. Also to commend highly.

Alzáre il fiánco, prou. to farewell, to make good cheere, to haue the world at will.

Alzáre véla, to hoise vp sailes.

Alzáta, a raising, an aduancing, a heauing or lifting vp.

Alzéuole, that may be raised or lifted.

Amábile, amiable, louely, to be loued. Also a kind of wine in Italie so called.

Amabilitá, amiablenesse, louelinesse.

Amácco, dog-cheape, plentie. Also scotfree or at other mens charges.

Amaccáre, to bruise, to batter.

Amadẻo, some part of a ship.

Amadríadi, wood nimphes.

Amáglie, wrought with oylet-holes.

Amaináre, to strike the maine-yard.

Amaláre, to sicken, to fall sicke.

Amalatíccio, sickish, crazed in health.

Amaláto, sicke, diseased.

Amalgáme, a drugge vsed by Alchimists.

A mal partíto, in an ill plight, in bad state.

A mal in córpo, against ones stomacke.

Amanáre, to leade or bring vnto.

A mancánza di lúna, at the waine of the Moone.

Amannáre, as Ammannáre.


AMA   A máno, at hand, ready by, with hand.

A máno a máno, by and by, anon. Also in order, orderly.

Amanchítide, a stone vsed to coniure vp spirites.

A mán dẻstra, on the right hand.

Amandío, a stone of diuers colours, good against poison, which maketh him victorious that weares it about him, and teacheth to interpret dreames, or riddles.

Amándola, an Almond.

Amandoláta, meat or milke of Almonds.

Amándolo, an Almond tree.

A man giónte, with ioined hands.

Amaniménti, dressings, dightings.

Amaníre, nísco, níto, to dresse, to dight, to adorne or to dresse handsomely.

Amaníre, nísco, níto, to seaze or lay hands on. Also to accomplish.

Amaníto, handsomely drest or dighted.

A mán mánca, on the left hand.

A mán piẻne, with full hands, full-handed.

A mán sálua, safely, without danger.

Amantáre, to enmantle, to enrobe.

Amánte, a louer. Also louing.

Amanticída, a killer of louers.

Amanticídio, murthering of louers.

Amántici rámi, shady or spreading boughs.

Amantílla, the hearbe Valerian, Capons taile or Setwall.

Amantíno, as Amandío.

Amánto, a mantle, a robe.

A mán vuóte, empty handed.

Amánza, a mistrisse, a loue, a sweete-heart.

Amaracíno, oile of Marioram. Also bitterish.

Amaracoccoláto, oile of Marioram.

Amaráco, great sweet Marioram.

Amarancíno, oile of Marioram.

Amaránto, the hearbe Maudlin. Also the flowre gentle or Tasseuelours.

Amaránto giállo, Goldilockes, Gods-flowre, or Gold-flowre.

A marauíglia, wonderously.

Amáre, to loue, to be in loue.

Amareggiáre, to make or taste bitter. Also to grow or flow to a sea.

Amarẻlla, the hearbe Mugwort, some take it for Feuerfew.

Amarétto, bitterish, somewhat bitter.

Amarézza, bitternesse.

A María órba, as A mósca ciẻca.

Amaricáre, to embitter, to make bitter.

Amarigliáre, to embitter, to looke bitter.

Amaricciáre, to make or tast bitter.

Amaríccio, bitterish.

Amaríglio, bitterish, sowre looking.

Amarína, the twig Withie or Osier.

Amaríne, the first Cheries that come.

AMB   Amaríre, rísco, ríto, to make bitter.

Amaritúdine, bitternesse.

Amár mẻglio, to loue or wish rather.

Amáro, bitter, breame. Also spightfull.

Amarógnolo, bitterish, sowrish.

Amaróre, bitternesse.

Amártora, a beast called a Martin.

Amartẻllo, looke toccár' a martẻllo.

Amarulẻnte, bitter, spightfull.

Amarulẻnza, bitternesse, spightfulnesse.

Amárze, looke Innestáre.

Amásia, a louers loue or sweet heart, a mistrisse or paramour.

A masnáde, by troupes, by companies.

A mássa, by heapes, Gods plenty.

Amassaménti, amassings together.

Amassáre, to amasse, to heape vp.

Amatáco, the great sweet Marioram.

Amatíle, louely, to be loued.

Amatináre, to become or grow morning.

Amatísto, an Amathist or Hematite stone.

Amatíuo, louely or to be beloued.

Amatóre, a louer, one that loueth.

Amatório, louing or loue-causing.

Amatríce, a woman louer.

Amaturáre, to ripen, to grow ripe.

Amazzácchera, by stealth, in killing sort. Also as Amazzáta.

Amazzáre, to kill, to slaie, to murther.

Amazzaménti, killings, murthers, slaughters.

Amazzáta, a killing, a slaughtering. Also a standing starke stiffe as one key-cold. Also a fishing or angling rodde. Also to be taken in a bait or lure.

Amazóna, in Greeke signifies, without a dug, or teat, or pap-lesse.

Ámba, a kind of fruit like a big Oliue.

Ambáge, an ambiguity or rabble of words, making the sense doubtfull. Also a dizzinesse in the head.

Ambagía, an extasie or passion of the mind. Also a qualme ouer the stomack, an extasie, or shortnesse of ones breath. Also noise, griefe, vexation, or dismay.

Ambagiáre, to speake doubtfully, to equiuocate.

Ambagióso, full of ambiguity or equiuocation, doubtfull in speech.

Ambáscia, as Ambagía.

Ambasciadóre, an Ambassador.

Ambasciáre, to grieue, to vex, to molest. Also to fall into a sowne or loose ones breath.

Ambasciaría, an ambassage.

Ambasciáta, an ambassage.

Ambasciatóre, an Ambassador.

Ambasciatório, belonging to an embassador.

Ambascióso, as Ambagióso.

Ambastióso, as Ambagióso.

Ambássi, ames-ace, two aces at a cast.

Ambástia, as Ambagía.

AMB   Ámbe, both.

Ámbe dúe. Ambe dúo, both.

Ámbi. Ámbi dúo, both.

Ambiánte, ambling, pacing easily.

Ambiáre, to amble, to pace it easily.

Ambiatúra, an ambling pace.

Ambidói, both. Also a swift runner.

Ambiẻnte, going or wandring about, enuironing. Also aspiring or seeking after with ambition.

Ambiguità, ambiguity, doubtfulnesse.

Ambíguo, ambiguous, doubtfull in sense.

Ámbio, an ambling pace.

Ambíre, bísco, bíto, to aspire vnto or seeke after with ambition. Also to enuiron, to compasse, to goe or wrap about.

Ambíto, aspired vnto or sought after with ambition. Also enuironed, compassed or gone about to obtaine.

Ámbito, a circuit or round compassing, a round walke or walking, a circumference. Also an ambitious seeking or vnlawfull suing or canuasing for offices.

Ambitióne, an ambition or immoderate desire. Also a circuit or compassing.

Ambitiosétto, somewhat ambitious.

Ambitióso, ambitious, desirus of honour.

Ambligónio, blunt-cornered.

Ambo, Amboo, both.

Ambodẻstro, that vseth both hands.

Amboláre, to steale or slinke away.

Ámbra, amber. Also amber-greece. Also the sperme of a Whale called Spermaceti. Also vsed for a blue Turgue-stone.

Ambracanáto, perfumed with amber-greece.

Ambracáne, amber-greece.

Ambracáni, Pomanders of amber-greece.

Ambragátta, amber-greece.

Ambra giálla, yellow or stone-amber.

Ambra grígia, amber-greece.

Ambrattóte, a kind of Greeke wine.

Ambre, Ambro, as Ambra.

Ambríci, roofe-tiles, gutter-tiles.

Ambrogíno, a kind of coine in Italy.

Ambrógo, sweet, pleasant, delectable.

Ambrósia, a meat that the Gods are by Poets fained to feed vpon called Ambrósia. Also the hearbe called Oke of Ierusalem or of Capadocia. Also Houseleeke, Sen-greene or Liue-euer.

Ambrosiána víte, a kind of vine.

Ambrosíne, a kind of plumbe. Also a kind of almonds. Also as Ambubẻia.

Ambubẻia, a kind of wild Endiue, or common Cycorie. Also the Dandelion, the Priests-crowne, the Monks-head or Dogs-teeth.

Ambubégia, as Ambubẻia.

Ambúgia, as Ambubẻia.


AME   Ambuláre, to walke or goe by steps.

Ambulatióne, a walking by steps. Also a walking place, an ally, or gallery.

Ambulatóre, a walker by steps.

Ambustióne, a burning, a parching.

Ambústo, burnt or parched about.

Amé, as Amén. Also to me, at me, or from me.

Ámeda, an Aunt, a mothers or fathers sister.

Amedáno, as Antáno.

Amẻllo, a weede growing in the water.

Amemoránza, remembrance.

Amemoráre, to remember or put in minde.

Amemoratióne, remembrance.

Amemoréuole, memorable, memorious.

Amén, Amẻnne, Amen, so be it.

Amén, Améno, at least, within lesse.

A menadíto, at fingers end, by rote.

Amenáre, to leade, to bring.

A menáte, by handfuls, plenty.

A menazampétto, as A menadíto.

Amenazzáre, to driue or droue cattell. Also to threaten.

Aménda, amends, satisfaction, correction, amendment. Also a fine paide for an offense or taske or imposition. Also vsed for Améntia.

Amendáre, to amend, to correct, redresse. Also to fine for any offence.

Amendatióne, amendment.

Améndola, an almond.

Amendoláta, Almond-milke or meate.

Améndolo, an Almond-tree.

Amendúa, dúe, dúi, dúo, both.

Amendúni, both together.

Amenità, pleasant to the eie.

Améno, pleasant or delightsome to the eie or in situation. Also at least.

Amentáre, to remember of put in minde. Also to be made, furious or raging.

A ménte, in minde, by rote, by heart.

Améntia, madnesse, rage, as out of wits.

Aménto, a strap of leather in the midest of a dart thereby to hold and fling it.

Amerimnóne, Sengreene, Housleeke.

Ameríne, a kinde of Withie or Osier to tie vines. Also a kinde of bitterish sweet peare. Also the first cheries that come.

Ameríno, idem. Also somewhat bitterish yet pleasant in taste.

Amẻrláre, to vary in armory. Also to make battlement-wise in building.

A mẻrli, varied in armory.

Amerochíta, a fish in Lat. Notola.

Ámeta, an Aunt.

Améte, pilie in armory.

Ametistíno, a kinde of Azure that Painters vse, of an amathist colour.

Ametísto, an Amathist or Hematite stone.

A mẻzza cása, in the midst of the house.

AMI   Amẻzzáre, to part, to share or deuide in the middle or at halfes. Also to meditate. Vsed also for to diminish or make lesse.

Amẻzzadóre, a mediator betweene two.

A mẻzzo, by halfes, or as we say in common betweene two Parteners. Also demye in armorie. Also right ouer, or oueragainst.

A mẻzzo tẻmpo, the time of the yeere when it is neither hot nor cold but indifferent.

Amfisbẻna, as Anfisbẻna.

Amfíscij, as Amphíscij.

Amfodíllo, the Affodill or Daffodill flower.

Ámia, a fish like a Tunnie, without shales, hauing swallowed a hooke it nibleth the same in sunder, and so escapeth, it is said to grow very fast.

Amiámo, a stone so soft that it is spun and wouen into cloath: it endureth the fire as a Salamander, in such were the Egiptians wont to enwrape their deceased Kings that so they might burne them and keepe their ashes. Also a kinde of Alum. Also let vs loue, or we loue.

Amiánto, as Amiámo.

Amíca, a she freind.

Amicábile, freindly, that may be freinded.

Amicáre, to make or becom a freind. Also to crum or crumble.

Amichéuole, freindly, kinde as a freind.

Amicíssimo, a most inward freind.

Amicítia, amity, freindship, good will.

Amíco, a freind, also a louer.

Amicocída, a freind-killer.

Amicocídio, the murther of a freind.

Ámida, an Aunt also as Ámia.

Amidále, Amiddále, Almonds, tonsils or kernels rising in ones throat, or body, and sometimes at the roote of the tongue by falling of humors.

Amidáre, to starch.

Ámido, starch. Also a kinde of graine or rise.

Amigdelíte, a kinde of Tithimale.

A migliáia, by thousands.

Ámilo, fine starch-flowre.

Aminẻa, a kinde of grape earely ripe.

A minúto, by retaile, smaly, distinctly.

A mío módo, after my fashion.

A mío sénno, after my will and pleasure.

Amír, a kinde of drug or fruit in India.

Amiránte, a Sirian word importing a mighty man, an Admirall, a chiefe Baron.

Amissióne, a losse, or leesing.

Amísso, lost.

Amistá, freindship, amity.

Amistánza, freindship, amity.

Amistáre, to befreind, to make freinds.

AMM   Amistéuole, freindly, kinde.

Amisteuolézza, freindlinesse, amity.

Ámita, an Aunte, a fathers or mothers sister.

Amitáre, to starch.

Amitatríce, a starcher.

Amitẻrmini, a kind of turneproote.

Ámito, starch, or starch-floure.

Ámma, a lath or thin smale boorde.

Ammaccáre, to bruse or frush together.

Ammaccatúra, a bruseing or frushing.

Ammacchiáre, as Macchiáre. Also to hide, to squat, to lurke or crouch in some bush or brake.

Ammaestránza, as Ammaestraménto.

Ammaestráre, to teach or instruct.

Ammaestraménto, a teaching or instruction.

Ammaestréuole, that may be instructed.

Ammagliáre, to worke into maile as a shirt of maile, to quilt as a iacket or iacke. Also to bruse, to frush, to clatter, destroy. Also to charme or bewitch.

Ammagríre, grísco, gríto, to make or become leane, to take downe ones fat.

Ammalatíccio, as Amalatíccio.

Ammaliáre, to bewitch, to charme, to forespeake.

Ammandráre, to reduce into heards or droues.

Ammaníre, nísco, níto, to prepare or make ready for ones hand, to prouide.

Ammannáre, to prepare, to set in order. Also to gather in, hale or strike saile suddainly. Also to gather together by handfuls as gleaners doe corne.

Ammanníre, as Ammaníre.

Ammantáre, to enmantle to inrobe.

Ammantẻlláre, as Ammantáre.

Ammantíno, a precious stone of many coloures.

Ammánto, a mantle or vpper robe.

Ammarcíre, císco, cíto, to rot, to putrifie.

Ammareggiáre, as Amareggiáre.

Ammargináre, to enmargine, to side. Also to marginate, to heale or close vp a wound.

Ammaricáre, to bewaile bitterly.

Ammaríre, rísco, ríto, to make bitter.

Ammartẻlláre, to hammer, to forge. Also to appassionat with ielousie or doubt till ones heart pant.

Ammartẻlláto, passionated with loue, doubt or ielousie. Also hammered or forged.

Ammascaráre, to enmaske, to disguise.

Ammasciáre, as Ammassáre.

Ammassáre, to amasse or gather together.

Ammassaménto, as Ammásso.

Ammassatóre, a heaper, a gatherer.


AMM   Ammasséuole, that may be amassed.

Ammassicchiáre, as Ammassáre.

Ammassicciáre, to make massie or tough. Also to enure to all hardnesse.

Ammásso, an amasse, a gathered heape.

Ammattassáre, to reduce into skanes as thrid. Also to roule vp into bundles.

Ammattíre, tísco, títo, to run mad.

Ammattonáre, to bricke. Also to paue.

Ammattonáto, paued, or bricked.

Ammazzáre, to kill, to flea, to murther.

Ammazzaménti, killings, murtherings.

Ammazzácchera, as Amazzácchera.

Ammazzáta, as Amazzáta.

Ammazzatóre, a killer, a murtherer.

Ammazzoláre, to bundle into sheafes or handfuls.

Amme, Amen, so be it.

Ammeláre, to enhony or make sweete.

Ammeláto, honied. Also a dun collour.

Amménda, as Aménda.

Ammendábile, that may be amended.

Ammendaménto, amendment.

Ammendáre, as Amendáre.

Ammendatióne, amendment.

Ammendéuole, that may be amended.

Ammentánza, memory, remembrance.

Ammentáre, to remember, to call to mind.

Ammessióne, an admission, an allowing.

Ammésso, admitted, allowed, auowed.

Amméttere, métto, mísi, mésso, to admit, to allow, to auow.

Ammẻzzáre, as Amẻzzáre.

Ámmi, a kind of cummin, called the roial cummin, or as som say the hearb Ammie, Ameos, hearb William, Bullwort, or Bishops weed.

Ammicáre, to marke, to note, to point, to glance or nod at, to beckon or make signes at any thing namely with winking of the eies. Also to baslaber, to fowle or grease as it were with filthy and greasie broth or drosse.

Ammiccáre, as Ammicáre.

Ammigliáre, to reduce into thousands.

Amminẻa, a kind of early ripe grape.

Amminículo, any kind of helpe, furtherance, aide or assistance.

Amministragióne, an administration.

Amministránza, an administration.

Amministráre, to administer.

Amministratióne, an administration.

Amministratóre, an administrator.

Amministréuole, administrable.

Ammirábile, admirable, wondrous.

Ammirabóndo, full of wonder and admiration.

Ammiráglia, an admirall or chiefe ship.

Ammiragliáto, the office of an Admirall.

Ammiráglio, an Admirall or chiefe commander at sea. Also a looking glasse or mirror.

AMM   Ammirándo, admirable, to be wondred at.

Ammiránte, as Ammiráglio.

Ammiráre, to admire or wonder at.

Ammiratióne, admiration, wondring.

Ammiratiuaménte, with admiration.

Ammiratíuo, wonder breeding.

Ammiréuole, admirable, wondrous.

Ammissário, a stallion horse.

Ammissíbile, that may be admitted.

Ammistiáre, to mingle, to mash, or mix.

Ammistióne, a mash, a mixture or blending.

Ammochríso, a stone seeming to haue sand and gold in it.

Ammodernáre, to bring or reduce to late or new fashions.

Ammodíte, a kind of snake or serpent.

Ammogliáre, to wiue, to wed, to mary.

Ammogliaménto, a wiuing or mariage.

Ammogliáto, maried, a maried man.

Ammolláre, as Ammollíre.

Ammollíre, lísco, líto, to molifie, to soften. Also to steepe in water.

Ammollitiáre, to make or become soft, wanton, delicate or effeminate.

Ammóne, as Ammíno.

Ammoniáco, a iuice or gum that commeth from the hearb Agasilli.

Ammoniménto, an admonishing.

Ammoníre, nísco, níto, to admonish, to warne.

Ammonitióne, a warning or admonition.

Ammonitóre, an admonisher, a warner.

Ammonítro, a composition of sand and nitre vsed to make glasse with.

Ammonsichiáre, as Ammontáre.

Ammontáre, to amount, to ascend, to heape vp as haicocks. Also to leape a sheepe as rams and other beasts doe, to line a bitch or couer a mare.

Ammontonáre, as Ammontáre.

Ammonzicchiáre, as Ammontáre.

Ammorbáre, to infect, to contagion.

Ammorbidaménto, a softning, a smoothing,or becomming ranke in growing.

Ammorbidáre, to soften, to smooth. Also to make or become ranke in growing.

Ammorbidíre, dísco, díto, as Ammorbidáre.

Ammorbóso, infectious, contagious.

Ammorciáre, to quench, to extinguish.

Ammortáre, as Ammorciáre.

Ammorzábile, quenchable.

Ammorzáre, as Ammorciáre.

Ammosciáre, to droope, to languish.

Ammosciaménto, a languishing, a fainting.

Ammostáre, to become ripe as grapes ready to go to the presse and to haue new wine.

Ammostíre, tísco, títo, as Ammostáre.

AMM   Ammotináre, to mutiny, to rebell.

Ammotinóso, mutinous, rebellious.

Ammóuere, muóuo, móssi, mósso, to moue vnto.

Ammouíbile, moueable vnto.

Ammucchiáre, to heape or hord vp.

Ammúcchio, a heape or hording vp.

Ammucchiettáre, as Ammucchiáre.

Ammuffáre, to grow musty or mouldy. Also to skip or leape. Also to peepe foorth.

Ammuffíre, físco, fíto, as Ammuffáre.

Ammurcáre, to snort. Also to calke a ship.

Ammusaménto, an amusing. Also a muzling.

Ammusáre, to muse, to amuse. Also to muzle. Also to snout or bill. Also to rout as a pig.

Ammutáre, to change vnto. Also to make or become mute, dumbe, or silent.

Ammutináre, to mutiny or rebell.

Ammutinaménto, a mutiny, an insurrection.

Ammutinóso, mutinous, rebellious.

Ammutíre, tísco, títo, as Ammutáre.

Ammutolíre, lísco, líto, as Ammutáre.

Amnestía, forgetfulnesse of things past.

Ámo, a fishing hooke. Also I loue.

Amodíte, a kind of serpent or snake.

A moisẻs, as Mosaico worke.

Amo mẻglio, I loue or I had rather.

Amoláre, as Moláre, to grind vpon a wheele. Also to frub or furbush.

Amóe, as Amò, he loued or did loue.

Amómo, our ladies rose, the rose of Ierusalem, or garden pepper.

Amónte, to swig at cards. Also to prooue voide.

Amoráccio, filthy loue or lust.

Amórchia, as Amúrca.

Amorchiáre, as Amurcáre.

Amor cornúto, the flowre Monkeshood.

Amóre, loue, lust, affection, sake.

Amóre Dẻi, gratis, for Gods sake.

Amóre d'hortoláno, Goosegrasse, Gooseshare, Cleuer or Cleuergrasse.

Amoreggiáre, to court with lust, to make loue, to play the louer.

Amorétto, an amoret, a little loue.

Amoréuole, kind, louing, affable.

Amoreuolézza, kindnesse, louingnesse.

Amorífero, loue bearing, loue bringing.

Amoríno, a little loue or Amoret.

Amorósa, a she louer or amorous.

Amorosaménto, amorously.

Amorosánza, louingnesse, amorousnesse.

Amorosétto, louely, gratious, full of louelinesse.

Amorosità, louingnesse, amourousnesse.

Amoróso, amorous, a he loue or louer.

Amorsále, some thing about a ship.

A mórso a mórso, bit by bit or morsell.

Amortáre, to quench or put to death.


AMP   A mórte, to death, mortally.

A mósca ciẻca, a game where one is hoodwinkt and who being hit must guesse who did it, as we say at bote cockles, or hoodman blinde.

Amoscíre, scísco, scíto, as Ammosciáre.

Amostánte, a chiefe or ring-leader.

A mótto a mótto, word by word, verbatim.

Ampaludáre, as Impaludáre.

Amparáre, to learne.

Ampelíte, an earth in Syria that kils the wormes rubbing the veines with it.

Ampẻrlo, the Hawthorne or Berberie tree.

Ampelodẻsma, a vine binde.

Ampelopráto, the Porret vine or leeke vine.

Ampeloságria, a kinde of wilde vine.

Ampelosencéno, idem. Also white Brionie.

Amphamerióne, a kind of quotidian ague.

Amphesibéna, as Anfisbéna.

Amphíbio, that liueth in water and on land.

Amphicóne, a kind of pretious stone.

Amphibología, equiuocation or doubtfull meaning.

Amphibológico, equiuocall, ambiguous.

Amphibráco, a foote of a verse, the first and third sillable short, and the middle long.

Amphícirto, the state of the moone not yet come to the halfe compasse bending on both sides.

Amphídẻo, the head of the wombes mouth.

Amphiláne, as Chrisocótta.

Amphimálij, certaine mantles shaggie within and without.

Amphimácro, a kinde of lasciuious verse vsed at wanton weddings.

Amphíscij, those that haue their shadowes cast on both sides of them, as they that dwell within the fierie Zone whose shadow sometimes goe North and sometimes South.

Amphisbéna, as Anfisbéna.

Amphitheátrica, the ancient name of Paper made in Rome.

Amphiteátro, an amphitheatre.

Amphitióni, an ancient vniuersall Magistrate in Greece.

Amphodíllo, the Affodill or Daffodill flower.

Amphitríte, the maine Ocean, the Sea, or watry kingdome.

Ámphora, a measure hauing on either side a cane to hold by, containing about eight gallons of ours. Also a kind of great glasse now vsed in Italie.

AMP   Amphorísmi, as Aphorísmi.

Ampiaménte, amply, at large.

Ampiamáno, plentiously, abundantly.

Ampiáre, to amplifie, to enlarge.

Ampiézza, amplenesse, scope, largnesse.

Ámpio, ample, scopefull, large.

Amplacẻe, a kind of great Peares.

Ampleáre, to amplifie, to enlarge.

Amplaménte, amply, largely.

Amplẻssáre, to embrace with loue and fauour.

Amplẻssi, embracements, clippings or collings with loue and fauour.

Ampliáre, to amplifie, to enlarge.

Ampliatióne, amplenesse, scope, largenesse.

Amplificáre, to amplifie, to augment.

Amplificatióne, amplification, encrease.

Amplitúdine, amplenesse, largenesse. Also dignitie, auctoritie, or spreading power.

Ámplo, ample, scopefull, large.

Ámpo, more, more largely, moreouer.

Ampólla, a thin viole-glasse.

Ampollarẻe, a kinde of great Peares.

Ampollétta da hóre, an houre-glasse.

Ampollosaménte, puffingly. Also vaine gloriously, like a bubling glasse.

Ampollóse paróle, bubling, puffing or windie words without substance.

Ampolúzza, a little very thin viole-glasse.

Amputáre, to cut or pare away that which is superfluous.

Amputatióne, a cutting away or paring about.

Amucchiáre, to heape or horde vp.

A múcchio, by heapes, by hudles.

A múda, by turnes, by changes, by shifts.

Amulẻto, an amulet worne against plague or charmes.

Amulináre, to wheele about as a mill.

Amúrca, the dregs or grounds of oyle.

Amurcáre, to come to dregs as oyle doth.

Amusáre, to ammuse or plod vpon.

A múta, by courses, by turnes, by shifts.

Amutánza, by shifts or changes.

Amutáre, to dumbe or put to silence.

Amutáta, an entremewed hawke.

Amutíre, tísco, títo, as Ammutíre.

An? ah? how? what? quoth you?

Ána, a word vsed in phisicions bils, signifying of each a like quantitie.

Anabási, the hearbe horsetaile.

Anabattísta, an Anabaptist.

Anacampsenotémo, as Anacapsiróte.

Anacángris páschi, a bird in India whose dung smelleth as Ambergreece.

Anaccáre, to share in rogues language.

Anacárdio, a tree in India bearing a fruit like a birds heart, yeelding a iuice as read as blood, and of the fruit proceedeth a kind of honie that exulcerateth where it toucheth.

Anacapsiróte, an hearbe that makes one remember old forgotten loue.

ANA   Anachíte, a stone good against poison and madnesse, some take it for a Diamond.

Anacíthide, as Amanchítide.

Anacoréso, an hermitage or solitarinesse.

Anacoríta, an anchorite or perfect hermite.

Anacquáre, to water or sprinkle with water.

Anacrísi, an examination of a matter.

Anacronísmo, an imitation of Anacreon the lyrique Poet.

Anacreóntici, verses deuised by Anacreon.

Ánada, a Ducke.

Anadíno, a duckling or mallard.

Anadioméne, a surname of Venus, as much to say, rising out of the Sea.

Anadiplossía, a doubling of wordes.

Anadrótti, ducks or mallards.

Anaffiáre, to sprinkle with water.

Anagállide, see purslaine or brookelime.

Anagállo, as Anagállide.

Anagíri, the hearbe beane trifolie.

Anagiróne, as Anagíri.

Anagogía, the high and subtle vnderstanding of the Scriptures or other things.

Anagógica stráda, a way leading in and out or here and there.

Anagógico, full of high and misterious vnderstanding. Also proportionable.

Analesía, a disease taking away the senses from all parts of the head.

Analẻttico, a forme of dyet to nourish him that is lately recouered from sicknesse.

Analísi, resolution, determination.

Analítico, resolute, determined.

Analogía, proportion, conueniencie.

Análogo, an answering in proportion.

Ananchítide, a stone vsed by enchanters in raising of spirits.

Anapẻstici, a verse with the first syllable short and the two last long.

Anáphora, a figure called repetition. Also ninetie degrees from the ascendant or erection of ones natiuitie, or an ascension of the Planets from the East by daily course of the firmament.

Anapolitanáto, spruce, neapolitanized.

Anaráncio, an orenge tree or fruit.

Anarchía, a confused common-wealth.

Anárco, without Prince or beginning.

Anári, the nostrils of ones nose.

Anasárca, dropsie ouer the whole body.

Anasáre, to nose, to smell, or sent.

A náso, by sent or smell of the nose.

Anaspaménto, a reeling or winding.

Anaspáre, to reele or winde yarne.

Anastomósi, a coniunction of two veines in one, or of an arterie and a veine. [27] Also a bleeding by a broken veine.

ANC   Anathéma, a man which in times past was giuen to the deuill, one that is excommunicated, accursed or execrated.

Anathemizzáre, to sweare, to ban, to curse, to execrate or giue himselfe to the deuill.

Anathemizzatióne, a making or being made accursed or execrable.

Anatomía, an Anatomie.

Anatomísta, an anatomist.

Anatomizzáre, to anatomize.

Ánatra, a Ducke.

Anatrário, a Hauke that kils Ducks.

Anátria, as Anatrário.

Ánca, a hanch or hip. Also the loyne. Also the ankle bone.

Ancatẻlla, a little hanch. Also a tripping or hopping.

Ancẻlla, a damzell or waiting woman.

Ánche, as Ancóra. Also hanches.

Ancheggiáre, is when a horse coruets with a quicke time bearing himselfe vpon his hanches.

Anchióue, the fish Anchoues.

Anchiróide, the interior processes of the shoulder-blade.

Anchúsa, as Ancúsa.

Anciána, as Alzána.

Anciáno, as Anziáno.

Ancianità, ancientnesse.

Ancidáre, to flea, to kill.

Ancídere, cído, císi, císo, to flea, to kill.

Ancíli, certaine shields that the Romans vsed when they danced.

Ancílla, as Ancẻlla.

Ancinẻlli, little hookes or claspes.

Ancíno, a water vrchin or hedgehog.

Ancíno di pésce, a fish-hooke.

Ancióue, the fish Anchoues.

Ancípite, wauering or doubtfull which part to take. Also sharpe, keene cutting.

Anclúde, a pilchard or sperlin fish.

Áncó Ancói, this day, to day.

Ánco, as Ancóra. Also a certaine great weight. Also the naue of a wheele.

Ancóne, a nooke, a coyne, a corner.

Ancóra, also, moreouer, besides, eke, to, withall. Also yet, anew, or againe.

Áncora, an anchor for a ship.

Ancóra ancóra, yet, moreouer.

Ancóra chè, howbeit, although.

Ancoráio, an anchor maker or master.

Ancoráre, to anchor, to ride at anchor.

Ancórchè, albeit, although.

Ancoreggiáre, to ride at anchor.

Ancróia, a common whore, a filthy iadish rampe.

Ancúde, an anuill.

Ancúdine, an anuill.

Ancudináre, to forge on an anuill.

Ancuó, this day, to day.

Ancúsa, the hearbe Orcanet or Alkanet. Also the gentle thistle.

Andaménti, goings or walkings. Also proceedings or behauiours.

AND   Andánte, passant in armorie.

Andánti, trauellers, wayfaring, goers.

Andáre, vádo, andái, andáto, to goe, to wend, to walke, to march, to pace.

Andár' a cáccia, to goe a hunting, a chasing, a coursing, a hawking or a fouling.

Andár' a contrafár' i mórti, to go sleepe.

Andár' a fíla, to march in rankes or files.

Andár' a gála, to flote or run a drift.

Andár' aiáto, to goe idlie loytering and gaping vp and downe loosing of time.

Andár' aióne, as Andar' aiáto.

Andár' a la ára, to lay to pawne, as we say to lay in lauander.

Andár' al bósco, to goe to the wood, that is to take the dyet drinke for the Poxe.

Andár' al cápo, to goe to the head of a matter.

Andáre álla búsca, to goe a free booting, to goe secking and shifting for.

Andár' álla cáccia, as Andár' a cáccia.

Andár' álla crociáta, to goe or come home by weeping crosse.

Andár' álla mázza, to go to the slaughter.

Andár' al'oscúro, to walke in ignorance.

Andár' a mónte, to put vp the cardes, to swig or deale againe, to goe to the stocke. Also to prooue vaine, to fall voide, to prooue nothing.

Andár' a ónde, to goe reeling, to stagger, to make Indentures as a drunken man.

Andár' a pisciáre, a game at cardes.

Andár' a ripórre, to goe put vp ones pipes, for one to goe hide himselfe.

Andár' a rúba, to goe a filching or freebooting.

Andár' a saccománno, to be ransacked.

Andár' a secónda, to follow the tyde, to second or sooth one.

Andár' a scósse, to reele as a drunkenman.

Andár' a sinístra, to miscarrie.

Andár' a sóldo, to serue for pay in war.

Andár' a spásso, to goe a solacing.

Andár' a vánga, to fadge or prosper with.

Andár' a vẻrso, to goe luckily as ones by-as. Also to follow or please ones humore.

Andár' a voltolóne, to goe rouling or rumbling.

Andár bándo, a Proclamation to goe.

Andár carpóne, to goe crawling.

Andár dẻl córpo, to goe to the stoole.

Andár di mále, to miscary to goe to wrake.

Andár di pálo in frásca, to goe from one matter to another, to skip from bough to branch.

AND   Andár di portánte, to amble easily.

Andár disfiláto, to goe in a right line without turning on any side. Also among souldiers to goe out of aray or ranke, as it were stragling.

Andár di trótto, to goe a trotting pace.

Andáre doue ne Pápa ne Imperatóre puó mandár Imbasciatóre, to goe pisse or shite.

Andár dóue vánno i Sáni & mátti, to die, to goe to ones last home.

Andár fallíta, to prooue effectlesse.

Andár gattolóne, to goe fumbling in the darke.

Andár' in amóre, to goe to rut, to goe a catterwalling.

Andár' in barbería, to be laid of the pox.

Andár in búsca, to goe a filching.

Andár in Carnafáu, to goe a wenching.

Andár in Cornouáglia sénza bárca, to be cuckolded.

Andár' in córse, to goe a rouing.

Andár' in dozzéna, to goe among the common sort as a liuery horse.

Andár' in fréga, to goe a caterwalling.

Andár' in máschera, to goe a masking.

Andár palpegóne, to goe a groping.

Andár' in piccardía, to goe to be hanged.

Andár' in pẻllicciería, to goe to the racke.

Andár' in síncopi, to fall in a swoune.

Andár' in stiázzo, to goe a shifting.

Andár' in vólta, to goe rouing vp and downe.

Andár la rónda, to goe the round.

Andár méno, to goe lesse at Primero.

Andár péna, a forfeiture or paine to goe vpon it.

Andár pẻr il móndo, to wander, to trauell vp and downe the world.

Andár raméngo, to goe wandring.

Andár tapinándo, to goe a begging.

Andár tentóne, to goe groping.

Andár vuóto, to misse of purpose.

Andáta, a going, a walking, a waifaring iourney. Also a departure.

Andatóre, a goer, a wender.

Andatúra, a going or manner of going.

Ándi, as Váda, to let him or her goe.

Andiriuiéni, a pasport to goe and come. Also as Fagioláta.

Andiueníre, to goe and come to and fro.

Andiuiéni, goings and commings to and fro.

Ándito, a going, a way, an entry, a passage, an access vnto. Also a porch or portall.

Ándo, a rising hill that hath neither dale nor vally about it.

Andrachnéno, as Arachnéno.

Andragóne, a manly woman, a virago.


ANE   Andríno, a iadish blacke horse.

Ándrio, a kind of venemous serpent.

Androdáma, as Andrománte.

Androdamánte, as Andrománte.

Androgíno, one of both sexes and kinds, both man and woman.

Andromáda, as Andrománte.

Andrománte, a precious stone, hard and ponderous, bright like siluer, which it drawes vnto it as the adament doth iron, some take it for a bloodstone.

Andrómeda, a certaine signe in heauen.

Andróna, an entry or space between two walles as a passage. Also a chamber for houshold men seruants. Also a priuy, a sinke or sew for water. Also a narrow lane, or straight ally.

Andrónica, the vertue, fortitude of mind.

Andrónico, stout and stedfast of courage.

Androsáce, a white hearb, growing in the sea, without leaues, with greene huskes in the tufts.

Androsémo, Saint Iohns wort, or Tutsane, with which if you touch your hands it dies them as it were with blood.

Androsemóne, as Androsémo.

Anebbiáre, as Annebbiáre.

Ánedra, any kind of ducke.

Anegliáre, to rarifie or make thin.

Anelatióne, a respiration, a breathing.

Anelitáre, to breath, to pant, to respire.

Anelíto, naturall respiration.

Anẻlla, all manner of rings.

Anẻlláre, to ring, or put on rings.

Anẻlláro, a ring maker.

Anẻllétti, little rings.

Anẻlli, rings or links of chaines.

Anẻlliére, a ring maker.

Anẻllo, any kind of ring.

Anẻllo da bólla, a seale ring.

Anemóne, or Anemónia, Rosepersly, windflowre, Coquelourds, Passeuolors, some take it for wild Poppy, and others for the gentle thistle.

Ánera, any kind of ducke.

Anéro, with blacke or mourning weeds.

Anéto, Anétho, the hearb Dill or Anet.

Ánetra, Ánitra, a duck.

Anfanaménti, foolish rauings or vanities.

Anfanáre, to raue, to loiter idly.

Anfanatóre, a rauer, a foolish loitrer.

Anfaníe, as Anfanaménti.

Anfibología, as Amphibología.

Anfibológico, as Amphibológico.

Anfisbéna, a venemous serpent with two heads one before, and another in his taile.

Anfíscij, as Amphíscij.

Anfitáno, a stone of the vertue of the Adamant, and makes gold to grow in quantity.

ANG   Anfitríte, as Amphitríte.

Ánfora, as Ámphora.

Anfodẻllo, the Affodill or Daffodill flowre.

Anfrángere, frángo, fránsi, fránto, to breake or frush.

Anfránto, broken, or frushed.

Anfrosíno, a dissembling puritane, a saint seeming man.

Anfuságlia, base people, common as spindles.

Angaráio, an imposer of taxes or toles.

Angareggiáre, as Angariáre.

Angariáre, to tax, to oppresse with taxes.

Angaríe, taxes, toles, impositions, imposts.

Ánge, a kind of water snake. Also vexeth.

Angelésco, angell like, angelicall.

Angelétto, a little Angell.

Angellótto, a great Angell, a coine.

Angẻlica, the hearb Angelica, Angelicall.

Angelíno, a kind of drinking glasse. Also a little drinking glasse.

Ángelo, an Angell.

Angelúzzo, a poore, little orphane Angell.

Ángere, ángo, ánsi, ánto, to vex, to molest, to grieue, to fret, to anguish, to smart.

Angeróna, the Goddesse of silence.

Anghiórno, a certaine little bird.

Anghiróne, a hearon.

Angiolíni, sp. as Pálle inramáte.

Angiolíno, a little Angell.

Angína, a squinancy in the throat. Also Dodder or with wind.

Ángio, vsed for Ánzi.

Angióne, an angle, a corner, a nooke.

Angipórto, a narrow lane or ally with one entrance, and many windings.

Ánglio, a bile, a blane, a sore bunch.

Angoẻlla, as Anguẻlla.

Angoláre, cornered. Also to corner.

Ángolo, an angle, a corner, a nooke.

Angolóso, angled, full of corners.

Angonára, a clue or bottom of yarne.

Angonía, as Angóscia.

Angoniáre, as Angosciáre.

Angonióso, as Angoscióso.

Angonizzánte, as Agonizzánte.

Angonizzáre, as Agonizzáre.

Angóre, an anguish in the throate with choking and stifling.

Angóscia, anguish, agony, hearts trembling.

Angosciáre, to anguish, or be in agony.

Angoscióso, full of anguish or agony.

Ángra, a nooke, an angle, a baye.

Ángue, a snake, or an adder.

Anguẻllo, a fish in Latine Lauaronis.

Anguettáre, to wriggle as a snake.

Anguílla, an Eele or Eelepond.

Anguináglia, as Anguináia.

ANI   Anguináia, the groine or inside of the thigh. Also a disease or rupture in that place. Also a disease in the inside of a horses hinder legs.

Anguíno, snake kind, snake wise.

Anguistára, a glasse with a winding necke.

Anguláre, angular, cornered.

Ángulo, an angle, a nooke, a corner.

Angulóso, angled, full of corners.

Angúria, a kind of cucumber good to eat raw.

Angusẻlla, as Angusígola.

Angusígola, a needle fish, a horne fish. Also a needle or sharpe pin.

Angústia, straitnesse, narrownesse.

Angustiáre, to straiten, to pinch, to bring to a narrow passe.

Angustióso, full of straitnesse, or narrownesse. Also pinching or full of anguish.

Anheláre, to pant or fetch wind with paine. Also to aspire or gape after earnestly.

Anhelánti cáni, dogs out of breath and panting. Also embost as a weary Deare.

Anhelatióne, panting, painfull respiration.

Anhelitáre, as Anheláre.

Anhelitánte, as Anhelánte.

Anhélo, panting or shortnesse of breath.

Ánice, Aniseed.

Anichilábile, that may be disanulled.

Anichiláre, to disanull or bring to nothing.

Anichilatióne, a disanulling.

Ánici, as Ánisi.

Anidáre, to nest, to roost, to nuzzle.

Anidiáre, as Anidáre.

Ánidro, the hearb mad or raging night-shade.

Aniẻllo, the swiuell of a chaine. Also a steele to strike fire.

Anientíre, tísco, títo, to bring to nothing.

Aníle, of or pertaining to old age.

Anilíta, old doting age.

Ánima, the soule of mankind. Also the core or kernell of any fruit. Also a cuirace or brestplate, so called because it armeth the heart.

Ánima dẻlla cámmera, the hollow, or cilinder of any peece of ordinance.

Ánima dẻlla cánna, idem.

Ánima dẻl pẻzzo, idem.

Ánima di créta, a long bar of iron luted with clay set vpright in the mold wherein ordinance is cast, called by our gunners the Niuell or Niwell, which formes the hollow or cilinder of the peece.

Ánima di fẻrro, a bar or croe of iron that gunners vse in great peeces to put into or through the axeltree to strengthen [29] the same in the cariage.

ANI   Animaduẻrtere, vẻrto, vẻrsi, vẻrso, to heed, to consider, to mind, to regard.

Animaduẻrsióne, heed, consideration, mindfulnesse, regard.

Animaláccio, any filthy creature.

Animále, any liuing or breathing creature. Also the breathing or vitall part of any body.

Animále sentácchio, a sitting, squatting, cowring or groueling creature.

Animalità, the life, the essence or spirit of any liuing creature.

Animalménte, of or belonging to a liuing creature, animally, or soulelike.

Animánte, breathing or hauing a soule.

Animánti, all manner of liuing or breathing creatures.

Animáre, to ensoule, to giue soule or life vnto. Also to animate or encourage.

Animástico, that concerneth the soule.

Animatióne, an ensouling or giuing life vnto. Also an animating.

Animáto, created with or hauing a soule. Also animated or encouraged. Also hardy and bold.

Animauuẻrtere, as Animaduẻrtere.

Animauuẻrsióne, as Animaduẻrsióne.

Animẻlla, the kernell of any nut or stone.

Animẻlla, the bellowes of a pump.

Animẻlla di vitẻllo, the burre or sweet-bread of a Calfe. Vsed also for a Calfes chaudron, because it is full of kernels.

Animétta, a little pretty soule.

Animétto, a little silly minde or courage.

Ánimo, a minde, a spirit, or courage.

Animosità, courage, hardinesse, stoutnesse. Also selfe conceite or selfe opinion.

Animóso, hardy, spiritefull, couragious.

Animúccia, a poore wretched soule.

Aníppa, a tree from which distilleth a certaine water that in Pegu they drinke instead of wine.

Anír, or Aníre, some kind of drug.

Ánisi, Ániso, the hearb or seed Anise. Also Anise comfits.

Anístro, a kind of garmed mentioned by Celius.

Anitiáne, a kind of preseruing peares.

Ánitra, a ducke. Also a wigin. Also a barnicle hanging vpon old ships.

Anitráro, a keeper or seller of duckes.

Anitrẻlla, a ducklin. Also a teale.

Anítrio, the neighing of a horse.

Anitríre, trísco, tríto, to neigh as a horse.

Anitrócolo, a ducklin, or yong drake.

A niún cónto, by no meanes, no way.

A niún módo, by no meanes, no way.

Ánna, as Ána.

Annacquáre, as Anaffiáre.

ANN   Annaffiáre, as Anaffiáre.

Annaffiatóio, a garden, or watering pot.

Annále, yeerly, annuall.

Annáli, annales, histories of yeeres.

Annalísta, a writer of annalls.

Annalménte, annually, yeerly.

Annarinóne, the hearb Calues-snout.

Annasáre, to smell or sent vnto.

Annáre, hath been vsed for Andáre, to goe.

Annaspaménto, a reeling or winding vp.

Annaspáre, to reele or wind yarne.

Annáta, a yeeres season, time, profit, rents, fruits or gouernment.

Annatomía, an anathomy.

Annatomista, an anatomist.

Annatomizzáre, to anatomize.

Annebbiáre, to bemist, to grow foggy, to be ouercast with clouds. Also to blast fruits.

Annebbiatíno, a smug, spruce, effeminate, sweet smelling minion.

Annegáre, to drowne or stifle in water.

Annegatíccio, drownable, sinking.

Anneghitíre, tísco, títo, to make or become idle, slothfull or lazie.

Anneggiáre, as Annegáre.

Annegráre, to make or become blacke.

Annegríre, grísco, gríto, as Annegráre.

Annẻlláre, to ring, to circle. Also to curle or frizle.

Annẻlla, rings, or linkes of chaines.

Annẻlláti críni, curled or frizled haires.

Annẻlle, thin plates of iron made like rings, called of our gunners washers, they serue to keepe the pin of the axle-tree from wearing the naue.

Annellẻtti, all manner of little rings.

Annẻllo, any manner of ring.

Annẻllóni, great rings whereunto ropes are fastned to draw artillery.

Annembáre, to ouer cloud, to bemist.

Annembáto tẻmpo, ouerclowded weather.

Anneráre, to make or become blacke.

Anneraménto, a making or becomming blacke.

Anneríre, rísco, ríto, as Anneráre.

Annẻssáre, to annex or adde vnto.

Annẻssióne, an annexing or adding vnto.

Annẻsso, annexed or added vnto.

Annẻstáre, to engraffe or insert.

Annẻstatióne, an engraffing.

Annẻstatóre, an engraffer, a graffer.

Annettáre, to make cleane or neat.

Anneuáre, to ensnow, to fill with snow.

Ánni, yeeres, twelue months.

Annicchiáre, to neigh for ioy as horses when they meet with another horse or mare. Also as Rannicchiáre.

Annichilábile, that may be disannulled.

ANN   Annichiláre, to annull or bring to nothing.

Annichilársi, for a man to humble or abase himselfe lowly.

Annichilatióne, a disanulling.

Annícolo, a yeerling, of one yeere.

Annidáre, to nest, to roost, to nuzle.

Annidiáre, as Annidáre.

Annído, a nest, a shroud, a shelter.

Anniegáre, to drowne or be drowned.

Annífero, bearing euery yeere.

Annighitíre, tísco, títo, as Impigríre.

Annihiláre, to bring to nothing.

Annihilábile, that may be disanulled.

Annihilatióne, a disanulling.

Annitríre, trísco, tríto, to neigh as a horse.

Anniversário, from yeere to yeere, downe euery yeere at a certaine time.

Ánno, a yeere, a twelue month.

Annoále, yeerly, annuall.

Annobilíre, lísco, líto, to ennoble.

Annobilitáre, to make noble.

Ánnocisi, as Ci si hánno, there are had.

Annodáre, to ty vnto with knots.

Annodatúra, a knotting.

Ánno dómini, the yeere of our Lord.

Annóia, annoy, tediousnesse.

Annoiánza, annoiance, irksomnesse.

Annoiáre, to annoy, to molest.

Annoláre, as Noláre.

Annolíno, as Annícolo. Also a bird.

Annóna, prouision of corne and other sustenance for the whole yeere.

Annontiáre, as Annuntiáre.

Annontiatióne, as Annuntiáta.

Annontiáta, as Annuntiáta.

Annóntio, as Annúntio.

Annóso, aged, full of yeeres.

Annotáre, to note, to marke.

Annotatióne, an annotation, or noting.

Annottáre, to darken or grow night.

Annouále, yeerly, annuall.

Annoueráre, to number, to tell, to count.

Annoueratióne, a numeration.

Annoueréuole, numerable.

Annuále, yeerly, annuall.

Annualménte, annually, yeerly.

Annubiláre, to mist or ouerclowd.

Annubilatióne, an ouerclowding.

Annubilóso, clowdy, misty, foggy.

Annullábile, disanullable.

Annullaménto, a disanulling.

Annulláre, to disanull, to frustrate.

Annulláre, circular, round as a ring.

Annullatióne, a disanulling.

Annullíre, lísco, líto, as Annulláre.

Annulità, as Nullità.

Annumeráre, to number, to count, to tell.

Annuntiáre, to anounce or deliuer in message vnto, to bring glad tidings.

Annuntiáta, the annuntiation or our Lady day in Lent, a glad tiding.


ANS   Annuntiatióne, as Annuntiáta.

Annuntiatóre, a denouncer, a messenger, a bringer of glad tidings.

Annúntio, a message or embassage, a tidings.

Ánnuo, annuall, yeerely.

Áno, a mans fundament or bum.

Anódide, Restharow, or Pettiewhin.

Anodíni, medicines which prouoking sleepe put away paine and griefe.

A nóia hauére, to loath or be weary of.

Anoláre, to hire as a horse or ship.

A nólo, at hire, or hired.

Anomále, without rule, irregulare.

A nóme altrúi, in the name of others.

A nóna, at noone, about midday.

A non cále, A non calénte, as A non calére.

A non calére, at naught, carelesly.

Anóni, Restharow or Pettiewhin.

Anónimo, namelesse. Also Bugle or Self-heale.

Anormále, orderlesse, irregulare.

Anotáre, to note or make.

Anotatióne, a note or annotation.

Anphiscij as Amphiscij.

Ánsa, scope, liberty, a far extent.

Ansáre, to pant, to gaspe, to breath. Also to toyle and moile with labour and care. Also to long or desire till one be out of breath.

Ansatióne, a purcinesse or shortnesse of breath. Also a disease in the lungs of a horse.

Ansciáre as Ansáre.

Ansegnáre, to teach, to instruct.

Ánsera, a goose.

Ánsero, a gander.

Ánsia as Ansietà.

Ansiáre, as Ansáre.

Ansietà, anxiety, curiosity, a longing desire, a sorrowing care.

Ánsima, a bird that braieth as an Asse with three feathers in his wings like hornes and one on his head with which he defendeth himselfe from wilde beastes, being so great and heauy that he cannot flie.

Ánsio, Ánscio, as Ansióso.

Ansióso, anxious, curious, carefully, sorowfull, doubtfully, longing.

Ánta, an addition to euery tenth number above thirty, as Quaránta, Cinquánta, Sessánta, &c. as we say she is in hir tenees, so say the Italians she is in hir Anta.

Antacháte, a kind of Agath-stone.

Antagonísta, an opposite or one that encounters an aduersary.

Antálio, a shrube bearing a fruit like a Medlar.

Antáno, a kinde of tree growing in fenny places good for nothing.

Antártico, the antartike pole.

Ánte, before, rather, sooner, and much vsed in compositions of words. Also a wilde beast in India as big as an Asse with round eares and nether lipt like a trumpet, which is neuer seene to goe but by night.

ANT   Antecedẻnte, an antecedent. Also going before.

Antecedẻnza, antecedency, priority, precedency.

Antecédere, cédo, cẻssi, cẻsso, cedúto, to proceed, to goe or take place before.

Antecellẻnte, fore excellent, excelling al.

Antecessóre, a predecessor, a foregoer.

Antecóre, a griping or pinching at the heart. Also a disease in a horses brest.

Antecúra, a care before hand.

Antedétto, foresaid. Also a foresaying.

Anteláus, a monsterous beast with great hornes and so sharpe that it will saw and cut downe any tree with them.

Antelucáno, before breake of day.

Antelúcere, lúco, lucéi, luciúto, to foreshine.

Anteméttere, métto, mísi, mésso, to put or place before.

Antenáscere, násco, nácqui, náto, to be borne before.

Antenáti, forefathers, progenitors, ancestors, predecessors.

Anténna, the maine or saile yard of a ship. Also a long pole or great speare.

Antenóti as Pederétti.

Antepassáti as Antenáti.

Antepásto as Antipásto.

Antepenúltimo, last sauing two.

Antephitheátro, an Amphitheater.

Antepónere, póngo, pósi, pósto, to set or put before, to prefer.

Anteproueníre, vẻngo, vẻnni, venúto, to come beforehand, to preuent.

Antéride, a buttres, a post or prop to shore or vnder set any thing.

Anterióre, former or foregoing.

Anteriorità, priority, for ranke, antecedency.

Anteróti, a kind of bright Amatist-stone.

Antesignáni, those that goe next before the standard or banner to fight and defend it.

Antesignáno, chiefe or principall.

Anteueníre, as Anteproueníre.

Anteuenúto, come before preuented.

Anthálio, as Antherísco.

Anthedóni, a kinde of great Medlers.

Anthẻa as Ántia.

Anthéma, an Anthem sung in a Church.

Anthémo, a kind of gentle thistle. Also Camomill.

Ánthera, a kind of medicinable composition.

Anthericóne, the stem of Asphodelo, good to eat.

ANT   Antherísco, Cheruill or sheapheards needle.

Anthía as Antía.

Anthíno méle, Flower, hony.

Ántho, a bird, enemy to the bird Egitho.

Anthrísco as Antheriscóne.

Ánti, as the word Ante, before, sooner, or rather, as Anticámera, afore chamber. Also a greeke word vsed much in composition signifying against or contrariety, as Antichrísto.

Antía, a kind of broad flat fish very subtill and wary, and neigheth as a horse.

Antiáde as Amiddáli.

Antianità, ancientnesse, seniority.

Antiáno, an ancient, a senior, an Alderman.

Antibáchio, a foote of a verse of three silables the two first long and the last short.

Antíca, that part that is toward the East.

Anticáglie, antiquities, old monuments.

Anticaménte, anciently, of old of yore.

Anticámera, an outward chamber.

Anticáre, to make or become ancient. Also to settle in a place.

Anticáro, Anticáio, an Antiquary.

Anticategoría, pleading when one accuseth the other.

Anticáto, setled, antiquated.

Anticatóni, bookes against Cato.

Anticépho, head against head.

Anticédere as Antecédere.

Anticessóre as Antecessóre.

Antíchi, elders, ancients, ancestors.

Antichissimaménte, most anciently.

Antichità, antiquity ancientnesse.

Antichristianità, Antichristianity.

Antichrísto, contrary to Christ.

Antichthóna, ground against ground.

Anticipáre, to anticipat, to preuent, to supplant.

Anticipataménte, preuentingly, supplantingly, by way of anticipation.

Anticipatióne, anticipation, preuention, supplanting.

Anticipatóre, a preuenter, a supplanter.

Anticiricóne, a graine called Sesamoide.

Anticiróne as Anticiricóne.

Antíca, ancient, old, Senior, aged.

Antícoli as Antiési.

Anticórrere, to fore-run.

Anticorritóre, a forerunner.

Antictóna, any part of the earth that is directly one against the other an opposite.

Antictóni, people dwelling on the earth directly against vs where euer we be.


ANT   Anticuóre, as Antecóre.

Antidispositióne, an antidisposition, or precedent inclination.

Antídoto, an antidote or counterpoison.

Antiéne, a kind of lasting peares.

Antiési, those that dwell vnder one halfe Meridian and Paralell of like distance from the Equator, the one Northward the other Southward.

Antifána, an Anthem in the Church.

Antifáte, a kind of blacke stone.

Antífrasi, a figure where a word hath a contrary meaning.

Antigonísta, as Antagonísta.

Antigrádo, a fore-step.

Antiguárdia, a vangard or foreward.

Antilegoména, all manner of contradictions. Also flowre gatherings.

Antilésina, the art of spending, and that is contrary to thriuing.

Antilesinánte, a spendthrift, a wast good.

Antílli, an hearb like to Lentils.

Antíllida, idem.

Antillióne, idem.

Antilogía, contradiction, gainsaying.

Antiméttere, as Anteméttere.

Antimónio, the mineral Antimonium. Also as Larbasóne.

Antimurále, a forewall, a parapet.

Antimuráre, to counterskarfe.

Antimúro, a forewall, a counterskarfe.

Antinepóte, a great grand child or nephew.

Antinomía, a repugnance between two lawes.

Antipásto, any thing serued in or eaten first to prouoke appetite.

Antipáte, a kind of black stone.

Antipathía, a contrariety in naturall qualities.

Antipathizzáre, to be contrary in naturall qualities.

Antiperistasía, a repulsion on euery part, whereby anything is made more strong in it selfe, by the restraining of the contrary.

Antipẻtto, a stomacher. Also as Anticóne.

Antiphóna, an anthem sung in a church.

Antípodi, the Antipodes vnder vs.

Antipórta, a fore dore or gate.

Antipórto, a porch or a portall.

Antiquáglie, as Anticáglie.

Antiquáre, as Anticáre.

Antiquário, an antiquary.

Antiquáto, as Anticáto.

Antiquità, antiquity, oldnesse.

Antíquo, ancient, eld, old.

Antiquóri, some part of a ship.

Antiracíno, as Antracíno.

Antirríno, as Antirrinóne.

Antirrinóne, an hearb which a scorpion seeing he looseth his venome and becommeth senselesse, some take it for Calues snout or Muzle.

ANT   Antisapére, to fore know.

Antisapiẻnza, fore knowledge.

Antiscordóne, a kind of garlicke.

Antisimíte, a figure in rethoricke.

Antisophísta, an aduers sophister.

Antispási, a turning to the contrary way.

Antispódo, a kind of physicke or any thing mixt with spodium or hauing the faculty of it.

Antísta, a prelate, a president ouer sacred things, one excelling others.

Antístite, as Antísta.

Antithẻsi, a figure in rethoricke opposing one contrary against another.

Antítosi, a figure when one case stands for another.

Antitrinárij, heretickes that deuide the holy trinity.

Antitrinitárij, idem.

Antiuedére, to foresee.

Antiuediménto, foresight.

Antiuedúto, foreseen, a foreseeing man.

Antiuísto, foreseen.

Antiueníre, to preuent or come before.

Antócci, as Antiési.

Antomáta, one that changeth from one kind to another.

Antonomáde, as Antomáta.

Antonomasía, a word that without setting downe any proper name, yet some proper name shall be vnderstood, as by Arma virumque cano, AEneas is vnderstood.

Antonomía, the changing from one shape to another to be sometimes of one kind and sometimes of another, as silke-wormes and such like.

Antóra, the helmet flowre or Monkes-hood.

Antracíno, cole blacke.

Antracítide, a stone wherein seeme to be sparkes of fire, cast water on it, it kindleth, put it in the fire, it quencheth. Also a kind of blacke bloodstone.

Antrióne, the north part of the world. Also the North wind.

Ántro, a caue, a den, a hole, a cauerne.

Antropofágo, an eater of men.

Antropográfo, a describer of men.

Antropomorfíti, men that thought God to have humane shape and lims.

Antróso, full of holes, dens or cauernes.

Anúbe, the name of a God among the Egyptians.

Anugále, the hearb Pimpernell.

Anuláre, any ones little finger. Also a white mixt with carnation that painters vse.

A nuólo, at hire as an hired horse.

A nuóto, swimming, by swimming.

Ánza, a kind of water snake.

AOR   Anzáre, as Ansáre.

Ánzi, rather, sooner, but.

Anziáno, as Antiáno.

Anzianità, as Antianíta.

Ánzi chè, rather then, sooner then.

Ánzi chè lontáno, neere not far of.

Ánzi chè nò, rather so then not.

Ánzi più, rather more.

Ánzi púre, rather so then not.

Ánzolo, that part of a bell whereto the clapper hangeth. Also the name of a small saile in a ship.

A occhiétti, with maile or oylet holes.

A ócchio, by sight, looke Annestáre.

A ogni guísa, howsoeuer, euery way.

A ogni módo, euery manner of way.

A ogni pátto, howsoeuer euery way.

A ólio, wrought in oile, oile worke.

Aombráre, to shadow. Also to start as a horse.

A óncia, by ounces, by retaile.

Aonciáre, to weigh by ounces or inches.

Aondáre, to waue.

A ónde, made wauing, wauy, or ondy.

Aonestáre, to make honest.

Aonghiáre, to catch with ones nailes. Also to tip with horne.

A ónta, in spite, or disgrace.

Aontáre, as Adontàre.

Aontáto, wronged dispighted.

Aoperáre, as Adoperáre.

A orécchio téso, attentiuely.

Aornẻllo, a wild Ash-tree.

Aórno, birdlesse, without birds.

Aórta, the chiefest artery in any creature, the root whereof is fastened to the gristle-bone in the heart, it is called the mother of all arteries.

Aórza, sailing with a quarter winde.

Aorzáre, to saile with a quarter wind.

A ótto, put to any day it makes it that day senight. Lunedì a ótto.

Apacciáre, to patch or fasten together.

Apáce, the hearbe Dent de chion, Dogstooth or Quoich. Also a kind of gentle thistle.

Apaiáre, to paire or couple together.

A páli, paly in armoury.

Apallattáre, to rowle or run away roundly, vsed properly of a drunken mans tongue that neuer standeth still.

A panciólle, merily, hold belly hold.

A paragóne, in comparison or respect.

Apareggiáre, to equall to match.

Apariẻnza, as Appariscẻnza.

Aparíne, Goosegrasse or Erith.

A páro, equaly euenhand. Also in comparison or respect. Also as Aparuólo.

A páro a páro, euenhand. Also by paines.

Apartáre as Appartáre.

A párte, seuerally, a part. Also sharing.


APE   A párte a párte, part by part.

Apartenẻnte, appertaining, belonging.

Apartenẻntia, an apurtenance.

Apartenére, tẻngo, ténui, tenúto, to appertaine or belong vnto.

Apártia, the North-winde.

Apartíte, partie in armorie, as partie per pale, per fess, per chief, per saltier, per bend, &c.

A partíte di bénda, partie per bend.

A partíte di cróce, partie per saltier.

A partíte di fáscie, partie per fesse.

A partíte di páli, partie per pale.

A partíte di sópra, parted in chiefe.

A partíto, put to voices, or in question.

Aparuólo, a bee-keeper. Also a greene bird with some red feathers, who feeds on bees called a Moodwall.

A pásso lénto, with a slow pace.

A pásso, by steps, by paces.

Apáthi, men without affection, neuer laughing, neuer sorrowing, but euer of one countenance.

Apathía, wanting or voidnesse of affection.

Apático, one that hath a weake liuer.

A pátti, vpon bargaine or couenant.

A pátto verúno, vpon no condition.

Ápe, a bee. Ápi, bees.

Apeciáre, to bepitch, to marke with pitch.

A pẻggio, at or to the worst.

Apelióte, the Easter wind.

Apẻlli, circumcised.

A pélo, euen, leuell, by the haire.

A péna, vpon paine or forfeiture. Also scarcely, hardly, vnneth, scantly.

Apenáre, to paine or put to paine.

Apẻndiare, to bend or hang downeward.

Apẻndio, Apẻndo, downe-hanging.

A penẻllo, curiously, exquisitely, by line and measure as done or drawen with pensell.

Aperiménto, an opening, an ouerture.

Aperíre, as Apríre.

A pẻrpendículo, downe right or leuell.

Aperitíuo, opening or soluble in operation.

A pẻrpẻtuo, in perpetuitie.

Apẻrsióne, a share, a portion, a partition.

Apẻrta, as Apẻrtúra.

Apẻrtíssimo, most open, most manifest.

Apẻrto, open, opened. Also a man burst.

Apẻrtúra, an opening, an ouerture, a gap. Also a breach made by assualt. Also a leake in a ship. Also a bursting of a mans cods.

A pésce spína, a kinde of worke called hearing-bone.

A péso traboccánte, full or downe waight.

Apetẻnza, a greedie desiring or coueting.

Apétere, péto, petéi, petúto, to long for, or haue an appetite vnto, to couet, or wish for.

APH   Apetíbile, to be wished or longed for.

Apetíre, tísco, títo, as Apétere.

Apetitéuole, as Apetitíuo.

A petitióne, at the request or instance.

Apetitiuaménte, with a good appetite.

Apetitíuo, sauorie, pleasing the appetite.

Apetíto, a stomake or an appetite.

Apetitóso, that hath an appetite.

Apẻttáre, to fasten or cling vnto. Also when a horse doth carie his head so low that he toucheth his breast with it. Also to breast or bosome vnto.

A pẻtto, in comparison, in respect. Also a pursinesse or shortnesse of breath or winde. Also front to front or right ouer against.

A pẻtto a pẻtto, front, breast to breast.

A pẻzza, a while since.

Apẻzzáre, to piece vnto.

A pẻzzo, by pieces.

A pẻzzo a pẻzzo, piece by piece.

Apháce, as Apáce.

Apharáce, a tree like Arachnen that beareth twice a yeare.

Apheréma, the coursest starch floure.

Apherési, a figure that taketh a letter or syllable from the beginning of a word.

Áphia, a kinde of great sea fish.

Áphro, a kind of wild Poppie.

Aphorísmo, a generall rule or prescription or position in Phisicke. Also a briefe document or sentence.

Aphro di siáce, a stone red and white.

Aphronítro, the fome of Saltpeter.

Aphroscorodóne, a kind of Garelyke.

Ápi, all manner of bees.

A piacére, at pleasure. Also pleasure.

A piaciménto, at will and pleasure.

A piána víte, a kind of vine.

A pián piáno, very slowly and softly.

Apiaría, a place where bees are kept. Also the trade of keeping bees and making of hony.

A pián pásso, with a slow pace.

Apiástra, as Apáruolo.

A piástra armáto, armed at all assaies.

Apiástro, the hearb Balme, or Balme gentle. Also the wild Ach.

Apiáte, resembling bees or flies.

Apíbre, a kind of wild Boeuf or Oxe.

Apibúe, a strange beast of some Pagans deemed a Prophet and adored as a God.

Apicciáre, as Appicciáre.

Apíce, a teg or sheepe with a little head and wooll vnder it's belly. Also a place where one setteth his foot. Also a foot-stoole.

A pícco, adv. hewen or pect as milstones are with hammers.

A piè, A piédi, on foot. Also at the foot. Also neere vnto or hard by.

API   A piéde asciútto, dry-footed.

A piédi d'óca, as the foot of a goose.

A piéne véle, with full spred sailes.

A piéno, at full, fully, throughly.

A piéno arbítrio, at full free will.

A pién pópolo, in view of all men.

A piè núdo, bare footed on bare feet.

A piè sciútto, dry foot.

A piè smontáre, to light on foot.

Apífero, bee-bringing or bee bearing.

Apigionáre, to farme, to rent, to demise.

A pigióne, at rent, in farme, to hire.

Apihuólo, a silly gull, a foolish noddy.

Apilásco, gold ore punned an beaten in morters before it can be molten.

Apilottáre, as Appilottáre.

Ápio, as Áppio.

Apiólo, a kind of green apple.

A piombíno, leuell, by line and measure.

A piómbo, downe right, perpendicular.

A pirámidi, Pily in armory.

Apirinóne, a kind of Pomegranate.

Apirócolo, absurd, vnexperienced.

Apiróne, vnrefined gold ore. Also Sulpher-vis or quicke brimstone.

Apiróto, a Ruby or Carbunkle stone.

Apísso, a blacke stone pointed with blew veines, which once heated keeps his heat seauen daies after.

Apitacóre, a tree that beareth Amber.

A più módi, many manner or waies.

A più non pósso, with might and maine.

A più potére, with all might and maine.

A più tẻmpo, with more time and leasure.

A plácito, at will and pleasure.

Apláudere, as Appláudere.

Apláuso, as Appláuso.

Aplísie, a kind of course rugged spunge.

Apocalíssi, a reuelation or a vision.

Apocalíttico, that speaketh of visions.

Apocíno, a kind of hearb or weed.

Apocinóne, a certaine bone that represseth the fury of mad dogs.

A póco, by little, within a little.

A póco a póco, by little and little.

Apócopa, an abridging of the last letter or sillable of a word.

Apocopáre, to cut of the last sillable or letter of a word.

Apócopo, vsed for a man gelded.

Apócrifa, a thing hidden, the originall whereof is not knowen.

Apóda, a kind of Martinet without feet.

Apogẻi, winds rising out of the ground.

Apogẻo, that point of heauen wherein the Sunne or any other planet is furthest from the center of the earth.

Apoglicármi, a disease in the gums or teeth.

Apográfo, a copy, a draught, or extract.

Apolétto, the greatest kind of the Tunny. Also a piece of Tunny sold in the market.


APO   Apolinári, the hearb Henbane.

Apología, an excuse or purgation.

Apólogo, a tale or lesson for good maners.

Apóna, a medicine helping without paine.

Apophiáde, certaine strings hanging to the entrailes.

Apophísi, that part of a bone which the Anatomists call the prousses.

Apoplẻssía, an vnsensiblenesse or numnesse, an apoplexy, a taking away of mouing, breathing and feeling.

Apoplẻtica véna, the veine to be opened in an apoplexy, but whether of the tongue, or nose, or iugular, or head veine in the arme, or in the ankle, is a question.

Apoplẻtico, one subiect to apoplexies.

Aporogíe, certaine impressions in the aire, falling or shooting of stars.

Apossessionáre, to empossesse.

A pósta, for the nonce, expresly.

A pósta fátta, of set purpose or apointment.

Apostataménte, of purpose set a part.

Apostáre, as Appostáre.

Apostasía, a backesliding, or reuolting from one religion to another.

Apóstata, a renouncer of his religion.

Apostatáre, to abiure ones religion.

Apostẻma, an impostume.

Apostẻmáre, to impostumate.

Aposteparnísmo, a cutting away of a bone with a wound.

Aposticciáre, to counterfait by art.

A postíccio, counterfait, made by Art.

Apostoláto, an Apostleship.

Apostólico, Apostle-like, Apostolicall.

Apostolizzáre, to preach, or play the Apostle.

Apóstolo, an Apostle.

Apóstrophe, Apóstrofe, a signe denoting the taking away the last or first vowell of a word. Also a figure in speech as when one conuerteth his speach from one partie to another, as from the present to the absent.

Apostrofáre, looke Apóstrofe.

Apotéca, any kind of shop.

Apotecário, of or belonging to a shop.

Apotecáro, a shop-keeper.

Apotẻgma, a short or wittie sentence.

Apotelẻsma, a calculation or declaration of the starres at ones natiuitie.

Apotheósi, a canonization, or consecration.

Apotósi, a disease when the haires about ones body fall and shed.

Appaciaménto, an appasing.

Appaciáre, to appease, to pacifie.

Appaciéuole, that may be appeased.

Appadulaménto, an enmarishing.

Appaduláre, as Impaludáre.

Appagáre, to appay, to content, to satisfie.

APP   Appágo, appaide, content, satisfied.

Appaiáre, to paire, to couple vnto.

Appalesáre, to reueale, to manifest.

Appalottoláre, to make or reduce into round balls. Also to clam or sticke close vnto.

Appaltaménto, a farming, a demising.

Appaltáre, to farme, to demise.

Appaltatóre, a farmer or renter.

Appaltaruólo, idem.

Appálto, a demise, a fee farming.

Appaludaménto, an enmarishing.

Appaludáre, as Impaludáre.

Appamóndo, the map of the world.

Appannáre, to stop or dim the light. Also to couer or cloke with clothes.

Appannáte, drawing bord windowes.

Appannatótto, pampred, well fed, plum fat.

Apparaménto, any making ready. Also as Apparáto.

Apparáre, to learne. Also as Apparecchiáre.

Apparáre sénno, to learne wit.

Apparáto, learned. Also prepared.

Apparáto, a preparation, a garnishment. Also any abillment of war.

Apparecchiaménto, a preparing, or making ready.

Apparecchiáre, to prepare, to dight, to set in order. Also to couer or lay the bord.

Apparécchio, a preparing, a dighting or making ready.

Appareggiáre, to equall, to match.

Apparentáre, to ally by marriage.

Apparẻnte, apparant, manifest.

Apparẻnteménte, apparantly.

Apparẻntissimaménte, most apparently.

Apparẻnza, apparance, apparition.

Apparére, páro, pársi, párso, to appeare, to seeme vnto.

Appariménto, an appearing, a seeming.

Apparíre, rísco, ríto, to appeare.

Appariscẻnte, apparant, appearing. Also comely, seemly, of a good presence.

Appariscẻnza, apparance. Also an apparition or illusion. Also comelinesse or seemlinesse.

Apparitióne, an apparition.

Apparitóre, an apparitor, a peritor, a sumner. Also a catchpole, a beadle.

Apparitória, the hearb pelitory of the wall.

Apparsióne, an appearing or apparition.

Appartáre, to part, to withdraw apart.

Appartaménto, a diuidence, a separation.

Appartataménte, seuerally, apart.

Appartáto, parted, seuerall, a sunder.

Appartenẻnte, appertaining or belonging vnto.

Appartenẻnza, appurtenance, belonging.

APP   Appartenére, to belong, or pertaine vnto.

Appartíre, tísco, títo, as Appartáre.

Appassáre, to wither, to saere or fade away.

Appassionáre, to appassionate.

Appassíre, sísco, síto, as Appassáre.

Appastáre, to knead or make paste. Also to be paste. Also to lay in paste. Also to bait a hooke. Also to cram, to mew or fatten any poultry. Also to make clammy.

Appastáto cappóne, a crammed Capon.

Appatumáre, to appease or whosht vp. Also to patch or botch together.

Appẻllábile, that may be appealed.

Appẻllagióne, an appeale or a chalenge.

Appẻlláre, to appeale, to call, to chalenge.

Appẻllatióne, an appellation.

Appẻllatíuo, that may be appealed.

Appẻllo, an appeale, a chalenge.

Appẻndere, péndo, pési, pendúto, to hange on.

Appendíce, an appendix, a pent-house.

Appẻndio, sloping, downe-hanging.

Appensióne, a downe-hangin, a pent-howse.

Appẻrtenẻnte, pertaining, belonging vnto.

Appẻrtenẻnza, appurtenance, belonging.

Appẻrtenére, to pertaine and belong vnto.

Appestáre, to infect with contagion.

Appetẻnza as Apetẻnza.

Appetíbile as Apetíbile.

Appetíre as Apétere.

Appetitíuo as Apetitíuo.

Appetíto as Apetíto.

Appetitóso as Apetitóso.

Appettáre as Apettáre.

Appẻtto as A pẻtto.

Appeueráre, to season with pepper.

Appeueráta, a sauce or potage of pepper.

Áppia, a kinde of very good apple.

Appiacére, in sport, at pleasure.

Appianáre, to make plaine or leuill.

Appiáno, a colour vsed by Painters.

Appiastráre, as Appiastricciáre.

Appiastricciáre, to bedawbe, to beplaister, to belome. Also to clam or sticke together.

Appiattáre, to squat or lie downe flat.

Appiátto, squat, flat, close lurking.

Appiccáre, to hang, to fasten, to cleaue vnto.

Appiccárla a qualcúno, to fasten a iest vpon one, to make one swallow a gudgion.

Appiccatíccio, clammy, gluish, burrish.


APP   Appiccatúra, a fastening vnto, a hanging.

Appicciáre, to enkindle, to inflame. Also to pitch or settle in battell array.

Appicciár cámpo, to pitch a field.

Appiccioláre, to lessen or make little.

Appícco a fastening, a holdfast.

Appiè as A piè.

Appigionáre, as Apigionáre.

Appigióne as A pigióne.

Appigliáre, to take hold of.

Appigríre, to make or become slothfull.

Appilottáre, to binde, to fetter to manickle.

Áppio, Smallage. Also Parsley.

Áppio cauallíno, the hearbe Alisanders.

Áppio císca, wilde or horse-redish.

Appláudere, pláudo, pláusi, pláuso, to applaud or clap hands for ioy.

Applaudiménto, an applauding.

Appláuso, an applause or clapping of hands.

Applicábile, that may be applied.

Applicáre, to apply or refer vnto.

Applicatióne, an application.

Applúda, the chaffe of Panicke.

Áppo, by neare. Also in respect, in comparison. Also with or in.

Appoderáre, to giue might vnto.

Appodestáre, to giue authority vnto.

Appogáre, to stifle, to smother.

Appoggiáre, to leane vnto, to rest vpon.

Appoggiatóio, a stay or leaning prop.

Appóggio, a rest, a stay or leaning vpon.

Appoióso, leaning or staying vpon. Also a gull, a ninie, a silly foole.

Appónere, as Appórre.

Apponitóre, an obiecter, an imputer.

Appontáre as Appuntáre.

Appontaménto as Appuntaménto.

Appónto, point by point, pat, iumpt, in the nicke, euen, so iust.

Appoplẻssía as Apoplẻssía.

Appoplẻtico as Apoplẻtico.

Appopoláre, to people to store.

Appórre, póngo, pósi, pósto, to appone, to appose. Also to obiect, to impute or charge with. Also to hit or guesse a truth. Also to lay against.

Apportáre, to bring or bear vnto.

Apportatóre, a bringer or bearer vnto.

Appositióne, an apposing or laying against. Also a charge or imputation. Also a guessing of a truth.

Appositíuo, that which may be opposed, or laid vnto. Also supposed.

Appositíuo padre, a supposed father.

Appossessionáre, to empossesse.

Appósta as A pósta.

APP   Appostáre, to heede, to marke. Also to appoint or prefix.

Apposticciáre, as Aposticciáre.

Appostíccio pádre, a supposed father.

Appósto, apponed, laid vnto. Also guessed.

Appóstolo, an Apostle.

Appostúmo as Posthúmo.

Appozzáre, to plunge vnder water.

Appregiáre as Apprezzáre.

Appréndere, préndo, prési, préso, to learne. Also to take hold of, to apprehend.

Apprendiménto, a learning.

Apprenditóre, a learner an Apprentise.

Apprensióne, apprehension.

Apprensíua, apprehension or conceit.

Apprensíuo, apprehensiue.

Apprehéndere, to apprehend.

Apprehendiménto, an apprehending.

Apprehensióne, apprehension.

Apprehensíbile, that may be apprehended.

Apprehensíuo, apprehensiue.

Appresentáre, to present vnto.

Appréso, learned. Also taken hold of. Also crudled as soure milke.

Apprẻssaménto, an approaching.

Apprẻssáre, to approach or come neere.

Apprẻsso, by neere. Also after or behind. Also beside, or more ouer. Also in respect.

Apprestaménto, any preparation.

Apprestáre, to prepare, to make ready. Also to speed or dispatch.

Apprésto, any making ready.

Appretiáre as Apprẻzzáre.

Apprẻzzáre, to prise, to esteeme. Also to rate or sease prises or men.

Apprẻzzo, at a price, for mony hire or reward. Also at a rate.

Appriccióso as Capriccióso.

Appriuáre, to make priuate or familiar.

Appriuatióne, a priuacy a taming.

Approbábile, allowable.

Approbáre, to approoue, to allow.

Approbatíone, an approbation.

Approcciáre, to approach or come neere.

Approcciéuole, that may be approached.

Approdáre, to make or become valerous as one full of prowes. Also to doe one much good when he eateth. Also to come to shore. Also to bord and graple as ships. Also to helpe, to rescue, succour, or as sea-men say to come vp to one.

Approfittáre, to profit.

Approfumáre, to perfume.

Appropiáre, to appropriate, to fit.

Appropiatióne, an appropriation.

Appropiatissimo, most proper, most fit.

APP   Appropinquáre, to approach, to come neere.

Appropinquatióne, an approaching vnto.

Appropinquéuole, approachable.

Appropriábile, appropriable.

Appropriáre, to appropriate.

Appropriatióne, an appropriation.

Appropriáto, appropriated, fit for.

Approssimánte, approaching.

Approssimáre, to approach, to neighbour.

Approssimatióne, neerenesse proximitie.

Approssiméuole, approachable.

Approuagióne, approbation.

Approuánza, an approbation.

Approuáre, to allow to approoue.

Approuatióne, an approbation.

Approuéuole, allowable.

Appugnáre as Oppugnáre.

Appulcráre, to make faire, to beautifie.

Appúlso, a naturall impulsion. Also an arriuing, an approaching or coming in.

Appuntaménto, an appointment.

Appuntáre, to appoint, to prefix. Also to set ones feete against any thing. Also to vnderprop or stay vp. Also to tie or binde fast vnto. Also to lay to ones charge, to be captious in finding faultes, or to carpe at euery trifle. Also to make sharpe, pointed.

Appuntáre vn Pẻzzo, to set a peece leuill.

Appuntatóre, as Appuntíno.

Appuntẻlláre, to vnderprop.

Appuntíno, a nice finde-fault, a carper, a Momus. Also to the vtmost point.

Appúnto, sost., the moment of any time.

Appúnto, adve, right so, point by point.

Apputidíre, dísco, díto, as Appuzzáre.

Appuzzáre, to be stinke, to fill with a stinke.

Appuzzoláre as Appuzzáre.

Aprẻndere, as Appréndere.

Aprẻnditóre, a learner.

Aprehẻndere, as Apprehẻndere.

Aprehensióne, an apprehension.

Aprehensíbile, that may be apprehended.

Aprensíuo, apprehensiue, conceitfull.

Aprẻssáre, to approach or come neere.

Aprẻsso, as Apprẻsso.

Aprẻtiáre, as Apprezzáre.

A prẻtio, at a price, at a rate.

A prẻzzo, at a price, or for hire.

Apricità, the Sunne shining in winter.

Apríco, wide open to the sunne, bleake.

A priéghi, at the earnest sute or request.

Apríle, the moneth of Aprill.

Aprilíno, of the moneth of Aprill.


APR   A príma, at first. Also at primero.

A príma giúnta, at the first comming.

Apriménto, an opening, an ouerture.

Aprína, flesh or venison of wildbore.

Apríre, ápro, aprij & apẻrsi. Apẻrto, to open, to set open. Also to declare, to expound.

Apritíuo, opening in operation.

Apritóre, an opener.

Apritúra, as Apẻrtúra.

Apriuáre, as Appriuáre.

Ápro, a kind of beast with great teeth, some take for a wilde Boare.

Aprónia, the black Brionie. Also a kind of wild blacke vine or grape.

Aproniáne, a kind of Plum-chery.

A proportióne, proportionably.

Apropriáre, to appropriate.

Apropriatióne, an appropriation.

Apróssi, an hearbe that drawes fire vnto it.

Aprúgno, the loyne of a wild boare or hogge.

A pruóua, for the nonce, expresly. Also vpon proofe or triall. Also in striuing or contending manner. Also the vtmost of ones power.

Apsitóne, a stone that being once hote keeps his heate seauen daies after.

Aptóto, without case, as some nounes.

Ápua. Aphiéno, a kind of fish engendred of raine and showers.

Apuntaménto, an appointment.

Apuntáre, as Appuntáre.

Apuntataménte, exactly, point by point.

A puntíno, point by point, distinctly.

Apúnto, as Appónto.

Apuzzẻlláre, to wound, to hurt, to plague, to mischiefe.

A quadrétti, losengie in armorie.

A qualúnque módo, howsoeuer.

A quándo, against when, sometimes.

A quándo a quándo, now and then, sometimes.

A quárti, quarterly in armorie.

A quartiẻri, quartered as armes be.

Aquattáre, as Appiattáre.

A quáttro, by foure and foure.

A quattr'ócchi, face to face, boldly.

A quẻllo chè, by that, as for as.

A quẻllo, by that, as farre as.

A quésta vólta, at this time. Also this way, or toward this way.

A quésti dí, in these daies.

A quésto, by this, as farre as.

Aquetáre, to quiet, to whosht.

Aquéto, quietly, in quiet manner.

Aquì, here, hither, hitherto.

Aquicẻli, confected kernels of Pine-apples.

Aquifólio, the Holy, or Huluer tree, the Ilex or Mast-holme tree.

Áquila, any kind of Eagle. Also a star called the Eagle star. Also a kinde of fish. Also a coyne in Germanie.

ARA   Áquila marína, an Ospraie Eagle.

Aquilástro, a Buzzard.

Aquilẻgia, Setwall or Columbine.

Aquilína, as Aquilẻgia.

Aquilíno, eagle-like, naso aquilino, a long beaket or hooked nose. Also colombine colour.

Aquilóne, the Northren parts, the North-winde. Also a great eagle. Also a fish much esteemed in Rome.

Aquilonáre, of, or belonging to the northren parts or windes.

A quínci, hence, or hence-from.

A quínci quíndi, hence and thence.

A quíndi, thence, or thence from.

A quíndi quínci, thence and hence.

A quíui, there or thither.

A quíui intórno, there abouts.

Aquósità, waterishnesse, moistnesse.

Ára, as Áia. Also an Altar or sanctuary. Also a star neere Scorpio, called the Alter star.

Arabáscio, a souldiours cassocke or mandilion.

Arabbiáre, as Arrabbiáre.

Arábica, a kind of gum. Also enraged.

Arábile, arable land, ploughable.

Arabíce, a kind of poore leane Date.

Arabísmo, tasting of Arabia.

Arábo, an arabian horse, man or stone.

Aráca, a kind of venemous serpent.

Aracẻlle, a kind of mushrom todestoole.

Aráchnen, the wild Purcelane. Also a kind of wild tree.

Aracnóide, a thin skin of the eie.

Aráco, an hearb good to eat in Egypt.

A racólta, by gathering or collection as haruest is gathered in, looke Sonáre.

A ragátta, striuingly, as at musse.

A ragióne, reasonably, good cause why, with reason, iustly, lawfully. Also according to right, tale, waight or measure.

Arágna, a spiders web, a fowlers net.

Arágno, a spinning spider.

Aráldo, a herald, an interpreter.

Aranáta, a beast in India, bearded as a goat, mouthed, and footed as an ape.

Arancáre, to skud away. Also to swagger or lash out, to wast or lauish.

Arancatóre, a swagrer, a lauisher.

Aráncia, Arángia, an orenge.

Aranciáta, orangiado. Also balme or balme gentle.

Aráncio, Arángio, an Orenge tree.

Arancadíre, dísco, díto, as Rancíre.

Aráncido, as Ráncido.

Arancíre, císco, cíto, as Rancíre.

A ránda, hardly, with much adoe.

A ránda a ránda, anenst, close vnto.

A randẻllo, looke Randẻllo.

Aranẻa, the fourth cote of tunicle of the eies.

Aranẻo, a crab fish called Saint Bernard the hermit.

ARB   Aráre, to plough or harrow ground.

Arasáre, to shaue, as Rasáre.

A ráso, plaine as it were shauen.

A rastẻllo, with labels in armory.

A ráta, ratably, shauingly.

A ráta portióne, by equall portion.

Arátij, a kind of figs.

Aratióne, ploughing, tilling.

Aratíuo, arable, ploughable.

Arátolo, a shallow stitch or ploughing.

Aratóre, a harrower, an aker man, a ploughman. Also a kind of fish, which who toucheth hath presently an ague, and let goe is presently healed.

Aratráre, as Artoráre.

Arátro, a plough. Also a harrow.

Aratúra, a harrowing, a ploughing.

Arazzaménti, hangings of Aras.

Arazzáre, to tapistry with Aras works.

Arazzaríe, Aras workes.

Arázzi, Aras hangings.

Arbágio, a kind of course wollen stuffe.

Arbalẻstra, a crosse bow, a stone bow.

Arbatráffa, a kind of venemous serpent.

Árbe, a kind of grashopper or locust.

Árbero, as Álbero.


Arbicócche, the fruit Apricots.

Arbíntro, vsed for Laberínto.

Arbitráre, to award, to arbitrate. Also to thinke or suppose.

Arbitrário, arbitrary.

Arbitráto, arbitrated. Also a c[om]promise.

Arbitratóre, an arbitrator, a iudge.

Arbítrio, arbitrement, an award.

Árbitro, an awarder, an arbitrator.

Arbolíno, a fish called a Bleake.

Arboráre, as Alboráre.

Arborário, of or belonging to a tree.

Arboráta, an arbor or bowre of trees.

Árbore, as Álbero.

Arboreggiáre, to branch, as Alberáre.

Arberẻo, branchy or tree spreading.

Arborífero, plant or tree bearing.

Arboróso, branchie or full of trees.

Arbricócolo, an apricot tree or fruit.

Arbuscẻllo, any shrub or yong tree.

Arbústo, any shrub, bramble, brake or brier. Also any yong groue, cops or thicket. Also a kind of little Cedar tree.

Arbustóso, shrubbie, full of bushes.

Arbúto, an arbute or strawberrie tree.

Árca, an Arke, an Arch, a Chest. Also a tombe or a vault.

Árca dí Nóe, Noes Arke. Also a certaine signe in heauen.

Arcadóre, an archer, a bowman.

Arcaíto, a Captaine or keeper of a castle.

Arcále, as Forcẻlla.

Arcámo, the backe or chine bone of any creature. Also any rib bone without flesh.

Arcanaménte, secretly in hidden manner.


ARC   Arcángelo, an Arke-angell.

Arcáni, the secrets or secrecies of heauen.

Árca panária, as Madía.

Arcáre, to arch or bend as a bow.

Arcáro, a Bowier. Also an Archer.

Arcáse, a bird called a Curlue.

Arcáta, a blow or shot of a bow. Also an arch of a bridge, a bending.

Arcatóre, an archer, a bow-man.

Arcáuola, a great grandmothers mother.

Arcáuolo, a great grandfathers father.

Arcazzéne, a rauenous sea-fowle.

Arcẻra, a Woodcock, or a Snite.

Arcẻlle, a kind of Scallop or such shell fish. Also a kind of mushrom todestoole.

Archeggiáre, to bend or arch as a bow. Also to professe arcuery.

Archeláide, a kinde of Date full of good liquor.

Archetípo, after the originall coppy.

Archétto, a little bow, a fidling-sticke. Also a racket. Also a spring to catch birds.

Archezostína, a kind of wilde white grape or vine. Also the hearb Briony.

Archibugiáre, to shoote, hit or kill with any kind of gun, calieuer, or pistoll.

Archibugiáro, a gun or calieuer maker.

Archibugiáta, a blow of shot with any gun or caliuer.

Archibugiẻre, a gunner, an harquebushier, a muskettier, a shot.

Archibugiería, shot or harquebusery.

Archibugiétto, a small harquebut, petronell, pistoll, dag or horse mans piece.

Archibúgio, a harquebuse, a caliuer, a gun, a musket, a pistoll.

Archibúgio a míccio, a snaphance piece.

Archibúgio da bráccio, a shooting or fowling piece.

Archibúgio da crócco, a harquebut a crocke.

Archibúgio da focíle, idem.

Archibúgio da ruóta, idem.

Archibugióne da pósta, a musket of rest.

Archiciócco, an Artichocke.

Archicióffo, an artichocke.

Archiconfratẻrnità, a chiefe fraternity or brotherhood.

Archidiácono, an archdeacon.

Archidiáscolo, a principall disciple.

Archidiáuolo, an archdiuell.

Archididáscolo, a chiefe disciple.

Archidúca, an archduke.

Archiducáto, an archdukedome.

Archiduchéssa, an archduchesse.

Archiéra, a spike hole to shoot out at.

Archiẻro, an archer, a bow man.

Archigerónte, a chiefe in auctority among old men, or that hath the chiefe ouersight of the prouision of a Princes houshold. Also one that hath the ouersight and suruay or controuling of a Princes workes.

ARC   Archilóco, a chiefe place or situation.

Archilogía, idle prating or speaking.

Archílogo, a chiefe pratler, an idle speaker.

Archilóici, a kind of verses.

Archimandríta, a gouernor, a rector, a chiefe Prior or Prelate.

Archímia, as Alchímia.

Archimímo, a chiefe plaier of a comedy.

Archimísta, an alchimist, a chimicke.

Archipastóre, a chiefe shepheard.

Archipéndolo, a plummet that carpenters vse to leuell worke by.

Archipendoláre, to leuell by a plummet.

Archipénzolo, as Archipéndolo.

Archipenzoláre, as Archipendoláre.

Archipẻzzolo, as Archipéndolo.

Archipiráta, an arch or chiefe pirate.

Archiposía, the onset of drinking.

Archisátrapo, as Arcisátrapo.

Archisinagógo, an arch priest or chiefe ruler in the synagogues.

Architettáre, to build according to rule.

Architétto, a builder, an architect.

Architettónico, pertaining to the master carpenter or chiefe deuiser of any worke.

Architettóniche árti, artes that are the foundations of the other arts, fundamentall arts.

Architettóre, a builder, an architect.

Architettúra, architecture, building.

Archithalásso, a chiefe Admirall at sea, a chiefe generall of a Fleet.

Architiclíuo, as Architriclíuo.

Architráue, as Arcotráue.

Architriclíuo, a master of a house, or chiefe ruler of a feast, a sewer. Also a marshall of the great hall or of the houshold.

Archiuescouáto, an Archbishopricke.

Archiuéscouo, an Archbishop.

Archíuio, as Archíuo.

Archiuísta, a keeper of monuments, rowles or ancient records.

Archíuo, as Arcíuo.

Archiuoltáre, to archroofe, to archualt.

Archiuólto, an arch or valted roofe. Also arch roofed or valted.

Árcia, a woodcocke, or a snite.

Arciádna, an hearb in Egypt good to eat.

Arciásino, an arch asse.

Arciáuola, as Arcáuola, a dopchickin.

Arciáuolo, as Arcáuolo.

Arcicánna, an archpipe or throate, tu ménti pẻr le arcicánne dẻlla gola, thou lyest in thy very great archthroate.

Arcichiáro, most cleare or manifest.

Arciciócchi, Artichockes.

Arcicióssi, artichockes.

Arcidiácono, an archdeacon.

ARC   Arcidiaconáto, an archdeaconry.

Arcidúca, an archduke.

Arciducáto, an archdukedome.

Arciduchéssa, an archduchess.

Arciẻre, an archer, a bowman, vsed also for such as be of a kings or Princes gard. Also a kind of dry measure.

Arcifanfána, a hobgoblin, a robingood-fellow, an illusion, a hag.

Arcifanfanáre, to play the hobgoblin. Also to play the gull.

Arcifanfáno, a chiefe gull, an archcoxcombe, a chiefe find fault.

Arcifánfo, as Arcifanfáno.

Arcifelíce, most happy.

Arcifelíce buonissimássimo, most happy good and chiefe.

Arcignáre, to loure, to bend, to frowne, to skoule, to pout, to grim.

Arcígno, lowring, frowning, skouling, pouting, grim, sowre looking.

Arcignóso, as Arcígno.

Arcigolóso, an archglutton, a gormand.

Arcigolosità, arch glottony.

Árcio, the Glote or clot-burne.

Arcionáta, any archroofe, or valted frame, the vpper part of an ouen or coach.

Arcióne, the arson or sadle bow.

Arcipánca, vsed of Cato for a Prince of formes or stooles, a chiefe scholler of a schoole.

Arcipoltróne, an arch knaue or villen.

Arciprẻsso, a kind of chiefe cipresse tree.

Arcipréte, an archpriest.

Arcipretería, the order of chiefe priest-hood.

Arcipréuedo, an Archpriest.

Arcirodomontáta, an arch bragging.

Arcirodomontéuole, arch boasting.

Arcisagrestáno, a chiefe sexton.

Arcisátrapo, a chiefe great ruler, president or Captaine, a chiefe peere of a realme.

Arcisátripo, as Arcisátrapo.

Arcíssa, a kind of wagon, coach or cart.

Arciuescouále, belonging to an Archbishop.

Arciuescouáto, an archpishopricke.

Arciuéscouo, an archbishop.

Arciuísta, as Archiuísta.

Arcíuo, a treasury of monuments, charters or rowles, a place where records or euidences be kept. Also the chancery or exchequer office, or the office of the master of the rowles. Also the Arches or spirituall court.

Árco, any kind of bow, a tiller of a bow. Also an arch. Also a kind of racke or torture vsed in Italy to make men confesse.

Árco baléno, Iris, or the raine bow.

Arcobalísta, a crosse bow, a steelebow.

Arcobugiáre, as Archibugiáre.

Arcobugiáta, as Archibugiáta.


ARC   Arcobugiáro, as Archibugiáro.

Arcobugiére, as Archibugiére.

Arcobugiería, as Archibugiería.

Arcobúgio, looke well Archibúgio.

Árco celẻste, the raine bow or Iris.

Árco dẻll'ósso, the ridge bone of the backe.

Arcoíno, bending, bow like.

Arcolágio, as Arcoláio.

Arcoláio, a reele or rice for yarne.

Arcolái, foolish humors, castles in the aire, rauing fancies.

Árcolo, as Arcoláio.

Arconcẻlli, little arches or bowes.

Arcónti, the name of an ancient magistrate in Athens.

Arcóntici, certaine heretickes that denied the resurrection of the flesh, and said the world was made by Princes.

Arcopágo, a chiefe senate of excellent men in Athens of no certaine number.

Arcopẻndolo, as Archipẻndolo. Also a fish called in Latine Zygæna.

Arcóra, the plurall of Árco.

Arcoráno, as Alcoráno.

Arcotráue, any crosse or chiefe beame.

Arcotriomphánte, a pageant or triumphant charriot.

Arcouólta, an arch or vault.

Arcouoltáre, to arch or vault.

Arctúro, a star by the taile of Vrsa Maior.

Arcuíno, crooked, bow-like.

Ardẻa, a Moore-hen. Also a Hearon.

Ardẻlia, a medling or curiosity of mens affaires.

Ardẻlio, a busie-body, medler in others matters, one that hath an oare in others boates.

Ardẻnte, burning, ardent, hote.

Ardẻnza, burning, ardency, heate.

Ardẻolo, a Hearon.

Árdere, árdo, ársi, árso, to burne.

Ardíbile, that may burne.

Ardiménto, daring, hardinesse.

Ardimentóso, full of daring or hardinesse.

Ardíre, dísco, díto, to dare. Also daring, courage, stoutnesse, hardinesse.

Arditaménte, daringly, boldly, hardilie.

Arditánza, courage, daringnesse, hardinesse.

Arditẻllo, a malepert saucy fellow.

Arditézza, hardinesse, daringnesse.

Ardíto, bould, hardy, daring. Also dared.

Ardoésa, a precious stone wherein are naturally the pictures of beasts and birds.

Árdola as Ardoésa.

Ardóre, heate, burning ardency.

Arduità, difficulty, hardinesse, or vneasinesse sinesse to climbe or reach vnto.

ARE   Árduo, hard, difficult, vneasie or painfull to be attained.

Arẻa, as Aiuóla. Also a word vsed in law importing a mans land from the ground vp to the skies. Also the surface or vppermost part of any thing. Also the field or ground of any skutchion or armes.

Arẻa circoláre, the name of a starre or signe in heauen.

Arecáre, to reach vnto. Also to bring vnto. Also to take vnto.

Arefátto, drie skorched by the Sunne, parched through heate.

Arégano, Origan or wilde Marioram.

Aregáta, Aregázza, a piot or wood-pie.

Aremólco, Aremóldo. Looke Remúlco.

Aremúlco. Looke Remúlco.

Aréna, any grauell or sand.

Arenacẻo, any thing liuing or breeding in sand or grauell. Also that is of the colour or quality of grauell or sand.

Arenále, grauelly, sandy, gritty.

Arenáre, to grauell, to engrauell, to run or sticke in sands as some shipes.

Arendaménto, a yeelding, the fruites or rents that any thing yeeldeth.

Arendáre, to demise, to farme, to let.

Arendatóre, a Farmer. Also a Tenant.

Aréndere as Réndere.

Arendiménto as Arendaménto.

Arénga, an Oration, an harangue, a set speech. Also an hearing fish.

Arengáre, to make a set speech.

Arengatóre, an Orator, a publicke speaker.

Areníno as Armelíno.

Arenóso, grauelly, sandy, gritty.

Arẻnte, anenst, a neust, very neere vnto.

Areóla, as Aiuóla. Also a little bed, square or plot in a garden.

Areóla, a greeke weight of two graines.

Areopaíta, a Iudge or Iustice in Athens.

A requisitióne, at the request or intreaty.

Aresigáre as Arrischiáre.

Arésigo as Arríschio.

Aresiuẻrsi, arsieuersie, contrary.

Arẻsta, the pricke of an eare of corne. Also the small bone of any fish.

Arẻstaménto as Arrẻstaménto.

Arẻstáre as Arrẻstáre.

Arẻsto as Arrẻsto.

A retáglio, by retale, as hucsters sell.

Aretáre, to en-net, to catch in a net.

A réte, net-wrought, net-worke. Also fretty in armony.

Areticáre, to vex or aflict in minde.

Arétio, an hearbe or weed.

ARG   Aretráre, to retreate, to recoile.

Arétro, back-ward. Also behinde.

Arezzáre, to shade cooly.

Arézzo, as Rézzo, a coole shade.

Arfílo, a Bishop at chesse.

Arfitápo, a kinde of ancient garment described by Lucilius.

Arganáre, to draw or mount vp with a crane or any other engine.

Arganẻllo as Arganétto.

Arganétto, a crane, a mounting engine or pully vsed to mount or remooue any waight. Also a trucke or sled with low wheeles. Also a wyer-drawers bench.

Árgano, any crane or mounting engine. Also a Caston to weigh ancors with, or Crab as mariners call it being fastned at shore. Also a Gold-smith or Weyer-drawers engine or bench.

Argáta, a broad Skarfe worne about the arme in signe of honour by some chiefe man.

Argatíle, a kinde of bird very cunning in making hir nest.

Argéma, the white of any eie. Also a disease in the eie, which being in the blacke of the eie is white, and being in the white is blacke.

Argemóne as Argéma. Also wilde-tansie or siluerwort.

Árgene as Árgine.

Argenóne, a kinde of precious stone.

Argentáre, to siluer.

Argentaría, all manner of Siluer-plate, or Siluer-worke. Also a Gold-smiths row, as Cheape-side. Also a kinde of Siluer-oare, or Chalke or white Clay glistring as siluer.

Argentário, the mettell Tin or Puter.

Argentáta, wilde tansie or siluerwort. Also lip-salue. Also a painting for womens faces.

Argẻnte. Vsed for Algẻnte.

Argentẻo as Argentíno.

Argentería as Argentaría.

Argentiẻre, a Siluer-smith, a banke or mony keeper. Also a stuard, a spender, or Cater.

Argentífero, Siluerbearing or bringing.

Argentína, stone-ferne or finger-ferne. Also tanzie or Siluer-wort. Also a kinde of fish.

Argentíno, Siluery. Also Siluer-colour, like Siluer. Also of a shril-Siluer sound.

Argentíssimo, most Siluer-like, or cleere and shrill-sounding.

Argẻnto, siluer. Also mony or coine.

Argentóso, full of Siluer, Siluery.

Argẻnto Solimáto, sublimate.

Argẻnto víuo, quick-siluer.

Argẻste, the North-west or Western parts.


ARG   Árghe, a wilde beast faced like a woman.

Argílla, Potters-clay.

Argillóso, Clayish. Also fatty or fertill.

Argíllo as Arzéglio.

Argináre, to banke, to trench, to fortifie or rampire against the fury of water.

Árgine, any banke or fence against water. Also embost or reared worke.

Arginóso, full of fences against waters.

Argiráspidi, souldiers armed with siluer-shilds, and their horses trapt with siluer.

Argiríte, a fome comming of lead tryed. Also litharge or fome of siluer.

Argiritíno as Argiríte.

Argirodáma, a white precious stone.

Argiróne, a hearon.

Argíuo, a Grecian, one of Greece.

Árgo, watchfull, cleare-sighted as Argus. Also the name of a starre or signe in heauen.

Argoíre, ísco, íto, to argue, to dispute.

Argólici as Argonáuti.

Argomentáre, to argue, to dispute.

Argoménto, an argument. Also a signe a reason. Also a remedy. Also a glister.

Argoménto dẻlla larghézza dẻlla lúna, tẻrmine astronómico.

Argoménto mẻdio, Véro o visíbile dẻlla larghézza dẻlla lúna.

Argonáui as Argonáuti.

Argonáuti, the noble Greeke that went with Iason for the golden fleece.

Arguíre, ísco, íto, to argue to dispute.

Argúme as Agrúme.

Argusẻlla, a horne-fish, or horne-backe.

Argutaménte, subtilly, craftily, wililie.

Argútia, a wile, a craft, a subtilty.

Argutiétta, a prety wile, slight, or tricke.

Argúto, wily, crafty, subtill witty.

Ária, as Áẻre, the Aire.

Ariádna, the name of a star.

Ariámide, an hearbe of a firy colour.

Ariánide as Ariámide.

Ariarárcha, a Prince of warfare.

Aricamáre, to embroder. Also to make or worke needle-worke.

Aricamatóre, an embrotherer or worker with the needle.

A ricámbio, by or vpon double exchange.

A richiẻsta, at the sute or request.

Aricíno, a kinde of Cole or Cabage-Cole.

A ricólta. Looke Sonare a ricólta.

Aricordánza, remembrance.

ARL   Aricordáre, to remember.

Aricordéuole, mindfull.

A ricórdo d'huómo, in mans memorie.

Árida, the whole element of the Earth.

Aridaménte, barrenly, drily.

Aridáre, to make or become barren.

Aridézza as Aridità.

Aridíre, dísco, díto, as Aridáre.

Aridità, barrennesse, sterility.

Árido, dry, sterill, barran.

Aridóle, a kinde of leane dry dates.

A ridósso, looke Caualcáre.

Aridromáda, a precious stone square as a dye.

Ariéna, a kind of great fig growing vpon the tree Pala.

Ariẻnto, as Argẻnto.

Arietáre, to ram, to batter with a ram.

Ariẻte, a Ram, a Tup. Also a warlike instrument to battre walles, one of the twelue signes.

Ariẻte nottúrno, the Autumne or fall of the leafe.

Arietíni, the Chiches called Bamchiches.

Arietíno, a litle Ram. Also one borne vnder Aries. Also rammish.

Ariétro, backward. Also behind.

Arifúso, enough and to refuse and spare.

Arigátta, as Agára. Also striuing as children play at musse.

Arigógoli, as Arzigógoli.

A riguárdo, in regard. Also in view.

A rilẻnto, slackly, slowly, relentingly.

Arimáspi, people that haue but one eye, and that in their forehead.

Arimẻtica, Arithmetike.

Arimẻtico, an Arithmetician.

Arimpẻtto, ouer against, breast to breast.

Arínca, a kind of Rice or Amelcorne.

Arincóntro, ouer against, opposite.

Aríne, bee-hiues.

Arinẻlla, a wrinkle, a pleit, a pucker.

Arinẻlláre, to wrinkle, to pleit, to pucker.

Arínga, as Arénga, or Arrínga.

Aringáre, as Arengáre.

Aringatóre, as Arengatóre.

Arínghe insaláte, pickled hearings.

Aríngo, as Arríngo.

Arioláre, to deuine, to soothsay.

Ariolatióne, diuination, soothsaying.

Ariólo, a Deuiner, a Soothsaier.

Arióso, as Aeróso.

Ariotíno, a litle wren.


A ripáro, against, in defence. See deffendẻndo.

Arisáro, wakerobin or cukopintle.

Arischiáre, to hazzard, to ieopard.

A rischío, in hazard, or ieopardie.

Arischióso, hazardous, ieopardous.

Arisigáre, as Arischiáre.

Arísigo, as Aríschio.

Arisigóso, as Arischióso.

Arismẻtica, Arithmetike.

ARM   Arismẻtico, an Arithmetician.

A rispẻtto, in respect, in comparison.

Arísta, a sharpe pricke or thorne, a spill.

Aristalthẻa, a kind of Marsh-docke.

Arístida, an hearbe to draw out spils.

Aristocratía, a gouernment of good men.

Aristogitóne, a vulnerarie hearbe.

Aristolochía, hartwort or birthwort.

Aristología, as Aristolochía.

Arístula, as Arísta.

A ritáglio, by retaile, as hucksters sell.

Arithmánte, a deuiner by numbers.

Arithmantía, diuination by numbers.

Arithmẻtica, Arithmeticke.

Arithmẻtico, an Arithmetician.

A rithmo A ritmo, a meeter, a rime.

A ritrátta, looke sonáre a ricólta.

A ritróso, akeward, frowardly, crossely.

A riua'l mare, by the sea-shore.

A riuoltolóne, in tumbling manner.

Arizóne, Houseleeke, or Sengreene.

Arizzáre, to reare vpright.

Arlásso, an affront, a cheating tricke.

Arlótta, a proud, filthy, common whore.

Arlóttare, to play the foolish priest or whore.

Arlótto, a lack-latin or hedge-priest.

Árma, any weapon, or armour. Also any armes or badge.

Árma sémplice, a single coat of armes.

Árma partíta, a partie coat in armes.

Armacóllo, a gorget that armes the neck.

Armadúra, the guard that enfoldes the child in the mothers wombe.

Armáio, an armorie. Also a cupboord, a presse, an ambrie, a wardrobe.

Armaiuólo, a litle Armaio.

Armamentaría, an armorie or store house for armes.

Armaménto, a compleat arming.

Armaniáco, an Apricok tree or fruit.

Armaráro, an Armorer.

Armáre, to arme, to weapon.

Armáre di fuóra, as Fare chiomazzuóli.

Armáre la galẻa, a kind of Christmas game.

Armaría, armorie.

Armáro, as Armáio.

Armaruólo, an Armorer.

Armáta, an armie, a nauie, a fleete.

Armáta máno, by force of armes, with armed hand.

Armatúra, any armor or arming.

Árme, armes, weapons. Also badges.

Árme aurẻe, the chiefe shoulder bones in a horse.

Armeggiaménto, any exercise at armes.

Armeggiáre, to follow, to exercise or professe armes. Also to giue armes. Also to blazon or speake of armes or heraldry. Also in iesting manner to raue or range from the purpose, to speake idlely and nothing to the matter, tu [39] arméggi, thwart, wide.

ARM   Armeggiaríe, all sorts of armes.

Armeggiáta, a meeting or practising of armes among armed men and knights.

Armeggiatóre, a professor of armes.

Arméggio, any manner of arming. Also any figure that chargeth a field in armorie.

Armẻlle, Apricok-plums.

Armẻllína, an Apricok plum.

Armẻllíno, an hermine or hermelin. Also an apricok tree. Also a colour of a horse. Also hermîne or Erminois in armorie.

Arména, a kind of venemous Serpent.

Armeniáco, an apricok tree or plum.

Arménio, a kind of marble. Also a colour called verd d'azur.

Armentáio, a drouer, a heardsman.

Armentále, of or pertaining to heards or droues. Also a stalion for mares.

Arménto, a heard or droue of cattell.

Arménto múto, all sorts of fishes.

Armentóso, stoned with heards or droues.

Armería, profession of armorie.

Armerísta, a Herald or professor of armes.

Arméuole, that may be armed. Also the name of a bird.

Ármi, all manner of armes or weapons.

Armiẻro, an Armorer.

Armiére, the whole armour of a mans bodie.

Armífero, armes-bearing or bringing.

Armígero, a bearer or professor of armes.

Armiggiáre, as Armeggiáre.

Armíggio, as Arméggio.

Armílla, any bracelet or wrist-band. Also an astronomers instrument made of hollow circles.

Ármi manésche, all hand-weapons.

Armínij, Ermine or Erminois in armorie.

Armipotẻnte, mightie in armes.

Armólla, the hearbe Orage or Orache.

Armomantía, a kind of diuination by obseruing the shoulders of beasts.

Armóne, a kind of radish roote. Also a Princes or noblemans chiefe coate of armes, or great Scutcheon of armes.

Armoneggiáre, as Armonizzáre.

Armonía, harmonie, accord in musicke.

Armooniáca, an apricok plum.

Armoniáco, an apricok tree. Also a kind of salt that Chimiks vse.

Armónico, harmonicall melodious.

Armonióso, harmonious, melodious.

Armonizzánte, harmonious.

Armonizzáre, to make harmonious.

Armoriáce, a kind of radish roote.

Arnábo, a kind of tree in India.

Arnáso, any kind of long vessell.


Arnése, all manner of harnesse, furniture or implement.

ARO   Árnie, bee-hiues, honie-houses.

Arnióne del porcástro, a chine of porke.

Arnióni, the raines of the backe. Also the kidneies. Also a chine of any beast.

Arnísio, a kind of Greeke wine.

Arnoglóssa, ribwort, lambes tongue, waybreed, or plantaine the lesse.

Áro, as Aróne.


Arogánte, arrogant, saucie, malepert.

Arogántia, arrogancie, sawcinesse.

Arogáre, as Arrogáre.

Arogatióne, as Arrogatióne.

Aroggiáre, as Arrossíre.

Aromatáio, a Perfumer, an apothecarie.

Aromático, aromaticall, sweate smelling.

Aromatíte, a stone smelling of mirrhe.

Aromatizzánte, as Aromático.

Aromatizzáre, to perfume sweet.

Aromáto, as Aromático.

A rómbo, maseled or lozengie in armorie.

A romóre, in an vprore or hurly burly.

Aronáno, a kind of litle fish.

Arondẻlla, a Swallow. Also a Sea-bat.

Aróne, cukopintle or wake-robin.

A rónfa, a play at trump or ruff.

Arosegáre, to gnaw to fret or nible.

Arosigáre, as Arosegáre.

Arostíre, tísco, títo, to roste to toste.

Arostíta, a toste.

Arósto, any rosted meate. Also rosted.

Arotáre, to wheele about, to grind sharpe.

Arotatóre, as Arrotatóre.

Aroteáre, to wheele about.

Arotoláre, to roule or rumble.

A rotolóne, rouling or rumbling.

Arouẻlláre, for a man to consume and fret himselfe with rage. Also as Arrouelláre.

Arouẻrsciaménto, an ouerturning.

Arouẻrsciáre, to reuerse, to ouerturne.

Arouẻrscio, inside outward, arsiuersie.

Arouẻrscióne as Arouẻrscio.

Arouẻscio, as Arouẻrscio.

Arouẻscióne, as Arouẻrscio.

Árpa, any kind of harpe. Also a Sea-gull.

Arpágo, a harping iron, a great hooke, dragging hooke, flesh hooke, weeding hooke, or pot-hooke. Also a grubber.

Arpagonáre, as Arpegáre.

Arpagóne, as Arpágo.

Arpegáre, to drag, to hooke, to grub.

Arpegóne, as Arpágo.

Arpesétti, little claspets of iron to ioine stones in walles.

Arpía, a monster called a Harpie.

Arpicáre, to grub or harrow.

Arpicéri, certaine guts in any bodie.

Arpicórdo, an instrument like Clarigols called a harpers cord.

Arpicóne, as Arpàgo.

Arpígia, greedinesse, rauenousnesse.

Arpináre, as Arpegáre.

ARR   Arpíno, as Arpágo.

Arpionáre, as Arpegáre.

Arpióne, the hooke whereon a dore hangeth. Also any kinde of great hooke.

Arpioncẻlli, tentre-hookes or tacks.

Arpocráte, the God of silence.

Arquáta, as Auosétta. Also a Curlue.

Arquáto, the yellow Iaundise so called because it is cured with honied wine.

Árra, a gods pennie, an earnest pennie.

Arrabatársi, to shrug or crinch together.

Arrabbiáre, to enrage or grow franticke.

Arrabbiataménte, ragingly frantickly.

Arraffáre, to plucke or snatch foorth.

Arragiáto, a horse that hath the laske.

Arramacciáre, to cut off branches to spoile.

Arrampáre, to rampe or climbe vp.

Arrampegáre as Arrampáre.

Arrampináre as Arrampáre.

Arrancáre, to hurle or twirle about. Also to goe or trudge or skud away in haste.

Arrancáta, a hurling. Also a trudging.

Arrancigliáre as Arrampáre.

Arrandẻlla, a sticke to winde a cord about.

Arrandẻlláre, to fling with violence.

Arrangoláre, to hurle or fling with violence. Also to wrangle or chafe aloud.

Arrangolóso, wrangling, quarellous.

Arrapíre, písco, píto, as Arrappáre.

Arrappáre, to plucke or snatch by force, to rapine.

Arraspáre, as Raspáre.

Arrecáre, as Arecáre, to reach vnto.

Arredáre, to dight, to decke, to garnish.

Arrédi, all manner of garnishments.

Arrenáre, as Arenáre, to grauell.

Arrenáto, troubled with grauell.

Arrendaménto, as Arendaménto.

Arrendáre, as Arendáre.

Arrendẻlláre, to hurle with violence.

Arrẻndere, rẻndo, rési, reso, to render, to yeeld vnto, to restore.

Arrendéuole, yeelding, pliable.

Arréndi, yeeldings, reuenues.

Arrendiménto, a yeelding or rendring.

Arrendolóne, in hurling manner.

Arrequiáre, to quiet, to asswage.

Arréso, yeelded, rendred, restored.

Arrẻstáre, to arrest, to rest, to detaine. Also to affirme, to iudge, to decree. Also to stay vpon. Also to set a lance in the rest.

Arrẻsto, an arrest, a stay, a detaining. Also a let or impediment. Also a decree or ordinance giuen by law.

Arreticáre, to ensnare, or en-net, to entramell. Also to catch by craft.

Arretítio, a pore or vnseene hole. Also that which creepeth in priuily. Also that is pulled by violence of a diuell [40] or spirit.

ARR   Arretráre, to retreat or recoile backe.

Arretrattáre, to retract, to retreat.

Arrétro, backward, behind.

Arrezzáre, as Arizzáre.

Arribáre, as Arriuáre.

Arricchíre, chísco, chíto, to enrich.

Arricciáre, to curle, to frizle. Also ones haire to stare or stand an end, to brizle. Also to rough cast any worke with lome or morter. Also to reare vpright.

Arríccia cápo, as Capríccio.

Arricordánza, remembrance.

Arricordáre, to remember, to record.

Arricordéuole, to be remembred.

Arricórdo, a remembrance, a warning.

Arrídere, rído, rísi, ríso, to smile at.

Arrínga, a set speech or declamation. Also an aray or arange. Also a hearing fish.

Arringáre, to make a set speech in publike. Also to arange or set in aray. Also to run at tilt.

Arringatóre, a common speaker. Also a tilter.

Arringhiéra, as Arríngo.

Arríngo, a pulpit. Also a riding place, a tilt yard. Also a common set speech.

Arrischiáre, to hazard, to ieopard.

Arrischiéuole, that may be hazarded.

Arríschio, in hazard or ieopardy.

Arrischióso, hazardous, ieopardous.

Arriuáre, to ariue or come vnto.

Arriuáta, an ariuing, a comming vnto.

Arríuo, an ariuall or comming vnto.

Arrizzáre, to reare vpright.

Arróba, a waight of fiue and twenty of our pounds. Also a kind of barell or measure in Spaine.

Arrobináre, to enruby, to make ruddy. Also to swill and swell with drinking.

Arrocáre, to be or become hoarse. Also to snore or snort.

Arrocchiáre, as Arrocáre. Also as we say to ly for the whetstone.

Arrochisíre, sísco, síto, as Arrocáre.

Arrogánte, arrogant, saucy.

Arrogánza, arogancy, saucinesse.

Arrogáre, to arrogate or presume ouer-boldly. Also to be or become hoarse.

Arrogáta voce, a hoarse voice.

Arrogatióne, arrogation, presumption.

Arrógere, rógo, rogéi, rogiúto, as Arrogáre. Also to yeeld or ad vnto. Also to afford helpe.

Arroginíre, nísco, níto, to rust.

Arroginóso, rusty, full of rust.

Arroláre, as Arrolláre.

Arrolláre, to enroule as soldiers be in checke roule or in the mustar book. Also to register or put vpon the files or records.

Arrolláto, enrouled vpon checke roule.

Arrombáre, to set vp sea markes for mariners by the sea side. Also looke Rómbo.

ARR   Arroncáre, as Roncáre.

Arroncigliáre, to gripe, to filch or seaze on violently, to snatch. Also to snort.

Arróre, hath been vsed for Erróre.

Arrosigáre, to gnaw, to fret, to nible.

Arrossáre, to blush or grow red.

Arrossiménto, a blushing red.

Arrossíre, sísco, síto, to blush or grow red.

Arrossóre, a blush or blushing.

Arrostáre, to rost or to tost. Also to make wind with some boughs. Also to turne round.

Arrostíre, tísco, títo, to rost, or to tost.

Arrostíta, a rosting. Also a tost.

Arrósto, any kind of rost meat.

Arróta, as Arróto.

Arrotáre, to grind or make sharpe and keene, to set an edge vpon. Also to gnash with ones teeth. Also to set ones teeth an edge. Also to incense, to stir vp or prouoke. Also to refine or purifie as it were with grinding. Also to roule or wheele about. Also to make rounds as a wheele. Also to clip mony.

Arrotatóre, a grinder, a refiner. Also a mony clipper.

Arróto, an addition to helpe to follow another, a supply, an assistant.

Arroueláre, to wheele about. Also to wrangle, to dodge, or chafe aloud, to fret with anger and consume with rage, to grow moody.

Arrouẻrsciáre, as Arouẻrsciáre.

Arrouẻrscio, as Arouẻrscio.

Arrouẻrscióne, as Arouẻrscio.

Arrouẻsciáre, as Arouẻrsciáre.

Arrouẻscio, as Arouẻrscio.

Arrouẻscióne, as Arouẻscio.

Arrozzáre, to become iadish.

Arrozzíre, zísco, zíto, to become rude.

Arrúba, as Arúba.

Arrubbáre, to steale or rob.

Arrubináre, to enruby, to make ruddy.

Arrubiníre, nísco, níto, as Arrubináre.

Arrudáre, to make or become rude.

Arruffáre, to ruffle, to bristle, to stare with ones haire, to frounce. Also to strut as a turkie cocke. Also to touze or tug.

Arrugáre, to wrinkle, to pucker.

Arrúgia, a kind of working or digging vnderground in mines for gold or siluer.

Arruginíre, nísco, níto, to rust.

Arruotáre, as Arrotáre.

Arruotatóre, a sheare or knife grinder.

Arruóto, in wheeling manner.

Arsenále, a storehouse for munition. Also a place for warlike exercise.

Arsénico, Arsnike, Rats bane, or Orpine. Also a make strife.

ART   Arséno, the white Mandrage.

Arsíbile, that may burne.

Arsicciáre, to scorch, to parch, to blast, to tan in the sunne, to singe, to burne.

Arsíccio, scorched, blasted, burnt, tand.

Arsílio, vsed for an axle tree.

Arsínico, as Arsénico.

Arsinẻi, a certaine attire or ornament for womens heads.

Arsióne, a burning, a flame. Also an inflamation. Also Mildew, Hotplanet or Blasting.

Arsionáre, to blast, to mildew, to Planet strike. Also to scorch, to parch.

Arsíno, burning, scorching, parching.

Ársis, the raising of a voice in singing.

Árso, burnt, consumed with fire.

Arsúra, as Arsióne. Also a burning feuer.

Arsuráre, as Arsionáre.

Artaménte, as Artataménte.

Artáno spáde, a diuelish character that nigromants vse.

Artáre, to make narrow or straight.

Artataménte, craftely, with wit and arte, skilfuly. Also in bond or strict manner, pinchingly, straightly, narowly.

Árte, any kind of art, trade, science or occupation. Also a whole company of any trade in any city or corporation towne.

Artebacchettería, the arte of measuring with the wand as coniurers and Astrologers vse.

Artéfice, an artificer, a tradesman.

Arte architettónica, the arte of architecture or building.

Artéfice minóre, a kind of hornet.

Arteficiále, artificiall.

Arteficiáto, made by arte, artefide.

Artefício, art, skill, workmanship.

Arteficiosaménte, arteficially.

Arteficióso, skilfull, full of art.

Artegiáno, an artificer, a tradesman.

Arteggiáre, to liue by an arte, to professe an art, to artize, to shew arte and skill.

Artegliería, as Artigliería.

Artegliẻro, as Artigliẻro.

Artelaría, as Artigliería.

Árte mágna, as Algẻbra.

Árte mẻtrica, the arte of measuring.

Artemísia, motherwort or mugwort.

Arténne, a kind of cormorant.

Artéria, an artery, the beating or panting or pulse of a mans veine. Also the wind pipe.

Arteriáco, a kind of opiate confection.

Arteriále, belonging to the arteries. Also a composition in physicke made of mulberies.

Arteriáto, full of arteries, arteried.

Arterióso, full of arteries.

Artesáno, an artificer, an artisan.

Artética, a disease in a hawke.


ART   Artézza, narrownesse, straightnesse.

Arthabatíti, a kind of people that wander vp and downe woods like foure footed beasts.

Arthenogonóne, an extraordinary lust or wanton desire to venery.

Arthírico, that hath the gout in his ioints, gowty.

Arthrítici dolóri, griefs possessing the ioints as the gouts doe.

Árti, arts, trades, occupations. Also the whole companies of tradesmen in a corporation towne.

Ártico, the Pole articke Northward.

Articoláre, to articulate, to distinguish, or speake distinctly. Also to condition, to couenant or come to articles and points. Also to distinguish ioint by ioint. Also pertaining to the ioints. Also a painfull swelling or gout in ioints. Also the Primrose or Cowslip.

Articolataménte, articulatly, distinctly from point to point, ioint by ioint.

Articoláta vóce, a distinct articulated voice.

Articolatióne, an articulating. Also a barrennesse in vines when they loose their spring in the ioints.

Artícoli, articles. Also the ioints in the branches of vines, looke in my rules what and which be the Articles.

Artícolo, an article. Also a naturall composition of bones or ioints. Also a ioint, a knuckle. Also a sinew.

Articuláre, as Articoláre.

Articulataménte, as Articolataménte.

Articuláta vóce, as Articoláta vóce.

Articulatióne, as Articolatióne.

Artículi, as Artícoli.

Artículo, as Artícolo.

Artificiále, artificiall, full of Art.

Artificiáto, made by art or skill.

Artífice, an artificer, a tradesman.

Artifícij, cunning shifts, or sleights.

Artifício, Art, skill, workmanship.

Artificiosaménte, artificially.

Artificióso, skilfull, full of Art.

Artigiáno, an artisan, a tradesman.

Artigliáre, to catch or seaze on with tallons or clawes, to gripe.

Artigliería, all manner of artillery or ordinance.

Artigliéro, a gunner, an artillery man. Also a founder of ordinance, a bombardier.

Artígli, the tallons, clawes or pounces of any hawke or praying fowle, and by a metaphor the bands of loue.

Artiglióso, full of tallons or clawes.

Artimóne, the maine or foresaile of a ship. Also the sterne or rudder of a ship.

Artióne, the Clot bur.

Artísta, an artist, or artificer.

Árto, narrow, straight, pinching.

ARZ   Artolágano, looke Páne.

Artómo, a beast like a hedghog, hauing the shape of a Mouse and a Beare.

Artophiláce, the Charles-waine, or Beare-star in heauen, the taile of vrsa maior or Bootes.

Artoptício, looke Páne.

Artoráre, to turne corne in the blade into the ground to make it grow the thicker, a fashion that is now out of vse.

Artúro, as Arctúro. Also the Clot-bur.

A rúba, by stealth, filchingly.

A rúba andáre, to goe a stealing.

Arúe, foolish, idle, loytring sports.

Aruggiáre, to make red or ruddie.

Árule, seates equidistant one from another in gardinesse.

Arúnco, the tuft of haire like a beard vnder a Goates chin.

Arundúco, a kind of venemous serpent.

A ruóta, wheelingly.

Aruótare, as Arrotáre.

Aruspicína, that diuination among the Pagans, which they were wont to take by obseruing the forme, the situation and colours of the entrails of such beasts as they were to sacrifice.

Aruspício, the effect of Aruspicina.

Aruspíco, a professor of Aruspicina.

Arzána, as Alzána.

Arzanà, a store house for munition of warre.

Arzanále, as Arzanà.

Arzáuola, a ducklin, or dobchicken.

Árze, Arsenária or Colonia in Latin.

Arzéglio, a horse with a white foote on the further side.

Arzenále, as Arsenále.

Arzẻnte, burning, scorching.

Árzere, to burne or consume with fire.

Arzigógalo, a lifter, a heauer, a leauer, a shorer, an vnderprop. Also a foolish silly gull.

Arzigogoláre, to raue or be franticke.

Arzigógoli, fond humors, sudaine fantzies.

Arzílla, clay, tough or clammie earth.

Arzinanẻllo, a kind of water-snake.

Arzúra, as Arsióne.

Ás or Áes, was the first mony or coine the Romans had, and it waighed a pound of Copper.

A sácco, to the spoile, sackt or ransackt.

A saccománo as A sácco.

Asalóna, a hauke called a Merlin.

A sálto a sálto, leape by leape, a skiping.

A saluaménto, safely, in safty.

Asaluáre, to saue stakes, or rest at play.

A sáluo, safely, in safety.

A saluum me fac, safely, without danger.

Asánzo, a game at tables so called.

ASC   Asáro, foles-foot, or wilde spikenard. Also a kind of coine in Ormuz.

A satietà, with saciety, hold-belly-hold, gluttingly.

Asbaccáre, to haue plenty, to be careles.

Asbácco, hand ouer head, enough to spare.

Asbaragliáre, to hauocke and confound.

A sbaráglio, in confusion or hauoke.

Asbẻrgáre, to arme with a vant-plate.

Asbẻrgo, a vant-plate, a brest-plate.

Asbestíno, a web or flax resisting fire.

Asbẻsto, a stone which once kindled will neuer be quenched againe.

Ásca, a rafter or single quarter. Also a stub, a stump, a stocke or pile. Also a chip, or a lathe.

A scácchi, checquy in armory. Also at chesse.

A scácchi acúti, maskled or lozengy.

Ascalabóte, a lizard called a stellion.

Ascália, the seed of a kinde of Thistle.

Ascalógne, Ciues, Cibols, or Scalions.

Ascalónie as Ascalógne.

Ascapẻzzáre, to multiply by broken numbers.

Ascapẻzzo, a multiplying by broken numbers.

Ascáride, are se-wormes or gut-wormes.

A scatafáscio, at random, hand ouer head.

A scauezzacóllo, headlong furiously.

Ascẻlla, the arme holes or armepits.

Ascẻndẻnte, assendent, mounting vp.

Ascẻndẻnza, an ascending or mounting.

Ascẻndere, scẻndo, scési, scéso, to ascend.

Ascẻndéuole, that may be ascended.

Ascẻndiménto, an ascending or mounting.

Ascẻnso, an ascent or mounting vp.

Ascẻntio, worme-wood.

Ascẻntióne, Ascension day.

Ascésa, an ascending or mounting.

Ascéso, ascended or mounted.

Aschẻmbáre, to go a thwart or a wry.

Aschẻmbo, a thwart, a skew, a wry.

A schéna d'ásino. Asse-backe. Looke. Cásse.

A schẻrzo, in ieast, ieastingly.

A schẻrno, in scorne or contempt.

A schiẻre, in troupes or squadrons.

A schífo, loathsome, in abhomination.

A schimbícci, in crooked manner.

Aschinciáre, to reele or stagger.

Aschíncio, reeling or staggering.

Áschio, spight, malice, rancor, rage, enuy.

Aschióso, spighteful, full or rancor or venum.

Aschíte, a kinde of dropsie when much watery humor is heaped vp betweene peritoneum and the bowels and makes the belly swell.

A schíuo as A schífo.


ASC   Aschrẻmbo as Aschẻmbo.

Áscia, an adze, a chipax. Also a board. Also a Carpenters plaine.

Asciáre, to worke with a chipax. Also to boorde or planke. Also to plaine.

A sciẻlta súa, at his owne choise.

Asciẻnte, wittingly, vpon knowledge.

Ascientiáre, to enskill, to enscience.

Asciógliere, sciólgo, sciólsi, sciólto, to assoile, to acquit, to loosen, to free.

Asciólto, assoiled, acquit, set free.

Ascióluere, scióluo, scióluéi, scióluúto, to breake ones fast, to disiune, to eat something in the morning betimes. Also as Asciógliere.

Ascioluóne, a good or full breakefast. Also a good tale feeder or breakefast man.

Ascioméne, an hearbe that makes wilde beastes loose their fiercenesse.

Ascíro, a plant, in Latine Ascirum.

Asciróide as Androsemóne.

Asciróne as Androsemóne.

Ascísa as Assísa.

Ascíta as Aschíte.

Ascíto as Androsemóne.

Asciugáre, to dry or wipe dry.

Asciugatóio, a wiper or towell.

Asciughéuole, that may be dried.

Asciuttáre, to dry or wipe dry.

Asciútto, wiped dry, dry, barren.

Asclepiáde, an hearbe with leaues like Iute.

Asclopíadi, a kind of verse or meeter.

Asclépio, a kinde of Panáce.

Áscole, the flotes of a Water-wheele.

Ascólta, a skout, a sentinell.

Ascoltáre, to harken, to listen, to shout.

Ascoltatióne, a listening, a skouting.

Ascoltatóre, a harkner, a listner.

A scóncio, troublesome, with trouble.

Ascondarẻgli, lurking or hidingholes.

Ascóndere, cóndo, cósi, cóso, to hide from.

Ascondiménto, a hiding.

Ascóne, a kinde of blazing star.

A scopẻrto, openly discoueredly.

A scóppia córpo, houldbelly-hould.

A scóppia cuóre, idem.

A scórno, in scorne, in derision.

A scórno préndere, to take in scorne.

Ascóso, hidden, hid, lurked.

Ascósto, hid, hidden, secret.

A scósse, in shaking or faltering manner.

A scótto, scotfree, at others charges.

Ascrittítio, a writer, a registrer.

Ascríuere, to ascribe.

Ascrítto, ascribed.

A scrócco, scot-free in shifting sort.

A sdégno, in disdaine, in contempt.

A sécco, dry. Looke Caricáre il Pẻzzo.

ASI   A secónda, with winde and tide.

A sénno, wittingly, purposely.

Asẻlla, Cod-fish, or Hadock-fish.

Asẻlle, the arme-pits or arme-holes.

Asẻquio, obsequie, funerals.

A séra, late in the euening.

A sẻsta, iustly, according to compasse.

A sẻsto. idem.

Asfadẻllo, Affodill or Daffodill.

Asfálto, the English Galingale. Also our Ladies rose, or rose of Ierusalem. Also a kind of gum, or medicament of that gum.

Asfodíllo as Asfadẻllo.

Asghembáre, to byace or goe sideling.

A sghémbo, sideling, byace, a skew.

A sguázzo as A guázzo.

Ásia, a fish which brought in sight of fire is presently enough and fit to be eaten, else very harde.

Asiáti, a kinde of wigin or teale.

A sicurtà, vpon assurance, surely.

Asiéme, with or together.

Ásile, the hearbe Crueley, or Margellane.

Asiláre, to stingue or pricke with a goade.

Ásilo, a racke or cratch to fodder cattle in. Also a sanctuary, a franchise or place of priuiledge. Also the Gad-bee or Horse-flie. Also a goade or the stinge of any waspe.

Asíllo as Ásilo.

Ásima, a pursinesse or cough in the lunges, a painefull drawing of the breath with a wheezing or puffing. Also a disease in a horse growing in the lungs.

A simigliánza, as, like, resembling.

A símile, likewise, like vnto. Also from the like.

A similitúdine, in resemblance, as.

Ásina, a shee-Asse.

Asinággine, assishnesse, blockishnesse.

Asinaría, assishnesse, foolishnesse.

Asináto, cheese made of Asses-milke.

Asináro, a driuer or keeper of Asses.

Asindicáre, as Assindicáre.

Ásine, certaine starres neere vnto Cancer.

Asineggiáre, to play the Asse.

Asinẻlli, two starres called the little Asses.

Asinẻllo, a little Asse. Also a Cod-fish.

Asinẻsco, assish, asse-like.

Asiníne, a kinde of Asse-plum or horse-plum.

Asiníno, a little Asse. Also assish.

A sinístra, on the left hand a thwart.

Asiníre, nísco, níto, to become an Asse.

Asinità, Assishnesse, blockishnesse.

Ásino, an Asse. Also a Cod-fish.

Asinocída, a killer of Asses.

ASP   Asinocídio, murthering of Asses.

Asinóne, an engine to mount a peece of Ordinance. Also a great Asse.

Ásio, a stone called eat-flesh, because that dead bodies laid therein are consumed away in forty daies. Also a kinde of owle called the Horne-coute, with feathers on each side of his head like eares.

Asióne, as Ásio.

Ásma, as Asíma.

Asmático, pursie, short or broken winded.

Asmodẻo, a friend or louer of lechery.

A sofficiẻnza, inough, sufficiently.

A solázzo, a sporting, a solacing.

A sólco, by furrowes, chamfurred.

A sóldo, in pay or for hire.

Ásoli, a kinde of fishes.

A sólo a sólo, alone, all alone.

A sommóssa, at the instigation.

A sómmo stúdio, on set purpose.

A sonáglio, a game that children vse.

A sórte, by chance, by lot.

A spáda trátta, to swords drawing.

Aspagnoláto, spegnolized, braging.

Aspaláce, an hearbe or plant.

Aspaláto, as Asfálto.

A spálle, behinde ones shoulders.

Aspálto as Asfálto.

Aspáragi, the plant sparages.

Aspáre, to reele into a scaine.

A spásso, to walke, to solace, to sport.

Áspe as Áspide.

A spẻcchio, in opposite view, ouer against.

Asperẻlla, a weed growing in the water.

Aspẻrge as Aspẻrgolo.

Aspẻrgere, pẻrgo, pẻrsi, pẻrso, to sprinkle.

Aspẻrgolo, a sprinckling brush.

Asperíno, a budge which beareth a rich blacke furre. Also a coine in Turky.

Asperità, sharpnesse, sourenesse, eagernesse. Also roughnesse, seuerity, ruggednesse, craggednesse, surlinesse, rigor, seuerity, austerity, churlishnesse, stubornnesse, rudenesse, cruelty, harshnesse, fiercenesse.

Aspẻrnábile, contemptible, to be scorned.

Aspẻrnere, spẻrno, spẻrnéi, spẻrnúto, to contemne, to scorne, to reiect.

Áspero, sharpe, soure, eager. Also rough, seuere, rugged, craggie, surlie, rigorous, austere, churlish, stubborne, rude, cruell, harsh, fierce, stinging. Also a coine in Turkie. Also a kind of twining brier or weede.

Aspẻrsióne, an aspersion, a besprinkling.

Aspẻro, sprinkled, bedeawed.

Aspersório, a sprinkling brush.

A spése di, at the charges of.

Aspettáre, to tarry, to expect, to waite [43] on, to looke for. Also to appertaine or belong vnto.

ASP   Aspẻttatióne, tariance, expectation.

Aspẻttatíua, an expecting or tariance.

Aspẻttéuole, that may be expected.

Aspẻtto, aspect, countenance, presence.

A spẻzzacóllo, in break necke manner.

Asphodẻlo, Affodill or Daffodill.

A spícchio, made pointed-wise, like the streakes of the Sunne or the cloues of Garlyke.

Áspide, an aspike or aspe. Also a shrew or wrinch. Also deafe as an adder. Also a short piece of ordinance called a mortar or chamber-piece.

Áspidochilóne, a fish that swims in the water, flies in the aire, and creepeth on the ground.

Aspiláte, a stone like siluer and fierie.

A spíne, engrailed in armorie.

Aspiráre, to aspire, to aime at, to breath at. Also to giue an aspiration vnto.

Aspiratióne, an aspiration.

A spizzicchíno, by odde ends or scantlings. Also minzingly.

Aspléno, Ceterach, Waleferne, Miltwast, Stoneferne, Scaleferne, or Fingerferne.

Áspo, a reele or rice to winde yarne. Also a whirroll for a spindle.

Aspoláre, to reel threed or yarne.

Áspolo, as Áspo.

Aspónere, as Espónere.

Aspositióne, as Espósitióne.

Aspositóre, as Espósitóre.

Aspraménte, sharply, sowerly, eagerly.

Asprédo, a Goldefish or Ruffefish.

Aspreggiáre, to exasperate, to abuse sharpely, to handle roughly.

Asprézza, as Asperità.

Asprézzi, those that carpenters or carters call capsquires.

Asprínio, a coine in Naples and Turkie.

Asprissimaménte, most sharply or cruely.

Áspro, as Áspero.

A sprón battúti, in great spurring haste.

Aspróne, a kind of soft rugged stone vsed about Rome in buildings.

A spróni d'óro, of or with golden spurr's.

A spropósito, against purpose or reason.

Aspróso, full of sowrenesse or eagernesse. Also rugged, craggie, looke Áspero.

Asprúso, besprinkled, bedeawed.

A squádra, by troupes or squadrons. Also leuell, by rule or squire.

A squárzo, in hauock or rending maner.

Assabíno, the Cinamond-tree.

Assaccheggiáre, to sacke, to ransacke.

Ássa dólce, Benzoni or Beniamin gum.

Ássa fétida, a kind of stinking liquor.

Assaggiáre, to assay, to taste, to try.

Assaggiatóre, an assaier, a tastar.

Assaggiéuole, that may be tasted.

Assággio, a taste, an assay or essay.

Assaiáre, to make enough. Also to taste.

Assái, enough, mickle, much, many.

ASS   Assaipiù, much, more.

Assái vólte, many times or turnes.

Assaíssimo, very much or enough.

Assaiuólo, a Schreech, or harmeowle.

Assaldáre, to stanch blood, to close vp a wound, to solder mettals.

Assaldatúra, a stanching, a soldring.

Assále, an Axell-tree.

Assaliménto, an assailing.

Assalíre, lísco, líto, as Assaltáre.

Assalitóre, an assaulter, an assailer.

Assalóne, a kind of bird.

Assaltáre, to assault, to assaile, to set or leape vpon, to on set.

Assaltéuole, that may be assaulted.

Assálto, an assault, an on set.

Assannáre, to bite or hold with tuskes.

Assánno, a pinch, or biting with tusks.

Assapére, to wit, to know, that's to say.

Assaporaménto, a sauoring, a seasoning.

Assaporáre, to sauour, to sauce, to taste.

Assaporíre, rísco, ríto, as Assaporáre.

Assáppi, yoong, new or fresh soldiers that neuer serued before among the Turkes.

Assarabácca, the hearbe Folefoot or Hazelwort.

Assáro, the hearbe Folefoote.

Assassinaménto, a murther, a robberie.

Assassináre, to murther and rob together.

Assassinaría, a murtherous robberie.

Assassinatóre, as Assassíno.

Assassíno, a robbing murtherer, a high-way theefe.

Ásse, any boord or planke. Also any axeltree. Also the diameter of the world. Also a hooke whereon a doore hangeth. Also a wilde beast in India with a speckled skin. Also the ioint or axeltree of a bit.

Asseccáre, to dry vp.

Assecuráre, to assure, to secure.

Assedaménto, a swaging, a mitigating.

Assedáre, to swage, to mitigate, to qualifie.

Assedére, to sit neare vnto or by.

Assediáre, to besiege, to beleagre.

Ásse di fẻrro, any iron plate.

Assẻdio, a siege, a league.

Assẻdio lóngo, a lingring siege.

Assẻggere, sẻggo, sísi, síso, to sit downe, to seate. Also to place or pitch in some place.

Asseggiáre, to sit downe, to seate by.

Assegnaménto, an assignment.

Assegnáre, to assigne, to appoint.

Assegnataménte, assignedly, appointedly.

Assegnatióne, an assignation.

Asseguiménto, an atchieument. Also an obtaining by sute and following.

Asseguíre, guísco, guíto, to atchieue, to accomplish, to bring to passe, to obtaine by sute.

Asseguitióne, as Asseguiménto.

Assẻlláre véna, a large veine being a branch of Venacaua.

ASS   Assẻllo, a kind of bird.

Assembláre, to assemble. Also to resemble.

Assemblẻa, an assemblie.

Assembraménto, an assembling.

Assembránza, an assembling.

Assembráre, to assemble, to resemble.

Assembrẻa, an assemblie.

Assẻmbro, an example, a patterne.

Assẻmpiáre, to example, to patterne.

Assẻmpio, an example, a patterne.

Assẻmpláre, to example, to patterne.

Assẻmplo, an example, a patterne.

Assẻmpráre, to eternize, to make for euer. Also to example, to patterne. Also to assemble.

Assẻmpro, an example, a patterne.

Assennáre, to teach wit, to instruct. Also to nod, to becken or winke at.

Assensióne, an ascension, an ascending.

Assénso, an assent or consenting vnto.

Assentáre, to assent or yeeld vnto. Also to absent or bee absent. Also to sit downe.

Assentaménto, an assenting, an assent. Also an absenting.

Assentatióne, an assenting. Also an absenting.

Assentatóre, an assenter, a consenter.

Assentiále, absent, absently.

Assẻnte, absence.

Assẻntia, Assẻnza, absence.

Assentiménto, an assenting vnto.

Assẻntio, wormewood. Also incense.

Assentióne, an ascention, or ascending.

Assentíre, to assent or yeeld vnto.

Assentíto, assented. Also vigilant.

Assentóre, an assenter, an auoucher.

Assepáre, to hedge or fence with hedges.

Assepatóre, a hedger.

Assepiáre, to hedge about.

Assepiatóre, a hedger.

Asserẻlli, thin boords, planks, or panels.

Asserenáre, to cleare or brighten.

Asseríre, rísco, ríto, to insist, to affirme, to auouch, to auerre, to assert.

Assẻrráre, to enshut or close in fast.

Assẻrragliáre, to enclose or shut in. Also to compasse with strength, to hedge in.

Assẻrtióne, an assertion, an auouching.

Assẻrtiuaménte, auouchedly, assertiuely.

Assẻrtíuo, auouchable, affirmatiue.

Assẻrto, asserted, auouched.

Assẻrtóre, an assertor, an auoucher.

Assessáre, to assesse, to taxe, to assise.

Assessinaménto, a murthering.

Assessináre, to murther and rob.

Assessíno, a murtherer and robber.

Assẻsso, an assise, or a taxing.

Assessóre, an assessor, a taxer.

Assestáre, to measure or set by the compasse.

Assetáre, to long or be thirstie for.

Assetáto, thirstie, full of thirst.


ASS   Assétta, a little boorde, or thin lath.

Assẻttáre, to settle, to sute, to adapte.

Assẻttatúra, a setling. Also a fishing line.

Assẻttatúzzo, a spruce affected fellow.

Assẻtto, setled, seated, drest. In assẻtto, handsom, in order, drest vp. Also forme or order.

Asseueráre, to auouch, to affirme.

Asseueratióne, asseueration, swearing.

Ássi, boordes. Also a kind of Serpent.

Assibiláre, to hisse like a Serpent.

Assicẻlla, a lath, a little boord, a splint or speall of wood or stone.

Assicuraménto, an assuring.

Assicuránza, assurance.

Assicuráre, to assure, to secure.

Assicurtà, boldly, vpon assurance.

Assidẻnza, the act of setting downe.

Assideráre, to stiffen or benum with colde. Also to enterfer as horses doe, or to gaule and rub of the skin. Also to blast or streeke with a planet. Also to grow starke stiffe.

Assideratióne, a benumming with cold. Also an enterferring, a rubbing or gaulling of the skin, a blasting or planet streeking.

Assídere, to sit downe, to situate.

Assídi as Epicícli.

Assiduáre, to continue with diligence.

Assiduíssimo, neuer ceasing, still-labouring.

Assiduità, continuance, daily labour.

Assíduo, carefull, laborously, diligent.

Assiéme, with, together.

Assiepáre, to hedge about or in.

Assiepatóre, a hedger.

Assignaménto, an assignement.

Assignáre, to assigne, to appoint.

Assignatióne, an assignation.

Assiguíre as Asseguíre.

Assíle, an exel-tree.

Assilláre, to bite with a horsefly. Also to leape and skip as an Ox stung with flies.

Assíllo, a waspe or horsefly. Also a sharpe goade or stingue of a waspe.

Assimigliánza, a resembling.

Assimigliáre, to resemble.

Assimigliéuole, resemblable.

Assimiláre, to resemble, to compare.

Assimilatióne, a resemblance.

Assindicáre, to iudge by order of law.

Assinghiozzáre, to sobe, to throbe.

Assinghiozzáti sospíri, throbbing sighes.

Assíno, a kinde of Muske cat.

Assinománte, a deuiner by hatchets.

Assinomantía, deuination by hatchets.

Assióma, a maxime, a principle, a generall rule or ground of any arte.

Assiomáre, to reduce to maximes, principals or generall rules.

Assiomáti, maximes, or generall rules.

ASS   Assísa, an assise, or seassing, also painters size. Also a liuerie or formall fashion.

Assisáre, to sise, to assise. Also to size. Also to sute or put into liuerie.

Assísero, they beset or besieged.

Assíso, seated, sitten, situated. Also seyant in armorie.

Assistẻnte, an assistant, helping.

Assistẻnza, assistance, helpe.

Assístere, sísto, túto, to assist.

Assíto, a beame, a iauine, or quarter.

Assituáre, to situate, to seate.

Assituatióne, a site, a situation.

Assituáto, seated, situated.

Assiuólo, as Assaiuólo.

Ásso, an ace, one alone, nothing.

Ásso & ásso, one and one, single.

Ásso o sẻi, ace or sixe vpon the dice, the most or least, as we say in english a man or a mouse.

Associáre, to associate, to accompanie.

Assodábile, that may be made solide.

Assodamẻnto, a making fast and solide.

Assodáre, to make solide, fast, or hard.

Assógna, seame, sewet, or tallow.

Assognáre, to grease, to tallow. Also to dreame, or to raue.

Assoláto, soled, setled vpon feete.

Assoláre, to sole.

Assoldáre, to presse or take into pay.

Assóluere, sóluo, soluéi, sólto, to absolue, acquit, to assoile, to discharge.

Assolutaménte, absolutely.

Assolutióne, absolution, assoiling.

Assolutézza, absolutenesse.

Assolúto, absolued. Also absolute.

Assolutório, pertaining to absolution.

Assomigliánte, resembling.

Assomigliánza, resemblance.

Assomigliáre, to resemble.

Assomigliéuole, resemblable.

Assommáre, to summe or heape vp. Also to raise to the height.

Assóngia, sewet or hogs grease.

Assongiáre, to grease or to tallow.

Assonnáre, to slumber or fall a sleepe. Also to cease from labour.

Assontióne, assumption.

Assónto, assumed. Also mounted vp. Also a charge or vndertaking.

Assopiménto, a supling, a swaging.

Assopíre, písco, píto, to suple, to asswage.

Assorbíre, bísco, bíto, to sip vp.

Assordággine, deafenesse.

Assordáre, to make deafe.

Assordafórni, a common skold or railer.

Assordidáre, to beray sluttishly.

Assordidézza, foule sluttishnesse.

Assordità, absurditie, vnreasonablenesse.

Assórdo, absurd, against reason, foolish.

Assórgere, sórgo, sórsi, sórto, to rise vp.

Assortáre, to sort, to consort together. Also to chance or fall out by lots. Also to allot.

Assortiménto, an alloting by chance.

AST   Assortíre, tísco, títo, as Assortáre.

Assórto, swallowed or sipped vp. Also risen or raised vp.

Assossiegáto, looke Sossiegáre.

Assottigliánza, a thinning, a mincing.

Assottigliáre, to subtilise, to make small, thin, or slender. Also to weaken or empaire.

Assottigliatóre, a mincer of any thing.

Assúmere, súmo, súnsi, súnto, to assume.

Assuntióne, an assuming, an assumption.

Assúnto, assumed, as Assónto.

Assurdíssimo, most absurd, vnreasonable.

Assurditá, absurditie, vnreasonablenes.

Assúrgere, súrgo, súrsi, súrto, to rise vp.

Ásta, any long staffe, speare, pike or pole.

Astáce, a creuise, a crab.

A stafféta, in post haste or running.

Ásta foderáta, an armed pike.

Astále árma, a shafted weapon.

Astalláre, to stable, to set in a stable.

Astánti, by-standers, being present.

Astaphíde, a kind of grape.

Astaphiságria, staphisacre.

Astáre, to shaft, to arme with a speare.

Astáse, a creuise or Sea-crab.

Astéci, as Astáse.

Astenẻnte, abstinent, abstaining.

Astenẻnza, abstinence, temperance.

Astenére, tẻngo, ténui, tenúto, to abstaine.

A sténto, piningly, languishingly.

Astenuáre, to extenuate, or make thin.

Astenuáto, leane, meagre, gaunt, lanke.

Astenuatióne, extenuation.

Astẻra, a kind of Tẻrra sigilláta.

Asterático, a skie colour. Also a stone.

Astẻre, an hearbe that is a present remedy against tumores in the share.

Astéria, a stone called also Girasolióne. Also a foule called a Bittour.

Astérico, the hearb Parietary.

Asteríte, a kind of sparkling stone.

Astẻrni, a kind of people neere the riuer Ganges that haue no mouth, but liue by breathing, and are hairy all their bodies ouer.

Astẻrsióne, a cleansing or wiping away.

Astẻrsíuo, that will cleanse and dry vp.

Astése, a kind of creuise or crab.

Ásti, mony in rogues language.

Ástice, as Astése.

Asticciuóla, any little staffe or speare.

Astífero, lance bearing or bringing.

Astílida, a kind of Cabage lectuce.

Astinẻnte, abstinent, forbearing.

Astinẻnza, abstinence, temperance.

Ástio, as Áschio.

Astióso, as Aschióso.

Astipuláre, as Stipuláre.

Astipulatóre, one according with another.

Astiuóla, as Asticciuóla.

A stoccáta, with a thrust or stoccado.

Astolfẻida, a presuming to doe that by [45] wit and worth which a man doth by chance, as Astólfo did by his enchanted speare.

AST   Astóre, Astórre, a Gosse hauke.

Astórẻlla, a tassell of a Gosse hauke.

A stórmo, in troupe, stormingly.

Astrabácca, as Assarabácca.

A strácca, to the vtmost till one be weary.

Astrácco, a fretted floore or seeling.

Astragálo, a huckle bone. Also the necke bone. Also the hearbe Peasearthnut. Also a word in Architecture.

Astragalizónte, a boy playing at dice.

Astragalománte, a deuiner by dice.

Astragalomantía, a kind of diuination with casting of dice or huckle bones.

A strahóra, out of season or due time.

Astrále, starry, planetary.

Astrálago, the hearbe Peasearthmot.

Astrápia, a whitish and greenish stone from which seem to shoot raies of lightning.

A strapiè, in haste, a snatch and away.

Astrárre, trággo, trássi, trátto, to abstract.

A strátio, tearingly, tormentingly.

Astrattézza, an abstractnesse. Also a strange far fetcht conceit or deuice.

Astrattióne, an abstraction.

Astrátto, abstracted. Also an abstract.

Astrẻa, taken for iustice the daughter of Astrea and Aurora.

Astreggiáre, to twinkle as the stars.

Astrétta, a griping at the heart.

Astrettíuo, as Astringẻnte.

Astrétto, constrained or compelled vnto.

Astricáre, to paue.

Ástrico, a pauement.

Astrífero, star bearing or bringing.

Astrígnere, as Astríngere.

Astringẻnte, restringent, enforcing, such things as bind the body or any part thereof.

Astríngere, stríngo, strínsi, strétto, to restringe, to constraine, to bind and enforce.

Ástrio, a stone with a star in it.

Ástro, a star, a planet. Also a celestiall signe compact of many stars.

Astrobolóne, as Astróide.

Astroccomusiáre, to worke fretted workes.

Astroccomusiáto, seeled with frets.

Astróide, a stone which laid vpon marble wet with vineger doth stir and creep away.

Astrolábio, an astrolobe or instrument whereby the motions of the stars is gathered.

Astrologáre, to play the Astrologer.

Astrologástro, a foolish lying astrologer.

Astrología, prediction of things to come by the course of stars.

Astrólogo, a foreteller of things to come by the course of stars, an astrologer.

ATA   Astrónamo, an astronomer, a professor of the knowledge of the heauenly motions.

Astronomáre, to professe the knowledge of heauenly motions.

Astronomía, astronomy, knowledge of heauenly motions.

Astronómico, astronomicall.

Astronomizzáre, as Astronomáre.

Astrónomo, as Astrónamo.

Astropicciáre, to rub or claw hard.

Astróso, starry. Also borne vnder some vnluckie planet.

Astrozzáre, as Strozzáre.

Astrúso, as Abstrúso.

Astúccio, an estuife, a pocket cace or little sheath with cizers, bodkin, penknife and such things in it.

A stúdio, for the nonce, expresly.

A stuólo, by troopes, in flockes, in heards.

Astúra, a shell fish called a Nakre.

Astúrco, an ambling genet of Spaine.

Asturcóne, as Astúrco.

Astútia, craft, wilinesse, subtilty of wit.

Astúto, wily, crafty, witty, shrewde.

A sua pósta, at his pleasure or perill.

A sua scẻlta, at his choice.

Asuefáre, to accustome, to enure.

Asuefattióne, custome, wont, vre.

Asuefátto, accustomed, wont, enured.

Asuẻto, accustomed, enured, wonted.

Asuetúdine, custome, vre, wont.

A sufficiénza, sufficiently, enough.

A suo danno, at his perill and danger.

A suólo a suólo, ranged or piled in order.

A suo malgrádo, maugre him.

A suón di trómba, by the sound of trumpet.

A suo potére, with all the power he can.

A suo sénno, after his owne wit.


Atábulo, a winde blowing much in Affrica.

Atagliáre, as Attagliáre.

A táglio, by rule or due proportion.

Atalánte as Antáride.

A tál chè, so that, then.

A tál fóggia, in such fashion.

A talhóra, at such or sometimes.

Atanáto, the hearbe Rosecampion.

A tál partíto, as such a passe or state.

Atamatizzáre, to excommunicate or declare one an Anathem. Looke Anathéma.

Atanási, Tansie or siluerwort.

Atánte, helping, aiding.

A tánto, then, insomuch, so farfoorth.

A tánto chè, so that then, whilest that.

A tánto il dí, at so much a day.

Atapezzáre, to tapistry, to trim vp.

Atapezzíre, zísco, zíto, idem.

Atarántola as Tarántola.

Atarantoláto, bitten with a Tarántola.

ATE   Atáre, to helpe, to aide. Also to fit vnto.

Atastáre, as Attastáre.

Atastonáre, to grope in the darke.

A tastóne, gropingly, fumblingly.

Atectnẻa, an ignorance of any Arte.

Atelábo, a kinde of Locust without wings.

Atellanáre as Attellanáre.

Atelláni as Attelláni.

A tẻmpera, with temper or well tempering.

A tẻmpo, in time, timely. Also for time.

A tẻmpo e luógo, in due time, and place.

Atentáre, to attempt or vndertake.

Atentióne, attention, heed.

Aténto, attentiue, heedy. Also attempted.

Aténto chè, since or seeing that.

Atentonáre, to grope as in the darke.

A tentóne, gropeing on all foure in the darke.

Atẻo as Athẻísta, or Athẻo.

Ateramóne, a weed that killeth beanes.

Atẻrgáre, to put behinde ones backe.

A tẻrgo, behinde, behinde ones backe.

Aterína, a fish in Latine Atherína.

A tẻrmine, for tearme of time.

A tẻrra, on land, on the ground.

Athẻismo, atheisme, miscreancy.

Athẻista, an Atheist, a miscreant.

Athẻo, one that thinkes there is no God.

Athéra, a decoction or gruell of Oliva.

Athilóne, a bird that euer hateth and pursueth the foxe.

Athlẻta, a wrestler with hand and foote.

Átimo, an atome, or indiuisible thing. Also a moment of time.

Atizzóne, a stone glittering as siluer.

Atlantióne, the first spondile, ioynt or knot of the ridge-bone.

Atlẻta, a wrestler. Also a champion.

Atócio, any medicine that hindereth conception.

Átomo, as Átimo. Also the first Incense that falles from the tree.

Atondáre, as Attondáre.

A tóndo, roundly, in a round.

Atornáre, to turne, to wheele about.

A tóppo, giuócare a tóppo, to play at gresco or hazzard, and then to set at euery chance or cast, or to set and cast at the by.

Atórno, about, touching, concerning.

Atórno fátto, made by a turner.

A tórto, wrongfully, against right.

Atoscáre, to poison, to entoxicate.

Atossicáre, to poison, to enuenome.

Atrábile, atractiue, that may be drawen.

Atrabiliáre, lat. Atrabiliaria, quasi Atra bili corpora obnoxia.

Atrabilità, atractiuenesse.


ATR   A tradigióne, as A tradiménto.

A tradiménto, treacherously, by treason.

Atraménto, blacke inke. Also a kind of dying or colouring. Also a kind of minerall salt or vitrioll.

Atraménto sutório, copperas or vitrioll. Also shoemakers blacke.

Atramítica, the second kind of wild Mirrhe.

A tramontána, toward the North.

Atrauẻrsáre, to trauerse, to crosse, to thwart.

Atrauẻrso, a crosse, a thwart.

Atrebíci, a kind of hearbe.

Atrẻsse, barrie or barried in armorie.

Atrigóni, a word of Herauldrie.

Átrio, the first entrance into a house, a court-yard or comming into a Porch, a court before a house or Pallace.

Atripélo, blacke haire, or blacke haired.

Atrípide, black-footed.

Atríple, Orache or Golden-hearbe.

Atríplice, Dent de chien. Quoich or Dogs tooth.

Atristáre, as Attristáre.

Atrità, blacknesse, pitchinesse, darknesse, suttines. Also crueltie, gastlines.

Atritáre, as Tritáre, to mince small.

Atritióne, as Attritióne.

Atríto, as Tríto. Also worne small.

Átro, darke, blacke, sable, pitchie, suttie, gloomie. Also gastly, grisly, deadly, horrible, cruell.

Atróce, fierce, fell, cruell, seuere.

Atrochíte, as Astroíde.

Atrocíre, císco, cíto, to grow fierce.

Atrocissimaménte, most eagerly or fiercely.

Atrocità, fiercenes, felnes, crueltie.

Atróphe, those parts of the bodie that receiue no nourishment.

Atrophía, a disease when one through feare eateth lesse, or through much greedinesse eateth more than he ought, whereupon followeth a consumption which causeth the bodie to fall & pine away, some take it also for a disease in the eies.

Atrópho, he to whom the meate that he eateth doth no good, or he that pineth away and is in a consumption.

Átta, the hearbe Watlewort.

Attaccáre, to tacke, to attache, to cleaue, to ioyne or fasten vnto.

Attaccáre batáglia, to ioyne battell.

Attaccáre l'uncíno, to fasten a hooke vnto, but metaphorically vsed by Boccace for to iumble a wench roundly and faston an occupying vpon her.

Attaccáre un zimbẻllo ad úno, to fasten on, or publish some fault not knowen before in some bodie to his shame and reproach, to lay blame on one.

Attaccatíccio, clammie or cleauing vnto.

Attaccatúra, a fastning or tacking vnto, a cleauing or clamming vnto.

ATT   Attaccáre l'uncíno, to cope with a woman, or to commit rem in ré.

Attácco, a fastening vnto, a hanging vnto. Also an imputation laid to one. Also a kinde of Grashopper called a Solean. Also a kind of bird.

Attafanáto, a flie-bitten coloured horse.

Attagéne, a Godwit. Also a Moore-hen.

Attagliáre, to fit, to square, to cut or sute vnto. Also to sooth vp or make good what one sayes.

Attalentáre, to assent to ones minde.

Attalianáto, Italianated, Italianized.

Attálico, a kinde of cloth of gold.

Attaménte, aptly, fitly, conueniently.

Attanagliáre, to tanacle, to pinch.

Attapezzáre, to tapistrie, to triumph.

Attáre, to make apt or fit, to act.

Attargáre, to arme or shield with targets.

Attasentáre, to silence, to still, to husht.

Attastáre, to taste, to assay. Also to tent or prooue a sore. Also to grope and feele.

Attásti, the frets of any instrument.

Attauanáto, as Attafanáto.

Attẻa, as Átta.

Attediáre, to weary with tediousnesse.

Attegáre, to goe or dance on ropes.

Attegatóre, a dancer on ropes. Also a tumbler, an active man or teacher of nimblenesse.

Atteggiáre, to make docile or active, to tumble or be nimble.

Atteggiatóre, an actiue man, a tumbler.

Attelána, a comedie deuided into actes. Also a play of Atteláni.

Attelanáre, looke Atteláni.

Atteláni, men that with fowle mouthes, vnseemely speeches, disfigured faces, minike gestures and strange actions professe to procure laughter.

Atteláre, to place in forme or due order.

Attempáre, to grow in yeares or time.

Attempáto, in yeares, aged, olde, timed.

Attendáre, to encampe or pitch tents.

Attendẻnte, attending, an attendant.

Attendẻnza, attendance, waiting.

Attẻndere, tẻndo, tẻsi, téso, to attend, to waite, to stay, to abide, to tarie, to expect. Also to solicite, to apply, to harken, to regard.

Attenẻnte, belonging or pertaining vnto.

Attenẻnti, allies, kinsmen. Also fast holdings.

Attenẻnza, a belonging or pertaining vnto. Also affinity or alliance in blood or kindred. Also a holding by, or dependency.

Attenére, tẻngo, ténni, tenúto, to hold by. Also to pertaine or belong vnto. Also to keepe fast or close vnto.

Attenitóre, an attainer. Also an executer of a mans goods.

ATT   Atténta, attendance or waiting on.

Attentáre, to attempt, to vndertake.

Attentáto, attempted, vndertaken. Also according to Grisóni, when a horse goeth so warily that he dareth not tread one foot on another.

Attentióne, attention, attendance.

Attentíuo, attentiue, attending, heedfull, diligent, vigilant, prone, ready.

Attẻnto, as Attentíuo. Also an intent or purpose.

Attẻnto che, since that, sithence, sith.

Attentóne, as A tentóne, gropingly.

Attenuáre, to extenuate, to make leane.

Attenuatióne, extenuation, leannesse.

Attenuíre, ísco, íto, as Attenuáre.

Attẻrgáre, to put behind ones shoulders.

Attẻrráre, to suppresse or fell to the ground. Also to fill or dam vp with earth.

Atterriménto, a deterring, an affrighting, a terrifying.

Atterríre, rísco, ríto, to deter, to affright, to terrifie.

Attẻrzáre, to ioine three and three. Also to pack or pricke the cardes.

Attéso, attended, waited, looke Attẻndere.

Attésoche, sithence of since that.

Attestáre, to attest, to testifie. Also to make head or grow to a head.

Attestatióne, a testimony, an attestation, a growing to a head. Also to encounter.

Attestáto, attested, testified. Also made head or gathered to a head. Also one that is of the formost ranke and makes head against others.

Attézza, aptnes, aptitude, dexterity.

Átti, acts, deeds, doings. Also statutes, decrees or lawes.

Áttica, the Atticke Greeke tongue.

Atticciáre, as Attizzáre.

Attidúdine, as Attitúdine.

Attígnere, as Attíngere.

Attilánte, spruce, neat or fine in clothes.

Attiláre, to grace or make handsome.

Attilataménte, neatly, cleanly.

Attilatézza, neatlinesse, sprucenesse in clothes.

Attiláto, spruce, smug, or fine in clothes.

Attilatúra, as Attilatézza.

Attilatúzzo, sprucely selfe conceited.

Áttilo, a kind of fish in the riuer Po.

Áttimo, as Átimo.

Attináre, to tunne or barrel vp. Also to fit for any action.

Attinẻnte, as Attenẻnte.

Attinẻnza, pertinency or bel[on]ging vnto.

Attíngere, tíngo, tínsi, tínto, to dip in. Also to draw or keach water. Also to dy into any colour.

Attíno, Attínio, a kind of Elme tree.

Attínto, dipped in. Also reached, ketched or drawne water. Also dyed into any [47] colour. Also when a horse is hurt or tainted or ouer reacheth one foot with another and withall doth hurt a sinnew, some say also that it is a taint or ouer reach in the backe or shanke of a horse.

ATT   Attióne, an action. Also a deed.

Attiráre, to draw vnto. Also to allure.

Attissimaménte, most aptly or fitly.

Attitudinále, according to actitude.

Attitúdine, aptnesse, fitnesse, dexterity.

Attiuità, actiuity, doing, actiuenesse.

Attíuo, actiue, doing, actuall.

Attizzabríghe, a picke quarell, a busie body.

Attizzaménto, a prouoking or stirring vp.

Attizzáre, to stir vp the fire. Also to enkindle. Also to prouoke to anger.

Attizzatóio, a fire forke to stir vp the fire. Also a kindling place.

Attizzéuole, that may be enkindled.

Attizzonáre, as Attizzáre.

Átto, an act, a deed, an action. Also a gesture, a part, a tricke. Also apt, meet, ready, fit, prone, able, prepared. Also so much land as two oxen can plough in one tract without resting.

Attondáre, to make or goe round. Also a horse to close vp his turne roundly.

Attondáre di spróni, to helpe with both spurs, at one time to make a horse to close vp his turne iust.

Attoniáre, as Attorniáre.

Attoniménto, astonishment.

Attoníre, nísco, níto, to astonish.

Attónito, astonished, amazed.

Attórcere, tórco, torcéi, tórto or torciúto, to twist or wind vp together. Also to bend or make crooked. Also to wind about as with a with. Also to racke.

Attorcicchiáre, as Attortigliáre.

Attorcigliáre, as Attortigliáre.

Attorciménto, a twisting or winding up. Also a bending or making crooked.

Attóre, an actor, a doer, a factor. Also a chalenger or demandant in any quarell. Also a plaintife or accuser. Also a plaier in a comedy. Also a bailife in husbandry.

Attorneáre, to enuiron, to encircle, to compasse, to gird about.

Attorneggiáre, as Attorneáre.

Attorniáre, as Attorneáre.

Attórno, about, concerning.

Attortigliáre, to roule vp. Also to curle or entangle.

Attórto. Looke Attórcere.

Attoscáre, to poyson, to entoxicate.

Attossicáre, to poison, to enuenome.

Attrábile, that may attract or be attractated.

Attrabilità, attractiuenesse.

Attraẻnte, attracting or alluring vnto.

ATT   Attrággere, trággo, trássi, trátto, to attract or draw vnto. Also to abstract. Also to allure or entice. Also to benum or shrinke vp the sinewes.

Attrahẻnte, as Attraẻnte.

Attrárre, as Attrággere.

Attrattíle, as Attraẻnte. Also a kinde of Bur or Thistle good against the biting of Scorpions, some take it for the bastard Saffron whereof good oyle is made.

Attratílida, as Attrattíle.

Attrattióne, attraction, or drawing vnto.

Attrattíre, tísco, títo, to abstract or shrinke vp the limmes.

Attrattíto, lame or shrunken in limmes.

Attrattíuo, attractiue, alluring vnto.

Attrátto, attracted, drawen out from. Also shrunken in the limmes and lame. Also allured or enticed. Also an abstract.

Attrattóre, a Surgions instrument.

Attrauẻrsaménto, a thwarting, a crossing.

Attrauẻrsáre, to crosse, to thwart.

Attrauẻrso, a thwart, a crosse.

Attrecciáre, as Intrecciáre.

Attribuíre, ísco, íto, to attribute, to ascribe.

Attribuitióne, attribution.

Attribuláre, to trouble, to molest.

Attribúto, an attribute.

Attríplice, as Atríplice.

Attristáre, to make or become sad or pensiue in minde, to ensorrow. Also to empaire or make and become naught.

Attristatióne, sadnesse, sorrowing.

Attritáre, as Tritáre.

Attritióne, Attrittióne, attrition, that is a remorce proceeding of seruile feare fearing either punishment or losse of something, a faigned contrition. Also a rubbing, a freting or gaulling the skinne off.

Attríto, touch with remorse or feare of punishment.

Attropicaménto, a stumbling.

Attropicáre, to stumble.

Attrouáre, to finde out.

Attuále, actuall, sensible.

Attualità, actuality, effecting.

Attualménte, actually, sensibly.

Attuáre, presently to come to action, to actuate, as it were to giue life vnto.

Attúccio, a feate, a tricke, a slight.

Attuffáre, to ducke, or plunge vnder water.

Attuffatúra, a ducking or plungeing or diuing vnder water.

Attuiáre, to obscure, to blemish.

Attuíre, ísco, íto, as Attuiáre.

Atturáccio, a stople. Also a scowring sticke.

Atturáre, to stop, to damme vp.

AVA   Atturatóio, as Atturáccio.

Attustáre, to smother or stifle.

Attutáre, to asswage, to appease, to whesht, to extinguish, to qualifie. Also to diue or plunge vnder water. Also to assure or warrant.

Attutíre, tísco, títo, to make one perforce to hold his peace.

Attuttáre, to summe or cast vp all together. Also as Attutáre.

A tua pósta, at thy perill or pleasure.

Atúrfo, the Tamariske-tree.

A tútta briglia, in full speed, vnbridledly.

A tútta oltránza, with might and maine.

A tútta passáta, all the way long.

A tútta pósta, at all assaies. Also to cast or play at all that is set.

A tútta pruóua, with might and maine.

A tútta vóce, as loude as may be.

A tútte véle, with full spread sailes.

A tútti i módi, howsoeuer, by all meanes.

A tútt'hóre, euer at all houres.

A tútti pátti, by all meanes.

A tútto córso, a maine-gallop, without post, or let.

A tútto pásto, all the meale through.

A tútto tránsito, with might and maine.

Au, hath beene vsed for Quándo.

Áua, a grandmother, a grandame.

Auacciámento, a speeding, a dispatching.

Auacciáre, to dispatch, to hasten.

Auáccio, quickly, speedily, hastily.

Auaccióso, full of speed or haste.

Auagoleggiaménti, as Vagẻllamenti.

Auagoleggiáre as Vagẻlláre.

Auále, now, by and by, euen now.

Aualére, váglio, válsi, valúto, to auaile, to preuaile. Also to serue ones turne.

Auálido, equall, with the worth.

Auálla, on, goe to, away, adue, of, encor.

Aualláre, to enually, or make a vally. Also to swallow downe. Also to stoope or light downe. Also to vaile downe. Also to encompasse round as in a vally. Also to sinke downe. Also to depresse, or bring low.

A válle, below, beneath. Also vnder.

Aualoráre, to encourage, to make or become valerous, to hearten.

Auampáre, to blaze or set on a flame.

Auampatíccio, subiect to flaming.

Auangáre, to goade or pricke. Also to digge with a mattocke. Also to thriue to succeed or prosper well in any businesse.

Auanguárdia, a vantgarde.

Auanía, an vndeserued wrong, a secret [48] grudge, an insulting iniurie.

AVA   Auaniáre, to wrong vndeseruedly, to grudge at, iniuriously to insult vpon one.

Auantaggiáre, to aduantage, to excell.

Auantaggiáto, aduantaged.

Auantággio, aduantage, ods.

Auantaggióso, aduantageous, hauing ods.

Auantaggiosíssimo, most aduantageous.

Auantáre, to vaunt, to brag, to boast.

Auantatóre, a vaunter, a boaster, a bragger.

Auánte, before, afore, tofore.

Auánt'hiéri, the day before yesterday.

Auánti, before, tofore, afore.

Auantichè, before hand, before that.

Auanticuóre, as Anticuóre.

Auántio, a nick name, for one that to get something will euer be last in companie.

Auánto, a boast, a vaunt, a brag, a crack.

Auanuára, hand ouer head, at randan, at hab or nab, at all aduenture.

Auanzaménto, aduancement, as Auánzo.

Auanzánte, excelling. Also ouerplus.

Auanzáre, to encrease, to augment. Also to aduance, to prefer. Also to outgoe, to excell or surmount. Also to get or profit any thing before hand. Also to haue to spare, and to leaue ouerplus.

Auanzatícci, as Auánzi.

Auánzi, leauings, scraps, shreds, reliques. Also vailes, profits or gainings, residues.

Auánzo, an encrease, an ouerplus, a gaine or getting. Also moreouer, besides or aboue. Also a rest at Primero. Also as Auántio.

Auanzúgli, as Auánzi.

Auarítia, auarice, couetice, niggardise.

Auáro, couetous, nigard, miser.

Auaróne, a pinchpenny, a niggardly chuffe.

Aubidiẻnte, obedient, brought to obedience.

Aubidiẻnza, obedience, bringing to obedience.

Aubidíre, dísco, díto, to obey, or bring to obedience.

Auccẻlláre, as Vccẻlláre.

Audáce, audacious, daring, hardy.

Audaceménte, audaciously, daringly.

Audácia, audacity, daring, boldnesse.

Audacità, as Audácia.

Audíbile, loud, that may be heard, audible.

Audiẻntia, audience, hearing.

Audíre, ódo, udíj, udíto, to heare, to listen.

Auditióne, a hearing. Also an audite.

Audíto, the organe or sense of hearing.

Auditóre, a hearer, an auditor.

Auditório, an auditorie. Also a place of audience.

AVE   Áue, allhaile, godspeed, be thou glad.

Auéce, in the name, place, turne or stead of another.

Auedére, védo or véggo, víddi, vedúto or vísto, to perceiue or be aware, to aduise, or foresee.

Auediménto, warinesse, perceiuing, discretion, forecast.

Auedúta, by sight, as an eye witnesse.

Auedutaménte, warily, aduisedly, discreetly.

Auedúto, aware, perceiued, foreseene. Also warie, aduised, vigilant or foreseeing.

Aueggẻnte ócchio, as an eye witnesse.

Auégnachè, albeit, howbeit, although.

Auégnadiochè, idem.

Aueláre, to vaile, to shadow ouer.

Auelenáre, to enuenome, to poison.

Auẻlia, a kind of water-fowle.

Auelenatóre, a poisoner, an enuenomer.

Aueleníre, as Auelenáre.

Aueleniménto, a poisoning, an enuenoming.

Auẻllána, a Filbert or Hazelnut.

Auẻlláno, a Filbert or Hazellnut-tree.

A véle piéne, with full spread sailes.

Auẻllere, as Suẻllere.

Auẻllo, a hollow vault or sepulchre.

Auelutáre, to enueluet or make nappie.

Auelutáto cuóio, spruce leather.

Áue maría, an Auemarie. Also euensong, or euening praier time.

Auéna, Oates. Also an oaten-pipe.

Auéna gréca, Bolimoni or prouander corne.

Auenánte, as Auenẻnte. Also a rate.

Auenáro, Auenário, an Auenor, one that hath the charge of Oates or prouander. Also a kind of Grashopper liuing in corne, namely among Oates.

Auenenáre, to enuenom, to empoison.

Auenẻnte, comely, seemely, handsome.

Auenẻntézza, as Auenẻntia.

Auenẻntia, comelinesse, seemelinesse, wellbecomming, handsomnesse.

Auenéuole, comely, wellbecomming, seemely. Also that may come to passe.

Auẻngachè, albeit, howbeit, although.

Auẻngadiochè, idem.

Auẻnga quel che si vóglia, happen what will.

Aueniménto, a comming vnto. Also a hapning, a chance, an euent, an accident.

Aueníre, vẻngo, vénni, venúto, to come vnto, to happen, to come to passe, to chance. Also to meete with. Also hereafter or time to come.

Auenitíccio, a stranger or foraine going and comming. Also a Soiorner.

Auentáre, to hurle, to fling, to dart or cast with violence. Also to leape or seaze greedily vpon, to souze doune as a hauke. Also to fill or puffe with winde.

AVE   Auentáta, a hurling, looke Auentáre.

Auentáto, one full of windie wordes.

Auentatório, that may be hurled.

Auentítio, happening or chancing. Also a stranger a friend.

Auentítij béni, goods that come by chance.

Auénto, an Aduent. Also a comming or a passage vnto.

Auentóre, a customer, a commer or a frequentor to a place.

Auentúra, aduenture, chance, fortune, lucke, hazard.

Auenturáre, to aduenture, to hazard.

Auenturário, an aduenturer, a hazarder.

Auenturataménte, aduenturously, fortunately. Also by lucke or fortune.

Auenturáto, fortunate, luckie.

Auenturiére, as Auenturário.

Auenturóso, aduentrous, fortunate.

Auẻnza, all one hath, a mans wealth.

Aueráre, to auerre, to verifie, to affirme.

Auẻrbiále, aduerbiall.

Auẻrbialménte, aduerbially.

Auẻrbio, an Aduerbe.

Auére, as Hauére.

Auerẻnza, an auerring, a verifying.

Aueréuole, that may be auerred.

Auérghe, barrie or barried in armorie.

Auẻrnáre, to winter, to become winter.

Auẻrsáre, to aduerse, to oppose.

Auẻrsário, an aduersarie, an opponent.

Auẻrsatíssimo, most crosse or aduerse.

Auẻrsatiuaménte, aduersely, contrarily.

Auẻrsióne, an auerting, a contrarietie.

Auẻrsità, aduersitie, contrarietie.

Auẻrso, aduerse, contrarie.

Auẻrso, according to byasse.

Auẻrtasi, let it be marked or heeded.

Auẻrtẻnte, warie, heedfull, warning.

Auẻrtẻnza, aduertisement, aduisednesse.

Auẻrtere, vẻrto, vẻrtij, títo, as Auẻrtíre.

Auẻrtiménto, an aduertisement.

Auẻrtíre, tísco, títo, to aduertise, to warne, to heed, to looke vnto, to note.

Auẻrtíto, warned, aduertised, heeded, looked vnto. Also as Auedúto.

Auẻrto, as Apẻrto.

Auẻrtúra, as Apẻrtúra.

A vettúra, at liuerie, looke vettúra.

Auezzaménto, an enuring, a custome.

Auezzáre, to accustome, to enure.

Auezzáto, enured, wont, accustomed.

Auézzo, accustomed, wont, enured.

Áuge, the highest point of any Planet.

Augẻi, all manner of birdes.

Augẻlláre, as Vccẻlláre.

Augẻlláccio, any filthy bird, a Cuckow, a gull.

Augẻllo, any kind of bird or fowle.

Augẻllétto, any little bird.

Auggiáre, to ouershadow from sight. Also to hinder from growing. Also as Vggiáre.


AVI   Auggióso, full of shadow or darknesse, looke Vggióso.

Augíta, a Turques stone.

Augumentáre, to augment to encrease.

Augumentatióne, an augmentation.

Auguménto, an augmentation.

Augurále, that by which any thing may be guessed. Also the ornaments of a Soothsaier, of or belonging to soothsaing.

Auguráre, to augure, to forebode, to soothsay, to deuine, to foreguesse.

Augúrio, an agure, a soothsaying, a prediction, a foreboding, a foreguessing, a foresigne, a coniuecture, a diuination, a bad or ill hap.

Augúro, an augure, a Soothsayer, a deuiner, a foreboder, guesser, or teller, or a coniecturer by the feeding, chirping, noise or voices of birdes.

Augústa, the chiefe kind of Eagle that is.

Augustále, the Kings pauillion or tent in warres. Also a Princes Court or Pallace.

Augústo, consecrate, imperiall, maiesticall, holy, royall, full of maiestie or regard, worshipfull, sanctified, of great magnificence. Also the Augustus lawrell.

Auiaménto, an adressing in the way.

Auiáre, to adresse or set in the way.

Auiatióne, a setting in the right way.

Auicẻnda, mutually by turnes.

Auicendáre, to busie with businesse. Also to change by turnes.

Auicendáto, full of businesse. Also changed by turnes.

Auicináre, to aproach or come neere.

Auicinéuole, aproachable.

Auiculadẻi, a kind of bird that hath no feet, which some take for the Paradise bird.

Auidità, greedinesse, rauenousnesse.

Áuido, greedy, rauenous, couetous.

Auífero, bird bearing, foule bringing.

Auignáre, to plant or grow as vines.

Auignáto, a place where vines be set.

Auíle, in scorne, in contempt, vily.

Auiliménto, a scorning, a debasing, a vilifying, a dishonouring.

Auilíre, lísco, líto, to vilifie, to scorne, to debase, to dishonor, to disgrace.

Auiluppaménto, an enwrapping.

Auiluppáre, to enwrap, to entangle.

Auilúppo, a bundle, an enwrapping.

Auinacciáre, to enwine, or make drunke.

Auinacciáto, enwined, or made drunke.

Auináre, to enwine or become wine.

Auináto, a kind of ripe grape colour.

Auinazzáre, as Auinacciáre.

Auíncere, vínco, vínsi, vínto, to embrace or claspe about as the vine or Iuy doth, to clinch.

Auinchiaménto, a binding or clasping hard.

AVI   Auinchiáre, as Auíncere.

Auinciáre, as Auíncere.

Auincigliáre, as Auíncere.

Auincoláre, as Auíncere.

Auinghiáre, as Auíncere.

Auínto, embraced or clasped about.

Auiságlia, any suddain sight, aduise, discouery, or encounter.

Auisaménto, an aduising, as Auíso.

Auisáre, to aduise, to aduertise, to informe. Also to heed, to deem, to imagine. Also to come or bring face to face.

Auisataménte, aduisedly, heedfully.

Auisatóre, an aduiser, an aduertiser.

Auíso, an aduise, an aduertisement. Also a seeming or deeming a thought.

A uíso apẻrto, with an open face.

A uíso a víso, face to face, ouer against.

A uíso ẻssere, to be of opinion or aduise.

A uíso inánzi, vndantedly, boldly.

A uísta, in sight, in view, before.

Auíta, during life, for life.

Auíta & mórte, during life and death.

Auiticchiáre, as Auíncere.

Áuito, ancient, left by ancestors.

A uíua fórza, by maine force.

Auiuáre, to quicken or giue life vnto.

Auiuatióne, a quickning.

Auiuatóio, a gold smiths or gilders toole.

Aúla, a Kings Court. Also a great hall.

Aulẻta, a piper, or plaier on a flute.

Aulẻtica, piping musicke.

Auleticóne, a pipe cane, through hollow.

Aúli, a kind of shell fish.

Aúlico, a courtier. Also Court like. Also a Court counsellor.

Aulimentáre, as Alimentáre.

Auliménto, as Aliménto.

Aumentáre, to augment, to encrease.

Aumentatióne, an augmentation.

Aumentatíuo, giuing augmentation.

Aumentéuole, that may be augmented.

Auménto, an augmenting or encrease.

Auménto, a sore or disease in the eies.

Aumiliáre, to humble, to meeke.

Aumiliatióne, an humiliation.

Aunánza, an assembly by one and one.

A úna per ciascúna, one by one.

Aunáre, to assemble one by one.

Auncináre, to hooke.

A un cólpo, at one stroke, at once.

A un gran pẻzzo, by a great while.

A úno a úno, one by one.

A un párto, at one bearing or birth.

A un portáto, as A un párto.

A un púnto, at once, at one point.

A un sórso, at one draught.

A un tẻmpo, at one time.

A un trátto, at one cast, at once.

A un vólger d'ócchi, in the twinkling of an eie.

Áuo, a grandsire, a grandfather.

Auocáre, to call vnto, to aduocate.

Auocaría, a bar where lawiers pleade. Also the profession of aduocates.

AVO   Auocáto, called vnto, or pleaded. Also an Aduocate or an atturny.

Auocatóre, an aduocate, an atturny.

A uóce álta, loudly, with a high voice.

Auocoláre, to blind or depriue of sight.

Auócolo, blind, sightlesse.

Auogadáre, as Auocáre.

A vóglia, at will and pleasure.

Áuola, a grandame, a grandmother.

Auólgere, vólgo, vólsi, vólto, to wind, to roule or bundle vp, to enwrap.

Auolgiménto, a rouling or entangling.

Auóllere, as Auólgere.

Áuolo, a grandsire, a grandfather.

A uólo, flying, by flight, speedily.

A uolontà, at will and pleasure.

Auolontáre, to enwill or make willing.

Auolontataménte, voluntarily, willingly.

Auolpacchiáre, to play the fox, to deale subtly, to become a fox.

Auolpíre, písco, píto, idem.

Auoltacchiáre, as Auoltáre.

A uólta, vaulted, or vaulte wise, arched.

A vólta per vólta, time by time.

A vólte, at times, sometimes, by turnes.

Auoltáre, to ouerwhelme, to ouerturne. Also to roule, to wind or turne vp. Also to range or wander about.

Auoltatíuo, one of the eight kinds of wormes breeding in horses.

Auolteráre, to commit adultery.

Auoltẻrio, adultery.

Auóltero, an adulterer.

Auoltóio, a gripe or a vulture. Also a Geire or Geirefaulkon.

Auólto, ouerturned, ouerwhelmed. Also rouled or wound vp. Also ranged or wandred about. Also entangled or enwrapped.

Auoltoláre, as Auoltáre.

Auoltoráre, to wallow or swelter in durt as swine.

Auoltóre, as Auoltóio.

Auoltráre, to deuoure as a vulture.

Auoltratóre, a greedy deuourer.

Auório, yuory, elephants tooth.

Auórnio, a shrub whereof Bees will not taste.

Auosẻrta, as Auosétta.

Auosétta, a foule like a storke, white in colour, and a bill bending vp.

Auotáre, to vow vnto. Also to empty.

A uóto, empty, in vaine. Also vowedly.

Auotíre, tísco, títo, to vow vnto.

Aúra, the sweet morning breath or wind. Also a blast or pleasant gale of wind.

Auráco, of gold, or glittring as gold.

Auráre, to decke with gold, to gild.

Aurẻa, a golden crowne or coronet.

Aureggiánte, glistring as gold.

Aureggiáre, to shine as gold.

Aurẻlia, Mothweed, Golden weed, Cudweed, Flowre amour, or Golden [50] stechados.

AVS   Aurẻlio, golden or glistring like gold. Also the little wing of a butter flie.

Aurẻo, golden, of a golden hew.

Aurẻo d'Allessándro, an antidote against poison.

Aurẻola, a golden coronet.

Aurẻoláre, to crowne with a golden coronet.

Auricálco, latten mettall. Also a trumpet.

Auricoláre, auricular. Also a certaine veine in ones body. Also the finger next to the little finger.

Aurícole, two small appendances growing like little eares to the seat of the heart, called the Auricles.

Auricóme, a sun shine colour, gold like, or golden haires.

Aurífero, gold bearing or bringing.

Auriflámma, golden flowre, vsed also for a Princes chiefe standard.

Aurifrígio, a kind of foule.

Auríga, a wagoner, a coach or wane man.

Aurína, as Vrina because it is yellow.

Auripigménto, orpiment.

Auripotẻnte, gold puissant.

Auríre, áuro, auẻrsi, auẻrto, to open.

Aurispíco, as Aruspíco.

Aurispicína, as Aruspicína.

Aurispício, as Aruspício.

Aúro, gold. Also an hearb.

Auróra, the morne or daune of day.

Auróso, luckie, fortunate.

Áusa, daring, bold, hardy.

Ausánte, daring, that dareth.

Ausánza, vse, vre, custome.

Ausáre, to dare, to be hardy.

Ausáre, to enure, to vse, to accustome.

A úscio a úscio, from dore to dore.

Ausiliáre, to helpe, to releeue, to succour.

Ausiliáre, helpful, releeuing, auxiliar.

Ausiliári soldáti, aiding souldiers.

Ausílio, help, succour, releese.

Ausilióso, helpful, releeuing.

Áuso, daring. Also dared.

A úso, after the vse or wont.

Ausónio, an Italian.

Auspicáre, to begin to consult by diuination. Also to begin an enterprise with hope of good successe, prosperously to presage.

Auspicáto, luckily, prosperous.

Aúspice, a deuiner, a soothsaier. Also a luckie guide or director. Also he that giues a woman to the Priest to be maried.

Auspício, a foresigne or diuination, a luckie guide or fortunate direction, a prosperous presage. Also the conduct, the gouernment or direction of a chiefe or Captaine. Also the man that couples a man and a woman when they are either contracted or maried.

AVT   Aúspico, that hath power to dispose things.

Austẻrità, austerity, harshnesse.

Austẻro, austerne, harsh as vnripe fruit.

Austrále, of or belonging to the South.

Austríno, of or comming from the South.

Austríta, as Atramítica.

Aústro, the South wind, or part of the world.

Autẻnticáre, to aprooue or make autenticke and lawfull.

Autentichíssimo, most autenticall.

Autẻntico, authentike, lawfull, aproued, auctorised.

Aúto, as Hauúto, had.

Autónno, the fall of the leafe. Autumne.

Autoráre, to giue auctority or free will.

Autóre, an author or beginner or doer.

Autoréuole, powerfull, in auctority.

Autorità, auctority, freewill, sway.

Autorizzáre, to giue freewill or authority.

Autríce, a she author or doer.

Áutro, hath been vsed for Áltro.

Autropíro, leauened bread, as it were downe right made.

Autunnále, belonging to Autumne.

Autúnno, the fall of the leafe, Autumne.

Auúnculo, an vnckle.

Note that wheresoeuer AV, commeth before any vowell, the V may euer be written and pronounced double or single, as pleaseth the writer or speaker; for you may euer write and say Auuacciáre, Auuedére, Auualoráre, Auuampáre, Auueníre, Auuolontáre, Auuinacciáre, &c.

Auzzáre, as Aguzzáre, to sharpen.

Aúzzo, sharp pointed. Also keene.

Azaireth, a kinde of Physicall pill.

Azára, the game at dice called hazard.

Azári, chanses at dice called hazards.

Azazẻlla, a Scape-goate.

Azeróle, a kinde of dainty peares.

Azimínthi, great circles, meeting in the Zenith point, and passing through all the degrees of the Horizon.

Ázimo, vnleauened-bread.

Azimúccio, one troubled with Ásima.

Ázio, the dog-fish or of that kinde.

Azizáre, to settle, to dresse, to reforme.

Azompẻrio, sway or auctority by way of scorne or contempt.

Azurráre, to die blew or azure.

Azurrígno, somewhat bluish, or azure.

Azurríno, a blew colour called Bisse.

Azúrro, the colour azure or blew.

Azurróso, full of blew or azure.

Ázza, as Áccia.

Azzále, the Mettale Steele.

Azzalíno, a steele to strike fire.

Azzampáto, hauing clawes or fangs. Also caught with clawes or griped.

Azzannáre, to catch or bite with tuskes.

Azzémia, as Azzimíno.

BAB   Azzéuia, a fish like a soale.

Azziccáre, to prouoke, to entice, to set on, to tickle vnto, to dandle. Also to start.

Azzicchétto, an enticing, tickling vnto, a dandling. Also a suddaine starting.

Azzimáre as Accimáre. Also to dihgt to adorne, to refine or make handsome. Looke Zíma.

Azzími, a kinde of Marchpane stuffe.

Azzimíno, a kinde of damask in worke vpon blades and corsclets vsed in Persia.

Azzolláre, to clod together. Also to bange, to cudgell or rib-baste.

Azzoppáre, to hault, or become criple.

Azzopegáre, as Azzoppáre.

Azzuffáre, to bicker, to cope or graple together, to fight, to quarell. Also to put or set together by the eares.

Axíno, a wilde beast which some take for the Muske-cat, or Siuet-cat.

Axinománte, a diuiner by hatchets.

Axinomantía, diuination by hatchets.


Baaráse, an hearbe of a firy colour.

Babẻl, Babẻlle; confusion.

Babbionáre, to play the Babuine. Also to play the Monkey, or gull or sot.

Babbióne, a Babuine, a gull, a sot.

Bábbo, a bab, a dad, a father.

Babboláre, to play the baby, or trifle as children doe.

Bábbole, trifles, toyes, bables, nifles.

Babbolóne, a great baby. Also a lubbard. Also babishly or lubbardly.

Babbuásso as Babbióne.

Babbuíno, a Babuine. Also a gull, a foole. Also a stammering fellow.

Babilónia, a place of confusion.

Babóso as Bauóso.

Baboináre, to play the Babuine.

Bacáno as Baccáno.

Bacatẻlle as Bagatẻlle.

Bácca, hath beene vsed for Vácca.

Baccaláre, a swaggerer, a furious swash-buckler. Also something about a Ship.

Baccaláro, a Batcheler or Licentiate in any Arte. Also a fond selfe-conceited fellow. Also vsed for a Knight Batcheler.

Baccálio, a kinde of Laurell or Bayes.

Baccána, a Wine-tauerne or Tipling-house.

Baccanáli giuóchi, wakes, feastes, or sports for Bacchus sake.

Baccáno, a Forrest in Italy where many [51] robberies and murthers are committed.

BAC   Baccánti as Baccanáli.

Báccara, our Ladies-gloues, Londons pride or buttons. Also the Plough-mans Spike-nard.

Baccáro, vsed for Vaccáro.

Baccáta, a furious or drunken woman. Also the Plough-mans Spike-nard.

Baccatióne, a free-drinking or celebrating some Bacchus feast.

Baccáto, drunken. Also a Baccus Priest. Also a mad, foolish drunkard.

Baccatóre, a common daily drunkard.

Baccẻlliére as Baccaláro. Also a yeoman, or Swaine.

Baccẻllería, the Batchelry. Also the Yeomandry of a Country.

Baccerẻlli, Silke-wormes ready to spinne.

Bácche, Beries of Laurell or Iuniper.

Bacchẻa, a meary drinking feast.

Bacchẻlle, the kirnels in any fruite.

Bacchétta, any wand or sticke or rod. Also a magistrates rod or staffe of office. Also a lintstocke. Also a skouring sticke. Also a drummers sticke.

Bacchétta da víno, a Tauerne-bush.

Bacchettóne, any kinde of great Bacchétta.

Bácchi, spinning-silkewormes.

Bacchiále ósso, the chiefe-bone of an arme.

Bacchíca, a kinde of Iuy.

Bácchio, a staffe, a cudgell or a bat. Also a foote of a verse of on sillable short and two long. Also as Pácchio.

Bacchionáre as Bastonáre.

Bacchionáta as Bastonáta.

Bacchióne as Bastóne.

Baccilétto, a little Bason. Also a kinde of little basket.

Báccio, hath beene vsed for, quickly, out of hand.

Bácco, Bacchus, he whom we count the God of wine, as much to say a master of heauenly mysteries, a deuiser of som new religion, an inuenter of things necessary for humane life, as chiefely bread and wine. Also a spinning silke-worme. Also a Cod-fish. Also a furious swaggering ruffling fellow, one giuen to drunkennesse.

Bacẻlláre, to cod as Beanes or Peason.

Bacẻlláto, codded, husked, shaled.

Bacẻllo, any codde, huske or shale as of beanes. Also yongue beanes. Also a gull or shallow-pate. Also a pilliecocke.

Bacẻllóso, coddy, full of cods or huskes.

Bachéca, a silly gull a ninnihammer.

Bacherózzoli, all manner of crawling wormes, namely silke-wormes.

BAD   Bacheráme, a kind of stuffe called buckram.

Báchi as Bacherózzoli.

Baciamáno, a kisse of the hands, a beso las manos.

Baciáre, to kisse, to smacker.

Bacicáre, to fumble. Also to labour or canuase for any office.

Baciẻlliére as Baccaláro.

Baciẻllería as Baccẻllería.

Baciẻllo as Bacẻllo.

Bacíle, a bason. Also a timbrell.

Bacinétto, a little bason. Also a skull or celate or such head-piece.

Bacíno, a bason. Also a timbrell.

Bácio, a kisse, a smackring.

Bacióre, that part of any hill or high-place exposed to the West or North.

Baciózzo, a smacking kisse.

Báco, any kinde of silke-worme. Also boe-peepe, or vaine-feare.

Báco báco, to play boe-peepe.

Bacócche as Bácche. Also Apricocks.

Bácolo, any cudgell, staffe, or bat.

Bácolo Astronómico, an Astronomers staffe.

Bácolo di Giacób, a Iacobs staffe.

Bácolo mensório, a measuring-staffe.

Bacuẻco, a cratch, a manger, an Oxe-stall.

Báculo as Bácolo.

Báda, delay, lingring, losse of time. Tenére á báda, to keepe at a bay or in delay.

Badagliáre, to yaune, to gape. Also to gaze and loyter idlely about.

Badáglio as Badalóne.

Badaglióne as Badalóne.

Badalonáre as Balloccáre.

Badalóne, an idle, lazie, slothfull, dull, loytring fellow, a lubbard, a lither, a loger head.

Badaluccáre, as Balloccáre. Also looke Badalúcco.

Badalúcco, an hooboob, an alarame, or suddaine crie and vprore in time of war to amaze and terrifie the enemy. Also a fight or suddaine skirmish. Also a certaine instrument of warre. Also loitring pleasure, lazie delight or idle gaping about.

Badáre, to stay, to tary, to linger, to attend. Also to loose time or gape idly vp and downe.

Badeggiatóre, an earnest wooer a suter.

Badẻrlo as Badalóne.

Badéssa, an Ash-tree, a Prioresse.

Badessále, like, of, or belonging to an Abbesse.

Badía, an Abby, a Priory.

Badiále, Abot-like. Also loitringly.

Badiláta, a shouell or spadefull. Also a blow giuen with a spade or shouell.

Badíle, a spade, a digging spade, a skoope.

Bádo, a stay or trifling of time away.

BAG   Baéna, a kind of hearbe.

Baffétta, a kind of paste meate fried in a frying pan.

Bága, a ring. Also a pinte measure. Córere alla bága, to runne at the ring.

Bagággio, as Bagaglióni.

Bagáglie, baggage stuffe, lugage, bag and baggage or cariage of an armie.

Bagaglinóle, small Bagáglie.

Bagaglióni, idle fellowes, as souldiers boyes that follow a campe or court and carrie their masters stuffe. Also sumpter horses to carrie luggage.

Bagagliúme, all manner of luggage or cariage following a campe or court.

Bagáia, the Whitethorne, Hauthorne tree or landouers may-bush, some take it for the Barberie tree.

Bagaíro, as Bagáia.

Bagáncie, as Bagáglie.

Bagáro, a mite or least coine that is.

Bagáscia, a baggage, a strumpet, a whore.

Bagasciáre, to play the strumpet.

Bagascióne, a whoremonger, a ruffian.

Bagasciuólo, a wanton boy, an ingle.

Bagatẻlla, as Bagatẻlliẻre.

Bagatẻllàre, to iugle, or play leger de maine, to trifle.

Bagatẻllaría, a iugling or trifling tricke.

Bagatẻlliẻre, a iugler, a trifler.

Bagatẻlle, iugling trickes, trifles, toyes, driblets, legerdemaines.

Bagatẻllo, a iugler, a trifler.

Bagatíno, a little coine in Italie. Also a kitlin, or as we say a pug, a pusse.

Bagattíno, as Bagatíno.

Baggẻa, as Badalóne.

Baggiáne, look Dáre panzáne.

Bagiá, as Basciá.

Bagianótta, hoosht, close, squatting, mum.

Báglia, a she-nurse.

Bagliáre, to dazle or glimmer the eyes.

Bagliáto, a baliwicke.

Báglio, a he-nurse. Also a Bailife.

Baglióre, a glimmering, a dazeling. Also a suddaine flashing or lightning.

Baglióri, drouzinesse, enticements to sleepe.

Baglíua, as Baglíuo.

Baglíuo, a baliwicke or Bailifs office, a baliage.

Bagnaménto, a wetting, a bathing.

Bagnáre, to wet. Also to bathe.

Bagnaruólo, a Bath-keeper.

Bagnatóre, a master of a Bath.

Bágno, a Baith, a baine, a bathing-house.

Bágnolo, a little Baith. Also a fomentation, or supling medicine.

Bágno maría, a kind of Limbech.

Bagoláro, a Lote tree, or Nettle tree.

Bagordáre, to maske, to mum, to reuell. Also to tilt, to ioust, or fight at Barriers for sport.

Bagórdi, mummings, reuelings. Also [52] tiltings, ioustings, barriers for recreation.

BAI   Bagordiẻre, a mummer, a reueller. Also a tilter, a iouster, a fighter at barriers.

Bágulo, a male or budget.

Báia, a trifle, a iest, a toy. Also a litle basket fastened to the muzzle of moiles or asses with hay or prouander therein, that they may eate as they trauell. Also a mocke, a flout, or a frumpe.

Baiáccia, as Fagioláta.

Baiána, any cod, huske or shell.

Baiánte. Looke Da baiánte a fẻrránte.

Baiárda, a common scold or railer.

Baiáre, to barke, to bay, to quest or houle as a dog. Also to yaune, or to gape. Also to mocke, to flout or frump. Also to toy or trifle the time away.

Baiarẻlle, trifling, foolish or idle toyes.

Baiáta, a barking or baying of a dog. Also a gaping or a yauning. Also a toying, a iesting, a mocking, a flouting or trifling.

Baícolo, a fish called a Basse.

Baiẻlla, a small trifle or toy.

Baiétta, bayes or penistone for linings.

Baígua, an hearbe the iuice whereof cast into a water makes fishes so drunk that as dead they flote vpon the water, some say verbasco will doe so.

Báila, a woman-nurse, a foster-mother.

Baíle, as Badíle, a Baliage.

Bailuáto, a bailiewike.

Báilo, a hee nurse, a foster-father, a tutor, an ouerseer. Also an agent, an embassador. Also a bailife, a gouernour or ouerseer.

Báio, a bay colour. Also an Abbot.

Báio castágno, a bay chesnut colour.

Báio doráto, a bright bay colour.

Báio fẻrránte, a broune bay colour.

Báio scúro, a darke bay colour.

Baioccáre, to snap, to click or flurt with ones fingers as moresco dancers.

Baiócco, a snap, a click or flurt. Also a mite or such like coine.

Baioláre, to beare burthens as Porters.

Baiólo, a Porter or burthen-bearer.

Baionáccio, a notable or egregious noddie.

Baióne, a silly gull, a foolish noddie.

Baiúcche, toyes, trifles, iestings.

Baiuláre, as Baioláre.

Baiúlo, as Baiólo.

Baladóre, the ouerlope or ouer deck of a ship.

Balagústi, little marble pillers.

Balalíschio, as Basilísco.

Balamíno, oyle or ointment of Ben.

Balamíte, a stone of sundry colours.

Baláncia, as Biláncia.

Balanciáre, as Bilanciáre.

Baláne, a kind of Chesnuts. Also long bulbs sticking vnto rootes.

Baláno, a kind of wild Date. Also a kind of shell fish.

BAL   Balánte, breathing, panting or gasping. Also yauning or gaping. Also bleating.

Baláre, to pant, to breath, or gaspe. Also to yaune or gape. Also to bleate as a sheepe.

Balarína, a wagtaile.

Baláscio, Balásso, a pretious stone.

Balátro, a pratling raskall, a greasie slouen, a railing iester.

Balatróni, dashings of durt sticking to ones clothes. Also clods of earth.

Baláusto, a Pomegranet floure.

Balaustíno, a kind of mixt colour.

Balaustráre, to set with pillers of marble.

Balaustráta, an open gallerie set with many pillers of marble.

Balbeggiáre, to stammer, to stutter, to maffle. Also to lispe and not pronounce the letter R.

Balbettáre, as Balbeggiáre.

Balbezzáre, as Balbeggiáre.

Balbézza, a stammering, a stutting or maffling in speech. Also a lisping.

Balbíne, a bulbous red roote called in Latin Bulbium.

Bálbo, a stutterer, a stammerer, one that is tongue tied, a lisper. Also a barble fish.

Balbottéuole, stutting, stammering, maffling, lisping.

Balbutiẻnta, as Balbottéuole.

Balbutimẻnto, as Balbézza.

Balbutíre, tísco, títo, as Balbeggiáre.

Balbuzzáre, as Balbeggiáre.

Bálchi, monie in the roguish language.

Bálco, an out ietting corner of a house. Also a skaffold or stage. Also as Balcóne.

Balconáte, the portes of a ship.

Balconáto, windowed.

Balcóne, any window, namely a bay window. Also a bulke or stall of a shop.

Balconiẻra, an idle window-gazer. Also as Balconáte.

Balcoráre, to burglarie, to hooke and pilfer out at windowes.

Balcoráro, a Burglarier, a hooker out at windowes.

Baldácca, a tipling-house, a common tauerne, it was wont to be the name of an Inne or common tauerne in Florence, it is also taken for Babilon or the whore of Babilon.

Baldácco, as Baldácca.

Baldachíno, a Canapie or cloth of state.

Baldaménte, bouldly, saucily.

Baldánza, boldnesse, saucinesse, hardinesse.

Baldanzosaménte, boldly, vndauntedly.

Baldanzóso, bolde, saucie, presumptuous.

Baldézza, as Baldánza.

Baldingráno, a retailer, one that sels small wares and by retaile.

BAL   Baldo, as Baldanzóso.

Baldocchíno, as Baldachíno.

Baldória, a great bonefire or feude ioy, or suddaine great flash and flame which suddenly passeth away. Also as Baldánza.

Baldósa, bold, saucie. Also a kind of croud or country fiddle. Also a certain country dance.

Baldosaménte, boldy, presumptuously.

Baldrácca, as Baldácca. Also a common strumpet or filthy whore.

Balduíre, ísco, íto, to stuttre, to stammer or lispe in speach.

Balduitá, a stammering or stutting or lisping in speach.

Baléna, a great whale-fish.

Balenáre, to twinkle, to mooue or stir in haste as lightning doth, to flash, to glimmer, to glimps, to sparkle, to glitter, to lighten. Also to stammer with fast speaking.

Balenáti, little or yoong whales.

Baleniéra, a kind of light Pinnace.

Baléno, a twinkling, a ligtning, a glimpes, a suddaine flashing. Also a suddaine.

Balẻstra, any kind of Crosse-bow or tillar. Also a certaine engine of warre to batter walles.

Balẻstráre, to shoote in or with a crossebow.

Balẻstráro, a crosse or stonebow-maker.

Balẻstráta, a blow with a crosse bow.

Balẻstratóre, a shooter in a crosse bow.

Balẻstriéra, any spike or loopehole.

Balẻstriére, a crosse-bow man.

Balẻstrína, a litle stonebow. Also a certaine instrument vsed by Pilots.

Balẻstrúcci, a kind of martinets or swallowes.

Balía, freewill, auctoritie, choice, free-power.

Bália, a she nurse or foster-mother.

Baliággio, a bailiage or bailiwike.

Baliáto, as Baliággio.

Balíce, any kind of male or clokebag.

Balína, a kind of hearbe.

Bálio, a he-nurse. Also a Bailife, a gouernour.

Balióso, strong or sturdie in bodily strength.

Balíre, lísco, líto, to bleate as a sheepe.

Balísta, a stockbow, a crossebow, a tillar. Also a sling. Also a warlike engine to throw stones.

Balistáre, to shut or batter with a Balista.

Balistário, a crossbow-man, or a slinger.

Bálla, any kind of ball or bullet. Also a bundle, a rowle or packe of any thing.

Balladóre, an vpperdecke or Ourelope.

Bálla gátte, a kind of ship or flatboate.

Ballanzuóla, a kind of fouling net.

Balláre, to dance, to hop, to skip.


BAL   Ballaríno, a dancer, or teacher to dance.

Balláta, a ballad or roundlay.

Ballatóio, any broad and flat place, terrace or floore, a flat foote pace.

Ballatóre, as Ballaríno or Baladóre.

Balleríno, as Ballaríno. Also hee that giues or leades a bride to her husband in Venice.

Balliẻro, a tennis-ball-maker.

Ballíni, as Ballotíni.

Bállo, a ball or any kind of dance.

Balloccággine, idle or foolish droning or gaping about.

Balloccaménto, as Balloccággine.

Balloccáre, to gaze or loiter about.

Balloccióri, rosted chesnuts.

Ballócco, as Badalóne.

Bállo d'ácqua, a kind of moore-hen.

Bállo della bótte, a Christmas game.

Ballonáro, as Balloniére.

Ballónchio, a hand-ball or a foote-ball. Also a country hopping round or morice dance.

Ballonciuólo, a merry skipping dance.

Ballóne, any ballone or great ball.

Balloniére, a Ballonier, or ballone-maker.

Ballordón ballerdóni, simply, gullishly.

Ballóse, a kind of light puft cake-bread.

Ballótta, a round bullet. Also a voice.

Ballottadóre, a caster or drawer of lots or voices by bullets.

Ballottáre, to chuse or draw by lots, voices or bullets.

Ballótte, bullets. Also stinking Hore-sound.

Ballottíni, litle bullets, rundles or bubles. Also bird shot or haile shot.

Ballótto, a round ignorant meacocke.

Ballóttola, as Ballottíni. Also a weazell.

Ballucináre, as Abbagliáre.

Ballucínio, as Abbagliaménto.

Baloardáre, to embulwarke.

Baloardáto, fortified with bulwarkes.

Baloárdo, a bulwarke.

Baloccáre, as Balloccáre.

Balócco, as Ballócco.

Balóne, a kind of hearb.

Balordággine, as Balordía.

Balordézza, as Balordía.

Balordía, dizzinesse, giddinesse or simplicity of wit. Also the staggers in cattle.

Balordiménto, as Balordía.

Balordíre, dísco, díto, to make or become dizzie or giddy or staggering.

Balórdo, a dizzard, a giddy head.

Balordón balordóne, dizzardly, giddily. Also dingle dangle.

Balottára, a stone bow to shoot bullets.

Balouáre, a bulwarke.

Balrauénto, paróla marinarésca.

Balroáre, paróla marinarésca.

Balsamáre, to embalme, to enspice.

Balsamína, a kind of twining weed.

BAM   Balsamíta, Maudline or Costemary.

Bálsamo, sweet balme or the tree that yeeldeth balme.

Balsamóde, a kind of Cassia or Canell.

Balsáte, a kind of blacke stone.

Balsimáre, as Balsamáre.

Bálsimo, as Bálsamo.

Bálso, a little hole in any caue or den.

Balsoláre, to afright or make one start with feare.

Balsoláta, a starting through feare; a quandary for feare to loose any thing.

Balteáre, to belt or girdle about.

Baltẻo, a belt. Also an arming girdle.

Baltrésca, as Beltrésca.

Baltróni, as Balatróni.

Baluardáre, to embulwarke.

Baluárdo, a bulwarke, a sconce.

Baluárte, as Baluárdo.

Balúce, small peeces of gold found in mines.

Bálza, a cliffe or crag of a mountaine. Also a locke or fetter for a horse. Also a certaine head attire that women in Italy vse.

Balzacchíni, buskins.

Balzáno, a horse with white feet.

Balzáno ceruẻllo, a skipping, a light or iumping wit.

Balzáre, to bound, to iumpe, to skip, to hop.

Balzẻlláre, as Angareggiáre.

Balzẻllo, as Bargẻllo. Also as Angaría.

Bálzi, washing sope balles.

Bálzo, a bound of a ball. Also as Bálza.

Balzíno, balsamum or balme.

Bámba, a baby or a puppet. Also a doting woman. Also vaine and childish.

Bambáce, bumbace or cotton.

Bambacẻllo, a kind of painting that women vse on their faces.

Bambacína, as Bambagiuóla.

Bambágia, bumbace or soft cotten.

Bambagína, bumbasine. Also a flanell wastcote.

Bambagióso, soft, nappy, downy.

Bambagiótta, a plum, soft, round, white and dainty kind woman.

Bambagiuóla, bumbasine stuffe.

Bambáro, a childish or foolish baby wit.

Bambasína, bumbasine stuffe.

Bambína, a little babe, baby or puppet.

Bambinésco, babish, childish.

Bambíno, a yong baby or boy child.

Bambíre, bísco, bíto, to dote as a child.

Bámbo, a dotard, a babish gull.

Bambóccia, a cotton cod. Also as Bámbola.

Bambóccio, as Bambíno.

Bambócciolo, as Bambíno.

Bámbola, a baby, a puppet. Also the case of a looking glasse. Also as Bámbolo.

Bamboláre, to play the baby, to dote. Also to foile or lead a looking glasse.

Bamboleggiaménto, as Bambolitá.

BAM   Bamboleggiáre, to dote, or play the baby. Also to sparkle.

Bambolíno, a little yong babe, or baby.

Bambolità, dotishnesse, babishnesse.

Bámbolo, a yong babe. Also an old dotard. Also the foile or lead of a looking glasse.

Bámpa, a suddaine blaze, or cleane flame.

Bampáre, to blaze or flame cleare.

Bampóso, blazing or flaming cleare.

Bánca, any bench or forme, looke Passáre. Also a banke.

Bancáccia, any filthy bench or forme. Also a certaine engine to mount ordinance.

Bancáli, all manner of benches and formes. Also bench carpets, seat couerings.

Bancarótta, a bankrupt marchant.

Banchétta, any little bench, and in fortification it is a banke left at the foot of the wall and counterskarpe to keepe the earth from falling into the ditch.

Banchettáre, to banket or to feast.

Banchettiére, a feaster or banketter.

Banchétto, a banket or a feast. Also a cushion stoole or bench in a chamber.

Banchiére, a banker or mony lender. Also a bencher.

Banchierótto, a bankerupt marchant.

Bánco, any bench or forme. Also a marchants banke, counter or counting house. Also a bulke or butchers stall. Also a kind of sea fish.

Bánco fallíto, a game at cards so called.

Bánda, any side or shore. Also a skarfe, a swathe or rowler. Also any garding. Also a troupe or band of men. Also a bend in armory. Also any thin plate of mettall to bind.

Bandáre, in gard with any gardings. Also to skarfe or swathe. Also to side or bandy. Also as Bendáre.

Bandaruóla, a banneroll or streamer. Also a fane or weathercocke.

Bandeggiáre, to banish, or cry by proclamation. Also to side or bandy together.

Bandéla, a ring or hammer of a dore. Also a bolt or bar. Also a hinge of a dore.

Bandẻlle, side corners in a house. Also any bandels. Also those irons or claspes that masons vse to fasten and ioine great stones in walls, vsed also for staples of dores.

Banderáio, an ensigne or standard bearer. Also a crier of a proclamation.

Banderále, as Banderáio.

Banderẻlla, a little streamer or bandroll, a little fane or weathercocke.

Banderése, a kight baneret.

Banderuóla, as Banderẻlla.

Bandiéra, a banner, a standard, an ensigne, [54] a streamer.

BAN   Bandieráio, as Banderáio.

Bandigióne, as Imbandigióne.

Bandiménto, a banishing, a proclaiming.

Bandináre, to make a layband of a skeane. Also to bring a thing to a certaine end.

Bándine, the layband of a skeane.

Bandinẻlla, as Bándine. Also the hinge of a dore. Also a little box or cabinet.

Bandíre, dísco, díto, to publish or cry by proclamation. Also to banish, or exile.

Bandíre hóste, to proclaime war.

Bandíti, outlawes, rebels, fugitiues.

Bandíto, proclaimed. Also banished, tenér córte bandíta, to keepe open house.

Banditóre, a proclaimer, a crier. Also a banisher.

Bándo, a proclamation, an act of law published. Also a banishment.

Bándo la tẻsta, when a man is proclaimed for to loose his head.

Bándolo, as Bándine.

Bandóni di fẻrro, plates or bends of iron vsed about cart wheels.

Bandória, as Baldória.

Banerétto, a knight baneret.

Bángue, a composition made chiefly of the iuice of a plant in India called Bángue, much like hemp, and diuers other pretious ingredients, vsed by the Kings of India to make them mery and drunken, which hath a secret propriety to represent vnto the imagination the things it most loueth and desireth, and to appropriate it selfe vnto the affection and passion of him that takes it.

Banzuóla, any little bench, stoole, or seat.

Baoo, boepeep, or peepingly.

Bápta, a sweet smelling pretious stone.

Bár, a kind of great waight in Ormuz.

Bára, a beare or coffin for a dead corps.

Bára caualleréccia, a horse litter.

Barádra, a bird called in Latin Rubetra.

Barafrazáre, as Paraphrasáre.

Baragẻlla, a publicke market place.

Baragóne, a great long tassell hanging at the end of a doctors hood.

Baráre, as Barráre.

Barátta, a fight, a fray. Also a battell.

Barattáre, to barter, to trucke, to mart, to chaffer or chop and change one thing for another. Also to meddle with, or sell things forbidden by law. Also to bribe or vse indirect meanes for the obtaining ones purpose. Also to forfet or doe against law. Also to scatter or put to rout. Also to play the bareter.

Barattatóre, a corrupt lawyer, one that giueth or taketh bribes.

Barattería, bartring or chaffring one thing for another. Also medling with things forbidden by law, bribing or dealing in hugger mugger. Also buying or selling that for bribes which should be done or giuen gratis; among lay men it is properly that which among Church men is called Symony, indirect dealing, vsed among lawyers. Also forfeitures. Also a scattering. Also a dicing or cheating house. Also a cogging or conycatching tricke.

Barattiére, a marter, a trucker, a martner, a chaffrer, a broker, a fripper. Also a bareter, a briber, a bribe taker. Also a cheater, a false gamester, a cozener, a conycatcher, a foister, a fogger, a cogger, a prouler, &c.

Barátto, a chaffring, a trucking, &c.

Baráttoli, Barattolíni, little pots for muske or drugs. Also a kind of rauenous sea fowle.

Barattolóne, the fifth moode of the first figure of syllogismes.

Barattóro, a little gally or earthen-pot.

Barátro, a pit, a depth, a darke deepe, a whire-poole. Also an insatiate throat or weasand-pipe. Also an vnthrifty spend-all, or wast-good, in belly-cheere.

Bárba, a beard. Also an Vnckle. Also the curbe-place or chin of a horse.

Barbacáne, a toole that Chirurgions vse to pull out teeth. Also a toole that Masons and Carpenters vse. Also a ietty or out nooke in any building called a Barbicane.

Barbacápri, the hearb Maides-sweet or Medow-sweet.

Barbachéppo, a Goate with a great beard. Also vsed for a great Ape with a beard.

Barbacíno, a watch or sentinell.

Bárba d'álbero, the knurs or knots, or snagges of the roote of any tree.

Bárba di bécco, as Bárba cápri.

Bárba di Gióue, a kind of thick-growing shrub good to make Arbors.

Bárba del parapẻtto, the surface of a parapet where the Artillery is planted.

Barbaccíno, a little man both in quality and stature, a dandiprat.

Bárba di gátto. Looke in Bárba di gátto.

Barbágia, a common baudy house.

Barbagiánni, a Screech-owle.

Barbágio, barbarous, rude, heathen.

Barbagliaménto, a dazeling of the sight. Also a confusion or hurliburlie.

Barbagliáre, to dazle the sight.

Barbáglio, as Barbagliaménto.

Bárba grígia, a gray-beard.

Barbáio, a Barble-fish.

Barbaniccáre, to play the base fellow.

BAR   Barbanícchi, the rascally base people.

Barbáno, a great Vnckle.

Barbánte, as Furfánte.

Barbanteríe, as Furfanteríe.

Bárba rabbuffáta, a rough or flaring beard.

Barbaraménte, barbarously.

Bárbara vóce, corne-flower, blewbottle or hurt-sickle.

Barbáre, to beard. Also to take fast hould as a roote in the ground.

Barbarésco, barbarous. Also a Barbary horse. Also a kinde of Barbary worke or painting.

Barbarésmo, as Barbarísmo.

Barbaríccia, a grim, shagged, Goatish beard. Also fraud, guile; or cheating.

Barbárico, as Barbarésco.

Barbárie, insiuility, barbarousnesse.

Barbarísmo, barbarisme. Also corrupt forme of speaking.

Bárbaro, barbarous, inciuill. Also a Barbary horse. Also a Wood-pecker.

Bárba róssa, a red beard.

Barbásco, as Verbásco.

Barbásso, a Mariners or Fishers frocke.

Barbassóre, a man that is not, but would seeme old and wise. Also as Valuasóre.

Barbastrẻllo, a night-bat, also a reare-mouse.

Barbatáccio, a filthy bearded fellow.

Barbazzále, the curb of a horses bitte.

Barbéggia, an old doting woman that hath a foule, wide and driueling mouth, or a filthy and bearded chin.

Barbégghie, a kind of hairy Caterpiller.

Barbẻllo, a Barble-fish. Also a kinde of butter-flie. Also the name of a birde.

Barbería, a Barbers-shop.

Barbéro, a Barbary-horse.

Barberótto, an vnder Barber; or chiefe iournyman of a Barbers-shop.

Barbétta, any little or prety beard.

Barbétto, a rough shagged spaniell.

Barbicáne, as Barbacáne.

Barbicáre, as Abbarbicáre.

Barbiccíne, the filaments of rootes.

Barbiéra, a shee-barber. Also a strumpet.

Barbiére, a Barber.

Barbiéria, a Barbers-shop.

Barbiglióni, the haires or roughnesse about a mans or womans priuities.

Barbíne, a certaine ornament or carcanet about a womans head.

Bárbio, Barbióne, a Barble-fish.

Barbitón, a musicall instrument called a Dulcimer.

Bárbitonsóre, a Barber.


BAR   Bárbo, a Barble-fish.

Barbócche, a kinde of Apricocke plumbes.

Barbógia, doting or childish folly.

Barbogiáre, to dote as an old man.

Barbógio, a dotard, a dotrel. Also rough-bearded or slouenly bearded.

Bárbola, the barbles in a horse.

Barbolíne, the fillaments of rootes.

Bárbolo, a Barble-fish.

Barbóne, a great beard. Also a great rough, and shagged spaniell. Also a Barble-fish.

Barboncẻlli, the barbes or little teates in the mouth of some horses.

Bárboro, a Barble-fish.

Barbossáre, to stutter, to stammer, or maffle in speech. Also to mumble, or grumble.

Barbossóso, a stutter. Also a mumbler.

Barbottáre, as Barbossáre.

Barbótto, as Barbózzo.

Barbozzále, a curb for a horse. Also an vnder-lip or chap.

Barbózzo, the chin where a mans beard groweth. Also a horses vnder-lip.

Barbózzolo, as Barbózzo.

Barbozzúto, that hath a great chin.

Barbugliáre, as Barbossáre. Also to garboile or entangle.

Barbúglio, a huddle a garboile.

Barbúta, the beauer of a head-peece. Also a kinde of Eagle like an Ospraie.

Barbúti, bearded, in Florence they were wont to call their men at armes so.

Barbúto, bearded, hauing a beard.

Bárca, any kinde of Barke, Barge, or Boate.

Barcarízzo, that part of the Ship where the Cocke-bote is fastened.

Barcaruólo, a Barge-man, a Boate-man.

Barcáta, a fraught or Boate-lading.

Bárca vérgola, a kinde of gondola.

Barcheggiáre, to goe by Boate or Barge.

Barchétta, a little Boate or Wherry.

Barchiére, a Boat-man, Wherry-man.

Bárco, a Shipping or imbarkeing. Also a Parke. Also as Várco.

Barcolláre, to shake the necke.

Barcóllo, a shakeing of the necke.

Barcóne, any great Barke or Ship.

Barcóso, full of Ships.

Bárda, a barding or trapping for a horse.

Bardáre, to bard or trap a horse.

Bardáscia, an ingle or buggering boy.

Bardasciáre, to ingle, to bugger.

Bardascióne, as Bardáscia.

Bardatúra, a barding of a horse.

Bárde, the bards of a horse.

Bardẻlla, a pad vsed for coults at their first backing, vntil they becom tractable.

BAR   Bardẻlláccia, a Mules pack-saddle.

Bardẻlláre, to put one a pack-sadle.

Bardẻllétte, the labels of a miter.

Bardẻllo, a silly noddy, a foolish gull.

Bardíglio, Friers-gray.

Bárdo, light, nimble, saucy, bould.

Bardócco, a gull, a sot, a noddy.

Bardoẻlle, vsed for Bandẻlle.

Bardósso, bare-backe without a saddle.

Bareggiáre, to cheat or cog at play.

Bareggiatóre, as Bárro.

Barẻlla, a hand or wheele-barrow.

Barẻlláre, to carry in a wheele-barrow.

Bargagnáre, to bargaine.

Bargágno, a bargaine.

Barganẻllo, a kinde of bird.

Bargẻllo, a Prouost Marshall, or Captaine of Serieants and Catch-poles.

Bargẻlli, Silke-wormes.

Bargẻllíno, a Serieant or Catch-pole. Also an ancient coine in Florance.

Bargiẻli, the barbes or spurs of Cockes.

Bariáre, to fight at Barriers.

Baricáre, to baricardo, or fortifie with timber or barrels full of stones.

Baricáta, a baricado.

Baricócoli, Apricok-plumbs. Also a boyes play vsed in Italie.

Barícola, a little wheele-barrow. Also a Butter-flie or Lady-bird.

Barigẻllo, as Bargẻllo.

Barigliétto, a run-let or little barrell.

Bariglióne, a great barrell.

Bariláre, to embarrell, to barrell vp.

Baríldo, a colour that Painters vse.

Baríle, any kinde of barrell or such vessell. Also an ancient coine in Italy.

Barilétta, a picture. Also a fashion.

Barilétto, a barrilet, a firkin. Also a pitcher.

Barilótto, as Barlótto.

Barinẻllo, a kinde of Ship or Barke.

Barípto, a kinde of stone like an Agatte.

Baríre, rísco, ríto, as Barríre.

Barlaccáre, to play the gull and foole.

Barlácco, a silly foole or gull.

Barlaffáre, to skar, to gash, or slash.

Barlẻffo, a skar, a cut, a gash, a slash.

Barlétto, a rundlet, or little barrell.

Barlióne, any kinde of barellet.

Barlótto, a good big barrell or runlet.

Barlúme, a duskie or twilight, a foggynesse or vntransparent light.

Barníre, nísco, nito, as Barríre.

Barnoccáre, to thumpe, to streake.

Barnócco, a thumpe, a knocke, a stronke.

Barnúffo, as Barbétto.

Barócco, any shift made for good cheere, any thing gotten by hooke or crooke.

Baronáccio, a cheater a cozening companion, a knight of the poste.

Baronággio, the Barony, or Nobility. Also a Barony or his calling.

Baroncẻllo, a Lord, or petty Baron, that hath lands but no title, a Lord.

Baróne, a Baron, a Lord of a Barony.

Baróne di cámpo di fióre, such cozeners in Rome as the Knights of the post in London.

Baróne di fráncia, taken in ill part for one that hath the grand pox.

Baróne di mercáto, a cut-purse, a chiefe rogue, a canter that frequents markets.

Baroneggiáre, to play the Baron. Also to cheat, to cunnicatch, to play the rogue.

Baronésimo, the Baronry.

Baronía, a Barony, a Lordship.

Barónzi, cloathes, rags, tatters, clouts. Also foolish teachers.

Barónzola, a play that boyes vse in Italie.

Barópi, a precious stone red and blacke.

Baropiéno, as Barópi.

Barózza, a hand or wheele-barrow.

Bárra, any kinde of barre or stang. Also that part of the neather iaw where the bit resteth one the gum.

Barrácchio, the hearb Crow-foote.

Barráre, to barre, to embarre, to stang. Also to cheate, to cog, or cozen at any game, namely at dice.

Barraría, a cheating-howse.

Barrattáre, as Barattáre.

Barrattería, as Barattería.

Barrattiére, as Barattiére.

Barrattóre, a Cheater with false dice.

Bárre, look le bárre.

Barrigẻllo, as Bargẻllo.

Barriéra, a barre where pleading or fighting at barriers is vsed.

Barriére, a Barrister or pleader at a bar. Also a fighter at barriers.

Barríre, rísco, ríto, to bray as as Asse or an Elephant.

Barríto, the braying of an Asse.

Bárro, Báro, a cheater at dice.

Barróne, as Mascalzóne, as Bárro.

Barroniére, as Tauolaccíno, a base seruant or vnder officer to attend and be commanded.

Bartaldáre, to teazell clothes.

Bartáldi, teazels.

Barúffa, a brabling fray, a bickering, a quarrell, a hurlieburlie.

Baruffáre, to make a brabling fray, to be together by the eares.

Baruóla, as Barútola. Also the name of a bone in the roote of a horse taile.

Barutáre, to boult or sift meale.


BAR   Barúto, a boulter or boulting cloth.

Barútola, a churning fat. Also a cheese-fat.

Bárza, a kind of hulke or great lighter for burden.

Barzẻllétte, a kind of country gigges or songs or madrigals.

Barzuóle, casting stones for a hauke.

Bása, the base or foundation of any frame, namely of a piller, a ground worke.

Basalísco, as Basilísco.

Basalténo, a kind of marble coloured and hard as iron.

Basaménto, as Bása.

Basaníte, a kind of very smooth and partie coloured whetstone.

Basár, a Beozars stone.

Basarúcco, a kind of coine in Goa.

Báschi, running footemen of the country of Baske. Also common raskally people.

Baschiéra, a womans priuitie.

Bascià, a Bashaw, that is viceroy, chiefe gouernour or counsellor to the Turke.

Basciábile, that may be kissed, to be kissed.

Bascialamáno, a besolasmanos.

Basciáre, to kisse, to busse.

Báscio, a kisse, a busse.

Bascióso, kissing, full of kisses.

Basciózzo, a smacking kisse.

Basciuccáre, to kisse smackingly.

Basciucchiáre, to kisse smackingly.

Báse, as Bása. Also a socket in a candle-sticke. Also the drug predominant in any compound.

Basíggia, the hearbe Basill.

Basílica, a Kings house, a Princes pallace or court. Also the liuer veine of any bodie.

Basílico, the hearbe Basill.

Basilicóne, a nut called the Royall nut.

Basilínda, a play called one penny one-penny or come after me.

Basilísco, a Basiliske. Also a great piece of Ordinance so called.

Basiótto, any wooden-boule or a beggars drinking-dish.

Basíre, sísco, síto, to gaspe the last, to yeeld vp the Ghost, to swoune.

Basóffia, a kinde of gruel or pottage. Also any kind of light stuffe.

Básole, a kinde of fine drinking glasse.

Basóso, on in a swoune as it were yeelding vp the ghost.

Bássa, any bottom, vally or low dale.

Bassárco, a name giuen to Bacchus.

Bassáre, to abase, to stoope, to descend.

Bassétta, a play at cardes vsed in Italy.

Bassétto, a low base voice or instrument.

Bassézza, basenesse, lownesse.

Bassilíco, the hearbe Basill.

Básso, low, base, below, deepe. Also a base in singing. Also narrow, as Pánno básso.

BAS   Bassótta, a kinde of Cake-bread.

Bassótto, a good pleasing base-voice.

Bassúra, as Bassézza.

Básta, it is enough, it sufficeth.

Bastagiáre, to play the Porter.

Bastágio, a Porter, a Burden-bearer.

Bastángo, a forke-fish, a puffin-fish.

Bastánte, sufficient, able, enough.

Bastánza, sufficiency, enough.

Bastardáccio, a filthy rogish bastard.

Bastardáre, as Abbastardíre.

Bastardẻllo, as Bastárdolo.

Bastárdi, certain bastard peeces that are neither Cannons nor Culuerings, but differ from both in height and mettale.

Bastardía, bastardy.

Bastardíre, as Abbastardíre.

Bastárdo, a bastard, a mungrell. Also a bastard-piece. Also a wine so called.

Bastárdolo, a blotting-booke, a daie-booke, a house-booke to write euery thing in.

Bastardúme, Bastadize, mungrelisme, vnlawfulnesse.

Bastáre, to suffice, to be enough.

Bastáre l'ánimo, to dare, to haue the heart.

Bastáre la vísta, to dare, to haue the courage, to out looke.

Bastáro, a maker of pad or pack-sadles.

Basteggiáre, to put on a pack-sadle. Also to beare burdens or play the Porter.

Bastẻrna, a tumbrell, a dung-cart. Also a little Chariot or Pageant.

Bastétta, a kinde of Potage or boiled-meat.

Bastéuole, able, sufficient, enough.

Bástia, a bastion, a skonce, a block-house, a keepe in a Castle.

Bastiáre, as Bastionáre.

Bastiére, on that makes Pack-sadles.

Bastína, a packe or Asses sadle.

Bastináre, to sadle with a pack-sadle.

Bastionáre, to ensconce, to blocke, to bastion, to rampire, to flanke.

Bastióne, as Bástia.

Bastíta, as Battifólle.

Básto, a panell, a pad or packesaddle, a dosser. Also a doublet in rogues language.

Bastonágo, as Bastángo.

Bastonáre, to cudgell, to bastonado.

Bastonáta, a bastonado, or cudgell blow.

Bastoncẻllo, as Bastonétto.

Bastoncíni, little stickes. Also billet worke.

Bastóne, a cudgell, a batton, a truncheon, a waster, a staffe.

Bastoneggiáre, as Bastonáre.

Bastonétto, a little cudgell, or staffe or sticke. Also the bastonet of a bridle.

BAT   Bastoniẻri, whiflers that make roome with their staues.

Bastóso, a porter, a loades man.

Báta, a raye or skeat fish. Also a bird like a bunting.

Bátalo, a kind of miniuer hood, worne of Doctors in signe of honor. Also a haukes hood.

Batanísmo, a setled time for weeding of corne.

Batátas, a fruit so called in India.

Batedóre, as Battitóre.

Batẻlláro, a boat maker, or wright.

Batẻlliére, a boat man, a ferry man.

Batẻllo, any little boat or wherry.

Batéssa, an Abbesse.

Báti, the wild bazill.

Batía, an Abby.

Batícca, a kind of washing tub.

Batinhortensiána, a kind of sperage.

Batinmaría, Crestmarin or Sampier.

Báto, a house bath. Also a certaine measure for liquid things.

Bátolo, as Bátalo.

Batósta, knauish sport, foolish pastime.

Batrachíde, a kind of garment mentioned by Varro.

Batráchio, a kind of sea fish called in French Diable de mer. Also a stone coloured like a frog found in a toades head. Also a kind of vernish or colour to paint vizards with. Also a swelling growing vnder the tongue with an inflamation. Also the hearb Crow-foot.

Batrachíte, as Batráchio.

Battacchiáre, as Barnoccáre.

Battacchiáta, as Barnócco.

Battácchio, a cudgell, a staffe or a batton. Also the hearb Crowfoot or butterflowre. Also as Battáglio.

Battáglia, a battell, a fight.

Battagliáre, to battell, to fight.

Battagliére, a warrier, a man at armes, a fighter. Also a battlement vpon a wall, but properly a flat roofe vpon any house for people to stand and fight.

Battaglierésco, of or pertaining to battells, to war, or fighting.

Battagliéuole márte, warlike or battellous Mars.

Battáglio, a bell clapper. Also a hammer vpon dores to knocke with, a knocker, a clapper. Also a belly clapper.

Battaglióne, a battalion, a maine battell, a great squadron.

Battaglióso, quarelous, battelous.

Battálo, as Bátalo.

Battáta, the Potato roots. Also taken for Sampier.

Batteggiáre, as Battezzáre, it hath also been vsed for Báttere.

Battẻnte, beating, panting.

Báttere, bátto, battéi, battúto, to beat, [57] to smite, to streake, to thump, to batter.

BAT   Báttere denári, to mint or coine mony.

Bátter de gl'ócchij, a twinkling of the eies.

Báttere il cuóre, to part the heart.

Battería, a battery.

Battesimále, of or belonging to baptisme.

Battésimo, baptisme, christning. Also an ancient coine in Florence.

Battezzáre, to baptize, to christen.

Battezzatóre, a baptizer, a christner.

Batticuóre, a panting of the heart, an anxiety, a suddaine passion.

Batticúli, the tases or bases that horsemen vse behind.

Battifólle, a skonce, a rampier, a bulwarke, a blocke house. Also an ancient engine to batter walls. Also vsed for a belly clapper.

Battifẻrro, a forger or iron beater.

Battifuóco, a tinder box. Also the flint of steele belonging to it. Also a gunners lint stocke.

Battifuóra, a gold beaters flat hammer.

Battígia, a strange fit or rauing of mad folkes or such as haue the falling sicknesse.

Battigióso, full of strange or rauing fits.

Battigliuóla, a mill clapper.

Battigráno, a corne thresher.

Battilána, a wooll winder or dresser.

Batti l'oro, a gold beater.

Battimáno, a kind of great waight in some part of Italy. Also a clapping of hands.

Battiménto, a beating. Also a fighting.

Battiménto di cuóre, a panting of the heart.

Battiménto di pólso, the beating of the pulse.

Battíno, as Battimáno.

Battipáli, as Battipónti.

Battipónti, great commanders or beetles of brasse to beat piles into the ground.

Battipótta, a Crampe fish, look Sgrámfo.

Battiráme, a brazier, a copper smith.

Battisécula, as Battiségola.

Battiségola, the weed blewbottle, Corne-flower, or hurtsickle. Also a zaphire stone.

Battismále, as Battesimále.

Battisóffia, a suddaine feare that makes one to blow and his heart to pant.

Battisóffiáre, to be so dismaid as ones heart panteth and he can hardly draw his breath.

Battísta, a baptizer. Also fine cambricke or lawne.

Battistáre, to baptise, to christen.

Battistẻo, a font to batize in. Also a clapper.

Battistẻrio, as Battistẻo.

Battistína, finest lawne or cambricke.

Battisuócere, a kind of hearb or weed.

Battitóio, as Battáglio.

BAV   Battitóre, a beater, a smiter, a streaker, a clapper. Also a thresher. Also a threshing flaile. Also a cudgell or staffe. Also a Paper mill. Also a Printers presse-man.

Battitúra, a beating, a thumping.

Bátto, a kind of ship or barke, or hulke.

Battocchiáre, to knocke, to clap, to thumpe.

Bartócchio, as Battáglio.

Báttola, a possenet or a pipkin. Also as Bátalo.

Battúta, a beating or keeping time in musicke.

Battúto, beaten, smitten, strooken, thumpt, battred, knockt, threshen. Also a floore, a pauement, an open terrasse, a causie, a trodden high way, the hard ground. Also a bowling alley.

Báu, as báu báu.

Báua, slauer or driuell at the mouth. Also sleaue or raw silke.

Bauagliuoláre, to embib a childe.

Bauagliuólo, a childes bib.

Baualísso, a piece called a Basilisco.

Bauáre, to slauer or driuell at the mouth.

Báuaro, a childes bib. Also a beauer. Also a friers cowle, or cape of any garment.

Báubáu, boe-peepe. Also a Bugbeare.

Bauccáre, to play boe-peepe. Also to maske or muffle. Also to pry closely into.

Baúcco, a womans maske or muffler.

Baúcco baúcco, as báubáu.

Bauẻlla, any kind of sleaue or raw silke. Also sattin a Briges.

Bauẻlláre, to rauell as raw silke. Also to picke silke.

Bauẻlláro, a picker of raw silke.

Báuero, as Báuaro. Also a Beauer or Brocke. Also a stuffe made of raw silke as curled cipers.

Bauiéra, the chinpiece of a caske.

Bauísi, the finnes of any fish.

Báulo, a trunke or chest of leather.

Bauonáre úna náue, to dresse or rub a ship ouer with grease to make it glide the faster.

Bauóso, slauerie, driuely, sluttish, slimie. Also an old apish slauering fellow.

Baurách, a kind of Boraxe or nitre.

Baúrda, a kind of rauenous foule.

Bazaráre, to cheate or conicatch, to shift.

Bazáro, a shifter, a cheater, a coniecatcher.

Bazzárro, an accord, an agreement.

Bazzegáre, to stutter, to stammer, to maffle. Also to lispe. Also to filch, to proule, to purloine. Also to sneake about in huggermugger. Also to nible. Also to practise or shift for.

Bazzésco, base, vulgare, plebeian.

Bázzica, as Bazzicatúre.

Bazzicáre, as Bazzegáre.

BEC   Bazzicatóre, a stutter, a stammerer. Also a shifting companion, a slie theefe or filcher.

Bazzicatúre, filchings, prowlings, purloinings. Also all manner of trash, baggage, luggage, or worne old stuffe. Also cunning shifts and subtile practises.

Bazzichiáre, to shake betweene two hands, to play at handie dandie.

Bazzigáre, as Bazzegáre.

Bázzo, a coine in Germanie of three pence.

Bazzótto, vnperfect, vnpolished, rough hewen.

Bdẻlio, a tree in Arabia. Also the gum of that tree which is sweete in sauour but very bitter in taste.

Bè? well? how now? how goes it?

Bẻbbe, vsed for béuue, he dranke.

Bẻ, Bẻ', Bẻi, vsed for Bẻlli, faire.

Beáre, to blesse or make happie.

Beatificáre, to blesse or make happie.

Beatificatióne, a blessed happinesse.

Beatificatíuo, that maketh blessed.

Beatífico, making happie.

Beatità, blessednesse, happinesse.

Beatitúdine, blessednesse, happinesse.

Beatissimaménte, most blessedly.

Beáto, happie, blessed, blest.

Beatóre, one that makes happie.

Beatríce, a she happie-maker.

Bẻbbe, vsed of Dante for he dranke.

Bebúlbi, all plants that be bulbous.

Becabúnga, brookelime, seapurcelane.

Bécca, a skarfe or any fauour else worne about ones arme for his mistresse sake.

Beccacénere, a fireforke.

Beccáccia, a Woodcocke.

Beccaccíni, Snites.

Beccaccióne, a great nodle or big-skonce.

Beccafíco, a bird called a Fig snapper.

Beccafíchi maríni, a kind of daintie litle sea-fish.

Beccáio, a butcher, a slaughterer.

Beccaincáuo, a fish whose gall healeth scars of wounds and superfluous flesh in the eyes.

Beccalíte, as Cattabríghe.

Beccaménto, a pecking, a billing.

Beccamórti, as Beccarẻlli.

Beccáre, to bill or pecke as birdes doe.

Beccáre dẻlla padróna, to haue a snatch or billing at his mistris.

Beccarẻlli, such as helpe to search, to carie and burie the dead. Also Pit or graue-makers. Also a kind of daintie foule.

Beccarócchi, Woodpeckers or snappers.

Beccaría, a shambles or flesh-market.

Beccarouéglia, the passenger Faulkon that will pray for her selfe.

Beccársi il cẻruẻllo, to studie or weary ones wit about any matter.

Beccársi il cuóre, to fret ones heart.


BEC   Beccastríno, a Mattocke or two tined forke. Also a kinde of coopers adze.

Béccati sú quésta, cracke me this nut, swallow this gudgeon.

Beccáta, a pecking, a mouthfull.

Beccatẻlli, litle batlements that stand vpon walles.

Beccatúra, a biting or pecking.

Beccheggiáre, to play the he goate. Also to cuckold it. Also to goe to rut.

Becchéra, the beake or bill of a hauke.

Becchería, a shambles, a butchers-row.

Becchétto, any little beake or bill. Also a young little kid. Also the little point of a friers hood.

Bécchi, bucks, he goates. Also cuckolds. Also as Beccarẻlli.

Becchiétti, a kind of bird. Also a fruit.

Becchígno, goatish, buckish, rammish.

Becchína, a womans priuitie or quaint.

Becchíni, as Beccarẻlli.

Beccicóso, goate-eyde. Also walle-eyde.

Béccilo, weake, feeble, faint, tired.

Bécco, the beake or bill of any bird. Also a bucke or he goate. Also the beake of a ship or any thing else. Also the socket of a candlesticke. Also a Cuckold.

Bécco di óca, wilde Tansey or Siluer hearbe.

Bécco mal guardáto, a Christmas game.

Becconáccio, a filthy Cuckold.

Beccóne, a gull, a patch, a great cuckold.

Bécco-páppa, a wittoly-cuckold.

Beccorẻlla, as Auosétta.

Bécco-manomésso, a game in Italie so called.

Bécco stórto, as Auosétta.

Becéchi, blazing starres all shaggie compassed with a kind of maine or hairie fringe.

Bechíche, a kinde of pills against the cough.

Béchió, Allhose, Polefoote or Horse-hoofe.

Bechióne, Coughwort.

Béde, Saint Maries thistle.

Bedegnáro, as Béde.

Bedóllo, Bédolo, a Birch-tree.

Béen, wilde sage, or horsemint.

Bẻffa, a iest, a flout, a mocke, a scoffe.

Bẻffána, a bug-beare, a scarcrow, a mockbegger, a toy to mocke an ape.

Bẻffaniá, as Bẻffána. Also as Epifanía, but spoken in mockerie.

Bẻffardáre, as Bẻffáre.

Bẻffárdo, a flouter, a mocker, a scoffer.

Bẻffáre, to flout, to mocke, to skoffe, to frumpe.

Bẻffatóre, as Bẻffárdo.

Bẻffe, as Bẻffa.

Bẻffeggiáre, as Bẻffáre.

Bẻffeggiatóre, as Bẻffárdo.

Bẻffiáre, as Bẻffáre.

Bẻffiárdo, as Beffárdo.

BEL   Bẻffiatóre, as Bẻffárdo.

Béga, an humming bee.

Beghináre, to bighin. Also to cloath in course gray cloth.

Beghíno, a childes bighin. Also a kinde of course gray cloth that poore religious men were, but properly a lay man that in life and manners will seeme to be a puritane, and dissembles religion.

Behemóth, the name of a deuell in Dante, as one would say beast.

Bẻlaménto, the bleating of a sheepe.

Bẻlaníte, a kind of Chesnuts.

Bẻláre, to bleate as a sheepe.

Bẻlbẻllo, faire and softly, very gently.

Bẻlchè, a goodly thing, a faire what.

Beléna, a he whale-fish.

Belétta, as Bẻlletta.

Bẻlfegóre, the name of a deuill.

Bẻlgimí, the drug or gum Beniamin.

Bẻlginí, Bẻlgioíni, as Bẻlgimí.

Beliál, as it were free from bondage, without yoake or commander. Also the deuill. Also an Apostata. Vsed also for a Prophet.

Beliále, as Beliál.

Belído pliniáno, as Cóppa di Gióue.

Belicáto, hauing a nauell or middle.

Belíco, as Bellícolo.

Beligẻmma, a kinde of precious stone.

Belin-belíno, gently, faire, and softly.

Beliócchio, as Bélo.

Bẻlla bẻllína, a womans quaint or priuitie.

Bẻllaménte, faire and softly, fairely. Also conueniently or with dexteritie.

Bẻllétta, mire, mud, or dead water. Also a pimple or wheale in the skin.

Bẻllettáre, to paint or make faire. Also to mud or mire.

Bẻllettatríce, a woman that paints her selfe.

Bellettiẻra, a woman that professeth, teacheth, or selleth painting.

Bẻllétto, painting for womens faces.

Bẻllettóso, muddy, mire, boggy.

Bẻllézza, beauty, fairenesse.

Bẻllíco, as Bẻllícolo.

Bẻllico, warlike, marshall.

Bẻllíco di vénere, an hearbe.

Bẻllícolo, the middle, nauell, or belly of any thing.

Bẻllicóso, warlike, marshall.

Bẻllificáre, to beautifie.

Bẻllihẻrba, the Daisy hearbe.

Bẻllíno, pretty and faire.

Bẻllióne, a Daisie that hath a yellow cup of fiue and fifty little leaues.

Bẻllírici, a kinde of plumbe or prune.

Bẻllís, the white Daisie.

Bẻllo, faire, beautifull, sheene. Also womens painting or faces, complection. Also vsed for fit occasion or opportunity.

BEL   Bẻlloardáre, to embull-worke to blocke.

Bẻlloárdo, a bul-worke, a block-house.

Bẻllo che pensáto, faire and throughly thought.

Bẻllóccio, handsomly faire, pretty, and faire.

Bẻllo e fátto, faire and fully finished.

Bẻllo in piázza, a boaster, a vaunter.

Bẻllo e nuóuo, faire and new.

Bẻllóne, a needle-fish or Horne-backe.

Bẻllóra, a weazell.

Bẻllóre, beautie, fairenesse, sheenenesse.

Bẻllózza, handsome, smug and faire.

Bẻlo, a white stone with a spot glittering like gold in the midst. Also the bleating of a sheepe.

Bẻltà, Bẻltáde, beautie, fairenesse.

Bẻl témpo hauére, to haue or leade a mery life.

Bẻltrámo, faire, goodly, handsome.

Bẻltrẻsche, skaffolds, woodden Castles, Block-houses, or military engines of timber.

Bẻltro, a mixt greene white and red.

Bẻlua, a wilde beast or dreadfull monster.

Bẻluardáre, to embulworke.

Bẻluárdo, a bulworke, block-house.

Bẻluedére, a faire sight, a place of a faire prospect. Also the toadeyflax or flax-weede.

Bẻlzoíno, the gum beniamine.

Bẻlzebù, as much to say, a man ouer flies or sinning soules.

Bembè, very well, goe to, good enough.

Bémbéne, as Bembè.

Bemína, a measure of about a pinte.

Ben ad órdine, handsomly drest.

Benággia, well may he fare.

Benandáta, a freewill, giuen at going.

Benauenturáto, luckie, happy.

Benauenturóso, luckie, fortunate.

Benauráre, to make luckie or happy.

Benáuro, good lucke, a happy gale.

Benauróso, luckie, fortunate.

Ben-bè, as Ben-béne.

Ben-béne, very well, good enough.

Benchè, howbeit, albeit, although.

Bénda, a skarfe, a fillit, a swath. Also a haire-lace. Also a bend in armory. Also a mitre, a circlet, a diademe. Also a hose-garter.

Bendáre, to skarfe, to swath. Also to hood-winke or blindfolde, to bend in armory. Also to encircle, to mitre, to crowne.

Bendẻlla, a fillet, a ribband, a tape, a bandell, a bandlet, a swathe, a rowler.

Bendẻlláre, to bandle, to enskarfe, to swath. Also to goe stagring or reeling as a drunkard.


BEN   Bendóni, the labels of a mitre.

Béne, well. Also a mans good or geare.

Béne affẻtto, well affected.

Benedicẻnte, well speakeing, eloquent.

Benedicẻnza, eloquence, well speakeing.

Benedícite, a thankesgiuing or grace after meat.

Benedétto, blest, blessed, happy.

Benedíre, díco, díssi, détto, to blesse.

Benedittióne, a blisse, a blessing.

Benefattóre, a benefactor, a well doer.

Beneficáre, to benefite or do well vnto.

Beneficiáto, beneficed, that hath a lot.

Beneficiále, beneficiall.

Beneficiáre, to benefice.

Beneficẻnza, a benefite, or well doing.

Beneficiário, he that receiueth a good turne. Also on the liueth vpon anothers exhibition or allowance, a pencioner.

Benefício, a benefice. Also a benefite or good turne. Also a lot in a Lottery.

Benéfico, well doing, good acting.

Benehábbia, well may betyde him.

Benhabbiáto, well had, or well gotten.

Béne in cóncio, handsomly drest.

Bene meritáre, to deserue well.

Benemérito, well deseruing.

Beneplaciménto, well pleasing.

Beneplácito, good will and pleasure.

Benespésso, very often, very thicke.

Benẻssere, the well-fare, or wealth of any man.

Benestánte, well to liue, rich.

Beneuolẻnza, beneuolence, good will.

Bengiuì, Bengioíno, a perfume so called.

Bengódi, well-fare your heart. Also a faigned name of a country where there is such plenty of all pleasures, that nothing is wanting.

Benguì, as Bengiuì.

Béni, all manner of goods, geare or chattle.

Beni castrénsi, good gotten in war.

Benífero, good bearing or bringing.

Benignitá, benignity, kindnesse.

Benígno, kind, benigne, louing.

Benigníssimo, most kind and louing.

Beninánza, bounty, good-will, benignity.

Beníno, as Benígno.

Beníssimo, exceeding well.

Beniuolénza, beneuolence, good will.

Beníuolo, as Benígno.

Ben montáto, well mounted.

Beniuogliénte, well willing. Also a well willer.

Benparlánte, well speaking or spoken.

Ben per lui, well for him.

Ben per tẻmpo, early, very timely.

Ben piéno, very full.

Ben sái, well thou wottest.

BER   Benseruíto, well serued. Also wel pleased. It is also vsed for a testimony in writing or passeport for the discharge of a seruant.

Ben tornáto, well returned.

Ben trouáto, well met or found.

Bentrattáre, to treat or vse well.

Benuedére, to looke cheerfully vpon.

Benuedúto, well regarded or respected, cheerfully looked vpon.

Benueníre, to welcome.

Ben vénga, welcome.

Benuenúta, a welcome.

Benuenúto, welcome.

Ben venúto & buón'ánno, welcome and a good yeere withall.

Ben vísto, as Bén vedúto.

Benuogliẻnte, wel willing, a wel willer.

Benuogliẻnza, beneuolence, good will.

Benuolére, to affect, or beare good wil vnto.

Benuolúto, affected, beloued.

Bénna, a kind of tumbrell or dungcart.

Bennánica, a kind of vine or grape.

Bénnola, a wad of clouts or straw to cary with vpon the head. Also the stalke of a cucumber.

Benzoíno, a perfuming gum so called.

Beóne, an Ale knight, a tosse pot, a good drinker, a great quaffer.

Béra, a drone, a hornet, a humming bee.

Bẻrbéna, the hearb verueine.

Bẻrbenáca, the hearb verueine.

Bẻrberi, the barbery fruits.

Bẻrbíci, all manner of sheep, vsed for hee-goates also.

Bẻrbiciáro, a shepheard.

Bẻrcẻlla, an instrument of war made like an iron beame to batter downe walls.

Bére, béo, béuo, béuui, beuúto, to drinke.

Berétta, any cap or bonet.

Berétta da prẻte, a Priests cap. Also the broad leafed water docke.

Berétta di prẻte, a kind of new deuised, flat or square fortification.

Berettáre, to cap or put on a cap.

Berettáro, a capper, or capmaker.

Berettáta, a capping, a bonneting.

Berettína, a little cap or bonnet.

Berettíno, a night cap. Also a little cap. Also gray or ash colour.

Berettóne, a great cap or bonet. Also a Cap of maintenance as the Maior of London hath caried before him, as also the Duke of Venice.

Bergamótte, a kind of excellent peares.

Bergantíno, a Brigandine or Pinnace.

Bẻrghinẻlla, a tipling houswife, a skolding harlot, a pratling whore.

Bẻrghinẻlláre, to gad abroade a gossoping as a pratling loue-pot woman.

Bẻrgogliére, as Bẻrgolo.

Bẻrgola, a sheepe that hath the staggers.

BER   Bẻrgoláre, to wrangle, to brabble.

Bẻrgolo, a wrangler, a brabler.

Bẻrgumẻlla, a silly wretched woman.

Berílla, water persley, or yellow cresses.

Beríllo, a berill or seawater-stone.

Beringózzo, as Berlingózzo.

Bẻrleggiaménto, a iogging, a rocking, or wagging vp and downe.

Bẻrleggiáre, to iogge, to rocke, or wag vp and downe.

Bẻrlengáre, to haunt base Tauerns.

Bẻrléngo, a common tipling-house.

Bẻrlésche, drawing-windowes. Also out baie-windowes. Also skaffolds.

Bẻrli, little lockes, tuffes or bushes of haires.

Bẻrlína, a pillery. Also a cucking-stoole, heretofore called a tombrell.

Bẻrlincióne, a simple gull, an idiot.

Bẻrlínga, as Bẻrlinghiéra.

Bẻrlingacciáre, to feast and make good cheere as it were euery Shrouetide.

Bẻrlingáccio, the thursday before shroue Sunday, when euery man giues himselfe to sport and good cheere, so called in Florence.

Bẻrlingaccióne, one that loueth to shroue euer and make good cheere.

Bẻrlingáre, to prattle, to skolde, to ratle.

Bẻrlinghiéra, a pratling or skolding woman.

Bẻrlingózzo, a kind of simnel or sugar bread. Also a drunken or three mens song. Also the winde or wezell-pipe. Also a bird. Also a tansie made of egs.

Bẻrnácche, barnacles vpon ships.

Bẻrnásso, a sheapheards frocke, with a hoode. Also a thrumbed hat.

Bẻrnia, an Irish or seamans rugge.

Bẻrnoccáre, as Barnoccáre.

Bẻrnócco, as Barnásso.

Bẻrnóccoli, little knobs in wainescot work. Also swelling of any thumpe or knocke, a bunch.

Béro, a kinde of venemous Serpent.

Berrétta, any cap or bonnet.

Berrettáre, as Berettáre.

Berrettáro, as Berettáro.

Berrettáta, as Berettáta.

Berrettíno, as Berettíno.

Berrettóne, as Berettóne.

Bẻrri, horse-traces, draughts, or fore-cariages for great ordinance.

Bẻrricócoli, Apricock-plumbes.

Bẻrrína, larde. Also a larding-sticke.

Bẻrriuóla, a nightcap worn vnder a hat.

Bẻrrouiéri, such Catch-poles or Serieants as attend the Maior or Shrifes of London.

Bẻrro, a tuffe or locke of haire.

Bẻrsagliáre, to hit or shoote at a marke. Also to confine, to limite or bound to a place.

Bérsagliére, a leueller or shooter at a marke.


BES   Bẻrságlio, a but or marke to shoot at.

Bẻrsela, to swallow a gudgeon, to pocket vp a wrong.

Bẻrta, as Bẻffa. Also a Iaye, Dáre la bẻrta, to giue one a flout or a mocke.

Bẻrteggiáre, as Bẻffáre.

Bẻrteggiatóre, as Bẻffatóre.

Bẻrtésche, as Bẻltrésche.

Bẻrtíno, a deepe gray, an iron gray.

Bẻrtolótto, any shift made for victuals. Also a silly gull or noddie.

Bẻrtola, a satchell, a budget or wallet.

Bẻrtoláre, to shift for meate and drinke.

Bẻrtonáre, to abuse maried folkes beds.

Bẻrtóne, a maried mans, or wedded womans secret louer, leman, or adulterer. Also a kind of hulke or ship of warre.

Bẻrtonéga, a kind of hearbe.

Bẻrtoneggiáre, as Bertonáre.

Bẻrtúccia, a monkie, a marmoset.

Bẻrtuccióne, a great Ape or Monkie.

Berúso, as Béro.

Bẻrzagliáre, as Bẻrsagliáre.

Bẻrzagliére, as Bẻrsagliére.

Bẻrzáglio, as Berságlio.

Bẻrzáre, to leaue the markes of stripes or lashes. Also to stalke it with long legs.

Bẻrze, the blew markes of stripes, or prints of lashes. Also long shankes or stalking legs. Also the soles of ones feet.

Besegníni, a kind of rauenous sea-fowle.

Béscio, hath been vsed of Boccace, for a beast, a gull, a noddie, &c.

Besénfio, swollen, puffed vp. Also pursie or broken winded.

Bésola, a wedge or vnderlaier to shore vp any thing.

Besoláre, to vnderlay or shore vp with any wedge or stay.

Bẻssa, as Bẻssería.

Bẻssaggíne, foolish simplicitie. Also lisping, maffling or faltring in speach. Also as Bessería.

Bẻssáre, to stut, to stammer, to lispe.

Bẻssería, any ioy or mirth or feasting made in contempt and scorne of others.

Bẻsso, a stutting foole.

Bẻste, in Latin Hirium.

Bestémmia, blasphemie, curse.

Bestemmiáre, to blaspheme, to banne.

Bestemmiatóre, a blasphemer, a curser.

Bẻstia, any kind of beast. Also a mans priuie parts. Also a Buls pizell.

Bẻstiáccia, a filthy beast.

Bẻstiággine, as Bestialità.

Bẻstiále, beastly, vnreasonable.

Bẻstialétta, a little or pretty beast.

Bẻstialità, beastlinesse, vnreasonablenesse.

Bẻstialíssimo, most beastly.

Bẻstiáme, all kind of cattell.

Bẻstiíssimo, most-most beastly.

Bẻstífero, beast-bearing or bringing.

Bẻstióne, a great beast.

Bẻstióso, full of cattell, or cattell yealding.

BEV   Bẻstiuóle, all manner of little beasts or vermine, as fleaes, lice, flyes, wormes, &c.

Béstrica, the rogues language, pedlers french, gibrish, fustian tongue.

Betél, an hearbe in India which the Indians chew to voide rheume.

Betetráro, a kind of wine.

Bétilo, a stone in Latin Betilus.

Betónica, as Bettónica.

Bettifrédo, a litle house vpon a towne wall for sentinell. Also a blockhouse.

Bettíno, a page, a knauish wag, the deminitiue of Benedètto, a Benet.

Béttola, a tap or tipling house, a dicing house.

Bettolánte, as Bettoliére.

Bettoláre, to haunt ale-houses or tauerns.

Bettoleggiáre, to haunt or liue in base tipling houses.

Bettoláro, a keeper of an alehouse or tipling house.

Bettoliére, a common quaffer, an ale-knight, a haunter of alehouses.

Bettolináre, an alehouse-keeper.

Bettónica, Betonie, Speedwell, Ground-hale or hearbe Fluellin.

Betúlla, the brome-shrub.

Bétulo, a Birch-tree. Also as Ceuránia.

Béua, a beauie.

Beuacchiáre, to quaff, to tiple, to bouze.

Beuacchiatóre, a quaffer, a drunkard.

Beuacchióne, as Beuacchiatóre.

Beuánda, a drinke, a drench, a beuerage. Also a potion.

Beuánda aurẻa, a decoction made of Sopewort or Fullers weede.

Beuatẻlla, a small draught or drinking.

Beuel tútto, a sound quaffer, or all drinker.

Beuerággio, a beuerage. Also drinking money.

Beueratóio, a watering place for cattell. Also a workemans apron or bib.

Béuere, béuo, béuui, beuúto, to drinke.

Béuer la bríghia, when a horse drawes vp the bit with his tongue.

Béuero, a beauer, a gray, a badger. Also a poole, a pond, or watering pit.

Beueróne, a drench or mash for a horse, swilling for swine. Also a drunkard.

Beuíbile, that may be drunke.

Beuicáre, as Beuacchiáre.

Beuitóre, a bibber, a drinker, a quaffer.

Beuitríce, a woman-tipler or drinker.

Beuóne, a quaffer, a great drinker.

Beuúta, a drinking.

Beuúto, or Beúto, drunke.

Bézar, Bezoar, the Bezoar stone.

Bezúca, an old monkie. Also a withred face.

Bezzaruólo, a pennie man.

Bezzicáre, to pinch, to nip, to pricke, to sting. Also to prouoke or allure. Also to pecke, to bill.

BIA   Bezzicáta, a pinching, a nipping. Also an alluring, or enueagling.

Bezzicatúra, as Bezzicáta.

Bẻzzo, a small coine in Venice.

Biácca, Ceruce or Spanish white.

Biácca ársa, Ceruse or Spanish white.

Biaccáre, to white or paint with Ceruce.

Biáda, all kinds of corne or graine. Also a blade of corne. Also prouander for horses.

Biadáre, to feede or prouander a horse.

Biadífero, corne-bearing.

Biadóso, grainie, full of corne.

Biánca, a blanke. Also a lotterie. Also a coine in Spaine.

Biancáre, to white, to whiten, to blanch.

Biancaría, naperie or white linnen.

Biancastronáccio, a lustie beardlesse lad, a liuely stripling, a sturdie wencher.

Biánche, blanks. Also blankets.

Biancheggiánte, whitish.

Biancheggiáre, to grow white. Also to raile at one secretly and yet to speake him faire.

Bianchétta, a blanket.

Bianchétto, as Biácca. Also somewhat white or whitish. Also a Dace-fish, a Merlane or a Menow fish.

Bianchézza, whitenesse, hoarinesse.

Biánchi, a kinde of small coine called blankes.

Bianchíccio, whitish, sallow coloured.

Bianchiménto, a whitning, a blanching. Also any white linnen.

Bianchíne, fine thin blankets.

Bianchíre, chísco, chíto, to whiten.

Bianciárdo, as Bianchíccio.

Biánco, white, pale, blanke, wan. Also a blanke. Also argent in armorie. Also the name of a worme breeding in horses. Also a disease in a horses knee. Also a smelt fish. Also a kind of small coine called a blanke.

Biánco dell'ócchio, the white of the eie.

Biánco dell'vuóuo, the white of an egge.

Biánco mangiáre, a kind of white meate.

Biáncóne, a great milke sop.

Biancóso, whitish, full of white.

Biancúre, the monthly flowers of women.

Biáos, a tree with whose leaues they couer houses in India.

Biasciáre, to smacker in chewing. Also to mumble as a toothlesse woman.

Biasimábile, blame-worthy.

Biasimaménto, blame, reproach.

Biasimáre, to blame, to checke.

Biasiméuole, blame-worthy.

Biásimo, blame, reproach.

Biasmaménto, a blaming.

Biasmáre, to blame, reproach.

Biasméuole, blame-worthy.

Biásmo, blame, reproach.

Biassáre, as Biasciáre.

Biastémmia, as Bestémmia.

Biastemmiáre, as Bestemmiáre.


BIC   Biáua, as Biáda.

Biáuo, a pale yellow colour.

Biauóso, as Biadóso.

Bibáce, a great drinker, drinking.

Bibía, Bíbbia, the Bible or holy writ. Also the funnell of a but. Also dregges of wine.

Bibliopóla, a Stationer or seller of Bookes.

Bibliothéca, a Library or Study of bookes.

Bibliothecário, a keeper of a Library. Also a stationer of bookes.

Bíca, a heape, a masse, a hay-cocke, a stacke or ricke of corne. Also anger or pepper in the nose.

Bícca, as Bíca.

Bichiácchie, toyes, fangles, flimflams. Also smackrings.

Bichiácco, a smackering with the tongue.

Bicchieráio, a drinking glasse maker.

Bicchiẻre, any drinking glasse.

Bicchígno, rammish or goatish.

Bicchígnolo, the socket of a Candle-sticke.

Biccicálla-cálla, a game used vsed in Italie.

Bicípite, two headed.

Bicócca, a hamlet, or little village.

Bicócche, the principall feathers of a hawke.

Bicóllo, a coule-staffe to carry behinde and before.

Bicompósto, twice or double composed.

Bicórnia, a kinde of crooked anuile that Gold-smiths vse.

Biccórno, hauing two hornes. Also taken for strong or forcible.

Bicornúto, twice or double horned.

Bicorpórẻo, double bodied.


Bidẻllio, a blacke tree, leaued like an Oake, bearing a kinde of gum and wilde-figge.

Bidẻllo, a beadle.

Bidẻnte, a pitch-forke with two teeth.

Bidétto, a nagge, a tit, or little horse.

Biéccole, the hearbe called beetes.

Biéco, sideling, thwart, squinty.

Biéco átto, an vnlawfull thwart act.

Biedóne, blit, blits, or beetes. Also the drugges of hony.

Biẻllétta, a stone or shel that the Ichneumon vseth to kill the Crokodill with.

Biestémmia, a blasphemy or curse.

Biestemmiáre, to blaspheme, to ban.

Biéta, the pothearbe beetes or blits.

Biétole, beetes, blits, or blit.

Bietolóne, a shallow pated gull.

Biétta, a wedge to cleaue wood with.

Biéttola, as Béttola.

Bíffara, a fidle, a croud.

Biffáre, to fidle, to croud.

BIL   Biffáro, a fidler, a minstrell.

Bífera, as Bíffera. Also a woman that hath two husbands.

Bíffera, a contrarietie of windes, a blustering, a gust or bery of windes.

Bífida-língua, a clouen tongue.

Bifóglio, Bifolie, or Twaie-blade.

Bifólca di cámpo, as much land as a yoake of Oxen can plough in a day.

Bifolcáto, twoforked.

Bifólco, a plough-man, a heards-man.

Bifórca, a pitchforke.

Biforcáto, two forked, forked.

Bifórco piéde, a clouen foote.

Biforcúto, as Biforcáto.

Bifórme, of two shapes or formes.

Bifrónte, bifronted, double fronted.

Bifúlca, any land twise ploughed.

Bíga, a Tumbrill or dung-cart.

Bigamía, the mariage of two wiues.

Bígamo, a man twise maried.

Bigáto, a coine stamped with a Coach drawen by two horses.

Bigátti, all maner of Silke-wormes.

Bigẻllo, a naturall gray, or sheepes-russet.

Bigerógnolo, graish, a word of disgrace, as one would say a gray asse.

Bigheráio, a skoffer, a railer, a Court iester.

Bighétto, as Cédula, or Bolettíno.

Bigiáccio, sheepes-russet or friars gray.

Bígio, homespun-cloath, sheepes-russet.

Bigiócco, as Bizócco.

Bigiúccia, a graish or claish colour.

Bígolo, stem or stalke of any hearbe or flowre. Also as Bicóllo.

Bigóncia, a pulpit or chaire for a common speaker. Also as Bigóncio.

Bigóncio, Bigónzo, a certain great measure that they sell wine by in Florence.

Bigónzolo, as Bicóllo.


Biláncia, a ballance, a paire of skales. Also a square fishing net that is fixed vpon foure stickes or poles.

Bilanciáre, to ballence, to weigh.

Bilanciéro, a waigher, a balancer. Also an ouerseer of waights and skales.

Biláncio, a balancing or making iust weight.

Bíle, gall, anger, choler, melancholie.

Bilicáre, as Bilanciáre.

Bilicáto, hauing a nauell or middle.

Bilíco, the nauell of any body, the midle of any thing. Also a Mill-clapper. Also a paire of ballences or skales.

Biligáto, part of a Wiredrawers bench.

Bilíngue, double tongued, or languaged.

Bilióso, colericke, easily angry.

Biliotátto, billeted in armory.

BIO   Billiárdo, a billiard board.

Bílli bílli, close whispering words.

Bíllio, a play called billiards.

Biltà, beauty, fairenesse.

Bilústro, ten yeeres, that is two lustres.

Bimámma, a kind of vine.

Bímba, a bab, a baby. Also a puppy.

Bimẻmbre, of two members of parts.

Bimẻmbrúto, double limmed.

Bimẻnse, of two monthes. Also the space of two monthes.

Bimẻnto, a double-chin.

Bimẻstre, a kind of wheate that is ripe fourty daies after it is sowen.

Bímole, of the age of two yeeres.

Binángolo, hauing two angles or corners.

Bináre, to couple and yoake together.

Bináscere, to be twise borne.

Binascẻnza, a twise or double birth.

Bináti, twinnes, or else borne together.

Bináto, twiseborne, twinned, coupled.

Bínda, as Bénda.

Bindáglio, a skarfe. Also a swath.

Bindáre, as Bendáre.

Bindẻlla, as Bendẻlla.

Bindẻlláre, as Bendáre.

Bindẻlláro, a ribond weauer or maker.

Bíno, two and two, two-fould.

Binóme, a double name.

Binómio, that hath two names.

Biócca, as Bicócca.

Bioccáre, as Bioccoláre.

Bioccoláre, to flake as snow. Also to tuffe or tassell.

Biócco, vsed for Biéco, as Bióccoli.

Bióccoli, locks or fleeces of wooll. Also flakes of snow.

Bioccolóso, snotty, sniuely, slauery. Also full of flakes of snow.

Biólca, as Bifólca.

Biólco, as Bifólco.

Biónda, wash or lie for womens haire.

Biondáre, to wash or paint womens haires.

Biondeggiánte, shining yellow.

Biondeggiáre, to shine yellow.

Biondẻlla, the hearbe Centory, so called because washing ones head with it, it makes ones haire yellow. Also a goldy-locke wench.

Biondẻllo, a goldy-locke yongue man.

Biondézza, sunne-shine colour.

Bióne víno, a kind of salt-wine made of Palmes.

Bióua, raine or drizle.

Biouáto, rained, drizled.

Bipálio, a grubbing axe.

Bipálmo, two handfull broad or long.

Bipánne, as Bipénne.

Bípara, that hath brought foorth twise.

Bipartíre, to deuide in two parts.

Bipartíto, deuided in two parts.

Bipedále, two foot broad, wide or long.


BIR   Bipéde, two footed, hauing two feet.

Bipénne, a twale or twybill. Also hauing two wings.

Bírba, a close or slie knauish tricke.

Birbáre, to play the slie knaue.

Birbilẻgio, as Priuilẻgio, a priuiledge.

Birbóne, a wandering rogue.

Birbóso, full of crafty knauery.

Birciáre, to become or looke wall eide.

Bírcio, wall eide.

Biréme, a gally with two ranges of oares.

Birétta, as Berétta.

Birettíno, as Berettíno.

Birgándro, a kind of wild goose.

Biricócoli, Apricok plums.

Birlingáre, as Berlingáre.

Birlinghiẻra, as Berlinghiéra.

Biróldo, a kind of haggas or pudding.

Bírra, the drinke we call beere.

Birraría, a brew house, a beere house. Also the whole company of serieants, or place where serieants, catchpoles, and knaues meet together.

Birráro, a beere brewer.

Birreggiáre, as Birroneggiáre.

Birrésco, serieant like, raskaly.

Bírro, a serieant, a catchpole, a paritor.

Birróne, a knauish serieant. Also a subtle knaue, a cheater, a conycatching cantler.

Birroneggiáre, to play the Birróne.

Bírsa, a cheurell skin to make purses.

Bísa, a cold frost bringing wind.

Bisáccia, a wallet, a scrip.

Bisacciáre, to packe or put into a wallet.

Bisacúto, toothpicke or cheruill weed.

Bisánte, a kind of coine in Greece.


Bisáua, a great grandmother, an arch knaue in the highest degree.

Bisáuo, a great grandfather.

Bisbigliáre, to whisper, to buz.

Bisbíglio, a whispring, a buzzing.

Bisbiglióne, a whisprer, a mutterer.

Bísca, a brothell or bawdy house. Also a riotous place where nought but whoring, rioting, gaming, drinking and all licentiousnesse is vsed.

Biscacciáre, to vse or frequent a Bísca, to lauish or riot vnthriftily in whoring and dicing houses.

Biscantáre, to sing and sing againe.

Biscázza, any riotous spending, vnthriftinesse.

Biscazzáre, as Biscacciáre.

Bischénco, a wily iest, a knauish tricke.

Bíscheri, lute pins or pegs, virginall keies. Also a childs pillycocke or pricke. Also a childs hobby horse or riding sticke.

Bischicciáre, to agnominate in words.

Bischíccio, an agnomination of words or concordance as pinche un tóro tíra.

Bischiére, as Bíscheri. Also a harrow or a rake. Also a furner or maulkin.

Bischizzáre, to agnominate or accord words together. Also to draw the first draught of any writing. Also to bespirt.

BIS   Bischízzo, as Agnominatióne.

Bischizzóso, phantasticall, doubtfull, full of agnominations.

Bíscia, a snake, an adder.

Bíscia scutáia, a tortoise.

Bíscia scuteláia, a tortoise.

Bisciáre, as Sẻrpeggiáre.

Bíscio, as Bígio.

Bísco, slime, birdlime.

Biscóso, slimy, clammy.

Biscottáre, to bake, to seeth or rost twise. Also to walme, to simper, or parboile.

Biscottáta, a twise baking, boiling or rosting. Also a walme or parboiling.

Biscottáto, biscuited, baked twise. Also crafty, wily, slie and knauish.

Biscottẻlli, little bisket comfits.

Biscótto, bisket. Also twise sod or rosted.

Biscúglie, chips, shreds. Also dry shrubs or sprigs.

Bisdósso, bare backt, without a saddle.

Bisẻlli, yong or greene peason.

Bisẻstáre, to change as the leape yeere.

Bisẻstíle, the leape yeere.

Bisẻsto, one day added in foure yeeres, the leape yeere, that yeere that the month of February hath nine and twenty daies.

Bisgiẻllo, home spun, or sheepes russet cloth.

Bisigaráre, as Bisigáre.

Bisigáre, to be busie or meddle with any thing.

Bisguẻzzo, as Agnominatióne.

Bisinẻlle, trifles, or fangles, toies.

Bislácco, a vaine light headed man.

Bisleggiánte, sightly, hansome.

Bislíngua, as Bonifácia.

Bislóngo, twise long, a slangrell.

Bismálua, marsh mallowes.

Bisnepóte, a great grand nephew or child.

Bíso, as Bígio. Also a pease.

Bisógna, a businesse, an affaire. Also it behooueth, or it must be.

Bisognáre, to haue need, to behoue.

Bisógne, businesses, affaires.

Bisognéuole, needy, needfull.

Bisógni, new leuied souldiers such as come needy to the wars. Also ones needs.

Bisógno, need, want. Also a fresh needy souldier.

Bisógno mi è, it behooueth me. Also I haue need of.

Bisognóso, needy, necessitous.

Bisólco, as Bifólco.

Bisónte, a beast in Polonia like a horse.

Bisónto, a slouenly greasie fellow.

Bisontóne, as Bisónto.

Bisquizzáre, as Bischizzáre.

Bíssa, as Bíscia.

Bissaccóni, great wooll sackes.

Bissílaba, of a double or two sillables.

BIS   Bissíno, a kind of fine flax or silke growing in Egipt called Bísse.

Bísso, as Bissíno.

Bistárda, a bistard or bastard.


Bistentáre, tediously to carke and care, to pine and languish, looke Stentáre.

Bisténto, tedious care or languishment, looke Sténto.

Bisticciáre, to discourse of things not pleasing, and with a troubled mind, to falter in speech as a guilty conscience. Also to equiuocate in words. Also to vse agnomination in words. Also to quip or skoffe at with doubtfull words.

Bisticciárla con qualcúno, to keepe tacke with one, to stand out, or not to yeeld.

Bistíccio, a bistike. Also an equiuocation, an agnomination. Also a faltring speech.

Bisticcióso, full of equiuocation, doubtfull speeches, or ambiguity.

Bistigiáre, as Bisticciáre.

Bistígio, as Bistíccio.

Bistigióso, as Bisticcióso.

Bísto, a kind of waight or bundle.

Bistórta, snakeweede, bistort, oysterloite, or adderwort.

Bistórto, twise crooked, very crooked.

Bistrattáre, to misuse or euill entreat.

Bisuccíso, twise killed.

Bisúlco, forked or clouen footed.

Bithímo, hony of both sorts of thime.

Bitontóni, a kind of great figs.

Bitórze, swellings of stripes, knobs, bunches.

Bitorzoláre, to goe or make crankling.

Bitórzolo, a crankling in and out.

Bitorzolúto, crankling, full of windings. Also knobby, crabbed, or clustry.

Bíttia, a kind of serpent.

Bittóre, a fowle called a Bittor.

Bitumáre, to ciment or clam together.

Bitúme, ciment, lime, clay, pitch, tar, rosin or any burning, slimy, or clammy sulphrous matter.

Bituminóso, pitchy, clammy, claish, sulphury.

Bitúro, a kind of beast that gnaweth vines in Campania. Also buttre.

Biuáluo, two fold or opening two waies. Also that hath double skales or huskes.

Bíuio, a high way parting in two.

Bíui, a swallow.

Biúmbe, a kind of croud or fidle.

Biúta, any face painting or bedawbing.

Biúto, as Beuúto, drunke.

Bíze, a coine in India worth halfe a crowne.

Bizzarraménte, madly, phantastically.

Bizzarría, toyishnesse, phantasticalnesse.

Bizzarríre, rísco, ríto, to grow or become humorous, toyish or phantasticall.

Bizzárro, phantasticall, humorous, toyish, fangled, selfe conceited.


BLA   Bizzẻffi, pelfe, trash, id est, mony.

Bizzẻr, vsed for Messére, sir, Master.

Bizzicáre, to pinch, to snip.

Bizzócca, a puritane dissembling woman.

Bizzoccáre, to play the dissembling puritane.

Bizzócco, a frier of the third order of Saint Francis, but taken for a dissembling puritane.

Bizzúcche, monkies, apes, pugs.

Bladiséri, as Fióre campése.

Blandiménti, blandishments, flattrings, fawnings.

Blandíno, a kind of plate candlesticke to fasten to a wall.

Blandíre, dísco, díto, to blandish, to fawne vpon, to flatter.

Blandítie, as Blandiménti.

Blándo, blandishing, gamesome, blith, fawning, flattring.

Blapsigonía, an abortive or vnperfect hiue of bees.

Blasonáre, to blazon or display armes.

Blasóne, a blazon of armes.

Blasonería, blazonry of armes.

Blasoniẻre, a blazoner of armes.

Blátta, a blind beetle.

Blattária, the hearb Purple, Moth mullein, Langwort, or Taper wort.

Blatteráre, to bleat as a Lambe. Also to cry as a Camell. Also to noise or clatter.

Blechnóne, a kind of Ferne.

Blecónia, penny roiall, or pudding grasse.

Blennóri, a kind of Mullet fish.

Blesággine, a stammering or maffling.

Blesáre, to stammer or maffle in speech.

Bléso, tongue tide or stammering.

Blesúra, as Blesággine.

Blínda, a blinding bord for a curst cow, but properly a certaine fence made for skouts and sentinells of bundels of reeds, canes or Osiers to hide them from being seene of the enemy, called of our soldiers a blind.

Blíto, Blit, Blits or Orach hearb.

Bóa, Bóra, mud, bog, or mire. Also a kind of venemous serpent. Also a disease like the purples, red gums, or meazels rising in little blisters.

Boáccia, a filthy mud or quagmire.

Boáccio, a great beast like an oxe.

Boáre, a cow to calue, a cow to goe to bull. Also to bellow as an oxe.

Boarína, a titmouse or siskin.

Boáro, an oxe or cow heard.

Boázzo, a filthy oxe. Also bull beefe.

Bóba, mud, mire, bog, puddle, quag.

Bobólco, as Bifólco.

Bobólge, a wallet, bag or satchell.

Bóca, a sea fish that belloweth as a bull.

Bocasía, a kind of malmesie wine.

Bócca, a mouth, the mouth of a hauen.

Bócca, looke tiráre di bócca.

Bócca dẻl córno, the hornes mouth. Also the North starre.

BOC   Bócca dẻl fórno, an ouens mouth. Also a filthy mouthed knaue.

Bócca d'óro, golden mouth. Also monie.

Boccadúra, the mouth or mouthing of any thing. Also the mouth, height or diameter of any peece of Ordenance.

Bócca in cápo, a fish, in Latine Callionimus.

Boccála di fẻrro, a little iron hoope with in the naue of a wheele seruing to keep the naue from wearing, our gunners cal it a box.

Boccaláro, a Poter or Pot-maker. Also a quaffer, a tospot, a tipler.

Baccále, any kinde of drinking-pot.

Baccále da pisciáre, a chamber-pot.

Boccalétto, a little drinking-pot.

Boccalíno, a little crewse or pot. Also a spout pot or any eawer.

Boccáme, the mouth of any thing.

Boccaríco, a tribute paide so much for euery head or mouth.

Boccaruólo, any little pot or crewse.

Boccasíno, a slight stuffe called Bocasin, or Calimanco. Also Calico. Also Bukeram. Also a certain garment or mantle that women weare ouer their gounes.

Boccáta, a mouthfull, a mouthing. Also a word vsed when on is about to tell a thing and knowes not what it is, or that a scholler would faine read his lesson and cannot, and we by some signe or voice would let him know that he is out, and saies he wots not what, we vse to say Boccáta, as in English, Tush, yea in my other hose, iumpe as Germans lips, and such other phrases.

Boccatúra, as Boccadúra.

Bócce, the hollow pits of the cheekes.

Boccẻlláto, a kind of find bisket bread.

Boccheggiáre, to play or checke with the mouth as some ill horses doe. Also to flurt with the mouth. Also to grouell on the ground with the mouth downeward. Also to make mouthes or blurt with ones lips.

Bocchétta, a little mouth.

Bocchẻllo, the mouth or spout of any pot or ewer.

Bocchétto, a posie or nosegay of flowers.

Bocchína, Bocchíno, any little or pretty mouth. Also that stalke or necke of a bullet which in the casting remaines in the necke of the mould, called of our Gunners the bur of the bullet.

Bóccia, a round viale of glasse. Also a kind of Limbecke or receptory. Also a cupping glasse. Also a bud or blossome of a flowre.

Bocciáre, to voice, to name a loud.

Boccicáta, Boccicóne, as Boccáta.

Bóccie di róse, rose-buds.

Bocciéro, a butcher.

BOC   Boccína, yongue beefe or veale.

Boccináre, to whisper, to buzze.

Boccinaménto, a whispering, a buzzing.

Boccíno, a yongue runt, steere or heafer. Also a little mouth.

Boccinólo, a silke cod, a muske cod.

Bocciolóso, full of buds or blossoms. Also full of cupping glasses or Limbeckes.

Bocciuólo, the ioynts of a reede or cane. Also the cod of a silke-worme. Also that part of a horne, of a cornet, or of a trumpet which is put to the mouth.

Bóccole, stones giuen to haukes.

Boccóla, an amulet or preseruatiue against poison, charmes or infection worne about ones necke in forme of some iewell or other.

Boccoléccia, a swiuell of a chaine. Also a steele to strike fire with.

Bóccolo, a bud of any blossome or flowre.

Boccolóre, as Bóccolo.

Bocconáre, to morsell or mince into bittes or mammocke. Also to grouell on the ground with the face downeward.

Bocconáta, a mouthfull, a mouthing.

Bocconcẻlláre, to eat minsingly.

Bocconcẻllo, any little morsell or bit.

Bocconcíno, a little morsell or bit.

Boccón d'Adámo, the bone that some men haue sticking out in their throat.

Boccóne, a morsell, a bit, a mouthfull, a mammock. Also a great mouth. Also a gunners wad or tampion. Also groueling on the ground with the face downeward.

Bocconeggiáre, to eat minsingly.

Boccóre, Buck-wheat, or corne.

Boccúccia, a little simpering mouth.

Boccúto, that hath a mouth.

Bóce, the voice of any creature.

Bociáre, to voice or call a loud.

Bocína, a smale low voice.

Bocináre, as Bucináre.

Bocinaménto, as Bucinaménto.

Bóda, a plague or pestilence.

Bódda, a frog, a padocke. Also a toade.

Bóe, little red pimples about ones bodie.

Boémo, a Bohemian ducket.

Bóffa, Buffa, Buffóne, a toade.

Boffetteggiáre, to buffet on the cheekes.

Boffettíno, a kind of sugar cake.

Boffétto, a buffet or box on the eare. Also any cupboord. Also a paire of bellowes. Also a kinde of Manchet or Cheate-Bread.

Bóggie, as Boópe.

Bóghe, as Boópe.

Bogipíro, a fish liuing among rockes.

Bogísto, a kind of button.

Bóglia, pap or water grewell. Also as Bolgía.

Bogliẻnte, boiling, seething hot.

Bógliere, as Boglíre.

Bogliétto, a walme in seething.


BOL   Boglíre, bóglio, boglíto, to boile, to seeth.

Bóglio, the boiling or sweating of the pot. Also a walme or boiling, or bubling. It hath also been vsed for Vóglio, I will.

Boglióne, warme broth.

Bognóne, a bile or bodge or such sore.

Bóia, a hangman, an executioner. Also a kind of great Serpent.

Boiáccio, a filthy gallowes or hangman.

Boiáro, a neat-heard.

Bóie, a kind of great Serpent.

Boiésco, hangman-like, knauish.

Boiúto, vsed for Bonaiúto, good helpe.

Bolásco, a fish called a Pearch.

Bolbitóne, any yong cattell, that feedes abroade in heard.

Bolcẻllo, a litle worme breeding between the skin and the flesh.

Bolcionáre, to shoot or hit with a bolt or shaft.

Bolcióne, a boult, or a shaft. Also a kind of pickax to breake stones with.

Bóle, markes of old sores or plaisters.

Bolermínio, as Boloarméno.

Bolgétta, a little budge.

Bólgia, a budget. Also a gulfe-hole.

Bolgiáro, a budget-maker.

Boldóne, a pudding made of blood.

Boldoniére, a pudding maker.

Bolétta, a Shoomakers tacke or little naile.

Bolétti, a kind of Mushroms.

Bolgicchíno, a little budget. Also a kind of torture called the boot.

Bolíde, a blazing Starre like to a lance, burning all ouer and drawing a long taile.

Bolíno, a cizell to cut stone with.

Bólla, a round viale of glasse. Also a marking or branding iron, a seale, a stamp, a bulle, a print. Also a blister, a wheale, a push, a bladder, a bubble. Also a stud, a bosse or any great round headed naile.

Bolladóre, a brander, or a branding iron.

Bolláre, to marke or brand, to seale, to stamp. Also to blistar, to bubble, or bladder.

Bollário, a booke of bulles or priuiledges.

Bolláro, a branding iron. Also a brander.

Bollatúra, a branding, an impression.

Bollẻnte, boiling, seething, skalding.

Bollétta, a scedule, a docket, a ticket, a bill, a note. Also dry mudde or claish earth. Also a shoomakers take or litle naile.

Bollettíno, as Bollétta.

BOL   Bollifóla, as Bollisóla.

Bollicáme, as Bulicáme.

Bollicína, any little pimple or pustle.

Bolliménto, a steame, or boiling heate. Also a swelling or working of the Sea.

Bollíno, a little seale or stamp. Also a little bubble. Also a pounce or pouncer.

Bollíre, bóllo, bollíto, to boile, to seethe.

Bollisóla, a pustle, a pimple, a scab.

Bollíta, any pap or grewel.

Bollitúra, as Bolliménto.

Bóllo, a branding iron, a seale or stamp. Also a marke. Also a waume or boiling.

Bollolíne, pustles or pimples in the skinne.

Bollóre, a boiling heate, a suddaine waume, a steame, a bubbling or boiling of waters.

Bollóso, blistered, full of blisters or sores.

Bólo, a draught of fishes drawen in a net. Also the forme of a medicine, that may be giuen in grosse at a kniues point.

Bolóa, a precious stone found after great storms.

Boloarméno, a kinde of yellow and reddish earth good against poyson and infection, growing in Armenia, called Bole.

Bologníno, a kinde of smale coine.

Bolpíno, a fish which hauing swallowed a hooke, doth cast vp all his entrailes with it and so saues himselfe.

Bolseggiáre, to cough in the lungues, to blow and puffe as a broken-winded horse.

Bolsína, pursinesse, or cough in the lungues, but properly the broken wind of a horse.

Bolsíno, as Bolsína.

Bolsíuo, as Bólso.

Bólso, pursy, short or broken winded, sicke of the lungues. Also puft or swollen.

Bolzẻlli, the wardes of a locke.

Bólza, a budget.

Bolzacchíni, buskins.

Bólzo, as Bólso.

Bolzonáta, a shoot with a bolt.

Bolzonáre, as Bolcionáre.

Bolzóne, as Bolcióne.

Bolzonẻlli, the ribs or reemes of a wheele. Also the little ribs in a horses bit.

Bómba. Looke A bómba, a home, a mans owne rest or habitation. Also a kinde of boies play in Italy. Also moistned or steeped in liquor.

Bombáce, as Bombágia.

Bombágia, all maner of cotton woll.

Bombagiáre, bumbasin made of cotton. Also to bombaste or cotten.

BOM   Bombagiáro, a carder of cotten woll or bumbaste.

Bombára, furie, haste, or hurlieburlie with a great noise.

Bombárda, any kind of bumbard.

Bombardáre, to bumbard or cannon.

Bombardáro, a gunner or maker of guns.

Bombardésco, of or pertaining to guns.

Bombardéuole, as Bombardésco.

Bombardiẻra, a spikehole to shoot out at.

Bombardiére, a gunner, or canonier.

Bombardisóna, bumbard, sounding.

Bombáre, to hum or buzze as bees doe. Also to resound as a gun or make a report. Also to steepe or moisten in liquor.

Bomberáca, gum-Arabike.

Bombíce, a silke worme readie to spin.

Bombétto, the drinking or bibbing that is giuen to children.

Bombície, a kind of long slender cane.

Bombicína, as Bombína.

Bombiláre, as Bombáre.

Bombílo, a silke worme of the first grouth. Also a kind of waspe.

Bombína, any kind of bombasine stuffe, tiffanie or cipres.

Bombitáre, as Bombáre.

Bómbo, a humming, a buzzing, a resounding hoarse voice. Also the word that children call their drinke by, as our children say Ninne or Bibbe.

Bombóne, a kind of kernell that comes in the fat of a man.

Bomólcho, a cauilling fellow, one that prefers gaine before friendship.

Bonaccéuole, that can or may be calmed or appeased.

Bonáccia, a calme or faire weather at Sea.

Bonacciáre, to calme or grow faire weather, to quiet, to asswage.

Bonaccióso, calme, quiet, peacefull.

Bonága, whin, petiewhine, Cammocke, restharrow, or Groundfurze.

Bonamáno, a new yeares gift, a reward, drinking money, a good hansell.

Bonariaménte, debonairly, honestly.

Bonarietà, honestie, goodnesse, vprightnesse.

Bonarità, as Bonarietà.

Bonário, honest, vncorrupt, debonaire.

Bonarmínio, as Boloarméno.

Bonáso, a beast as big as a bull with great hornes, but bending backe.

Boncinẻllo, that iron of a lock that goeth into the hollow of a key.

Bóncio, a kind of fish.

Bonẻllo, a nicke-name for tame asses or heafers.

Bonettáda, a capping, a bonetting.

Bonétto, a bonnet, a cap. Also a fish.

Bonifácia, horsetoong, toongwort, toongblade, or double tongue.


BOR   Bonificaménto, any profit or encrease comming of lands.

Bonificáre, to make good. Bonificáre campi, to rent out lands or fields.

Bonigóldo, as Bilíco.

Boníssimo, most, or excellent good.

Bonità, goodnesse, vprightnesse.

Bóno, as Buóno.

Bonóga, as Bonága.

Bón prò, as Buón prò.

Bón prò ui fáccia, as Buón prò.

Bontà, goodnesse, honestie, bountie.

Bontáde, as Bontà.

Bontà dẻl mio signóre, god a mercie my Lord.

Bontadóso, full of goodnesse or bountie.

Bonzóle, a kind of haggas or pudding.

Boóba, as Boópe.

Boópe, a strange fish hauing his scales backward, called in Latin Boops.

Boóte, a starre following Charles-waine. Also a Serpent that liues by milke of rudder beasts.

Bopígro, a fish liuing in rocks.

Bóra, as Bóa.

Boráce, Boraxe that Goldsmiths vse.

Boracchiáre, to gluttonise, as Crapuláre.

Boráccia, a boracho or bottle made of a goates skin such as they vse in Spaine.

Boraciẻre, a Boraxe boxe.

Boragóia, hath beene vsed for a bottle.

Boranéze, a kind of tree in India.

Borásca, as Burásca.

Borazzáre, as Burattáre.

Borázzo, as Burátto.

Bórbo, as Bórgo.

Borbócca, a kind of Sea-fish.

Borbogliaménto, as Imbróglio, a tumultuous insurrection, a hurlieburly.

Borbogliáre, to hurlieburlie, to rise tumultuously.

Borbóglio, as Borbogliaménto.

Bórbora, a sucking pigge.

Borbottaménto, a grumbling, a muttering.

Borbottáre, to grumble, to mutter.

Borbottoláre, to grumble, to mutter.

Borchiáre, to bosse, to stud.

Bórchie, bosses or studs, the bosses of a bridle. Also the hanging lips of a mule.

Bórda, the name of a saile in a ship.

Bordáglia, as Bródaglia, the base rascalitie, or skum of common people.

Bordáre, to border or brim about. Also to borde a ship.

Bordatúra, a bordering, a brim. Also a cheuron in armorie. Also a bording of a ship.

Bordẻlláre, to haunt brothell houses.

Bordẻlleggiáre, as Bordẻlláre.

Bordẻllétti, foolish or whorish toyes.

Bordẻlliére, a whoremonger.

Bordẻllo, a brothell house.

Bordína, a litle saile neere the prowe of a ship.

BOR   Bórdo, a border, a brim. Also the bording of a ship. Also a kinde of silke stuffe wouen.

Bordonáli, rafters or quarters of timber. Also such as keep burdons of songs. Also doctors or batchelers wearing tippets.

Bordóne, a prop or vnderlaier of timber. Also the burdon of a song, or a tenor and keeping of time in musicke. Also the second base string of any instrument. Also a humming noise or sound. Also a shepheards hooke, but chiefly a pilgrims or palmers staffe.

Borẻa, the Northeast winde, or Boreas blasts. Also a precious stone of a morning skie colour.

Boreále, northren, of the north.

Borẻlla, any round bowle.

Borẻlláre, to bowle, or trundle.

Borẻllatóio, a bowling place.

Borẻlliére, a bowler, a trundler.

Borẻllóne, a great bowle.

Borfáre, to huffe, to snuffe, to snort.

Borfiáre, as Borfáre.

Borfiaménti, huffings, snuffings, snortings.

Bórfio, a puffer, a huffsnuffe fellow.

Borgáre, to cast or secure as a hauke.

Borgatúra, casting for a hauke.

Bórge, as Bórchie.

Borgése, as Borghése.

Borghétto, a little borough, a hamlet.

Borghigiáne, as Berghinẻlle.

Borghinẻlle, as Berghinẻlle.

Borghinétta, a burganet, a skull.

Borgnáre, to looke squint-eyde.

Bórgno, bleare-eyde, squint-eyde.

Bórgo, a borough, a suburbe, a towne.

Borgóra, suburbes, boroughs.

Bória, vaine-glory, vaunting ostentation.

Boriáre, to vaunt, to brag, to glorie.

Boríco, Borícchio, as Borríco.

Boríne, certaine shroudes or ropes in ships.

Boríno, a small pounce vsed by grauers.

Boriosità, boasting, vaunting, proud vaine-glorie.

Borióso, vaine-glorious, full of boasting.

Boriosúzzo, somewhat vaine-glorious.

Bórla, as Bórchia.

Bórnio, as Bórgno.

Bornióla, looke Dáre una bornióla.

Bornitóre, a burnishing toole, a burnisher.

Bórno, as Bórgno.

Bóro rósso, red-okre.

Bórra, any stuffing or quilting.

Borrabózza, a fish in Latin Blonnus.

Borráce, Borráso, as Boráce.

Borrágine, the hearbe Borage.

Borrána, the hearbe Borage.

Borráre, to stuffe, to quilt, to bumbaste.

Borrattáre, to sift or boult meale. Also to racke, that is betweene an amble an a trot.

BOS   Borrátto, a boulting cloth. Also a stuffe called Buráto. Also a racking pace.

Borreuolménte, stuffingly, gulchingly.

Borríco, a quilted iacket or wastcote.

Borríre, rísco, ríto, to stuffe or quilt. Also to rouze a deere from out his lair.

Bórro, the wood called Corke.

Bórsa, a purse or little bag. Also the bladder or cods of a man.

Bórsa pastóris, a shepheardes scrip or purse.

Borsáre, to emburse, or put into a purse.

Borsẻlla, as Borsétta.

Borsétta, a little purse. Also a bladder or blister. Also a glister.

Bórsia, a purse. Also a satchell.

Borsicíte, a stone that hath his name of a tree with branching leaues in it.

Borsiére, a purse, a purse-keeper.

Borsináro, a purser, or a purse-maker.

Borsióne, as Borsóne.

Borsóne, a great purse or pouch.

Borsótto, a handsome great purse.

Bórza, a purse, a pouch.

Borzacchináto, that hath buskins on.

Borzacchinétti, litle buskins.

Borzacchíni, buskins, fine bootes.


Borzétta, a litle purse.

Bósca, a bird called a Pocard.

Boscáglia, as Boscággi. Also a great country or circuit of woods, a forest.

Boscággi, all manner of boscage, whether it be naturall or in caruing or in painting.

Boscaiuólo, a woodman. Also a little groue.

Boscáre, to grow to wood.

Boscaréccio, rurall, sauage, siluane.

Boscatóre, a woodwand, a woodman.

Boscheggiáre, to liue or frequent in woods. Also to grow to woods.

Boscheréccio, as Boscaréccio.

Boschétto, a groue, a thicket, a little wood, a cops of wood. Also a rispe, a lush or lime bush, to catch birdes with.

Boschífero, wood bringing or bearing.

Bósco, a wood, a forest, a groue.

Boscóso, wooddie, full of woods.

Bosécchie, as Busécchie.

Bosfóro, a straight or straightnesse thorough which Seas enter one into another, some take it to import a passage of an oxe or cow.

Bósima, a kind of yeast or gum that weauers vse to stiffen their linnen cloth with.

Bosimáre, to stiffen linen cloth.

Bossétto, a piece of round that a shoe-maker vseth to set on his knee and sow his work vpon it.

Bossíta, Bossitẻlla, a little boxe.

Bósso, the tree or wood called Boxe. Also a fish called the boxe-fish.

Bóssola, a boxe wherein mariners keepe [66] their compasse. Also taken for a mariners compasse.

BOT   Bossoláre, to put in a boxe.

Bossolétto, a little round boxe.

Bóssolo, an ointment boxe. Also a boxe-tree.

Bossóro, a cod of raw silke.


Bostrichíte, a stone of the colour of a womans haire.

Bostrízzo, as Bottaríssa.

Bóta, a grunting fish called a Molebout.

Botáre, to vow, to vouch, to promise.

Botárgo, a salt meate made of fish.

Botáuro, a kind of beast in cold countries.

Botéro, butter.

Botináre, to mutinie. Also to bootie.

Botinatóre, a mutiner. Also a booter.

Botíno, a bootie. Also a mutinie.

Botinóso, mutinous, turbulent.

Botíro, butter.

Botiróso, full of butter, fat.

Botíuo, of, or belonging to a vow.

Bóto, a vow, or a wilfull promise.

Bótolo, as Bóttolo.

Botonaría, the blew or Globe dasie.

Botonománte, a deuiner by hearbs.

Botonomantía, diuination by hearbs.

Bótri, Oke of Capadocia or Ierusalem.

Botríno, as Bótri.

Bótrio, a disease or sore in the eies.

Botríte, a kind of brasse ore gathered in the roofe of furnaces. Also a kind of blacke stone.

Bótta, a blowe, a stroke. Also a time. Also a toad. Also the working or surging of the sea. Also a fish called a Gull or Millers thumb.

Bottáccia, a filthy toad. Also as Bóta. Also a filthy but or hogshead. Also a great flagon or bottle.

Bótta di fíco, looke Tiráre.

Bótta di grasẻllo, that which our farriers call stifeling.

Botállo, a barrilet or rundlet or firkin.

Bottána, a kind of flanell stuffe.

Bottarẻllo, the calfe of the leg.

Bottaríssa, a kind of Eelepout.

Bottáro, Botáio, a Cooper or tubmaker.

Bótta scudáia, a tortoise.

Botáto, booted, that hath boots.

Bótte, a but, a barrell, a pipe or hogshead. Also bootes. Also times.

Bótte, stripes or blowes.

Bottéga, any shop or workehouse.

Bottegáro, a shop keeper.

Botteghiére, a shop keeper.

Botteghíno, a little shop or stall.

Bottegíno, a little rundlet or firkin. Also the hole of a priuy or iakes.

Bottéglia, a flagon or bottle.

Bottegliáre, to put into flaggons or bottles.

Bottegliére, a butler, or bottle man.

Bottegliería, a buttry, a bottle house.

BOT   Bottegóne, any great shop, vsed also for a wine tauerne or seller.

Bóttegúccia, a poore shop or stall.

Bottéro, a cooper.


Botticẻlle, little rundlets or barrels.

Botticíno, as Bottegíno.

Bottíglia, a bottle or a flagon.

Bottigliáre, to bottle vp.

Bottigliére, a butler, a bottle man.

Bottigliería, a buttry or bottle house.

Bottiglióne, a great flagon or bottle.

Bottinaménto, as Abbottinaménto.

Bottináre, as Abbottináre.

Bottíni, buskins or thin boots.

Bottíno, as Abbottinaménto, a booty.

Bótto, as Bótta, Di bótto, quickly. Also a stroke.

Bottofrédo, as Bettifrédo.

Bóttoli, flockes of raw silke.

Bóttolo, a whelp, a puppy, a shepheards cur. Also a kind of Eelepout or Lamprey.

Bottonáre, to button. Also to quip.

Bottoncẻlli, as Bottoncíni.

Bottoncíni, little buttons. Also yong buds. Also witty quips or tants.

Bottóne, a button. Also a quip or tant.

Bottoneggiáre, to quip at couertly.

Bottonétto, a little button. Also a bud.

Bottonétto di fuóco, an iron toole that farriers vse, with a little knot at the end like a button.

Bottóni di róse, rose buds.

Bottoniéra, a button or loope hole.

Bottoniére, a button maker.

Bottríci, a kind of fish so called.

Bottúna, a kind of course flanell whereof they make sailes.

Boturáre, to butter.

Botúro, butter.

Boturóso, buttry, full of butter.

Bouáre, as Boáre.

Bouáro, a neate heard, an oxe keeper.

Bouázzo, filthy bull or cow beefe.

Bóue, an oxe, a beefe. Also as Buóue.

Boueggiáre, to play the oxe, to liue a beastly stupide life.

Bóue maríno, the sea calfe.

Bouiféro, oxe bearing, beefe bearing.

Bouíle, an oxe stall, or cattell yard.

Bouína, of an oxe. Also oxe dung.

Bouíne, biting flies called brizzes.

Bouinità, the nature or quality of an oxe, stupidity, brutishnesse.

Bouíno, of the nature of an oxe. Also an oxe stall or neatheards cottage.

Bouoláre, to goe or make snaile-wise.

Bóuolo, any round snaile, a periwinkle. Also a paire of winding staires. Also the place where a rower sits to row in any boate.

Bózza, a botch, a blane, a bile, a plague-sore. Also a cup, or a round viole glasse. Also the first rough draught of any thing.

BOZ   Bozzacchiáre, to blister, to bladder, to swell or puffe with winde or dust.

Bozzácchio, as Bozzacchióni.

Bozzacchióni, all manner of worme-eaten, windie or mishapen fruits vpon trees as galles &c. Also puffes or great blisters. Also dried prunes or peares. Also puffs or mushroms full of dust. Also a womans great filthy dugs or paps.

Bozzáre, to rough, hew, cast, cut, worke or write any thing. Also to defile, to polute, to sullie, to foule. Also to blister or swell to a botch or blane.

Bozzatúra, a rough, or bungling piece of worke, a hudled or hastie worke.

Bózze, all manner of puffs, monstrous or mishapen fruites. Also any vntimely or abortiue fruites. Also vnperfect or bungling pieces of worke. Also tromperies, vnlawfull parts as when a woman makes her husband cuckold.

Bozzíma, a hotchpotch or hudle.

Bozzimáre, to hudle vp in haste, to bungle.

Bózzo, foule, polluted, sullied, defiled. Also a bastard or a mungrell. Also voide or emptie or hollow. Also a push or swelling. Also a thorne or brier.

Bozzoládi ouéro Bozzolái.

Bozzoláto, as Buccelláto.

Bózzolo, a silke cod. Also any stone wrought like a pointed Diamond. Also a knot or crue of men or good fellowes, so that it be not vnder foure and exceede not the number of sixe, for Bózzolo di génte, is a knot or crue of men. Also a fish called a millers thomb or a cob.

Brabílla, an hearbe or shrub.

Bráca, any kind of breech or slope.

Bracále, a trusse for bursten bellies.

Bracáre, to breech. Also to binde about with iron plates. Also to stocke a piece.

Bracáto, breeched.

Bracatúra, a breeching. Also the seate of a sadle.

Brácca, a brache, or a bitch, a beagle.

Braccáre, to bracke or mount ordinance. Also to hunt or quest with braches.

Braccésca licẻnza, as we say Staffords law.

Braccésco, arme-strong.

Bracchétti, litle beagles, litle braches.

Bracchiére, a dog or brache-keeper.

Bráccia, all manner of armes. Also a horses forelegs. Also yards or ells. Also the finnes of fishes. Also the beames of skales. Also all manner of spreading branches, namely of vines.

Bráccia bóschi, woodbinde or honisuckle.

Brácciale, a bracer or a pouldron, a vanibrace. Also a gantlet.

Braccialétti, bracelets or wristbands.

Bracciaménti, embracements.


BRA   Bracciáre, to embrace.

Bracciáta, an armefull, an embracing.

Bracciatúra, an embracing, an armefull.

Bracciatẻllo, a kind of roule or bisket bread, we call them round simnels.

Braccicáre, to creepe on the ground on all foure.

Braccicóne, creepingly on all foure.

Bracciẻllo, as Bracciatẻllo.

Bracciétto, a little arme. Also a bracer. Also a trunion or a munion as Carpenters call it.

Bráccio, an arme. Also a yard to measure by. Looke Bráccia.

Braccioláre, to brace or reeme about. Also a yard or ell to measure by.

Braccióli, braces or reemes about any thing.

Braccióne, a big arme. Also that part of the arme that is next to the shoulders.

Bracciuóle, little bracer or handles.

Bracciuóli, short linkes and buttons set to one side of the vpset in the place of the water cheine of a horse.

Bráche, all manner of breeches or slops. Also the breech of any piece.

Bracheráro, a breech or trusse-maker.

Bracheríe, all maner of breeches.

Brachétta, a codpeece. Also the varuell or iesses of a hawke.

Brachiéro, a breech-maker. Also a trusse that bursen or open-bellied men vse to weare.

Brachiétto, as Brachétta.

Brácchio, as Bráccio. Also as Brácco.

Brácco, a beagle, a hound, a spaniall, a blood-hound, a draught-hound. Also a hog-house.

Brácco da réte, a setting dog.

Brácco di manigóldo, a hangmans beagle or blood-hound, that is, such Sargeant Catchpole knaues as will giue one an arrest before he be wary.

Brachecúculi, Cowslips, Paigle, Oxe-lips, or Palsiwort.

Brachiále, that part of a mans arme that is betweene the elbow and the hand.

Braciáre, as Bragiáre.

Brácie, as Brágie.

Brága, as Bráca.

Braganíno, a kind of coine in Góa.

Bragáre, as Bracáre.

Brághe, as Bráche.

Brághe di fẻrro, the iron plate fixed vnder the cariage, wherein as in a breech the axel-tree doeth lie, called exle-tree stirops.

Bragheráro, a breech-maker.

Braghésse, as Bráche.

Braghétta, as Brachétta.

Bragiáre, to burne to sinders.

Brágie, quick-burning coles.

Bragiéra, a warming-pan, a chafing-dish.

Bragióle, as Brasuóle.

BRA   Brágo, a bogge, a quagmire, a pudle.

Bragóni, great breeches or slops.

Bráma, an earnest desire or wishing.

Bramà, a souldier among the Indians.

Bramábile, that may be wished for.

Bramangiére, a kind of white-meate.

Bramáre, earnestly to wish or couet.

Bramasángue, a thirster after blood.

Bramíte, a longing or earnest coueting.

Bramóso, earnestly, couetous.

Bramosaménte, earnestly wishing.

Branáre, to hew or slice in peeces.

Bránca, the claw, the paw, the fang, the clinch of any beast. Also a mans fist. Also a kinde of Cockle or such shell-fish.

Brancáccio, a griping, a scraping or clinching fellow.

Brancadóre, as Brancáccio.

Brancáglie, all manner or gripings, clinchings, fastnings or conioyning together of timber or ston works as it were with clawes or fangs.

Bránca leonína, harts-fodder or wilde-parsenop.

Bránca pólpo, a kind of Crabfish.

Brancáre, to gripe, to clinch, to fang.

Brancáta, a handfull, a griping.

Brancátio, as Brancáccio.

Bránca vrsína, bearesfoote, beareswort, bearesbreech, or brankursine.

Bránce, a kind of gurt or fourmentie corne in France.

Bránche d'óro, ouches of gold. Also golden clawes or fangs.

Bránchi, the clawes of Crabs.

Branciáre, to claw faire and softly.

Brancicáre, to gripe, to grope, to fumble or be handling as it were clawing.

Bránco, a heard of swine, a shole of fishes, a flight of birdes, a droue. Also a rhume or catarne descending into a mans throat.

Brancoláre, to grope or feele in the dark.

Brancolóne, gropingly, fumblingly.

Brancorsína, as Bránca vrsína.

Brancúto, hauing clawes or pawes.

Brandiménto, a brandishing.

Brandíre, dísco, díto, to brandish a sword. Also to smug or trim vp.

Brándo, a sword. Also a gad of steele. Also a french dance called a bransel or braule.

Brandoláre, as Brandíre.

Brandóne, a great torch or taper.

Bránla, a french dance called a brensle.

Branláre, to shake or totter.

Bráno, a piece, a cob, a luncheon.

Bráno a bráno, by piece meale or mammocks.

Brasáre, as Bragiáre.

Brásci, plats, beds, quarters or allies in gardens. Also threshing places.

Brasciáre, as Bragiáre.

Brasciuóle, as Brasuóle.

BRE   Bráse, Bráscie, as Brágie.

Brassáre, to brue, to embrue.

Brassária, a brue-house.

Brassáro, a beare-bruer.

Brassatúra, a bruing.

Brassíca, gardine-coleworts.

Brassíca canína, dogsbane or dogcole.

Brassíca marína, Sea coleworts.

Brasuólare, to frie in steakes or collops.

Brasuóle, steakes, rashers or carbinadoes.

Bráthia, the hearbe Sauine.

Brauággine, brauing, vaunting.

Brauáre, to boast, to brag, to vaunt, to braue, to swagger, to flant it, to be all a Goigh.

Brauázzo, a roister, swash-buckler, a swaggerer, a flanter.

Braueggiáre, as Brauáre.

Brauería, as Brauúra.

Brauiére, a kind of water-foule.

Bráuo, a brauer, a boaster, a vaunter, a swaggerer. Also braue, gallant or fine.

Bráuo in piázza, a cowardly slaue one that neuer dares quarrell but in the streetes.

Brauóso, full of brauery or vanting.

Brauúra, brauery, swaggering.

Brazzétto, as Bracciétto.

Brazzuóli, all maner of bracers.

Bréccia, a breach, a rupture. Also grauell or rubbish of broken walles.

Brecciáre, to make a breach. Also to reduce to ruble or rubbish.

Bréccie, peble-stones, rubbles.

Brecciéuole, that may haue breach made into it.

Breccióso, full of breaches. Also full of rubble.

Brechinásino, a kinde of Pepper that hath no substance but the huske.

Bréna, a kinde of graine or Turkie-wheate.

Brénca, as Bránca, the guill of a fish.

Brencáre, as Brancáre.

Brénda, bran.

Bréndola, a kind of butterfly.

Bréne, horse-harnish for draught, horse traces for carriage.

Brénna, bran. Also an hearbe.

Brénta, a certaine vessell to carry wine in vpon mens shoulders vsed in Italie.

Brentadóri, Wine-porters or measurers.

Brentári, as Brentadóri.


Bresagliáre, as Bẻrsagliáre.

Bresagliére, as Bẻrsagliére.

Breságlio, as Bẻrságlio.

Brésca, a hunny combe.

Bresuóle, as Brasuóle.

Brétta, vsed for Berétta, a cap.

Brettónica, the hearbe Betonie.



BRI   Bréue, briefe, short, or compendious. Also a briefe, a warrant, a note, a word, a motto, an emblem, a posie, a short saying. Also a briefe in Musicke.

Breuiále, a breuiall, a breuiarie, a masse or seruice booke, a note-booke.

Breuiáre, to abreuiate, to shorten.

Breuiário, as Breuiále.

Breuiatióne, an abreuiation.

Breuiatóre, an abreuiator, a registrer.

Breuicciuólo, any litle Breue.

Breuicíno, a litle manuell, a Pamphlet.

Brẻuiloquénza, short speaking.

Brẻuilóqui, a compendious speach.

Breuità, breuitie, shortnesse.

Brẻuiter, in briefe, briefly.

Brẻzza, a cold winde bringing mist, fog or frost. Also a chilnesse or shiuering.

Brẻzzáre, to chill or shiuer.

Brẻza, as Brẻzza.

Brẻzzolína, any litle Brẻzza.

Briacáre, to be or make drunke.

Briachézza, drunkennesse, carousing.

Briáco, drunken. Also a drunkard.

Briacóne, a filthy beastly drunkard.

Briána, as Brionía.

Briánte, spangling, glittering.

Brianzésco, tipsie, drunken, pot-sicke, giuen to wine, whip the cat.

Briáre, to spangle, to glitter.

Briarẻo, one hauing a hundred armes.

Brícchi, Serieants, catchpoles, shifting raskals, wandring rogues.

Brícche, crags, cliffs, or brackes in hills.

Bríccia, a piece cut from something, as we say a slice, a shife of bread. Also a crum, a iot, a whit.

Bricciólo, a litle stalke. Also as Boccáta.

Brícco, a cliffe or crag of a mountaine.

Briccócoli, Apricok-plums.

Bríccola, a brickoll or rebounding of a ball from one wall to another in a tennis court. Also a tillar or stock-bow to shoot arrowes or boults. Also a creeping hole.

Briccoláre, to brickoll from wall to wall.

Bricconáre, to play the rogue.

Bricconáta, a roguish tricke.

Briccóne, as Brícchi, as Briacóne.

Briccóre, as Brícco.

Bríde di fẻrro, rings or iron bands that binde the shankes of the wheele, which we call the stirrops of a wheele.

Briẻue, as Bréue.

Brifálda, a bolde, shamelesse man-like woman.

Bríga, a brable, a braule, a contention.

Brigánte, a Pirate, a rouer, a robber by Sea and Land, a crafty knaue a cheater.

Brigantẻllo, a diminitiue of Brigánte.

Brigantíno, a Pinnasse, a Brigantine.

Brigáre, to braule, to brabble, to striue for. Also to sneake or canuasse for.

Brigáta, a company, a crew, a knot or rout of good fellowes.

BRI   Brigatẻlla, a smale-crew, a little flocke.

Bríglia, a bridle, a snaffle, looke Béuere la bríglia.

Bríglia d'óro, a golden bridle. Also the name of a horse in Ariósto.

Brigliaménti, all sortes of bridlings.

Brigliáre, to bridle, to snaffle.

Brigliáro, a bit or bridle-maker.

Bríglie a fẻrro di cauállo, in times past they called bits so that were with ports, because the port hath somewhat the shape of a horse-shooe.

Brigliózzo, a kind of curbe or bridle or snaffle for coltes.

Brigóni, vsed abusiuely for Bragóni.

Brigóso, contentious, quarellous.

Brillánte, sparkling, spangling, twinkling. Also quauering. Also leaping or chucking for ioy.

Brilláre, to spangle, to twinkle. Also to quauer. Also to leape or chucke for ioy.

Bríllo, a spangle. Also a twinkling or sparkling as a diamond doth in turning.

Brillóso, spangling, fall of spangles.

Brína, a mist, a horefrost, a breame, a dewfrost.

Brináccia, a filthy fogge or mist.

Brináre, to fogge or mist, to dewfreeze. Also to speckle, to spot.

Brináto, bespeckled, spotted, pide, parti-coloured, full of spots.

Brináta, a dew-frost. Also dew-frozen.

Bríncia, a toole that sadlers vse.

Brindáre, as Brinzáre.

Brindẻllo, a stalke of peare or apple. Also a little scantling of any thing.

Brindeggiáre, as Brinzáre.

Bríndesi, a drinking or health to one. Also I drinke to you.

Bríndisi, as Bríndesi.

Brindizáre, as Brinzáre.

Brindizáta, a drinking to one.

Brinóso, misty, foggy, breamy, dewfrozen, full of frost.

Bríns, Brínsi, a health or drinking to one. Also I drinke to you.

Brío, the mosse of white Poplar or Aspe-tree which is very sweet. Also an hearb growing in water called in Latine Pesgálli.

Brinzáre, to tiple, to quaffe or drinke healths one to another.

Brióne, as Brío.

Brionía, briony, wilde nep, white vine.

Brisáro, a hogges hastlet.

Briscióle, as Brasuóle.

Bríssio, biting flies called Brizzes.

Británica, Britónica, as Brittánica.

Britenẻlle, something about a ship.

Brittánica, Spoone-wort, Scorbute-grasse, Scuruy-grasse.

BRO   Briuilẻgiáre, to priuiledge.

Briuilẻgio, a priuiledge.

Broáre, to skalde or parboile.

Broáta, a parboiling. Also a skalding with hot water.

Bróca, a pipkin or posenet of earth.

Brócca, any kind of naile, bosse or stud with a great and round head. Also a blocke, a stocke, or haukes pearch. Also a yongue bud or blossom. Also a Caruers great forke. Also a round flagon or bottle. Also a pipkin or posenet of earth.

Brócca d'acqua, a pitcher or pot for water.

Brócca di tẻrra, a flagon or bottle of earth, a stone bottle.

Broccáglio, a bodkin or punching iron.

Broccále, something about a plough.

Broccáme, all maner of cloth of gold.

Broccáre, to bosse, to stud, to naile with great headed nailes. Also to shocke, to but, to encounter or fall vpon furiously. Also to enforke, or pricke.

Broccáta, an encounter, a shocke, a butting. Also an enforking. Also a fore-right blow, or thurst ouer the daggar.

Broccatẻllo, thin tinsell of gold.

Broccáto, cloth of gold or siluer.

Brócca vále, as much to say, the spur is good, or the horse is well spurred.

Brócche grándi, great headed studs, called Brodes or Strake nailes.

Brocchétta, a forke to carue or eat withall.

Brocchétte, little studs or bosses.

Brocchiére, a buckler, a target.

Brocchíre, chísco, chíto, to bud as trees or any button flower.

Bróccia, a broach or a spit.

Brocciáre, to broach or spit meat.

Bróccio, gagdtoothed, tutmouthed.

Brócco, a kinde of red and yellowish colour. Also a stump or drie branch of a tree. Also the button of any flower. Also as Bróccoli.

Bróccoli, sproutes or topes of Cole-worts.

Broccoliéro, a buckler, a target.

Broccóni, as Brócche grándi.

Broccúta, the mute of a hauke.

Bróco, a little barrow or tumbrell with two wheeles. Also a fish, in Latine Pastináca.

Brocóne, a gum that Bidẻlio beareth.

Bróculi, as Bróccoli.

Bróda, wash, swile or draffe for swine.

Brodáglia, the skum, or dregs or rascality of the basse common people.

Brodaglióne, as Bródolo.

Brodaiuólo, as Bródolo.

Brodáre, as Broáre, to betroth.

Brodaruólo, as Bródolo.


BRO   Brodáta, as Bróda.

Brodétto, a litle fine broth.

Bródo, all manner of broth.

Bródolo, a broth-belly, a filthy slouen, one that makes his bellie his God.

Brodúso, as Brodétto.

Broétto, any fine thin broth.

Bróffola, a push, a wheele, a bile, a gall, a blister, a pimple, an itch, a tetter. Also the marke or print of a sore or scab.

Broffoláre, to grow to spots or scars in the skin.

Broffolétta, a litle Bróffola.

Broggiáre, as Brogliáre.

Bróggio, as Bróglio, or Imbróglio.

Brogiáre, to grow full of red pimples.

Brógie, red pimples in mens faces.

Brogiótti, red pimples or pushes in mens faces. Also a kind of excellent figs.

Brogiótto, a logger-head, a plump-pate.

Brogliáre, with some exterior acte of ceremonie to shew the intention of ones heart to him hee speaketh with. Also to giue one another good wordes and faire lookes. Also to canuase for any office and shift vp and downe or trafficke for voices. Also to shift for, to take vp commodities, and as we say to rob Peter to pay Paul. Also to disorder or embroile any matter.

Bróglio, Fáre bróglio, canuasing or suing for offices in Venice, in doing which euery one giueth and taketh faire speeches, large promises, and kind lookes, euen as they doe for Proctors places in Oxford. Also a shift or taking vp of commodities. Also an embroiling or entangling of any matter.

Brógna, any kind of plum or prune.

Brognáta, prune or blacke stuffe for tartes.

Brógno, Brógnolo, a Plumbe tree.

Brógnola, as Brógna.

Bróilo, a kitchin garden.

Bróio, as Bróglio.

Brolardẻlli, a kind of fritters.

Brolláre, as Brulláre, as Brogliáre.

Bróllo, as Brúllo, or Bróglio.

Brólo, as Brúlo.

Bromboláre, to grow in stalkes.

Brómboli, as Bróccoli.

Brómo, wild Oates.

Brónchi, shrubs, stubs, stumps or snags.

Bronciáre, to stumble at any thing.

Bróncie, a kind of meate.

Brócio, a man so transported with anger that he becomes a starke foole.

Brónco, the fish Cungar.

Broncoláre, to top or lop trees.

Bróncolo, as Bróncone.

Broncolúto, as Broncóso.

Broncóne, a stub or stump of a tree.

Broncóso, stumpie, shrubbie, rugged, snaggie, full of brakes, briers or bushes.

BRV   Bronfáre, to snort, to huffe, to snuffe.

Bronfiáre, as Bronfáre.

Bronfiatóre, as Bronfatóre.

Bróng, looke Crip.

Brongiáre, as Brogiáre.

Bróngie, as Brógie.

Brongíno, as Bronzíno.

Brónia, as Bróntia.

Brontéa, as Bróntia.

Bróntia, or Ómbria, a kind of stone that falles from the middle region in stormes shaped as a Tortois head, which some say is good against thunder and lightning.

Brontolaménti, grumblings, muttrings.

Brontolláre, to grumble, to mutter.

Brontollatóre, a grumbler, a mutterer.

Bronzáre, to brasse, or copper.

Bronzíno, a brazen little mortar, posnet, skellet, or chafer. Also an ewer to giue water with. Also a cock or robinet for a cesterne. Also a lauer or barbars basen of copper. Also that is made of brasse or copper.

Brónzo, brasse, or bell-mettle.

Brostoláre, as Brustoláre.

Brostolíre, as Brustoláre.

Bróto, Brótto, as Brútto.

Brouáre, as Broáre.

Brouétto, a messe of fine broth.

Brózze, as Bróffole. Also the skurfs or scabs of any sore. Also knobs or bunches.

Brucamáglia, a rout or crue of raskals.

Bruccáre, to bruise. Also to pare cleane. Also as Peláre.

Brúcchi, buzze-flies. Also catterpillers. Also wilde silke-wormes.


Brucciáte, rosted chesnuts.

Bruccióli, brush-wood to make a suddaine blaze. Also a kinde of wilde pulse.

Brúcco, as Bastángo.

Bruccúda, the muting of a hauke.

Brúchi, as Brúcchi.

Bruciáre, to burne. Also to itch, or smart.

Bruciatíccio, burning too, as milke to the pot, smelling of smoke.

Bruciéuole, that may burne.

Brúcio, holie, not profane.

Brucióre, a burning. Also a smarting.

Brúco, a bramble-bush. Also a caterpiller.

Brúcolo, as Brúculo.

Brúculo, a vermine that eateth vines.

Brudáta, as Bróda.

Brúffola, as Bróffola.

Bruffáre, to sprinkle, but properly with the mouth, as Sbruffáre.

Brúggia, a kind of dressing of fish.

Bruggiáte, a kind of fritters or cakes.

Brúghe, Silke-wormes, Caterpillers.

Brugiáre, to burne, to itch, to smart.

BRV   Brúgna, any kinde of little plumbe.

Brugnáta, as Brognáta.

Brugnóccole, as Bẻrnóccoli.

Brugnóla, any kind of little plumbe.

Bruíre, ísco, íto, to bray as an Asse.

Bruíto, a braying of an Asse.

Brulláre, to tan or sun-burne. Also to parch or scorch, to singe or scalde, as a hog, to pull or scalde a hen.

Brúllo, tanned, sun-burnt, parched, scorched, scalded, singed, burnt, parboiled. Also poore, bare, silly, wretched.

Brúma, breame, frost, mist, fogge, mid-winter, frozen-weather.

Brumále, as Brúma.

Brunázzo, brounish, duskie, gloomy.

Brunduláre, to grumble, to mutter.

Brundulatóre, a grumbler, a mutterer.

Brunẻlla, the hearbe self-heale.

Bruníre, nísco, níto, to burnish.

Brunitósio, a burnishing-toole.

Brunitóre, a burnisher.

Brúno, broune, duskie, mourning.

Brunótta dónna, any broune woman.

Bruodáre, as Broáre.

Bruodaiuóle, as Bródolo.

Bruódo, as Bródo.

Bruódo lardiéro, a kinde of broth.

Bruólo, a kitching-garden.

Bruósa, as Bruosína.

Brúsca, ling or heath for brushes.

Bruscaménte, sharply, sourely. Also roughly, or snappishly.

Bruscáre, to steale, to purloine, to pilfer or filsh by slie-craft. Also to ensoure, to become sharpe or tart in taste. Also to singe, to scalde, or broile. Also to eat or gnaw with caterpillers or wormes and mothes. Also to shred or lop the boughes of trees. Also to bruse yong trees as Deere or Cunnies doe.

Bruscáta, a slie filching, a crafty stealing. Also a singeing or searing with fire. Also eaten by Caterpillers.

Bruscatẻllo, tart and sweet.

Bruscatúre, shreds of trees. Also brouzing.

Bruschétte, little feskues or stickes.

Bruschétti, timely or hardly ripe fruites.

Bruschétto, somewhat soure.

Brusciáre, to burne. Also to smart.

Brusciéuole, that may burne.

Brusciólo, a push, a pimple, a bile.

Bruscióre, itching, burning, smart.

Brúsco, soure, tarte, eagre, bruske, vnripe. Also soure or grim-looking. Also a push, a pimple, a wheale or bile in the skin. Also a bosse, a bladder, a puff, a knob, a knur, a wen, or nodositie growing on trees. Also kneeholme, butchers broome, petigree, or kneehuluer. Also a Caterpiller.

Bruscolíno, a litle Brúsco.


BRV   Bruscóne, a cunning slie filcher.

Bruscóso, full of Caterpillers.

Brúsia, stone-pitch.

Brúsola, a witwall. Also a fish in Latin Alpheste or Cynedo.

Brustoláre, to seare, to burne, to toste.

Brustolíre, lísco, líto, as Brustoláre.

Brusuóle, as Brasuóle.

Brúta, a tree like the Cipres tree whose barke yealdeth a sweete perfume.

Brutággine, brutishnesse.

Brutále, brutish, vnreasonable.

Brutalità, brutishnesse, beastlinesse.

Brútia, stone-pitch.

Brutiáni, a kind of Coleworte.

Brútio, a kind of vermine liuing in fens or moorish grounds.

Brúto, brute, brutish, without reason.

Brútta, a staggering or falling disease in a horse, the foule euill. Also as Brútto.

Bruttáre, to foule, to sullie, to pollute.

Bruttería, as Bruttézza.

Bruttézza, foulenesse, illfauourednesse.

Brútto, foul, filthy, illfauoured.

Bruttúra, as Bruttézza.

Bruzzacúlo, the hip of a rose.

Búa, mud, bog, mire, dirt.

Buáccia, as Buázza.

Buággine, oxishnesse, stupiditie.

Buassággine, gullishnesse, oxishnesse.

Buásso, a gull, a block-head, an oxe.

Buázza, mud, bog, mire, dirt.

Búba, a Scrich howle. Also a houpe.

Bubáre, to skrich as an Owle.


Búbbule, as Búbole.

Búbo, a scrich owle.

Búbola, as Púpa.

Buboláre, as Bubáre. Also to bubble.

Búbole, bables, toies, trifles.

Bubolóso, bubly, full of bubles.

Bubóne, a scrich owle.

Bubónia, as Astére.

Búbula, a kind of Marioram or Sauorie.

Búca, Búco, any kind of hole, caue, or den vnder ground. Fare buca, to steale, or filch away.

Bucaláme, an open-taile fellow, one that is euer farting or shiting.

Bucámi, all manner of holes.

Bucaráre, as Bucheráre.

Bucardía, a stone like an oxe heart.

Bucáre, to boare or make full of holes.

Bucaróne, a great hole. Also a scarabe-flie, a beetle, a hornet.

Bucáta, a buckling. Also a fullers mill, or worke-house. Also lye to wash a buck.

Bucatáre, to full clothes. Also to buck.

Bucatáro, a fuller of clothes.

Bucáti, cleane washed clothes.

Bucáto, washt in a buck. Also holed.

Búcchia, the barke or rinde of a tree, the parings of frutte. Also an egge-shell.

Búccia, a bud or button of any flowre, the huske, or cod or shell of any pulse. Also a kind of limbeck of glasse. Also a round viall glasse. Also properly the vtmost skin of man or woman namely of the face. Also the outward huske wherein any thing groweth.

Bucciácchere, offall, garbash, filthie guts.

Bucciáre, to huske or shale any pulse.

Bucciário, a bustard, or bistard.

Bucciẻre, a butcher.

Buccína, as Bucína.

Buccináre, as Bucináre.

Buccinaménto, as Bucinaménto.

Buccináta, a kind of vine or grape.

Buccíne, a kinde of sea-snaile, or shell-fish fashioned like a cornet. Also cornets.

Buccinẻlli, pick-lock tooles. Also springes or ginnes to catch birds.

Buccintóro, a stately gallie or gally-foist that the Duke of Venice goes in triumph in.

Búcciolo, any reede or hollow cane. Also the ioints or knots in a cane. Also a chanell or gutter through a pipe.

Buccisóffiola, a flim flam tale whether true or false, to make one feare or suspect shame or losse, as we say a tale of Robin hood.

Buccólica, a heardmans song. Also gluttonie or mouth cheere.

Buccólici, things pertaining to plough-men.

Buccolicóne, a countrie clowne, or foolish shepheard, but vsed in mockerie.

Bucẻlláto, any kind of cake, but namely a kind of simnell or spiced bread.

Bucẻllo, simnell or cracknell bread.

Bucentóro, as Buccintóro.

Bucẻra, a kind of Fenigreeke.

Bucheráme, Buckram stuffe, anciently it was taken for the finest linnen cloth.

Bucheráre, to bore, to wimble, or pearce full of holes. Also to sneake, to toot, to pry or gape diligently into any matter. Also as Brogliáre.

Bucigátti, lurking holes, sluts corners.

Bucína, a smale low voice. Also a sordin for a trumpet. Also a horne-pipe. Also a kinde of hollow, winding, cockle shell or such other shell-fish.

Bucinaménto, a whispring, a humming. Also a clang of a trumpet.

Bucináre, to whisper, to humme, to buzze. Also to clang as a trumpet. Also to pipe.

Bucinẻlli, as Buccinẻlli.

Búco, any hole, a touch-hole.

Bucolíno, a little or peeping-hole.

Budẻllo, any kinde of gut.

Budẻllo culáre, the arse-gut.

Budẻllo d'arco, a bow-string made of guts.

Budẻllo drítto, the twill, the longaon or straight gut.

BVF   Búdo, a kind of bag-net or fishing-net.

Búe, an oxe. Also a block-head. Also a kind of Sea-bull. Also a Greeke coine of two drammes.

Buẻllo, vsed for Budẻllo, a gut.

Buéssi, simple fooles, stupide guls.

Búfera, a certaine huge beast.

Búffa, the buffie or breathing hole of a caske or head-peece. Also a toade. Also a puffe a push or blurt with the mouth in skorne. Also a brabling contention. Also a skoffe or flout, or test, or vaine trifle. Also as Búffera.

Buffalággine, foolishnesse, blockishnesse.

Buffaláre, to play the gull or idiot.

Buffaláro, a buffleheard, or buff-keeper.

Buffalíno, of buffle, of buffe, of buffin. Also cheese made of buffles milke.

Búffalo, a buffle, or a buffe. Also a blocke or logarhead.

Buffalóne, a grosse pated ninny or foole.

Buffáre, to puffe, to huffe, to snuffe, to blow, to bluster.

Búffera, a confusion, a gust, a berry, or variety of windes. Also as Búffa.

Bufferáre, to bluster, to storme, to puffe or blow roughly and furiously.

Bufferóso, rough-blowing, stormy, blustering, windy, puffing.

Buffettáre, to buffet one. Also as Buffáre.

Buffétto, as Boffétto. Also a clacke or clicke with ones fingers.

Buffettóne, a great wherret on the eare.

Búffo, a puffe, a blast, or gust of winds. Also a toade.

Buffonáre, to ieast or play the buffon.

Buffóne, a buffone or pleasant iester. Also a great toade.

Buffoneggiáre, the play, the iester.

Buffonería, iesting, pleasant, meariment.

Buffonía, sweetnesse and cleerenesse of voice.

Búfo, a scrich-owle.

Bufoláccio, a Buffes-head, a dolt, a cods-head.

Búfolo, as Buffálo.

Bufonchiáre, to grumble or grudge at euery thing. Also to swell as a toade.

Bufonchíno, a grumbler, a grudger.

Buftálme, May-weede, Ox-eies, or stinking Cammomill.

Bugáncie, kibes or chilblaines.

Bugandiéra, a Landris or Buck-washer.

Bugeráre, to bugger.

Bugeróne, a buggerer.

Bugétta, budget.

Búggio, hallow.


BVL   Buggíre, gísco, gíto, to hollow.

Bugía, a lie, a leasing, an vntruth.

Bugiáccia, a huge or monstrous lie.

Bugiárdo, a lyer, a leaser, false.

Bugiardóne, a monstrous lyer.

Bugiáre, to lie. Also to hollow.

Bugiardataménte, falsely, lyingly.

Bugieráre, to bugger.

Bugieróne, a buggerer.

Bugiétta, a little or small lie.

Bugigáttolo, a sneaker or tooter into holes.

Búgio, a hole. Also hollow.

Bugióne, a great lyer, a great lie.

Bugliáre, to shake betweene two hands.

Búglio, Buglióne, a walme, a boyling.

Buglósa, as Bugolósa.

Búgna, a kinde of knobs in building.

Búgno, a bunch, a knob, a bile, a botch.

Búgnola, a froile, a wicker, a cade, a dosser. Also a binne for bread.

Bugnóne, as Búgno.

Bugolósa, lang-de beuf, Buglosse or Rose-campion.

Bugóne, as Bóuolo.

Buiáre, to darken or obscure. Also to cast or throw. Also to spend riotously.

Buiatóre, a wast-good, a spend-thrift.

Búio, darke, obscure. Also darknesse.

Buióso, full of prodigall spending.

Búla, chaffe of Corne.

Bulapátho, a Docke with a long roote.

Búlbari, a kinde of meat vsed in Mantua.

Bulbíno, a kinde of Onion or bulbous plant.

Búlbo, any roote that pils as Onions. Also Dogsbane, Dogs-stones, or Corne-leeke.

Bulbónio, as Astére.

Bulbosità, an Onion-like or bulbous forme.

Bulbóso, bulbous, Onion-like.

Buldriána, a common-strumpet or whore.

Bulésco, gullish, momish, foolish.

Bulettáre, to fasten with little tackes.

Bulétte, studs, or tackes with great heades.

Bulettíno, as Bolletíno, as Bollétta.

Búli, guls, sots, noddies, idiots.

Bulicáme, a naturall warme bath, or the naturall heat and boiling of hot waters. Also a mans bum or taile.

Bulicáne, as Bulicáme.

Bulicáre, to bubble and boile as water doth in warme bathes. Also to rumble, to ride or walme in the stomacke.

Bulímia, exceeding famine or great hunger. Also a riotous disordered rout.

Bulíno, a kind of pouncer that grauers vse.

Buliuácca, a great filthy Cow.

Búlla, as Bólla. Also a bubble.

Bullétta, a litle bill, billet, or note of paper.

BVO   Bullétte, bubbles, triftes, vanities.

Bullicáme, as Bulicáme.

Búllo, a swaggerer, a swash-buckler.

Bullói, bulloes, slowne, or skegs.

Bulsína, Bulsíno, as Bolsína.

Bumásta, a kind of vine or grape.

Búmbo, as Bugóne.

Bumẻlio, a kind of Ash-tree.

Buncinẻlli, as Buccinẻlli.

Buníade, a kind of nauew roote.

Bunióne, a nauew like a radish.

Buocciólo, as Bocciuólo.

Buóiluchi, the names that Elephants had first in Italie.

Buoíne, as Bouíne.

Buolermínio, as Boloarméno.


Buonamáno, as Bonamáno.

Buonamemória, of good memorie, wellfare all good tokens.

Buonaménte, in good sort.

Buonamercè, godamercie, or by meanes.

Buóna pẻzza, a good while.

Buonária, a pleasant aspect.

Buonaróbba, as we say good stuffe, that is a good wholesome plum-cheeked wench.

Buóna séra, good euening.

Buonauentúra, good hap, good luck.

Buondáto, a free-gift, a bribe willingly giuen. Also a trifle or thing of nothing.

Buón dí, good day, good morrow.

Buón dí & buón ánno, good morrow and a good yeare withall.

Buóne christiáne, a kind of good Peares.

Buóni dí sóno, a good many daies are since.

Buonissimássimo, most good, most chiefe.

Buoníssimo, good in the highest degree.

Buóno, good. Also goodnesse. Also apt, fit, able, or honest.

Buon mercáto, good cheape.

Buono á, good for, fit for, or vnto.

Buon partíto, a good course, a good resolution. Also good entertainment, a good match.

Buono spátio, a good while or space.

Buon pátto, a good bargaine.

Buón prẻsso, a pullie in a ship called dead manhe.

Buon pẻr tè, good or happie for thee.

Buón prò, much good, god giue you ioy.

Buon prò ui fáccia, much good may it doe you.

Buon púnto, good lucke, a good chance at dice, or a good encounter at Primero.

Buon víso, a merry countenance.

Buon vólto, as Buon víso.

Buóra, as Bórea.

Buoríno, as Boarína.

Buoséga, a wooden pantofle or patin. Also a loggerhead, a clounish fellow.

Buouále, as Bugóne.

Buóue, fetters, giues, shackles, stockes, clogs, or such punishments for prisoners.

BVR   Buóuolo, as Bóuolo.

Buphthálmo, oxe-eye, or maineweede, some take it for Sengreene or House-leeke.

Bupíti, certaine feasts celebrated for the prosperittie of oxen and other cattell.

Bupleuróne, an hearbe that growes of it selfe, called Harescare.

Buprẻsti, a very venemous flie called a wagleg or longleg. Also a certaine very venemous hearbe.

Burásca, a storme, a tempest, a blasting.

Burascóso, stormie, blustring, tempestuous.

Buratẻlli, a kind of salt-fish.

Buratíno, a sillie gull in a Comedie.

Burattáre, to boult or sift meale.

Burrattadóre, a boulter of meale.

Burattíno, a boulter. Also a millers or bakers man. Also Burato stuffe.

Burátto, a bakers boulter.

Burazzíno, as Burattíno.

Burbánza, a swelling pride, a grudging disdaine, a repining sturdinesse, a grim looking. Also a confused noise or hurliburlie.

Burbáre, to swell with pride, to grudge, to froune, to grow fell, to looke grim.

Burbería, grimnesse, gastliness, hideousnesse, vglinesse, swartinesse. Also fiercenesse or crueltie.

Búrbero, fierce, fell, cruell, grudging. Also grim, gastly, grisly in countenance.

Búrbo, as Búrbero.

Burchiẻlla, a great cesterne or close place to receiue and keepe water in. Also a wheelebarrow. Also a kind of flat-bote or barge for burthen.

Búrchio, a hulke, a craine, a lighter.

Búrchio fẻrránte, a hulke with sailes.

Burchiẻllo, as Búrchio.

Búrco, a badger, a brocke, a beauer.

Burdẻllo, as Bordẻllo.


Burẻlla, as Borẻlla. Also a wooden rowle. Also a wheelebarrow. Also a clog at ones heeles. Also a by or darke corner.

Burẻlláre, to rowle, to trundle, to carie in a wheele-barrow. Also to clog.

Burgése, a Burges, a borough man.

Burgensático, of or belonging to a Burgesse.

Burgensátichi béni, Citie or towne goods, as we say candle rents.

Burghéra, a burganet, a gorget.

Buriásso, a stickler or iudge or any combate, one that brings into the lists such as are to fight a combate or to run at tilt. Also a prompter, or one that keeps the booke for plaiers and teacheth them or other scholars their kue.


BVS   Buríno, a kind of cutting or iagging of garments. Also a kind of caruing.

Burichétto, a litle iacket.

Búrla, a iest, a scoff, a flout, a frump.

Burláre, to iest, to flout, to mocke, to gibe, to skoff, to frump. Also as Buiáre.

Burlénghi, a kind of simnell bread.

Burléuole, iesting, pleasant, merry.

Burleuolménte, iestingly, scoffingly.

Burliére, a merry iester or giber.

Burlóne, a merry companion.

Burlóso, full of merry iests.

Búrna, a wild beast in Affrica so fierce that it fights with two Elephants at once, it ouercommeth the Lion and the Panther.

Búrra, as Bórra. Also some part of a plough.

Burrattíno, as Burattíno.

Burráto, a deepe darke dungeon, a depth, a pit, a downefall. Also a streame running violently in some low valley, and making a hideous noise.

Búrro, butter. Also an engine to mooue or mount great ordinance among Spaniards.

Burróne, a crag, a cliff, a rocke, a grot. Also a currant or downefall of waters from off some steepie broken rocke. Also a goates or sheepes walke.

Burzacchíni, buskins.

Busáre, to bore or make hollow.

Busbaccáre, to sneake or toote into corners.

Busbaccóne, a sneaker or tooter in corners.

Búsca, a shifting for by hooke or crooke.

Buscaménto, as Búsca.

Buscándoli, hops to brew beere with.

Buscáre, to filch, to proule, to shift for.

Buschétta, childrens play at musse.

Busciarẻlla, a reede, an oaten pipe.

Búscio, as Búso.

Busécchie, garbage, emptie guts, tripes.

Busécchio, any leathren belt or girdle.

Buselióne, a kind of Ash or Persley whose roote is red.

Busigáttolo, as Busbaccóne.

Búsima, as Bósima.

Busimáre, as Bosimáre.

Busnáre d'orécchie, a buzzing or humming in ones eares.

Búso, any hole. Also hollow or voide. Also a touch-hole. Also the bore of any piece.

Busóne, a great hole. Also a certaine winde instrument of Musike.

Bussáre, to knocke, to thump, to strike.

Bussáre álla ruóta, to knocke at the ring of a dore.

Bússe, knocks, thumps, blowes.

Bussétto, a piece of wood that shoemakers knocke their worke with.

Bússo, the boxe tree or wood. Also a rumbling or hurlie-burlie.

CAB   Bússola, a mariners compasse.

Bússolo, as Bóssolo. Also as Speronẻlla.

Bústa, a gally pot. Also the beauer of a head piece. Also as Búffa. Also a kind of bag or purse of leather to open and shut that mariners vse at sea to keepe gunpouder in.

Bustẻllo, a kind of dry measure.

Bústo, a trunke, a bulke, or bodie without a head. Also a sleeuelesse trusse. Also a womans buske.

Bastuária, a night-witch such a one as frequents and keepes about graues and tombes.

Butafáro, a kind of gurt pudding.

Butẻo, a Putocke, or a Buzard.

Buteóne, as Butẻo.

Buthísia, a great sacrifice wherein were killed a hundred beasts.

Butiráre, to butter.

Butíro, butter.

Butiróso, fat, full of butter.

Butta fuóco, a boutefeu, an incendiarie, a fire-flinger, a make-bate. Also a gunners lintstocke.

Bútta in sẻlla, a charge that trumpeters sound as a warning to take horse.

Buttáre, to throw, to fling, to hurle. Also to driue or thrust in.

Buttár' in ócchio, to hit in the teeth.

Buttigóne, as Bottegóne.

Buttíro, a blocke or mistresse at bowles.

Buttúro, butter.

Buzzágo, a buzard or some such praing kite. Also a fruit like galles growing vpon Oken leaues. Also a puff or dried mushrom full of dust.

Buzzeláto, bisket or simnell bread.

Buzzicchiáre, to whisper, to busse, to mutter in hugger-mugger.

Buzzicchióne, a priuie whisperer, a close mutterer in hugger-mugger.


Ca, as Cása.

Cabacẻllo, a fish like a dace or merow.

Cábala, a reuelation of secret things, or hidden science of heauenly and Deuine Mysteries professed by the Rabbies.

Cábali, a beast in Sumatra more hunted after then the Bezoar, for the bones of it are most forcible to stanch bleeding.

Cabália, as Cábala.

Cabalísta, a professor of Cábala.

Cabalístico, Mysterious, Cabalisticall.

Cabaríno, a gabardine, a shepheards frocke, coate, or cassocke.

Cábbia, as Gábbia, a cage.

Cabíglio, a Cod-fish, be it salt or fresh.

CAC   Cabinétto, a cabinet, a closet, a casket.

Cábo, a measure called a kab in the Bible.

Cabucciáre, to cabage or grow to a head.

Cabúccio, a Cabadge.

Cábuli, a tree, whose fruit being eaten cureth all diseases, and is much esteemed in India.

Cacabálde, foolish, trifling, or shitten trickes.

Cacabáldole, as Cacabálde.

Cacábo, the hearbe Soláno.

Cacábre, a kinde of whitish-stone.

Cacafióri, a selfe-conceited, others-scorning spruce fellow.

Cacafrétta, a shitten-hasty fellow.

Cacafuóco, a hot violent fellow.

Cacalẻgge, a scorner of the Law.

Cacália, a wilde caroway, or wilde cheruill.

Cacálide, as Cacália.

Cacalóio, a kinde of bird.

Cacáma, a kinde of many-coloured stone.

Cacaménto, a shiting or scummering.

Cacámo, a kind of tree that yeeldeth a pretious liquor.

Cacamusóne, a fond shitten fellow.

Cacáo, a fruite in India like to an Almond, whereof they make a kinde of wine.

Cacapensiére, a kind of country croud or fiddle. Also a lasie thoughtles fellow.

Cacáre, to shite, to cacke, to scummer.

Cacarẻlla, as Cacaruóla.

Cacarẻlle, trickles or dung of sheepe.

Cacaríe, shitten trickes, trifles, toies.

Cacarósso, vsed for the bloody flix.

Cacaruóla, a squirt, a laske, a flix.

Cacasángue, the bloody-flix.

Cacasódo, one that is hard, bound, a miserable pinchpenny, a chuffe. Also constant or stiffnecked.

Cacasótto, Cacasisótto, a pisse-kitching, a drigledragle, a durty-flurt, a shitten slut.

Cacastécchi, a shite-stickes, a hard chuffe.

Cacastráccie, a shite-ragges, a pinch-penny.

Cacataménte, shittenly, sneakingly.

Cacatóio, a priuy, a iakes, a close-stoole.

Cacatréppola, a kinde of Thistle or Bur.

Cacauínci, as Cacauincígli.

Cacavincígli, a miserable hard chuffe.

Cacazibétto, a spruce sweet effeminate fellow.

Caccábo, as Lauéggio.

Cácchera, the cackling of a hen.

Caccheráre, to cackle as a hen.


CAC   Caccherẻlla, a laske, a squirt, a loosenesse.

Caccherẻlli, hens-cackling. Also egges, as we say cockanegs.

Cacchináre, to laugh vnmeasurably loud.

Cacchinatióne, a foule loud laughter.

Cacchíno, a great laugher, a scorner.

Cacchionáto, fludged or feathered on the wings.

Cacchióne, a prating smell-feast.

Cacchióni, the first fludged feathers on birds winges.

Cáccia, all maner of hunting or chasing. Also a chase at tennis, or blot at tables.

Cacciacornácchie, a skare-crow, a bug-beare. Also a kinde of shot or peece.

Cacciadiáuoli, Saint Iohns wort.

Cacciafrústo, a kinde of sling.

Cacciagióne, a hunting game, Venison.

Caccialẻpre, the Sow-thistle.

Cacciamósche, a fanne to put away flies.

Caccianemíco, a bug-beare, skare-crow, a raw-flesh and bloody bone.

Cacciáre, to hunt, to chase, to driue. Also to thrust in or out.

Cacciár caróte, to make one swallow a gudgeon, or beleeue a lie, and that the Moone is made of greene-cheese.

Cacciáta, a chasing, a hunting, a driuing. Also a gull or gudgeon giuen.

Cáccia sapiẻnte, a kinde of custard, or Deuon-shire white-pot or Lancashire foole.

Cacciár grídi, to cry out a loud.


Cacciatóre, a hunter, a huntsman, a woodman, a chaser, a driuer.

Caccíma, a bitch with whelps.

Cacciuoláre, to thump, to bang.

Cacciuólo, a thump, a knocke, a bange.

Caccóle, Cácole, as Cacarẻlle.

Cáce, a chase at tennis, a blot at tables.

Cacético, as Bólso, short-winded.

Cachessía, an euill disposition of the body either by long sicknesse or bad diet.

Cachéti, giuen to colliguations or to weare away.

Cachétto, a man crazed in body, one that pineth away, one that nothing prooues with.

Cachináre, to cackle, to pule. Also to laugh immoderately.

Cachinatióne, an immoderate laughing.

Cachíno, an immoderate laughter. Also a whining, a puling, a cackling.

Cachléna, a kinde of Oxe-eie or many-weede.

Cáchrio, a Catkin, a Chat or knob with many skales one ouer another and kernels in them which hang dangling at the branches of Fir-trees.

CAD   Cachríno, as Cácri.

Cácia, a naughtinesse or fault in any thing.

Cácio, any kinde of cheese.

Cácio cauallíno, Mares-cheese.

Cácio capríno, Goates-cheese.

Cácio pecoríno, Sheepes-cheese.

Cacióso, Cascióso, Cheesie, full of cheese.

Caciótto, a good handsome bigge cheese.

Cacobasilẻa, an ill kingdome.

Cacóccia, Cacózza, as Cacasótto.

Cacochímia, that in disposition of the body which by ill disgestion causeth ill humors.

Cacochímico, an ill alchimist.

Cacodémone, an euill spirit or deuill.

Cacodẻo, an euill God, or ill spirite.

Cacoéthe, Morimals or cancerous vlcers.

Cacografizáre, to write euill or railingly against any body.

Caconíte, a precious stone, that makes him conquerour that hath it about him.

Cácri, the seede of a kinde of Rosemary. Also a kinde of hearbe.

Cácrio, as Cáchrio.

Cácro, the mossinesse ouer some fruits.

Cacúme, the top or height of any thing.

Cadalẻtto, a couch or little bed. Also a horse-litter, or carying chaire. Also a beere for dead men.

Cadáuero, a corpes, a carkesse, a dead body.

Cadaúno, each one, euery one.

Cadéna, any kinde of chaine.

Cadenacciáre, to boult, or bar a dore.

Cadenáccio, a bolt or bar of a dore.

Cadenáli, something about a ship.

Cadenẻlle, little chaines. Also chaine-lace.

Cadẻnte, falling, declining.

Cadẻnza, a cadence, a falling, a low note.

Cadenúccia, any kinde of little chaine.

Cadére, cádo, cáddi, cadúto, to fall.

Cadér in pensiéro, to fall into ones thought or minde.

Cadéuole, that may fall.

Cadér maláto, to fall sicke.

Cadilẻtto, as Cadalẻtto.

Cadiménto, a falling, a declining.

Cadíno, a milke-pan, a washing-boule, a broade-dish, a great tray.

Cadíta, the weede we call Dodder.

Cadislechéro, an interpreter of the law amongst Turkes.

Cádmia, the ore of brasse. Also the Calamine stone out of which brasse is drawne.

CAG   Cadmíte, a precious stone compassed about with blue spots.

Cádo, a rundlet or firkin of wine anciently vsed in Greece. Also I fall.

Cadréga, any kinde of chaire.

Cadregále, as Cathedrále.

Cadregáro, a maker of chaires.

Cadreláte, a kinde of Cedar, or fruite thereof.

Caduceatóre, a mace-bearer, a herauld sent to treat of peace.

Caducẻo, a Caducey or Mercuries rod, a wand that Heralds carry in their hands.

Caducità, falling or readinesse to fall.

Cadúta, a falling, a fall, a cheate.

Caéndo, an old word vsed for Cercándo, seeking.

Caére, cáo, caéi, caúto, Caẻndo, to seeke or shift for, to beg or humbly sue for.

Caffáre, to make of an odde number. Also to worke and boile as wine or new strong drinke.

Caffettáno, a gaberdine or such garment.

Cáffo, the number odde or vneuen. Also the working of new wine. Also a kind of worme.

Caffumáte, red-hearings, blot-hearings. Also dried sprats or pilchards.

Cafíso, a kinde of waight or measure.

Cafórchio, a cliffe, a cragge, a rocke. Also a lime or clay-pit.

Cáfro, a cifre of nothing.

Cággere, cággio, caggéi, caggiúto, to fall.

Caggéuole, that may befale, or fale.

Cággia, let him fall, or it may fall.

Caggiúto, a fall, a falling.

Cagiána, a bird called a Coote.

Cagiéra, a corde or cable made of some part of the Palme-tre in India.

Cagionáre, to cause, to occasion.

Cagionánte, causing, occasioning.

Cagionáto, caused, occasioned. Also accused, tainted, or charged with some faulte.

Cagióne, a cause, an occasion, a meane. Also defect of health or crazednesse.

Cagionéuole, casuall. Also crazed or sickish, defectiue by chance.

Cáglia, may care or take thought for.

Cagliáre, to crudle as milke, to grow hard as a core. Also to hold ones peace.

Cagliáta, a crudding of milke.

Cáglio, rennet to make cheese. Also a crudding. Also a core in hand or foot.

Caglióso, cruddy.


CAG   Cágna, a bitch. Also a harping or dragging hooke. Also an interiection as we say Gods me. Also sluggishnesse or lazie stretching of ones bones.

Cagnáccia, a filthy currish bitch.

Cágna in fréga, a salt or proud bitch.

Cagnáre, to whelpe, to litter as a bitch.

Cagnázzo, a filthy currish dog.

Cagneggiáre, to play the dog or cur.

Cágne mágre, vsed of Dant for the base and greedy raskality of people.

Cagnésco, doggish, currish, dog like.

Cagnétto, a puppy, a whelpe, a little dog. Also a toole to draw teeth with.

Cagnità, currishnesse, doggednesse.

Cagnóla, Cagnolétta, a little bitch.

Cagnoláre, to whelpe or puppy as a bitch.

Cagnolétti, little dogs, whelps, puppies.

Cagnolíno, as Cagnétto.

Cagnóne, a huge dog, a great mastiue.

Cagnóse, something belonging to a ship.

Cagnottáre, to faune or leere vpon one, to play the sicophant, or soothing parasite.

Cagnótto, a shepheards dog or cur. Also a fauning parasite or soothing sicophant. Also a brauo, a swash buckler, one that for mony and good cheere will follow any man to defend him and fight for him, but if any danger come, he runs away the first and leaues him in the lurch.

Cagnuóla, a little bitch.

Cagnuoláre, to whelpe or puppy.

Cagnuolíno, any little dog or whelpe.

Cahósse, the vniuersall Chaos.

Cái, looke Tarózzi.

Caiándra, a tortoise, or a shell crab.

Cáia, as Fẻccia, or as Grómma.

Caícchio, a little cocke bote, skiffe or scallop.

Cái di látte, a kind of thicke creame.

Cáie, a kind of rauenous foule.

Caína, a place in hell where Dant faigneth those to be tormented that kill their allies.

Calabráche, a game at cards called laugh and lie downe.

Calábrico, the Hartrham thorne.

Calabróne, a Beetle flie or Hornet.

Caláce, a stone resembling haile, continuing cold in the fire.

Calafádo, a shipwright, as Calafáte.

Calafáte, a caulker of a ship. Also a swabber in a ship.

Calafatáre, to calke a ship.

Caláia, a narrow lane or passage. Also a ferry or ford ouer a water.

Caláide, a Turkie stone, some take it for a Chrisolite stone.

Calaíno, a kind of coine in India.

Calalíni, as Farfálla, as Pauiglióli.

Calamáchne, a kind of cane to make pipes.

CAL   Calamágio, as Calamáio.

Calamáio, a standish or pen and inke-horne. Also a sea cut or cuttle fish.

Calamandrína, the hearb Bettony.

Calamandrína palústre, water or garlike Germander.

Calamáro, as Calamáio.

Calaménta, bush, nip or hoare calamint.

Calaménto, a diminishing, an abatement, looke Caláre.

Calamístro, a crisping wire.

Calamíta, the adamant or magnet stone.

Calamità, misery, calamity.

Calamíte, or Diopẻte, a kind of frogs that liue among sags and reeds.

Calamitóso, miserable, full of calamity.

Cálamo, a Cane or reed. Also a writing pen. Also a shaft or arrow. Also a certaine measure vsed of old in Greece.

Calamócro, a kind of beast that liues in the water.

Cálamo odoráto, sweet Calamus.

Calandário, a Calendar, an Almanacke.

Calándra, a wood larke, or a bunting.

Calandrẻlli, buntings. Also woden pattins.

Calandríno, a Gold finch. Also vsed for a silly gull, or ninny hammer.

Calándrio, as Calandríno.

Calappiáre, to ensnare, or entramell.

Caláppio, a fishing cage, a snare, a gin. Also a twiggen basket, a sliding net.

Calaménto, as Cálo.

Caláre, to abate, to diminish, to welke, to stoope, to descend, to fall as the tide, to wane as the moone, to abate in price, to descend a paire of staires, to stoope from aloft, to come downe from on high, to vaile bonet, to stoope to a lure, to strike sailes, to diminish in estimation.

Calastrẻlláre, to transame.

Calastrẻllo, a transame as carpenters call it.

Calastrẻllo da sostentáre, the vpright transame in the cariage of a great piece.

Calastrẻllo dẻlla códa, the taile transame.

Calastrẻllo dẻlla frónte, the fore transame.

Calastrẻllo dẻl lẻtto, the low or flat transame.

Calástro, a kind of Nitre.

Caláta, an abating, a descending, a waning, &c. Also a falling note. Also a trap dore. Also a fit of mirth.

Caláta bẻllétta, as Cacasótto.

Calátide, a kind of tree.

Calátio, a kind of whetstone.

Calatúra, as Cálo.

Calauríta, the north pole, vrsa maior.

CAL   Calauróne, a hornet, a beetle flie.

Cálca, a presse, a throng, a thrust. Also as Bẻstrica.

Calcábile, that may be troden or trampled vpon, pressed or crouded.

Calcabrína, the name of a deuill in Dant, that is, a trampler of Gods grace vnder feet.

Calcagnáre, to strike or tread with ones heeles. Also to dodge, to wrangle, to cauill.

Calcadóre, a treader, a trampler. Also a rammer to driue the pouder home into a piece.

Calcagnería, wrangling, dodging, cogging.

Calcágno, the heele of a man.

Calcagnólo, some part about a piece. Also about a ship. I take it to be the breeching.

Calcaneáre, of or belonging to heeles.

Calcántho, a kind of vitrioll.

Calcára, a lime kill.

Calcáre, to tread, to croud, to throng, to ram in, to thrust hard, to tread vnder.

Calcáre la tẻrra, vsed for Camináre.

Calcarẻllo, a lime maker.

Calcatóio, as Calcadóre.

Calcatóre, as Calcadóre.

Calcatríce, a kind of venemous serpent. Also a she treader or rammer.

Calcatríppa, Star thistle, or Saint Barnabas thistle.

Cálce, all manner or breeches, hosen slops, or stockins. Also a kicke or wincing blow, a yerke with ones heeles. Also a vant plate of a tilting staffe or place to hold it by. Also the heele bone of ones leg. Also vnslaked lime.

Calcecúmia, as Calcímia.

Cálce d'arcobúgio, the stocke or breech of a piece.

Calcedónio, a chalcidony stone.

Calceóso, as Calcatríppa.

Calcése, the step of a mast.

Calcẻstre, any stone good to make lime.

Calcéto, an hearb growing among vines.

Calcétte, neather stockins or shinners.

Calcétti, linnen sockes. Also narrow passages.

Cálce vérgine, vnslaked lime.

Cálchi, rogues, crosse biters, vpright men.

Cálcia, any hose. Also a fish.

Calciaménto, all hosing or shooing.

Calciánte, sutable, squaring, fitting.

Calciapiéde, a shooing horne.

Calciáio, a hosier. Also a shoomaker.

Calciáre, to hose or shooe. Also to sute, to fit or square in proportion.

Calcidónio, a chalcidony stone.

Calcíde, a kind of lizard.

Calcidíca, Melilot or Chalcis.

Calcidichéne, or Sépa, a kind of lizard.

CAL   Cálcie, hosen. Also shooes.

Calciétte, as Calcétte.

Calcifrága, saxifrage, some take it also for Sampeere.

Calcímia, calcination of mettalls.

Calcína, lime. Also mortar of lime.

Calcináccio, ruble or rubbish. Also a lime pit. Also a tanners fat or pit. Also the rugged mute of a hawke.

Calcináre, to calcinate, to glaze earthen pots within. Also a burning of minerals to correct the malignitie of them. Also to morter, to lime, to loame.

Calcinatióne, a calcination or burning of minerals. Also a mortering of walles.

Calcináto, as Calcináccio. Also calcinated, mortered, loamed or glazed.

Calcinatóio, a lime-kill.

Calcína víua, vnslaked lime.

Calcinẻgli, all creatures that haue vegetation and sensibilitie.

Calcinẻlli, as Calcinétti.

Calcinétti, a kind of litle shell-fish.

Calcinóso, full of lime, limie.

Cálcio, as Cálce. Also a kind of play vsed in Spaine and Italie like vnto the play at Ballone.

Calcióni, great breeches or hosen.

Calcipotẻnte, mightie or strong in his heeles, and by consequence in kicking and wincing.

Calcistrúzzo, all manner of ruble or rubbish.

Calcíte, a stone whereof brasse is tried or the flowre of copper as whereof vitrioll is made. Also red vitrioll. Also a kind of fish.

Calcitránte, as Calcitróso.

Calcitráre, to wince, to yerke, to kicke. Also to spur or be stubborne.

Calcitróso, iadish, wincing, yerking, kickish. Also froward and stubborne.

Cálco, as Scálco.

Calcófano, as Calcophíno.

Cálcole, a weauers tredles. Also cones or knobs in hand or feete. Menáre le cálcole, to wag the tredles, that is, to iumble a wench till the bed cry giga-ioggie.

Calcophíno, a blacke stone which being striken resounds like brasse.

Calcósa, a croud, a throng or presse of people. Also a common trodden high-way.

Calculáre, to calculate, to count.

Calculatióne, a calculation.

Calculatóre, an Arithmetician.

Calculéuole, that may be calculated.

Cálculi maríni, litle pible stones by the Sea-shore.

Cálculo, a calculation or computation.

Calculósa, a kinde of very rugged and grauellous shell-fish.

Cálda, a heating or skalding. Also proud or salt as a bitch.

CAL   Caldábile, that may be warmed or heated.

Caldácci, soultry or faint heates.

Caldáia, a great Cauldron or kettle.

Caldaicaménte, after the Chaldeans fashion or language.

Caldáio, as Caldáia.

Caldalésse, hote sodden chesnuts.

Caldána, a hote burning feauer, called also the Calantura.

Caldára, as Cadáia.

Caldaráio, a brazier, a ketler. Also pot-brasse or pan-mettall.

Caldáro, as Caldáia.

Caldarẻllo, a litle heate or warmth.

Caldaríno, a litle kettle or skillet.

Caldaróne, a great cauldron or kettle.

Caldaróste, hote rosted chesnuts.

Caldaruólo, as Caldaríno.

Caldeggiáre, to giue heate vnto. Also to fauour, to countenance or backe.

Caldẻi, the Chaldeans, but taken for hote, violent, and furious people.

Caldeísmo, Chaldeisme.

Calderíre, rísco, ríto, as Calteríre.

Calderótto, a litle kettle or pan.

Calderúgio, the Gold or Thistle-finch.

Caldétta, a litle warmth or heate.

Caldéuole, as Caldábile.

Caldézza, heate, warmth, feruencie.

Caldinẻlli, a kind of meate.

Caldicciuólo, a litle temperate heate.

Caldissimaménte, most hotly or earnestly.

Cáldo, heate or warmth. Also hot, warme, feruent. Also earnest or hastfull.

Caldúme, a soultrie and faint heate.

Cále, he careth for, or taketh care.

Calẻa, as Solátro. Also dogs grease.

Calefággine, a heating, a warmth.

Calefáre, to heate, to warme, to chafe.

Calefattíuo, that hath vertue to heate.

Calefátto, heated, warmed, chafed.

Calefẻlle, as Calesẻlle.

Calẻffáre, to skoff, to iest or dallie.

Calẻffár le náui, to calke ships.

Calẻffo, a flout, a skoffe, a frumpe, a mocke.

Calegáio, a cordwainer, a shooemaker.

Calẻndário, a Calender, an Almanacke.

Calẻnde, the Calends or first day of a moneth.

Caléne, a kind of harpies.

Caléno, a kind of wine.

Calenzuólo, a gold or Thistle finch.

Calére, cáglio, cálsi, calúto, to take care or thought for, to care.

Calesẻlle, apish, minike or iugling trickes. Also a kind of paste meate. Also a kind of sport or game vsed at Shrouetide in Italie. Also certaine round balles made of baked earth very britle, which in that play they vse to cast one at another, and breake very suddenly.

CAL   Calesóni, a kind of comfets or conserues.

Cália, as Boccáta.

Caliáce, a medicine to stay the flix comming from the stomacke.

Calíbro, as Colíbro.

Cálice, a chalice or cup.

Calicetríta, Fleabane or Mulet.

Calícia, an hearbe which cast into water makes it freeze.

Calidíce, a kind of Lizard.

Calidità, heate or warmth.

Cálido, hote or warme in operation.

Calidónia, the hearbe Celandine. Also a stone or earth that Chimikes vse.

Calidónio, a wind that begins to blow when swallowes first appeare.

Calíffo, a professor or expounder of Mahomets lawes.

Caligáre, to besut, to besmoulder. Also to darken, to obscure or become suttie.

Caligáro, a cordwainer or shooemaker.

Calígere, as Caligáre.

Caligináre, as Caligáre.

Calígine, the sut of a chimney. Also pitchie darknesse or duskishnesse.

Caliginíre, nísco, níto, as Caligáre.

Caliginóso, suttie, darke, pitchie, duskie.

Calígo, as Calígine.

Calígola, a cordwainer, a shooemaker.

Caligóso, a tree that euery morning is full of mist, and distils so much water that the people and cattle of a great part of India haue no other water to drinke.


Calimána, a kind of Apple in Italie.

Caliópe, a good, cleare and pleasing voice.

Calisóni, a kind of comfets so called.

Calistẻfano, a kind of wilde Oliue tree.

Cálla, as Cálle. Also an hearbe.

Calláia, as Cálle.

Calláide, as Caláide.

Callaíne, a kind of precious stone.

Calláre, as Callíre.

Callaiuóla, a kind of fowling net that is laid flat on the ground.

Callária, the Hadocke or litle Codfish.

Calláta, a long going in one path.

Cálle, a path, a causey, a highway trode, an entry, a lane. Also a brawnie flesh or core in feete or hands. Also a habite or custome that one cannot leaue.

Cálli, a stone like a blew Zaphire.

Callibéphere, a kind of good Oysters.

Calliblephára, a defect in the eie lids.

Calliblepháro, an eye-salue.

Callícia, an hearbe so cold that it makes the water freeze whereinto it is put.

Callímo, a stone found in an Eagles stone.

Calligonóne, as Sanguinária hẻrba.

Callióne, the hearb winter cherry which is very soporiferous.


CAL   Calliónimo, a fish whose eies are in the vpper part of his head, and whose gall healeth skars of woundes.

Callíre, lísco, líto, to grow hard, brawnie or callous. Also to accustome or enure.

Calliráphio, a kind of wild beast whose backe is all speckled ouer.

Callitríca, venus-haire, maidens-haire.

Callitríchi, certaine great Apes with broad spreading beards.

Calliuóla, a narrow path or causie.

Cállo, as Cálle. Also the fastning of an oister shell, or the pith that makes the fish and shell sticke together. Also the pith, the cone, the core or tough part of any thing. Also the ball of a horsses foote.

Cállo di cinghiále, the meate Brawne.

Callosità, cauositie, hardnesse, brawnenesse.

Callóso, callous, brawnie, hard, thicke-skinned, full of cores or hard flesh.

Callóstro, the ill milke of a womans breast. Also butter milke or any soure crudded milke. Also the shrub Priuet or Primeprint.

Cálma, a calme or quiet faire weather. Also calme, quiet and still. Also a sprig, a sien, a graft, a twig.

Calmáre, to calme. Also to engraffe.

Calmázza, a kinde of Feasant-pout, some take it for a Bustard.

Calmẻi, such as speake the rogues language or pedlers French.

Cálmo, calme, quiet. Also milde, gentle and flexible.

Calmóne, gibbrish or pedlers french.

Cálo, an abatement of any thing, looke Caláre.


Calónaca, as Canónica.

Calonacáto, as Canonicáto.

Calónaco, as Canónico.

Cálo cálo, good good, very very good.

Calofónio, a certaine drug or gum.

Calónica, as Canónica.

Calonicáto, as Canonicáto.

Calónico, as Canónico.

Calónia, a chiefe chappell in a Church, a queere of a Church, the chancell of a Church.

Calónio, a fish with his scales contrarie to others, and swims against the course of the water.

Calóre, heate or warmth.

Calophánta, a man that seemeth to bee good and is naught.

Calopódio, a patten or night-slipper.

Calorífico, full of heate or warmth.

Caloríte, a greene stone which set in iron and worne about one is good against Magike and Charmes.

Caloróso, full of heate or warmth.

Calotíbo, a bird called a Woodpecker. Also a kind of verse or foote of a verse.

Calpestáre, to trample underfoote.

Calpestéuole, that may be trampled.

Calpéstio, a trampling noise. Also a path, a trode or high troden way.

Calpicciáre, to trample vnder foote.

Calpíccio, as Calpéstio.

Calpistáre, as Calpestáre.

Calpístio, as Calpéstio.

Calpitáre, as Calpestáre.

Cálta, the Mariegold or braue basinet, some take it for the Walle-flowre. Also an Autumne-violet. Also an excellent kind of apple in Italie.

Calterigióne, a swelling, a blane, a botch, a bile. Also a galing or surbating.

Calteríre, rísco, ríto, to swell to a sore. Also to gall or surbate. Also to grow Scaltríto.

Calteríto, swollen. Also raw-sore or surbated. Also as Scaltríto.

Cálto, a path or way that a land flood or torrent maketh.

Cáltula, a kind of garment mentioned by Varro.

Caluária, baldnesse. Also the head or skull of a dead bodie.

Calueggiáre, to become balde.

Caluẻllo, a kind of graine in Italie.

Caluézza, baldnesse.

Caluíre, vísco, víto, to become balde.

Caluítie, Caluítio, baldnesse.

Calugináto, fludged, feathered, dounie.

Calúgine, the first doune of birde.

Caluginóso, soft-feathered, dounie, fludged.

Calumáre la goména, to veere out the cable.

Calúnnia, a false or craftie accusation, a forged crime, a malicious surmise, cauill or detraction to slander or trouble on.

Calunniáre, falsely or maliciously to accuse and lay to ones charge.

Calunniatóre, a malicious detractor, or deceitfull accuser.

Calunnióso, false, vniust, cauillous, readie to accuse or forge false crimes, full of detraction and deceitfull interpretations.

Cáluo, balde on the head.

Calúra, heate, warmth.

Cálza, as Cálcia.

Calzaiuólo, a hosier, or a shooemaker.

Calzaménto, as Calciaménto.

Calzánte, as Calciánte.

Calza piédi, a shooing-horne.

Calzáre, as Calciáre.

Calzarétti, all manner of hose or shoes.

Calzári, hosen or shoes.

Calzaríno, a shooemaker or cordwainer.

Calzaruólo, as Calzaríno.

Calzáto, hosed or shod. Also a horse that is white-footed aboue the pasterns.

CAM   Calzatóio, a shooing-horne.

Cálze, hosen or shooes.

Calzelíne, any linnin hosen.

Cálze tiráte, neately-stretched hosen.

Calzettáro, a Hosier or Shoomaker.

Calzétti, sockes, hosen. Also pumps.

Calzéuole, that may be put on feet.

Calzoláio, a Hosier or Shoomaker.

Calzolaría, the trade of Shoomakers. Also a Shomakers shop or where shooes are sould.

Calzoménio, a kind of wine.

Calzóni, as Calcióni.

Calzoppáre, to hop, or skip, or goe a false gallop.

Calzóppo, a false gallop, skippingly.

Calzoppóne, hoppingly, skippingly.

Camacína, a kind of speare or staffe.

Camáglio, a gorget of male.

Camaiuóla, a kinde of grape in Italy.

Camáito, Camáto, a cudgell, a sticke or wand to beate clothes withall.

Camaitáre, to beat the dust out of clothes with a wand.

Camáldole, a place frequented or full of people.

Camamílla, the hearbe Cammomill.

Camangiáre, all maner of foode, prouant, meat or victuals, all houshould-foode, or sustenance.

Camári, certaine Ministers of Idolatry mentioned in 2. Kings 23. 5.

Camarína, a stinking weed prouokeing vomite.

Camarlíngo, a chamberlaine.

Camárra, a martingall for a horse.

Camárzo, a game at tables with dice.

Camatáre, as Camaitáre.

Camáto, as Camáito.

Camazálo, Cud-wort, or Cotten-weed.

Cambẻllanía, the office of a Chamberlaine.

Cambẻlláno, a Chamberlaine.

Cambétta, as Crambétta. Also a fish called in Latin Zingána.

Cambiáre, to exchange, to change.

Cambiatóre, a changer, an exchanger.

Cambiatúra, a changing, an exchanging.

Cambieuolménte, mutually, enterchangeably.

Cámbio, a change, an exchange, a stead.

Cámbio di denári, an exchange of money.

Cámbio & ricámbio, change vpon change.

Cámbio sécco, an exchange among Marchants so called, when no money but bare billes passe from one to another.

Cambrái, Cambricke-cloth.

Cambraíta, fine Lawne or Cambricke.

Cambrasía, a kind of light dart.


CAM   Cáme, a kind of Cockle or shell-fish.

Cameatáno, as Cameátta.

Cameátta, wall-wort, dane-wort or ground elder.

Camébato, Cankre or Canebrier.

Camecísso, the ground Iuie. Also Shewebread or Swine-bread, some take it for Hare-hoofe, and other some for Periwinkle or Ale-hoofe.

Cameciparísso, Lauander-cotten or ground Cipresse.

Camedáphne, the wilde or shruhby laurell, laury or ground bay. Also the Perwinkle hearbe.

Camedírio, as Camelẻa.

Camédrio, Germander, Ground-oke, Pettie-oke, or English treacle.

Camedrópe, as Camédrio.

Camegliciméride, as Cameleóni.

Cameíne, the nine Muses.

Camelẻa, Widdow-waile, or ground-Oliue. Also as Camelúca. Also a shrub which beareth the graine Gnidium whereof they make wine in Greece.

Cameleóne, a Camelion. Also a kinde of Thistle growing on sea-rockes called Chameleon.

Cameleóni, a kinde of Cockle or Muscle-fish.

Cameleónte, as Cameleóne.

Cameléuca, Ground-poplar, Coltes-hoofe, Fole-foote or Asses-foote.

Camélino, a yongue Camell. Also a kind of dainty sauce in Italy.

Camélo, Camẻllo, a Camell.

Camélo párdalo, as Nabíno.

Camélo párdo, a beast engendered betweene a Camell and a Panther.

Camelopódio, Horehound.

Camelótto, Chamblet-stuffe. Also a kind of wild sheepe in India shaped like a Camell.

Camemelóno, the hearbe Camomill.

Camemirsína, Ground-mirtle or Butchersbroome.

Camemirsinéno, Oyle made of that mirtle.

Caméne, the nine Muses, or a Poeticall song.

Caméo, any white, raised, or imaginary stone-worke vpon a blacke ground, namely as some rich gates be.

Camepelóride, as Cameleóni.

Camepéuce, Ground-pine or Pitchtree.

Cameplatáno, the dwarfe plane-tree.

Camepítio, as Camélea. Also a kinde of Ground-frankinsence. Also the wild Pine-tree.

Cámera, any Chamber or Lodging.

Cámera da lẻtto, a bed-chamber.

Cámera di presénza, a Chamber of presence.

Cámera di ritiráta, a with-drawing Chamber.

CAM   Cámera priuáta, a Priuy Chamber.

Cameráio, a Chamberlaine. Also a Chambrer. Also a Chamber-fellow.

Camerále, of or pertaining to a Chamber. Also a Groome of a Chamber.

Cámera locánda, a hiring Chamber.

Cameráre, to chamber, to lodge.

Camerário, as Cameráio.

Cámera secréta, a Priuy-chamber.

Cameráta, a chamber full, a camerada, a society in a chamber. Also a tire of Ordinance.

Cameráta per Cameráta, tire by tire.

Camerẻlle, little Chambers. Also little holes, flawes or hony combes in peeces of Ordinance.

Camerétta, a little chamber.

Cámere viatórie, remoouing or progresse chambers such as Nero vsed in his trauels.

Cameriẻra, a chamber-maide, a chambrer.

Cameriére, a groome of a chamber.

Camerína, a little chamber. Also a kind of apple.

Cameríno, a little closet, or chamber.

Camerlengáto, the office of a Chamberlaine.

Camerlenghería, a Chamberlaineship. Also the Exchecker of a Prince.

Camerléngo, a Chamberlaine. Also vsed for a Princes Auditour.

Camerópe, a kind of Date-tree with very broad leaues. Also an hearbe very medicinable.

Camerótto, a withdrawing chamber.

Camerótto da dẻstro, a chamber for a closse-stoole.

Camerúccia, a poore meane Chamber.

Camescíce, a kinde of hearbe or weede.

Camesíca, Ground-figge-tree.

Camẻstre, the second moode of the second figure of Syllogismes.

Camétrachẻa, as Cameleóni.

Camezelóne, the hearbe Cinquefoly.

Cámia, a kinde of fish.

Camíce, a surples or Priests vpper robe.

Camícia, as Camisáia.

Camiciára, as Camisciára.

Camiciáta, as Camisciáta.

Camicióne, as Camiscióne.

Camiciótto, as Camisciótto.

Camiciuóla, as Camisciuóla.

Caminábile, that may be gone or walked.

Caminánte, going, marching, wandering. Also a wanderer or way-faring man.

Camináre, to goe, to march, to wander, to trauell, to waie-fare, to walke.

Camináre paési, to trauell countries.

Camináta, a walking, a marching. Also a great chamber or dining hall vpon the ground. Also a chimny, or chimnie-peece.

CAM   Caminiáne, a kinde of Oliues.

Camíno, a high-way, a path, a trode, a street. Also a chimny.

Camíscia, a shirt, a smocke. Also a surples. Also a Porters frocke.

Camíscia di fábrica, a skirt or enclosure of any building.

Camisciára, a maker of shirtes and smockes.

Camisciáre, to shirt, or to smocke.

Camíscia stampáta, vsed for a wrought shirt.

Camisciáta, a Camisado, which is a secret attempt in time of warre with shirtes ouer the souldiers armour.

Camíscio, as Camíscia. Also a waste-coate.

Camiscióne, a Porters frocke or body-coate.

Camisciótta, as Camiscióne.

Camisciuóla, a little shirte or waste-coate.

Cammarúgie, a kinde of creuises or praunes.

Cammáro, a Lobster or Crab-fish.

Cammaróne, an hearbe whose roote is like a crabfish.

Cammẻo, as Camẻo.

Cámmera, as Cámera.

Cámmere viatórie. Looke Cámere.

Cammúcca, as Camúca.

Cámo, a bridle, a snaffle.

Camóccia, a Chamoy or wilde Goate.

Camoccína, Chamoye-skin.

Camomílla, the hearbe Cammomill.

Camórra, an Irish rugge or mantle, a Mariners frocke.

Camórro, a murne, a pose, a cold.

Camoscẻllo, a kinde of Buffin or such stuffe.

Camóscio, a kinde of stuffe worne in Italie.

Campácchio, a kinde of great basket to carry haye or fodder in vpon mens shoulders.

Campále, of or pertaining to fields.

Campágna, a field or a champaine.

Campágna rása, an open field, a razed plaine.

Campagníno, any little field. Also a man dwelling in any champion countrie.

Campagnuóli, a kind of dainty Mushromes.

Campána, a bell. Also a couer of Limbike. Also a bell-flowre, or kinde of rose.

Campána a martẻllo, to ring the belles backeward, or with stones and hammers, as they doe in Italy in dangerous times.

Campána azzurrẻa, blew-birde-weed.

Campanáio, a bell-ringer, a sexton of a Church. Also a bel-founder.


CAM   Campanaría, a iangling of belles.

Campanáti, a kinde of wilde ducke or wigin.

Campáne, a kinde of long Peares.

Campaneggiaménti, ianglings of belles.

Campaneggiáre, to iangle or ring belles.

Campanẻlla, a beautious flowre fashioned as a bell. Also any little bell. Also a couer for a Limbecke or Still.

Campanẻlle, Binde-weed. Also a Vine-fretter or the diuels gold-ring.

Campanẻllo, a camponell or roule in the mouth of the bit of a horse in form of a bell.

Campanẻllo con tímpano a vólta, is when the broad end of the campanell is compasse like a Cannon-mouth.

Campanẻllo con tímpano piáno, is when the broad end of the campanel is flat and plaine.

Campaníle, a steeple or belfrey.

Campaníliter, vsed by Giouius for lurkingly or loitringly as vnder the priuiledge of a steeple as idle Churchmen and Iesuites doe.

Campaníno, a little bell.

Campáno, bell-mettle.

Campanúccio, a meane bell. Also a ring of belles in a steeple.

Campáre, to escape. Also as Campeggiáre. Also the weed Sampier.

Campatẻllo, any little field or campe.

Campeggiáre, to encampe, to beleagre or lie in the field with an army of men. Also to dwell among or frequent the fields. Also to sute, or square with, to become well and seemly as any faine cocke vpon or in any field, shield, or banner.

Campẻstre, of or pertaining to the fields. Also a kind of hawke.

Campẻstri, a kind of garment mentioned by Horace.

Campicẻllo, a little field.

Campidóglio, the Capitoll in Rome.

Campignáre, to make merry, to be frolike, to reuell, to fall out in drinking.

Campimẻtra, a measurer or suruaier of fields or lands.

Campimetría, measuring of fields or lands.

Campióne, a champion, a strong man. Also a Knight, a protector, a defender.

Campioneggiáre, to play the champion.

Campíre vn'árma, to place any armes vpon his right field.

Cámpo, a field. Also a campe or hoste of men. Also a field in armory. Also an escape. Also by a metaphor, an occasion or faire meanes and skope to doe any thing.

Cámpo angoláre, party per saltier in armory.

CAN   Cámpo dẻlla náue, the maine decke or ourelope in a ship.

Camporéccio, that growes in the fields. Also faire and seasonable for the fields.

Campóra, all manner of fields.

Camúca, a kind of wollen and silken stuffe.

Camuffáre, to filch or steale craftily, namely at play. Also to packe the cards craftily. Also to deale roughly with one. Also to reuell, to riot, to swagger. Also to put one out of countenance. Also to smooth hewen stones, to polish.

Camúffo, a man out of countenance, hauing lost his speech for shame, one that is craftily ouer reached and then laught at by others.

Camuffóne, a crafty filcher or subtile theefe in play or gaming, a cunning cheater.

Camúrra, as Camórra.

Camusíno, a little flat nose. Also a little dog with a flat nose.

Camúso, flat, or squat nosed.

Camussáti, a kind of worke in gold rings.

Camuzzóne, a kind of racke or torture to make one confesse.

Cán', Cáne, looke Cáne.

Canáglia, raskaly people only fit for dogs company.

Canagliáccia, as Canáglia.

Canáia, a cellar or a buttery.

Canáio, a butler. Also a clarke of a kitchin.

Canaláno, a gray hound, a harrier.

Canále, a channell, a gutter, a water pipe.

Canalétto, a little channell or gutter.

Canalício, the first gold ore that is digged out of pits or mines.

Canaliẻnse, as Canalício.

Cánapa, all manner of hempe.

Canapáccia, course canuase, or hempe.

Canapáccio, hempen hurds, or canuase.

Canapáro, one that sells hempe.

Cánape, hempe. Also a hempen halter.

Canapétto, a little hempen rope. Also a hempe field.

Canápolo, a bough or a branch. Also a hempen stalke.

Canapóso, hempy, full of hempe.

Canária, hound grasse. Also the little bur.

Canárij, a kind of people so called because they feed on dogs. Also Canarians.

Canaríno, a Canary bird or man.

Canário, a sacrifice of a red dog, vsed of ancient to pacifie the dog star.

Canarúccio dẻlla góla, the gullet of the throate.

Canáta, a fence made of canes or reeds.

CAN   Canatéro, a master or keeper of dogs.

Cánaua, a cellar or a buttery.

Canauáccio, as Canapáccio.

Canauáro, a butler or cellar keeper.

Cancámo, a gum like mirrhe brought out of Arabia.

Cáncani dẻll'úscio, the hinges of a dore.

Cancaríre, rísco, ríto, to cankre, to rankle, to fester.

Cancaríto, cankred, rankled, festred.

Cáncaro, a cankre. Also the Crab star. Also a sea crab. Also an interiection of deniall. Also a curse that the Italians vse to wish to one.

Cancaróso, full of cankre or festring.

Cancegliére, a Chancellor.

Cancẻllaménto, a cancelling, an abolishing. Also a shutting in with any grates of iron as prisons.

Cancẻlláre, to cancell, to abolish. Also to shut or enclose with any grates of iron or hundles of wood.

Cancellaría, a Chancery.

Cancellerésca, of or belonging to the Chancery. Also a chancery hand.

Cancelliére, a chancellor.

Cancẻllo, a writing deske. Also a cacement for a window. Also a lettise or grate before a dore. Also a prying hole, or iron grate before prisons or windowes.

Cancẻllo dẻlla póppa, the niple of ones brest or dug.

Canceróso, cancrous or cankred.

Cánchero, as Cáncaro.

Cancheríno, cancrous, cancred, festered. Also a cancrous deuouring fellow.

Cancheríre, rísco, ríto, as Cancaríre.

Cancheróso, as Cancaróso.

Canchíni, a shrub bearing a certaine gummy and rosinous fruit.

Canchíri, as Canchíni.

Cánciola, as Cáncaro, Cánciola ti násca, as we say a pox come to you.

Cancórso, a gray hound, a fleet dog.

Cancréna, as Gangréna.

Cancrenáre, to grow to a Gangrena.

Cancríno, borne vnder Cancer. Also of a cancerous nature.

Cáncro, as Cáncaro.

Cancróso, as Cancaróso.

Candárie, certaine signes or caracters vsed in negromancy.

Candéla, a candle, or light.

Candelábro, a candlesticke.

Candeláia, Candlemasse day.

Candeláio, idem. Also a chandler.

Candelára, Candlemasse day.

Candelaría, a chandery.

Candelétte, little or small candles.

Candeliére, a candlesticke.

Candelóra, Candlemasse day.

Candelósa, Candlemasse day.

Candelótti, droppings of candles.

Candelótti di ghiáccio, ise sickles.


CAN   Candẻnte, shining, bright, or white.

Candẻnza, brightnesse, shining whitenesse.

Cándere, cándo, candéi, candúto, to shine bright or white.

Cándida, the milke way in heauen.

Candidáre, to whiten, to candy.

Candidáto, whitened, blanched, candied. Also clothed in white. Also one that stands for an office and is likely to speed.

Candidétta máno, a fine lilly white hand.

Candidézza, whitenesse, purity.

Candidità, idem.

Cándido, white, pure, vnspotted.

Candílo, a kind of waight in Goa.

Candiótto, Candian cheese. Also one borne in Candia.

Canditáre, to candy with hard sugar.

Cándido zúccaro, sugar candy.

Candóre, whitenesse, purity.

Cáne, any kind of dog in generall. Also an instrument to pull out teeth. Also a snaphance. Also a dog fish. Also an iron crowe to stay any thing. Also in the Tartarian tongue an Emperor or absolute Monarke.

Cáne aláno, a gray hound, a harrier.

Cáne bótolo, a cur, a shepheards dog, but properly any little dog.

Cáne da pagliáro, a tie dog.

Cáne da rázza, a breeding dog.

Cáne da réte, a setting dog, a spaniell.

Cáne da vccẻllo, a faulkeners spaniell.

Cáne di gabbatẻlle, a tumbling dog.

Cáne & lúpo, cocke shute, twy light, as when a dog can not be discerned from a woolfe.

Cáne leuriére, a gray hound, a harrier.

Cáne maggióre, the name of the great Canicula.

Cáne maríno, a sea dog, a hound fish.

Cáne minóre, as Canícula.

Cáne molósso, a mastiue or beare dog.

Cáne segúgio, a blood hound, or setting dog.

Cáne Sirio, as Cáne maggióre.

Cáne sparauiére, as Can sparauiére.

Cáne villaréccio, a filthy cur that is no mans in particular but the whole townes.

Caneggiáre, to be currish or play the dog.

Canẻlla, as Cannẻlla.

Canẻlláre, to cinamond.

Canẻlláto, as Cannẻlláto.

Cánepa, as Cánapa.

Canestráio, a basket maker.

Canestráre, to put vp in a basket.

Canẻstríno, a little hand basket.

Canẻstro, a hand or close-basket of wicker.

Canẻstróne, a great basket of wicker.

Canẻstrúccio, a litle hand basket.

Canéto, as Cannétto.

Canétto, a litle dog or whelpe.

Cáneua, a cellar or butterie.

CAN   Caneuáccio, sackcloth or canuase.

Caneuáro, as Canouáro.

Caneuẻlla, the ankle of ones leg.

Cáneuo, hempe. Also a hempen halter.

Caneuóso, hempie, full of hempe.

Cánfora, Camphire. Also a kind of tree or the wood thereof.

Canfórchio, a narrow lane, a straite alley.

Cánga, a measure in China containing fiue of our ells.

Cangiaménto, a changing, a change.

Cangiánte, changeable.

Cangiáre, to change, to exchange.

Cangiatóre, a changer, an exchanger.

Cangiatúra, as Cangiaménto.

Cánia, an hearbe that stingeth very sore.

Caniáro, a Canarie bird.

Caníbale, a Caniball or feeder on mans raw flesh.

Canibẻllo, a kestrell.

Canicída, a dog-killer.

Canicídio, dog-slaughter.

Canícula, the dog starre. Also a Sea-dog or houndfish, or dogfish.

Canície, hoarinesse, whitenesse.

Caniculáre, caniculare, doggish.

Caníglia, a litle cane. Also gold or siluer purle. Also bran or course bread.

Caníle, a dogs-kennell.

Caninaménte, doggedly, currishly.

Caníno, a litle dog. Also Houndgrasse. Also a worme breeding in a horse as Corcaiuólo. Also a Sea hedge-hog or vrchin. Also currish, dogged, of a dogs nature.

Cánna, any cane or reede. Also an angling or fishing rod. Also the bore or concauitie of a piece. Also a pipe or gullet to conuey water. Also a flute, a pipe or a recorder. Also a mans throat or vzell pipe. Also a kind of long barrilet. Also the measure called an ell or longyard. Also a fish called in Latin Orcynus.

Cánna d'un pẻzzo, the barrell, the bore or concauitie of a piece.

Cánna odorósa, sweete Calamus.

Cannáca, a Lamprey fish. Also a carcanet, a border or billement of gold.

Cannácca, as Cannáca.

Cannafóglio, a cane, a reede, or a sedge.

Cannafóssa, a gutter or sluce to draine water. Also a toole to let blood.

Cannagóla, a single yoke about a cowes necke to keepe it out of hedges.

Cannalétto, a litle channell or gutter.

Cannamẻlla, a sugar-cane. Also a kind of musicall pipe or recorder.

Cánnapa, any kinde of hempe. Also a halter.

CAN   Cannára, a bin or great bread-basket.

Cannaríccia, a place where reedes or canes or sedges grow. Also gluttonie.

Cannaróla, a Linnet-bird.

Cannaróne, a glutton, a gourmand.

Cannarúto, one well throated.

Cannáta, an enclosure or fence of canes.

Cánna vána, a hollow cane or reed. Also a witlesse fellow, a shallow paté. Also an old fellow that hath no mettall to his scourging sticke.

Cannẻlla, a little cane, reede or pipe. Also a flute or recorder. Also a tap or spiggot. Also the arme-bone of a man. Also the spice Cinnamond.

Cannẻlláta, a kind of Cinnamond meat.

Cannẻlláto, wrough hollow or champred as a reede.

Cannẻlle, as Córli, or Corlóni.

Cannẻlli dẻlle gámbe, as Cánnoli.

Cannẻllíni, Cinamond long confets.

Cannẻllo postrémo, the chiefe bone in the rump of a horse. Also a weauers shutle.

Cannéto, a thicket or plot of canes.

Cannétta, any litle cane, reede, or pipe, or gullet. Also a tobacco-pipe. Also as Cunétta.

Canneuáccio, canuase or sack-cloth.

Cánneuo, hempe, or a hempen halter.

Canníccij, bundles of canes or reedes.

Cánnoli, the bones of either leg between the knee and the pasterne of a horse.

Cannonáre, to beate or batter with Canon.

Cannonáro, a caster or founder of ordinance.

Cannonáta, a Cannon-shot.

Cannóne, any Cannon, a double Canon, a Cannon royall. Also the barrell, the bore or the concauitie of any piece. Also any conduit pipe or gutter. Also a Cannon, a rule or a law. Also a cannon of a horses bit. Also a kind of long wafers.

Cannóne bastárdo, a bastard Cannon.

Cannóne dóppio, a double Cannon, a Cannon royall, which must be eight inches in height or vpward.

Cannóne petriére, a Cannon-perier to shoot stone bullets, about eight inches in height.

Cannóne rinforzáto, a double Cannon or Cannon royall.

Cannóne sémplice, a single Cannon.

Cannóne sottíle, a single Cannon.

Cannonícchi, a kinde of long shell-fish.

Cannoniéra, the place where a Cannon is placed, vpon a bullwarke. Also a spike or loope-hole to shoot out at.

Cannoniére, a gunner, a Cannonier.

Cannotíglio, purled twist of gold or siluer much vsed in embroyderies.

Cannúccia, a little reede, sedge or cane. Also a little angling rod.


CAN   Cannucciáta, a thicket or place of canes or reedes. Also a fence or hedge of reedes or canes.

Cannuóle dẻlle gámbe, the ancles of ones legges.

Cánoa, a cellar, a buttery, a vault.

Canóa, an Indian boate of one peece.

Canoáro, as Canouáro.

Canodẻllo, a kinde of needle fish.

Cánola, a spiggot for a runnlet.

Canóne, as Cannóne.

Canónica, a Cannons or religious house.

Canonicáre, to make one a Canon.

Canonicáto, a Canonship.

Canonicatióne, a Canonizing.

Canonichéssa, a religious woman or Nunne.

Canonichíssimo, most Canonicall or authenticall.

Canónico, a Canon. Also Canonicall.

Canonizzábile, that may be Canonized.

Canonizzáre, to canonize.

Canonizzatióne, a canonizing.

Cánopa, a distaffe full of hempe or flaxe.

Cánopo, hempe. Also a digger or worker about Mines or minerels. Also a goodly, a great and bright starre about the Antarticke pole.

Canóro, shrill, loud, resounding.

Canorità, shrilnesse, loudnesse.

Cánoua, a cellar, a vault, a buttery. Vsed also for a store of munition.

Canóuaro, a yeoman of a cellar.

Canouático, cellerage, buttelrage.

Cánouo, hempe. Also a hemping halter.

Cansáre, to auoide by going a slope, aside, or by giuing place, to slip or goe out of sight. Also to deuide or cleaue assunder. Also to cancell or blot out.

Cansatióne, an auoiding by going aside.

Canséuole, that may be avoided sideling.

Cánso, auoided by going a side. Also cancelled or blotted out.

Cán sparauiére, a falkeners spaniell.

Cantábile, that may be sung.

Cantabríca, a kind of wilde gillofre.

Cantabríga, as Cantabríca.

Cantacchiáre, to sing foolishly.

Contafáuole, a mountibanke, or singer of fables. Also a kinde of quaffing glasse. Also lying fables or faigned tales.

Cantafóle, as Cantafáuole.

Cantáio, as Parétolo.

Cántara, as Cántharo.

Cantáre, to sing, to chante. Also to chirp as a bird, to crow as a Cocke.

Cantarẻlla, the treble string or minikin of an instrument. Also the flies Cantharides. Also a yongue frog. Also a kinde of call or pipe to call birds to the net.

CAN   Cantáride, the Cantharides or French-greene flies.

Cantarẻlle, Cantarides flies.

Cantaríni, such as sing three mens songs.

Cantaríno, a singer. Also looke Oro Cantaríno.

Cantáro, as Cántharo.

Cántaro, as Cántharo.

Cántaro fórfori, a kintall weight.

Cántaro zerói, idem.

Cantatíuo, that may be sung or chaunted.

Cantatóre, a singer, a chanter.

Cantatrìce, a chantres or woman singer.

Cantepoláre, to sing at ones window. Also to keepe a filthy singing.

Cantefóla, the cackeling of a hen.

Canterẻlla, as Cantarẻlla.

Canterẻlle, as Cantarẻlle.

Cantería, a chantery or singing place.

Canteríno, as Cantaríno.

Cantẻrio, a vine laide vpon a single range in one direct line.

Cántero, as Cánthero.

Cantharíde, a Beetle-ston.

Cántharo, a fish of a chasnut colour endewed with great chastity as the turtle is, and hauing a most vnsauory taste. Also a beast whereof there is no female. Also a blacke beetle or hornet. Also a kinde of boate. Also a ring or hammer to knocke at a dore. Also a kintall waight being about a hundred waight & in some places, much more. Also a great iug or tankard. Also a close-stoole pan. Also a knob or bunch growing vnder the tongue of some Oxen and cowes.

Cantheríto, a kinde of wine.

Cánthoro, as Cántharo.

Canthóro, a woodden goddet or tankard. Also a kinde of dorfish.

Cántica, a canticle.

Cantiẻre, a chanter. Also a toole with a vice or skrew in it that ioyners vse.

Cantiléna, a ballad, a flimflam tale.

Cantilenáre, to sing flimflam tales.

Cantína, a cellar, a buttery.

Cantináro, a yeoman of a cellar.

Cantinático, cellerage, butlerage.

Cantinbánco, a mount banke.

Cantinẻlla, a litle cellar. Also a flaw or honicombe in any cast piece of ordinance. Also a long thin square, or ruler made like a lath. Also a thin lath.

Cantíri, great and long pieces of timber about buildings.

Cánto, a song, a sonnet, a canto. Also the treble string of an instrument. Also a side or a corner.

Cánto figuráto, a set song.

CAN   Cantonáli, certaine pieces of timber about building, namely of a ship.

Cantonáre, to canton, to corner, to coyne. Also to conicatch and giue one the slip at a corner.

Cantonáta, any corner, or cornering. Also a slip or knauish part as it were committed in some corner, as we say. Also Iack Droms entertainment.

Cantonáto, nooked, cornered, coyned, cantoned. Also conicatcht.

Cantoncíno, a litle corner or nooke.

Cantóne, a corner, a nooke, an angle, a coyne, a canton.

Cantoniéra, a cozening whore.

Cantoniére, a conicatcher, an affronter.

Cantoniéri, as Cantíri.

Cantóre, a chanter, a singer.

Cantúccio, a litle corner or nooke.

Canúdo, a fish called in Latin Alphestus.

Canuólo, the quill of a spinning wheele. Also a bobin to wind silke vpon.

Canutáre, to grow hoarie white.

Canutíre, tísco, títo, as Canutáre.

Canúto, hoarie-white.

Canutézza, hoarinesse.

Canzẻllaría, a Chancerie.

Canzẻlliére, a Chancellor.

Canzóna, as Canzóne.

Canzonáre, to sing songs or canzonets. Also to make or write songs or sonnets.

Canzóne, a song, a canzonet, a dittie.

Canzonétta, a canzonet or dittie.

Canzoniẻre, a maker or singer of songs. Also a booke of songs or sonnets.

o martíno, some part of a ship.

o, vsed in Lombardie for Cápo.

Cáos, Caósse, the vniuersall Cahos, that is to say a confusion of things.

Caósi, a kind of rauenous Sea-foule.

Caostẻlli, a kind of fish.

Cápa, a blacke hairie wild beast, bigger than an Asse breading in India.

Capábile, capable.

Capabilità, capablenesse, capacitie.

Capáce, capable, ample, large, able to receiue or containe.

Capacità, capacitie, amplenesse, ablenesse to receiue or containe.

Capále, a gorget. Also a skull.

Capanẻlla, a little cottage or cabin, or bully or cell. Also a houell of bushes.

Capanẻllo, a stake whereat malefactors be tide to be burnt.

Capanétto, as Capanẻlla. Also a kind of call or pipe to call or catch birdes.

Capáno, a shepheards frocke or cloke.

Capanótto, as Capáno.

Capánna, a cottage, a bully, a cabin.

Capanúccia, vsed for Catásta.

Capanúccia, as Capanẻlla.

Capannúccio, a graue or tombe, or a monument for the dead. Also a great fire wherein dead bodies were wont to be burnt, a funerall fire. Also a little [81] steeple or spire.

CAP   Capárbio, froward, wilfull, obstinate.

Caparbíre, bísco, bíto, to grow obstinate.

Caparbità, frowardnesse, stubbornnesse, teastinesse, obstinacy.

Capáre, to lay hold or seaze vpon.

Capárra, an earnest penny.

Caparráre, to giue or leaue earnest in hand.

Caparróne, an ape, a monkie, a pug. Also a gull, a ninny, a mome, a sot.

Capassóne, a iolt head, or loggar head.

Cápe, it containeth or is capable of.

Capécchio, course hurds of hemp, of toe, or flax. Also a hempen halter.

Capeccína, that part of a yoke that goes about the necke.

Capéccio, as Capécchio.

Capéccióne, as Cauezzána.

Capédine, a kind of iug or pot with eares vsed in sacrifices.

Capégli, Capélli, haires.

Capéi, as Capélli.

Capẻlla, a chappell or little Church, looke Fáre capẻlláccio.

Capẻlláccio, a filthy great broad hat.

Capẻllanía, a chaplaineship.

Capẻlláno, a chaplaine.

Capẻlláre, to hat, to hood, to bonnet.

Capẻllétta, a little chappell, a chappell of ease.

Capẻllétto, a chaplet, a little hat. Also a hawkes hood. Also the labell of a letter. Also the huske of any fruit that is not altogether close as of a hazell nut. Also a little tuffe vpon a peacocks head. Also a disease about a horses knee.

Capélli, all manner of haires. Also hats.

Capélli bióndi, golden, or bright haires.

Capélli di vénere, Maidens haire, Venus haire or our ladies haire.

Capélli créspi, curled, frizled or crisped haires.

Capélli inannelláti, idem.

Capélli rícci, idem.

Capelliéra, the whole dressing of a womans head. Also a peruke.

Capẻllína, a little chappell, a chappell of ease. Also a bush or tuffe of haire before. Also a little hat or quoife that women vse to weare in their houses in Italy. Also a kind of larke with a bush or tuffe on his head. Also the foreskin of a mans priuities.

Capẻllo, a hat, a hood. Also the dignity or badge of a Cardinall. Also a hawkes hood. Also a couer of a still or limbecke. Also a checke, a tant, a rating or rebuke giuen by one in authority. Fáre vn capẻllo ad vno, to giue one a checke or rebuke. Also as Boccáta.

Capẻllo di fẻrro, an iron skull, a murion, a steele cap, a head piece, a helmet.

CAP   Capẻllúta, as Capẻllína.

Capẻllúto, hatted.

Capellúto, haired.

Capeluénere, as Capélli di vénere.

Cápere, Cápio, Capéi, Capúto, as Capíre.

Caperóne, as Capróne.

Caperúcci, the cape of a Spanish cloke.

Capestrággine, knauish condition.

Capestráre, to tie with a halter.

Capestraríe, villenies or gallows trickes.

Capestratúra prima, first haltring of a colt when he is first taken vp.

Capestratúre, hurts or galls in horses legs.

Capestrẻllo, a knauish lad, a slie wag, a haltersacke, a waghalter.

Capéstro, a rope, a halter, a headstall. Also a wag, a haltersacke. Also a shoo-makers strap.

Capéuole, as Capáce.

Capézza, as Cauézza.

Capezzále, a bolster for a bed.

Capézza di móro, cole blacke, morish.

Capézzoli, the niples or teats of sucking dugs. Also stems or stalkes of any fruit.

Capherágo, a kind of venemous serpent.

Capíde, a kind of measure in Persia.

Capidiéci, a chiefe magistrate in Venice.

Capídio, a hurlepoole or great whale.

Capidólio, as Capídio.

Capifóglio, the woodbine bearing the hony suckle.

Capifósso, as Caponégro.

Capifuóchi, andirons, brandirons, rangers or rackes for a chimney.

Capifuóri, as Capifuóchi.

Capigliáre, to dresse, to tresse, to plait, to curle, to crispe or tie vp haires.

Capigliáta, the forelocke of a mans or womans haire. Also hairy.

Capigliatúra, all the haires of ones head. Also the whole dressing of a womans head.

Capigliúto, very hairy.

Capilláre, the name of a veine in any body. Also as Capélli di vénere.

Capilláto, that is very hairy.

Capillatúra, as Capigliatúra.

Capiluénere, as Capélli di vénere.

Capimástro, a chiefe master, a suruaier or controuler of others.

Capinéro, the bird Figpecker.

Cápio, the sliding of a knot.

Capíra, a certaine Persian garment.

Capíre, písco, píto, to containe or be capable of, to conceiue.

Capirománte, a deuiner by looking glasses.

Capiromantía, diuination by looking glasses.

Capiróta, a kind of dainty meat.

Capirotáta, as Capiróta.

Capistótico, the staggers of a horse.

CAP   Capitále, capitall, chiefe, principall. Also a mans wealth, goods or stocke. Also deadly.

Capitalità, chiefnesse, capitality.

Capíta, a containing or capacity.

Capitána, an admirall ship of a fleet.

Capitanánza, as Capitanáto.

Capitanáre, to command as a captaine, to gouerne a fort or place, or companie.

Capitanáto, the place of dignitie of a Captaine, a Captaineship. Also gouerned.

Capitanéssa, a woman leader or Captaine.

Capitanería, a captainry or gouernment by Captaines.

Capitáno, a Captaine, a Chiefetaine.

Capitáre, to grow to a head. Also to come, to fall vpon or light to a place by chance.

Capitár mále, to come to some ill or misfortune, to come to an ill end.

Capitáto, headed. Also hapned to a place by chance. Also a kinde of great headed Onion or leeke.

Cápite, a kind of white stone.

Capitẻllo, the head of any pillar, a little chapter or head. Also frets or knobs in any worke. Also the niple of a womans breast. Also lie to wash and skoure with.

Capitoláre, to capitulate, to couenant.

Capitolári negótij, affaires of a chapter house.

Capitolarménte, capitularly, from point to point.

Capitolatióne, a capitulation, a couenant.

Capitoléssa, a long tale or legend or chapter but taken in ill part.

Capitólio, the Capitoll in Rome.

Capítolo, a chapter. Also a Conuocation-house or meeting place of any society.

Capitómolo, a tumbling downe or tricke.

Capitóne, course sleaue-silke. Also a fish called a cur, a gull, a bulshead or millars thumb.

Capitóni, as Capifuóchi.

Capitónzo, an Item with a great letter, or beginning of a chapter.

Capitórza, a bird called a wrynecke.

Capitóso, testie, obstinate, wilfull, heady, stuborne, hare-brainde, stiffnecked.

Capituláre, as Capitoláre.

Capitulatióne, as Capitolatióne.

Capítulo, as Capítolo.

Capitudinário, chiefe or one of a chiefe faction, a Master or Warden of a companie.

Capitúdine, a chiefe company or faction aboue others, as the companies of [82] London.

CAP   Capitúto, a logger-head, a iolt-lead. Also anything hauing a bighead.

Capníte, a kind of precious stone.

Cápno, Hens-feet, which some take for Fumiterry.

Capnománte, a deuiner by smokes and fumes.

Capnomantía, diuination by obseruing smokes and fumes.

Cápo, a head, a pate, a nole, a skonce. Also a chiefe ouer others. Also a cloue of garlike. Also an end or beginning. Also a Cape of any land, a but or point of land. Also the naue of a wheele. Also a fish called a Cur, a bulhead, a gull or a millers-thumb.

Cápo a máre, a Cape or Promontorie into the Sea.

Capocáccia, a chiefe or master hunter.

Capócchia, the foreskin or prepuce.

Capocchiería, foolishnesse, doltishnesse.

Capócchio, a shallow skonce, a logger-head.

Capóccio, as Capócchio.

Capocẻrro, the staggers in any beast.

Cápo d'ácqua, a well-spring or head of water.

Cápo d'ángolo, a chiefe corner stone.

Cápo d'ánno, the yeeres end.

Cápo dẻl dragóne, the name of a starre called the Dragons head.

Cápo di contráda, an alderman or headborough-master.

Cápo di córda, a ropes end, a cables end. Also a sliding knot.

Cápo diéci, a chiefe or commander of ten.

Cápo di goména, a cables end.

Cápo di gróssa, a coyle of great cable.

Cápo di látte, the creame of milke.

Cápo di squádra, a ring-leader or chiefe.

Cápo di vẻnto, a stiffe or chiefe gale of winde.

Cápo frónte, the forefront of a horse.

Capofuóchi, as Capifuóchi.

Cápo gátto, a kind of foule euill or falling sicknesse in a horse, some say it is a swelling ouer all the horses head possessing the eyes, the throat, and other parts, so that for the time hee can receiue no foode.

Capogírli, a giddinesse in the head, qualmes ouer the stomacke. Also fantasticall, suddaine or humorous fancies.

Capogirlóso, full of suddaine toyes, gadding humors, or giddinesse in the head.

Cápo grósso, a grout-head, a logarhead.

Capolẻtto, a testerne, a canopie or head of a bed. Also all furnitures belonging either to a bed or a bedchamber.

CAP   Capolíno, a little head or pate.

Capoleuáre, to lift vp the head, to stand without blushing. Also to turne vpside downe.

Capoléuo, with the head aloft, without blushing. Also as Cápo vólto.

Cápolo, some part about a plough.

Capománno, a chiefe man, a Bourgamaster.

Capomástro, a chiefe or head master.

Caponára, a coope or pen for capons.

Caponáre, to capon, to gueld.

Caponáto, caponed, guelded. Also a Poultrer.

Caponcẻllo, a caponet, a yong capon.

Capóne, a Capon. Also one that is guelded. Also a kind of shell-fish.

Caponégro, a titmouse or oxe-eye.

Caponéra, as Caponára.

Capopárte, a chiefe or head of a faction.

Caporále, a Corporall of a band of men, a Chieftaine, a principall, a head or guide to others.

Caporióne, a Marshall of a campe, a Corporall of the field. Also a Sherife or Iealour.

Capotíglio, a spanish cloke with a litle hood.

Capotórto, a bird called a Wrinecke.

Capótto, as Cappótto.

Capostórno, the staggers in any beast.

Capovólto, topsieturuie, turned vpside downe.

Cáppa, a Cape-cloke, a Spanish cloke. Also a Priests-coape. Also a kind of vaile that women weare about their necks in Italie. Also a pile, or canton in armorie. Also any kind of long or round shell fish.

Cappacciólo, a kind of dressing of meat so called in Italie.

Cáppa di camíno, the lower hole of a chimney.

Cappadóce, a kind of cabage lectuce.

Cappadócia, blossoms of Iuiube tree.

Cappanẻlla, a rout or crue of people.

Cappanẻlli, a kind of fetters, giues, or shackles for prisoners.

Cappáre, to cape, to coape, to cloke or hood. Also giue or leaue earnest in hand for any bargaine. Also to chuse or traine vp men. Also to snatch vp any thing.

Cáppari, the shrub bearing caper. Also the capers themselues. Also an Aduerbe importing take heed because the capers growing in Egypt are very venemous and dangerous where they touch, and therefore to be fled.

Capparisonáre, to trap or caparison a horse.

Capparisóne, a caparison.

Capparócchiole, a kind of great cockles or Scalops.

Capparóle, a kind of little cockles or winkles.

CAP   Capparóne, as Capperóne.

Capparúccia, an old, torne, ragged cloke or fishers frocke, or garbardine.

Capparúccio, as Capúccio. Also a cape of a Spanish cloke.

Cáppa speláta, a thrid-bare cloke.

Cappáti, cloked, caped, or hoodded. Also chosen or gaged men for any action.

Cáppe, capes, coapes, Spanish clokes. Also all manner of cockles, scallops, winkles or muscles.

Cappelétti, souldiers seruing on horse-backe with skuls or steelecaps, skul-men, black-skuls.

Cappẻlla, as Capẻlla.

Cappẻlláno, as Capẻlláno.

Cappẻllétto, any kind of chaplet or litle hat.

Cáppe lónghe, great long muskles.

Capperáta, a kind of fish-sauce.

Cápperi, as Cáppari. Also spades vpon plaing cardes.

Capperóne, a chaperon or french-hood. Also a frock with a hood for the raine or shepheards cloke. Also a simple gull or ninnie hammer.

Capperóni, Caperons or great capers.

Capperúccia, as Capparúccia.

Capperúccio, as Capparúccio.

Cáppe sánte, as Cáppe lónghe.

Cáppe tónde, round cockles or scallops.

Cáppi, the claws of any crabfish. Also the knots or steps that are vpon the shrouds of ships by which Mariners climbe vp. Also sliding knots.

Cappiáre, to tie or ensnare with Cáppio.

Cáppio, a sliding knot. Also a ginne, a snare or spring to catch birds. Also Legáta a Cáppio, is a ioint in the midle of a port or vpset of a horses bit, where one end of the iron claspeth another like two single hookes.

Cáppio scorridóre, a sliding knot.

Cáppita, an aduerbe as Cáppari. Also capacity or containing.

Cáppo, a chiefe in armory.

Cappócchio, as Capócchio.

Capponára, as Caponára.

Capponáre, as Caponáre.

Cappóne, as Capóne.

Cappótto, a short dutch cloke, a short Spanish cap. Also a hood or cowle.

Cappucciáre, to hood. Also to stumble, to trip or skip.

Cappúccio, a hood, a cowle. Also the cape of a spanish cloke.

Cappucciólo, a kind of dressing of fish.

Cápra, any kinde of Goate. Also a kind of racke or torture. Also a skid or such engine to mount and raise great Ordinance withall.

Cápra fólle, a fond Goatish woman, a skittish lasse.


CAP   Capragína, Goates Rew or Italian fitch.

Capráio, a Goate-herad.

Capránica, foolish, Goatish, skittish.

Capréccio, as Capríccio.

Capreccióso, as Capriccióso.

Capreggiáre, to play the Goate, to be lecherous.

Capreóla, as Caprióla.

Capreoláre, as Caprioláre.

Capreólo, as Capriólo.

Caprẻsta, as Caprétio.

Caprésto, as Capríccio.

Caprétio, goatish, toyish, humorus.

Caprestuólo, a wag-halter, a halter-sacke.

Caprétta, a yongue doc-goate or Faune.

Caprétti, certaine starres called the kids presaging raine and shoures.

Caprettíni, yongue kids or cheurets.

Caprétto, a yongue kid or faune.

Cápria, as Cápra. Also a kinde of Vine or grape. Also a kinde of duskie Iasperstone.

Capriáta, a cheese-cake of Goates milke.

Capricciáre, to grow or be humorus, toyish, or fantasticall, to be suddainely affrighted.

Capríccio, a suddaine toy, a fantasticall humor, a selfe-conceit. Also a suddain feare making ones haire to stand on end. Also a shiuering or chilling cold or fit as of an ague.

Capriccióso, humorous, fantisticall, toyish, conceited, wauering in mindes. Also chilling or shiuering. Also subiect to feare.

Capríccio di fẻbbre, a suddain fit of an ague.

Capricciosità, humorousnesse, toyishnesse, fondnesse, wauering of minde.

Capricórno, a beast bodied like a Stag, footed and horned like a Goat. Also one of the twelve signes called Capricornus.

Capricorníno, borne vnder, or of the nature of Capricornus.

Caprificále giórno, a day kept holy to Vulcan when figges be in perfection.

Caprificatióne, a scarifying of trees or drying their superfluous humors, namly in fig-trees. Also a seeking of that which may not be.

Caprífico, a wild Fig-tree, or figge that will neuer be ripe.

Caprifóglio, wood-binde or hony-suckle.

Caprígno, goatish, rammish, wilde, skittish. Also letcherous, sault.

Capríle, a place where Goates are kept.

Caprimúlgo, a skrich-owle or night-rauen that in the night sucketh the vdders of Goates. Also a milker of Goates.

Caprína, goatish. Also, Goates-dung. Also a cheuerill or Goates skin.

CAP   Caprinẻlla, the hearbe Dogs-tooth.

Capríno, Goatish or rammish. Also Goates-cheese.

Caprióla, a Faune, a Kid, a yongue Hinde, a Roe-doe, a Calfe of a Hinde, Also a Capriole or Caper in dauncing. Also a Capriole, a Sault or Goates leape that cunning riders teach their horses. Also the hearbe Dogges-tooth.

Caprioláre, to caper, or capriole.

Capriólo, as Caprióla, but Masculine.

Capriólo dẻlla víte, the twinding of a Vine about a pole, a with to tie vp vines.

Capriótta, as Capiróta.

Capríte, a kinde of brasse ore burnt like Cinders.

Capriuúlgo, a kind of strange bird.

Cápro, a Buck-goate, a riuer-goate.

Capromárgo, a kind of red marle to fatten and manure ground for corne.

Capróne, a great Buck-goate. Also a thicke Goates or Chamoy-skin. Also a dull-pate, a logarhead, a shallow foolish skonce. Also a great cuckold.

Captáre, as Cattáre.

Captióncula, a captious cauill, or slight deceite.

Captióne, caption, snappishnesse, curiosity, craft, deceite.

Captiosità, captiousnesse, snappishnesse, curiosity, deceite.

Captióso, captious, snappish, curious, deceitfull.

Captiuáre, to Captiuate or take prisoner.

Captiuità, captiuity.

Cápto, taken, catcht, captiuated.

Capucciáre, as Cappucciáre.

Capúccij, any kinde of Cabages.

Capuccíni, Capuchin-friers.

Capúccio, a hood, a cowle, a bonnet.

Cápula dẻl capẻllo, the head of a hatte without brims.

Capúto, a kinde of great headed fish, taken for the great Codfish.

Cára, an hearb in India, which mingled with milke makes a kind of bread.

Carabáccia, as Carabozzáda.

Carabáttola, a box wherein a shoemaker keepes all his implements, standing on his right hand where he works.

Carábe, as Caróbe.

Carábo, a kind of Crabfish that is a great enemy to the fish Polipo.

Carabozzáda, a kind of dainty dish or meat in Italy.

Carabróne, a Scarab flie or hornet.

Carabuzzáta, a kind of pottage vsed in Spaine.

Carácca, a Carake ship.

Caráccia, as Charáccia, or Carácia.

CAR   Carácia, the male Tithimale. Also a kind of strong, thicke and tuffe cane.

Caracolláre, to turne a horse cunningly when a man is running or fighting a course in the field or in any furious seruice on horsebacke.

Caracóllo, that quicke turne a horse makes when his rider fights on horse-backe.

Caráffa, a violl glasse, as Inghistára.

Caraffóni, great bottles of glasse.

Carafúllo, a gull, a noday, a dull pate.

Caragnóla, a kind of creeping snaile.

Caragnólo, some gunners instrument.

Caramáio, as Calamáio.

Caramẻlláre, to chat, to pratle, to bable. Also to worme eat, to wormegnaw.

Caramẻlláta, worme eaten, gnawne, rugged, ouerworne. Also a prating.

Caramẻllétti, a kind of dainty sea fish called also Beccafíchi maríni.

Caramẻllóne, a pratler, a babler, a chatter.

Caramíta, a bed minion, a bardash.

Caramóte, a kind of shrimps or praunes.

Carampána, a homely cottage, a meane place.

Caramusáli, a kind of ship in Ormuz.

Caramusolína, a kind of pinnace or barke.

Carantáno, a kind of coine or mony.

Caránto, a greene finch.

Caránza, the hearb Balsam apple.

Carapignáre, as Carpíre.

Caratẻllo, a gally or ship of Creet. Also a little cart, a wheele barrow or tumbrell. Also a gally pot. Also a measure for liquid things.

Caráto, a waight or degree in mettalls called a charact. Also the touch or loye or refining of gold.

Carattáre, to charact, to touch or trie gold, to refine or make perfect.

Caráttero, a caracter or figure written.

Carattéro, a carter, a wane man.

Carátto, a certaine fee or stint which euery man in Venice paieth to Saint Marke that obtaines any sute by law. Also a gally pot or violl glasse, it is called in Rome la Spórtula.

Caráua, a packe, a rout or crew of knaues.

Carauána, a Carauan, which is a companie of men and horses marching together, as they vse to trauell in Egypt with Camels.

Carauanáre, to wander or trauell great iourneyes horse and men in troupes as the Carauans.

Carauẻlla, a Carauell-ship. Also a kind of glue. Also a kinde of peare in Italie.

Carauẻlle, a kind of peares so called.

Carbáso, a kind of fine flaxe. Also the name of a saile in a ship.


CAR   Carbatía, a kind of creame.

Carbonáia, a Coale-pit, a Coale-house.

Carbonáre, to besmeare with coales. Also to carbonado.

Carbonára, as Carbonáia.

Carbonáro, a Collier, or coale-maker.

Carbonáta, a rasher or Carbonado.

Carboncẻlli, pushes or pimples of wilde fire arising in red faces.

Carbonchiáre, looke Carbónchio.

Carbonchiatúra, looke Carbónchio.

Carbónchio, a Carbuncle stone. Also a carbuncle-sore, a blane, a botch, a bile, a push, a plague-sore or fierie swelling in any part of the bodie. Also Mildew Hotplanets, or blasting of corne, or fruits, or trees. Also a burning coale.

Carbonchióso tẻrréno, earth that is crumbling and full of grit.

Carbóne, any kind of coale.

Carbóne acquático, a Cormorant.

Carbóncolo, as Carbónchio.

Carbóne di tẻrra, smithes-pit, or Sea-coale.

Carbóni pésti, Coale-dust.

Carbonóso, coalie, durtie, full of coales.

Carcáme, any dead carcesse or carion. It may also be taken for fleshinesse of bodie.

Carcáre, as Caricáre.

Carcásso, a quiuer for arrowes.

Carcassóne, a Sailers frocke, or course stuffe to make frocks for Sea-men.

Carcáta, as Cárica.

Carceráre, to emprison, to lay in prison.

Carceráto, a prisoner. Also emprisoned.

Cárcere, any kind of prison.

Carceriére, a Iailor or prison-keeper.

Carchedóni, a kind of Rubie stone.

Carcidónio, as Calcedónio.

Carcidóni, cancerous or vlcerour putrefactions in the nose.

Cárcij, a stone named the colour of a Sea-crab.

Carcinóma, a rancled or cancerous vlcer like a cancer or Crab-fish clawes.

Carcinomáto, that hath a cankre.

Carcinotróne, as Sanguinária hẻrba.

Carciócchi, hartichockes.

Carcióffi, hartichockes.

Carcióffoli, hartichockes.

Cárco, as Cárico.


Carcomfuráre, to goe and wander about sneakeingly, to filsh and steale.

Cárda, as Cárdo.

Cardalána, a carder of wooll, taken also for a crafty scraping companion.

Cardámo, grainesse of Paradise, Seps or Cadamomes. Also gardine cresses.

Cardamómo, as Cardámo.

Cardáre, to card or teazel wooll. Also to backbite one behinde his backe.

Cardarẻlle, a kind of Mushroms.

CAR   Cardassáre, to card or teazell wooll.

Cardassóne, cardes to carde wooll.

Cardatóre, a carder of wooll.

Cardatúro, as Cardassóne.

Cardẻllíno, a Gold-finch, a Thistle-finch.

Cardẻllo, as Cardẻllíno.

Carderíno, as Cardẻllíno.

Cardiáca, the hearbe Mother-wort.

Cardiáco, a griefe or wringing of the heart and the stomacke, a faintnesse or colde sweate.

Cardiáco mále, a griefe in the mouth of the stomacke which makes the heart to gnaw.

Cardialgía, a gnawing of the stomackes.

Cardinaláto, a Cardinal-ship, the office or dignity of a Cardinall.

Cardinalático, as Cardinaláto.

Cardinále, a Cardinall or chiefe man.

Cardinaleggiáre, to play the Cardinall or chiefe Supporter.

Cardinále dẻlla pórta, the hinges of a dore, deriued of Cárdine.

Cardinalésco, Cardinall-like.

Cardinalésimo, the order or function of Cardinals.

Cárdine, a hinge or hooke of a dore, a tennon. Also the furthest part of any thing.

Cárdine dẻl ciẻlo, heauens axeltree.

Cárdini dẻl móndo, the foure chiefe corners of the world.

Cardísche, a stone hauing the shape of a heart in it.

Cárdo, any kind of thistle or teazell.

Cardoíno, a Gold finch.

Cardoncẻllo, the hearb Groundsell. Also a little thistle or bur.

Cardóne, any kind of great thistle. Also the vtmost huske of a Chesnut. Also a tree in the East Indies called Meth or Magnei, which growes vp straight aboue a quarter of a mile, and no bigger than the body of a man, and hath but few leaues, but so thicke and great that with them they couer and tile their houses, and with the root of it they make wine, hony, vinegre, sugar and many other things.

Cardonétta, the hearb stinking weed.

Cardosánto, cardus benedictus or the blessed thistle.

Carduẻlo, a linnet bird.

Careggiáre, as Accarezzáre.

Caréggie, as Carézze.

Carẻllo, a hassocke or mat to stop a priuy with. Also a square cushion made of diuers pieces or patches as tailors and beggars vse to sit vpon. Also a truckle bed vnder a standing bed.

Caréna, the keele or bottom of a ship. Also a whole ship. Also the fruit of grape.

Carẻo, the seed caroway.

CAR   Carestía, dearth, penury, want, scarsity.

Carestiólo, penurious, full of dearth.

Carestióso, as Carestiólo.

Carétta, as Carrétta.

Carétto, a weauers warping loome.

Carezzáre, as Accarezzáre.

Carézze, cherishings, blandishments.

Carezzétte, diminutiue of Carézze.

Carezzéuole, cherishing, blandishing.

Carezzíne, as Carezzétte.

Carezzóso, as Carezzéuole.

Carfágna, vncared for, not set by.

Cári, carowaies. Also plu. of Cáro.

Cariággio, all maner of cariage.

Cariátide, an order of holy Nunnes or votaries in old time.

Cárica, a charge, a burthen, a load, a lading, a fraight, a waight. Also a kind of meat in Italy wherein they put much hogs blood.

Cárica l'ásino, the play at cardes, lodame.

Caricáre, to charge, to loade, to lade, to fraight, to burthen. Also to impute.

Caricáre un pẻzzo, to charge a small pice, to load a great piece.

Caricáre un pẻzzo a sécco, to charge or load a piece dry (according to our gunners phrase) which is without pouder or shot, for sparing whereof yong schollers learne to vse the ladle nimbly, and for practise sake charge and vncharge pieces with sand and grauell.

Caricatóre, a loader, a charger, a fraughter. Also a gunners ladle.

Caricatúra, as Cárica.

Caríce, Sheare-grasse, or Sedge.

Caríci, little wilde figs growing in hedges.

Cárico, as Cárica. Also charged or loaden. Also an imputation or charge laid to one. Vsed also for any charge, gouernment, or care committed to one.

Cariddóso, rockie, full of cliffs and dangerous.

Cariéga, a chaire or remoouing seate.

Cariglionáre, to chime the bells.

Cariglióne, a chime or iangle of bells.

Cariéra, a careere of a horse.

Carieráre, to careere a horse.

Caríma, a kind of nut whereof Nut-oyle is made.

Carína, as Caréna.

Carinóne, wallnut oyle.

Carióla, as Carriuóla.

Cariópo, looke Cinamómo.

Carióti, a kind of excellent Dates good to make wine of. Also a kind of watrish figs.

Carístio, a kinde of bird that will flie through the fire and not burne his feathers. Also a kind of greene-speckled marble. Also as Carestía.


CAR   Carità, charitie, loue, agreement.

Caríta, a bird that houers in the fire.

Caritatiuaménte, charitably.

Caritatéuole, charitable, full of charitie.

Caritatíuo, charitable, full of charitie.

Carità pelósa, hairie charitie, as much to say neighbourly lecherie.

Caritẻa, a kind of meate in Italie, minced small with eggs, spices, hearbes and raisins.

Caritéme, the male, Tithimale.

Caritéuole, full of charitie, charitable.

Carítia, dearth, dearenesse, scarsitie.

Caritobepharóne, a shrub of the Sea like Coralle and blackish.

Carlína biánca, a kind of litle Thistle wherewith Charles the great cured the plague, and of him it took the name. It is also taken for a Fullers teazell.

Carlína néra, the common Thistle with a long stalke wherewith they curde milke.

Carlíno, a fish like a Tench. Also a small coyne, coyned by the Charles of France.

Carlóna, plainely, homely fashion, Dunstable-way. Looke Alla carlóna.

Carlótto, a bird called a Curlue.


Cárme, a verse or a rime.

Carmeggiáre, to rime, to versifie.

Carmẻlle, lockes, tuffes or bundles of wooll.

Carménne, a kind of Apples.

Carmináre, to pricke, to carde or teazell wooll, flaxe or hempe. Also to tug, to beate or bang. Also by medicines to make grosse humors fine and thin.

Carminatíuo, that may be dissolued and made thin by medicines, the word is borrowed of carders of wooll.

Carminatóre, a wooll-carder.

Cármine, a verse.

Carmíno, an order of Friers so called.

Carmosíno, Crimson or Stammell colour.

Caráccia, filthy flesh, or any carion. Vsed also for a bodie of Sinne.

Carnadíno, a Carnation colour.

Carnafáu, the brat-getting place.

Carnafístola, a kind of Indian drug.

Carnagióne, the hew or colour of ones skin and flesh. Also fleshinesse.

Carnággio, carnage, slaugher, murther. Also all manner of flesh meate.

Carnáio, a shambles. Also a Lardrie to keepe flesh in. Also a place to cast bones in.

Carnaláccio, a filthy, sensuall, fleshly man, one that makes his pleasure his God.

Carnále, carnall, fleshly. Also lawfull issue of children, or conioyned in blood.

CAR   Carnáli, some pieces of a weauers loome or of a ship.

Carnalità, carnalitie, fleshlinesse. Also alliance in blood, or affection in or of blood.

Carnáme, all manner of flesh meate. Also carrion or dead carcasses.

Carnário, as Carnáio.

Carnasciále, as Carneuále.

Carnáto, vsed as Carnagióne.

Cárne, all manner of flesh. Also the pith of wood, fruit, fish, or any thing else.

Cárne bouína, Beef-flesh.

Cárne di caprétto, Kid-flesh.

Cárne di castráto, mutton or sheepes flesh.

Cárne di pórco, swines or hogs-flesh.

Cárne in pótto, meate stewed in a pot.

Cárne vaccína, Cow-beefe.

Carnéfice, a hangman, an executioner, a cruell, a bloody or fleshly minded man.

Carneggiáre, to flesh it, to feede vpon flesh. Also to follow the lust of the flesh.

Cárne ne' tegámi, meate stewed between two dishes, which some call a French pie.

Carnéro, a net-bag to carie meate in. Also a hawking bag.

Carneruólo, any litle Carnéro.

Carnesciále, as Carneuále.

Carnesécchi, a dry, a greedie and hungry fellow, a leane bones.

Carneuále, Shrouetide, shrouing time, when flesh is bidden farewell.

Carneualeggiáre, to shroue or be merry.

Carneualítio, of or belonging to shrouetide or shrouing.

Carneuíua, a plaister of warme guts.

Carníccio, the fleshy side of any fell, hide, or skin, or leather.

Carnicẻlla, yoong tender flesh growing vpon any sore.

Carnicína, as Carnicẻlla.

Carniẻro, as Carnéro.

Carnífero, flesh-bringing, flesh-bearing.

Carnificiáre, to racke or teare in pieces.

Carnificína, a place where malefactors are executed. Also the office or act of a hangman or murtherer. Also murther and cruelty.

Carnifício, the office of a hangman. Also a cutting or racking in peeces.

Carniuoráre, to deuoure or teare ones flesh.

Carniuóro, a deuourer of flesh.

Carnízzo, as Carnúccio.

Carnolénte, grosse, fleshy, thicke, quarrey, corpolent in flesh.

Carnósa, a fish so called in Rome.

Carnosità, a carnosity or fleshinesse.

Carnóso, fleshy, brawny, pithy.

CAR   Carnósso, flesh and bone together.

Carnúccio, the raw shauings of hides or flesh or felles, or the sinewes and thrids of Parchment to make size or glue.

Cáro, deare, precious, beloued, leefe, costly. Also dearth or penury. Also Caroway-seed.

Caróba, the fruit or tree called the Carobe-tree which beares a kind of sweet cod. Also the pulse Fenie-greek.

Caróbia, a Crosse or highway that goes and turnes four waies.

Caróbio, as Caróbia.

Caróbo, as Caróba.

Caróbola, as Caróba.

Carógna, stinking carion.

Caróla, a song, a caroll. Also a dance.

Caroládi, something about a ship.

Caroláre, to caroll, to sing, to reuell. Also to dance and be mery. Also to make hollow. Also to moath or worme eat. Also to deuoure or fester with any corosiue or gnawing. Also to grown to a cunt-botch.

Carolíccio, moath-eaten, gnawne, worme-eaten, rotten as old wood.

Carólo, a moath or timber-worme. Also a cunt-botch or winchester-goose. Also dust of rotten wood vsed about yongue children against fleaing.

Carolóso, full of moathes wormes.

Carománo, a kinde of fine steele so called.

Caróncola, a kind of worme or disease breeding in horses heads.

Caróne, as Caróba.

Carósa, a wench, a girle, a lasse.

Carosáre, to sheare as they doe sheepe.

Carosẻlle, as Calesẻlle.

Caróta, a Carot root. Looke Cacciáre.

Caróso, hollow and worme eaten.

Carotíglia, as Cannotíglia.

Carouána, as Carauána.

Carouanáre, as Carauanáre.

Carouẻlle, a kind of pears in Italy.

Cárpa, a Carpe-fish. Also a moathe in clothes.

Carpáno, a Carpe-fish.

Carpáre, to creepe or craule, as Carpíre.

Carpáso, a venemous kind of beast.

Carpátho, a venemous hearbe.

Carpẻa, a dance among the Grecians.

Carpéno, a Carpe-fish.

Carpentiẻro, a Carpenter.

Carpesía, a venemous hearbe. Also Cubebs as Apothecaries call it.

Carpétta, a table carpet.

Carphósi, a kinde of Fenigreeke.

Carpicciáre, to tug, to snatch or shift for.

Carpíccio, a tugging, a snatching or shifting for.

Carpignáre, as Carpíre.

Carpináre, as Carpíre.


Carpíno, the vtmost or last tree of any ranke. Also the Carpin-tree, the Carm-tree, the Horne-beame, the hard-beam, or Yoke-alme. Also as Carpísci.

Carpionáto pésce, Marled-fish.

Carpióne, a Carpe-fish. Also creepingly or crawling. Also as Carpísci.

Carpíre, písco, píto, to snatch, to pilfer, to filch, to prowle, to shift for, to climbe or graple for, to get by hooke or crooke.

Carpír sù, to snatch vp.

Carpísci, a snatching, hooking, pilfering fellow. Looke Carpíre.

Carpíta, a filching, a prowling, a pilfering, a shifting for, a climing vp for, a snatch and away.

Cárpo, a highway, a trodden path, a street. Also the ioynt by which the hand is tied to the end of the lesser bone in the arme. Also the wrist or the first part of the palme of the hand. Also wise, subtill, wary, crafty.

Carponáre, to creepe on all foure.

Carpóne, groping or creeping in the darke.

Carpheóto, the best Frankincense.

Carpophilóne, the horse-tongue Laurell.

Cárra, all maner of cartes and waines.

Carraguóli, a kinde of Winckles or welkes.

Carráia, a place where carts or waggons stand or are to be hired.

Carraiuólo, a wheele or Cart-wright. Also a carter or a waine-man.

Carraréccia, a slough or rut that a cart-wheele makes in foule way.

Carráro, as Carraiuólo.

Carratẻllo, as Caratẻllo.

Carratiẻre, as Carraiuólo.

Carratóre, as Carraiuólo.

Carreággio, all manner of carts or cariage by carts.

Carréccia, as Carraréccia.

Carreggiáre, to play the car man, to cary or remoue by carts.

Carreggiáta, as Carraréccia.

Carreggiatóre, as Carrettáro.

Carréggio, all manner of carts or cariage by carts. Also a place in an army or campe where the carts and campe cariages are placed.

Carréra, as Cariéra.

Carrétta, a cart, a waggon, a waine.

Carrettáre, to cart or cary by carts.

Carrettáro, a carter, a car or waine-man.

Carrettáta, a cart full, a cart loade.

Carrettiére, as Carrettáro.

Carrétto, a childs standing stoole to learne to goe by. Also as Carétto.

Carrettóni, charrioters that keep coaches and coach horses. Also great carts.

Carriággio, as Carreággio.

CAR   Carríbo, forme, fashion, guise, manner.

Carriéra, the carrier of a horse.

Carriéro, the name of a star called Charles waine.

Carríno, the forecariage of a piece of ordinance, neuer vsed but in marching. Also a little cart, charriot or waggon. Also luggage, cariage, bag and baggage.

Carrióla, as Carriuóla.

Carrioláro, a bearer of a Carriuóla.

Carriuóla, a trundle bed, a child standing stoole with wheeles. Also a wheele barrow. Also the root of a horses taile. Also a kind of couered chaire vsed in Italy wherein men and women are carried by porters vpon their shoulders.

Cárro, a cart, a charriot, a wain, a waggon. Also a pageant. Also Charles waine, or the seauen stars about the North star. Also a kind of measure.

Carrobalísta, a certaine instrument of war.

Carrocchiéro, a coach man or maker.

Carróccia, a caroch, or a coach.

Carrocciáre, to goe or ride in caroch.

Carróccio, a portable chariot, carrosse or pageant.

Carrocciáro, a coach man or maker.

Cárro di villaníe, a cart loade of villaines. Dire un cárro di villaníe, to loade a man with a cart loade of villanous termes.

Carromátto, a block carriage vsed sometimes to spare field cariages.

Cárro píccolo, the name of a star.

Carrózza, as Carróccia.

Carrozzáre, as Carrocciáre.

Carrozzáro, as Carrocciáro.

Carrúba, as Caróba.

Carrúca, as Carrúcula.

Carrucciáre, to cary vpon sleds.

Carrúccio, sleds with low wheeles to remoue great packs, timber or pieces.

Carrúcula, as Carriuóla. Also a pullie of a well or ship. Also the rump of a horses taile.

Carruculáre, to trundle or rowle, or pullie.

Cárta, any paper, a leafe of a booke. Also a carde, a map. Also a plaing card. Also any writing or letter. Also any Indenture, bill, bond, euidence, record, or contract written.

Cartabóne, a certaine instrument of paste-boord to measure land with.

Cárta caprína, goates-skin-parchment.

Cárta caurétta, kid-skin-parchment.

Cartáccia, course waste paper. Also a play at cardes so called. Also a filthy carde.

Cárta da nauicáre, a sailing carde.

Cárta da stráccio, wastepaper.

Cárta di commétta, a writ in law, as we say a Capiat.

CAR   Cárta di figúra, a coate-carde.

Cárta di púnto, a pricke-carde.

Cárta di villanía, a letter, a booke or volume of iniurious or villanous termes.

Cartadúci, a kinde of men or Satyres of all other creatures most swift in footemanship, running sometimes on all foure and other times but on two feete.

Cárta membrána, vellame parchment.

Cárta pecorína, parchment.

Cárta pergaména, parchment.

Cárta reále, royall paper.

Cárta sciúga, sucking paper.

Cárta sciugarína, sucking paper.

Cartáre, to carde, as Carteggiáre.

Cartáro, a seller or maker of paper or cardes.

Cárte, cardes, or leaues of bookes.

Cartécca, as Colátro. Also Dogs grasse.

Carteggiáre, to carde or play at cardes.

Cartégia, Dogs grasse.

Cartẻlla, a kind of sleeked pasteboord to write vpon and may bee blotted out againe. Also leaues of writing tables. Also an instrument full of holes vsed by Iewellers to measure pearles and of gunners to measure bullets.

Cartẻllánte, a challenger, a carteller.

Cartẻlláre, to challenge to fight. Also to answere a challenge.

Cartẻlle, writing tables. Also the side postes of a dore.

Cartẻllo, a cartell or writ of defiance.

Cartẻllóni, great thicke pasteboordes.

Carteríno Imperiále, a kind of Physike called an Imperiall purge.

Cartésimo, the arte or play at cardes.

Carthegóne, a kinde of graine that the Boxe tree brings foorth.

Cárti, carding cardes.

Cartiéra, a Paper-mill.

Cartiéro, a carder. Also a carter.

Cartíglia, a small scroule of paper, a briefe.

Cartíglio, any piece of plats or paper worne vpon helmet or about ones armes with some armes, badge, marke, signe, writing or inscription.

Cartilágine, a gristle. Also a litle leafe.

Cartilaginóso, gristly, full of gristles.

Cárto, a carde to carde wooll withall.

Cartóccio, a coffin of paper.

Cartoério, a coffin of paper. Also a cartage or charge of powder to put into a musket or cannon. Also a kind of yonike worke so called among Masons.

Cartoliéra, a paper-mill.

Cartoliére, a paper seller or maker.

Cartolína, a litle skin or thin caule ouer any thing, a litle sinew or gristly piece of flesh, a litle filme.

Cartóne, thicke paste-boord.

Cartúccia, any litle carde or piece of paper. [87] Used also for a foolish ballade.

CAS   Carúca, as Carrúcola.

Carúcia, the male Tithimale.

Caruóla, as Carrúcola.

Caruoláre, as Carrucoláre.

Caruólo, as Taruólo.

Caruolóso, as Tarlóso.

Carútta, used for Carótta.

Cárza, the blacke-berrie bush.

Carzeríno, a Gold or Thistle-finch.

Cása, any kinde of house, a mannor or dwelling place. Also a familie, a blood, a name, or stocke. Also a point in the plaing tables or house upon a chesseboord. Also a mans owne home or native country.

Cása, not named and yet ment. As Essendo ad un súo parẻnte, being at the house of a kinsman of his.

Cása bollíta, used for hell. And also for a common brothell house.

Cása cálda, as Cása bollíta.

Cása di páglia, a thatcht-house.

Cása maladétta, as Cása bollíta.

Casácca, an habitation or dwelling. Also a Cassocke or long coate.

Casacchíno, a mandilion, a jacket, a jerkin.

Casáccia, a filthy ruinous house.

Casále, a farme, a mannor or dayrie house, a messuage, a tenement. Also a hamlet or litle village.

Casaléngo, as Casalíngo.

Casalíngo, homelie bread in a house, belonging to houshold, páne casalíngo houshold bread, Colómbi casalínghi tame or house pigeons.

Casalíno, a litle house. Also a houselin. Also as Casalíngo.

Casamátta, a Casamat, a Canonrie or slaughter-house so called of enginers, which is a place built low under the wall or bulwarke not arriving unto the height of the ditch, and serves to annoy or hinder the enemie when he entreth the ditch to skale the wall.

Casaménto, a building or house-frame. Also a mannor or farme-house.

Casáre, to house, to marrie, to wed.

Casáta, a houshold. Also married.

Casatẻlle, a kind of paste-meate in Italie.

Casáto, a familie, a name or stocke of a house. Also as Casále.

Cascáglio, a kind of course cheese.

Cascánte, drooping, ready to fall.

Canscantíccio, weake, drooping, ready to fall.

Cascapéli, the shedding of the haire.

Cascáre, to fall, to escheat.

Cascáta, a fall, an escheating.

Caschétto, a caske or head piece.

Casciára, a cheese or dairy house.

Casciáre, to crush, to squise, to wring out. Also to crud as cheese.

CAS   Casciáro, a cheesemunger or maker.

Casciaruólo, as Casciáro.

Cascína, a country cottage, a thatcht house, a booth, an harbor or shelter.

Cáscio as Cácio, any kind of cheese.

Casciólo, a little cheese.

Cáscio marzolíno, a kind of cheese.

Cascióne, a ricke of hay, or stacke of corne.

Cascióso, cheesie, full of cheese.

Cascóse, a kind of dried paste-meat.

Cascóssa, a kind of creame or fresh cheese, some take it for a kind of paste-meat.

Caseáro, a cheesemunger or maker.

Casẻlle, little houses or holes for pigeons.

Casénda, a custome or tole house.

Cáseo, any kind of cheese.

Caseréccio, home bred, homely, belonging to home or houshold.

Caseríno, a little house, a poore cottage.

Casése, a fellow that keepes home and neuer goes abroad, a houselin.

Casétta, any little house or cottage.

Cásia, a kind of hearb or flowre.

Casiácca, a cassocke or such garment.

Casíccio, a tame lambe bred by hand.


Casíno a little house, a mans poore home.

Casionáre, as Occasionáre.

Casióne, as Occasióne.

Casípula, a little house, a poore cottage.

Cásma, a kind of blazing in the firmament when it is seene to chinke and open.

Cáso, the case, the fitnesse or purpose of any thing. Also the manner how a matter is. Also fate, destiny, chance or hap. Also accompt or estimation, among Astronomers, Cáso is all that space of time in which a planet goeth continually falling in obscuration.

Cásoche, if so be, put case, admitting that.

Cáso di státo, a matter of state.

Casolána méla, a red or queene apple.

Casoláre, a mannor house, a farme house, a gentlemans place, a messuage, a tenement. Also a ruinous decaied house.

Casolaráccio, an old ruinous decaied house, the ruines of a house or dwelling.

Casonáda, a kind of dressing of meate with grated cheese and spice.

Casoncẻlli, as Casonáda.

Casóne, a great farme house.

Cáspo, a bramble, a brake, a brier.

Caspóso, shrubby, bushy, thorny.

Cássa, a chest, a coffin, a shrine, a hutch, a bin, a trunke, a marchants cash or counter. Also a bee-hive. Also a cace for any thing. Also the stocke of any piece of ordinance. Also a chase at tennis, or a blot at tables.

Cássa da mórto, a coffin for a corps.

Cássa dẻll'orecchióne, the trunion hole.

Cássa fátta a schiéna d'ásino, a kind of cariage for mortar pieces, so called of the Italians, because it is like the backe of an Asse, and beareth all the waight upon the ridge of it's backe.

Cássa nauegára, a shipmans chest, a mariners box.

Cassáre, to crosse, to blot, to cancell or cashere out of a booke, to put out of checke roule, to frustrate, to make voide.

Cassáro, a chest maker. Also the neather decke or overlope of a ship. Also the cariage of any piece of ordinance.

Cassatióne, as Cassatúra.

Cassáto, as Cásso.

Cassatura, a cancelling, a cashering.

Cásse, chests. Also the frames of a weavers loome, looke Cássa.

Cassẻllétta, any little chest or box drawer, namely such as printers keepe their letters in, a casket.

Casséro, as Cassiẻre.

Cassétta, any little chest. Also a poore mans box, a seamsters cabinet or worke basket. Also a pan for a close stoole.

Cassettáre, to enshrine or put in some chest or casket or box.

Cassettína, as Cassétta.

Cássia, the drug Cassia or Canell.

Cassiafístula, a pudding pipe of Canell.

Cassiẻre, a marchants cashier, factor, purser or keeper of accoumpts. Also the hole under the decke of a ship.

Cassíta, hath been used for a larke.

Cassiteróne, bright white lead.

Cassiopéa, the name of a starre.

Cásso, a body from the necke to the thigh. Also the stomacke seat. Also a stomacher or garment that covers the breast. Also voide or deprived, frustrated, crossed, cashiered, cancelled or put out of booke and checke roule.

Cassóne, a great chest or standard.

Cassúta, a weed Dodder.

Cásta, chaste, modest, continent.

Castágna, a Chesse-nut.

Castagnáto, Chesse-nut colour.

Castágne, a piece of Iron like scallop shell, standing up in the middest of some bits.

Castagnéto, as Castagnétto.

Castagnétte, little shels used of those that dance the canaries to clacke or snap with their fingers. Also fips or flips with the fingers ends.

Castagnétto, a grove of Chesse-nut-trees.

Castagnífero, Chesse nuts-bearing.

Castagnóso, full of, or Chesse-nuts yealding.


CAS   Castagnuóla, the hole whereunto any winding pin, or skrew is put.

Castagnuóle, little wilde Chesnuts. Also a kind of figges. Also as Castagnétto.

Castaldía, a baily-weeke for husbandrie.

Castáldo, a bailiefe for husbandry or ouerseere of a mans lands. Also a hinde or swaine.

Castáneo, a bay or Chestenut-coloure.

Castẻllanía, a Castle-ship, the priuiledges or precincts of a castle.

Castẻlláno, a Captaine, a Guardian, a Commander or keeper of a Castle or Cittadell.

Castẻllánza, a Castle-ship, the precinct, the iurisdiction or the inhabitants of a Castle.

Castẻlláre, to encastle, to Castle. Also the precinct of a castle, a castle with boundes. Also a toune that is defended by a Castle.

Castẻllería, as Castẻllánza.

Castẻllétto, a little castle. Also a play that children vse called cobnut.

Castẻllo, any kinde of castle. Also the vpper part of any engine of warre.

Castẻllo dẻlla náue, the poupe or vpper walke of a ship.

Casticáre, to punish, to chastise.

Castigábile, punishable.

Castigaménto, as Castígo.

Castigáre, to punish, to chastise.

Castigatóre, a punisher, a chastiser.

Castighéuole, punishable.

Castigatúra, chastisement, punishment.

Castigliáno, a coine in Spaine worth a ducket. Also a castillian.

Castígo, punishment, chastisement.

Castimonía, a superstitious vow to keepe chastity.

Cásto, chaste, continent, temperate.

Castonáre, to bosse, to embosse. Also to furnish with ouches or brouches.

Castóne, that part of a ring wherein the stone is set, or the seale grauen. Also any kinde of bosse as on corners of bookes. Also a brouch or ouch.

Castorẻa, Castors or beauers stones.

Castorẻo, a beauer. Also a fish that liues both in the water and on land. Also a kind of stinking oyle made of beauers stones.

Castória, as Castorẻo.

Castório, an hearbe which makes ones nose to bleed but touching it.

Castórre, a Beauer, a Brocke, a badger, Capẻllo di castórre, a Beauer-hat.

Castracáne, a dog-gelder. Also Indian-fitch or goates-rew.

Castraménto, a libbing or gelding.

Castrametáre, to pitch a campe or tents, to encampe, to lodge an armie.

CAT   Castramentatióne, the pitching of a campe or maine battle.

Castrángola, figwort or kernell wort.

Castrapórci, a hog or sow-gelder.

Castráre, to geld, to lib, to splay.

Castráto, gelded, libbed. Also an ewe, a turpe or weather-mutton. Cárne di castráto, Mutton-flesh. Also a kind of well-husked, cleansed or gelded wheat.

Castratore, a gelder, a libber.

Castrẻnse, of or pertaining to a castle. Looke Coróna.

Castréo, a fish that never eateth other fishes, and can be taken with no baite.

Cástro, that part of a ring wherein the stone is set.

Castronággine, sheepishnesse, grosenesse.

Castróne, a Weather or ewe-mutton. Also a gelded man. Also a noddy or simple gull.

Castroneggiáre, to play the sheepe or gullish simple fellow.

Castroneria, as Castronággine.

Cástula, a garment mencioned by Varro.

Casuále, casuale, by fortune.

Casualità, casuality, chance.

Casúcula, as Casúpula.

Casúpula, a poore house, a simple cottage.

Catáce, a kind of wine.

Cataclísmo, a great shoure of raine and waters. Also a generall flood or deluge.

Catacrési, a figure when a word is abused for lacke of a proper word.

Catadúpi, as Catarátte.

Catafálco, a scaffold, a stage, a hearse.

Catafárco, as Catafálco.

Catafasciáre, to huddle or bundle up.

Catafáscio, a huddle or bundle of any thing.

Catafrátta, as Catapúlta.

Catafrátti, men at armes or demy launciers.

Catagráphi, images or pictures standing biase or sideline.

Cataláno, used for a light horseman, for that those of Catalógna in Spaine are such.

Catalogáre, to register, to record.

Catalógna, an Irish rug for a bed.

Catalẻssi, a disease whereof they that be sicke have the holes of their eies wide and deep, and their body stiffe.

Catalẻtto, as Cadalẻtto.

Catálogo, a catalogue, a register.

Catálogo, dẻlla glória dẻl móndo, the worlds wonder, the catalogue of the worlds glory, but spoken ironically by a bragging fellow such a one as Francis Varney was that would be called the mirror of the totall Orbe.

Catalúffa, a kinde of thicke and shaggy plush to line garments with.

Catamíto, one hired to sinne against nature, an ingle, a ganimade.

CAT   Catanáce, an hearbe vsed of witches to prouoke loue and lust.

Catanánce, as Catanáce.

Catanẻo, a Prince of great command, but properly one that is inferiour to an Earle and more then a Viscount. Catanẻo, si dicéua da Catíno, váso nel quale si teneua L'acqua per la ménsa dell'Imperadóre, & quelli che haueuano questo vfficio ẻrano detti Catanẻi.

Catapáno, the triall of waights.

Catapásma, as Cataplásma.

Catapécchia, a desert place far from all commerce where nature brings no maner of good.

Catapécchie, clifs, crags, holes in dens or downfals from rockes or mountaines. Also cranklings or turnings in and out.

Catapirománte, a deuiner by looking into a glasse.

Catapiromantía, diuination by looking into glasses.

Catapláma, as Cataplásma.

Cataplásma, a grosse maner of plaister, a pultesse or cataplasme, or green salue laid upon a sore.

Cataplasmáre, to cataplasme or pultesse.

Catapótio, a kind of physike pill.

Catapúlta, a kind of warlike engine to shoote or sling great darts.

Catapultáre, to beate or batter with a Catapúlta.

Catapútia, the hearbe spurge. Also an instrument that Chirurgions vse to search the bladder and open the passage to vrine being stopped.

Catapúzza, as Catapútia.

Catarátta, a purculleis. Also any window, iron grate, any lettise window, a window in the roofe of a house, a great high window, or the windowes of heauen. Also Cataracts, sluces, ouerfales, fludgates, or hanging rockes whose waterfales make a mighty and violent roaring noise. Also a dimnesse of sight occasioned by humores hardned in the eies called a Cataract or a pin and a web. Vsed also for a trap-dore.

Cátaro, a close-stoole.

Catarátto, purculesed, cataracted.

Cataróttoli, certaine circles vsed in Sorcerie.

Catárro, a catarre, a rhume.

Catarróso, rhumatike, full of Catarre.

Catártico imperiále, a kind of purge called an Imperiall purge.

Catárzo, a kind of course rugged wooll.

Catásta, a cage wherein prisoners are set in the stockes, standing in the streete. Also a pile or heape or range [89] of any thing in order as of faggots and billets, a woodstacke or pile. Also a measure whereby wood is sold in Florence.

CAT   Catastáre, to pile vp or range in order.

Catastáto, piled vp or ranged in order.

Catástrophe, the conclusion or shutting vp of a Comedie or any thing else.

Catatráta, a paire of secret staires, or back-way to descend.

Catechési, an instruction by word of mouth or teaching by bookes, a catechizing.

Catechesimistagógica, a catechizing or instruction for initiated sacred things or persons.

Catechísmo, as Catechési.

Catechizzáre, to teach or instruct by mouth, to catechize.

Catecuméno, one newly instructed by mouth.

Cátedra, any kind of chaire. Also a degree or dignitie in Schooles.

Catedrále, Cathedrall.

Catedránte, a professor or reader in a chaire.

Categoremático, that is predicable.

Categoría, a predicament, an accusation.

Categórico, predicable, categoricall.

Categorizzáre, to treate of predicables.

Catẻlla, a litle bitch.

Catẻlláre, to whelpe, or to kittle.

Catẻlláta, a litter of whelpes or kitlins.

Catẻlli, yong whelpes or kitlins.

Catẻllináre, to whelpe, or to kittle.

Catẻllináta, a litter of whelpes or kitlins.

Catẻllíni, yong whelpes or kitlins.

Caténa, any kind of chaine.

Catenacciáre, to boult or barre.

Catenáccio, a boult or barre of a dore.

Catenáre, to enchaine or enlinke.

Catenatióne, an enchaining.

Catenázzi, a kinde of rauenous Sea-fowle.

Caténe, chaines, looke Fascétti.

Caténe dẻlle sárte, the chaine walles in ships, fastned to the side of the ship, and the ends of the shroudes.

Catenẻlla, any little chaine.

Catenóne, any great chaine.

Cateráta, Caterátta, as Catarátta.

Caterátte di piómbo, farthing tokens of leade.

Caterátti, a kinde of white bird with teeth and eyes as bright as fire.

Catẻrua, a crew, a rout, a troupe, a companie, a heard, a flocke, a shole, a knot, a cluster, a beauie, a droue of any thing, most commonly taken in ill part.

Catéto, a troupe, a knot, or cluster of an vncertaine number. Also a kind of yonike worke in building.

CAT   Catinẻllo, a litle Catíno.

Cáthedra, as Cátedra.

Cathólico, as Católico.

Catíno, any milke pan, broad flat boule, dish, platter, tray, or lauer. Also a snuffe dish.

Cáto, a litle water-mill.

Catócchia, the neathermost part of the bellie or panch.

Catochíte, a stone so clammie that it stickes to his hands that doth but touch it.

Católico, catholicke, vniuersall.

Católlo, a tormenting instrument called a griper or pincher. Also a lumpe of any thing, as a gad of steele, a sowe of leade, or any vnwrought piece. Also a blocke, a log, a stocke.

Catopiríta, as Catochíte.

Catoplẻba, a wilde beast, litle of bodie, but heauie and slow, his head so great that his bodie can scarse beare it, whosoeuer looketh vpon his eyes doth presently die.

Catorchíte, a kinde of wine made of figges and dates.

Catórcio, a bolte, a barre or stang of a dore.

Catorciáre, to bolte, to barre, to stang.

Catótta, euen now, at this instant.

Catrafósso, a deepe, a hollow or dreadfull pit, den, trench, gulph, dungeon, hole or downefall.

Catramádi, looke Tarózzi.

Catraméssi, a kind of perfuming pan.

Catriósso, the bone called the merry thought.

Cattabríga, a make-bate, a busie-bodie, a pick-thanke, a seeke-trouble.

Cattalẻtto, as Cadalẻtto.

Cattanẻi, such as hold a Princes bason when he washeth, and therefore reputed noble men, or Princes fauorites.

Cattáni, chiefe officers among gentlemen or honoured with some dignitie.

Cattarále fẻbbre, an ague with a rhume or falling downe of humors from the head.

Cattáre, to get, or make shift for.

Cattarátta, as Catarátta.

Cattásta, as Catásta.

Cattastáre, as Catastáre.

Cattatozzáre, to beg vp and downe for broken scraps of meate.

Cattatózzi, a begger of broken scraps.

Cátti, a fruit of a Thistle good to eate.

Cattiuáccio, a filthy bad fellow.

Cattiuánza, as Cattiuità.

Cattiuáre, to captiuate.

Cattiuẻlláre, to shift for with craft and cheating.

Cattiuẻllo, a craftie, slie, shrewd or bad fellow. Also wretched, poore and silly.

Cattiuería, knauerie, shrewdnesse, craft, lewdnesse, badnesse, naughtinesse.

CAV   Cattiuézza, as Cattiuería.

Cattiuíre, vísco, víto, to become bad or wicked.

Cattiuità, captiuitie, bondage. Also as Cattiuería.

Cattíuo, captiue, enthraled. Also bad, lewd, naughtie, craftie, shrewd.

Cattíuo di nído, bad, naught, or shrewd from his very nest or cradle.

Cátto, caught, taken, gotten. Also a borrowing, a getting, or shifting for.

Cattósi, a kind of Thistle.

Cattúcci, false smooth-running dice.

Cattúra, a taking, a captiuating, a catching. Also a getting.

Catulitióne, the seasoning time for fruites.

Cátulo, any yong whelpe.

Catúno, euery one, each one.

Catúro, a kind of boate in India.

Cáua, a caue, a hollow, a vault, a cellar, a myne, a ditch, a furrow, a trench. Also a den or lurking hole.

Cauà, Cauái, all manner of horses.

Cauacoglióni, a guelder, a libber.

Cauadẻnti, a tooth-drawer.

Cáua di rubíni, a toothlesse mouth, that hath onely the gumes, a rubiecaue.

Cauafiéno, Gunners call it a wad-hooke.

Cauágna, a flasket, a fisher basket or haske. Also a bin for bread.

Cauagnáre, to flasket or basket vp. Also to knead dough for bread.

Cauaiuólo, a maker or keeper of cellars.

Cauagliẻre, a knight or gentleman seruing on horsebacke, but in fortification it is a mount or platforme of earth built or raised high, either within or without the wall to plant great ordinance vpon. Also a silke worme or spinner. Also a kinde of great Sea-crab or lobster.

Cauagliẻre a cauállo, a high mount or platforme of earth raised very high, that the ordinance or artillerie of the same may shoot ouer the walles or bulwarke to scoure and cleare the fields all about.

Cauagliére a ẻlmo, a man at armes, a compleat armed man on horsebacke.

Cauagliére banderése, a Knight banneret.

Cauagliére dẻlla spáda guaináta, a knight of the drawen sword, that an excellent whoremonger or notable wencher.

Cauagliére di corrédo, knights made by Princes at some great solemnitie and that waite on Princes persons.

Cauagliére a sprón d'óro, a knight made by the Emperor.

Cauagliére di parággio, idem.

Cauagliére di scúdo, a poore beggerly knight that hath nothing but his sword and cloake.


CAV   Cauagliére di Nápoli, a knight of Naples, but taken for one that hath the poxe.

Cauagliére maríno, a Sea-horse.

Cauagliére soldáto, a knight that maintaines himselfe by the warres.

Caualcáre, to ride, to stradle.

Caualcáre a bardósso, to ride barebacke without a sadle.

Caualcáre a bisdósso, idem.

Caualcáre a ridósso, idem.

Caualcáre un pẻzzo, to mount a piece of ordinance in his cariage.

Caualcáta, a riding, a rode. Also a troupe of horsemen. Also ridden.

Caualcatóre, a rider, a horseman.

Caualcatória árte, the arte of riding or horsemanship.

Caualcatúra, a riding. Also a hackney.

Caualcionáre, to ride stradling.

Caualcióne, stradling as men ride.

Caualeggiéri, light horsemen. Also light horses.

Caualieréssa, a knights wife. Also a woman professing armes on horsebacke.

Cauálla, a mare.

Caualláccio, a filthy cast iade.

Cauallánti, horse-driuers such as we call cariers.

Cauallerescaménte, knight-like.

Caualláro, a carier or driuer of horses.

Caualláta, a riding, a rode. Also a troupe of horses or horsemen.

Caualleréccio, that is vsed about horses, or may be caried by horses.

Caualleggiáre, as Cauallereggiáre.

Cauallereggiáre, to play the knight or man at armes. Also to ouerview, to ride or command ouer as a Caualier doth in fortification.

Cauallerésco, cheualrous, knight-like.

Caualleréssa, a knights wife, or woman professing horsemanship.

Caualléssa, a filthy iadish mare.

Cauallétta, a skid or engine to raise and lift vp great waights.

Cauallétte, Locusts, Grashoppers.

Cauallétti, hay-cocks or such round heapes.

Cauallétto, any litle nagge or horse. Also any tressell or Sadlers or Armorers woodden horse. Vsed also for a little bedstead.

Cauallerízza, a Princes quierie or stable where horses of seruice are kept and ridden.

Cauallerízzo, a professor of horsemanship, a rider of great horses.

Cauallería, chiualrie, or the honor and dignitie of a knight and man at armes. Also Cauallerie or souldiers seruing on horsebacke.

Caualleriáto, a knighthood.

Cauálli, Cauágli, Cauái, Cauà, all manner of horses.

CAV   Cauálli dẻlle velétte, light horsemen in warre that goe to discouer.

Caualliẻre, as Cauagliẻre, &c.

Cauallína, the hearbe Horse-taile. Also horse-dung.

Cauallíne, certaine biting horse-flies.

Cauallinità, coltishnesse, horse-like nature.

Cauallíno, a pretty horse, a little nagge. Also greedy or longing for.

Cauállo, a horse in generall. Also a knight at Chesse. Also a horsefish. Also a beating or whipping of a Schoole-boy held vpon anothers shoulders. Also a kind of small coyne in Italie.

Cauállo da sóma, a horse for burthen.

Cauállo di chrísto, vsed for an Asse, because Christ rid vpon an Asse.

Cauállo di mẻzza sẻlla, a horse that is but halfe taught and is not yet come to his perfection.

Cauállo di móstra, a horse for show or muster.

Cauállo di pẻzzo, a great horse, a horse for seruice.

Cauállo di portánte, an ambling nagge.

Cauállo di pósta, a Post-horse.

Cauállo di rázza, a horse of race to breed on.

Cauállo di rifiúto, a cast horse.

Cauállo di riméno, a led or spare horse. Also a horse sent backe empty.

Cauállo di trótto, a trotting horse.

Cauállo di tútta sẻlla, a horse fully taught, a perfect ready horse.

Cauállo grósso, a great horse, a horse of seruice.

Cauállo maggióre, the name of a Starre.

Cauállo minóre, the name of a Starre.

Cauallóne, a great filthy iade.

Cauállo prímo, the name of a Starre.

Cauállo secóndo, the name of a Starre.

Cauallóni, great horses. Also the boistrous billowes or rough surging waues of the sea.

Cauallúccio, a poore silly leane horse.

Cauallótto, a handsome well trust nagge.

Cauallúccij, a kinde of small coine in Naples.

Caualócchi, such as are hired or appointed to receiue and gather vp money of debters and are very importunate and earnest vpon them, so tearmed because it is supposed they are as eye-sores vnto them.

Cauaménto, a digging, a hollownesse.

Cauána, a ware-house, a store-house, an arsenall, a shed or place couered ouer where they build and keepe boates and barges in. Also a hole or den vnder ground.

Cauardína, a gaberdin or vpper frocke.

CAV   Cauáre, to digge, to make hollow, to draw out from, to caue, to mine.

Cauár di bócca, to get out of ones mouth, to make one confesse.

Cauár il capẻllo, to put off ones hat.

Cauár denári, to get mony by or from.

Cauáre il márcio, to get, to finde or sift out the pith, the core, the heart of any thing.

Cauáre il púnto, to take the dispart of a piece, which is the peg or pin set vpon the mouth of the piece by which the leuell is taken.

Cauár fuóri il limbẻllo, to vtter the worst one knowes against any body.

Cauáre la vóglia, to haue ones longing.

Cauáre mácchie, to get out staines.

Cauáre sángue, to let or draw blood.

Cauaríccie, a kind of snailes euer keeping in holes and sticking together in clusters.

Cauatóre, a digger, a miner, a pit-maker.

Cauatúra, a digging, a mining.

Cáua véna, as Chíli.

Cauazzána, a Cauezan or headstraine.

Caucálide, bastard Parsley.

Cáuco, a weather without hornes.

Caucóne, the hearbe Horse-taile.

Caudáce, tailed, hauing a taile or traine.

Caudatário, a traine-bearer.

Cáudo, a kind of measure in Ormuz.

Cauécchia, as Cauícchia.

Cauedále, as Capitále.

Cauedáno, as Cauezzále.

Cauedóni, as Capifuóchi. Also a kind of fish with a very great head.

Cauéggi, some part of a mill-wheel.

Cauẻlle, as Couẻlle.

Cauẻllo, a niple of a dug. Also a little stemme or stalke.

Cauẻrna, a cauerne, a caue, a den, a grot. Also a honiecombe in a caste piece.

Cauẻrnáre, to make hollow as a den or flaw of a piece.

Cauẻrnétta, any litle Cauẻrna.

Cauẻrnosità, hollownesse, a fulnesse of holes.

Cauẻrnóso, hollow, full of caues or dens, or honiecombes and flawes.

Cauéstro, as Capéstro.

Cauétta, vsed for Ciuétta, any Owle.

Cauézza, a halter, a headstraine, a horse coller.

Cauézza di móro, a broune bay colour.

Cauezzále, a boulster for a bed. Also a fish called a Pollard or a Chieuen.

Cauezzána, a cauezan, a headstraine.

Cauezzáre, to halter a horse.

Cauezzóne, as Cauezzána.

Cauiále, as Cauiáro.

Cauiáro, a kinde of salt blacke meate made of roes of fishes much vsed in Italie.


CAV   Cauícchia, as Cauíglia.

Cauicchiáre, to peg, to pin or wrench in. Also to stringe silke.

Cauicchiatóre, a stringer of silke.

Cauicchína, a litle Cauíglia.

Cauicchióne, as Cauiglióne.

Cauicchiuóli, as Bíscheri.

Cauíglia, any ring or peg fastened in a wall to tye horses at. Also any peg or pin for any instrument. Also a Carpenters tennon or linch pin. Also the anklebone of a mans legge, also the fet-lockes or pasternes of a horse or other beast. Also vsed for a mans yard. Also a dible. Also a wresting or stringing pin. Also a poking iron or setting sticke.

Cauigliáre, as Cauicchiáre.

Cauigliatóre, as Cauicchiatóre.

Cauiglióne, a great Cauiglía.

Cauigliuólo, any litle Cauíglia.

Cauilláre, to cauill, to wrangle.

Cauillatióne, cauilling, contention.

Cauillatóre, a cauiller, a wrangler.

Cauíllio, a cauill, a cauilling.

Cauillióso, as Cauillóso.

Cauillóso, cauillous, full of contention.

Cauità, a cauitie or hollownesse.

Cáula, a kind of musicall instrument.

Cauláta, a meat of coaleworts.

Cáuli, Coales or Coaleworts.

Cáulia, a kind of iuice vsed in Physicke.

Caulícolo, architecture composed of Yonike, Dorike and Corinthworke.

Caulíno, a kind of wine.

Caulóde, a kind of broad leaued Colewort smooth and plaine.

Caumeníte, a kind of wine.

Caúmo, any fiery meteor or impression moouing or falling from the skies.

Cáuna, a fish that without male conceiueth of her selfe.

Cáuni, a kind of figs.

Cauníta, a kind of extracted salt.

Cáuo, hollow, concaue.

Cauoláta, a meat made of coaleworts.

Cáuoli, Cáoli, coles or coleworts.

Cáuoli fióri, Colyflowres.

Cáura, Cáuria, as Cápra.

Cauráio, as Capráro.

Caurétto, a kid or yong goate. Also a cheurell or kids skin.

Caurióla, as Caprióla, a Roedoe.

Caurioláre, as Caprioláre.

Cauriólo, a Roe bucke, a yong kid or faune. Also a kind of rauenous sea-foule.

Cáuro, the west or northwest wind.

Cauróne, a great goat. Also a Cheuron in armory.

Cáusa, a cause, an occasion, a meanes, vsed also for any strife, contention or squaring, a controuersie or matter in sute or question.

Causále, casuall, subiect to chance.

CAZ   Causalità, chance, casuality.

Causáre, to cause, to occasion.

Causatíuo, efficient, that is the cause.

Causatióne, a causation, a causing.

Causidíco, a pleader at the bar, a barister, an atturny, a lawyer, an aduocate.

Cáusia, a kind of hat that the kings of Macedon were wont to weare. Also a broad straw hat that haruest folkes vse to keepe them from the sun.

Causticáre, to make or become costiue or caustike and burning.

Cáustico, costiue, bound or stopt in the belly. Also caustike, burning or blistring.

Cautẻla, a cautell or taking heed, a diligent care, a wary diligence, a caution.

Cauteláto, become cautelous or wary at his own cost.

Cautelóso, cautelous, heedy, wary.

Cautẻrio, a searing iron. Also a cautery.

Cauterizzáre, to cautery or seare with a burning or searing iron.

Cautionáre, to caution, to pledge, to baile, to assure. Also to be wary.

Cautióne, a caution, a surety, a baile, an assurance. Also a shift or starting hole. Also heed or warinesse.

Cáuto, warie, heedie, caute, full of caution.

Cazúde, a Magistrate in Venice.

Cázza, as Caccía. Also a ladle or skoope. Also a fire-pan, a Censer or Incense cup. Also a kind of coyne in India.

Cázza da scóglio, a melting ladle.

Cázza foráta, a skimmer.

Cazzafrústo, a sling, a kind of dart.

Cázza rimbeccáta, a ladle with a long beake or bill.

Cazzáli, as Bozzacchióni.

Cazzarénga, a kind of Sparrow.

Cazzaría, a treatise of prickes.

Cazzáride, a certaine rope in a ship about the mizen saile.

Cazzáue, a kind of white roote in India, which they vse in stead of wheat.

Cazzétta, as Cazzuóla.

Cazzíca, an Interiection of admiration, what! gods me! god forbid, tush.

Cazzipoténte, mighty in a Cázzo.

Cázzo, a mans priuie member. Also as Cazzíca.

Cazzoláta, a ladle-full. Also a musicall instrument without strings.

Cázzo maríno, a Pintle-fish.

Cázzo rítto, a stiffe standing pricke.

Cazzuóla, a litle ladle. Also a trowell.

Cazzúto, a man that hath a pricke.

Cé, as Ci, for Ci is euer turned intowhen it is ioyned vnto any of the seauen Articles, or the Particle Ne. Also vsed for a hundred.

C'é, there is, in that place there is.

CED   Cébano, a kind of cheese made in Ligúria.

Cecáre, to blinde.

Cecatẻllo, somewhat blinde.

Cécca, a mint or coining place.

Ceccárdola, a philip with the fingers.

Ceccardoláre, to philip or phip.

Ceccáre, to coine, or to mint or stampe.

Ceccáro, a minter, a monier, a coiner.

Cécco, a nick-name for tame Asses. Also an abreuiation of the name Francesco.

Céce, any kind of chitch, fitch or tare.

Céceri, a bird, or kind of Swan.


Cechitá, blindnesse.

Céci, fitches, citches, wilde tares.

Cécia, a wind betweene the North-east and that of the Sunne-rising in the Equinoctiall.

Cecílij sẻrpẻnti, all manner of blinde wormes or creeping creatures.

Cecità, blindnesse.

Cécio, as Cécia.

Céco, as Ciéco, blinde.

Cecóne, a grosse blinde man.

Cecúbo, a kinde of wine.

Cecutiẻnte, blindish, dimme of sight.

Cedebónis, a game at cards so called.

Cédere, Cẻdo, Cẻssi vel Cedẻi, Cẻsso vel cedúto, to yeeld, to giue place, to grant vnto, to resigne, to surrender, to afford.

Cédola, as Cédula.

Cẻdra, a drinke of apples called Cider.

Cedraláte, the Firre-cedar tree.

Cedráto, of the colour of Cedar.

Cedreolóne, oyle of Citrons.

Cédria, pitch of the Firre-cedar.

Cedriále, as Cédride.

Cédride, the fruit of a Cedar-tree.

Cedríno, that is made or smels of Cedar.

Cedriólo, a little Cedar-tree. Also a little Cytron. Also a little Coucumber.

Cédrio, a kinde of pitch that preserueth deade bodies.

Cédro, a Cedar-tree. Also a Cytron.

Cedrolétta, a yongue lim-lifter or twigger.

Cedróne, a Cytron, a Pome-cytron. Also a kind of wilde-hen.

Cedronẻlla, baulmemint or gentle.

Cedrostíno, a kinde of wilde white grape.

Cédula, a shedule, a bill, a note, a docket, a ticket, a billet, or handwriting.

Céfa, a head or chiefe, a surname of Peter as heade of the Apostles.

Cefaglióne, leaues of wilde dates good to eate.

Cefálica, the humerall or shoulder vaine.


CEL   Cẻfalo, a Mullet-fish, some take it for the Pollard-fish, some haue in mockery vsed it for the beake or bil of a bird. Also for a snout. Also for a mans priuy member.

Cẻfalù, a scornefull nickname, as we say a lim-lifter.

Cefaút, a key in musicke.

Cẻffáre, to take by the snout. Also to whirret on the mouth or snout.

Cẻffáta, a whirret on the mouth.

Cẻffo, the snout or muzell of any beast. Also a sea-meaw or white-cob.

Céfo, a kinde of Ape or Monkey.

Cegolíte, a kind of blackish stone.

Céice, a bird called a kings-fisher.

Ce'l, it to vs, it vs, it from. Also it there, or him there.

Cẻlabro, as Cẻruẻllo.

Celadóne, a great morion or skull.

Celága, a sparrow.

Celáio, as Celláro.

Celáre, to hide, to conceale.

Celánte, or Cælánte, the second moode of the first figure of Syllogismes.

Celárent, or Cælárent, as Celánte.

Celáta, a skull, a morion, a celade.

Celataménte, hiddenly, secretly.

Celatone, a great celade, skull or murrion.

Celatúra, a hiding or concealing. Also Helmetrie. Also a helmet, a caske, a skull.

Celebẻrrimo, most renoumed or spoken of.

Celebránza, as Celebratióne.

Celebráre, to celebrate, to renoume.

Celebratióne, celebration, renouming.

Cẻlebre, famous, renoumed, glorious.

Celebrità, fame, renoume, glory.

Cẻlebro, as Cẻruẻllo.

Celéga, a Sparrow.

Céleno, a kind of smallage or parseley.

Celeraménte, speedily, hastily.

Celeráre, to speed, to hasten.

Cẻlere, swift, speedy, hasty, nimble.

Celereménte, speedily, hastily.

Cẻleri, an ancient magistrate in Rome.

Celerità, celerity, speed, hast.

Celẻrrimo, most swift or speedy.

Celẻste, celestiall, heauenly. Also skie colour, azure or watchet.

Celẻste árco, the Rayne bow.

Celesistiále, celestiall, heauenly.

Celestiále, heauenly, celestiall.

Celẻstíno, as Celẻstro.

Celẻstro, azure, watchet, skie colour.

Celéto, a kind of fish.

Cẻlia, a kind of strong drinke made of corne vsed among the Numantines.

Celiáco mórbo, a collicke passion, a paine in the stomacke without flix.

Celiáci, such as through weaknesse of stomacke are troubled with the collicke.

Celiárca, as Chiliárca.

CEL   Celíbiri, a kind of speare wherewith new maried wiues had their haires trussed vp.

Celibáto, a single or vnmaried life.

Cẻlibe, single, vnmaried, vnwedded.

Celibeuità, as Celibáto

Celidónia, Celandine, Swallow wort, Tetter wort, or silken Cisley.

Celídro, a kind of venemous Serpent.

Celispíca, a viewer of the heauens.

Celítia, a kind of huge Sea-tortoise.

Cẻlla, a Cell, a caue, a cabine. Also a Cellar or a butterie. Also a black-berrie.

Cẻlláio, a cellar. Also a Butler.

Cẻllaiático, cellerage, butlerage.

Cẻllaráio, an ouerseer of Friers cells.

Cẻlláro, a cell-keeper. Also a Butler.

Cẻlleraría, the office of the ouerseer of Friers or Nunnes cells.

Cẻllétta, any litle Cẻlla.

Cẻlo, as Ciẻlo, Heauen.

Celóca, a kinde of Brigandine or Pinnasse.

Celóma, the mariners cry when they waigh ankre or hoise sailes.

Celomáre, to cry as mariners when they waigh ankre or hoise sailes.

Celóne, a testerne for a bed, a high roofe. Also a penthouse. Also a kind of Azure vsed to colour glasse for windowes and armes.

Celóni, penthouses or bordes. Also course hangings of rugged clothes.

Celostomía, a speaking hollow in the mouth.

Cẻlsa, a Mulberrie fruit.

Cẻlsità, loftinesse, haughtinesse, height, nobilitie, excellencie, eminencie.

Cẻlsitúdine, as Cẻlsità.

Cẻlso, a Mulberrie tree. Also high, noble, famous, eminent.

Cẻlsomíno, a Gelsemine floure.

Cẻlta, the plant of the Loto tree.

Cẻlti, as Cẻlta.

Cemballiẻro, a plaier on Cymbals.

Cembalísta, idem.

Cémbalo, a Cymball or Timbrell. Vsed also for a great round vatte as bookes come in.

Cementáre, as Cimentáre.

Ceménto, a ciment, or fastning together.

Cementóso, full of ciment and fastning.

Cemetẻrio, as Cimitẻrio.

Cémmalo, a musicall instrument that country wenches vse to dance and sing vnto.

Cemmamẻlla, as Cémmalo.

Cemósa, a kind of hearbe.

Cén, vsed in liew of Cẻnto, a hundred.

Céna, a supper. Also the holy Sacrament of the lords supper.

CEN   Cenábrio, Cinabre or Vermillion.

Cenácolo, a supping place or parlour.

Cenáre, to sup, to eat in the euening.

Cenarẻlla, a light or little supper.

Cenchríde, a kestrell. Also a kinde of small dyamond, some say it is a stone that seemes to haue seedes of Millet scattered heere and there in it. Also as Cencri.

Cenchríte, as Cenchríde.

Cénchro, as Cenchríde.

Cénci, ragges, cloutes, tatters, shreds of linnen cloathes.

Cenciaría, a frippery of old ragges.

Cenciáro, a fripper or broker of old rags or filthy cloathes.

Cencíglio, a little clout or ragge.

Cencinquánta, a hundred and fifty.

Céncio díce stráccio, a prouerbe, as we say the pan calles the ouen burnt-taile.

Cencióne, a ragged, torne companion.

Cencióso, ragged, torne, full of patches, sluttish, beggerly, tattered.

Cenéri, a certaine speckled snake or serpent with a horride face.

Cendálo, as Sandálo.

Cendalétti, as Sandalétti.

Cenè, Cén', to vs of it, or thereof, vs thereof, from vs thereof. Also there thereof.

Ceneráccio, as Ceneríccio. Also the finest siluer that can be tried with fire.

Ceneráre, to cinder or reduce to ashes, or ash-colour.

Ceneráta, as Ceneríccio.

Cénere, ashes, Cinders.

Cénere aspẻrsa, Ethiopian mullein.

Ceneríccio, a heape of ashes, the ashes of a bucke cast away. Also one that lies in the ashes or chimney corner. Also ash-colour.

Ceneríno, as Ceneríccio.

Cenerógna, all maner of ashes.

Cenerógnolo, of a dead ash-colour.

Ceneróso, ashy, full of ashes and cinders. Also of an ash-coloure.

Cenétta, a little supper, a schollers pittance.

Cénghia, a guirt, a cingle.

Cenghiáre, to guirt, to cingle.


Cennamẻlla, as Cémmalo.

Cénnamo, Cennamómo, cynamond.

Cennáre, as Accennáre.

Cénno, a nod, a becke, an inkling, a sign, a glance at any thing, made with the head, with the eie, or with the hand.

Cenóbio, a conuent, a religious house, a house where people liue in common.

Cenocẻphalo, a dogs head, as Cinocẻphalo.

Cenotáfio, a monument or empty tombe erected in memory of the dead.


CEN   Censále, a receiuer of fines, subsidies, fines, taxes or valuations.

Censemína, a kind of vine or grape.

Censeniére, as Censále.

Cénso, a sessing, a taxing, a subsidie, a rating, a tribute, a rent, a fee, a rate, or valuation of a mans substance.

Censóre, a censor, a iudge, a corrector, a doomer, a high constable, a reformer of policies and disorders.

Censório, pertaining to a censor.

Censuále, by denumberment or valuation, that is to be taxes, sessed, rated, fined or valued.

Censuário, one that paieth Cénso.

Censúra, a censure, a iudgement, a reformation or correction.

Censurábile, that may be censured.

Censuráre, to censure, to iudge, to doome.

Cẻnta, any kind of girdle.

Centaníno, any little Centóne.

Cẻntariáre, to distribute in bands or deuide into hundreds.

Cẻntáura, the hearbe Centory.

Cẻntaurẻa, as Cẻntáura.

Cẻntáuro, a centaure, halfe a man and halfe a bull. Also the name of a star.

Cénte, some part of a ship.

Cẻntẻllíno, as Ciantẻllíno.

Cẻnténa, a hundred or fiue score.

Cẻntenáia, hundreds.

Cẻntenáio, a hundred.

Centenário, of a hundred yeeres old.

Cẻntesimáre, to reduce into hundreds. Also to chuse or draw one out of a hundred by lots, as sometimes it hapneth among souldiers.

Cẻntésimo, the hundreth.

Cẻntigráno, a kind of wheate that beareth iust a hundred graines.

Cẻntilóquio, a hundred fold discourse.

Cẻntína, a hundred.

Cẻntináia, hundreds.

Cẻntinẻlla, as Sentinẻlla.

Cẻnto, a hundred, fiue score.

Cẻntobráccia, one with a hundred armes.

Cẻntocápi, an hearb that causeth him to be loued that weareth the same about him, it is a kind of thistle and hath iust a hundred heads.

Cẻntofóglie, the hundred leafe rose.

Centolína di baladóre, some part of a ship.

Céntolo, a kind of rare choise wine.

Cẻntogámbe, as Cẻntopiédi.

Cẻntománi, with a hundred hands.

Cẻntomíla, a hundred thousand.

Cẻntonáia, hundreds.

Cẻntóne, the hearbe Chickweede or Mouseare. Also a kind of quilt which in warre was vsed for a defence against slings or bowes. Also a course couerlet or beggers cloke made of shreds, listes or patches. Also a quilted iacket. Also as Cẻntóni.

CEN   Cẻntóni, rapsodies, mingle-mangles of many kindes of verses gathered from diuers Authors.

Cẻntonócchio, Periwinkle or Lesseron.

Cẻntonódia, knot-grasse.

Cẻntopẻllióne, the rim of the Panch.

Cẻntopiẻdi, a fish hauing a hundred feete. Also a worme called a Palmer with a hundred feete, as Moltipiédi.

Cẻntoplicáre, to multiply by hundreds.

Cẻntoplicáto, an hundred-folde.

Cẻntório, Moniewort or two penny-grasse, some take it for Centorie or Clarie.

Cẻntouirále, of an hundred men.

Cẻnto vólte, a hundred times.

Cẻntrále, of or belonging to the centre.

Cẻntrico, as Cẻntro.

Cẻntro, the Centre, middle point or depth of anything.

Cẻntróne, the hearbe Clarie.

Cẻntúculo, Cottenweede, or Cudwort.

Cẻntúnculo, as Climátide.

Cẻntupéde, as Cẻntopiédi.

Cẻntuplicáre, to multiply by hundreds.

Centúra, a belt or girdle.

Centuráre, to girdle or belt.

Centúria, a centurie.

Centuriáto, the office and estate of a Centurion. Also registred or enroled in the band of a hundred.

Centuríno, a little girdle or waste bande.

Centurióne, a Captaine of a hundred men.

Centuripíno, a kinde of good Saffron growing in Sicilie.

Centuruóla, a little girdle, a wasteband. Also a garter. Also a childes horne-booke hanging at his girdle.

Cepẻa, Brookelime or Sea-purslaine.

Cephálea, a long continuing head-ache.

Cephálica, the head-veine.

Cẻphalo, as Cẻfalo.

Cephẻo, the name of a starre.

Cẻpheri, yong drones or spurious bees.

Cẻpho, a wilde beast whose forefeete are like a mans hands, and the hinder legs like vnto those of a man.

Cẻpo, as Cẻpho.

Cepiónide, a stone of diuers colours very strange to see.

Cépite, as Cepocápite.

Cepocápite, a stone that doth reiect all whitenesse.

Cépola, a kind of Cheese-cake.

Cẻppa, a chirping sparrow.

Cẻpparẻllo, a little Cẻppo.

Cẻppáto, hath beene vsed as Steccáto.

Cẻppo, a stocke, a log, a blocke, a stump, a trunke of a tree. Also a stocke of a plaine or pistole. Also the head of a beetle. Also the stocke or pedegree of any man or family. Also fetters, shackles, stockes, giues or boults, or a foot-trap.

CER   Céra, any kinde of wax. Also cheere, or fare. Also countenance, looke or aspect.

Ceraginóso, like vnto or full of wax.

Ceracháte, a kind of Agate-stone.

Ceraiuóla, a woman that selleth wax-candles, or hath care of wax lights in a Monastery. Also Candlemas-daie.

Ceraiuólo, a wax-chandler.

Ceramẻlla, a kind of bag-pipe.

Ceraménto, a waxing together.

Ceráre, to wax or seale with wax.

Ceráro, a Waxe-chandler, or maker.

Cerasciuólo, a pallet wine.

Cerasáro, a cherry man or hortyard.

Ceráse, all maner of Cherries.

Ceráse d'inuẻrno, a lote or nettle-tree.

Cerásta, a kind of snake or serpent with hornes like a ram.

Cerasuólo, a kind of pallet-wine.

Cerátia, a blazing-starre somewhat resembling the fashion of a horne. Also the hearbe our Ladies mantle.

Ceratinóa, a kind of horned Poppy.

Ceráunia, a blackish and blewish stone, which put in Vineger & saltpeter, wil in time grow to haue a bright-glittering star in the centre of it, and taken out will iust in so long time loose it againe, it is said to fall out of the clouds and that who weares it about him can not be drowned, some say it is a kinde of glittering pearle. Also the Carobe-cod or fruit. Also as Mísi.

Ceráuro, as Ceráunia.

Cẻrbia, a hinde of a stagge.

Cẻrbiátto, a brocke or a staggard.

Cẻrbio, a Stagge or a Hart.

Cẻrbióne, a Stagge or a Hart.

Cẻrbo, a Stagge or a Hart.


Cẻrbottána, as Ciarbattána.

Cérca, a search, an enquiry. Also as Círca.

Cérca-bríghe, a seeker of troubles or quarrels, one that will thrust himselfe into all companies.

Cercaménto, a seeking, an inquiry. Also a combate, a fight a fray.

Cercáre, to search, to seeke. Also to fight, to striue or combate. Also to feele or grope for.

Cercár dẻl móndo, to trauell and see the world for experience.

Cercár dẻl páne, to trauell, to labour or shift for ones liuing.

Cercáre il pélo nẻll'vuóuo, to seeke a haire in an egge, as we say to seeke a knot in a rush.


CER   Cercáre partíto, to seeke entertainement.

Cercáta, a search, a seeking.

Cercáti, searchings, deuises, seekings.

Cercatóre, a seeker, a searcher.

Cercẻglio, a hoope ring, a circlet, a coronet, a wreath, a chaplet or garland about the head. Also a neckelace. Also an eare ring. Also a carkanet or border vpon a womans head. Also a circuit. Also a round or troupe of men. Also a tauerne or alehouse bush.

Cercégne, a kind of rauenous foule.

Cercéuolo, a Teale or a wigin.

Cérchia, hoopes. Also an encircling.

Cerchiáre, to hoope or circle about. Also to encompasse or encircle round.

Cerchiáta, an encircling, a hooping.

Cerchiáro, a hooper, a cooper.

Cerchiátto, any kind of hoope or circle.

Cerchiẻllo, as Cercẻglio.

Cerchiétto, as Cercẻglio.

Cerchiéuole, that may be circled.

Cérchij, circles in a horses hoofe.

Cérchij d'una ruóta, the fellowes of a wheele.

Cérchio, a circle, a hoope. Also as Cercẻglio. Also a round compasse.

Cérchio da tauẻrna, a tauerne bush.

Cérchio di fẻrro, an iron hoope, amongst gunners called a washer, which serues to keepe the iron pin at the end of the axeltree from wearing the naue.

Cérchio tẻrréno, a rampart, a skonce.

Cercíno, a paire of compasses.

Cercoláre, circular, round, sphericall.

Cercóne, the turning or sowring of wine, beere or ale by thunder or heate.

Cercopitẻco, a marmozet or monkie.

Cercuróne, a kind of great ship among the Grecians.

Cerẻa, as Cẻlia, a drinke made of corne.

Cereále, smooth or coloured as wax. Also pertaining to the Goddesse of haruest.

Cerdóne, a base mechanicall fellow.

Cerebattána, as Ciarbattána.

Cẻrebro, as Cẻruẻllo.

Cerefóglio, Cheruill or toothpicke grasse.

Cerégia, any kind of cherry.

Ceregiáro, a cherry man or hortyard.

Cerégio, a cherry tree.

Ceremíta, a kind of pretious stone.

Ceremónie, as Cerimónie.

Cerẻo, a pale yellow or wax colour.

Cerephilóne, Senuy or Cheruill.

Ceretanáre, to play the mountibanke.

Ceretanaríe, mountibanke trickes.

Ceretáno, as Ciarratáno.

Cerfóglio, as Cerefóglio.

Céria, a kind of wen or impostumation. Also a kind of strong drinke in Spaine made of corne.

Cérica, a shauelin, a shauen-pate.

Cérico, a shauelin, a Clergie-man.

Cérie, wens or vlcers gathered in manner of honie-combes.

CER   Cerífero, waxe-bearing or bringing.

Cériga, as Cérica.

Cerígno, a pale yellow or waxe colour.

Cérigo, as Cérico.

Cerigóne, a wilde beast in India with a bag vnder his bellie wherein in times of danger he carieth his yong ones.

Ceríllo, a kind of daintie wine in Rome.

Cerimónia, a ceremonie, a complement.

Cerimoniále, ceremoniall, cerimonious.

Cerimoniáre, to vse ceremonies.

Cerimoniárij, as Cerimoniásti.

Cerimoniásti, an obseruer of ceremonies.

Cerimoniére, a master of ceremonies.

Cerimonióso, full of ceremonies.

Cerimonísti, as Cerimoniásti.

Cerimoniúzze, foolish ceremonies.

Cerína, a kind of yellow wheate-plum.

Ceríni, a kind of yellow Berill stone.

Ceríno, a wax or pale yellow colour.

Ceríntho, as Eritháce, a kind of Lilly.

Cério, a torche, a taper or size of waxe.

Ceríolo, a fish called a ruffe, or guilt-head.

Cerisiána, a grape tasting of cherries.

Ceríte, a stone of a waxe colour.

Cermanẻlla, as Ceramẻlla.

Cermisóne, a bold foole, a saucie gull.

Cẻrna, a culling or chusing out.

Cẻrne, a ruffe or guilthead fish, as Cẻrníta.

Cẻrnere, cẻrno, cẻrnéi, cẻrnúto, to sift, to search. Also to chuse or cull out.

Cẻrnícchio, a crisping wire, a bodkin that women vse to part their haire. Also a picker or culler of any thing.

Cẻrnie, as Cẻrne.

Cẻrníre, nísco, níto, as Cẻrnere.

Cẻrnita, a choise, a culling or picking out. Páne di cẻrnita, ranged bread.

Cẻrnite d'Itália, the choise trained souldiers of Italie.

Cẻrnitóre, a chuser, a culler.

Cẻrnitúra, as Cẻrnita.

Céro, a taper or torch of waxe. Also as Zéro. Also as Cẻrro.

Ceróstrata, fine inlaid or marquetrie worke of diuers colours.

Ceróto, Cerótto, a seare-cloth. Also of middle nature betweene a plaister and an ointment.

Cẻrpíre, as Sẻrpíre.

Cẻrracchióni, great Oke-elme trees.

Cẻrrétta, basebroome, woodwaxen, grening weede, dyers weede.

Cẻrro, the holme-Oke tree. Also a Cakrell fish. Also a locke of haire.

Cẻrtáme, a conflict, a combate. Also the prize for which men striue in any bodily contention.

Cẻrtamẻnte, certainely, assuredly.

Cẻrtanaménte, certainely, assuredly.

Cẻrtanità, as Cẻrtézza.

CER   Cẻrtáno, certaine, sure, assured.

Cẻrtánza, as Cẻrtézza.

Cẻrtatóre, a combatant, a fighter.

Cẻrtézza, certaintie, assurednesse.

Cẻrtificánza, as Cẻrtificatióne.

Cẻrtificáre, to certifie, to assure.

Cẻrtificatióne, a certificate.

Cẻrtificatóre, a certifier, an assurer.

Cẻrtificáto, certified. Also a certificate.

Cẻrto, certaine, sure, certes, fast, firme. Also a truth or certaintie. Also being ioined with any Substantiue noune, it stands for some, some one, or a certaine bodie.

Certósa, a charter-house.

Certosíno, a Carthusian Frier.

Certugíno, as Certosíno.

Certusíno, as Certosíno.

Cẻrua, a hinde of a stagge.

Cẻruáme, all manner of Deare.

Cẻruário, of or belonging to stags.

Cẻruáto, a speckled, dun stag-colour.

Cẻrueggiáre, to be wilde, to hunt stags.

Cẻruẻlláccio, a mad fantasticall wit.

Cẻruẻlláto, a kinde of dried Sausage called also Rè de' cíbi, king of meates.

Cẻruẻlliéra, a fantasticall wench.

Cẻruẻllíno, a fond humorous man.

Cẻruẻllo, the braine of any creature. Also pith, wit, conceit, discretion.

Cẻruétto, a yong stag or faune.

Cẻruíce, the hinder part of the necke. Also the crest or neke of a horse.

Cẻruicúto, thicke or stiffe necked.

Cẻruiére, as Lupo cẻruiére. Also sharpe or quicke-sighted. Ócchio cẻruiére, a quicke eye.

Cẻruiétta, a yong or litle Hinde or Doe.

Cẻruígia, strong drinke, beare.

Cẻruína, looke Spína.

Cẻruína pẻlle, a Stagges skin or leather.

Cẻruíno, of or made of a Stagge, of a Stags coloure or nature. Also a yongue staggard.

Cẻruíto, a calfe, or brocke, or staggard.

Cerugía, the art of Chirurgery.

Cerúgico, a Chirurgion.

Cerulẻo, azure, watchet, skie-coloure.

Cẻruo, a Stagge, a Hart.

Cẻruógia, Beere or Ale, strong drinke.

Cẻruogiáro, a Beere-brewer.

Cẻruósa, as Cẻruógia.

Cẻruosáro, as Cẻruogiáro.

Cẻrúsico, a Chirurgion.

Cerússa, as Ciróssa.

Cesále, any kind of hedge, or enclosures about fields.

Cesána, a kind of Swan.

Cesaráne, a kinde of chaine or linke-worke that Gold-smithes worke in Italy.

Césare, one that at his birth is ript out of his mothers wombe. Also an Emperour. [95] Also a kind of chitch or tare. Also a proper name of a man. Also the first moode of the second figure of Syllogismes.

CES   Cesáreo, Imperiall, Maiesticall.

Césca. Vsed of Bocace as Francésca.

Cesendẻllo, a lampe hanging.

Cesennáto, a kinde of very wholesome wine.

Césila, Cesílla, a swallow.

Cesíno, as Cígno, a Swan.

Césio, a kinde of coloure that Painters vse.

Cesítio, a kind of garment mentioned by Nonnius.

Céso, a part of a proposition signifying no full sense.

Cesóie, shires or cizers.

Cesóne, as Césare. Also a kinde of ducke.

Cesóre, a cutter, a tailor.

Cespitáre, to stumble.

Cespitatióne, a stumbling.

Cespitatóre, a stumbler.

Cẻspite, as Cespúglio.

Cẻspo, as Cespúglio, a stumbling-blocke.

Cespugliáre, to make or grow bushy.

Cespúglio, a bush, a bramble, a busket.

Cespuglióso, bushy, full of brambles.

Cẻssábile, that may cease.

Cẻssagióne, a cessation, a ceasing.

Cẻssáre, to cease, to relinquish.

Cẻsséuole, that may cease.

Cẻssi Iddío, God cease or forbid.

Céssio ócchio, a whale eie.

Cessióne, a cession, a resignation.

Cessíte, a kind of whitish stone.

Cẻsso, yeelded, resigned. Also a priuy or close stoole. Also a scroule of paper.

Césta, a basket, a flasket, a pannier.

Cestáre, to put into a basket.

Cestáro, Cestáio, a basket-maker.

Cestaruólo, a Porter or basket-bearer.

Cestẻlla, a Seamsters worke-basket.

Cestẻllína, as Cestẻlla.

Cesterẻlla, any kind of litle basket.

Césti, foiles, wasters or cudgels vsed in fence-schooles.

Cesticíllo, a wispe, a wad, a wase, or wreath of straw or cloutes that women vse on their heads to carry things vpon.

Cestíno, a measure of dry things.

Césto, a mariage girdle full of studs much spoken off by Poets, which the husband gaue his wife, and girded her with the first day, and at night tooke it from her againe. Also a kinde of heauie flaile. Also a basket or pannier. Also a shrub or bush. Also was anciently vsed among the Grecians and wrestlers for a kind of iron club or sledge, vnto which were tied with leather straps or dried sinewes certaine balles or bullets of leade, which in their Olimpicke games and exercises they were wont to hurle, pitche, throw or cast.

CET   Cestonáto, fortified with gabbions.

Cestóne, a gabbion, a great basket.

Cestopilótto, a close-basket.

Cestótta, a great basket or gabbion.

Cẻstra, a battle-axe or pole-axe.

Cestrẻo, a kinde of fish that hath this propertie, to feed vpon no other fish but of her owne kind, and can be taken with no baite but hir owne, fishers hang out one of the male kinde, wherof the females are so greedie, that they will come in whole skoales about him, he hides himselfe in the mud, and hauing hidden his head, he thinks that all his bodie is vnseene, the Latins call this fish Mugil or else Mugilis. Looke Mugíle.

Cestróne, the hearbe Betonie.

Cestullúccia, a poore, old, silly basket.

Cestúto, bushie, leauie, shrubbie.

Cesúra, a cut, a gash, an incision. Also caruing in stone or timber. Also a piece of a verse or sentence.

Céta, as Céto. Also a hatchet.

Cetacẻi pésci, whale-fishes.

Cetára, a citterne, a gitterne.

Cetarédo, a gitterne or citterne-plaier.

Cetarẻi pésci, pond or poole-fishes.

Cetarẻlla, a litle citterne or gitterne.

Cetárij, places neare the Sea, where fishers were wont to salt greene-fishes.

Cétera, an & cetera, a conclusion vsed in writings, and so forth.

Ceteráre, to play vpon a citerne.

Ceteratóio, as Cetarédo.

Ceteratóre, as Cetarédo.

Ceterísta, a gitterne-plaier.

Cetiáco, one that hath a weake stomacke.

Céto, a Whale or such other great fish of the sea. Also a congregation. Also the name of a starre.

Cétola, a fish in Latine, Faber marinus. Also a kinde of coine in Venice.

Cetrángolo, a kinde of Citron.

Cetráti, armed with a kinde of little shield or buckler after the old fashion.

Cetríne, a kinde of gnats.

Cetríno, a Citron or Pome-citron coloure.

Cétro, a Scepter, a mace of dignity.

Cetróne, a Pome-citron, a Citron.

Cetronẻlla, the hearbe Baulmemint.

Cetruólo, a little Pomecitron.

Cétta, a hatchet. Also an axe.

Cettína, a little hatchet.

Cẻtto, now, euen now, at this instant.

Cettolíno, a little hatchet.

Céualo, as Céfalo, a fish.

Ceuẻllo, as Céfalo, a fish.

CHE   Céuera, a mullet fish.

Céuole, ciues, scallions, or cibols.

Chalázia, a stone named of haile, because it resembleth haile.

Chálci, a Turbot fish, some take it for a shad. Also a small coine among the Romans.

Chalcíde, a kind of serpent or lizard. Also a fish that hisseth like a serpent.

Chálco, a waight of halfe a Caract.

Chalcomarágdo, a kind of greene stone like an Emarauld.

Chálta, as Cálta.

Chám, a mighty one or a great Prince in the Persian tongue.

Chambróne, the Priuet or Prime-print.

Chamerópe, as Camerópe.

Cháo, Cáo, a Hynde-woolfe.

Cháos, Chaósse, a Chaos, a confused lump, a formelesse masse, a mishmash.

Chára, a roote whereof Cesars souldiers made bread in Pharsalia.

Charáccia, woad or Pastell for Dyers.

Charáte, a stone like Christall good against the dropsie, and makes him eloquent that weares it about him.

Charità, as Carità.

Charíte, grace, comelinesse, elegancy.

Chárta, as Cárta.

Chè? what? what thing?

Chè? why? wherefore?

Chè, that, which, the which, who.

Chè, because, for.

Chè, then, when, at what time.

Chè, to the end, that so, that.

Chè, sithence, since that.

Chè, but except, sauing, onely.

Chè, but, as, A péna ẻra partíto ch'io víddi il luógo, scarce was he gone, but I saw the place.

Chè, wherefore, whereof, for so much.

Chè, being in any comparison, namely Non following the same signifieth then, as Tu séi più dótto chè non sóno io, thou art more learned then I am.

Chè, so, so that, in such sort as.

Chè, as, as that, as what.

Chè, least that, least, that.

Chè, as Chechè, whatsoeuer.

Chè, vntill, vntill that.

Chè, a nothing, a whit, a iot.

Chè, a thing, as Vn bẻl chè, a goodly or faire thing.

Chè, what betweene, vi fúrono chè guáste chè sfraccẻlláte cénto náui.

Chè, sometimes not written nor spoken and yet vnderstood and meant, as Témo tu non m'ingánni, I feare thou wilt deceiue me.

Chè, what, Non sò chè tu ti díca, I wot not what thou saiest.


CHE   Chè? why, wherefore? Chè non impári a temér Dio? why or wherefore doest thou not learne to feare God?

Ché, as quándo, when, at what time, after that, when as, and than it followeth commonly a participle.

Ché, many times leaft out as a grace in writing and speech after these verbes Dubitáre, Suspicáre and Temére. Dubitáuano fórte non Sér Ciapellétto gl'ingannásse. Cominciò a suspicáre non costúi fosse dẻsso.

As for the words that are ioyned vnto Chè, which are very many I refer the reader to my rules at the word Chè.

Chébuli, a kind of mirabolane plum.

Checcaláre, to cackle as a hen.

Checcalísta, a pratling woman.

Checchè, as Chè chè.

Chẻché, what thing soeuer.

Chè chè si sia, whatsoeuer it be.

Ch'è che non è, soone after, but presently.

Chè chì, that who, that whosoeuer.

Chè c'è? che ci è? what is there?

Chéd, instead of Chè, before vowels, Inánzi ched io mi dispéri, &c.

Chè dómin? what a Gods-name.

Chè è dẻl fáttoo? what becomes of the?

Chéggiere, chéggio, as Chiédere.

Ché'l, that he, that it.

Chelastríco, the best kinde of Nitre.

Chéle, the fore part of the signe Scorpio.

Chelidónia, the hearbe Celandine the great, some take it for Figwort, pilewort or tetterwort. Also a stone of a swallow colour found in a Swallow. Also a kind of serpent. Also a Westerne wind.

Chelídro, as Chelíndro.

Chelíndro, an adder or water-snake.

Chẻlle, to the end that she or it.

Chẻllo, that he or it.

Chelónia, as Cheloníte.

Chelóne, a kind of Emerauld.

Cheloníte, a stone found in a Tortoise and like a Tortoise shell, good against stormes.

Chelonítide, as Cheloníte.

Chelonophágo, a feeder vpon Tortoises.

Chemacísso, ground Iuie.

Chè mái, that euer. Also then euer. Also that neuer. Also then neuer.

Cheméle, a stone like Iuorie, as hard as marble, the bodies buried in them are neuer consumed, it is said that the bodie of Darius King of Persia was buried in a tombe of such stones.

Chememirsíno, a kind of wild mirtle.

Chemerisón, a kind of salt that Alchimists vse.

CHE   Chemíte, as Cheméle.

Chéna, a kind of powder of the colour of spice which tempered with warme water, the maidens in Turkie when they are to bee maried wash their bodies therewith, and an houre after being washed againe they bodies glister all ouer like Gold.

Chéne, a measure of liquid things in Greece.

Chenalopéce, as Chenalopéco.

Chenalopéco, a bird called a Brant or Bargander, some take it for the Scotish Solan-goose.

Chéne, a stone found in the eye of an old Hart, good against poison.

Chenéro, a kind of Snake or serpent.

Chénica, a Greeke dry measure.

Che nó? che non? not so, I should not, what will you lay? a wager.

Che nón, then, least, least that, that not, and if in any comparison there bee vsed a second verbe it signifies then, as for example. Il sáuio sà più che non sà il mátto, The wise man knowes more then knoweth the foole. Gli antíchi ẻrano più sáuij chè non siámo nói, Our elders were more wise then we are.

Chenomicóne, an hearbe called Goose-foote, it shines in the night and Geese be affraid of it.

Chenopéde, as Chenomicóne.

Chenoréte, a kind of litle wild Goose.

Chénte, as quánto, how much? how long? how farre? as much, as long, as farre. Also a kinde of fine linnen cloth.

Chénte si sía, how much soeuer it be.

Che più, what more?

Che prò? what good? what profit?

Chentúnque, as Quantúnque.

Cheppiúzzo, a suttle, slye, cheating knaue.

Chérco, a Clerke, a Clergie-man, one that is elected.

Chercúto, shauen-pated. Also elected.

Chérere, as Chiédere.

Chérgna, a ruffe or guilthead fish.

Chérica, as Chiérica.

Chericále, of or belonging to the Clergie.

Chericáto, as Chiericáto.

Cherichería, the Clergie.

Cherícia, the Clergie.

Chericíle, as Chericále.

Chérico, as Chiérico.

Cheriníte, as Cheméle.

Cherminále, as Criminále.

Cherminóso, as Criminisóso.

Chermisí, the colour crimson, or purple red.

Chermosíno, a Crimson colour.

Cherníte, as Cheméle.

Chéro, I require, I demaund.

CHE   Cherséa, as Chersídro.

Chersína, as Chersídro.

Chersídro, a Serpent or Tortoise that liues as well on land as in the water.

Cherúbico, enflamed with charitie.

Cherubíno, multitude of knowledge or infusion of wisedome. Also cherubine.

Che sì che sì, be still, or whosht, for if not, you shall repent it. Also what will you lay?

Chésta, an enquest or enquirie. Also vsed for Quésta.

Chestrẻo, as Cestrẻo.

Che tallhóra non, least that.

Chetáre, to whosht, to quiet, to still.

Chéte, a kind of stinging waspe.

Chetéuole, that may be quieted.

Chetézza, stilnesse, silence, whoshtnesse.

Chetechẻgli. Looke Fare a chetichẻgli.

Chéto, whosht, quiet, still, calme.

Cheúnche, whosoeuer, or whatsoeuer.

Cheúnque, as Cheúnche.

Chì? who? which?

Chì, who, who that, he the which.

Chì, whose. Also to whom, or whom.

Chì, some, some one, chi morì di fáme, chi di séte, & chi s'affogó nel'acqua.

Chì, hath beene once vsed of a good Author for Quì, heere, in this place.

Chichè, whosoeuer, what man soeuer.

Chi chì, whosoeuer, what man soeuer.

Chía, a kinde of gum or Mastike, or as some thinke a kinde of white earth which giueth an amiable colour to the whole bodie being applied vnto it. Also a precious powder, which they of Iapone vse to mixe with their water when they drinke.

Chiácchiara, a chat or pritle prattle.

Chiacchiaráre, to prattle, to babble, to tattle.

Chiacchiaráta, as Fagioláta.

Chiácchera, as Chiacchería.

Chiacchería, a tittle tattle, a babling.

Chiaccheróne, a babler, a pratler.

Chiácco, a drawing or lettise window, a tooting, prying or lurking hole. Also a smacking with the tongue. Also a snare, a springe, or gin.

Chiácchibichiácchi, pratling companions, babling lads. Also helter-skelter or higledepigle.

Chiaéni, certaine Iudges so called in China that ride in circuit to correct abuses.

Chiága, a kind of rauenous Sea-fowle.

Chiaffiáto, as Affiáto.

Chiaggía, as Cloáca.

Chiamáre, to call, to claime, to inuoke. Also to name, to hight, to yelip.

Chiamáta, a call or calling for.

Chiamatíuo, to be called.

Chiamóre, a call, a clamor, a calling.

Chiána, as Chía. Also a standing poole [97] or watring place. Also a Carpenters plaine.

CHI   Chianáre, to stand or grow to a poole. Also to plaine or make smooth.

Chiánca, a slaughter-house, a butcherie, a shambles. Also a torturing place. Also a pauement or planked floore. Also a springe or gin to catch birdes.

Chiancára, as Chiaranzána.

Chiancasáno, a horse-shooe for horses that haue tender hoofes or false quarters, being shorter on the one side then on the other.

Chianẻlle, as Pianẻlle.

Chianẻllétte, a little or thin pantofles.

Chianétta, a caske, a helmet, a head-piece.

Chiantáre, as Schiantáre. Also to tug.

Chiánte, a kind of excellent wine.

Chiápia, a brick-bat, a tilesharde.

Chiáppa, a buttocke, a hanch, a hamor hip. Also an earthen dripping pan. Also a broken crag, or splinter of stone deuided by nature. Also a step of a ladder. Also a flat boate or broad lighter. Also a broad planke or piece of timber. Also that part of a knife that goes into the handle or haft. Also the breech of a Cannon or Musket. Also a patch of leade clapt to a ship that is shot or hath a leake. Also a clap.

Chiappáre, as Acchiappáre. Also looke Chiáppa.

Chiáppe di bue, a kind of horse-shooe.

Chiappeggiáre, to clap on the buttocks, to pinch by the hanch.

Chiappeggiáta, a clap on the buttocke, a pinch by the hanch.

Chiapperóne, a clout of iron to couer the end of the axel-tree, some call it a cap, because it couers and caps any thing.

Chiappetíne, litle buttockes or hips.

Chiáppole, foolish Harlots, broad hipt rigs. Also hudle or bedroules.

Chiappóne, a port in the mouth of a bit.

Chiappóso, well buttockt. Also full of broken stones. Looke Chiáppa.

Chiára, a kind of very strange lightning, whereby full Tunnes are drawen dry, mettal moulten in bags, shins broken and the stockings left whole, letters burnt and the seals of waxe vntoucht, and many such strange things. Also as Chiáro.

Chiára d'vuóuo, the white of an egge. Also according to Alchimists quicke-silver.

Chiaramẻlla, a kind of bag-pipe.

Chiarantána, a kind of Caroll or song full of leapings like a Scotish gigge, some take it for the Almaine-leape.

Chiaranzána, as Chiarantána.

Chiarantanáre, to dance Chiarantána.

Chiaráre, as Chiaríre.

CHI   Chiarẻa, the hearbe Clarie. Also the wine Ipocrasse made of spices. Also a kinde of sauce in Italie made of graines. Also a kind of sweet washing water.

Chiarẻllo, somewhat cleare. Also Claret-wine.

Chiarétto, as Chiarẻllo. Also a sounding instrument called a Clairon.

Chiarézza, clearenesse, brightnesse, thinnesse. Also apparance. Also renowme or splendor.

Chiarificáre, as Chiaríre.

Chiarentána, as Chiarantána.

Chiarentanáre, to dance Chiarantána.

Chiarenzána, as Chiarantána.

Chiariménto, a clearing or manifestation.

Chiaríno, a clairon of a trumpet. Also a nicke name for tame heafers or houslins.

Chiarificáre, to make cleare or manifest, to clarifie.

Chiarificatione, a clarification, a making cleere or manifest.

Chiaríre, rísco, ríto, to cleare, to clarifie. Also to resolue or put out of doubt.

Chiarità, as Chiarézza.

Chiáro, cleere, bright, or through shining. Also apparant, manifest or out of doubt. Also thin. Also famous or renowmed.

Chiaróre, as Chiarézza.

Chiáro scúro, a darke puke colour.

Chiassaiuólo, a little darke entry, or Chiásso.

Chiassáre, to spot, to blur, to dash with dirt. Also to haunt whore-houses.

Chiassétto, a little lane, a by-ally, a little whore-house.

Chiásso, a narrow lane, an ally that hath but one entrance and comming out, an out-nooke in a towne where poore folkes dwell. Also a brothell or bawdie house. Also a scolding noise, a hurly burly in a brothell. Also a kind of weight in Ormuz.

Chiassolíno, as Chiassétto.

Chiattáre, to squat or grouell on the ground. Also to whosht or still. Also to lurke.

Chiátto, squatting, groueling, whosht, lurking. Also a foule toade.

Chiauáio, he that shuts and lockes or hath the charge of keyes. Also a locke-smith.

Chiauaiuólo, as Chiauáio.

Chiauálli, transoms. Also wooden barres or boults to open and shut doores.

Chiauárda, any thing to be locked vp.

Chiauárdi, a disease in a horse.

Chiauánte, as Chiauéscha.

Chiauáre, to locke with a key. Also to transome, but now a daies abusiuely vsed for Fóttere.

CHI   Chiauarína, as Chiauerína.

Chiauaríno, as Chiauáro.

Chiauáro, a locke-smith, a key-keeper, a porter. Also a woodden barre or transom.

Chiauaruóla, a transom or woodden barre. Also a chiefe ward or spring in a locke. Vsed also for mortises in buildings.

Chiauatóre, as Chiauáro. Also as Fottitóre.

Chiauatúra, a locke with a key. Also a locking. Also as Fottitúra.

Chiauattiére, as Chiauáro.

Chiáue, any kinde of key. Also a cleefe in musike. Also the roote of a horses taile. Looke Chiáui.

Chiauéca, a beldame, a dame, a mother.

Chiauẻlláre, to fumble or grope about a key-hole or womans priuities. Also as Chiodáre. Also to clinch, to pin, to pegge.

Chiauẻllatúra, as Chiodatúra. Also a clinching, a pegging, a fore-locking.

Chiauẻllo, a peg, a pin or stake to fasten the cords of a tent to the ground. Also a great naile, a bolt, a chiuing pin or a forelocke about a wheele.

Chiaueríno, a locke-smith.

Chiauerína, a little speare or launce.

Chiauésca, of, like, or pertaining to a key or locke.

Chiauétta, a little key. Also as Gunners call it a fore-locke which keepes the piece from falling out; our Carters call them transoms, or rowlers.

Chiauéuole, as Chiauésca.

Chiáui, all maner of keyes, but among Gunners and carters transoms, a transom is a crosse planke bolted with iron bolts to strengthen the sides of the cariages in euery of which they haue foure: the foretransom, the vpright transom, the flat transome, and the tailetransom, Italian Gunners call them quatro chiauo, sometimes they are taken for woodden rowlers to mooue Ordinance.

Chiáuica, as Cloáca.

Chiauíccia, as Cauícchia.

Chiauicchióne, as Chiauigióne.

Chiauichétta, a gutter to conueigh water.

Chiauícola, the craw-bone, the chanell-bone, or neck-bone.

Chiáui d'albéo, some part of a ship.

Chiauigióne, any great bolt, peg or pin, a crow of iron, a cheeuing bolt.

Chiauígero, a keeper or bearer of keyes.

Chiauistẻllo, a doore-boult.

Chiauistẻrio, a brothell or vaulting-house.

Chiáuo, a knur, a knob, a puffe, a meazell, [98] or blister growing on trees.

CHI   Chiaússo, as Ciaússo.

Chiazzáre, as Schiacciáre. Also to spot or speckle with diuers colours. Also to dash with dirt.

Chiazzáta, as Schiacciáta.

Chiazzáto, squashed flat. Also spotted. Also bemired with dirt.

Chiázze, spots or dashings of dirt and mire.

Chiázzo, as Chiásso.

Chicchi, as Chi chi, whosoeuer.

Chicchi si sía, whosoeuer it be.

Chícchere, a flurt with ones fingers or blurt with ones mouth in scorne or derision.

Chicchirilláre, as Anfanáre.

Chi che sía, whosoeuer it be.

Chichì, whosoeuer.

Chichi si sía, whosoeuer it be.

Chidẻi, a kind of wilde round Date.

Chídre, a kinde of Palme to make wine off.

Chiedẻnte, requesting, suing for. Also a suter, a petitioner. Also a chalenger, an appellant, a demander, a requirer, a crauer.

Chieditóre, as Chiedẻnte.

Chiédere, Chiédo or Chiéggio, Chiedéi, or Chiési, Chiedúto, or Chiẻsto, to require, to request, to craue, to sue for in begging manner.

Chiédere a bócca, to request by word of mouth.

Chiedíbile, that may be required.

Chiéga, the lining of a garment.

Chiégge, splints, shiuers, spals, riuings. Also the ridges of an hill.

Chiẻggere, chiéggio, chiési, chiẻsto, as Chiédere.

Chieggiáre, to splinter, to shiuer.

Chiéndine, nits that breed lice.

Chiendinóso, nitty, full of nits.

Chiépa, as Chiéppa.

Chiepíno, as Chieppíno.

Chiéppa, a fish in Latine, Lupéa, that for desire of a veine in a tunnis iaw killeth the same.

Chieppináre, to dissemble as an Hypocrite.

Chieppíno, a dissembling puritan.

Chiérere, chiéro, chiési, chiẻsto, as Chiédere.

Chieresía, the whole body of the Clergy.

Chiérica, a shauen pate, pole or nole.

Chiericánte, Clarke-like. Also perching, crowing or prating ouer one.

Chiérica rása, a shaue pate, a shaueling.

Chiericáto, the whole Cleargy, the elected. Also a benefice or Clarkes liuing. Also shauen or notted.

Chierichiétti, yongue nouices, little Clarkes.

Chiérico, a Clergie-man, a Clarke, an elect, a Priest, a religious man.

CHI   Chierigíni, a kinde of fish.

Chiéro, I require, I craue.

Chiẻrsi, a kinde of Ducke, Wigin, or Mallard.

Chiésa, a Church, a Temple.

Chiesétta, a little Church.

Chiesicciuóla, a little little Church.

Chiẻsta, a request, a crauing, an enquest. Also a vaunt or vie in gaming.

Chiẻstáre, to quest. Also to vant it or vie it at gaming.

Chiẻsto, required, craued, requested.

Chietaríe, hypocriticall trickes.

Chiéti, dissembling hypocrites.

Chietináre, to dissemble as an hypocrite.

Chietíno, an hypocriticall puritane.

Chieuégli, a gull, a ninny, a sot.

Chíffi, a certaine composition among the Egyptians, strong to smell vnto in suffumications, which they burne as incense to the Sunne when it is setting: the vertue of it is, (as they affirme) to put away all melancholy contracted by the incenser that day, thereby to be cleared of all cares, and to procure pleasing dreames that night.

Chígli, as Sbrígli, skales or nine-pinnes.

Chíli, the mother of all other veines in our bodies called Caua vena.

Chiliárca, a Captaine of a thousand foote.

Chiliodináma, the hearbe Polemónia, so called by the number of vertues it hath.

Chílo, a white iuice comming of the meat disgested in the stomacke, which engendereth the blood.

Chilóne, one that is blaber-lipt.

Chilósi, a rauenous water foule.

Chilosétti, as Chilósi.

Chilóso, full of Chilo.

Chimánta, a kind of wouen stuffe.

Chimédio vespẻrtíno, as Dracónite.

Chiméra, a chimere, a monster, a foolish imagination, or Castle in the ayre.

Chimérico, full of Chimers.

Chimeríno, a circle, whereto when the Sunne commeth the daies bee at the shortest, winterly.

Chimerísta, a chimerist or fond humour.

Chimerizzáre, to rare or build castles in the aire.

Chímia, the arte of Alchimy.

Chímico, a Chimike, an Alchimist. Also Chimicall.

Chimísta, an Alchimist, a Chimike.

Chímo, the second digestion in the liuer.

Chimósi, a moisture in the skinne enclosing the eies.

Chímus, a fish that foreseeth stormes and then hideth himselfe vnder a stone.

CHI   Chína, a descent or downe bending. Also a fullers teazell or Venus bason.

Chinánce, the squinancy.

Chináre, to stoope, to bow, to loute low, to make a reuerence, to encline, to bend.

Chinatúra, a declining, a downebending.

Chinẻa, a hackney or ambling nagge.

Chinéuole, that may stoope or bend, enclinable.

Chíno, stooping, louting, down-hanging. Also a reuerence or curtzie. Also stooped.

Chinocéto, a precious stone good to expell euill spirits.

Chintána, a sport called the Quintane.

Chío, a skrich-owle.

Chiócca, a locke or handfull of wooll, a bush or locke of haire. Also a chicking hen. Also a squatting or cowring downe.

Chiócca a chiócca, by lockes, by peece-meale.

Chioccáre, as Chiocciáre.

Chióccia, a broode or cluck-hen. Also hoarse in the throate.

Chiocciáre, to clocke as a broode-hen. Also to reduce into lockes or bushes as wooll or haire. Also to speake hoarse. Also to whiske or yarke as a whip doth. Also to cowre or squat downe.

Chiócciola, a paire of round winding staires. Also a hoddydod, a shel-snaile, a perwinkle. Also a scalop, a welke, a cockle or any round shel-fish. Also those blacke horned snailes that creepe without shelles.

Chióccio, hoarse or snorting.

Chiócco, a snap, a clicke, a clacke, a yarke of a whip, a snap or such noise.

Chiodáme, as Chiodería.

Chiodáre, to naile, to clow. Also to prick a horse with a naile.

Chiodáro, a nailer.

Chiodaruólo, a Tenter-man, a nailer.

Chiodatúra, a clowing or pricking of a horse with a naile.

Chiodería, all maner of nailes or nailings, or pegs or pins or bolts of Iron.

Chiodétto, any little naile or peg.

Chiódi, all maner of nailes. Also agnels or cornes in feete that have rootes.

Chiódo, a naile, a spicke. Also as Chiáuo.

Chióma, the whole haire of a womans heade. Also a peruke. Also the maine of a horse.

Chiomáre, to haire. Also to maine.

Chiomáta stẻlla, a blazing starre.


CHI   Chiomáto, that hath long haires on his head. Also long mained as a horse.

Chiomazzuóli. Looke Fáre chiomazzuóli.


Chióppa, a dripping-pan. Also as Chiáppa.

Chioppáre, to clacke or snap, or phip, or click, or lirp with ones fingers as they that dance the Canaries, or as some Barbers.

Chióppo, a clacke, a clicke, a phip or snap, or lirping with ones fingers ends.

Chiósa, a glosse, an interpretation, an exposition. Also a kinde of game or play in Italy.

Chiosáre, to glosse, to interpret. Looke Chiósa.

Chiosatóre, a glosser, an expounder.

Chióso, thawed, molten.

Chióstra, a Cloister, an enclosure.

Chiostráre, to Cloister, to immure.

Chióstro, a Cloister, an enclosure.

Chiótta, close, squat, secret, husht as a hen ouer her chickins.

Chiottáre, to lie squat, close, or husht.

Chióua, a kinde of great weight in Italy.

Chiouára, tenters to drie and stretch cloathes vpon.

Chiouárde, the spokes of a cart-wheele.

Chiouárdo, a swelling or vlcering at the coronet of a horses hoofe, proceeding of some hurt in the foote by a naile or other accident.

Chiouáre, as Chiodáre. Also to tenter.

Chiouáro, a Tenter-man.

Chiouaruólo, as Chiouáro.

Chiouattúra, as Chiodatúra.

Chiouiále, a sleeuelesse garment.

Chiouétta, as Chionétta.

Chióua, as Chiódo. Also a kinde of disease or swelling in a hawkes feet, or in mens eies.

Chióuola, the knee-pan of any creature.

Chiózza, a water-gate or sluce.

Chipássa, the name of a galliard.

Chi più chi méno, some more, some lesse.

Chiráde, ruptures or chaps in hands or feete.

Chirágra, the gout in fingers, or hands.

Chiragróse, gouty in fingers or hands.

Chiribizzáre, as Ghiribizzáre.

Chiribízzo, as Ghiribízzo.

Chiribizzóso, as Ghiribizzóso.

Chiricóccola, a wagtaile.

Chirintána, as Chiarantána.

Chirográfo, an obligation of ones hand.

Chirománte, a Palmester.

Chiromantía, Palmestry.

Chironía, the hearbe Centory. Also a kinde of blacke wild vine or briony.

CHI   Chironíe. Looke Vlcere chironíe.

Chironióne, the hearbe Centory.

Chirotéca, the flowre Our ladies gloue. Vsed also for gloues.

Chirúca, a little beast with eares, skin, taile and shape like a Mouse, with a bagge vnder his belly wherein he carieth his yongue ones, it doth much hurt to hens and other poultry, there be two sorts one bigger then another, and somewhat like a Fox with a great taile.

Chirugía, the arte of Chirurgery.

Chirúgico, a Chirurgion.

Chi si sía, whosoeuer it be.

Chísto. Vsed for quẻsto, this.

Chitárra, a Gitterne, or Citterne.

Chitarísta, a Gittern or Cittern-plaier.

Chistétto, a deepe measure of drie things.

Chiù, hath been vsed for Più, more.

Chiúca, as Chirúca.

Chiudára, a Turners or Sadlers toole.

Chiudẻnda, a locke, a pad-locke, a horse locke. Also the leafe or side of a gate or doore. Also any locking or shutting. Also a Parke, an enclosure, or ground impailed.

Chiúdere, to shut, to locke, to enclose, to Cloister vp, to pen, or coope vp.

Chiudíbile, that may be shut or closed.

Chiuditúra, as Chiudẻnda.

Chiúnque, whosoeuer.

Chiúnque si sía, whosoeuer it be.

Chiúsa, a little shop or vnderstall. Also a sluce or water-gate. Also any enclosure, a close or shutting vp of any thing. Also shut close or locket.

Chiusarẻllo, a bird so called.

Chiusaménte, closely, secretly.

Chiuserána, a kinde of tramell or fishing net.

Chiúso, close, shut vp, pend or cooped vp.

Chiusúra, as Chiudẻnda.

Chízza, old, withered, wrimpled. Also a trull, a strumpet, a minx, a gigsie.

Chizzuóla, a white-pot, or pot-pudding.

Chlamíde, a military garment worne by the Macedonian souldiers.

Chlorióne, a lariot or wit-wall-bird.

Chloríte, a grasse greene-stone.

Chóe, a Greeke measure of liquid things.

Chóndro, the bastard Dictamum.

Chorísta, a Quirister in a Church.

Chóro, as Córo.

Choromándri, a kind of Sauage people all hairie ouer, hauing no distinct voice or speech, but an horrible gnashing noise.

Chrich, a creaking noise. Also as Chióppo.

Chrísi, the conflict betweene nature and sicknesse.

CHR   Chrisálide, a kinde of worme or grub enwrapped in a key or huske.

Chrisantémo, as Heliochríso.

Chrisẻrmo, a kind of hearbe.

Chrisippẻa, a kind of hearbe.

Chrisiténo, a kind of hard whetstone.

Chrisitíno, litharge or fome of gold.

Chrisíti, as Chrisocómo.

Chríso, as Chrisocómo.

Chrisoberíllo, a pale coloured Emerauld.

Chrisocárpo, golden-berie Iuie.

Chrisocárpino, golden-berie Iuie.

Chrisocólla, Borace that Gold-smithes vse to solder mettals with. Also a colour that Painters vse called verd de terre.

Chrisocolláre, to solder with Borace, or to dye with verd de terre.

Chrisocómo, an hearbe glittering in the head like Gold.

Chrisolámpo, a stone pale coloured by day, and glowing as fire in the night.

Chrisolẻtro, yellow Amber. Also a kind of Iacinth stone.

Chrisólito, a Chrisolite stone.

Chrisolocáno, a kind of hearbe.

Chrisomẻle, a kind of Quince.

Chrisóne, a fish all yellow ouer.

Chrisopázo, a Sea-water colled kind of Emerauld.

Chrisopétro, a Chrisolite stone.

Chrisophíde, a stone glittering as Gold.

Chrisoprásio, as Chrisopázo.

Chrisothále, Sengreene, or Houseleeke.

Christallína. Looke Túnica.

Christallóide, as Cristallóide.

Christẻo, a glister.

Christianáccio, a filthy Christian.

Christianaménte, Christian-like.

Christianésimo, Christendome.

Christianẻllo, a simple Christian.

Christianità, Christianitie.

Christiáno, a Christian.

Chrísto, Our Sauiour CHRIST.

Chrómo, Crómo, a kind of Sea-Lobstar whereof there is no male kind.

Chrónica, a Chronicle, a Historie.

Chronichísta, a Chronicler.

Chrónico, a Chronicler.

Chrónico mále, a long sicknesse, a lingring disease, a wasting away by sicknesse.

Chrónio, as Crónio.

Chronographía, a description of times.

Chronográpho, a describer of times.

Cì, an Aduerbe of place, there in that place, or here, or in this place.

Cì, a Pronoune of the Datiue case, vs, or to vs, lui cì diéde, he gaue vs.

Cì, a Pronoune of the Accusatiue case, vs, lui cì vídde, he saw vs.

Cì, a Pronoune of the Ablatiue case with Verbes of priuation, from vs, lui cì tólse.

Cià, a bird called a Yellow-hammer, a [100] Golden-hammer or a Youlring. Also a kind of drinke vsed in China, made of hearbes, spices and other comfortable things very costly; they drinke it warme, and with it welcome their dearest guests and friends.

CIA   Ciabátta, an old ouerworne shoe.

Ciabáttare, to coble shoes. Also to trifle.

Ciabattaríe, triflings, paltrings not worth an old shoe.

Ciabattiére, as Ciabattíno.

Ciabattáro, as Ciabattíno.

Ciabattinésco, cobler-like, idle, trifling.

Ciabattíno, a cobler, a souter, a clouter.

Ciabratána, as Ciarbattána.

Ciaccáre, to play the hog or churle, to play the gourmand or slouen.

Ciaccheráre, to squash or squease.

Ciaccherẻlle, a kinde of Almonds or Nuts so thin husked that one may squash them with his hands.

Ciácco, a hog, a boare, a swine. Also a hog-stie. Also a hoggish, a slouenly, a churlish, a beastly, a gluttonous, a gourmandizing or filthy fellow.

Ciaffáre, to arrest suddenly, to catch by the shoulders, to snatch vp violently.

Ciáffo, a Catchpole, a base Sergeant. Also the bung-hole of any But or pipe of wine.

Ciágola, a cornish chough or daw.

Cialdáro, a wafrer or wafer-maker.

Ciálde, flakes of snow. Also wafers.

Cialdonáro, a Wafrer.

Cialdóni, long wafers rowled vp.

Cialdoncíni, litle or thin wafers.

Ciallóne, a kind of Canopie or bed sparuis.

Cialtráre, to pratle, to brabble, to prate.

Cialtróne, a pratler, a prater, a babler.

Ciamárra, a habite worne ouer a gowne as Graduates weare in Vniuersities.

Ciambaglióne, a caudle for a sicke man.

Ciambẻlla, a cracknell or simnell cake.

Ciambẻllanía, the office of a Chamberlaine.

Ciambẻlláno, a Chamberlaine.

Ciambẻlláro, a simnell or bun-maker.

Ciambẻlle, simnels, buns, or cakes.

Ciambẻllétte, wafers or thin cakes.

Ciambẻllottáro, a Chamblet-maker.

Ciambẻllíni, as Ciambẻllétte.

Ciambellótto, as Ciamẻllótto.

Ciambẻrláno, a Chamberlaine.

Ciambẻrta, a fish in Latin Zygena.

Ciambétta, when the horse holds vp his fore-foote on the same side that he is to make his turne, is said fare ciambétta.

Ciambudẻlli, a kinde of haggas pudding.

Ciamẻa, a blacke stone like a beane.

Ciamẻllótto, the weaued stuffe Chamblet.

CIA   Ciámo, an Egyptian beame.

Ciamórro, the mourning of the chine in a horse, issuing at the nostrils.

Ciampolíne, a kind of peare in Italie.

Ciancẻllaménto, a wauering, a staggering, the cancelliering of a hawke.

Ciancẻlláre, to wauer, to stagger. Also to cancellier as a hawke in the aire.

Cianciaféra, a dunghill queane, a dragle taile, a durtie slut. Also filthy dung.

Cianciáre, to chat, to prattle, to prattle idly. Also to play the mountibanke.

Cianciatóre, a pratler, a prater.

Cianciatríce, a pratling woman.

Ciancicáre, to chew or mince small.

Ciáncie, chatting, pratlings, bablings, idle words, merry talke.

Ciancióne, a babler, a prater, a chatter.

Ciancióso, full of pratling or chat.

Cianciúme, as Ciáncie.

Cianẻo, a bright blew or Azure colour.

Cianfárda, a cod piece-louing woman.

Cianfrógna, gibbrish, pedlers french.

Cianfrognáre, to talke gibbrish.

Cianfrognóne, a gibbrish-speaker.

Cianfróne, as Zanfroóne.

Cianfruságlia, raskally base people.

Cianfrusagliúme, idem.

Ciángola, a wodden tray, a washing bowle. Also a pan for a close-stoole.

Ciangoláre, as Cinguettáre.

Ciangottáre, to mumble, to falter or to raue in speech as some dreamers doe.

Ciangottóne, a mumbler or pratler without head or taile, an idle talker.

Ciáno, the Lillie-flowre or blew-blaw.

Ciantẻllináre, to scantlin. Also to sip or drinke small draughts.

Ciantẻllíno, a litle scantlin. Also a litle sip or small draught of drinke.

Ciántolo, as Ciantẻllíno.

Ciánza, the game at dice called Hazard or Chance.

Cianzáre, to play at Hazard or Chance. Also to cast hazards at dice.

Ciaperonáre, to put into a French-hood.

Ciaperóne, a French-hood, or lettuce cap.

Ciáppola, a Gold-smithes toole.

Ciapétte, some thing that the women of Greece wore about their gownes.

Ciarabattána, as Ciarbattána.

Ciaramẻlla, a bag-pipe. Also any pratling or babling in merry sort.

Ciaramẻlláre, to play vpon a bag-pipe. Also to prattle merrily.

Ciaramẻllóne, a pratler, a babler.

Ciaramíglia, as Ciaramẻlla.

Ciaratanáre, to play the Ciaratáno.

Ciaratáno, a mountibanke, and idle pratler, a foolish babler.

Ciarbattána, a trunke to shoote pellets. Also a kind of Chamber or Bumbard.

Ciárla, a tittle-tattle, a pratling.

Ciarláre, to prattle, to tittle-tattle.

CIA   Ciarlatanáre, to play the Ciaratáno.

Ciarlatáno, as Ciaratáno.

Ciarlatóre, a pratler, a tatler.

Ciarlería, as Ciárla.

Ciarliére, a pratling fellow.

Ciarlóne, as Ciancióne.

Ciárma, a Charme.

Ciarmáre, to charme.

Ciarmatóre, a Charmer.

Ciárpa, any kind of scarfe or bandelet. Also any filth, trash, rable, or idle stuffe. Also a slut, a trull, a gigsie, or gadding minxe.

Ciarpánce, riff-raff, luggage, trash.

Ciarperáccia, a sluttish flurt, a drigle-dragle slut.

Ciartusíno, a Carthusian Frier.

Ciaschedúno, each one, euery one.

Ciascheúno, each one, euery one.

Ciascúno, each one, euery one.

Ciastúno, each one, euery one.

Ciátho, Ciáto, a waight of ten drams. Also a certaine measure or drinking glasse.

Ciauarẻllo, a Cheurell, a Kid.

Ciauariaménto, a rauing, a wauering.

Ciauariáre, to raue, to wauer, to varie.

Ciauátta, as Ciabátta.

Ciauattáre, as Ciabattáre.

Ciauattíno, as Ciabattíno.

Ciauettíno, as Ciabattíno.

Ciáula, a cornish chough, a daw.

Ciaulẻlla, a litle breake-fast.

Ciaulẻlláre, to breake-fast slightly.

Ciaus, Ciaússo, an officer of the great Turke, as we say here a Gentleman of the Kings chamber of presence.

Cibáglie, all manner of foode or victuals.

Cibáli, the name of an hearbe.

Cibáme, as Cibáglie.

Cibaménto, any food or nourishment.

Cibáre, to feed, to finde with food.

Cibário, a lardry or place where meate is kept. Also a kind of cheat-bread.

Cibátta, as Ciabátta.

Cibattíno, as Ciabattíno.

Cibattóne, as Busbacóne.

Cibécca, an Owle, an Howlet.

Cibéga, a kind of boyes play in Italie.

Cibíbi, dried raisins of the Sunne.

Cíbio, a square rand of fish, cut out, poudred, and then eaten, namely of Tunnie. Also a kind of fish. Also the ashes of the bones of that fish vsed in Physicke.

Cíbo, food, meate, sustenance.

Cibório, the Tabernacle where the ostia is kept in a Church.

Cibóso, full of meate or foode.

Cíca, as Boccáta.

Cicáda, a Grashopper. Also a Cricket.

Cicadẻstra, a kind of noisome waspe.

Cicála, as Cicáda.

Cicaláccia, a common scould, a pratler.


CIC   Cicalaménto, a pratling, a tatling.

Cicaláre, to prate, to chat, to prattle.

Cicalaríe, pratlings, bablings, chats.

Cicaláta, a prating or pratling noise.

Cicalatóre, a man pratler, or prater.

Cicalatríce, a woman prater or chatter.

Cicaléccio, as Cicalíno.

Cicalétte, litle or yong Grasse-hoppers.

Cicalétte d'óro, certaine little Grasse-hoppers of gold worne by the Athenians in their haire.

Cicaliéra, a woman pratler or scold.

Cicalíno, a pratling, a tittle-tattle.

Cicalóne, a man pratler or prater.

Cicárdola, a phip or flurt with fingers.

Cicardoláre, to phip, to flurt, to lirpe.

Cicatríce, a skar or marke of a hurt.

Cicatríce negl'ócchij, whitish spots in the eyes called Pearles.

Cicatrizzáre, to cicatrise, to heale or skin vp a hurt or sore.

Ciccantóna, a cast ouerridden whore.

Ciccantonáre, as Atẻllanáre.

Ciccantóni, as Atẻlláni.

Cíccia, a word that litle children in Toscana call meate or flesh with.

Ciccióni, biles, pushes, fellones or such hard tumores in fingers or toes.

Ciccúna, a flood or wild goose.

Cíce, a kinde of round Date. Also as Céci.

Cicẻrbíta, Sowthistle. Also Hareslettuce.

Cicérchia, the pulse Chicklings.

Cicérculo, a course Bolearmin or Sinopis.

Cíceri, as Céci.

Cicerlándia, a boies play vsed in Italie.

Cichrámo, a like-Owle or Howlet.

Cíci, the plant Palma Christi.

Cicigáre, as Aizzáre, as Cicaláre.

Cicígna, a kind of Snake or Serpent.



Cicíndile, Gloe-birds, or Gloe-wormes. Also the nose or socket of a candle-sticke or lampe.

Cicíno, the hearbe Palma Christi.

Ciclamíno, Sowbread, Swinebread.

Cíclico, any beast hauing the viues.

Cíclo, a round place or circle. Also a disease in beasts called the viues, which is a rising of kernels vnder their eares.

Ciclomíno, as Ciclamíno.

Ciclopedía, an vniuersall knowledge of all sciences.

Cicógna, as Cigógna, a Storke. Also the beake of any instrument or toole. Also an engine to draw vp water called a Mock. Also a kind of instrument to make furrowes or ditches with. Also a toole that Chirurgions vse.

Cicogníno, a yong or litle storke. Also any litle Cicógna.

Cicolína, a litle push, pimple or whelke.

CIE   Cicómero, a Cucumber or water melon.

Cicórẻa, the hearbe Cicorie.

Cicorẻlla, idem.

Cicória, idem.

Cicoriára, a woman that sels hearbes.

Cicoriáta, a sauce or meate of Cicorie.

Cicórlia, a chirping of birdes.

Cicorliáre, to chirp or chat as birdes.

Cicóttola, the nape of the head.

Cicróne, as Cicómero.

Cicúta, Henbane, kex or hearbe-Bennet.

Cicutária, mockcheruill, asseparselie or kexes.

Cicutrémma, a country musicall instrument.

Cídari, a wreath or cap that the Kings and Priests of Persia were wont to weare. Also a Turkish tuffe or turbant.

Cidonẻo, a kind of Quince.

Cídra, a drinke made of apples, Cydar.

Cidrióli, litle Cidrons or Citrons.

Ciecaménte, blindly, without sight.

Ciecáre, to blinde, to enueagle.

Ciẻchità, blindnesse.

Ciẻco, blinde. Also eye-blind, ignorant, inuisible, depriued. Also the fourth gut which because it hath diuers enfouldings and turnings seemeth to haue no end.

Ciẻco. Looke Fogóne ciẻco.

Ciéfalo, as Céfalo.

Ciẻffáre, as Cẻffáre.

Ciẻffo, as Cẻffo.

Ciélabro, as Ceruẻllo.

Ciẻláre, to enskie or enheauen. Also to couer or testerne ouer, to canopie.

Ciẻlo, the heauen, the skie, the firmament or welkin. Also a canopie or testerne of a bed, the vpper face or roofe of any thing else.

Ciẻlo, aire or breath, beuúto il primo ciẻlo.

Ciẻlo olímpio, that part of heauen that is aboue the cloudes and windes.

Ciémbalo, as Cémbalo.

Ciembalísta, a player on Cymbals.

Ciéntri, as Céntri.

Ciéra, as Céra.

Cierchióne, one that busieth himselfe in coniuring, a circler, a coniurer.

Cieregiáro, a cherie plat, or man.

Ciério, as Cério.

Cierisáro, as Cieregiáro.

Ciertosíno, a Carthusian Frier.

Ciesáre, to set with a quicke hedge.

Ciése, quicke-set-hedges, or bushes.

Ciẻsso, as Cẻsso.

Ciéualo, as Céfalo.

Cifaráre, to cipher.

Cífara, a cipher.

Cifarísta, a Cifrer.

Cifẻllo, a piper, a whistler.

Cífera, a cipher or ciphring.

Ciferáre, to cipher.

CIL   Ciferísta, a Ciphrer.

Ciferatóre, a Ciphrer.

Cífi, a perfume dedicated to the Gods.

Cifoláre, to whisse or whistle.

Cífolo, a whisse or whistle.

Cífra, a cipher, or ciphering.

Cifránte, a Ciphrer.

Cifráre, to cipher.

Cifratóre, a Ciphrer.

Cigáre, as Cigoláre.

Cighignuóla, a litle pullie in a ship.

Cíglia, the eye-browes or eye-lids.

Cíglia di grátia, a tree of whose wood chaines and beades are made of vertue to procure loue.

Cigliáre, to seele as pigeons eyes.

Cíglio, an eye-lid, or eye-brow.

Ciglióne, the lip or brow of any thing, or front of a hill.

Ciglióso, that hath bushie eye-browes.

Cigliúto, as Ciglióso.

Cigna, a cingle or girt for a horse.

Cignále, a wild Boare.

Cignáre, to cingle or guirt. Also to twinge or plucke. Also to imitate the Swan.

Cígnere, cíngo, cínsi, cínto, to gird or compasse about.

Cignétto, a cignet or yong Swan.

Cígno, a Swan. Also a twinging with hand and feete. Also the name of a starre.

Cígola, a creeking or shrill woman.

Cigolaménto, the creeking of a wheele.

Cigoláre, to creeke or squeake as a dore or cart-wheele, to whisse or whistle. Also to riue, or splint or shiuer.

Cigógna, as Cicógna.

Cilécca, a flap with a Foxe-taile, a iest.

Cileccáre, to iest merily, to play the foole, to flap with a Foxe-taile.

Cilécchi, newfangles, toyes, iests.

Cilẻstro, a kind of blew Lillie. Also a watchet colour.

Celícia, Fœnigreeke.

Cilício, rugged haire-cloth, but properly made of goates haire.

Cilíndrico, of the figure of Cilíndro.

Cilíndro, a Cilinder. Also a kind of dyall or square figure. Also a long Pearle fashioned like an egge. Also a long plaister made like a couer. Also a scouring sticke. Also the bore or concauitie of a piece of ordinance. Also a rowler of wood or stone as gardiners vse to rowle and smooth allies.

Cílli, such as want any limmes, maimed.

Cillóne, a kind of colour.

Cilóma, as Fagioláta.

Cilomáre. Looke Fagioláta.

Címa, the top or vpper part of any thing by metaphore, dignitie or greatnesse.

Cimára, as Ciamárra.

Cimáre, to top or lop trees. Also to sheare clothes.


CIM   Cimarósto, the best part or daintiest morsell of any roste-meate.

Cimáta, as Cimátio.

Cimátio, the vpper ledge of any wanescot worke. Also any thing or roome that is foure square on the top.

Cimatóre, a topper, a cloth-shearer.

Cimatáre, toppings, shearings of clothes.

Címba, a fishers boate, a cockboate, a ferrie-boate. Also the name of a bone in ones legs. Also an hearbe, growing on stone walles somewhat like Iuie.

Cimbále, as Címba.

Cimbalísta, a plaier on cimbals or Timbrels.

Címbalo, a Cimball, a Timbrell.

Cimbanẻllo, a litle Cimball or Timbrell.

Cimbẻlláre, to play on Cimbals.

Cimbẻllo, a whisse, or whistle. Also a baite or lure for fishes or birdes.

Cimbório, a square hollow partition in the naue of a Church. Also as Cibório.

Cimbóttolo, a tumbling cast or tricke.

Cimédia, a kind of precious stone.

Cimentáre, to ciment or fasten together. Also to come to an experience.

Ciménto, ciment or fastning stuffe.

Ciméra, as Cimiére. Also the top or crest of any thing.

Cimieráto, crested or euerested.

Cimiére, a crest or timber of armes or of an helmet.

Címici, punies or walle-lice.

Cimíndi, a kind of Hawke that praieth onely in the night.

Cimínide, as Cimíndi.

Cimíno, the hearbe or seede Comin. Also a kind of corne or wheate in Greece.

Cimitára, a Cimitar or Turkish Sword.

Cimitárra, idem.

Cimitẻrio, a Church-yard, a burying place.

Cimmorrẻa, a disease called the Pose or Murre in the head proceeding of cold, and in horses the Glanders.

Címole, any tender tops of hearbes.

Cimoláre, as Cimáre.

Cimólia, tuckers earth, Fullers clay.

Címolo, a litle top. Also a tender stalke.

Cimóne, rude, dull, blockish, clounish.

Cimóro, as Cimmorẻa.

Cimossa, the seluage or list of any cloth.

Cimossáto, that hath a seluage.

Cína, a tree in Arabia with whose leaues they make their garments.

Cinábari, as Cinábro.

Cinabaríno, as Cinnabaríno.

Cinábro, Cinabre or Vermillion. Also Sanguis draconis. Also a soft red stone found in minerals.

Cinadẻlla, a fish like a Pearch.

Cinalépia, a bird, which to saue hir yongue ones from the foulers will shew hir selfe and be taken.

Cinomólgi, a kinde of people that haue heads like dogges.

CIN   Cinámo, as Cinamómo.

Cinamomíno, oyle of Cinamond.

Cinamómo, the spice Cinamond.

Cinamómo cariópo, a kind of sweete drugge. Also an oyle pressed from a certaine nut.

Cinamúlgo, as Cinnamológo. Also as Cinamólgi.

Cinándra, a Fox, a Cub.

Cínara, an hearbe like a great Thistle or Artichocke.

Cínchio, a guirt, a girdle, a cingle. Also a round iron that keepeth in any thing.

Cincígli, little haires, filaments, or thrids that sticke to some rootes.

Cincigliáre, to quaffe merily, to tiple square. Also to prate or scolde as one in drinke.

Cinciglióne, a quaffer, a tipler, a talker or prater as if he were in drinke.

Cinciglióso, capillous, hairy, full of filaments or thrids as some rootes are.

Cincinnáre, to curle or thrum any haire.

Cincinnáto, that hath bushes of haire curled or crisped.

Cincínno, a tuffe or locke of curled haire.

Cincinnóso, bushy, curled, crisped, that hath long curled lockes.

Cincinnále, flat Veruin, Maidens-haire, Venus or our Ladies-haire.

Cincischiáre, to hacke, to mangle, or slice in small peeces. Also to mince or bride it at the table or in speech as some affected women use.

Cíne, a kind of drug in China.

Cinédia, a stone found in the head of the Cinedo fish.

Cinédo, a kind of fish that is yellow all ouer. Also as Cinédulo.

Cineduláre, to play the Sodamite.

Cinédulo, a bardash, a sodomite.

Cineracẻo, palish of ash colour.

Cineríccio, ash colour, friers gray.

Cinerígno, ash colour friers gray.

Cineríno, ash colour friers gray.

Cinerúgia, something about Silke-wormes.

Cinforniáta, as Fagioláta.

Cingallégra, a kind of singing bird.

Cíngani, roagueing Egyptians.

Cíngari, idem.

Cíngere, cíngo, cínsi, cínto, to guirt or compasse about. Also to single.

Cínghia, a cingle, a guirt.

Cinghiále, a wilde boare.

Cinghiáre, to guirt, to cingle. Also a wilde boare.

Cínghio, a guirting about, a round bordering, a precinct, a round trench.

Cingoláre, to gird, to engirdle.

Cíngolo, a guirt, a cingle. Also a girdle or a belt, an engirdling. Also a garter. Also a paire of hangers. Also a Wag-taile.

CIN   Cingottáre, as Cincigliáre.

Cinguétta lingua, a pratling tongue.

Cinguettáre, as Cincigliáre.

Cinicaménte, currishly, doggedly.

Cínice, Cinders, embers.

Cínico, chinicke, dogged, currish.

Cínir, as Zenith.

Cinízza, a cindring sparkle.

Cinnabaríno, oyle of Vermilion.

Cinnamológo, a bird that buildeth her nest of Cynamond twigges.

Cinnúto, tusked, as Sannúto.

Cinocefália, an hearbe called Osirite.

Cinocẻfalo, a kinde of Monkie or Ape with a face like a dog, which much obserueth the Moone, & reioyceth when it riseth, it pisseth iust euery houre.

Cinódie, a fish out of which is taken a stone called Cinodio, which hath the propriety to be cleare and bright before calme and faire weather at sea, but any storme being at hand it will looke very duskie and cloudy.

Cinoglóssa, Houndes-tongue or Horse-pisse, some take it for a kind of Buglosse.

Cinóide, Flea-wort.

Cinómia, a horse-fly, a dog-flie.

Cinomiáno, Flea-wort.

Cinópo, a kind of shell-fish, or hearbe.

Cinomorióne, a weede that choketh Ervile or other pulse.

Cinoróda, sweetbryer or Eglantine.

Cinorodóne, idem. Also a redlily.

Cinorósa, as Cinoróda.

Cinosbáto, Cane-bryer, or Cankre-bryer.

Cinosbatóni, as Cáppari.

Cinosdẻssia, a kinde of Crab or Lobstar.

Cinosorchíde, the hearbe Dog-stones.

Cinospastóne, as Cinosbáto.

Cinosúra, a figure of stars in heauen, as órsa minóre.

Cinozolóne, the hearbe Dog-stones.

Cinquannággine, a tricke of youth or fiue yeeres. Also the space of fiue yeeres.

Cinquánta, the number of fifty.

Cinquantésimo, the fiftieth in order.

Cinquanténa, a fifty, halfe a hundred, a company of fifty.

Cinquantiplicáre, to multiply by fifty.

Cínque, the number of fiue, a cinque.

Cinquecẻnto, fiue hundreth.

Cinquecẻntésimo, the fiue hundreth.

Cinquedíta, a weapon but fiue fingers long vsed in Venice.

Cinquefóglio, Cinquefoile, Fiueleaued-grasse, Fiue-finger-grasse.

Cinque in ásso & ásso, the second kinde of the best gun-powder.

Cinqueláteri fórma, a fiue-sided forme.


CIO   Cinquétto, a kinde of play at dice.

Cinquésimo, the fifth in order.

Cinquíne, numbers of fiues or cinques.

Cinquíni, two cinques vpon the dice.

Cínta, a girdle, a belt, a waste-band. Also the compasse of any thing.

Cínta di fẻrro, an iron girdle. Also that round ring about bullets that are cast in a mould that shoots not close, called of Gunners the crest of the bullet. Also the iron barres that binde a wheele, called the shod, the strakes or stirrops of a wheele.

Cintimuláro, a Millar.

Cínto, as Cínta, Also guirt or compassed.

Cíntola, as Cínta. Also a garter.

Cintoláre, to girdle or garter.

Cintolíni, garters or little girdles.

Cintúra, a girdle, a belt, a waste-band.

Cinturáio, a girdler.

Cinturíno, a little girdle, or garter.

Cinzóni, certaine little birds in Mexico, that haue no feete, and liue only by the dew, of whose feathers they make all their curious quilts and Couerlets.

Ciò, that, that same, that which, it, it is applied both to persons and things.

Ciócca, a tuffe, a locke, a tassell, a bunch, a cluster, a bush of haire, or locke of wooll.

Cioccáre, to tuffe, to tassell, to bush. Also to reduce or cut out into logges or stumps.

Ciócche, tuffes, lockes. Also as Cióche.

Ciócco, a burning logge, a blocke, or stumpe. Also hoarse in speaking.

Cioccóso, full of tuffes, lockes or tassels, shaggie, tuffty.

Cióche, that which, whatsoeuer.

Ciocúta, a beast bred betweene a bitch and a woolfe.

Cioè, that is, to wit, that is to say.

Cióffo, a halter, a head-stall, a horse-collar.

Ciompáre, as Ciompeggiáre.

Ciompeggiáre, to be iolly or blithe, to play merry youthfull trickes.

Ciomperíe, iollities, merry tricks, youthfull prankes.

Cióna. Looke V´uole.

Cioncáre, to maime or cut off any limme. Also to quaffe, to tipple, or drink lustilie.

Cióncia, a womans quaint.

Cióncio, a bum or sitting place.

Ciónco, maimed, wanting a limme, curtailed. Also drunke or well tippled.

Cióncola, a filthy trull, a iadish harlot.

Cioncoláre, as Cioncáre.

Ciondoláre, to hang downe dangling as ice sickles.

CIP   Cióndoli, danglings, ice sikles.

Ciondolóni, dingledangle, as ice sickles.

Cióne, a bird called a fieldfare or thrush. Also a nine pin or peg or keele.

Cióppa, a dripping pan. Also a shepheards cap, or frocke with a hood.

Ciórro, a halter or headstall.

Ciortóne, a fish whose backe is of a faire shining sky-colour.

Ciótto, as Ciónco, but properly any round or hard pible-stone. Also a pot-shard.

Cióttola, a flat woodden drinking dish, a beggers dish.

Ciottoláre, as Cioncáre.

Cióttolo, as Ciótto.

Ciottóso, bunch or crooked backt. Also lame. Also puckred or wrimpled as clothes will be.

Ciparísso, a Cipresse-tree.

Cipellína, as Capellúta.

Ciparissióne, a kind of Tithimale.

Cipérida, Ciperóne, as Cipiróne.

Cípero, the hearb Galin or Galangle.

Cipigliáre, to looke asquint.

Cipíglio, a squint looke, squint-eied.

Cipiróne, as Cíprio. Also a kind of rush.

Cipólla, any kind of onion, or cyboll.

Cipolláro, a plat, or a seller of Onions.

Cipolláta, a kind of meat, sallade or tanzie made of onions. Also a tittle-tattle, a flim-flam tale.

Cipólle malígi, ciues or youngue cibols.

Cipollétte, Ciues or little Onions.

Cipollóso, bulbous or Onion-like.

Cipóne, a beast like a Panther. Also a kind of chirping birde.

Cipórro, as Granchipórro.

Cíppero, a thrush or fieldfare.

Ciprẻssáro, a groue of Cipres-trees.

Ciprẻsso, the Cipresse-tree or wood.

Ciprigníre, as Inciprigníre.

Ciprígno, is properly that ioining of the eye lids that causeth lowring or frowning proceeding of anger or dislike. Also subiect to festring or cankring.

Cipríno, a fish called a shad, some take it for a Sea breame said to haue a very fleshy tongue in his mouth. Also oyle or ointment made of the Cipres tree.

Cíprio, a kind of lawrell or Bay. Also petty gladen, flags, swordwort, or sword grasse. Also a foote of a verse of fiue sillables.

Cípro, a tree in Egipt with leaues like the Iuiube tree, bearing a white sweet flowre, and a graine like coriander seeds. Also an oyle made of the said flowres.

Cipsáli, a kind of Martinet without feet.

CIR   Círca, about. Also touching, concerning.

Círca in círca, round about.

Circabitáre, to dwell about.

Circandáre, to goe or wander about.

Circánia, a certaine bird that in his flight fetcheth a great compasse.

Circauicináre, to neighbour about.

Circauicíno, round neighbouring.

Circẻa, the hearb Manarage.

Circẻllo, a compasse instrument. Also a little ring or round plate.

Círchi, circles, windings, turnings.

Circhiẻllo, a circlet. Also a feather in a horse.

Círcie, the sun beames.

Circináre, to measure by compasse. Also to desheuell or tug by the haire.

Circinatióne, a compassing course.

Circíno, as Circẻllo.

Círcio, a violent wind blowing chiefly about Narbona in France, a whirle wind.

Circióli, a kind of cucumbers.

Círco, a show place in Rome.

Circoandáre, as Circandáre.

Circoandáta, a going round.

Circoíre, ísco, íto, to goe round about.

Circóide, a stone like a wreath or circlet.

Circoitióne, a going round or about.

Circoíto, gone about. Also circuit.

Circoitóre, a goer about.

Circoláre, to encircle or enuiron. Also to goe from one matter to another in talking. Also round, circular, or sphericall.

Circolarménte, roundly or circularly.

Circolatióne, a circulation, an encircling. Also a deuise of subliming by extracting through a stillatory.

Circolatóre, a goer from place to place.

Circolatório, a winding limbecke.

Círcolo, a circle, a compasse, a hoope, a round.

Círcolo lattẻo, the milke waine, or circle.

Círcolo poláre, that circle which is described by the Pole of the Zodiacke, being caried about the Pole of the world.

Circomfuráre, to g