\version "2.10" \include "english.ly" \header { title = "COME, JOIN THE ABOLITIONISTS." composer = "Air--\"When I can read my title clear.\"" source = "The Liberty Minstrel." tagline = "" } verseOne = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "1. " Come, join the Ab -- o -- li -- tion -- ists, Ye young men bold and strong, And with a warm and cheer -- ful zeal, Come, help the cause a -- long: Come help the cause a -- long, Come help the cause a -- long; And with a warm and cheer -- ful zeal, Come help the cause a -- long. Oh that will be joy -- ful, joy -- ful, joy -- ful, Oh that will be joy -- ful, When Sla -- v'ry is no more, When Sla -- v'ry is no more, When Sla -- v'ry is no more: 'Tis then we'll sing, and of -- "f 'rings" bring, When Sla -- v'ry is no more. } verseTwo = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "2. " Come, join the Ab -- o -- li -- tion -- ists, Ye men of ri -- per years, And save your wives and child -- ren dear, From grief and bit -- ter tears: From grief and bit -- ter tears, From grief and bit -- ter tears; And save your wives and chil -- dren dear, From grief and bit -- ter tears. Oh that will be joy -- ful, joy -- ful, joy -- ful, Oh that will be joy -- ful, When Sla -- v'ry is no more, When Sla -- v'ry is no more, When Sla -- v'ry is no more: 'Tis then we'll sing, and of -- "f 'rings" bring, When Sla -- v'ry is no more. } treble = \relative c' { \clef treble \time 6/8 \key bf \major \autoBeamOff \stemUp \partial 8 8 | 4 8 { bf8[ a] } 8 | 4 8 { bf8[ a] } 8 | \break 4 8 [ ] | 4. ~ 4 8 | 4 8 [ ] | \break 4 8 bf'8[ a] 8 | 4 8 [ ] | 4. ~ 4 8 | \break 4 8 4 8 | \slurUp c'4( d8)[ ef8 d] 8 | \break 4 8 4 8 | 4. ~ 4 8 | 4 8 4 8 | \break 4 8 4 8 | 4 8 8[ 8] 8 | \set Score.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment 1 8) 4. ~ 4 \bar "|." \break 4. 8 | 4. | 4. 8[ 8 ] | 4( 8) 4 r8 | \break 4. 8 | 4. 4 8 | 4 8 8[ 8] | \break 4. ~ 4 8 | 4 8 4 8 | \slurDown 4( 8 8)[ 8] 8 | \break 4 8 4 8 | 4. ~ 4 8 | 4 8 4 8 | \break 4 8 4 8 | 4 8 8[ 8] 8 | 4. ~ 4 \bar "|." } alto = \relative c' { \clef treble \time 6/8 \key bf \major \autoBeamOff \stemDown \partial 8 s8 | s4. f4 s8 | s4. f4 s8 | \break s2. | s2. | s2. | \break s4. d4 s8 | s2. | s2. | \break s2. | \tieDown a'4. ~ a4 s8 | \break s2. | s2. | s2. | \break s2. | s2. \bar "|" s4. s4 \bar "|." \break s2. | s2. | s2. | s2. | \break s2. | s2. | s2. | \break s2. | s2. | s2. | \break s2. | s2. | s2. | \break s2. | s2. | s4. s4 \bar "|." } bass = \relative c { \clef bass \time 6/8 \key bf \major \autoBeamOff \partial 8 bf8 | bf4 bf8 bf4 bf8 | bf4 bf8 bf4 bf8 | \break f'4 f8 f4 f8 | bf,4. ~ bf4 bf8 | bf4 bf8 bf4 bf8 | \break bf'4 bf8 bf4 bf8 | f4 f8 f4 f8 | bf,4. ~ bf4 d8 | \break f4 f8 f4 f8 | f4. ~ f4 f8 | \break bf4 f8 bf4 f8 | bf4. ~ bf4 f8 | f4 f8 g4 f8 | \break f4 f8 g4 g8 | f4 f8 f4 f8 \set Score.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment 1 8) bf,4. ~ bf4 \bar "|." \break bf4. bf8 bf bf | bf4. bf | f' f | bf, bf4 r8 | \break bf4. bf8 bf bf | bf4. bf4 bf8 | f'4 f8 f4 f8 | \break bf,4. ~ bf4 f'8 | f4 f8 f4 f8 | f4. ~ f4 f8 | \break bf4 f8 bf4 g8 | f4. ~ f4 f8 | bf4 f8 g4 a8 | \break bf4 f8 g4 g8 | f4 f8 f4 f8 \partial 8*5 bf,4. ~ bf4 } \score { \new ChoirStaff \with{systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBrace } << \new Staff = "upper" << \new Voice = "treble" { \treble } \new Voice = "alto" { \alto } >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "treble" { \verseOne } \new Staff = "lower" \new Voice = "bass" { \bass } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "treble" { \verseTwo } >> \layout { indent=0 \context { \Staff \override Rest #'style = #'classical } \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } \context { \Lyrics \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #3 } } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 120 4 ) }} } %%Transcriber's Note: %%Last system, treble staff, second bar: top note of first two chords corrected to B-flat.