The Project Gutenberg eBook of A Proclamation Declaring His Maiesties Pleasure Concerning the Dissoluing of the Present Conuention of Parliament This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: A Proclamation Declaring His Maiesties Pleasure Concerning the Dissoluing of the Present Conuention of Parliament Author: King of England James I Release date: May 26, 2014 [eBook #45773] Language: English Credits: Produced by The Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive) *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK A PROCLAMATION DECLARING HIS MAIESTIES PLEASURE CONCERNING THE DISSOLUING OF THE PRESENT CONUENTION OF PARLIAMENT *** Produced by The Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive) A PROCLAMATION declaring his MAIESTIES Pleasure concerning the dissoluing of the present Conuention of Parliament. [Illustration] _Imprinted at London by_ BONHAM NORTON and IOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent MAIESTIE. 1621. [Illustration] ¶ A Proclamation declaring his Maiesties pleasure concerning the dissoluing of the present Conuention of Parliament. Albeit the Assembling, Continuing, and Dissoluing of Parliaments, be a Prerogatiue so peculiarly belonging to Our Imperiall Crowne, and the times and seasons thereof so absolutelie in our owne power, that Wee neede not giue account thereof vnto any: yet, according to Our continuall custome, to make Our good Subiects acquainted with the reasons of all Our publike resolutions and actions, We haue thought it expedient at this time to declare, not onely Our pleasure and resolution therein, grounded vpon mature deliberation, with the aduice and vniforme consent of Our whole Priuie Councell; but therewith also to note some especiall proceedings moouing Vs to this resolution: And that chieflie to this end, that as God, so the World may witnesse with Vs, that it was Our intent to haue made this the happiest Parliament that euer was in Our time: And that the lettes and impediments thereof being discerned, all misunderstandings and iealousies might be remooued, and all Our people may know and beleeue, that Wee are as farre from imputing any of those ill accidents, that haue happened in Parliament, to any want or neglect of duty, or good affection towards Vs, by them in generall, or by the greater and better number of Parliament men, as We are confident (the true causes discouered) they wilbe farre from imputing it to any default in Vs; there hauing in the beginning of this late Assemblie passed greater and more infallible tokens of loue and duty from Our Subiects to Vs their Soueraigne, and more remarkeable testimonies from Vs of Our Princely care and zeale of their welfare, then haue beene in any Parliament met in any former Age. This Parliament was by Vs called, as for making good and profitable Lawes, so more especially, in this time of miserable distraction throughout Christendome, for the better setling of peace and Religion, and restoring Our Children to their ancient and lawfull patrimony, which We attempted to procure by peaceable treaty, at Our owne excessiue charge, thereby to saue and preuent the effusion of Christian blood, the miserable effect of warre, and dissension; yet with full purpose, if that succeeded not, to recouer it by the sword; and therfore, as a necessary meanes conducing to those ends, the supply of Our Treasures was to bee prouided for. This Parliament beginning in Ianuary last, proceeded some moneths with such harmonie betweene Vs and Our people, as cannot bee paralleld by any former time: For as the House of Commons at the first, both in the manner of their supplie, and otherwise, shewed greater loue, and more respect then euer any House of Commons did to Vs, or (as Wee thinke) to any King before Vs: So Wee, vpon all their complaints, haue afforded them such memorable and rare examples of Iustice, as many ages past cannot shew the like; wherein, that Wee preferred the weale of Our people before all particular respects, the things themselues doe sufficiently prooue, Our Iustice being extended, not onely to persons of ordinary ranke and qualitie, but euen to the prime Officer of Our Kingdome. And although, after their first Recesse at Easter, Wee found that they misspent a great deale of time, rather vpon the inlarging of the limites of their liberties, and diuers other curious, and vnprofitable things, then vpon the framing and proponing of good and profitable Lawes: Yet Wee gaue them time and scope for their Parliamentary proceedings, and prolonged the Session to an vnusuall length, continuing it vntill the eight and twentieth day of May, before Wee signified Our purpose for their Recesse; and then Wee declared, that Wee would make a Recesse on the fourth day of Iune next following, but only for a time, and in such maner, as might bee without disturbance to any their businesses in hand, expressing out of Our Grace (though We needed not) the causes of that Our purpose, which were the season of the yeere, vsually hot, and vnfit for great assemblies, Our Progresse approaching, the necessitie Wee had to make vse of Our Councell attending in both houses, both to settle Our waightie affaires of State before Wee went, and to attend Vs when Wee went Our Progresse, the disfurnishing of Our ordinary Courts of Iustice so many Termes together, the long absence of Iustices of Peace, and Deputy Lieuetenants, whose presence was needfull for making and returning of musters, and for subordinate gouernement of the Countrey; and therefore We appointed to adiourne the Parliament on the fourth day of Iune, giuing that warning longer then vsuall, that they might set in order their businesses, and prepare their greeuances, which Wee promised both to heare and answer before that Recesse, for presenting whereof Wee appointed them a time. This message graciously intended by Vs, was not so well entertained by some, who in a short time dispersed and spred their iealousies vnto others, and thereby occasioned discontentment in the House, for being adiourned without passing of Billes; Yet made not their addresse to Vs, as had beene meet, but desired a conference with the Lords; and at that conference, the nine and twentieth day of May, vnder colour of desiring to petition Vs for some further time, to perfect and passe some speciall Bils, were imboldened, not onely to dispute, but to retell all the reasons that We had giuen for the adiournement, which being made knowen vnto Vs, Wee againe signified Our pleasure to both Houses, that on the fourth day of Iune the Parliament should rise, but We would then giue Our Royall assent to such billes, as were or should be ready and fit to be then passed, continuing all other businesses in state they were by a speciall Act to bee framed for that purpose. The Lords with all duetie and respect, submitted to Our resolution, passed the Act, and sent it with speciall recommendation to the House of Commons; but they neither read it, nor proceeded with businesses, but forgetting that the time was Ours and not theirs, continued their discontentment, as they pretended, for being so soone dismissed. We (though it were strange to obserue such auersnesse for Our resoluing vpon such waighty reasons, that wherin Wee needed not to bee measured by any other rule, but Our owne Princely will) yet were contented to descend from Our owne Right, to alter Our resolution, and to continue the Session for a fortnight more, wherein they might perfite such publique Billes, as were esteemed of most importance: for which purpose, We Our selfe came in person vnto the Higher house of Parliament, and made offer thereof vnto them, which being in effect as much as the Commons had formerly desired, was no sooner offered, but yeelding thankes to Vs, the said Commons resolued the same day directly, contrary to their former desire, to refuse it, and to accept Our first Resolution of an adiournement; but attending Vs at Greenwich, presented no grieuances: This inconstancie, as Wee passed by with a gentle admonition; so for the matter of grieuances, aswell of England, as Ireland, We promised to take them into Our owne care, though not presented to Vs, and really performed the same so farre forth, as time, and the aduice of Our Councell of each Kingdome could enable Vs, as is witnessed by Our seuerall Proclamations, published in both Realms, as likewise in granting at the same time those three suites which were proponed vnto Vs by the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, at the request, and in the name of both the Houses: But in conclusion of the house of Commons making it their choise, Wee made a Recesse by adiournement of the Parliament, the fourth day of Iune; Though indeed We must doe them this right, that at the said Recesse, taking into their serious consideration the present estate of Our children abroad, and the generall afflicted estate of the true Professors of Religion in forraine parts, they did with one vnanimous consent, in the name of themselues, and the whole body of the Kingdome, make a most dutifull and solemne protestation, that if Our pious Endeauours, by treatie to procure their peace and safetie, should not take that good effect which was desired, (in the treatie whereof, they humbly besought Vs, not to suffer any long delay) then, vpon signification of Our pleasure in Parliament, they would be ready, to the vttermost of their powers, both with liues and fortunes to assist Vs; so as that by the diuine helpe of Almightie God, We might be able to doe that by Our sword, which by peaceable courses should not be effected. But during the time of this long Recesse, hauing to Our great charges mediated with the Emperour, by the meanes of Our Embassadour, the Lord =DIGBIE=, and hauing found those hopes to fayle, which We had to preuaile by treaty, Wee in confidence of the Assistance of Our people, thus freely promised and protested in Parliament, did instantly shorten the time of the Recesse, (which We had before appointed to continue vntill the eighth day of February,) and did reassemble Our Parliament, the twentieth day of Nouember last, and made knowen vnto them the true state and necessity of Our Childrens affayres, declaring Our resolution vnto them, of taking vpon Vs the defence of Our Childrens patrimony, by way of Armes, since We could not compasse it by an amicable treaty; and therefore expected the fruit of that their declaration, whereby We were inuited vnto this course: wherein, howbeit We are well satisfied of the good inclination of the most part of Our House of Commons, testified by their ready assent to the speedy payment of a Subsidie, newly to bee granted, yet vpon this occasion some particular members of that House tooke such inordinate liberty, not only to treat of Our high Prerogatiues, and of sundry things, that without Our speciall direction were no fit subiects to be treated of in Parliament; but also to speake with lesse respect of forraigne Princes, Our Allies, then were fit for any Subiect to doe of anoynted Kings, though in enmity and hostility with Vs. And when, vpon this occasion, Wee vsed some reprehension towardes those miscarriages, requiring them not to proceede but in such things as were within the capacity of that House, according to the continuall custome of Our Predecessors, then by the meanes of some euil affected and discontented persons, such heat and distemper was raysed in the House, that albeit themselues had sued vnto Vs for a Session, and for a generall Pardon, vnto both which at their earnest suit We assented, yet after this fire kindled, they reiected both, and setting apart all businesses of consequence & waight (notwithstanding Our admonition and earnest pressing them to goe on) they either sate as silent, or spent the time in disputing of Priuiledges, descanting vpon the words and syllables of Our Letters & messages, which for better cleering of trueth, and satisfaction of all men, We are about to publish in Print, so soone as possibly We can. And although in Our Answere to their petition, Wee gaue them full assurance that Wee would be as carefull of the preseruation of their Priuiledges, as of Our owne Royall Prerogatiue; and in Our explanation after sent vnto them by Our Letters, written to Our Secretary, We told them that Wee neuer meant to denie them any lawful priuiledges that euer that House enioyed in Our predecessours times; and that whatsoeuer priuiledges or liberties they enioyed by any Law or Statute, should euer bee inuiolably preserued by Vs; and We hoped Our posterity would imitate Our footsteps therein; and whatsoeuer priuiledges they enioyed by long custome, and vncontrolled and lawful Presidents, We would likewise be as carefull to preserue them, and transmit the care therof to Our posterity, confessing Our selues in iustice to be bound to maintaine them in their Rights, and in grace, that We were rather minded to increase, then infringe any of them, if they should so deserue at Our hands, which might satisfie any reasonable man, that We were farre from violating their priuiledges. And although by Our Letters written to their Speaker, Wee aduised them to proceede, and make this a Session, to the end, that Our good & louing subiects might haue some taste, aswell of Our grace and goodnes towards them, by Our free pardon and good Lawes to bee passed, as they had both by the great and vnusuall examples of Iustice since this meeting, and the so many eases and comforts giuen vnto them by Proclamation. And although We had giuen order for the Pardon to goe on, and that in a more gracious and liberall manner then hath passed in may yeeres before, and signified Our willingnesse, that rather then time should bee misspent, they might lay aside the thought of the Subsidie, and goe on with an Act for continuance of Statutes, and the generall Pardon; yet all this preuailed not to satisfie them, either for their pretended Priuiledges, or to perswade them to proceed with Bils for the good of themselues, and those that sent them. But as the Session and Pardon were by them well desired at first; so were they as ill reiected at the last; and notwithstanding the sinceritie of Our protestations, not to inuade their Priuiledges; yet by the perswasion of such as had beene the cause of all these distempers, they fall to carue for themselues, and pretending causelesly to bee occasioned thereunto, in an vnseasonable houre of the day, and a very thinne House, contrary to their owne Custome in all matters of waight, conclude, and enter a protestation for their liberties, in such ambiguous and generall words, as might serue for future times to inuade most of Our inseparable Rights and Prerogatiues, annexed to Our Imperiall Crowne: whereof not onely in the times of other Our Progenitors, but in the blessed Raigne of Our late Predecessor, that renowned Queene =ELIZABETH=, Wee found Our Crowne actually possessed; an vsurpation that the Maiesty of a King can by no meanes endure. By all which may appeare, that howsoeuer in the generall proceedings of that House, there are many footsteps of louing and well affected duetie to Vs: yet some ill tempered spirits haue sowed tares among the corne, and thereby frustrated the hope of that plentifull and good haruest, which might haue multiplyed the wealth and welfare of this whole land; and by their cunning diuersions haue imposed vpon Vs a necessitie of discontinuing this present Parliament, without putting vnto it the name or period of a Session. And therefore, whereas the said Assembly of Parliament was by Our Commission adiourned vntill the eight day of February now next ensuring, Wee, minding not to continue the same any longer, and therfore not holding it fit to cause the Prelates, Noblemen, and States of this Our Realm, or the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses of the same Parliament to trauaile thereabout, haue thought fit to signifie this Our resolution, with the reasons thereof vnto all Our Subiects, inhabiting in all parts of this Realme, willing and requiring the said Prelates, Noblemen and States, and also the said Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, and all others, to whom in this case it shall appertaine, that they forbeare to attend at the day and place prefixed by the said adiournement; and in so doing, they are and shall bee hereby discharged thereof against Vs. And Wee doe hereby further declare, that the said Conuention of Parliament, neither is, nor after the ceasing and breaking thereof shall bee, nor ought to bee esteemed, adiudged, or taken to be, or make any Session or Parliament. And albeit Wee are at this time enforced to breake off this Conuention of Parliament: yet Our will and desire is, that all Our subiects should take notice, for auoyding of all sinister suspicions and iealousies, that Our intent and full resolution is, to gouerne Our people in the same manner, as Our Progenitors and Predecessours, Kings and Queenes of this Realme, of best gouernment, haue heretofore done; and that Wee shall be carefull, both in Our owne person, and by charging Our Priuie Counsell, Our Iudges, and other Our Ministers in their seuerall places respectiuely, to distribute true Iustice and right vnto all Our people; and that Wee shall bee as glad to lay hold of the first occasion in due and conuenient time, which Wee hope shall not bee long, to Call and Assemble Our Parliament, with confidence of the true and hearty loue and affection of Our subiects, as either Wee, or any of Our Progenitors haue beene at any time heretofore. Giuen at Our Pallace at Westminster, the sixth day of Ianuary, in the nineteenth yeere of Our Reigne of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland. God saue the King. [Illustration] LONDON, Printed by BONHAM NORTON, and IOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. 1621. [Illustration] * * * * * TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES Original spelling and punctuation retained. Italics have been replaced with _underscores_ Small capitals have been replaced with ALL CAPS. Font changes have been replaced with =ALL CAPS=. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK A PROCLAMATION DECLARING HIS MAIESTIES PLEASURE CONCERNING THE DISSOLUING OF THE PRESENT CONUENTION OF PARLIAMENT *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. 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