King Lear

William Shakespeare

This audio reading of King Lear is read by

Cast list

* King Lear - Andy Minter
* King of France - Ezwa
* Duke of Burgundy - Justin Barrett
* Duke of Cornwall - Cori Samuel
* Duke of Albany - Kristin LeMoine
* Earl of Kent - Denny Sayers
* Earl of Gloster - Julian Jamison
* Edgar, Son to Gloster - Simon Taylor
* Edmund, Bastard Son to Gloster - John Gonzalez
* Curan, a Courtier - Karen Savage
* Old Man, Tenant to Gloster - CarlManchester
* Physician - Scott Walter
* Fool - Sean McGaughey
* Oswald, steward to Goneril - Andrew Lebrun
* Messenger - Justin Barrett
* Captain - Justin Barrett
* An Officer employed by Edmund - Henry Frigon
* Gentleman, attendant on Cordelia - Kara Shallenberg
* A Herald - Gesine
* First Servant - Ophelia Darcy
* Second Servant - Esther
* Third Servant - Kirsten Ferreri
* Third Knight - Kirsten Ferreri
* Goneril, daughter to Lear - Rosalind Wills
* Regan, daughter to Lear - JemmaBlythe
* Cordelia, daughter to Lear - Kristin Hughes
* Stage directions - David Barnes


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Audio formats available:

64kbit MP3 - MP3 subfolder
64kbit Ogg Vorbis (variable bit rate) - OGG subfolder
Apple AAC audiobook (16kbit mono) - M4B subfolder
Speex - SPX subfolder