The Project Gutenberg eBook of The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 11, November, 1882 This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 11, November, 1882 Author: Various Release date: October 18, 2018 [eBook #58127] Language: English Credits: Produced by Joshua Hutchinson, KarenD and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by Cornell University Digital Collections) *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY — VOLUME 36, NO. 11, NOVEMBER, 1882 *** Produced by Joshua Hutchinson, KarenD and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by Cornell University Digital Collections) [Illustration: VOL. XXXVI. NOVEMBER, 1882. NO. 11. THE American Missionary “THEY ARE RISING ALL ARE RISING, THE BLACK AND WHITE TOGETHER” NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION, ROOMS, 56 READE STREET. * * * * * Price, 50 Cents a Year, in Advance. * * * * * Entered at the Post-Office at New York, N.Y., as second-class matter.] CONTENTS. * * * * * PAGE. EDITORIALS. THIS NUMBER—The W. H. M. A. 321 LADY MISSIONARIES—Lady Missionary in New Orleans 322 PARAGRAPH—Missionary Campaign 323 CHRISTIANIZATION OF OUR COUNTRY FOR THE SAKE OF THE WORLD 324 PARAGRAPH—Benefactions 326 GENERAL NOTES—Africa, Indians 327 THE FREEDMEN. LIVINGSTONE MISSIONARY HALL 328 LIVINGSTONE MISSIONARY HALL (Cut) 329 HYGIENIC DEPARTMENT OF FISK UNIVERSITY—Student Teaching 330 PERMANENT TEMPERANCE WORK 331 WORK IN TOPEKA 333 AFRICA. DR. LADD’S JOURNAL 334 THE INDIANS. FARMING AT FORT BERTHOLD 340 RELIGIOUS INTEREST AT S’KOKOMISH—School at Leech Lake 341 THE CHINESE. REVIEW OF THE YEAR 342 CHILDREN’S PAGE. LETTER FROM AN INDIAN BOY 342 RECEIPTS 343 CONSTITUTION 349 PROPOSED CONSTITUTION 350 * * * * * American Missionary Association, 56 READE STREET, NEW YORK. * * * * * PRESIDENT, HON. WM. B. WASHBURN, Mass. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. Rev. M. E. STRIEBY, D.D., _56 Reade Street, N.Y._ TREASURER. H. W. HUBBARD, Esq., _56 Reade Street, N.Y._ DISTRICT SECRETARIES. Rev. C. L. WOODWORTH, _Boston_. Rev. G. D. PIKE, D.D., _New York_. Rev. JAMES POWELL, _Chicago_. COMMUNICATIONS relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields to the District Secretaries; letters for the Editor of the “American Missionary,” to Rev. G. Pike, D.D., at the New York office. DONATIONS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS may be sent to H. W. Hubbard, Treasurer, 56 Reade Street, New York, or, when more convenient, to either of the Branch Offices, Rev. C. L. Woodworth. Dist. Sec., 21 Congregational House, Boston, Mass., or Rev. James Powell, Dist. Sec., 112 West Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. A payment of thirty dollars at one time constitutes a Life Member. Letters relating to boxes and barrels of clothing may be addressed to the persons above named. FORM OF A BEQUEST “I BEQUEATH to my executor (or executors) the sum of —— dollars, in trust, to pay the same in —— days after my decease to the person who, when the same is payable, shall act as Treasurer of the ‘American Missionary Association’ of New York City, to be applied, under the direction of the Executive Committee of the Association, to its charitable uses and purposes.” The Will should be attested by three witnesses. The Annual report of the A. M. A. contains the Constitution of the Association and the By-laws of the Executive Committee. A copy will be sent free on application. THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY. * * * * * VOL. XXXVI. NOVEMBER, 1882. NO. 11. * * * * * American Missionary Association. * * * * * This number of the MISSIONARY will reach our readers about the time of the assembling of our friends at the Annual Meeting. With the sum of $300,000 so nearly reached, with no debt upon our treasury, with a year of most successful work, with the addition of many large, commodious and much needed buildings, and with the dew of divine grace resting upon many of our churches and schools, we shall meet in our annual gathering with abundant causes of gratitude towards God for the past, and hope and courage for another year. Prayer is the vital breath of the Christian life, and none the less of missionary endeavor. We ask a place evermore in the prayers of God’s people. At our Annual Meeting it is our custom to spend a season of devotion on Tuesday afternoon in concert with all our workers in the field, who gather in their homes and schools and churches to lift up their voices in thanks and supplications with us for the blessing of God upon our work. We ask those of our Christian friends whose eyes may rest upon this page at that hour of worship to unite with us in it; and may we not hope that this suggestion, though received later, may stimulate to earnest supplication in behalf of our work? * * * * * THE WOMAN’S HOME MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. The arrangement for co-operation between the A. M. A. and the W. H. M. A. has ceased. A few words of explanation are proper. From an early period of our work among the Freedmen, we have employed lady missionaries, and found them exceedingly useful. When the W. H. M. A. was formed, we entered into co-operation with it in the hope that a larger number of such missionaries might be sent into the field. It was found, however, that with the office of one society in New York and the other in Boston, it was impossible to have such constant consultations as to appointments, places and work as would avoid all misunderstandings and complications. We have, therefore, felt it our duty, though with reluctance and with all respect for the zeal and earnest Christian purposes of the W. H. M. A., to sever our connection with it. As we now return to our old plan of selecting the lady missionaries, and of supporting them from our treasury, we most earnestly solicit the aid of the noble women of our constituency who sympathize with our endeavor to lift up the lowly of their sex, and to bring into their homes the refining and elevating influences of the Gospel. Whether this aid shall be rendered by individual gifts or by united efforts on the part of ladies of given churches or localities, we most cheerfully leave to their good judgment to decide. The work we know is promising, the opportunities are abundant, and the blessings two-fold to those who give. * * * * * LADY MISSIONARIES As we intend to increase the number of our lady missionaries in the South, it is fitting that we explain our aim in sending them and the methods of their work. Their services are mainly in the home with the mothers and the children. We regard the home, the school and the church as the pivots of the Christian life, each most effective when working with the others. A home that is not neat, attractive and pure, cripples the efforts of the school and the church. If a child spends six hours in a school and eighteen hours in a disorderly and immoral home, or if a man attends service in a church on Sunday and spends all the rest of the week in that same home, the progress of both boy and man in the Christian life will be slow indeed. We aim to build up _character_, and if the school, the church and the home, co-operate in harmony “according to the effectual working in the measure of every part,” the product will, under God, be men and women of intelligent minds and pure hearts, happy themselves, useful to their race and the nation, and ornaments to the church of Christ. * * * * * LADY MISSIONARY IN NEW ORLEANS. We have appointed Miss A. D. Gerrish as lady missionary in New Orleans, and she entered upon her work there Oct. 1. She will devote her energies with special reference to aiding our work in Straight University and in Central Church, in accordance with the principles laid down in the foregoing article. There is much benevolent and Christian work to be done in that great city, and the A. M. A., unable, of course, to do it all, must make choice. For the Chinamen in America, we are doing our great work on the Pacific Coast, and those who float into Eastern and Southern cities seem to have been brought providentially to the doors of the large and wealthy local churches, whose duty and privilege it is to lead these strangers to the Saviour. As to the maintaining of orphanages, our experiment, thoroughly tried in the opening of our work in the South, when such asylums were more needed than now, proved to us that our broadest and best work for the colored people could not be done in them. We are persuaded that a given sum of money will do more for the effectual elevation of the colored people in connection with our regular work in church, school and home than in any other way. The lady missionary, aiding to make the home of the pupil and parishioner neat, intelligent and pure, will not only brighten that spot, but will render the school and the church more effectual. Miss Gerrish is no stranger to our work. She has been eminently successful as missionary in Topeka, Kansas, where her remarkable musical gifts, her magnetic enthusiasm, and her earnest Christian character, have won all hearts within her influence. We bespeak for her a share in the sympathies and prayers of the faithful Christian women of the North and West, who toil for the elevation of women who are depressed by poverty and ignorance. * * * * * WE publish in consecutive pages in this number of the MISSIONARY the Constitution of the A. M. A. as it now stands, and the Proposed Constitution as it will be reported at our Annual Meeting for action. They will be convenient for reference and comparison. * * * * * THAT missionary campaign in Central and Western New York became a success. Meetings, of three sessions each, were held in eighteen places: Penn Yan, (Pa.), Norwich, Walton, Utica, Antwerp, Norwood, Sandy Creek, Oswego, Elmira, Ithaca, Canandaigua, Fairport, Lockport, Homer, Binghamtom, Schenectady, Poughkeepsie. Secretary C. C. Creegan, the manager, represented the work of the A. H. M. S. in all the country, as well as in his own State, using his huge map of the United States. His experience as former Superintendent of Colorado and adjacent mountain country, fits him well for this service, in which he is enthusiastic. Dr. L. H. Cobb, out of his ten years’ experience as Superintendent in Minnesota, and brief work in the New West as Missionary Secretary of the A. H. M. S., was able to say, we speak what we do know in pleading for the housing of the new churches on the frontier. He also makes a forceful appeal for helping them to parsonages as a piece of policy in the economy and efficiency of home mission work. Dr. H. C. Hayden, of the American Board, with singular felicity, earnestness and variation, poured out his soul in behalf of the outlying regions. He, too, had maps; they were of China, Japan and Africa, and right eloquent were they in their appeals to the head and heart through the eye. Dr. O. H. White, Secretary of the British Freedmen’s Aid Society, co-operative with the A. M. A., in behalf of Africa, for the first half of the tour represented our cause, portraying the interest of English Christians in this work, delineating from his ample study the country, the people, and the prospect of missions in Africa, and also reporting the condition and progress of our schools and churches in the South. For the last part of the course our Field Superintendent, as a “returned missionary” made report of his field, representing also our work among the Indians, the Chinese on the Pacific Coast, and the Mendi people in Africa. It was interesting to observe the harmony and inter-play of all the addresses, and so of the several causes. At each meeting there were representatives from neighboring churches, up to seven or eight in number, so that, in all, the words of the brethren were heard by messengers from one hundred churches, by one hundred of our own ministers, by thirty-five pastors in other denominations, and, through an estimate, by seven or eight thousand people. These, too, were representative people; they would report what they had heard; and when they told the non-attendants how much they had lost, this, too, would be a valuable testimony. Pastors not unfrequently announced a quickened interest, and promised to be yet more diligent in presenting these related interests of all the churches; they found that the calling in of these brethren was of the nature of using experts in behalf of the respective modes of Christian propagandism. The men of the corps were delighted with the heartiness of their reception everywhere, and came back with an increased love for the Lord’s dear people whom they had met and tried to serve. Doubtless good was done in sowing seed, which will appear in future fruitfulness in prayer and sympathy and contributions for these several causes, which are one. As the huntsman looks for his game after the fire, we shall be looking for the A. M. A. bagging out in that country, which one of our representatives says is the finest part of the United States. * * * * * THE CHRISTIANIZATION OF OUR COUNTRY FOR THE SAKE OF THE WORLD. That is the loftiest argument for home missions. God evidently intended that this should be made a great missionary nation. If it had been discovered and settled much earlier we should have had simply a transference of the old world civilization, with all of its spiritual despotism. As it was, South America and Mexico did receive that inheritance, and our territory, once claimed by the Pope, and actually recognized as belonging to the Catholic countries France and Spain, as appears from old maps and globes, has barely escaped by the overruling of Providence, which has given it to the English-speaking Protestantism, and by the evangelism developed through American Christianity. Prof. Phelps was right when he wrote: “Were I a missionary in Canton, my first prayer every morning would be for America in behalf of Canton.” This idea gives a grandeur to the march of the American Home Missionary Society across the continent. The course of missionaries is now largely changed. Once they set sail from our shores eastward, now they cross our national domain to go westward. We cry, all hail, to that right wing of Immanuel’s army that is sweeping the land from ocean to ocean. Already our own American Board is finding the West its best hunting-ground for missionaries to go abroad. It is even going into the cabins of the frontiersmen, as well as to the Western Theological Seminaries, to find its consecrated men and women. And this is proving to be choice material to make our Lord’s world-conquerors out of. Men who have lifted up axes upon the thick trees, and have come into contact with affairs, have the hardy stuff needed in the work abroad. So the American Missionary Association is the left wing of the Congregational corps that is seeking to subdue this realm to our King, the Christ. To this end was its former work at the West, where it had its seventy-nine home missionaries. To this end is its scheme for helping in the evangelizing of the Aborigines, who have made way for us to build up our nation. To this end is our movement in behalf of the six millions of our colored fellow-citizens; a movement which, as we are humbly grateful to be able to say, God has made great. To this end is our mission among the Chinese, whom God has wondrously brought to our door to receive the Gospel. Now, all of this, primarily for the sake of our country, is clearly, in the divine purpose, also for the sake of the world. Why did God just now make such a junction as that of the marvelous opening of Africa to science, commerce and the Gospel, along with the emancipation of the African slaves in our country? Everybody says, it must have been that these Christianized Africo-Americans might have an open way for carrying back to their native land, as pilgrims, the same blessings which the original pilgrims had brought to this new world from the old. Nothing could be grander than this process of helping our brethren of the South on to a degree of attainment that will fit them to become the Puritan element that may yet leaven that dark continent. Not simply may we send over there the cultivated professional men and helping women, but who knows but that, by and by, as Ireland has been emptied several times into this country—live freight being easier of shipment than dead—so may masses of our “Americans falsely called Africans,” as Lewis Tappan used to say, go over with intelligent purpose to take Africa for their home, almost transporting civilization in bulk. So our whole work on the California coast is a grand training school to fit native missionaries for China, not simply to raise up nominal preachers and teachers to go back to father land, but to make Christians of the many, who, by virtue of their discipleship, shall be commissioned of the Lord to go forth bearing the Gospel, even as the early Christians went forth everywhere preaching the Word. Such an infusion of Gospel leaven will be one of the most hopeful features of the Christian propaganda in the Celestial Empire. And so here we find the confirmation of the field and the work of this Association. We are put in trust with the care of these three depressed races dwelling by our side—in trust for their good, for our country’s welfare—in trust for the sake of Africa and China and all the world. As these three peoples are here to stay, and as they will ever need the foster care of their more favored brothers of the common family, we find herein the justification and the demand for far-sighted and long-continuous plans on the part of this body for the lifting up of all these three classes of lowly poor, in order to their own elevation, in order to the evangelization of our country, in order to the salvation of the world. Equally clear providential indications may yet point the way to a work among the Southern white people, as soon as the caste prejudice shall melt away under the benign influence of Gospel light and love. And thus all the races—as in Christ Jesus there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free—shall be united not only in Christian sympathy and fellowship at home, but in the blessed work of carrying the pure Gospel of Christ to all the lands and peoples of the world. * * * * * A GENTLEMAN, who for a dozen years has been a member of the Senate of Maryland, drops in at our rooms occasionally from interest in our work. The last time he was in he spoke of a colored young Catholic, who was among the number of those who were taken over to London to be educated for the priesthood and to be returned to labor among the freedmen in that office. The Doctor said that the young man had returned with a fine education, but had abandoned the idea of taking orders. He was now teaching school, but his highest ambition was to become a porter in a large library. As this is the first and only one of those young men, of whom so much was said at one time, to be identified by us, we are glad to hear from him. Of course, this one case does not carry the whole, but surely it does not augur much for a Romish propagandism among our colored fellow citizens. * * * * * BENEFACTIONS. John Francis Clapp of the firm of Simpson, Clapp & Co., of New York, remembered his native town, Belchertown, Mass., in his will by the gift of $40,000 for a public library and a building for the same. Mr. George I. Seney has presented $25,000 to the Wesleyan Female College, to finish the college buildings. Mrs. Shaw, of Boston, the daughter of the late Professor Agassiz, supports 33 kindergartens in that city and vicinity, at an expense of $25,000 per annum. President Peter McVicar has lately received a gift of $10,000 for Washburn College from a friend in Massachusetts. Not only has Rev. H. O. Ladd’s University of New Mexico at Santa Fe received $5,000 from the estate of the late Deacon J. C. Whitin, but other gifts are promised for the building now going up. Bowdoin College has received $1,000 from Dr. Goodwin to found a commencement prize, $4,000 from the estate of Mrs. Noah Woods, of Bangor, to establish the Blake Scholarship, $1,000 from John C. Dodge, of Cambridge, for library purposes. $3,500 was pledged towards a new gymnasium and $1,000 for a new laboratory. _The man who gave the $20,000 named at this place in our last issue, calls it “stewardship.” The man who gave the $10,000 there indicated calls it not a donation, but an “investment.” We have some such investments to offer, with this indorsement, “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord”—an investment of $1,000 for a scholarship, $10,000 for a library, or $25,000 for a professorship in any of our chartered institutions._ * * * * * GENERAL NOTES. —The Italian government will shortly send a messenger to the king of Abyssinia, charged with giving him presents from King Humbert, and renewing at the same time friendly relations between the two countries. —M. Antoine, who has been some time in Abyssinia, reports that the natives endure with impunity the malaria of the lower regions, pernicious to Europeans, and attributes their freedom from sickness to the daily use of fumigations of sulphur. —At the request of M. Price, founder of the establishment at Frere Town for the freed slaves, the Committee of the Church of England Missions has decided to send two new missionaries, a teacher, and, if possible, a physician. The agents of the society will endeavor to extend the work to the interior. —The Universities’ Mission to Africa has now three great centres of operation—Zanzibar, the Usambara country north of Zanzibar, and the Rovuma District. It has about 1,000 natives under its care, has transformed the old slave-market of Zanzibar, where formerly 30,000 slaves were sold annually, into mission premises, with a church, mission-house and school, and established a chain of stations from the coast to Lake Nyassa. The income for 1881 was £11,000 and the mission has 34 European missionaries and 26 native evangelists. The mission was started in 1859 at the suggestion of Dr. Livingstone, and looks to the universities for its supply of clergy. * * * * * THE INDIANS. —Five new Indian students have arrived at the Hampton Institute—one, whose position in the school is not yet defined, as it is difficult to find a class for him. This is Hampton’s first experience in training married people in homes. Miss Fletcher brought from Omaha two families, in one of which there is a fine-looking baby of 18 months. —At Hampton, in the tin shop, over 7,000 pieces of tinware have been made for the Indian Department since the 20th of June, in addition to the tin work done on school grounds. All the contracts for the Interior Department are completed, and 55 cases nicely packed have been shipped to the different agencies. —Mr. Cowley writes from Spokan Falls that he returned recently from session of District Court, having been summoned as interpreter in an action of the U.S. Marshal against four white men for selling whiskey to Indians. Two were sentenced to penitentiary, one broke jail before trial, and the other cannot yet be found. It will break up the traffic for a time. The jury in the last case brought in a unanimous verdict of guilty, on the testimony of one Indian, which gives a hint as to the intelligence and absence of race prejudice on the part of the whites, and of the reputation of the Indians in that region for veracity. * * * * * THE FREEDMEN. REV. JOSEPH E. ROY, D.D., FIELD SUPERINTENDENT, ATLANTA, GA. * * * * * LIVINGSTONE MISSIONARY HALL Was so far completed that it was ready for occupation at the beginning of the scholastic year, Sept. 4. The dedication has been fixed for Monday, Oct. 30, so that persons in attendance upon the annual meeting of the A. M. A. the previous week in Cleveland can go on to Nashville and spend the Sabbath and be present at the dedicatory exercises. The Hall is 203 feet in length and 52 feet in width. The central part is ten feet wider, and the whole building is four stories, with a basement. The building contains a chapel, a large library room, museum, scientific lecture room 40 by 30, Treasurer’s office, President’s room, thirteen class and lecture rooms and sixty-six dormitory and living rooms. It is heated by steam. The completion of this new Hall nearly doubles the capacity of Fisk University. The movement for the erection of this building was begun in England in 1876, and its final success is due to the munificence of Mrs. Stone, who gave, for the erection and furnishing of the Hall, $60,000. It is expected that the exercises connected with the dedication will be of great interest, and a cordial invitation is extended to the friends of our Southern work to be present. [Illustration: LIVINGSTONE MISSIONARY HALL, NASHVILLE, TENN.] * * * * * HYGIENIC DEPARTMENT AT FISK UNIVERSITY. BY MRS. JULIET B. SMITH The hygienic classes were to have begun this week, but are of necessity postponed that I may help in the model school until the new teacher arrives. Small-pox being in the city, I have examined the students in all grades and vaccinated all who were unprotected. I have had much pleasure and profit in talking over the matter of the hygienic classes with Miss Parmelee, and she has given me many valuable hints from her work at Memphis. We have fitted up a sick ward to be used in case of severe or infectious disease. It is at the top of the house, with perfect ventilation, and I feel quite happy over its capabilities. Mr. Hawley has been prompt to answer my calls for disinfectants, and I hope to make them tell on the health rates for the coming year. In the hygienic classes, as full notes as possible are to be taken by the pupils. The magnitude of the task of teaching healthful living grows upon me, but I am glad and grateful to have the chance to go to work in the old field and to be better equipped than years ago. Miss Parmelee and I have it close at our hearts to get strong hold of our city girls, and through them of their mothers with a view toward mother’s meetings sometime and somehow. The health of the school is fair, the most serious ailments being among those who have taught in the swamp lands. * * * * * STUDENT TEACHING (BY THE STUDENTS OF FISK UNIVERSITY DURING THE SUMMER VACATION.) REV. H. S. BENNETT. A meeting of great interest was held in Fisk University on the night of the 15th of September. The occasion was to furnish an opportunity to those students who had been engaged in teaching during the summer to give the details of experience in their work. Pres. Cravath presided. Rev. Geo. W. Moore was introduced as one who during the past year had been studying theology and preaching in Ohio. Mr. Moore paid a grateful tribute to Fisk University as the place where he had studied. He thought that colored students would do better to study in the South. He had been preaching to a white church, or to white churches. As a colored man he would make no apologies nor explanations. He had a message to carry to the people. He got their confidence and love before they knew who he was. He had three regular stations and preached to eight churches in all. Last Sunday he was called to Sullivan, and was told that they would oppose him on account of his race identity; but he was cordially received, and the result was a unanimous call with increase of salary. Brethren Anderson and Ously have been highly esteemed in Oberlin. They have been hard students and have won the commendations of their teachers. H. C. Gray taught school in Shelby County, Tenn. “My school did not have more than thirty on the roll. I tried to give satisfaction because four or five teachers before me had failed and left before their time was out. During the last two months my school was much larger than at first, but the pupils were kept out by chills and fever. I had fifteen or twenty pupils without any books.” H. F. Mitchell, near Fernanda, Miss. “I enrolled 104 and had two assistants. I was quite successful. I introduced the tonic sol-fa method of teaching music and succeeded well in it. My health was good all summer. I was taken with a chill the last day of school.” W. H. Ross, who had been helping in holding an institute gave an account of his work. He had attended institutes before, but they were not so much of the nature of a school. “We had a course of lectures, which was a main feature in the work. We tried to inspire the young people with a desire to pursue a course of study. All who attended were pleased with the work done. The colored people of Gibson Co. are far behind in the scale of intelligence. After the institute closed I opened my school the next Monday. The attendance was about thirty. The people have a great desire to go forward.” Humphrey Jones taught school in Georgia, near Dalton. “I opened school on the 10th of July with nine scholars. They wanted to know whether I was Methodist or Baptist. I told them I was Congregationalist. They shook their heads; they did not know anything about that. They did not think it was anything. My school was very small, because the people would not pay twenty-five cents per month. The people are further behind there than in any place I have been.” G. A. T. Robinson: “I taught in Georgia near Mr. Jones. The people are very poor and ignorant. They are not interested in education. A strong prejudice exists against the public schools. The most of the people are servants and are content to be such. A teacher is looked upon as a bad man. I taught in a Baptist Church and they would not let me teach in the Sunday school. They want me to come back there.” Ella Jones, from Texas: “I had charge of the girls in the place where I taught, Huntsville. I made up my mind to live a Christian life. I taught eight months. I also taught in the Sabbath School. They wanted me to teach the next year, but I felt that I must continue my course. I tried to do whatever I did as a Christian. There were some conversions in my school. How much of this is due to my influence I do not know.” Alice Vasser only taught five weeks at Booneville, Tenn. “When I arrived they had no school-house for me to begin to teach in. They put a floor in an old house and a roof on it, and I began to teach. I walked two miles every day. I had fifteen scholars. I feel that I did some good. The children wanted to learn very much. They were very anxious to have me come back.” G. A. McLelland taught at Tiptonville, Tenn. “My school numbered about sixty. The children were not so far advanced in their books, but they were more easily managed. I taught in the Sunday-school. The older people were harder to interest. I got them in night school. I sang Jubilee songs and told them stories, and thus got them interested. Fisk University stands very high in the estimation of the people.” Henrietta Bailey taught in Mississippi for three months; had a pleasant school, but did not get her money till after Christmas. Afterward taught in Lincoln school; had an attendance of forty-five, an average attendance of thirty-one. Thus closed a very interesting exercise. Most of the students are still out teaching. The record of the evening is a fair statement of the work done by the students of the institution. * * * * * PERMANENT TEMPERANCE WORK. MISS LYDIA P. AULD. The first of April, 1869, by the advice of our friends in St. Augustine, Fla., and by express command from the State Superintendent, who said we were working too hard, we gave up our night school, relying more upon their judgment than upon our own view of the case. The young men in the night class of Miss Bowker (now Mrs. Clift), expressed a strong desire to meet at least one evening in the week for instruction. The idea of forming themselves into a temperance society was suggested to them, and they decided upon a speedy organization. Accordingly, on the evening of April 6th, about a dozen young men met in our little school room, and proceeded to organize the first temperance society in St. Augustine. After the election of the various officers, the evening was devoted to music. Miss Bowker had previously taught them several temperance melodies. Mrs. Mayhew, of Orange, N.J., who was boarding in town and greatly interested in the welfare of the colored people, was present. She was a sweet singer, and drilled them in two or three new pieces. On the 13th, there was an increase of numbers. Mr. Berrian, from New York, was invited to address the young men. He gave them excellent counsel, and read the simple pledge he had prepared, explaining its binding obligations. We did not wish any to sign that night, as we desired them to give the subject careful consideration. A week later, on the 20th, there was a large attendance. The good friend who was with them the previous week plainly stated the object of the meeting. He exhorted them not to do anything rashly; and read the Constitution he had drawn up for the Society, with the following simple pledge attached: “We hereby solemnly pledge ourselves to abstain from the use of all intoxicating liquors, or drinks, as a beverage.” A few moments of solemn silence followed the announcement, “We are now ready for signatures to this pledge,” which was broken by one after another rising and stating, in a clear and intelligent manner, his reasons for signing the pledge. Many of their remarks were truly affecting. One young man said, “A gentleman, who went North to-day, offered me a bottle of whisky. I said, ‘I thank you, sir; but I have joined a temperance society, and am going to-night to sign the pledge, so please excuse me for not accepting it.’” Another referred to his beastly intoxication on the Christmas day before, and resolved that the return of that day should find him a different man. The first to sign was the President, who is even to this day their leader. I think no word was uttered during the signing of the pledge. The firm, manly footstep and scratch of the pen were the only sounds heard. Sixteen names were affixed, and the signatures ceased for that time. Then the organization was completed. The name Lincoln Temperance Society (since changed to Independent Lincoln Temperance Society) was adopted. Some temperance songs were sung, and those young men went quietly and thoughtfully to their homes—nobler, indeed, for the onward step they had taken. On our return in the fall, we found that the young Society had steadily grown in strength and numbers. Not one of the “sixteen” had violated his pledge, though often and sorely tempted to do so. Such abstinence was very praise-worthy in a community where drinking was the universal custom. The Freedmen’s Bureau had erected for us a new school building, in one of the rooms of which the Society held its meetings every Monday evening. April 20, 1870, the Lincoln Temperance Society celebrated its first anniversary. The membership had rolled up to 54. Female members had been admitted during the year, and the good the Society had accomplished was clearly perceptible in the elevated tone and manners of the young people. Several white friends were present on this occasion to listen to the speeches of the members. Miss Bowker was referred to in one of these as the “Mother of Temperance.” A few weeks later, in May, we left St. Augustine, not to return. Years passed, and only incidentally was the Society heard from. In September, 1878, I was rejoiced to receive a letter from the President, D. M. Pappy, giving an account of the nourishing condition of the Society, from which I will make a few extracts. “Our Temperance Society, that Mrs. Clift and yourself assisted us in organizing, numbers now about one hundred and seventy-five. I have remained President since you left, with an interval of two years. Our struggle was hard, and we had much to encounter. St. Augustine has considerably changed by so many young men abstaining from that great evil, the intoxicating drink. Our Society has also purchased a lot, and built a fine hall of two stories. The meeting room is on the upper floor, and a public reading room and library on the lower floor. The building is nicely lathed and plastered, and painted. The young men of the Society are using every means to elevate our people to respectability and intelligence: but, like everything else, it takes time. Already our Society has achieved much good, and we do tender many thanks to you and to Mrs. Clift for your influence. “All the young men that were in the Society when you were here are still with us, except one. The young men, including myself, have never regretted signing the pledge, and we promise forever to keep it, because we have found much good in it.” In 1881, they celebrated their twelfth anniversary, and Mr. Pappy writes: “Our celebration went off very nicely. We had the hall handsomely decorated with flags, flowers and evergreens. Over the President’s stand was a large anchor, with ‘1869’ above and ‘1881’ below it. On the right was your name, and on the left that of Mrs. Clift. In the centre of the hall was a mound of flowers. “The exercises consisted of a grand reception, speeches, singing, reading, essays, with excellent music by the brass band, an exhibition of fire-works and a balloon ascension. These were presented to us by some white friends. The celebration was a grand success, and has had a deep effect on those outside. Last Monday evening we received five new members, and shall on next Monday receive a few more. “I think we are just as strong and firm in the progressive spirit as ever we were, if not more so. We number nearly 200 members now. Our building is not quite finished yet, as everything costs so much. It has cost us already nearly fifteen hundred dollars. “The members of the Society, for the past month, have been holding temperance revival meetings every Monday evening, for the benefit of the young men. The exercises consist of speaking, singing and prayers by the members of the various churches. It has revived the hearts, not only of the members of the Society, but also of many others.” * * * * * WORK IN TOPEKA. MISS A. D. GERRISH. The younger class of people—the boys and girls—seem to gather around us rather than the older ones; but to win the children generally in the end secures the parents. Through music, especially the singing of the Gospel hymns, of which all are very fond, I feel that I am reaching a larger number than I perhaps could in any other way. A class of some twenty-five little folks, a second class of between thirty and forty boys and girls, a band of twenty or more young ladies, also the “Daniel’s Band,” of nine members,—these, besides others, are daily being brought under our influence and control. Their improvement in singing is very marked. Before I left (an excellent teacher having been secured) a goodly number of the young ladies accepted my invitation to attend Sunday-school. A few months, or even weeks ago, a similar invitation would have met with no response from them. In the night school a number of the older ones, who began last January with A B C, now read quite well out of the Bible. In a Bible reading, in which over fifty took part, I thought that the “Uncles” and “Aunties” read quite as well as some of the young people. The religious interest is not as great as we could wish to see; still, the weekly meetings and Sabbath services are quite well attended. We have now a small church organization, eight members. Three have united on profession of their faith; two are promising young men, members of the Band. I look for an increase of numbers in our Sunday-school next season, and we have the promise of several new teachers. July 30th we had a Sunday-school concert, using the A. M. A. concert exercise. At the close, a white gentleman, one of Topeka’s best men, said: “In looking over the crowded audience this evening, I can but say, with many others, that a change has already been wrought in Tennessee town. Improvement is stamping itself upon place and people.” * * * * * AFRICA. * * * * * JOURNAL OF THE ARTHINGTON EXPEDITION, KEPT BY REV. HENRY M. LADD, D.D. The time from Feb. 23d to March 31st was spent by the explorers in Khartoum. During their stay Raouf Pasha, Governor General of the Soudan, was deposed for not taking more active measures against the “False Prophet,” and Abdel Kadir Pasha was appointed in his place, with a residence at Cairo, while the Soudan was divided into four provinces, and Khartoum was reduced from the capital to a Mudirieh. During this time also they witnessed the gathering of Giegler Pasha’s army and its embarkation. Owing to the disturbances they experienced great difficulty in getting transport to Berber. The troubles in Egypt were also rapidly culminating, and gave them serious anxiety as to the possibility of returning through that country. They suffered from poor food. Their dragoman was ill with fever. The time, however, was well improved in studying the people, and the language with which they became quite familiar, in selecting and photographing sites for buildings, and in learning from Emin Bey, Governor of the Equatorial Provinces, certain important particulars in regard to that country.—ED. _Friday, March 31st._—After lunch we called at Emin Bey’s, and then walked down to our boat and little steamer. We went first to a previously appointed rendezvous at Marquet’s. All the “élite” of the city were present to see the party off. We felt that we had some friends in this far-off place. There were present H. E. Giegler Pasha, Marcopoli Bey, Emin Bey, Georgius Bey, the American Consular Agent, English Consular Agent, and other Consuls; there were priests and merchants, and altogether a large crowd. It was something like a first-class funeral. Finally everything was ready, and at 5 o’clock we went on board, amid much hand-shaking, and even kissing, after the oriental fashion, and the waving of hats and handkerchiefs. As we had the French Consul with us, the French and American flags were hoisted. Soon the tug rope of the little steamer tightened, our boat moved, we were off, and before long we had turned the point, entered the Nile proper, and were headed north-ward and homeward. Our quarters were fairly comfortable. We had a covering of mats over our heads, and the room under it was taken up with our cots. There were four of us here, and the rest were on the steamer that towed us. We made good time. Stopped for the night at a sandy bank. Dinner was served on the sand, and then we went to bed in the moonlight. _Saturday, April 1st._—No sleep! Too novel a position. Off at sunrise. The Frenchman remarked classic beauty in the cook of the boat! Stopped for wood at the cataract. Very hot! Off again. Passed the cataract safely, though the water was very low, and many of the passages dangerous. We noted several wrecks of boats about us. One was a ship belonging to Moussalli, who is with us. Had to throw off the line from the steamer in some places, and row ourselves through. Struck the rocks many times, hard enough to sink ordinary boats. Things were thrown into a little confusion by it, but no leak sprung. Passed the wild gorge “Sebeloga.” Camped at sunset. Several of the party ill. Took dinner on the bank. Went to bed on the sand in the open air and the glorious moonlight. _Monday, April 3d._—Up early; waked Ibrahim, plunged into the river with Moussalli, to get the sand out of eyes and ears. The sick ones are very poorly to-day. Stopped at Damer about 2:30 P.M. Had some difficulty to get wood. Moussalli is ill. Midani, his bookkeeper, has a high fever. I turn doctor, and nurse the crowd as well as I can. A gale of wind has been blowing, increasing to a tempest. Slept out in it all. We have not left Khartoum any too soon for the health of the crowd. _Tuesday, April 4th._—Blowing a gale. Start at sunrise. All are ill to-day except myself. The waves are high, and the spray goes over us. Arrived at the rocks, but it was blowing so hard that the captain dared not try to pass them. We tied up at the bank. Tried the pass once more, and tied up again. Finally, we made another attempt; had a very exciting time, but got through part way very well. Sent a boat ahead to pick out the channel. Expected every moment to strike, and perhaps be wrecked. We did strike at last, and were nearly capsized, but, thanks to the strength of the boat, we came out all right. When we were finally clear of the rocks the men cheered and praised Allah, and we gave them a backshish. A little further on we went fast aground on a sand bank, and spent about two hours getting off. At last Berber came into sight, and at 5 P.M. we tied up at the bank, which is now very high, as the river is many feet lower than when we were here before. Went on shore, selected a good site for the tents; put one of ours up, and got into shape for the night. _Wednesday, April 5th._—Up early, and worked hard in the hot sun. Put up the other tent. Our tents, together with the Consul’s and Moussalli’s and the cook’s make quite a little village by themselves. Made arrangements for camels amid much noise and discussion and haggling of prices. There have been some wordy disagreements in camp among our friends. It is finally settled that we are to start on Friday. The doctor is better, and has good courage. To-day the Consul’s cook was stung by a scorpion, and under the doctor’s directions I painted the wound with iodine. The poor fellow suffered severely for a time. A guard of four soldiers has been sent to act as sentry for us during the night. They will probably be sound asleep as soon as we turn in. The river has risen a few inches to-day, owing probably to heavy rains at the South, but will doubtless fall again to-morrow. _Friday, April 7th._—This has been a day of trials. There has been no end of them! Everything was made ready this morning for the start, but we could not get away till afternoon, so we paid a visit in the meantime to Hassan Halifa’s father, the royal old Arab who treated us so handsomely when we first came here. He kindly consented to have his photograph taken. After the delay we thought we should surely get off in good season, or about 3 P.M., but it was not so foreordained. Difficulties seemed to multiply at every move. Everything went wrong. Patience was nearly gone. It was 9 o’clock at night before we fairly started! Rode up and down the line on my camel to see that everything was at last right. There was a delay among the rear camels. Went back to see what the matter was. Some of the camels had run away and smashed up their loads, and others had fallen down, and altogether there were five loads strewn upon the ground. The camels were a bad lot, and the men were as bad a lot. Things were getting rather serious. A free fight was imminent. Moussalli was on the point of returning to Berber and entering a complaint. The rest of the party, however, had gone on, and I thought it was better to patch up the loads the best way we could, go on until we reached the advance party, and then hold a council. A return to Berber would do but little good, and would result in great delay. So on we went the best way we could in the dark, and found the rest at the well. It was 1:30 A.M. when we took dinner! I put up a tent for the doctor, and the rest of us took a nap in the open air. _Saturday, April 8th._—At 3 A.M. Moussalli’s agent and the sheik of the camel drivers arrived. They had heard of our troubles and brought a fresh lot of camels. After much loud talking several changes were made. Some of the camels with their drivers were sent back to Berber, and others substituted. We have 53 camels now. We tried to be gay and rise above our troubles. The heat is intense. There is one well at this point about 50 feet deep, but the water is bad. Started the caravan at 4 P.M., and went on till 10 o’clock. Had dinner at 12:30 A.M. Put up the tent for doctor; the rest of us went to bed with the stars looking down upon us. _Sunday, April 9th._—This is the holy Sabbath and we would be glad to rest to-day, but necessity is upon us and we must move on. On a journey like this we cannot do as we would like, and have on several such occasions been obliged to keep going when we have longed for the sacred quiet of the day. I was so tired last night that an odd thing happened. I was _struck_ by sleep, as one might be struck by lightning, only the results were not so disastrous. I had tumbled into my cot, and was conscious of putting my hand out to draw the sheet over me, but before I had time to do it I was sound asleep, and awoke in the morning with the intention still unfulfilled. After a hasty cup of coffee we were off this morning at 6:30, and marched till 10:30. The sirocco has been blowing all day, and the heat is something terrible. Worked hard in the hot sun to get a tent up for our nooning. We are on an immense sandy plain, the ideal desert, and the heat reflected from the sand burns like a furnace. _Monday, April 10th._—We must press on to reach water. Midani is too ill to sit on his camel, so we have improvised a bed and placed him on it, and in this way go slowly on. Started at 6:30 A.M. We are still on a sandy undulating plain which seems endless, and the march is very wearisome. The Consul and Mourgan have both suffered from bleeding at the nose this morning. Camped for our nooning at 11:30. Poor Midani suffers exceedingly. We put up the tents, as the heat is terrible. Started again at 4:30 P.M. From here till one reaches the vicinity of Souakim the road is considered unsafe. We met some rather wild-looking parties, who, the guides told us, were brigands, but we were numerous and well armed, and they kept a respectful distance from us. Even the camel drivers do not dare to travel in this region without being armed with swords and spears and pistols. Met several caravans. Came to some very steep sand hills. The pass over the highest was so narrow and precipitous that I thought the camels could not possibly get safely over it, but they did. Reached the wells of _Aubak_ about 8:30 P.M. Found many wells and excellent water, but the water is easily riled. Took a good deep drink. Such a drink is worth a mine of gold on the desert. There are a number of caravans here. _Tuesday, April 11th._—The men did not want to leave the well before the P.M. Had to force them. Almost a revolt. Quite a little misunderstanding has sprung up between our friends. Left at 7:30. Traversed a high plain. Fearfully hot. Camped at 11:30. Were treated to a whirlwind of sand. Tried to amuse ourselves at revolver practice to pass away the hours of intense mid-day heat. Started again about 5 P.M. Passed on from plain to plain between bare, black, rocky mountains. Camped at 10:30 in a sandy spot. Had dinner at 12:30 A.M. We are all tired, but in pretty good spirits. _Wednesday, April 12th._—Started at 7:30. Marched till 11:30. Found a few bare thorn bushes and tried to spread our blankets over them in such a way as to afford us a little shade till the caravan with the tents came up. Even the poor little donkey that the guide rides, and our camels, also, asked to share our scanty shade with us. The thermometer stands at 111° in the shade. Cooked an egg in the sand. Started again at 5 P.M. The latter part of the evening journey I make on foot. The rest of the crowd is generally used up. At last, Midani is able to go no further, and, on his account, we are obliged to halt for the night. The camel drivers protest, saying that the water is all gone, and that we shall suffer before we reach the next well. We make a personal inspection and find that there are five skins half full. One of these is given to the drivers, one to the cooks, and three for our own use are placed at the foot of my cot for safe keeping. Went to bed at 1:30 A.M. _Thursday, April 13th._—Up at 4 A.M. Started at 5:45. We have had a long tramp over plain after plain, on and on to the mountains and through a high mountain pass till, at length, we have reached the wells of Arieb. It is very hot. Crowds of camels, cattle and donkeys are around the principal well, all drinking. The water is not very good, but we drink it and try to imagine that it is. The tents are up, and after a good bath we tumble into our cots, glad of a little rest. _Friday, April 14th._—Up early, and left at 6:30 A.M. Followed the wady, which is full of rocks and stunted trees, and then traversed an immense plateau. We camped for noon in a sandy spot, just before entering another pass. At 5 P.M. we were off again, and passed some very picturesque and really wonderful granite formations. Traversing a fine hard gravel plain, which gave us an extensive view, we passed the half-way mark, a huge pile of granite boulders. We then came into a mountain region, said to be infested with robbers. It is true that here, not very long ago, a caravan was attacked in the night and robbed, and some of the parties killed. We had come a long journey, the place was convenient for camping, and some one proposed that we should spend the night here; but the guides manifested great fear, and would not give their consent. They said it was bad enough at the wady Kokreb, but under no circumstances would they stop this side of the wady. Some of us were ahead of the caravan, and we took the advice of the guides, and pushed on for the wady. Soon after arriving and selecting the spot for our camp, and while waiting for the caravan to come up, we were visited by a couple of suspicious-looking men, who asked a few questions, and after looking us well over disappeared in the bush. The guides said they were spies of the robbers, and advised us to fire off our guns and revolvers, to let them know that we were well armed, which we did. In about half an hour the rest of the party and the caravan came up. They reported having met twelve mounted men, who acted suspiciously in the dark. Mr. Moussalli called to them in Arabic, and demanded who they were and what they wanted. They admitted that they were robbers. They were then told that our party was all armed, and that if they came near the caravan they would get into trouble. We formed our camp in a circle, spreading our baggage around us for a protection as best we could, and then went to sleep with our hands on our revolvers, trusting for our safety, now that we had done what we could, in Him who never slumbers. _Saturday, April 15._—Examined the wady Kokreb to ascertain whether there was water to be found here, which I suspected, but which the guides denied. Found that there was a well a little way up the wady, which we passed soon after starting. The guides seem to find it easier to tell a barefaced falsehood than to speak the truth. For some reason or other they are determined to deny the existence of water at various points along the route, where we know it is to be found. Left at 6:30 A.M., and followed the wady, which is quite full of trees and rather a pleasant part of the journey. Towards noon we arrived at Kokreb, where there is a well and a station. We spread the fly of our tent over some old posts for a protection from the sun. The sheik of the station kindly (for a consideration) procured us a good drink of milk. Here we met a number of caravans. There were many pilgrims among them returning from Mecca. One woman, who was supposed to be irresistible, was sent among us to beg. We offered her some food, which she indignantly refused. The well here is shallow, and is emptied as fast as it fills. We left at 4:20 P.M., passing through a wild, narrow defile in the mountains. The scenery here is extremely wild and picturesque. We ascended now very rapidly, and the sight of the mountains in the purple glow of sunset was magnificent. As night came on it began to grow intensely cold. We camped at a great height. The cold was extreme. We got out our tent-flies and crawled under them. _Sunday, April 16._—This morning we killed a scorpion that was found under the Consul’s saddlebags. Saw several gazelles. Again we are obliged to travel much against our wishes. There are trees along the wadys all the way, now. Met many long caravans carrying American oil to Berber and Khartoum. Camped at 10:30. At 4:30 we were obliged to start again. The mountain scenery here is grand! Toward night we entered a narrow gorge, running North and South, between two high mountains. Here we had to keep a sharp lookout in the dark, lest we should be left, like Absalom, hanging from a tree. These overhanging thorn trees did, in fact, rather mar Mr. Moussalli’s beauty, but the rest of us dodged and preserved ours. We found several wells in between these two mountains, and here we camped for the night. This is also a dangerous locality, on account of robbers. The nights are very cold in these mountain heights. _Monday, April 17._—Up early and examined the so-called wells of Haratree. They consist of places scooped out in the gravel of the dry bed of the river, and are only from two to five feet deep. There is also a pond near a large rock, where one may bathe. There are many aloes in this valley, and doves in great numbers, and in at least three varieties. On quitting this gorge the rise is very rapid till a pass is reached at an elevation of 3,000 feet. I am the only one who is not ill to-day. Camped at 11 o’clock in a large plain under a huge mimosa tree in the bed of a small river, now dry. When we started in the afternoon there was a little trouble with a Hadendoah Arab, who had “appropriated” one of our camels, but his claim was soon settled, and he was glad to slink out of sight. Off at 4 P.M., and traveled through quite a park, where rabbits and gazelles abound. Camped at night at “Durse,” or “The Mountain of the Molar Tooth.” _Tuesday, April 18th._—Left at 6:30 A.M., and arrived at the Wells of Disibil, where we found a rude shelter from the sun. I walked the whole distance. Saw several gazelles. The wells are in the dry bed of a river in a mountain valley. Only one is used now, the other having filled up. After lunch went hunting after gazelles, and when, later in the afternoon, we at last reached the rest of the caravan, we found them camped earlier than usual. We are now in the valley of Sinkaat. We know that we are nearing the sea, for the night air is very damp, and our clothes are wet through. _Wednesday, April 19th._—Had a good laugh this morning at the Consul, who roused us during the night by loudly challenging some parties who were prowling around the camp. They proved to be a couple of innocent donkeys. Off as usual at 6:30, and followed the valley and the river-bed. Camped at 10:30 at the well of _Hambouk_. The water was not good. Left at 4 P.M. Came into a fine plain full of green trees, and singing birds, and flocks of goats. Passed the wells of Otaou (water bad) without stopping. At last we emerged from the mountains, and came to the spot where we ought to have a fine view of the sea, but it was dark. We camped finally on a broad plain, though the drivers protested that we ought to go on beyond; but they were informed that we intended to stop there, and that was the end of the controversy. It is damp and warm to-night. Ibrahim, our dragoman, is ill. _Thursday, April 20th._—Midani and an Arab started this morning at an early hour ahead of the caravan for Souakim, to inform our friends of our arrival, and to prepare a place for us. We started at 5:30 A.M. The first object to attract our attention was the sea, the beautiful blue sea! What a thrill of joy that first sight of the sea sends through one coming from Central Africa! It is a bond of connection with the outer world. It is the highroad of commerce and civilization. It is the avenue of hope, and love, and life! As we approached Souakim we had fine views of the white, shining, coral city. It was not long before we discovered with our glasses a steamer lying in the harbor and another coming in. We took off our hats and hurrahed like school-boys. Soon a delegation of friends came out to meet us, among whom were M. Marquet’s son and Mr. Midani’s brother. At last we entered the city. Doctor’s camel was afraid, and had to be led in. We passed through the bazaars, and over the causeway, and through the big gate into the city proper, which is built on an island. The appearance of the town is quite dazzling, as every portion of it is built of white coral. We noticed some fine specimens in the walls as we passed. We went directly to M. Marquet’s new house, not yet finished, where camping room had been assigned us in the open yard, and here we sat down by the sea waiting for the caravan to arrive. Finally we retired into the entry of the unfinished house, where, as soon as our baggage arrived, we spread our cots, and took up our quarters, and paid off the camel drivers, who, for a wonder, went away contented. There has been rather a serious misunderstanding between some of our friends. It takes considerable self-control to keep quiet and calm and cool amid the discomforts and annoyances of a journey like this. Our first and great want was a bath, and this was soon arranged in one of the upper rooms of the new building. Then we put on some clean clothes, and felt as if we had been born again. We made several calls, and finally went, by invitation, to dinner at M. Marquet’s (brother of the gentleman of the same name at Khartoum), where we spent a very pleasant evening. A small steamer coming in to-day ran into our steamer of the Rubattino Line and broke her mast. There are three steamers now in harbor, an unusual thing for Souakim. We cannot sail before Saturday.... _Saturday, April 22._—Up and on deck early; friends off to say farewell; started at 9 A.M.; had breakfast on deck. All our meals are to be on deck, as it is so warm below. Had a fine view of the town as we steamed slowly out of the harbor. The channel is a tortuous and difficult one. Coral reefs abound on every side. But after a little careful turning and twisting we were out on the sea—the boundless sea. Oh! what a delight to be at sea again, and breathe the refreshing salt air, after our experience during the last few months! We have pleasant companions, and the voyage promises to be an enjoyable one. At dinner conversation is carried on, and jokes are cracked in French, English, Greek, Arabic, and Italian. The captain is a pleasant, jovial, able man, and our steamer is good and comfortable. _Tuesday, April 25th._—A number of islands and the mainland on both sides are in sight. Asia on one side; Africa on the other; Arabia and Egypt, both full of historical interest. Here, towering above others, is the peak pointed out as Mt. Sinai. We accept the statement and fall to musing on the wonderful events that once occurred in this vicinity. The Gulf is here from 15 to 17 miles wide. There are great quantities of sea-weed floating about. The shore on both sides is a desert. We are this evening only 50 miles from Suez, and we expect to arrive about 4 o’clock in the morning. _Wednesday, April 26th._—Arrived at Suez at 4 A.M. Cast anchor, and waited for the Health Officer. Fourteen steamers were lying in the roadstead, while others were entering and coming out of the canal. Somewhere about here it was, probably, that the children of Israel passed through the sea on dry land. The Health Officer did not take long to give us clean papers, and we steamed slowly into dock. We sent for a cart to take our baggage up to town, while the Consul took a boat, then leaving Ibrahim, with Mourgan to assist him to get the things through the custom-house, we went ashore. We were immediately surrounded by a most importunate crowd of donkey boys and men who in their eagerness to secure us as their legitimate prey fought and pulled and pushed till we were nearly crowded into the water. Seeing the necessity of immediate action, we struck right and left with our sticks, till we had cleared a space around us, then leaping on to the donkeys we had already selected, we started off on a smart trot for the town; true, the donkeys had lost their bridles in the muss, but that made no difference. We arrived at the Suez (Eng.) Hotel with a good appetite for our breakfast, and some time before the Consul and his party. After breakfast we took a walk about the town. Returned and read the papers till dinner. A mule cart with our baggage, has run away, and smashed up some of our belongings, but we are getting above caring much for such accidents now. At 5 P.M. we took another walk, and then went by invitation to a dinner party at the Belgian and Brazilian consuls. It was an extensive dinner, and the evening, till a late hour, was passed most pleasantly. _Thursday, April 27th._—Took the train for Cairo at 8:45. A number of friends came to see us off. Fine views of the canal and the desert, and then of the fertile land of Goshen. Took dinner at Zagazig, where we changed cars and started again for Cairo at 3 P.M. At a station near Cairo Mr. Moussalli’s beautiful children came to meet their papa, whom they had not seen for over a year. They reminded me forcibly of my own little ones at home. Soon we reached Cairo, and were greeted by the familiar faces of the hotel porters and others. I started off at once to the American Consulate for our letters, and found 27 waiting for me. What a feast for a hungry soul! It seemed almost like getting home to get back to this familiar hotel. Had a call from Dr. Lansing and Dr. Watson, of the American Mission, who gave us a hearty welcome back after our long and perilous journey. We truly have great reason to be thankful for the way in which we have been preserved amid dangers seen and unseen. * * * * * While in Cairo the news was received of the defeat of the army sent against the “False Prophet,” and the fall of Senaar, and of general anarchy in the Soudan. The insurrection under Arabi Pasha was also every day becoming more serious. People were already beginning to leave the country. The explorers were advised by Gen. Stone and others not to broach the subject of the proposed mission to the government in the present crisis. They rapidly settled up the affairs of the expedition and left the country none too soon for their good. They sailed from Alexandria May 10th. They met the English and French fleets, called at Malta and Gibraltar on their way and arrived in Liverpool May 24th. While in England they consulted Mr. Arthington, laid the results of the expedition before him, and agreed that they would have to wait for a more settled state of the country before the proposed plans for the mission could be carried out. They sailed from England June 6th, arriving in New York June 17th, having been gone from home nine months. The long journey was ended. The objects of the expedition had been fully accomplished in the face of many dangers and great difficulties. A detailed report, with maps and plans and photographs, is in course of preparation.—_Ed._ * * * * * THE INDIANS * * * * * FARMING AT FORT BERTHOLD. BY AGENT KAUFFMAN. The number of Indian men engaged in doing farm work is constantly increasing. In issuing wagons to Indians last fall, I required that each man receiving a wagon should farm at least five acres of land for himself, or forfeit his wagon. All, with one exception, complied with this condition. Agency Indians farmed this year 832 acres; they prepared the ground in the spring under the direction of my farmer in excellent manner, and sowed 146 acres of wheat, from which I estimate a yield, from two days’ threshing now in progress, of 2,600 bushels of very good quality. This is the first effort of my Indians in raising wheat, and they are greatly elated with their success, and many are already asking for more land for next spring sowing. This improvement in farming by the Indians is gratifying to myself, as two years ago an Indian rarely cultivated to exceed from one-half to three-quarters of an acre; now some have cultivated this year 20 acres, others from four to twelve, and ask for more land for next year. Twenty Indian men, heads of families, have consented to go this fall 22 miles west of the agency, build houses and remain to farm 133 acres of land which I have had broken this summer. These Indians are peaceable and friendly; many would assume the position of citizens and compare favorably with the average white man if they could have lands in severalty and the protection of the law. During May and June last I had flouring gearing put in position in the agency mill for grinding wheat raised at this agency last year, and manufactured 44,000 pounds of flour of good quality; there were also sawn during the year at the agency saw-mill 20,812 feet of lumber. * * * * * RELIGIOUS INTEREST AT S’KOKOMISH. BY REV. MYRON EELLS. There has been considerable religious interest among the Indians. The Indians on other reservations have been more interested than usual, and intercourse with these has caused a similar interest here. Then the most severe sickness which has visited the reservation since my residence here came upon us last winter and awakened serious attention in the minds of many. This additional interest has caused increased work, so that I now hold prayer meetings at two logging camps regularly. Some of our young people are taking hold of the work, and at times conduct meetings with the Indians during my necessary absence. New hymns have been made in the Twana and Clallam languages, the native languages of the Indians. Hitherto we have used hymns in the Chinook language, which is generally understood by most of the Indians, yet it is by no means so good a language to convey religious truth as the native languages. The average attendance at Sabbath-school at S’kokomish is 47, on church prayer meetings 30, on other prayer meetings among the Indians 36, on public worship 67. Families under pastoral care 52. Total contributions for benevolence $451.05. * * * * * SCHOOL AT LEECH LAKE. BY REV S. G. WRIGHT. Twenty-seven children were boarded and clothed about eight months of the year, and fifteen attended very regularly as day scholars. The text books used were elementary speller, model reader, first, second and third readers, mental arithmetic. Several of the most advanced pupils are also familiar with the four ground principles of written arithmetic. Nearly all made good progress in their studies. There is no lack of ability in the Indian child to comprehend any branch of learning. The only obstacle in his way is that all his knowledge of books must be acquired through a strange language. The lessons must be explained all through the second and third years of his schooling in his own tongue; otherwise he gets no new ideas from his books, though he may read and spell and write ever so well. I explain the meaning of the words they spell, and translate the lessons read in the different readers. Much religious instruction is given in the school-room and in the morning and evening worship. I returned to this place a year ago, after being absent about two years, and was very happy to find the little company of earnest, devoted Christians whom we left still faithfully pursuing their work for God. I meet with them every week on Thursday afternoon for prayer. They are truly the salt of the earth, burning lights in this great darkness. * * * * * THE CHINESE. * * * * * REVIEW OF THE YEAR. REV. WM. C. POND. Our fiscal year closed Aug. 31. I will state in the briefest way the main facts as to our last year’s work. I group them under three heads: the field, the fruit, the finances. I. The field. This is larger than ever before in the fact that we have one-fourth more Chinese in our country to-day than we had a year ago. And the work—though far from covering the field and far from being equal to the opportunity—has increased at a per cent. equal to more than twice that of the increase of Chinese population. Fifteen schools have been sustained, eleven of them throughout the entire year. Thirty-one workers are employed, eleven of them being Chinese. The total number of months of service is 356, exceeding that of last year by 70 and of any year preceding the last by 110, that is, by more than _nine years_. During the year no less than 2,567 Chinese were enrolled as pupils, an increase upon the previous year of 935, or more than 57 per cent. Let it not be understood that we had this number at any _one_ time; but for longer or shorter periods in the course of the year, this number have come under the influence of our schools, and have heard something about a Saviour from sin. The _average_ membership month by month was 728, and the average attendance 401. But the membership increased steadily through the year. In August it was 1,022, and the average attendance 459. This represents our opportunity, our special _field_. II. The fruits. I am not able yet to state accurately the results in hopeful conversions, but I feel safe in saying that about 30 have given evidence to our Chinese brethren that they have passed from death to life. This would make the total number of whom we have cherished this hope, from the beginning of the mission, about 355. I dare not say that in all cases this hope has proved to be well founded. Some have gone back to idolatry and taken to themselves, I fear, seven devils worse than the one that seemed to be exorcised. Some seem to have left their first love, though maintaining still a reputable exterior. Of many we have lost sight altogether. They are in China, or in the Hawaiian Islands, or on the frontiers in our own country, or in the Eastern or interior cities. It is simply impossible, at least with our present working force, to maintain our hold upon them by correspondence. We leave them to the care of the Great Shepherd, Who is not compassed with our infirmities and Who knows His sheep and is known by them. But, allowing for all these drawbacks, I feel it safe to say that no evangelizing agency in California with which I am acquainted has been fraught, on the whole, with larger or better results than our Chinese mission. III. The finances. This large increase in the work accomplished has involved inevitably some increase of expenditure. Our total resources—on current expense account—have been $10,043.70, of which $3,623.70 were contributed directly to our work and $6,420 came through drafts on the treasury in New York. * * * * * CHILDREN’S PAGE. * * * * * LETTER FROM AN INDIAN BOY. MY DEAR FRIEND: I can tell how I get along. I was working in the shop, and I try to work very good, but sometimes I too late go in workshop. I am the wheel-wright. I come from Dakota Territory, and I have been school at Saint Paul’s school at Yankton Agency, and I try to learn how to read English. And so many Indian boys school over there, and to many Indian boys are like to study, and some boys are don’t like to go to school. And same is the Indian, too. They did not work at all, but when they want something, then go into the agent’s and ask for food. But some Indians are work very hard, like a white people, and they did not live in the reservation. I like to work in the field much. And few Indians work very hard, and listen the agent’s what he says to them; but some Indian won’t—but dancing all the time, but eating and sleep, that all they can do. And there is another tribe come back from northwest; they came back into Yankton Agency in Fort Randall, those Indian whole tribe are call Sitting Bull. I think those people are very wild. Sitting Bull is a great many children and big tribe, and cannot get any food, so the Yankton Indians try to help them, and carry some corn or potatoes gave to them. And that time I stay at my home. And that time the Hampton boys come back from Virginia to this school, and we are all glad to see them. And I came from Yankton Agency, and now I stay here at Virginia. I am stay here for three years, then I go back my home again. I receive a letter from my friend; he says the governor school was finished, everything inside or outside. And when I heard that the ten boys get from Sitting Bull I am very glad. I think those people going to learn how to work. So many of them do not know anything at all, I sometimes think those people all the time wild and poor; but now I think the Sitting Bull learn how to work, and even the other places just the same. When I came from Dakota, I saw a great many things, cars, and steam-boat, and every wonderful thing. I saw those things, I don’t know how to go and stop. I did not see how to make, and I never saw the cars before. When I go back to my home I going tell all this are. A great many Indian boys are here; we are all try to learn how to work the white men way, and sometimes we have a prayer-meeting in every Saturday night, and all the Indian boys are doing very well. I think the Indian try to do how to work; when they know how to work, then they cannot stop. That is all I am going to say. We are all well here, and I think you are well, too. Some boys has going to work, and those boys going to school this afternoon. I thank you very much. Yours respectfully, DAVID STRICKER. * * * * * RECEIPTS FOR. SEPTEMBER, 1882. * * * * * MAINE, $468.57. Alfred. Mrs. NATHAN DANE, _for Student Aid, Atlanta U._, and to const. herself L. M. $30.00 Bethel. Second Ch. and Soc. 10.00 Brewer. Cong. Ch., 10, and Sab. Sch., 6.20 16.20 Calais. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 25.00 Castine. Rev. A. E. Ives 5.00 Eastport. Central Cong. Sab. Sch., 5; G. A. P., 50c. 5.50 Falmouth. First Cong. Ch. 20.00 Hallowell. M. E. W. 1.00 Litchfield Corners. Cong. Ch. 10.00 Machias. Centre St. Ch. and Soc. 9.34 Portland. Second Parish Ch. 129.03 Union. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 5.00 Winthrop. SILAS BLANCHARD to const. himself L. M. 30.00 Woolwich. “Thank Offering,” 5; J. C. S., 50c. 5.50 York. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc. 7.00 ——————— $308.57 LEGACY. Hallowell. Estate of Miss Susan Parsons, by Justin E. Smith. Exr. 160.00 ——————— $468.57 NEW HAMPSHIRE, $273.60. Atkinson. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 17.00 Bennington. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 5.00 Brookline. W. J. R. 0.50 Campton. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 16.00 Colebrook. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 6.63 Epsom. “A Friend.” 5.00 Hancock. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 25.00 Hanover. Dart. College Ch., 89.46; “A Thank Offering,” 1. 90.46 Hanover. Rev. S. P. Leeds, _for Chinese M. in Cal._ 10.00 Hebron. Rev J. B. Cook and family 5.00 Hillsborough Centre. Rev. A. B. P., _for John Brown Steamer_ 1.00 Littleton. Cong. Ch. 6.96 Lyme. T. L. Gilbert 2.00 Milford. Cong. Ch., 25.29; Nathan Jewett, 5; D. S. Burnham, 5, to const. D. MILTON HEALD L. M.; R. M., 1 36.29 Milton. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 10.36 New Ipswich. Leavitt Lincoln 20.00 Peterborough. Cong. Sab. Sch. 6.40 Salem. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 5.00 Wentworth. Ephraim Cook 5.00 VERMONT, $902.06. Bakersfield. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 9.58 Brattleborough. “A Friend” 1.67 Burlington. Miss Sarah Parker 2.00 Cambridge. M. and G. Safford, 38.52; O. W. Reynolds, 5; Mrs. Nancy Howe, 5; S. M. Safford, 5; B. R. Holmes, 5; Others, 11.75 70.27 Cambridge. Mrs. M. Safford, 5; J. K., 1, _for John Brown Steamer_ 6.00 Charlotte. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 43.21 Chester. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 12.00 Dummerston. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 8.32 East Saint Johnsbury. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 3.25 Enosburgh. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 23.00 Granby and Victory. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 2.00 Island Pond. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 11.50 Londonderry. “A Friend,” _for Student Aid, Talladega C._ 5.00 Ludlow. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 10.00 Middlebury. Hon. John W. Stewart, 10; A Friend, 4; Miss Susan Parker, 2; Rev. C. H., 51c. 16.51 Newbury. Mrs. D. J. 1.00 Newfane. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 3.06 Putney. Rev. and Mrs. Foster 5.00 Saint Albans. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. 34.52 Saint Johnsbury. North Cong. Sab. Sch., _for Parsonage Building_ 20.00 Springfield. F. V. A. Townsend, to const. AURELIA K. TOWNSEND L. M. 30.00 Springfield. “Member Cong. Ch.,” _for Avery Inst., Charleston S.C._ 15.00 West Brattleborough. Cong. Ch. and Soc. to const. HIRAM WEATHERHEAD L. M. 31.05 West Dover. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 5.63 West Westminster. Cong. Ch. and Soc., 17.40; “A Friend,” 15 32.40 Wilmington. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 6.10 Windham. Cong. Sab. Sch., 5.20; “A Friend of the Colored Man,” 10 15.20 Windsor. Cong. Ch. and Soc., 75.50; Mrs. John Freeman, “thank offering,” 25; G. F. H., 1 101.50 Woodstock. Frederick Billings 100.00 ———————— $624.77 LEGACIES Royalton. Estate Mrs. Welthia D. Skinner, by Geo. M. Dewey 200.00 Wilmington. Estate of Mary Ray, by Israel Haynes 77.29 ———————— $902.06 MASSACHUSETTS, $5,826.17. Abington. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. 50.58 Andover. South Ch. and Soc. 100.00 Attleborough. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc. 100.00 Bernardston. Cong. Soc. 2.00 Boston. REV. C. L. WOODWORTH, 30, to const himself L. M.; Mrs. H. H. Hyde, 20; “A Friend,” 5 55.00 Boston. Mrs. E. B. Hooker, books _for Freedmen’s Library, Macon, Ga._ Buckland. Dea. S. Trowbridge, 10; C. W. Thayer, 5; “A Friend.” 5 20.00 Braintree. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. (ad’l), to const. REV. THOMAS A. EMERSON L. M. 5.00 Braintree. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. 21.46 Brimfield. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 8.00 Brockton. Mrs. Mary E. Perkins 5.00 Cambridge. Mrs. J. D. S. 1.00 Campello. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 100.00 Centreville. Cong. Sab. Sch. 5.00 Charlton. Cong. Ch. and Soc. (ad’l), to const. H. W. WAKEFIELD L. M. 20.00 Chelsea. First Cong. Ch. and Soc., _for Lady Missionary, Chattanooga, Tenn._ 50.00 Chelsea. T. E. G. 1.00 Concord. Trinity Cong. Ch. and Soc. 28.85 Dorchester. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc., 848.55; and Sab. Sch., 51.85 900.70 Dunstable. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 15.00 Duxbury. Mrs. R. R. Holmes 2.00 East Bridgewater. Union Ch. and Soc. 6.89 East Charlemont. Cong. Ch. 23.82 Everett. Mrs. C. K. Farrington 2.00 Falmouth. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for Student Aid, Atlanta U._ 10.00 Fall River. Central Ch. 10.25 Fitchburgh. Rollstone Cong. Ch. and Soc. 100.00 Foxborough. Orthodox Cong. Ch. and Soc. 30.02 Grafton. Evan. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 62.13 Granville Corners. Mr. and Mrs. C. Holcomb 10.00 Greenfield. Second Cong. Ch. 49.56 Greenfield. Miss E. F. Osgood’s S. S. Class, _for Ind. Dept., Atlanta U._ 10.00 Hatchville. V. N. H. 1.00 Hatfield. Rev. R. M. Woods, Trustee 25.00 Haverhill. North Cong. Ch. and Soc. 200.00 Holland. “Friends” 5.00 Hyde Park. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for Student Aid, Atlanta U._ 10.00 Hyde Park. Mrs. L. S. Sanderson, _for Chinese M., Cal._ 5.00 Jamaica Plain. R. W. Wood, M.D. 100.00 Lancaster. Evan. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 25.33 Lawrence. E. F. E. 0.50 Littleton. “A Friend” 20.00 Lowell. Juvenile Dept. of High St. Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 10.00 Malden. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. 53.98 Malden. “Friends,” _for Student Aid, Atlanta U._ 5.00 Middleborough. Central Ch. and Soc., 53.63; First Cong. Ch., 12.67 66.30 Millbury. Tyler Waters 5.00 Miller’s Falls. The Langdon Mitre Box Co., one new Langdon mitre box, with saw and joiner gauge, _for Atlanta U._ North Amherst. North Ch. and Soc., to const. MRS. S. A. LAMB and MISS PRISCILLA COOLEY L. Ms. 60.00 North Brookfield. First Cong. Sab. Sch. 7.52 Northborough. Evan. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 30.80 North Brookfield. First Cong. Ch. and Soc., 100; Union Ch. and Soc., 75 175.00 North Chelmsford. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc. 42.00 Northfield. Miss. M. L. H. 0.50 Northampton. A. L. Williston, 500; Edwards Church, 54.34; Dea. Jerry Clark, 10 564.34 North Weymouth. Pilgrim Ch. and Soc. 17.00 Norton. Trin. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 5.50 Newton. Eliot Ch. and Soc. 185.00 Newton Centre. “L. R. T.,” _for Student Aid, Atlanta U._ 50.00 Phillipston. Ladies’ Benev. Soc., Bundle of C. Quincy. Evan. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 25.00 Revere. Collected by Mrs. Steele _for Student Aid, Atlanta U._, and to const. MISS KATE B. DAVIS, MISS LIZZIE ELKINS, DANIEL DAVIS and REV. JOSEPH E. SMITH L. Ms. 120.00 Rockland. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 83.47 Roxbury. Immanuel Ch. and Soc. 3.00 Sandwich. Miss H. H. N., 1; “A Friend” 1 2.00 Saundersville. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 8.00 Shelburne Falls. E. Maynard 5.00 Somerville Falls. Franklin St. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 50.00 South Amherst. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 8.17 Southbridge. “A Friend,” _for Parsonage, Talladega C._, and to const. EDWIN S. SWIFT, SAMUEL L. MORSE and EZRA B. WELD L. M’s. 100.00 South Hadley Falls. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 30.00 Southville. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 8.00 South Weymouth. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc., 51 (16 of which from Ladies’ Mission Soc.), to const. FRANK BLANCHARD and HORACE SPEAR L. Ms.; Union Ch. and Soc., 50, to const. MRS. JOSIAH REED L. M. 101.00 Springfield. “H. M.,” 500; A. C. Hunt. 10; Mrs. Edward Clarke. 5 515.00 Springfield. “A Friend,” _for Student Aid, Atlanta U._ 1.00 Stockbridge. Miss Alice Byington, _for Student Aid, Atlanta U._ 50.00 Sunderland. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 75.00 Taunton. Winslow Cong. Ch. and Soc. 44.09 Topsfield. Charles Herrick 20.00 Upton. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. 48.26 Upton. Cong. Sab. Sch. (ad’l.), _for John Brown Steamer_ 5.00 Warren. Mrs. Joseph Randall (5 of which _for Chinese M., Cal_) 6.00 Webster. Cong. Ch. and Soc., 12; G. W. F., 1. 13.00 Wellfleet. First Ch. and Soc. 40.00 Wenham. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 5.00 Whately. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 15.39 West Barnstable. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 3.75 West Boxford. First Cong. Ch., _for Student Aid, Macon, Ga._ 9.07 West Boylston. Polly W. Ames, 3; Geo. W. Ames, 3 6.00 West Brookfield. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. 35.00 Westfield. Mrs. C. W. Fowler 2.00 Westford. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 18.00 West Medford. D. H. B. 0.50 Westport. Pacific Union Sab. Sch. 1.93 Winchendon. First Cong. Sab. Sch. 32.00 Worcester. Union Ch. and Soc., 179.25; Hiram Smith and Family, 30; “A Friend,” 1 210.25 ———————— $5,174.91 LEGACIES. Boston. Estate of Rev. Dr. H. B. Hooker, by A. W. Tufts. 200.00 Woburn. Estate of Dea. Thomas Richardson, by L. G. Richardson, Agt. 451.26 ———————— $5,826.17 RHODE ISLAND, $1,423.21. Bristol. Mrs. M. De W. Rogers, 250; Miss. C. De Wolf, 250; “A Friend,” 2 502.00 Central Falls. Cong. Ch. 89.50 Providence. Central Cong. Ch., 800; North Cong. Ch., 10; “A Friend in Camp St.,” 10. 820.00 Westerly. Pawcatuck Cong. Ch. 11.71 CONNECTICUT, $4,779.21. Birmingham. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 10.00 Bridgeport. D. H. Terry, _for Tillotson C. and N. Inst._ 25.00 Bristol. G. L. Goodrich (10 of which _for John Brown Steamer_) 20.00 Brooklyn. First Trin. Ch., 29.50; M. W. C., 50c 30.00 Canaan. First Cong. Ch. 2.92 Cheshire. “A Friend,” 20; Cong. Ch., 14.38 34.38 Chester. Cong. Ch., to const. MRS. HIRAM CLARK L. M. 40.00 Clinton. Geo. W. Hull, _for Tillotson C. and N. Inst._ 100.00 Danielsonville. Westfield Cong. Ch. and Soc., to const. FREDERICK W. FRANKLIN, MISS ALICE G. PATTEN and MISS ELIZABETH DARLING L. Ms. 90.00 East Haddam. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. 64.90 East Hartford. First Ch. 20.00 East Windsor Hill. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. 30.00 Falls Village. Cong. Ch. 2.80 Gilead. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Brown 5.00 Green’s Farms. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 60.50 Griswold. First Cong. Ch. 35.52 Groton. Cong. Sab. Sch. 12.00 Guilford. First. Cong. Ch., 22; Third Cong. Ch., 20 42.00 Haddam. Cong. Ch. 10.00 Hartford. “A Friend” 5.00 Hebron. “An Old Friend” 5.00 Kensington. Edward Cowles 5.00 Mansfield. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc. 9.28 Meriden. Edmund Tuttle, to const. LOTTIE M. LUCAS L. M. 30.00 Meriden. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for Tillotson C. and N. Inst._ 25.00 New Britain. First Church of Christ 210.64 Nepaug. “A Friend.” 5.00 New Haven. “A Friend,” _for Land, Tillotson C. and N. Inst._ 50.00 New Haven. “A Friend,” 5; “R. E. R.” 5; “A Friend in Central Ch.,” 3 13.00 New Haven. George Watkinson, 10 cases of rubbers, _for Talladega, Ala._ New London. First Ch. of Christ (of which 25 _for Tillotson C. and N. Inst. and 25 for John Brown Steamer_) 83.98 Newington. Cong. Ch. 27.64 Norfolk. Rev. John F. Gleason 50.00 Northford. Cong. Ch. 35.00 North Stonington. Dudley R. Wheeler 10.00 Norwich. “A Friend,” (1,000 of which _for Land, Tillotson C. and N. Inst._) 1,500.00 Norwich. Broadway Cong. Ch., 200; First Cong. Ch., 90 290.00 Oxford. Cong. Ch. 26.00 Pequabuck. “A Friend,” _for Student Aid, Talladega C._ 25.00 Plantsville. Henry D. Smith, _for Atlanta U._ 100.00 Plantsville. Henry D. Smith, _for Land, Tillotson C. and N. Inst._ 50.00 Putnam. Second Cong. Sab. Sch., _for Indian Student Aid, Hampton N. and A. Inst._ 30.00 Preston City. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 30.00 Rockville. Second Cong. Ch. 100.25 Rockville. Second Cong. Ch. Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 17.50 Saybrook. Cong. Ch. 13.59 Seymour. “A few Friends,” by Rev. F. S. Root, _for John Brown Steamer_ 14.25 South Killingly. Cong. Ch. 7.00 Terryville. Cong. Ch., to const. LAURA H. HARE, JULIA E. HEMINGWAY, HATTIE T. COOK, HATTIE L. ELLS, ALICE M. HOTCHKISS and ROLLIN J. PLUMB L. Ms. 274.17 Thomaston. Cong. Ch. 31.45 Torrington. L. Wetmore, 100; Third Cong. Ch., 20.27 120.27 Vernon Center. Cong. Ch. (10 _of which for Fisk U_) 36.56 Voluntown and Sterling. Cong. Ch. and Sab. Sch. 16.00 Washington. “Z” _for Indian M._ 2.00 Watertown. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 56.00 Waterbury. C. D. Kingsbury, _for Tillotson C. and N. Inst._ 10.00 Weatogue. “A Friend,” 2.00 Westbrook. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 10.00 Westford. Cong. Ch. 5.00 West Hartford. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 10.00 West Haven. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 23.38 Wethersfield. First Ch. of Christ 57.23 Windham. Cong. Ch. 9.00 Windsor. Cong. Ch., 135, and Sab. Sch., 27 (_of which 87 for John Brown Steamer_) 162.00 Windsor. Mrs. Mary E. Pierson, _for Student Aid, Hampton N. and A. Inst._ 70.00 Windsor Locks. Cong. Sab. Sch., 50; Geo. P. Clark, 5; Miss C. B., 1; E. A. Holt, 5, _for John Brown Steamer_ 61.00 —— “A Friend” 200.00 —— “A Friend” 20.00 ———————— $4,579.21 LEGACY. New London. Trust Estate of H. P. Haven, _for Land, Tillotson C. and N. Inst._ 200.00 ———————— $4,779.21 NEW YORK, $1,093.12. Albany. C. A. Beach 25.00 Albany. Nelson Lyon, _for Talladega C._ 5.00 Amsterdam. C. Bartlett 10.00 Beaver Brook. Samuel West 2.00 Black Creek. Cong. Ch. 3.00 Brooklyn. John Erhardt 5.00 Cambria. Soc. of Willing Workers, _for Emerson Inst., Mobile, Ala._ 10.00 Champion. Cong. Ch. and S. S., Bundle of Books. Chenango Forks. Cong. Ch., 5.90; Rev. E. B. Turner and Wife, 5. 10.90 Dansville. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Learned, _for John Brown Steamer_ 10.00 Dansville. Mrs. D. W. N. 0.50 East Wilson. H. Halsey, 20; C. M. Clark, 3 23.00 Elmira. Miss C. Thurston 5.00 Franklin. Sab. Sch. Concert Coll. 6.13 Harlem. Cong. Ch. 26.27 Homer. Mrs. E. B. Dean (2 of which _for John Brown Steamer_) 7.00 Jamestown. Rev. W. D. Henry 10.00 Lebanon. Thomas Hitchcock, Marvin Day and Alfred Seymour, 5 ea.; J. A. H., J. F. and J. H. W., 1 ea.; Coll., 2; M. Day, T. Hitchcock and Alfred Seymour, 10, to const. S. W. SEYMOUR L. M. 30.00 Livonia. Mrs. William Calvert 5.00 Mexico. Geo. G. French, 25; Dea. S. Smith, 2; Mrs. M. F. Eddy, 2; Miss C. W., 1; A. W., 1 31.00 New York. Z. Stiles Ely, 250; “X. Y. Z.,” 100; Dr. A. S. Ball, 5 355.00 New York. C. R. Agnew, M.D., _for Memorial Scholarship, Talladega C._ 100.00 New York. A. S Barnes, _for Land, Tillotson C. and N. Inst._ 100.00 New York. “A Friend,” _for Hampton N. and A. Inst._ 100.00 New York. S. T. Gordon, _for Chinese M. in Cal._ 25.00 Nunda. “A Friend,” (5 of which _for Chinese M. in Cal._) 15.00 Onondaga Valley. A. L. G. 1.00 Owasco. A. S. 1.00 Portland. J. S. Coon and wife, 20; Mrs. C. R., 1 21.00 Reed’s Corners. Cong. Ch. 12.00 Sag Harbor. G. B. B. 1.00 Schenectady. Evang. Cong. Ch., _for Talladega C._ 20.00 Sherburne. F. L. Rexford, _for John Brown Steamer_ 5.00 Silver Creek. Mrs. S. Howe, 10: W. Chapin, 5 15.00 Smyrna. First. Cong. Ch., Mission School 10.00 Tarrytown. S. M. MINASIAN, to const. himself L. M. 30.00 Union Valley. Wm. C. Angel 10.00 Utica. Mrs. Sarah H. Mudge 10.00 Verona. Presb. Ch. 20.00 West Groton. Cong. Ch. 12.32 West Groton. Ladies’ Miss’y Soc., _for John Brown Steamer_ 5.00 NEW JERSEY, $180.05. Chester. First Ch. and Sab. Sch. 25.71 Chester. “A Friend of Missions” 25.00 Jersey City. Mrs. Henry O. Ames 2.00 Manchester. G. P., _for John Brown Steamer_ 1.00 Newark. Belleville Av. Cong. Ch., 59.84; M. F. P., 50c. 60.34 Newark. Belleville Av. Cong. Sab. Sch., 25; “A Friend,” 1, _for John Brown Steamer_ 26.00 Parsippany. Mrs. Jane Ford 10.00 Paterson. P. Van Houten 5.00 Salem. W. G. Tyler 25.00 PENNSYLVANIA, $1,283.49. Allegheny City. Plymouth Cong. Ch. 12.75 Cambridgeborough. Ladies’ Miss. Soc. of Cong. Ch. 5.00 Canton. H. Sheldon 10.00 Coultersville. A. G. 0.50 East Smithfield. Miss Polly M. Tracy, 14; Rev. C. H. Phelps, 5 19.00 Guy’s Mills. Randolph Ch. 11.66; Children’s Miss’y Soc., of Randolph Cong. Ch., 15. 26.66 Philadelphia. Mrs. S. P. Fairbanks 2.00 Riceville. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 1.50 ———————— $77.41 LEGACY. Avery Estate. Sale of Land in Iowa 1,206.08 ———————— $1,283.49 OHIO, $501.53. Bellevue. Cong. Ch., 11.50, and Sab. Sch., 4 15.50 Berlin Heights. Cong. Ch. 6.76 Brownhelm. O. H. Perry 10.00 Claridon. Cong. Ch. 20.00 Cleveland. Euclid Av. Cong. Sab. Sch., 20; John Jay Low, 10; Individuals, 6, _for John Brown Steamer_ 36.00 Four Corners. Cong. Ch. 7.75 Gomer. Welsh Cong. Ch. 51.38 Greensburgh. Mrs. H. B Harrington, _for Indian M._ 5.00 Huntsburgh. Cong. Ch. 25.50 Lindsville. D. H., _for Theo. Dept., Talladega C._ 1.00 Mantua. Cong. Ch. 8.00 Medina. C. King 5.00 Middlefield. Mrs. Lois S. Buel 5.00 Mount Vernon. James Martin, _for John Brown Steamer_ 5.00 Mount Vernon. J. W. F. Singer 5.00 Newark. Plymouth Cong. Ch. 8.00 North Kingsville. Rev. E. J. Comings 10.00 North Ridgefield. Cong. Ch. 3.40 Oberlin. Second Cong. Ch. Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 20.00 Oberlin. First Cong. Ch., 61.89; “A Friend,” 5 66.89 Salem. David A. Allen, _for Tillotson C. and N. Inst._ 25.00 Steuben. Levi Platt 2.00 Twinsburgh. L. W. and R. F. Green, 5; J. R. Parmelee, 2. 7.00 Unionville. Mrs. H. B. Fraser, _for Chinese M. in Cal._ 25.00 Wadsworth. Cong. Sab. Sch., 2.65; “Busy Bees,” 1.17, _for John Brown Steamer_ 3.82 Willoughby. Miss Mary P. Hastings 10.00 Windham. First Cong. Ch. 26.08 York. Cong. Ch., 23.50; Lafayette Cong. Ch., 7.50, to const. Dea. REUBEN GARDNER L. M. 31.00 Youngstown. “A Congregationalist” 2.50 Zanesville. Mrs. M. A. Dunlap, _for John Brown Steamer_ 2.00 —— “A Friend” 40.00 —————— $489.58 LEGACY. Cleveland. Estate of Brewster Pelton 11.95 —————— $501.53 ILLINOIS, $498.75. Bowensburgh. Edward D. Weage 5.00 Brimfield. Cong. Ch. 17.00 Buda. Cong. Ch., Bbl. of Sundries, Val., $61. Byron. Mrs. T. H. Read 5.00 Chenoa. Woman’s Miss’y Soc. 3.70 Chicago. Lincoln Park Cong. Ch. 23.90 Chicago. “H. E. De L.,” _for John Brown Steamer_ 5.00 Clifton. Cong. Ch. 3.00 Collinsville. J. F. Wadsworth 10.00 Danvers. Cong. Ch. 16.50 Earlville. Charlie E. and L. Parker Murray, _for Indian M._ 2.00 Evanston. First Cong. Ch. 45.01 Fairview. Cong. Ch. 0.60 Greenville. Cong. Sab. Sch., 5; Infant Class, 1. _for John Brown Steamer_ 6.00 Gridley. Woman’s Miss’y Soc. 17.00 Hennepin. Cong. Ch. 4.25 Homer. Cong. Ch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 6.00 Hutsonville. C. V. Newton 10.00 Kewanee. Cong. Ch. 31.34 La Prairie Centre. John Crawford, _for John Brown Steamer_ 10.00 La Salle. Cong. Ch. 18.00 Maple Park. J. I. Snow 5.00 Mendon. Cong. Sab. Sch. 26.00 Oak Park. Mr. Packard’s Sab. Sch. Class, _for Student Aid, Talladega C._ 12.00 Paxton. “A Friend” 30.00 Peru. First Cong. Ch. 11.36 Port Byron. Mission Circle 6.00 Princeton. Mrs. Polly B. Corss. 15; Mrs. Amelia R. Clapp, 10; Mrs. C. C., 1 26.00 Roscoe. Mrs. A. A. Tuttle 2.50 Sandwich. E. G. Coe 5.00 Shabbona. Cong. Ch. (30 of which to const. REV. SAMUEL SHEPARD L. M.) 73.29 Sycamore. Cong. Cab. Sch., _for Student Aid, Talladega C._ 25.00 Victoria. Cong. Ch. 3.25 Waukegan. Cong. Ch. 15.05 Wauponsie. Ladies’ Soc. of Cong. Ch., 14, and Bbl. of C. _for Mobile, Ala._ 14.00 Wythe. Cong. Ch. 5.00 MICHIGAN, $598.34. Almont. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 26.72 Ann Arbor. First Cong. Ch. 21.80 Benzonia. Amasa Waters, to const. MISS GRACIE H. GRIDLEY L. M. 30.00 Bradley. First Cong. Ch. 3.22 Calumet. “A Friend,” 100; Miss Lucy Dobbie, 10; Mrs. Margaret Dobbie, 6, _for Theo. Dept., Talladega C._ 116.00 Canandaigua. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 5.00 Clinton. Cong. Ch. 4.90 Clio. Cong. Ch. 5.50 Grand Rapids. South Cong. Ch. 6.81 Grand Rapids. E. G. Furness (1 of which _for John Brown Steamer_) 5.00 Grass Lake. Cong. Ch. 14.00 Hersey. Cong. Ch. 5.00 Hillsdale. John W. Ford 2.00 Homestead. Morris Case 5.00 Hopkins. Second Cong. Ch., 8.75; First Cong. Ch. 2.39 11.14 Jackson. First Cong. Ch. 300.00 Ludington. Cong. Ch., 10; H. B. B., 1. 11.00 Morenci. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 10.00 Saint Johns. A. J. B. 1.00 Sheridan. Cong. Ch. 2.75 Wayne. Cong. Ch. 11.50 IOWA, $176.02. Alden. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 5.00 Clear Lake. Cong. Ch. 10.00 Clinton. C. B. 1.00 Denmark. Cong. Sab. Sch. 25.00 Des Moines. Plymouth Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 15.00 De Witt. First Cong. Ch. 40.66 Exira. Rev. Lyman Bush 10.00 New Hampton. Ladies of Cong. Ch., _for Lady Missionary, New Orleans_ 5.50 Quasqueton. W. S. Potwire, _for Student Aid, Talladega C._ 25.00 Red Oak. Cong. Ch., 13.03; Rev. J. A., 50c. 13.53 Waterloo. Woman’s Miss’y Soc. of First Cong. Ch., 10; Rev. Moses K. Cross, 5 15.00 Winterset. Mrs. S. J. Dinsmore, 5; Mrs. H. F. Parlin, 2 7.00 Winthrop. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 3.33 WISCONSIN, $503.19. Appleton. Cong. Ch. 72.90 Arena. Woman’s Miss’y Soc. 2.16 Beloit. “O. W. H.” 5.00 Brandon. First Cong. Ch. 17.20 Chippewa Falls. J. E. Lee 1.60 Delavan. Cong. Ch. 35.00 East Troy. Cong. Ch. 10.00 Elkhorn. Mrs. D. L. F. 1.00 Emerald Grove. Mrs. O. F. Curtiss, _for Chinese M. in Cal._ 5.00 Fox Lake. First Cong. Ch. 4.33 Geneva. E. S. Warner 10.00 Hartford. Cong. Ch. 12.50 Ironton. Cong. Ch. 5.00 Madison. First Cong. Ch., to const. Mrs. R. R. SMITH, Mrs. M. A. MUNNS and Mrs. BYRON PAINE L. Ms. 100.00 Madison. Primary Sab. Sch. for “Ted’s” _temperance work, Atlanta, Ga._ 5.00 Mondovi. Cong. Ch. 3.26 Muscoda. Pleasant Hill Ch. 2.27 Mukwanago. Cong. Ch. 3.50 Pewaukee. Cong. Ch. 4.00 Racine. Presb. Ch., 40.42; First Cong. Ch., 30 to const. JOHN LANE VAN ORNUM, L. M. 70.42 Rio. Cong. Ch. 5.25 Ripon. Cong. Ch. 100.00 River Falls. Woman’s Miss’y Soc. 4.00 Salem. Munson & Bailey 6.00 Shullsburgh. Cong. Sab. Sch. 4.10 Stoughton. Miss A. B. S. 0.50 Wauwatosa. Ladies Miss’y Soc., _for Lady Missionary, Talladega, Ala._ 9.75 Wyocena. Cong. Ch. 3.75 MISSOURI, $98.50. North Springfield. First Cong. Ch. (60 of which from Chas E. Harwood, to const. ISABEL HOWE HARWOOD and AURELIA L. HARWOOD L. Ms) 98.50 MINNESOTA, $159.62. Clear Water. Cong. Ch. 3.07 Freeborn. Cong. Ch. 1.45 High Forest. Cong. Ch. 5.00 Lake City. J. P. 1.00 Medford. Cary Memorial Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 8.00 Minneapolis. Plymouth Ch., 16.92; Second Cong. Ch. 4. 20.92 Minneapolis. Pilgrim Sab. Sch., _for Student Aid, Atlanta U._ 45.00 Minneapolis. E. D. First Cong. Ch. 5.43 Sauk Rapids. Cong. Ch. 3.00 Sleepy Eye. Cong. Ch. 5.65 South Minneapolis. Mrs. A. V. S. F. 9.10 Stewartville. Cong. Ch. 2.00 Winona. Cong. Ch., to const. W. P. LAIRD L. M. 50.00 KANSAS, $64.25. Bavaria. Dea. A. M. .50 Brookville. Rev. S. G. Wright, 4; Mrs. E. E. S., 50c. 4.50 Kinsley. Cong. Ch. 2.00 Lawrence. Plymouth Cong. Ch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 10.00 Manhattan. First Cong. Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 19.00 Osawatomie. Cong. Ch. 7.00 Osawatomie. Mrs. Emma F., and Sarah F. Remington, 1 each; Rev. S. L., C. S., Addie and Grace Adair, 1 each, _for John Brown Steamer_ 6.00 Ottawa. Mrs. Lucy B. Perry 10.00 Wabaunsee. First Church 5.25 NEBRASKA, $80.10. Camp Creek. Cong. Ch. 4.00 Crete. Cong. Ch. 10.35 Fairmont. Cong. Ch. 43.00 Harvard. Cong. Ch. 9.50 Steele City. Cong. Ch. 5.25 Sutton. Cong. Ch. 3.00 West Point. Rev. and Mrs. James Oakey 5.00 COLORADO, $9.50. Colorado Springs. Cong. Ch. 9.50 CALIFORNIA, $1,368.30. Santa Barbara. Mrs. Mary B. Van Winkle 5.00 San Francisco. Receipts of the California Chinese Mission 1,362.30 Covello. Rev. W. E. R. 1.00 WASHINGTON TER., $10. Cheney. Rev. Cushing Eells 10.00 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, $25.00. Washington. Gen. E. Whittlesey 25.00 DELAWARE, $1.00. Wilmington. Mrs. N. T. J. 1.00 MARYLAND, $100.00. Baltimore. “A Friend” 100.00 VIRGINIA, $15.00. Herndon. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for John Brown Steamer_ 15.00 NORTH CAROLINA, $15.00. McLeansville. Cong. Ch. 5.00 Wilmington. Cong. Ch. 10.00 GEORGIA, $56.50. Atlanta. First Cong. Ch. 30.00 Macon. Cong. Ch., 5; Rent, 1.50 6.50 Savannah. Rent 20.00 ALABAMA, $69.05. Mobile. Stone St. Bap. Ch., 10.50; Hon. Gustavus Horton, 10; J. K. Randall, 5; W. Wing, 1.20; D. F., 1; F. T., 50c.; A Pupil, 5c., _for rebuilding Emerson Inst._ 28.25 Mobile. Cong. Ch. 2.00 Montgomery. Cong. Ch. 30.00 Selma. Cong. Ch. (1.50 _of which for John Brown Steamer_) 8.80 INCOMES, $3,241.66. Avery Fund, _for Mendi M._ 2,370.00 Le Moyne Fund, _for Le Moyne Sch., Memphis, Tenn._ 520.00 Dike Fund, _for Straight U._ 50.00 Hammond Fund, _for Straight U._ 46.88 De Forest Fund, _for President’s Chair_, 77.62; Scholarship Fund, 37.50; Luke Memorial Scholarship Fund, 4.48; Yale Library Fund, 2.06, _for Talladega C._ 121.66 Scholarship Fund, _for Fisk U._ 23.75 Theological Fund, _for Howard U._ 31.51 Scholarship Fund, _for Straight U._ 27.86 General Endowment Fund 50.00 SANDWICH ISLANDS, $250.00. Kohala, Hawaii. “A Friend” 250.00 AFRICA, $10.00. Mendi Mission. Rev. J. M. Hall, _for John Brown Steamer_ 10.00 ————————— Total for September $24,080.79 Total from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30 297,584.45 ========== RECEIPTS OF THE CALIFORNIA CHINESE MISSION, E. Palache, Treas., from June 16 to Sept. 19, 1882. FROM AUXILIARY MISSIONS: Marysville, Chinese Monthly Offerings, 23.05; Eleven Annual Members, 22; “A Friend,” 50c.—Petaluma, Chinese Monthlies, 2.70.—Sacramento, Chinese Monthlies, 21; Twenty-three Annual Members, 46; Chinese Pupils, 25, to const. their teacher, Mrs. S. E. CARRINGTON, L. M.—Santa Barbara, Chinese Monthlies, 20; Chinese Annual Members, 4; Mrs. Bates, 4; Mrs. Jennings, 1.—Santa Cruz, Chinese Monthlies, 10.50; Thirteen Annual Members, 26.—Stockton, Chinese Monthlies, 9; Annual Meeting coll, 4; Ten Annual Members, 20. 238.75 FROM CHURCHES: Benicia. Cong. Ch., 4.65.—Berkeley, Cong. Ch., 11.45.—Ferndale, Rev. P. Coombe, 5.—Oakland, First Cong. Ch., 13.95; Four Annual Members, 8; Sixteen Chinese Members, 32; Plymouth Av. Ch., coll. (in part), 20; Annual Member, 2.—Rio Vista Cong. Ch., Mrs. Gardner, 1.50; Chinese, 1.—Riverside. Cong. Ch., 7.—San Francisco, Cong. Ch., 106.50; Plymouth Ch., Annual Member, 2.—Bethany Ch., Seventy-seven Annual Members, 154; Chinese Offerings, 25, to const. Rev. C. L. WOODWORTH L. M.; Americans, 34.50 to const. Dea. JOHN A. SNOOK L. M.—San Jose, Cong. Ch., 5; Suison, Cong. Ch. 4. 437.55 FROM INDIVIDUAL DONORS: Parrott & Co., 100; Taber, Harker & Co., 25; Williams, Dimond & Co., 25; Macondray & Co., 25; C. Adolph Low & Co., 25; M. C. Hawley & Co., 25; E. Ransom & Co., 25; Rogers, Meyer & Co., 25; Hon. F. F. Low, 25; W. T. Coleman, 25; J. J. Felt, 25; Cal. Fum. Mfg. Co., 25; “Friend,” 25; O. W. Merriam, 20; John F. Merrill, 20; E. W. Playter, 10; I. W. Knox, 10. 460.00 FROM EASTERN HELPERS: Bangor, Me., “Almost Home.” 25.—Amherst, Mass., Mrs. Rhoda A. Lester, 100.—New York, N.Y., A. S. Barnes, 100.—Grinnell, Iowa. Prof. F. B. Brewer, 1. 226.00 —————— Total $1362.30 ======== FOR ENDOWMENT FUND. New York. Note of Gen. Clinton B. Fisk, _for Scholarship, Fisk U._ 500.00 FOR ARTHINGTON MISSION. Income Fund 550.00 Previously acknowledged from Oct. 1 to Aug. 31 4,622.92 ———————— Total 5,172.92 ======== H. W. HUBBARD, Treas. 56 Reade St., New York. * * * * * CONSTITUTION OF THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. INCORPORATED JANUARY 30, 1849. ART. I. This Society shall be called “THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION.” ART. II. The object of this Association shall be to conduct Christian missionary and educational operations, and diffuse a knowledge of the Holy Scriptures in our own and other countries which are destitute of them, or which present open and urgent fields of effort. ART. III. Any person of evangelical sentiments,[A] who professes faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is not a slaveholder, or in the practice of other immoralities, and who contributes to the funds, may become a member of the Society; and, by the payment of thirty dollars, a life member; provided that children and others who have not professed their faith may be constituted life members without the privilege of voting. ART. IV. This Society shall meet annually, in the month of September, October or November, for the election of officers and the transaction of other business, at such time and place as shall be designated by the Executive Committee. ART. V. The annual meeting shall be constituted of the regular officers and members of the Society at the time of such meeting, and of delegates from churches, local missionary societies, and other co-operating bodies, each body being entitled to one representative. ART. VI. The officers of the Society shall be a President, Vice-Presidents, a Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretaries, Treasurer, two Auditors and an Executive Committee of not less than twelve, of which the Corresponding Secretaries shall be advisory and the Treasurer ex-officio members. ART. VII. To the Executive Committee shall belong the collecting and disbursing of funds; the appointing, counselling, sustaining and dismissing (for just and sufficient reasons) missionaries and agents; the selection of missionary fields; and, in general, the transaction of all such business as usually appertains to the executive committees of missionary and other benevolent societies; the Committee to exercise no ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the missionaries; and its doings to be subject always to the revision of the annual meeting, which shall, by a reference mutually chosen, always entertain the complaints of any aggrieved agent or missionary; and the decision of such reference shall be final. The Executive Committee shall have authority to fill all vacancies occurring among the officers between the regular annual meetings; to apply, if they see fit, to any State Legislature for acts of incorporation; to fix the compensation, where any is given, of all officers, agents, missionaries, or others in the employment of the Society; to make provision, if any, for disabled missionaries, and for the widows and children of such as are deceased; and to call, in all parts of the country, at their discretion, special and general conventions of the friends of missions, with a view to the diffusion of the missionary spirit, and the general and vigorous promotion of the missionary work. Five members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for transacting business. ART. VIII. This society, in collecting funds, in appointing officers, agents and missionaries, and in selecting fields of labor, and conducting the missionary work, will endeavor particularly to discountenance slavery, by refusing to receive the known fruits of unrequited labor, or to welcome to its employment those who hold their fellow-beings as slaves. ART. IX. Missionary bodies, churches or individuals agreeing to the principles of this Society, and wishing to appoint and sustain missionaries of their own, shall be entitled to do so through the agency of the Executive Committee, on terms mutually agreed upon. ART. X. No amendment shall be made to this Constitution without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present at a regular annual meeting; nor unless the proposed amendment has been submitted to a previous meeting, or to the Executive Committee in season to be published by them (as it shall be their duty to do, if so submitted) in the regular official notifications of the meeting. FOOTNOTE: [A] By evangelical sentiments, we understand, among others, a belief in the guilty and lost condition of all men without a Saviour; the Supreme Deity, Incarnation and Atoning Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the only Saviour of the world; the necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit, repentance, faith and holy obedience in order to salvation; the immortality of the soul; and the retributions of the judgment in the eternal punishment of the wicked, and salvation of the righteous. * * * * * THE PROPOSED CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. This Society shall be called “THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION.” ART. II. The object of this Association shall be to conduct Christian missionary and educational operations. ART. III. Members may be constituted for life by the payment of fifty dollars into the treasury of the Association, with the written declaration, at the time or times of payment, that the sum is to be applied to constitute a designated person a Life member; and such membership shall begin sixty days after the payment shall have been completed. Churches, which have within a year contributed to the funds of the Association, and State Associations or Conferences of Churches, may appoint delegates to the Annual Meeting of the Association, each of such Churches and Associations or Conferences to be entitled to two delegates; such delegates, duly attested by credentials, shall be members of the Association for the year for which they were thus appointed. ART. IV. Members shall be entitled to vote by ballot in the election of President, five Vice-Presidents, the Board of Directors, and on Amendments to the Constitution; and they shall be entitled to be present at all meetings of the Board of Directors, and to take part in the proceedings, but not to vote. ART. V. The Annual Meeting of the Association and of the Board of Directors shall be held in the month of October or November, at such time and place as may be designated by the Executive Committee. ART. VI. The Board of Directors shall consist of fifty persons, of whom fifteen shall constitute a quorum. They shall be chosen by ballot, the votes of absent members being receivable under such safeguards as may be prescribed in the By-Laws of the Association. At the first election of this Board, ten persons shall be elected for the term of one year, and a like number for terms of two, three, four, and five years respectively; and each year thereafter ten persons shall be elected for the full term of five years, and such others as may be needed to fill vacancies. If any Director shall fail to attend two annual meetings in succession, and to report the reason for such non-attendance, his place on the Board shall be regarded as vacant. ART. VII. The Board of Directors shall elect Secretaries of the Association, Treasurer, Auditors, and an Executive Committee of fifteen members, shall ordain By-Laws, and in general shall direct and control the operations of the Association. ART. VIII. The powers and functions of the several officers shall be prescribed in the By-Laws. ART. IX. No person shall be made a Director or officer of this Association who is not a member of some evangelical church. ART. X. Missionary bodies, churches or individuals agreeing to the principles of this society, and wishing to appoint and sustain missionaries of their own, shall be entitled to do so through the agency of the Executive Committee, on terms mutually agreed upon. ART. XI. Proposals for the amendment of this Constitution, sustained by the signatures of not less than fifty members of the Association, shall be published for not less than three months in the official periodicals of the Association, and shall thereafter be submitted to the vote of the members, by ballot, at the annual meeting, under such conditions as shall be prescribed in the By-Laws; and if the proposed amendment shall be sustained by two-thirds of the ballots cast, it shall be declared adopted. * * * * * BRAIN AND NERVE FOOD. VITALIZED PHOS-PHITES. 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FOR DYSPEPSIA, MENTAL AND PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION, NERVOUSNESS, DIMINISHED VITALITY, URINARY DIFFICULTIES, ETC. PREPARED ACCORDING TO THE DIRECTION OF Prof. E. N. Horsford, of Cambridge, Mass. There seems to be no difference of opinion in high medical authority of the value of phosphoric acid, and no preparation has ever been offered to the public which seems to so happily meet the general want as this. It is not nauseous, but agreeable to the taste. No danger can attend its use. Its action will harmonize with such stimulants as are necessary to take. It makes a delicious drink with water and sugar only. Prices reasonable. Pamphlet giving further particulars mailed free on application. MANUFACTURED BY THE RUMFORD CHEMICAL WORKS, Providence, R.I., AND FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. * * * * * 7 PER CENT. TO 8 PER CENT. 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This Ink received the Diploma and Medal at Centennial over all rivals. Report of Judges: “For simplicity of application and indelibility.” INQUIRE FOR PAYSON’S COMBINATION!!! Sold by all Druggists, Stationers and News Agents, and by many Fancy Goods and Furnishing Houses. * * * * * Circulation Now 80,000, and Increasing. Advocating Evangelical Religion and Temperance. Liberty, Education and Equal Rights for all. NEW YORK WITNESS PUBLICATIONS for 1882 =New York Weekly Witness.=—Now in its 11th year; circulation, 80,000; ONE DOLLAR a year. Gratis copy for club of 10 with $10. On trial three months, 25c. =Sabbath Reading.=—A very handsome, small eight-page weekly, containing in each number an excellent sermon and a choice selection of interesting matter for reading on the Lord’s Day. FIFTY CENTS a year; club of ten, $4. On trial three months 15c. =Gems of Poetry.=—A beautiful sixteen page monthly, on fine paper, and with an excellent portrait of some eminent poet in each number. The contents are two serials, the Æneid of Virgil and Aurora Leigh by Mrs. Browning; a fine assortment of selected poetry, and a great variety of original poetry—the latter competing for two prizes each quarter. FORTY CENTS a year; club of three, $1. On trial for three months, 10c. =Specimens= of the above publications sent free on application. All stop when subscription expires. WITNESS, SABBATH READING and GEMS OF POETRY, three months on trial for fifty cents. JOHN DOUGALL & CO. WITNESS OFFICE: 21 VANDEWATER STREET, NEW YORK. We demand the Prohibition of the Liquor Traffic. * * * * * [Illustration: ESTEY ORGAN J. Estey & Co Brattleboro Vt.] As musical culture increases it demands in musical instruments for home, church, or school, excellence in tone, tasteful workmanship, and durability. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. * * * * * WEBSTER’S UNABRIDGED. =Latest Edition has 118,000 Words=, (=3000= more than any other English Dictionary,) =Four Pages Colored Plates, 3000 Engravings=, (nearly three times the number in any other Dict’y,) also contains a =Biographical Dictionary= giving brief important facts concerning =9700 noted persons=. [Illustration: Ancient Castle.] On page =203=, see the above picture and names of the =24= parts,—showing the value of Webster’s numerous Illustrated Definitions. It is the best practical English Dictionary extant.—_London Quarterly Review._ The Book is an ever-present and reliable school master to the whole family.—_Sunday School Herald._ =G. & C. MERRIAM & CO.=, Pub’rs, Springfield, Mass. * * * * * 60,000 TONS USED IN 1881. One ton will build two miles of staunch three-strand Barb Fence. One strand will make an old wooden fence impassable to large cattle. One strand at bottom will keep out hogs. Washburn & Moen Man’f’g Co., WORCESTER, MASS., Manufacturers of Patent Steel Barb Fencing. [Illustration] A STEEL Thorn Hedge. No other Fencing so cheap or put up so quickly. Never rusts, stains, decays, shrinks nor warps. Unaffected by fire, wind or flood. A complete barrier to the most unruly stock. Impassable by man or beast. No other Fence Material so easily handled by small proprietors and tenants, or large planters in the South. Shipped on spools containing 100 pounds, or eighty rods of Fencing. Can be kept on the Reel for transient uses. CHEAPEST, BEST AND MOST EFFECTIVE OF FENCES. Send for Illustrative Pamphlets and Circulars, as above. * * * * * THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. * * * * * AIM AND WORK. To preach the Gospel to the poor. It originated in a sympathy with the almost friendless slaves. Since Emancipation it has devoted its main efforts to preparing the FREEDMEN for their duties as citizens and Christians in America, and as missionaries in Africa. As closely related to this, it seeks to benefit the caste-persecuted CHINESE in America, and to co-operate with the Government in its humane and Christian policy toward the INDIANS. It has also a mission in AFRICA. STATISTICS. CHURCHES: _In the South_—In District of Columbia, 1; Virginia, 1; North Carolina, 6; South Carolina, 2; Georgia, 13; Kentucky, 7; Tennessee, 4; Alabama, 14; Kansas, 1; Arkansas, 1; Louisiana, 18; Mississippi, 4; Texas, 6. _Africa_, 3. _Among the Indians_, 1. Total, 82. INSTITUTIONS FOUNDED, FOSTERED OR SUSTAINED IN THE SOUTH.—_Chartered_: Hampton, Va.; Berea, Ky.; Talladega, Ala.; Atlanta, Ga.; Nashville, Tenn.; Tougaloo, Miss.; New Orleans, La.; and Austin, Tex.—8. _Graded or Normal Schools_: Wilmington, N.C.; Charleston, Greenwood, S.C.; Savannah, Macon, Atlanta, Ga.; Montgomery, Mobile, Athens, Selma, Ala.; Memphis, Tenn.—11. _Other Schools_, 35. Total, 54. TEACHERS, MISSIONARIES AND ASSISTANTS.—Among the Freedmen, 319; among the Chinese, 28; among the Indians, 9; in Africa, 13. Total, 369. STUDENTS.—In theology, 104; law, 20; in college course, 91; in other studies, 8,884. Total, 9,108. Scholars taught by former pupils of our schools, estimated at 150,000. Indians under the care of the Association, 13,000. WANTS. 1. A steady INCREASE of regular income to keep pace with the growing work. This increase can only be reached by _regular_ and _larger_ contributions from the churches, the feeble as well as the strong. 2. ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS for our higher educational institutions, to accommodate the increasing numbers of students; MEETING HOUSES for the new churches we are organizing; MORE MINISTERS, cultured and pious, for these churches. 3. HELP FOR YOUNG MEN, to be educated as ministers here and missionaries to Africa—a pressing want. Before sending boxes, always correspond with the nearest A. M. A. office as directed on second page cover. THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY. We are anxious to put the AMERICAN MISSIONARY on a paying basis. We intend to make it worth its price, and we ask our patrons to aid us: 1. More of our readers can take pains to send us either the moderate subscription price (50 cents), or $1.00, naming a friend to whom we may send a second copy. 2. A special friend in each church can secure subscribers at club-rates (12 copies for $5 or 25 copies for $10). 3. Business men can benefit themselves by advertising in a periodical that has a circulation of 20,000 copies monthly and that goes to many of the best men and families in the land. Will not our friends aid us to make this plan a success? We nevertheless renew the offer hitherto made, that the MISSIONARY will be sent gratuitously, if desired, to the Missionaries of the Association; to Life Members; to all Clergymen who take up collections for the Association; to Superintendents of Sabbath-schools; to College Libraries; to Theological Seminaries; to Societies of Inquiry on Missions; and to every donor who does not prefer to take it as a subscriber, and contributes in a year not less than five dollars. Subscriptions and advertisements should be sent to H. W. HUBBARD, Treasurer, 56 Reade street, New York, N.Y. * * * * * ATKIN & PROUT, PRINTERS, 12 BARCLAY ST., N.Y. Transcriber’s Notes Obvious printer’s punctuation errors and omissions corrected. Ditto marks replaced by text they represent. Corrected table of Contents, which incorrectly included the monthly section The Freedmen on the line for the General Notes article. “Steet” changed to “Street” on the inside cover in the CORRESPONDING SECRETARY listing. “brethern” changed to “brethren” on page 324. (the calling in of these brethern) “evenning” changed to “evening” on page 340. (the evening, till a late hour) The amount in the Mukwanago entry on page 347 is not printed clearly. Best estimate used. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY — VOLUME 36, NO. 11, NOVEMBER, 1882 *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from print editions not protected by U.S. copyright law means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. 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