The Pentateuch first translated from Hebrew to English by William Tyndale, published in 1530. This edition has the same wording, but modernized spelling. Words found in {[Braquets]} are variants from either Coverdale 1535 or Matthew's Bible 1537.
Chapter .j.
In the beginning God created heaven and earth. The earth was void
and empty, and darkness was upon the deep, and the spirit of god
moved upon the water. Then God said: let there be light and there
was light. And God saw the light that it was good: and divided the
light from the darkness, and called the light day, and the
darkness night: and so of the evening and morning was made the
first day. And God said: let there be a firmament between the
waters, and let it divide the waters asunder. Then God made the
firmament and parted the waters which were under the firmament,
from the waters that were above the firmament: And it was so. And
God called the firmament heaven. And so of the evening and morning
was made the second day. And God said, let the waters that are
under heaven gather them selves unto one place, that the dry land
may appear: And it came so to pass. And God called the dry land
the earth and the gathering together of waters called he the sea.
And God saw that it was good. And God said: let the earth bring
forth herb and grass that sow seed, and fruitful trees that bear
fruit every one in his kind, having their seed in themselves upon
the earth. And it came so to pass: And the earth brought forth
herb and grass sowing seed every one in his kind and trees bearing
fruit and having their seed in them selves, every one in his kind.
And God saw that it was good: and then of the evening and morning
was made the third day. Then said God: let there be lights in the
firmament of heaven to divide the day from the night, that they
may be unto signs, seasons, days and years. And let them be lights
in the firmament of heaven, to shine upon the earth: and so it
was. And God made two great lights: A greater light to rule the
day, and a less light to rule the night, and he made stars also.
And God put them in the firmament of heaven to shine upon the
earth, and to rule the day and the night, and to divide the light
from darkness. And God saw that it was good: and so of the evening
and morning was made the fourth day. And God said, let the water
bring forth creatures that move and have life, and fowls for to
flee {fly} over the earth under the firmament of heaven. And God
created great whales and all manner of creatures that live and
move, which the waters brought forth in their kinds, and all
manner of feathered fowls in their kinds. And God saw that it was
good: and God blessed them saying: Grow and multiply and fill the
waters of the seas, and let the fowls multiply upon the earth. And
so of the evening and morning was made the fifth day. And God
said: let the earth bring forth living creatures in their kinds:
cattle and worms and beasts of the earth in their kinds, and so it
came to pass. And God made the beasts of the earth in their kinds,
and cattle in their kinds, and all manner worms of the earth in
their kinds: and God saw that it was good. And God said: let us
make man in our similitude and after our likeness: that he may
have rule over the fish of the sea, and over the fowls of the air,
and over cattle, and over all the earth, and over all worms that
creep on the earth. And God created man after his likeness, after
the likeness of God created he him: male and female created he
them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them: Grow and
multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over
the fishes of the sea, and over the fowls of the air, and over all
the beasts that move on the earth. And God said: see, I have given
yow all herbs that sow seed which are on all the earth, and all
manner trees that have fruit in them and sow seed: to be meat for
yow and for all beasts of the earth, and unto all fowls of the
air, and unto all that creepeth on the earth where in is life,
that they may have all manner herbs and grass for to eat, and even
so it was. And God beheld all that he had made, and lo they were
exceeding good: and so of the evening and morning was made the
sixth day.
Chapter .ij.
Thus was heaven and earth finished with all their apparel: and in
the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and rested in
the seventh day from all his works which he had made. And God
blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it, for in it he rested
from all his works which he had created and made. These are the
generations of heaven and earth when they were created, in the
time when the LORD God created heaven and earth and all the shrubs
of the field before they were in the earth. And all the herbs of
the field before they sprang: for the LORD God had yet sent no
rain upon the earth, neither was there yet any man to till the
earth. But there arose a mist out of the ground and watered all
the face of the earth: Then the LORD God shope man, even of the
mould of the earth and breathed into his face the breath of life.
So man was made a living soul. The LORD God also planted a garden
in Eden from the beginning, and there he set man whom he had
formed. And the LORD God made to spring out of the earth, all
manner trees beautiful to the sight and pleasant to eat, and the
tree of life in the midst {middes} of the garden: and also the
tree of knowledge of good and evil. And there sprong a river out
of Eden to water the garden, and thence divided itself, and grew
into four principal waters. The name of the one is Phison, he it
is that compasseth all the land of Hevila, where gold groweth. And
the gold of that country is precious, there is found bedellion and
a stone called Onyx. The name of the second river is Gihon, which
compasseth all the land of Inde. And the name of the third river
is Hidekell, which runneth on the east side of the Assyrians; And
the fourth river is Euphrates. And the LORD God took Adam and put
him in the garden of Eden, to dress it and to keep it: And the
LORD God commanded Adam saying: Of all the trees of the garden see
thou eat: But of the tree of knowledge of good and bad see that
thou eat not: For even the same day thou eatest of it, thou shalt
surely die. {die the death} And the LORD God said: It is not good
that man should be alone, I will make him an helper to bear him
company: And after that the LORD God had made of the earth all
manner beasts of the field, and all manner fowls of the air, he
brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them. And as Adam
called all manner living beasts: even so are their names. And Adam
gave names unto all manner cattle, and unto the fowls of the air,
and unto all manner beasts of the field. But there was no help
found unto Adam to bear him company. Then the LORD God cast a
slumber on Adam, and he slept. And then he took out one of his
ribs, and in stead thereof he filled up the place with flesh. And
the LORD God made of the rib which he took out of Adam, a woman,
and brought her unto Adam. Then said Adam: This is once bone of my
bones, and flesh of my flesh. This shall be called woman: because
she was taken of the man. For this cause shall a man leave father
and mother and cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh.
And they were either of them naked, both Adam and his wife, and
were not ashamed.
Chapter .iij.
But the serpent was subtler than all the beasts of the field which
the LORD God had made, and said unto the woman: Ah sir, {Yee} that
God hath said, {[indeed]} ye shall not eat of all manner trees in
the garden. And the woman said unto the serpent, of the fruit of
the trees in the garden we may eat, but of the fruit of the tree
that {yt} is in the midst {myddes} of the garden (said God) see
that ye eat not, and see that ye touch it not: lest ye die. Then
said the serpent unto the woman: tush ye shall not die: but God
doth know, that whensoever ye should eat of it, your eyes should
be opened and ye should be as God and know both good and evil. And
the woman saw that it was a good tree to eat of and lusty unto the
eyes and a pleasant tree for to make wise. And took of the fruit
of it and ate, and gave unto her husband also with her, and he
ate. And the eyes of both them were opened, that they understood
how that they were naked. Then they sewed fig leaves together and
made them aprons. And they heard the voice of the LORD God as he
walked in the garden in the cool of the day. And Adam hid himself
and his wife also from the face of the LORD God, among the trees
of the garden. And the LORD God called Adam and said unto him
where art thou? And he answered: Thy voice I heard in the garden,
but I was afraid because I was naked, and therefore hid myself.
And he said: Who told thee that thou wast naked? hast thou eaten
of the tree, of which I bade thee that thou shouldest not eat? And
Adam answered: The woman which thou gavest to bear me company, she
took me of the tree, and I ate. And the LORD God said unto the
woman: Wherefore didst thou so? And the woman answered: The
serpent deceived me and I ate. And the LORD God said unto the
serpent because thou hast so done most cursed be thou of all
cattle and of all beasts of the field: upon thy belly shalt thou
go: and earth shalt thou eat all days of thy life. Moreover I will
put hatred between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and
her seed. And that seed shall tread thee on the head, and thou
shalt tread it {hit} on the heel. And unto the woman he said: I
will surely increase thy sorrow and make thee oft with child, and
with pain shalt thou be delivered: And thy lusts shall pertain
unto thy husband and he shall rule thee. And unto Adam he said:
Forasmuch as thou hast obeyed the voice of thy wife, and hast
eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee, saying: See thou eat
not thereof: cursed be the earth for thy sake. In sorrow shalt
thou eat thereof all days of thy life: And it shall bear thorns
and thistles unto thee. And thou shalt eat the herbs of the field:
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, until thou return
unto the earth whence thou wast take: for earth thou art, and unto
earth shalt thou return. And Adam called his wife Heva, because
she was the mother of all that liveth. And the LORD God made Adam
and his wife garments of skins, and put them on them. And the LORD
God said: Lo, Adam is become as it were one of us, in knowledge of
good and evil. But now lest he stretch forth his hand and take
also of the tree of life and eat and live ever. And the LORD God
cast him out of the garden of Eden, to till the earth whence he
was taken. And he cast Adam out, and set at the entering of the
garden Eden, Cherubim with a naked sword moving in and out, to
keep the way to the tree of life.
Chapter .iiij.
And Adam lay with Heva is wife, which conceived and bare Cain, and
said: I have gotten a man of the LORD. And she proceeded forth and
bare his brother Abel: And Abel became a shepherd, and Cain became
a plowman. And it fortuned in process of time, that Cain brought
of the fruit of the earth: an offering unto the LORD. And Abel, he
brought also of the firstlings of his sheep and of the fat of
them. And the LORD looked unto Abel and to his offering: but unto
Cain and unto his offering, looked he not. And Cain was wroth
exceedingly, and lowered. And the LORD said unto Cain: why art
thou angry, and why lowerest thou? Wotest thou not if thou dost
well thou shalt receive it? But and if thou dost evil, by and by
thy sin lieth open in the door. Notwithstanding let it be subdued
unto thee, and see thou rule it. And Cain talked with Abel his
brother. And as soon as they were in the fields, Cain fell upon
Abel his brother and slew him. And the LORD said unto Cain: where
is Abel thy brother? And he said: I can not tell, am I my
brother's keeper? And he said: What hast thou done? The voice of
thy brother's blood cryeth unto me out of the earth. And now
cursed be thou as pertaining to the earth, which opened her mouth
to receive thy brother's blood of thine hand. For when thou
tillest the ground she shall henceforth not give her power unto
thee. A vagabond and a renegade shalt thou be upon the earth. And
Cain said unto the LORD: my sin is greater, than that it may be
forgiven. Behold thou castest me out this day from off the face of
the earth, and from thy sight must I hide myself, and I must be
wandering and a vagabond upon the earth: Moreover whosoever
findeth me, will kill me. And the LORD said unto him: Not so, but
whosoever slayeth Cain shall be punished sevenfold. And the LORD
put a mark upon Cain that no man that found him should kill him.
And Cain went out from the face of the LORD, and dwelt in the land
Nod, on the east side of Eden. And Cain lay with his wife, which
conceived and bare Henoch. And he was building a city and called
the name of it after the name of his son, Henoch. And Henoch begat
Irad. And Irad begat Mahuiael. And Mahuiael begat Mathusael. And
Mathusael begat Lamech. And Lamech took him two wives: the one was
called Ada, and the other Zilla: And Ada bare Iabal, of whom came
they that dwell in tents and possess cattle. And his brother's
name was Iubal: of him came all that exercise them selves on the
harp and on the organs. And Zilla she also bare Tubalcain a worker
in metal and a father of all that grave in brass and iron. And
Tubalcain's sister was called Naema. Then said Lamech unto his
wives Ada and Zilla: hear my voice ye wives of Lamech and hearken
unto my words, for I have slain a man and wounded myself, and have
slain a young man, and got myself stripes: For Cain shall be
avenged sevenfold: but Lamech seventy times sevenfold. Adam also
lay with his wife yet again, and she bare a son and called his
name Seth For God (said she) hath given me another son for Abel
whom Cain slew. And Seth begat a son and called his name Enos. And
in that time began men to call on the name of the LORD.
Chapter .v.
This is the book of the generation of man, in the day when God
created man and made him after the similitude of God. Male and
female made he them, and called their names man, in the day when
they were created. And when Adam was an hundred and thirty years
old, he begat a son after his likeness and similitude: and called
his name Seth. And the days of Adam after he begat Seth, were
eight hundred years, and begat sons and daughters. And all the
days of Adam which he lived, were nine hundred and thirty years,
and then he died. And Seth lived an hundred and five years, and
begat Enos. And after he had begot Enos he lived eight hundred and
seven years, and begat sons and daughters. And all the days of
Seth were nine hundred and twelve years, and died. And Enos lived
ninety years, and begat Kenan. And Enos after he begat Kenan,
lived eight hundred and fifteen years, and begat sons and
daughters: and all the days of Enos were nine hundred and five
years, and then he died. And Kenan lived seventy years, and begat
Mahalaliel. And Kenan after he had begot Mahalaliel, lived eight
hundred and forty years, and begat sons and daughters: and all the
days of Kenan were nine hundred and ten years, and then he died.
And Mahalaliel lived sixty five years, and begat Iared. And
Mahalaliel after he had begot Iared lived eight hundred and thirty
years, and begat sons and daughters: and all the days of
Mahalaliel were eight hundred ninety and five years, and then he
died. And Iared lived an hundred and sixty two years, and begat
Henoch: and Iared lived after he begat Henoch, eight hundred
years, and begat sons and daughters. And all the days of Iared
were nine hundred and sixty two years, and then he died. And
Henoch lived sixty five years, and begat Mathusala. And Henoch
walked with God after he had begot Mathusalah, three hundred
years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Henoch
were three hundred and sixty five years, and then Henoch lived a
godly life, and was no more seen, for God took him away. And
Mathusala lived an hundred and eighty seven years and begat
Lamech: and Mathusala after he had begot Lamech, lived seven
hundred and eighty two years, and begat sons and daughters. And
all the days of Mathusala were nine hundred sixty nine years, and
then he died. And Lamech lived an hundred eighty two years and
begat a son, and called him Noe saying: This same shall comfort
us: as concerning our work and sorrow of our hands which we have
about the earth that the LORD hath cursed. And Lamech lived after
he had begot Noe, five hundred, ninety and five years, and begat
sons and daughters. And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred
seventy seven years, and then he died. And when Noe was five
hundred years old, he begat Sem, Ham and Iapheth.
Chapter .vi.
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply upon the earth and
had begot them daughters, the sons of God saw the daughters of men
that they were fair, and took unto them wives, which they best
liked among them all. And the LORD {LORd} said: My spirit shall
not alway strive with man, for they are flesh. Nevertheless I will
give them yet space, an hundred and twenty years. There were
tyrants in the world in those days. For after that the children of
God had gone in unto the daughters of men and had begotten them
children, the same children were the mightiest of the world and
men of renown. And when the LORD saw that the wickedness of man
was increased upon the earth, and that all the imagination and
thoughts of his heart was only evil continually, he repented that
he had made man upon the earth and sorrowed in his heart. And
said: I will destroy mankind which I have made, from off the face
of the earth: both man, beast, worm and fowl of the air, for it
repenteth me that I have made them. But yet Noe found grace in the
sight of the LORD. These are the generations of Noe. Noe was a
righteous man and uncorrupt in his time, and walked with God. And
Noe begat three sons: Sem, Ham and Iapheth. And the earth was
corrupt in the sight of God, and was full of mischief. And God
looked upon the earth, and lo it was corrupt: for all flesh had
corrupted his way upon the earth. Then said God to Noe: the end of
all flesh is come before me, for the earth is full of their
mischief. And lo, I will destroy them with the earth. Make thee an
ark of pine tree, and make chambers in the ark, and pitch it
within and without with pitch. And of this fashion shalt thou make
it. The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, and the
breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. A
window shalt thou make above in the ark. And within a cubit
compass shalt thou finish it. And the door of the ark shalt thou
set in the side of it: and thou shalt make it with three lofts one
above an other. For behold I will bring in a flood of water upon
the earth to destroy all flesh from under heaven, wherein breath
of life is, so that all that is in the earth shall perish. But I
will make mine appointment with thee, that both thou shalt come in
to the ark and thy sons, thy wife and thy sons' wives with thee.
And of all that liveth whatsoever flesh it be, shalt thou bring
into the ark, of every thing a pair, to keep them alive with thee.
And male and female see that they be, of birds in their kind, and
of beasts in their kind, and of all manner of worms of the earth
in their kind: a pair of every thing shall come unto thee to keep
them alive. And take unto thee of all manner of meat that may be
eaten and lay it up in store by thee, that it may be meat both for
thee and for them: and Noe did according to all that God commanded
Chapter .vij.
And the LORD said unto Noe: Go into the ark both thou and all thy
household. For thee have I seen righteous before me in this
generation. Of all clean beasts take unto thee seven of every kind
the male and his female, and of unclean beasts a pair, the male
and his female: likewise of the birds of the air seven of every
kind, male and female to save seed upon all the earth. For seven
days hence will I send rain upon the earth forty days and forty
nights and will destroy all manner of things that I have made,
from off the face of the earth. And Noe did according to all that
the LORD {lorde} commanded him: and Noe was six hundred years old,
when the flood of water came upon the earth: and Noe went and his
sons and his wife and his sons' wives with him, into the ark from
the waters of the flood. And of clean beasts and of beasts that
were unclean and of birds and of all that creepeth upon the earth,
came in by couples of every kind unto Noe into the ark: a male and
a female: even as God commanded Noe. And the seventh day the
waters of the flood came upon the earth. In the six hundredth year
of Noe's life, in the second month, in the seventeenth day of the
month, that same day were all the fountains of the great deep
broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened, and there fell a
rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights. And the self same
day went Noe, Sem, Ham and Iapheth, Noe's sons, and Noe's wife and
the three wives of his sons with them in to the ark: both they and
all manner of beasts in their kind, and all manner of cattle in
their kind and all manner of worms that creep upon the earth in
their kind, and all manner of birds in their kind, and all manner
of fowls whatsoever had feathers. And they came unto Noe into the
ark by couples, of all flesh that had breath of life in it. And
they that came, came male and female of every flesh according as
God commanded him: and the LORD shut the door upon him. And the
flood came forty days and forty nights upon the earth, and the
water increased and bare up the ark and it was lift up from off
the earth. And the water prevailed and increased exceedingly upon
the earth: and the ark went upon he top of the waters. And the
waters prevailed exceedingly above measure upon the earth, so that
all the high hills which are under all the parts of heaven, were
covered: even fifteen cubits high prevailed the waters, so that
the hills were covered. And all flesh that moved on the earth,
both birds, cattle and beasts perished, with all that crept on the
earth and all men: so that all that had the breath of life in the
nostrils of it thorow out all that was on dry land died. Thus was
destroyed all that was upon the earth, both man, beasts, worms and
fowls of the air so that they were destroyed from the earth: save
Noe was reserved only and they that were with him in the ark. And
the waters prevailed upon the earth, an hundred and fifty days.
Chapter .viij.
And God remembered Noe and all the beasts and all the cattle that
were with him in the ark; And God made a wind to blow upon the
earth, and the waters ceased: and the fountains of the deep and
the windows of heaven were stopped and the rain of heaven was
forbidden, and the waters returned from off the earth and abated
after the end of an hundred and fifty days. And the ark rested
upon the mountains of Ararat, the seventeenth day of the seventh
month. And the waters went away and decreased until the tenth
month. And the first day of the tenth month, the tops of the
mountains appeared. And after the end of forty days, Noe opened
the window of the ark which he had made, and sent forth a raven,
which went out, ever going and coming again, until the waters were
dried up upon the earth. Then sent he forth a dove from him, to
wete whether the waters were fallen from off the earth. And when
the dove could find no resting place for her foot, she returned to
him again unto the ark, for the waters were upon the face of all
the earth. And he put out his hand and took her and pulled her to
him into the ark. And he abode yet seven days mo, and sent out the
dove again out of the ark, and the dove came to him again about
eventide, and behold: there was in her mouth a leaf of an olive
tree which she had plucked, whereby Noe perceived that the waters
were abated upon the earth. And he tarried yet seven other days,
and sent forth the dove, which from thence forth came no more
again to him. And it came to pass, the six hundred and one year
and the first day of the first month, that the waters were dried
up upon the earth. And Noe took off the hatches of the ark and
looked: and behold, the face of the earth was dry. So by the
twenty seventh day of the second month the earth was dry. And God
spake unto Noe saying: Come out of the ark, both thou and thy wife
and thy sons and thy sons' wives with thee. And all the beasts
that are with thee whatsoever flesh it be, both fowl and cattle
and all manner worms that creep on the earth, bring out with thee,
and let them move, grow and multiply upon the earth. And Noe came
out, and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives with him. And
all the beasts, and all the worms, and all the fowls, and all that
moved upon the earth, came also out of the ark, all of one kind
together. And Noe made an altar unto the LORD, {LORDE} and took of
all manner of clean beasts and all manner of clean fowls, and
offered sacrifice upon the altar. And the LORD smelled a sweet
savour and said in his heart: I will henceforth no more curse the
earth for man's sake, for the imagination of man's heart is evil
even from the very youth of him. Moreover I will not destroy from
henceforth all that liveth as I have done. Neither shall sowing
time and harvest, cold, and heat, summer and winter, day and night
cease, as long as the earth endureth.
Chapter .ix.
And God blessed Noe and his sons, and said unto them: Increase and
multiply and fill the earth. The fear also and dread of yow be
upon all beasts of the earth, and upon all fowls of the air, and
upon all that creepeth on the earth, and upon all fishes of the
sea, which are given unto your hands. And all that moveth upon the
earth having life, shall be your meat: Even as the green herbs, so
give I yow all things. Only the flesh with his life which is his
blood, see that ye eat not. For verily the blood of yow wherein
your lives are will I require: Even of the hand of all beasts will
I require it, and of the hand of man and of the hand of every
man's brother, will I require the life of man: so that he which
sheddeth man's blood, shall have his blood shed by man again: for
God made man after his own likeness. See that ye increase, and
wax, and be occupied upon the earth, and multiply therein.
Furthermore God spake unto Noe and to his sons with him saying:
See, I make my bond with you and your seed after you, and with all
living things that is with you: both fowl and cattle, and all
manner beast of the earth that is with yow, of all that cometh out
of the ark what soever beast of the earth it be. I make my bond
with yow, that henceforth all flesh shall not be destroyed with
the waters of any flood, and that henceforth there shall not be a
flood to destroy the earth. And God said: This is the token of my
bond which I make between me and yow, and between all living thing
that is with yow for ever: I will set my bow in the clouds, and it
shall be a sign of the appointment made between me and the earth:
so that when I bring in clouds upon the earth, the bow shall
appear in the clouds. And then will I think upon my testament
which I have made between me and yow, and all that liveth
whatsoever flesh it be. So that henceforth there shall be no more
waters to make a flood to destroy all flesh. The bow shall be in
the clouds, and I will look upon it, to remember the everlasting
testament between God and all that liveth upon the earth,
whatsoever flesh it be. And God said unto Noe: This is the sign of
the testament which I have made between me and all flesh that is
on the earth. The sons of Noe that came out of the ark were: Sem,
Ham, and Iapheth. And Ham he is the father of Canaan. These are
the three sons of Noe, and of these was all the world overspread.
And Noe being an husbandman, went forth and planted a vineyard,
and drank of the wine and was drunk, and lay uncovered in the
middest of his tent. And Ham the father of Canaan saw his father's
privates, {prevytees} and told his two brethren that were without.
And Sem and Iapheth took a mantle, and put it on both their
shoulders and went backward, and covered their father's secrets,
but their faces were backward, so that they saw not their father's
nakedness. As soon as Noe was awaked from his wine and wist what
his youngest son had done unto him, he said: Cursed be Canaan, and
a servant, of all servants be he to his brethren. And he said:
Blessed be the LORD God of Sem, and Canaan be his servant. God
increase Iapheth that he may dwell in the tents of Sem. And Canaan
be their servant. And Noe lived after the flood three hundred and
fifty years: So that all the days of Noe were nine hundred and
fifty years, and then he died.
Chapter .x.
These are the generations of the sons of Noe: of Sem, Ham and
Iapheth, which begat them children after the flood. The sons of
Iapheth were: Gomir, Magog, Madai, Iavan, Tuball, Mesech and
Thyras. And the sons of Gomir were: Ascenas, Riphat and Togarma.
And the sons of Iavan were: Elisa, Tharsis, Cithim, and Dodanim.
Of these came the Isles of the gentiles in their countries, every
man in his speech, kindred and nation. The sons of Ham were: Chus,
Misraim, Phut and Canaan. The sons of Chus: were Seba, Hevila,
Sabta, Raima and Sabtema. And the sons of Raima were: Sheba, and
Dedan. Chus also begot Nimrod, which began to be mighty in the
earth. He was a mighty hunter in the sight of the LORD: Whereof
came the proverb: he is as Nimrod that mighty hunter in the sight
of the LORD. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babell, Erech,
Achad, and Chalne in the land of Sinear: Out of that land came
Assur and builded Ninive, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, and
Ressen between Nineve and Calah. That is a great city. And Mizrim
begat Ludim, Enanim, Leabim, Naphtuhim, Pathrusim and Casluhim:
from whence came the Philistins, and the Caphtherines. Canaan also
begat Zidon his eldest son and Heth, Iebusi, Emori, Girgosi, Hivi,
Arki, Sini, Arvadi, Zemari and Harmati. And afterward sprang the
kindreds of the Cananites. And the coasts of the Cananites were
from Sidon till thou come to Gerara and to Asa, and till thou come
to Sodoma, Gomorra, Adama, Zeboim: even unto Lasa. These were the
children of Ham in their kindreds, tongues, lands and nations. And
Sem the father of all the children of Eber and the eldest brother
of Iapheth, begat children also. And his sons were: Elam Assur,
Arphachsad, Lud and Aram. And the children of Aram were: Ur, Hul,
Gether and Mas. And Arphachsad begat Sala, and Sala begat Eber.
And Eber begat two sons. The name of the one was Peleg, for in his
time the earth was divided. And the name of his brother was
Iaketan. Iaketan begat Almodad, Saleph, Hizarmoneth, Iarah,
Hadoram, Usal, Dikela, Obal, Abimael, Seba, Ophir, Hevila and
Iobab. All these are the sons of Iaketan. And the dwelling of them
was from Mesa until thou come unto Sephara a mountain of the east
land. These are the sons of Sem in their kindreds, languages,
countries and nations. These are the kindreds of the sons of Noe,
in their generations and nations. And of these came the people
that were in the world after the flood.
Chapter .xi.
And all the world was of one tongue and one language. And as they
came from the east, they found a plain in the land of Sinear, and
there they dwelled. And they said one to another: come on, let us
make brick and burn it with fire. So brick was their stone and
slime was their mortar. And they said: Come on, let us build us a
city and a tower, that the top may reach unto heaven. And let us
make us a name, for peradventure we shall be scattered abroad over
all the earth. And the LORD came down to see the city and the
tower which the children of Adam had builded. And the LORD said:
See, the people is one and have one tongue among them all: And
this have they begun to do, and will not leave off from all that
they have purposed to do. Come on, let us descend and mingle their
tongue even there, that one understand not what another sayeth.
Thus the LORD scattered them from thence upon all the earth. And
they left off to build the city. Wherefore the name of it is
called Babel, because that the LORD there confounded the tongue of
all the world. And because that the LORD from thence, scattered
them abroad upon all the earth. These are the generations of Sem:
Sem was an hundred year old and begat Arphachsad two years after
the flood. And Sem lived after he had beget Arphachsad five
hundred years and begot sons and daughters. And Arphachsad lived
thirty five years and begat Sala, and lived after he had begot
Sala four hundred years and three and begat sons and daughters.
And Sala was thirty years old and begat Eber, and lived after he
had begot Eber four hundred and three years, and begat sons and
daughters. When Eber was thirty four years old, he begat Peleg,
and lived after he had begot Peleg, four hundred and thirty years,
and begat sons and daughters. And Peleg when he was thirty years
old begat Regu, and lived after he had begot Regu two hundred and
nine years, and begat sons and daughters. And Regu when he had
lived thirty two years begat Serug, and lived after he had begot
Serug two hundred and seven years, and begat sons and daughters.
And when Serug was thirty years old, he begat Nahor, and lived
after he had begot Nahot two hundred years, and begat sons and
daughters. And Nahor when he was twenty nine years old, begat
Terah, and lived after he had begot Terah, an hundred and nineteen
years, and begat sons and daughters. And when Terah was seventy
years old, he begat Abram, Nahor and Haran. And these are the
generations of Terah. Terah begat Abram, Nahor and Haran. And
Haran begat Lot. And Haran died before Terah his father in the
land where he was born, at Ur in Chaldea. And Abram and Nahor took
them wives. Abram's wife was called Sarai. And Nahor's wife Milkah
the daughter of Haran which was father of Milca and of Iisca. But
Sarai was barren and had no child. Then took Terah Abram his son
and Lot his son Haran's son, and Sarai his daughter-in-law his son
Abram's wife. And they went with him from Ur in Chaldea, to go
into the land of Chanaan. And they came to Haran and dwelled
there. And when Terah was two hundred year old and five he died in
Chapter .xij.
Then the LORD said unto Abram: Get thee out of thy country and
from thy kindred, and out of thy father's house, into a land which
I will shew thee. And I will make of thee a mighty people, and
will bless thee, and make thy name great, that thou mayst be a
blessing. And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them
that curse thee. And in thee shall be blessed all the generations
of the earth. And Abram went as the LORD bade him, and Lot went
with him. Abram was seventy five years old, when he went out of
Haran. And Abram took Sarai his wife and Lot his brother's son,
with all their goods which they had gotten and souls which they
had begotten in Haran. And they departed to go into the land of
Chanaan. And when they were come into the land of Chanaan, Abram
went forth into the land till he came unto a place called Sichem,
and unto the oak of More. And the Cananites dwelled then in the
land. Then the LORD appeared unto Abram and said: unto thy seed
will I give this land. And he builded an altar there unto the LORD
which appeared to him. Then departed he thence unto a mountain
that lieth on the east side of BETHEL and pitched his tent: BETHEL
being on the west side, and Ay on the east: and he builded there
an altar unto the LORD, and called on the name of the LORD. And
then Abram departed and took his journey southward. After this
there came a dearth in the land. And Abram went down into Egypt to
sojourn there, for the dearth was sore in the land. And when he
was come nye for to enter into Egypt, he said unto Sarai his wife.
Behold, I know that thou art a fair woman to look upon. It will
come to pass therefore when the Egyptians see thee, that they will
say: she is his wife. And so shall they slay me and save thee. Say
I pray thee therefore that thou art my sister, that I may fare the
better by reason of thee, and that my soul may live for thy sake.
As soon as he came into Egypt, the Egyptians saw the woman that
she was very fair. And Pharao's lords saw her also, and praised
her unto Pharao: So that she was taken into Pharao's house, which
entreated Abram well for her sake, so that he had sheep, oxen and
he asses, men servants, maid servants, she asses and camels. But
GOD {|The LORDE|} plagued Pharao and his house with great plagues,
because of Sarai Abram's wife. Then Pharao called Abram and said:
Why hast thou thus dealt with me? Wherefore toldest thou me not
that she was thy wife? Why saidest thou that she was thy sister,
and causedest me to take her to my wife? But now lo, there is thy
wife, take her and be walking. Pharao also gave a charge unto his
men over Abram, to lead him out, with his wife and all that he
Chapter .xiij.
Then Abram departed out of Egypt, both he and his wife and all
that he had, and Lot with him unto the south. Abram was very rich
in cattle, silver and gold. And he went on his journey from the
south even unto BETHEL, and unto the place where his tent was at
the first time between BETHEL and Ay, and unto the place of the
altar which he made before. And there called Abram upon the name,
of the LORD. Lot also which went with him had sheep, cattle and
tents: so that the land was not able to receive them that they
might dwell together, for the substance of their riches was so
great, that they could not dwell together. And there fell a strife
between the herdmen of Abram's cattle, and the herdmen of Lot's
cattle. Moreover the Cananites and the Pherisites dwelled at that
time in the land. Then said Abram unto Lot: Let there be no strife
I pray thee between thee and me and between my herdmen and thine,
for we be brethren. Is not all the hole land before thee? Depart I
pray thee from me. If thou wilt take the left hand, I will take
the right: or if thou take the right hand I will take the left.
And Lot lift up his eyes and beheld all the country about Iordan,
which was a plenteous country of water every where, before the
LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorra, even as the garden of the LORD,
and as the land of Egypt till thou come to Zoar. Then Lot chose
all the coasts of Iordan and took his journey from the east. And
so departed the one brother from the other. Abram dwelled in the
land of Canaan: And Lot in the cities of the plain, and tented
till he came to Sodom. But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinned
exceedingly against the LORD. And the LORD said unto Abram, after
that Lot was departed from him: Lift up thine eyes and look from
the place where thou art, northward, southward, eastward and
westward, for all the land which thou seest will I give unto thee
and to thy seed for ever. And I will make thy seed, as the dust of
the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then
shall thy seed also be numbered. Arise and walk about in the land,
in the length of it and in the breadth for I will give it unto
thee. Then Abram took down his tent, and went and dwelled in the
oak grove of Mamre which is in Ebron and builded there an altar to
the LORD.
Chapter .xiiij.
And it chanced within a while, that Amraphel king of Sinear,
Arioch king of Ellasar, Kedorlaomer king of Elam and Thydeall king
of the nations: made war with Bera king of Sodom, and with Birsa
king of Gomorra. And with Sineab king of Adama, and with Semeaber
king of Zeboim, and with the king of Bela which Bela is called
Zoar. All these came together unto the vale of Siddim, which is
now the salt sea. Twelve years were they subject to king
Kedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year rebelled. Therefore in the
fourteenth year came Kedorlaomer and the kings that were with him,
and smote the Raphaims in Astaroth Karnaim, and the Susims in Ham,
and the Emims in Sabe Kariathaim, and the Horims in their own
mount Seir unto the plain of Pharan, which bordereth upon the
wilderness. And then turned they and came to the well of judgement
which is Cades, and smote all the country of the Amalekites, and
also the Amorites that dwell in Hazezon Thamar. Then went out the
king of Sodom, and the king of Gomorra, and the king of Adama and
the king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela now called Zoar. And set
their men in array to fight with them in the vale of Siddim, that
is to say, with Kedorlaomer the king of Elam and with Thydeall
king of the Nations, and with Amraphel king of Sinear. And with
Arioch king of Ellasar: four kings against five. And that vale of
Siddim was full of slime pits. And the kings of Sodom and Gomorra
fled, and fell there. And the residue fled to the mountains. And
they took all the goods of Sodom and Gomorra and all their
vitailles, and went their way. And they took Lot also Abram's
brother's son and his goods (for he dwelled at Sodom) and
departed. Then came one that had escaped, and told Abram the
Hebrew which dwelt in the oak grove of Mamre the Amorite, brother
of Eschol and Aner: which were confederate with Abram. When Abram
heard that his brother was taken, he harnessed his servants born
in his own house three hundred and eighteen, and followed till
they came at Dan. And set himself and his servants in array, and
fell upon them by night, and smote them, and chased them away unto
Hoba: which lieth on the left hand of Damasco, and brought again
all the goods and also his brother Lot, and his goods, the women
also and the people. And as he returned again from the slaughter
of Kedorlaomer and of the kings that were with him, then came the
king of Sodom against {to meet} him unto the vale of Saue which
now is called king's dale. Then Melchisedech king of Salem brought
forth bread and wine. And he being the priest of the most highest
God, blessed him saying: Blessed be Abram unto the most highest
God, possessor of heaven and earth. And blessed be God the most
highest, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hands. And
Abram gave him tithes of all. Then said the king of Sodom unto
Abram: Give me the souls, and take the goods to thy self. And
Abram answered the king of Sodom: I lift up my hand unto the LORD
God most high possessor of heaven and earth, that I will not take
of all that is thine, so much as a thread or a shoe latchet, lest
thou shouldest say I have made Abram rich. Save only that which
the young men have eaten and the parts of the men which went with
me. Aner, Eschol and Mamre. Let them take their parts.
Chapter .xv.
After these deeds, the word of GOD {|the LORDE|} came unto Abram
in a vision saying fear not Abram, I am thy shield, and thy reward
shall be exceeding great. And Abram answered: Lord Iehouah what
wilt thou give me: I go childless, and the cater of mine house,
this Eleasar of Damasco hath a son. And Abram said: See, to me
hast thou given to seed: lo, a lad born in my house shall be mine
heir. And behold, the word of the LORD spake unto Abram saying: He
shall not be thine heir, but one that shall come out of thine own
body shall be thine heir. And he brought him out at the doors and
said: Look up unto heaven and tell the stars, if thou be able to
number them. And said unto him: Even so shall thy seed be. And
Abram believed the LORD, and it was counted to him for
righteousness. And he said unto him: I am the LORD that brought
thee out of Ur in Chaldea to give thee this land to possess it.
And he said: Lord GOD, {LORde God} whereby shall I know that I
shall possess it? And he said unto him: take an heifer of three
years old, and a she goat of three years old, and a three year old
ram, a turtle dove and a young pigeon. And he took all these and
divided them in the midst, and laid every piece, one over against
another. But the fowls divided he not. And the birds fell on the
carcasses, but Abram drove them away. And when the sun was down,
there fell a slumber upon Abram. And lo, fear and great darkness
came upon him. And he said unto Abram: know this of a surety, that
thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that pertaineth not unto
them. And they shall make bondmen of them and entreat them evil
four hundred years. But the nation whom they shall serve, will I
judge. And afterward shall they come out with great substance.
Nevertheless thou shalt go unto thy fathers in peace, and shalt be
buried when thou art of a good age: and in the fourth generation
they shall come hither again, for the wickedness of the Amorites
is not yet full. When the sun was down and it was waxed dark:
behold, there was a smoking furnace and a fire brand that went
between the said pieces. And that same day the LORD made a
covenant with Abram saying: unto thy seed will I give this land,
from the river of Egypt, even unto the great river Euphrates: the
Kenites, the Kenizites, the Cadmonites, the Hethites, the
Pherezites, the Raphaims, the Amorites, the Cananites, the
Gergesites and the Iebusites.
Chapter .xvi.
Sarai Abram's wife bare him no children. But she had an hand maid
an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar. Wherefore she said unto Abram:
Behold the LORD hath closed me, that I can not bear. I pray thee
go in unto my maid, peradventure I shall be multiplied by means of
her; And Abram heard the voice of Sarai. Then Sarai Abram's wife
took Hagar her maid the Egyptian (after Abram had dwelled ten
years in the land of Canaan) and gave her to her husband Abram, to
be his wife. And he went in unto Hagar, and she conceived. And
when she saw that she had conceived her mistress was despised in
her sight. Then said Sarai unto Abram: Thou dost me unright, for I
have given my maid into thy bosom: and now because she seeth that
she hath conceived, I am despised in her sight: the LORD judge
between thee and me. Then said Abram to Sarai: behold, thy maid is
in thy hand, do with her as it pleaseth thee. And because Sarai
fared foul with her, she fled from her. And the Angel of the LORD
found her beside a fountain of water in the wilderness: even by a
well in the way to Sur. And he said: Hagar Sarai's maid, whence
comest thou and whither wilt thou go? And she answered: I flee
from my mistress Sarai. And the Angel of the LORD said unto her:
return to thy mistress again, and submit thyself under her hands.
And the angel of the LORD said unto her: I will so increase thy
seed, that it shall not be numbered for multitude. And the LORD's
angel said further unto her: see, thou art with child and shalt
bear a son, and shalt call his name Ismael: because the LORD hath
heard thy tribulation. He will be a wild man, and his hand will be
against every man, and every man's hand against him. And yet shall
he dwell fast by all his brethren. And she called the name of the
LORD that spake unto her: thou art the God that lookest on me, for
she said: I have of a surety seen here the back parts of him that
seeth me. Wherefore she called the well, the well of the living
that seeth me which well is between Cades and Bared. And Hagar
bare Abram a son, and Abram called his son's name which Hagar bare
Ismael. And Abram was eighty six years old, when Hagar bare him
Chapter .xvij.
When Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to him
saying: I am the almighty God: walk before me and be uncorrupt.
And I will make my bond between thee and me, and will multiply
thee exceedingly. And Abram fell on his face. And God talked
moreover with him saying: I am, behold my testament is with thee,
that thou shalt be a father of many nations. Therefore shalt thou
no more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham: for a
father of many nations have I made thee, and I will multiply thee
exceedingly, and will make nations of thee: yea and kings shall
spring out of thee. Moreover I will make my bond between me and
thee, and thy seed after thee, in their times to be an everlasting
testament, so that I will be God unto thee and to thy seed after
thee. And I will give unto thee and to thy seed after thee, the
land wherein thou art a stranger: even all the land of Canaan, for
an everlasting possession, and will be their God. And God said
unto Abraham: See thou keep my testament, both thou and thy seed
after thee in their times: This is my testament which ye shall
keep between me and you and thy seed after thee, that ye
circumcise all your men children. Ye shall circumcise the foreskin
of your flesh, and it shall be a token of the bond betwixt me and
you. And every manchild when it is eight days old, shall be
circumcised among you in your generations, and all servants also
born at home or bought with money though they be strangers and not
of thy seed. The servant born in thy house, and he also that is
bought with money, must needs be circumcised, that my testament
may be in your flesh, for an everlasting bond. If there be any
uncircumcised manchild, that hath not the foreskin of his flesh
cut off, his soul shall perish from his people: because he hath
broken my testament. And God said unto Abraham. Sarai thy wife
shall no more be called Sarai: but Sara shall her name be. For I
will bless her and give thee a son of her and will bless her: so
that people, yea and kings of people shall spring of her. And
Abraham fell upon his face and laughed, and said in his heart:
shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred year old, and
shall Sara that is ninety years old, bear: And Abraham said unto
God. O that Ismael might live in thy sight. Then said God: nay,
Sara thy wife shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name
Isaac. And I will make my bond with him, that it shall be an
everlasting bond unto his seed after him. And as concerning Ismael
also, I have heard thy request: lo, I will bless him and increase
him, and multiply him exceedingly. Twelve princes shall he {be}
beget, and I will make a great nation of him. But my bond will I
make with Isaac, which Sara shall bear unto thee: even this time
twelve month. And God left off talking with him, and departed up
from Abraham. And Abraham took Ismael his son and all the servants
born in his house and all that was bought with money as many as
were men children among the men of Abraham's house, and
circumcised the foreskin of their flesh, even the selfsame day, as
God had said unto him. Abraham was ninety years old and nine when
he cut off the foreskin of his flesh. And Ismael his son was
thirteen year old, when the foreskin of his flesh was circumcised.
The self same day was Abraham circumcised and Ismael his son. And
all the men in his house, whether they were born in his house or
bought with money (though they were strangers) were circumcised
with him.
Chapter .xviij.
And the LORD appeared unto him in the oak grove of Mamre as he sat
in his tent door in the heat of the day. And he lift up his eyes
and looked: and lo, three men stood not far from him. And when he
saw them, he ran against {to meet} them from the tent door, and
fell to the ground and said: Lord {LORde} if I have found favour
in thy sight, go not by thy servant. Let a little water be
fetched, and wash your feet, and rest your selves under the tree:
And I will fetch a morsel of bread, to comfort your hearts withal.
And then go your ways, for even therefore are ye come to your
servant. And they answered: Do even so as thou hast said. And
Abraham went a pace into his tent unto Sara and said: make ready
at once three pecks of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes. And
Abraham ran unto his beasts and fetched a calf that was tender and
good, and gave it unto a young man which made it ready at once.
And he took butter and milk and the calf which he had prepared,
and set it before them, and stood himself by them under the tree:
and they ate. And they said unto him: Where is Sara thy wife? And
he said: in the tent. And he said: I will come again unto thee as
soon as the fruit can live. And lo: Sara thy wife shall have a
son. That heard Sara, out of the tent door which was behind his
back. Abraham and Sara were both old and well stricken in age, and
it ceased to be with Sara after the manner as it is with wives.
And Sara laughed in her self saying: Now I am waxed old, shall I
give my self to lust, and my lord old also? Then said the LORD
unto Abraha: wherefore doth Sara laugh saying: shall I of a surety
bear a child, now when I am old? is the thing too hard for the
LORD to do? In the time appointed will I return unto thee, as soon
as the fruit can have life. And Sara shall have a son. Then Sara
denied it saying: I laughed not, for she was afraid. But he said:
yes thou laughtest. Then the men stood up from thence and looked
toward Sodom. And Abraham went with them to bring them on the way.
And the LORD said: Can I hide from Abraham that thing which I am
about to do, seeing that Abraham shall be a great and a mighty
people, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?
For I know him that he will command his children and his household
after him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do after right
and conscience, that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that he hath
promised him. And the LORD said: The cry of Sodom and Gomorra is
great, and their sin is exceeding grievous. I will go down and see
whether they have done altogether according to that cry which is
come unto me or not, that I may know. And the men departed thence
and went to Sodomward. But Abraham stood yet before the LORD, and
drew near and said Wilt thou destroy the righteous with the
wicked? If there be fifty righteous within the city, wilt thou
destroy it and not spare the place for the sake of fifty righteous
that are therein? That be far from thee, that thou shouldest do
after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked, and that
the righteous should be as the wicked: that be far from thee.
Should not the Iudge of all the world do according to right? And
the LORD said: If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city,
I will spare all the place for their sakes. And Abraham answered
and said: behold I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord,
{LORde} and yet am but dust and ashes. What though there lack five
of fifty righteous, wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of
five? And he said: If I find there forty and five I will not
destroy them. And he spake unto him yet again and said: what if
there be forty found there: And he said: I will not do it for
forty's sake. And he said: O let not my Lord {LORde} be angry,
that I speak. What if there be found thirty there? And he said: I
will not do it, if I find thirty there. And he said: Oh, see, I
have begun to speak unto my Lord, {LORde} what if there be twenty
found there? And he said: I will not destroy them for twenty's
sake. And he said: O let not my Lord {LORde} be angry, that I
speak yet, but even once more only. What if ten be found there?
And he said: I will not destroy them for ten's sake. And the LORD
went his way as soon as he had left communing with Abraham. And
Abraham returned unto his place.
Chapter .xix.
And there came two angels to Sodom at even. And Lot sat at the
gate of the city. And Lot saw them, and rose up against {to meet}
them, and he bowed himself to the ground with his face. And he
said: See lords, turn in I pray you in to your servant's house and
tarry all night and wash your feet, and rise up early and go on
your ways. And they said: nay, but we will bide in the streets all
night. And he compelled them exceedingly. And they turned in unto
him and entered into his house, and he made them a feast and did
bake sweet cakes, and they ate. But before they went to rest, the
men of the city of Sodom compassed the house round about both old
and young, all the people from all quarters. And they called unto
Lot and said unto him: where are the men which came into thy house
to night? bring them out unto us that we may do our lust with
them. And Lot went out at doors unto them and shut the door after
him and said: nay for god's {goddes} sake brethren, do not so
wickedly. Behold I have two daughters which have known no man,
them will I bring out unto you: do with them as it seemeth you
good: Only unto these men do nothing, for therefore came they
under the shadow of my roof. And they said: come hither. And they
said: camest thou not in to sojourn, and wilt thou be now a judge?
we will surely deal worse with thee than with them. And as they
preased sore upon Lot and began to break up the door, the men put
forth their hands and pulled Lot into the house to them and shut
to the door. And the men that were at the door of the house, they
smote with blindness both small and great: so that they could not
find the door. And the men said moreover unto Lot: If thou have
yet here any son-in-law or sons or daughters or whatsoever thou
hast in the city, bring it out of this place: for we must destroy
this place, because the cry of them is great before the LORD.
Wherefore he hath sent us to destroy it. And Lot went out and
spake unto his sons-in-law which should have married his
daughters, and said: stond up and get yow out of this place, for
the LORD will destroy the city. But he seemed as though he had
mocked, unto his sons-in-law. And as the morning arose the angels
caused Lot to speed him saying. Stond up, take thy wife and thy
two daughters and that that is at hand, lest thou perish in the
sin of the city. And as he prolonged the time, the men caught both
him, his wife and his two daughters by the hands, because the LORD
was merciful unto him, and they brought him forth and set him
without the city. When they had brought them out, they said: Save
thy life and look not behind thee neither tarry thou in any place
of the country, but save thyself in the mountain, lest thou
perish. Then said Lot unto them: Oh nay my Lord: {lorde} behold,
inasmuch as thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, now make
thy mercy great which thou shewest unto me in saving my life. For
I can not save myself in the mountains, lest some misfortune fall
upon me and I die. Behold, here is a city by, to flee unto, and it
is a little one, let me save myself therein: is it not a little
one, that my soul may live? And he said to him: see I have
received thy request as concerning this thing, that I will not
overthrow this city for the which thou hast spoken. Haste thee,
and save thyself there, for I can do nothing till thou be come in
thither. And therefore the name of the city is called Zoar. And
the sun was upon the earth when Lot was entered into Zoar. Then
the LORD rained upon Sodom and Gomorra, brimstone and fire from
the LORD out of heaven, and overthrew those cities and all the
region, and all that dwelled in the cities, and that that grew
upon the earth. And Lot's wife looked behind her, and was turned
in to a pillar of salt. Abraham rose up early and got him to the
place where he stood before the LORD, and looked toward Sodom and
Gomorra and toward all the land of that country. And as he looked:
behold, the smoke of the country arose as it had been the smoke of
a furnace. But yet when God destroyed the cities of the region, he
thought upon Abraha: and sent Lot out from the danger of the
overthrowing, when he overthrew the cities where Lot dwelled. And
Lot departed out of Zoar and dwelled in the mountains and his two
daughters with him for he feared to tarry in Zoar: he dwelt
therefore in a cave, both he and his two daughters also. Then said
the elder unto the younger our father is old, and there are no
more men in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all
the world. Come therefore, let us give our father wine to drink,
and let us lie with him that we may save seed of our father. And
they gave their father wine to drink that same night. And the
elder daughter went and lay with her father. And he perceived it
not, neither when she lay down, neither when she rose up. And on
the morrow the elder said unto the younger: behold, yesternight
lay I with my father. Let us give him wine to drink this night
also, and go thou and lie with him, and let us save seed of our
father. And they gave their father wine to drink that night also.
And the younger arose and lay with him. And he perceived it not:
neither when she lay down, neither when she rose up. Thus were
both the daughters of Lot with child by their father. And the
elder bare a son and called him Moab, which is the father of the
Moabites unto this day. And the younger bare a son and called him
Ben Ammi, which is the father of the children of Ammon unto this
Chapter .xx.
And Abraham departed thence toward the south country and dwelled
between Cades and Sur and sojourned in Gerar. And Abraham said of
Sara his wife, that she was his sister. Then Abimelech king of
Gerar sent and fetched Sara away. And God came to Abimelech by
night in a dream and said to him: See, thou art but a dead man for
the woman's sake which thou hast taken away, for she is a man's
wife. But Abimelech had not yet come nye her, and therefore said:
Lord {lorde} wilt thou slay righteous people? said not he unto me,
that she was his sister? yea and said not she herself that he was
her brother? with a pure heart and innocent hands have I done
this. And God said unto him in a dream. I wot it well that thou
didst it in the pureness of thy heart: And therefore I kept thee
that thou shouldest not sin against me, neither suffered I thee to
come nigh her. Now therefore deliver the man his wife again, for
he is a prophet. And let him pray for thee that thou mayst live.
But and if thou deliver her not again, be sure that thou shalt die
the death, with all that thou hast. Then Abimelech rose up be
times in the morning and called all his servants, and told all
these things in their ears, and the men were sore afraid. And
Abimelech called Abraham and said unto him: What hast thou done
unto us, and what have I offended thee, that thou shouldest bring
on me and on my kingdom so great a sin? thou hast done deeds unto
me that ought not to be done. And Abimelech said moreover unto
Abraham: What sawest thou that moved thee to do this thing? And
Abraham answered. I thought that peradventure the fear of God was
not in this place, and that they should slay me for my wife's
sake: yet in very deed she is my sister, the daughter of my
father, but not of my mother: and became my wife. And after God
caused me to wander out of my father's house, I said unto her:
This kindness shalt thou shew unto me in all places where we come,
that thou say of me, how that I am thy brother. Then took
Abimelech sheep and oxen, menservants and womenservants and gave
them unto Abraham, and delivered him Sara his wife again. And
Abimelech said: behold the land lieth before thee, dwell where it
pleaseth thee best. And unto Sara he said: See I have given thy
brother a thousand pieces of silver, behold he {this thing} shall
be a covering to thine eyes unto all that are with thee and unto
all men and an excuse. And so Abraham prayed unto God, and God
healed Abimelech and his wife and his maidens, so that they bare.
For the LORD had closed to, all the matrices of the house of
Abimelech, because of Sara Abraham's wife.
Chapter .xxj.
The lord visited Sara as he had said and did unto her according as
he had spoken. {promised} And Sara was with child and bare Abraham
a son in his old age even the same season which the Lorde {|God|}
had appointed. And Abraham called his son's name that was born
unto him which Sara bare him Isaac: and Abraham circumcised Isaac
his son when he was eight days old, as God commanded him. And
Abraham was an hundred year old, when his son Isaac was born unto
him. And Sara said: God hath made me a laughing stock: for all
that hear, will laugh at me. She said also: who would have said
unto Abraham, that Sara should have given children suck, or that I
should have borne him a son in his old age: The child grew and was
weaned, and Abraham made a great feast, the same day that Isaac
was weaned. Sara saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian which she had
borne unto Abraham, a mocking. Then she said unto Abraham: put
away this bondmaid and her son: for the son of this bondwoman
shall not be heir with my son Isaac: But the word seemed very
grievous in Abraham's sight, because of his son. Then the Lorde
{|God|} said unto Abraham: let it not be grievous unto thee,
because of the lad and of thy bondmaid: But in all that Sara hath
said unto thee, hear her voice, for in Isaac shall thy seed be
called. Moreover of the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation,
because he is thy seed. And Abraham rose up early in the morning
and took bread and a bottle with water, and gave it unto Hagar,
putting it on her shoulders with the lad also, and sent her away.
And she departed and wandered up and down in the wilderness of
Berseba. When the water was spent that was in the bottle, she cast
the lad under a bush and went and sat her out of sight a great
way, as it were a bowshot off: For she said: I will not see the
lad die. And she sat down out of sight, and lift up her voice and
wept. And God heard the voice of the child. And the angel of God
called Hagar out of heaven and said unto her: What aileth thee
Hagar? Fear not, for God hath heard the voice of the child where
he lieth. Arise and lift up the lad, and take him in thy hand, for
I will make of him a great people. And God opened her eyes and she
saw a well of water. And she went and filled the bottle with
water, and gave the boy drink. And God was with the lad, and he
grew and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer. And he
dwelt in the wilderness of Pharan. And his mother got him a wife
out of thee, land of Egypt. And it chanced the same season, that
Abimelech and Phicol his chief captain spake unto Abraham saying:
God is with thee in all that thou doest. Now therefore swear unto
me even here by God, that thou wilt not hurt me nor my children,
nor my children's children. But that thou shalt deal with me and
the country where thou art a stranger, according unto the kindness
that I have shewed thee. Then said Abraham: I will swear. And
Abraham rebuked Abimelech for a well of water, which Abimelech's
servants had taken away. And Abimelech answered I wist not who did
it: Also thou toldest me not, neither heard I of it, but this day.
And Abraham took sheep and oxen and gave them unto Abimelech. And
they made both of them a bond together. And Abraham set seven
lambs by them selves. And Abimelech said unto Abraham: what mean
these seven lambs which thou hast set by them selves. And he
answered: seven lambs shalt thou take of my hand, that it may be a
witness unto me, that I have digged this well: Wherefore the place
is called Berseba, because they sware both of them. Thus made they
a bond together at Berseba. Then Abimelech and Phicol his chief
Captain rose up and turned again unto the land of the Philistines.
And Abraham planted a wood in Berseba, and called there, on the
name of the LORD, the everlasting God: and dwelt in the Philistine
land a long season.
Chapter .xxij.
After these deeds, God did prove Abraham and said unto him:
Abraham. And he answered: here am I. And he said: take thy only
son Isaac whom thou lovest, and get thee unto the land of Moria,
and sacrifice him there for a sacrifice upon one of the mountains
which I will shew thee. Then Abraham rose up early in the morning
and saddled his ass, and took two of his meiny with him, and Isaac
his sonne: and clove wood for the sacrifice, and rose up and got
him to the place which God had appointed him. The third day
Abraham lift up his eyes and saw the place afar off, and said unto
his young men: bide here with the ass. I and the lad will go
yonder and worship and come again unto you. And Abraham took the
wood of the sacrifice and laid it upon Isaac his son, and took
fire in his hand and a knife. And they went both of them together.
Then spake Isaac unto Abraham his father and said: My father? And
he answered here am I my son. And he said: See here is fire and
wood, but where is the sheep for sacrifice? And Abraham said: my
son, God will provide him a sheep for sacrifice. So went they both
together. And when they came unto the place which God shewed him,
Abraham made an altar there and dressed the wood, and bound Isaac
his son and laid him on the altar, above upon the wood. And
Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to have
killed his son. Then the angel of the LORD called unto him from
heaven saying: Abraham, Abraham?. And he answered: here am I. And
he said: lay not thy hands upon the child, neither do anything at
all unto him, for now I know that thou fearest God, in that thou
hast not kept thine only son from me. And Abraham lifted up his
eyes and looked about: and behold, there was a ram caught by the
horns in a thicket. And he went and took the ram and offered him
up for a sacrifice in the stead of his son. And Abraham called the
name of the place, the LORD will see: wherefore it is a common
saying this day: in the mount will the LORD be seen. And the angel
of the LORD cried unto Abraham from heaven the second time saying:
by myself have I sworn (saith the LORD) because thou hast done
this thing and hast not spared thy only son, that I will bless
thee and multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven and as the sand
upon the sea side. And thy seed shall possess the gates of his
enemies. And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be
blessed, because thou hast obeyed my voice. So turned Abraham
again unto his young men, and they rose up and went together to
Berseba. And Abraham dwelt at Berseba. And it chanced after these
things, that one told Abraham saying: Behold, Milcha she hath also
born children unto thy brother Nachor: Hus his eldest son and Bus
his brother, and Kemuel the father of the Sirians, and Cesed, and
Haso, and Pildas, and Iedlaph, and Bethuel. And Bethuel begat
Rebecca. These eight did Milcha bear to Nachor Abraham's brother.
And his concubine called Rheuma she bare also Tebah, Gaham, Thaas
and Maacha.
Chapter .xxiij.
Sara was an hundred and twenty seven years old (for so long lived
she) and then died in a head city called Hebron in the land of
Canaan. Then Abraham came to mourn Sara and to weep for her. And
Abraham stood up from the corpse, and talked with the sons of Heth
saying: I am a stranger and a foreigner among yow, give me a
possession to bury in with you, that I may bury my dead out of my
sight. And the children of Heth answered Abraham saying unto him:
Hear us lord, thou art a prince of God among us. In the chiefest
of our sepulchers bury thy dead: None of us shall forbid thee his
sepulchre, that thou shouldest not bury thy dead therein. Abraham
stood up and bowed himself before the people of the land the
children of Heth. And he communed {comoned} with them saying: If
it be your minds that I shall bury my dead out of my sight, hear
me and speak for me to Ephron the son of Zoar: and let him give me
the double cave which he hath in the end of his field, for as much
money as it is worth, let him give it me in the presence of you,
for a possession to bury in. For Ephron dwelled among the children
of Heth. Then Ephron the Hethite answered Abraham in the audience
of the children of Heth and of all that went in at the gates of
his city, saying: Not so, my lord, but hear me: The field give I
thee, and the cave that therein is, give I thee also. And even in
the presence of the sons of my people give I it thee to bury thy
dead in. Then Abraham bowed himself before the people of the land,
and spake unto Ephron in the audience of the people of the country
saying: I pray thee hear me, I will give silver for the field,
take it of me, and so will I bury my dead there. Ephron answered
Abraham saying unto him: My lord, hearken unto me. The land is
worth four hundredth sicles of silver: But what is that betwixt
thee and me? bury thy dead. And Abraham hearkened unto Ephron and
weighed him the silver which he had said in the audience of the
sons of Heth. Even four hundred silver sicles of current money
among merchants. Thus was the field of Ephron wherein the double
cave is before Mamre: even the field and the cave that is therein
and all the trees of the field which grow in all the borders round
about, made sure unto Abraham for a possession, in the sight of
the children of Heth and of all that went in at the gates of the
city. And then Abraham buried Sara his wife in the double cave of
the field that lieth before Mamre, otherwise called Ebron in the
land of Canaan. And so both the field and the cave that is
therein, was made unto Abraham, a sure possession to bury in, of
the sons of Heth.
Chapter .xxiiij.
Abraham was old and stricken in days, and the LORD had blessed him
in all things. And he said unto his eldest servant of his house
which had the rule over all that he had: Put thy hand under my
thigh that I may make thee swear by the LORD that is God of heaven
and God of the earth, that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son,
of the daughters of the Cananites, among which I dwell. But shalt
go unto my country and to my kindred, and there take a wife unto
my son Isaac. Then said the servant unto him: what and if the
woman will not agree to come with me unto this land, shall I bring
thy son again unto the land which thou camest out of? And Abraham
said unto him: beware of that, that thou bring not my son thither.
The LORD God of heaven which took me from my father's house and
from the land where I was born, and which spake unto me and sware
unto me saying: unto thy seed will I give this land, he shall send
his angel before thee, that thou mayest take a wife unto my son
from thence. Nevertheless if the woman will not agree to come with
thee then shalt thou be without danger of this oath. But above all
things bring not my son thither again. And the servant put his
hand under the thigh of Abraham and sware to him as concerning
that matter. And the servant took ten camels of the camels of his
master and departed, and had of all manner goods of his master
with him, and stood up and went to Mesopotamia, unto the city of
Nahor. And made his camels to lie down without the city by a
well's side of water, at even: about the time that women come out
to draw water, and he said: LORD God of my master Abraham, send me
good speed this day, and shew mercy unto my master Abraham. Lo I
stond here by the well of water and the daughters of the men of
this city will come out to draw water: Now the damsel to whom I
say, stoop down thy pitcher, and let me drink. If she say: Drink,
and I will give thy camels drink also, the same is she that thou
hast ordained for thy servant Isaac: yea and thereby shall I know
that thou hast shewed mercy on my master. And it came to pass yer
he had left speaking, that Rebecca came out, the daughter of
Bethuel, son to Milkah the wife of Nahor Abraham's brother, and
her pitcher upon her shoulder: The damsel was very fair to look
upon, and yet a maid and unknown of man. And she went down to the
well and filled her pitcher and came up again. Then the servant
ran unto her and said: let me sip a little water of thy pitcher.
And she said: drink my lord. And she hasted and let down her
pitcher upon her arm and gave him drink. And when she had given
him drink, she said: I will draw water for thy camels also, until
they have drunk enough. And she poured out her pitcher into the
trough hastily, and ran again unto the well, to fetch water: and
drew for all his camels. And the fellow wondered at her. But held
his peace, to wete whether the LORD had made his journey
prosperous or not. And as the camels had left drinking, he took an
earing of half a sicle weight, and two bracelets for her hands, of
ten sicles weight of gold, and said unto her: Whose daughter art
thou? tell me: is there room in thy father's house, for us to
lodge in? And she said unto him: I am the daughter of Bethuel the
son of Milkah which she bare unto Nahor: and said moreover unto
him: we have litter and provender enough and also room to lodge
in. And the man bowed himself and worshipped the LORD, and said:
blessed be the LORD God of my master Abraham which ceaseth not to
deal mercifully and truly with my master. And {|For the LORDe|}
hath brought me the way to my master's brother's house. And the
damsel ran and told them of her mother's house these things. And
Rebecca had a brother called Laban. And Laban ran out unto the
man, to the well: for as soon as he had seen the earings and the
bracelets upon his sister's hands, and heard the words of Rebecca
his sister saying thus said the man unto me, then he went out unto
the man. And lo, he stood yet with the camels by the well side.
And Laban said: come in thou blessed of the LORD. Wherefore
stondest thou without? I have dressed the house and made room for
the camels. And then the man came in to the house: and he
unbridled the camels: and brought litter and provender for the
camels, and water to wash his feet and their feet that were with
him, and there was meat set before him to eat. But he said: I will
not eat, until I have said mine errand: And he said: say on; And
he said: I am Abraham's servant, and the LORD hath blessed my
master out of measure that he is become great and hath given him
sheep, oxen, silver and gold, menservants, maidservants, camels
and asses. And Sara my master's wife bare him a son, when she was
old: and unto him hath he given all that he hath. And my master
made me swear saying: Thou shalt not take a wife to my son, among
the daughters of the Cananites in whose land I dwell. But thou
shalt go unto my father's house and to my kindred, and there take
a wife unto my son. And I said unto my master: What if the wife
will not follow me? And he said unto me: The LORD before whom I
walk, will send his angel with thee, and prosper thy journey that
thou shalt take a wife for my son, of my kindred and of my
father's house. But and if (when thou comest unto my kindred) they
will not give thee one, then shalt thou bear no peril of mine
oath. And I came this day unto the well and said: O LORD, the God
of my master Abraham, if it be so that thou makest my journey
which I go, prosperous: behold, I stond by this well of water, and
when a virgin cometh forth to draw water, and I say to her: give
me a little water of thy pitcher to drink, and she say again to
me: drink thou, and I will also draw water for thy camels: that
same is the wife, whom the LORD hath prepared for my master's son.
And before I had made an end of speaking in mine heart: behold
Rebecca came forth, and her pitcher on her shoulder, and she went
down unto the well and drew. And I said unto her give me drink.
And she made haste, and took down her pitcher from off her, and
said: drink, and I will give thy camels drink also. And I drank,
and she gave the camels drink also. And I asked her saying: whose
daughter art thou? And she answered: the daughter of Bathuel
Nahor's son, whom Milkah bare unto him. And I put the earing upon
her face and the bracelets upon her hands. And I bowed myself, and
worshipped the LORD, and blessed the LORD God of my master Abraham
which had brought me the right way, to take my master's brother's
daughter unto his son. Now therefore if ye will deal mercifully
and truly with my master, tell me: And if not, tell me also: that
I may turn me to the right hand or to the left. Then answered
Laban and Bathuel saying: The thing is proceeded even out of the
LORD, {lorde} we can not therefore say unto thee, either good or
bad: Behold Rebecca before thy face, take her and go, and let her
be thy master's son's wife, even as the LORD hath said. And when
Abraham's servant heard their words, he bowed himself unto the
LORD, flat upon the earth. And the servant took forth jewels of
silver and jewels of gold and raiment, and gave them to Rebecca:
But unto her brother and to her mother, he gave spices. And then
they ate and drank, both he and the men that were with him, and
tarried all night and rose up in the morning. And he said: let me
depart unto my master. But her brother and her mother said: let
the damsel abide with us a while, and it be but even ten days, and
then go thy ways. And he said unto them, hinder me not: for the
LORD {lorde} hath prospered my journey. Send me away that I may go
unto my master. And they said: let us call the damsel, and wit
what she saith to the matter. And they called forth Rebecca and
said unto her: wilt thou go with this man? And she said: Yea. Then
they brought Rebecca their sister on the way and her nurse and
Abraham's servant, and the men that were with him. And they
blessed Rebecca and said unto her: Thou art our sister, grow into
thousand thousands, and thy seed possess the gates of their
enemies. And Rebecca arose and her damsels, and sat them up upon
the camels and went their way after the man. And the servant took
Rebecca and went his way. And Isaac was a coming from the well of
the living and seeing, for he dwelt in the south country, and was
gone out to walk in his meditations before the even tide. And he
lift up his eyes and looked, and behold the camels were coming.
And Rebecca lift up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she lighted
off the camel, and said unto the servant: what man is this that
cometh against us in the field? And the servant said: it is my
master. And then she took her mantle, and put it about her. And
the servant told Isaac all that he had done. Then Isaac brought
her in to his mother Sara's tent, and took Rebecca and she became
his wife, and he loved her: and so was Isaac comforted over his
Chapter .xxv.
Abraham took him another wife called Ketura, which bare him
Simran, Iacksan, Medan, Midian, Iesback and Suah. And Iacksan
begat Seba and Dedan. And the sons of Dedan were Assurim, Letusim
and Leumim. And the sons of Midian were Epha, Epher, Hanoch, Abida
and Elda. All these were the children of Bethura. {Ketura} But
Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac. And unto the sons of his
concubines he gave gifts, and sent them away from Isaac his son
(while he yet lived) eastward, unto the east country. These are
the days of the life of Abraham which he lived: an hundred and
seventy five year and then fell sick and died, in a lusty age
(when he had lived enough) and was put unto his people. And his
sons Isaac and Ismael buried him in the double cave in the field
of Ephron son, of Zoar the Hethite before Mamre. Which field
Abraham bought of the sons of Heth: There was Abraham buried and
Sara his wife. And after the death of Abraham God blessed Isaac
his son, which dwelt by the well of the living and seeing. These
are the generations of Ismael Abraham's son, which Hagar the
Egyptian Sara's handmaid bare unto Abraham. And these are the
names of the sons of Ismael, with their names in their kindreds.
The eldest son of Ismael, Nevatoth, then Redar, Adbeel, Mibsam,
Misma, Duma, Masa, Hadar, Thema, Ietur, Naphis and Kedma. These
are the sons of Ismael, and these are their names, in their towns
and castles twelve princes of nations. And these are the years of
the life of Ismael: an hundred and thirty seven years, and then he
fell sick and died, and was laid unto his people. And he dwelt
from Evila unto Sur that is before Egypt, as men go toward the
Assyrians. And he died in the presence of all his brethren. And
these are the generations of Isaac Abraham's son: Abraham begat
Isaac. And Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebecca to wife
the daughter of Bethuel the Sirian of Mesopotamia and sister to
Laban the Sirian. And Isaac made intercession unto the LORD for
his wife: because she was barren: and the LORD was entreated of
him, and Rebecca his wife conceived: and the children strove
together within her. Then she said: if it should go so to pass,
what helpeth it that I am with child? And she went and asked the
LORD. And the LORD said unto her there are two manner of people in
thy womb, and two nations shall spring out of thy bowels, and the
one nation shall be mightier than the other and the eldest shall
be servant unto the younger. And when her time was come to be
delivered: behold there were two twins in her womb. And he that
came out first, was red and rough over all as it were an hide: and
they called his name Esau. And afterward his brother came out and
his hand holding Esau by the heel. Wherefore his name was called
Iacob. And Isaac was forty years old when she bare them: and the
boys grew, and Esau became a cunning hunter and a tillman. But
Iacob was a simple man and dwelled in the tents. Isaac loved Esau
because he did eat of his venison, but Rebecca loved Iacob. Iacob
sod pottage, and Esau came from the field and was fainty, and said
to Iacob: let me sip of that red pottage, for I am fainty. And
therefore was his name called Edom. And Iacob said: sell me this
day thy birthright. And Esau answered: Lo I am at the point to
die, and what profit shall this birthright do me? And Iacob said,
swear to me then this day. And he swore to him and sold his
birthright unto Iacob. Then Iacob gave Esau bread and pottage of
red rice. And he ate and drank and rose up and went his way. And
so Esau regarded not his birthright.
Chapter .xxvi.
And there fell a dearth in the land, passing the first dearth that
fell in the days of Abraham. Wherefore Isaac went unto Abimelech
king of the Philistines unto Gerar. Then the LORD appeared unto
him and said: go not down into Egypt, but bide in the land which I
say unto thee: Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and
will bless thee: for unto thee and unto thy seed I will give all
these countries. And I will perform the oath which I swore unto
Abraham thy father, and will multiply thy seed as the stars of
heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries. And
thorow thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed,
because that Abraham hearkened unto my voice and kept mine
ordinances, commandments, statutes and laws. And Isaac dwelled in
Gerar. And the men of the place asked him of his wife, and he said
that she was his sister: for he feared to call her his wife lest
the men of the place should have killed him for her sake, because
she was beautiful to the eye. And it happened after he had been
there long time, that Abimelech king of the Philistines looked out
at a window, and saw Isaac sporting with Rebecca his wife. And
Abimelech sent for Isaac and said: see, she is of a surety thy
wife, and why saidest thou that she was thy sister? And Isaac said
unto him: I thought that I might peradventure have died for her
sake. Then said Abimelech: why hast thou done this unto us? one of
the people might lightly have lain by thy wife and so shouldest
thou have brought sin upon us. Then Abimelech charged all his
people saying: he that toucheth this man or his wife, shall surely
die for it. And Isaac sowed in the land, and found in the same
year an hundred bushels: for the LORD blessed him, and the man
waxed mighty, and went forth and grew till he was exceeding great,
that he had possession of sheep, of oxen and a mighty household:
so that the Philistines had envy at him: Insomuch that they
stopped and filled up with earth, all the wells which his father's
servants digged in his father Abraham's time. Then said Abimelech
unto Isaac: get thee from me, for thou art mightier than we a
great deal. Then Isaac departed thence, and pitched his tent in
the valley Gerar and dwelt there. And Isaac digged again, the
wells of water which they digged in the days of Abraham his father
which the Philistines had stopped after the death of Abraham, and
gave them the same names which his father gave them. As Isaac's
servants digged in the valley, they found a well of springing
{living} water. And the herdmen of Gerar did strive with Isaac's
herdmen saying: the water is ours. Then called he the well Eseck
because they strove with him. Then digged they another well, and
they strove for that also. Therefore called he it Sitena. And then
he departed thence, and digged another well for the which they
strove not: therefore called he it Rehoboth, saying: the LORD hath
now made us room, and we are increased upon the earth. Afterward
departed he thence and came to Berseba. And the LORD appeared unto
him the same night and said: I am the God of Abraham thy father,
fear not for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy
seed for my servant Abraham's sake. And then he builded an altar
there and called upon the name of the LORD, and there pitched his
tent. And there Isaac's servants digged a well. Then came
Abimelech to him from Gerar and Ahusath his friend and Phicoll his
chief captain. And Isaac said unto them: wherefore come ye to me,
seeing ye hate me and have put me away from you? Then said they:
we saw that the LORD was with thee, and therefore we said that
there should be an oath betwixt us and thee, and that we would
make a bond with thee: that thou shouldest do us no hurt, as we
have not touched thee, and have done unto thee nothing but good,
and send thee away in peace: for thou art now the blessed of the
LORD. And he made them a feast, and they ate and drank. And they
rose up by times in the morning and sware one to another. And
Isaac sent them away. And they departed from him in peace. And the
same day came Isaac's servants, and told him of a well which they
had digged: and said unto him, that they had found water. And he
called it Seba, wherefore the name of the city is called Berseba
unto this day. When Esau was forty years old, he took to wife
Iudith the daughter of Bery an Hethite, and Basmath the daughter
of Elon an Hethite also, which were disobedient unto Isaac and
Chapter .xxvij.
And it came to pass that Isaac waxed old and his eyes were dim, so
that he could not see. Then called he Esau his eldest son and said
unto him: my son. And he said unto him: here am I. And he said:
behold, I am old and know not the day of my death: Now therefore
take thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and get thee to the
fields, and take me some venison, and make me meat such as I love,
and bring it me and let me eat that my soul may bless thee before
that I die. But Rebecca heard when Isaac spoke to Esau his son.
And as soon as Esau was gone to the field to catch venison, and to
bring it, she spake unto Iacob her son saying: Behold I have heard
thy father talking with Esau thy brother and saying: bring me
venison and make me meat, that I may eat and bless thee before the
LORD yer I die. Now therefore my son hear my voice in that which I
command thee: get thee to the flock, and bring me thence two good
kids, and I will make meat of them for thy father, such as he
loveth. And thou shalt bring it to thy father and he shall eat,
that he may bless thee before his death. Then said Iacob to
Rebecca his mother: Behold Esau my brother is rough and I am
smooth. My father shall peradventure feel me, and I shall seem
unto him as though I went about to beguile him, and so shall he
bring a curse upon me and not a blessing: and his mother said unto
him. Upon me be thy curse my son, only hear my voice, and go and
fetch me them. And Iacob went and fetched them and brought them to
his mother. And his mother made meat of them, according as his
father loved. And she went and fetched goodly raiment of her
eldest son Esau which she had in the house with her, and put them
upon Iacob her youngest son, and she put the skins upon his hands
and upon the smooth of his neck. And she put the meat and bread
which she had made in the hand of her son Iacob. And he went in to
his father saying: my father. And he answered: here am I, who art
thou my son? And Iacob said unto his father: I am Esau thy eldest
son, I have done according as thou baddest me, up and sit and eat
of my venison, that thy soul may bless me. But Isaac said unto his
son: How cometh it that thou hast found it so quickly my son? He
answered: The LORD thy God brought it to my hand. Then said Isaac
unto Iacob: come near and let me feel thee my son, whether thou be
my son Esau or not. Then went Iacob to Isaac his father, and he
felt him and said the voice is Iacob's voice, but the hands are
the hands of Esau. And he knew him not, because his hands were
rough as his brother Esau's hands and so he blessed him. And he
asked him, art thou my son Esau? And he said: that I am. Then said
he: bring me and let me eat of my son's venison, that my soul may
bless thee. And he brought him, and he ate. And he brought him
wine also, and he drank. And his father Isaac said unto him: come
near and kiss me my son. And he went to him and kissed him. And he
smelled the savour of his raiment and blessed him, and said See,
the smell of my son is as the smell of a field which the LORD
{lorde} hath blessed. God give thee of the dew of heaven, and of
the fatness of the earth and plenty of corn and wine. People be
thy servants and nations bow unto thee. Be lord over thy brethren,
and thy mother's children stoop unto thee. Cursed be he that
curseth thee, and blessed {lessed} be he that blesseth thee. As
soon as Isaac had made an end of blessing Iacob, and Iacob was
scarce gone out from the presence of Isaac his father: then came
Esau his brother from his hunting: and had made also meat, and
brought it in unto his father and said unto him: Arise my father
and eat of thy son's venison, that thy soul may bless me. Then his
father Isaac said unto him: Who art thou? he answered I am thy
eldest son Esau. And Isaac was greatly astonied out of measure,
and said: Where is he then that hath hunted venison and brought it
me, and I have eaten of all before thou camest, and have blessed
him, and he shall be blessed still. When Esau heard the words of
his father, he cried out greatly and bitterly above measure, and
said unto his father: bless me also my father. And he said thy
brother came with subtlety, and hath taken away thy blessing. Then
said he: He may well be called Iacob, for he hath undermined me
now two times, first he took away my birthright: and see, now hath
he taken away my blessing also. And he said, hast thou kept never
a blessing for me? Isaac answered and said unto Esau: behold I
have made him thy lord, {LORde} and all his mother's children have
I made his servants. Moreover with corn and wine have I stablished
him, what can I do unto thee now my son? And Esau said unto his
father: hast thou but that one blessing my father? bless me also
my father: so lifted up Esau his voice and wept. Then Isaac his
father answered and said unto him: Behold thy dwelling place shall
have of the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from
above. And with thy sword shalt thou live and shalt be thy
brother's servant; But the time will come, when thou shalt get the
mastery, and lowse his yoke from off thy neck. And Esau hated
Iacob, because of the blessing that his father blessed him withal,
and said in his heart: The days of my father's sorrow are at hand,
for I will slay my brother Iacob. And these words of Esau her
eldest son, were told to Rebecca. And she sent and called Iacob
her youngest son, and said unto him: behold thy brother Esau
threateneth to kill thee: Now therefore my son hear my voice, make
thee ready, and flee to Laban my brother at Haran: And tarry with
him a while, until thy brother's fierceness be swaged, and until
thy brother's wrath turn away from thee, and he forget that which
thou hast done to him. Then will I send and fetch thee away from
thence. Why should I lose you both in one day? And Rebecca spake
to Isaac: I am weary of my life, for fear of the daughters of
Heth. If Iacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, such one as
these are, or of the daughters of the land, what lust should I
have to live?
Chapter .xxviij.
Then Isaac called Iacob his son and blessed him, and charged him
and said unto him: see thou take not a wife of the daughters of
Canaan, but arise and get thee to Mesopotamia to the house of
Bethuel thy mother's father: and there take thee a wife of the
daughters of Laban thy mother's brother. And God almighty bless
thee, increase thee, and multiply thee that thou mayest be a
number of people, and give thee the blessing of Abraham: both to
thee and to thy seed with thee, that thou mayest possess the land
(wherein thou art a stranger) which God gave unto Abraham. Thus
Isaac sent forth Iacob, to go to Mesopotamia unto Laban, son of
Bethuel the Sirien, and brother to Rebecca Iacob's and Esau's
mother. When Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Iacob, and sent him
to Mesopotamia, to fetch him a wife thence, and that, as he
blessed him he gave him a charge saying: see thou take not a wife
of the daughters of Canaan: and that Iacob had obeyed his father
and mother, and was gone unto Mesopotamia: and seeing also that
the daughters of Canaan pleased not Isaac his father: Then went he
unto Ismael, and took unto the wives which he had, Mahala the
daughter of Ismael Abraham's son, the sister of Nabaioth to be his
wife. Iacob departed from Berseba and went toward Haran, and came
unto a place and tarried there all night, because the son was
down. And took a stone of the place, and put it under his head,
and laid him down in the same place to sleep. And he dreamed: and
behold there stood a ladder upon the earth, and the top of it
reached up to heaven. And see, the angels of God went up and down
upon it, yea and the LORD stood upon it and said: I am the LORD
God of Abraham thy father and the God of Isaac: The land which
thou sleepest upon will I give thee and thy seed. And thy seed
shall be as the dust of the earth: And thou shalt spread abroad:
west, east, north and south. And thorow thee and thy seed shall
all the kindreds of the earth be blessed. And see I am with thee,
and will be thy keeper in all places whother thou goest, and will
bring thee again into this land: Neither will I leave thee until I
have made good, all that I have promised thee. When Iacob was
awaked out of his sleep, he said: surely the LORD is in this
place, and I was not aware. And he was afraid and said how fearful
is this place? it is none other, but even the house of God and the
gate of heaven. And Iacob stood up early in the morning and took
the stone that he had laid under his head, and pitched it up on
end, and poured oil on the top of it. And he called the name of
the place Bethel, for indeed the name of the city was called Lus
before time. And Iacob vowed a vow, saying: If God will be with me
and will keep me in this journey which I go and will give me bread
to eat, and clothes to put on, so that I come again unto my
father's house in safety: then shall the LORD be my God, and this
stone which I have set up an end, shall be God's {godes} house.
And of all that thou shalt give me, will I give the tenth unto
Chapter .xxix.
Then Iacob lift up his feet, and went toward the east country. And
as he looked about, behold there was a well in the field, and
three flocks of sheep lay thereby (for at that well were the
flocks watered) and there lay a great stone at the well mouth. And
the manner was to bring the flocks thither, and to roll the stone
from the well's mouth and to water the sheep, and to put the stone
again upon the well's mouth unto his place. And Iacob said unto
them: brethren, whence be ye? And they said: of Haran are we. And
he said unto them: Know ye Laban the son of Nahor. And they said:
We know him. And he said unto them: is he in good health? And they
said: he is in good health: and behold, his daughter Rahel cometh
with the sheep. And he said: lo, it is yet a great while to night,
neither is it time that the cattle should be gathered together:
water the sheep and go and feed them. And they said: we may not,
until all the flocks be brought together, and the stone be rolled
from the well's mouth, and so we water our sheep. While he yet
talked with them, Rahel came with her father's sheep, for she kept
them. As soon as Iacob saw Rahel, the daughter of Laban his
mother's brother, and the sheep of Laban his mother's brother, he
went and rolled the stone from the well's mouth, and watered the
sheep of Laban his mother's brother. And Iacob kissed Rahel, and
lift up his voice and wept: and told her also that he was her
father's brother and Rebecca's son. Then Rahel ran and told her
father. When Laban heard tell of Iacob his sister's son, he ran
against him, and embraced him and kissed him and brought him into
his house. And then Iacob told Laban all the matter. And then
Laban said: well, thou art my bone and my flesh. Abide with me the
space of a month. And afterward Laban said unto Iacob: though thou
be my brother, shouldest thou therefore serve me for nought? tell
me what shall thy wages be? And Laban had two daughters, the
eldest called Lea and the youngest Rahel. Lea was tender eyed, but
Rahel was beautiful and well favored. And Iacob loved her well,
and said: I will serve thee seven years for Rahel thy youngest
daughter. And Laban answered: it is better that I give her thee,
than to another man: bide therefore with me. And Iacob served
seven years for Rahel, and they seemed unto him but a few days,
for the love he had to her. And Iacob said unto Laban: give me my
wife, that I may lie with her. For the time appointed me is come.
Then Laban bade all the men of that place, and made a feast. And
when even was come, he took Lea his daughter and brought her to
him and he went in unto her. And Laban gave unto his daughter Lea,
Zilpha his maid, to be her servant. And when the morning was come,
behold it was Lea. Than said he to Laban: wherefore hast thou
played thus with me? did not I serve thee for Rahel, wherefore
then hast thou beguiled me? Laban answered: it is not the manner
of this place, to marry the youngest before the eldest. Pass out
this week, and then shall this also be given thee for the service
which thou shalt serve me yet seven years more. And Iacob did even
so, and passed out that week, and then he gave him Rahel his
daughter to wife also. And Laban gave to Rahel his daughter, Bilha
his handmaid to be her servant. So lay he by Rahel also, and loved
Rahel more than Lea, and served him yet seven years more. When the
LORD saw that Lea was despised, he made her fruitful: but Rahel
was barren. And Lea conceived and bare a son, and called his name
Ruben, for she said: the LORD hath looked upon my tribulation. And
now my husband will love me. And she conceived again and bare a
son, and said: the LORD hath heard that I am despised, and hath
therefore given me this son also, and she called him Simeon. And
she conceived yet and bare a son, and said: now this once will my
husband keep me company, because I have borne him three sons: and
therefore she called his name Levi. And she conceived yet again,
and bare a son saying: Now will I praise the LORD: therefore she
called his name Iuda, and left bearing.
Chapter .xxx.
When Rahel saw that she bare Iacob no children, she envied her
sister and said unto Iacob: give me children, or else I am but
dead. Then was Iacob wroth with Rahel saying: Am I in God's
{godes} stead which keepeth from thee the fruit of thy womb? Then
she said: here is my maid Bilha: go in unto her, that she may bear
upon my lap, that I may be increased by her. And she gave him
Bilha her handmaid to wife. And Iacob went in unto her: And Bilha
conceived and bare Iacob a son. Then said Rahel: God hath given
sentence on my side, and hath also heard my voice, and hath given
me a son. Therefore called she him Dan. And Bilha Rahel's maid
conceived again, and bare Iacob another son. And Rahel said. God
is turned, and I have made a change with my sister, and have
gotten the upper hand. And she called his name Naphtali. When Lea
saw that she had left bearing, she took Silpha her maid, and gave
her Iacob to wife. And Silpha Lea's maid bare Iacob a son. Then
said Lea: Good luck: and called his name Gad. And Silpha Lea's
maid bare Iacob another son. Then said Lea: happy am I, for the
daughters will call me blessed. And called his name Asser. And
Ruben went out in the wheat harvest and found mandragoras in the
fields, and brought them unto his mother Lea. Then said Rahel to
Lea give me of thy son's mandragoras. And Lea answered: Is it not
enough, that thou hast taken away my husband, but wouldest take
away my son's mandragoras also? Then said Rahel well, let him
sleep with thee this night, for thy son's mandragoras. And when
Iacob came from the fields at even, Lea went out to meet him, and
said: come in to me, for I have bought thee with my son's
mandragoras. And he slept with her that night. And God heard Lea,
that she conceived and bare unto Iacob the fifth son. Then said
Lea: God hath given me my reward, because I gave my maiden to my
husband, and she called him Isachar. And Lea conceived yet again
and bare Iacob the sixth son. Then said she: God hath endued me
with a good dowry. Now will my husband dwell with me, because I
have borne him six sons: and called his name Zabulon. After that
she bare a daughter, and called her Dina. And God remembered
Rahel, heard her, and made her fruitful: so that she conceived and
bare a son, and said God hath taken away my rebuke. And she called
his name Ioseph saying: The LORD {lorde} give me yet another son.
As soon as Rahel had borne Ioseph, Iacob said to Laban: Send me
away that I may go unto mine own place and country, give me my
wives and my children for whom I have served thee, and let me go:
for thou knowest what service I have done thee. Then said Laban
unto him: If I have found favour in thy sight (for I suppose that
the LORD {|God|} hath blessed me for thy sake) appoint what thy
reward shall be, and I will give it thee. But he said unto him,
thou knowest what service I have done thee, and in what taking thy
cattle have been under me: For it was but little that thou hadst
before I came, and now it is increased into a multitude, and the
LORD hath blessed thee for my sake. But now when shall I make
provision for mine own house also? And he said: what shall I give
thee? And Iacob answered: thou shalt give me nothing at all, if
thou wilt do this one thing for me: And then will I turn again and
feed thy sheep and keep them. I will go about all thy sheep this
day, and separate from them all the sheep that are spotted and of
divers colours, and all black sheep among the lambs and the party
and spotted among the kids: And then such shall be my reward. So
shall my righteousness answer for me: when the time cometh that I
shall receive my reward of thee: So that whatsoever is not
speckled and party among the goats and black among the lambs, let
that be theft with me. Then said Laban: Lo, I am content, that it
be according as thou hast said. And he took out that same day the
he goats that were party and of divers colours, and all the goats
that were spotted and party coloured, and all that had white in
them, and all the black among the lambs: and put them in the
keeping of his sons, and set three days' journey betwixt himself
and Iacob. And so Iacob kept the rest of Laban's sheep. Iacob took
rods of green poplar, hazel, and of chestnut trees, and pilled
white streaks in them and made the white appear in the staves: And
he put the staves which he had pilled, even before the sheep, in
the gutters and watering troughs, when the sheep came to drink:
that they should conceive when they came to drink. And the sheep
conceived before the staves, and brought forth streaked, spotted
and party. Then Iacob parted the lambs, and turned the faces of
the sheep toward spotted things, and toward all manner of black
things thorow out the flocks of Laban. And he made him flocks of
his own by them self, which he put not unto the flocks of Laban.
And alway in the first bucking time of the sheep, Iacob put the
staves before the sheep in the gutters, that they might conceive
before the staves: But in the latter bucking time, he put them not
there: so the last brood was Laban's and the first Iacob's. And
the man became exceeding rich and had many sheep, maidservants,
menservants, camels and asses.
Chapter .xxxj.
And Iacob heard the words of Laban's sons how they said: Iacob
hath taken away all that was our father's, and of our father's
goods, hath he gotten all this honour. And Iacob beheld the
countenance of Laban, that it was not toward him as it was in
times past. And the LORD said unto Iacob: turn again into the land
of thy fathers and to thy kindred, and I will be with thee. Then
Iacob sent and called Rahel and Lea to the field unto his sheep,
and said unto them: I see your father's countenance, that it is
not toward me as in times past. Moreover the God of my father hath
been with me. And ye know how that I have served your father with
all my might. And your father hath deceived {disceaved} me and
changed my wages ten times: But God suffered him not to hurt me.
When he said the spotted shall be thy wages, then all the sheep
bare spotted. If he said, the streaked shall be thy reward, then
bare all the sheep streaked: thus hath God taken away your
father's cattle and given them me. For in bucking time, I lifted
up mine eyes and saw in a dream: and behold, the rams that bucked
the sheep were streaked, spotted and party. And the angel of God
spake unto me in a dream saying: Iacob?. And I answered: here am
I. And he said: lift up thine eyes and see how all the rams that
leap upon the sheep are streaked, spotted and party: for I have
seen all that Laban doth unto thee. I am the God of Bethel where
thou anointedest the stone and where thou vowdest a vow unto me.
Now arise and get thee out of this country, and return unto the
land where thou wast born. Then answered Rahel and Lea and said
unto him: we have no part nor inheritance in our father's house:
he counteth us even as strangers, for he hath sold us, and hath
even eaten up the price of us. Moreover all the riches which God
hath taken from our father, that is ours and our children's. Now
therefore whatsoever God hath said unto thee, that do. Then Iacob
rose up and set his sons and wives up upon camels, and carried
away all his cattle and all his substance which he had gotten in
Mesopotamia, for to go to Isaac his father unto the land of Canaan
Laban was gone to shear his sheep, and Rahel had stolen her
father's images. And Iacob went away unknowing to {Iacob stale
away the heart of} Laban the Sirian, and told him not that he
fled. So fled he and all that he had, and made himself ready, and
passed over the rivers, and set his face straight toward the mount
Gilead. Upon the third day after, was it told Laban that Iacob was
fled. Then he took his brethren with him and followed after him
seven days' journey, and overtook him at the mount Gilead. And God
came to Laban the Sirian in a dream by night, and said unto him:
take heed to thyself, that thou speak not to Iacob ought save
good. And Laban overtook Iacob: and Iacob had pitched his tent in
that mount. And Laban with his brethren pitched their tent also
upon the mount Gilead. Then said Laban to Iacob: why hast thou
this done unknowing to me, {done to steal away my heart} and hast
carried away my daughters as though they had been taken captive
with sword? Wherefore wentest thou away secretly unknown to me and
didst not tell me, that I might have brought thee on the way with
mirth, singing, timbrels and harps, and hast not suffered me to
kiss my children and my daughters?. Thou wast a fool to do it, for
I am able to do you evil. But the God of your father spake unto me
yesterday saying take heed that thou speak not to Iacob ought save
good. And now though thou wentest thy way because thou longest
after thy father's house, yet wherefore hast thou stolen my gods?
Iacob answered and said to Laba: because I was afraid, and thought
that thou wouldest have taken away thy daughters from me. But with
whomsoever thou findest thy gods, let him die here before our
brethren. Seek that thine is by me, and take it to thee: for Iacob
wist not that Rahel had stolen them. Then went Laban into Iacob's
tent, and into Lea's tent, and into two maidens' tents: but found
them not. Then went he out of Lea's tent, and entered into Rahel's
tent. And Rahel took the images, and put them in the camel's
straw, and sat down upon them. And Laban searched all the tent:
but found them not. Then said she to her father: my lord, be not
angry that I can not rise up before thee, for the disease of women
is come upon me. So searched he, but found them not. Iacob was
wroth, and chode with Laban: Iacob also answered and said to him:
what have I trespassed or what have I offended, that thou
followedest after me? Thou hast searched all my stuff, and what
hast thou found of all thy household stuff? put it here before thy
brethren and mine, and let them judge betwixt us both. This twenty
years that I have been with thee, thy sheep and thy goats have not
been barren, and the rams of thy flock have I not eaten.
Whatsoever was torn of beasts I brought it not unto thee, but made
it good myself: of my hand didst thou require it, whether it was
stolen by day or night. Moreover by day the heat consumed me, and
the cold by night, and my sleep departed from mine eyes. Thus have
I been twenty years in thy house, and served thee fourteen years
for thy two daughters, and six years for thy sheep, and thou hast
changed my reward ten times. And except the God of my father, the
God of Abraham, and the God whom Isaac feareth, had been with me:
surely thou hadst sent me away now all empty. But God beheld my
tribulation, and the labour of my, hands: and rebuked thee
yesterday. Laban answered and said unto Iacob: the daughters are
my daughters, and the children are my children, and the sheep are
my sheep, and all that thou seest is mine. And what can I do this
day unto these my daughters, or unto their children which they
have born? Now therefore come on, let us make a bond, I and thou
together, and let it be a witness between thee and me. Then took
Iacob a stone and set it up on end, and said unto his brethren,
gather stones. And they took stones, and made an heap, and they
ate there, upon the heap. And Laban called it Zegar Sahadutha, but
Iacob called Gilead. Then said Laban: this heap be witness between
thee and me this day (therefore is it called Gilead) and this toot
hill which the LORD {lorde} seeth (said he) be witness between me
and thee when we are departed one from another: that thou shalt
not vex my daughters neither shalt take other wives unto them.
Here is no man with us: behold, God is witness betwixt thee and
me. And Laban said moreover to Iacob: behold, this heap and this
mark which I have set here, betwixt me and thee: this heap be
witness and also this mark, that I will not come over this heap to
thee, and thou shalt not come over this heap and this mark, to do
any harm. The God of Abraham, the God of Nahor and the God of
their fathers, be judge betwixt us. And Iacob sware by him that
his father Isaac feared. Then Iacob did sacrifice upon the mount,
and called his brethren to eat bread. And they ate bread and
tarried all night in the hill. And early in the morning Laban rose
up and kissed his children and his daughters, and blessed them and
departed and went unto his place again.
Chapter .xxxij.
But Iacob went forth on his journey. And the angels of God came
and met him. And when Iacob saw them, he said: this is God's
{godes} host: and called the name of that same place Mahanaim.
Iacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother, unto the
land of Seir and the field of Edom. And he commanded them saying:
see that ye speak after this manner to my lord Esau: thy servant,
Iacob sayeth thus; I have sojourned and been a stranger with Laban
unto this time: and have gotten oxen, asses and sheep, menservants
and womenservants, and have sent to shew it my lord, that I may
find grace in thy sight. And the messengers came again to Iacob
saying: we came unto thy brother Esau, and he cometh against thee
and four hundred men with him. Then was Iacob greatly afraid, and
wist not which way to turn himself, and divided the people that
was with him and the sheep, oxen and camels, into two companies,
and said: If Esau come to the one part and smite it, the other may
save itself. And Iacob said: O God of my father Abraham, and God
of my father Isaac: LORD, which saidest unto me, return unto thy
country and to thy kindred, and I will deal well with thee. I am
not worthy of the least of all the mercies and truth which thou
hast shewed unto thy servant. For with my staff came I over this
Iordan, and now have I gotten two droves. Deliver me from the
hands of my brother Esau, for I fear him: lest he will come and
smite the mother with the children. Thou saidest that thou
wouldest surely do me good, and wouldest make my seed as the sand
of the sea which can not be numbered for multitude. And he tarried
there that same night, and took of that which came to hand, a
present, unto Esau his brother: Two hundred she goats and twenty
he goats: two hundred sheep and twenty rams: thirty milch camels
with their colts: forty kine and ten bulls: twenty she asses and
ten foals and delivered them unto his servants, every drove by
them selves, and said unto them: go forth before me and put a
space betwixt every drove. And he commanded the foremost, saying:
When Esau my brother meeteth thee and asketh thee saying: whose
servant art thou and whither goest thou, and whose are these that
go before thee: thou shalt say, they be thy servant Iacob's, and
are a present sent unto my lord Esau, and behold, he himself
cometh after us. And so commanded he the second, and even so the
third, and likewise all that followed the droves saying, of this
manner see that ye speak unto Esau when ye meet him, and say
moreover. Behold thy servant Iacob cometh after us, for he said. I
will pease his wrath with the present that goeth before me and
afterward I will see him myself, so peradventure he will receive
me to grace. So went the present before him and he tarried all
that night in the tent, and rose up the same night and took his
two wives and his two maidens and his eleven sons, and went over
the ford Iabok. And he took them and sent them over the river, and
sent over that he had and tarried behind himself alone. And there
wrestled a man with him unto the breaking of the day. And when he
saw that he could not prevail against him, he smote him under the
thigh, and the sinew of Iacob's thigh shrank as he wrestled with
him. And he said: let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said: I
will not let thee go, except thou bless me. And he said unto him:
what is thy name? He answered: Iacob. And he said: thou shalt be
called Iacob no more, but Israel. For thou hast wrestled with God
and with men and hast prevailed. And Iacob asked him saying, tell
me thy name. And he said, wherefore dost thou ask after my name?
and he blessed him there. And Iacob called the name of the place
Pheniel, for I have seen God face to face, and yet is my life
reserved. And as he went over Peniel, the sun rose upon him, and
he halted upon his thigh: wherefore the children of Israel eat not
of the sinew that shrank under the thigh, unto this day: because
that he smote Iacob under the thigh in the sinew that shrank.
Chapter .xxxiij.
Iacob lift up his eyes and saw his brother Esau come, and with him
four hundred men. And he divided the children unto Lea and unto
Rahel and unto the two maidens. And he put the maidens and their
children foremost, and Lea and her children after, and Rahel and
Ioseph hindermost. And he went before them and fell on the ground
seven times, until he came unto his brother. Esau ran against {to
meet} him and embraced him and fell on his neck and kissed him,
and they wept. And he lift up his eyes and saw the wives and their
children, and said: what are these which thou there hast? And he
said: they are the children which God hath given thy servant. Then
came the maidens forth, and did their obeisance. Lea also and her
children came and did their obeisance. And last of all came Ioseph
and Rahel and did their obeisance. And he said: what meanest thou
with all the droves which I met? And he answered: to find grace in
the sight of my lord. And Esau said: I have enough my brother,
keep that thou hast unto thyself. Iacob answered: oh nay but if I
have found grace in thy sight, receive my present of my hand: for
I have seen thy face as though I had seen the face of God:
wherefore receive me to grace and take my blessing that I have
brought thee, for God hath given it me freely. And I have enough
of all things. And so he compelled him to take it. And he said:
let us take our journey and go, and I will go in thy company. And
he said unto him: my lord knoweth that I have tender children,
ewes and kine with young, under mine hand, which if men should
overdrive but even one day, the whole flock would die. Let my lord
therefore go before his servant and I will drive fair and softly,
according as the cattle that goeth before me and the children, be
able to endure: until I come to my lord unto Seir. And Esau said:
let me yet leave some of my folk with thee. And he said: what
needeth it? let me find grace in the sight of my lord. So Esau
went his way again that same day unto Seir. And Iacob took his
journey toward Sucoth, and built him an house, and made booths for
his cattle: whereof the name of the place is called Sucoth. And
Iacob went to Salem {came peaceably in} to the city of Sichem in
the land of Canaan, after that he was come from Mesopotamia, and
pitched before the city, and bought a parcel of ground where he
pitched his tent, of the children of Hemor Sichem's father, for an
hundred lambs; And he made there an altar, and there called upon
the mighty God of Israel.
Chapter .xxxiiij.
Dina the daughter of Lea which she bare unto Iacob, went out to
see the daughters of the land. And Sichem the son of Hemor the
Hevite lord of the country, saw her, and took her, and lay with
her, and forced her: and his heart lay unto Dina the daughter of
Iacob. And he loved the damsel and spake kindly unto her, and
spake unto his father Hemor saying, get me this maiden unto my
wife. And Iacob heard that he had defiled Dina his daughter, but
his sons were with the cattle in the field, and therefore he held
his peace, until they were come. Then Hemor the father of Sichem
went out unto Iacob, to commune with him. And the sons of Iacob
came out of the field as soon as they heard it, for it grieved
them, and they were not a little wroth, because he had wrought
folly in Israel, in that he had lain with Iacob's daughter, which
thing ought not to be done. And Hemor communed with them saying:
the soul of my son Sichem longeth for your daughter: give her him
to wife, and make marriages with us: give your daughters unto us,
and take our daughters unto you, and dwell with us, and the land
shall be at your pleasure, dwell and do your business, and have
your possessions therein. And Sichem said unto her father and her
brethren: let me find grace in your eyes, and whatsoever ye
appoint me, that will I give. Ask freely of me both the dowry and
gifts, and I will give according as ye say unto me, and give me
the damsel to wife. Then the sons of Iacob answered to Sichem and
Hemor his father deceitfully, because he had defiled Dina their
sister. And they said unto them, we can not do this thing, that we
should give our sister to one that is uncircumcised, for that were
a shame unto us. Only in this will we consent unto you: If ye will
be as we be, that all the men children among you be circumcised,
then will we give our daughter to you and take yours to us, and
will dwell with you and be one people. But and if ye will not
hearken unto us to be circumcised, than will we take our daughter
and go our ways. And their words pleased Hemor and Sichem his son.
And the young man deferred not for to do the thing, because he had
a lust to Iacob's daughter: he was also most set by of all that
were in his father's house. Then Hemor and Sichem went unto the
gate of their city, and communed with the men of their city
saying: These men are peaceable with us, and will dwell in the
land and do their occupation therein; And in the land is room
enough for them, let us take their daughters to wives and give
them ours: only herein will they consent unto us for to dwell with
us and to be one people: if all the men children that are among us
be circumcised as they are. Their goods and their substance and
all their cattle are ours, only let us consent unto them, that
they may dwell with us. And unto Hemor and Sichem his son
hearkened all that went out at the gate of his city. And all the
men children were circumcised whatsoever went out at the gates of
his city. And the third day when it was painful to them, two of
the sons of Iacob, Simeon and Levi Dina's brethren, took either of
them his sword and went into the city boldly, and slew all that
was male, and slew also Hemor and Sichem his son with the edge of
the sword, and took Dina their sister out of Sichem's house, and
went their way. Then came the sons of Iacob upon the deed, and
spoiled the city, because they had defiled their sister: and took
their sheep, oxen, asses and whatsoever was in the city and also
in the fields. And all their goods, all their children and their
wives took they captive, and made havoc of all that was in the
houses. And Iacob said to Simeon and Levi: ye have troubled me and
made me stink unto the inhabiters of the land, both to the
Cananites and also unto the Pherezites. And I am few in number.
Wherefore they shall gather them selves together against me and
slay me, and so shall I and my house be destroyed. And they
answered: should they deal with our sister as with an whore?
Chapter .xxxv.
And God said unto Iacob, arise and get thee up to Bethel, and
dwell there. And make there an altar unto God that appeared unto
thee, when thou fleddest from Esau thy brother. Then said Iacob
unto his household and to all that were with him, put away the
strange gods that are among you and make your selves clean, and
change your garments, and let us arise and go up to Bethel, that I
may make an altar there, unto God which heard me in the day of my
tribulation and was with me in the way which I went. And they gave
unto Iacob all the strange gods which were under their hands, and
all their earings which were in their ears, and Iacob hid them
under an oak at Sichem. And they departed. And the fear of God
fell upon the cities that were round about them, that they durst
not follow after the sons of Iacob. So came Iacob to Lus in the
land of Canaan, otherwise called Bethel, with all the people that
was with him. And he builded there an altar, and called the place
Elbethel: because that God {|the LORDe|} appeared unto him there,
when he fled from his brother. Then died Debora Rebecca's nurse,
and was buried beneath Bethel under an oak. And the name of it was
called the oak of lamentation. And God appeared unto Iacob again
after he came out of Mesopotamia, and blessed him and said unto
him: Thy name is Iacob. Notwithstanding thou shalt be no more
called Iacob, but Israel shall be thy name. And so was his name
called Israel. And God said unto him: I am God allmighty, grow and
multiply: for people and a multitude of people shall spring of
thee, yea and kings shall come out of thy loins. And the land
which I gave Abraham and Isaac, will I give unto thee, and unto
thy seed after thee will I give it also. And God departed from him
in the place where he talked with him. And Iacob set up a mark in
the place where he talked with him: even a pillar of stone, and
poured drink offering thereon and poured also oil thereon, and
called the name of the place where God spake with him, Bethel. And
they departed from Bethel, and when he was but a field brede from
Ephrath, Rahel began to travail. And in travailing she was in
peril. And as she was in pains of her labour, the midwife said
unto her: fear not, for thou shalt have this son also. Then as her
soul was departing, that she must die: she called his name Ben
Oni. But his father called him Ben Iamin. and thus died Rahel and
was buried in the way to Ephrath which now is called Bethlehem.
And Iacob set up a pillar upon her grave, which is called Rahel's
grave pillar unto this day. And Israel went thence and pitched up
his tent beyond the tower of Eder. And it chanced as Israel dwelt
in that land, that Ruben went and lay with Bilha his father's
concubine, and it came to Israel's ear. The sons of Iacob were
twelve in number. The sons of Lea: Ruben, Iacob's eldest son, and
Simeon, Levi, Iuda, Isachar, and Zabulon. The sons of Rahel:
Ioseph and Ben Iamin. The sons of Bilha Rahel's maid: Dan and
Nephtali. The sons of Zilpha Lea's maid Gad and Asser. These are
the sons which were born him in Mesopotamia. Then Iacob went unto
Isaac his father to Mamre a principal city, otherwise called
Hebron: where Abraham and Isaac sojourned as strangers. And the
days of Isaac were an hundred and eighty years: and then fell he
sick and died, and was put unto his people being old and full of
days. And his sons Esau and Iacob buried him.
Chapter .xxxvi.
These are the generations of Esau which is called Edom. Esau took
his wives of the daughters of Canaan Ada the daughter of Elon an
Hethite, and Ahalibama the daughter of Ana, which Ana was the son
of Zibeon an Hevite; And Basmath Ismael's daughter and sister of
Nebaioth. And Ada bare unto Esau, Eliphas: and Basmath bare
Reguel: And Ahalibama bare Ieus, Iaelam and Korah. These are the
sons of Esau which were born him in the land of Canaan. And Esau
took his wives, his sons and daughters and all the souls of his
house: his goods and all his cattle and all his substance which he
had got in the land of Canaan, and went into a country away from
his brother Iacob: for their riches was so much, that they could
not dwell together, and that the land wherein they were strangers,
could not receive them: because of their cattle. Thus dwelt Esau
in mount Seir, which Esau is called Edom. These are the
generations of Esau father of the Edomites in mount Seir, and
these are the names of Esau's sons: Eliphas the son of Ada the
wife of Esau, and Reguel the son of Basmath the wife of Esau also.
And the sons of Eliphas were: Theman, Omar, Zepho, Gaetham and
Kenas. And Thimna was concubine to Eliphas Esau's son, and bare
unto Eliphas, Amalek. And these, be the sons of Ada Esau's wife.
And these are the sons of Reguel: Nahath, Serah, Samma and Misa:
these were the sons of Basmath Esau's wife. And these were the
sons of Ahalibama Esau's wife the daughter of Ana son of Zebeon,
which she bare unto Esau: Ieus, Iaelam and Korah. These were dukes
of the sons of Esau. The children of Eliphas the first son of Esau
were these: duke Theman, duke Omar, duke Zepho, duke Kenas, duke
Korah, duke Gaetham and duke Amaleck: these are the dukes that
came of Eliphas in the land of Edom, and these were the sons of
Ada. These were the children of Reguel Esau's sonne: duke Nahath,
duke Serah, duke Samma, duke Misa. These are the dukes that came
of Reguel in the land of Edom, and these were the sons of Basmath
Esau's wife. These were the children of Ahalibama Esau's wife:
duke Ieus, duke Gaelam, duke Korah these dukes came of Ahalibama
the daughter of Ana Esau's wife. These are the children of Esau,
and these are the dukes of them: which Esau is called Edom: These
are the children of Seir the Horite, the inhabiter of the land:
Lothan, Sobal, Zibeon, Ana, Dison, Eser and Disan. These are the
dukes of the Horites the children of Seir in the land of Edom. And
the children of Lothan were: Hori and Hemam. And Lothan's sister
was called Thimna. The children of Sobal were these: Alvan,
Manahath, Ebal, Sepho and Onam. These were the children of Zibeon.
Aia and Ana, this was that Ana that found the mules in the
wilderness, as he fed his father Zibeon's asses. The children of
Ana were these. Dison and Ahalibama the daughter of Ana. These are
the children of Dison. Hemdan, Esban, Iethran, and Cheran. The
children of Ezer were these, Bilhan, Seavan and Akan. The children
of Disan were: Ur and Aran. These are the dukes that came of Hori:
duke Lothan, duke Sobal, duke Zibeon, duke Ana, duke Dison, duke
Ezer, duke Disan. These be the dukes that came of Hori in their
dukedoms in the land of Seir. These are the kings that reigned in
the land of Edom before there reigned any king among the children
of Israel. Bela the son of Beor reigned in Edomea, and the name of
his city was Dinhaba. And when Bela died, Iobab the son of Serah
out of Bezara, reigned in his stead. When Iobab was dead, Husam of
the land of Themany reigned in his stead. And after the death of
Husam, Hadad the son of Bedad which slew the Madianites in the
field of the Moabites, reigned in his stead, and the name of his
city was Avith. When Hadad was dead, Samla of Masreka reigned in
his stead. When Samla was dead, Saul of the river Rehoboth reigned
in his stead. When Saul was dead, Baal Hanan the son of Achbor
reigned in his stead. And after the death of Baal Hanan the son of
Achbor, Hadad reigned in his stead, and the name of his city was
Pagu. And his wife's name Mehetabeel the daughter of Matred the
daughter of Mesaab. These are the names of the dukes that came of
Esau, in their kindreds, places and names: Duke Thimma, duke Alua,
duke Ietheth, duke Ahalibama, duke Ela, duke Pinon, duke Kenas,
duke Theman, duke Mibzar, duke Magdiel, duke Iram. These be the
dukes of Edomea in their habitations, in the land of their
possessions. This Esau is the father of the Edomites.
Chapter .xxxvij.
And Iacob dwelt in the land wherein his father was a stranger,
that is to say in the land of Canaan. And these are the
generations of Iacob: when Ioseph was seventeen years old, he kept
sheep with his brethren, and the lad was with the sons of Bilha
and of Zilpha his father's wives. And he brought unto their father
an evil saying that was of them. And Israel loved Ioseph more than
all his children, because he begat him in his old age, and he made
him a coat of many colours. When his brethren saw that their
father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him and
could not speak one kind word unto him. Moreover Ioseph dreamed a
dream and told it his brethren: wherefore they hated him yet the
more. And he said unto them hear I pray yow this dream which I
have dreamed: Behold we were making sheaves in the field: and lo,
my sheaf arose and stood upright, and yours stood round about and
made obeisance to my sheaf. Then said his brethren unto him: what,
shalt thou be our king or shalt thou reign over us? And they hated
him yet the more, because of his dream and of his words. And he
dreamed yet another dream and told it his brethren saying: behold,
I have had one dream more: me thought the sonne and the moon and
eleven stars made obeisance to me. And when he had told it unto
his father and his brethren, his father rebuked him and said unto
him: what meaneth this dream which thou hast dreamed: shall I and
thy mother and thy brethren come and fall on the ground before
thee? And his brethren hated him, but his father noted the saying.
His brethren went to keep their father's sheep in Sichem, and
Israel said unto Ioseph: do not thy brethren keep in Sichem? come
that I may send thee to them. And he answered here am I. And he
said unto him: go and see whether it be well with thy brethren and
the sheep, and bring me word again: And sent him out of the vale
of Hebron, for to go to Sichem. And a certain man found him
wandering out of his way in the field, and asked him what he
sought. And he answered: I seek my brethren, tell me I pray thee
where they keep sheep. And the man said, they are departed hence,
for I heard them say, let us go unto Dothan. Thus went Ioseph
after his brethren, and found them in Dothan. And when they saw
him afar off before he came at them, they took counsel {councell}
against him, for to slay him, and said one to another: Behold this
dreamer cometh, come now and let us slay him and cast him into
some pit, and let us say that sonne wicked beast hath devoured
him, and let us see what his dreams will come to. When Ruben heard
that, he went about to rid him out of their hands and said, let us
not kill him. And Ruben said moreover unto them, shed not his
blood, but cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness, and
lay no hands upon him: for he would have rid him out of their
hands and delivered him to his father again. And as soon as Ioseph
was come unto his brethren, they stripped him out, of his gay coat
that was upon him, and they took him and cast him into a pit. But
the pit was empty and had no water therein. And they sat them down
to eat bread. And as they lift up their eyes and looked about,
there came a company of Ismaelites from Gilead, and their camels
laden with spicery, balm, and myrrh, and were going down into
Egypt. Then said Iuda to his brethren, what availeth it that we
slay our brother, and keep his blood secret? come on, let us sell
him to the Ismaelites, and let not our hands be defiled upon him:
for he is our brother and our flesh. And his brethren were
content. Then as the Madianites merchant men passed by, they drew
Ioseph out of the pit and sold him unto the Ismaelites for twenty
pieces of silver. And they brought him into Egypt. And when Ruben
came again unto the pit and found not Ioseph there, he rent his
clothes and went again unto his brethren saying: the lad is not
yonder, and whither shall I go? And they took Ioseph's coat and
killed a goat, and dipped the coat in the blood. And they sent
that gay coat and caused it to be brought unto their father and
said: This have we found: see, whether it be thy son's coat or no.
And he knew it saying: it is my son's coat: a wicked beast hath
devoured him, and Ioseph is rent in pieces. And Iacob rent his
clothes, and put sack cloth about his loins, and sorrowed for his
son a long season. Then came all his sons and all his daughters to
comfort him. And he would not be comforted, but said: I will go
down into the grave unto my son, mourning. And thus his father
wept for him. And the Madianites sold him in Egypt unto Putiphar a
lord of Pharao's: and his chief marshal.
Chapter .xxxviij.
And it fortuned at that time that Iudas went from his brethren and
gat him to a man called Hira of Odollam, and there he saw the
daughter of a man called Sua a Cananite. And he took her and went
in unto her. And she conceived and bare a son and called his name
Er. And she conceived again and bare a son and called him Onan.
And she conceived the third time and bare a son, whom she called
Sela: and he was at Chesib when she bare him. And Iudas gave Er
his eldest son, a wife whose name was Thamar. But this Er Iuda's
eldest son was wicked in the sight of the LORD, wherefore the LORD
slew him. Then said Iudas unto Onan: go in to thy brother's wife
and marry her, and stir up seed unto thy brother. And when Onan
perceived that the seed should not be his: therefore when he went
in to his brother's wife, he spilled it on the ground, because he
would not give seed unto his brother. And the thing which he did,
displeased the LORD, wherefore he slew him also. Then said Iuda to
Thamar his daughter-in-law: remain a widow at thy father's house,
till Sela my son be grown: for he feared lest he should have died
also, as his brethren did. Thus went Thamar and dwelt in her
father's house. And in process of time, the daughter of Sua Iuda's
wife died. Then Iudas when he had left mourning, went unto his
sheep shearers to Thimnath with his friend Hira of Odollam. And
one told Thamar saying: behold, thy father-in-law goeth up to
Thimnath, to shear his sheep. And she put her widow's garments off
from her and covered her with a cloak, and disguised herself: And
sat her down at the entering of Enaim which is by the high way's
side to Thimnath, for because she saw that Sela was grown, and she
was not given unto him to wife. When Iuda saw her he thought it
had been an whore, because she had covered her face. And turned to
her unto the way and said, come I pray thee, let me lie with thee,
for he knew not that it was his daughter-in-law. And she said what
wilt thou give me, for to lie with me? Then said he, I will send
thee a kid from the flock. She answered: Then give me a pledge
till thou send it. Then said he, what pledge shall I give thee?
And she said: thy signet, thy necklace, and thy staff that is in
thy hand. And he gave it her and lay by her, and she was with
child by him. And she gat her up and went and put her mantle from
her, and put on her widow's raiment again. And Iudas sent the kid
by his neighbour of Odollam, for to fetch out his pledge again
from the wife's hand. But he found her not. Then asked he the men
of the same place saying: where is the whore that sat at Enaim in
the way? And they said: there was no whore here. And he came to
Iuda again saying: I can not find her, and also the men of the
place said: that there was no whore there. And Iuda said: let her
take it to her, lest we be shamed: for I sent the kid and thou
couldest not find her. And it came to pass that after three
months, one told Iuda saying: Thamar thy daughter-in-law hath
played the whore, and with playing the whore is become great with
child. And Iuda said: bring her forth and let her be brent. And
when they brought her forth, she sent to her father-in-law saying:
by the man unto whom these things pertain, am I with child. And
said also: look whose are this seal, necklace, and staff. And Iuda
knew them saying: she is more righteous than I, because I gave her
not to Sela my son. But he lay with her no more. When time was
come that she should be delivered, behold there was two twins in
her womb. And as she travailed, the one put out his hand and the
midwife took and bound a red thread about it saying: this will
come out first. But he plucked his hand back again, and his
brother came out. And she said: wherefore hast thou rent a rent
upon thee? and called him Pharez. And afterward came out his
brother that had the red thread about his hand, which was called
Chapter .xxxix.
Ioseph was brought unto Egypt, and Putiphar a lord of Pharao's:
and his chief marshal an Egyptian, bought him of the Ismaelites
which brought him thither. And the LORD was with Ioseph, and he
was a lucky fellow and continued in the house of his master the
Egyptian. And his master saw that the LORD was with him and that
the LORD made all that he did prosper in his hand: Wherefore he
found grace in his master's sight, and served him. And his master
made him ruler of his house, and put all that he had in his hand.
And as soon as he had made him ruler over his house and over all
that he had, the LORD blessed this Egyptian's house for Ioseph's
sake, and the blessing of the LORD was upon all that he had: both
in the house and also in the fields. And therefore he left all
that he had in Ioseph's hand, and looked upon nothing that was
with him, save only on the bread which he ate. And Ioseph was a
goodly person and a well favored. And it fortuned after this, that
his master's wife cast her eyes upon Ioseph and said come lie with
me. But he denied and said to her: Behold, my master woteth not
what he hath in the house with me, but hath committed all that he
hath to my hand. He himself is not greater in the house than I,
and hath kept nothing from me, but only thee because thou art his
wife. How then can I do this great wickedness, for to sin against
God? And after this manner spake she to Ioseph day by day: but he
hearkened not unto her, to sleep near her or to be in her company.
And it fortuned about the same season, that Ioseph entered into
the house, to do his business: and there was none of the household
by, in the house. And she caught him by the garment saying: come
sleep with me. And he left his garment in her hand and fled and
got him out. When she saw that he had left his garment in her
hand, and was fled out, she called unto the men of the house, and
told them saying: See, he hath brought in an Hebrew unto us to do
us shame: for he came in to me, for to have slept with me. But I
cried with a loud voice. And when he heard, that I lift up my
voice and cried, he left his garment with me and fled away and got
him out. And she laid up his garment by her, until her lord came
home. And she told him according to these words saying. This
Hebrews' servant which thou hast brought unto us came in to me to
do me shame. But as soon as I lift up my voice and cried, he left
his garment with me and fled out. When his master heard the words
of his wife which she told him saying: after this manner did thy
servant to me, he waxed wroth. And he took Ioseph and put him in
prison: even in the place where the king's prisoners lay bound.
And there continued he in prison, but the LORD was with Ioseph and
shewed him mercy, and got him favour in the sight of the keeper of
the prison which committed to Ioseph's hand all the prisoners that
were in the prison house. And whatsoever was done there, that did
he. And the keeper of the prison looked unto nothing that was
under his hand, because the LORD was with him, and because that
whatsoever he did, the LORD made it come luckily to pass.
Chapter .xl.
And it chanced after this, that the chief butler of the king of
Egypt and his chief baker had offended their lord the king of
Egypt. And Pharao was angry with them and put them in ward in his
chief marshal's house: even in the prison where Ioseph was bound.
And the chief marshal gave Ioseph a charge with them, and he
served them. And they continued a season in ward. And they dreamed
either of them in one night: both the butler and the baker of the
king of Egypt which were bound in the prison house, either of them
his dream, and each man's dream of a sundry interpretation. When
Ioseph came in unto them in the morning, and looked upon them:
behold, they were sad. And he asked them saying, wherefore look ye
so sadly today? They answered him, we have dreamed a dream, and
have no man to declare it. And Ioseph said unto them. Interpreting
belongeth to God, but tell me yet. And the chief butler told his
dream to Ioseph and said unto him: In my dream me thought there
stood a vine before me, and in the vine were three branches, and
it was as though it budded, and her blossoms shot forth: and the
grapes thereof waxed ripe. And I had Pharao's cup in my hand, and
took of the grapes and wrung them into Pharao's cup, and delivered
Pharao's cup into his hand. And Ioseph said unto him, this is the
interpretation of it. The three branches are three days: for
within three days shall Pharao lift up thine head, and restore
thee unto thine office again, and thou shalt deliver Pharao's cup
into his hand, after the old manner, even as thou didst when thou
wast his butler. But think on me with thee, when thou art in good
case, and shew mercy unto me. And make mention of me to Pharao,
and help to bring me out of this house: for I was stolen out of
the land of the Hebrews, and here also have I done nothing at all
wherefore they should have put me into this dungeon. When the
chief baker saw that he had well interpreted it, he said unto
Ioseph, me thought also in my dream, that I had three wicker
baskets on my head? And in the uppermost basket, of all manner
bakemeats for Pharao. And the birds ate them out of the basket
upon my head. Ioseph answered and said: this is the interpretation
thereof. The three baskets are three days, for this day three days
shall Pharao take thy head from thee, and shall hang thee on a
tree, and the birds shall eat thy flesh from off thee. And it came
to pass the third day which was Pharao's birthday, that he made a
feast unto all his servants. And he lifted up the head of the
chief butler and of the chief baker among his servants. And
restored the chief butler unto his butlership again, and he
reached the cup into Pharao's hand, and hanged the chief baker:
even as Ioseph had interpreted unto them. Notwithstanding the
chief butler remembered not Ioseph, but forgot him.
Chapter .xlj.
And it fortuned at two years' end, that Pharao dreamed, and
thought that he stood by a river's side, and that there came out
of the river seven goodly kine and fat fleshed, and fed in a
meadow. And him thought that seven other kine came up after them
out of the river evil favored and lean fleshed and stood by the
other upon the brink of the river. And the evil favored and lean
fleshed kine: ate up the seven well favored and fat kine: and he
awoke therewith. And he slept again and dreamed the second time,
that seven ears of corn grew upon one stalk rank and goodly. And
that seven thin ears blasted with the wind, sprang up after them:
and that the seven thin ears devoured the seven rank and full
ears. And then Pharao awaked: and see, here is his dream. When the
morning came, his spirit was troubled; And he sent and called for
all the soothsayers of Egypt and all the wise men thereof, and
told them his dream: but there was none of them that could
interpret it unto Pharao. Then spake the chief butler unto Pharao
saying. I do remember my fault this day. Pharao was angry with his
servants, and put in ward in the chief marshal's house both me and
the chief baker. And we dreamed both of us in one night and each
man's dream of a sundry interpretation. And there was with us a
young man, an Hebrew born, servant unto the chief marshal. And we
told him, and he declared our dreams to us according to either of
our dreams. And as he declared them unto us, even so it came to
pass. I was restored to mine office again, and he was hanged. Then
Pharao sent and called Ioseph. And they made him haste out of
prison. And he shaved himself and changed his raiment, and went in
to Pharao. And Pharao said unto Ioseph: I have dreamed a dream and
no man can interpretate it, but I have heard say of thee that as
soon as thou hearest a dream, thou dost interpretate it. And
Ioseph answered Pharao saying: God shall give Pharao an answer of
peace without me. Pharao said unto Ioseph: in my dream me thought
I stood by a river's side, and there came out of the river seven
fat fleshed and well favored kine, and fed in the meadow. And then
seven other kine came up after them, poor and very evil favored
and lean fleshed: so that I never saw their like in all the land
of Egypt in evil favoredness. And the seven lean and evil favored
kine ate up the first seven fat kine. And when they had eaten them
up, a man could not perceive that they had eaten them: for they
were still as evil favored as they were at the beginning. And I
awoke. And I saw again in my dream seven ears spring out of one
stalk full and good, and seven other ears withered, thin and
blasted with wind, spring up after them. And the thin ears
devoured the seven good ears. And I have told it unto the
soothsayers, but no man can tell me what it meaneth. Then Ioseph
said unto Pharao: both Pharao's dreams are one. And God doth shew
Pharao what he is about to do. The seven good kine are seven
years: and the seven good ears are seven years also, and is but
one dream. Likewise, the seven thin and evil favored kine that
came out after them, are seven years: and the seven empty and
blasted ears shall be seven years of hunger. This is that which I
said unto Pharao, that God doth shew Pharao what he is about to
do. Behold there shall come seven year of great plenteousness
throughout all the land of Egypt. And there shall arise after them
seven years of hunger. So that all the plenteousness shall be
forgotten in the land of Egypt. And the hunger shall consume the
land: so that the plenteousness shall not be once a seen in the
land by reason of that hunger that shall come after, for it shall
be exceeding great. And as concerning that the dream was doubled
unto Pharao the second time, it betokeneth that the thing is
certainly prepared of God, and that God will shortly bring it to
pass. Now therefore let Pharao provide for a man of understanding
and wisdom, and set him over the land of Egypt. And let Pharao
make officers over the land, and take up the fifth part of the
land of Egypt in the seven plenteous years and let them gather all
the food of these good years that come, and lay up corn under the
power of Pharao: that there may be food in the cities, and there
let them keep it: that there may be food in store in the land,
against the seven years of hunger which shall come in the land of
Egypt, and that the land perish not thorow hunger. And the saying
pleased Pharao and all his servants. Then said Pharao unto his
servants: where shall we find such a man as this is, that hath the
spirit of God in him? wherefore Pharao said unto Ioseph: forasmuch
as God hath shewed thee all this, there is no man of understanding
nor of wisdom like unto thee. Thou therefore shalt be over my
house, and according to thy word shall all my people obey: only in
the king's seat will I be above thee. And he said unto Ioseph:
behold, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt. And he took
off his ring from his finger, and put it upon Ioseph's finger, and
arrayed him in raiment of byss, and put a golden chain about his
neck and set him upon the best chariot that he had save one. And
they cried before him Abrech, and that Pharao had made him ruler
over all the land of Egypt. And Pharao said unto Ioseph: I am
Pharao, without thy will, shall no man lift up either his hand or
foot in all the land of Egypt. And he called Ioseph's name
Zaphnath Paenea. And he gave him to wife Asnath the daughter of
Potiphar priest of On. Then went Ioseph abroad in the land of
Egypt. And he was thirty years old when he stood before Pharao
king of Egypt. And then Ioseph departed from Pharao, and went
thorow out all the land of Egypt. And in the seven plenteous years
they made sheaves and gathered up all the food of the seven
plenteous years which were in the land of Egypt and put it into
the cities. And he put the food of the fields that grew round
about every city: even in the same. And Ioseph laid up corn in
store, like unto the sand of the sea in multitude out of measure,
until he left numbering: For it was without number. And unto
Ioseph were born two sons before the years of hunger came, which
Asnath the daughter of Potiphar priest of On, bare unto him. And
he called the name of the first son Manasse, for God (said he)
hath made me forget all my labour and all my father's household.
The second called he Ephraim, for God (said he) hath caused me to
grow in the land of my trouble. And when the seven years of
plenteousness that was in the land of Egypt were ended, then came
the seven years of dearth, according as Ioseph had said. And the
dearth was in all lands: but in the land of Egypt was there yet
food. When now all the land of Egypt began to hunger, then cried
the people to Pharao for bread. And Pharao said unto all Egypt: go
unto Ioseph, and what he saith to you that do. And when the dearth
was thorow out all the land, Ioseph opened all that was in the
cities, and sold unto the Egyptians. And hunger waxed sore in the
land of Egypt. And all countries came to Egypt to Ioseph for to
buy corn: because that the hunger was so sore in all lands.
Chapter .xlij.
When Iacob saw that there was corn to be sold in Egypt, he said
unto his sons: why are ye negligent? behold, I have heard that
there is corn to be sold in Egypt. Get you thither and buy us corn
from thence, that we may live and not die. So went Ioseph's ten
brethren down to buy corn in Egypt, for Ben Iamin Ioseph's brother
would not Iacob send with his other brethren: for he said: some
misfortune might happen him. And the sons of Israel came to buy
corn among other that came, for there was dearth also in the land
of Canaan. And Ioseph was governor in the land, and sold corn to
all the people of the land. And his brethren came, and fell flat
on the ground before him. When Ioseph saw his brethren, he knew
them: But made strange unto them, and spake roughly unto them
saying: Whence come ye? and they said: out of the land of Canaan,
to buy vitaille. Ioseph knew his brethren, but they knew not him.
And Ioseph remembered his dreams which he dreamed of them, and
said unto them: ye are spies, and to see where the land is weak is
your coming. And they said unto him: nay, my lord: but to buy
vitaille thy servants are come. We are all one man's sons, and
mean truly, and thy servants are no spies. And he said unto them:
nay verily, but even to see where the land is weak is your coming.
And they said: we thy servants are twelve brethren, the sons of
one man in the land of Canaan. The youngest is yet with our
father, and one no man woteth where he is. Ioseph said unto them,
that is it that I said unto you, that ye are surely spies. Here by
ye shall be proved. For by the life of Pharao, ye shall not go
hence, until your youngest brother be come hither. Send therefore
one of you and let him fetch your brother, and ye shall be in
prison in the mean season. And thereby shall your words be proved,
whether there be any truth in you: or else by the life of Pharao,
ye are but spies. And he put them in ward three days. And Ioseph
said unto the third day: This do and live, for I fear God. {Gode}
If ye mean no hurt, let one of your brethren be bound in the
prison, and go ye and bring the necessary food unto your
households, and bring your youngest brother unto me: that your
words may be believed, and that ye die not; And they did so. Then
they said one to another: we have verily sinned against our
brother, in that we saw the anguish of his soul when he besought
us, and would not hear him: therefore is this trouble come upon
us. Ruben answered them saying: said I not unto you that ye should
not sin against the lad? but ye would not hear; And now verily
see, his blood is required. They were not aware that Ioseph
understood them, for he spake unto them by an interpreter. And he
turned from them and wept, and then turned to them again and
communed with them, and took out Simeon from among them and bound
him before their eyes, and commanded to fill their sacks with
corn, and to put every man's money in his sack, and to give them
vitaille to spend by the way. And so it was done to them. And they
laded their asses with the corn and departed thence. And as one of
them opened his sack, for to give his ass provender in the Inn, he
spied his money in his sack's mouth. And he said unto his
brethren: my money is restored me again, and is even in my sack's
mouth. Then their hearts failed them, and were astonied and said
one to another: how cometh it that God dealeth thus with us? And
they came unto Iacob their father unto the land of Canaan, and
told him all that had happened them saying: The lord of the land
spake roughly to us, and took us for spies to search the country.
And we said unto him: we mean truly and are no spies. We be twelve
brethren sons of our father, one is away, and the youngest is now
with our father in the land of Canaan. And the lord of the country
said unto us: hereby shall I know if ye mean truly: leave one of
your brethren here with me, and take food necessary for your
households and get you away, and bring your youngest brother unto
me; And thereby shall I know that ye are no spies, but mean truly:
So will I deliver you your brother again, and ye shall occupy in
the land. And as they emptied their sacks, behold: every man's
bundle of money was in his sack. And when both they and their
father saw the bundles of money, they were afraid. And Iacob their
father said unto them: Me have ye robbed of my children: Ioseph is
away, and Simeon is away, and ye will take Ben Iamin away. All
these things fall upon me. Ruben answered his father saying: Slay
my two sons, if I bring him not to thee again. Deliver him
therefore to my hand, and I will bring him to thee again: And he
said: my son shall not go down with you. For his brother is dead,
and he is left alone. Moreover some misfortune might happen upon
him by the way which ye go. And so should ye bring my gray head
with sorrow unto the grave.
Chapter .xliij.
And the dearth waxed sore in the land. And when they had eaten up
that corn which they brought out of the land of Egypt, their
father said unto them: go again and buy us a little food. Then
said Iuda unto him: the man did testify unto us saying: look that
ye see not my face except your brother be with you. Therefore if
thou wilt send our brother with us, we will go and buy the food.
But if thou wilt not send him, we will not go: for the man said
unto us: look that ye see not my face, except your brother be with
you. And Israel said: wherefore dealt ye so cruelly with me, as to
tell the man that ye had yet another brother? And they said: The
man asked us of our kindred saying: is your father yet alive? have
ye not another brother? And we told him according to these words.
How could we know that he would bid us bring our brother down with
us? Then said Iuda unto Israel his father: Send the lad with me,
and we will rise and go, that we may live and not die: both we,
thou and also our children. I will be surety for him, and of my
hands require him. If I bring him not to thee and set him before
thine eyes, then let me bear the blame for ever. For except we had
made this tarrying: by this we had been there twice and come
again. Then their father Israel said unto them: if it must needs
be so now: then do thus, take of the best fruits of the land in
your vessels, and bring the man a present, a courtesy balm, and a
courtesy of honey, spices and myrrh, dates and almonds. And take
as much money more with you. And the money that was brought again
in your sacks, take it again with you in your hands, peradventure
it was some oversight. Take also your brother with you, and arise
and go again to the man. And God almighty give you mercy in the
sight of the man and send you your other brother and also Ben
Iamin, and I will be as a man robbed of his children. Thus took
they the present and twice so much more money with them, and Ben
Iamin. And rose up, went down to Egypt, and presented themself to
Ioseph. When Ioseph saw Ben Iamin with them, he said to the ruler
of his house: bring these men home, and slay and make ready: for
they shall dine with me at noon. And the man did as Ioseph bade,
and brought them in to Ioseph's house. When they were brought to
Ioseph's house, they were afraid, and said: because of the money
that came in our sacks' mouths at the first time, are we brought,
to pick a quarrel with us and to lay some thing to our charge: to
bring us in bondage and our asses also. Therefore came they to the
man that was the ruler over Ioseph's house, and communed with him
at the door and said: Sir, we came hither at the first time to buy
food, and as we came to an inn and opened our sacks: behold, every
man's money was in his sack with full weight: But we have brought
it again with us, and other money have we brought also in our
hands, to buy food, but we can not tell who put our money in our
sacks. And he said: be of good cheer, fear not: Your God and the
God of your fathers hath put you that treasure in your sacks, for
I had your money. And he brought Simeon out to them and led them
into Ioseph's house, and gave them water to wash their feet, and
gave their asses provender: And they made ready their present
against Ioseph came at noon, for they heard say that they should
dine there. When Ioseph came home, they brought the present into
the house to him, which they had in their hands, and fell flat on
the ground before him. And he welcomed them courteously saying: is
your father that old man which ye told me of, in good health? and
is he yet alive? they answered: thy servant our father is in good
health, and is yet alive. And they bowed them selves and fell to
the ground. And he lift up his eyes and beheld his brother Ben
Iamin his mother's son, and said: is this your youngest brother of
whom ye said unto me? And said: God be merciful unto thee my son.
And Ioseph made haste (for his heart did melt upon his brother)
and sought for to weep, and entered into his chamber, for to weep
there. And he washed his face and came out and refrained himself,
and bade set bread on the table. And they prepared for him by
himself, and for them by them selves, and for the Egyptians which
ate with him by them selves, because the Egyptians may not eat
bread with the Hebrews, for that is an abomination unto the
Egyptians. And they sat before him: the eldest according unto his
age, and the youngest according unto his youth. And the men
marvelled among them selves. And they brought rewards unto them
from before him: but Ben Iamin's part was five times so much as
any of theirs. And they ate and they drank, and were drunk with
Chapter .xliiij.
And he commanded the ruler of his house saying: fill the men's
sacks with food, as much as they can carry, and put every man's
money in his bag mouth, and put my silver cup in the sack's mouth
of the youngest and his corn money also. And he did as Ioseph had
said. And in the morning as soon as it was light, the men were let
go with their asses. And when they were out of the city and not
yet far away, Ioseph said unto the ruler of his house: up and
follow after the men and overtake them, and say unto them:
wherefore have ye rewarded evil for good? is that not the cup of
which my lord drinketh, and doth he not prophesy therein? ye have
evil done that ye have done. And he overtook them and said the
same words unto them. And they answered him: wherefore saith my
lord such words? God forbid that thy servants should do so.
Behold, the money which we found in our sack's mouths, we brought
again unto thee, out of the land of Canaa: how then should we
steal out of my lord's house, either silver or gold? with
whosoever of thy servants it be found let him die, and let us also
be my lord's bondmen. And he said: Now therefore according unto
your words, he with whom it is found, shall be my servant: but ye,
shall be harmless. And at once every man took down his sack to the
ground, and every man opened his sack. And he searched, and began
at the eldest and left at the youngest. And the cup was found in
Ben Iamin's sack. Then they rent their clothes, and laded every
man his ass and went again unto the city. And Iuda and his
brethren came to Ioseph's house, for he was yet there, and they
fell before him on the ground. And Ioseph said unto them: what
deed is this which ye have done? wist ye not that such a man as I
can prophesy? Then said Iuda: what shall we say unto my lord, what
shall we speak or what excuse can we make? God hath found out the
wickedness of thy servants. Behold, both we and he with whom the
cup is found, are thy servants. And he answered: God forbid that I
should do so, the man with whom the cup is found, he shall be my
servant: but go ye in peace unto your father. Then Iuda went unto
him and said: oh my lord, let thy servant speak a word in my
lord's audience, {ear} and be not wroth with thy servant: for thou
art even as Pharao. My lord asked his servant saying: have ye a
father or a brother? And we answered my lord, we have a father
that is old, and a young lad which he begat in his age: and the
brother of the said lad is dead, and he is all that is left of
that mother. And his father loveth him. Then said my lord unto his
servants bring him unto me, that I may set mine eyes upon him. And
we answered my lord, that the lad could not go from his father,
for if he should leave his father, he were but a dead man. Then
saidest thou unto thy servants: except your youngest brother come
with you, look that ye see my face no more. And when we came unto
thy servant our father, we shewed him what my lord had said. And
when our father said unto us, go again and buy us a little food:
we said, that we could not go. Nevertheless if our youngest
brother go with us then will we go, for we may not see the man's
face, except our youngest brother be with us. Then said thy
servant our father unto us. Ye know that my wife bare me two sons.
And the one went out from me and it is said of a surety that he is
torn in pieces of wild beasts, and I saw him not since. If ye
shall take this also away from me and some misfortune happen upon
him, then shall ye bring my gray head with sorrow unto the grave.
Now therefore when I come to thy servant my father, if the lad be
not with me: seeing that his life hangeth by the lad's life, then
as soon as he seeth that the lad is not come, he will die. So
shall we thy servants bring the gray head of thy servant our
father with sorrow unto the grave. For I thy servant became surety
for the lad unto my father and said: if I bring him not unto thee
again. I will bear the blame all my life long. Now therefore let
me thy servant bide here for the lad, and be my lord's bondman:
and let the lad go home with his brethren. For how can I go unto
my father, and the lad not with me: lest I should see the
wretchedness that shall come on my father.
Chapter .xlv.
And Ioseph could no longer refrain before all them that stood
about him, but commanded that they should go all out from him, and
that there should be no man with him, while he uttered himself
unto his brethren. And he wept aloud, so that the Egyptians and
the house of Pharao heard it. And he said unto his brethren: I am
Ioseph: doth my father yet live? But his brethren could not answer
him, for they were abashed at his presence. And Ioseph said unto
his brethren: come near to me, and they came near. And he said: I
am Ioseph your brother whom ye sold into Egypt. And now be not
grieved therewith, neither let it seem a cruel thing in your eyes,
that ye sold me hither. For God did send me before you to save
life. For this is the second year of dearth in the land, and five
more are behind in which there shall neither be earing nor
harvest. Wherefore God sent me before you to make provision, that
ye might continue in the earth and to save your lives by a great
deliverance. So now it was not ye that sent me hither, but God:
and he hath made me father unto Pharao and lord over all his
house, and ruler in all the land of Egypt. Haste you and go to my
father and tell him, this sayeth thy son Ioseph: God hath made me
lord over all Egypt. Come down unto me and tarry not. And thou
shalt dwell in the land of Gosan and be by me: both thou and thy
children, and thy children's children: and thy sheep, and beasts
and all that thou hast. There will I make provision for thee: for
there remain yet five years of dearth, lest thou and thy household
and all that thou hast perish. Behold, your eyes do see, and the
eyes also of my brother Ben Iamin, that I speak to you by mouth.
Therefore tell my father of all my honour which I have in Egypt
and of all that ye have seen, and make haste and bring in father
hither. And he fell on his brother Ben Iamin's neck and wept, and
Ben Iamin wept on his neck. Moreover he kissed all his brethren
and wept upon them. And after that, his brethren talked with him.
And when the tidings was come unto Pharao's house that Ioseph's
brethren were come, it pleased Pharao well and all his servants.
And Pharao spake unto Ioseph: say unto thy brethren, this do ye:
lade your beasts and get you hence. And when ye be come unto the
land of Canaan, take your father and your households and come unto
me, and I will give you the best of the land of Egypt, and ye
shall eat the fat of the land. And commanded also. This do ye:
take chariots with you out of the land of Egypt, for your children
and for your wives: and bring your father and come. Also, regard
not your stuff, for the goods of all the land of Egypt shall be
yours. And the children of Israel did even so. And Ioseph gave
them chariots at the commandment of Pharao, and gave them vitaille
also to spend by the way. And he gave unto each of them change of
raiment: but unto Ben Iamin he gave three hundred pieces of silver
and five changes of raiment. And unto his father he sent after the
same manner: ten he asses laden with goods out of Egypt, and ten
she asses laden with corn, bread and meat: to serve his father by
the way. So sent he his brethren away, and they departed. And he
said unto them: see that ye fall not out by the way. And they
departed from Egypt and came into the land of Canaan unto Iacob
their father, and told him saying. Ioseph is yet alive and is
governor over all the land of Egypt. And Iacob's heart wavered,
for he believed them not. And they told him all the words of
Ioseph which he had said unto them. But when he saw the chariots
which Ioseph had sent to carry him, then his spirits revived. And
Israel said: I have enough, if Ioseph my son be yet alive: I will
go and see him, yer that I die.
Chapter .xlvi.
Israel took his journey with all that he had, and came unto
Berseba and offered offerings unto the God of his father Isaac.
And God said unto Israel in a vision by night, and called unto
him: Iacob, Iacob. And he answered: here am I. And he said: I am
that mighty God of thy father, fear not to go down into Egypt. For
I will make of thee there a great people. I will go down with thee
into Egypt, and I will also bring thee up again, and Ioseph shall
put his hand upon thine eyes. And Iacob rose up from Berseba. And
the sons of Israel carried Iacob their father, and their children
and their wives in the chariots which Pharao had sent to carry
him. And they took their cattle and the goods which they had
gotten in the land of Canaan, and came into Egypt: both Iacob and
all his seed with him, his sons and his sons' sons with him: his
daughters and his sons daughters and all his seed brought he with
him into Egypt. These are the names of the children of Israel
which came into Egypt, both Iacob and his sons: Ruben Iacob's
first son. The children of Ruben: Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron and
Charmi. The children of Simeon: Iemuel, Iami, Ohad, Iachin, Zohar
and Saul the son of a Cananitish woman. The children of Levi:
Gerson, Kahath and Merari. The children of Iuda: Er, Onan, Sela,
Pharez and Zerah, but Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan. The
children of Pharez, Hezron, and Hamul. The children of Isachar:
Tola, Phua, Iob and Semnon. The children of Zabulon: Sered, Elon
and Iaheleel. These be the children of Lea which she bare unto
Iacob in Mesopotamia with his daughter Dina. All these souls of
his sons and daughters make thirty and six. {.xxx. and .iij.} The
children of Gad: Ziphion, Haggi, Suni, Ezbon, Eri Arodi and Areli.
The children of Asser: Iemna, Iesua, Iesui, Bria and Serah their
sister. And the children of Bria were Heber and Malchiel. These
are the children of Silpha whom Laban gave to Lea his daughter.
And these she bare unto Iacob in number sixteen souls. The
children of Rahel Iacob's wife: Ioseph and Ben Iamin. And unto
Ioseph in the land of Egypt were borne: Manasses and Ephraim which
Asnath the daughter of Putiphar priest of On bare unto him. The
children of Ben Iamin: Bela, Becher, Asbel, Gera, Naeman, Ehi,
Ros, Mupim, Hupim and Ard. These are the children of Rahel which
were born unto Iacob: fourteen souls altogether. The children of
Dan: Husim. The children Nepthali: Iahezeel, Guni, Iezer and
Sillem. These are the sons of Bilha which Laban gave unto Rahel
his daughter, and she bare these unto Iacob, altogether seven
souls. All the souls that came with Iacob into Egypt which came
out of his loins (beside his son's wives) were all together sixty
and six souls. And the sons of Ioseph, which were born him in
Egypt were: two souls. So that all the souls of the house of Iacob
which came into Egypt are seventy. And he sent Iuda before him
unto Ioseph that the way might be shewed him unto Gosan, and they
came into the land of Gosan. And Ioseph made ready his chariot and
went against {to meet} Israel his father unto Gosan, and presented
himself unto him, and fell on his neck and wept upon his neck a
good while. And Israel said unto Ioseph: Now I am content to die,
insomuch I have seen thee, that thou art yet alive. And Ioseph
said unto his brethren and unto his father's house: I will go and
shew Pharao and tell him: that my brethren and my father's house
which were in the land of Canaan are come unto me, and how they
are shepherds (for they were men of cattle) and they have brought
their sheep and their oxen and all that they have with them. If
Pharao call you and ask you what your occupation is, say: thy
servants have been occupied about cattle, from our childhood unto
this time: both we and our fathers, that ye may dwell in the land
of Gosan. For an abomination unto the Egyptians are all that feed
sheep. {For the Egyptians abhor all shepherds.}
Chapter .xlvij.
And Ioseph went and told Pharao and said: my father and my
brethren their sheep and their beasts and all that they have, are
come out of the land of Canaan and are in the land of Gosan. And
Ioseph took a part of his brethren: even five of them, and
presented them unto Pharao. And Pharao said unto his brethren:
what is your occupation? And they said unto Pharao: feeders of
sheep {shepherds} are thy servants, both we and also our fathers.
They said moreover unto Pharao: for to sojourn in the land are we
come, for thy servants have no pasture for their sheep so sore is
the famishment in the land of Canaan. Now therefore let thy
servants dwell in the land of Gosan. And Pharao said unto Ioseph:
thy father and thy brethren are come unto thee. The land of Egypt
is open before thee: In the best place of the land make both thy
father and thy brethren dwell: And even in the land of Gosan let
them dwell. Moreover if thou know any men of activity among them,
make them rulers over my cattle. And Ioseph brought in Iacob his
father and set him before Pharao. And Iacob blessed Pharao. And
Pharao asked Iacob, how old art thou? And Iacob said unto Pharao:
the days of my pilgrimage are an hundred and thirty years. Few and
evil have the days of my life been, and have not attained unto the
years of the life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimages.
And Iacob blessed Pharao and went out from him. And Ioseph
prepared dwellings for his father and his brethren, and gave them
possessions in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land: even in
the land of Rameses, as Pharao commanded. And Ioseph made
provision for his father, his brethren and all his father's
household, as young children are fed with bread. There was no
bread in all the land, for the dearth was exceeding sore: so that
the land of Egypt and the land of Canaan, were famished by the
reason of the dearth. And Ioseph brought together all the money
that was found in the land of Egypt and of Canaan, for the corn
which they bought: and he laid up the money in Pharao's house.
When money failed in the land of Egypt and of Canaan, all the
Egyptians came unto Ioseph and said: give us sustenance: wherefore
sufferest thou us to die before thee: for our money is spent. Then
said Ioseph: bring your cattle, and I will give yow for your
cattle, if ye be without money. And they brought their cattle unto
Ioseph. And he gave them bread for horses and sheep, and oxen and
asses: so he fed them with bread for all their cattle that year.
When that year was ended, they came unto him the next year and
said unto him: we will not hide it from my lord, how that we have
neither money nor cattle for my lord: there is no more left for my
lord, but even our bodies and our lands. Wherefore lettest thou us
die before thine eyes, and the land to go to nought? buy us and
our lands for bread: and let both us and our lands be bond to
Pharao. Give us seed, that we may live and not die, and that the
land go not to waste. And Ioseph bought all the land of Egypt for
Pharao. For the Egyptians sold every man his land because the
dearth was sore upon them: and so the land became Pharao's. And he
appointed the people unto the cities, from one side of Egypt unto
the other: only the land of the Priests bought he not. For there
was an ordinance made by Pharao for the priests, that they should
eat that which was appointed unto them: which Pharao had given
them wherefore they sold not their lands. Then Ioseph said unto
the folk: behold I have bought you this day and your lands for
Pharao. Take there seed and go sow the land. And of the increase,
ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharao, and four parts shall be
your own, for seed to sow the field: and for you, and them of your
households, and for your children, to eat. And they answered: Thou
hast saved our lives. Let us find grace in the sight of my lord,
and let us be Pharao's servants. And Ioseph made it a law over the
land of Egypt unto this day: that men must give Pharao the fifth
part, except the land of the priests only, which was not bond unto
Pharao. And Israel dwelt in Egypt: even in the country of Gosan.
And they had their possessions therein, and they grew and
multiplied exceedingly. Moreover Iacob lived in the land of Egypt
seventeen years, so that the hole age of Iacob was an hundred and
forty seven years. When the time drew nye, that Israel must die:
he sent for his son Ioseph and said unto him: If I have found
grace in thy sight, put thy hand under my thigh and deal
mercifully and truly with me, that thou bury me not in Egypt: but
let me lie by my fathers, and carry me out of Egypt, and bury me
in their burial. And he answered: I will do as thou hast said. And
he said: swear unto me: and he sware unto him. And then Israel
bowed him unto the bed's head.
Chapter .xlviij.
After these deeds, tidings were brought unto Ioseph, that his
father was sick. And he took with him his two sons, Manasse and
Ephraim. Then was it said unto Iacob: behold, thy son Ioseph
cometh unto thee. And Israel took his strength unto him, and sat
up on the bed, and said unto Ioseph: God all mighty appeared unto
me at Lus in the land of Canaan, and blessed me, and said unto me:
behold, I will make thee grow and will multiply thee, and will
make a great number of people of thee, and will give this land
unto thee and unto thy seed after thee unto an everlasting
possession. Now therefore thy two sons Manasse and Ephraim which
were born unto thee before I came to thee, into Egypt, shall be
mine: even as Ruben and Simeon shall they be unto me. And the
children which thou gettest after them, shall be thine own: but
shall be called with the names of their brethren in their
inheritances. And after I came from Mesopotamia, Rahel died upon
my hand in the land of Canaan, by the way: when I had but a
field's brede to go unto Ephrat. And I buried her there in the way
to Ephrat which is now called Bethlehem. And Israel beheld
Ioseph's sons and said: what are these? And Ioseph said unto his
father: they are my sons, which God hath given me here. And he
said: bring them to me, and let me bless them. And the eyes of
Israel were dim for age, so that he could not see. And he brought
them to him, and he kissed them and embraced them. And Israel said
unto Ioseph: I had not thought to have seen thy face, and yet lo,
God hath shewed it me and also thy seed. And Ioseph took them away
from his lap, and they fell on the ground before him. Then took
Ioseph them both: Ephraim in his right hand toward Israel's left
hand and Manasse in his left hand, toward Israel's right hand, and
brought them unto him. And Israel stretched out his right hand and
laid it upon Ephraim's head which was the younger, and his left
hand upon Manasse's head, crossing his hands, for Manasse was the
elder. And he blessed Ioseph saying: God before whom my fathers
Abraham and Isaac did walk, and the God which hath fed me all my
life long unto this day; And the angel which hath delivered me
from all evil, bless these lads: that they may be called after my
name, and after my father Abraham and Isaac, and that they may
grow and multiply upon the earth. When Ioseph saw that his father
laid his right hand upon the head of Ephraim, it displeased him.
And he lift up his father's hand, to have removed it from
Ephraim's head unto Manasse's head, and said unto his father: Not
so my father, for this is the eldest. Put thy right hand upon his
head. And his father would not, but said: I know it well my son, I
know it well. He shall be also a people and shall be great. But of
a troth his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed
shall be full of people. And he blessed them saying: At the
example of these, the Israelites shall bless and say: God make
thee as Ephraim and as Manasse. Thus set he Ephraim before
Manasse. And Israel said unto Ioseph: behold, I die. And God shall
be with you and bring you again unto the land of your fathers.
Moreover I give unto thee, a portion of land above thy brethren
which I gat out of the hands of the Amorites with my sword and
with my bow.
Chapter .xlix.
And Iacob called for his sons and said: come together, that I may
tell you what shall happen you in the last days. Gather you
together and hear ye sons of Iacob, and hearken unto Israel your
father. Ruben, thou art mine eldest son, my might and the
beginning of my strength, chief in receiving and chief in power.
As unstable as water wast thou: thou shalt therefore not be the
chiefest, for thou wentest up upon thy father's bed, and then
defiledest thou my couch with going up. The brethren Simeon and
Levi, wicked instruments are their weapons. Into their secrets
come not my soul, and unto their congregation be my honour not
coupled: for in their wrath they slew a man, and in their self
will they houghed an ox. Cursed be their wrath for it was strong,
and their fierceness for it was cruel. I will therefore divide
them in Iacob, and scatter them in Israel. Iuda, thy brethren
shall praise thee, and thine hand shall be in the neck of thine
enemies, and thy father's children shall stoop unto thee. Iuda is
a lion's whelp. From spoil my son thou art come on high: {an hye}
he laid him down and couched himself as a lion, and as a lioness.
Who dare stir him up? The sceptre shall not depart from Iuda, nor
a ruler from between his legs, until Silo come, unto whom the
people shall hearken. He shall bind his foal unto the vine, and
his ass's colt unto the vine branch, and shall wash his garment in
wine and his mantle in the blood of grapes: his eyes are roudier
than wine, and his teeth whiter then milk. Zabulon shall dwell in
the haven of the sea and in the port of ships, and shall reach
unto Sidon. Isachar is a strong ass, he couched him down between
two borders, and saw that rest was good and the land that it was
pleasant, and bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a servant
unto tribute. Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of
Israel. Dan shall be a serpent in the way, and an adder in the
path, and bite the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall
backward. After thy saving look I, LORD. Gad, men of war shall
invade him. And he shall turn them to flight. Of Asser cometh fat
bread, and he shall give pleasures for a king. Nephtali is a swift
hind, and giveth goodly words. That flourishing child Ioseph, that
flourishing child and goodly unto the eye: the daughters come
forth to bear rule. {ran upon the wall.} The shooters have envied
him and chide with him and hated him, and yet his bow bode fast,
and his arms and his hands were strong, by the hands of the mighty
God of Iacob: out of him shall come an herdman, a stone in Israel.
Thy father's God shall help thee, and the almighty shall bless
thee with blessings from heaven above, and with blessings of the
water that lieth under, and with blessings of the breasts and of
the womb. The blessings of thy father were strong: even as the
blessings of my elders, after the desire of the highest {hiest} in
the world, and these blessings shall fall on the head of Ioseph,
and on the top of the head of him that was separated from his
brethren. Ben Iamin is a ravishing wolf. In the morning he shall
devour his prey, and at night he shall divide his spoil. All these
are the twelve tribes of Israel, and this is that which their
father spake unto them when he blessed them, every man with a
several blessing. And he charged them and said unto them. I shall
be put unto my people: see that ye bury me with my fathers, in the
cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hethite, in the double
cave that is in the field before Mamre in the land of Canaan.
Which field Abraham bought of Ephron the Hethite for a possession
to bury in. There they buried Abraham and Sara his wife, there
they buried Isaac and Rebecca his wife. And there I buried Lea:
which field and the cave that is therein, was bought of the
children of Heth. When Iacob had commanded all that he would unto
his sons, he plucked up his feet upon the bed and died, and was
put unto his people;
Chapter .l.
And Ioseph fell upon his father's face, and wept upon him, and
kissed him. And Ioseph commanded his servants that were
Physicians, to embalm his father, and the Physicians embalmed
Israel forty days long, for so long doth the embalming last, and
the Egyptians bewept him seventy days. And when the days of
weeping were ended, Ioseph spake unto the house of Pharao saying:
If I have found favour in your eyes, speak unto Pharao and tell
him, how that my father made me swear and said: lo, I die, see
that thou bury me in my grave which I have made me in the land of
Canaan. Now therefore let me go and bury my father, and then will
I come again. And Pharao said, go and bury thy father, according
as he made thee swear. And Ioseph went up to bury his father, and
with him went all the servants of Pharao that were the elders of
his house, and all the elders of Egypt, and all the house of
Ioseph and his brethren and his father's house: only their
children and their sheep and their cattle left they behind them in
the land of Gosan. And there went with him also Chariots and
horsemen: so that they were an exceeding great company. And when
they came to the field of Atad beyond Iordan, there they made
great and exceeding sore lamentation. And he mourned for his
father seven days. When the inhabiters of the land the Cananites
saw the mourning in the field of Atad, they said: this is a great
mourning which the Egyptians make. Wherefore the name of the place
is called Abel mizraim, which place lieth beyond Iordan. And his
sons did unto him according as he had commanded them. And his sons
carried him into the land of Canaan and buried him in the double
cave which Abraham had bought with the field to be a place to bury
in, of Ephron the Hethite before Mamre. And Ioseph returned to
Egypt again and his brethren, and all that went up with him to
bury his father, as soon as he had buried him. When Ioseph's
brethren saw that their father was dead, they said: Ioseph might
fortune to hate us and reward us again all the evil which we did
unto him. They did therefore a commandment unto Ioseph saying: thy
father charged before his death saying: This wise say unto Ioseph,
forgive I pray thee the trespass of thy brethren and their sin,
for they rewarded thee evil. Now therefore we pray thee, forgive
the trespass of the servants of thy father's God. And Ioseph wept
when they spake unto him. And his brethren came and fell before
him and said: behold we be thy servants. And Ioseph said unto
them: fear not, for am not I under God? Ye thought evil unto me:
but God turned it unto good to bring to pass, as it is this day,
even to save much people alive. Fear not therefore, for I will
care for you and for your children, and he spake kindly unto them.
Ioseph dwelt in Egypt and his father's house also, and lived an
hundred and ten years. And Ioseph saw Ephraim's children, even
unto the third generation. And unto Machir the son of Manasse were
children born, and sat on Ioseph's knees. And Ioseph said unto his
brethren: I die; And God will surely visit you and bring you out
of this land, unto the land which he sware unto Abraham, Isaac and
Iacob. And Ioseph took an oath of the children of Israel and said:
God will not fail but visit you: see therefore that ye carry my
bones hence. And so Ioseph died, when he was an hundred and ten
years old. And they embalmed him and put him in a chest in Egypt.
The end of the first book of Moses.
Chapter .j.
These are the names of the children of Israel, which came to Egypt
with Iacob, every man with his household: Ruben, Simeon, Levi,
Iuda, Isachar, Zabulon, Ben Iamin, Dan, Nephtali, Gad and Aser.
All the souls that came out of the loins of Iacob, were seventy,
and Ioseph was in Egypt already. When Ioseph was dead and all his
brethren and all that generation: the children of Israel grew,
increased, multiplied and waxed exceeding mighty: so that the land
was full of them. Then there rose up a new king in Egypt which
knew not Ioseph. And he said unto his folk: behold the people of
the children of Israel are more and mightier than we. Come on, let
us play wisely with them: lest they multiply, and then (if there
chance any war) they join them selves unto our enemies and fight
against us, and so get them out of the land. And he set
taskmasters over them, to keep them under with burthens. And they
built unto Pharao treasure cities: Phiton and Raamses. But the
more they vexed them, the more they multiplied and grew: so that
they abhorred the children of Israel. And the Egyptians held the
children of Israel in bondage without mercy, and made their lives
bitter unto them with cruel labour in clay and brick, and all
manner work in the fields, and in all manner of service, which
they caused them to work cruelly. And the king of Egypt said unto
the midwives of the Hebrews' women, of which the one's name was
Sephora and the other Phua: when ye midwife the women of the
Hebrews and see in the birth time that it is a boy, kill it. But
if it be a maid, let it live. Notwithstanding the midwives feared
God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them: but saved
the men children. Then the king of Egypt called for the midwives
and said unto them: why have ye dealt on this manner and have
saved the men children? And the midwives answered Pharao, that the
Hebrews' women were not as the women of Egypt: but were sturdy
women, and were delivered yer the midwives came at them. And God
therefore dealt well with the midwives. And the people multiplied
and waxed very mighty. And because the midwives feared God, he
made them houses. Then Pharao charged all his people saying: All
the men children that are born, cast into the river and save the
maid children alive.
Chapter .ij.
And there went a man of the house of Levi and took a daughter of
Levi. And the wife conceived and bare a son. And when she saw that
it was a proper child, she hid him three months long. And when she
could no longer hide him, she took a basket of bulrushes and
daubed it with slime and pitch, and laid the child therein, and
put it in the flags by the river's brink. And his sister stood
afar off, to wete what would come of it. And the daughter of
Pharao came down to the river to wash herself, and her maidens
walked along by the river's side. And when she saw the basket
among the flags, she sent one of her maids and caused it to be
fetched. And when she had opened it she saw the child, and behold,
the babe wept. And she had compassion on it and said: it is one of
the Hebrew's children. Then said his sister unto Pharao's
daughter: shall I go and call unto thee a nurse of the Hebrew's
women, to nurse the child? And the maid ran and called the child's
mother. Then Pharao's daughter said unto her. Take this child away
and nurse it for me, and I will reward thee for thy labour. And
the woman took the child and nursed it up. And when the child was
grown, she brought it unto Pharao's daughter, and it was made her
son, and she called it Moses, because (said she) I took him out of
the water. And it happened in these days when Moses was waxed
great, that he went out unto his brethren and looked on their
burthens, and spied an Egyptian smiting one of his brethren an
Hebrew. And he looked round about: and when he saw that there was
no man by, he slew the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. And he
went out another day: and behold, two Hebrews strove together. And
he said unto him that did the wrong: wherefore smitest thou thine
neighbour? And he answered: who hath made thee a ruler or a judge
over us? Intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian?
Then Moses feared and said: of a surety the thing is known. And
Pharao heard of it and went about to slay Moses: but he fled from
Pharao and dwelt in the land of Madian, and he sat down by a
well's side. The priest of Madian had seven daughters which came
and drew water and filled the troughs, for to water their father's
sheep. And the shepherds came and drove them away: But Moses stood
up and helped them and watered their sheep. And when they came to
Raguel their father, he said: how happeneth it that ye are come so
soon today? And they answered: there was an Egyptian that
delivered us from the shepherds, and so drew us water and watered
the sheep. And he said unto his daughters: where is he? why have
ye left the man? Go call him that he may eat bread. And Moses was
content to dwell with the man. And he gave Moses Zephora his
daughter which bare a son, and he called him Gerson: for he said.
I have been a stranger in a strange land. [And she bare yet
another son, whom he called Elieser saying: the God of my father
is mine helper, and hath rid me out of the hands of Pharao.] And
it chanced in process of time, that the king of Egypt died, and
the children of Israel sighed by the reason of labour, and cried.
And their complaint came up unto God from the labour. And God
remembered his promise with Abraham, Isaac and Iacob. And God
looked upon the children of Israel and knew them.
Chapter .iij.
Moses kept the sheep of Iethro his father-in-law priest of Madian,
and he drove the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to
the mountain of God, Horeb. And the angel of the LORD appeared
unto him in a flame of fire out of a bush. And he perceived that
the bush burned with fire, and consumed not. Then Moses said: I
will go hence and see this great sight, how it cometh that the
bush burneth not. And when the LORD saw that he came for to see,
he called unto him out of the bush and said: Moses Moses; And he
answered: here am I. And he said: come not hither, but put thy
shoes off thy feet: for the place whereon thou stondest is holy
ground. And he said: I am the God of thy father, the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob. And Moses hid his
face, for he was afraid to look upon God. Then the LORD said: I
have surely seen the trouble of my people which are in Egypt, and
have heard their cry, which they have of their taskmasters. For I
know their sorrow, and am come down to deliver them out of the
hands of the Egyptians, and to bring them out of that land unto a
good land and a large, and unto a land that floweth with milk and
honey: even unto the place of the Cananites, Hethites, Amorites,
Pherezites, Hevites, and of the Iebusites. Now therefore behold,
the complaint of the children of Israel is come unto me and I have
also seen the oppression, wherewith the Egyptians oppress them.
But come, I will send thee unto Pharao, that thou mayst bring my
people the children of Israel out of Egypt. And Moses said unto
God: what, am I to go to Pharao and to bring the children of
Israel out of Egypt? And he said: I will be with thee. And this
shall be a token unto thee that I have sent thee: after that thou
hast brought the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this
mountain. Then said Moses unto God: when I come unto the children
of Israel and say unto them, the God of your fathers hath sent me
unto you, and they say unto me, what is his name, what answer
shall I give them? Then said God unto Moses: I will be what I will
be: and he said, this shalt thou say unto the children of Israel:
I will be did send me to you. And God spake further unto Moses:
thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel: the LORD God of
your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of
Iacob hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is
my memorial thorowout all generations. Go therefore and gather the
elders of Israel together and say unto them: the LORD God of your
fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of
Iacob, appeared unto me and said: I have been and seen both you
and that which is done to you in Egypt. And I have said it, that I
will bring you out of the tribulation of Egypt unto the land of
the Cananites, Hethites, Amorites, Pherezites, Hevites and
Iebusites: even a land that floweth with milk and honey. If it
come to pass that they hear thy voice, then go, both thou and the
elders of Israel unto the king of Egypt, and say unto him: The
LORD God of the Hebrews hath met with us: Let us go therefore
three days' journey into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice
unto the LORD our God. Notwithstanding I am sure that the king of
Egypt will not let you go, except it be with a mighty hand: yea
and I will therefore stretch out mine hand, and smite Egypt with
all my wonders which I will do therein. And after that he will let
you go. And I will get this people favour in the sight of the
Egyptians: so that when ye go, ye shall not go empty: but every
wife shall borrow of her neighbouress and of her that sojourneth
in her house, jewels of silver and of gold and raiment. And ye
shall put them on your sons and daughters, and shall rob the
Chapter .iiij.
Moses answered and said: See, they will not believe me nor hearken
unto my voice: but will say, the LORD hath not appeared unto thee.
Then the LORD said unto him: what is that in thine hand? and he
said, a rod. And he said, cast it on the ground, and it turned
unto a serpent. And Moses ran away from it. And the LORD said unto
Moses: put forth thine hand and take it by the tail. And he put
forth his hand and caught it, and it became a rod again in his
hand, that they may believe that the LORD God of their fathers,
the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob hath
appeared unto thee. And the LORD said furthermore unto him: thrust
thine hand into thy bosom. And he thrust his hand into his bosom
and took it out. And behold, his hand was leprous even as snow.
And he said: put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put his
hand into his bosom again, and plucked it out of his bosom, and
behold, it was turned again as his other flesh. If they will not
believe thee neither hear the voice of the first token: yet will
they believe the voice of the second token. But and if they will
not believe the two signs neither hearken unto thy voice, then
take of the water of the river and pour it upon the dry land. And
the water which thou takest out of the river shall turn to blood
upon the dry land. And Moses said unto the LORD: Oh my Lord. {the
Lorde: oh my Lorde.} I am not eloquent, no not in times past and
namely since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow
mouthed and slow tongued. And the LORD said unto him: who hath
made man's mouth, or who hath made the dumb or the deaf, the
seeing or the blind? have not I the LORD? Go therefore and I will
be with thy mouth and teach thee what thou shalt say. And he said:
Oh my Lord, {Lorde} {|LORDE|} send I pray thee whom thou wilt. And
the LORD was angry with Moses and said: I know Aaron thy brother
the Levite that he can speak. And moreover behold, he cometh out
against {to meet} thee, and when he seeth thee, he will be glad in
his heart. And thou shalt speak unto him and put the words in his
mouth, and I will be with thy mouth and with his mouth, and will
teach you what ye shall do. And he shall be thy spokesman unto the
people: he shall be thy mouth, and thou shalt be his God: and take
this rod in thy hand, wherewith thou shalt do miracles. And Moses
went and returned to Iethro his father-in-law again and said unto
him: let me go (I pray thee) and turn again unto my brethren which
are in Egypt, that I may see whether they be yet alive. And Iethro
said to Moses: go in peace. And the LORD said unto Moses in
Madian: return again into Egypt for they are dead which went about
to kill thee. And Moses took his wife and his sons and put them on
an ass, and went again to Egypt, and took the rod of God in his
hand. And the LORD said unto Moses: when thou art come into Egypt
again, see that thou do all the wonders before Pharao which I have
put in thy hand: but I will harden his heart, so that he shall not
let the people go. And tell Pharao, thus sayeth the LORD: Israel
is mine eldest son, and therefore sayeth unto thee: let my son go,
that he may serve me. If thou wilt not let him go: behold, I will
slay thine eldest son. And it chanced by the way in the inn, that
the LORD met him and would have killed him. Then Zepora took a
stone and circumcised her son, and fell at his feet, and said: a
bloody husband art thou unto me. And he let him go. She said a
bloody husband, because of the circumcision. Then said the LORD
unto Aaron: go meet Moses in the wilderness. And he went and met
him in the mount of God and kissed him. And Moses told Aaron all
the words of the LORD which he had sent by him, and all the tokens
which he had charged him withal. So went Moses and Aaron and
gathered all the elders of the children of Israel. And Aaron told
all the words which the LORD had spoken unto Moses, and did the
miracles in the sight of the people, and the people believed. And
when they heard that the LORD had visited the children of Israel
and had looked upon their tribulation, they bowed them selves, and
Chapter .v.
Then Moses and Aaron went and told Pharao, thus sayeth the LORD
God of Israel. Let my people go, that they may keep holy day unto
me in the wilderness. And Pharao answered: what fellow is the
LORD, that I should hear his voice for to let Israel go? I know
not the LORD, neither will let Israel go. And they said: the God
of the Hebrews hath met with us: let us go (we pray thee) three
days' journey into the desert, that we may sacrifice unto the LORD
our God: lest he smite us either with pestilence or with sword.
Then said the king of Egypt unto them: wherefore do ye, Moses and
Aaron, let the people from their work, get you unto your labour.
And Pharao said furthermore: behold, there is much people in the
land, and ye make them play and let their work stond. And Pharao
commanded the same day unto the taskmasters over the people and
unto the officers saying: see that ye give the people no more
straw to make brick withal, as ye did in time past: let them go
and gather them straw them selves, and the number of bricks which
they were wont to make in time past, lay unto their charge also,
and minish nothing thereof. For they be idle and therefore cry
saying: let us go and do sacrifice unto our God. They must have
more work laid upon them, that they may labour therein, and then
will they not turn them selves to false words. Then went the
taskmasters of the people and the officers out and told the people
saying: Thus sayeth Pharao: I will give you no more straw, but go
your selves and gather you straw where ye can find it, yet shall
none of your labour be minished. Then the people scattered abroad
thorowout all the land of Egypt for to gather them stubble to be
instead of straw. And the taskmasters hasted them forward saying:
fulfil your work day by day, even as when straw was given you. And
the officers of the children of Israel which Pharao's taskmasters
had set over them, were beaten. And it was said unto them:
wherefore have ye not fulfilled your task in making brick, both
yesterday and today, as well as in times past? Then went the
officers of the children of Israel and complained unto Pharao
saying: wherefore dealest thou thus with thy servants? there is no
straw given unto thy servants, and yet they say unto us: make
brick. And lo, thy servants are beaten, and thy people is foul
entreated. And he answered: idle are ye idle, and therefore ye
say: let us go and do sacrifice unto the LORD. Go therefore and
work, for there shall no straw be given you, and yet see that ye
deliver the hole tale of brick. When the officers of the children
of Israel saw themself in shrewd case (in that he said ye shall
minish nothing of your daily making of brick) then they met Moses
and Aaron stonding in their way as they came out from Pharao, and
said unto them: The LORD look unto you and judge, for ye have made
the savour of us stink in the sight of Pharao and of his servants,
and have put a sword into their hands to slay us. Moses returned
unto the LORD {Lorde} {|LORDE|} and said: Lord {|LORDE|} wherefore
dealest thou cruelly with this people: and wherefore hast thou
sent me? For since I came to Pharao to speak in thy name, he hath
fared foul with this folk, and yet thou hast not delivered thy
people at all;
Chapter .vi.
Then the LORD said unto Moses. Now shalt thou see what I will do
unto Pharao, for with a mighty hand shall he let them go, and with
a mighty hand shall he drive them out of his land. And God spake
unto Moses saying unto him: I am the LORD, and I appeared unto
Abraham, Isaac and Iacob an almighty God: but in my name Iehouah
was I not known unto them. Moreover I made an appointment with
them to give them the land of Canaa: the land of their pilgrimage
wherein they were strangers. And I have also heard the groaning of
the children of Israel, because the Egyptians keep them in
bondage, and have remembered my promise. Wherefore say unto the
children of Israel: I am the LORD, and will bring you out from
under the burdens of the Egyptians, and will rid you out of their
bondage, and will deliver you with a stretched out arm and with
great judgements. And I will take you for my people and will be to
you a God. And ye shall know that I am the LORD your God which
brings you out from under the burthens of the Egyptians. And I
will bring you unto the land over the which I did lift up my hand
to give it unto Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, and will give it unto
you for a possession: even I the LORD. And Moses told the children
of Israel even so: But they hearkened not unto Moses for anguish
of spirit and for cruel bondage. And the LORD spake unto Moses
saying: Go and bid Pharao king of Egypt, that he let the children
of Israel go out of his land. And Moses spake before the LORD
saying: behold, the children of Israel hearken not unto me, how
then shall Pharao hear me: seeing that I have uncircumcised lips.
And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron and gave them a charge
unto the children of Israel and unto Pharao king of Egypt: to
bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt. These be
the heads of their father's houses. The children of Ruben the
eldest son of Israel are these: Hanoh, Pallu, Hezron, Charmi,
these be the householders of Ruben. The children of Simeon are
these: Gemuel, Iamin, Ohad, Iachin, Zohar, and Saul the son of a
Cananitish wife: these are the kindreds of Simeon. These are the
names of the children of Levi in their generations: Gerson, Kahath
and Merari. And Levi lived an hundred and thirty seven years. The
sons of Gerson: Libni and Semei in their kindreds. The children of
Kahath: Amram, Iesear, Hebron and Usiel. And Kahath lived an
hundred and thirty three years. The children of Merari are these:
Maheli and Musi: these are the kindreds of Levi in their
generations. And Amram took Iochebed his niece to wife which bare
him Aaron and Moses. And Amram lived an hundred and thirty seven
years. The children of Iezear: Korah, Nepheg and Sichri. The
children of Usiel: Misael, Elzaphan and Sithri. And Aaron took
Elizaba daughter of Aminadab and sister of Nahason, to wife: which
bare him Nadab, Abehu, Eleazar and Ithamar. The children of Korah:
Assir, Elkana and Abiassaph: these are the kindreds of the
Korahites. And Eleazar Aaron's son took him one of the daughters
of Putuel to wife: which bare him Pinehas: these be the principal
fathers of the Levites in their kindreds. These are that Aaron and
Moses to whom the LORD said: carry the children of Israel out of
the land of Egypt, with their armies. These are that Moses and
Aaron which spake to Pharao king of Egypt, that they might bring
the children of Israel out of Egypt. And in the day when the LORD
spake unto Moses in the land of Egypt, he spake unto him saying, I
am the LORD, see that thou speak unto Pharao the king of Egypt all
that I say unto thee. And Moses answered before the LORD: I am of
uncircumcised lips, how shall Pharao then give me audience?
Chapter .vij.
And the LORD said unto Moses: behold, I have made thee Pharao's
God, and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. Thou shalt speak
all that I command thee and Aaron thy brother shall speak unto
Pharao: that he send the children of Israel out of his land. But I
will harden Pharao's heart, that I may multiply my miracles and my
wonders in the land of Egypt. And yet Pharao shall not hearken
unto you, that I may set mine hand upon Egypt and bring out mine
armies, even my people the children of Israel out of the land of
Egypt, with great judgements. And the Egyptians shall know that I
am the LORD when I have stretched forth my hand upon Egypt, and
have brought out the children of Israel from among them. Moses and
Aaron did as the LORD commanded them. And Moses was eighty years
old and Aaron eighty three when they spake unto Pharao. And the
LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron saying: when Pharao speaketh unto
you and sayeth: shew a wonder, then shalt thou say unto Aaron,
take the rod and cast it before Pharao, and it shall turn to a
serpent. Then went Moses and Aaron in unto Pharao, and did even as
the LORD had commanded. And Aaron cast forth his rod before Pharao
and before his servants, and it turned to a serpent. Then Pharao
called for the wise men, and enchanters of Egypt did in like
manner with their sorcery. And they cast down every man his rod,
and they turned to serpents: but Aaron's rod ate up their rods:
and yet for all that Pharao's heart was hardened, so that he
hearkened not unto them, even as the LORD had said. Then said the
LORD unto Moses: Pharao's heart is hardened, and he refuseth to
let the people go. Get thee unto Pharao in the morning, for he
will come unto the water, and stond {stode} thou upon the river's
brink against he come, and the rod which turned to a serpent take
in thine hand. And say unto him: the LORD God of the Hebrews hath
sent me unto thee saying: let my people go, that they may serve me
in the wilderness: but hitherto thou wouldest not hear. Wherefore
thus sayeth the LORD: hereby thou shalt know that I am the LORD.
Behold, I will smite with the staff that is in mine hand upon the
waters that are in the river, and they shall turn to blood. And
the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall
stink: so that it shall grieve the Egyptians to drink of the water
of the river. And the LORD spake unto Moses, say unto Aaron: take
thy staff and stretch out thine hand over the waters of Egypt,
over their streams, rivers, ponds and all pools of water, that
they may be blood, and that there may be blood in all the land of
Egypt: both in vessels of wood and also of stone. And Moses and
Aaron did even as the LORD commanded. And he lift up the staff and
smote the waters that were in the river, in the sight of Pharao
and in the sight of his servants, and all the water that was in
the river, turned into blood. And the fish that was in the river
died, and the river stank: so that the Egyptians could not drink
of the water of the river. And there was blood thorowout all the
land of Egypt. And the enchanters of Egypt did likewise with their
enchantments, so that Pharao's heart was hardened and did not
regard them as the LORD had said. And Pharao turned himself and
went into his house, and set not his heart thereunto. And the
Egyptians digged round about the river for water to drink, for
they could not drink of the water of the river. And it continued a
week after that the LORD had smote the river.
Chapter .viij.
The LORD spake unto Moses: Go unto Pharao and tell him, thus
sayeth the LORD: let my people go, that they may serve me. If thou
wilt not let them go: behold I will smite all thy land with frogs.
And the river shall scrale with frogs, and they shall come up and
go into thine house and into thy chamber where thou sleepest and
upon thy bed, and into the houses of thy servants, and upon thy
people, and into thine ovens, and upon thy vitailles which thou
hast in store. And the frogs shall come upon thee and on thy
people and upon all thy servants. And the LORD spake unto Moses,
say unto Aaron: stretch forth thine hand with thy rod over the
streams, rivers, and ponds. And bring up frogs upon the land of
Egypt. And Aaron stretched his hand over the water of Egypt, and
the frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt. And the sorcerers
did likewise with their sorcery, and the frogs came up upon the
land of Egypt. Then Pharao called for Moses and Aaron and said,
pray ye unto the LORD that he may take away the frogs from me and
from my people, and I will let the people go, that they may
sacrifice unto the LORD. And Moses said unto Pharao: Appoint thou
the time unto me, when I shall pray for thee and thy servants and
thy people, to drive away the frogs from thee and thy house, so
that they shall remain but in the river only. And he said
tomorrow. And he said: even as thou hast said, that thou mayst
know that there is none like unto the LORD our God. And the frogs
shall depart from thee and from thine houses, and from thy
servants and from thy people, and shall remain in the river only.
And Moses and Aaron went out from Pharao, and Moses cried unto the
LORD upon the appointment of frogs which he had made unto Pharao.
And the LORD did according to the saying of Moses. And the frogs
died out of the houses, courts and fields. And they gathered them
together upon heaps: so that the land stank of them. But when
Pharao saw that he had rest given him, he hardened his heart and
hearkened not unto them, as the LORD had said. And the LORD said
unto Moses: Say unto Aaron: stretch out thy rod and smite the dust
of the land that it may turn to lice in all the land of Egypt. And
they did so. And Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod and
smote the dust of the earth, and it turned to lice both in man and
beast, so that all the dust of the land turned to lice, thorowout
all the land of Egypt. And the enchanters assayed likewise with
their enchantments to bring forth lice, but they could not. And
the lice were both upon man and beast. Then said the enchanters
unto Pharao: it is the finger of God. Neverthelater Pharao's heart
was hardened and he regarded them not, as the LORD had said. And
the LORD said unto Moses: rise up early in the morning and stond
before Pharao, for he will come unto the water: and say unto him,
thus sayeth the LORD: let my people go, that they may serve me. If
thou wilt not let my people go, behold, I will send all manner
flies both upon thee and thy servants, and thy people, and into
thy houses. And the houses of the Egyptians shall be full of
flies, and the ground whereon they are. But I will separate the
same day the land of Gosan where my people are, so that there
shall no flies be there: that thou mayest know that I am the LORD
upon the earth. And I will put a division between my people and
thine. And even tomorrow shall this miracle be done. And the LORD
did even so: and there came noisome flies into the house of
Pharao, and into his servants' houses and into all the land of
Egypt: so that the land was marred with flies. Then Pharao sent
for Moses and Aaron and said: Go and do sacrifice unto your God in
the land. And Moses answered: it is not mete so to do. For we must
offer unto the LORD our God, that which is an abomination unto the
Egyptians: behold shall we sacrifice that which is an abomination
unto the Egyptians before their eyes, and shall they not stone us?
we will therefore go three days' journey into the desert and
sacrifice unto the LORD our God as he hath commanded us. And
Pharao said: I will let you go, that ye may sacrifice unto the
LORD your God in the wilderness: only go not far away, and see
that ye pray for me. And Moses said: behold, I will go out from
thee and pray unto the LORD, and the flies shall depart from
Pharao and from his servants and from his people tomorrow. But let
Pharao from henceforth deceive no more, that he would not let the
people go to sacrifice unto the LORD. And Moses went out from
Pharao and prayed unto the LORD. And the LORD did as Moses had
said, and took away the flies from Pharao and from his servants
and from his people, so that there remained not one. But for all
that, Pharao hardened his heart even then also and would not let
the people go.
Chapter .ix.
And the LORD said unto Moses: go unto Pharao and tell him, thus
sayeth the LORD God of the Hebrews: send out my people that they
may serve me. If thou wilt not let them go but wilt hold them
still: behold, the hand of the LORD shall be upon thy cattle which
thou hast in the field, upon horses, asses, camels, oxen, and
sheep, with a mighty great murrain. But the LORD shall make a
division between the beasts of the Israelites, and the beasts of
the Egyptians: so that there shall nothing die of all that
pertaineth to the children of Israel. And the LORD appointed a
time saying: tomorrow the LORD shall do this thing in the land.
And the LORD did the thing on the morrow, and all the cattle of
Egypt died: but of the cattle of the children of Israel died not
one. And Pharao sent to wete: but there was not one of the cattle
of the Israelites dead. Notwithstanding the heart of Pharao
hardened, and he would not let the people go. And the LORD said
unto Moses and Aaron: take your hands full of ashes out of the
furnace, and let Moses sprinkle it up into the air in the sight of
Pharao, and it shall turn to dust in all the land of Egypt, and
shall make swelling sores with blains both on man and beast in all
the land of Egypt. And they took ashes out of the furnace, and
stood before Pharao, and Moses sprinkled it up into the air: And
there brake out sores with blains both in man and beast: so that
the sorcerers could not stond before Moses, by the reason of
botches on the enchanters and upon all the Egyptians. But the LORD
hardened the heart of Pharao, that he hearkened not unto them, as
the LORD had said unto Moses. And the LORD said unto Moses: rise
up early in the morning and stond before Pharao and tell him, thus
sayeth the LORD God of the Hebrews: Let my people go, that they
may serve me, or else I will at this time send all my plagues upon
thine heart and upon thy servants and on thy people, that you
mayst know that there is none like me in all the earth. For now I
will stretch out my hand and will smite thee and thy people with
pestilence: so that thou shalt perish from the earth. Yet in very
deed for this cause have I stirred thee up, for to shew my power
in thee, and to declare my name thorowout all the world. If it be
so that thou stoppest my people, that thou wilt not let them go:
behold, tomorrow this time, I will send down a mighty great hail:
even such one as was not in Egypt since it was grounded unto this
time. Send therefore and fetch home thy beasts and all that thou
hast in the field. For upon all the men and beasts which are found
in the field and not brought home, shall the hail fall, and they
shall die. And as many as feared the word of the LORD among the
servants of Pharao made their servants and their beasts flee to
house: and they that regarded not the word of the LORD, left their
servants and their beasts in the field. And the LORD said unto
Moses: stretch forth thine hand unto heaven, that there may be
hail in all the land of Egypt: upon man and beast, and upon all
the herbs of the field in the field of Egypt. And Moses stretched
out his rod unto heaven, and the LORD thundered and hailed, so
that the fire ran along upon the ground. And the LORD so hailed in
the land of Egypt, that there was hail and fire mingled with the
hail, so grievous, that there was none such in all the land of
Egypt, since people inhabited it. And the hail smote in the land
of Egypt all that was in the field both man and beast. And the
hail smote all the herbs of the field and broke all the trees of
the field: only in the land of Gosan where the children of Israel
were, was there no hail. And Pharao sent and called for Moses and
Aaron, and said unto them: I have now sinned, the LORD is
righteous and I and my people are wicked. Pray ye unto the LORD,
that the thunder of God and hail may cease, and I will let you go,
and ye shall tarry no longer. And Moses said unto him: as soon as
I am out of the city, I will spread abroad my hands unto the LORD,
and the thunder shall cease, neither shall there be any more hail:
that thou mayst know, how that the earth is the LORD's. But I know
that thou and thy servants yet fear not the LORD God. The flax and
the barley were smitten, for the barley was shot up and the flax
was bolled: but the wheat and the rye were not smitten, for they
were late sown. And Moses went out of the city from Pharao and
spread abroad his hands unto the LORD, and the thunder and hail
ceased, neither rained it any more upon the earth. When Pharao saw
that the rain and the hail and thunder were ceased, he sinned
again and hardened his heart: both he and his servants. So was the
heart of Pharao hardened, that he would not let the children of
Israel go, as the LORD had said by Moses.
Chapter .x.
The LORD said unto Moses: go unto Pharao, nevertheless I have
hardened his heart and the hearts of his servants, that I might
shew these my signs amongst them, and that thou tell in the
audience of thy son and of thy son's son, the pageants which I
have played in Egypt, and the miracles which I have done among
them: that ye may know how that I am the LORD. Then Moses and
Aaron went in unto Pharao, and said unto him: Thus sayeth the LORD
God of the Hebrews: how long shall it be, or thou wilt submit
thyself unto me? Let my people go that they may serve me. If thou
wilt not let my people go: behold, tomorrow will I bring
grasshoppers into thy land, and they shall cover the face of the
earth that it can not be seen, and they shall eat the residue
which remaineth unto you and escaped the hail, and they shall eat
all your green trees upon the field, and they shall fill thy
houses and all thy servants' houses, and the houses of all the
Egyptians after such a manner: as neither thy fathers nor thy
fathers fathers have seen, since the time they were upon the earth
unto this day. And he turned himself about, and went out from
Pharao. And Pharao's servants said unto him: How long shall this
fellow thus plague us? {How long shall we be thus evilly
entreated?} Let the men go that they may serve the LORD their God,
or else wilt thou see Egypt first destroyed? And then Moses and
Aaron were brought again unto Pharao, and he said unto them: Go
and serve the LORD your God but who are they that shall go? And
Moses answered: we must go with young and old: yea and with our
sons and with our daughters, and with our sheep and oxen must we
go. For we must hold a feast unto the LORD. And he said unto them:
shall it be so? The LORD be with you, should I let you go, and
your children also? Take heed, for ye have some mischief in hand.
Nay not so: but go ye that are men and serve the LORD, for that
was your desire. And they thrust them out of Pharao's presence.
And the LORD said unto Moses: Stretch out thine hand over the land
of Egypt for grasshoppers, that they come upon the land of Egypt
and eat all the herbs of the land, and all that the hail left
untouched. And Moses stretched forth his rod over the land of
Egypt, and the LORD brought an east wind upon the land, all that
day and all night. And in the morning the east wind brought the
grasshoppers, and the grasshoppers went up over all the land of
Egypt and lighted in all quarters of Egypt very grievously: so
that before them were there no such grasshoppers, neither after
them shall be. And they covered all the face of the earth, so that
the land was dark therewith. And they ate all the herbs of the
land and all the fruits of the trees which the hail had left: so
that there was no green thing left in the trees and herbs of the
field thorow all the land of Egypt. Then Pharao called for Moses
and Aaron in haste and said: I have sinned against the LORD your
God and against you. Forgive me yet my sin only this once, and
pray unto the LORD your God that he may take away from me this
death only. And he went out from Pharao and prayed unto the LORD,
and the LORD turned the wind into a mighty strong west wind, and
it took away the grasshoppers and cast them into the reed sea: so
that there was not one grasshopper left in all the coasts of
Egypt. But the LORD hardened Pharao's heart, so that he would not
let the children of Israel go. And the LORD said unto Moses:
Stretch out thy hand unto heaven, and let there be darkness upon
the land of Egypt: even that they may feel the darkness. And Moses
stretched forth his hand unto heaven, and there was a dark mist
{thick darkness} upon all the land of Egypt three days long, so
that no man saw another, neither rose up from the place where he
was by the space of three days, but all the children of Israel had
light where they dwelled. Then Pharao called for Moses and said:
go and serve the LORD, only let your sheep, and your oxen abide,
but let your children go with you. And Moses answered: thou must
give us also offerings and burnt offerings for to sacrifice unto
the LORD our God. Our cattle therefore shall go with us, and there
shall not one hoof be left behind, for thereof must we take to
serve the LORD our God. Moreover we can not know wherewith we
shall serve the LORD, until we come thither. But the LORD hardened
Pharao's heart, so that he would not let them go. And Pharao said
unto him: get thee from me and take heed to thyself that thou see
my face no more. For whensoever thou comest in my sight, thou
shalt die. And Moses said: Let it be as thou hast said: I will see
thy face no more.
Chapter .xi.
And the LORD said unto Moses: yet will I bring one plague more
upon Pharao and upon Egypt, and after that he will let you go
hence. And when he letteth you go, he shall utterly drive you
hence. But bid the people that every man borrow of his neighbour
and every woman of her neighbouress: jewels of silver and jewels
of gold. And the LORD gat the people favour in the sight of the
Egyptians. Moreover Moses was very great in the land of Egypt:
both in the sight of Pharao, and also in the sight of the people.
And Moses said: thus sayeth the LORD. About midnight will I go out
among the Egyptians, and all the firstborn in the land of Egypt
shall die: even from the firstborn of Pharao that sitteth on his
seat, unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is in the mill,
and all the firstborn of the cattle. And there shall be a great
cry thorowout all the land of Egypt: so that there was never none
like nor shall be. And among all the children of Israel shall not
a dog move his tongue, nor yet man or beast: that ye may know, how
the LORD putteth a difference between the Egyptians and Israel.
And all these thy servants shall come down unto me, and fall
before me and say: get thee out and all the people that are under
thee, and then will I depart. And he went out from Pharao in a
great anger. And the LORD said unto Moses: Pharao shall not regard
you, that many wonders may be wrought in the land of Egypt. And
Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharao. But the LORD
hardened Pharao's heart, so that he would not let the children of
Israel go out of his land.
Chapter .xij.
And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt
saying: This month shall be your chief month: even the first month
of the year shall it be unto you. Speak ye unto all the fellowship
of Israel saying: that they take the tenth day of this month to
every household, a sheep. If the household be too few for a sheep,
then let him and his neighbour that is next unto this house, take
according to the number of souls, and count unto a sheep according
to every man's eating. A sheep without spot and a male of one year
old shall it be, and from among the lambs and the goats shall ye
take it. And ye shall keep him in ward, until the fourteenth day
of the same month. And every man of the multitude of Israel shall
kill him about even. And they shall take of the blood and strike
on the two side posts and on the upper doorpost of the houses,
wherein they eat him. And they shall eat the flesh the same night,
roast with fire, and with unleavened bread, and with sour herbs
they shall eat it. See that ye eat not thereof sodden in water,
but roast with fire: both head, feet, and purtenance together. And
see that ye let nothing of it remain unto the morning: if ought
remain burn it with fire. Of this manner shall ye eat it: with
your loins girded, and shoes on your feet, and your staves in your
hands. And ye shall eat it in haste, for it is the LORD's
passover, for I will go about in the land of Egypt this same
night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both
of man and beast, and upon all the gods of Egypt will I the LORD
do execution. And the blood shall be unto you a token upon the
houses wherein ye are, for when I see the blood, I will pass over
you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I
smite the land of Egypt. And this day shall be unto you a
remembrance, and ye shall keep it holy unto the LORD: even
thorowout your generations after you shall ye keep it holy day,
that it be a custom for ever. Seven days shall ye eat unleavened
bread, so that even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of
your houses. For whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first
day until the seventh day, that soul shall be plucked out from
Israel. The first day shall be a holy feast unto you, and the
seventh also. There shall be no manner of work done in them, save
about that only which every man must eat: that only may ye do. And
see that ye keep you to unleavened bread. For upon that same day I
will bring your armies out of the land of Egypt, therefore ye
shall observe this day and all your children after you, that it be
a custom for ever. The first month and the fourteenth day of the
month at even, ye shall eat sweet bread unto the twenty first day
of the month at even again. Seven days see that there be no
leavened bread found in your houses. For whosoever eateth leavened
bread, that soul shall be rooted out from the multitude of Israel:
whether he be a stranger or born in the land. Therefore see that
ye eat no leavened bread, but in all your habitations eat sweet
bread. And Moses called for the elders of Israel and said unto
them: choose out and take to every household a sheep, and kill
passover. And take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that
is in the basin, and strike it upon the upper post and on the two
side posts, and see that none of you go out at the door of his
house until the morning. For the LORD will go about and smite
Egypt. And when he seeth the blood upon the upper door post and on
the two side posts, he will pass over the door and will not suffer
the destroyer to come into your house to plague you. Therefore see
that thou observe this thing, that it be an ordinance to thee, and
thy sons for ever. And when ye be come into the land which the
LORD will give you according as he hath promised, see that ye keep
this service. And when your children ask you what manner of
service is this ye do. Ye shall say: it is the sacrifice of the
LORD's passover, which passed over the houses of the children of
Israel in Egypt, as he smote the Egyptians and saved our houses.
Then the people bowed them selves and worshipped. And the children
of Israel went and did as the LORD had commanded Moses and Aaron.
And at midnight the LORD smote all the firstborn in the land of
Egypt: from the firstborn of Pharao that sat on his seat, unto the
firstborn of the captive that was in prison, and all firstborn of
the cattle. Then Pharao arose the same night and all his servants
and all the Egyptians, and there was a great crying thorowout
Egypt, for there was no house where there was not one dead. And he
called unto Moses and Aaron by night saying: Rise up, and get you
out from among my people: both ye and also the children of Israel,
and go and serve the LORD as ye have said. And take your sheep and
your oxen with you as ye have said, and depart and bless me also.
And the Egyptians were fierce upon the people and made haste to
send them out of the land: for they said: we be all dead men. And
the people took the dough before it was soured which they had in
store, and bound it in cloths, and put it upon their shoulders.
And the children of Israel did according to the saying of Moses:
and they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of
gold, and raiment. And the LORD gat the people favour in the sight
of the Egyptians: and so they borrowed and robbed the Egyptians.
Thus took the children of Israel their journey from Rameses to
Sucoth six hundred thousand men of foot, beside children. And much
common people went also with them, and sheep, and oxen, and cattle
exceeding much. And they baked sweet cakes of the dough which they
brought out of Egypt, for it was not soured: because they were
thrust out of Egypt and could not tarry, neither had they prepared
them any other provision of meat. And the time of the dwelling of
the children of Israel which they dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred
and thirty years. And when the four hundred and thirty years were
expired, even the self same day departed all the hosts of the LORD
out of the land of Egypt. This is a night to be observed to the
LORD, because he brought them out of the land of Egypt. This is a
night of the LORD, to be kept of all the children of Israel and of
their generations after them. And the LORD said unto Moses and
Aaron: this is the manner of passover: there shall no stranger eat
thereof, but all the servants that are bought for money shall ye
circumcise, and then let them eat thereof. A stranger and a hired
servant shall not eat thereof. In one house shall it be eaten. Ye
shall carry none of the flesh out at the doors: moreover, see that
ye break not a bone thereof. All the multitude of the children of
Israel shall observe it. If a stranger dwell among you, and will
hold Passover unto the LORD, let him circumcise all that be males,
and then let him come and observe it, and be taken as one that is
born in the land. No uncircumcised person shall eat thereof. One
manner of law shall be unto them that are born in the land, and
unto the strangers that dwell among you. And all the children of
Israel did as the LORD commanded Moses and Aaron. And even the
self same day did the LORD bring the children of Israel out of the
land of Egypt with their armies.
Chapter .xiij.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: Sanctify unto me all the
firstborn that open all manner matrices among the children of
Israel, as well of men as of beasts: for they are mine. And Moses
said unto the people: think on this day in which ye came out of
Egypt and out of the house of bondage: for with a mighty hand the
LORD brought you out from thence. See therefore that ye eat no
leavened bread. This day come ye out of Egypt in the month of
Abib. When the LORD hath brought thee in to the land of the
Cananites, Hethites, Amorites, Hevites and Iebusites, which he
sware unto thy fathers that he would give thee: a land wherein
milk and honey floweth, then see that thou keep this service in
this same month. Seven days thou shalt eat sweet bread, and the
seventh day shall be feastful unto the LORD. Therefore thou shalt
eat sweet bread seven days, and see that there be no leavened
bread seen nor yet leaven among you in all your quarters. And thou
shalt shew thy son at that time saying: this is done, because of
that which the LORD did unto me when I came out of Egypt.
Therefore it shall be a sign unto thee upon thine hand and a
remembrance between thine eyes, that the LORD's law may be in thy
mouth. For with a strong hand the LORD brought thee out of Egypt,
see thou keep therefore this ordinance in his season from year to
year. Moreover when the LORD hath brought thee into the land of
the Cananites, as he hath sworn unto thee and to thy fathers, and
hath given it thee, then thou shalt appoint unto the LORD all that
openeth the matrice, and all the firstborn among the beasts which
thou hast if they be males. And all the firstborn of the asses,
thou shalt redeem with a sheep: if thou redeem him not, then break
his neck. But all the firstborn among thy children shalt thou buy
out. And when thy son asketh thee in time to come saying: what is
this? thou shalt say unto him: with a mighty hand and LORD brought
us out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. And when Pharao was
loth to let us go, the LORD slew all the firstborn in the land of
Egypt: as well the firstborn of men as of beasts. And therefore I
sacrifice unto the LORD all the males that open the matrice, but
all the firstborn of my children I must redeem. And this shall be
as a token in thine hand, and as a thing hanged up between thine
eyes: because the LORD brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand.
When Pharao had let the people go, God carried them not thorow the
land of the Philistines, though it were a nye way. For God said:
the people might haply repent when they see war, and so turn again
to Egypt: therefore God led thee about thorow the wilderness that
bordereth on the red sea. The children of Israel went harnessed
out of the land of Egypt. And Moses took the bones of Ioseph with
him: for he made the children of Israel swear saying: God will
surely visit you, take my bones therefore away hence with you. And
they took their journey from Sucoth: and pitched their tents in
Etham in the edge of the wilderness. And the LORD went before them
by day in a pillar of a cloud to lead them the way: and by night
in a pillar of fire to give them light: that they might go both by
day and night. And the pillar of the cloud never departed by day
nor the pillar of fire by night out of the people's sight.
Chapter .xiiij.
Then the LORD spake unto Moses saying: bid the children of Israel
that they turn and pitch their tents before the entering of Hiroth
between Migdol and the sea toward Baal Zephon: even before that
shall ye pitch upon the sea. For Pharao will say of the children
of Israel: they are tangled in the land, the wilderness hath shut
them in. And I will harden his heart, that he shall follow after
them, that I may get me honour upon Pharao and upon all his host,
that the Egyptians may know that I am the LORD. And they did even
so. And when it was told the king of Egypt that the people fled,
then Pharao's heart and all his servants turned unto the people
and said: why have we this done, that we have let Israel go out of
our service? and he made ready his chariots and took his people
with him and took six hundred chosen chariots and all the chariots
of Egypt and captains upon all his people. For the LORD hardened
the heart of Pharao king of Egypt, that he followed after the
children of Israel which for all that went out thorow an high
hand. And the Egyptians followed after them and overtook them
where they pitched by the sea, with all the horsses and chariots
of Pharao and with his horsemen and his host: even fast by the
entering of Hiroth before Baal Zephon. And Pharao drew nye, and
when the children of Israel lift up their eyes and saw how the
Egyptians followed after them, they were sore afraid and cried out
unto the LORD. Then said they unto Moses: were there no graves for
us in Egypt, but thou must bring us away for to die in the
wilderness? wherefore hast thou served us thus, for to carry us
out of Egypt? Did not we tell thee this in Egypt saying, let us be
in rest and serve the Egyptians? For it had been better for us to
have served the Egyptians, than for to die in the wilderness. And
Moses said unto the people: fear ye not but stond still and behold
how the LORD shall save you this day: For as ye see the Egyptians
this day, shall ye see them no more for ever till the world's end.
The LORD shall fight for you and ye shall hold your peace. The
LORD said unto Moses: wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto
the children of Israel that they go forward. But lift thou up thy
rod and stretch out thy hand over the sea and divide it asunder,
that the children of Israel may go on dry ground thorow the
middest thereof. And behold I will harden the hearts of the
Egyptians that they may follow you. And I will get me honour upon
Pharao and upon all his host, upon his chariots and upon his
horsemen. And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD when I
have gotten me honour upon Pharao, upon his chariots and upon his
horsemen. And the angel of God which went before the host of
Israel, removed and went behind them. And the clouden pillar that
was before them removed and stood behind them and went between the
host of the Egyptians and the host of Israel. It was a dark cloud,
and gave light by night: so that all the night long the one could
not come at the other. When now Moses stretched forth his hand
over the sea, the LORD carried away the sea with a strong east
wind that blew all night, and made the sea dry land and the water
divided itself. And the children of Israel went in thorow the
middest of the sea upon the dry ground. And the water was a wall
unto them, both on their right hand and on their left hand. And
the Egyptians followed and went in after them to the middest of
the sea, with all Pharao's horses, and his chariots and his
horsemen. And in the morning watch, the LORD looked unto the host
of the Egyptians out of the fiery and cloudy pillar, and troubled
their host and smote off their chariot wheels and cast them down
to the ground. Then said the Egyptians: Let us flee from Israel,
for the LORD fighteth for them against us. Then said the LORD unto
Moses: stretch out thine hand over the sea, that the water may
come again upon the Egyptians upon their chariots and horsemen.
Then stretched forth Moses his hand over the sea, and it came
again to his course early in the morning, and the Egyptians fled
against it. Thus the LORD overthrew the Egyptians in the middest
of the sea, and the water returned and covered the chariots and
the horsemen: so that of all the host of Pharao that came into the
sea after them, there remained not one. But the children of Israel
went upon dry land in the middest of the sea, and the water was a
wall unto them: both on the right hand of them and also on the
left. Thus the LORD delivered Israel the self same day out of the
hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the
sea side. And when Israel saw that mighty hand which the LORD had
shewed upon the Egyptians, they feared the LORD: and believed both
the LORD and also his servant Moses.
Chapter .xv.
Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song unto the LORD
and said: Let us sing unto the LORD, for he is become glorious,
the horse and him that rode upon him hath he overthrown in the
sea. The LORD is my strength and my song, and is become my
salvation. He is my God and I will glorify him, he is my father's
God and I will lift him up on high. {an hie} The LORD is a man of
war, Iehouah is his name: Pharao's chariots and his host hath he
cast into the sea. His jolly captains are drowned in the redde
{reed} sea, the deep waters have covered them: they sank to the
bottom as a stone. Thine hand LORD is glorious in power, thine
hand LORD hath all to dashed the enemy. And with thy great glory
thou hast destroyed thine adversaries, thou sentest forth thy
wrath and it consumed them, even as stubble. With the breath of
thine anger the water gathered together and the floods stood still
as a rock, and the deep water congealed together in the middest of
the sea. The enemy said: I will follow and overtake them, and will
divide the spoil: I will satisfy my lust upon them: I will draw my
sword, and mine hand shall destroy them. Thou blewest with thy
breath and the sea covered them, and they sank as lead in the
mighty waters. Who is like unto thee o LORD among gods: who is
like thee, so glorious in holiness, fearful, laudable and that
shewest wonders? Thou stretchedest out thy right hand, and in the
earth swallowed them. And thou carriedest with thy mercy this
people which thou deliveredest, and broughtest them with thy
strength unto thy holy habitation. The nations heard, and were
afraid, pangs came upon the Philistines. Then the dukes of the
Edomites were amazed, and trembling came upon the mightiest of the
Moabites, and all the inhabiters of Canaan waxed faint hearted.
Let fear and dread fall upon them thorow the greatness of thine
arm, and let them be as still as a stone, while thy people pass
thorow o LORD, while the people pass thorow, which thou hast
gotten. Bring them in and plant them in the mountains of thine
inheritance, the place LORD {Lorde} which thou hast made for to
dwell in, the sanctuary Lord, which thy hands have prepared. The
LORD reign ever and allway. For Pharao went in on horseback with
his chariots and horsemen into the sea, and the LORD brought the
waters of the sea upon them. And the children of Israel went on
dry land thorow the middest of the sea. And Miriam a prophetess
the sister of Aaron took a timbrel in her hand, and all the women
came out after her with timbrels in a dance. And Miriam sang
before them: sing ye unto the LORD, for he is become glorious
indeed: the horse and his rider hath he overthrown in the sea.
Moses brought Israel from the redde {reed} sea, and they went out
into the wilderness of Sur. And they went three days long in the
wilderness, and could find no water. At the last they came to
Mara: but they could not drink of the waters for bitterness, for
they were bitter. Therefore the name of the place was called Mara.
Then the people murmured against Moses, saying: what shall we
drink? And Moses cried unto the LORD, and he shewed him a tree:
{tre} and he cast it into the water, and they waxed sweet. There
he made them an ordinance and a law, and there he tempted them and
said: If ye will hearken unto the voice of the LORD your God, and
will do that which is right in his sight and will give an ear unto
his commandments, and keep all his ordinances: then will I put
none of these diseases upon thee which I brought upon the
Egyptians, for I am the LORD thy surgeon. And they came to Elim
where were twelve wells of water and seventy date trees, and they
pitched there by the water.
Chapter .xvi.
And they took their journey from Elim, and all the whole company
of the children of Israel came to the wilderness of Sin, which
lieth between Elim and Sinai: the fifteenth day of the second
month after that they were come out of the land of Egypt. And the
hole multitude of the children of Israel murmured against Moses
and Aaron in the wilderness, and said unto them: would to God we
had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat
by the flesh pots, and ate bread our bellies' full for ye have
brought us out into this wilderness to kill this hole multitude
for hunger. Then said the LORD unto Moses: behold, I will rain
bread from heaven down to you, and let the people go out, and
gather day by day, that I may prove them whether they will walk in
my law or no. The sixth day let them prepare that which they will
bring in, and let it be twice as much as they gather in daily. And
Moses and Aaron said unto all the children of Israel: at even ye
shall know that it is the LORD, which brought you out of the land
of Egypt, and in the morning ye shall see the glory of the LORD:
because he hath heard your grudgings against the LORD: for what
are we that ye should murmur against us? And moreover spake Moses:
At evening the LORD will give you flesh to eat, and in the morning
bread enough, because the LORD hath heard your murmur which ye
murmur against him: for what are we? your murmuring is not against
us, but against the LORD. And Moses spake unto Aaron: Say unto all
the company of the children of Israel, come forth before the LORD,
for he hath heard your grudgings. And as Aaron spake unto the hole
multitude of the children of Israel, they looked toward the
wilderness: and behold, the glory of the LORD appeared in a cloud.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: I have heard the murmuring
of the children of Israel, tell them therefore and say that at
evening they shall eat flesh, and in the morning they shall be
filled with bread, and ye shall know that I am the LORD your God.
And at evening the quails came and covered the ground where they
lay. And in the morning the dew lay round about the host. And when
the dew was fallen: behold, it lay upon the ground in the
wilderness, small and round and thin as the hoar frost on the
ground. When the children of Israel saw it, they said one to
another: what is this? for they wist not what it was; And Moses
said: this is the bread which the LORD hath given you to eat. This
is the thing which the LORD hath commanded, that ye gather every
man enough for him to eat: a gomer full for a man according to the
number of you, and gather every man for them which are in his
tent. And the children of Israel did even so, and gathered some
more some less, and did mete it with a gomer. And unto him that
had gathered much remained nothing over, and unto him that had
gathered little was there no lack: but every man had gathered
sufficient for his eating. And Moses said unto them: See that no
man let ought remain of it till the morning. Notwithstonding they
hearkened not unto Moses: but some of the left of it until the
mornynge, and it waxed full of worms and stank, and Moses was
angry with them. And they gathered it all mornings: every man as
much as sufficed for his eating, for as soon as the heat of the
sonne came it melted. And the sixth day they gathered twice so
much bread, two gomers for one man, and the rulers of the
multitude came and told Moses. And he said unto them: this is that
which the LORD hath said: tomorrow is the Sabbath of the holy rest
of the LORD: bake that which ye will bake and fetch that ye will
fetch, and that which remaineth lay up for you, and keep it till
the morning. And they laid it up till the morning as Moses bade,
and it stank not, neither was there any worms therein. And Moses
said: that eat this day: for today it is the LORD's Sabbath: today
ye shall find none in the field. Six days ye shall gather it, for
the seventh is the Sabbath: there shall be none therein.
Notwithstanding there went out of the people in the seventh day
for to gather: but they found none. Then the LORD said unto Moses:
how long shall it be, yer ye will keep my commandments and laws?
See because the LORD hath given you a Sabbath, therefore he giveth
you the sixth day bread for two days. Bide therefore every man at
home, and let no man go out of his place the seventh day. And the
people rested the seventh day. And the house of Israel called it
Man. And it was like unto Coriander seed and white, and the taste
of it was like unto wafers made with honey. And Moses said: this
is that which the LORD commandeth: fill a gomer of it, that it may
be kept for your children after you: that they may see the bread
wherewith he fed you in wilderness, when he had brought you out of
the land of Egypt. And Moses spake unto Aaron: take a cruse and
put a gomer full of Man therein, and lay it up before the LORD to
be kept for your children after you, as the LORD commanded Moses.
And Aaron laid it up before the testimony there to be kept. And
the children of Israel ate man forty years until they came unto a
land inhabited. And so they ate Man, even until they came unto the
borders of the land of Canaan, and a gomer is the tenth part of an
Chapter .xvij.
And all the company of the children of Israel went on their
journeys from the wilderness of Sin at the commandment of the
LORD, and pitched in Raphidim: where was no water for the people
to drink. And the people chode with Moses and said: give us water
to drink. And Moses said unto them: why chide ye with me, and
wherefore do ye tempt the LORD? There the people thirsted for
water, and murmured against Moses and said: wherefore hast thou
brought us out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our
cattle with thirst? And Moses cried unto the LORD saying, what
shall I do unto this people? they be almost ready to stone me. And
the LORD said unto Moses: go before the people, and take with thee
of the elders of Israel: and thy rod wherewith thou smotest the
river, take in thine hand and go. Behold, I will stond there
before thee upon a rock in Horeb: and thou shalt smite the rock,
and there shall come water out thereof, that the people may drink.
And Moses did even so before the elders of Israel. And he called
the name of the place: Massa and Meriba: because of the chiding of
the children of Israel, and because they tempted the LORD saying:
is the LORD among us or not? Then came Amalek and fought with
Israel in Raphidim. And Moses said unto Iosua: choose out men and
go fight with Amelech. Tomorrow I will stond on the top of the
hill and the rod of God in mine hand. And Iosua did as Moses bade
him, and fought with the Amalekites. And Moses, Aaron and Hur went
up to the top of the hill. And when Moses held up his hand, Israel
had the better. And when he let his hand down, Amelech had the
better. When Moses' hands were weary, they took a stone and put it
under him, and he sat down there on. And Aaron and Hur stayed up
his hands, the one on the one side and the other on the other
side. And his hands were steady until the son was down. And Iosua
discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of his sword. And
the LORD said unto Moses: write this for a remembrance in a book
and tell it unto Iosua, for I will put out the remembrance of
Amalek from under heaven. And Moses made an altar and called the
name of it Iehouah Nissi, {The LORD is he that exalteth, or
worketh miracles for me.} for he said: the hand is on the seat of
the LORD, that the LORD will have war with Amalek thorowout all
Chapter .xviij.
Iethro the priest of Madian Moses' father-in-law heard of all that
God had done unto Moses and to Israel his people, how that the
LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt. And he took Zippora Moses'
wife, after she was sent back, and her two sons, of which the one
was called Gerson, for he said: I have been an alien {alient} in a
strange land. And the other was called Eliesar: for the God of my
father was mine help and delivered me from the sword of Pharao.
And Iethro Moses' father-in-law came with his two sons and his
wife unto Moses into the wilderness: where he had pitched his tent
by the mount of God. And he sent word to Moses: I thy father-in-
law Iethro am come to thee, and thy wife also, and her two sons
with her. And Moses went out to meet his father-in-law and did
obeisance and kissed him, and they saluted each other and came
into the tent. And Moses told his father-in-law all that the LORD
had done unto Pharao and to the Egyptians for Israel's sake, and
all the travail that had happened them by the way, and how the
LORD had delivered them. And Iethro rejoiced over all the good
which the LORD had done to Israel, and because he had delivered
them out of the hand of the Egyptians. And Iethro said: blessed be
the LORD which hath delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians
and out of the hand of Pharao, which hath delivered his people
from under the power of the Egyptians. Now I know that the LORD is
greater than all gods, for because that they dealt proudly with
them. And Iethro Moses' father-in-law offered burnt offerings and
sacrifices unto God. And Aaron and all the elders of Israel came
to eat bread with Moses' father-in-law before God. And it chanced
on the morrow, that Moses sat to judge the people, and the people
stood about Moses from morning unto evening. When his father-in-
law saw all that he did unto the people, he said: what is this
that thou doest unto the people? why sittest thou thyself and
lettest all the people stond about thee from morning unto even?
And Moses said unto his father-in-law: because the people came
unto me to seek counsel, {councell} of God. For when they have a
matter, they come unto me, and I must judge between every man and
his neighbour, and must shew them the ordinances of God and his
laws. And his father-in-law said unto him: it is not well that
thou doest. Thou doest unwisely and also this people that is with
thee: because the thing is too grievous for thee, and thou art not
able to do it thy self alone. But hear my voice, and I will give
thee counsel, {councell} and God shall be with thee. Be thou unto
the people to Godward, and bring the causes unto God and provide
them ordinances and laws, and shew them the way wherein they must
walk and the works that they must do. Moreover seek out among all
the people, men of activity which fear God, and men that are true
and hate covetousness: and make them heads over the people,
captains over thousands, over hundreds, over fifty, and over ten.
And let them judge the people at all seasons: If there be any
great matter, let them bring that unto thee, and let them judge
all small causes them selves, and ease thy self, and let them bear
with thee. If thou shalt do this thing, then thou shalt be able to
endure that which God chargeth thee with all, and all this people
shall go to their places quietly. And Moses heard the voice of his
father-in-law, and did all that he had said, and chose active men
out of all Israel and made them heads over the people, captains
over thousands, over hundreds, over fifty and over ten. And they
judged the people at all seasons, and brought the hard causes unto
Moses: and judged all small matters them selves. And then Moses
let his father-in-law depart, and he went in to his own land.
Chapter .xix.
The third month after the children of Israel were gone out of
Egypt: the same day they came into the wilderness of Sinai. For
they were departed from Raphidim, and were come to the desert of
Sinai and had pitched their tents in the wilderness. And there
Israel pitched before the mount. And Moses went up unto God. And
the LORD called to him out of the mountain saying: thus say unto
the house of Iacob, and tell the children of Israel: Ye have seen
what I did unto the Egyptians and how I took you up upon Eagles'
wings, and have brought you unto myself. Now therefore if ye will
hear my voice and keep mine appointment: ye shall be mine own
above all nations, for all the earth is mine. Ye shall be unto me
a kingdom of priests and an holy people: these are the words which
thou shalt say unto the children of Israel. And Moses came and
called for the elders of Israel, and laid before them all these
words which the LORD had commanded him. And the people answered
all together and said: All that the LORD hath said, we will do.
And Moses brought the words of the people unto the LORD. And the
LORD said unto Moses: Lo, I will come unto thee in a thick cloud,
that the people may hear when I talk with thee, and also believe
thee for ever. And Moses shewed the words of the people unto the
LORD. And the LORD said unto Moses: Go unto the people and
sanctify them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their clothes:
that they may be ready against the third day. For the third day
the LORD will come down in the sight of all the people upon mount
Sinai. And set marks round about the people and say: beware that
ye go not up into the mount, and that ye twich not the borders of
it, for whosoever twicheth the mount, shall surely die. There
shall not an hand twich it, but that he shall either be stoned or
else shot thorow: whether it be beast or man, it shall not live,
when the horn bloweth: then let them come up in to the mountain.
And Moses went down from the mount unto the people and sanctified
them, and they washed their clothes: And he said unto the people:
be ready against the third day, and see that ye come not at your
wives. And the third day in the morning there was thunder, and
lightning and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the
horn waxed exceeding loud, and all the people that was in the host
was afraid. And Moses brought the people out of the tents to meet
with God, and they stood under the hill. And mount Sinai was
altogether on a smoke: because the LORD descended down upon it in
fire. And the smoke thereof ascended up, as it had been the smoke
of a kiln, and all the mount was exceeding fearful. And the voice
of the horn blew and waxed louder, and louder. Moses spake, and
God answered him and that with a voice. And the LORD came down
upon mount Sinai, even in the top of the hill, and called Moses up
into the top of the hill. And Moses went up. And the LORD said
unto Moses: go down and charge the people that they prease not up
unto the LORD for to see him, and so many of them perish. And let
the priests also which come to the LORD's presence, sanctify them
selves: lest the LORD smite them. Then Moses said unto the LORD:
the people can not come up in to mount Sinai, for thou chargedest
us saying: set marks about the hill and sanctify it. And the LORD
said unto him: away, and get thee down: and come up both thou and
Aaron with thee. But let not the priests and the people presume
for to come up unto the LORD: lest he smite them. And Moses went
down unto the people and told them.
Chapter .xx.
And God spake all these words and said: I am the LORD thy God,
which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt and out of the
house of bondage. Thou shalt have none other gods in my sight.
Thou shalt make thee no graven image, neither any similitude that
is in heaven above, either in the earth beneath, or in the water
that is beneath the earth. See that thou neither bow thyself unto
them neither serve them: for I the LORD thy God, am a jealous God,
and visit the sin of the fathers upon the children unto the third
and fourth generation of them that hate me: and yet shew mercy
unto thousands among them that love me and keep my commandments.
Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain, for the
LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day that thou sanctify it. Six days mayst
thou labour and do all that thou hast to do: but the seventh day
is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God, in it thou shalt do no manner
work: neither thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter, neither thy
manservant nor thy maidservant, neither thy cattle neither yet the
stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days the LORD made
both heaven and earth and the sea and all that in them is and
rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day
and hallowed it. Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days
may be long in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. Thou
shalt not kill. Thou shalt not break wedlock. Thou shalt not
steal. Thou shalt bear no false witness against thy neighbour.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house: neither shalt covet
thy neighbour's wife, his manservant, his maid, his ox, his ass or
ought that is his. And all the people saw the thunder and the
lightning and the noise of the horn, and how the mountain smoked.
And when the people saw it, they removed and stood afar off and
said unto Moses: talk thou with us and we will hear, but let not
God talk with us, lest we die. And Moses said unto the people fear
not, for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may be among
you that ye sin not. And the people stood afar off, and Moses went
into the thick cloud where God was. And the LORD said unto Moses:
thus thou shalt say unto the children of Israel: Ye have seen how
that I have talked with you from out of heaven. Ye shall not make
therefore with me gods of silver nor gods of gold: in no wise
shall ye do it. An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me and
thereon offer thy burnt offerings and thy peace offerings, and thy
sheep and thine oxen. And in all places where I shall put the
remembrance of my name, thither I will come unto thee and bless
thee. But and if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, see thou
make it not of hewed stone, for if thou lift up thy tool upon it,
thou shalt pollute it. Moreover thou shalt not go up with steps
unto mine altar, that thy nakedness be not shewed thereon.
Chapter .xxj.
These are the laws which thou shalt set before them. If thou buy a
servant that is an Hebrew, six years he shall serve, and the
seventh he shall go out free paying nothing. If he came alone, he
shall go out alone: If he came married, his wife shall go out with
him. And if his master have given him a wife and she have borne
him sons or daughters: then the wife and her children shall be her
master's and he shall go out alone. But and if the servant say I
love my master and my wife and my children, I will not go out
free. Then let his master bring him unto the Gods and set him to
the door or the doorpost, and bore his ear thorow with an nawl,
and let him be his servant forever. If a man sell his daughter to
be a servant: she shall not go out as the menservants do. If she
please not her master, so that he hath given her to no man to
wife, then shall he let her go free: to sell her unto a strange
nation shall he have no power, because he despised her. If he have
promised her unto his son to wife, he shall deal with her as men
do with their daughters. If he take him another wife, yet her
food, raiment and duty of marriage shall he not minish. If he do
not these three unto her, then shall she go out free and pay no
money. He that smiteth a man that he die, shall be slain for it.
If a man lay not await but God deliver him into his hand, then I
will point thee a place whither he shall flee. If a man come
presumptuously upon his neighbour and slay him with guile, thou
shalt take him from mine altar that he die. And he that smiteth
his father or his mother, shall die for it. He that stealeth a man
and selleth him (if it be proved upon him) shall be slain for it.
And he that curseth his father or mother, shall be put to death
for it. If men strive together and one smite another with a stone
or with his fist, so that he die not, but lieth in bed: if he rise
again and walk without upon his staff, then shall he that smote
him go quite: save only he shall bear his charges while he lay in
bed and pay for his healing. If a man smite his servant or his
maid with a staff that they die under his hand, it shall be
avenged. But and if they continue a day or two, it shall not be
avenged for they are his money. When men strive and smite a woman
with child so that her fruit depart from her and yet no misfortune
followeth: then shall he be merced, according as the woman's
husband will lay to his charge, and he shall pay as the daysmen
appoint him. But and if any misfortune follow, then shall he pay
life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot
for foot, burning for burning, wound for wound and stripe for
stripe. If a man smite his servant or his maid in the eye and put
it out, he shall let them go free for the eye's sake. Also if he
smite out his servant's or his maid's tooth, he shall let them go
out free for the tooth's sake. If an ox gore a man or a woman that
they die, then the ox shall be stoned, and his flesh shall not be
eaten: and his master shall go quite. If the ox were wont to run
at men in time past and it hath been told his master, and he hath
not kept him, but that he hath killed a man or a woman: then the
ox shall be stoned and his master shall die also. If he be set to
a sum of money, then he shall give for the deliverance of his
life, according to all that is put unto him. And whether he hath
gored a son or a daughter, he shall be served after the same
manner. But if it be a servant or a maid that the ox hath gored,
then he shall give unto their master the sum of thirty sicles, and
the ox shall be stoned. If a man open a well or dig a pit and
cover it not, but that an ox or an ass fall therein, the owner of
the pit shall make it good and give money unto their master, and
the dead beast shall be his. If one man's ox hurt another's that
he die: then they shall sell the live ox and divide the money, and
the dead ox also they shall divide. But and if it be known that
the ox hath used to push in time's past, then because his master
hath not kept him, he shall pay ox for ox, and the dead shall be
his own.
Chapter .xxij.
If a man steal an ox or sheep and kill it or sell it, he shall
restore five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep. If a
thief be found breaking up and be smitten that he die, there shall
no blood be shed for him: except the sonne be up when he is found,
then there shall be blood shed for him. A thief shall make
restitution: If he have not wherewith, he shall be sold for his
theft. If the theft be found in his hand alive (whether it be ox,
ass or sheep) he shall restore double. If a man do hurt field or
vineyard, so that he put in his beast to feed in another man's
field: of the best of his own field, and of the best of his own
vineyard, shall he make restitution. If fire break out and catch
in the thorns, so that the stacks {stoukes} of corn or the
stonding corn or field be consumed therewith: he that kindled the
fire shall make restitution. If a man deliver his neighbour money
or stuff to keep, and it be stolen out of his house: If the thief
be found, he shall pay double. If the thief be not found, then the
goodman of the house shall be brought unto the gods and swear,
whether he have put his hand unto his neighbour's good. And in all
manner of trespass, whether it be ox, ass, sheep, raiment or any
manner lost thing which another challengeth to be his, the cause
of both parties shall come before the gods. And whom the gods
condemn: the same shall pay double unto his neighbour. If a man
deliver unto his neighbour to keep, ass, ox, sheep or whatsoever
beast it be and it die or be hurt or driven away and no man see
it: then shall an oath of the LORD go between them, whether he
have put his hand unto his neighbour's good, and the owner of it
shall take the oath, and the other shall not make it good. If it
be stolen from him, then he shall make restitution unto the owner:
If it be torn with wild beasts, then let him bring record of the
tearing: and he shall not make it good. When a man borroweth ought
of his neighbour if it be hurt or else die, and if the owner
thereof be not by, he shall make it good: If the owner thereof be
by, he shall not make it good, namely if it be an hired thing and
came for hire. If a man beguile a maid that is not betrothed and
lie with her, he shall endote her and take her to his wife: If her
father refuse to give her unto him, he shall pay money according
to the dowry of virgins. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
Whosoever lieth with a beast, shall be slain for it. He that
offereth unto any gods save unto the LORD only, let him die
without redemption. Vex not a stranger neither oppress him for ye
were strangers in the land of Egypt. Ye shall trouble no widow nor
fatherless child: If ye shall trouble them: they shall cry unto
me, and I will surely hear their cry and then will my wrath wax
hot and I will kill you with sword, and your wives shall be widows
and your children fatherless. If thou lend money to any of my
people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be as an usurer unto
him, neither shalt oppress him with usury. If thou take thy
neighbour's raiment to pledge, see that thou deliver it unto him
again by that the sonne go down. For that is his coverlet only:
even the raiment for his skin wherein he sleepeth: or else he will
cry unto me and I will hear him, for I am merciful. Thou shalt not
rail upon the gods, neither curse the ruler of thy people. Thy
fruits (whether they be dry or moist) see thou keep not back. Thy
firstborn son thou shalt give me: likewise shalt thou do of thine
oxen and of thy sheep. Seven days it shall be with the dam, and
the eighth day thou shalt give it me. Ye shall be holy people unto
me, and therefore shall ye eat no flesh that is torn of beasts in
the field. But shall cast it to dogs.
Chapter .xxiij.
Thou shalt not accept a vain tale, neither shalt put thine hand
with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness. Thou shalt not
follow a multitude to do evil: neither answer in a matter of plea
that thou wouldest to follow many turn aside from the truth,
neither shalt thou paint a poor man's cause. When thou meetest
thine enemy's ox or ass going astray, thou shalt bring them to him
again. If thou see thine enemy's ass sink under his burthen, thou
shalt not pass by and let him alone: but shalt help him to lift
him up again. Thou shalt not hinder the right of the poor that are
among you in their suit. Keep thee far from a false matter, and
the Innocent and righteous see thou slay not, for I will not
justify the wicked. Thou shalt take no gifts, for gifts blind the
seeing and pervert the words of the righteous. Thou shalt not
oppress a stranger, for I know the heart of stranger, because ye
were strangers in Egypt. Six years thou shalt sow thy land and
gather in the fruits thereof: and the seventh year thou shalt let
it rest and lie still, that the poor of thy people may eat, and
what they leave, the beasts of the field shall eat: In like manner
thou shalt do with thy vineyard and thine olive trees. Six days
thou shalt do thy work and the seventh day thou shalt keep holy
day, that thine ox and thine ass may rest and the son of thy maid
and the stranger may be refreshed. And in all things that I have
said unto you be circumspect. And make no rehearsal of the names
of strange gods, neither let any man hear them out of your mouths.
Three feasts thou shalt hold unto me in a year. Thou shalt keep
the feast of sweet bread, that thou eat unleavened bread seven
days long as I commanded thee in the time appointed of the month
of Abib, for in that month thou camest out of Egypt: and see that
no man appear before me empty. And the feast of Harvest, when thou
reapest the first fruits of thy labours which thou hast sown in
the field. And the feast of ingathering, in the end of the year:
when thou hast gathered in thy labours out of the field. Three
times in a year shall all thy men children appear before the Lord
Iehouah. Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with
leavened bread: neither shall the fat of my feast remain until the
morning. The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring
into the house of the LORD thy God thou shalt also not seethe a
kid in his mother's milk. Behold, I send mine angel before thee,
to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I
have prepared. Beware of him and hear his voice and anger him not:
for he will not spare your misdeeds, yea and my name is in him.
But and if thou shalt hearken unto his voice and keep all that I
shall tell thee, then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies and an
adversary unto thine adversaries. When mine angel goeth before
thee and hath brought thee in unto the Amorites, Hethites,
Pherezites, Cananites, Hevites and Iebusites, and I shall have
destroyed them, see thou worship not their gods neither serve
them, neither do after the works of them, but overthrow them and
break down the places of them. And see that ye serve the LORD your
God, and he shall bless thy bread and thy water, and I will take
all sicknesses away from among you. Moreover there shall be no
woman childless or unfruitful in thy land, and the number of thy
days I will fulfill. I will send my fear before thee and will kill
all the people whither thou shalt go. And I will make all thine
enemies turn their backs unto thee, and I will send hornets before
thee, and they shall drive out the Hevites, the Cananites and the
Hethites before thee. I will not cast them out in one year, lest
the land grow to a wilderness: and the beasts of the field
multiply upon thee. But a little and a little I will drive them
out before thee, until thou be increased that thou mayst inherit
the land. And I will make thy coasts from the red sea unto the sea
of the Philistines and from the desert unto the river. I will
deliver the inhabiters of the land into thine hand, and thou shalt
drive them out before thee. And thou shalt make none appointment
with them nor with their gods. Neither shall they dwell in thy
land, lest they make thee sin against me: for if thou serve their
gods, it will surely be thy decay.
Chapter .xxiiij.
And he said unto Moses: come unto the LORD: both thou and Aaron,
Nadab and Abihu, and the seventy elders of Israel, and worship
afar off. And Moses went himself alone unto the LORD, but they
came not nye, neither came the people up with him. And Moses came
and told the people all the words of the LORD and all the laws.
And all the people answered with one voice and said: all the words
which the LORD hath said, will we do. Then Moses wrote all the
words of the LORD and rose up early and made an altar under the
hill, and twelve pillars according to the number of the twelve
tribes of Israel, and sent young men of the children of Israel to
sacrifice burnt offerings and to offer peace offerings of oxen
unto the LORD. And Moses took half of the blood and put it in
basins, and the other half he sprinkled on the altar. And he took
the book of the appointment and read it in the audience of the
people. And they said: All that the LORD hath said, we will do and
hear. And Moses took the blood and sprinkled it on the people and
said: behold, this is the blood of the appointment which the LORD
hath made with you upon all these words. Then went Moses and
Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and the seventy elders of Israel up, and
saw the God of Israel, and under his feet as it were a brick work
of Saphir and as it were the fashion of heaven when is clear, and
upon the nobles of the children of Israel he set not his hand. And
when they had seen God they ate and drank. And the LORD said unto
Moses: come up to me in to the hill and be there, and I will give
thee tables of stone and a law and commandments, which I have
written to teach them. Then Moses rose up and his minister Iosua,
and Moses went up into the hill of God, and said unto the elders:
tarry ye here until we come again unto you: And behold here is
Aaron and Hur with you. If any man have any matters to do, let him
come to them. When Moses was come up into the mount, a cloud
covered the hill, and the glory of the LORD abode upon mount
Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days. And the seventh day he
called unto Moses out of the cloud. And the fashion of the glory
of the LORD was like consuming fire on the top of the hill in the
sight of the children of Israel. And Moses went into the mountain.
And Moses was in the mount forty days and forty nights.
Chapter .xxv.
And the LORD talked with Moses saying: speak unto the children of
Israel that they give me an heave offering, and of every man that
giveth it willingly with his heart, ye shall take it. And this is
the heave offering which ye shall take of them: gold, silver and
brass: and Iacinth colour, scarlet, purple, byss and goat's hair:
ram's skins that are red, and the skins of taxus and sethim wood,
oil for lights, and spices for anointing oil and for sweet cense:
Onyx stones and set stones for the Ephod and for the breastlap.
And they shall make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.
And as I have shewed {And i shall shew} thee the fashion of the
habitation and of all the ornaments thereof, even so see that ye
make it in all things. And they shall make an ark of sethim wood
two cubits and an half long, a cubit and an half broad and a cubit
and an half high. And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold: both
within and without, and shalt make an high {hye} upon it a crown
of gold round about. And thou shalt cast four rings of gold for it
and put them in the four corners thereof, two rings on the one
side of it and two on the other. And thou shalt make staves of
sethim wood and cover them with gold, and put the staves in the
rings along by the sides of the ark, to bear it withal. And the
staves shall abide in the rings of the ark, and shall not be taken
away. And thou shalt put in the ark, the witness which I shall
give thee. And thou shalt make a mercy seat of pure gold two
cubits and an half long and a cubit and an half broad. And make
two cherubins of thick gold on the two ends of the mercy seat: and
set the one cherub on the one end and the other on the other end
of the mercy seat: so see that thou make them on the two ends
thereof. And the cherubins shall stretch their wings abroad over
on high, {an hye} and cover the mercy seat with their wings, and
their faces shall look one to another: even to the mercy seat
ward, shall the faces of the cherubins be. And thou shalt put the
mercy seat above upon the ark, and in the ark thou shalt put the
witness which I will give thee. There I will meet thee and will
commune {common} with thee from upon the mercy seat from between
the two cherubins which are upon the ark of witness, of all things
which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel.
Thou shalt also make a table of sethim wood of two cubits long and
one cubit broad and a cubit and an half high. And cover it with
pure gold and make thereto a crown of gold round about. And make
unto that an hoop of four fingers broad, round about. And make a
golden crown also to the hoop round about. And make for it four
rings of gold and put them in the corners that are on the four
feet thereof: even hard under the hoop shall the rings be, to put
in staves to bear the table withal. And thou shalt make staves of
sethim wood and overlay them with gold, that the table may be
borne with them. And thou shalt make his dishes, spoons, pots and
flatpieces to pour out withal, of fine gold. And thou shalt set
upon the table, shewbread before me alway. And thou shalt make a
candlestick of pure thick gold with his shaft, branches, bowls,
knops and flowers proceeding thereout. Six branches shall proceed
out of the sides of the candlestick, three out of the one side and
three out of the other. And there shall be three cups like unto
almonds with knops and flowers upon every one of the six branches
that proceed out of the candlestick: and in the candlestick self
four cups like unto almonds with their knops and flowers: that
there be a knop under every two branches of the six that proceed
out of the candlestick. And the knops and the branches shall be
altogether, one piece of pure thick gold. And thou shalt make
seven lamps and put them an high {hye} there on, to give light
unto the other side that is over against it: with snuffers and
firepans of pure gold. An hundred pound weight of fine gold shall
make it with all the apparel. And see that thou make them after
the fashion that was shewed thee in the mount.
Chapter .xxvi.
And thou shalt make an habitation with ten curtains of twined
byss, Iacinth, scarlet and purple, and shalt make them with
cherubins of broidered work. The length of a curtain shall be
twenty eight cubits, and the breadth four and they shall be all of
one measure: five curtains shall be coupled together one to
another: and the other five likewise shall be coupled together one
to another. Then shalt thou make loops of Iacinth colour, along by
the edge of the one curtain even in the selvedge of the coupling
curtain. And likewise shalt thou make in the edge of the utmost
curtain that is coupled therewith on the other side. Fifty loops
shalt thou make in the one curtain, and fifty in the edge of the
other that is coupled therewith on the other side: so that the
loops be one over against another. And thou shalt make fifty
buttons of gold, and couple the curtain together with the buttons:
that it may be an habitation. And thou shalt make eleven curtains
of goat's hair, to be a tent to cover the habitation. The length
of a curtain shall be thirty cubits, and the breadth four and they
shall be all eleven of one measure. And thou shalt couple five by
them selves, and the other six by them selves, and shalt double
the sixth in the forefront of the tabernacle. And thou shalt make
fifty loops in the edge of the utmost curtain on the one side:
even in the coupling curtain, and as many in the edge of the
coupling curtain on the other side. And thou shalt make fifty
buttons of brass and put them on the loops, and couple the tent
together withal: that there may be one tabernacle. {covering} And
the remnant that resteth in the curtains of the tent: even the
breadth of half a curtain that resteth, shall be left on the back
sides of the habitation: a cubit on the one side and a cubit on
the other side, of that, that remaineth in the length of the
curtains of the tabernacle, which shall remain of either side of
the habitation to cover it withal. And thou shalt make another
covering for the tent of rams' skins dyed red: and yet another
above all of taxus' skins. And thou shalt make boards for the
habitation of sethim wood to stond upright: ten cubits long shall
every board be, and a cubit and an half broad. Two feet shall one
board have to couple them together withal, and so thou shalt make
unto all the boards of the habitation. And thou shalt make twenty
boards for the habitation on the south side, and thou shalt make
forty sockets of silver and put them under the twenty boards: two
sockets under every board, for their two feet. In like manner in
the north side of the habitation there shall be twenty boards and
forty sockets of silver: two sockets under every board. And for
the west end of the habitation, shalt thou make six boards, and
two boards more for the two west corners of the habitation: so
that these two boards be coupled together beneath and likewise
above with clamps. And so shall it be in both the corners. And so
there shall be eight boards in all, and sixteen sockets of silver:
two sockets under every board. And thou shalt make bars of sethim
wood five for the boards of the one side of the tabernacle, and
five for the other side, and five for the boards of the west end.
And the middle bar shall go along thorow the midst {mydddes} of
the boards and bar them together from the one end unto the other.
And thou shalt cover the boards with gold and make golden rings
for them to put the bars thorow, and shalt cover the bars with
gold also. And rear up the habitation according to the fashion
thereof that was shewed thee in the mount. And thou shalt make a
vail of Iacinth, of scarlet, purple and twined byss, and shalt
make it of broidered work and full of cherubins. And hang it upon
four pillars of sethim wood covered with gold and that their knops
be covered with gold also, and stond upon four sockets of silver.
And thou shalt hang up the vail with rings, and shall bring in
within the vail, the ark of witness. And the vail shall divide the
holy from the most holy. And thou shalt put the mercy seat upon
the ark of witness in the holiest place. And thou shalt put the
table without the vail and candlestick over against the table,
upon the south side of the habitation. And put the table on the
north side. And thou shalt make an hanging for the door of the
tabernacle: of Iacinth, of scarlet, of purple and of twined byss,
wrought with needle work. And thou shalt make for the hanging,
five pillars of sethim wood, and cover both them and their knops
with gold, and shalt cast five sockets of brass for them.
Chapter .xxvij.
And thou shalt make an altar of sethim wood: five cubits long and
five cubits broad, that it be foursquare, and three cubits high.
And make it horns proceeding out in the four corners of it, and
cover it with brass. And make his ashpans, shovels, basins,
fleshhooks, firepans and all the apparel thereof, of brass: after
the fashion of a net, and put upon the net four rings: even in the
four corners of it, and put it beneath under the compass of the
altar, and let the net reach unto the one half of the altar; And
make staves for the altar of sethim wood, and cover them with
brass, and let them be put in rings along by the sides of the
altar, to bear it withal. And make the altar hollow with boards:
even as it was shewed thee in the mount, so let them make it. And
thou shalt make a court unto the habitation, which shall have in
the south side hangings of twined byss, being an hundred cubits
long, and twenty pillars thereof with their twenty sockets of
brass: but the knops of the pillars and their hoops shall be
silver. In like wise on the north side there shall be hangings of
an hundred cubits long and twenty pillars with their sockets of
brass, and the knops and the hoops of silver. And in the breadth
of the court westward, there shall be hangings of fifty cubits
long, and ten pillars with their ten sockets. And in the breadth
of the court eastward toward the rising of the son, shall be
hangings of fifty cubits. Hangings of fifteen cubits in the one
side of it with three pillars, and three sockets: and likewise on
the other side shall be hangings of fifteen cubits with three
pillars and three sockets. And in the gate of the court shall be a
vail of twenty cubits: of jacinth, scarlet, purple and twined byss
wrought with needle work, and four pillars with their four
sockets. All the pillars round about the court shall be hooped
with silver, and their knops of silver, and their sockets of
brass. The length of the court, shall be an hundred cubits, and
the breadth fifty, and the height five, and the hangings shall be
of twined byss and the sockets of brass. And all the vessels of
the habitation to all manner service and the pins thereof: yea and
the pins also of the court, shall be brass. And command the
children of Israel that they give the pure oil olive beaten for
the lights to pour alway into the lamps. In the tabernacle of
witness without the vail which is before the witness, shall Aaron
and his sons dress it both even and morning before the LORD: And
it shall be a duty for ever unto your generations after you: to be
given of the children of Israel.
Chapter .xxviij.
And take thou unto thee, Aaron thy brother and his sons with him,
from among the children of Israel, that he may minister unto me:
both Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, Aaron's sons. And
thou shalt make holy raiment for Aaron thy brother, both
honourable and glorious. Moreover speak unto all that are wise
hearted, which I have filled with the spirit of wisdom: that they
make Aaron's raiment to consecrate him with, that he may minister
unto me. These are the garments which they shall make: a
breastlap, Ephod, a tunicle, a strait coat, a mitre and a girdle.
And they shall make holy garments for Aaron thy brother and his
sons, that he may minister unto me. And they shall take thereto,
gold, jacinth, scarlet, purple and byss. And they shall make the
Ephod of gold, jacinth, scarlet, purple and white twined byss with
broidered work. The two sides shall come together, closed up in
the edges thereof. And the girdle of the Ephod shall be of the
same workmanship and of the same stuff: even of gold, jacinth,
scarlet, purple and twined byss. And thou shalt take two onyx
stones and grave in them the names of the children of Israel: fix
in the one stone, and the other fix in the other stone: according
to the order of their birth. After the work of a stone graver,
even as signets are graven, shalt thou grave the two stones with
the names of the children of Israel, and shalt make them to be set
in ouches of gold. And thou shalt put the two stones upon the two
shoulders of the Ephod, and they shall be stones of remembrance
unto the children of Israel. And Aaron shall bear their names
before the LORD upon his two shoulders for a remembrance. And thou
shalt make hooks of gold and two chains of fine gold: link work
and wreathed, and fasten the wreathed chains to the hooks. And
thou shalt make the breastlap of ensample {judgement} with
broidered work: even after the work of the Ephod shalt thou make
it: of gold, jacinth, scarlet, purple and twined byss shalt thou
make it. Foursquare it shall be and double, an hand breadth long
and an hand breadth broad. And thou shalt fill it with four rows
of stones. In the first row shall be a Sardius, a Topas and
Smaragdus. The second row, a Ruby, Sapphire and Diamond. The
third: Ligurius, an Achat and Amethyst. The fourth: a Turcois Onyx
and Iasper. And they shall be set in gold in their enclosures. And
the stones shall be graven as signets be graven: with the names of
the children of Israel, even with twelve names every one with his
name according to the twelve tribes. And thou shalt make upon the
breastlap two fastening chains of pure gold and wreathen work. And
thou shalt make likewise upon the breastlap two rings of gold and
put them on the edges of the breastlap, and put the two wreathen
chains of gold in the two rings which are in the edges of the
breastlap. And the two ends of the two chains thou shalt fasten in
the two rings, and put them upon the shoulders of the Ephod: on
the foreside of it. And thou shalt yet make two rings of gold, and
put them in the two edges of the breastlap even in the borders
thereof toward the inside of the Ephod that is over against it.
And yet two other rings of gold thou shalt make, and put them on
the two sides of the Ephod, beneath over against the breastlap,
alow where the sides are joined together upon the broidered girdle
of the Ephod. And they shall bind the breastlap by his rings unto
the rings of the Ephod with a lace of jacinth, that it may lie
close unto the broidered girdle of the Ephod, that the breastlap
be not lowsed from the Ephod. And Aaron shall bear the names of
the children Israel in the breastlap of ensample upon his heart,
when he goeth into the holy place, for a remembrance before the
LORD alway. And thou shalt put in the breastlap of ensample light
and perfectness: that they be even upon Aaron's heart when he
goeth in before the LORD and Aaron shall bear the example of the
children of Israel upon his heart before the LORD alway. And thou
shalt make the tunicle unto the Ephod, altogether of Iacinth. And
there shall be an hole for the head in the midst of it, and let
there be a bond of woven work round about the collar of it: as it
were the collar of a partlet, that it rend not. And beneath upon
the hem, thou shalt make pomegranates of Iacincth, of scarlet, and
of purple round about the hem, and bells of gold between them
round about: that there be ever a golden bell and a pomegranate, a
golden bell and a pomegranate round about upon the hem of the
tunicle. And Aaron shall have it upon him when he ministereth,
that the sound may be heard when he goeth into the holy place
before the LORD and when he cometh out, that he die not. And thou
shalt make a plate of pure gold, and grave thereon (as signets are
graven) The holiness of the LORD, and put it on a lace of Iacincth
and tie it unto the mitre, upon the forefront of it, that it be
upon Aaron's forehead: that Aaron bear the sin of the holy things
which the children of Israel have hallowed in all their holy
gifts. And it shall be always upon Aaron's forehead, that they may
be accepted before the LORD. And thou shalt make an alb of byss,
and thou shalt make a mitre of byss and a girdle of needle work.
And thou shalt make for Aaron's sons also coats, girdles and
bonnets honourable and glorious, and thou shalt put them upon
Aaron thy brother and on his sons with him and shalt anoint them
and fill their hands and consecrate them, that they may minister
unto me. And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their
privates: {privities} from the loins unto the thighs shall they
reach. And they shall be upon Aaron and his sons, when they go
into the tabernacle of witness, or when they go unto the altar to
minister in holiness, that they bear no sin and so die. And it
shall be a law for ever unto Aaron and his seed after him.
Chapter .xxix.
This is the thing that thou shalt do unto them when thou hallowest
them to be my priests. Take one ox and two rams that are without
blemish, and unleavened bread and cakes of sweet bread tempered
with oil and wafers of sweet bread anointed with oil (of wheaten
flour shalt thou make them) and put them in a maund and bring them
in the maund with the oil and the two rams. And bring Aaron and
his sons unto the door of the tabernacle of witness, and wash them
with water, and take the garments, and put upon Aaron: the strait
coat, and the tunicle of the Ephod, and the Ephod and the
breastlap: and girth them to him with the broidered girdle of the
Ephod. And put the mitre upon his head and put the holy crown upon
the mitre. Then take the anointing oil and pour it upon his head
and anoint him. And bring his sons and put albes upon them, and
girth them with girdles: as well Aaron as his sons. And put the
bonnets on them that the priest's office may be theirs for a
perpetual law. And fill the hands of Aaron and of his sons, and
bring the ox before the tabernacle of witness. And let Aaron and
his sons put their hands upon his head and kill him before the
LORD in the door of the tabernacle of witness. And take of the
blood of the ox and put it upon the horns of the altar with thy
finger and pour all the blood upon the bottom of the altar, and
take all the fat that covereth the inwards, and the caul that is
on the liver, and the two kidneys with the fat that is upon them:
and burn them upon the altar. But the flesh of the ox and his skin
and his dung, shalt thou burn with fire, without the host. For it
is a sin offering. Then take one of the rams, and let Aaron and
his sons put their hands upon the head of the ram, and cause him
to be slain, and take of his blood, and sprinkle it round about
upon the altar, and cut the ram in pieces and wash the inwards of
him and his legs, and put them unto the pieces and unto his head,
and burn the whole ram upon the altar. For it is a burnt offering
unto the LORD, and a sweet savour of the LORD's sacrifice. And
take the other ram and let Aaron and his sons, put their hands
upon his head and let him then be killed. And take of his blood
and put it upon the tip of the right ear of Aaron and of his sons,
and upon the thumb of their right hands, and upon the great toe of
their right feet and sprinkle the blood upon the altar round
about. Then take of the blood that is upon the altar and of the
anointing oil, and sprinkle it upon Aaron and his vestments, and
upon his sons and upon their garments also. Then is he and his
clothes holy and his sons and their clothes holy also. Then take
the fat of the ram and his rump and the fat that covereth the
inwards and the caul of the liver and, the two kidneys, and the
fat that is upon them and the right shoulder (for that ram is a
full offering) and a simnel of bread and a cake of oiled bread and
a wafer out of the basket of sweet bread that is before the LORD,
and put all upon the hands of Aaron and on the hands of his sons:
and wave them in and out a wave offering unto the LORD. Then take
it from off their hands and burn it upon the altar: even upon the
burnt offering, to be a savour of sweetness before the LORD. For
it is a sacrifice unto the LORD. Then take the breast of the ram
that is Aaron's full offering and wave it a wave offering before
the LORD, and let that be thy part. And sanctify the breast of the
wave offering and the shoulder of the heave offering which is
waved and heaved up of the ram which is the full offering of Aaron
and of his sons. And it shall be Aaron's and his sons' duty for
ever, of the children of Israel, for it is an heave offering. And
the heave offering shall be the LORD's duty of the children of
Israel: even of the sacrifice of their peace offerings which they
heave unto the LORD. And the holy garments of Aaron shall be his
sons' after him, to anoint them therein, and to fill their hands
therein. And that son that is priest in his stead after him, shall
put them on seven days: that he go into the tabernacle of witness,
to minister in the holy place. Then take the ram that is the full
offering and seethe his flesh in an holy place. And Aaron and his
sons shall eat the flesh of him, and the bread that is in the
basket: even in the door of the tabernacle of witness. And they
shall eat them, because the atonement was made therewith to fill
their hands and to sanctify them: but a stranger shall not eat
thereof, because they are holy. If ought of the flesh of the full
offerings, or of the bread remain unto the morning, thou shalt
burn it with fire: for it shall not be eaten, because it is holy.
And see thou do unto Aaron and his sons, even so in all things as
I have commanded thee: that thou fill their hands seven days and
offer every day an ox for a sin offering for to reconcile with
all. And thou shalt hallow the altar when thou reconcilest it, and
shalt anoint it to sanctify it. Seven days thou shalt reconcile
the altar and sanctify it, that it may be an altar most holy: so
that no man may twich it but they that be consecrate. This is that
which thou shalt offer upon the altar: two lambs of one year old
day by day for ever, the one thou shalt offer in the morning and
the other at even. And unto the one lamb take a tenth deal of
flour mingled with the fourth part of an hin of beaten oil, and
the fourth part of an hin of wine, for a drink offering. And the
other lamb thou shalt offer at even and shalt do thereto according
to the meat offering and drink offering in the morning, to be an
odour of a sweet savour of the sacrifice of the LORD. And it shall
be a continual burnt offering among your children after you, in
the door of the tabernacle of witness before the LORD, where I
will meet you to speak unto you there. There I will meet with the
children of Israel, and will be sanctified in mine honour. And I
will sanctify the tabernacle of witness and the altar: and I will
sanctify also both Aaron and his sons to be my priests. And
moreover I will dwell among the children of Israel and will be
their God. And they shall know that I am the LORD their God that
brought them out of the land of Egypt for to dwell among them:
even I the LORD their God.
Chapter .xxx.
And thou shalt make an altar to burn cense therein, of sethim
wood: a cubit long, and a cubit broad, even foursquare shall it be
and two cubits, high: with horns proceeding out of it, and thou
shalt overlay it with fine gold both the roof and the walls round
about, and his horns also, and shalt make unto it a crown of gold
round about, and two golden rings on either side, even under the
crown, to put staves therein for to bear it withal. And thou shalt
make the staves of sethim wood and cover them with gold. And thou
shalt put it before the vail that hangeth before the ark of
witness, and before the mercy seat that is before the witness,
where I will meet thee. And Aaron shall burn thereon sweet cense
every morning when he dresseth the lamps: and likewise at even
when he setteth up the lamps he shall burn cense perpetually
before the LORD thorowout your generations. Ye shall put no
strange cense thereon, neither burnt sacrifice nor meat offering,
neither pour any drink offering thereon. And Aaron shall reconcile
his horns once in a year, with the blood of the sin offering of
reconciling: even once in the year shall he reconcile it thorow
your generations. And so is it most holy unto the LORD. And the
LORD spake unto Moses saying: when thou takest the sum of the
children of Israel and tellest them, they shall give every man a
reconciling of his soul unto the LORD, that there be no plague
among them when thou tellest them. And thus much shall every man
give that goeth in the number: half a sicle, after the holy sicle:
a sicle is twenty geras: and an half sicle shall be the heave
offering unto the LORD. And all that are numbered of them that are
twenty years old and above shall give an heave offering unto the
LORD. The rich shall not pass, and the poor shall not go under
half a sicle, when they give an heave offering unto the LORD for
the atonement of their souls. And thou shalt take the reconciling
money of the children of Israel and shalt put it unto the use of
the tabernacle of witness, and it shall be a memorial of the
children of Israel before the LORD, to make atonement for their
souls. And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: thou shalt make a
laver of brass and his foot also of brass to wash withal, and
shalt put it between the tabernacle of witness and the altar and
put water therein: that Aaron and his sons may wash both their
hands and their feet thereout, when they go into the tabernacle of
witness, or when they go unto the altar to minister and to burn
the LORD's offering, lest they die. And it shall be an ordinance
for ever unto him and his seed among your children after you. And
the LORD spake unto Moses saying: take principal spices: of pure
myrrh five hundred sicles, of sweet cinnamon half so much, two
hundred and fifty sicles: of sweet calamite, two hundred and
fifty. Of cassia, two hundred and fifty after the holy sicle, and
of oil olive an hin. And make of them holy anointing oil even an
oil compound after the craft of the apothecary. And anoint the
tabernacle of witness therewith, and the ark of witness, and the
table with all his apparel, and the candlestick with all his
ordinance, and the altar of incense, and the altar of burnt
sacrifice and all his vessels, and the laver and his foot. And
sacrify them that they may be most holy: so that no man twich them
but they that be hallowed. And anoint Aaron and his sons and
consecrate them to minister unto me. And thou shalt speak unto the
children of Israel saying: this shall be an holy anointing oil
unto me, thorowout your generations. No man's flesh shall be
anointed therewith: neither shall ye make any other after the
making of it for it is holy, see therefore that ye take it for
holy: Whosoever maketh like that, or whosoever putteth any of it
upon a stranger, shall perish from among his people. And the LORD
said unto Moses: take unto thee sweet spices: stacte, onycha,
sweet galbanum and pure frankincense, of each like much: and make
cense of them compounded after the craft of the apothecary,
mingled together, that it may be made pure and holy. And beat it
to powder and put it before the witness in the tabernacle of
witness, where I will meet thee, but let it be unto you holy. And
see that ye make none after the making of that, but let it be unto
you holy for the LORD. And whosoever shall make like unto that, to
smell thereto, shall perish from among his people.
Chapter .xxxj.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: behold, I have called by
name, Bezaleel the son of Uri son to Hur of the tribe of Iuda. And
I have filled him with the spirit of God, with wisdom,
understanding and knowledge: even in all manner work, to find out
subtle feats, to work in gold, silver and brass and with the craft
to grave stones, to set and to carve in timber, and to work in all
manner workmanship. And behold, I have given him to be his
companion Ahaliab the son of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan, and in
the hearts of all that are wise hearted I have put wisdom to make
all that I have commanded thee: the tabernacle of witness, and the
ark of witness, and the mercyseat that is there upon, all the
ornaments of the tabernacle, and the table with his ordinance, and
the pure candlestick with all his apparel, and the altar of
incense, and the altar of burnt offerings with all his vessels,
and the laver with his foot, and the vestments to minister in, and
the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his
sons to minister in, and the anointing oil and the sweet cense for
the sanctuary: according to all as I have commanded thee shall
they do. And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: speak unto the
children of Israel and say: in any wise see that ye keep my
Sabbath, for it shall be a sign between me and you in your
generations for to know, that I the LORD do sanctify you. Keep my
Sabbath therefore, that it be an holy thing unto you. He that
defileth it, shall be slain therefore. For whosoever worketh
therein, the same soul shall be rooted out from among his people.
Six days shall men work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the
holy rest of the LORD: so that whosoever doeth any work in the
Sabbath day, shall die for it. Wherefore let the children of
Israel keep the Sabbath, that they observe it thorowout their
generations, that it be an appointment for ever. For it shall be a
sign between me, and the children of Israel for ever. For in six
days the LORD made heaven and earth, and the seventh day he rested
and was refreshed. And when he {|the LORDe|} had made an end of
communing with Moses upon the mount Sinai, he gave him two tables
of witness: which were of stone and written with the finger of
Chapter .xxxij.
And when the people saw that it was long or Moses came down out of
the mountain, they gathered them selves together and came unto
Aaron and said unto him: Up and make us a god to go before us: for
of this Moses the fellow that brought us out of the land of Egypt,
we wote not what is become. And Aaron said unto them: pluck off
the golden earings which are in the ears of your wives, your sons
and of your daughters: and bring them unto me. And all the people
plucked off the golden earings that were in their ears, and
brought them unto Aaron. And he received them of their hands and
fashioned it with a graver and made it a calf of molten metal. And
they said: This is thy God, O Israel, which brought thee out of
the land of Egypt. And when Aaron saw that, he made an altar
before it, and made a proclamation saying tomorrow shall be holy
day unto the LORD. And they rose up in the morning and offered
burnt offerings, and brought offerings of atonement also. And then
they sat them down to eat and drink, and rose up again to play.
Then the LORD said unto Moses: go get thee down, for thy people
which thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt, have marred all
they are turned at once out of the way which I commanded them, and
have made them a calf of molten metal, and have worshipped it and
have offered thereto and have said: This is thy God thou Israel,
which hath brought thee out of the land of Egypt. And the LORD
said unto Moses: behold, I see this people, that it is a
stiffnecked people, and now therefore suffer me that my wrath may
wax hot upon them, and that I may consume them: and then will I
make of thee a mighty people. Then Moses besought the LORD his God
and said: O LORD, why should thy wrath wax hot upon thy people
which thou hast brought out of the land of Egypt with great power
and with a mighty hand? wherefore should the Egyptians speak and
say: For a mischief did he bring them out: even for to slay them
in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth.
Turn from thy fierce wrath, and have compassion over the
wickedness of thy people. Remember Abraham, Isaac and Israel thy
servants, to whom thou sworest by thine own self and saidest unto
them: I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven, and all
this land which I have said, I will give unto your seed: and they
shall inherit it for ever. And the LORD refrained himself from
that evil, which he said he would do unto his people. And Moses
turned his back and went down from the hill, and the two tables of
witness in his hand: which were written on both the leaves and
were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God
graven upon the tables. And when Iosua heard the noise of the
people as they shouted, he said unto Moses: there is a noise of
war in the host. And he said: it is not the cry of them that have
the mastery, nor of them that have the worse: but I do hear the
noise of singing. And as soon as he came nye unto the host and saw
the calf and the dancing, his wrath waxed hot, and he cast the
tables out of his hand, and brake them even at the hill foot. And
the took the calf which they had made and burned it with fire, and
stamped it unto powder and strowed it in the water, and made the
children of Israel drink. And then Moses said unto Aaron: what did
this people unto thee that thou hast brought so great a sin upon
them? And Aaron said: let not the wrath of my lord wax fierce,
thou knowest the people that they are even set on mischief: they
said unto me: make us a god to go before us, for we wote not what
is become of Moses the fellow that brought us out of the land of
Egypt. And I said unto them: let them that have gold, take and
bring it me: and I cast it into the fire, and thereof came out
this calf. When Moses saw that the people were naked (for Aaron
had made them naked unto their shame when they made insurrection)
he went and stood in the gate of the host and said: If any man
pertain unto the LORD, let him come to me. And all the sons of
Levi gathered them selves together and came unto him. And he said
unto them, thus sayeth the LORD of Israel: put every man his sword
by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate thorowout the
host: and slay every man his brother, every man his friend and
every man his neighbour. And the children of Levi did as Moses had
said. And there were slain of the people the same day, about three
thousand men. Then Moses said: fill your hands unto the LORD this
day, every man upon his son and upon his brother: to bring upon
you a blessing this day. And on the morrow, Moses said unto the
people: Ye have sinned a great sin. But now I will go up unto the
LORD, to wit whether I can make an atonement for your sin. And
Moses went again unto the LORD and said: Oh, this people have
sinned a great sin and have made them a god of gold: Yet forgive
them their sin I pray thee: If not wipe me out of thy book which
thou hast written. And the LORD said unto Moses: I will put him
out of my book that hath sinned against me. But go and bring the
people unto the land which I said unto thee: behold, mine angel
shall go before thee. Neverthelater in the day when I visit, I
will visit their sin upon them. And the LORD plagued the people,
because they made the calf which Aaron made.
Chapter .xxxiij.
And the LORD said unto Moses: depart and go hence: both thou and
the people which thou hast brought out of the land of Egypt, unto
the land which I swore unto Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, saying: unto
thy seed I will give it. And I will send an angel before thee, and
will cast out the Cananites, the Amorites, the Hethites, the
Pherezites, the Hevites, and the Iebusites: that thou mayst go in
to a land that floweth with milk and honey. But I will not go
among you myself, for ye are a stiffnecked people: lest I consume
you by the way. And when the people heard this evil tidings, they
sorrowed: and no man did put on his best raiment. And the LORD
spake unto Moses, say unto the children of Israel: ye are a
stiffnecked people: I must come once suddenly upon you, and make
an end of you. But now put your goodly raiment from you, that I
may wete what to do unto you. And the children of Israel laid
their goodly raiment from them even under the mount Horeb. And
Moses took the tabernacle and pitched it without the host, afar
off from the host, and called it the tabernacle of witness. And
all that would ask any question of the LORD, went out unto the
tabernacle of witness which was without the host. And when Moses
went out unto the tabernacle, all the people rose up and stood
every man in his tent door and looked after Moses, until he was
gone in to the tabernacle. And as soon as Moses was entered into
the tabernacle, the clouden pillar descended and stood in the door
of the tabernacle, and he talked with Moses. And when all the
people saw the clouden pillar stond in the tabernacle door, they
rose up and worshipped: every man in his tent door. And the LORD
spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.
And when Moses turned again in to the host, the lad Iosua his
servant the son of Nun departed not out of the tabernacle. And
Moses said unto the LORD: see, thou saidest unto me: lead this
people forth, but thou shewest me not whom thou wilt send with me.
And hast said moreover: I know thee by name and thou hast also
found grace in my sight: Now therefore, if I have found favour in
thy sight, then shew me thy way and let me know thee: that I may
find grace in thy sight. And look on this also, how that this
nation is thy people. And he said: my presence shall go with thee,
and I will give thee rest. And he said: If thy presence go not
with me, carry us not hence, for how shall it be known now that
both I and thy people have found favour in thy sight, but in that
thou goest with us: that both I and thy people have a preeminence
before all the people that are upon the face of the earth. And the
LORD said unto Moses: I will do this also that thou hast said, for
thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee by name. And he
said: I beseech thee, shew me thy glory: And he said: I will make
all my good go before thee, and I will be called in this name
Iehouah before thee, and will shew mercy to whom I shew mercy, and
will have compassion on whom I have compassion. And he said
furthermore: thou mayst not see my face, for there shall no man
see me and live. And the LORD said: behold, there is a place by
me, and thou shalt stond upon a rock, and while my glory goeth
forth I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will put mine
hand upon thee while I pass by. And then I will take away mine
hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be
Chapter .xxxiiij.
And the LORD said unto Moses: hew the two tables of stone like
unto the first that I may write in them the words which were in
the first two tables, which thou brakest. And be ready against the
morning that thou mayst come up early unto the mount of Sinai and
stond {stode} me there upon the top of the mount. But let no man
come up with thee, neither let any man be seen thorowout all the
mount, neither let sheep nor oxen feed before the hill. And Moses
hewed two tables of stone like unto the first and rose up early in
the morning and went up unto the mount of Sinai as the LORD
commanded him: and took in his hand the two tables of stone. And
the LORD descended in the cloud, and stood with him there: and he
called upon the name of the LORD. And when the LORD walked before
him, he cried: LORD LORD God full of compassion and mercy, which
art not lightly angry but abundant in mercy and truth, and keepest
mercy in store for thousands, and forgivest wickedness, trespass
and sin (for there is no man innocent before thee) and visitest
the wickedness of the fathers upon the children and upon
children's children, even unto the third and fourth generation.
And Moses bowed himself to the earth quickly, and worshipped and
said: If I have found grace in thy sight o Lord, then let my Lord
go with us (for it is a stubborn people) and have mercy upon our
wickedness and our sin, and let us be thine enheritance. And he
said: behold, I make an appointment before all this people, that I
will do marvels: such as have not been done in all the world,
neither among any nation. And all the people among which thou art,
shall see the work of the LORD: for it is a terrible thing that I
will do with thee: keep all that I command thee this day, and
behold: I will cast out before thee: the Amorites, Cananites,
Hethites, Pherezites, Hevites and Iebusites. Take heed to thyself,
that thou make no compact with the inhabiters of the land whither
thou goest lest it be cause of ruin among you. But overthrow their
altars and break their pillars, and cut down their groves, for
thou shalt worship no strange god. For the LORD is called jealous,
because he is a jealous God: lest if thou make any agreement with
the inhabiters of the land, when they go a whoring after their
gods and do sacrifice unto their gods, they call thee and thou eat
of their sacrifice: And thou take of their daughters unto thy
sons, and when their daughters go a whoring after their gods, they
make thy sons go a whoring after their gods also. Thou shalt make
thee no gods of metal. The feast of sweet bread shalt thou keep,
and seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread (as I commanded
thee) in the time appointed in the month of Abib: for in the month
of Abib thou camest out of Egypt. All that breaketh up the matrice
shall be mine, and all that breaketh the matrice among thy cattle,
if it be male: whether it be ox or sheep. But the first of the ass
thou shalt buy out with a sheep, or if thou redeem him not: see
thou break his neck. All the firstborn of thy sons thou must needs
redeem. And see that no man appear before me empty. Six days thou
shalt work, and the seventh thou shalt rest: both from earing and
reaping. Thou shalt observe the feast of weeks with the first
fruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering at the
year's end. Thrice in a year shall all your men children appear
before the Lord Iehouah God of Israel: for I will cast out the
nations before thee and will enlarge thy coasts, so that no man
shall desire thy land, while thou goest up to appear before the
face of the LORD thy God, thrice in the year. Thou shalt not offer
the blood of my sacrifice with leavened bread: neither shall ought
of the sacrifice of the feast of Passover, be left unto the
morning. The first of the first fruits of thy land, thou shalt
bring unto the house of the LORD thy God. And see, that thou
seethe not a kid in his mother's milk. And the LORD said unto
Moses: write these words, for upon these words I have made a
covenant with thee and with the children of Israel. And he was
there with the LORD forty days and forty nights, and neither ate
bread nor drank water. And he wrote in the tables the words of the
covenant: even ten verses. And Moses came down from mount Sinai
and the two tables of witness in his hand, and yet he wist not
that the skin of his face shone with beams of his communing with
him. And when Aaron and all the children of Israel looked upon
Moses and saw that the skin of his face shone with beams, they
were afraid to come nye him. But he called them to him, and then
Aaron and all the chief of the company came unto him, and Moses
talked with them. And at the last all the children of Israel came
unto him, and he commanded them all that the LORD had said unto
him in mount Sinai. And as soon as he had made an end of communing
with them, he put a covering upon his face. But when he went
before the LORD to speak with him, he took the covering off until
he came out. And he came out and spake unto the children of Israel
that which he was commanded. And the children of Israel saw the
face of Moses, that the skin of his face shone with beams: but
Moses put a covering upon his face, until he went in, to commune
with him.
Chapter .xxxv.
And Moses gathered all the company of the children of Israel
together, and said unto them: these are the things which the LORD
hath commanded to do: Six days ye shall work, but the seventh day
shall be unto you the holy Sabbath of the LORD's rest: so that
whosoever doth any work therein, shall die. Moreover ye shall
kindle no fire thorowout all your habitations upon the Sabbath
day. And Moses spake unto all the multitude of the children of
Israel saying: this is the thing which the LORD commanded saying:
Give from among you an heave offering, unto the LORD. All that are
willing in their hearts, shall bring heave offerings unto the
LORD: gold, silver, brass: Iacinth, scarlet, purple, byss and
goats' hair: rams' skins red and taxus' skins and Sethim wood: and
oil for lights and spices for the anointing oil and for the sweet
cense: and Onyx stones and stones to be set for the Ephod and for
the breastlap. And let all them that are wise hearted among you,
come and make all that the LORD hath commanded: the habitation and
the tent thereof with his covering and his rings, boards, bars,
pillars and sockets: the ark and the staves thereof with the mercy
seat and the vail that covereth it: the table and his staves with
all that pertaineth thereto and the shewbread: the candlestick of
light with his apparel and his lamps and the oil for the lights:
the cense altar and his staves, the anointing oil and the sweet
cense and the hanging before the tabernacle door: the altar of
burnt sacrifices and his brazen gridiron that longeth thereto with
his staves and all his ordinance and the laver and his foot: the
hangings of the court with his pillars and their sockets, and the
hanging to the door of the court: the pins of the habitation and
the pins of the court with their boards: the ministering garments
to minister with in holiness, and the holy vestments of Aaron the
priest and the vestments of his sons to minister in. And all the
company of the children of Israel departed from the presence of
Moses. And they went (as many as their hearts couraged them and as
many as their spirits made them willing) and brought heave
offerings unto the LORD, to the making of the tabernacle of
witness and for all his uses and for the holy vestments. And the
men came with the women (even as many as were willing hearted) and
brought bracelets, earings, rings and girdles and all manner
Iewels of gold. And all the men that waved wave offerings of gold
unto the LORD and every man with whom was found Iacinth, scarlet,
purple, byss or goats' hair or red skins of rams' or taxus' skins,
brought it. And all that hove up gold or brass, brought an heave
offering unto the LORD. And all men with whom was found sethim
wood meet for any manner work or service, brought it. And all the
women that were wise hearted to work with their hands, span, and
brought the spun work, both of Iacinth, scarlet, purple and byss.
And all the women that excelled in wisdom of heart, span the
goats' hair. And the lords brought Onyx stones and setstones for
the Ephod, and for the breastlap, and spice and oil: both for the
lights and for the anointing oil and for the sweet cense. And the
children of Israel brought willing offerings unto the LORD, both
men and women: as many as their hearts made them willing to bring,
for all manner works which the LORD had commanded to make by the
hand of Moses. And Moses said unto the children of Israel: behold,
the LORD hath called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri the son of
Hur of the tribe of Iuda, and hath filled him with the spirit of
God, with wisdom, understanding and knowledge, even in all manner
work, and to find out curious works, to work in gold, silver and
brass: and with graving of stones to set, and with carving in
wood, and to work in all manner of subtle works. And he hath put
in his heart the grace to teach: both him and Ahaliab the son of
Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan hath he filled with wisdom of heart,
to work all manner of graven work: they are also broiderers and
workers with needle, in Iacinth, scarlet, purple and byss, and are
weavers that can make all manner work, and can devise subtle
Chapter .xxxvi.
And Bezaleel wrought and Ahaliab and all wise hearted men to whom
the LORD had given wisdom and understanding, to know how to work
all manner work for the holy service, in all that the LORD
commanded. And Moses called for Bezaleel, Ahaliab and all the wise
hearted men in whose hearts the LORD had put wisdom, even as many
as their hearts couraged to come unto the work to work it. And
they received of Moses all the heave offerings which the children
of Israel had brought for the work of the holy service to make it
withal. And they brought beside that, willing offerings every
morning. And all the wise men that wrought all the holy work, came
every man from his work which they made, and spake unto Moses
saying: the people bring too much and above that is enough to
serve for the work which the LORD hath commanded to make. And then
Moses gave a commandment, and they caused it to be proclaimed
thorowout the host saying: see that neither man nor woman prepare
any more work for the holy heave offering, and so the people were
forbidden to bring: for the stuff they had, was sufficient for
them unto all the work, to make it and too much. And all the wise
hearted men among them that wrought in the work of the habitation
made: even ten curtains of twined byss, Iacinth, scarlet and
purple, and made them full of Cherubins with broidered work. The
length of one curtain was twenty eight cubits and the breadth four
and were all of one size. And they coupled five curtains by them
selves, and other five by them selves. And they made fifty loops
of Iacinth along by the edge of the utmost curtain, even in the
selvedge of the coupling curtain: and likewise they made on the
side of the utmost coupling curtain on, the other side, fifty
loops they made in the one curtain, and fifty in the edge of the
coupling curtain on the other side: so that the loops were one
over against another. And they made fifty rings of gold, and
coupled the curtains one to another with the rings: and so was it
made a dwelling place. And they made eleven curtains of goats'
hair to be a tent over the tabernacle thirty cubits long apiece
and four cubits broad, and they all eleven of one sise, and they
coupled five by them selves, and six by them selves, and they made
fifty loops along by the border of the utmost coupling courtain on
the one side, and fifty in the edge of the coupling curtain on the
other side. And they made fifty rings of brass to couple the tent
together that it might be one. And they made a covering unto the
tent of rams' skins red, and yet another of taxus' skins above
all. And they made boards for the dwelling place of sethim wood
that stood upright, every board ten cubits long and a cubit and an
half broad. And they made two feet to every board of the dwelling
place joining one to another. And they made twenty boards for the
south side of the habitation, and forty sockets of silver under
the twenty boards, two sockets under every board, even for the two
feet of them. And for the other side of the dwelling toward the
north, they made other twenty boards with forty sockets of silver
two sockets under every board. And behind in the end of the
tabernacle toward the west, they made six boards and two other
boards for the corners of the habitation behind, and they were
joined close both beneath and also above with clamps, and thus
they did to both the corners: so they were in all eight boards and
sixteen sockets, under every board two sockets. And they made bars
of Sethim wood five for the boards of the one side of the
habitation and five for the other, and five for the boards of the
west end of the habitation. And they made the middle bar to shoot
thorow the boards: even from the one end to the other, and
overlaid the boards with gold, and made them rings of gold to
thrust the bars thorow, and covered the bars with gold. And they
made an hanging of Iacinth, of scarlet, purple and twined byss
with Cherubins of broidered work. And made thereunto four pillars
of Sethim wood and overlaid them with gold. Their knops were also
of gold, and they cast for them four sockets of silver. And they
made an hanging for the tabernacle door: of Iacinth, scarlet,
purple and twined byss of needle work, and the pillars of it were
five with their knops, and overlaid the heads of them and the
hoops with gold, with their five sockets of brass.
Chapter .xxxvij.
And Bezaleel made the ark of sethim wood two cubits and an half
long and a cubit and a half broad, and a cubit and a half high:
and overlaid it with fine gold both within and without, and made a
crown of gold to it round about, and cast for it four rings of
gold for the four corners of it: two rings for the one side and
two for the other, and made staves of Sethim wood, and covered
them with gold, and put the staves in the rings along by the side
of the ark to bear it withal. And he made the mercyseat of pure
gold two cubits and a half long and one cubit and a half broad,
and made two Cherubins of thick gold upon the two ends of the
mercy seat: One Cherub on the one end, and another Cherub on the
other end of the mercyseat. And the Cherubins spread out their
wings above on high, {an hye} and covered the mercyseat therewith.
And their faces were one to another: even to the mercyseat ward,
were the faces of the Cherubins. And he made the table of sethim
wood two cubits long and a cubit broad, and a cubit and an half
high, and overlaid it with fine gold, and made thereto a crown of
gold round about, and made thereto an hoop of an hand breadth
round about, and made unto the hoop a crown of gold round about,
and cast for it four rings of gold and put the rings in the four
corners by the feet: even under the hoop to put staves in to bear
the table withal. And he made staves of Sethim wood and covered
them with gold to bear the table withal, and made the vessels that
were on the table of pure gold, the dishes, spoons, flat pieces
and pots to pour withal. And he made the candlestick of pure thick
gold: both the candlestick and his shaft: with branches, bowls,
knops and flowers proceeding out of it. Six branches proceeding
out of the sides thereof, three out of the one side and three out
of the other. And on every branch were three cups like unto
almonds, with knops and flowers thorowout the six branches that
proceeded out of the candlestick. And upon the candlestick self,
were four cups after the fashion of almonds with knops and
flowers: under every two branches a knop. And the knops and the
branches proceeded out of it, and were all one piece of pure thick
gold. And he made seven lamps thereto, and the snuffers thereof,
and firepans of pure gold. An hundred weight of pure gold, made
both it and all that belonged thereto. And he made the cense altar
of Sethim wood of a cubit long and a cubit broad: even four
square, and two cubits high with horns proceeding out of it. And
he covered it with pure gold both the top and the sides round
about and the horns of it, and made unto it a crown of gold round
about. And he made two rings of gold unto it, even under the crown
upon either side of it, to put staves in for to bear it withal:
and made staves of Sethim wood, and overlaid them with gold. And
he made the holy anointing oil and the sweet pure incense after
the apothecary's craft.
Chapter .xxxviij.
And he made the burnt offering altar of Sethim wood, five cubits
long and five cubits broad: even four square, and three cubits
high. And he made horns in the four corners of it proceeding out
of it, and overlaid it with brass. And he made all the vessels of
the altar: the cauldrons, shovels, basins, fleshhooks and coalpans
all of brass. And he made a brazen gridiron of network unto the
altar round about alow beneath, under the compass of the altar: so
that it reached unto half the altar, and cast four rings of brass
for the four ends of the gridiron to put staves in. And he made
staves of sethim wood and covered them with brass, and put the
staves in the rings along by the altar side to bear it withal, and
made the altar hollow with boards. And he made the laver of brass
and the foot of it also of brass, in the sight of them that did
watch before the door of the tabernacle of witness. And he made
the court with hangings of twined byss of an hundred cubits long
upon the south side, and twenty pillars with twenty sockets of
brass: but the knops of the pillars, and the hoops were silver.
And on the north side the hangings were an hundred cubits long
with twenty pillars and twenty sockets of brass, but the knops and
the hoops of the pillars were of silver. And on the west side,
were hangings of fifty cubits long, and ten pillars with their ten
sockets, and the knops and the hoops of the pillars were silver.
And on the east side toward the son rising, were hangings of fifty
cubits: the hangings of the one side of the gate were fifteen
cubits long, and their pillars three with their three sockets. And
of the other side of the court gate, were hangings also of fifteen
cubits long, and their pillars three with three sockets. Now all
the hangings of the court round about, were of twined byss, and
the sockets of the pillars were brass: but the knops and the hoops
of the pillars were silver, and the heads were overlaid with
silver, and all the pillars of the court were hooped about with
silver. And the hanging of the gate of the court was needlework:
of jacinth, scarlet, purple, and twined byss twenty cubits long
and five in the breadth, according to the hangings of the court.
And the pillars were four with four sockets of brass, and the
knops of silver, and the heads overlaid with silver and hooped
about with silver, and all the pins of the tabernacle and of the
court round about were brass. This is the sum of the habitation of
witness, which was counted at the commandment of Moses: and was
the office of the Levites by the hand of Ithamar son to Aaron the
priest. And Bezaleel son of Uri son to Hur of the tribe of Iuda,
made all that the LORD commanded Moses, and with him Ahaliab son
of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan, a cunning graver and a worker of
needle work in jacinth, scarlet, purple and byss. All the gold
that was occupied upon all the work of the holy place (which was
the gold of the wave offering) was, twenty nine hundred weight and
seven hundred and thirty sicles, according to the holy sicle. And
the sum of silver that came of the multitude, was five score
hundred weight and a thousand seven hundred and seventy five
sicles of the holy sicle. Every man offering half a sicle after
the weight of the holy sicle among them that went to be numbered
from twenty years old and above, among six hundred thousand and
three thousand and five hundred and fifty men. And the five score
hundred weight of silver went to the casting of the sockets of the
sanctuary and the sockets of the vail: an hundred sockets of the
five score hundred weight, an hundred weight to every socket. And
the thousand seven hundred and seventy five sicles, made knops to
the pillars and overlaid the heads and hooped them. And the brass
of the wave offering was seventy hundred weight and two thousand,
and four hundred sicles. And therewith he made the sockets to the
door of the tabernacle of witness, and the brazen altar, and the
brazen gridiron that longeth thereto, and all the vessels of the
altar, and the sockets of the court round about, and the sockets
of the court gate, and all the pins of the habitation, and all the
pins of the court round about.
Chapter .xxxix.
And of the jacinth, scarlet, purple and twined byss, they made the
vestments of ministration to do service {[in]} in that holy place,
and made the holy garments that pertained to Aaron, as the LORD
commanded Moses. And they made the Ephod of gold, jacinth,
scarlet, purple, and twined byss. And they did beat the gold into
thin plates, and cut it into wires: to work it in the jacinth,
scarlet, purple, and the byss, with broidered work. And they made
the sides come together, and closed them up by the two edges. And
the broidering of the girdle that was upon it, was of the same
stuff and after the same work of gold, jacinth, scarlet, purple
and twined byss, as the LORD commanded Moses. And they wrought
Onyx stones closed in ouches of gold and graved as signets are
graven with the names of the children of Israel, and put them on
the shoulders of the Ephod that they should be a remembrance of
the children of Israel, as the LORD commanded Moses. And they made
the brestlap of cunning work, after the work of the Ephod: even of
gold, Iacinct, scarlet, purple and twined byss And they made it
four square and double, an hand breadth long and an hand breadth
broad. And they filled it with four rows of stones (the first row:
Sardios, a Topas and Smaragdus: the second row: a Ruby, a Sapphire
and a Diamond. The third row: Ligurius, an Achat and an Amethyst.
The fourth row: a Turquoise, an onyx and a Iasper) closed in
ouches of gold in their inclosures. And the twelve stones were
graven as signets with the names of the children of Israel: every
stone with his name, according to the twelve tribes. And they made
upon the breastlap, two fastening chains of wreathen work and pure
gold. And they made two hooks of gold and two gold rings, and put
the two rings upon the two corners of the breastlap. And they put
the two chains of gold in the two rings, in the corners of the
breastlap. And the two ends of the two chains they fastened in the
two hooks, and put them on the shoulders of the Ephod upon the
forefront of it. And they made two other rings of gold and put
them on the two other corners of the breastlap along upon the edge
of it, toward the inside of the Ephod that is over against it. And
they made yet two other gold rings, and put them on the two sides
of the Ephod, beneath on the fore side of it: even where the sides
go together, above upon the broidering of the Ephod, and they
strained the breastlap by his rings unto the rings of the Ephod,
with laces of jacinth, that it might lie fast upon the broidering
of the Ephod, and should not be lowsed from of the Ephod: as the
LORD commanded Moses. And he made the tunicle unto the Ephod of
woven work and all together of jacinth, and the head of the
tunicle was in the middest of it as the collar of a partlet, with
a band round about the collar, that it should not rent. And they
made beneath upon the hem of the tunicle: pomegranates of jacinth,
scarlet, purple, and twined byss. And they made little bells of
pure gold, and put them among the pomegranates round about upon
the edge of the tunicle, a bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a
pomegranate round about the hems of the tunicle to minister in, as
the LORD commanded Moses. And they made coats of byss of woven
work for Aaron and his sons, and a mitre of byss, and goodly
bonnets of byss, and linen breeches of twined byss, and a girdle
of twined byss, jacinth, scarlet and purple: even of needle work,
as the LORD commanded Moses. And they made the plate of the holy
crown of fine gold, and wrote upon it with graven work: the
holiness of the LORD, and tied it to a lace of jacinth to fasten
it on high {an hye} upon the mitre, as the LORD commanded Moses.
Thus was all the work of the habitation of the tabernacle of
witness, finished. And the children of Israel did, according to
all that the LORD had commanded Moses. And they brought the
habitation unto Moses: the tent and all his apparel thereof: the
buttons, boards, bars, pillars and sockets: and the covering of
rams' skins red, and the covering of taxus' skins, and the hanging
vail, and the ark of witness with the staves thereof, and the
mercyseat: the table and all the ordinance thereof, and the
shewbread, and the pure candlestick, and the lamps prepared
thereunto with all the vessels thereof, and the oil for lights,
and the golden altar, and the anointing oil and the sweet cense,
and the hanging of the tabernacle door, and the brasen altar, and
the gridiron of brass longing thereunto with his bars and all his
vessels, and the laver with his foot, and the hangings of the
court with his pillars and sockets, and the hanging to the court
gate, his boards and pins, and all the ordinance that serveth to
the habitation of the tabernacle of witness, and the ministering
vestments to serve in the holy place, and the holy vestments of
Aaron the priest and his sons' raiments to minister in: according
to all that the LORD commanded Moses: even so the children of
Israel made all the work. And Moses beheld all the work: and see,
they had done it even as the LORD commanded: and then Moses
blessed them.
Chapter .xl.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: In the first day of the
first month shalt thou set up the habitation of the tabernacle of
witness, and put therein the ark of witness, and cover the ark
with the vail, and bring in the table and apparel it, and bring in
the candlestick and put on his lamps, and set the cense altar of
gold before the ark of witness, and put the hanging of the door
unto the habitation. And set the burnt offering altar before the
door of the tabernacle of witness, and set the laver between the
tabernacle of witness, and the altar, and put water therein, and
make the court round about, and set up the hanging of the court
gate. And take the anointing oil and anoint the habitation and all
that is therein, and hallow it and all that belong thereto: that
it may be holy. And anoint the altar of the burnt offerings and
all his vessels, and sanctify the altar that it may be most holy.
And anoint also the laver and his foot, and sanctify it. Then
bring Aaron and his sons unto the door of the tabernacle of
witness, and wash them with water. And put upon Aaron the holy
vestments. And anoint him and sanctify him that he may minister
unto me, that their anointing may be an everlasting priesthood
unto them thorowout their generations. And Moses did according to
all that the LORD commanded him. Thus was the tabernacle reared up
the first month in the second year. And Moses reared up the
tabernacle and fastened his sockets, and set up the boards and put
in their bars, and reared up the pillars, and spread abroad the
tent over the habitation and put the covering of the tent on high
{an hye} above it: as the LORD commanded Moses. And he took and
put the testimony in the ark, and set the staves to the ark and
put the mercy seat on high {an hye} upon the ark, and brought the
ark into the habitation and hanged up the vail and covered the ark
of witness, as the LORD commanded Moses. And he put the table in
the tabernacle of witness in the north side of the habitation
without the vail, and set the bread in order before the LORD, even
as the LORD had commanded Moses. And he put the candlestick in the
tabernacle of witness over against the table in the south side of
the habitation, and set up the lamps before the LORD: as the LORD
commanded Moses. And he put the golden altar in the tabernacle of
witness before the vail, and brent sweet cense there on as the
LORD commanded Moses. And set up the hanging in the door of the
habitation, and set the burnt offering altar before the door of
the tabernacle of witness, and offered burnt offerings and meat
offerings there on as the LORD commanded Moses. And he set the
laver between the tabernacle of witness and the altar, and poured
water therein to wash with all. And both Moses Aaron and his sons
washed their hands and their feet thereat: both when they went
into the tabernacle of witness, or when they went to the altar, as
the LORD commanded Moses. And he reared up the court round about
the habitation and the altar, and set up the hanging of the court
gate: and so Moses finished the work. And the cloud covered the
tabernacle of witness, and the glory of the LORD filled the
habitation: so that Moses could not enter into the tabernacle of
witness, because the cloud abode therein, and the glory of the
LORD filled the habitation. When the cloud was taken up from off
the habitation, the children of Israel took their journeys as oft
as they journeyed. And if the cloud departed not, they journeyed
not till it departed: for the cloud of the LORD was upon the
habitation by day, and fire by night: in the sight of all the
house of Israel in all their journeys.
The end of the second book of Moses.
Chapter .j.
And the LORD called Moses, and spake unto him out of the
tabernacle of witness saying: Speak unto the children of Israel,
and say unto them: Whosoever of you shall bring a gift unto the
LORD, shall bring it of the cattle: even of the oxen and of the
sheep. If he bring a burntoffering of the oxen he shall offer a
male without blemish, and shall bring him to the door of the
tabernacle of witness, that he may be accepted before the LORD.
And let him put his hand upon the head of the burntsacrifice, and
favour shall be given him to make an atonement for him, and let
him kill the ox before the LORD. And let the priests Aaron's sons
bring the blood and let them sprinkle it round about upon the
altar that is before the door of the tabernacle of witness. And
let the burntofferings be stripped and hewed in pieces. And then
let the sons of Aaron the priest put fire upon the altar, and put
wood upon the fire, and let them lay the pieces with the head and
the fat, upon the wood that is on the fire in the altar. But the
inwards and the legs they shall wash in water, and the priest
shall burn altogether upon the altar, that it be a burnt
sacrifice, and an offering of a sweet odour unto the LORD. If he
will offer a burnt sacrifice of the sheep whether it be of the
lambs or of the goats: he shall offer a male without blemish. And
let him kill it on the north side of the altar, before the LORD.
And let the priests Aaron's sons sprinkle the blood of it, round
about upon the altar. And let it be cut in pieces: even with his
head and his fat, and let the priest put them upon the wood that
lieth upon the fire in the altar. But let him wash the inwards and
the legs with water, and then bring altogether and burn it upon
the altar: that is a burntoffering and a sacrifice of sweet savour
unto the LORD. If he will offer a burntoffering of the fowls
{|[unto the LORD]|} he shall offer either of the turtle doves or
of the young pigeons. And the priest shall bring it unto the
altar, and wring the neck asunder of it, and burn it on the altar,
and let the blood run out upon the sides of the altar, and pluck
away his crop and his feathers, and cast them beside the altar on
the east part upon the heap of ashes, and break his wings, but
pluck them not asunder. And then let the priest burn it upon the
altar, even upon the wood that lieth upon the fire, a burnt
sacrifice and an offering of a sweet savour unto the LORD.
Chapter .ij.
If any soul will offer a meatoffering unto the LORD, his offering
shall be fine flour, and he shall pour thereto oil, and put
frankincense thereon, and shall bring it unto Aaron's sons the
priests. And one of them shall take thereout his handful of the
flour, and of the oil with all the frankincense, and burn it for a
memorial upon the altar: an offering of a sweet savour unto the
LORD. And the remnant of the meatoffering shall be Aaron's and his
sons, as a thing most holy of the sacrifices of the LORD. If any
man bring a meatoffering that is baken in the oven, let him bring
sweet cakes of fine flour mingled with oil, and unleavened wafers
anointed with oil. If thy meatoffering be baken in the frying pan,
then it shall be of sweet flour mingled with oil. And thou shalt
mince it small, and pour oil thereon: and so is it a meatoffering.
If thy meatoffering be a thing broiled upon the gridiron, of flour
mingled with oil it shall be. And thou shalt bring the
meatoffering that is made of these things unto the LORD, and shalt
deliver it unto the priest, and he shall bring it unto the altar,
and shall heave up part of the meatoffering for a memorial, and
shall burn it upon the altar: an offering of a sweet savour unto
the LORD. And that which is left of the meatoffering shall be
Aaron's and his sons, as a thing that is most holy of the
offerings of the LORD. All the meatofferings which ye shall bring
unto the LORD, shall be made without leaven. For ye shall neither
burn leaven nor honey in any offering of the LORD: Notwithstanding
ye shall bring the firstlings of them unto the LORD: But they
shall not come upon the altar to make a sweet savour. All thy
meatofferings thou shalt salt with salt: neither shalt thou suffer
the salt of the covenant of thy God to be lacking from thy
meatoffering: but upon all thine offerings thou shalt bring salt.
If thou offer a meatoffering of the first ripe fruits unto the
LORD, then take of that which is yet green, and dry it by the fire
and beat it small, and so offer the meatoffering of thy first ripe
fruits. And then pour oil thereto, and put frankincense thereon:
and so it is a meatoffering. And the priest shall burn part of the
beaten corn and part of that oil, with all the frankincense, for a
remembrance. That is an offering unto the LORD.
Chapter .iij.
If any man bring a peaceoffering of the oxen: whether it be male
or female, he shall bring such as is without blemish, before the
LORD, and let him put his hand upon the head of his offering, and
kill it before the door of the tabernacle of witness. And Aaron's
sons the priests, shall sprinkle the blood upon the altar round
about. And they shall offer of the peaceoffering to be a sacrifice
unto the LORD: the fat that covereth the inwards and all the fat
that is upon the inwards: and the two kidneys with the fat that
lieth upon the loins: and the caul that is on the liver, they
shall take away with the kidneys. And Aaron's sons shall burn them
upon the altar with the burntsacrifice which is upon the wood on
the fire. That is a sacrifice of a sweet favour unto the LORD. If
a man bring a peaceoffering unto the LORD from of the flock:
whether it be male, or female, it shall be without blemish. If he
offer a lamb, he shall bring it before the LORD, and put his hand
upon his offering's head, and kill it in the door of the
tabernacle of witness, and Aaron's sons shall sprinkle the blood
thereof round about the altar. And of the peaceoffering they shall
bring a sacrifice unto the LORD: the fat thereof and the rump
altogether, which they shall take off hard by the back bone: and
the fat that covereth the inwards and all the fat that is upon the
inwards and the two kidneys with the fat that lieth upon them and
upon the loins, and the caul that is upon the liver he shall take
away with the kidneys. And the priest shall burn them upon the
altar to feed the LORD's offering withall. If the offering be a
goat, he shall bring it before the LORD and put his hand upon the
head of it and kill it before the tabernacle of witness, and the
sons of Aaron shall sprinkle the blood thereof upon the altar
round about. And he shall bring thereof his offering unto the
LORD's sacrifice: the fat that covereth the inwards and all the
fat that is upon the inwards and the two kidneys and the fat that
lieth upon them and upon the loins, and the caul that is upon the
liver he shall take away with the kidneys. And the priest shall
burn them upon the alter to feed the LORD's sacrifice with all and
to make a sweet savour. And thus shall all the fat be the LORD's,
and it shall be a law forever among your generations after you in
your dwelling places: that ye eat neither fat nor blood.
Chapter .iiij.
And the LORD talked with Moses saying: speak unto the children of
Israel and say: when a soul sinneth thorow ignorance, and hath
done any of those things which the LORD hath forbidden in his
commandments to be done: If the priest that is anointed sin and
make the people to do amiss, he shall bring for his sin which he
hath done: an ox without blemish unto the LORD for a sinoffering.
And he shall bring the ox unto the door of the tabernacle of
witness before the LORD, and shall put his hand upon the ox's head
and kill him before the LORD. And the priest that is anointed
shall take of the ox's blood, and bring it into the tabernacle of
witness, and shall dip his finger in the blood and sprinkle
thereof seven times before the LORD: even before the hanging of
the holy place. And he shall put some of the blood upon the horns
of the altar of sweet cense before the LORD which is in the
tabernacle of witness, and shall pour all the blood of the ox upon
the bottom of the altar of burntofferings which is by the door of
the tabernacle of witness. And he shall take away all the fat of
the ox that is the sinoffering: the fat that covereth the inwards
and all the fat that is about them, and the two kidneys with the
fat that lieth upon them and upon the loins, and the caul upon the
liver let them take away also with the kidneys: as it was taken
from the ox of the peaceoffering, and let the priest burn them
upon the altar of burntofferings. But the skin of the ox and all
his flesh with his head, his legs, his inwards with his dung,
shall he carry altogether out of the host unto a clean place: even
where the ashes are poured out, and burn him on wood with fire:
even upon the heap of ashes. If the whole commonalty of the
children of Israel sin thorow ignorance, and the thing be hid from
their eyes: so that they have committed any of these things which
the LORD hath forbidden to be done in his commandments and have
offended, and the sin which they have sinned be afterward known,
then shall they offer an ox for a sinoffering and shall bring him
before the tabernacle of witness, and the elders of the multitude
shall put their hands upon his head before the LORD. And the
priest that is anointed shall bring of his blood into the
tabernacle of witness, and shall dip his finger in the blood, and
sprinkle it seven times before the LORD: even before the vail. And
shall put of the blood upon the horns of the altar which is before
the LORD in the tabernacle of witness, and shall pour all the
blood upon the bottom of the altar of burntofferings which is by
the door of the tabernacle of witness, and shall take all his fat
from him and burn it upon the altar, and shall do with his ox as
he did with the sinoffering ox. And the priest shall make an
atonement for them, and so it shall be forgiven them. And he shall
bring the ox without the host, and burn him as he burned the
first, so is this the sinoffering of the commonalty. When a lord
sinneth and committeth thorow ignorance any of these things which
the LORD his God hath forbidden to be done in his commandments and
hath so offended: when his sin is shewed unto him which he hath
sinned, he shall bring for his offering an hegoat without blemish
and lay his hand upon the head of it, and kill it in the place
where the burntofferings are killed before the LORD: this is a
sinoffering. Then let the priest take of the blood of the
sinoffering with his finger, and put it upon the horns of the
burntoffering altar, and pour his blood upon the bottom of the
burntoffering altar and burn all his fat upon the altar, as he
doth the fat of the peaceofferings. And the priest shall make an
atonement for him as concerning his sin, and so it shall be
forgiven him. If one of the common people of the land sin thorow
ignorance and commit any of the things which the LORD hath
forbidden, in his commandments to be done and so hath trespassed,
when his sin which he hath sinned is come to his knowledge, he
shall bring for his offering, a she goat without blemish for his
sin which he hath sinned, and lay his hand upon the head of the
sinoffering, and slay it in the place of burntofferings. And the
priest shall take of the blood with his finger, and put it upon
the horns of the burntoffering altar, and pour all the blood upon
the bottom of the altar, and shall take away all his fat as the
fat of the peaceofferings is taken away. And the priest shall burn
it upon the altar for a sweet savour unto the LORD, and the priest
shall make an atonement for him and it shall be forgiven him. If
he bring a sheep {lamb} and offer it for a sinoffering, he shall
bring a ewe {female} without blemish, and lay his hand upon the
head of the sinoffering, and slay it in the place where the
burntofferings are slain. And the priest shall take of the blood
of the sinoffering with his finger, and put it upon the horns of
the burntoffering altar, and shall pour all the blood thereof unto
the bottom of the altar. And he shall take away all the fat
thereof, as the fat of the sheep of the peaceofferings was taken
away. And the priest shall burn it upon the altar for the LORD's
{lordes} sacrifice, and the priest shall make an atonement for his
sin, and it shall be forgiven him.
Chapter .v.
When a soul hath sinned and heard the voice of cursing and is a
witness: whether he hath seen or known of it if he have not
uttered it, he shall bear his sin. Either when a man toucheth any
unclean thing: whether it be the carrion of an unclean beast or of
unclean cattle or unclean worm and is not ware of it, he is also
unclean and hath offended. Either when he toucheth any uncleanness
of man (whatsoever uncleanness it be that a man is defiled with
all) and is not ware of it and afterward cometh to the knowledge
of it, he is a trespasser. Either when a soul sweareth: so that he
pronounceth with his lips to do evil or to do good (whatsoever it
be that a man pronounceth with an oath) and the thing be out of
his mind and afterward cometh to the knowledge of it, then he hath
offended in one of these. Then when he hath sinned in one of these
things, he shall confess that wherein that he hath sinned, and
shall bring his trespassoffering unto the LORD for his sin which
he hath sinned. A female from the flock, whether it be an ewe
{lamb} or a she goat, for a sinoffering. And the priest shall make
an atonement for him for his sin. But if he be not able to bring a
sheep, then let him bring for his trespass which he hath sinned,
two turtle doves or two young pigeons unto the LORD, one for a
sinoffering and another for a burntoffering. And he shall bring
them unto the priest, which shall offer the sinoffering first and
wring the neck asunder of it, but pluck it not clean off. And let
him sprinkle of the blood of the sinoffering upon the side of the
altar, and let the rest of the blood bleed upon the bottom of the
altar, and then it is a sinoffering. And let him offer the second
for a burntoffering as the manner is: and so shall the priest make
an atonement for him for the sin which he hath sinned, and it
shall be forgiven him. And yet if he be not able to bring two
turtle doves or two young pigeons, then let him bring his offering
for his sin: the tenth part of an Epha of fine flour for a
sinoffering, but put none oil thereto neither put any frankincense
thereon, for it is a sinoffering. And let him bring it to the
priest, and the priest shall take his handful of it and burn it
upon the altar for a remembrance to be a sacrifice for the LORD:
that is a sinoffering. And let the priest make an atonement for
him for his sin (whatsoever of these he hath sinned) and it shall
be forgiven. And the remnant shall be the priest's, as it is in
the meatoffering. And the LORD communed with Moses saying: when a
soul trespasseth and sinneth thorow ignorance in any of the holy
things of the LORD, he shall bring for his trespass unto the LORD,
a ram without blemish out of the flock valued at two sicles after
the holy sicle, {[of the sanctuary,]} for a trespassoffering. And
he shall make amends for the harm that he hath done in the holy
thing, and put the fifth part more thereto, and give it unto the
priest. And the priest shall make an atonement for him with the
ram of the trespassoffering, and it shall be forgiven him. When a
soul sinneth and committeth any of these things which are
forbidden to be done by the commandments of the LORD: though he
wist it not, he hath yet offended and is in sin, and shall bring a
ram without blemish out of the flock that is esteemed to be worth
a sinoffering, unto the priest. And the priest shall make an
atonement for him for the ignorance which he did, and was not
ware, and it shall be forgiven him. This is a trespassoffering,
for he trespassed against the LORD.
Chapter .vi.
And the LORD talked with Moses saying: when a soul sinneth and
trespasseth against the LORD, and denied unto his neighbour that
which was taken him to keep, or that was put under his hand, or
that which he hath violently taken away, or that which he hath
deceived his neighbour of with subtlety, or hath found that which
was lost and denieth it, and sweareth falsely, in whatsoever thing
it be that a man doth and sinneth therein; Then when he hath
sinned or trespassed, he shall restore again that he took
violently away, or the wrong which he did, or that which was
delivered him to keep, or the lost thing which he found, or
whatsoever it be about which he hath sworn falsely, he shall
restore it again in the whole sum, and shall add the fifth part
more thereto and give it unto him to whom it pertaineth, the same
day that he offereth for his trespass, and shall bring for his
trespassoffering unto the LORD, a ram without blemish out of the
flock, that is esteemed worth a trespassoffering unto the priest.
And the priest shall make an atonement for him before the LORD,
and it shall be forgiven him in whatsoever thing it be that a man
doth and trespasseth therein. And the LORD spake unto Moses
saying: Command Aaron and his sons saying: this is the law of the
burntoffering. The burntoffering shall be upon the hearth of the
altar all night unto the morning, and the fire of the altar shall
burn therein. And the priest shall put on his linen alb and his
linen breeches upon his flesh, and take away the ashes which the
fire of the burntsacrifice in the altar hath made, and put them
beside the altar, and then put off his raiment and put on other
and carry the ashes out without the host unto a clean place. The
fire that is upon the altar shall burn therein and not go out. And
the priest shall put wood on the fire every morning, and put the
burntsacrifice upon it, and he shall burn thereon the fat of the
peaceofferings. The fire shall ever burn upon the altar, and never
go out. This is the law of the meatoffering: Aaron's sons shall
bring it before the LORD, unto the altar: and one of them shall
take his handful of the flour of the meatoffering and of the oil
with all the frankincense which is thereon, and shall burn it unto
a remembrance upon the altar to be a sweet savour of the memorial
of it unto the LORD. And the rest thereof, Aaron and his sons
shall eat: unleavened it shall be eaten in the holy place: even in
the court of the tabernacle of witness they shall eat it. Their
part which I have given them of my sacrifice, shall not be baken
with leaven, for it is most holy, as is the sinoffering, and
trespass offering. All the males among the children of Aaron,
shall eat of it: and it shall be a duty for ever unto your
generations of the sacrifices of the LORD, neither shall any man
twitch it, but he that is hallowed. And the LORD spake unto Moses
saying: this is the offering of Aaron and of his sons which he
shall offer unto the LORD in the day when they are anointed: the
tenth part of an Epha of flour, which is a daily meatoffering
perpetually: half in the morning and half at night: and in the
frying pan it shall be made with oil. And when it is fried, thou
shalt bring it in as a baken meatoffering minced small, and shalt
offer it for a sweet savour unto the LORD. And that priest of his
sons that is anointed in his stead, shall offer it: and it shall
be the LORD's {lordes} duty for ever, and it shall be burnt
altogether. For all the meatofferings of the priests shall be
burnt altogether, and shall not be eaten. And the LORD talked with
Moses saying: speak unto Aaron and unto his sons and say: This is
the law of the sinoffering. In the place where the burntoffering
is killed, shall the sinoffering be killed also before the LORD,
for it is most holy. The priest that offereth it shall eat it in
the holy place: even in the court of the tabernacle of witness. No
man shall touch the flesh thereof, save he that is hallowed. And
if any raiment be sprinkled therewith, it shall be washed in an
holy place, and the earthen pot that it is sodden in shall be
broken. If it be sodden in brass, then the pot shall be scoured
and plunged {rinsed} in the water. All the males among the
children of Aaron {the priests} shall eat thereof, for it is most
holy. Notwithstanding no sinoffering that hath his blood brought
into the tabernacle of witness to reconcile with all in the holy
place, shall be eaten: but shall be burnt in the fire.
Chapter .vij.
This is the law of the trespassoffering which is most holy. In the
place where the burntoffering is killed, the trespassoffering
shall be killed also: and his blood shall be sprinkled round about
upon the altar. And all the fat thereof shall be offered: the rump
and the fat that covered the inwards, and the two kidneys with the
fat that lieth on them and upon the loins: and the caul on the
liver shall be taken away with the kidneys: And the priest shall
burn them upon the altar, to be an offering unto the LORD: this is
a trespass offering. All the males among the priests shall eat
thereof in the holy place, for it is most holy. As the sinoffering
is, so is the trespass offering, one law serveth for both: and it
shall be the priests that reconcileth therewith. And the priest
that offered a man's burntoffering, shall have the skin of the
burntoffering which he hath offered. And all the meatofferings
that are baken in the oven, and all that is dressed upon the
gridiron and in the frying pan, shall be the priests that offereth
them. And all the meatofferings that are mingled with oil or dry,
shall pertain unto all the sons of Aaron, and one shall have as
much as another. This is the law of the peaceofferings which shall
be offered unto the LORD. If he offer to give thanks, he shall
bring unto his thankoffering: sweet cakes mingled with oil and
sweet wafers anointed with oil, and cakes mingled with oil of fine
flour fried, and he shall bring his offering upon cakes made of
leavened bread unto the thankoffering of his peaceofferings, and
of them all he shall offer one to be an heave offering unto the
LORD, and it shall be the priests that sprinkleth the blood of the
peaceofferings. And the flesh of the thankoffering of his
peaceofferings shall be eaten the same day that it is offered, and
there shall none of it be laid up until the morning. If it be a
vow or a freewill offering that he bringeth, the same day that he
offereth it, it shall be eaten, and that which remaineth may be
eaten on the morrow: but as much of the offered flesh as remaineth
unto the third day shall be burned with fire. For if any of the
flesh of the peaceofferings be eaten the third day then shall he
that offered it obtain no favour, neither shall it be reckoned
unto him: but shall be an abomination, and the soul that eateth of
it shall bear the sin thereof. The flesh that twicheth any unclean
thing shall not be eaten, but burnt with fire: and all that be
clean in their flesh, may eat flesh. If any soul eat of the flesh
of the peaceofferings, that pertain unto the LORD, and his
uncleanness yet upon him, the same soul shall perish from among
his people. Moreover if a soul twich any unclean thing, whether it
be the uncleanness of man or of any unclean beast or any
abomination that is unclean: and then eat of the flesh of the
peaceofferings which pertain unto the LORD, that soul shall perish
from his people. And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: speak unto
the children of Israel and say: Ye shall eat no manner fat of
oxen, sheep or goats: neverthelater the fat of the beast that
dieth alone and the fat of that which is torn with wild beasts,
may be occupied in all manner uses: but ye shall in no wise eat of
it. For whosoever eateth the fat of the beast of which men bring
an offering unto the LORD, that soul that eateth it shall perish
from his people. Moreover ye shall eat no manner of blood,
wheresoever ye dwell, whether it be of fowl or of beast.
Whatsoever soul it be that eateth any manner of blood the same
soul shall perish from his people. And the LORD talked with Moses
saying: speak unto the children of Israel and say: He that
offereth his peaceoffering unto the LORD, shall bring his gift
unto the LORD of his peaceofferings: his own hands shall bring the
offering of the LORD: even the fat upon the breast he shall bring
with the breast to wave it a waveoffering before the LORD. And the
priest shall burn the fat upon the altar, and the breast shall be
Aaron's and his sons. And the right shoulder they shall give unto
the priest, to be an heave offering, of their peaceofferings. And
the same that offereth the blood of the peaceofferings and the
fat, among the sons of Aaron, shall have the right shoulder unto
his part, for the wavebreast and the heaveshoulder I have taken of
the children of Israel, even of their peaceofferings, and have
given it unto Aaron the priest and unto his sons: to be a duty for
ever of the children of Israel. This is the anointing of Aaron and
of the sacrifices of the LORD, in the day when they were offered
to be priests unto the LORD, which the LORD commanded to be given
them in the day when he anointed them, of the children of Israel,
and to be a duty for ever among their generations. This is the law
of burntofferings, of meatofferings, of sinofferings, of
trespassofferings, of fullofferings, of peaceofferings, which the
LORD commanded Moses in the mount of Sinai, in the day when he
commanded the children of Israel to offer their offerings unto the
LORD in the wilderness of Sinai.
Chapter .viij.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: take Aaron and his sons with
him, and the vestures and the anointing oil, and an ox for a
sinoffering and two rams and a basket of sweet bread: and gather
all the community together unto the door of the tabernacle of
witness. And Moses did as the LORD commanded him, and the people
gathered them selves together unto the door of the tabernacle of
witness. And Moses said unto the people: this is the thing which
the LORD commanded to do. And Moses brought Aaron and his sons,
and washed them with water, and put upon him the alb and gird him
with a girdle, and put upon him the tunicle, and put the Ephod
thereon, and girded him with the broidered girdle of the Ephod,
and bound it unto him therewith. And he put the breastlap thereon,
and put in the breastlap light and perfectness. And he put the
mitre upon his head, and put upon the mitre even upon the
forefront of it, the golden plate of the holy crown, as the LORD
commanded Moses. And Moses took the anointing oil and anointed the
habitation and all that was therein and sanctified them, and
sprinkled thereof upon the altar seven times, and anointed the
altar and all his vessels, and the laver with his foot, to
sanctify them. And he poured of the anointing oil upon Aaron's
head, and anointed him to sanctify him. And he brought Aaron's
sons and put albs upon them, and girded them with girdles, and put
bonnets upon their heads: as the LORD commanded Moses. And the
sinoffering was brought. And Aaron and his sons put their hands
upon the head of the ox of the sinoffering. And when it was slain,
Moses took of the blood, and put it upon the horns of the altar
round about with his finger and purified it, and poured the blood
unto the bottom of the altar and sanctified it and reconciled it.
And he took all the fat that was upon the inwards and the caul
that was on the liver and the two kidneys with their fat and
burned it upon the altar. But the ox, the hide, his flesh and his
dung, he burnt with fire without the host, as the LORD commanded
Moses. And he brought the ram of the burntoffering, and Aaron and
his sons put their hands upon the head of the ram, and it was
killed. And Moses sprinkled the blood upon the altar round about,
and cut the ram in pieces and burnt the head, the pieces and the
fat, and washed the inwards and the legs in water, and burn the
ram every whit upon the altar. That was a burnt sacrifice of a
sweet savour, and an offering unto the LORD, as the LORD commanded
Moses. And he brought the other ram that was the fulloffering, and
Aaron and his sons put their hands upon the head of the ram: And
when it was slain, Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon
the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right
hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. Then were Aaron's
sons brought, and Moses put of the blood on the tip of the right
ear of them, and upon the thumbs of their right hands, and upon
the great toes of their right feet, and sprinkled the blood upon
the altar round about. And he took the fat and the rump and all
the fat that was upon the inwards, and the caul of the liver, and
the two kidneys with their fat and their right shoulder. And out
of the basket of sweet bread that was before the LORD, he took one
sweet cake of oiled bread and one wafer, and put them on the fat
and upon the right shoulder, and put altogether upon Aaron's hands
and upon his sons' hands, and waved it a waveoffering before the
LORD. And then Moses took them from of their hands again, and
burnt them upon the altar, even upon the burntoffering: These are
the fullofferings of a sweet savour and a sacrifice unto the LORD.
And Moses took the breast and waved it a waveoffering before the
LORD, of the ram of the fullofferings: and it was Moses' part, as
the LORD commanded Moses. And Moses took of the anointing oil and
of the blood which was upon the altar, and sprinkled it upon Aaron
and upon his vestments and upon his sons and on their vestments
with him, and sanctified Aaron and his vestures and his sons and
his sons' vestures also. Then Moses said unto Aaron and his sons:
boil the flesh in the door of the tabernacle of witness, and there
eat it with the bread that is in the basket of fullofferings, as
the Lord commanded saying: Aaron and his sons shall eat it: and
that which remaineth of the flesh and of the bread, burn with
fire. And see that ye depart not from the door of the tabernacle
of witness seven days long: until the days of your fullofferings
be at an end. For seven days must your hands be filled, as they
were this day: even so the LORD hath commanded to do, to reconcile
you with all. See therefore that ye abide in the door of the
tabernacle of witness day and night seven days long: and keep the
watch of the LORD that ye die not: for so I am commanded. And
Aaron and his sons did all things which the LORD commanded by the
hand of Moses.
Chapter .ix.
And the eighth day Moses called Aaron and his sons, and the elders
of Israel, and said unto Aaron: take a calf for a sinoffering, and
a ram for a burntoffering: both without blemish, and bring them
before the LORD. And unto the children of Israel he spake saying:
take ye an he goat for a sinoffering, and a calf and a lamb both
two of a year old, and without blemish for a burnt sacrifice, and
an ox and a ram for peaceofferings, to offer before the LORD, and
a meatoffering mingled with oil, for today the LORD will appear
unto you. And they brought that which Moses commanded unto the
tabernacle of witness, and all the people came and stood before
the LORD. And Moses said: this is the thing which the LORD
commanded that ye should do: and then the glory of the LORD shall
appear unto you. And Moses said unto Aaron: go unto the altar and
offer thy sinoffering, and make an atonement for thee and for the
people: and then offer the offering of the people and reconcile
them also, as the LORD commanded Moses. And Aaron went unto the
altar, and slew the calf that was his sinoffering. And the sons of
Aaron brought the blood unto him, and he dipped his finger in the
blood and put it upon the horns of the altar, and poured the blood
unto the bottom of the altar. And the fat and the two kidneys with
the caul of the liver of the sinoffering, he burnt upon the altar,
as the LORD commanded Moses: but the flesh and the hide, he burnt
with fire without the host. Afterward he slew the burntoffering,
and Aaron's sons brought the blood unto him, and he sprinkled it
round about upon the altar. And they brought the burntoffering
unto him in pieces and the head also, and he burnt it upon the
altar, and did wash the inwards and the legs, and burnt them also
upon the burntoffering in the altar. And then he brought the
people's offering and took the goat that was the people's
sinoffering, and slew it and offered it for a sinoffering: as he
did the first. And then brought the burntoffering and offered it
as the manner was, and brought the meatoffering and filled his
hand thereof, and burnt it upon the altar, besides the burnt
sacrifice in the morning. Then he slew the ox and the ram that
were the people's peaceofferings, and Aaron's sons brought the
blood unto him, and he sprinkled it upon the altar round about,
and took the fat of the ox and of the ram: the rump and the fat
that covereth the inwards and the kidneys and the caul of the
liver: and put them upon the breasts and burnt it upon the altar:
but the breasts and the right shoulders Aaron waved before the
LORD, as the LORD commanded Moses. And Aaron lift up his hand over
the people and blessed them, and came down from offering of
sinofferings, burntofferings and peaceofferings. Then Moses and
Aaron went into the tabernacle of witness and came out again and
blessed the people, and the glory of the LORD appeared unto all
the people. And there came a fire out from before the LORD, and
consumed upon the altar: the burntoffering and the fat. And all
the people saw it and shouted, and fell on their faces.
Chapter .x.
And Nadab and Abihu the sons of Aaron took either of them his
censor, and put fire therein, and put cense upon, and brought
strange fire before the LORD: which he commanded them not, and
there went a fire out from the LORD, and consumed them, and they
died before the LORD. Then Moses said unto Aaron: this is it that
the LORD spake saying: I will be sanctified in them that come nye
me, and before all the people I will be glorified. And Aaron held
his peace. And Moses called Misael and Elisaphan the sons of Uriel
the uncle of Aaron, and said unto them: go to and carry your
brethren from the holy place out of the host. And they went to
them and carried them in their albs out of the host, as Moses
bade. And Moses said unto Aaron and unto Eleazar and Ithamar his
eldest sons: uncover not your head neither rent your clothes, lest
ye die and wrath come upon all the people, let your brethren the
hole house of Israel, beweep the burning which the LORD hath
burnt. But go ye not out from the door of the tabernacle of
witness, lest ye die: for the anointing oil of the LORD is upon
you. And they did as Moses bade. And the LORD spake unto Aaron
saying: drink no wine nor strong drink, neither thou nor thy sons
with thee: when ye go into the tabernacle of witness, lest ye die.
And let it be a law forever unto your children after you: that ye
may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean
and clean, and that ye may teach the children of Israel all the
ordinances which the LORD hath commanded them by the hands of
Moses. And Moses said unto Aaron and unto Eleazar and Ithamar his
sons that were left: take the meatoffering that remaineth of the
sacrifices of the LORD, and eat it without leaven beside the
altar, for it is most holy: eat it therefore in the holy place,
because it is thy duty and thy sons' duty of the sacrifice of the
LORD: for so I am commanded. And the wavebreast and heaveshoulder
eat in a clean place: both thou and thy sons and thy daughters
with thee. For it is thy duty, and thy sons' duty with thee, of
the peaceofferings of the children of Israel. For the
heaveshoulder and the wavebreast which they bring with the
sacrifices of the fat, to wave it before the LORD, shall be thine
and thy sons' with thee, and be a law for ever, as the LORD hath
commanded. And Moses sought for the goat that was the sinoffering,
and see, it was burnt. And he was angry with Eleazar and Ithamar
the sons of Aaron, which were left alive saying: wherefore have ye
not eaten the sinoffering in the holy place, seeing it is most
holy: and forasmuch as it is given you to bear the sin of the
people, and make agreement for them before the LORD? Behold, the
blood of it was not brought in within the holy place, therefore
should ye have eaten it in the holy place as I commanded. And
Aaron said unto Moses: behold, this day have they offered their
sinoffering and their burntoffering before the LORD, and it is
chanced me after this manner. If I should eat of the sinoffering
today, would the LORD be content with all? And when Moses heard
that, he was content.
Chapter .xi.
And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron saying: speak unto the
children of Israel and say: these are the beasts which ye shall
eat among all the beasts that are on the earth: whatsoever hath
hoof and divideth it into two claws and cheweth cud among the
beasts, that shall ye eat. Nevertheless, these shall ye not eat of
them that chew cud and have hoofs. The camel, for he cheweth cud
but he divideth not the hoof into two claws, therefore he shall be
unclean unto you. And the cony, for he cheweth the cud but
divideth not the hoof into two claws, therefore he is unclean to
you. And the hare, for he likewise cheweth the cud, but divideth
not the hoof into two claws, he is therefore unclean to you. And
the swine, for though he divide the hoof into two claws, yet he
cheweth not the cud and therefore is unclean to you. Of their
flesh see that ye eat not, and their carcasses see that ye twich
not for they are unclean to you. These shall ye eat of all that
are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters,
seas and rivers, that shall ye eat. And all that have not fins and
scales in the seas and rivers of all that move and live in the
waters, shall ye abhor. See that ye eat not of their flesh, and
also that ye abhor their carcasses: for all that have no fins nor
scales in the waters, shall be abomination unto you. These are the
fowls which ye shall abhor and which shall not be eaten, for they
are an abomination. The eagle, the goshawk, the cormorant, the
kite, the vulture and all his kind and all kind of ravens, the
ostrich, the nightcrow, the cuckoo, the sparrowhawk, and all the
kind: the little owl, the stork, the great owl, the back, the
pelican, the pye, the heron, the jay with the kind, the lapwing
and the swallow. And all fowls that creep and go upon all fours
shall be an abomination unto you. Yet these may ye eat of all the
fowls that move and go upon four feet: even those that have no
knees above upon their feet to leap withal upon the earth, even
these of them ye may eat: the arb and all his kind: the Soleam
with all his kind: the Hargol and all the kind, and the Hagab and
all his kind. All other fowls that move and have four feet, shall
be abomination unto you. In such ye shall be unclean whosoever
touch the carcass of the shall be unclean unto the even, and
whosoever beareth the carcass of them, shall wash his clothes and
shall be unclean until even. Among all manner beasts, they that
have hoofs and divide them not into two claws or that chew not the
cud, shall be unclean unto you: and all that twicheth them shall
be unclean. And all that goeth upon his hands among all manner
beasts that go on all fours, are unclean unto you: and as many as
twich their carcasses, shall be unclean until the evening. And he
that beareth the carcass of them, shall wash his clothes and be
unclean until the even, for such are unclean unto you. And these
are also unclean to you among the things that creep upon the
earth: the weasel, the mouse, the toad and all his kind, the
hedgehog, stellio, the lizard, the snail and the mole: These are
unclean to you among all that move, and all that twich them when
they be dead, shall be unclean until the evening. And whatsoever
any of the dead carcasses of them fall upon, shall be unclean:
whatsoever vessel of wood it be, or raiment, or skin, or bag or
whatsoever thing it be that any work is wrought with all. And they
shall be plunged in the water and be unclean until the even, and
then they shall be clean again. All manner of earthen vessel
whereinto any of them falleth, is unclean with all that therein
is: and ye shall break it. All manner meat that is eaten, if any
such water come upon it, it shall be unclean. And all manner drink
that is drunk in all manner such vessels, shall be unclean. And
whether it be oven or kettle, it shall be broken. For they are
unclean and shall be unclean unto you: Neverthelater, yet the
fountains and wells and ponds of water, shall be clean still. But
whosoever twicheth their carcasses, shall be unclean. If the dead
carcass of any such fall upon any seed used to sow, it shall yet
be clean still: but and if any water be poured upon the seed and
afterward the dead carcass of them fall thereon, then it shall be
unclean unto you. If any beast of which ye eat die, he that
twicheth the dead carcass shall be unclean until the evening. And
he that eateth of any such dead carcass, shall wash his clothes
and remain unclean until the evening. And he also that beareth the
carcass of it, shall wash his clothes and be unclean until even.
All that crawleth upon the earth, is an abomination and shall not
be eaten. And whatsoever goeth upon the breast, and whatsoever
goeth upon four or more feet among all that crawleth upon the
earth, of that see ye eat not: for they are abominable. Make not
your souls abominable. Make not your souls abominable with nothing
that creepeth, neither make your souls unclean with them: that ye
should be defiled thereby. For I am the LORD your God, be
sanctified therefore that ye may be holy, for I am holy: and
defile not your souls with any manner thing that creepeth upon the
earth. For I am the LORD that brought you out of the land of Egypt
to be your God: be holy therefore, for I am holy. This is the law
of beast and fowl and of all manner thing that liveth and moveth
in the water and of all things that creep upon the earth, that ye
may put difference between unclean and clean, and between the
beasts that are eaten and the beasts that are not eaten.
Chapter .xij.
And the LORD spake Unto Moses and said: speak unto the children of
Israel and say: when a woman hath conceived and hath borne a man
child, she shall be unclean seven days: even in like manner as
when she is put apart in time of her natural disease. And in the
eighth day the flesh of the child's foreskin shall be cut away.
And she shall continue in the blood of her purifying thirty three
days, she shall twitch no hallowed thing nor come in to the
sanctuary, until the time of her purifying be out. If she bear a
maidchild, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as when she hath
her natural disease. And she shall continue in the blood of her
purifying sixty six days. And when the days of her purifying are
out: whether it be a son or a daughter, she shall bring a lamb of
one year old for a burntoffering and a young pigeon or a
turtledove for a sinoffering unto the door of the tabernacle of
witness unto the priest: which shall offer them before the LORD,
and make an atonement for her, and so she shall be purged of her
issue of blood. This is the law of her that hath borne a child,
whether it be male or female. But and if she be not able to bring
a sheep, then let her bring two turtles or two young pigeons: the
one for the burntoffering, and the other for the sinoffering. And
the priest shall make an atonement for her, and she shall be
Chapter .xiij.
And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron saying: when there
appeareth a rising in any man's flesh either a scab or a
glistering white: as though the plague of leprosy were in the skin
of his flesh, then let him be brought unto Aaron the priest or
unto one of his sons the priests, and let the priest look on the
sore that is in the skin of his flesh. If the hair in the sore be
turned unto white, and the sore also seem to be lower than the
skin of his flesh, then it is surely a leprosy, and let the priest
look on him and make him unclean. If there be but a white pleck in
the skin of his flesh, and seem not to be lower than the other
skin nor the hair thereof is turned unto white: then let the
priest shut him up seven days. And let the priest look upon him
the seventh day: if the sore seem to him to abide still and to go
no further in the skin, then let the priest shut him up yet seven
days more. {mo} And let the priest look on him again the seventh
day. Then if the sore be waxed blackish, and is not grown abroad
in the skin, let the priest make him clean, for it is but a scurf.
And let him wash his clothes, and then he is clean. But and if the
scab grow in the skin after that he is seen of the priest again.
If the priest see that the scab be grown abroad in the skin, let
him make him unclean: for it is surely a leprosy. If the plague of
leprosy be in a man, let him be brought unto the priest, and let
the priest see him. If the rising appear white in the skin, and
have also made the hair white, and there be raw flesh in the sore
also: then it is an old leprosy in the skin of his flesh. And the
priest shall make him unclean, and shall not shut him up for he is
unclean. If a leprosy break out in the skin and cover all the skin
from the head to the foot over all wheresoever the priest looketh,
then let the priest look upon him. If the leprosy have covered all
his flesh, let him make {judge} the disease clean: for inasmuch as
he is altogether white he is therefore clean. But and if there be
raw flesh on him when he is seen, then he shall be unclean.
Therefore when the priest seeth the raw flesh, let him make him
unclean. For inasmuch as his flesh is raw, he is unclean and it is
surely a true leprosy. But and if the raw flesh depart again and
change unto white, then let him come to the priest and let the
priest see him: If the sore be changed unto white, let the priest
make {judge} the disease clean, and then he is clean. When there
is a beal in the skin of any man's flesh and is healed and after
in the place of the beal there appear a white rising either a
shining white somewhat reddish, let him be seen of the priest. If
when the priest seeth him it appear lower than the other skin and
the hair thereof be changed unto white, let the priest make
{judge} him unclean: for it is a very leprosy, that is broken out
in the place of the beal. But and if when the priest looketh on it
there be no white hairs therein neither the scab lower than the
other skin and be somewhat blackish, then the priest shall shut
him apart seven days. If it spread abroad in the mean season, then
let the priest make {judge} him unclean: for it is a leprosy. But
and if the glistering white abide still in one place and go no
further, then it is but the print of the beal, and the priest
shall make {judge} him clean. When the skin of any man's flesh is
burnt with fire that it be raw and there appear in the burning a
glistering white that is somewhat reddish or altogether white, let
the priest look upon it. If the hair in that brightness be changed
to white and it also appear lower than the other skin, then it is
a leprosy that is broken out in the place of the burning. And the
priest shall make {judge} him unclean, for it is a leprosy. But
and if (when the priest looketh on it) he see that there is no
white hair in the brightness, and that it is no lower than the
other skin, and that it is also blackish, then let the priest shut
him up seven days. And if (when the priest looketh on him the
seventh day) it be grown abroad in the skin, let him make {judge}
him unclean: for it is a leprosy. But and if that brightness abide
still in one place and go no further in the skin and be blackish,
then it is but a rising in the place of the burning, and the
priest shall make him clean: for it is but the print of the
burning only. When either man or woman hath a breaking out upon
the head or the beard, let the priest see it. And if it appear
lower than the other skin, and there be therein golden hairs and
thin, let the priest make {judge} him unclean, for it is a
breaking out of leprosy upon the head or beard. If (when the
priest looketh on the breaking out) he see that it is no lower
than the other skin and that there are black hairs therein, let
him shut him up seven days. And let the priest look on the disease
the seventh day: and if the breaking out be gone no further
neither be any golden hairs therein neither the scab be lower than
the other skin, then let him be shaven, but let him not shave the
scab, and let the priest shut him up seven days more. And let the
priest look on the breaking out the seventh day again: If the
breaking out be gone no further in the skin nor more lower than
the other skin, then let the priest make {judge} him clean, and
let him wash his clothes and then he is clean. If the breaking out
grow in the skin after that he is once made {judged} clean, let
the priest see him. If it be grown abroad indeed in the skin, let
the priest seek no further for any golden hairs, for he is
unclean. But and if he see that the scab stond still, and that
there is black hair grown up therein, then the scab is healed and
he is clean: and the priest shall make {judge} him clean. If there
be found in the skin of the flesh of man or woman a glistering
white, let the priest see it. If there appear in their flesh a
glistering white somewhat blackish, then it is but freckles grown
up in the skin: and he is clean. If a man's hair fall off his
head, then he is headbald and clean. If his hair fall before in
his forehead, then he is foreheadbald and clean. If there be in
the bald head or bald forehead a reddish white scab, then there is
leprosy sprung up in his bald head or bald forehead. And let the
priest see it: and if the rising of the sore be reddish white in
his bald head or forehead after the manner of a leprosy in the
skin of the flesh, then he is a leper and unclean: and the priest
shall make {judge} him unclean, for the plague of his head. And
the leper in whom the plague is, shall have his clothes rent and
his head bare and his mouth muffled and shall be called unclean.
And as long as the disease lasteth upon him, he shall be unclean:
for he is unclean, and shall therefore dwell alone, and even
without the host shall his habitation be. When the plague of
leprosy is in a cloth: whether it be linen or woollen, yea and
whether it be in the warp or woof of the linen or of the woollen:
either in a skin or any thing made of skin, if the disease be pale
or somewhat reddish in the cloth or skin: whether it be in the
warp or the woof or any thing that is made of skin, then it is a
very leprosy, and must be shewed unto the priest. And when the
priest seeth the plague, let him shut it up seven days, and let
him look on the plague the seventh day. If it be increased in the
cloth: whether it be in the warp or woof or in a skin or in
anything that is made of skin, then the plague is a fretting
leprosy, and it is unclean: And that cloth shall be burnt, either
warp or woof, whether it be woollen or linen or any thing that is
made of skin wherein the plague is, for it is a fretting leprosy,
and shall be burnt in the fire. If the priest see that the plague
hath fretten no further in the cloth: either in the warp or woof
or in whatsoever thing of skin it be, then let the priest command
then to wash the thing wherein the plague is, and let him shut it
up seven days more. And let the priest look on it again after that
the plague is washed. If the plague have not changed his fashion
though it be spread no further abroad, it is yet unclean. And see
that ye burn it in the fire, for it is fretten inward: whether in
part or in all together. But and if the priest see that it is
somewhat blackish after that it is washed, let him rent it out of
the cloth, or out of the skin or out of the warp or woof. But and
if it appear any more in the cloth either in the warp or in the
woof or in anything made of skin, then it is a waxing plague. And
see that ye burn that with fire, wherein the plague is. Moreover
the cloth either warp or woof or whatsoever thing of skin it be
which thou hast washed and the plague be departed from it, shall
be washed once again: and then it is clean. This is the law of the
plague of leprosy in a cloth whether it be woollen or linen:
either whether it be in the warp or woof, or in anything made of
skins, to make {judge} it clean or unclean.
Chapter .xiiij.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: this is the law of a leper
when he shall be cleansed: He shall be brought unto the priest,
and the priest shall go out without the host and look upon him. If
the plague of leprosy be healed in the leper, then shall the
priest command that there be brought for him that shall be
cleansed two living birds that are clean, and cypress {cedar}
wood, and a piece of purple cloth and hyssop. And the priest shall
command that one of the birds be killed over {in} an earthen
vessel of running water. And the priest shall take the living bird
and the cypress {cedar} wood and the purple and the hyssop, and
shall dip them and the living bird in the blood of the slain bird,
and in the running water and sprinkle it upon him that must be
cleansed of his leprosy seven times and cleanse him, and shall let
the living bird go free into the fields. And he that is cleansed
shall wash his clothes and shave off all his hair, and wash
himself in water, and then he is clean. And after that he shall
come into the host, but shall tarry without his tent seven days.
When the seventh day is come, he shall shave off all his hair both
upon his head and his beard and on his brows: and even all the
hair that is on him, shall be shaven off. And he shall wash his
clothes and his flesh in water, and then he shall be clean. And
when the eighth day is come, let him take two lambs without
blemish and a ewe lamb of a year old without blemish, and three
tenth deals of fine flour for a meatoffering mingled with oil, and
a log of oil. Then let the priest that maketh him clean, bring the
man that is made clean with those things before the LORD unto the
door of the tabernacle of witness. And let the priest take one of
the lambs and offer him for a trespassoffering, and the log of
oil: and wave them before the LORD. And then let him slay the lamb
in the place where the sinoffering and the burntoffering are
slain: even in the holy place. For as the sinoffering is, even so
is the trespassoffering the priest's: for it is most holy. Then
let the priest take of the blood of the trespassoffering, and put
it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is cleansed, and upon
the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right
foot. Then let the priest take of the log of oil, and pour it into
the palm of his left hand and dip his right finger in the oil that
is in the palm of his left hand, and let him sprinkle it with his
finger seven times before the LORD. And of the rest of the oil
that is in his hand, shall the priest put upon the tip of the
right ear of him that is cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right
hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot: even upon the
blood of the trespass offering. And the remnant of the oil that is
in the priest's hand, he shall pour upon the head of him that is
cleansed: and so shall be priest make an atonement for him before
the LORD. Then let the priest offer the sinoffering, and make an
atonement for him that is cleansed for his uncleanness. And then
let the burntoffering be slain, and let the priest put both the
burntoffering and the meatoffering upon the altar; and make an
atonement for him, and then he shall be clean. If he be poor and
can not get so much, then let him bring one lamb for a
trespassoffering to wave it and to make an atonement for him, and
a tenth deal of fine flour mingled with oil for a meatoffering,
and a log of oil, and two turtle doves or two young pigeons which
he is able to get, and let the one be a sinoffering and the other
a burntoffering. And let him bring them the eighth day for his
cleansing unto the priest to the door of the tabernacle of witness
before the LORD. And let the priest take the lamb that is the
trespassoffering and the log of oil, and wave them before the
LORD. And when the lamb of the trespassoffering is killed, the
priest shall take of the blood of the trespass offering, and put
it upon the tip of his right ear that is cleansed, and upon the
thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.
And the priest shall pour of the oil into his right hand, and
shall sprinkle with his finger of the oil that is in his left hand
seven times before the LORD. And the priest shall put of the oil
that is in his hand, upon the tip of the right ear of him that is
cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great
toe of his right foot: even in the place where the blood of the
trespassoffering was put. And the rest of the oil that is in his
hand, he shall pour upon the head of him that is cleansed: to make
an atonement for him before the LORD. And he shall offer one of
the turtle doves or of the young pigeons, such as he can get: the
one for a sin offering and the other for a burntoffering upon the
altar. And so shall the priest make an atonement for him that is
cleansed before the LORD. This is the law of him that hath the
plague of leprosy, whose hand is not able to get that which
pertaineth to his cleansing. And the LORD spake unto Moses and
Aaron saying: when ye be come unto the land of Canaan which I give
you to possess: if I put the plague of leprosy in any house of the
land of your possession, let him that owneth the house go and tell
the priest saying: me think that there is as it were a leprosy in
the house. And the priest shall command them to rid all things out
of the house, before the priest go in to see the plague: that he
make not all that is in the house unclean, and then the priest
shall go in and see the house. If the priest see that the plague
is in the walls of the house, and that there be hollow streaks
pale or red which seem to be lower than the other parts of the
wall, then let the priest go out at the house doors, and shut up
the house for seven days. And let the priest come again the
seventh day and see it: if the plague be increased in the walls of
the house, let the priest command them to take away the stones in
which the plague is, and let them cast them in a foul place
without the city, and scrape the house within round about, and
pour out the dust without the city in a foul place. And let them
take other stones and put them in the places of those stones, and
other mortar, and plaster the house withal. If now the plague come
again and break out in the house, after that they have taken away
the stones and scraped the house, and after that the house is
plastered anew: let the priest come and see it. And if then he
perceive that the plague hath eaten further in the house, then it
is a fretting leprosy that is in the house, and it is unclean.
Then they shall break down the house: both stones, timber and all
the mortar of the house, and carry it out of the city unto a foul
place. Moreover he that goeth into the house all the while that it
is shut up, shall be unclean until night. And he that sleepeth in
the house shall wash his clothes, and he also that eateth in the
house shall wash his clothes. But and if the priest come and see
that the plague hath spread no further in the house after that it
is new plastered, then let him make it clean for the plague is
healed. And let him take to cleanse the house withal: two birds,
cypress wood, and purple cloth and hyssop. And let him kill one of
the birds over {in} an earthen vessel of {with} running water: and
take the cypress {cedar} wood, the hyssop, the purple and the
living bird, and dip them in the blood of the slain bird and in
the running water, and sprinkle upon the house seven times, and
cleanse the house with the blood of the bird, and with the running
water, and with the living bird, and with the cypress wood, and
the hyssop, and the purple cloth. And he shall let the living bird
flee out of the town into the wild fields, and so make an
atonement for the house, and it shall be clean. This is the law of
all manner plague of leprosy and breaking out, and of the leprosy
of cloth and house: and of risings, scabs and glistering white, to
teach when a thing is unclean or clean. This is the law of
Chapter .xv.
And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron saying: Speak unto the
children of Israel and say unto them: every man that hath a
running issue in his flesh, is unclean by the reason of his issue.
And hereby shall it be known when he is unclean. If his flesh run,
or if his flesh congeal by the reason of his issue, then he is
unclean. Every couch whereon he lieth and every thing whereon he
sitteth shall be unclean. He that twicheth his couch, shall wash
his clothes and bathe himself with water, and be unclean until the
even. He that sitteth on that whereon he sat, shall wash his
clothes and bathe himself with water and be unclean until the
evening. And he that twicheth his flesh shall wash his clothes and
bathe himself in water and be unclean unto the evening. If any
such spit upon him that is clean, he must wash his clothes and
bathe himself in water and be unclean until even. And whatsoever
saddle that he rideth upon, shall be unclean. And whosoever
twicheth anything that was under him, shall be unclean unto the
evening. And he that beareth any such things shall wash his
clothes, and bathe himself in water and be unclean unto the even,
and whosoever he twicheth (if he have not first washed his hands
in water) must wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and
be unclean unto the evening. And if he twich a vessel of earth, it
shall be broken: and all vessels of wood shall be rinsed in the
water. When he that hath an issue is cleansed of his issue, let
him number seven days after he is clean, and wash his clothes, and
bathe his flesh in running water, and then he is clean. And the
eighth day let him take two turtle doves or two young pigeons, and
come before the LORD unto the door of the tabernacle of witness,
and give them unto the priest. And the priest shall offer them:
the one for a sinoffering, and the other for a burntoffering: and
make an atonement for him before the LORD, as concerning his
issue. If any man's seed depart from him in his sleep, he shall
wash his flesh in water and be unclean until evening. And all the
clothes or furs whereon such seed chanceth shall be washed with
water and be unclean unto the evening. And if a woman lie with
such a one, they shall wash them selves with water and be unclean
until even. When a woman's natural course of blood runneth, she
shall be put apart seven days: and whosoever twicheth her shall be
unclean unto the evening. And all that she lieth {[or sitteth]}
upon as long as she is put apart shall be unclean. And whosoever
twicheth her couch shall wash his clothes and bathe himself with
water and be unclean unto the evening. And whosoever twicheth
anything that she sat upon, shall wash his clothes and wash
himself also in water, and be unclean unto the even: so that
whether he twich her couch or anything whereon she hath sitten, he
shall be unclean unto the evening. And if a man lie with her in
the mean time, he shall be put apart as well as she and shall be
unclean seven days, and all his couch wherein he sleepeth shall be
unclean. When a woman's blood runneth long time: whether out of
the time of her natural course: as long as her uncleanness
runneth, she shall be unclean after the manner as when she is put
apart. All her couches whereon she lieth (as long as her issue
lasteth) shall be unto her as her couch when she is put apart. And
whatsoever she sitteth upon, shall be unclean, as is her
uncleanness when she is put apart. And whosoever twicheth them,
shall be unclean, and shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in
water and be unclean unto evening. And when {But if} she is
cleansed {be clean} of her issue, let her count her seven days,
after that she is clean. And the eighth day let her take two
turtles or two young pigeons and bring them unto the priest unto
the door of the tabernacle of witness. And the priest shall offer
the one for a sinoffering, and the other for a burntoffering: and
so make an atonement for her before the LORD, as concerning her
unclean issue. Make the children of Israel to keep them selves
from their uncleanness, that they die not in their uncleanness:
when they have defiled my habitation that is among them. This is
the law of him that hath a running sore, and of him whose seed
runneth from him in his sleep and is defiled therewith, and of her
that hath an issue of blood as long as she is put apart, and of
whosoever hath a running sore whether it be man or woman, and of
him that sleepeth with her that is unclean.
Chapter .xvi.
And the LORD spake unto Moses after the death of the two sons of
Aaron, when they had offered before the LORD and died: And he said
unto Moses: speak unto Aaron thy brother that he go not at all
times into the holy place, that is whithin the vail that hangeth
before the mercy seat which is upon the ark that he die not. For I
will appear in a cloud upon the mercy seat. But of this manner
shall Aaron go in into the holy place: with a young ox {bullock}
for a sinoffering, and a ram for a burntoffering. And he shall put
the holy linen alb upon him, and shall have a linen breech upon
his flesh, and shall gird him with a linen girdle, and put the
linen mitre upon his head: for they are holy raiments. And he
shall wash his flesh with water, and put them on. And he shall
take of the multitude of the children of Israel two goats for a
sinoffering and a ram for a burntoffering. And Aaron shall offer
the ox for his sinoffering and make an atonement for him and for
his house. And he shall take the two goats and present them before
the LORD in the door of the tabernacle of witness. And Aaron cast
lots over the two goats: one lot for the LORD, and another for a
scapegoat. And Aaron shall bring the goat upon which the LORD's
lot fell, and offer him for a sinoffering. But the goat on which
the lot fell to scape, he shall set alive before the LORD to
reconcile with and to let him go free into the wilderness. And
Aaron shall bring the ox of his sinoffering, and reconcile for
himself and for his household, and kill him. And then he shall
take a censer full of burning coals out of the altar that is
before the LORD, and his handful of sweet cense beaten small, and
bring them within the vail and put the cense upon the fire before
the LORD: that the cloud of the cense may cover the mercy seat
that is upon the witness, that he die not. And he shall take of
the blood of the ox and sprinkle it with his finger before the
mercy seat eastward: even seven times. Then shall he kill the goat
that is the people's sinoffering, and bring his blood within the
vail, and do with his blood as he did with the blood of the ox,
and let him sprinkle it toward the mercy seat, and before the
mercy seat: and reconcile the holy place from the uncleanness of
the children of Israel, and from their trespasses and all their
sins. And so let him do also unto the tabernacle of witness that
dwelleth with them, even among their uncleannesses. And there
shall be nobody in the tabernacle of witness, when he goeth in to
make an atonement in the holy place, until he come out again. And
he shall make an atonement for himself and for his household, and
for all the multitude of Israel. Then he shall go out unto the
altar that stondeth before the LORD, and reconcile it, and shall
take of the blood of the ox and of the blood of the goat, and put
it upon the horns of the altar round about, and sprinkle of the
blood upon it with his finger seven times, and cleanse it, and
hallow it from the uncleannesses of the children of Israel. And
when he hath made an end of reconciling the holy place and the
tabernacle of witness and the altar, let him bring the live goat
and let Aaron put both his hands upon the head of the live goat,
and confess over him all the misdeeds of the children of Israel,
and all their trespasses, and all their sins: and let him put them
upon the head of the goat and send him away by the hands of one
that is acquainted in the wilderness. And the goat shall bear upon
him all their misdeeds unto the wilderness, and he shall let the
goat go free in the wilderness. And let Aaron go in to the
tabernacle of witness and put off the line clothes which he put on
when he went in into the holy place, and leave them there. And let
him wash his flesh with water in the holy place, and put on his
own raiment, and then come out and offer his burntoffering and the
burntoffering of the people, and make an atonement for himself and
for the people, and the fat of the sinoffering let him burn upon
the altar. And let him that carried forth the scapegoat, wash his
clothes and bathe his flesh in water, and then come into the host
again. And the ox of the sinoffering and the goat of the
sinoffering (whose blood was brought in to make an atonement in
the holy place) let one carry out without the host and burn with
fire: both their skins, their flesh and their dung. And let him
that burneth them, wash his clothes and bathe his flesh in water,
and then come into the host again. And it {this} shall be an
ordinance for ever unto you. And even in the tenth day of the
seventh month, ye shall humble your souls and shall do no work at
all: whether it be one of your selves or a stranger that
sojourneth among you, for that day shall an atonement be made for
you to cleanse you from all your sins before the LORD, and ye
shall be clean. It shall be a Sabbath of rest unto you, and ye
shall humble your souls, and it shall be an ordinance for ever.
And the priest that is anointed and whose hand was filled to
minister in his father's stead, shall make the atonement and shall
put on the holy linen {[clothes and holy]} vestments, and
reconcile the holy sanctuary and the tabernacle of witness and the
altar, and shall make an atonement also for the priests and for
all the people of the congregation. And this shall be an
everlasting ordinance unto you to make an atonement for the
children of Israel for all their sins once a year: and it was done
even as the LORD commanded Moses.
Chapter .xvij.
And the LORD talked with Moses saying: speak unto Aaron and unto
his sons and unto all the children of Israel and say unto them,
this is the thing which the LORD charged saying: whatsoever he be
of the house of Israel that killeth an ox, lamb or goat in the
host or out of the host and bringeth them not unto the door of the
tabernacle of witness, to offer an offering unto the LORD before
the dwelling place of the LORD, blood shall be imputed unto that
man, as though he had shed blood, and that man shall perish from
among his people. Wherefore let the children of Israel bring their
offerings they offer in the wide field, unto the LORD: even unto
the door of the tabernacle of witness and unto the priest, and
offer them for peaceofferings unto the LORD. And the priest shall
sprinkle the blood upon the altar of the LORD in the door of the
tabernacle of witness, and burn the fat to be a sweet savour unto
the LORD. And let them no more offer their offerings unto devils,
after whom they go an whoring. And this shall be an ordinance for
ever unto you thorowout your generations. And thou shalt say unto
them: whatsoever man it be of the house of Israel or of the
strangers that sojourn among you that offereth a burntoffering or
any other offering, and bringeth it not unto the door of the
tabernacle of witness to offer unto the LORD, that fellow shall
perish from among his people. And whatsoever man it be of the
house of Israel or of the strangers that sojourn among you that
eateth any manner of blood, I will set my face against that soul
that eateth blood, and will destroy him from among his people, for
the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it unto
you upon the altar, to make an atonement for your souls, for blood
shall make an atonement for the soul. And therefore I said unto
the children of Israel: see that no soul of you eat blood, nor yet
any stranger that sojourneth among you. Whatsoever man it be of
the children of Israel or of the strangers that sojourn among you
that hunteth and catcheth any beast or fowl that may be eaten, he
shall pour out the blood and cover it with earth. For the life of
all flesh is in the blood, therefore I said unto the children of
Israel, ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh, for the life
of all flesh is in his blood, and whosoever therefore eateth it
shall perish. And whatsoever soul it be that eateth that which
died alone or that which was torn with wild beasts: whether it be
one of your selves or a stranger, he shall wash his clothes and
bathe himself in water, and shall be unclean unto the even, and
then is he clean. But and if he wash them not nor wash his flesh
he shall bear his sin.
Chapter .xviij.
And the LORD talked with Moses saying: speak unto the children of
Israel, and say unto them, I am the LORD your God. Wherefore after
the doings of the land of Egypt wherein ye dwelt, see that ye do
not: neither after the doings of the land of Canaan, whether I
will bring you, neither walk ye in their ordinances, but do after
my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: for I am
the LORD your God. Keep therefore mine ordinances, and my
judgments which if a man do he shall live thereby: for I am the
LORD. See that ye go to none of your nyest kindred for to uncover
their secrets, for I am the LORD. The secrets of thy father and
thy mother, see thou unhele not: she is thy mother, therefore
shalt thou not discover her secrets. The secrets of thy father's
wife shalt thou not discover, for they are thy father's secrets.
Thou shalt not discover the privity of thy sister, the daughter of
thy father or of thy mother: whether she be born at home or
without. Thou shalt not discover the secrets of thy son's daughter
or thy daughter's daughter, for that is thine own privity: Thou
shalt not discover the secrets of thy father's wife's daughter,
which she bare to thy father, for she is thy sister: thou shalt
therefore not discover her secrets. Thou shalt not uncover the
secrets of thy father's sister, for she is thy father's next kin.
{kinswoman.} Thou shalt not discover the secrets of thy mother's
sister, for she is thy mother's next kin. {kinswoman.} Thou shalt
not open {uncover} the secrets of thy father's brother: that is
thou shalt not go in to his wife, for she is thine aunt. Thou
shalt not discover {privities} the secrets of thy daughter-in-law
she is thy son's wife: therefore uncover not her secrets. Thou
shalt not unhele the secrets of thy brother's wife, for that is
thy brother's privity. Thou shalt not discover the privates of the
wife and her daughter also, neither shalt thou take her son's
daughter or her daughter's daughter to uncover their secrets, they
are her next kin, it were therefore wickedness. Thou shalt not
take a wife and her sister thereto, to vex her that thou wouldest
open her secrets as long as she liveth. Thou shalt not go unto a
woman to open her secrets, {uncover her privity} as long as she is
put apart for her uncleanness. Thou shalt not lie with thy
neighbour's wife, to defile thyself with her. Thou shalt not give
of thy seed to offer it unto Moloch, that thou defile not the name
of thy God, for I am the LORD. Thou shalt not lie with mankind as
with womankind, for that is abomination. Thou shalt lie with no
manner of beast to defile thyself therewith, neither shall any
woman stond before a beast to lie down thereto, for that is
abomination. Defile not your selves in any of these things, for
with all these things are these nations defiled which I cast out
before you: and the land is defiled, and I will visit the
wickedness thereof upon it. And the land shall spew out her
inhabiters. Keep ye therefore mine ordinances and judgements, and
see that ye commit none of these abominations: neither any of you
nor any stranger that sojourneth among you (for all these
abominations have the men of the land done which were there before
you, and the land is defiled) lest that the land spew you out when
ye have defiled it, as it spewed out the nations that were there
before you. For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations,
the same souls that commit them shall perish from among their
people. Therefore see that ye keep mine ordinances, that ye commit
none of these abominable customs which were committed before you:
that ye defile not your selves therewith for I am the LORD your
Chapter .xix.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: speak unto all the multitude
of the children of Israel, and say unto them. Be holy for I the
LORD your God am holy. See that ye fear every man his father and
his mother, and that ye keep my Sabbaths, for I am the LORD your
God. Ye shall not turn unto idols nor make you gods of metal: I am
the LORD your God. When ye offer your peaceofferings unto the
LORD, ye shall offer them that ye may be accepted. And it shall be
eaten the same day ye offer it and on the morrow, but whatsoever
is left on the third day shall be burnt in the fire. If it be
eaten the third day, it shall be unclean and not accepted. And he
that eateth it shall bear his sin, because he hath defiled the
hallowed things of the LORD, and that soul shall perish from among
his people. When ye reap down the ripe corn of your land, ye shall
not reap down the utmost borders of your fields, neither shalt
thou gather that which is left behind in thy harvest. Thou shalt
not pluck in all thy vineyard clean, neither gather in the grapes
that are overscaped. But thou shalt leave them for the poor and
stranger. I am the LORD your God. Ye shall not steal neither lie,
neither deal falsely one with another. Ye shall not swear by my
name falsely: that thou defilest not the name of thy God, I am the
LORD. Thou shalt not beguile thy neighbour with cavillations,
neither rob him violently, neither shall the workman's labour
abide with thee until the morning. Thou shalt not curse the deaf,
neither put a stumbling block before the blind: but shalt fear thy
God. I am the LORD. Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgement.
Thou shalt not favour the poor nor honour the mighty, but shalt
judge thy neighbour righteously. Thou shalt not go up and down a
privy accuser among thy people, neither shalt thou help to shed
the blood of thy neighbour: I am the LORD. Thou shalt not hate thy
brother in thine heart but shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour:
that thou bear not sin for his sake. Thou shalt not avenge thyself
nor bear hate in thy mind against the children of thy people, but
shalt love thy neighbour even as thyself. I am the LORD. Keep mine
ordinances. Let none of thy cattle gender with a contrary kind,
neither sow thy field with mingled seed, neither shalt thou put on
any garment of linen and woollen. If a man have to do with a woman
that is bond and hath been meddled with all of another man which
neither is bought nor freedom given her, there shall be a pain
upon it: but they shall not die, because she was not made free.
And he shall bring for his trespassoffering unto the LORD: even
unto the door of the tabernacle of witness, a ram for a trespass
offering. And the priest shall make an atonement for him with the
ram of the trespassoffering before the LORD, for his sin which he
hath done: and it shall be forgiven him, as concerning the sin
which he hath done. And when ye come to the land and have planted
all manner of trees whereof men eat, ye shall hold them
uncircumcised as concerning their fruit: even three years shall
they be uncircumcised unto you and shall not be eaten of, and the
fourth year all the fruit of them shall be holy and acceptable to
the LORD. And the fifth year may ye eat of the fruit of them, and
gather in the increase of them: I am the LORD your God. Ye shall
eat nothing with the blood, ye shall use no witchcraft, nor
observe dismal days, ye shall not round the locks of your heads,
neither shalt thou mar the tufts of thy beard. Ye shall not rent
your flesh for any soul's sake, nor print any marks upon you: I am
the LORD. Thou shalt not pollute thy daughter, that thou wouldest
maintain her to be an whore: lest the land fall to whoredom, and
wax full of wickedness. See that ye keep my Sabbaths and fear my
sanctuary: I am the LORD. Turn not to them that work with spirits,
neither regard them that observe dismal days: that ye be not
defiled by them, for I am the LORD your God. Thou shalt rise up
before the hoarhead, and reverence the face of the old man and
dread thy God, for I am the LORD. If a stranger sojourn by thee in
your land, see that ye vex him not: But let the stranger that
dwelleth with you, be as one of your selves, and love him as thy
self, for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. I am the LORD
your God. Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgement neither in
meteyard, weight or measure. But ye shall have true balances, true
weights, a true Epha and a true hin. I am the LORD your God which
brought you out of the land of Egypt, that ye should observe all
mine ordinances and judgments and that ye should keep them: I am
the LORD.
Chapter .xx.
And the LORD talked with Moses saying: tell the children of
Israel, whosoever he be of the children of Israel or of the
strangers that dwell in Israel, that giveth of his seed unto
Moloch he shall die for it: the people of the land shall stone him
with stones. And I will set my face upon that fellow, and will
destroy him from among his people: because he hath given of his
seed unto Moloch, for to defile my sanctuary and to pollute mine
holy name. And though that the people of the land hide their eyes
from that fellow, when he giveth of his seed unto Moloch, so that
they kill him not: yet I will put my face upon that man and upon
his household, {generation} and will destroy him and all that go a
whoring with him and commit whoredom with Moloch from among their
people. If any soul turn unto them that work with spirits or
makers of dismal days {turn him to enchanters or expounders of
tokens} and go a whoring after them, I will put my face upon that
soul and will destroy him from among his people. Sanctify your
selves therefore and be holy, for I am the LORD your God. And see
that ye keep mine ordinances and do them. For I am the LORD which
sanctify you. Whosoever curseth his father or mother, shall die
for it, his blood on his head, because he hath cursed his father
or mother. He that breaketh wedlock with another man's wife shall
die for it, because he hath broke wedlock with his neighbour's
wife, and so shall she likewise. If a man lie with his father's
wife and uncover his father's secrets, they shall both die for it,
their blood be upon their heads. If a man lie with his daughter-
in-law they shall die both of them: they have wrought abomination,
their blood upon their heads. If a man lie with the mankind after
the manner as with womankind, they have both committed an
abomination and shall die for it. Their blood be upon their heads.
If a man take a wife and her mother thereto, it is wickedness. Men
shall burn with fire both him and them, that there be no
wickedness among you. If a man lie with a beast he shall die, and
ye shall slay the beast. If a woman go unto a beast and lie down
thereto: thou shalt kill the woman and the beast also they shall
die, and their blood be upon their heads. If a man take his
sister, his father's daughter or his mother's daughter, and see
her secrets, and she see his secrets also: it is a wicked thing.
Therefore let them perish in the sight of their people; he hath
seen his sister's secretness, he shall therefore bear his sin. If
a man lie with a woman in time of her natural disease and unheal
{uncover} her secrets and uncover {open} her fountain, and she
also open the fountain of her blood, they shall both perish from
among their people. Thou shalt not uncover the secrets of thy
mother's sister nor of thy father's sisters, for he that doth so,
uncovereth his next kin: and they shall bear their misdoing. If a
man lie with his uncle's wife, he hath uncovered his uncle's
secrets: they shall bear their sin, and shall die childless. If a
man take his brother's wife, it is an unclean thing, he hath
uncovered his brother's secrets, they shall be childless
therefore. See that ye keep therefore all mine ordinances and all
my judgements, and that ye do them: that the land whither I bring
you to dwell therein, spew you not out. And see that ye walk not
in the manners of the nations which I cast out before you: For
they committed all these things, and I abhorred them. But I have
said unto you that ye shall enjoy their land, and that I will give
it unto you to possess it: even a land that floweth with milk and
honey. I am the LORD your God, which have separated you from other
nations: that ye should put difference between clean beasts and
unclean, and between unclean fowls and them that are clean. Make
not your souls therefore abominable with beasts and fowls, and
with all manner thing that creepeth upon the ground, which I have
separated unto you to hold them unclean. Be holy unto me, for I
the LORD am holy and have severed you from other nations: that ye
should be mine. If there be man or woman that worketh with a
spirit or a maker of dismal days, {expoundeth tokens} they shall
die for it. Men shall stone them with stones, and their blood
shall be upon them.
Chapter .xxj.
And the LORD said unto Moses: speak unto the priests the sons of
Aaron and say unto them: A priest shall defile himself at the
death of none of his people, but upon his kin that is nye unto
him: as his mother, father, son, daughter and brother: and on his
sister as long as she is a maid and dwelleth nye him and was never
given to man: on her he may defile himself. But he shall not make
himself unclean upon a ruler of his people to pollute himself
withal. They shall make them no baldness upon their heads or shave
off the locks of their beards, nor make any marks in their flesh.
They shall be holy unto their God, and not pollute the name of
their God, for the sacrifices of the LORD and the bread of their
God they do offer: therefore they must be holy. They shall take no
wife that is an whore, or polluted, or put from her husband: for a
priest is holy unto his God. Sanctify him therefore, for he
offereth up the bread of God: he shall therefore be holy unto
thee, for I the LORD which sanctify you, am holy. If a priest's
daughter fall to play the whore, she polluteth her father:
therefore she shall be burnt with fire. He that is the high priest
among his brethren upon whose head the anointing oil was poured
and whose hand was filled to put on the vestments, shall not
uncover his head nor rent his clothes, neither shall go to any
dead body nor make himself unclean: no not on his father or
mother, neither shall go out of the sanctuary, that he pollute not
the holy place of his God, for the crown of the anointing oil of
God, is upon him. I am the LORD. He shall take a maiden unto his
wife: but no widow nor divorced nor polluted whore. But he shall
take a maiden of his own people to wife, that he defile not his
seed upon his people. For I am the LORD which sanctify him. And
the LORD spake unto Moses saying, speak unto Aaron and say: No man
of thy seed in their generations that hath any deformity upon him,
shall prease for to offer the bread of his God: For none that hath
any blemish shall come near: whether he be blind, lame,
snoutnosed, or that hath any monstrous member, or broken footed,
or broken handed, or crook backed, or perleyed, or goggle eyed, or
mangy or skald, or hath his stones broken. No man that is deformed
of the seed of Aaron the priest, shall come nye to offer the
sacrifices of the LORD. If he have a deformity, he shall not prese
to offer the bread of his God. Notwithstanding he shall eat of the
bread of his God: even as well of the most holy, as of the holy:
but shall not go in unto the vail nor come nye the altar, because
he is deformed, that he pollute not my sanctuary, for I am the
LORD that sanctify them. And Moses told it unto Aaron and to his
sons, and unto all the children of Israel.
Chapter .xxij.
And the LORD communed with Moses saying: bid Aaron and his sons
that they abstain from the hallowed things of the children of
Israel which they have hallowed unto me, that they pollute not
mine holy name: for I am the LORD. Say unto them: whosoever he be
of all your seed among your generation after you, that goeth unto
the hallowed things which the children of Israel shall have
hallowed unto the LORD, his uncleanness shall be upon him: and
that soul shall perish from out of my sight. I am the LORD. None
of the seed of Aaron that is a leper or that hath a running sore,
shall eat of the hallowed things until he be clean. And whosoever
twitcheth any unclean soul or man whose seed runneth from him by
night, or whosoever twicheth any worm that is unclean to him, or
man that is unclean to him, whatsoever uncleanness he hath: the
same soul that hath twiched any such thing, shall be unclean until
even, and shall not eat of the hallowed things until he have
washed his flesh with water. And then when the son is down he
shall be clean and shall afterward eat of the hallowed things: for
they are his food. Of a beast that dieth alone or is rent with
wild beasts, he shall not eat, to defile himself therewith: I am
the LORD. But let them keep therefore mine ordinance, lest they
lade sin upon them and die therein when they have defiled them
selves: for I am the LORD which sanctify them. There shall no
stranger eat of the hallowed things, neither a guest of the
priests, or an hired servant. But if the priest buy any fowl with
money he may eat of it, and he also that is born in his house may
eat of his bread. If the priest's daughter be married unto a
stranger, she may not eat of the hallowed heave offerings.
Notwithstanding if the priest's daughter be a widow or divorced
and have no child but is returned unto her father's house again,
she shall eat of her father's bread as well as she did in her
youth. But there shall no stranger eat thereof. If a man eat of
the hallowed things unwittingly, he shall put the fifth part
thereunto, and make good unto the priest the hallowed thing. And
let the priests see, that they defile not the hallowed things of
the children of Israel which they have offered unto the LORD, lest
they lade them selves with misdoing and trespass in eating their
hallowed things, for I am the LORD which hallow them. And the LORD
spake unto Moses saying: speak unto Aaron and his sons and unto
all the children of Israel and say unto them, whatsoever he be of
the house of Israel or stranger in Israel that will offer his
offering: whatsoever vow or freewill offering it be which they
will offer unto the LORD for a burntoffering to reconcile them
selves, it must be a male without blemish of the oxen, sheep or
goats, let them offer nothing that is deformed for they shall get
no favour therewith. If a man will offer a peaceoffering unto the
LORD and separate a vow or a freewill offering of the oxen or the
flock, it must be without deformity, that it may be accepted.
There may be no blemish therein: whether it be blind, broken,
wounded or have a wen, or be mangy or scabbed; see that ye offer
no such unto the LORD, nor put an offering of any such upon the
altar unto the LORD. An ox or a sheep that hath any member out of
proportion, mayst thou offer for a freewill offering: but in a vow
it shall not be accepted. Thou shalt not offer unto the LORD that
which hath his stones bruised, broken, plucked out or cut away,
neither shalt make any such in your land, neither of a stranger's
hand shall ye offer an offering to your God of any such. For they
mar all in that they have deformities in them, and therefore can
not be accepted for you. And the LORD spake unto Moses saying:
when an ox, a sheep or a goat is brought forth, it shall be seven
days under the dam. And from the eighth day forth, it shall be
accepted unto a gift in the sacrifice of the LORD. And whether it
be ox or sheep, ye shall not kill it, and her young: both in one
day. When ye will offer a thankoffering unto the LORD, ye shall so
offer it that ye may be accepted. And the same day it must be
eaten up, so that ye leave none of it until the morrow. For I am
the LORD, keep now my commandments and do them, for I am the LORD.
And pollute not my holy name, that I may be hallowed among the
children of Israel. For I am the LORD which hallow you, and
brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: for I am the
Chapter .xxiij.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: speak unto the children of
Israel, and say unto them: These are the feasts of the LORD which
ye shall call holy feasts. Six days ye shall work, and the seventh
is the Sabbath of rest an holy feast: so that ye may do no work
therein, for it is the Sabbath of the LORD, wheresoever ye dwell.
These are the feasts of the LORD which ye shall proclaim holy in
their seasons. The fourteenth day of the first month at evening is
the LORD's Passover. And the fifteenth day of the same month is
the feast of sweet bread unto the LORD, seven days ye must eat
unleavened bread. The first day shall be an holy feast unto you,
so that ye may do no laborious work therein. But ye shall offer
sacrifices unto the LORD seven days, and the seventh day also
shall be an holy feast, so that ye may do no laborious work
therein. And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: speak unto the
children of Israel and say unto them: when ye be come into the
land which I give unto you and reap down your harvest, ye shall
bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest unto the priest,
and he shall wave the sheaf before the LORD to be accepted for
you: and even the morrow after the Sabbath the priest shall wave
it. And ye shall offer the day when he waveth the sheaf, a lamb
without blemish of a year old for a burntoffering unto the LORD:
and the meatoffering thereof, two tenth deals of fine flour
mingled with oil to be a sacrifice unto the LORD of a sweet
savour: and the drink offering thereto, the fourth deal of an hin
of wine. And ye shall eat neither bread, nor parched corn, nor
frumenty of new corn: until the self same day that ye have brought
an offering unto your God. And this shall be a law for ever unto
your children after you, wheresoever ye dwell. And ye shall count
from the morrow after the Sabbath: even from the day that ye
brought the sheaf of the waveoffering, seven weeks complete: even
unto the morrow after the seventh week ye shall number fifty days.
And then ye shall bring a new meatoffering unto the LORD. And ye
shall bring out of your habitations two wave loaves made of two
tenth deals of fine flour leavened and baken, for first fruits
unto the LORD. And ye shall bring with the bread seven lambs
without deformity of one year of age, and one young ox, and two
rams, which shall serve for burntofferings unto the LORD, with
meatofferings and drink offerings longing to the same, to be a
sacrifice of a sweet savour unto the LORD. And ye shall offer an
he goat for a sinoffering: and two lambs of one year old for
peaceofferings. And the priest shall wave them with the bread of
the first fruits before the LORD, and with the two lambs. And they
shall be holy unto the LORD, and be the priest's. And ye shall
make a proclamation the same day that it be an holy feast unto
you, and ye shall do no laborious work therein. And it shall be a
law for ever thorowout all your habitations unto your children
after you. When ye reap down your harvest, thou shalt not make
clean riddance of thy field, neither shalt thou make any
aftergathering of thy harvest: but shalt leave them unto the poor
and the stranger. I am the LORD your God. And the LORD spake unto
Moses saying: speak unto the children of Israel and say: The first
day of the seventh month shall be a rest of remembrance unto you,
to blow horns in an holy feast it shall be, and ye shall do no
laborious work therein, and ye shall offer sacrifice unto the
LORD. And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: also the tenth day of
the self seventh month, is a day of atonement, and shall be on
holy feast unto you, and ye shall humble your souls and offer
sacrifice unto the LORD. Moreover ye shall do no work the same
day, for it is a day of atonement to make an atonement for you
before the LORD your God. For whatsoever soul it be that humbleth
not himself that day, he shall be destroyed from among his people.
And whatsoever soul do any manner work that day, the same I will
destroy from among his people. See that ye do no manner work
therefore. And it shall be a law for ever unto your generations
after you in all your dwellings. A Sabbath of rest it shall be
unto you, and ye shall humble your souls. The ninth day of the
month at evening and so forth from evening to evening again, ye
shall keep your Sabbath. And the LORD spake unto Moses saying:
speak unto the children of Israel and say: the fifteenth day of
the same seventh month shall be the feast of tabernacles seven
days unto the LORD. The first day shall be an holy feast, so that
ye shall do no laborious work therein. Seven days ye shall offer
sacrifice unto the LORD, and the eighth day shall be an holy feast
unto you, and ye shall offer sacrifice unto the LORD. It is the
end of the feast, and ye shall do no laborious work therein. These
are the feasts of the LORD which ye shall proclaim holy feasts,
for to offer sacrifice unto the LORD, burntofferings,
meatofferings, and drinkofferings every day: beside the Sabbaths
of the LORD, and beside your gifts, and all your vows, and all
your freewill offerings which ye shall give unto the LORD.
Moreover in the fifteenth day of the seventh month after that ye
have gathered in the fruits of the land, ye shall keep holy day
unto the LORD seven days long. The first day shall be a day of
rest, and the eighth day shall be a day of rest. And ye shall take
you the first day, the fruits of goodly trees and the branches of
palm trees and the boughs of thick trees, and willows of the
brook, and shall rejoice before the LORD seven days. And ye shall
keep it holy day unto the LORD seven days in the year. And it
shall be a law for ever unto your children after you, that ye keep
that feast in the seventh month. And ye shall dwell in booths
seven days: even all that are Israelites born, shall dwell in
booths, that your children after you may know how that I made the
children of Israel dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the
land of Egypt: for I am the LORD your God. And Moses told all the
feasts of the LORD unto the children of Israel.
Chapter .xxiiij.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: command the children of
Israel that they bring unto thee, pure oil olive beaten for lights
to pour into the lamps always, without the vail of testimony
{witness} within the tabernacle of witness. And Aaron shall dress
them both evening and morning before the LORD always. And if shall
be a law for ever among your children after you. And he shall
dress the lamps upon the pure candlestick before the LORD
perpetually. And thou shalt take fine flour and bake twelve
wastels thereof, two tenth deals shall every wastel be. And make
two rows of them, six on a row upon the pure table before the
LORD, and put pure frankincense upon the rows. And it shall be
bread of remembrance, and an offering to the LORD. Every Sabbath
he shall put them in rows before the LORD evermore, given of the
children of Israel, that it be an everlasting covenant. And they
shall be Aaron's and his sons, and they shall eat them in the holy
place. For they are most holy unto him of the offerings of the
LORD, and shall be a duty for ever. And the son of an Israelitish
wife whose father was an Egyptian, went out among the children of
Israel. And this son of the Israelitish wife and a man of Israel,
strove together in the host. And the Israelitish woman's son
blasphemed the name and cursed, and they brought him unto Moses.
And his mother's name was Selamith, the daughter of Dibri of the
tribe of Dan: and they put him in ward, that Moses should declare
unto them what the LORD said thereto. And the LORD spake unto
Moses saying, bring him that cursed {blasphemed} without the host,
and let all that heard him, put their hands upon his head, and let
all the multitude stone him. And speak unto the children of Israel
saying: Whosoever curseth his God, shall bear his sin: And he that
blasphemeth the name of the LORD, shall die for it: all the
multitude shall stone him to death. And the stranger as well as
the Israelite if he curse the name, shall die for it. He that
killeth any man, shall die for it, but he that killeth a beast
shall pay for it, beast for beast. If a man maim his neighbour, as
he hath done, so shall it be done to him again: broke for broke,
eye for eye and tooth for tooth: even as he hath maimed a man, so
shall he be maimed again. So now he that killeth a beast, shall
pay for it: but he that killeth a man, shall die for it. Ye shall
have one manner of law among you: even for the stranger as well as
for one of your selves, for I am the LORD your God. And Moses told
the children of Israel, that they should bring him that had
cursed, out of the host, and stone him with stones. And the
children of Israel did as the LORD commanded Moses.
Chapter .xxv.
And the LORD spake unto Moses in mount Sinai saying, speak unto
the children of Israel and say unto them: When ye be come in to
the land which I give you, let the land rest a Sabbath unto the
LORD. Six years thou shalt sow thy field, and six years thou shalt
cut thy vines and gather in thy fruits. But the seventh year shall
be a Sabbath of rest unto the land. The LORD's Sabbath it shall
be, and thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor cut thy vines. The
corn that groweth by itself thou shalt not reap, neither gather
the grapes that grow without thy dressing: but it shall be a
Sabbath of rest unto the land. Nevertheless the Sabbath of the
land shall be meat for you: even for thee and thy servant and for
thy maid and for thy hired servant and for the stranger that
dwelleth with thee: and for thy cattle and for the beasts that are
in thy land, shall all the increase thereof be meat. Then number
seven weeks of years, that is, seven times seven years: and the
space of the seven weeks of years will be unto thee forty nine
years. And then thou shalt make an horn blow: even in the tenth
day of the seventh month, which is the day of atonement. And then
shall ye make the horn blow, even thorowout all your land. And ye
shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty thorowout the
land unto all the inhabiters thereof. It shall be a year of horns
blowing unto you and ye shall return: every man unto his
possession and every man unto his kindred again. A year of horns
blowing shall that fiftieth year be unto you. Ye shall not sow
neither reap the corn that groweth by itself, nor gather the
grapes that grow without thy labour. For it is a year of horns
blowing and shall be holy unto you: how be it, yet ye shall eat of
the increase of the field. And in this year of horns blowing ye
shall return, every man unto his possession again. When thou
sellest ought unto thy neighbour or buyest of thy neighbour's
hand, ye shall not oppress one another: but according to the
number of years after the trompet year, thou shalt buy of thy
neighbour, and according unto the number of fruit years, he shall
sell unto thee. According unto the multitude of years, thou shalt
increase the price thereof and according to the fewness of years,
thou shalt minish the price: for the number of fruit he shall sell
unto thee. And see that no man oppress his neighbour, but fear thy
God. For I am the LORD your God. Wherefore do after mine
ordinances and keep my laws and do them, that ye may dwell in the
land in safety. And the land shall give her fruit, and ye shall
eat your fill and dwell therein in safety. If ye shall say, what
shall we eat the seventh year inasmuch as we shall not sow nor
gather in our increase?. I will send my blessing upon you in the
sixth year, and it shall bring forth fruit for three years: and ye
shall sow the eighth year and eat of old fruit until the ninth
year, and even until her fruits come, ye shall eat of old store.
Wherefore the land shall not be sold for ever, because that the
land is mine, and ye but strangers and sojourners with me: and ye
shall thorowout all the land of your possession, let the land go
home free again. When thy brother is waxed poor and hath sold away
of his possession: if any of his kin come to redeem it, he shall
buy out that which his brother sold. And though he have no man to
redeem it for him, yet if his hand can get sufficient to buy it
out again, then let him count how long it hath been sold, and
deliver the rest unto him to whom he sold it, and so he shall
return unto his possession again. But and if his hand can not get
sufficient to restore it to him again, then that which is sold
shall remain in the hand of him that hath bought it, until the
horn year: {jubilee} and in the horn year {of Jubilee} it shall
come out, and he shall return unto his possession again. If a man
sell a dwelling house in a walled city, he may buy it out again
any time within a whole year after it is sold: and that shall be
the space in which he may redeem it again. But and if it be not
bought out again within the space of a full year, then the house
in the walled city shall be stablished for ever unto him that
bought it and to his successors after him and shall not go out in
the trompet year. {of jubilee} But the houses in villages which
have no walls round about them, shall be counted like unto the
fields of the country, and may be bought out again at any season,
and shall go out free in the trompet year. {of jubilee}
Notwithstanding the cities of the Levites and the houses in the
cities of their possessions the Levites may redeem at all seasons.
And if a man purchase ought of the Levites: whether it be house or
city that they possess, the bargain shall go out in the trompet
year {of jubilee} for the houses of the cities of the Levites, are
their possessions among the children of Israel. But the fields
that lie round about their cities, shall not be bought: for they
are their possessions for ever. If thy brother be waxed poor and
fallen in decay with thee, receive him as a stranger or a
sojourner, and let him live by thee. And thou shalt take none
usury of him, nor yet vantage. But shalt fear thy God, that thy
brother may live with thee. Thou shalt not lend him thy money upon
usury, nor lend him of thy food to have advantage by it for I am
the LORD your God which brought you out of the land of Egypt, to
give you the land of Canaan and to be your God. If thy brother
that dwelleth by thee wax poor and sell himself unto thee, thou
shalt not let him labour as a bondservant doeth: but as an hired
servant and as a sojourner he shall be with thee, and shall serve
thee unto the trompet year, {of jubilee} and then shall he depart
from thee: both he and his children with him, and shall return
unto his own kindred again and unto the possessions of his
fathers; for they are my servants which I brought out of the land
of Egypt, and shall not be sold as bondmen. See therefore that
thou reign not over him cruelly, but fear thy God. If thou wilt
have bondservants and maidens, thou shalt buy them of the heathen
that are round about you, and of the children of the strangers
that are sojourners among you, and of their generations that are
with you, which they begat in your land. And ye shall possess them
and give them unto your children after you, to possess them for
ever: and they shall be your bond men. But over your brethren the
children of Israel, ye shall not reign one over another cruelly.
When a stranger and a sojourner waxeth rich by thee, and thy
brother that dwelleth by him waxeth poor and sell himself unto the
stranger that dwelleth by thee or to any of the stranger's kin:
after that he is sold he may be redeemed again: one of his
brethren may buy him out: whether it be his uncle or his uncle's
son, or any that is nye of kin unto him of his kindred: either if
his hand can get so much he may be loosed. And he shall reckon
with him that bought him, from the year that he was sold in unto
the trompet year, and the price of his buying shall be according
unto the number of years, and he shall be with him as a hired
servant. If there be yet many years behind, according unto them he
shall give again for his deliverance, of the money that he was
sold for. If there remain but few years unto the trompet year, he
shall so count with him, and according unto his years give him
again for his redemption, and shall be with him year by year as an
hired servant, and the other shall not reign cruelly over him in
thy sight. If he be not bought free in the meantime, then he shall
go out in the trompet year and his children with him; for the
children of Israel are my servants which I brought out of the land
of Egypt. I am the LORD your God.
Chapter .xxvi.
Ye shall make you no idols, nor graven image, neither rear you up
any pillar, neither ye shall set up any image of stone in your
land to bow your selves thereto: for I am the LORD your God; keep
my Sabbaths and fear my sanctuary. For I am the LORD. If ye shall
walk in mine ordinances and keep my commandments and do them, then
I will send you rain in the right season and your land shall yield
her increase and the trees of the field shall give their fruit.
And the threshing shall reach unto wine harvest, and the wine
harvest shall reach unto sowing time, and ye shall eat your bread
in plenteousness, and shall dwell in your land peaceably. And I
will send peace in your land, that ye shall sleep, and no man
shall make you afraid. And I will rid evil beasts out of your
land, and there shall no sword go thorowout your land. And ye
shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you upon the
sword. And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of
you shall put ten thousand to flight, and your enemies shall fall
before you upon the sword. And I will turn unto you and increase
you and multiply you, and set up my testament with you. And ye
shall eat old store, and cast out the old for plenteousness of the
new. I will make my dwelling place among you, and my soul shall
not loathe you. And I will walk among you and will be your God,
and ye shall be my people. For I am the LORD your God, which
brought you out of the land of the Egyptians, that ye should not
be their bondmen, and I brake the bows of your yokes, and made you
go up right. But and if ye will not hearken unto me, nor will do
all these my commandments, or if ye shall despise mine ordinances
either if your souls refuse my laws, so that ye will not do all my
commandments, but shall break mine appointment: then I will do
this again unto you: I will visit you with vexations, swelling and
fevers, that shall make your eyes dazzle, and with sorrows of
heart. And ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall
eat it. And I will set my face against you and ye shall fall
before your enemies, and they that hate you shall reign over you,
and ye shall flee when no man followeth you. And if ye will not
yet for all this hearken unto me, then will I punish you seven
times more for your sins, and will break the pride of your
strength. For I will make the heaven over you as hard as iron, and
your land as hard as brass. And so your labour shall be spent in
vain. For your land shall not give her increase, neither the trees
of the land shall give their fruits. And if ye walk contrary unto
me and will not hearken unto me, I will bring seven times more
plagues upon you according to your sins. I will send in wild
beasts upon you, which shall rob you of your children and destroy
your cattle, and make you so few in number that your high ways
shall grow unto a wilderness. And if ye will not be learned yet
for all this but shall walk contrary unto me, then will I also
walk contrary unto you and will punish you yet seven times for
your sins. I will send a sword upon you, that shall avenge my
testament with you. And when ye are fled unto your cities, I will
send the pestilence among you, ye shall be delivered into the
hands of your enemies. And when I have broken the staff of your
bread: that ten wives shall bake your bread in one oven and men
shall deliver you your bread again by weight, then shall ye eat
and shall not be satisfied. And if ye will not yet for all this
hearken unto me, but shall walk contrary unto me, then I will walk
contrary unto you also wrathfully, and will also chastise you
seven times for your sins: so that ye shall eat the flesh of your
sons and the flesh of your daughters. And I will destroy your
altars built upon high hills, and overthrow your images, and cast
your carcasses upon the bodies of your idols, and my soul shall
abhor you. And I will make your cities desolate, and bring your
sanctuaries unto nought, and will not smell the savours of your
sweet odours. And I will bring the land unto a wilderness: so that
your enemies which dwell therein shall wonder at it. And I will
straw you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword after you,
and your land shall be waste, and your cities desolate. Then the
land shall rejoice in her Sabbaths, as long as it lieth void and
ye in your enemies' land: even then shall the land keep holy day
and rejoice in her Sabbaths. And as long as it lieth void it shall
rest, for that it could not rest in your Sabbaths, when ye dwelt
therein. And upon them that are left alive of you, I will send a
faintness into their hearts in the land of their enemies: so that
the sound of a leaf that falleth, shall chase them and they shall
flee as though they fled a sword, and shall fall no man following
them. And they shall fall one upon another, as it were before a
sword even no man following them, and ye shall have no power to
stond before your enemies: And ye shall perish among the heathen,
and the land of your enemies shall eat you up. And they that are
left of you, shall pine away in their unrighteousness, even in
their enemies' land, and also in the misdeeds of their fathers
shall they consume. And they shall confess their misdeeds and the
misdeeds of their fathers in their trespasses which they have
trespassed against me, and for that also that they have walked
contrary unto me. Therefore I also will walk contrary unto them,
and will bring them into the land of their enemies. And then at
the least way their uncircumcised hearts shall be tamed, and then
they shall make an atonement for their misdeeds. And I will
remember my bond with Iacob and my testament with Isaac, and my
testament with Abraham, and will think on the land. For the land
shall be left of them and shall have pleasure in her Sabbaths,
while she lieth waste without them, and they shall make an
atonement for their misdeeds, because they despised my laws and
their souls refused mine ordinances. And yet for all that when
they be in the land of their enemies, I will not so cast them away
nor my soul shall not so abhor them, that I will utterly destroy
them and break mine appointment with them: for I am the LORD their
God. I will therefore remember unto them the first covenant made
when I brought them out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the
heathen to be their God: for I am the LORD. These are the
ordinances, judgements, and laws which the LORD made between him
and the children of Israel in mount Sinai by the hand of Moses.
Chapter .xxvij.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: speak unto the children of
Israel and say unto them: If any man will give a singular vow unto
the LORD according to the value of his soul, then shall the male
from twenty years unto forty be set at fifty sicles of silver,
after the sicle of the sanctuary, and the female at thirty sicles.
And from five years to twenty the male shall be set at twenty
sicles, and the female at ten sicles. And from a month unto five
years, the male shall be set at five sicles of silver, and the
female at three. And the man that is forty and above, shall be
valued at fifteen sicles, and the woman at ten. If he be too poor
so to be set, then let him come before the priest: and let the
priest value him, according as the hand of him that vowed is able
to get. If it be of the beasts of which men bring an offering unto
the LORD: all that any man giveth of such unto the LORD, shall be
holy. He may not alter it nor change it: a good for a bad or a bad
for good. If he change beast for beast, then both the same beast
and it also wherewith it was changed shall be holy. If it be any
manner of unclean beast of which men may not offer unto the LORD,
let him bring the beast before the priest and let the priest value
it. And whether it be good or bad as the priest setteth it, so
shall it be. And if he will buy it again, let him give the fifth
part more to that it was set at. If any man dedicate his house, it
shall be holy unto the LORD. And the priest shall set it; whether
it be good or bad, and as the priest hath set it, so it shall be.
If he that sanctified it will redeem his house, let him give the
fifth part of the money that it was judged at thereto, and it
shall be his. If a man hallow a piece of his inherited land unto
the LORD, it shall be set according to that it beareth. If it bear
an homer of barley, it shall be set at fifty sicles of silver. If
he hallow his field immediately from the trompet year, it shall be
worth according as it is esteemed. But and if he hallow his field
after the trumpet year, the priest shall reckon the price with him
according to the years that remain unto the trumpet year, and
thereafter it shall be lower set. If he that sanctified the field
will redeem it again, let him put the fifth part of the price that
it was set at, thereunto, and it shall be his: if he will not it
shall be redeemed no more. But when the field goeth out in the
trompet year, it shall be holy unto the LORD: even as a thing
dedicated, and it shall be the priest's possession. If a man
sanctify unto the LORD a field, which he hath bought and is not of
his inheritance, then the priest shall reckon with him what it is
worth unto the trompet year, {year of jubilee} and he shall give
the price that it is set at the same day, and it shall be holy
unto the LORD. But in the trompet year, the field shall return
unto him of whom he bought it, whose inheritance of land it was.
And all setting shall be according to the holy sicle. One sicle
maketh twenty geras. But the firstborn of the beasts that pertain
unto the LORD, may no man sanctify: whether it be ox or sheep, for
they are the LORD's already. If it be an unclean beast, then let
him redeem it as it is set at, and give the fifth part more
thereto. If it be not redeemed, then let it be sold as it is
rated. Notwithstanding no dedicated thing that a man dedicateth
unto the LORD, of all his goods, whether it be man or beast or
land of his inheritance, shall be sold or redeemed: for all
dedicate things are most holy unto the LORD. No dedicated thing
therefore that is dedicate of man, may be redeemed, but must needs
die. All these tithes of the land, whether it be of the corn of
the field or fruit of the trees, shall be holy unto the LORD. If
any man will redeem ought of his tithes, let him add the fifth
part more thereto. And the tithes of oxen and sheep and of all
that goeth under the herdman's keeping, shall be holy tithes unto
the LORD. Men shall not look if it be good or bad nor shall change
it. If any man change it then both it and that it was changed
withall, shall be holy and may not be redeemed. These are the
commandments which the LORD gave Moses in charge to give unto the
children of Israel in mount Sinai.
The end of the third book of Moses.
Chapter .j.
And the LORD spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the
tabernacle of witness, the first day of the second month, and in
the second year after they were come out of the land of Egypt
saying: take ye the sum of all the multitude of the children of
Israel, in their kindreds and households of their fathers and
number them by name all that are males, poll by poll, from twenty
years and above: even all that are able to go forth in to war in
Israel, thou and Aaron shall number them in their armies, and with
you shall be of every tribe a head man in the house of his father.
And these are the names of the men that shall stond with you: in
Ruben, Elizur the son of Sedeur: In Simeon, Selumiel: the son of
Zuri Sadai: In the tribe of Iuda, Nahesson the son of Aminadab: In
Isachar, Nathaneel the son of Zuar: In Zabulon, Eliab the son of
Helon. Among the children of Ioseph: In Ephraim, Elisama the son
of Amihud: In Manasse, Gamaliel the son of Pedazur: In BenIamin,
Abidan the son of Gedeoni: In Dan, Ahiezer the son of Ammi Sadai:
In Aser, Pagiel the son of Ochran: In Gad, Elisaph the son of
Deguel: In Naphtali, Ahira the son of Enan. These were councillors
of the congregation and lords in the tribes of their fathers and
captains over thousands in Israel. And Moses and Aaron took these
men above named and gathered all the congregation together, the
first day of the second month, and reckoned them after their birth
and kindreds and houses of their fathers by name from twenty years
and above head by head, as the LORD commanded Moses, even so he
numbered them in the wilderness of Sinai. And the children of
Ruben Israel's eldest son in their generations, kindreds and
houses of their fathers, when they were numbered every man by
name, all that were males from twenty years and above, as many as
were able to go forth in war: were numbered in the tribe of Ruben,
forty six thousand and five hundred. Among the children of Simeon:
their generation in their kindreds and houses of their fathers
(when every man's name was told) of all the males from twenty
years and above, whatsoever was meet for the war: were numbered in
the tribe of Simeon forty nine thousand and three hundred. Among
the children of Gad: their generation in their kindreds and
households of their fathers, when they were told by name, from
twenty years and above, all that were mete for the war: were
numbered in the tribe of Gad forty five thousand, six hundred and
fifty. Among the children of Iuda: their generation in their
kindreds and houses of their fathers (by the number of names) from
twenty years and above, all that were able to war, were told in
the tribe of Iuda seventy four thousand and six hundred. Among the
children of Isachar: their generation, in their kindreds and
houses of their fathers (when their names were counted) from
twenty years and above, whatsoever was apt for war, were numbered
in the tribe of Isachar fifty four thousand and four hundred.
Among the children of Zabulon: their generation, in their kindreds
and houses of their fathers (after the number of names) from
twenty years and above, whosoever was mete for the war: were
counted in the tribe of Zabulon fifty seven thousand and four
hundred. Among the children of Ioseph: first among the children of
Ephraim: their generation, in their kindreds and houses of their
fathers (when the names of all that were apt to the war were told)
from twenty years and above: were in number in the tribe of
Ephraim, forty thousand, and six hundred. Among the children of
Manasse: their generation, in their kindreds and houses of their
fathers (when the names of all that were apt to war were told)
from twenty and above were numbered in the tribe of Manasse thirty
two thousand and two hundred. Among the children of BenIamin:
their generation, in their kindreds and houses of their fathers
(by the tale of names) from twenty years and above of all that
were mete for war, were numbered in the tribe of BenIamin thirty
five thousand and four hundred. Among the children of Dan: their
generation in their kindreds and houses of their fathers (in the
sum of names) of all that was apt to war from twenty years and
above, were numbered in the tribe of Dan fifty seven thousand and
seven hundred. Among the children of Asser: their generation, in
their kindreds and houses of their fathers (when they were summed
by name) from twenty years and above, all that were apt to war
were numbered in the tribe of Asser forty one thousand and five
hundred. Among the children of Naphtali: their generation in their
kindreds and houses of their fathers (when their names were told)
from twenty years and above, whatsoever was mete to war: were
numbered in the tribe of Naphtali fifty three thousand and four
hundred. These are the numbers which Moses and Aaron numbered with
the twelve princes of Israel: of every house of their fathers a
man. And all the numbers of the children of Israel, in the houses
of their fathers, from twenty years and above, whatsoever was mete
for the war in Israel, drew unto the sum of six hundred [and
three] thousand, five hundred and fifty. But the Levites in the
tribe of their fathers were not numbered among them. And the LORD
spake unto Moses saying: only see that thou number not the tribe
of Levi, neither take the sum of them among the children of
Israel. But thou shalt appoint the Levites unto the habitation of
witness, and to all the apparel thereof and unto all that longeth
thereto. For they shall bear the tabernacle and all the ordinance
thereof, and they shall minister it and shall pitch their tents
round about it. And when the tabernacle goeth forth the Levites
shall take it down: and when the tabernacle is pitched, they shall
set it up: for if any stranger come near, he shall die. And the
children of Israel shall pitch their tents, every man in his own
company and every man by his own standard thorowout all their
hosts. But the Levites shall pitch round about the habitation of
witness, that there fall no wrath upon the congregation of the
children of Israel, and the Levites shall wait upon the habitation
of witness. And the children of Israel did according to all that
the LORD commanded Moses.
Chapter .ij.
And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron saying: The children of
Israel shall pitch: every man by his own standard with the arms of
their father's houses, a way from the presence of the tabernacle
of witness. On the eastside toward the rising of the son, shall
they of the standard of the host of Iuda pitch with their arms:
And Nahesson the son of Aminadab shall be captain over the sons of
Iuda. And his host and the number of them seventy four thousand
and six hundred. And next unto him shall the tribe of Isachar
pitch and Nathaneel the son of Zuar captain over the children of
Isachar: his host and the number of them fifty four thousand and
four hundred. And then the tribe of Zabulon: with Eliab the son of
Helon, captain over the children of Zabulon, and his host in the
number of them: fifty seven thousand and four hundred. So that all
they that pertain unto the host of Iuda, are an hundred thousand
eighty six thousand and four hundred in their companies: and these
shall go in the forefront, when they journey. And on the south
side, the standard of the host of Ruben shall lie with their
companies and the captain over the sons of Ruben, Elizur the son
of Sedeur, and his host and the number of them forty six thousand,
and five hundred. And fast by him shall the tribe of Simeon pitch,
and the captain over the sons of Simeon. Salumiel the son of Zuri
Sadai, and his host and the number of them forty nine thousand and
three hundred. And the tribe of Gad also: And the captain over the
sons of Gad, Eliasaph the son of Deguel and his host and the
number of them forty five thousand six hundred and fifty. So that
all the number that pertain unto the host of Ruben, are an hundred
thousand, fifty one thousand, four hundred and fifty, with their
companies, and they shall be the second in the journey. And the
tabernacle of witness with the host of the Levites, shall go in
the midst of the hosts: as they lie in their tents, even so shall
they proceed in the journey, every man in his quarter about their
standards. On the west side, the standard and the host of Ephraim
shall lie with their companies. And the captain over the sons of
Ephraim, Elisama the son of Amihud: and his host and the number of
them forty thousand and five hundred. And fast by him, the tribe
of Manasse, and the captain over the sons of Manasse, Gamaliel the
son of Peda Zur and his host and the number of them thirty two
thousand and two hundred. And the tribe of BenIamin also: and the
captain over the sons of BenIamin, Abidan the son of Gedeoni, and
his host and the number of them thirty five thousand and four
hundred. All the number that pertained unto the host of Ephraim,
were an hundred thousand eight thousand and an hundred in their
hosts: and they shall be the third in the journey. And the
standard and the host of Dan shall lie on the north side with
their companies: and the captain over the children of Dan, Ahiezer
the son of Ammi Sadai: and his host and the number of them sixty
two thousand and seven hundred. And fast by him shall the tribe of
Asser pitch: and the captain over the sons of Asser, Pagiel the
son of Ochran: and his host and the number of them forty one
thousand and five hundred. And the tribe of Naphtali also, and the
captain over the children of Naphtali: Ahira the son of Enan: and
his host and the number of them fifty three thousand and four
hundred. So that the whole number of all that pertained unto the
host of Dan, was an hundred thousand fifty seven thousand and six
hundred. And they shall be the last in the journey with their
standards. These are the sums of the children of Israel in the
houses of their fathers: even all the numbers of the hosts with
their companies six hundred thousand three thousand five hundred
and fifty. And yet the Levites were not numbered among the
children of Israel, as the LORD commanded Moses. And the children
of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses, and
so they pitched with their standards, and so they journeyed: every
man in his kindred, and in the household of his father.
Chapter .iij.
These are the generations of Aaron and Moses, when the LORD spake
unto Moses in Mount Sinai, and these are the names of the sons of
Aaron: Nadab the eldest son, and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. These
are the names of the sons of Aaron which were priests anointed and
their hands filled to minister, but Nadab and Abihu died before
the LORD, as they brought strange fire before the LORD in the
wilderness of Sinai, and had no children. And Eleazar and Ithamar
ministered in the sight of Aaron their father. And the LORD spake
unto Moses saying: bring the tribe of Levi, and set them before
Aaron the priest, and let them serve him and wait upon him, and
upon all the multitude, before the tabernacle of witness, to do
the service of the habitation. And they shall wait upon all the
apparel of the tabernacle of witness, and upon the children of
Israel, to do the service of the habitation. And thou shalt give
the Levites unto Aaron and his sons, for they are given unto him
of the children of Israel. And thou shalt appoint Aaron and his
sons to wait on their priests' office: and the stranger that
cometh nye, shall die for it. And the LORD spake unto Moses
saying: behold, I have taken the Levites from among the children
of Israel, for all the firstborn that openeth the matrice among
the children of Israel, so that the Levites shall be mine: because
all the firstborn are mine: for the same day that I smote all the
first born in the land of Egypt, I hallowed unto me all the
firstborn in Israel, both man and beast, and mine they shall be:
for I am the LORD. And the LORD spake unto Moses in the wilderness
of Sinai saying: Number the children of Levi in the houses of
their fathers and kindreds, all that are males from a month old
and above. And Moses numbered them at the word of the LORD, as he
was commanded. And these are the names of the children of Levi:
Gerson, Cahath, and Merari. And these are the names of the
children of Gerson in their kindreds: Libni and Semei. And the
sons of Cahath in their kindred were Amram, Iezehar, Hebron and
Usiel. And the sons of Merari in their kindreds were Maheli and
Musi. These are the kindreds of Levi in the houses of their
fathers. And of Gerson came the kindred of the Libnites and the
Semeites, which are the kindreds of the Gersonites. And the sum of
them (when all the males were told) from a month old and above,
were seven thousand and five hundred. And the kindreds of the
Gersonites pitched behind the habitation westward. And the captain
of the most ancient house among the Gersonites, was Eliasaph the
son of Lael. And the office of the children of Gerson in the
tabernacle of witness was the habitation and the tent with the
covering thereof and the hanging of the door of the tabernacle of
witness, and the hangings of the court, and the curtain of the
door of the court: which court went round about the dwelling, and
the altar, and the cords that pertained unto all the service
thereof. And of Cahath came the kindred of the Amramites and the
kindred of the Iezeharites and of the Hebronites and of the
Usielites: And these are the kindreds of the Cahathites. And the
number of all the males from a month old and above, was eight
thousand and six hundred: which waited on the holy place. And the
kindred of the children of Cahath, pitched on the south side of
the dwelling. And the captain in the most ancient house of the
kindreds of the Cahathites, was Elizaphan the son of Usiel, and
their office was: [to keep] the ark, the table, the candlestick,
and the altar, and the holy vessels to minister with and the vail
with all that served thereto. And Eleazar the son of Aaron the
priest, was captain over all the captains of the Levites, and had
the oversight of them that waited upon the holy things. And of
Merari came the kindreds of the Mahelites and of the Musites: and
these are the kindreds of the Merarites. And the number of them
(when all the males from a month old and above was told) drew unto
six thousand and two hundred. And the captain of the most ancient
house among the kindreds of the Merarites, was Zuriel the son of
Abihail which pitched on the north side of the dwelling. And the
office of the sons of Merari was: the boards of the dwelling and
the bars, pillars with the sockets thereof, and all the
instruments there of and all that served thereto: and the pillars
of the court round about and their sockets, with their pins and
cords. But on the forefront of the habitation and before the
tabernacle of witness eastward, shall Moses and Aaron and his sons
pitch and wait on the sanctuary in the stead of the children of
Israel. And the stranger that cometh nye, shall die for it. And
the whole sum of the Levites which Moses and Aaron numbered, at
the commandment of the LORD thorowout their kindreds even, of all
the males of a month old and above, was twenty two thousand. And
the LORD said unto Moses: Number all the first born that are males
among the children of Israel, from a month old and above, and take
the number of their names. And thou shalt appoint the Levites to
me the LORD, for all the firstborn among the children of Israel,
and the cattle of the Levites for the firstborn of the children of
Israel. And Moses numbered as the LORD commanded him, all the
firstborn of the children of Israel. And all the firstborn males,
in the sum of names, from a month old and above, were numbered
twenty two thousand two hundred and seventy three. And the LORD
spake unto Moses saying: take the Levites for all the firstborn of
the children of Israel, and the cattle of the Levites for their
cattle: and the Levites shall be mine which am the LORD. And for
the redeeming of the two hundred and seventy three which are more
than the Levites in the firstborn of the children of Israel, take
five sicles of every piece, after the sicles of the holy place,
twenty geras the sicles. And give the money wherewith the odd
number of them is redeemed, unto Aaron and his sons. And Moses
took the redemption money of the overplus that were more than the
Levites, among the firstborn of the children of Israel: and it
came to a thousand three hundred and sixty five sicles, of the
holy sicle. And he gave that redemption money unto Aaron and his
sons at the word of the LORD, even as the LORD commanded Moses.
Chapter .iiij.
And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron, and bade them take the
sum of the children of Cahath from among the sons of Levi, in
their kindreds and houses of their fathers from thirty years and
above until fifty, all that were able to war, for to do the work
in the tabernacle of witness: even in the most holy place. {[This
shall be the office of the Kahath in the tabernacle of witness
which is most holy.]} And when the host removeth, Aaron and his
sons shall come and take down the vail, and cover the ark of
witness therewith, and shall put thereon a covering of taxus'
skins, and shall spread a cloth that is altogether of jacinth
above all, and put the staves thereof in. And upon the shew table,
they shall spread a cloth of jacinth, and put thereon, the dishes,
spoons, flat pieces and pots to pour with, and the daily bread
shall be thereon: and they shall spread upon them a covering of
purple, and cover the same with a covering of taxus' skins, and
put the staves thereof in. And they shall take a cloth of jacinth
and cover the candlestick of light and her lamps and her snuffers,
and firepans, and all her oil vessels which they occupy about it,
and shall put upon her and on all her instruments, a covering of
taxus' skins, and put it upon staves. And upon the golden altar
they shall spread a cloth of Iacinth, and put on her staves. And
they shall take all the things which they occupy to minister with
in the holy place, and put a cloth of Iacinth upon them and cover
them with a covering of taxus' skins and put them on staves. And
they shall take away the ashes out of the altar, and spread a
scarlet cloth thereon: and put about it, the firepans, the
fleshhooks, the shovels, the basins, and all that belongeth unto
the altar, and they shall spread upon it a covering of taxus'
skins, and put on the staves of it. And when Aaron and his sons
have made an end of covering the sanctuary and all things of the
sanctuary, against that the host remove, then the sons of Cahath
shall come in for to bear, and so let them not twich the sanctuary
lest they die. And this is the charge of the sons of Cahath in the
tabernacle of witness. And Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest,
shall have the charge to prepare oil for the lights and sweet
cense, and the daily meatoffering and the anointing oil, and the
oversight of all the dwelling and of all that therein is, both
over the sanctuary and over all that pertaineth thereto. And the
LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron saying: destroy not the tribe of
the kindreds of the Cahathites, from among the Levites. But thus
do unto them that they may live and not die, when they go unto the
most holy place. Aaron and his sons shall go in and put them,
every man unto his service and unto his burthen. But let them not
go in to see when they cover the sanctuary, lest they die. And the
LORD spake unto Moses saying: Take the sum of the children of
Gerson, in the houses of their fathers and in their kindreds: from
thirty years and above, until fifty, all that are able to go forth
in war, for to do service in the tabernacle of witness. And this
is the service of the kindred of the Gersonites, to serve and to
bear. They shall bear the curtains of the dwelling and the roof of
the tabernacle of witness and his covering and the covering of
taxus' skins that is on high {an hye} above upon it, and the
hanging of the door of the tabernacle of witness: and the hanging
of the court and the hanging of the gate of the court that is
round about the dwelling and the altar, and the cords of them, and
all the instruments that serve unto them and all that is made for
them. And at the mouth of Aaron and his sons, shall all the
service of the children of the Gersonites be done, in all their
charges and in all their service, and ye shall appoint them unto
all their charges that they shall wait upon. And this is the
service of the kindred of the children of the Gersonites in the
tabernacle of witness, and their wait shall be in the hand of
Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest. And thou shalt number the
sons of Merari in their kindreds and in the houses of their
fathers, from thirty years and above unto fifty. All that is able
to go forth in war, to do the service of the tabernacle of
witness. And this is the charge that they must wait upon in all
that they must serve in the tabernacle of witness: The boards of
the dwelling, and the bars, pillars, and sockets thereof, and the
pillars of the court round about, and their sockets, pins and
cords with all that pertaineth and serveth unto them. And by name
ye shall reckon the things that they must wait upon to bear. This
is the service of the kindreds of the sons of Merari in all their
service in the tabernacle of witness by the hand of Ithamar the
son of Aaron the priest. And Moses and Aaron and the princes of
the multitude numbered the sons of the Cahathites in their
kindreds and houses of their fathers, from thirty years and above
unto fifty, and that were able to go forth in the host and to do
service in the tabernacle of witness. And the number of them in
their kindreds were two thousand, seven hundred and fifty. These
are the numbers of the kindreds of the Cahathites, of all that did
service in the tabernacle of witness, which Moses and Aaron did
number at the commandment of the LORD of by the hand of Moses. And
the sons of Gerson were numbered in their kindreds and in the
houses of their fathers, from thirty years up unto fifty, all that
were able to go forth in the host for to do service in the
tabernacle of witness. And the number of them in their kindreds,
and in the houses of their fathers, was two thousand, six hundred
and thirty. This is the number of the kindreds of the sons of
Gerson, of all that did service in the tabernacle of witness,
which Moses and Aaron did number at the commandment of the LORD.
And the kindreds of the sons of Merari were numbered in their
kindreds and in the houses of their fathers, from thirty years up
unto fifty. All that were able to go forth with the host, to do
service in the tabernacle of witness. And the number of them was
in their kindreds, three thousand and two hundred. This is the
number of the kindreds of the sons of Merari, which Moses and
Aaron numbered at the bidding of the LORD, by the hand of Moses.
The whole sum which Moses, Aaron and the lords of Israel numbered
among the Levites in their kindreds and households of their
fathers, from thirty years up unto fifty every man to do his
office and service and to bear his burthen in the tabernacle of
witness: was eight thousand, five hundred and eighty which they
numbered at the commandment of the LORD by the hand of Moses every
man unto his service and burthen: as the LORD commanded Moses.
Chapter .v.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: command the children of
Israel that they put out of the host, all the lepers and all that
have issues and all that are defiled upon the dead, whether they
be males or females ye shall put them out of the host, that they
defile not the tents among which I {ye} dwell. And the children of
Israel did so, and put them out of the host: even as the LORD
commanded Moses, so did the children of Israel. And the LORD spake
unto Moses saying: speak unto the children of Israel: whether it
be man or woman, when they have sinned any manner of sin which a
man doeth wherewith a man trespasseth against the LORD, so that
the soul hath done amiss: then they shall knowledge their sins
which they have done, and restore again the hurt that they have
done in the whole, and put the fifth part of it more thereto, and
give it unto him whom he hath trespassed against. But and if he
that maketh the amends have no man to do it to, then the amends
that is made shall be the LORD's and the priest's, beside the ram
of the atonement offering wherewith he maketh an atonement for
himself. And all heave offerings of all the hallowed things which
the children of Israel bring unto the priest, shall be the
priest's, and every man's hallowed things shall be his own, but
whatsoever any man giveth the priest, it shall be the priest's.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: Speak unto the children of
Israel, and say unto them: If any man's wife go aside and trespass
against him, so that another man lie with her fleshly and the
thing be hid from the eyes of her husband and is not come to light
that she is defiled (for there is no witness against her) in as
much as she was not taken with the manner, and the spirit of
jealousy cometh upon him and he is jealous over his wife and she
defiled, or happily the spirit of jealousy cometh upon him, and he
is jealous over his wife and she yet undefiled. Then let her
husband bring her unto the priest and bring an offering for her:
the tenth part of an Epha of barley meal, but shall pour none oil
thereunto, nor put frankincense thereon: for it is an offering of
jealousy, and an offering that maketh remembrance of sin. And let
the priest bring her and set her before the LORD, and let him take
holy water in an earthen vessel and of the dust that is in the
floor of the habitation, and put it into the water. And the priest
shall set the wife before the LORD and uncover her head, and put
the memorial of the offering in her hands which is the jealousy
offering, and the priest shall have bitter and cursing water in
his hand, and he shall conjure her and shall say unto her: If no
man have lien with thee neither hast gone aside, and defiled
thyself behind thy husband, then have thou no harm of this bitter
cursing water. But and if thou hast gone aside behind thine
husband and art defiled and some other man hath lien with thee
beside thine husband (and let the priest conjure her with the
conjuration of the curse and say unto her) the LORD make thee a
curse and a conjuration among thy people: so that the LORD make
thy thigh rot, and thy belly swell and this bitter cursing water
go into the bowels of thee, that thy belly swell and thy thigh
rot, and the wife shall say: Amen Amen. And the priest shall write
this curse in a bill and wash it out in the bitter water. And when
the cursing water is in her that it is bitter, then let the priest
take the jealousy offering out of the wife's hand, and wave it
before the LORD, and bring it unto the altar: and he shall take an
handful of the memorial offering and burn it upon the altar, and
then make her drink the water and when he hath made her drink the
water. If she be defiled and have trespassed against her husband,
then shall the cursing water go into her and be so bitter, that
her belly shall swell and her thigh shall rot, and she shall be a
curse among her people. And if she be not defiled but is clean,
then she shall have no harm, but that she may conceive. This is
the law of jealousy, when a wife goeth a side behind her husband
and is defiled, or when the spirit of jealousy cometh upon a man,
so that he is jealous over his wife: then he shall bring her
before the LORD, and the priest shall minister all this law unto
her, and the man shall be guiltless, and the wife shall bear her
Chapter .vi.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: speak unto children of
Israel and say unto them: when either man or woman appointeth to
vow a vow of abstinence for to abstain unto the LORD, he shall
abstain from wine and strong drink, and shall drink no vinegar of
wine or of strong drink, nor drink whatsoever is pressed out of
grapes: and shall eat no fresh grapes neither yet dried, as long
as his abstinence endureth. Moreover he shall eat nothing that is
made of the vine tree, no not so much as the kernels or the husk
of the grape. And as long as the vow of his abstinence endureth,
there shall no razor nor shears come upon his head, until his days
be out which he fasteth unto the LORD, and he shall be holy and
shall let the locks of his hair grow. As long as he abstaineth
unto the LORD he shall come at no dead body: he shall not make
himself unclean at the death of his father, mother, brother or
sister: For the abstinence of his God is upon his head. And
therefore as long as his abstinence lasteth, he shall be holy unto
the LORD. And if it fortune that any man by chance die suddenly
before him, and defile the head of his abstinence, then must he
shave his head the day of his cleansing: even the seventh day he
shall shave it. And the eighth day he shall bring two turtles or
two young pigeons to the priest, unto the door of the tabernacle
of witness. And the priest shall offer the one for a sinoffering
and the other for a burntoffering and make an atonement for him,
as concerning that he sinned upon the dead, and shall also hallow
his head the same day and he shall abstain unto the LORD the time
of his abstinency, and shall bring a lamb of an year old for a
trespass offering: but the days that were before are lost, because
his abstinence was defiled. This is the law of the abstainer, when
the time of his abstinence is out; he shall be brought unto the
door of the tabernacle of witness and he shall bring his offering
unto the LORD: an he lamb of a year old without blemish for a
burntoffering and a she lamb of a year old without blemish for a
sinoffering, a ram without blemish also for a peaceoffering, and a
basket of sweet bread of fine flour mingled with oil and wafers of
sweet bread anointed with oil with meatofferings and
drinkofferings that long thereto. And the priest shall bring him
before the LORD and offer his sinoffering and his burntoffering,
and shall offer the ram for a peaceoffering unto the LORD with the
basket of sweet bread, and the priest shall offer also his
meatoffering and his drinkoffering. And the abstainer shall shave
his head in the door of the tabernacle of witness and shall take
the hair of his sober head and put it in the fire which is under
the peaceoffering. Then the priest shall take the sodden shoulder
of the ram and one sweet cake out of the basket and one sweet
wafer also and put them in the hand of the abstainer after he hath
shaven his abstinence off, and the priest shall wave them unto the
LORD, which offering shall be holy unto the priest with the
wavebreast and heave shoulder: and then the abstainer may drink
wine. This is the law of the abstainer which hath vowed his
offering unto the LORD for his abstinence, besides that his hand
can get. And according to the vow which he vowed, even so he must
do in the law of his abstinence. And the LORD talked with Moses
saying: speak unto Aaron and his sons saying: of this wise ye
shall bless the children of Israel saying unto them. The LORD
{lorde} bless thee and keep thee. The LORD {lorde} make his face
shine upon thee and be merciful unto thee. The LORD {lorde} lift
up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. For ye shall
put my name upon the children of Israel, that I may bless them.
Chapter .vij.
And when Moses had full set up the habitation and anointed it and
sanctified it and all the apparel thereof, and had anointed and
sanctified the altar also and all the vessels thereof: then the
princes of Israel, heads over the houses of their fathers which
were the lords of the tribes that stood and numbered, offered and
brought their gifts before the LORD six covered chariots and
twelve oxen: two and two a chariot and an ox every man, and they
brought them before the habitation. And the LORD spake unto Moses
saying: take it of them and let them be to do the service of the
tabernacle of witness, and give them unto the Levites, every man
according unto his office. And Moses took the chariots and the
oxen, and gave them unto the Levites: two chariots and four oxen
he gave unto the sons of Gerson according unto their office. And
four chariots and eight oxen he gave unto the sons of Merari
according unto their offices, under the hands of Ithamar the son
of Aaron the priest. But unto the sons of Cahath he gave none, for
the office that pertained to them was holy, and therefore they
must bear upon shoulders. And the princes offered unto the
dedicating of the altar in the day that it was anointed, and
brought their gifts before the altar. And the LORD said unto
Moses: let the princes bring their offerings, every day one
prince, unto the dedicating of the altar. He that offered his
offering the first day, was Nahesson the son of Aminadab of the
tribe of Iuda. And his offering was: a silver charger, of an
hundred and thirty sicles weight: and a silver bowl of seventy
sicles of the holy sicle, both of them full of fine wheaten flour
mingled with oil for a meatoffering: and a spoon of ten sicles of
gold full of cense: and an ox, {bullock} a ram and a lamb of a
year old for burntofferings, and an he goat for a sinoffering: and
for peace offerings two oxen, five rams, five he goats and five
lambs of a year old. And this was the gift of Nahesson the son of
Aminadab. The second day, did Nathaneel offer, the son of Zuar,
captain over Isachar. And his offering which he brought was: a
silver charger of an hundred and thirty sicles weight, and a
silver bowl of seventy sicles, of the holy sicle: both full of
fine wheaten flour mingled with oil for a meat offering: and a
golden spoon of ten sicles, full of cense: And an ox, a ram and a
lamb of a year old for burntofferings, and for peaceofferings two
oxen five rams, five he goats and five lambs of one year old. And
this was the offering of Nathaneel the son of Zuar. The third day,
Eliab the son of Helon the chiefest among the children of Zabulon,
brought his offering. And his offering was, a silver charger of an
hundred and thirty sicles weight, and a silver bowl of seventy
sicles of the holy sicle, and both full of fine flour mingled with
oil for a meatoffering: and a golden spoon of ten sicles full of
cense: and an ox and a ram and a lamb of a year old for
burntofferings, and an he goat for a sinoffering: and for
peaceofferings two oxen five rams five he goats and five lambs of
one year old. And this was the offering of Eliab the son of Helon.
The fourth day, Elizur the son of Sedeur, chief lord among the
children of Ruben, brought his offering. And his gift was: a
silver charger of an hundred and thirty sicles weight, and, a
silver bowl of seventy sicles of the holy sicle, and both full of
fine flour mingled with oil for a meatoffering: and a golden spoon
of ten sicles full of cense: and an ox, a ram and a lamb of a year
old for burntofferings, and an he goat for a sinoffering: and for
peaceofferings two oxen five rams five he goats and five lambs of
one year old. And this was the offering of Elizur the son of
Sedeur. The fifth day, Selumiel the son of Zuri Sadai, chief lord
among the children of Simeon, offered: whose gift was: a silver
charger of an hundred and thirty sicles weight: and a silver bowl
of seventy sicles the holy sicle: and both full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meatoffering: and a golden spoon of ten
sicles full of cense. And an ox, a ram, and a lamb of a year old
for burntofferings, and an he goat for a sinoffering: and for
peaceofferings two oxen five rams five he goats and five lambs of
one year old. And this was the offering of Selumiel the son of
Zuri Sadai. The sixth day, Eliasaph the son of Deguel the chief
lord among the children of Gad, offered: whose gift was: a silver
charger of an hundred and thirty sicles weight, and a silver bowl
of seventy sicles of the holy sicle, and both full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meatoffering: and a golden spoon of ten
sicles full of cense. And an ox, a ram and a lamb of a year old
for burntofferings, and an he goat for a sinoffering. And for
peaceofferings two oxen five rams five he goats and five lambs of
one year old. And this was the offering of Eliasaph the son of
Deguel. The seventh day, Elisama the son of Amihud, the chief lord
of the children of Ephraim, offered. And his gift was: a silver
charger of an hundred and thirty sicles weight, and a silver bowl
of seventy sicles, of the holy sicle: and both full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering: and a golden spoon of ten
sicles, full of cense. And an ox, a ram and a lamb of a year old
for burntofferings, and an he goat for a sinoffering: and for
peaceofferings two oxen five rams five he goats and five lambs of
one year old. And this was the offering of Elisama the son of
Amihud. The eighth day, offered Gamaliel the son of Pedazur, the
chief lord of the children of Manasse. And his gift was: a silver
charger of an hundred and thirty sicles weight, and a silver bowl
of seventy sicles of the holy sicle, and both full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meatoffering: and a golden spoon of ten
sicles full of cense: And an ox, a ram and a lamb of a year old
for burntofferings, and an he goat for a sinoffering: and for
peaceofferings two oxen five rams five he goats and five lambs of
one year old. And this was the offering of Gamaliel the son of
Pedazur. The ninth day, Abidan the son of Gedeoni the chief lord
among the children of BenIamin offered. And his gift was: a silver
charger of an hundred and thirty sicles weight, and a silver bowl
of seventy sicles of the holy sicle, and both full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meatoffering: and a golden spoon of ten
sicles full of cense: and an ox, a ram and a lamb of a year old
for burntofferings, and an he goat for a sinoffering: and for
peaceofferings two oxen five rams five he goats and five lambs of
one year old. And this was the offering of Abidan the son of
Gedeoni. The tenth day, Ahiezer the son of Ammi Sadai, chief lord
among the children of Dan offered. And his gift was: a silver
charger of an hundred and thirty sicles weight, and a silver bowl
of seventy sicles, of the holy sicle: and both full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meatoffering: and a golden spoon of ten
sicles full of cense: and an ox, a ram and a lamb of a year old
for burntofferings, and an he goat for a sinoffering: and for
peaceofferings two oxen five rams five he goats and five lambs of
one year old. And this was the offering of Ahiezer the son of Ammi
Sadai. The eleventh day, Pagiel the son of Ocran the chief lord
among the children of Asser offered: And his gift was: a silver
charger of an hundred and thirty sicles weight, and a silver bowl
of seventy sicles of the holy sicle, and both full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meatoffering: and a golden spoon of ten
sicles full of cense: And an ox, a ram and a lamb of a year old
for burntofferings, and an he goat for a sinoffering: and for
peaceofferings two oxen, five rams five he goats and five lambs of
one year old. And this was the offering of Pagiel the son of
Ocran. The twelfth day, Ahira the son of Enan, chief lord among
the children of Naphtali offered. And his gift was: a silver
charger of an hundred and thirty sicles weight, and a silver bowl
of seventy sicles of the holy sicle, and both full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meatoffering: and a golden spoon of ten
sicles full of cense: and an ox, a ram and a lamb of a year old
for burntofferings, and an he goat for a sinoffering: and for
peaceofferings two oxen five rams five he goats and five lambs of
one year old. And this was the offering of Ahira, the son of Enan.
Of this manner was the dedication of the altar, when it was
anointed: unto the which was brought of the princes of Israel
twelve chargers of silver twelve silver bowls and twelve spoons of
gold: every charger containing an hundred and thirty sicles of
silver, and every bowl seventy so that all the silver of all the
vessels, was two thousand and four hundred sicles of the holy
sicle. And the twelve golden spoons which were full of cense,
contained ten sicles apiece of the holy sicle: so that all the
gold of the spoons, was an hundred and twenty sicles. All the oxen
that were brought for the burntofferings were twelve and the rams
twelve and the lambs twelve of a year old apiece, with the
meatofferings: with he goats for sinofferings. And all the oxen of
the peaceofferings were twenty four the rams sixty the goats sixty
and lambs of a year old apiece sixty and this was the dedication
of the altar, after that it was anointed. And when Moses was gone
into the tabernacle of witness to speak with him, he heard the
voice of one speaking unto him from of the mercy seat that was
upon the ark of witness: even from between the two cherubins he
spake unto him.
Chapter .viij.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: speak unto Aaron and say
unto him: when thou puttest on the lamps see that they light all
seven upon the forefront of the candlestick. And Aaron did even
so, and put the lamps upon the forefront of the candlestick, as
the LORD commanded Moses, and the work of the candlestick was of
stiff gold: both the shaft and the flowers thereof. And according
unto the vision which the LORD had shewed Moses even so he made
the candlestick. And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: take the
Levites from among the children of Israel, and cleanse them. And
this do unto them when thou cleansest them, sprinkle water of
purifying upon them and make a razor to run along upon all the
flesh of them, and let them wash their clothes, and then they
shall be clean. And let them take a bullock and his meatoffering,
fine flour mingled with oil: and another bullock shalt thou take
to be a sinoffering. Then bring the Levites before the tabernacle
of witness and gather the hole multitude of the children of Israel
together. And bring the Levites before the LORD, and let the
children of Israel put their hands upon the Levites. And let Aaron
heave the Levites before the LORD, for an heaveoffering given of
the children of Israel, and then let them be appointed to wait
upon the service of the LORD. And let the Levites put their hands
upon the heads of the bullocks, and then offer them: the one for a
sinoffering and the other for a burntoffering unto the LORD, to
make an atonement for the Levites. And make the Levites stond
before Aaron and his sons, and have them to be a heaveoffering
unto the LORD. And thou shalt separate the Levites, from among the
children of Israel, that they be mine: and after that let them go
and do the service of the tabernacle of witness. Cleanse them and
wave them, for they are given unto me from among the children of
Israel: for I have taken them unto me for all the firstborn that
open any matrice among the children of Israel. For all the
firstborn among the children of Israel are mine both man and
beast: because the same time that I smote the firstborn in the
land of Egypt, I sanctified them for myself: and I have taken the
Levites for all the firstborn among the children of Israel, and
have given them unto Aaron and his sons from among the children of
Israel, to do the service of the children of Israel in the
tabernacle of witness and to make an atonement for the children of
Israel, that there be no plague among the children of Israel, if
they come nye unto the sanctuary. And Moses and Aaron and all the
congregation of the children of Israel did unto the Levites
according unto all that the LORD commanded Moses. And the Levites
purified them selves, and washed their clothes. And Aaron waved
them before the LORD, and made an atonement for them to cleanse
them. And after that they went in to do their service in the
tabernacle of witness, before Aaron and his sons. And according as
the LORD had commanded Moses as concerning the Levites, even so
they did unto them. And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: this
shall be the manner of the Levites: from twenty five years upward
they shall go in to wait upon the service in the tabernacle of
witness, and at fifty they shall cease waiting upon the service
thereof, and shall labour no more: but shall minister unto their
brethren in the tabernacle of witness, and there wait, but shall
do no more service. And see that thou do after this manner unto
the Levites in their waiting times.
Chapter .ix.
And the LORD spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the
first month of the second year, after they were come out of the
land of Egypt saying: let the children of Israel offer Passover in
his season: even the fourteenth day of this month at even they
shall keep it in his season, according to all the ordinances and
manners thereof. And Moses bade the children of Israel that they
should offer Passover, and they offered Passover the fourteenth
day of the first month at even in the wilderness of Sinai: and did
according to all that the LORD commanded Moses. And it chanced
that certain men which were defiled with a dead corpse that they
might not offer Passover the same day, came before Moses and Aaron
the same day, {time} and said: we are defiled upon a dead corpse,
wherefore are we kept back that we may not offer an offering unto
the LORD in the due season, among the children of Israel? And
Moses said unto them: tarry, that I may hear what the LORD will
command you. And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: speak unto the
children of Israel and say: If any man among you or your children
after you be unclean by the reason of a corpse or is in the way
far off, then let him offer Passover unto the LORD: the fourteenth
day of the second month at even, and eat it with sweet bread and
sour herbs, and let them leave none of it unto the morning nor
break any bone of it. And according to all the ordinance of the
Passover let them offer it. But if a man be clean and not let in a
journey, and yet was negligent to offer Passover, the same soul
shall perish from his people, because he brought not an offering
unto the LORD in his due season: and he shall bear his sin. And
when a stranger dwelleth among you and will offer Passover unto
the LORD, according to the ordinance of Passover and manner
thereof shall he offer it. And ye shall have one law both for the
stranger and for him that was born at home in the land. And the
same day that the habitation was reared up, a cloud covered it on
high {an hye} upon the tabernacle of witness: and at even there
was upon the habitation, as it were the similitude of fire until
the morning. And so it was alway, that the cloud covered it by
day, and the similitude of fire by night. And when the cloud was
taken up from of the tabernacle, then the children of Israel
journeyed: and where the cloud abode there the children of Israel
pitched their tents. At the mouth of the LORD the children of
Israel journeyed, and at the mouth of the LORD they pitched. And
as long as the cloud abode upon the habitation, they lay still,
and when the cloud tarried still upon the habitation long time,
the children of Israel waited upon the LORD and journeyed not. If
it chanced that the cloud abode any space of time upon the
habitation, then they kept their tents at the mouth of the LORD:
and they journeyed also at the commandment of the LORD. And if it
happened that the cloud was upon the habitation from evening unto
morning and was taken up in the morning, then they journeyed.
Whether it was by day or by night that the cloud was taken up,
they journeyed. But when the cloud tarried two days or a month or
a long season upon the habitation, as long as it tarried thereon,
the children of Israel kept their tents and journeyed not. And as
soon as the cloud was taken up, they journeyed. At the mouth of
the LORD they rested, and at the commandment of the LORD they
journeyed. And thus they kept the wait {watch} of the LORD, at the
commandment of the LORD by the hand of Moses.
Chapter .x.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: Make thee two trumpets of
hard {beaten} silver, that thou mayst use them to call the
congregation together, and when the host shall journey. When they
blow with them, all the multitude shall resort to thee, unto the
door of the tabernacle of witness. If but one trumpet blow only,
then the princes which are heads over the thousands of Israel
shall come unto thee. And when ye trump the first time, the hosts
that lie on the east parts shall go forward. And when ye trump the
second time, then the hosts that lie on the south side shall take
their journey: for they shall trump when they take their journeys.
And in gathering the congregation together, ye shall blow and not
trump. And the sons of Aaron the priests shall blow the trumpets
and shall have them and it shall be a law unto you for ever and
among your children after you. And when ye shall go to war in your
land against your enemies that vex you, ye shall trump with the
trumpets and ye shall be remembered before the LORD your God and
saved from your enemies. Also when ye be merry in your feast days
and in the first days of your months, ye shall blow the trumpets
over your burnt sacrifices and peaceofferings, that it may be a
remembrance of you before your God. I am the LORD {lorde} your
God. And it came to pass the twentieth day of the second month in
the second year, that the cloud was taken up from off the
habitation of witness. And the children of Israel took their
journey out of the desert of Sinai, and the cloud rested in the
wilderness of Pharan. And the first took their journey at the
mouth of the LORD, by the hand of Moses: even the standard of the
host of Iuda removed first with their armies, whose captain was
Nahesson the son of Aminadab. And over the host of the tribe of
the children of Isachar, was Nathanael the son of Zuar. And over
the host of the tribe of the children of Zabulon, was Eliab the
son of Helon. And the habitation was taken down: and the sons of
Gerson and Merari went forth bearing the habitation. Then the
standard of the host of Ruben went forth with their armies, whose
captain was Elizur the son of Sedeur. And over the host of the
tribe of the children of Simeon, was Salamiel [the son of Zuri
saddai. And over the host of the tribe of the children of Gad was
Eliasaph] the son of Deguel. Then the Cahathites went forward and
bare the holy things, and the other did set up the habitation
against they came. Then the standard of the host of the children
of Ephraim went forth with their armies, whose captain was Elisama
the son of Amiud. And over the host of the tribe of the sons of
Manasse, was Gamaliel the son of Pedazur. And over the host of the
tribe of the sons of BenIamin, was Abidan the son of Gedeoni. And
hindmost of all the host came the standard of the host of the
children of Dan with their armies: whose captain was, Ahiezar the
son of Ammi Saddai. And over the host of the tribe of the children
of Asser, was Pagiel the son of Ochran. And over the host of the
tribe of the children of Nephthali, was Ahira the son of Enan, of
this manner were the journeys of the children of Israel, with
their armies when they removed. And Moses said unto Hobab the son
of Raguel the Madianite, Moses' father-in-law: we go unto the
place of which the LORD said I will give it you. Go with us and we
will do thee good, for the LORD hath promised good unto Israel.
And he said unto him: I will not: but will go to mine own land and
to my kindred. And Moses said, oh nay, leave us not, for thou
knowest where is best for us to pitch in the wilderness: and thou
shalt be our eyes. And if thou go with us, look what goodness the
LORD sheweth upon us, the same we will shew upon thee. And they
departed from the mount of the LORD three days' journey, and the
ark of the testament of the LORD went before them in the three
days' journey to search out a resting place for them. And the
cloud of the LORD was over them by day, when they went out of the
tents. And when the ark went forth, Moses said: Rise up LORD and
let thine enemies be scattered, and let them that hate thee flee
before thee. And when the ark rested, he said: return LORD, unto
the many thousands of Israel.
Chapter .xi.
And the people waxed unpatient, {complained} and it displeased the
ears of the LORD. And when the LORD heard it he was wroth, and the
fire of the LORD burnt among them and consumed the uttermost of
the host. And the people cried unto Moses, and he made
intercession unto the LORD and the fire quenched. And they called
the name of the place Tabera because the fire of the LORD burnt
among them. And the rascal people that was among them fell a
lusting. And the children of Israel also went to and wept and
said: who shall give us flesh to eat? we remember the fish which
we should eat in Egypt for nought, and of the Cucumbers and
melons, leeks, onions and garlic. But now our souls are dried
away, for our eyes look on nothing else, save upon Manna. The
Manna was as it had been coriander seed, and to see to like
Bedellion. And the people went about and gathered it, and ground
it in mills, or beat it in mortars and boke it in pans and made
cakes of it. And the taste of it was like unto the taste of an
oilcake. And when the dew fell about the host in the night, the
manna fell therewith. And when Moses heard the people weep in
their households every man in the door of his tent, then the wrath
of the LORD waxed hot exceedingly: and it grieved Moses also. And
Moses said unto the LORD: wherefore dealest thou so cruelly with
thy servant? wherefore do I not find favour in thy sight, seeing
that thou puttest the weight of this people upon me? have I
conceived all this people, or have I begotten them, that thou
shouldest say unto me, carry them in thy bosom (as a nurse beareth
the sucking child) unto the land which thou swarest unto their
fathers? where should I have flesh to give unto all this people?
For they weep unto me saying: give us flesh that we may eat. I am
not able to bear all this people alone, for it is too heavy for
me. Wherefore if thou deal thus with me, kill me, I pray thee, if
I have found favour in thy sight: and let me not see my
wretchedness. And the LORD said unto Moses: gather unto me seventy
of the elders of Israel, which thou knowest that they are the
elders of the people and officers over them, and bring them unto
the tabernacle of witness, and let them stond there with thee. And
I will come down and talk with thee there, and take of the spirit
which is upon thee and put upon them, and they shall bear with
thee in the burthen of the people, and so shalt thou not bear
alone. And say unto the people: hallow your selves against
tomorrow, that ye may eat flesh, for ye have whined in the ears of
the LORD saying: who shall give us flesh to eat, for we were happy
when we were in Egypt? therefore the LORD will give you flesh, and
ye shall eat: Ye shall not eat one day only either two or five
days, either ten or twenty days: but even a month long, and until
it come out at the nostrils of you, that ye be ready to parbreak:
because that ye have cast the LORD aside which is among you, and
have wept before him saying: why came we out of Egypt. And Moses
said: six hundred thousand footmen are there of the people, among
which I am. And thou hast said: I will give them flesh and they
shall eat a month long. Shall the sheep and the oxen be slain for
them to find them, either shall all the fish of the sea be
gathered together to serve them? And the LORD {Lorde} said unto
Moses: is the LORD's {lordes} hand waxed short? Thou shalt see
whether my word shall come to pass unto thee or not. And Moses
went out and told the people the saying of the LORD, and gathered
the seventy elders of the people, and set them round about the
tabernacle. And the LORD came down in a cloud and spake unto him,
and took of the spirit that was upon him, and put it upon the
seventy elders. And as the spirit rested upon them, they
prophesied and did nought else. But there remained two of the men
in the host: the one called Eldad, and the other Medad. And the
spirit rested upon them for they were of them that were written,
but they went not out unto the tabernacle: and they prophesied in
the host. And there ran a young man and told Moses and said: Eldad
and Medad do prophesy in the host. And Iosua the son of Nun the
servant of Moses which he had chosen out, answered and said:
master Moses, forbid them. And Moses said unto him: enviest thou
for my sake? would God that all the LORD's people could prophesy,
and that the LORD would put his spirit upon them. And then both
Moses and the elders of Israel, gat them into the host. And there
went forth a wind from the LORD and brought quails from the sea
and let them fall about the host, even a day's journey round about
on every side of the host, and two cubits high upon the earth. And
the people stood up all that night and on the morrow, and gathered
quails. And he that gathered the least, gathered ten homers full.
And they killed them round about the host. And while the flesh was
yet between their teeth, yer it was chewed up, the wrath of the
LORD waxed hot upon the people, and the LORD slew of the people an
exceeding mighty slaughter. And they called the name of the place,
the graves of lust: because they buried the people that lusted
there. And the people took their journey from the graves of lust
{kibrath hathavah} unto Hazeroth, and bode at Hazeroth.
Chapter .xij.
And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses, because of his wife of
Inde which he had taken: for he had taken to wife one of India.
And they said: doth the LORD speak only thorow Moses? doth he not
speak also by us? And the LORD heard it. But Moses was a very meek
man above all the men of the earth. And the LORD spake at once
unto Moses unto Aaron and Miriam: come out ye three unto the
tabernacle of witness: and they came out all three. And the LORD
came down in the pillar of the cloud and stood in the door of the
tabernacle and called Aaron and Miriam. And they went out both of
them. And he said: hear my words. If there be a prophet of the
LORD's among you, I will shew myself unto him in a vision and will
speak unto him in a dream: But my servant Moses is not so, which
is faithful in all mine house. Unto him I speak mouth to mouth and
he seeth the sight and the fashion of the LORD, and not thorow
riddles. Wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my
servant Moses? And the LORD was angry with them and went his way,
and the cloud departed from the tabernacle. And behold, Miriam was
become leprous, as it were snow. And when Aaron looked upon Miriam
and saw that she was leprous, he said unto Moses: Oh I beseech
thee my lord, put not the sin upon us which we have foolishly
committed and sinned. Oh, let her not be as one that came dead out
of his mother's womb: for half her flesh is eaten away. And Moses
cried unto the LORD saying: Oh God, heal her. And the LORD said
unto Moses: If her father had spit in her face, should she not be
ashamed seven days? let her be shut out of the host seven days,
and after that let her be received in again. And Miriam was shut
out of the host seven days: and the people removed not, till she
was brought in again. And afterward they removed from Hazeroth,
and pitched in the wilderness of Pharan.
Chapter .xiij.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: Send men out to search the
land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel: of every
tribe of their fathers a man and let them all be such as are
rulers among them. And Moses at the commandment of the LORD sent
forth out of the wilderness of Pharan: such men as were all heads
among the children of Israel, whose names are these: In the tribe
of Ruben, Sammua the son of Zacur: In the tribe of Simeon, Saphat
the son of Hori. In the tribe of Iuda, Caleph the son of Iephune.
In the tribe of Isachar, Igeal the son of Ioseph. In the tribe of
Ephraim, Hosea the son of Nun. In the tribe of BenIamin, Palti the
son of Raphu. In the tribe of Zabulon, Gadiel the son of Sodi. In
the tribe of Ioseph: In the tribe of Manasse, Gaddi the son of
Susi. In the tribe of Dan, Amiel the son of Gemali. In the tribe
of Asser, Sethur the son of Micheel. In the tribe of Nephtali,
Nahebi the son of Uaphsi. In the tribe of Gad, Guel the son of
Machi. These are the names of the men which Moses sent to spy out
the land. And Moses called the name of Hosea the son of Nun,
Iosua. And Moses sent them forth to spy out the land of Canaan,
and said unto them: get you southward and go up into the high
country, and see the land what manner thing it is and the people
that dwelleth therein: whether they be strong or weak, either few
or many, and what the land is that they dwell in, whether it be
good or bad, and what manner of cities they dwell in: whether they
dwell in tents or walled towns, and what manner of land it is:
whether it be fat or lean, and whether there be trees therein or
not. And be of a good courage, and bring of the fruits of the
land. And it was about the time that grapes are first ripe. And
they went up and searched out the land from the wilderness of Zin
unto Rehob as men go to Hemath, and they ascended unto the south
and came unto Hebron, where Ahiman was and Sefai and Thalmani the
sons of Enack. Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.
And they came unto the river of Escol and they cut down there a
branch with one cluster of grapes and bare it upon a staff between
twain, and also of the pomegranates and of the figs of the place.
The river was called Escol, because of the cluster of grapes which
the children of Israel cut down there. And they turned back again
from searching the land, at forty days' end. And they went and
came to Moses and Aaron and unto all the multitude of the children
of Israel, unto the wilderness of Pharan: even unto Cades, and
brought them word and also unto all the congregation, and shewed
them the fruit of the land. And they told him saying: we came unto
the land whither thou sendedst us, and surely it is a land that
floweth with milk and honey and here is of the fruit of it.
Nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land, and the
cities are walled and exceeding great, and moreover we saw the
children of Enack there. The Amaleks dwell in the south country,
and the Hethites, Iebusites and the Amorites dwell in the
mountains, and the Cananites dwell by the sea and along by the
coast of Iordan. And Caleb stilled the murmur of the people
against Moses saying: let us go up and conquer it, for we be able
to overcome it. But the men that went up with him, said: We be not
able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we:
And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had
searched, unto the children of Israel saying: The land which we
have gone thorow to search it out, is a land that eateth up the
inhabiters thereof, and the people that we saw in it are men of
stature. And there we saw also giants, the children of Enack which
are of the giants. And we seemed in our sight as it were
grasshoppers and so we did in their sight.
Chapter .xiiij.
And the multitude cried out, and the people wept thorowout that
night, and all the children of Israel murmured against Moses and
Aaron. And the whole congregation said unto them: would God that
we had died in the land of Egypt, either we would that we had died
in this wilderness. Wherefore hath the LORD brought us unto this
land to fall upon the sword, that both our wives, and also our
children should be a prey? is it not better that we return unto
Egypt again? And they said one to another: let us make a captain
and return unto Egypt again. And Moses and Aaron fell on their
faces before all the congregation of the multitude of the children
of Israel. And Iosua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Iephune
which were of them that searched the land rent their clothes and
spake unto all the company of the children of Israel saying: The
land which we walked thorow to search it, is a very good land. If
the LORD have lust to us, he will bring us into this land and give
it us, which is a land that floweth with milk and honey. But in
any wise rebel not against the LORD. Moreover fear ye not the
people of the land, for they are but bread for us. Their shield is
departed from them, and the LORD is with us: fear them not
therefore. And all the whole multitude bade stone them with
stones. But the glory of the LORD appeared in the tabernacle of
witness, unto all the children of Israel. And the LORD said unto
Moses: How long shall this people rail upon me, and how long will
it be, yer they believe me, for all my signs which I have shewed
among them? I will smite them with the pestilence and destroy
them, and will make of thee a greater nation and a mightier than
they. And Moses said unto the LORD: then the Egyptians shall hear
it, for thou broughtest this people with thy might from among
them. And it will be told to the inhabiters of this land also, for
they have heard likewise, that thou the LORD art among this
people, and that thou art seen face to face, and that thy cloud
stondeth over them and that thou goest before them by day time in
a pillar of cloud, and in a pillar of fire by night. If thou shalt
kill all this people as they were but one man then the nations
which have heard the fame of thee, will speak saying: because the
LORD was not able to bring in this people into the land which he
swore unto them, therefore he slew them in the wilderness. So now
let the power of my Lord {|LORDE|} be great, according as thou
hast spoken saying: the LORD is long yer he be angry, and full of
mercy, and suffereth sin and trespass, and leaveth no man
innocent, and visiteth the unrighteousness of the fathers upon the
children, even upon the third and fourth generation, be merciful I
beseech ye therefore, unto the sin of this people according unto
thy great mercy, and according as thou hast forgiven this people
from Egypt even unto this place. And the LORD said: I have
forgiven it, according to thy request. But as truly as I live, all
the earth shall be filled with my glory. For of all those men
which have seen my glory and my miracles which I did in Egypt and
in the wilderness, and yet have tempted me now this ten times and
have not hearkened unto my voice, there shall not one see the land
which I sware unto their fathers, neither shall any of them that
railed upon me, see it. But my servant Caleb, because there is
another manner spirit with him, and because he hath followed me
unto the utmost: him I will bring into the land which he hath
walked in, and his seed shall conquer it, and also the Amalekites
and Cananites which dwell in the low countries. Tomorrow turn you
and get you into the wilderness: even the way toward the Red Sea.
And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron saying: how long shall
this evil multitude murmur against me? I have heard the murmurings
of the children of Israel which they murmur against me. Tell them,
that the LORD sayeth: As truly as I live, I will do unto you even
as ye have spoken in mine ears. Your carcasses shall lie in this
wilderness, neither shall any of these numbers which were numbered
from twenty years and above of you which have murmured against me
come in to the land over which I lifted mine hand to make you
dwell therein, save Caleb the son of Iephune, and Iosua the son of
Nun. And your children which ye said should be a prey, them I will
bring in, and they shall know the land which ye have refused, and
your carcases shall lie in this wilderness And your children shall
wander in this wilderness forty years and suffer for your whoredom
until your carcases be wasted in the wilderness, after the number
of the days in which ye searched out the land forty days, and
every day a year: so that they shall bear your unrighteousness
forty years, and ye shall feel my vengeance I the LORD have said
that I will do it unto all this evil congregation that are
gathered together against me: even in this wilderness ye shall be
consumed, and here ye shall die. And the men which Moses sent to
search the land, and which (when they came again) made all the
people to murmur against it in that they brought up a slander upon
the land: died for their bringing up that evil slander upon it,
and were plagued before the LORD. But Iosua the son of Nun and
Caleb the son of Iephune which were of the men that went to search
the land, lived still. And Moses told these sayings unto all the
children of Israel, and the people took great sorrow. And they
rose up early in the morning and gat them up into the top of the
mountain saying: lo we be here, and will go up unto the place of
which the LORD said, for we have sinned. And Moses said: wherefore
will ye go on this manner beyond the word of the LORD? it will not
come well to pass: go not up for the LORD is not among you that ye
be not slain before your enemies. For the Amalekites and the
Cananites are there before you, and ye will fall upon the sword:
because ye are turned away from the LORD, and therefore the LORD
will not be with you. But they were blinded to go up into the
hilltop: Never the later, the ark of the testament of the LORD and
Moses departed not out of the host. Then the Amalekites and the
Cananites which dwelt in that hill, came down and smote them and
hewed them: even unto Horma.
Chapter .xv.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: speak unto the children of
Israel and say unto them: when ye be come into the land of your
habitation which I give unto you, and will offer an offering upon
the fire unto the LORD, whether it be a burntoffering or a special
vow or freewill offering or if it be in your principal feasts to
make a sweet savour unto the LORD, of the oxen or of the flock.
Then, let him that offereth his offering unto the LORD, bring also
a meatoffering of a tenth deal of flour mingled with the fourth
part of an hin of oil, and the fourth part of an hin of wine for a
drinkoffering, and offer with the burntoffering or any other
offering when it is a lamb. And unto a ram thou shalt offer a
meatoffering of two tenth deals of flour, mingled with the third
part of an hin of oil, and to a drinkoffering thou shalt offer the
third part of an hin of wine, to be a sweet savour unto the LORD.
When thou offerest an ox to a burntoffering or in any special vow
or peaceoffering unto the LORD, then thou shalt bring unto an ox,
a meatoffering of three tenth deals of flour mingled with half an
hin of oil. And thou shalt bring for a drinkoffering half an hin
of wine, that is an offering of a sweet savour unto the LORD. This
is the manner that shall be done unto one ox, one ram, a lamb or a
kid. And according to the number of such offerings, thou shalt
increase the meatofferings and the drinkofferings. All that are of
your selves shall do these things after this manner, when he
offereth an offering of sweet savour unto the LORD. And if there
be a stranger with you or be among you in your generations, and
will offer an offering of a sweet savour unto the LORD: even as ye
do, so he shall do. One ordinance shall serve both for you of the
congregation, and also for the stranger. And it shall be an
ordinance for ever among your children after you, that the
stranger and ye shall be like before the LORD. One law and one
manner shall serve, both for you and for the stranger that
dwelleth with you. And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: speak
unto the children of Israel and say unto them: when ye be come in
to the land whither I will bring you, then when ye will eat of the
bread of the land, ye shall give an heaveoffering unto the LORD.
Ye shall give a cake of the first of your dough unto an heave
offering: as ye do the heaveoffering of the barn, even so ye shall
heave it. Of the first of your dough ye must give unto the LORD an
heaveoffering, thorowout your generations. If ye oversee your
selves and observe not all these commandments which the LORD hath
spoken unto Moses, and all that the LORD hath commanded you by the
hand of Moses, from the first day forward that the LORD commanded
among your generation: when ought is committed ignorantly before
the eyes of the congregation, then all the multitude shall offer a
calf for a burntoffering to be a sweet savour unto the LORD, and
the meatoffering and the drinkoffering thereto, according to the
manner: and an he goat for a sinoffering. And the priest shall
make an atonement for all the multitude of the children of Israel,
and it shall be forgiven them for it was ignorance. And they shall
bring their gifts unto the offering of the LORD, and their
sinoffering before the LORD for their ignorance. And it shall be
forgiven unto all the multitude of the children of Israel, and
unto the stranger that dwelleth among you: for the ignorance
pertaineth unto all the people. If any one soul sin thorow
ignorance he shall bring a she goat of a year old for a
sinoffering. And the priest shall make an atonement for the soul
that sinned ignorantly with the sinoffering before the LORD and
reconcile him, and it shall be forgiven him. And both thou that
art born one of the children of Israel and the stranger that
dwelleth among you shall have both one law, if ye sin thorow
ignorance. And the soul that doth ought presumptuously, whether he
be an Israelite or a stranger, the same hath despised the LORD.
And that soul shall be destroyed from among his people, because he
hath despised the word of the LORD and hath broken his
commandments, that soul therefore shall perish and his sin shall
be upon him. And while the children of Israel were in the
wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks upon the Sabbath
day. And they that found him gathering sticks, brought him unto
Moses and Aaron and unto all the congregation: and they put him in
ward, for it was not declared what should be done unto him. And
the LORD said unto Moses: the man shall die: let all the multitude
stone him with stones without the host. And all the multitude
brought him without the host and stoned him with stones, and he
died as the LORD commanded Moses. And the LORD spake unto Moses
saying: speak unto the children of Israel and bid them, that they
make them guards upon the quarters of their garments thorowout
their generations, and let them make the guards of ribbons of
Iacinth. And the guard shall be unto you to look upon it, that ye
remember all the commandments of the LORD and do them: that ye
seek not a way after your own hearts and after your own eyes, for
to go a whoring after them: but that ye remember and do all my
commandments and be holy unto your God, for I am the LORD your
God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God. I
am the LORD God.
Chapter .xvi.
And Corah the son of Iezehar the son of Cahath the son of Levi:
and Dathan and Abiram the son of Eliab, and On the son of Peleth,
the son of Ruben: stood up before Moses, with other of the
children of Israel two hundred and fifty, heads of the
congregation, and councillors, and men of fame, and they gathered
them selves together against Moses and Aaron and said unto them:
ye have done enough. For all the multitude are holy every one of
them, and the LORD is among them. Why therefore heave ye your
selves up above the congregation of the LORD. When Moses heard it,
he fell upon his face and spake unto Corah and unto all his
company saying: tomorrow the LORD will shew who is his and who is
holy, and will take them unto him, and whom soever he hath chosen,
he will cause to come to him. This do: take firepans, thou Corah
and all thy company, and do fire therein and put cense thereto
before the LORD tomorrow: And then whomsoever the LORD doeth
chose, the same is holy. Ye make enough to do ye children of Levi.
And Moses said unto Corah: hear ye children of Levi, Seemeth it
but a small thing unto you, that the God of Israel hath separated
you from the multitude of Israel to bring you to him, to do the
service of the dwelling place of the LORD, and to stond before the
people to minister unto them? he hath taken thee to him and all
thy brethren the sons of Levi with thee, and ye seek the office of
the priest also. For which cause both thou and all thy company are
gathered together against the LORD: for what is Aaron, that ye
should murmur against him. And Moses sent to call Dathan and
Abiram the sons of Eliab, and they answered: we will not come.
Seemeth it a small thing unto thee that thou hast brought us out
of a land that floweth with milk and honey, to kill us in the
wilderness. But that thou shouldest reign over us also? More over
thou hast brought us unto no land that floweth with milk and
honey, neither hast given us possessions of fields or of vines.
Either wilt thou pull out the eyes of these men? we will not come.
And Moses waxed very angry and said unto the LORD: Turn not unto
their offerings. I have not taken so much as an ass from them,
neither have vexed any of them. Then Moses said unto Corah: Be
thou and all thy company before the LORD: both thou, they and
Aaron tomorrow. And take every man his censer and put cense in
them, and come before the LORD every man with his censer: two
hundred and fifty censers, and Aaron with his censer. And they
took every man his censer and put fire in them and laid cense
thereon, and stood in the door of the tabernacle of witness, and
Moses and Aaron also. And Corah gathered all the congregation
against them unto the door of the tabernacle of witness. And the
glory of the LORD appeared unto all the congregation. And the LORD
spake unto Moses and Aaron saying: separate your selves from this
congregation, that I may consume them at once. And they fell upon
their faces and said: O most mighty God of the spirits of all
flesh, one man hath sinned, and wilt thou be wroth with all the
multitude? And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: speak unto the
congregation and say: Get you away from about the dwelling of
Corah, Dathan and Abiram. And Moses rose up and went unto Dathan
and Abiram, and the elders of Israel followed him. And he spake
unto the congregation saying: depart from the tents of these
wicked men and twich nothing of theirs: lest ye perish in all
their sins. And they gat them from the dwelling of Corah, Dathan
and Abiram, on every side. And Dathan and Abiram came out and
stood in the door of their tents with their wives, their sons and
their children. And Moses said: Hereby ye shall know that the LORD
hath sent me to do all these works, and that I have not done them
of mine own mind: If these men die the common death of all men or
if they be visited after the visitation of all men, then the LORD
hath not sent me. But and if the LORD make a new thing, and the
earth open her mouth and swallow them and all that pertain unto
them, so that they go down quick in to hell: then ye shall
understand, that these men have railed upon the LORD. And as soon
as he had made an end of speaking all these words, the ground
clove asunder that was under them, and the earth opened her mouth
and swallowed them and their houses and all the men that were with
Corah and all their goods. And they and all that pertained unto
them, went down alive unto hell, and the earth closed upon them,
and they perished from among the congregation. And all Israel that
were about them, fled at the cry of them. For they said: The earth
might happily swallow us also. And there came out a fire from the
LORD and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered
cense. And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: Speak unto Eleazer
the son of Aaron the priest and let him take up the censers out of
the burning and scatter the fire here and there, for the censers
of these sinners are hallowed in their deaths: and let them be
beaten into thin plates and fastened upon the altar. For they
offered them before the LORD, and therefore they are holy and they
shall be a sign unto the children of Israel. And Eleazar the
priest took the brazen censers which they that were burnt had
offered, and beat them and fastened them upon the altar, to be a
remembrance unto the children of Israel, that no stranger which is
not of the seed of Aaron, come near to offer cense before the
LORD, that he be not made like unto Corah and his company: as the
LORD said unto him by the hand of Moses. And on the morrow all the
multitude of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and
Aaron saying: ye have killed the people of the LORD. And when the
multitude was gathered against Moses and Aaron, they looked toward
the tabernacle of witness; And behold, the cloud had covered it
and the glory of the LORD appeared. And Moses and Aaron went
before the tabernacle of witness. And the LORD spake unto Moses
saying: Get you from this congregation, that I may consume them
quickly. And they fell upon their faces. And Moses said unto
Aaron: take a censer and put fire therein out of the altar, and
pour on cense, and go quickly unto the congregation and make an
atonement for them. For there is wrath gone out from the LORD, and
there is a plague begun. And Aaron took as Moses commanded him,
and ran unto the congregation: and behold, the plague was begun
among the people, and he put on cense, and made an atonement for
the people. And he stood between the dead, and them that were
alive, and the plague ceased. And the number of them that died in
the plague, were fourteen thousand and seven hundred: beside them
that died about the business of Corah. And Aaron went again unto
Moses unto the door of the tabernacle of witness, and the plague
Chapter .xvij.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: speak unto the children of
Israel and take of them, for every principal house a rod, of their
princes over the houses of their fathers: even twelve rods, and
write every man's name upon his rod. And write Aaron's name upon
the staff of Levi: for every headman over the houses of their
fathers shall have a rod. And put them in the tabernacle of
witness where I will meet you. And his rod whom I chose, shall
blossom: So I will make cease from me the grudgings of the
children of Israel which they grudge against you. And Moses spake
unto the children of Israel, and all the princes gave him for
every prince over their fathers' houses, a rod: even twelve rods,
and the rod of Aaron was among the rods. And Moses put the rods
before the LORD in the tabernacle of witness: And on the morrow,
Moses went in to the tabernacle: and behold, the rod of Aaron of
the house of Levi was budded and bare blossoms and almonds. And
Moses brought out all the staves from before the LORD, unto all
the children of Israel, and they looked upon them, and took every
man his staff. And the LORD said unto Moses: bring Aaron's rod
again before the witness to be kept for a token unto the children
of rebellion, that their murmurings may cease from me, that they
die not. And Moses did as the LORD commanded him. And the children
of Israel spake unto Moses saying: behold, we are destroyed and
all come to nought: for whosoever cometh nye the dwelling of the
LORD, dieth. Shall we utterly consume away?
Chapter .xviij.
And the LORD said unto Aaron: Thou and thy sons and thy father's
house with thee, shall bear the fault of that which is done amiss
in the holy place. And thou and thy sons with thee, shall bear the
fault of that which is done amiss in your priesthood. And thy
brethren also the tribe of Levi, the tribe of thy father take with
thee, and let them be joined unto thee and minister unto thee. And
thou and thy sons with thee shall minister before the tabernacle
of witness. And let them wait upon thee and upon all the
tabernacle: only let them not come nye the holy vessels and the
altar, that both they and ye also die not. And let them be by thee
and wait on the tabernacle of witness, and on all the service of
the tabernacle, and let no stranger come nye unto you. Wait
therefore upon the holy place and upon the altar, that there fall
no more wrath upon the children of Israel: behold, I have taken
your brethren the Levites from among children of Israel, to be
yours, as gifts given unto the LORD to do the service of the
tabernacle of witness. And see that both thou and thy sons with
thee take heed unto your priests' office, in all things that
pertain unto the altar and within the vail. And see that ye serve,
for I have given your priests' office unto you for a gift to do
service: and the stranger that cometh nye, shall die. And the LORD
spake unto Aaron: behold, I have given thee the keeping of mine
heave offerings in all the hallowed things of the children of
Israel. And unto thee I have given them unto anointing and to thy
sons: to be a duty for ever. This shall be thine of most holy
sacrifices: All their gifts, thorowout all their meatofferings,
sinofferings and trespassofferings which they bring unto me. They
shall be most holy unto thee and unto thy sons. And ye shall eat
it in the most holy place: all that are males shall eat of it, for
it shall be holy unto thee. And this shall be thine: the
heaveoffering of their gifts, thorowout all the waveofferings of
the children of Israel, for I have given them unto thee and thy
sons, and thy daughters with thee, to be a duty for ever: and all
that are clean in thy house, shall eat of it, all the fat of the
oil, of the wine and of the corn: their first fruits which they
give unto the LORD that have I given unto thee. The first fruits
of all that is in their lands which they bring unto the LORD,
shall be thine: and all that are clean in thine house, shall eat
of it. All dedicate things in Israel, shall be thine. All that
breaketh the matrice of all flesh that men bring unto the LORD,
both of man and beast, shall be thine. Neverthelater the firstborn
of man shall be redeemed, and the firstborn of unclean beasts
shall be redeemed. And their redemptions shall be at a month old,
valued at five sicles of silver, of the holy sicle. A sicle maketh
twenty Geras. But the firstborn of oxen, sheep and goats shall not
be redeemed. For they are holy, and thou shalt sprinkle their
blood upon the altar, and shalt burn their fat to be a sacrifice
of a sweet savour unto the LORD. And the flesh of them shall be
thine, as the wavebreast and all the right shoulder is thine. All
the holy heave offerings which the children of Israel heave unto
the LORD, I give thee and thy sons and thy daughters with thee to
be a duty for ever. And it shall be a salted covenant for ever,
before the LORD: unto thee and to thy seed with thee. And the LORD
spake unto Aaron: thou shalt have none inheritance in their land,
nor part among them. For I am thy part and thy inheritance among
the children of Israel. And behold I have given the children of
Levi, the tenth in Israel to inherit, for the service which they
serve in the tabernacle of witness, that the children of Israel
henceforth come not nye the tabernacle of witness, and bear sin
and die. And the Levites shall do the service in the tabernacle of
witness and bear their sin, and it shall be a law for ever unto
your children after you: But among the children of Israel they
shall inherit none inheritance. For the tithes of the children of
Israel which they heave unto the LORD, I have given the Levites to
inherit. Wherefore I have said unto them: Among the children of
Israel ye shall inherit none inheritance. And the LORD spake unto
Moses saying: speak unto the Levites and say unto them: when ye
take of the children of Israel the tithes which I have given you
of them to your inheritance, ye shall take an heaveoffering of
that same for the LORD: even the tenth of that tithe. And it shall
be reckoned unto you for your heaveoffering, even as though ye
gave corn out of the barn or a full offering from the wine press.
And of this manner ye shall heave an heaveoffering unto the LORD,
of all your tithes which ye receive of the children of Israel, and
ye shall give there of the LORD's heave offering unto Aaron the
priest. Of all your gifts, ye shall take out the LORD's
heaveoffering: even the fat of all their hallowed things. And thou
shalt say unto them: when ye have taken away the fat of it from
it, it shall be counted unto the Levites, as the increase of corn
and wine. And ye shall eat it in all places both ye and your
households, for it is your rewards for your service in the
tabernacle of witness. And ye shall bear no sin by the reason of
it, when ye have taken from it the fat of it: neither shall ye
unhallow the hallowed things of the children of Israel, and so
shall ye not die.
Chapter .xix.
And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron saying: this is the
ordinance of the law which the LORD commandeth saying: speak unto
the children of Israel and let them take thee a red cow without
spot wherein is no blemish, and which never bare yoke upon her.
And ye shall give her unto Eleazer the priest, and he shall bring
her without the host and cause her to be slain before him. And
Eleazar the priest shall take of her blood upon his finger, and
sprinkle it straight toward the tabernacle of witness seven times.
And he shall cause the cow to be burnt in his sight: both skin,
flesh and blood, with the dung also. And let the priest take
cypress wood, and Hyssop and purple cloth, and cast it upon the
cow as she burneth. And let the priest wash his clothes and bathe
his flesh in water, and then come into the host, and the priest
shall be unclean unto the evening. And he that burneth her, shall
wash his clothes in water and bathe his flesh also in water, and
be unclean until evening. And one that is clean, shall go and take
up the ashes of the cow, and put them without the host in a clean
place, where they shall be kept to make sprinkling water for the
multitude of the children of Israel: for it is a sinoffering. And
let him that gathereth the ashes of the cow, wash his clothes, and
remain unclean until evening. And this shall be unto the children
of Israel and unto the stranger that dwelleth among them, a manner
for ever. He that twicheth any dead person, shall be unclean seven
days. And he shall purify himself with the ashes the third day and
then he shall be clean the seventh day. And if he purify not
himself the third day, then the seventh day, he shall not be
clean. Whosoever twicheth any person that dieth and sprinkleth not
himself, defileth the dwelling of the LORD: and therefore that
soul shall be rooted out of Israel, because he hath not sprinkled
the sprinkling water upon him, he shall be unclean, and his
uncleanness shall remain upon him. This is the law of the man that
dieth in a tent: all that come into the tent and all that is in
the tent, shall be unclean seven days. And all the vessels that be
open which have no lid nor covering upon them, are unclean. And
whosoever twicheth one that is slain with a sword in the fields,
or a dead person, or a bone of a dead man, or a grave: shall be
unclean seven days. And they shall take for an unclean person, of
the burnt ashes of the sinoffering, and put running water thereto
into a vessel. And a clean person shall take Hyssop and dip it in
the water, and sprinkle it upon the tent and upon all the vessels
and on the souls that were there, and upon him that twiched a bone
or a slain person or a dead body or a grave. And the clean person
shall sprinkle upon the unclean the third day and the seventh day.
And the seventh day he shall purify himself and wash his clothes
and bathe himself in water, and shall be clean at evening. If any
be unclean and sprinkle not himself, the same soul shall be
destroyed from among the congregation: for he hath defiled the
holy place of the LORD. And he that sprinkleth the sprinkling
water, shall wash his clothes. And he that twicheth the sprinkling
water, shall be unclean until even. And whatsoever the unclean
person twicheth, shall be unclean. And the soul that twiched it,
shall be unclean until the evening.
Chapter .xx.
And the whole multitude of the children of Israel, came into the
desert of Sin in the first month, and the people dwelt at Cades.
And there died MirIam, and was buried there. Moreover there was no
water for the multitude, wherefore they gathered them selves
together against Moses and against Aaron. And the people chode
with Moses and spake saying: would God that we had perished when
our brethren perished before the LORD. Why have ye brought the
congregation of the LORD unto this wilderness, that both we and
our cattle should die here? Wherefore brought ye us out of Egypt,
to bring us into this ungracious place, which is no place of seed
nor of figs nor vines nor of pomegranates, neither is there any
water to drink? And Moses and Aaron went from the congregation
unto the door of the tabernacle of witness, and fell upon their
faces. And the glory of the LORD appeared unto them. And the LORD
spake unto Moses saying: take the staff, and gather thou and thy
brother Aaron the congregation together, and say unto the rock
before their eyes, that he give forth his water. And thou shalt
bring them water out of the rock and shalt give the company drink,
and their beasts also. And Moses took the staff from before the
LORD, as he commanded him And Moses and Aaron gathered the
congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them: hear
ye rebellious, must we fetch you water out of this rock? And Moses
lift up his hand with his staff and smote the rock two times, and
the water came out abundantly, and the multitude drank and their
beasts also. And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron: Because ye
believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of
Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the
land which I have given them. This is the water of strife, because
the children of Israel strove with the LORD, and he was sanctified
upon them. And Moses sent messengers from Cades unto the king of
Edom. Thus sayeth thy brother Israel: Thou knowest all the travail
that hath happened us, how our fathers went down into Egypt, and
how we have dwelt in Egypt a long time, and, how the Egyptians
vexed both us and our fathers. Then we cried unto the LORD and he
heard our voices, and sent an angel and hath fetched us out of
Egypt. And behold, we are in Cades, a city hard by the borders of
thy country: let us go a good fellowship thorow thy country: we
will not go thorow the fields nor thorow the vineyards, neither
will we drink of the water of the fountains: but we will go by the
highway and neither turn unto the right hand nor to the left,
until we be past thy country. And Edom answered him: See thou come
not by me, lest I come out against thee with the sword. And the
children of Israel said unto him: we will go by the beaten way:
and if either we or our cattle drink of thy water, we will pay for
it, we will do no more but pass thorow by foot only. And he said:
ye shall not go thorow. And Edom came out against him with much
people and with a mighty power. And thus Edom denied to give
Israel passage thorow his country; And Israel turned away from
him. And the children of Israel removed from Cades and went unto
mount Hor with all the congregation. And the LORD spake unto Moses
and Aaron in mount Hor, hard upon the coasts of the land of Edom
saying: let Aaron be put unto his people, for he shall not come
into the land which I have given unto the children of Israel:
because ye disobeyed my mouth at the water of strife. Take Aaron
and Eleazer his son, and bring them up into mount Hor, and strip
Aaron out of his vestments and put them upon Eleazer his son, and
let Aaron be put unto his people and die there. And Moses did as
the LORD commanded: and they went up into mount Hor in the sight
of all the multitude. And Moses took off Aaron's clothes and put
them upon Eleazer his son, and Aaron died there in the top of the
mount. And Moses and Eleazer came down out of the mount. And all
the house of Israel mourned for Aaron thirty days
Chapter .xxj.
And when king Arad the Cananite which dwelt in the south parts,
heard tell that Israel came by the way that the spies had found
out: he came and fought with Israel and took some of them
prisoners. Then Israel vowed a vow unto the LORD and said: If thou
wilt give this people into our hands, we will destroy their
cities. And the LORD heard the voice of Israel, and delivered them
the Cananites. And they destroyed both them and their cities, and
called the place Horma. Then they departed from mount Hor toward
the red sea: to compass the land of Edom. And the souls of the
people fainted by the way. And the people spake against God and
against Moses: wherefore hast thou brought us out of Egypt, for to
die in the wilderness, for here is neither bread nor water, and
our souls loatheth this light bread. Then the LORD sent fiery
serpents among the people, which stung them: so that much people
died in Israel. And the people came to Moses and said: we have
sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD and against thee: make
intercession to the LORD, that he take away the serpents from us.
And Moses made intercession for the people. And the LORD said unto
Moses: make thee a serpent and hang it up for a sign, and let as
many as are bitten look upon it and they shall live. And Moses
made a serpent of brass and set it up for a sign. And when the
serpents had bitten any man, he went and beheld the serpent of
brass and recovered. And the children of Israel removed and
pitched in Oboth. And they departed from Oboth and lay at Egebarim
in the wilderness which is before Moab on the east side. And they
removed thence, and pitched upon the river of Zarad. And they
departed thence and pitched on the other side of Arnon, which
river is in the wilderness, and cometh out of the coasts of the
Amorites: for Arnon is the border of Moab, between Moab and the
Amorites. Wherefore it is spoken in the book of the war of the
LORD: go with a violence, both on the river of Arnon and on the
river's head, which shooteth down to dwell at Ar, and leaneth upon
the coasts of Moab. And from thence they came to Bear, which is
the well whereof the LORD spake unto Moses: gather the people
together, that I may give them water. Then Israel sang this song:
Arise up well, sing thereto: The well which the rulers digged and
the captains of the people with the help of the lawgiver and with
their staves. And from this wilderness they went to Matana, and
from Matana to Nahaliel, and from Nahaliel to Bamoth, and from
Bamoth to the valley that is in the field of Moab in the top of
Phasgah which boweth toward the wilderness. {Iesimon} And Israel
sent messengers unto Sehon, king of the Amorites, saying: let us
go thorow thy land: We will not turn into thy fields nor into thy
vineyards, neither drink of the water of the wells: but we will go
along by the common way, until we be past thy country. And Sehon
would give Israel no licence to pass thorow his country, but
gathered all his people together and went out against Israel into
the wilderness. And he came to Iaheza and fought with Israel. And
Israel smote him with the edge of the sword and conquered his
land, from Arnon unto Iabock: even unto the children of Ammon. For
the borders of the children of Ammon, are strong. And Israel took
all these cities and dwelt in all the cities of the Amorites: in
Hesbon and in all the towns that long thereto. For Hesbon was the
city of Sehon the king of the Amorites which Sehon had fought
before with the king of the Moabites, and had taken all his land
out of his hand, even unto Arnon. Wherefore it is a proverb: go to
Hesbon and let the city of Sehon be built and made ready for there
is a fire gone out of Hesbon and a flame from the city of Sehon
and hath consumed Ar of the Moabites and the men of the hills of
Arnon. Woe be to thee Moab: O people of Chamos ye are forloren.
{undone} His sons are put to flight and his daughters brought
captive unto Sehon king of the Amorites. Their light is out from
Hesbon unto Dibon and we made a wilderness even unto Nopha which
reacheth unto Mediba. And thus Israel dwelt in the land of the
Amorites. And Moses sent to search out Iaezer, and they took the
towns belonging thereto and conquered the Amorites that were
there. And then they turned and went up toward Bason. And Og the
king of Bason came out against them, both he and all his people,
to war at Edrei. And the LORD said unto Moses: fear him not, for I
have delivered him into thy hands with all his people and his
land. And thou shalt do with him as thou didst with Sehon the king
of the Amorites which dwelt at Hesbon. And they smote him and his
sons and all his people, until there was nothing left him. And
they conquered his land.
Chapter .xxij.
And the children of Israel removed and pitched in the fields of
Moab, on the other side of Iordan, by Iericho. And Balac the son
of Ziphor saw all that Israel had done to the Amorites, and the
Moabites were sore afraid of the people, because they were many,
and abhorred the children of Israel: And Moab said unto the elders
of Madian, now this company hath licked up all that are round
about us, as an ox licketh up the grass of the field. And Balac
the son of Ziphor was king of the Moabites at that time. And he
sent messengers unto Balam the son of Beor, the interpreter which
dwelt upon the river of the land of the children of his folk, to
call him saying: behold, there is a people come out of Egypt which
covereth the face of the earth and lie even hard by me. Come now a
fellowship and curse me this people. For they are too mighty for
me, so peradventure I might be able to smite them and to drive
them out of the land. For I wot that whom thou blessest shall be
blessed, and whom thou cursest shall be cursed. And the elders of
Moab went with the elders of Madian, and the reward of the
soothsaying in their hands. And they came unto Balam and told him
the words of Balac. And he said unto them: tarry here all night
and I will bring you word, even as the LORD shall say unto me. And
the lords of Moab abode with Balam. And God came unto Balam and
said: what men are these which are with thee? And Balam said unto
God: Balac the son of Ziphor king of Moab hath sent unto me
saying: behold, there is a people come out of Egypt and covereth
the face of the earth: come now therefore and curse me them, that
so peradventure I may be able to overcome them in battle, and to
drive them out. And God said unto Balam: thou shalt not go with
them, neither curse the people, for they are blessed. And Balam
rose up in the morning and said unto the lords of Balac: get you
unto your land, for the LORD will not suffer me to go with you.
And the lords of Moab rose up and went unto Balac and said, Balam
would not come with us. And Balac sent again a greater company of
lords and more honourable than they. And they came to Balam and
told him: Thus sayeth Balac the son of Ziphor: oh, let nothing let
thee to come unto me, for I will greatly promote thee unto great
honour, and will do whatsoever thou sayest unto me, come therefore
I pray thee, curse me this people. And Balam answered and said
unto the servants of Balac: If Balac would give me his house full
of silver and gold, I can go no further than the word of the LORD
my God, to do less or more. Nevertheless tarry ye here all night:
that I may wete, what the LORD will say unto me once more. And God
came to Balam by night and said unto him: If the men come to fetch
thee, rise up and go with them: but what I say unto thee, that
only thou shalt do. And Balam rose up early and saddled his ass
and went with the lords of Moab. But God was angry because he
went. And the angel of the LORD stood in the way against him. And
he rid upon his ass and two servants with him. And when the ass
saw the angel of the LORD stond in the way and his sword drawn in
his hand, she turned aside out of the way and went out into the
field. And Balam smote the ass, to turn her into the way. And the
angel of the LORD went and stood in a path between the vineyards,
where was a wall on the one side and another on the other. When
the ass saw the angel of the LORD, she wrenched unto the wall and
thrust Balam's foot unto the wall, and he smote her again. And the
angel of the LORD went further and stood in a narrow place, where
was no way to turn, either to the right hand or to the left. And
when the ass saw the angel of the LORD, she fell down under Balam:
and Balam was wroth and smote the ass with a staff. And the LORD
opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balam: what have I
done unto thee, that thou smitest me thus three times? And Balam
said unto the Ass: because thou hast mocked me? I would that I had
a sword in mine hand, that I might now kill thee. And the ass said
unto Balam: am not I thine Ass which thou hast ridden upon since
thou wast born unto this day? Was I ever wont to do so unto thee?
And he said, nay. And the LORD {lorde} opened the eyes of Balam
that he saw the angel of the LORD {Lorde} stonding in the way,
with his sword drawn in his hand. And he bowed himself and fell
flat on his face. And the angel of the LORD said unto him:
Wherefore smitest thou thine ass this three times? behold, I came
out to resist thee, for the way is contrary unto me, and the ass
saw me and avoided me three times: or else (had she not turned
from me) I had surely slain thee and saved her alive. And Balam
said unto the angel of the LORD: I have sinned: for I wist not
that thou stoodest in the way against me. Now therefore if it
displease thine eyes, I will turn again. And the angel said unto
Balam, go with the men: but in any wise, what I say unto thee,
that say. And Balam went with the lords of Balac. And when Balac
heard that Balam was come he went out against him unto a city of
Moab that stood in the border of Arnon, which was the utmost part
of his country. And Balac said unto Balam: did I not send for
thee, to call thee? wherefore camest thou not unto me? thinkest
thou that I am not able to promote thee unto honour? And Balam
said unto Balac: Lo I am come unto thee. But I can say nothing at
all save what God putteth in my mouth that must I speak. And Balam
went with Balac, and they came unto the city of Huzoth. {large
city} And Balac offered oxen and sheep and sent for Balam and for
the lords that were with him. And on the morning Balac took Balam
and brought him up into the high place of Baal, and thence he saw
unto the utmost part of the people.
Chapter .xxiij.
And Balam said unto Balac: build me here seven altars and provide
here seven oxen and seven rams. And Balac did as Balam said. And
Balac and Balam offered on every altar an ox and a ram. And Balam
said unto Balac: stond by the sacrifice, while I go to wete
whether the LORD will come and meet me, and whatsoever he sheweth
me, I will tell thee, and he went forthwith. And God came unto
Balam, and Balam said unto him: I have prepared seven altars, and
have offered upon every altar, an ox and a ram. And the LORD put a
saying in Balam's mouth and said: go again to Balac and say on
this wise. And he went again unto him and lo, he stood by his
sacrifice, both he and all the lords of Moab. And he began his
parable and said: Balac the king of Moab hath fetched me from
Mesopotamia out of the mountains of the east saying: come and
curse me Iacob, come and defy me Israel. How shall I curse whom
God curseth not and how shall I defy whom the LORD defieth not?
from the top of the rocks I see him and from the hills I behold
him: Lo, the people shall dwell by himself and shall not be
reckoned among other nations. Who can tell the dust of Iacob and
the number of the fourth part of Israel. I pray God that my soul,
may die the death of the righteous, and that my last end may be
like his. And Balac said unto Balam, what hast thou done unto me?
I fetched thee to curse mine enemies: and behold, thou blessest
them. And he answered and said: must I not keep that and speak it,
which the LORD hath put in my mouth? And Balac said unto him: Come
I pray thee with me unto another place, whence thou shalt see
them, and shalt see but the utmost part of them and shalt not see
them all and curse me them there. And he brought him into a plain
field where men might see far, even to the top of Pisga, and built
seven altars and offered an ox and a ram on every altar. And he
said unto Balac: stond here by thy sacrifice while I go yonder.
And the LORD met Balam and put words in his mouth and said: go
again unto Balac and thus say. And when he came to him: behold, he
stood by his sacrifice and the lords of Moab with him; And Balac
said unto him: what sayeth the LORD? And he took up his parable
and said: rise up Balac and hear, and hearken unto me thou son of
Ziphor. The Lorde {|God|} is not a man, that he can lie, neither
the son of a man that he can repent: should he say and not do, or
should he speak and not make it good? behold, I have begun to
bless and have blessed, and can not go back therefrom. He beheld
no wickedness in Iacob nor saw Idolatry in Israel: The LORD his
God is with him, and the tromp {triumph} of a king among them. God
that brought them out of Egypt, is as the strength of an unicorn
unto them, for there is no sorcerer, in Iacob, nor soothsayer in
Israel. When the time cometh, it will be said of Iacob and of
Israel, what God hath wrought. Behold, the people shall rise up as
a lioness and heave up himself as a lion, and shall not lie down
again, until he have eaten of the prey and drunk of the blood of
them that are slain. And Balac said unto Balam: neither curse them
nor bless them. And Balam answered and said unto Balac: told not I
thee saying, all that the LORD biddeth me, that I must do? And
Balac said unto Balam: come I pray thee, I will bring thee yet
unto another place: so peradventure it shall please God, that thou
mayst curse them there. And Balac brought Balam unto the top of
Peor, that boweth toward the wilderness. And Balam said unto
Balac: make me here seven altars, and prepare me here seven
bullocks and seven rams. And Balac did as Balam had said, and
offered a bullock and a ram on every altar.
Chapter .xxiiij.
When Balam saw that it pleased the LORD that he should bless
Israel, he went not as he did twice before to fetch soothsaying,
but set his face toward the wilderness, and lift up his eyes and
looked upon Israel as he lay with his tribes, and the spirit of
God came upon him. And he took up his parable and said: Balam the
son of Beor hath said, and the man whose eye is open hath said: he
hath said which heareth the words of God and seeth the visions of
the almighty, which falleth down and his eyes are opened. How
goodly are the tents of Iacob and thine habitations Israel, even
as the broad valleys and as gardens by the river's side, as the
tents which the LORD hath pitched and as cypress trees upon the
water. The water shall flow out of his bucket and his seed shall
be many waters, and his king shall be higher than Agag; And his
kingdom shall be exalted. God that brought him out of Egypt is as
the strength of an unicorn unto him, and he shall eat the nations
that are his enemies and break their bones and pierce them thorow
with his arrows. He couched himself and lay down as a lion and as
a lioness, who shall stir him up? blessed is he that blesseth
thee, and cursed is he that curseth thee. And Balac was wroth with
Balam and smote his hands together, and said unto him: I sent for
thee to curse mine enemies: and behold, thou hast blessed them
this three times, and now get thee quickly unto thy place. I
thought that I would promote thee unto honour, but the LORD hath
kept thee back from worship. And Balam said unto Balac: told I not
thy messengers which thou sentest unto me saying: If Balac would
give me his house full of silver and gold, I can not pass the
mouth of the LORD, to do either good or bad of mine own mind. What
the LORD sayeth, that must I speak. And now behold, I go unto my
people: come let me shew thee, what this people shall do to thy
folk in the latter days. And he began his parable and said: Balam
the son of Beor hath said, and the man that hath his eye open hath
said, and he hath said that heareth the words of God and hath the
knowledge of the most high and beholdeth the vision of the
almighty, and when he falleth down hath his eyes opened. I see him
but not now, I behold him but not nye. There shall come a star of
Iacob and rise a scepter of Israel, which shall smite the coasts
of Moab and undermine all the children of Seth. And Edom shall be
his possession, and the possession of Seir shall be their enemies,
and Israel shall do manfully. And out of Iacob shall come he that
shall destroy the remnant of the cities. And he looked on Amalek
and began his parable and said: Amalek is the first of the
nations, but his latter end shall perish utterly. And he looked on
the Kenites, and took his parable and said: strong is thy dwelling
place and put thy nest upon a rock. Neverthelater thou shalt be a
burning to Kain, until Assur take thee prisoner. And he took his
parable and said: Alas, who shall live when God doeth this? The
ships shall come out of the coast of Cittim and subdue Assur and
subdue Eber, and he himself shall perish at the last. And Balam
rose up and went and dwelt in his place: and Balac also went his
Chapter .xxv.
And Israel dwelt in Sittim, and the people began to commit
whoredom with the daughters of Moab, which called the people unto
the sacrifice of their gods. And the people ate and worshipped
their gods, and Israel coupled himself unto Baal Peor. Then the
LORD was angry with Israel, and said unto Moses: take all the
heads of the people, and hang them up unto the LORD against the
son, that the wrath of the LORD may turn away from Israel. And
Moses said unto the judges of Israel: go and slay those men that
joined them selves unto Baal Peor. And behold, one of the children
of Israel came and brought unto his brethren, a Madianitish wife
even in the sight of Moses and in the sight of all the multitude
of the children of Israel, as they were weeping in the door of the
tabernacle of witness. And when Phineas the son of Eleazer the son
of Aaron the priest saw it, he rose up out of the company and took
a weapon in his hand, and went after the man of Israel into the
whorehouse, and thrust them thorow: both the man of Israel and
also the woman even thorow the belly of her. And the plague ceased
from the children of Israel. And there died in the plague twenty
four thousand. And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: Phineas the
son of Eleazer the son of Aaron the priest, hath turned mine anger
away from the children of Israel, because he was jealous for my
sake among them, that I had not consumed the children of Israel in
my jealousy. Wherefore say: behold, I give unto him my covenant of
peace, and he shall have it and his seed after him, even the
covenant of the priest's office for ever, because he was jealous
for his God's {goddes} sake and made an atonement for the children
of Israel. The name of the Israelite which was smitten with the
Madianitish wife, was Simri the son of Salu, a lord of an ancient
house among the Simeonites. And the name of the Madianitish wife,
was Cosbi the daughter of Zur and head over the people of an
ancient house in Madian. And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: vex
the Madianites and smite them, for they have troubled you with
their wiles with thee which they have beguiled you, thorow Peor
and thorow their sister Cosbi the daughter of a lord in Madian,
which was slain in the day of the plague for Peor's sake.
Chapter .xxvi.
And after the plague, the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Eleazer
saying: take the number of all the multitude of the children of
Israel from twenty years and above thorowout their fathers'
houses, all that are able to go to war in Israel. And Moses and
Eleazer the priest told them in the fields of Moab, by Iordan fast
by Iericho, from twenty years and above, as the LORD commanded
Moses. And the children of Israel that came of Egypt were: Ruben
the eldest son of Israel. The children of Ruben were, Hanoch, of
whom cometh the kindred of the Hanochites: and of Palu, cometh the
kindred of the Paluites: And of Hesron, cometh the kindred of the
Hesronites: and of Carmi, cometh the kindred of the Carmites.
These are the kindreds of the Rubenites, which were in number
forty three thousand seven hundred and thirty. And the sons of
Palu were Eliab. And the sons of Eliab were: Nemuel, Dathan and
Abiram. This is that Dathan and Abiram councillors in the
congregation, which strove against Moses and Aaron in the company
of Corah, when they strove against the LORD. And the earth opened
her mouth and swallowed them and Corah also, when the multitude
died, what time the fire consumed two hundred and fifty men, and
they became a sign: Notwithstanding, the children of Corah died
not. And the children of Simeon in their kindreds were: Nemuel, of
whom cometh the kindred of the Nemuelites: Iamin, of whom cometh
the kindred of the Iaminites: Iachin, of whom cometh the kindred
of the Iachinites: Serah of whom cometh the kindred of the
Serahites: Saul of whom cometh the kindred of the Saulites. These
are the kindreds of the Simeonites: in number twenty two thousand
and two hundred. And the children of Gad in their kindreds were:
Zephon, of whom cometh the kindred of the Zephonites: and of
Haggi, cometh the kindred of the Haggites: and of Suni, cometh the
kindred of the Sunites: and of Aseni, cometh the kindred of the
Asenites: and of Eri cometh the kindred of the Erites: and of Arod
cometh the kindred of the Arodites: and of Ariel cometh the
kindred of the Arielites. These are the kindreds of the children
of Gad, in number forty thousand and five hundred. The children of
Iuda: Er and Onan, which died in the land of Canaan. But the
children of Iuda in their kindred were: Sela of whom cometh the
kindred of the Selamites: and of Phares cometh the kindred of the
Pharesites: and of Serah cometh the kindred of the Serahites. And
the children of Phares were Hesron, of whom cometh the kindred of
the Hesronites: and of Hamul cometh the kindred of the Hamulites.
These are the kindreds of Iuda, in number seventy six thousand and
five hundred. And the children of Isachar in their kindreds were:
Tola, of whom cometh the kindred of the Tolaites: and Phuva, of
whom cometh the kindred of the Phuvaites: and of Iasub cometh the
kindred of the Iasubites: and of Simron cometh the kindred of the
Simronites. These are the kindreds of Isachar in number sixty four
thousand and three hundred. The children of Zabulon in their
kindreds were: Sered, of whom cometh the kindred of the Seredites:
and Elon, of whom cometh the kindred of the Elonites: and of
Iaheliel, cometh the kindred of the Iahelelites. These are the
kindreds of Zabulon: in number sixty thousand and five hundred.
The children of Ioseph in their kindreds were: Manasse and
Ephraim. The children of Manasse: Machir, of whom cometh the
kindred of the Machirites. And Machir begat Gilead, of whom cometh
the kindred of the Gileadites. And these are the children of
Gilead: Hieser, of whom cometh the kindred of the Hieserites: and
of Helech cometh the kindred of the Helechites: and of Asriel the
kindred of the Asrielites: and of Sichem cometh the kindred of the
Sichemites: and of Simida cometh the kindred of the Simidites: and
of Hepher cometh the kindred of the Hepherites. And Zelaphead the
son of Hepher had no sons but daughters. And the names of the
daughters of Zelaphead were: Mahela, Noa, Hagla, Milcha and
Thirza. These are the kindreds of Manasse, in number fifty two
thousand and seven hundred. These are the children of Ephraim in
their kindreds: Suthelah, of whom cometh the kindred of the
Suthelahites: and Becher, of whom cometh the kindred of the
Becherites: and of Thaha cometh the kindred of the Thahanites. And
these are the children of Suthelah: Eran, of whom cometh the
kindred of the Eranites. These are the kindreds of the children of
Ephraim in number thirty two thousand and five hundred. And these
are the children of Ioseph in their kindreds. These are the
children of BenIamin in their kindreds: Bela, of whom cometh the
kindred of the Belaites: and of Asbel cometh the kindred of the
Asbelites: and of Ahiram, the kindred of the Ahiramites: and of
Supham the kindred of the Suphamites: and of Hupham the kindred of
the Huphamites. And the children of Bela were Ard and Naaman from
whence come the kindreds of the Ardites and of the Naamites. These
are the children of BenIamin in their kindreds, and in number
forty five thousand and six hundred. These are the children of Dan
in their kindreds: Suham, of whom cometh the kindred of the
Suhamites. These are the kindreds of Dan in their generations. And
all the kindreds of the Suhamites were in number sixty four
thousand and four hundred. The children of Asser in their kindreds
were: Iemna, of whom cometh the kindred of the Iemnites: and
Iesui, of whom cometh the kindred of the Iesuites: and of Bria
cometh the kindred of Brites. And the children of Bria were Heber,
of whom cometh the kindred of the Heberites: and of Malchiel came
the kindred of the Malchielites. And the daughter of Aser was
called Sarah. These are the kindreds of Aser in number fifty three
thousand and four hundred. The children of Nephthali in their
kindreds were: Iaheziel, of whom came the kindred of the
Iahezielites: and Guni, of whom came the kindred of the Gunites:
and of Iezer, came the kindred of the Iezerites: and of Selem the
kindred of Selemites. These are the kindreds of Naphthali in their
generations in number forty five thousand and four hundred. These
are the numbers of the children of Israel: six hundred thousand,
and a thousand seven hundred and thirty. And the LORD spake unto
Moses saying: unto these the land shall be divided to inherit,
according to the number of names: to many thou shalt give the more
inheritance and to few the less: to every tribe shall the
inheritance be given according to the number thereof.
Notwithstanding, the land shall be divided by lot, and according
to the names of the tribes of their fathers, they shall inherit:
and according to their lot thou shalt divide their land, both to
the many and to the few. These are the sums of the Levites in
their kindreds: of Gerson, came the kindred of the Gersonites: and
of Cahath came the kindred of the Cahathites: and of Merari came
the kindred of the Merarites. These are the kindreds of Levi: the
kindred of the Libnites, the kindred of the Hebronites, the
kindred of the Mahelites, the kindred of the Musites, the kindred
of the Karahites. Kahath begat Amram, and Amram's wife was called
Iochebed a daughter of Levi, which was born him in Egypt. And she
bare unto Amram, Aaron, Moses and Miriam their sister. And unto
Aaron were born, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazer and Ithamar. But Nadab and
Abihu died, as they offered strange fire before the LORD. And the
number of them was twenty three thousand, of all the males from a
month old and above. For they were not numbered among the children
of Israel, because there was no inheritance given them among the
children of Israel. These are the numbers of the children of
Israel which Moses and Eleazer the priest numbered in the fields
of Moab, fast by Iordan nye to Iericho. And among these there was
not a man of the number of the children of Israel which Moses and
Aaron told in the wilderness of Sinai. For the LORD said unto
them, that they should die in the wilderness and that there should
not be left a man of them: save Caleb the son of Iephune and Iosua
the son of Nun.
Chapter .xxvij.
And the daughters of Zelaphead the son of Heber the son of Gilead,
the son of Machir the son of Manasse, of the kindreds of Manasse
the son of Ioseph (whose names were Mahela, Noha, Hagla, Melcha
and Thirza) came and stood before Moses and Eleazer the priest and
before the lords and all the multitude in the door of the
tabernacle of witness saying: our father died in the wilderness,
and was not among the company of them that gathered them selves
together against the LORD in the congregation of Corah: But died
in his own sin, and had no sons. Wherefore should the name of our
father's be taken away from among his kindred, because he had no
son? Give unto us a possession among the brethren of our father.
And Moses brought their cause before the LORD. And the LORD spake
unto Moses saying: The daughters of Zelaphead speak right: thou
shalt give them a possession to inherit among their father's
brethren, and shalt turn the inheritance of their father unto
them. And speak unto the children of Israel saying: If a man die
and have no son, ye shall turn his inheritance unto his daughter.
If he have no daughter, ye shall give his inheritance unto his
brethren. If he have no brethren, ye shall give his inheritance
unto his father's brethren. If he have no father's brethren, ye
shall give his inheritance unto him that is next to him of his
kindred, and let him possess it. And this shall be unto the
children of Israel an ordinance, and a law, as the LORD hath
commanded Moses. And the LORD said unto Moses: get thee up into
this mount Abarim, and behold, the land which I have given unto
the children of Israel. And when thou hast seen it, thou shalt be
gathered unto thy people also, as Aaron thy brother was gathered
unto his people. For ye were disobedient unto my mouth in the
desert of Zin in the strife of the congregation, that ye
sanctified me not in the water before their eyes. That is the
water of strife in Cades in the wilderness of Zin. And Moses spake
unto the LORD saying: let the LORD God of the spirits of all
flesh, set a man over the congregation, which may go in and out
before them, and to lead them in and out, that the congregation of
the LORD be not as a flock of sheep without a shepherd. And the
LORD said unto Moses: take Iosua the son of Nun in whom there is
spirit, and put thine hands upon him, and set him before Eleazer
the priest and before all the congregation and give him a charge
in their sight. And put of thy praise upon him that all the
company of the children of Israel may hear. And he shall stond
before Eleazar the priest which shall ask counsel {councell} for
him after the manner of the light {judgement of Urim} before the
LORD: And at the mouth of Eleazer shall both he and all the
children of Israel with him and all the congregation, go in and
out. And Moses did as the LORD commanded him, and he took Iosua
and set him before Eleazer the priest and before all the
congregation, and put his hands upon him and give him a charge, as
the LORD commanded thorow the hand of Moses.
Chapter .xxviij.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: give the children of Israel
a charge and say unto them, that they take heed to offer unto me
the offering of my bread in the sacrifice of sweet savour, in his
due season. And say unto them. This is the offering which ye shall
offer unto the LORD: two lambs of a year old without spot day by
day to be a burntoffering perpetually. One lamb thou shalt offer
in the morning, and the other at even. And thereto the tenth part
of an Epha of flour for a meatoffering mingled with beaten oil,
the fourth part of an hin: which is a daily offering ordained in
the mount Sinai unto a sweet savour in the sacrifice of the LORD.
And the drinkoffering of the same: the fourth part of an hin unto
one lamb, and pour the drinkoffering in the holy place, to be good
drink unto the LORD. And the other lamb thou shalt offer at even,
with the meatoffering and the drinkoffering after the manner of
the morning: a sacrifice of a sweet savour unto the LORD. And on
the Sabbath day two lambs of a year old apiece and without spot,
and two tenth deals of flour for a meatoffering mingled with oil,
and the drinkoffering thereto. This is the burntoffering of every
Sabbath, besides the daily burntoffering and his drinkoffering.
And in the first day of your months, ye shall offer a
burntoffering unto the LORD: two young bullocks, and a ram, and
seven lambs of a year old without spot, and three tenth deals of
flour for a meatoffering mingled with oil unto one bullock, and
two tenth deals of flour for a meatoffering mingled with oil unto
one ram. And ever more, a tenth deal of flour mingled with oil,
for a meatoffering unto one lamb. That is a burntoffering of a
sweet savour in the sacrifice of the LORD. And their drink
offerings shall be half an hin of wine unto one bullock, and the
third part of an hin of wine unto a ram and the fourth part of an
hin unto a lamb. This is the burntoffering of every month
thorowout all the months of the year: and one he goat for a
sinoffering unto the LORD, which shall be offered with the daily
burntoffering and his drinkoffering. And the fourteenth day of the
first month shall be passover unto the LORD. And the fifteenth day
of the same month shall be a feast, in which seven days men must
eat unleavened bread. The first day shall be an holy feast, so
that ye shall do no manner of laborious work therein. And ye shall
offer a burntoffering unto the LORD two bullocks, one ram, and
seven lambs of a year old without spot, and their meatoffering of
flour mingled with oil three tenth deals unto a bullock, and two
tenth deals unto a ram, and ever more one tenth deal unto a lamb,
thorowout the seven lambs: and an he goat for a sinoffering to
make an atonement for you. And ye shall offer these, beside the
burntoffering in the morning that is always offered. And after
this manner ye shall offer thorowout the seven days, the food of
the sacrifice of sweet favour unto the LORD. And it shall be done
beside the daily burntoffering and his drinkoffering. And the
seventh day shall be an holy feast unto you, so that ye shall do
no laborious work therein. And the day of your first fruits when
ye bring a new meatoffering unto the LORD in your weeks, shall be
an holy feast unto you: so that ye shall do no labourious work
therein. And ye shall offer a burntoffering of a sweet savour unto
the LORD: two young bullocks, and a ram, and seven lambs of a year
old apiece, with their meatofferings of flour mingled with oil
three tenth deals unto a bullock two tenth deals to a ram, and
ever more one tenth deal unto a lamb thorowout the seven lambs,
and an he goat to make an atonement for you. And this ye shall do
besides the daily burntoffering, and his meatoffering: and they
shall be without spot, with their drinkofferings.
Chapter .xxix.
Also {and} the first day of the seventh month shall be an holy
feast unto you, and ye shall do no labourious work therein. It
shall be a day of trumpet blowing unto you. And ye shall offer a
burntoffering of a sweet savour unto the LORD: one young bullock
and one ram and seven lambs of a year old apiece that are pure.
And their meatofferings of flour mingled with oil: three tenth
deals unto the bullock, and two unto the ram, and one tenth deal
unto one lamb thorow the seven lambs. And an he goat for a
sinoffering to make an atonement for you, beside the burntoffering
of the month and his meatoffering and beside the daily
burntoffering and his meatoffering, and the drinkofferings of the
same: according unto the manner of them for a savour of sweetness
in the sacrifice of the LORD. And the tenth day of that same
seventh month shall be an holy feast unto you, and ye shall humble
your souls and shall do no manner work therein. And ye shall offer
a burntoffering unto the LORD of a sweet savour: one bullock, and
a ram, and seven lambs of a year old apiece, without fault and
their meatofferings of flour mingled with oil: three tenth deals
to a bullock, and two to a ram and always a tenth deal unto a
lamb, thorowout the seven lambs. And one he goat for a
sinoffering, beside the sinoffering of atonement and the daily
burntoffering, and the meat and drinkofferings that long to the
same. And the fifteenth day of the seventh month shall be holy day
and ye shall do no laborious work therein, and ye shall keep a
feast unto the LORD of seven days long. And ye shall offer a
burntoffering of a sweet savour unto the LORD: thirteen bullocks
two rams and fourteen lambs which are yearlings and pure, with
oil, three tenth deals unto every one of the thirteen bullocks:
two tenth deals to either of the rams, and one tenth deal unto
each of the fourteen lambs. And one he goat unto a sinoffering,
beside the daily burntoffering with his meat and drinkofferings.
And the second day twelve young bullocks, two rams, and fourteen
yearling lambs without spot: and their meatofferings and
drinkofferings unto the bullocks, rams and lambs, according to the
number of them and after the manner. And an he goat for a
sinoffering, beside the daily burntoffering and his meat and
drinkofferings. And the third day eleven bullocks two rams and
fourteen yearling lambs without spot: and their meat and
drinkofferings unto the bullocks, rams and lambs, after the number
of them and according to the manner. And an he goat for a
sinoffering, beside the daily burntoffering and his meat and
drinkofferings. And the fourth day ten bullocks two rams and
fourteen lambs, yearlings and pure: and their meat and
drinkofferings unto the bullocks, rams and lambs, according to
their number and after the manner. And an he goat for a
sinoffering, beside the daily burntoffering and his meat and
drinkofferings. And the fifth day nine bullocks two rams and
fourteen lambs of one year old apiece without spot. And their meat
and drinkofferings unto the bullocks, rams and lambs, according to
the number of them and after the manner. And an he goat for a
sinoffering, beside the daily burntoffering and his meat and
drinkofferings. And the sixth day eight bullocks two rams and
fourteen yearling lambs without spot. And their meat and
drinkofferings unto the bullocks, rams and lambs, according to the
manner. And an he goat for a sinoffering, beside the daily
burntoffering and his meat and drinkofferings. And the seventh day
seven bullocks two rams and fourteen lambs that are yearlings and
pure. And their meat and drinkofferings unto the bullocks, rams
and lambs, according to their number and to the manner. And an
hegoat for a sinoffering, beside the daily burntoffering and his
meat and drinkofferings. And the eighth day shall be the
conclusion of the feast unto you, and ye shall do no manner
laborious work therein. And ye shall offer a burntoffering of a
sweet savour unto the LORD: one bullock, one ram and seven
yearling lambs without spot. And the meat and drinkofferings unto
the bullock, ram and lambs, according to their numbers and
according to the manner. And an he goat for a sinoffering beside
the daily burntoffering and his meat and drinkofferings. These
things ye shall do unto the LORD in your feasts: beside your vows
and freewill offerings, in your burntofferings, meatofferings,
drinkofferings and peaceofferings. And Moses told the children of
Israel, according to all that the LORD commanded him.
Chapter .xxx.
And Moses spake unto the heads of the tribes of the children of
Israel saying: this is the thing which the LORD commandeth. If a
man vow a vow unto the LORD or swear an oath and bind his soul, he
shall not go back with his word: but shall fulfil all that
proceedeth out of his mouth. If a damsel vow a vow unto the LORD
and bind herself being in her father's house and unmarried: If her
father hear her vow and bond which she hath made upon her soul,
and hold his peace thereto: then all her vows and bonds which she
hath made upon her soul shall stond in effect. But and if her
father forbid her the same day that he heareth it, none of her
vows nor bonds which she hath made upon her soul shall be of
value, and the LORD shall forgive her, because her father forbade
her. If she had an husband when she vowed or pronounced ought out
of her lips wherewith she bound her soul, and her husband heard it
and held his peace thereat the same day he heard it: Then her vows
and her bonds wherewith she bound her soul, shall stond in effect.
But and if her husband forbade her the same day that he heard it,
then hath he made her vow which she had upon her of none effect,
and that also which she pronounced with her lips wherewith she
bound her soul, and the LORD shall forgive her. The vow of a widow
and of her that is divorced, and all that they have bound their
souls withal, shall stond in effect with them. If she vowed in her
husband's house or bound her soul with an oath, and her husband
heard it and held his peace and forbade her not: then all her vows
and bonds wherewith she bound her soul, shall stond. But if her
husband disannulled them the same day that he heard them, then
nothing that proceeded out of her lips in vows and bonds wherewith
she bound her soul shall stond in effect: for her husband hath
lowsed them, and the LORD shall forgive her. All vows and oaths
that bind to humble the soul, may her husband stablish or break.
But if her husband hold his peace from one day unto another, then
he stablisheth all her vows and bonds which she had upon her,
because he held his peace the same day that he heard them. And if
he afterward break them, he shall bear her sin himself. These are
the ordinances which the LORD commanded Moses, between a man and
his wife, and between the father and his daughter, being a damsel
in her father's house.
Chapter .xxxj.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: avenge the children of
Israel of the Madianites, and afterward be gathered unto thy
people. And Moses spake unto the folk saying: Harness some of you
unto war, and let them go upon the Madianites and avenge the LORD
of the Madianites. Ye shall send unto the war a thousand of every
tribe thorowout all the tribes of Israel. And there were taken out
of the thousands of Israel twelve thousand prepared unto war, of
every tribe a thousand. And Moses sent them a thousand of every
tribe, with Phineas the son of Eleazer the priest to war, and the
holy vessels and the trumpets to blow with in his hand. And they
warred against the Madianites, as the LORD commanded Moses, and
slew all the males. And they slew the kings of Madian among other
that were slain: Eui, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba: five kings of
Madian. And they slew Balam the son of Beor with the sword. And
the children of Israel took all the women of Madian prisoners and
their children, and spoiled all their cattle, their substance and
their goods. And they burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt,
and all their castles with fire. And they took all the spoil and
all they could catch, both of men and beasts. And they brought the
captives and that which they had taken and all the spoil unto
Moses and Eleazer the priest and unto the company of the children
of Israel, even unto the host, in the fields of Moab by Iordan nye
to Iericho. And Moses and Eleazer the priest and all the lords of
the congregation went out of the host against them. And Moses was
angry with the officers of the host, with the captains over
thousands and over hundreds, which came from war and battle, and
said unto them: Have ye saved the women alive? behold, these
caused the children of Israel thorow Balam, to commit trespass
against the LORD, by the reason of Peor, and there followed a
plague among the congregation of the LORD. Now therefore slay all
the men children and the women that have lien with men fleshly:
But all the women children that have not lien with men, keep alive
for your selves. And lodge without the host seven days all that
have killed any person and all that have twiched any dead body,
and purify both your selves and your prisoners the third day and
the seventh. And sprinkle all your raiments and all that is made
of skins, and all work of goats' hair, and all things made of
wood. And Eleazer the priest said unto all the men of war which
went out to battle: this is the ordinance of the law which the
LORD commanded Moses: Gold, silver, brass, iron, tin and lead, and
all that may abide the fire, ye shall make it go thorow the fire,
and then it is clean. Neverthelater, it shall be sprinkled with
sprinkling water. And all that suffereth not the fire, ye shall
make go thorow the water. And wash your clothes the seventh day,
and then ye are clean. And afterward come into the host. And the
LORD spake unto Moses saying: take the sum of the prey that was
taken, both of the women and of cattle, thou and Eleazer the
priest and the ancient heads of the congregation. And divide it
into two parts, between them that took the war upon them and went
out to battle and all the congregation. And take a portion unto
the LORD of the men of war which went out to battle one of five
hundred, of the women and of the oxen and of the asses and of the
sheep and ye shall take it of their half and give it unto Eleazer
the priest, an heave offering unto the LORD. And of the half of
the children of Israel, take one of fifty, of the women, of the
oxen, of the asses and of the sheep, and of all manner of beasts,
and give them unto the Levites which wait upon the habitation of
the LORD. And Moses and Eleazer the priest did as the LORD
commanded Moses. And the booty and the prey which the men of war
had caught, was six hundred thousand and seventy five thousand
sheep: and seventy two thousand oxen: and sixty one thousand
asses: and thirty two thousand women that had lien by no man. And
the half which was the part of them that went out to war, was
three hundred thousand and thirty seven thousand and five hundred
sheep: And the LORD's part of the sheep was six hundred and
seventy five. And the oxen were thirty six thousand, of which the
LORD's part was seventy two. And the asses were thirty thousand
and five hundred, of which the LORD's part was sixty one. And the
women were sixteen thousand, of which the LORD's part was thirty
two souls. And Moses gave that sum which was the LORD's heave
offering unto Eleazer the priest: as the LORD commanded Moses. And
the other half of the children of Israel which Moses separated
from the men of war (that is to wete, the half that pertained unto
the congregation) was three hundred thousand and thirty seven
thousand and five hundred sheep: and thirty six thousand oxen: and
thirty thousand asses and five hundred: and sixteen thousand
women. And Moses took of this half that pertained unto the
children of Israel: one of every fifty, both of the women and of
the cattle, and gave them unto the Levites which waited upon the
habitation of the LORD, as the LORD commanded Moses. And the
officers of thousands of the host, the captains over the thousands
and the captains over the hundreds came forth and said unto Moses:
Thy servants have taken the sum of the men of war, which were
under our hand, and there lacked not one man of them. We have
therefore brought a present unto the LORD what every man found of
Iewels of gold, chains, bracelets, rings, earrings and spangles,
to make an atonement for our souls before the LORD. And Moses and
Eleazer took the gold of them: Iewels of all manner fashions. And
all the gold of the heave offering of the LORD, of the captains
over thousands and hundreds was sixteen thousand seven hundred and
fifty sicles, which {for} the men of war had spoiled, every man
for himself. And Moses and Eleazer the priest took the gold of the
captains over the thousands and over the hundreds, and brought it
into the tabernacle of witness: to be a memorial unto the children
of Israel, before the LORD.
Chapter .xxxij.
The children of Ruben and the children of Gad, had an exceeding
great multitude of cattle. And when they saw the land of Iaeser
and the land of Gilead that it was an apt place for cattle, they
came and spake unto Moses and Eleazer the priest and unto the
lords of the congregation saying. The land of Ataroth, Dibo and
Beon, which country the LORD smote before the congregation of
Israel: is a land for cattle and we thy servants have cattle
wherefore (said they) if we have found grace in thy sight, let
this land be given unto thy servants to possess, and bring us not
over Iordan. And Moses said unto the children of Gad and of Ruben:
shall your brethren go to war and ye tarry here? Wherefore
discourage ye the hearts of the children of Israel for to go over
into the land which the LORD hath given them? This did your
fathers, when I sent them from Cades bernea to see the land. And
they went up even unto the river of Escol and saw the land, and
discouraged the hearts of the children of Israel, that they should
not go into the land which the LORD had given them. And the LORD
was wroth the same time and sware saying: None of the men that
came out of Egypt from twenty years old and above, shall see the
land which I swore unto Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, because they
have not continually followed me: save Caleb the son of Iephune
the Kenesite, and Iosua the son of Nun, for they have followed me
continually. And the LORD was angry with Israel, and made them
wander in the wilderness forty years, until all the generation
that had done evil in the sight of the LORD were consumed. And
behold, ye are risen up in your father's stead, the increase of
sinful men, to augment the fierce wrath of the LORD to Israelward.
For if ye turn away from after him, he will yet again leave the
people in the wilderness, so shall ye destroy all this folk. And
they went near him and said: we will build sheepfolds here for our
sheep and for our cattle, and cities for our children: But we our
selves will go ready armed before the children of Israel, until we
have brought them unto their place. And our children shall dwell
in the strong {fenced} cities, because of the inhabiters of the
land. And we will not return unto our houses, until the children
of Israel have inherited: every man his inheritance. For we will
not inherit with them on yonder side Iordan forward, because our
inheritance is fallen to us on this side Iordan eastward. And
Moses said unto them: If ye will do this thing, that ye will go
all harnessed before the LORD to war, and will go all of you in
harness over Iordan before the LORD, until he have cast out his
enemies before him, and until the land be subdued before the LORD,
then ye shall return and be without sin against the LORD and
against Israel, and this land shall be your possession before the
LORD. But and if ye will not do so, behold, ye sin against the
LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out. Build your cities
for your children and folds for your sheep, and see ye do that ye
have spoken. And the Children of Gad and of Ruben spake unto Moses
saying: thy servants will do as my lord commandeth. Our children,
our wives, substance and all our cattle shall remain here in the
cities of Gilead. But we thy servants will go all harnessed for
the war unto battle before the LORD, as my lord hath said. And
Moses commanded Eleazer the priest: and Iosua the son of Nun and
the ancient heads of the tribes of the children of Israel, and
said unto them: If the children of Gad and Ruben will go with you
over Iordan, all prepared to fight before the LORD: then when the
land is subdued unto you, give them the land of Gilead to possess,
but and if they will not go over with you in harness, then they
shall have their possessions among you in the land of Canaan. And
the children of Gad and Ruben answered saying: that which the LORD
hath said unto thy servants we will do. We will go harnessed
before the LORD into the land of Canaan, and the possession of our
inheritance shall be on this side the Iordan. And Moses gave unto
the children of Gad and of Ruben and unto half the tribe of
Manasse the son of Ioseph, the kingdom of Sehon king of the
Amorites, and the kingdom of Og king of Basan, the land that
longed unto the cities thereof in the coasts of the country round
about. And the children of Gad built Dibo, ataroth Aroer, Atroth,
Sophan, Iaeser, Iegabea, Bethnimra and Betharan strong {fenced}
cities, and they built folds for their sheep. And the children of
Ruben built Hesebon, Elalea, Kiriathaim, Nebo, Baal Meon and
turned their names, and Sibama also: and gave names unto the
cities which they built. And the children of Machir the son of
Manasse went to Gilead and took it, and put out the Amorites that
were therein. And Moses gave Gilead unto Machir the son of Manasse
and he dwelt therein. And Iahir the son of Manasse went and took
the small towns thereof, and called them the towns of Iair. And
Nobah went and took kenath with the towns longing thereto, and
called it Nobah after his own name.
Chapter .xxxiij.
These are the journeys of the children of Israel which went out of
the land of Egypt with their armies under Moses and Aaron. And
Moses wrote their going out by their journeys at the commandment
of the LORD: even these are the journeys of their going out. The
children of Israel departed from Rameses the fifteenth day of the
first month, on the morrow after Passover and went out with an
high hand in the sight of all Egypt, while the Egyptians buried
all their firstborn which the LORD had smoten among them. And upon
their gods also the LORD did execution. And the children of Israel
removed from Rameses and pitched in Sucoth. And they departed from
Sucoth and pitched their tents in Ethan, which is in the edge of
the wilderness. And they removed from Ethan and turned unto the
entering of Hiroth which is before Baal Zephon, and pitched before
Migdol. And they departed from before Hiroth and went thorow the
midst of the sea into the wilderness, and went three days journey
in the wilderness of Ethan, and pitched in Marah. And they removed
from Marah and went unto Elim where were twelve fountains and
seventy date {palm} trees and they pitched there. And they removed
from Elim and lay fast by the red sea. And they removed from the
red sea and lay in the wilderness of Zin. And they took their
journey out of the wilderness of Zin, and set up their tents in
Daphka. And they departed from Daphka, and lay in Alus. And they
removed from Alus, and lay at Raphedim, where was no water for the
people to drink. And they departed from Raphedim, and pitched in
the wilderness of Sinai. And they removed from the desert of
Sinai, and lodged at the graves of lust. And they departed from
the sepulchres of lust, and lay at Hazeroth. And they departed
from Hazeroth, and pitched in Rithma. And departed from Rithma and
pitched at Rimon Parez. And they departed from Rimon Parez, and
pitched in Libna. And they removed from Libna, and pitched at
Rissa. And they journeyed from Rissa and pitched at Kehelatha. And
they went from Kehelatha, and pitched in mount Sapher. And they
removed from mount Sapher, and lay in Harada. And they removed
from Harada, and pitched in Makeheloth. And they removed from
Makeheloth, and lay at Tahath, and they departed from Tahath and
pitched at Tharath. And they removed from Tharath, and pitched in
Mithca. And they went from Mithca, and lodged in Hasmona. And they
departed from Hasmona, and lay at Moseroth. And they departed from
Moseroth, and pitched among the children of Iaken. And they
removed from the children of [Bane] Iaken, and lay at Horgadgad.
And they went from Horgadgad, and pitched in Iathbatha. And they
removed from Iathbatha, and lay at Abrona. And they departed from
Abrona, and lay at Ezeon gaber. And they removed from Ezeon gaber,
and pitched in the wilderness of Sin, which is Cades. And they
removed from Cades, and pitched in mount Hor, in the edge of the
land of Moab. {Edom} And Aaron the priest went up into mount Hor
at the commandment of the LORD and died there, even in the
fortieth year, after the children of Israel were come out of the
land of Egypt, and in the first day of the fifth month. And Aaron
was an hundred and thirty three years old when he died in mount
Hor. And king Erad the Cananite which dwelt in the south of the
land of Canaan, heard that the children of Israel were come. And
they departed from mount Hor, and pitched in Zalmona. And they
departed from Zalmona, and pitched in Phimon, and they departed
from Phimon, and pitched in Oboth. And they departed from Oboth,
and pitched in Igim Abarim {Iehabarim} in the borders of Moab. And
they departed from Igim, {Iehabarim} and pitched in Dibon Gad.
And they removed from Dibon Gad, and lay in Almon Diblathama. And
they removed from Almon Diblathama, and pitched in the mountains
of Abarim before Nibo. And they departed from the mountains of
Abarim, and pitched in the fields of Moab fast by Iordan nye to
Iericho. And they pitched upon Iordan, from Beth Haiesmoth unto
the plain of Sitim {Abelsatim} in the fields of Moab. And the LORD
spake unto Moses in the fields of Moab by Iordan nye unto Iericho,
saying: speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them: when
ye are come over Iordan into the land of Canaan, see that ye drive
out all the inhabiters of the land before you, and destroy their
imaginations {chapels} and all their Images of Metal, and pluck
down all their altars built on hills: And possess the land and
dwell therein, for I have given you the land to enjoy it. And ye
shall divide the inheritance of the land by lot among your
kindreds, and give to the more the more inheritance, and to the
fewer the less inheritance. And your inheritance shall be in the
tribes of your fathers, in the place where every man's lot
falleth. But and if ye will not drive out the inhabiters of the
land before you, then these {those} which ye let remain of them,
shall be thorns in your eyes and darts in your sides, and shall
vex you in the land wherein ye dwell. Moreover it will come to
pass, that I shall do unto you as I thought to do unto them.
Chapter .xxxiiij.
And the LORD spake unto Moses saying: command the children of
Israel and say unto them: when ye come into the land of Canaan,
this is the land that shall fall unto your inheritance, the land
of Canaan with all her coasts. And your south quarter shall be
from the wilderness of Zin along by the coast of Edom, so that
your south quarter shall be from the side of the salt sea
eastward, and shall fetch a compass from the south up to Acrabim,
and reach to Zinna. And it shall go out on the south side of Cades
Bernea, and go out also at Hazar Adar, and go along to Azmon. And
shall fetch a compass from Azmon unto the river of Egypt, and
shall go out at the sea. And your west quarter shall be the great
sea, which coast shall be your west coast. And this shall be your
north quarter: ye shall compass from the great sea unto mount Hor.
And from mount Hor, ye shall compass and go unto Hemath, and the
end of the coast shall be at Zedada, and the coast shall reach out
to Ziphron and go out at Hazor enan. And this shall be your north
quarter. And ye shall compass your east quarter from Hazar Enan to
Sepham. And the coast shall go down from Sepham to Ribla on the
east side of Ain. And then descend and go out at the side of the
sea of Cenereth eastward. And then go down along by Iordan, and
leave at the salt sea. And this shall be your land with all the
coasts thereof round about. And Moses commanded the children of
Israel, saying: this is the land which ye shall inherit by lot,
and which the LORD commanded to give unto nine tribes and an half:
for the tribe of the children of Ruben, have received, in the
households of their fathers, and the tribe of the children of Gad
in their fathers' households, and half the tribe of Manasse, have
received their inheritance, that is to wete two tribes and a half
have received their inheritance on the other side of Iordan by
Iericho eastward, toward the son rising. And the LORD spake to
Moses saying: These are the names of the men, which shall divide
you the land to inherit. Eleazer the priest, and Iosua the son of
Nun. And ye shall take also a lord of every tribe to divide the
land, whose names are these: in the tribe of Iuda, Caleb the son
of Iephune. And in the tribe of the children of Simeon, Semuel the
son of Amiud, and in the tribe of BenIamin, Elidad the son of
Cislon. And in the tribe of the children of Dan, the lord Bucki
the son of Iagli. And among the children of Ioseph: in the tribe
of the children of Manasse, the lord Haniel the son of Ephod. And
in the tribe of the children of Ephraim, the lord Cemuel the son
of Siphtan. And in the tribe of the sons of Zabulon, the lord
Elizaphan the son of Parnac. And in the tribe of the children of
Isachar, the lord Palthiel the son of Asan. And in the tribe of
the sons of Aser, the lord Ahihud the son of Selomi. And in the
tribe of the children of Naphthali, the lord Pada El the son of
Ammihud. These are they which the LORD commanded to divide the
inheritance unto the children of Israel, in the land of Canaan.
Chapter .xxxv.
And the LORD spake unto Moses in the fields of Moab by Iordan
Iericho saying: command the children of Israel, that they give
unto the Levites of the inheritance of their possession: cities to
dwell in. And ye shall give also unto the cities of the Levites,
suburbs round about them. The cities shall be for them to dwell
in, and the suburbs for their cattle, possession and all manner
beasts of theirs. And the suburbs of the cities which ye shall
give unto the Levites, shall reach from the wall of the city
outward, a thousand cubits round about. And ye shall measure
without the city, and make the utmost border of the east side: two
thousand cubits. And the utmost border of the south side: two
thousand cubits. And the utmost border of the west side: two
thousand cubits. And the utmost border of the north side: two
thousand cubits also: and the city shall be in the midst. And
these shall be the suburbs of their cities. And among the cities
which ye shall give unto the Levites, there shall be six cities of
franchise which ye shall give to that intent that he which
killeth, may fly thither. And to them ye shall add forty two
cities more: {mo} so that all the cities which ye shall give the
Levites shall be forty eight with their suburbs. And of the cities
which ye shall give out of the possessions of the children of
Israel, ye shall give many out of their possessions that have much
and few out of their possessions that have little: so that every
tribe shall give of his cities unto the Levites, according to the
inheritance which he inheriteth. And the LORD spake unto Moses
saying: speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them: when
ye be come over Iordan into the land of Canaan, ye shall build
cities which shall be privileged towns for you: that he which
slayeth a man unawares, may fly thither. And the cities shall be
to flee from the executer of blood, that he which killed die not,
until he stond before the congregation in judgement. And of these
six free cities which ye shall give three ye shall give on this
side Iordan and three in the land of Canaan. And these six free
cities shall be for the children of Israel and for the stranger
and for him that dwelleth among you, that all they which kill any
person unawares, may flee thither. If any man smite another with a
weapon of iron that he die, then he is a murderer, and shall die
for it. If he smite him with a throwing stone that he die
therewith, then he shall die: For he is a murderer and shall be
slain therefore. If he smite him with a hand weapon of wood that
he die therewith, then he shall die: for he is a murderer and
shall be slain therefore. The judge {justice} of blood shall slay
the murderer, as soon as he findeth him: If he thrust him of hate,
or hurl at him with laying of wait that he die or smite him with
his hand of envy that he die, he that smote him shall die, for he
is a murderer. The justice of blood shall slay him as soon as he
findeth him. But and if he pushed him by chance and not of hate or
cast at him with any manner of thing and not of laying of wait: or
cast any manner of stone at him that he die therewith, and saw him
not: And he cast it upon him and he died, but was not his enemy,
neither sought him any harm: Then the congregation shall judge
between the slayer and the executer of blood in such cases. And
the congregation shall deliver the slayer out of the hand of the
judge of blood, and shall restore him again unto the franchised
city, whither he was fled. And he shall bide there unto the death
of the high priest which was anointed with holy oil. But and if he
came without the borders of his privileged city whither he was
fled, if the blood avenger find him without the borders of his
free town, he shall slay the murderer and be guiltless, because he
should have bidden in his free town until the death of the high
priest, and after the death of the high priest, he shall return
again unto the land of his possession. And this shall be an
ordinance and a law unto you, among your children after you in all
your habitations. Whosoever slayeth, shall be slain at the mouth
of witnesses. For one witness shall not answer against one person
to put him to death. Moreover ye shall take none amends for the
life of the murderer which is worthy to die: But he shall be put
to death. Also ye shall take none atonement for him that is fled
to a free city, that he should come again and dwell in the land
before the death of the high priest. And see that ye pollute not
the land which ye are in, for blood defileth the land. And the
land can none otherwise be cleansed of the blood that is shed
therein, but by the blood of it that shed it. Defile not therefore
the land which ye inhabit, and in the midst of which I also dwell,
for I am, the LORD which dwell among the children of Israel.
Chapter .xxxvi.
And the ancient heads of the children of Gilead the son of Machir
the son of Manasse of the kindred of the children of Ioseph, came
forth and spake before Moses and the princes which were ancient
heads among the children of Israel and said: The LORD commanded my
lord to give the land to inherit by lot to the children of Israel.
And then my lord commanded in the name of the LORD to give the
inheritance of Zelaphead our brother unto his daughters. Now when
any of the sons of the tribes of Israel take them to wives, then
shall their inheritance be taken from the inheritance of our
fathers, and shall be put unto the inheritance of the tribe in
which they are and shall be taken from the lot of our inheritance.
And when the free year {of jubilee} cometh unto the children of
Israel, then shall their inheritance be put unto the inheritance
of the tribe where they are in, and so shall their inheritance be
taken away from the inheritance of the tribe of our fathers. And
Moses commanded the children of Israel at the mouth of the LORD
saying: the tribe of the children of Ioseph have said well. This
therefore doeth the LORD: command the daughters of Zelaphead
saying: let them be wives to whom they themself think best, but in
the kindred of the tribe of their fathers shall they marry, that
the inheritance of the children of Israel roll not from tribe to
tribe. But that the children of Israel may abide, every man in the
inheritance of the tribe of his fathers. And every daughter that
possesseth any inheritance among the tribes of the children of
Israel, shall be wife unto one of the kindred of the tribe of her
father, that the children of Israel may enjoy every man the
inheritance of his father, and that the inheritance go not from
one tribe to another: but that the tribes of the children of
Israel, may abide every man in his own inheritance. And as the
LORD commanded Moses even so did the daughters of Zelaphead:
Mahela, Thirza, Hagla, Milcha and Noa, and were married unto their
fathers' brothers' sons, of the kindred of the children of Manasse
the son of Ioseph: and so they had their inheritance in the tribe
of the kindred of their father. These are the commandments and
laws which the LORD commanded thorow Moses, unto the children of
Israel in the fields of Moab upon Iordan nye unto Iericho.
The end of the .iiij. book of Moses.
Chapter .j.
These be the words which Moses spake unto all Israel, on the other
side Iordan in the wilderness and in the fields by the red sea,
between Pharan and Tophel, Laban, Hazeroth and Disahab twelve days
journey from Horeb unto Cades barne, by the way that leadeth unto
mount Seir. And it fortuned the first day of the eleventh month in
the fortieth year, that Moses spake unto the children of Israel
according unto all that the LORD had given him in commandment unto
them, after that he had smote Sehon the king of the Amorites which
dwelt in Hesbon, and Og king of Basan which dwelt at Astaroth in
Edrei. On the other side Iordan in the land of Moab, Moses began
to declare this law saying: the LORD our God spake unto us in
Horeb saying: Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount: depart
therefore and take your journey and go unto the hills of the
Amorites and unto all places nye there unto: both fields, hills
and dales: and unto the south and unto the sea's side in the land
of Canaan, and unto Libanon: even unto the great river Euphrates.
Behold, I have set the land before you: go in therefore and
possess the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers Abraham,
Isaac and Iacob, to give unto them and their seed after them. And
I said unto you the same season: I am not able to bear you myself
alone. For the LORD your God hath multiplied you: so that ye are
this day as the stars of heaven in number (the LORD God of your
fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and
bless you as he hath promised you) how (said I) can I myself
alone, bear the cumbrance, charge and strife that is among you:
bring therefore men of wisdom and of understanding and expert,
known among your tribes, that I may make them rulers over you. And
ye answered me and said: that which thou hast spoken is good to be
done. And then I took the heads of your tribes, men of wisdom and
that were expert, and made them rulers over you: captains over
thousands and over hundreds, over fifty and over ten, and officers
among your tribes. And I charged your judges the same time saying:
hear your brethren and judge righteously between every man and his
brother and the stranger that is with him. See that ye know no man
in judgement: but hear the small as well as the great and be
afraid of no man, for the law is God's. {judgment is Gods} And the
cause that is too hard for you, bring unto me and I will hear it.
And I commanded you the same season, all the things which ye
should do. And then we departed from Horeb and walked thorow all
that great and terrible wilderness as ye have seen along by the
way that leadeth unto the hills of the Amorites, as the LORD our
God commanded us, and came to Cades barne. And there I said unto
you: Ye are come unto the hills of the Amorites, which the LORD
our God doth give unto us. Behold the LORD thy God hath set the
land before thee, go up and conquer it, as the LORD God of thy
fathers sayeth unto thee: fear not, neither be discouraged. And
then ye came unto me every one and said: Let us send men before
us, to search us out the land and to bring us word again, both
what way we shall go up by, and unto what cities we shall come.
And the saying pleased me well, and I took twelve men of you, of
every tribe one. And they departed and went up into the high
country and came unto the river Escol, and searched it out, and
took of the fruit of the land in their hands and brought it down
unto us and brought us word again and said: it is a good land
which the LORD our God doeth give us. Notwithstanding ye would not
consent to go up, but were disobedient unto the mouth of the LORD
your God, and murmured in your tents and said: because the LORD
hateth us, therefore he hath brought us out of the land of Egypt,
to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites and to destroy us.
How shall we go up? Our brethren have discouraged our hearts
saying: the people is greater and taller than we, and the cities
are great and walled even up to heaven, and moreover we have seen
the sons of the Enakims there. And I said unto you: dread not nor
be afraid of them: The LORD your God which goeth before you, he
shall fight for you, according to all that he did unto you in
Egypt before your eyes and in the wilderness: as thou hast seen
how that the LORD thy God bare thee as a man should bear his son,
thorowout all the way which ye have gone, until ye came unto this
place. And yet for all this saying ye did not believe the LORD
your God which goeth the way before you, to search you out a place
to pitch your tents in, in fire by night, that ye might see what
way to go and in a cloud by day. And the LORD heard the voice of
your words and was wroth and swore saying, there shall not one of
these men of this froward generation see that good land which I
sware to give unto your fathers, save Caleb the son of Iephune, he
shall see it, and to him I will give the land which he hath walked
in and to his children, because he hath continually followed the
LORD. Likewise the LORD was angry with me for your sakes saying:
thou also shalt not go in thither. But Iosua the son of Nun which
stondeth before thee, he shall go in thither. Bold him therefore
for he shall divide it unto Israel. Moreover your children which
ye said should be a prey, and your sons which know neither good
nor bad this day, they shall go in thither and unto them I will
give it, and they shall enjoy it. But as for you, turn back and
take your journey into the wilderness: even the way to the red
sea. Then ye answered and said unto me: We have sinned against the
LORD: we will go up and fight, according to all that the LORD our
God commanded us. And when ye had girded on every man his weapons
of war and were ready to go up into the hills, the LORD said unto
me: say unto them, see that ye go not up and that ye fight not,
for I am not among you: lest ye be plagued before your enemies.
And when I told you ye would not hear: but disobeyed the mouth of
the LORD, and went presumptuously up into the hills. Then the
Amorites which dwelt in those hills, came out against you and
chased you as bees do, and hewed you in Seir, even unto Horma. And
ye came again and wept before the LORD: but the LORD would not
hear your voice nor give you audience. And so ye abode in Cades a
long season, according unto the time that ye there dwelt.
Chapter .ij.
Then we turned and took our journey into the wilderness, even the
way to the red sea as the LORD commanded me. And we compassed the
mountains of Seir a long time. Then the LORD spake unto me saying:
Ye have compassed these mountains long enough, turn you northward.
And warn the people saying: Ye shall go thorow the coasts of your
brethren the children of Esau which dwell in Seir, and they shall
be afraid of you: But take good heed unto your selves that ye
provoke them not, for I will not give you of their land, no not so
much as a foot breadth: because I have given mount Seir unto Esau
to possess. Ye shall buy meat of them for money to eat, and ye
shall buy water of them for money to drink. For the LORD thy God
hath blessed thee in all the works of thine hand, and knew thee as
thou wentest thorow this great wilderness. Moreover the LORD thy
God hath been with thee this forty years, so that thou hast lacked
nothing. And when we were departed from our brethren the children
of Esau which dwelt in Seir by the field way from Elath and Ezion
Gaber, we turned and went the way to the wilderness of Moab. Then
the LORD said unto me: see that thou vex not the Moabites, neither
provoke them to battle for I will not give thee of their land to
possess: because I have given Ar unto the children of loth to
possess. The Emims dwelt therein in times past, a people great,
many and tall, as the Enakims: which also were taken for giants as
the Enakims: And the Moabites called them Emims. In like manner
the Horims dwelt in Seir before time which the children of Esau
cast out, and destroyed them before them and dwelt there in their
stead: as Israel did in the land of his possession which the LORD
gave them. Now rise up (said I) and get you over the river Zared:
and we went over the river Zared. The space in which we came from
Cades barne until we were come over the river Zared was thirty
eight years: until all the generation of the men of war were
wasted out of the host as the LORD sware unto them. For indeed the
hand of the LORD was against them, to destroy them out of the
host, till they were consumed. And as soon as all the men of war
were consumed and dead from among the people, then the LORD spake
unto me saying: Thou shalt go thorow Ar the coast of Moab this
day, and shalt come nye unto the children of Ammon: see that thou
vex them not, nor yet provoke them. For I will not give thee of
the land of the children of Ammon to possess, because I have given
it unto the children of Loth to possess. That also was taken for a
land of giants and giants dwelt therein in old time, and the
Ammonites called them Zamzumims. A people that was great, many and
tall, as the Enakims. But the LORD destroyed them before the
Ammonites, and they cast them out and they dwelt there in their
stead: as he did for the children of Esau which dwell in Seir:
even as he destroyed the Horims before them, and they cast them
out and dwell in their stead unto this day. And the Avims which
dwelt in Hazarim even unto Aza, the Caphthorims which came out of
Caphthor destroyed them and dwelt in their rooms. Rise up, take
your journey and go over the river Arnon. Behold, I have given
into thy hand Sehon the Amorite king of Hesbon, and his land. Go
to and conquer and provoke him to battle. This day I will begin to
send the fear and dread of thee upon all nations that are under
all ports of heaven: so that when they hear speak of thee, they
shall tremble and quake for fear of thee. Then I sent messengers
out of the wilderness of Kedemoth unto Sihon king of Hesbon, with
words of peace saying: Let me go thorow thy land. I will go always
along by the high way and will neither turn unto the right hand
nor to the left. Sell me meat for money for to eat, and give me
drink for money for to drink: I will go thorow by foot only (as
the children of Esau did unto me which dwell in Seir and the
Moabites which dwell in Ar) until I be come over Iordan, into the
land which the LORD our God giveth us. But Sihon the king of
Hesbon would not let us pass by him, for the LORD thy God had
hardened his spirit and made his heart tough because he would
deliver him into thy hands as it is come to pass this day. And the
LORD said unto me: behold, I have begun to set Sihon and his land
before thee: go to and conquer, that thou mayst possess his land.
Then both Sihon and all his people came out against us unto battle
at Iahab. And the LORD set him before us, and we smote him and his
sons and all his people. And we took all his cities the same
season, and destroyed all the cities with men, women, and children
and let nothing remain, save the cattle only we caught unto our
selves and the spoil of the cities which we took, from Aroer upon
the brink of the river of Arnon, and the city in the river, unto
Gilead: there was not one city too strong for us. The LORD our God
delivered all unto us: only unto the land of the children of Ammon
ye came not, nor {ner} unto all the coast of the river Iabock nor
{ner} unto the cities in the mountains, nor unto whatsoever the
LORD our God forbade us.
Chapter .iij.
Then we turned and went up the way to Basan. And Og the king of
Basan came out against us: both he and all his people to battle at
Edrei. And the LORD said unto me: fear him not, for I have
delivered him and all his people and his land into thy hand and
thou shalt deal with him as thou dealest with Sihon king of the
Amorites which dwelt at Hesbon. And so the LORD our God delivered
into our hands, Og also the king of Basan and all his folk. And we
smote him until nought was left him. And we took all his cities
the same season (for there was not a city which we took not from
them) even three score cities, all the region of Argob, the
kingdom of Og in Basan. All these cities were made strong with
high walls, gates and bars, beside unwalled towns a great many.
And we utterly destroyed them, as we played with Sihon king of
Hesbon: bringing to nought all the cities with men, women and
children. But all the cattle and the spoil of the cities, we
caught for ourselves. And thus we took the same season, the land
out of the hand of two kings of the Amorites on the other side
Iordan, from the river of Arnon unto mount Hermon (which Hermon
the Sidons call Sirion, but the Amorites call it Senir) all the
cities in the plain and all Gilead and all Basan unto Salcha and
Edrei, cities of the kingdom of Og in Basan. For only Og king of
Basan remained of the remnant of the giants: behold, his iron bed
is yet at Rabath among the children of Ammon nine cubits long and,
four cubits broad, of the cubits of a man. And when we had
conquered this land the same time, I gave from Aroer which is upon
the river of Arnon, and half mount Gilead and the cities thereof
unto the Rubenites, and Gadites. And the rest of Gilead and all
Basan the kingdom of Og, I gave unto the half tribe of Manasse:
all the region of Argob with all Basan was called the land of
giants. Iair the son of Manasse took all the region of Argob unto
the coasts of Gesuri and Maachati, and called the towns of Basan
after his own name: the towns of [Havoth] Iair unto this day. And
I gave half Gilead unto Machir. And unto Ruben and Gad, I gave
from Gilead unto the river of Arnon and half the valley and the
coast, even unto the river Iabock which is the border of the
children of Ammon, and the fields and Iordan with the coast, from
Cenereth even unto the sea in the field which is the salt sea
under the springs of Pisga eastward. And I commanded you the same
time (ye Ruben and Gad) saying: the LORD your God hath given you
this land to enjoy it: see that ye go harnessed before your
brethren the children of Israel, all that are men of war among
you. Your wives only, your children and your cattle (for I wot
that ye have much cattle) shall abide in your cities which I have
given you, until the LORD have given rest unto your brethren as
well as unto you, and until they also have conquered the land
which the LORD your God hath given them beyond Iordan: and then
return again every man unto his possession which I have given you.
And I warned Iosua the same time saying: thine eyes have seen all
that the LORD your God hath done unto these two kings, even so the
LORD will do unto all kingdoms whither thou goest. Fear them not,
for the LORD your God he it is that fighteth for you. And I
besought the LORD the same time saying: O Lord Iehoua, thou hast
begun to shew thy servant thy greatness and thy mighty hand, for
there is no God in heaven nor in earth that can do after thy works
and after thy power: let me go over and see the good land that is
beyond Iordan, that goodly high country and Libanon. But the LORD
was angry with me for your sakes and would not hear me, but said
unto me, be content, and speak henceforth no more unto me of this
matter; Get thee up into the top of Pisga and lift up thine eyes
west, north, south and east, and behold it with thine eyes for
thou shalt not go over this Iordan. Moreover, charge Iosua and
courage him and bold him. For he shall go over before his people,
and he shall divide the land which thou shalt see unto them. And
so we abode in the valley beside Beth Peor.
Chapter .iiij.
And now hearken Israel unto the ordinances and laws which I teach
you, for to do them, that ye may live and go and conquer the land
which the LORD God of your fathers giveth you. Ye shall put
nothing unto the word which I command you neither do ought
therefrom, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God
which I command you. Your eyes have seen what the LORD did unto
Baal Peor: for all the men that followed Baal Peor, the LORD your
God hath destroyed from among you. But ye that clave unto the LORD
your God, are alive every one of you this day. Behold, I have
taught you ordinances and laws, such as the LORD my God commanded
me, that ye should do even so in the land whither ye go to possess
it. Keep them therefore and do them, for that is your wisdom and
understanding in the sight of the nations: which when they have
heard all these ordinances, shall say: O what a wise and
understanding people is this great nation. For what nation is so
great that hath Gods {Goddes} so nye unto him: as the LORD our God
is nye unto us, in all things, when we call unto him? Yea, and
what nation is so great that hath ordinances and laws so
righteous, as all this law which I set before you this day. Take
heed to thy self therefore only and keep thy soul diligently, that
thou forget not the things which thine eyes have seen, and that
they depart not out of thine heart, all the days of thine life:
but teach them thy sons, and thy sons son's. The day that I stood
before the LORD your God in Horeb, when he said unto me, gather me
the people together, that I may make them hear my words that they
may learn to fear me as long as they live upon the earth and that
they may teach their children: ye came and stood also under the
hill, and the hill burnt with fire: even unto the midst of heaven,
and there was darkness, clouds and mist. And the LORD spake unto
you out of the fire and ye heard the voice of the words: But saw
no image, save heard a voice only. And he declared unto you his
covenant, which he commanded you to do, even ten verses and wrote
them in two tables of stone. And the LORD commanded me the same
season to teach you ordinances and laws, for to do them in the
land whither ye go to possess it. Take heed unto yourselves
diligently as pertaining unto your souls, for ye saw no manner of
image the day when the LORD spake unto you in Horeb out of the
fire: lest ye mar yourselves and make you graven images after
whatsoever likeness it be: whether after the likeness of man or
woman or any manner beast that is on the earth or of any manner
feathered fowl that flyeth in the air, or of any manner worm that
creepeth on the earth or of any manner fish that is in the water
beneath the earth: Yea and lest thou lift up thine eyes unto
heaven, and when thou seest the son and the moon and the stars and
whatsoever is contained in heaven, shouldest be deceived and
shouldest bow thyself unto them and serve the things which the
LORD thy God hath distributed unto all nations that are under all
quarters of heaven. For the LORD took you and brought you out of
the iron furnace of Egypt, to be unto him a people of inheritance,
as it is come to pass this day. Furthermore, the LORD was angry
with me for your sakes and sware, that I should not go over Iordan
and that I should not go unto that good land, which the LORD thy
God giveth thee to inheritance. For I must die in this land, and
shall not go over Iordan: But ye shall go over and conquer that
good land. Take heed unto yourselves therefore, that ye forget not
the appointment of the LORD your God which he made with you, and
that ye make you no graven image of whatsoever it be that the LORD
thy God hath forbidden thee. For the LORD thy God is a consuming
fire, and a jealous God. If after thou hast gotten children and
children's children and hast dwelt long in the land, ye shall mar
yourselves and make graven images after the likeness of whatsoever
it be, and shall work wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God,
to provoke him. I call heaven and earth to record unto you this
day, that ye shall shortly perish from off the land whither ye go
over Iordan to possess it: Ye shall not prolong your days therein,
but shall shortly be destroyed. And the LORD shall scatter you
among nations, and ye shall be left few in number among the people
whither the LORD shall bring you: and there ye shall serve gods
which are the works of man's hand, wood and stone which neither
see nor hear nor eat nor smell. Neverthelater ye shall seek the
LORD your God even there, and shalt find him if thou seek him with
all thine heart and with all thy soul. In thy tribulation and when
all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days, thou
shalt turn unto the LORD thy God, and shalt hearken unto his
voice. For the LORD thy God is a pitiful God: he will not forsake
thee neither destroy thee, nor forget the appointment made with
thy fathers which he sware unto them. For ask I pray thee of the
days that are past which were before thee, since the day that God
created man upon the earth and from the one side of heaven unto
the other, whether anything hath been like unto this great thing
or whether any such thing hath been heard as it is, that a nation
hath heard the voice of God speaking out of fire as thou hast
heard, and yet lived? either whether God assayed to go and take
him a people from among nations, thorow temptations and signs and
wonders and thorow war and with a mighty hand and a stretched out
arm and with mighty terrible sights, according unto all that the
LORD your God did unto you in Egypt before your eyes. Unto thee it
was shewed, that thou mightest know, how that the LORD he is God
and that there is none but he. Out of heaven he made thee hear his
voice to nurture thee, and upon earth he shewed thee his great
fire, and thou heardest his words out of the fire. And because he
loved thy fathers, therefore he chose their seed after them and
brought thee out with his presence and with his mighty power of
Egypt: to thrust out nations greater and mightier than thou before
thee, to bring thee in and to give thee their land to inheritance:
as it is come to pass this day. Understand therefore this day and
turn it to thine heart, that the LORD he is God in heaven above
and upon the earth beneath, there is no more: keep therefore his
ordinances, and his commandments which I command thee this day,
that it may go well with thee and with thy children after thee and
that thou mayst prolong thy days upon the earth which the LORD thy
God giveth thee for ever. {thy life long.} Then Moses severed
three cities on the other side Iordan toward the son rising, that
he should flee thither which had killed his neighbour unwares and
hated him not in time past, and therefore should flee unto one of
the same cities and live: Bezer in the wilderness even in the
plain country among the Rubenites: and Ramoth in Gilead among the
Gadites and Solan in Basan among the Manassites. This is the law
which Moses set before the children of Israel, and these are the
witness, ordinances and statutes which Moses told the children of
Israel after they came out of Egypt, on the other side Iordan in
the valley beside Beth Peor in the land of Sehon king of the
Amorites which dwelt at Hesbon, whom Moses and the children of
Israel smote after they were come out of Egypt, and conquered his
land and the land of Og king of Basan two kings of the Amorites on
the other side Iordan toward the son rising: from Aroer upon the
bank of the river Arnon, unto mount Sion which is called Hermon
and all the fields on the other side Iordan eastward: even unto
the sea in the field under the springs of Pisga.
Chapter .v.
And Moses called unto all Israel and said unto them: Hear Israel
the ordinances and laws which I speak in thine ears this day, and
learn them and take heed that ye do them. The LORD {Loode} our God
made an appointment with us in Horeb. The LORD made not this bond
with our fathers, but with us: we are they, which are all here
alive this day. The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount
out of the fire. And I stood between the LORD and you the same
time, to shew you the saying of the LORD. For ye were afraid of
the fire and therefore went not up into the mount and he said. I
am the LORD thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt
the house of bondage. Thou shalt have therefore none other gods in
my presence. Thou shalt make thee no graven Image of any manner
likeness that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, or in
the water beneath the earth. Thou shalt neither bow thyself unto
them nor serve them, for I the LORD thy God, am a jealous God,
visiting the wickedness of the fathers upon the children, even in
the third and the fourth generation, among them that hate me: and
shew mercy upon thousands among them that love me and keep my
commandments. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in
vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless, that taketh his
name in vain. Keep the Sabbath day that thou sanctify it, as the
LORD thy God hath commanded thee. Six days thou shalt labour and
do all that thou hast to do, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of
the LORD thy God: thou shalt do no manner work, neither thou nor
thy son nor thy daughter nor thy servant nor thy maid nor thine ox
nor thine ass nor any of thy cattle, nor the stranger that is
within thy city, that thy servant and thy maid may rest as well as
thou. And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt
and how that the LORD God, brought thee out thence with a mighty
hand and a stretched out arm. For which cause the LORD thy God
commandeth thee to keep the Sabbath day. Honour thy father and thy
mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee: that thou mayst
prolong thy days, and that it may go well with thee on the land,
which the LORD thy God giveth thee. Thou shalt not slee. Thou
shalt not break wedlock. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear
false witness against thy neighbour. Thou shalt not lust after thy
neighbour's wife: thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house,
field, servant, maid, ox, ass nor ought that is thy neighbour's.
These words the LORD spake unto all your multitude in the mount
out of the fire, cloud and darkness, with a loud voice, and added
no more thereto, and wrote them in two tables of stone and
delivered them unto me. But as soon as ye heard the voice out of
the darkness and saw the hill burn with fire, ye came unto me all
the heads of your tribes and your elders: and ye said: behold, the
LORD our God hath shewed us his glory and his greatness, and we
have heard his voice out of the fire, and we have seen this day
that God may talk with a man and he yet live. And now wherefore
should we die that this great fire should consume us: If we should
hear the voice of the LORD our God any more, we should die. For
what is any flesh that he should hear the voice of the living God
speaking out of the fire as we have done and should yet live: Go
thou and hear all that the LORD our God sayeth, and tell thou unto
us all that the LORD our God sayeth unto thee, and we will hear it
and do it. And the LORD heard the voice of your words when ye
spake unto me, and he said unto me: I have heard the voice of the
words of this people which they have spoke unto thee, they have
well said all that they have said. Oh that they had such an heart
with them to fear me and keep all my commandments alway, that it
might go well with them and with their children for ever. Go and
say unto them: get you into your tents again, but stond thou here
before me and I will tell thee all the commandments, ordinances
and laws which thou shalt teach them, that they may do them in the
land which I give them to possess. Take heed therefore that ye do
as the LORD your God hath commanded you, and turn not aside:
either to the right hand or to the left: but walk in all the ways
which the LORD your God hath commanded you, that ye may live and
that it may go well with you and that ye may prolong your days in
the land which ye shall possess.
Chapter .vi.
These are the commandments, ordinances and laws which the LORD
your God commanded to teach you, that ye might do them in the land
whither ye go to possess it: that thou mightest fear the LORD thy
God, to keep all his ordinances and his commandments which I
command thee, both thou and thy son and thy son's son all days of
thy life, that thy days may be prolonged. Hear therefore Israel
and take heed that thou do thereafter, that it may go well with
thee and that ye may increase mightily: even as the LORD God of
thy fathers hath promised thee, a land that floweth with milk and
honey. Hear Israel, the LORD thy God is LORD onely, and thou shalt
love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, with all thy soul and
with all thy might. And these words which I command thee this day,
shall be in thine heart and thou shalt whet them on thy children,
and shalt talk of them when thou art at home in thine house and as
thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down and when thou
risest up: and thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand.
And they shall be papers of remembrance between thine eyes, and
shalt write them upon the posts of thy house and upon thy gates.
And when the LORD thy God hath brought thee into the land which he
sware unto thy fathers Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, to give thee with
great and goodly cities which thou buildest not, and houses full
of all manner goods which thou filledst not, and wells digged
which thou diggedst not, and vines and olive trees which thou
planted not, and when thou hast eaten, and art full: Then beware
lest thou forget the LORD which brought thee out of the land of
Egypt the house of bondage. But fear the LORD thy God and serve
him, and swear by his name, and see that ye walk not after strange
gods {goddes} off the gods of the nations which are about you. For
the LORD thy God is a jealous God among you, lest the wrath of the
LORD thy God wax hot upon thee and destroy thee from the earth. Ye
shall not tempt the LORD your God as ye did at Masa. But see that
ye keep the commandments of the LORD your God, his witnesses and
his ordinances which he hath commanded thee, and see thou do that
which is right and good in the sight of the LORD: that thou mayst
prosper and that thou mayst go and conquer that good land which
the LORD sware unto thy fathers, and that the LORD may cast out
all thine enemies before thee as he hath said. When thy son asketh
thee in time to come saying: What meaneth the witnesses,
ordinances and laws which the LORD our God hath commanded you?
Then thou shalt say unto thy son: We were bondmen unto Pharao in
Egypt, but the LORD brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand.
And the LORD shewed signs and wonders both great and evil upon
Egypt, Pharao and upon all his household, before our eyes, and
brought us from thence: to bring us in and to give us the land
which he sware unto our fathers. And therefore commanded us to do
all these ordinances and for to fear the LORD our God, for our
wealth always and that he might save us, as it is come to pass
this day. Moreover it shall be righteousness unto us before the
LORD our God, if we take heed to keep all these commandments as he
hath commanded us.
Chapter .vij.
When the LORD thy God hath brought thee into the land whither thou
goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee:
the Hethites, the Girgosites, the Amorites, the Cananites, the
Pheresites, the Hevites and the Iebusites. Seven nations more in
number and mightier than thou: and when the LORD thy God hath set
them before thee that thou shouldest smite them, see that thou
utterly destroy them and make no covenant with them nor have
compassion on them. Also thou shalt make no marriages with them,
neither give thy daughter unto his son nor take his daughter unto
thy son. For they will make your sons depart from me and serve
strange gods, and then will the wrath of the LORD wax hot upon you
and destroy you shortly. But thus ye shall deal with them:
overthrow their altars, break down their pillars, cut down their
groves and burn their images with fire. For thou art an holy
nation unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to
be a several people unto himself of all nations that are upon the
earth. It was not because of the multitude of you above all
nations, that the LORD had lust unto you and chose you. For ye
were fewest of all nations: But because the LORD loved you and
because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your
fathers, therefore he brought you out of Egypt with a mighty hand
and delivered you out of the house of bondage: even from the hand
of Pharao king of Egypt. Understand therefore, that the LORD thy
God he is God and that a true God, which keepeth appointment and
mercy unto them that love him and keep his commandments, even
thorowout a thousand generations and rewardeth them that hate him
before his face so that he bringeth them to nought, and will not
defer the time unto him that hateth him but will reward him before
his face. Keep therefore the commandments, ordinances and laws
which I command you this day, that ye do them. If ye shall hearken
unto these laws and shall observe and do them, then shall the LORD
thy God keep appointment with thee and the mercy which he sware
unto thy fathers and will love thee, bless thee and multiply thee:
he will bless the fruit of thy womb and the fruit of thy field,
thy corn, thy wine and thy oil, the fruit of thine oxen and the
flocks of thy sheep in the land which he sware unto thy fathers to
give thee. Thou shalt be blessed above all nations, there shall be
neither man nor woman unfruitful among you, nor anything
unfruitful among your cattle. Moreover the LORD will turn from
thee all manner infirmities, and will put none of the evil
diseases of Egypt (which thou knowest) upon thee, but will send
them upon them that hate thee. Thou shalt bring to nought all
nations which the LORD thy God delivereth thee, thine eye shall
have no pity upon them neither shalt thou serve their gods, for
that shall be thy decay. If thou shalt say in thine heart: these
nations are more than I, how can I cast them out? Fear them not,
but remember what the LORD thy God did unto Pharao and unto all
Egypt, and the great temptations which thine eyes saw, and the
signs and wonders and mighty hand and stretched out arm wherewith
the LORD thy God brought thee out: even so shall the LORD thy God
do unto all the nations of which thou art afraid. Thereto, the
LORD thy God will send hornets among them until they that are
left, and hide them selves from thee, be destroyed. See thou fear
them not for the LORD {lord} thy God is among you a mighty God and
a terrible. The LORD thy God will put out these nations before
thee a little and a little: thou mayst not consume them at once
lest the beasts of the field increase upon thee. And the LORD
{lorde} thy God shall deliver them unto thee and stir up a mighty
tempest among them, until they be brought to nought. And he shall
deliver their kings into thine hand, and thou shalt destroy their
names from under heaven. There shall no man stond before thee,
until thou have destroyed them. The images of their gods thou
shalt burn with fire, and see that thou covet not the silver or
gold that is on them nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared
therewith. For it is an abomination unto the LORD thy God. Bring
not therefore the Abomination to thine house, lest thou be a
damned thing as it is: but utterly defy it and abhor it, for it is
a thing that must be destroyed.
Chapter .viij.
All the commandments which I command thee this day ye shall keep
for to do them, that ye may live and multiply and go and possess
the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers. And think on all
the way which the LORD thy God led thee this forty years in the
wilderness, for to humble thee and to prove thee, to wete what was
in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments or no.
He humbled thee and made thee hunger and fed thee with manna which
neither thou nor thy father knew of, to make thee know that a man
must not live by bread only: but by all that proceedeth out of the
mouth of the LORD must a man live. Thy raiment waxed not old upon
thee, neither did thy feet swell this forty years. Understand
therefore in thine heart, that as a man nurtureth his son, even so
the LORD thy God nurtureth thee. Keep therefore the commandments
of the LORD thy God that thou walk in his ways and that thou fear
him. For the LORD thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land
of rivers of water, of fountains and of springs that spring out
both in valleys and hills: a land of wheat and of barley, of
vines, fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive trees with oil
and of honey: a land wherein thou shalt not eat bread in
scarceness, and where thou shalt lack nothing, a land whose stones
are iron, and out of whose hills thou shalt dig brass. When thou
hast eaten therefore and filled thyself, then bless the LORD for
the good land which he hath given thee. But beware that thou
forget not the LORD thy God, that thou wouldest not keep his
commandments, laws and ordinances which I command thee this day:
yea and when thou hast eaten and filled thyself and hast built
goodly houses and dwelt therein, and when thy beasts and thy sheep
are waxed many and thy silver and thy gold is multiplied and all
that thou hast increased, then beware lest thine heart rise and
thou forget the LORD thy God which brought thee out of the land of
Egypt the house of bondage, and which led thee in the wilderness
both great and terrible with fiery serpents and scorpions and
thirst {drouth} where was no water, which brought the water out of
the rock of flint: which fed thee in the wilderness with Man
whereof thy fathers knew not, for to humble thee and to prove
thee, that he might do thee good at thy latter end. And beware
that thou say not in thine heart, my power and the might of mine
own hand hath done me all these acts: But remember the LORD thy
God, how that it is he which gave thee power to do manfully, for
to make good the promise which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is
come to pass this day. For if thou shalt forget the LORD thy God
and shalt walk after strange gods and serve them and worship them,
I testify unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish. As the
nations which the LORD destroyeth before thee, even so ye shall
perish, because ye would not hearken unto the voice of the LORD
your God.
Chapter .ix.
Hear Israel, thou goest over Iordan this day, to go and conquer
nations greater and mightier than thyself: and cities great and
walled up to heaven, and people great and tall, even the children
of the Enakims, which thou knowest and of whom thou hast heard say
who is able to stond before the children of Enack? But understand
this day that the LORD thy God which goeth over before thee a
consuming fire, he shall destroy them and he shall subdue them
before thee. And thou shalt cast them out, and bring them to
nought quickly as the LORD hath said unto thee. Speak not in thine
heart, after that the LORD thy God hath cast them out before thee
saying: for my righteousness the LORD hath brought me into possess
this land. Nay, but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD
doth cast them out before thee. It is not for thy righteousness'
sake and right heart that thou goest to possess their land: But
partly for the wickedness of these nations, the LORD thy God doth
cast them out before thee, and partly to perform that which the
LORD thy God sware unto thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Iacob.
Understand therefore that it is not for thy righteousness' sake,
that the LORD thy God doth give thee this good land to possess it,
for thou art a stiffnecked people. Remember and forget not how
thou provokedest the LORD thy God in the wilderness: for since the
day that thou camest out of the land of Egypt until ye came unto
this place, ye have rebelled against the LORD. Also in Horeb ye
angered the LORD so that the LORD was wroth with you, even to have
destroyed you, after that I was gone up into the mount, to fetch
the tables of stone, the tables of appointment which the LORD made
with you. And I abode in the hill forty days and forty nights and
neither ate bread nor drank water. And the LORD delivered me two
tables of stone written with the finger of God, and in them was
according to all the words which the LORD said unto you in the
mount out of the fire in the day when the people were gathered
together. And when the forty days and forty nights were ended, the
LORD gave me the two tables of stone, the tables of the testament,
and said unto me: Up, and get thee down quickly from hence, for
thy people which thou hast brought out of Egypt, have marred them
selves. They are turned at once out of the way, which I commanded
them, and have made them a god of metal. Furthermore the LORD
spake unto me saying: I see this people how that it is a
stiffnecked people, let me alone that I may destroy them and put
out the name of them from under heaven, and I will make of thee a
nation both greater and more than they. And I turned away and came
down from the hill (and the hill burnt with fire) and had the two
tables of the appointment in my hands. And when I looked and saw
that ye had sinned against the LORD your God and had made you a
calf of metal and had turned at once out of the way which the LORD
had commanded you. Then I took the two tables and cast them out of
my two hands, and brake them before your eyes. And I fell before
the LORD: even as at the first time forty days and nights, and
neither ate bread nor drank water, over all your sins which ye had
sinned in doing wickedly in the sight of the LORD and in provoking
him. For I was afraid of the wrath and fierceness wherewith the
LORD was angry with you, even for to have destroyed you; But the
LORD heard my petition at that time also. The LORD was very angry
with Aaron also, even for to have destroyed him: But I made
intercession for Aaron also the same time. And I took your sin,
the calf which ye had made and burnt him with fire and stamped him
and ground him a good, even unto small dust. And I cast the dust
thereof into the brook that descended out of the mount. Also at
Thabeera and at Masa and at the sepulchres of lust ye angered the
LORD, yea and when the LORD sent you from Cades Barnea saying: go
up and conquer the land which I have given you, ye disobeyed the
mouth of the LORD your God, and neither believed him nor hearkened
unto his voice. Thus ye have been disobedient unto the LORD, since
the day that I knew you. And I fell before the LORD forty days and
forty nights which I lay there, for the LORD was minded to have
destroyed you. But I made intercession unto the LORD {Lorde} and
said: O Lord Iehoua, destroy not thy people and thine inheritance
which thou hast delivered thorow thy greatness and which thou hast
brought out of Egypt with a mighty hand. Remember thy servants
Abraham, Isaac and Iacob and look not unto the stubbornness of
this people nor unto their wickedness and sin: lest the land
whence thou broughtest them say: Because the LORD was not able to
bring them into the land which he promised them and because he
hated them, therefore he carried them out to destroy them in the
wilderness. Moreover they are thy people and thine inheritance,
which thou broughtest out with thy mighty power and with thy
stretched out arm.
Chapter .x.
In the same season the LORD said unto me: hew thee two tables of
stone like unto the first and come up unto me into the mount and
make thee an Ark of wood, and I will write in the table, the words
that were in the first tables which thou brakest, and thou shalt
put them in the ark. And I made an ark of sethim wood and hewed
two tables of stone like unto the first, and went up into the
mountain and the two tables in mine hand. And he wrote in the
tables, according to the first writing (the ten verses which the
LORD spake unto you in the mount out of the fire in the day when
the people were gathered) {[together]} and gave them unto me. And
I departed and came down from the hill and put the tables in the
ark which I had made: and there they remained, as the LORD
commanded me. And the children of Israel took their journey from
Beroth Ben {of the children of} Iaken to Mosera, where Aaron died
and where he was buried, and Eleazer his son became priest in his
stead. And from thence they departed unto Gudgod: and from Gudgod
to Iathbath, a land of rivers of water. And the same season the
LORD separated the tribe of Levi to bear the ark of the
appointment of the LORD and to stond before the LORD, and to
minister unto him and to bless in his name unto this day.
Wherefore the Levites have no part nor inheritance with their
brethren. The LORD he is their inheritance, as the LORD thy God
hath promised them. And I tarried in the mount, even as at the
first time forty days and forty nights, and the LORD hearkened
unto me at that time also, so that the LORD would not destroy
thee. And the LORD said unto me: up and go forth in the journey
before the people and let them go in and conquer the land which I
sware unto their fathers to give unto them. And now Israel what is
it that the LORD thy God requireth of thee, but to fear the LORD
thy God and to walk in all his ways and to love him and to serve
the LORD thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soul, that
thou keep the commandments of the LORD and his ordinances which I
command thee this day, for thy wealth. Behold, heaven and the
heaven of heavens is the LORD's thy God, and the earth with all
that therein is: only the LORD had a lust unto thy fathers to love
them, and therefore chose you their seed after them of all
nations, as it is come to pass this day Circumcise therefore the
foreskin of your hearts, and be no longer stiffnecked. For the
LORD your God, he is God of gods {God of goddes} and Lord of
lords, {lorde of lordes} a great God, a mighty and a terrible
which regardeth no man's person nor taketh gifts: but doeth right
unto the fatherless and widow and loveth the stranger, to give him
food and raiment. Love therefore the stranger, for ye were
strangers your selves in the land of Egypt. Thou shalt fear the
LORD thy God and serve him and cleave unto him and swear by his
name, for he is thy praise and he is thy God that hath done these
great and terrible things for thee, which thine eyes have seen.
Thy fathers went down into Egypt with seventy souls, and now the
LORD thy God hath made thee as the stars of heaven in multitude.
Chapter .xi.
Love the LORD thy God and keep his observances, his ordinances,
his laws and his commandments alway. And call to mind this day
that which your children have neither known nor seen: even the
nurture of the LORD your God, his greatness, his mighty hand and
his stretched out arm: his miracles and his acts which he did
among the Egyptians, even unto Pharao the king of Egypt and unto
all his land: and what he did unto the host of the Egyptians, unto
their horses and chariots, how he brought the water of the red sea
upon them as they chased you, and how the LORD hath brought them
to nought unto this day: and what he did unto you in the
wilderness, until ye came unto this place: and what he did unto
Dathan and Abiram the sons of Eliab the son of Ruben, how the
earth opened her mouth and swallowed them with their households
and their tents, and all their substance that was in their
possession, in the midst of Israel. For your eyes have seen all
the great deeds of the LORD which he did. Keep therefore all the
commandments which I command thee this day that ye may be strong
and go and conquer the land whither ye go to possess it, and that
ye may prolong your days in the land which the LORD sware unto
your fathers to give unto them and to their seed, a land that
floweth with milk and honey. For the land whither thou goest to
possess it, is not as the land of Egypt whence thou camest out,
where thou sowedest thy seed and wateredest it with thy labour as
a garden of herbs: but the land whither ye go over to possess it,
is a land of hills and valleys and drinketh water of the rain of
heaven, and a land which the LORD thy God careth for. The eyes of
the LORD thy God are always upon it, from the beginning of the
year unto the latter end of the year. If thou shalt hearken
therefore unto my commandments which I command you this day, that
ye love the LORD your God and serve him with all your hearts and
with all your souls: then he will give rain unto your land in due
season, both the first rain and the latter, and thou shalt gather
in thy corn, thy wine and thine oil. And he will send grass in thy
fields for thy cattle: and thou shalt eat and fill thyself. But
beware that your hearts deceive {disceave} you not that ye turn
aside and serve strange gods and worship them, and then the wrath
of the LORD wax hot upon you and shut up the heaven that there be
no rain and that your land yield not her fruit, and that ye perish
quickly from off the good land which the LORD giveth you. Put up
therefore these my words in your hearts and in your souls, and
bind them for a sign unto your hands, and let them be as papers of
remembrance between your eyes, and teach them your children: so
that thou talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when
thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down and when thou
risest up: yea and write them upon the doorposts of thine house
and upon thy gates, that your days may be multiplied and the days
of your children upon the earth which the LORD sware unto your
fathers to give them, as long as the days of heaven last upon the
earth. For if ye shall keep all these commandments which I command
you, so that ye do them and love the LORD your God and walk in all
his ways and cleave unto him. Then will the LORD cast out all
these nations {[and ye shall conquer them which are]} both greater
and mightier than your selves. All the places whereon the soles of
your feet shall tread, shall be yours: even from the wilderness
and from Libanon and from the river Euphrates, even unto the
uttermost sea shall your coasts be. There shall no man be able to
stond before you: the LORD your God shall cast the fear and dread
of you upon all lands whither ye shall come, as he hath said unto
you. Behold, I set before you this day, a blessing and a curse: a
blessing: if ye hearken unto the commandments of the LORD your God
which I command you this day: And a curse: if ye will not hearken
unto the commandments of the LORD your God: but turn out of the
way which I command you this day to go after strange gods which ye
have not known. When the LORD thy God hath brought thee into the
land whither thou goest to possess it, then put the blessing upon
mount Garizim and the curse upon mount Ebal, which are on the
other side Iordan on the back side of the way toward the going
down of the son in the land of the Cananites which dwell in the
fields over against Gilgal beside Moreh grove. For ye shall go
over to go and possess the land which the LORD your God giveth
you, and shall conquer it and dwell therein. Take heed therefore
that ye do all the commandments and laws, which I set before you
this day.
Chapter .xij.
These are the ordinances and laws which ye shall observe to do in
the land which the LORD God of thy fathers giveth thee to possess
it, as long as ye live upon the earth. See that ye destroy all
places where the nations which ye conquer serve their gods, upon
high mountains and on high {an hye} hills and under every green
tree. Overthrow their altars and break their pillars and burn
their groves with fire and hew down the images of their gods, and
bring the names of them to nought out of that place. See ye do not
so unto the LORD your God but ye shall enquire the place which the
LORD your God shall have chosen out of all your tribes to put his
name there and there to dwell. And thither thou shalt come, and
thither ye shall bring your burnt sacrifices and your offerings,
your tithes and heave offerings of your hands, your vows and free
will offerings and thy first born of your oxen and of your sheep.
And there ye shall eat before the LORD your God, and ye shall
rejoice in all that ye lay your hands on, both ye and your
households, because the LORD thy God hath blessed thee. Ye shall
do after nothing that we do here this day, every man what seemeth
him good in his own eyes. For ye are not yet come to rest nor unto
the inheritance which the LORD your God giveth you. But ye shall
go over Iordan and dwell in the land which the LORD your God
giveth you to inherit, and he shall give you rest from all your
enemies round about: and ye shall dwell in safety. Therefore when
the LORD your God hath chosen a place to make his name dwell
there, thither ye shall bring all that I command you, your
burntsacrifices and your offerings, your tithes and the
heaveofferings of your hands and all your godly vows which ye vow
unto the LORD. And ye shall rejoice before the LORD your God, both
ye, your sons and your daughters, your servants and your maids and
the Levite that is within your gates for he hath neither part nor
inheritance with you. Take heed that thou offer not thy
burntofferings in whatsoever place thou seest: but in the place
which the LORD shall have chosen among one of thy tribes, there
thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings and there thou shalt do all
that I command thee. Notwithstanding thou mayst kill and eat flesh
in all thy cities, whatsoever thy soul lusteth after according to
the blessing of the LORD thy God which he hath given thee both the
unclean and the clean mayst thou eat, even as the roe and the
hart: only eat not the blood, but pour it upon the earth as water.
Thou mayst not eat within thy gates the tithe of thy corn, of thy
wine and of thy oil, either the firstborn of thine oxen or of thy
sheep, neither any of thy vows which thou vowest, nor thy
freewillofferings or heave offerings of thine hands: but thou must
eat them before the LORD thy God, in the place which the LORD thy
God hath chosen: both thou thy son and thy daughter, thy servant
and thy maid and the Levite that is within thy gates: and thou
shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God, in all that thou puttest
thine hand to. And beware that thou forsake not the Levite as long
as thou livest upon the earth. If (when the LORD thy God hath
enlarged thy coasts as he hath promised thee) thou say: I will eat
flesh, because thy soul longeth to eat flesh: then thou shalt eat
flesh, whatsoever thy soul lusteth. If the place which the LORD
thy God hath chosen to put his name there be too far from thee,
then thou mayst kill of thy oxen and of thy sheep which the LORD
hath given thee as I have commanded thee, and thou mayst eat in
thine own city whatsoever thy soul lusteth. Neverthelater, as the
roe and the hart is eaten, even so thou shalt eat it: the unclean
and the clean indifferently thou shalt eat. But be strong that
thou eat not the blood. For the blood, that is the life: and thou
mayst not eat the life with the flesh: thou mayst not eat it: but
must pour it upon the earth as water. See thou eat it not
therefore that it may go well with thee and with thy children
after thee, when thou shalt have done that which is right in the
sight of the LORD. But thy holy things which thou hast and thy
vows, thou shalt take and go unto the place which the LORD hath
chosen, and thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, both flesh and
blood upon the altar of the LORD thy God, and the blood of thine
offerings thou shalt pour out upon the altar of the LORD thy God,
and shalt eat the flesh. Take heed and hear all these words which
I command thee that it may go well with thee and with thy children
after thee for ever, when thou doest that which is good and right
in the sight of the LORD thy God. When the LORD thy God hath
destroyed the nations before thee, whither thou goest to conquer
them, and when thou hast conquered them, and dwelt in their lands:
Beware that thou be not taken in a snare after them, after that
they be destroyed before thee, and that thou ask not after their
gods saying: how did these nations serve their gods, that I may do
so likewise? Nay, thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for
all abominations which the LORD hated did they unto their gods.
For they burnt both their sons and their daughters with fire unto
their gods. But whatsoever I command you that take heed ye do: and
put nought thereto, nor take ought there from.
Chapter .xiij.
If there arise among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams and give
thee a sign or a wonder, and that sign or wonder which he hath
said come to pass, and then say: let us go after strange gods
which thou hast not known, and let us serve them: hearken not unto
the words of that prophet or dreamer of dreams. For the LORD thy
God tempteth you, to wete whether ye love the LORD your God with
all your hearts and with all your souls. For ye must walk after
the LORD your God and fear him and keep his commandments and
hearken unto his voice and serve him and cleave unto him. And that
prophet or dreamer of dreams shall die for it, because he hath
spoken to turn you away from the LORD your God which brought you
out of the land of Egypt and delivered you out of the house of
bondage, to thrust thee out of the way which the LORD thy God
commanded thee to walk in: and so thou shalt put evil away from
thee. If thy brother the son of thy mother or thine own son or thy
daughter or the wife that lieth in thy bosom or thy friend which
is as thine own soul unto thee, entice thee secretly saying: let
us go and serve strange gods which thou hast not known nor yet thy
fathers, of the gods of the people which are round about thee,
whether they be nye unto thee or far off from thee, from the one
end of the land unto the other. See thou consent not unto him nor
hearken unto him: no, let not thine eye pity him nor have
compassion on him, nor keep him secret, but cause him to be slain:
Thine hand shall be first upon him to kill him: and then the hands
of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones that he
die, because he hath gone about to thrust thee away from the LORD
thy God which brought thee out of Egypt the house of bondage. And
all Israel shall hear and fear and shall do no more and such
wickedness as this is, among them. If thou shalt hear say of one
of thy cities which the LORD thy God hath given thee to dwell in,
that certain being the children of Belial are gone out from among
you and have moved the inhabiters of their city saying: let us go
and serve strange gods which ye have not known. Then seek and make
search and enquire diligently. If it be true and the thing of a
surety that such abomination is wrought among you: then thou shalt
smite the dwellers of that city with the edge of the sword, and
destroy it merciless and all that is therein, and even the very
cattle thereof with the edge of the sword. And gather all the
spoil of it into the midst of the streets thereof, and burn with
fire: both the city and all the spoil thereof every whit unto the
LORD thy God. And it shall be an heap for ever and shall not be
built again. And see that there cleave nought of the damned thing
in thine hand, that the LORD may turn from his fierce wrath and
shew thee mercy and have compassion on thee and multiply thee, as
he hath sworn unto thy fathers: when thou hast hearkened unto the
voice of the LORD thy God, to keep all his commandments which I
command thee this day so that thou do that which is right in the
eyes of the LORD thy God.
Chapter .xiiij.
Ye are the children of the LORD your God, cut not your selves nor
make you any baldness between the eyes for any man's death. For
thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath
chosen thee to be a several people unto himself, of all the
nations that are upon the earth. Ye shall eat no manner of
abomination. These are the beasts which ye shall eat of: oxen,
sheep and goats, hart, roe and bugle, hart {wild} goat, unicorn,
origen and Camelion. And all beasts that cleave the hoof, and slit
it into two claws and chew the cud, them ye shall eat.
Nevertheless, these ye shall not eat of them that chew cud and of
them that divide and cleave the hoof: the camel, the hare and the
coney. For they chew cud, but divide not the hoof: and therefore
are unclean unto you: and also the swine, for though he divide the
hoof, yet he cheweth not cud, and therefore is unclean unto you:
Ye shall not eat of the flesh of them nor touch the dead carcasses
of them. These ye shall eat of all that are in the waters: All
that have fins and scales. And whatsoever hath not fins and
scales, of that ye may not eat, for that is unclean unto you. Of
all clean birds ye shall eat, but these are they of which ye may
not eat: the eagle, the goshawk, the cormorant, the ixion, the
vultur, the kite and her kind, and all kind of ravens, the
Ostrich, the nightcrow, the cuckoo, the sparrowhawk and all her
kind, the little owl, the great owl, the back, the bittern, the
pye, the stork, the heron, the Iay in his kind, the lapwing, the
swallow. And all creeping fowls are unclean unto you and may not
be eaten of: but of all clean fowls ye may well eat. Ye shall eat
of nothing that dieth alone: But thou mayest give it unto the
stranger that is in thy city that he eat it, or mayst sell it unto
an Alien. For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God. Thou
shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk. Thou shalt tithe all
the increase of thy seed that cometh out of the field year by
year. And thou shalt eat before the LORD thy God in the place,
which he hath chosen to make his name dwell there the tithe of thy
corn, of thy wine and of thine oil, and the firstborn of thine
oxen and of thy flock that thou mayst learn to fear the LORD thy
God alway. If the way be too long for thee, so that thou art not
able to carry it, because the place is too far from the which the
LORD thy God hath chosen to set his name there (for the LORD thy
God hath blessed thee) then make it in money and take the money in
thine hand, and go unto the place which the LORD thy God hath
chosen, and bestow that money on whatsoever thy soul lusteth
after: on oxen, sheep, wine and good drink, and on whatsoever thy
soul desireth, and eat there before the LORD thy God and be merry:
both thou and thine household and the Levite that is in thy city.
See thou forsake not the Levite, for he hath neither part nor
inheritance with thee. At the end of three years, thou shalt bring
forth all the tithes of thine increase the same year and lay it up
within thine own city, and the Levite shall come because he hath
neither part nor inheritance with thee, and the stranger and the
fatherless and the widow which are whithin thy city and shall eat
and fill them selves: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all
the works of thine hand which thou doest.
Chapter .xv.
At the end of seven years thou shalt make a free year. And this is
the manner of the free year, whosoever lendeth ought with his hand
unto his neighbour, may not ask again that which he hath lent, of
his neighbour or of his brother: because it is called the LORD's
{lordes} free year, yet of a stranger thou mayst call it home
again. But that which thou hast with thy brother thine hand shall
remit, and that in any wise, that there be no beggar among you.
For the LORD shall bless the land which the LORD thy God giveth
thee, an heritance to possess it: so that thou hearken unto the
voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and do all these
commandments which I command you this day: yea and then the LORD
thy God shall bless thee as he hath promised thee, and thou shalt
lend unto many nations, and shalt borrow of no man, and shalt
reign over many nations, but none shall reign over thee. When one
of thy brethren among you is waxed poor in any of thy cities
within thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, see that thou
harden not thine heart nor shut to thine hand from thy poor
brother: But open thine hand unto him and lend him sufficient for
his need which he hath. And beware that there be not a point of
Belial in thine heart, that thou wouldest say: The seventh year,
the year of freedom is at hand, and therefore it grieve thee to
look on thy poor brother and givest him nought and he then cry
unto the LORD against thee and it be sin unto thee: But give him,
and let it not grieve thine heart to give. Because that for that
thing, the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thy works and in
all that thou puttest thine hand to. For the land shall never be
without poor. Wherefore I command thee saying: open thine hand
unto thy brother that is needy and poor in thy land. If thy
brother an Hebrew sell himself to thee, or an Hebrewess, he shall
serve thee six years and the seventh year thou shalt let him go
free from thee. And when thou sendest him out free from thee, thou
shalt not let him go away empty: but shalt give him of thy sheep
and of thy corn and of thy wine, and give him of that wherewith
the LORD thy God hath blessed thee. And remember that thou wast a
servant in the land of Egypt, and the LORD thy God delivered thee
thence: wherefore I command thee this thing today. But and if he
say unto thee, I will not go away from thee, because he loveth
thee and thine house and is well at ease with thee. Then take an
awl and nail his ear to the door therewith and let him be thy
servant forever, and unto thy maidservant thou shalt do likewise.
And let it not grieve thine eyes to let him go out from thee, for
he hath been worth a double hired servant to thee in his service
six years. And the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all that thou
doest. All the firstborn that come of thine oxen and of thy sheep
that are males, thou shalt hallow unto the LORD thy God. Thou
shalt do no service with the firstborn of thy sheep: but shalt eat
them before the LORD thy God year by year in the place which the
LORD hath chosen both thou and thine household. If there be any
deformity therein, whether it be lame or blind or whatsoever evil
favouredness it hath, thou shalt not offer it unto the LORD thy
God: But shalt eat it in thine own city, the unclean and the clean
indifferently, as the roe and the hart. Only eat not the blood
thereof, but pour it upon the ground as water.
Chapter .xvi.
Observe the month of Abib, and offer passover unto the LORD thy
God. For in the month of Abib, the LORD thy God brought thee out
of Egypt by night: Thou shalt therefore offer passover unto the
LORD thy God, and sheep and oxen in the place which the LORD shall
choose to make his name dwell there. Thou shalt eat no leavened
bread therewith: but shalt eat therewith the bread of tribulation
seven days long. For thou camest out of the land of Egypt in
haste, that thou mayst remember the day when thou camest out of
the land of Egypt, all days of thy life. And see that there be no
leavened bread seen in all thy coasts seven days long, and that
there remain nothing of the flesh which thou hast offered the
first day at evening, until the morning. Thou mayst not offer
passover in any of thy cities which the LORD thy God giveth thee:
But in the place which the LORD thy God shall choose to make his
name dwell in, there thou shalt offer Passover at evening about
the going down of the son, even in the season that thou camest out
of Egypt. And thou shalt seethe and eat {[it]} in the place which
the LORD thy God hath chosen, and depart on the morrow and get
thee unto thy tent. Six days thou shalt eat sweet bread, and the
seventh day is for the people to come together to the LORD thy
God, that thou mayst do no work. Then reckon the seven weeks, and
begin to reckon the seven weeks when the sicle beginneth in the
corn, and keep the feast of weeks unto the LORD thy God, that thou
give a freewilloffering of thine hand unto the LORD thy God
according as the LORD thy God hath blessed thee. And rejoice
before the LORD thy God both thou, thy son, thy daughter, thy
servant and thy maid, and the Levite that is within thy gates, and
the stranger, the fatherless and the widow that are among you, in
the place which the LORD thy God hath chosen to make his name
dwell there. And remember that thou was a servant in Egypt, that
thou observe and do these ordinances. Thou shalt observe the feast
of tabernacles seven days long, after that thou hast gathered in
thy corn and thy wine. And thou shalt rejoice in that thy feast,
both thou and thy son, thy daughter, thy servant, thy maid, the
Levite, the stranger, the fatherless and the widow that are in thy
cities. Seven days thou shalt keep holy day unto the LORD thy God,
in the place which the LORD shall choose: for the LORD thy God
shall bless thee in all thy fruits and in all the works of thine
hands, and thou shalt be all together gladness. Three times in the
year shall all your males appear before the LORD thy God in the
place which he shall choose: In the feast of sweet bread, in the
feast of weeks and in the booth feast. {feast of the tabernacles.}
And they shall not appear before the LORD empty: but every man
with the gift of his hand, according to the blessing of the LORD
thy God, which he hath given thee. Iudges and officers thou shalt
make thee in all thy cities {gates} which the LORD thy God giveth
thee thorowout thy tribes: And let them judge the people
righteously. Wrest not the law nor know any person neither take
any reward: for gifts blind the wise and pervert the words of the
righteous. But in all things follow righteousness, that thou mayst
live and enjoy the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. Thou
shalt plant no grove of whatsoever trees it be, nye unto the altar
of the LORD thy God which thou shalt make thee. Thou shalt set
thee up no pillar, which the LORD thy God hateth.
Chapter .xvij.
Thou shalt offer unto the LORD thy God no ox or sheep wherein is
any deformity, whatsoever evil favouredness it be: for that is an
abomination unto the LORD thy God. If there be found among you in
any of thy cities which the LORD thy God giveth thee man or woman
that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God,
that they have gone beyond his appointment, so that they have gone
and served strange gods and worshipped them, whether it be the son
or moon or anything contained in heaven which I forbade, and it
was told thee and thou hast heard of it: Then thou shalt enqui:re
diligently. And if it be true and the thing of a surety that such
abomination is wrought in Israel, then thou shalt bring forth that
man or that woman which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy
gates and shalt stone them with stones and they shall die. At the
mouth of two or three witnesses shall he that is worthy of death,
die: but at the mouth of one witness he shall not die. And the
hands of the witnesses shall be first upon him to kill him, and
afterward the hands of all the people: so shalt thou put
wickedness away from thee. If a matter be too hard for thee in
judgement between blood and blood, plea and plea, plage and plage
in matters of strife within thy cities: Then arise and get thee up
unto the place which the LORD thy God hath chosen, and go unto the
priests the Levites, and unto the judge that shall be in those
days, and ask, and they shall shew thee how to judge. And see that
thou do according to that which they of that place(which the LORD
hath chosen shew thee, and see that thou observe to do according
to all that they inform thee. According to the law which they
teach thee and manner of judgement which they tell thee, see that
thou do and that thou bow not from that which they shew thee,
neither to the right hand nor to the left. And that man that will
do presumptuously, so that he will not hearken unto the priest
that stondeth there to minister unto the LORD thy God or unto the
judge, shall die: and so thou shalt put away evil from Israel. And
all the people shall hear and shall fear, and shall do no more
presumptuously. When thou art come unto the land which the LORD
thy God giveth thee and enjoyest it and dwellest therein: If thou
shalt say, I will set a king over me, like unto all the nations
that are about me: Then thou shalt make him king over thee, whom
the LORD thy God shall choose. One of thy brethren must thou make
king over thee, and mayst not set a stranger over thee which is
not of thy brethren. But in any wise let him not hold too many
horses, that he bring not the people again to Egypt thorow the
multitude of horses, forasmuch as the LORD hath said unto you: ye
shall henceforth go no more again that way. Also he shall not have
too many wives, lest his heart turn away, neither shall he gather
him silver and gold too much. And when he is sitten upon the seat
of his kingdom, he shall write him out this second law in a book
taking a copy of the priests' the Levites'. And it shall be with
him and he shall read there in all days of his life that he may
learn to fear the LORD his God for to keep all the words of this
law and these ordinances for to do them: that his heart arise not
above his brethren and that he turn not from the commandment:
either to the right hand or to the left: that both he and his
children may prolong their days in his kingdom in Israel.
Chapter .xviij.
The priests the Levites, all the tribe of Levi shall have no part
nor inheritance with Israel. The offerings of the LORD and his
inheritance they shall eat, but shall have no inheritance among
their brethren: the LORD he is their inheritance, as he hath said
unto them. And this is the duty of the priests, of the people and
of them that offer, whether it be ox or sheep: They must give unto
the priest, the shoulder and the two cheeks and the maw, the first
fruits of thy corn, wine and oil, and the first of thy sheep
shearing must thou give him. For the LORD thy God hath chosen him
out of all thy tribes to stond and to minister in the name of the
LORD: both him and his sons for ever. If a Levite come out of any
of thy cities or any place of Israel, where he is a sojourner, and
come with all the lust of his heart unto the place which the LORD
hath chosen: he shall there minister in the name of the LORD his
God as all his brethren the Levites do which stond there before
the LORD. And they shall have like portions to eat, beside that
which cometh to him of the patrimony of his elders. When thou art
come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, see that
thou learn not to do after the abominations of these nations. Let
there not be found among you that maketh his son or his daughter
go thorow fire, either a bruterar or a maker of dismal days or
that useth witchcraft {or that useth withcraft, or a chooser out
of days or that regardeth the flyeng of souls} or a sorcerer, or a
charmer, or that speaketh {counseleth} with a spirit, or a
soothsayer or that talketh with them that are dead. {prophesiar or
that asketh the advise of the dead.} For all that do such things
are abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations
the LORD thy God doeth cast them out before thee, be pure
therefore with the LORD thy God. For these nations which thou
shalt conquer, hearken unto makers {choosers out} of dismal days
and bruterars. {prophesyars, or profit-seers} But the LORD thy God
permitteth not that to thee. The LORD thy God will stir up a
Prophet among you: even of thy brethren like unto me: and unto him
ye shall hearken according to all that thou desiredest of the LORD
thy God in Horeb in the day when the people were gathered saying:
Let me hear the voice of my LORD God no more, nor see this great
fire any more, that I die not. And the LORD said unto me: they
have well spoken, I will raise them up a prophet from among their
brethren like unto thee and will put my words into his mouth and
he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. And
whosoever will not hearken unto the words which he shall speak in
my name, I will require it of him. But the prophet which shall
presume to speak ought in my name which I commanded him not to
speak, and he that speaketh in the name of strange gods, the same
prophet shall die. And if thou say in thine heart, how shall I
know that which the LORD hath not spoken? When a prophet speaketh
in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not nor come to pass,
that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken. But the prophet
hath spoken it presumptuously: be not afeared therefore of him.
Chapter .xix.
When the LORD thy God hath destroyed the nations whose land the
LORD thy God giveth thee, and thou hast conquered them and
dwellest in their cities and in their houses: thou shalt appoint
three cities in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee to
possess it: thou shalt prepare the way and divide the coasts of
thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee to possess it: thou
shalt prepare the way and divide the coasts of thy land which the
LORD thy God giveth thee to inherit, into three parts that
whosoever committeth murder may flee thither. And this is the
cause of the slayer that shall flee thither and be saved: If he
smite his neighbour ignorantly and hated him not in time past: As
when a man goeth unto the wood with his neighbour to hew wood, and
as his hand fetcheth a stroke with the axe, the head slippeth from
the helve and smiteth his neighbour that he die: the same shall
flee unto one of the same cities and be saved. Lest the executer
of blood follow after the slayer while his heart is hot and
overtake him, because the way is long, and slay him, and yet there
is no cause worthy of death in him, inasmuch as he hated not his
neighbour in time past. Wherefore I command thee saying: see that
thou appoint out three cities. And if the LORD thy God enlarge thy
coasts as he hath sworn unto thy fathers and give thee all the
land which he said he would give unto thy fathers (so that thou
keep all these commandments to do them, which I command thee this
day, that thou love the LORD thy God and walk in his ways ever)
then thou shalt add three cities more unto those three, that
innocent blood be not shed in thy land which the LORD thy God
giveth thee to inherit, and so blood come upon thee. But and if
there be any man that hateth his neighbour and layeth await for
him and riseth against him and smiteth him that he die, and fleeth
unto any of these cities. Then let the elders of his city send and
fetch him thence and deliver him into the hands of the justice of
blood, and he shall die. Let thine eye have no pity on him, and so
thou shalt put away innocent blood from Israel, and happy art
thou. Thou shalt not remove thy neighbour's mark which they of old
time have set in thine inheritance that thou inheritest in the
land which the LORD thy God giveth thee to enjoy it. One witness
shall not rise against a man in any manner trespass or sin,
whatsoever sin a man sinneth: But at the mouth of two witnesses or
of three witnesses shall all matters be tried. If an unrighteous
witness rise up against a man to accuse him of trespass: then let
both the men which strive together stond before the LORD, before
the priests and the judges which shall be in those days, and let
the judges enquire a good. And if the witness be found false and
that he hath given false witness against his brother then shall ye
do unto him as he had thought to do unto his brother, and so thou
shalt put evil away from thee. And other shall hear and fear and
shall henceforth commit no more any such wickedness among you. And
let thine eye have no compassion, but life for life, eye for eye,
tooth for tooth, hand for hand, and foot for foot.
Chapter .xx.
When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest
horses and chariots and people more than thou, be not afeared of
them, for the LORD thy God is with thee which brought thee out of
the land of Egypt. And when ye are come nye unto battle, let the
priest come forth and speak unto the people and say unto them:
Hear Israel, ye are come unto battle against your enemies, let not
your hearts faint, neither fear nor be amazed nor a dread of them.
For the LORD thy God goeth with you to fight for you against your
enemies and to save you. And let the officers speak unto the
people saying: If any man have built a new house and have not
dedicate it, let him go and return to his house lest he die in the
battle, and another dedicate it. And if any man have planted a
vineyard and have not made it common, let him go and return again
unto his house, lest he die in the battle and another make it
common. And if any man be betrothed unto a wife and have not taken
her, let him go and return again unto his house, lest he die in
the battle and another take her. And let the officers speak
further unto the people and say. If any man fear and be
fainthearted, let him go and return unto his house, lest his
brother's heart be made faint as well as his. And when the
officers have made an end of speaking unto the people, let them
make captains of war over them. When thou comest nye unto a city
to fight against it, offer them peace. And if they answer thee
again peaceably, and open unto thee, then let all the people that
is found therein be tributaries unto thee and serve thee. But and
if they will make no peace with thee, then make war against the
city and besiege it. And when the LORD thy God hath delivered it
into thine hands, smite all the males thereof with the edge of the
sword, save the women and the children and the cattle and all that
is in the city and all the spoil thereof take unto thyself and eat
the spoil of thine enemies which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
Thus thou shalt do unto all the cities which are a great way off
from thee and not of the cities of these nations. But in the
cities of these nations which the LORD thy God giveth thee to
inherit, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth. But shalt
destroy them without redemption, both the Hethites, the Amorites,
the Cananites, the Pherezites, the Hevites and the Iebusites, as
the LORD thy God hath commanded thee, that they teach you not to
do after all their abominations which they do unto their gods, and
so should sin against the LORD your God. When thou hast besieged a
city long time in making war against it to take it, destroy not
the trees thereof, that thou wouldest thrust an axe unto them. For
thou mayst eat of them, and therefore destroy them not. For the
trees of the fields are no men that they might come against thee
to besiege thee. Neverthelater those trees which thou knowest that
men eat not of them, thou mayst destroy and cut them down and make
bulwarks against the city that maketh war with thee, until it be
Chapter .xxj.
If one be found slain in the land which the LORD thy God giveth
thee to possess it, and lieth in the fields, and not known who
hath slain him: Then let thine elders and thy judges come forth
and meet unto the cities that are round about the slain. And let
the elders of that city which is next unto the slain man, take an
heifer that is not laboured with nor hath drawn in the yoke, and
let them bring her unto a valley where is neither earing nor
sowing, and strike off her head there in the valley. Then let the
priests the sons of Levi come forth (for the LORD thy God hath
chosen them to minister and to bless in the name of the LORD and
therefore at their mouth shall all strife and plague be tried.)
And all the elders of the city that is next to the slain man shall
wash their hands over the heifer that is beheaded in the plain,
and shall answer and say: our hands have not shed this blood
neither have our eyes seen it. Be merciful LORD unto thy people
Israel which thou hast delivered and put not innocent blood unto
thy people Israel: and the blood shall be forgiven them. And so
shalt thou put innocent blood from thee, when thou shalt have done
that which is right in the sight of the LORD. When thou goest to
war against thine enemies and the LORD thy God hath delivered them
into thine hands and thou hast take them captive, and seest among
the captives a beautiful woman and hast a fantasy unto her that
thou wouldest have her to thy wife. Then bring her home to thine
house and let her shave her head and pare her nails and put her
raiment that she was taken in from her, and let her remain in
thine house and beweep her father and her mother a month long and
after that go in unto her and marry her and let her be thy wife.
And if thou have no favour unto her, then let her go whither she
lusteth: for thou mayst not sell her for money nor make chevisance
of her, because thou hast humbled her. If a man have two wives,
one loved and another hated, and they have borne him children,
both the loved and also the hated. If the firstborn be the son of
the hated: then when he dealeth his goods among his children, he
may not make the son of the beloved firstborn before the son of
the hated which is indeed the firstborn: But he shall know the son
of the hated for his firstborn, that he give him double of all
that he hath. For he is the first of his strength, and to him
belongeth the right of the firstbornship. If any man have a son
that is stubborn, and disobedient, that he will not hearken unto
the voice of his father and voice of his mother, and they have
taught him nurture, but he would not hearken unto them: Then let
his father and his mother take him and bring him out unto the
elders of that city and unto the gate of that same place, and say
unto the elders of the city. This our son is stubborn and
disobedient and will not hearken unto our voice, he is a rioter
and a drunkard. Then let all the men of that city stone him with
stones unto death. And so thou shalt put evil away from thee, and
all Israel shall hear and fear. If a man have committed a trespass
worthy of death and is put to death for it and hanged on tree: let
not his body remain all night upon the tree, but bury him the same
day. For the curse of God is on him that is hanged. Defile not thy
land therefore, which the LORD thy God giveth thee to inherit.
Chapter .xxij.
If thou see thy brother's ox or sheep go astray, thou shalt not
withdraw thyself from them: But shalt bring them home again unto
thy brother. If thy brother be not nye unto thee or if thou know
him not, then bring them unto thine own house and let them be with
thee, until thy brother ask after them, and then deliver him them
again. In like manner shalt thou do with his ass, with his raiment
and with all lost things of thy brother which he hath lost and
thou hast found, and thou mayst not withdraw thyself. If thou see
that thy brother's ass or ox is fallen down by the way, thou shalt
not withdraw thyself from them: but shalt help him to heave them
up again. The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto the
man, neither shall a man put on woman's raiment. For all that do
so, are abomination unto the LORD thy God. If thou chance upon a
bird's nest by the way, in whatsoever tree it be or on the ground,
whether they be young or eggs, and the dam sitting upon the young
or upon the eggs: thou shalt not take the mother with the young.
But shalt in any wise let the dam go and take the young, that thou
mayst prosper and prolong thy days. When thou buildest a new
house, thou shalt make a battlement unto the roof, that thou lade
not blood upon thine house, if any man fall thereof. Thou shalt
not sow thy vineyard with divers seed: lest thou hallow the seed
which thou hast sown with the fruit of thy vineyard. Thou shalt
not plough with an ox and an ass together. Thou shalt not wear a
garment made of wool and flax together. Thou shalt put ribbons
upon the four quarters of thy vesture wherewith thou coverest
thyself. If a man take a wife and when he hath lien with her hate
her and lay shameful things unto her charge and bring up an evil
name upon her and say: I took this wife, and when I came to her, I
found her not a maid: Then let the father of the damsel and the
mother bring forth the tokens of the damsel's virginity, unto the
elders of the city, even unto the gate. And let the damsel's
father say unto the elders, I gave my daughter unto this man to
wife and he hateth her: and lo, he layeth shameful things unto her
charge saying, I found not thy daughter a maid. And yet these are
the tokens of my daughter's virginity. And let them spread the
vesture before the elders of the city. Then let the elders of that
city take that man and chastise him and merce him in an hundred
sicles of silver and give them unto the father of the damsel,
because he hath brought up an evil name upon a maid in Israel. And
she shall be his wife, and he may not put her away all his days.
But and if the thing be of a surety that the damsel be not found a
virgin, let them bring her unto the door of her father's house,
and let the men of that city stone her with stones to death,
because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her
father's house. And so thou shalt put evil away from thee. If a
man be found lying with a woman, that hath a wedded husband, then
let them die either other of them: both the man that lie with the
wife and also the wife: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel.
If a maid be handfasted unto an husband, and then a man find her
in the town and lay with her, then ye shall bring them both out
unto the gates of that same city and shall stone them with stones
to death: The damsel because she cried not being in the city: And
the man, because he hath humbled his neighbour's wife, and thou
shalt put away evil from thee. But if a man find a betrothed
damsel in the field and force her and lie with her: Then the man
that lay with her shall die alone, and unto the damsel thou shalt
do no harm: because there is in the damsel no cause of death. For
as when a man riseth against his neighbour and slayeth him, even
so is this matter. For he found her in the fields and the
betrothed damsel cried: but there was no man to succour her. If a
man find a maid that is not betrothed and take her and lie with
her and be found: Then the man that lay with her shall give unto
the damsel's father fifty sicles of silver. And she shall be his
wife, because he hath humbled her, and he may not put her away all
his days. No man shall take his father's wife, nor unhele his
father's covering.
Chapter .xxiij.
None that is gelded or hath his privy members cut off, shall come
into the congregation of the LORD. And he that is born of a common
woman shall not come in the congregation of the LORD, no in the
tenth generation he shall not enter into the congregation of the
LORD. The Ammonites and the Moabites shall not come into the
congregation of the LORD, no not in the tenth generation, no they
shall never come in to the congregation of the LORD, because they
met you not with bread and water in the way when ye came out of
Egypt, and because they hired against thee Balaam the son of Beor
the interpreter of Mesopotamia, to curse thee. Nevertheless the
LORD thy God would not hearken unto Balam, but turned the curse to
a blessing unto thee, because the LORD thy God loved thee. Thou
shalt never therefore seek that which is prosperous or good for
them all thy days for ever. Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite, for
he is thy brother: neither shalt thou abhor an Egyptian, because
thou wast a stranger in his land. The children that are begotten
of them shall come into the congregation of the LORD in the third
generation. When thou goest out with the host against thine
enemies, keep thee from all wickedness for the LORD is among you.
If there be any man that is unclean by the reason of uncleanness
that chanceth him by night, let him go out of the host and not
come in again until he have washed himself with water before the
evening: and then when the son is down, let him come into the host
again. Thou shalt have a place without the host whither thou shalt
resort to and thou shalt have a sharp point at the end of thy
weapon: and when thou wilt ease thyself, dig therewith and turn
and cover that which is departed from thee. For the LORD thy God
walketh in thine host, to rid thee and to set thine enemies before
thee. Let thine host be pure that he see no unclean thing among
you and turn from you. Thou shalt not deliver unto his master the
servant which is escaped from his master unto thee. Let him dwell
with thee, even among you in what place he himself liketh best, in
one of thy cities where it is good for him, and vex him not. There
shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor whorekeeper of
the sons of Israel. Thou shalt neither bring the hire of an whore
nor the price of a dog into the house of the LORD thy God, in no
manner of vow: for even both of them are abomination unto the LORD
thy God. Thou shalt be no usurer unto thy brother, neither in
money nor in food, nor in any manner thing that is lent upon
usury. Unto a stranger thou mayst lend upon usury, but not unto
thy brother, that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou
settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to conquer
it. When thou hast vowed a vow unto the LORD thy God, see thou be
not slack to pay it. For he will surely require it of thee, and it
shall be sin unto thee. If thou shalt leave vowing, it shall be no
sin unto thee: but that which is once gone out of thy lips, thou
must keep and do, according as thou hast vowed unto the LORD thy
God a freewill offering which thou hast spoken with thy mouth.
When thou comest into thy neighbour's vineyard, thou mayst eat
grapes thy bellyful at thine own pleasure: but thou shalt put none
in thy bag. When thou goest into thy neighbour's corn, thou mayst
pluck the ears with thine hand, but thou mayst not move a sicle
unto thy neighbour's corn.
Chapter .xxiiij.
When a man hath taken a wife and married her, if she find no
favour in his eyes, because he hath spied some uncleanness in her:
Then let him write her a bill of divorcement and put it in her
hand and send her out of his house. If when she is departed out of
his house, she go and be another man's wife and the second husband
hate her and write her a letter of divorcement and put it in her
hand and send her out of his house, or if the second man die which
took her to wife; Her first man which sent her away may not take
her again to be his wife, inasmuch as she is defiled. For that is
abomination in the sight of the LORD: that thou defile not the
land with sin, which the LORD thy God giveth thee to inherit. When
a man taketh a new wife, he shall not go a warfare neither shall
be charged with any business: but shall be free at home one year
and rejoice with his wife which he hath taken. No man shall take
the nether or the upper millstone to pledge, for then he taketh a
man's life to pledge. If any man be found stealing any of his
brethren the children of Israel, and maketh chevisance of him or
selleth him, the thief shall die. And thou shalt put evil away
from thee. Take heed to thyself as concerning the plague of
leprosy, that thou observe diligently to do according to all that
the priests the Levites shall teach thee, as I commanded them so
ye shall observe to do. Remember what the LORD thy God did unto
Miriam by the way, after that ye were come out of Egypt. If thou
lend thy brother any manner succour, thou shalt not go into his
house to fetch a pledge: but shalt stond without and the man to
whom thou lendest, shall bring thee the pledge out at the door.
Furthermore if it be a poor body, go not to sleep with his pledge:
but deliver him the pledge again by that the son go down, and let
him sleep in his own raiment and bless thee. And it shall be
righteousness unto thee, before the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not
defraud an hired servant that is needy and poor, whether he be of
thy brethren or a stranger that is in thy land within thy cities.
Give him his hire the same day, and let not the son go down
thereon. For he is needy and therewith sustaineth his life, lest
he cry against thee unto the LORD and it be sin unto thee. The
fathers shall not die for the children nor the children for the
fathers: but every man shall die for his own sin. Hinder not the
right of the stranger nor of the fatherless, nor take widow's
raiment to pledge. But remember that thou wast a servant in Egypt,
and how the LORD thy God delivered thee thence. Wherefore I
command thee to do this thing. When thou cuttest down thine
harvest in the field and hast forgotten a sheaf in the field, thou
shalt not go again and fetch it: But it shall be for the stranger,
the fatherless and the widow, that the LORD thy God may bless thee
in all the work of thine hand. When thou beatest down thine olive
trees thou shalt not make clean riddance after thee: but it shall
be for the stranger, the fatherless and the widow. And when thou
gatherest thy vineyard, thou shalt not gather clean after thee:
but it shall be for the stranger, the fatherless and the widow.
And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt:
wherefore I command thee to do this thing.
Chapter .xxv.
When {If} there is strife between men, let them come unto the law,
and let the judges justify the righteous and condemn the
trespasser. And if the trespasser be worthy of stripes, then let
the judge cause to take him down and to beat him before his face
according to his trespass, unto a certain number. Forty stripes he
shall give him and not pass: lest if he should exceed and beat him
above that with many stripes, thy brother should appear ungodly
before thine eyes. Thou shalt not muzzle {mosell} the ox that
treadeth out the corn. When brethren dwell together and one of
them die and have no child, the wife of the dead shall not be
given out unto a stranger: but her brotherinlaw shall go in unto
her and take her to wife and marry her. And the eldest son which
she beareth, shall stond up in the name of his brother which is
dead, that his name be not put out in Israel. But and if the man
will not take his sisterinlaw, then let her go to the gate unto
the elders and say: My brotherinlaw refuseth to stir up unto his
brother a name in Israel, he will not marry me. Then let the
elders of his city call unto him and commune with him. If he stond
and say: I will not take her, then let his sister-in-law go unto
him in the presence of the elders and loose his shoe off his foot
and spit in his face and answer and say: So shall it be done unto
that man that will not build his brother's house. And his name
shall be called in Israel, the unshoed house. If when men strive
together, one with another, the wife of the one run to, for to rid
her husband out of the hands of him that smiteth him and put forth
her hand and take him by the secrets: cut off her hand, and let
not thine eye pity her. Thou shalt not have in thy bag two manner
weights, a great and a small: neither shalt thou have in thine
house divers measures, a great and a small. But thou shalt have a
perfect and a just measure: that thy days may be lengthened in the
land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For all that do such
things and all that do unright, are abomination unto the LORD thy
God. Remember what Amalech did unto thee by the way after thou
camest out of Egypt, he met thee by the way and smote the hindmost
of you, all that were over laboured and dragged behind, when thou
wast fainted and weary, and he feared not God. Therefore when the
LORD thy God hath given thee rest from all thine enemies round
about, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee to inherit
and possess: see that thou put out the name of Amalech from under
heaven, and forget not.
Chapter .xxvi.
When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth
thee to inherit and hast enjoyed it and dwellest therein: take of
the first of all the fruit of the earth, which thou hast brought
in out of the land that the LORD thy God giveth thee and put it in
a maund and go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall choose
to make his name dwell there. And thou shalt come unto the priest
that shall be in those days and say unto him: I knowledge this day
unto the LORD thy God, that I am come unto the country which the
LORD sware unto our fathers for to give us. And the priest shall
take the maund out of thine hand, and set it down before the altar
of the LORD thy God. And thou shalt answer and say before the LORD
thy God: The Sirians would have destroyed my father, and he went
down into Egypt and sojourned there with a few folk and grew there
unto a nation great, mighty and full of people. And the Egyptians
vexed us and troubled us, and laded us with cruel bondage. And we
cried unto the LORD God of our fathers, and the LORD heard our
voice and looked on our adversity, labour and oppression. And the
LORD brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and a stretched
out arm and with great terribleness and with signs and wonders.
And he hath brought us into this place and hath given us this land
that floweth with milk and honey. And now lo, I have brought the
first fruits of the land which the LORD hath given me. And set it
before the LORD thy God and worship before the LORD thy God and
rejoice over all the good thing which the LORD thy God hath given
unto thee and unto thine house, both thou the Levite and the
stranger that is among you. When thou hast made an end of tithing
all the tithes of thine increase the third year, the year of
tithing: and hast given it unto the Levite, the stranger, the
fatherless and the widow, and they have eaten in thy gates and
filled them selves. Then say before the LORD thy God: I have
brought thee hallowed things out of mine house: and have given
them unto the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless and the widow
according to all the commandments which thou commandest me: I have
not overskipped thy commandments, nor forgotten them. I have not
eaten thereof in my mourning nor taken away thereof unto any
uncleanness, nor spent thereof about any dead corpse: but have
hearkened unto the voice of the LORD my God, and have done after
all that he commanded me, look down from thy holy habitation
heaven and bless thy people Israel and the land which thou hast
given us (as thou swearest unto our fathers) a land that floweth
with milk and honey. This day the LORD thy God hath commanded thee
to do these ordinances and laws. Keep them therefore and do them
with all thine heart and all thy soul. Thou hast set up the LORD
this day to be thy God and to walk in his ways and to keep his
ordinances, his commandments and his laws, and to hearken unto his
voice. And the LORD hath set thee up this day, to be a several
people unto him (as he hath promised thee) and that thou keep his
commandments, and to make thee high above all nations which he
hath made, in praise, in name and honour: that thou mayst be an
holy people unto the LORD thy God, as he hath said.
Chapter .xxvij.
And Moses with the elders of Israel commanded the people saying:
keep all the commandments which I command you this day. And when
ye be come over Iordan unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth
thee, set up great stones and plaster them with plaster, and write
upon them all the words of this law, when thou art come over: that
thou mayst come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee:
a land that floweth with milk and honey, as the LORD God of thy
fathers hath promised thee. When ye be come over Iordan, see that
ye set up these stones which I command you this day in mount Ebal,
and plaster them with plaster. And there build unto the LORD thy
God, an altar of stones and see thou lift up no iron upon them:
But thou shalt make the altar of the LORD thy God of rough stones
and offer burntofferings thereon unto the LORD thy God. And thou
shalt offer peaceofferings and shalt eat there and rejoice before
the LORD thy God. And thou shalt write upon the stones all the
words of this law, manifestly and well. And Moses with the priests
the Levites spake unto all Israel saying: take heed and hear
Israel, this day thou art become the people of the LORD thy God.
Hearken therefore unto the voice of the LORD thy God and do his
commandments and his ordinances which I command you this day. And
Moses charged the people the same day saying: These shall stond
upon mount Grisim to bless the people, when ye are come over
Iordan: Simeon, Levi, Iuda, Isachar, Ioseph and BenIamin. And
these shall stond upon mount Ebal to curse: Ruben, Gad, Asser,
Zabulon, Dan and Nephthali. And the Levites shall begin and say
unto all the men of Israel with a loud voice: Cursed be he that
maketh any carved image or image of metal (an abomination unto the
LORD, the work of the hands of the craftsman) and putteth it in a
secret place: And all the people shall answer and say Amen. Cursed
be he that curseth his father or his mother, and all the people
shall say Amen. Cursed be he that removeth his neighbour's mark,
and all the people shall say Amen. Cursed be he that maketh the
blind go out of his way, and all the people shall say Amen. Cursed
be he that hindreth the right of the stranger, fatherless and
widow, and all the people shall say Amen. Cursed be he that lieth
with his father's wife because he hath opened his father's
covering, and all the people shall say Amen. Cursed be he that
lieth with any manner beast, and all the people shall say Amen.
Cursed be he that lieth with his sister whether she be the
daughter of his father or of his mother, and all the people shall
say Amen. Cursed be he that lieth with his mother-in-law, and all
the people shall say Amen. Cursed be he that smiteth his neighbour
secretly, and all the people shall say Amen. Cursed be he that
taketh a reward to slay innocent blood, and all the people shall
say Amen. Cursed be he that maintaineth not all the words of this
law to do them, and all the people shall say Amen.
Chapter .xxviij.
If thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy
God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command
thee this day. The LORD will set thee on high {an hye} above all
nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come on thee
and over take thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the
LORD thy God. Blessed shalt thou be in the town and blessed in the
fields, blessed shall be the fruit of thy body, the fruit of thy
ground and the fruit of thy cattle, the fruit of thine oxen, and
thy flocks of sheep, blessed shall thine almery be and thy store.
Blessed shalt thou be, both when thou goest out, and blessed when
thou comest in. The LORD shall smite thine enemies that rise
against thee before thy face. They shall come out against thee one
way, and flee before thee seven ways. The LORD shall command the
blessing to be with thee in thy store houses and in all that thou
settest thine hand to, and will bless the in the land which the
LORD thy God giveth thee. The LORD shall make thee an holy people
unto himself, as he hath sworn unto thee: if thou shalt keep the
commandments of the LORD thy God and walk in his ways. And all
nations of the earth shall see that thou art called after the name
of the LORD, and they shall be afeared of thee. And the LORD shall
make thee plenteous in goods, in the fruit of thy body, in the
fruit of thy cattle and in the fruit of thy ground, in the land
which the LORD sware unto thy fathers to give thee. The LORD shall
open unto thee his good treasure, even the heaven, to give rain
unto thy land in due season and to bless all the labours of thine
hand. And thou shalt lend unto many nations, but shalt not need to
borrow thyself. And the LORD shall set thee before and not behind,
and thou shalt be above only and not beneath: if that thou hearken
unto the commandments of the LORD thy God which I command thee
this day to keep and to do them. And see that thou bow not from
any of these words which I command thee this day either to the
right hand or to the left, that thou wouldest go after strange
gods to serve them. But and if thou wilt not hearken unto the
voice of the LORD thy God to keep and to do all his commandments
and ordinances which I command thee this day: then all these
curses shall come upon thee and overtake thee: Cursed shalt thou
be in the town, and cursed in the field, cursed shall thine almery
be and thy store. Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body and the
fruit of thy land be and the fruit of thine oxen and the flocks of
thy sheep. And cursed shalt thou be when thou goest in, and when
thou goest out. And the LORD shall send upon thee cursing, going
to nought and complaining in all that thou settest thine hand to,
whatsoever thou doest: until thou be destroyed and brought to
nought quickly, because of the wickedness of thine inventions in
that thou hast forsaken the LORD. And the LORD shall make the
pestilence cleave unto thee, until he have consumed thee from the
land whither thou goest to enjoy it. And the LORD shall smite thee
with swelling, with fevers, heat, burning, weathering, with
smiting and blasting. And they shall follow thee, until thou
perish. And the heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and
the earth that is under thee, iron. And the LORD shall turn the
rain of the land unto powder and dust: even from heaven they shall
come down upon thee, until thou be brought to nought. And the LORD
shall plague thee before thine enemies: Thou shalt come out one
way against them, and flee seven ways before them, and shalt be
scattered among all the kingdoms of the earth. And thy carcass
shall be meat unto all manner fowls of the air and unto the beasts
of the earth, and no man shall fray them away. And the LORD will
smite thee with the botches of Egypt and the emerods, scall and
manginess, that thou shalt not be healed thereof. And the LORD
shall smite thee with madness, blindness and dazing of heart. And
thou shalt grope at noonday as the blind gropeth in darkness, and
shalt not come to the right way. And thou shalt suffer wrong only
and be polled evermore, and no man shall succour thee: thou shalt
be betrothed unto a wife, and another shall lie with her. Thou
shalt build an house and another shall dwell therein. Thou shalt
plant a vineyard, and shalt not make it common. Thine ox shall be
slain before thine eyes, and thou shalt not eat thereof. Thine ass
shall be violently taken away even before thy face, and shall not
be restored thee again. Thy sheep shall be given unto thine
enemies, and no man shall help thee. Thy sons and thy daughters
shall be given unto another nation, and thine eyes shall see and
daze upon them all day long, but shalt have no might in thine
hand. The fruit of thy land and all thy labours shall a nation
which thou knowest not, eat, and thou shalt but suffer violence
only and be oppressed alway: that thou shalt be clean beside
thyself for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see. The LORD
shall smite thee with a mischievous botch in the knees and legs,
so that thou canst not be healed: even from the sole of the foot
unto the top of the head. The LORD shall bring both thee and thy
king which thou hast set over thee, unto a nation which neither
thou nor thy fathers have known, and there thou shalt serve
strange gods: even wood and stone. And thou shalt go to waste and
be made an example and a jesting stock unto all nations whither
the LORD shall carry thee. Thou shalt carry much seed out into the
field, and shalt gather but little in: for the locusts
{grasshoppers} shall destroy it. Thou shalt plant a vineyard and
dress it, but shalt neither drink of the wine neither gather of
the grapes, for the worms shall eat it. Thou shalt have olive
trees in all thy coasts, but shalt not be anointed with the oil,
for thine olive trees shall be rooted out. Thou shalt get sons and
daughters, but shalt not have them: for they shall be carried away
captive. All thy trees and fruit of thy land shall be marred with
blasting. The strangers that are among you shall climb above thee
up on high, {an hye} and thou shalt come down beneath alow. He
shall lend thee and thou shalt not lend him, he shall be before
and thou behind. Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee
and shall follow thee and overtake thee, till thou be destroyed:
because thou hearkenedest not unto the voice of the LORD thy God,
to keep his commandments and ordinances which he commanded thee,
and they shall be upon thee as miracles and wonders and upon thy
seed for ever. And because thou servedest not the LORD thy God
with joyfulness and with a good heart for the abundance of all
things, therefore thou shalt serve thine enemy which the LORD
shall send upon thee: in hunger and thirst, in nakedness and in
need of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thine
neck, until he have brought thee to nought. And the LORD shall
bring a nation upon thee from afar, even from the end of the
world, as swift as an eagle fleeth: {flyeth} a nation whose tongue
thou shalt not understand: a hard favoured nation which shall not
regard the person of the old nor have compassion on the young. And
he shall eat the fruit of thy land and the fruit of thy cattle
until he have destroyed thee: so that he shall leave thee neither
corn, wine, nor oil, neither the increase of thine oxen nor the
flocks of thy sheep: until he have brought thee to nought. And he
shall keep thee in all thy cities, until thy high and strong walls
be come down wherein thou trustedest, thorow all thy land. And he
shall besiege thee in all thy cities thorowout all thy land which
the LORD thy God hath given thee. And thou shalt eat the fruit of
thine own body: the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters which
the LORD thy God hath given thee, in that straitness and siege
wherewith thine enemy shall besiege thee: so that it shall grieve
the man that is tender and exceeding delicate among you, to look
on his brother and upon his wife that lieth in his bosom and on
the remnant of his children, which he hath yet left, for fear of
giving unto any of them of the flesh of his children, which he
eateth, because he hath nought left him in that straitness and
siege wherewith thine enemy shall besiege thee in all thy cities.
Yea and the woman that is so tender and delicate among you that
she dare not adventure to set the sole of her foot upon the ground
for softness and tenderness, shall be grieved to look on the
husband that lieth in her bosom and on her son and on her
daughter: even because of the afterbirth, that is come out from
between her legs, and because of her children which she hath
borne, because she would eat them for need of all things secretly,
in the straitness and siege wherewith thine enemy shall besiege
thee in thy cities. If thou wilt not be diligent to do all the
words of this law that are written in this book, for to fear this
glorious and fearful name of the LORD thy God: the LORD will smite
both thee and thy seed with wonderful plagues and with great
plagues and of long continuance, and with evil sicknesses and of
long durance. Moreover he will bring upon thee all the diseases of
Egypt which thou wast afraid of, and they shall cleave unto thee.
Thereto all manner sicknesses and all manner plagues which are not
written in the book of this law, will the LORD bring upon thee
until thou be come to nought. And ye shall be left few in number,
wheretofore ye were as the stars of heaven in multitude: because
thou wouldest not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God. And
as the LORD rejoiced over you to do you good and to multiply you:
even so he will rejoice over you, to destroy you and to bring you
to nought. And ye shall be wasted from off the land whither thou
goest to enjoy it. And the LORD shall scatter thee among all
nations from the one end of the world unto the other, and there
thou shalt serve strange gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers
have known: even wood and stone. And among these nations thou
shalt be no small season, and yet shalt have no rest for the sole
of thy foot. For the LORD shall give thee there a trembling heart
and dazing eyes and sorrow of mind. And thy life shall hang before
thee, and thou shalt fear both day and night and shalt have no
trust in thy life. In the morning thou shalt say, would God it
were night. And at night thou shalt say, would God it were
morning. For fear of thine heart which thou shalt fear, and for
the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see. And the LORD shall
bring thee into Egypt again with ships, by the way which I bade
thee that thou shouldst see it no more. And there ye shall be sold
unto your enemies, for bondmen and bondwomen: and yet no man shall
buy you.
Chapter .xxix.
These are the words of the appointment which the LORD commanded
Moses to make with the children of Israel in the land of Moab,
beside the appointment which he made with them in Horeb. And Moses
called unto all Israel and said unto them: Ye have seen all, that
the LORD did before your eyes in the land of Egypt, unto Pharao
and unto all his servants, and unto all his land, and the great
temptations which thine eyes have seen and those great miracles
and wonders: And yet the LORD hath not given you an heart to
perceive, nor eyes to see, nor ears to hear unto this day. And I
have led you forty years in the wilderness: and your clothes are
not waxed old upon you, nor are thy shoes waxed old upon thy feet.
Ye have eaten no bread nor drunk wine or strong drink: that ye
might know, how that he is the LORD your God. And at the last ye
came unto this place, and Sihon the king of Hesbon and Og king of
Basan came out against you unto battle, and we smote them and took
their land and gave it an heritance unto the Rubenites and Gadites
and to the half tribe of Manasse. Keep therefore the word of this
appointment and do them, that ye may understand all that ye ought
to do. Ye stond here this day every one of you before the LORD
your God: both the heads of your tribes, your elders, your
officers and all the men of Israel: your children, your wives and
the strangers that are in thine host, from the hewer of thy wood
unto the drawer of thy water: that thou shouldst come under the
appointment of the LORD thy God, and under his oath which the LORD
thy God maketh with thee this day. For to make thee a people unto
himself, and that he may be unto thee a God, as he hath said unto
thee and as he hath sworn unto thy fathers Abraham, Isaac and
Iacob. Also I make not this bond and this oath with you only: but
both with him that stoodeth here with us this day before the LORD
our God, and also with him that is not here with us this day. For
ye know how we have dwelt in the land of Egypt, and how we came
thorow the midst of the nations which we passed by. And ye have
seen their abominations and their idols: wood, stone, silver,
gold, which they had. Lest there be among you man or woman kindred
or tribe that turneth away in his heart this day from the LORD our
God, to go and serve the gods of these nations: and lest there be
among you some root {|rote|} that beareth gall and wormwood, so
that when he heareth the words of this curse, he bless himself in
his heart saying: I fear it not, {shall have peace} I will
therefore walk {work} after the lust of mine own heart, that the
drunken destroy {may perish with} the thirsty. And so the LORD
will not be merciful unto him, but then the wrath of the LORD and
his jealousy, smoke against that man, and all the curses that are
written in this book light upon him, and the LORD do out his name
from under heaven, and separate him unto evil out of all the
tribes of Israel according unto all the curses of the appointment
that is written in the book of this law. So that the generation to
come of your children that shall rise up after you and the
stranger that shall come from a far land, say when they see the
plagues of that land, and the diseases wherewith the LORD hath
smitten it, how all the land is burnt up with brimstone and salt,
that it is neither sown nor beareth, nor any grass groweth
therein, after the overthrowing of Sodom, Gomor, Adama and Zeboim:
which the LORD overthrew in his wrath and anger. And then all
nations also say: wherefore hath the LORD done of this fashion
unto this land? O how fierce is this great wrath? And men shall
say: because they left the testament of the LORD God of their
fathers which he made with them, when he brought them out of the
land of Egypt. And they went and served strange gods and
worshipped them: gods which they knew not and which had given them
nought. And therefore the wrath of the LORD waxed hot upon that
land to bring upon it all the curses that are written in this
book. And the LORD cast them out of their land in anger, wrath and
great furiousness, and cast them into a strange land, as it is
come to pass this day. The secrets pertain unto the LORD our God
and the things that are opened pertain unto us and our children
for ever, that we do all the words of this law.
Chapter .xxx.
When all these words are come upon thee, whether it be the
blessing or the curse which I have set before thee, yet if thou
turn unto thine heart among all the nations whither the LORD thy
God hath thrust thee, and come again unto the LORD thy God and
hearken unto his voice according to all that I command thee this
day: both thou and thy children with all thine heart and all thy
soul: Then the LORD thy God will turn thy captivity and have
compassion upon thee and go and fetch thee again from all the
nations, among which the LORD thy God shall have scattered thee.
Though thou wast cast unto the extreme parts of heaven: even from
thence will the LORD thy God gather thee and from thence fetch
thee and bring thee into the land which thy fathers possessed, and
thou shalt enjoy it. And he will shew thee kindness and multiply
thee above thy fathers. And the LORD thy God will circumcise thine
heart and the heart of thy seed for to love the LORD thy God with
all thine heart and all thy soul, that thou mayst live. And the
LORD thy God will put all these curses upon thine enemies and on
them that hate thee and persecute thee. But thou shalt turn and
hearken unto the voice of the LORD and do all his commandments
which I command thee this day. And the LORD thy God will make thee
plenteous in all the works of thine hand and in the fruit of thy
body, in the fruit of thy cattle and fruit of thy land and in
riches. For the LORD will turn again and rejoice over thee to do
thee good, as he rejoiced over thy fathers: If thou hearken unto
the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep his commandments and
ordinances which are written in the book of this law, if thou turn
unto the LORD thy God with all thine heart and all thy soul. For
the commandment which I command thee this day, is not separated
from thee neither far off. It is not in heaven, that thou needest
to say: who shall go up for us into heaven, and fetch it us, that
we may hear it and do it: Neither is it beyond the sea, that thou
shouldest say: who shall go over sea for us and fetch it us that
we may hear it and do it. But the word is very nye unto thee: even
in thy mouth and in thine heart, that thou do it. Behold I have
set before you this day life and good, death and evil: in that I
command thee this day to love the LORD thy God and to walk in his
ways and to keep his commandments, his ordinances and his laws:
that thou mayst live and multiply, and that the LORD thy God may
bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it. But and
if thine heart turn away, so that thou wilt not hear: but shalt go
astray and worship strange gods and serve them, I pronounce unto
you this day, that ye shall surely perish and that ye shall not
prolong your days upon the land whither thou passest over Iordan
to go and possess it. I call to record this day unto you, heaven
and earth, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and
cursing: but choose life, that thou and thy seed may live, in that
thou lovest the LORD thy God, hearkenest unto his voice and
cleavest unto him. For he is thy life and the length of thy days,
that thou mayst dwell upon the earth which the LORD sware unto thy
fathers: Abraham, Isaac and Iacob to give them.
Chapter .xxxj.
And Moses went and spake these words unto all Israel and said unto
them: I am an hundred and twenty years old this day, and can no
more go out and in. Also the LORD hath said unto me, thou shalt
not go over this Iordan. The LORD your God he will go over before
thee and he will destroy these nations before thee, and thou shalt
conquer them. And Iosua he shall go over before thee, as the LORD
hath said. And the LORD shall do {go} unto them, as he did to
Sehon and Og kings of the Amorites and unto their lands which
kings he destroyed. And when the LORD hath delivered them to thee,
see that ye do unto them according unto all the commandments which
I have commanded you. Pluck up your hearts and be strong, dread
not nor be afeared of them: for the LORD thy God himself will go
with thee, and will neither let thee go nor forsake thee. And
Moses called unto Iosua and said unto him in the sight of all
Israel. Be strong and bold, for thou must go with this people unto
the land which the LORD hath sworn unto their fathers to give
them, and thou shalt give it them to inherit. And the LORD he
shall go before thee and he shall be with thee, and will not let
thee go nor forsake thee, fear not therefore nor be discomforted.
And Moses wrote this law and delivered it unto the priests the
sons of Levi which bare the ark of the testament of the LORD, and
unto all the elders of Israel, and commanded them saying: At the
end of seven years, in the time of the free year, in the feast of
the tabernacles, when all Israel is come to appear before the LORD
thy God, in the place which he hath chosen: see that thou read
this law before all Israel in their ears. Gather the people
together: both men, women and children and the strangers that are
in thy cities, that they may hear, learn and fear the LORD your
God, and be diligent to keep all the words of this law, and that
their children which know nothing may hear and learn to fear the
LORD your God, as long as ye live in the land whither ye go over
Iordan to possess it. And the LORD said unto Moses: Behold thy
days are come, that thou must die. Call Iosua and come and stond
in the tabernacle of witness, that I may give him a charge. And
Moses and Iosua went and stood in the tabernacle of witness. And
the LORD appeared in the tabernacle: even in the pillar of the
cloud. And the pillar of the cloud stood over the door of the
tabernacle. And the LORD said unto Moses: behold, thou must sleep
with thy fathers, and this people will go a whoring after strange
gods of the land whither they go and will forsake me and break the
appointment which I have made with them. And then my wrath will
wax hot against them, and I will forsake them and will hide my
face from them, and they shall be consumed. And when much
adversity and tribulation is come upon them, then they will say:
because our God is not among us, these tribulations are come upon
us. But I will hide my face that same time for all the evil's sake
which they shall have wrought, in that they are turned unto
strange gods. Now therefore write ye this song, and teach it the
children of Israel and put it in their mouths that this song may
be my witness unto the children of Israel. For when I have brought
them into the land which I sware unto their fathers that runneth
with milk and honey, then they will eat and fill them selves and
wax fat and turn unto strange gods and serve them and rail on me
and break my testament. And then when much mischief and
tribulation is come upon them, this song shall answer before them,
and be a witness. It shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of
their seed: for I know their imagination which they go about even
now before I have brought them into the land which I sware. And
Moses wrote this song the same season, and taught it the children
of Israel. And the Lord {|LORDE|} gave Iosua the son of Nun a
charge and said: be bold and strong for thou shalt bring the
children of Israel into the land which I sware unto them, and I
will be with thee. When Moses had made an end of writing out the
words of this law in a book unto the end of them he commanded the
Levites which bare the ark of the testament of the LORD saying:
take the book of this law and put it by the side of the ark of the
testament of the LORD your God, and let it be there for a witness
unto thee. For I know thy stubbornness and thy stiff neck: behold,
while I am yet alive with you this day, ye have been disobedient
unto the LORD: and how much more after my death. Gather unto me
all the elders of your tribes, and your officers, that I may speak
these words in their ears and call heaven and earth to record
against them. For I am sure that after my death, they will utterly
mar them selves and turn from the way which I commanded you, and
tribulation will come upon you in the latter days, when ye have
wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD to provoke him with
the works of your hands. And Moses spake in the ears of all the
congregation of Israel the words of this song, unto the end of
Chapter .xxxij.
Hear o heaven, what I shall speak and hear o earth the words of my
mouth. My doctrine drop as doeth the rain, and my speech flow as
doeth the dew, as the mizzling upon the herbs, and as the drops
upon the grass. For I will call on the name of the LORD: Magnify
the might of our God. He is a Rocke and perfect are his deeds, for
all his ways are with discretion. God is faithful and without
wickedness, both righteous and just is he. The froward and
overthwart generation hath marred them selves to himward, and are
not his sons for their deformities' sake. Dost thou so reward the
LORD? O foolish nation and unwise. Is not he thy father and thine
owner? hath he not made thee and ordained thee? Remember the days
that are past: consider the years from time to time. Ask thy
father and he will shew thee, thine elders and they will tell
thee. When the most highest gave the nations an inheritance, and
divided the sons of Adam, he put the borders of the nations, fast
by the multitude of the children of Israel. For the LORD's part is
his folk, and Israel is the portion of his inheritance. He found
him in a desert land, in a void ground and a roaring wilderness.
He led him about and gave him understanding, and kept him as the
apple of his eye. As an eagle that stirreth up her nest and
fluttereth over her young, he stretched out his wings and took him
up and bare him on his shoulders. The LORD alone was his guide,
and there was no strange god with him. He set him up upon an high
land, and he ate the increase of the fields. And he gave him honey
to suck out of the rock, and oil out of the hard stone. With
butter of the kine and milk of the sheep, with fat of the lambs
and fat rams and he goats with fat kidneys and with wheat. And of
the blood of grapes thou drunkest wine. And Israel waxed fat and
kicked. Thou wast fat, thick and smooth. And he let God go that
made him and despised the rock that saved him. They angered him
with strange gods and with abominations provoked him. They offered
unto field devils and not to God, and to gods which they knew not
and to new gods that came newly up which their fathers feared not.
Of the rock that begat thee thou art unmindful and hast forgot God
that made thee. And when the LORD saw it, he was angry because of
the provoking of his sons and daughters. And he said: I will hide
my face from them and will see what their end shall be. For they
are a froward generation and children in whom is no faith. They
have angered me with that which is no god, and provoked me with
their vanities; And I again will anger them with them which are no
people, and will provoke them with a foolish nation. For fire is
kindled in my wrath, and shall burn unto the bottom of hell. And
shall consume the earth with her increase, and set afire the
bottoms of the mountains. I will heap mischiefs upon thee and will
spend all mine arrows at them. Burnt with hunger and consumed with
heat and with bitter pestilence. I will also send the teeth of
beasts upon them and poison serpents. Without forth, the sword
shall rob them of their children: and within in the chamber, fear:
both young men and young women and the sucklings with the men of
gray heads. I have determined to scatter them thorowout the world,
and to make away the remembrance of them from among men. Were it
not that I feared the railing of their enemies, lest their
adversaries would be proud and say: our high hand hath done all
these works and not the LORD. For it is a nation that hath an
unhappy forecast, and hath no understanding in them: I would they
were wise and understood this and would consider their latter end.
How it cometh that one shall chase a thousand, and two put ten
thousand of them to flight?: except their rock had sold them, and
because the LORD had delivered them. For our rock is not as their
rock, no though our enemies be judge. But their vines are of the
vines of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorra. Their grapes are
grapes of gall, and their clusters be bitter. Their wine is the
poison of dragons, and the cruel gall of asps. Are not such things
laid in store with me, and sealed up among my treasures? Vengeance
is mine and I will reward: their feet shall slide, when the time
cometh. For the time of their destruction is at hand, and the time
that shall come upon them maketh haste. For the LORD will do
justice unto his people, and have compassion on his servants. For
it shall be seen that their power shall fail, and at the last they
shall be prisoned and forsaken. And it shall be said: where are
their gods and their rock wherein they trusted? The fat of whose
sacrifices they ate, and drank the wine of their drinkofferings,
let them rise up and help you and be your protection. See now how
that I, I am he, and that there is no God but I. I can kill and
make alive, and what I have smitten that I can heal: neither is
there that can deliver any man out of my hand. For I will lift up
my hand to heaven, and will say: I live ever. If I whet the
lightning of my sword, and mine hand take in hand to do justice, I
will shew vengeance on mine enemies and will reward them that hate
me. I will make mine arrows drunken with blood, and my sword shall
eat flesh of the blood of the slain and of the captive and of the
bare head of the enemy. Rejoice {Praise ye} heathen with his
people, for he will avenge the blood of his servants, and will
avenge him of his adversaries, and will be merciful unto the land
of his people. And Moses went and spake all the words of this song
in the ears of the people, both he and Iosua the son of Nun. And
when Moses had spoken all these words unto the end to all Israel,
then he said unto them. Set your hearts unto all the words which I
testify unto you this day: that ye command them unto your
children, to observe and do all the words of this law. For it is
not a vain word unto you: but it is your life, and thorow this
word ye shall prolong your days in the land whither ye go over
Iordan to conquer it. And the LORD spake unto Moses the self same
day saying: get thee up into this mountain Abarim unto mount Nebo,
which is in the land of Moab over against Iericho. And behold the
land of Canaan which I give unto the children of Israel to
possess. And die in the mount which thou goest upon, and be
gathered unto thy people: As Aaron thy brother died in mount Hor
and was gathered unto his people. For ye trespassed against me
among the children of Israel at the waters of strife, at Cades in
the wilderness of Zin: because ye sanctified me not among the
children of Israel. Thou shalt see the land before thee, but shall
not go thither unto the land which I give the children of Israel.
Chapter .xxxiij.
This is the blessing wherewith Moses God's {gods} man blessed the
children of Israel before his death saying: The LORD came from
Sinai and shewed his beams from Seir unto them, and appeared
gloriously from mount Pharan, and he came with thousands of
saints, and in his right hand a law of fire for them. How loved he
the people? All his saints are in his hand. They joined them
selves unto thy foot and received thy words. Moses gave us a law
which is the inheritance of the congregation of Iacob. And he was
in Israel king when he gathered the heads of the people and the
tribes of Israel together. Ruben shall live and shall not die: but
his people shall be few in number. This is the blessing of Iuda.
And he said: hear LORD the voice of Iuda and bring him unto his
people: let his hands fight for him: but be thou his help against
his enemies. And unto Levi he said: thy perfectness and thy light
be after thy merciful man whom thou temptest at Masa and with whom
thou strivedest at the waters of strife. He that sayeth unto his
father and mother: I saw him not, and unto his brethren I knew
not, and to his son I wot not: for they have observed thy words
and kept thy testament. They shall teach Iacob thy judgements and
Israel thy laws. They shall put cense before thy nose and whole
sacrifices upon thine altar. Bless LORD their power and accept the
works of their hands: smite the backs of them that rise against
them and of them that hate them: that they rise not again. Unto
Ben Iamin he said: The LORD's darling shall dwell in safety by him
and keep himself in the haven by him continually, and shall dwell
between his shoulders. And unto Ioseph he said: blessed of the
LORD is his land with the goodly fruits of heaven, with dew and
with springs that lie beneath: and with fruits of the increase of
the son and with ripe fruit of the months, and with the tops of
mountains that were from the beginning and with the dainties of
hills that last ever, and with goodly fruit of the earth and of
the fulness thereof. And the goodwill of him that dwelleth in the
bush shall come upon the head of Ioseph and upon the top of the
head of him that was separated from among his brethren, his beauty
is as a firstborn ox and his horns as the horns of an unicorn. And
with them he shall push the nations together, even unto the ends
of the world. These are the many thousands of Ephraim and the
thousands of Manasse. And unto Zabulon he said: Rejoice Zabulon in
thy going out, and thou Isachar in thy tents. They shall call the
people unto the hill, and there they shall offer offerings of
righteousness. For they shall suck of the abundance of the sea and
of treasure hid in the sand. And unto Gad he said: blessed is the
rowmmaker Gad. He dwelleth as a lion and caught the arm and also
the top of the head. He saw his beginning, that a part of the
teachers were {teacher was} hid there and come with the heads of
the people, and executed the righteousness of the LORD and his
judgements with Israel. And unto Dan he said: Dan is a lion's
whelp, he shall flow from Basan. And unto Nephthali, he said:
Nephthali he shall have abundance of pleasure and shall be filled
with the blessing of the LORD and shall have his possessions in
the southwest. And of Asser he said: Asser shall be blessed with
children: he shall be acceptable unto his brethren and shall dip
his foot in oil: Iron and brass shall hang on thy shoes and thine
age shall be as thy youth. There is none like unto the God of thee
of Israel: he that sitteth upon heaven shall be thine help, whose
glory is in the clouds, that is the dwelling place of God from the
beginning and from under the arms of the world: he hath cast out
thine enemies before thee and said: destroy. And Israel shall
dwell in safety alone. And the eyes of Iacob shall look upon a
land of corn and wine, moreover his heaven shall drop with dew.
Happy art thou Israel, who is like unto thee? A people that art
saved by the LORD thy shield and helper and sword of thy glory.
And thine enemies shall hide them selves from thee, and thou shalt
walk upon their high hills.
Chapter .xxxiiij.
And Moses went from the fields of Moab up into mount Nebo which is
the top of Pisga, that is over against Iericho. And the LORD
shewed him all the land of Gilead even unto Dan, and all Naphthali
and the land of Ephraim and Manasse, and all the land of Iuda:
even unto the utmost sea, and the south and the region of the
plain of Iericho the city of datetrees {palm trees} even unto
Zoar. And the LORD said unto him. This is the land which I sware
unto Abraham, Isaac and Iacob saying: I will give it unto thy
seed. I have shewed it thee before thine eyes: but thou shalt not
go over thither. So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in
the land of Moab at the commandment of the LORD. And he buried him
in a valley in the land of Moab beside Beth Peor: but no man wist
of his sepulchre unto this day. And Moses was an hundred and
twenty years old when he died, and yet his eyes were not dim nor
his cheeks abated. And the children of Israel wept for Moses in
the fields of Moab thirty days. And the days of weeping and
mourning for Moses were ended. And Iosua the son of Nun was full
of the spirit of wisdom: for Moses had put his hand upon him. And
all the children of Israel hearkened unto him and did as the LORD
commanded Moses. But there arose not a prophet since in Israel
like unto Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face, in all the
miracles and wonders which the LORD sent him to do in the land of
Egypt, unto Pharao and all his servants and unto all his land: and
in all the mighty deeds and great terrible things which Moses did
in the sight of all Israel.
The end of the fifth book of Moses.
The text of Matthew is from the Cologne quarto (1525) fragment; til Chapter 22:
"The king came in, to visit the guests, and spied there a man which had not on a wedding garment, and said unto him: friend, how camest thou in hither, and"
The rest of the New Testament is from the Worms octavo edition of 1526; Also with some few variants [in] {brackets} from W.T. 1534 edition.
{Editor's notes at bottom.}
The Prologue.
I have here translated (brethren and sisters most dear and tenderly beloved in Christ) the new Testament for your spiritual edifying, consolation and solace: Exhorting instantly and beseeching those that are better seen in the tongues than I, and that have higher gifts of grace to interpret the sense of the Scripture, and meaning of the Spirit, than I, to consider and ponder my labor, and that with the spirit of meekness. And if they perceive in any places that I have not attained the very sense of the tongue, or meaning of the Scripture, or have not given the right English word, that they put to their hands to amend it, remembering that so is their duty to do. For we have not received the gifts of God for ourselves only, or for to hide them; but for to bestow them unto the honoring of God and Christ, and edifying of the congregation, which is the body of Christ.
The causes that moved me to translate, I thought better that others should imagine, then that I should rehearse them. Moreover I supposed it superfluous, for who is so blind tare why light should be shewed to them that walk in darkness, where they cannot but stumble, and where to stumble is the danger of eternal damnation, other so despiteful that he would envy any man (I speak not his brother) so necessary a thing, or so bedlam made to affirm that good is the natural cause of blindness, and deafness to proceed out of sight, and that lying should be grounded in troth and verity, and not rather seen contrary, that light destroyeth darkness, and verity reproveth all manner saying.
After it had pleased God to put in my mind, and also to give me grace to translate this fore rehearsed new testament into our English tongue, howsoever we have done it. I supposed it very necessary to put you in remembrance of certain points, which are: that ye well understand what these words mean:
The old testament.
The new testament.
The law.
The gospell.
Worshipping and believing.
Deeds and faith;
Lest we ascribe, to the one that which belongeth to the other, and make of Christ
Moses, of the gospell the Law, despise grace and rob faith: and fall from meek
learning unto idle despicions, brawling and scolding about words.
      ((The old testament.))
The old testament is a base, where in is written the law and commandments of God, and the deeds of them which fulfill them, and of them also which fulfilleth them not.
      ((The new testament))
The new testament is a base where in are contained the promises of God, and the deeds of them which believe them or believe them not.
      ((The gospell or evangelion))
Evangelion (that we call the gospell) is a Greek word; and signifieth good, merry, glad and joyful tidings, that maketh a man's heart glad, and maketh him sing, dance, and leap for joy. As when David had killed Goliah the giant, came glad tidings unto the jewes, that their fearful and cruel enemy was slain, and they delivered out of all danger: for gladness whereof, they sung, danced, and were joyful. In like manner is the Evangelion of God (which we call Gospel; and the New Testament) joyful tidings; and as some say, a good hearing published by the apostles throughout all the world, of Christ the right David how that he hath fought with sin, with death, and the devil, and overcome them. Whereby all men that were in bondage to sin, wounded with death, overcome of the devil, are with out their own merits or deservings, loosed, justified, restored to life, and saved, brought to liberty, and reconciled unto the favour of God, and set at one with him again: which tidings as many as believe, laud praise and thank God; are glad, sing and dance for joy.
      ((with evangelion is called a testament))
This evangelion or gospell (that is to say, such joyful tidings) is called the new testament. Because that as a man when he shall die appointeth his goods to be dealt and distributed after his death among them which he nameth to be his heirs. Even so Christ before his death commanded and appointed that such evangelion, gospell, or tidings should be declared through out all the world, and there with to give unto all that believe all his goods, that is to say, his life, where with he swallowed and devoured up death: his righteousness, where with he banished sin: his salvation, where with he overcame eternal damnation. Now can the wretched man (that is wrapped in sin, and is in danger to death and hell) hear no more joyous a thing, then such glad and comfortable tidings, of Christ. So that he cannot but be glad and laugh from the low bottom of his heart, if he believe that the tidings are true.
To strength such faith with all, God promised this his evaglion in the old testament by the prophets (as Paul sayth in the first chapter unto the romans). How that he was chosen out to preach God's evangelion, which he before had promised by the prophets in the holy scriptures that treat of his son which was born of the seed of David. In the third chapter of Genesis, God saith to the serpent: I will put hatred between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her seed, that self seed shall tread thy head under foot. Christ is this woman's seed, he it is that hath trodden under foot the devil's seed, that is to say sin, death, hell, and all his power. For with out this seed can no man avoid sin, death, hell and everlasting damnation.
Again Gen. xxij. God promised Abraham saying: by thy seed shall all the generations of the earth be blessed. Christ is that seed of Abraham sayth saint Paul in the third to the Galathyans: He hast blessed all the world through the gospell. For where Christ is not, there remaineth the curse that fell on Adam as soon as he had sinned; So that they are in bondage under the domination of sin, death, and hell. Against this curse blesseth now the gospell all the world, in as much as it crieth openly, who so ever believeth on the seed of Abraham shall be blessed, that is, he shall be delivered from sin, death and hell, and shall hence forth continue righteous, living, and saved for ever, as Christ him self saith (in the xi. of Ihon) He that believeth on me shall never more die.
The law (saith the gospell of Ihon in the first chapter) was given by Moses: but grace and verity by Iesus Christ. The law (whose mnistrer is Moses) was given to bring us unto the knowledge of our selves, that we might there by feel and perceive what we are of nature. The law condemneth us and all our deeds, and is called of Paul (in the third chap. Of the second pistel unto the Corrinthians) the ministration of death. For it killeth our consciences and driveth us to desperation, in as much as it requireth of us that which is unpossible for us to do. It requireth of us the death of an whole, man. It requireth perfect love from the low bottom and ground of the heart, as well in all things which we suffer, as in those things which we do. But saith Ihon (in the same place) grace and verity is given us in Christ. So that when the law hath passed upon us, and condemned us to death (which is his nature to do) then have we in Christ grace, that is to say favour, promises of life, of mercy, of pardon freely by the merits of Christ, and in Christ have we verity and troth, in that God fulfilleth all his promises to them that believe. Therefore is the gospell the ministration of life. Paul calleth it, in the fore rehearsed place of the second chap. To the Cor. The ministration of the spirit, and of righteousness. In the gospell when we believe the promises, we receive the spirit of life, and are justified in the blood of Christ from all things where of the law condemned us. Of Christ it is written in the fore rehearsed first chapter of Ihon: This is he of whose abundance, or fullness, all we have received, grace for grace, or favour for favour. That is to say, for the favour that God hath to his son Christ, he giveth unto us his favour, and good will, as a father to his sons. As affirmeth Paul saying: which loved us in his beloved before the creation of the world. For the love that God hath to Christ, he loveth us, and not for our own faith. Christ is made lord over all, and is called in scripture God's mercy foretold whosoever flyeth to Christ, can neither bear nor receive of God any other thing save mercy.
In the old testament are many promises, which are nothing else but the evangelion or gospell, to save those that believed them, from the vengeance of the law. And in the new testament is oft made mention of the law, to condemn them, which believe not the promises. Moreover the law and gospell may never be separate: for the gospell and promises serve but for troubled consciences which are brought to desperation and feel the pains of hell and death under the law, and are in captivity and bondage under the law. In all my deeds I must have the law before me to condemn mine unperfections. For all that I do (be I never so perfect) is yet damnable sin, when it is compared to the law, which requireth the ground and bottom of mine heart. I must therefore have always the law in my sight, that I may be meek in the spirit, and give God all the laud and praise, ascribing to him all righteousness, and to my self all unrigteousness and sin. I must also have the promises before mine eyes, that I despair not, in which promises I see the mercy, favour, and good will of God upon me in the blood of his son Christ, which hath made satisfaction for mine unperfections, and fulfilled from me, that which I could not do.
Here may ye perceive that two manner of people are sore deceived. First they which justify them self with outward deeds, in that they abstain outwardly from that which the law forbiddeth, and do outwardly that which the law commandeth. They compare them selves to open sinners and in respect of them justify them selves condemning the open sinners. They see not how the law requireth love from the bottom of the heart. If they did they would not condemn their neighbours. Love hideth the multitude of sins, saith Saynct Peter in his first pistel. For whom I love from the deep bottom and ground of mine heart, him condemn I not, neither reckon his sins, but suffer his weakness and infirmity, as a mother the weakness of her son, until he grow up in to a perfect man.
Those also are deceived which with out all fear of God give them selves unto all manner vices with full consent, and full delectation, having no respect to the law of God (under whose vengeance they are locked up in captivity) but say: god is merciful and christ died for us, supposing that such dreaming and imagination is that faith which is so greatly commended in holy scripture. Nay that is not faith, but rather a foolish opinion springing of their own nature, and is not given them of the spirit of God. True faith is (as saith the apostle Paul) the gift of God and is given to sinners after the law hath passed upon them and hath brought their consciences unto the brim of desperation, and sorrows of hell.
They that have this right faith, consent to the law that it is righteous and good, and justify God which made the law, and have delectation in the law (not with stonding that they can not fulfill it, for their weakness) and they abhor what soever the law forbiddeth, though they cannot avoid it. And their great sorrow is, because they cannot fulfill the will of God in the law, and the spirit that is in them crieth to God night and day for strength and help with tears (as saith Paul) that cannot be expressed with tongue.
     ((A justiciary))
The first, that is to say a justiciary, which justifieth him self with his outward deeds, cosenteth not to the law in ward, neither hath delectation therein, yee, he would rather that no such law were. So justifieth he not God, but hateth him as a tyrant, neither careth he for the promises, but will with his own strength be favour of him self: no wise glorifieth he God, though he seem outward to do.
      ((A sensual man))
The second, that is to say the sensual person, as a voluptuous swine, neither feareth God in his law, neither is thankful to him for his promises and mercy, which is set forth in Christ to all them that believe.
      ((A Christen man.))
The right Christen man consenteth to the law that it is righteous, and justifieth God in the law, for he affirmeth that God is righteous and just, which is author of the law, he believeth the promises of God, and so justifieth God, judging him true and believing that he will fulfill his promises. With the law he condemneth him self and all his deeds, and giveth all the praise to God. He believeth the promises, and ascribeth all troth to god, thus every where justifieth he God, and praiseth God.
By nature through the fall of Adam, are we the children of wrath, heirs of the vengeance of God by birth, yee and from our conception, we have our fellowship with the damned devils under the power of darkness and rule of satan, while we are yet in our mother's wombs, though we shew not forth the fruits of sin, yet are we full of the natural poison where of all sinful deeds spring, and cannot but sin outwards (be we never so young) if occasion be given, for our nature is to do sin, as is the nature of a serpent to sting. And as a serpent yet young, or yet un-brought forth is full of poison, and cannot afterward (when the time is come and occasion given) but bring forth the fruits there of. And as an edder, a toad, or a snake is hated of man, (not for the evil that it hath done, but for the poison that is in it and hurt which it cannot but do) So are we hated of God for that natural poison which is conceived and born with us, before we do any outward evil. And as the evil, which a venomous worm doeth, maketh it not a serpent: but be cause it is a venomous worm. Therefore doeth it evil and poisoneth. And as the fruit maketh not the tree evil: but because it is an evil tree, therefore bringeth it forth evil furit, when the season of fruit is. Even so do not our evil deeds make us evil: but because that of nature we are evil, therefore we both think and do evil, and are under vengeance, under the law, convicted to eternal damnation by the law, and are contrary to the will of God in all our will, and in all things consent to the will of the land.
By grace (that is to say by favour) we are plucked out of Adam the ground of all evil, and grafted in Christ the root of all goodness. In Christ God loved us his elect and chosen, before the world began, and referred us unto the knowledge of his son and of his holy gospell, and when the gospell is preached to us he openeth our hearts, and giveth us grace to believe and putteth the spirit of Christ in us, and we know him as our father most merciful, and consent to the law, and love it inwardly in our heart, and desire to fulfill it, and sorrow because we cannot, which will (sin we of frailty never so much) is sufficient till more strength be given us, the blood of Christ hath made satisfaction for the rest: the blood of Christ hath obtained all things for us of God. Christ is our satisfaction, redeemer, deliverer, saviour from vengeance and wrath. Observe and mark in the pistels of Paul, and Peter, and the gospell and pistels of Ihon what Christ is unto us.
      ((faith, love, works))
By faith are we never with out love and good works, yet is our saving imputed neither to love nor unto good works, but unto faith only. For love and works are under the law which requireth perfection, and the ground and fountain of the heart, and damneth all imperfections. Now is faith under the promises, which damn not: but give all grace, mercy and favour, and whatsoever is contained in the promises.
      ((Righteousness other wise justifying or justice))
Righteousness is divers; Blind reason imagineth many matter of righteousnesses. As the just ministration of all manner of laws, and the observing of them, and moral virtues were in philosophers put their felicity and blessedness, which all are nothing in the sight of God. There is in like manner the justifying of ceremonies, some imagine them their own selves, some counterfeit other, saying in their blind reason: such holy persons did thus and thus, and they were holy men, therefore if I do so like wise I shall please God: but they have none answer of God, that that pleaseth. The jewes seek righteousness in their ceremonies which God gave unto them, not for to justify: but to describe and paint Christ unto them, of which jewes testifieth Paul saying how that they have affection to God: but not after knowledge, for they go about to stablish their own justice, and are not obedient to the justice or righteousness that cometh of God. The cause is verily, that except a man cast away his own imagination and reason, he cannot perceive God, and understand the virtue and power of the blood of Christ. There is the righteousness of works (as I said before) when the heart is away, they feel not how the law is spiritual and cannot be fulfilled, but from the bottom of the heart. There is a full righteousness, when the law is fulfilled from the ground of the heart. This had neither Peter nor Paul in this life perfectly: but sighed after it. They were so far forth blessed in Christ, that they hungered and thirsted after it. Paul had this thirst, he consented to the law of God, that it ought so to be, but he found an other lust in his members contrary to the lust and desire of his mind, and therefore cried out saying: Oh wretched man that I am: who shall deliver me from this body of death, thanks be to God thorow Iesus Christ. The righteousness that before God is of value, is to believe the promises of God, after the law hath confounded the conscience. As when the temporal law oft times condemneth the thief or murderer and bringeth him to execution, so that he saith nothing before him but present death, and then cometh good tidings, a charter from the King and delivereth him. Likewise when God's law hath brought the sinner into knowledge of him self, and hath confounded his conscience, and opened unto him the wrath and vengeance of God, then cometh good tidings, the Evangelion sheweth unto him the promises of God in Christ, and how that Christ hath purchased pardon for him hath satisfied the law for him, and appeased the wrath of God, and the poor sinner believeth, laudeth and thanketh God, thorow Christ, and breaketh out into exceeding inward joy and gladness, for that he hath escaped so great wrath, so heavy vengeance, so fearful and so everlasting a death, and he hence forth is an hungered, and at thirst after more righteousness, that he might fulfill the law, and mourneth continually commending his weakness unto God in the blood of our saviour Christ Iesus.
    Here shall ye see compendiously and
plainly set out
       the order and practice of every thing
afore rehearsed.
         (Adam bringeth us to bondage.)
The fall of Adam hath made us heirs of the vengeance and wrath of God, and heirs of eternal damnation; And hath brought us into captivity and bondage under the devil; And the devil is our lord, and our ruler, our head, our governor, our prince, yee and our god. And our will is locked and knit faster unto the will of the devils, then cond an hundred thousand chains bind a man unto a post. Unto the devils' will consent we, with all our hearts, with all our minds, with all our might, power, strength, will and lust. With what poisoned, deadly, and venomous hate, hateth a man his enemy; With how great malice of mind inwardly do we slay and murder; With what violence and rage, ye and with how fervent lust commit we advoutry, fornication, and such like uncleanness: with what pleasure and delectation inwardly serveth a glutton his belly; With what diligence deceive we; How busily seek we things of the world; Whatsoever we do, think, or imagine, is abominable in the sight of God. And we are as it were asleep in so deep blindness, that we can neither see, nor feel in what misery, thralldom, and wretchedness we are in, till Moses come and wake us, and publish he the law. When we hear the law truly preached, how that we ought to love and honour God with all our strength and might, from the low bottom of the heart: and our neighbours (yee our enemies.) as our selves inwardly from the ground of the heart, and to do whatsoever God biddeth, and abstain from whatsoever God forbiddeth, with all love and meekness, with a fervent and a burning lust, from the center of the heart, then beginneth the conscience to rage against the law, and against God; No less (be it never so great a tempest) is so unquiet. It is not possible for a natural man to consent to the law, that it should be good, or that God should be righteous, which maketh the law. Man's wit, reason, and will, are so fast glued, yee nailed and chained unto the will of the devil. Neither can any creature lowse the bonds, save the blood of Christ.
          (( Christ letteth us at liberty ))
This is the captivity and bondage whence Christ delivered us, redeemed, and lowsed us. His blood, his death, his patience, in suffering rebukes and wrongs, his prayers and fastings, his meekness and fulfilling of the utmost point of the law, appeased the wrath of God, brought the favor of God to us again, obtained that God should love us first, and be our father, and that a merciful father, that will consider our infirmities and weakness, and will give us his spirit again (which was taken away in the fall of Adam) to rule govern and strength us, and to break the bonds of Satan, where in we were so strait bound.
          ((The evangleion bringeth faith, faith bringeth love: love worketh))
When Christis thus wise preached, and the promises rehearsed, which are contained in the prophets, in the psalms, and in divers places of the five books of Moses: then the hearts of them which are elect and chosen, begin to meek soft, and to melt at the bounteous mercy of God, and kindness shewed of Christ. For when the evangelion is preached, the spirit of God entereth in to them which God hath ordained and appointed unto eternal life, and openeth there inward eyes, and worketh such belief in them.
When the wofull consciences feel and taste how sweet a thing the bitter death of Christ is, and how merciful and loving God is through Christ's purchasing and merits; They begin to love again, and to consent to the law of God, how that it is good, and ought so to be, and that God is righteous which made it; And desire to fulfill the law, even as a sick man desireth to be whole, and are anhungered, and athirst after more righteousness, and after more strength, to fulfill the law more perfectly. And in all that they do, or omit and leave undone, they seek God's honour, and his will with meekness, ever condemning the unperfectness of their deeds by the law.
      ((Christ bringeth all goodness freely, and giveth an ensample how to be stow in godly.))
Now Christ stondeth us in double sted, and serveth us two manner ways. First he is our redeemer, deliverer, reconciler, mediator, intercessor, advocate, attorney, solicitor, our hope, comfort, shield, protection, defender, strength, health, satisfaction, and salvation. His blood, his death, all that he ever did, is ours. And Christ him self, with all that he is or can do, is ours. His blood sheding and all that he did, doeth me as good service, as though I my self had done it. And God (as great as he is) is mine with all that he hath, thorow Christ and his purchasing.
Secondarily after that we be overcome with love and kindness, and now seek to do the will of God (which is a christen man's nature) Then have we Christe an ensample to counterfeit, as saith Christ him self in Ihon: I have given you an ensample. And in an other evangelist, he saith; He that will be great among you shall be your servant and minister, as the son of man came to minister and not to be ministered onto.
 ((Faith receiveth of God, and love bestoweth the same on his neighbour.))
And Paul saith: Counterfeit Christ. And Peter saith: Christ died for you, and left you an ensample to follow his steps. Whatsoever therefore faith hath received of God thorow Christ's blood and deserving, that same must love shed out everywhere, and bestow it on our neighbours unto their profit, yee and that though they be our enemies. By faith we receive of God, and by love we shed out again. And that must we do freely after the ensample of Christ with out any other respect, save our neighbour's wealth only, and neither look for reward in earth, nor yet in heaven for our deeds: but of pure love must we bestow ourselves, all that we have, and all that we are able to do, even on our enemies to bring them to God, considering nothing but their wealth, as Christ did ours.
 ((A true christyn man believeth that heaven is his already by Christ's purchasing,
And therefore loveth, and worketh, to honour God only, and to draw all things to God.))
Christ did not his deeds to obtain heaven thereby (that had been a madness) heaven was his already, he was heir thereof, it was his by inheritance: but did them freely for our sakes, considering no thing but our wealth, and to bring the favour of God to us again, and us to God. As no natural son that is his father's heir, doeth his father's will because he would be heir, that he is already by birth: his father gave him that yer he was born, and is lothther that he should go with out it, then he himself hath wit to be: but of pure love doeth he that he doeth. And ask him why he doeth any thing that he doeth, he answereth: my father bade, it is my father's will, it pleaseth my father. Bond servants work for hire, Children for love. For their father with all he hath, is theirs already. So doeth a christen man freely all that he doeth, considereth nothing but the will of God, and his neighbour's wealth only. If I live chaste, I do it not to obtain heaven thereby. For then should I do wrong to the blood of Christ: Christ's blood hath obtained me that, Christ's merits have made me heir thereof. He is both door and way thither wards. Neither that I look for an heir room in heaven, then they shall have which live in wedlock, other then a hoar of the stews (if she repent) for that were the pride of lucifer: But freely to wait on the evangelion, and to serve my brother with all, even as one hand helpeth another, or one member another, because one feeleth another's grief, and the pain of the one is the pain of the other. Whatsoever is done to the least of us (whether it be good or bad) it is done to Christ. And whatsoever is done to my brother (if I be a christen man) that same is done to me: neither doeth my brother's pain grieve me less then mine own. If it were not so: how saith Paul: let him that rejoiceth, rejoice in the Lord: that is to say Christ, which is lord over all creatures. If my merits obtained me heaven, or an higher room there, then had I where in I might rejoice besides the Lord.
      ((To bynd and lowse.))
Here see ye the nature of the law, and the nature of the evangelion. How the Law bindeth and damneth all men, and the Evangelion lowseth them again. The law goeth before, and the evangelion followeth. When a preacher preacheth the Law, he bindeth all consciences, and when he preacheth the Gospell, he loveth them again. These two salves (I mean the Law and the Gospell) useth God and his preacher to heal and cure sinners withall. The law driveth out the disease, and maketh it appear, and is a sharp salve, and a fretting coursey, and killeth the deed fleshly, and lowseth and draweth the sores out by the roots, and all corruption. It pulleth from a man the trust and confidence that he hath in him self, and in his own works, merits, deservings and ceremonies. It killeth him, sendeth him down to hell, and bringeth him to utter desperation, and prepareth the way of the lord, as it is written of Ihon the Baptist: for it is not possible that Christ should come to a man, as long as he trusteth in him self, or in any worldly thing. Then cometh the Evengelion, a more gentle plaster, which sowpleth, and swageth the wounds of the conscience, and bringeth health. It bringeth the spirit of God, which lowseth the honds of satan, and coupleth us to God and his will thorow strong faith and fervent love, with bonds too strong for the devil, the world, or any creature to lowse them.
    ((A christen man feeleth the working of the holy ghost in his soul:
    and in all tribulations and adversities fealeth God a merciful father and a loving.))
And the poor and wretched sinner feeleth so great mercy, love, and kindness in God, that he is sure in him self how that it is not possible that God should forsake him, or withdraw his mercy and love from him. And boldly crieth out with Paul saying: Who shall separate us from the love that God loveth us withall? That is to say: what shall make me believe that God loveth me not? Shall tribulation? Anguish? Persecution? Shall hunger? Nakedness? Shall a sword? Nay, I am sure that neither death, nor life, neither angel, neither rule, nor power, neither present things, nor things to come, neither high nor low, neither any creature able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Iesu our lord. In all such tribulations a Christen man perceiveth that God is his father, and loveth him, even as he loved Christ when he shed his blood on the cross. Finally, as before, when I was bond to the devil and his will, I wrought all manner evil and wickedness, not for hell's sake which is there ward of sin, but be cause I was heir of hell by birth and bondage to the devil, did I evil. For I would none other ways do; to do sin was my nature. Even so now since I am coupled to God by Christ's blood, do I well, not for heaven's sake: but be cause I am heir of Heaven by grace and Christ's purchasing, and have the spirit of God, I do good freely, for so is my nature. As a good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and an evil tree evil fruit. By the fruits shall ye know what the tree is: a man's deeds declare what he is within but make him neither good nor bad &c. We must be first evil yer we do evil, as a serpent is first poisoned yer he poison. We must be also good yer we do good yer we do good, as the fire must be first hot yer it warm any thing. Take an ensample. As those blind which are cured in the evangelion, could not see till Christ had given them sight; And deaf could not hear, till Christ had given them hearing; And those sick could not do the deeds of an whole man, till Christ had given them health: So can no man do good in his soul, till Christ have lowsed him out of the bonds of satan, and have given him where with to do good, yee and first have poured into him that self good thing which he sheddeth forth afterward on other. Whatsoever is our own is sin. Whatsoever is above that, is Christ's gift, purchase, doing, and working. He bought it of his father derely with his blood, yee with his most bitter death and gave his life for it. Whatsoever good thing is in us, that is given us freely with out our deserving or merits for Christ's blood's sake. That we desire to follow the will of God, it is the gift of Christ's blood. That we now hate the devil's will (where unto we were so fast locked, and could not but love it) is also the gift of Christ's blood, unto whom belongeth the praise and honour of our good deeds, and not unto us.
To the Reader.
Give diligence, reader (I exhort thee) that thou come with a pure mind, and, as the Scripture saith, with a single eye, unto the words of health and of eternal life, by the which (if we repent and believe them) we are born anew, created afresh, and enjoy the fruits of the blood of Christ. Which blood crieth not for vengeance, as the blood of Abel, but hath purchased life, love, favor, grace, blessing, and whatsoever is promised in the Scriptures, to them that believe and obey God, and standeth between us and wrath, vengeance, curse, and whatsoever the Scripture threateneth against the unbelievers and disobedient, which resist, and consent not in their hearts to the law of God, that it is right, holy, just, and ought so to be.
Mark the plain and manifest places of the Scriptures, and in doubtful places see thou add no interpretation contrary to them; but (as Paul saith) let all be conformable and agreeing to the faith.
Note the difference of the Law and of the Gospell. The one asketh and requireth, the other pardoneth and forgiveth. The one threateneth, the other promiseth all good things to them that set their trust in Christ only. The gospel signifieth glad tidings, and is nothing but the promises of good things. All is not gospel that is written in the gospel book: for if the law were away, thou couldest not know what the gospel meant, even as thou couldest not see pardon, favor, and grace except the law rebuked thee, and declared unto thee thy sin, misdeed, and trespass.
Repent and believe the gospel, as saith Christ in the first of Mark. Apply alway the Law to thy deeds, whether thou find lust (1) in the bottom of thine heart to the law-ward, and so shalt thou no doubt repent, and feel in thyself a certain sorrow, pain, and grief to thine heart, because thou canst not with full lust do the deeds of the law. Apply the gospel that is to say the promises unto the deserving of Christ, and to the mercy of God and his truth, and so shalt thou not despair, but shall feel God as a kind and a merciful father. And his spirit shall dwell in thee, and shall be strong in thee, and the promises shall be given thee at the last (though not by and by, lest thou shouldest forget thyself, and be negligent) and all threatenings shall be forgiven thee for Christ's blood's sake to whom commit thyself altogether without respect either of thy good deeds or of thy bad.
Them that are learned Christianly I beseech forasmuch as I am sure, and my conscience beareth me record, that of a pure intent, singly and faithfully I have interpreted it, as far forth as God gave me the gift of knowledge and understanding that the rudeness of the work now at the first time offend them not, but that they consider how that I had no man to counterfeit, neither was helped with English of any that had interpreted the same or such like things in the Scripture beforetime. Moreover, even very necessity and cumbrance (God is record) above strength which I will not rehearse, lest we should seem to boast ourselves caused that many things are lacking which necessarily are required. Count it as a thing not having his full shape, but as it were born before his time, even as a thing begun rather than finished. In time to come (if God have appointed us thereunto) we will give it his full shape, and put out if aught be added superfluously, and add to if aught be overseen through negligence, and will enforce to bring to compendiousness that which is now translated at the length, and to give light where it is required, and to seek in certain places more proper English, and with a table to expound the words which are not commonly used and shew how the Scripture useth many words which are otherwise understood of the common people, and to help with a declaration where one tongue taketh not another; and will endeavor ourselves, as it were, to seeth (2) it better, and to make it more apt for the weak stomachs; desiring them that are learned and able, to remember their duty, and to help thereunto, and to bestow unto the edifying of Christ's body (which is the congregation of them that believe) those gifts which they have received of God for the same purpose. The grace that cometh of Christ be with them that love him. Pray for us.
(1) "Lust" here is used in a good sense: eagerness to obey.
(2) "Seeth" means "boil, cook."
as it was written, and
caused to be written,
by them which heard it. To whom
also our saviour
Christ Iesus
commanded that
they should preach it unto all
The Books Contained in the new Testament
i The gospell of Saynct Mathew
ij The gospell of S. Marke
iij The gospell of S. Luke
iiij The gospell of S. Ihon
iv The acts of the apostles written by S. Luke
vj The epistel of S. Paul to the Romans
vij The first epistel of S. Paul to the Corrinthians
viij The second epistel of S. Paul to the Corrinthians
ix The pistel of S. Paul to the Galathians.
x The pistel of S. Paul to the Ephesians.
xj The pistel of S. Paul to the Philippians
xij The pistel of S. Paul to the Collossians
xiij The first pistel of S. Paul to the Tessalonians
xiiij The second pistel of S. Paul to the Tessalonians
xv The first pistel of S. Paul to Timothe.
xvj The second pistel of S. Paul to Timothe.
xvij The pistel of S. Paul to Titus
xviij The pistel of S. Paul unto Philemon
xix The first pistel of S. Peter
xx The second pistel of S. Peter
xxj The first pistel of S. Ihon
xxij The second pistel of S. Ihon
xxiij The third pistel of S. Ihon
The pistel unto the Ebrues
The pistle of S. Iames
The pistle of Iude
The revelation of Ihon.
The first Chapter.
This is the book of the generation of Iesus Christ the son of David, the son also of Abraham.
Abraham begat Isaac:
Isaac begat Iacob:
Iacob begat Iudas and his brethren:
Iudas begat Phares: and Zaram of Thamar:
Phares begat Esrom:
Esrom begat Aram:
Aram begat Aminadab:
Aminadab begat Naasson:
Naasson begat Salmon:
Salmon begat Boos of Rahab:
Boos begat Obed of Ruth:
Obed begat Iesse:
Iesse begat David the king:
 David the king begat Solomon, of her that was the wife of Ury:
Solomon begat Roboam:
Roboam begat Abia:
Abia begat Asa:
Asa begat Iosaphat:
Iosaphat begat Ioram:
Ioram begat Osias:
Osias begat Ioatham:
Ioatham begat Athas:
Athas begat Ezechias:
Ezechias begat Manasses:
Manasses begat Amon:
Amon begat Iosias:
Iosias begat Iechonias and his brethren about the time of the captivity of Babylon.
After they were led captive to Babylon, Iechonias begat Salathiel:
Salathiel begat Zorobabel:
Zorobabel begat Abiud:
Abiud begat Eliachim:
Eliachim begat Azor:
Azor begat Sadoc:
Sadoc begat Achin:
Achin begat Eliud:
Eliud begat Eleasar:
Eleasar begat Matthan:
Matthan begat Iacob:
Iacob begat Ioseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born that Iesus which is called Christ.
All the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations. And from David unto the captivity of Babylon, are fourteen generations. And from the captivity of Babylon unto Christ, are also fourteen generations.
The birth of Christ was on this wise, when his mother Mary was married unto Ioseph, before they came to dwell together, she was found with child by the holy ghost. Then her husband Ioseph being a perfect man, and loth to defame her, was minded to put her away secretly. While he thus thought, behold, the angel of the lord appeared unto him in sleep saying: Ioseph the son of David, fear not to take unto thee, Mary thy wife. For that which is conceived in her, is of the holy ghost. She shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Iesus. For he shall save his people from their sins.
All this was done to fulfil that which was spoken of the lord, by the prophet saying: Behold a maid shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shalt call his name Emanuel, which is as much to say, by interpretation, as God with us.
Ioseph as soon as he awoke out of sleep, did as the angel of the lord bade him, and took his wife unto him, and knew her not, till she had brought forth her first son, and called his name Iesus.
The Second Chapter.
When Iesus was born in Bethlehem a town of Iury, in the time of king Herod, behold, there came wise men from the east to Ierusalem saying: Where is he that is born king of the jewes? We have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.
Herod the king, after he had heard this, was troubled, and all Ierusalem with him, and he sent for all the chief priests and scribes of the people, and demanded of them where Christ should be born. They said unto him: in Bethlehem a town of Iury. For thus it is written by the prophet: And thou Bethlehem in the land of Iury, shalt not be the least as pertaining to the princes of Iuda. For out of thee shall come a captain, which shall govern my people Israhel.
Then Herod privily called the wise men, and diligently enquired of them, the time of the star that appeared. And sent them to Bethlehem saying: when ye be come thither search diligently for the child. And when ye have found him bring me word, that I may come and worship him also. When they had heard the king, they departed, and lo the star which they saw in the east went before them, until it came and stood over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were marvellously glad. And entered into the house, and found the child with Mary his mother, and kneeled down and worshipped him, and opened their treasures, and offered unto him gifts, gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And after they were warned in their sleep, that they should not go again to Herod, they returned into their own country another way.
After that they were departed, lo the angel of the lord appeared to Ioseph in his sleep saying: arise and take the child and his mother, and fly into Egypt, and abide there till I bring thee word. For Herod will seek the child to destroy him. Then he arose, and took the child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt, and was there unto the death of Herod, to fulfil that which was spoken of the lord, by the prophet, which saith: out of Egypt have I called my son.
Then Herod perceiving that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, as many as were two year old and under, according to the time which he had diligently searched out of the wise men.
Then was fulfilled, that which was spoken by the prophet Ieremy, saying: On the hills was a voice heard, mourning, weeping, and great lamentation. Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they were not.
When Herod was dead, lo an angel of the lord appeared unto Ioseph in Egypt saying: arise and take the child and his mother, and go into the land of Israhel. For they are dead, which sought the child's death. Then he arose up, and took the child and his mother, and came into the land of Israhel. But when he heard that Archelaus did reign in Iury, in the room of his father Herod, he was afraid to go thither. Notwithstanding after he was warned in his sleep, he turned aside into the parts of Galilee, and went and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, to fulfil, that which was spoken by the prophets: He shall be called of Nazareth.
The third Chapter.
In those days Ihon the Baptizer, came and preached in the wilderness of Iury saying: repent, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. This is he of whom it is spoken by the prophet Isay, which saith: The voice of a crier in wilderness, prepare the lorde's way, and make his paths straight.
This Ihon had his garment of camel's hair, and a girdle of a skin about his loins. His meat was locusts and wild honey. Then went out to him Ierusalem, and all Ieury, and all the region round about Iordan, and were baptised of him in Iordan, knowledging their sins.
When he saw many of the pharisees and of the Saduces come to his baptism, he said unto them: O generation of vipers, who hath taught you to flee from the vengeance to come? bring forth therefore the fruits belonging to repentance. And see that ye once think not to say in yourselves, we have Abraham to our father. For I say unto you, that God is able of these stones, to raise up children unto Abraham. Even now is the axe put unto the root of the trees: so that every tree which bringeth not forth, good fruit, shall be hewn down, and cast into the fire.
I baptise you in water, in token of repentance, but he that cometh after me, is mightier than I: whose shoes I am not worthy to bear. He shall baptise you with the holy ghost, and with fire, which hath also his fan in his hand, and will purge his flour, and gather the wheat into his garner, and will burn the chaff with everlasting fire.
Then came Iesus from Galilee into Iordan to Ihon, for to be baptised of him. But Ihon forbade him saying: I ought to be baptised of thee: and comest thou too me? Iesus answered and said to him, let it be so now. For thus it becometh us, to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him. And Iesus as soon as he was baptised, came straight out of the water: And lo heaven was open unto him: and he saw the spirit of God descend like a dove, and light upon him. And lo there came a voice from heaven saying: this is that my dear son, in whom is my delight.
The fourth Chapter.
Then was Iesus led away of the spirit in to a desert, to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, at the last he was an hungered. Then came until him the tempter, and said: if thou be the son of God, command that these stones be made bread. He answered and said: it is written, man shall not live only by bread, But by every word that proceedeth out of the mought of God.
 Then the devil took him up into the holy city, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto him: if thou be the son of God, cast thyself down. For it is written, he shall give his angels charge over thee, and with their hands they shall stey thee up, that thou dash not thy foot against a stone. Iesus said to him, it is written also: thou shalt not tempt thy lord God.
The devil took him up again and led him into an exceeding high mountain, and shewed him all the kingdoms of the world, and the beauty of them, and said unto him: all these will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then said Iesus unto him, avoid Satan. For it is written, thou shalt worship thy lord God, and him only, shalt thou serve.
Then the devil left him, and lo the angels came and ministered unto him.
When Iesus had heard that Ihon was taken, he departed into Galilee, and left Nazareth, and went and dwelt in Capernaum, which is a city upon the sea, in the coasts of Zabulon and Nephthalim, to fulfil that which was spoken by Isay the prophet, saying: Behold the land of Zabulon and Nephthalim, the way of the sea beyond Iordan, Galilee of the Gentiles, the people which sat in darkness, saw great light. And to them which sat in the region and shadow of death, light is sprong.
From that time Iesus began to preach, and to say: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
As Iesus walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw two brethren: Simon which was called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea (for they were fishers) and he said unto them, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.
And he went forth from thence, and saw other two brethren, Iames the son of Zebedee, and Ihon his brother in the ship, with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and called them. And they without tarrying left the ship and their father and followed him.
And Iesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness, and all manner diseases among the people. And his fame spread abroad throughout all Syria. And they brought unto him all sick people, that were taken with divers diseases and gripings, and them that were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, and those that had the palsy. And he healed them. And there followed him a great number of people, from Galilee, and from the ten cities, and from Ierusalem, and from Iury, and from the regions that lie beyond Iordan.
The fifth Chapter.
When he saw the people he went up into a mountain, and when he was set, his disciples came to him, and he opened his mouth, and taught them saying: Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which hunger and thirst for righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the maintainers of peace: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall falsely say all manner of evil sayings against you for my sake. Rejoice, and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven. For so persecuted they the prophets which were before your days.
Ye are the salt of the earth: but and if the salt be once unsavory, what can be salted there with? It is thence forth good for nothing, but to be cast out at the doors, and that men tread it under feet. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill, cannot be hid, neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, and it lighteth all them which are in the house. See that your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven.
Ye shall not think, that I am come to disannul the law, other the prophets: no I am not come to disannul them, but to fulfil them. For truly I say unto you, till heaven and earth perish, one iott, or one tytle of the law shall not scape, till all be fulfilled.
Whosoever breaketh one of these least commandments, and teacheth men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But whosoever shall observe and teach them, that person shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
For I say unto you except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and pharisees, ye cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Ye have heard how it was said unto them of the old time: Thou shalt not kill. Whosoever shall kill, shall be in danger of judgement. But I say unto you, whosoever is angry with his brother, shall be in danger of judgement. Whosoever shall say unto his brother raca, shall be in danger of a council. But whosoever say unto his brother thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. Therefore when thou offerest thy gift at the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath anything against thee: leave there thine offering before the altar, and go thy way first and reconcile thyself to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.
Agree with thine adversary at once, whiles thou art in the way with him, lest thine adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the minister, and then thou be cast into prison. I say unto thee verily: thou shalt not come out thence till thou have paid the utmost farthing.
Ye have heard how it was said to them of old time, thou shalt not commit advoutry. But I say unto you, that whosoever eyeth a wife, lusting after her, hath committed advoutry with her already in his heart.
Wherefore if thy right eye offend thee, pluck him out, and cast him from thee. Better it is for thee that one of thy members perish than that thy whole body should be cast into hell. Also if thy right hand offend thee, cut him off and cast him from thee. Better it is that one of thy members perish, than that all thy body should, be cast into hell.
It is said, whosoever put away his wife, let him give her a testimonial of her divorcement. But I say unto you: whosoever put away his wife, (except it be for fornication) causeth her to break matrimony. And whosoever marrieth her that is divorced, breaketh wedlock.
Again ye have heard, how it was said to them of old time, thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform thine oath to God. But I say unto you swear not at all: neither by heaven, for it is God's seat: nor yet by the earth, for it is his footstool: Neither by Ierusalem, for it is the city of that great king: neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one white hair, or black: But your communication shall be, yea, yea: nay, nay. For whatsoever is more than that, cometh of evil.
Ye have heard how it is said, an eye for an eye: a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you, that ye withstand not wrong: But if a man give thee a blow on thy right cheek, turn to him the other. And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take thy coat from thee, let him have thy cloak also. And whosoever will compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh: and from him that would borrow turn not away.
Ye have heard how it is said: thou shalt love thine neighbor, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, love your enemies. Bless them that curse you. Do good to them that hate you. Pray for them which do you wrong, and persecute you, that ye may be the children of your heavenly father: for he maketh his sun to arise, on the evil, and on the good, and sendeth his rain on the just and unjust. For if ye shall love them, which love you: what reward shall ye have? Do not the publicans even so? And if ye be friendly to your brethren only: what singular thing do ye? Do not the publicans likewise? Ye shall therefore be perfect, even as your heavenly father is perfect.
The sixth Chapter.
Take heed to your alms. That ye give it not in the sight of men, to the intent that ye would be seen of them. Or else ye get no reward of your father in heaven. Whensoever therefore thou givest thine alms, thou shalt not make a trumpet to be blown before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues, and in the streets, for to be praised of men. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward. But when thou doest thine alms, let not thy left hand know, what thy right hand doth, that thine alms may be secret, and thy father which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.
And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues, and in the corners of the streets, because they would be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward. But when thou prayest, enter into thy chamber, and shut thy door to thee, and pray to thy father which is in secret: and thy father which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.
But when ye pray, babble not much, as the gentiles do: for they think that they shall be heard, for their much babbling's sake. Be ye not like them therefore. For your father knoweth whereof ye have need, before ye ask of him. After this manner therefore pray ye.
O our father, which art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Let thy kingdom come. Thy will be fulfilled, as well in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, even as we forgive them which trespass us. Lead us not in to temptation: but deliver us from evil, [For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory for ever.] Amen. For and if ye shall forgive other men their trespasses, your father in heaven shall also forgive you. But and ye will not forgive men their trespasses, no more shall, your father forgive your trespasses.
Moreover when ye fast, be not sad as the hypocrites are. For they disfigure their faces, that it might appear unto men that they fast. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward. But thou when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face, that it appear not unto men how that thou fastest: but unto thy father which is in secret: and thy father which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.
Gather not treasure together on earth, where rust and moths corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. But gather ye treasures together in heaven, where neither rust, nor yet moths corrupt: and where thieves neither break up, nor yet steal. For wheresoever your treasure is, there are your hearts also.
The light of the body is thine eye. Wherefore if thine eye be single, all thy body is full of light. But and if thine eye be wicked, then is all thy body full of darkness. Wherefore if the light that is in thee, be darkness: how great is that darkness?
No man can serve two masters. For either he shall hate the one, and love the other: or else he shall lean to the one, and despise that other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I say unto you, be not careful for your life what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, nor yet for your body, what raiment ye shall wear. Is not the life more worth then meat? and the body more of value then raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither reap, nor yet carry into the barns, and yet your heavenly father feedeth them. Are ye not better than they?
Which of you (though he took thought therefore) could put one cubit unto his stature? And why care ye then for raiment? Behold the lilies of the field, how they grow. They labor not, neither spin. And yet for all that I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his royalty, was not arrayed like unto one of these. Wherefore if God so clothe the grass, which is today in the field, and tomorrow shall be cast into the furnace: shall he not much more do the same unto you, o ye of little faith?
Therefore take no thought saying: what shall we eat, or what shall we drink, or wherewith shall we be clothed? (After all these things seek the gentiles) For your heavenly father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But rather seek ye first the kingdom of heaven, and the righteousness thereof, and all these things shall be ministered unto you. Care not therefore for the day folowing. For the day folowing shall care for itself. Each days trouble is sufficient for the sameself day.
The .vij. Chapter.
Judge not lest ye be judged. For as ye judge, so shall ye be judged. And with what measure ye mete, with the same shall it be measured to you again. Why seest thou a mote in thy brother's eye, and perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or why sayest thou to thy brother: suffer me to pluck out a mote out of thine eye, and behold a beam is in thine own eye. Hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pluck out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
Give not that which is holy to dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they tread them under their feet, and the other turn again and all to rent you.
Ask and it shall be given you: Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. For whosoever asketh receiveth, and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened. Is there any man among you which would proffer his son a stone if he asked him bread? Or if he asked fish, would he proffer him a serpent? If ye then which are evil, can give to your children good gifts: how much more shall your father, which is in heaven, give good things, to them that ask of him?
Therefore whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, even so do ye to them. This is the law and the prophets.
Enter in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction: and many there be, which go in thereat. For strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life: and few there be, that find it.
Beware of false prophets, which come to you, in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns? Or figs of briars? Even so every good tree, bringeth forth good fruit. But a corrupt tree, bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth bad fruite: nor yet a bad tree can bring forth good fruit. Every tree, that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not all they that say unto me, master, master, shall enter in to the kingdom of heaven: But he that fulfilleth my father's will which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, master, master, have we not in thy name prophesied? and in thy name have we not cast out devils? and in thy name have we not done many miracles. And then will I knowledge unto them, that I never knew them. Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity.
Whosoever heareth of me these sayings, and doeth the same, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house on a rock: and abundance of rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that same house, and it was not overthrown because it was grounded on the rock. And whosoever heareth of me these sayings, and doth not the same, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand, and abundance of rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it was overthrown, and great was the fall of it.
And it came to pass, that when Iesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonied at his doctrine. For he taught them as one having power, and not as the scribes.
The .viij. Chapter.
When Iesus was come down from the mountain, much people followed him. And lo, there came a leper, and worshipped him saying: master, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. He put forth his hand and touched him saying: I will, be clean, and immediately his leprosy was cleansed. And Iesus said unto him. See thou tell no man, but go and shew thyself to the priest and offer the gift, that Moses commanded to be offered in witness to them.
When Iesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a certain Centurion, beseching him, and saying: master, my servant lieth sick at home of the palsy, and is grievously pained. And Iesus said unto him: I will come and cure him. The Centurion answered and said: Sir, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under the roof of my house, but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. For I also myself am a man under power, and have soldiers under me, and I say to one, go, and he goeth: and to another, come, and he cometh: and to my servant, do this, and he doeth it. When Iesus heard these sayings: he marvelled, and said to them that followed him: Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith: no, not in Israell. I say therefore unto you, that many shall come from the east and west, and shall rest with Abraham, Isaac, and Iacob, in the kingdom of heaven: and the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into the utmost darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then Iesus said unto the Centurion, go thy way, and as thou believed so be it unto thee. And his servant was healed that same hour.
And Iesus went to Peter's house, and saw his wife's mother lying sick of a fever, and he touched her hand, and the fever left her: and she arose, and ministered unto them.
When the even was come they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils, and he cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all that were sick, to fulfil that which was spoken by Esay the prophet saying: he took on him our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.
When Iesus saw much people about him, he commanded to go over the water. And there came a scribe and said unto him: master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest. And Iesus said unto him: the foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the son of the man hath not whereon to lay his head: Another that was one of his Disciples said unto him: master suffer me first, to go and bury my father. But Iesus said unto him: follow me, and let the dead bury their dead.
And he entered into a ship, and his Disciples followed him. And lo there arose a great storm in the sea, insomuch, that the ship was hid with waves, and he was asleep. And his Disciples came unto him, and awoke him, saying: master, save us, we perish. And he said unto them: why are ye fearful, o ye endowed with little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there followed a great calm. And men marvelled and said: what man is this, that both winds and sea obey him?
And when he was come to the other side, into the country of the Gergesites, there met him two possessed of devils, which came out of the graves, and were out of measure fierce, so that no man might go by that way. And lo they cried out saying: O Iesu the son of God, what have we to do with thee? art thou come hither to torment us before the time be come? There was a good way off from them a great herd of swine feeding. Then the devils besought him saying: if thou cast us out, suffer us to go our way into the herd of swine. And he said unto them: go your ways. Then went they out, and departed into the herd of swine. And lo, all the herd of swine was carried with violence headlong into the sea, and perished in the water. Then the herdsmen, fled and went their ways into the city, and told everything, and what had fortuned unto them that were possessed of the devils. And lo, all the city came out, and met Iesus. And when they saw him they besought him, to depart out of their coasts.
The .ix. Chapter.
And he entered into a ship: and passed over and came into his own city. And lo, they brought unto him a man sick of the palsy, lying in his bed. And when Iesus saw their faith, he said to the sick of the palsy: son be of good cheer, thy sins be forgiven thee. And lo certain of the scribes said in themselves, he blasphemeth. And when Iesus saw their thoughts, he said: wherefore think ye evil in your hearts? Whether is easier to say, thy sins be forgiven thee, or to say: arise and walk? That ye may know, that the son of man hath power to forgive sins in earth, then said he unto the sick of the palsy: arise, take up thy bed, and go home to thine house. And he arose and departed to his house. The people that saw it, marvelled and glorified God, which had given such power to men.
And as Iesus passed forth from thence he saw a man sit at the receit of custom named Matthew, and said to him: follow me. And he arose and followed him. And it came to pass, that Iesus sat at meat in his house. And lo, many publicans and sinners, came and sat down also with Iesus, and his disciples. When the pharisees had perceived that, they said unto his disciples: why eateth your master with publicans and sinners? When Iesus heard that, he said unto them: The whole need not the physician, but they that are sick. Go and learn, what that meaneth: I have pleasure in mercy, and not in offering. For I am not come to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance.
Then came the disciples of Ihon to him, saying: why do we and the pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not? And Iesus said unto them: can the wedding children mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The time will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast. No man pieceth an old garment with a piece of new cloth. For then taketh he away the piece again from the garment, and the rent is made worse. Neither do men put new wine, into old vessels: for then the vessels break, and the wine runneth out, and the vessels perish. But they pour new wine into new vessels, and so are both saved together.
While he thus spake unto them, lo, there came a certain ruler, and worshipped him saying: my daughter is dead already, but come, and lay thy hand on her, and she shall live. And Iesus arose and followed him, with his disciples. And behold, a woman which was diseased with an issue of blood xij. years, came behind him and touched the hem of his vesture. For she said in herself: If I may touch but even his vesture only I shall be safe. Iesus turned him about, and beheld her, saying: daughter be of good comfort, thy faith hath made thee safe. And she was made whole even that same hour.
And when Iesus came into the ruler's house, and saw the minstrels and the people wondering, he said unto them: Get you hence, for the maid is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn. As soon as the people were put forth adoors, he went in and took her by the hand, and the maid arose. And this was noised throughout all that land.
And as Iesus departed thence, two blind men followed him crying, and saying: O thou son of David, have mercy on us. And when he was come into the house, the blind came to him. And Iesus said unto them believe ye that I am able to do this? they said unto him yea master. Then touched he their eyes saying: according to your faith, be it unto you. And their eyes were opened. And he charged them, saying: see that no man know of it. But they as soon as they were departed, spread abroad his name through out all the land.
As they went out, behold, they brought to him a dumb man possessed of a devil. And as soon as the devil was cast out, the dumb spake. And the people marvelled, saying: it never so appeared in Israhel. But the pharisees said: he casteth out devils, by the power of the chief devil.
And Iesus went about all cities and towns, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospell of the kingdom. And healing all manner sickness and disease among the people. But when he saw the people, he had pity on them, because they were pined away, and scattered abroad even as sheep, having no shepherd. Then said he to his disciples: the harvest is great, but the laborers are few. Wherefore pray the harvest lord, to send forth laborers into his harvest.
The .x. Chapter.
And he called his xij. disciples unto him, and gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sicknesses, and all manner of diseases.
The names of the xij. apostles are these. The first Simon which is called Peter: and Andrew his brother. Iames the son of Zebedee, and Ihon his brother. Philip and Bartholomew. Thomas and Matthew the publican. Iames the son of Alphe and Lebbeus, otherwise called Thaddeus. Simon of Chane, and Iudas Iscariot, which also betrayed him.
These xij. sent Iesus, and commanded them saying: Go not into the ways that lead to the gentiles, and in to the cities of the samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israhel. Go and preach saying: how the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out the devils. Freely ye have received, freely give again. Possess not gold, nor silver, neither brass in your girdles, nor yet scrip towards your journey. Neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet a rod: for the workman is worthy to have his meat. Into whatsoever city, or town ye shall come, enquire who is worthy in it, and there abide till ye go thence.
And when ye come into an house greet the same. And if the house be worthy, your peace shall come upon the same. But if it be not worthy, your peace shall return to you again. And whosoever shall not receive you, nor will hear your preaching, when ye depart out of that house, or that city, shake off the dust of your feet. Truly I say unto you, it shall be easier for the land of Sodom, and Gomorra, in the day of judgement, than for that city.
Lo I send you forth, as sheep among wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and innocent as doves. Beware of men, for they shall deliver you up to the councils, and shall scourge you in their synagogues. And ye shall be brought to the head rulers and kings for my sake, in witness to them and to the gentiles.
But when they put you up take no thought, how, or what ye shall speak, for it shall be given you even in that same hour, what ye shall say. For it is not ye that speak, but the spirit of your father which speaketh in you. The brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son. And the children shall arise against their fathers, and mothers, and shall put them to death, and ye shall be hated of all men, for my name. But whosoever shall continue unto the end, shall be saved.
When they persecute you in one city, fly into another. I tell you for a truth, ye shall not finish all the cities of Israhel, till the son of man be come. The disciple is not above his master: Nor yet the servant above his lord. It is enough for the disciple to be as his master is, and that the servant be as his lord is. If they have called the lord of the house beelzebub: how much more shall they call them of his household so? Fear them not therefore.
There is nothing so close, that shall not be opened, and nothing so hid, that shall not be known.
What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light. And what ye hear in the ear that preach ye on the house tops.
And fear ye not them which kill the body, and be not able to kill the soul. But rather fear him, which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And none of them doth light on the ground, without your father. And now are all the hairs of your heads numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value, than many sparrows.
Whosoever therefore knowledgeth me before men, him will I knowledge before my father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my father which is in heaven.
Think not, that I am come to send peace into the earth. I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law: And a man's foes shall be, they of his own household.
He that loveth his father, or mother more than me, is not worthy of me. And he that loveth his son, or daughter more than me, is not meet for me. And he that taketh not his cross and followeth me, is not meet for me. He that findeth his life, shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake, shall find it.
He that receiveth you, receiveth me: and he that receiveth me, receiveth him that sent me. He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet, shall receive a prophet's reward. And he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man, shall receive the reward of a righteous man. And whosoever shall give unto one of these little ones to, drink a cup of cold water only, in the name of a disciple: I tell you of a truth, he shall not lose his reward.
The .xj. Chapter.
And it came to pass when Iesus had ended his precepts unto his disciples, he departed thence, to preach and teach in their cities.
When Ihon being in prison heard the works of christ, he sent two of his disciples and said unto him. Art thou he that shall come: or shall we look for another. Iesus answered and said unto them. Go and shew Ihon what ye have heard and seen. The blind see, the halt go, the lepers are cleansed: The deaf hear, the dead are raised up again, and the gospel is preached to the poor. And happy is he that is not hurt by me.
Even as they departed, Iesus began to speak unto the people of Ihon. What went ye for to see in the wilderness? went ye out to see a reed wavering with the wind? other what went ye out for to see? went ye to see a man clothed in soft raiment? Behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings' houses. But what went ye out for to see? went ye out to see, a prophet? Yea I say unto you, and more than a prophet. For this is he of whom it is written. Behold, I send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee.
Verify I say unto you, among the children of women arose there not a greater than Ihon baptist. Notwithstanding he that is less in the kingdom of heaven, is greater than he. From the time of Ihon baptist hitherto, the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and they that make violence pulleth it to them. For all the prophets, and the law prophesied unto the time of Ihon. Also if ye will receive it, this is Helyas, which should come. He that hath ears to hear whithall, let him hear.
But whereunto shall I liken this generation? it is like unto children, which sit in the market, and call unto their fellows, and say: we have piped unto you, and ye have not danced, we have mourned unto you, and ye have not sorrowed. For Ihon came, neither eating nor drinking, and they say, he hath the devil. The son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, behold a glutton, and drinker of wine, and a friend unto publicans, and sinners. And wisdom is justified of her children.
Then began he to upbraid the cities, in which most of his miracles were done, because they did not repent. Woe be to thee Chorasin. Woe be to thee Bethsaida, for if the miracles which were shewed in you, had been done in Tyre and in Sidon: they had repented long agone in sackcloth and ashes. Nevertheless I say to you, it shall be easier for Tyre and Sidon, at the day of judgement, than for you. And thou Capernaum, which art lift up unto heaven, shalt be thrust down to hell. For if the miracles which have been done in thee, had been shewed in Sodom, they had remained to this day. Nevertheless I say unto you, it shall be easier for Sodom in the day of judgement, than for thee. Then Iesus answered and said. I praise thee o father lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast opened them unto babes, even so father, for so it pleased thee. All things are given unto me of my father. And no man knoweth the son, but thy father neither knoweth any man the father, save the son, and he to whom the son will open him.
Come unto me all ye that labor, and are laden, and I will ease you. Take my yoke on you, and learn of me, for I am meek, and lowly in heart: and ye shall find ease unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
The .xij. Chapter.
In that time went Iesus on the sabbath day thorow the corn, and his disciples were anhungered, and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat. When the pharisees had seen that, they said unto him: Behold thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the sabbath day. He said unto them: Have ye not read what David did, when he was anhungered, and they also which were with him? How he entered into the house of God, and ate the hallowed loaves, which were not lawful for him to eat, neither for them which were with him, but only for the priests. Or have ye not read in the law, how that the priests in the temple break the sabbath day, and yet are blameless? But I say unto you, that here is one greater than the temple. Wherefore if ye had wist, what this saying meaneth: I require mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would never have condemned innocents. For the son of man is lord even of the Sabbath day.
And he departed thence, and went into their synagogue, and behold, there was a man, which had his hand dried up. And they asked him saying: is it lawful to heal upon the sabbath day? because they might accuse him. And he said unto them: which is he among you, if he had a sheep fallen into a pit on the sabbath day, that would not take him and lift him out? And how much is a man better then a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do a good deed on the sabbath day. Then said he to the man: stretch forth thy hand, and he stretched forth, and it was again made even as whole as the other.
Then the pharisees went forth, and took council against him, how they might destroy him. When Iesus knew that, he departed thence, and much people followed him, and he healed them all. and charged them, that they should not make him known, to fulfil that which was spoken by Esay the prophet, which sayeth: Behold my son, whom I have chosen, my darling, in whom my soul hath had delight. I will put my spirit on him, and he shall shew judgement to the gentiles. He shall not strive, he shall not cry, neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets, a bruised reed, shall he not break, and flax that beginneth to burn he shall not quench, till he send forth judgement unto victory, and in his name shall the gentiles trust.
Then was brought to him, one possessed with a devil which was both blind and dumb, and he healed him, insomuch that he which was blind and dumb, both spake and saw. And all the people were amazed, and said: Is not this the son of David? When the pharisees heard that, they said: he driveth the devils no other wise out, but by the help of belzebub the chief of the devils.
But Iesus knew their thoughts, and said to them. Every kingdom divided with in itself shall be desolate. Neither shall any city or household divided against itself, continue. So if satan cast out satan, then is he divided against him self. How shall then his kingdom endure? Also if I by the help of belzebub cast out devils: by whose help do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges: But if I cast out the devils by the spirit of God: then is the kingdom of God come on you?
Either how can a man enter into a mighty man's house, and violently take away his goods, except he first bind the strong man, and then spoil his house? He that is not with me, is against me: And he that gathereth not with me, scattereth abroad. Wherefore I say unto you, all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men, but the blasphemy against the holy ghost, shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the holy ghost, it shall not be forgiven him: no, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.
Either make the tree good, and his fruit good also, or else make the tree evil, and his fruit evil also. For the tree is known by his fruit. O generation of vipers, how can ye say well, when ye yourselves are evil? For of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart, bringeth forth good things. And an evil man out of his evil treasure, bringeth forth evil things. But I say unto you, that of every idle word, that men shall have spoken, they shall give accounts at the day of judgement. For by thy words thou shalt be justified: and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
Then answered certain of the scribes and of the pharisees saying: Master, we would fain see a sign of thee. He answered them saying: the evil and advoutrous generation seeketh a sign, but there shall no sign be given to them, but the sign of the prophet Ionas. For as Ionas was iij days, and iij nights, in the whale's belly: so shall the son of man be iij days and iij nights in the heart of the earth. The men of Nineveh shall rise at the day of judgement, with this nation, and condemn them: for they repented at the preaching of Ionas. And behold a greater than Ionas is here. The queen of the south shall rise at the day of judgement with this generation, and shall condemn them: for she came from the utmost parts of the world, to hear the wisdom of Solomon. And behold here is a greater than Solomon.
When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh throughout dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he sayeth: I will return again into my house, from whence I came out. And when he is come, he findeth the house empty and swept, and garnished. Then he goeth his way, and taketh vij. spirits worse than him self, and so enter they in and dwell there. And the end of that man is worse than the beginning. Even so shall it be to this froward nation.
While he yet talked to the people: behold, his mother and his brethren stood without the doors, desiring to speak with him. Then one said unto him: behold thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee.
He answered and said to him that told him: Who is my mother? or who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand over his disciples, and said: Behold my mother and my brethren. For whosoever fulfilleth my father's will which is in heaven, he is my brother, my sister, and my mother.
The .xiij. Chapter.
The same day went Iesus out of the house, and sat by the sea side, and much people resorted unto him, so greatly that he went, and sat in a ship, and all the people stood on the shore. And he spake many things to them in similitudes, saying: Behold, the sower went forth to sow, and as he sowed, some fell by the ways side, and the fowls came, and devoured it up. Some fell upon stony ground where it had not much earth, and anon it sprong up, because it had no depth of earth: and when the sun was up, it caught heat, and for lack of rooting withered away. Some fell among thorns, and the thorns arose, and choked it. Part fell in good ground, and brought forth good fruit: some an hundred fold, some fifty {or sixty} fold, some thirty fold. Whosoever hath ears to hear, let him hear.
And his disciples came, and said to him: Why speakest thou to them in parables? He answered and said unto them: It is given unto you to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. For whosoever hath, to him shall be given: and he shall have abundance. But whosoever hath not: from him shall be taken away even that same that he hath. Therefore speak I to them in similitudes: for though they see, they see not: and hearing they hear not: nether understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esay, which prophecy saith: with your ears ye shall hear, and shall not understand, and with your eyes ye shall see, and shall not perceive. For this people's heart is waxed gross: And their ears were dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed, lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their hearts, and should turn, that I might heal them.
But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. Verily I say unto you, that many prophets and perfect men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them: and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. Hear ye therefore the similitude of the sower. When a man heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, there cometh the evil man, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. And this is he which was sown by the way side. But he that was sown in the stony ground is he, which heareth the word of God, and anon with joy receiveth it, yet hath no roots in himself, and therefore dureth but a season: for as soon as tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he falleth. He that was sown among thorns, is he, that heareth the word of God, but the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and so is he made unfruitful. He which is sown in the good ground, is he, that heareth the word and understandeth it, which also beareth fruit and bringeth forth, some an hundred fold, some fifty {or sixty} fold, and some thirty fold.
Another similitude put he forth, unto them saying: The kingdom of heaven is like unto a man which sowed good seed in his field. But while men slept, there came his foe, and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. When the blade was sprung up, and had brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. The servants came to the householder, and said unto him: Sir sowest not thou good seed in thy close, from whence then hath it tares? He said to them, the envious man hath done this. Then the servants said unto him: wilt thou then that we go and gather it? and he said, nay, lest while ye go about to weed out the tares, ye pluck up also with them the wheat by the roots: let both grow together till harvest come, and in time of harvest, I will say yea unto my reapers, gather ye first the tares, and bind them in sheaves to be brent: but gather the wheat into my barn.
Another parable he put forth unto them saying. The kingdom of heaven is like unto a grain of mustard seed, which a man taketh and soweth in his field, which is the least of all seeds. But when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and is a tree: so that the birds of the air come, and build in the branches of it.
Another similitude said he to them. The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven which a woman took and hideth in iij pecks of meal, till all was leavened.
All these things spake Iesus unto the people by similitudes, and without similitudes spake he nothing to them, to fulfil that which was spoken by the prophet saying: I will open my mouth in similitudes, and will speak forth things which have been kept secret from the beginning of the world.
Then sent Iesus the people away, and came to house, and his disciples came unto him, saying: declare unto us the similitude of the tares of the field: Then answered he and said to them. He that soweth the good seed, is the son of man, the field is the world. The children of the kingdom are the good seed. The evil man's children are the tares. But the enemy which soweth it, is the devil. The harvest is the end of the world, and the reapers be the angels. For even as the tares are gathered, and brent in the fire: so shall it be in the end of this world. The son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that do hurt, and all them which do iniquity, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire. There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the just men shine as bright as the son in the kingdom of their father. whosoever hath ears to hear, let him hear.
Again the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in the field, the which a man found and hid it: and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.
Again the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant, seeking good pearls, which when he had found one precious pearl, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.
Again the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net cast into the sea, that gathereth of all kinds of fishes: the which when it is full, men draw to land, and sit and gather the good into their vessels and cast the bad away. So shall it be at the end of the world. The angels shall come and sever the bad from the good, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire, there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Iesus said unto them: have ye understood all these things: they said, yea sir. Then said he unto them: Therefore every scribe which is conning unto the kingdom of heaven, is like an householder, which bringeth forth, out of his treasure, things both new and old.
And it came to pass when Iesus had finished these similitudes that he departed thence, and came in to his own country, and taught them in their synagogues, in so much that they were astonied, and said: whence came all this wisdom and power unto him? is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren be called, Iames and Ioses and Simon and Iudas? and are not his sisters all here with us? Whence hath he all these things. And they were hurt by him. Then Iesus said unto them: there is no prophet without honour, save in his own country, and among his own kin. And he did not many miracles there, for their unbelief's sake.
The .xiiij. Chapter.
In that time Herod the tetrarcha heard of the fame of Iesu, and said unto his servants: This is Ihon baptist, he is risen again from death, and therefore his power is so great. For Herod took Ihon and bound him, and put him in prison for Herodias' sake, his brother Philip's wife: for Ihon said unto him: it is not lawful for thee to have her. And when he would have put him to death, he feared the people, because they counted him as a prophet.
When Herode's birthday was come, the daughter of Herodias danced before them, and pleased Herod. Wherefore he promised with an oath, that he would give her whatsoever she would ask. And she being informed of her mother before, said give me here Ihon baptist's head in a platter. And the King sorrowed: nevertheless for his oath's sake, and for their sakes which sat also at the table, he commanded it to be given her. And sent and beheaded Ihon in the prison: and his head was brought in a platter, and given to the damsel, and she brought it to her mother. And his disciples came, and took up his body, and buried it: And went and told Iesus.
When Iesus heard that, he departed thence by ship into a desert place out of the way. And when the people had heard thereof, they followed him afoot out of their cities. And Iesus went forth and saw much people: and his heart did melt upon them, and he healed of them those that were sick. When even was come, his disciples came to him saying. This is a desert place, and the day is spent, let the people depart that they may go into the towns, and buy them vitailles. But Iesus said unto them: They have no need to go away: Give ye them to eat. Then said they unto him: we have here but v. loaves, and two fishes. He said: bring them hither to me. And he commanded, the people to sit down on the grass, and took the v. loaves, and the ij. fishes, and looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. And they all ate, and were sufficed. And they gathered up of the gobbets that remained xij baskets full. They that ate were in number about v. M. men, besides women and children.
And straightway Iesus made his disciples enter into a ship, and to go over before him, while he sent the people away. And as soon as he had sent the people away, he went up into a mountain alone to pray. And when night was come he was there himself alone. and the ship was in the middes of the sea, and was tossed with waves, for it was a contrary wind. In the fourth watch of the night Iesus came unto them walking on the sea: and when his disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were amazed, saying: it is some spirit, and cried out for fear. And straightway Iesus spake unto them saying: be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid.
Peter answered, and said: master, and thou be he, bid me come unto thee on the water. and he said come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Iesus. But when he saw a mighty wind, he was afraid. And as he began to sink, he cried saying: master save me. And immediately Iesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said to him: O thou of little faith: wherefore didst thou doubt? And as soon as they were come into the ship, the wind ceased. Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him, saying: of a truth thou art the son of God. And when they were come over, they went in to the land of Genazareth. And when the men of that place had knowledge of him, they sent out into all that country round about, and brought unto him all that were sick, and besought him, that they might touch the border of his vesture only. And as many as touched it, were made safe.
The .xv. Chapter.
Then came to Iesus: scribes and pharisees from Ierusalem, saying: why do thy disciples transgress the traditions of the seniors? for they wash not their hands, when they eat bread. He answered, and said unto them: why do ye also transgress the commandment of God, thorow your traditions? for God commanded, saying: honour thy father and mother, and he that speaketh evil against his father or mother, shall suffer death. But ye say, every man shall say to his father or mother: whatsoever thing I offer, that same doth profit thee, and so shall he not honour his father and mother. And thus have ye made, that the commandment of God is with out effect, through your traditions. Hypocrites, well prophesied of you, Esay saying: This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouths, and honoureth me with their lips, yet their hearts are far from me: but in vain they worship me teaching doctrine, which is nothing but men's precepts.
And he called the people unto him, and said to them: hear and understand. That which goeth into the mouth, defileth not the man: but that which cometh out of the mouth, defileth the man.
Then came his disciples, and said unto him: perceivest thou, how that the pharisees are offended hearing this saying? He answered, and said: all plants which my heavenly father hath not planted, shall be plucked up by the roots. Let them alone, they be the blind leaders of the blind. If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Then answered Peter and said to him: declare unto us this parable. Then said Iesus: are ye yet withouten understanding: perceive ye not, that whatsoever goeth in at the mouth, descendeth down into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, breaking of wedlock, whoredom, theft, false witness bearing, blasphemy. These are the things which defile a man. But to eat with unwashen hands, defileth not a man.
And Iesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon. And behold a woman which was a Canaanite came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying: have mercy on me lord the son of David, my daughter is piteously vexed with a devil. And he gave her never a word to answer. Then came to him his disciples, and besought him saying: send her away, for she followeth us crying. He answered, and said: I am not sent, but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israhel. Then she came and worshipped him, saying: master succor me. He answered and said: it is not good, to take the children's bread, and to cast it to whelps. She answered and said: it is truth, nevertheless the whelps eat of the crumbs, which fall from their masters' table. Then Iesus answered and said unto her. O woman great is thy faith, be it to thee, even as thou desirest. And her daughter was made whole even at that same time.
Then Iesus went away from thence, and came nigh unto the sea of Galilee, and went up in to a mountain, and sat down there. And much people came unto him, having with them, halt, blind, dumb, maimed, and other many: and cast them down at Iesus' feet. And he healed them, in so much that the people wondered, to see the dumb speak, the maimed whole, and the halt to go, the blind to see, and glorified the God of Israhel.
Iesus called his disciples to him and said: I have compassion on the people because they have continued with me now iij days, and have nothing to eat: and I will not let them depart fasting lest they perish in the way. And his disciples said unto him: whence should we get so much bread in the wilderness as should suffice so great a multitude? And Iesus said unto them: how many loaves have ye? and they said: seven and a few fishes. And he commanded the people to sit down on the ground. And took the seven loaves, and the fishes, and gave thanks, and brake them, and gave to his disciples, and his disciples gave them to the people. And they all ate and were sufficed. And they took up of the broken meat that was left vij baskets full. They that ate were iiij M men, beside women and children. And he sent away the people, and took ship and came into the parts of Magdala.
The .xvj. Chapter.
Then came to him the pharisees with the sadducees also, and did tempt him, desiring that he would shew them some sign from heaven. He answered and said unto them: At even ye say, we shall have fair weather, and that because the sky is red: in the morning: ye say, today shall be foul weather, and that because the sky is tremulous and red. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the fashion of the sky: and can ye not discern the signs of the times? The froward nation, and advoutrous, seeketh a sign: there shall none other sign be given unto them, but the sign of the prophet Ionas. So left he them and departed.
And when his disciples were come to the other side of the water, they had forgotten to take bread with them. Then Iesus said unto them: Take heed and beware of the leaven of the pharisees and of the sadducees. They thought among themselves saying: we have brought no bread with us. When Iesus understood that, he said unto them. O ye of little faith, why are your minds cumbered because ye have brought no bread? Do ye not yet perceive, neither remember those v loaves when there were v M men, and how many baskets took ye up? Neither the vij loaves, when there were iiij M: and how many baskets took ye up? Why perceive ye not then, that I spake not unto you of bread, when I said, beware of the leaven of the pharisees and of the sadducees? Then understood they, how that he bade not them beware of the leaven of bread: but of the doctrine of the pharisees, and of the sadducees.
When Iesus came into the coasts of the city which is called Cesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples saying: whom do men say that I the son of man am? They said, some say that thou art Ihon baptist, some Helyas, some Ieremias, or one of the prophets. He said unto them, but whom say ye that I am? Simon Peter answered, and said: Thou art Christ the son of the living God. And Iesus answered and said to him: happy art thou Simon the son of Ionas, for flesh and blood have not opened unto thee that, but my father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter. And upon this rock I will build my congregation: and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee, the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever thou bindest upon earth, it shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou lowsest on earth, it shall be lowsed in heaven.
Then he charged his disciples, that they should tell no man, that he was Iesus Christ. From that time forth, Iesus began to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Ierusalem, and suffer many things of the seniors, and of the high priests, and of the scribes, and must be killed, and rise again the third day. Peter took him aside, and began to rebuke him saying: master favor thy self, this shall not come unto thee. Then turned he about, and said unto Peter: go after me Satan, thou offendest me, because thou perceivest not godly things: but worldly things.
Iesus then said to his disciples. If any man will follow me, let him forsake himself, and take up his cross and follow me. For whosoever will save his life, shall loose it. And whosoever shall loose his life for my sake, shall find it. What shall it profit a man, if he should win all the whole world: so he loose his own soul? Or else what shall a man give to redeem his soul again withall? For the son of man shall come in the glory of his father, with his angels, and then shall he reward every man according to his deeds. Verily I say unto you, some there be among them that here stand, which shall not taste of death, till they shall have seen the son of man come in his kingdom.
The .xvij. Chapter.
And after vj days Iesus took Peter and Iames and Ihon his brother, and brought them up into an high mountain out of the way, and was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his clothes were as white as the light. And behold there appeared unto them Moses and Helyas talking with him. Then answered Peter, and said to Iesus: master here is good being for us. If thou wilt, let us make here iij tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Helyas. While he yet spake, behold a bright cloud shadowed them. And lo a voice out of the cloud said: This is my dear son, in whom I delight, hear him. And when the disciples heard that, they fell on their faces, and were sore afraid. And Iesus came and touched them, and said: arise and be not afraid. Then lift they up their eyes, and saw no man, but Iesus only.
And as they came down from the mountain, he charged them saying, see that ye shew this vision to no man, til the son of man be risen again from death. And his disciples asked of him, saying: Why then say the scribes, that Helias must first come? Iesus answered, and said unto them: Helias shall first come, and restore all things. And I say unto you, that Helias is come already: And they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they lusted. In likewise shall also the son of man suffer of them. Then his disciples perceived that he spake unto them of Ihon baptist.
And when they were come to the people, there came to him a certain man, and kneeled down to him saying: Master have mercy on my son, for he is frantic, and is sore vexed. And ofttimes falleth into the fire, and oft into the water, and I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not heal him. Iesus answered and said: O generation faithless and crooked: how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him hither to me. And Iesus rebuked the devil, and he came out. And the child was healed even that same hour.
Then came his disciples secretly and said: Why could not we cast him out? Iesus said unto them, because of your unbelief. For I say verily unto you, if ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye should say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place, and he should remove: Neither should any thing be unpossible for you to do. But this kind, goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.
While they passed the time in Galilee, Iesus said unto them: the son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of men, and they shall kill him, and the third day he shall rise again. And they sorrowed greatly.
When they were come to Capernaum: They that were wont to gather poll money, came to Peter and said: Doth your master pay tribute? He said: yea. And when he was come into the house, Iesus spake first to him, saying: What thinkest thou Simon? of whom do the kings of the earth take tribute, or poll money? of their children, or of strangers? Peter said unto him, of strangers. Then said Iesus unto him again. Then are the children free. Nevertheless, lest we should offend them, go to the sea and cast in thine angle, and take the fish that first cometh up: and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of twelve {or twenty} pence, that take and pay for me and thee.
The .xviij. Chapter.
The same time the disciples came to Iesus saying: who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? Iesus called a child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, and said: Verily I say unto you, except ye turn, and become as children, ye cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven: whosoever therefore: shall submit himself: as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whosoever receiveth such a child in my name, receiveth me. But whosoever offend one of these little ones, which believe in me: it were better for him, that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe be unto the world because of evil occasions. It is necessary that evil occasions be given, nevertheless woe be to that man, by whom evil occasion cometh. Wherefore if thy hand, or thy foot, give thee an occasion of evil: cut him off, and cast him from thee. It is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than thou shouldest having two hands, or two feet, be cast into everlasting fire. And if also thine eye offend thee, pluck him out and cast him from thee. It is better for thee, to enter into life with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hellfire.
See that ye despise not one of these little ones. For I say unto you, that in heaven their angels behold the face of my father, which is in heaven. Yea and the son of man is come to save that which is lost. How think ye? If a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them should go astray, will he not leave ninety and nine in the mountains, and go and seek that one which is gone astray? If it happen that he find him, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, then of the ninety and nine which went not astray. Even so it is not the will of your father in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.
Moreover if thy brother trespass against thee. Go and tell him his fault between him and thee alone. If he hear thee, thou hast won thy brother: but if he hear thee not, then take yet with thee one or two, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses, all things may stand. If he hear not them, tell it unto the congregation: if he hear not the congregation, take him as an heathen man, and as a publican. Verily I say unto you whatsoever ye bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven. And whatsoever ye lowse on earth, shall be lowsed in heaven.
Again I say unto you that if two of you shall agree in earth in any manner thing whatsoever they shall desire: it shall be given them of my father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Then came Peter to him, and said: master, how oft shall my brother trespass against me, and I shall forgive him? shall I forgive him seven times? Iesus said unto him: I say not unto thee seven times: but seventy times seven times. Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take accounts of his servants, and when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which ought him ten thousand talents: but when he had nought to pay, the lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and his children: and all that he had, and payment to be made. The servant fell down and besought him saying: Sir, give me respite, and I will pay it every whit. Then had the lord pity on that servant, and lowsed him, and forgave him the debt.
The same servant went out and found one of his fellows, which ought him an hundred pence. And laid hands on him, and took him by the throat, saying: pay that thou owest. And his fellow fell down, and besought him, saying: have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. And he would not, but went and cast him into prison, till he should pay the debt. When his other fellows saw what was done, they were very sorry, and came and told unto their lord all that had happened. Then the lord called him, and said unto him. O evil servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou praydest me: was it not mete also, that thou shouldest have had compassion on thy fellow, even as I had pity on thee? And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the jailers, till he should pay all that was due to him. So likewise shall your heavenly father do unto you, if ye will not forgive with your hearts, each one to his brother their trespasses.
The .xix. Chapter.
And it followed when Iesus had finished those sayings, he gat him from Galilee, and came into the coasts off Iewry beyond Iordan, and much people followed him, and he healed them there. Then came unto him the pharisees to tempt him, and said to him: Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for all manner of causes? He answered, and said unto them: Have ye not read, how that he which made man at the beginning, made them man and woman? and said: for this thing, shall a man leave father and mother, and cleave unto his wife, and they twain shall be one flesh. Wherefore now are they not twain, but one flesh. Let not man therefore put asunder, that which God hath coupled together. Then said they to him: why did Moses command to give unto her a testimonial of divorcement, and to put her away? He said unto them: Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: But from the beginning it was not so. I say therefore unto you, whosoever putteth away his wife (except it be for fornication) and marrieth another, breaketh wedlock. And whosoever marrieth her which is divorced, doth commit advoutry.
Then spake his disciples to him: if the matter be so between man and wife, then is it not good to marry. He said unto them: all men cannot away with that saying: but they to whom it is given. There are chaste, which were so born out of their mother's belly. And there are chaste, which be made chaste of men. And there be chaste, which have made themselves chaste for the kingdom of heavens' sake. He that can take it let him take it.
Then were brought to him young children, that he should put his hands on them and pray. And his disciples rebuked them. Iesus said unto them: suffer the children, and forbid them not to come to me, for unto such belongeth the kingdom of heaven. And when he had put his hands on them, he departed thence. And behold one came, and said unto him: good master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? He said unto him: why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, and that is God. But and thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. He said: Which? And Iesus said: thou shalt not kill: thou shalt not break wedlock. Thou shall not steal: thou shalt not bear false witness. Honour father and mother: and thou shalt love thine neighbor as thyself. The young man said unto him: I have observed all these things from my youth, what have I more to do? Iesus said unto him: if thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give it to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come and follow me. When the young man heard that saying, he went away mourning. For he had great possessions.
Iesus said then unto his disciples: Verily I say unto you, a rich man shall with difficulty enter into the kingdom of heaven. And moreover I say unto you: it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of Heaven. When his disciples heard that, they were exceedingly amazed, saying: who then can be saved? Iesus beheld them, and said unto them: with men this is unpossible, but with God all things are possible.
Then answered Peter, and said to him: Behold, we have forsaken all and have followed thee: what shall we have therefore? Iesus said unto them: verily I say unto you: that ye which have followed me in the second generation (when the son of man shall sit in the seat of his majesty) shall sit also upon xij seats, and judge the xij tribes of Israhel. And whosoever forsaketh house, or brethren, or sisters, other father, or mother, or wife, or children, or livelihood, {or lands,} for my name's sake, the same shall receive an hundred fold, and shall inherit everlasting life. Many that are first, shall be last, and the last, shall be first.
The .xx. Chapter.
For the kingdom of heaven is like unto an householder which went out early in the morning to hire laborers into his vineyard. And he agreed with the laborers for a penny a day and sent them into his vineyard. And he went out about the third hour, and saw other standing idle in the market place, and said unto them: go ye also into my vineyard, and whatsoever is right, I will give you: and they went their way. Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise. And he went out about the eleventh hour and found other standing idle, and said unto them: Why stand ye here all the day idle? They said unto him: because no man hath hired us. He said to them: go ye also into my vineyard, and whatsoever shall be right, that shall ye receive.
When even was come, the lord of the vineyard, said unto his steward: call the laborers, and give them their hire, beginning at the last, till thou come to the first. And they which were hired about the eleventh hour, came and received every man a penny. Then came the first, supposing that they should receive more, and they likewise received every man a penny. And when they had received it, they grudged against the good man of the house saying: These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us which have borne the burden and heat of the day.
He answered to one of them, saying: friend I do thee no wrong: didst thou not agree with me for a penny? Take that which is thy duty, and go thy way. I will give unto this last, as much as to thee. Is it not lawful for me to do as me listeth with mine own? Is thine eye evil because I am good? So the last shall be first, and the first shall be last. For many are called, and few be chosen.
And Iesus ascended to Ierusalem, and took the xij disciples apart in the way, and said to them: Lo we go up to Ierusalem, and the son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests, and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death, and shall deliver him to the gentiles, to be mocked, to be scourged, and to be crucified: and the third day he shall rise again.
Then came to him the mother of Zebedee's children with her sons worshipping him, and desiring a certain thing of him. He said unto her: What wilt thou have? She said unto him: Grant that these my two sons may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand in thy kingdom.
Iesus answered, and said: Ye wot not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of? And to be baptised with the baptism, that I shall be baptised with? They answered to him: That we are. He said unto them: Ye shall drink of my cup, and shall be baptised with the baptism that I shall be baptised with all. But to sit on my right hand, and on my left hand, is not mine to give you: but to them for whom it is prepared of my father.
And when the ten heard this, they disdained at the two brethren. But Iesus called them unto him, and said: Ye know, that the lords of the gentiles have domination over them. And they that are great, exercise power over them. It shall not be so among you: But whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister, and whosoever will be chief, let him be your servant. Even as the son of man came, not to be ministered unto, but to minister: and to give his life for the redemption of many.
And as they departed from Hiericho, much people followed him. And behold, two blind men sitting by the wayside, when they heard, that Iesus passed by, cried saying: Master the son of David have mercy on us. And the people rebuffed them, because they should hold their peace: But they cried the more, saying: have mercy on us master which art the son of David. Then Iesus stood still, and called them, and said: what will ye that I should do to you? They said unto him: Master, that our eyes may be opened. Iesus pitied them, and touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received sight: And they followed him.
The .xxj. Chapter.
When they drew nigh unto Ierusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto mount Olivet, then sent Iesus two of his disciples, saying to them: Go into the town that lieth over against you, and anon ye shall find an ass bound, and her colt with her, loose them and bring them unto me. And if any man say ought unto you, say ye that your master hath need of them, and straight way he will let them go. All this was done, to fulfil that which was spoken by the prophet, saying: Tell ye the daughter of Sion: behold thy king cometh unto thee meek, sitting upon an ass and a colt, the foal of an ass used to the yoke. The disciples went, and did as Iesus commanded them, and brought the ass and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and set him thereon. Many of the people spread their garments in the way. Other cut down branches from the trees, and strawed them in the way. Moreover the people that went before, and they also that came after, cried saying: Hosianna to the son of David. Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the lord, Hosianna in the highest.
And when he was come into Ierusalem, all the city was moved, saying: who is this? And the people said: this is Iesus the prophet of Nazareth a city of Galilee. And Iesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that bought and sold in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves. And said to them: it is written, mine house shall be called the house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves. And the blind and the halt came to him in the temple, and he healed them.
When the chief priests and scribes saw, the marvels that he did, and the children crying in the temple and saying, Hosianna to the son of David, they disdained, and said unto him: hearest thou what these say? Iesus said unto them: have ye never read, of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast ordained praise? And he left them, and went out of the city unto Bethany, and passed the time there.
In the morning as he returned into the city again, he hungered, and spied a fig tree in the way, and came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said to it, never fruit grow on thee hence forwards. And anon the fig tree withered away. And when his disciples saw that, they marvelled saying: How soon is the fig tree withered away? Iesus answered, and said unto them: Verily I say unto you, if ye shall have faith, and shall not doubt, ye shall not only do that which I have done to the fig tree: but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, take thyself away, and cast thyself into the sea, it shall be done. And whatsoever thing ye shall ask in your prayers if ye believe, ye shall receive it.
And when he was come into the temple, the chief priests and the seniors of the people came unto him as he was teaching, and said: by what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this power? Iesus answered, and said unto them: I also will ask of you a certain question, which if ye assoil me, I in like wise will tell you by what authority I do these things. Whence was the baptism of Ihon? from heaven, or of men? And they thought in themselves, saying: if we shall say, from heaven, he will say unto us: why did ye not then believe him? But and if we shall say of men, then fear we the people. For all men held Ihon as a prophet. And they answered Iesus, and said: we cannot tell. He likewise said unto them: neither tell I you by what authority I do these things. What say ye to this? A certain man had ij sons, and came to the elder saying: go and work today in my vineyard. He answered and said, I will not: but afterward repented and went. Then came he to the second, and said likewise, and he answered and said: I will sir: yet went he not. Whether of these ij fulfilled their father's will? And they said unto him: the first. Iesus said unto them: verily I say unto you, that the publicans and the harlots shall come into the kingdom of God before you. For Ihon came unto you, in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not. But the publicans and the whores believed him. But ye (though ye saw it) yet were not moved with repentance, that ye might afterward have believed him.
Hearken another similitude. There was a certain householder, which set a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and made a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a strange country. And when the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen, to receive the fruits of it, and the husbandmen caught his servants, and beat one, killed another, and stoned another. Again he sent other servants more than the first, and they served them likewise. But last of all, he sent unto them his own son, saying: they will fear my son. When the husbandmen saw his son, they said among themselves: This is the heir, come on let us kill him, and let us take his inheritance to ourselves. And they caught him and thrust him out of the vineyard, and slew him. When the lord of the vineyard cometh: what will he do with those husbandmen? They said unto him: he will evil destroy those evil persons, and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall deliver him his fruit at times convenient.
Iesus said unto them: did ye never read in the scriptures? The same stone which the builders refused, is set in the principal part of the corner: this was the lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. Therefore say I unto you, the kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and shall be given to the Gentiles which shall bring forth the fruits of it. And whosoever shall fall on this stone, shall be alto broken. And whosoever this stone shall fall upon, he shall grind him to powder. And when the chief priests and pharisees heard these similitudes they perceived that he spake of them. And they went about to lay hands on him, but they feared the people, because they counted him as a prophet.
The .xxij. Chapter.
And Iesus answered and spake unto them again, in similitudes, saying:
The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain King, which married his son, and sent forth his servants, to call them that were bid to the wedding, and they would not come. Again he sent forth other servants, saying: tell them which are bidden: Lo I have prepared my dinner, mine oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready, come unto the marriage. They made light of it, and went their ways: one to his firm place, another about his merchandise, the remnant took his servants and intreated them ungoodly, and slew them. When the king heard that, he was wroth, and sent forth his warriors and destroyed those murderers, and burnt up their city.
Then said he to his servants: The wedding was prepared: but they which were bidden thereto, were not worthy. Go ye therefore out into the highways, and as many as ye find, bid them to the marriage. The servants went out into the ways, and gathered together as many as they could find, both good and bad, and the wedding was furnished with guests. The king came in, to visit the guests, and spied there a man which had not on a wedding garment, and said unto him: friend, how camest thou in hither, and * hast not on a wedding garment? and he was even speechless. Then said the king to his ministers: take and bind him hand and foot, and cast him into utter darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called and few be chosen.
Then went the pharisees and took counsel, how they might tangle him in his words. And sent unto him their disciples with Herod's servants, saying: Master, we know that thou art true, and that thou teachest the way of God truly, neither carest for any man, for thou considerest not men's estate. Tell us therefore: how thinkest thou? is it lawful to give tribute unto Cesar, or not? Iesus perceived their wickedness, and said: Why tempt ye me ye hypocrites? let me see the tribute money. And they took him a penny. And he said unto them: whose is this image and superscription? They said unto him: Cesar's. Then said he unto them: Give therefore to Cesar, that which is Cesar's: and give unto God, that which is God's. When they heard that they marvelled, and left him and went their way.
The same day the sadducees came to him (which say that there is no resurrection) and they asked him saying: Master, Moses bade, if a man die having no children, that the brother marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. There were with us seven brethren, the first married and died without issue, and left his wife unto his brother. Likewise the second and the third, unto the seventh: Last of all the woman died also. Now in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the vij? for all had her. Iesus answered and said unto them: ye are deceived, and know not what the scripture meaneth, nor yet the virtue of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are married: but are as the angels of God in heaven.
As touching the resurrection of the dead: have ye not read what is said unto you of God, which sayeth: I am Abraham's God, and Isaac's God, and the God of Iacob? God is not the God of the dead: but of the living. And when the people heard that, they were astonied at his doctrine.
When the pharisees had heard, how that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they drew to gether, and one of them which was a doctor of law asked him a question tempting him and saying: Master which is the great commandment in the law? Iesus said unto him: thou shalt love thy lord God with all thine heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and that great commandment. And there is another like unto this. Thou shalt love thine neighbor as thyself. In these two commandments, hang all the law and the prophets.
While the pharisees were gathered together Iesus asked them saying: what think ye of Christ? whose son is he? they said unto him: the son of David. He said unto them: how then doth David in spirit call him lord, saying? The lord said to my lord, sit on my right hand: till I make thine enemies thy footstool. If David call him lord: how is he then his son? And none of them could answer him again one word. Neither durst any from that day forth, ask him any more questions.
The .xxiij. Chapter.
Then spake Iesus to the people, and to his disciples, saying: The scribes and the pharisees sit in Moses' seat, whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do: but after their works do not: for they say, and do not. Yea and they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders: but they themselves will not heave them with one finger. All their works they do, for to be seen of men. They set abroad their phylacteries, and make large borders on their garments, and love to sit uppermost at feasts, and to have the chief seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the markets and to be called of men Rabbi.
But ye shall not suffer yourselves to be called Rabbi, for one is your master, that is to wit Christ, and all ye are brethren. And call ye no man your father upon the earth, for one is your father, and he is in heaven. Be not called masters, for one is your master, and he is Christ. He that is greatest among you, shall be your servant. But whosoever exalteth himself, shall be brought low. And he that submiteth himself, shall be exalted.
Woe be unto you scribes and pharisees dissemblers, for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven before men: ye yourselves go not in, neither suffer ye them that come to enter in.
Woe be unto you scribes and pharisees, for ye devour widows' houses, and that under a colour of praying long prayers, wherefore ye shall receive greater damnation.
Woe be unto you scribes and pharisees hypocrites, for ye compass sea and land, to bring one into your belief: and when ye have brought him ye make him two fold more the child of hell, than ye yourselves are.
Woe be unto you blind guides, for ye say: whosoever swear by the temple, it is nothing: but whosoever swear by the gold of the temple, he is debtor. Ye fools and blind? whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold. And whosoever sweareth by the altar it is nothing: but whosoever sweareth by the offering that lieth on the altar is debtor. Ye fools and blind: whether is greater the offering, or the altar which sanctifieth the offering? whosoever therefore sweareth by the altar, sweareth by it, and by all that thereon is. And whosoever sweareth by the temple sweareth by it, and by him that dwelleth therein. And he that sweareth by heaven, sweareth by the seat of God, and by him that sitteth thereon.
Woe be to you scribes and pharisees dissemblers, for ye tithe mint, annise, and cummin, and leave the weightier matters of the law undone: judgement, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to have left the other undone. Ye blind guides, which strain out a gnat, and swallow a camel.
Woe be to you scribes and pharisees hypocrites, for ye make clean the outer side of the cup, and of the platter: but within they are full of bribery and excess. Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first, that which is within the cup and the platter, that the outside may also be clean.
Woe be to you scribes, and pharisees hypocrites, for ye are like unto painted tombs which appear beautiful outwards: but are within full of dead men's bones and of all filthiness. So are ye, for outward ye appear righteous unto men, when within ye are full of dissimulation and iniquity.
Woe be unto you scribes and pharisees hypocrites, for ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchers of just men, and say: If we had been in our fathers' time, we would not have been partners with them in the blood of the prophets. So are ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them, which killed the prophets. Fulfil ye likewise the measure of your fathers: ye {yee} serpents and generation of vipers, how shall ye scape the damnation of hell?
Wherefore behold I send unto you, prophets wise men and scribes, and of them some shall ye kill and crucify, and some shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city, that all righteous blood may fall upon you, which was shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel, unto the blood of Zacharias the son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar: Verily I say unto you, all these things shall light upon this generation. Hierusalem Hierusalem which killest prophets, and stonest them which are sent to thee: how often would I have gathered thy children together, as the hen gathereth her chickens under her wings? but ye would not? behold your habitation shall be left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, ye shall not see me henceforth, till that ye say: blessed is he that cometh in the name of the lord.
The .xxiiij. Chapter.
And Iesus went out and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him, for to shew him the building of the temple. Iesus said unto them: see ye not all these things? Verily I say unto you: There shall not be here left one stone upon another, that shall not be destroyed.
And as he sat upon the mount Olivet, his disciples came unto him secretly saying: Tell us, when this shall be? and what sign shall be of thy coming, and of the end of the world? and Iesus answered, and said unto them: take heed that no man deceive you, for many shall come in my name saying: I am Christ: and shall deceive many.
Ye shall hear of wars, and of the noise of wars, but see that ye be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and realm against realm: and there shall be pestilence, and hunger, and earthquakes in all quarters. All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Then shall they put you to trouble, and shall kill you, and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake: and then shall many fall, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one the other, and many false prophets shall arise, and shall deceive many: and because iniquity shall have the upper hand, the love of many shall abate. But he that endureth to the end shall be safe. And this Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come.
When ye then shall see the abomination and desolation (spoken of by Daniel the prophet) stand in the holy place: whosoever readeth it, let him understand it. Then let them which be in Iury fly into the mountains. And let him which is on the housetop, not come down to take anything out of his house. Neither let him which is in the field, return back to fetch his clothes. Woe be in those days to them that are with child, and to them that give suck. But pray that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day. For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not from the beginning of the world to this time, nor shall be. Yea and except those days should be shortened, should no flesh be saved: But for the chosens' sake those days shall be shortened.
Then if any man shall say unto you: lo, here is Christ, or there is Christ: believe it not: for there shall arise false christs, and false prophets and shall give great signs and wonders. So greatly that if it were possible, even the chosen should be brought into error. Take heed I have told you before. If they shall say unto you: lo, he is in the desert, go not forth: lo, he is in the secret places, believe not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth unto the west: so shall the coming of the son of man be. For wheresoever a dead body is, even thither will the eagles resort.
Immediately after the tribulations of those days, shall the sun be darkeneth: and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall move. And then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven. And then shall all the kindreds of the earth mourn, and they shall see the son of man come in the clouds of heaven with power and great majesty: And he shall send his angels with the great voice of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his chosen from the four winds, and from the one end of the world to the other.
Learn a similitude of the fig tree: when his branches are yet tender, and his leaves sprung, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewise when ye see all these things, be ye sure that it is near even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall perish: but my words shall abide. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no not the angels of heaven, but my father only.
As the time of Noe was, so likewise shall the coming of the son of man be. For as in the days before the flood: they did eat and drink, marry, and were married, even unto the day that Noe entered in to the ship, and knew of nothing till the flood came and took them all away. So shall also the coming of the son of man be. Then two shall be in the fields, the one shall be received, and the other shall be refused, two shall be grinding at the mill: the one shall be received, and the other shall be refused.
Wake therefore, because ye know not what hour your master will come. Of this be sure, that if the good man of the house knew what hour the thief would come: he would surely watch, and not suffer his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready, for what hour ye think least on, in the same shall the son of man come. Who is a faithful servant and wise, whom his master hath made ruler over his household, for to give them meat in season convenient? happy is that servant whom his master (when he cometh) shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you, he shall make him ruler over all his goods. But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, my master will defer his coming, and begin to smite his fellows: yea and to eat and to drink with the drunken: that servants master will come in a day when he looketh not for him: and in an hour that he is not ware of, and will divide him, and give him his reward with hypocrites. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
The .xxv. Chapter.
Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened unto x virgins, which took their lamps, and went to meet the bridegroom: five of them were foolish, and five were wise. The foolish took their lamps, but took none oil with them. But the wise took oil with them in their vessels with their lamps also. While the bridegroom tarried, all slumbered and slept. And even at midnight, there was a cry made: behold, the bridegroom cometh, go and meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and prepared their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise: give us of your oil, for our lamps go out? But the wise answered, saying: not so, lest there be not enough for us and you, but go rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. In conclusion while they went to buy, the bridegroom came: and they that were ready, went in with him to the wedding, and the gate was shut up. Afterwards came also the other virgins, saying: master master, open to us. But he answered, and said: verily I say unto you: I know you not: look that ye watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor yet the hour, when the son of man shall come.
Likewise as a certain man ready to take his journey to a strange country, called his servants to him, and delivered to them his goods. And unto one he gave v. talents, to another ij. and to another one: to every man after his ability, and straight way departed. Then he that had received the five talents, went and bestowed them, and won other five. Likewise he that received ij gained other ij. But he that received one, went and digged a pit in the earth and hid his master's money. After a long season the lord of those servants came, and reckoned with them. Then came he that had received five talents, and brought other five saying: master, thou deliveredst unto me five talents, lo I have gained with them five more. His master said unto him: well good servant and faithful, Thou hast been faithful in little, I will make thee ruler over much: enter in into thy master's joy. Also he that received ij talents came, and said: master, thou deliveredest unto me ij talents: lo I have won ij other talents with them. His master said unto him, well good servant and faithful thou hast been faithful in little, I will make thee ruler over much, go in into thy master's joy.
He which had received the one talent came also, and said: master, I considered that thou wast an hard man, which reapest where thou sowedst not, and gatherest where thou strawedst not, and was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, thou hast thine own. His master answered, and said unto him: evil servant and slothful, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I strawed not: thou oughtest therefore to have had my money to the changers, and then at my coming should I have received my money with vantage. Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath x. talents. For unto every man that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance. And from him that hath not, shall be taken away, even that he hath. And cast that unprofitable servant into utter darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
When the son of man shall come in his majesty, and all his holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the seat of his majesty, and before him shall be gathered all nations. And he shall sever them one from another, as a shepherd putteth asunder the sheep from the goats. And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, and the goats on the left hand. Then shall the King say to them on his right hand: Come ye blessed children of my father, inherit ye the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world. For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat. I thirsted, and ye gave me drink. I was harborless, and ye lodged me. I was naked and ye clothed me: I was sick and ye visited me. I was in prison and ye came unto me.
Then shall the just answer him saying: master, when, saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee? or a thirst, and gave thee drink? when saw we thee harborless, and lodged thee? or naked and clothed thee? or when saw we thee sick, or in prison and came unto thee? And the king shall answer and say unto them: verily I say unto you: in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren: ye have done it to me.
Then shall the king say unto them that shall be on the left hand: depart from me ye cursed, into everlasting fire, which is prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was an hungered, and ye gave me no meat. I thirsted, and ye gave me no drink. I was harborless, and ye lodged me not. I was naked, and ye clothed me not. I was sick and in prison, and ye visited me not.
Then shall they also answer him saying: master, when saw we thee an hungered, or a thirst, or harborless, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and have not ministered unto thee? then shall he answer them, and say: Verily I say unto you, in as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go into everlasting pain: And the righteous into life eternal.
The .xxvj. Chapter.
And it followed: when Iesus had finished all these sayings, he said unto his disciples: ye know that after ij. days shall be ester, and the son of man shall be delivered to be crucified.
Then assembled together the chief priests and scribes and seniors of the people into the palace of the high priest, called Caiphas: and held a counsel, how they might take Iesus by subtlety, and kill him. but they said, not on the holy day, lest any trouble arise among the people.
When Iesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, there came unto him a woman, which had an alabaster box of precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at the board. When his disciples saw that, they had indignation saying: what needed this waste? This ointment might have been well sold, and given to the poor. When Iesus understood that, he said unto them: why trouble ye the woman? she hath wrought a good work upon me. For ye shall have poor folk always with you: but me shall ye not have always. And in that she casted this ointment on my body, she did it to bury me with all. Verily I say unto you, wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout all the world, there shall also this that she hath done, be told for a memorial of her.
Then one of the twelve called Iudas Iscariot went unto the chief priests, and said: what will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they appointed unto him thirty pieces of silver. And from that time he sought opportunity to betray him.
The first day of unleavened bread the disciples came to Iesus saying unto him: where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the ester lamb? And he said: Go into the city, unto such a man, and say to him: the master saith, my time is almost come, I will keep mine ester at thy house with my disciples. And the disciples did as Iesus had appointed them, and made ready the ester lamb.
When the even was come, he sat down with the xij. And as they did eat, he said: Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me. And they were exceeding sorrowful, and began every one of them to say unto him: is it I master? He answered and said: he that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, shall betray me. The son of man goeth as it is written of him: but woe be to that man, by whom the son of man shall be betrayed. It had been good for that man, if he had never been born.
Then Iudas which betrayed him, answered and said: is it I master? He said unto him: thou hast said. As they did ate, Iesus took bread and gave thanks, brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said: Take, eat, this is my body. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it them, saying: drink of it every one. This is my blood of the new testament, which shall be shed for many, for the forgiveness of sins. I say unto you: I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine tree, until that day, when I shall drink it new with you in my father's kingdom.
And when they had said grace, they went out into mount olivet. Then said Iesus unto them: all ye shall fall this night because of me. For it is written: I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad. But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galile. Peter answered, and said unto him: though all men should be hurt by thee, yet would I not be hurt. Iesus said unto him: verily I say unto thee, that this same night before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. Peter said unto him: If I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee. Likewise also said all the disciples.
Then went Iesus with them into a place, which is called Gethsemane, and said unto his disciples: sit ye here while I go and pray yonder. And he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebede, and began to wax sorrowful and to be in agony. Then said Iesus unto them: my soul is heavy even unto the death. Tarry ye here: and watch with me. And he went away a little apart, and fell flat on his face, and prayed saying: O my father, if it possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt. And he came unto the disciples, and found them asleep, and said to Peter: what, could ye not watch with me one hour? watch and pray, that ye fall not into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
He went away once more, and prayed, saying: O my father, if this cup cannot pass away from me, but that I drink of it, thy will be fulfilled. And he came, and found them asleep again. For their eyes were heavy. And he left and went again, and prayed the third time saying the same words. Then came he to his disciples and said unto them: Sleep henceforth, and take your rest. Take heed the hour is at hand, and the son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us be going, he is at hand that shall betray me.
While he yet spake, lo, Iudas one of the twelve came, and with him a great multitude with swords and staves, which were sent from the chief priests and seniors of the people. He that betrayed him, gave them a token, saying: whosoever I kiss, that same is he, lay hands on him. And forth with all he came to Iesus, and said: hail master. And kissed him. And Iesus said unto him: friend, wherefore art thou come? Then came they and laid hands on Iesus and took him.
And behold, one of them which were with Iesus, stretched out his hand and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest, and smote off his ear. Then said Iesus unto him: put up thy sword into his sheath. For all they that lay hands on the sword, shall perish with the sword. Either thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my father, and he shall give me more than xij. legions of angels? how then should the scriptures be fulfilled, for so must it be.
The same time said Iesus to the multitude: ye be come out as it were unto a thief, with swords and staves for to take me: daily I sat among you teaching in the temple, and ye took me not. All this was done that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then all the disciples forsook him and fled. And they took Iesus and led him to Caiphas the high priest, where the scribes and the seniors were assembled. Peter followed him afar off, unto the high priest's place: and went in, and sat with the servants to see the end.
The chief priests, and the seniors, and all the council, sought false witness against Iesus, for to put him to death, and they found none: in so much that when many false witnesses came, yet found they none. At the last came two false witnesses, and said: This fellow said: I can destroy the temple of God, and build the same in iij days.
And the chief priest arose, and said to him: answerest thou nothing? How is it that these bear witness against thee? but Iesus held his peace. And the chief priest answered, and said to him: I charge thee in the name of the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be Christ the son of God. Iesus said to him: thou hast said. Nevertheless I say unto you, hereafter shall ye see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and come in the clouds of the sky.
Then the high priest rent his clothes saying? He hath blasphemed: what need we of any more witnesses? Lo, now have ye heard his blasphemy: what think ye? They answered and said: he is worthy to die. Then spat they in his face, and beat him with their fists. And other smote him with the palm of their hands on the face, saying: areed to us Christ, who is he that smote thee?
Peter sat without in the palace, and a damsel came to him, saying: Thou also wast with Iesus of Galilee: he denied before them all saying: I wot not what thou sayest. When he was gone out into the porch, another wench saw him, and said unto them that were there: This fellow was also with Iesus of Nazareth: And again he denied with an oath, and said: I know not the man. And after a while came unto him they that stood by, and said unto Peter: surely thou art even one of them, for thy speech betrayeth thee. Then began he to curse and to swear, that he knew not the man. And immediately the cock crew. And Peter remembered the words of Iesu, which he said unto him: before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice: and went out at the doors and wept bitterly.
The .xxvij. Chapter.
When the morning was come, all the chief priests and seniors of the people held a counsel against Iesu, to put him to death, and brought him bound and delivered him unto Pontius Pilate the deputy.
Then when Iudas which betrayed him, saw that he was condemned, he repented himself, and brought again the xxx. plates of silver to the chief priests and seniors saying: I have sinned betraying the innocent blood. And they said: what is that to us? see thou to that. And he cast down the silver plates in the temple, and departed, and went and hung himself.
The chief priests took the silver plates and said: it is not lawful for to put them into the treasury, because it is the price of blood. And they took counsel, and bought with them a potter's field to bury strangers in. Wherefore that field is called, the field of blood, until this day. Then was fulfilled, that which was spoken by Ieremy the prophet, saying: and they took xxx. silver plates, the value of him that was priced, whom they bought of the children of Israhel, and they gave them for the potter's field, as the lord appointed me.
Iesus stood before the deputy: and the deputy asked him, saying: Art thou the king of the jewes? Iesus said unto him: Thou sayest. When he was accused of the chief priests and seniors, he answered nothing. Then said Pilate unto him: hearest thou not how many things they lay against thee? and he answered him to never a word: in so much that the deputy marvelled very sore.
At that feast, the deputy was wont to deliver unto the people a prisoner whom they would choose. He had then a notable prisoner called Barabbas. And when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them: whether will ye that I give loose unto you, Barabbas, or Iesus which is called Christ? For he knew well, that for envy they had delivered him.
When he was set down to give judgement, his wife sent to him, saying: have thou nothing to do with that just man, I have suffered many things this day in my sleep about him.
The chief priests and the seniors had persuaded the people, that they should ask Barabbas, and should destroy Iesus. The deputy answered and said unto them: whether of the twain will ye that I let loose unto you? And they said, Barabbas. Pilate said unto them: what shall I do then with Iesus, which is called Christ? They all said to him: let him be crucified. Then said the deputy: what evil hath he done? And they cried the more saying: let him be crucified.
When Pilate saw that he prevailed nothing, but that more business was made, he took water and washed his hands before the people saying: I am innocent of the blood of this just person, and that ye shall see. Then answered all the people, and said: his blood fall on us, and on our children. Then let he Barabbas loose unto them, and scourged Iesus, and delivered him to be crucified. Then the soldiers of the deputy took Iesus unto the common hall, and gathered unto him all the company. And they stripped him, and put on him a purple robe, and plaited a crown of thorns and put upon his head, and a reed in his right hand. And bowed their knees before him, saying: hail king of the jewes, and spitted upon him, and took the reed and smote him on the head.
And when they had mocked him, they took the robe off him again, and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him. And as they came out, they found a man of Cyren, named Simon: him they compelled to bear his cross. And came unto the place, which is called Golgotha (that is to say a place of dead men's skulls) they gave him vinegar to drink mixt with gall. And when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink.
When they had crucified him, they parted his garments, and did cast lots. To fulfil that was spoken by the prophet: They divided my garments among them: and upon my vesture have cast lots. And they sat and watched him there. And they set up over his head the cause of his death written: This is Iesus the king of the jewes. And there were two thieves crucified with him, one on the right hand, and another on the left hand.
They that passed by, reviled him wagging their heads and saying: Thou that destroyest the temple of God, and buildest it in three days save thyself. If thou be the son of God, come down from the cross. Likewise also the prelates mocking him with the scribes and seniors said: He saved other, himself he cannot save. If he be the king of Israhell: let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. He trusted in God, let God deliver him now if he will have him, for he said, I am the son of God. That same also the thieves, which were crucified with him cast in his teeth.
From the sixth hour was there darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Iesus cried with a loud voice, saying: Eli Eli lama sabathani. That is to say, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Some of them that stood there, when they heard that said: This man calleth for Helias. And straightway one of them ran and took a sponge and filled it full of vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink. Other said let be, let us see whether Helias will come and deliver him. Iesus cried again with a loud voice and yielded up the ghost.
And behold the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom, and the earth did quake, and the stones did rent, and graves did open, and the bodies of many saints which slept, arose: and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and came into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
When the petty captain, and they that were with him watching Iesus, saw the earthquake and those things which happened, they feared greatly saying, Of a surety this was the son of God.
And many women were there, beholding him afar off, which followed Iesus from Galile, ministering unto him: among the which was Mary Magdalen, and Mary the mother of Iames and the mother of Ioses, and the mother of Zebedee's children.
When the even was come, there came a rich man of Arimathia named Ioseph, which same also was Iesus' disciple. He went to Pilate and begged the body of Iesus. Then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered. And Ioseph took the body, and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and put it in his new tomb, which he had hewn out even in the rock, and rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre and departed. And there was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the sepulchre.
The next day that followeth good friday, the high priests and pharisees got themselves to Pilate, and said: Sir, we remember, that this deceiver said while he was yet alive. After three days I will arise again, command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest peradventure his disciples come, and steal him away, and say unto the people, he is risen from death: And then the last error shall be worse than the first was. Pilate said unto them: Take watchmen: Go and make it as sure as ye can. They went and made the sepulchre sure with watchmen, and sealed the stone.
The .xxviij. Chapter.
The saboth day at even which dawneth the morrow after the saboth, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the sepulchre.
And behold there was a great earthquake. For the angel of the lord descended from heaven: and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow. For fear of him the keepers were astunned, and became as dead men.
The angel answered, and said to the women, Fear ye not. I know well ye seek Iesus which was crucified: he is not here: he is risen as he said. Come, and see the place where the lord was put. And go quickly and tell his disciples that he is risen from death. And behold, he will go before you into Galile, there ye shall see him. Lo I have told you.
And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great Ioy. And did run to bring his disciples word. And as they went to tell his disciples: behold, Iesus met them saying: God speed you. They came and held him by the feet and worshipped him. Then said Iesus unto them: be not afraid. Go and tell my brethren, that they go into Galile, and there shall they see me. When they were gone: behold, some of the keepers came in to the city, and shewed unto the prelates, all the things which had happened. And they gathered them together with the seniors, and took counsel, and gave large money unto the soldiers, saying: Say that his disciples came by night, and stole him away while ye slept. And if this come to the ruler's ears, we will pease him, and make you safe. And they took the money and did as they were taught. And this saying is noised among the jews unto this day.
Then the xj. disciples went away into Galile, into a mountain where Iesus had appointed them. And when they saw him, they worshipped him. But some of them doubted. Iesus came and spake unto them, saying: All power is given unto me in heaven, and in earth. Go therefore and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the father, and the son, and the holy ghost: Teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I commanded you. And lo, I am with you alway even until the end of the world.
Here endeth the Gospell of S. Mathew.
The first Chapter.
The beginning of the Gospell of Iesu Christ the son of God, as it is written in the prophets, behold I send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee. The voice of one that crieth in the wilderness: prepare ye the way of the lord, make his paths straight.
Ihon did baptise in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance, for the remission of sins. And all the land of Iewry, and they of Ierusalem went out unto him, and were all baptised of him in the river Iordan, knowledging, their sins.
Ihon was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of a beasts skin about his loins. And he ate locusts and wild honey, and preached saying: a stronger than I cometh after me, whose shoe latchet I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose. I have baptised you with water: but he shall baptise you with the holy ghost.
And it came to pass in those days, that Iesus came from Nazareth, a city of Galile: and was baptised of Ihon in Iordan.
And immediately he came out of the water, and saw the heavens open, and the holy ghost descending upon him like a dove. And there came a voice from heaven: Thou art my dear son, in whom I delight. And immediately the spirit drove him into a wilderness: and he was there in the wilderness xl. days, and was tempted of Satan, and was with wild beasts. And the angels ministered unto him.
After that Ihon was taken, Iesus came into Galile, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying: the time is ful come, and the kingdom of God is even at hand, repent and believe the gospel.
As he walked by the sea of Galile, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting nets into the sea, for they were fishers. And Iesus said unto them: follow me, and I will make you to be fishers of men. And they straightway forsook their nets, and followed him.
And when he had gone a little further thence, he saw Iames the son of Zebede, and Ihon his brother, even as they were in the ship dressing their nets. And anon he called them. And they left their father Zebede in the ship with his hired servants, and went their way after him.
And they entered into Capernaum, and straight way on the Sabbath days he entered into the synagogue and taught. And they marvelled at his learning. For he taught them as one which had power with him, and not as the scribes did.
And there was in the Synagogue, a man vexed with an unclean spirit, and he cried saying: let me alone: what have we to do with thee Iesus of Nazareth? Art thou come to destroy us? I know what thou art, thou art that holy man promised of God. And Iesus rebuked him, saying: hold thy peace and come out of the man. And the unclean spirit tare him, cried out with a loud voice, and came out of him. And they were all amazed, insomuch that they demanded one of another among themselves, saying: what thing is this? what new doctrine is this? for he commandeth the foul spirits with power, and they obey him. Anon his name spread abroad throughout all the region bordering on Galile.
And immediately as soon as they were come out of the Synagogue, they entered into the house of Simon and Andrew with Iames and Ihon. Simon's motherinlaw lay sick of a fever, and anon they told him of her. And he came and took her by the hand and lifted her up, and the fever forsook her by and by: And she ministered unto them.
And at even when the sun was down, they brought unto him all that were diseased, and them that were possessed with devils, and all the city gathered together at the door, and he healed many that were sick of divers diseases. And he cast out many: devils and suffered not the devils to speak, because they knew him.
And in the morning very early, Iesus arose and went out into a solitary place, and there prayed. And Simon and they that were with him followed after him. And when they had found him, they said unto him: all men seek for thee. And he said unto them: let us go in to the next towns, that I may preach there also: for truly I came out for that purpose. And he preached in their synagogues, throughout all Galile, and cast devils out.
And there came a leper to him beseeching him, and kneeled down unto him, and said unto him: if thou wilt, thou arte able to make me clean. Iesus had compassion on him, and put forth his hand, touched him, and said unto him: I will, be clean. And as soon as he had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed. and he charged him and sent him away forthwith and said unto him: See that thou tell no man, but get thee hence and shew thyself to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing, those things which Moses commanded, for a testimonial unto them. But he (as soon as he was departed) began to tell many things and to publish the deed, insomuch that Iesus could no more openly enter into the city, but was without in desert places, and they came to him from every quarter.
The .ij. Chapter.
After a few days he entered into Capernaum again, and it was noised that he was in a house: And anon many gathered together, insomuch that now there was no room to receive them: no, not in places about the door. And he preached unto them. And there came unto him that brought one sick of the palsy, borne of four men: and because they could not come nigh unto him for press: They opened the roof of the house where he was. And when they had broken it open, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay. When Iesus saw their faith, he said to the sick of the palsy, son thy sins are forgiven thee.
There were certain of the scribes sitting, and reasoning in their hearts: how doth this fellow so blaspheme? Who can forgiven sins, but God only? And immediately when Iesus perceived in his spirit, that they so reasoned in themselves, he said unto them: why think ye such things in your hearts? Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, thy sins are forgiven thee: or to say, arise, take up thy bed and walk? That ye may know that the son of man hath power in earth to forgive sins, he spake unto the sick of the palsy: I say unto thee, arise and take up thy bed, and get thee hence into thine own house. And by and by he arose, took up his bed, and went forth before them all: in so much that they were all amazed, and glorified God saying: we never saw it on this fashion.
And he went out again unto the sea, and all the people resorted unto him, and he taught them. And as Iesus passed by, he saw Levi the son of Alphey, sit at the receipt of custom and said unto him: follow me. And he arose and followed him. And it came to pass, as Iesus sat at meat in his house, many publicans and sinners sat at meat also with Iesus and his disciples. For there were many that followed him. And when the scribes and pharisees saw him eat with publicans and sinners, they said unto his disciples: how is it, that he eateth and drinketh with publicans and sinners? When Iesus heard that, he said unto them. The whole have no need of the Physician: but the sick. I came to call the sinners to repentance, and not the just.
And the disciples of Ihon and of the pharisees did fast, and they came and said unto him: Why do the disciples of Ihon and of the pharisees fast, and thy disciples fast not. And Iesus said unto them: can the children of a wedding fast, while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast. But the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken from them and then shall they fast in those days.
Also no man soweth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for then taketh he away the new piece from the old, and so is the rent worse.
In like wise, no man poureth new wine into old vessels, for if he do the new wine breaketh the vessels, and the wine runneth out, and the vessels are marred. But new wine must be poured into new vessels.
And it chanced that he went thorow the corn fields on the sabboth day, and his disciples as they went on their way, began to pluck the ears of corn. And the pharisees said unto him: Take heed why do they on the sabboth day that which is unlawful? And he said to them: have ye never read what David did, when he had need, and was an hungered both he and they that were with him? How they went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest, and ate the hallowed loaves, which is not lawful but for the priests only to eat: and gave also to them which were with him? And he said to them: the saboth day was made for man, and not man for the saboth day. Wherefore is the son of man lord even of the saboth day.
The .iij. Chapter.
And he entered again into the synagogue, and there was a man which had a withered hand: and they watched him to see, if he would heal him on the saboth day, that they might accuse him. And he said unto the man which had the withered hand: arise and stand in the midst. And he said to them: whether is it lawful to do a good deed on the sabboth day, or an evil? to save a man's life, or to kill? But they held their peace. And he looked round about on them angerly mourning on the blindness of their hearts. And said to the man: stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it forth: And the hand was restored, even as whole as the other.
The pharisees departed, and straightway gathered a counsel with them that belonged to Herode against him, that they might destroy him. And Iesus avoided with his disciples to the sea: and a great multitude followed him from Galilee and from Iewry, and from Hierusalem, and from Idumea, and from beyond Iordan: and they that dwelled about Tyre and Sidon, a great multitude: which when they had heard what things he did, came unto him.
And he commanded his disciples, that a ship should wait on him, because of the people, lest they should throng him. For he had healed many, in so much that they pressed upon him, for to touch him, as many as had plagues. And when the unclean spirits saw him, they fell down before him, and cried saying: thou art the son of God: And he straightly charged them that they should not utter him.
And he went up into a mountain, and called unto him whom he would, and they came unto him. And he ordained the twelve that they should be with him, and that he might send them to preach. And that they might have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out devils. And he gave Simon, to name, Peter. And he called Iames the son of Zebedee, and Ihon Iames brother, and gave them Bonargs to name, which is to say the sons of thunder. And Andrew, and Philip, and Bartelemew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and Iames the son of Alphey, and Taddeus, and Simon of Cane, and Iudas Iscarioth, which same also betrayed him.
And they came unto house, and the people assembled together again, so greatly that they had not leisure so much as to eat bread. And when they that longed unto him heard of it, they went out to hold him. For they said, he is too fervent. And the scribes which came from Ierusalem, said: he hath Beelzebub, and by the power of the chief devil, casteth out devils. And he called them unto him, and in similitudes said unto them.
How can Satan drive out Satan? For if a realm be divided against itself, that realm cannot endure. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot continue: So if Satan make insurrection against himself, and be divided, he cannot continue, but hath an end. No man can enter into a strong man's house, and take away his goods, except he first bind that strong man and then spoil his house.
Verily I say unto you all sins shall be forgiven unto men's children: and blasphemy, wherewith they blaspheme: but he that blasphemeth the holy ghost, shall never have forgiveness: but is in danger of eternal damnation. For they said, he had an unclean spirit.
And there came his mother and his brethren, and stood without, and sent unto him and called him: And the people sat about him, and said unto him: behold thy mother and thy brethren seek for thee without. And he answered them, saying: who is my mother, and my brethren? And he looked round about on his disciples, which sat in compass about him, and said: behold my mother, and my brethren:
For whosoever doeth the will of God, he is my brother, my sister and mother.
The .iiij. Chapter.
And he began again to teach by the seaside. And there gathered together unto him much people, so greatly that he entered in to a ship, and sat in the sea, and all the people was by the seaside on the shore: And he taught them many things in similitudes, and said unto them in his doctrine. Hearken to. Behold, The sower went out to sow, and it fortuned as he sowed, that some fell by the wayside, and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up. Some fell on a stony ground: where it had not much earth: and by and by sprang up, because it had not depth of earth: and as soon as the sun was up it caught heat: and because it had not rooting it withered away. And some fell among the thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it, so that it gave no fruit. And some fell upon good ground: and did yield fruit that sprang and grew: and brought forth some thirty fold, some forty {or sixty} fold, and some an hundred fold. And he said unto them: He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
When he was alone, they that were, about him with the twelve asked him of the similitude. And he said unto them: To you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: But unto them that are without, shall all things be done in similitudes: that when they see, they shall see, and not discern: and when they hear they shall hear, and not understand: lest at any time they should turn, and their sins should be forgiven them. And he said unto them: Perceive ye not this similitude. And how ye shall know all similitudes?
The sower soweth the word. These be they which are by the ways side, where the word is sown, to whom as soon as they have heard it, cometh the devil and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts. And these also are they that are sown on the stony ground: which when they have heard the word, at once they receive it with joy, yet have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a season: afterward as soon as any trouble or persecution ariseth for the word's sake, anon they fall. And these are they that are sown among the thorns, which hear the word of God, and the care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things enter in, and choke the word, and it is made unfruitful. And these that were sown in good ground, are they that hear the word and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirty fold some sixty fold, some an hundred fold.
And he said unto them: is the candle lighted, to be put under a bushel, or under the bord: is it not therefore lighted that it should be put on a candlestick? For there is nothing so privy, that shall not be opened: neither so secret, but that it shall come abroad. If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. And he said unto them: take heed what ye hear. With what measure ye mete, with the same shall it be measured unto you again. And unto you that have shall more be given. For unto him that hath, shall it be given: And unto him that hath not, shall be taken away, even that he hath.
And he said: so is the kingdom of God, even as if a man should sow seed in the ground, and should sleep and rise up night and day: and the seed should spring, and grow up while he is not ware. For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself, first the blade, then the ears, after that full corn in the ears. And as soon as the fruit is brought forth, anon he thrusteth in the sickle because that harvest is come.
And he said: whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which when it is sown in the earth, is the least of all seeds that be in the earth: And after that it is sown it groweth up, and is greatest of all herbs: and beareth great branches so that the fowls of the air may dwell under the shadow of it.
And with many such similitudes he preached the word unto them, after as they might hear it. And without similitude spake he nothing unto them. But when they were apart, he expounded all things to his disciples. And the same day when even was come he said unto them: let us pass over into the other side. And they late the people depart and took him even as he was in the ship. There were also with him other ships.
And there arose a great storm of wind, and dashed the waves into the ship, so that it was full. And he was in the stern asleep on a pillow. And they awoke him, and said to him: Master, carest thou not that we perish? And he rose up and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea: peace and be still. And the wind allayed, and there followed a great calm: and he said unto them: why are ye fearful? How is it that ye have no faith? And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another: what fellow is this? for both wind and sea obey him.
The .v. Chapter.
And they came over to the other side of the sea into the country of the Gaderens. And when he was come out of the ship, anon met him out of the graves a man possessed of an unclean spirit, which had his abiding among the graves. And no man could bind him with chains, because that when he was often bound with fetters and chains, he plucked the chains asunder, and brake the fetters in pieces: Neither could any man tame him. And always both night and day he cried in the mountains and in the graves and beat himself with stones. When he had spied Iesus afar off, he ran, and worshipped him, and cried with a loud voice and said: what have I to do, with thee Iesus the son of the most highest God? I require thee in the name of God, that thou torment me not. For he had said unto him: Come forth of the man thou foul spirit. And he asked him: what is thy name? and he answered him, my name is legion, for we are many. And he prayed him instantly, that he would not send them away out of that region.
There was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding, and all the devils besought him saying: send us into the herd of swine, that we may enter into them. And anon Iesus gave them leave, And the unclean spirits went out and entered into the swine. And the herd startled, and ran headlong into the sea. They were about ijM. swine, and they were drowned in the sea. And the swine herders fled, and told it in the city, and in the country. And they came out for to see, what had happened, And they came out to Iesus, and they saw him that was vexed with the fiend and had the Legion sit, both clothed and in his right mind, and were afraid. And they that saw it told them, how it had happened unto him that was possessed with the devil: and also of the swine. And they began to pray him, that he would depart from their coasts. And when he was come into the ship, he that had the devil prayed him that he might be with him. Iesus would not suffer him but said unto him: go home into thine own house and to thy friends, and shew them what things the lord hath done unto thee, and how he had compassion on thee. And he departed, and began to publish in the ten cities, what things Iesus had done unto him, and all men did marvel.
And when Iesus was come over again in the ship unto the other side, much people gathered unto him, and he was nigh unto the sea. And behold, there came unto him one of the rulers of the Synagogue, whose name was Iairus: and when he saw him, he fell down at his feet, and besought him greatly saying: my daughter lieth at point of death, I would thou wouldst come and lay thy hand on her, that she might be safe and live. And he went with him, and much people followed him, and thronged him.
And there was a woman, which was diseased of an issue of blood twelve year, and had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and felt none amendment at all: But waxed worse and worse. When she had heard of Iesus: she came into the press behind him, and touched his garment. For she said: If I may but touch his clothing, I shall be whole. And straight way her fountain of blood was dried up, and she felt in her body, that she was healed of the plague.
And Iesus immediately felt in himself, the vertue that went out of him, and turned him round about in the press, and said: Who touched my clothes? And his disciples said unto him: thou seest the people thrusting thee on every side, and yet sayest: who did touch me? And he looked round about, for to see her that had done that thing. The woman feared and trembled, for she knew what was done within her. And she came and fell down before him and told him the truth of everything. And he said unto her: Daughter, thy faith hath saved thee, go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.
While he yet spake, there came from the ruler of the synagogi's house, certain which said: thy daughter is dead: why diseasest thou the Master any further? As soon as Iesus heard that word spoken, he said unto the ruler of the Synagogue: Be not afraid, only believe. And he suffered no man to follow him more than Peter, and Iames and Ihon Iames brother. And he came unto the house of the ruler of the Synagogue, and saw the wondering and them that wept and wailed greatly,
And he went in and said unto them: Why make ye this ado and weep? The maiden is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn. Then he put them all out, and took the father and the mother of the maiden, and them that were with him, and entered in where the maiden lay, And took the maiden by the hand, and said unto her: Tabitha, cumi: which is by interpretation: maiden I say unto thee, arise. And straight the maiden arose, and went on her feet. For she was of the age of twelve year. And they were astonied at it out of measure. And he charged them straitly that no man should know of it. And commanded to give her meat.
The .vj. Chapter.
And he departed thence, and came into his own country, and his disciples followed him. And when the saboth day was come, he began to teach in the synagogue. And many that heard him were astonied, and said: From whence hath he these things? and what wisdom is this that is given unto him? and such virtues that are wrought by his hands? Is not this that carpenter Marys son, the brother of Iames, and Ioses and Iuda and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were hurt by the reason of him. And Iesus said unto them: a prophet is not despised but in his own country, and among his own kin, and among them that are of the same household. And he could there shew no miracles but laid his hands upon a few sick folk and healed them. And he marvelled at their unbelief.
And he went about by the towns that lie in circuit, teaching. And he called the twelve, and began to send them, two and two, and gave them power over unclean spirits. And commanded them, that they should take nothing unto their Iourney, save a rod only: Neither scrip, neither bread, neither money in their purses: but should be shod with sandals. And that they should not put on two coats. And said unto them: wheresoever ye enter into an house, there abide till ye depart thence. And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust that is under your feet, for a remembrance unto them. I say verily unto you, it shallbe easier for Sodom and Gomor, at the day of judgement, than for that city.
And they went out and preached, that they should repent: and they cast out many devils. And they anointed, many that were sick with oil and healed them.
And king Herode heard of him, for his name was spread abroad, And he said: Ihon Baptist is risen again from death, and therefore miracles are wrought in him. Other said, it is Helias: and some said: it is a prophet, or as one of the prophets. But when Herode heard of him, he said: it is Ihon whom I beheaded, he is risen from death again.
For Herode himself, had sent forth, and had taken Ihon, and bound him and cast him into prison for Herodias' sake which was his brother Philip's wife. For he had married her. Ihon said unto Herode: It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife. Herodias laid wait for him, and would have killed him, but she could not. For Herode feared Ihon, knowing that he was just and holy, and gave him reverence, And when he heard him he did many things, and heard him gladly.
And when a convenient day was come: Herode on his birthday made a supper to the lords, captains, and chief estates of Galile. And the daughter of the same Herodias came in and danced, and pleased Herode and them that sat at board also. Then the king said unto the maiden: ask of me what thou wilt, and I will give it thee. And he sware unto her, whatsoever thou shalt ask of me, I will give it thee, even unto the one half of my kingdom. And she went forth and said to her mother: what shall I ask? And she said: Ihon baptist's head. And she came in straightway with haste unto the king, and asked saying: I will, that thou give me by and by in a charger the head of Ihon baptist. And the king was sorry yet for his oath's sake, and for their sakes which sat at supper also, he would not put her beside her purpose. And immediately the king sent the hangman and commanded his head to be brought in. And he went and beheaded him in the prison, and brought his head in a charger and gave it to the maiden, and the maiden gave it to her mother. When his disciples heard of it, they came and took up his body, and put it in a tomb.
And the apostles gathered themselves together to Iesus, and told him all things, both what they had done, and what they had taught. And he said unto them: come ye apart into the wilderness, and rest awhile. For there were many comers and goers. And they had no leisure wos for to eat. And he went by ship aside out of the way into a desert place. And the people spied them when they departed: and many knew him, and they hasted afoot thither out of every city, and came thither before them, And came together unto him. And Iesus went out and saw much people, and had compassion on them, because they were like sheep which had no shepherd. And he began to teach them many things.
And when the day was now far spent, his disciples came unto him saying: this is a desert place, and now the day is far passed, let them depart, that they may go into the country round about, and into the towns, and buy them bread: for they have nothing to eat. He answered and said unto them: give ye them to eat. And they said unto him: shall we go and buy ij.C. pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat? He said unto them: how many loaves have ye? Go and look. And when they had searched, they said: v. and ij. fishes. And he commanded them to make them all sit down, by companies upon the green grass. And they sat down here a row and there a row, by hundreds and by fifties. And he took the v. loaves and the ij. fishes And looked up to heaven and blest, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to put before them, and the ij. fishes he divided among them all. And they all ate, and were satisfied. And they took up twelve baskets full of the gobbets and of the fishes. And they that ate were about five thousand men.
And straightway he caused his disciples to go into the ship, and to go over the water before unto Bethsaida, while he sent away the people. And as soon as he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray. And when even was come the ship was in the midst of the sea, and he alone on the land, and he saw them troubled in rowing, for the wind was contrary unto them. And about the fourth quarter of the night, he came unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them. When they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit, and cried out: For they all saw him, and were afraid. And anon he talked with them, and said unto them: be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid. And he went up unto them into the ship, and the wind ceased, and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and marvelled. For they remembered not of the loaves, because their hearts were blinded.
And they came over, and went into the land of Genazareth, and drew up into the haven. And as soon as they were come out of the ship, straight they knew him, and ran forth throughout all the region round a about, and began to carry about in beds all that were sick, when they heard tell that he was there. And whithersoever he entered into the towns, or cities, or villages, they laid their sick in the streets, and prayed him, that they might touch and it were but the edge of his vesture. And as many as touched him were safe.
The .vij. Chapter.
And the pharisees came together unto him, and divers of the scribes which came from Ierusalem. And when they saw certain of his disciples eat bread with common hands (that is to say, with unwashen hands) they complained. For the pharisees, and all the jews, except they wash their hands often, eat not, observing the traditions of the seniors. And when they come from the market, except they wash themselves they eat not. And many other things there be, which they have taken upon them to observe, as the washing of cups and cruses, and of brazen vessels, and of tables.
Then asked him the pharisees and scribes: why walk not thy disciples according to the traditions of the seniors, but eat bread with unwashen hands? He answered and said unto them: well prophesied hath Esaias of you hypocrites as it is written: This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me: In vain they worship me, teaching doctrines which are nothing but the commandments of men, for ye lay the commandment of God apart, and ye observe the traditions of men as the washing of cruses and of cups, and many other such like things ye do.
And he said unto them: well, ye put away the commandment of God, to maintain your own traditions. For Moses said: Honour thy father and thy mother: and whosoever saith evil of his father or mother, let him die for it. But ye say: a man shall say to his father or mother Corban, that is, whatsoever thing I offer, that same doeth profit thee. And ye suffer no more that a man do anything for his father or mother, and thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect through your own traditions which ye have ordained. And many such things ye do.
And he called all the people unto him, and said unto them: Hearken unto me every one of you and understand: There is nothing with out a man that can defile him when it entereth into him, but those things which proceed out of him are those which defile a man. If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. And when he came into a house away from the people, his disciples asked him of the similitude, and he said unto them: Do ye than lack understanding: Do ye not yet perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into a man, it cannot defile him, because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly: and goeth out into the draught that purgeth out all meats.
And he said that defileth a man which cometh out of a man. For from within even out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts: advoutry, fornication, murder, theft, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, uncleanness, and a wicked eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things, come from within, and defile a man.
And from thence he rose and went into the borders of Tyre and Sidon, and entered into an house, and would that no man should have known of him: But he could not be hid. For a certain woman whose daughter had a foul spirit when she heard of him, came and fell down at his feet. The woman was a greek out of Syrophenicia, and she besought him that he would cast out the devil out of her daughter. Iesus said unto her: let the children first be fed. It is not meet, to take the children's bread, and to cast it unto whelps. She answered and said unto him: even so Master, nevertheless, the whelps also eat under the table of the children's crumbs. And he said unto her: for this saying go thy way, the devil is gone out of thy daughter. And when she was come home to her house she found the devil departed, and her daughter lying on the bed.
And he departed again from the coasts of Tyre and Sidon, and came unto the sea of Galile thorow the midst of the coasts of the x. cities. And they brought unto him one that was deaf, and stammered in his speech, and prayed him to lay his hand upon him. And he took him aside from the people, and put his fingers in his ears, and did spit, and touched his tongue, and looked up to heaven and sighted, and said unto him: ephatha that is to say, be opened. And straightway his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he spake plain. And he commanded them that they should tell no man. But the more he forbade them, so much the more a great deal they published it. And were beyond measure astonied, saying: He hath done all things well, and hath made both the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak.
The .viij. Chapter.
In those days when there was a very great company, and had nothing to eat, Iesus called his disciples to him and said unto them: My heart melteth on this people, because they have now been with me iij. days, and have nothing to eat: And if I should send them away fasting to their own houses, they should faint by the way. For divers of them came from far. And his disciples answered him: from whence might a man suffice them with bread here in the wilderness? And he asked them: how many loaves have ye? They said: seven. And he commanded the people to sit down on the ground. And he took the vij. loaves, gave thanks, brake, and gave to his disciples, to set before them. And they set them before the people. And they had a few small fishes. And he blessed them and commanded them also to be set before them. They ate and were sufficed, and they took up of the broken meat that was left, vij. baskets full. They that ate were in number about four thousand. And he sent them away.
And anon he took ship with his disciples, and came into the parts of Dalmanutha. And the pharisees came forth, and began to dispute with him, and sought of him a sign from heaven tempting him, and he sighed in his spirit and said: why doth this generation seek a sign? Verily I say unto you, there shall no sign be given unto this generation. And he left them and went into the ship again, and departed over the water. And they had forgotten to take bread with them, neither had they in the ship with them more than one loaf. And he charged them saying: take heed, beware of the leaven of the pharisees, and of the leaven of Herode. And they reasoned among themselves saying: we have no bread. And when Iesus knew that he said unto them: why take ye thought because ye have no bread? perceive ye not yet, neither understand? Have ye your hearts yet blinded? Have ye eyes and see not? and have ye ears and hear not? Do ye not remember? When I v. five loaves among v.M. men: How many baskets full of broken meat took ye up? They said unto him, xij. When I brake vij among iiij M how many baskets of the leavings of broken meat took ye up? They said, vij. And he said unto them: how is it that ye understand not?
And he came to Bethsaida, and they brought a blind man unto him and desired him, to touch him. And he caught the blind by the hand, and led him out of the town, and spat in his eyes and put his hands upon him, and asked him if he saw anything, and he looked up and said: I see men, For I see them walk as they were trees. After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him see. And he was restored to his sight, and saw every man clearly. And he sent him home to his own house saying: neither go into the town, nor tell it any in the town.
And Iesus went out and his disciples into the towns that long to the city called Cesarea Philippi, and by the way he asked his disciples saying: whom do men say that I am? They answered: some say that thou art Ihon Baptist: some say Helias, and some one of the prophets. And he said unto them: But whom say ye that I am? Peter answered and said unto him: Thou art very Christ. And he charged them, that they should tell no man of it. And he began to declare unto them, how that the son of man must suffer many things, and should be reproved of the seniors and of the high priests and scribes, and should be killed, and after three days arise again. And he spake that saying openly. And Peter took him aside, and began to chide him. He turned about, and looked on his disciples, and rebuked Peter saying: Go after me Satan. For thou savourest not the things of God but the things of men.
And he called the people unto him, with his disciples also, and said unto them. Whosoever will follow me, let him forsake himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life, shall lose it. But whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the Gospel's, the same shall save it. What shall it profit a man, if he should win all the world and lose his own soul? or else what shall a man give, to redeem his soul again? Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words, among this advoutrous and sinful generation: of him shall the son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his father with the holy angels.
The .ix. Chapter.
And he said unto them: Verily I say unto you: There be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.
And after vj. days Iesus took Peter, Iames, and Ihon and led them up into an high mountain out of the way alone, and he was transfigured before them. And his raiment did shine, and was made very white, even as snow: so white as no fuller can make upon the earth. And there appeared unto them Helias with Moses: and they talked with Iesu. And Peter answered and said to Iesu: Master, here is good being for us, let us make iij. tabernacles, one for thee, one for Moses, and one for Helias. And wist not what he said. For they were afraid. And there was a cloud that shadowed them. And a voice came out of the cloud saying: This is my dear son, hear him. And suddenly, they looked round about them, and saw no man more, but Iesus only.
As they came down from the hill, he charged them, that they should tell no man what they had seen, till the son of man were risen from death again. And they kept that saying within them, and demanded one of another, what that rising from death again should mean? And they asked him saying: why then Say the scribes, that Helias must first come? He answered and said unto them: Helias at his first coming, shall bring all things again into good order: And even so is it written of the son of man, that he shall suffer many things, and shall be set at nought. And I say unto you, that Helias is come, and they have done unto him whatsoever pleased them, as it is written of him.
And he came to his disciples, and saw much people about them, and the scribes disputing with them. And straightway all the people beheld him and were amazed, and ran to him, and saluted him. And he said unto the scribes: What dispute ye with them? And one of the company answered and said: Master I have brought my son unto thee, which hath a dumb spirit. And whensoever he taketh him, he teareth him, and he foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth, and pineth away. And I spake to thy disciples that they should cast him out, and they could not.
He answered him and said: O generation without faith, how long shall I be with you. How long shall I suffer you? bring him unto me. And they brought him unto him. And as soon as the spirit saw him, he tare him. And he fell down on the ground wallowing: And foaming. And he asked his father: how long is it ago, since this hath happened him? And he said, of a child. And often times casteth him into the fire, and also into the water, to destroy him. But if thou canst do anything, have mercy on us, and help us. Iesus said unto him: ye if thou couldest believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. And straight way the father of the child cried with tears saying: lord I believe, succor mine unbelief.
When Iesus saw that the people came running together unto him, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him: Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee come out of him, and enter no more into him. And the spirit cried, and rent him sore and came out: And he was as one that had been dead, insomuch that many said, he is dead. But Iesus caught his hand, and lift him up, and he rose. And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him secretly: why could not we cast him out? And he said unto them: this kind can by no other means come forth, but by prayer and fasting.
And they departed thence, and took their journey thorow Galile, and would not, that any man should have known it. For he taught his disciples, and said unto them: The son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him, and after that he is killed he shall arise again the third day. But they wist not what that saying meant, and were afraid to ask him.
And he came to Capernaum, and when he was come to house, he said to them: what was it that ye disputed between you by the way? And they held their peace (for by the way they reasoned among themselves, who should be the chiefest) And he sat down, and called the twelve unto him, and said to them: if any man desire to be first, the same shallbe last of all, and servant unto all. And he took a child, and set him in the midst of them, and took him in his arms and said unto them: Whosoever receive any such a child in my name, receiveth me: And whosoever receiveth me, receiveth not me, but him that sent me.
Ihon answered him, saying: Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, which followeth not us and we forbade him, because he followeth us not. But Iesus said: forbid him not. For there is no man that shall do a miracle in my name, and can speak lightly evil of me. Whosoever is not against you, is on your part. And whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink for my name's sake because ye are belonging to Christe, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.
And whosoever shall hurt one of these little ones, that believe in me, it were better for him, that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were cast into the sea. And if thy hand offend thee, cut him off. It is better for thee, to enter into life maimed, than to go, with two hands into hell, into fire that never shall be quenched, where their worm dieth not, and the fire never goeth out. And if thy foot offend thee, cut him off. It is better for thee to go halt into life, than with ij. feet to be cast into hell, into fire that never shall be quenched: where their worm dieth not, and the fire never goeth out? And if thine eye offend thee pluck him out. It is better for thee to go into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire: where their worm dieth not, and the fire never goeth out.
Every man therefore shall be salted with fire: And every sacrifice shall be seasoned with salt. Salt is good. But if the salt be unsavoury: what shall ye salt therewith? See that ye have salt in yourselves. And have peace among yourselves, one with another.
The .x. Chapter.
And he rose from thence, and went into the coasts of Iewry through the region that is beyond Iordan. And the people resorted unto him afresh: And as he was wont he taught them again. And the Pharises came and asked him a question: whether it were lawful for a man to put away his wife: To prove him. He answered and said unto them: what did Moses bid you do? And they said: Moses suffered to write a testimonial of her divorcement, and to put her away. And Iesus answered, and said unto them: For because of your hard hearts he wrote this precept unto you. But at the first creation, God made them man and woman, saying: For this thing's sake shall man leave father and mother, and bide by his wife, and, ij. shall be made one flesh. So then are they now not twain, but one flesh, therefore that which God hath coupled, let not man separate.
And in the house his disciples asked him again of that matter. And he said unto them: Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, breaketh wedlock to herward. And if a woman forsake her husband, and be married to another, she committeth advoutry.
And they brought children to him that he should touch them. And his disciples chid those that brought them. When Iesus saw that, he was displeased, and said to them: Suffer the children to come unto me and forbid them not. For unto such belongeth the kingdom of God. Verily I say to you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms, and put his hands upon them, and blessed them.
And when he was come out into the way, there came one running and kneeled to him, and asked him: Good Master, what shall I do, that I may inherit eternal life? Iesus said to him: why callest thou me good? there is no man good but one, which is God. Thou knowest the commandments: break not matrimony, kill not, steal not, bear no false witness, defraud no man, honour thy father and thy mother. He answered and said to him: master, all these I have observed from my youth. Iesus beheld him, and had a favour to him, and said unto him: One thing is lacking unto thee Go, and sell all that thou hast, and give it to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come and follow me, and take thy cross on thee. But he was discomforted with that saying, and went away mourning, for he had great possessions.
And Iesus looked round about, and said unto his disciples: with what difficulty shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God. His disciples were astonied at his words. Iesus answered again, and said unto them: children, how hard is it for them, that trust in their riches, to enter into the kingdom of God? It is easier for a camel to go thorow the eye of an needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. And they were astonied out of measure, saying between themselves: who then can be saved? Iesus looked upon them, and said: with men it is unpossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.
And Peter began to say unto him: Lo, we have forsaken all, and have followed thee. Iesus answered and said: Verily I say unto you, there is no man that hath forsaketh house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, other children, or lands, for my sake and the Gospel's, which shall not receive an hundred fold now in this life, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers and children, and lands with persecutions, and in the world to come eternal life. Many that are first, shall be last. And the last first. They were in the way going up to Ierusalem. And Iesus went before them, and they were amazed, and as they followed, were afraid.
And Iesus took the xij. again, and began to tell them what things should happen unto him. Behold we go up to Ierusalem, and the son of man shall be delivered unto the high priests and unto the scribes: and they shall condemn him to death, and shall deliver him to the gentiles, and they shall mock him, and scourge him and spit upon him, and kill him, and the third day he shall rise again.
And Iames and Ihon the sons of Zebedee, came unto him, saying: Master, we would that thou shouldest do for us whatsoever we desire. He said unto them: what would ye I should do unto you? They said to him: grant unto us that we may sit one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory. But Iesus said unto them: Ye wot not what ye ask. Can ye drink of the cup, that I shall drink of? And be baptised in the baptism that I shall be baptised in? And they said unto him: that we can. Iesus said unto them: ye shall drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and be baptised with the baptism that I shall be baptised in: But to sit on my right hand and on my left hand, is not mine to give, but to them for whom it is prepared.
And when the x. heard that, they began to disdain at Iames and Ihon. But Iesus called them unto him, and said to them: Ye know well that they which seem to bear rule among the gentiles, reign as lords over them. And they that be great among them exercise authority over them. So shall it not be among you but whosoever of you will be great among you shall be your minister. And whosoever will be chief, shall be servant unto all. For even the son of man came, not that other should minister unto him: but to minister, and to give his life for the redemption of many.
And they came to Hiericho, and as he went out of Hiericho, with his disciples and a great number of people: Barthimeus the son of Thimeus which was blind, sat by the highways side begging. And when he heard that it was Iesus of Nazareth, he began to cry and to say: Iesus the son of David, have mercy on me. And many rebuked him, because he should hold his peace. But he cried the more a great deal, thou son of David have mercy on me. And Iesus stood still, and commanded him to be called, and they called the blind, saying unto him: Be of good comfort, rise, he called thee. He threw away his cloak, and rose and came to Iesus: And Iesus answered, and said unto him: what wilt thou that I do unto thee? The blind said unto him: Master, that I might see. Iesus said unto him: go thy way, thy faith hath saved thee: And by and by he received his sight, and followed Iesus in the way.
The .xj. Chapter.
And when they came nigh to Hierusalem, unto Bethphage, and Bethani, besides mount Olivete, he sent forth ij. of his disciples, and said unto them: Go your ways into the town that is over against you. And as soon as ye be entered into it ye shall