The Project Gutenberg eBook of Moxon's mechanick exercises, volume 1 (of 2) This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: Moxon's mechanick exercises, volume 1 (of 2) The doctrine of handy-works applied to the art of printing Author: Joseph Moxon Annotator: Theodore Low De Vinne Release date: November 24, 2023 [eBook #72217] Language: English Original publication: New York: The Typothetæ of the city of New York Credits: deaurider, Brian Wilsden and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive) *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK MOXON'S MECHANICK EXERCISES, VOLUME 1 (OF 2) *** Transcriber’s Note: Italic text is denoted by _underscores_ and bold text by =equal signs=. This certifies that four hundred and fifty copies only, all on hand-made Holland paper and printed from types, of this edition of Moxon’s “Mechanick Exercises,” in two volumes, were completed in August, 1896, and that the types have been distributed. _Joseph J. Little._ _S. P. Avery._ _Walter Gilliss._ _Douglas Taylor._ _Theo. L. DeVinne._ _David Williams._ _W. W. Pasko._ _Committee of the Typothetæ._ MOXON’S MECHANICK EXERCISES [Illustration: _The true Effigies of_ Laurenz Ians Kofter _Delineated from his Monumentall Stone Statue, Erected at_ Harlem.] [Illustration: _The true Effigies of_ Iohn Guttemberg _Delineated from the Original Painting at_ Mentz _in Germanie_.] MOXON’S MECHANICK EXERCISES OR THE DOCTRINE OF HANDY-WORKS APPLIED TO THE ART OF PRINTING A LITERAL REPRINT IN TWO VOLUMES OF THE FIRST EDITION PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR 1683 WITH PREFACE AND NOTES BY THEO. L. DE VINNE VOLUME I [Illustration] NEW-YORK THE TYPOTHETÆ OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK MDCCCLXXXXVI [Illustration] PREFACE JOSEPH MOXON was born at Wakefield in Yorkshire, England, August 8, 1627. There is no published record of his parentage or his early education. His first business was that of a maker and vender of mathematical instruments, in which industry he earned a memorable reputation between the years 1659 and 1683. He was not content with this work, for he had leanings to other branches of the mechanic arts, and especially toward the designing of letters and the making of printing-types. In 1669 he published a sheet in folio under the heading of “Prooves of the Several Sorts of Letters Cast by Joseph Moxon.” The imprint is “Westminster, Printed by Joseph Moxon, in Russell street, at the Sign of the Atlas, 1669.” This specimen of types seems to have been printed, not to show his dexterity as a type-founder, but to advertise himself as a dealer in mathematical and scientific instruments. The reading matter of the sheet describes “Globes Celestial and Terrestrial, Large Maps of the World, A Tutor to Astronomie and to Geographie”—all of his own production. Reed flouts the typography of this sheet: “It is a sorry performance. Only one fount, the Pica, has any pretensions to elegance or regularity. The others are so clumsily cut or badly cast, and so wretchedly printed, as here and there to be almost undecipherable.”[1] The rude workmanship of these early types proves, as he afterward admitted, that he had never been properly taught the art of type-founding; that he had learned it, as he said others had, “of his own genuine inclination.” It was then a difficult task to learn any valuable trade. The Star Chamber decree of 1637 ordained that there should be but four type-founders for the kingdom of Great Britain, and the number of their apprentices was restricted. When the Long Parliament met in 1640, the decrees of the Star Chamber were practically dead letters, and for a few years there was free trade in typography. In 1644 the Star Chamber regulations were reimposed; in 1662 they were made more rigorous than ever. The importation of types from abroad without the consent of the Stationers’ Company was prohibited. British printers were compelled to buy the inferior types of English founders, who, secure in their monopoly, did but little for the improvement of printing.[2] It is probable that the attention of Moxon was first drawn to type-founding by the founders themselves, who had to employ mechanics of skill for the making of their molds and other implements of type-casting. In this manner he could have obtained an insight into the mysteries of the art that had been carefully concealed. He did not learn type-making or printing in the usual routine. The records of the Company of Stationers do not show that he was ever made a freeman of that guild, yet he openly carried on the two distinct businesses of type-founding and printing after 1669. It is probable that he had a special permit from a higher authority, for in 1665 he had been appointed hydrographer to the king, and a good salary was given with the office. He was then devoted to the practical side of scientific pursuits, and was deferred to as a man of ability. He published several mathematical treatises between the years 1658 and 1687; one, called “Compendium Euclidis Curiosi,” was translated by him from Dutch into English, and printed in London in 1677. Mores supposes that he had acquired a knowledge of Dutch by residence in Holland, but intimates that he was not proficient in its grammar.[3] In 1676 he published a book on the shapes of letters, with this formidable title: “Regulæ Trium Ordinum Literarum Typographicarum; or the Rules of the Three Orders of Print Letters, viz: the Roman, Italick, English—Capitals and Small; showing how they are Compounded of Geometrick Figures, and mostly made by Rule and Compass. Useful for Writing Masters, Painters, Carvers, Masons and others that are Lovers of Curiosity. By Joseph Moxon, Hydrographer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty. Printed for Joseph Moxon on Ludgate Hill, at the Sign of Atlas, 1676.” He then dedicated the book to Sir Christopher Wren, “as a lover of rule and proportion,” or to one who might be pleased with this attempt to make alphabetical letters conform to geometric rules. There is no intimation that the book was intended for punch-cutters. It contains specific directions about the shapes of letters, covering fifty-two pages, as proper introduction to the thirty-eight pages of model letters that follow, rudely drawn and printed from copper plates. Moxon says that these model letters are his copies of the letters of Christopher Van Dijk, the famous punch-cutter of Holland. He advises that each letter should be plotted upon a framework of small squares—forty-two squares in height and of a proportionate width, as is distinctly shown in the plates of letters in this book.[4] Upon these squares the draftsman should draw circles, angles, and straight lines, as are fully set forth in the instructions. These diagrams, with their accompanying instruction, have afforded much amusement to type-founders. All of them unite in saying that the forming of letters by geometrical rule is absurd and impracticable. This proposition must be conceded without debate, but the general disparagement of all the letters, in which even Reed joins, may be safely controverted. It is admitted that the characters are rudely drawn, and many have faults of disproportion; but it must not be forgotten that they were designed to meet the most important requirement of a reader—to be read, and read easily. Here are the broad hair-line, the stubby serif on the lower-case and the bracketed serif on the capitals, the thick stem, the strong and low crown on letters like m and n, with other peculiarities now commended in old-style faces and often erroneously regarded as the original devices of the first Caslon. The black-letter has more merit than the roman or italic. Some of the capitals are really uncouth; but with all their faults the general effect of a composition in these letters will be found more satisfactory to the bibliophile as a text-type than any form of pointed black that has been devised in this century as an improvement. Moxon confesses no obligation to any one for his geometrical system, but earlier writers had propounded a similar theory. Books on the true proportions of letters had been written by Fra Luca Paccioli, Venice, 1509; Albert Dürer, Nuremberg, 1525; Geofroy Tory, Paris, 1529; and Yciar, Saragossa, 1548. Nor did the attempt to make letters conform to geometrical rules end with Moxon. In 1694, M. Jaugeon, chief of the commission appointed by the Academy of Sciences of Paris, formulated a system that required a plot of 2304 little squares for the accurate construction of every full-bodied capital letter. The manuscript and diagrams of the author were never put in print, but are still preserved in the papers of the Academy. This essay on the forms of letters seems to have been sent out as the forerunner of a larger work on the theory and practice of mechanical arts. Under the general title of “Mechanick Exercises,” in 1677, he began the publication, in fourteen monthly numbers, of treatises on the trades of the smith, the joiner, the carpenter, and the turner. These constitute the first volume of the “Mechanick Exercises.” The book did not find as many buyers as had been expected. Moxon attributed its slow sale to political excitement, for the Oates plot put the buying and study of trade books away from the minds of readers. He had to wait until 1683 before he began the publication of the second volume, which consists of twenty-four numbers, and treats of the art of printing only. It is this second volume that is here reprinted, for the first volume is of slight interest to the printer or man of letters. Moxon’s book has the distinction of being not only the first, but the most complete of the few early manuals of typography. Fournier’s “Manuel Typographique” of 1764 is the only book that can be compared with it in minuteness of detail concerning type-making, but he treats of type-making only. Reed says: “Any one acquainted with the modern practice of punch-cutting cannot but be struck, on reading the directions laid down in the ‘Mechanick Exercises,’ with the slightness of the changes which the manual processes of that art have undergone during the last two centuries. Indeed, allowing for improvements in tools, and the greater variety of gauges, we might almost assert that the punch-cutter of Moxon’s day knew scarcely less than the punch-cutter of our day, with the accumulated experience of two hundred years, could teach him.... For almost a century it remained the only authority on the subject; subsequently it formed the basis of numerous other treatises both at home and abroad; and to this day it is quoted and referred to, not only by the antiquary, who desires to learn what the art once was, but by the practical printer, who may still on many subjects gather from it much advice and information as to what it should still be.”[5] During his business life, Moxon stood at the head of the trade in England. He was selected to cut a font of type for an edition of the New Testament in the Irish language, which font was afterward used for many other books. He cut also the characters designed by Bishop John Wilkins for his “Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language,” and many mathematical and astronomical symbols. Rowe Mores, who describes him as an excellent artist and an admirable mechanic, says that he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1678.[6] There is no known record of the date of his death. Mores gives the year 1683 as the date of his relinquishment of the business of type-making, but he was active as a writer and a publisher for some years after. The first volume of the “Mechanick Exercises,” concerning carpentry, etc., went to its third edition in 1703, but the second volume, about printing, has been neglected for two centuries. During this long interval many copies of the first small edition of five hundred copies have been destroyed. A perfect copy is rare, and commands a high price, for no early book on technical printing is in greater request.[7] The instruction directly given is of value, but bits of information indirectly furnished are of greater interest. From no other book can one glean so many evidences of the poverty of the old printing-house. Its scant supply of types, its shackly hand-presses, its mean printing-inks, its paper-windows and awkward methods, when not specifically confessed, are plainly indicated. The high standard of proof-reading here exacted may be profitably contrasted with its sorry performance upon the following pages. The garments worn by the workmen are shown in the illustrations. Some of the quainter usages of the trade are told in the “Customs of the Chappel,” and those of the masters, in the ceremonies of the Stationers’ Company, and in the festivals in which masters and workmen joined. To the student of printing a reading of the book is really necessary for a clear understanding of the mechanical side of the art as practised in the seventeenth century. NOTE BY THE PRINTER This edition of the “Mechanick Exercises” is a line-for-line and page-for-page reprint of the original text. The only suppression is that of the repetition of the words “Volume II” in the running title and the sub-titles, which would unnecessarily mislead the reader, and of the old signature marks that would confuse the bookbinder. Typographic peculiarities have been followed, even to the copying of gross faults, like doublets, that will be readily corrected by the reader. The object of the reprint is not merely to present the thought of the author, but to illustrate the typographic style of his time with its usual defects. A few deviations from copy that seemed to be needed for a clearer understanding of the meaning of the author have been specified at the end of the second volume. The irregular spelling and punctuation of the copy, its capricious use of capitals and italic, its headings of different sizes of type, have been repeated. At this point imitation has stopped. Turned and broken letters, wrong font characters, broken space-lines, and bent rules have not been servilely reproduced. These blemishes, as well as the frequent “monks” and “friars” in the presswork, were serious enough to prevent an attempt at a photographic facsimile of the pages. The two copies of Moxon that have served as “copy” for this reprint show occasional differences in spelling and punctuation. Changes, possibly made in the correction of batters, or after the tardy discovery of faults, must have been done while the form was on press and partly printed. The position of the plates differs seriously in the two copies; they do not follow each other in the numerical order specified. In this reprint the plates that describe types and tools have been placed near their verbal descriptions. The type selected for this work was cast from matrices struck with the punches (made about 1740) of the first Caslon. It is of the same large English body as that of the original, but a trifle smaller as to face, and not as compressed as the type used by Moxon; but it repeats many of his peculiarities, and fairly reproduces the more important mannerisms of the printing of the seventeenth century. The portraits have been reproduced by the artotype process of Bierstadt; the descriptive illustrations are from the etched plates of the Hagopian Photo-Engraving Company. [Illustration: Joseph Moxon. _Born at_ =Wakefeild= _August. 8_. _Anno 1627._] _MECHANICK EXERCISES:_ Or, the Doctrine of Handy-works. Applied to the Art of Printing. By _Joseph Moxon_, Member of the Royal Society, and _Hydrographer_ to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty. _LONDON._ Printed for _Joseph Moxon_ on the Westside of _Fleet-ditch_, at the Sign of _Atlas_. 1 6 8 3. To the Right Reverend Father in GOD, _JOHN_ Lord Bishop of _Oxford_, and Dean of _Christ-Church_; And to the Right Honourable Sir _LEOLINE JENKINS_ Knight, and Principal Secretary of State; And to the Right Honourable Sir _JOSEPH WILLIAMSON_ Knight; and one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy-Council. Right Honourable. Y_Our ardent affections to promote_ Typographie _has eminently appeared in the great Charge you have been at to make it famous here in_ England; _whereby this Royal Island stands particularly obliged to your Generous and Publick Spirits, and the whole Common-Wealth of Book-men throughout the World, to your Candid Zeal for the promulgation of good Learning_. _Wherefore I humbly Dedicate this Piece of_ Typographie _to your Honours; and as it is (I think) the first of this nature, so I hope you will favourably excuse small Faults in this Undertaking; for great ones I hope there are none, unless it be in this presumptuous_ Dedication; _for which I humbly beg your Honours pardon: Subscribing my self, My Lord and Gentlemen_, _Your Honours most Humble and Obedient Servant_. Joseph Moxon. =Footnotes.= [1] “A History of the Old English Letter Foundries, with Notes Historical and Biographical on the Rise and Progress of English Typography.” By Talbot Baines Reed, London, 1887, p. 181. [2] The four founders appointed by the Star Chamber did not thrive. One of them, Arthur Nicholls, said of himself: “Of so small benifitt hath his Art bine that for 4 yeares worke and practice he hath not taken above 48£, and had it not bine for other imploymente he might have perrisht.” Reed, p. 168. [3] “A Dissertation upon English Typographical Founders and Founderies.” By Edward Rowe Mores, A. M. & A. S. S. [London], 1778. 8vo, p. 43. [4] See plates Nos. 11 to 17. [5] Reed, “Old English Letter Foundries,” pp. 185, 186. [6] Mores, “English Founders,” p. 42. [7] Hansard says (“Typographia,” p. vii): “I have never been able to meet with more than two copies of this work—one in the Library of the British Museum—the other in the Library of the Society of Arts.” The writer knows of but three copies in America: one in the Library Company of Philadelphia; one in the Library of the Typothetæ of New-York; one in his own collection. _MECHANICK EXERCISES:_ Or, the Doctrine of =Handy-works.= Applied to the Art of =Printing.= _PREFACE._ B_Efore I begin with_ Typographie, _I shall say somewhat of its Original Invention; I mean here in_ Europe, _not of theirs in_ China _and other Eastern Countries, who (by general assent) have had it for many hundreds of years, though their Invention is very different from ours; they Cutting their Letters upon Blocks in whole Pages or Forms, as among us our Wooden Pictures are Cut; But_ Printing _with single Letters Cast in Mettal, as with us here in_ Europe, _is an Invention scarce above Two hundred and fifteen years old; and yet an undecidable Controversie about the original Contriver or Contrivers remains on foot, between the_ Harlemers _of_ Holland, _and those of_ Mentz _in_ Germany: _But because the difference cannot be determin’d for want of undeniable Authority, I shall only deliver both their Pleas to this_ Scientifick Invention. _The_ Harlemers _plead that_ Lawrensz Jansz Koster of Harlem _was the first Inventer of_ Printing, _in the year of our Lord_ 1430. _but that in the Infancy of this Invention he used only Wooden Blocks_ (_as in_ China, _&c. aforesaid_) _but after some time he left off Wood, and Cut single Letters in Steel, which he sunck into Copper_ Matrices, _and fitting them to Iron Molds, Cast single Letters of Mettal in those_ Matrices. _They say also, that his Companion_, John Gutenberg, _stole his Tools away while he was at Church, and with them went to_ Mentz _in_ Germany, _and there set his Tools to work, and promoted His claim to the first Invention of this Art, before_ Koster _did His_. _To prove this, they say that_ Rabbi Joseph (_a Jew_) _in his Chronicle, mentions a Printed Book that he saw in_ Venice, _in the year_ 5188. _according to the Jewish Account, and by ours the year_ 1428. _as may be read in_ Pet. Scriverius. _They say much of a Book intituled_ De Spiegel, _Printed at_ Harlem _in_ Dutch _and_ Latin; _which Book is yet there to be seen: and they alledge that Book the first that ever was Printed: But yet say not when this Book was Printed_. _Notwithstanding this Plea, I do not find_ (_perhaps because of their imperfect Proofs_) _but that_ Gutenberg _of_ Mentz _is more generally accepted for the first Inventer of_ Printing, _than_ Koster _of_ Harlem. _The Learned Dr._ Wallis _of_ Oxford, _hath made an Inquiry into the original of this Invention, and hath in brief sum’d up the matter in these words_. About the year of our Lord 1460. The Art of _Printing_ began to be invented and practised in _Germany_, whether first at _Mentz_ or first at _Harlem_ it is not agreed: But it seems that those who had it in consideration before it was brought to perfection, disagreeing among themselves, did part Company; and some of them at _Harlem_, others at _Mentz_ persued the design at the same time. _The Book which is commonly reputed to have been first Printed is_, Tullies Offices, _of which there be Copies extant (as a Rarity) in many Libraries; which in the close of it is said to be Printed at_ Mentz, _in the year of our Lord_ 1465. (_so says that Copy in the_ Bodleyan _Library_) _or_ 1466. (_so that in the Library of_ Corpus Christi.) _The words in the close of that in_ Corpus Christi _Colledge_ Oxon _are these_, Præsens _Marcij Tullij_ Clarissimum opus, _Johanes Hust, Moguntinus_ Civis, non Atrimento, plumali canna, neq; ærea, sed Arte quadam perpulchra, _Petri_ manu _Petri_ de _Geurshem_ pueri mei, feliciter effeci, finitum Anno M CCCC LX VI quarto die Mensis _Februarij_. _The like in the_ Bodleyan _Library; save there the Date is only thus_, Finitum Anno M CCCC LX V. _In the same Book there are these written Notes subjoyned_: Hic eft ille _Johannes Faustus_, coadjutor _Johannes Gutenbergij_ primi _Typographiæ_ inventaris, Alter coadjuto erat _Petrus Schœfer_, i. Opilio. Quovix. Cælando promptior alter erat, inquit _Johan. Arnoldus_ in Libello de Chalcographiæ inventione, _Scheffer_ primas finxit quas vocant _Matrices_. Hi tres exercuerunt artem primo in communi. mox rupto fœdere seorsim sibi quisq; privatim. _And again_ (_in a later hand_) Inventionem artis _Typographicæ_ ad Annum 1453. aut exerciter referunt Sabillicus _En._ 10.lib.6. & _Monsterus_. Alij ad Annum 1460. Vide _Polid. Virg._lib. 2. de Invent. Rerum, _Theod. Bibland. de Ratione communis linguarum._ cap. de _Chalcographia._ _At_ Harlem _and some other places in_ Holland, _they pretend to have Books Printed somewhat ancienter than this; but they are most of them_ (_if not all_) _done by way of Carving whole Pages in Wood, not by single Letters Cast in Mettal, to be Composed and Distributed as occasion serves, as is now the manner._ _The chief Inventer at_ Harlem _is said to be_ Laurens Jansz Koster. _After these two places_ (Mentz _and_ Harlem) _it seems next of all to have been practised at_ Oxford: _For by the care, and at the charge of King_ Henry _the_ 6_th, and of_ Thomas Bourchier _then Arch-Bishop of_ Canterbury (_and Chancellour of the University of_ Oxford) Robert Turner _Master of the Robe, and_ William Caxton _a Merchant of_ London _were for that purpose sent to_ Harlem, _at the charges partly of the King, partly of the Arch-Bishop, who then_ (_because these of_ Harlem _were very chary of this secret_) _prevailed privately with one_ Frederick Corseles _an under-Workman, for a sum of Money, to come over hither; who thereupon did at_ Oxford _set up the Art of_ Printing, _before it was exercised any where else in_ England, _or in_ France, Italy, Venice, Germany, _or any other place, except only_ Mentz _and_ Harlem (_aforementioned_): _And there be several Copies yet extant (as one in the Archives of the University of_ Oxford, _another in the Library of Dr._ Tho. Barlow, _now Bishop of_ Lincoln) _of a Treatise of St._ Jerome (_as it is there called_ (_because found among St._ Jerom’s _Works_) _or rather _ Ruffinus _upon the Creed, in a broad_ Octavo) _Printed at_ Oxford _in the year_ 1468. _as appears by the words in the close of it_. Explicit expositio Sancti _Jeronimi_ in sembolo Apostolorum ad papam Laurentium Impressi _Oxonie_ & finita Anno Domini M CCCC LX VIII. xvij die _Decembris_. _Which is but three years later than that of_ Tullies Offices _at_ Mentz, _in_ 1465. _and was perhaps one of the first Books Printed on Paper_; (_that of_ Tully _being on Vellom_.) _And there the excercise of_ Printing _hath continued successively to this day._ _Soon after_ William Caxton (_the same I suppose who first brought it to_ Oxford) _promoted it to_ London _also, which_ Baker _in his Chronicle_ (_and some others_) _say to have been about the year_ 1471. _but we have scarce any Copies of Books there Printed remaining_ (_that I have seen_) _earlier than the year_ 1480. _And by that time, or soon after, it began to be received in_ Venice, Italy, Germany, _and other places, as appears by Books yet extant, Printed at divers places in those Times. Thus far Dr._ Wallis. _But whoever were the Inventers of this Art, or_ (_as some Authors will have it_) _Science; nay, Science of Sciences_ (_say they_) _certain it is, that in all its Branches it can be deemed little less than a Science: And I hope I say not to much of_ Typographie: _For Dr._ Dee, _in his Mathematical Preface to_ Euclids Elements of Geometrie, _hath worthily taken pains to make_ Architecture _a Mathematical Science; and as a vertual Proof of his own Learned Plea, quotes two Authentique Authors,_ viz. Vitruvius _and_ Leo Baptista, _who both give their descriptions and applause of_ Architecture: _His Arguments are somewhat copious, and the Original easily procurable in the English Tongue; therefore instead of transcribing it, I shall refer my Reader to the Text it self._ _Upon the consideration of what he has said in behalf of_ Architecture, _I find that a_ Typographer _ought to be equally qualified with all the Sciences that becomes an_ Architect, _and then I think no doubt remains that_ Typographie _is not also a Mathematical Science_. _For my own part, I weighed it well in my thoughts, and find all the accomplishments, and some more of an_ Architect _necessary in a_ Typographer: _and though my business be not Argumentation, yet my Reader, by perusing the following discourse, may perhaps satisfie himself, that a_ Typographer _ought to be a man of Sciences_. _By a_ Typographer, _I do not mean a_ Printer, _as he is Vulgarly accounted, any more than Dr._ Dee _means a_ Carpenter _or_ Mason _to be an_ Architect: _But by a_ Typographer, _I mean such a one, who by his own Judgement, from solid reasoning with himself, can either perform, or direct others to perform from the beginning to the end, all the Handy-works and Physical Operations relating to_ Typographie. _Such a_ Scientifick _man was doubtless he who was the first Inventer of_ Typographie; _but I think few have succeeded him in Science, though the number of_ Founders _and_ Printers _be grown very many: Insomuch that for the more easie managing of_ Typographie, _the Operators have found it necessary to devide it into several Trades, each of which (in the strictest sence) stand no nearer related to_ Typographie, _than_ Carpentry _or_ Masonry, _&c. are to_ Architecture. _The several devisions that are made, are_, First _The_ Master-Printer, _who is as the Soul of_ Printing; _and all the Work-men as members of the Body governed by that Soul subserveient to him; for the_ Letter-Cutter _would Cut no Letters, the_ Founder _not sinck the_ Matrices, _or Cast and Dress the Letters, the_ Smith _and_ Joyner _not make the_ Press _and other Utensils for_ Printing, _the_ Compositer _not Compose the Letters, the_ Correcter _not read Proves, the_ Press-man _not work the Forms off at the_ Press, _or the_ Inck-maker _make_ Inck _to work them with, but by Orders from the_ Master-Printer. _Secondly, The_ Letter-Cutter, } _Thirdly, The_ Letter-Caster, } Founders. _Fourthly, The_ Letter-Dresser. } _But very few_ Founders _exercise, or indeed can perform all these several Trades; though each of these are indifferently called_ Letter-Founders. _Fifthly, The_ Compositer, } _Sixthly, The_ Correcter, } Printers. _Seventhly, The_ Press-man, } _Eighthly, The_ Inck-maker. } _Besides several other Trades they take in to their Assistance; as the_ Smith, _the_ Joyner, _&c._ ADVERTISEMENT. The continuation of my setting forth _Mechanick Exercises_ having been obstructed by the breaking out of the Plot, which took off the minds of my few Customers from buying them, as formerly; And being of late much importun’d by many worthy Persons to continue them; I have promised to go on again, upon Condition, That a competent number of them may be taken off my hand by Subscribers, soon after the publication of them in the _Gazet_, or posting up Titles, or by the _Mercurius Librarius_, &c. Therefore such Gentlemen or others as are willing to promote the coming forth of these _Exercises_, are desired to Subscribe their Names and place of abode: That so such Persons as live about this City may have them sent so soon as they come forth: Quick Sale being the best encouragement. Some Gentlemen (to whom they are very acceptable) tell me they will take them when all _Trades_ are finish’t, which cannot reasonably be expected from me (my Years considered) in my life-time; which implies they will be Customers when I’me dead, or perhaps by that time some of themselves. The price of these Books will be 2_d._ for each Printed Sheet. And 2_d._ for every Print taken off of Copper Cuts. There are three reasons why this price cannot be thought dear. 1. The Writing is all new matter, not Collected, or Translated from any other Authors: and the drafts of the Cuts all drawn from the Tools and Machines used in each respective Trade. 2. I Print but 500 on each Sheet, And those upon good Paper: which makes the charge of Printing dear, proportionable to great numbers. 3. Some Trades are particularly affected by some Customers, (who desire not the rest,) and consequently sooner sold off, which renders the remainder of the un-sold _Exercises_ unperfect, and therefore not acceptable to such as desire all: so that they will remain as waste-Paper on my hands. _JOSEPH MOXON._ _MECHANICK EXERCISES:_ Or, the Doctrine of =Handy-works.= Applied to the Art of =Printing.= §. 2. _Of the Office of a Master_-Printer. I Shall begin with the Office of a _Master-Printer_, because (as aforesaid) he is the Directer of all the Work-men, he is the Base (as the _Dutchmen_ properly call him) on which the Workmen stand, both for providing Materials to Work withal, and successive variety of Directions how and in what manner and order to perform that Work. His Office is therefore to provide a House, or Room or Rooms in which he is to set his _Printing-House_. This expression may seem strange, but it is _Printers_ Language: For a _Printing-House_ may admit of a twofold meaning; one the Vulgar acceptance, and is relative to the House or Place wherein _Printing_ is used; the other a more peculiar Phrase _Printers_ use among themselves, _viz._ only the _Printing_ Tools, which they frequently call a _Printing-House_: Thus they say, Such a One has set up a _Printing-House_, when as thereby they mean he has furnish’d a House with _Printing_ Tools. Or such a one has remov’d his _Printing-House_, when thereby they only mean he has remov’d the Tools us’d in his former House. These expressions have been used Time out of mind, and are continued by them to this day. But to proceed, Having consider’d what number of _Presses_ and _Cases_ he shall use, he makes it his business to furnish himself with a Room or Rooms well-lighted, and of convenient capacity for his number of _Presses_ and _Cases_, allowing for each _Press_ about Seven Foot square upon the Floor, and for every _Frame_ of _Cases_ which holds Two pair of _Cases_, _viz._ one pair _Romain_ and one pair _Itallica_, Five Foot and an half in length (for so much they contain) and Four Foot and an half in breadth, though they contain but Two Foot and Nine Inches: But then room will be left to pass freely between two _Frames_. We will suppose he resolves to have his _Presses_ and _Cases_ stand in the same Room (though in _England_ it is not very customary). He places the _Cases_ on that side the Room where they will most conveniently stand, so, as when the _Compositer_ is at work the Light may come in on his Left-hand; for else his Right-hand plying between the Window-light and his Eye might shadow the _Letter_ he would pick up: And the _Presses_ he places so, as the Light may fall from a Window right before the _Form_ and _Tinpan_: And if scituation will allow it, on the North-side the Room, that the _Press-men_, when at their hard labour in _Summer_ time, may be the less uncommoded with the heat of the _Sun_: And also that they may the better see by the constancy of that Light, to keep the whole _Heap_ of an equal Colour. He is also to take care that his _Presses_ have a solid and firm Foundation, and an even Horizontal Floor to stand on, That when the _Presses_ are set up their Feet shall need no Underlays, which both damage a _Press_, are often apt to work out, and consequently subject it to an unstable and loose position, as shall further be shewn when we come to the Setting up of the _Press_. And as the Foundation ought to be very firm, so ought also the Roof and Sides of the _Press Room_ to be, that the _Press_ may be fastned with Braces overhead and on its Sides, as well and steddy as under foot. He is also to take care that the Room have a clear, free and pretty lofty Light, not impeded with the shadow of other Houses, or with Trees; nor so low that the Sky-light will not reach into every part of the Room: But yet not too high, lest the violence of _Winter_ (_Printers_ using generally but Paper-windows) gain too great advantage of Freesing the Paper and Letter, and so both Work and Workman stand still. Therefore he ought to Philosophize with himself, for the making the height of his Lights to bear a rational proportion to the capacity of the Room. Here being but two sides of the Room yet used, he places the _Correcting-stone_ against a good Light, and as near as he can towards the middle of the Room, that the _Compositers_ belonging to each end of the Room may enjoy an equal access to it. But sometimes there are several _Correcting-stones_ plac’d in several parts of the Room. The _Lye-Trough_ and _Rincing-Trough_ he places towards some corner of the Room, yet so as they may have a good Light; and under these he causes a _Sink_ to be made to convey the Water out of the Room: But if he have other conveniencies for the placing these Troughs, he will rather set them out of the Room to avoid the slabbering they cause in. About the middle of the Room he places the _Destributing-Frame_ (_viz._ the _Frame_ on which the _Forms_ are set that are to be _Destributed_) which may stand light enough, though it stand at some considerable distance from the Window. In some other empty place of the Room (least frequented) he causes so many _Nest-Frames_ to be made as he thinks convenient to hold the _Cases_ that may lye out of present use; and the _Letter-boards_ with _Forms_ set by on them, that both the _Cases_ and the _Forms_ may be the better secured from running to _Pye_. Having thus contrived the several Offices of the Room, He furnishes it with _Letters_, _Presses_, _Cases_, _Chases_, _Furniture_, &c. Of each of which in Order. ¶. 2. _Of_ Letter. He provides a _Fount_ (properly a _Fund_) of _Letter_ of all Bodies; for most _Printing-Houses_ have all except the two first, _viz._ _Pearl_, _Nomparel_, _Brevier_, _Long-Primmer_, _Pica_, _English_, _Great-Primmer_, _Double-Pica_, _Two-Lin’d-English_, _Great-Cannon_. These are the _Bodies_ most of use in _England_; But the _Dutch_ have several other _Bodies_: which because there is little and almost no perceivable difference from some of these mentioned, I think they are not worth naming. Yet we have one _Body_ more which is sometimes used in _England_; that is a _Small Pica_, but I account it no great discretion in a _Master-Printer_ to provide it; because it differs so little from the _Pica_, that unless the Workmen be carefuller than they sometimes are, it may be mingled with the _Pica_, and so the Beauty of both _Founts_ may be spoil’d. These aforesaid _Bodies_ are commonly _Cast_ with a _Romain_, _Italica_, and sometimes an _English Face_. He also provides some _Bodies_ with the _Musick_, the _Greek_, the _Hebrew_, and the _Syriack Face_: But these, or some of these, as he reckons his oppertunities may be to use them. And that the Reader may the better understand the sizes of these several _Bodies_, I shall give him this Table following; wherein is set down the number of each _Body_ that is contained in one Foot. _Pearl_, 184 } _Nomparel_, 150 } _Brevier_, 112 } _Long-Primmer_, 92 } _Pica_, 75 } contained in one Foot. _English_, 66 } _Great-Primmer_, 50 } _Double-Pica_, 38 } _Two-Lin’d English_, 33 } _Great-Cannon_. 17½ } His care in the choice of these _Letters_ are, _First_, That the _Letter_ have a true shape: Which he may know, as by the §. of _Letter-Cutting_. I confess this piece of Judgement, _viz._ knowing of true Shape, may admit of some controversy, because neither the Ancients whom we received the knowledge of these _Letters_ from, nor any other authentick Authority have delivered us Rules, either to make or know true shape by: And therefore it may be objected that every one that makes _Letters_ but tolerably like _Romain_, _Italick_, _&c._ may pretend his to be true shap’d. To this I answer, that though we can plead no Ancient Authority for the shape of _Letters_, yet doubtless (if we judge rationally) we must conclude that the _Romain Letters_ were Originally invented and contrived to be made and consist of Circles, Arches of Circles, and straight Lines; and therefore those _Letters_ that have these Figures, either entire, or else properly mixt, so as the Course and Progress of the Pen may best admit, may deserve the name of true Shape, rather than those that have not. Besides, Since the late made _Dutch-Letters_ are so generally, and indeed most deservedly accounted the best, as for their Shape, consisting so exactly of Mathematical Regular Figures as aforesaid, And for the commodious Fatness they have beyond other _Letters_, which easing the Eyes in Reading, renders them more Legible; As also the true placing their Fats and their Leans, with the sweet driving them into one another, and indeed all the accomplishments that can render _Letter_ regular and beautiful, do more visibly appear in them than in any _Letters_ Cut by any other People: And therefore I think we may account the Rules they were made by, to be the Rules of true shap’d _Letters_. For my own part, I liked their _Letters_ so well, especially those that were Cut by _Christophel Van Dijck_ of _Amsterdam_, that I set my self to examine the Proportions of all and every the parts and Members of every _Letter_, and was so well pleased with the Harmony and Decorum of their Symetrie, and found so much Regularity in every part, and so good reason for his Order and Method, that I examined the biggest of his _Letters_ with Glasses, which so magnified the whole _Letter_, that I could easily distinguish, and with small Deviders measure off the size, scituation and form of every part, and the proportion every part bore to the whole; and for my own future satisfaction collected my Observations into a Book, which I have inserted in my _Exercises_ on _Letter-Cutting_. For therein I have exhibited to the World the true Shape of _Christophel Van Dijcks_ aforesaid _Letters_, largely Engraven in Copper Plates. Whence I conclude, That since common consent of Book-men assign the Garland to the _Dutch-Letters_ as of late _Cut_, and that now those _Letters_ are reduced unto a Rule, I think the Objection is Answered; And our _Master-Printers_ care in the choice of good and true shap’d _Letters_ is no difficult Task: For if it be a large Bodied _Letter_, as _English_, _Great-Primmer_ and upwards, it will shew it self; and if it be small, as _Pearl_, _Nomparel_, &c. though it may be difficult to judge the exact Symetry with the naked Eye, yet by the help of a _Magnifying-Glass_ or two if occasion be, even those small _Letters_ will appear as large as the biggest Bodied _Letters_ shall to the naked Eye: And then it will be no difficult Task to judge of the Order and Decorum even of the smallest Bodied _Letters_. For indeed, to my wonder and astonishment, I have observ’d _V. Dijcks Pearl Dutch Letters_ in Glasses that have Magnified them to great _Letters_, and found the whole Shape bear such true proportion to his great _Letters_, both for the _Thickness_, _Shape_, _Fats_ and _Leans_, as if with Compasses he could have measur’d and set off in that small compass every particular Member, and the true breadth of every _Fat_ and _Lean Stroak_ in each _Letter_, not to exceed or want (when magnified) of _Letter Cut_ to the _Body_ it was Magnified to. His second care in the choice of _Letters_ is, That they be deep _Cut_; for then they will _Print_ clear the longer, and be less subject to entertain _Picks_. His third care, That they be deep sunck in the _Matrices_ least the bottom line of a _Page_ Beard. Yet though they be deep sunk, His care ought to be to see the Beard also well cut off by the _Founder_. And a Fourth Care in the choice of _Letter_ is, That his _Letter_ be Cast upon good Mettal, that it may last the longer. Of each Body he provides a _Fount_ suitable to such sorts of Work as he designs to do; But he provides not an equal weight of every _Fount_; Because all these Bodies are not in equal use: For the _Long-Primmer_, _Pica_ and _English_ are the Bodies that are generally most used; And therefore he provides very large _Founts_ of these, _viz._ of the _Long-Primmer_ in a small _Printing-House_, Five hundred Pounds weight _Romain_ and _Italica_, whereof One hundred and fifty Pounds may be _Italica_. Of the _Pica_ and _English_, _Roman_ and _Italica_, Eight, Nine hundred, or a Thousand Pounds weight: when as of other _Founts_ Three or Four hundred Pounds weight is accounted a good _Fount_: And of the _Cannon_ and _Great-Cannon_, One hundred Pounds or somewhat less may serve his turn; Because the common use of them is to set Titles with. Besides _Letters_ he Provides Characters of Astronomical Signs, _Planets_, _Aspects_, _Algebraical_ Characters, Physical and Chimical Characters, _&c._ And these of several of the most used Bodies. He Provides also _Flowers_ to set over the Head of a _Page_ at the beginning of a Book: But they are now accounted old-fashion, and therefore much out of use. Yet _Wooden-Borders_, if well Drawn, and neatly Cut, may be _Printed_ in a Creditable Book, As also, _Wooden-Letters_ well Drawn and neatly Cut may be used at the beginning of a _Dedication_, _Preface_, _Section_, _&c._ Yet instead of _Wooden Letters_, _Capitals_ Cast in Mettal generally now serves; because but few or good _Cutters_ in _Wood_ appear. He also provides _Brass-Rules_ of about Sixteen Inches long, that the _Compositer_ may cut them into such Lengths as his Work requires. In the choice of his _Brass-Rules_, he examines that they be exactly _Letter high_; for if they be much too high, they may cut through _Paper_, _Tinpan_ and _Blankets_ too; And if they be but a little too high, not only the Sholder, or Beard, on either side them will _Print_ black; but they will bear the _Plattin_ off the _Letters_ that stand near them, so that those _Letters_ will not _Print_ at all: And if they be too low, then the _Rules_ themselves will not _Print_. It sometimes happens through the unskilfulness of the _Joyner_, (for they commonly, but unproperly, imploy _Joyners_ to make them) that a Length shall be hollow in the middle both on the Face and Foot, and shall run driving higher and higher towards both ends: Hence it comes to pass, that when the _Compositer_ cuts a piece of _Rule_ to his intended Length, the _Rule_ shall _Print_ hard at one end, and the other shall not _Print_ at all; So that he shall be forced to knock up the foot of the low end, as shall be shewn in its proper place. But the careful _Master-Printer_ having found that his _Brass-Rules_ is _Letter_ high all the whole Length, will also examine whether it be straight all the whole Length, which he does by applying both the Face and Foot to the surface of the _Correcting-stone_; And if the Face and Foot comply so closely with the _Correcting-stone_, that light cannot be seen between them, he concludes the _Brass-Rule_ is straight. [Illustration: _Plate 1._] Then he examines the Face or Edge of the _Rule_, whether it have an Edge of an equal breadth all the whole Length, and that the Edge be neither too thick nor too fine for his porpose. He should also take care that the _Brass_, before it be cut out, be well and skilfully Planish’t, nor would that charge be ill bestowd; for it would be saved out of the thickness of the _Brass_ that is commonly used: For the _Joyners_ being unskilful in Planishing, buy Neal’d thick _Brass_ that the _Rule_ may be strong enough, and so cut it into slips without Hammering, which makes the _Rule_ easily bow any way and stand so, and will never come to so good and smooth an Edge as Planish’t _Brass_ will. Besides, _Brass_ well Planish’t will be stiffer and stronger at half the thickness than unplanish’t _Brass_ will at the whole: As I shall further shew when I come to Exercise upon _Mathematical Instrument-making_. §. 3. _Of_ Cases. Next he provides _Cases_. A Pair of _Cases_ is an _Upper-Case_ and a _Lower-Case_. The _Upper-Case_ and the _Lower-Case_ are of an equal length, breadth and depth, _viz._ Two Foot nine Inches long, One Foot four Inches and an half broad, and about an Inch and a quarter deep, besides the bottom Board; But for small Bodied _Letters_ they are made somewhat shallower, and for great Bodies deeper. _Long-Primmer_ and downwards are accounted small Bodies; _English_ and upwards are accounted great Bodies. The conveniencies of a shallow _Case_ is, that the _Letters_ in each Box lye more visible to the last, as being less shadowed by the sides of the _Boxes_. The conveniencies of a deep _Case_ is, that it will hold a great many _Letters_, so that a _Compositer_ needs not so often _Destribute_. 2dly. It is not so soon _Low_, (as _Compositers_ say when the _Case_ grows towards empty) and a _Low Case_ is unconvenient for a _Compositer_ to work at, partly because the _Case_ standing shelving downwards towards them, the _Letters_ that are in the _Case_ tend towards the hither-side of the _Case_, and are shadowed by the hither side of that _Box_ they lye in, so that they are not so easily seen by the Eye, or so ready to come at with the Fingers, as if they lay in the middle of the _Box_. These _Cases_ are encompassed about with a _Frame_ about Three quarters of an Inch broad, that the ends of the several partitions may be let into the substance of the _Frame_: But the hithermost side of the _Frame_ is about half an Inch higher than the other sides, that when either the _Galley_ or another pair of _Cases_ are set upon them, the bottom edge of the _Galley_, or of those _Cases_ may stop against that higher _Frame_, and not slide off. Both the _Upper_ and the _Lower-Case_ have a thick Partition about three quarters of an Inch broad, Duff-tail’d into the middle of the upper and under Rail of the _Frame_. This Partition is made thus broad, that Grooves may be made on either side of it to receive the ends of those Partitions that devide the breadth of the _Case_, and also to strengthen the whole _Frame_; for the bottom Board is as well nailed to this thick Partition as to the outer _Frame_ of the _Case_. But the devisions for the several _Boxes_ of the _Upper_ and _Lower- Cases_ are not alike: for each half of the whole length of the _Upper-Case_ is devided into seven equal parts, as you may see in Plate 1. at A, and its breadth into seven equal parts, so that the whole _Upper-Case_ is divided into Ninety eight square _Boxes_, whose sides are all equal to one another. But the Two halfs of the length of the _Lower-Case_ are not thus devided; for each half of the length of the _Lower-Case_ is devided into Eight equal parts, and its breadth into Seven; but it is not throughout thus devided neither; for then the _Boxes_ would be all of equal size: But the _Lower-Case_ is devided into four several sizes of _Boxes_, as you may see in Plate 1. B. The reason of these different sizes of _Boxes_ is, That the biggest _Boxes_ may be disposed nearest the _Compositers_ hand, because the English Language, and consequently all English _Coppy_ runs most upon such and such Sorts; so that the _Boxes_ that holds those Sorts ought to be most capacious. His care in the choice of these _Cases_ is, That the Wood they are made of be well-season’d Stuff. That the Partitions be strong, and true let into one another, and that the ends fill up and stand firm in the Grooves of the _Frame_ and middle _Rail_ of the _Case_. There is an inconvenience that often happens, these thin Partitions, especially if they be made of unseason’d Stuff, _viz._ as the Stuff dries it shrinks in the Grooves of the _Frame_, and so not only grows loose, but sometimes starts out above the top of the _Frame_. To prevent this inconvenience, I have of late caused the ends of these thin partitions to be made Male-Duf-tails, broadest on the under-side, and have them fitted into Female-Duf-tails in the Frame of the _Case_, and middle Rail before the bottom Boards are nailed on. That the Partitions be full an _English_ Body thick. That the Partitions lye close to the bottom of the _Case_, that so the _Letters_ slide not through an upper into an under _Box_, when the Papers of the _Boxes_ may be worn. §. 4. _Of_ Frames _to set the_ Cases _on_. _Frames_ are in most _Printing-Houses_ made of thick _Deal-board Battens_, having their several _Rails Tennanted_ into the _Stiles_: but these sorts of _Frames_ are, in respect of their matter (_viz._ _Fir_) so weak, and in respect of their substance (_viz._ little above an Inch thick) so slight, that experience teaches us, when they are even new made, they tremble and totter, and having lasted a little while, the thinness of their _Tennants_ being a little above a quarter of an Inch thick, according to the Rules of _Joynery_, as I have shewn in _Numb._ 5. §. 17. They Craze, their _Tennants_ break, or _Mortesses_ split, and put the _Master-Printer_ to a fresh Charge. It is rationally to be imagined that the _Frames_ should be designed to last as long as the _Printing-house_; and therefore our _Master-Printer_ ought to take care that they be made of matter strong enough, and of substance big enough to do the Service they are intended for; that they stand substantial and firm in their place, so as a small Jostle against them shake them not, which often reiterated weakens the _Frame-work_, and at that present is subject to shake the _Letter_ in the _Galley_ down. I shall not offer to impose Rules upon any here, especially since I have no Authority from Prescript or Custom; yet I shall set down the Scantlings that I my self thought fit to use on this occasion. A Delineation of the _Frames_ are in Plate 1. at C. _a a a a_ The _Fore-Rails._ _b b b b_ The _Hind-Rails._ _c_ The _Top Fore-Rail._ _d_ The _Bottom Fore-Rail._ _e_ The _Top Hind-Rail._ _f_ The _Bottom Hind-Rail._ _g g g g_ The _End-Rail._ _h h h h Cross-Bearers._ I made the _Rails_ and _Stiles_ of well-seasoned fine _Oak_, clean, (that is free from Knots and Shakes) the _Stiles_ and _Rails_ two Inches and an half square, the Top and Bottom _Fore-Rails_ and the Bottom _Hind-Rail_ four Foot three Inches long, besides their _Tennants_; And the Top _Hind-Rail_ five Foot three Inches long. The two _Fore-Rails_ and Bottom _Hind-Rail_ had Iron Female-Screws let into them, which, through an hole made in the _Stiles_, received a Male-Screw with a long shank, and a Sholder at the end of it to screw them tight and firm together, even as the Rails of a _Bedsted_ are screwed into the _Mortesses_ of a _Bed-Post_. Each _Back-Stile_ was four Foot one Inch and an half high besides their _Tennants_, and each _Fore-Stile_ three Foot three Inches high, each _Fore_ and _Back-Stile_ had two _Rails_ one Foot seven Inches long, besides their _Tennants_ Tennanted and Pin’d into them, because not intended to be taken assunder. It must be considered, that the _Fore-stiles_ be of a convenient height for the pitch of an ordinary Man to stand and work at, which the heighth aforesaid is; And that the _Hind stiles_ be so much higher than the _Fore-stiles_, that when the _Cross-Bearers_ are laid upon the upper _Fore_ and _Hind-Rail_, and the _Cases_ laid on them, the _Cases_ may have a convenient declivity from the upper-side the _Upper-Case_, to the lower side the _Lower-Case_. The Reason of this declivity is, because the _Cases_ standing thus before the Workman, the farther _Boxes_ of the _Upper-Case_ are more ready and easie to come at, than if they lay flat; they being in this position somewhat nearer the hand, and the _Letters_ in those _Boxes_ somewhat easier seen. If the Workman prove taller than Ordinary, he lays another or two pair of _Cases_ under the _Cases_ he uses, to mount them: If the Workman be short, as Lads, _&c._ He lays a _Paper-board_ (or sometimes two) on the floor by the Fore-side of the _Frame_, and standing to work on it, mounts himself. The _Bearers_ are made of _Slit-Deal_, about two Inches broad, and so long as to reach from the _Fore-Rail_ through the _Upper-Rail_, and are let in, so as to lye even with the superficies of the _Fore_ and _Hind-Rail_, and at such a distance on both the _Rails_, as you may see in the Figure. [Illustration:_ Plate 2._] On the Superficies of the _Fore-Rail_, even with its Fore-Edge is nailed a small _Riglet_ about half an Inch high, and a quarter and half quarter of an Inch thick, that the _Cases_ set on the _Frame_ having the aforesaid declivity, may by it be stop’t from sliding off. §. 5. _Of the_ Galley. Our _Master-Printer_ is also to provide _Galleys_ of different sizes, That the _Compositer_ may be suited with small ones when he _Composes_ small _Pages_, and with great ones for great _Pages_. The _Galley_ is marked A in Plate 2. _a b c_ The Sides or Frame of the _Galley_. _d_ The _Slice_. These _Galleys_ are commonly made of two flat _Wainscot Boards_, each about a quarter and half quarter of an Inch thick, the uppermost to slide in Grooves of the Frame, close down to the undermost, though for small _Pages_ a single Board with two sides for the Frame may serve well enough: Those _Wainscot Boards_ are an Oblong Square, having its length longer than its breadth, even as the form of a _Page_ hath. The three Sides of the Frame are fixed fast and square down on the upper Plain of the undermost Board, to stand about three fifth parts of the height of the _Letter_ above the superficies of the _Slice_. The Sides of the Frame must be broad enough to admit of a pretty many good strong _Oaken Pins_ along the Sides, to be drove hard into the Bottom Board, and almost quite through the Sides of the Frame, that the Frame may be firmly fixed to it: But by no means must they be Glewed on to the Bottom Board, because the _Compositer_ may sometimes have occasion to wet the _Page_ in the _Galley_, and then (the _Galley_ standing aslope upon the _Case_) the Water will soak between the sides of the Frame, and under Board, and quickly loosen it. §. 6. _Of the_ Correcting-stone. The _Correcting-Stone_ marked B in Plate 2. is made of _Marble_, _Purbeck_, or any other Stone that may be made flat and smooth: But yet the harder the Stone is the better; wherefore _Marble_ is more preferable than _Purbeck_. First, Because it is a more compact Stone, having fewer and smaller Pores in it than _Purbeck_. And Secondly, because it is harder, and therefore less subject to be prick’d with the corners of a _Chase_, if through carelessness (as it sometimes happens) it be pitch’d on the Face of the Stone. It is necessary to have it capacious, _viz._ large enough to hold two _Chases_ and more, that the _Compositer_ may sometimes for his convenience, set some _Pages_ by on it ready to _Impose_, though two _Chases_ lye on the _Stone_: Therefore a _Stone_ of about Four Foot and an half long, and Two Foot broad is a convenient size for the generality of Work. This _Stone_ is to be laid upon a strong _Oaken_-wood Frame, made like the Frame of a common Table, so high, that the Face of the _Stone_ may lye about three Foot and an Inch above the Floor: And under the upper Rail of the Frame may be fitted a Row or two of Draw-Boxes, as at _a a a a a a_ and _b b b_ on each of its longest Sides to hold _Flowers_, _Brass-Rules_, _Braces_, _Quotations_, small _Scabbords_, &c. §. 7. _Of_ Letter-Boards, _and_ Paper-Boards. _Letter-Boards_ are Oblong Squares, about two Foot long, eighteen Inches broad, and an Inch and a quarter thick. They ought to be made of clean and well-season’d Stuff, and all of one piece: Their upper-side is to be Plained very flat and smooth, and their under-side is Clamped with pieces about two Inches square, and within about four Inches of either end, as well to keep them from Warping, as to bear them off the Ground or any other Flat they stand on, that the Fingers of the _Compositer_ may come at the bottom of the Board to remove it whither he will: They are commonly made of _Fir_, though not so thick as I have mentioned, or all of one Piece: _Deal-Boards_ of this breadth may serve to make them of; but _Joyners_ commonly put _Master-Printers_ off with ordinary _Deal-Boards_, which not being broad enough, they joyn two together; for which cause they frequently shrink, so as the joynt comes assunder, and the _Board_ becomes useless, unless it be to serve for a _Paper-Board_ afterwards: For small and thin _Letters_ will, when the Form is open, drop through, so as the _Compositer_ cannot use the Board. I us’d to make them of _Sugar-Chest_; That Stuff being commonly well-season’d, by the long lying of the _Sugar_ in it, and is besides a fine hard Wood, and therefore less subject to be injured by the end of the _Shooting-Stick_ when a _Form_ is _Unlocking_. _Paper-Boards_ are made just like the _Letter-Boards_, though seldom so large, unless for great Work: Nor need such strict care be taken in making them so exactly smooth: their Office being only to set _Heaps of Paper_ on, and to _Press_ the _Paper_ with. §. 8. _Of_ Furniture, Quoyns, Scabbord, &c. By _Furniture_ is meant the _Head-sticks_, _Foot-sticks_, _Side-sticks_, _Gutter-sticks_, _Riglets_, _Scabbords_ and _Quoyns_. _Head-sticks_ and all other _Furniture_, except _Scabbord_, are made of dry _Wainscot_, that they may not shrink when the _Form_ stands by; They are _Quadrat_ high, straight, and of an equal thickness all the length: They are made of several thicknesses for several Works, _viz._ from a _Brevier_ which serves for some _Quarto’s_ to six or eight _Pica_ thick, which is many times us’d to _Folio’s_: And many of the _Head-sticks_ may also serve to make Inner _Side-sticks_ of; for the _Master-Printer_ provides them of lengths long enough for the _Compositer_ to cut to convenient Scantlins or Lengths, they being commonly about a Yard long when they come from the _Joyners_. And _Note_, that the _Head_ and _Side-sicks_ are called _Riglets_, if they exceed not an _English_ thick. Outer _Side-sticks_ and _Foot-sticks_ marked C in Plate 2. are of the same heighth of the _Head-sticks_, _viz._ _Quadrat_ high, and are by the _Joyner_ cut to the given length, and to the breadth of the particular _Pages_ that are to be _Imposed_: The _Side-sticks_ are placed against the outer-side of the _Page_, and the _Foot-sticks_ against the foot or bottom of the _Page_: The outer-sides of these _Side_ and _Foot-sticks_ are bevil’d or sloped from the further to the hither end. _Gutter-sticks_ marked D in Plate 2. are as the former, _Quadrat_ high, and are used to set between _Pages_ on either side the _Crosses_, as in _Octavo’s_, _Twelves_, _Sixteens_, and _Forms_ upwards; They are made of an equal thickness their whole length, like _Head-sticks_; but they have a Groove, or Gutter laid on the upper-side of them, as well that the Water may drain away when the _Form_ is Washed or Rinced, as that they should not _Print_, when through the tenderness of the _Tinpan_, the _Plattin_ presses it and the _Paper_ lower than ordinary. _Scabbord_ is that sort of _Scale_ commonly sold by some _Iron-mongers_ in Bundles; And of which, the _Scabbords_ for _Swords_ are made: The _Compositer_ cuts it _Quadrat_ high, and to his Length. The _Master-Printer_ is to provide both _Thick_ and _Thin Scabbord_, that the _Compositer_ may use either when different Bodied _Letter_ happens in a _Page_, to justifie the _Page_ to a true length; And also that the _Press-man_ may chuse _Thick_ or _Thin_ to make truer _Register_, as shall be shewed in proper place. _Quoyns_ are also _Quadrat_ high, and have one of their sides Bevil’d away to comply with the Bevil of the _Side_ and _Foot-sticks_; they are of different Lengths, and different Breadths: The great _Quoyns_ about three Inches square, except the Bevil on one side as aforesaid; and these sizes deminish downwards to an Inch and an half in length, and half an Inch in breadth. Of these _Quoyns_ our _Master-Printer_ provides several hundreds, and should provide them of at the least ten different Breadths between the aforesaid sizes, that the _Compositer_ may chuse such as will best fit the _Chase_ and _Furniture_. The Office of these _Quoyns_ are to _Lock_ up the _Form_, _viz._ to wedge it up (by force of a _Mallet_ and _Shooting-stick_) so close together, both on the sides and between Head and Foot of the _Page_, that every _Letter_ bearing hard against every next _Letter_, the whole _Form_ may _Rise_; as shall be shewed hereafter. Their farther Office is to make _Register_ at the _Press_. §. 9. ¶. 1. _Of the_ Mallet, Shooting-stick _and_ Dressing-Block, Composing-sticks, Bodkin, _and_ Chase. _&c._ _Printers Mallets_ have a _Cilindrick_ Head, and a round Handle; The Head somewhat bigger, and the Handle somewhat longer than those _Joyners_ commonly use; Yet neither shape or size different for any reason to be given: But only a Custom always used to have them so. The Head is commonly made of _Beech_. ¶. 2. _Of the_ Shooting-stick. The _Shooting-stick_ must be made of _Box_, which Wood being very hard, and withal tough, will best and longest endure the knocking against the _Quoyns_. Its shape is a perfect Wedge about six Inches long, and its thicker end two Inches broad, and an Inch and an half thick; and its thin end about an Inch and an half broad, and half an Inch thick. ¶. 3. _Of the_ Dressing-Block. The _Dressing-Block_ should be made of _Pear-tree_, Because it is a soft wood, and therefore less subject to injure the Face of the _Letter_; it is commonly about three Inches square, and an Inch high. Its Office is to run over the Face of the _Form_, and whilst it is thus running over, to be gently knock’t upon with the Head of the _Shooting stick_, that such _Letters_ as may chance to stand up higher than the rest may be pressed down. Our _Master-Printer_ must also provide a pair of _Sheers_, such as _Taylors_ use, for the cutting of _Brass-Rules_, _Scabbords_, &c. A large _Spunge_ or two, or more, he must also provide, one for the _Compositers_ use, and for every _Press_ one. Pretty fine _Packthread_ to tye up _Pages_ with; But this is often chosen (or at least directed) by the _Compositer_, either finer or courser, according to the great or small _Letter_ he works upon. ¶. 4. _Of the_ Composing-stick. Though every _Compositer_ by Custom is to provide himself a _Composing-stick_, yet our _Master-Printer_ ought to furnish his House with these Tools also, and such a number of them as is suitable to the size of his House; Because we will suppose our _Master-Printer_ intends to keep some Apprentices, and they, unless by contract or courtesie, are not used to provide themselves _Composing-sticks_: And besides, when several _Compositers_ work upon the same Book, their Measures are all set alike, and their _Titles_ by reason of _Notes_ or _Quotations_ broader than their common Measure, So that a _Composing-stick_ is kept on purpose for the _Titles_, which must therefore be common to all the _Compositers_ that work upon that Work; And no one of them is obliged to provide a _Composing-stick_ in common for them all: Therefore it becomes our _Master-Printers_ task to provide them. It is delineated in Plate 2. at _E_. _a_ The _Head_. _b b_ The _Bottom_. _c c_ The _Back_. _d_ The lower _Sliding-Measure_, or _Cheek_. _e_ The upper _Sliding-Measure_, or _Cheek_. _f f_ The _Male-Screw_. _g_ The _Female-Screw_. These _Composing-sticks_ are made of Iron Plate about the thickness of a thin _Scabbord_, and about ten Inches long doubled up square; so as the Bottom may be half an Inch and half a quarter broad, and the Back about an whole Inch broad. On the further end of this Iron Plate thus doubled up, as at _a_ is Soldered on an Iron Head about a _Long-Primmer_ thick; But hath all its outer-edges Basil’d and Fil’d away into a Molding: This Iron Head must be so let into the Plate, and Soldered on to it, that it may stand truly square with the bottom, and also truly square with the Back, which may be known by applying the outer-sides of a square to the Back and Bottom; as I shewed, _Numb._ 3. _Fol._ 38, 39. About two Inches from the Head, in the Bottom, is begun a row of round holes about an Inch assunder, to receive the shank of the _Male-Screw_ that screws the _Sliding-Measures_ fast down to the Bottom; so that the _Sliding-Measures_ may be set nearer or further from the Head, as the Measure of a _Page_ may require. The lower _Sliding-Measure_ marked _d_ is an Iron Plate a _thick Scabbord_ thick, and of the Breadth of the inside of the Bottom; It is about four Inches long, and in its middle hath a Groove through it within half an Inch of the Fore-end, and three quarters of an Inch of the hinder end. This Groove is so wide all the way, that it may receive the Shank of the _Screw_. On the Fore-end of this Plate stands square upright another Iron Head about a _Brevier_ thick, and reaches so high as the top of the Back. The upper _Sliding-Measure_ is made just like the lower, only it is about three quarters of an Inch shorter. Between these two _Sliding-Measures_, _Marginal Notes_ are _Composed_ to any Width. _Compositers_ commonly examine the Truth of their _Stick_ by applying the head of the _Sliding-Measure_ to the inside of the Head of the _Stick_; and if they comply, they think they are square and true made: But this Rule only holds when the Head it self is square. But if it be not, ’tis easy to file the _Sliding-Measures_ to comply with them: Therefore, as aforesaid, the square is the only way to examine them by. ¶. 5. _Of the_ Bodkin. The _Bodkin_ is delineated in Plate 2. at _F_ Its _Blade_ is made of _Steel_, and well tempered, its shape is round, and stands about two Inches without the _Shank_ of the _Handle_. The _Handle_ is turned of soft wood as _Alder_, _Maple_, &c. that when _Compositers_ knock the Head of the _Bodkin_ upon the Face of a Single _Letter_ when it stands too high, it may not batter the Face. ¶. 6. _Of_ Chases, _marked_ G _on the_ Correcting-Stone, _Plate_ 2. A _Chase_ is an Iron Frame about two and twenty Inches long, eighteen Inches broad, and half Inch half quarter thick; and the breadth of Iron on every side is three quarters of an Inch: But an whole Inch is much better, because stronger. All its sides must stand exactly square to each other; And when it is laid on the _Correcting-Stone_ it must lye exactly flat, _viz._ equally bearing on all its sides and Angles: The outside and inside must be Filed straight and smooth. It hath two _Crosses_ belonging to it, _viz._ A _Short-Cross_ marked _a a_ and a _Long-Cross_ marked _b b_: These two _Crosses_ have on each end a Male Duftail Filed Bevil away from the under to the upper-side of the _Cross_, so that the under-side of the Duftail is narrower than the upper-side of the Duftail. These Male-Duftails are fitted into Female-Duftails, Filed in the inside of the _Chase_, which are also wider on the upper-side of the _Chase_ than on the under-side; because the upper-side of the _Cross_ should not fall through the lower side. These _Crosses_ are called the _Short_ and the _Long-Cross_. The _Short-Cross_ is Duftail’d in as aforesaid, just in the middle of the _Chase_ as at _c c_, and the _Long-Cross_ in the middle of the other sides the _Chase_, as at _d d_. The _Short-Cross_ is also Duftail’d into Female-Duftails, made as aforesaid, about three Inches and an half from the middle, as at _e e_: So that the _Short-Cross_ may be put into either of the Female-Duftails as occasion serves. The middle of these two _Crosses_ are Filed or notched half way through, one on its upper, the other on its under-side to let into one another, _viz._ the _Short-Cross_ is Filed from the upper towards the under-side half way, and the _Long-Cross_ is Filed from the lower towards the upper-side half way: The _Crosses_ are also thus let into each other, where they meet at _f_, when the _Short-Cross_ is laid into the other Female-Duftails fitted to it at _e e_. In the middle, between the two edges of the upper-side of the _Short-Cross_, is made two Grooves parallel to the sides of the _Cross_, beginning at about two Inches from each end, and ending at about seven Inches from each end: It is made about half an Inch deep all the way, and about a quarter of an Inch broad, that the _Points_ may fall into them. The _Short-Cross_ is about three quarters of an Inch thick, and the _Long-Cross_ about half that thickness. All their sides must be Fil’d straight and smooth, and they must be all the way of an equal thickness. * * * * * Hitherto our _Master-Printer_ hath provided Materials and Implements only for the _Compositers_ use; But he must provide Machines and Tools for the _Press-mans_ to use too: which (because I am loath to discourage my Customers with a swelling price at the first reviving of these Papers) I shall (though against my interest) leave for the subject of the next succeeding _Exercises_. * * * * * ADVERTISEMENTS. T_He first Volumne of_ Mechanick Exercises, _Treating of the_ Smiths, _the_ Joyners, _the_ Carpenters, _and the_ Turners _Trades, containing_ 37½ _sheets, and_ 18 _Copper Cuts, are to be had by the Author_. Joseph Moxon. _Price_ 9_s._ 3_d._ _in Quires_. T_He first Volumne of the Monthly Collection of Letters for Improvement of Husbandry and Trade, containing Twenty four Sheets with an Index, is now finished, and the second is carrying on:_ _By_ John Haughton, _Fellow of the_ Royal Society. [Illustration: _Plate 3._] _MECHANICK EXERCISES:_ Or, the Doctrine of =Handy-works.= Applied to the Art of =Printing.= §. 10. _Of the_ Press. THere are two sorts of _Presses_ in use, _viz._ the old fashion and the new fashion; The old fashion is generally used here in _England_; but I think for no other reason, than because many _Press-men_ have scarce Reason enough to distinguish between an excellently improved Invention, and a make-shift slovenly contrivance, practiced in the minority of this Art. The New-fashion’d _Presses_ are used generally throughout all the _Low-Countries_; yet because the Old-fashion’d _Presses_ are used here in _England_ (and for no other Reason) I have in Plate 3. given you a delineation of them; But though I give you a draft of them; yet the demensions of every particular Member I shall omit, referring those that think it worth their while, to the _Joyners_ and _Smiths_ that work to _Printers_: But I shall give a full description of the New-fashion’d _Press_, because it is not well known here in _England_; and if possible, I would for Publick benefit introduce it. But before I proceed, I think it not amiss to let you know who was the Inventer of this New-fashion’d _Press_, accounting my self so much oblig’d to his Ingeniety for the curiosity of this contrivance, that should I pass by this oppertunity without nameing him, I should be injurious to his Memory. It was _Willem Jansen Blaew_ of _Amsterdam_: a Man as well famous for good and great _Printing_, as for his many _Astronomical_ and _Geographical_ exhibitions to the World. In his Youth he was bred up to _Joynery_, and having learn’d his Trade, betook himself (according to the mode of _Holland_) to Travel, and his fortune leading him to _Denmark_, when the noble _Tycho Brahe_ was about setting up his _Astronomical Observatory_, was entertain’d into his service for the making his Mathematical-Instruments to Observe withal; in which Instrument-making he shew’d himself so intelligent and curious, that according to the general report of many of his personal acquaintance, all or most of the _Syderal Observations_ set forth in _Tycho’s_ name, he was intrusted to make, as well as the Instruments. [Illustration: _Plate 4._] And before these Observations were publish’d to the World, _Tycho_, to gratify _Blaew_, gave him the Copies of them, with which he came away to _Amsterdam_, and betook himself to the making of _Globes_, according to those Observations. But as his Trade increased, he found it necessary to deal in _Geographical Maps_ and _Books_ also, and grew so curious in _Engraving_, that many of his best _Globes_ and _Maps_ were _Engraved_ by his own Hands; and by his conversation in _Printing_ of Books at other _Printing-houses_, got such insight in this Art, that he set up a _Printing-house_ of his own. And now finding inconveniencies in the obsolete Invention of the _Press_, He contrived a remedy to every inconvenience, and fabricated nine of these New-fashioned _Presses_, set them all on a row in his _Printing-house_, and call’d each _Press_ by the name of one of the _Muses_. This short History of this excellent Man is, I confess forraign to my Title; But I hope my Reader will excuse the digression, considering it tends only to the commemoration of a Person that hath deserved well of Posterity, and whose worth without this small Monument, might else perhaps have slid into Oblivion. The _Press_ is a Machine consisting of many Members; it is delineated in Plate 4. _a a_ The _Feet_. _b b_ The _Cheeks_. _c_ The _Cap_. _d_ The _Winter_. _e_ The _Head_. _f_ The _Till_. _g g_ The _Hose_. In the Cross-Iron of which, encompassing the _Spindle_, is the _Garter_. _h h h h_ The _Hooks_ on the _Hose_ the _Plattin_ hangs on. _i k l m n_ The _Spindle_. _i_ Part of the _Worm_ below the _Head_, whose upper part lies in the _Nut_ in the _Head_. _k l_ The _Eye_ of the _Spindle_. _m_ The _Shank_ of the _Spindle_. _n_ The Toe of the Spindle. _o o o o_ The _Plattin_ tyed on the _Hooks_ of the _Hose_. _p_ The _Bar_. _q_ The _Handle_ of the _Bar_. _r r_ The _Hind-Posts_. _s s_ The _Hind-Rails_. _t t_ The _Wedges_ of the _Till_. _u u_ The _Mortesses_ of the _Cheeks_, in which the _Tennants_ of the _Head_ plays. _x x x x y y_ The _Carriage_. _x x x x_ The outer _Frame_ of the _Carriage_. _y y_ The _Wooden-Ribs_ on which the _Iron-Ribs_ are fastned. _z_ The _Stay_ of the _Carriage_, or the _Stay_. 1. The _Coffin_. 2. The _Gutter_. 3. The _Planck_. 4. The _Gallows_. 5. The _Tinpans_. 6. The _Frisket_. 7. The _Points_. 8. The _Point-Screws_. All these several Members, by their Matter, Form and Position, do particularly contribute such an assistance to the whole Machine, that it becomes an Engine managable and proper for its intended purpose. But because the smallness of this altogether-Draft may obscure the plain appearance of many of these Parts; Therefore I shall give you a more particular description, and large delineation of every Member in the _Press_: And first of the Wooden-work: Where, _Note_, that all the Fram’d Wooden-work of a _Press_ is made of Good, Fine, Clean, Well-season’d _Oak_. ¶. 1. _Of the_ Feet. The _Feet_ (marked _a a_ in Plate 5.) are two Foot nine Inches and an half long, five Inches deep; and six Inches broad, and have their outsides Tryed to a true square, as was taught, _Numb._ 5. §. 15. It hath (for ornament sake) its two ends bevil’d away in a Molding, from its upper-side to its lower, about four Inches within the ends; about four Inches and three quarters within each end of each Foot is made in the middle of the Breadth of the upper-side of the Foot a Mortess two Inches wide, to receive the _Tennants_ of the lower end of the _Cheek_, and the _Tennant_ of the lower end of the _Hind-Post_: The Mortess for the _Cheek_ is eight Inches long, _viz._ the Breadth of the _Cheek_: And the Mortess for the Hind-Post is four Inches long, _viz._ the square of the _Hind-Post_. ¶. 2. _Of the_ Cheeks. The _Cheeks_ (marked _b b_ in Plate 5.) are five Foot and ten Inches long (besides the _Tennants_ of the top and bottom) eight Inches broad, and four Inches and an half thick. All its Sides are tryed square to one another. It hath a _Tennant_ at either end, its lower _Tennant_ marked _a_ to enter the Fore-end of the Foot, runs through the middle of the Breadth of the _Cheek_, which therefore is made to fit the Mortess in the _Foot_, and is about four Inches long, and therefore reaches within an Inch of the bottom of the _Foot_; But the _Tennant_ at the upper end of the _Cheek_ marked _a_, is cut athwart the breadth of the _Cheek_, and therefore can have but four Inches and an half of Breadth, and its thickness is two Inches, Its length is four Inches; so that it reaches into the Mortess in the _Cap_, within half an Inch of the Top. In the lower end-_Tennant_ is two holes bored, within an Inch and an half of either side, and within an Inch and an half of the Sholder, with a three quarter Inch _Augure_, to be pin’d into the _Feet_ with an Iron Pin. In the middle of the upper _Tennant_, and within an Inch and an half of the Sholder, is bored another hole, to Pin the _Tennant_ into the _Cap_, also with an Iron Pin. Between _b c_ two Foot and half an Inch, and three Foot seven Inches of the Bottom-Sholder of the _Tennant_, _viz._ from the top of the _Winter_ to the under Sholder the _Till_ rests upon, is cut flat away into the thickness of the _Cheek_, three Inches in the Inside of the _Cheek_; so that in that place the _Cheek_ remains but an Inch and an half thick: And the _Cheeks_ are thus widened in this place, as well because the Duftail _Tennants_ of the _Winter_ may go in between them, as also that the _Carriage_ and _Coffin_ may be made the wider. Even with the lower Sholder of this flat cutting-in, is made a Duftail Mortess as at _d_, to reach eight Inches and an half, _viz._ the depth of the _Winter_ below the said Sholder. This Mortess is three Inches wide on the inside the _Cheek_, and three Inches deep; But towards the inside the _Cheek_, the Mortess widens in a straight line from the said three Inches to five Inches, and so becomes a Duftail Mortess. Into this Duftail Mortess is fitted a Duftail _Tennant_, made at each end of the _Winter_. Two Inches above the aforesaid Cutting-in, is another cutting-in of the same depth, from the Inside the _Cheek_ as at _e_. This cutting-in is but one Inch broad at the farther side the _Cheek_, and an Inch and a quarter on the hither-side the _Cheek_. The under-side of this Cutting-in, is straight through the _Cheek_, _viz._ Square to the sides of the _Cheek_: But the upper-side of this Cutting-in, is not square through the _Cheeks_, But (as aforesaid) is one quarter of an Inch higher on the fore-side the _Cheek_ than it is on the further side; So that a Wedge of an Inch at one end, and an Inch and a quarter at the other end may fill this Cutting-in. At an Inch within either side the _Cheek_, and an Inch below this Cutting-in, as at _f f_, is made a small Mortess an Inch and an half wide, to which two _Tennants_ must be fitted at the ends of the _Till_, so that the _Tennants_ of the _Till_ being slid in through the Cutting-in aforesaid, may fall into these Mortesses, and a Wedge being made fit to the Cutting-in, may press upon the _Tennants_ of the _Till_, and force it down to keep it steddy in its place. Here we see remains a square Sholder or substance of Wood between two Cuttings-in; But the under corner of this square Sholder is for Ornament sake Bevil’d away and wrought into an _Ogee_. At two Inches above the last Cutting-in, is another Cutting-in, but this Cutting-in goes not quite through the breadth of the _Cheek_, but stops at an Inch and an half within the further side the _Cheek_; So that above the _Till_ and its _Wedge_ is another Sholder or substance of Wood, whose upper Corner is also Bevil’d away, and wrought to a Molding as the former. The last Cutting-in is marked _g_, and is eight Inches and a quarter above the Sholder of the _Till_, that it may easily contain the depth of the _Head_; The substance remaining is marked _h_. This Cutting-in is made as deep into the thickness of the _Cheek_ as the former Cuttings-in are, _viz._ three Inches; and the reason the _Cheek_ is cut in here, is, that the _Cheeks_ may be wide enough in this place to receive the _Head_, and its _Tennants_, without un-doing the _Cap_ and _Winter_. Just above this Cutting-in is made a square Mortess in the middle of the _Cheek_, as at _i_, it is eight Inches long, and two Inches and an half wide, for the _Tennant_ of the _Head_ to play in. [Illustration: _Plate 5._] Upon the fore-side of the _Cheek_ is (for Ornament sake) laid a Molding through the whole length of the _Cheek_ (a square at the Top and Bottom an Inch deep excepted) it is laid on the outer side, and therefore can be but an Inch broad; Because the Cuttings-in on the inside leaves the substance of Stuff but an Inch and an half thick, and should the Moldings be made broader, it would be interrupted in the several Cuttings in, or else a square of a quarter of an Inch on either side the Molding could not be allowed, which would be ungraceful. ¶. 3. _Of the_ Cap _marked_ c _in Plate_ 5. The _Cap_ is three Foot and one Inch long, four Inches and an half deep, and nine Inches and an half broad; But its fore-side is cut away underneath to eight Inches, _Viz._ the breadth of the _Cheeks_. Three quarters of an Inch above the bottom of the _Cap_, is a small _Facia_, which stands even with the thickness of the _Cheeks_; Half an Inch above that a Bead-Molding, projecting half an Inch over the _Facia_. Two Inches above that a broad _Facia_, also even with the thickness of the _Cheeks_; and an Inch and a quarter above that is the upper Molding made projecting an Inch and an half over the two _Facia_’s aforesaid, and the thickness of the _Cheeks_. Each end of the _Cap_ projects three Inches quarter and half quarter over the _Cheeks_, partly for Ornament, but more especially that substance may be left on either end beyond the Mortesses in the Cap; and these two ends have the same Molding laid on them that the fore-side of the _Cap_ hath. Within two Inches and half quarter of either end, on the under-side the _Cap_ is made a square Mortess two Inches wide, and four Inches and an half long, _viz._ the thickness of the _Cheek_ inwards, as at _a a_, to receive the Top _Tennants_ of the _Cheeks_; which Top _Tennants_ are with an Iron Pin (made tapering of about three quarters of an Inch thick) pin’d into the Mortess of the _Cap_, to keep the _Cheeks_ steddy in their position. ¶. 4. _Of the_ Winter _marked_ d _in_ Plate 5. The Length of the _Winter_ besides the _Tennants_, is one Foot nine Inches and one quarter of an Inch; The Breadth of the _Winter_ eight Inches, _viz._ the Breadth of the _Cheek_, and its depth nine Inches; all its sides are tryed square; But its two ends hath each a Duftail-_Tennant_ made through the whole depth of the _Winter_, to fit and fall into the Duftail Mortesses made in the _Cheeks_: These Duftail-_Tennants_ are intended to do the Office of a _Summer_, Because the spreading of the ends of these two _Tennants_ into the spreading of the Mortesses in the _Cheeks_, keeps the two _Cheeks_ in a due distance, and hinders them from flying assunder. But yet I think it very convenient to have a _Summer_ also, the more firmly and surer to keep the _Cheeks_ together; This _Summer_ is only a Rail _Tennanted_, and let into Mortesses made in the inside of the _Cheeks_, and Screwed to them as the Rails described, _Numb._ 15. §. 4. are Screwed into the Stiles of the _Case-Frame_; Its depth four Inches and an half, and its breadth eight Inches, _viz._ the breadth of the _Cheeks_. ¶. 5. _Of the_ Head _marked_ e _in_ Plate 5. The length of the _Head_ besides the _Tennant_ at either end, is one Foot nine Inches and one quarter of an Inch; The breadth eight Inches and an half, and its depth eight Inches. The Top, Bottom and Hind-sides are tryed Square, but the fore-side projects half an Inch over the Range of the fore-sides of the _Cheeks_; in which Projecture is cut a Table with a hollow Molding about it, two Inches distant from all the sides of the fore-side of the _Head_: Its _Tennants_ are three Inches Broad, and are cut down at either end, from the top to the bottom of the _Head_, and made fit to the Mortesses in the _Cheeks_, that they may slide tight, and yet play in them. In the under-side of the _Head_ is cut a square Hole, (as at _a_,) about four Inches square, and three Inches and an half deep, into which the _Brass-Nut_ is to be fitted: And to keep this _Nut_ in its place (lest the weight of it should make it fall out) is made on either side the square hole, at about half an Inch distance from it, (as at _b b_) a square Hole quite through the Top and Bottom of the _Head_ about three quarters of an Inch wide; and into this square Hole is fitted a square piece of Iron to reach quite through the _Head_, having at its under-end a Hook turned square to claspe upon the under-side of the _Nut_; and on its upper end a Male-Screw reaching about an Inch above the upper-side of the _Head_, which by the help of a Female-screw made in an Iron _Nut_, with Ears to it to turn it about draws the _Clasp_ at the bottom of the Iron _Shank_ close against the _Nut_, and so keeps it from falling out. In the middle of the wide square Hole that the _Nut_ is let into, is bored a round Hole through the top of the _Head_, of about three quarters of an Inch wide, for the _Press-man_ to pour _Oyl_ in at so oft as the _Nut_ and _Spindle_ shall want _Oyling_. At three Inches from either end of the _Head_ (as at _c c_) is bored a Hole quite through the top and bottom of the _Head_, which holes have their under ends squar’d about two Inches upwards, and these squares are made so wide as to receive a square Bar of Iron three quarters of an Inch square; But the other part of these Holes remain round: Into these Holes two Irons are fitted called the _Screws_. The Shanks of these _Screws_ are made so long as to reach through the _Head_ and through the _Cap_: At the upper end of these Shanks is made Male-screws, and to these Male-screws, Iron Female-screws are fitted with two Ears to twist them the easier about. So much of these Iron-Shanks as are to lye in the square Hole of the _Head_ aforesaid, are also squared to fit those square Holes, that when they are fitted and put into the Holes in the _Head_; they may not twist about. To the lower ends of these Iron-Shanks are made two Square, Flat Heads, which are let into and buried in the under-side of the _Head_; And upon the Sholders of those two Flat Heads, rests the weight of the _Head_ of the _Press_; And by the _Screws_ at the upper end of the Shanks are hung upon the upper-side of the _Cap_, and Screwed up or let down as occasion requires. [Illustration: _Plate 6._] ¶. 6. _Of the_ Till, _marked_ f _in_ Plate 5. The _Till_ is a Board about one Inch thick, and is as the _Head_ and _Winter_, one Foot nine Inches and a quarter long, besides the _Tennants_ at either end; Its Breadth is the Breadth of the _Cheeks_, _viz._ eight Inches; It hath two _Tennants_ at either end as at _a a a a_, each of them about an Inch and an half long, and an Inch and an half broad, and are made at an Inch distance from the fore and Back-side, so that a space of two Inches is contained in the middle of the ends between the two _Tennants_; these _Tennants_ are to be laid in the Mortesses in the _Cheeks_ delineated at _f f_ in Plate 5. and described in this §. 10. ¶. 2. In its middle it hath a round Hole about two Inches and an half wide, as at _b_, for the Shank of the _Spindle_ to pass through. At seven Inches and a quarter from either end, and in the middle between the fore and Back-side, is made two square Holes through the _Till_, as at _c c_, for the Iron _Hose_ to pass through. ¶. 7. _Of the_ Hind-Posts _marked_ a a _in_ Plate 6. At one Foot distance from the Hind-sides of the _Cheeks_ are placed upright two _Hind-Posts_, they are three Foot and four Inches long besides the _Tennants_, which _Tennants_ are to be placed in the Mortesses in the hinder-ends of the _Feet_; Their thickness is four Inches on every side, and every side is tryed square; But within eight Inches of the top is turned a round Ball with a Button on it, and a Neck under it, and under that Neck a straight Plinth or Base: This turn’d work on the top is only for Ornament sake. There are six _Rails_ fitted into these _Hind-Posts_, two behind marked _a b_, one of them standing with its upper-side at two Inches below the turned Work, the other having its upper-side lying level with the upper-side of the _Winter_. These two _Rails_ are each of them _Tennanted_ at either end, and are made so long, that the outsides of the _Hind-Posts_ may stand Range or even with the outer-sides of the _Cheeks_; These _Tennants_ at either end are let into Mortesses made in the insides of the _Hind-Posts_, and Pin’d up with half Inch wooden Pins, Glewed in, as was shewn Vol. 1. _Numb._ 5. §. 17. Because the two _Hind-Posts_ need not be separated for any alteration of the _Press_. The two _Side-Rails_ on either side the _Press_ are _Tennanted_ at each end, and let into Mortesses made in the _Cheeks_ and _Hind-Posts_, so as they may stand Range with the outer-sides of the _Cheeks_ and _Hind-Posts_; But the _Tennants_ that enter the Mortesses in the _Cheeks_ are not pin’d in with Wooden Pins, and Glewed, because they may be taken assunder if need be; But are Pin’d in with Iron Pins, made a little tapering towards the entring end, so as they may be driven back when occasion serves to alter the _Press_: And the _Tennants_ that enter the Mortesses in the _Hind-Posts_ are fastned in by a Female-screw, let in near the end of the _Rail_, which receives a Male-screw thrust through the _Hind-Posts_, even as I shew’d in §. 4. the _Fore_ and _Back-Rails_ of the _Case-Frames_ was. ¶. 8. _Of the_ Ribs _marked_ b _in_ Plate 6. The _Ribs_ lye within a Frame of four Foot five Inches long, one Foot eleven Inches broad; its two _End-Rails_ one Inch and an half thick, its _Side-Rails_ two Inches and an half thick; and the breadth of the _Side_ and _End-Rails_ two Inches and an half. But the _Side-Rails_ are cut away in the inside an Inch and an half towards the outer-sides of the _Rails_, and an Inch deep towards the Bottom sides of the _Rails_, so that a square _Cheek_ on either _Side-Rail_ remains. This cutting down of the _Outer-Rails_ of the _Frame_ is made, because the Planck of the _Carriage_ being but one Foot eight Inches and an half broad, may easily slide, and yet be gaged between these _Cheeks_ of the _Rail_, that the _Cramp-Irons_ Nailed under the _Carriage Planck_ joggle not on either side off the _Ribs_, as shall more fully be shewn in the next §. Between the two _Side-Rails_ are framed into the two _End-Rails_ the two _Wooden-Ribs_ two Inches and an half broad, and an Inch and an half thick; they are placed each at an equal distance from each _Side-Rail_, and also at the same distance between themselves. Upon these two _Ribs_ are fast Nailed down the _Iron-Ribs_, of which more shall be said when I come to speak of the Iron-work. ¶. 9. _Of the_ Carriage, Coffin _and its_ Planck, _marked_ a _in_ Plate 7. The _Planck_ of the _Carriage_ is an Elm-Planck an Inch and an half thick, four Foot long, and one Foot eight Inches and three quarters broad; upon this _Planck_ at its fore-end is firmly Nailed down a square Frame two Foot four Inches long, one Foot ten Inches broad, and the thickness of its Sides two Inches and an half square; This Frame is called the _Coffin_, and in it the _Stone_ is _Bedded_. Upon each of the four Corners of this _Coffin_ is let in and fastned down a square Iron Plate as at _a a a a_, with Return Sides about six Inches long each side, half a quarter of an Inch thick, and two Inches and a quarter broad; upon the upper outer-sides of each of these Plates is fastned down to them with two or three Rivets through each side, another strong Iron half an Inch deep, and whose outer Angles only are square, but the Inner-Angles are obtuse, as being sloped away from the Inner-Angle towards the farther end of each inner-side, so as the _Quoins_ may do the Office of a Wedge between each inner-side and the _Chase_. [Illustration: _Plate 7._] The Plates of these Corners (as I said) are let in on the outer Angles of the upper-side of the Frame of the _Coffin_, so as the upper-sides of the Plates lye even with it, and are Nailed down, or indeed rather Rivetted down through the bottom and top-sides of the Frame of the _Coffin_, because then the upper-sides of the Holes in the Iron Plates being square Bored (that is, made wider on the upper-side of the Plate, as I shall shew when I come to the making of _Mathematical Instruments_) the ends of the Shanks of the Iron Pins may be so battered into the Square-boring, that the whole Superficies of the Plate when thus Rivetted shall be smooth, which else with the exturberancies of Nail-heads would hinder the free sliding of the _Quoins_. At the hinder end of the Frame of the _Coffin_ are fastned either with strong Nails, Rivets, or rather Screws, two Iron _Half-Joynts_, as at _b b_, which having an Iron Pin of almost half an Inch over put through them, and two _Match-half-Joynts_ fastned on the Frame of the _Tympan_, these two _Match-half-Joynts_ moving upon the Iron Pin aforesaid, as on an _Axis_, keeps the _Tinpan_ so truly gaged, that it always falls down upon the _Form_ in the place, and so keeps _Register_ good, as shall further be shewed in proper place. Behind the _Coffin_ is Nailed on to its outside, a Quarter, as at _c c_ this Quarter is about three Inches longer than the breadth of the _Coffin_, it hath all its sides two Inches over, and three of them square; but its upper-side is hollowed round to a Groove or Gutter an Inch and an half over. This Gutter is so Nailed on, that its hither end standing about an Inch higher than its further end, the Water that descends from the _Tympan_ falling into it is carried away on the farther side the _Coffin_ by the declivity of the farther end of the Gutter, and so keeps the Planck of the _Carriage_ neat and cleanly, and preserves it from rotting. Parallel to the outer-sides of the hind part of the Planck of the _Carriage_, at three Inches distance from either side, is Nailed down on the upper-side of the Planck two Female-Duftail Grooves, into which is fitted (so as they may slide) two Male-Duftails made on the two Feet of the _Gallows_ (as at _d d_) that the _Tinpan_ rests upon; and by the sliding forward or backward of these Duftail Feet, the heighth of the _Tinpan_ is raised or depressed according to the Reason or Fancy of the _Press-man_. At three Inches from the hinder Rail of the _Coffin_, in the middle, between both sides of the Planck, is cut an Hole four Inches square (as at _e e_) and upon the hither and farther side of this Hole is fastned down on each side a _Stud_ made of Wood (as at _f f_) and in the middle of these two _Studs_ is made a round Hole about half an Inch over, to receive the two round ends of an Iron Pin; which Iron Pin, though its ends be round, is through the middle of the Shank square, and upon that square is fitted a round _Wooden-Rowler_ or _Barrel_, with a Shoulder on either side it, to contain so much of the _Girt_ as shall be rowled upon it; And to one end of the _Rowler_ is fastned an Iron _Circle_ or _Wheel_, having on its edge _Teeth_ cut to stop against a _Clicker_, when the _Rowler_ with an Iron Pin is turned about to strain the _Girt_. ¶. 10. _Of the_ Tympan _and_ Inner-Tympan, _marked_ b _in_ Plate 7. The _Tympan_ is a square Frame, three sides whereof are Wood, and the fourth Iron. Its width is one Foot eight Inches, its length two Foot two Inches; the breadth of the wooden Sides an Inch and an half, and the depth one Inch. On its short Wooden-side, _viz._ its Hind-end, at the two Corners is Rivetted an Iron _Match-Joynt_, to be pinned on to another _Half-joynt_ fastned on the _Hind-Rail_ of the _Coffin_. The other end, _viz._ the Fore-end of the _Tympan_ is made of Iron, with a square _Socket_ at either end for the Wooden ends of the _Tympan_ to fit and fasten into. This Iron is somewhat thinner and narrower than an ordinary Window-Casement. Upon the outer edge of this Iron, about an Inch and an half off the ends of it, is made two Iron _Half-joynts_ to contain a Pin of about a quarter of an Inch over, which Pin entring this _half-joynt_, and a _match Half-joynt_ made upon the _Frisket_, serves for the _Frisket_ to move truly upon. In the middle of each long _Rail_ of the _Tympan_, is made through the top and bottom an Hole half an Inch square, for the square Shanks of the _Point-Screws_ to fit into. The like Holes are also made in the _Tympan_, at one third part of its length from the Fore-end or _Frisket-joynt_, to place the _Point Screws_ in; when a _Twelves_, _Eighteens_, &c. is wrought. Into the Inner-side of this _Tympan_ is fitted the _Inner-Tympan_, whose three sides are also made of Wood, and its fourth side of Iron, as the _Tympan_, but without _joynts_; it is made so much shorter than the _Outer-Tympan_, that the outer edge of the Iron of the _Inner-Tympan_ may lye within the inner edge of the Iron on the _Outer-Tympan_; and it is made so much narrower than the inside of the _Tympan_, that a convenient room may be allowed to paste a _Vellom_ between the inside of the _Tympan_, and the outside of the _Inner-Tympan_. About the middle, through the hither-side of the _Inner-Tympan_, is let in and fastned an Iron Pin about a quarter of an Inch over, and stands out three quarters of an Inch upon the hither outside of the _Inner-Tympan_, which three quarters of an Inch Pin fits into a round hole made in the inner-side of the _Tympan_, to gage and fit the _Inner-Tympan_ right into the _Tympan_; for then by the help of an Iron turning _Clasp_ on the further side the _Tympan_, the _Inner-Tympan_ is kept firmly down and in its position. ¶. 11. _Of the_ Inck-Block, Slice, Brayer, _and_ Catch _of the_ Bar, _marked_ c d e f _in_ Plate 7. To the _Rail_ between the hither _Cheek_ and _Hind-Post_ is fastned the _Inck-Block_, which is a Beechen-board about thirteen Inches long, nine Inches broad, and commonly about two Inches thick, and hath the left-hand outer corner of it cut away; it is Railed in on its farther and hinder-sides, and a little above half the hither-side, with Wainscot-Board about three quarters of an Inch thick, and two Inches and an half above the upper-side the board of the _Inck-Block_. It is described in Plate 7. at c. The _Brayer_ marked _a_ is made of _Beech_: It is turned round on the sides, and flat on the bottom, its length is about three Inches, and its diameter about two Inches and an half; it hath an Handle to it about four Inches long. Its Office is to rub and mingle the _Inck_ on the _Inck-Block_ well together. The _Slice_ is a little thin Iron _Shovel_ about three or four Inches broad, and five Inches long; it hath an Handle to it of about seven Inches long. Near the _Shovel_ through the Handle is fitted a small Iron of about two Inches long standing Perpendicular to both the sides of the Handle, and is about the thickness of a small Curtain-Rod. It is described at e. The _Catch_ of the _Bar_ described at f is a piece of Wood two Inches thick, four Inches broad, and ten Inches long; The top of it is a little Bevil’d or Slop’d off, that the _Bar_ may by its _Spring_ fly up the Bevil till it stick. This Bevil projects three Inches over its straight Shank, which reaches down to the bottom; in the middle of this Shank, through the fore and back-side, is a Mortess made from within an Inch of the Rounding to an Inch and an half of the bottom; This Mortess is three quarters of an Inch wide, and hath an Iron Pin with a Shoulder at one end fitted to it, so as it may slide from one end of the Mortess to the other. At the other end of the Iron Pin is made a Male-Screw which enters into a Female Iron Screw let into the further _Cheek_ of the _Press_; so that the _Catch_ may be Screwed close to the _Cheek_, as shall further be spoken to hereafter. ¶. 12. _Of the Iron-work, and first of the_ Spindle _marked_ A _in Plate_ 8. From the Top to the _Toe_ of the _Spindle_, _viz._ from _a_ to _b_ is sixteen Inches and a half, the length of the Cilinder the _Worms_ are cut upon is three Inches and a quarter, and the diameter of that Cilinder two Inches and a quarter; between the bottom of the _Worms_ and top of the Cube one Inch and an half; the Cube marked _c c c c_ is two Inches and three quarters, the square _Eye_ at _d_ in the middle of the Cube is an Inch and a quarter through all the sides of the Cube; one Inch under the Cube at _e_ is the _Neck_ of the _Spindle_, whose diameter is two Inches, It is one Inch between the two shoulders, _viz._ the upper and under shoulders of the _Neck_ at _e e_, so that the Cilinder of the _Neck_ is one Inch long; the very bottom of the _Spindle_ at _b_ is called the _Toe_, it is made of an Hemispherical form, and about one Inch in diameter; This _Toe_ should be made of _Steel_, and well Temper’d, that by long or careless usage, the point of pressure wear not towards one side of the _Toe_, but may remain in the Axis of the _Spindle_. [Illustration: _Plate 8._] §. 11. _Of the_ Worms _of the_ Spindle. I promised at the latter end of _Numb._ 2. to give a more copious account than there I did of making _Worms_, when I came to exercise upon _Printing-Press Spindles_; and being now arrived to it, I shall here make good my promise. ¶. 1. The _Worms_ for _Printing-Press Spindles_ must be projected with such a declivity, as that they may come down at an assigned progress of the _Bar_. The assigned progress may be various, and yet the _Spindle_ do its office: For if the _Cheeks_ of the _Press_ stand wide assunder, the sweep or progress of the same _Bar_ will be greater than if they stand nearer together. It is confirm’d upon good consideration and Reason as well as constant experience, that in a whole Revolution of the _Spindle_, in the _Nut_, the _Toe_ does and ought to come down two Inches and an half; but the _Spindle_ in work seldom makes above one quarter of a Revolution at one _Pull_, in which sweep it comes down but half an Inch and half a quarter of an Inch; and the reason to be given for this coming down, is the squeezing of the several parts in the _Press_, subject to squeeze between the Mortesses of the _Winter_ and the Mortesses the _Head_ works in; and every Joynt between these are subject to squeeze by the force of a _Pull_. As first, The _Winter_ may squeeze down into its Mortess one third part of the thickness of a _Scabbord_. (Allowing a _Scabbord_ to be half a _Nomparel_ thick.) Secondly, The _Ribs_ squeeze closer to the _Winter_ one _Scabbord_. Thirdly, The _Iron-Ribs_ to the Wooden _Ribs_ one _Scabbord_. Fourthly, The _Cramp-Irons_ to the _Planck_ of the _Coffin_ one _Scabbord_. Fifthly, The _Planck_ it self half a _Scabbord_. Sixthly, The _Stone_ to the _Planck_ one _Scabbord_. Seventhly, The _Form_ to the _Stone_ half a _Scabbord_. Eighthly, The _Justifyers_ in the Mortess of the _Head_ three _Scabbords_. Ninthly, The _Nut_ in the _Head_ one _Scabbord_. Tenthly, The _Paper_, _Tympans_ and _Blankets_ two _Scabbords_. Eleventhly, Play for the Irons of the _Tympans_ four _Scabbords_. Altogether make fifteen _Scabbords_ and one third part of a _Scabbord_ thick, which (as aforesaid) by allowing two _Scabbords_ to make a _Nomparel_, and as I shewed in _Vol._ 2. _Numb._ 2. §. 2. One hundred and fifty _Nomparels_ to make one Foot, gives twelve and an half _Nomparels_ for an Inch, and consequently twenty five _Scabbords_ for an Inch; so by proportion, fifteen _Scabbords_ and one third part of a _Scabbord_, gives five eighth parts of an Inch, and a very small matter more, which is just so much as the _Toe_ of the _Spindle_ comes down in a quarter of a Revolution. This is the Reason that the coming down of the _Toe_ ought to be just thus much; for should it be less, the natural Spring that all these Joynts have, when they are unsqueez’d, would mount the Irons of the _Tympans_ so high, that it would be troublesom and tedious for the _Press-man_ to _Run_ them under the _Plattin_, unless the _Cheeks_ stood wider assunder, and consequently every sweep of the _Bar_ in a _Pull_ exceed a quarter of a Revolution, which would be both laborious for the _Press-man_, and would hinder his usual riddance of Work. I shew’d in _Numb._ 2. _fol._ 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. the manner of making a Screw in general; but assigned it no particular Rise; which for the aforesaid reason, these _Printing-Press Screws_ are strictly bound to have: Therefore its assigned Rise being two Inches and an half in a Revolution, This measure must be set off upon the Cilindrick Shank, from the top towards the Cube of the _Spindle_, on any part of the _Cilinder_, and there make a small mark with a fine _Prick-Punch_, and in an exact Perpendicular to this mark make another small mark on the top of the Cilinder, and laying a straight _Ruler_ on these two marks, draw a straight line through them, and continue that line almost as low as the Cube of the _Spindle_. Then devide that portion of the straight line contained between the two marks into eight equal parts, and set off those equal parts from the two Inch and half mark upwards, and then downwards in the line so oft as you can: Devide also the Circumference of the Shank of the Cilinder into eight equal parts, and draw straight lines through each devision, parallel to the first upright line; and describe the _Screw_ as you were directed in the afore-quoted place; so will you find that the revolution of every line so carried on about the Shank of the Cilinder, will be just two Inches and an half off the top of the Shank: which measure and manner of working may be continued downward to within an Inch and an half of the Cube of the _Spindle_. This is the Rule and Measure that ought to be observ’d for ordinary _Presses_: But if for some by-reasons the aforesaid Measure of two Inches and an half must be varied, then the varied Measure must be set off from the top of the Cilinder, and working with that varied Measure as hath been directed, the _Toe_ of the _Spindle_ will come down lower in a revolution if the varied Measure be longer, or not so low if the varied Measure be shorter. There is a Notion vulgarly accepted among Workmen, that the _Spindle_ will Rise more or less for the number of _Worms_ winding about the Cilinder; for they think, or at least by tradition are taught to say, that a _Three-Worm’d Spindle_ comes faster and lower down than a _four-Worm’d Spindle_: But the opinion is false; for if a _Spindle_ were made but with a _Single-Worm_, and should have this Measure, _viz._ Two Inches and an half set off from the top, and a _Worm_ cut to make a Revolution to this Measure, it would come down just as fast, and as low, as if there were two, three, four, five or six _Worms_, &c. cut in the same Measure: For indeed, the numbers of _Worms_ are only made to preserve the _Worms_ of the _Spindle_ and _Nut_ from wearing each other out the faster; for if the whole stress of a _Pull_ should bear against the Sholder of a single _Worm_, it would wear and shake in the _Nut_ sooner by half than if the stress should be borne by the Sholders of two _Worms_; and so proportionably for three, four, five _Worms_, _&c._ But the reason why four _Worms_ are generally made upon the _Spindle_, is because the Diameters of the _Spindle_ are generally of this propos’d size; and therefore a convenient strength of Mettal may be had on this size for four _Worms_; But should the Diameter of the _Spindle_ be smaller, as they sometimes are when the _Press_ is designed for small Work, only three _Worms_ will be a properer number than four; because when the Diameter is small, the thickness of the _Worms_ would also prove small, and by the stress of a _Pull_ would be more subject to break or tear the _Worms_ either of the _Spindle_ or _Nut_. And thus I hope I have performed the promise here I made at the latter end of _Numb._ 2. Whither I refer you for the breadth, and reason of the breadth of the _Worm_. ¶. 13. _Of the_ Bar _marked_ B _in_ Plate 8. This _Bar_ is Iron, containing in length about two Foot eight Inches and an half, from _a_ to _b_, and its greatest thickness, except the Sholder, an Inch and a quarter; The end _a_ hath a Male-Screw about an Inch Diameter and an Inch long, to which a _Nut_ with a Female-Screw in it as at C is fitted. The Iron _Nut_ in which this Female-Screw is made, must be very strong, _viz._ at least an Inch thick, and an Inch and three quarters in Diameter; in two opposite sides of it is made two Ears, which must also be very strong, because they must with heavy blows be knock’t upon to draw the Sholder of the square shank on the _Bar_, when the square Pin is in the _Eye_ of the _Spindle_ close and steddy up to the Cube on the _Spindle_. The square Pin of the _Bar_ marked _c_ is made to fit just into the _Eye_, through the middle of the Cube of the _Spindle_, on the hither end of this square Pin is made a Sholder or stop to this square Pin, as at _d_. This Sholder must be Filed exactly Flat on all its four insides, that they may be drawn close and tight up to any flat side of the Cube on the _Spindle_; It is two Inches square, that it may be drawn the firmer, and stop the steddyer against any of the flat sides of the said Cube, when it is hard drawn by the strength of the Female-Screw in the aforesaid _Nut_ at C. The thickness from _d_ to _e_ of this Sholder is about three quarters of an Inch, and is Bevil’d off towards the _Handle_ of the _Bar_ with a small Molding. The substance of this _Bar_, as aforesaid, is about an Inch and a quarter; but its Corners are all the way slatted down till within five Inches of the end: And from these five Inches to the end, it is taper’d away, that the _Wooden-Handle_ may be the stronger forced and fastned upon it. About four Inches off the Sholder, the _Bar_ is bowed beyond a right Angle, yet not with an Angle, but a Bow, which therefore lies ready to the _Press-man_’s Hand, that he may Catch at it to draw the _Wooden-Handle_ of the _Bar_ within his reach. This _Wooden-Handle_ with long Working grows oft loose; but then it is with hard blows on the end of it forced on again, which oft splits the _Wooden-Handle_ and loosens the square Pin at the other end of the _Bar_, in the _Eye_ of the _Spindle_: To remedy which inconvenience, I used this Help, _viz._ To weld a piece of a Curtain-Rod as long as the _Wooden-Handle_ of the _Bar_, to the end of the Iron _Bar_, and made a Male-screw at the other end with a Female-screw to fit it; Then I bored an hole quite through the _Wooden-Handle_, and Turn’d the very end of the _Wooden-Handle_ with a small hollow in it flat at the bottom, and deep enough to bury the Iron-_Nut_ on the end of the Curtain-Rod, and when this Curtain-Rod was put through the Hollow in the _Wooden-Handle_ and Screwed fast to it at the end, it kept the _Wooden-Handle_, from flying off; Or if it loosened, by twisting the _Nut_ once or twice more about, it was fastned again. ¶. 14. _Of the_ Hose, Garter, _and_ Hose-Hooks. The _Hose_ are the upright Irons in Plate 8. at _a a_, They are about three quarters of an Inch square, both their ends have Male-screws on them; The lower end is fitted into a square Hole made at the parting of the _Hose-Hooks_, which by a square _Nut_ with a Female-screw in it, is Screwed tight up to them; Their upper ends are let into square Holes made at the ends of the _Garter_, and by _Nuts_ with Female-Screws in them, and Ears to turn them about as at _l l_ are drawn up higher, if the _Plattin-Cords_ are too loose; or else let down lower if they are too tight: These upper Screws are called the _Hose-Screws_. The _Garter_ (but more properly the _Coller_) marked _b b_, is the round Hoop incompassing the flat Groove or Neck in the Shank of the _Spindle_ at _e e_; This round Hoop is made of two half-round Hoops, having in a Diametrical-line without the Hoop square Irons of the same piece proceeding from them, and standing out as far as _g g_, These Irons are so let into each other, that they comply and run Range with the square Sholders at both ends, wherein square Holes are made at the ends of the _Hose_. They are Screwed together with two small Screws, as at _h h_. The four _Hose-Hooks_ are marked _i i i i_, They proceed from two Branches of an Iron Hoop at _k_ encompassing the lower end of the _Spindle_, on either Corner of the Branch, and have notches filled in their outer-sides as in the Figure, which notches are to contain several Turns of _Whip-cord_ in each notch, which _Whip-cord_ being also fastned to the _Hooks_ on the _Plattin_, holds the _Plattin_ tight to the _Hooks_ of the _Hose_. ¶. 15. _Of the_ Ribs, _and_ Cramp-Irons. The _Ribs_ are delineated in Plate 8. at E, they are made of four square Irons the length of the _Wooden-Ribs_ and _End-Rails_, _viz._ four Foot five Inches long, and three quarters of an Inch square, only one end is batter’d to about a quarter of an Inch thick, and about two Inches and an half broad, in which battering four or five holes are Punch’t for the nailing it down to the _Hind-Rail_ of the _Wooden-Ribs_. The Fore-end is also batter’d down as the Hind-end, but bound downwards to a square, that it may be nailed down on the outer-side of the _Fore-Rail_ of the _Wooden-Ribs_. Into the bottom of these _Ribs_, within nine Inches of the middle, on either side is made two Female-Duftails about three quarters of an Inch broad, and half a quarter of an Inch thick, which Female-Duftails have Male-Duftails as at _a a a a_ fitted stiff into them, about an Inch and three quarters long; and these Male-Duftails have an hole punched at either end, that when they are fitted into the Female-Duftails in the _Ribs_, they may in these Holes be Nailed down the firmer to the _Wooden-Ribs_. [Illustration: _Plate 9._] These _Ribs_ are to be between the upper and the under-side exactly of an equal thickness, and both to lye exactly Horizontal in straight lines; For irregularities will both Mount and Sink the _Cramp-Irons_, and make them _Run_ rumbling upon the _Ribs_. The upper-sides of these _Ribs_ must be purely Smooth-fil’d and Pollish’d, and the edges a little Bevil’d roundish away, that they may be somewhat Arching at the top; because then the _Cramp-Irons_ _Run_ more easily and ticklishly over them. The _Cramp-Irons_ are marked F in Plate 8. They are an Inch and an half long besides the Battering down at both ends as the _Ribs_ were; They have three holes Punched in each Battering down, to Nail them to the _Planck_ of the _Coffin_; They are about half an Inch deep, and one quarter and an half thick; their upper-sides are smoothed and rounded away as the _Ribs_. ¶. 16. _Of the_ Spindle _for the_ Rounce, _described in Plate_ 9. _at_ a. The _Axis_ or _Spindle_ is a straight Bar of Iron about three quarters of an Inch square, and is about three Inches longer than the whole breadth of the Frame of the _Ribs_, _viz._ two Foot two Inches: The farther end of it is Filed to a round Pin (as at _a_) three quarters of an Inch long, and three quarters of an Inch in Diameter; the hither end is filed away to such another round Pin, but is two Inches and a quarter long (as at _b_); at an Inch and a quarter from this end is Filed a Square Pin three quarters of an Inch long, and within half an Inch of the end is Filed another round Pin, which hath another Male-Screw on it, to which is fitted a square Iron _Nut_ with a Female-Screw in it. On the Square Pin is fitted a _Winch_ somewhat in form like a Jack-winch, but much stronger; the _Eye_ of which is fitted upon the Square aforesaid, and Screwed up tight with a Female-Screw. On the straight Shank of this Winch is fitted the _Rounce_, marked _e_. The round ends of this _Axis_ are hung up in two Iron-Sockets (as at _c c_) fastned with Nails (but more properly with Screws) on the outside the Wooden Frame of the _Ribs_. The _Girt-Barrel_ marked _d_ is Turned of a Piece of Maple or Alder-wood, of such a length, that it may play easily between the two Wooden _Ribs_; and of such a diameter, that in one revolution of it, such a length of _Girt_ may wind about it as shall be equal to half the length contained between the fore-end Iron of the _Tympan_, and the inside of the Rail of the _Inner-Tympan_; because two Revolutions of this _Barrel_ must move the _Carriage_ this length of space. This _Barrel_ is fitted and fastned upon the Iron _Axis_, at such a distance from either end, that it may move round between the Wooden _Ribs_ aforesaid. ¶. 17. _Of the_ Press-Stone. The _Press-Stone_ should be Marble, though sometimes Master _Printers_ make shift with Purbeck, either because they can buy them cheaper, or else because they can neither distinguish them by their appearance, or know their different worths. Its thickness must be all the way throughout equal, and ought to be within one half quarter of an Inch the depth of the inside of the _Coffin_; because the matter it is _Bedded_ in will raise it high enough. Its length and breadth must be about half an Inch less than the length and breadth of the inside of the _Coffin_: Because _Justifiers_ of Wood, the length of every side, and almost the depth of the _Stone_, must be thrust between the insides of the _Coffin_ and the outsides of the _Stone_, to Wedge it tight and steddy in its place, after the _Press-man_ has _Bedded_ it. Its upper-side, or Face must be exactly straight and smooth. I have given you this description of the _Press-Stone_, because they are thus generally used in all _Printing-Houses_: But I have had so much trouble, charge and vexation with the often breaking of _Stones_, either through the carelesness or unskilfulness (or both) of _Press-men_, that necessity compell’d me to consider how I might leave them off; and now by long experience I have found, that a piece of _Lignum-vitæ_ of the same size, and truly wrought, performs the office of a _Stone_ in all respects as well as a _Stone_, and eases my mind, of the trouble, charge and vexation aforesaid, though the first cost of it be greater. ¶. 18. _Of the_ Plattin _marked_ d _in Plate_ 9. The _Plattin_ is commonly made of Beechen-Planck, two Inches and an half thick, its length about fourteen Inches, and its breadth about nine Inches. Its sides are Tryed Square, and the Face or under-side of the _Plattin_ Plained exactly straight and smooth. Near the four Corners on the upper-side, it hath four Iron _Hooks_ as at _a a a a_, whose Shanks are Wormed in. In the middle of the upper-side is let in and fastned an Iron Plate called the _Plattin-Plate_, as _b b b b_, a quarter of an Inch thick, six Inches long, and four Inches broad; in the middle of this Plate is made a square Iron Frame about half an Inch high, and half an Inch broad, as at _c_. Into this square Frame is fitted the _Stud_ of the _Plattin Pan_, so as it may stand steddy, and yet to be taken out and put in as occasion may require. The _Stud_ marked _d_, is about an Inch thick, and then spreads wider and wider to the top (at _e e e e_) of it, till it becomes about two Inches and an half wide; and the sides of this spreading being but about half a quarter of an Inch thick makes the _Pan_. In the middle of the bottom of this _Pan_ is a small Center hole Punch’d for the _Toe_ of the _Spindle_ to work in. ¶. 19. _Of the_ Points _and_ Point-Screws. The Points are made of Iron Plates about the thickness of a Queen _Elizabeth_ Shilling: It is delineated at e in Plate 9. which is sufficient to shew the shape of it, at the end of this Plate, as at _a_, stands upright the Point. This _Point_ is made of a piece of small Wyer about a quarter and half quarter of an Inch high, and hath its lower end Filed away to a small Shank about twice the length of the thickness of the Plate; so that a Sholder may remain. This small Shank is fitted into a small Hole made near the end of the Plate, and Revetted on the other side, as was taught _Numb._ 2. _Fol._ 24. At the other end of the Plate is filed a long square notch in the Plate as at _b c_ quarter and half quarter Inch wide, to receive the square shank of the _Point-Screws_. The _Point-Screw_ marked f is made of Iron; It hath a thin Head about an Inch square, And a square Shank just under the Head, an Inch deep, and almost quarter and half quarter Inch square, that the square Notch in the hinder end of the Plate may slide on it from end to end of the Notch; Under this square Shank is a round Pin filed with a Male-Screw upon it, to which is fitted a _Nut_ with a Female-Screw in it, and Ears on its outside to twist about, and draw the Head of the Shank close down to the _Tympan_, and so hold the _Point-Plate_ fast in its Place. ¶. 20. _Of the_ Hammer, _described at_ h, _and_ Sheeps-Foot _described at_ i _in Plate_ 9. The _Hammer_ is a common _Hammer_ about a quarter of a Pound weight; It hath no _Claws_ but a _Pen_, which stands the _Press-man_ instead when the _Chase_ proves so big, that he is forced to use small _Quoins_. The Figure of the _Sheeps-Foot_ is description sufficient. Its use is to nail and un-nail the _Balls_. The _Sheeps-Foot_ is all made of Iron, with an Hammer-head at one end, to drive the _Ball-Nails_ into the _Ball-Stocks_, and a Claw at the other end, to draw the _Ball-Nails_ out of the _Ball-Stocks_. ¶. 21. _Of the_ Foot-step, Girts, Stay _of the_ Carriage, Stay _of the_ Frisket, Ball-Stocks, Paper-Bench, Lye-Trough, Lye-Brush, Lye-Kettle, Tray _to_ wet Paper _in_, Weights to Press Paper, Pelts, _or_ Leather, Wool _or_ Hair, Ball-Nails _or_ Pumping-Nails. The _Foot-Step_ is an Inch-Board about a Foot broad, and sixteen Inches long. This Board is nailed upon a piece of Timber about seven or eight Inches high, and is Bevil’d away on its upper-side, as is also the Board on its under-side at its hither end, that the Board may stand aslope upon the Floor. It is placed fast on the Floor under the Carriage of the Press. Its Office shall be shewed when we come to treat of Exercise of the _Press-man_. _Girts_ are Thongs of Leather, cut out of the Back of an Horse-hide, or a Bulls hide, sometimes an Hogs-hide. They are about an Inch and an half, or an Inch and three quarters broad. Two of them are used to carry the _Carriage_ out and in. These two have each of them one of their ends nailed to the _Barrel_ on the _Spindle_ of the _Rounce_, and the other ends nailed to the _Barrel_ behind the _Carriage_ in the _Planck_ of the _Coffin_, and to the _Barrel_ on the fore-end of the Frame of the _Coffin_. The _Stay_ of the _Carriage_ is sometimes a piece of the same _Girt_ fastned to the outside of the further _Cheek_, and to the further hinder side of the Frame of the _Carriage_. It is fastned at such a length by the _Press-man_, that the _Carriage_ may ride so far out, as that the Irons of the _Tympan_ may just rise free and clear off the fore-side of the _Plattin_. Another way to stay the _Carriage_ is to let an Iron Pin into the upper-side of the further Rail of the Frame of the _Ribs_, just in the place where the further hinder Rail of the _Carriage_ stands projecting over the _Rib-Rail_, when the Iron of the _Tympan_ may just rise free from the Fore-side of the _Plattin_; for then that projecting will stop against the Iron Pin. The _Stay_ of the _Frisket_ is made by fastning a Batten upon the middle of the Top-side of the _Cap_, and by fastning a Batten to the former Batten perpendicularly downwards, just at such a distance, that the upper-side of the _Frisket_ may stop against it when it is turned up just a little beyond a Perpendicular. When a _Press_ stands at a convenient distance from a Wall, that Wall performs the office of the aforesaid _Stay_. _Ball-Stocks_ are Turn’d of _Alder_ or _Maple_. Their Shape is delineated in Plate 9. at g: They are about seven Inches in Diameter, and have their under-side Turned hollow, to contain the greater quantity of _Wool_ or _Hair_, to keep the _Ball-Leathers_ plump the longer. The _Lye-Trough_ (delineated in Plate 9. at k) is a Square Trough made of Inch-Boards, about four Inches deep, two Foot four Inches long, and one Foot nine Inches broad, and flat in the Bottom. Its inside is Leaded with Sheet-Lead, which reaches up over the upper Edges of the _Trough_. In the middle of the two ends (for so I call the shortest sides) on the outer-sides as _a a_, is fastned a round Iron Pin, which moves in a round hole made in an Iron Stud with a square Sprig under it, to be drove and fastned into a _Wooden Horse_, which _Horse_ I need not describe, because in Plate aforesaid I have given you the Figure of it. The _Paper-Bench_ is only a common Bench about three Foot eight Inches long, one Foot eight Inches broad, and three Foot four Inches high. The _Lye-Brush_ is made of _Hogs-Bristles_ fastned into a Board with Brass-Wyer, for durance sake: Its Board is commonly about nine Inches long, and four and an half Inches broad; and the length of the Bristles about three Inches. To perform the Office of a _Lye-Kettle_ (which commonly holds about three Gallons) the old-fashion’d _Chafers_ are most commodious, as well because they are more handy and manageable than _Kettles_ with Bails, as also because they keep _Lye_ longer hot. The _Tray_ to _Wet Paper_ in is only a common Butchers Tray, large enough to _Wet_ the largest _Paper_ in. The _Weight_ to _Press Paper_ with, is either Mettal, or Stone, flat on the Bottom, to ly steddy on the _Paper-Board_: It must be about 50 or 60 pound weight. For _Pelts_ or _Leather_, _Ball-Nails_ or _Pumping-Nails_, _Wool_ or _Hair_, _Vellom_ or _Parchment_ or _Forrel_, the _Press-man_ generally eases the _Master-Printer_ of the trouble of choosing, though not the charge of paying for them: And for _Paste_, _Sallad Oyl_, and such accidental Requisites as the _Press-man_ in his work may want, the _Devil_ commonly fetches for him. ¶. 22. _Of_ Racks _to Hang_ Paper _on, and of the_ Peel. Our Master-_Printer_ must provide _Racks_ to hang _Paper_ on to _Dry_. They are made of Deal-board Battens, square, an Inch thick, and an Inch and an half deep, and the length the whole length of the Deal, which is commonly about ten or eleven Foot long, or else so long as the convenience of the Room will allow: The two upper corners of these _Rails_ are rounded off that they may not mark the _Paper_. These _Racks_ are Hung over Head, either in the _Printing-House_, or _Ware-house_, or both, or any other Room that is most convenient to _Dry Paper_ in; they are hung athwart two _Rails_ an Inch thick, and about three or four Inches deep, which _Rails_ are fastned to some Joysts or other Timber in the Ceiling by Stiles perpendicular to the Ceiling; These _Rails_ stand so wide assunder, that each end of the _Racks_ may hang beyond them about the distance of two Foot, and have on their upper edge at ten Inches distance from one another, so many square Notches cut into them as the whole length of the _Rail_ will bear; Into these square notches the _Racks_ are laid parallel to each other with the flat side downwards, and the Rounded off side upwards. The _Peel_ is described in Plate 9. at l, which Figure sufficiently shews what it is; And therefore I shall need say no more to it, only its Handle may be longer or shorter according as the height of the Room it is to be used in may require. ¶. 23. _Of_ Inck. The providing of good _Inck_, or rather good _Varnish_ for _Inck_, is none of the least incumbent cares upon our _Master-Printer_, though Custom has almost made it so here in _England_; for the process of making _Inck_ being as well laborious to the Body, as noysom and ungrateful to the Sence, and by several odd accidents dangerous of Firing the Place it is made in, Our _English Master-Printers_ do generally discharge themselves of that trouble; and instead of having good _Inck_, content themselves that they pay an _Inck-maker_ for good _Inck_, which may yet be better or worse according to the Conscience of the _Inck-maker_. That our Neighbours the _Hollanders_ who exhibit Patterns of good _Printing_ to all the World, are careful and industrious in all the circumstances of good _Printing_, is very notorious to all Book-men; yet should they content themselves with such _Inck_ as we do, their Work would appear notwithstanding the other circumstances they observe, far less graceful than it does, as well as ours would appear more beautiful if we used such _Inck_ as they do: for there is many Reasons, considering how the _Inck_ is made with us and with them, why their _Inck_ must needs be better than ours. As _First_, They make theirs all of good old _Linseed-Oyl_ alone, and perhaps a little _Rosin_ in it sometimes, when as our _Inck-makers_ to save charges mingle many times _Trane-Oyl_ among theirs, and a great deal of _Rosin_; which _Trane-Oyl_ by its grossness, Furs and Choaks up a _Form_, and by its fatness hinders the _Inck_ from drying; so that when the Work comes to the _Binders_, it _Sets off_; and besides is dull, smeary and unpleasant to the Eye. And the _Rosin_ if too great a quantity be put in, and the _Form_ be not very _Lean Beaten_, makes the _Inck_ turn yellow: And the same does New _Linseed-Oyl_. _Secondly_, They seldom _Boyl_ or _Burn_ it to that consistence the _Hollanders_ do, because they not only save labour and Fewel, but have a greater weight of _Inck_ out of the same quantity of _Oyl_ when less _Burnt_ away than when more _Burnt_ away; which want of Burning makes the _Inck_ also, though made of good old _Linseed-Oyl_ Fat and Smeary, and hinders its _Drying_; so that when it comes to the _Binders_ it also _Sets off_. _Thirdly_, They do not use that way of clearing their _Inck_ the _Hollanders_ do, or indeed any other way than meer Burning it, whereby the _Inck_ remains more _Oyly_ and _Greasie_ than if it were well clarified. _Fourthly_, They to save the _Press-man_ the labour of _Rubbing_ the _Blacking_ into _Varnish_ on the _Inck-Block_, _Boyl_ the _Blacking_ in the _Varnish_, or at least put the _Blacking_ in whilst the _Varnish_ is yet _Boyling-hot_, which so _Burns_ and _Rubifies_ the _Blacking_, that it loses much of its brisk and vivid black complexion. _Fifthly_, Because _Blacking_ is dear, and adds little to the weight of _Inck_, they stint themselves to a quantity which they exceed not; so that sometimes the _Inck_ proves so unsufferable _Pale_, that the _Press-man_ is forc’d to _Rub_ in more _Blacking_ upon the _Block_; yet this he is often so loth to do, that he will rather hazard the content the Colour shall give, than take the pains to amend it: satisfying himself that he can lay the blame upon the _Inck-maker_. Having thus hinted at the difference between the _Dutch_ and _English Inck_, I shall now give you the Receipt and manner of making the _Dutch-Varnish_. They provide a _Kettle_ or a _Caldron_, but a _Caldron_ is more proper, such an one as is described in Plate 9. at m. This Vessel should hold twice so much _Oyl_ as they intend to _Boyl_, that the _Scum_ may be some considerable time a _Rising_ from the top of the _Oyl_ to the top of the Vessel to prevent danger. This _Caldron_ hath a Copper Cover to fit the Mouth of it, and this Cover hath an Handle at the top of it to take it off and put it on by. This _Caldron_ is set upon a good strong Iron _Trevet_, and fill’d half full of old _Linseed-Oyl_, the older the better, and hath a good Fire made under it of solid matter, either _Sea Coal_, _Charcoal_ or pretty big Chumps of Wood that will burn well without much Flame; for should the Flame rise too high, and the _Oyl_ be very hot at the taking off the Cover of the _Caldron_, the fume of the _Oyl_ might be apt to take Fire at the Flame, and endanger the loss of the _Oyl_ and Firing the House: Thus they let _Oyl_ heat in the _Caldron_ till they think it is Boyling-hot; which to know, they peel the outer Films of an _Oynion_ off it, and prick the _Oynion_ fast upon the end of a small long Stick, and so put it into the heating _Oyl_: If it be Boyling-hot, or almost Boyling-hot, the _Oynion_ will put the _Oyl_ into a Fermentation, so that a Scum will gather on the top of the _Oyl_, and rise by degrees, and that more or less according as it is more or less Hot: But if it be so very Hot that the Scum rises apace, they quickly take the _Oynion_ out, and by degrees the Scum will fall. But if the _Oyl_ be Hot enough, and they intend to put any _Rosin_ in, the quantity is to every Gallon of _Oyl_ half a Pound, or rarely a whole Pound. The _Rosin_ they beat small in a _Mortar_, and with an Iron Ladle, or else by an Handful at a time strew it in gently into the _Oyl_ lest it make the Scum rise too fast; but every Ladle-full or Handful they put in so leasurely after one another, that the first must be wholly dissolv’d before they put any more in; for else the Scum will Rise too fast, as aforesaid: So that you may perceive a great care is to keep the Scum down: For if it Boyl over into the Fire never so little, the whole Body of _Oyl_ will take Fire immediately. If the _Oyl_ be Hot enough to _Burn_, they _Burn_ it, and that so often till it be _Hard_ enough, which sometimes is six, seven, eight times, or more. To _Burn_ it they take a long small Stick, or double up half a Sheet of Paper, and light one end to set Fire to the _Oyl_; It will presently Take if the _Oyl_ be Hot enough, if not, they Boyl it longer, till it be. To try if it be _Hard_ enough, they put the end of a Stick into the _Oyl_, which will lick up about three or four drops, which they put upon an Oyster-shell, or some such thing, and set it by to cool, and when it is cold they touch it with their Fore or Middle-Finger and Thumb, and try its consistence by sticking together of their Finger and Thumb; for if it draw stiff like strong _Turpentine_ it is Hard enough, if not, they Boyl it longer, or _Burn_ it again till it be so consolidated. When it is well Boyled they throw in an Ounce of Letharge of Silver to every four Gallons of _Oyl_ to Clarifie it, and Boyl it gently once again, and then take it off the Fire to stand and cool, and when it is cool enough to put their Hand in, they Strain it through a Linnen Cloath, and with their Hands wring all the _Varnish_ out into a Leaded Stone Pot or Pan, and keeping it covered, set it by for their use; The longer it stands by the better, because it is less subject to turn Yellow on the Paper that is Printed with it. This is the _Dutch_ way of making _Varnish_, and the way the English _Inck-makers_ ought to use. _Note_, _First_, That the _Varnish_ may be made without _Burning_ the _Oyl_, _viz._ only with well and long Boyling it; for _Burning_ is but a violent way of Boyling, to consolidate it the sooner. _Secondly_, That an _Apple_ or a _Crust_ of _Bread_, _&c._ stuck upon the end of a Stick instead of an _Oynion_ will also make the Scum of the _Oyl_ rise: For it is only the Air contained in the Pores of the _Apple_, _Crust_ or _Oynion_, &c. pressed or forced out by the violent heat of the _Oyl_, that raises the many Bubbles on the top of the _Oyl_: And the connection of those Bubbles are vulgarly called _Scum_. _Thirdly_, The English _Inck-makers_ that often make _Inck_, and that in great quantities, because one Man may serve all _England_, instead of setting a _Caldron_ on a _Trevet_, build a _Furnace_ under a great _Caldron_, and Trim it about so with Brick, that it Boyls far sooner and more securely than on a _Trevet_; because if the _Oyl_ should chance to Boyl over, yet can it not run into the Fire, being Fenced round about with Brick as aforesaid, and the _Stoking-hole_ lying far under the _Caldron_. _Fourthly_, When for want of a _Caldron_ the _Master-Printer_ makes _Varnish_ in a _Kettle_, He provides a great piece of thick _Canvass_, big enough when three or four double to cover the _Kettle_, and also to hang half round the sides of the _Kettle_: This _Canvass_ (to make it more soluble) is wet in Water, and the Water well wrung out again, so that the _Canvass_ remains only moist: Its use is to throw flat over the Mouth of the _Kettle_ when the _Oyl_ is _Burning_, to keep the smoak in, that it may stifle the Flame when they see cause to put it out. But the Water as was said before, must be very well wrung out of the _Canvass_, for should but a drop or two fall from the sides of it into the _Oyl_ when it is Burning, it will so enrage the _Oyl_, and raise the Scum, that it might endanger the working over the top of the _Kettle_. * * * * * Having shewn you the _Master-Printers_ Office, I account it suitable to proper Method, to let you know how the _Letter-Founder_ Cuts the _Punches_, how the _Molds_ are made, the _Matrices_ Sunck, and the _Letter Cast_ and _Drest_, for all these Operations precede the _Compositers_ Trade, as the _Compositers_ does the _Press-mans_; wherefore the next _Exercises_ shall be (God willing) upon _Cutting_ of the _Steel-Punches_. _MECHANICK EXERCISES:_ Or, the Doctrine of =Handy-works.= Applied to the Art of =Letter-Cutting.= _PREFACE._ LEtter-Cutting _is a Handy-Work hitherto kept so conceal’d among the Artificers of it, that I cannot learn any one hath taught it any other; But every one that has used it, Learnt it of his own Genuine Inclination. Therefore, though I cannot (as in other Trades) describe the general Practice of Work-men, yet the Rules I follow I shall shew here, and have as good an Opinion of these Rules, as those have that are shyest of discovering theirs. For, indeed, by the appearance of some Work done, a judicious Eye may doubt whether they go by any Rule at all, though Geometrick Rules, in no Practice whatever, ought to be more nicely or exactly observed than in this._ §. 12. ¶. 1. _Of Letter-Cutters Tools._ The making of _Steel-Punches_ is a Branch of the _Smith_’s Trade: For, as I told you in the Preface to _Numb._ 1. The _Black-Smith_’s Trade comprehends all Trades that use either Forge or File, from the _Anchor-Smith_, to the _Watch-maker_: They all working by the same Rules, though not with equal exactness; and all using the same Tools, though of different Sizes from those the Common _Black-Smith_ uses; and that according to the various purposes they are applied, _&c._ Therefore, indeed, a _Letter-Cutter_ should have a Forge set up, as by _Numb._ 1. But some _Letter-Cutters_ may seem to scorn to use a Forge, as accounting it too hard Labour, and Ungenteel for themselves to officiate at. Yet they all well know, that though they may have a common _Black-Smith_ perform their much and heavy Work, that many times a Forge of their own at Hand would be very commodious for them in several accidental little and light Jobs, which (in a Train of Work) they must meet withal. But if our _Letter-Cutter_ will have no Forge, yet he must of necessity accommodate himself with a _Vice_, _Hand-Vice_, _Hammers_, _Files_, _Small_ and _Fine Files_ (commonly called _Watch-makers Files_) of these he saves all, as they wear out, to smooth and burnish the Sides and Face of his Letter with, as shall be shewed; _Gravers_, and _Sculpters_ of all sorts, an _Anvil_, or a _Stake_, an _Oyl-stone_, _&c._ And of these, such as are suitable and sizable to the several Letters he is to Cut. These, or many of these Tools, being described in _Numb._ 1. I refer my Reader thither, and proceed to give an account of some Tools peculiar to the _Letter-Cutter_, though not of particular use to the Common _Black-Smith_. [Illustration: _Plate 10._] ¶. 2. _Of the_ Using-File. This _File_ is about nine or ten Inches long, and three or four Inches broad, and three quarters of an Inch thick: The two broad sides must be exactly flat and straight: And the one side is commonly cut with a _Bastard-Cut_, the other with a _Fine_ or _Smooth Cut_. (See _Numb._ 1. _Fol._ 14, 15.) Its use is to _Rub_ a piece of Steel, Iron, or Brass, _&c._ flat and straight upon, as shall be shewed hereafter. In chusing it, you must see it be exactly Flat and Straight all its Length and Breadth: For if it in any part Belly out, or be Hollow inwards, what is Rubbed upon it will be Hollow, Rubbing on the Bellying part; and Bellying, Rubbing on the Hollow part. You must also see that it be very Hard; and therefore the thickest _Using-Files_ are likeliest to prove best, because the thin commonly Warp in Hardning. ¶. 3. _Of the_ Flat-Gage. The _Flat-Gage_ is described in _Plate_ 10. at A. It is made of a flat piece of Box, or other Hard Wood. Its Length is three Inches and an half, its Breadth two Inches and an half, and its Thickness one Inch and an half. This is on the Flat, first made Square, but afterwards hath one of its Corners (as _h_) a little rounded off, that it may the easier comply with the Ball of the Hand. Out of one of its longest Sides, _viz._ that not rounded off, is Cut through the thickness of it an exact Square, whose one side _b f_, _c g_ is about an Inch and three quarters long; and its other side _b d_, _c e_ about half an Inch long. The Depth of these Sides and their Angle is exactly Square to the top and bottom of the upper and under Superficies of the _Flat-Gage_. Its Use is to hold a Rod of Steel, or Body of a _Mold_, _&c._ exactly perpendicular to the Flat of the _Using-File_, that the end of it may rub upon the _Using-File_, and be Filed away exactly Square, and that to the Shank; as shall more at large be shewed in §. 2. ¶. 3. ¶. 4. _Of the_ Sliding-Gage. The _Sliding-Gage_ is described in _Plate_ 10. at _Fig._ B. It is a Tool commonly used by _Mathematical Instrument-Makers_, and I have found it of great use in _Letter-Cutting_, and making of _Molds_, _&c._ _a a_ the Beam, _b_ the Tooth, _c c_ the Sliding Socket, _d d d d_ the Shoulder of the Socket. Its Use is to measure and set off Distances between the Sholder and the Tooth, and to mark it off from the end, or else from the edge of your Work. I always use two or three of these _Gages_, that I need not remove the Sholder when it is set to a Distance which I may have after-use for; as shall in Working be shewed more fully. ¶. 5. _Of the_ Face-Gages, _marked_ C _in Plate 10._ The _Face-Gage_ is a Square Notch cut with a File into the edge of a thin Plate of Steel, Iron, or Brass, the thickness of a piece of common Latton, and the Notch about an _English_ deep. There be three of these Gages made, for the Letters to be cut on one Body; but they may be all made upon one thin Plate, the readier to be found, as at D. As first, for the Long-Letters; Secondly, for the Assending Letters; And Thirdly, for the Short-Letters. The Length of these several Notches, or Gages, have their Proportions to the Body they are cut to, and are as follows. We shall imagine (for in Practice it cannot well be perform’d, unless in very large Bodies) that the Length of the whole Body is divided into forty and two equal Parts. The _Gage_ for the Long-Letters are the length of the whole Body, _viz._ forty and two equal Parts. The _Gage_ for the Assending Letters, _Roman_ and _Italica_, are five Seventh Parts of the Body, _viz._ thirty Parts of forty-two, and thirty and three Parts for _English_ Face. The _Gage_ for the Short-Letters are three Seventh Parts of the whole Body, _viz._ eighteen Parts of forty-two for the _Roman_ and _Italica_, and twenty two Parts for the _English_ Face. It may indeed be thought impossible to divide a Body into seven equal Parts, and much more difficult to divide each of those seven equal Parts into six equal Parts, which are forty-two, as aforesaid, especially if the Body be but small; but yet it is possible with curious Working: For seven thin Spaces may be Cast and Rubb’d to do it. And for dividing each of the thin Spaces into six equal Parts, you may Cast and Rub Full Point . to be of the thickness of one thin Space, and one sixth part of a thin Space: And you may Cast and Rub : to be the thickness of one thin Space, and two sixth parts of a thin Space: And you may Cast and Rub , to be the thickness of one thin Space, and three sixth parts of a thin Space: And you may Cast and Rub - to be the thickness of one thin Space, and four sixth parts of a thin Space: And you may Cast and Rub ; to be the thickness of one thin Space, and five sixth parts of a thin Space. The reason why I propose . to be Cast and Rubb’d one sixth part thicker than a thin Space, is only that it may be readily distinguished from : , - ; which are two sixth parts, three sixth parts, four sixth parts, five sixth parts thicker than a thin Space. And for six sixth parts thicker than a thin Space, two thin Spaces does it. The manner of adjusting these several Sixth Parts of Thicknesses is as follows. You may try if six . exactly agree, and be even with seven thin Spaces; (or, which is all one, a Body) for then is each of those six . one sixth part thicker than a thin Space, because it drives out a thin Space in six thin Spaces. And you may try if six : be equal to a Body and one thin Space; for then is each : two sixth parts thicker than a thin Space. If six , be equal to nine thin Spaces, then each , is three sixth parts of a thin Space thicker than a thin Space. If six - be equal to ten thin Spaces, then each - is four sixth parts of a thin Space thicker than a thin Space. If six ; be equal to eleven thin Spaces, then each ; is five sixth parts of a thin Space thicker than a thin Space. Now, as aforesaid, a thin Space being one seventh part of the Body, and the thin Space thus divided, you have the whole Body actually divided into forty and two equal parts, as I have divided them in my Drafts of Letters down the Sides, and in the Bottom-Line. Though I have thus shewed how to divide a thin Space into six equal Parts, yet when the Letter to be Cut proves of a small Body, the thin Space divided into two equal Parts may serve: If it prove bigger, into three or four equal Parts: And of the largest Bodies, they may be divided into six, as aforesaid. If now you would make a _Gage_ for any number of thin Spaces and Sixth Parts of a thin Space, you must take one thin Space less than the number of thin Spaces proposed, and add . : , - ; according as the number of sixth Parts of a thin Space require; and to those complicated Thicknesses you may file a square Notch on the edge of the thin Plate aforesaid, which shall be a standing Gage or Measure for that number of thin Spaces and sixth Parts of a thin Space. All the Exception against this way of Measuring is, that thin Spaces cast in Metal may be subject to bow, and so their Thicknesses may prove deceitful. But, in Answer to that, I say, you may, if you will, Cast I for two thin Spaces thick, e for three thin Spaces thick, S for four thin Spaces thick, L for five thin Spaces thick, D for six thin Spaces thick, or any other Letters near these several Thicknesses, as you think fit; only remember, or rather, make a Table of the number of thin Spaces that each Letter on the Shank is Cast for. And by complicating the Letters and Points, as aforesaid, you will have any Thickness, either to make a Gage by, or to use otherwise. On the other Edge of the _Face-Gage_ you may file three other Notches, of the same Width with those on the former Edge, for the Long, the Assending, and Short-Letters. But though the two sides of each of these Notches are parallel to each other, yet is not the third side square to them, but hath the same Slope the _Italick_ hath from the _Roman_; as you may see in the Figure at _b b b_. ¶. 6. _Of_ Italick, _and other_ Standing Gages. These _Gages_ are to measure (as aforesaid) the Slope of the _Italick_ Stems, by applying the Top and Bottom of the _Gage_ to the Top and Bottom-Lines of the Letters, and the other Side of the _Gage_ to the Stem: for when the Letter complies with these three sides of the _Gage_ that Letter hath its true Slope. The manner of making these _Gages_ (and indeed all other _Angular Gages_) is thus. Place one Point of a Pair of Steel _Dividers_ upon the thin Plate aforesaid, at the Point _c_ or _d_ (in _Fig._ D in _Plate_ 10.) and with the other Point describe a small fine Arch of a Circle; as, _e f_ or _g h_. In this Arch of the Circle must be set off on the _Gage_ _a_ 110 Degrees, and on the _Gage_ _b_ 70 Degrees, and draw from the Centres _c_ and _d_ two straight Lines through those numbers of Degrees: Then Filing away the Plate between the two Lines, the _Gages_ are finished. To find the Measure of this, or any other number of Degrees, do thus; Describe a Circle on a piece of Plate-Brass of any Radius (but the larger the better) draw a straight Line exactly through the Centre of this Circle, and another straight Line to cut this straight Line at right Angles in the Centre, through the Circle; so shall the Circle be divided into four Quadrants: Then fix one Foot of your Compasses (being yet unstirr’d) in one of the Points where any of the straight Lines cuts the Circle, and extend the moving Foot of your Compasses where it will fall in the Circle, and make there a Mark, which is 60 Degrees from the fixed Foot of the Compasses: Then fix again one Foot of your Compasses in the Intersection of the straight Line and Circle that is next the Mark that was made before, and extend the moving Foot in the same Quadrant towards the straight Line where you first pitch’d the Foot of your Compasses, and with the moving Foot make another Mark in the Circle. These two Marks divide the Quadrant into three equal Parts: The same way you may divide the other three Quadrants; so shall the whole Circle be divided into twelve equal Parts; and each of these twelve equal parts contain an Arch of thirty Degrees: Then with your Dividers divide each of these 30 Degrees into three equal Parts, and each of these three equal Parts into two equal Parts, and each of these two equal Parts into five equal Parts, so shall the Circle be divided into 360 equal Parts, for your use. To use it, describe on the Centre of the Circle an Arch of almost a Semi-Circle: This Arch must be exactly of the same Radius with that I prescribed to be made on the _Gages_ _a b_, from _e_ to _f_ and from _g_ to _h_; then count in your Circle of Degrees from any Diametral Line 110 Degrees; and laying a straight Ruler on the Centre, and on the 110 Degrees aforesaid, make a small Mark through the small Arch; and placing one Foot of your Compasses at the Intersection of the small Arch, with the Diametral Line, open the other Foot to the Mark made on the small Arch for 110 Degrees, and transfer that Distance to the small Arch made on the _Gage_: Then through the Marks that the two Points of your Compasses make in the small Arch on the _Gage_, draw two straight Lines from the Centre _c_: and the Brass between those two straight Lines being filed away, that _Gage_ is made. In like manner you may set off any other number of Degrees, for the making of any other _Gage_. In like manner, you may measure any Angle in the Drafts of Letters, by describing a small Arch on the Angular Point, and an Arch of the same Radius on the Centre of your divided Circle: For then, placing one Foot of your Compasses at the Intersection of the small Arch with either of the straight Lines proceeding from the Angle in the Draft, and extending the other Foot to the Intersection of the small Arch, with the other straight Line that proceeds from the Angle, you have between the Feet of your Compasses, the Width of the Angle; and by placing one Foot of your Compasses at the Intersection of any of the straight Lines that proceed from the Centre of the divided Circle, and the small Arch you made on it, and making a Mark where the other Foot of your Compasses falls in the said small Arch, you may, by a straight Ruler laid on the Centre of the divided Circle, and the Mark on the small Arch, see in the Limb of the Circle the number of Degrees contained between the Diametral, or straight Line and the Mark. If you have already a dividing-Plate of 360 Degrees, of a larger Radius than the Arch on your _Gage_, you may save your self the labour of dividing a Circle (as aforesaid,) and work by your dividing-Plate as you were directed to do with the Circle that I shewed you to divide. In these Documents I have exposed my self to a double Censure; First, of _Geometricians_: Secondly, of _Letter-Cutters_. _Geometricians_ will censure me for writing anew that which almost every young Beginner knows: And _Letter-Cutters_ will censure me for proposing a Rule for that which they dare pretend they can do without Rule. To the _Geometricians_ I cross the Cudgels: yet I writ this not to them; and I doubt I have written superfluously to _Letter-Cutters_, because I think few of them either will or care to take pains to understand these small Rudiments of _Geometry_. If they do, and be ingenious, they will thank me for discovering this Help in their own Way, which few of them know. For by this Rule they will not only make Letters truer, but also quicker, and with less care; because they shall never need to stamp their _Counter-Punch_ in Lead, to see how it pleases them; which they do many times, before they like their _Counter-Punch_, (be it of A _A_ V v W w _V_ _W_, and several other Letters) and at last finish their _Counter-Punch_ but with a good Opinion they have that it may do well, though they frequently see it does not in many Angular Letters on different Bodies Cut by the same Hand. And were _Letter-Cutting_ brought to so common Practice as _Joynery_, _Cabinet-making_, or _Mathematical Instrument-making_, every young Beginner should then be taught by Rules, as they of these Trades are; because _Letter-Cutting_ depends as much upon Rule and Compass as any other Trade does. You may in other places, where you find most Convenience (as at _i_) make a Square, which may stand you in stead for the Squaring the Face and Stems of the _Punch_ in _Roman_ Letters, and also in many other Uses. And you may make _Gages_, as you were taught before to try the _Counter-Punches_ of Angular Letters; as, A K M N V X Y Z, _Romans_ and _Italicks_, _Capitals_ and _Lower-Case_. But then, that you may know each distinct _Gage_, you may engrave on the several respective _Gages_, at the Angle, A _A_ 4 _&c._ For by examining by the Drafts of Letters, what Angle their Insides make, you may set that Angle off, and make the _Gage_ as you were taught before, in the _Gage_ for the Slope of _Italicks_. ¶. 7. _Of the_ Liner. The _Liner_ is marked E in _Plate_ 10. It is a thin Plate of Iron or Brass, whose Draft is sufficient to express the Shape. The Use of it is on the under-edge _a b_ (which is about three Inches long) and is made truly straight, and pretty sharp or fine; that being applied to the Face of a _Punch_, or other piece of Work, it may shew whether it be straight or no. ¶. 8. _Of the_ Flat-Table. The _Flat-Table_ at F in _Plate_ 10. The Figure is there sufficient. All its Use is the Table F, for that is about one Inch and an half square, and on its Superficies exactly straight and flat. It is made of Iron or Brass, but Brass most proper. Its Use is to try if the Shank of a _Punch_ be exactly Perpendicular to its Face, when the Face is set upon the _Table_; for if the Shank stand then directly upright to the Face of the _Table_, and lean not to any side of it, it is concluded to be perpendicular. It hath several other Uses, which, when we come to _Casting_ of _Letters_, and _Justifying_ of _Matrices_, shall be shewn. ¶. 9. _Of the_ Tach. The _Tach_ is a piece of Hard Wood, (Box is very good) about three Inches broad, six Inches long, and three quarters of an Inch thick. About half its Length is fastned firm down upon the _Work-Bench_, and its other half projects over the hither Edge of it. It hath three or four Angular Notches on its Fore-end to rest and hold the Shank of a _Punch_ steady when the End of the _Punch_ is screwed in the _Hand-Vice_, and the _Hand-Vice_ held in the left hand, while the _Workman_ Files or Graves on it with his Right Hand. Instead of Fastning the _Tach_ to the _Bench_, I _Saw_ a square piece out of the further half of the _Tach_, that it may not be too wide for the Chaps of the _Vice_ to take and screw that narrow End into the Chaps of the _Vice_, because it should be less cumbersome to my _Work-Bench_. ¶. 10. _Of Furnishing the_ Work-Bench. The _Workman hath all his great _Files_ placed in Leather Nooses, with their Handles upwards, that he may readily distinguish the _File_ he wants from another _File_. These Nooses are nailed on a Board that Cases the Wall on his Right Hand, and as near his _Vice_ as Convenience will admit, that he may the readier take any _File_ he wants. He hath also on his Right Hand a Tin Pot, of about a Pint, with small _Files_ standing in it, with their Handles downwards, that their Blades may be the readier seen. These small _Files_ are called _Watch-makers Files_, and the _Letter-Cutter_ hath occasion to use these of all Shapes, _viz._ _Flat_, _Pillar_, _Square_, _Triangular_, _Round_, _Half-Round_, _Knife-Files_, _&c._ He also provides a shallow square Box, of about five Inches long, and three Inches broad, to lay his small Instruments in; as, his _Gages_, his _Liner_, some common _Punches_, _&c._ This Box he places before him, at the further side of the _Work-Bench_. He also provides a good _Oyl-Stone_, to sharpen his _Gravers_ and _Sculpters_ on. This he places at some distance from the _Vice_, on his Left-Hand. §. 13. ¶. 1. _Of_ Letter-Cutting. The _Letter-Cutter_ does either Forge his _Steel-Punches_, or procures them to be forged; as I shewed, _Numb._ 1. _Fol._ 8, 9, 10. in _Vol._ I. _&c._ But great care must be taken, that the Steel be sound, and free from Veins of Iron, Cracks and Flaws, which may be discerned; as I shewed in _Numb._ 3. _Vol._ I. For if there be any Veins of Iron in the Steel, when the Letter is Cut and Temper’d, and you would Sink the _Punch_ into the Copper, it will batter there: Or it will Crack or Break if there be Flaws. If there be Iron in it, it must with the Chissel be split upon a good Blood-Red-Heat in that place, and the Iron taken or wrought out; and then with another, or more Welding Heat, or Heats, well doubled up, and laboured together, till the Steel become a sound entire piece. This Operation _Smiths_ call _Well Currying of the Steel_. If there be Flaws in it, you must also take good Welding Heats, so hot, that the contiguous sides of the Flaws may almost Run: for then, snatching it quickly out of the Fire, you may labour it together till it become close and sound. Mr. _Robinson_, a _Black-Smith_ of _Oxford_, told me a way he uses that is ingenious, and seems rational: For if he doubts the Steel may have some small Flaws that he can scarce discern, he takes a good high Blood-Red Heat of it, and then twists the Rod or Bar (as I shewed, _Numb._ 3. _Vol._ I.) which Twisting winds the Flaws about the Body of the Rod, and being thus equally disposed, more or less, into the Out-sides of the Rod, according as the Position of the Flaw may be, allows an equal Heat on all sides to be taken, because the Out-sides heat faster than the Inside; and therefore the Out-sides of the Steel are not thus so subject to Burn, or Run, as if it should be kept in the Fire till the Middle, or Inside of it should be ready to Run. And when the Steel is thus well welded, and soundly laboured and wrought together with proper Heats, he afterwards reduces it to Form. Now, that I may be the better understood by my Reader as he reads further, I have, in _Plate_ 10. at _Fig._ G described the several Parts of the _Punch_; which I here explain. G The Face. _a a_, _b b_ The Thickness. _a b_, _a b_ The Heighth. _a c_, _b c_, _b c_ The Length of the Shank, about an Inch and three quarters long. _c c c_ The Hammer-End. This is no strict Length for the Shank, but a convenient Length; for should the Letter Cut on the Face be small, and consequently, the Shank so too, and the Shank much longer, and it (as seldom it is) not Temper’d in the middle, it might, with Punching into Copper, bow in the middle, either with the weight of the Hammer, or with light reiterated Blows: And should it be much shorter, there might perhaps Finger-room be wanting to manage and command it while it is Punching into the Copper. But this Length is long enough for the biggest Letters, and short enough for the smallest Letters. The Heighth and Thickness cannot be assign’d in general, because of the diversity of Bodies, and Thickness of Letters: Besides, some Letters must be Cut on a broad Face of Steel, though, when it is Cut, it is of the same Body; as all Letters are, to which _Counter-Punches_ are used; because the Striking the _Counter-Punch_ into the Face of the _Punch_ will, if it have not strength enough to contain it, break or crack one or more sides of the _Punch_, and so spoil it. But if the Letter be wholly to be Cut, and not Counter-Punch’d, as I shall hereafter hint in general what Letters are not, then the Face of the _Punch_ need be no bigger, or, at least, but a small matter bigger than the Letter that is to be cut upon it. Now, If the Letter be to be Counter-punch’d, the Face of the _Punch_ ought to be about twice the Heighth, and twice the Thickness of the Face of the _Counter-Punch_; that so, when the _Counter-Punch_ is struck just on the middle of the Face of the _Punch_, a convenient Substance, and consequently, Strength of Steel on all its Sides may be contained to resist the Delitation, that the Sholder or Beard of the _Counter-Punch_ sinking into it, would else make. If the _Letter-Cutter_ be to Cut a whole Set of _Punches_ of the same Body of _Roman_ and _Italica_, he provides about 240 or 260 of these _Punches_, because so many will be used in the _Roman_ and _Italica_ _Capitals_ and _Lower-Case_, _Double-Letters_, _Swash-Letters_, _Accented Letters_, _Figures_, _Points_, _&c._ But this number of _Punches_ are to have several Heighths and Thicknesses, though the Letters to be Cut on them are all of the same Body. What Heighth and Thickness is, I have shewed before in this §, but not what Body is; therefore I shall here explain it. By Body is meant, in _Letter-Cutters_, _Founders_ and _Printers_ Language, the Side of the Space contained between the Top and Bottom Line of a Long Letter. As in the Draft of Letters, the divided Line on the Left-Hand of A is divided into forty and two equal Parts; and that Length is the Body, thus: J being an Ascending and Descending Letter, _viz._ a long Letter, stands upon forty-two Parts, and therefore fills the whole Body. There is in common Use here in _England_, about eleven Bodies, as I shewed in §. 2. ¶. 2. of this Volumne. I told you even now, that all the _Punches_ for the same Body must not have the same Heighth and Thickness: For some are Long; as, J j Q, and several others; as you may see in the Drafts of Letters: and these long Letters stand upon the whole Heighth of the Body. The Ascending and Descending Letters reach from the Foot-Line, up to the Top-Line; as all the Capital Letters are Ascending Letters, and so are many of the Lower-Case Letters; as, b d f, and several others. The Descending Letters are of the same Length with the Ascending Letters; as, g p q and several others. These are contained between the Head-Line and the Bottom-Line. The Short-Letters are contained between the Head-Line and the Bottom-line. These are three different Sizes of Heighth the _Punches_ are made to, for Letters of the same Body. But in proper place I shall handle this Subject more large and distinctly. And as there is three Heighths or Sizes to be considered in Letters Cut to the same Body, so is there three Sizes to be considered, with respect to the Thicknesses of all these Letters, when the _Punches_ are to be Forged: For some are m thick; by m thick is meant m _Quadrat_ thick, which is just so thick as the Body is high: Some are n thick; that is to say, n _Quadrat_ thick, _viz._ half so thick as the Body is high: And some are _Space_ thick; that is, one quarter so thick as the Body is high; though Spaces are seldom Cast so thick, as shall be shewed when we come to _Casting_: and therefore, for distinction sake, we shall call these Spaces, Thick Spaces. The first three Sizes fit exactly in Heighth to all the Letters of the same Body; but the last three Sizes fit not exactly in Thickness to the Letters of the same Body; for that some few among the Capitals are more than m thick, some less than m thick, and more than n thick; and some less than n thick, and more than Space thick; yet for Forging the _Punches_, these three Sizes are only in general Considered, with Exception had to Æ _Æ_ _Q_, and most of the Swash-Letters; which being too thick to stand on an m, must be Forged thicker, according to the Workman’s Reason. After the Workman has accounted the exact number of Letters he is to Cut for one Set, he considers what number he shall use of each of these several Sizes in the _Roman_, and of each of these several Sizes in the _Italick_; (for the _Punches_ of _Romans_ and _Italicks_, if the Body is large, are not to be Forged to the same shape, as shall be shewed by and by) and makes of a piece of Wood one Pattern of the several Sizes that he must have each number Forged to. Upon every one of these Wooden Patterns I use to write with a Pen and Ink the number of _Punches_ to be Forged of that Size, lest afterwards I might be troubled with Recollections. I say (for Example) He considers how many Long-Letters are m thick, how many Long-Letters are n thick, and how many Long-Letters are Space thick, in the _Roman_; and also considers which of these must be Counter-punch’d, and which not: For (as was said before) those Letters that are to be Counter-punch’d are to have about twice the Heighth and twice the Thickness of the Face of the _Counter-Punch_, for the Reason aforesaid. But the Letters not to be Counter-punch’d need no more Substance but what will just contain the Face of the Letter; and makes of these three Sizes three Wooden Patterns, of the exact Length, Heighth and Thickness that the Steel _Punches_ are to be Forged to. He also counts how many are Ascendents and Descendents, m thick, n thick, and Space thick; still considering how many of them are to be Counter-punch’d, and how many not; and makes Wooden Patterns for them. The like he does for short-letters; and makes Wooden Patterns for them, for Steel _Punches_ to be Forged by. And as he has made his Patterns for the _Roman_, so he makes Patterns for the _Italick_ Letters also; for the same shap’d _Punches_ will not serve for _Italick_, unless he should create a great deal more Work to himself than he need do: For _Italick Punches_ are not all to be Forged with their sides square to one another, as the _Romans_ are; but only the highest and lowest sides must stand in Line with the highest and lowest sides of the _Roman_; but the Right and Left-Hand sides stand not parallel to the Stems of the _Roman_, but must make an Angle of 20 Degrees with the _Roman_ Stems: so that the Figure of the Face of the _Punch_ will become a _Rhomboides_, as it is called by _Geometricians_, and the Figure of this Face is the Slope that the _Italick_ Letters have from the _Roman_, as in proper place shall be further shewed. Now, should the _Punches_ for these Letters be Forged with each side square to one another, the _Letter-Cutter_ would be forced to spend a great deal of Time, and take great pains to File away the superfluous Steel about the Face of the Letter when he comes to the Finishing of it, especially in great Bodied Letters. Yet are not all the _Italick_ Letters to be Forged on the Slope; for the _Punches_ of some of them, as the _m n_, and many others, may have all, or, at least, three of their sides, square to one another, though their Stems have the common Slope, because the ends of their Beaks and Tails lie in the same, perpendicular with the Outer Points of the Bottom and Top of their Stems, as is shewed in the Drafts of Letters. Though I have treated thus much on the Forging of Punches, yet must all what I have said be understood only for great Bodied _Punches_; _viz._ from the _Great-Primer_, and upwards. But for smaller Bodies; as _English_, and downwards, the _Letter-Cutter_ generally, both for _Romans_ and _Italicks_, gets so many square Rods of Steel, Forged out of about two or three Foot in Length, as may serve his purpose; which Rods he elects as near his Body and Sizes as his Judgment will serve him to do; and with the edge of a Half-round File, or a Cold-Chissel, cuts them into so many Lengths as he wants _Punches_. Nay, many of these Rods may serve for some of the small Letters in some of the greater Bodies; and also, for many of their _Counter-Punches_. Having thus prepared your _Punches_, you must Neal them, as I shewed in _Numb._ 3. _Vol._ I. ¶. 2. _Of_ Counter-Punches. The _Counter-Punches_ for great Letters are to be Forged as the _Letter-Punches_; but for the smaller Letters, they may be cut out of Rods of Steel, as aforesaid. They must also be well Neal’d, as the _Punches_. Then must one of the ends be Filed away on the outside the Shank, to the exact shape of the inside of the Letter you intend to Cut. For Example, If it be _A_ you would Cut; This _Counter-Punch_ is easie to make, because it is a Triangle; and by measuring the Inside of the Angle of _A_ in the Draft of Letters, as you were taught, §. 12. ¶. 6. you may make on your Standing _Gage-Plate_ a _Gage_ for that Angle: So that, let the Letter to be Cut be of what Body you will, from the least, to the biggest Body, you have a Standing _Gage_ for this _Counter-Punch_, so oft as you may have occasion to Cut A. The _Counter-Punch_ of _A_ ought to be Forged Triangularly, especially towards the Punching End, and Tryed by the _A Gage_, as you were taught to use the Square, _Numb._ 3. _Vol._ I. Yet, for this and other Triangular _Punches_, I commonly reserve my worn-out three square Files, and make my _Counter-Punch_ of a piece of one of them that best fits the Body I am to Cut. Having by your _A-Gage_ fitted the Top-Angle and the Sides of this _Counter-Punch_, you must adjust its Heighth by one of the three _Face-Gages_ mentioned in §. 12. ¶. 5. _viz._ by the Ascending _Face-Gage_; for _A_ is an Ascending Letter. By Adjusting, I do not mean, you must make the _Counter-Punch_ so high, as the Depth of the Ascending _Face-Gage_; because in this Letter here is to be considered the Top and the Footing, which strictly, as by the large Draft of _A_, make both together five sixth Parts of a thin Space: Therefore five sixth Parts must be abated in the Heighth of your _Counter-Punch_, and it must be but four thin Spaces, and one sixth part of a thin Space high, because the Top above the _Counter-Punch_, and the Footing below, makes five sixth Parts of a thin Space, as aforesaid. Therefore, to measure off the Width of four thin Spaces and one sixth Part of a thin Space, lay three thin Spaces, or, which is better, the Letter e, which is three thin Spaces, as aforesaid; and . which is one thin Space and one sixth part of a thin Space, upon one another; for they make together, four thin Spaces, and one sixth part of a thin Space; and the thickness of these two Measures shall be the Heighth of the _Counter-Punch_, between the Footing and the Inner Angle of _A_. And thus, by this Example, you may couple with proper Measures either the whole forty-two, which is the whole Body, or any number of its Parts, as I told you before. This Measure of four thin Spaces and one sixth part of a thin Space is not a Measure, perhaps, used more in the whole Set of Letters to be Cut to the present Body, therefore you need not make a _Standing Gage_ for it; yet a present _Gage_ you must have: Therefore use the _Sliding-Gage_ (described in §. 12. ¶. 4. and _Plate_ 10. at B.) and move the Socket _c c_ on the Beam _a a_, till the Edge of the Sholder of the Square of the Socket at the under-side of the Beam stands just the Width of four thin Spaces and one sixth part of a thin Space, from the Point of the Tooth _b_; which you may do by applying the Measure aforesaid just to the Square and Point of the Tooth; for then if you Screw down the Screw in the upper-side of the Sliding Socket, it will fasten the Square at that distance from the Point of the Tooth. And by again applying the side of the Square to the Foot of the Face of the _Counter-Punch_, you may with the Tooth describe a small race, which will be the exact Heighth of the _Counter-Punch_ for _A_. But _A_ hath a Fine stroak within it, reaching from Side to Side, which by the large Draft of _A_, you may find that the middle of this cross stroak is two Thin Spaces above the bottom of this _Counter-Punch_; and with your common _Sliding-Gage_ measure that distance as before, and set off that distance also on the Face of your _Counter-Punch_. Then with the edge of a Fine _Knife-File_, File straight down in that race, about the depth of a Thin Space, or somewhat more; So shall the _Counter-Punch_ for _A_ be finisht. But you may if you will, take off the Edges or Sholder round about the Face of the _Counter-Punch_, almost so deep as you intend to strike it into the _Punch_: for then the Face of the _Counter-Punch_ being Filed more to a Point, will easier enter the _Punch_ than the broad Flat-Face. But note, That if it be a very Small Bodied _A_ you would make, the Edge of a Thin _Knife-File_ may make too wide a Groove: In this case you must take a peece of a well-Temper’d broken Knife, and strike its Edge into the Face of the _Counter-Punch_, as aforesaid. ¶. 3. _Of Sinking the_ Counter-Punches. Having thus finisht his _Counter-Punch_, he Hardens and Tempers it, as was taught _Numb._ 3. _fol._ 57, 58. _Vol._ I. And having also Filed the Face of his Punch he intends to cut his _A_ upon, pretty Flat by guess, he Screws the Punch upright, and hard into the Vice: And setting the Face of his _Counter-Punch_ as exactly as he can, on the middle of the Face of his Punch, he, with an Hammer suitable to the Size of his _Counter-Punch_, strikes upon the end of the _Counter-Punch_ till he have driven the Face of it about two Thin Spaces deep into the Face of the Punch. So shall the _Counter-Punch_ have done its Office. But if the Letter to be _Counter-Puncht_ be large, as _Great-Primmer_, or upwards, I take a good high Blood-red Heat of it, and Screw it quickly into the Vice; And having my _Counter-Punch_ Hard, not Temper’d, because the Heat of the Punch softens it too fast: And also having before-hand the _Counter-Punch_ Screwed into the _Hand-Vice_ with its Shank along the Chaps, I place the Face of the _Counter-Punch_ as before, on the middle of the Face of the Punch, and with an Hammer drive it in, as before. Taking the Punch out of the Vice, he goes about to Flat and Smoothen the Face in earnest; for it had been to no purpose to Flat and Smoothen it exactly before, because the Sinking of the _Counter-Punch_ into it, would have put it out of Flat again. But before he Flats and Smoothens the Face of the Punch, He Files by guess the superfluous Steel away about the Face of the Letter, _viz._ so much, or near so much, as is not to be used when he comes to finish up the Letter, as in this present Letter _A_, which standing upon a Square Face on the Punch, meets in an Angle at the Top of the Letter. Therefore the Sides of that Square must be Filed away to an Angle at the Top of the Face of the Punch. But great care must be taken, that he Files not more away than he should: For he considers that the left hand Stroak of _A_ is a Fat Stroak, and that both the left-hand and the right-hand Stroak too, have Footings, which he is careful to leave Steel enough in their proper places for. The reason why these are now Fil’d thus away, and not after the Letter is finisht, is, Because in the Flatting the Face there is now a less Body of Steel to File away, than if the whole Face of the Punch had remain’d intire: For though the following ways are quick ways to Flatten the Face, yet considering how tenderly you go to Work, and with what Smooth Files this Work must be done, the riddance made will be far less when a broad Face of _Steel_ is to be Flatned, than when only so much, or very little more than the Face of the _Letter_ only is to be Flatned. To Flat and Smoothen the Face of the Punch, he uses the _Flat-Gage_, (described §. 12. ¶. 3. and _Plate_ 10. at A.) thus, He fits one convex corner of the Shank of the Punch, into the Concave corner of the _Flat-Gage_, and so applies his _Flat-Gage-Punch_ and all to the Face of the _Using-File_, and lets the _Counter-Puncht_ end, _viz._ the Face of the Punch Sink down to the Face of the _Using-File_: And then keeping the convex Corner of the Shank of the Punch close and steddy against the Concave corner of the _Flat-Gage_, and pressing with one of his Fingers upon the then upper end of the Punch, _viz._ the Hammer-end, he also at the same time, presses the lower end of the Punch, _viz._ The Face against the _Using-File_, and thrusts the _Flat-Gage_ and _Punch_ in it so oft forwards, till the extuberant Steel on the Face, be Rub’d or Fil’d away: which he knows partly by the alteration of colour and Fine Furrows made by the _Using-File_ on the Face of the Punch, and partly by the falling away of the parts of the Face that are not yet toucht by the _Using-File_: So that it may be said to be truly Flat: which he knows, when the whole Face of the Punch touches upon the Flat of the _Using-File_, or at least, so much of the Face as is required in the Letter: For all Counter-Puncht-Letters, as aforesaid, must have a greater Face of Steel than what the bare Letter requires: for the reason aforesaid. Another way I use is thus. After I have Fil’d the Face as true as I can by guess, with a _Rough-Cut-File_, I put the Punch into an Hand-Vice, whose Chaps are exactly Flat, and straight on the upper Face, and sink the Shank of the Punch so low down in the Chaps of the Hand-Vice, that the low side of the Face of the Punch may lye in the same Plain with the Chaps; which I try with the Liner. For the Liner will then shew if any of the Sides stand higher than the Plain of the Chaps: Then I Screw the Punch hard up, and File off the rising side of the Punch, which brings the Face to an exact Level: For the Face of the Chaps being Hard Steel, a File cannot touch them, but only take off the aforesaid Rising parts of the Face of the Punch, till the _Smooth-File_ has wrought it all over exactly into the same Plain with the Face of the Chaps of the _Hand-Vice_. Some _Letter-Cutters_ work them Flat by Hand, which is not only difficult, but tedious, and at the best, but done by guess. The inconvenience that this Tool is subject to, is, That with much using its Face will work out of Flat. Therefore it becomes the Workman to examine it often, and when he finds it faulty to mend it. When they _File_ it Flat by Hand, they Screw the Shank of the Punch perpendicularly upright into the Chaps of the Vice, and with a _Flat-Bastard-Cut-File_, of about Four Inches long, or if the Punch be large, the File larger, according to discretion, and File upon the Face, as was shewn _Numb._ I. _fol._ 15, 16. Then they take it out of the Vice again, and holding up the Face Horizontally between the Sight and the Light, examine by nice observing whether none of its Angles or Sides are too high or too low. And then Screwing it in the Vice again, as before, with a _Smooth-Cut-File_, he at once both Files down the Higher Sides or Angles, and Smoothens the Face of the Punch. But yet is not this Face so perfectly Flatned, but that perhaps the middle of it rises more or less, above the Sides: And then he Screws it in his _Hand-Vice_, and leans the Shank of the Punch against the Tach, pretty near upright, and so as he may best command it, and with a _Watch-Makers Half-Round-Sharp-Cut-File_, Files upon it with the Flat-Side of his File; But so that he scarce makes his forward and backward Stroaks longer than the breadth of the Face of his Punch, lest in a long Stroak, the hither or farther end of his File should Mount or Dip, and therefore keeps his File, with the Ball of his Finger upon it, close to the Face of the Punch. Then with the Liner he examines how Flat the Face of the Punch is, and if it be not yet Flat, as perhaps it will not be in several Trials, he again reiterates the last process with the _Small-Half-Round-File_, till it be Flat. But he often Files cross the Furrows of the File, as well because it makes more riddance, as because he may better discern how the File bears on the Face of the Punch. When it is Flat, he takes a Small well-worn Half-Round-File, and working (as before) with the _Sharp-Cut-File_, he Smoothens the Face of the Punch. Having thus Flatted the Face of the Punch, and brought the Letter to some appearance of Form, He Screws the Punch in the Hand-Vice, but not with the Shank perpendicular to the Chaps, but so as the Side he intends to File upon may stand upwards and aslope too, and make an Angle with the Chaps of the Hand-Vice. And holding the Hand-Vice steddy in his left hand, he rests the Shank of the Punch pretty near its Face upon the Tach: and then with a small _Flat-File_, called a _Pillar-File_, in his right hand, holding the Smooth Thin Side of it towards the Footing of the Stem, he Files that Stem pretty near its due Fatness, and so by several reiterated proffers, lest he should File too much of the Stem away, he brings that Stem at last to its true Fatness. Then he measures with the Ascending _Face-Gage_, the Heighth of the Letter: For though the _Counter-Punch_ was imagin’d (as aforesaid) to be made to an exact Heighth for the inside of the Letter; yet with deeper or shallower Sinking it into the _Punch_, the inside oft proves higher or lower: Because, as aforesaid, the Superficies of the Face of the _Counter-Punch_ is less than the true measure. But as it runs Sholdering into the Shank of the _Counter-Punch_ the Figure or Form of the inside becomes bigger than the inside of the Letter ought to be. Therefore the deeper this Sholdering Shank is sunk into the Face of the _Punch_, the higher and broader will the Form of the inside of the Letter be, and the shallower it is Sunk in, the Shorter and Narrower by the Rule of Contraries. He measures, as I said, with the Assending Face-Gage, and by it finds in what good Size the Letter is. If it be too high, as most commonly it is, because the Footing and Top are yet left Fat, then with several proffers he Files away the Footing and Top, bringing the Heighth nearer and nearer still, considering in his Judgment whether it be properest to File away on the Top or Footing, till at last he fits the Heighth of the Letter by the Assending _Face-Gage_. But though he have fitted the Heighth of the Letter, yet if the _Counter-Punch_ were made a little too little, or Sunk a little too shallow, not only the Footing will prove too Fat, but the Triangle above the Cross-stroke of _A_ will be too small; or if too big, the Footing and part of the Top will be Filed away, when it is brought to a due Heighth, and then the Letter is Spoil’d, unless it be so deep Sunk, that by working away the Face, as aforesaid, he can regain the Footing and Top through the Slope-sholdering of the _Counter-Punch_, and also keep the inside of the Letter deep enough. But if the Footing be too _Fat_ or the Triangle of the Top too little in the Inside, he uses the Knife-backt Sculpter, and with one of the edges or both, that proceeds from the Belly towards the Point of the Sculpter (which edges we will for distinction sake call _Angular edges_) he by degrees and with several proffers Cuts away the Inside of the Footing, or opens the Triangle at the Top or both, till he hath made the Footing lean enough, and the Triangle big enough. But if he works on the Triangle of the Top, he is careful not to Cut into the Straight of the Inside lines of the Stems, but to keep the Insides of that Triangle in a perfect straight line with the other part of the Inside of the Stem. The small arch of a Circle on the Top of _A_ is Fil’d away with a Sizable Round-File. And so for all other Letters that have Hollows on their Outsides; he fits himself with a small File of that shape and Size that will fit the Hollow that he is to work upon: For thus the Tails of Swash-Letters in Italick Capitals are Fil’d with half Round Files Sizable to the Hollows of them. But I instead of Round or Half-Round Files, in this Case, bespeak Pillar Files of several Thicknesses, and cause the _File-maker_ to Round and Hatch the Edges: which renders the File strong and able to endure hard leaning on, without Breaking, which Round or Half-Round Files will not Bear. I need give no more Examples of Letters that are to be Counter-punched: And for Letters that need neither Counter-punching or Graving, they are made as the Out-sides of _A_, with Files proper to the shapes of their Stroaks. ¶. 4. _Of Graving and Sculping the Insides of_ Steel Letters. The _Letter-Cutter_ elects a _Steel Punch_ or _Rod_, a small matter bigger than the Size of the Letter he is to Cut; because the Topping or Footing Stroaks will be stronger when they are a little Bevell’d from the Face. The Face of these Letters not being to be Counter-punched are first Flatned and Smoothed, as was shewed, ¶. 3. Then with the proper _Gage_, _viz._ the Long, the Ascending, or else the Short _Face-Gage_, according as the Letter is that he intends to Cut, He measures off the exact Heighth of the Letter, Thus; He first Files one of the Sides of the Face of the _Punch_ (_viz._ that Side he intends to make the Foot of his Letter) exactly straight; which to do, he screws his _Punch_ pretty near the bottom end, with its intended Foot-side uppermost, aslope into one end of the Chaps of his _Hand-Vice_. So that the Shank of the _Punch_ lies over the Chaps of the _Hand-Vice_, and makes an Angle of about 45 Degrees with the Superficies of the Chaps of it: Then he lays the under-side of the Shank of his _Punch_ aslope upon his _Tache_, in one of the Notches of it, that will best fit the size of his _Punch_, to keep it steady; and so Files the Foot-Line of the _Punch_. But he Files not athwart the sides of his _Punch_; for that might make the Foot-Line Roundish, by a Mounting and Dipping the Hand is prone to; as I shewed, _Vol._ I. _Fol._ 15, 16. But he holds his File so as the Length of it may hang over the Length of the Shank of the _Punch_, and dip upon it at the Face of the _Punch_, with a Bevel, or Angle, of about 100 Degrees with the Face of the _Punch_. This Angle you may measure with the _Beard-Gage_, described in _Plate_ 10. _Fig._ C. at _k_. Then Filing with the File in this Position, the Foot-Line will be made a true straight Line. But yet he examines it too by applying the _Liner_ to it; and holding the _Punch_ and _Liner_ thus to the Light; If the _Liner_ touches all the way on the Foot-Line, he concludes it true; if not, he mends it till it do. Then he uses his proper _Steel-Gage_, and places the Sholder of it against the Shank of the _Punch_ at the Foot-Line; and pressing the Sholder of the _Steel-Gage_ close against the Foot-Line, he, with the Tooth of the _Gage_ makes a Mark or Race on the side of the Face, opposite to the Foot-line: And that Mark or Race shall be from the Foot-Line, the Bounds of the Heighth of that Letter. Then on the Face he draws or marks the exact shape of the Letter, with a Pen and Ink if the Letter be large, or with a smooth blunted Point of a Needle if it be small: Then with sizable and proper shaped and Pointed Sculptors and Gravers, digs or Sculps out the Steel between the Stroaks or Marks he made on the Face of the _Punch_, and leaves the Marks standing on the Face. If the Letter be great he is thus to Sculp out, he then, with a Graver, Cuts along the Insides of the drawn or marked Stroaks, round about all the Hollow he is Cutting-in. And having Cut about all the sides of that Hollow, he Cuts other straight Lines within that Hollow, close to one another (either parallel or aslope, it matters not) till he have filled the Hollow with straight Lines; and then again, Cuts in the same Hollow, athwart those straight Lines, till he fill the Hollow with Thwart Lines also. Which straight Lines, and the Cuttings athwart them, is only to break the Body of Steel that lies on the Face of the _Punch_ where the Hollow must be; that so the Round-Back’d Sculptor may the easier Cut through the Body of the Steel, in the Hollow, on the Face of the _Punch_; even as I told you, _Numb._ 4. _Vol._ I. §. 2. the Fore-Plain makes way for the Fine Plains. The _Letter-Cutter_ does not expect to perform this Digging or Sculping at one single Operation; but, having brought the Inside of his Letter as near as he can at the first Operation, he, with the flat side of a Well-worn, Small, Fine-Cut, Half-round File, Files off the Bur that his Sculptors or Gravers made on the Face of the Letter, that he may the better and nicelier discern how well he has begun. Then he again falls to work with his Sculptors and Gravers, mending, as well as he can, the faults he finds; and again Files off the Bur as before, and mends so oft, till the Inside of his Letter pleases him pretty well. But before every Mending he Files off the Bur, which else, as aforesaid, would obscure and hide the true shape of his Stroaks. Having well shaped the Inside Stroaks of his Letter, he deepens the Hollows that he made, as well as he can, with his Sculptors and Gravers: And the deeper he makes these Hollows, the better the Letter will prove. For if the Letters be not deep enough, in proportion to their Width, they will, when the Letter comes to be Printed on, Print Black, and so that Letter is spoiled. How deep these Hollows are to be, cannot be well asserted, because their Widths are so different, both in the same Letter, and in several Letters: Therefore he deepens them according to his Judgment and Reason. For Example, O must be deeper than A need be, because the Hollow of O is wider than the Hollow of A; A having a Cross Stroak in it; and the wider the Hollow is, the more apt will the wet Paper be to press deeper towards the bottom in Printing. Yet this in General for the Depth of Hollows; You may make them, if you can, so deep as the _Counter-Punch_ is directed to be struck into the Face of the Punch. See ¶. 3. of this §. Having with his Gravers and Sculptors deepned them so much as he thinks convenient, he, with a _Steel Punch_, pretty near fit to the shape and size of the Hollow, and Flatted on its Face, Flattens down the Irregularities that the Gravers or Sculptors made, by striking with a proper Hammer, upon the Hammer-end of the _Punch_, with pretty light blows. But he takes great care, that this _Flat-Punch_ be not at all too big for the Hollow it is to be struck into, lest it force the sides of the Stroaks of the Letter out of their shape: And therefore also it is, that he strikes but easily, though often, upon the end of the _Flat-Punch_. Having finished the Inside, he works the Outsides with proper Files; as I shewed before, in Letter A; and smoothens and Pollishes the Outside Stroaks and Face with proper worn-out small _Watch-makers Files_. The Inside and Outside of the Face thus finished, he considers what Sholdering the Shank of the _Punch_ makes now with the Face, round about the Letter. For, as the Shank of the Letter stands farther off the Face of any of the Stroaks, the Sholdering will be the greater when the Letter is first made; because the Outsides of the Letter, being only shaped at first with Fine Small Files, which take but little Steel off, they are Cut Obtusely from the Shank to the Face, and the Steel of the Shank may with Rougher Files afterwards, be Cut down more Tapering to the Shank. For the Sholder of the Shank, as was said before in this ¶, must not make an Angle with the Face, of above 100 Degrees; because else they would be, first, more difficult to Sink into Copper; And Secondly, The broad Sholders would more or less (when the Letter is Cast in such Matrices) and comes to the Press, be subject, and very likely to be-smear the Stroaks of the Letter; especially, with an Hard Pull, and too wet Paper; which squeezes the Face of the Letter deep into the Paper, and so some part of the Broad Sholdering of the Letter, receiving the Ink, and pressing deep into the Paper, slurs the Printed Paper, and so makes the whole Work shew very nasty and un-beautiful. For these Reasons it is, that the Shank of the _Punch_, about the Face, must be Filed away (at least, so much as is to be Sunk into Copper) pretty close to the Face of the Letter; yet not so as to make a Right Angle with the Face of the Letter, but an Obtuse Angle of about 100 Degrees: For, should the Shank be Filed away to a Right Angle, _viz._ a Square with the Face, if any Footing or Topping be on the Letter, these fine Stroaks will be more subject to break when the _Punch_ is Sunk into Copper, than when the Angle of the Face and Shank is augmented; because then those fine Stroaks stand upon a stronger Foundation. Therefore he uses the _Beard-Gage_, and with that examines round about the Letter, and makes the Face and Shank comply with that. Yet Swash-Letters, especially _Q_, whose Swashes come below the Foot-Line, and whose Length reaches under the Foot-Line of the next Letter, or Letters in Composing, ought to have the Upper Sholder of that Swash Sculped down straight, _viz._ to a Right Angle, or Square with the Face; at least, so much of it as is to be Sunk into Copper: Because the Upper Sholder of the Swash would else be so broad, that it would ride upon the Face of the next Letter. Therefore the Swash-Letters being all Long-Letters, the lower end of the Swashes reach as low as the Bottom-Line; which cannot be Filed Square enough down from the Head-Line, unless the Steel the Swash stands on, should be Filed from end to end, the length of the whole Shank of the _Punch_, which would be very tedious; and besides, would make that part of the Shank the Swash stands on so weak, that it would scarce endure Striking into the Copper. Therefore, as I said before, the Upper Sholder of the Swash ought to be Sculped down: Yet I never heard of any _Letter-Cutters_ that had the knack of doing it; but that they only Filed it as straight down as they could, and left the _Letter-Kerner_, after the Letter was Cast, to Kern away the Sholdering. Yet I use a very quick way of doing it; which is only by Resting the Back of a Graver at first, to make way; and afterwards a Sculptor, upon the Shank of the _Punch_, at the end of the Swash, one while; and another while on the Shank, at the Head, that the Swash may be Sculped down from end to end: and Sculping so, Sculp away great Flakes of the Steel at once, till I have Cut it down deep enough, and to a Right Angle. Then he Hardens and Tempers the Punch; as was shewed, _Numb._ 3. _Vol._ I. _Fol._ 57, 58. But though the _Punch_ be Hardned and Temper’d, yet it is not quite finished: for, in the Hardning, the _Punch_ has contracted a Scurf upon it; which Scurf must be taken off the Face, and so much of the sides of the Shank as is to be Sunk into Copper. Some _Letter-Cutters_ take this Scurf off with small smooth Files, and afterwards with fine Powder of _Emerick_. The _Emerick_ they use thus. They provide a Stick of Wood about two Handful long, and about a _Great-Primer_, or _Double-Pica_ thick: Then in an Oyster-shell, or any sleight Concave thing, they powr a little Sallad-Oyl, and put Powder of _Emerick_ to it, till it become of the Consistence of Batter made for Pan-cakes. And stirring this Oyl and _Emerick_ together, spread or smear the aforesaid Stick with the Oyl and _Emerick_, and so rub hard upon the Face of the _Punch_, and also upon part of the Shank, till they have taken the Scurf clean off. Mr. _Walberger_ of _Oxford_ uses another way. He makes such an Instrument as is described in _Plate_ 10. at H, which we will, for distinction sake, call the _Joynt-Flat-Gage_. This Instrument consists of two Cheeks about nine Inches long, as at b, and are fastned together at one end, as the Legs of a _Carpenter_’s Joynt-Rule are in the Centre, as at _c_, but with a very strong Joynt; upon which Centre, or Joynt, the Legs move wider, or closer together, as occasion requires. Each Leg is about an Inch and a quarter broad, and an Inch and three quarters deep; _viz._ so deep as the Shank of the _Punch_ is long. At the farther end of the Shank b (as at _d_) is let in an Iron Pin, with an Head at the farther end, and a square Shank, to reach almost through a square Hole in the Shank b, that it twists not about; and at the end of that Square, a round Pin, with a Male-Screw made on it, long enough to reach through the Shank a, and about two Inches longer, as at _e_; upon which Male-Screw is fitted a Nut with two Ears, which hath a Female-Screw in it, that draws and holds the Legs together, as occasion requires a bigger or less _Punch_ to be held in a proper Hole. Through each of the adjoyning Insides of the Legs are made, from the Upper to the Lower Side, six, seven, or eight Semi-Circular Holes (or more or less, according to discretion) exactly Perpendicular to the upper and under Sides of each Leg, marked _a a a a_, _b b b b_. Each of these Semicircular Holes is, when joyned to its Match, on the other Leg to make a Circular Hole; and therefore must be made on each Leg, at an equal distance from the Centre. These Holes are not all of an equal Size, but different Sizes: Those towards the Centre smallest, _viz._ so small, that the _Punch_ for the smallest Bodied Letters may be pinched fast in them; and the biggest Holes big enough to contain, pinch and hold fast the _Punches_ for the great Bodied Letters. The upper and under-sides of this _Joynt-Flat-Gage_ is Faced with an Iron Plate, about the thickness of an Half Crown, whose outer Superficies are both made exactly Flat and Smooth. When he uses it, he chuses an Hole to fit the Size of the _Punch_; and putting the Shank of the _Punch_ into that Hole, Sinks it down so low, till the Face of the _Punch_, stands just Level, or rather, above the Face of the _Joynt-Flat-Gage_: Then with a piece of an Hone, wet in Water, rubs upon the Face of the _Punch_, till he have wrought off the Scurf. At last, with a Stick and Dry _Putty_, Polishes it. I like my own way better than either of the former: For, to take off the Scurf with Small Files spoils the Files; the Face of the _Punch_ being Hard, and the Scurf yet Harder: And besides, endangers the wronging the Face of the _Punch_. The _Joynt-Flat-Gage_ is very troublesome to use, because it is difficult to fit the Face of the _Punch_, to lie in the Plain of the Face of the _Gage_; especially, if, in making the Letter, the Shank be Filed Tapering, as it most times is. For then the Hammer-end of the _Punch_ being bigger than the Face-end, it will indeed Pinch at the Hammer-end, whilst the Face-end stands unsteady to Work on. But when the _Punch_ is fitted in, it is no way more advantagious for Use, than the Chaps of the _Hand-Vice_ I mentioned in ¶. 3. of this §. Wherefore, I fit the _Punch_ into the Chaps of the _Hand-Vice_, as I shewed in the aforesaid ¶. and with a fine smooth Whet-stone and Water, take the Scurf lightly off the Face of the _Punch_; and afterwards, with a fine smooth Hone and Water, work down to the bare bright Steel. At last, drying the _Punch_ and Chaps of the _Hand-Vice_ with a dry Rag, I pollish the Face of the _Punch_ with Powder of Dry _Brick_ and a Stick, as with _Putty_. ¶. 5. _Some Rules he considers in using the_ Gravers, Sculptors, Small Files, _&c._ 1. When he is Graving on the Inside of the Stroak, either to make it Finer or Smoother, he takes an especial care that he place his Graver or Sculptor so, as that neither of its Edges may wrong another Stroak of the Letter, if they chance (as they often do) to slip over, or off an extuberant part of the Stroak he is Graving upon. And therefore, I say, he well considers how he is to manage the edges of his Graver. For there is no great danger of the point of his Graver after the inside Stroaks are form’d, and the Hollows of the Letter somewhat deepned; but in the edges there is: For the point in working lies always below the Face of the Letter, and therefore can, at most, but slip below the Face, against the side of the next Stroak; but the edges lying above the Face of the Letter, may, in a slip, touch upon the Side and Face of the next Stroak, and wrong that more or less, according as the force of the Slip was greater or smaller. And if that Stroak it jobs against were before wholly finished, by that job the whole Letter is in danger to be spoiled; at the best, it cannot, without Filing the Letter lower, be wrought out; which sometimes is a great part of doing the Letter anew: For he takes special care that neither any dawk, or the least extuberant bunching out be upon the inside of the Face of the Stroak, but that the inside of the Stroak (whether it be Fat or Lean) have its proper Shape and Proportion, and be purely smooth and clean all the way. If on the inside of the Stroak the Graver or Sculptor have not run straight and smooth on the Stroak, but that an Extuberance lies on the Side, that Extuberance cannot easily be taken off, by beginning to Cut with the Edge of the Graver or Sculptor just where the Extuberance begins: Therefore he fixes the Point of his Graver or Sculptor in the Bottom of the Hollow, just under the Stroak where the Extuberance is, and leans the Edge of his Graver or Sculptor upwards; so as in forcing the Point of the Graver or Sculptor forwards, at the Bottom of the Hollow, the Edge of the Graver or Sculptor may slide tenderly along, and take along with it a very small, nay, invisible Chip of the most Prominent Part of the Extuberance; and so, by this Process reitterated often, he, by small Degrees, Cuts away the Extuberant part of the Stroak. 2. He is careful to keep his Gravers and Sculptors always Sharp, by often Sharpning them on the Oyl-Stone, which for that purpose he keeps ready at hand, standing on the Bench: For if a Graver or Sculptor be not sharp, it will neither make riddance, or Cut smooth; but instead of Cutting off a small Extuberancy, it will rather stick at it, and dig into the Side of the Stroak. 3. He Files very tenderly with the Small Files, especially with the Knife-Files, as well because they are Thin and Hard, not Temper’d, and therefore would snap to pieces with small violence; as also, lest with an heavy hand he should take away too much at once of that Stroak he is working upon. §. 14. ¶. 1. _Some Rules to be observed by the_ Letter-Cutter, _in the Cutting_ Roman, Italick, _and the_ Black English Letter. 1. The Stem and other Fat Stroaks of Capital _Romans_ is five Parts of forty and two (the whole Body:) Or, (which is all one) one sixth part of the Heighth of an Ascending Letter (as all Capitals are Ascendents) as has been said before. _Albertus Dürer_ took his Measure from the Heighth of Capitals, and assigned but one tenth part for the Stem. 2. The Stem, and other Fat Stroaks of Capitals _Italick_, is four parts of forty and two, (the Body.) 3. The Stem, and other Fat Stroaks of Lower-Case _Roman_, is three and an half parts of forty and two, (the Body.) 4. The Stem, and other Fat Stroaks of Lower-Case _Italick_, is three parts of forty and two, (the Body.) 5. Of _English_, the Short-Letters stand between nine parts of the Bottom-Line, and nine parts from the Top-Line; _viz._ upon three and thirty parts of forty and two, (the Body.) 6. The Stem of _English_ Capitals is six parts of forty and two, (the Body.) 7. The Stem of _English_ Lower-Case Letters is four parts of forty and two, (the Body.) ¶. 2. _Of Terms relating to the Face of Letters, and their Explanation._ The Parts of a _Punch_ are already described in §. 13. ¶. 1. of this Volumne; and so is the Body: But the several Terms that relate to the Face of Letters are not yet defined. Now therefore you must note, that the Body of a Letter hath four principal Lines passing through it (or at least imagined to pass through it) at Right Angles to the Body; _viz._ The Top-Line, The Head-Line, The Foot-Line, and The Bottom-Line. Between two of these Lines is contained the Heighth of all Letters. These are called _Lines_, because the Tops, the Heads, the Feet and the Bottoms of all Letters (when Complicated by the _Compositor_) stand ranging in these imagin’d Lines, according as the Heighth and Depth of each respective Letter properly requires. The Long-Letters are (as I told you in §. 13. ¶. 1. of this Volumne) contained between the Top and Bottom-Lines, The Ascending Letters are contained between the Top and Foot-Lines, The Descending Letters are contained between the Head and Bottom-Lines, and The Short-Letters are contained between the Head and Foot-Lines. Through what Parts of the Body all these Lines pass, you may see by the Drafts of Letters, and the following Descriptions. What the Long-Letters, Ascending Letters, and Short-Letters are, I shewed in the afore-cited ¶. Therefore I shall now proceed to particular Terms relating to the Face. As, 1. The Topping, is the straight fine Stroak or Stroaks that lie in the Top-Line of Ascending Letters: In _Roman_ Letters they pass at Right Angles through the Stems; but in _Italicks_, at Oblique Angles to the Stems; as you may see in the Drafts of Letters, B, _B_, H, _H_, I, _I_, _&c._ 2. The Footing, is the straight fine Stroak or Stroaks that lie in the Foot-Line of Letters, either Ascending or Descending. In _Romans_ they pass at Right Angles through the Stem, but in _Italicks_, at Oblique Angles; as you may see in B, _B_, H, _H_, I, _I_, _&c._ 3. The Bottom-Footing, is the straight fine Stroaks that lie in the Bottom-Line of Descending Letters. In _Romans_ they pass at Right Angles through the Stem; but in _Italicks_ at Oblique Angles; as you may see p, _p_, q, _q_. 4. The Stem is the straight Fat Stroak of the Letter: as in B, _B_, the straight Stroak on the Left-Hand is the Stem; and I, _I_, is all Stem, except the Footing and Topping. 5. Fat Stroaks. The Stem or broad Stroak in a Letter is called Fat; as the Right Hand Stroak in A, and part of the great Arch in B, are Fat Stroaks. 6. Lean Stroaks, are the narrow fine Stroaks in a Letter; as the Left Hand Stroak of A, and the Right Hand Stroak of V are Lean. 7. Beak of Letters, is the fine Stroak or Touch that stands on the Left Hand of the Stem, either in the Top-Line, as b d h, _&c._ or in the Head-Line, as i, m, n, _&c._ Yet f, g, [s], _f_, _g_, [_s_] have Beaks on the Right Hand of the Stem. 8. Tails of Letters, is a Stroak proceeding from the Right-Hand Side of the Stem, in the Foot-Line; as a d t u: and most _Italick_ Lower-Case Letters have Tails: As also have most Swash-Letters. But several of their Tails reach down to the Bottom-Line. 9. Swash-Letters are _Italick_ Capitals; as you see in _Plate_ 15. Thus much of _Letter-Cutting_. The next _Exercises_ shall (God willing) be upon _Making Matrices_, _Making Molds_, _Casting and Dressing of Letters_, &c. _FINIS._ ADVERTISEMENT. NUmb. 4. _of the Second Volumne_ of Collections of Letters for Improvement of Husbandry and Trade, _is now extant_; _being_ Enquiries relating to Husbandry and Trade: _drawn up by the Learned_ Robert Plot, L. L. D. _Keeper of the_ Ashmolean Musæum, _and Professor of_ Chymistry _in the University of_ Oxford, _and Secretary of the_ Royal Society _of_ London. _An Account of the manner of making_ Brunswick-Mum. _An Account of a great Improvement of Mossy Land by Burning and Liming; from Mr._ Adam Martindale _of_ Cheshire. * * * * * To be had at the _Angel_ in _Cornhil_, and several other Booksellers. [Illustration: _Plate 11._] [Illustration: _Plate 12._] [Illustration: _Plate 13._] [Illustration: _Plate 14._] [Illustration: _Plate 15._] [Illustration: _Plate 16._] [Illustration: _Plate 17._] _MECHANICK EXERCISES:_ Or, the Doctrine of =Handy-works.= Applied to the ART of _Mold-Making_, Sinking the _Matrices_, Casting and Dressing of =Printing-Letters.= §. 15. ¶. 1. _Of making the_ Mold. THe _Steel-Punches_ being thus finish’d, as afore was shewed, they are to be sunk or struck into pieces of _Copper_, about an Inch and an half long, and one quarter of an Inch deep; but the thickness not assignable, because of the different thicknesses in Letters, as was shewed in §. 2. and shall further be shewed, when I come to the sinking and justifying of _Matrices_. But before these _Punches_ are sunk into _Copper_, the _Letter-Founder_ must provide a _Mold_ to justifie the _Matrices_ by: And therefore it is proper that I describe this _Mold_ to you before I proceed any farther. I have given you in Plate 18. at A, the Draft of one side or half of the _Mold_; and in Plate 19. at B, its Match, or other half, which I shall in general thus describe. Every _Mold_ is made of two parts, an under, and an upper Part; the under part is delineated at A, in Plate 18, the upper part is marked B, in Plate 19, and is in all respects made like the under part, excepting the _Stool_ behind, and the _Bow_, or _Spring_ also behind; and excepting a small roundish _Wyer_ between the _Body_ and _Carriage_, near the _Break_, where the under part hath a small rounding _Groove_ made in the Body. This _Wyer_, or rather _Half-Wyer_ in the upper part makes the _Nick_ in the _Shank_ of the Letter, when part of it is received into the Grove in the under part. These two parts are so exactly fitted and gaged into one another, (_viz._ the _Male-Gage_, marked C in Plate 19, into the _Female-Gage_ marked g, in Plate 18.) that when the upper part of the _Mold_ is properly placed on, and in the under part of the _Mold_ both together, makes the entire _Mold_, and may be slid backwards for Use so far, till the Edge of either of the Bodies on the middle of either _Carriage_ comes just to the Edge of the _Female-Gages_, cut in each _Carriage_: And they may be slid forwards so far, till the Bodies on either _Carriage_ touch each other. And the sliding of these two parts of the _Mold_ backwards, makes the _Shank_ of the Letter thicker, because the Bodies in each part stand wider asunder; and the sliding them forwards makes the _Shank_ of the Letter thinner, because the Bodies on each part of the _Mold_ stand closer together. [Illustration: _Plate 18._ _The Under half of the Mold_] This is a general Description of the _Mold_; I come now to a more particular Description of its parts. a The _Carriage_. b The _Body_. c The _Male-Gage_. d e The _Mouth-Piece_. f i The _Register_. g The _Female-Gage_. h The _Hag_. _a a a a_ The _Bottom-Plate_. _b b b_ The _Wood_ the _Bottom-Plate_ lies on. _c c e_ The _Mouth_. _d d_ The _Throat_. _e d d_ The _Pallat_. _f_ The _Nick_. _g g_ The _Stool_. _h h g_ The _Spring_ or _Bow_. I have here given you only the Names of the parts of the _Mold_, because at present I purpose no other Use of it, than what relates to the sinking the _Punches_ into the _Matrices_: And when I come to the casting of Letters, You will find the Use and Necessity of all these Parts. ¶. 2. _Of the_ Bottom-Plate. The _Bottom-Plate_ is made of _Iron_, about two Inches and three quarters long, and about the same breadth; its thickness about a _Brevier_: It is planisht exactly flat and straight: It hath two of its _Fore-Angles_, as _a a_ cut off either straight or rounding, according to the pleasure of the Workman. About the place where the middle of the _Carriage_ lies, is made a Hole about a _Great-Primmer_ square, into which is rivetted on the upper-side a Pin with a Sholder to it, which reaches about half an Inch through the under-side of the _Bottom-Plate_. This _Pin_ on the under side the _Bottom-Plate_ is round, and hath a _Male-Screw_ on its end. This _Pin_ is let through a Hole made in the Wood of the _Mold_ to fit it; so that when a square _Nut_, with a _Female-Screw_ in it, is turned on the _Male-Screw_, it may draw and fasten the _Half Mold_ firm to the Wood. The Hind side of the _Carriage_ lies on this _Bottom-Plate_, parallel to the Hind side of it, and about a _Two-Lin’d-English_ within the Hind Edge of it; and so much of this _Bottom-Plate_ as is between the _Register_ and the left-hand end of the _Carriage_ (as it is posited in the Figure) is called the _Stool_, as _g g_ in the under-half of the _Mold_, because on it the lower end of the _Matrice_ rests; but on the upper half of the _Mold_ is made a square Notch behind in the _Bottom-Plate_, rather within than without the Edge of the _Carriage_, to reach from the _Register_, and half an Inch towards the left hand (as it is posited in the Figure) that the upper part of the fore-side of the _Matrice_ may stand close to the _Carriage_ and _Body_. ¶. 3. _Of the_ Carriage. On the _Bottom-Plate_ is fitted a _Carriage_, (as _a_) This _Carriage_ is almost the length of the _Bottom-Plate_, and about a _Double-Pica_ thick, and its Breadth the length of the Shank of the Letter to be cast. This _Carriage_ is made of _Iron_, and hath its upper-side, and its two narrow sides filed and rubed upon the using _File_, exactly straight, square and smooth, and the two opposite narrow sides exactly parallel to each other. On one end of the _Carriage_, as at g, is made a long _Notch_ or _Slit_, which I call the _Female-Gage_: It is about a _Double-Pica_ wide, and is made for the _Male-Gage_ of the other part of the _Mold_ to fit into, and to slide forwards or backwards as the thickness of the Letter to be cast may require. ¶. 4. _Of the_ Body. Upon the _Carriage_ is fitted the _Body_, as at b. This _Body_ is also made of _Iron_, and is half the length of the _Carriage_, and the exact breadth of the _Carriage_; but its thickness is alterable, and particularly made for every intended _Body_. About the middle of this _Body_ is made a square Hole, about a _Great Primmer_, or _Double-Pica_ square; and directly under it is made through the _Carriage_ such another Hole exactly of the same size. ¶. 5. _Of the_ Male-Gage. Through these two Holes, _viz._ That in the _Body_, and that in the _Carriage_, is fitted a square _Iron Shank_ with a _Male-Screw_ on one End, and on the other End an Head turning square from the square _Shanck_ to the farther end of the _Body_, as is described at c; but is more particularly described apart at B in the same Plate, where B may be called the _Male-Gage_: For I know no distinct Name that _Founders_ have for it, and do therefore coyn this: _a_ The _square Shanck_. _b_ The _Male-Screw_. This _square Shanck_ is just so long within half a _Scaboard_ thick as to reach through the _Body_, _Carriage_, and another square Hole made through the _Bottom-Plate_, that so when a _square Nut_ with a _Female-Screw_ in it is turned on that _Pin_, the _Nut_ shall draw and fasten the _Body_ and _Carriage_ down to the _Bottom-Plate_. The Office of the _Male-Gage_ is to fit into, and slide along the _Female-Gage_. ¶. 6. _Of the_ Mouth-Piece. [Illustration: _Plate 19._ _The Upper half of the Mold_] Close to the _Carriage_ and _Body_ is fitted a _Mouth-Piece_ marked _d e_. _Letter-Founders_ call this altogether a _Mouth-Piece_: But that I may be the better understood in this present purpose, I must more nicely distinguish its parts, and take the Freedom to elect Terms for them, as first, _c c e_ The _Mouth_. _d_ The _Palate_. _c c_ e _d_ The _Jaws_. _d d_ The _Throat_. Altogether (as aforesaid) the _Mouth-Piece_. The _Mouth-Piece_ hath its _Side_ returning from the _Throat_ filed and rubb’d on the _Using-File_ exactly straight and square to its _Bottom-side_, because it is to joyn close to the Side of the _Carriage_ and _Body_; but its upper-Side, _viz._ the _Palate_ is not parallel to the _Bottom_, but from the Side _d d_, _viz._ the _Throat_ falls away to the _Mouth_ e, making an _Angle_ greater or smaller, as the _Body_ that the _Mold_ is made for is bigger or less: For small _Bodies_ require but a small _Mouth_, because small _Ladles_ will hold Metal enough for small Letters; and the smaller the _Ladle_, the finer the _Geat_ of the _Ladle_ is; and fine _Geats_ will easier hit the _Mouth_ (in a Train of Work) than the course _Geats_ of Great _Ladles_: Therefore it is that the _Mouth_ must be made to such a convenient Width, that the _Ladle_ to be used and its _Geat_, may readily, and without slabbering, receive the Metal thrown into the _Mold_. But again, if the _Mouth-Piece_ be made too wide, _viz._ the _Jaws_ too deep at the _Mouth_, though the _Geat_ of the _Ladle_ does the readier find it, yet the _Body_ of the _Break_ of the _Letter_ will be so great, that first it heats the _Mold_ a great deal faster and hotter; and secondly, it empties the _Pan_ a great deal sooner of its Metal, and subjects the Workman sometime to stand still while other Metal is melted and hot: Therefore Judgment is to be used in the width of the _Mouth_; and though there be no Rule for the width of it; yet this in general for such _Molds_ as I make, I observe that the _Orifice_ of the _Throat_ may be about one quarter of the Body for small Bodies; but for great Bodies less, according to Discretion, and the _Palate_ about an Inch and a quarter long from the _Body_ and _Carriage_. The reason that the _Orifice_ of the _Throat_ is so small, is, because the Substance at the end of the _Shanck_ of the Letter ought also to be small, that the _Break_ may easier break from the _Shanck_ of the Letter, and the less subject the _Shanck_ to bowing; for the bowing of a Letter spoils it; and the reason why the _Palate_ is so long, is, that the _Break_ being long, may be the easier finger’d and manag’d in the breaking. If it be objected, that since the smalness of the _Break_ at the end of the _Shanck_ of the Letter is so approvable and necessary for the reason aforesaid, then why may not the _Break_ be made much more smaller yet? The Answer will be, No; because if it be much smaller than one quarter of the Body, Metal enough will not pass through the _Throat_, to fill both the _Face_ and _Shanck_ of the Letter, especially if the Letter to be cast prove thin. Near the _Throat_ and _Jaw_ is made straight down through the _Palate_ a square Hole (as at _k_.) This square Hole hath all its Sides on the _Upper-Plain_ of the _Palate_ opened to a _Bevel_ of about 45 Degrees, and about the depth of a thick _Scaboard_. Into this square _Hole_ is fitted a square _Pin_ to reach through it; and within half a _Scaboard_ through a square _Hole_, made just under it in the _Bottom-Plate_ which the _Mouth-Piece_ lies upon. On the upper end of this square _Pin_ is made a square _Sholder_, whose under-sides are filed _Bevil_ away, so as to comply and fall just into the _Bevil_ made on the _Palate_ aforesaid, and on the under end of the _Pin_ is made a _Male-screw_ long enough to contain a square _Nut_, with a _Female-screw_ in it about a _Pica_ or _English_ thick, which _Nut_ being twisted about the _Pin_ of the _Male-screw_, draws and fastens the _Mouth-piece_ close down to the _Bottom-Plate_, and also close to the _Carriage_ and _Body_ of the _Mold_. Note, that the square _Hole_ made in the _Bottom-Plate_ to receive the square _Shanck_ of the _Pin_, must be made a little wider than just to fit the square _Shanck_ of the _Pin_, because the _Mouth-piece_ must be so placed, that the end of the _Jaw_ next the _Throat_ must lie just even with the _Body_ it is to be joyned to; and also that the _Throat_ of the _Mouth-piece_ may be thrust perfectly close to the Sides of the _Carriage_ and _Body_: And when Occasion requires the _Shanck_ of the Letter to be lengthned, it may be set farther off the _Carriage_, that an _Asidue_, or sometimes a thin _Plate_ of _Brass_ may be fitted in between the _Carriage_ and the _Throat_ of the _Mouth-piece_, as shall farther be shewed when I come to justifie the _Mold_. ¶. 7. _Of the_ Register. Behind the _Mold_ is placed the _Register_, as at _f i h_, which I have also placed apart in the aforesaid Plate, as at C, that it may the more perspicuously be discerned, and a more particular account of its parts be given, which are as follows: C _a a b c d e_ The _Register_. _a a_ The _Sholders_. _b c_ The _Neck_. _d_ The _Cheek_ returning square from the Plate of the _Register_, and is about an _English_ thick. _e_ The _Screw Hole_. It is made of an _Iron_ Plate about a _Brevier_ thick; its upper-Side is straight, but its under Side is not: For at _a a_ projects downwards a small piece of the same Plate, which we may call the _Sholders_, of the Form you see in the Figure. These _Sholders_ have two small _Notches_ (as at _b c_) filed in them below the _Range_ on the under side of the _Register_, which we will call the _Neck_, and is just so wide as the _Bottom-Plate_ is thick. This _Neck_ is set into a square _Notch_, filed so far into the _Bottom-Plate_, that the flat inside of the _Register_ may stand close against the hind side of the _Carriage_ and _Body_; and this _Notch_ is filed so wide on the left-Hand, that when the side _b_ of the _Neck_ stands close against the left-hand Side of this _Notch_ (as it is posited in the Figure) the _Cheek_ of the _Register_ stands just even with the Edge of the _Body_. And this _Notch_ is also filed so wide on the right-Hand Side, that when the _Neck_ at _c_ stands close against the right-hand Side of the _Notch_, the _Cheek_ of the _Register_ may remove an m, or an m and an n from the edge of the _Body_ towards the right hand: And the _Sholders a a_ are made so long, that when either Side of the _Neck_ is thrust close against its corresponding side in the _Notch_ of the _Bottom-Plate_, the upper Edge of the opposite _Sholder_ shall hook or bear against the under-side of the _Bottom-Plate_, and keep the whole _Register_ steady, and directly upright to the Surface of the _Bottom-Plate_. In the Plate of the _Register_, is made a long square Hole, as at _e_, just wide enough to receive the _Pin_ of a _Male-screw_, with a _Sholder_ to it, which is to fit into a _Female-screw_, made in the Edge of the _Carriage_, that when the _Male-screw_ is turned about in the _Female-screw_ in the _Carriage_, it shall draw the _Sholder_ of the said _Male-screw_ hard against the upper and under Sides of the square Hole in the Plate of the _Register_, close to the side of the _Carriage_ and _Body_. The reason why the Hole in the Plate of the _Register_ is made so long, is that the _Cheek_ of the _Register_ may be slid forwards or backwards as occasion requires; as shall be shewn when I come to justifying the _Mold_. ¶. 8. _Of the_ Nick. In the upper half of the _Mold_, at about a _Pica_ distance from the _Throat_, is fitted into the under-side of the _Body_ the _Nick_: It is made of a piece of _Wyer_ filed flat a little more than half away. This _Nick_ is bigger or less, as the Body the _Mold_ is made for is bigger or less; but its length is about two _m_’s. It is with round _Sculptors_ let exactly into the under-side of the _Body_. In the under-half of the _Mold_, is made at the same distance from the _Throat_, on the upper-side of the _Body_, a round _Groove_, just fit to receive the _Nick_ in the upper half. ¶. 9. _Of the_ Bow _or Spring_. This is a long piece of hard _Iron Wyer_, whose Diameter is about a _Brevier_ thick, and hath one end fastned into the Wood of the under half of the _Mold_, as at _h_; but it is so fastned, that it may turn about in the Hole of the Wood it is put into: For the end of it being batter’d flat, a small Hole is drilled through it, into which small Hole the end of fine _Lute-string Wyer_, or somewhat bigger is put, and fastned by twisting about half an Inch of the end of the _Lute-string_ to the rest of the _Lute-string_: For then a considerable Bundle of that _Wyer_, of about the Size of a Doublet Button, being wound behind the Hole, about the end of the _Spring_, will become a _Sholder_ to it, and keep the end of the _Spring_ from slipping through the Hole in the Wood: But this _Button_ or _Sholder_ must also be kept on by thrusting another piece of _Wyer_ stiff into the Hole made on the end of the _Spring_, and crooking that _Wyer_ into the Form of an S, that it slip not out of the Hole. The manner how the _Spring_ is bowed, you may see in the Figure: But just without the Wood is twisted upon another _Wyer_ about an _English_ thick five or six turns of the _Wyer_ of the _Spring_, to make the whole _Spring_ bear the stronger at its point: For the Office of the _Spring_ is with its Point at _g_, to thrust the _Matrice_ close against the _Carriage_ and _Body_. ¶. 10. _Of the_ Hooks, _or_ Haggs. These are _Iron Wyers_ about a _Long-Primmer_ thick: Their Shape you may see in the Figure: They are so fastned into the Wood of the _Mold_, that they may not hinder the _Ladle_ hitting the _Mouth_. Their Office is to pick and draw with their Points the _Break_ and _Letter_ out of the _Mold_ when they may chance to stick. ¶. 11. _Of the_ Woods _of the_ Mold. All the _Iron_ Work aforesaid of the _Mold_ is fitted and fastned on two Woods, _viz._ each half one, and each Wood about an Inch thick, and of the shape of each respective _Bottom-Plate_. The Wood hath all its Sides except the hind-side, about a _Pica_ longer than the _Bottom-Plate_; but the hind-side lies even with the _Bottom-Plate_. The _Bottom-Plate_, as afore was said in ¶. 2. of this §. hath an _Iron Pin_ on its under-side, about half an Inch long, with a _Male-screw_ on its end, which _Pin_ being let fit into an Hole in the Wood does by a _Nut_ with a _Female-screw_ in it draw, all the _Iron_ Work close and fast to the Wood. But because the Wood is an Inch thick, and the _Pin_ in the _Bottom-Plate_ but half an Inch long, therefore the outer or under-side of the Wood (as posited in the Figure) hath a wide round Hole made in it flat at the Bottom, to reach within an _English_, or a _Great Primmer_ of the upper-side of the Wood. This round Hole is wide enough to receive the _Nut_ with the _Female-screw_ in it; and the _Pin_ being now long enough to receive the _Female-screw_ at the wide Hole, the _Female-screw_ may with _round nosed Plyers_ be turned about the _Male-screw_ on the _Pin_ aforesaid, till it draw all the _Iron_ Work close to the Wood. The Wood behind on the upper half is cut away as the _Bottom-Plate_ of that half is; and into the thickness of the Wood, close by the right and left-hand side of this _Notch_ is a small square _Wyer-staple_ driven, which we may call the _Matrice-Check_; for its Office is only to keep the _Shanck_ of the _Matrice_ from flying out of this _Notch_ of the _Mold_ when the _Caster_ is at Work. And the _Nuts_ and _Screws_ of the _Carriage_ and _Mouth-piece_, &c. that lie under the _Bottom-Plate_, are with small _Chissels_ let into the upper-side of the Wood, that the _Bottom-plates_ may lie flat on it. Sect. XVI. _Of justifying the_ Mold. Although the _Mold_ be now made; nay, very well and Workman-like made, yet is it not imagin’d to be fit to go to work withal; as well because it will doubtless Rag (as _Founders_ call it; for which Explanation see the Table) as because the Body, Thickness, Straightness, and length of the _Shanck_ must be finisht with such great Nicety, that without several Proofs and Tryings, it cannot be expected to be perfectly true. Therefore before the sinking and justifying the _Matrices_, the _Mold_ must first be _Justified_: And first, he justifies the _Body_, which to do, he casts about twenty _Proofs_ or Letters, as they are called, though it matters not whether the _Shancks_ have yet Letters on them or no. These _Proofs_ he sets up in a _Composing-stick_, as is described in §. 17. ¶. 2. Plate 19. at G, with all their _Nicks_ towards the right Hand, and then sets up so many Letters of the same _Body_, (which for Distinction sake we will call _Patterns_) that he will justifie his _Body_ too, upon the _Proofs_, with all their _Nicks_ also to the right Hand, to try if they agree in length with the same Number of Letters that he uses for his _Pattern_; which if they do not, for very seldom they do, but by the Workman’s fore-cast are generally somewhat too big in the _Body_, that there may be Substance left to _Justifie_ the _Mold_, and clear it from _Ragging_. Therefore the _Proofs_ may drive-out somewhat, either half a Line (which in _Founders_ and _Printers_ Language is half a _Body_) or a whole Line. (more or less.) He also tries if the two sides of the _Body_ are parallel, _viz._ That the _Body_ be no bigger at the _Head_ than at the _Foot_; and that he tries by taking half the number of his _Proofs_, and turning the Heads of them lays them upon the other half of his _Proofs_, so that if then the _Heads_ and _Feet_ be exactly even upon each other, and that the Heads and Feet neither _drive-out_, nor _get in_, (_Founders_ and _Printers_ Language, for which see the Table) the two sides of the _Body_ are parallel; but if either the _Head_ or _Foot drives out_, the two sides of the _Body_ are not parallel, and must therefore be mended. And as he has examin’d the Sides of the _Body_ so also he examines the thickness of the Letter, and tries if the two Sides of the thickness be also parallel, which to do, he sets up his _Prooves_ in the _Composing-stick_ with their _Nicks_ upwards. Then taking half of the _Prooves_, he turns the _Heads_ and lay the _Heads_ upon the _Feet_ of the other half of his _Prooves_, and if the _Heads_ and _Feet_ lies exactly upon each other and neither _drive out_ or _get in_ the two Sides of the thicknesses are parallel. But if either the _Head_ or _Foot_ _drive-out_ the two Sides of the thicknesses are not parallel; and must therefore be mended. Next, he considers whether the sides of the _Body_ be straight, first by laying two Letters with their _Nicks_ upwards upon one another, and holding them up in his Fingers, between his Eye and the Light, tries if he can see Light between them: For if the least Light appear between them, the _Carriage_ is not straight. Then he lays the _Nicks_ against one another, and holds them also against the Light, as before: Then he lays both the _Nicks_ outward, and examines them that way, that he may find whether either or both of the _Carriages_ are out of straight. But we will suppose now the _Body_ somewhat too big, and that it drives out at the _Head_ or _Foot_; and that the thickness _drives out_ at the _Head_ or _Foot_ and that the Sides of the _Body_ are not straight. These are Faults enough to take the _Mold_ asunder: but yet if there were but one of these Faults it must be taken asunder for that; by unscrewing the _Male-Gage_, to take the _Body off_ the _Carriage_, and the _Carriage_ off the _Bottom-Plate_. Having found where the Fault of one or both sides of the _Body_ is, he lays the _Body_ down upon the _Using-File_; and if the Fault be extuberant, he rubs the Extuberancy down, by pressing his Finger or Fingers hard upon the opposite side of the Body, just over the extuberant part; and so rubbing the Body hard forwards on the _Using-File_, and drawing it lightly backwards, he rubs till he has wrought down the extuberancy, which he examins by applying the _Lyner_ to that side of the Body, and holding it so up between his Eye and the Light, tries whether or not the _Lyner_ ride upon the part that was extuberant; which if it do, the extuberancy is not sufficiently rub’d off, and the former Process must again begin and be continued till the extuberancy be rub’d off. And if the Body were too big, he by this Operation works it down: Because the extuberancy of the _Body_ rid upon the _Carriage_, and bore it up. And if the fault be a _Dawk_, or Hollow in the _Body_, then he Works the rest of that side of the _Body_ down to the bottom of the _Dawk_, which by applying the _Lyner_ (as afore) he tryes, and this also lessens the _Body_. If the _Body_ drive-out at _Head_ or _Foot_, he lays the weight of his Fingers heavy at that side or end of the _Body_ which is too thick, and so rubs that down harder. If the thickness of the Letter, drive-out at _Head_, or _Foot_, he Screws the _Body_ into the _Vice_, and with a flat sharp _File_, files the _Side_ down at the _Head_, or _Foot_. At the same time, if the _Shanck_ of the Letter be not Square, he mends that also, and smooth-files it very well. Then he puts the _Mold_ together again: And melting, (or laying aside) his first _Proofs_, lest they should make him mistake, he again _Casts_ about twenty New _Proofs_, and examins by them as before, how well he has mended the _Body_, and how near he has brought the _Body_ to the size of the _Pattern_: For he does not expect to do it the _First_, _Second_, or _Seventh_ time; but mends on, on, on, by a little at a time, till at last it is so finisht. If the _Body_ prove too small, it is underlaid with a thick or a thin _Asidue_; or sometimes a thin _Plate_ of _Brass_. Then he examins the _Mouth-piece_, and sees that the _Jaws_ slide exactly true, upon every part of the _Pallat_ without riding. If the _Throat_ of the _Mouth-piece_ lie too low, as most commonly it is designed so to do; Then a _Plate_ of _Brass_ of a proper thickness is laid under it to raise it higher. He also Justifies the _Registers_, making their _Cheeks_ truly Square. And Screwing them about an n from the Corner of the _Body_. He tryes that the _Male_ and _Female-Gages_ fit each other exactly, and lie directly straight along, and parallel to both the Sides of the _Carriage_. All this thus performed he needs not (perhaps) take the _Mold_ assunder again. But not having yet consider’d, or examin’d the length of the _Shanck_ of the Letter, he now does; and if it be somewhat too long (as we will suppose by forecast it is) then the _Body_ and _Carriage_ being Screwed together, and both the Halves fitted in their _Gages_, the Edges of the _Carriage_ and _Body_ are thus together rub’d upon the _Using-File_, till the _Carriage_ be brought to an exact length. Having thus (as he hopes) finisht the justifying of the _Mold_; and put it together, and Screwed it fast up, he puts the two Halves together, and then Rubs or Slides them hard against one another, to try if he can perceive any little part of the _Body_ Ride upon the _Carriage_, or _Carriage_ ride upon the _Body_: To know which of them it is that Rides, or is extuberant, he uses the _Liner_; applying it to both the Places, as well of the _Body_ as the _Carriage_: where he sees they have Rub’d or bore upon one another: And which of them that is extuberant, the Edge of the _Liner_ will shew, by Riding upon it: And that part he Files upon with a small flat and very fine _File_, by little and little, taking off the extuberancy, till the _Bodies_ and _Carriages_ lie exactly flat upon, and close to one another: Which if they do not, the _Mold_ will be sure to _Rag_. §. XVII. ¶. 1. _Of Sinking the_ Punches _into the_ Matrices. That the _Matrice_, and all its parts may be the better understood, as I shall have Occasion to Name them, I have given you a _Draft_ of the _Matrice_ in Plate, 18 at E. and shall here explain its parts. _E_ The _Matrice_, wherein is Punched E, the _Face_ of the _Letter_. _a_ The _Bottom_ of the _Matrice_. _b_ The _Top_ of the _Matrice_. _c_ The _Right-side_ of the _Matrice_. _d_ The _Left-Side_ of the _Matrice_. _f g_ The _Face_ of the _Matrice_. _h i_ The _Leather Grove_ of the _Matrice_. In the _Back_ or _Side_ behind the _Matrice_, just behind E is filed in athwart the _Back_, from the right to the left-Side a _Notch_, to settle and hold the point of the _Spring_ or _Wyer_ of the _Mold_ in, that the _Matrice_ fly or start not back when it is at Work. As I told you (in §. 11. ¶. 1.) that the _Punches_ are to be made of several Thicknesses, for reasons there shewed; and that therefore the _Letter-Cutter_ makes _Wooden Patterns_ for his several Sizes of Thicknesses as well as Heights; so now I am come to the _Sinking_ of the _Punches_ into the _Matrices_, I must tell you again that the _Letter-Cutter_ or else the _Founder_, (either of which that _Sinks_ them; for sometimes it is a Task Incumbent on each of them) considers the Thicknesses of all the _Punches_ he has to _Sink_, though Heighth he need not consider in _Sinking_ the _Matrices_: For the _Matrices_, by reason of their length in _Copper_ upwards and downwards, have Substance enough and to spare, for the longest Letters to be _Sunk_ into them: Therefore I say, he only considers the several Thicknesses of all the _Punches_, and makes _Wooden Patterns_ for them, marking with a Pen and Inck the number of each size, on the _Pattern_ as before he did for the _Steel-Punches_: But the _Patterns_ he made for the _Steel-Punches_ will be too Thin for the _Copper Matrices_: Because the _Steel-Punches_ by _Sinking_ into the _Matrices_, stretch and force the Sides of the _Copper_ out, and sometimes crack them for want of Substance; and at other times carry or force the Substance of the _Matrice_ so low with their _Sholder_ if the _Letter_ be broad, that it creates a great Trouble to rub them _Flat_, (as it is called) because it is done upon the _Using-File_. Therefore he makes _Wooden Patterns_ for every of the former siz’d _Punches_, so thick or rather an n thicker at the least, then he made the _Wooden_ _Patterns_, that the _Steel-Punches_ were made to be _Forged_ by, that there may be Substance enough on each side the _Copper_ to bear the dilating that the sinking of the _Punch_ into it will make, because the _Counter-Puncht-Letters_ are Thicker by their _Stems_ and _Footing_ or _Topping_ than the _Counter-Punches_ made for them need be. Therefore (as before) for three sizes of _Punches_ to be _Counter-Puncht_, he made three several siz’d _Patterns_; so now for the several siz’d _Punches_ that are to be _Sunk_ into _Matrices_, he makes three several siz’d _Patterns_ of _Wood_ for the _Copper-Smith_ to draw out _Rods_ of _Copper_ of those several Sizes by, and each of them (as aforesaid) an n, and for the Thick _Letters_ an m (at least) Thicker than the _Patterns_ were made, for the _Steel-Punches_ to be Forged to a size by. In the Forging of these _Copper-Rods_, he instructs the _Copper-Smith_ to make Choice of the softest _Copper_ he can get, that the _Steel-Punches_ may run the less hazzard of breaking; and sometimes (if too soft Temper’d) battering their Stroaks. The _Rose Copper_ is commonly accounted the softest: But yet I have many times _Sunk Punches_ indifferently into every sort of _Copper_. Nay, even cast _Copper_, which is generally accounted the Hardest: Because _Copper_, as well (as some other Mettals) Hardens with Melting. These _Rods_ of _Copper_ are (as I told you in §. III. ¶. 1.) to be Cut into small Lengths, each about an Inch and an half long, and a _Great-Primmer_ or _Double-Pica_ deep; and for great Bodyed _Letters_ a _Two-lin’d-English_ deep; But their Thickness not assignable, because of the Different Thicknesses in _Letters_, both of the same and other _Bodies_, as in part I shewed, in §. II. and more fully in this present §. and ¶. The reason why the _Copper-Rods_ are Forg’d so deep, is, That the more substance of _Copper_ may lie under the _Face_ of the _Punch_: For if the _Rod_ have not a convenient depth, the _Face_ of the _Punch_ in _Sinking_, does the sooner ingage with the Hardness of the _Face_ of the _Stake_ it is _Sunk_ upon: And having with a few Blows of the _Hammer_, soon hardned the _Copper_ just under the _Face_ of the _Punch_, as well the hardness of the small (thus hardned) _Body_ of _Copper_ just under the _Face_ of the _Punch_, as the Hardness of the _Face_ of the _Stake_ contribute a complycated assistance to the breaking or battering the _Face_ of the _Punch_. But if the _Rod_ be deep, the Substance of _Copper_ between the _Face_ of the _Punch_ and the _Stake_ is less hardned, and consequently the _Punch_ will _Sink_ the easier, and deeper with less Violence. But sometimes it has happ’ned that for the _Sinking_ one _Matrice_ or two, I have been loath to trouble my self to go to the _Copper-Smiths_, to get one Forg’d: and therefore I have made shift with such _Copper_ as I have had by me. But when it has not been so deep as I could have wisht it, I have just entred the _Punch_ into the _Matrice_ upon the _Stake_, and to _Sink_ it deep enough, I have laid it upon a good thick piece of _Lead_, which by reason of its softness has not hardned the _Copper_ just under the _Face_ of the _Punch_; but suffered the _Punch_ to do its _Office_ with good Success. Having cut the _Copper-Rods_, into fit Lengths with a Cold _Chissel_, He files the end that is to stand upon the _Stool_ of the _Mold_ exactly square, and the Right-side of the _Matrice_, that stands against the _Carriage_ and _Body_, also exactly Square and smooth upon the _Using-File_. Then he places the filed end, or _Bottom_ upon the _Stool_, with the _Face_ of the _Matrice_ towards the _Carriage_ and _Body_, and the Right-side of the _Matrice_, close against the _Register_: Then if the _Punch_ to be sunck be an ascending Letter. He with a fine pointed _Needle_, makes a small Race by the upper-side of the _Carriage_ upon the _Face_ of the _Matrice_, and that Race is a mark for him, to set the top of the Ascending _Letter_ at, when he _Sinks_ it into the _Matrice_: So that then placing the _Punch_ upright upon the middle of the Thickness of the _Matrice_, the _Matrice_ lying solid on the _Stake_: He with the _Face_ of an _Hammer_ sizable to the bigness of his _Punch_, cautiously knocks upon the _Hammer-end_ of the _Punch_, with reiterated Blows, till he have driven the _Punch_ deep enough into the _Matrice_. But if it be a short _Letter_, or a Descending _Letter_, and not Ascending also: Then he elects any _Cast-Letter_ of the Thickness of the _Beard_, (as _Founders_ and _Printers_ call it) For which Explanation see the Table, and he lays that _Letter_ upon the _Surface_ of the _Carriage_, and then placing the _Bottom_ of the _Matrice_ to be _Sunk_ as before, on the _Stool_, and against the _Register_, He draws with a _Needle_ as before, a race above the _Surface_ of that _Letter_, against the _Face_ of the _Matrice_, and that race is a Mark for him to place the _Head_ of the _Letter_ by. Then managing the _Punch_ and _Hammer_ as before was shewed, he _Sinks_ the _Punch_ into the _Matrice_. But here arises a Question, _viz._ How deep the _Punches_ are to be _Sunk_ into the _Matrices_? The Answer is, a Thick _Space_ deep, though deeper even to an n would be yet better: Because the deeper the _Punches_ are _Sunk_, the lower does the _Beards_ stand below the _Face_, and those _Beards_ when the _Cast-Letter_ comes into the _Printers_ Hands to be used, are the less subject to _Print_, as too oft they do both at _Head_ or _Foot_ of a _Page_, than when they lie so high that the softness of the _Blankets_, and Hardness of a _Pull_, or else carelesness of Running the _Carriage_ of the _Press_ to a considered Mark they would be. But they are seldom _Sunk_ any deeper then a thick Space: and the reason is, because the breaking or battering the _Face_ of the _Punch_ should not be too much hazarded. The many _Punches_ to be _Sunk_ into _Matrices_ for the same _Body_, are difficult to be _Sunk_ of an equal depth. Therefore I always make a _Beard-Gage_, as is described in _Plate_ 19 at F, where _a b_ is a _Sholder_ that rests upon the _Face_ of the _Matrice_, _c_ is the _Point_ or _Gage_ that measures the depth of the _Sunken Punch_. So that when the _Point_ _c_ just touches the _Bottom_, and both the _Sholders_ _a b_ the _Face_ of the _Matrice_, the _Punch_ may be accounted well Sunk as to depth. But though it be accounted well _Sunk_ for a first Essay, yet can it not be reasonably imagined it is well _Sunk_ for good and all; as well because in _Sinking_ the _Punches_ it has carryed some part of the _Surface_ of the _Matrice_ down below the _Face_ of the _Matrice_ into the _Body_ of the _Copper_, as because both the _Sides_ are doubtless extorted, and one Side or Part of the _Punch Sunk_ more or less deeper than the other. Wherefore I now come to ¶. 2. _Justifying the_ Matrices. _Justifying_ of _Matrices_ is, 1. to make the _Face_ of the _Sunken_ Letter, lie an exact designed depth below the _Face_ of the _Matrice_, and on all its sides equally deep from the _Face_ of the _Matrice_. 2. It is to set or _Justifie_ the _Foot-line_ of the Letter exactly in _Line_. 3. It is to _Justifie_ both the sides, _viz._ the Right and left-sides of a _Matrice_ to an exact thickness. Therefore to proceed Methodically, he first slightly Files down the _Bunchings_ out that the _Punch_ made in the Sides of the _Matrice_; And then slightly Files down all the _Copper_, on the _Face_ of the _Matrice_, till the Hollow the _Punch_ made becomes even with the whole _Face_ of the _Matrice_. Then he _Casts_ a _Proof-Letter_ or two, and _Rubs_ them: And with the Edge of a Knife cuts out what may remain in the bottom of the _Shanck_ by reason of the un-even breaking, off of the _Break_ that the square bottom of the _Shanck_ may not be born off the _Bottom-Ledge_ of the _Lining-Stick_. But having till now said nothing of the _Lining-Stick_, it is proper before I proceed, to give a Description of it: It is delineated in _Plate_ 19 at G. Where G is the _Plain_, _a_ the _Side-Ledge_, _b_ the _Bottom-Ledge_, _c_ the _Stilt_, all made of _Brass_. The _Plain_ is exactly flat, Straight, and Smooth, that the _Shancks_ of the _Letter_ being likewise so, may lie flat and solidly on it. Its depth between the _Bottom-Ledge_, and the fore edge is about the length of the _Shanck_ of the Letter: But the whole _Plain_ of _Brass_ is yet deeper; Because the _Bottom-Ledge_ is fastned on it. The _Lining-Stick_ is about two _Inches_ long for small Letters; but longer for Big-_Bodyed_ _Letters_. Both _Bottom_ and _Side-Ledge_, is a thin piece of _Brass_, from a _Scaboard_ to a _Pica_ thick, according as the _Body_ whose _Face_ and _Foot-line_ is to be _Justified_ in it is bigger or less. These two _Ledges_ is an Inside Square exactly wrought, and with small _Rivets_ fastned on the _Side_ edge, and on the _Bottom_ edge. The _Stilt_ is a thin flat piece of _Brass-Plate_ about a _Scaboard_ thick, and a _Double-Pica_ broad: One of its edges is _Soldered_ to the under-side of the _Plain_, about a _Double-Pica_ within the fore-edge of the _Plain_, that the _Lining-Stick_ (when set by with _Proof-Letters_ in it) may not lie flat on its _Bottom_; but have its fore edge _Tilted_ up, that the _Letters_ in it may rest against the _Bottom-Ledge_. Having cut the _Notch_ in the _Break_ of the _Letters_ as aforesaid, He _Rubs_ every side of them on the _Stone_, with two or three hard _Rubs_, to take off the small _Rags_ that may happen on the _Shanck_ of the _Letter_, notwithstanding the _Mold_ is imagined to be very truly made and _Justified_. The _Stone_ is commonly a whole _Grind-Stone_, about eighteen Inches diameter, having both its sides truly _Rub’d_ flat and smooth, by _Jostling_ it (as _Masons_ call it) upon another broad long and flat Stone with _Sand_ and _Water_. It must have a fine, but very sharp _Greet_. Now to return. He places a Quadrat of the same _Body_, on the _Plain_ of the _Lining-stick_, and against the _Side-Ledge_ of it He sets up three or four old m’s of the same _Body_: Then sets up his _Proof-Letter_ or _Letters_, and after his _Proof-Letter_ three or four old m’s more of the same _Body_; and being very careful that the _Foot_ of the _Shanck_ of the Letter stands full down against the _Bottom-Ledge_ of the _Lining-stick_, He applies the edge of the _Liner_ to the _Faces_ of all these Letters: And if he finds that the edge of the _Liner_ just touch (and no more) as well all the parts of his _Proof-Letters_ as they do upon his old _Letters_, He concludes his _Matrice_ is _Sunk_ to a true _Height against Paper_. But he seldom hopes for so good luck; but does more likely expect the _Matrice_ is _Sunk_ too deep or too shallow, and awry on the right and left-side, or on the top or bottom of the _Line_, for all or any of these Faults the _Liner_ will easily discover. Therefore I shall shew you how he _Justifies_ a _Matrice_ that is too _High against Paper_. We will suppose the _Face_ of the _Punch_ is _Sunk_ flat and straight down into the _Matrice_; but yet it is a little too deep _Sunk_. Therefore he considers how much it is too deep: If it be but a little too deep, perhaps when the _Face_ of the _Matrice_ shall be made exactly flat (for yet it is but _Rough-Filed_) it may be wrought down to be just of an _Height against Paper_. But if the _Punch_ be _Sunk_ so much too deep that the smoothing the flat of the _Face_ on the _Using-File_ will not work it low enough; then with a _Bastard-cut flat-File_, he takes off (according to his Discretion) so much _Copper_ from the _Face_ of the _Matrice_ as will make it so much nearer as he thinks it wants to the _Face_ of the Letter. But yet considers that the _Face_ of the _Matrice_ is yet to smoothen on the _Using-File_, and therefore he is careful not to take too much off the _Face_ of the _Matrice_ with the _Rough-File_. He is also very careful that when he is to _File_ upon the _Face_ of the _Matrice_, to _Screw_ the _Face_ of it Horizontally flat in the _Vice_: And that in _Filing_ upon it, he keeps his _File_ directly Horizontal, as was shewed, _Numb._ 1. _Fol._ 15, 16. _Vol._ 1. For if he let his right or left hand dip, the _File_ will in its Natural Progress take too much off the side it dips upon, and consequently the _Face_ of the Letter on that side will lie shallower from the _Face_ of the _Matrice_ then it will on the opposite side. The like caution he makes, in _Filing_ between the _Top_ and _Bottom_ of the _Matrice_ on the _Face_. For if he _Files_ away too much _Copper_ toward the _Top_ or _Bottom_, the _Face_ of the _Letter_ on its _Top_ or _Bottom-Line_, will lie on that end shallower from the _Face_ of the _Matrice_. Then he considers by his _Proof-Letters_ how much too thick the right or left-side of the _Matrice_ is. I told you in §. 11. ¶. 4. that the Angle the _Sholder_ made with the _Face_ of the _Letter_, is about 100 Degrees, which is 10 Degrees more then a _right Angle_ or _Square_. So that if a _Letter_ be _Cast_ and _Rub’d_ just so thick that the _Liner_ when applied to the _Shanck_ of the _Letter_ reaches just to the _Sholder_, there will be an _Angle_ of 10 Degrees, contained between the edge of the _Liner_ and the _Straight Line_ that proceeds from the _Sholder_ at the _Shanck_, to the outer-edge of the _Face_ of the _Letter_. And if two _Letters_ be thus _Cast_ and _Rub’d_ and _Set_ together, the _Angle_ contained between their _Shancks_, and the outer-edge of the _Face_ of the _Letter_ will be 20 Degrees, which is too wide by half for the _Faces_ of two _Letters_ to stand assunder. Therefore the sides of the _Matrice_ must be so _Justified_, that when the _Shancks_ of two _Letters_ stand close together, the _Angle_ between both the _Shancks_, and the adjacent outer-edges of the _Faces_ of the _Letters_ may both make an _Angle_ of about 10 Degrees as aforesaid, which is a convenient distance for two _Letters_ to stand assunder at the _Face_. But to do which, If the right-side be too thick, the _Register_ of the under-half of the _Mold_, being (as I said) hard screw’d, so as to stand about an n off the edge of the _Body_ towards the right hand; He places the _Foot_ of the _Matrice_ on the _Stool_, and the right-side of the _Matrice_ close against the _Register_, and observes how much too thick that side of the _Matrice_ is: For so much as the right-hand edge of the _Orifice_ of the _Matrice_ stands on the left-hand side of the _Body_, so much is the Right-side of the _Matrice_ too thick, and must by several offers be _Filed_ away with a _Bastard-Cut-File_, not all at once, least (ere he be aware) he makes that side of the _Matrice_ too thin, which will be a great dammage to the _Matrice_, and cannot be mended but with a _Botch_, as shall in proper place be shewed. Having by several proffers wrought the right-side of the _Matrice_ thus near its thickness, he proceeds to _Justifie_ the left-side also. But this side must be _Justified_ by the upper half of the _Mold_; By turning the top of the _Matrice_ downwards, and placing the left-side of it (now the right-side) against the _Register_, and works away the left-side in all respects as he did the right-side; still being very cautious he takes not to much _Copper_ away at once. To _Justifie_ the _Letter_ in _Line_ he examins the _Proof-Letter_ (yet standing in the _Lining-Stick_) and applies the _Liner_ to the _Foot-line_: And if the _Liner_ touch all the way upon the _Foot-line_ of the _Proof-Letter_ and the _Foot-Line_ of all the old m’s, that _Matrice_ is _Justified_ in _Line_. But this also very rarely happens at first, for by design it is generally made to stand too low in _Line_: Because the _Bottom_ of the _Matrice_ may by several proffers be _Filed_ away till the _Letter_ stand exactly in _Line_. But should he take too much off the _Bottom_ of the _Matrice_, it cannot be made to stand lower without another _Botch_. Nor does he reckon that this first Operation, or perhaps several more such, shall _Justifie_ the _Matrice_ in _Line_. But after bringing both the sides of the _Matrice_ thus near, and also bringing the _Matrice_ thus near the _Line_. He _Casts_ another _Proof-Letter_ or two, and _Rubbing_ all the sides of their _Shancks_, as before was shew’d, he tries by _Rubbing_ the _Letters_ how near he has brought the thickness of both the sides: For when the sides of the _Matrice_ are brought just to such a thickness, that the _Shanck_ of the _Letter_ (_Cast_ in the _Mold_) _Rubs_ flat half way up beyond the _Beard_ towards the _Face_ of the _Letter_, the _Matrice_ is of a convenient thickness, and there the _Angle_ from the _Beard_ of the _Shanck_, to the outer-edge of two _Letters_ set together, will make an _Angle_ of about 10 degrees as aforesaid, which being about one third part of a _thin Space_ is a convenient distance for the adjacent edges of two _Letters_ to stand assunder: But yet _Founders_ sometimes to _Get in_ or _drive-out_, _Cast_ the _Letters_ thinner or thicker, and consequently their _Faces_ stand closer or wider assunder, which is unseemly when the _Letter_ comes to be _Printed_. Then he sets the _Proof-Letters_ in the _Lining-Stick_, between four or five old m’s as before, and with the _Liner_ examins again how well these _Proof-Letters_ stand in _Line_ with the old m’s, which if they do not, he Reiterates the former Operations so oft, till the sides and _Line_ of the _Matrice_ is _Justified_, and at every Operation _Casts_ new _Proof-Letters_ to examine the thickness of both the Sides, and how well the _Matrice_ is _Justified_ to _Stand in Line_. The _Matrice_ being now _Justified_, he Files a _Leather-Groove_ round about it, _viz._ a _Notch_ (made properest with a three square _File_) within about a thick _Scaboard_ of the top of the _Matrice_, to tie the _Leather_ fast to. He also _Files_ another _Notch_ in the back-side of the _Matrice_ athwart it, to rest the point of the _Wyer_ or _Spring_ in. But this _Notch_ must by no means be made before the _Matrice_ be _Justified_ to its true _Height against Paper_: Because when this _Notch_ is made, the _Punch_ cannot again be struck in the _Matrice_; For that the _Matrice_ will not lie solid on the _Stake_ in that place. ¶. 3. _Of_ Botching-Matrices, _to make them serve the better_. _Matrices_ are sometimes either through a careless, or sometimes through an unlucky stroak or two of the _File_ made too thin. And sometimes the _Foot_ of the _Matrice_ is too much taken away, and the Letter by that means stands too high in _Line_: And sometimes the _Face_ of the _Matrices_ is too much taken away; So that the Letter will not stand _High enough against Paper_. To remedy all or any part of these inconveniencies, _Founders_ are forced to make _Botches_ on the _Matrice_: As first, If the _Matrice_ be too thin on the right or left-side, or both; They prick up that side, by laying the _Matrice_ flat on the _Work-Bench_, with the thin side upwards, and holding the point of a _Punch-Graver_ aslope upon the thin side, with an _Hammer_ drive the point into the thin side of the _Matrice_, and so raise a _Bur_ upon that side; which _Bur_ (though it thicken not the _Matrice_, yet it) makes the side of the _Matrice_ stand off the _Register_, and consequently is equevalent to thickning it. The higher this _Bur_ is raised, the better is the _Matrice Botcht_; because the thin fine points thus raised (if not pretty well flatted into the Substance of the _Bur_) will quickly either wear off by the pressure of the _Register_ against them, or else flatten into the _Body_ of the _Bur_, and both ways makes the _Matrice_ again too thin. Sometimes they do not _Botch_ the _Matrice_ thus for this fault; but only Paste a piece of Paper, or a Card, (according as it may want thickness) against the thin side of the _Matrice_ and so thicken it. But to mend the sides I use another Expedient, _viz._ by Soldering a piece of _Plate-Brass_ against its thin side or sides, which is much better than _Botching_ it. _Secondly_, If the _Matrice_ be filed away too much at the _Foot_, they knock it up with the _Pen_ of the _Hammer_; and stretch it between the _Foot_ and the _Orifice_ of the _Matrice_, and then _Justifie_ it again in _Line_. Or a piece may be _Soldered_ under the _Foot_. _Thirdly_, If the _Face_ of the _Matrice_ be too much taken away, and either the _Punch_ spoiled or the _Notch_ in the back of the _Matrice_ made so, as it cannot be _Sunken_ deeper, they raise a _Bur_ on the _Face_, as they did on the thin sides, to keep the _Matrice_ off the _Carriages_ and _Bodies_ which Lengthens the height of the Letter _against Paper_ so much as is the height of the raised _Bur_. But of all the _Botches_ this is the worst, because the _Beard_ lies now nearer the _Face_: And the hollow standing off of the _Face_ of the _Matrice_ from the _Carriages_ and _Bodies_, subjects the Mettal to run between them, and so pesters the Workman to get the Letter out of the _Mold_ and _Matrice_. Sect. XVIII, _Of setting up the_ Furnance. Having _Justified_ the _Mold_ and _Matrice_, we come now to _Casting_ of _Letters_: But yet we have neither _Furnance_, _Mettal_, or _Ladle_. Wherefore it is the _Founders_ care, first to provide these. The _Furnance_ I have described in Plate 20. It is built of Brick upright, with four square sides and a Stone on the top, in which Stone is a wide round hole for the _Pan_ to stand in. _a b c d_ The square Stone at the top, covering the whole _Furnance_. This is indeed the _Furnance_. _a d_, _b c_ The breadth two Foot and one Inch. _a b_, _c d_ The Length two Foot three Inches. Into the Breadth and Length about the whole Stone, is let in even with the top of the Stone a square _Iron Band_ two Inches deep, and a quarter and half quarter of an Inch thick to preserve the Edges of the Stone from battering. _e_ The round hole the Pan stands in, which hath an _Iron Plate_ let into it eight Inches diameter, an Inch and half broad and one quarter of an Inch thick. This _Iron_-Plate fits the _inside_ of the _Hole_ so far as it is Circular, and consequently is a _Segment_ of a _Circle_. But where the _Smoak-vent_ breaks off the Circularity of the Stone, there ends this Plate of _Iron_, that the Smoak may have the freer vent. Its Office also is to preserve the Edge of the _Hole_ from battering, with the oft taking out and putting in the _Iron Pan_. _f_ The _Funnel_ seven Inches high, and five Inches wide. _g_ The _Stoke-Hole_ four Inches wide, and six Inches long. _h h_ The height of the _Furnance_ two Foot ten Inches. _i_ The _Air-Hole_ just underneath the Hearth to let in Air that the Fire may burn the freer. _k_ The _Ash-Hole_ where the Ashes that fall from the Hearth are taken away. _l m n o_ The _Bench_ two Foot broad, three Foot long, and two Foot eight Inches high. The _Bench_ is to empty the Letters out of the _Mold_ upon, as the _Founder Casts_ them. The _Hearth_ lies seven Inches below the top of the round _Hole_, and hath under it another round _Iron-Ring_ of the same demensions with the first, on which straight _Iron-Bars_ are fastened that the _Fire_ is laid on. In the round _Iron-Ring_ (or rather Segment) on the top of the _Furnance_ is set the _Pan_, which is either a _Plate Ladle_, or a small _Cast-Iron Kettle_ that sinks into it within two Inches of the _Brims_ of the _Pan_. ¶. 2. _Of making_ Mettal. The Mettal _Founders_ make _Printing-Letters_ of, is _Lead_ hardned with _Iron_: Thus they chuse _stub-Nails_ for the best _Iron_ to Melt, as well because they are asured _stub-Nails_ are made of good soft and tough _Iron_, as because (they being in small pieces of _Iron_) will Melt the sooner. To make the _Iron Run_, they mingle an equal weight of _Antimony_ (beaten in an Iron-Morter into small pieces) and _stub-Nails_ together. And preparing so many Earthen forty or fifty pounds _Melting-Pots_ (made for that purpose to endure the _Fire_) as they intend to use: They _Charge_ these Pots with the mingled _Iron_ and _Antimony_ as full as they will hold. Every time they Melt _Mettal_, they build a new _Furnance_ to melt it in: This _Furnance_ is called an _Open Furnance_; because the Air blows in through all its sides to Fan the _Fire_: They make it of Bricks in a broad open place, as well because the Air may have free access to all its sides, as that the Vapours of the _Antimony_ (which are Obnoxious) may the less offend those that officiate at the _Making_ the _Mettal_: And also because the Violent Fire made in the _Furnance_ should not endanger the Firing any adjacent Houses. They consider before they make the _Furnance_ how many Pots of _Mettal_ they intend to Melt, and make the _Furnance_ sizable to that number: We will suppose _five_ _Pots_. Therefore they first make a Circle on the Ground capable to hold these five _Pots_, and wider yet by three or four Inches round about: Then within this Circle they lay a Course of Bricks close to one another to fill the Plain of that Platform, with their broad or flat sides downwards, and their ends all one way, and on this Course of Bricks they lay another Course of Bricks as before, only the Lengths of this Course of Bricks lies athwart the Breadths of the other Course of Bricks: Then they lay a third Course of Bricks with their lengths cross the Breadth of the second Course of Bricks. Having thus raised a Platform, they place these five _Pots_ in the middle of it close to one another, and then on the Foundation or Platform raise the _Furnance_ round about by laying the Bricks of the first _Lay_ end to end and flat, close to one another: On the second _Lay_, they place the middle of a Brick over a _Joynt_ (as _Brick-layers_ call it) that is where the ends of two Bricks joyn together, and so again lay Bricks end to end till they _Trim_ round the _Platform_. Then they lay a third _Lay_ of Bricks, covering the _Joynts_ of the second _Lay_ of Bricks as before: So is the Foundation finisht. Then they raise the Walls to the _Furnance_ on this Foundation; But do not lay the ends of their Bricks close together. But lay the ends of each Brick about three Inches off each other, to serve for _Wind-holes_ till they _Trim_ round about: Then they lay another _Lay_ of Bricks leaving other such _Wind-holes_ over the middle of the last _Lay_ of Bricks, and so _Trim_ as they work round either with half Bricks or Bats that the _Wind-holes_ of the last _Lay_ may be covered: And in this manner and order they lay so many _Lays_ till the Walls of the _Furnance_ be raised about three Bricks higher than the _Mouths_ of the _Melting-Pots_, still observing to leave such _Wind-holes_ over the middle of every Brick that lies under each _Lay_. Then they fill the sides of the _Furnance_ round about the _Melting-Pots_, and over them with _Charcoal_, and _Fire_ it at several _Wind-holes_ in the bottom till it burn up and all over the _Furnance_, which a moderate Wind in about an Hours time will do: And about half an Hours time after they lay their Ears near the Ground and listen to hear a _Bubling_ in the _Pots_; and this they do so often till they do hear it. When they hear this _Bubling_, they conclude the _Iron_ is melted: But yet they will let it stand, perhaps half an hour longer or more, according as they guess the Fire to be Hotter or Cooler, that they may be the more assured it is all throughly Melted. And when it is Melted the Melting _Pot_ will not be a quarter full. And in or against that time they make another small _Furnance_ close to the first, (to set an _Iron-Pot_ in, in which they Melt _Lead_) on that side from whence the Wind blows; Because the Person that Lades the _Lead_ out of the _Iron-Pot_ (as shall be shewed by and by) may be the less annoyed with the Fumes of the _Mettal_, in both _Furnances_. This _Furnance_ is made of three or four _Course_ of Bricks open to the windward, and wide enough to contain the designed _Iron-Pot_, with room between it and the sides to hold a convenient quantity of _Charcoal_ under it, and about it. Into this _Iron-Pot_ they put for every three Pound of _Iron_, about five and twenty pounds of _Lead_. And setting Fire to the _Coals_ in this little _Furnance_ they Melt and Heat this _Lead_ Red-hot. Hitherto a Man (nay, a Boy) might officiate all this Work; But now comes Labour would make _Hercules_ sweat. Now they fall to pulling down so much of the side of the open _Furnance_ as stands above the Mouth of that _Melting-Pot_ next the _Iron-Pot_, And having a thick strong _Iron Ladle_, whose _Handle_ is about two Yards long, and the _Ladle_ big enough to hold about ten Pounds of _Lead_, and this _Ladle_ Red-hot that it chill not the _Mettal_, they now I say with this _Ladle_ fall to clearing this first _Melting-Pot_ of all the Coals or filth that lie on the top of the Melted _Mettal_: while another Man at the same time stands provided with a long strong round _Iron Stirring Poot_; the _Handle_ of which _Stirring Poot_ is also about two Yards long or more, and the _Poot_ it self almost twice the length of the depth of the Melting _Pot_. This _Poot_ is nothing but a piece of the same _Iron_ turned to a square with the Handle: And this _Poot_ is also in a readiness heated Red-hot. Now one Man with the _Ladle_ _Lades_ the _Lead_ out of the _Iron-Pot_ into the Melting _Pot_, while the other Man with the _Poot_ stirs and Labours the _Lead_ and _Mettal_ in the Melting _Pot_ together till they think the _Lead_ and _Mettal_ in the Melting _Pot_ be well incorporated: And thus they continue _Lading_ and _Stirring_ till they have near filled the Melting _Pot_. Then they go to another next _Melting-Pot_, and successively to all, and Lade and stir _Lead_ into them as they did into the first. Which done the _Mettal_ is made: And they pull down the _Walls_ of the _Open Furnance_, and rake away the Fire that the _Mettal_ may cool in the _Pots_. Now (according to Custom) is Half a Pint of Sack mingled with Sallad Oyl, provided for each Workman to Drink; intended for an Antidote against the Poysonous Fumes of the _Antimony_, and to restore the Spirits that so Violent a Fire and Hard Labour may have exhausted. [Illustration: _Plate 20._ ] ¶. 3. _Of_ Letter-Ladles. _Letter-Ladles_ differ nothing from other common _Ladles_, save in the size: Yet I have given you a Draft of one in Plate 20 at A. Of these the _Caster_ has many at Hand, and many of several sizes that he may successively chuse one to fit the several sizes of _Letters_ he has to _Cast_; as well in _Bodies_ as in _Thicknesses_. §. XIX. ¶. 1. _Of_ Casting, Breaking, Rubbing, Kerning, _and setting up of_ Letters. Before the _Caster_ begins to _Cast_ he must kindle his _Fire_ in the _Furnance_, to _Melt_ the _Mettal_ in the _Pan_. Therefore he takes the _Pan_ out of the Hole in the Stone, and there lays in _Coals_ and kindles them. And when it is well kindled, he sets the _Pan_ in again, and puts _Mettal_ into it to _Melt_. If it be a small _Bodyed-Letter_ he _Casts_, or a thin _Letter_ of Great _Bodies_, his _Mettal_ must be very hot; nay, sometimes Red-hot to make the Letter _Come_. Then having chose a _Ladle_ that will hold about so much as the _Letter_ and _Break_ is, he lays it at the _Stoking-hole_, where the Flame bursts out to heat. Then he ties a thin Leather cut into such a Figure as is described in Plate 20 at B with its narrow end against the _Face_ to the _Leather-Groove_ of the _Matrice_, by whipping a Brown Thread twice about the _Leather-Groove_, and fastning the Thread with a Knot. Then he puts both Halves of the _Mold_ together, and puts the _Matrice_ into the _Matrice Cheek_, and places the _Foot_ of the _Matrice_ on the _Stool_ of the _Mold_, and the broad end of the _Leather_ upon the _Wood_ of the upper half of the _Mold_, but not tight up, lest it might hinder the _Foot_ of the _Matrice_ from _Sinking_ close down upon the _Stool_ in a train of Work. Then laying a little Rosin on the upper _Wood_ of the _Mold_, and having his _Casting Ladle_ hot, he with the bolling side of it Melts the Rosin; And when it is yet _Melted_ presses the broad end of the _Leather_ hard down on the _Wood_, and so fastens it to the _Wood_. All this is Preparation. Now he comes to _Casting_. Wherefore placing the under-half of the _Mold_ in his left hand, with the _Hook_ or _Hag_ forward, he clutches the ends of its _Wood_ between the lower part of the _Ball_ of his Thumb and his three hind-Fingers. Then he lays the upper half the _Mold_ upon the under-half, so as the _Male-Gages_ may fall into the _Female-Gages_, and at the same time the _Foot_ of the _Matrice_ place it self upon the _Stool_. And clasping his left-hand Thumb strong over the upper half of the _Mold_, he nimbly catches hold of the _Bow_ or _Spring_ with his right-hand Fingers at the top of it, and his Thumb under it, and places the point of it against the middle of the _Notch_ in the back-side of the _Matrice_, pressing it as well forwards towards the _Mold_, as downwards by the _Sholder_ of the _Notch_ close upon the _Stool_, while at the same time with his hinder-Fingers as aforesaid, he draws the under-half of the _Mold_ towards the _Ball_ of his Thumb, and thrusts by the _Ball_ of his Thumb the upper part towards his Fingers, that both the _Registers_ of the _Mold_ may press against both sides of the _Matrice_, and his Thumb and Fingers press both Halves of the _Mold_ close together. Then he takes the Handle of his _Ladle_ in his right Hand, and with the _Boll_ of it gives a stroak two or three outwards upon the _Surface_ of the _Melted Mettal_ to scum or clear it from the Film or Dust that may swim upon it. Then takes up the _Ladle_ full of _Mettal_, and having his _Mold_ as aforesaid in his left hand, he a little twists the left-side of his _Body_ from the _Furnance_, and brings the _Geat_ of his _Ladle_ (full of _Mettal_) to the _Mouth_ of the _Mold_, and twists the upper part of his right-hand towards him to turn the _Mettal_ into it, while at the same moment of Time he Jilts the _Mold_ in his left hand forwards to receive the _Mettal_ with a strong _Shake_ (as it is call’d) not only into the _Bodies_ of the _Mold_, but while the _Mettal_ is yet hot, running swift and strongly into the very _Face_ of the _Matrice_ to receive its perfect Form there, as well as in the _Shanck_. Then he takes the upper half of the _Mold_ off the under-half, by placing his right-Hand Thumb on the end of the _Wood_ next his left-Hand Thumb, and his two middle-Fingers at the other end of the _Wood_, and finding the Letter and _Break_ lie in the under-Half of the _Mold_ (as most commonly by reason of its weight it does) he throws or tosses the Letter _Break_ and all upon a Sheet of Waste-Paper laid for that purpose on the _Bench_ just a little beyond his left-hand, and is then ready to _Cast_ another Letter as before, and also the whole number that is to be _Cast_ with that _Matrice_. But sometimes it happens that by a _Shake_, or too big a _Ladle_, the Mettal may spill or slabber over the _Mouth_ of the upper Half of the _Mold_, so that the spilt _Mettal_ sticking about the outsides of the _Mouth_, may lift the Letter off the under-half of the _Mold_, and keep it in the upper half. Therefore he with the point of the _Hag_ in the Wood of the under-half of the _Mold_, picks at the hollow in the fore part of the _Break_ made by the _Shaking_ out of the _Mettal_, and draws _Break_ and _Letter_ both out. It sometimes sticks in the under Half of the _Mold_ by the same cause, and then he uses the point of the _Hag_ in the upper half of the _Mold_, to pick or hale it out, as before. It also sometimes sticks when any of the Joynts of the _Mold_ open never so little, the _Mettal_ thus getting in between those Joynts: But this fault is not to be indured, for before he can _Cast_ any more, this fault must be mended. But besides _Letters_, there is to be _Cast_ for a perfect _Fount_ (properly a Fund) _Spaces_ Thick and Thin, n _Quadrats_, m _Quadrats_ and _Quadrats_. These are not _Cast_ with _Matrices_ but with _Stops_ (as we may call them) Because when these are _Cast_ they are all shorter than the _Shanck_ of the Letter, that they may not _Print_. Therefore they take off the _Register_ of the under-Half _Mold_, and fit a piece of _Plate-Brass_ about a _Brevier_ Thick and a _Brevier_ longer than to reach to the edge of the _Body_ in the place of the _Register_, and drill a hole in this _Plate-Brass_ right against the Hole in the _Carriage_ that the _Female-Screw_ lies in: This Hole is made so wide that the _Male-Screw_ which screwed the _Register_ close to the _Carriage_ and _Body_ may enter in at it, and screw this _Plate-Brass_ close to them, as it did the _Register_: Then they make a mark with the point of a _Needle_ on the _Plate-Brass_ just against the side of the Edge of the _Body_, and at this mark they double down the end of the _Plate-Brass_ inwards to make a perfect _Square_ with the _inside_ of the whole _Plate_. This doubling down is called the _Stop_ aforesaid, and must be made just so thick as they design the Thin or Thick _Space_ to be, and must have its Upper and Under-Edges filed so exactly to the _Body_, that it may lie close upon the Under-_Carriage_, and just even so high as the upper-side of the _Body_. So that when the Upper half of the _Mold_ is placed on the under-Half, and _Mettal Cast_ in at the _Mouth_ (as before) the _Mettal_ shall descend no deeper between the two _Bodies_ then just to his _Stop_: You must note that this _Stop_ must be filed exactly true as to _Body_ and _Thickness_: For if it be never so little too big in _Body_, the _Carriage_ of the _Mold_ will ride upon it and make the _Body_ of the _Space_ bigger. Or if the _Body_ be never so little too little, the Hot _Mettal_ will run beyond the _Stop_; both which Miscarriages in making the _Stop_, spoil the _Space_. If the _Space_ be too short, they File the end of the _Stop_ shorter. This _Brevier_ thick _Plate_ will be thick enough for _Stops_ for the Thin or Thick _Spaces_ of any Body though of _Great-Cannon_, and for the n _Quadrat Stop_ of any Body under a _Great-Primmer_. And for the m _Quadrat Stop_ of all to a _Brevier_ and all Bodies under it. But for _Stops_ that require to be Thicker then a _Brevier_, instead of doubling the _Stop_ inwards on the _Plate_, I _Solder_ on the inside of that end of the _Plate_ a _Stop_ full big enough in Body, and big enough in Thickness for the _Quadrat_ I intend to make, and afterwards file and fit the _Stop_ exactly as before. When they _Cast_ these _Spaces_ or _Quadrats_, this _Stop_ is always screwed fast upon the _Carriage_ of the under-Half _Mold_ as aforesaid. So that they only fit the upper half _Mold_ on the under, and _Cast_ their Number almost twice as quick as they do the Letters in _Matrices_. It is generally observed by _Work-men_ as a Rule, That when they _Cast Quadrats_ they _Cast_ them exactly to the Thickness of a set Number of m’s or _Body_, _viz._ two m’s thick, three m’s thick, four m’s thick, _&c._ And therefore the _Stops_ aforesaid must all be filed exactly to their several intended thicknesses, The reason is, that when the _Compositer_ Indents any Number of Lines, he may have _Quadrats_ so exactly _Cast_ that he shall not need to _Justifie_ them either with _Spaces_ or other helps. ¶. 2. _Some Rules and Circumstances to be observed in_ Casting. 1. If the Letter be a small _Body_, it requires a Harder _Shake_ than a great _Body_ does: Or if it be a thin Letter though of a greater _Body_, especially small _i_, being a thin Letter its Tittle will hardly _Come_; So that sometimes the _Caster_ is forced to put a little _Block-Tin_ into his Mettal, which makes the Mettal Thinner, and consequently have a freer flux to the _Face_ of the _Matrice_. 2. He often examines the _Registers_ of the _Mold_, by often _Rubbing_ a _Cast_ Letter: For notwithstanding the _Registers_ were carefully _Justified_ before, and hard screwed up; yet the constant thrusting of both _Registers_ against the sides of the _Matrice_, may and often do force them more or less to drive backwards. Or a fall of one half or both Halfs of the _Mold_, may drive them backwards or forwards: Therefore he examins, as I said, how they _Rub_, whether too Thick or too Thin. And if he see Cause, mends the _Registers_, as I shew’d §. 5. ¶. 2. Or if the _Matrice_ be _Botcht_, as I shew’d you §. 5. ¶. 3. then those _Botches_ (being only so many fine points rising out of the Body of the _Copper_ of the _Matrice_) may with so many reiterated pressures of the _Registers_ against them, flatten more and more, and press towards the Body of the _Matrice_, and consequently make the Letter Thinner: Which if it do, this must be mended in the _Matrice_ by re-raising it to its due Thickness. 3. He pretty often examins, as I shew’d in §. 5. ¶. 2. how the Letters stand in _Line_: For when great Numbers are _Cast_ with one _Matrice_, partly by pressing the point of the _Wyer_ against the _Bottom-Sholder_ of the _Notch_ in the back-side of the _Matrice_, and partly by the softness of the matter of his _Matrice_ and hardness of the _Iron-stool_, the _Foot_ of the _Matrice_ (if it wear not) may batter so much as to put the Letter out of Line. This must be mended with a _Botch_, _viz._ by knocking up the _Foot_ of the _Matrice_, as I shew’d §. 5. ¶. 3. A Workman will _Cast_ about four thousand of these Letters ordinarily in one day. ¶. 3. _Of_ Breaking _off_ Letters. _Breaking_ off is commonly Boys-work: It is only to _Break_ the _Break_ from the _Shanck_ of the _Letter_. All the care in it is, that he take up the _Letter_ by its Thickness, not its _Body_ (unless its Thickness be equal to its Body) with the fore-Finger and Thumb of his right Hand as close to the _Break_ as he can, lest if when the _Break_ be between the fore-Finger and Thumb of his left hand, the force of _Breaking_ off the _Break_ should bow the _Shanck_ of the _Letter_. ¶. 4. _Of_ Rubbing _of_ Letters. _Rubbing_ of _Letters_ is also most commonly Boys-work: But when they do it, they provide _Finger-stalls_ for the two fore-Fingers of the right-Hand: For else the Skin of their Fingers would quickly rub off with the sharp greet of the Stone. These _Finger-stalls_ are made of old _Ball-Leather_ or _Pelts_ that _Printers_ have done with: Then having an heap of one sort of _Letters_ lying upon the Stone before them, with the left hand they pick up the _Letter_ to be _Rub’d_, and lay it down in the _Rubbing_ place with one of its sides upwards they clap the Balls of the fore-Finger and middle-Finger upon the fore and hinder-ends of the _Letter_, and _Rubbing_ the _Letter_ pretty lightly backwards about eight or nine Inches, they bring it forwards again with an hard pressing _Rub_ upon the _Stone_; where the fore-Finger and Thumb of the left hand is ready to receive it, and quickly turn the opposite side of the _Letter_, to take such a _Rub_ as the other side had. But in _Rubbing_ they are very careful that they press the Balls of their Fingers equally hard on the _Head_ and _Foot_ of the _Letter_. For if the _Head_ and _Foot_ be not equally prest on the _Stone_, either the _Head_ or _Foot_ will _drive-out_ when the _Letters_ come to be _Composed_ in the _Stick_; So that without _Rubbing_ over again they cannot be _Drest_. ¶. 5. _Of_ Kerning _of_ Letters. Amongst the _Italick-Letters_ many are to be _Kern’d_, some only on one side, and some both sides. The _Kern’d-Letters_ are such as have part of their _Face_ hanging over one side or both sides of their _Shanck_: These cannot be _Rub’d_, because part of the _Face_ would _Rub_ away when the whole side of the _Shanck_ is toucht by the _Stone_: Therefore they must be _Kern’d_, as _Founders_ call it: Which to do, they provide a small Stick bigger or less, according as the _Body_ of the _Letter_ that is to be _Kern’d_. This _Kerning-stick_ is somewhat more than an Handful long, and it matters not whether it be square or round: But if it be square the Edges of it must be pretty well rounded away, lest with long usage and hard Cutting they Gall the Hand. The upper-side of this _Kerning-Stick_ is flatted away somewhat more than the length of the _Letter_, and on that flat part is cut away a flat bottom with two square sides like the _Sides_ or _Ledges_ of the _Lining-stick_ to serve for two _Sholders_. That side to be _Kern’d_ and _scrap’d_, is laid upwards, and its opposite side on the bottom of the _Kerning-stick_ with the _Foot_ of the _Letter_ against the bottom _Sholder_, and the side of the _Letter_ against the side _Sholder_ of the _Kerning-stick_. He also provides a _Kerning-Knife_: This is a pretty strong piece of a broken Knife, about three Inches long, which he fits into a Wooden-Handle: But first he breaks off the Back of the Knife towards the Point, so as the whole edge lying in a straight line the piece broken off from the back to the edge may leave an angle at the point of about 45 Degrees, which irregular breaking (for so we must suppose it) he either _Grinds_ or _Rubs_ off on a _Grind-stone_. Then he takes a piece of a Broom-stick for his Handle, and splits one end of it about two Inches long towards the other end, and the split part he either Cuts or Rasps away about a _Brevier_ deep round about that end of the Handle. Then he puts about an Inch and an half of his broken blade into the split or slit in the Handle, and ties a four or five doubled Paper a little below the Rasped part of the Handle round about it, to either a _Pica_ or _Long-Primmer_ thick of the slit end of the Handle. This _Paper_ is so ordered that all its sides round about shall stand equally distant from all the Rasped part of the Handle: For then setting the other end of the Handle in Clay, or otherwise fastening it upright, when _Mettal_ is poured in between the Rasped part of the Handle and the Paper about it, that _Mettal_ will make a strong _Ferril_ to the _Handle_ of the _Knife_. The irregularities that may happen in _Casting_ this _Ferril_ may be Rasped away to make it more handy and Handsome. Now to return again where I left off. Holding the Handle of the _Kerning-stick_ in his left hand, He lays the side of the _Letter_ to be _Kern’d_ upwards with the _Face_ of the _Letter_ towards the end of the _Kerning-stick_: the side of the _Letter_ against the side _Sholder_ of the _Kerning-stick_, and the _Foot_ of the _Letter_ against the bottom _Sholder_ of the _Kerning-stick_, and laying the end of the Ball of his left-Hand Thumb hard upon the _Shanck_ of the _Letter_ to keep its _Side_ and _Foot_ steddy against the _Sholders_ of the _Kerning-stick_, he with the _Kerning-Knife_ in his right-Hand cuts off about one quarter of the _Mettal_ between the _Beard_ of the _Shanck_ and the _Face_ of the _Letter_. Then turning his _Knife_ so as the back of it may lean towards him, he scrapes towards him with the edge of the _Knife_ about half the length of that upper-side, _viz._ about so much as his Thumb does not cover: Then he turns the _Face_ of the _Letter_ against the lower _Sholder_ of the _Kerning-stick_, and scraping fromwards him with a stroak or two of his _Knife_ smoothens that end of the _Letter_ also. If the other side of the _Letter_ be not to be _Kern’d_ it was before _Rub’d_ on the _Stone_, as was shewed in the last ¶: But if it be to be _Kern’d_, then he makes a little hole in his _Kerning-stick_, close to the lower _Sholder_ of it and full deep enough to receive all that part of the _Face_ of the _Letter_ that hangs over the _Shanck_, that the _Shanck_ of the _Letter_ may lie flat and solid on the bottom of the _Kerning-stick_, and that so the _Shanck_ of the _Letter_ bow not when the weight of the hand presses the edge of the _Kerning-Knife_ hard upon it. Into this hole he puts (as before said) so much of the _Face_ of the _Letter_ as hangs over the side of the _Shanck_, and so scrapes the lower end of the _Letter_ and _Kerns_ the upper end, as he did the former side of the _Letter_. ¶. 6. _Of_ Setting up, _or_ Composing Letters. I described in §. 5. ¶. 2. the _Lining-stick_, But now we are come to _Setting up_, or _Composing_ of _Letters_. The _Founder_ must provide many _Composing-Sticks_; five or six dozen at the least. These _Composing-sticks_ are indeed but long _Lining-sticks_, about seven or eight and twenty Inches long _Handle_ and all: Whereof the _Handle_ is about three Inches and an half long: But as the _Lining-stick_ I described was made of _Brass_: So these _Composing-sticks_ are made of _Beech-Wood_. When the Boy _Sets_ up _Letters_ (for it is commonly Boys-Work) The _Caster Casts_ about an hundred _Quadrats_ of the same _Body_ about half an Inch broad at least, let the _Body_ be what it will, and of the length of the whole _Carriage_, only by placing a flat _Brass_ or _Iron Plate_ upon the _Stool_ of the _Mold_ close against the _Carriage_ and _Body_, to stop the _Mettal_ from running farther. The Boy (I say) takes the _Composing-stick_ by the _Handle_ in his left hand, clasping it about with his four Fingers, and puts the _Quadrat_ first into the _Composing-stick_, and lays the Ball of his Thumb upon it, and with the fore-Finger and Thumb of his right-Hand, assisted by his middle-finger to turn the _Letter_ to a proper position, with its _Nick_ upwards towards the bottom side of the _Composing-stick_; while it is coming to the _Stick_, he at the same time lifts up the Thumb of his left hand, and with it receives and holds the _Letter_ against the fore-side of the _Quadrat_, and after it, all the _Letters_ of the same sort, if the _Stick_ will hold them, If not he _Sets_ them in so many _Sticks_ as will hold them: Observing to _Set_ all the _Nicks_ of them upwards, as aforesaid. And as he _Set_ a _Quadrat_ at the beginning of the _Composing-stick_, so he fills not his _Stick_ so full, but that he may _Set_ another such _Quadrat_ at the end of it. ¶. 7. _Some Rules and Circumstances to be observed in_ Setting _up_ Letters. 1. If they _Drive_ a little out at _Head_ or _Foot_, so little as not to require new _Rubbing_ again, then he holds his Thumb harder against the _Head_ or _Foot_, so as to draw the _Driving_ end inward: For else when they come to _Scraping_, and _Dressing_ the _Hook_ of the _Dressing-Hook_ drawing Square, will endanger the middle or some other part of _Letters_ in the _Stick_ to _Spring_ out: And when they come into the _Dressing-block_, the _Knots_ of the _Blocks_ drawing also square subject them to the same inconvenience. And if they _Drive_ out at the _Head_, the _Feet_ will more or less stand off one another: So that when the _Tooth_ of the _Plow_ comes to _Dress_ the _Feet_, it will more or less job against every _Letter_, and be apt to make a bowing at the _Feet_, or at least make a _Bur_ on their sides at the _Feet_. 2. When _Short-Letters_ are begun to be _Set_ up in a _Stick_, the whole _Stick_ must be fill’d with _Short-Letters_: Because when they are _Dressing_, the _Short-Letters_ must be _Bearded_ on both sides the _Body_: And should _Short-Letters_ or _Ascending_ or _Descending_ or _Long_ stand together, the _Short_ cannot be _Bearded_ because the _Stems_ of the _Ascending_ or _Descending_ or _Long-Letters_ reach upon the _Body_ to the _Beard_: So that the _Short-Letters_ cannot be _Bearded_, unless the _Stems_ of the other _Letters_ should be scraped off. 3. When _Long-Letters_ are begun to be _Set_ up in the _Stick_, none but such must fill it, for the reason aforesaid. 4. If any _Letters Kern’d_ on one side be to be _Set_ up, and the _Stems_ of the same _Letters_ reach not to the opposite _Beard_ as s or f, in _Setting_ up these or such like _Letters_, every next _Letter_ is turned with its _Nick_ downwards, that the _Kern_ of each _Letter_ may lie over the _Beard_ of its next. But then they must be all _Set_ up again with a _Short-Letter_ between each, that they may be _Bearded_. As every _Stick-full_ is set up, he sets them by upon the _Racks_, ready for the _Dresser_ to _Dress_, as shall be shewed in the next §. [Illustration: _Plate 21._] The _Racks_ are described in _Plate 21._ at A. They are made of Square _Deal Battens_ about seven Inches and an half long, as at _a b a b a b_, and are at the ends _b b b_ let into two upright _Stiles_, standing about sixteen Inches and an half assunder, and the fore-ends of the _Racks_ mounting a little, that when _Sticks_ of _Letters_ is _Set_ by on any two parallel _Racks_, there may be no danger that the _Letters_ in them shall slide off forward; but their _Feet_ rest against the _Bottom-Ledges_ of the _Composing-sticks_. They set by as many of these _Sticks_ with _Letter_ in them, as will stand upon one another between every two _Rails_, and then set another pile of _Sticks_ with _Letter_ in them before the first, till the length of the _Rail_ be also filled with _Sticks_ of _Letter_ before one another. They set all the _Sticks_ of _Letters_ with their ends even to one another with the _Faces_ of the _Letter_ forwards. This _Frame of Racks_ is always placed near the _Dressing-Bench_, that it may stand convenient to the _Letter-Dressers_ Hand. §. 20. ¶. 1. _Of_ Dressing _of_ Letters. There be several Tools and Machines used to the _Dressing_ of _Letters_: And unless I should describe them to you first, you might perhaps in my following discourse not well understand me: Wherefore I shall begin with them: They are as follows. 1. The _Dressing-Sticks_. 2. The _Bench_, _Blocks_ and its Appurtenances. 3. The _Dressing-Hook_. 4. The _Dressing-Knife_. 5. The _Plow_. 6. The _Mallet_. Of each of these in order. ¶. 2. _Of the_ Dressing-Sticks. I need give no other Description of the _Dressing-sticks_, than I did in the last §. and ¶. of the _Composing-Sticks_: Only they are made of hard Wood, and of greater Substance, as well because hard Wood will work smoother than soft Wood, as because greater Substance is less Subject to warp or shake than smaller Substance is. And also because hard Wood is less Subject to be penetrated by the sharpness of the _Bur_ of the _Mettal_ on the _Letters_ than the soft. ¶. 3. _Of the_ Block-Grove, _and its_ Appurtenances. The _Block-Grove_ is described in _Plate 21. a b_. The _Groove_ in which the _Blocks_ are laid, two Inches deep, and seven Inches and an half wide at one end, and seven Inches wide at the other end: One of the _Cheeks_ as _c_ is three Inches and an half broad at one end, and three Inches broad at the other end, and the other _Cheek_ three Inches broad the whole Length: The Length of these _Cheeks_ are two and twenty Inches. [Illustration: _Plate 22._] The _Wedge_ _e f_ is seven and twenty Inches and an half long, two Inches broad at one end, and three Inches and an half broad at the other end; And two Inches deep. _g g g g_ The _Bench_ on which the _Dressing-Blocks_ are placed, are about sixteen Inches broad, and two Foot ten Inches high from the Floor. The _Bench_ hath its farther Side, and both ends, railed about with slit Deal about two Inches high, that the _Hook_, the _Knife_, and _Plow_, &c. fall not off when the Workman is at Work. The _Blocks_ are described in _Plate 21_ at a b: They are made of hard Wood. These _Blocks_ are six and twenty Inches long, and each two Inches square. They are _Male_ and _Female_, a the _Male_, b the _Female_: Through the whole Length of the _Male-Block_ runs a _Tongue_ as at _a b_, and a _Groove_ as at _c d_, for the _Tongue_ of the _Plow_ to run in; This _Tongue_ is about half an Inch thick, and stands out square from the upper and under-sides of the _Block_. About three Inches within the ends of the _Block_ is placed a _Knot_ as at _c c_: These _Knots_ are small square pieces of _Box-wood_, the one above, and the other below the _Tongue_. The _Female- Block_ is such another _Block_ as the _Male-Block_, only, instead of a _Tongue_ running through the length of it a _Groove_ is made to receive the _Tongue_ of the _Male-Block_, and the _Knots_ in this _Block_ are made at the contrary ends, that when the _Face_ of a _Stick_ of _Letter_ is placed on the _Tongue_ the _Knot_ in the _Male-Block_ stops the _Stick_ of _Letter_ from sliding forwards, while the other _Knot_ in the _Female-Block_ at the other end, by the knocking of a _Mallet_ on the end of the _Block_ forces the _Letter_ between the _Blocks_ forwards, and so the whole _Stick_ of _Letters_ between these two _Knots_ are screwzed together, and by the _Wedge_ _e f_ in _Plate 21_ (also with the force of a _Mallet_) _Wedges_ the two _Blocks_ and the _Stick_ of _Letter_ in them also tight, and close between the sides of the two _Blocks_; that afterwards the _Plow_ may more certainly do its Office upon the _Foot_ of the _Letter_; as shall be shewed hereafter.1 ¶. 3. _Of the_ Dressing-Hook. The _Dressing-Hook_ is described in _Plate 21_ at c. This is a long square _Rod_ of _Iron_, about two Foot long and a _Great-Primmer_ square: Its end _a_ is about a _two-Lin’d-English_ thick, and hath a small _Return_ piece of _Iron_ made square to the under-side of the _Rod_, that when the whole _Dressing-Hook_ is laid along a _Stick_ of _Letter_, this _Return piece_ or _Hook_ may, when the _Rod_ is drawn with the _Ball_ of the Thumb, by the _Knot_ on the upper-side of it at c, draw all the _Letter_ in the _Stick_ tight and close up together, that the _Stick_ of _Letter_ may be _Scraped_, as shall be shewed. ¶. 4. _Of the_ Dressing-Knife. The _Dressing-Knife_ is delineated at d in _Plate 21_. It is only a short piece of a _Knife_ broken off about two Inches from the _Sholder_: But its Edge is _Basil’d_ away from the back to the point pretty suddenly to make it the stronger: The _Sprig_ or _Pin_ of the _Handle_ is commonly let into an Hole drilled into a piece of the Tip of an Harts-horn, as in the Figure and is fastned in with _Rosen_, as other _Knives_ are into their _Handles_. ¶. 5. _Of the_ Plow. The _Plow_ is delineated in _Plate 21_ at e: It is almost a common _Plain_ (which I have already described in _Vol._ 1. _Numb._ 4. _Plate 4_. and §. 2 to 9.) only with this distinction, that through the length of the _Sole_ runs such a _Tongue_, as does through the _Male-Block_ to slide tight and yet easily through the _Groove_ made on the top of the _Male-block_: Its _Blade_ makes an _Angle_ of 60 Degrees with the _Sole_ of it. §. 21. ¶. 1. _Of_ Dressing _of_ Letters. The _Letter-Dresser_ hath (as I told you before) his _Letter Set_ up in _Composing-sticks_, with their _Nicks_ upwards, and those _Sticks_ set upon the _Racks_: Therefore he takes one _Stick_ off the _Racks_, and placing the _Handle_ of the _Composing-stick_ in his left hand, he takes the contrary end of the _Dressing-stick_ in his right-hand, and laying the Back of the _Dressing-stick_ even upon or rather a little hanging over the Back of the _Composing-stick_, that the _Feet_ of the _Letter_ may fall within the _Bottom-Ledge_ of the _Dressing-stick_; He at the same time fits the _Side-Ledge_ of the _Dressing-stick_ against the farther end of the _Line_ of _Letters_ in the _Composing-stick_: And holding then both _Sticks_ together, his left hand at the _Handle_-end of the _Composing-stick_, and his right-Hand within about two Handfuls of the _Handle_-end of the _Dressing-stick_, He turns his Hands, _Sticks_ and all, outward from his left hand, till the _Composing-stick_ lies flat upon the _Dressing-stick_, and consequently the _Letters_ in the _Composing-stick_ is turned and laid upon the _Dressing-stick_. Then he goes as near the Light as he can with the _Letters_ in his _Dressing-stick_, and examins what _Letters Come not well_ either in the _Face_ or _Shanck_: So that then holding the _Dressing-stick_ in his left hand, and tilting the _Bottom-Ledge_ a little downward, that the _Feet_ of the _Letter_ may rest against the _Bottom-Ledge_, and laying the Ball of his Thumb upon any certain Number of _Letters_ between his _Body_ and the _Letter_ to be _Cast out_, He with the _Foot_ of a _Space_ or some thin _Letter_, lifts up the _Letter_ to be _Cast out_, and lets it fall upon the _Dressing-Bench_: and thus he does to all the _Letters_ in that _Stick_ that are to be _Thrown out_. Then taking again the _Dressing-Stick_ in his left hand at or near the handle of it, he takes the _Dressing-Hook_ at the _Knot_, between the fore-Finger and Thumb of his right-Hand, and laying the _Hook_ over the edge of the _Quadrat_ at the farther end of the _Dressing-stick_, near the _bottom-Ledge_ of it, he slips his right-hand to the _Handle_ of the _Dressing-stick_, and his left hand towards the middle of the _Dressing-stick_, so as the end of the Ball of his Thumb may draw by the farther end of the _Knot_ on the _Dressing-Hook_ the whole _Dressing-Hook_, and the _Hook_ at the end of it the whole _Stick_ of _Letter_ close together towards him; While at the same time he with his Fingers clutched about the _Stick_ and _Letter_, and the Thumb-_ball_ of his hand presses the under flat of the _Hooking-stick_ close against the _Letter_ and _Dressing-stick_, that the _Letter_ in the _Stick_ may lie fast and manageable. Then he takes the _Handle_ of the _Dressing-Knife_ in his right-Hand, and inclining the back of it towards his _Body_, that its _Basil_-edge may _Cut_ or _Scrap_ the smoother, He _Scrapes_ twice or thrice upon so much of the whole _Line_ of _Letters_ as lies between the outer-side of the _Dressing-Hook_ and the _Face_ of the _Letter_. But if twice or thrice _Scraping_, have not taken all the _Bur_ or irregularities off so much of the _Letter_ as he _Scraped_ upon, he _Scrapes_ yet longer and oftner till the whole number of _Letters_ in the _Dressing-stick_ from end to end seems but one intire piece of _Mettal_. Thus is that side of the fore-part (_viz._ that part towards the _Face_) of the _Shanck_ of the _Body_ finisht. To _Scrape_ the other end of that side of the _Letter_, _viz._ that towards the _Feet_; He turns the _Handle_ of the _Stick_ from him, and removing the _Dressing-Hook_ towards the _Face_ of the _Letter_ which is already _Scraped_, he places his Thumb against the _Knot_ of the _Dressing-Hook_, and presses it hard from him, that the _Hook_ of the _Dressing-Hook_ being now towards him, may force the whole _Stick_ of _Letter_ forwards against the _Side-Ledge_ of the _Dressing-stick_; that so the whole _Line_ in the _Stick_ may lie again the faster and more manageable: Then he _Scrapes_ with the _Dressing-Knife_ as before, till the end of the _Shanck_ of the _Letter_ towards the _Feet_ be also _Drest_. Then he lays by his _Dressing-Hook_, and keeping his _Dressing-stick_ of _Letter_ still in his left hand, he takes a second _Dressing-stick_, with its _Handle_ in his right-Hand, and lays the _Side-Ledge_ of it against the hither-side of the _Quadrat_ at the hither end of the _Dressing-stick_, and the _bottom-Ledge_ of the second _Stick_ hanging a little over the _Feet_ of the _Letter_, that they may be comprehended within the _bottom-Ledge_ of the second _Dressing-stick_; and so removing his left hand towards the middle of both _Dressing-sticks_, and clasping them close together, he turns both Hands outwards towards the left, till the _Letter_ in the first _Dressing-stick_ lie upon the second _Dressing-stick_, and then the _Face_ of the _Letter_ will lie outwards toward the right-Hand, and the _Nicks_ upwards. Then he uses the _Dressing-Hook_ and _Dressing-Knife_ to _Scrape_ this side the _Line_ of _Letter_, as he did before to the other side of the _Line_ of _Letter_: So shall both sides be _Scraped_ and _Drest_. Having thus _Scraped_ both the sides, He takes the _Handle_ of the _Dressing-stick_ into his left hand, as before, and takes the _Male-block_ into his right-Hand, and placing the _Tongue_ of the _Block_ against the _Face_ of the _Letter_ in the _Dressing-stick_, he also places the _Knot_ of the _Block_ against the farther side of the _Quadrat_ at the farther end of the _Stick_, and so placing his right-Hand underneath the middle of the _Dressing-stick_ and _Block_, he turns his Hand outwards towards the left, as before, and transfers the _Letter_ in the _Dressing-stick_ to the _Male-Block_: Yet he so holds and manages the _Block_ that the _Shanck_ of the _Letter_ may rest at once upon the side of the _Block_ the _Knot_ is placed in, and the _Face_ of the _Letter_ upon the _Tongue_. When his _Stick_ of _Letters_ is thus transfer’d to the _Male-Block_, He claps the middle of the _Male-Block_ into his left hand, tilting the _Feet_ of the _Letter_ a little upwards, that the _Face_ may rest upon the _Tongue_, and then takes about the middle of the _Female-Block_ in his right-Hand, and lays it so upon the _Male-Block_, that the _Tongue_ of the _Male-Block_ may fall into the _Tongue_ of the _Female-Block_, and that the _Knot_ at the hither end of the _Female-Block_ may stand against the hither-side of the _Quadrat_ at the hither end of the _Line_ of _Letters_: So that when the _Knot_ of the _Male-Block_ is lightly drawn towards the _Knot_ of the _Female-Block_, or the _Knot_ of the _Female-Block_ lightly thrust towards the _Knot_ of the _Male-Block_, both _Knots_ shall squeeze the _Letter_ close between them. Then he grasps both _Blocks_ with the _Letter_ between them in both his Hands, and lays them in the _Block-Groove_, with the _Feet_ of the _Letter_ upwards, and the hither-side of the hither _Block_ against the hither _Cheek_ of the _Block-Groove_. And putting the _Wedge_ into the vacant space between the _Blocks_ and the further _Cheek_ of the _Block-Groove_, he lightly with his right-Hand thrusts up the _Wedge_ to force the _Blocks_ close together, and pinch the _Letter_ close between the _Blocks_. Then with the _Balls_ of the Fingers of both his Hands, he Patts gently upon the _Feet_ of the _Letter_, to press all their _Faces_ down upon the _Tongue_; which having done, he takes the _Mallet_ in his right-Hand, and with it knocks gently upon the head of the _Wedge_ to pinch the _Letter_ yet closer to the insides of the _Blocks_. Then he Knocks lightly and successively upon the _Knot-ends_ of both the _Blocks_, to force the _Letters_ yet closer together. And then again knocks now pretty hard upon the head of the _Wedge_, and also pretty hard upon the _Knot-ends_ of the _Blocks_, to _Lock_ the _Letter_ tight and close up. Then he places the _Tongue_ of the _Plow_ in the upper _Groove_ of the _Block_; And having the _Tooth_ of the _Iron_ fitted in the _Plow_, so as to fall just upon the middle of the _Feet_ of the _Letter_, he grasps the _Plow_ in his right-Hand, placing his Wrist-Ball against the _Britch_ of it, and guiding the fore-end with his left hand, slides the _Plow_ gently along the whole length of the _Blocks_; so as the _Tooth_ of the _Iron_ bears upon the _Feet_ of the _Letter_: And if it be a small _Letter_ he _Plows_ upon, the _Tooth_ of the _Iron_ will have cut a _Groove_ deep enough through the length of the whole _Block_ of _Letters_: But if the _Body_ of the _Letter_ be great, he reiterates his _Traverses_ two three or four times according to the Bigness of the _Body_ of the _Letter_, till he have made a _Groove_ about a _Space_ deep in the _Feet_ of the _Shancks_ of the whole _Blocks_ of _Letter_, and have cut off all the irregularities of the _Break_. Then with a small piece of _Buff_ or some other soft _Leather_, he rubs a little upon the _Feet_ of the _Letter_ to smoothen them. Then he unlocks the _Blocks_ of _Letter_, by knocking with the _Mallet_ upon the small end of the _Wedge_, and first takes the _Wedge_ from between the _Blocks_ and _Cheeks_, and lays it upon the farther _Cheek_, and afterwards takes the _Blocks_ with _Letter_ in it near both ends of the _Blocks_ between the Fingers and Thumbs of both his Hands, and turns the hithermost _Block_ upon the hithermost _Cheek_, and with his Fingers and Thumbs again lifts off the upper _Block_, leaving the _Letter_ on the undermost _Block_ with its _Face_ against the _Tongue_. Then taking the _Block_ with _Letter_ in it in his left hand, he places the _Knot-end_ from him, and takes the _Handle_ of the _Dressing-stick_ in his right-Hand, and lays the _Side-Ledge_ of it against the hither side of the _Quadrat_ at the hither end, and the _Bottom-ledge_ against the _Feet_ of the _Letter_, he grasps the _Handle_ of the _Dressing-stick Block_ and all in his left hand, and lays his right-Hand Thumb along the under-side of the _Dressing-stick_ about the middle, and with the Fingers of the same Hand grasps the _Block_, and turning his Hands, _Block_, and _Dressing-stick_ to the right, transfers the _Letter_ in the _Block_ upon the _Dressing-stick_. Then grasping the _Dressing-stick_ by the _Handle_ with his left hand, he with his right-Hand takes the _Dressing-Hook_ by the _Knot_, and lays the inside of the _Hook_ of it against the farther side of the _Quadrat_ at the farther end of the _Stick_, and drawing the _Hook_ and _Letter_ in the _Dressing-stick_ with his left Thumb by the _Knot_ close up toward him, he resting the _Stick_ upon the _Dressing-bench_ that he may _Scrape_ the harder upon the _Beard_ with the Edge of the _Dressing-Knife_, _Scrapes_ off the _Beard_ as near the _Face_ as he dares for fear of spoiling it, and about a Thick _Space_ deep at least into the _Shanck_. If the Bottom and Top are both to be _Bearded_, He transfers the _Letter_ into another _Dressing-stick_, as hath been shewed, and _Beards_ it also as before. ¶. 2. _Some Rules and Circumstances to be observed in_ Dressing _of_ Letters. 1. The _Letter-Dresser_ ought to be furnisht with three or four sorts of _Dressing-sticks_, which differ nothing from one another save in the Height of their _Ledges_. The _Ledges_ of one pair no higher than a _Scaboard_. This pair of _Sticks_ may serve to _Dress_, _Pearl_, _Nomparel_, and _Brevier_. Another pair whose _Ledges_ may be a _Nomparel_ high. And this pair of _Dressing-sticks_ will serve to _Dress_ _Brevier_, _Long-Primmer_, and _Pica_: Another pair whose _Ledges_ may be a _Long-Primmer_ high: And these _Dressing-sticks_ may serve to _Dress_ _Pica_, _English_, _Great-Primmer_, and _Double-Pica_. And if you will another pair of _DresDressing-sticks_, whose _Ledges_ may be an _English_ High: And these _Dressing-sticks_ may serve to _Dress_ all big Bodyed _Letters_, even to the Greatest. 2. As he ought to be furnisht with several sorts of _Dressing-sticks_ as aforesaid: So ought he also to be furnisht with several _Blocks_, whose _Knots_ are to correspond with the Sizes of the _Ledges_ of the _Dressing-sticks_, for the _Dressing_ of several _Bodies_ as aforesaid. 3. He ought to be furnisht with three or four _Dressing-Hooks_, whose _Hooks_ ought to be of the several Depths aforesaid, to fit and suit with the several _Bodyed-Letters_. 4. He must have two _Dressing-Knives_, one to lie before the _Blocks_ to _Scrape_ and _Beard_ the _Letter_ in the _Sticks_, and the other behind the _Dressing-blocks_ to use when occasion serves to _Scrape_ off a small _Bur_, the _Tooth_ of the _Plow_ may have left upon the _Feet_ of the _Letter_. And though one _Dressing-Knife_ may serve to both these uses: Yet when Work-men are in a Train of Work they begrutch the very turning the Body about, or stepping one step forward or backward; accounting that it puts them out of their Train, and hinders their riddance of Work. 5. For every _Body_ of _Letter_ he is to have a particular _Plow_, and the _Tooth_ of the _Iron_ of each _Plow_ is to be made exactly to a set bigness, the measure of which bigness is to be taken from the size of the _Break_ that is to be _Plowed_ away. For Example, If it be a _Pearl Body_ to be _Plowed_, the breadth of the _Tooth_ ought not to be above a thin _Scaboard_: Because the _Break_ of that _Body_ cannot be bigger, for Reasons I have given before; But the _Tooth_ must be full broad enough, and rather broader than the _Break_, lest any of the irregularity of the _Break_ should be left upon the _Foot_ of the _Letter_. And so for every _Body_ he fits the _Tooth_ of the _Iron_, full broad enough and a little broader than the size of the _Break_. This is one reason why for every particular _Body_ he ought to have a particular _Plow_. Another reason is. The _Tooth_ of this _Plow_ must be exactly set to a punctual distance from the _Tongue_ of the _Plow_: For if they should often shift _Irons_ to the several _Stocks_ of the _Plow_, they would create themselves by shifting more trouble than the price of a _Stock_ would compensate. A _Fount_ of _Letter_ being new _Cast_ and _Drest_, the Boy _Papers_ up each sort in a _Cartridge_ by it self, and puts about an hundred Pounds weight, _viz._ a Porters Burthen into a _Basket_ to be sent to the _Master-Printers_. The _Steel-Punches_ being now _Cut_, the _Molds_ made, the _Matrices Sunk_, the _Letters Cast_, and _Drest_, the application of these _Letters_ falls now to the task of the _Compositer_; whose _Trade_ shall be (God willing) the Subject of the next _Exercises_. _FINIS._ TRANSCRIBER’S NOTES. 1. Retained anachronistic and non-standard spellings as printed. 2. Silently corrected typographical errors. 3. Page 70. “§. 19.” changed to “¶. 19.”. 4. The paragraph symbol “¶” has been standardised as “¶.”. 5. The section symbol “§” has been standardised as “§.”. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK MOXON'S MECHANICK EXERCISES, VOLUME 1 (OF 2) *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. 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