The Project Gutenberg eBook of Chaucer's Translation of Boethius's "De Consolatione Philosophiae" This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: Chaucer's Translation of Boethius's "De Consolatione Philosophiae" Author: Boethius Editor: Richard Morris Translator: Geoffrey Chaucer Release date: February 12, 2013 [eBook #42083] Language: English Credits: Produced by Louise Hope, David Starner, JackMcJiggins and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK CHAUCER'S TRANSLATION OF BOETHIUS'S "DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE" *** Produced by Louise Hope, David Starner, JackMcJiggins and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at [This text is intended for users whose text readers cannot use the "real" (Unicode/UTF-8) version of the file. Characters that could not be fully displayed have been "unpacked" and shown in brackets: [Gh] [gh] (yogh) [-h] [~u] (h with bar, u with tilde: both rare) [;] inverted semicolon (rare) All other bracketed letters or letter groups are in the original. Greek phrases in the Sidenotes have been transliterated and shown between #marks# as #hepou theô#. The "oe" ligature is shown as two letters, without further marking. Linenotes refer to the Cambridge MS.; see end of Introduction. "H." in the Linenotes is not explained; Skeat's edition of Chaucer's _Complete Works_ says that it refers to MS. Harley 2421. _Text format:_ In the printed book, line numbers were squeezed in wherever there was room. For the e-text, they have been regularized to the EETS-standard multiples of 4. Line divisions and page numbers were retained for use with the Index and linenotes, except that some very short words have been moved up or down to avoid awkward gaps. Headnotes have been moved to the nearest convenient line break. Italics representing expanded abbreviations are shown in b{ra}ces. Other italics are shown conventionally with _lines_. Superscripts are shown with ^ (caret); they always continue to the end of the word. Oversized initial letters are shown with double leading ++ as ++A. In the Appendix, decorative final letters are shown with single + as dar+, sprong+. Italic thorn (þ) and yogh ([gh]) seem to have been unavailable to the printer; both letters have been formatted to match the surrounding text. The inverted semicolon (rare) is shown in brackets as [;]. In the primary text, anomalous spellings with initial "u" or non-initial "v" are not individually noted. Other errors, whether corrected or not, are listed at the end of the e-text. For this e-text, Chaucer's translation of the _Consolatio_ is given twice: first as printed, with all notes and apparatus, and then as text alone.] Chaucer's Translation of BOETHIUS'S "DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIÆ" EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY Extra Series, No. 5 1868 (Reprinted 1889, 1894, 1895, etc., 1969) Price 40s. Chaucer's Translation of BOETHIUS'S "DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIÆ" Edited From British Museum Additional MS. 10,340 Collated With Cambridge University Library MS. Ii.3.21 By RICHARD MORRIS _Published for_ THE EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY _by the_ OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS London New York Toronto First Published 1868 Reprinted 1889, 1894, 1895, etc., and 1969 Extra Series, No. 5 Originally printed by Richard Clay & Sons Ltd., London and Bungay and now reprinted lithographically in Great Britain at the University Press, Oxford by Vivian Ridler Printer to the University INTRODUCTION. When master hands like those of Gibbon and Hallam have sketched the life of _Boethius_, it is well that no meaner man should attempt to mar their pictures. They drew, perhaps, the most touching scene in Middle-age literary history,--the just man in prison, awaiting death, consoled by the Philosophy that had been his light in life, and handing down to posterity for their comfort and strength the presence of her whose silver rays had been his guide as well under the stars of Fortune as the mirk of Fate. With Milton in his dark days, Boece in prison could say,-- 'I argue not Against Heaven's hand or will, nor bate a jot Of heart or hope; but still bear up and steer Right onward. What supports me, dost thou ask? The conscience, friend, to have lost them overplied In liberty's defence, my noble task, Of which all Europe rings from side to side.' For, indeed, the echoes of Boethius, Boethius, rang out loud from every corner of European Literature. An Alfred awoke them in England, a Chaucer, a Caxton would not let them die; an Elizabeth revived them among the glorious music of her reign.[I-1] To us, though far off, they come with a sweet sound. 'The angelic' Thomas Aquinas commented on him, and many others followed the saint's steps. Dante read him, though, strange to say, he speaks of the Consolation as 'a book not known by many.'[I-2] Belgium had her translations--both Flemish[I-3] and French[I-4]; Germany hers,[I-5] France hers,[I-6] Italy hers.[I-7] The Latin editors are too numerous to be catalogued here, and manuscripts abound in all our great libraries. No philosopher was so bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh of Middle-age writers as Boethius. Take up what writer you will, and you find not only the sentiments, but the very words of the distinguished old Roman. And surely we who read him in Chaucer's tongue, will not refuse to say that his full-circling meed of glory was other than deserved. Nor can we marvel that at the end of our great poet's life, he was glad that he had swelled the chorus of Boethius' praise; and 'of the translacioun of Boece de Consolacioun,' thanked 'oure Lord Ihesu Crist and his moder, and alle the seintes in heuen.' The impression made by Boethius on Chaucer was evidently very deep. Not only did he translate him directly, as in the present work, but he read his beloved original over and over again, as witness the following list, incomplete of course, of passages from Chaucer's poems translated more or less literally from the _De Consolatione_: [Footnote I-1: Other translations are by John Walton of Osney, in verse, in 1410 (Reg. MS. 18, A 13), first printed at Tavistock in 1525, and to be edited some time or other for the E.E.T.S. An anonymous prose version in the Bodleian. George Coluile, alias Coldewel, 1556; J. T. 1609; H. Conningesbye, 1664; Lord Preston, 1695, 1712; W. Causton, 1730; Redpath, 1785; R. Duncan, 1789; anon. 1792 (Lowndes).] [Footnote I-2: Dante, in his _Convito_, says, "Misimi a legger quello _non conosciuto da molti_ libro di Boezio, nel quale captivo e discacciato consolato s'avea."] [Footnote I-3: Printed at Ghent, 1485.] [Footnote I-4: By Reynier de Seinct Trudon, printed at Bruges, 1477.] [Footnote I-5: An old version of the 11th cent., printed by Graff, and a modern one printed at Nuremberg, 1473.] [Footnote I-6: By Jean de Méung, printed at Paris, 1494.] [Footnote I-7: By Varchi, printed at Florence, 1551; Parma, 1798.] I. LOVE. Wost thou nat wel the olde clerkes sawe, That who schal yeve a lover eny lawe, Love is a grettere lawe, by my pan, Then may be yeve to (of) eny erthly man? (_Knightes Tale, Aldine Series_, vol. ii. p. 36, 37.) But what is he þat may [gh]eue a lawe to loueres. loue is a gretter lawe and a strengere to hym self þan any lawe þat men may [gh]euen. (_Chaucer's Prose Translation_, p. 108.) _Quis legem det amantibus? Major lex amor est sibi._ (Boeth., lib. iii. met. 12.) II. A DRUNKEN MAN. A dronke man wot wel he hath an hous, But he not[I-8] which the righte wey is thider. (_Knightes Tale_, vol. ii. p. 39.) _Ry[gh]t as a dronke man not nat[I-9] by whiche paþe he may retourne home to hys house._ (Chaucer's Trans., p. 67.) _Sed velut ebrius, domum quo tramite revertatur, ignorat._ (Boeth., lib. iii. pr. 2.) [Footnote I-8: The Harl. MS. reads _not nat_, to the confusion of the metre.] [Footnote I-9: = ne wot nat = knows not.] III. THE CHAIN OF LOVE. The firste moevere of the cause above, Whan he first made the fayre cheyne of love, Gret was theffect, and heigh was his entente; Wel wist he why, and what therof he mente; _For with that faire cheyne of love he bond The fyr, the watir, the eyr, and eek the lond In certeyn boundes, that they may not flee._ (_Knightes Tale_, p. 92.) That þe world with stable feith / varieth acordable chaungynges // þat the contraryos qualite of element[gh] holden amonge hem self aliaunce perdurable / þat phebus the sonne with his goldene chariet / bryngeth forth the rosene day / þat the mone hath commaundement ouer the nyhtes // whiche nyhtes hesperus the eue sterre hat[h] browt // þat þe se gredy to flowen constreyneth with a certeyn ende hise floodes / so þat it is nat l[e]ueful to strechche hise brode termes or bowndes vp-on the erthes // þat is to seyn to couere alle the erthe // Al this a-cordaunce of thinges is bownden with looue / þat gouerneth erthe and see / and [he] hath also commaundement[gh] to the heuenes / and yif this looue slakede the brydelis / alle thinges þat now louen hem to-gederes / wolden maken a batayle contynuely and stryuen to fordoon the fasoun of this worlde / the which they now leden in acordable feith by fayre moeuynges // this looue halt to-gideres poeples / ioygned with an hooly bond / and knytteth sacrement of maryages of chaste looues // And loue enditeth lawes to trewe felawes // O weleful weere mankynde / yif thilke loue þat gouerneth heuene gouerned yowre corages /. (_Chaucer's Boethius_, bk. ii. met. 8.) Quod mundus stabili fide Concordes variat vices, Quod pugnantia semina Foedus perpetuum tenent, Quod Phoebus roseum diem Curru provehit aureo, Ut quas duxerit Hesperus Phoebe noctibus imperet, Ut fluctus avidum mare Certo fine coerceat, Ne terris liceat vagis Latos tundere terminos; _Hanc rerum seriem ligat, Terras ac pelagus regens, Et coelo imperitans amor._ Hic si fræna remiserit, Quicquid nunc amat invicem, Bellum continuo geret: Et quam nunc socia fide Pulcris motibus incitant, Certent solvere machinam. Hic sancto populos quoque Junctos foedere continet, Hic et conjugii sacrum Castis nectit amoribus, Hic fidis etiam sua Dictat jura sodalibus. O felix hominum genus, Si vestros animos amor, Quo cælum regitur, regat. (_Boeth._, lib. ii. met. 8.) Love, that of erth and se hath governaunce! Love, that his hestes hath in hevene hye! Love, that with an holsom alliaunce Halt peples joyned, as hym liste hem gye! Love, that knetteth law and compaignye, And couples doth in vertu for to dwelle! (_Troylus & Cryseyde_, st. 243, vol. iv. p. 296.) That, that the world with faith, which that is stable Dyverseth so, his stoundes concordynge;-- That elementz, that ben so discordable, Holden a bond, perpetualy durynge;-- That Phebus mot his rosy carte forth brynge, And that the mone hath lordschip overe the nyghte;-- Al this doth Love, ay heryed be his myght! That, that the se, that gredy is to flowen, Constreyneth to a certeyn ende so Hise flodes, that so fiersly they ne growen To drenchen erth and alle for everemo; And if that Love aught lete his brydel go, Al that now loveth asonder sholde lepe, And lost were al that Love halt now to kepe. (_Ibid._ st. 244, 245.) IV. MUTABILITY DIRECTED AND LIMITED BY AN IMMUTABLE AND DIVINE INTELLIGENCE. That same prynce and moevere eek, quod he, Hath stabled, in this wrecched world adoun, Certeyn dayes and duracioun To alle that er engendrid in this place, Over the whiche day they may nat pace, Al mowe they yit wel here dayes abregge; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Than may men wel by this ordre discerne That thilke moevere stabul is and eterne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . And therfore of his wyse purveaunce He hath so wel biset his ordenaunce, That spices of thinges and progressiouns Schullen endure by successiouns And nat eterne be, withoute any lye. (_Knightes Tale_, vol. ii. p. 92, 93.) Þe engendrynge of alle þinges quod she and alle þe progressiouns of muuable nature. and alle þat moeueþ in any manere takiþ hys causes. hys ordre. and hys formes. of þe stablenesse of þe deuyne þou[gh]t [and thilke deuyne thowht] þat is yset and put in þe toure. þat is to seyne in þe hey[gh]t of þe simplicite of god. stablisiþ many manere gyses to þinges þat ben to don. (_Chaucer's Boethius_, bk. iv. pr. 6, p. 134.) V. THE PART IS DERIVED FROM THE WHOLE, THE IMPERFECT FROM THE PERFECT. Wel may men knowe, but it be a fool, That every partye dyryveth from his hool. For nature hath nat take his bygynnyng Of no partye ne cantel of a thing, But of a thing that parfyt is and stable, Descendyng so, til it be corumpable. (_Knightes Tale_, vol. ii. p. 92.) For al þing þat is cleped inperfit . is proued inperfit by þe amenusynge of perfeccioun . or of þing þat is perfit . and her-of comeþ it . þat in euery þing general . yif þat . þat men seen any þing þat is inperfit . certys in þilke general þer mot ben somme þing þat is perfit. For yif so be þat perfeccioun is don awey . men may nat þinke nor seye fro whennes þilke þing is þat is cleped inperfit . For þe nature of þinges ne token nat her bygynnyng of þinges amenused and inperfit . but it procediþ of þingus þat ben al hool . and absolut . and descendeþ so doune in-to outerest þinges and in-to þingus empty and wiþ-oute fruyt . but as I haue shewed a litel her byforne . þat yif þer be a blisfulnesse þat be frele and vein and inperfit . þer may no man doute . þat þer nys som blisfulnesse þat is sad stedfast and perfit.' (bk. iii. pr. 10, p. 89.) Omne enim quod imperfectum esse dicitur, id deminutione perfecti imperfectum esse perhibetur. Quo fit ut si in quolibet genere imperfectum quid esse videatur, in eo perfectum quoque aliquod esse necesse sit. Etenim perfectione sublata, unde illud, quod imperfectum perhibetur, extiterit, ne fingi quidem potest. _Neque enim ab diminutis inconsummatisque natura rerum cepit exordium, sed ab integris absolutisque procedens in hæc extrema atque effoeta dilabitur._ Quod si, uti paulo ante monstravimus, est quædam boni fragilis imperfecta felicitas, esse aliquam solidam perfectamque non potest dubitari. (_Boeth._, lib. iii. pr. 10.) VI. GENTILITY. For gentilnesse nys but renomé Of thin auncestres, for her heigh bounté Which is a straunge thing to thy persone. (_The Wyf of Bathes Tale_, vol. ii. p. 241.) For if þe name of gentilesse be referred to renoun and clernesse of linage. þan is gentil name but a foreine þing. (_Chaucer's Boethius_, p. 78.) _Quæ_ [nobilitas], _si ad claritudinem refertur, aliena est._ (_Boethius_, lib. iii. pr. 6.) VII. NERO'S CRUELTY. No teer out of his eyen for that sighte Ne cam; but sayde, a fair womman was sche. Gret wonder is how that he couthe or mighte Be domesman on hir dede beauté. (_The Monkes Tale_, vol. iii. p. 217.) Ne no tere ne wette his face, but he was so hard-herted þat he my[gh]te ben domesman or iuge of hire dede beauté. (_Chaucer's Boethius_, p. 55.) Ora non tinxit lacrymis, sed esse Censor extincti potuit decoris. (_Boethius_, lib. ii. met. 6.) VIII. PREDESTINATION AND FREE-WILL. In 'Troylus and Cryseyde' we find the following long passage taken from Boethius, book v. prose 2, 3. Book iv. st. 134, vol. iv. p. 339. (1) Syn God seth every thynge, out of doutaunce, And hem disponeth, thorugh his ordinaunce, In hire merites sothely for to be, As they shul comen by predesteyné 136 (2) For som men seyn if God seth al byforne, Ne God may not deseyved ben pardé! Than moot it fallen, theigh men hadde it sworne, That purveyaunce hath seyn befor to be, Wherfor I seye, that, from eterne, if he Hathe wiste byforn our thought ek as oure dede, We have no fre choys, as thise clerkes rede. 137 (3) For other thoughte, nor other dede also, Myghte nevere ben, but swich as purveyaunce, Which may nat ben deceyved nevere moo, Hath feled byforne, withouten ignoraunce; For if ther myghte ben a variaunce, To wrythen out fro Goddes purveyinge, Ther nere no prescience of thynge comynge; 138 (4) But it were rather an opinyon Uncertein, and no stedfast forseynge; And certes that were an abusyon That God shold han no parfit clere wetynge, More than we men, that han douteous wenynge, But swich an erroure upon God to gesse Were fals, and foule, and wikked corsednesse. 139 (5) They seyn right thus, that thynge is nat to come, For that the prescience hath seyne byfore That it shal come; but they seyn that therfore That it shal come, therfor the purveyaunce Woot it bifore, withouten ignorance. 140 (6) And in this manere this necessité Retourneth in his part contrarye agayn; For nedfully byhoveth it not to be, That thilke thynges fallen in certeyn That ben purveyed; but nedly, as they seyne, Bihoveth it that thynges, which that falle, That thei in certein ben purveied alle. 141 (7) I mene as though I labourede me in this, To enqueren which thynge cause of whiche thynge be; (8) As, whether that the prescience of God is The certein cause of the necessité Of thynges that to comen ben, pardé! Or, if necessité of thynge comynge Be cause certein of the purveyinge. 142 (9) But now nenforce I me nat in shewynge How the ordre of causes stant; but wel woot I That it bihoveth that the bifallynge Of thynges, wiste bifor certeinly, Be necessarie, al seme it nat therby That prescience put fallynge necessaire To thynge to come, al falle it foule or faire. 143 (10) For, if ther sit a man yonde on a see, [seat] Than by necessité bihoveth it, That certes thyn opinioun soth be, That wenest or conjectest that he sit; And, further over, now ayeinwarde yit, Lo right so is it on the part contrarie, As thus,--nowe herkene, for I wol nat tarie:-- 144 (11) I sey, that if the opinion of the Be soth for that he sit, than seye I this, That he moot sitten by necessité; And thus necessité in either is, For in hym nede of sittynge is, ywis, And in the, nede of soth; and thus forsoth Ther mot necessité ben in yow bothe. 145 (12) But thow maist seyne, the man sit nat therfore, That thyn opinioun of his sittynge sothe is; But rather, for the man sat there byfore, Therfor is thyn opinioun soth, ywys; And I seye, though the cause of soth of this Cometh of his sittynge, yet necessité Is interchaunged both in hym and the. 146 (13) Thus in the same wyse, out of doutaunce, I may wel maken, as it semeth me, My resonynge of Goddes purveiaunce, And of the thynges that to comen be; . . . 147 (14) For although that for thynge shal come, ywys, Therfor it is purveyed certeynly, Nat that it cometh for it purveied is; Yet, natheles, bihoveth it nedfully, That thynge to come be purveied trewly; Or elles thynges that purveied be. That they bitiden by necessité. 148 (15) And this sufficeth right ynough, certeyn, For to distruye oure fre choys everydele. (1) Quæ tamen ille ab æterno cuncta prospiciens providentiæ cernit intuitus, et suis quæque meritis prædestinata disponit. . . . . (_Boethius_, lib. v. pr. 2.)  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . (2) Nam si cuncta prospicit Deus neque falli ullo modo potest, evenire necesse est, quod providentia futurum esse præviderit. Quare si ab æterno non facta hominum modo, sed etiam consilia voluntatesque prænoscit, nulla erit arbitrii libertas; (3) Neque enim vel factum aliud ullum vel quælibet existere poterit voluntas, nisi quam nescia falli providentia divina præsenserit. Nam si res aliorsum, quam provisæ sunt detorqueri valent, non jam erit futuri firma præscientia; (4) Sed opinio potius incerta; quod de Deo nefas credere judico. (5) Aiunt enim non ideo quid esse eventurum quoniam id providentia futurum esse prospexerit; sed e contrario potius, quoniam quid futurum est, id divinam providentiam latere non possit. (6) Eoque modo necessarium est hoc in contrariam relabi partem; neque enim necesse est contingere quæ providentur, sed necesse est quæ futura sunt provideri. (7) Quasi vero quæ cujusque rei causa sit, (8) Præscientiane futurorum necessitatis an futurorum necessitas providentiæ, laboretur. (9) At nos illud demonstrare nitamur, quoquo modo sese habeat ordo causarum, necessarium esse eventum præscitarum rerum, etiam si præscientia futuris rebus eveniendi necessitatem non videatur inferre. (10) Etenim si quispiam sedeat, opinionem quæ eum sedere conjectat veram esse necesse est: at e converso rursus, (11) Si de quopiam vera sit opinio quoniam sedet eum sedere necesse est. In utroque igitur necessitas inest: in hoc quidem sedendi, at vero in altero veritatis. (12) Sed non idcirco quisque sedet, quoniam vera est opinio: sed hæc potius vera est, quoniam quempiam sedere præcessit. Ita cum causa veritatis ex altera parte procedat, inest tamen communis in utraque necessitas. (13) Similia de providentia futurisque rebus ratiocinari patet. (14) Nam etiam si idcirco, quoniam futura sunt, providentur: non vero ideo, quoniam providentur, eveniunt: nihilo minus tamen a Deo vel ventura provideri, vel provisa evenire necesse est: (15) Quod ad perimendam arbitrii libertatem solum satis est. (lib. v. pr. 3.) See _Chaucer's Boethius_, pp. 154-6. IX. THE GRIEF OF REMEMBERING BYGONE HAPPINESS. For, of fortunes scharp adversité, The worste kynde of infortune is this, A man to han ben in prosperité, And it remembren, when it passed is. (_Troylus and Cryseyde_, bk. iii. st. 226, vol. iv. p. 291.) Sed hoc est, quod recolentem me vehementius coquit. Nam in omni adversitate fortunæ infelicissimum genus est infortunii, fuisse felicem.[I-10] (_Boethius_, lib. ii. pr. 4.) [Footnote I-10: Cf. Dante, _Inferno_, V. 121. Nessun maggior dolore Che ricordarsi del tempo felice Nella miseria; e ciò sa 'l tuo Dottore.] X. VULTURES TEAR THE STOMACH OF TITYUS IN HELL. ----Syciphus in Helle, Whos stomak fowles tyren everemo, That hyghten volturis. (_Troylus and Cryseyde_, book i. st. 113, p. 140.) Þe fowel þat hy[gh]t voltor þat etiþ þe stomak or þe giser of ticius. (_Chaucer's Boethius_, p. 107.) XI. THE MUTABILITY OF FORTUNE. For if hire (Fortune's) whiel stynte any thinge to torne Thanne cessed she Fortune anon to be. (_Troylus and Cryseyde_, bk. i. st. 122, p. 142.) If fortune bygan to dwelle stable. she cesed[e] þan to ben fortune. (_Chaucer's Boethius_, p. 32.) (Compare stanzas 120, 121, p. 142, and stanza 136, p. 146, of 'Troylus and Cryseyde' with pp. 31, 33, 35, and p. 34 of Chaucer's Boethius.) At omnium mortalium stolidissime, si manere incipit, fors esse desistit. (_Boethius_, lib. ii. prose 1.) XII. WORLDLY SELYNESSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Imedled is with many a bitternesse. Ful angwyshous than is, God woote, quod she, Condicion of veyn prosperité! For oyther joies comen nought yfeere, Or elles no wight hath hem alwey here. (_Troylus and Cryseyde_, bk. iii. st. 110, p. 258.) Þe swetnesse of mannes welefulnesse is yspranid wiþ many[e] bitternesses. (_Chaucer's Boethius_, p. 42.) --ful anguissous þing is þe condicioun of mans goodes. For eyþer it comeþ al to-gidre to a wy[gh]t. or ellys it lasteþ not perpetuely. (_Ib._ p. 41.) Quam multis amaritudinibus humanæ felicitatis dulcedo respersa est! (_Boethius_, lib. ii. prose 4.) Anxia enim res est humanorum conditio bonorum, et quæ vel nunquam tota proveniat, vel nunquam perpetua subsistat. (_Ib._) O, brotel wele of mannes joie unstable! With what wight so thow be, or how thow pleye, Oither he woot that thow joie art muable, Or woot it nought, it mot ben on of tweyen: Now if he woot it not, how may he seyen That he hath veray joie and selynesse, That is of ignoraunce ay in distresse? Now if he woote that joie is transitorie, As every joie of worldly thynge mot fle, Thanne every tyme he that hath in memorie, The drede of lesyng maketh hym that he May in no parfyte selynesse be: And if to lese his joie, he sette not a myte, Than semeth it, that joie is worth ful lite. (_Troylus and Cryseyde_, bk. iii. st. 111, 112, vol. iv. p. 258.) (1) What man þat þis toumblyng welefulnesse leediþ, eiþer he woot þat [it] is chaungeable. or ellis he woot it nat. And yif he woot it not. what blisful fortune may þer be in þe blyndenesse of ignoraunce. (2) And yif he woot þat it is chaungeable. he mot alwey ben adrad þat he ne lese þat þing. þat he ne douteþ nat but þat he may leesen it. . . . . . For whiche þe continuel drede þat he haþ ne suffriþ hym nat to ben weleful. Or ellys yif he leese it he wene[þ] to be dispised and forleten hit. Certis eke þat is a ful lytel goode þat is born wiþ euene hert[e] whan it is loost. (_Chaucer's Boethius_, pp. 43, 44.) (1) Quem caduca ista felicitas vehit, vel scit eam, vel nescit esse mutabilem. Si nescit, quænam beata sors esse potest ignorantiæ in cæcitate? (2) Si scit, metuat necesse est, ne amittat, quod amitti posse non dubitat; quare continuus timor non sinit esse felicem. An vel si amiserit, negligendum putat? Sic quoque perexile bonum est, quod æquo animo feratur amissum. (_Boethius_, lib. ii. prose 4.) XIII. FORTUNE. ----Fortune That semeth trewest when she wol bigyle, . . . . . . . . . . . . . And, when a wight is from hire whiel ithrowe, Than laugheth she, and maketh hym the mowe. (_Troylus and Cryseyde_, bk. iii. st. 254, vol. iv. p. 299.) She (Fortune) vseþ ful flatryng familarité wiþ hem þat she enforceþ to bygyle. (_Chaucer's Boethius_, p. 30.) .  .  .  .  .  .  . She lau[gh]eþ and scorneþ þe wepyng of hem þe whiche she haþ maked wepe wiþ hir free wille  .  .  .  . Yif þat a wy[gh]t is seyn weleful and ouerþrowe in an houre. (_Ib._ p. 33.) In book v., stanza 260, vol. v. p. 75, Chaucer describes how the soul of Hector, after his death, ascended 'up to the holughnesse of the seventhe spere.' In so doing he seems to have had before him met. 1, book 4, of Boethius, where the 'soul' is described as passing into the heaven's utmost sphere, and looking down on the world below. See _Chaucer's Boethius_, p. 110, 111. Ætas Prima is of course a metrical version of lib. ii. met. 5. Hampole speaks of the wonderful sight of the Lynx; perhaps he was indebted to Boethius for the hint. --(See _Boethius_, book 3, pr. 8, p. 81.) I have seen the following elsewhere: (1) Value not beauty, for it may be destroyed by a three days' fever. (See _Chaucer's Boethius_, p. 81.) (2) There is no greater plague than the enmity of thy familiar friend. (See _Chaucer's_ translation, p. 77.) * * * * * Chaucer did not English Boethius second-hand, through any early French version, as some have supposed, but made his translation with the Latin original before him. Jean de Méung's version, the only early French translation, perhaps, accessible to Chaucer, is not always literal, while the present translation is seldom free or periphrastic, but conforms closely to the Latin, and is at times awkwardly literal. A few passages, taken haphazard, will make this sufficiently clear. _Et dolor ætatem jussit inesse suam._ And sorou haþ comaunded his age to be in me (p. 4). Et ma douleur {com}ma{n}da a vieillesse Entrer en moy / ains quen fust hors ieunesse. _Mors hominum felix, quæ se nec dulcibus annis Inserit, et mæstis sæpe vocata venit._ Þilke deeþ of men is welful þat ne comeþ not in [gh]eres þat ben swete (i. _mirie_). but comeþ to wrecches often yclepid. (p. 4) On dit la mort des ho{m}es estre eureuse Qui ne vie{n}t pas en saiso{n} pla{n}tureuse Mais des tristes mo{u}lt souue{n}t appellee Elle y affuit nue / seche et pelee. _Querimoniam lacrymabilem._ Wepli compleynte (p. 5). Fr. ma complainte moy esmouuant a pleurs. _Styli officio._ Wiþ office of poyntel (p. 5). Fr. (que ie reduisse) p{ar} escript. _Inexhaustus._ Swiche . . . þat it ne my[gh]t[e] not be emptid (p. 5). Fr. inconsumptible. _Scenicas meretriculas._ Comune strumpetis of siche a place þat men clepen þe theatre (p. 6). Fr. ces ribaudelles fardees. _Præcipiti profundo._ In ouer-þrowyng depnesse (p. 7). [L]As que la pensee de lomme Est troublee et plongie comme En _abisme precipitee_ Sa propre lumiere gastee. _Nec pervetusta nec incelebris._ Neyþer ouer-oolde ne vnsolempne (p. 11). Fr. desquelz la memoire nest pas trop ancienne ou no{n} recitee. _Inter secreta otia._ Among my secre restyng whiles (p. 14). Fr. entre mes secrettes {et} oyseuses estudes. _Palatini canes._ Þe houndys of þe palays (p. 15). Fr. les chiens du palais. _Masculæ prolis._ Of þi masculyn children (p. 37). Fr. de ta lignie masculine. _Ad singularem felicitatis tuæ cumulum venire delectat._ It deliteþ me to comen now to þe singuler vphepyng of þi welefulnesse (p. 37). Fr. Il me plait venir au singulier monceau de ta felicite. _Consulare imperium._ Emperie of consulers (p. 51). Fr. le{m}pire consulaire. _Hoc ipsum brevis habitaculi._ Of þilke litel habitacle (p. 57). Fr. de cest trespetit habitacle. _Late patentes plagas._ Þe brode shewyng contreys (p. 60). QVico{n}ques tend a gloire vaine Et le croit estre souueraine Voye _les regions pate{n}tes_ Du ciel . . . . . . _Ludens hominum cura._ Þe pleiyng besines of men (p. 68). Si quil tollist par doulz estude Des hommes la solicitude . . _Hausi coelum._ I took heuene (p. 10). Fr. ie . . . regarday le ciel. _Certamen adversum præfectum prætorii communis commodi ratione suscepi._ I took strif a[gh]eins þe prouost of þe pretorie for comune profit (p. 15). Fr. ie entrepris lestrif a lencontre du prefect du parlement royal a cause de la commune vtilite. _At cujus criminis arguimur summam quæris?_ But axest þou in somme of what gilt I am accused? (p. 17). Fr. Mais demandes tu la somme du pechie duquel pechie nous so{m}mes arguez? _Fortuita temeritate._ By fortunouse fortune (p. 26). Fr. par fortuite folie. _Quos premunt septem gelidi triones._ Alle þe peoples þat ben vndir þe colde sterres þat hy[gh]ten þe seuene triones (p. 55). Fr. ceulx de septentrion. _Ita ego quoque tibi veluti corollarium dabo._ Ry[gh]t so wil I [gh]eue þe here as a corolarie or a mede of coroune (p. 91). Fr. semblablement ie te donneray ainsi que vng correlaire. _In stadio._ In þe stadie or in þe forlonge (p. 119). Fr. ou (for au) champ. _Conjecto._ I coniecte (p. 154). Fr. ie coniecture. _Nimium . . . adversari ac repugnare videtur._ It semeþ . . . to repugnen and to contrarien gretly. Fr. Ce semble chose trop contraire et repugnante. _Universitatis ambitum._ Envirounynge of þe vniuersite (p. 165). Fr. lauironnement de luniuersalite. _Rationis universum._ Vniuersite of resoun (p. 165). Fr. luniuersalite de Raison. _Scientiam nunquam deficientis instantiæ rectius æstimabis._ Þou shalt demen [it] more ry[gh]tfully þat it is science of presence or of instaunce þat neuer ne fayleþ (p. 174). Fr. mais tu la diras plus droittement et mieulx science de instante p{re}sentialite non iamais defaillant mais eternelle. Many of the above examples are very bald renderings of the original, and are only quoted here to show that Chaucer did not make his translation from the French. Chaucer is not always felicitous in his translations:--thus he translates _clavus atque gubernaculum_ by _keye and a stiere_ (p. 103), and _compendium_ (gain, acquisition) by _abreggynge_ (abridging, curtailment), p. 151. Many terms make their appearance in English for the first time,--and most of them have become naturalized, and are such as we could ill spare. Some few are rather uncommon, as _gouernaile_ (gubernaculum), p. 27; _arbitre_ (arbitrium), p. 154. As Chaucer takes the trouble to explain _inestimable_ (inæstimabilis), p. 158, it could not have been a very familiar term. Our translator evidently took note of various readings, for on p. 31 he notes a variation of the original. On p. 51 he uses _armurers_ (= armures) to render _arma_, though most copies agree in reading _arva_. There are numerous glosses and explanations of particular passages, which seem to be interpolated by Chaucer himself. Thus he explains what is meant by the _heritage of Socrates_ (p. 10, 11); he gives the meaning of _coemption_ (p. 15); of _Euripus_ (p. 33); of the _porch_ (p. 166).[I-11] Some of his definitions are very quaint; as, for instance, that of Tragedy--'_a dité of a prosperité for a tyme þat endiþ in wrechednesse_' (p. 35). One would think that the following definition of Tragedian would be rather superfluous after this,--'_a maker of dites þat hy[gh]ten_ (are called) _tregedies_' (p. 77). _Melliflui . . . oris Homerus_ is thus quaintly Englished: _Homer wiþ þe hony mouþe, þat is to seyn. homer wiþ þe swete dites_ (p. 153). * * * * * The present translation of the _De Consolatione_ is taken from Additional MS. 10,340, which is supposed to be the _oldest_ manuscript that exists in our public libraries. After it was all copied out and ready for press, Mr Bradshaw was kind enough to procure me, for the purpose of collation, the loan of the Camb. University MS. Ii. 3. 21, from which the various readings at the foot of the pages are taken. Had I had an opportunity of examining the Cambridge MS. carefully throughout before the work was so far advanced, I should certainly have selected it in preference to the text now given to the reader. Though not so ancient as the British Museum MS., it is far more correct in its grammatical inflexions, and is no doubt a copy of an older and very accurate text. The Additional MS. is written by a scribe who was unacquainted with the force of the final _-e_. Thus he adds it to the preterites of strong verbs, which do not require it; he omits it in the preterites of weak verbs where it is wanted, and attaches it to passive participles (of weak verbs), where it is superfluous. The scribe of the Cambridge MS. is careful to preserve the final _-e_ where it is a sign (1) of the definite declension of the adjective; (2) of the plural adjective; (3) of the infinitive mood; (4) of the preterite of weak verbs; (5) of present participles;[I-12] (6) of the 2nd pers. pret. indic. of strong verbs; (7) of adverbs; (8) of an older vowel ending. The Addit. MS. has frequently _thilk_ (singular and plural), and _-nes_ (in _wrechednes_, &c.), when the Camb. MS. has _thilke_[I-13] and _-nesse_. For further differences the reader may consult the numerous collations at the foot of the page. If the Chaucer Society obtains that amount of patronage from the literary public which it deserves, but unfortunately has yet not succeeded in getting, so that it may be enabled to go on with the great work which has been so successfully commenced, then the time may come when I shall have the opportunity of editing the Camb. MS. of Chaucer's Boethius for that Society, and lovers of Early English Literature will have two texts instead of one. [Footnote I-11: See pages 39, 50, 61, 94, 111, 133, 149, 153, 159.] [Footnote I-12: In the Canterbury Tales we find participles in _-yngë_.] [Footnote I-13: It is nearly always _thilkë_ in the Canterbury Tales.] APPENDIX TO INTRODUCTION. The last of the ancients, and one who forms a link between the classical period of literature and that of the middle ages, in which he was a favourite author, is Boethius, a man of fine genius, and interesting both from his character and his death. It is well known that after filling the dignities of Consul and Senator in the court of Theodoric, he fell a victim to the jealousy of a sovereign, from whose memory, in many respects glorious, the stain of that blood has never been effaced. The _Consolation of Philosophy_, the chief work of Boethius, was written in his prison. Few books are more striking from the circumstances of their production. Last of the classic writers, in style not impure, though displaying too lavishly that poetic exuberance which had distinguished the two or three preceding centuries, in elevation of sentiment equal to any of the philosophers, and mingling a Christian sanctity with their lessons, he speaks from his prison in the swan-like tones of dying eloquence. The philosophy that consoled him in bonds, was soon required in the sufferings of a cruel death. Quenched in his blood, the lamp he had trimmed with a skilful hand gave no more light; the language of Tully and Virgil soon ceased to be spoken; and many ages were to pass away, before learned diligence restored its purity, and the union of genius with imitation taught a few modern writers to surpass in eloquence the Latinity of Boethius. --(Hallam's _Literature of Europe_, i. 2, 4th ed. 1854.) The Senator Boethius is the last of the Romans whom Cato or Tully could have acknowledged for their countryman. As a wealthy orphan, he inherited the patrimony and honours of the Anician family, a name ambitiously assumed by the kings and emperors of the age; and the appellation of Manlius asserted his genuine or fabulous descent from a race of consuls and dictators, who had repulsed the Gauls from the Capitol, and sacrificed their sons to the discipline of the Republic. In the youth of Boethius the studies of Rome were not totally abandoned; a Virgil is now extant, corrected by the hand of a consul; and the professors of grammar, rhetoric, and jurisprudence, were maintained in their privileges and pensions by the liberality of the Goths. But the erudition of the Latin language was insufficient to satiate his ardent curiosity; and Boethius is said to have employed eighteen laborious years in the schools of Athens, which were supported by the zeal, the learning, and the diligence of Proclus and his disciples. The reason and piety of their Roman pupil were fortunately saved from the contagion of mystery and magic, which polluted the groves of the Academy, but he imbibed the spirit, and imitated the method, of his dead and living masters, who attempted to reconcile the strong and subtle sense of Aristotle with the devout contemplation and sublime fancy of Plato. After his return to Rome, and his marriage with the daughter of his friend, the patrician Symmachus, Boethius still continued, in a palace of ivory and [glass] to prosecute the same studies. The Church was edified by his profound defence of the orthodox creed against the Arian, the Eutychian, and the Nestorian heresies; and the Catholic unity was explained or exposed in a formal treatise by the _indifference_ of three distinct though consubstantial persons. For the benefit of his Latin readers, his genius submitted to teach the first elements of the arts and sciences of Greece. The geometry of Euclid, the music of Pythagoras, the arithmetic of Nicomachus, the mechanics of Archimedes, the astronomy of Ptolemy, the theology of Plato, and the logic of Aristotle, with the commentary of Porphyry, were translated and illustrated by the indefatigable pen of the Roman senator. And he alone was esteemed capable of describing the wonders of art, a sun-dial, a water-clock, or a sphere which represented the motions of the planets. From these abstruse speculations, Boethius stooped, or, to speak more truly, he rose to the social duties of public and private life: the indigent were relieved by his liberality; and his eloquence, which flattery might compare to the voice of Demosthenes or Cicero, was uniformly exerted in the cause of innocence and humanity. Such conspicuous merit was felt and rewarded by a discerning prince: the dignity of Boethius was adorned with the titles of consul and patrician, and his talents were usefully employed in the important station of master of the offices. Notwithstanding the equal claims of the East and West, his two sons were created, in their tender youth, the consuls of the same year. On the memorable day of their inauguration, they proceeded in solemn pomp from their palace to the forum amidst the applause of the senate and people; and their joyful father, the true Consul of Rome, after pronouncing an oration in the praise of his royal benefactor, distributed a triumphal largess in the games of the circus. Prosperous in his fame and fortunes, in his public honours and private alliances, in the cultivation of science and the consciousness of virtue, Boethius might have been styled happy, if that precarious epithet could be safely applied before the last term of the life of man. A philosopher, liberal of his wealth and parsimonious of his time, might be insensible to the common allurements of ambition, the thirst of gold and employment. And some credit may be due to the asseveration of Boethius, that he had reluctantly obeyed the divine Plato, who enjoins every virtuous citizen to rescue the state from the usurpation of vice and ignorance. For the integrity of his public conduct he appeals to the memory of his country. His authority had restrained the pride and oppression of the royal officers, and his eloquence had delivered Paulianus from the dogs of the palace. He had always pitied, and often relieved, the distress of the provincials, whose fortunes were exhausted by public and private rapine; and Boethius alone had courage to oppose the tyranny of the Barbarians, elated by conquest, excited by avarice, and, as he complains, encouraged by impunity. In these honourable contests his spirit soared above the consideration of danger, and perhaps of prudence; and we may learn from the example of Cato, that a character of pure and inflexible virtue is the most apt to be misled by prejudice, to be heated by enthusiasm, and to confound private enmities with public justice. The disciple of Plato might exaggerate the infirmities of nature, and the imperfections of society; and the mildest form of a Gothic kingdom, even the weight of allegiance and gratitude, must be insupportable to the free spirit of a Roman patriot. But the favour and fidelity of Boethius declined in just proportion with the public happiness; and an unworthy colleague was imposed to divide and control the power of the master of the offices. In the last gloomy season of Theodoric, he indignantly felt that he was a slave; but as his master had only power over his life, he stood without arms and without fear against the face of an angry Barbarian, who had been provoked to believe that the safety of the senate was incompatible with his own. The Senator Albinus was accused and already convicted on the presumption of _hoping_, as it was said, the liberty of Rome. "If Albinus be criminal," exclaimed the orator, "the senate and myself are all guilty of the same crime. If we are innocent, Albinus is equally entitled to the protection of the laws." These laws might not have punished the simple and barren wish of an unattainable blessing; but they would have shown less indulgence to the rash confession of Boethius, that, had he known of a conspiracy, the tyrant never should. The advocate of Albinus was soon involved in the danger and perhaps the guilt of his client; their signature (which they denied as a forgery) was affixed to the original address, inviting the emperor to deliver Italy from the Goths; and three witnesses of honourable rank, perhaps of infamous reputation, attested the treasonable designs of the Roman patrician. Yet his innocence must be presumed, since he was deprived by Theodoric of the means of justification, and rigorously confined in the tower of Pavia, while the senate, at the distance of five hundred miles, pronounced a sentence of confiscation and death against the most illustrious of its members. At the command of the Barbarians, the occult science of a philosopher was stigmatized with the names of sacrilege and magic. A devout and dutiful attachment to the senate was condemned as criminal by the trembling voices of the senators themselves; and their ingratitude deserved the wish or prediction of Boethius, that, after him, none should be found guilty of the same offence. While Boethius, oppressed with fetters, expected each moment the sentence or the stroke of death, he composed in the tower of Pavia the _Consolation of Philosophy_; a golden volume not unworthy of the leisure of Plato or Tully, but which claims incomparable merit from the barbarism of the times and the situation of the author. The celestial guide, whom he had so long invoked at Rome and Athens, now condescended to illumine his dungeon, to revive his courage, and to pour into his wounds her salutary balm. She taught him to compare his long prosperity and his recent distress, and to conceive new hopes from the inconstancy of fortune. Reason had informed him of the precarious condition of her gifts; experience had satisfied him of their real value; he had enjoyed them without guilt; he might resign them without a sigh, and calmly disdain the impotent malice of his enemies, who had left him happiness, since they had left him virtue. From the earth, Boethius ascended to heaven in search of the SUPREME GOOD; explored the metaphysical labyrinth of chance and destiny, of prescience and free-will, of time and eternity; and generously attempted to reconcile the perfect attributes of the Deity with the apparent disorders of his moral and physical government. Such topics of consolation, so obvious, so vague, or so abstruse, are ineffectual to subdue the feelings of human nature. Yet the sense of misfortune may be diverted by the labour of thought; and the sage who could artfully combine in the same work the various riches of philosophy, poetry, and eloquence, must already have possessed the intrepid calmness which he affected to seek. Suspense, the worst of evils, was at length determined by the ministers of death, who executed, and perhaps exceeded, the inhuman mandate of Theodoric. A strong cord was fastened round the head of Boethius, and forcibly tightened till his eyes almost started from their sockets; and some mercy may be discovered in the milder torture of beating him with clubs till he expired. But his genius survived to diffuse a ray of knowledge over the darkest ages of the Latin world; the writings of the philosopher were translated by the most glorious of the English kings, and the third emperor of the name of Otho removed to a more honourable tomb the bones of a Catholic saint, who, from his Arian persecutors, had acquired the honours of martyrdom and the fame of miracles. In the last hours of Boethius, he derived some comfort from the safety of his two sons, of his wife, and of his father-in-law, the venerable Symmachus. But the grief of Symmachus was indiscreet, and perhaps disrespectful; he had presumed to lament, he might dare to revenge, the death of an injured friend. He was dragged in chains from Rome to the palace of Ravenna; and the suspicions of Theodoric could only be appeased by the blood of an innocent and aged senator.--Gibbon's _Decline and Fall_, 1838, vol. vii. p. 45-52 (without the notes). INDEX _(Giving the first line of each Metre, the first words of each Prose, and the corresponding page of the translation)._ Book Metre Prose Page I 1 -- Carmina qui quondam studio florente peregi 4 " -- 1 Hæc dum mecum tacitus ipse reputarem 5 " 2 -- Heu, quam præcipiti mersa profundo 7 " -- 2 Sed medicinæ, inquit, potius tempus est 8 " 3 -- Tunc me discussa liquerunt nocte tenebræ 9 " -- 3 Haud aliter tristitiæ nebulis dissolutis, hausi coelum 10 " 4 -- Quisquis composito serenus ævo 12 " -- 4 Sentisne, inquit, hæc, atque animo illabuntur tuo? 13 " 5 -- O stelliferi conditor orbis 21 " -- 5 Hæc ubi continuato dolore delatravi 23 " 6 -- Cum Phoebi radiis grave 25 " -- 6 Primum igitur paterisne me pauculis rogationibus 26 " 7 -- Nubibus atris 29 II -- 1 Posthæc paulisper obticuit 29 " 1 -- Hæc cum superba verterit vices dextra 33 " -- 2 Vellem autem pauca tecum fortunæ ipsius 33 " 2 -- Si quantas rapidis flatibus incitus 35 " -- 3 His igitur si pro se tecum fortuna loqueretur 36 " 3 -- Cum polo Phoebus roseis quadrigis 39 " -- 4 Tum ego, Vera, inquam, commemoras 39 " 4 -- Quisquis volet perennem 44 " -- 5 Sed quoniam rationum jam in te mearum fomenta 45 " 5 -- Felix nimium prior ætas 50 " -- 6 Quid autem de dignitatibus, potentiaque disseram 51 " 6 -- Novimus quantas dederit ruinas 55 " -- 7 Tum ego, Scis, inquam, ipsa 56 " 7 -- Quicumque solam mente præcipiti petit 60 " -- 8 Sed ne me inexorabile contra fortunam 61 " 8 -- Quod mundus stabili fide 62 III -- 1 Jam cantum illa finierat 63 " 1 -- Qui serere ingenuum volet agrum 64 " -- 2 Tum defixo paululum visu 64 " 2 -- Quantas rerum flectat habenas 68 " -- 3 Vos quoque, o terrena animalia 69 " 3 -- Quamvis fluente dives auri gurgite 71 " -- 4 Sed dignitates honorabilem reverendumque 72 " 4 -- Quamvis se Tyrio superbus ostro 74 " -- 5 An vero regna regumque familiaritas efficere potentem valent? 75 " 5 -- Qui se volet esse potentem 77 " -- 6 Gloria vero quam fallax sæpe, quam turpis est! 77 " 6 -- Omne hominum genus in terris 78 " -- 7 Quid autem de corporis voluptatibus loquar? 79 " 7 -- Habet omnis hoc voluptas 80 " -- 8 Nihil igitur dubium est, quin 80 " 8 -- Eheu, quam miseros tramite devio 81 " -- 9 Hactenus mendacis formam felicitatis ostendisse 82 " 9 -- O qui perpetua mundum ratione gubernas 87 " -- 10 Quoniam igitur quæ sit imperfecti 88 " 10 -- Huc omnes pariter venite capti 94 " -- 11 Assentior, inquam. 95 " 11 -- Quisquis profunda mente vestigat verum 100 " -- 12 Tum ego, Platoni, inquam, vehementer assentior 101 " 12 -- Felix qui potuit boni 106 IV -- 1 Hæc cum Philosophia, dignitate 108 " 1 -- Sunt etenim pennæ volucres mihi 110 " -- 2 Tum ego, Papæ, inquam, ut magna promittis! 112 " 2 -- Quos vides sedere celso 118 " -- 3 Videsne igitur quanto in coeno probra volvantur 119 " 3 -- Vela Neritii ducis 122 " -- 4 Tum ego, Fateor, inquam, nec injuria dici video 123 " 4 -- Quid tantos juvat excitare motus 130 " -- 5 Hic ego, Video, inquam, quæ sit vel felicitas 131 " 5 -- Si quis Arcturi sidera nescit 132 " -- 6 Ita est, inquam. 133 " 6 -- Si vis celsi jura tonantis 143 " -- 7 Jamne igitur vides, quid hæc omnia quæ diximus, consequatur? 144 " 7 -- Bella bis quinis operatus annis 147 V -- 1 Dixerat, orationisque cursum ad alia quædam 149 " 1 -- Rupis Achæmeniæ scopulis, ubi versa sequentum 151 " -- 2 Animadverto, inquam, idque uti tu dicis, ita esse consentio. 152 " 2 -- Puro clarum lumine Phoebum 153 " -- 3 Tum ego, En, inquam, difficiliori rursus ambiguitate confundor. 154 " 3 -- Quænam discors foedera rerum 159 " -- 4 Tum illa, Vetus, inquit, hæc est de Providentia querela 161 " 4 -- Quondam porticus attulit 166 " -- 5 Quod si in corporibus sentiendis, quamvis 168 " 5 -- Quam variis terras animalia permeant figuris! 170 " -- 6 Quoniam igitur, uti paulo ante monstratum est 171 Appendix.--Ætas Prima 180 " Balades de Vilage sanz Peinture 182 TABLE OF CONTENTS. ++[I]NCIPIT TABULA LIBRI BOICII DE CONSOLAC{I}O{N}E PHILOSOPHIE. [_Additional MS. 10,340, fol. 3._] [Sidenote: [fol. 3.]] LIBER PRIMUS. 1 Carmina qui quondam studio flore{n}te p{er}egi. 2 Hic dum mecum tacitus. 3 Heu q{ua}m precipiti. 4 Set medicine inquit tempus. 5 Tunc me discussa. 6 Haut[C-1] aliter tristicie. 7 Quisquis composito. 8 Sentis ne inquit. 9 O stelliferi conditor orbis. 10 Hic ubi continuato dolore. 11 Cum phebi radijs. 12 Primu{m} igit{ur} pateris rogac{i}o{n}ib{us}. 13 Nubib{us} atris condita. EXPLICIT LIBER PRIMUS. LIBER SECUNDUS. 1 Postea paulisper[C-2] conticuit. 2 Hec cum superba. 3 Uellem autem pauca. 4 Si quantas rapidis. 5 His igitur si {et} pro se. 6 Cum primo polo. 7 Tunc ego uera inq{ua}m. 8 Contraq{ue}. 9 Quisq{ui}s ualet p{er}hennem cantus. 10 Set cum racionu{m} iam in te. 11 Felix i{n} miru{m} iam prior etas. 12 Quid au{tem} de dignitatib{us}. 13 Nouim{us} quantos dederat. 14 Tu{m} ego scis inq{ua}m. 15 Quicu{n}q{ue} solam mente. 16 Set ne me inexorabile. 17 Q{uo}d mu{n}dus stabile fide. EXPLICIT LIBER S{E}C{UN}DUS. LIBER TERCIUS. 1 Iam tantu{m} illa. 2 Qui serere ingeniu{m}. 3 Tunc defixo paululu{m}. 4 Quantas reru{m} flectat. 5 Uos quoq{ue} terrena a{n}i{m}alia. 6 Qua{m}uis fluenter diues. 7 Set dignitatib{us}. 8 Qua{m}uis se tirio. 9 An uero regna. 10 Qui se ualet esse potentem. 11 Gloria uero q{uam} fallax. 12 Omne hominu{m} genus in terris. 13 Quid au{tem} de corporib{us}. 14 Habet hoc uoluptas. 15 Nichil igit{ur} dubiu{m} est. 16 Heu q{ue} miseros tramite. 17 Hacten{us} me{n}dacio forma{m}. 18 O qui p{er}petua. 19 Q{uonia}m igit{ur} qui scit. 20 Nunc omnes pariter. 21 Assencior inq{ua}m cuncta. 22 Quisq{ue} profunda. 23 Tunc ego platoni inq{ua}m. 24 Felix qui poterit. EXPLICIT LIBER T{ER}CIUS. LIBER QUARTUS. 1 Hec cum philosophia. 2 Sunt eteni{m} penne. 3 Tunc ego pape inq{uam}. 4 Quos uides sedere celsos. 5 Uides ne igitur quanto. 6 U[e]la naricij ducis. 7 Tunc ego fateor inq{ua}m. 8 Quid tantos iuuat. 9 Huic ego uideo inq{ua}m. 10 Si quis arcturi[C-3] sydera. 11 Ita est inq{ua}m. 12 Si uis celsi iura. 13 Iam ne igit{ur} uides. 14 Bella bis quinis. EXPLICIT LIBER QUARTUS. INCIPIT LIBER QUINTUS. 1 Dixerat orac{i}onis q{ue} cursu{m}. 2 Rupis achemenie. 3 Animaduerto inq{ua}m. 4 Puro claru{m} lumine. 5 Tamen ego en inq{ua}m. 6 Que nam discors. 7 Tamen illa uetus. 8 Quonda{m} porticus attulit. 9 Quod si i{n} corporib{us}. 10 Qua{m} uarijs figuris. 11 Quonia{m} igit{ur} uti paulo ante. EXPLICIT LIBER QUI{N}TUS {ET} ULTIMUS. [Footnote C-1: MS. hanc.] [Footnote C-2: MS. luper.] [Footnote C-3: MS. arituri.] [[pg 4]] [Headnote: BOETHIUS DEPLORES HIS MISFORTUNES.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 3 _b_.]] *LIBER PRIMUS. INCIPIT LIBER BOICII DE CO{N}SOLAC{I}O{N}E PHILOSOPHIE. Car{m}i{n}a qui q{u}onda{m} studio flore{n}te p{er}egi. [Sidenote: [The fyrste Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: Boethius deplores his misfortunes in the following pathetic elegy.] ++Allas I wepyng am constreined to bygynne vers of sorouful matere. ¶ Þat whilom in florysching studie made delitable ditees. For loo rendyng muses of poetes enditen to me þinges to be writen. and drery 4 v{er}s of wrecchednes weten my face wiþ v{er}ray teers. ¶ At þe leest no drede ne my[gh]t[e] ouer-come þo muses. þat þei ne were{n} felawes {and} folweden my wey. þat is to seyne when I was exiled. [Sidenote: ypalage antithesis] þei þat weren glorie of 8 my you[gh]th whilom weleful {and} grene co{n}forten now þe sorouful werdes of me olde man. [Sidenote: Laments his immature old age.] for elde is comen vnwarly vpon me hasted by þe harmes þat I haue. {and} sorou haþ comau{n}ded his age to be in me. ¶ Heeres 12 hore ben schad ouertymelyche vpon myne heued. and þe slak[e] skyn trembleþ vpon myn emty body. [Sidenote: Death turns a deaf ear to the wretched.] þilk[e] deeþ of men is welful þat ne comeþ not in [gh]eres þat ben swete (.i. mirie.) but comeþ to wrecches often 16 yclepid. [Linenotes: 1 _of_--MS. of of. 2 _florysching_--floryssynge 3 _rendyng_--rendynge 4 _be_--ben 5 _wrecchednes_--wrecchednesse _teers_--teeres 6 _leest_--leeste _my[gh]t[e] ouer-come_--myhte ouercomen 8 _seyne when_--seyn whan 9 _you[gh]th_--MS. þo[gh]t, C. yowthe 10 _sorouful werdes_--sorful wierdes [i. fata] 12 _sorou_--sorwe _haþ_--MS. haþe _be_--ben 13 _hore_--hoore _ben_--arn _myne_--myn 14 _slak[e]_--slake _vpon_--of _emty_--emptyd _þilk[e]_--thilke 15 _welful_--weleful _comeþ not_--comth nat 16 _.i. mirie_--omitted] ¶ Allas allas wiþ how deef an eere deeþ cruel to{ur}neþ awey fro wrecches {and} naieþ to closen wepyng eyen. [Sidenote: When Fortune was favourable Death came near Boethius, but in his adversity life is unpleasantly protracted.] ¶ While fortune vnfeiþful fauored[e] me 20 wiþ ly[gh]te goodes (.s. temp{or}els.) þe sorouful houre þat is to seyne þe deeþ had[de] almost dreynt myne heued. ¶ But now for fortune clowdy haþ chaunged hir disceyuable chere to me warde. myn vnpitouse lijf draweþ 24 a long vnagreable dwellynges in me. [Sidenote: Why did his friends call him happy? He stood not firm that hath thus fallen.] ¶ O [gh]e my frendes what or wherto auaunted[e] [gh]e me to be weleful: [[pg 5]] for he þat haþ fallen stood not i{n} stedfast degree. [Linenotes: 19 _tourneþ_--torneth _naieþ_--nayteth _wepyng_--wepynge 20 _While_--Whil _fauored[e]_--fauorede 21 _ly[gh]te_--lyhte _.s. temporels_--omitted _sorouful houre_--sorwful howr{e} 22 _seyne_--seyn _had[de]_--hadde _myne_--myn 23 _haþ_--MS. haþe _chaunged hir disceyuable_--chaungyd hyre deceyuable 24 _vnpitouse lijf_--vnpietous lyf] [Headnote: PHILOSOPHY APPEARS TO BOETHIUS.] HIC DUM MECUM TACITUS. [Sidenote: [The firste p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: Philosophy appears to Boethius, like a beautiful woman, and of great age.] ++IN þe mene while þat I stille recorded[e] þise þinges 28 wiþ my self. {and} markede my wepli compleynte wiþ office of poyntel. I saw stondyng aboue þe hey[gh]t of my heued a woman of ful greet reuerence by semblaunt hir eyen brennyng {and} clere seing ouer þe comune 32 my[gh]t of men. wiþ a lijfly colo{ur} {and} wiþ swiche vigoure {and} strenkeþ þat it ne my[gh]t[e] not be emptid. ¶ Al were it so þat sche was ful of so greet age. þat men ne wolde not trowe i{n} no manere þat sche were of oure 36 elde. [Sidenote: Her height could not be determined, for there were times when she raised her head higher than the heavens.] þe stature of hir was of a doutous iugement. for su{m}tyme sche constreyned[e] {and} schronk hir selue{n} lyche to þe comune mesure of men. {and} su{m}tyme it semed[e] þat sche touched[e] þe heuene wiþ þe hey[gh]te 40 of hir heued. and when sche hef hir heued heyer sche p{er}ced[e] þe selue heuene. so þat þe sy[gh]t of men lokyng was i{n} ydel. [Sidenote: Her clothes were finely wrought and indissoluble, but dark and dusky, like old besmoked images.] ¶ Hir cloþes weren maked of ry[gh]t delye þredes {and} subtil crafte of p{er}durable matere. þe wyche 44 cloþes sche hadde wouen wiþ hir owen hondes: as I knew wel aftir by hir selfe. declaryng {and} schewyng to me þe beaute. þe wiche cloþes a derkenes of a forleten and dispised elde had[de] duskid {and} dirkid as 48 it is wo{n}t to dirken by-smoked ymages. [Sidenote: On the lower hem of her garment was the letter Pi and on the upper Theta.] ¶ In þe neþerest[e] hem or bordure of þese cloþes me{n} redden [[pg 6]] ywouen in swiche a gregkysche .P. þat signifieþ þe lijf actif. And abouen þ{a}t l{ett}re in þe hey[gh]est[e] bordure 52 a grekysche T. þat signifieþ þe lijf contemplatif. [Linenotes: 26 _auaunted[e]_--auauntede _be_--ben 27 _haþ_--MS. haþe _not_--nat _stedfast_--stidefast 28 _In þe mene_--omitted _recorded[e]_--recordede 30 _saw_--MS. sawe, C. sawh _stondyng above_--MS. studiyng aboue, C. stondinge abouen _hey[gh]t_--heyhte _my_--myn 31 _greet_--gret 32 _brennyng_--brennynge _clere seing_--cleer seynge 33 _swiche_--swych 34 _strenkeþ_--strengthe _it----emptid_--it myhte nat ben emted _Al_--alle 36 _wolde----trowe_--wolden nat trowen 37 _iugement_--Iuggement 38 _sumtyme_--somtyme _constreyned[e]_--constreynede _schronk_--MS. schronke, C. shronk 39 _lyche_--lyk 40 _semed[e]_--semede _touched[e]_--towchede 41 _when_--whan _hef_--MS. heued, C. hef _heyer_--hyere 42 _perced[e]_--percede _sy[gh]t_--syhte _lokyng_--lookynge 44 _crafte_--craft 45 _wouen_--MS. wonnen, C. wouen _owen hondes_--owne handes 46 _knew_--MS. knewe, C. knewh _selfe declaryng_--self declarynge _schewyng_--shewynge 47 _derkenes_--dirknesse _forleten_--forletyn 48 _dispised_--despised _had[de] duskid_--hadde dusked _dirkid_--derked 49 _by-smoked_--the smokede _neþerest[e]_--nethereste 50 _þese_--thise 51 _swiche_--omitted _gregkysche_--grekyssh{e} _signifieþ_--syngnifieth 52 _hey[gh]est[e]_--heyeste] [Headnote: A DESCRIPTION OF PHILOSOPHY.] [Sidenote: Between the letters were steps like a ladder.] ¶ And by-twene þese two l{ett}res þere weren seien degrees nobly wrou[gh]t in manere of laddres. By wyche degrees men my[gh]t[en] clymbe fro þe neþemast[e] l{ett}re 56 to þe ouermast[e]. [Sidenote: Philosophy's garments were tattered and torn, and pieces had been carried violently off.] ¶ Naþeles hondes of su{m} men hadde korue þ{a}t cloþe by vyolence {and} by strenkeþ. ¶ And eueryche man of hem hadde born away syche peces as he my[gh]te geet[e]. [Sidenote: In her right hand she bore her books, and in her left a sceptre.] ¶ And forsoþe þis forsaide 60 woman ber bookes in hir ry[gh]t honde. {and} in hir lefte honde sche ber a ceptre. ¶ And when sche sau[gh] þese poetical muses ap{ro}chen aboute my bedde. {and} endytyng wordes to my wepynges. sche was a lytel ameued 64 and glowed[e] wiþ cruel eyen. [Sidenote: Philosophy bids the Muses leave Boethius, as they only increase his sorrow with their sweet venom.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 4.]] ¶ Who q{uo}d sche haþ suffred ap{ro}chen to þis seek[e] man þise comune strumpetis of siche a place þat *men clepen þe theatr{e}. ¶ Þe wyche only ne asswagen not his sorowes. wiþ no 68 remedies. but þei wolde fede {and} norysche hem wiþ swete venym. ¶ Forsoþe þise ben þo þat wiþ þornes {and} prykkynges of talent[gh] or affecciou{n}s wiche þat ben no þing frutefiyng nor p{ro}fitable destroyen þe 72 cornes plenteuouse of frutes of reson. [Sidenote: They may accustom the mind to bear grief, but cannot free it from its malady.] ¶ For þei holden þe hertes of men i{n} usage. but þei ne delyuere not folk fro maladye. but if [gh]e muses hadde wiþdrawen fro me wiþ [gh]oure flateries. any vnkonnyng {and} vnp{ro}fitable [[pg 7]] man as men ben wont to fynde comunely amonges 77 þe peple. I wolde wene suffre þe lasse greuously. [Linenotes: 54 _by-twene þese_--bytwixen thise _þere_--ther _seien_--seyn 55 _nobly wrou[gh]t_--nobely ywroght _wyche_--whiche 56 _my[gh]t[en] clymbe_--myhten clymbyn _neþemast[e]_--nethereste 57 _ouermast[e]_--vppereste _sum_--some 58 _hadde korue_--hadden koruen _cloþe_--cloth _strenkeþ_--strengthe 59 _born_--MS. borne, C. born _away syche_--awey swiche 60 _geet[e]_--geten _forsaide_--forseide 61 _ber_--MS. bere, C. bar _bookes_--smale bookes _honde_--hand _lefte honde_--left hand 62 _ber_--MS. bere, C. baar _sau[gh] þese_--say thise 63 _bedde_--bed _endytyng_--enditynge 64 _ameued_--amoued 65 _glowed[e]_--glowede _haþ_--MS. haþe, C. hath 66 _seek[e]_--sike _þise_--the _strumpetis_--strompetes 67 _siche_--swich _clepen_--clepyn 68 _only ne_--nat oonly ne _not his_--nat hise _no_--none 69 _wolde fede_--wolden feeden _norysche hem_--noryssyn hym 72 _ben_--ne ben _frutefiyng_--fructefiynge 73 _cornes plenteuouse_--corn plentyuos 74 _þe_ and _ne_--both omitted 75 _not_--nat _if [gh]e_--MS. if þe, C. yif ye _hadde_--hadden 76 _vnkonnyng_--vnkunnynge 78 _peple_--poeple] [Headnote: PHILOSOPHY REBUKES THE MUSES.] [Sidenote: Philosophy is deeply grieved, because they have not seduced one of the profane, but one who has been brought up in Eleatic and Academic studies.] ¶ For-why in syche an vnp{ro}fitable man myne ententes weren no þing endamaged. ¶ But [gh]e wiþdrawen me 80 þis man þat haþ ben norysched in studies or scoles of Eleaticis {and} of achademicis in grece. [Sidenote: She bids the syrens begone.] ¶ But goþ now raþer awey [gh]e meremaydenes wyche ben swete til it be at þe laste. {and} suffreþ þis man to be cured {and} 84 heled by myne muses. þat is to say by notful sciences. [Sidenote: Blushing for shame they pass the threshold.] ¶ And þus þis compaygnie of muses I-blamed casten wroþely þe chere adou{n}ward to þe erþe {and} schewyng by redenesse hir schame þei passeden sorowfuly þe 88 þreschefolde. ¶ And I of whom þe sy[gh]t plonged i{n} teres was derked so þat I ne my[gh]t[e] not knowe what þat woman was of so i{m}perial auctorite. [Sidenote: Boethius is astonished at the presence of the august dame.] ¶ I wex al a-besid {and} astoned. {and} caste my sy[gh]t adoune in to þe 92 erþe. {and} bygan stille forto abide what sche wolde don afterwarde. ¶ Þo come sche nere {and} sette hir doun vpon þe vterrest[e] corner of my bedde. [Sidenote: Philosophy expresses her concern for Boethius.] {and} sche byholdyng my chere þat was cast to þe erþe heuy {and} 96 greuous of wepyng. co{m}pleinede wiþ þise wordes þ{a}t I schal sey þe p{er}t{ur}bac{i}ou{n} of my þou[gh]t. [Linenotes: 79 _syche_--swhiche _myne_--myn 80 _weren_--ne weeren _[gh]e_--ye 81 _haþ_--MS. haþe, C. hath _ben_--be _scoles_--schooles 82 _goþ_--MS. goþe, C. goth 83 _wyche_--whiche þat 85 _say_--seyn _notful_--noteful 86 _I-blamed_--Iblamyd 87 _wroþely_--wrothly _adounward_--downward 88 _redenesse_--rednesse _sorowfuly_--sorwfully 89 _þreschefolde_--thresshfold _sy[gh]t_--syhte 90 _derked_--dyrked _my[gh]t[e]----knowe_--myhte nat knowen 91 _wex_--wax 92 _a-besid_--abaysshed _caste_--cast _adoune in to_--down to 93 _don_--MS. done 95 _vterrest[e] corner_--vttereste corner{e} _bedde_--bed 97 _compleinede_--compley[n]de 98 _sey_--seyen] [Headnote: PHILOSOPHY ADDRESSES BOETHIUS.] HEU Q{UAM} PRECIPITI MERSA PROFUNDO. [Sidenote: [The 2de Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: Drowned in the depth of cares the mind loses its proper clearness.] ++Allas how þe þou[gh]t of man dreint in ouer þrowyng depnesse dulleþ {and} forletiþ hys p{ro}pre clerenesse. 100 myntynge to gone in to foreyne derknesses as ofte as hys anoious bisines wexiþ wiþ-oute{n} mesure. þ{a}t is dryuen to {and} fro wiþ worldly wyndes. [[pg 8]] [Sidenote: Man in his freedom knew each region of the sky, the motions of the planets, and was wont to investigate the causes of storms, the nature and properties of the seasons, and the hidden causes of nature.] ¶ Þis man þat su{m}tyme was fre to who{m} þe heuene was open 104 {and} knowen {and} was wont to gone in heuenelyche paþes. {and} sau[gh] þe ly[gh]tnesse of þe rede sunne. {and} sau[gh] þe sterres of þe colde moone. {and} wyche sterre i{n} heuene vseþ wandryng risorses yflit by dyuerse speres. 108 ¶ Þis man ouer comere hadde co{m}p{re}hendid al þis by noumbre. of accountyng in astronomye. ¶ And ouer þis he was wont to seche þe causes whennes þe sounyng wy{n}des moeuen {and} bisien þe smoþe water of þe 112 see. {and} what spirit turneþ þe stable heuene. {and} whi þe sterre ryseþ oute of þe reede eest. to falle in þe westren wawes. and what attempriþ þe lusty houres of þe fyrste somer sesou{n} þat hi[gh]teþ {and} apparaileþ 116 þe erþe wiþ rosene floures. ¶ And who makeþ þat plenteuouse autu{m}pne in fulle [gh]eres fletiþ wiþ heuy grapes. ¶ And eke þis ma{n} was wont to telle þe dyuerses causes of nature þat weren yhid. 120 [Sidenote: But now, alas, he is constrained to keep his face to the ground.] ¶ Allas now lieþ he emptid of ly[gh]t of hys þou[gh]t. {and} hys nekke is p{re}ssid wiþ heuy cheynes {and} bereþ his chere enclined adoune for þe greet[e] wey[gh]t. and is constreyned to loke on foule erþe. 124 [Linenotes: 101 _gone_--goon 102 _bisines_--bysynesse _outen_--owte 103 _worldly_--wordely 104 _sumtyme_--whilom 105 _gone_--goon 106 _paþes_--paathes _sau[gh]_--sawh _ly[gh]tnesse_--lythnesse _sunne_--sonne _sau[gh]_--MS. sue, C. sawgh 107 _wyche_--which 108 _risorses_--recourses 111 _seche_--seken _sounyng_--sownynge 114 _ryseþ oute_--aryseth owt _falle_--fallen 115 _westren_--westrene 116 _fyrste_--fyrst 119 _eke_--ek 120 _dyuerses_--diuerse _yhid_--MS. yhidde 121 _lieþ_--lith _emptid_--emted 123 _adoune_--adown _greet[e] wey[gh]t_--grete weyhte 124 _loke----foule_--looken on the fool] [Headnote: PHILOSOPHY ENLIGHTENS BOETHIUS.] SET MEDICINE INQUIT TEMPUS. [Sidenote: [The ij^de p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: More need of medicine than of complaint.] ++Bvt tyme is now q{uo}d sche of medicine more þen of compleynte. ¶ Forsoþe þen sche entendyng to me warde wiþ al þe lokyng of hir eyen saide. [Sidenote: Philosophy addresses Boethius.] ¶ Art not þou he q{uo}d sche þat su{m}tyme I-norschid wiþ my 128 mylke {and} fostre[d] wiþ my meetes were ascaped {and} comen to corage of a p{er}fit man. ¶ Certys I [gh]af þe syche armures þat [gh]if þou þi self ne haddest first caste [[pg 9]] hem away. þei schulden haue defendid þe in sykernesse 132 þat may not be ouer-comen. ¶ Knowest þou me not. [Sidenote: She fears his silence proceeds from shame rather than from stupidity.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 4 _b_.]] *Why art þou stille. is it for schame or for astonynge. It were me leuer þat it were for schame. but it semeþ me þat astony{n}ge haþ opp{re}ssed þe. [Sidenote: She finds him, however, in a lethargy, the distemper of a disordered mind.] ¶ And whan 136 sche say me not oonly stille. but wiþ-outen office of tonge {and} al doumbe. sche leide hir honde softely vpon my brest {and} seide. ¶ Here nis no p{er}il q{uod} sche. ¶ He is fallen in to a litargie. whiche þat is a comune 140 sekenes to hertes þat ben desceiued. ¶ He haþ a litel for[gh]eten hym self. but certis he schal ly[gh]tly reme{m}bren hym self. ¶ [Gh]if so be þat he haþ knowe{n} me or now. [Sidenote: To make his recovery an easy matter, she wipes his eyes, which were darkened by the clouds of mortal things, and dries up his tears.] {and} þat he may so done I wil wipe a litel hys eyen. 144 þat ben derked by þe cloude of mortel þinges ¶ Þise wordes seide sche. and wiþ þe lappe of hir garment yplitid in a frounce sche dried[e] myn eyen þat were ful of þe wawes of my wepynges. 148 [Linenotes: 125, 126 _þen_--than 127 _al_--alle _saide_--seyde 128 _sumtyme_--whilom _I-norschid_--MS. I-norschide, C. noryssed 129 _fostre[d]_--fostered _my_--myne 130 _Certys_--Certes _[gh]af_, yaf 131 _syche_--swiche _[gh]if_--yif _caste_--C. cast 132 _away_--awey _schulden haue_--sholden han 133 _not be_--nat ben _Knowest þou_--knowestow 134 _art þou_--artow 136 _haþ_--MS. haþe 138 _tonge_--tunge _doumbe_--dowmb _honde_--hand 139 _Here_--her 140 _litargie whiche_--litarge which 141 _sekenes_--sykenesse 141, 143 _haþ_--MS. haþe 144 _done_--doon _wil wipe_--wol wypen 146 _garment_--garnement 147 _dried[e]_--dryede _were_--weeren 148 _ful_--fulle] [Headnote: BOETHIUS RECOGNIZES HIS PHYSICIAN.] TUNC ME DISCUSSA. [Sidenote: [The 3^de Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: Her touch dispels the darkness of his soul, just as the heavy vapours, that darken the skies and obscure the sunlight, are chased away by the north wind, causing the return of the hidden day, when the sun smites our wondering sight with his sudden light.] ++Þus when þat ny[gh]t was discussed {and} chased awey. derknesses forleften me. {and} to myn eyen repeyre a[gh]eyne her firste strenkeþ. and ry[gh]t by ensample as þe sonne is hid when þe sterres ben clustred. þat is to 152 sey whe{n} sterres ben couered wiþ cloudes by a swifte wynde þat hy[gh]t chorus. {and} þat þe firmame{n}t stont derked by wete ploungy cloudes. and þat þe sterres not apperen vpo{n} heuene. ¶ So þat þe ny[gh]t semeþ sprad 156 vpo{n} erþe. ¶ Yif þan þe wynde þat hy[gh]t borias sent out of þe kaues of þe contre of Trace betiþ þis [[pg 10]] ny[gh]t. þat is to seyn chasiþ it away {and} descouereþ þe closed day. ¶ Þan schineþ pheb{us} yshaken wiþ 160 sodeyne ly[gh]t {and} smyteþ wiþ hys bemes i{n} m{er}uely{n}g eyen. [Linenotes: 149 _when_--whan 150 _myn_--myne _repeyre_--repeyrede 151 _a[gh]eyne_--omitted _her firste_--hir fyrst 152 _hid_--MS. hidde, C. hid _when_--whan 153 _sey_--seyn _when_--whan 154 _hy[gh]t_--heyhte _chorus_--MS. thorus _stont_--MS. stonde, C. stant 157 _þan_--thanne _wynde_--wynd _hy[gh]t_--hyhte 158 _sent_--isent 160 _þan_--thanne 161 _sodeyne_--sodeyn] [Headnote: THE TRIALS OF PHILOSOPHY AND PHILOSOPHERS.] HAUT[1] ALITER TRISTICIE. [Footnote 1: MS. hanc.] [Sidenote: [The 3^de p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: The clouds of sorrow being dispelled, Boethius recollects the features of his Physician, whom he discovers to be Philosophy.] ++Ry[gh]t so {and} none oþer wyse þe cloudes of sorowe dissolued {and} don awey. ¶ I took heuene. {and} 164 receyuede mynde to knowe þe face of my fyciscien. ¶ So þat I sette myne eyen on hir {and} festned[e] my lokyng. I byholde my norice philosophie. in whos houses I hadde conuersed {and} haunted fro my [gh]ouþe. 168 {and} I seide þus. [Sidenote: He addresses her.] ¶ O þou maistresse of alle uertues descendid fro þe souereyne sete. Whi art þou comen in to þis solitarie place of myn exil. ¶ Art þou comen for þ{o}u art mad coupable wiþ me of fals[e] blames. 172 [Sidenote: She expresses her concern for him, and tells him that she is willing to share his misfortunes.] ¶ O q{uod} sche my norry scholde I forsake þe now. and scholde I not parte wiþ þe by comune trauaille þe charge þat þou hast suffred for envie of my name. ¶ Certis it nar[e] not leueful ne sittyng to philosophie to leten 176 wiþ-outen compaignie þe wey of hym þat is i{n}nocent. [Sidenote: She fears not any accusation, as if it were a new thing.] ¶ Scholde I þan redoute my blame {and} agrisen as þou[gh] þer were byfallen a newe þing. q. d. non. ¶ For trowest þou þat philosophi be now alþerfirst assailed 180 i{n} p{er}ils by folk of wicked[e] maneres. [Sidenote: For before the age of Plato she contended against folly, and by her help Socrates triumphed over an unjust death.] ¶ Haue I not stryuen wiþ ful greet strife in olde tyme byfore þe age of my plato a[gh]eins þe foolhardines of foly {and} eke þe same plato lyuyng. hys maistre socrates 184 deserued[e] victorie of vnry[gh]tful deeþ in my presence. [Sidenote: Of the inheritance of Socrates the rout of Epicureans and Stoics wanted to get a part.] ¶ Þe heritage of wyche socrates. þe h{er}itage is to seyne þe doctrine of þe whiche soc{ra}tes in hys oppiniou{n} of [[pg 11]] felicite þat I clepe welfulnesse ¶ Whan þat þe people 188 of epicuriens {and} stoyciens {and} many oþer enforceden hem to go rauische eueryche man for his part þat is to seyne. þat to eueryche of hem wolde drawen to þe defence of his oppiniou{n} þe wordes of socrates. 192 [Sidenote: Philosophy withstood them, whereupon they tore her robe, and, departing with the shreds, imagined that they had got possession of her.] ¶ Þei as in p{ar}tie of hir preye todrowe{n} me criynge {and} debatyng þer a[gh]eins. {and} tornen {and} torente{n} my cloþes þat I hadde woue{n} wiþ myn handes. {and} wiþ þe cloutes þat þei hadden arased oute of my cloþes. þei 196 wenten awey wenyng þat I hadde gon wiþ he{m} euery dele. [Sidenote: Thus, clothed with her spoils, they deceived many.] In whiche epicuryens {and} stoyciens. for as myche as þer semed[e] so{m}me traces {and} steppes of myne habit. [Sidenote: [* fol. 5.]] þe folye of men wenyng þo epicuryens 200 {and} stoyciens my *familers p{er}uertede (.s. p{er}sequend{o}) so{m}me þoru[gh] þe errour of þe wikked[e] or vnkunnyng[e] multitude of hem. [Sidenote: Philosophy adduces examples of wise men, who had laboured under difficulties on account of being her disciples.] ¶ Þis is to seyne for þei semeden philosophres: þei weren p{ur}sued to þe deeþ 204 and slayn. ¶ So yif þou hast not knowen þe exilynge of anaxogore. ne þe empoysenyng of socrates. ne þe to{ur}ment[gh] of [gh]eno for þei [weren] straungers. ¶ [Gh]it my[gh]test þou haue knowe{n} þe senectiens {and} þe Canyos 208 {and} þe sorancis of wyche folk þe renou{n} is neyþer ouer oolde ne vnsolempne. ¶ Þe whiche men no þing ellys ne brou[gh]t[e] hem to þe deeþ but oonly for þei weren enfourmed of my maneres. {and} semede{n} moste vnlyke 212 to þe studies of wicked folk. ¶ And forþi þou au[gh]test not to wondre þou[gh] þ{a}t I in þe bitter see of þis lijf be fordryuen wiþ tempestes blowyng aboute. [[pg 12]] [Sidenote: It is the aim of Philosophy to displease the wicked, who are more to be despised than dreaded, for they have no leader.] in þe whiche te{m}peste þis is my most p{ur}pos þat is to seyn to displese 216 to wikked[e] men. ¶ Of whiche schrews al be þe oost neuer so grete it is to dispyse. for it nis gouerned wiþ no leder of resoune. but it is rauysched only by flityng errour folyly {and} ly[gh]tly. [Sidenote: If Philosophy is attacked by the wicked, she retires within her fortress, leaving the enemy busy among the useless baggage, and laughing to scorn such hunters of trifles.] ¶ And if þei somtyme 220 maky{n}g an ost a[gh]eynest vs assaile vs as strengere. oure leder draweþ to gedir hys rycchesse i{n} to hys toure. {and} þei ben ententif aboute sarpulers or sachels vnp{ro}fitable forto taken. but we þat ben hey[gh] abouen syker 224 fro al tumulte {and} wode noise. ben stored {and} enclosed in syche a palays. whider as þat chateryng or anoying folye ne may not attayne. ¶ We scorne swiche rauiners {and} honters of foulest[e] þinges. 228 [Linenotes: 163 _none oþer_--non oother _sorowe_--sorwe 165 _knowe_--knowen 166 _myne_--myn _festned[e]_--fastnede 170 _fro_--from 170, 171 _art þou_--artow 172 _mad_--MS. made, C. maked _fals[e]_--false 174 _parte_--parten 176 _nar[e]_--nere _sittyng_--sittinge 178 _þan_--thanne 179 _þing_--thing _q.d. non_--omitted 180 _trowest þou_--trowestow _alþerfirst_--alderfirst 181 _wicked[e]_--wikkede 182 _strife_--strif 183 _a[gh]eins_--ayenis _foolhardines_--foolhardinesse _foly_--folie 184 _eke_--ek 185 _deserued[e]_--desseruede 186 _wyche_--the which _seyne_--seyn 188 _welfulnesse_--welefulnesse 189 _oþer_--oothre 190 _go_--gon _eueryche_--euerich 191 _seyne_--seyn _to_--omitted _eueryche_--euerich 194 _tornen_--_read_ coruen, C. koruen 195 _wouen_--MS. wonne{n}, C. wouen 196 _arased_--arraced 197 _gon_--MS. gone, C. gon 198 _dele_--del 199 _myche_--moche _semed[e]_--semede {and}--or 200 _myne_--myn _wenyng_--MS. wevyng, C. weninge 202 _þoru[gh]_--thorw _wikked[e]_--wikkede _vnkunnyng[e]_--vnkunnynge 203 _seyne_--seyn þ{a}t 204 _semeden_--semede _pursued_--MS. pursuede, C. pursued 205 _slayn_--MS. slayne, C. slayn 207 [_weren_]--weeren 208 _my[gh]test þou haue_--myhtestow han 209 _sorancis_--sorans _wyche_--which _is_--nis 210 _oolde_--MS. colde, C. old 211 _brou[gh]t[e]_--browhte 212 _enfourmed_--MS. vnfourmed, C. enformyd _my_--myne _vnlyke_--vnlyk 213 _wicked folk_--wikkede foolk{e} _au[gh]test_--owhtest 214 _wondre_--wondren _bitter_--bittre 216 _displese_--displesen 217 _wikked[e]_--wikkede _schrews_--shrewes 218 _oost_--glossed _acies_ in C. _grete_--gret 219, 222 _leder_--leder{e} 220 _flityng_--fleetynge _ly[gh]tly_--lythly _if_--yif 221 _a[gh]eynest_--ayenis 222 _to----rycchesse_, to gydere hise rychesses _toure_--towr 224 _hey[gh]_--heye 225 _al_--alle _ben_--omitted _stored_--warnestored 226 _syche_--swich _þat_--omitted 227 _scorne_--schorne 228 _rauiners----þinges_--rauyneres & henteres of fowleste thinges] [Headnote: THE AIM OF PHILOSOPHY.] QUISQ{UI}S COMPOSITO. [Sidenote: [The ferthe Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: He who hath triumphed over fate, and remained insensible to the changes of Fortune, shall not be moved by storms, nor by the fires of Vesuvius, nor by the fiercest thunderbolts.] ++Who so it be þat is clere of vertue sad {and} wel ordinat of lyuyng. þat haþ put vnderfote þe prowed[e] wierdes {and} lokiþ vpry[gh]t vpon eyþer fortune. he may holde hys chiere vndiscomfited. ¶ Þe rage ne þe manace 232 of þe co{m}moeuyng or chasyng vpwarde hete fro þe botme. ne schal not moeue þat man. ne þe vnstable mountaigne þat hy[gh]t veseuus. þat wircheþ oute þoru[gh] hys broken[e] chemineys smokyng fires. ¶ Ne þe wey 236 of þonder ly[gh]t þat is wont to smyte hey[gh]e toures ne schal not mouene þat man. [Sidenote: Fear not the tyrant's rage.] ¶ Wherto þen wrecches drede [gh]e tyrauntes þat ben wode {and} felownes wiþ-outen ony strenkeþ. [Sidenote: He who neither fears nor hopes for anything disarms the tyrant.] ¶ Hope after no þing ne drede nat. {and} 240 so schalt þou desarmen þe ire of þilke vnmy[gh]ty tyraunt. [[pg 13]] [Sidenote: He whose heart fails him, yields his arms, and forges his own fetters.] ¶ But who so þat quakyng dredeþ or desireþ þing þat nis not stable of his ry[gh]t. þat man þat so doþ haþ cast awey hys schelde {and} is remoeued fro hys place. {and} 244 enlaceþ hym i{n} þe cheyne wiþ whiche he may be drawen. [Linenotes: 229 _clere_--cleer 230 _lyuyng_--leuynge _haþ_--MS. haþe _vnderfote_--vndir-foot _prowed[e]_--prowde 231 _may----chiere_--may his cheere holde 232 _manace_--manesses 233 _þe_--þe see 235 _hy[gh]t_--hihte _veseuus_--MS. vesenus _wircheþ_--writith 236 _broken[e]_--brokene _smokyng_--smokynge 237 _smyte_--smyten 238 _Wherto þen_--wharto thanne 239 _felownes----ony_--felonos withowte any 241 _schalt þou desarmen_--shaltow deseruien 243 _doþ_--MS. doþe, C. doth _haþ_--MS. haþe, C. hath _cast_--MS. caste, C. cast 244 _schelde_--sheld _remoeued fro_--remwed from 245 _whiche_--the which _be_--ben] [Headnote: BOETHIUS SPEAKS OF HIS TROUBLES.] SENTIS NE INQUIT. [Sidenote: [The verthe p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: Philosophy seeks to know the malady of Boethius.] ++FElest þou q{uod} sche þise þinges {and} entren þei ou[gh]t in þi corage. ¶ Art þou like an asse to þe harpe. 248 Whi wepest þou whi spillest þou teres. ¶ Yif þou abidest after helpe of þi leche. þe byhoueþ discouere þi wounde. [Sidenote: Boethius complains of Fortune's unrelenting rage.] ¶ Þo .I. þat hadde gadered strenkeþ in my corage answered[e] {and} seide. {and} nedeþ it [gh]itte q{uod} 252 .I. of rehersyng or of amonic{i}ou{n}. {and} scheweþ it not ynou[gh] by hym self þe scharpnes of fortune þat wexeþ woode a[gh]eynes me. [Sidenote: Is not she moved, he asks, with the aspect of his prison?] ¶ Ne moeueþ it nat þe to seen þe face or þe man{er}e of þis place (.i. p{r}isou{n}.). [Sidenote: His library, his habit, and his countenance are all changed.] ¶ Is þis 256 þe librarie wyche þat þou haddest chosen for a ry[gh]t certeyne sege to þe i{n} myne house. ¶ Þere as þou desputest of[te] wiþ me of þe sciences of þinges touching diuinitee {and} touchyng mankynde. ¶ Was þan 260 myn habit swiche as it is now. was þan my face or [Interlinear: quasi d{ice}ret non.] my chere swiche as now. ¶ Whan I sou[gh]t[e] wiþ þe secretys of nature. whan þou enfo{ur}medest my maners {and} þe resou{n} of al my lijf. to þe ensaumple of þe ordre 264 of heuene. [Sidenote: Is this, he asks, the reward of his fidelity?] [Interlinear: ironice] ¶ Is nat þis þe gerdou{n} þat I refere to þe to whom I haue be obeisaunt. ¶ Certis þou enfo{ur}medist by þe mouþe of plato þis sentence. [Sidenote: Plato (de Rep. v.) says that those Commonwealths are most happy that are governed by philosophers, or by those who study to be so.] þat is to seyne þat co{m}mune þinges or comunabletes weren 268 blysful yif þei þat haden studied al fully to wisdom [[pg 14]] gouerneden þilke þinges. [Sidenote: [* fol. 5 _b_.]] or ellys yif it so by-felle þat þe gouernours *of co{m}munalites studieden in grete wisdomes. [Linenotes: 247 _Felest þou_--Felistow _ou[gh]t_--awht 248 _art þou_--artow 249 _wepest þou_--wepistow _spillest þou_--spillestow 252 _answered[e]_--answerede 255 _woode_--wood 257 _wyche_--which 258 _myne house þere_--myn hows ther 259 _desputest of[te]_--desputedest ofte 260 _þan_--thanne 261 _it_ and _þan_--both omitted 261, 262 _swiche_--swich 262 _sou[gh]t[e]_--sowhte 263 _secretys_--secret[gh] _my_--MS. me, C. my 264 _al_--alle 265 _gerdoun_--gerdouns 266 _enfourmedist_--conformedest 267 _mouþe_--mowht 268 _comunabletes_--comunalitees 270 _by-felle_--byfille 271 _in grete wisdomes_--to geten wysdom] [Headnote: PHILOSOPHERS TO BE POLITICIANS.] [Sidenote: The same Plato urged philosophers to take upon them the management of public affairs, lest it should fall into the hands of unprincipled citizens.] ¶ Þou saidest eke by þe mouþe of þe same 272 plato þat it was a necessarie cause wyse men to taken {and} desire þe gou{er}nau{n}ce of comune þi{n}ges. for þat þe gou{er}nementes of comune citees y-left in þe hondes of felonous to{ur}mento{ur}s Citi[gh]enis ne scholde not brynge 276 inne pestile{n}ce {and} destrucc{i}ou{n} to goode folk. [Sidenote: Boethius declares that he desired to put in practice (in the management of public affairs) what he had learnt in his retirement.] ¶ And þerfore I folowynge þilk auctoritee (.s. platonis). desiryng to put[te] furþe in execusiou{n} {and} in acte of comune admi{ni}st{ra}c{i}ou{n} þo þinges þat .I. hadde lerned of þe 280 among my secre restyng whiles. ¶ Þou {and} god þ{a}t put[te] þee in þe þou[gh]tis of wise folk ben knowen wiþ me þat no þing brou[gh]t[e] me to maistrie or dignite: but þe comune studie of al goodenes. [Sidenote: He sought to do good to all, but became involved in discord with the wicked.] ¶ And þer-of comeþ 284 it þat by-twixen wikked folk {and} me han ben greuouse discordes. þat ne my[gh]ten not be relesed by p{ra}yeres. [Sidenote: Consciousness of integrity made him despise the anger of the most powerful.] ¶ For þis libertee haþ fredom of conscience þat þe wraþþe of more my[gh]ty folk haþ alwey ben despised of me for 288 saluac{i}ou{n} of ry[gh]t. [Sidenote: He opposed Conigastus, and put a stop to the doings of Triguilla.] ¶ How ofte haue .I. resisted {and} wiþstonde þilk man þat hy[gh]t[e] conigaste þat made alwey assautes a[gh]eins þe p{ro}pre fortunes of poure feble folke. ¶ How ofte haue .I. [gh]itte put of. or cast out 292 hy{m} trigwille p{ro}uost of þe kynges hous boþe of þe wronges þat he hadde bygon[ne] to done {and} eke fully p{er}formed. ¶ How ofte haue I couered {and} defended by þe auctorite of me put a[gh]eins p{er}ils. [Sidenote: He put his authority in peril for the defence of poor folk.] þat is to seine put 296 myne auctorite in peril for þe wreched pore folke. þat þe couetise of straungeres vnpunysched to{ur}mentid alwey [[pg 15]] wiþ myseses {and} greuaunces oute of noumbre. [Linenotes: 272 _eke_--ek 275 _comune_--omitted _y-left_--MS. ylefte, C. yleft 276 _Citi[gh]enis_--citesenes _brynge inne_--bryngen in 278 _þerfore_--therfor _þilk_--thilke _desiryng_--desired 279 _put[te] furþe_--putten forth 280 _þo_--thilke 282 _put[te]_--putte 283 _brou[gh]t[e]_--ne browhte 284 _þe_--omitted _al goodenes_--alle goodnesse _comeþ_--comth 287, 288 _haþ_--MS. haþe 289 _saluacioun_--sauacioun 290 _þilk_--thilke _hy[gh]t[e]_--hyhte 290 _conigaste_--MS. coniugaste 292 _ofte_--ofte ek _[gh]itte_--omitted 294 _bygon[ne]_--bygunne _done_--don 295 _couered_--MS. couerede, C. couered 296 _put_--MS. putte, C. put _seine_--seyn 297 _myne_--myn 298 _vnpunysched_--vnpunyssed 299 _myseses_--myseyses] [Headnote: BOETHIUS DEFENDS HIS OWN CONDUCT.] [Sidenote: I never deviated, he says, from the path of justice.] ¶ Neuer man drow me [gh]itte fro ry[gh]t to wro{n}g. When I say þe 300 fortunes {and} þe rychesse of þe people of þe p{ro}uinces ben harmed eyþer by p{r}iue rauynes or by comune tributis or cariages. [Sidenote: I felt for those that were wrongfully oppressed.] as sory was I as þei þat suffred[e] þe harme. _Glosa._ ¶ Whan þat theodoric þe kyng of 304 gothes in a dere [gh]ere hadde hys gerners ful of corne {and} comaundede þat no ma{n} ne schold[e] bie no corne til his corne were solde {and} þat at a dere greuous pris. ¶ But I w{i}t{h}stod þat ordinaunce {and} ouer-com it 308 knowy{n}g al þis þe kyng hym self. ¶ Coempciou{n} þat is to seyn comune achat or bying to-gidere þat were establissed vpon poeple by swiche a manere imposiciou{n} as who so bou[gh]t[e] a busshel corn he most[e] [gh]eue þe 312 ky{n}g þe fifte p{ar}t. _Textus._ [Sidenote: I opposed successfully Coemption in Campania.] ¶ Whan it was in þe soure hungry tyme þere was establissed or cried greuous {and} inplitable coempciou{n} þat men seyn wel it schulde greetly to{ur}me{n}tyn {and} endamagen al þe p{ro}uince of 316 co{m}paigne I took strif a[gh]eins þe p{ro}uost of þe pretorie for comune p{ro}fit. ¶ And þe kyng knowyng of it I ouercom it so þat þe coempciou{n} ne was not axed ne took effect. [Sidenote: I saved Paulinus out of the hands of the hounds of the palace (_Palatini canes_).] ¶ Paulyn a counseiller of Rome þe rychesse 320 of þe whyche paulyn þe houndys of þe palays. þat is to seyn þe officeres wolde han deuoured by hope {and} couetise ¶ [Gh]it drow I hym out of þe Iowes .s. faucib{us} of hem þat gapede{n}. [Sidenote: I defended Albinus against Cyprian.] ¶ And for as myche as þe peyne 324 of þe accusac{i}ou{n} aiuged byforn ne scholde not sodeynly henten ne punischen wrongfuly Albyn a counseiller of Rome. I put[te] me a[gh]enis þe hates {and} indignac{i}ou{n}s [[pg 16]] of þe accuso{ur} Ciprian. ¶ Is it not þan ynought yseyn 328 þat I haue p{ur}chased greet[e] discordes a[gh]eins my self. [Sidenote: For the love of justice I forfeited all favour at Court.] but I aughte be more asseured a[gh]enis alle oþer folk þat for þe loue of ry[gh]twisnesse .I. ne reserued[e] neuer no þing to my self to hem ward of þe kynges halle .s. officers. 332 by þe whiche I were þe more syker. ¶ But þoru[gh] þe same accuso{ur}s accusyng I am co{n}dempned. [Linenotes: 300 _drow_--MS. drowe, C. weth drowh _[gh]itte_--yit _wrong_--wronge 301 _rychesse_--richesses _þe_ (2)--omitted 302 _harmed eyþer_--harmyd or amenused owther 303 _tributis_--tribut[gh] _suffred[e]_--suffreden 304 _harme_--harm 305 _[gh]ere_--yer _hys_--hise 305, 306, 307 _corne_--corn 306 _schold[e] bie_--sholde byen 308 _But I withstod_--Boece withstood (MS. withstode) _com_--MS. come, C. com 311 _swiche_--swich 312 _bou[gh]t[e]_--bowhte _busshel_--bossel _most[e] [gh]eue_--moste yeue 315 _inplitable_--vnplitable _seyn_--sayen 319 _ouercom_--MS. ouercome, C. ouer com 320 _counseiller_--consoler _rychesse_--rychesses 321 _whyche_--which 322 _wolde_--wolden 323 _drow_--MS. drowe, C. drowh 324 _myche_--moche 326 _punischen_--punisse 327 _putt[e]_--putte 328 _yseyn_--MS. yseyne 329 _greet[e]_--grete 330 _aughte be_--owhte be the _oþer_--oothre 333 _by þe whiche_--by which _þoru[gh] þe_--thorw tho] [Headnote: THE ACCUSERS OF BOETHIUS.] [Sidenote: Boethius makes mention of his accusers, Basilius, Opilio, Gaudentius, men who had been commanded to leave the city on account of their many crimes.] ¶ Of þe noumbre of whiche accuso{ur}s one basilius þat somtyme was chased out of þe kynges seruice. is now co{m}pelled 336 i{n} accusyng of my name for nede of foreine moneye. ¶ Also opilion {and} Gaudenci{us} han accused me. al be it so þat þe Iustice regal hadde su{m}tyme demed hem boþe to go in to exil. for her treccheries {and} fraudes 340 wiþ-outen noumbre. ¶ To whiche iugement þei wolde not obeye. but defended[e] hem by sykernesse of holy houses. [Sidenote: [* fol. 6.]] *þat is to seyne fledden in to seyntuaries. {and} whan þis was ap{er}ceiued to þe kyng. he comaunded[e] 344 but þat þei voided[e] þe citee of Rauenne by certeyne day assigned þat men scholde merken hem on þe forheued wiþ an hoke of iren {and} chasen hem out of toune. ¶ Now what þing semeþ þe my[gh]t[e] be lykned to þis 348 cruelte. [Sidenote: But, on the day this sentence was to be executed, they accused him, and their testimony against him was accepted.] For certys þilk same day was receyued þe accusyng of my name by þilk[e] same accuso{ur}s. ¶ What may be seid herto. haþ my studie {and} my konnyng deserued þus. or ellys þe forseide dampnaciou{n} of me. 352 made þat hem ry[gh]tful accuso{ur}s or no (q.d. no{n}). [Sidenote: Fortune, if not ashamed at this, might at least blush for the baseness of the accusers.] ¶ Was not fortune asshamed of þis. [Certes alle hadde nat fortune ben asshamyd] þat i{n}nocence was accused. 355 [gh]it au[gh]t[e] sche haue had schame of þe filþe of myn accuso{ur}s. [Linenotes: 335 _whiche_--the whiche _one_--oon _somtyme_--whilom 339 _sumtyme_--whilon 340 _go_--gon _her_--hir 341 _wiþ-outen_--withowte _wolde not_--nolden nat 342 _defended[e]_--defendedyn _by_--by the 343 _seyne_--seyn _seyntuaries_--sentuarye 344 _was_--omitted _comaunded[e]_--comaundede 345 _voided[e]_--voidede _certeyne_--certeyn 346 _men_--me _merken_--marke 347 _hoke of iren_--hoot yren 348 _þe_--omitted _my[gh]t[e] be_--myhte ben 349 _þilk_--thilke 350 _þilk[e]_--thilke 351 _be_--ben _seid_--MS. seide, C. seyd _haþ_--MS. haþe 354, 355 [_Certes----asshamyd_]--from C. 356 _au[gh]t[e]_--owte _haue had_--han had, MS. hadde] [[pg 17]] [Headnote: THE ACCUSATIONS AGAINST BOETHIUS.] ¶ But axest þou in so{m}me of what gilt .I. am accused. [Sidenote: Boethius says he is accused of trying to save the Senate, and of having embarrassed an informer against the Senate.] men seyne þat I wolde sauen þe co{m}paignie of þe senato{ur}s. ¶ And desirest þou to here in what manere .I. am accused þat I scholde han distourbed 360 þe accuso{ur} to beren l{ett}res. by whiche he scholde han maked þe senatours gilty a[gh]eins þe kynges Real maieste. ¶ O meistresse what demest þou of þis. schal .I. forsake þis blame þat I ne be no schame to 364 þe (q. d. no{n}). [Sidenote: It is true that he tried to save the Senate, for he has and will have its best interests always at heart.] ¶ Certis .I. haue wold it. þat is to seyne þe sauuaciou{n} of þe senat. ne I schal neuer leten to wilne it. {and} þat I confesse {and} am a-knowe. but þe entent of þe accusour to be destourbed schal cese. 368 ¶ For schal I clepe it a felonie þan or a synne þat I haue desired þe sauuaciou{n} of þe ordre of þe senat. and certys [gh]it hadde þilk same senat don by me þoru[gh] her decret[gh] {and} hire iugementys as þou[gh] it were a synne 372 or a felonie þat is to seyne to wilne þe sauuaciou{n} of he{m} (.s senat{us}). [Sidenote: (Folly cannot change the merit of things.] ¶ But folye þat lieth alwey to hym self may not chaunge þe merit of þinges. [Sidenote: According to Socrates' judgment it is not lawful to hide the truth nor assent to a falsehood.)] ¶ Ne .I. trowe not by þe iugement of socrates þ{a}t it were leueful 376 to me to hide þe soþe. ne assent[e] to lesynges. ¶ But certys how so euer it be of þis I put[te] it to gessen or p{re}ise{n} to þe iugeme{n}t of þe {and} of wise folk. ¶ Of whiche þing al þe ordinaunce {and} þe soþe for as moche 380 as folk þat ben to comen aftir our{e} dayes scholle{n} knowen it. [Sidenote: Boethius determines to transmit an account of his prosecution to posterity.] ¶ I haue put it in scripture {and} remembraunce. for touching þe l{ett}res falsly maked. by whiche l{ett}res I am accused to han hooped þe fredom of 384 Rome. What app{er}teneþ me to speken þer-of. [Sidenote: Boethius says that he could have defeated his accusers had he been allowed the use of their confessions.] Of whiche l{ett}res þe fraude hadde ben schewed ap{er}tly if I hadde had libertee forto han vsed {and} ben at þe [[pg 18]] co{n}fessiou{n} of myn accuso{ur}s. ¶ Þe whiche þing in 388 alle nedys haþ grete strenkeþ. ¶ For what oþ{er} fredo{m} may men hopen. [Sidenote: But there is now no remains of liberty to be hoped for.] Certys I wolde þat some oþ{er} fredom my[gh]t[e] be hoped. ¶ I wolde þan haue answered by þe wordes of a man þat hy[gh]t[e] Canius. for whan he was 392 accused by Gayus Cesar Germeins son þat he (cani{us}) was knowyng {and} consentyng of a coniurac{i}ou{n} maked a[gh]eins hym (.s. Gai{us}). ¶ Þis Canius answered[e] þus. ¶ Yif I had[de] wist it þou haddest not wist it. 396 [Linenotes: 357 _axest þou_--axestow 358 _seyne_--seyn _sauen_--saue 359 _desirest þou_--desires thow _here_--hereen 362 _maked_--MS. maken, C. makyd 363 _demest þou_--demestow 365 _wold_--MS. wolde, C. wold 366 _seyne_--seyn 367 _þat_--omitted _am_--I am 368 _be_--ben 369 _it_--it thanne _þan_--omitted 371 _þilk_--thilke 372 _her_--hir _hire_--hir _þou[gh]_--thogh 373 _or_--and _seyne_--seyn 374 _lieth_--MS. lieþe, C. lieth 377 _assent[e]_--assente 381 _schollen_--shellen 382 {and}--{and} in 385 _speken_--speke 385-86 _of----lettres_--C. omits 386 _if_--yif 387 _had_--MS. hade, C. had 388 _myn_--myne 389 _haþ_--MS. haþe, C. hath _grete_--gret _what_--omitted 390 _some_--som 391 _my[gh]t[e] be_--myhte ben _þan haue_--thanne han 392 _hy[gh]t[e]_--hyhte 394 _maked_--ymaked 395 _answered[e]_--answerede 396 _had[de]_--hadde] [Headnote: BOETHIUS COMPLAINS TO PHILOSOPHY.] [Sidenote: It is not strange that the wicked should conspire against virtue.] In whiche þing sorwe haþ not so dulled my witte þ{a}t I pleyne oonly þat schrewed[e] folk apparailen folies a[gh]eins vertues. ¶ But I wondre gretly how þat þei may p{er}forme þinges þat þei had[de] hoped forto 400 done. [Sidenote: The will to do ill proceeds from the defects of human nature.] For why. to wylne schrewednesse þat comeþ p{ar}auenture of oure defaute. ¶ But it is lyke to a monstre {and} a meruaille. [Sidenote: It is a marvel how such evil acts can be done under the eye of an Omniscient God.] ¶ How þat in þe p{re}se{n}t sy[gh]t of god may ben acheued {and} p{er}formed swiche 404 þinges. as euery felonous man haþ conceyued in hys þou[gh]t a[gh]eins i{n}nocent. ¶ For whiche þing oon of þi familers not vnskilfully axed þus. [Sidenote: If there be a God, whence proceeds evil? If there is none, whence arises good?] ¶ [Gh]if god is. whennes comen wikked[e] þinges. {and} yif god ne is whennes 408 comen goode þinges. but al hadde it ben leueful þat felonous folk þat now desiren þe bloode {and} þe deeþ of alle goode men. {and} eke of al þe senat han wilned to gone destroien me. whom þei han seyn alwey bataile{n} 412 {and} defenden goode men {and} eke al þe senat. [Gh]it hadde I not desserued of þe fadres. þat is to seyne of þe senatours þat þei scholde wilne my destrucc{i}ou{n}. [Sidenote: Boethius defends the integrity of his life.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 6 _b_.]] ¶ Þou remembrest wele as I gesse þat whan I wolde [[pg 19]] don or *seyn any þing. þou þi self alwey p{re}sent reweledest me. 417 [Sidenote: He defended the Senate at Verona.] ¶ At þe citee of verone wha{n} þat þe kyng gredy of comune slau[gh]ter. caste hym to t{ra}nsporten vpon al þe ordre of þe senat. þe gilt of his real 420 maieste of þe whiche gilt þat albyn was accused. wiþ how grete sykernesse of p{er}il to me defended[e] I al þe senat. [Sidenote: He spake only the truth, and did not boast.] ¶ Þou wost wel þat I seide soþe. ne I auaunted[e] me neuer in preysyng of my self. 424 [Sidenote: (Boasting lessens the pleasure of a self approving conscience.)] ¶ For alwey when any wy[gh]t resceiueþ p{re}ciouse renou{n} in auauntyng hym self of hys werkes: he amenusiþ þe secre of hys conscience. ¶ But now þou mayst wel seen to what ende I am comen for myne i{n}nocence. 428 [Linenotes: 397 _whiche_--which _sorwe_--sorw _haþ_--MS. haþe _witte_--wit 398 _schrewed[e]_--shrewede 399 _folies_--felonies _vertues_--vertu 400 _had[de]_--han 401 _done_--don _comeþ_--comth 402 _lyke to a_--lyk a 404 _sy[gh]t_--syhte 405 _haþ_--MS. haþe 406 _innocent_--innocent[gh] _whiche_--which 408 _wikked[e]_--wykkede 410 _bloode_--blod 411 _eke_--ek 412 _gone_--gon {and} _seyn_--seyen 413 _eke_--ek 414 _seyne_--seyn 415 _scholde_--sholden 416 _wele_--wel 417 _don_--MS. done, C. doon _seyn_--seyen 418 _þe_ (1)--omitted 419 _slau[gh]ter_--slawhtre 420 _transporten vpon_--transpor vp 422 _grete_--gret _defended[e]_--deffendede 423 _seide soþe_--seye soth 424 _auaunted[e]_--auauntede 425 _when_--whan _preciouse_--presious] [Headnote: OF HIS FALSE ACCUSERS.] [Sidenote: But as the reward of his innocence he is made to suffer the punishment due to the blackest crime.] I receiue peyne of fals felonie in gerdou{n} of verray vertue. ¶ And what open co{n}fessiou{n} of felonie had[de] euer iugis so accordaunt i{n} cruelte. þat is to seyne as myne accusyng haþ. ¶ Þat oþer errour of 432 mans witte or ellys co{n}diciou{n} of fortune þat is vncerteyne to al mortal folk ne submytted[e] su{m}me of he{m}. þat is to seyne þat it ne cheyned[e] su{m}me iuge to han pitee or compassiou{n}. 436 [Sidenote: Had he been accused of a design to burn temples, massacre priests, he would have been allowed to confront his accusers.] ¶ For al þou[gh] I had[de] ben accused þat I wolde brenne holy houses. {and} strangle p{re}stys wiþ wicked swerde. ¶ or þat .I. had[de] grayþed deeþ to alle goode men algatis þe sentence scholde han punysched me p{re}sent confessed or co{n}uict. [Sidenote: But now this is denied him, and he is proscribed and condemned to death.] ¶ But 440 now I am remewed fro þe Citee of rome almost fyue-hundreþ þousand pas. I am wiþ outen defence dampned to p{ro}sc{ri}pciou{n} {and} to þe deeþ. for þe studie {and} bountees þat I haue done to þe senat. ¶ But o wel ben 444 þei worþi of mercye (as who seiþ nay.) þer my[gh]t[e] neuer [gh]it non of hem ben conuicte. Of swiche a blame as [[pg 20]] myn is of swiche t{r}espas myn accuso{ur}s seyen ful wel þe dignitee. [Linenotes: 429 _in_--for 430 _vertue_--vertu 431 _had[de]_--hadde 432 _seyne_--seyn _myne_--myn _haþ_--MS. haþe 433 _witte_--wit _vncerteyne_--vncerteyn 434 _al_--alle _submytted[e]_--submittede 435 _seyne_--seyn _cheyned[e]_--enclinede 436 _had[de]_--hadde 438 _wicked_--wykkede _had[de]_--hadde 441 _almost_--almest 442 _þousand_--MS. þousas _wiþ outen_--withowte 444 _done_--doon 445 _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte 446 _ben_--be _swiche_--swich 447 _myn_ (_both_)--myne _swiche_--whiche _seyen_--sayen] [Headnote: BOETHIUS ACCUSED OF SORCERY.] [Sidenote: Boethius says that his enemies accused him of sorcery.] þe wiche dignite for þei wolde derken it 448 wiþ medelyng of some felonye. þei beren me on honde {and} lieden. þat I hadde polute {and} defouled my conscience wiþ sacrelege. for couetise of dignite. ¶ And certys þou þi self þat art plaunted in me chacedest oute 452 þe sege of my corage al couetise of mortal þinges. ne sacrilege ne had[de] no leue to han a place in me byforne þine eyen. [Sidenote: He affirms that he has always followed the golden maxim of Pythagoras,-- #hepou Theô#.] ¶ For þou drouppedest euery day in myn eer{e}s {and} in my þou[gh]t þilk comaundement of pictogoras. 456 þat is to seyne men schal seruen to god. {and} not to goddes. ¶ Ne it was no couenaunt ne no nede to taken helpe of þe foulest spirites. ¶ I þat þou hast ordeyned or set in syche excellence þ{a}t [þou] makedest 460 me lyke to god. and ouer þis þe ry[gh]t clene secre chaumbre of myn house. [Sidenote: His family and friends could clear him from all suspicion of the crime of sorcery.] þat is to seye my wijf {and} þe co{m}paignie of myn honeste frendis. {and} my wyues fadir as wel holy as worþi to ben reuerenced þoru[gh] 464 hys owen dedis. defenden me of al suspecciou{n} of syche blame. ¶ But o malice. ¶ For þei þat accusen me taken of þe philosophie feiþe of so grete blame. [Sidenote: Because he has given himself up to Philosophy, his enemies accuse him of using unlawful arts.] ¶ For 467 þei trowen þat .I. haue had affinite to malyfice or enchau{n}tement[gh] by cause þat I am replenissed {and} fulfilled wiþ þi techynges. {and} enformed of þi maners. ¶ And þus it sufficeþ not only þat þi reuerence ne auayle me not. but [gh]if þat þou of þi fre wille raþer be blemissed 472 wiþ myne offensiou{n}. ¶ But certys to þe harmes þat I haue þere bytydeþ [gh]it þis encrece of harme. [Linenotes: 448 _wolde_--wolden 449 _some_--som _beren_--baren _on honde_--an hand 450 _polute_--polut 451 _sacrelege_--C. _has_ sorcerie _as a gloss to_ sacrilege 453 _al_--alle 454 _had[de]_--hadde _byforne_--byforn 455 _drouppedest_--droppedest _myn_--myne 456 _þilk_--thilke 457 _seyne_--seyn _seruen_--serue _god_--godde 459 _helpe_--help _spirites_--spirite 460 _set_--MS. sette, C. set _syche_--swiche [_þou_]--thow 461 _lyke_--lyk 462 _house_--hows _seye_--seyn 463 _myn_--my 465 _owen_--owne _of al_--from alle _syche_--swich 467 _philosophie_--philosophre _feiþe_--feyth _grete_--gret 468 _had_--MS. hadde, C. had 473 _myne_--myn 474 _þere_--ther _harme_--harm] [[pg 21]] [Headnote: BOETHIUS DEPLORES THE POPULAR CENSURE.] þat þe gessinge {and} þe iugement of myche folk ne loken no þing to þe[de]sertys of þinges but only to þe aue{n}t{ur}e 476 of fortune. [Sidenote: Most people imagine that that only should be judged to be undertaken with prudent foresight which is crowned with success.] ¶ And iugen þat only swiche þinges ben p{ur}ueied of god. whiche þat temporel welefulnesse co{m}mendiþ. _Glosa._ ¶ As þus þat yif a wy[gh]t haue prosperite. he is a good man {and} worþi to haue þat 480 p{ro}sperite. [Sidenote: The unfortunate lose the good opinion of the world.] and who so haþ aduersite he is a wikked man. {and} god haþ forsake hym. {and} he is worþi to haue þat aduersite. ¶ Þis is þe opiniou{n} of so{m}me folke. [Sidenote: [* Text begins again.]] *{and} þer of comeþ þat good gessyng. ¶ Fyrste of 484 al þi{n}g forsakeþ wrecches certys it greueþ me to þink[e] ry[gh]t now þe dyuerse sentences þat þe poeple seiþ of me. ¶ And þus moche I seye þat þe laste charge of contrarious fortune is þis. [Sidenote: [* fol. 7.]] *þat whan þat ony blame is 488 laid vpon a caytif. men wenen þat he haþ deserued þat he suffreþ. [Sidenote: Boethius laments the loss of his dignities and reputation.] ¶ And I þat am put awey fro{m} goode men {and} despoiled from dignitees {and} defoulid of my name by gessyng haue suffred torment for my goode dedis. 492 [Sidenote: The wicked, he says, sin with impunity, while the innocent are deprived of security, protection, and defence.] ¶ Certys me semeþ þat I se þe felonus couines of wikked men abounden in ioie {and} in gladnes. ¶ And I se þat euery lorel shapiþ hy{m} to fynde oute newe fraudes forto accusen goode folke. and I se þat goode 496 men ben ou{er}þrowen for drede of my p{er}il. ¶ and euery luxurious to{ur}mentour dar don alle felonie vnpunissed {and} ben excited þerto by [gh]iftes. and i{n}nocent[gh] ne ben not oonly despoiled of sykernesse but of defence 500 {and} þerfore me list to crien to god in þis manere. [Linenotes: 475 _myche_--moche 476 _þe[de]sertys_--the desert[gh] 479 _Glosa_--glose 480 _good_--MS. goode, C. good _haue_--han 481 _so_--omitted in C. 481, 482 _haþ_--MS. haþe 483 _haue_--han 484 _Fyrste_--fyrst 485 _al_--alle _þink[e]_--thinke 488 _ony_--any 489 _laid_--MS. laide, C. leyd _haþ_--MS. haþe 490 _put_--MS. putte, C. put 491 _from_--of 494 _abounden_--habownden _gladnes_--gladnesse 495 _oute_--owt 496 _accusen_--accuse 497 _ben_--beth 501 _manere_--wise] [Headnote: THE CRUEL CHANGES OF FORTUNE] O STELLIFERI CONDITOR ORBIS. [Sidenote: [The fifthe met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: Author of the starry sky, Thou, seated on high, turnest the spheres, and imposest laws upon the stars and planets.] ++O þou maker of þe whele þat bereþ þe sterres. whiche þat art fastned to þi p{er}durable chayere. {and} turnest þe heuene wiþ a rauyssyng sweigh{e} {and} {con}streinest [[pg 22]] þe sterres to suffren þi lawe. ¶ So þ{a}t þe 505 mone somtyme schynyng wiþ hir ful hornes metyng wiþ alle þe bemes of þe sonne. [Sidenote: The sun obscures the lesser lights, and quenches even the moon's light.] ¶ Hir broþer hideþ þe sterres þat ben lasse. {and} somtyme whan þe mone 508 pale wiþ hir derke hornes approcheþ þe sonne. leesith hir ly[gh]tes. [Sidenote: Thou raisest Hesperus to usher in the shades of night, and again causest him to be the harbinger of day, whence his name Lucifer.] ¶ And þat þe euesterre esperus whiche þat in þe first[e] tyme of þe ny[gh]t bryngeþ furþe hir colde arysynges comeþ eft a[gh]eynes hir vsed cours. {and} 512 is pale by þe morwe at þe rysynge of þe sonne. and is þan cleped lucifer. ¶ Þou restreinest þe day by schorter dwellyng in þe tyme of colde wynter þat makeþ þe leues to falle. ¶ Þou diuidest þe swifte tides of þe 516 ny[gh]t when þe hote somer is comen. [Sidenote: Thou controllest the changing seasons of the year.] ¶ Þi my[gh]t attempre[þ] þo variau{n}t[gh] sesons of þe [gh]ere. so þat [gh]epherus þe deboneire wynde bringeþ a[gh]ein in þe first[e] somer sesou{n} þe leues þat þe wynde þat hy[gh]t[e] boreas 520 haþ reft awey in autu{m}pne. þat is to seyne in þe laste eende of somer. and þe sedes þat þe sterre þat hy[gh]t arctur{us} saw ben waxen hey[e] cornes whan þe sterre sirius eschaufeþ hym. 524 [Sidenote: All nature is bound by thy eternal law.] ¶ Þere nis no þing vnbounde from hys olde lawe ne forleteþ hym of hys p{ro}pre estat. [Linenotes: 502 _whele_--whel _whiche_--which 503 _fastned_--yfastned _chayere_--chayer 504 _sweighe_--sweyh _constreinest_, MS. contreuiest, C. constreynest 506 _hir_--her{e} 508 _lasse_--lesse 510 _esperus whiche_--hesperus which 511 _first[e]_--fyrste _furþe_--forth 512 _eft_--est 514 _restreinest_--MS. restreniest 516 _to_--omitted 518 _attempre[þ] þo_--atempreth the _sesons_--sesoun _[gh]ere_--yer 519 _wynde bringeþ_--wynd brengeth 520 _wynde_--wynd _hy[gh]t[e]_--hihte 521 _reft_--MS. refte, C. reft _seyne_--seyn 522 _hy[gh]t_--hihte _arcturus_--MS. aritur{us} 523 _saw_--MS. saweþ, C. sawgh _hey[e]_--hyye 524 _hym_--hem _þere_--ther _þing_--thinge 525 _from_--fram _forleteþ hym of_--forleetheth þe werke of] [Headnote: CONTRASTED WITH THE ORDER OF NATURE.] [Sidenote: Why, then, leavest thou man's actions uncontrolled?] ¶ O þou gouerno{ur} gouernyng alle þinges by certeyne ende. why refusest þou oonly to gouerne þe werkes of men by dewe manere. [Sidenote: Why should fickle fortune be allowed to work such mighty changes in the world?] ¶ Whi suffrest þ{o}u þat slidyng 528 fortune turneþ to grete vtter chaungynges of þinges. so þat anoious peyne þat scholde duelly punissh{e} felouns punissit[gh] innocent[gh]. [Sidenote: The wicked are prosperous, while the righteous are in adversity.] ¶ And folk of wikked[e] man{er}es sitten in hei[gh]e chaiers. {and} anoienge folk 532 treden {and} þat vnry[gh]tfully in þe nekkes of holy men. [[pg 23]] ¶ And vertue clere {and} schynyng naturely is hid in dirke dirkenesses. {and} þe ry[gh]tful man beriþ þe blame {and} þe peyne of þe felowne. ¶ Ne þe forsweryng ne 536 þe fraude couered {and} kembd wiþ a fals colo{ur} ne a-noyeþ not to schrewes. ¶ Þe whiche schrewes whan hem lyst to vsen her strengþe þei reioisen hem to putte{n} vndir hem þe souerayne kynges. whiche þ{a}t 540 poeple wiþ[outen] noumbre dreden. [Sidenote: O thou that bindest the disagreeing elements, look upon this wretched earth, and, as thou dost govern the spacious heavens, so let the earth be firmly bound.] ¶ O þou what so euer þou be þat knyttes[t] alle bondes of þinges loke on þise wrecched[e] erþes. we men þat ben nat a foule party but a faire party of so grete a werke we 544 ben turmentid in þe see of fortune. ¶ Þou gouerno{ur} wiþdraw {and} restreyne þe rauyssinge flodes {and} fastne {and} forme þise erþes stable wiþ þilke [bonde] wiþ whiche þou gouernest þe heuene þat is so large. 548 [Linenotes: 527 _refusest þou_--refowsestow 529 _to----þinges_--so grete entrechaunginges of thynges 531 _punissit[gh]_--punysshe _wikked[e]_--wykkede 532 _hei[gh]e_--heer{e} 533 _in_--oon 534 {and}--omitted 536 _Ne þe forsweryng_--Ne forswerynge 537 _kembd_--MS. kembde, C. kembd 541 _wiþ[outen]_--withhowtyn 542 _knyttes[t]_--knyttest 543 _wrecched[e]_--wrecchede 544 _a_ (2)--omitted 545 _þe_--this 546 _wiþdraw_--MS. wiþdrawe, C. withdrawh _þe_--thei 547 _forme_--ferme [_bonde_]--from C. _wiþ_--by] [Headnote: PHILOSOPHY CONSOLES BOETHIUS,] HIC UBI CONTINUATO DOLORE. [Sidenote: [The fyfthe p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: Philosophy consoles Boethius.] ++Whan I hadde wiþ a continuel sorwe sobbed or broken out þise þinges sche wiþ hir chere peisible {and} no þi{n}g amoeued. wiþ my compleyntes seide þ{us}. whan I say þe q{uod} sche sorweful {and} wepyng I wist[e] 552 on-one þat þou were a wrecche {and} exiled. but I wist[e] neuer how fer þine exile was: [gh]if þi tale ne hadde schewed it to me. but certys al be þou fer fro þi contre. [Sidenote: [* fol. 7 _b_.]] þou nart *nat put out of it. but þou hast 556 fayled of þi weye {and} gon amys. [Sidenote: She speaks to him of his country.] ¶ and yif þou hast leuer forto wene þan þou be put out of þi contre. þan hast þou put oute þi self raþer þen ony oþer wy[gh]t haþ. [Linenotes: 550 _broken_--borken 552 _wist[e]_--wyste 553 _on-one_--anon 554 _wist[e]_--wyste _fer_--ferr{e} 555 _ne hadde_--nadde 557 _gon_--MS. gone, C. gon 558 _leuer_--leuer{e} 558, 559 _put_--MS. putte, C. put 559 _haþ_--MS. haþe] [Headnote: AND PROPOSES TO ADMINISTER REMEDIES.] ¶ For no wy[gh]t but þi self ne my[gh]t[e] neuer haue don 560 þat to þe. [[pg 24]] [Sidenote: She reminds him that he is a citizen of a country not governed by a giddy multitude, but #heis koiranos estin, heis basileus#.] ¶ For [gh]if þou remembre of what contre þou art born. it nis not gou{er}ned by emp{er}oures. ne by gouernement of multitude. as weren þe contres of hem of athenes. ¶ But o lorde {and} o kyng {and} þat is god 564 þat is lorde of þi contree. whiche þat reioiseþ hym of þe dwellyng of hys Cite[gh]enis. {and} not forto putte hem in exile. Of þe whiche lorde it is a souerayne fredom to be gouerned by þe bridel of hym and obeie to his 568 iustice. [Sidenote: The Commonwealth of Boethius.] ¶ Hast þou for[gh]eten þilke ry[gh]t olde lawe of þi Citee. in þe whiche Citee it is ordeyned {and} establissed þat what wy[gh]t þat haþ leuer founden þer i{n}ne hys sete or hys house. þen ellys where: he may not be exiled 572 by no ry[gh]t fro þat place. ¶ For who so þat is co{n}tened in-wiþ þe paleis [{and} the clos] of þilke Citee. þer nis no drede þat he may deserue to ben exiled. ¶ But who þat letteþ þe wille forto enhabit[e] þere. he forleteþ 576 also to deserue to ben Cite[gh]ein of þilke Citee. [Sidenote: Philosophy says she is moved more by the looks of Boethius than by his gloomy prison.] ¶ So þat I seye þat þe face of þis place ne amoeueþ me nat so myche as þine owen face. Ne .I. ne axe not raþer þe walles of þi librarie apparailled {and} wrou[gh]t 580 wiþ yvory {and} wiþ glas þan after þe sete of þi þou[gh]t. [Sidenote: Books are to be valued on account of the _thoughts_ they contain.] In whiche I putte nat somtyme bookes. but .I. putte þat þat makeþ bookes worþi of p{ri}s or p{re}cious þat is to sein þe sentence of my books. ¶ {And} certeinly of 584 þi dec{er}tes by-stowed in co{m}mune good. þou hast seid soþe but after þe multitude of þi goode dedys. þou hast seid fewe. {and} of þe vnhonestee or falsnesse of þinges þat ben opposed a[gh]eins þe. þou hast remembred þinges 588 þat be{n} knowe to alle folk. [Sidenote: Boethius has rightfully and briefly recounted the frauds of his accusers.] and of þe felonies {and} fraudes of þine accuso{ur}s. it semeþ þe haue I-touched it forsoþe ry[gh]tfully {and} schortly. ¶ Al my[gh]ten þo same þinges bettere {and} more plentiuousely be couth [[pg 25]] in þe mouþe of þe poeple þ{a}t knoweþ al þis. ¶ Þou 593 hast eke blamed gretly {and} compleyned of þe wrongful dede of þe senat. ¶ And þou hast sorwed for my blame. [Sidenote: Thou hast, said Philosophy, bewailed the loss of thy good name, thou hast complained against Fortune, and against the unequal distribution of rewards and punishments.] {and} þou hast wepen for þe damage of þi renoune 596 þat is appaired. {and} þi laste sorwe eschaufed a[gh]eins fortune {and} co{m}pleinest þat gerdou{n}s ne ben not euenliche [gh]olde to þe desertes of folk. {and} in þe l{att}re ende of þi woode muse þou p{r}iedest þ{a}t þilke pees þat 600 gouerneþ þe heuene scholde gou{er}ne þe erþe ¶ But for þat many tribulac{i}ou{n}s of affecc{i}ou{n}s han assailed þe. {and} sorwe {and} Ire {and} wepyng todrawen þee dyuersely [Sidenote: Strong medicines are not proper for thee now, distracted by grief, anger, and sadness.] ¶ As þou art now feble of þou[gh]t. my[gh]tyer 604 remedies ne schullen not [gh]it touchen þe for whiche we wil[e] vsen somedel ly[gh]ter medicines. [Sidenote: Light medicines must prepare thee for sharper remedies.] So þat þilk[e] passiou{n}s þat ben woxen harde in swellyng by p{er}turbac{i}ou{n} folowyng in to þi þou[gh]t mowen woxe esy 608 {and} softe to receyue{n} þe strenkeþ of a more my[gh]ty {and} more egre medicine by an esier touchyng. [Linenotes: 560 _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte _haue_--han _don_--MS. done, C. don 562 _born_--MS. borne, C. born 566 _hys_--hise _putte_--put 568 _be_--ben 571 _haþ_--MS. haþe 572 _house_--hows 574 [_and----clos_]--from C. 576 _wille_--wyl _enhabit[e]_--enhabyte 578 _seye_--sey _amoeueþ_--moueth 579 _myche_--mochel _owen_--owne _ne_ (2)--omitted 582 _putte_ (_both_)--put _somtyme_--whilom 585 _decertes_--desertes _seid_--MS. seide, C. seyde 586 _soþe_--soth 587 _seid_--MS. seide, C. seyd 588 _opposed_--aposyd 599 _knowe_--knowyn 592 _be couth_--MS. be couth{e}, C. ben cowth 596 _wepen_--wopen 597 _laste_--last _eschaufed_--eschaufede 598 _not_--omitted 599 _[gh]olde_--yolden 602 _many_--manye 604 _my[gh]tyer_--myhtyer{e} 605 _whiche_--which 606 _wil[e]_--wol _ly[gh]ter_--lyhter{e} _þilk[e]_--thilke 607 _harde_--hard 608 _folowyng_--Flowyng _woxe_--wexen 610 _esier_--esyer{e}] [Headnote: PHILOSOPHY QUESTIONS BOETHIUS.] CU{M} PHEBI RADIIS G{RA}UE CA{N}C{R}I SID{US} ENESTUAT. [Sidenote: [The sixte met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: He who sows his seed when the sun is in the Sign of Cancer, must look for no produce.] ++Whan þat þe heuy sterre of þe cancre eschaufeþ by þe beme of pheb{us}. þat is to seyne whan þat pheb{us} 612 þe sonne is in þe signe of þe Cancre. Who so [gh]eueþ þan largely hys sedes to þe feldes þat refuse to receiuen hem. lete hym gon bygyled of trust þat he hadde to hys corn. to acorns or okes. [Sidenote: Think not to ingather violets in the wintry and stormy season.] yif þou wilt 616 gadre violett[gh]. ne go þou not to þe purp{er} wode whan þe felde chirkynge agriseþ of colde by þe felnesse of þe wynde þat hy[gh]t aquilon [Sidenote: If you wish for wine in autumn let the tendrils of the vine be free in the spring.] Yif þou desirest or ¶ wolt vsen grapes ne seke þou nat wiþ a gloto{n}us hande [[pg 26]] to streine {and} p{re}sse þe stalkes of þe vine in þe first 621 somer sesou{n}. for bachus þe god of wyne haþ raþer [gh]euen his [gh]iftes to autu{m}pne þe latter ende of somer. [Sidenote: To every work God assigns a proper time, nor suffers anything to pass its bounds.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 8.]] ¶ God tokeniþ {and} assigneþ *þe tymes. ablyng hem 624 to her p{ro}pre offices. ¶ Ne he ne suffreþ not stoundes whiche þat hym self haþ deuided {and} co{n}streined to be medeled to gidre [Sidenote: Success does not await him who departs from the appointed order of things.] ¶ And forþi he þat forleteþ certeyne ordinaunce of doynge by ou{er}þrowyng wey. 628 he ne haþ no glade issue or ende of hys werkes. [Linenotes: 612 _beme_--beemes _seyne_--seyn 614 _hys_--hise _refuse_--refusen 615 after _hem_ C. adds [s. corn] _lete hym gon_ (MS. _gone_)--lat hym gon 616 _or_--of _wilt gadre_--wolt gadery 618 _felde_--feeld _felnesse_--felnesses 619 _hy[gh]t_--hyhte 620 _hande_--hond 622 _haþ_--MS. haþe 625 _her propre_--heer{e} propres _not_--nat the 626 _haþ_--MS. haþe 627 _be medeled_--ben I-medled 628 _certeyne_--certeyn 629 _haþ_--MS. haþe] [Headnote: DISCOVERS THE CAUSE OF HIS DISTEMPER.] PRIMU{M} IGITUR PATERIS ROGACIONIB{US}. [Sidenote: [The syxte p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: Philosophy proposes to question Boethius.] ++FIrst wolt þou suffre me to touche {and} assaie þe stat of þi þou[gh]t by a fewe demaundes. so þat I may vnderstonde what be þe manere of þi curac{i}ou{n}. ¶ Axe 632 me q{uod} .I. atte þi wille what þou wilt. {and} I schal answer{e}. [Sidenote: _P._ Is the world governed by Chance?] ¶ Þo saide sche þus. wheþer wenest þou q{uo}d sche þ{a}t þis worlde be gouerned by foolisshe happes {and} fortunes. or elles wenest þou þat þer be i{n} it any 636 gouerneme{n}t of resou{n}. [Sidenote: _B._ By no means. The Creator presides over his own works.] Certes q{uod} .I. ne trowe not in no manere þat so certeyne þinges scholde be moeued by fortunouse fortune. but I wot wel þat god maker {and} mayster is gouerno{ur} of þis werk. [Sidenote: I shall never swerve from this opinion.] Ne neuer nas 640 [gh]it day þat my[gh]t[e] putte me oute of þe soþenesse of þat sentence. [Sidenote: _P._ Yes! Thou didst say as much when thou didst declare man alone to be destitute of divine care.] ¶ So is it q{uod} sche. for þe same þing songe þou a lytel here byforne {and} byweyledest {and} byweptest. þat only men weren put oute of þe cure of 644 god. ¶ For of alle oþer þinges þou ne doutest nat þat þei nere gouerned by reso{n}. [Sidenote: Still thou seemest to labour under some defect even in this conviction.] but how (.i. pape.). I wondre gretly certes whi þat þou art seek. siþen þou art put in to so holesom a sentence. but lat vs seken 648 depper. I coniecte þat þere lakkeþ I not what. [[pg 27]] [Sidenote: Tell me how the world is governed.] but sey me þis. siþen þat þou ne doutest nat þ{a}t þis worlde be gouerned by god ¶ wiþ swycche gouernailes takest þou hede þat it is gouerned. [Sidenote: _B._ I do not thoroughly comprehend your question.] ¶ vnneþ q{uod} .I. knowe 652 .I. þe sente{n}ce of þi q{ue}stiou{n}. so þat I ne may nat [gh]it answeren to þi demaundes. [Sidenote: _P._ I was not deceived, then, when I said there was some defect in thy sentiment.] ¶ I nas nat deceiued q{uod} sche þat þere ne faileþ su{m}what. by whiche þe maladie of p{er}turbac{i}ou{n} is crept in to þi þou[gh]t. so 656 as þe strengþe of þe paleys schynyng is open. [Sidenote: Tell me what is the chief end of all things; and whither all things tend.] ¶ But seye me þis reme{m}brest þou ou[gh]t what is þe ende of þi þinges. whider þat þe entenc{i}ou{n} of al kynde tendeþ. ¶ I haue herd told it somtyme q{uod} .I. but drerynesse 660 haþ dulled my memorie. ¶ Certys q{uod} sche þou wost wel whe{n}nes þat alle þinges ben comen {and} p{ro}ceded. [Sidenote: _B._ God is the beginning of all things.] I wot wel q{uod} .I. {and} ansewered[e] þat god is þe bygynnyng of al. [Sidenote: _P._ How, then, art thou ignorant of their end?] ¶ And how may þis be 664 q{uod} sche þat siþen þ{o}u knowest þe bygynnyng of þinges. þat þou ne knowest not what is þe endyng of þinges. [Sidenote: But it is the nature of these perturbations (which thou endurest) to unsettle men's minds.] but swiche ben þe customes of p{er}turbac{i}ou{n}s. {and} þis power þei han. þat þei may moeue a ma{n} fro 668 hys place. þat is to seyne from þe stablenes {and} p{er}fecc{i}ou{n} of hys knowyng. but certys þei may not al arace hym ne alyene hy{m} in al. ¶ But I wolde þat þou woldest answere to þis. [Sidenote: Dost thou remember that thou art a man?] ¶ Remembrest þou þat 672 þou art a man [Sidenote: _B._ Certainly I do.] ¶ _Boice._ ¶ Whi scholde I nat remembre þat q{uod} .I. [Sidenote: _P._ What is man?] _Philosophie._ ¶ Maiste þou not telle me þan q{uod} sche what þing is a man. [Sidenote: _B._ If you ask me whether I am a rational and mortal creature, I know and confess I am.] ¶ Axest not me q{uod} I. wheþir þat be a resonable best mortel. I 676 wot wel {and} I confesse wel þat I am it. [Sidenote: _P._ But dost thou not know that thou art more than this?] ¶ Wistest þou neuer [gh]it þat þou were ony oþer þing q{uod} she. [Linenotes: 630 _wolt þou_--woltow _stat_--estat 633 _atte_--at _wilt_--wolt 635 _worlde_--world _foolisshe_--foolyssh 636 _fortunes_--fortunows 638 _scholde_--sholden 639 _wot_--MS. wote, C. woot 641 _my[gh]t[e] putte_--myhte put 644 _put_--MS. putte 645 _doutest_--dowtedest 646 _how_--owh 647 _seek siþen_--syk{e} syn 648 _put_--MS. putte, C. put 649 _depper_--depper{e} _not what_--not ner{e} what 650 _siþen_--syn _worlde_--world 651 _takest þou_--takestow 658 _seye_--sey _remembrest þou_--remenbres thow _ou[gh]t_--omitted 659 _al_--alle 660 _herd told_--MS. herde tolde _herd told it_--herd yt toold 661 _haþ_--MS. haþe 663 _proceded_--procedeth _ansewered[e]_--answerede 664 _þe_--omitted _al_--alle 665 _siþen_--syn 668 _fro_--owt of 669 _seyne from_--seyn fro 672 _Remembrest þou_--Remenbresthow 674 _Maiste þou_--Maysthow 675 _þan_--þanne _þing_--thinge _Axest_--Axestow 677 _Wistest þou_--wystesthow 678 _þing_--thinge] [[pg 28]] [Headnote: BOETHIUS NEEDS LIGHT REMEDIES.] [Sidenote: _B._ No.] No q{uod} .I. [Sidenote: _P._ Now I know the principal cause of thy distemper.] now wot I q{uod} she oþer cause of þi maladie {and} þat ry[gh]t grete ¶ Þou hast left forto 680 knowe þi self what þou art. þoru[gh] whiche I haue pleynelyche knowen þe cause of þi maladie. or ellis þe entre of recoueryng of þin hele. [Sidenote: Thou hast lost the knowledge of thyself, thou knowest not the end of things, and hast forgotten how the world is governed.] ¶ Forwhy for þou art co{n}founded wiþ for[gh]etyng of þi self. forþi sorwest 684 þou þat þou art exiled of þi p{ro}pre goodes. ¶ And for þou ne wost what is þe ende of þinges. for[þi] demest [þou] þat felono{us} {and} wikked men ben my[gh]ty {and} weleful for þou hast for[gh]eten by whiche gouernement[gh] þe worlde 688 is gouerned. ¶ Forþi wenest þou þat þise mutac{i}ou{n}s of fortune fleten wiþ oute{n} gouerno{ur}. [Sidenote: These are not only great occasions of disease, but also causes of death itself.] þise ben grete causes not oonly to maladie. but certes grete causes to deeþ [Sidenote: I thank God that Reason hath not wholly deserted thee.] ¶ But I þanke þe auctour {and} þe makere of 692 heele þat nat{ur}e haþ not al forleten þe. [Sidenote: I have some hope of thy recovery since thou believest that the world is under Divine Providence, for this small spark shall produce vital heat.] {and} I haue g[r]ete norissinges of þi hele. {and} þat is þe soþe sentence of gou{er}nau{n}ce of þe worlde. [Sidenote: [* fol. 8 _b_.]] þat þou byleuest þat þe gou{er}nynge of it nis nat subgit ne vnderput 696 to þe folie *of þise happes auenterouses. but to þe resou{n} of god ¶ And þer fore doute þe noþing. For of þis litel spark þine heet of lijf schal shine. [Sidenote: But as this is not the time for stronger remedies, and because it is natural to embrace false opinions so soon as we have laid aside the true, from whence arises a mist that darkens the understanding, I shall endeavour therefore to dissipate these vapours so that you may perceive the true light.] ¶ But for as muche as it is not tyme [gh]itte of fastere remedies 700 ¶ And þe nature of þou[gh]tes disseiued is þis þat as ofte as þei casten aweye soþe opyniou{n}s: þei cloþen hem in fals[e] opiniou{n}s. [of which{e} false opyniou{n}s] þe derknesse of p{er}turbac{i}ou{n} wexeþ vp. þat comfoundeþ þe verray 704 insy[gh]t. {and} þat derkenes schal .I. say somwhat to maken þi{n}ne {and} wayk by ly[gh]t {and} meenelyche remedies. so þat after þat þe derknes of desseyuynge desyrynges is don awey. þou mow[e] knowe þe schynyng 708 of verray ly[gh]t. [Linenotes: 680 _hast left_--MS. haste lefte, C. hast left 681 _knowe_--knowen _pleynelyche knowen_--pleynly fwonde [= founde] 684 _sorwest þou_--sorwistow 686 _for[þi] demest [þou]_--For thy demesthow 687 _wikked_--MS. wilked, C. wykkyd 688 _worlde_--world 689 _wenest þou_--wenestow 690 _outen_--owte 693 _haþ_--MS. haþe _al_--alle 694 _þi_--thin 696 _vnderput_--vndyrputte 697 _to_ (2)--omitted 698 _fore_--for _noþing_--nothinge 699 _spark þine heet_--sparke thin hete 700 _muche_--meche 702 _aweye_--away 703 [_of----opyniouns_]--from C. 705 _insy[gh]t_--insyhte _say_--assaye 706 _ly[gh]t_--lyhte 708 _don_--MS. don{e} _mow[e]_--mowe] [[pg 29]] [Headnote: HE IS NOT TO TAKE HIS LOSSES TO HEART.] NUBIB{US} ATRIS CONDITA. [Sidenote: [The seuende Metyr.]] [Sidenote: Black clouds obscure the light of the stars.] ++ÞE sterres cou{er}ed wiþ blak[e] cloudes ne mowen geten a dou{n} no ly[gh]t. [Sidenote: If the south wind renders the sea tempestuous, the waves, fouled with mud, will lose their glassy clearness.] [Gh]if þe trouble wy{n}de þat hy[gh]t auster stormynge {and} walwy{n}g þe see medleþ þe 712 heete þat is to seyne þe boylyng vp from þe botme ¶ Þe wawes þ{a}t somtyme weren clere as glas {and} lyke to þe fair[e] bry[gh]t[e] dayes wiþstant anon þe sy[gh]tes of men. by þe filþe {and} ordure þat is resolued. 716 {and} þe fletyng streme þat royleþ dou{n} dyuersely fro hey[gh]e mou{n}taignes is arestid {and} resisted ofte tyme by þe encountrynge of a stoon þ{a}t is dep{ar}tid {and} fallen from some roche. 720 [Sidenote: If thou wouldst see truth by the clearest light, pursue the path of right.] ¶ And forþi yif þou wilt loken {and} demen soþe wiþ clere ly[gh]t. {and} holde þe weye wiþ a ry[gh]t paþe. [Sidenote: Away with joy, fear, hope, and sorrow.] ¶ Weyue þou ioie. drif fro þe drede. fleme þou hope. ne lat no sorwe ap{ro}che. [Sidenote: Let none of these passions cloud thy mind.] þat is to sein lat noon of þise four passiou{n}s ouer come þe. 724 or blynde þe. [Sidenote: Where these things control, the soul is bound by strong fetters.] for cloudy {and} dirke is þilk þou[gh]t {and} bounde w{i}t{h} bridles. where as þise þinges regnen. EXPLICIT LIBER PRIMUS. [Linenotes: 710 _blak[e]_--blake 712 _stormynge_--turnyng 713 _from_--fro 714 _somtyme_--whilom 715 _lyke_--lyk _fair[e]----wiþstant_ (MS. wiþstante)--fayr{e} cleer{e} dayes {and} brihte withstand 716 _sy[gh]tes_--syhtes 717 _streme_--strem 718 _hey[gh]e_--hy 720 _from some_--fram som _wilt_--wolt 721 _soþe_--soth _clere_--cleer _holde_--holden 722 _weye_--wey _paþe_--paath 724 _come_--comen 725 _blynde_--blende _þilk_--thilke] [Headnote: PHILOSOPHY EXHIBITS TO BOETHIUS THE WILES OF FORTUNE.] INCIPIT LIBER SECUNDUS. POSTEA [PAU]LISPER CONTICUIT. [Sidenote: [The fyrst p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: Philosophy exhorts Boethius not to torment himself on account of his losses.] ++After þis she stynte a litel. and after þat she hadde gadred by atempre stillenesse myn attenciou{n} she 728 seide þus. [Sidenote: Thou art, she says, affected by the loss of thy former fortune.] ¶ As who so my[gh]t[e] seye þus. After þise þinges she stynt[e] a lytel. {and} whanne she ap{er}ceiued[e] by atempre stillenesse þat I was ententif to herkene hire. she bygan to speke in þis wyse. ¶ Yif 732 I q{uod} she haue vnderstonde{n} {and} knowe vtterly þe [[pg 30]] causes {and} þe habit of þi maladie. þou languissed {and} art deffeted for talent {and} desijr of þi raþer fortune. [Sidenote: It hath perverted thy faculties.] ¶ She þat ilke fortune only þat is chaunged as þou 736 feinest to þe ward. haþ p{er}uerted þe clerenesse {and} þe astat of þi corage. [Sidenote: I am well acquainted with all the wiles of that Prodigy (_i. e._ Fortune).] ¶ I vnderstonde þe felefolde colo{ur} {and} deceites of þilke merueillous monstre fortune. and how she vseþ ful flatryng familarite wiþ hem 740 þat she enforceþ to bygyle. so longe til þat she co{n}founde wiþ vnsuffreable sorwe hem þat she haþ left in despeir vnpurueyed. [Sidenote: Though she has left thee, thou hast not lost anything of beauty or of worth.] ¶ and if þou remembrest wel þe kynde þe maners {and} þe desert of þilke fortune. þow 744 shalt wel knowe as in hir þou neuer ne haddest ne hast ylost any fair þing. But as I trowe I shal not gretly trauaile to don þe remembren of þise þinges. [Sidenote: Thou wert once proof against her allurements.] ¶ For þou were wont to hurtlen [{and} despysen] hir 748 wiþ manly wordes whan she was blaundissinge {and} presente {and} p{ur}sewedest hir wiþ sentences þat were drawe{n} oute of myne entre. þat is to seyne out of myn i{n}formac{i}ou{n} [Sidenote: But sudden change works a great alteration in the minds of men, hence it is that thou art departed from thy usual peace of mind.] ¶ But no sudeyne mutac{i}ou{n} ne 752 bytideþ nat wiþ oute{n} a maner chau{n}gyng of curages. and so is it byfallen þat þou art dep{ar}ted a litel fro þe pees of þi þou[gh]t. [Sidenote: But with some gentle emollients I shall prepare thee for stronger medicines.] but now is tyme þat þou drynke {and} atast[e] some softe {and} delitable þinges. so þat whan 756 þei ben entred wiþ i{n}ne þe. it mow make weye to strenger drynkes of medycynes. [Sidenote: Approach then, Rhetoric, with thy persuasive charms, and therewith let Music also draw near.] ¶ Com nowe furþe þerfore þe suasiou{n} of swetnesse Rethoryen. whiche þat goþ oonly þe ry[gh]t wey whil she forsakeþ not myne 760 estatut[gh]. ¶ And wiþ Rethorice com forþe musice a damoisel of oure house þat syngeþ now ly[gh]ter moedes or p{ro}lac{i}ou{n}s now heuyer. [[pg 31]] [Sidenote: [* fol. 9.]] *what ayleþ þe man. what is it þat haþ cast þe in to murnyng {and} in to wepyng. 764 I trow[e] þat þou hast sen some newe þing {and} uncouþe. [Sidenote: Thou thinkest that Fortune is changed towards thee.] ¶ Þou wenest þat fortune be chaunged a[gh]eins þe [Sidenote: But thou art deceived.] ¶ But þou wenest wrong. yif þou [þat] wene. [Sidenote: In this misadventure of thine she hath preserved her constancy in changing.] Alwey þo ben hire maners. she haþ raþer [kept] as to 768 þe ward hire p{ro}pre stablenes in þe chaungyng of hyre self. ¶ Ry[gh]t swyche was she whan she flatered[e] þe. {and} desseiued[e] þe wiþ vnleueful lykynges of false welefulnesse. [Sidenote: You have seen the double face of this blind divinity.] þou hast now knowen {and} ataynt 772 þe doutous or double visage of þilke blynde goddesse fortune. ¶ She þat [gh]it couereþ hir {and} wympleþ hir to oþer folk. haþ shewed hir euerydel to þe. ¶ [Gh]if þou app{ro}uest hir {and} þenkest þat she is good. vse 776 hir maners {and} pleyne þe nat. [Sidenote: If thou dost abhor her perfidy cast her off, for her sports are dangerous.] ¶ And if þou agrisest hir fals[e] trecherie. dispise {and} cast aweye hir þat pleyeþ so harmefully. for she þat is now cause of so myche sorwe to þe. sholde be to þe cause of pees {and} 780 [of] ioie. ¶ she haþ forsaken þe forsoþe. þe whiche þat neuer man may be syker þat she ne shal forsake hym. _Glose._ ¶ But naþeles some bookes han þe text þus. For soþe she haþ forsaken þe ne þer nis no man 784 syker þat she ne haþ not forsaken. [Sidenote: Is that happiness which is so transient?] ¶ Holdest þou þan þilke welefulnesse p{re}ciouse to þe þat shal passen. [Sidenote: Is the attendance of Fortune so dear to thee, whose stay is so uncertain, and whose removal causes such grief?] {and} is p{re}sent fortune derworþi to þe. whiche þat nis not feiþful forto dwelle. {and} whan she goþ aweye þat 788 she bryngeþ a wy[gh]t in sorwe ¶ For syn she may nat be wiþholde{n} at a mans wille. she makeþ hym a wrecche whe{n} she dep{ar}teþ fro hym. [Sidenote: What is she (Fortune) but the presage of future calamity?] ¶ What oþer þing is flitti{n}g fortune but a manere shewyng of wrycchednesse [[pg 32]] þat is to comen. ne it ne suffriþ nat oo[n]ly to loken 793 of þing þat is p{re}sent byforne þe eyen of man. but wisdom lokeþ {and} mesureþ þe ende of þinges. [Sidenote: Her mutability should make men neither fear her threats nor desire her favours.] {and} þe same chau{n}gyng from one to an oþer. þat is to seyne 796 fro aduersite to p{ro}sperite makeþ þat þe manaces of fortune ne ben not forto dreden. ne þe flatrynges of hir to ben desired. ¶ Þus atte þe last it byhoueþ þe to suffren wiþ euene wille in pacience al þat is don 800 inwiþ þe floor of fortune. þat is to seyne in þis worlde. [Linenotes: 727 _she_ (2)--I 729 _my[gh]t[e] seye_--myht{e} seyn 730 _stynt[e]_--stynte 732 _hire_--here 733 _knowe vtterly_--knowen owtrely 734 _languissed_--languyssest 737 _haþ_--MS. haþe 738 _astat_--estat _felefolde_--feelefold 739 _colour_--colours _deceites_ (MS. decrites)--deceytes _merueillous_--meruayles 742 _haþ_--MS. haþe 743 _if_--yif 746 _any_ (MS. my)--any _þing_--thinge 747 _trauaile_--travaylen _don_--do _remembren of_--remenbre on 748 [_and despysen_]--from C. 749 _was_--omitted 750 _were_--weren 751 _myne_--myn _seyne_--sayn 752 _sudeyne_--sodeyn 753 _outen_--owte 757 _inne_--in _mow----weye_--mowe maken way 758 _strenger_--strengere _Com nowe furþe_--MS. Come; C. Com now forth 760 _goþ_--MS. goþe 761 _com_--MS. come, C. com 762 _house_--hows _ly[gh]ter_--lyhter{e} 763 _prolaciouns_--p{ro}basyons _heuyer_--heuyer{e} _ayleþ_--eyleth 765 _trow[e]_--trowe _sen_--MS. sene, C. seyn _some_--som _þing_--thinge _uncouþe_--vnkowth 766 _a[gh]eins_--ayein 767 _wenest_--weenes [_þat_]--C. that 768 _haþ_--MS. haþe [_kept_]--from C. 769 _stablenes in þe_--stabylnesse standeth in the 770 _swyche_--swich 771 _vnleueful_--vnlefful 775 _haþ_--MS. had, C. hat 776 _good_--MS. goode, C. god 777 _agrisest_--MS. agrised, C. agrysyst 778 _fals[e]_--false 780 _myche_--mochel 781 [_of_]--from C. _haþ_--MS. haþe 783 _text_--texte 784 _haþ_--MS. haþe 785 _forsaken_--forsake _Holdest þou_--holdestow 786 _þan_--thanne _preciouse_--p{re}syes 787 _derworþi_--dereworthe _whiche_--which 788 _feiþful_--feythfulle _goþ_--MS. goþe _aweye_--awey 790 _mans_--mannys 791 _when_--wan _þing_--thinge 793 _suffriþ_--suffiseth 794 _of þing_--on thynge _byforne_--MS. byforne byforne _man_--a man 795 _mesureþ_--amesureth 796 _from one_--fram oon _seyne_--seyn 797 _fro_--from _to_--into 799 _atte þe last_--at the laste] [Headnote: PHILOSOPHY EXPOSTULATES WITH BOETHIUS.] [Sidenote: If you submit to her yoke you must patiently endure her inflictions.] ¶ Syþen þou hast oones put þi nekke vnder þe [gh]okke of hir. for if þou wilt write a lawe of wendyng {and} of dwellyng to fortune whiche þat þou hast chosen frely 804 to be þi lady [Sidenote: Impatience will only embitter your loss.] ¶ Art þou nat wrongful in þat {and} makest fortune wroþe {and} asp{er}e by þin inpacience. {and} [gh]it þou mayst not chaungen hir. [Sidenote: You cannot choose your port if you leave your vessel to the mercy of the winds.] ¶ Yif þou co{m}mittest [{and}] bitakest þi sayles to þe wynde. þou shalt 808 be shouen not þider þat þou woldest(:) but whider þat þe wy{n}de shoueþ þe ¶ Yif þou castest þi seedes in þe feldes þou sholdest haue in mynde þat þe [gh]eres ben oþer while plenteuous {and} oþ{er} while bareyne. [Sidenote: You have given yourself up to Fortune; it becomes you therefore to obey her commands.] ¶ Þou 812 hast bytaken þiself to þe gouernaunce of fortune. {and} forþi it byhoueþ þe to ben obeisaunt to þe manere of þi lady. [Sidenote: Would you stop the rolling of her wheel?] and enforcest þou þe to aresten or wiþstonden þe swyftnesse {and} þe sweyes of hir to{ur}nyng 816 whele. [Sidenote: Fool! if Fortune once became stable she would cease to exist.] ¶ O þou fool of alle mortel fooles if fortune bygan to dwelle stable. she cesed[e] þan to ben fortune. [Linenotes: 801 _seyne_--seyn _worlde_--world 802 _Syþen_--Syn _[gh]okke_--yok{e} 803 _if_--yif _write_--wryten 804 _whiche_--which 805 _lady_--ladye _Art þou_--Artow 806 _wroþe_--wroth _þin_--thine 807 _chaungen_--chaunge 808 [_and_]--from C. 809 _þider_--thedyr _whider_--whedyr 811 _haue_--han 814 _manere_--maneres 815 {and}--omitted _wiþstonden_--withholden 816 _sweyes_--swey[gh] 818 _cesed[e]_--cesede] [[pg 33]] [Headnote: THE INCONSTANCY OF FORTUNE.] HEC CUM SUPERBA. [Sidenote: [The fyrst met{ur}.] [Sidenote: Fortune is as inconstant as the ebb and flow of Euripus.] ++Whan fortune wiþ a proude ry[gh]t hande haþ turnid hir chau{n}gyng stoundes she fareþ lyke þe maners 820 of þe boillyng eurippe. _Glose._ Eurippe is an arme of þe see þ{a}t ebbith {and} flowiþ. {and} somtyme þe streme is on one syde {and} somtyme on þat oþer. _Texte_ [Sidenote: She hurls kings from their thrones, and exalts the captive.] ¶ She cruel fortune kasteþ adoune kynges þat somtyme weren 824 ydred. {and} she deceiuable enhau{n}seth vp þe humble chere of hym þat is discomfited. [Sidenote: She turns a deaf ear to the tears and cries of the wretched.] {and} she neyþer hereþ ne reccheþ of wrecched[e] wepynges. {and} she is so harde þat she lau[gh]eþ {and} scorneþ þe wepyng of hem þe whiche 828 she haþ maked wepe wiþ hir free wille. [Sidenote: Thus she sports and boasts her power and presents a marvel to her servants if, in the space of an hour, a man is hurled from happiness into adversity.] ¶ Þus she pleyeþ {and} þ{us} she p{re}ueþ hir strengþe {and} sheweþ a grete wondre to alle hir seruau{n}t[gh]. ¶ Yif þat a wy[gh]t is seyn weleful {and} ou{er}þrowe in an houre. 832 [Linenotes: 819 _proude_--prowd _hande_--hand _haþ_--MS. haþe 820 _lyke_--lik 821 _arme_--arm 822 _streme_--strem 823 _one_--o 821 _adoune_--adown _somtyme_--whilom 825 _ydred_ (MS. _ydredde_)--ydrad _humble_--vmble 827 _reccheþ_--rekkeþ _wrecched[e]_--wrecchede _harde_--hard 828 _lau[gh]eþ_--lyssheth _wepyng_--wepynges 830 _strengþe_--strengthes] [Headnote: PROSPERITY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE FELICITY.] VELLEM AUTE{M} PAUCA. [Sidenote: [The secunde p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: Philosophy expostulates with Boethius in the name of Fortune.] ++CErtis I wolde plete wiþ þee a fewe þinges vsynge þe wordes of fortune tak heede now þi self. yif þ{a}t she axeþ ry[gh]t. [Sidenote: Why do you accuse me (Fortune) as guilty?] [Sidenote: [* fol. 9 _b_.]] *¶ O þou man wher fore makest þou me gilty by þine euerydayes pleynynges. what wronges 836 haue I don þe. [Sidenote: What goods or advantages have I deprived you of?] what goodes haue I byreft þe þat weren þine. stryf or plete wiþ me by fore what iuge þat þou wilt of þe possessiou{n} of rycchesse or of dignites [Sidenote: Can you prove that ever any man had a fixed property in his riches?] ¶ And yif þou maist shewe me þat euer any mortal man haþ 840 receyued any of þese þinges to ben his in p{ro}pre. þan wol I graunt[e] frely þat [alle] þilke þinges were{n} þine whiche þat þou axest. [Sidenote: You came naked into the world, and I cherished you and encompassed you with affluence.] ¶ Whan þat nature brou[gh]t[e] þe forþe out of þi moder wombe. I receyued[e] þe naked 844 {and} nedy of al þing. {and} I norysshed[e] þe wiþ my [[pg 34]] rychesse. {and} was redy {and} ententif þo{ru}[gh] my fauo{ur} to sustene þe. ¶ And þat makeþ þe now i{n}pacient a[gh]eins me. {and} I envirounde þe wiþ al þe habundaunce {and} 848 shinyng of al goodes þat ben in my ry[gh]t. [Sidenote: Now that I have a mind to withdraw my bounty, be thankful and complain not.] ¶ Now it lykeþ me to wiþ drawe myne hande. þou hast had grace as he þat haþ vsed of foreyne goodes. þou hast no ry[gh]t to pleyne þe. as þou[gh] þou haddest vtterly lorn alle þi 852 þinges. whi pleynest þou þan. I haue don þe no wrong. [Sidenote: Riches and honours are subject to me.] Ricches hono{ur}es {and} swyche oþer þinges ben of my ry[gh]t. [Sidenote: They are my servants, and come and go with me.] ¶ My seruauntes knowen me for hir lady. þei comen wiþ me {and} dep{ar}ten whan I wende. I dar wel 856 affermen hardyly. þat yif þo þinges of whiche þou pleynest þat þou hast forlorn hadde ben þine. þou ne haddest not lorn he{m}. [Sidenote: Shall I alone be forbidden to use my own right?] ¶ shal I þan only be defended to vse my ry[gh]t. [Sidenote: Doth not heaven give us sunny days and obscure the same with dark nights?] ¶ Certis it is leueful to þe heuene to 860 make clere dayes. {and} after þat to keuere þe same dayes wiþ derke ny[gh]tes. [Sidenote: Is not the earth covered with frost as well as with flowers?] ¶ Þe erþe haþ eke leue to apparaile þe visage of þe erþe now w{i}t{h} floures {and} now wiþ fruyt. {and} to confounde he{m} so{m}tyme wiþ raynes {and} 864 wiþ coldes. [Sidenote: The sea sometimes appears calm, and at other times terrifies us with its tempestuous waves.] ¶ Þe see haþ eke hys ry[gh]t to be somtyme calme {and} blaundyshing wiþ smoþe water. {and} somtyme to be horrible wiþ wawes {and} wiþ tempestes. [Sidenote: Shall I be bound to constancy by the covetousness of men?] ¶ But þe couetyse of men þat may not be staunched 868 shal it bynde me to be stedfast. syn þat stedfastnesse is vnkouþ to my maneres. ¶ Swyche is my strengþe. [Sidenote: I turn my rolling wheel and amuse myself with exalting what was low, and bringing down what was high.] {and} þis pley. I pley[e] co{n}tinuely. I tourne þe whirly{n}g whele wiþ þe tournyng cercle ¶ I am glade to chaunge 872 þe lowest to þe heyeste. {and} þe heyest to þe loweste. [Linenotes: 833 _plete_--pleten 834 _tak_--MS. take, C. tak 835 _makest þou_--makes thow 836 _wronges_--wro{n}ge 837 _don_--MS. done, C. don _byreft_--MS. byrefte, C. byreft 838 _stryf_--MS. stryue, C. stryf _plete_--pleten _by fore_--by forn 839 _wilt_--wolt _rycchesse_--rychesses 840 _shewe_--shewyn _euer_--eu{er}e _haþ_--MS. haþe 841 _þese_--tho _his_--hise 842 _graunt[e]_--grau{n}te [_alle_]--from C. 845 _al þing_--alle thinges _norysshed[e]_--noryssede 846 _rychesse_--rychesses 848, 849 _al_--alle 848 _habundaunce_--abou{n}dau{n}ce 850 _wiþ----hande_--withdrawen myn hand _had_--MS. hadde, C. had 851 _haþ_--MS. haþe 852 _vtterly_--outrely _lorn_--MS. lorne, C. for lorn. 853 _don_--MS. done, C. don 854 _Ricches_--Rychesses 858 _forlorn_--MS. forlorne, C. forlorn 859 _lorn_--MS. lorne, C. lorn 860 _vse_--vsen 861 _keuere þe_--coeu{er}yn tho 862 _derke_--dirk _erþe_--yer _haþ_--MS. haþe 864 _confounde_--co{n}fownden 865 _haþ_--MS. haþe 866 _calme_--kalm 867 (2nd) _wiþ_--omitted 869 _stedfast_--stidefast _stedfastnesse_--stidefastnesse 870 _vnkouþ_--MS. vnkouþe, C. vnkowth _Swyche_--Swych 871 _pley[e]_--pleye 872 _whele_--wheel _glade_--glad _chaunge_--chaungy{n}] [[pg 35]] [Headnote: BE SUBJECT TO FORTUNE'S CHANGES.] [Sidenote: Ascend if you will, but come down when my sport requires it.] worþe vp yif þou wilt. so it be by þis lawe. þat þou ne holde not þat I do þe wronge þou[gh] þou descende dou{n} whanne resou{n} of my pleye axeþ it. [Sidenote: Know you not the history of Croesus and of Paulus Æmilius?] Wost þou 876 not how Cresus kyng of lyndens of whiche kyng Cir{us} was ful sore agast a litel byforne þat þis rewlyche Cresus was cau[gh]t of Cirus {and} lad to þe fijr to be brent. but þat a reyne desce{n}ded[e] dou{n} from heuene 880 þat rescowed[e] hym ¶ And is it out of þi mynde how þat Paulus consul of Rome whan he hadde take þe kyng of p{er}ciens weep pitou[s]ly for þe captiuitee of þe self[e] kyng. [Sidenote: What else does the weeping muse of Tragedy deplore but the overthrow of kingdoms by the indiscriminate strokes of Fortune?] What oþer þinges bywaylen þe criinges of 884 Tragedies. but only þe dedes of fortune. þat wiþ an vnwar stroke ouert{ur}neþ þe realmes of grete nobley ¶ _Glose._ Tragedie is to seyne a dite of a p{ro}sp{er}ite for a tyme þat endiþ in wrechednesse. [Sidenote: Did you not learn whilst a youth, that at the gates of Jove's palace stand two vessels, one full of blessings, the other of woes?] Lernedest nat þou 888 in grek whan þou were [gh]onge þat in þe entre or in þe seler of Iuppiter þer ben couched two tunnes. þat on is ful of good þat oþer is ful of harme. [Sidenote: What if you have drunk too deep of the first vessel?] ¶ What ry[gh]t hast þou to pleyne. yif þou hast taken more plenteuously 892 of þe goode syde þat is to seyne of my rycchesse {and} p{ro}sp{er}ites. {and} what eke. yif I be nat departed fro þe. [Sidenote: My mutability gives thee hope of happier days.] What eke. yif my mutabilitee [gh]iueþ þe ry[gh]tful cause of hope to han [gh]it better þi{n}ges. [Sidenote: Desire not to be exempted from the vicissitudes of humanity.] ¶ Naþeles desmaie þe 896 nat in þi þou[gh]t. and þ{o}u þat art put in comune realme of alle: ne desijr[e] nat to lyue by þine oonly p{ro}pre ry[gh]t. [Linenotes: 874 _worþe_--worth _wilt_--wolt 876 _doun_--adou{n} _whanne_--wan _pleye_--pley _Wost þou_--wistesthow 877 _kyng_ (1)--the kyng _lyndens_--lydyens 878 _byforne_--byforn 880 _reyne descended[e]_--rayn dessendede _from_--fro 881 _rescowed[e]_--rescowede 882 _take_--takyn 885 _an_--a 886 _þe_--omitted 887 _seyne_--seyn 890 _tunnes_--tonnes 891 _harme_--harm 892 _hast þou_--hasthow 893 _seyne_--seyn _rycchesse_--rychesses 894 _I be nat_--I ne be nat al 896 _better_--beter{e} 898 _lyue_--lyuen _þine_--thin] [Headnote: THE COVETOUS ARE EVER DISCONTENTED.] SI Q{UA}NTAS RAPIDIS. [Sidenote: [the secu{n}de met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: Though Plenty, from her teeming horn, poured down as many riches on the world as there are sands on the sea-shore, or stars in heaven, mankind would not cease to complain.] ++ÞOu[gh] plentee þat is goddesse of rycches hielde adou{n} wiþ ful horn. {and} wiþdraweþ nat hir hand. ¶ As 900 many recches as þe see turneþ vpwardes sandes whan it is moeued wiþ rauysshing blastes. or ellys as many [[pg 36]] rycches as þer shynen bry[gh]t[e] sterres on heuene on þe sterry ny[gh]t. [Gh]it for al þat mankynde nolde not cesce to 904 wope wrecched[e] pleyntes. [Sidenote: Though Heaven may grant every desire, they will still cry for more.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 10.]] ¶ And al be it so *þat god receyueþ gladly her p{ra}yers {and} [gh]eueþ hem as ful large muche golde {and} app{ar}aileþ coueytous folk wiþ noble or clere hono{ur}s. [gh]it semeþ hem haue I-gete noþing. 908 but alwey her cruel ravyne deuourynge al þat þei han geten shewiþ oþer gapinges. þat is to seye gapen {and} desiren [gh]it after moo rycchesse. [Sidenote: What rein can restrain unbounded avarice?] ¶ What brideles my[gh]ten wiþholde to any certeyne ende þe desordene 912 coueitise of men ¶ Whan euere þe raþer þ{a}t it fletiþ in large [gh]iftis: þe more ay brenneþ in hem þe þrest of hauyng. [Sidenote: He who thinks himself poor, though he be rich, doth truly labour under poverty.] ¶ Certis he þat quakyng {and} dredeful weneþ hym seluen nedy. he ne lyueþ neu{er}e mo ryche. 916 [Linenotes: 899 _rycches_--rychesses 901 _recches_--rychesses _vpwardes_--vpward 902 _rauysshing_--rauyssynge 903 _rycches_--rychesses _bry[gh]t[e]_--bryhte _on_ (1)--in 904 _ny[gh]t_--nyhtes 905 _wope wrecched[e]_--wepe wrecchede 906 _her_--hir _ful_--fool 907 _muche_--meche _folk_--men 908 _haue_--hauen _I-gete_--I-getyn 909 _her_--hir 910 _seye_--seyn 911 _rycchesse_--rychesses 912 _wiþholde_--wytholden _certeyne_--certeyn 914 _þrest_--thurst 915 _dredeful_--dredful 916 _lyueþ_--leueth] [Headnote: BOETHIUS IS NOT UNHAPPY.] HIIS IGITUR SI PRO SE. [Sidenote: [The thrydde p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: If Fortune spake thus to you, you could not defend your complaint.] ++Þerfore yif þat fortune spake wiþ þe for hir self in þis manere. For soþe þou ne haddest [nat] what þou my[gh]test answere. and if þou hast any þi{n}g wherwiþ. þou mayist ry[gh]tfully tellen þi co{m}pleynt. ¶ It 920 byhoueþ þe to shewen it. {and} .I. wol [gh]eue þe space to tellen it. [Sidenote: _B._ What you have said is very specious, but such discourses are only sweet while they strike our ears.] ¶ Certeynely q{uod} I þan þise ben faire þinges {and} enoyntid wiþ hony swetnesse of rethorike {and} musike. {and} only while þei ben herd þei ben 924 deliciouse. [Sidenote: They cannot efface the deep impressions that misery has made in the heart.] ¶ But to wrecches is a deppere felyng of harme. þis is to seyn þat wrecches felen þe harmes þat þei suffren more greuously þan þe remedies or þe delites of þise wordes mowe gladen or comforten hem. so þat 928 whan þise þinges stynten forto sou{n}[e] in eres. þe sorwe [[pg 37]] þat is inset greueþ þe þou[gh]t. [Sidenote: _P._ So it is indeed; for my arguments are not designed as remedies, but as lenitives only.] Ry[gh]t so is it q{uod} she. ¶ For þise ne ben [gh]it none remedies of þi maladie. but þei ben a manere norissinges of þi sorwe [gh]it rebel 932 a[gh]eyne þi curac{i}ou{n}. [Sidenote: When time serves, I will administer those things that shall reach the seat of your disease.] ¶ For whan þat tyme is. I shal moue swiche þinges þat p{er}cen hem self depe. [Sidenote: But you are not among the number of the wretched.] ¶ But naþeles þ{a}t þou shalt not wilne to leten þi self a wrecche. ¶ Hast þou for[gh]eten þe nou{m}bre {and} þe 936 manere of þi welefulnesse. [Sidenote: I shall not speak of your happiness in being provided for (in your orphanage) by the chief men of the city; nor of your noble alliance with Festus and Symmachus;] I holde me stille how þat þe souerayn men of þe Citee toke{n} þe in cure {and} kepynge whan þou were orphelyn of fadir {and} modir. {and} were chosen i{n} affinite of p{r}inces of þe Citee. 940 ¶ And þou bygu{n}ne raþer to ben leef {and} deere þan forto ben a ney[gh]bo{ur}. þe whiche þing is þe most p{re}ciouse kynde of any p{ro}pinquitee or aliau{n}ce þat may ben. ¶ Who is it þat ne seide þou nere ry[gh]t weleful 944 wiþ so grete a nobley of þi fadres in lawe. [Sidenote: nor of your virtuous wife, and manly sons.] ¶ {And} wiþ þe chastite of þi wijf. {and} wiþ þe oportunite {and} noblesse of þi masculyn children. þat is to seyne þi sones {and} ou{er} al þis me lyst to passe of comune þinges. 948 ¶ How þou haddest in þi þou[gh]t dignitees þat weren warned to olde men. but it deliteþ me to comen now to þe singuler vphepyng of þi welefulnesse. ¶ Yif any fruyt of mortal þinges may han any wey[gh]te or price of 952 welefulnesse. [Sidenote: Can you ever forget the memorable day that saw your two sons invested with the dignity of Consuls?] ¶ My[gh]test þou euere for[gh]eten for any charge of harme þat my[gh]t[e] byfallen. þe remembrau{n}ce of þilke day þat þou sey[e] þi two sones maked conseillers. {and} ylad to gidre from þin house vndir so gret 956 assemble of senatours. {and} vndir þe blyþenesse of poeple. {and} whan þou say[e] hem sette in þe court in her chaieres of dignites. ¶ Þou rethorien or p{ro}nou{n}cere [[pg 38]] of kynges p{re}ysinges. deseruedest glorie of wit {and} of 960 eloquence. [Sidenote: When in the circus you satisfied the expectant multitude with a triumphal largess?] whan þou sittyng bytwix þi two sones conseillers in þe place þat hy[gh]t Circo. {and} fulfildest þe abydyng of multitude of poeple þat was sprad about þe wiþ large p{ra}ysynge {and} laude as me{n} syngen in victories. 964 [Sidenote: By your expressions you flattered Fortune, and obtained from her a gift which never before fell to any private person.] þo [gh]aue þou wordes of fortune as I trowe. þat is to seyne. þo feffedest þou fortune wiþ glosynge wordes {and} desseiuedest hir. whan she accoied[e] þe {and} norsshed[e] þe as hir owen delices. ¶ Þou hast 968 had of fortune a [gh]ifte þat is to seyn swiche gerdou{n} þat she neu[er]e [gh]af to p{re}ue man [Sidenote: Will you therefore call Fortune to account?] ¶ Wilt þou þerfore leye a rekenyng wiþ fortune. [Sidenote: She now begins, I own, to look unkindly on you; but if you consider the number of your blessings, you must confess that you are still happy.] she haþ now twynkeled first vpon þe wiþ a wykked eye. ¶ Yif þou considere 972 þe nou{m}bre {and} þe manere of þi blysses. {and} of þi sorwes. [Sidenote: [* fol. 10 _b_.]] *þou maist nat forsake þat þou nart [gh]it blysful. [Linenotes: 918 [_nat_]--from C. 919 _if_--yif 920 _mayist_--mayst _tellen_--defendyn 921 _[gh]eue_--yeuyn 922 _þan_--thanne _ben_--bet (= beth) 923 _swetnesse_--swetenesse 924 _while_--whil _herd_--MS. herde 926 _harme_--harm 928 _mowe_--mowen 929 _soun[e]_-sowne 930 _inset_--MS. insette, C. inset 932 _sorwe_--sorwes 933 _a[gh]eyne_--ayein 934 _moue swiche_--moeue swych 938 _souerayn_--sou{er}ane 943 _ney[gh]bour_--neysshebo{ur} 944 _nere_--were 945 _nobley_--nobleye _fadres_--fadyr-is 947 _seyne_--seyn 948 _lyst_--lyste _passe of_--passen the 949 _þou[gh]t_--yowthe 950 _warned_--werned 952 _fruyt_--frute _price_--p{r}is 953 _My[gh]test þow_--myhtes-thow 954 _harme_--harm _my[gh]t[e] byfallen_--myhte befalle 955 _sey[e]_--saye 956 _from_--fro _gret_--MS. grete, C. gret 958 _say[e]_--saye _sette_--set _her_--heer{e} 961 _bytwix_--bytwyen 962 _hy[gh]t_--hihte 963 _of_ (1)--of the _about_--abowten 964 _wiþ_--w{i}t{h} so 965 _[gh]aue_--MS. þan, C. yaue _of_--to 966 _seyne_--seyn 967 _accoied[e]_--acoyede 968 _norsshed[e]_--noryssede _owen_--owne _þou----of_--thow bar away of 969 _had_--MS. hadde _swiche_--swich 970 _preue_--pryue 971 _leye_--lye _haþ_--MS. haþe 972 _wykked_--wyckede 973 _blysses_--blysse 974 _forsake_--forsakyn _nart_--art _blysful_--blysseful] [Headnote: ADVERSITY IS BUT TRANSIENT.] [Sidenote: These evils that you suffer are but transitory.] For if þou þerfore wenest þi self nat weleful for þinges þat þo semeden ioyful ben passed. ¶ Þer nis nat whi 976 þou sholdest wene þi self a wrecche. for þinges þat now semen soory passen also. ¶ Art þou now comen firste a sodeyne gest in to þe shadowe or tabernacle of þis lijf. [Sidenote: Can there be any stability in human affairs, when the life of man is exposed to dissolution every hour?] or trowest þou þ{a}t any stedfastnesse be in mannis 980 þinges. ¶ Whan ofte a swifte houre dissolueþ þe same man. þat is to seyne whan þe soule dep{ar}tiþ fro þe body. For al þou[gh] þat yelde is þer any feiþ þat fortunous þinges willen dwelle. [Sidenote: The last day of life puts an end to Prosperity.] [gh]it naþeles þe last[e] day 984 of a ma{n}nis lijf is a man{er}e deeþ to fortune. {and} also to þilke þat haþ dwelt. [Sidenote: What matters it then, whether you by death leave it, or it (Fortune) by flight doth leave you?] {and} þerfore what wenist þou þar recche yif þou forlete hir i{n} dey{n}ge or ellys þ{a}t she fortune forlete þe i{n} fleenge awey. 988 [Linenotes: 978 _soory_--sorye _firste_--fyrst 979 _sodeyne_--sodeyn _shadowe_--shadwe 980 _stedfastnesse_--stedefastnesse 981 _swifte_--swyft _dissolueþ_--dyssoluede 983 _al þou[gh] þat_--al þ{a}t thowgh _fortunous_--fortune 984 _willen dwelle_--wolen dwellyn _last[e]_--laste 986 _haþ_--MS. haþe _wenist þou_--weenestow 987 _þar recche_--dar recke 988 _awey_--away] [[pg 39]] [Headnote: MANY BLESSINGS STILL REMAIN.] CUM PRIMO POLO. [Sidenote: [The .iij. Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: The stars pale before the light of the rising sun.] ++Whan phebus þe sonne bygynneþ to spreden his clerenesse w{i}t{h} rosene chariettes. þan þe sterre ydimmyd paleþ hir white cheres. by þe flamus of þe so{n}ne þat ouer comeþ þe sterre ly[gh]t. ¶ Þis is to seyn whan þe 992 sonne is risen þe day sterre wexiþ pale {and} lesiþ hir ly[gh]t for þe grete bry[gh]tnesse of þe sonne. [Sidenote: Westerly winds deck the wood with roses, but easterly winds cause their beauty to fade.] ¶ Whan þe wode wexeþ redy of rosene floures in þe first somer sesou{n} þoru[gh] þe breþe of þe wynde Zephirus þat wexeþ 996 warme. ¶ Yif þe cloudy wynde auster blowe felliche. þan goþ awey þe fayrnesse of þornes. [Sidenote: Now the sea is calm, and again it is tempestuous.] Ofte þe see is clere {and} calme wiþoute moeuy{n}g floodes. And ofte þe horrible wynde aq{u}ilon moeueþ boylyng tempestes 1000 {and} ouer whelweþ þe see. [Sidenote: If all things thus vary, will you trust in transitory riches?] ¶ Yif þe forme of þis worlde is so [[gh]eelde] stable. {and} yif it to{ur}niþ by so many entrechau{n}gynges. wilt þou þa{n} truste{n} in þe trublynge fortunes of me{n}. wilt þou trowen i{n} flittyng goodes. 1004 [Sidenote: All here below is unstedfast and unstable.] It is certeyne {and} establissed by lawe p{er}durable þat no þi{n}g þ{a}t is engendred nys stedfast no stable. [Linenotes: 989 _his_--hyr 990 _þan_--thanne 991 _flamus_--flambes 995 _redy_--rody _rosene_--rosyn 997 _warme_--warm 998 _goþ_--MS. goþe, C. goth _fayrnesse_--fayrenesse 999 _clere_--cleer _calme_--kalm 1000 _wynde_--wynd 1001 _whelweþ_--welueeth 1002 [_[gh]eelde_]--from C. 1003, 1004 _wilt þou_--wolthow 1003 _þan_--thanne _trublynge_--towmbly{n}ge 1004 _in flittyng_--on flettynge 1005 _It is_--is it 1006 _no_--ne _stable_--estable] [Headnote: MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR.] TUNC EGO UERA INQ{UA}M. [Sidenote: [The ferthe prose.]] [Sidenote: _B._ I cannot deny my sudden and early prosperity.] ++ÞAnne seide I þus. O norice of alle uertues þou seist ful soþe. ¶ Ne I may nat forsake þe ry[gh]t[e] 1008 swifte cours of my p{ro}speritee. þat is to seine. þat p{ro}speritee ne be comen to me wondir swiftly {and} soone. but þis is a þing þat gretly smertiþ me whan it remembreþ me. [Sidenote: It is the remembrance of former happiness that adds most to man's infelicity.] ¶ For in alle aduersitees of fortune þe 1012 most vnsely kynde of contrariouse fortune is to han ben weleful. [Sidenote: _P._ Recollect that you have yet much affluence.] ¶ But þat þou q{uo}d she abaist þus þe to{ur}ment of þi fals[e] opiniou{n} þat maist þou not ry[gh]tfully blamen ne aretten to þinges. as who seiþ for þou [[pg 40]] hast [gh]itte many habundaunces of þinges. ¶ _Textus._ 1017 For al be it so þat þe ydel name of auenterouse welefulnesse moeueþ þe now. it is leueful þat þou rekene w{i}t{h} me of how many[e] þinges þou hast [gh]it plentee. 1020 [Sidenote: What you esteemed most precious in your happy days, you still retain, and ought therefore not to complain.] ¶ And þerfore yif þat þilke þing þat þou haddest for most p{re}cious in alle þi rycchesse of fortune be kept to þe by þe grace of god vnwemmed {and} vndefouled. Mayst þou þa{n} pleyne ry[gh]tfully vpon þe myschief of fortune. 1024 syn þou hast [gh]it þi best[e] þinges. ¶ Certys [gh]it lyueþ in goode poynt þilke p{re}cious hono{ur} of mankynde. [Sidenote: Symmachus, dear to you as life, is safe and in health.] ¶ Symacus þi wyues fadir whiche þat is a man maked al of sapience {and} of vertue. þe whiche 1028 man þou woldest b[i]en redely wiþ þe pris of þin owen lijf. he byweyleþ þe wronges þat men don to þee. {and} not for hym self. for he liueþ in sykernesse of any sentence put a[gh]eins him. [Sidenote: Your wife Rusticiana is also alive, and bewails her separation from you.] ¶ And [gh]it lyueþ þi wif þat 1032 is attempre of witte {and} passyng oþer women in clennes of chastitee. and for I wol closen shortly her bountes she is lyke to hir fadir. I telle þe welle þat she lyueþ looþ of hir life. {and} kepiþ to þee oonly hir goost. {and} 1036 is al maat {and} ouer-comen by wepyng {and} sorwe for desire of þe ¶ In þe whiche þing only I mot graunten þat þi welefulnesse is amenused. [Sidenote: Why need I mention your two sons, in whom so much of the wit and spirit of their sire and grandsire doth shine?] [Sidenote: [* fol. 11.]] ¶ What shal I seyn eke of þi two sones conseillours of whiche as of children 1040 of hir age þer shineþ *þe lyknesse of þe witte of hir fadir {and} of hir eldefadir. [Sidenote: And since it is the chief care of man to preserve life; you are still most happy in the possession of blessings which all men value more than life.] and siþen þe souereyn cure of alle mortel folke is to sauen hir owe{n} lyues. [Linenotes: 1008 _soþe_--soth _Ne I may_--Ne I ne may 1009 _seine_--seyn 1011 _a_--omitted _gretly_--gretely 1012 _aduersitees_--adu{er}syte 1013 _most_--mooste 1014 _abaist_--abyest 1015 _tourment_--torment[gh] _fals[e]_--false 1016 _seiþ_--MS. seiþe, C. seyh 1017 _[gh]itte_--yit 1019 _leueful_--leefful 1020 _many[e] þinges_--manye grete thinges 1022 _alle_--al 1023 _þe by_--the yit by 1024 _myschief_--meschef 1025 _best[e]_--beste 1026 _lyueþ_--leueth _goode_--good 1027 _whiche_--which 1028 _al_--alle _of_ (2)--omitted 1029 _b[i]en_--byen _owen_--owne 1030 _byweyleþ_--bewayleth _don_--MS. done, C. don 1031 _liueþ_--leueth 1033 _witte_--wyt _women_--wymmen 1034 _shortly_--shortely 1035 _lyke_--lik _welle_--wel 1036 _hir life_--this lyf 1037 _maat_--maad 1038 _whiche_--weche 1039 _amenused_--amenyssed _seyn_--(MS. seyne) seyn 1041 _lyknesse_--lykenesse _witte_--wyt 1042 {and} (1)--or _eldefadir_--eldyr fadyr _siþen_--syn 1043 _folke_--folk] [Headnote: THE CONDITION OF HUMAN BLISS.] ¶ O how weleful art þou þou[gh] þou knowe þi goodes. 1044 ¶ But [gh]itte ben þer þinges dwelly{n}g to þe wardes þat no [[pg 41]] man douteþ þat þei ne ben more derworþe to þe þen þine owen lijf. [Sidenote: Dry up thy tears, thou hast still present comfort and hope of future felicity.] ¶ And forþi drie þi teres for [gh]itte nys nat eueriche fortune al hateful to þe warde. ne ou{er} 1048 greet tempest haþ nat [gh]it fallen vpon þe. whan þat þin ancres cliue fast[e] þat neiþer wole suffre þe comfort of þis tyme p{re}sent. ne þe hope of tyme comynge to passen ne to falle{n}. [Sidenote: _B._ I hope these will never fail me.] ¶ And I p{re}ie q{uod} I þat fast[e] mot[en] 1052 þei holden. ¶ For whiles þat þei halden. how so eu{er}e þat þinges ben. I shal wel fleten furþe and eschapen. [Sidenote: But do you not see how low I am fallen?] ¶ But þou mayst wel seen how greet[e] apparailes {and} aray þat me lakkeþ þat ben passed awey fro me. 1056 [Sidenote: _P._ I should think that I had made progress if you did not repine so at your fate.] ¶ I haue su{m}what auau{n}ced {and} forþered þe q{uod} she. if þat þou anoie nat or forþenke nat of al þi fortune. As who seiþ. ¶ I haue somwhat comforted þe so þat þou tempest nat þe þus wiþ al þi fortune. syn þou hast 1060 [gh]it þi best[e] þinges. [Sidenote: It grieves me to hear you complain while you possess so many comforts.] ¶ But I may nat suffre þin delices. þat pleinst so wepyng. {and} anguissous for þat oþer lakkeþ somwhat to þi welefulnesse. [Sidenote: Every one, however happy, has something to complain of.] ¶ For what man is so sad or of so p{er}fit welefulnesse. þat he ne 1064 stryueþ or pleyneþ on some half a[gh]eine þe qualitee of his estat. [Sidenote: The condition of human enjoyment is anxious; for either it comes not all at once, or makes no long stay when it does come.] ¶ For whi ful anguissous þing is þe condiciou{n} of mans goodes. ¶ For eyþer it comeþ al to gidre to a wy[gh]t. or ellys it lasteþ not p{er}petuely. 1068 [Linenotes: 1044 _art þou þou[gh]_--arthow yif 1045 _But [gh]itte_--for yit _dwellyng_--dwellyd _wardes_--ward 1046 _þat_--than _derworþe_--dereworthe _þen þine_--than thin 1047 _[gh]itte_--yit 1049 _haþ_--MS. haþe _þin_--thyne 1050 _cliue fast[e]_--cleuen faste _wole suffre_--wolen suffren 1052 _fallen_--faylen _fast[e] mot[en]_--faste moten 1053 _holden_--halden 1054 _furþe_--forth 1055 _mayst_--mayste _greet[e]_--grete 1058 _forþenke_--forthinke 1061 _best[e]_--beste _suffre þin_--suffren thi 1063 _oþer_--ther 1064 _perfit_--parfyt 1065 _or_--and _some half a[gh]eine_--som halue ayen 1067 _mans_--mannes _comeþ al_--comth nat al 1068 _lasteþ_--last _perpetuely_--p{er}petuel] [Headnote: HAPPINESS ARISES FROM CONTENTMENT.] [Sidenote: One man is very wealthy, but his birth is obscure.] ¶ For som man haþ grete rycchesse. but he is asshamed of hys vngentil lynage. [Sidenote: Another is conspicuous for nobility of descent, but is surrounded by indigence.] {and} som man is renomed of noblesse of kynrede. but he is enclosed in so grete angre for nede of þinges. þat hym were leuer þat 1072 he were vnknowe. [Sidenote: A third is blest with both advantages, but is unmarried.] and som ma{n} habundeþ boþe i{n} rychesse {and} noblesse. but [gh]it he bywaileþ hys chast[e] lijf. for he haþ no wijf. [[pg 42]] [Sidenote: This man is happy in a wife, but is childless, while that other man has the joy of children, but is mortified by their evil ways.] ¶ and som man is wel {and} selily maried but he haþ no children. {and} norissheþ his 1076 ricchesse to þe heires of straunge folk. ¶ And som man is gladded wiþ children. but he wepiþ ful sory for þe trespas of his son or of his dou[gh]tir. [Sidenote: Thus we see that no man can agree easily with the state of his fortune.] ¶ and for þis þer accordeþ no wy[gh]t ly[gh]tly to þe condic{i}ou{n} of his fortune. for alwey to euery man þere is i{n} mest somwhat 1081 þat vnassaieþ he ne wot not or ellys he drediþ þat he haþ assaied. [Sidenote: The senses of the happy are refined and delicate, and they are impatient if anything is untoward.] ¶ {And} adde þis also þat euery weleful man haþ a wel delicat felyng. ¶ So þat but yif alle 1084 þinges fallen at hys owen wille for he inpacient or is nat vsed to han none aduersitee. an-oone he is þrowe ado[-u]ne for euery lytel þing. [Sidenote: The happiness of the most fortunate depends on trifles.] ¶ And ful lytel þinges ben þo þat wiþdrawen þe so{m}me or þe p{er}fecc{i}ou{n} of 1088 blisfulnesse fro hem þat ben most fortunat. [Sidenote: How many would think themselves in heaven if they had only a part of the remnant of thy fortune!] ¶ How many men trowest þou wolde demen hem self to ben almost in heuene yif þei my[gh]ten atteyne to þe leest[e] p{ar}tie of þe remenaunt of þi fortune. ¶ Þis same place 1092 þat þou clepist exil is contre to hem þat enhabiten here. [Sidenote: Thy miseries proceed from the thought that thou art miserable.] {and} forþi. Noþing wrecched. but whan þou wenest it [Sidenote: Every lot may be happy to the man who bears his condition with equanimity and courage.] ¶ As who seiþ. þou[gh] þi self ne no wy[gh]t ellys nys no wrecche but whan he weneþ hym self a 1096 wrecche by reputac{i}ou{n} of his corage. [Linenotes: 1069 _rycchesse_--Rychesses 1070 _renomed_--renowned 1072 _angre for_--Angwysshe of _leuer_--leu{er}e 1074 _chast[e]_--caste 1075, 1076 _haþ_--MS. haþe 1076 _maried_--ymaryed _his_--hise 1077 _ricchesse_--Rychesses _heires_--eyres _folk_--foolkys 1080 _þer_--þ{er} ne 1081 _mest_--omitted 1082 _vnassaieþ_--vnassaied _wot_--MS. wote, C. wot 1083, 1084 _haþ_--MS. haþe 1084 _wel_--ful 1085 _fallen_--byfalle _wille_--wyl 1086 _none_--non _an-oone_--Anon _þrowe_--throwen 1087 _ado[-u]ne_--adou{n} 1090 _wolde_--wolden 1095 _it_--hyt _who_--ho 1096 _no_--a] [Headnote: THE SOURCE OF TRUE HAPPINESS.] CONTRAQ{UE}. [Sidenote: When patience is lost then a change of state is desired.] ++And a[gh]einewarde al fortune is blisful to a man by þe agreablete or by þe egalite of hym þat suffreþ it. ¶ What man is þat. þat is so weleful þat nolde chau{n}ge{n} 1100 his estat whan he haþ lorn pacience. þe swetnesse of mannes welefulnesse is yspranid wiþ many[e] bitternesses. þe whiche welefulnesse al þou[gh] it seme swete {and} [[pg 43]] ioyeful to hym þat vseþ it. [gh]it may it not be wiþ-holden 1104 þat it ne goþ away whan it wol. [Sidenote: How much is human felicity embittered!] ¶ Þan is it wel sen how wrecched is þe blisfulnesse of mortel þinges. [Sidenote: It will not stay with those that endure their lot with equanimity, nor bring comfort to anxious minds.] þat neiþ{er} it dwelliþ p{er}petuel wiþ hem þat euery fortune receyuen agreablely or egaly. ¶ Ne it ne deliteþ not in 1108 al. to hem þat ben anguissous. [Sidenote: Why then, O mortals, do ye seek abroad for that felicity which is to be found within yourselves?] [Sidenote: [* fol. 11 _b_.]] ¶ O ye mortel folkes what seke *[gh]e þan blisfulnesse oute of [gh]oure self. whiche þat is put in [gh]oure self. Erro{ur} {and} folie co{n}fou{n}deþ [gh]ow ¶ I shal shewe þe shortly. þe poynt of souereyne 1112 blisfulnesse. [Sidenote: Nothing is more precious than thyself.] Is þer any þing to þe more p{re}ciouse þan þi self ¶ Þou wilt answere nay. [Sidenote: If thou hast command over thyself, Fortune cannot deprive thee of it.] ¶ Þan if it so be þat þou art my[gh]ty ouer þi self þat is to seyn by tranquillitee of þi soule. þan hast þou þing i{n} þi power þat þou 1116 noldest neuer lesen. ne fortune may nat by-nyme it þe. [Sidenote: Happiness does not consist in things transitory.] {and} þat þou mayst knowe þat blisfulnesse [ne] may nat standen in þinges þat ben fortunous {and} te{m}perel. [Sidenote: If happiness be the supreme good of nature, then that thing cannot be it which can be withdrawn from us.] ¶ Now vndirstonde {and} gadir it to gidir þus 1120 yif blisfulnesse be þe souereyne goode of nature þat liueþ by resou{n} ¶ Ne þilke þing nis nat souereyne goode þat may be taken awey in any wyse. for more worþi þing {and} more digne is þilke þing þ{a}t may nat be 1124 taken awey. [Sidenote: Instability of fortune is not susceptive of true happiness.] ¶ Þan shewiþ it wele þat þe vnstablenesse of fortune may nat attayne to receyue verray blisfulnes. ¶ And [gh]it more ouer. [Sidenote: He who is led by fading felicity, either knows that it is changeable or does not know it.] ¶ What man þat þis toumblyng welefulnesse leediþ. eiþer he woot þat 1128 [it] is chaungeable. or ellis he woot it nat. [Sidenote: If he knows it not, what happiness has he in the blindness of his ignorance?] ¶ And yif he woot it not. what blisful fortune may þer be in þe blyndenesse of ignorau{n}ce. and yif he woot þat it is chaungeable. he mot alwey ben adrad þ{a}t he ne lese 1132 þat þing. þat he ne douteþ nat but þat he may leesen it. [Linenotes: 1098 _a[gh]einewarde al_--ayeinward alle 1099 _it_--hyt 1101 _whan_--what _haþ_--MS. haþe _lorn_--MS. lorne, C. lost 1102 _yspranid_--spraynyd _bitternesses_--beternesses 1104 _hym_--hem _it_--hyt _be_--ben 1105 _goþ_--MS. geþe _wol_--woole _sen_--MS. sene 1107 _dwelliþ_--dureth 1109 _folkes_--folk{e} 1110 _oute_--owt 1112 _shortly_--shortely 1114 _wilt_--MS. wilte, C. wolt _if_--yif 1117 _by-nyme_--be-neme 1118 _blisfulnesse [ne]_--blyssefulnesse ne 1120 _to gidir_--to gidere 1121, 1122 _souereyne goode_--sou{er}eyn good 1125 _wele_--wel 1126 _receyue_--resseyuen 1129 [_it_]--from C. _it_--hyt 1130 _be_--ben 1131 _blyndenesse_--blyndnesse] [[pg 44]] [Headnote: RICHES DO NOT CONSTITUTE HAPPINESS.] [Sidenote: If he knows it is fleeting he must be afraid of losing it, and this fear will not suffer him to be happy.] ¶ As whoo seiþ he mot ben alwey agast lest he leese þat he wot wel he may leese. ¶ For whiche þe continuel drede þat he haþ ne suffriþ hym nat to ben 1136 weleful. ¶ Or ellys yif he leese it he wene to be dispised {and} forleten hit. ¶ Certis eke þat is a ful lytel goode þat is born wiþ euene hert[e] whan it is loost. ¶ Þat is to seyne þat men don no more force. 1140 of þe lost þan of þe hauynge. [Sidenote: Since thou art convinced of the soul's immortality, thou canst not doubt that if death puts an end to human felicity, that all men when they die, are plunged into the depths of misery.] ¶ And for as myche as þou þi self art he to who{m} it haþ ben shewid {and} p{ro}ued by ful many[e] demonstrac{i}ou{n}s. as I woot wel þat þe soules of men ne mowen nat dien in no wise. and eke 1144 syn it is clere. {and} certeyne þat fortunous welefulnesse endiþ by þe deeþ of þe body. ¶ It may nat ben douted þat yif þat deeþ may take awey blysfulnesse þat al þe kynde of mortal þi{n}g{us} ne descendiþ in to wrecchednesse 1148 by þe ende of þe deeþ. [Sidenote: But we know that many have sought to obtain felicity, by undergoing not only death, but pains and torments.] ¶ And syn we knowen wel þat many a man haþ sou[gh]t þe fruit of blisfulnesse nat only wiþ suffryng of deeþ. but eke wiþ suffryng of peynes {and} to{ur}mentes. [Sidenote: How then can this present life make men truly happy, since when it is ended they do not become miserable?] how my[gh]t[e] þan þis p{re}sent 1152 lijf make men blisful. syn þat whanne þilke self[e] lijf is endid. it ne makeþ folk no wrecches. [Linenotes: 1134 _it_--hyt _seiþ_--MS. seiþe, C. seyth 1135 _wot_--MS. wote, C. wot _leese_ (2)--leese it _whiche_--which 1136 _haþ_--MS. haþe 1137 _ellys_--omitted _wene_--weneth 1138 _hit_--omitted 1139 _goode_--good _born_--MS. borne, C. born _hert[e]_--herte 1140 _seyne_--seyn _don_--MS. done, C. do _force_--fors 1142 _haþ_--MS. haþe 1143 _many[e]_--manye 1144 _mowen_--mowe _dien_--deyen 1145 _clere_--cleer _certeyne_--certeyn 1147 _al_--alle 1150 _haþ_--MS. haþe _fruit_--frut 1152 _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte 1153 _make_--maken _self[e]_--selue] [Headnote: RICHES HAVE NO INTRINSIC VALUE.] QUISQUIS UOLET[2] P{ER}HENNEM CAUTUS. [Footnote 2: MS. ualet.] [Sidenote: [The ferthe met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: He who would have a stable and lasting seat must not build upon lofty hills; nor upon the sands, if he would escape the violence of winds and waves.] ++What maner man stable {and} war þat wil founden hym a p{er}durable sete {and} ne wil not be cast doune 1156 wiþ þe loude blastes of þe wynde Eurus. {and} wil dispise þe see manassynge wiþ floodes ¶ Lat hym eschewe to bilde on þe cop of þe mou{n}tay{n}gne. or in þe moyste sandes. ¶ For þe fel[le] wynde auster to{ur}menteþ þe cop 1160 of þe mou{n}tayngne wiþ alle his strengþes. ¶ and þe lowe see sandes refuse to beren þe heuy wey[gh]te. [[pg 45]] [Sidenote: If thou wilt flee perilous fortune, lay thy foundation upon the firmer stone, so that thou mayst grow old in thy stronghold.] {and} forþi yif þou wolt flee þe p{er}ilous auenture þat is to seine of þe worlde ¶ Haue mynde certeynly to ficchyn 1164 þi house of a myrie site in a lowe stoone. ¶ For al þou[gh] þe wynde troublyng þe see þondre wiþ ouereþrowynges ¶ Þou þat art put i{n} quiete {and} welful by strengþe of þi palys shalt leden a cleer age. scornyng 1168 þe wodenesses and þe Ires of þe eir. [Linenotes: 1155, 1156, 1157 _wil_--wole 1156 _be cast_--MS. be caste, C. ben cast 1157 _wynde_--wynd 1158 _eschewe_--eschewen 1160 _fel[le]_--felle 1161 _his_--hise 1162 _lowe_--lavse _see_--omitted _refuse_--refusen _wey[gh]te_--wyhte 1163 _flee_--fleen 1164 _seine_--seyn 1165 _þi_--thin _lowe stoone_--lowh stoon 1167 _welful_--weleful 1169 _wodenesses_--woodnesses] [Headnote: GLORY NOT IN RICHES; THEY ADD NOTHING TO VIRTUE.] SET CUM RACIONU{M} IAM IN TE. [Sidenote: [The fyfthe p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: It is now time to use stronger medicines, since lighter remedies have taken effect.] ++But for as moche as þe noryssinges of my resou{n}s descenden now in to þe. I trowe it were tyme to vsen a litel strenger medicynes. [Sidenote: What is there in the gifts of Fortune that is not vile and despicable?] ¶ Now vndirstonde 1172 here al were it so þat þe [gh]iftis of fortune nar[e] nat brutel ne t{ra}nsitorie. [Sidenote: [* fol. 12.]] what is þer in hem þat may be þine *in any tyme. or ellis þat it nys foule if þat it be considered {and} lokid p{er}fitely. [Sidenote: Are riches precious in themselves, or in men's estimation?] ¶ Richesse ben þei 1176 p{re}ciouse by þe nature of hem self. or ellys by þe nature of þe. [Sidenote: What is most precious in them, quantity or quality?] What is most worþi of rycchesse. is it nat golde or my[gh]t of moneye assembled. [Sidenote: Bounty is more glorious than niggardliness.] ¶ Certis þilke golde {and} þilke moneye shineþ {and} [gh]eueþ better 1180 renou{n} to hem þat dispenden it. þen to þilke folke þat mokeren it. [Sidenote: Avarice is always hateful, while liberality is praise-worthy.] For auarice makeþ alwey mokeres to be hated. {and} largesse makeþ folke clere of renou{n} ¶ For syn þat swiche þi{n}g as is t{ra}nsfered from o 1184 man to an oþer ne may nat dwellen wiþ no man. [Sidenote: Money cannot be more precious than when it is dispensed liberally to others.] Certis þan is þilke moneye p{re}cious. whan it is translated in to oþer folk. {and} stynteþ to ben had by vsage of large [gh]euy{n}g of hym þat haþ [gh]euen it. 1188 [Sidenote: If one man's coffers contained all the money in the world, every one else would be in want of it.] {and} also yif al þe moneye þat is ouer-al in þe world were gadered towar[d] o man. it sholde maken al oþer men [[pg 46]] to ben nedy as of þat. ¶ And certys a voys al hool þat is to seyn wiþ-oute amenusynge fulfilleþ to gyder 1192 þe heryng of myche folke. [Sidenote: Riches cannot be dispensed without diminution.] but Certys [gh]oure rycchesse ne mowen nat passen vnto myche folk wiþ-oute amenussyng ¶ And whan þei ben apassed. nedys þei maken hem pore þat forgon þe rycchesses. [Sidenote: O the poverty of riches, that cannot be enjoyed by many at the same time, nor can be possessed by one without impoverishing others!] ¶ O streite {and} 1196 nedy clepe I þise rycchesses. syn þat many folke [ne] may nat han it al. ne al may it nat comen to on man wiþ-oute pouerte of al oþer folke. ¶ And þe shynynge of ge{m}mes þat I clepe p{re}ciouse stones. draweþ it nat 1200 þe eyen of folk in to hem warde. þat is to seyne for þe beaute. [Sidenote: The beauty of precious stones consists only in their brightness, wherefore I marvel that men admire that which is motionless, lifeless, and irrational.] ¶ For certys yif þer were beaute or bounte in shynyng of stones. þilke clerenesse is of þe stones hem self. {and} nat of men. ¶ For whiche I wondre 1204 gretly þat men merueilen on swiche þinges. ¶ For whi what þing is it þat yif it wa{n}teþ moeuyng {and} ioynture of soule {and} body þat by ry[gh]t my[gh]t[e] semen a faire creature to hym þat haþ a soule of resou{n}. 1208 [Sidenote: Precious stones are indeed the workmanship of the Creator, but their beauty is infinitely below the excellency of man's nature.] ¶ For al be it so þat ge{m}mes drawen to hem self a litel of þe laste beaute of þe worlde. þoru[gh] þe entent of hir creato{ur} {and} þoru[gh] þe distincc{i}ou{n} of hem self. [gh]it for as myche as þei ben put vndir [gh]oure excellence. 1212 þei han not desserued by no weye þat [gh]e shullen merueylen on hem. [Sidenote: Doth the beauty of the field delight thee?] ¶ And þe beaute of feeldes deliteþ it nat mychel vnto [gh]ow. [Sidenote: _B._ Why should it not? for it is a beautiful part of a beautiful whole.] _Boyce._ ¶ Whi sholde it nat 1215 deliten vs. syn þat it is a ry[gh]t fayr porciou{n} of þe ry[gh]t fair werk. þat is to seyn of þis worlde. [Sidenote: Hence, we admire the face of the sea, the heavens, as well as the sun, moon, and stars.] ¶ And ry[gh]t so ben we gladed somtyme of þe face of þe see whan it is clere. And also merueylen we on þe heuene {and} on þe sterres. {and} on þe sonne. {and} on þe mone. [[pg 47]] [Sidenote: _P._ Do these things concern thee? darest thou glory in them?] _Philosophie._ ¶ App{er}teineþ q{uo}d she any of þilke 1221 þinges to þe. whi darst þou glorifie þe in þe shynynge of any swiche þinges. [Sidenote: Do the flowers adorn you with their variety?] Art þou distingwed {and} embelised by þe spryngyng floures of þe first somer 1224 sesou{n}. or swelliþ þi plente in fruytes of somer. whi art þou rauyshed wiþ ydel ioies. [Sidenote: Why embracest thou things wherein thou hast no property?] why enbracest þou straunge goodes as þei weren þine. [Sidenote: Fortune can never make that thine which the nature of things forbids to be so.] Fortune shal neuer maken þat swiche þinges ben þine þat nature of þinges 1228 maked foreyne fro þe. [Sidenote: The fruits of the earth are designed for the support of beasts.] ¶ Syche is þat wiþ-oute{n} doute þe fruytes of þe erþe owen to ben on þe norssinge of bestes. [Sidenote: If you seek only the necessities of nature, the affluence of Fortune will be useless.] ¶ And if þou wilt fulfille þi nede after þat it suffiseþ to nature þan is it no nede 1232 þat þou seke after þe sup{er}fluite of fortune. [Sidenote: Nature is content with a little, and superfluity will be both disagreeable and hurtful.] ¶ For wiþ ful fewe þinges {and} w{i}t{h} ful lytel þing nature halt hire appaied. {and} yif þou wilt achoken þe fulfillyng of nat{ur}e wiþ sup{er}fluites ¶ Certys þilke 1236 þinges þ{a}t þou wilt þresten or pouren in to nature shullen ben vnioyeful to þe or ellis anoies. [Sidenote: Does it add to a man's worth to shine in variety of costly clothing?] ¶ Wenest þou eke þat it be a fair þinge to shine wiþ dyuerse cloþing. [Sidenote: The things really to be admired are the beauty of the stuff or the workmanship of it.] of whiche cloþing yif þe beaute be agreable 1240 to loken vpon. I wol merueylen on þe nature of þe matere of þilke cloþes. or ellys on þe werkeman þat wrou[gh]t[e] hem. [Sidenote: Doth a great retinue make thee happy?] [Sidenote: [* fol. 12 _b_.]] but al so a longe route of meyne. makiþ þat a blisful *man. [Sidenote: If thy servants be vicious, they are a great burden to the house, and pernicious enemies to the master of it.] þe whiche seruauntes yif þei ben 1244 vicio[-u]s of condic{i}ou{n}s it is a greet charge {and} a destrucc{i}ou{n} to þe house. {and} a g{r}eet enmye to þe lorde hym self [Sidenote: If they be good, why should the probity of others be put to thy account?] ¶ {And} yif þei ben goode men how shal straung[e] or foreyne goodenes ben put in þe nou{m}bre 1248 of þi rycchesse. [Sidenote: Upon the whole, then, none of those enjoyments which thou didst consider as thy own did ever properly belong to thee.] so þ{a}t by alle þise forseide þinges. it is clerly shewed þat neuer none of þilke þinges þat þou accou{m}ptedest for þin goodes nas nat þi goode. [Sidenote: If they be not desirable, why shouldst thou grieve for the loss of them?] ¶ In þe whiche þinges yif þer be no beaute to ben desired. 1252 [Linenotes: 1172 _strenger_--strenger{e} _vndirstonde_--vndyrstond 1173 _nar[e]_--ne weere 1174 _be þine_--ben thyn 1175 _foule_--fowl 1176 _Richesse_--Rychessis 1178 _rycchesse_--rychesses 1179, 1180 _golde_--gold 1180 _better_--betere 1181 _þen_--thanne 1182 _mokeres_--mokereres 1183 _folke clere_--folk cler 1184 _swiche_--swich _from_--fram 1187 _stynteþ_--stenteth 1188 _haþ_--MS. haþe 1189 _world_--worlde 1190 _al_--alle 1191 _al hool_--omitted 1193 _myche folke_--moche folk{e} _rycchesse_--rychesses 1194 _myche_--moche 1196 _forgon_--MS. forgone 1197 _þise_--this _rycchesses_--rychesse [_ne_]--from C. 1198 _on_--o 1199 _wiþ-oute_--with-owten _al_--alle _folke_--folk{e} 1200 _preciouse_--p{re}syous 1201 _in_--omitted _warde_--ward _seyne_--seyn 1202 _beaute_ (1)--beautes _For_--but 1203 _in_--in the 1204 _whiche_--which 1207 _ioynture_--Ioyngture 1208 _faire_--fayr _haþ_--MS. haþe 1210 _laste_--last _worlde_--world 1212 _myche_--mochel 1213 _desserued_--MS. desseyued, C. desseruyd _weye_--wey _shullen_--sholden 1215 _mychel_--mochel 1217 _fair werk_--fayr{e} werke _worlde_--world 1219 _clere_--cler 1222 _darst þou glorifie_--darsthow gloryfyen 1225 _in_--in the 1229 _Syche_--Soth 1230 _on_--to 1231, 1235, 1237 _wilt_--wolt 1238 _shullen_--shollen 1239 _fair_--fayre 1240 _whiche_--which 1242 _werkeman_--werkman 1246 _house_--hows _lorde_--lord 1248 _goodenes_--goodnesse 1250 _shewed_--I-shewyd _none_--oon 1251 _þin_--thine _goode_--good] [[pg 48]] [Headnote: RICHES BRING ANXIETIES.] whi sholdest þou be sory yif þou leese hem. or whi sholdest þou reioysen þe to holden hem. [Sidenote: If they are fair by nature, what is that to thee?] ¶ For if þei ben fair of hire owen kynde. what app{er}teneþ þat to þe. [Sidenote: They would be equally agreeable whether thine or not.] for as wel sholde þei han ben faire by hem self. 1256 þou[gh] þei were{n} dep{ar}tid from alle þin rycchesse. [Sidenote: They are not to be reckoned precious because they are counted amongst thy goods, but because they seemed so before thou didst desire to possess them.] ¶ For-why faire ne p{re}cio[-u]s ne weren þei nat. for þat þei comen amonges þi rycchesse. but for þei semeden fair {and} p{re}cious. þerfore þou haddest leuer rekene hem 1260 amonges þi rycchesse. [Sidenote: What, then, is it we so clamorously demand of Fortune?] but what desirest þou of fortune wiþ so greet a noyse {and} wiþ so greet a fare [Sidenote: Is it to drive away indigence by abundance?] ¶ I trowe þou seke to dryue awey nede wiþ habundaunce of þinges. [Sidenote: But the very reverse of this happens, for there is need of many helps to keep a variety of valuable goods.] ¶ But certys it turneþ to [gh]ow al in þe 1264 contrarie. for whi certys it nediþ of ful many[e] helpynges to kepen þe dyuersite of preciouse ostelment[gh]. [Sidenote: They want most things who have the most.] and soþe it is þat of many[e] þinges han þei nede þat many[e] þinges han. [Sidenote: They want the fewest who measure their abundance by the necessities of nature, and not by the superfluity of their desires.] {and} a[gh]eyneward of litel nediþ 1268 hem þat mesuren hir fille after þe nede of kynde {and} nat after þe outrage of couetyse [Sidenote: Is there no good planted within ourselves, that we are obliged to go abroad to seek it?] ¶ Is it þan so þat ye men ne han no p{ro}pre goode. I-set in [gh]ow. For whiche [gh]e moten seken outwardes [gh]oure goodes in 1272 foreine {and} subgit þinges. [Sidenote: Are things so changed and inverted, that god-like man should think that he has no other worth but what he derives from the possession of inanimate objects?] ¶ So is þan þe condic{i}ou{n} of þinges turned vpso dou{n}. þat a man þat is a devyne beest by merit of hys resou{n}. þinkeþ þat hy{m} self nys neyþer fair ne noble. but if it be þoru[gh] 1276 possessiou{n} of ostelmentes. þat ne han no soules. [Linenotes: 1255 _fair_--fayr{e} _hire owen_--hyr owne 1256 _sholde_--sholden _self_--selue 1257 _þin rycchesse_--thyne rychesses 1259 _amonges_--among{e} 1259, 1261 _rycchesse_--Rychesses 1259 _fair_--fayr{e} 1260 _leuer rekene_--leu{er}e rekne 1262 _greet_ (2)--grete 1265, 1267 _many[e]_--manye 1267 _soþe_--soth 1272 _outwardes_--owtward 1276 _fair_--fayr{e} _if_--yif] [Headnote: IGNORANCE CRIMINAL IN MAN.] [Sidenote: Inferior things are satisfied with their own endowments, while man (the image of God) seeks to adorn his nature with things infinitely below him, not understanding how much he dishonours his Maker.] ¶ And certys al oþ{er} þi{n}ges ben appaied of hire owen beautes. but [gh]e men þat ben semblable to god by [gh]our{e} resonable þou[gh]t desiren to apparaille [gh]our{e} excellent 1280 kynde of þe lowest[e] pinges. ne [gh]e ne vndirstonde nat how gret a wro{n}g [gh]e don to [gh]oure creato{ur}. [Sidenote: God intended man to excel all earthly creatures, yet you debase your dignity and prerogative below the lowest beings.] for he wolde þat man kynde were moost worþi {and} noble of any oþer erþely þinges. and [gh]e þresten adou{n} [gh]oure [[pg 49]] dignitees by-neþen þe lowest[e] þinges. [Sidenote: In placing your happiness in despicable trifles, you acknowledge yourselves of less value than these trifles, and well do you merit to be so esteemed.] ¶ For if þat al 1285 þe good of euery þing be more p{re}ciouse þan is þilk þing whos þat þe good is. syn [gh]e demen þat þe foulest[e] þinges ben [gh]oure goodes. þanne summytten 1288 [gh]e {and} putten [gh]oure self vndir þo foulest[e] þinges by [gh]oure estimac{i}ou{n}. ¶ And certis þis bitidiþ nat wiþ out [gh]our{e} desert. [Sidenote: Man only excels other creatures when he knows himself.] For certys swiche is þe co{n}dic{i}ou{n} of al man kynde þat oonly whan it haþ knowyng of it 1292 self. þan passeþ it i{n} noblesse alle oþer þinges. [Sidenote: When he ceases to do so, he sinks below beasts.] and whan it forletiþ þe knowyng of it self. þan it is brou[gh]t byneþen alle beestes. [Sidenote: Ignorance is natural to beasts, but in men it is unnatural and criminal.] ¶ For-why alle oþer [leuynge] beestes han of kynde to knowe not hem 1296 self. but whan þat men leten þe knowyng of hem self. it comeþ hem of vice. [Sidenote: How weak an error is it to believe that anything foreign to your nature can be an ornament to it.] but how brode sheweþ þe erro{ur} {and} þe folie of [gh]ow men þat wenen þat ony þing may ben apparailled wiþ straunge apparaillement[gh] ¶ but 1300 for-soþe þat may nat be don. [Sidenote: If a thing appear beautiful on account of its external embellishments, we admire and praise those embellishments alone.] for yif a wy[gh]t shyneþ wiþ þi{n}ges þat ben put to hym. as þus. yif þilke þinges shynen wiþ whiche a man is apparailled. ¶ Certis þilke þinges ben commendid {and} p{re}ised wiþ whiche 1304 he is apparailled. [Sidenote: The thing covered still continues in its natural impurity.] ¶ But naþeles þe þing þat is couered {and} wrapped vndir þat dwelleþ in his filþe. [Sidenote: I deny that to be a good which is hurtful to its owner.] and I denye þat þilke þing be good þat anoyeþ hym þat haþ it. [Sidenote: Am I deceived in this? You will say no; for riches have often hurt their possessors.] ¶ Gabbe I of þis. þou wolt seye nay. 1308 ¶ Certys rycchesse han anoyed ful ofte hem þat han þe rycchesse. [Sidenote: Every wicked man desires another's wealth, and esteems him alone happy who is in possession of riches.] ¶ Syn þat euery wicked shrew {and} for hys wickednesse þe more gredy aftir oþer folkes rycchesse wher so euer it be in any place. be it golde or 1312 p{re}cious stones. [[pg 50]] [Sidenote: [* fol. 13.]] {and} weniþ hym *only most worþi þat haþ hem [Sidenote: You, therefore, who now so much dread the instruments of assassination, if you had been born a poor wayfaring man, might, with an empty purse, have sung in the face of robbers.] ¶ þou þan þat so besy dredest now þe swerde {and} þe spere. yif þou haddest entred in þe paþe of þis lijf a voide wayfaryng man. þan woldest þou syng[e] 1316 by-fore þe þeef. ¶ As who seiþ a poure man þat bereþ no rycchesse on hym by þe weye. may boldly syng[e] byforne þeues. for he haþ nat wher-of to ben robbed. [Sidenote: O the transcendant felicity of riches! No sooner have you obtained them, than you cease to be secure.] ¶ O preciouse {and} ry[gh]t clere is þe blysfulnesse of 1320 mortal rycchesse. þat wha{n} þou hast geten it. þan hast þou lorn þi syke[r]nesse. [Linenotes: 1278 _hire owen_--hir owne 1281 _ne_ (2)--omitted _vndirstonde_--vndyrstondyn 1282 _gret_--MS. grete, C. gret 1284 _oþer erþely_--oothre worldly _þresten_--threste 1285 _by-neþen_--by-nethe _if_--yif 1286 _good_--MS. goode, C. good _þing_--thinge _preciouse_--p{re}syos _þilk þing_--thilke thinge 1287 _þe_ (2)--tho 1288 _summytten_--submitten 1289 _self_--seluen _foulest[e]_--fowleste 1290 _bitidiþ_--tydeth 1291 _out_--owte _desert_--desertes 1292 _al_--alle 1293 _self_--selue 1294 _it is_--is it 1296 [_leuynge_]--from C. _hem_--hym 1297 _þat_--omitted 1298 _comeþ_--comth 1299 _þing_--thinge 1302 _put_--MS. putte, C. put 1303 _whiche_--which 1306 _filþe_--felthe 1307 _þing_--thinge _good_--MS. goode, C. good 1308 _haþ_--MS. haþe 1309 _rycchesse_--Rychesses _þe_--tho 1310 _rycchesse_--Rychesses _shrew_--shrewe 1311 _rycchesse_--rychesses 1312 _golde_--gold 1314 _haþ_--MS. haþe, C. hat _besy_--bysy _swerde_--swerd 1315 _paþe_--paath 1316 _wayfaryng_--wayferynge _syng[e]_--synge 1317 _by-fore_--by-forn _seiþ_--MS. seiþe, C. seyth _poure_--pore _bereþ_--berth 1318 _boldly syng[e]_--boldely synge 1319 _haþ_--MS. haþe 1320 _preciouse_--p{re}cyos _clere_--cler 1321 _rycchesse_--rychesses 1322 _lorn_--MS. lorne, C. lorn] [Headnote: THE GOLDEN AGE.] FELIX IN MIRU{M} PRIOR ETAS. [Sidenote: [The fyfthe met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: Happy was the first age of men. They were contented with what the faithful earth produced.] ++Blysful was þe first age of men. þei helden hem apaied wiþ þe metes þat þe trewe erþes brou[gh]ten 1324 furþe. ¶ þei ne destroyed[e] ne desceyued[e] not hem self wiþ outerage. [Sidenote: With acorns they satisfied their hunger.] ¶ þei weren wont ly[gh]tly to slaken her hunger at euene wiþ acornes of okes [Sidenote: They knew not Hypocras nor Hydromel.] ¶ þei ne couþe nat medle þe [gh]ift of bacus to þe clere hony. 1328 þat is to seyn. þei couþe make no piment of clarre. [Sidenote: They did not dye the Serian fleece in Tyrian purple.] ne þei couþe nat medle þe bri[gh]t[e] flies of þe co{n}tre of siriens wiþ þe venym of tirie. þis is to seyne. þei couþe nat dien white flies of sirien contre wiþ þe 1332 blode of a manar shelfysshe. þat men fynden in tyrie. wiþ whiche blode men deien purper. [Sidenote: They slept upon the grass, and drank of the running stream, and reclined under the shadow of the tall pine.] ¶ þei slepen holesom slepes vpon þe gras. and dronken of þe rynnyng watres. {and} laien vndir þe shadowe of þe hey[gh]e 1336 pyne trees. [Sidenote: No man yet ploughed the deep, nor did the merchant traffick with foreign shores.] ¶ Ne no gest ne no straunger [ne] karf [gh]it þe heye see wiþ oores or wiþ shippes. ne þei ne hadden seyne [gh]itte none newe strondes to leden merchaundyse [[pg 51]] in to dyuerse co{n}tres. [Sidenote: The warlike trumpet was hushed and still.] ¶ þo weren þe cruel 1340 clariou{n}s ful whist {and} ful stille. [Sidenote: Bloodshed had not yet arisen through hateful quarrels.] ne blode yshed by egre hate ne hadde nat deied [gh]it armurers. [Sidenote: Nothing could stimulate their rage to engage in war, when they saw that wounds and scars were the only meeds.] for wherto or whiche woodenesse of enmys wolde first moeuen armes. whan þei seien cruel woundes ne none medes 1344 ben of blood yshad [Sidenote: O that those days would come again!] ¶ I wolde þat oure tymes sholde turne a[gh]eyne to þe oolde maneres. [Sidenote: The thirst of wealth torments all; it rages more fiercely than Ætna's fires.] ¶ But þe anguissous loue of hauyng brenneþ in folke moore cruely þan þe fijr of þe Mou{n}taigne of Ethna þat euer brenneþ. 1348 [Sidenote: Cursed be the wretch who first brought gold to light.] ¶ Allas what was he þat first dalf vp þe gobets or þe wey[gh]tys of gold couered vndir erþe. {and} þe p{re}cious stones þat wolden han ben hid. he dalf vp p{re}cious perils. þat is to seyne þat he þat hem first vp dalf. he 1352 dalf vp a p{re}cious peril. [Sidenote: It has since proved perilous to many a man.] for-whi. for þe p{re}ciousnesse of swyche haþ many man ben in peril. [Linenotes: 1324 _erþes_--feeldes 1325 _furþe_--forth _destroyed[e]_--dystroyede 1327 _her_--hyr _at_--MS. as, C. at _euene_--euen 1328 _couþe_--cowde _medle_--medly _[gh]ift_--yifte _clere_--cleer 1329 _couþe_--cowde _of_--nor 1330 _couþe_--cowde _bri[gh]t[e] flies_--bryhte flee[gh]es 1331 _siriens_--Seryens _seyne_--seyn 1332 _couþe_--cowde _dien_--deyen _flies_--fle[gh]es 1333 _blode_--blood _shelfysshe_--shyllefyssh 1334 _blode_--blood 1335 _holesom_--holsom _rynnyng watres_--rennynge wateres _shadowe_--shadwes _hey[gh]e_--heye 1337 _pyne_--pyn _no_ (2)--omitted [_ne_]--from C. _karf_--karue 1339 _hadden seyne [gh]itte_--hadde seyn yit 1341 _whist_--hust _blode yshed_--blod I-shad 1343 _whiche woodenesse_--whych wodnesse 1344 _seien_--say 1346 _turne a[gh]eyne_--torne ayein 1347 _folke_--folk 1348 _þe_--omitted _euer_--ay 1351 _hid_--MS. hidde, C. hydd 1352 _seyne_--seyn _he_ (2)--omitted 1354 _swyche_--swych thinge _haþ_--MS. haþe _ben_--be] [Headnote: OF DIGNITIES AND POWERS.] QUID AUTE{M} DE DIGNITATIB{US} {ET} C{ETERA}. [Sidenote: [The sixte p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: But why should I discourse of dignities and powers which (though you are ignorant of true honour and real power) you extol to the skies?] ++But what shal I seyne of dignitees {and} of powers. þe whiche [ye] men þ{a}t neiþer knowen verray dignitee 1356 ne verray power areysen hem as heye as þe heuene. [Sidenote: When they fall to the lot of a wicked man, they produce greater calamities than the flaming eruption of Ætna, or the most impetuous deluge.] þe whiche dignitees {and} powers yif þei come to any wicked man þei don [as] greet[e] damages {and} distrucc{i}ou{n} as doþ þe fla{m}me of þe Mou{n}taigne 1360 Ethna whan þe fla{m}me wit walwiþ vp ne no deluge ne doþ so cruel harmes. [Sidenote: You remember that your ancestors desired to abolish the Consular government (the commencement of the Roman liberty), because of the pride of the Consuls; as their ancestors before for the same consideration had suppressed the title of King.] ¶ Certys ye remembriþ wel as I trowe þat þilke dignitee þat men clepiþ þe emperie of {con}sulers þe whiche þat somtyme was bygynnyng 1364 of fredom. ¶ [Gh]oure eldres coueiteden to han don a-wey þat dignitee for þe p{r}ide of þe conseilers. [Linenotes: 1355 _seyne_--seye 1358 _come_--comen 1359 _don_--MS. done, C. don _[as] greet[e]_--as grete 1360 _distruccioun_--destrucciou{n}s _doþ_--MS. doþe, C. doth _flamme_--flaumbe 1361 _flamme_--flawmbe _wit_--omitted 1362 _doþ_--MS. doþe, C. doth 1363 _clepiþ_--clepyn 1364 _whiche_--whych _somtyme_--whilom 1366 _for_--MS. of, C. for] [[pg 52]] [Headnote: HONOURS NOT INTRINSICALLY GOOD,] ¶ And ry[gh]t for þe same p{r}ide [gh]oure eldres byforne þat tyme hadden don awey out of þe Citee of rome þe 1368 kynges name. þat is to seien. þei nolden haue no lenger no kyng ¶ But now yif so be þ{a}t dignitees {and} powers ben [gh]euen to goode men. þe whiche þing is ful [gh]elde. what agreable þi{n}ges is þer in þo dignitees. 1372 or powers. but only þe goodenes of folk þat vsen hem. [Linenotes: 1368 _don_--MS. done, C. don 1369 _seien_--seyn 1370 _lenger_--lenger{e} _kyng_--kynge 1371 _whiche_--which 1373 _folk_--foolkys] [Headnote: FOR THEY FALL TO THE LOT OF THE WICKED.] [Sidenote: Virtue is not embellished by dignities, but dignities derive honour from virtue.] ¶ And þerfore it is þus þat hono{ur} ne comeþ nat to vertue for cause of dignite. but a[gh]einward. hono{ur} comeþ to dignite by cause of vertue. [Sidenote: But what is this power, so much celebrated and desired?] but whiche is 1376 [gh]oure derworþe power þat is so clere {and} so requerable [Sidenote: What are they over whom you exercise authority?] ¶ O [gh]e erþelyche bestes considere [gh]e nat ouer whiche þing þat it semeþ þat [gh]e han power. [Sidenote: If thou sawest a mouse assuming command over other mice, wouldst thou not almost burst with laughter?] [Sidenote: [* fol. 13 _b_.]] ¶ Now yif þou say[e] a mouse amo{n}g{us} *oþer myse þat chalenged[e] to 1380 hymself ward ry[gh]t {and} power ouer alle oþer myse. how gret scorne woldest þou han of hit. ¶ _Glosa._ ¶ So fareþ it by men. þe body haþ power ouer þe body. [Sidenote: What is more feeble than man, to whom the bite of a fly may be the cause of death?] For yif þow loke wel vpon þe body of a wy[gh]t what 1384 þing shalt þou fynde moore frele þan is mannes kynde. þe whiche ben ful ofte slayn wiþ bytynge of smale flies. or ellys wiþ þe entryng of crepyng wormes in to þe priuetees of mennes bodyes. [Sidenote: But how can any man obtain dominion over another, unless it be over his body, or, what is inferior to his body,--over his possessions, the gifts of Fortune?] ¶ But wher shal 1388 men fynden any man þat may exercen or haunten any ry[gh]t vpon an oþer ma{n} but oonly vpon hys body. or ellys vpo{n} þinges þat ben lower þen þe body. whiche I clepe fortunous possessiou{n}s [Sidenote: Can you ever command a freeborn soul?] ¶ Mayst þou euer haue 1392 any comaundement ouer a fre corage [Sidenote: Can you disturb a soul consistent with itself, and knit together by the bond of reason?] ¶ Mayst þou remuen fro þe estat of hys p{ro}pre reste. a þou[gh]t þat is cleuyng to gider in hym self by stedfast resou{n}. ¶ As somtyme a tiraunt wende to co{n}founde a freeman of 1396 corage ¶ {And} wende to co{n}streyne hym by to{ur}ment [[pg 53]] to maken hym dyscoueren {and} acusen folk þat wisten of a coniurac{i}ou{n}. whiche I clepe a confederacie þat was cast a[gh]eins þis tyraunt [Sidenote: Have you not read how Anaxarchus bit off his tongue and spat it in the face of Nicocreon?] ¶ But þis free man boot 1400 of hys owen tunge. {and} cast it in þe visage of þilke woode tyrau{n}te. ¶ So þat þe to{ur}ment[gh] þat þis tyrau{n}t wende to han maked mater{e} of cruelte. þis wyse man maked[e it] matere of vertues. [Sidenote: What is it that one man can do to another that does not admit of retaliation?] ¶ But what 1404 þing is it þat a man may don to an oþer man. þat he ne may receyue þe same þing of oþer folke i{n} hym self. or þus. ¶ What may a man don to folk. þat folk ne may don hym þe same. [Sidenote: Busiris used to kill his guests, but at last himself was killed by Hercules, his guest.] ¶ I haue herd told of 1408 busirides þat was wo{n}t to sleen hys gestes þat herburghden in hys hous. and he was slayn hym self of ercules þat was hys gest [Sidenote: Regulus put his Carthaginian prisoners in chains, but was afterwards obliged to submit to the fetters of his enemies.] ¶ Regulus had[de] taken in bataile many men of affrike. and cast hem in to fetteres. 1412 but sone after he most[e] [gh]iue hys handes to ben bounden w{i}t{h} þe cheynes of hem þat he had[de] somtyme ou{er}comen. [Sidenote: Is he mighty that dares not inflict what he would upon another for fear of a requital?] ¶ Wenest þou þan þat he be my[gh]ty. þat may nat don a þing. þat oþer ne may don 1416 hym. þat he doþ to oþer. [Sidenote: If powers and honours were intrinsically good, they would never be attained by the wicked.] {and} [gh]it more ou{er} yif it so were þat þise dignites or poweres hadden any p{ro}pre or naturel goodnesse in hem self neuer nolden þei comen to shrewes. [Sidenote: An union of things opposite is repugnant to nature.] ¶ For contrarious þinges ne ben 1420 not wont to ben yfelawshiped togidres. ¶ Nature refuseþ þat contra[r]ious þinges ben yioigned. [Sidenote: But as wicked men do obtain the highest honours, it is clear that honours are not in themselves good, otherwise they would not fall to the share of the unworthy.] ¶ And so as I am in certeyne þat ry[gh]t wikked folk han dignitees ofte tymes. þan sheweþ it wel þat dignitees {and} powers 1424 ne ben not goode of hir owen kynde. syn þat þei suffren hem self to cleue{n} or ioynen hem to shrewes. [Sidenote: The worst of men have often the largest share of Fortune's gifts.] ¶ And certys þe same þing may most digneliche Iugen {and} seyen of alle þe [gh]iftis of fortune þat most plenteuously [[pg 54]] comen to shrewes. [Sidenote: We judge him to be valiant who has given evidence of his fortitude.] ¶ Of þe whiche [gh]iftys I 1429 trowe þat it au[gh]t[e] ben considered þat no man doutiþ þat he nis strong. in whom he seeþ strengþe. {and} in whom þat swiftnesse is ¶ Soþe it is þat he is swyfte. 1432 [Sidenote: So music maketh a musician, &c.] Also musyk makeþ musiciens. {and} fysik makeþ phisiciens. {and} rethorik rethoriens. [Sidenote: The nature of everything consists in doing what is peculiar to itself, and it repels what is contrary to it.] ¶ For whi þe nature of euery þing makiþ his p{ro}pretee. ne it is nat ent{er}medled wiþ þe effect{is} of co{n}trarious þinges. 1436 [Linenotes: 1374 _comeþ_--comth 1375, 1376 _vertue_--vertu 1376 _comeþ_--comth _by_--for _whiche_--which 1377 _derworþe_--dereworthe _clere_--cleer 1378 _whiche_--which 1379 _han_--MS. hanne, C. han 1380 _say[e]_--saye _mouse amongus_--mous amonges _myse_--mus[gh] 1382 _scorne_--scorn 1383 _haþ_--MS. haþe 1385 _mannes_--man 1386 _þe----slayn_--the whiche men wel ofte ben slayn 1388 _mennes bodyes_--mannes body 1391 _lower_--lower{e} _whiche_--the which 1395 _stedfast_--stidefast 1396 _somtyme_--whylom 1399 _whiche_--which 1401 _owen_--owne 1406 _receyue_--resseyuen _oþer_--oothre 1408 _herd told_--MS. herde tolde, C. herd told 1409 _hys_--hise _herburghden_--herberweden 1410 _slayn_--sleyn 1411 _had[de]_--hadde 1413 _most[e]_--moste 1414 _bounden_--bownde _cheynes_--MS. þeues, C. cheynes _had[de]_--hadde 1415 _somtyme_--whylom 1416 _þat----þing_--that hath no power to don a thinge _oþer_--oothre 1417 _hym_--in hym _doþ_--MS. doþe, C. doth _to oþer_--in oothre 1421 _togidres_--to-gider{e} 1423 _certeyne_--certein 1424 _tymes_--tyme 1425 _owen_--owne 1429 _whiche_--which 1430 _au[gh]t[e]_--owhte 1432 _Soþe_--soth _swyfte_--swyft 1435 _is_--nis 1436 _effectis_--effect] [Headnote: POWER DOES NOT CONFER GOODNESS.] ¶ And as of wil it chaseþ oute þinges þat to it ben contrarie [Sidenote: Riches cannot restrain avarice. Power cannot make a man master of himself if he is the slave of his lusts.] ¶ But certys rycchesse may nat restreyne auarice vnstaunched ¶ Ne power [ne] makeþ nat a ma{n} my[gh]ty ouer hym self. whiche þat vicious lustis 1440 holden destreined wiþ cheins þat ne mowen nat ben vnbounden. [Sidenote: Dignities conferred upon base men do not make them worthy, but rather expose their want of merit.] {and} dignitees þat ben [gh]euen to shrewed[e] folk nat oonly ne makiþ hem nat digne. but it sheweþ raþer al openly þat þei ben vnworþi {and} vndigne. 1444 [Sidenote: Why is it so? 'Tis because you give false names to things. You dignify riches, power, and honours, with names they have no title to.] ¶ And whi is it þ{us}. ¶ Certis for [gh]e han ioye to clepen þinges wiþ fals[e] names. þat beren hem al in þe co{n}t{ra}rie. þe whiche names ben ful ofte reproued by þe effect of þe same þinges. [Sidenote: [* fol. 14.]] so þat *þise ilke rycchesse 1448 ne au[gh]ten nat by ry[gh]t to ben cleped rycchesse. ne whiche power ne au[gh]t[e] not ben cleped power. ne whiche dignitee ne au[gh]t[e] nat ben cleped dignitee. [Sidenote: In fine, the same may be said of all the gifts of Fortune, in which nothing is desirable, nothing of natural good in them, since they are not always allotted to good men, nor make them good to whom they are attached.] ¶ And at þe laste I may conclude þe same þinge of 1452 al þe [gh]iftes of fortune in whiche þer nis no þing to ben desired. ne þat haþ in hym self naturel bounte. ¶ as it is ful wel sene. for neyþer þei ne ioygne{n} hem nat alwey to goode men. ne maken hem alwey 1456 goode to who{m} þei be{n} y-ioigned. [Linenotes: 1437 _oute_--owt 1441 _ben_--be 1442 _shrewed[e]_--shrewede 1446 _fals[e]_--false _al_--alle 1447 _whiche_--which 1449 _au[gh]ten_--owhten _rycchesse_--rychesses 1450 _whiche_--swich _au[gh]t[e]_--owhte 1451 _whiche_--swich _au[gh]t[e]_--owht 1453 _al_--alle 1454 _haþ_--MS. haþe 1455 _sene_--I-seene] [[pg 55]] [Headnote: NERO'S CRUELTY.] NOUIMUS QUANTOS DEDERAT. [Sidenote: [The sixte Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: We know what ruin Nero did.] ++WE han wel knowen how many g{r}eet[e] harmes {and} destrucc{i}ou{n}s weren doñ by þe Emp{er}oure Nero. [Sidenote: He burnt Rome, he slew the conscript fathers, murdered his brother, and spilt his mother's blood.] ¶ He letee brenne þe citee of Rome {and} made slen þe 1460 senato{ur}s. and he cruel somtyme slou[gh] hys broþer. {and} he was maked moyst wiþ þe blood of hys modir. þat is to seyn he let sleen {and} slitte{n} þe body of his modir to seen where he was conceiued. [Sidenote: He looked unmoved upon his mother's corpse, and passed judgment upon her beauty.] {and} he loked[e] on euery 1464 half vpon hir colde dede body. ne no tere ne wette his face. but he was so hard herted þat he my[gh]t[e] ben domesman or Iuge of hire dede beaute. [Sidenote: Yet this parricide ruled over all lands, illumined by the sun in his diurnal course, and controlled the frozen regions of the pole.] ¶ And [gh]itte neuerþeles gouerned[e] þis Nero by Ceptre al þe peoples 1468 þat phebus þe sonne may seen comyng from his outerest arysyng til he hidde his bemes vndir þe wawes. ¶ þat is to seyne. he gouerned[e] alle þe peoples by Ceptre imp{er}ial þat þe so{n}ne goþ aboute from est to west ¶ And 1472 eke þis Nero goueyrende by Ceptre. alle þe peoples þat ben vndir þe colde sterres þat hy[gh]ten þe seuene triones. þis is to seyn he gouerned[e] alle þe poeples þat ben vndir þe p{ar}ties of þe norþe. [Sidenote: He governed, too, the people in the torrid zone.] ¶ And eke Nero gouerned[e] 1476 alle þe poeples þat þe violent wynde Nothus scorchiþ {and} bakiþ þe brennynge sandes by his drie hete. þat is to seyne. alle þe poeples in þe souþe. [Sidenote: But yet Nero's power could not tame his ferocious mind.] [but yit ne myhte nat al his heye power torne the woodnesse of 1480 this wykkyd nero / [Sidenote: It is a grievous thing when power strengthens the arm of him whose will prompts him to deeds of cruelty.] Allas it is greuous fortune it is]. as ofte as wicked swerde is ioygned to cruel venym. þat is to sein. venimous cruelte to lordshipe. [Linenotes: 1458 _greet[e]_--grete 1460 _letee_--let 1461 _somtyme slou[gh]_--whilom slow 1463 _let_--lette 1464 _where_--wher 1465 _half_--halue 1466 _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte 1467 _hire_--hyr 1468 _neuerþeles_--natheles _gouerned[e]_--gou{er}nede _al_--alle 1469 _from_--fram _outerest_--owtereste 1470 _hidde_--hide 1471 _seyne_--seyn 1472 _goþ_--MS. goþe, C. goth 1473 _goueyrende_--gou{er}nyd 1474 _triones_--tyryones 1475 _gouerned[e]_--gou{er}nede 1476 _parties_--p{ar}ty _norþe_--north _gouerned[e]_--gou{er}nede 1477 _wynde_--wynd _scorchiþ_--scorklith 1479 _seyne_--seyn _souþe_--sowth 1479-81 [_but----it is_]--MS. _has_: but ne how greuous fortune is 1482 _swerde_--swerd] [[pg 56]] [Headnote: THE LOVE OF GLORY.] TU{M} EGO SCIS INQ{UA}M. [Sidenote: [The seuende p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: _B._ Thou knowest that I did not covet mortal and transitory things.] ++ÞAnne seide I þus. þou wost wel þiself þat þe 1484 couetise of mortal þinges ne hadden neuer lordshipe of me. but I haue wel desired matere of þinges to done. as who seiþ. [Sidenote: I only wished to exercise my virtue in public concerns, lest it should grow feeble by inactivity.] I desired[e] to han matere of gou{er}naunce ouer comunalites. ¶ For vertue stille ne 1488 sholde not elden. þat is to seyn. þat list þat or he wex olde ¶ His uertue þat lay now ful stille. ne sholde nat p{er}isshe vnexcercised i{n} gouernaunce of comune. ¶ For whiche men my[gh]ten speke or write{n} of his 1492 goode gouernement. [Sidenote: _P._ A love of glory is one of those things that may captivate minds naturally great, but not yet arrived at the perfection of virtue.] ¶ _Philosophie._ ¶ For soþe q{uo}d she. {and} þat is a þing þat may drawen to gouernaunce swiche hertes as ben worþi {and} noble of hir nature. but naþeles it may nat drawen or tollen swiche hertes as 1496 ben y-brou[gh]t to þe ful[le] p{er}fecciou{n} of vertue. þat is to seyn couetyse of glorie {and} renou{n} to han wel administred þe comune þinges. or doon goode decertes to p{ro}fit of þe comune. [Sidenote: But consider how small and void of weight is that glory.] for se now {and} considere how 1500 litel {and} how voide of al prise is þilke glorie. [Sidenote: Astronomy teaches us that this globe of earth is but a speck compared with the extent of the heavens, and is as nothing if compared with the magnitude of the celestial sphere.] ¶ Certeine þing is as þou hast lerned by demonstrac{i}ou{n} of astronomye þat al þe envyronynge of þe erþe aboute ne halt but þe resou{n} of a prykke at regard of þe gretnesse 1504 of heuene. þat is to seye. þat yif þat þer were maked co{m}parisou{n} of þe erþe to þe gretnesse of heuene. men wolde Iugen in alle þat erþe [ne] helde no space [Sidenote: Ptolemy shows that only one-fourth of this earth is inhabited by living creatures.] ¶ Of þe whiche litel regiou{n} of þis worlde 1508 þe ferþe partie is enhabitid wiþ lyuyng beestes þat we knowen. as þou hast þi self lerned by tholome þat p{ro}uit[-h] it. [Sidenote: Deduct from this the space occupied by seas, marshes, lakes, and deserts, and there remains but a small proportion left for the abode of man.] ¶ yif þou haddest wiþ drawen {and} abated in þi þou[gh]te fro þilke ferþe partie as myche space as þe 1512 see {and} [the] mareys contenen {and} ouergon {and} as myche space as þe regiou{n} of droughte ou{er}streccheþ. [Linenotes: 1487 _desired[e]_--desyr{e} 1489 _wex olde_--wax old 1492 _whiche_--which _speke_--spekyn 1496 _tollen_--MS. tellen, C. tollen 1497 _ful[le]_--fulle 1501 _al prise_--alle prys 1505 _seye_--seyn 1507 _wolde_--woldyn _alle_--al [_ne_]--from C. 1510 _lerned_--ylerned 1512 _þou[gh]te_--thowht _myche_--moche 1513 [_the_]--from C. 1514 _myche space_--moche spaces] [[pg 57]] [Headnote: FAME IS CIRCUMSCRIBED.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 14 _b_.]] þat is to seye sandes {and} desertes wel vnneþ sholde *þer dwellen a ry[gh]t streite place to þe habitaciou{n} of 1516 men. [Sidenote: And do you, who are confined to the least point of this point, think of nothing but of blazing far and wide your name and reputation?] {and} [gh]e þan þat ben environed {and} closed wiþ i{n}ne þe leest[e] prikke of þilk prikke þenke [gh]e to manifesten [gh]oure renou{n} {and} don [gh]oure name to ben born forþe. [Sidenote: What is there great in a glory so circumscribed?] but [gh]our{e} glorie þat is so narwe {and} so 1520 streyt yþronge{n} in to so litel boundes. how myche conteinþe it in largesse {and} in greet doynge. [Sidenote: Even in this contracted circle, there is a great variety of nations, to whom not only the fame of particular men, but even of great cities, cannot extend.] And also sette þis þer to þat many a nac{i}ou{n} dyuerse of tonge {and} of maneres. {and} eke of resou{n} of hir lyuyng ben 1524 enhabitid in þe cloos of þilke litel habitacle. ¶ To þe whiche nac{i}ou{n}s what for difficulte of weyes. {and} what for diu{er}site of langages. {and} what for defaute of vnusage entercomunynge of marchau{n}dise. nat only þe 1528 names of singler men ne may [nat] strecchen. but eke þe fame of Citees ne may nat strecchen. [Sidenote: In the time of Marcus Tullius the fame of Rome did not reach beyond Mount Caucasus.] ¶ At þe last[e] Certis in þe tyme of Marcus tulyus as hym self writeþ in his book þat þe renou{n} of þe comune of 1532 Rome ne hadde nat [gh]itte passed ne clou{m}ben ou{er} þe mou{n}taigne þat hy[gh]t Caucasus. {and} [gh]itte was þilk tyme rome wel wexen {and} gretly redouted of þe p{ar}thes. and eke of oþer folk enhabityng aboute. [Sidenote: How narrow, then, is that glory which you labour to propagate.] ¶ Sest þou 1536 nat þan how streit {and} how comp{re}ssed is þilke glorie þat [gh]e t{ra}uaile{n} aboute to shew {and} to multiplie. [Sidenote: Shall the glory of a Roman citizen reach those places where the name even of Rome was never heard?] May þan þe glorie of a singlere Romeyne strecchen þider as þe fame of þe name of Rome may nat clymben ne 1540 passen. [Sidenote: Customs and institutions differ in different countries.] ¶ And eke sest þ{o}u nat þat þe maners of diu{er}se folk {and} eke hir lawes ben discordau{n}t amonge hem self. [Sidenote: What is praise-worthy in one is blame-worthy in another.] so þ{a}t þilke þing þat so{m}men iugen worþi of p{re}ysynge. oþer folk iugen þat it is worþi of torment. 1544 [Linenotes: 1515 _seye_--seyn 1516 _streite_--streyt 1517 _þan_--thanne 1518 _inne_--in _leest[e]_--leste _þilk_--thilke _þenke [gh]e_--thinken ye 1520 _born forþe_--MS. borne, C. born, forth _narwe_--narwh 1521 _streyt_--streyte _myche_--mochel 1522 _conteinþe_--coueyteth 1525 _habitacle_--MS. habitache, C. habytacule 1529 [_nat_]--from C. 1531 _last[e]_--laste 1532 _writeþ_--writ 1533 _hadde_--hadden _[gh]itte_--omitted 1534 _hy[gh]t_--hyhte _þilk_--thikke 1535 _wexen_--waxen 1536 _Sest þou_--sestow 1538 _shew_--shewe 1539 _singlere_--singler] [Headnote: FAME IS NOT ETERNAL.] [Sidenote: It is not the interest of any man who desires renown to have his name spread through many countries.] ¶ and þer of comeþ þat þou[gh] a man delite hy{m} in p{re}ysyng of his renou{n}. he ne may nat i{n} no wise [[pg 58]] bryngen furþe ne sprede{n} his name to many manere peoples. [Sidenote: He ought, therefore, to be satisfied with the glory he has acquired at home.] ¶ And þerfore euery man{er} man au[gh]te to ben 1548 paied of hys glorie þat is puplissed among hys owen ney[gh]bores. [Sidenote: But of how many personages, illustrious in their times, have the memorials been lost through the carelessness and neglect of writers.] ¶ And þilke noble renou{n} shal be restreyned wiþ-i{n}ne þe boundes of o maner folk but how many a man þat was ful noble in his tyme. haþ þe 1552 nedy {and} wrecched for[gh]etynge of writers put oute of mynde {and} don awey. [Sidenote: But writings do not preserve the names of men for ever.] ¶ Al be it so þat certys þilke writynges p{ro}fiten litel. þe whiche writy{n}ges longe {and} derke elde doþ aweye boþe he{m} {and} eke her auto{ur}s. 1556 [Sidenote: But perhaps you suppose that you shall secure immortality if your names are transmitted to future ages.] but [gh]e men semen to geten [gh]ow a p{er}durablete whan [gh]e þenke þat in tyme comyng [gh]oure fame shal lasten. [Sidenote: If you consider the infinite space of eternity you will have no reason to rejoice in this supposition.] ¶ But naþeles yif þou wilt maken co{m}parisou{n} to þe endeles space of eternite what þing hast þou by whiche þou 1560 maist reioysen þe of lo{n}g lastyng of þi name. [Sidenote: If a _moment_ be compared with 10,000 years, there is a proportion between them, though a very small one.] ¶ For if þer were maked co{m}parysou{n} of þe abidyng of a mome{n}t to ten þousand wynter. for as myche as boþe þo spaces ben endid. ¶ For [gh]it haþ þe moment some 1564 porciou{n} of hit al þou[gh] it a litel be. [Sidenote: But this number of years, multiplied by whatever sum you please, vanishes when compared with the infinite extent of eternity.] ¶ But naþeles þilke self nou{m}bre of [gh]eres. and eke as many [gh]eres as þer to may be multiplied. ne may nat certys be comparisou{n}d to þe p{er}durablete þat is een[de]les. [Sidenote: There may be comparison between finite things, but none between the infinite and finite.] ¶ For of 1568 þinges þat han ende may be mad co{m}parisou{n} [but of thinges that ben w{i}t{h}-owtyn ende to thinges þ{a}t han ende may be maked no {com}parysou{n}]. [Sidenote: Hence it is, that Fame (however lasting), compared with eternity, will seem absolutely nothing.] ¶ And for þi is it al þou[gh] renou{n} of as longe tyme as euer þe lyst to þinken 1572 were þou[gh]t by þe regard of et{er}nite. þat is vnstauncheable {and} infinit. it ne sholde nat oonly semen litel. but pleinliche ry[gh]t nou[gh]t. [Sidenote: But yet you do good from no other view than to have the empty applause of the people, foregoing the pleasures of a good conscience in order to have the insignificant praises of other people.] ¶ But [gh]e men certys ne konne don no þing ary[gh]t. but [gh]if it be for þe audience of poeple. [[pg 59]] {and} for ydel rumo{ur}s. {and} [gh]e forsaken þe grete worþinesse of conscience {and} of vertue. {and} [gh]e seke{n} [gh]oure 1578 gerdou{n}s of þe smale wordes of st{ra}nge folke. [Linenotes: 1545 _comeþ_--comth it 1547 _furþe_--forth _manere_--maner 1548 _þerfore_--ther-for _au[gh]te_--owhte 1549 _paied_--apayed _hys owen_--hise owne 1550 _ney[gh]bores_--nesshebours _be_--ben 1552 _haþ_--MS. haþe 1553 _put_ (MS. _putte_) _oute_--put owt 1556 _derke_--derk _doþ aweye_--MS. doþe, C. doth a-wey _her autours_--hir actorros 1557 _[gh]e_--yow _semen_--semeth 1558 _comyng_--to comynge 1559 _wilt_--wolt 1560 _whiche_--which 1563 _myche_--mochel 1564 _þo_--the _haþ_--MS. haþe _some_--som 1566 _self_--selue 1567 _be_ (2)--ben 1568 _een[de]les_--endeles 1569 _mad_--MS. made, C. maked [_but----comparysoun_]--from C. 1573 _by_--to] [Headnote: VANITY REPROVED.] [Sidenote: This silly vanity was once thus ingeniously and pleasantly rallied.] ¶ Haue now here {and} vndirstonde i{n} þe ly[gh]tnesse of whiche 1580 p{r}ide {and} veyne glorie. how a man scorned[e] festiualy {and} myrily swiche vanite. [Sidenote: A certain man, who had assumed the name of a philosopher through a love of vain-glory, was told by a man of humour that he could prove he was a philosopher by bearing patiently the injuries offered him.] somtyme þere was a man þat had[de] assaied wiþ striuyng wordes an oþer ma{n}. ¶ þe whiche nat for vsage of verrey vertue. but for proude 1584 veyne glorie had[de] take{n} vpon hym falsly þe name of a philosopher. ¶ þis raþer man þat I speke of þou[gh]t[e] he wolde assay[e] where he þilke were a philosopher or no. [Sidenote: [* fol. 15.]] þat is to seyne yif he wolde han suffred 1588 ly[gh]tly in pacience þe wro{n}ges *þat weren don vnto hym. [Sidenote: After counterfeiting patience for a while, the sophist said to the other, 'You must surely confess that I am a philosopher.'] ¶ þis feined[e] philosophre took pacience a litel while. {and} whan he hadde receiued wordes of outerage he as in stryuynge a[gh]eine {and} reioysynge of 1592 hym self seide at þe last[e] ry[gh]t þus. ¶ vndirstondest þou nat þat I am a philosophere. [Sidenote: 'I might have believed it,' said the other, 'had you held your tongue.'] þat oþer man answered[e] a[gh]ein ful bityngly {and} seide. ¶ I had[de] wel vndirstonden [yt]. yif þou haddest holde{n} þi tonge 1596 stille. [Sidenote: What advantage is it to great and worthy men to be extolled after death?] ¶ But what is it to þise noble worþi men. For certys of swyche folk speke .I. þat seken glorie wiþ vertue. what is it q{uo}d she. what atteiniþ fame to swiche folk whan þe body is resolued by þe deeþ. atte 1600 þe last[e]. [Sidenote: If body and soul die, then there can be no glory; nor can there be when he (to whom it is ascribed) does not exist.] ¶ For yif so be þat men dien in al. þat is to seyne body {and} soule. þe whiche þing oure resou{n} defendiþ vs to byleuen þanne is þere no glorie in no wyse. For what sholde þilke glorie ben. for he of 1604 who{m} þis glorie is seid to be nis ry[gh]t nou[gh]t in no wise. [Sidenote: But if the soul is immortal when it leaves the body, it takes no thought of the joys of this world.] and [gh]if þe soule whiche þat haþ in it self science of goode werkes vnbounden fro þe p{r}isou{n} of þe erþe [[pg 60]] wendeþ frely to þe heuene. dispiseþ it nou[gh]t þan alle 1608 erþely occupac{i}ou{n}s. {and} beynge i{n} heuene reioiseþ þat it is exempt from alle erþely þinges [as wo seith / thanne rekketh the sowle of no glorye of renou{n} of this world]. 1612 [Linenotes: 1580 _whiche_--swych 1581 _scorned[e]_--scornede 1582 _swiche_--swych _somtyme_--whilom 1583 _had[de]_--hadde 1584 _whiche_--which _proude_--prowd 1586 _speke_--spak 1587 _þou[gh]t[e]_--thowhte _assay[e]_--assaye 1588 _seyne_--seyn 1590 _feined[e]_--feynede 1592 _a[gh]eine_--ayein 1593 _last[e]_--laste _vndirstondest þou_--vndyrstondow 1594 _answered[e]_--answerde 1595 _had[de]_--hadde 1596 [_yt_]--from C. 1601 _last[e]_--laste 1602 _seyne_--seyn 1604 _for_ (2)--whan 1605 _þis_--thilke _seid_--MS. seide, C. seyd _nou[gh]t_--nawht 1606 _haþ_--MS. haþe 1608 _nou[gh]t þan_--nat thanne 1610 _from_--fro 1610-1612 [_as----world_]--from C.] [Headnote: DEATH PUTS AN END TO RENOWN.] QUICUMQ{UE} SOLAM MENTE. [Sidenote: [The 7th Metre.]] [Sidenote: Let him who seeks fame, thinking it to be the sovereign good, look upon the broad universe and this circumscribed earth; and he will then despise a glorious name limited to such a confined space.] ++Who so þat wiþ ouerþrowyng þou[gh]t only sekeþ glorie of fame. {and} weniþ þat it be souereyne good ¶ Lete hym loke vpon þe brode shewyng contreys of þe heue{n}. {and} vpo{n} þe streite sete of þis erþe. {and} 1616 he shal be ashamed of þe encres of his name. þat may nat fulfille þe litel compas of þe erþe. ¶ O what coueiten proude folke to liften vpon hire nekkes in ydel {and} dedely [gh]ok of þis worlde. [Sidenote: Will splendid titles and renown prolong a man's life?] ¶ For al þou[gh] 1620 [þ{a}t] renoune y-spradde passynge to ferne poeples goþ by dyuerse tonges. and al þou[gh] grete houses {and} kynredes shyne wiþ clere titles of hono{ur}s. [Sidenote: In the grave there is no distinction between high and low.] [gh]it naþeles deeþ dispiseþ al heye glorie of fame. {and} deeþ wrappeþ 1624 to gidre þe heye heuedes {and} þe lowe {and} makeþ egal {and} euene þe heyest[e] to þe lowest[e]. [Sidenote: Where is the good Fabricius now?] ¶ where wone{n} now þe bones of trewe fabricius. [Sidenote: Where the noble Brutus, or stern Cato?] what is now brutus or stiern Caton þe þinne fame [gh]it lastynge 1628 of hir ydel names is markid wiþ a fewe lettres. [Sidenote: Their empty names still live, but of their persons we know nothing.] but al þou[gh] we han knowe{n} þe faire wordes of þe fames of hem. it is nat [gh]euen to knowe he{m} þat ben dede {and} consumpt. [Sidenote: Fame cannot make you known.] Liggiþ þanne stille al vtterly vnknowable 1632 ne fame ne makeþ [gh]ow nat knowe. and yif [gh]e wene to lyuen þe leng{er} for wynde of [gh]oure mortal name. whan o cruel day shal rauyshe [gh]ow. þan is þe secunde deeþ dwellyng in [gh]ow. [Sidenote: It will be effaced by conquering Time, so that death will be doubly victorious.] _Glosa._ þe first deeþ he clepiþ 1636 here þe dep{ar}tynge of þe body {and} þe soule. ¶ and [[pg 61]] þe secunde deeþ he clepeþ as here. þe styntynge of þe renoune of fame.[3] [Linenotes: 1615 _Lete_--Lat _loke_--looken 1616 _sete_--Cyte 1617 _be_--ben 1619 _vpon_--vp 1620 _and dedely_--in the dedly 1621 _y-spradde_--ysprad [_þat_]--from C. _ferne_--MS. serue, C. ferne _goþ_--MS. goþe, C. goth 1622 {and} (2)--or 1623 _shyne_--shynen _clere_--cler 1624 _al_--alle 1626 _heyest[e]_--heyoste _lowest[e]_--loweste 1628 _stiern_--MS. sciern, C. stierne 1632 _consumpt_--{con}sumpte 1634 _lenger_--longer{e} 1637 _þe_ (1)--omitted 1639 _renoune_--renou{n}] [Footnote 3: The next three chapters are from the Camb. MS.] [Headnote: ADVERSE FORTUNE IS BENEFICIAL.] [SET NE ME INEXORABILE CONTRA. [Sidenote: [The viij p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: 'But do not believe,' said Philosophy, 'that I am an implacable enemy to Fortune.] ++BVt for-as-mochel as thow shalt nat wenen q{uod} she 1640 þ{a}t I bere vntretable batayle ayenis fortune // [Sidenote: This inconstant dame sometimes deserves well of men, when she appears in her true colours.] yit som-tyme it by-falleth þ{a}t she desseyuable desserueth to han ryht good thank of men // {And} þ{a}t is whan she hir{e} self opneth / {and} whan she descou{er}eth hir frownt / 1644 {and} sheweth hir maneres p{ar}-auentur{e} yit vndirstondesthow nat þ{a}t .I. shal seye // [Sidenote: And what I say may perhaps appear paradoxical.] it is a wondyr þ{a}t .I. desyr{e} to telle / [Sidenote: That is, that adverse fortune is more beneficial than prosperous fortune.] {and} forthi vnnethe may I. vnpleyten my sentense w{i}t{h} wordes for I. deme þ{a}t contraryos fortune 1648 p{ro}fiteth mor{e} to men than fortune debonayr{e} // [Sidenote: The latter lies and deceives us, the former displays her natural inconstancy.] For al-wey whan fortune semeth debonayr{e} than she lyeth falsly in by-hetynge the hope of welefulnesse // but forsothe {con}traryos fortune is alwey sothfast / whan she 1652 sheweth hir self vnstable thorw hyr chau{n}gynge // [Sidenote: That deceives us, this instructs us; that, by a fallacious show of good, enslaves the mind; this, by the knowledge of her fickleness, frees and absolves it.] the amyable fortune desseyueth folk / the contrarye fortune techeth // the amyable fortune byndeth w{i}t{h} the beaute of false goodys the hertes of folk þ{a}t vsen he{m} / the 1656 contrarye fortune vnbyndeth he{m} by þ^e knowynge of freele welefulnesse // [Sidenote: The one is wavering and incapable of reflection, the other is staid and wise through experience of adversity.] the amyable fortune maysthow sen alwey wyndynge {and} flowynge / {and} eu{er}e mysknowynge 1659 of hir self // the contrarye fortune is a-tempre {and} restreynyd {and} wys thorw excersyse of hir aduersyte // [Sidenote: Lastly, prosperous fortune leads men astray. Adversity teaches them wherein real happiness consists.] at the laste amyable fortune w{i}t{h} hir flaterynges draweth mys wandrynge men fro the souereyne good // the contraryos fortune ledith ofte folk ayein to sothfast goodes / 1664 {and} haleth hem ayein as w{i}t{h} an hooke / [Sidenote: It renders us no inconsiderable service in enabling us to recognize our true friends.] weenesthow thanne þ{a}t thow owhtest to leten this a lytel thing / þ{a}t this aspre {and} horible fortune hath discoueryd to the / the thowhtes of thy trewe frendes // For-why this ilke fortune 1668 hath departyd {and} vncou{er}yd to the bothe the [[pg 62]] certeyn vysages {and} ek the dowtos visages of thy felawes // wha{n} she dep{ar}tyd awey fro the / she took awey hyr frendes {and} lafte the thyne frendes // 1672 [Sidenote: At what price would you not have bought this knowledge in your prosperity?] now whan thow wer{e} ryche {and} weleful as the semede / w{i}t{h} how mochel woldesthow han bowht the fulle knowynge of this // þ{a}t is to seyn the knowynge of thy verray freendes // [Sidenote: Complain not, then, of loss of wealth, since thou hast found infinitely greater riches in your true friends.] now pleyne the nat thanne of Rychesse 1676 .I.-lorn syn thow hast fowndyn the moste p{re}syos kynde of Rychesses þ{a}t is to seyn thy verray frendes. [Headnote: ALL THINGS BOUND BY THE CHAIN OF LOVE.] QUOD MU{N}DUS STABILI FIDE. [Sidenote: [The viij Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: This world, by an invariable order, suffers change.] ++THat þ^e world w{i}t{h} stable feith / varieth acordable chaungynges // [Sidenote: Elements, that by nature disagree, are restrained by concord.] þ{a}t the contraryos qualite of element[gh] 1680 holden among{e} hem self aliau{n}ce p{er}durable / þ{a}t pheb{us} the sonne w{i}t{h} his goldene chariet / bryngeth forth the rosene day / þ{a}t the mone hath {com}mau{n}dement ou{er} the nyhtes // whiche nyhtes hesp{er}us the eue sterre hat browt // 1684 [Sidenote: The sea is thus kept within its proper bounds.] þ{a}t þ^e se gredy to flowen constreyneth w{i}t{h} a certeyn ende hise floodes / so þ{a}t it is nat l[e]ueful to strechche hise brode termes or bowndes vp-on the erthes // þ{a}t is to seyn to cou{er}e alle the erthe // [Sidenote: This concord is produced by love, which governeth earth and sea, and extends its influence to the heavens.] Al this a-cordau{n}ce of thinges 1688 is bownden w{i}t{h} looue / þ{a}t gou{er}neth erthe {and} see / {and} hath also {com}mau{n}dement[gh] to the heuenes / [Sidenote: If this chain of love were broken all things would be in perpetual strife, and the world would go to ruin.] {and} yif this looue slakede the brydelis / alle thinges þ{a}t now louen hem to gederes / wolden maken a batayle contynuely 1692 {and} stryuen to fordoon the fasou{n} of this worlde / the which they now leden in acordable feith by fayre moeuynges // [Sidenote: Love binds nations together, it ties the nuptial knot, and dictates binding laws to friendship.] this looue halt to gideres poeples Ioygned w{i}t{h} an hooly bond / {and} knytteth sacrement of maryages 1696 of chaste looues // And loue enditeth lawes to trewe felawes // [Sidenote: Men were truly blest if governed by this celestial love!'] O weleful weer{e} mankynde / yif thilke loue þ{a}t gouerneth heuene gouerned[e] yowr{e} corages / EXPLICIT LIB{ER} 2_^us_. [Linenote: 1690 _hath_--H. he hath] [[pg 63]] [Headnote: BOETHIUS IS COMFORTED BY PHILOSOPHY'S SONG.] INCIPIT LIB{ER} 3^_us_. IAM CANTU{M} ILLA FINIERAT. [Sidenote: [The fyrste p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: Philosophy now ended her song.] ++By this she hadde endid hir{e} song{e} / whan the swetnesse 1700 of hir{e} ditee hadde thorw p{er}ced me þ{a}t was desirous of herkninge / [Sidenote: I was so charmed that I kept a listening as if she were still speaking.] {and} .I. astoned hadde yit streyhte myn Eres / þ{a}t is to seyn to herkne the bet / what she wolde seye // [Sidenote: At last I said, O sovereign comforter of dejected minds, how much hast thou refreshed me with the energy of thy discourse, so that I now think myself almost an equal match for Fortune and able to resist her blows.] so þ{a}t a litel her{e} aft{er} .I. seyde thus // O thow 1704 þ{a}t art sou{er}eyn comfort of Angwissos corages // So thow hast remou{n}ted {and} norysshed me w{i}t{h} the weyhte of thy sentenses {and} w{i}t{h} delit of thy syngynge // so þ{a}t .I. trowe nat now þ{a}t .I. be vnparygal to the strokes of fortune / as 1708 who seyth. I. dar wel now suffren al the assautes of fortune {and} wel deffende me fro hyr // [Sidenote: I fear not, therefore, thy remedies, but earnestly desire to hear what they are.] {and} tho remedies whyche þ{a}t thow seydest hir{e} byforn weren ryht sharpe Nat oonly p{a}t .I. am nat agrysen of hem now // but .I. desiros 1712 of herynge axe gretely to heeren tho remedyes // [Sidenote: _P._ When I perceived that, silent and attentive, you received my words, I expected to find such a state of mind in you, or rather, I created in you such an one.] than seyde she thus // þ{a}t feelede .I. ful wel q{uod} she // whan þ{a}t thow ententyf {and} stylle rauysshedest my wordes // {and} .I. abood til þ{a}t thow haddest swych habyte 1716 of thy thowght as thow hast now // or elles tyl þ{a}t .I. my self had[de] maked to the the same habyt / which þ{a}t is a moore verray thing{e} // [Sidenote: What remains to be said is of such a nature that when it is first tasted it is pungent and unpleasant, but when once swallowed it turns sweet, and is grateful to the stomach.] And certes the remenau{n}t of thinges þ{a}t ben yit to seye / ben swyche // þ{a}t fyrst 1720 whan men tasten hem they ben bytynge / but whan they ben resseyuyd w{i}t{h}-inne a whyht than ben they swete // [Sidenote: But because you say you would now gladly hear, with what desire would you burn if you could imagine whither I am going to lead you?] but for thow seyst þ{a}t thow art so desirous to herkne hem // wit[h] how gret brennynge woldesthow 1724 glowen / yif thow wystest whyder .I. wol leden the // [Sidenote: _B._ Whither is that, I pray?] whydyr{e} is þ{a}t q{uod} .I. // [Sidenote: _P._ To that true felicity, of which you seem to have but a faint foretaste.] to thilke verray welefulnesse q{uod} she // of whyche thynge herte dremeth // [Sidenote: But your sight is clouded with false forms, so that it cannot yet behold this same felicity.] but for as moche as thy syhte is ocupied {and} distorbed / by 1728 Imagynasyon of herthely thynges / thow mayst nat yit sen thilke selue welefulnesse // [Sidenote: _B._ Show me, I pray, that true happiness without delay.] do q{uod} .I. {and} shewe me / what is thilke verray welefulnesse / .I. preye the [[pg 64]] w{i}t{h}-howte tarynge // [Sidenote: _P._ I will gladly do so at your desire, but I will first describe that false cause (of happiness), so that you may be better able to comprehend the exact model.] þ{a}t wole .I. gladly don q{uod} she / 1732 for the cause of the // but .I. wol fyrst marken the by wordes / {and} I wol enforcen me to enformen the // thilke false cause of blysfulnesse þ{a}t thow more knowest / so þ{a}t whan thow hast fully by-holden thilke false 1736 goodes {and} torned thyne eyen to þ{a}t oother syde / thow mowe knowe the clernesse of verray blysfulnesse //] [Linenotes: 1702 _streyhte_--H. strenghed 1712 _am nat_--H. nam nought 1718 _had[de]_--H. hade 1734 _wol_--H. shall{e} 1739 _wil_--wole _felde_--feeld] [Headnote: AWAY WITH FALSE FELICITY!] [Sidenote: * Here the Add. MS. begins again.] *QUI SERERE I{N}GENIUM. [Sidenote: [The fyrst met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: He who would sow seed must first clear the ground of useless weeds, so that he may reap an abundant harvest.] ¶ Who so wil sowe a felde plentiuous. lat hym first delyuer it of þornes {and} kerue asondre wiþ his hooke 1740 þe bushes {and} þe ferne so þat þe corne may come{n} heuy of eres {and} of greins. [Sidenote: Honey tastes all the sweeter to a palate disgusted by offensive flavours.] hony is þe more swete yif mouþes han firste tastid sauoures þ{a}t ben wikke. [Sidenote: The stars shine all the clearer when the southern showery blasts cease to blow.] ¶ þe sterres shynen more agreably whan þe wynde Nothus letiþ his 1744 ploungy blastes. [Sidenote: When Lucifer has chased away the dark night, then Phoebus mounts his gay chariot.] {and} aftir þat lucifer þe day sterre haþ chased awey þe derke ny[gh]t. þe day þe feir{e}r lediþ þe rosene horse of þe sonne. [Sidenote: So you, beholding the false felicity, and withdrawing your neck from the yoke of earthly affections, will soon see the sovereign good.] ¶ Ry[gh]t so þou byholdyng first þe fals[e] goodes. bygynne to wiþdrawe þi nek[ke] 1748 fro þe [gh]ok of erþely affecc{i}ou{n}s. {and} afterwarde þe verrey goodes sholle{n} entre i{n} to þi corage. [Linenotes: 1740 _delyuer_--delyuere _of_--fro _hooke_--hook 1741 _bushes_--bosses _ferne_--fern _corne_--korn 1743 _firste_--fyrst _wikke_--wyckyd 1744 _wynde_--wynd _his_--hise 1745 _haþ_--MS. haþe 1746 _feirer_--fayrere 1747 _horse_--hors _Ry[gh]t_--And Ryht 1748 _fals[e]_--false _bygynne_--bygyn _wiþdrawe_--w{i}t{h} drawen _nek[ke]_--nekke 1749 _afterwarde_--afft{er}ward 1750 _entre_--entren] [Headnote: THE DESIRE OF THE TRUE GOOD.] TUNC DEFIXO PAULULU{M}. [Sidenote: [The 2^de p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: Philosophy, with a serious air, and appearing to recollect herself, and to rouse up all her faculties, thus began.] ++ÞO fastned[e] she a lytel þe sy[gh]t of hir eyen {and} wiþdrow hir ry[gh]t as it were in to þe streite sete of hir 1752 þou[gh]t. {and} bygan to speke ry[gh]t þ{us}. [Sidenote: All the cares and desires of men seek one end--happiness.] Alle þe cures q{uo}d she of mortal folk whiche þat trauaylen hem i{n} many manere studies gon certys by diu{er}se weies. [Sidenote: [* fol. 15 _b_.]] ¶ But naþeles þei enforced hem *to comen oonly to on 1756 ende of blisfulnesse [[pg 65]] [Sidenote: True happiness is that complete good which, once obtained, leaves nothing more to be desired.] [And blysfulnesse] is swiche a goode þat who so haþ geten it he ne may ouer þat no þing more desiire. [Sidenote: It is the sovereign good, and comprehends all others. It lacks nothing, otherwise it could not be the supreme good.] and þis þing for soþe is þe souereyne good þat conteiniþ in hym self al man{er}e goodes. to þe whiche goode 1760 yif þere failed[e] any þing. it my[gh]t[e] nat ben souereyne goode. ¶ For þan were þere som goode out of þis ilke souereyne goode þ{a}t my[gh]t[e] ben desired. [Sidenote: Happiness is, therefore, that perfect state, in which all other goods meet and centre.] Now is it clere {and} certeyne þa{n} þat blisfulnesse is a p{er}fit estat by þe congregac{i}ou{n} 1764 of alle goodes. [Sidenote: It is the object which all men strive after.] ¶ þe whiche blisfulnesse as I haue seid alle mortal folke enforcen hem to geten by dyuerse weyes. [Sidenote: A desire of the true good is a natural instinct, but error misleads them to pursue false joys.] ¶ For-whi þe couetise of verray goode is naturely y-plaunted in þe hertys of men. ¶ But þe 1768 myswandryng erro{ur} myslediþ hem in to fals[e] goodes. [Sidenote: Some, imagining the supreme good to consist in lacking nothing, labour for an abundance of _riches_; others, supposing that this good lies in the _reverence_ and _esteem_ of their fellow men, strive to acquire honourable positions.] ¶ of þe whiche men some of hem wenen þat souereygne goode is to lyue wiþ outen nede of any þing. {and} t{ra}ueile{n} hem to ben habundaunt of rycchesse. 1772 and some oþer men deme{n}. þat sou{er}ein goode be forto be ry[gh]t digne of reu{er}ences. {and} enforce{n} hem to ben reu{er}enced among hir ney[gh]bo{ur}s. by þe hono{ur}s þat þei han ygeten [Sidenote: There are some, again, who place it in supreme _power_, and seek to rule, or to be favoured by the ruling powers.] ¶ {and} some folk þer ben þat halden þat 1776 ry[gh]t hey[gh]e power to be souereyn goode. {and} enforcen he{m} forto regnen or ellys to ioigne{n} he{m} to hem þat regnen. [Sidenote: There are those who fancy _fame_ to be the height of happiness, and seek by the arts of war or peace to get renown.] ¶ And it semeþ to some oþer folk þat noblesse of renou{n} be þe sou{er}ein goode. {and} hasten hem to 1780 geten glorious name by þe artes of werre or of pees. [Sidenote: Many there are who believe nothing to be better than _joy_ and _gladness_, and think it delightful to plunge into luxury.] and many folke mesuren {and} gessen þ{a}t sou{er}ein goode be ioye {and} gladnesse {and} wenen þat it be ry[gh]t blisful [thyng{e}] to ploungen hem i{n} uoluptuous delit. [Sidenote: Some there are who use these causes and ends interchangeably, as those who desire riches as a means of getting power; or who desire power in order to get money or renown.] ¶ And 1784 þer ben folk þat enterchaungen þe causes {and} þe endes of þise forseide goodes as þei þat desire{n} rycchesse to [[pg 66]] han power {and} delices. Or ellis þei desiren power forto han moneye or for cause of renou{n}. [Sidenote: In all they do they have a particular end in view.] ¶ In þise þinges 1788 {and} i{n} swyche oþer þinges is to{ur}ned al þe entenc{i}ou{n} of desirynges {and} [of] werkes of me{n}. ¶ As þus. [Linenotes: 1751 _fastned[e]_--fastnede _wiþdrow_--MS. wiþdrowen, C. w{i}t{h} drowh 1752 _sete_--Cyte 1756 _enforced_--enforsen 1757 [_And blysfulnesse_]--from C. _goode_--good 1758 _so_--so þ{a}t _haþ_--MS. haþe 1759 _souereyne_--sou{er}eyn 1760 _al_--alle _goode_--good 1761 _þere_--ther _failed[e]_--faylyde _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte _souereyne goode_--sou{er}eyn good 1762 _þan_--thanne _þere_--ther _goode_--good _souereyne_--sou{er}eyn 1763 _goode_--good _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte 1764 _certeyne_--certein 1766 _seid_--MS. seide, C. seyd _folke_--foolk 1767 _goode_--good 1769 _fals[e]_--false 1770 _souereygne goode is_--sou{er}eyn good be 1771 _lyue wiþ outen_--lyuen w{i}t{h} owte 1772 _rycchesse_--Rychesses 1773 _some_--som _goode be_--good ben 1774 _be_--ben 1775 _ney[gh]bours_--nesshebors 1776 _halden_--holden 1777 _hey[gh]e_--heyh _to_--omitted _goode_--good 1780 _goode_--good 1781 _or_--{and} 1782 _folke_--folk _goode_--good 1783 _be_--by 1784 [_thynge_]--from C. 1786 _rycchesse_--rychesses 1787 _delices_--delytes 1789 _oþer_--oothre _al_--alle 1790 [_of_]--from C.] [Headnote: FRIENDSHIP A SACRED THING.] [Sidenote: Nobility and popular favour are sought after by some in order to become famous.] ¶ Noblesse {and} fauo{ur} of poeple whiche þat [gh]iueþ as it semeþ a manere clernesse of renou{n}. [Sidenote: By others, wives and children are only desired as sources of pleasure.] ¶ and wijf {and} 1792 children þat men desiren for cause of delit {and} mirinesse. [Sidenote: Friendship must not be reckoned among the goods of fortune, but among those of virtue, for it is a very sacred thing.] ¶ But forsoþe frendes ne shollen nat ben rekkened among þe goodes of fortune but of vertue. for it is a ful holy man{er}e þing. [Sidenote: All else are desired either for the power or pleasure they afford.] alle þise oþer þinges forsoþe 1796 ben taken for cause of power. or ellis for cause of delit. [Sidenote: The goods of the body fall under the same predicament.] ¶ Certis now am I redy to referen þe goodes of þe body to þise forseide þinges abouen. [Sidenote: Strength and a good stature seem to give power and worthiness.] ¶ For it semeþ þ{a}t strengþe {and} gretnesse of body [gh]euen power {and} 1800 worþinesse. [Sidenote: Beauty and swiftness give glory and fame; and health gives delight.] ¶ and þat beaute {and} swiftenesse [gh]euen noblesse {and} glorie of renou{n}. {and} hele of body semeþ [gh]iuen delit. [Sidenote: In all these happiness alone is sought.] ¶ In alle þise þi{n}g{us} it semeþ oonly þat blisfulnesse is desired. [Sidenote: What a man most wishes for, that he esteems the supreme good, which, as we have defined, is happiness.] ¶ For-whi þilke þing þat euery 1804 man desireþ moost ouer alle þinges. he demiþ þat be þe souereyne goode. ¶ But I haue diffined þat blisfulnesse is þe souereyne goode. for whiche euery wy[gh]t demiþ þat þilke estat þat he desireþ ouer alle þinges þat 1808 it be þe blisfulnesse. [Sidenote: Thou hast now before thee a view of human felicity (falsely so called), that is, riches, honours, power, glory, and delight, which last _Epicurus_ considered as the sovereign good.] ¶ Now hast þou þan byforne [thy eyen] almost al þe p{ur}posed forme of þe welfulnesse of ma{n}ky{n}de. þat is to seyne rycchesse. hono{ur}s. power. glorie. {and} delit[gh]. þe whiche delit oonly considered 1812 Epicurus Iuged {and} establissed. þat delit is þe souereyne goode. for as myche as alle oþer þinges as hym þou[gh]t[e] by-refte awey ioie {and} myrþe fro{m} þe herte. [Sidenote: I now return to the inclinations and pursuits of mankind.] ¶ But I reto{ur}ne a[gh]eyne to þe studies of meen. 1816 of whiche men þe corage alwey rehersiþ {and} seekeþ þe [[pg 67]] souereyne goode of alle be it so þ{a}t it be wiþ a derke memorie [but he not by whiche paath]. [Sidenote: Their minds are bent upon the chief good, and are ever seeking it with a darkened understanding, like a drunken man, who cannot find his way home.] ¶ Ry[gh]t as a dronke ma{n} not nat by whiche paþe he may reto{ur}ne 1820 home to hys house. [Sidenote: Do they go astray who strive to keep themselves from want?] ¶ Semeþ it þanne þat folk folyen {and} erren þat enforcen he{m} to haue nede of no þing [Linenotes: 1794 _shollen_--sholden 1795 _þe_--tho 1796 _oþer_--oothre 1801 _swiftenesse_--sweftnesse 1803 _[gh]iuen_--MS. [gh]iueþ, C. yeuen 1806, 1807 _souereyne goode_--sou{er}eyn good 1807 _whiche_--whych 1809 _þe_--omitted _þan byforne_--thanne byforn 1810 [_thy eyen_]--from C.; MS. _has_ [gh]euen a[gh]eyne _almost_--almest _welfulnesse_--welefulnesse 1811 _seyne rycchesse_--seyn Rychesses 1814 _souereyne goode_--sou{er}eyn good _myche_--moche _oþer_--oothre 1815 _þou[gh]t[e]_--thowhte _from_--fram 1816 _a[gh]eyne_--ayein 1818 _souereyne goode_--sou{er}eyn good _of_--omitted _alle_--al _derke_--dirkyd 1819 [_but----paath_]--from C. 1820 _dronke_--dronken _paþe_--paath 1821 _home_--hym] [Headnote: ALL SEEK THE CHIEF GOOD.] [Sidenote: By no means. No state is happier than that in which a man is above want, and independent of others.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 16.]] ¶ Certys þer nys non oþer þing þat may so weel p{er}fo{ur}ny blisfulnesse as an estat plenteuo{us} *of alle 1824 goodes þat ne haþ nede of none oþer þing. but þat it is suffisant of hy{m} self. vnto hym self. [Sidenote: Are they guilty of folly that seek esteem and reverence?] and foleyen swyche folk þanne. þat wenen þat þilk þing þ{a}t is ry[gh]t goode. þat it be eke ry[gh]t worþi of honour {and} of 1828 reuerence. [Sidenote: No; for that is not contemptible for which all men strive.] ¶ Certis nay. for þat þing nys neyþer foule ne worþi to ben dispised þat al þe entenc{i}ou{n} of mortel folke trauaille forto geten it. [Sidenote: Is not power to be reckoned amongst desirable goods?] ¶ And power au[gh]t[e] nat þat eke to be rekened amonges goodes [Sidenote: Why not? For that is not an insignificant good which invests a man with authority and command.] what ellis. 1832 for it nys nat to wene þat þilke þing þat is most worþi of alle þinges be feble {and} wiþ out strengþe {and} clernesse of renou{n} au[gh]te þat to ben dispised. [Sidenote: Fame also is to be regarded, for everything excellent is also shining and renowned.] ¶ Certys þer may no man forsake þat al þing þat is ry[gh]t excellent 1836 {and} noble. þat it ne semeþ to be ry[gh]t clere {and} renomed. [Sidenote: We hardly need say that happiness is not an unjoyous and melancholy state, for in the pursuit of the smallest matters men seek only pleasure.] ¶ For certis it nediþ nat to seie. þat blisfulnesse be anguissous ne dreri ne subgit to greua{n}ces ne to sorwes. syn þat in ry[gh]t litel þi{n}g{us} folk seken to 1840 haue {and} to vsen þat may deliten hem. [Sidenote: Hence it is that mankind seek riches, &c., because by them they hope to get independence, honour, &c.] ¶ Certys þise ben þe þi{n}ges þat men wolen {and} desyren to geten. and for þis cause desiren þei rycches. dignites. regnes. glorie {and} delices ¶ For þerby wenen þei to han suffisau{n}ce 1844 hono{ur} power. renou{n} {and} gladnesse. [Sidenote: However varied their desires, _happiness_ is their sole pursuit.] ¶ þanne is it goode. þ{a}t men seken þus by so many dyu{er}se studies. In whiche desijr it may ly[gh]tly be shew{e}d. how grete is þe strengþe of nature. [[pg 68]] [Sidenote: However various men's opinions are respecting happiness, all agree in pursuing it as the end of their actions and desires.] ¶ For how so þat 1848 men han dyuerse sentences {and} discordyng algates men accordyn alle in lyuynge þe ende of goode. [Linenotes: 1823 _perfourny_--p{er}forme 1825 _haþ_--MS. haþe _none_--non 1827 _þilk_--thilke 1828 _goode_--good 1829 _foule_--fowl 1830 _al_--welneyh alle 1831 _trauaille_--trauaylen _au[gh]t[e]_--owhte 1832 _be_--ben 1834 _out_--owte 1835 _au[gh]te_--owhte 1836 _al_--alle 1837 _be_--ben _clere_--cleer 1843 _rycches_--Rychesses 1846 _goode_--good 1847 _be_--ben 1848 _grete_--gret 1849 _algates_--Allegates 1850 _goode_--good] [Headnote: OF NATURE'S LAWS.] Q{UA}NTAS RER{UM} FLECTAT. [Sidenote: [The 2^de Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: I will now sing of Nature's laws, by which the universe is governed.] ++IT likeþ me to shew[e] by subtil songe wiþ slakke {and} delitable sou{n} of strenges how þat nature my[gh]ty enclineþ 1852 {and} flitteþ gouernement[gh] of þinges ¶ {and} by whiche lawes she p{ur}ueiable kepiþ þe grete worlde. {and} how she bindynge restreineþ alle þing{us} by a bonde þat may nat be vnbounden. [Sidenote: [j]] [Sidenote: The Punic lion submits to man, and dreads the keeper's lash; yet, if he once taste blood, his savage instincts revive, and his keeper falls a victim to his fury.] ¶ Al be it so þat þe liou{n}s of 1856 þe contree of pene beren þe fair[e] cheines. {and} taken metes of þe handes of folk þat [gh]euen it hem. {and} dreden her sturdy maystres of whiche þei ben wont to suffren [betinges]. yif þat hir horrible mouþes ben bi-bled. 1860 þat is to sein of bestes devoured. ¶ Hir corage of tyme passeþ þat haþ ben ydel {and} rested. repaireþ a[gh]ein þat þei roren greuously. {and} reme{m}bren on hir nature. {and} slaken hir nekkes from hir cheins vnbounden. 1864 and hir maistre first to-teren wiþ blody toþe assaieþ þe woode wraþþes of hem. ¶ þis is to sein þei freten hir maister. [Sidenote: [ij]] [Sidenote: If the caged bird though daintily fed, gets a sight of the pleasant grove where she was wont to sing, she will spurn her food, and pine for the beloved woods.] ¶ And þe Iangland brid þat syngiþ on þe heye braunches. þis is to sein in þe wode {and} 1868 after is inclosed in a streit cage. ¶ al þou[gh] [þ{a}t] þe pleiyng besines of men [gh]eueþ hem honied[e] drinkes {and} large metes. wiþ swete studie. ¶ [gh]it naþeles yif þilke brid skippynge oute of hir streite cage seeþ þe 1872 agreable shadewes of þe wodes. she defouleþ wiþ hir fete hir metes yshad {and} sekeþ mournyng oonly þe wode {and} twitriþ desirynge þe wode wiþ hir swete voys. [Sidenote: [iij]] [Sidenote: The sapling, bent down by a mighty hand, will resume its natural position as soon as the restraining force is removed.] ¶ þe [gh]erde of a tree þat is haled adou{n} by my[gh]ty 1876 strengþe bowiþ redely þe croppe adou{n}. but yif þat þe [[pg 69]] hande of hym þat it bente lat it gon a[gh]ein. ¶ An oon þe crop lokeþ vp ry[gh]t to heuene. [Sidenote: [iiij]] [Sidenote: Though the sun sets in the western main at eve, yet by a secret path he takes his wonted journey toward the east.] ¶ þe sonne phebus þat failleþ at euene in þe westrene wawes retorniþ a[gh]ein 1880 eftsones his cart by a priue paþe þere as it is wont aryse. [Sidenote: All things pursue their proper course, obedient to the source of order.] ¶ Alle þinges seken a[gh]ein in to hir p{ro}pre cours. and alle þinges reioisen hem of hir retournynge a[gh]ein to hir nature ne noon ordinaunce nis bytaken to 1884 þi{n}ges but þat. [Sidenote: Hence, throughout the world entire stability is found, for all things, having fulfilled their appointed course, return from whence they came.] þat haþ ioignynge þe endynge to þe bygynnynge. {and} haþ makid þe cours of it self stable þat it chaungeþ nat fro{m} hys p{ro}pre kynde. [Linenotes: 1851 _shew[e]_--shewe 1854 _whiche_--MS. swiche, C. whyche _worlde_--world 1856 _be_--ben _vnbounden_--vnbownde 1857 _fair[e]_--fayr{e} 1860 [_betinges_]--from C. 1862 _passeþ_--passed 1864 _from_--fram _vnbounden_--vnbownde 1865 _to-teren_--to-torn _toþe_--toth 1867 _Iangland_--Iangelynge 1869 _streit_--streyht 1870 _pleiyng_--MS. pleinyng, C. pleyynge _besines_--bysynesse _honied[e]_--honyede 1872 _oute_--owt 1873 _agreable_--agreables 1874 _fete_--feet 1875 _twitriþ_--twiterith 1877 _croppe_--crop 1878 _hande_--hand _bente_--bent 1880 _failleþ_--falleth 1881 _cart_--carte _a_--omitted _paþe_--paath 1883 _of_--MS. of of 1885 _haþ_--MS. haþe _ioignynge_--Ioyned 1886 _haþ_--MS. haþe] [Headnote: THE SEARCH AFTER FELICITY.] VOSQ{UE} TERRENA ANIMALIA. [Sidenote: [The 3^de p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: O earthly animals, you have an indistinct perception of your beginning, and you have ever the true end of felicity in view, but your natural instincts are perverted by many errors.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 16 _b_.]] *++CErtis also [gh]e men þat ben erþelich{e} bestes dreme{n} 1888 alwey [yowre bygynnynge] al þou[gh] it be wiþ a þinne ymaginac{i}ou{n}. {and} by a maner þou[gh]t al be it nat clerly ne p{er}fitly [gh]e looken from a fer til þilk 1891 verray fyn of blisfulnesse. and þerfore þe naturel entenc{i}ou{n} ledeþ [gh]ow to þilk verray good ¶ But many manere errours misto{ur}niþ [gh]ow þer fro. [Sidenote: Can men obtain the end they have in view by the means they usually employ in the pursuit of happiness?] ¶ Considere now yif þat be þilke þinges by whiche a man weniþ to gete hym blysfulnesse. yif þat he may comen 1896 to þilke ende þat he weneþ to come by nature [Sidenote: If riches and honours and the like make men happy, so that they shall want for nothing, then happiness may be procured by these acquisitions.] ¶ For yif þat moneye or hono{ur}s or þise oþer forseide þinges bryngen to men swiche a þing þat no goode ne faille hem. ne semeþ faille. ¶ Certys þan wil I graunt[e] 1900 þat þei ben maked blisful. by þilke þinges þat þei han geten. [Sidenote: But if these things cannot make good what they promise, if there still be something to be desired, then they are delusions, and the felicity after all is a counterfeit.] ¶ but yif so be þat þilke þi{n}ges ne mowe nat p{er}fo{ur}men þat þei by-heten {and} þat þer be defaute of many goodes. ¶ Sheweþ it nat þan clerely þ{a}t fals 1904 beaute of blisfulnesse is knowe {and} a-teint in þilke þinges. ¶ First {and} forward þou þi self þat haddest haboundaunces of rycchesses nat long agon. [[pg 70]] [Sidenote: In your prosperity were you never annoyed by some wrong or grievance?] ¶ I axe [gh]if þat in þe haboundaunce of alle þilk[e] rycchesses 1908 þou were neuer anguissous or sory in þi corage of any wrong or greuau{n}ce þat by-tidde þe on any syde. [Linenotes: 1889 [_yowre bygynnynge_]--from C. _al_--MS. as, C. Al 1891 _from_--fram _til þilk_--to thylke 1892 _þe_--omitted 1893 _þilk_--thylke 1895 _be_--by 1896 _gete_--geten 1899 _swiche_--swych _goode_--good 1900 _wil_--wole _graunt[e]_--grau{n}te 1904 _many_--manye _clerely_--clerly _fals_--false 1905 _knowe_--knowen 1908 _þilk[e]_--thylke] [Headnote: NONE ARE FREE FROM CARE.] [Sidenote: _B._ I must confess that I cannot remember ever being wholly free from some trouble or other.] ¶ Certys q{uo}d I it remembreþ me nat þat euere I was so free of my þou[gh]t. þat I ne was al-wey in anguysh{e} of 1912 somwhat. [Sidenote: _P._ That was because something was absent which you did desire, or something present which you would fain be quit of.] þ{a}t was þat þou lakkedest þat þou noldest han lakked. or ellys þou haddest þat þou noldest han had. [Sidenote: _B._ That's quite true.] ry[gh]t so is it q{uod} I þan. [Sidenote: _P._ Then you did desire the presence of the one and the absence of the other?] desiredest þou þe p{re}sence of þat oon {and} þe absence of þat oþer. 1916 [Sidenote: _B._ I confess I did.] I graunt[e] wel q{uod} .I. [Sidenote: _P._ Every man is in need of what he desires.] for soþe q{uod} she þan nediþ þer somwhat þat euery man desireþ. [Sidenote: _B._ Certainly he is.] [gh]e þer nediþ q{uod} I. [Sidenote: _P._ If a man lack anything can he be supremely happy?] ¶ Certis q{uod} she {and} he þat haþ lakke or nede of a wy[gh]t nis nat in euery way suffisaunt to hym self. 1920 [Sidenote: _B._ No.] no q{uod} .I. [Sidenote: _P._ Did you not in your abundance want for somewhat?] {and} þou q{uo}d she in alle þe plente of þi rycchesse haddest þilke lak of suffisaunce. [Sidenote: _B._ What then if I did?] ¶ what ellis q{uod} .I. [Sidenote: _P._ It follows that riches cannot put a man beyond all want, although this was what they seemed to promise.] ¶ þanne may nat rycchesse maken þat a man nis nedy. ne þat he be suffisaunt to hym self. {and} 1924 þat was it þ{a}t þei byhy[gh]ten as it semeþ. [Sidenote: Money may part company with its owner, however unwilling he may be to lose it.] ¶ and eke certys I trowe þat þis be gretly to consydere þat moneye ne haþ nat in hys owen kynde þat it ne may ben by-nomen of hem þat han it maugre hem. [Sidenote: _B._ I confess that's true.] ¶ I by-knowe 1928 it wel q{uod} I [Sidenote: _P._ It ought to be confessed when every day we see _might_ prevailing over _right_.] ¶ whi sholdest þou nat by-knowen it q{uod} she. whan euery day þe strenger folke by-nymen it fram þe febler maugre hem. [Sidenote: From whence springs so much litigation, but from this, that men seek to recover their own of which they have been unjustly deprived?] ¶ Fro whennes comen ellys alle þise foreine compleintes or quereles of 1932 plety{n}g{us}. ¶ But for þat men axen a[gh]eine her moneye þat haþ be by-nomen hem by force or by gyle. {and} alwey maugre hem. [Sidenote: _B._ Nothing is more true.] ¶ Ry[gh]t so it is q{uod} I. [Sidenote: _P._ Then a man needs the assistance of others in order to keep his riches.] þan q{uo}d she haþ a man nede to seke{n} hym foreyne helpe by 1936 whiche he may defende hys moneye. who may say nay q{uod} .I. [Linenotes: 1913 _þat----lakkedest_--And was nat þ{a}t q{uod} she for þ{a}t the lacked som-what 1915 _had_--MS. hadde, C. had 1917 _graunt[e]_--grau{n}te 1919 _haþ_--MS. haþe _a wy[gh]t_--awht 1921 _alle_--al 1922 _rycchesse_--Rychesses _lak_--lakke 1923 _rycchesse_--Rychesses 1927 _haþ_--MS. haþe _owen_--owne 1930 _strenger folke by-nymen_--strenger{e} folk by-nemyn 1931 _fram_--fro _febler_--febeler{e} _Fro_--for 1933 _a[gh]eine_--ayeyn 1934 _haþ_--MS. haþe _be_--ben 1936 _haþ_--MS. haþe _helpe_--help 1937 _say_--sey] [[pg 71]] [Headnote: RICHES BRING ANXIETIES.] [Sidenote: If he had no money to lose he would not stand in need of this help?] ¶ Certis q{uod} she {and} hym nediþ no helpe yif he ne hadde no moneye þat he my[gh]t[e] leese. [Sidenote: _B._ That is beyond all doubt.] ¶ þat is doutles q{uod} .I. [Sidenote: _P._ Then the very reverse of what was expected (from riches) takes place? For riches add to a man's necessities.] þanne is þis þi{n}g turned in to þe contrarie 1940 q{uod} she ¶ For rycchesse þat men wenen sholde make suffisau{n}ce. þei maken a man raþer han nede of foreine helpe. [Sidenote: Tell me how do riches drive away necessity? Are not rich men liable to hunger, thirst, and cold?] ¶ whiche is þe manere or þe gise q{uod} she þat rycches may dryuen awey nede. ¶ Riche folk 1944 may þei neiþer han hungre ne þrest. þise ryche men may þei feele no colde on hir lymes in wynter. [Sidenote: You will say that the rich have wherewithal to satisfy these wants.] ¶ But þou wilt answere þat ryche men han y-nou[gh] wher wiþ þei may staunchen her hunger. {and} slaken her þrest 1948 {and} don awey colde. [Sidenote: By riches indigence may be alleviated, but they cannot satisfy every want.] ¶ In þis wise may nede be co{n}forted by rycchesses. but certys nede ne may nat al out{er}ly be don awey. [Sidenote: Even if gaping and greedy necessity be filled with riches, yet some cravings will remain.] for þou[gh] þis nede þat is alwey gapyng {and} gredy be fulfilled wiþ rycchesses. {and} axe 1952 any þing [gh]it dwelleþ þanne a nede þat my[gh]t[e] ben fulfilled. [Sidenote: A little suffices for nature, but avarice never has enough.] ¶ I holde me stille {and} telle nat how þat litel þing suffiseþ to nature. but certys to auarice ynou[gh] ne suffiseþ no þinge. [Sidenote: If riches, then, add to our wants, why should you think that they can supply all your necessities?] [Sidenote: [* fol. 17.]] *¶ For syn þat rychesse ne may nat 1956 al don awey nede. but rychesse maken nede. what may it þanne be þat [gh]e wenen þat rychesses mowen [gh]eue{n} [gh]ow suffisau{n}ce. [Linenotes: 1938 _nediþ no helpe_--nedede non help 1939 _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte 1940 _doutles_--dowteles 1941 _rycchesse_--Rychesses 1943 _helpe_--help _whiche_--whych 1944 _rycches_--Rychesse _dryuen_--dryue 1945 _hungre_--hungyr _þrest_--thurst 1946 _þei_--the _colde_--coold _in_--on 1947 _wilt answere_--wolt Answeren _y-nou[gh]_--y-now 1948 _þrest_--thurst 1949 _colde_--coold 1950 _nat_--omitted 1951 _outerly_--vtrely 1953 _my[gh]t[e] ben_--myhte be 1957 _rychesse_--Rychesses] QUAMUIS FLUENTER DIUES. [Sidenote: [The 3^de Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: The rich man, had he a river of gold, would never rest content.] ++Al were it so þat a ryche couetous man hadde riuer 1960 fletynge alle of golde [gh]itte sholde it neuer staunche hys couetise. [Sidenote: Though his neck be loaded with precious pearls, and his fields be covered with innumerable herds, yet shall unquiet care never forsake him; and at his death his riches shall not bear him company.] ¶ And þou[gh] he hadde his nekke I-charged wiþ p{re}ciouse stones of þe rede see. {and} þou[gh] he do erye his feldes plentiuo{us} wiþ an hundreþ oxen neuere 1964 ne shal his bytyng bysynesse forleten hym while he lyueþ. ne þe ly[gh]t[e] rychesses ne shal nat beren hym [[pg 72]] compaignie whanne he is dede. [Linenotes: 1960 _riuer_--a Ryu{er} 1961 _alle_--al _golde_--gold _[gh]itte_--yit _staunche_--stau{n}chyn 1962, 1963 _þou[gh]_--thow 1964 _erye_--Ere _hundreþ_--hundred 1965 _while_--whyl 1966 _ly[gh]t[e]_--lyhte _shal_--shol 1967 _dede_--ded] [Headnote: OF DIGNITIES.] SET DIGNITATIB{US}.[4] [Footnote 4: Read _dignitates_.] [Sidenote: [The 4^the p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: It may be said that _dignities_ confer honour on their possessors.] ++Bvt dignitees to whom þei ben comen make þei hym 1968 honorable {and} reuerent. [Sidenote: But have they power to destroy vice or implant virtue in the heart?] han þei nat so grete strengþe þat þei may putte vertues in þe hertis of folk. þat vsen þe lordshipes of hem. or ellys may þei don awey þe vices. [Sidenote: So far from expelling vicious habits, they only render them more conspicuous.] Certys þei [ne] ben nat wont to don awey wikkednesses. 1972 but þei ben wont raþer to shew[en] wikkednesses. [Sidenote: Hence arises the indignation when we see dignities given to wicked men.] {and} þer of comeþ it þat I haue ry[gh]t grete desdeyne. þat dignites ben [gh]euen ofte to wicked men. [Sidenote: Hence Catullus' resentment against Nonius, whom he calls the botch, or impostume of the State.] ¶ For whiche þing catullus clepid a consul of Rome þat 1976 hy[gh]t noni{us} postum. or boch. as who seiþ he clepiþ hy{m} a congregac{i}ou{n} of uices in his brest as a postum is ful of corrupc{i}ou{n}. al were þis noni{us} set in a chayere of dignitee. [Sidenote: The deformities of wicked men would be less apparent if they were in more obscure situations.] Sest þou nat þan how gret vylenye 1980 dignitees don to wikked men. ¶ Certys vnworþines of wikked men shold{e} ben þe lasse ysen yif þei nere renomed of none hono{ur}s. [Sidenote: Would you free yourself from peril by accepting a magistracy along with Decoratus a buffoon and informer?] ¶ Certys þou þi self ne my[gh]test nat ben brou[gh]t wiþ as many p{er}ils as þou 1984 my[gh]test suffren þat þ{o}u woldest bere þi magistrat wiþ decorat. þat is to seyn. þat for no p{er}il þat my[gh]t[e] bifalle{n} þe by þe offence of þe kyng theodorik þou noldest nat ben felawe in gouernaunce w{i}t{h} decorat. whanne 1988 þou say[e] þat he had[de] wikkid corage of a likerous shrewe {and} of an acusor. [Sidenote: Honours do not render undeserving persons worthy of esteem.] ¶ Ne I ne may nat for swiche honours Iuge{n} hem worþi of reuerence þat I deme {and} holde vnworþi to han þilke same hono{ur}s. [Sidenote: If you find a man endowed with wisdom you deem him worthy of respect and of the wisdom which he professes.] ¶ Now yif 1992 þou saie a man þat were fulfilled of wisdom. certys þou ne my[gh]test nat demen þ{a}t he were vnworþi to þe [[pg 73]] hono{ur}. or ellys to þe wisdom of whiche he is fulfilled. [Sidenote: _B._ I could not do otherwise.] No q{uod} .I. [Sidenote: _P._ Virtue has her proper worth, which she ever transfers to her votaries.] ¶ Certys dignitees q{uod} she app{er}tienen 1996 p{ro}perly to vertue. {and} uertue transporteþ dignite anon to þilke man to whiche she hir self is conioigned. [Linenotes: 1969 _make_--maken 1969 _grete_--gret 1972 [_ne_]--from C. _ben_--be 1972, 1973 _wikkednesses_--wykkydnesse 1973 _to_--omitted _shew[en]_--shewen 1974 _comeþ_--comth _grete desdeyne_--gret desdaign 1976 _whiche_--which 1977 _hy[gh]t_--hyhte _nonius_--MS. vonn{us}, C. nomy{us} _boch_--MS. boþe, C. boch _clepiþ_--clepyd 1979 _nonius_--MS. uonn{us}, C. nomy{us} _set_--MS. sette, C. set 1980 _Sest þou_--Sesthow _þan_--thanne _vylenye_--fylonye 1981 _vnworþines_--vnworthynesse 1982 _ben_--be _ysen_--MS. ysene, C. I-sene 1984 _many_--manye 1985 _bere_--beren 1986 _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte 1987 _þe_ (2)--omitted 1988 _whanne_--whan 1989 _say[e]_--saye _had[de]_--hadde 1994 _demen_--deme 1995 _whiche_--which 1996 _quod she_--omitted 1997 _vertue_--vertu _uertue_--vertu 1998 _whiche_--whych] [Headnote: DIGNITIES APPERTAIN TO VIRTUE.] [Sidenote: Honours conferred by the populace do not make men worthy of them, for they have no intrinsic merit to bestow.] ¶ And for as moche as hono{ur}s of poeple ne may nat maken folk digne of hono{ur}. it is wel seyn clerly þat 2000 þei ne han no p{ro}pre beaute of dignite. ¶ And [gh]it men au[gh]ten take more hede in þis. [Sidenote: Dignities conferred upon shrews only make their vices the more conspicuous.] ¶ For if it so be þat he is most out cast þat most folk dispisen. or as dignite ne may nat maken shrewes worþi of no reuerences. þan 2004 makeþ dignites shrewes more dispised þan p{re}ised. þe whiche shrewes dignit[e] scheweþ to moche folk [Sidenote: Nor do dignities themselves escape without injury; for worthless men take their revenge upon them, and defile them by their contagious villanies.] ¶ {and} for soþe nat vnpunissed. þat is forto sein. þat shrewes reuengen hem a[gh]einward vpon dignites. for þei [gh]elden 2008 a[gh]ein to dignites as gret gerdou{n} whan þei byspotten {and} defoulen dignites wiþ hire vylenie. [Sidenote: These shadowy honours have nothing in their nature to procure respect; for if a man, having borne the honours of the consulate, should go among barbarians would this honour gain him their respect?] ¶ And for as moche as þou mow[e] knowe þat þilke verray reuerence ne may nat comen by þe shadewy t{ra}nsitorie dignitees. 2012 vndirstonde now þis. yif þat a man hadde vsed {and} hadde many manere dignites of consules {and} were come{n} p{er}auenture amonges straunge nac{i}ou{n}s. sholde þilke hono{ur} maken hym worshipful {and} redouted of 2016 straunge folk [Sidenote: If respect were an attribute of honour it would infallibly bring esteem everywhere, just as heat is ever an attribute of fire.] ¶ Certys yif þat honour of poeple were a naturel [gh]ifte to dignites. it ne my[gh]te neuer cesen nowher amonges no maner folke to done hys office. [Linenotes: 2000 _clerly_--MS. clerkly, C. clerly 2002 _au[gh]ten----hede_--owhten taken mor heed 2002-3 _For----dignite_--For yif so be þ{a}t a wykkyd whyght be so mochel the fowler{e} {and} the moore owt cast þ{a}t he is despised of most folk so as dignete 2004-2007 _maken----soþe_--maken shrewes digne of Reu{er}ence the whych shrewes dignete sheweth to moche foolk thanne makith dignete shrewes rather so moche mor{e} despised than preysed {and} forsothe 2008 _[gh]elden_--yilden 2009 _byspotten_--by-spetten 2010 _hire_--hyr 2011 _moche_--mochel _mow[e]_--mowe 2012 _þe shadewy_--thyse shadwye 2013 _vndirstonde_--vndyrstond _þis_--thus 2014 _hadde_--had 2018 _[gh]ifte_--yift 2019 _folke_--foolk _done_--don] [Headnote: DIGNITIES DO CONFER ESTEEM.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 17 _b_.]] ¶ Ry[gh]t as fire i{n} euery contre ne stinteþ nat to 2020 enchaufen {and} *to ben hote. [Sidenote: Honours arise from the false opinions of men, and vanish when they come among those who do not esteem them, that is, among foreign nations.] but for as myche as forto be holden honorable or reuerent ne comeþ nat to folk of hir p{ro}pre strengþe of nat{ur}e. but only of þe fals[e] [[pg 74]] opiniou{n} of folk. þat is to sein. þat wenen þat dignites 2024 maken folk digne of hono{ur}. An on þerfore whan þat þei comen þer as folk ne knowe{n} nat þilke dignites. her hono{ur}s vanissen awey {and} þat on oon. but þat is a-mong straung folk. maist þou sein. [Sidenote: Do they always endure in those places that gave birth to them?] but amo{n}g{us} 2028 hem þat þei weren born duren þilk[e] dignites alwey. [Sidenote: The Prætorate was once a great honour, but now it is only an empty name and a heavy expense.] ¶ Certys þe dignite of þe p{ro}uostrie of Rome was somtyme a grete power. now is it no þing but an ydel name. {and} þe rente of þe senatorie a g{r}et charge. 2032 [Sidenote: What is more vile than the office of the superintendency of provisions?] {and} yif a whi[gh]t somtyme hadde þe office to taken he[de] to þe vitailes of þe poeple as of corne {and} what oþer þinges he was holden amonges grete. but what þing is more nowe out cast þanne þilke p{ro}uostrie [Sidenote: That which hath no innate beauty must lose its splendour or value according as popular opinion varies concerning it.] ¶ And as I haue 2036 seid a litel here byforne. þat þilke þing þat haþ no p{ro}pre beaute of hym self resceyueþ somtyme pris {and} shinynge {and} somtyme lesiþ it by þe opiniou{n} of vsaunces. [Sidenote: If dignities cannot confer esteem, if they become vile through filthy shrews, if they lose their lustre by the change of times, if they become worthless by the change of popular opinion, what beauty do they possess which should make them desirable, or what dignity can they confer on others?] ¶ Now yif þat dignites þanne ne mowen 2040 nat maken folk digne of reuerence. {and} yif þ{a}t dignites wexen foule of hir wille by þe filþe of shrewes. ¶ and yif þat dignites lesen hir shynynge by chaungyng of tymes. and yif þei wexen foule by estimac{i}ou{n} of 2044 poeple. what is it þat þei han in hem self of beaute þat au[gh]te ben desired. as who seiþ none. þanne ne mowen þei [gh]iuen no beaute of dignite to none oþer. [Linenotes: 2020 _enchaufen_--eschaufen 2021 _myche_--mochel 2022 _be_--ben 2023 _fals[e]_--false 2024 _þat_ (2)--omitted 2027 _her_--hyr _vanissen_--vanesshen 2028 _a-mong_--amonges _straung_--strau{n}ge _but_--ne 2029 _þat_--ther _duren þilk[e]_--ne duren nat thylke 2030 _somtyme_--whylom 2031 _grete_--gret 2032 _þe_ (2)--omitted 2033 _somtyme_--whylom _þe_--MS. þe þe 2034 _corne_--corn _what_--omitted 2035 _more nowe_--now more 2036 _cast_--MS. caste, C. cast 2037 _seid_--MS. seide, C. seyd _here byforne_--her by-forn _haþ_--MS. haþe 2042 _filþe_--felthe 2043 _þat_--omitted 2046 _au[gh]te_--owhte _none_--non 2047 _þei_--MS. [gh]e, C. they _none_--non] QUA{M}UIS SE TIRIO. [Sidenote: [The 4^the Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: Nero, though invested with the purple and adorned with pearls, was hated by all men.] ++Al be it so þat þe proude nero wiþ al his woode luxurie 2048 kembed hym {and} apparailed hym wiþ faire purp{er}s of Tirie {and} wiþ white perles. Algates [gh]itte throf he hateful to alle folk ¶ þis is to seyn þat al was he by-hated [[pg 75]] of alle folk. [Sidenote: Yet he had lordship, and gave to the senators the dishonoured seats of dignity.] ¶ [gh]itte þis wicked Nero hadde gret 2052 lordship {and} [gh]af somtyme to þe dredeful senatours þe vnworshipful setes of dignites. ¶ vnworshipful setes he clepiþ here fore þat Nero þat was so wikked [gh]af þo dignites. [Sidenote: Who then can think that felicity resides in honours given by vicious shrews?] who wolde þanne resonably wenen þat blysfulnesse 2056 were in swiche hono{ur}s as ben [gh]euen by vicious shrewes. [Linenotes: 2048 _al_ (2)--alle 2049 _kembed_--kembde _apparailed_--MS. apparailen, C. a-paraylede 2050 _[gh]itte_--yit 2053 _lordship_--lorshippe _[gh]af somtyme_--yaf whylom _dredeful_--reu{er}enc[gh] 2055 _fore_--for _[gh]af_--yaf] [Headnote: KINGDOMS DO NOT MAKE A MAN MIGHTY.] AN UERO REGNA. [Sidenote: [The 5^the p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: _P._ Do kingdoms and a familiarity with princes make a man mighty?] ++Bvt regnes {and} familarites of kynges may þei maken a ma{n} to ben my[gh]ty. [Sidenote: _B._ Why should they not if they are durable?] how ellys. ¶ whanne hir 2060 blysfulnesse dureþ p{er}petuely [Sidenote: _P._ Past ages, as well as the present, furnish us with many examples of princes who have met with dismal reverses of fortune.] but certys þe olde age of tyme passeþ. {and} eke of p{re}sent tyme now is ful of ensau{m}ples how þ{a}t kynges þat han chaunged in to wrechednesse out of hir welefulnesse. [Sidenote: O then how noble and glorious a thing is power that is too weak to preserve itself!] ¶ O a noble þing 2064 {and} a cler þing is power þat is nat founden my[gh]ty to kepe it self. [Sidenote: If dominion brings felicity, then misery will follow if it be defective.] ¶ And yif þat power of realmes be auctour {and} maker of blisfulnesse. yif þilke power lakkeþ on any side. amenusiþ it nat þilke blisfulnesse {and} bryngeþ 2068 in wrechednesse. [Sidenote: But human rule has its limits, therefore wherever power ceases there impotence enters, bringing misery along with it.] but yif al be it so þat realmes of mankynde stretchen b{r}oode. [gh]it mot þer nede ben myche folk ouer whiche þat euery kyng ne haþ no lordshipe no comaundement ¶ and certys vpon þilke syde þat 2072 power failleþ whiche þat makiþ folk blisful. ry[gh]t on þat same side nou{n}power entriþ vndirneþ þat makeþ hem wreches. [Sidenote: Kings, therefore, have a larger portion of misery than of felicity.] ¶ In þis manere þanne moten kynges han more porciou{n} of wrechednesse þan of welefulnesse. 2076 [Linenotes: 2060 _my[gh]ty_--MS. vnmy[gh]ty, C. myhty 2062 _passeþ_--passed _of_ (2)--omitted 2063 _kynges þat han_--kynges ben 2066 _kepe_--kepen 2067 _maker_--maker{e} 2069 _yif_--yit _realmes_--the Reaumes 2070 _stretchen_--strechchen _myche_--moche 2071 _haþ_--MS. haþe 2073 _whiche_--whych 2074 _vndirneþ_--vndyr-nethe] [Headnote: POWER DOES NOT DRIVE AWAY CARE.] [Sidenote: Dionysius of Sicily, conscious of this condition, exhibited the fears and cares of royalty by the terror of a naked sword hanging over the head of his friend and flatterer Damocles.] ¶ A tyraunt þat was kyng of sisile þat had[de] assaied þe p{er}il of his estat shewid[e] by similitude þe dredes of realmes by gastnesse of a swerde þat heng ouer þe heued of his familier. [Sidenote: What then is this thing called Power, which cannot do away with care or fear?] what þing is þan þis power þat 2080 may nat don awey þe bytynges of besines ne eschewe [[pg 76]] þe prikkes of drede. [Sidenote: Men would live in security but cannot, and yet they glory in their power.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 18.]] and certys [gh]it wolden þei lyuen *in sykernesse. but þei may nat. and [gh]it þei glorifien hem in her power [Sidenote: Is he powerful who cannot do what he wishes?] ¶ Holdest þou þan þat þilk[e] man 2084 be my[gh]ty þat þ{o}u seest þat he wolde don þat he may nat don. [Sidenote: Is he a mighty man who goes surrounded with an armed guard, to terrify those whom he himself fears, and whose power depends solely upon his numerous retinue?] ¶ And holdest þou þan hym a my[gh]ty man þat haþ environed hise sydes wiþ men of armes or seruauntes {and} dredeþ more [hem] þat he makeþ agast. 2088 þen þei dreden hym. {and} þat is put in þe handes of hise seruaunt[gh]. for he sholde seme my[gh]ty but of familiers [or] seruaunt[gh] of ky{n}ges. [Sidenote: Why need I enlarge upon the favourites of princes having thus displayed the imbecility of kings!] ¶ what sholde I telle þe any þing. syn þat I my self haue shewed þe þat realmes 2092 hem self ben ful of gret feblenesse. [Sidenote: Their prosperity is affected by the caprice of their fortunate masters as well as by the adversity to which they are incident.] þe whiche familiers certis þe real power of kynges in hool estat {and} in estat abated ful [ofte] þroweþ adou{n}. [Sidenote: Nero only allowed his master Seneca to choose the manner of his death.] ¶ Nero co{n}streined[e] his familier {and} his maistre seneca to chesen on what 2096 deeþ he wolde deien. [Sidenote: Antonius (Caracalla) commanded Papinian to be slain by the swords of his soldiers.] ¶ Antonius comau{n}did[e] þat kny[gh]tis slowen wiþ her swerdis Papinian his familier whiche Papinian had[de] ben long tyme ful my[gh]ty a-monges hem of þe courte. [Sidenote: Yet both would have given up all they possessed.] and [gh]it certis þei wolde boþe 2100 han renou{n}ced her power. [Sidenote: Seneca begged for poverty and exile. But relentless fortune precipitated them to destruction, and did not permit them to choose their fate.] of whiche [two] senek enforced[e] hym to [gh]iue{n} to Nero his rychesses. {and} also to han gon in to solitarie exil. ¶ But whan þe grete wey[gh]t. þat is to sein of lordes power or of fortune 2104 draweþ hem þat sholden falle. neyþer of hem ne my[gh]t[e] do þat he wolde. [Sidenote: What then is Power, which terrifies its possessors, and which cannot be got rid of at pleasure?] what þing is þanne þilke power þat þou[gh] men han it þat þei ben agast. ¶ {and} whan þou woldest han it þou nart nat siker. ¶ And 2108 yif þou woldest forleten it þou mayst nat eschewen it. [Sidenote: No advantage is to be gained by friendship based on prosperity instead of virtue.] ¶ But wheþir swiche men ben frendes at nede as ben conseiled by fortune {and} nat by vertue. [Sidenote: Adversity will turn this sort of friendship into enmity. And what greater plague can there be than the enmity of thy familiar friend?] Certys swiche folk as weleful fortune makeþ frendes. contrarious fortune [[pg 77]] makeþ hem enmyse. ¶ And what pestilence is 2113 more my[gh]ty forto anoye a wi[gh]t þan a familier enemy. [Linenotes: 2077 _had[de]_--hadde 2078 _shewid[e]_--shewede 2079 _realmes_--Reaumes _swerde_--swerd _heng_--MS. henge, C. heng 2081 _besines_--bysynesse 2083 _[gh]it_--yif _glorifien_--gloryfye 2084 _þilk[e]_--thylke 2087 _haþ_--MS. haþe _environed_--enuyrownede 2088 [_hem_]--from C. 2089 _þen_--than 2091 [_or_]--from C. 2092 _realmes_--Reames 2093 _feblenesse_--feblesse 2094 _real_--Ryal 2095 [_ofte_]--from C. _constreined[e]_--co{n}streynede 2096 _his_ (1)--hyr _seneca_--Senek 2097 _comaundid[e]_--comau{n}dede 2098 _her_--hyr 2099 _whiche_--which _had[de] ben long_--þ{a}t hadde ben longe 2100 _courte_--court _wolde_--wolden 2101 [_two_]--from C. _enforced[e]_--enforcede 2102 _[gh]iuen_--yeuen _his_--hyse 2104 _wey[gh]t_--weyhte 2105 _sholden_--sholen 2106 _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte] [Headnote: GLORY IS DECEPTIVE.] QUI SE UALET[5] ESSE POTENTEM. [Footnote 5: Read _uolet_] [Sidenote: [The 5^the Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: He who would obtain sovereign power must obtain conquest over himself, and not yield to his passions.] ++Who so wolde ben my[gh]ty he mot dau{n}ten hys cruel corage. ne put[te] nat his nekke ouercomen vndir 2116 þe foule reines of lecherie. [Sidenote: Though your dominion extended from India to Thule, yet if thou art tormented by care thou hast no real power.] for al be it so þat þi lordship[e] strecche so fer þat þe contre Inde quakiþ at þi comaundement. or at þi lawes. {and} þat þe leest isle in þe see þat hy[gh]t tile be þral to þe ¶ [gh]it yif þou mayst 2120 nat pute{n} awey þi foule derk[e] desijres {and} dryue{n} oute fro þe wreched co{m}pleyntes. Certis it nis no power þat þou hast. [Linenotes: 2115 _wolde ben_--wole be 2116 _put[te]_--putte 2117 _lordship[e]_--lordshype 2119 _comaundement_--comau{n}dement[gh] _leest isle_--last Ile 2120 _hy[gh]t_--hyhte 2121 _puten_--putten _derk[e]_--dyrke 2122 _oute_--owt] [Headnote: GENTILITY IS FOREIGN TO RENOWN.] GLORIA UERO QUA{M} FALLAX. [Sidenote: [The 6^the p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: How deceptive and deformed a thing is glory! Well did the Tragedian exclaim--#ô doxa doxa myrioisi dê brotôn, ouden gegôsi bioton ônkôsas megan#, for the undeserving have been crowned with glory and renown by popular and erring opinion.] ++Bvt glorie how deceiuable {and} how foule is it ofte. for 2124 whiche þing nat vnskilfully a tregedien þat is to sein a maker of dites þat hy[gh]ten tregedies cried[e] {and} seide. ¶ O glorie glorie q{uod} he. þou nart no þing ellys to þousandes of folkes. but a gret sweller of eres. 2128 for many[e] han had ful gret renou{n} by þe fals[e] oppiniou{n} of poeple. [Sidenote: What can be more infamous than renoun founded on the prejudices of the vulgar?] and what þing may ben þou[gh]t fouler þen swiche p{re}isynge [Sidenote: Those that are undeservedly praised ought to blush for shame.] for þilk[e] folk þat be{n} p{re}ised falsly. þei moten nedes han shame of hir p{re}isynges. 2132 [Sidenote: If a wise man gets well-merited praise it does not add to his felicity.] {and} yif þat folk han gete{n} hem þank or p{re}ysyng by her desertes. what þing haþ þilk pris echid or encresed to þe conscience of wise folk þ{a}t mesure{n} hire good. not by þe rumo{ur} of þe poeple. but by þe soþefastnesse 2136 of conscience. [Sidenote: If it be a good thing to spread abroad one's fame, it must be dishonourable not to do so.] {and} yif it seme a fair þing a man to han encresid {and} sprad his name. þan folweþ it. þat it is demed to ben a foule þinge yif it ne be [[pg 78]] ysprad ne encresed. [Sidenote: But a good name cannot penetrate everywhere, and the most illustrious names must be unknown to the greatest part of the world.] but as I seide a litel her byforne. 2140 þat syn þer mot nedes ben many folk to whiche folk þe renou{n} of a man ne may nat comen. it byfalleþ þat he þat þou wenest be glorious {and} renomed. semiþ in þe nexte p{ar}ties of þe erþe to ben wiþ out glorie. {and} wiþ 2144 out renou{n}. [Sidenote: The favour of the people is worth but little as it is seldom judicious and never permanent.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 18 _b_.]] ¶ and certis amo{n}ges þise þinges I ne trowe nat þat þe p{r}is {and} grace of þe poeple nis neiþer worþi *to ben remembrid ne comeþ of wise iugement. ne is ferm p{er}durably. [Sidenote: How empty and transitory are titles of nobility!] ¶ But now of þis name of gentilesse. 2148 what man is it þat ne may wel seen how veyne {and} how flittyng a þing it is. [Sidenote: Gentility is wholly foreign to renown, and to those who boast of noble birth.] ¶ For if þe name of gentilesse be referred to renou{n} {and} clernesse of linage. þan is gentil name but a for[e]ine þing. þat is to sein to 2152 hem þat glorifien hem of hir linage. [Sidenote: Nobility is fame derived from the merits of one's ancestors.] ¶ For it semeþ þat gentilesse be a maner p{re}ysynge þat comeþ of decert of auncestres. [Sidenote: If praise can give nobility they are noble who are praised.] ¶ And yif p{re}ysynge makeþ gentilesse þan moten þei nedes be gentil þat ben p{re}ysed. 2156 [Sidenote: Then if thou hast no nobility of thy own, thou canst not derive any splendour from the merits of others.] For whiche þing it folweþ. þat yif þou ne haue no gentilesse of þi self. þat is to sein pris þ{a}t comeþ of þi deserte foreine gentilesse ne makeþ þe nat gentil. [Sidenote: If there be any good in nobleness of birth, it consists alone in this, that it imposes an obligation upon its possessors not to degenerate from the virtues of their ancestors.] ¶ But certis yif þer be any goode in gentilesse. I trowe it be i{n} al 2160 oonly þis. þat it semeþ as þat a maner necessitee be imposed to gentil men. for þat þei ne sholden nat outraien or forliuen fro þe uertues of hire noble kynrede. [Linenotes: 2124 _foule_--fowl 2125 _whiche_--whych 2126 _maker_--maker{e} _cried[e]_--cryde 2127 _he_--she 2128 _sweller_--sweller{e} 2129 _many[e]_--manye _had_--MS. hadde, C. had _fals[e]_--false 2130 _fouler_--fowler{e} 2131 _þen_--thanne _þilk[e]_--thylke 2133 _or_--of 2134 _haþ_--MS. haþe _þilke_--thylke 2139 _foule þinge_--fowl thing 2140 _ne_--{and} _byforne_--byforn 2144 _parties_--partye _erþe_--Erthes _out_--owte 2145 _out_--owhte 2148 _ferm_--ferme 2149 _veyne_--veyn 2150 _if_--yif 2154 _comeþ of_--comth of the 2157 _whiche_--which 2158 _pris_--preys _comeþ_--comth 2160 _goode_--good _in_ (2)--omitted 2161 _maner_--maner{e}] OMNE HOMINU{M} GENUS IN TERRIS. [Sidenote: [The 6^th Metre.]] [Sidenote: All men have the same origin.] ++Al þe linage of men þat ben i{n} erþe ben of semblable 2164 burþe. [Sidenote: They have one father and one king, who gave the moon her horns, and adorned the sun with his rays.] On al one is fadir of þinges. On alone minyst[r]eþ alle þinges. ¶ He [gh]af to þe sonne hys bemes. he [gh]af to þe moone hir hornes. [Sidenote: The same gave the earth to man and adorned the sky with stars.] he [gh]af þe men to þe erþe. he [gh]af þe sterres to þe heuene. [Sidenote: He breathed into man the breath of life.] ¶ he encloseþ 2168 wiþ membres þe soules þat comen fro hys heye sete. [[pg 79]] [Sidenote: All men spring from this illustrious source.] ¶ þanne comen alle mortal folk of noble seed. [Sidenote: Why then do they boast of pedigree?] whi noysen [gh]e or bosten of [gh]oure eldris [Sidenote: He alone is ignoble who submits to vice and forgets his noble origin.] ¶ For yif þou look[e] [gh]oure bygy{n}ny{n}g. and god [gh]oure aucto{ur} {and} 2172 [gh]oure makere. þan is þer no forlyued wy[gh]t but [gh]if he norisse his corage vnto vices {and} forlete his p{ro}pre burþe. [Linenotes: 2166 _hys_--hyse 2167 _hir_--hyse 2169 _fro hys_--fram hyse 2170 _seed_--sede 2171 _bosten_--MS. voscen, C. bosten 2172 _look[e]_--loke] [Headnote: SENSUAL PLEASURES FULL OF ANXIETY.] QUID AUTEM DE CORPORIBUS.[6] [Footnote 6: Read _corporis voluptatibus_.] [Sidenote: [The 7^the p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: But what shall I say with respect to sensual pleasures, the desire of which is full of anxiety, and the enjoyment of them full of repentance?] ++But what shal I seie of delices of body. of whic[h]e 2176 delices þe desiringes ben ful of anguisse. {and} þe fulfillinges of he{m} ben ful of penaunce. [Sidenote: What diseases and intolerable pains (the merited fruits of vice) are these delights wont to bring upon those who enjoy them!] ¶ How grete sekenesse {and} how grete sorwes vnsuffrable ry[gh]t as a manere fruit of wickednesse ben þilke delices wont to 2180 bryngen to þe bo[d]ies of folk þat vsen hem. [Sidenote: I am unable to see what joy is to be found in the gratification of them.] ¶ Of whiche delices I not what ioye may ben had of hir moeuyng. [Sidenote: The remembrance of criminal indulgence brings with it bitter remorse.] ¶ But þis woot I wel þat who so euere wil remembren hym of hys luxuries. he shal wel vndirstonde. 2184 þat þe issues of delices ben sorowful {and} sory. [Sidenote: If such things make men happy, then may brutes attain to felicity, since by their instinct they are urged to satisfy their bodily delights.] ¶ And yif þilke delices mowen make folk blisful. þan by þe same cause moten þise bestes ben clepid blisful. ¶ Of whiche bestes al þe entenc{i}ou{n} hasteþ to fulfille 2188 hire bodyly iolyte. [Sidenote: A wife and children do not always bring happiness, for some have found tormentors in their own offspring.] and þe gladnesse of wijf [{and}] children were [an] honest þing. but it haþ ben seid. þat it is ouer myche a[gh]eins kynde þat children han ben fou{n}den tormentours to hir fadres I not how many. 2192 ¶ Of whiche children how bitynge is euery condic{i}ou{n}. It nedeþ nat to tellen it þe þat hast or þis tyme assaied it. {and} art [gh]it now anguysso{us}. [Sidenote: I approve of this opinion of Euripides, that he who is childless is happy in his misfortune.] In þis approue I þe sentence of my disciple Euridippus. þat seide þat he 2196 þat haþ no children is weleful by i{n}fortune. [Linenotes: 2173 _is_--nis 2176 _delices_--delites _body_--bodye 2177 _anguisse_--Angwyssh 2178 _grete_--gret 2179 _sekenesse_--sykenesse _grete sorwes_--gret soruwes 2180 _fruit_--frut 2182 _had_--MS. hadde, C. had 2183 _wil_--wole 2184 _hys_--hyse 2185 _sorowful_--sorwful _sory_--sorye 2186 _make_--makyn 2189 [_and_]--from C. 2190 [_an_]--from C. _haþ_--haþe _seid_--MS. seide, C. seyd 2191 _myche_--mochel 2192 _many_--manye 2196 _Euridippus_--Eurydyppys; _read_ Euripides 2197 _haþ_--MS. haþe] [[pg 80]] [Headnote: NO HAPPINESS IN EXTERNAL THINGS.] HABET HOC UOLUPTAS. [Sidenote: [The 7^de Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: Pleasure leaves a pain behind it.] ++Euery delit haþ þis. þat it anguisseþ hem wiþ prikkes þ{a}t vsen it. [Sidenote: The bee gives us agreeable honey, but try to hold it, and it quickly flies, leaving its sting behind.] ¶ It resembliþ to þise flying flyes þat we clepen been. þat aftre þat þe bee haþ shed hys agreable 2200 honies he fleeþ awey {and} styngeþ þe hertes of he{m} þat ben ysmyte wiþ bytynge ouer longe holdynge. [Linenotes: 2198 _Euery_--MS. Ouery, C. Every 2198, 2200 _haþ_--MS. haþe _shed hys_--shad hyse] [Headnote: MEN ARE LED ASTRAY BY IGNORANCE.] NICHIL IGITUR DUBIUM EST. [Sidenote: [The 8^the p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: It appears then that happiness is not to be found in the above-mentioned external things.] ++Now nis it no doute þan þ{a}t þise weyes ne ben a maner mysledy{n}g to blisfulnesse. ne þat þei ne 2204 mowe nat leden folke þider as þei byheten to lede{n} hem. [Sidenote: These false ways are perplexed with many evils, as I shall presently show thee.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 19.]] ¶ But wiþ how grete harmes þise *forseide weyes ben enlaced. ¶ I shal shewe þe shortly. [Sidenote: Do you want to amass wealth, then you must take it from your neighbours.] ¶ For whi yif þou enforcest þe to assemble moneye. þou most by-reuen 2208 hym his moneye þat haþ it. [Sidenote: Would you shine in dignities, then you must beg for them and disgrace yourself by a humiliating supplication.] and yif þou wilt shynen wiþ dignites. þou most bysechen {and} supplien hem þat [gh]iue{n} þo dignitees. ¶ And yif þou coueitest by hono{ur} to gon by-fore oþer folk þ{o}u shalt defoule þi 2212 self by hu{m}blesse of axing. [Sidenote: If power be your ambition, you expose yourself to the snares of inferiors.] yif þou desiryst power. þou shalt by awaites of þi subgit[gh] anoyously be cast vndir many p{er}iles. [Sidenote: Do you ask for glory, to be distracted by vexations and so lose all security.] axest þou glorie þ{o}u shalt ben so destrat by aspre þinges þat þou shalt forgone sykernesse. 2216 [Sidenote: Do you prefer a voluptuous life? Think then that all men will despise him who is a thrall to his body.] ¶ And yif þou wilt leden þi lijf in delices. euery whi[gh]t shal dispisen þe {and} forleten þe as þou þat art þral to þing þat is ry[gh]t foule {and} brutel. þat is [to] sein seruau{n}t to þi body. [Sidenote: They build upon a weak foundation that place bodily delights above their own reason.] ¶ Now is it þan wel yseen 2220 how lytel {and} how brutel possessiou{n} þei coueiten þat putten þe goodes of þe body abouen hire owe{n} resou{n}. [Sidenote: Can you surpass the elephant in bulk, or the bull in strength?] ¶ For mayst þou so{ur}mou{n}te{n} þise olifuñt[gh] in gretnesse or wey[gh]t of body. Or mayst þou ben strenger þan þe 2224 bole. [Sidenote: Art thou swifter than the tiger?] Mayst þou ben swifter þan þe tigre. [Sidenote: Behold the immense extent of the heavens and cease to admire vile or lesser things.] biholde þe spaces {and} þe stablenesse {and} þe swyfte cours of þe [[pg 81]] heuene. {and} stynte somtyme to wondren on foule þinges. [Sidenote: Admire what is still more admirable, the consummate wisdom that governs them.] þe whiche heuene certys nis nat raþer for þise 2228 þinges to ben wondred vpon. þan for þe resou{n} by whiche it is gouerned. [Sidenote: How fleeting is beauty!] but þe shynynge of þi forme þat is to seien þe beaute of þi body. how swiftly passyng is it {and} how transitorie. [Sidenote: It fades sooner than the vernal flowers.] ¶ Certis it is more flittynge 2232 þan þe mutabilite of floures of þe som{er} sesou{n}. [Sidenote: For, as Aristotle says, if a man were lynx-eyed and could look into the entrails of Alcibiades (so fair outwardly) he would find all foul and loathsome.] For so as aristotil telleþ þat yif þat men hadden eyen of a beest þat hi[gh]t lynx. so þat þe lokyng of folk my[gh]t[e] percen þoru[gh] þe þinges þ{a}t wiþstonden it. who so lokid 2236 þan in þe entrailes of þe body of alcibiades þat was ful fayr in þe sup{er}fice wiþ oute. it shulde seme ry[gh]t foule. [Sidenote: Thy nature does not make thee seem beautiful, but the imperfect view of thy admirers.] {and} for þi yif þou semest faire. þi nature ne makiþ nat þat. but þe desceiuau{n}ce of þe fieblesse of þe 2240 eyen þat loken. [Sidenote: Prize bodily perfections as much as you will, yet a three days' fever will destroy them.] ¶ But p{re}ise þe goodes of þi body as moche as euer þe list. so þat þou know[e] algates þat what so it be. þat is to seyn of þe goodes of þi body whiche þat þ{o}u wondrest vpon may ben destroied or 2244 dessolued by þe hete of a feuere of þre dayes. ¶ Of alle whiche forseide þinges I may reduce{n} þis shortly in a so{m}me. [Sidenote: Worldly goods do not give what they promise, do not comprise every good, are not the paths to felicity, nor can of themselves make any one happy.] ¶ þat þise worldly goodes whiche þat ne mowen nat [gh]iuen þat þei byheten. ne ben nat p{er}fit by 2248 þe congregac{i}ou{n} of alle goodes. þat þei ne ben nat weyes ne paþes þat bryngen men to blysfulnesse ne maken men to ben blysful. [Linenotes: 2203 _nis_--is 2204 _mysledyng_--mysledynges 2205 _folke_--folk 2208 _enforcest_--MS. enforced, C. enforcest 2209 _haþ_--MS. haþe _wilt_--wolt 2211 _[gh]iuen_--yeuen 2212 _gon_--MS. gone, C. gon _by-fore_--byforn _shalt_--shal 2213 _by_--thorw 2214 _by_--be _be_--ben 2216 _destrat_--MS. destralle, C. destrat _forgone_--forgoon 2217 _wilt_--wolt 2218 _whi[gh]t_--wyht 2219 _foule_--fowl [_to_]--from C. 2220 _yseen_--seen 2221 _brutel_--brotel 2222 _owen_--owne 2224 _wey[gh]t_--weyhty _strenger_--strenger{e} 2225 _swifter_--swyfter{e} _biholde_--by-hold 2227 _stynte_--stynt 2228 _whiche_--whych 2230 _whiche_--wych 2231 _seien_--seyn 2234 _as_--omitted 2235 _hi[gh]t_--hyhte _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte 2237 _alcibiades_--MS. alcidiades 2238 _fayr_--fayr{e} _þe_--omitted _shulde_--sholde 2239 _foule_--fowl _faire_--fayr _ne_--omitted 2240 _desceiuaunce of þe fieblesse_--deceyuable or the feblesse 2242 _moche_--mochel _know[e]_--knowe 2243 _þe_--omitted _þi body whiche_--the body whych 2247 _a_--omitted] [Headnote: MEN PURSUE FALSE JOYS.] HEU Q{UE} MISEROS TRAMITE. [Sidenote: [The 8^the Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: Alas! how through folly and ignorance do men stray from the path of true happiness!] ++Allas whiche folie {and} whiche ignorau{n}ce myslediþ 2252 wandryng wrecches fro þe paþe of verrey good. [Sidenote: Ye do not seek gold upon trees nor diamonds from the vine.] ¶ Certis [gh]e ne seken no golde in grene trees. ne [gh]e ne gadren [nat] p{re}cious stones in þe vines. [[pg 82]] [Sidenote: Ye lay not your nets to catch fish upon the lofty hills.] ne [gh]e ne hiden nat [gh]oure gynnes in hey[gh]e mou{n}taignes to kachen 2256 fisshe of whiche [gh]e may maken ryche festes. [Sidenote: The hunter goes not to the Tyrrhene waters to hunt the roe.] and yif [gh]ow lykeþ to hunte to roos. [gh]e ne gon nat to þe foordes of þe water þat hy[gh]t tyrene. [Sidenote: Men know where to look for white pearls, and for the fish that yields the purple dye.] {and} ouer þis men knowen wel þe crikes {and} þe cau{er}nes of þe see yhidd in þe 2260 floodes. {and} knowen eke whiche water is most plentiuo{us} of white perles. {and} knowen whiche water habundeþ most of rede purpre. þat is to seyen of a maner shelfisshe w{i}t{h} whiche men dien purpre. [Sidenote: They know where the most delicate of the finny race abound and where the fierce sea-urchin is to be found.] {and} knowen 2264 whiche strondes habounden most of tendre fisshes or of sharpe fisshes þat hy[gh]ten echynnys. [Sidenote: But where the Sovereign Good abides blinded mortals never know, but plunge into the earth below to look for that which has its dwelling in the heavens.] but folk suffren hem self to ben so blynde þat hem ne recchiþ nat to knowe where þilk[e] goodes ben yhidd whiche þat þei 2268 coueiten but ploungen hem in erþe {and} seken þere þilke goode þ{a}t so{ur}mou{n}teþ þe heuene þat bereþ þe sterres. [Sidenote: What doom do the silly race deserve?] [Sidenote: [* fol. 19 _b_.]] ¶ what *p{re}yere may I make þat be digne to þe nice þou[gh]tis of men. [Sidenote: May they pursue such false joys, and having obtained them, too late find out the value of the true.] but I p{re}ye þat þei coueite{n} 2272 rycches {and} hono{ur}s so þat whan þei han geten þo false goodes wiþ greet trauayle þat þerby þei mowe knowen þe verray goodes. [Linenotes: 2252 _whiche_ (_both_)--whych 2253 _paþe_--paath _good_--goode 2254 _golde_--gold] [Headnote: THE INSUFFICIENCY OF WORLDLY BLISS.] HACTENUS MENDACIS FORMA{M}. [Sidenote: [The 9^ne p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: _P._ I have been describing the form of counterfeit happiness, and if you have considered it attentively I shall proceed to give you a perfect view of the true.] ++IT suffisiþ þat I haue shewed hider to þe forme of 2276 false wilfulnesse. so þat yif þou look[e] now clerely þe ordre of myn entenc{i}ou{n} requeriþ from hennes forþe to shewe{n} þe verray wilfulnesse. [Sidenote: _B._ I now see that there is no sufficiency in riches, no power in royalty, no esteem in dignities, nor nobility in renown, nor joy in carnal pleasures.] ¶ For q{uod} .I. (b) [I.] se wel now þat suffisau{n}ce may nat comen by richesse. ne 2280 power by realmes. ne reuere{n}ce by dignitees. ne gentilesse by glorie. ne ioye by delices. and (p) hast þou wel knowen q{uo}d she þe cause whi it is. Certis me semeþ q{uod} .I. þat .I. se hem ry[gh]t as þou[gh] it were þoru[gh] a litel [[pg 83]] clifte. [Sidenote: I have a glimpse of the cause of all this, but I should like a more distinct view.] but me were leuer knowen hem more openly of 2285 þe. Certys q{uod} she þe resou{n} is al redy [Sidenote: _P._ The cause is obvious--for that which is by nature one and indivisible human ignorance separates and divides, and reverses the true order of things.] ¶ For þilk þing þat symply is on þing wiþ outen ony diuisiou{n}. þe errour {and} folie of mankynde departeþ 2288 {and} diuidiþ it. {and} mislediþ it {and} t{ra}nsporteþ from verray {and} p{er}fit goode. to goodes þat ben false {and} inp{er}fit. [Sidenote: Does that state which needs nothing stand in need of power?] ¶ But seye me þis. wenest þou þat he þat haþ nede of power þat hy{m} ne lakkeþ no þing. [Sidenote: _B._ I should say no. _P._ Right! That which wants power needs external aid.] Nay q{uo}d 2292 .I ¶ Certis q{uo}d she þou seist ary[gh]t. For yif so be þ{a}t þer is a þing þat in any p{ar}tie be fieble of power. [Sidenote: _B._ That is true! _P._ Sufficiency and power therefore are of one nature. _B._ It seems so indeed.] Certis as in þat it most[e] nedes be nedy of foreine helpe. ¶ Ri[gh]t so it is q{uo}d .I. Suffisaunce and power 2296 ben þan of on kynde ¶ So semeþ it q{uod} I. [Sidenote: _P._ Are power and sufficiency to be despised? Are they not rather worthy of universal respect?] ¶ And demyst þou q{uo}d she þat a þing þat is of þis manere. þat is to seine suffisau{n}t {and} my[gh]ty au[gh]t[e] to ben dispised. or ellys þ{a}t it be ry[gh]t digne of reuerences abouen 2300 alle þinges. [Sidenote: _B._ They are doubtless highly estimable. _P._ Add respect to sufficiency and power, and consider all three as one and the same thing.] ¶ Certys q{uo}d I it nys no doute þat it nis ry[gh]t worþi to ben reuerenced. ¶ Lat vs q{uo}d she þan adden reuerence to suffisaunce {and} to power ¶ So þat we demen þat þise þre þinges ben alle o þing. [Sidenote: _B._ I see no objection to that view.] ¶ Certis 2304 q{uo}d I lat vs adden it. yif we willen graunten þe soþe. [Sidenote: _P._ But can that be obscure and ignoble which possesses three such attributes? is it not noble and worthy of a shining reputation?] what demest þou þan q{uo}d she is þat a dirke þing {and} nat noble þat is suffisau{n}t reu{er}ent {and} my[gh]ty. or ellys 2307 þat is ry[gh]t clere {and} ry[gh]t noble of celebrete of renou{n}. [Linenotes: 2256 _hey[gh]e_--the hyye _kachen_--kachche 2257 _fisshe_--fyssh 2258 _hunte_--honte _roos_--Rooes 2259 _hy[gh]t_--hyhte 2260 _crikes_--brykes _yhidd_--MS. yhidde, C. I-hyd 2261, 2262 _whiche_--whych 2263 _shelfisshe_--shelle fysh 2264, 2265 _whiche_--whych 2264 _dien_--deyen 2265 _of_--w{i}t{h} 2266 _echynnys_--MS. ethynnys, C. Echynnys 2268 _yhidd_--MS. yhidde, C. I-hydd 2270 _goode_--good 2271 _make_--maken 2273 _rycches_--Rychesse 2277 _wilfulnesse_--welefulnesse _look[e]_--loke _clerely_--clerly 2279 _wilfulnesse_--welefulnesse _For_--For-sothe [_I._]--from C. 2280 _richesse_--Rychesses 2281 _realmes_--Reames 2287 _þilk_--thylke _on_--o 2290 _goode_--good 2291 _seye_--sey _haþ_--MS. haþe 2294 _fieble_--febler{e} 2295 _most[e]_--mot 2296 _helpe_--help 2297 _on_--o 2298 _demyst þou_--demesthow 2299 _seine_--seyn _au[gh]t[e]_--owhte 2300 _reuerences_--Reu{er}ence 2302 _nis ry[gh]t_--is ryht 2304 _alle_--al 2305 _willen_--wolen 2306 _dirke_--dyrk 2308 _clere_--cler _of celebrete_--by celebryte] [Headnote: THE UNITY OF TRUE FELICITY.] [Sidenote: He who is most powerful and worthy of renown--if he lack fame which he cannot give to himself, must (by this defect) seem in some measure more weak and abject.] ¶ Considere þan q{uo}d she as we han grau{n}tid her byforne. þat he þat ne haþ ne[de] of no þing {and} is most my[gh]ty {and} most digne of hono{ur} yif hym nediþ any clernesse of renou{n} whiche clernesse he my[gh]t[e] nat 2312 graunten of hym self. ¶ So þat for lakke of þilke clerenesse he my[gh]t[e] seme febler on any syde or þe more outcaste. _Glosa._ þis is to seyne nay. [[pg 84]] [Sidenote: He that is sufficiently mighty and esteemed will have necessarily an illustrious name.] ¶ For who so þat is suffisau{n}t my[gh]ty {and} reuerent. clernesse of 2316 renou{n} folweþ of þe forseide þinges. he haþ it alredy of hys suffisaunce. [Sidenote: _B._ I cannot deny it, for reputation seems inseparable from the advantages you have just mentioned.] boice. I may nat q{uo}d I denye it. ¶ But I mot graunten as it is. þat þis þing be ry[gh]t celebrable by clernesse of renou{n} {and} noblesse. [Sidenote: _P._ Therefore Renown differs in no wise from the three above-mentioned attributes.] ¶ þan 2320 folweþ it q{uo}d she þat we adden clernesse of renou{n} to þe þre forseide þinges. so þat þer ne be amonges hem no difference. {and} þis is a consequente q{uo}d .I. [Sidenote: And if any one then stands in need of no external aid, can have all he wants, and is illustrious and respected--is not his condition very agreeable and pleasant?] þis þing þan q{uo}d she þat ne haþ no nede of no foreine 2324 þing. {and} þat may don alle þinges by his strengþes. {and} þat is noble {and} hono{ur}able. nis nat þat a myrie þing {and} a ioyful. [Sidenote: _B._ I cannot conceive how such a one can have grief or trouble.] _boice._ but wenest q{uo}d I þ{a}t any sorow my[gh]t[e] comen to þis þing þat is swiche. ¶ Certys 2328 I may nat þinke. [Sidenote: _P._ It must then be a state of happiness; and we may also affirm that sufficiency, power, nobility, differ only in name, but not in substance.] _P._ ¶ þanne moten we graunt[e] q{uod} she þat þis þing be ful of gladnesse yif þe þorseide þinges be soþe. ¶ And also certys mote we graunten. þat suffisaunce power noblesse reuerence {and} gladnesse ben 2332 only dyuerse bynames. but hir substaunce haþ no diu{er}site. [Sidenote: _B._ It is a necessary consequence.] _Boice._ It mot nedely be so q{uo}d .I. [Sidenote: _P._ The depravity of mankind then divides that which is essentially indivisible; and, seeking for a part of that which has no parts, they miss the entire thing which they so much desire.] _P._ þilke þinge þan q{uo}d she þat is oon {and} simple i{n} his nature. [Sidenote: [* fol. 20.]] þe wikkednesse of men departiþ it *diuidiþ it. {and} 2336 whan þei enforcen hem to gete p{ar}tie of a þing þat ne haþ no part. þei ne geten hem neiþer þilk[e] p{ar}tie þat nis none. ne þe þing al hole þat þei ne desire nat. [Sidenote: _B._ How is that?] _.b._ In whiche manere q{uo}d .I. [Sidenote: _P._ He that seeks riches in order to avoid poverty, is not solicitous about power; he prefers meanness and obscurity, and denies himself many natural pleasures that he may not lessen his heaps of pelf.] _p._ þilke man q{uo}d she þat 2340 sekeþ rychesse to fleen pouerte. he ne trauayleþ hym nat to for to gete power for he haþ leuer ben dirk {and} vile. {and} eke wiþdraweþ from hym selfe many naturel delit[gh] for he nolde lesen þe moneye þat he haþ assembled. 2344 [Sidenote: He who lacks power, is pricked with trouble, and rendered an outcast and obscure by his sordid ways, does not possess sufficiency.] but certis in þis manere he ne getiþ hym nat [[pg 85]] suffisaunce þat power forletiþ. {and} þat moleste p{re}keþ. {and} þat filþe makeþ outcaste. {and} þat derknesse hideþ. [Sidenote: He who only aims at power squanders his riches, and despises delights and honours unaccompanied by power.] and certis he þ{a}t desireþ only power he wastiþ {and} 2348 scatriþ rychesse {and} dispiseþ delices {and} eke hono{ur} þat is wiþ out power. ne he ne p{re}iseþ glorie no þing. [Linenotes: 2310 _haþ_--MS. haþe 2312 _whiche_--whych _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte 2314 _clerenesse_--clernesse _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte _febler_--the febeler{e} 2315 _seyne_--seyn 2317 _haþ_--MS. haþe 2324 _haþ_--MS. haþe 2325 _his_--hyse 2326 _myrie_--mery 2327 _wenest_--whennes 2328 _sorow my[gh]t[e]_--sorwe myhte 2329 _graunt[e]_--grau{n}te 2331 _be_--ben _also certys_--certes also 2333 _haþ_--MS. haþe 2334 _nedely_--nedly 2335 _þinge_--thing 2337 _gete_--geten 2338 _haþ_--MS. haþe _þilk[e]_--thilke 2339 _none_--non _hole_--hool 2340 _whiche_--whych 2341 _rychesse_--Rychesses _fleen_--MS. sleen, C. flen 2342 _leuer_--leu{er} 2343 _vile_--vyl _selfe_--self 2344 _delit[gh]_--delices _lesen_--lese _haþ_--MS. haþe 2346 _prekeþ_--prykketh 2347 _derknesse_--dyrknesse 2349 _scatriþ_--schatereth _delices_--delyc[gh] 2350 _wiþ out_--w{i}t{h} owte] [Headnote: OF FALSE FELICITY.] ¶ Certys þus seest þou wel þat many þi{n}g{us} failen to hym. for he haþ somtyme faute of many necessites. 2352 [Sidenote: Such a one must be subject to many anxieties.] {and} many anguysses biten hym [Sidenote: And when he cannot get rid of these evils he ceases to have what he most desired--power.] ¶ {and} whan he may nat don þo defautes awey. he forleteþ to ben my[gh]ty. {and} þat is þe þing þat he most desireþ. [Sidenote: In the same way honour, glory, and pleasure, are all inseparable; he that seeks one without the other will fail to obtain his desires.] {and} ry[gh]t þus may I make semblable resou{n}s of hono{ur}s {and} of glorie 2356 {and} of delices. ¶ For so as euery of þise forseide þinges is þe same þat þise oþer þinges ben. þat is to sein. al oon þing. who so þat euer sekeþ to geten þat oon of þise {and} nat þat oþer. he ne geteþ nat þat he 2360 desireþ. [Sidenote: _B._ What then if a man should desire to gain them all at once?] _Boice._ ¶ what seist þou þan yif þat a man coueiteþ to geten alle þise þinges to gider. [Sidenote: _P._ He would then indeed desire perfect felicity--but can he ever expect to find it in the acquisitions above mentioned, which do not perform what they promise?] _P._ Certys q{uo}d she .I. wolde seie þat he wolde geten hym souereyne blisfulnes. but þat shal he nat fynde in þo þinges 2364 þat .I. haue shewed þat ne mowe nat [gh]euen þat þei by-heten. [Sidenote: _B._ No, surely!] _boice._ Certys no q{uo}d .I. [Sidenote: _P._ Then happiness is not to be sought in these things which are falsely supposed capable of satisfying our desires?] ¶ þan q{uod} she ne sholden men nat by no weye seken blysfulnesse in swiche þinges as men wenen þat þei ne mowe 2368 [gh]euen but o þing senglely of alle þ{a}t me{n} seken. [Sidenote: _B._ I confess it, and nothing can be more truly affirmed than this.] I graunt[e] wel q{uo}d .I. ne no soþer þing ne may nat ben said. [Sidenote: Turn your mind's eye upon the reverse of all this _false felicity_ and you will perceive _the true happiness_.] _P._ ¶ Now hast þou þan q{uo}d she þe forme {and} þe causes of false welefulnesse. ¶ Now turne {and} 2372 flitte þe eyen of þi þou[gh]t. for þere shalt þou seen an oon þilk verray blysfulnesse þ{a}t I haue byhy[gh]t þee. [Sidenote: _B._ It is very clear, and I had a complete view of it when you explained to me the causes of its counterfeit.] _b._ Certys q{uo}d .I. it is cler {and} opyn. þou[gh] þat it were to a blynde man. {and} þat shewedest þou me [ful wel] a 2376 lytel her byforne. whan þou enforcedest þe to shewe me [[pg 86]] þe causes of þe false blysfulnesse [Sidenote: True felicity consists in a state of sufficiency, of power, and honour--as well as of a shining reputation and every desirable pleasure: and I must confess that true felicity is that which is bestowed by these advantages, as they are in reality all one and the same.] ¶ For but yif I be by-giled. þan is þilke þe verray p{er}fit blisfulnesse þat p{er}fitly makiþ a man suffisau{n}t. my[gh]ty. hono{ur}able noble. 2380 {and} ful of gladnesse. {and} for þou shalt wel knowe þat I haue wel vndirstonden þise þinges wiþ i{n}ne myne herte. I knowe wel þilke blisfulnesse þat may verrayly [gh]euen on of þe forseide þinges syn þei ben al oon .I. knowe 2384 douteles þat þilke þing is þe fulle of blysfulnesse. [Sidenote: _P._ O my nursling, how happy are you in this conviction, provided you add but one limitation.] _P._ O my nurry q{uod} she by þis oppiniou{n} q{uo}d she I sey[e] þat þou art blisful yif þou putte þis þer to þat I shal seine. [Sidenote: _B._ What is that?] what is þat q{uo}d .I. [Sidenote: _P._ Thinkest thou that any thing in this world can confer this happiness? (the sovereign good).] ¶ Trowest þou þat 2388 þer be any þing in þis erþely mortal toumblyng þinges þat may bryngen þis estat. [Sidenote: _B._ I think not; for nothing can be desirable beyond such a state of perfection.] Certys q{uo}d I trowe it nat. {and} þou hast shewed me wel þat ouer þilke goode þer is no þing more to ben desired. [Sidenote: _P._ These imperfect things above mentioned only confer the shadow of the supreme good, or at most only an imperfect felicity, but they cannot bestow true and perfect happiness.] _P._ þise þinges þan 2392 q{uo}d she. þat is to seyne erþely suffisaunce {and} power. {and} swiche þinges eyþer þei semen likenesse of verray goode. or ellys it semeþ þat þei [gh]euen to mortal folk a maner of goodes þat ne ben nat perfit. ¶ But þilke 2396 goode þat is verray {and} p{er}fit. þat may þei nat [gh]euen. [Sidenote: _B._ I quite agree with you.] _boice._ I. accorde me wel q{uo}d .I. [Sidenote: _P._ Then, knowing the difference between true and false felicity you must now learn where to look for this supreme felicity.] þan q{uo}d she for as moche as þou hast knowen whiche is þilke verray blisfulnesse. {and} eke whiche þilke þinges ben þat lien 2400 falsly blisfulnesse. þat is to seyne. þat by desceit seme{n} verray goodes. [Sidenote: [* fol. 20 _b_.]] ¶ Now byhoueþ þe to knowe{n} *whennes {and} where þou mowe seek[e] þilke verray blisfulnesse. ¶ Certys q{uo}d I þat desijr I gretly {and} 2404 haue abiden longe tyme to herkene it. [Sidenote: _P._ But, as Plato says that even in the least things the Divine assistance ought to be implored, what ought we do, to render us worthy of so important a discovery as the true source and seat of the sovereign good?] ¶ But for as moche q{uo}d she as it likeþ to my disciple plato in his book of i{n} thimeo. þat in ry[gh]t lytel þinges men sholde bysechen þe helpe of god. ¶ what iugest þou þat be 2408 [now] to done so þat we may deserue to fynde þe sete of [[pg 87]] þilke souereyne goode. [Sidenote: _B._ Let us invoke the Father of all things.] _B._ ¶ Certys q{uo}d .I. I. deme þat we shulle clepen to þe fadir of alle goodes. ¶ For wiþ outen hym nis þer no þing founden ary[gh]t. [Sidenote: You are right, said Philosophy, and thus she sang:--] þou seist 2412 a-ry[gh]t q{uo}d she. and bygan on-one to syngen ry[gh]t þus. [Linenotes: 2351 _many_--manye 2352 _haþ_--MS. haþe _faute_--defaute 2353 _may_--ne may 2354 _don_--MS. done, C. don 2356 _make_--maken 2357 _forseide_--MS. sorseide 2363 _souereyne_--sou{er}eyn 2365 _mowe_--mowen 2368 _wenen_--wene _mowe_--mowen 2370 _graunt[e]_--grau{n}te _soþer_--sother{e} 2371 _said_--MS. saide, C. sayd 2376 [_ful wel_]--from C. 2377 _byforne_--by-forn 2378 _blysfulnesse_--MS. blyndenesse, C. blysfulnesse 2385 _of_--omitted 2386 _nurry_--norye 2387 _sey[e]_--seye 2388 _seine_--seyn 2389 _þis_--thise 2390 _nat_--nawht 2393 _seyne_--sey 2395 _[gh]euen_--yeue 2397 _goode_--good 2399 _whiche_--which 2401 _seyne_--seyn 2402 _knowen_--knowe 2403 _seek[e]_--seke 2405 _herkene_--herknen 2407 _sholde_--sholden 2408 _bysechen_--by-shechen _helpe_--help 2409 [_now_]--from C. 2410 _souereyne goode_--verray good 2411 _shulle_--shollen _to_--omitted 2413 _on-one_--anon] [Headnote: IN SEEKING SUPREME FELICITY THE DIVINE AID IS TO BE INVOKED.] O QUI PERPETUA. [Sidenote: [The 9^ne Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: O Father and Maker of heaven and earth, by whose eternal reason the world is governed, and by whose supreme command Time flows from the birth of ages, Thou, firm and unchanged thyself, makest all things else to move!] ++O þou fadir creatour of heuene {and} of erþes þat gouernest þis worlde by p{er}durable resou{n} þat comaundist þe tymes for to gon from tyme þat age had[de] 2416 bygy{n}ny{n}g. þou þat dwellest þi self ay stedfast {and} stable {and} [gh]iuest alle oþer þinges to ben moeued. [Sidenote: Thy sovereign will to floating matter gave its various forms, impelled by no exterior causes, but by the Idea of the Best in thy great mind conceived void of malice.] ne forein causes necesseden þe neuer to co{m}poune werke of floterynge mater. but only þe forme of souereyne 2420 goode y-set wiþ i{n}ne [þe] wiþ outen envie þat moeued[e] þe frely. [Sidenote: Fairest thyself bearing the world's figure in thy thought, thou didst create the world after that prototype, and dost draw all things from the image of the fair Supreme, and dost command that this world should have perfect parts.] þou þat art alþerfairest beryng þe faire worlde in þi þou[gh]t. formedest þis worlde to þe likkenesse semblable of þat faire worlde in þi þou[gh]t. þou drawest 2424 alle þinges of þi souereyne ensampler. {and} comaundedist þat þis worlde p{er}fitlyche ymaked haue frely {and} absolut hyse p{er}fit parties. [Sidenote: By harmonious measures thou dost bind fast the elements, so that there is no discordance between things cold and hot, or between the moist and the dry.] ¶ þou byndest þe element[gh] by noumbres p{ro}porcionables. þat þe colde þinges 2428 mowen accorde wiþ þe hote þinges. {and} þe drye þi{n}ges wiþ þe moyst þinges. [Sidenote: That the fire may not fly too high, and that weight may not press the earth and water lower than they are now placed,] þat þe fire þat is purest ne fleye nat ouer heye. ne þat þe heuynesse ne drawe nat adou{n} ouer lowe þe erþes þat ben plounged in þe watres. 2432 [Linenotes: 2415 _worlde_--world 2416 _from----age_--from syn þ{a}t age _had[de]_--hadde 2417 _stedfast_--stedefast 2418 _oþer_--oothre 2419 _forein_--foreyne _werke_--werk 2420 _souereyne goode_--sou{er}eyn good 2421 _y-set_--MS. y-sette, C. Iset _wiþ inne_--w{i}t{h} in [_þe_]--the _wiþ outen_--w{i}t{h} owte _moeued[e]_--moeuede 2422 _alþerfairest_--alderfayrest 2422-24-26 _worlde_--world 2423 _likkenesse_--lyknesse 2426 _and absolut_--C. omits 2427 _hyse_--hys 2430 _fire_--fyr _fleye_--fle 2431 _drawe_--drawen] [Headnote: GOD IS THE FOUNTAIN OF FELICITY.] [Sidenote: thou didst join the Middle Soul (of a threefold nature) moving all things, and then by agreeing numbers didst resolve it.] ¶ þou knyttest to-gidre þe mene soule of treble kynde moeuyng alle þinges. {and} diuidest it by membres accordynge. [Sidenote: When that is done, cut into two orbs, it moves about returning to itself, and then encompassing the profound mind doth by that fair idea turn the heaven.] ¶ And whan it is þus diuided it haþ assembled a moeuyng in two roundes. ¶ It goþ to to{ur}ne 2436 a[gh]ein to hym owen self. {and} environeþ a fulle deep [[pg 88]] þou[gh]t. {and} to{ur}niþ þe heuene by semblable ymage. [Sidenote: Thou by such causes dost raise all souls and lesser lives, and adaptest them to their light vehicles.] þou by eue{n}lyk causes enhau{n}sest þe soules {and} þe lasse liues {and} ablynge hem heye by ly[gh]t[e] cartes. 2440 [Sidenote: Thou sowest them in heaven and earth, and they return to thee by thy kind law like a recoiling flame.] þou sewest hem in to heuene {and} in to erþe. {and} whan þei ben conuertid to þe by þi benigne lawe. ¶ þou makest hem retorne a[gh]eine to þe by a[gh]ein ledyng fijr. [Sidenote: O Father, elevate our souls and let them behold thy august throne.] ¶ O fadir yif þou to þi þou[gh]t to stien vp in to þi streite sete. 2444 {and} graunte [hym] to enviroune þe welle of good. [Sidenote: Let them behold the fountain of all good. Dispel the mists of sense, remove the weights of earth-born cares, and in thy splendour shine (in our minds).] {and} þe ly[gh]te yfounde graunte hym to ficchen þe clere sy[gh]tes of hys corage in þe. ¶ And scatre þou {and} to-breke [thow] þe wey[gh]tes {and} þe cloudes of erþely heuynesse. 2448 {and} shyne þou by þi bry[gh]tnes. [Sidenote: For thou art ever clear, and to the good art peace and rest. He who looks on thee beholds beginning, support, guide, path and goal, combined!] for þou art clernesse þou art peisible to debonaire folke. ¶ þou þi self art bygy{n}ny{n}ge. berere. ledere. paþ {and} t{er}me to loke on þe [þat] is oure ende. _Glose._ 2452 [Linenotes: 2435 _haþ_--MS. haþe 2436 _goþ_--MS. goþe 2437 _owen_--C. omits 2438 _tourniþ_--MS. to{ur}niþe 2439 _euenlyk_--euene lyke 2440 _ly[gh]t[e]_--lyhte 2442 _benigne_--bygynnynge 2444 _yif_--yiue _þi streite_--the streyte 2445 [_hym_]--from C. 2446 _ly[gh]te_--lyht 2448 [_thow_]--from C. 2449 _bry[gh]tnes_--bryhtnesse 2451 _paþ_--MS. paþe; paath 2452 [_þat_]--that] [Headnote: GOD THE SUPREME GOOD.] QUONIAM IGITUR QUI SCIT.[7] [Footnote 7: Read que sit.] [Sidenote: [The 10^the p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: Now that thou hast had a faithful representation of future felicity as well as of the true happiness, I shall show thee in what the Perfection of Happiness consists.] ++FOr as moche þan as þou hast seyn. whiche is þe forme of goode þat nys nat p{er}fit. {and} whiche is þe forme of goode þat is p{er}fit. now trowe I þat it were goode to shewe in what þis p{er}fecc{i}ou{n} of blisfulnesse is 2456 set. [Sidenote: Our best plan will be to inquire whether there be in nature such a good as thou hast lately defined, lest we be deceived by the vanity of Imagination and be carried beyond the truth of the matter subjected to our inquiry.] {and} in þis þing I trowe þat we sholden first enquere forto witen yif þat any swiche manere goode as þilke goode þat þou hast diffinissed a lytel her byforne. þat is to seine souereyne goode may be founden in þe nature 2460 of þinges. For þat veyne ymaginac{i}ou{n} of þou[gh]t ne desceiue vs nat. {and} putte vs oute of þe soþefastnesse of þilke þinge þat is su{m}myttid to vs. þis is to seyne. but it may nat ben denoyed þat þilke goode ne is. 2464 ¶ and þat it nis ry[gh]t as a welle of alle goodes. [Sidenote: The sovereign good does exist, and is the source of all other good.] ¶ For al þing þat is cleped i{n}p{er}fit. is proued i{n}p{er}fit by þe [[pg 89]] amenusynge of p{er}fecc{i}ou{n}. or of þing þat is p{er}fit. [Sidenote: [* fol. 21.]] [Sidenote: When we say that a thing is _imperfect_ we assert that there is something else of its kind _perfect_.] {and} her of comeþ it. þat in euery þing general. yif þat. 2468 þat men seen any þing þat is i{n}p{er}fit *certys in þilke general þer mot ben so{m}me þing þat is p{er}fit. ¶ For yif so be þat p{er}fecc{i}ou{n} is don awey. men may nat þinke nor seye fro whe{n}nes þilke þing is þat is cleped inperfit. 2472 [Sidenote: Nature takes not her origin from things diminished and imperfect; but, proceeding from an entire and absolute substance, descends into the remotest and most fruitless things.] ¶ For þe nature of þinges ne token nat her bygynnyng of þinges amenused {and} i{n}p{er}fit. but it p{ro}cediþ of þi{n}g{us} þat ben al hool. {and} absolut. {and} descendeþ so doune in to outerest þinges {and} in to þi{n}g{us} empty {and} 2476 wiþ oute fruyt. [Sidenote: If there be an imperfect and fading felicity there must also be one stable and perfect.] but as I haue shewed a litel her byforne. þat yif þer be a blisfulnesse þat be frele {and} vein {and} inp{er}fit. þer may no man doute. þat þer nys som blisfulnesse þat is sad stedfast {and} p{er}fit. b. þis is concludid 2480 q{uo}d I fermely {and} soþefastly. [Sidenote: But now consider wherein this felicity resides. That God is the governor of all things is proved by the universal opinion of all men.] _P._ But co{n}sidere also q{uo}d she in wham þis blisfulnesse enhabiteþ. þe co{m}mune acordaunce {and} conceite of þe corages of men p{ro}ueþ {and} graunteþ þat god p{r}ince of alle þi{n}g{us} is 2484 good. [Sidenote: For since nothing may be conceived better than God, then He who has no equal in goodness must be good.] ¶ For so as no þing ne may ben þou[gh]t bettre þan god. it may nat ben douted þan þat [he þ{a}t] no þing is bettre. þat he nys good. [Sidenote: Reason clearly demonstrates (1) that God is good, and (2) that the sovereign good exists in him.] ¶ Certys resou{n} sheweþ þat god is so goode þat it p{ro}ueþ by verray force þat p{er}fit 2488 goode is in hym. [Sidenote: If it were not so He could not be the Ruler of all things, for there would be some other being excelling him who possesses the supreme good and who must have existed before Him.] ¶ For yif god ne is swiche. he ne may nat ben p{r}ince of alle þinges. for certis som þing possessyng in hy{m} self p{er}fit goode sholde ben more þan god. {and} [it] sholde seme þat þilke þing were first 2492 {and} elder þan god. [Sidenote: And we have already shown that the perfect precedes the imperfect;] ¶ For we han shewed ap{er}tly þat alle þinges þat ben p{er}fit. ben first or þinges þat ben inperfit. [Linenotes: 2453 _whiche_--which 2454-55-56-58-59 _goode_--good 2454 _whiche_--whych 2457 _set_--MS. sette, C. set 2460 _seine_--seyn _souereyne goode_--souereyn good _be founden_--ben fownde 2461 _veyne_--veyn 2463 _þis is to seyne_--C. omits 2464 _denoyed_--MS. deuoyded, C. denoyed _goode_--good 2465 _of_--MS. of of 2466 _al þing_--alle thing 2468 _her of comeþ_--ther of comht 2470 _somme_--som 2471 _don_--MS. done, C. don 2473 _token_--took 2475 _hool_--hoole 2476 _doune_--down 2477 _wiþ oute fruyt_--w{i}t{h} owten frut 2480 _stedfast_--stydefast 2481 _fermely_--MS. fennely, C. fermely _soþefastly_--sothfastly 2486 [_he þat_]--from C. _is bettre_--nis bettr{e} 2488-89-91 _goode_--good 2489 _swiche_--swych 2492 [_it_]--from C. _seme_--semen 2493 _elder_--elder{e}] [Headnote: GOD THE SOURCE OF TRUE FELICITY.] [Sidenote: wherefore, that our reasonings may not run on with infinity, we must confess that the Supreme God is full of perfect and consummate good.] ¶ And for þi for as moche as [that] my resou{n} or my p{ro}ces ne go nat awey wiþoute an ende. we 2496 ou[gh]t[e] to graunten þat þe souereyne god is ry[gh]t ful of souereyne p{er}fit goode. [[pg 90]] [Sidenote: And as we have seen that the perfect good is true happiness, it follows that the true felicity resides in the Supreme Divinity.] and we han establissed þat þe souereyne goode is verrey blisfulnesse. þan mot it nedes ben [þ{a}t verray blysfulnesse is] yset i{n} souereyne god. 2500 _B._ þis take I wel q{uo}d .I. ne þis ne may nat be wiþseid in no manere. [Sidenote: But let us see how we can firmly and irrefragably prove that the Supreme God contains in his own nature a plenitude of perfect and consummate good.] ¶ But I p{re}ie þe q{uo}d she see now how þou mayst preuen holily {and} wiþ-oute{n} corrupciou{n} þis þat I haue seid. þat þe souereyne god is ry[gh]t ful of 2504 souereyne goode. [In whych man{er}e q{uo}d I.] wenest þou ou[gh]t q{uo}d she þat þis p{r}ince of alle þinges haue ytake þilke souereyne good any where þan of hym self. ¶ of whiche souereyne goode men p{ro}ueþ þat he is ful 2508 ry[gh]t as þou my[gh]test þinken. þat god þat haþ blisfulnesse in hym self. {and} þat ilke blisfulnesse þat is in hym were diu{er}s in substaunce. [Sidenote: If you think that God has received this good from without, then you must believe that the giver of this good is more excellent than God the receiver.] ¶ For yif þou wene þat god haue receyued þilke good oute of hy{m} self. þou 2512 mayst wene þat he þat [gh]af þilke good to god. be more goode þan is god. [Sidenote: But we have concluded that there is nothing more excellent than God.] ¶ But I am byknowen {and} confesse {and} þat ry[gh]t dignely þat god is ry[gh]t worþi abouen alle þinges. [Sidenote: But if this supreme good is in Him by nature, and is nevertheless of a different substance, we cannot conceive, since God is the author of all things, what could have united these two substances differing one from another.] ¶ And yif so be þat þis good be in hym by 2516 nature. but þat it is diu{er}s from [hym] by wenyng resou{n}. syn we speke of god p{r}ince of alle þinges feyne who so feyne may. who was he þat [hath] co{n}ioigned þise diu{er}s þinges to-gidre. [Sidenote: Lastly, a thing which essentially differs from another cannot be the same with that from which it is supposed to differ.] {and} eke at þe last[e] se 2520 wel þat o þing þat is diu{er}s from any þing. þat þilke þing nis nat þat same þing. fro whiche it is vndirstonde{n} to ben diu{er}s. [Sidenote: Consequently, what in its nature differs from the chief good cannot be the supreme good.] þan folweþ it. þat þilke þi{n}g þat by hys nature is dyuers from souereyne good. þat þat 2524 þing nys nat souereyne good. [Sidenote: But it would be impious and profane thus to conceive of God, since nothing can excel Him in goodness and worth.] but certys þat were a felonous corsednesse to þinken þat of hym. þat no þing nis more worþe. [Sidenote: In fact, nothing can exist whose nature is better than its origin.] For alwey of alle þinges. þe nat{ur}e of hem ne may nat ben better þan his bygy{n}nyng. 2528 [Linenotes: 2495 [_that_]--from C. 2496 _proces_--p{ro}cesses 2497 _ou[gh]t[e]_--owen 2498 _goode_--good 2499 _souereyne goode_--souereyn good 2500 [_þat----is_]--from C. _yset_--MS. ysette, C. set 2501 _be_--ben _wiþseid_--MS. wiþseide, C. withseid 2503 _wiþ-outen_--w{i}t{h}-owte 2504 _seid_--MS. seide, C. seyd 2505 _souereyne goode_--souereyn good [_In----I_]--from C. 2506 _ou[gh]t_--awht 2507 _þan of_--owt of 2508 _whiche_--whych _souereyne goode_--souereyn good 2509 _haþ_--MS. haþe 2510 _þat ilke_--thilke 2511 _were_--weren 2514 _goode_--worth 2517 _from_--fro [_hym_]--from C. 2518 _feyne_--faigne 2519 _feyne_--feigne [_hath_]--from C. 2520 _last[e]_--laste 2521 _o_--a 2522 _whiche_--whych 2524 _from_--fro 2527 _nis_--is 2528 _better_--bettre] [Headnote: THERE CANNOT BE TWO CHIEF GOODS.] [Sidenote: We may therefore conclude that the Author of all things is really and substantially the supreme Good.] ¶ For whiche I may concluden by ry[gh]t uerray resou{n}. [[pg 91]] þat þilke þat is bygynnyng of alle þinges. þilke same þing is good in his substaunce. [Sidenote: _B._ Most rightly said!] _B._ þou hast seid ry[gh]tfully q{uo}d .I. [Sidenote: _P._ But you have owned that true felicity is the sovereign good; then you must also grant that God is that true felicity.] _P._ But we han graunted q{uo}d she þat 2532 souereyne good is blysfulnes. þat is soþe q{uo}d .I. þan q{uo}d she mote we nedes graunten {and} confessen þat þilke same souereyne goode be god. [Sidenote: _B._ Your conclusions follow from your premises.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 21 _b_.]] ¶ Certys *q{uo}d .I. I ne may nat denye ne wiþstonde þe resou{n}s p{ur}posed. 2536 and I see wel þat it folweþ by strengþe of þe p{re}misses. [Sidenote: _P._ Let us see whether we cannot prove this more convincingly by considering it in this view, that there cannot be two sovereign goods which differ in themselves.] ¶ Loke nowe q{uo}d she yif þis be proued [yit] more fermely þus. ¶ þat þer ne mowen nat ben two souereyne goodes þat ben diuerse amo[n]ges hem 2540 self. [Sidenote: For it is plain that of the goods that differ one cannot be what the other is; wherefore neither of them can be perfect where one wants the other.] þat on is nat þat þat oþer is. þan [ne] mowen neiþer of hem ben p{er}fit. so as eyþer of hem lakkiþ to oþir. [Sidenote: That which is not perfect cannot be the supreme good.] but þat þat nis nat p{er}fit men may seen apertly þat it nis nat souereyne. [Sidenote: Neither can the chief good be essentially different.] þe þinges þan þat ben 2544 souereynely goode ne mowen by no wey ben diuerse. [Sidenote: But it has been shown that God and happiness are the chief good, wherefore the sovereign felicity and the Supreme Divinity are one and the same.] ¶ But I haue wel conclude þat blisfulnesse {and} god ben [the] souereyne goode. For whiche it mot nedes be þat souereyne blisfulnesse is souerey[ne] dyuynite. ¶ No 2548 þing q{uo}d I nis more soþefast þan þis ne more ferme by resou{n}. ne a more worþi þing þan god may nat ben concluded. [Sidenote: Following then the examples of geometricians who deduce their consequences from their propositions, I shall deduce to thee something like a corollary as follows:--] _P._ vpon þise þinges þan q{uo}d she. ry[gh]t as þise geometriens whan þei han shewed her p{ro}posiciou{n}s 2552 ben wont to brynge{n} in þinges þat þei clepen porismes or declarac{i}ou{n}s of forseide þinges. ry[gh]t so wil I [gh]eue þe here as a corolarie or a mede of coroune. [Sidenote: Because by the attainment of felicity men become happy, and as felicity is the same as Divinity itself, therefore by the attainment of Divinity men are made happy.] For whi. for as moche as by þe getynge of blisfulnesse men ben 2556 maked blysful. {and} blisfulnesse is diuinite. ¶ þan is it manifest {and} open þat by þe gety{n}g of diuinite men ben makid blisful. [Sidenote: But as by the participation of justice or of wisdom men become just or wise,] ry[gh]t as by þe getynge of iustice . . . {and} by þe getyng of sapience þei ben maked wise. 2560 [Linenotes: 2529 _whiche_--whych 2531 _seid_--MS. seide, C. seyd 2533 _soþe_--soth 2534 _mote_--moten 2539 [_yit_]--from C. 2541 _is_ (1)--nis _oþer_--othre [_ne_]--from C. 2546 _conclude_--concluded 2547 [_the_] from C. _goode_--good _be_--ben 2549 _soþefast_--sothfast _ferme_--MS. forme, C. ferme 2552 _proposiciouns_--MS. p{ro}porsiou{n}s, C. p{ro}posiciou{n}s 2553 _porismes_--MS. poeismes, C. porysmes 2554 _wil_--wole] [Headnote: THE HAPPY MAN IS A GOD.] [Sidenote: so by partaking of Divinity they must necessarily, and by parity of reason, become gods.] ¶ Ry[gh]t so nedes by þe semblable resou{n} wha{n} þei han getyn [[pg 92]] diuinite þei ben maked goddys. [Sidenote: Every happy man then is a god. But by nature there is only _One_; but by participation of Divine essence there may be many gods.] þan is euery blisful man god. ¶ But certis by nature. þer nys but oon god. but by þe p{ar}ticipac{i}ou{n}s of diuinite þere ne letteþ ne 2564 disturbeþ no þing þat þer ne ben many goddes. ¶ þis is q{uo}d .I. a faire þing {and} a p{re}cious. ¶ Clepe it as þ{o}u wolt. be it corolarie or porisme or mede of coroune or declarynges ¶ Certys q{uo}d she no þing nis fairer. 2568 þan is þe þing þat by resou{n} sholde ben added to þise forseide þinges. what þing q{uo}d .I. [Sidenote: But as happiness seems to be an assemblage of many things, ought we not to consider whether these several things constitute conjointly the body of happiness, or whether there is not some one of these particular things that may complete the substance or essence of it, and to which all the rest have a relation?] ¶ So q{uo}d she as it semeþ þat blisfulnesse conteniþ many þinges. it were forto witen wheþir [þ{a}t] alle þise þinges maken or 2572 conioignen as a maner body of blysfulnesse by diuersite of parties or [of] me{m}bris. Or ellys yif any of alle þilke þi{n}g{us} be swyche þat it acomplise by hy{m} self þe substaunce of blisfulnesse. so þat alle þise oþer þinges 2576 ben referred and brou[gh]t to blisfulnesse. þat is to seyne as to þe chief of hem. [Sidenote: _B._ Illustrate this matter by proper examples.] ¶ I wolde q{uo}d I þat þou makedest me clerly to vndirstonde what þou seist. {and} þat þou recordest me þe forseide þinges. [Sidenote: _P._ As you grant that happiness is a good, you may say the same of all the other goods; for perfect sufficiency is identical with supreme felicity; so is supreme power, likewise high rank, a shining reputation, and perfect pleasure.] ¶ Haue I nat 2580 iuged q{uo}d she. þat blisfulnesse is goode. [gh]is forsoþe q{uo}d .I. {and} þat souereyne goode. ¶ Adde þan q{uo}d she þilke goode þat is maked blisfulnes to alle þe forseide þinges. ¶ For þilke same blisfulnesse þat is 2584 demed to ben souereyne suffisaunce. þilke self is souereyne power. souereyne reuerence. sou{er}eyne clernesse or noblesse {and} souereyne delit. [Sidenote: What say you, then; are all these things, sufficiency, power, and the rest, to be considered as constituent parts of felicity? or are they to be referred to the sovereign good as their source and principal?] what seist þou þan of alle þise þinges. þat is to seyne. suffisance power 2588 {and} þise oþer þinges. ben þei þan as membris of blisfulnesse. or ben þei referred {and} brou[gh]t to souereyne good. ¶ Ry[gh]t as alle þinges þat ben brou[gh]t to þe chief of hem. [Linenotes: 2563 _oon_--o 2564 _letteþ_--let 2566 _faire_--fayr 2567 _porisme_--MS. pousme, C. porisme 2572 [_þat_]--from C. 2573 _maner_--maner{e} _by_--be 2574 [_of_]--from C. 2575 _swyche_--swych 2576 _oþer_--oothr{e} 2577 _seyne_--seyn 2578 _chief_--chef 2581 _goode [gh]is_--good ys 2582 _souereyne goode_--sou{er}eyn good 2583 _goode_--good 2585 _self_--selue 2588 _þise_--C. omits _seyne_--seyn 2589 _oþer_--oothre] [Headnote: GOOD, THE RULE AND SQUARE OF THINGS DESIRABLE.] [Sidenote: _B._ I see what you are aiming at, and I am desirous to hear your arguments.] b. I vndirstonde wel q{uo}d .I. what þou p{ur}posest to [[pg 93]] seke. but I desijr[e] to herkene þat þou shewe it me. 2593 [Sidenote: _P._ If all these things were members of felicity, they would differ one from another, for it is the property of diverse parts to compose one body.] _p._ Take now þus þe discressiou{n} of þis questiou{n} q{uo}d she. yif al þise þinges q{uo}d she weren membris to felicite. þan weren þei diu{er}se þat oon fro þat oþer. 2596 ¶ And swiche is þe nat{ur}e of p{ar}ties or of membris. þat dyuerse me{m}bris compounen a body. [Sidenote: But it has been well shown that all these things are the same and do not differ--therefore they are not parts, for if they were, happiness might be made up of one member--which is absurd and impossible.] ¶ Certis q{uo}d I it haþ wel ben shewed her byforne. þat alle þise þinges ben alle on þing. þan ben þei none membris q{uo}d 2600 she. [Sidenote: [* fol. 22.]] for ellys it sholde seme þat blisfulnesse were conioigned *al of one membre alone. but þat is a þi{n}g þat may nat ben doon. [Sidenote: _B._ This I doubt not, but I desire to hear the sequel.] þis þing q{uo}d .I. nys nat doutous. but I abide to herkene þe remenaunt of þe 2604 questiou{n}. [Sidenote: _P._ All the things above-mentioned must be tried by Good, as the rule and square.] þis is ope{n} {and} clere q{uo}d she. þat alle oþer þinges ben referred {and} brou[gh]t to goode. [Sidenote: Sufficiency, power, &c., are all desired, because they are esteemed a good.] ¶ For þerfore is suffisaunce requered. For it is demed to ben good. {and} forþi is power requered. for men trowen also 2608 þat it be goode. and þis same þing mowe we þinken {and} coueiten of reuerence {and} of noblesse {and} of delit. [Sidenote: Good is the cause why all things are desired.] þan is souereyne good þe soume {and} þe cause of alle þat au[gh]t[e] be desired. [Sidenote: For that which contains no good, either in reality or appearance, can never be desired.] forwhi þilke þing þat wiþ-holdeþ no 2612 good in it self ne semblaunce of goode it ne may nat wel in no manere be desired ne requered. [Sidenote: On the contrary, things not essentially good are desired because they appear to be real goods.] {and} þe contrarie. For þou[gh] þat þinges by hir nature ne ben nat goode algates yif men wene þat þei be{n} goode [gh]it ben 2616 þei desired as þou[gh] [þ{a}t] þei were verrayly goode. [Sidenote: Hence, Good is esteemed as the cause and end of all things that we desire.] {and} þerfore is it þat men au[gh]te{n} to wene by ry[gh]t þat bounte be souereyne fyn {and} þe cause of alle þinges þat ben to requeren. [Sidenote: That which is the cause of our desiring any thing is itself what we chiefly want.] ¶ But certis þilke þ{a}t is cause for whiche 2620 men requeren any þing. ¶ it semeþ þat þilke same þing be most desired. [Sidenote: If a man desire to ride on account of health--it is not the ride he wants so much as its salutary effects.] as þus yif þat a wy[gh]t wolde ryde for cause of hele. he ne desireþ nat so mychel þe moeuyng to ryden as þe effect of his heele. [[pg 94]] [Sidenote: Since all things are sought after for the sake of Good, they cannot be more desirable than the good itself.] Now þan 2624 syn þat alle þinges ben requered for þe grace of good. þei ne ben [nat] desired of alle folk more þan þe same good [Sidenote: It has been shown that all the aforesaid things are only pursued for the sake of happiness--hence it is clear that good and happiness are essentially the same.] ¶ But we han graunted þat blysfulnesse is þat þing for whiche þat alle þise oþer þinges ben desired. 2628 þan is it þus þat certis only blisfulnesse is requered {and} desired ¶ By whiche þing it sheweþ clerely þat good {and} blisfulnesse is al oone {and} þe same substaunce. [Sidenote: _B._ I see no cause to differ from you.] ¶ I se nat q{uo}d I wher fore þat men my[gh]t[en] discorden 2632 in þis. [Sidenote: _P._ It has been proved that God and happiness are identical and inseparable.] _p._ {and} we han shewed þat god {and} verrey blysfulnesse is al oon þing [Sidenote: _B._ That is true.] ¶ þat is soþe q{uod} .I. [Sidenote: Therefore the substance of God is also the same as that of the Supreme Good.] þan mowe we conclude sikerly þ{a}t þe substaunce of god is set in þilke same good {and} in noon oþer place. 2636 [Linenotes: 2591 _brou[gh]t_--MS wrou[gh]t, C. browht 2593 _desijr[e] to herkene_--desir{e} for to herkne 2594 _Take_--tak 2596 _fro_--from 2597 _swiche_--swhych 2600 _on þing_--othing 2602 _one_--on 2603 _ben doon_--be don 2604 _herkene_--herknen 2605 _clere_--cler _oþer_--oothre 2606 _goode_--good 2609 _goode_--good _mowe_--mowen 2617 [_þat_]--from C. _were verrayly_--weeren verraylyche 2618 _þerfore_--therfor _au[gh]ten_--owhten 2619 _alle_--alle the 2620 _whiche_--whych 2623 _mychel_--mochel 2624 _moeuyng_--moeuynge 2626 [_nat_]--from C. 2628 _oþer_--oothr{e} 2630 _clerely_--clerly _good and blisfulnesse_--of good {and} of blysfulnesse 2631 _oone_--oon 2632 _my[gh]t[en]_--myhten 2634 _oon_--oo _soþe_--soth 2635 _mowe_--mowen 2636 _set_--MS. sette, C. set] [Headnote: GOD A HAVEN OF REST.] NUNC OMNES PARITER {ET}C. [Sidenote: [The 10^the Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: Come hither, all ye that are captives--bound and fettered with the chains of earthly desires;--come to this source of goodness, where you shall find rest and security.] ++O Comeþ alle to-gidre now [gh]e þat ben ycau[gh]t {and} ybounde wiþ wicked[e] cheines by þe deceiuable delit of erþely þinges inhabytynge in [gh]oure þou[gh]t. here shal ben þe reste of [gh]oure laboures. here is þe hauene 2640 stable in peisible quiete. þis al oone is þe open refut to wreches. [Sidenote: [Chaucer's gloss upon the Text.] _Glosa._ þis is to seyn. þat [gh]e þat ben combred {and} deceyued wiþ worldly affecc{i}ou{n}s comeþ now to þis souereyne good þat is god. þat is refut to hem þat 2644 wolen come to hym. [Sidenote: Not the gold of Tagus or of Hermus, nor the gems of India, can clear the mental sight from vain delusions, but rather darken it.] _Textus._ ¶ Alle þe þinges þat þe ryuere Tagus [gh]iueþ [gh]ow wiþ his golden[e] grauels. or ellys alle þe þynges þat þe ryuere herm{us}. [gh]iueþ wiþ his rede brynke. or þat yndus [gh]iueþ þat is nexte þe hote 2648 p{ar}tie of þe worlde. þat medeleþ þe grene stones (smaragd{e}) wiþ þe white (margarits). ne sholde nat cleren þe lokynge of [gh]oure þo[gh]t. but hiden raþer [gh]oure blynde corages wiþ i{n}ne hire dirkenesse [Sidenote: Such sources of our delight are found in the earth's gloomy caverns,--but the bright light that rules the heavens dispels the darkness of the soul.] ¶ Alle þat 2652 likeþ [gh]ow here {and} excitiþ {and} moeueþ [gh]oure þou[gh]tes. þe erþe haþ noryshed it in hys lowe caues. but þe [[pg 95]] shynyng by þe whiche þe heuene is gouerned {and} whennes þat it haþ hys strengþe þat chaseþ þe derke 2656 ouerþrowyng of þe soule. [Sidenote: He who has seen this light will confess that the beams of the sun are weak and dim.] ¶ And who so euer may knowen þilke ly[gh]t of blisfulnesse. he shal wel seine þat þe white bemes of þe sonne ne ben nat cleer. [Linenotes: 2638 _wicked[e]_--wyckyde 2639, 2640 _here_--her 2640 _hauene_--MS. heuene, C. hauene 2641 _al oone_--allone 2643 _worldly_--worldely 2645 _come_--comyn 2646 _golden[e] grauels_--goldene grauayles 2647 _þynges_--MS. rynges, C. thinges _hermus_--MS. herin{us}, C. herynus 2648 _nexte_--next 2649 _worlde_--world 2654, 2656 _haþ_--MS. haþe 2654 _hys_--hyse 2656 _chaseþ þe derke_--eschueth the dyrke 2657 _euer_--C. omits 2658 _seine_--seyn] [Headnote: MEN DO NOT SEEK TRUE FELICITY.] ASSENCIOR INQ{UA}M CUNCTA. Boice. [Sidenote: [The 11 p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: _B._ I assent, and am convinced by the force of your arguments.] ++I assent[e] me q{uo}d .I. For alle þise þinges ben 2660 strongly bounden wiþ ry[gh]t ferme resou{n}s. [Sidenote: _P._ But how greatly would you value it, did you fully know what this good is?] how mychel wilt þou p{re}isen it q{uo}d she. yif þat þou knowe what þilke goode is. [Sidenote: _B._ I should value it infinitely if at the same time I might attain to the knowledge of God, who is the sovereign good.] I wol p{re}ise it q{uo}d I by price wiþ outen ende. ¶ yif it shal bytyde me to 2664 knowe also to-gidre god þat is good. [Sidenote: _P._ I shall elucidate this matter by incontrovertible reasons if thou wilt grant me those things which I have before laid down as conclusions.] ¶ certys q{uo}d she þ{a}t shal I do þe by verray resou{n}. [Sidenote: [* fol. 22 _b_.]] yif þat þo þinges þat I haue conclude[d] a litel her by *forne dwellen oonly in hir first[e] graunty{n}g. [Sidenote: _B._ I grant them all.] _Boice._ þei dwellen graunted 2668 to þe q{uo}d .I. þis is to seyne as who seiþ .I. graunt þi forseide conclusiou{n}s. [Sidenote: _P._ Have I not shown that the things which the majority of mankind so eagerly pursue are not true and perfect goods, for they differ from one another; and because where one of them is absent the others cannot confer absolute happiness (or good)?] ¶ Haue I nat shewed þe q{uo}d she þat þe þinges þat ben requered of many folke. ne ben nat verray goodes ne p{er}fit. for þei ben diu{er}se þat 2672 oon fro þat oþer. {and} so as eche of hem is lakkyng to oþer. þei ne han no power to bryngen a good þ{a}t is ful {and} absolute. [Sidenote: Have I not shown, too, that the true and chief good is made up of an assemblage of all the goods in such a way, that if sufficiency is an attribute of this good, it must at the same time possess power, reverence, &c.] ¶ But þan atte arst ben þei verray good whan þei ben gadred to-gidre al in to a forme {and} in 2676 to oon wirchy{n}g. so þat þilke þing þat is suffisaunce. þilk same be power {and} reuerence. {and} noblesse {and} mirþe. [Sidenote: If they be not one and the same, why should they be classed among desirable things?] ¶ And forsoþe but alle þise þi{n}ges ben alle o same þing þei ne han nat wher by þat þei mowen ben 2680 put in þe nou{m}bre of þinges. þat au[gh]ten ben requered or desired. _b._ ¶ It is shewed q{uo}d .I. ne her of may þer no man douten. [Sidenote: While these things differ from one another they are not goods; but as soon as they become one then they are made goods.--Do not they owe their being good to their unity?] _p._ þe þinges þan q{uo}d she þat ne ben none goodes whan þei ben diu{er}se. {and} whan þei [[pg 96]] bygynnen to ben al o þing. þan ben þei goodes. ne 2685 comiþ it hem nat þan by þe getynge of unite þat þei ben maked goodes. [Sidenote: _B._ So it appears.] _b._ so it semeþ q{uo}d .I. [Sidenote: _P._ Do you confess that everything that is good becomes such by the participation of the sovereign good or no?] but alle þing þat is good q{uo}d she grauntest þou þat it be good by p{ar}ticipac{i}ou{n} 2688 of good or no. [Sidenote: _B._ It is so.] ¶ I graunt[e] it q{uo}d .I. [Linenotes: 2660 _assent[e]_--assente 2662 _mychel_--mochel 2663 _goode_--good 2664 _price_--prys 2669 _is_--omitted _seyne_--seyn 2671 _folke_--folkes 2673 _oþer_--oothre _eche_--ech 2675 _absolute_--absolut _atte arst_--at erste 2676 _al_--alle _a_--O 2677 _to_--omitted _wirchyng_--wyrkynge 2678 _þilk_--thilke 2681 _put_--MS. putte, C. put _au[gh]ten_--owhten 2684 _none_--no 2685 _al o_--alle oon 2686 _comiþ_--comth 2689 _graunt[e]_--graunte] [Headnote: UNITY NECESSARY TO EXISTENCE.] [Sidenote: _P._ Then you must own that unity and good are the same (for the substance of those things must be the same, whose effects do not naturally differ).] ¶ þan mayst þou graunt[en] it q{uo}d she by sembleable resou{n} þat oon {and} good ben o same þing. ¶ For of þinges [of] whiche þat þe effect nis nat naturely diuerse 2692 nedys þe substaunce mot ben o same þinge. [Sidenote: _B._ I cannot gainsay it.] I ne may nat denye it q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ Do you not perceive that everything which exists is permanent so long as it preserves its unity--but as soon as it loses this, it is dissolved and annihilated?] ¶ Hast þou nat knowen wel q{uo}d she. þat al þing þat is haþ so longe his dwellyng {and} his substaunce. as longe is it oone. ¶ but wha{n} it 2696 forletiþ to ben oone it mot nedis dien {and} corrumpe togidre. [Sidenote: _B._ How so?] ¶ In whiche manere q{uo}d .I. [Sidenote: _P._ In the animal creation as long as the soul and the body are united and conjoined in one, this being is called an animal or beast, but when the union is dissolved by the separation of these, the animal perishes and is no longer a beast.] ¶ Ry[gh]t as in beestes q{uod} she. whan þe soule {and} þe body ben co{n}ioigned in oon {and} dwellen to-gidre it is cleped a 2700 beest. {and} whan hire vnite is destroied by disseueraunce þat oon fram þ{a}t oþir. þan sheweþ it wel þat it is a dede þi{n}g. {and} þat it is no lenger no beste. [Sidenote: The same may be said of man and all other things; they subsist while unity is preserved, but as soon as that is destroyed the things themselves lose their existence.] {and} þe body of a wy[gh]t while it dwelleþ in oon forme by coniuncc{i}ou{n} of membris it is wel seyn þat it is a figure of 2705 mankynde. and yif þe partyes of þe body ben [so] diuide[d] {and} disseuered þat oon fro þat oþir þat þei destroien vnite. þe body forletiþ to ben þat it was byforne. 2708 ¶ And who so wolde renne in þe same manere by alle þinges he sholde seen þat wiþ outen doute euery þinge is in his substaunce as longe as it is oon. {and} whan it forletiþ to ben oon it dieþ {and} p{er}issiþ. [Sidenote: _B._ I believe we should find this true in every case.] _boice._ 2712 whan I considre q{uo}d I many þinges I see noon oþ{er}. [Linenotes: 2690 _mayst þou graunt[en]_--mosthow grau{n}ten 2692 [_of_]--from C. 2695 _al_--alle _haþ_--MS. haþe 2696, 2697 _oone_--oon 2698 _whiche_--which 2703 _dede_--ded _lenger_--lenger{e} _beste_--beest 2704 _while_--whil _oon_--oo 2706 _[so] diuide[d]_--so deuydyd 2709 _so_--omitted 2713 _many_--manye] [Headnote: NATURE SUSTAINS VEGETATION.] [Sidenote: _P._ Is there anything which acts naturally that forgoes this desire of existence and wishes for death and corruption?] ¶ Is þer any þing þanne q{uo}d she þat in as moche as it lyueþ naturely. þat forletiþ þe appetit or talent of 2715 hys beynge. {and} desireþ to come to deeþ {and} to corrupc{i}ou{n}. [[pg 97]] [Sidenote: _B._ I do not find any creature endowed with volition, which, of itself and without constraint, renounces or despises life and self-preservation or willingly hastens to destruction.] ¶ yif I considere q{uod} I þe beestes þat han any manere nature of willy{n}ge or of nillynge I ne fynde no þing. but yif it be constreyned fro wiþ out forþe. þat forletiþ or dispiseþ to lyue {and} to dure{n} 2720 or þat wole his þankes hasten hy{m} to dien. ¶ For euery beest trauayleþ hy{m} to defende {and} kepe þe sauuac{i}ou{n} of lijf. {and} escheweþ deeþ {and} destrucc{i}ou{n}. [Sidenote: But with regard to herbs and trees, I am doubtful whether I ought to have the same opinion of them, for they have no sensitive soul, nor any natural volition like animals.] _b._ but certys I doute me of herbes {and} of trees. þat is 2724 to seyn þat I am in a doute of swiche þinges as herbes or trees þat ne han no fely{n}g soule. ne no naturel wirchynges seruy{n}g to appetite as beestes han wheþer þei han appetite to dwelle{n} {and} to duren. [Sidenote: _P._ There is no cause for doubt in respect to these.] ¶ Certis 2728 q{uo}d she ne þer of þar þe nat doute. [Sidenote: Herbs and trees first choose a convenient place to grow in, where, agreeably to their respective natures, they are sure to thrive, and are in no danger of perishing; for some grow on plains, some on mountains, &c.; and if you try to transplant them, they forthwith wither and die.] ¶ Now look vpon þise herbes {and} þise trees. þei waxen firste in swiche place as be{n} couenable to hem. in whiche place þei ne mowen nat sone dien ne dryen as longe as hire 2732 nature may defenden he{m}. ¶ For some of hem waxen in feldes {and} some in mou{n}taignes. {and} oþir waxen i{n} mareis. [_A leaf lost here, and supplied from C._] [{and} oothre cleuyn on Roches / {and} soume waxen plentyuos 2736 in sondes / {and} yif þ{a}t any wyht enforce hym to beryn hem in to oother places / they wexen drye // [Sidenote: To everything that vegetates, nature gives what is needful for its subsistence, and takes care that they should not perish before their time.] For natur{e} yeueth to eu{er}y thing þ{a}t / þ{a}t is co{n}uenient to hym {and} trauaylith þ{a}t they ne dye nat as longe as they 2740 han power to dwellyn {and} to lyuen // [Sidenote: Need I tell you that plants are nourished by their roots (which are so many mouths hid in the earth), and diffuse strength throughout the whole plant, as through their marrow?] what woltow seyn of this / þ{a}t they drawen alle hyr norysshynges by hyr rootes / ryht as they haddyn hyr Mowthes I.-plounged 2743 w{i}t{h} in the erthes / {and} shedyn by hyr maryes (i. medull{as}) hyr wode {and} hyr bark / [Sidenote: And further, it is admirably contrived that the pith, the most tender part of plants, is hid in the middle of the trunk, surrounded with hard and solid wood, and with an outer coat of bark to ward off the storms and weather.] {and} what woltow seyn of this þ{a}t thilke thing / þ{a}t is ryht softe as the marye (i. sapp) is / þ{a}t is alwey hidd in the feete al w{i}t{h} inne {and} þ{a}t it is defendid fro w{i}t{h} owte by the stidefastnesse of 2748 wode // {and} þ{a}t the vttereste bark is put ayenis the destemprau{n}ce of the heuene / as a defendowr myhty to suffren [[pg 98]] harm / [Sidenote: Admire, too, the diligence of nature in propagating plants by a multiplicity of seeds, which are as a foundation for a building, not to remain for a time, but as it were for ever.] {and} thus certes maystow wel sen / how gret is the diligence of natur{e} / For alle thinges renouelen {and} 2752 pupllisen hem w{i}t{h} seed .I.-multiplyed / nether nis no man þ{a}t ne wot wel þ{a}t they ne ben ryht as a foundement {and} edyfice for to duren / nat only for a tyme / but ryht as forto duren p{er}durablely by generacyou{n} // [Sidenote: Things inanimate incline to what is most suitable to their beings, and to preserve continuance.] {and} the thinges ek 2756 þ{a}t men wenen ne hauen none sowles / ne desir{e} they nat ech of hem by sem[b]lable resou{n} to kepyn þ{a}t that is hirs / þ{a}t is to seyn þ{a}t is acordynge to hyr natur{e} in conseruaciou{n} of hyr beynge {and} endurynge // [Sidenote: For why should the flame mount upwards by lightness, and the earth tend towards its centre by gravity (weight), unless these motions were agreeable to their respective natures?] For wher for elles berith 2760 lythnesse the flaumbes vp / {and} the weyhte p{re}sseth the erthe a-dou{n} // but For as moche as thilke places and thilke moeuynges ben couenable to eu{er}ich of hem // [Linenotes: 2718 _willynge_--wylnynge _or_--{and} 2719 _þing_--beest _out forþe_--owte forth 2720 _lyue_--lyuen 2723 _of lijf_--of hys lyf 2726 _soule_--sowles 2727 _appetite_--appetites 2729 _look_--loke 2730 _waxen firste_--wexen fyrst 2733, 2734 _some_--som 2734 _oþir_--oothre 2753 _pupllisen_--H. publisshen) 2755 _edyfice_--MS. edyfite _a tyme_--H. oon) tyme 2758 _that_--H. omits _hirs_--H. his] [Headnote: THE LOVE OF LIFE IS INSTINCTIVE.] [Sidenote: Whatever is agreeable to the nature of a thing preserves it. So what is contrary to its nature destroys it.] {and} forsothe eu{er}y thing kepith thilke þ{a}t is acordynge 2764 {and} propre to hym // ryht as thinges þ{a}t ben contraryes {and} enemys corompen hem // [Sidenote: Dense bodies, such as stones, resist an easy separation of parts; whereas the particles of liquid or flowing things, such as air and water, are easily separated and soon reunited.] {and} yit the harde thinges as stoones clyuen {and} holden hyr partyes to gydere ryht faste {and} harde / {and} deffenden hem in withstondenge 2768 þ{a}t they ne departe nat lyhtly a twyne // {and} the thinges þ{a}t ben softe {and} fletynge as is water {and} Eyr they departyn lyhtly // {and} yeuen place to hem þ{a}t brekyn or deuyden hem // but natheles they retorne{n} 2772 sone ayein in to the same thinges fro whennes they ben arraced // [Sidenote: Fire avoids and utterly refuses any such division.] but fyr [fleet[-h]] {and} refuseth alle deuysyou{n} / [Sidenote: I am not now treating of the voluntary motion of a conscious soul, but of the natural intention and instinct.] ne I. ne trete nat heer{e} now of weleful moeuynges of the sowle þ{a}t is knowynge // but of the naturel entenciou{n} 2776 of thinges // [Sidenote: We swallow our meat without thinking of it, and we draw our breath in sleep without perception.] As thus ryht as we swolwe the mete þ{a}t we resseyuen {and} ne thinke nat on it / {and} as we drawen owr{e} breth in slepynge þ{a}t we wite it nat whil we slepyt // [Sidenote: The love of life in animals is not derived from an intellectual will, but from natural principles implanted in them.] For certes in the beestys the loue of hyr lyuynges ne of 2780 hyr beeinges ne comth nat of the wilnynges of the sowle // but of the bygynnyngis of natur{e} // [Sidenote: For the will, induced by powerful reasons, sometimes chooses and embraces death, although nature dreads and abhors it.] For certes thorw constreynynge causes / wil desireth {and} embraceth ful ofte tyme / the deth þ{a}t natur{e} dredith // that is to seyn [[pg 99]] as thus that a man may ben constreynyd so by som 2785 cause that his wil desireth and taketh the deth which þ{a}t natur{e} hateth {and} dredeth ful sore // [Sidenote: And, on the contrary, we see that concupiscence (by which alone the human race is perpetuated) is often restrained by the will.] And som tyme we seeth the contrarye / as thus that the wil of a wight / 2788 destorbeth {and} constreyneth þ{a}t þ{a}t natur{e} desireth / and requereth al-wey // that is to sein the werk of gen{er}aciou{n} / by the whiche gen{er}aciou{n} only / dwelleth {and} is sustenyd the longe durablete of mortal thinges // [Sidenote: Self-love possessed by every creature is not the product of volition, but proceeds from a natural impression or intention of nature.] And thus 2792 this charite and this Loue þ{a}t eu{er}y thing hath to hym self ne comth nat of the moeuynge of the sowle / but of the entenciou{n} of natur{e} // [Sidenote: Providence has implanted in all created things an instinct, for the purpose of self-preservation, by which they desire to prolong existence to its utmost limits.] For the puruyance of god hat yeuen to thinges þ{a}t ben creat of hym / this þ{a}t is 2796 a ful gret cause / to lyuen {and} to duren / for which they desiren naturelly hyr lyf as longe as eu{er} they mowen // [Linenotes: 2774 [_fleeth_]--from H. 2775 _weleful_--H. wilfull{e} 2779 _slepyt_--H. slepe{n} 2788 _seeth_--H. seen) _wil_--H. will{e} 2792 _And_--H. as 2796 _hat_--H. haue] [Headnote: THE WILL IS SUPERIOR TO INSTINCT.] [Sidenote: Doubt not, therefore, that everything which exists desires existence and avoids dissolution.] For w[h]ych thou maist nat drede by no manere / that alle the thinges / that ben anywher{e} / that they ne requeren 2800 naturelly / the ferme stablenesse of p{er}durable dwellynge / and ek the eschuynge of destruccyou{n} // [Sidenote: _B._ You have made those things perfectly plain and intelligible, which before were obscure and doubtful.] B // now confesse I. wel q{uod} I. that I. see wel now certeynly / w{i}t{h} owte dowtes / the thinges that whylom semeden 2804 vncerteyn to me / [Sidenote: _P._ That which desires to subsist desires also to retain its unity for if this be taken away it cannot continue to exist.] P. // but q{uod} she thilke thyng þ{a}t desiret[-h] to be {and} to dwellyn p{er}durablely / he desireth to ben oon // For yif þ{a}t that oon weer{e} destroied // certes beinge ne shulde ther non dwellyn to no wiht // [Sidenote: _B._ That is very true!] that 2808 is sot[-h] q{uod} I. // [Sidenote: _P._ All things then desire one thing--unity.] Thanne q{uod} she desirin alle thinges oon // [Sidenote: _B._ They do.] .I. assente q{uod} .I. // [Sidenote: _P._ Unity then is the same as good.] {and} I haue shewyd q{uod} she that thilke same oon is thilke that is good // [Sidenote: _B._ Yes.] B // ye forsothe q{uod} I. // [Sidenote: _P._ Thus all things desire good--and it is one and the same good that all creatures desire.] Alle thinges thanne q{uod} she requyren 2812 good // And thilke good thanne [þow] maist descryuen ryht thus // Good is thilke thing þ{a}t euery wyht desireth // [Sidenote: _B._ Nothing is more true. For either all things must be reduced to nothing (or have no relation to anything else), and, destitute of a head, float about without control or order; or if there be anything to which all things tend, that must be the supreme good.] Ther ne may be thowht q{uod} .I. no moor{e} verray thing / for either alle thinges ben referred {and} 2816 browht to nowht / {and} floteryn w{i}t{h} owte gou{er}nour despoiled of oon / as of hir propre heued / or elles yif [[pg 100]] ther be any thinge / to which þ{a}t alle thinges tenden {and} hyen / that thing moste ben the souereyn good of 2820 alle goodes / [Sidenote: _P._ I rejoice greatly, my dear pupil, that you so clearly apprehend this truth, of which but just now you were ignorant.] P /. thanne seyde she thus // O my norry q{uod} she I haue gret gladnesse of the // For thow hast fichched in thin herte the myddel sothtfastnesse // that is to seyn the prykke // but this thing hath ben 2824 descouered to the / in that thow seydyst þ{a}t thow wystest nat a lytel her by-forn // [Sidenote: _B._ What was that?] what was th{a}t q{uod} I. // [Headnote: THE END OF ALL THINGS.] [Sidenote: _P._ The _End of all things_. And this is what every one desires; but we have shown that _good_ is the thing desired by all, therefore _Good_ is the _End of all things_.] That thow ne wystest nat q{uod} she whych was the ende of thinges // and Certes that is the thing þ{a}t 2828 eu{er}y wiht desireth // and for as mochel as we han gaderid / {and} co{m}p{re}hendyd that good is thilke thing that is desired of alle / thanne moten we nedes confessun / that good is the fyn of alle thinges. 2832 [Linenotes: 2800 _the_--H. þo 2806 _perdurablely_--H. p{er}durably 2807 _destroied_--H. destrued 2811 _thilke_ (1)--H. ilke 2818 _heued or elles_--H. hede or els 2820 _hyen_--H. hyen) to _moste_--H. must] [Headnote: TRUTH INTUITIVE.] QUISQUIS P{RO}FUNDA MENTE. [Sidenote: [The .11. Met{ru}m.]] [Sidenote: He who seeks truth with deep research and is unwilling to go wrong, should collect his slumbering thoughts, and turn the inner light upon the soul itself.] ++WHo so that sekith sot[-h] by a deep thoght And coueyteth nat to ben deseyuyd by no mys-weyes // lat hym rollen {and} trenden w{i}t{h} Inne hym self / the Lyht of his inward syhte // And lat hym gader{e} ayein enclynynge 2836 in to a compas the longe moeuynges of hys thowhtes / [Sidenote: The knowledge that he seeks without he will find treasured up in the recesses of the mind.] And lat hym techen his corage that he hath enclosed {and} hyd / in his tresors / al þ{a}t he compaseth or sekith fro w{i}t{h} owte // [Sidenote: The light of Truth will disperse Error's dark clouds, and shine forth brighter than the sun.] And thanne thilke thing that the 2840 blake cloude of errour whilom hadde y-couered / shal lyhten more clerly tha{n}ne pheb{us} hym self ne shyneth // [Sidenote: [Chaucer's gloss.]] Glosa // who so wole seken the dep[e] grounde / of soth 2843 in his thowht / {and} wol nat be deceyuyd by false p{ro}posiciou{n}s / that goon amys fro the trouthe // lat hym wel examine / {and} rolle w{i}t{h} inne hym self the natur{e} {and} the p{ro}pretes of the thing // and lat hym yit eft sones examine {and} rollen his thowhtes by good deliberaciou{n} 2848 or that he deme // and lat hym techen his sowle that it [[pg 101]] hat by naturel pryncyplis kyndeliche y-hyd w{i}t{h} in it self alle the trowthe the whiche he ymagynith to ben in thinges w{i}t{h} owte // And thanne alle the dyrknesse of 2852 his mysknowynge shal seen more euydently to [þe] syhte of his vndyrstondynge thanne the sonne ne semyth to [þe] syhte w{i}t{h} owte forth / [Sidenote: For when the body enclosed the soul and cast oblivion o'er its powers it did wholly exterminate the heaven-born light.] For certes the body bryngynge the weyhte of foryetynge / ne hath nat chasyd 2856 owt of yowr{e} thowhte al the clernesse of yowre knowyng // [Sidenote: The germs of truth were latent within, and were fanned into action by the gentle breath of learning.] For certeynly the seed of sooth haldith {and} clyueth w{i}t{h} in yowr{e} corage / {and} it is a-waked {and} excited by the wynde {and} by the blastes of doctryne // [Sidenote: Were not truth implanted in the heart, how could man distinguish right from wrong?] For wher{e} 2860 for elles demen ye of yowr{e} owne wyl the ryhtes whan ye ben axed // but yif so wer{e} þ{a}t the noryssynges of resou{n} ne lyuede .I.-plowngyd in the depthe of yowr{e} herte // this [is] to seyn how sholden men demen þe 2864 sooth of any thing þ{a}t weer{e} axed / yif ther neer{e} a Roote of sothfastnesse þ{a}t weer{e} yplowngyd {and} hyd in the natur{e}[l] pryncyplis / the whiche sothfastnesse lyued w{i}t{h} in the depnesse of the thowght // [Sidenote: So, if what Plato taught is true, 'to learn is no other than to remember what had been before forgotten.'] {and} yif 2868 so be þ{a}t the Muse {and} the doctryne of plato syngyth sooth // al þ{a}t eu{er}y whyht lerneth / he ne doth no thing elles tha{n}ne but recordeth as me{n} recordyn thinges þ{a}t ben foryetyn. 2872 [Linenotes: 2838 _his_--H. þis _that_--H. {and} þ{a}t 2841 _blake_--H. blak _hadde y-couered_--H. had cou{er}ed 2842 _lyhten_--H. light 2843 _dep[e]_--C. dep, H. depe 2847 _thing_--H. þyng{es} 2863 _depthe_--H. depe 2864 [_is_]--from H. _sholden_--H. shulde 2867 _nature[l]_--H. nat{ur}ell{e}] [Headnote: THE WORLD GOVERNED BY GOD.] TUM EGO PLATONI INQ{UA}M. [Sidenote: [The .12. p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: _B._ I am quite of Plato's opinion, for you have now a second time recalled these things to my remembrance which had been forgotten, first by the contagious union of soul and body, and afterwards by the pressure of my afflictions.] ++THanne seide I thus // I acorde me gretly to plato / for thow remenbrist {and} recordist me thise thinges yit] [Sidenote: [*_Addit. MS. 10,340, fol. 23._]] *þe seconde tyme. þat is to seyn. first whan I lost[e] my memorie by þe co{n}tagio[-u]s coniuncc{i}ou{n} of þe body wiþ 2876 þe soule. {and} eftsones afterward whan I lost[e] it co{n}founded by þe charge {and} by þe burden of my sorwe. [Sidenote: _P._ If you will reflect upon the concessions you have already made, you will soon call to mind that truth, of which you lately confessed your ignorance.] ¶ And þan sayde she þus. ¶ If þou look[e] q{uo}d she firste þe þinges þat þou hast graunted it ne shal nat 2880 ben ry[gh]t feer þat þou ne shalt remembren þilke þing þat [[pg 102]] þou seidest þat þou nistest nat. [Sidenote: _B._ What is that?] what þing q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ It was, by what power the world is governed.] ¶ by whiche gouerme{n}t q{uo}d she þat þis worlde is gouerned. [Sidenote: _B._ With regard to that, I own I confessed my ignorance, but though I now remotely see what you infer, yet I wish for further explanation from you.] Me remembriþ it wel q{uo}d I. {and} I confesse 2884 wel þat I ne wist[e] it nat ¶ But al be it so þat I se now fro{m} afer what þou p{ur}posest ¶ Algates I desire [gh]it to herkene it of þe more pleynely. [Sidenote: _P._ You acknowledged a little while ago that this world was governed by God?] ¶ þou ne wendest nat q{uo}d she a litel here byforne þat men 2888 sholden doute þat þis worlde is gouerned by god. [Sidenote: _B._ I still cling to this opinion, and will give you my reasons for this belief.] ¶ Certys q{uo}d I ne [gh]itte doute I it nau[gh]t. ne I nil neuer wene þat it were to doute. as who seiþ. but I wot wel þat god gouerneþ þis worlde. ¶ And I shal 2892 shortly answere þe by what resou{n}s I am brou[gh]t to þis. [Sidenote: The discordant elements of this world would never have assumed their present form unless there had been a wise Intelligence to unite them; and even after such a union, the joining of such opposites would have disunited and ruined the fabric made up of them, had not the same conjoining hand kept them together.] ¶ þis worlde q{uod} I of so many dyuerse {and} co{n}trarious p{ar}ties ne my[gh]ten neuer han ben assembled in o forme. but yif þere ne were oon þat conioigned so many[e 2896 diu{er}se] þinges. ¶ And þe same diuersite of hire natures þat so discordeden þat oon fro þat oþer most[e] dep{ar}ten {and} vnioigne{n} þe þi{n}ges þat ben co{n}ioigned. yif þere ne were oon þat contened[e] þat he haþ co{n}ioigned 2900 {and} ybounde. [Sidenote: The order that reigns throughout nature could not proceed so regularly and uniformly if there were not a Being, unchangeable and stedfast, to order and dispose so great a diversity of changes.] ne þe certein ordre of nature ne sholde. nat brynge furþe so ordinee moeuynge. by places. by tymes. by doynges. by spaces. by qualites. yif þere ne were oon þat were ay stedfast dwellynge. 2904 þat ordeyned[e] {and} disposed[e] þise diuersites of moeuynges. [Sidenote: This Being, the creator and ruler of all things, I call God.] ¶ and þilke þinge what so euer it be. by whiche þat alle þinges ben maked {and} ylad. I clepe hym god þat is a worde þat is vsed to alle folke. 2908 [Sidenote: _P._ As thy sentiments on these points are so just I have but little more to do--for thou mayest be happy and secure, and revisit thy own country.] þan seide she. syn þou felest þus þise þinges q{uo}d she. I trowe þat I haue lytel more to done. þat þou my[gh]ty of wilfulnesse hool {and} sounde ne se eftsones þi contre. [Linenotes: 2875, 2877 _lost[e]_--loste 2878 _burden_--burdene 2879 _look[e]_--looke 2880 _firste_--fyrst 2883 _whiche_--which _gouerment_--gou{er}nement _worlde_--wordyl 2885 _wist[e]_--wiste 2887 _pleynely_--pleynly 2888 _here byforne_--her byforn 2889 _worlde is_--world nis 2890 _[gh]itte doute_--yit ne dowte _nil_--nel 2892 _wot_--MS. wote, C. wot 2892, 2894 _worlde_--world 2893 _answere_--answeren 2894 _many_--manye 2895 _my[gh]ten_--myhte 2896 _þere_--ther _many[e]_--manye 2897 [_diuerse_]--from C. _hire_--hir 2898 _most[e]_--moste 2900 _þere_--ther _contened[e]_--contenede _haþ_--MS. haþe 2902 _furþe_--forth _ordinee moeuynge_--ordene moeuynges 2904 _þere_--ther _stedfast_--stidefast 2905 _ordeyned[e]_--ordeynede _disposed[e]_--disponede 2907 _whiche_--which _ben_--be _ylad_--MS. yladde, C. I-ladd 2908 _worde_--word _folke_--foolk 2911 _wilfulnesse_--welefulnesse] [Headnote: GOD IS ALL-SUFFICIENT.] [Sidenote: But let us reflect a little more upon these matters.] ¶ But lat vs loken þe þinges þat we han p{ur}posed her-byforn. [[pg 103]] [Sidenote: Did we not agree that _Sufficiency_ is of the nature of true happiness?] ¶ Haue I nat nou{m}bred {and} seid q{uod} she 2913 þat suffisaunce is in blisfulnesse. [Sidenote: And have we not seen that God is that true felicity, and that He needs no external aid nor instruments?] {and} we han accorded þat god is {and} þilke same blisfulnesse. ¶ yis forsoþe q{uo}d I. {and} þat to gouerne þis worlde q{uod} she. ne shal he 2916 neuer han nede of none helpe fro wiþoute. [Sidenote: For if he should, he would not be self-sufficient.] for ellys yif he had[de] nede of any helpe. he ne sholde not haue [no] ful suffisau{n}ce. [gh]is þus it mot nedes be q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: And he directs all things by himself alone?] ¶ þan ordeyneþ he by hym self al oon alle þinges q{uo}d 2920 she. [Sidenote: _B._ It cannot be gainsaid.] þat may nat ben denied q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ I have shown that God is the chief good; God must, therefore, direct and order all things by _good_, since he governs them by himself, whom we have proved to be the _supreme good_, and he is that helm and rudder, by which this machine of the world is steadily and securely conducted.] ¶ And I haue shewed þat god is þe same good. ¶ It reme{m}breþ me wel q{uo}d I. ¶ þan ordeineþ he alle þinges by þilke goode q{uod} she. Syn he whiche we han accorded to 2924 ben good gouerneþ alle þi{n}g{us} by hym self. {and} he is a keye {and} a stiere by whiche þat þe edifice of þis worlde is ykept stable {and} wiþ oute corumpynge [Sidenote: _B._ I entirely agree to this, and partly anticipated your remarks.] ¶ I accorde me gretly q{uod} I. {and} I ap{er}ceiuede a litel here byforn 2928 þat þou woldest seyne þus. Al be it so þat it were by a þinne suspeciou{n}. [Sidenote: _P._ I believe it; for your eyes are now more intent upon these great truths relating to true felicity; but what I am going to say is not less open to your view.] I trowe it wel q{uo}d she. ¶ For as I trowe þou leedest nowe more ententifly þine eyen to loken þe verray goodes ¶ but naþeles þe þinges þat I 2932 shal telle þe [gh]it ne sheweþ nat lasse to loken. [Sidenote: _B._ What is that?] what is þat q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ As we believe that God governs all things by his goodness, and that all things have a natural tendency towards the _good_, can it be doubted but that they all voluntarily submit to the will and control of their ruler?] ¶ So as men trowen q{uo}d she {and} þat ry[gh]tfully þat god gouerneþ alle þinges by þe keye of his goodnesse. ¶ And alle þise same þinges as I [haue] 2936 tau[gh]t þe. hasten hem by naturel ente{n}c{i}ou{n} to comen to goode þer may no man doute{n}. þat þei ne ben gouerned uoluntariely. {and} þat þei ne conuerten [hem] nat of her owe{n} wille to þe wille of hire ordeno{ur}. 2940 [Linenotes: 2912 _han_--ha 2913 _seid_--MS. seide, C. seyd 2916 _worlde_--world 2917 _none helpe_--non help 2918 _had[de]_--hadde _helpe_--help 2919 [_no_]--from C. 2920 _al oon_--allone 2921 _ben denied_--be denoyed 2924, 2926 _whiche_--which 2925 _ben_--be 2926 _worlde_--world 2928 _gretly_--gretely _here_--her 2929 _seyne_--seye 2931 _nowe_--now 2932 _naþeles_--nat[h]les 2935 _ry[gh]tfully_--MS. on ry[gh]tfully 2936 [_haue_]--from C. 2938 _goode_--good 2939 [_hem_]--from C. 2940 _nat_--omitted _her_--hir _owen_--owne _wille_ (_both_)--wil _hire_--hyr] [Headnote: ALL THINGS SUBMIT TO GOD.] as þei þat ben accordyng {and} enclinynge to her gouerno{ur} {and} her kyng. [[pg 104]] [Sidenote: _B._ It cannot be otherwise. There would be no safety for those who obey, if the discord of a portion were allowed.] ¶ It mot nedys be so q{uo}d. I. [Sidenote: [* Fol. 23 _b_.]] *¶ For þe realme ne sholde not seme blisful [gh]if þere were a [gh]ok of mysdrawynges in diu{er}se p{ar}ties ne þe sauynge of 2944 obedient þinges ne sholde nat be. [Sidenote: _P._ Is there anything that follows the dictates of nature that seeks to counteract the will of God?] þan is þere no þing q{uo}d she þ{a}t kepiþ hys nature[;] þat enforceþ hym to gone a[gh]eyne god. [Sidenote: _B._ No.] ¶ No q{uo}d. I. [Sidenote: _P._ If there should be any such, it could not prevail against him, who is supremely happy and consequently omnipotent.] ¶ And if þat any þi{n}g enforced[e] hym to wiþstonde god. my[gh]t[e] it auayle at 2948 þe laste a[gh]eyns hym þat we han g{ra}unted to ben al my[gh]ty by þe ry[gh]t of blisfulnesse. ¶ Certis q{uo}d I al outerly it ne my[gh]t[e] nat auaylen hym. [Sidenote: Then there is nothing that either will or can withstand this supreme good?] þan is þere no þing q{uo}d she þat eyþer wol or may wiþstonde to þis 2952 souereyne good. [Sidenote: _B._ Nothing, certainly.] ¶ I trowe nat q{uo}d. I [Sidenote: _P._ It is then the supreme good that governs and orders all things powerfully and benignly.] ¶ þan is þilke þe souereyne good q{uo}d she þat alle þi{n}g{us} gouerneþ strongly {and} ordeyneþ hem softly. [Sidenote: _B._ I am delighted with your _conclusions_, but much more with your _language_; so that fools may be ashamed of their objections to the divine government.] þa{n} seide I þus. I delite me q{uo}d I nat oonly in þe endes or in þe 2956 so{m}mes of [the] resou{n}s þat þou hast concludid {and} p{ro}ued. ¶ But þilke wordes þat þ{o}u vsest deliten me moche more. ¶ So at þe last[e] fooles þat so{m}tyme renden greet[e] þinges au[gh]te{n} ben asshamed of hem 2960 self. [Sidenote: [Chaucer's gloss.]] ¶ þat is to seyne þ{a}t we fooles þat rep{re}henden wickedly þe þi{n}g{us} þat touchen goddes gouernaunce we au[gh]te{n} ben asshamed of oure self. As I þat seide god refuseþ oonly þe werkes of men. {and} ne entremetiþ nat 2964 of he{m}. [Sidenote: _P._ You have read the Poets' fables, how the Giants stormed heaven--how they were repulsed and punished according to their deserts; but may we not compare our reasons together, for by so doing some clear spark of truth may shine forth?] _p._ þou hast wel herd q{uo}d she þe fables of þe poetes. how þe geauntes assailden þe heuene wiþ þe goddes. but for soþe þe debonaire force of god disposed[e] hem so as it was worþi. þat is to seyne distroied[e] þe 2968 geauntes. as it was worþi. ¶ But wilt þou þat we ioygnen togedre þilke same resou{n}s. for p{er}auenture of swiche coniuncc{i}ou{n} may sterten vp some faire sp{er}kele of soþe [Sidenote: _B._ As you please.] ¶ Do q{uo}d I as þe list. [Sidenote: _P._ Is God omnipotent?] wenest þou q{uo}d she 2972 þat god ne is almy[gh]ty. no man is in doute of it. [[pg 105]] [Sidenote: _B._ No one doubts it.] Certys q{uo}d I no wy[gh]t ne defendiþ it if he be in hys mynde. [Linenotes: 2941 _her_--hyr 2943 _realme_--Reaume _seme_--semen 2945 _þere_--ther 2947 _gone a[gh]eyne_--goon ayein 2948 _enforced[e]_--enforcede _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte _auayle_--auaylen 2949 _a[gh]eyns_--a-yenis 2951 _outerly_--owtrely _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte _auaylen_--MS. aualeyne, C. auaylen _hym_--hem _þere_--ther 2952 _wol_--wole _wiþstonde_--w{i}t{h}-stondyn _þis souereyne_--his sou{er}eyn 2955 _softly_--softtely 2957 _sommes_--somme [_the_]--from C. 2959 _last[e]_--laste 2960 _greet[e]_--grete 2960, 2963 _au[gh]ten_--owhten 2961 _seyne_--seyn 2965 _of hem_--of it _herd_--MS. herde, C. herd 2967 _disposed[e]_--desposede 2968 _seyne distroied[e]_--seyn destroyede 2971 _swiche_--swych _some_--som 2972 _soþe_--soth _list_--liste 2973 _is_ (1)--be _man_--omitted _is_ (2)--nis 2974 _defendiþ_--dowteth] [Headnote: EVIL HAS NO EXISTENCE.] [Sidenote: _P._ If he is almighty, there are, then, no limits to his power?] but he q{uo}d she þat is al my[gh]ty þere nis no þing þat he ne may do. [Sidenote: _B._ He can doubtless do all things.] þat is soþe q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ May God do evil?] May god done yuel 2976 q{uo}d she. [Sidenote: _B._ No.] nay for soþe q{uo}d. I. [Sidenote: _P._ Is evil nothing, since God, who is almighty, cannot do it?] ¶ þan is yuel no þing q{uo}d she. ¶ Syn þat he ne may not done yuel þat may done alle þinges. [Sidenote: _B._ Dost thou mock me or play with me, leading me with thy arguments into an inextricable labyrinth, and enclosing me in a wonderful circle of Divine Simplicity?] scornest þou me q{uo}d. I. or ellys pleyest þou or deceiuest þou me. þat hast so wouen me 2980 wiþ þi resou{n}s. þe house of didalus so entrelaced. þat it is vnable to ben vnlaced. þou þat oþer while entrest þere þou issest {and} oþer while issest þere þou entrest. ne fooldest þou nat to gidre by replicac{i}ou{n} of wordes a 2984 maner wondirful cercle or envirounynge of symplicite deuyne. [Sidenote: For thou didst first begin with happiness, and didst say that it was the sovereign good, and that it resided in God; then, that God was that _Good_ and the perfection of happiness; and, hence, thou didst infer that nobody could be happy unless he became likewise a God.] ¶ For certys a litel her byforn{e} whan þou bygu{n}ne atte blisfulnesse þ{o}u seidest þat it is souereyne good. {and} seidest þat it is set in souereyne god. {and} þat 2988 god is þe ful[le] blisfulnesse. for whiche þou [gh]af[e] me as a couenable [gh]ifte. þat is to seyne þ{a}t no wy[gh]t nis blisful. but yif he be good al so þer wiþ [Sidenote: Again, thou saidst that the very form of good was the substance whereof God and happiness were composed, and that it was the object and desire of all things in nature.] {and} seidest eke þat þe forme of goode is þe substaunce of god. {and} 2992 of blisfulnesse. {and} seidest þ{a}t þilke same oone is þilke same goode þat is requered {and} desired of al þe kynde of þinges. [Sidenote: Thou didst prove that God rules the world by his goodness, and that all things willingly obeyed him; and that evil has no existence.] {and} þou p{ro}euedest in disputynge þat god gouerneþ alle [the] þinges of þe worlde by þe gouernementys 2996 of bountee. {and} seydest þat alle þinges wolen ybeyen to hym. and seidest þat þe nature of yuel nis no þing. [Sidenote: These truths you established by forcible and natural arguments, and by no strained and far-fetched reasons.] {and} þise þinges ne shewedest þou nat wiþ no resou{n}s ytake fro wiþoute but by proues in cercles {and} 3000 homelyche knowen. ¶ þe whiche p{ro}eues drawen to hem self hir feiþ {and} hir accorde eu{er}iche [of] hem of oþer. þan seide she þus. [Sidenote: _P._ I have not deluded you, for by the Divine aid we have accomplished our chief task.] I ne scorne þe nat ne pleye ne desseyue þe. but I haue shewed to þe þinge þat is grettest ouer [[pg 106]] alle þinges by þe [gh]ifte of god þat we some tyme prayden 3005 [Linenotes: 2975 _þere_--ther 2976 _do_--C. omits _soþe_--soth _done_--don 2978, 2979 _done_--don 2980 _wouen_--MS. wonnen, C. wouen 2981 _house_--hows 2983 _þere_ (_both_)--ther 2987 _atte_--at 2988 _set_--MS. sette, C. set 2989 _ful[le]_--fulle _whiche_--which _[gh]af[e]_--yaue 2990 _[gh]ifte_--yift _seyne_--seyn 2992, 2994 _goode_--good 2993 _oone_--oon 2994 _al_--alle 2996 [_the_]--from C. 2998 _ybeyen_--obeyen 2999 _no_ (2)--none 3000 _ytake_--I-taken 3001 _homelyche_--hoomlich 3002 _eueriche_--eu{er}ich [_of_]--from C. 3004 _þe þinge_--the the thing 3005 _[gh]ifte_--yift _some tyme prayden_--whilom preyeden] [Headnote: GOD IS LIKE A SPHERE.] [Sidenote: I have proved to you that it is an essential property of the Divine nature not to go out of itself, nor to receive into itself anything extraneous.] ¶ For þis is þe forme of [the] deuyne substaunce. þat is swiche þat it ne slydeþ nat in to outerest foreine þinges. ne ne rec[e]yueþ no st{ra}nge þinges in hym. 3008 [Sidenote: Parmenides says of the Deity that _God is like a well-rounded sphere_.] but ry[gh]t as p{ar}maynws seide in grek of þilke deuyne substaunce. he seide þus þat þilke deuyne substaunce torneþ þe worlde {and} þilke cercle moeueable of þinges while þilke dyuyne substau{n}ce kepiþ it self wiþ outen 3012 moeuynge. [Sidenote: He causes the moving globe to revolve, but is himself immovable.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 24.]] þat *is to seyne þat it ne moeuiþ neuere mo. {and} [gh]itte it moeueþ alle oþer þinges. [Sidenote: If I have chosen my arguments from the subjects within range of our discussion, do not let that surprise you, for, as Plato has taught us, there ought to be an alliance between the words and the subject of discourse.] but na-þeles yif I [haue] stered resou{n}s þat ne ben nat taken fro wiþ oute þe compas of þe þinge of whiche we treten. but resou{n}s 3016 þat ben bystowed wiþ i{n}ne þat compas þere nis nat whi þat þou sholde[st] merueylen. sen þou hast lerned by þe sentence of plato þat nedes þe wordes moten ben cosynes to þo þinges of whiche þei speken. 3020 [Linenotes: 3006 [_the_]--from C. 3007 _swiche_--swich 3009 _parmaynws_--a p{ar}manides 3011 _worlde_--world 3012 _while_--whil _wiþ outen_--w{i}t{h} owte 3013 _seyne_--seyn 3014 _[gh]itte_--yit _oþer_--oothre 3015 [_haue_]--from C. 3016 _whiche_--which 3017 _wiþ inne_--w{i}t{h} in 3020 _cosynes_--MS. conceyued, C. cosynes _þo_--þe _whiche_--which] [Headnote: THE POWER OF MUSIC.] FELIX QUI POTERIT. {ET} CET{ER}A. [Sidenote: [The .12. Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: Happy is he that hath seen the lucid spring of truth! Happy the man that hath freed himself from terrestrial chains!] ++Blisful is þat man þat may seen þe clere welle of good. blisful is he þat may vnbynde hym fro þe bonde of heuy erþe. [Sidenote: The Thracian poet, consumed with grief for the loss of his wife, sought relief from music.] ¶ þe poete of t{ra}ce [orphe{us}] þat somtyme hadde ry[gh]t greet sorowe for þe deeþ of hys wijf. [Sidenote: His mournful songs drew the woods along; the rolling rivers ceased to flow; the savage beasts became heedless of their prey; the timid hare was not aghast at the hound.] aftir þat 3024 he hadde maked by hys wepely songes þe wodes meueable to rennen. {and} hadde ymaked þe ryueres to stonden stille. {and} maked þe hertys {and} hyndes to ioignen dredles hir sides to cruel lyou{n}s to herkene his songe. 3028 {and} had[de] maked þat þe hare was nat agast of þe hounde whiche þat was plesed by hys songe. [Sidenote: But the songs that did all things tame, could not allay their master's ardent love.] so þat whane þe most[e] ardaunt loue of hys wijf brende þe entrailes of his brest. ne þe songes þat hadde ouer [[pg 107]] comen alle þinges ne my[gh]ten nat assuage hir lorde 3033 orpheus. [Sidenote: He bewailed the cruelty of the gods above, and descended to Pluto's realm.] ¶ He pleyned[e] hym of þe godes þat were{n} cruel to hym. he wente hym to þe houses of helle [Sidenote: There he struck his tuneful strings and sang, exhausting all the harmonious art imparted to him by his mother Calliope.] {and} þere he tempred[e] hys blaundissyng songes by resounyng 3036 of hys strenges. ¶ And spak {and} song in wepynge alle þat euer he hadde resceyued {and} laued oute of þe noble welles of hys modir calliope þe goddesse. [Sidenote: In songs dictated both by grief and love, he implored the infernal powers to give him back his Eurydice.] {and} he song wiþ as mychel as he my[gh]t[e] of 3040 wepynge. {and} wiþ as myche as loue þat doubled[e] his sorwe my[gh]t[e] [gh]euen hym {and} teche hy{m} in his seke h{er}te. ¶ And he commoeuede þe helle {and} requered[e] {and} sou[gh]te by swete p{re}iere þe lordes of soules in helle 3044 of relesynge. þat is to seyne to [gh]elden hym hys wif. [Sidenote: Cerberus, Hell's three-headed porter, stood amazed;] ¶ Cerberus þe porter of helle wiþ his þre heuedes was cau[gh]t {and} al abaist for þe new[e] songe. [Sidenote: the Furies, tormentors of guilty souls, did weep;] {and} þe þre goddesses furijs {and} vengerisse of felonies þat to{ur}mente{n} 3048 {and} agaste{n} þe soules by anoye wexen sorweful {and} sory {and} wepen teres for pitee. [Sidenote: Ixion, tormented by the revolving wheel, found rest;] þan was nat þe heued of Ixion{e} yto{ur}mented by þe ou{er}þrowi{n}g whele. [Sidenote: Tantalus, suffering from a long and raging thirst, despised the stream;] ¶ And tantalus þat was destroied by þe woodnesse of longe 3052 þrust dispiseþ þe flodes to drynke. [Sidenote: and the greedy vulture did cease to eat and tear the growing liver of Tityus.] þe fowel þat hy[gh]t voltor þat etiþ þe stomak or þe giser of ticius is so fulfilled of his songe þat it nil etyn ne tyren no more. [Linenotes: 3022 _vnbynde_--vnbyndyn _bonde_--bondes 3023 [_orpheus_]--from C. _somtyme_--whilom 3024 _sorowe_--sorwe 3028 _dredles_--dredeles _to herkene_--forto herknen 3029 _had[de]_--hadde 3030 _þat_ (2)--omitted 3031 _most[e]_--moste 3032 _hadde_--hadden 3033 _assuage_--asswagen _lorde_--lord 3034 _pleyned[e]_--pleynede _godes_--heuene goodes 3035 _wente_--MS. wenten, C. wente 3036 _tempred[e] hys_--temprede hise 3037 _of hys_--C. omits _spak_--MS. spakke, C. spak _song_--MS. songe, C. soonge 3038 _alle_--al 3039 _oute_--owt _goddesse_--goddes 3040 _song_--MS. songe, C. soonge _mychel_--mochel 3041 _myche_--moche _doubled[e]_--dowblede 3042 _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte _[gh]euen_--yeue _teche_--thechen _in----herte_--omitted 3043 _commoeuede_--MS. comaunded, C. co{m}moeuede 3044 _sou[gh]te_--by-sowhte 3045 _[gh]elden_--yilden 3046 _his_--hise 3047 _cau[gh]t_--MS. cau[gh]te, C. cawht _new[e] songe_--newe song 3049 _anoye----sorweful_--anoy woxen soruful 3050 _þan_--tho ne 3051 _whele_--wheel 3053 _þrust_--thurst _hy[gh]t_--hihte 3054 _fulfilled_--fulfyld 3055 _songe_--song] [Headnote: FIX NOT THE THOUGHTS ON EARTHLY THINGS.] [Sidenote: At length Pluto himself relented, crying out, 'We are overcome! Let us give him back his wife, he hath well won her by his song.] ¶ Atte þe laste þe lorde {and} Iuge of soules was moeued 3056 to misericordes {and} cried[e] we ben ouer comen q{uo}d he. yif[e] we to orpheus his wijf to bere hym co{m}paignye he haþ welle I-bou[gh]t hir by his faire songe {and} his ditee. [[pg 108]] [Sidenote: But we will lay this injunction upon him. Till he escape the infernal bounds, he shall not cast a backward look.'] but we wil putte{n} a lawe in þis. {and} couenaunt 3060 in þe [gh]ifte. þ{a}t is to seyne. þat til he be out of helle yif he loke byhynden hym [þ{a}t] hys wijf shal come{n} a[gh]eine to vs [Sidenote: But, who shall give a lover any law? Love is a greater law than may be given to any earthly man.] ¶ but what is he þat may [gh]eue a lawe to loueres. loue is a gretter lawe {and} a strengere to 3064 hym self þan any lawe þ{a}t men may [gh]euen. [Sidenote: Alas! having left the realms of night, Orpheus cast a look behind and lost his too-much-loved Euridice.] ¶ Allas whan Orpheus {and} his wijf were al most at þe termes of þe ny[gh]t. þat is to seyne at þe last[e] boundes of helle. Orpheus loked[e] abakwarde on Erudice his wijf {and} 3068 lost[e] hir {and} was deed. [Sidenote: This fable belongs to all you, whose minds would view the Sovereign Good.] ¶ þis fable app{er}teineþ to [gh]ow alle who so euer desireþ or sekiþ to lede his þou[gh]te in to þe souereyne day. þat is to seyne to clerenes[se] of souereyne goode. [Sidenote: For he who fixes his thoughts upon earthly things and low, must lose the noble and heaven-imparted Good.] ¶ For who so þat eu{er}e be so ouer 3072 come{n} þat he fycche hys eyen in to þe put[te] of helle. þat is to seyne who so setteþ his þou[gh]tes in erþely þinges. al þat euer he haþ drawen of þe noble good celestial he lesiþ it whan he lokeþ þe helles. þat is to 3076 seyne to lowe þinges of þe erþe. EXPLICIT LIBER TERCIUS. [Linenotes: 3056 _Atte_--At _lorde_--lord 3057 _cried[e]_--cryde 3058 _yif[e]_--yiue 3059 _haþ_--MS. haþe _welle_--wel _faire_--C. omits _songe_--song 3060 _wil putten_--wol putte 3062 _byhynden_--by-hynde [_þat_]--from C. 3063 _to_--vn-to 3064 _gretter_--gret 3066 _were al most_--weren almest 3067 _last[e]_--laste 3068 _loked[e] abakwarde_--lookede abacward 3069 _lost[e]_--loste 3070 _þou[gh]te_--thowht 3071 _clerenes[se]_--clernesse 3072 _souereyne goode_--sou{er}eyn god 3073 _put[te]_--putte 3074 _setteþ_--sette 3075 _haþ_--MS. haþe] [Headnote: THE EXISTENCE OF EVIL.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 24 _b_.]] *INCIPIT LIBER QUARTUS. HEC CUM PHILOSOPHIA DIGNITATE UULT{US}. [Sidenote: [The 1^ma p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: When P. with grace and dignity had poured forth her songs, I, not quite quit of my load of grief, interrupted her as she was continuing her discourse.] ++Whanne philosophie hadde songe{n} softly {and} delitably þe forseide þinges kepynge þe dignitee of hir choere in þe wey[gh]te of hir wordes. I þan þat ne hadde 3080 nat al out{er}ly for[gh]eten þe wepyng {and} mournyng þat was set in myne herte for-brek þe entenc{i}ou{n} of hir þat entended[e] [gh]itte to seyne oþ{er} þinges. [Sidenote: All your discourses, O my conductress to the true light! have been very clear and unanswerable, both by the divine testimony which they carry along with them, and by thy irrefragable arguments.] ¶ Se q{uo}d I. þou þat art gideresse of verray ly[gh]te þe þinges þat þou 3084 hast seid [me] hider to ben to me so clere {and} so shewyng [[pg 109]] by þe deuyne lokyng of hem {and} by þi resou{n}s þat þei ne mowe nat ben ouercomen. [Sidenote: Through the oppression of grief I had forgotten these truths, but was not wholly ignorant of them.] ¶ And þilke þi{n}g{us} þat þou toldest me. al be it so þat I hadde som tyme 3088 fo[r][gh]eten hem for [the] sorwe of þe wronge þat haþ ben don to me. [gh]it naþeles þei ne were nat alouterly vnknowen to me. [Sidenote: The principal cause of my trouble is this--that, whilst the absolute Ruler of all things is goodness itself, evil exists and is allowed to pass unpunished.] but þis same is namly a gret cause of my sorwe. þat so as þe gouernoure of þinges is goode. 3092 yif þat yuelys mowen ben by any weyes. or ellys yif þat yuelys passen wiþ outen punyssheinge. [Sidenote: This, to say the least, is astonishing.] þe whiche þinge oonly how worþi it is to ben wondred vpon. þou considerest it weel þi self certeynly. [Sidenote: Moreover, while _vice_ flourishes _virtue_ is not only unrewarded, but trampled under foot by base and profligate men, and suffers the punishment due to impiety.] but [gh]itte to þis 3096 þing þere is an oþer þing y-ioigned more to ben ywondred vpon. ¶ For felonie is emperisse {and} flowreþ ful of rycchesse. and vertues nis nat al oonly wiþ outen medes. but it is cast vndir {and} fortroden vndir þe feet of felonous 3100 folk. {and} it abieþ þe to{ur}me{n}tes in sted of wicked felou{n}s [Sidenote: Here is cause for wonderment, since such things are possible under the government of an omniscient and omnipotent God, who wills nothing but what is the best.] ¶ Of al[le] whiche þing þer nis no wy[gh]t þat [may] merueyllen ynou[gh] ne compleyne þat swiche þinges ben don in þe regne of god þat alle þinges woot. 3104 and alle þinges may {and} ne wool nat but only goode þinges. [Sidenote: _P._ It were indeed, not only marvellous, but also horribly monstrous, if, in the well-regulated family of so great a master, the worthless vessels should be honoured and the precious ones be despised:--but it is not so.] ¶ þan seide she þus. certys q{uo}d she þat were a grete meruayle {and} an enbaissynge wiþouten ende. {and} wel more horrible þan alle monstres yif it were as 3108 þ{o}u wenest. þat is to sein. þat in þe ry[gh]t ordeyne house of so mochel a fader {and} an ordenour of meyne. þat þe vesseles þat ben foule {and} vyle sholde ben hono{ur}ed {and} heried. and þe p{re}cious uesseles sholde ben defouled 3112 {and} vyle. but it nis nat so. [Sidenote: For if the conclusions we have come to, be sound and irrefragable, we must confess that under God's rule the _good_ are always powerful and mighty, and the _wicked_ weak and contemptible;] For yif þe þinges þat I haue co{n}cluded a litel here byforne ben kept hoole [[pg 110]] {and} vnraced. þou shalt wel knowe by þe auctorite of god. of þe whos regne I speke þat certys þe good[e] 3116 folk ben alwey my[gh]ty. {and} shrewes ben alwey yuel {and} feble. [Sidenote: that vice never passes unpunished, nor virtue goes unrewarded;] ne þe vices ben neu{e}re mo wiþ outen peyne[;] ne þe vertues ne ben nat wiþ outen mede. [Sidenote: that happiness attends good men, and misfortune falls to the lot of the wicked.] and þat blisfulnesses comen alwey to goode folke. {and} infortune comeþ 3120 alwey to wicked folke. [Sidenote: These and many other truths of like nature shall be proved to thee, and shall put an end to thy complaints, and strengthen thee with firmness and solidity.] ¶ And þou shalt wel knowe many[e] þinges of þis kynde þ{a}t sholle cessen þi pleyntes. {and} stedfast þe wiþ stedfast saddenesse. [Sidenote: Having shown you a picture of true felicity, and wherein it resides, I shall now trace out the way which will lead you to your home.] ¶ And for þou hast seyn þe forme of þe verray blisfulnesse by me þat 3124 [haue] somtyme I-shewed it þe. And þou hast knowen i{n} whom blysfulnesse is set. alle þinges I treted þ{a}t I trowe ben nessessarie to put[te] furþe ¶ I shal shewe þe. þe weye þat shal brynge þe a[gh]eyne vnto þi house 3128 [Sidenote: I will give your soul wings to soar aloft, so that all tribulation being removed, you may, under my guiding, by my road, and with my vehicle, return whole and sound into your own country.] {and} I shal ficche feþeres in þi þou[gh]t by whiche it may arysen in hey[gh]te. so þat al tribulac{i}ou{n} don awey þou by my gidyng & by my paþe {and} by my sledes shalt mowen retourne hool {and} sounde in to þi contre. 3132 [Linenotes: 3078 _softly_--softely 3080 _choere in_--cheere {and} 3082 _set_--MS. sette, C. set _myne_--Myn _for-brek_--MS. for-breke, C. Forbrak 3083 _entended[e]_--entendede 3084 _ly[gh]te_--lyht 3085 _seid_--MS. seide, C. seid [_me_]--from C. 3086 _þi_--the 3087 _mowe_--mowen 3088 _som tyme_--whilom 3089 [_the_]--from C. _wronge_--wrong _haþ_--MS. haþe 3090 _don_--MS. done, C. don _were_--weeren 3091 _namly_--namely 3092 _goode_--good 3094 _wiþ outen_--w{i}t{h} owte 3095 _þinge_--thing 3097 _þere_--ther _ben ywondred_--be wondryd 3098 _flowreþ_--MS. folweþ, C. flowrith 3099 _rycchesse_--Rychesses _vertues_--vertu _wiþ outen_--w{i}t{h} owte 3101 _in sted_--in stide 3102 _wicked_--wikkede _al[le]_--alle _þing_--thinges 3103 [_may_]--from C. 3104 _don_--MS. done, C. doon 3105 _wool_--wole _goode_--good 3107 _grete_--gret _enbaissynge_--enbasshinge 3108 _alle_--al 3109 _ordeyne house_--ordenee hows 3111, 3113 _vyle_--vyl 3112 _heried_--he heryed _sholde_--sholden 3113 _þe_--tho 3114 _here byforne_--her byforn _kept_--MS. kepte, C. kept 3116 _good[e]_--goode 3117 _alwey_ (2)----_feble_--alwey owt cast {and} feble 3118, 3119 _wiþ outen_--w{i}t{h} owte 3119 _vertues_--vertuus 3122 _many[e]_--manye _sholle cessen_--shollen cesen 3123 _stedfast----stedfast_--strengthyn the w{i}t{h} stidfast 3124 _seyn_--MS. seyne, C. seyn 3125 [_haue_]--from C. _somtyme_--whilom 3126 _set_--MS. sette, C. I-set 3127 _put[te] furþe_--putten forth 3128 _weye_--wey _brynge_--bryngen _þi house_--thin hows 3129 _ficche_--fycchen 3130 _arysen_--areysen _don_--MS. done, C. ydoñ 3131 _paþe_--paath _shalt mowen_--shal mowe 3132 _sounde_--sownd] [Headnote: VIRTUE NEVER GOES UNREWARDED.] SU{N}T ETENIM PENNE. {ET} C{ETERA}. [Sidenote: [The fyrste met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: I have nimble wings that enable the mind to rise from earth to heaven, to leave the clouds behind, to pass the region of perpetual flame, and to reach the starry mansion, journeying either by Phoebus' radiant path, or accompanying cold and aged Saturn, or riding, as a soldier, with Mars.] ++I Haue for soþe swifte feþeres þat surmou{n}ten þe hey[gh]t of þe heuene whan þe swifte þou[gh]t haþ cloþed it self. in þo feþeres it dispiseþ þe hat[e]ful erþes. {and} surmou{n}teþ þe hey[gh]enesse of þe greet[e] eyir. {and} it seiþ þe 3136 cloudes by-hynde hir bak {and} passeþ þe hey[gh]t of þe regiou{n} of þe fire þat eschaufiþ by þe swifte moeuyng of þe firmament. til þat she a-reisiþ hir in til þe houses þ{a}t beren þe sterres. {and} ioygneþ hir weyes wiþ þe sonne [[pg 111]] phebus. {and} felawshipeþ þe weye of þe olde colde 3141 saturnus. and she ymaked a kny[gh]t of þe clere sterre. [Sidenote: [Chaucer's Gloss.]] þat is to seyne þat þe soule is maked goddys kny[gh]t by þe sekyng of treuþe to comen to þe verray knowlege of 3144 god. [Sidenote: Through every sphere she (the mind) runs where night is most cloudless and where the sky is decked with stars, until she reaches the heaven's utmost sphere--] [Sidenote: [* fol. 25.]] and þilke soule renne[þ] by þe cercle *of þe sterres in alle þe places þere as þe shynyng ny[gh]t is depeynted. þat is to seyne þe ny[gh]t þat is cloudeles. for on ny[gh]tes þat ben cloudeles it semeþ as þe heuene were peynted wiþ 3148 dyuerse ymages of sterres. {and} whan þe soule haþ gon ynou[gh] she shal forleten þe last[e] poynt of þe heuene. [Linenotes: 3133 _hey[gh]t of þe heuene_--heyhte of heuene 3134 _haþ_--MS. haþe 3136 _hey[gh]enesse----eyir_--Rou{n}dnesse of the grete ayr _seiþ_--seth 3137 _hir_--his 3138 _fire_--Fyr _eschaufiþ_--MS. eschaufiþe 3139 _she_--he _hir_--hym 3140 _hir_--his 3141 _weye_--wey _þe----saturnus_--MS. saturnus þe olde colde 3142 _saturnus_--sat{ur}nis _she_--he 3143 _soule_--thowght 3144 _treuþe_--trowthe _knowlege_--knoleche 3145 _soule_--thoght 3146 _depeynted_--painted 3149-50 _and whan----she shal_--{and} whanne he hath I-doon ther{e} I-nowh he shal 3149 _haþ_--MS. haþe 3150 _þe last[e]----heuene_--the laste heuene] [Headnote: VICE IS ALWAYS PUNISHED.] [Sidenote: then pressing on she shall be prepared to see the true Source of Light, where the great King of kings bears his mighty sceptre, and holds the reins of the universe.] {and} she shal p{re}ssen {and} wenden on þe bak of þe swifte firmament. and she shal ben maked p{er}fit of þe dredefulle 3152 clerenesse of god. ¶ þere haldeþ þe lorde of kynges þe ceptre of his my[gh]t {and} atte{m}p{er}eþ þe gouernementes of þis worlde. [Sidenote: Here the great Judge, standing in shining robes, firmly guides his winged chariot, and rules the tumultuous affairs of the world.] {and} þe shynynge iuge of þinges stable i{n} hy{m} self gouerneþ þe swifte carte. þat is to seyne þe 3156 circuler moeuyng of [the] sonne. [Sidenote: If you at length shall arrive at this abode, you will say this is my country--here I was born--and here will I abide.] {and} yif þi weye ledeþ þe a[gh]eyne so þat þou be brou[gh]t þider. þan wilt þou seye now þat þat is þe contre þat þou requeredest of whiche þou ne haddest no mynde. but now it remenbreþ me wel 3160 here was I born. here wil I fastne my degree. here wil I dwelle. [Sidenote: And should you deign to look on the gloomy earth, you'll see those tyrants, the fear of wretched folk, banished from those fair realms.] but yif þe lyke þan to loken on þe derkenesse of þe erþe þat þou hast for-leten. þan shalt þou seen þat þise felonous tyrauntes þat þe wrecched[e] poeple dredeþ 3164 now shule ben exiled from þilke faire contre. [Linenotes: 3151-2 _she_--he 3152-3 _of þe----of god_--of the worshipful lyht of god 3153 _þere haldeþ_--ther halt 3155 _þis worlde_--the world 3156 _carte_--cart or wayn 3157 [_the_]--from C. 3159 _whiche_--which 3161 _here_ (1, 2, 3)--her _born_--MS. borne, C. born _wil_ (1)--wol _wil_ (2)--wole 3162 _lyke_--liketh _derkenesse_--dyrknesses 3164 _wrecched[e]_--wrecchede 3165 _shule_--shollen _from_--fro] [[pg 112]] [Headnote: THE GOOD ARE ALWAYS STRONG.] TUNC EGO PAPE INQ{UA}M. {ET} C{ETERA}. [Sidenote: [The 2^e p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: _B._ Ah! thou promisest me great things indeed!--but without delay, satisfy the expectations you have raised.] ++ÞAnne seide I þus. [owh] I wondre me þat þou by-hetest me so grete þinges. ne I ne doute nat þat þ{o}u ne mayst wel p{er}forme þat þou by-hetest. but I preie þe 3168 oonly þis. þat þou ne tarie nat to telle me þilke þinges þat þou hast meoued. [Sidenote: _P._ You must first be convinced that the good are always strong and powerful and the wicked destitute of strength.] first q{uo}d she þou most nedes knowen. þ{a}t good[e] folk ben al wey strong[e] {and} my[gh]ty. and þe shrewes ben feble {and} desert {and} naked 3172 of alle strengþes. [Sidenote: These assertions do mutually demonstrate each other.] and of þise þinges certys eueryche of hem is declared {and} shewed by oþ{er}. [Sidenote: For since good and evil are contrary, if good be powerful evil must be impotent.] ¶ For so as good {and} yuel ben two cont{ra}ries. yif so be þat goode be stedfast. þa{n} sheweþ þe fieblesse of yuel al openly. 3176 [Sidenote: And if the frailty of evil is known, the strength and stability of good must also be known to you.] and yif þou knowe clerely þe freelnesse of yuel. þe stedfastnesse of goode is knowen. [Sidenote: But to convince you I shall proceed to prove it from both these principles, establishing these truths, by arguments drawn first from one of these topics and then from the other.] but for as moche as þe fey of my sentence shal be þe more ferme {and} habou{n}daunt. I wil goon by þat oon wey {and} by þat oþer {and} I wil conferme 3180 þe þinges þat ben p{ur}posed now on þis side {and} now on þ{a}t syde. [Sidenote: Two things are necessary to every action--the Will and the Power; if either be wanting, nothing can be effected.] ¶ Two þinges þer ben in whiche þe effect of alle þe dedes of man kynde standiþ. þat is to seyn. wil {and} power. and yif þat oon of þise two fayleþ 3184 þere nis no þing þat may be don. [Sidenote: A man can do nothing without the concurrence of his will, and if power faileth the will is of no effect.] for yif þat wil lakkeþ þere nys no wy[gh]t þat vndirtakeþ to done þat he wol not don. and yif power fayleþ þe wille nis but i{n} ydel {and} stant for nau[gh]t. [Sidenote: Hence, if you see a person desirous of getting what he cannot procure, you are sure he lacks power to obtain it.] and þer of comeþ it þat yif þou se a 3188 wy[gh]t þat wolde gete{n} þat he may nat geten. þou mayst nat douten þat power ne fayleþ hy{m} to haue{n} þat he wolde. ¶ þis is open {and} clere q{uo}d I. ne it may nat ben denyed in no manere. [Sidenote: And if you see another do what he had a mind to do, can you doubt that he had the power to do it?] and yif þou se a wy[gh]t q{uo}d 3192 she. þat haþ don þat he wolde don þ{o}u nilt nat douten þat he ne haþ had power to done it. [Sidenote: _B._ No, surely. _P._ A man, then, is esteemed powerful in respect of what he is able to do, and weak in relation to what he is unable to perform.] no q{uo}d. I. and in þat. þat euery wy[gh]t may. in þat þat men may holden hym my[gh]ty. as who seiþ i{n} as moche as a man is my[gh]ty [[pg 113]] to done a þing. in so moche men halden hy{m} my[gh]ty. 3197 and in þat þat he ne may. in þat men demen hym to ben feble. [Sidenote: _B._ That is true.] I confesse it wel q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ Do you remember that I proved that the will of man, following different pursuits, seeks happiness only?] Remembriþ þe q{uo}d she þat I. haue gadred {and} shewed by forseide resou{n}s 3200 þat al þe entenc{i}ou{n} of þe wil of ma{n}kynde whiche þat is lad by diuerse studies hastiþ to comen to blisfulnesse. ¶ It reme{m}breþ me wel q{uo}d I þat it hath ben shewed. [Linenotes: 3166 [_owh_]--from C. 3171 _good[e]_--goode _strong[e]_--stronge 3172 _desert_--dishert 3173 _eueryche_--eu{er}ich 3175 _goode_--good 3176 _stedfast_--stidefast 3177 _freelnesse_--frelenesse _stedfastnesse_--stidefastnesse 3178 _goode_--good 3180 _oon_--oo _wil_ (2)--wole 3185-6 _þere_--ther 3185 _don_--MS. done, C. don 3186 _done_--don 3187 _wille_--wil 3188 _comeþ_--comht 3189 _mayst_--MS. mayste, C. mayst 3191 _clere_--cler 3192 _denyed_--denoyed 3193-4 _haþ_--MS. haþe 3193 _don_ (_both_)--MS. done, C. doon 3194 _had_--MS. hadde, C. had _done_--doon 3196 _as moche_--so moche 3197 _done_--doon _moche_--mochel _halden_--halt 3201 _whiche_--which 3202 _lad_--MS. ladde, C. lad 3203 _it hath ben_--MS. I herde þe, C. it hath ben] [Headnote: THE IMPOTENCY OF THE WICKED.] [Sidenote: Do you recollect too, that it has been shown that happiness is the supreme good of men--and all desire this good, since all seek happiness?] {and} recordeþ þe nat þan q{uo}d she. þat blisfulnesse is 3204 þilke same goode þat men requeren. [Sidenote: [* fol. 25 _b_.]] so þat whan þat blisfulnesse is requered *of alle. þat goode [also] is requered {and} desired of al. It recordeþ me wel q{uo}d I. for haue it gretly alwey ficche[d] in my memorie. [Sidenote: All men, then, good and bad, seek to acquire good?] alle 3208 folk þan q{uo}d she goode {and} eke badde enforcen he{m} wiþ oute difference of entenc{i}ou{n} to come{n} to goode. þat is a uerray consequence q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: And it is certain that when men obtain good they become good?] and certeyne is q{uo}d she þat by þe gety{n}g of goode ben men ymaked goode. 3212 [Sidenote: _B._ It is most certain.] þis is certeyne q{uo}d. I. [Sidenote: _P._ Do good men, then, get what they desire?] ¶ þan geten goode men þat þei desiren. [Sidenote: _B._ It seems so.] so semeþ it q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ If evil men obtain the good, they can be no longer evil?] but wicked[e] folk q{uo}d she yif þei geten þe goode þat þei desire{n} þei [ne] mowen nat ben wicked. [Sidenote: _B._ It is so.] so is it q{uo}d .I. [Sidenote: _P._ Since then both parties pursue the good, which only the virtuous obtain, we must believe that good men are powerful, and that the wicked are weak and feeble?] ¶ þan so as 3216 þat oon {and} þat oþer [q{uod} she] desiren good. {and} þe goode folk geten good {and} nat þe wicked folk ¶ þan nis it no doute þat þe goode folk ne ben my[gh]ty {and} þe wicked folk ben feble. [Sidenote: _B._ None can doubt this, save such as either consider not rightly the nature of things, or are incapable of comprehending the force of any reasoning.] ¶ who so þat euer q{uo}d I 3220 douteþ of þis. he ne may nat considre þe nature of þi{n}ges. ne þe consequence of resou{n}. and ouer þis q{uo}d she. [Linenotes: 3205-6 _goode_--good 3206 [_also_]--from C. 3207 _al_--alle _It----I_--it ne recordeth me nat q{uod} I 3210-12(1)-15 _goode_--good 3214 _wicked[e]_--wikkede 3215 [_ne_]--from C. 3216 _mowen_--mowe 3217 [_quod she_]--from C. 3218 _wicked_--wilk{e} (? wikke) 3220 _wicked_--wikkede] [Headnote: THE WICKED DO NOT SEEK ARIGHT THE SUPREME GOOD.] [Sidenote: _P._ If two beings have the same end in view--and one of them accomplishes his purpose by the use of natural means, while the other not using legitimate means does not attain his end--which of these two is the most powerful?] ¶ yif þat þer ben two þinges þat han o same 3223 p{ur}pos by kynde. {and} þat one of he{m} p{ur}sueþ {and} p{er}formeþ þilke same þinge by naturel office. {and} þat oþer ne may nat done þilk naturel office. but folweþ by oþer manere þan is couenable to nat{ur}e ¶ Hym þat acomplisiþ hys p{ur}pos kyndely. {and} [gh]it he ne acomplisiþ [[pg 114]] nat hys owen purpos. wheþer of þise two demest 3229 þou for more my[gh]ty. [Sidenote: _B._ Illustrate your meaning more clearly.] ¶ yif þat I coniecte q{uo}d .I. þat þou wilt seye algates. [gh]it I desire to herkene it more pleynely of þe. [Sidenote: _P._ The motion of walking is natural to man? And this motion is the natural office of the feet? Do you grant this?] þou nilt nat þan denye q{uo}d she þat þe 3232 moeueme{n}t[gh] of goynge nis in men by kynde. no for soþe q{uo}d I. ne þou ne doutest nat q{uo}d she þ{a}t þilke naturel office of goynge ne be þe office of feet. [Sidenote: _B._ I do.] I ne doute it nat q{uo}d .I. [Sidenote: _P._ If, then, he who is able to use his feet walks, whilst another lacking this power creeps on his hands--surely he that is able to move naturally upon his feet is more powerful than he who cannot.] þan q{uo}d she yif þat a wy[gh]t be my[gh]ty to 3236 moeue {and} goþ vpon hys feet. and anoþer to whom þilke naturel office of feet lakkeþ. enforceþ hym to gone crepynge vpo{n} hys handes. ¶ whiche of þise two au[gh]te to ben holden more my[gh]ty by ry[gh]t. knyt furþe þe remenaunt 3240 q{uo}d I. ¶ For no wy[gh]t ne douteþ þat he þat may gone by nat{ur}el office of feet. ne be more my[gh]ty þan he þat ne may nat [Sidenote: _P._ The good and bad seek the supreme good: the good by the natural means of virtue--the wicked by gratifying divers desires of earthly things (which is not the natural way of obtaining it).] ¶ but þe souereyne good q{uo}d she þat is euenlyche p{ur}posed to þe good folk {and} to 3244 badde. þe good folke seken it by naturel office of uertues. {and} þe shrewes enforcen hem to geten it by dyuerse couetise of erþely þinges. whiche þat nis no naturel office to geten þilke same souereyne goode. 3248 [Sidenote: Do you think otherwise?] trowest þou þat it be any oþer wyse. [Sidenote: _B._ The consequence is plain, and that follows from what has been granted--that the good are powerful, while the wicked are feeble.] nay q{uo}d .I. for þe co{n}seque{n}ce is open {and} shewynge of þinges þat I haue graunted. ¶ þat nedes goode folk moten ben my[gh]ty. {and} shrewes feble {and} vnmy[gh]ty. [Sidenote: _P._ You rightly anticipate me; for it is a good sign, as physicians well know, when Nature exerts herself and resists the malady.] ¶ þou rennest ary[gh]t 3252 byfore me q{uo}d she. {and} þis is þe iugement þat is to seyn. ¶ I iuge of þe ry[gh]t as þise leches ben wont forto hopen of seke folk whan þei ap{er}ceyuen þat nature is redressed {and} wiþstondeþ to þe maladie. [Sidenote: But, as you are so quick of apprehension, I shall continue this mode of reasoning.] ¶ But for I 3256 see þe now al redy to þe vndirstandynge I shal shewe þe more þilke {and} continuel resou{n}s. [Sidenote: The weakness of the wicked is conspicuous--they cannot attain the end to which their natural disposition prompts and almost compels them; what would become of them without this natural prompting, so powerful and irresistible?] ¶ For loke now how gretly shewiþ þe feblesse {and} infirmite of wicked [[pg 115]] folke. þat ne mowen nat come to þat hire naturel 3260 entenc{i}ou{n} ledeþ hem. {and} [gh]itte almost þilk naturel entenc{i}ou{n} constreineþ hem. ¶ and what wer{e} to deme þan of shrewes. yif þilke naturel helpe hadde for-leten hem. ¶ þe whiche naturel helpe of entenc{i}ou{n} goþ alwey 3264 byforne hem. {and} is so grete þat vnneþ it may be ou{er}comen. [Sidenote: Consider how great is the impotence of the wicked. (The greater the things desired, but unaccomplished, the less is the power of him that desires, and is unable to attain his end.)] ¶ Considre þan how gret defaute of power {and} how gret feblesse þere is in grete felonous folk as who seiþ þe gretter þi{n}ges þat ben coueited {and} þe desire 3268 nat accomplissed of þe lasse my[gh]t is he þat coueiteþ it {and} may nat acomplisse. ¶ And forþi philosophie seiþ þus by souereyne good. [Sidenote: The wicked seek after no trivial things--which they fail to obtain; but they aspire in vain to the sovereign good, which they endeavour day and night to obtain.] ¶ Sherewes ne requere nat ly[gh]t[e] medes ne veyne gaines whiche þei ne may nat 3272 folwen ne holden. but þei fayle{n} of þilke some of þe hey[gh]te of þinges þat is to seyne souereyne good. ne þise wrecches ne comen nat to þe effect of souereyne good. [Sidenote: [* fol. 26.]] *þe whiche þei enforcen hem oonly to gete{n} by ny[gh]tes 3276 {and} by dayes. [Sidenote: The good attain the end of their desires, and therein their power is manifested.] ¶ In þe getyn[g] of whiche goode þe strengþe of good folk. is ful wel ysen. [Sidenote: For as you deem him a good walker that goes to the end of his journey, so you must esteem him powerful that attains his desires, beyond which there is nothing to desire.] For ry[gh]t so as þ{o}u my[gh]test demen hym my[gh]ty of goynge þat goþ on hys feet til he my[gh]t[e] come to þilke place fro þe whiche 3280 place þere ne lay no wey forþer to be gon. Ry[gh]t so most þou nedes demen hym for ry[gh]t my[gh]ty þat getiþ {and} atteiniþ to þe ende of alle þinges þat ben to desire. by-[gh]onde þe whiche ende þat þer nis no þing to desire. 3284 [Linenotes: 3226 _þilk_--thilke 3229 _owen_--owne 3231 _wilt_--wolt _herkene_--herkne 3232 _pleynely_--pleynly _denye_--denoye 3233 _moeuement[gh]_--Moeuement 3237 _goþ_--MS. goþe _hys_--hise 3238 _gone_--goon 3239 _hys_--hise _whiche_--which 3240 _more_--the Moore _furþe_--forth 3242 _gone_--gon 3245 _good_--goode 3246 _uertues_--vertuus 3247 _whiche_--which 3248 _goode_--good 3253 _byfore_--by-forn 3254 _forto_--to 3255 _seke_--sike 3259 _wicked_--wikkede 3260 _come_--comyn 3261 _þilk_--thilke 3262 _deme_--demen 3263-4 _helpe_--help 3264 _whiche_--which _goþ_--MS. goþe 3265 _grete_--gret _vnneþ_--vnnethe _be ouercomen_--ben ou{er}come 3267 _þere_--ther _grete_--wikkede 3268 _þinges_--thing _ben_--is 3271 _Sherewes ne requere_--ne shrewes ne requeren 3272 _ly[gh]t[e]_--lyhte _veyne_--veyn _nat_--omitted 3276 _whiche_--which 3277 _getyn[g]_--getinge _whiche goode_--which good 3278 _ysen_--MS. and C. ysene 3279 _goþ_--MS. goþe 3280 _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte 3281 _þere_--ther _lay_--laye _forþer_--forthere _be_--ben 3283 _desire_--desired 3284 _þat_--omitted] [Headnote: THE WICKED HAVE NO REAL EXISTENCE.] [Sidenote: Wicked men, then, are destitute of those powers which the good so amply possess.] ¶ Of whiche power of good folk men may conclude þat wicked men semen to ben bareyne {and} naked of alle strengþe. [Sidenote: Wherefore do they leave virtue, and follow vice? Is it because they are ignorant of good?] For whi forleten þei v{er}tues {and} folwen vices. nis it nat for þat þei ne knowen nat þe goodes. 3288 [Sidenote: What is more weak and base than the blindness of ignorance? Or do they know the way they ought to follow, but are led astray by lust and covetousness?] ¶ But what þing is more feble {and} more caitif þan is þe [[pg 116]] blyndenesse of ignoraunce. or ellys þei knowen ful wel whiche þinges þat þei au[gh]ten to folwen ¶ but lecherye {and} couetise ouerþroweþ hem mysturned. [Sidenote: And so, indeed, weak-minded men are overpowered by intemperance, for they cannot resist vicious temptations.] ¶ and certis 3292 so doþ distemp{er}aunce to feble men. þat ne mowe{n} nat wrastle a[gh]eins þe vices [Sidenote: Do they willingly desert Good and turn to Evil? If they do so, they not only cease to be powerful, but even cease to exist.] ¶ Ne knowen þei nat þan wel þat þei foreleten þe good wilfully. {and} turnen hem vilfully to vices. ¶ And in þis wise þei ne forleten nat 3296 oonly to ben my[gh]ty. but þei forleten al outerly in any wise forto ben [Sidenote: For those who neglect the common end of all beings, cease to exist.] ¶ For þei þat forleten þe comune fyn of alle þinges þat ben. þei for-leten also þerwiþ al forto ben. [Sidenote: You may marvel that I assert that the wicked, the majority of the human race, have no existence--but it is, however, most true.] and p{er}auenture it sholde semen to som folk þat 3300 þis were a merueile to seyne þat shrewes whiche þat contienen þe more p{ar}tie of me{n} ne ben nat. ne han no beynge. ¶ but naþeles it is so. {and} þus stant þis þing [Sidenote: That the wicked are bad I do not deny--but I do not admit that they have any real existence.] for þei þat ben shrewes I denye nat þat þei ben shrewes. 3304 but I denye {and} sey[e] symplely and pleynly þat þei [ne] ben nat. ne han no beynge. [Sidenote: You may call a corpse a dead man, but you cannot with propriety call it a man.] for ry[gh]t as þou my[gh]test seyn of þe careyne of a man þat it were a ded man. ¶ but þou ne my[gh]test nat symplely callen it a man. 3308 [Sidenote: So the vicious are profligate men, but I cannot confess they absolutely exist.] ¶ So graunt[e] I wel for soþe þat vicious folk ben wicked. but I ne may nat graunten absolutely {and} symplely þat þei ben. [Sidenote: That thing exists that preserves its rank, nature, and constitution, but when it loses these essentials it ceases to be.] ¶ For þilk þing þat wiþ holdeþ ordre {and} kepiþ nature. þilk þing is {and} haþ 3312 beynge. but þat þing þat faileþ of þat. þat is to seyne he þ{a}t forletiþ naturel ordre he for-letiþ þilk beyng þat is set in hys nature. [Sidenote: But, you may say that the wicked have a _power_ to act, nor do I deny it; but their power is an effect of weakness.] but þou wolt sein þat shrewes mowen. ¶ Certys þat ne denye I nat. ¶ but certys 3316 hir power ne descendeþ nat of strengþe but of feblesse. [Sidenote: They can do evil, but this they could not do, if they retained the power of doing good.] for þei mowen don wickednesses. þe whiche þei ne my[gh]ten nat don yif þei my[gh]te{n} dwelle in þe forme {and} in þe doynge of goode folke. [[pg 117]] [Sidenote: This power, then, clearly shows their impotence.] ¶ And þilke power 3320 sheweþ ful euydently þat þei ne mowen ry[gh]t nau[gh]t. [Linenotes: 3285 _whiche_--the which _þat_--þ{a}t the 3286 _ben_--be 3291 _au[gh]ten to folwen_--owhten folwe 3293 _doþ_--MS. doþe, C. doth 3394 _wrastle_--wrastlen 3295 _vilfully_--wilsfully 3297 _outerly_--owtrely 3301 _seyne_--seyen 3304-5 _denye_--denoye 3305 _sey[e] symplely_--seye sympeli 3306 [_ne_]--from C. 3307 _seyn_--seyen 3309 _graunt[e]_--graunte 3311-12 _þilk_--thilke 3312 _haþ_--MS. haþe 3313 _þat_ (1)--what _seyne_--seyn 3314 _þilk_--thilke 3315 _set_--MS. sette, C. set 3316 _denye_--denoye 3318 _don_--MS. done, C. don 3319 _my[gh]ten_ (1)--myhte _dwelle_--dwellin 3320 _goode_--good] [Headnote: POWER, AN ATTRIBUTE OF THE CHIEF GOOD.] [Sidenote: For as evil is nothing, it is clear that while the wicked can only do evil they can do nothing.] ¶ For so as I haue gadered {and} p{ro}ued a lytel her byforn þat yuel is nau[gh]t. {and} so as shrewes mowen oonly but shrewednesse. þis conclusiou{n} is al clere. þat 3324 shrewes ne mowen ry[gh]t nat to han power. [Sidenote: That you may understand the force of this power, I have proved that nothing is more powerful than the sovereign good.] and for as moche as þou vndirstonde whiche is þe strengþe þat is power of shrewes. I haue diffinised a lytel here byforn þat no þing nis so my[gh]ty as souereyne good [Sidenote: _B._ That is true.] ¶ þat is 3328 soþe q{uo}d .I. [Sidenote: _P._ And that supreme good can do no evil?] [{and} thilke same souereyn good may don non yuel // [Sidenote: _B._ Certainly not.] Certes no q{uod} I] [Sidenote: _P._ Is there any one who thinks that man can do all things?] ¶ Is þer any wy[gh]t þan q{uo}d she þat weniþ þat men mowen don alle þinges. [Sidenote: _B._ No sane man can think so.] No man q{uo}d .I. but yif he be out of hys witte. [Sidenote: _P._ But men may do evil.] ¶ but 3332 certys sherewes mowen doñ yuel q{uo}d she. [Sidenote: _B._ I would to God they could not.] ¶ [gh]e wolde god q{uo}d I þat þei ne my[gh]te{n} don none. [Sidenote: _P._ Since he that can do good, can do all things, and he that has power to do evil cannot do all things, therefore the evil-doers are less powerful.] þat q{uo}d she so as he þat is my[gh]ty to done oonly but good[e] þinges may don alle þinges. and þei þat ben my[gh]ty to done 3336 yuel[e] þinges ne mowen nat alle þinges. þan is þis open þing {and} manifest þat þei þ{a}t mowe{n} don yuel ben of lasse power. [Sidenote: Let me add too that _power_ is one of the things to be desired, and that all such things are to be referred to the chief good (the perfection of their nature).] and [gh]itte to p{ro}ue þis conclusiou{n} þere helpeþ me þis þat I haue shewed here byforne. þat al 3340 power is to be nou{m}bred amonge þinges þat men au[gh]ten requere. {and} haue shewed þat alle þi{n}ges þat au[gh]ten ben desired ben referred to good ry[gh]t as to a manere hey[gh]te of hyr nature. [Sidenote: But the power of doing evil has no relation to that Good, therefore it is not desirable; but as all power is desirable, it is clear that the ability to do evil is not power.] ¶ But for to mowen don yuel {and} 3344 felonye ne may nat ben referred to good. þan nis nat yuel of þe nou{m}bre of þinges þat au[gh]te{n}. [Sidenote: [* fol. 26 _b_.]] *be desired. but al power au[gh]t[e] ben desired {and} requered. ¶ þan is it open {and} cler þat þe power ne þe moeuyng of shrewes 3348 nis no powere. [Sidenote: It clearly follows from this reasoning, that the good only are powerful while the vicious are feeble.] {and} of alle þise þinges it sheweþ wel þat þe goode folk ben certeynly my[gh]ty. {and} þe shrewes ben [[pg 118]] douteles vnmy[gh]ty [Sidenote: And Plato's opinion is hereby verified that the _wise_ only have the power to do what they desire; the wicked may follow the dictates of their lusts, but their great aim and desire, _i. e._ HAPPINESS, they can never attain.] ¶ And it is clere {and} open þat þilke sentence of plato is uerray {and} soþe. þ{a}t seyþ þat oonly 3352 wiseme{n} may [doon] þat þei desiren. {and} shrewes mowen haunten þat hem lykeþ. but þat þei desiren þat is to seyne to comen to souereyne good þei ne han no power to acomplissen þat. [Sidenote: The wicked may gratify their desires, thinking to attain the chief good (for which they wish), but they can never possess it, for impiety and vice can never be crowned with happiness.] ¶ For shrewes don þat hem 3356 list whan by þo þinges in whiche þei deliten þei wenen to atteyne to þilke good þat þei desiren. but þei ne geten ne atteynen nat þer to. ¶ for vices ne comen nat to blisfulnesse. 3360 [Linenotes: 3324 _shrewednesse_--shrewednesses _clere_--cleer 3325 _nat----power_--nawht ne han no power 3326 _whiche_--which _þat is_--of this 3327 _here_--her 3328 _nis_--is 3329 _soþe_--soth 3329, 3330 [_and thilke----quod I_]--from C. 3334 _don_--MS. done, C. don _none þat_--non thanne 3335 _done_--doon _good[e]_--goode 3336 _don_--MS. done, C. don _done_--don 3337 _yuel[e]_--yuele _þis_--it 3338 _don_--MS. done, C. don 3339 _[gh]itte_--yit _þere_--ther 3340 _shewed here byforne_--Ishewed her by-forn _al_--alle 3341 _amonge_--among 3344 _don_--MS. done, C. don 3346 _au[gh]ten be_--owhte ben 3347 _al_--alle _au[gh]t[e]_--owhte 3351 _clere_--cler 3352 _soþe_--soth _þat seyþ_--MS. but siþe, C. þ{a}t seyth 3353 [_doon_]--from C. 3355 _seyne_--seyn 3357 _whiche_--which] [Headnote: THE WICKED ARE UNHAPPY.] QUOS UIDES SEDERE CELSOS. [Sidenote: [The ij^de Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: Whosoever might strip of their purple coverings, proud kings, who, surrounded by their guards, sit on lofty thrones, and whose stern looks wear fierce threatenings, and boiling breasts breathe fury; would see those mighty lords inwardly fettered, and tormented by lust, passion, grief, and delusive hopes.] ++Who so þat þe couertures of her veyn apparailes my[gh]t[e] strepen of þise proude kynges þat þou seest sitten on hey[gh]e in her chayeres glyterynge in shynynge purpre envyroned wiþ sorweful arm{ur}es 3364 manasyng wiþ cruel mouþe. blowyng by woodnesse of herte. ¶ He sholde se þan þat ilke lordes beren wiþ i{n}ne hir corages ful streyte cheynes for leccherye tormentiþ he{m} on þat oon syde wiþ gredy venyms {and} 3368 troublable Ire þat araiseþ in hem þe floodes of troublynges tourmentiþ vpon þat oþer side hir þou[gh]t. or sorwe halt he{m} wery or ycau[gh]t. or slidyng {and} disseyuyng hope tourmentiþ hem. [Sidenote: Since, then, so many tyrants bear sway over one head--that lord, oppressed by so many masters (i. e. vices), is weak and feeble, and his actions are not obedient to his will.] And þerfore syn þou seest on heed. 3372 þat is to seyne oon tyraunt bere so many[e] tyrauntis. þa{n} ne doþ þilk tyraunt nat þat he desiriþ. syn he is cast doune wiþ so many[e] wicked lordes. þat is to seyn wiþ so many[e] vices. þat han so wicked lordshipes 3376 ouer hym. [Linenotes: 3361-63 _her_--hir 3362 _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte 3363 _hey[gh]e_--heygh 3364 _sorweful_--sorwful 3365 _mouþe_--Mowth 3366 _se_--seen _ilke_--thilke 3368 _on_--in 3369 _hem_--hym 3371 _disseyuyng_--deceyuynge 3373 _seyne_--seyn _bere_--beeren 3373-75-76 _many[e]_--manye 3373 _tyrauntis_--tyranyes 3374 _doþ_--MS. doþe _þilk_--thilke 3375 _doune_--down _wicked_--wikkede 3376 _wicked_--wikkedly] [[pg 119]] [Headnote: THEY DO NOT ESCAPE PUNISHMENT.] VIDES NE IGITUR QUANTO. [Sidenote: [The iij.^de p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: See you not in how great and filthy a mire the wicked wallow?] ++SEest þou nat þan in how gret filþe þise shrewes ben ywrapped. {and} wiþ whiche cleernesse þise good folk shynen. [Sidenote: This is a proof that good folks do not go unrewarded, nor do the evil-doers escape punishment.] In þis sheweþ it wel þat to good folk ne 3380 lakkeþ neuer mo hir medes. ne shrewes ne lakken neuer mo to{ur}mentis. [Sidenote: Every action is done for a certain end, and that end is the reward of the action.] for of alle þinges þat ben ydon þilke þing for whiche any þing is doon. it semeþ as by ry[gh]t þat þilke þing be þe mede of þat. as þus. ¶ yif a 3384 man renneþ in þe stadie or in þe forlonge for þe corone. þan lieþ þe mede in þe corone for whiche he renneþ. [Sidenote: But Happiness is that good for which all things are done. Therefore happiness is the reward which all the human race seek as the reward of their actions.] ¶ And I haue shewed þat blisfulnesse is þilke same good for whiche þat alle þi{n}g{us} ben don. þan is þilke 3388 same good p{ur}posed to þe werkes of mankynde ry[gh]t as a comune mede. [Sidenote: This good is inseparable from the virtuous, therefore virtue can never want its reward.] whiche mede ne may ben disseuered fro good folk. for no wy[gh]t as by ry[gh]t fro þennes forþe þ{a}t hym lakkiþ goodnesse ne shal ben cleped good. 3392 For whiche þing folk of good[e] maneres her medes ne forsaken hem neuer mo. [Sidenote: Evil men may rage as they please against the good, but the crown of the wise shall not fall nor fade.] For al be it so þat sherewes waxen as wood as hem list a[gh]eynes good[e] folk. [gh]itte neuer þe les þe corone of wise men ne shal nat fallen 3396 ne faden. [Sidenote: The wickedness of another cannot deprive a virtuous soul of its own honour.] ¶ For foreine shrewednesse ne bynymeþ nat fro þe corages of good[e] folk hire p{ro}pre honoure. [Linenotes: 3379 _whiche_--which 3380 _good_--goode 3381 _ne_ (2)--omitted 3383 _whiche_--which 3385 _forlonge_--forlong 3386-88-90 _whiche_--which 3391 _forþe_--forth 3393 _whiche_--which _good[e]_--goode 3395 _wood_--woode _good[e]_--goode 3396 _les_--leese _ne_--omitted 3398 _good[e]_--goode] [Headnote: THE REWARD OF THE GOOD.] [Sidenote: If a man pride himself on the possession of an advantage received from another, he may be deprived of it, either by the giver or by others.] but yif þat any wy[gh]t reioiseþ hem of goodnesse þat þei had[de] taken fro wiþoute. as who seiþ yif [þ{a}t] any 3400 wy[gh]t had[de] hys goodnesse of any oþer man þan of hym self. certys he þat [gh]af hym þilke goodnesse or ellys som oþer wy[gh]t my[gh]t[e] bynym[e] it hym. [Sidenote: But, as the reward of the virtuous is derived from virtue, a man cannot lose this meed unless he ceases to be virtuous.] but for as moche as to euery wy[gh]t hys owen p{ro}pre bounte 3404 [gh]eueþ hy{m} hys mede. þan at arst shal he faylen of mede whan he forletiþ to ben good. [Sidenote: Lastly, since a reward is desired because it is supposed to be a good, can we believe that he who is capable of good is deprived of the recompence?] {and} at þe laste so as alle medes be{n} requered for men wenen þat þei ben good[e]. who is he þat wolde deme þat he þat is ry[gh]t [[pg 120]] my[gh]ty of goode were p{ar}tles of mede. 3409 [Sidenote: What reward shall he receive?] [Sidenote: [* fol. 27.]] *{and} of what mede shal he be gerdoned. [Sidenote: Certainly the fairest and richest of all rewards.] certys of ry[gh]t faire mede {and} ry[gh]t greet abouen alle medes. [Sidenote: Call to mind that excellent corollary I have already given thee, and reason thus:--] ¶ Remembre þe of þilk noble corolarie þat I [gh]af þe a lytel here byforne. 3412 {and} gadre it to gidre in þis manere. [Sidenote: Since the supreme good is happiness, it follows that all good men are happy in as much as they are good; but if they are happy they must become as it were gods.] so as god hym self is blisfulnesse. þan is it clere {and} certeyn. þat alle good folk ben makid blisful for þei ben good[e]. and þilke folk þat ben blisful it accordiþ {and} is couenable to ben 3416 godde[s]. [Sidenote: The reward (_i. e._ divinity) of the righteous is such that no time can impair it, no power can diminish it, nor can any wickedness obscure it.] þan is þe mede of goode folk swiche. þat no day [ne] shal enpeyren it. ne no wickednesse shal endirken it. ne power of no wy[gh]t ne shal nat amenusen it þat is to seyn to ben maked goddes. [Sidenote: Since, then, happiness belongs to good men, punishment inseparably attends the wicked.] ¶ and syn it is 3420 þus þat goode men ne faylen neuer mo of hir{e} medes. [Linenotes: 3399 _reioiseþ_--reioyse _hem_--hym _þei had[de]_--he hadde 3400 [_þat_]--from C. 3401 _had[de]_--hadde 3402 _self_--MS. selk 3403 _my[gh]t[e] bynym[e]_--myhte be-nyme 3404 _owen_--owne 3406 _laste_--last 3408 _good[e]_--goode _wolde_--nolde 3409 _goode_--good _of_ (2)--of the 3411 _greet_--grete 3412 _here byforne_--her by-forn 3413 _god_--good 3414 _is_ (1)--his _clere_--cleer 3415 _good[e]_--goode 3417 _godde[s]_--goddes _swiche_--swich 3418 [_ne_]--from C. _endirken_--derken] [Headnote: VIRTUE EXALTS MANKIND.] ¶ certys no wise man ne may doute of þe vndep{ar}table peyne of shrewes. ¶ þat is to seyn þat þe peyne of shrewes ne dep{ar}tiþ nat from hem self neuer mo. 3424 [Sidenote: For since _good_ and _evil_ are contraries, so are _rewards_ and _punishments_.] ¶ For so as goode {and} yuel {and} peyne {and} medes ben contrarie it mot nedes ben þ{a}t ry[gh]t as we seen by-tiden in gerdou{n} of goode. [Sidenote: It is evident that rewards follow good actions, and punishments attend evil actions; then as virtue itself is the reward of the virtuous, so vice is the punishment of the vicious.] þat also mot þe peyne of yuel answer{e} by þe contrarie partye to shrewes. now þan so 3428 as bounte {and} prowesse ben þe medes to goode folk. also is shrewednesse it self torment to shrewes [Sidenote: He who is punished with pain and uneasiness knows that he is afflicted with evil.] ¶ þan who so þat euer is entecched {and} defouled wiþ yuel. [Sidenote: If, then, the wicked did rightly understand themselves they would perceive that they are not exempted from punishment.] yif shrewes wolen þan p{re}isen hem self may it semen 3432 to hem þat þei ben wiþ oute{n} p{ar}tye of tourment. [Sidenote: Since vice, the extreme and worst kind of evil, not only afflicts them, but infects and entirely pollutes them.] syn þei ben swiche þat þe [vtteriste wikkednesse / þ{a}t is to seyn wikkede thewes / which þ{a}t is the] out{er}este {and} þe w[or]ste kynde of shrewednesse ne defouliþ nat ne 3436 entecehiþ nat hem oonly but infectiþ {and} enuenemyþ he{m} gretely [Sidenote: But contemplate the punishment of the wicked.] ¶ And al so loke on shrewes þat ben þe contrarie p{ar}tye of goode men. how grete peyne felawshipeþ [[pg 121]] {and} folweþ hem. [Sidenote: You have been taught that _unity_ is essential to being and is good--and all that have this unity are good; whatsoever, then, fails to be good ceases to exist.] ¶ For þou hast lerned a litel 3440 here byforn þat al þi{n}g þat is {and} haþ beynge is oon. {and} þilke same oon is good. þan is þis consequence þat it semeþ wel. þat al þat is {and} haþ bey{n}ge is good. þis is to seyne. as who seiþ þat beynge {and} vnite {and} 3444 goodnesse is al oon. {and} in þis manere it folweþ þan. þat al þing þat faileþ to ben good. it styntiþ forto be. {and} forto haue any beynge. [Sidenote: So that it appears that evil men must cease to be what they were.] wher fore it is þat shrewes stynten forto ben þat þei weren. [Sidenote: That they were once men, the outward form of the body, which still remains, clearly testifies.] but þilke oþer forme 3448 of mankynde. þat is to seyne þe forme of þe body wiþ oute. shewiþ [gh]it þat þise shrewes were somtyme men. [Linenotes: 3422 _wise man_--wysman _þe_--omitted _vndepartable_--MS. vndirp{ar}table, C. vndepartable 3423 _of_ (1)--of the 3428 _answere_--answery _þe_--omitted 3434 [_vtteriste----is the_]--from C. 3438 _gretely_--gretly 3439 _grete_--gret 3441 _al_--alle _haþ_--MS. haþe 3443 _al_--alle _haþ_--MS. haþe 3446 _al_--alle 3447 _haue_--han 3448 _stynten_--MS. styntent 3450 _were somtyme_--weeren whilom] [Headnote: HE WHO CEASES TO BE VIRTUOUS CEASES TO BE A MAN.] [Sidenote: Wherefore, when they degenerate into wickedness they lose their human nature.] ¶ wher fore whan þei ben p{er}uerted {and} torned in to malice. certys þan han þei forlorn þe nature of mankynde. 3452 [Sidenote: But as virtue alone exalts one man above other men, it is evident that vice, which divests a man of his nature, must sink him below humanity.] but so as oonly bounte {and} prowesse may enhawnse euery man ouer oþer men. þan mot it nedes be þat shrewes whiche þat shrewednesse haþ cast out of þe condic{i}ou{n} of mankynde ben put vndir þe merite {and} 3456 þe deserte of men. [Sidenote: You cannot, therefore, esteem him to be a man whom you see thus transformed by his vices.] þan bitidiþ it þat yif þou seest a wy[gh]t þat be t{ra}nsformed in to vices. þou ne mayst nat wene þat he be a man. [Sidenote: The greedy robber, you will say, is like a _wolf_.] ¶ For [gh]if he [be] ardaunt in auarice. {and} þat he be a rauyno{ur} by violence of 3460 foreine rychesse. þou shalt seyn þat he is lyke to a wolf. [Sidenote: He who gives no rest to his abusive tongue, you may liken to a _hound_.] {and} yif he be felonous {and} wiþ out reste {and} ex{er}cise hys tonge to chidynges. þou shalt lykene hym to þe hounde. [Sidenote: Does he delight in fraud and trickery? then is he like young _foxes_.] {and} yif he be a p{re}ue awaito{ur} yhid {and} 3464 reioyseþ hym to rauysshe by wyles. þou shalt seyne hym lyke to þe fox whelpes. [Sidenote: Is he intemperate in his anger? then men will compare him to a raging _lion_.] ¶ And yif he be distempre {and} quakiþ for ire men shal wene þat he bereþ þe corage of a lyou{n}. [Sidenote: If he be a coward, he will be likened to a _hart_.] {and} yif he be dredeful {and} fleynge 3468 and dredeþ þinges þat ne au[gh]ten nat ben dred. men shal holde hym lyke to þe h{er}te. [[pg 122]] [Sidenote: If he be slow, dull, and lazy, then is he like an _ass_.] {and} yif he be slowe {and} astoned {and} lache. he lyueþ as an asse. [Sidenote: Is he fickle and inconstant? Then is he like a _bird_.] {and} yif he be ly[gh]t {and} vnstedfast of corage {and} chaungeþ ay his 3472 studies. he is lickened to briddes. [Sidenote: Doth he wallow in filthy lusts? Then doth he roll himself in the mire like a nasty _sow_.] ¶ {and} yif he be plounged in foule {and} vnclene luxuries. he is wiþholden in þe foule delices of þe foule soowe. [Sidenote: It follows, then, that he who ceases to be virtuous, ceases to be a man; and, since he cannot attain divinity, he is turned into a beast.] ¶ þan folweþ it þat he þat forletiþ bountee {and} prowesse. he forletiþ to 3476 ben a man. syn he ne may nat passe in to þe condic{i}ou{n} of god. he is tourned in to a beest. [Linenotes: 3452 _forlorn_--MS. forlorne, C. forlorn 3453 _as_--omitted _enhawnse_--enhawsen 3455 _whiche_--which _haþ_--MS. haþe 3459 [_be_]--from C. 3464 _yhid_--MS. yhidde, C. I-hidd 3465 _seyne_--seyn 3468 _dredeful_--dredful 3469 _ben_--to ben _dred_--MS. dredde, C. dredd 3470 _holde_--holden _lyke_--lyk _herte_--hert _slowe_--slowh 3472 _vnstedfast_--vnstidefast _his_--hise 3475 _þan_--MS. þat, C. thanne 3477 _passe_--passen] [Sidenote: [* fol. 27 _b_.]] *V[E]LA NARICII DUCIS. [Sidenote: [The 3^de Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: Ulysses was driven by the eastern winds upon the shores of that isle where Circe dwelt, who, having entertained her guests with magic draughts, transformed them into divers shapes--one into a boar, another into a lion;] ++Evrus þe wynde aryueþ þe sayles of vlixes duc of þe contre of narice. {and} hys wandryng shippes by þe 3480 see in to þe isle þere as Circe þe fayre goddesse dou[gh]ter of þe sonne dwelleþ þat medlyþ to hir newe gestes drynkes þat ben touched {and} maked wiþ enchau{n}tment[gh]. {and} after þat hir hande my[gh]ty of þe herbes 3484 had[de] chau{n}ged hir gestes i{n} to dyuerse maneres. þat oon of hem is couered his face wiþ forme of a boor. þat oþer is chau{n}ged in to a lyou{n} of þe contre of marmorike. {and} his nayles {and} his teþe wexen. [Sidenote: some into howling wolves, and others into Indian tigers.] ¶ þat 3488 oþer of hem is newliche chaunged in to a wolf. {and} howeliþ whan he wolde wepe. þat oþer goþ debonairly in þe house as a tigre of Inde. [Sidenote: But Mercury, the Arcadian god, rescued Ulysses from the Circean charms. Yet his mariners, having drunk of her infected drinks, were changed to swine, and fed on acorns.] but al be it so þat þe godhed of mercurie þat is cleped þe bride of arcadie haþ 3492 had mercie of þe duc vlixes byseged wiþ diu{er}se yueles {and} haþ vnbounden hym fro þe pestilence of hys oosteresse algates þe rowers {and} þe maryners hadden by þis ydrawen in to hir mouþes {and} dronken þe wicked[e] 3496 drynkes þei þat were woxen swyne hadden by þis [[pg 123]] chau{n}ged hire mete of brede forto ete acorns of ookes. [Sidenote: All traces of the human form were lost, and they were bereft of speech.] non of hir lymes ne dwelliþ wiþ he{m} hoole. but þei han lost þe voys {and} þe body. [Sidenote: Their souls, unchanged, bewailed their dreadful fate.] Oonly hir{e} þou[gh]t 3500 dwelleþ wiþ hem stable þ{a}t wepiþ {and} bywailiþ þe monstruous chaungynge þat þei suffren. [Sidenote: O most weak, are Circe's powers compared with the potency of vice, to transform the human shape!] ¶ O ouer ly[gh]t hand. as who seiþ. ¶ O feble {and} ly[gh]t is þe hand of Circes þe enchaunteresse þat chaungeþ þe bodies of folk 3504 in to bestes to regarde {and} to co{m}parisou{n} of mutac{i}ou{n} þat is makid by vices. [Sidenote: Circe's herbs may change the body, but cannot touch the mind, the inward strength of man.] ne þe herbes of circes ne ben nat my[gh]ty. for al be it so þat þei may chau{n}gen þe lymes of þe body. ¶ algates [gh]it þei may nat chau{n}ge þe 3508 hertes. for wiþ inne is yhid þe strengþe {and} þe vigour of me{n} in þe secre toure of hire hertys. þat is to seyn þe strengþe of resou{n}. [Sidenote: But vice is more potent than Circe's poisonous charms.] but þilke uenyms of vices to-drawen a man to hem more my[gh]tily þan þe venym of 3512 circes. [Sidenote: Though it leaves the body whole, it pierces the inner man, and inflicts a deadly wound upon the soul.] ¶ For vices ben so cruel þat þei percen {and} þoru[gh] passen þe corage wiþ i{n}ne. {and} þou[gh] þei ne anoye nat þe body. [gh]itte vices wooden to distroien men by wounde of þou[gh]t. 3516 [Linenotes: 3479 _aryueþ_--aryuede _vlixes_--MS. vluxies, C. vlixes 3481 _Circe_--Circes 3483 _enchauntment[gh]_--enchauntement[gh] 3484 _hande_--hand _of_--ou{er} 3485 _had[de]_--hadde _gestes_--MS. goostes, C. gestes 3486 _boor_--boer{e} 3488 _his_ (1)--hise _his teþe_--hise teth 3489 _newliche_--neweliche 3490 _goþ_--MS. goþe 3491 _house_--hows 3492 _bride_--bryd _haþ_--MS. haþe 3493 _mercie_--MS. mercurie, C. mercy 3494 _haþ_--MS. haþe 3495 _oosteresse_--oostesse 3496 _wicked[e]_--wikkede 3497 _were woxen swyne_--weeren wexen swyn 3498 _chaunged_--Ichaunged _brede_--bred _forto_--MS. {and} forto _ete acorns_--eten akkornes 3499 _hoole_--hool 3501 _wepiþ_--MS. kepiþ, C. weepith 3502 _monstruous_--MS. monstronous, C. Monstruos 3504 _Circes_--MS. Cirtes _folk_--folkys 3509 _yhid_--MS. yhidde, C. I-hydd 3515 _wooden_--MS. wolden, C. wooden] [Headnote: THE WICKED ARE TORMENTED BY A THREEFOLD WRETCHEDNESS.] TUNC EGO FATEOR INQ{UA}M. [Sidenote: [The ferthe p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: _B._ I confess that vicious men are rightly called beasts.] ++Þan seide I þus I confesse {and} am aknowe q{uo}d I. ne I ne se nat þat men may seyn as by ry[gh]t. [Sidenote: They retain the outward form of man, but the qualities of their souls prove them to be beasts.] þ{a}t shrewes ne ben nat chaunged in to beestes by þe qualite of hir soules. ¶ Al be it so þ{a}t þei kepen [gh]itte 3520 þe forme of þe body of mankynde. [Sidenote: I wish, however, that the wicked were without the power to annoy and hurt good men.] but I nolde nat of shrewes of whiche þe þou[gh]t cruel woodeþ alwey in to destrucc{i}ou{n} of good[e] men. þat it wer{e} leueful to hem to done þat. [Sidenote: _P._ They have no power, as I shall presently show you.] ¶ Certys q{uo}d she ne it nis nat leueful 3524 to hem as I shal wel shewen þe in couenable place. [Sidenote: But were this power, which men ascribe to them, taken away from the wicked, they would be relieved of the greatest part of their punishment.] ¶ But naþeles yif so were þat þilke þat me{n} wene{n} ben leueful for shrewes were bynomen hem. so þat þei ne [[pg 124]] my[gh]ten nat anoyen or don harme to goode men. ¶ Certys 3528 a gret p{ar}ty of þe peyne to shrewes shulde ben allegged {and} releued. [Sidenote: The wicked are more unhappy when they have accomplished their evil designs than when they fail to do so.] ¶ For al be it so þ{a}t þis ne seme nat credible þing p{er}auent{ur}e to so{m}me folk [gh]it mot it nedes be þat shrewes ben more wrecches {and} vnsely. 3532 whan þei may don {and} p{er}forme þat þei coueiten [than yif they myhte nat complyssen þ{a}t they coueyten]. [Sidenote: If it is a miserable thing to will evil, it is a greater unhappiness to have the power to execute it, without which power the wicked desires would languish without effect.] ¶ For yif so be þat it be wrecchednesse to wilne to don yuel[;] þan is it more wrecchednesse to mowen don yuel. 3536 wiþ oute whiche moeuyng þe wrecched wille sholde languisshe wiþ oute effecte. [Sidenote: Since, then, each of these three things (_i. e._ the will, the power, and the accomplishment of evil) hath its misery, therefore a threefold wretchedness afflicts those who both will, can, and do commit sin.] ¶ þan syn þat eueryche of þise þinges haþ hys wrecchednesse. þat is to seyne wil to done yuel. and moeuynge to done yuel. it mot nedes 3540 be. þat þei (shrewes) ben constreyned by þre vnselynesses þat wolen {and} mowen {and} p{er}formen felonyes {and} shrewednesses. [Sidenote: _B._ I grant it--but still I wish the vicious were without this misfortune.] ¶ I accorde me q{uo}d I. but I desire gretely þat shrewes losten sone þilke vnselynesses. 3544 þat is to seyne þat shrewes were despoyled of moeuyng to don yuel. [Sidenote: _P._ They shall be despoiled of it sooner than you wish perhaps, or than they themselves imagine.] ¶ so shulle{n} þei q{uo}d she. [Sidenote: [* fol. 28.]] sonnere p{er}auenture þen þ{o}u woldest *or sonnere þen þei hem self wenen to lakken mowynge to done yuel. [Sidenote: In the narrow limits of this life, nothing, however tardy it appears, can seem to an immortal soul to have a very long duration.] ¶ For 3548 þere nis no þing so late in so short bou{n}des of þis lijf þat is longe to abide. namelyche to a corage inmortel. [Sidenote: The great hopes, and the subtle machinations of the wicked, are often suddenly frustrated, by which an end is put to their wickedness.] Of whiche shrewes þe grete hope {and} þe heye co{m}passy{n}g{us} of shrewednesse is often destroyed by a 3552 sodeyne ende or þei ben war. {and} þat þing establiþ to shrewes þe ende of hir shrewednesse. [Sidenote: If vice renders men wretched, the longer they are vicious the longer must they be miserable.] ¶ For yif þat shrewednesse makiþe wrecches. þan mot he nedes be most wrecched þat lengest is a shrewe. [Sidenote: And they would be infinitely wretched if death did not put an end to their crimes.] þe whiche 3556 wicked shrewes wolde ydemen aldirmost vnsely {and} caytifs yif þat hir shrewednes ne were yfinissed. at þe [[pg 125]] leste weye by þe outerest[e] deeþ. [Sidenote: It is clear, as I have already shown, that eternal misery is infinite.] for [yif] I haue concluded soþe of þe vnselynesse of shrewednesse. þan sheweþ 3560 it clerely þat þilke shrewednesse is wiþ outen ende þe whiche is certeyne to ben p{er}durable. [Sidenote: _B._ This consequence appears to be just, but difficult to assent to.] ¶ Certys q{uo}d I þis [conclusion] is harde {and} wonderful to graunte. ¶ But I knowe wel þat it accordeþ moche to [the] þi{n}ges þat I 3564 haue graunted her byforne. [Sidenote: _P._ You think rightly; but if you cannot assent to my conclusion you ought to show that the premises are false, or that the consequences are unfairly deduced; for if the premises be granted, you cannot reject the inferences from them.] ¶ þou hast q{uo}d she þe ry[gh]t estimac{i}ou{n} of þis. but who so euere wene þat it be an harde þing to acorde hym to a conclusiou{n}. it is ry[gh]t þat he shewe þat so{m}me of þe p{re}misses ben fals. or 3568 ellys he mot shewe þat þe colasiou{n} of p{re}posic{i}ou{n}s nis nat spedful to a necessarie conclusio{n}. ¶ and yif it be nat so. but þat þe p{re}misses ben yg{ra}nted þer nis nat whi he sholde blame þe argument. [Sidenote: What I am about to say is not less wonderful, and it follows necessarily from the same premises.] for þis þing þat 3572 I shal telle þe nowe ne shal not seme lasse wondirful. [Linenotes: 3517 _aknowe_--aknowe it 3518 _seyn_--sayn 3523 _good[e]_--goode 3524 _done_--don 3526 _ben_--be 3527 _for_--to 3528 _my[gh]ten_--myhte _don_--MS. done, C. doon _harme_--harm 3529 _gret_--MS. grete, C. gret 3533-36 _don_--MS. done, C. doon 3533-34 [_than----coueyten_]--from C. 3537 _moeuyng_--mowynge _wille_--wil 3539 _haþ_--MS. haþe _seyne_--seyn 3540 _done_ (1)--doon _moeuynge to done_--Mowynge to don _mot_--MS. mote, C. mot 3544 _gretely_--gretly 3545 _seyne_--seyn _were_--weeren _moeuyng_--mowynge 3548 _wenen_--weene _to lakken----yuel_--omitted 3549 _þere_--ther _so_ (2)--the 3550 _longe_--long 3552 _shrewednesse_--shrewednesses _often_--ofte 3558 _shrewednes_--shrewednesse _yfinissed_--fynyshed 3559 _weye_--wey _outerest[e]_--owtteryste [_yif_]--from C. 3560 _soþe_--soth 3561 _clerely_--cleerly 3563 [_conclusion_]--from C. _harde_--hard 3564 [_the_]--from C. 3567 _harde_--hard 3568 _fals_--false 3573 _nowe_--now] [Headnote: THE WRETCHEDNESS OF THE WICKED IS DIMINISHED BY PUNISHMENT.] but of þe þinges þat ben taken al so it is necessarie as who so seiþ it folweþ of þat whiche þat is p{ur}posed byforn. [Sidenote: _B._ What is that?] what is þat q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ That the wicked who have been punished for their crimes, are happier than if justice had allowed them to go unpunished.] ¶ certys q{uo}d she þat is 3576 þat þ{a}t þise wicked shrewes ben more blysful or ellys lasse wrecches. þat byen þe tourmentes þat þei han deserued. þan yif no peyne of Iustice ne chastied[e] hem. [Sidenote: I do not appeal to popular arguments, that punishment corrects vice, that the fear of chastisement leads them to take the right path, and that the sufferings of evil-doers deter others from vice, but I believe that guilty men, unpunished, become much more unhappy in another way.] ne þis ne seye I nat now for þat any man my[gh]t[e] 3580 þenk[e] þat þe maneres of shrewes ben coriged {and} chastised by veniaunce. {and} þat þei ben brou[gh]t to þe ry[gh]t wey by þe drede of þe tourment. ne for þat þei [gh]euen to oþer folk ensample to fleyen fro{m} vices. ¶ But 3584 I vndirstonde [gh]itte [in] an oþer manere þat shrewes ben more vnsely whan þei ne ben nat punissed al be it so þat þere ne ben had no resou{n} or lawe of correcc{i}ou{n}. ne none ensample of lokynge. [Sidenote: _B._ In what way do you mean?] ¶ And what manere 3588 shal þat ben q{uo}d I. ouþer þan haþ ben told here [[pg 126]] byforn [Sidenote: _P._ Are not good people happy, and evil folk miserable?] ¶ Haue we nat graunted þan q{uo}d she þat good[e] folk ben blysful. {and} shrewes ben wrecches. [Sidenote: _B._ Yes.] [gh]is q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ If good be added to the wretchedness of a man, will not he be happier than another whose misery has no element of good in it?] [thanne q{uod} she] [gh]if þat any good were 3592 added to þe wrecchenesse of any wy[gh]t. nis he nat more blisful þan he þat ne haþ no medelyng of goode in hys solitarie wrecchednesse. [Sidenote: _B._ It seems so.] so semeþ it q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ And if to the same wretched being another misery be annexed, does not he become more wretched than he whose misery is alleviated by the participation of some good?] and what seyst þou þan q{uo}d she of þilke wrecche þat lakkeþ alle 3596 goodes. so þat no goode nis medeled in hys wrecchednesse. {and} [gh]itte ouer alle hys wickednesse for whiche he is a wrecche þat þer be [gh]itte anoþer yuel anexid {and} knyt to hym. shal not men demen hym more vnsely 3600 þan þilke wrecche of whiche þe vnselynesse is re[le]ued by þe p{ar}ticipac{i}ou{n} of som goode. [Sidenote: _B._ He does.] whi sholde he nat q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ When evil men are punished they have a degree of good annexed to their wretchedness, to wit, the punishment itself, which as it is the effect of justice is good.] ¶ þan certys q{uo}d she han shrewes whan þei ben punissed somwhat of good anexid to hir wrecchednesse. 3604 þat is to seyne þe same peyne þat þei suffren whiche þat is good by þe resou{n} of Iustice. [Sidenote: And when these wretches escape punishment something more of ill (_i. e._ exemption from punishment) is added to their condition.] And whan þilke same shrewes ascapen wiþ outen tourment. þan han þei somwhat more of yuel [gh]it ouer þe wickednesse 3608 þat þei han don. þat is to seye defaute of peyne. whiche defaute of peyne þou hast graunted is yuel. [Sidenote: _B._ I cannot deny it.] ¶ For þe desert of felonye I ne may nat denye it q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ Much more unhappy are the wicked when they enjoy an unmerited impunity than when they suffer a lawful chastisement.] ¶ Moche more þan q{uo}d she ben shrewes vnsely 3612 whan þei ben wrongfully delyuered fro peyne. þan whan þei beþ punissed by ry[gh]tful vengeaunce. [Sidenote: It is just to punish evil-doers, and unjust that they should escape punishment.] but þis is open þi{n}g {and} clere þat it is ry[gh]t þat shrewes ben punissed. {and} it is wickednesse {and} wrong þat þei 3616 escapin vnpunissed. [Sidenote: _B._ Nobody denies that.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 28 _b_.]] ¶ who my[gh]t[e] denye *þat q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ Everything, too, which is just is good; and, on the contrary, whatsoever is unjust is evil.] but q{uo}d she may any ma{n} denye. þat al þat is ry[gh]t nis good. {and} also þe contrarie. þat alle þat is wrong nis wicked. [[pg 127]] [Sidenote: _B._ These are just inferences from our former premises.] certys q{uo}d I þise þinges ben clere ynou[gh]. {and} 3620 þat we han concludid a litel here byforn{e}. [Sidenote: But is there any punishment for the soul after death of the body?] but I p{re}ye þe þat þou telle me yif þou accordest to leten no to{ur}ment to þe soules aftir þat þe body is dedid by þe deþe. þis [is] to seyn. vndirstondest þou ou[gh]t þat soules han 3624 any to{ur}ment after þe deþe of þe body. [Sidenote: _P._ Yes, and great ones too. Some punishments are rigorous and eternal.] ¶ Certis q{uo}d she [gh]e {and} þat ry[gh]t grete. of whiche soules q{uo}d she I trowe þat so{m}me ben to{ur}mentid by asprenesse of peyne. [Sidenote: Others have a corrective and purifying force, and are of finite duration.] {and} so{m}me soules I trowe be exc{er}cised by a 3628 p{ur}ging mekenesse. [Sidenote: But this is not to our purpose.] but my conseil nys nat to determyne of þis peyne. but I haue trauayled and told it hider to. [Sidenote: I want you to see that the power of the wicked is in reality nothing, that the wicked never go unpunished; that their licence to do evil is not of long duration, and that the wicked would be more unhappy if it were longer, and infinitely wretched if it were to continue for ever.] ¶ For þou sholdest knowe þat þe mowynge [.i. myght] of shrewes whiche mowynge þe semeþ to 3632 ben. vnworþi nis no mowynge. {and} eke of shrewes of whiche þou pleynedest þat þei ne were nat punissed. þat þou woldest seen þat þei ne weren neuer mo wiþ outen þe torment of hire wickednesse. {and} of þe licence 3636 of mowynge to done yuel. þat þou p{re}idest þat it my[gh]t[e] sone ben endid. {and} þat þou woldest fayne lerne. þat it ne sholde nat longe endure. {and} þat shrewes ben more vnsely yif þei were of lenger duryng. 3640 {and} most vnsely yif þei weren p{er}durable. [Sidenote: After this I showed that evil men are more unhappy, having escaped punishment, than if justly chastised.] {and} after þis I haue shewed þe þat more vnsely ben shrewes whan þei escapen wiþ oute ry[gh]tful peyne. þan whan þei ben punissed by ry[gh]tful uengeaunce. [Sidenote: Wherefore when they are supposed to get off scot-free they suffer most grievously.] and of þis sentence 3644 folweþ it þat þan be{n} shrewes constreyned atte laste wiþ most greuous tourment. whan men wene þat þei ne ben nat ypunissed. [Sidenote: _B._ Your reasoning appears convincing and conclusive. But your arguments are opposed to current opinions, and would hardly command assent, or even a hearing.] whan I considre þi resou{n}s q{uo}d I. I. ne trowe nat þat men seyn any þing more verrely. {and} 3648 yif I to{ur}ne a[gh]eyn to þe studies of men. who is [he] to who{m} it sholde seme þat [he] ne sholde nat only leue{n} þise þinges. but eke gladly herkene he{m}. [Sidenote: _P._ It is so. For those accustomed to the darkness of error cannot fix their eyes on the light of perspicuous truth, like birds of night which are blinded by the full light of day.] Certys q{uo}d she so it is. but men may nat. for þei han hire eyen so [[pg 128]] wont to derkenesse of erþely þinges. þat þei may nat 3653 liften hem vp to þe ly[gh]t of clere soþefastnes. ¶ But þei ben lyke to briddes of whiche þe ny[gh]t ly[gh]tneþ hyre lookyng. {and} þe day blyndeþ hem. [Sidenote: They consider only the gratification of their lusts, they think there is happiness in the liberty of doing evil and in exemption from punishment.] for whan men loken 3656 nat þe ordre of þinges but hire lustes {and} talent[gh]. þei wene þat oþir þe leue or þe mowynge to done wickednesse or ellys þe escapi{n}g wiþ oute peyne be weleful. [Linenotes: 3575 _who so seiþ_--ho seyth _whiche_--which 3578 _byen_--a-byen 3579 _chastied[e]_--chastysede 3580 _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte 3581 _þenk[e]_--thinke 3584 _[gh]euen_--MS. [gh]euene, C. yeuen _fleyen_--flen 3585 _[gh]itte_--yif [_in_]--from C. 3588 _none_--non 3589 _ouþer_--oother _haþ_--MS. haþe _ben_--be _told_--MS. tolde, C. told 3591 _good[e]_--goode 3592 [_thanne----she_]--from C. 3594 _blisful_--weleful _haþ_--MS. haþe 3594-97 _goode_--good 3598 _alle_--al _whiche_--which 3600 _knyt_--knytte 3601 _re[le]ued_--releued 3602 _goode_--good 3605 _seyne_--seyn 3606 _whiche_--which 3607 _outen_--owte 3609 _don_--MS. done _seye_--seyn 3610 _whiche_--which 3611 _desert_--deserte 3614 _beþ_--MS. beþe, C. ben 3615 _clere_--cler 3617 _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte 3618 _is ry[gh]t nis_--MS. nis ry[gh]t is 3619 _alle_--al _nis wicked_--is wykke 3621 _here_--her 3623 _dedid_--endyd _deþe_--deth 3624 [_is_]--from C. _ou[gh]t_--awht 3625 _deþe_--deth 3626 _grete_--gret 3628 _be_--ben 3629 _determyne_--determenye 3630 _peyne_--peynes _told_--MS. tolde 3632 [_.i. myght_]--from C. 3632-34 _whiche_--which 3633 _eke_--ek 3635 _seen_--seyn 3637 _done_--don 3638 _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte _fayne lerne_--fayn lernen 3639 _endure_--dur{e} 3645 _atte_--at the _laste_--MS. þast, C. laste 3647 _resouns_--resoun 3649-50 [_he_]--from C. 3651 _eke_--ek 3653 _derkenesse_--derknesse 3654 _clere soþefastnes_--cleer sothfastnesse 3655 _whiche_--which 3658 _oþir_--eyther _done_--don 3659 _escaping_--schapynge] [Headnote: VIRTUE ITS OWN REWARD.] [Sidenote: Do you attend to the eternal law written in your own heart. Conform your mind to what is good, and you will stand in no need of a judge to confer a reward upon you--for you have it already in the enjoyment of the best of things (_i. e._ virtue).] but co{n}sider{e} þe iugement of þe p{er}durable lawe. for if 3660 þou conferme þi corage to þe beste þinges. þou ne hast no nede to no iuge to [gh]iue{n} þe p{r}is or meede. for þou hast ioigned þi self to þe most excellent þing. [Sidenote: If you indulge in vice, you need no other chastisement--you have degraded yourself into a lower order of beings.] and yif þou haue enclined þi studies to þe wicked þinges. ne 3664 seek no foreyn wrekere out of þi self. for þou þi self hast þrest þe in to wicked þinges. ry[gh]t as þou my[gh]test loken by dyuerse tymes þe foule erþe {and} þe heuene. {and} þat alle oþer þinges stynten fro wiþ oute. so þat 3668 þou [ner{e} neyther in heuene ne in erthe] ne say[e] no þing more. þan sholde it semen to þe as by only resou{n} of lokynge. þat þou were in þe sterres. {and} now in þe erþe. [Sidenote: The multitude doth not consider this.] but þe poeple ne lokeþ nat on þise þinges. [Sidenote: What then? Shall we take them as our models who resemble beasts?] what 3672 þan shal we þan app{ro}chen vs to hem þat I haue shewed þat þei ben lyke to þe bestes. (q. d. no{n}) [Linenotes: 3662 _to_ (1)--of 3665 _foreyn_--foreyne 3666 _þrest_--thryst _wicked_--wikke 3669 [_nere----erthe_]--from C. _heuene_--C. heuenene _say[e]_--C. saye 3672 _on_--in 3674 _lyke_--lyk _q. d._--MS. q{uo}d] [Headnote: THE WICKED NEED PITY.] [Sidenote: If a man who had lost his sight, having even forgotten his blindness, should declare that his faculties were all perfect, shall we weakly believe that those who retain their sight are blind?] ¶ And what wilt þou seyne of þis ¶ yif þat a man hadde al forlorn hys sy[gh]t. {and} had[de] for[gh]eten þat he 3676 euer saw {and} wende þ{a}t no þing ne fayled[e] hym of p{er}fecc{i}ou{n} of ma{n}kynde. now we þat my[gh]ten sen þe same þing wolde we nat wene þat he were bly{n}de (q. d. sic). [Sidenote: The vulgar will not assent to what I am going to say, though supported by conclusive arguments--to wit, that persons are more unhappy that do wrong than those who suffer wrong.] ne also ne accordeþ nat þe poeple to þat I shal 3680 seyne. þe whiche þing is susteyned by a stronge foundement of resou{n}s. þat is to seyn þat more vnsely ben þei þat don wrong to oþer folk. þen þei þat þe wrong [[pg 129]] suffren. [Sidenote: _B._ I would willingly hear your reasons.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 29.]] ¶ I wolde heren þilke *same resou{n}s q{uo}d I 3684 [Sidenote: _P._ Do you deny that every wicked man deserves punishment?] ¶ Deniest þou q{uo}d she þat alle shrewes ne ben worþi to han to{ur}ment. [Sidenote: _B._ No, I do not.] nay q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ I am satisfied that impious men are in many ways miserable.] but q{uo}d she I am certeyne by many resou{n}s þat shrewes ben vnsely. [Sidenote: _B._ They are so.] it accordeþ q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ Then those that deserve punishment are miserable.] þan [ne] dowtest þou nat q{uo}d she þat 3688 þilke folk þat ben worþi of to{ur}ment þat þei ne ben wrecches. [Sidenote: _B._ I admit it.] It accordeþ wel q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ If you were a judge, upon whom would you inflict punishment? upon the wrong-doer, or upon the injured?] yif þou were þan q{uo}d she yset a Iuge or a knower of þinges. wheþer trowest þou þ{a}t men sholde to{ur}ment[e] hym þat haþ 3692 don þe wronge. or hym þat haþ suffred þe wronge. [Sidenote: _B._ I should not hesitate to punish the offender as a satisfaction to the sufferer.] I ne doute nat q{uo}d I. þat I nolde don suffissaunt satisfacc{i}ou{n} to hym þat had[de] suffred þe wrong by þe sorwe of hym þat had[de] don þe wronge. [Sidenote: _P._ Then you would deem the injuring person more unhappy than he who had been wronged?] ¶ þan 3696 semeþ it q{uo}d she þat þe doar of wrong is more wrecche þan he þat haþ suffred þe wrong. [Sidenote: _B._ That follows naturally.] þat folweþ wel q{uo}d [I]. [Sidenote: _P._ From this then, and other reasons of like nature, it seems that vice makes men miserable, and an injury done to any man is the misery of the doer, and not of the sufferer.] þan q{uo}d she by þise causes {and} by oþer causes þat ben enforced by þe same roate þat filþe or synne by 3700 þe p{ro}pre nature of it makeþ men wretches. {and} it sheweþ wel þat þe wrong þat me{n} don nis nat þe wrecchenesse of hym þat receyueþ þe wrong. but þe wrecchednesse of hym þat doþ þe wronge [Sidenote: But our advocates think differently--they try to obtain pity for those that have suffered cruelty and oppression;] ¶ but certys 3704 q{uo}d she þise orato{ur}s or aduocat[gh] don al þe contrarie for þei enforcen hem to co{m}moeue þe iuges to han pite of he{m} þat han suffred {and} resceyued þe þinges þat ben greuous {and} aspre. [Sidenote: but the juster pity is really due to the oppressors, who ought, therefore, to be led to judgment as the sick are to the physician, not by angry but by merciful and kind accusers, so that, by the physic of chastisement, they may be cured of their vices.] {and} [gh]itte men sholden more ry[gh]tfully 3708 han pitee on hem þat don þe greuaunces {and} þe wronges. þe whiche shrewes it were a more couenable þing þat þe accuso{ur}s or aduocat[gh] not wroþe but pitous {and} debonaire ladden þe shrewes þat han don wro{n}g to 3712 þe Iugement. ry[gh]t as men leden seke folk to þe leche. [Linenotes: 3675 _wilt þou seyne_--woltow seyn 3676 _forlorn_--MS. forlorne, C. for-lorn _sy[gh]t_--syhte _had[de]_--hadde 3677 _saw_--MS. sawe, C. sawh _fayled[e]_--faylede 3678 _sen_--MS. sene, C. sen 3679 _þing_--thinges _q. d._--MS. q{uod} 3681 _whiche_--which 3683 _don_--MS. done, C. don _oþer_--oothr{e} 3688 [_ne_]--from C. 3691 _yset_--MS. ysette, C. yset _wheþer_--omitted 3692 _tourment[e]_--tormenten 3692-3 _haþ_--MS. haþe 3693 _wronge_ (2)--wrong 3695 _had[de]_--hadde 3696 _had[de]_--hadden _wronge_--wrong 3697 _doar_--doere 3698 _haþ_--MS. haþe 3699 [_I_]--from C. [[_word moved to l. 3698_]] 3700 _ben_--ben of _roate_--Roote 3703-4 _but----wronge_--omitted 3704 _doþ_--MS. doþe 3711 _wroþe_--wroth 3712 _þe_--tho _don_--MS. done, C. don 3713 _seke_--syke] [Headnote: THE DUTY OF ADVOCATES.] for þat þei sholden seken out þe maladies of synne by to{ur}ment[gh]. [[pg 130]] [Sidenote: I would not have the guilty defrauded by their advocates. Their duty is to accuse, and not to excuse offenders.] and by þis couenaunt eyþer þe entent of þe defendo{ur}s or aduocat[gh] sholde fayle {and} cesen in al. or 3716 ellys yif þe office of aduocat[gh] wolde bettre p{ro}fiten to men. it sholde be to{ur}ned in to þe habit of accusac{i}ou{n}. þat is [to] s[e]yn þei sholde{n} accuse shrewes. {and} nat excuse hem. [Sidenote: Were it permitted the wicked to get a slight view of virtue's beauty, which they have forsaken, and could they be persuaded of the purifying effects of lawful chastisement, they surely would not consider punishment as an evil, but would willingly give themselves up to justice and refuse the defence of their advocates.] {and} eke þe shrewes hem self. [gh]it it were 3720 leueful to hem to seen at any clifte þe vertue þat þei han forleten. {and} sawen þat þei sholde putten adou{n} þe filþes of hire vices by [the] to{ur}ment[gh] of peynes. þei ne au[gh]ten nat ry[gh]t for þe reco{m}pensac{i}ou{n} forto geten 3724 hem bounte {and} prowesse whiche þat þei han lost demen ne holden þat þilke peynes weren to{ur}mentes to hem. {and} eke þei wolden refuse þe attendau{n}ce of hir aduocat[gh] {and} taken hem self to hire iuges {and} to hir accusours. 3728 [Sidenote: The wise hate nobody, only a fool hates good men; and it is as irrational to hate the wicked.] for whiche it bytideþ [þ{a}t] as to þe wise folk þer nis no place ylete to hate. þat is to seyn. þat hate ne haþ no place amonges wise men. ¶ For no wy[gh]t wolde haten gode men. but yif he were ouer moche a 3732 fole. ¶ and forto haten shrewes it nis no resou{n}. [Sidenote: Vice is a sickness of the soul, and needs our compassion, and not our hate, for the distempers of the soul are more deplorable than those of the body, and have more claims upon our compassion.] ¶ For ry[gh]t so as languissing is maladie of body. ry[gh]t so ben vices {and} sy{n}ne maladies of corage. ¶ and so as we ne deme nat þat þei þat ben seek of hire body ben 3736 worþi to ben hated. but raþer worþi of pite. wel more worþi nat to ben hated. but forto ben had in pite ben þei of whiche þe þou[gh]tes ben constreined by felonous wickednesse. þat is more cruel þa{n} any languissinge of 3740 body. [Linenotes: 3715 _tourment[gh]_--torment _þe_ (2)--omitted 3719 _[to] s[e]yn_--to seyn 3722 _sawen_--sawh _sholde_--sholden 3723 [_the_]--from C. 3724 _au[gh]ten_--owhte 3725-29 _whiche_--which 3729 _bytideþ_--MS. byndeþ, C. bytidith [_þat_]--from C. 3730 _ylete_--I-leten 3731 _haþ_--MS. haþe 3732 _wolde_--nyl _moche_--mochel 3733 _fole_--fool 3736 _seek_--syke] [Headnote: THE FOLLY OF WAR.] QUID TANTOS IUUAT. [Sidenote: [The ferthe Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: What frenzy causes man to hasten on his fate, that is, by war or by strife.] ++What deliteþ it [gh]ow to exciten so grete moewynges of hatredes {and} to hasten {and} bisien [the] fatal disposic{i}ou{n} of [gh]oure deeþ wiþ [gh]oure p{ro}pre handes. þat is 3744 to seyn by batailes or [by] contek. [Sidenote: If death is desired he delays not to come.] for yif [gh]e axen þe deeþ it hastisiþ hym of hys owen wille. ne deeþ ne [[pg 131]] tarieþ nat hys swifte hors. [Sidenote: Why do they who are exposed to the assaults of beasts of prey and venomous reptiles seek to slay each other with the sword.] and [the] men þat þe serpent[gh] {and} þe lyou{n}s. {and} þe tigre. {and} þe beere {and} þe 3748 boore seken to sleen wiþ her teþe. [gh]it þilke same men seken to sleen eueryche of hem oþer wiþ swerde. [Sidenote: Lo! their manners and opinions do not accord, wherefore they engage in unjust wars, and fiercely urge on each other's destiny.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 29 _b_.]] loo for her man{er}s ben *diuerse {and} discordaunt ¶ þei moeuen vnry[gh]tful oostes {and} cruel batailes. {and} wilne 3752 to p{er}isse by enterchaungynge of dartes. [Sidenote: But this is no just reason for shedding blood.] but þe resou{n} of cruelte nis nat ynou[gh] ry[gh]tful. [Sidenote: Wouldst thou reward each as he deserves? Then love the good as they deserve, and have pity upon the wicked.] wilt þou þan [gh]elden a couenable gerdou{n} to þe desertes of men ¶ Loue ry[gh]tfully goode folk[;] {and} haue pite on shrewes. 3756 [Linenotes: 3743 [_the_]--from C. 3745 [_by_]--from C. 3746 _hastisiþ_--hasteth _owen wille_--owne wyl 3747 [_the_]--from C. 3749 _boore_--boor _teþe_--teth 3750 _swerde_--swerd 3751 _her_--hir 3752 _wilne_--wylnen 3753 _enterchaungynge_--entrechaungynges] [Headnote: THE OPERATIONS OF CHANCE.] HINC EGO UIDEO INQ{UA}M. {ET} CET{ERA}. [Sidenote: [The fyfthe p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: _B._ I see plainly the nature of that felicity which attends the virtues of the good, and of the misery that follows the vices of the wicked.] ++Þus see I wel q{uo}d I. eyþer what blisfulnesse or ellys what vnselinesse is estab[l]issed in þe desertys of goode men {and} of shrewes. [Sidenote: But in Fortune I see a mixture of good and evil. The wise man prefers riches, &c., to poverty, &c.] ¶ but in þis ilke fortune of poeple I see somwhat of goode. {and} somwhat of 3760 yuel. for no wise man haþ nat leuer ben exiled pore {and} nedy {and} nameles. þan forto dwellen in hys Citee {and} flouren of rychesses. {and} be redoutable by honoure. {and} stronge of power [Sidenote: And wisdom appears more illustrious, when wise men are governors and impart their felicity to their subjects; and when imprisonment, torture, &c., are inflicted only upon bad citizens.] for in þis wise more clerely {and} 3764 more witnesfully is þe office of wise men ytretid whan þe blisfulnes {and} [the] pouste of gouerno{ur}s is as it were yshad amonges poeples þat ben ney[gh]boures {and} subgit[gh]. syn þat namely prisou{n} lawe {and} þise oþer 3768 to{ur}ment[gh] of lawful peynes ben raþer owed to felonous Cite[gh]eins. for þe whiche felonous Cite[gh]eins þo peynes ben establissed. þan for goode folk. [Sidenote: Why, then, should things undergo so unnatural a change? Why should the worthy suffer and the vicious receive the reward of virtue?] ¶ þan I m{er}ueile me gretly q{uo}d I. whi [þ{a}t] þe þinges ben so mys 3772 entrechaunged. þat to{ur}ment[gh] felounes pressen {and} confounden goode folk. {and} shrewes rauyssen medes of vertue {and} ben i{n} hono{ur}s. {and} in grete estatis. [[pg 132]] [Sidenote: I should like to hear the reason of so unjust a distribution.] and I desire eke to wite{n} of þe. what semeþ þe to ben þe 3776 resou{n} of þis so wrongful a confusiou{n} [Sidenote: I should not marvel so much if _Chance_ were the cause of all this confusion.] ¶ For I wolde wondre wel þe lasse yif I trowed[e] þat alle þise þinges were medeled by fortuouse hap. [Sidenote: But I am overwhelmed with astonishment when I reflect, that God the director of all things thus unequally distributes rewards and punishments.] ¶ But now hepeþ {and} encreseþ myne astonyenge god gouerno{ur} of þinges. 3780 þat so as god [gh]eueþ ofte tymes to good[e] men goodes {and} myrþes. {and} to shrewes yuel and aspre þinges. {and} [gh]eueþ a[gh]eynewarde to goode folk hardnesse. {and} to shrewes [he] g{ra}unteþ hem her wille {and} þat þei desiren. 3784 [Sidenote: What difference is there, then, unless we know the cause, between God's proceedings and the operations of Chance?] what difference þan may þer be bitwixen þ{a}t þat god doþ. {and} þe hap of fortune. yif men ne knowe nat þe cause whi þat [it] is. [Sidenote: _P._ It is not at all surprising that you think you see irregularities, when you are ignorant of that order by which God proceeds.] it nis no merueile q{uo}d she þou[gh] þat men wenen þat þer be somwhat folysche and confus 3788 whan þe resou{n} of þe order is vnknowe. [Sidenote: But, forasmuch as God, the good governor, presides over all, rest assured that all things are done rightly and as they ought to be done.] ¶ But alle þou[gh] þou ne know nat þe cause of so gret a disposic{i}ou{n}. naþeles for as moche as god þe good[e] gouernour attempreþ {and} gouerneþ þe world. ne doute þe nat þat 3792 alle þinges ne ben doon ary[gh]t. [Linenotes: 3760 _goode_--good 3761 _haþ_--MS. haþe _nat_--omitted _leuer_--leu{er}e 3762 _þan_--MS. þat, C. than 3763 _redoutable_--MS. redentable, C. redowtable 3764 _stronge_--strong _clerely_--clerly 3766 [_the_]--from C. 3767 _ney[gh]boures_--nesshebors 3769 _lawful_--laweful 3771 _goode_--good 3772 [_þat_]--from C. 3775 _grete_--gret 3776 _to witen_--forto weten 3778 _trowed[e]_--trowede _alle_--al 3779 _were_--weeren _fortuouse_--fortunous 3780 _myne_--myn 3781 _good[e]_--goode 3782 _yuel_--yuelis 3783 _hardnesse_--hardnesses 3784 [_he_]--from C. _wille_--wyl 3785 _difference_--MS. differenee 3786 _doþ_--MS. doþe _hap_--happe 3787 [_it_]--from C. _it_--ne it 3788 _confus_--confuse 3789 _alle_--al 3791 _good[e]_--goode 3793 _ne_--omitted] [Headnote: THE HIDDEN CAUSES OF THINGS.] SI QUIS ARCTURI[8] SYDERA. [Footnote 8: MS. arituri] [Sidenote: [The fyfthe Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: He who knows not that the Bear is seen near the Pole, nor has observed the path of Boötes, will marvel at their appearance.] ++Who so þat ne knowe nat þe sterres of arctour yto{ur}ned neye to þe souereyne contre or point. þat is to seyne yto{ur}ned neye to þe souereyne pool of þe 3796 firmament {and} woot nat whi þe sterre boetes passeþ or gaderiþ his wey[n]es. {and} drencheþ his late flaumbes in þe see. {and} whi þat boetes þe sterre vnfoldiþ his ouer swifte arisynges. þan shal he wo{n}dre{n} of þe lawe of þe 3800 heye eyre. [Sidenote: The vulgar are alarmed when shadows terrestrial obscure the moon's brightness, causing the stars to be displayed.] {and} eke if þat he ne knowe nat why þat þe hornes of þe ful[le] moene waxen pale {and} infect by þe bou{n}des of þe derke ny[gh]t ¶ and how þe moene dirk {and} confuse discouereþ þe sterres. þat she had[de] [[pg 133]] ycouered by hir clere visage. [Sidenote: Thinking the eclipse the result of enchantment, they sought to destroy the charms by the tinkling of brazen vessels or cymbals.] þe co{m}mune errour moeueþ 3805 folk {and} makiþ wery hir bacines of bras by þikke strookes. þat is to seyne þat þer is a maner poeple þat hy[gh]t[e] coribandes þat wenen þat whan þe moone is in 3808 þe eclips þat it be enchau{n}tid. and þerfore forto rescowe þe moone þei betyn hire basines wiþ þikke strokes. [Sidenote: Yet none marvel when the north-west wind renders the sea tempestuous; nor when vast heaps of congealed snow are melted by the warm rays of the sun, because the causes are apparent.] ¶ Ne no man ne wondreþ whan þe blastes of þe wynde chorus betyn þe strondes of þe see by quakynge floodes. 3812 ne no man ne wondreþ whan þe wey[gh]te of þe snowe yhardid by þe colde. is resolued by þe brennynge hete of phebus þe sonne. ¶ For here seen men redyly þe causes. [Sidenote: Things whose causes are unknown disquiet the human mind.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 30.]] but þe *causes yhid þat is to seye in heuene 3816 trouble þe brestes of men. [Sidenote: The fickle mob stands amazed at every rare or sudden phenomenon.] ¶ þe moeueable poeple is a-stoned of alle þinges þat comen selde {and} sodeynely in oure age. [Sidenote: Fear and wonder, however, soon cease when ignorance given place to certain knowledge.] but yif þe troubly errour of oure ignora{n}ce departid[e] from vs. so þat we wisten þe causes whi þat 3820 swiche þinges bitiden. certys þei sholde{n} cesse to seme wondres. [Linenotes: 3794 _arctour_--MS. aritour 3795 _neye_--neygh 3796 _seyne_--seyn _neye_--nygh 3797-99 _boetes_--MS. boeces, C. boetes 3798 _his_ (1)--hise _wey[n]es_--weynes 3802 _ful[le]_--fulle 3804 _had[de]_--hadde 3806 _bacines_--MS. batines _þikke_--MS. þilke, C. thilke 3807 _seyne_--seyn 3808 _hy[gh]t[e]_--hihte 3809 _eclips_--eclypse 3812 _chorus_--MS. thorus, C. chorus 3813 _snowe_--sonwh = snowh 3815 _here_--her _redyly_--redely 3816 _yhid_--MS. yhidde, C. I-hid _seye_--seyn 3817 _trouble_--trowblen 3820 _departid[e] from_--departede fro] [Headnote: FIVE GREAT QUESTIONS.] ITA EST INQ{UA}M. [Sidenote: [The syxte p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: _B._ So it is. But as thou hast promised to unfold the hidden causes of things, and unveil things wrapt up in darkness; I pray thee deliver me from my present perplexity, and explain the mystery I mentioned to you.] ++Þvs is it q{uo}d I. but so as þou hast [gh]euen or byhy[gh]t me to vnwrappe{n} þe hidde causes of þinges ¶ and 3824 to discoueren me þe resou{n}s couered w{i}t{h} dirknesses I p{re}ye þe þat þou diuise {and} Iuge me of þis matere. {and} þat þou do me to vndrestonde{n} it. ¶ For þis miracle or þis wondre troubleþ me ry[gh]t gretely. [Sidenote: _P._ You ask me to declare to you the most intricate of all questions, which I am afraid can scarce be answered.] {and} þan she a 3828 litel [what] smylyng seide. ¶ þou clepest me q{uo}d she to telle þing. þat is grettest of alle þinges þat mowen ben axed. ¶ And to þe whiche questiou{n} vnneþ[e]s is þere au[gh]t ynow to lauen it. as who seiþ. vnneþes is þer 3832 suffisauntly any þing to answere p{er}fitly to þi questiou{n}. [Sidenote: For the subject is of such a kind, that when one doubt is removed, innumerable others, like the heads of the hydra, spring up.] ¶ For þe matere of it is swiche þat whan oon doute is [[pg 134]] determined {and} kut awey þer wexe{n} oþer doutes wiþ-outen nou{m}bre. ry[gh]t as þe heuedes waxen of ydre þe 3836 serpent þat hercules slou[gh]. [Sidenote: Nor would there be any end of them unless they were restrained by a quick and vigorous effort of the mind.] ¶ Ne þere ne were no man{er}e ne noon ende. but yif þat a wy[gh]t co{n}streined[e] þo doutes. by a ry[gh]t lyuely {and} a quik fire of þou[gh]t. þat is to seyn by vigo{ur} {and} strengþe of witte. [Sidenote: The question whereof you want a solution embraces the five following points: 1. Simplicity, or unity of Providence. 2. The order and course of Destiny.] ¶ For in 3840 þis matere me{n} weren wont to maken questiou{n}s of þe simplicite of þe p{ur}ueaunce of god {and} of þe ordre of destine. [Sidenote: 3. Sudden chance. 4. Prescience of God, and divine predestination. 5. Free-will.] {and} of sodeyne hap. {and} of þe knowyng {and} p{re}destinac{i}ou{n} deuine {and} of þe lyberte of fre wille. 3844 þe whiche þing þou þi self ap{er}ceiust wel of what wey[gh]t þei ben. but for as mochel as þe knowynge of þise þinges is a manere porc{i}ou{n} to þe medicine to þe. al be it so þat I haue lytel tyme to don it. [Sidenote: I will try to treat of these things:--] [gh]it naþeles I wole 3848 enforcen me to shewe somwhat of it. ¶ but al þou[gh] þe norissinges of dite of musike deliteþ þe þow most suffren. {and} forberen a litel of þilk delite while þat I weue (contexo) to þe resou{n}s yknyt by ordre ¶ As it likeþ 3852 to þe q{uo}d I so do. [Sidenote: Resuming her discourse as from a new principle, Philosophy argued as follows:--] ¶ þo spak she ry[gh]t a[s] by an oþer bygynnyn[ge] {and} seide þus. [Sidenote: The generation of all things, every progression of things liable to change, and everything that moveth, derive their causes, order, and form from the immutability of the divine understanding.] ¶ þe enge{n}drynge of alle þinges q{uo}d she {and} alle þe progressiou{n}s of muuable nat{ur}e. {and} alle þ{a}t moeueþ in any manere takiþ hys 3856 causes. hys ordre. {and} hys formes. of þe stablenesse of þe deuyne þou[gh]t [Sidenote: Providence directs all things by a variety of means.] [{and} thilke deuyne thowht] þat is yset {and} put in þe toure. þat is to seyne in þe hey[gh]t of þe simplicite of god. stablisiþ many manere gyses to þinges þat 3860 ben to don. [Sidenote: These means, referred only to the divine intelligence, are called Providence; but when contemplated in relation to the things which receive motion and order from them, are called Destiny.] ¶ þe whiche manere whan þat men loken it i{n} þilke pure clerenesse of þe deuyne i{n}telligence. it is ycleped p{ur}ueaunce ¶ but whan þilke manere is referred by me{n} to þinges þat it moeueþ {and} disponeþ þan [[pg 135]] of olde men. it was cleped destine. [Linenotes: 3823 _byhy[gh]t_--by-hyhte 3824 _hidde_--hyd 3826 _preye_--p{re}ey _diuise_--deuyse 3827 _do_--don 3828 _gretely_--gretly 3829 [_what_]--from C. 3832 _þere au[gh]t_--ther awht 3834 _swiche_--swych _oon_--o 3835 _wiþouten noumbre_--w{i}t{h}-owte nowmbyr 3836 _waxen_--wexen 3837 _þere_--ther 3838 _constreined[e]_--constreynede 3839 _lyuely_--lyfly 3840 _witte_--wit 3843 _hap_--happe 3845 _wey[gh]t_--wyht 3848 _wole_--wol 3850 _þow_--MS. now, C. þ{o}u _most suffren_--MS. moste to souereyne; C. most suffren 3851 _þilk_--thilke 3853 _þo_--so _spak_--MS. spake, C. spak _a[s]_--as 3856 _alle_--al 3858 [_and----thowht_]--from C. _yset_--MS. ysette, C. yset 3859 _toure_--towr _seyne_--seyn _hey[gh]t_--heyhte 3861 _don_--done 3862 _clerenesse_--klennesse] [Headnote: OF FATE AND PROVIDENCE.] [Sidenote: Reflection on the efficacy of the one and the other will soon cause us to see their differences.] ¶ þe whiche 3865 þinges yif þat any wy[gh]t lokeþ wel in his þou[gh]t. þe strengþe of þat oon {and} of þat oþer he shal ly[gh]tly mowen seen þat þise two þinges ben diuers. [Sidenote: Providence is the divine intelligence manifested in the disposition of worldly affairs.] ¶ For p{ur}ueau{n}ce 3868 is þilke deuyne resou{n} þat is establissed in þe souereyne p{r}ince of þinges. þe whiche p{ur}ueaunce disponiþ alle þinges. [Sidenote: Destiny or Fate is that inherent state or condition of movable things by means whereof Providence retains them in the order in which she has placed them.] but destine is þe disposic{i}ou{n} {and} ordenaunce cleuynge to moeuable þinges. by þe whiche disposic{i}ou{n} 3872 þe p{ur}ueaunce knyteþ alle þinges in hire ordres. [Sidenote: Providence embraces all things, although diverse and infinite; but Fate gives motion to every individual thing, and in the place and under the form appropriated to it.] ¶ For p{ur}ueaunce enbraceþ alle þi{n}ges to hepe. al þou[gh] þat þei ben dyuerse {and} al þou[gh] þei ben wiþ outen fyn. but destynie dep{ar}teþ {and} ordeyneþ alle þinges singlerly 3876 {and} diuideþ. in moeuynges. in places. in formes. in tymes. dep{ar}tiþ [as] þus. [Sidenote: So that the explication of this order of things wrapt up in the divine intelligence is Providence; and being unfolded according to time and other circumstances, may be called Fate.] so þat þe vnfoldyng of temp{or}el ordenaunce assembled {and} ooned in þe lokyng of þe deuyne þou[gh]t ¶ Is p{ur}ueaunce {and} þilke same 3880 assemblynge. {and} oonyng diuided {and} vnfolden by tymes. lat þat ben called destine. [Sidenote: Though these things appear to differ, yet one of them depends on the other, for the order of Fate proceeds from the unity of Providence.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 30 _b_.]] {and} al be *it so þat þise þinges ben dyuerse. [gh]itte naþeles hangeþ þat oon on þat oþer. forwhi þe ordre destinal p{ro}cediþ of þe 3884 simplicite of purueaunce. [Sidenote: For as a workman, who has formed in his head the plan of a work which he is desirous to finish, executes it afterwards, and produces after a time all the different parts of the model which he has conceived;] for ry[gh]t as a werkma{n} þat ap{er}ceiueþ in hys þou[gh]t þe forme of þe þing þat he wil make moeueþ þe effect of þe werke. {and} lediþ þat he had[de] loked byforne in hys þou[gh]t symply {and} p{re}sently 3888 by temp{or}el þou[gh]t. [Sidenote: so God in the plan of his Providence disposes everything to be brought about in a certain order and in a proper time;] ¶ Certys ry[gh]t so god disponiþ in hys p{ur}ueaunce singlerly {and} stably þe þinges þat ben to done. but he amynistreþ in many maneres {and} in dyuerse tymes by destyne. þilke same þinges 3892 þat he haþ disponed þan wheþir þat destine be excercised. [Linenotes: 3872 _cleuynge_--clyuynge 3875 _wiþ outen fyn_--Infynyte 3876 _singlerly_--syngulerly 3877 _in_ (3)--MS. {and}, C. in 3878 _departiþ_--omitted [_as_]--from C. _so þat_--lat 3884 _on_--of 3886 _wil_--wol 3888 _had[de]_--hadde _symply_--symplely 3889 _þou[gh]t_--ordinau{n}ce 3890 _singlerly_--syngulerly _stably_--stablely 3893 _haþ_--MS. haþe] [Headnote: PROVIDENCE CONTROLS FATE.] [Sidenote: and afterwards, by the ministry of Fate, he accomplishes what he has planned, conformably to that order and that time.] eyþer by so{m}me dyuyne spirites seruaunte[gh] to þe deuyne p{ur}ueaunce. or ellys by so{m}me soule (a{n}i{m}a mundi). or ellys by al nature seruynge to god. or ellys [[pg 136]] by þe celestial moeuyng of sterres. or ellys by þe vertue 3897 of aungels. or ellys by þe dyuerse subtilite of deueles. or ellys by any of he{m}. or ellys by hem alle þe destynal ordynau{n}ce is ywouen or accomplissed. certys it is open 3900 þing þat þe p{ur}ueaunce is an vnmoeueable {and} symple forme of þinges to done. {and} þe moeueable bonde {and} þe temp{or}el ordynaunce of þinges whiche þat þe deuyne simplicite of p{ur}ueaunce haþ ordeyned to done. þat is 3904 destine. [Sidenote: So then, however Fate be exercised, it is evident that things subject to Destiny are under the control of Providence, which disposes Destiny.] For whiche it is þat alle þinges þat ben put vndir destine ben certys subgit[gh] to p{ur}ueaunce. to whiche p{ur}ueaunce destine it self is subgit {and} vndir. [Sidenote: But some things under Providence are exempt from the control of Fate; being stably fixed near to the Divinity himself, and beyond the movement of Destiny.] ¶ But so{m}me þinges ben put vndir purueaunce þat 3908 so{ur}mounten þe ordinaunce of destine. {and} þo ben þilke þat stably ben yficched ney to þe first godhed þei so{ur}mou{n}ten þe ordre of destinal moeuablite. [Sidenote: For even, as among several circles revolving round one common centre, that which is innermost approaches nearest to the simplicity of the middle points, and is, as it were, a centre, round which the outward ones revolve;] ¶ For ry[gh]t as cercles þat to{ur}nen aboute a same Centre or 3912 about a poynt. þilke cercle þat is inrest or moost wiþ-ynne ioineþ to þe symplesse of þe myddel {and} is as it were a Centre or a poynt to þat oþer cercles þat tourne{n} aboute{n} hym. [Sidenote: whilst the outermost, revolving in a wider circumference, the further it is from the centre describes a larger space--but yet, if this circle or anything else be joined to the middle point, it is constrained to be immovable.] ¶ and þilke þat is outerest compased by 3916 larger envyronnynge is vnfolden by larger spaces in so mochel as it is forþest fro þe mydel symplicite of þe poynt. and yif þer be any þi{n}g þat knytteþ {and} felawshippeþ hym selfe to þilke mydel poynt it is constreyned 3920 in to symplicite. þat is to seyn in to [vn]moeueablete. {and} it ceseth to ben shad {and} to fleti{n} dyuersly. [Sidenote: By parity of reason, the further anything is removed from the first intelligence, so much the more is it under the control of Destiny;] ¶ Ry[gh]t so by semblable resou{n}. þilke þinge þat dep{ar}tiþ firþest fro þe first þou[gh]t of god. it is vnfolde{n} {and} su{m}mittid 3924 to grettere bondes of destine. [Sidenote: and the nearer anything approaches to this Intelligence, the centre of all things, the more stable it becomes, and the less dependent upon Destiny.] and in so moche is þe þing more free {and} lovs fro destyne as it axeþ {and} holdeþ hym ner to þilke Centre of þinges. þat is to [[pg 137]] seyne god. [Linenotes: 3894 _eyþer_--owther _seruaunte[gh]_--MS. seruaunce[gh] 3895 _somme_--som 3896 _al_--alle 3897 _moeuyng_--moeuynges 3900 _ywouen_--MS. ywonnen, C. ywouen _or_--{and} 3902 _bonde_--bond 3904 _haþ_--MS. haþe 3905 _whiche_--which 3912 _as_--as of 3913 _about_--a-bowte _inrest_--innerest 3917 _larger_ (1)--a large 3918 _mochel_--moche _forþest_--ferther{e} 3920 _selfe_--self 3921 _[vn]moeueablete_--vnmoeuablete 3922 _ceseth_--MS. fleþe, C. cesith 3923 _þinge_--thing 3924 _of_--MS. to, C. of 3926 _lovs_--laus 3927 _ner_--ner{e}] [Headnote: DESTINY RULES NATURE.] [Sidenote: And if we suppose that the thing in question is joined to the stability of the supreme mind, it then becomes immovable, and is beyond the necessity and power of destiny.] ¶ and if þe þinge cleueþ to þe stedfastnesse 3928 of þe þou[gh]t of god. {and} be wiþ oute moeuyng certys it so{ur}mounteþ þe necessite of destyne. [Sidenote: As reasoning is to the understanding, as that which is produced to that which exists of itself, as time to eternity, as the circle to the centre, so is the movable order of Fate to the stable simplicity of Providence.] þan ry[gh]t swiche comparisou{n} as [it] is of skilynge to vndirstondyng {and} of þing þat is engendred to þing þat is. {and} of tyme to 3932 eternite. {and} of þe cercle to þe Centre. ry[gh]t so is þe ordre of moeueable destine to þe stable symplicite of p{ur}ueaunce. [Sidenote: Destiny rules nature.] ¶ þilke ordinaunce moeueþ þe heuene {and} þe sterres {and} attempreþ þe elyment[gh] to gider 3936 amonges hem self. {and} t{ra}nsformeþ hem by enterchau{n}gable mutac{i}ou{n}. ¶ and þilke same ordre neweþ a[gh]ein alle þinges growyng {and} fallyng a-doune by sembleables p{ro}gressiou{n}s of seedes {and} of sexes. þat is 3940 to sein. male {and} female. [Sidenote: It controls the actions of men by an indissoluble chain of causes, and is, like their origin, immutable.] and þis ilke ordre co{n}streyneþ þe fortunes {and} þe dedes of men by a bonde of causes nat able to ben vnbou{n}den (indissolubili). þe whiche destinal causes whanne þei passen oute fro þe bygynnynges 3944 of þe vnmoeueable purueaunce it mot nedes be þat þei ne be nat mutable. [Sidenote: Thus, then, are all things well conducted, since that invariable order of cause has its origin in the simplicity of the Divine mind, and by its inherent immutability exercises a restraint upon mutable things, and preserves them from irregularity.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 31.]] {and} þus ben þe þinges ful wel ygouerned. yif þat þe symplicite dwelly{n}ge *in þe deuyne þou[gh]t sheweþ furþe þe ordre of causes. vnable to 3948 be I-bowed. {and} þis ordre constreyneþ by hys p{ro}pre stablete þe moeueable þinges. or ellys þei sholde fleten folily [Sidenote: To those who understand not this order, things appear confused--nevertheless, the proper condition of all things directs and inclines it to their true good.] for whiche it is þat alle þinges semen to be confus {and} trouble to vs men. for we ne mowe nat co{n}sider{e} 3952 þilke ordinaunce. ¶ Naþeles þe p{ro}pre manere of euery þing dressynge hem to goode disponit hem alle. [Sidenote: For there is nothing done for the sake of evil, not even by the wicked, who, in seeking for felicity, are led astray by crooked error.] for þere nis no þinge don for cause of yuel. ne þilke þing þat is don by wicked[e] folk nis nat don for yuel 3956 þe whiche shrewes as I haue shewed [ful] plentiuously seken goode. but wicked errour mysto{ur}niþ he{m}. [Linenotes: 3928 _seyne_--seyn _þinge cleueþ_--thing clyueth _stedfastnesse_--stydefastnesse 3930 _swiche_--swych 3931 [_it_]--from C. 3932 _to_ (2)--MS. of, C. to 3937 _enterchaungable_--MS. enterchau{n}gyngable, C. entrechaungeable 3939 _a-doune_--a-down _sembleables_--semblable 3942 _bonde_--bond 3943 _ben vnbounden_--be vnbownde 3944 _oute_--owt 3948 _furþe_--forth 3949 _I-bowed_--MS. vnbounde{n}, C. I-bowed 3950 _sholde_--sholden 3951 _whiche_--which 3952 _mowe_--mowen 3956 _wicked[e]_--wykkede 3957 [_ful_]--from C. 3958 _goode_--good] [[pg 138]] [Headnote: NOTHING DONE FOR EVIL'S SAKE.] [Sidenote: But the order proceeding from the centre of supreme goodness does not mislead any.] ¶ Ne þe ordre comynge fro þe poynt of souereyne goode ne declineþ nat fro hys bygynnynge. [Sidenote: But you may say, what greater confusion can there be than that both prosperous and adverse things should at times happen to good men, and that evil men should at one time enjoy their desires and at another be tormented by hateful things.] but þou mayst sein 3960 what vnreste may ben a wors co{n}fusiou{n} þan þ{a}t goode men han so{m}me tyme aduersite. {and} so{m}tyme p{ro}sperite. ¶ and shrewes also han now þinges þat þei desiren. [Sidenote: Are men wise enough to discover, whether those whom they believe to be virtuous or wicked, are so in reality?] {and} now þi{n}ges þat þei haten ¶ wheþer men 3964 lyuen now in swiche hoolnesse of þou[gh]t. as who seiþ. ben men now so wise. þat swiche folk as þei demen to ben goode folk or shrewes þ{a}t it mot nedes ben þat folk ben swiche as þei wenen. [Sidenote: Opinions differ as to this matter. Some who are deemed worthy of reward by one person, are deemed unworthy by another.] but in þis manere þe domes 3968 of men discorden. þat þilke men þ{a}t so{m}me folk demen worþi of mede. oþer folk demen hem worþi of to{ur}ment. [Sidenote: But, suppose it were possible for one to distinguish with certainty between the good and the bad?] but lat vs graunt[e] I pose þat som man may wel demen or knowen þe goode folk {and} þe badde. [Sidenote: Then he must have as accurate a knowledge of the mind as one has of the body.] May he þan 3972 knowen {and} seen þilke inrest attemp{er}aunce of corages. as it haþ ben wont to be said of bodyes. as who saiþ may a man speken {and} determine of attemp{er}aunce in corages. as men were wont to demen or speken of complexiou{n}s 3976 {and} attemp{er}aunces of bodies (q' non). [Sidenote: It is miraculous to him who knows it not, why sweet things are agreeable to some bodies, and bitter to others; why some sick persons are relieved by lenitives and others by sharper remedies.] ne it [ne] is nat an vnlyke miracle to hem þat ne knowe{n} it nat. ¶ As who seiþ. but is lyke a merueil or a miracle to hem þat ne knowe{n} it nat. whi þat swete 3980 þinges [ben] couenable to some bodies þat ben hool {and} to some bodies bittre þinges ben couenable. {and} also whi þat some seke folk ben holpen w{i}t{h} ly[gh]t medicines [{and} some folk ben holpen w{i}t{h} sharppe medicynes] 3984 [Sidenote: It is no marvel to the leech, who knows the causes of disease, and their cures.] but naþeles þe leche þ{a}t knoweþ þe manere {and} þe attemp{er}aunce of heele {and} of maladie ne merueileþ of it no þing. [Sidenote: What constitutes the health of the mind, but goodness? And what are its maladies, but vice?] but what oþer þing semeþ hele of corages but bounte {and} prowesse. {and} what oþer þing semeþ maladie 3988 of corages but vices. [Sidenote: Who is the preserver of good, or the driver away of evil, but God, the physician of souls, who knows what is necessary for men, and bestows it upon them?] who is ellys kep{er}e of good or dryuere awey of yuel but god gouerno{ur} {and} leecher of [[pg 139]] þou[gh]tes. þe whiche god wha{n} he haþ by-holden from þe heye toure of hys p{ur}ueaunce he knoweþ what is 3992 couenable to euery wy[gh]t. {and} leneþ hem þat he wot [þat] is couenable to hem. [Sidenote: From this source springs that great marvel--_the order of destiny_--wrought by the wisdom of God, and marveled at by ignorant men.] Loo here of comeþ {and} here of is don þis noble miracle of þe ordre destinal. [Linenotes: 3959 _goode_--good 3960 _declineþ_--MS. enclineþ, C. declynyth 3961 _wors_--worse 3962 _somme tyme_--somtyme 3965 _swiche_--swych 3967 _goode_--good _mot_--moste 3971 _graunt[e]_--graunte 3973 _inrest_--Inneryste 3974 _haþ_--MS. haþe _said_--MS. saide, C. seyd 3975 _determine_--det{er}minen 3978 [_ne_]--from C. _vnlyke_--vn-lyk 3979 _lyke_--lik 3981 [_ben_]--from C. _hool_--hoole 3984 [_and----medicynes_]--from C. 3991 _haþ_--MS. haþe 3993 _wot_--MS. wote, C. wot 3994 [_þat_]--from C. 3995 _don_--MS. done, C. don _miracle_--MS. mirache, C. myracle _ordre_--MS. ordre of] [Headnote: GOD THE SOUL'S PHYSICIAN.] whan god þat alle knoweþ doþ swiche þing. of whiche 3996 þing [þat] vnknowyng folk ben astoned [Sidenote: But, now let us notice a few things concerning the depth of the Divine knowledge which human reason may comprehend.] but forto constreine as who seiþ ¶ But forto co{m}prehende {and} telle a fewe þinges of þe deuyne depnesse þe whiche þat mans resou{n} may vnderstonde. [Sidenote: The man you deem just, may appear otherwise to the omniscient eye of Providence.] ¶ þilk man þat þou wenest 4000 to ben ry[gh]t Iuste {and} ry[gh]t kepyng of eq{u}ite. þe contrarie of þat semeþ to þe deuyne p{ur}ueaunce þat al woot. ¶ And lucan my familier telleþ þat þe victories cause liked[e] to þe goddes {and} causes ouercomen liked[e] to 4004 cato{u}n. [Sidenote: When you see apparent irregularities--unexpected and unwished for--deem them to be rightly done.] þan what so euer þou mayst seen þat is don in þis [world] vnhoped or vnwened. certys it is þe ry[gh]t[e] ordre of þinges. but as to þi wicked[e] oppiniou{n} it is a co{n}fusiou{n}. [Sidenote: Let us suppose a man so well behaved, as to be approved of God and man--but not endowed with firmness of mind, so that the reverses of fortune will cause him to forgo his probity, since with it he cannot retain his prosperity.] but I suppose þat som man be so wel yþewed. 4008 þat þe deuyne Iugement {and} þe Iugeme{n}t of mankynde accorden hem to gidre of hym. but he is so vnstedfast of corage [þat] yif any aduersite come to hym he wolde for-leten p{er}auenture to continue i{n}nocence by þe 4012 whiche he ne may nat wiþholden fortune. [Sidenote: A wise Providence, knowing that adversity might destroy this man's integrity, averts from him that adversity which he is not able to sustain.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 31 _b_.]] ¶ þan þe wise dispensac{i}ou{n} of god spareþ hym þe whiche man{er}e adu{er}site *my[gh]t[e] enpeyren. ¶ For þat god wil nat suffren hym to trauaile. to whom þat trauayl 4016 nis nat couenable. [Sidenote: Another man is thoroughly virtuous, and approaches to the purity of the deity--him Providence deems it an injustice to oppress by adversity, and therefore exempts him even from bodily disease.] ¶ An oþ{er} man is p{er}fit in alle uertues. {and} is an holy man {and} neye to god so þat þe p{ur}ueaunce of god wolde demen þat it were a felony þat he were touched wiþ any aduersites. so þat he ne 4020 wil nat suffre þat swiche a man be moeued wiþ any [[pg 140]] manere maladie. ¶ But so as seide a philosophre [the moore excellent by me]. þe adu{er}sites comen nat (he seide in grec[;]) þere þ{a}t uertues han edified þe bodie 4024 of þe holy man. [Sidenote: Providence often gives the direction of public affairs to good men, in order to curb and restrain the malice of the wicked.] and ofte tyme it bitideþ þat þe so{m}me of þinges þat ben to don is taken to good folk to gouerne. for þat þe malice habundaunt of shrewes sholde ben abatid. [Sidenote: To some is given a mixture of good and evil, according to what is most suitable to the dispositions of their minds.] {and} god [gh]eueþ {and} dep{ar}tiþ to oþer 4028 folk p{ro}sp[er]ites {and} aduersites ymedeled to hepe aftir þe qualite of hire corages {and} remordiþ som folk by adu{er}sites. [Sidenote: Upon some are laid moderate afflictions, lest they wax proud by too long a course of prosperity.] for þei ne sholden nat wexen proude by longe welefulnesse. [Sidenote: Others suffer great adversities that their virtues may be exercised, and strengthened by the practice of patience.] {and} oþer folk he suffreþ to ben 4032 trauayled wiþ harde þinges. ¶ For þat þei sholden conferme þe vertues of corage by þe vsage {and} ex{er}citac{i}ou{n} of pacie{n}ce. [Sidenote: Some fear to be afflicted with what they are able to endure. Others despise what they are unable to bear; and God punishes them with calamities, to make them sensible of their presumption.] and oþer folke dreden more þen þei au[gh]ten þe wiche þei my[gh]t[en] wel beren. {and} þilke folk god 4036 lediþ in to exp{er}ience of hem self by aspre {and} sorweful þinges. [Sidenote: Many have purchased a great name by a glorious death.] ¶ And many oþer folk han bou[gh]t honorable renoune of þis worlde by þe pris of glorious deeþ. [Sidenote: Others by their unshaken fortitude, have shown that virtue cannot be overcome by adversity.] and som men þat ne mowen nat ben ouer-comen by 4040 tourment han [gh]euen ensample to oþer folk þat vertue ne may nat be ouer-comen by aduersites. [[Transcriber's Note: The sidenote "Others despise what they are unable to bear" does not correspond to anything in the text. Skeat's edition includes the phrase "and somme dispyse that they mowe nat beren" (Book IV, Prose 6: _Ita Est Inquam_).]] [Linenotes: 3996 _alle_--al _doþ_--MS. doþe _whiche_--which 3997 [_þat_]--from C. 3999 _mans_--mannes 4000 _þilk_--thilke 4004 _liked[e]_ (_both_)--lykede 4005 _is don_--MS. is to don 4006 [_world_]--from C. _ry[gh]t[e]_--ryhte 4007 _wicked[e]_--wykkede 4010 _vnstedfast_--vnstydefast 4011 [_þat_]--from C. _wolde_--wol 4015 _manere_--man _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte 4016 _wil_--wol 4018 _neye_--negh 4021 _wil_--wol _swiche_--swych 4022 _manere_--bodyly 4022-3 [_the----me_]--from C. 4023 _þe aduersites----nat_--omitted 4024 _þere_--omitted 4026 _don_--done _to_ (2)--MS. so _to good----gouerne_--to gou{er}ne to goode folk 4028 _oþer_--oothr{e} 4030 _som_--some 4031 _sholden_--sholde 4033 _conferme_--confermen 4034 _corage_--corages 4036 _my[gh]t[en]_--myhten 4037 _hem_--hym _sorweful_--sorwful 4038 _oþer_--oothr{e} 4039 _worlde_--world _of_ (2)--of the 4041 _oþer_--othr{e}] [Headnote: HOW PROVIDENCE DEALS WITH MANKIND.] [Sidenote: These things are done justly, and in order, and are for the good of those to whom they happen.] ¶ and of alle þise þinges þer nis no doute þ{a}t þei ne ben don ry[gh]tfully {and} ordeinly to þe p{ro}fit of hem to whom we 4044 seen þise þinges bitide. [Sidenote: From the same causes it happens, that sometimes adversity and sometimes prosperity falls to the lot of the wicked.] ¶ For certys þat aduersite comeþ some tyme to shrewes. {and} some tyme þat þei desiren it comeþ of þise forseide causes [Sidenote: None are surprised to see bad men afflicted--they get what they deserve.] {and} of sorweful þinges þat bytyden to shrewes. Certys no man ne 4048 wondreþ. For alle me{n} wenen þat þei han wel deserued it. [Sidenote: Their punishment, too, may cause amendment, or deter others from like vices.] {and} þei ben of wicked m{er}ite of whiche shrewes þe to{ur}ment som tyme agasteþ oþer to done [[pg 141]] folies. {and} som tyme it amendeþ hem þat suffren þe 4052 to{ur}mentis. [Sidenote: When the wicked enjoy felicity--the good should learn how little these external advantages are to be prized, which may fall to the lot of the most worthless.] ¶ And þe p{ro}sp{er}ite þat is [gh]euen to shrewes sheweþ a grete argument to good[e] folk what þing þei sholde demen of þilk wilfulnesse þe whiche p{ro}sperite men seen ofte serue to shrewes. [Sidenote: Another reason for dispensing worldly bliss to the wicked is, that indigence would prompt naturally violent and rapacious minds to commit the greatest enormities.] in þe whiche 4056 þing I trowe þat god dispensiþ. for p{er}auenture þe nature of som man is so ouerþrowyng to yuel {and} so vncouenable þat þe nedy pouerte of hys house-hold my[gh]t[e] raþer egren hym to done felonies. [Sidenote: Their disease God cures by the medicine of money.] and to þe maladie 4060 of hym god puttiþ remedie to [gh]iuen hym rychesse. [Sidenote: Some men will cease to do wrong for fear, lest their wealth be lost through their crimes.] {and} som oþer man byholdiþ hys conscience defouled wiþ synnes {and} makiþ co{m}parisou{n} of his fortune {and} of hym self ¶ and drediþ p{er}auenture þat hys blisfulnesse 4064 of whiche þe vsage is ioyful to hym þat þe lesynge of þilke blisfulnesse ne be nat sorweful to hym. {and} þerfore he wol chaunge hys maneres. and for he drediþ to lese hys fortune. he forletiþ hys wickednesse. 4068 [Sidenote: Upon others unmerited happiness is conferred, which at last precipitates them into deserved destruction.] to oþer folk is welefulnesse y[gh]eue{n} vnworþily þe whiche ouerþroweþ hem in to destrucc{i}ou{n} þat þei han deserued. [Sidenote: To some there is given the power of chastisement, in order both to exercise the virtues of the good and to punish the wicked.] and to som oþer folk is [gh]euen power to punisse{n}. for þat it shal be cause of continuac{i}ou{n} {and} 4072 ex{er}cisinge to good[e] folk. {and} cause of to{ur}ment to shrewes. [Sidenote: For as there is no alliance between good and bad, so neither can the vicious agree together.] ¶ For so as þer nis none alyaunce bytwixe good[e] folke {and} shrewes. ne shrewes ne mowen nat accorde{n} amo{n}ges hem self [Sidenote: And how should they? Their vices make them at war with themselves, rending and tearing their consciences, and there is scarce anything they do, but what afterwards they disapprove of.] {and} whi nat. for shrewes 4076 discorde{n} of hem self by her vices þe whiche vices al to renden her consciences. {and} don oft[e] tyme þinges þe whiche þinges whan þei han don hem. þei demen þat þo þinges ne sholde nat han ben don. [Sidenote: Hence arises a signal miracle brought about by Providence--that evil men have often made wicked men good.] for whiche þinge 4080 þilke souereyne p{ur}ueaunce haþ maked oft[e] tyme [fair{e}] miracle so þ{a}t shrewes han maked oftyme [[pg 142]] shrewes to ben good[e] men. [Sidenote: For these latter having suffered injuries from the former, have become virtuous, in order that they might not resemble those whom they so detested.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 32.]] for whan þat som shrewes *seen þat þei suffren wrongfully felonies of oþer shrewes 4084 þei wexen eschaufed in to hat[e] of hem þat anoien hem. {and} retournen to þe fruit of uertue. when þei studien to ben vnlyke to he{m} þat þei han hated. [Linenotes: 4046 _comeþ_--comth _some_ (_both_)--som _þat þei_--MS. þei þat, C. þ{a}t that they 4047 _comeþ_--comth _sorweful_--sorwful 4050 _wicked_--wykkede _merite_--MS. u{er}ite, C. m{er}yte 4051 _oþer_--oothr{e} _done_--don 4052 _folies_--felonies 4054 _grete_--gret _good[e]_--goode 4055 _sholde_--sholden _þilk_--thilke 4056 _serue_--seruen _whiche_--which 4057 _dispensiþ_--MS. dispisiþ, C. dispensith 4059 _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte 4060 _done_--don 4061 _rychesse_--Rychesses 4065 _whiche_--which 4068 MS. wrongly inserts _welefulnesse_ after _wickednesse_ 4069-71 _oþer_--oothr{e} 4073 _good[e]_--goode 4074 _none_--non 4075 _good[e]_--goode 4076 _accorden_--acordy 4078 _don_--MS. done, C. don _oft[e]_--ofte 4079 _don_--MS. done, C. don 4080 _sholde_--sholden _whiche þinge_--which thing 4081 _haþ_--MS. haþe _oft[e]_--ofte 4082 [_faire_]--from C. _oftyme_--omitted 4083 _good[e]_--goode 4085 _hat[e]_--hate _anoien_--anoyeden 4087 _studien_--omitted _vnlyke_--vnlyk] [Headnote: EVIL IS OVERRULED FOR GOOD.] [Sidenote: It is only the Divine power that can turn evil to good, overruling it for his own purposes.] ¶ Certys þis only is þe deuyne my[gh]t to þe whiche my[gh]t 4088 yueles ben þan good. whan it vseþ þo yueles couenably {and} draweþ out þe effect of any good. as who seiþ þat yuel is good oonly by þe my[gh]t of god. for þe my[gh]t of god ordeyneþ þilk yuel to good. For oon ordre enbrasiþ 4092 alle þinges. so þat what wy[gh]t [þ{a}t] dep{ar}tiþ fro þe resou{n} of þe ordre whiche þat is assigned to hym. algates [gh]it he slideþ in to an oþ{er} ordre. [Sidenote: Nothing occurs by the caprice of chance in the realms of Divine Providence.] so þat noþing nis leueful to folye in þe realme of þe deuyne p{ur}ueaunce. 4096 as who seiþ no þing nis wiþouten ordinaunce in þe realme of þe deuyne purueaunce. [Sidenote: Since God is the governor of all things, it is not lawful to man to attempt to comprehend the whole of the Divine economy, or to explain it in words.] ¶ Syn þat þe ry[gh]t strong[e] god gouerniþ alle þinges in þis worlde for it nis nat leueful to no man to co{m}p{re}henden by witte ne 4100 vnfolden by worde alle þe subtil ordinaunces {and} disposic{i}ou{n}s of þe deuyne entent. [Sidenote: Let it suffice to know that God orders all things for the best.] for oonly it au[gh]t[e] suffice to han loked þat god hym self makere of alle natures ordeyniþ and dressiþ alle þinges to good. [Sidenote: And while he retains things created after his own likeness conformably to his goodness, he banishes evil by the cause of destiny out of his empire.] while 4104 þat he hastiþ to wiþhalden þe þinges þat he haþ maked in to hys semblaunce. þat is to seyn forto wiþholden þinges in to good. for he hym self is good he chaseþ oute al yuel of þe boundes of hys co{m}munalite by þe 4108 ordre of necessite destinable. [Sidenote: So that those evils which you seem to see are only imaginary.] For whiche it folweþ þat yif þou loke þe p{ur}ueaunce ordeynynge þe þinges þat men wenen ben haboundaunt in erþes. þou ne shalt not seen in no place no þing of yuel. [Sidenote: But you are exhausted and weary with the prolixity of my reasoning, and look for relief from the harmony of my verse.] ¶ but I se now þat 4112 þou art charged wiþ þe wey[gh]te of þe questiou[n] {and} [[pg 143]] wery wiþ lengþe of my resou{n}. {and} þat þou abidest som swetnesse of songe. [Sidenote: Take, then, this draught, with which when refreshed, you may more strongly proceed to higher matters.] tak þa{n} þis drau[gh]t {and} whan þou art wel refresshed {and} refet þou shalt ben more stedfast 4116 to stye in to heyere questiou{n}s. [Linenotes: 4089-90 _good_--goode 4092 _þilk_--thilke 4093 [_þat_]--from C. 4094 _þe_ (2)--thilke _whiche_--which 4096 _realme_--Reame 4099 _strong[e]_--stronge _worlde_--world 4100 _no_--omitted _witte_--wit 4101 _worde alle_--word al 4102 _au[gh]t[e]_--owhte 4104 _good while_--goode wyl 4105 _haþ_--MS. haþe 4108 _of_ (1)--fro 4109 _whiche_--which 4111 _ben haboundaunt_--ben out{ra}ious / or habowndant 4115 _tak_--MS. take, C. tak 4116 _refet_--refect _shalt ben_--shal be _stedfast_--stydefast] [Headnote: LOVE TEMPERS ALL THINGS.] SI UIS CELSI IURA. [Sidenote: [The syxte Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: If thou wouldst explore the laws of the high Thunderer, behold the lofty heavens, where, bound by fixed laws, the stars keep their ancient peace.] ++Yif þou wolt demen in þi pur{e} þou[gh]t þe ry[gh]tes or þe lawes of þe heye þund[ere]re. þat is to seyne of god. loke þou {and} bihold þe hey[gh]tes of souereyne heuene. 4120 ¶ þere kepen þe sterres by ry[gh]tful alliaunce of þinges hir olde pees. [Sidenote: There the rosy Sun does not invade the moon's colder sphere. Nor doth the Bear stray from his appointed bounds, to quench his light in the western main.] þe sonne ymoeued by hys rody fire. ne destourbiþ nat þe colde cercle of þe moone. ¶ Ne þe sterre yclepid þe bere. þ{a}t encliniþ hys rauyssynge 4124 courses abouten þe souereyne hey[gh]t of þe worlde. ne þe same sterre vrsa nis neuer mo wasshen in þe depe westerne see. ne coueitiþ nat to dy[gh]en hys flaumbes in þe see of [the] occian. al þou[gh] he see oþer sterres yplounged 4128 in to þe see. [Sidenote: Vesper always makes its wonted appearance at eve. Lucifer ushers in the morn.] ¶ And hesperus þe sterre bodiþ {and} telliþ alwey þe late ny[gh]tes. And lucifer þe sterre bryngeþ a[gh]eyne þe clere day. [Sidenote: So mutual love moves all things, and from the starry region banishes all strife.] ¶ And þus makiþ loue enterchaungeable þe p{er}durable courses. {and} þus 4132 is discordable bataile yput oute of þe contre of þe sterres. [Sidenote: This concord in equal measures tempers the elements, so that the moist atoms war no more with the dry, nor heat with cold contends; but the aspiring flame soars aloft, while down the heavy earth descends.] þis accordaunce atte{m}preþ by euene-lyke manere[s] þe elementes. þat þe moyste þinges striuen nat wiþ þe drye þinges. but [gh]iuen place by stoundes. and þat þe 4136 colde þinges ioynen hem by feiþ to þe hote þinges. {and} þat þe ly[gh]t[e] fyre arist in to hey[gh]te. {and} þe heuy erþes aualen by her wey[gh]tes. [Sidenote: By these same causes the flowing year yields sweet smells in the warm spring-tide; the hot summer ripens the corn.] ¶ by þise same cause þe floury yere [gh]eldeþ swote smellys in þe fyrste somer sesou{n} 4140 warmynge. {and} þe hote somer dryeþ þe cornes. [Sidenote: Autumn comes crowned with plenty, and winter wets the earth with showers.] {and} autumpne comeþ a[gh]eyne heuy of apples. and þe fletyng [[pg 144]] reyne bydeweþ þe wynter. þis attemp{er}aunce noryssiþ {and} brynggeþ furþe al þinge þat brediþ lyfe in þis 4144 worlde. [Sidenote: These changes give life and growth to all that breathe; and at last by death efface whatever has had birth.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 32 _b_.]] ¶ and þilk same attemp{er}aunce rauyssyng hideþ {and} bynymeþ {and} drencheþ vndir þe last[e] deþe alle *þinges yborn. [Sidenote: Meanwhile the world's Creator, the Source of all, the Lawgiver, the wise Judge, sits above equitably directing all things.] ¶ Amonges þise þinges sitteþ þe heye makere kyng {and} lorde. welle {and} bygynnynge. lawe 4148 {and} wise Iuge. to don equite {and} gouerniþ {and} encliniþ þe bridles of þinges. [Sidenote: Those things which have been set in motion by him are also checked and forced to move in an endless round, lest they go from their source, and become chaotic.] {and} þo þinges þat he stireþ to don by moeuynge he wiþdraweþ {and} arestiþ {and} affermiþ þe moeueable or wandryng þinges. ¶ For [gh]if þat he ne 4152 clepiþ nat a[gh]ein þe ry[gh]t goynge of þinges. {and} [gh]if þat he ne constreyned[e] hem nat eftesones in to roundenesse enclined þe þinges þ{a}t ben now continued by stable ordinaunce. þei sholde deperten from hir welle. þat is 4156 to sein from hir bygynnynge {and} failen. þat is to sein to{ur}nen in to nau[gh]t. [Sidenote: This love is common to all things, and all things tend to good; so, urged by this, they all revert to that First Cause that gave them being.] ¶ þis is þe co{m}mune loue of alle þinges. {and} alle þi{n}ges axen to be holden by þe fyn of good. For ellys ne my[gh]ten þei nat lasten yif þei ne 4160 come nat eftesones a[gh]eine by loue retourned to þe cause þat haþ [gh]euen he{m} beynge. þat is to seyn to god. [Linenotes: 4118 _þou wolt_--þ{o}u wys wilt 4119 _þund[ere]re_--thonderer{e} _seyne_--seyn 4120 _bihold_--MS. biholde, C. byhold 4122 _rody_--MS. redy, C. rody _fire_--Fyr 4123 _cercle_--clerke 4125 _courses_--cours _hey[gh]t_--heyhte 4127 _westerne_--westrene _dy[gh]en_--deeyn 4128 [_the_]--from C. _he see_--MS. it sewe, C. he see _oþer_--oothr{e} 4131 _a[gh]eyne_--ayein 4133 _oute_--owt 4134 _euene-lyke manere[s]_--euenelyk maneres 4135 _striuen_--stryuynge _nat_--omitted 4136 _but_--omitted 4138 _ly[gh]t[e] fyre arist_--lyhte fyr arysith 4140 _yere_--[gh]er 4142 _comeþ a[gh]eyne_--comth ayein 4143 _reyne_--reyn 4144 _furþe al þinge_--forth alle thing _brediþ lyfe_--berith lyf 4145 _worlde_--world _þilk_--thilke 4146 _last[e] deþe_--laste deth 4147 _yborn_--MS. yborne, C. I-born 4148 _lorde_--lord 4149 _wise_--wys 4150 _stireþ_--sterith _don_--gon 4151 _þe_--omitted 4153 _clepiþ_--klepede 4154 _constreyned[e]_--constreynede _roundenesse_--Rowndnesses 4156 _sholde_--sholden 4158 _tournen_--torne _of_--to 4159 _be_--ben 4161 _eftesones a[gh]eine_--eft sones ayein 4162 _haþ_--MS. haþe] [Headnote: ALL FORTUNE IS BENEFICIAL.] IAM NE IGITUR UIDES. [Sidenote: [The seuende p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: _P._ Do you see what follows from our arguments?] ++Sest þou nat þan what þing folweþ alle þe þinges þat I haue seid. [Sidenote: _B._ What is it?] what þing q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ That all fortune is good.] ¶ Certys q{uo}d she 4164 outerly þat al fortune is good. [Sidenote: _B._ How can that be?] and how may þat be q{uo}d .I. [Sidenote: _P._ Since all fortune, whether prosperous or adverse, is for the reward of the good or the punishment of the bad, all fortune is good which is either just or useful.] ¶ Now vndirstand q{uo}d she so as [alle fortune wheyther so it be Ioyeful fortune / or aspr{e}] fortune is [gh]iuen eiþer by cause of g{er}donynge or ellys of 4168 ex{er}cisynge of goode folk or ellys by cause to punissen. or ellys to chastysen shrewes. ¶ þan is alle fortune [[pg 145]] good. þe whiche fortune is certeyne þat it be eiþer ry[gh]tful or p{ro}fitable. [Sidenote: But let us put this opinion among those positions which thou saidst were not commonly believed by the people.] ¶ For soþe þis is a ful verray resou{n} 4172 q{uo}d I. and yif I considere þe p{ur}ueau{n}ce {and} þe destine þat þou tau[gh]test me a litel here byforne þis sentence is susteyned by stedfast resou{n}s. but yif it like vnto þe lat vs nou{m}bre hem amonges þilk[e] þinges of 4176 whiche þou seidest a litel here byforne þat þei ne were nat able to ben ywened to þe poeple. [Sidenote: _P._ Why so?] ¶ whi so q{uo}d she. [Sidenote: _B._ Because it is a common expression that _the fortune of such a one is bad_.] for þat þe comune worde of men mysusiþ q{uo}d I. þis manere speche of fortune. {and} sein ofte tymes [þ{a}t] 4180 þe fortune of som wy[gh]t is wicked. [Linenotes: 4163 _þing_--thinge 4165 _outerly_--al owtrely _al_--alle 4166-7 [_alle----aspre_]--from C. 4169 _goode_--good 4174 _here byforne_--her by-forn 4175 _stedfast_--stydefast 4176 _noumbre_--nowmbren _þilk[e]_--thilke 4177 _here byforne_--her by-forn 4178 _ywened_--weened 4179 _worde_--word] [Headnote: PUNISHMENT IS BENEFICIAL.] [Sidenote: _P._ Do you wish me to conform for awhile to the language of the people, lest we should seem to depart too much from the popular mode of expression?] wilt þou þan q{uo}d she þat I p{ro}che a litel to þe wordes of þe poeple so it seme nat to hem þat I be ouer moche dep{ar}tid as fro þe vsage of man kynde. [Sidenote: _B._ As you please.] as þou wolt q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ Is everything profitable that is good?] ¶ Demest 4184 þou nat q{uo}d she þat al þing þat p{ro}fitiþ is good. [Sidenote: _B._ Yes, certainly.] [gh]is q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ That which exercises or corrects is profitable?] certis þilk þing þat ex{er}cisiþ or corigiþ profitiþ. [Sidenote: _B._ It is.] I confesse it wel q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ Therefore it is good?] þan is it good q{uo}d she. [Sidenote: _B._ Yes.] whi nat q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ This is the fortune of the virtuous who combat with adversity, or of those who, relinquishing vice, pursue the path of virtue?] but þis is þe fortune [q{uod} she] of 4188 hem þat eiþer ben put in vertue {and} batailen a[gh]eins aspre þinges. or ellys of hem þat eschewen {and} declinen fro vices {and} taken þe weye of vertue. [Sidenote: _B._ It is.] ¶ þis ne may nat I denye q{uo}d I [Sidenote: _P._ The vulgar regard that prosperity which is bestowed as a reward on the good to be beneficial, and they believe those calamities by which the wicked are punished as the most miserable things that can be imagined.] ¶ But what seist þou of þe myrye 4192 fortune þat is [gh]euen to good folk in gerdou{n} deuiniþ ou[gh]t þe poeples þat it is wicked. nay forsoþe q{uo}d I. but þei demen as it soþe is þat it is ry[gh]t good. ¶ And what seist þou of þat oþer fortune q{uo}d she. þat al þou[gh] it 4196 be aspre {and} restreiniþ þe shrewes by ry[gh]tful tourment. weniþ ou[gh]t þe poeple þ{a}t it be good. nay q{uo}d I. ¶ But þe poeple demiþ þat it be most wrecched of alle þinges þat may ben þou[gh]t. [Sidenote: But in following the popular opinion, let us beware of being involved in some new and incredible consequence.] war now {and} loke wel q{uo}d she 4200 lest þat we in folwyng þe opyniou{n} of poeple haue confessed {and} co{n}cluded þing þat is vnable to be wened to [[pg 146]] þe poeple. [Sidenote: _B._ What is that?] what is þat q{uo}d I [Sidenote: _P._ We have decided that the fortune of the virtuous or of those growing up in virtue must needs be good--but that the fortune of the wicked must be most wretched.] ¶ Certys q{uo}d she it folweþ or comeþ of þinges þ{a}t ben graunted þat alle 4204 fortune what so euer it be. of hem þat eyþer ben i{n} possessiou{n} of vertue. [or in the encres of vertu] or ellys in þe purchasynge of vertue. þat þilke fortune is good. ¶ And þat alle fortune is ry[gh]t wicked to hem þat 4208 dwellen in shrewednesse. as who seiþ. {and} þus weneþ nat þe poeple. [Linenotes: 4180 [_þat_]--from C. 4181 _wicked_--wykkede 4182 _proche_--aproche 4185 _al_--alle 4186 _þilk_--thilke 4188 [_quod she_]--from C. 4191 _weye_--wey 4193 _deuiniþ_--demyth 4194 _ou[gh]t_--awht 4195 _soþe_--soth 4198 _ou[gh]t_--awht 4199 _be_--is 4204 _comeþ_--comth 4206 [_or----vertu_] from C. 4208 _wicked_--wykkede] [Headnote: THE FORTUNE OF THE VIRTUOUS IS GOOD.] [Sidenote: _B._ That's true, though none dare acknowledge it.] ¶ þat is soþe q{uo}d I. ¶ Al be it so þat noma{n} dar confesse{n} it ne byknowen it. [Sidenote: _P._ Why so? The wise man ought not to be cast down, when he has to wage war with Fortune, no more than the valiant man ought to be dismayed on hearing the noise of the battle.] ¶ whi so q{uo}d she. [Sidenote: [* fol. 33.]] For ry[gh]t as no strong man ne semeþ nat to 4212 abassen or disdaigne{n} as *ofte tyme as he hereþ þe noise of þe bataile. ne also it ne semeþ nat to þe wyse man to beren it greuously as oft[e] as he is lad in to þe strif of fortune. [Sidenote: The dangers of war enable the one to acquire more glory, and the difficulties of the other aid him to confirm and improve his wisdom.] for boþe to þat on man {and} eke to þat oþ{er} 4216 þilke difficulte is þe matere to þat oon man of encrese of his glorious renou{n}. {and} to þat oþer man to conferme hys sapience. þat is to seine þe asprenesse of hys estat. [Sidenote: Thus virtue, in its literal acceptation, is a power that, relying on its own strength, overcomes all obstacles.] ¶ For þerfore is it called uertue. for þat it susteniþ {and} 4220 enforceþ by hys strengþes þat it nis nat ouer-come{n} by aduersites. [Sidenote: You, who have made so much progress in virtue, are not to be carried away by delights and bodily lusts.] ¶ Ne certys þou þat art put in þe encrese or in þe hey[gh]t of uertue ne hast nat comen to fleten wiþ delices {and} forto welken in bodyly lust. [Sidenote: You must engage in a fierce conflict with every fortune--with adversity, lest it dismay you--with prosperity, lest it corrupt you.] ¶ þou sowest 4224 or plauntest a ful egre bataile in þi corage a[gh]eins euery fortune. for þat þe sorweful fortune ne co{n}fou{n}de þe nat. ne þat þe myrye fortune ne corrumpe þe nat. [Sidenote: Seize the _golden mean_ with all your strength. All below or above this line is a contemptible and a thankless felicity.] ¶ Occupy þe mene by stedfast strengþes. for al þat euer is vndir 4228 þe mene. or ellys al þat ou{er}-passeþ þe mene despiseþ welefulnesses. ¶ As who seiþ. it is vicious {and} ne haþ no mede of hys trauaile. [Sidenote: The choice of fortune lies in your own hands, but remember that even adverse fortune, unless it exercises the virtues of the good or chastises the wicked, is a punishment.] ¶ For it is set in [gh]our{e} hand. as who seiþ it lieþ in [gh]our{e} power what fortune [gh]ow is 4232 leuest. þat is to seyne good or yuel. ¶ For alle fortune þat semeþ sharpe or aspre yif it ne ex{er}cise nat þe good [[pg 147]] folk. ne chastisiþ þe wicked folk. it punisseþ. [Linenotes: 4210 _soþe_--soth 4211 _confessen_--co{n}fesse 4212 _no strong_--the stronge 4213 _abassen_--abayssen 4215 _oft[e]_--ofte 4219 _seine_--seyn 4223 _hey[gh]t_--heyhte 4224 _welken_--wellen 4226 _confounde_--MS. co{n}fou{n}ded, C. confownde 4227 _Occupy_--Ocupye 4228 _stedfast_--stydefast 4230 _haþ_--MS. haþe 4231 _set_--MS. sette, C. set 4232 _lieþ_--lith 4233 _seyne_--seyn 4234 _sharpe_--sharp] [Headnote: WE CHOOSE OUR OWN FORTUNE.] BELLA BIS QUENIS. {ET} C{ETERA}. [Sidenote: [The seuende Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: Atrides carried on a ten years' war to punish the licentious Paris.] ++ÞE wrekere attrides ¶ þat is to seyne agamenon þat 4236 wrou[gh]t[e] {and} continued[e] þe batailes by ten [gh]ere recouered[e] {and} p{ur}ged[e] in wrekyng by þe destrucc{i}ou{n} of troie þe loste chambres of mariage of hys broþer þis is to seyn þat [he] agamenon wan a[gh]ein Eleine þat 4240 was Menelaus wif his broþer. [Sidenote: With blood he purchased propitious gales for the Grecian fleet, by casting off all fatherly pity, and sacrificing his daughter Iphigenia to the vengeance of Diana.] In þe mene while þat þilke agamenon desired[e] to [gh]euen sailes to þe grekyssh{e} nauye {and} bou[gh]t[e] a[gh]ein þe wyndes by blode. he vncloþed[e] hym of pite as fad{er}. {and} þe sory p{re}st 4244 [gh]iueþ in sacrifiynge þe wreched kuyttyng of þrote of þe dou[gh]ter. ¶ þat is to sein þat agamenon lete kuytte{n} þe þrote of hys dou[gh]ter by þe prest. to maken alliaunce wiþ hys goddes. {and} for to haue wynde wiþ whiche he 4248 my[gh]t[e] wende to troie. [Sidenote: Ulysses bewailed his lost mates, devoured by Polyphemus, but, having deprived the Cyclop of his sight, he rejoiced to hear the monster's roar.] ¶ Itakus þat is to sein vlixies bywept[e] hys felawes ylorn þe whiche felawes þe fiers[e] pholifem{us} ligginge in his grete Caue had[de] freten {and} dreint in hys empty wombe. but naþeles 4252 polifem{us} wood for his blinde visage [gh]eld to vlixies ioye by hys sorowful teres. þis is to seyn þat vlixes smot oute þe eye of poliphem{us} þat stod in hys forhede. [Linenotes: 4236 _seyne_--seyn 4237 _wrou[gh]t[e]_--wrowhte _continued[e]_--continuede _[gh]ere_--[gh]er 4238 _purged[e]_--purgede 4240 [_he_]--from C. _wan_--MS. wanne, C. wan 4242 _desired[e]_--desirede 4243 _bou[gh]t[e]_--bowhte _blode_--blod 4244 _vncloþed[e]_--vnclothede _as_--of 4245 _kuyttyng_--MS. knyttyng, C. kuttynge 4246 _lete_--let _kuytten_--MS. knytte{n}, C. kuttyn 4248 _haue_--han 4249 _my[gh]t[e] wende_--myhte wenden 4250 _bywept[e]_--by-wepte _ylorn_--MS. ylorne, C. y-lorn 4251 _fiers[e]_--feerse _had[de]_--hadde 4253 _[gh]eld_--yald 4254 _sorowful_--sorwful _smot_--MS. smote, C. smot 4255 _oute_--owt _stod_--MS. stode, C. stood _forhede_--forehed] [Headnote: THE LABOURS OF HERCULES.] for whiche vlixes hadde ioie whan he saw poliphem{us} 4256 wepyng {and} blynde. [Sidenote: Hercules is renowned for his many labours, so successfully overcome.] ¶ Hercules is celebrable for hys hard[e] trauaile [Sidenote: He overthrew the proud Centaurs;] he dawntede þe proude Centauris half hors half man. [Sidenote: he slew the Nemean lion and wore his skin as a trophy of his victory;] {and} he rafte þe despoylynge fro þe cruel lyou{n} þat is to seyne he slou[gh] þe lyou{n} {and} [[pg 148]] rafte hy{m} hys skyn. [Sidenote: he smote the Harpies with his arrows;] he smot þe brids þat hy[gh]te{n} 4261 arpijs [in þe palude of lyrne] wiþ certeyne arwes. [Sidenote: he caried off the golden apples of the Hesperides, and killed the watchful dragon;] he rauyssed[e] applis fro þe wakyng dragou{n}. {and} hys hand was þe more heuy for þe golde[ne] 4264 metal. [Sidenote: he bound Cerberus with a threefold chain;] He drou[gh] Cerberus þe hound of helle by hys treble cheyne. [Sidenote: he gave the body of proud Diomede as food for the tyrant's horses;] he ouer-comer as it is seid haþ put an vnmeke lorde fodre to hys cruel hors ¶ þis is to sein. þat hercules slou[gh] diomedes {and} made his hors 4268 to etyn hym. [Sidenote: he slew the serpent Hydra;] and he hercules slou[gh] Idra þe serpent {and} brend[e] þe venym. [Sidenote: he caused Achelous to hide his blushing head within his banks;] and achelaus þe flode defouled[e] in his forhede dreint[e] his shamefast visage in his strondes. þis is to sein þat achelaus couþe transfigure 4272 hym self in to dyuerse lykenesse. {and} as he fau[gh]t wiþ orcules at þe laste he t{ur}nid[e] hym in to a bole and hercules brak of oon of hys hornes. {and} achelaus for shame hidde hym in hys ryuer. [Sidenote: he left Antæus dead upon the Lybian shore;] [Sidenote: [* fol. 33 _b_.]] ¶ And [he] hercules 4276 *cast[e] adou{n} Antheus þe geaunt in þe strondes of libye. [Sidenote: he appeased Evander's wrath by killing Cacus;] {and} kacus apaised[e] þe wraþþes of euander. þis is to sein þat hercules slou[gh] þe Monstre kacus {and} apaised[e] wiþ þat deeþ þe wraþþe of euander. [Sidenote: he slew the Erymanthean boar;] ¶ And 4280 þe bristled[e] boor marked[e] wiþ scomes þe sholdres of hercules. þe whiche sholdres þe heye cercle of heuene sholde þreste. [Sidenote: and bore the weight of Atlas upon his shoulders.] {and} þe laste of his labo{ur}s was þat he sustened[e] þe heuene vpo{n} his nekke vnbowed. [Sidenote: These labours justly raised him to the rank of a god.] {and} he 4284 deserued[e] eftsones þe heuene to ben þe pris of his laste trauayle [Sidenote: Go then, ye noble souls, and follow the path of this great example.] ¶ Goþ now þan [gh]e stronge men þere as þe heye weye of þe grete ensample ledeþ [gh]ou. ¶ O nice men whi nake [gh]e [gh]oure bakkes. as who seiþ. [Sidenote: O ye slothful ones, wherefore do ye basely fly!] ¶ O [gh]e 4288 slowe {and} delicat men whi fley [gh]e aduersites. {and} ne [[pg 149]] fy[gh]te{n} nat a[gh]eins hem by vertue to wynnen þe mede of þe heuene. [Sidenote: He who conquers earth doth gain the heavens.] for þe erþe ouer-come{n} [gh]eueþ þe sterres. ¶ þis is to seyne þat whan þat erþely lust is ouer-comen. 4292 a man is maked worþi to þe heuene. EXPLICIT LIBER QUARTUS. [Linenotes: 4256 _saw_--say 4258 _hard[e] trauaile_--harde trauayles _dawntede_--MS. dawnded, C. dawntede 4259 _half_--MS. hals _rafte_--byrafte _fro_--from 4260 _seyne_--seyn 4261 _smot_--MS. smote, C. smot 4262 [_in----lyrne_]--from C. 4263 _rauyssed[e]_--rauysshede 4266 _seid_--MS. seide, C. sayd _haþ_--MS. haþe 4267 _lorde_--lord 4269 _etyn_--freten 4270 _brend[e]_--brende _flode defouled[e]_--flood defowlede 4271 _forhede dreint[e]_--forhed dreynte 4273 _lykenesse_--lyknesses 4274 _turnid[e]_--tornede 4275 _brak_--MS. brake, C. brak _hys_--hise 4276 [_he_]--from C. 4278-80 _apaised[e]_--apaysede 4281 _bristled[e]_--brystelede _marked[e]_--markede 4282 _cercle_--clerke 4283 _þreste_--thriste 4285 _deserued[e]_--deseruede 4286 _Goþ_--MS. Goþe _þere_--ther 4287 _weye_--way 4288 _nake_--MS. make, C. nake 4289 _slowe_--MS. slou[gh], C. slowe _fley_--flee 4292 _seyne_--seyn] [Headnote: THE EXISTENCE OF CHANCE.] INCIPIT LIBER QUINTUS. DIXERAT ORACIONISQ{UE} CURSUM. [Sidenote: [The fyrste prose.]] [Sidenote: When Philosophy had thus spoken, and was about to discuss other matters I interrupted her.] ++She hadde seid {and} to{ur}ned[e] þe cours of hir resou{n} to so{m}me oþ{er} þinges to ben tretid {and} to ben ysped. [Sidenote: _B._ Thy exhortation is just and worthy of thy authority, but thou saidst that the question of the Divine Superintendence or Providence is involved with many others--and this I believe.] þan seide I. Certys ry[gh]tful is þin amonestyng {and} ful 4296 digne by auctorite. but þat þou seidest som tyme þat þe questiou{n} of þe deuyne p{ur}ueaunce is enlaced wiþ many oþer questiou{n}s. I vndir-stonde wel {and} p{ro}ue it by þe same þinge. [Sidenote: I am desirous, however, of knowing whether there be such a thing as _Chance_, and what thou thinkest it is.] but I axe yif þat þou wenest þat hap 4300 be any þing in any weys. {and} if þou wenest þat hap be any [thing] what is it. [Sidenote: _P._ I hasten to fulfil my promise and to show the road to your own country.] þan q{uo}d she. I haste me to [gh]elden {and} assoilen þe to þe dette of my byheste {and} to shewen {and} opnen þe wey by whiche wey þou maist 4304 come a[gh]ein to þi contre. [Sidenote: But although these things you question me about are profitable to know, yet they lead us a little out of our way.] ¶ but al be it so þat þe þinges whiche þat þou axest b{e}n ry[gh]t p{ro}fitable to knowe. [gh]itte ben þei diuers somwhat fro þe paþe of my purpos. [Sidenote: And by straying from the path you may be too fatigued to return to the right road.] And it is to douten þat þou ne be maked weery by 4308 mysweys so þat þou ne mayst nat suffise to mesure{n} þe ry[gh]t weye. [Sidenote: _B._ Don't be afraid of that, for it will refresh me as much as rest to know these things in which I am delightfully interested.] ¶ Ne doute þe þer-of no þing q{uo}d I. for forto knowen þilke þinges to-gidre in þe whiche þinges I delite me gretly. þat shal ben to me in stede of reste. 4312 Syn it nis nat to douten of þe þinges folwy{n}ge whan euery side of þi disputisou{n} shal be stedfast to me by vndoutous feiþ. þan seide she. þat manere wol I don þe. {and} byga{n} to speken ry[gh]t þus [[pg 150]] [Sidenote: _P._ I will then comply with thy requests.] ¶ Certys q{uo}d she 4316 yif any wy[gh]t diffinisse hap in þis manere. þat is to seyn. [Linenotes: 4294 _seid_--MS. seide, C. seyd _þe_--by 4297 _som tyme_--whilom 4298 _þe_ (2)--thy 4300 _þinge_--thing 4302 [_thing_]--from C. 4303 _[gh]elden_--yilden _assoilen_--MS. assailen, C. assoylen _byheste_--byhest 4304-6 _whiche_--which 4306 _ben_--MS. b{e}n{e} 4307 _paþe_--paath 4312 _stede_--styde 4314 _disputisoun_--disputaciou{n} _be_--han ben _stedfast_--stydefast 4317 _seyn_--seyng] [Headnote: DEFINITION OF CHANCE.] [Sidenote: If we define Chance to be an event produced by an unintelligent motion, and not by a chain or connection of causes, I should then affirm that Chance is nothing and an empty sound.] þat hap is bytidynge y-brou[gh]t forþe by foelyshe moeuynge. {and} by no knyttyng of causes. ¶ I conferme þat hap nis ry[gh]t nau[gh]t in no wise. and I deme al 4320 outerly þat hap nis ne dwelliþ but a voys. ¶ As who seiþ. but an ydel worde wiþ outen any significac{i}ou{n} of þing summittid to þat vois. [Sidenote: What room is there for folly and disorder where all things are restrained by order, through the ordinance of God?] for what place my[gh]t[e] ben left or dwellynge to folie {and} to disordinau{n}ce. syn þat 4324 god lediþ {and} streyniþ alle þinges by ordre. [Sidenote: For it is a great truth that nothing can spring out of nothing.] ¶ For þis sentence is verray {and} soþe þat no þinge ne haþ his beynge of nou[gh]t. to [the] whiche sentence none of þise olde folk ne wiþseide neuere al be it so þat þei ne 4328 vndirstoden ne moeueden it nau[gh]t by god p{r}ince {and} gynner of wirkyng. but þei casten as a manere foundement of subgit material. þat is to seyn of [the] nature of alle resou{n}. [Sidenote: Now, if anything arises without the operation of a cause, it proceeds from nothing.] {and} [gh]if þat ony þinge is woxen or comen 4332 of no causes. þan shal it seme þat þilke þinge is comen or woxen of nou[gh]t. [Sidenote: But if this is impossible, then there can be no such a thing as Chance, as we have defined it.] but yif þis ne may nat ben don. þan is it nat possible þat þere haþ ben any swiche þing as I haue diffinissid a litel here byforne. [Sidenote: _B._ Is there nothing, then, that may be called Chance or Fortune?] ¶ How shal 4336 it þan ben q{uo}d I. nis þer þan no þing þat by ry[gh]t may be cleped eyþer hap{pe} or ellis auenture of fortune. [Sidenote: Is there nothing (hid from the vulgar) to which these words may be applied?] [Sidenote: [* fol. 34.]] or is þer ou[gh]t al *be it so þat it is hidd fro þe poeple to whiche þise wordes ben couenable. [Sidenote: _P._ Aristotle defines this matter with much precision and probability.] Myn aristotul q{uo}d 4340 she. in þe book of his phisik diffinisseþ þis þing by short resou{n} and ney[gh]e to þe soþe. [Sidenote: _B._ How?] ¶ In whiche manere q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ So often as a man does anything for the sake of any other thing, and another thing than what he intended to do is produced by other causes, that thing so produced is called _Chance_.] ¶ As ofte q{uo}d she as men don any þing for grace of any oþer þing. {and} an oþer þinge þan þilke 4344 þing þat men ententen to doon bytideþ by som[e] causes it is ycleped hap{pe}. [Sidenote: As if a man trench the ground for tillage and find gold, then this is believed to happen by chance, although it is not so.] ¶ Ry[gh]t as a man dalf þe erþe by cause of tylienge of þe felde. {and} fond þere a gobet of [[pg 151]] golde by-doluen. þan wenen folk þat it is fallen by fortunous 4348 bytydyng. but for soþe it nis nat for nau[gh]t for it haþ hys p{ro}pre causes of whiche causes þe cours vnforseyn and vnwar semiþ to han maked hap{pe}. [Sidenote: For if the tiller had not ploughed the field, and if the hider of the gold had not concealed it in that spot, the gold had not been found.] ¶ For yif þe tilier in þe erþe ne delue nat in þe felde. and yif 4352 þe hider of þe golde ne hadde hidd þe golde in þilke place. þe golde ne had[de] nat ben founde. [Sidenote: These, then, are the causes of a fortuitous acquisition which proceeds from a conflux of encountering causes, and not from the intention of the doer.] þise ben þan þe causes of þe abreggynge of fortune hap. þe whiche abreggynge of fortune hap comeþ of causes encountrynge 4356 {and} flowyng to-gidre to hem selfe. {and} nat by þe entenc{i}ou{n} of þe doer. [Sidenote: For neither the hider of the gold nor the husbandman intended or understood that the gold should be found.] ¶ For neiþer þe hider of þe gold. ne þe deluer of þe felde ne vndirstanden nat þat þe golde sholde han be founde. but as I seide. [Sidenote: But it happened by the concurrence of these two causes that the one did dig where the other had hidden the money.] it bytidde 4360 {and} ran to-gidre þat he dalf þere as þat oþer hadde hidd þe golde. [Sidenote: Chance, then, is an unexpected event, by a concurrence of causes, following an action designed for a particular purpose.] Now may I þus diffinissen hap{pe}. ¶ Hap{pe} is an vnwar bytydyng of causes assembled in þinges þat ben don for som oþer þinge. but þilke ordre p{ro}cedynge 4364 by an vneschewable byndynge to-gidre. [Sidenote: This concurrence of causes proceeds from that order which flows from the fountain of Providence and disposes all things as to place and time.] whiche þat descendeþ fro þe wel of purueaunce þat ordeineþ alle þinges i{n} hir{e} places {and} in hire tymes makeþ þat þe causes rennen {and} assemblen to-gidre. 4368 [Linenotes: 4318 _forþe_--forth 4322 _worde_--word 4323 _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte 4324 _left_--lefte 4325 _streyniþ_--constreynyth 4326 _soþe_--soth _no þinge_--nothing _haþ_--MS. haþe 4327 [_the_]--from C. 4330 _gynner_--bygynner{e} 4331 [_the_]--from C. 4332 _[gh]if_--MS. [gh]it, C. yif _þinge_--thing 4335 _þat----ben_--þ{a}t hap be _haþ_--MS. haþe _swiche_--swych 4338 _happe_--hap 4339 _hidd_--MS. hidde, C. hidd 4340 _whiche_--which 4342 _ney[gh]e_--nehg _whiche_--which 4343 _don_--MS. done, C. don 4344 _þinge_--thing 4345 _som[e]_--some 4346 _happe_--hap 4347 _of_ (1)--to _fond_--MS. fonde, C. fownde 4348 _golde_--gold _fallen_--byfalle 4349 _for_ (2)--of 4350 _haþ_--MS. haþe _hys_--hise 4351 _happe_--hap 4352 _tilier_--tylyer{e} _delue_--dolue 4353 _hider_--hyder{e} _golde_--gold _hidd_--MS. hidde 4353-4 _golde_--gold 4354 _had[de]_--hadde 4355 _fortune_--fortuit _whiche_--which 4356 _fortune_--fortuit _comeþ_--comth 4357 _flowyng_--MS. folwyng, C. flowynge _selfe_--self 4358 _doer_--doer{e} _hider_--hider{e} 4359 _deluer_--deluer{e} _felde_--feeld _vndirstanden_--vndirstoden 4360 _golde_--gold 4361 _hidd_--MS. hidde, C. hyd 4362 _happe_ (_both_)--hap 4365 _whiche_--which 4366 _descendeþ_--MS. defendeþ, C. descendith _wel_--welle] RUPIS ACHEMENIE. [Sidenote: [The fyrste Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: Where the flying Parthian doth pierce his pursuers with his shafts, there from the Achemenian heights flow the Tigris and Euphrates, but soon their streams divide and flow into separate channels.] ++TIgris [{and}] eufrates resoluen {and} spryngen of a welle in þe kragges of þe roche of þe contre of achemenye þer{e} as þe fleenge [batayle] ficchiþ hire dartes reto{ur}nid in þe brestes of hem þat folwen hem. ¶ And sone aftre 4372 þe same ryueres tigris {and} eufrates vnioygne{n} {and} dep{ar}ten hir{e} watres. [[pg 152]] [Sidenote: But should they unite again, in the impetuous stream, boats, ships, and trees would be all intermingled, whirled about; and blind Chance seems to direct the current's course.] and yif þei comen to-gidre {and} ben assembled {and} clepid to-gidre in to o cours. þan moten þilke þinges fletyn to-gidre whiche þat þe water of þe 4376 entrechau{n}gyng flode bry{n}geþ þe shippes {and} þe stokkes araced wiþ þe flood moten assemble. {and} þe watres ymedlyd wrappiþ or implieþ many fortunel happes or maneres. [Sidenote: But the sloping earth, the laws of fluids, govern these things.] þe whiche wandryng happes naþeles þilke enclinyng 4380 lowenes of þe erþe. {and} þe flowynge ordre of þe slidyng water gouerniþ. [Sidenote: So though Chance seems to wander unrestrained, it is nevertheless curbed and restrained by Divine Providence.] ¶ Ry[gh]t so fortune þat semeþ as [þat] it fletiþ wiþ slaked or vngouerned[e] bridles. It suffriþ bridles þat is to seyn to ben gouerned 4384 {and} passeþ by þilke lawe. þat is to sein by þe deuyne ordinaunce. [Linenotes: 4369 [_and_]--from C. _a_--oo 4371 [_batayle_]--from C. 4373 _þe_--tho 4374 _to-gidre_--to-gyderes 4376 _whiche_--which 4377 _flode_--flod 4378 _assemble_--assemblyn 4380 _enclinyng_--declynynge 4381 _lowenes_--lownesse 4383 [_þat_]--from C. _vngouerned[e]_--vngou{er}nede 4385 _þe_--thilke] [Headnote: ON FREE WILL.] A{N}I{M}ADUERTO INQ{UA}M. [Sidenote: [The .2^de. p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: _B._ Is there any _free-will_ in this chain of cohering causes?] ++Þis vndirstonde I wel q{uo}d I. {and} accorde wel þat it is ry[gh]t as þou seist. but I axe yif þer be any liberte 4388 or fre wil in þis ordre of causes þat cliue{n} þus to-gidre in hem self. [Sidenote: Or doth the _chain of destiny_ constrain the motions of the human mind?] ¶ or ellys I wolde witen yif þat þe destinal cheine co{n}streiniþ þe moeueuynge of þe corages of me{n}. [Sidenote: _P._ There is a freedom of the will possessed by every rational being.] yis q{uo}d she þer is liberte of fre wille. ne þer 4392 ne was neuer no nature of resou{n} þat it ne hadde liberte of fre wille. [Sidenote: A rational being has judgment to judge of and discern everything.] ¶ For euery þing þat may naturely vsen resou{n}. it haþ doom by whiche it discerniþ {and} demiþ euery þing. [Sidenote: Of himself he knows what he is to avoid or to desire. He seeks what he judges desirable, and he shuns what he deems should be avoided.] ¶ þan knoweþ it by it self þinges þat be{n} 4396 to fleen. {and} þinges þat ben to desiren. {and} þilk þing þat any wy[gh]t demeþ to ben desired þ{a}t axeþ or desireþ he {and} fleeþ [thilke] þing þat he troueþ ben to fleen. [Linenotes: 4389 _or_--of 4390 _hem_--hym 4392 _yis_--MS. yif, C. yis 4392-94 _wille_--wil 4395 _whiche_--which 4397 _þilk_--thilke 4399 [_thilke_]--from C.] [Headnote: PROVIDENCE SEES ALL THINGS.] [Sidenote: A rational being possesses, then, the liberty of choosing and rejecting.] ¶ wher-fore in alle þinges þ{a}t resou{n} is. i{n} hem also is 4400 libertee of willyng {and} of nillynge. [Sidenote: This liberty is not equal in all beings.] ¶ But I ne ordeyne nat. as who seiþ. I ne graunte nat þat þis lib{er}tee be euene like in alle þinges. [Sidenote: In heavenly substances, as spirits, &c., judgment is clear, and the will is incorruptible, and has a ready and efficacious power of doing things which are desired.] forwhi in þe souereyns deuynes substau{n}ces. [Sidenote: [* fol. 34 _b_.]] þat is to *seyn in spirit[gh] ¶ Iugement is 4404 more clere {and} wil nat be corumped. {and} haþ my[gh]t [[pg 153]] redy to speden þinges þat ben desired. [Sidenote: The souls of men must needs be more free when employed in the contemplation of the Divine Mind, and less so when they enter into a body, and still less free when enclosed and confined in earthly members; but the most extreme servitude is when they are given over to vice and wholly fallen from their proper reason.] ¶ But þe soules of men moten nedes ben more free whan þei loken hem in þe speculac{i}ou{n} or lokynge of þe deuyne þou[gh]t. {and} 4408 lasse free whan þei sliden in to þe bodies. {and} [gh]it lasse free whan þei ben gadred to-gidre {and} co{m}p{re}hendid in erþely membris. but þe last[e] seruage is whan þat þei ben [gh]eue{n} to vices. {and} han yfalle fro þe possessiou{n} of 4412 hire p{ro}pre resou{n} [Sidenote: For at once they are enveloped by the cloud of ignorance and are troubled by pernicious desires, by yielding to which they aid and increase that slavery which they brought upon themselves, and thus even under the liberty proper to them, they remain captives.] ¶ For after þat þei han cast aweye hir eyen fro þe ly[gh]t of þe souereyn soþefastnesse to lowe þinges {and} dirke ¶ Anon þei dirken by þe cloude of ignoraunce {and} ben troubled by felonous talent[gh]. to þe 4416 whiche talent[gh] whan þei app{ro}chen {and} assenten. þei hepen {and} encresen þe seruage whiche þei han ioigned to hem self. and in þis manere þei ben caitifs fro hire p{ro}pre libertee. [Sidenote: Yet the eye of Providence, beholding all things from eternity, sees all this and disposes according to their merit all things as they are predestinated.] þe whiche þinges naþeles þe lokynge of 4420 þe deuyne purueaunce seeþ þ{a}t alle þinges byholdeþ {and} seeþ fro et{er}ne. and ordeyneþ hem eueryche i{n} her merites. as þei ben p{ro}destinat. [Sidenote: He, as Homer says of the sun, _sees and hears all things_.] {and} it is seid in grek. þat alle þinges he seeþ {and} alle þinges he hereþ. 4424 [Linenotes: 4405 _haþ_--MS. haþe 4411 _last[e]_--laste 4412 _fro_--from 4415 _cloude_--clowdes 4418 _whiche_--which 4423 _seid_--MS. seide, C. seyd] PURO CLARU{M} LUMINE. [Sidenote: [The .2^de. Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: The sweet-tongued Homer sings of the sun's pure light. Yet the sun's beams cannot pierce into the inner bowels of the earth, nor into the depths of the sea.] ++HOmer wiþ þe hony mouþe. þat is to seyn. homer wiþ þe swete dites syngeþ þat þe sonne is cleer by pure ly[gh]t. naþeles [gh]it ne may it nat by þe inferme ly[gh]t of hys bemes breke{n} or p{er}ce{n} þe inwarde entrailes of 4428 þe erþe. or ellys of þe see. [Sidenote: But God, the world's maker, beholding from on high, has his vision impeded neither by earth nor cloud.] ¶ so ne seeþ nat god makere of þe grete worlde to hym þat lokeþ alle þinges from on heye ne wiþstandiþ nat no þinges by heuynesses of erþe. ne þe ny[gh]t ne wiþstondeþ nat to hy{m} by þe blake 4432 cloudes. [Sidenote: At a glance he sees all events, present, past, and future.] ¶ þilke god seeþ i{n} o strook of þou[gh]t alle þinges þat ben or weren or schullen come. [Sidenote: God, then, that alone sees all things, may indeed be called the true Sun.] ¶ and þilke god for he lokeþ {and} seeþ alle þinges al oon. þou maist [[pg 154]] seyn þat he is þe verray sonne. 4436 [Linenotes: 4425 _mouþe_--Mowth 4428 _percen_--MS. p{er}te{n}, C. p{er}cen _inwarde_--inward 4430 _worlde_--world _on heye_--an hegh 4431 _nat_--omitted 4434 _schullen come_--shollen comyn 4435 _al oon_--alone] [Headnote: GOD'S FOREKNOWLEDGE AND MAN'S FREE WILL.] TAMEN EGO EN INQ{UA}M. [Sidenote: [The .3^de. p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: _B._ I am distracted by a more difficult doubt than ever.] ++ÞAn seide I now am I co{n}fou{n}ded by a more harde doute þan I was. what doute is þat q{uo}d she. ¶ For certys I coniecte now by whiche þinges þou art troubled. [Sidenote: God's foreknowledge seems to me inconsistent with man's free-will.] It semeþ q{uo}d I to repugnen {and} to contrarien 4440 gretly þat god knoweþ byforn alle þinges. {and} þat þer is any fredom of liberte. [Sidenote: For if God foresees all things, and cannot be deceived, then that which Providence hath foreseen must needs happen.] for yif so be þat god lokeþ alle þinges byforn. ne god ne may nat ben desseiuid in no manere. þan mot it nedes ben þat alle 4444 þinges bytyden þe whiche þat þe purueaunce of god haþ sein byforn to comen. [Sidenote: If God from eternity doth foreknow not only the works, but the designs and wills of men, there can be no liberty of will--nor can there be any other action or will than that which a Divine and infallible Providence hath foreseen.] ¶ For whiche yif þat god knoweþ by-forn nat oonly þe werkes of men. but also hir conseils {and} hir willes. þan ne shal þer be no 4448 liberte of arbitre. ne certys þer ne may ben noon oþer dede ne no wille but þilke whiche þe deuyne purueaunce þat ne may nat ben desseiued haþ feled byforn [Sidenote: For if things fall out contrary to such foreseeing, and are wrested another way, the prescience of God in regard to futurity would not be sure and unerring--it would be nothing but an uncertain opinion of them: but I take it to be impious and unlawful to believe this of God.] ¶ For yif þat þei my[gh]ten wryþen awey in oþer manere þan þei 4452 ben purueyed. þan ne sholde þer ben no stedfast p{re}science of þinge to comen but raþer an vncerteyn oppiniou{n}. þe whiche þinge to trowen on god I deme it felonie {and} vnleueful. [Sidenote: Nor do I approve of the reasoning made use of by some. For they say that a thing is not necessarily to happen because God hath foreseen it, but rather because it is to happen it cannot be hid from the divine Providence.] ¶ Ne I ne proeue nat þilk 4456 same resou{n}. as who seiþ I ne allowe nat. or I ne p{re}ise nat þilke same resou{n} by whiche þat som men wenen þat þei mowen assoilen {and} vnknytten þe knot of þis questiou{n}. ¶ For certys þei seyn þ{a}t þing nis nat to 4460 come for þat þe purueaunce of god haþ seyn it byforn{e}. þat is to comen but raþer þe cont{ra}rie. ¶ And þat is þis þat for þat þe þing is to comen þat þerfore ne may it nat ben hyd fro þe purueaunce of god. 4464 [Sidenote: [* fol. 35.]] [Sidenote: Now by this reason necessity appears to change sides. For it is not necessary that the things which are foreseen should happen, but it is necessary that the things which are to befall should be foreseen.] *{and} in þis manere þis necessite slydiþ a[gh]ein in to þe [[pg 155]] contrarie p{ar}tie. ne it ne byhoueþ [nat] nedes þat þinges bytiden þat ben ypurueid. [but it by-houeth nedes / þ{a}t thinges þ{a}t ben to comyn ben yporueyid] but as it 4468 were yt{ra}uailed. [Sidenote: As if the question was, which was the cause of the other--_prescience_ the cause of the necessity of future events, or the _necessity_ the cause of the prescience of future events?] as who seiþ. þat þilke answere p{ro}cediþ ry[gh]t as þou[gh] men trauailden or weren bysy to enqueren þe whiche þing is cause of whiche þinges. as wheþer þe p{re}science is cause of þe necessite of þinges to 4472 comen. or ellys þat þe necessite of þi{n}ges to comen is cause of þe purueau{n}ce. [Sidenote: But I will prove that, however the order of causes may stand, the event of things foreseen is necessary, although prescience doth not seem to impose a necessity upon future things to fall out.] ¶ But I ne enforce me nat now to shewe{n} it þat þe bytidyng of þinges y-wist byforn is necessarie. how so or in what manere þat þe ordre of 4476 causes haþ it self. al þou[gh] þat it ne seme nat þat þe p{re}science brynge in necessite of bytydynge of þinges to comen. [Sidenote: For if a man sit--the belief in the sitting is true; and, on the other hand, if the opinion is true of his sitting, he must needs sit.] ¶ For certys yif þat any wy[gh]t sitteþ it byhoueþ by necessite þat þe oppiniou{n} be soþe of hym 4480 þ{a}t coniectiþ þat he sitteþ. and a[gh]einward. al so is it of þe contrarie. yif þe oppiniou{n} be soþe of any wy[gh]t for þat he sitteþ it byhoueþ by necessite þat he sitte [Sidenote: In both cases there is a necessity--in the latter that the person sits--in the former, that the opinion concerning the other is true.] ¶ þan is here necessite in þat oon {and} in þ{a}t oþer. for in þat 4484 oon is necessite of sittynge. [Sidenote: But the man does not sit because the opinion of his sitting is true, but the opinion is true because the action of his being seated was antecedent in time.] {and} certys in þat oþer is necessite of soþe but þerfore ne sitteþ nat a wy[gh]t for þat þe oppiniou{n} of sittyng is soþe. but þe oppiniou{n} is raþer soþe for þat a wy[gh]t sitteþ by-forn. [Sidenote: So that although the cause of truth arises from the sitting, there is a common necessity in both.] and þus al 4488 þou[gh] þ{a}t þe cause of soþe comeþ of [þe] syttyng. and nat of þe trewe oppiniou{n}. Algates [gh]itte is þer comune necessite in þat oon {and} in þat oþer. [Sidenote: Thus may we reason concerning Providence and future events.] ¶ þus sheweþ it þ{a}t I may make semblable skils of þe p{ur}ueau{n}ce of god 4492 {and} of þinges to come. [Sidenote: For allowing things are foreseen because they are to happen, and that they do not befall because they are foreseen, it is necessary that future events should be foreseen of God, or if foreseen that they should happen; and this alone is sufficient to destroy all idea of _free-will_.] ¶ For al þou[gh] for þat þat þinges ben to comen. þer-fore ben þei p{ur}ueid. nat certys for þei ben p{ur}ueid. þer-fore ne bytide þei nat. [gh]it naþeles byhoueþ it by necessite þat eiþer þe þinges to comen 4496 ben yp{ur}ueied of god. or ellys þat þe þinges þat ben p{ur}ueied of god bitiden [.s.] by necessite. ¶ And þis [[pg 156]] þing oonly suffiseþ I-nou[gh] to distroien þe fredome of oure arbitre. þat is to seyn of oure fre wille [Sidenote: But it is preposterous to make the happening of temporal things the cause of eternal prescience, which we do in imagining that God foresees future events because they are to happen.] ¶ But now 4500 [certes] sheweþ it wel how fer fro þe soþe {and} how vp so dou{n} is þis þing þat we seyn þat þe bytidinge of temp{or}el þinges is þe cause of þe eterne p{re}science. ¶ But forto wenen þat god p{ur}ueiþ [the] þinges to comen. 4504 for þei ben to comen. what oþer þing is it but forto wene þat þilke þinges þat bitiden som tyme ben causes of þilke souereyne p{ur}ueaunce þat is i{n} god. [Sidenote: And, moreover, when I know that anything exists, it is necessary for my belief that it should be.] ¶ And her-to I adde [gh]itte þis þing þat ry[gh]t as whan þat I woot 4508 þat o þing is it byhoueþ by necessite þat þilke self þing be. [Sidenote: So also when I know that an event shall come to pass, it must needs happen.] {and} eke þat whan I haue knowe þat any þi{n}ge shal bitiden so byhoueþ it by necessite þ{a}t þilk[e] same þing bytide. [Sidenote: The event, therefore, of a thing foreseen must befall.] so folweþ it þan þat þe bytydynge of þe 4512 þinge Iwist by-forn ne may nat ben eschewed. [Sidenote: Lastly, if a person judge a thing to be different to what it is--this is not knowledge, but a false opinion of it, and far from the true knowledge.] ¶ And at þe last[e] yif þat any wy[gh]t wene a þing to ben oþer weyes þan it is. it nys nat oonly vnscience. but it is deceiuable oppiniou{n} ful diuerse {and} fer fro þe soþe of 4516 science. [Linenotes: 4437 _harde_--hard 4445 _haþ_--MS. haþ{e} 4446 _whiche_--which 4450 _wille_--wil _whiche_--which þ{a}t 4451 _haþ_--MS. haþe 4453 _stedfast_--stydefast 4454-55 _þinge_--thing 4455 _on_--of 4456 _þilk_--thilke 4458 _whiche_--which 4459 _knot_--knotte 4461 _come_--comyn _haþ_--MS. haþe 4464 _hyd_--MS. hydde, C. hidde 4466 [_nat_]--from C. 4467-8 [_but----yporueyid_]--from C. 4471 _þinges_--thing 4477 _haþ_--MS. haþe 4480-82 _soþe_--soth 4486 _soþe_--sooth 4487 _soþe_--soth 4488 _soþe_--sooth 4489 _soþe comeþ_--sooth comth [_þe_]--from C. 4490 _comune_--MS. comme, C. comune 4493 _come_--comyn 4494 _to_--omitted 4494-95 _purueid_--MS. p{ur}ueide, C. p{ur}ueyid 4498 [_.s._]--from C. 4499 _fredome_--freedom 4500 _wille_--wil 4501 [_certes_]--from C. 4504 _purueiþ_--MS. p{ur}ueiþe [_the_]--from C. 4506 _bitiden_--bytydden _som tyme_--whilom 4509 _o_--a _self_--selue 4510 _þinge_--thing 4511 _þilk[e]_--thilke 4513 _þinge_--thing 4514 _last[e]_--laste 4515 _nys_--is] [Headnote: FREEDOM OF THE HUMAN WILL.] [Sidenote: If, therefore, a thing be so to happen that the event of it is neither necessary nor certain, how can any one foresee what is to happen?] ¶ wher-fore yif any þing be so to comen so þat þe bytydynge of it ne be nat certeyne ne necessarie. ¶ who may weten [byforn] þ{a}t þilke þing is to come. [Sidenote: For as pure knowledge has no element in it of falsehood, so what is comprehended by true knowledge cannot be otherwise than as comprehended.] ¶ For ry[gh]t as science ne may nat be medelyd wiþ falsnesse. 4520 as who seiþ þat yif I woot a þing. it ne may nat be fals þat I ne woot it. ¶ Ry[gh]t so þilk þing þat is conceyued by science ne may [nat] ben noon oþ{er} weyes þan [as] it is conceiued. [Sidenote: Hence it is that true knowledge cannot err, because everything must precisely be what true knowledge perceives it to be.] For þat is þe cause 4524 whi þat science wa{n}tiþ lesynge. as who seiþ. whi þat witynge ne receyueþ nat lesynge of þat it woot. ¶ For it byhoueþ by necessite þat euery þi{n}ge [be] ry[gh]t as science co{m}p{re}hendiþ it to be. [Sidenote: What follows, then? How does God foreknow these uncertain contingencies?] what shal I þan sein. ¶ In 4528 whiche man{er}e knoweþ god byforn þe þinges to comen. ¶ yif þei ne be nat certeyne. [[pg 157]] [Sidenote: For if he thinks that a thing will inevitably happen, which possibly may not, he is deceived--but this is sheer blasphemy.] ¶ For yif þat he deme þat þei ben to comen vneschewably. [Sidenote: [* fol. 35 _b_.]] {and} so may be þat it is possible þat þei ne shulle{n} *nat comen. god is 4532 desseiued. but nat only to trowen þat god is desseiued. but for to speke it wiþ mouþe it is a felonous sy{n}ne. [Sidenote: But if God discerns that just as things are to come they shall come; if he knows that they may or may not come, what sort of prescience is this, which comprehends nothing certain, nothing invariable?] ¶ But yif þat god woot þat ry[gh]t so as þinges ben to comen. so shulle þei comen. so þat he wit[e] egaly. as 4536 who seiþ indifferently þat þinges mowen ben don or ellys nat don. what is þilke p{re}science þat ne comp{re}hendiþ no certeyne þinge ne stable. [Sidenote: Or how does divine prescience differ from human opinion, if He hath an uncertain judgment of things, whereof the events are uncertain and unfixed?] or ellys what difference is þer bytwixe þe p{re}science. {and} þilke iape-worþi 4540 dyuynynge of Tiresie þe diuino{ur} þat seide. ¶ Al þat I seie q{uo}d he eyþer it shal be. or ellys it ne shal nat be. Or ellis how moche is worþe þe diuyne p{re}science more þan þe oppiniou{n} of mankynde yif so be þat it 4544 demeþ þe þinges vncerteyne as me{n} don. of þe whiche domes of men þe bytydynge nis nat certeyne. [Sidenote: But if there can be no uncertainty in his knowledge, who is the source of all certainty; the event of all things which he foreknows must be fixed and inevitable.] ¶ But yif so be þ{a}t noon vncerteyne þinge may ben in hym þat is ry[gh]t certeyne welle of alle þinges. þa{n} is þe 4548 bytydynge certeyne of þilke þinges whiche he haþ wist byforn fermely to come{n}. [Sidenote: Whence it follows that men have no freedom in their designs and actions; because the Divine Mind, endowed with an infallible foresight, constrains and binds them to a certain event.] For whiche it folweþ þat þe fredom of þe co{n}seils {and} of þe werkes of mankynde nis non syn þat þe þou[gh]t of god seeþ alle þinges w{i}t{h} outen 4552 erro{ur} of falsnesse byndeþ {and} co{n}streiniþ hem to a bitidynge by necessite. and yif [this] þi{n}g be on-is grau{n}tid {and} receyued. þat is to seyn. þat þer nis no fre wille. þan sheweþ it wel how gret distrucc{i}ou{n} {and} 4556 how grete damages þer folwen of þinges of mankynde. [Linenotes: 4518 _it_--hit 4519 [_byforn_]--from C. 4522 _fals_--false 4523 [_nat_]--from C. _ben_--MS. by, C. ben 4524 _þan [as] it is_--MS. þan it is be 4527 [_be_]--from C. 4529 _whiche_--which 4534 _mouþe_--Mowth 4536 _shulle_--shullyn _wit[e]_--wite 4538 _don_--MS. done, C. y-doon 4543 _moche_--mochel _worþe_--worth 4549 _haþ_--MS. haþe 4550 _whiche_--which 4551 _mankynde_--man-kynd 4554 [_this_]--from C. 4555 _grauntid_--ygraunted] [Headnote: FATE UNDER THE CONTROL OF PROVIDENCE.] ¶ For in ydel ben þer þan p{ur}posed and byhy[gh]t medes of goode folk. {and} peynes to badde folk. syn þat no moeuynge of free corage uoluntarie ne haþ nat deserued 4560 hem. þat is to seyn neiþer mede nor peyne. [Sidenote: Rewards and punishments now deemed just and equitable, will be considered most unjust, when, it is allowed, that mankind are not prompted by any will of their own, to either virtue or vice, but in all their actions are impelled by a fatal necessity.] ¶ And it sholde seme þan þat þilke þinge is alþer worste whiche þat is nowe demed. for alþ{er} moste iuste {and} moste [[pg 158]] ry[gh]tful. þat is to seyn þat shrewes ben punyssed. or 4564 ellys þ{a}t good[e] folk ben ygerdoned. þe whiche folk syn þat þe p{ro}pre wille [ne] sent hem nat to þ{a}t oon ne to þat oþer. þat is to seyn. neþer to good[e] ne to harme. but constreineþ hem certeyne necessite of þinges 4568 to comen. [Sidenote: Nor would there be such things as virtue or vice, but such a medley of the one and the other as would be productive of the greatest confusion.] ¶ þanne ne sholle{n} þer neuer ben ne neuer weren vice ne vertue. but it sholde raþer ben co{n}fusiou{n} of alle desertes medlid wiþoute discresiou{n}. ¶ And [gh]itte þer folweþ an oþer i{n}co{n}uenient of þe whiche þer 4572 ne may ben þou[gh]t ne more felonous ne more wikke. [Sidenote: And from this it will follow--that since all order comes of Divine Providence, and that there is no freedom of the human will, that also our vices must be referred to the author of all good--which is a most impious opinion.] {and} þat is þis þat so as þe ordre of þinges is yledd {and} comeþ of þe purueaunce of god. ne þat no þing nis leueful to þe conseils of mankynde. as who seiþ þat 4576 men han no power to done no þing. ne wilne no þing. þan folweþ it þat oure vices ben refferred to þe mak[er]e of alle good. as who seiþ þan folweþ it. þat god au[gh]t[e] han þe blame of oure vices. syn he co{n}streiniþ by 4580 necessite to don vices. [Sidenote: Then is it useless to hope for anything from God, or to pray to him.] þan nis þer no resou{n} to han hopen in god. ne forto p{re}ien to god. [Sidenote: For why should men do either, when all they can desire is irreversibly predestined?] ¶ For what sholde any wy[gh]t hopen to god. or whi sholde he p{re}ien to god. syn þat þe ordenaunce of destine whiche þat ne 4584 may nat ben enclined. knytteþ {and} streiniþ alle þinges þat men may desire{n}. [Sidenote: Hope and prayer being thus ineffectual, all intercourse is cut off between God and man.] ¶ þan sholde þere be don awey þilke oonly alliaunce bytwixen god {and} men. þat is to seien to hopen {and} to p{re}ien. [Sidenote: By reverent and humble supplication we earn divine grace, a most inestimable favour, and are able to associate with the Deity, and to unite ourselves to the inaccessible light.] but by þe p{re}is of ry[gh]tfulnesse 4588 {and} of veray mekenesse we deserue þe gerdou{n} of þe deuyne grace whiche þat is inestimable. þat is to sein þat it is so grete þat it ne may nat ben ful yp{re}ised. {and} þis is oonly þe manere. þat is to seyen hope {and} 4592 prayeres. for whiche it semeþ þat [men] mowen speken wiþ god. {and} by resou{n} of supplicac{i}ou{n} ben conioigned [[pg 159]] to þilk clernesse þat nis nat app{ro}ched no raþer or þat men byseken it {and} emp{re}nten it. [Sidenote: If men believe that hope and prayer have no power because of the necessity of future events, by what other way can we be united, and hold fast to the sovereign Lord of all things?] And yif men 4596 ne wene [nat] þat [hope] ne p{re}iers ne han no strengþes. by þe necessite of þinges to comen y-resceiued. what þi{n}g is þer þan by whiche we mowen be co{n}ioygned {and} clyuen to þilke souereyne p{r}ince of þinges. [Sidenote: Wherefore mankind must be dissevered and disunited from the source of its existence, and shrink from its beginning.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 36.]] ¶ For 4600 whiche it byhoueþ by necessite þat þe lynage of mankynde as *þou songe a litel here byforne ben dep{ar}ted {and} vnioyned from hys welle {and} faylen of hys bygynnynge. þat is to seien god. 4604 [Linenotes: 4558 _medes of_--Meedes to 4560 _haþ_--MS. haþe 4562 _alþer worste whiche_--alderworst which 4563 _nowe_--MS. newe, C. now _alþer moste iuste_--alder moost Iust _moste_--most 4565-67 _good[e]_--goode 4566 _wille_--wil [_ne_]--from C. 4571 _wiþoute_--w{i}t{h}-owten 4573 _þou[gh]t_--thoght 4574 _yledd_--MS. yledde, C. yled 4575 _comeþ_--comth 4577 _done_--doon 4578 _mak[er]e_--maker{e} 4579 _au[gh]t[e]_--owhte 4584 _whiche_--which 4588 _preis_--prys _ry[gh]tfulnesse_--Rihtwessenesse 4589 _deserue_--desseruyn 4590 _deuyne_--MS. deuynes, C. dyuyne 4590-93 _whiche_--which 4591 _grete_--gret 4593 [_men_]--from C. _speken_--speke 4595 _þilk_--thilke 4596 _emprenten_--impetrent 4597 [_nat_]--from C. [_hope_]--from C. 4601 _whiche_--which 4602 _byforne_--by-forn] [Headnote: THE UNKNOWN CANNOT BE DESIRED.] QUE NAM DISCORS [Sidenote: [The .3^de. Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: Say what discordant cause looses the bonds of things?] ++What discordable cause haþ to-rent {and} vnioigned þe byndyng or þe alliaunce of þinges. þat is to seyne þe coniuncc{i}ou{n} of god {and} of man. [Sidenote: What power doth make these two great truths (_i. e._ Providence and Free-will) contend, which when separate are plain and clear, but united appear dark and perplexed?] ¶ whiche god haþ establissed so grete bataile bitwixe{n} þise two soþefast 4608 or verray þinges. þat is to sein bytwixen þe p{ur}ueaunce of god {and} fre wille. þat þei ben synguler {and} diuided. ne þat þei ne wolen nat ben medeled ne coupled to-gidre. but þer nis no discorde to [tho] verray 4612 þinges. but þei cleuen certeyne al wey to hem self. [Sidenote: The mind of man encumbered by the earthly body, can never, with her cloudy sight, discover the subtle and close bonds of things.] but þe þou[gh]t of man co{n}founded {and} ouerþrowen by þe dirke membris of þe body ne may nat by fir of his dirk[ed] lokynge. þat is to seyn by þe vigo{ur} of hys insy[gh]t while 4616 þe soule is in þe body knowen þe þinne subtil knyttynges of þinges. [Sidenote: But why does man burn with ardour to learn the hidden notes of truth?] ¶ But wherfore eschaufiþ it so by so grete loue to fynden þilke note[s] of soþe y-cou{er}ed. (_glosa_) þat is to sein wherfore eschaufiþ þe þou[gh]t of man by so 4620 grete desir to knowen þilke notificac{i}ou{n}s þat ben yhidd vndir þe couerto{ur}s of soþe. [Sidenote: Why gropes he for he knows not what? None seek to know what is known.] woot it ou[gh]t þilke þinges þat it anguissous desireþ to knowe. as who seiþ nay. [[pg 160]] ¶ For no man ne trauaileþ forto witen þinges þat he woot. 4624 {and} þerfore þe texte seiþ þus. ¶ [_Glosa_] Si eni{m} a{n}i{m}a ignorat istas subtiles co{n}nexiones. r{espo}nde. vn{de} est q{uo}d desiderat scire cu{m} nil ignotu{m} possit desiderare. ¶ But who traua[i]leþ to wyten þinges y-knowe. [Sidenote: If he knows them not, what does he so blindly seek?] and yif 4628 þat he ne knoweþ hem nat. what sekiþ þilke blynde þou[gh]t. [Sidenote: Who wishes for things he hath never known?] what is he þat desireþ any þinge of whiche he woot ry[gh]t nat. as who seiþ who so desiriþ any þing nedis som what he knoweþ of it. or ellys he ne couþe 4632 nat desire it. or who may folwen þinges þat ne ben nat ywist [Sidenote: Or if he seek, where shall he find them? Or if he find, how shall he be sure that he has found what he sought for?] ¶ and þou[gh] [þ{a}t] he seke þo þinges where shal he fynde{n} hem. what wy[gh]t þat is al vnknowynge {and} ignoraunt may knowe þe forme þat is yfounde. [Sidenote: The pure soul that sees the divine thought, knows all the secret chains of things.] ¶ But 4636 whan þe soule byholdeþ {and} seeþ þe heye þou[gh]t. þat is to seyn god. þan knoweþ it to-gidre þe so{m}me {and} þe singularites. þat is to seyn þe p{r}inciples {and} eueryche by hym self. [Sidenote: Yet, though now hidden in its fleshly members, it hath some remembrance of its pure state--it retains the sums of things, but has lost their particulars.] ¶ But now while þe soule is hidd in þe 4640 cloude {and} in þe derknesse of þe membris of þe body. it ne haþ nat al for[gh]eten it selfe. but it wiþholdeþ þe so{m}me of þinges {and} lesiþ þe singularites. [Sidenote: He who seeks truth is not in either circumstance (_i. e._ seeking for what he knows or knows not), he knoweth not all things, nor hath he wholly forgotten all.] þan who so þat sekeþ soþenesse. he nis in neiþ{er} nouþir habit. for 4644 he not nat alle ne he ne haþ nat alle for-[gh]eten. [Sidenote: But he ponders on what he knows, that he may add those things that he hath forgotten to those that he retains.] ¶ But [gh]itte hym remembriþ þe so{m}me of þinges þat he wiþholdeþ {and} axeþ cou{n}seil {and} tretiþ depelyche þi{n}ges ysein byforne. [_Glosa_] þat is to sein þe grete so{m}me in 4648 hys mynde. [_textus_] so þat he mowe adden þe p{ar}ties þat he haþ for[gh]eten. to þilke þat he haþ wiþholden. [Linenotes: 4605 _haþ_--MS. haþe 4606 _seyne_--seyn 4607 _whiche_--which 4608 _haþ_--MS. haþe _grete_--gret _soþefast_--soothfast 4610 _wille_--wil 4612 _discorde_--discord [_tho_]--from C. 4613 _cleuen_--clyuen 4615 _dirk[ed]_--derkyd 4616 _while_--whil 4617 _knowen_--knowe 4619-21 _grete_--gret _note[s]_--notes 4619 _soþe_--soth 4621 _yhidd_--MS. yhidde, C. Ihyd 4622 _soþe_--sooth _þinges_--thing 4625 [_Glosa_]--from C. 4630 _þinge_--thing _whiche_--which 4631 _woot_--not _nat_--nawht 4632 _couþe_--kowde 4634 [_þat_]--from C. _where_--wher 4635 _what_--MS. þat, C. what _vnknowynge_--vnkunnynge 4639 _eueryche_--eu{er}ych 4640 _while_--whil _þe_--MS. þe þe _hidd_--MS. hidde, C. hidde 4641 _derknesse_--derkenesse 4642 _haþ_--MS. haþe _selfe_--self 4644 _nouþir habit_--nother habite 4645 _alle_ (_both_)--al _haþ_--MS. haþe 4648 [_Glosa_]--from C. 4649 [_textus_]--from C. 4650 _haþ_ (_both_)--MS. haþe] [[pg 161]] [Headnote: ANSWERS TO OBJECTIONS AGAINST PROVIDENCE.] TAMEN ILLA UETUS INQ{U}IT HEC EST. [Sidenote: [The 4^the p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: _P._ This is the old objection against Providence, so ably handled by Cicero in his _Book of Divination_; and you yourself have anxiously discussed it.] ++Þanne seide she. þis is q{uo}d she þe olde questiou{n} of þe p{ur}ueaunce of god. {and} marcus tulius whan he 4652 deuided[e] þe deuinac{i}ou{n}s. þat is to sein in hys booke þat he wroot of deuinac{i}ou{n}s. he moeued[e] gretly þis questiou{n}. {and} þou þi self hast sou[gh]t it mochel {and} outerly {and} lo{n}g[e]. [Sidenote: But neither of you have offered a satisfactory solution of the difficulty.] but [gh]it ne haþ it nat ben determined 4656 ne yspedd fermely {and} diligently of any of yow. [Sidenote: The cause of this mystery is that the human understanding cannot conceive the simplicity of the divine prescience, for if it were possible to comprehend this, every difficulty would at once disappear.] ¶ And þe cause of þis derkenesse {and} [of this] difficulte is for þat þe moeuynge of þe resou{n} of mankynde ne may nat moeue{n} to. þat is to sein applien or ioygnen to 4660 þe simplicite of þe deuyne p{re}science. ¶ þe whiche symplicite of þe deuyne p{re}science [gh]if þat men [myhten thinken it in any maner{e} / þ{a}t is to seyn / þ{a}t yif men] my[gh]te þinken {and} co{m}p{re}henden þe þinges as god seeþ hem. 4664 þan ne sholde þer dwellen outerly no doute. [Sidenote: I shall, therefore, try to explain and solve this difficult question.] þe whiche resou{n} {and} cause of difficulte I shal assaie at þe laste to shewen {and} to speden. [Sidenote: [* fol. 36 _b_.]] ¶ whan I haue *firste [yspendyd / {and}] ansewered to þo resou{n}s by whiche þ{o}u 4668 art ymoeued. [Sidenote: I ask, then, why you do not approve the reasoning of such as think--that Prescience does not obstruct the liberty of the will, because it is not the necessitating cause of future events?] ¶ For I axe whi þ{o}u wenest þat þilk[e] resou{n}s of hem þat assoilen þis questiou{n} ne ben nat spedeful ynou[gh] ne sufficient þe whiche soluc{i}ou{n} or þe whiche resou{n} for þat it demiþ þat þe p{re}science nis nat 4672 cause of necessite to þinges to comen. þan ne weneþ it nat þat fredom of wille be distourbed or ylett by p{re}science. [Linenotes: 4653 _deuided[e]_--deuynede _booke_--book 4654 _moeued[e]_--moeuede 4655 _sou[gh]t_--I-sowht 4656 _long[e]_--longe _haþ_--MS. haþe 4657 _yspedd_--MS. yspedde, C. Isped _fermely_--MS. feruently, C. fermely 4658 _derkenesse_--dirknesse [_of this_]--from C. 4662-3 [_myhten----men_]--from C. 4663 _my[gh]te_--myhten 4667 _firste_--fyrst 4668 [_yspendyd and_]--from C. _þo_--the _whiche_--which 4669 _art_--MS. arte _þilk[e]_--thilke 4671 _spedeful_--spedful 4672 _whiche_--which 4674 _wille_--wyl] [Headnote: NECESSITY AND PRESCIENCE.] [Sidenote: Do you draw an argument of the necessity of future events, from any other topic than this,--that those things which are foreknown must of necessity happen?] for ne drawest þou nat argumentes from ellys where of þe necessite of þinges to comen. As who seiþ 4676 any oþer wey þan þus. but þat þilke þinge[s] þat þe p{re}scie{n}ce woot byforn [ne] mowen nat vnbitide. þat is to seyn þat þei moten bitide. [Sidenote: If divine prescience imposes no necessity upon future things, must not the issue of things be voluntary, and man's will free and unconstrained?] ¶ But þan yif þat p{re}science ne putteþ no necessite to þinges to comen. as þou þi self 4680 hast confessed it {and} byknowen a litel herbyforn{e}. ¶ what [[pg 162]] cause [or what] is it. as who seiþ þere may no cause be. by whiche þat þe endes (exitus) uoluntarie of þinges my[gh]ten be constreyned to certeyne bitydyng. [Sidenote: For argument sake let us suppose there is no prescience, would, then, the events which proceed from free-will alone be under the power of necessity?] ¶ For 4684 by grace of possessiou{n}. so þat þou mowe þe better vndirstonde þis þat folweþ. ¶ I pose (inpossibile) þat þer ne be no p{re}science. þan axe I q{uo}d she in as moche as app{er}teniþ to þat. sholde þan þinges þat 4688 comen of frewille ben constreined to bytiden by necessite. [Sidenote: _B._ No.] {Boici}us. nay q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ Let us, then, admit Prescience, but that it imposes no necessity on what is to happen; the freedom of the will would still remain entire and absolute.] þan a[gh]einward q{uo}d she. I suppose þat þere be p{re}science but þat ne putteþ no necessite to þinges. þan trowe I þat þilk self fredom 4692 of wille shal dwelle{n} al hool {and} absolut {and} vnbounden. [Sidenote: But although Prescience, you may say, is not the necessary cause of future events, yet it is a sign that they shall necessarily happen, and hence it follows that, although there were no prescience, future events would still be an inevitable necessity.] but þou wolt sein þat al be it so þat p{re}science nis nat cause of þe necessite of bitidynge to þinges to comen. ¶ Algates [gh]itte it is a signe þ{a}t þe þinges ben 4696 to bytiden by necessite. by þis manere þan al þou[gh] þe p{re}science ne hadde neuer yben. [gh]it algate or at þe lest[e] wey. it is certeyne þing þat þe e{n}dys {and} þe bitydynges of þinges to come{n} sholde ben necessarie. 4700 [Sidenote: For the sign of a thing is not really the thing itself, but only points out what the individual is.] ¶ For euery sygne sheweþ {and} signifieþ oonly what þe þing is ¶ but it ne makiþ nat þe þing þat it signifieþ. [Sidenote: Wherefore, it must be first proved that everything happens by necessity before we can conclude that prescience is a sign of that necessity.] ¶ For whiche it byhoueþ firste to shewen þat no þing ne bitidiþ [þ{a}t it ne bytydith] by necessite. so þat it 4704 may apere þ{a}t þe p{re}scie{n}ce is signe of þis necessite [Sidenote: For if there be no necessity, prescience cannot be the sign of that which has no existence.] ¶ or ellys yif þere nere no necessite. certys þilke p{re}science ne my[gh]t[e] nat ben signe of þinge þat nis nat. [Linenotes: 4677 _þinge[s]_--thinges 4683 _whiche_--which 4685 _better_--beter{e} 4688 _moche_--mochel 4689 _frewille_--free wyl 4691 _þat ne_--þat is ne 4692 _þat_--MS. þan _þilk self_--thilke selue 4693 _wille_--wil 4699 _lest[e]_--leeste 4700 _sholde_--sholden 4703 _whiche_--which _firste_--fyrst 4704 [_þat----bytydith_]--from C. 4707 _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte _þinge_--thing] [Headnote: NOT ALL THINGS CONTROLLED BY NECESSITY.] [Sidenote: The assertion that nothing happens but by necessity, must be proved by arguments drawn from causes connected and agreeing with this necessity, and not from signs or foreign causes.] ¶ But certys it is nowe certeyne þat þe preue of þis 4708 susteniþ by stedfast resou{n} ne shal nat ben ladd ne p{ro}ued by signes ne by argumentys ytaken fro wiþ oute. but by causes couenable {and} necessarie ¶ But þou mayst sein how may it be þat þe þinges ne bitiden nat 4712 þat ben ypurueyed to comen. but certys ry[gh]t as we [[pg 163]] trowen þat þo þinges whiche þat þe p{ur}ueau{n}ce woot byforn to comen. ne ben nat to bitiden. but [þ{a}t] ne sholde we nat demen. but raþer al þou[gh] [þat] þei schal bitiden. 4716 [gh]it ne haue þei no necessite of hire kynde to bitiden. {and} þis maist þou ly[gh]tly ap{er}ceyue{n} by þis þat I shal seyn. [Sidenote: We see many things when they are done before our eyes; such as a charioteer driving his chariot, and other things of like nature.] but we seen many þinges whan þei ben don byforn oure eyen ry[gh]t as men seen þe karter worken in þe 4720 to{ur}nynge {and} in attempryng or in adressy{n}g of hys kartes or chariottes. ¶ and by þis manere as who seiþ mayst þou vnd{er}sto{n}de of alle manere oþir werkeme{n}. [Sidenote: Now, is there any necessity which compels these things to be done?] ¶ Is þere þanne any necessite as who seiþ in oure lokynge 4724 [þ{a}t] constreineþ or compelliþ any of þilke þinges to ben don so. [Sidenote: _B._ No. For if all things were moved by compulsion--the efforts of art would be vain and fruitless.] b. nay q{uo}d I ¶ For in ydel {and} in veyne were alle þe effect of crafte yif þat alle þinges weren moeued by constreynynge. þat is to seyn by constreynynge 4728 of oure eyen or of oure sy[gh]t. [Sidenote: _P._ The things, then, which are done are under no necessity that they should be done; then first before they were done, they were under no necessity of coming to pass; wherefore some things happen, the event of which is unconstrained by necessity.] _P._ þise þi{n}g{us} þan q{uo}d she þat whan men don hem ne han non necessite þat men don hem. eke þo same þinges first or þei be don. þei ben to comen wiþ out necessite. [Sidenote: [* fol. 37.]] for whi 4732 þer ben so{m}me þinges to bytide of whiche þe endys {and} þe bitidynges of hem ben absolut *{and} quit of alle necessite. [Sidenote: These things therefore, although foreknown, have free events: for as the knowledge of present things imposes no necessity upon things which are now done, so neither does the foreknowledge of futurities necessitate the things which are to come.] for certys I ne trowe nat þat any man wolde seyn þis. þat þo þinges þat men don now þ{a}t þei ne weren 4736 to bitiden. first or þei were ydon ¶ and þilk same þinges al þou[gh] þ{a}t men hadde{n} ywyst hem by-forn. [gh]itte þei han fre bitidynges. for ry[gh]t as science of þinges p{re}sent ne bryngeþ in no necessite to þinges 4740 [þ{a}t men doon // Ryht so the p{re}science of thinges to comen ne bryngeth in no necessite to thinges] to bytiden [Sidenote: But you may doubt whether there can be any certain prescience of things, of which the event is not necessitated: for here there seems to be an evident contradiction.] but þou mayst seyn þat of þilke same it is ydouted. as wheþer þat of þilke þinges þat ne han non endes {and} 4744 bytidynges necessaryes yif þer-of may ben any p{re}science [Linenotes: 4708 _nowe_--now 4709 _susteniþ_--ysustenyd _stedfast_--stydefast _ladd_--MS. ladde, C. lad 4714 _whiche_--which 4715 [_þat_]--from C. _sholde_--sholden 4716 _demen_--MS. denyen [_þat_]--from C. 4717 _necessite_--MS. necessites 4721 _hys_--hise 4725 [_þat_]--from C. 4727 _veyne_--veyn _alle_--al _crafte_--craft 4729 _þise_--MS. þise þise, C. the 4732 _wiþ out_--w{i}t{h}-owte 4733 _bytide_--bytyden _whiche_--which 4737 _were_--weeren _ydon_--MS. ydone, C. I-doon _þilk_--thilke 4741-2 [_þat----thinges_]--from C. 4744 _endes_--issues] [[pg 164]] [Headnote: THE NATURE OF TRUE KNOWLEDGE.] [Sidenote: If things are foreknown, you may contend they must necessarily happen; and if their event is not necessary, they cannot be foreseen, because true knowledge can comprehend nothing but what is absolutely certain.] ¶ For certys þei seme to discorde. for þou wenest þat yif þat þinges ben yseyn byforn þat necessite folweþ hem. and yif ({et} putas) necessite faileþ hem þei ne 4748 my[gh]ten nat ben wist byforn. {and} þat no þinge ne may ben comp{re}hendid by science but certeyne. [Sidenote: And if things uncertain in their events are foreseen as certain, this knowledge is nothing more than a false opinion.] {and} yif þo þinges þat ne han no certeyne bytidynges ben ypurueied as certeyn. [Sidenote: For it is very remote from true knowledge to judge of things otherwise than they really are.] it sholde ben dirkenesse of oppiniou{n} nat 4752 soþefastnesse of science [{and} þ{o}u weenyst þ{a}t it be diu{er}se fro the hoolnesse of science / þ{a}t any man sholde deme a thing to ben oother weys thanne it is it self]. [Sidenote: The cause of this error is that men imagine that their knowledge is wholly derived from the nature of the things known, whereas it is quite the reverse.] and þe cause of þis errour is. þat of alle þe þinges þat euery 4756 wy[gh]t haþ yknowe. þei wenen þat þo þinges ben y-knowe al oonly by þe strengþe {and} by þe nature of þe þinges þat ben ywyst or yknowe. {and} it is al þe contrarie. for alle þat eu{er}e is yknowe. [Sidenote: Things are not known from their inherent properties, but by the faculties of the observer.] it is raþer comp{re}hendid {and} 4760 yknowe{n} nat after his strengeþ {and} hys nature. but after þe faculte þat is to seyn þe power {and} [the] nature of hem þat knowen. [Sidenote: The roundness of a body affects the sight in one way, and the touch in another.] {and} for þat þis shal mowe shewen by a short ensample þe same roundenes of a body .O. oþer 4764 weyes þe sy[gh]t of þe eye knoweþ it. {and} oþer weyes þe touchi{n}g. [Sidenote: The eye, from afar, darts its rays upon the object, and by beholding it comprehends its form.] þe lokynge by castynge of his bemes waiteþ {and} seeþ fro afer alle þe body to-gider wiþ oute mouynge of it self. [Sidenote: But the object is not distinguished by the touch unless the hand comes in contact with it and feels it all round.] but þe touchinge cliuiþ {and} conioigneþ to þe 4768 rounde body (orbi) {and} moueþ abouten þe environynge. {and} comp{re}hendiþ by p{ar}ties þe roundenesse. [Linenotes: 4746 _seme_--semyn _discorde_--discorden 4749 _þat_--yif 4753-5 [_and----self_]--from C. 4757 _haþ_--MS. haþe 4760 _alle_--al 4763 _mowe_--mowen 4764 _roundenes_--Rowndnesse 4765 _sy[gh]t_--sihte 4767 _alle_--al 4769 _abouten_--abowte 4770 _roundenesse_--Rowndnesse] [Headnote: SENSE, REASON, AND INTELLIGENCE.] [Sidenote: Man himself is surveyed in divers ways--by the senses, by the imagination, by reason, and by the intelligence (of the Deity).] ¶ and þe man hym self oþer weies wyt byholdiþ hym. {and} oþ{er}weyes ymaginac{i}ou{n} {and} oþer weyes resou{n}. {and} 4772 oþer weyes intelligence. [Sidenote: The senses take note of his material figure--the imagination considers the form alone, exclusive of the matter.] ¶ For þe wit co{m}p{re}he{n}diþ fro wiþ outen furþe þe figure of þe body of þe man. þat is establissed in þe matere subiect. But þe ymaginac{i}ou{n} [comp{re}hendith only the figur{e} w{i}t{h} owte the mater{e} / 4776 [Sidenote: Reason transcends the imaginations, and examining existences in general discovers the particular species, but the eye of Intelligence soars still higher; for, going beyond the bounds of what is general, it surveys the _simple forms_ themselves, by its own pure and subtle thought:] Resou{n} surmou{n}teth ymaginaciou{n}] {and} co{m}p{re}hendeþ [[pg 165]] by an vniuersel lokynge þe co{mmun}e spece (sp{eci}em) þat is in þe singuler peces. ¶ But þe eye of intelligence is hey[gh]er for it so{ur}mou{n}teþ þe envirounynge of þe 4780 vniu{er}site {and} lookeþ ouer þat by pure subtilite of þou[gh]t. [Sidenote: in which this is chiefly to be considered, that the higher power of perception embraces the lower; but the inferior cannot attain to the energy of the superior:] þilk same symple forme of man þat is p{er}durably in þe deuyne þou[gh]t. in whiche þis au[gh]t[e] gretely to ben considered þat þe heyest strengþe to co{m}prehenden þinges 4784 enbraceþ {and} conteyneþ þe lower[e] strengþe [but the lower{e} strengthe ne arysith nat in no maner{e} to heyer{e} strengthe]. [Sidenote: for the senses cannot go beyond the perception of matter; the imagination cannot comprehend existences in general, nor can the reason conceive the simple form.] for wit ne may no þinge co{m}p{re}hende oute of matere. ne þe ymagynac{i}ou{n} ne lokeþ nat þe vniuerseles 4788 speces. ne resou{n} ne takeþ nat þe symple forme. so as i{n}telligence takeþ it. [Sidenote: But the Intelligence looking down (as from above) and having conceived the form, discerns all things that are below it, and comprehends what does not fall within the reach of the other faculties of the mind.] but þe intelligence þat lokeþ al abouen whan it haþ co{m}p{re}hendid þe forme it knoweþ {and} demeþ alle þe þinges þat be{n} vndir þat forme. but 4792 she knoweþ he{m} vndir þilke manere in þe whiche it comp{re}hendiþ þilke same symple forme þat ne may neuer be knowen to non of þat oþer. þat is to seyn to non of þo þre forseide strengþes of þe soule. [Sidenote: Without the aid of those faculties Intelligence comprehends things _formally_ (_i. e._ by beholding their simple forms) by one effort of mind.] for it 4796 knoweþ þe vniuersite of resou{n} {and} þe figure of þe ymaginac{i}ou{n}. {and} þe sensible mat{er}ial conseiued. {and} þou wenest þ{a}t it be diuerse fro þe hoolnesse of science. þat any man sholde deme a þing to ben oþ{er}weyes þan it is 4800 it self {and} þe cause of þis erro{ur} {et}c'. {vt sup}ra. by wit. [Sidenote: Reason, without the aid of Imagination and Sense, in considering things in general, comprehends all imaginable and sensible things.] ne it ne vseþ nat nor of resou{n} ne of ymaginac{i}ou{n} ne of wit wiþ oute forþe but it byholdeþ alle þinges so as I shal seye. by a strok of þou[gh]t formely wiþ oute disco{ur}s 4804 or collac{i}ou{n} ¶ Certys resou{n} whan it lokeþ any þing vniu{er}sel it ne vseþ nat of ymaginac{i}ou{n} nor of wit {and} algates [gh]it [it] co{m}prendiþ þe þinges ymaginable {and} sensible. [Sidenote: For instance, reason defines her general conceptions thus:--] [Sidenote: [* fol. 37 _b_.]] for resou{n} is she þat *diffinisseþ þe vniuersel 4808 of hir conseite ry[gh]t þus. [[pg 166]] [Sidenote: Man is a rational two-footed animal, which, though it be a general idea, yet every one knows that man thus defined is perceived both by the imagination and the senses, notwithstanding that in this instance reason does not make use of imagination or the senses, but of her own rational conception.] ¶ Man is a resonable t[w]o-footid beest. and how so þat þis knowynge [is] vniuersel. [gh]it nys þer no wy[gh]t þat ne woot wel. þat a ma{n} is [a thing] ymaginable {and} sensible ¶ and þis same co{n}sidereþ wel 4812 resou{n}. but þat nis nat by ymaginac{i}ou{n}. nor by witte. but it lokiþ it by [a] resonable concepc{i}ou{n}. [Sidenote: The imagination also, although it derives its power of seeing and forming figures from the senses, yet in the absence and without the use of the senses it considers and comprehends all sensible things by its own imaginative power.] ¶ Also ymaginac{i}ou{n} al be it so. þat it takeþ of wit þe bygyny{n}g{us} to seen {and} to formen þe figures. algates al þou[gh] þat wit 4816 ne ware not p{re}sent. [gh]it it envirouniþ {and} co{m}p{re}hendiþ alle þinges sensible. nat by resou{n} sensible of demynge. but by resou{n} ymaginatif. [Sidenote: Do not you see that men attain to the knowledge of things more by their own faculties, than by the inherent property of things?] ¶ sest þou nat þan þat alle þe þinges in knowynge vsen more of hir faculte or of hir 4820 power. þan þei don of [the] faculte or of power of þinges þat ben yknowen. [Sidenote: Nor is it unreasonable that it should be so--for since every judgment is the act of the person judging; every one must needs do his own work by the help of his own faculties, and not by the aid of foreign power.] ne þat nis no wronge. for so as euery iugement is þe dede or þe doynge of hym þat demeþ. It 4823 byhoueþ þat euery wy[gh]t p{er}forme þe werke {and} hys entenc{i}ou{n} nat of forein power[;] but of hys propre power. [Linenotes: 4774 _fro wiþ outen furþe_--w{i}t{h} owte forth 4776-7 [_comprehendith----ymaginacioun_]--from C. 4777 _comprehendeþ_--MS. co{m}p{re}hendynge 4778 _an_--omitted 4780 _hey[gh]er_--heyer{e} 4783 _whiche_--which _au[gh]t[e]_--owhte 4784 _heyest_--heyiste 4785 _lower[e]_--lower{e} 4785-7 [_but----strengthe_]--from C. 4787 _wit_--witte _oute_--owt 4791 _haþ_--MS. haþe 4793 _whiche_--which 4795-6 _non_--none 4796 _strengþes_--thinges 4798-4801 _and þou----vt supra_--omitted 4805 _collacioun_--MS. callac{i}ou{n}, C. collaciou{n} 4806 _wit_--witte 4810 [_is_]--from C. 4813 _witte_--wit 4821 _don_--MS. done, C. doon [_the_]--from C. 4822 _yknowen_--Iknowe] _no wronge_--nat wrong 4824 _werke_--werk 4825 _forein_--foreyne] [Headnote: HOW OUR KNOWLEDGE OF OUTWARD THINGS IS GAINED.] QUONDAM PORTICUS ATTULIT. [Sidenote: [The 4^the Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: Fallacious and obscure was the lore of the Stoics,] ++ÞE porche þat is to sein a gate of þe toune of athenis þer as philosophres hadde hir congregac{i}ou{n} to dispoyten. {and} þilke porche brou[gh]t[e] so{m}tyme olde men ful 4828 derke in hire sentences. þ{a}t is to sein philosophers þat hy[gh]ten stoiciens. [Sidenote: who taught that images of things obvious to the senses were imprinted on the mind by external objects, and that the soul is at first like a mirror or a clean parchment, free from figures and letters.] þat wenden þat ymages [{and}] sensibilites þat is to sein sensible ymaginac{i}ou{n}s. or ellys ymaginac{i}ou{n} of sensible þinges were{n} i{n}p{re}ntid in to soules 4832 fro bodies wiþ oute forþe. ¶ As who seiþ þat þilke stoiciens wenden þ{a}t þe soule hadde ben naked of it self. as a mirour or a clene p{ar}chemyn. so þat alle fygures mosten [fyrst] comen fro þinges fro wiþ oute in to 4836 soules. {and} ben inp{re}ntid in to soules. _Textus._ Ry[gh]t as we ben wont some tyme by a swift poyntel to ficchen l{ett}res emp{re}ntid in þe smoþenesse or in þe plainesse of þe table of wex. or in p{ar}chemyn þat ne haþ no figure [[pg 167]] [ne] note in it. [Sidenote: But if the mind is passive in receiving the impressions of outward objects, whence proceeds the knowledge by which the mind comprehends all things?] _Glosa._ But now arguiþ boece a[gh]eins þat 4841 oppiniou{n} {and} seiþ þus. but yif þe þriuyng soule ne vnplitiþ no þing. þat is to sein ne doþ no þing by hys p{ro}pre moeuynges. but suffriþ {and} lieþ subgit to þe 4844 figures {and} to þe notes of bodyes wiþ oute forþe. {and} [gh]eldeþ ymages ydel {and} veyne in þe manere of a mirour. whennes þriueþ þan or whennes comeþ þan þilke knowyng in oure soule. þat discerniþ {and} byholdeþ 4848 alle þinges. [Sidenote: Whence its force to conceive individual existences, to separate those things when known, to unite divided things, and to choose and change its path, soaring to the highest and descending to the lowest things--and returning to itself, to confute false things by the true?] and whennes is þilke strengþe þat byholdeþ þe syngulere þinges. or whennes is þe strengþe þat dyuydeþ þinges yknowe. {and} þilke stre{n}gþe þat gadereþ to-gidre þe þinges deuided. {and} þe strengþe þat 4852 cheseþ hys entrechau{n}ged wey for som tyme it heueþ vp þe heued. þat is to sein þat it heueþ vp þe ente{n}c{i}ou{n} to ry[gh]t heye þinges. {and} som tyme it discendiþ in to ry[gh]t lowe þinges. {and} whan it retourniþ in to hym 4856 self. it rep{re}uiþ {and} destroieþ þe false þinges by þe trewe þinges. [Sidenote: This cause is more efficacious and powerful to see and to know things, than that cause which receives the characters impressed like servile matter.] ¶ Certys þis strengþe is cause more efficient {and} mochel more my[gh]ty to seen {and} to knowe þinges. þan þilke cause þat suffriþ and resceyueþ þe 4860 notes {and} þe figures inp{re}ssed in manere of matere [Sidenote: Yet the sense in the living body excites and moves the mental powers; as when the light striking the eyes causes them to see, or as the voice rushing into the ear excites hearing.] algates þe passiou{n} þat is to seyn þe suffraunce or þe wit i{n} þe quik[e] body goþ byforne excitynge {and} moeuyng þe strengþes of þe þou[gh]te. ry[gh]t so as whan þat 4864 clerenesse smyteþ þe eyen {and} moeuiþ hem to seen. or ry[gh]t so as voys or soune hurtliþ to þe eres {and} co{m}moeuiþ hem to herkne. [Sidenote: Then is the force of thought excited; it calls forth the images within itself, and adds to them the outward forms, blending external images with the counterparts concealed within.] þan is þe stre{n}gþe of þe þou[gh]t ymoeuid {and} excitid {and} clepeþ furþe þe semblable 4868 moeuynges þe speces þat it halt wiþ i{n}ne it self. {and} addiþ þo speces to þe notes {and} to þe þinges wiþ out forþe. {and} medeleþ þe ymages of þinges wiþ out forþe to þe forme[s] yhid wiþ i{n}ne hym self. 4872 [Linenotes: 4827 _hadde_--hadden _dispoyten_--desputen 4828 _brou[gh]t[e]_--browhte 4830 [_and_]--from C. 4837 _inprentid_--aprentyd 4838 _some tyme_--somtyme _swift_--swyfte 4840 _haþ_--MS. haþe 4843 _vnplitiþ_--vnpleyteth _doþ_--MS. doþe 4845 _þe_--tho 4863 _quik[e]_--qwyke _goþ_--MS. goþe 4864 _þou[gh]te_--thoght 4865 _clerenesse_--cleernesse 4866 _soune_--sown 4868 _furþe_--forth 4870 _out_--owte 4871 _out forþe_--owte forth 4872 _forme[s]_--formes _yhid_--I-hidde] [[pg 168]] [Headnote: INTELLIGENCE A DIVINE ATTRIBUTE.] Q{UO}D SI IN CORPORIB{US} SENCIEND{IS}. [Sidenote: [* fol. 38.]] *QUESTIO. [Sidenote: [The .5.^the p{ro}se.]] [Sidenote: Although there are in objects certain qualities which strike externally upon the senses, and put their instruments in motion; although the passive impression upon the body precedes the action of the mind,] ++But what [yif] þat in bodies to be{n} feelid þat is to sein in þe takynge of knowelechinge of bodyly þinges. and al be it so þat þe qualites of bodies þ{a}t ben 4875 obiect fro wiþ oute forþe moeuen {and} entalenten þe instrumentes of þe wittes. [Sidenote: and although the former rouses the latter to action, yet if in the perception of bodily things, the soul is not by the impression of external things made to know these things, but by its own power judgeth of these bodily impressions,] and al be it so þat þe passiou{n} of þe body þat is to seyn þe witte [or the] suffrau{n}ce [goth to-forn the strengthe of the workynge corage / the which passiou{n} or suffraunce] clepiþ furþe þe dede of 4880 þe þou[gh]t in hym self. {and} moeueþ {and} exiteþ in þis mene while þe formes þ{a}t resten wiþ in forþe. and yif þat i{n} sensible bodies as I haue seid oure corage nis nat ytau[gh]t or enp{re}ntid by passiou{n} to knowe þise þinges. 4884 but demiþ {and} knoweþ of hys owen strengþe þe passiou{n} or suffrau{n}ce subiect to þe body. [Sidenote: how much more shall those pure spiritual beings (as God or angels) discern things by an act of their understanding alone, without the aid of impressions from external objects?] Moche more þan þoo þinges þat ben absolut {and} quit fram alle talent[gh] or affecc{i}ou{n}s of bodies. as god or hys aungels ne folwen 4888 nat in discernynge þinges obiect from wiþ oute forþe. but þei accomplissen {and} speden þe dede of hir þou[gh]t [Sidenote: For this reason, then, there are several sorts of knowing distributed among various beings.] by þis resou{n}. ¶ þan þere comen many manere knowynges to dyu{er}se {and} differy{n}g substaunces. [Sidenote: For sense (or sensation) destitute of all other knowledge is allotted to those creatures that have no motion, as shell-fish.] for þe wit 4892 of þe body þe whiche witte is naked {and} despoyled of alle oþer knowynges. þilke witte comeþ to bestes þat ne mowen nat moeuen hem self here ne þere. as oystres {and} muscles {and} oþer swiche shelle fysshe of þe see. 4896 þ{a}t cliue{n} {and} ben norissed to roches. [Sidenote: But imagination is given to such brutes capable of motion, and having in some degree the power of desiring or refusing.] but þe ymaginac{i}ou{n} comeþ to remuable bestes þat seme{n} to han talent to fleen or to desiren any þinge. [Sidenote: Reason, however, is the attribute of man alone, as Intelligence is that of God.] but resou{n} is al only to þe lynage of mankynde ry[gh]t as i{n}telligence is oonly þe 4900 deuyne nature. [Sidenote: Hence His (i. e. God's) knowledge exceeds all other, comprehending both what belongs to His own nature, and what is comprehended by all inferior creatures.] of whiche it folweþ þat þilke knowyng is more worþe þan [th]is[e] oþer. syn it knoweþ by hys p{ro}pre nature nat only hys subiect. as who seiþ it ne [[pg 169]] knoweþ nat al oonly þat app{er}teiniþ p{ro}prely to hys 4904 knowynge. but it knoweþ þe subgit[gh] of alle oþer knowynges. [Linenotes: 4873 [_yif_]--from C. 4878 [_or the_]--from C. _suffraunce_--MS. suffisau{n}ce, C. suffraunce 4879-80 [_goth----suffraunce_]--from C. 4883 _seid_--MS. seide, C. seyd 4887 _quit_--quite 4888 _hys_--hise 4889 _discernynge_--MS. discryuyng, C. discernynge _from_--fro 4893-94 _witte_--wit 4895 _mowen_--mowe _here ne þere_--her {and} ther 4901 _whiche_--which 4902 _[th]is[e] oþer_--thise oothr{e}] [Headnote: THE POWERS OF SENSE AND IMAGINATION.] [Sidenote: But how shall it be then, if sense and imagination oppose reason, affirming that the general idea of things, which reason thinks it so perfectly sees, is nothing?] but how shal it þan be yif þat wit {and} ymaginac{i}ou{n} stryuen a[gh]eins resonynge {and} sein þat of þilke vniuersel þinges. þat resou{n} weneþ to seen þat it nis 4908 ry[gh]t nau[gh]t. [Sidenote: For what falls under the cognisance of the senses and imagination cannot be general.] for wit {and} ymaginac{i}ou{n} seyn þat þat. þat is sensible or ymaginable it ne may nat ben vniuersel. þan is eiþer þe iugement of resou{n} [soth]. ne þat þer nis no þinge sensible. or ellys for þat resou{n} woot 4912 wel þat many þinges ben subiect to wit {and} to ymaginac{i}ou{n}. þan is þe co{n}sepc{i}ou{n} of resou{n} veyn {and} fals whiche þat lookeþ {and} co{m}p{re}hendiþ. þat þat is sensible {and} synguler as uniuersele. [Sidenote: But if reason should answer to this--that in her idea of what is general she comprehends whatever is sensible and imaginable; but as to the senses and imagination, they cannot attain to the knowledge of what is general, since their knowledge is confined to material figures; and therefore in all real knowledge of things we must give the greatest credit to that faculty which has a more steadfast and perfect judgment of things.] and [gh]if þat resou{n} 4916 wolde answeren a[gh]ein to þise two þat is to sein to wit {and} to ymaginac{i}ou{n}. {and} sein þat soþely she hir self. þat is to seyn þat resou{n} lokeþ {and} comp{re}hendiþ by resou{n} of vniuersalite. boþe þat þat is sensible {and} þat 4920 þat is ymaginable. {and} þat þilke two þat is to seyn wit {and} ymaginac{i}ou{n} ne mowe{n} nat strecchen ne enhaunsen hem self to knowynge of vniuersalite for þat þe knowy{n}g of hem ne may exceden nor so{ur}mou{n}te{n} 4924 þe bodyly figure[s] ¶ Certys of þe knowyng of þinges men au[gh]ten raþer [gh]eue credence to þe more stedfast {and} to þe more p{er}fit iugement. [Sidenote: In a controversy of this kind ought not we, who possess faculties of reason, &c., to side with reason and espouse her cause?] In þis manere stryuynge þan we þat han strengþe of resonynge {and} of ymaginynge 4928 {and} of wit þat is to seyn by resou{n} {and} by ymaginac{i}ou{n} {and} by wit. [{and}] we sholde raþer p{re}ise þe cause of resou{n}. as who seiþ þan þe cause of wit or ymaginac{i}ou{n}. [Linenotes: 4907 _a[gh]eins_--ayein 4908 _vniuersel_--vniu{er}sels 4911 [_soth_]--from C. 4914 _fals whiche_--false which 4917 _wit_--witte 4918 _soþely_--soothly 4923 _knowynge_--knowy 4926 _[gh]eue_--yeuen _stedfast_--stidefast 4930 [_and_]--from C. 4931 _or_--{and} of] [Headnote: REASON SHOULD SUBMIT TO INTELLIGENCE.] [Sidenote: The case is entirely similar when human reason thinks the Divine Intelligence cannot behold future events in any other way than she herself is capable of perceiving them.] semblable þinge is it þat þe resou{n} of mankynde 4932 ne weneþ nat þat þe deuyne intelligence byholdeþ or knoweþ þinges to comen. but ry[gh]t as þe resou{n} of mankynde knoweþ hem. [Sidenote: For thus you argue:-- What things are not necessitated cannot be foreknown; therefore there is no prescience of these things, for, if there were, everything would be fixed by an absolute necessity.] for þou arguist {and} seist þus. þat yif it ne seme nat to men þat so{m}me þinges han certeyne [[pg 170]] {and} necessarie bytidynges. þei ne mowen nat ben wist 4937 byforn certeynely to bytiden. þa{n} nis [ther] no p{re}science of þilke þinges. {and} yif we trowen þat p{re}science ben in þise þinges. þan is þer no þinge þat it ne 4940 bitidiþ by necessite. [Sidenote: If it were possible to enjoy the intelligence of the Deity, we should then deem it right that sense and imagination should yield to reason, and also judge it proper that human reason should submit to the Divine Intelligence.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 38 _b_.]] but certys yif we my[gh]te{n} han þe iugeme{n}t of þe deuyne þou[gh]t as we *ben p{ar}son{er}s of resou{n}. ry[gh]t so as we han demed. it byhoueþ þat ymaginac{i}ou{n} {and} wit ben byneþe resou{n}. ry[gh]t so wolde 4944 we deme{n} þat it were ry[gh]tful þing þat ma{n}s resou{n} au[gh]t[e] to su{m}mitten it self {and} to ben byneþe þe deuyne þou[gh]t. [Sidenote: Let us, therefore, strive to elevate ourselves to the height of the supreme intelligence--there shall reason see what she cannot discover in herself; and that is in what manner the prescience of God sees and defines all things; although they have no certain event; and she will see that this is no mere conjecture, but rather simple, supreme, and unlimited knowledge.] for whiche þat yif we mowen. as who seiþ. þat yif þat we mowe{n} I conseil[e] þat we enhanse vs in 4948 to þe hey[gh]t of þilke souereyne i{n}telligence. for þere shal resou{n} wel seen þat þat it ne may nat by-holden in it self. and certys þat is þis in what manere þe p{re}science of god seeþ alle þinges c{er}teins {and} difinissed al þou[gh] þei ne han no certein issues or by-tydynges. ne þis is non 4953 oppiniou{n} but it is raþer þe simplicite of þe souereyn science þat nis nat enclosed nor yshet wiþi{n}ne no boundes. [Linenotes: 4938 [_ther_]--from C. 4939 _trowen_--trowe 4942 _parsoners_--parsoneres 4945 _mans_--mannes 4946 _au[gh]t[e]_--owte 4947 _whiche_--which 4948 _þat yif_--yif þ{a}t 4949 _hey[gh]t_--heihte _þere_--ther 4952 _þou[gh]_--MS. þou[gh]t 4955 _no_--none] QUAM UARIIS FIGURIS. [Sidenote: [The 5^the Met{ur}.]] [Sidenote: Various are the shapes of created beings. Some creep along the ground and trace the dust in furrows as they go;] ++ÞE bestes passen by þe erþes by ful dyuerse figures 4956 for so{m}me of hem han hir bodies strau[gh]t {and} crepe{n} in þe dust {and} drawen after he{m} a t{ra}is or a forghe contynued. þat is to sein as addres or snakes. [Sidenote: others with nimble wings float through the air;] and oþer bestes by [the] wandryng ly[gh]tnesse of hir 4960 wenges beten þe wyndes {and} ouer-swymme{n} þe spaces of þe longe eyer by moist flee[y]nge. [Sidenote: some with their feet impress the ground, or tread lightly o'er the meads, or seek the shady grove.] and oþer bestes gladen hem to diggen her traas or her stappes i{n} þe erþe wiþ hir goynge or wiþ her feet. or to gone eyþe[r] 4964 by þe grene feldes or [elles] to walken vnder þe wodes. [Sidenote: Though we see an endless variety of forms, yet all are prone; to the earth they bend their looks, increasing the heaviness of their dull sense.] {and} al be it so þ{a}t þou seest þat þei alle discorden by [[pg 171]] dyuerse formes. algate hir{e} [faces] enclini[n]g heuieþ hir{e} dulle wittes. [Sidenote: Man alone doth raise aloft his noble head; light and erect he spurns the earth.] Onlyche þe lynage of man heueþ heyest hys 4968 hey[gh]e heued {and} stondeþ ly[gh]t wiþ hys vpry[gh]t body {and} byholdeþ þe erþe vndir hym. [Sidenote: Thou art admonished by this figure then, unless by sense deceived, that whilst taught by thy lofty mien to look above, thou shouldst elevate thy mind lest it sink below its proper level.] [and] but-[gh]if þou erþely man wexest yuel oute of þi witte. þis figure amonesteþ þe þ{a}t axest þe heuene wiþ þi ry[gh]t[e] visage. {and} hast areised 4972 þi forhede to beren vp on heye þi corage so þat þi þou[gh]t ne be nat yheuied ne put lowe vndir foot. sen þat þi body is so heye areised. [Linenotes: 4957 _somme_--som 4959 _forghe contynued_--forwh Ikonntynued _addres_--nadris 4960 [_the_]--from C. 4963 _hem_--hem self _stappes_--steppis 4964 _or to gone_--{and} to gon _eyþe[r]_--eyther 4965 [_elles_]--from C. 4967 [_faces_]--from C. _algate_--algates _enclini[n]g_--enclynyd 4968 _Onlyche_--Oonly _heyest_--heyeste 4970 _erþe_--erthes 4971 _oute_--owt _witte_--wit 4972 _ry[gh]t[e]_--ryhte _hast_--MS. haþe, C. hast 4973 _forhede_--foreheuyd _on heye_--a heygh 4974 _foot sen_--foote syn] [Headnote: DEFINITION OF ETERNITY.] PR{O}SA VLTI{M}A. QUONIA{M} IGITUR UTI PAULO ANTE. [Sidenote: [The 6^te p{ro}se {and} the laste.]] [Sidenote: Since everything which is known is not, as I have shown, perceived by its own inherent properties, but by the faculties of those comprehending them, let us now examine the disposition of the Divine nature.] ++ÞEr-fore þan as I haue shewed a litel her byforne þat 4976 al þinge þat is ywist nis nat knowen by hys nature p{ro}pre. but by þe nature of he{m} þat comp{re}henden it. ¶ Lat vs loke now in as moche as it is leueful to vs. as who seiþ lat vs loken now as we mowen whiche þ{a}t þe 4980 estat is of þe deuyne substaunce so þat we mowen [ek] knowen what his science is. [Sidenote: All rational creatures agree in affirming that God is eternal.] þe comune iugement of alle creatures resonables þan is þis þat god is eterne. lat vs considere þa{n} what is et{er}nite. For certys þat shal 4984 shewen vs to-gidre þe deuyne nature {and} þe deuyne science [Sidenote: And eternity is a full, total, and perfect possession of a life which shall never end. This will appear more clearly from a comparison with temporal things.] ¶ Eternite þan is p{er}fit possessiou{n} {and} al togidre of lijf interminable {and} þat sheweþ more clerely by þe co{m}parisou{n} or collac{i}ou{n} of temp{or}el þinges. 4988 [Sidenote: Temporal existence proceeds from the past to the present, and thence to the future.] for al þing þat lyueþ in tyme it is p{re}sent {and} p{ro}cediþ fro preterit[gh] in to fut{ur}es. þat is to sein. fro tyme passed in to tyme comynge. [Sidenote: And there is nothing under the law of time, which can at once comprehend the whole space of its existence.] ne þer nis no þing establissed i{n} tyme þat may enbracen to-gidre al þe space of hys lijf. 4992 [Linenotes: 4977 _al þinge_--alle thinges 4979 _moche_--mochel 4980 _loken_--loke _whiche_--which 4981 [_ek_]--from C. 4987 _clerely_--cleerly 4989 _al_--alle] [Headnote: THE WORLD IS NOT ETERNAL.] [Sidenote: Having lost _yesterday_ it does not as yet enjoy _to-morrow_; and as for _to-day_ it consists only in the present transitory moment.] for certys [gh]it ne haþ it nat taken þe tyme of þe morwe. {and} it haþ lost þat of [gh]ister-day. and certys in þe lijf of þis day [gh]e ne lyuen no more but ry[gh]t as in þis moeueable [[pg 172]] {and} t{ra}nsitorie moment. [Sidenote: Whatever, therefore, is subjected to a temporal condition, as Aristotle thought of the world, may be without beginning and without end; and although its duration may extend to an infinity of time, yet it cannot rightly be called eternal: for it doth not comprehend at once the whole extent of its infinite duration, having no knowledge of things future which are not yet arrived.] þan þilke þinge þat suffriþ 4996 temp{or}el condic{i}ou{n}. a[l]þough{e} þat [it] bygan neuer to be. ne þough{e} it neu{er}e cese forto be. as aristotle demde of þe worlde. and al þou[gh] þat þe lif of it be strecchid wiþ infinite of tyme. [Sidenote: [* fol. 39.]] [gh]it al*gates nis it no 5000 swiche þing þat men my[gh]ten trowen by ry[gh]t þat it is eterne. for al þou[gh] þat it comp{re}hende {and} embrace þe space of life infinite. [gh]it algates ne [em]braceþ it nat þe space of þe lif alto-gidre. for it ne haþ nat þe fut{ur}es 5004 þat ne ben nat [gh]it. ne it ne haþ no lenger þe p{re}t{er}it[gh] þat ben ydon or ypassed. [Sidenote: For what is eternal must be always present to itself and master of itself, and have always with it the infinite succession of time.] but þilke þing þan þat haþ {and} co{m}prehendiþ to-gidre alle þe plente of þe lif i{n}terminable. to whom þere ne failiþ nat of þe fut{ur}e. 5008 {and} to whom þer nis nat of þe p{re}t{er}it escapid nor ypassed. þilk[e] same is ywitnessed or yproued by ry[gh]t to ben eterne. and it byhoueþ by necessite þat þilke þinge be alwey p{re}sent to hym self {and} co{m}potent. as 5012 who seiþ alwey p{re}sent to hym self {and} so my[gh]ty þat al by ry[gh]t at hys plesaunce. {and} þ{a}t he haue al p{re}sent þe infinit of þe moeuable tyme. [Sidenote: Therefore some philosophers, who had heard that Plato believed that this world had neither beginning nor end, falsely concluded, that the created universe was coeternal with its Creator.] wherfore som men trowe{n} wrongefully þat whan þei heren þat it semid[e] 5016 to plato þat þis worlde ne had[de] neuer bygynnynge of tyme. ne þat it neu{er}e shal haue faylynge. þei wenen i{n} þis man{er}e þat þis worlde ben maked coet{er}ne wiþ his makere. as who seiþ. þei wenen þat þis worlde {and} 5020 god ben maked to-gidre eterne. and it is a wrongful wenynge. [Sidenote: But it is one thing to be conducted through a life of infinite duration, which was Plato's opinion of the world, and another thing to comprehend at once the whole extent of this duration as present which, it is manifest, can only belong to the Divine mind.] for oþer þing is it to ben yladd by lif interminable as plato graunted[e] to þe worlde. {and} oþer þing is it to embracen to-gidre alle þe p{re}sence to þe lif 5024 interminable. þe whiche þing it is clere {and} manifest þat it is p{ro}pre to þe deuine þou[gh]t. [[pg 173]] [Sidenote: Nor ought it to seem to us that God is prior to and more ancient than his creatures by the space of time, but rather by the simple and undivided properties of his nature.] ne it ne sholde nat semen to vs þat god is elder þan þinges þat ben ymaked by quantite of tyme. but raþer by þe p{ro}prete of hys 5028 symple nature. [Sidenote: The infinite progression of temporal things imitates the ever-present condition of an immovable life:] for þis ilke infinit[e] moeuyng of temp{or}el þinges folwiþ þis p{re}sentarie estat of þe lijf i{n}moeueable. [Linenotes: 4993-4 _haþ_--MS. haþe 4993 _þe_ (2)--to 4994 _þat_--the tyme 4997 _a[l]þoughe_--al-thogh [_it_]--from C. 4999 _worlde_--world 5001 _swiche_--swych 5002 _eterne_--from C., MS. eternite 5003 _life_--lyf 5004-5-6 _haþ_--MS. haþe 5006 _ydon_--MS. ydone, C. I-doon 5007 _alle_--al 5008-9 _nat_--nawht 5010 _þilk[e]_--thilke _or_--{and} 5014 _by_--be 5016 _semid[e]_--semede 5017 _worlde_--world _had[de]_--hadde 5018 _haue_--han 5019-20 _worlde_--world 5022 _yladd_--MS. yladde, C. I-lad 5023 _worlde_--world 5024 _embracen_--enbrace _alle_--al _presence to_--p{re}sent of 5025 _clere_--cleer] [Headnote: GOD IS ETERNAL.] [Sidenote: and since it cannot copy nor equal it from an immovable and simply present state, it passes into motion and into an infinite measure of past and future time.] {and} so as it ne may nat contrefeten it ne feyne{n} it ne ben euene lyke to it. for þe inmoeueablete. þat is 5032 to seyn þat is i{n} þe eternite of god. ¶ it faileþ {and} falleþ in to moeuynge fro þe simplicite of [the] p{re}sence of god. {and} disencresiþ to þe infinite quantite of fut{ur}e {and} of p{re}terit. [Sidenote: But since it cannot possess at once the whole extent of its duration, yet, as it never ceases wholly to be, it faintly emulates _that_ whose perfection it can neither attain nor express, by attaching itself to the present fleeting moment, which, because it resembles the durable present time, imparts to those things that partake of it an appearance of existence.] {and} so as it ne may nat han togidre 5036 al þe plente of þe lif. algates [gh]itte for as moche as it ne cesiþ neuere forto ben in som manere it semeþ somde[l] to vs þat it folwiþ {and} resembliþ þilke þing þ{a}t it ne may nat attayne to. ne fulfille. {and} byndeþ it 5040 self to som manere p{re}sence of þis litel {and} swifte moment. þe whiche p{re}sence of þis lytele {and} swifte moment. for þat it bereþ a manere ymage or lykenesse of þe ay dwellynge p{re}sence of god. it graunteþ to 5044 swiche manere þinges as it bitidiþ to þat it semeþ hem þat þise þinges han ben {and} ben [Sidenote: But as it cannot stop or abide it pursues its course through infinite time, and by gliding along it continues its duration, the plenitude of which it could not comprehend, by abiding in a permanent state.] {and} for [þ{a}t] þe p{re}sence of swiche litel moment ne may nat dwelle þer-for [it] rauyssid[e] {and} took þe infinit[e] wey of tyme. þat 5048 is to seyn by successiou{n}. {and} by þis man{er}e it is ydon. for þat it sholde continue þe lif in goynge of þe whiche lif it ne my[gh]t[e] nat embrace þe plente in dwellynge. [Sidenote: If we would follow Plato in giving things their right names, let us say that God is _eternal_ and the world _perpetual_.] {and} for þi yif we willen putte worþi name[s] to þinges 5052 {and} folwen plato. lat vs seyn þa{n} soþely þat god is et{er}ne. {and} þat þe worlde is p{er}petuel. [Sidenote: His knowledge, surpassing the progression of time, is ever present, containing the infinite space of past and future times, and embraces in his clear insight all things, as if they were now transacting.] þan syn þat euery iugeme{n}t knoweþ {and} comp{re}hendiþ by hys owen nature þinges þat ben subiect vnto hym. þere is soþely 5056 al-wey to god an et{er}ne {and} p{re}sentarie estat. {and} þe science of hym þat ouer-passeþ alle temp{or}el moe[ue]m{en}t [[pg 174]] dwelliþ in þe symplicite of hys p{re}sence {and} embraceþ {and} considereþ alle þe infinit spaces of tymes 5060 p{re}terit[gh] {and} fut{ur}es {and} lokeþ in þis symple knowynge alle þinges of p{re}t{er}it ry[gh]t as þei weren ydoon p{re}sently ry[gh]t now [Sidenote: Prescience is, then, a foreknowledge, not of what is to come, but of the present and _never-failing now_ (in which God sees all things as if immovably present).] [Sidenote: [* fol. 39 _b_.]] ¶ yif þou wolt þan þenke {and} avise{n} þe p{re}science by whiche it knoweþ al[le] þi{n}ges *þou ne 5064 shalt nat demen it as p{re}science of þinges to comen. [Linenotes: 5032 _lyke_--lyk 5034 [_the_]--from C. 5039 _somde[l]_--somdel 5040 _fulfille_--fullfyllen 5041 _litel_--from C., MS. lykly 5042 _whiche_--which _lytele_--from C., MS. lykly 5046 _ben_ (1)--yben [_þat_]--from C. 5047 _swiche_--swych 5048 [_it_]--from C. 5051 _my[gh]t[e]_--myhte 5052 _willen putte_--wollen putten _name[s]_--names 5053 _soþely_--sothly 5054 _worlde_--world 5055 _owen_--owne 5056 _soþely_--sothly 5057 _al-wey_--al-weys 5058 _alle_--al _moe[ue]ment_--moeueme{n}t 5063 _þenke_--thinken _avisen_--auyse 5064 _whiche_--which _al[le]_--alle] [Headnote: DEFINITION OF PRESCIENCE.] but þou shalt deme{n} [it] more ry[gh]tfully þat it is science of presence or of instaunce þat neuer ne fayleþ. [Sidenote: Therefore _foreknowledge_ is not so applicable a term as _providence_--for God looks down upon all things from the summit of the universe.] for whiche it nis nat ycleped p{ro}uidence but it sholde raþer 5068 be cleped purueaunce þat is establissed ful fer fro ry[gh]t lowe þinges. {and} byholdeþ from a-fer alle þinges ry[gh]t as it were fro þe heye hey[gh]te of þinges. [Sidenote: Do you think that God imposes a necessity on things by beholding them? It is not so in human affairs.] whi axest þou þan or why disputest þou þan þat þilke þinges ben don by 5072 necessite whiche þat ben yseyen {and} yknowen by þe deuyne sy[gh]t. syn þat for soþe men ne maken nat þilke þi{n}ges necessarie. whiche þat þe[i] seen be ydoon in hir{e} sy[gh]t. [Sidenote: Does your view of an action lay any necessity upon it?] for addiþ þi byholdynge any necessite to þilke 5076 þinges þat þou byholdest p{re}sent. [Sidenote: _B._ No.] ¶ Nay q{uo}d I. [Sidenote: _P._ By parity of reason it is clear that whilst you see only some things in a limited instant, God sees all things in his ever-present time.] _p._ Certys þan yif men my[gh]te maken any digne comparisou{n} or collac{i}ou{n} of þe p{re}sence diuine. {and} of þe p{re} of mankynde. ry[gh]t so as [gh]e seen so{m}me þinges in þis 5080 temp{or}el presente. ry[gh]t so seeþ god alle þinges by hys eterne p{re}sent. [Sidenote: His Divine prescience therefore does not change the nature of things--but only beholds those things as present to him which shall in time be produced.] ¶ wherfore þis dyuyne p{re}science ne chaungeþ nat þe nature ne þe p{ro}prete of þinges but byholdeþ swyche þinges present to hym ward. as þei 5084 shollen bytiden to [gh]ow ward in tyme to come. [Sidenote: Nor does he judge confusedly of them, but knows at one view what will necessarily and what will not necessarily happen.] ne it ne co{n}foundeþ nat þe Iugement[gh] of þinges but by of sy[gh]t of hys þou[gh]t he knoweþ þe þinges to comen as wel 5087 necessarie as nat necessarie. ry[gh]t so as whan [gh]e seen togidre a man walke on þe erþe {and} þe sonne arysen in [the] heuene. al be it so þat [gh]e seen {and} byholde{n} þat oon {and} þat oþer to-gidre. [gh]it naþeles [gh]e demen {and} [[pg 175]] discerne þat þat oon is uolu{n}tarie {and} þat oþer is necessarie. 5092 [Linenotes: 5066 _shalt_--shal [_it_]--from C. 5068 _whiche_--which 5074-76 _sy[gh]t_--syhte 5075 _whiche_--which _þe[i]_--they 5085 _come_--comyn 5086 _of sy[gh]t_--O syhte 5087 _he knoweþ_--MS. repeats 5090 [_the_]--from C. 5092 _discerne_--discernen] [Headnote: THE NATURE OF DIVINE PRESCIENCE.] [Sidenote: The eye of God, seeing all things, doth not alter the properties of things, for everything is present to him, though its temporal event is future.] ¶ Ry[gh]t so þan [the] deuyne lokynge byholdynge alle þi{n}ges vndir hym ne troubleþ nat þe qualite of þinges þat ben certeynely p{re}sent to hy{m} ward. but as to þe condic{i}ou{n} of tyme for soþe þei ben fut{ur}e. 5096 [Sidenote: When God knows that anything is to be, he knows at the same time that it is not under the necessity of being--but this is not conjecture, but certain knowledge founded upon truth.] for whiche it folwiþ þat þis nis non oppiniou{n}. but raþer a stedfast knowyng ystrengeþed by soþenes. þat whan þat god knoweþ any þinge to be he ne vnwoot nat þat þilke þinge wanteþ necessite to be. þis is to seyn þat 5100 whan þat god knoweþ any þinge to bitide. he woot wel þat it ne haþ no necessite to bitide. [Sidenote: If you insist that _what God foresees shall and must happen; and that which cannot do otherwise than happen, must needs happen_, and so bind me to admit a necessity, I must confess that things are under such a restraint; but it is a truth that we scarce can comprehend, unless we be acquainted with the Divine counsels.] {and} yif þ{o}u seist here þat þilke þinge þat god seeþ to bytide it ne may nat vnbytide. as who seiþ it mot bitide. ¶ and þilke 5104 þinge þat þat ne may nat vnbytide it mot bitide by necessite. and þat þou streine me to þis name of necessite. certys I wol wel confessen {and} byknowe a þinge of ful sadde trouþe. but vnneþ shal þere any wy[gh]t [mowe] 5108 seen it or comen þer-to. but yif þat he be byholder of þe deuyne þou[gh]te. [Sidenote: For I will answer you thus. That the thing which is to happen in relation to the Divine knowledge is necessary; but, considered in its own nature, seems free and absolute.] ¶ for I wol answer{e} þe þus. þat þilke þinge þat is future whan it is referred to þe deuyne 5111 knowy{n}g þan is it necessarie. but certys whan it is vndirstonden in hys owen kynde me{n} sen it [is] vtterly fre {and} absolut from alle necessite. [Sidenote: There are two kinds of necessity--one simple; as men must necessarily die--the other is conditional, as if you know a man walks he must necessarily walk--for that which is known cannot be otherwise than what it is apprehended to be.] for certys þer ben two maneres of necessites. þat oon necessite is symple as þus. þat it byhoueþ by necessite þat alle men be mortal 5116 or dedely. an oþ{er} necessite is condicionel as þus. yif þou wost þat a man walkiþ. it byhoueþ by necessite þat he walke. þilke þinge þan þat any wy[gh]t haþ yknowe to be. it ne may ben non oþer weyes þan he knoweþ it to be. 5120 [Linenotes: 5093 [_the_]--from C. 5097 _whiche_--which 5098 _stedfast_--stidefast _soþenes_--sothnesse 5102 _haþ_--MS. haþe 5104 _bitide_--bide 5108 _sadde_--sad _vnneþ_--vnnethe [_mowe_]--from C. 5109 _comen_--come 5110 _þou[gh]te_--thoght _answere_--answeren 5113 _sen_--MS. sene, C. sen [_is_]--from C. 5117 _dedely_--dedly 5119 _haþ_--MS. haþe] [Headnote: PRESCIENCE AND NECESSITY.] [Sidenote: But this condition does not infer the absolute necessity, for the nature of the thing itself does not here constitute the necessity, but the necessity arises from the conjunction of the condition.] ¶ but þis condicioun ne draweþ nat wiþ hir þilke necessite symple. For certys þis necessite condicionel. þe p{ro}pre nature of it ne makeþ it nau[gh]t. but þe adiecc{i}ou{n} [[pg 176]] of þe condic{i}ou{n} makiþ it. [Sidenote: No necessity compels a man to walk who does so willingly, but it must be necessary that he walk when he does step forward.] for no necessite ne constreyneþ 5124 a man to [gon / þ{a}t] gooþ by his p{ro}pre wille. al be it so þat whan he gooþ þat it is necessarie þat he gooþ. [Sidenote: So everything that is present to the eye of Providence must assuredly be, although there is nothing in its own nature to constitute that necessity.] ¶ Ry[gh]t on þis same manere þan. yif þat þe p{ur}ueaunce of god seeþ any þing p{re}sent. [Sidenote: [* fol. 40.]] þan mot þilke *þinge be 5128 by necessite. al þou[gh] þat it ne haue no necessite of hys owen nature. [Sidenote: Since God beholds all future events proceeding from free-will as actually present--these events in relation to Divine sight are necessary--yet in relation to themselves they are absolutely free.] but certys þe fut{ur}es þat bytyden by fredom of arbitre god seeþ hem alle to-gidre p{re}sent[gh]. þise þinges þan [yif] þei ben referred to þe deuyne sy[gh]t. 5132 þan ben þei maked necessarie to þe condic{i}ou{n} of þe deuyne knowynge. but certys yif þilke þinges ben considred by hem self þei ben absolut of necessite. {and} ne forleten nat ne cesen nat of þe liberte of hire owe{n} 5136 natur{e}. [Sidenote: All things which God foresees shall surely come to pass; but some of these things proceed from free-will, which although they happen,] þan certys wiþ outen doute alle þe þing{us} shollen be doon whiche þat god woot by-forn þat þei ben to comen. but so{m}me of hem comen {and} bitiden of [free] arbitre or of fre wille. þat al be it so þat þei bytiden. 5140 [Linenotes: 5121 _condicioun_--from C., MS. _necessite_ 5123 _nau[gh]t_--nat 5125 [_gon þat_]--from C. _wille_--wil 5128 _mot_--MS. mote, C. mot 5131 _present[gh]_--p{re}sent 5132 [_yif_]--from C. _sy[gh]t_--syhte 5137 _wiþ outen_--w{i}t{h}-owte 5138 _whiche_--which 5139 _somme_--som 5140 [_free_]--from C.] [Headnote: PROVIDENCE AND HUMAN INTENTIONS.] [Sidenote: yet do not thereby change their nature, as before they happened they had it in their power not to happen.] [gh]it algates ne lese þei nat hire p{ro}pre nature ne beynge. by þe whiche first or þat þei were doon þei hadden power nat to han bitidd. [Sidenote: But it is a thing of no moment then, whether things are necessary in their own nature or not, since by the condition of the Divine knowledge they fell out as if they were necessitated.] _Boece._ what is þis to seyn þa{n} q{uo}d I. þat þinges ne ben nat necessarie by 5144 hire p{ro}pre nature. so as þei comen in alle maneres in þe lykenesse of necessite by þe condic{i}ou{n} of þe deuyne science. [Sidenote: _P._ The difference is explained in the instances lately given you, of the man walking, &c.] {Ph}ilosoph{ie}. þis is þe difference q{uo}d she. þat þo þinges þat I p{ur}posed[e] þe a litel here byforn. þat 5148 is to seyn þe sonne arysynge {and} þe man walkynge þat þerwhiles þat þilke þinges ben ydon. þei ne my[gh]ten nat ben vndon. [Sidenote: The event of the former was necessary before it befell, whereas that of the latter was altogether free.] naþeles þat oon of hem or it was ydon it byhoued[e] by necessite þat it was ydon. but nat þat 5152 oþ{er}. ry[gh]t so it is here þat þe þinges þat god haþ p{re}sent. wiþ outen doute þei shulle ben. but so{m}me of hem descendiþ [[pg 177]] of þe nature of þinges as þe sonne arysynge. {and} so{m}me descendiþ of þe power of þe doers as þe man 5156 walkynge. [Sidenote: _B._ Then I did not go from the truth when I said that some things referred to the Divine knowledge are necessary, while considered in themselves they are not under the bond of necessity.] ¶ þan seide I. no wronge þat yif þat þise þinges ben referred to þe deuyne knowynge þan ben þei necessarie. {and} yif þei ben considered by he{m} selfe þan ben þei absolut from þe bonde of necessite. [Sidenote: In the same way everything that is an object of sense is _general_ when considered in relation to reason--but particular when considered by itself.] ry[gh]t so [as] 5160 alle þinges þat appiereþ or sheweþ to þe wittes yif þou referre it to resou{n} it is vniuersel. {and} yif þou referre it or look[e] it to it self. þan is it sy{n}guler. [Sidenote: But you may say--If I am able to change my purpose I can deceive providence by changing that which she hath foreseen I would do.] but now yif þou seist þus þ{a}t yif it be in my power to chaunge 5164 my p{ur}pose. þan shal I voide þe p{ur}ueaunce of god. whan þat p{er}auenture I shal han chau{n}ged þo þinges þat he knoweþ byforn. þan shal I answere þe þus [Linenotes: 5141 _ne_ (2)--C. in 5142 _whiche_--which _were doon_--weeryn Idoon 5143 _bitidd_--MS. bitidde, C. bityd 5148 _purposed[e]_--p{ur}posede 5150 _ydon_--MS. ydone, C. I-doon _my[gh]ten_--myhte 5151 _vndon_--MS. vndone, C. vndoon 5151-2 _ydon_--MS. ydone, C. I-doon 5152 _byhoued[e]_--houyd 5153 _haþ_--MS. haþe 5154 _wiþ outen_--with-owte _shulle_--shollen 5156 _doers_--doeres 5157 _wronge_--wrong 5159 _selfe_--self 5160 _from_--fro _bonde_--bond [_as_]--from C. 5163 _look[e]_--loke 5166 _þo_--the] [Headnote: GOD'S KNOWLEDGE FIXED AND UNCHANGED.] [Sidenote: _P._ You may perhaps alter your purpose--but as providence takes note of your intentions, you cannot deceive her; for you cannot escape the divine prescience though you have the power, through a free-will, to vary and diversify your actions.] ¶ Certys þou maist wel chaungen þi p{ur}pos but for as 5168 mochel as þe p{re}sent soþenesse of þe deuyne p{ur}ueaunce byholdeþ þat þou mayst chau{n}ge{n} þi p{ur}pose. {and} wheþir þou wolt chaunge it or no. {and} whider-ward þat þou tourne it. þ{o}u maist nat eschewen þe deuyne 5172 p{re}science ry[gh]t as þou ne mayst nat fleen þe sy[gh]t of þe p{re}sent eye. al þou[gh] þat þou tourne þi self by þi fre wille in to dyu{er}se acc{i}ou{n}. [Sidenote: But you may say--Shall the divine knowledge be changed according to the mutability of my disposition, and the apprehensions of the Deity fluctuated with my changing purposes?] ¶ But þou mayst seyn a[gh]eyne how shal it þan be. shal nat þe dyuyne science 5176 ben chaunged by my disposic{i}ou{n} whan þat I wol o þing now {and} now an oþer. {and} þilke p{re}science ne semeþ it nat to enterchau{n}ge stoundes of knowynges. as who seiþ. ne shal it nat seme to vs þat þe deuyne 5180 p{re}science enterchaungeþ hys dyuers stoundes of knowynge. so þat it knowe so{m}me tyme o þing {and} so{m}me tyme þe contrarie. [Sidenote: No, indeed! The view of the Deity foreruns every future event, and brings it back into the presence of his own knowledge, which does not vary, as you imagine, to conform to your caprices, but remaining fixed, at once foresees and comprehends all your changes.] ¶ No for soþe. [q{uod} I] for þe deuyne sy[gh]t 5183 renneþ to-forne {and} seeþ alle fut{ur}es {and} clepeþ hem a[gh]ein {and} reto{ur}niþ hem to þe p{re}sence of hys p{ro}pre knowynge. [[pg 178]] ne he ne entrechaungeþ nat [so] as þou wenest þe stoundes of forknowyng [as] now þis now þat. but he ay dwellynge comiþ byforn {and} enbraceþ at o strook 5188 alle þi mutac{i}ou{n}s. [Sidenote: This faculty of comprehending and seeing all things as present, God does not receive from the issue of futurities, but from the simplicity of his own nature.] and þis p{re}sence to co{m}p{re}henden {and} to sen alle þinges. god ne haþ nat take{n} it of þe bitydynge of þinges forto come. but of hys p{ro}pre symplicite. [Linenotes: 5169 _soþenesse_--sothnesse 5170 _chaungen_--chaunge 5173 _sy[gh]t_--syhte 5175 _wille_--wyl 5177 _wol_--wole 5179 _enterchaunge_--MS. enterchau{n}gyng, C. entrechau{n}ge 5181 _hys_--hise 5182 _somme_ (1)--su{m} _somme_ (2)--som 5183 _sy[gh]t_--syhte 5184 _to-forne_--to-forn 5186 [_so_]--from C. 5187 [_as_]--from C. 5188 _comiþ_--comth 5190 _haþ_--MS. haþe] [Headnote: AN ANSWER TO FORMER OBJECTIONS.] [Sidenote: Here, then, is an answer to your former objection--that it is folly to think that our future actions and events are the causes of the prescience of God.] ¶ and her by is assoiled þilke þing þat þou 5192 puttest a litel her byforne. þat is to seyne þat it is vnworþi þinge to seyn þat oure futures [gh]euen cause of þe science of god [Sidenote: For the Divine mind, embracing and comprehending all things by a present knowledge, plans and directs all things and is not dependent upon futurity.] [Sidenote: [* fol. 41 _b_.]] ¶ For c{er}tys *þis strengþe of þe deuyne science whiche þat enbraceþ alle þinge by his p{re}sentarie 5196 knowynge establisseþ manere to alle þi{n}g{us} {and} it ne awiþ nat to lattere þinges. [Sidenote: Since no necessity is imposed upon things by the Divine prescience, there remains to men an inviolable freedom of will.] {and} syn þat þise þinges ben þus. þat is to seyn syn þat necessite nis nat in þinges by þe deuyne p{re}science. þan is þer fredom of 5200 arbitre. þat dwelleþ hool {and} vnwemmed to mortal men. [Sidenote: And those laws are just which assign rewards and punishments to men possessing free-will.] ne þe lawes ne p{ur}pose nat wikkedly meedes {and} peynes to þe willynges of men þat ben vnbounde {and} quit of alle necessite. [Sidenote: Moreover, God, who sits on high, foreknows all things, and the eternal presence of his knowledge concurs with the future quality of our actions, dispensing rewards to good and punishments to evil men.] ¶ And god byholder {and} forwiter of 5204 alle þinges dwelliþ aboue {and} þe p{re}sent eternite of hys sy[gh]t renneþ alwey wiþ þe dyuerse qualite of oure dedes dispe{n}syng {and} ordeynynge medes to good[e] men. {and} tourment[gh] to wicked men. [Sidenote: Nor are our hopes and prayers reposed in, and addressed to God in vain, which when they are sincere cannot be inefficacious nor unsuccessful.] ne in ydel ne i{n} veyn ne ben 5208 þer nat put in god hope {and} p{ra}yeres. þat ne mowen nat ben vnspedful ne wiþ oute effect whan þei ben ry[gh]tful [Sidenote: Resist and turn from vice--honour and love virtue, exalt your mind to God (the truest hope), offer up your prayers with humility.] ¶ wiþstond þan {and} eschewe þou vices. worshippe {and} loue þou vertus. areise þi corage to ry[gh]tful hoopes. 5212 [gh]elde þou humble p{re}iers an hey[gh]e. [Sidenote: If you are sincere you will feel that you are under an obligation to lead a good and virtuous life, inasmuch as all your actions and works are done in the presence of an all-discerning Judge.] grete necessite of prowesse {and} vertue is encharged {and} comaunded to [gh]ow yif [gh]e nil nat dissimulen. ¶ Syn þat [gh]e worchen {and} doon. þat is to seyn [gh]oure dedes {and} [gh]oure workes 5216 by-fore þe eyen of þe Iuge þat seeþ {and} demeþ alle [[pg 179]] þinges. [To whom be goye {and} worshipe bi Infynyt tymes / AMEN.] EXPLICIT LIBER QUINTUS. {ET} VLTIM{US}. [Linenotes: 5193 _seyne_--seyn 5196 _whiche_--which 5198 _awiþ_--oweth 5199 _þat is to----prescience_--omitted 5203 _vnbounde_--vnbownden _quit_--quite 5206 _sy[gh]t_--sihte 5207 _good[e]_--goode 5211 _wiþstond_--MS. wiþstonde, C. withstond 5213 _an hey[gh]e_--a heygh _grete_--Gret 5215 _worchen_--workyn 5216 {and} (2)--or 5217 _by-fore_--by-forn 5218 [_To whom----Amen_]--from C.; MS. reads _et cetera_ after 'þinges.' C. ends with the following rubric: Explicit expliceat luder{e} scriptor eat Finito libro sit laus {et} gloria {Christ}o Corpore scribentis sit gr{ati}a cunctipotentis] [[pg 180]] [Headnote: ÆTAS PRIMA.] APPENDIX. [_Camb. Univ. MS._ Ii. 3. 21, _fol._ 52 _b_.] Chawc{er} vp-on this fyfte met{ur} of the second book ++A Blysful lyf a paysyble {and} a swete Ledden the poeples in the former age They helde hem paied of the fructes þ{a}t þey ete Whiche þ{a}t the feldes yaue hem by vsage 4 They ne weer{e} nat forpampred w{i}t{h} owtrage Onknowyn was þ^e quyerne {and} ek the melle They eten mast hawes {and} swych pownage And dronken wat{er} of the colde welle 8 ¶ Yit nas the grownd nat wownded w{i}t{h} þ^e plowh But corn vp-sprong vnsowe of mannes hond Þe which they gnodded {and} eete nat half .I.-nowh No man yit knewe the forwes of his lond 12 No man the fyr owt of the flynt yit fonde Vn-koruen and vn-grobbed lay the vyne No man yit in the morter spices grond To clarre ne to sawse of galentyne 16 ¶ No Madyr welde or wod no litester{e} Ne knewh / the fles was of is former hewe No flessh ne wyste offence of egge or sper{e} No coyn ne knewh man which is fals or trewe 20 No ship yit karf the wawes grene {and} blewe No Marchau{n}t yit ne fette owt-landissh war{e} No batails trompes for the werres folk ne knewe Ne towres heye {and} walles rownde or square 24 ¶ What sholde it han avayled to werreye [[pg 181]] Ther lay no p{ro}fyt ther was no rychesse [Sidenote: [fol. 53.]] But corsed was the tyme .I. dar+ wel seye Þ{a}t men fyrst dede hir swety bysynesse 28 To grobbe vp metal lurkynge in dirkenesse {And} in þe Ryuerys fyrst gemmys sowhte Allas than sprong+ vp al the cursydnesse Of coueytyse þ{a}t fyrst owr sorwe browhte 32 ¶ Thyse tyrau{n}t[gh] put hem gladly nat in pres No places wyldnesse ne no busshes for to wynne Ther pou{er}te is as seith diogenes Ther as vitayle ek is so skars {and} thinne 36 Þ{a}t nat but mast or apples is ther Inne But þ{er} as bagges ben {and} fat vitaile Ther wol they gon {and} spar{e} for no synne W{i}t{h} al hir ost the Cyte forto a-sayle 40 ¶ Yit was no paleis chaumbres ne non halles In kaues {and} wodes softe {and} swete Sleptin this blyssed folk+ w{i}t{h}-owte walles On gras or leues in p{ar}fyt Ioye reste {and} quiete 44 No down of fetheres ne no bleched shete Was kyd to hem but in surte they slepte Hir hertes weer{e} al on w{i}t{h}-owte galles Eu{er}ych of hem his feith to oother kepte 48 ¶ Vnforged was the hawberke {and} the plate Þ^e lambyssh poeple voyded of alle vyse Hadden no fantesye to debate But eche of hem wolde oother wel cheryce 52 No p{r}ide non enuye non Auaryce No lord no taylage by no tyranye Vmblesse {and} pes good feith the emp{er}ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 ¶ Yit was nat Iuppit{er} the lykerous [[pg 182]] Þ{a}t fyrst was fadyr of delicasie Come in this world ne nembroth desyrous To regne had nat maad his towres hye 60 Allas allas now may [men] wepe And crye For in owr{e} dayes nis but couetyse Dowblenesse {and} tresou{n} {and} enuye Poyson {and} manslawhtr{e} {and} mordre in sondry wyse 64 [Linenotes: 39, 40 MS. transposes the lines 44 _On_--MS. Or 56 A line omitted, but no gap left for one.] [Headnote: BALADES DE VILAGE SANZ PEINTURE.] CAUS{ER} / BALADES DE VILAGE SANZ PEINT{UR}E ¶ This wrecched worlde-is t{ra}nsmutaciou{n} As wele / or wo / now poeer{e} {and} now hono{ur} W{i}t{h}-owten ordyr or wis descresyou{n} Gou{er}ned is by fortunes errour 4 But natheles the lakke of hyr fauowr+ Ne may nat don me syngen thowh I. deye [Sidenote: [fol. 53 _b_.]] Iay tout p{er}du mou{n} temps {et} mou{n} labour For fynaly fortune .I. the deffye 8 ¶ Yit is me left the lyht of my resou{n} To knowen frend fro foo in thi merowr+ So mochel hath yit thy whirlynge vp {and} down I-tawht me for to knowe in an howr 12 But trewely no fors of thi reddowr+ To hym þ{a}t ou{er} hym self hath the maystrye My suffysau{n}ce shal be my socour+ For fynaly fortune I. thee deffye 16 ¶ O socrates þ{o}u stidfast chau{m}pyou{n} She neu{er} myht[e] be thi tormentowr Thow neu{er} dreddest hyr opp{re}ssyou{n} Ne in hyr cher{e} fownde thow no sauour+ 20 Thow knewe wel the deseyte of hyr colour+ And þ{a}t hir most[e] worshipe is to lye I knew hir ek a fals dissimulour+ For fynaly fortune .I. the deffye 24 [[pg 183]] LE RESPOU{N}CE DE FORTUNE A PLEINTIF. ¶ No man ys wrechchyd but hym self yt wene {And} he þ{a}t hath hym self hat suffisaunce Whi seysthow tha{n}ne y am [to] the so kene Þ{a}t hast thy self owt of my gou{er}nau{n}ce 28 Sey thus grau{n}t m{er}cy of thyn habou{n}dau{n}ce That thow hast lent or this why wolt þ{o}u stryue What woost thow yit how y the wol auau{n}ce {And} ek thow hast thy beste frende a-lyue 32 ¶ I haue the tawht deuisyou{n} by-twene Frend of effect+ {and} frende of cowntenau{n}ce The nedeth nat the galle of no hyene Þ{a}t cureth eyen derkyd for penau{n}ce 36 Now se[st] thow cleer þ{a}t weere in ignorau{n}ce Yit halt thin ancre {and} yit thow mayst aryue Ther bownte berth the keye of my substau{n}ce {And} ek þ{o}u hast thy beste frende alyue 40 ¶ How manye haue .I. refused to sustigne Syn .I. the fostred haue in thy plesau{n}ce Wolthow thanne make a statute on þy quyene Þ{a}t .I. shal ben ay at thy ordynau{n}ce 44 Thow born art in my regne of varyau{n}ce Abowte the wheel w{i}t{h} oother most thow dryue My loore is bet than wikke is thi greuau{n}ce {And} ek þou hast thy beste frende a-lyue 48 [Linenotes: 37 _se[st]_--partly erased and _ist_ written on it in a later hand. 41 _igne_ of _sustigne_ is in a later hand.] LE RESPOU{N}CE DU PLEINTIF COU{N}TR{E} FORTUNE. [Sidenote: [fol. 54.]] ¶ Thy loor{e} y dempne / it is adu{er}syte My frend maysthow nat reuen blynde goddesse Þ{a}t .I. thy frendes knowe .I. thanke to the Tak hem agayn / lat hem go lye on p{re}sse 52 The negardye in kepynge hyr rychesse P{re}nostik is thow wolt hir+ towr+ asayle Wikke appetyt comth ay before sykenesse [[pg 184]] In general this rewle may nat fayle 56 LE RESPOU{N}CE DE FORTUNE COU{N}TR{E} LE PLEINTIF ¶ Thow pynchest at my mutabylyte For .I. the lente a drope of my rychesse And now me lykyth to w{i}t{h}-drawe me Whi sholdysthow my realte ap{re}sse 60 The see may ebbe {and} flowen moor{e} or lesse The welkne hath myht to shyne reyne or hayle Ryht so mot .I. kythen my brutelnesse In general this rewle may nat fayle 64 LE PLEINTIF ¶ Lo excussyou{n} of the maieste Þ{a}t al purueyeth of his ryhtwysnesse That same thinge fortune clepyn ye Ye blynde beestys ful of lewednesse 68 The heuene hath p{ro}prete of sykyrnesse This world hath eu{er} resteles trauayle Thy laste day is ende of myn inter[e]sse In general this rewele may nat fayle 72 LENUOY DE FORTUNE ¶ Prynses .I. prey yow of yowr{e} gentilesses Lat nat this man on me thus crye {and} pleyne And .I. shal quyte yow yowr{e} bysynesse At my requeste as thre of yow or tweyne 76 Þ{a}t but yow lest releue hym of hys peyne Preyeth hys best frend of his noblesse That to som beter{e} estat he may attayne * * * * * * * * * _CHAUCER'S TEXT ONLY_ The following section contains the text alone of Chaucer's translation of _De Consolatione Philosophiae_, without the editor's annotations. It is followed by the Glossarial Index. LIBER PRIMUS. INCIPIT LIBER BOICII DE CO{N}SOLAC{I}O{N}E PHILOSOPHIE. Car{m}i{n}a qui q{u}onda{m} studio flore{n}te p{er}egi. [Sidenote: [The fyrste Met{ur}.]] ++Allas I wepyng am constreined to bygynne vers of sorouful matere. ¶ Þat whilom in florysching studie made delitable ditees. For loo rendyng muses of poetes enditen to me þinges to be writen. and drery v{er}s of wrecchednes weten my face wiþ v{er}ray teers. ¶ At þe leest no drede ne my[gh]t[e] ouer-come þo muses. þat þei ne were{n} felawes {and} folweden my wey. þat is to seyne when I was exiled. þei þat weren glorie of my you[gh]th whilom weleful {and} grene co{n}forten now þe sorouful werdes of me olde man. for elde is comen vnwarly vpon me hasted by þe harmes þat I haue. {and} sorou haþ comau{n}ded his age to be in me. ¶ Heeres hore ben schad ouertymelyche vpon myne heued. and þe slak[e] skyn trembleþ vpon myn emty body. þilk[e] deeþ of men is welful þat ne comeþ not in [gh]eres þat ben swete (.i. mirie.) but comeþ to wrecches often yclepid. ¶ Allas allas wiþ how deef an eere deeþ cruel to{ur}neþ awey fro wrecches {and} naieþ to closen wepyng eyen. ¶ While fortune vnfeiþful fauored[e] me wiþ ly[gh]te goodes (.s. temp{or}els.) þe sorouful houre þat is to seyne þe deeþ had[de] almost dreynt myne heued. ¶ But now for fortune clowdy haþ chaunged hir disceyuable chere to me warde. myn vnpitouse lijf draweþ a long vnagreable dwellynges in me. ¶ O [gh]e my frendes what or wherto auaunted[e] [gh]e me to be weleful: for he þat haþ fallen stood not i{n} stedfast degree. HIC DUM MECUM TACITUS. [Sidenote: [The firste p{ro}se.]] ++IN þe mene while þat I stille recorded[e] þise þinges wiþ my self. {and} markede my wepli compleynte wiþ office of poyntel. I saw stondyng aboue þe hey[gh]t of my heued a woman of ful greet reuerence by semblaunt hir eyen brennyng {and} clere seing ouer þe comune my[gh]t of men. wiþ a lijfly colo{ur} {and} wiþ swiche vigoure {and} strenkeþ þat it ne my[gh]t[e] not be emptid. ¶ Al were it so þat sche was ful of so greet age. þat men ne wolde not trowe i{n} no manere þat sche were of oure elde. þe stature of hir was of a doutous iugement. for su{m}tyme sche constreyned[e] {and} schronk hir selue{n} lyche to þe comune mesure of men. {and} su{m}tyme it semed[e] þat sche touched[e] þe heuene wiþ þe hey[gh]te of hir heued. and when sche hef hir heued heyer sche p{er}ced[e] þe selue heuene. so þat þe sy[gh]t of men lokyng was i{n} ydel. ¶ Hir cloþes weren maked of ry[gh]t delye þredes {and} subtil crafte of p{er}durable matere. þe wyche cloþes sche hadde wouen wiþ hir owen hondes: as I knew wel aftir by hir selfe. declaryng {and} schewyng to me þe beaute. þe wiche cloþes a derkenes of a forleten and dispised elde had[de] duskid {and} dirkid as it is wo{n}t to dirken by-smoked ymages. ¶ In þe neþerest[e] hem or bordure of þese cloþes me{n} redden ywouen in swiche a gregkysche .P. þat signifieþ þe lijf actif. And abouen þ{a}t l{ett}re in þe hey[gh]est[e] bordure a grekysche T. þat signifieþ þe lijf contemplatif. ¶ And by-twene þese two l{ett}res þere weren seien degrees nobly wrou[gh]t in manere of laddres. By wyche degrees men my[gh]t[en] clymbe fro þe neþemast[e] l{ett}re to þe ouermast[e]. ¶ Naþeles hondes of su{m} men hadde korue þ{a}t cloþe by vyolence {and} by strenkeþ. ¶ And eueryche man of hem hadde born away syche peces as he my[gh]te geet[e]. ¶ And forsoþe þis forsaide woman ber bookes in hir ry[gh]t honde. {and} in hir lefte honde sche ber a ceptre. ¶ And when sche sau[gh] þese poetical muses ap{ro}chen aboute my bedde. {and} endytyng wordes to my wepynges. sche was a lytel ameued and glowed[e] wiþ cruel eyen. ¶ Who q{uo}d sche haþ suffred ap{ro}chen to þis seek[e] man þise comune strumpetis of siche a place þat men clepen þe theatr{e}. ¶ Þe wyche only ne asswagen not his sorowes. wiþ no remedies. but þei wolde fede {and} norysche hem wiþ swete venym. ¶ Forsoþe þise ben þo þat wiþ þornes {and} prykkynges of talent[gh] or affecciou{n}s wiche þat ben no þing frutefiyng nor p{ro}fitable destroyen þe cornes plenteuouse of frutes of reson. ¶ For þei holden þe hertes of men i{n} usage. but þei ne delyuere not folk fro maladye. but if [gh]e muses hadde wiþdrawen fro me wiþ [gh]oure flateries. any vnkonnyng {and} vnp{ro}fitable man as men ben wont to fynde comunely amonges þe peple. I wolde wene suffre þe lasse greuously. ¶ For-why in syche an vnp{ro}fitable man myne ententes weren no þing endamaged. ¶ But [gh]e wiþdrawen me þis man þat haþ ben norysched in studies or scoles of Eleaticis {and} of achademicis in grece. ¶ But goþ now raþer awey [gh]e meremaydenes wyche ben swete til it be at þe laste. {and} suffreþ þis man to be cured {and} heled by myne muses. þat is to say by notful sciences. ¶ And þus þis compaygnie of muses I-blamed casten wroþely þe chere adou{n}ward to þe erþe {and} schewyng by redenesse hir schame þei passeden sorowfuly þe þreschefolde. ¶ And I of whom þe sy[gh]t plonged i{n} teres was derked so þat I ne my[gh]t[e] not knowe what þat woman was of so i{m}perial auctorite. ¶ I wex al a-besid {and} astoned. {and} caste my sy[gh]t adoune in to þe erþe. {and} bygan stille forto abide what sche wolde don afterwarde. ¶ Þo come sche nere {and} sette hir doun vpon þe vterrest[e] corner of my bedde. {and} sche byholdyng my chere þat was cast to þe erþe heuy {and} greuous of wepyng. co{m}pleinede wiþ þise wordes þ{a}t I schal sey þe p{er}t{ur}bac{i}ou{n} of my þou[gh]t. HEU Q{UAM} PRECIPITI MERSA PROFUNDO. [Sidenote: [The 2de Met{ur}.]] ++Allas how þe þou[gh]t of man dreint in ouer þrowyng depnesse dulleþ {and} forletiþ hys p{ro}pre clerenesse. myntynge to gone in to foreyne derknesses as ofte as hys anoious bisines wexiþ wiþ-oute{n} mesure. þ{a}t is dryuen to {and} fro wiþ worldly wyndes. ¶ Þis man þat su{m}tyme was fre to who{m} þe heuene was open {and} knowen {and} was wont to gone in heuenelyche paþes. {and} sau[gh] þe ly[gh]tnesse of þe rede sunne. {and} sau[gh] þe sterres of þe colde moone. {and} wyche sterre i{n} heuene vseþ wandryng risorses yflit by dyuerse speres. ¶ Þis man ouer comere hadde co{m}p{re}hendid al þis by noumbre. of accountyng in astronomye. ¶ And ouer þis he was wont to seche þe causes whennes þe sounyng wy{n}des moeuen {and} bisien þe smoþe water of þe see. {and} what spirit turneþ þe stable heuene. {and} whi þe sterre ryseþ oute of þe reede eest. to falle in þe westren wawes. and what attempriþ þe lusty houres of þe fyrste somer sesou{n} þat hi[gh]teþ {and} apparaileþ þe erþe wiþ rosene floures. ¶ And who makeþ þat plenteuouse autu{m}pne in fulle [gh]eres fletiþ wiþ heuy grapes. ¶ And eke þis ma{n} was wont to telle þe dyuerses causes of nature þat weren yhid. ¶ Allas now lieþ he emptid of ly[gh]t of hys þou[gh]t. {and} hys nekke is p{re}ssid wiþ heuy cheynes {and} bereþ his chere enclined adoune for þe greet[e] wey[gh]t. and is constreyned to loke on foule erþe. SET MEDICINE INQUIT TEMPUS. [Sidenote: [The ij^de p{ro}se.]] ++Bvt tyme is now q{uo}d sche of medicine more þen of compleynte. ¶ Forsoþe þen sche entendyng to me warde wiþ al þe lokyng of hir eyen saide. ¶ Art not þou he q{uo}d sche þat su{m}tyme I-norschid wiþ my mylke {and} fostre[d] wiþ my meetes were ascaped {and} comen to corage of a p{er}fit man. ¶ Certys I [gh]af þe syche armures þat [gh]if þou þi self ne haddest first caste hem away. þei schulden haue defendid þe in sykernesse þat may not be ouer-comen. ¶ Knowest þou me not. Why art þou stille. is it for schame or for astonynge. It were me leuer þat it were for schame. but it semeþ me þat astony{n}ge haþ opp{re}ssed þe. ¶ And whan sche say me not oonly stille. but wiþ-outen office of tonge {and} al doumbe. sche leide hir honde softely vpon my brest {and} seide. ¶ Here nis no p{er}il q{uod} sche. ¶ He is fallen in to a litargie. whiche þat is a comune sekenes to hertes þat ben desceiued. ¶ He haþ a litel for[gh]eten hym self. but certis he schal ly[gh]tly reme{m}bren hym self. ¶ [Gh]if so be þat he haþ knowe{n} me or now. {and} þat he may so done I wil wipe a litel hys eyen. þat ben derked by þe cloude of mortel þinges ¶ Þise wordes seide sche. and wiþ þe lappe of hir garment yplitid in a frounce sche dried[e] myn eyen þat were ful of þe wawes of my wepynges. TUNC ME DISCUSSA. [Sidenote: [The 3^de Met{ur}.]] ++Þus when þat ny[gh]t was discussed {and} chased awey. derknesses forleften me. {and} to myn eyen repeyre a[gh]eyne her firste strenkeþ. and ry[gh]t by ensample as þe sonne is hid when þe sterres ben clustred. þat is to sey whe{n} sterres ben couered wiþ cloudes by a swifte wynde þat hy[gh]t chorus. {and} þat þe firmame{n}t stont derked by wete ploungy cloudes. and þat þe sterres not apperen vpo{n} heuene. ¶ So þat þe ny[gh]t semeþ sprad vpo{n} erþe. ¶ Yif þan þe wynde þat hy[gh]t borias sent out of þe kaues of þe contre of Trace betiþ þis ny[gh]t. þat is to seyn chasiþ it away {and} descouereþ þe closed day. ¶ Þan schineþ pheb{us} yshaken wiþ sodeyne ly[gh]t {and} smyteþ wiþ hys bemes i{n} m{er}uely{n}g eyen. HAUT ALITER TRISTICIE. [Sidenote: [The 3^de p{ro}se.]] ++Ry[gh]t so {and} none oþer wyse þe cloudes of sorowe dissolued {and} don awey. ¶ I took heuene. {and} receyuede mynde to knowe þe face of my fyciscien. ¶ So þat I sette myne eyen on hir {and} festned[e] my lokyng. I byholde my norice philosophie. in whos houses I hadde conuersed {and} haunted fro my [gh]ouþe. {and} I seide þus. ¶ O þou maistresse of alle uertues descendid fro þe souereyne sete. Whi art þou comen in to þis solitarie place of myn exil. ¶ Art þou comen for þ{o}u art mad coupable wiþ me of fals[e] blames. ¶ O q{uod} sche my norry scholde I forsake þe now. and scholde I not parte wiþ þe by comune trauaille þe charge þat þou hast suffred for envie of my name. ¶ Certis it nar[e] not leueful ne sittyng to philosophie to leten wiþ-outen compaignie þe wey of hym þat is i{n}nocent. ¶ Scholde I þan redoute my blame {and} agrisen as þou[gh] þer were byfallen a newe þing. q. d. non. ¶ For trowest þou þat philosophi be now alþerfirst assailed i{n} p{er}ils by folk of wicked[e] maneres. ¶ Haue I not stryuen wiþ ful greet strife in olde tyme byfore þe age of my plato a[gh]eins þe foolhardines of foly {and} eke þe same plato lyuyng. hys maistre socrates deserued[e] victorie of vnry[gh]tful deeþ in my presence. ¶ Þe heritage of wyche socrates. þe h{er}itage is to seyne þe doctrine of þe whiche soc{ra}tes in hys oppiniou{n} of felicite þat I clepe welfulnesse ¶ Whan þat þe people of epicuriens {and} stoyciens {and} many oþer enforceden hem to go rauische eueryche man for his part þat is to seyne. þat to eueryche of hem wolde drawen to þe defence of his oppiniou{n} þe wordes of socrates. ¶ Þei as in p{ar}tie of hir preye todrowe{n} me criynge {and} debatyng þer a[gh]eins. {and} tornen {and} torente{n} my cloþes þat I hadde woue{n} wiþ myn handes. {and} wiþ þe cloutes þat þei hadden arased oute of my cloþes. þei wenten awey wenyng þat I hadde gon wiþ he{m} euery dele. In whiche epicuryens {and} stoyciens. for as myche as þer semed[e] so{m}me traces {and} steppes of myne habit. þe folye of men wenyng þo epicuryens {and} stoyciens my familers p{er}uertede (.s. p{er}sequend{o}) so{m}me þoru[gh] þe errour of þe wikked[e] or vnkunnyng[e] multitude of hem. ¶ Þis is to seyne for þei semeden philosophres: þei weren p{ur}sued to þe deeþ and slayn. ¶ So yif þou hast not knowen þe exilynge of anaxogore. ne þe empoysenyng of socrates. ne þe to{ur}ment[gh] of [gh]eno for þei [weren] straungers. ¶ [Gh]it my[gh]test þou haue knowe{n} þe senectiens {and} þe Canyos {and} þe sorancis of wyche folk þe renou{n} is neyþer ouer oolde ne vnsolempne. ¶ Þe whiche men no þing ellys ne brou[gh]t[e] hem to þe deeþ but oonly for þei weren enfourmed of my maneres. {and} semede{n} moste vnlyke to þe studies of wicked folk. ¶ And forþi þou au[gh]test not to wondre þou[gh] þ{a}t I in þe bitter see of þis lijf be fordryuen wiþ tempestes blowyng aboute. in þe whiche te{m}peste þis is my most p{ur}pos þat is to seyn to displese to wikked[e] men. ¶ Of whiche schrews al be þe oost neuer so grete it is to dispyse. for it nis gouerned wiþ no leder of resoune. but it is rauysched only by flityng errour folyly {and} ly[gh]tly. ¶ And if þei somtyme maky{n}g an ost a[gh]eynest vs assaile vs as strengere. oure leder draweþ to gedir hys rycchesse i{n} to hys toure. {and} þei ben ententif aboute sarpulers or sachels vnp{ro}fitable forto taken. but we þat ben hey[gh] abouen syker fro al tumulte {and} wode noise. ben stored {and} enclosed in syche a palays. whider as þat chateryng or anoying folye ne may not attayne. ¶ We scorne swiche rauiners {and} honters of foulest[e] þinges. QUISQ{UI}S COMPOSITO. [Sidenote: [The ferthe Met{ur}.]] ++Who so it be þat is clere of vertue sad {and} wel ordinat of lyuyng. þat haþ put vnderfote þe prowed[e] wierdes {and} lokiþ vpry[gh]t vpon eyþer fortune. he may holde hys chiere vndiscomfited. ¶ Þe rage ne þe manace of þe co{m}moeuyng or chasyng vpwarde hete fro þe botme. ne schal not moeue þat man. ne þe vnstable mountaigne þat hy[gh]t veseuus. þat wircheþ oute þoru[gh] hys broken[e] chemineys smokyng fires. ¶ Ne þe wey of þonder ly[gh]t þat is wont to smyte hey[gh]e toures ne schal not mouene þat man. ¶ Wherto þen wrecches drede [gh]e tyrauntes þat ben wode {and} felownes wiþ-outen ony strenkeþ. ¶ Hope after no þing ne drede nat. {and} so schalt þou desarmen þe ire of þilke vnmy[gh]ty tyraunt. ¶ But who so þat quakyng dredeþ or desireþ þing þat nis not stable of his ry[gh]t. þat man þat so doþ haþ cast awey hys schelde {and} is remoeued fro hys place. {and} enlaceþ hym i{n} þe cheyne wiþ whiche he may be drawen. SENTIS NE INQUIT. [Sidenote: [The verthe p{ro}se.]] ++FElest þou q{uod} sche þise þinges {and} entren þei ou[gh]t in þi corage. ¶ Art þou like an asse to þe harpe. Whi wepest þou whi spillest þou teres. ¶ Yif þou abidest after helpe of þi leche. þe byhoueþ discouere þi wounde. ¶ Þo .I. þat hadde gadered strenkeþ in my corage answered[e] {and} seide. {and} nedeþ it [gh]itte q{uod} .I. of rehersyng or of amonic{i}ou{n}. {and} scheweþ it not ynou[gh] by hym self þe scharpnes of fortune þat wexeþ woode a[gh]eynes me. ¶ Ne moeueþ it nat þe to seen þe face or þe man{er}e of þis place (.i. p{r}isou{n}.). ¶ Is þis þe librarie wyche þat þou haddest chosen for a ry[gh]t certeyne sege to þe i{n} myne house. ¶ Þere as þou desputest of[te] wiþ me of þe sciences of þinges touching diuinitee {and} touchyng mankynde. ¶ Was þan myn habit swiche as it is now. was þan my face or my chere swiche as now. [Interlinear: quasi d{ice}ret non.] ¶ Whan I sou[gh]t[e] wiþ þe secretys of nature. whan þou enfo{ur}medest my maners {and} þe resou{n} of al my lijf. to þe ensaumple of þe ordre of heuene. [Interlinear: ironice] ¶ Is nat þis þe gerdou{n} þat I refere to þe to whom I haue be obeisaunt. ¶ Certis þou enfo{ur}medist by þe mouþe of plato þis sentence. þat is to seyne þat co{m}mune þinges or comunabletes weren blysful yif þei þat haden studied al fully to wisdom gouerneden þilke þinges. or ellys yif it so by-felle þat þe gouernours of co{m}munalites studieden in grete wisdomes. ¶ Þou saidest eke by þe mouþe of þe same plato þat it was a necessarie cause wyse men to taken {and} desire þe gou{er}nau{n}ce of comune þi{n}ges. for þat þe gou{er}nementes of comune citees y-left in þe hondes of felonous to{ur}mento{ur}s Citi[gh]enis ne scholde not brynge inne pestile{n}ce {and} destrucc{i}ou{n} to goode folk. ¶ And þerfore I folowynge þilk auctoritee (.s. platonis). desiryng to put[te] furþe in execusiou{n} {and} in acte of comune admi{ni}st{ra}c{i}ou{n} þo þinges þat .I. hadde lerned of þe among my secre restyng whiles. ¶ Þou {and} god þ{a}t put[te] þee in þe þou[gh]tis of wise folk ben knowen wiþ me þat no þing brou[gh]t[e] me to maistrie or dignite: but þe comune studie of al goodenes. ¶ And þer-of comeþ it þat by-twixen wikked folk {and} me han ben greuouse discordes. þat ne my[gh]ten not be relesed by p{ra}yeres. ¶ For þis libertee haþ fredom of conscience þat þe wraþþe of more my[gh]ty folk haþ alwey ben despised of me for saluac{i}ou{n} of ry[gh]t. ¶ How ofte haue .I. resisted {and} wiþstonde þilk man þat hy[gh]t[e] conigaste þat made alwey assautes a[gh]eins þe p{ro}pre fortunes of poure feble folke. ¶ How ofte haue .I. [gh]itte put of. or cast out hy{m} trigwille p{ro}uost of þe kynges hous boþe of þe wronges þat he hadde bygon[ne] to done {and} eke fully p{er}formed. ¶ How ofte haue I couered {and} defended by þe auctorite of me put a[gh]eins p{er}ils. þat is to seine put myne auctorite in peril for þe wreched pore folke. þat þe couetise of straungeres vnpunysched to{ur}mentid alwey wiþ myseses {and} greuaunces oute of noumbre. ¶ Neuer man drow me [gh]itte fro ry[gh]t to wro{n}g. When I say þe fortunes {and} þe rychesse of þe people of þe p{ro}uinces ben harmed eyþer by p{r}iue rauynes or by comune tributis or cariages. as sory was I as þei þat suffred[e] þe harme. _Glosa._ ¶ Whan þat theodoric þe kyng of gothes in a dere [gh]ere hadde hys gerners ful of corne {and} comaundede þat no ma{n} ne schold[e] bie no corne til his corne were solde {and} þat at a dere greuous pris. ¶ But I w{i}t{h}stod þat ordinaunce {and} ouer-com it knowy{n}g al þis þe kyng hym self. ¶ Coempciou{n} þat is to seyn comune achat or bying to-gidere þat were establissed vpon poeple by swiche a manere imposiciou{n} as who so bou[gh]t[e] a busshel corn he most[e] [gh]eue þe ky{n}g þe fifte p{ar}t. _Textus._ ¶ Whan it was in þe soure hungry tyme þere was establissed or cried greuous {and} inplitable coempciou{n} þat men seyn wel it schulde greetly to{ur}me{n}tyn {and} endamagen al þe p{ro}uince of co{m}paigne I took strif a[gh]eins þe p{ro}uost of þe pretorie for comune p{ro}fit. ¶ And þe kyng knowyng of it I ouercom it so þat þe coempciou{n} ne was not axed ne took effect. ¶ Paulyn a counseiller of Rome þe rychesse of þe whyche paulyn þe houndys of þe palays. þat is to seyn þe officeres wolde han deuoured by hope {and} couetise ¶ [Gh]it drow I hym out of þe Iowes .s. faucib{us} of hem þat gapede{n}. ¶ And for as myche as þe peyne of þe accusac{i}ou{n} aiuged byforn ne scholde not sodeynly henten ne punischen wrongfuly Albyn a counseiller of Rome. I put[te] me a[gh]enis þe hates {and} indignac{i}ou{n}s of þe accuso{ur} Ciprian. ¶ Is it not þan ynought yseyn þat I haue p{ur}chased greet[e] discordes a[gh]eins my self. but I aughte be more asseured a[gh]enis alle oþer folk þat for þe loue of ry[gh]twisnesse .I. ne reserued[e] neuer no þing to my self to hem ward of þe kynges halle .s. officers. by þe whiche I were þe more syker. ¶ But þoru[gh] þe same accuso{ur}s accusyng I am co{n}dempned. ¶ Of þe noumbre of whiche accuso{ur}s one basilius þat somtyme was chased out of þe kynges seruice. is now co{m}pelled i{n} accusyng of my name for nede of foreine moneye. ¶ Also opilion {and} Gaudenci{us} han accused me. al be it so þat þe Iustice regal hadde su{m}tyme demed hem boþe to go in to exil. for her treccheries {and} fraudes wiþ-outen noumbre. ¶ To whiche iugement þei wolde not obeye. but defended[e] hem by sykernesse of holy houses. þat is to seyne fledden in to seyntuaries. {and} whan þis was ap{er}ceiued to þe kyng. he comaunded[e] but þat þei voided[e] þe citee of Rauenne by certeyne day assigned þat men scholde merken hem on þe forheued wiþ an hoke of iren {and} chasen hem out of toune. ¶ Now what þing semeþ þe my[gh]t[e] be lykned to þis cruelte. For certys þilk same day was receyued þe accusyng of my name by þilk[e] same accuso{ur}s. ¶ What may be seid herto. haþ my studie {and} my konnyng deserued þus. or ellys þe forseide dampnaciou{n} of me. made þat hem ry[gh]tful accuso{ur}s or no (q.d. no{n}). ¶ Was not fortune asshamed of þis. [Certes alle hadde nat fortune ben asshamyd] þat i{n}nocence was accused. [gh]it au[gh]t[e] sche haue had schame of þe filþe of myn accuso{ur}s. ¶ But axest þou in so{m}me of what gilt .I. am accused. men seyne þat I wolde sauen þe co{m}paignie of þe senato{ur}s. ¶ And desirest þou to here in what manere .I. am accused þat I scholde han distourbed þe accuso{ur} to beren l{ett}res. by whiche he scholde han maked þe senatours gilty a[gh]eins þe kynges Real maieste. ¶ O meistresse what demest þou of þis. schal .I. forsake þis blame þat I ne be no schame to þe (q. d. no{n}). ¶ Certis .I. haue wold it. þat is to seyne þe sauuaciou{n} of þe senat. ne I schal neuer leten to wilne it. {and} þat I confesse {and} am a-knowe. but þe entent of þe accusour to be destourbed schal cese. ¶ For schal I clepe it a felonie þan or a synne þat I haue desired þe sauuaciou{n} of þe ordre of þe senat. and certys [gh]it hadde þilk same senat don by me þoru[gh] her decret[gh] {and} hire iugementys as þou[gh] it were a synne or a felonie þat is to seyne to wilne þe sauuaciou{n} of he{m} (.s senat{us}). ¶ But folye þat lieth alwey to hym self may not chaunge þe merit of þinges. ¶ Ne .I. trowe not by þe iugement of socrates þ{a}t it were leueful to me to hide þe soþe. ne assent[e] to lesynges. ¶ But certys how so euer it be of þis I put[te] it to gessen or p{re}ise{n} to þe iugeme{n}t of þe {and} of wise folk. ¶ Of whiche þing al þe ordinaunce {and} þe soþe for as moche as folk þat ben to comen aftir our{e} dayes scholle{n} knowen it. ¶ I haue put it in scripture {and} remembraunce. for touching þe l{ett}res falsly maked. by whiche l{ett}res I am accused to han hooped þe fredom of Rome. What app{er}teneþ me to speken þer-of. Of whiche l{ett}res þe fraude hadde ben schewed ap{er}tly if I hadde had libertee forto han vsed {and} ben at þe co{n}fessiou{n} of myn accuso{ur}s. ¶ Þe whiche þing in alle nedys haþ grete strenkeþ. ¶ For what oþ{er} fredo{m} may men hopen. Certys I wolde þat some oþ{er} fredom my[gh]t[e] be hoped. ¶ I wolde þan haue answered by þe wordes of a man þat hy[gh]t[e] Canius. for whan he was accused by Gayus Cesar Germeins son þat he (cani{us}) was knowyng {and} consentyng of a coniurac{i}ou{n} maked a[gh]eins hym (.s. Gai{us}). ¶ Þis Canius answered[e] þus. ¶ Yif I had[de] wist it þou haddest not wist it. In whiche þing sorwe haþ not so dulled my witte þ{a}t I pleyne oonly þat schrewed[e] folk apparailen folies a[gh]eins vertues. ¶ But I wondre gretly how þat þei may p{er}forme þinges þat þei had[de] hoped forto done. For why. to wylne schrewednesse þat comeþ p{ar}auenture of oure defaute. ¶ But it is lyke to a monstre {and} a meruaille. ¶ How þat in þe p{re}se{n}t sy[gh]t of god may ben acheued {and} p{er}formed swiche þinges. as euery felonous man haþ conceyued in hys þou[gh]t a[gh]eins i{n}nocent. ¶ For whiche þing oon of þi familers not vnskilfully axed þus. ¶ [Gh]if god is. whennes comen wikked[e] þinges. {and} yif god ne is whennes comen goode þinges. but al hadde it ben leueful þat felonous folk þat now desiren þe bloode {and} þe deeþ of alle goode men. {and} eke of al þe senat han wilned to gone destroien me. whom þei han seyn alwey bataile{n} {and} defenden goode men {and} eke al þe senat. [Gh]it hadde I not desserued of þe fadres. þat is to seyne of þe senatours þat þei scholde wilne my destrucc{i}ou{n}. ¶ Þou remembrest wele as I gesse þat whan I wolde don or seyn any þing. þou þi self alwey p{re}sent reweledest me. ¶ At þe citee of verone wha{n} þat þe kyng gredy of comune slau[gh]ter. caste hym to t{ra}nsporten vpon al þe ordre of þe senat. þe gilt of his real maieste of þe whiche gilt þat albyn was accused. wiþ how grete sykernesse of p{er}il to me defended[e] I al þe senat. ¶ Þou wost wel þat I seide soþe. ne I auaunted[e] me neuer in preysyng of my self. ¶ For alwey when any wy[gh]t resceiueþ p{re}ciouse renou{n} in auauntyng hym self of hys werkes: he amenusiþ þe secre of hys conscience. ¶ But now þou mayst wel seen to what ende I am comen for myne i{n}nocence. I receiue peyne of fals felonie in gerdou{n} of verray vertue. ¶ And what open co{n}fessiou{n} of felonie had[de] euer iugis so accordaunt i{n} cruelte. þat is to seyne as myne accusyng haþ. ¶ Þat oþer errour of mans witte or ellys co{n}diciou{n} of fortune þat is vncerteyne to al mortal folk ne submytted[e] su{m}me of he{m}. þat is to seyne þat it ne cheyned[e] su{m}me iuge to han pitee or compassiou{n}. ¶ For al þou[gh] I had[de] ben accused þat I wolde brenne holy houses. {and} strangle p{re}stys wiþ wicked swerde. ¶ or þat .I. had[de] grayþed deeþ to alle goode men algatis þe sentence scholde han punysched me p{re}sent confessed or co{n}uict. ¶ But now I am remewed fro þe Citee of rome almost fyue-hundreþ þousand pas. I am wiþ outen defence dampned to p{ro}sc{ri}pciou{n} {and} to þe deeþ. for þe studie {and} bountees þat I haue done to þe senat. ¶ But o wel ben þei worþi of mercye (as who seiþ nay.) þer my[gh]t[e] neuer [gh]it non of hem ben conuicte. Of swiche a blame as myn is of swiche t{r}espas myn accuso{ur}s seyen ful wel þe dignitee. þe wiche dignite for þei wolde derken it wiþ medelyng of some felonye. þei beren me on honde {and} lieden. þat I hadde polute {and} defouled my conscience wiþ sacrelege. for couetise of dignite. ¶ And certys þou þi self þat art plaunted in me chacedest oute þe sege of my corage al couetise of mortal þinges. ne sacrilege ne had[de] no leue to han a place in me byforne þine eyen. ¶ For þou drouppedest euery day in myn eer{e}s {and} in my þou[gh]t þilk comaundement of pictogoras. þat is to seyne men schal seruen to god. {and} not to goddes. ¶ Ne it was no couenaunt ne no nede to taken helpe of þe foulest spirites. ¶ I þat þou hast ordeyned or set in syche excellence þ{a}t [þou] makedest me lyke to god. and ouer þis þe ry[gh]t clene secre chaumbre of myn house. þat is to seye my wijf {and} þe co{m}paignie of myn honeste frendis. {and} my wyues fadir as wel holy as worþi to ben reuerenced þoru[gh] hys owen dedis. defenden me of al suspecciou{n} of syche blame. ¶ But o malice. ¶ For þei þat accusen me taken of þe philosophie feiþe of so grete blame. ¶ For þei trowen þat .I. haue had affinite to malyfice or enchau{n}tement[gh] by cause þat I am replenissed {and} fulfilled wiþ þi techynges. {and} enformed of þi maners. ¶ And þus it sufficeþ not only þat þi reuerence ne auayle me not. but [gh]if þat þou of þi fre wille raþer be blemissed wiþ myne offensiou{n}. ¶ But certys to þe harmes þat I haue þere bytydeþ [gh]it þis encrece of harme. þat þe gessinge {and} þe iugement of myche folk ne loken no þing to þe[de]sertys of þinges but only to þe aue{n}t{ur}e of fortune. ¶ And iugen þat only swiche þinges ben p{ur}ueied of god. whiche þat temporel welefulnesse co{m}mendiþ. _Glosa._ ¶ As þus þat yif a wy[gh]t haue prosperite. he is a good man {and} worþi to haue þat p{ro}sperite. and who so haþ aduersite he is a wikked man. {and} god haþ forsake hym. {and} he is worþi to haue þat aduersite. ¶ Þis is þe opiniou{n} of so{m}me folke. {and} þer of comeþ þat good gessyng. ¶ Fyrste of al þi{n}g forsakeþ wrecches certys it greueþ me to þink[e] ry[gh]t now þe dyuerse sentences þat þe poeple seiþ of me. ¶ And þus moche I seye þat þe laste charge of contrarious fortune is þis. þat whan þat ony blame is laid vpon a caytif. men wenen þat he haþ deserued þat he suffreþ. ¶ And I þat am put awey fro{m} goode men {and} despoiled from dignitees {and} defoulid of my name by gessyng haue suffred torment for my goode dedis. ¶ Certys me semeþ þat I se þe felonus couines of wikked men abounden in ioie {and} in gladnes. ¶ And I se þat euery lorel shapiþ hy{m} to fynde oute newe fraudes forto accusen goode folke. and I se þat goode men ben ou{er}þrowen for drede of my p{er}il. ¶ and euery luxurious to{ur}mentour dar don alle felonie vnpunissed {and} ben excited þerto by [gh]iftes. and i{n}nocent[gh] ne ben not oonly despoiled of sykernesse but of defence {and} þerfore me list to crien to god in þis manere. O STELLIFERI CONDITOR ORBIS. [Sidenote: [The fifthe met{ur}.]] ++O þou maker of þe whele þat bereþ þe sterres. whiche þat art fastned to þi p{er}durable chayere. {and} turnest þe heuene wiþ a rauyssyng sweigh{e} {and} {con}streinest þe sterres to suffren þi lawe. ¶ So þ{a}t þe mone somtyme schynyng wiþ hir ful hornes metyng wiþ alle þe bemes of þe sonne. ¶ Hir broþer hideþ þe sterres þat ben lasse. {and} somtyme whan þe mone pale wiþ hir derke hornes approcheþ þe sonne. leesith hir ly[gh]tes. ¶ And þat þe euesterre esperus whiche þat in þe first[e] tyme of þe ny[gh]t bryngeþ furþe hir colde arysynges comeþ eft a[gh]eynes hir vsed cours. {and} is pale by þe morwe at þe rysynge of þe sonne. and is þan cleped lucifer. ¶ Þou restreinest þe day by schorter dwellyng in þe tyme of colde wynter þat makeþ þe leues to falle. ¶ Þou diuidest þe swifte tides of þe ny[gh]t when þe hote somer is comen. ¶ Þi my[gh]t attempre[þ] þo variau{n}t[gh] sesons of þe [gh]ere. so þat [gh]epherus þe deboneire wynde bringeþ a[gh]ein in þe first[e] somer sesou{n} þe leues þat þe wynde þat hy[gh]t[e] boreas haþ reft awey in autu{m}pne. þat is to seyne in þe laste eende of somer. and þe sedes þat þe sterre þat hy[gh]t arctur{us} saw ben waxen hey[e] cornes whan þe sterre sirius eschaufeþ hym. ¶ Þere nis no þing vnbounde from hys olde lawe ne forleteþ hym of hys p{ro}pre estat. ¶ O þou gouerno{ur} gouernyng alle þinges by certeyne ende. why refusest þou oonly to gouerne þe werkes of men by dewe manere. ¶ Whi suffrest þ{o}u þat slidyng fortune turneþ to grete vtter chaungynges of þinges. so þat anoious peyne þat scholde duelly punissh{e} felouns punissit[gh] innocent[gh]. ¶ And folk of wikked[e] man{er}es sitten in hei[gh]e chaiers. {and} anoienge folk treden {and} þat vnry[gh]tfully in þe nekkes of holy men. ¶ And vertue clere {and} schynyng naturely is hid in dirke dirkenesses. {and} þe ry[gh]tful man beriþ þe blame {and} þe peyne of þe felowne. ¶ Ne þe forsweryng ne þe fraude couered {and} kembd wiþ a fals colo{ur} ne a-noyeþ not to schrewes. ¶ Þe whiche schrewes whan hem lyst to vsen her strengþe þei reioisen hem to putte{n} vndir hem þe souerayne kynges. whiche þ{a}t poeple wiþ[outen] noumbre dreden. ¶ O þou what so euer þou be þat knyttes[t] alle bondes of þinges loke on þise wrecched[e] erþes. we men þat ben nat a foule party but a faire party of so grete a werke we ben turmentid in þe see of fortune. ¶ Þou gouerno{ur} wiþdraw {and} restreyne þe rauyssinge flodes {and} fastne {and} forme þise erþes stable wiþ þilke [bonde] wiþ whiche þou gouernest þe heuene þat is so large. HIC UBI CONTINUATO DOLORE. [Sidenote: [The fyfthe p{ro}se.]] ++Whan I hadde wiþ a continuel sorwe sobbed or broken out þise þinges sche wiþ hir chere peisible {and} no þi{n}g amoeued. wiþ my compleyntes seide þ{us}. whan I say þe q{uod} sche sorweful {and} wepyng I wist[e] on-one þat þou were a wrecche {and} exiled. but I wist[e] neuer how fer þine exile was: [gh]if þi tale ne hadde schewed it to me. but certys al be þou fer fro þi contre. þou nart nat put out of it. but þou hast fayled of þi weye {and} gon amys. ¶ and yif þou hast leuer forto wene þan þou be put out of þi contre. þan hast þou put oute þi self raþer þen ony oþer wy[gh]t haþ. ¶ For no wy[gh]t but þi self ne my[gh]t[e] neuer haue don þat to þe. ¶ For [gh]if þou remembre of what contre þou art born. it nis not gou{er}ned by emp{er}oures. ne by gouernement of multitude. as weren þe contres of hem of athenes. ¶ But o lorde {and} o kyng {and} þat is god þat is lorde of þi contree. whiche þat reioiseþ hym of þe dwellyng of hys Cite[gh]enis. {and} not forto putte hem in exile. Of þe whiche lorde it is a souerayne fredom to be gouerned by þe bridel of hym and obeie to his iustice. ¶ Hast þou for[gh]eten þilke ry[gh]t olde lawe of þi Citee. in þe whiche Citee it is ordeyned {and} establissed þat what wy[gh]t þat haþ leuer founden þer i{n}ne hys sete or hys house. þen ellys where: he may not be exiled by no ry[gh]t fro þat place. ¶ For who so þat is co{n}tened in-wiþ þe paleis [{and} the clos] of þilke Citee. þer nis no drede þat he may deserue to ben exiled. ¶ But who þat letteþ þe wille forto enhabit[e] þere. he forleteþ also to deserue to ben Cite[gh]ein of þilke Citee. ¶ So þat I seye þat þe face of þis place ne amoeueþ me nat so myche as þine owen face. Ne .I. ne axe not raþer þe walles of þi librarie apparailled {and} wrou[gh]t wiþ yvory {and} wiþ glas þan after þe sete of þi þou[gh]t. In whiche I putte nat somtyme bookes. but .I. putte þat þat makeþ bookes worþi of p{ri}s or p{re}cious þat is to sein þe sentence of my books. ¶ {And} certeinly of þi dec{er}tes by-stowed in co{m}mune good. þou hast seid soþe but after þe multitude of þi goode dedys. þou hast seid fewe. {and} of þe vnhonestee or falsnesse of þinges þat ben opposed a[gh]eins þe. þou hast remembred þinges þat be{n} knowe to alle folk. and of þe felonies {and} fraudes of þine accuso{ur}s. it semeþ þe haue I-touched it forsoþe ry[gh]tfully {and} schortly. ¶ Al my[gh]ten þo same þinges bettere {and} more plentiuousely be couth in þe mouþe of þe poeple þ{a}t knoweþ al þis. ¶ Þou hast eke blamed gretly {and} compleyned of þe wrongful dede of þe senat. ¶ And þou hast sorwed for my blame. {and} þou hast wepen for þe damage of þi renoune þat is appaired. {and} þi laste sorwe eschaufed a[gh]eins fortune {and} co{m}pleinest þat gerdou{n}s ne ben not euenliche [gh]olde to þe desertes of folk. {and} in þe l{att}re ende of þi woode muse þou p{r}iedest þ{a}t þilke pees þat gouerneþ þe heuene scholde gou{er}ne þe erþe ¶ But for þat many tribulac{i}ou{n}s of affecc{i}ou{n}s han assailed þe. {and} sorwe {and} Ire {and} wepyng todrawen þee dyuersely ¶ As þou art now feble of þou[gh]t. my[gh]tyer remedies ne schullen not [gh]it touchen þe for whiche we wil[e] vsen somedel ly[gh]ter medicines. So þat þilk[e] passiou{n}s þat ben woxen harde in swellyng by p{er}turbac{i}ou{n} folowyng in to þi þou[gh]t mowen woxe esy {and} softe to receyue{n} þe strenkeþ of a more my[gh]ty {and} more egre medicine by an esier touchyng. CU{M} PHEBI RADIIS G{RA}UE CA{N}C{R}I SID{US} ENESTUAT. [Sidenote: [The sixte met{ur}.]] ++Whan þat þe heuy sterre of þe cancre eschaufeþ by þe beme of pheb{us}. þat is to seyne whan þat pheb{us} þe sonne is in þe signe of þe Cancre. Who so [gh]eueþ þan largely hys sedes to þe feldes þat refuse to receiuen hem. lete hym gon bygyled of trust þat he hadde to hys corn. to acorns or okes. yif þou wilt gadre violett[gh]. ne go þou not to þe purp{er} wode whan þe felde chirkynge agriseþ of colde by þe felnesse of þe wynde þat hy[gh]t aquilon ¶ Yif þou desirest or wolt vsen grapes ne seke þou nat wiþ a gloto{n}us hande to streine {and} p{re}sse þe stalkes of þe vine in þe first somer sesou{n}. for bachus þe god of wyne haþ raþer [gh]euen his [gh]iftes to autu{m}pne þe latter ende of somer. ¶ God tokeniþ {and} assigneþ þe tymes. ablyng hem to her p{ro}pre offices. ¶ Ne he ne suffreþ not stoundes whiche þat hym self haþ deuided {and} co{n}streined to be medeled to gidre ¶ And forþi he þat forleteþ certeyne ordinaunce of doynge by ou{er}þrowyng wey. he ne haþ no glade issue or ende of hys werkes. PRIMU{M} IGITUR PATERIS ROGACIONIB{US}. [Sidenote: [The syxte p{ro}se.]] ++FIrst wolt þou suffre me to touche {and} assaie þe stat of þi þou[gh]t by a fewe demaundes. so þat I may vnderstonde what be þe manere of þi curac{i}ou{n}. ¶ Axe me q{uod} .I. atte þi wille what þou wilt. {and} I schal answer{e}. ¶ Þo saide sche þus. wheþer wenest þou q{uo}d sche þ{a}t þis worlde be gouerned by foolisshe happes {and} fortunes. or elles wenest þou þat þer be i{n} it any gouerneme{n}t of resou{n}. Certes q{uod} .I. ne trowe not in no manere þat so certeyne þinges scholde be moeued by fortunouse fortune. but I wot wel þat god maker {and} mayster is gouerno{ur} of þis werk. Ne neuer nas [gh]it day þat my[gh]t[e] putte me oute of þe soþenesse of þat sentence. ¶ So is it q{uod} sche. for þe same þing songe þou a lytel here byforne {and} byweyledest {and} byweptest. þat only men weren put oute of þe cure of god. ¶ For of alle oþer þinges þou ne doutest nat þat þei nere gouerned by reso{n}. but how (.i. pape.). I wondre gretly certes whi þat þou art seek. siþen þou art put in to so holesom a sentence. but lat vs seken depper. I coniecte þat þere lakkeþ I not what. but sey me þis. siþen þat þou ne doutest nat þ{a}t þis worlde be gouerned by god ¶ wiþ swycche gouernailes takest þou hede þat it is gouerned. ¶ vnneþ q{uod} .I. knowe .I. þe sente{n}ce of þi q{ue}stiou{n}. so þat I ne may nat [gh]it answeren to þi demaundes. ¶ I nas nat deceiued q{uod} sche þat þere ne faileþ su{m}what. by whiche þe maladie of p{er}turbac{i}ou{n} is crept in to þi þou[gh]t. so as þe strengþe of þe paleys schynyng is open. ¶ But seye me þis reme{m}brest þou ou[gh]t what is þe ende of þi þinges. whider þat þe entenc{i}ou{n} of al kynde tendeþ. ¶ I haue herd told it somtyme q{uod} .I. but drerynesse haþ dulled my memorie. ¶ Certys q{uod} sche þou wost wel whe{n}nes þat alle þinges ben comen {and} p{ro}ceded. I wot wel q{uod} .I. {and} ansewered[e] þat god is þe bygynnyng of al. ¶ And how may þis be q{uod} sche þat siþen þ{o}u knowest þe bygynnyng of þinges. þat þou ne knowest not what is þe endyng of þinges. but swiche ben þe customes of p{er}turbac{i}ou{n}s. {and} þis power þei han. þat þei may moeue a ma{n} fro hys place. þat is to seyne from þe stablenes {and} p{er}fecc{i}ou{n} of hys knowyng. but certys þei may not al arace hym ne alyene hy{m} in al. ¶ But I wolde þat þou woldest answere to þis. ¶ Remembrest þou þat þou art a man ¶ _Boice._ ¶ Whi scholde I nat remembre þat q{uod} .I. _Philosophie._ ¶ Maiste þou not telle me þan q{uod} sche what þing is a man. ¶ Axest not me q{uod} I. wheþir þat be a resonable best mortel. I wot wel {and} I confesse wel þat I am it. ¶ Wistest þou neuer [gh]it þat þou were ony oþer þing q{uod} she. No q{uod} .I. now wot I q{uod} she oþer cause of þi maladie {and} þat ry[gh]t grete ¶ Þou hast left forto knowe þi self what þou art. þoru[gh] whiche I haue pleynelyche knowen þe cause of þi maladie. or ellis þe entre of recoueryng of þin hele. ¶ Forwhy for þou art co{n}founded wiþ for[gh]etyng of þi self. forþi sorwest þou þat þou art exiled of þi p{ro}pre goodes. ¶ And for þou ne wost what is þe ende of þinges. for[þi] demest [þou] þat felono{us} {and} wikked men ben my[gh]ty {and} weleful for þou hast for[gh]eten by whiche gouernement[gh] þe worlde is gouerned. ¶ Forþi wenest þou þat þise mutac{i}ou{n}s of fortune fleten wiþ oute{n} gouerno{ur}. þise ben grete causes not oonly to maladie. but certes grete causes to deeþ ¶ But I þanke þe auctour {and} þe makere of heele þat nat{ur}e haþ not al forleten þe. {and} I haue g[r]ete norissinges of þi hele. {and} þat is þe soþe sentence of gou{er}nau{n}ce of þe worlde. þat þou byleuest þat þe gou{er}nynge of it nis nat subgit ne vnderput to þe folie of þise happes auenterouses. but to þe resou{n} of god ¶ And þer fore doute þe noþing. For of þis litel spark þine heet of lijf schal shine. ¶ But for as muche as it is not tyme [gh]itte of fastere remedies ¶ And þe nature of þou[gh]tes disseiued is þis þat as ofte as þei casten aweye soþe opyniou{n}s: þei cloþen hem in fals[e] opiniou{n}s. [of which{e} false opyniou{n}s] þe derknesse of p{er}turbac{i}ou{n} wexeþ vp. þat comfoundeþ þe verray insy[gh]t. {and} þat derkenes schal .I. say somwhat to maken þi{n}ne {and} wayk by ly[gh]t {and} meenelyche remedies. so þat after þat þe derknes of desseyuynge desyrynges is don awey. þou mow[e] knowe þe schynyng of verray ly[gh]t. NUBIB{US} ATRIS CONDITA. [Sidenote: [The seuende Metyr.]] ++ÞE sterres cou{er}ed wiþ blak[e] cloudes ne mowen geten a dou{n} no ly[gh]t. [Gh]if þe trouble wy{n}de þat hy[gh]t auster stormynge {and} walwy{n}g þe see medleþ þe heete þat is to seyne þe boylyng vp from þe botme ¶ Þe wawes þ{a}t somtyme weren clere as glas {and} lyke to þe fair[e] bry[gh]t[e] dayes wiþstant anon þe sy[gh]tes of men. by þe filþe {and} ordure þat is resolued. {and} þe fletyng streme þat royleþ dou{n} dyuersely fro hey[gh]e mou{n}taignes is arestid {and} resisted ofte tyme by þe encountrynge of a stoon þ{a}t is dep{ar}tid {and} fallen from some roche. ¶ And forþi yif þou wilt loken {and} demen soþe wiþ clere ly[gh]t. {and} holde þe weye wiþ a ry[gh]t paþe. ¶ Weyue þou ioie. drif fro þe drede. fleme þou hope. ne lat no sorwe ap{ro}che. þat is to sein lat noon of þise four passiou{n}s ouer come þe. or blynde þe. for cloudy {and} dirke is þilk þou[gh]t {and} bounde w{i}t{h} bridles. where as þise þinges regnen. EXPLICIT LIBER PRIMUS. INCIPIT LIBER SECUNDUS. POSTEA [PAU]LISPER CONTICUIT. [Sidenote: [The fyrst p{ro}se.]] ++After þis she stynte a litel. and after þat she hadde gadred by atempre stillenesse myn attenciou{n} she seide þus. ¶ As who so my[gh]t[e] seye þus. After þise þinges she stynt[e] a lytel. {and} whanne she ap{er}ceiued[e] by atempre stillenesse þat I was ententif to herkene hire. she bygan to speke in þis wyse. ¶ Yif I q{uod} she haue vnderstonde{n} {and} knowe vtterly þe causes {and} þe habit of þi maladie. þou languissed {and} art deffeted for talent {and} desijr of þi raþer fortune. ¶ She þat ilke fortune only þat is chaunged as þou feinest to þe ward. haþ p{er}uerted þe clerenesse {and} þe astat of þi corage. ¶ I vnderstonde þe felefolde colo{ur} {and} deceites of þilke merueillous monstre fortune. and how she vseþ ful flatryng familarite wiþ hem þat she enforceþ to bygyle. so longe til þat she co{n}founde wiþ vnsuffreable sorwe hem þat she haþ left in despeir vnpurueyed. ¶ and if þou remembrest wel þe kynde þe maners {and} þe desert of þilke fortune. þow shalt wel knowe as in hir þou neuer ne haddest ne hast ylost any fair þing. But as I trowe I shal not gretly trauaile to don þe remembren of þise þinges. ¶ For þou were wont to hurtlen [{and} despysen] hir wiþ manly wordes whan she was blaundissinge {and} presente {and} p{ur}sewedest hir wiþ sentences þat were drawe{n} oute of myne entre. þat is to seyne out of myn i{n}formac{i}ou{n} ¶ But no sudeyne mutac{i}ou{n} ne bytideþ nat wiþ oute{n} a maner chau{n}gyng of curages. and so is it byfallen þat þou art dep{ar}ted a litel fro þe pees of þi þou[gh]t. but now is tyme þat þou drynke {and} atast[e] some softe {and} delitable þinges. so þat whan þei ben entred wiþ i{n}ne þe. it mow make weye to strenger drynkes of medycynes. ¶ Com nowe furþe þerfore þe suasiou{n} of swetnesse Rethoryen. whiche þat goþ oonly þe ry[gh]t wey whil she forsakeþ not myne estatut[gh]. ¶ And wiþ Rethorice com forþe musice a damoisel of oure house þat syngeþ now ly[gh]ter moedes or p{ro}lac{i}ou{n}s now heuyer. what ayleþ þe man. what is it þat haþ cast þe in to murnyng {and} in to wepyng. I trow[e] þat þou hast sen some newe þing {and} uncouþe. ¶ Þou wenest þat fortune be chaunged a[gh]eins þe ¶ But þou wenest wrong. yif þou [þat] wene. Alwey þo ben hire maners. she haþ raþer [kept] as to þe ward hire p{ro}pre stablenes in þe chaungyng of hyre self. ¶ Ry[gh]t swyche was she whan she flatered[e] þe. {and} desseiued[e] þe wiþ vnleueful lykynges of false welefulnesse. þou hast now knowen {and} ataynt þe doutous or double visage of þilke blynde goddesse fortune. ¶ She þat [gh]it couereþ hir {and} wympleþ hir to oþer folk. haþ shewed hir euerydel to þe. ¶ [Gh]if þou app{ro}uest hir {and} þenkest þat she is good. vse hir maners {and} pleyne þe nat. ¶ And if þou agrisest hir fals[e] trecherie. dispise {and} cast aweye hir þat pleyeþ so harmefully. for she þat is now cause of so myche sorwe to þe. sholde be to þe cause of pees {and} [of] ioie. ¶ she haþ forsaken þe forsoþe. þe whiche þat neuer man may be syker þat she ne shal forsake hym. _Glose._ ¶ But naþeles some bookes han þe text þus. For soþe she haþ forsaken þe ne þer nis no man syker þat she ne haþ not forsaken. ¶ Holdest þou þan þilke welefulnesse p{re}ciouse to þe þat shal passen. {and} is p{re}sent fortune derworþi to þe. whiche þat nis not feiþful forto dwelle. {and} whan she goþ aweye þat she bryngeþ a wy[gh]t in sorwe ¶ For syn she may nat be wiþholde{n} at a mans wille. she makeþ hym a wrecche whe{n} she dep{ar}teþ fro hym. ¶ What oþer þing is flitti{n}g fortune but a manere shewyng of wrycchednesse þat is to comen. ne it ne suffriþ nat oo[n]ly to loken of þing þat is p{re}sent byforne þe eyen of man. but wisdom lokeþ {and} mesureþ þe ende of þinges. {and} þe same chau{n}gyng from one to an oþer. þat is to seyne fro aduersite to p{ro}sperite makeþ þat þe manaces of fortune ne ben not forto dreden. ne þe flatrynges of hir to ben desired. ¶ Þus atte þe last it byhoueþ þe to suffren wiþ euene wille in pacience al þat is don inwiþ þe floor of fortune. þat is to seyne in þis worlde. ¶ Syþen þou hast oones put þi nekke vnder þe [gh]okke of hir. for if þou wilt write a lawe of wendyng {and} of dwellyng to fortune whiche þat þou hast chosen frely to be þi lady ¶ Art þou nat wrongful in þat {and} makest fortune wroþe {and} asp{er}e by þin inpacience. {and} [gh]it þou mayst not chaungen hir. ¶ Yif þou co{m}mittest [{and}] bitakest þi sayles to þe wynde. þou shalt be shouen not þider þat þou woldest(:) but whider þat þe wy{n}de shoueþ þe ¶ Yif þou castest þi seedes in þe feldes þou sholdest haue in mynde þat þe [gh]eres ben oþer while plenteuous {and} oþ{er} while bareyne. ¶ Þou hast bytaken þiself to þe gouernaunce of fortune. {and} forþi it byhoueþ þe to ben obeisaunt to þe manere of þi lady. and enforcest þou þe to aresten or wiþstonden þe swyftnesse {and} þe sweyes of hir to{ur}nyng whele. ¶ O þou fool of alle mortel fooles if fortune bygan to dwelle stable. she cesed[e] þan to ben fortune. HEC CUM SUPERBA. [Sidenote: [The fyrst met{ur}.] ++Whan fortune wiþ a proude ry[gh]t hande haþ turnid hir chau{n}gyng stoundes she fareþ lyke þe maners of þe boillyng eurippe. _Glose._ Eurippe is an arme of þe see þ{a}t ebbith {and} flowiþ. {and} somtyme þe streme is on one syde {and} somtyme on þat oþer. _Texte_ ¶ She cruel fortune kasteþ adoune kynges þat somtyme weren ydred. {and} she deceiuable enhau{n}seth vp þe humble chere of hym þat is discomfited. {and} she neyþer hereþ ne reccheþ of wrecched[e] wepynges. {and} she is so harde þat she lau[gh]eþ {and} scorneþ þe wepyng of hem þe whiche she haþ maked wepe wiþ hir free wille. ¶ Þus she pleyeþ {and} þ{us} she p{re}ueþ hir strengþe {and} sheweþ a grete wondre to alle hir seruau{n}t[gh]. ¶ Yif þat a wy[gh]t is seyn weleful {and} ou{er}þrowe in an houre. VELLEM AUTE{M} PAUCA. [Sidenote: [The secunde p{ro}se.]] ++CErtis I wolde plete wiþ þee a fewe þinges vsynge þe wordes of fortune tak heede now þi self. yif þ{a}t she axeþ ry[gh]t. ¶ O þou man wher fore makest þou me gilty by þine euerydayes pleynynges. what wronges haue I don þe. what goodes haue I byreft þe þat weren þine. stryf or plete wiþ me by fore what iuge þat þou wilt of þe possessiou{n} of rycchesse or of dignites ¶ And yif þou maist shewe me þat euer any mortal man haþ receyued any of þese þinges to ben his in p{ro}pre. þan wol I graunt[e] frely þat [alle] þilke þinges were{n} þine whiche þat þou axest. ¶ Whan þat nature brou[gh]t[e] þe forþe out of þi moder wombe. I receyued[e] þe naked {and} nedy of al þing. {and} I norysshed[e] þe wiþ my rychesse. {and} was redy {and} ententif þo{ru}[gh] my fauo{ur} to sustene þe. ¶ And þat makeþ þe now i{n}pacient a[gh]eins me. {and} I envirounde þe wiþ al þe habundaunce {and} shinyng of al goodes þat ben in my ry[gh]t. ¶ Now it lykeþ me to wiþ drawe myne hande. þou hast had grace as he þat haþ vsed of foreyne goodes. þou hast no ry[gh]t to pleyne þe. as þou[gh] þou haddest vtterly lorn alle þi þinges. whi pleynest þou þan. I haue don þe no wrong. Ricches hono{ur}es {and} swyche oþer þinges ben of my ry[gh]t. ¶ My seruauntes knowen me for hir lady. þei comen wiþ me {and} dep{ar}ten whan I wende. I dar wel affermen hardyly. þat yif þo þinges of whiche þou pleynest þat þou hast forlorn hadde ben þine. þou ne haddest not lorn he{m}. ¶ shal I þan only be defended to vse my ry[gh]t. ¶ Certis it is leueful to þe heuene to make clere dayes. {and} after þat to keuere þe same dayes wiþ derke ny[gh]tes. ¶ Þe erþe haþ eke leue to apparaile þe visage of þe erþe now w{i}t{h} floures {and} now wiþ fruyt. {and} to confounde he{m} so{m}tyme wiþ raynes {and} wiþ coldes. ¶ Þe see haþ eke hys ry[gh]t to be somtyme calme {and} blaundyshing wiþ smoþe water. {and} somtyme to be horrible wiþ wawes {and} wiþ tempestes. ¶ But þe couetyse of men þat may not be staunched shal it bynde me to be stedfast. syn þat stedfastnesse is vnkouþ to my maneres. ¶ Swyche is my strengþe. {and} þis pley. I pley[e] co{n}tinuely. I tourne þe whirly{n}g whele wiþ þe tournyng cercle ¶ I am glade to chaunge þe lowest to þe heyeste. {and} þe heyest to þe loweste. worþe vp yif þou wilt. so it be by þis lawe. þat þou ne holde not þat I do þe wronge þou[gh] þou descende dou{n} whanne resou{n} of my pleye axeþ it. Wost þou not how Cresus kyng of lyndens of whiche kyng Cir{us} was ful sore agast a litel byforne þat þis rewlyche Cresus was cau[gh]t of Cirus {and} lad to þe fijr to be brent. but þat a reyne desce{n}ded[e] dou{n} from heuene þat rescowed[e] hym ¶ And is it out of þi mynde how þat Paulus consul of Rome whan he hadde take þe kyng of p{er}ciens weep pitou[s]ly for þe captiuitee of þe self[e] kyng. What oþer þinges bywaylen þe criinges of Tragedies. but only þe dedes of fortune. þat wiþ an vnwar stroke ouert{ur}neþ þe realmes of grete nobley ¶ _Glose._ Tragedie is to seyne a dite of a p{ro}sp{er}ite for a tyme þat endiþ in wrechednesse. Lernedest nat þou in grek whan þou were [gh]onge þat in þe entre or in þe seler of Iuppiter þer ben couched two tunnes. þat on is ful of good þat oþer is ful of harme. ¶ What ry[gh]t hast þou to pleyne. yif þou hast taken more plenteuously of þe goode syde þat is to seyne of my rycchesse {and} p{ro}sp{er}ites. {and} what eke. yif I be nat departed fro þe. What eke. yif my mutabilitee [gh]iueþ þe ry[gh]tful cause of hope to han [gh]it better þi{n}ges. ¶ Naþeles desmaie þe nat in þi þou[gh]t. and þ{o}u þat art put in comune realme of alle: ne desijr[e] nat to lyue by þine oonly p{ro}pre ry[gh]t. SI Q{UA}NTAS RAPIDIS. [Sidenote: [the secu{n}de met{ur}.]] ++ÞOu[gh] plentee þat is goddesse of rycches hielde adou{n} wiþ ful horn. {and} wiþdraweþ nat hir hand. ¶ As many recches as þe see turneþ vpwardes sandes whan it is moeued wiþ rauysshing blastes. or ellys as many rycches as þer shynen bry[gh]t[e] sterres on heuene on þe sterry ny[gh]t. [Gh]it for al þat mankynde nolde not cesce to wope wrecched[e] pleyntes. ¶ And al be it so þat god receyueþ gladly her p{ra}yers {and} [gh]eueþ hem as ful large muche golde {and} app{ar}aileþ coueytous folk wiþ noble or clere hono{ur}s. [gh]it semeþ hem haue I-gete noþing. but alwey her cruel ravyne deuourynge al þat þei han geten shewiþ oþer gapinges. þat is to seye gapen {and} desiren [gh]it after moo rycchesse. ¶ What brideles my[gh]ten wiþholde to any certeyne ende þe desordene coueitise of men ¶ Whan euere þe raþer þ{a}t it fletiþ in large [gh]iftis: þe more ay brenneþ in hem þe þrest of hauyng. ¶ Certis he þat quakyng {and} dredeful weneþ hym seluen nedy. he ne lyueþ neu{er}e mo ryche. HIIS IGITUR SI PRO SE. [Sidenote: [The thrydde p{ro}se.]] ++Þerfore yif þat fortune spake wiþ þe for hir self in þis manere. For soþe þou ne haddest [nat] what þou my[gh]test answere. and if þou hast any þi{n}g wherwiþ. þou mayist ry[gh]tfully tellen þi co{m}pleynt. ¶ It byhoueþ þe to shewen it. {and} .I. wol [gh]eue þe space to tellen it. ¶ Certeynely q{uod} I þan þise ben faire þinges {and} enoyntid wiþ hony swetnesse of rethorike {and} musike. {and} only while þei ben herd þei ben deliciouse. ¶ But to wrecches is a deppere felyng of harme. þis is to seyn þat wrecches felen þe harmes þat þei suffren more greuously þan þe remedies or þe delites of þise wordes mowe gladen or comforten hem. so þat whan þise þinges stynten forto sou{n}[e] in eres. þe sorwe þat is inset greueþ þe þou[gh]t. Ry[gh]t so is it q{uod} she. ¶ For þise ne ben [gh]it none remedies of þi maladie. but þei ben a manere norissinges of þi sorwe [gh]it rebel a[gh]eyne þi curac{i}ou{n}. ¶ For whan þat tyme is. I shal moue swiche þinges þat p{er}cen hem self depe. ¶ But naþeles þ{a}t þou shalt not wilne to leten þi self a wrecche. ¶ Hast þou for[gh]eten þe nou{m}bre {and} þe manere of þi welefulnesse. I holde me stille how þat þe souerayn men of þe Citee toke{n} þe in cure {and} kepynge whan þou were orphelyn of fadir {and} modir. {and} were chosen i{n} affinite of p{r}inces of þe Citee. ¶ And þou bygu{n}ne raþer to ben leef {and} deere þan0 forto ben a ney[gh]bo{ur}. þe whiche þing is þe most p{re}ciouse kynde of any p{ro}pinquitee or aliau{n}ce þat may ben. ¶ Who is it þat ne seide þou nere ry[gh]t weleful wiþ so grete a nobley of þi fadres in lawe. ¶ {And} wiþ þe chastite of þi wijf. {and} wiþ þe oportunite {and} noblesse of þi masculyn children. þat is to seyne þi sones {and} ou{er} al þis me lyst to passe of comune þinges. ¶ How þou haddest in þi þou[gh]t dignitees þat weren warned to olde men. but it deliteþ me to comen now to þe singuler vphepyng of þi welefulnesse. ¶ Yif any fruyt of mortal þinges may han any wey[gh]te or price of welefulnesse. ¶ My[gh]test þou euere for[gh]eten for any charge of harme þat my[gh]t[e] byfallen. þe remembrau{n}ce of þilke day þat þou sey[e] þi two sones maked conseillers. {and} ylad to gidre from þin house vndir so gret assemble of senatours. {and} vndir þe blyþenesse of poeple. {and} whan þou say[e] hem sette in þe court in her chaieres of dignites. ¶ Þou rethorien or p{ro}nou{n}cere of kynges p{re}ysinges. deseruedest glorie of wit {and} of eloquence. whan þou sittyng bytwix þi two sones conseillers in þe place þat hy[gh]t Circo. {and} fulfildest þe abydyng of multitude of poeple þat was sprad about þe wiþ large p{ra}ysynge {and} laude as me{n} syngen in victories. þo [gh]aue þou wordes of fortune as I trowe. þat is to seyne. þo feffedest þou fortune wiþ glosynge wordes {and} desseiuedest hir. whan she accoied[e] þe {and} norsshed[e] þe as hir owen delices. ¶ Þou hast had of fortune a [gh]ifte þat is to seyn swiche gerdou{n} þat she neu[er]e [gh]af to p{re}ue man ¶ Wilt þou þerfore leye a rekenyng wiþ fortune. she haþ now twynkeled first vpon þe wiþ a wykked eye. ¶ Yif þou considere þe nou{m}bre {and} þe manere of þi blysses. {and} of þi sorwes. þou maist nat forsake þat þou nart [gh]it blysful. For if þou þerfore wenest þi self nat weleful for þinges þat þo semeden ioyful ben passed. ¶ Þer nis nat whi þou sholdest wene þi self a wrecche. for þinges þat now semen soory passen also. ¶ Art þou now comen firste a sodeyne gest in to þe shadowe or tabernacle of þis lijf. or trowest þou þ{a}t any stedfastnesse be in mannis þinges. ¶ Whan ofte a swifte houre dissolueþ þe same man. þat is to seyne whan þe soule dep{ar}tiþ fro þe body. For al þou[gh] þat yelde is þer any feiþ þat fortunous þinges willen dwelle. [gh]it naþeles þe last[e] day of a ma{n}nis lijf is a man{er}e deeþ to fortune. {and} also to þilke þat haþ dwelt. {and} þerfore what wenist þou þar recche yif þou forlete hir i{n} dey{n}ge or ellys þ{a}t she fortune forlete þe i{n} fleenge awey. CUM PRIMO POLO. [Sidenote: [The .iij. Met{ur}.]] ++Whan phebus þe sonne bygynneþ to spreden his clerenesse w{i}t{h} rosene chariettes. þan þe sterre ydimmyd paleþ hir white cheres. by þe flamus of þe so{n}ne þat ouer comeþ þe sterre ly[gh]t. ¶ Þis is to seyn whan þe sonne is risen þe day sterre wexiþ pale {and} lesiþ hir ly[gh]t for þe grete bry[gh]tnesse of þe sonne. ¶ Whan þe wode wexeþ redy of rosene floures in þe first somer sesou{n} þoru[gh] þe breþe of þe wynde Zephirus þat wexeþ warme. ¶ Yif þe cloudy wynde auster blowe felliche. þan goþ awey þe fayrnesse of þornes. Ofte þe see is clere {and} calme wiþoute moeuy{n}g floodes. And ofte þe horrible wynde aq{u}ilon moeueþ boylyng tempestes {and} ouer whelweþ þe see. ¶ Yif þe forme of þis worlde is so [[gh]eelde] stable. {and} yif it to{ur}niþ by so many entrechau{n}gynges. wilt þou þa{n} truste{n} in þe trublynge fortunes of me{n}. wilt þou trowen i{n} flittyng goodes. It is certeyne {and} establissed by lawe p{er}durable þat no þi{n}g þ{a}t is engendred nys stedfast no stable. TUNC EGO UERA INQ{UA}M. [Sidenote: [The ferthe prose.]] ++ÞAnne seide I þus. O norice of alle uertues þou seist ful soþe. ¶ Ne I may nat forsake þe ry[gh]t[e] swifte cours of my p{ro}speritee. þat is to seine. þat p{ro}speritee ne be comen to me wondir swiftly {and} soone. but þis is a þing þat gretly smertiþ me whan it remembreþ me. ¶ For in alle aduersitees of fortune þe most vnsely kynde of contrariouse fortune is to han ben weleful. ¶ But þat þou q{uo}d she abaist þus þe to{ur}ment of þi fals[e] opiniou{n} þat maist þou not ry[gh]tfully blamen ne aretten to þinges. as who seiþ for þou hast [gh]itte many habundaunces of þinges. ¶ _Textus._ For al be it so þat þe ydel name of auenterouse welefulnesse moeueþ þe now. it is leueful þat þou rekene w{i}t{h} me of how many[e] þinges þou hast [gh]it plentee. ¶ And þerfore yif þat þilke þing þat þou haddest for most p{re}cious in alle þi rycchesse of fortune be kept to þe by þe grace of god vnwemmed {and} vndefouled. Mayst þou þa{n} pleyne ry[gh]tfully vpon þe myschief of fortune. syn þou hast [gh]it þi best[e] þinges. ¶ Certys [gh]it lyueþ in goode poynt þilke p{re}cious hono{ur} of mankynde.¶ Symacus þi wyues fadir whiche þat is a man maked al of sapience {and} of vertue. þe whiche man þou woldest b[i]en redely wiþ þe pris of þin owen lijf. he byweyleþ þe wronges þat men don to þee. {and} not for hym self. for he liueþ in sykernesse of any sentence put a[gh]eins him. ¶ And [gh]it lyueþ þi wif þat is attempre of witte {and} passyng oþer women in clennes of chastitee. and for I wol closen shortly her bountes she is lyke to hir fadir. I telle þe welle þat she lyueþ looþ of hir life. {and} kepiþ to þee oonly hir goost. {and} is al maat {and} ouer-comen by wepyng {and} sorwe for desire of þe ¶ In þe whiche þing only I mot graunten þat þi welefulnesse is amenused. ¶ What shal I seyn eke of þi two sones conseillours of whiche as of children of hir age þer shineþ þe lyknesse of þe witte of hir fadir {and} of hir eldefadir. and siþen þe souereyn cure of alle mortel folke is to sauen hir owe{n} lyues. ¶ O how weleful art þou þou[gh] þou knowe þi goodes. ¶ But [gh]itte ben þer þinges dwelly{n}g to þe wardes þat no man douteþ þat þei ne ben more derworþe to þe þen þine owen lijf. ¶ And forþi drie þi teres for [gh]itte nys nat eueriche fortune al hateful to þe warde. ne ou{er} greet tempest haþ nat [gh]it fallen vpon þe. whan þat þin ancres cliue fast[e] þat neiþer wole suffre þe comfort of þis tyme p{re}sent. ne þe hope of tyme comynge to passen ne to falle{n}. ¶ And I p{re}ie q{uod} I þat fast[e] mot[en] þei holden. ¶ For whiles þat þei halden. how so eu{er}e þat þinges ben. I shal wel fleten furþe and eschapen. ¶ But þou mayst wel seen how greet[e] apparailes {and} aray þat me lakkeþ þat ben passed awey fro me. ¶ I haue su{m}what auau{n}ced {and} forþered þe q{uod} she. if þat þou anoie nat or forþenke nat of al þi fortune. As who seiþ. ¶ I haue somwhat comforted þe so þat þou tempest nat þe þus wiþ al þi fortune. syn þou hast [gh]it þi best[e] þinges. ¶ But I may nat suffre þin delices. þat pleinst so wepyng. {and} anguissous for þat oþer lakkeþ somwhat to þi welefulnesse. ¶ For what man is so sad or of so p{er}fit welefulnesse. þat he ne stryueþ or pleyneþ on some half a[gh]eine þe qualitee of his estat. ¶ For whi ful anguissous þing is þe condiciou{n} of mans goodes. ¶ For eyþer it comeþ al to gidre to a wy[gh]t. or ellys it lasteþ not p{er}petuely. ¶ For som man haþ grete rycchesse. but he is asshamed of hys vngentil lynage. {and} som man is renomed of noblesse of kynrede. but he is enclosed in so grete angre for nede of þinges. þat hym were leuer þat he were vnknowe. and som ma{n} habundeþ boþe i{n} rychesse {and} noblesse. but [gh]it he bywaileþ hys chast[e] lijf. for he haþ no wijf. ¶ and som man is wel {and} selily maried but he haþ no children. {and} norissheþ his ricchesse to þe heires of straunge folk. ¶ And som man is gladded wiþ children. but he wepiþ ful sory for þe trespas of his son or of his dou[gh]tir. ¶ and for þis þer accordeþ no wy[gh]t ly[gh]tly to þe condic{i}ou{n} of his fortune. for alwey to euery man þere is i{n} mest somwhat þat vnassaieþ he ne wot not or ellys he drediþ þat he haþ assaied. ¶ {And} adde þis also þat euery weleful man haþ a wel delicat felyng. ¶ So þat but yif alle þinges fallen at hys owen wille for he inpacient or is nat vsed to han none aduersitee. an-oone he is þrowe ado[-u]ne for euery lytel þing. ¶ And ful lytel þinges ben þo þat wiþdrawen þe so{m}me or þe p{er}fecc{i}ou{n} of blisfulnesse fro hem þat ben most fortunat. ¶ How many men trowest þou wolde demen hem self to ben almost in heuene yif þei my[gh]ten atteyne to þe leest[e] p{ar}tie of þe remenaunt of þi fortune. ¶ Þis same place þat þou clepist exil is contre to hem þat enhabiten here. {and} forþi. Noþing wrecched. but whan þou wenest it ¶ As who seiþ. þou[gh] þi self ne no wy[gh]t ellys nys no wrecche but whan he weneþ hym self a wrecche by reputac{i}ou{n} of his corage. CONTRAQ{UE}. ++And a[gh]einewarde al fortune is blisful to a man by þe agreablete or by þe egalite of hym þat suffreþ it. ¶ What man is þat. þat is so weleful þat nolde chau{n}ge{n} his estat whan he haþ lorn pacience. þe swetnesse of mannes welefulnesse is yspranid wiþ many[e] bitternesses. þe whiche welefulnesse al þou[gh] it seme swete {and} ioyeful to hym þat vseþ it. [gh]it may it not be wiþ-holden þat it ne goþ away whan it wol. ¶ Þan is it wel sen how wrecched is þe blisfulnesse of mortel þinges. þat neiþ{er} it dwelliþ p{er}petuel wiþ hem þat euery fortune receyuen agreablely or egaly. ¶ Ne it ne deliteþ not in al. to hem þat ben anguissous. ¶ O ye mortel folkes what seke [gh]e þan blisfulnesse oute of [gh]oure self. whiche þat is put in [gh]oure self. Erro{ur} {and} folie co{n}fou{n}deþ [gh]ow ¶ I shal shewe þe shortly. þe poynt of souereyne blisfulnesse. Is þer any þing to þe more p{re}ciouse þan þi self ¶ Þou wilt answere nay. ¶ Þan if it so be þat þou art my[gh]ty ouer þi self þat is to seyn by tranquillitee of þi soule. þan hast þou þing i{n} þi power þat þou noldest neuer lesen. ne fortune may nat by-nyme it þe. {and} þat þou mayst knowe þat blisfulnesse [ne] may nat standen in þinges þat ben fortunous {and} te{m}perel. ¶ Now vndirstonde {and} gadir it to gidir þus yif blisfulnesse be þe souereyne goode of nature þat liueþ by resou{n} ¶ Ne þilke þing nis nat souereyne goode þat may be taken awey in any wyse. for more worþi þing {and} more digne is þilke þing þ{a}t may nat be taken awey. ¶ Þan shewiþ it wele þat þe vnstablenesse of fortune may nat attayne to receyue verray blisfulnes. ¶ And [gh]it more ouer. ¶ What man þat þis toumblyng welefulnesse leediþ. eiþer he woot þat [it] is chaungeable. or ellis he woot it nat. ¶ And yif he woot it not. what blisful fortune may þer be in þe blyndenesse of ignorau{n}ce. and yif he woot þat it is chaungeable. he mot alwey ben adrad þ{a}t he ne lese þat þing. þat he ne douteþ nat but þat he may leesen it. ¶ As whoo seiþ he mot ben alwey agast lest he leese þat he wot wel he may leese. ¶ For whiche þe continuel drede þat he haþ ne suffriþ hym nat to ben weleful. ¶ Or ellys yif he leese it he wene to be dispised {and} forleten hit. ¶ Certis eke þat is a ful lytel goode þat is born wiþ euene hert[e] whan it is loost. ¶ Þat is to seyne þat men don no more force. of þe lost þan of þe hauynge. ¶ And for as myche as þou þi self art he to who{m} it haþ ben shewid {and} p{ro}ued by ful many[e] demonstrac{i}ou{n}s. as I woot wel þat þe soules of men ne mowen nat dien in no wise. and eke syn it is clere. {and} certeyne þat fortunous welefulnesse endiþ by þe deeþ of þe body. ¶ It may nat ben douted þat yif þat deeþ may take awey blysfulnesse þat al þe kynde of mortal þi{n}g{us} ne descendiþ in to wrecchednesse by þe ende of þe deeþ. ¶ And syn we knowen wel þat many a man haþ sou[gh]t þe fruit of blisfulnesse nat only wiþ suffryng of deeþ. but eke wiþ suffryng of peynes {and} to{ur}mentes. how my[gh]t[e] þan þis p{re}sent lijf make men blisful. syn þat whanne þilke self[e] lijf is endid. it ne makeþ folk no wrecches. QUISQUIS UOLET P{ER}HENNEM CAUTUS. [Sidenote: [The ferthe met{ur}.]] ++What maner man stable {and} war þat wil founden hym a p{er}durable sete {and} ne wil not be cast doune wiþ þe loude blastes of þe wynde Eurus. {and} wil dispise þe see manassynge wiþ floodes ¶ Lat hym eschewe to bilde on þe cop of þe mou{n}tay{n}gne. or in þe moyste sandes. ¶ For þe fel[le] wynde auster to{ur}menteþ þe cop of þe mou{n}tayngne wiþ alle his strengþes. ¶ and þe lowe see sandes refuse to beren þe heuy wey[gh]te. {and} forþi yif þou wolt flee þe p{er}ilous auenture þat is to seine of þe worlde ¶ Haue mynde certeynly to ficchyn þi house of a myrie site in a lowe stoone. ¶ For al þou[gh] þe wynde troublyng þe see þondre wiþ ouereþrowynges ¶ Þou þat art put i{n} quiete {and} welful by strengþe of þi palys shalt leden a cleer age. scornyng þe wodenesses and þe Ires of þe eir. SET CUM RACIONU{M} IAM IN TE. [Sidenote: [The fyfthe p{ro}se.]] ++But for as moche as þe noryssinges of my resou{n}s descenden now in to þe. I trowe it were tyme to vsen a litel strenger medicynes. ¶ Now vndirstonde here al were it so þat þe [gh]iftis of fortune nar[e] nat brutel ne t{ra}nsitorie. what is þer in hem þat may be þine in any tyme. or ellis þat it nys foule if þat it be considered {and} lokid p{er}fitely. ¶ Richesse ben þei p{re}ciouse by þe nature of hem self. or ellys by þe nature of þe. What is most worþi of rycchesse. is it nat golde or my[gh]t of moneye assembled. ¶ Certis þilke golde {and} þilke moneye shineþ {and} [gh]eueþ better renou{n} to hem þat dispenden it. þen to þilke folke þat mokeren it. For auarice makeþ alwey mokeres to be hated. {and} largesse makeþ folke clere of renou{n} ¶ For syn þat swiche þi{n}g as is t{ra}nsfered from o man to an oþer ne may nat dwellen wiþ no man. Certis þan is þilke moneye p{re}cious. whan it is translated in to oþer folk. {and} stynteþ to ben had by vsage of large [gh]euy{n}g of hym þat haþ [gh]euen it. {and} also yif al þe moneye þat is ouer-al in þe world were gadered towar[d] o man. it sholde maken al oþer men to ben nedy as of þat. ¶ And certys a voys al hool þat is to seyn wiþ-oute amenusynge fulfilleþ to gyder þe heryng of myche folke. but Certys [gh]oure rycchesse ne mowen nat passen vnto myche folk wiþ-oute amenussyng ¶ And whan þei ben apassed. nedys þei maken hem pore þat forgon þe rycchesses. ¶ O streite {and} nedy clepe I þise rycchesses. syn þat many folke [ne] may nat han it al. ne al may it nat comen to on man wiþ-oute pouerte of al oþer folke. ¶ And þe shynynge of ge{m}mes þat I clepe p{re}ciouse stones. draweþ it nat þe eyen of folk in to hem warde. þat is to seyne for þe beaute. ¶ For certys yif þer were beaute or bounte in shynyng of stones. þilke clerenesse is of þe stones hem self. {and} nat of men. ¶ For whiche I wondre gretly þat men merueilen on swiche þinges. ¶ For whi what þing is it þat yif it wa{n}teþ moeuyng {and} ioynture of soule {and} body þat by ry[gh]t my[gh]t[e] semen a faire creature to hym þat haþ a soule of resou{n}. ¶ For al be it so þat ge{m}mes drawen to hem self a litel of þe laste beaute of þe worlde. þoru[gh] þe entent of hir creato{ur} {and} þoru[gh] þe distincc{i}ou{n} of hem self. [gh]it for as myche as þei ben put vndir [gh]oure excellence. þei han not desserued by no weye þat [gh]e shullen merueylen on hem. ¶ And þe beaute of feeldes deliteþ it nat mychel vnto [gh]ow. _Boyce._ ¶ Whi sholde it nat deliten vs. syn þat it is a ry[gh]t fayr porciou{n} of þe ry[gh]t fair werk. þat is to seyn of þis worlde. ¶ And ry[gh]t so ben we gladed somtyme of þe face of þe see whan it is clere. And also merueylen we on þe heuene {and} on þe sterres. {and} on þe sonne. {and} on þe mone. _Philosophie._ ¶ App{er}teineþ q{uo}d she any of þilke þinges to þe. whi darst þou glorifie þe in þe shynynge of any swiche þinges. Art þou distingwed {and} embelised by þe spryngyng floures of þe first somer sesou{n}. or swelliþ þi plente in fruytes of somer. whi art þou rauyshed wiþ ydel ioies. why enbracest þou straunge goodes as þei weren þine. Fortune shal neuer maken þat swiche þinges ben þine þat nature of þinges maked foreyne fro þe. ¶ Syche is þat wiþ-oute{n} doute þe fruytes of þe erþe owen to ben on þe norssinge of bestes. ¶ And if þou wilt fulfille þi nede after þat it suffiseþ to nature þan is it no nede þat þou seke after þe sup{er}fluite of fortune. ¶ For wiþ ful fewe þinges {and} w{i}t{h} ful lytel þing nature halt hire appaied. {and} yif þou wilt achoken þe fulfillyng of nat{ur}e wiþ sup{er}fluites ¶ Certys þilke þinges þ{a}t þou wilt þresten or pouren in to nature shullen ben vnioyeful to þe or ellis anoies. ¶ Wenest þou eke þat it be a fair þinge to shine wiþ dyuerse cloþing. of whiche cloþing yif þe beaute be agreable to loken vpon. I wol merueylen on þe nature of þe matere of þilke cloþes. or ellys on þe werkeman þat wrou[gh]t[e] hem. but al so a longe route of meyne. makiþ þat a blisful man. þe whiche seruauntes yif þei ben vicio[-u]s of condic{i}ou{n}s it is a greet charge {and} a destrucc{i}ou{n} to þe house. {and} a g{r}eet enmye to þe lorde hym self ¶ {And} yif þei ben goode men how shal straung[e] or foreyne goodenes ben put in þe nou{m}bre of þi rycchesse. so þ{a}t by alle þise forseide þinges. it is clerly shewed þat neuer none of þilke þinges þat þou accou{m}ptedest for þin goodes nas nat þi goode. ¶ In þe whiche þinges yif þer be no beaute to ben desired. whi sholdest þou be sory yif þou leese hem. or whi sholdest þou reioysen þe to holden hem. ¶ For if þei ben fair of hire owen kynde. what app{er}teneþ þat to þe. for as wel sholde þei han ben faire by hem self. þou[gh] þei were{n} dep{ar}tid from alle þin rycchesse. ¶ For-why faire ne p{re}cio[-u]s ne weren þei nat. for þat þei comen amonges þi rycchesse. but for þei semeden fair {and} p{re}cious. þerfore þou haddest leuer rekene hem amonges þi rycchesse. but what desirest þou of fortune wiþ so greet a noyse {and} wiþ so greet a fare ¶ I trowe þou seke to dryue awey nede wiþ habundaunce of þinges. ¶ But certys it turneþ to [gh]ow al in þe contrarie. for whi certys it nediþ of ful many[e] helpynges to kepen þe dyuersite of preciouse ostelment[gh]. and soþe it is þat of many[e] þinges han þei nede þat many[e] þinges han. {and} a[gh]eyneward of litel nediþ hem þat mesuren hir fille after þe nede of kynde {and} nat after þe outrage of couetyse ¶ Is it þan so þat ye men ne han no p{ro}pre goode. I-set in [gh]ow. For whiche [gh]e moten seken outwardes [gh]oure goodes in foreine {and} subgit þinges. ¶ So is þan þe condic{i}ou{n} of þinges turned vpso dou{n}. þat a man þat is a devyne beest by merit of hys resou{n}. þinkeþ þat hy{m} self nys neyþer fair ne noble. but if it be þoru[gh] possessiou{n} of ostelmentes. þat ne han no soules. ¶ And certys al oþ{er} þi{n}ges ben appaied of hire owen beautes. but [gh]e men þat ben semblable to god by [gh]our{e} resonable þou[gh]t desiren to apparaille [gh]our{e} excellent kynde of þe lowest[e] pinges. ne [gh]e ne vndirstonde nat how gret a wro{n}g [gh]e don to [gh]oure creato{ur}. for he wolde þat man kynde were moost worþi {and} noble of any oþer erþely þinges. and [gh]e þresten adou{n} [gh]oure dignitees by-neþen þe lowest[e] þinges. ¶ For if þat al þe good of euery þing be more p{re}ciouse þan is þilk þing whos þat þe good is. syn [gh]e demen þat þe foulest[e] þinges ben [gh]oure goodes. þanne summytten [gh]e {and} putten [gh]oure self vndir þo foulest[e] þinges by [gh]oure estimac{i}ou{n}. ¶ And certis þis bitidiþ nat wiþ out [gh]our{e} desert. For certys swiche is þe co{n}dic{i}ou{n} of al man kynde þat oonly whan it haþ knowyng of it self. þan passeþ it i{n} noblesse alle oþer þinges. and whan it forletiþ þe knowyng of it self. þan it is brou[gh]t byneþen alle beestes. ¶ For-why alle oþer [leuynge] beestes han of kynde to knowe not hem self. but whan þat men leten þe knowyng of hem self. it comeþ hem of vice. but how brode sheweþ þe erro{ur} {and} þe folie of [gh]ow men þat wenen þat ony þing may ben apparailled wiþ straunge apparaillement[gh] ¶ but for-soþe þat may nat be don. for yif a wy[gh]t shyneþ wiþ þi{n}ges þat ben put to hym. as þus. yif þilke þinges shynen wiþ whiche a man is apparailled. ¶ Certis þilke þinges ben commendid {and} p{re}ised wiþ whiche he is apparailled. ¶ But naþeles þe þing þat is couered {and} wrapped vndir þat dwelleþ in his filþe. and I denye þat þilke þing be good þat anoyeþ hym þat haþ it. ¶ Gabbe I of þis. þou wolt seye nay. ¶ Certys rycchesse han anoyed ful ofte hem þat han þe rycchesse. ¶ Syn þat euery wicked shrew {and} for hys wickednesse þe more gredy aftir oþer folkes rycchesse wher so euer it be in any place. be it golde or p{re}cious stones. {and} weniþ hym only most worþi þat haþ hem ¶ þou þan þat so besy dredest now þe swerde {and} þe spere. yif þou haddest entred in þe paþe of þis lijf a voide wayfaryng man. þan woldest þou syng[e] by-fore þe þeef. ¶ As who seiþ a poure man þat bereþ no rycchesse on hym by þe weye. may boldly syng[e] byforne þeues. for he haþ nat wher-of to ben robbed. ¶ O preciouse {and} ry[gh]t clere is þe blysfulnesse of mortal rycchesse. þat wha{n} þou hast geten it. þan hast þou lorn þi syke[r]nesse. FELIX IN MIRU{M} PRIOR ETAS. [Sidenote: [The fyfthe met{ur}.]] ++Blysful was þe first age of men. þei helden hem apaied wiþ þe metes þat þe trewe erþes brou[gh]ten furþe. ¶ þei ne destroyed[e] ne desceyued[e] not hem self wiþ outerage. ¶ þei weren wont ly[gh]tly to slaken her hunger at euene wiþ acornes of okes ¶ þei ne couþe nat medle þe [gh]ift of bacus to þe clere hony. þat is to seyn. þei couþe make no piment of clarre. ne þei couþe nat medle þe bri[gh]t[e] flies of þe co{n}tre of siriens wiþ þe venym of tirie. þis is to seyne. þei couþe nat dien white flies of sirien contre wiþ þe blode of a manar shelfysshe. þat men fynden in tyrie. wiþ whiche blode men deien purper. ¶ þei slepen holesom slepes vpon þe gras. and dronken of þe rynnyng watres. {and} laien vndir þe shadowe of þe hey[gh]e pyne trees. ¶ Ne no gest ne no straunger [ne] karf [gh]it þe heye see wiþ oores or wiþ shippes. ne þei ne hadden seyne [gh]itte none newe strondes to leden merchaundyse in to dyuerse co{n}tres. ¶ þo weren þe cruel clariou{n}s ful whist {and} ful stille. ne blode yshed by egre hate ne hadde nat deied [gh]it armurers. for wherto or whiche woodenesse of enmys wolde first moeuen armes. whan þei seien cruel woundes ne none medes ben of blood yshad ¶ I wolde þat oure tymes sholde turne a[gh]eyne to þe oolde maneres. ¶ But þe anguissous loue of hauyng brenneþ in folke moore cruely þan þe fijr of þe Mou{n}taigne of Ethna þat euer brenneþ. ¶ Allas what was he þat first dalf vp þe gobets or þe wey[gh]tys of gold couered vndir erþe. {and} þe p{re}cious stones þat wolden han ben hid. he dalf vp p{re}cious perils. þat is to seyne þat he þat hem first vp dalf. he dalf vp a p{re}cious peril. for-whi. for þe p{re}ciousnesse of swyche haþ many man ben in peril. QUID AUTE{M} DE DIGNITATIB{US} {ET} C{ETERA}. [Sidenote: [The sixte p{ro}se.]] ++But what shal I seyne of dignitees {and} of powers. þe whiche [ye] men þ{a}t neiþer knowen verray dignitee ne verray power areysen hem as heye as þe heuene. þe whiche dignitees {and} powers yif þei come to any wicked man þei don [as] greet[e] damages {and} distrucc{i}ou{n} as doþ þe fla{m}me of þe Mou{n}taigne Ethna whan þe fla{m}me wit walwiþ vp ne no deluge ne doþ so cruel harmes. ¶ Certys ye remembriþ wel as I trowe þat þilke dignitee þat men clepiþ þe emperie of {con}sulers þe whiche þat somtyme was bygynnyng of fredom. ¶ [Gh]oure eldres coueiteden to han don a-wey þat dignitee for þe p{r}ide of þe conseilers. ¶ And ry[gh]t for þe same p{r}ide [gh]oure eldres byforne þat tyme hadden don awey out of þe Citee of rome þe kynges name. þat is to seien. þei nolden haue no lenger no kyng ¶ But now yif so be þ{a}t dignitees {and} powers ben [gh]euen to goode men. þe whiche þing is ful [gh]elde. what agreable þi{n}ges is þer in þo dignitees. or powers. but only þe goodenes of folk þat vsen hem. ¶ And þerfore it is þus þat hono{ur} ne comeþ nat to vertue for cause of dignite. but a[gh]einward. hono{ur} comeþ to dignite by cause of vertue. but whiche is [gh]oure derworþe power þat is so clere {and} so requerable ¶ O [gh]e erþelyche bestes considere [gh]e nat ouer whiche þing þat it semeþ þat [gh]e han power. ¶ Now yif þou say[e] a mouse amo{n}g{us} oþer myse þat chalenged[e] to hymself ward ry[gh]t {and} power ouer alle oþer myse. how gret scorne woldest þou han of hit. ¶ _Glosa._ ¶ So fareþ it by men. þe body haþ power ouer þe body. For yif þow loke wel vpon þe body of a wy[gh]t what þing shalt þou fynde moore frele þan is mannes kynde. þe whiche ben ful ofte slayn wiþ bytynge of smale flies. or ellys wiþ þe entryng of crepyng wormes in to þe priuetees of mennes bodyes. ¶ But wher shal men fynden any man þat may exercen or haunten any ry[gh]t vpon an oþer ma{n} but oonly vpon hys body. or ellys vpo{n} þinges þat ben lower þen þe body. whiche I clepe fortunous possessiou{n}s ¶ Mayst þou euer haue any comaundement ouer a fre corage ¶ Mayst þou remuen fro þe estat of hys p{ro}pre reste. a þou[gh]t þat is cleuyng to gider in hym self by stedfast resou{n}. ¶ As somtyme a tiraunt wende to co{n}founde a freeman of corage ¶ {And} wende to co{n}streyne hym by to{ur}ment to maken hym dyscoueren {and} acusen folk þat wisten of a coniurac{i}ou{n}. whiche I clepe a confederacie þat was cast a[gh]eins þis tyraunt ¶ But þis free man boot of hys owen tunge. {and} cast it in þe visage of þilke woode tyrau{n}te. ¶ So þat þe to{ur}ment[gh] þat þis tyrau{n}t wende to han maked mater{e} of cruelte. þis wyse man maked[e it] matere of vertues. ¶ But what þing is it þat a man may don to an oþer man. þat he ne may receyue þe same þing of oþer folke i{n} hym self. or þus. ¶ What may a man don to folk. þat folk ne may don hym þe same. ¶ I haue herd told of busirides þat was wo{n}t to sleen hys gestes þat herburghden in hys hous. and he was slayn hym self of ercules þat was hys gest ¶ Regulus had[de] taken in bataile many men of affrike. and cast hem in to fetteres. but sone after he most[e] [gh]iue hys handes to ben bounden w{i}t{h} þe cheynes of hem þat he had[de] somtyme ou{er}comen. ¶ Wenest þou þan þat he be my[gh]ty. þat may nat don a þing. þat oþer ne may don hym. þat he doþ to oþer. {and} [gh]it more ou{er} yif it so were þat þise dignites or poweres hadden any p{ro}pre or naturel goodnesse in hem self neuer nolden þei comen to shrewes. ¶ For contrarious þinges ne ben not wont to ben yfelawshiped togidres. ¶ Nature refuseþ þat contra[r]ious þinges ben yioigned. ¶ And so as I am in certeyne þat ry[gh]t wikked folk han dignitees ofte tymes. þan sheweþ it wel þat dignitees {and} powers ne ben not goode of hir owen kynde. syn þat þei suffren hem self to cleue{n} or ioynen hem to shrewes. ¶ And certys þe same þing may most digneliche Iugen {and} seyen of alle þe [gh]iftis of fortune þat most plenteuously comen to shrewes. ¶ Of þe whiche [gh]iftys I trowe þat it au[gh]t[e] ben considered þat no man doutiþ þat he nis strong. in whom he seeþ strengþe. {and} in whom þat swiftnesse is ¶ Soþe it is þat he is swyfte. Also musyk makeþ musiciens. {and} fysik makeþ phisiciens. {and} rethorik rethoriens. ¶ For whi þe nature of euery þing makiþ his p{ro}pretee. ne it is nat ent{er}medled wiþ þe effect{is} of co{n}trarious þinges. ¶ And as of wil it chaseþ oute þinges þat to it ben contrarie ¶ But certys rycchesse may nat restreyne auarice vnstaunched ¶ Ne power [ne] makeþ nat a ma{n} my[gh]ty ouer hym self. whiche þat vicious lustis holden destreined wiþ cheins þat ne mowen nat ben vnbounden. {and} dignitees þat ben [gh]euen to shrewed[e] folk nat oonly ne makiþ hem nat digne. but it sheweþ raþer al openly þat þei ben vnworþi {and} vndigne. ¶ And whi is it þ{us}. ¶ Certis for [gh]e han ioye to clepen þinges wiþ fals[e] names. þat beren hem al in þe co{n}t{ra}rie. þe whiche names ben ful ofte reproued by þe effect of þe same þinges. so þat þise ilke rycchesse ne au[gh]ten nat by ry[gh]t to ben cleped rycchesse. ne whiche power ne au[gh]t[e] not ben cleped power. ne whiche dignitee ne au[gh]t[e] nat ben cleped dignitee. ¶ And at þe laste I may conclude þe same þinge of al þe [gh]iftes of fortune in whiche þer nis no þing to ben desired. ne þat haþ in hym self naturel bounte. ¶ as it is ful wel sene. for neyþer þei ne ioygne{n} hem nat alwey to goode men. ne maken hem alwey goode to who{m} þei be{n} y-ioigned. NOUIMUS QUANTOS DEDERAT. [Sidenote: [The sixte Met{ur}.]] ++WE han wel knowen how many g{r}eet[e] harmes {and} destrucc{i}ou{n}s weren doñ by þe Emp{er}oure Nero. ¶ He letee brenne þe citee of Rome {and} made slen þe senato{ur}s. and he cruel somtyme slou[gh] hys broþer. {and} he was maked moyst wiþ þe blood of hys modir. þat is to seyn he let sleen {and} slitte{n} þe body of his modir to seen where he was conceiued. {and} he loked[e] on euery half vpon hir colde dede body. ne no tere ne wette his face. but he was so hard herted þat he my[gh]t[e] ben domesman or Iuge of hire dede beaute. ¶ And [gh]itte neuerþeles gouerned[e] þis Nero by Ceptre al þe peoples þat phebus þe sonne may seen comyng from his outerest arysyng til he hidde his bemes vndir þe wawes. ¶ þat is to seyne. he gouerned[e] alle þe peoples by Ceptre imp{er}ial þat þe so{n}ne goþ aboute from est to west ¶ And eke þis Nero goueyrende by Ceptre. alle þe peoples þat ben vndir þe colde sterres þat hy[gh]ten þe seuene triones. þis is to seyn he gouerned[e] alle þe poeples þat ben vndir þe p{ar}ties of þe norþe. ¶ And eke Nero gouerned[e] alle þe poeples þat þe violent wynde Nothus scorchiþ {and} bakiþ þe brennynge sandes by his drie hete. þat is to seyne. alle þe poeples in þe souþe. [but yit ne myhte nat al his heye power torne the woodnesse of this wykkyd nero / Allas it is greuous fortune it is]. as ofte as wicked swerde is ioygned to cruel venym. þat is to sein. venimous cruelte to lordshipe. TU{M} EGO SCIS INQ{UA}M. [Sidenote: [The seuende p{ro}se.]] ++ÞAnne seide I þus. þou wost wel þiself þat þe couetise of mortal þinges ne hadden neuer lordshipe of me. but I haue wel desired matere of þinges to done. as who seiþ. I desired[e] to han matere of gou{er}naunce ouer comunalites. ¶ For vertue stille ne sholde not elden. þat is to seyn. þat list þat or he wex olde ¶ His uertue þat lay now ful stille. ne sholde nat p{er}isshe vnexcercised i{n} gouernaunce of comune. ¶ For whiche men my[gh]ten speke or write{n} of his goode gouernement. ¶ _Philosophie._ ¶ For soþe q{uo}d she. {and} þat is a þing þat may drawen to gouernaunce swiche hertes as ben worþi {and} noble of hir nature. but naþeles it may nat drawen or tollen swiche hertes as ben y-brou[gh]t to þe ful[le] p{er}fecciou{n} of vertue. þat is to seyn couetyse of glorie {and} renou{n} to han wel administred þe comune þinges. or doon goode decertes to p{ro}fit of þe comune. for se now {and} considere how litel {and} how voide of al prise is þilke glorie. ¶ Certeine þing is as þou hast lerned by demonstrac{i}ou{n} of astronomye þat al þe envyronynge of þe erþe aboute ne halt but þe resou{n} of a prykke at regard of þe gretnesse of heuene. þat is to seye. þat yif þat þer were maked co{m}parisou{n} of þe erþe to þe gretnesse of heuene. men wolde Iugen in alle þat erþe [ne] helde no space ¶ Of þe whiche litel regiou{n} of þis worlde þe ferþe partie is enhabitid wiþ lyuyng beestes þat we knowen. as þou hast þi self lerned by tholome þat p{ro}uit[-h] it. ¶ yif þou haddest wiþ drawen {and} abated in þi þou[gh]te fro þilke ferþe partie as myche space as þe see {and} [the] mareys contenen {and} ouergon {and} as myche space as þe regiou{n} of droughte ou{er}streccheþ. þat is to seye sandes {and} desertes wel vnneþ sholde þer dwellen a ry[gh]t streite place to þe habitaciou{n} of men. {and} [gh]e þan þat ben environed {and} closed wiþ i{n}ne þe leest[e] prikke of þilk prikke þenke [gh]e to manifesten [gh]oure renou{n} {and} don [gh]oure name to ben born forþe. but [gh]our{e} glorie þat is so narwe {and} so streyt yþronge{n} in to so litel boundes. how myche conteinþe it in largesse {and} in greet doynge. And also sette þis þer to þat many a nac{i}ou{n} dyuerse of tonge {and} of maneres. {and} eke of resou{n} of hir lyuyng ben enhabitid in þe cloos of þilke litel habitacle. ¶ To þe whiche nac{i}ou{n}s what for difficulte of weyes. {and} what for diu{er}site of langages. {and} what for defaute of vnusage entercomunynge of marchau{n}dise. nat only þe names of singler men ne may [nat] strecchen. but eke þe fame of Citees ne may nat strecchen. ¶ At þe last[e] Certis in þe tyme of Marcus tulyus as hym self writeþ in his book þat þe renou{n} of þe comune of Rome ne hadde nat [gh]itte passed ne clou{m}ben ou{er} þe mou{n}taigne þat hy[gh]t Caucasus. {and} [gh]itte was þilk tyme rome wel wexen {and} gretly redouted of þe p{ar}thes. and eke of oþer folk enhabityng aboute. ¶ Sest þou nat þan how streit {and} how comp{re}ssed is þilke glorie þat [gh]e t{ra}uaile{n} aboute to shew {and} to multiplie. May þan þe glorie of a singlere Romeyne strecchen þider as þe fame of þe name of Rome may nat clymben ne passen. ¶ And eke sest þ{o}u nat þat þe maners of diu{er}se folk {and} eke hir lawes ben discordau{n}t amonge hem self. so þ{a}t þilke þing þat so{m}men iugen worþi of p{re}ysynge. oþer folk iugen þat it is worþi of torment. ¶ and þer of comeþ þat þou[gh] a man delite hy{m} in p{re}ysyng of his renou{n}. he ne may nat i{n} no wise bryngen furþe ne sprede{n} his name to many manere peoples. ¶ And þerfore euery man{er} man au[gh]te to ben paied of hys glorie þat is puplissed among hys owen ney[gh]bores. ¶ And þilke noble renou{n} shal be restreyned wiþ-i{n}ne þe boundes of o maner folk but how many a man þat was ful noble in his tyme. haþ þe nedy {and} wrecched for[gh]etynge of writers put oute of mynde {and} don awey. ¶ Al be it so þat certys þilke writynges p{ro}fiten litel. þe whiche writy{n}ges longe {and} derke elde doþ aweye boþe he{m} {and} eke her auto{ur}s. but [gh]e men semen to geten [gh]ow a p{er}durablete whan [gh]e þenke þat in tyme comyng [gh]oure fame shal lasten. ¶ But naþeles yif þou wilt maken co{m}parisou{n} to þe endeles space of eternite what þing hast þou by whiche þou maist reioysen þe of lo{n}g lastyng of þi name. ¶ For if þer were maked co{m}parysou{n} of þe abidyng of a mome{n}t to ten þousand wynter. for as myche as boþe þo spaces ben endid. ¶ For [gh]it haþ þe moment some porciou{n} of hit al þou[gh] it a litel be. ¶ But naþeles þilke self nou{m}bre of [gh]eres. and eke as many [gh]eres as þer to may be multiplied. ne may nat certys be comparisou{n}d to þe p{er}durablete þat is een[de]les. ¶ For of þinges þat han ende may be mad co{m}parisou{n} [but of thinges that ben w{i}t{h}-owtyn ende to thinges þ{a}t han ende may be maked no {com}parysou{n}]. ¶ And for þi is it al þou[gh] renou{n} of as longe tyme as euer þe lyst to þinken were þou[gh]t by þe regard of et{er}nite. þat is vnstauncheable {and} infinit. it ne sholde nat oonly semen litel. but pleinliche ry[gh]t nou[gh]t. ¶ But [gh]e men certys ne konne don no þing ary[gh]t. but [gh]if it be for þe audience of poeple. {and} for ydel rumo{ur}s. {and} [gh]e forsaken þe grete worþinesse of conscience {and} of vertue. {and} [gh]e seke{n} [gh]oure gerdou{n}s of þe smale wordes of st{ra}nge folke. ¶ Haue now here {and} vndirstonde i{n} þe ly[gh]tnesse of whiche p{r}ide {and} veyne glorie. how a man scorned[e] festiualy {and} myrily swiche vanite. somtyme þere was a man þat had[de] assaied wiþ striuyng wordes an oþer ma{n}. ¶ þe whiche nat for vsage of verrey vertue. but for proude veyne glorie had[de] take{n} vpon hym falsly þe name of a philosopher. ¶ þis raþer man þat I speke of þou[gh]t[e] he wolde assay[e] where he þilke were a philosopher or no. þat is to seyne yif he wolde han suffred ly[gh]tly in pacience þe wro{n}ges þat weren don vnto hym. ¶ þis feined[e] philosophre took pacience a litel while. {and} whan he hadde receiued wordes of outerage he as in stryuynge a[gh]eine {and} reioysynge of hym self seide at þe last[e] ry[gh]t þus. ¶ vndirstondest þou nat þat I am a philosophere. þat oþer man answered[e] a[gh]ein ful bityngly {and} seide. ¶ I had[de] wel vndirstonden [yt]. yif þou haddest holde{n} þi tonge stille. ¶ But what is it to þise noble worþi men. For certys of swyche folk speke .I. þat seken glorie wiþ vertue. what is it q{uo}d she. what atteiniþ fame to swiche folk whan þe body is resolued by þe deeþ. atte þe last[e]. ¶ For yif so be þat men dien in al. þat is to seyne body {and} soule. þe whiche þing oure resou{n} defendiþ vs to byleuen þanne is þere no glorie in no wyse. For what sholde þilke glorie ben. for he of who{m} þis glorie is seid to be nis ry[gh]t nou[gh]t in no wise. and [gh]if þe soule whiche þat haþ in it self science of goode werkes vnbounden fro þe p{r}isou{n} of þe erþe wendeþ frely to þe heuene. dispiseþ it nou[gh]t þan alle erþely occupac{i}ou{n}s. {and} beynge i{n} heuene reioiseþ þat it is exempt from alle erþely þinges [as wo seith / thanne rekketh the sowle of no glorye of renou{n} of this world]. QUICUMQ{UE} SOLAM MENTE. [Sidenote: [The 7th Metre.]] ++Who so þat wiþ ouerþrowyng þou[gh]t only sekeþ glorie of fame. {and} weniþ þat it be souereyne good ¶ Lete hym loke vpon þe brode shewyng contreys of þe heue{n}. {and} vpo{n} þe streite sete of þis erþe. {and} he shal be ashamed of þe encres of his name. þat may nat fulfille þe litel compas of þe erþe. ¶ O what coueiten proude folke to liften vpon hire nekkes in ydel {and} dedely [gh]ok of þis worlde. ¶ For al þou[gh] [þ{a}t] renoune y-spradde passynge to ferne poeples goþ by dyuerse tonges. and al þou[gh] grete houses {and} kynredes shyne wiþ clere titles of hono{ur}s. [gh]it naþeles deeþ dispiseþ al heye glorie of fame. {and} deeþ wrappeþ to gidre þe heye heuedes {and} þe lowe {and} makeþ egal {and} euene þe heyest[e] to þe lowest[e]. ¶ where wone{n} now þe bones of trewe fabricius. what is now brutus or stiern Caton þe þinne fame [gh]it lastynge of hir ydel names is markid wiþ a fewe lettres. but al þou[gh] we han knowe{n} þe faire wordes of þe fames of hem. it is nat [gh]euen to knowe he{m} þat ben dede {and} consumpt. Liggiþ þanne stille al vtterly vnknowable ne fame ne makeþ [gh]ow nat knowe. and yif [gh]e wene to lyuen þe leng{er} for wynde of [gh]oure mortal name. whan o cruel day shal rauyshe [gh]ow. þan is þe secunde deeþ dwellyng in [gh]ow. _Glosa._ þe first deeþ he clepiþ here þe dep{ar}tynge of þe body {and} þe soule. ¶ and þe secunde deeþ he clepeþ as here. þe styntynge of þe renoune of fame. [SET NE ME INEXORABILE CONTRA. [Sidenote: [The viij p{ro}se.]] ++BVt for-as-mochel as thow shalt nat wenen q{uod} she þ{a}t I bere vntretable batayle ayenis fortune // yit som-tyme it by-falleth þ{a}t she desseyuable desserueth to han ryht good thank of men // {And} þ{a}t is whan she hir{e} self opneth / {and} whan she descou{er}eth hir frownt / {and} sheweth hir maneres p{ar}-auentur{e} yit vndirstondesthow nat þ{a}t .I. shal seye // it is a wondyr þ{a}t .I. desyr{e} to telle / {and} forthi vnnethe may I. vnpleyten my sentense w{i}t{h} wordes for I. deme þ{a}t contraryos fortune p{ro}fiteth mor{e} to men than fortune debonayr{e} // For al-wey whan fortune semeth debonayr{e} than she lyeth falsly in by-hetynge the hope of welefulnesse // but forsothe {con}traryos fortune is alwey sothfast / whan she sheweth hir self vnstable thorw hyr chau{n}gynge // the amyable fortune desseyueth folk / the contrarye fortune techeth // the amyable fortune byndeth w{i}t{h} the beaute of false goodys the hertes of folk þ{a}t vsen he{m} / the contrarye fortune vnbyndeth he{m} by þ^e knowynge of freele welefulnesse // the amyable fortune maysthow sen alwey wyndynge {and} flowynge / {and} eu{er}e mysknowynge of hir self // the contrarye fortune is a-tempre {and} restreynyd {and} wys thorw excersyse of hir aduersyte // at the laste amyable fortune w{i}t{h} hir flaterynges draweth mys wandrynge men fro the souereyne good // the contraryos fortune ledith ofte folk ayein to sothfast goodes / {and} haleth hem ayein as w{i}t{h} an hooke / weenesthow thanne þ{a}t thow owhtest to leten this a lytel thing / þ{a}t this aspre {and} horible fortune hath discoueryd to the / the thowhtes of thy trewe frendes // For-why this ilke fortune hath departyd {and} vncou{er}yd to the bothe the certeyn vysages {and} ek the dowtos visages of thy felawes // wha{n} she dep{ar}tyd awey fro the / she took awey hyr frendes {and} lafte the thyne frendes // now whan thow wer{e} ryche {and} weleful as the semede / w{i}t{h} how mochel woldesthow han bowht the fulle knowynge of this // þ{a}t is to seyn the knowynge of thy verray freendes // now pleyne the nat thanne of Rychesse .I.-lorn syn thow hast fowndyn the moste p{re}syos kynde of Rychesses þ{a}t is to seyn thy verray frendes. QUOD MU{N}DUS STABILI FIDE. [Sidenote: [The viij Met{ur}.]] ++THat þ^e world w{i}t{h} stable feith / varieth acordable chaungynges // þ{a}t the contraryos qualite of element[gh] holden among{e} hem self aliau{n}ce p{er}durable / þ{a}t pheb{us} the sonne w{i}t{h} his goldene chariet / bryngeth forth the rosene day / þ{a}t the mone hath {com}mau{n}dement ou{er} the nyhtes // whiche nyhtes hesp{er}us the eue sterre hat browt // þ{a}t þ^e se gredy to flowen constreyneth w{i}t{h} a certeyn ende hise floodes / so þ{a}t it is nat l[e]ueful to strechche hise brode termes or bowndes vp-on the erthes // þ{a}t is to seyn to cou{er}e alle the erthe // Al this a-cordau{n}ce of thinges is bownden w{i}t{h} looue / þ{a}t gou{er}neth erthe {and} see / {and} hath also {com}mau{n}dement[gh] to the heuenes / {and} yif this looue slakede the brydelis / alle thinges þ{a}t now louen hem to gederes / wolden maken a batayle contynuely {and} stryuen to fordoon the fasou{n} of this worlde / the which they now leden in acordable feith by fayre moeuynges // this looue halt to gideres poeples Ioygned w{i}t{h} an hooly bond / {and} knytteth sacrement of maryages of chaste looues // And loue enditeth lawes to trewe felawes // O weleful weer{e} mankynde / yif thilke loue þ{a}t gouerneth heuene gouerned[e] yowr{e} corages / EXPLICIT LIB{ER} 2_^us_. INCIPIT LIB{ER} 3._^us_ IAM CANTU{M} ILLA FINIERAT. [Sidenote: [The fyrste p{ro}se.]] ++By this she hadde endid hir{e} song{e} / whan the swetnesse of hir{e} ditee hadde thorw p{er}ced me þ{a}t was desirous of herkninge / {and} .I. astoned hadde yit streyhte myn Eres / þ{a}t is to seyn to herkne the bet / what she wolde seye // so þ{a}t a litel her{e} aft{er} .I. seyde thus // O thow þ{a}t art sou{er}eyn comfort of Angwissos corages // So thow hast remou{n}ted {and} norysshed me w{i}t{h} the weyhte of thy sentenses {and} w{i}t{h} delit of thy syngynge // so þ{a}t .I. trowe nat now þ{a}t .I. be vnparygal to the strokes of fortune / as who seyth. I. dar wel now suffren al the assautes of fortune {and} wel deffende me fro hyr // {and} tho remedies whyche þ{a}t thow seydest hir{e} byforn weren ryht sharpe Nat oonly p{a}t .I. am nat agrysen of hem now // but .I. desiros of herynge axe gretely to heeren tho remedyes // than seyde she thus // þ{a}t feelede .I. ful wel q{uod} she // whan þ{a}t thow ententyf {and} stylle rauysshedest my wordes // {and} .I. abood til þ{a}t thow haddest swych habyte of thy thowght as thow hast now // or elles tyl þ{a}t .I. my self had[de] maked to the the same habyt / which þ{a}t is a moore verray thing{e} // And certes the remenau{n}t of thinges þ{a}t ben yit to seye / ben swyche // þ{a}t fyrst whan men tasten hem they ben bytynge / but whan they ben resseyuyd w{i}t{h}-inne a whyht than ben they swete // but for thow seyst þ{a}t thow art so desirous to herkne hem // wit[h] how gret brennynge woldesthow glowen / yif thow wystest whyder .I. wol leden the // whydyr{e} is þ{a}t q{uod} .I. // to thilke verray welefulnesse q{uod} she // of whyche thynge herte dremeth // but for as moche as thy syhte is ocupied {and} distorbed / by Imagynasyon of herthely thynges / thow mayst nat yit sen thilke selue welefulnesse // do q{uod} .I. {and} shewe me / what is thilke verray welefulnesse / .I. preye the w{i}t{h}-howte tarynge // þ{a}t wole .I. gladly don q{uod} she / for the cause of the // but .I. wol fyrst marken the by wordes / {and} I wol enforcen me to enformen the // thilke false cause of blysfulnesse þ{a}t thow more knowest / so þ{a}t whan thow hast fully by-holden thilke false goodes {and} torned thyne eyen to þ{a}t oother syde / thow mowe knowe the clernesse of verray blysfulnesse //] QUI SERERE I{N}GENIUM. [Sidenote: [The fyrst met{ur}.]] ¶ Who so wil sowe a felde plentiuous. lat hym first delyuer it of þornes {and} kerue asondre wiþ his hooke þe bushes {and} þe ferne so þat þe corne may come{n} heuy of eres {and} of greins. hony is þe more swete yif mouþes han firste tastid sauoures þ{a}t ben wikke. ¶ þe sterres shynen more agreably whan þe wynde Nothus letiþ his ploungy blastes. {and} aftir þat lucifer þe day sterre haþ chased awey þe derke ny[gh]t. þe day þe feir{e}r lediþ þe rosene horse of þe sonne. ¶ Ry[gh]t so þou byholdyng first þe fals[e] goodes. bygynne to wiþdrawe þi nek[ke] fro þe [gh]ok of erþely affecc{i}ou{n}s. {and} afterwarde þe verrey goodes sholle{n} entre i{n} to þi corage. TUNC DEFIXO PAULULU{M}. [Sidenote: [The 2^de p{ro}se.]] ++ÞO fastned[e] she a lytel þe sy[gh]t of hir eyen {and} wiþdrow hir ry[gh]t as it were in to þe streite sete of hir þou[gh]t. {and} bygan to speke ry[gh]t þ{us}. Alle þe cures q{uo}d she of mortal folk whiche þat trauaylen hem i{n} many manere studies gon certys by diu{er}se weies. ¶ But naþeles þei enforced hem to comen oonly to on ende of blisfulnesse [And blysfulnesse] is swiche a goode þat who so haþ geten it he ne may ouer þat no þing more desiire. and þis þing for soþe is þe souereyne good þat conteiniþ in hym self al man{er}e goodes. to þe whiche goode yif þere failed[e] any þing. it my[gh]t[e] nat ben souereyne goode. ¶ For þan were þere som goode out of þis ilke souereyne goode þ{a}t my[gh]t[e] ben desired. Now is it clere {and} certeyne þa{n} þat blisfulnesse is a p{er}fit estat by þe congregac{i}ou{n} of alle goodes. ¶ þe whiche blisfulnesse as I haue seid alle mortal folke enforcen hem to geten by dyuerse weyes. ¶ For-whi þe couetise of verray goode is naturely y-plaunted in þe hertys of men. ¶ But þe myswandryng erro{ur} myslediþ hem in to fals[e] goodes. ¶ of þe whiche men some of hem wenen þat souereygne goode is to lyue wiþ outen nede of any þing. {and} t{ra}ueile{n} hem to ben habundaunt of rycchesse. and some oþer men deme{n}. þat sou{er}ein goode be forto be ry[gh]t digne of reu{er}ences. {and} enforce{n} hem to ben reu{er}enced among hir ney[gh]bo{ur}s. by þe hono{ur}s þat þei han ygeten ¶ {and} some folk þer ben þat halden þat ry[gh]t hey[gh]e power to be souereyn goode. {and} enforcen he{m} forto regnen or ellys to ioigne{n} he{m} to hem þat regnen. ¶ And it semeþ to some oþer folk þat noblesse of renou{n} be þe sou{er}ein goode. {and} hasten hem to geten glorious name by þe artes of werre or of pees. and many folke mesuren {and} gessen þ{a}t sou{er}ein goode be ioye {and} gladnesse {and} wenen þat it be ry[gh]t blisful [thyng{e}] to ploungen hem i{n} uoluptuous delit. ¶ And þer ben folk þat enterchaungen þe causes {and} þe endes of þise forseide goodes as þei þat desire{n} rycchesse to han power {and} delices. Or ellis þei desiren power forto han moneye or for cause of renou{n}. ¶ In þise þinges {and} i{n} swyche oþer þinges is to{ur}ned al þe entenc{i}ou{n} of desirynges {and} [of] werkes of me{n}. ¶ As þus. ¶ Noblesse {and} fauo{ur} of poeple whiche þat [gh]iueþ as it semeþ a manere clernesse of renou{n}. ¶ and wijf {and} children þat men desiren for cause of delit {and} mirinesse. ¶ But forsoþe frendes ne shollen nat ben rekkened among þe goodes of fortune but of vertue. for it is a ful holy man{er}e þing. alle þise oþer þinges forsoþe ben taken for cause of power. or ellis for cause of delit. ¶ Certis now am I redy to referen þe goodes of þe body to þise forseide þinges abouen. ¶ For it semeþ þ{a}t strengþe {and} gretnesse of body [gh]euen power {and} worþinesse. ¶ and þat beaute {and} swiftenesse [gh]euen noblesse {and} glorie of renou{n}. {and} hele of body semeþ [gh]iuen delit. ¶ In alle þise þi{n}g{us} it semeþ oonly þat blisfulnesse is desired. ¶ For-whi þilke þing þat euery man desireþ moost ouer alle þinges. he demiþ þat be þe souereyne goode. ¶ But I haue diffined þat blisfulnesse is þe souereyne goode. for whiche euery wy[gh]t demiþ þat þilke estat þat he desireþ ouer alle þinges þat it be þe blisfulnesse. ¶ Now hast þou þan byforne [thy eyen] almost al þe p{ur}posed forme of þe welfulnesse of ma{n}ky{n}de. þat is to seyne rycchesse. hono{ur}s. power. glorie. {and} delit[gh]. þe whiche delit oonly considered Epicurus Iuged {and} establissed. þat delit is þe souereyne goode. for as myche as alle oþer þinges as hym þou[gh]t[e] by-refte awey ioie {and} myrþe fro{m} þe herte. ¶ But I reto{ur}ne a[gh]eyne to þe studies of meen. of whiche men þe corage alwey rehersiþ {and} seekeþ þe souereyne goode of alle be it so þ{a}t it be wiþ a derke memorie [but he not by whiche paath]. ¶ Ry[gh]t as a dronke ma{n} not nat by whiche paþe he may reto{ur}ne home to hys house. ¶ Semeþ it þanne þat folk folyen {and} erren þat enforcen he{m} to haue nede of no þing ¶ Certys þer nys non oþer þing þat may so weel p{er}fo{ur}ny blisfulnesse as an estat plenteuo{us} of alle goodes þat ne haþ nede of none oþer þing. but þat it is suffisant of hy{m} self. vnto hym self. and foleyen swyche folk þanne. þat wenen þat þilk þing þ{a}t is ry[gh]t goode. þat it be eke ry[gh]t worþi of honour {and} of reuerence. ¶ Certis nay. for þat þing nys neyþer foule ne worþi to ben dispised þat al þe entenc{i}ou{n} of mortel folke trauaille forto geten it. ¶ And power au[gh]t[e] nat þat eke to be rekened amonges goodes what ellis. for it nys nat to wene þat þilke þing þat is most worþi of alle þinges be feble {and} wiþ out strengþe {and} clernesse of renou{n} au[gh]te þat to ben dispised. ¶ Certys þer may no man forsake þat al þing þat is ry[gh]t excellent {and} noble. þat it ne semeþ to be ry[gh]t clere {and} renomed. ¶ For certis it nediþ nat to seie. þat blisfulnesse be anguissous ne dreri ne subgit to greua{n}ces ne to sorwes. syn þat in ry[gh]t litel þi{n}g{us} folk seken to haue {and} to vsen þat may deliten hem. ¶ Certys þise ben þe þi{n}ges þat men wolen {and} desyren to geten. and for þis cause desiren þei rycches. dignites. regnes. glorie {and} delices ¶ For þerby wenen þei to han suffisau{n}ce hono{ur} power. renou{n} {and} gladnesse. ¶ þanne is it goode. þ{a}t men seken þus by so many dyu{er}se studies. In whiche desijr it may ly[gh]tly be shew{e}d. how grete is þe strengþe of nature. ¶ For how so þat men han dyuerse sentences {and} discordyng algates men accordyn alle in lyuynge þe ende of goode. Q{UA}NTAS RER{UM} FLECTAT. [Sidenote: [The 2^de Met{ur}.]] ++IT likeþ me to shew[e] by subtil songe wiþ slakke {and} delitable sou{n} of strenges how þat nature my[gh]ty enclineþ {and} flitteþ gouernement[gh] of þinges ¶ {and} by whiche lawes she p{ur}ueiable kepiþ þe grete worlde. {and} how she bindynge restreineþ alle þing{us} by a bonde þat may nat be vnbounden. [Sidenote: [j]] ¶ Al be it so þat þe liou{n}s of þe contree of pene beren þe fair[e] cheines. {and} taken metes of þe handes of folk þat [gh]euen it hem. {and} dreden her sturdy maystres of whiche þei ben wont to suffren [betinges]. yif þat hir horrible mouþes ben bi-bled. þat is to sein of bestes devoured. ¶ Hir corage of tyme passeþ þat haþ ben ydel {and} rested. repaireþ a[gh]ein þat þei roren greuously. {and} reme{m}bren on hir nature. {and} slaken hir nekkes from hir cheins vnbounden. and hir maistre first to-teren wiþ blody toþe assaieþ þe woode wraþþes of hem. ¶ þis is to sein þei freten hir maister. [Sidenote: [ij]] ¶ And þe Iangland brid þat syngiþ on þe heye braunches. þis is to sein in þe wode {and} after is inclosed in a streit cage. ¶ al þou[gh] [þ{a}t] þe pleiyng besines of men [gh]eueþ hem honied[e] drinkes {and} large metes. wiþ swete studie. ¶ [gh]it naþeles yif þilke brid skippynge oute of hir streite cage seeþ þe agreable shadewes of þe wodes. she defouleþ wiþ hir fete hir metes yshad {and} sekeþ mournyng oonly þe wode {and} twitriþ desirynge þe wode wiþ hir swete voys. [Sidenote: [iij]] ¶ þe [gh]erde of a tree þat is haled adou{n} by my[gh]ty strengþe bowiþ redely þe croppe adou{n}. but yif þat þe hande of hym þat it bente lat it gon a[gh]ein. ¶ An oon þe crop lokeþ vp ry[gh]t to heuene. [Sidenote: [iiij]] ¶ þe sonne phebus þat failleþ at euene in þe westrene wawes retorniþ a[gh]ein eftsones his cart by a priue paþe þere as it is wont aryse. ¶ Alle þinges seken a[gh]ein in to hir p{ro}pre cours. and alle þinges reioisen hem of hir retournynge a[gh]ein to hir nature ne noon ordinaunce nis bytaken to þi{n}ges but þat. þat haþ ioignynge þe endynge to þe bygynnynge. {and} haþ makid þe cours of it self stable þat it chaungeþ nat fro{m} hys p{ro}pre kynde. VOSQ{UE} TERRENA ANIMALIA. [Sidenote: [The 3^de p{ro}se.]] ++CErtis also [gh]e men þat ben erþelich{e} bestes dreme{n} alwey [yowre bygynnynge] al þou[gh] it be wiþ a þinne ymaginac{i}ou{n}. {and} by a maner þou[gh]t al be it nat clerly ne p{er}fitly [gh]e looken from a fer til þilk verray fyn of blisfulnesse. and þerfore þe naturel entenc{i}ou{n} ledeþ [gh]ow to þilk verray good ¶ But many manere errours misto{ur}niþ [gh]ow þer fro. ¶ Considere now yif þat be þilke þinges by whiche a man weniþ to gete hym blysfulnesse. yif þat he may comen to þilke ende þat he weneþ to come by nature ¶ For yif þat moneye or hono{ur}s or þise oþer forseide þinges bryngen to men swiche a þing þat no goode ne faille hem. ne semeþ faille. ¶ Certys þan wil I graunt[e] þat þei ben maked blisful. by þilke þinges þat þei han geten. ¶ but yif so be þat þilke þi{n}ges ne mowe nat p{er}fo{ur}men þat þei by-heten {and} þat þer be defaute of many goodes. ¶ Sheweþ it nat þan clerely þ{a}t fals beaute of blisfulnesse is knowe {and} a-teint in þilke þinges. ¶ First {and} forward þou þi self þat haddest haboundaunces of rycchesses nat long agon. ¶ I axe [gh]if þat in þe haboundaunce of alle þilk[e] rycchesses þou were neuer anguissous or sory in þi corage of any wrong or greuau{n}ce þat by-tidde þe on any syde. ¶ Certys q{uo}d I it remembreþ me nat þat euere I was so free of my þou[gh]t. þat I ne was al-wey in anguysh{e} of somwhat. þ{a}t was þat þou lakkedest þat þou noldest han lakked. or ellys þou haddest þat þou noldest han had. ry[gh]t so is it q{uod} I þan. desiredest þou þe p{re}sence of þat oon {and} þe absence of þat oþer. I graunt[e] wel q{uod} .I. for soþe q{uod} she þan nediþ þer somwhat þat euery man desireþ. [gh]e þer nediþ q{uod} I. ¶ Certis q{uod} she {and} he þat haþ lakke or nede of a wy[gh]t nis nat in euery way suffisaunt to hym self. no q{uod} .I. {and} þou q{uo}d she in alle þe plente of þi rycchesse haddest þilke lak of suffisaunce. ¶ what ellis q{uod} .I. ¶ þanne may nat rycchesse maken þat a man nis nedy. ne þat he be suffisaunt to hym self. {and} þat was it þ{a}t þei byhy[gh]ten as it semeþ. ¶ and eke certys I trowe þat þis be gretly to consydere þat moneye ne haþ nat in hys owen kynde þat it ne may ben by-nomen of hem þat han it maugre hem. ¶ I by-knowe it wel q{uod} I ¶ whi sholdest þou nat by-knowen it q{uod} she. whan euery day þe strenger folke by-nymen it fram þe febler maugre hem. ¶ Fro whennes comen ellys alle þise foreine compleintes or quereles of plety{n}g{us}. ¶ But for þat men axen a[gh]eine her moneye þat haþ be by-nomen hem by force or by gyle. {and} alwey maugre hem. ¶ Ry[gh]t so it is q{uod} I. þan q{uo}d she haþ a man nede to seke{n} hym foreyne helpe by whiche he may defende hys moneye. who may say nay q{uod} .I. ¶ Certis q{uod} she {and} hym nediþ no helpe yif he ne hadde no moneye þat he my[gh]t[e] leese. ¶ þat is doutles q{uod} .I. þanne is þis þi{n}g turned in to þe contrarie q{uod} she ¶ For rycchesse þat men wenen sholde make suffisau{n}ce. þei maken a man raþer han nede of foreine helpe. ¶ whiche is þe manere or þe gise q{uod} she þat rycches may dryuen awey nede. ¶ Riche folk may þei neiþer han hungre ne þrest. þise ryche men may þei feele no colde on hir lymes in wynter. ¶ But þou wilt answere þat ryche men han y-nou[gh] wher wiþ þei may staunchen her hunger. {and} slaken her þrest {and} don awey colde. ¶ In þis wise may nede be co{n}forted by rycchesses. but certys nede ne may nat al out{er}ly be don awey. for þou[gh] þis nede þat is alwey gapyng {and} gredy be fulfilled wiþ rycchesses. {and} axe any þing [gh]it dwelleþ þanne a nede þat my[gh]t[e] ben fulfilled. ¶ I holde me stille {and} telle nat how þat litel þing suffiseþ to nature. but certys to auarice ynou[gh] ne suffiseþ no þinge. ¶ For syn þat rychesse ne may nat al don awey nede. but rychesse maken nede. what may it þanne be þat [gh]e wenen þat rychesses mowen [gh]eue{n} [gh]ow suffisau{n}ce. QUAMUIS FLUENTER DIUES. [Sidenote: [The 3^de Met{ur}.]] ++Al were it so þat a ryche couetous man hadde riuer fletynge alle of golde [gh]itte sholde it neuer staunche hys couetise. ¶ And þou[gh] he hadde his nekke I-charged wiþ p{re}ciouse stones of þe rede see. {and} þou[gh] he do erye his feldes plentiuo{us} wiþ an hundreþ oxen neuere ne shal his bytyng bysynesse forleten hym while he lyueþ. ne þe ly[gh]t[e] rychesses ne shal nat beren hym compaignie whanne he is dede. SET DIGNITATIB{US}. [Sidenote: [The 4^the p{ro}se.]] ++Bvt dignitees to whom þei ben comen make þei hym honorable {and} reuerent. han þei nat so grete strengþe þat þei may putte vertues in þe hertis of folk. þat vsen þe lordshipes of hem. or ellys may þei don awey þe vices. Certys þei [ne] ben nat wont to don awey wikkednesses. but þei ben wont raþer to shew[en] wikkednesses. {and} þer of comeþ it þat I haue ry[gh]t grete desdeyne. þat dignites ben [gh]euen ofte to wicked men. ¶ For whiche þing catullus clepid a consul of Rome þat hy[gh]t noni{us} postum. or boch. as who seiþ he clepiþ hy{m} a congregac{i}ou{n} of uices in his brest as a postum is ful of corrupc{i}ou{n}. al were þis noni{us} set in a chayere of dignitee. Sest þou nat þan how gret vylenye dignitees don to wikked men. ¶ Certys vnworþines of wikked men shold{e} ben þe lasse ysen yif þei nere renomed of none hono{ur}s. ¶ Certys þou þi self ne my[gh]test nat ben brou[gh]t wiþ as many p{er}ils as þou my[gh]test suffren þat þ{o}u woldest bere þi magistrat wiþ decorat. þat is to seyn. þat for no p{er}il þat my[gh]t[e] bifalle{n} þe by þe offence of þe kyng theodorik þou noldest nat ben felawe in gouernaunce w{i}t{h} decorat. whanne þou say[e] þat he had[de] wikkid corage of a likerous shrewe {and} of an acusor. ¶ Ne I ne may nat for swiche honours Iuge{n} hem worþi of reuerence þat I deme {and} holde vnworþi to han þilke same hono{ur}s. ¶ Now yif þou saie a man þat were fulfilled of wisdom. certys þoune my[gh]test nat demen þ{a}t he were vnworþi to þe hono{ur}. or ellys to þe wisdom of whiche he is fulfilled. No q{uod} .I. ¶ Certys dignitees q{uod} she app{er}tienen p{ro}perly to vertue. {and} uertue transporteþ dignite anon to þilke man to whiche she hir self is conioigned. ¶ And for as moche as hono{ur}s of poeple ne may nat maken folk digne of hono{ur}. it is wel seyn clerly þat þei ne han no p{ro}pre beaute of dignite. ¶ And [gh]it men au[gh]ten take more hede in þis. ¶ For if it so be þat he is most out cast þat most folk dispisen. or as dignite ne may nat maken shrewes worþi of no reuerences. þan makeþ dignites shrewes more dispised þan p{re}ised. þe whiche shrewes dignit[e] scheweþ to moche folk ¶ {and} for soþe nat vnpunissed. þat is forto sein. þat shrewes reuengen hem a[gh]einward vpon dignites. for þei [gh]elden a[gh]ein to dignites as gret gerdou{n} whan þei byspotten {and} defoulen dignites wiþ hire vylenie. ¶ And for as moche as þou mow[e] knowe þat þilke verray reuerence ne may nat comen by þe shadewy t{ra}nsitorie dignitees. vndirstonde now þis. yif þat a man hadde vsed {and} hadde many manere dignites of consules {and} were come{n} p{er}auenture amonges straunge nac{i}ou{n}s. sholde þilke hono{ur} maken hym worshipful {and} redouted of straunge folk ¶ Certys yif þat honour of poeple were a naturel [gh]ifte to dignites. it ne my[gh]te neuer cesen nowher amonges no maner folke to done hys office. ¶ Ry[gh]t as fire i{n} euery contre ne stinteþ nat to enchaufen {and} to ben hote. but for as myche as forto be holden honorable or reuerent ne comeþ nat to folk of hir p{ro}pre strengþe of nat{ur}e. but only of þe fals[e] opiniou{n} of folk. þat is to sein. þat wenen þat dignites maken folk digne of hono{ur}. An on þerfore whan þat þei comen þer as folk ne knowe{n} nat þilke dignites. her hono{ur}s vanissen awey {and} þat on oon. but þat is a-mong straung folk. maist þou sein. but amo{n}g{us} hem þat þei weren born duren þilk[e] dignites alwey. ¶ Certys þe dignite of þe p{ro}uostrie of Rome was somtyme a grete power. now is it no þing but an ydel name. {and} þe rente of þe senatorie a g{r}et charge. {and} yif a whi[gh]t somtyme hadde þe office to taken he[de] to þe vitailes of þe poeple as of corne {and} what oþer þinges he was holden amonges grete. but what þing is more nowe out cast þanne þilke p{ro}uostrie ¶ And as I haue seid a litel here byforne. þat þilke þing þat haþ no p{ro}pre beaute of hym self resceyueþ somtyme pris {and} shinynge {and} somtyme lesiþ it by þe opiniou{n} of vsaunces. ¶ Now yif þat dignites þanne ne mowen nat maken folk digne of reuerence. {and} yif þ{a}t dignites wexen foule of hir wille by þe filþe of shrewes. ¶ and yif þat dignites lesen hir shynynge by chaungyng of tymes. and yif þei wexen foule by estimac{i}ou{n} of poeple. what is it þat þei han in hem self of beaute þat au[gh]te ben desired. as who seiþ none. þanne ne mowen þei [gh]iuen no beaute of dignite to none oþer. QUA{M}UIS SE TIRIO. [Sidenote: [The 4^the Met{ur}.]] ++Al be it so þat þe proude nero wiþ al his woode luxurie kembed hym {and} apparailed hym wiþ faire purp{er}s of Tirie {and} wiþ white perles. Algates [gh]itte throf he hateful to alle folk ¶ þis is to seyn þat al was he by-hated of alle folk. ¶ [gh]itte þis wicked Nero hadde gret lordship {and} [gh]af somtyme to þe dredeful senatours þe vnworshipful setes of dignites. ¶ vnworshipful setes he clepiþ here fore þat Nero þat was so wikked [gh]af þo dignites. who wolde þanne resonably wenen þat blysfulnesse were in swiche hono{ur}s as ben [gh]euen by vicious shrewes. AN UERO REGNA. [Sidenote: [The 5^the p{ro}se.]] ++Bvt regnes {and} familarites of kynges may þei maken a ma{n} to ben my[gh]ty. how ellys. ¶ whanne hir blysfulnesse dureþ p{er}petuely but certys þe olde age of tyme passeþ. {and} eke of p{re}sent tyme now is ful of ensau{m}ples how þ{a}t kynges þat han chaunged in to wrechednesse out of hir welefulnesse. ¶ O a noble þing {and} a cler þing is power þat is nat founden my[gh]ty to kepe it self. ¶ And yif þat power of realmes be auctour {and} maker of blisfulnesse. yif þilke power lakkeþ on any side. amenusiþ it nat þilke blisfulnesse {and} bryngeþ in wrechednesse. but yif al be it so þat realmes of mankynde stretchen b{r}oode. [gh]it mot þer nede ben myche folk ouer whiche þat euery kyng ne haþ no lordshipe no comaundement ¶ and certys vpon þilke syde þat power failleþ whiche þat makiþ folk blisful. ry[gh]t on þat same side nou{n}power entriþ vndirneþ þat makeþ hem wreches. ¶ In þis manere þanne moten kynges han more porciou{n} of wrechednesse þan of welefulnesse. ¶ A tyraunt þat was kyng of sisile þat had[de] assaied þe p{er}il of his estat shewid[e] by similitude þe dredes of realmes by gastnesse of a swerde þat heng ouer þe heued of his familier. what þing is þan þis power þat may nat don awey þe bytynges of besines ne eschewe þe prikkes of drede. and certys [gh]it wolden þei lyuen in sykernesse. but þei may nat. and [gh]it þei glorifien hem in her power ¶ Holdest þou þan þat þilk[e] man be my[gh]ty þat þ{o}u seest þat he wolde don þat he may nat don. ¶ And holdest þou þan hym a my[gh]ty man þat haþ environed hise sydes wiþ men of armes or seruauntes {and} dredeþ more [hem] þat he makeþ agast. þen þei dreden hym. {and} þat is put in þe handes of hise seruaunt[gh]. for he sholde seme my[gh]ty but of familiers [or] seruaunt[gh] of ky{n}ges. ¶ what sholde I telle þe any þing. syn þat I my self haue shewed þe þat realmes hem self ben ful of gret feblenesse. þe whiche familiers certis þe real power of kynges in hool estat {and} in estat abated ful [ofte] þroweþ adou{n}. ¶ Nero co{n}streined[e] his familier {and} his maistre seneca to chesen on what deeþ he wolde deien. ¶ Antonius comau{n}did[e] þat kny[gh]tis slowen wiþ her swerdis Papinian his familier whiche Papinian had[de] ben long tyme ful my[gh]ty a-monges hem of þe courte. and [gh]it certis þei wolde boþe han renou{n}ced her power. of whiche [two] senek enforced[e] hym to [gh]iue{n} to Nero his rychesses. {and} also to han gon in to solitarie exil. ¶ But whan þe grete wey[gh]t. þat is to sein of lordes power or of fortune draweþ hem þat sholden falle. neyþer of hem ne my[gh]t[e] do þat he wolde. what þing is þanne þilke power þat þou[gh] men han it þat þei ben agast. ¶ {and} whan þou woldest han it þou nart nat siker. ¶ And yif þou woldest forleten it þou mayst nat eschewen it. ¶ But wheþir swiche men ben frendes at nede as ben conseiled by fortune {and} nat by vertue. Certys swiche folk as weleful fortune makeþ frendes. contrarious fortune makeþ hem enmyse. ¶ And what pestilence is more my[gh]ty forto anoye a wi[gh]t þan a familier enemy. QUI SE UALET ESSE POTENTEM. [Sidenote: [The 5^the Met{ur}.]] ++Who so wolde ben my[gh]ty he mot dau{n}ten hys cruel corage. ne put[te] nat his nekke ouercomen vndir þe foule reines of lecherie. for al be it so þat þi lordship[e] strecche so fer þat þe contre Inde quakiþ at þi comaundement. or at þi lawes. {and} þat þe leest isle in þe see þat hy[gh]t tile be þral to þe ¶ [gh]it yif þou mayst nat pute{n} awey þi foule derk[e] desijres {and} dryue{n} oute fro þe wreched co{m}pleyntes. Certis it nis no power þat þou hast. GLORIA UERO QUA{M} FALLAX. [Sidenote: [The 6^the p{ro}se.]] ++Bvt glorie how deceiuable {and} how foule is it ofte. for whiche þing nat vnskilfully a tregedien þat is to sein a maker of dites þat hy[gh]ten tregedies cried[e] {and} seide. ¶ O glorie glorie q{uod} he. þou nart no þing ellys to þousandes of folkes. but a gret sweller of eres. for many[e] han had ful gret renou{n} by þe fals[e] oppiniou{n} of poeple. and what þing may ben þou[gh]t fouler þen swiche p{re}isynge for þilk[e] folk þat be{n} p{re}ised falsly. þei moten nedes han shame of hir p{re}isynges. {and} yif þat folk han gete{n} hem þank or p{re}ysyng by her desertes. what þing haþ þilk pris echid or encresed to þe conscience of wise folk þ{a}t mesure{n} hire good. not by þe rumo{ur} of þe poeple. but by þe soþefastnesse of conscience. {and} yif it seme a fair þing a man to han encresid {and} sprad his name. þan folweþ it. þat it is demed to ben a foule þinge yif it ne be ysprad ne encresed. but as I seide a litel her byforne. þat syn þer mot nedes ben many folk to whiche folk þe renou{n} of a man ne may nat comen. it byfalleþ þat he þat þou wenest be glorious {and} renomed. semiþ in þe nexte p{ar}ties of þe erþe to ben wiþ out glorie. {and} wiþ out renou{n}. ¶ and certis amo{n}ges þise þinges I ne trowe nat þat þe p{r}is {and} grace of þe poeple nis neiþer worþi to ben remembrid ne comeþ of wise iugement. ne is ferm p{er}durably. ¶ But now of þis name of gentilesse. what man is it þat ne may wel seen how veyne {and} how flittyng a þing it is. ¶ For if þe name of gentilesse be referred to renou{n} {and} clernesse of linage. þan is gentil name but a for[e]ine þing. þat is to sein to hem þat glorifien hem of hir linage. ¶ For it semeþ þat gentilesse be a maner p{re}ysynge þat comeþ of decert of auncestres. ¶ And yif p{re}ysynge makeþ gentilesse þan moten þei nedes be gentil þat ben p{re}ysed. For whiche þing it folweþ. þat yif þou ne haue no gentilesse of þi self. þat is to sein pris þ{a}t comeþ of þi deserte foreine gentilesse ne makeþ þe nat gentil. ¶ But certis yif þer be any goode in gentilesse. I trowe it be i{n} al oonly þis. þat it semeþ as þat a maner necessitee be imposed to gentil men. for þat þei ne sholden nat outraien or forliuen fro þe uertues of hire noble kynrede. OMNE HOMINU{M} GENUS IN TERRIS. [Sidenote: [The 6^th Metre.]] ++Al þe linage of men þat ben i{n} erþe ben of semblable burþe. On al one is fadir of þinges. On alone minyst[r]eþ alle þinges. ¶ He [gh]af to þe sonne hys bemes. he [gh]af to þe moone hir hornes. he [gh]af þe men to þe erþe. he [gh]af þe sterres to þe heuene. ¶ he encloseþ wiþ membres þe soules þat comen fro hys heye sete. ¶ þanne comen alle mortal folk of noble seed. whi noysen [gh]e or bosten of [gh]oure eldris ¶ For yif þou look[e] [gh]oure bygy{n}ny{n}g. and god [gh]oure aucto{ur} {and} [gh]oure makere. þan is þer no forlyued wy[gh]t but [gh]if he norisse his corage vnto vices {and} forlete his p{ro}pre burþe. QUID AUTEM DE CORPORIBUS. [Sidenote: [The 7^the p{ro}se.]] ++But what shal I seie of delices of body. of whic[h]e delices þe desiringes ben ful of anguisse. {and} þe fulfillinges of he{m} ben ful of penaunce. ¶ How grete sekenesse {and} how grete sorwes vnsuffrable ry[gh]t as a manere fruit of wickednesse ben þilke delices wont to bryngen to þe bo[d]ies of folk þat vsen hem. ¶ Of whiche delices I not what ioye may ben had of hir moeuyng. ¶ But þis woot I wel þat who so euere wil remembren hym of hys luxuries. he shal wel vndirstonde. þat þe issues of delices ben sorowful {and} sory. ¶ And yif þilke delices mowen make folk blisful. þan by þe same cause moten þise bestes ben clepid blisful. ¶ Of whiche bestes al þe entenc{i}ou{n} hasteþ to fulfille hire bodyly iolyte. and þe gladnesse of wijf [{and}] children were [an] honest þing. but it haþ ben seid. þat it is ouer myche a[gh]eins kynde þat children han ben fou{n}den tormentours to hir fadres I not how many. ¶ Of whiche children how bitynge is euery condic{i}ou{n}. It nedeþ nat to tellen it þe þat hast or þis tyme assaied it. {and} art [gh]it now anguysso{us}. In þis approue I þe sentence of my disciple Euridippus. þat seide þat he þat haþ no children is weleful by i{n}fortune. HABET HOC UOLUPTAS. [Sidenote: [The 7^de Met{ur}.]] ++Euery delit haþ þis. þat it anguisseþ hem wiþ prikkes þ{a}t vsen it. ¶ It resembliþ to þise flying flyes þat we clepen been. þat aftre þat þe bee haþ shed hys agreable honies he fleeþ awey {and} styngeþ þe hertes of he{m} þat ben ysmyte wiþ bytynge ouer longe holdynge. NICHIL IGITUR DUBIUM EST. [Sidenote: [The 8^the p{ro}se.]] ++Now nis it no doute þan þ{a}t þise weyes ne ben a maner mysledy{n}g to blisfulnesse. ne þat þei ne mowe nat leden folke þider as þei byheten to lede{n} hem. ¶ But wiþ how grete harmes þise forseide weyes ben enlaced. ¶ I shal shewe þe shortly. ¶ For whi yif þou enforcest þe to assemble moneye. þou most by-reuen hym his moneye þat haþ it. and yif þou wilt shynen wiþ dignites. þou most bysechen {and} supplien hem þat [gh]iue{n} þo dignitees. ¶ And yif þou coueitest by hono{ur} to gon by-fore oþer folk þ{o}u shalt defoule þi self by hu{m}blesse of axing. yif þou desiryst power. þou shalt by awaites of þi subgit[gh] anoyously be cast vndir many p{er}iles. axest þou glorie þ{o}u shalt ben so destrat by aspre þinges þat þou shalt forgone sykernesse. ¶ And yif þou wilt leden þi lijf in delices. euery whi[gh]t shal dispisen þe {and} forleten þe as þou þat art þral to þing þat is ry[gh]t foule {and} brutel. þat is [to] sein seruau{n}t to þi body. ¶ Now is it þan wel yseen how lytel {and} how brutel possessiou{n} þei coueiten þat putten þe goodes of þe body abouen hire owe{n} resou{n}. ¶ For mayst þou so{ur}mou{n}te{n} þise olifuñt[gh] in gretnesse or wey[gh]t of body. Or mayst þou ben strenger þan þe bole. Mayst þou ben swifter þan þe tigre. biholde þe spaces {and} þe stablenesse {and} þe swyfte cours of þe heuene. {and} stynte somtyme to wondren on foule þinges. þe whiche heuene certys nis nat raþer for þise þinges to ben wondred vpon. þan for þe resou{n} by whiche it is gouerned. but þe shynynge of þi forme þat is to seien þe beaute of þi body. how swiftly passyng is it {and} how transitorie. ¶ Certis it is more flittynge þan þe mutabilite of floures of þe som{er} sesou{n}. For so as aristotil telleþ þat yif þat men hadden eyen of a beest þat hi[gh]t lynx. so þat þe lokyng of folk my[gh]t[e] percen þoru[gh] þe þinges þ{a}t wiþstonden it. who so lokid þan in þe entrailes of þe body of alcibiades þat was ful fayr in þe sup{er}fice wiþ oute. it shulde seme ry[gh]t foule. {and} for þi yif þou semest faire. þi nature ne makiþ nat þat. but þe desceiuau{n}ce of þe fieblesse of þe eyen þat loken. ¶ But p{re}ise þe goodes of þi body as moche as euer þe list. so þat þou know[e] algates þat what so it be. þat is to seyn of þe goodes of þi body whiche þat þ{o}u wondrest vpon may ben destroied or dessolued by þe hete of a feuere of þre dayes. ¶ Of alle whiche forseide þinges I may reduce{n} þis shortly in a so{m}me. ¶ þat þise worldly goodes whiche þat ne mowen nat [gh]iuen þat þei byheten. ne ben nat p{er}fit by þe congregac{i}ou{n} of alle goodes. þat þei ne ben nat weyes ne paþes þat bryngen men to blysfulnesse ne maken men to ben blysful. HEU Q{UE} MISEROS TRAMITE. [Sidenote: [The 8^the Met{ur}.]] ++Allas whiche folie {and} whiche ignorau{n}ce myslediþ wandryng wrecches fro þe paþe of verrey good. ¶ Certis [gh]e ne seken no golde in grene trees. ne [gh]e ne gadren [nat] p{re}cious stones in þe vines. ne [gh]e ne hiden nat [gh]oure gynnes in hey[gh]e mou{n}taignes to kachen fisshe of whiche [gh]e may maken ryche festes. and yif [gh]ow lykeþ to hunte to roos. [gh]e ne gon nat to þe foordes of þe water þat hy[gh]t tyrene. {and} ouer þis men knowen wel þe crikes {and} þe cau{er}nes of þe see yhidd in þe floodes. {and} knowen eke whiche water is most plentiuo{us} of white perles. {and} knowen whiche water habundeþ most of rede purpre. þat is to seyen of a maner shelfisshe w{i}t{h} whiche men dien purpre. {and} knowen whiche strondes habounden most of tendre fisshes or of sharpe fisshes þat hy[gh]ten echynnys. but folk suffren hem self to ben so blynde þat hem ne recchiþ nat to knowe where þilk[e] goodes ben yhidd whiche þat þei coueiten but ploungen hem in erþe {and} seken þere þilke goode þ{a}t so{ur}mou{n}teþ þe heuene þat bereþ þe sterres. ¶ what p{re}yere may I make þat be digne to þe nice þou[gh]tis of men. but I p{re}ye þat þei coueite{n} rycches {and} hono{ur}s so þat whan þei han geten þo false goodes wiþ greet trauayle þat þerby þei mowe knowen þe verray goodes. HACTENUS MENDACIS FORMA{M}. [Sidenote: [The 9^ne p{ro}se.]] ++IT suffisiþ þat I haue shewed hider to þe forme of false wilfulnesse. so þat yif þou look[e] now clerely þe ordre of myn entenc{i}ou{n} requeriþ from hennes forþe to shewe{n} þe verray wilfulnesse. ¶ For q{uod} .I. (b) [I.] se wel now þat suffisau{n}ce may nat comen by richesse. ne power by realmes. ne reuere{n}ce by dignitees. ne gentilesse by glorie. ne ioye by delices. and (p) hast þou wel knowen q{uo}d she þe cause whi it is. Certis me semeþ q{uod} .I. þat .I. se hem ry[gh]t as þou[gh] it were þoru[gh] a litel clifte. but me were leuer knowen hem more openly of þe. Certys q{uod} she þe resou{n} is al redy ¶ For þilk þing þat symply is on þing wiþ outen ony diuisiou{n}. þe errour {and} folie of mankynde departeþ {and} diuidiþ it. {and} mislediþ it {and} t{ra}nsporteþ from verray {and} p{er}fit goode. to goodes þat ben false {and} inp{er}fit. ¶ But seye me þis. wenest þou þat he þat haþ nede of power þat hy{m} ne lakkeþ no þing. Nay q{uo}d .I ¶ Certis q{uo}d she þou seist ary[gh]t. For yif so be þ{a}t þer is a þing þat in any p{ar}tie be fieble of power. Certis as in þat it most[e] nedes be nedy of foreine helpe. ¶ Ri[gh]t so it is q{uo}d .I. Suffisaunce and power ben þan of on kynde ¶ So semeþ it q{uod} I. ¶ And demyst þou q{uo}d she þat a þing þat is of þis manere. þat is to seine suffisau{n}t {and} my[gh]ty au[gh]t[e] to ben dispised. or ellys þ{a}t it be ry[gh]t digne of reuerences abouen alle þinges. ¶ Certys q{uo}d I it nys no doute þat it nis ry[gh]t worþi to ben reuerenced. ¶ Lat vs q{uo}d she þan adden reuerence to suffisaunce {and} to power ¶ So þat we demen þat þise þre þinges ben alle o þing. ¶ Certis q{uo}d I lat vs adden it. yif we willen graunten þe soþe. what demest þou þan q{uo}d she is þat a dirke þing {and} nat noble þat is suffisau{n}t reu{er}ent {and} my[gh]ty. or ellys þat is ry[gh]t clere {and} ry[gh]t noble of celebrete of renou{n}. ¶ Considere þan q{uo}d she as we han grau{n}tid her byforne. þat he þat ne haþ ne[de] of no þing {and} is most my[gh]ty {and} most digne of hono{ur} yif hym nediþ any clernesse of renou{n} whiche clernesse he my[gh]t[e] nat graunten of hym self. ¶ So þat for lakke of þilke clerenesse he my[gh]t[e] seme febler on any syde or þe more outcaste. _Glosa._ þis is to seyne nay. ¶ For who so þat is suffisau{n}t my[gh]ty {and} reuerent. clernesse of renou{n} folweþ of þe forseide þinges. he haþ it alredy of hys suffisaunce. boice. I may nat q{uo}d I denye it. ¶ But I mot graunten as it is. þat þis þing be ry[gh]t celebrable by clernesse of renou{n} {and} noblesse. ¶ þan folweþ it q{uo}d she þat we adden clernesse of renou{n} to þe þre forseide þinges. so þat þer ne be amonges hem no difference. {and} þis is a consequente q{uo}d .I. þis þing þan q{uo}d she þat ne haþ no nede of no foreine þing. {and} þat may don alle þinges by his strengþes. {and} þat is noble {and} hono{ur}able. nis nat þat a myrie þing {and} a ioyful. _boice._ but wenest q{uo}d I þ{a}t any sorow my[gh]t[e] comen to þis þing þat is swiche. ¶ Certys I may nat þinke. _P._ ¶ þanne moten we graunt[e] q{uod} she þat þis þing be ful of gladnesse yif þe þorseide þinges be soþe. ¶ And also certys mote we graunten. þat suffisaunce power noblesse reuerence {and} gladnesse ben only dyuerse bynames. but hir substaunce haþ no diu{er}site. _Boice._ It mot nedely be so q{uo}d .I. _P._ þilke þinge þan q{uo}d she þat is oon {and} simple i{n} his nature. þe wikkednesse of men departiþ it diuidiþ it. {and} whan þei enforcen hem to gete p{ar}tie of a þing þat ne haþ no part. þei ne geten hem neiþer þilk[e] p{ar}tie þat nis none. ne þe þing al hole þat þei ne desire nat. _.b._ In whiche manere q{uo}d .I. _p._ þilke man q{uo}d she þat sekeþ rychesse to fleen pouerte. he ne trauayleþ hym nat to for to gete power for he haþ leuer ben dirk {and} vile. {and} eke wiþdraweþ from hym selfe many naturel delit[gh] for he nolde lesen þe moneye þat he haþ assembled. but certis in þis manere he ne getiþ hym nat suffisaunce þat power forletiþ. {and} þat moleste p{re}keþ. {and} þat filþe makeþ outcaste. {and} þat derknesse hideþ. and certis he þ{a}t desireþ only power he wastiþ {and} scatriþ rychesse {and} dispiseþ delices {and} eke hono{ur} þat is wiþ out power. ne he ne p{re}iseþ glorie no þing. ¶ Certys þus seest þou wel þat many þi{n}g{us} failen to hym. for he haþ somtyme faute of many necessites. {and} many anguysses biten hym ¶ {and} whan he may nat don þo defautes awey. he forleteþ to ben my[gh]ty. {and} þat is þe þing þat he most desireþ. {and} ry[gh]t þus may I make semblable resou{n}s of hono{ur}s {and} of glorie {and} of delices. ¶ For so as euery of þise forseide þinges is þe same þat þise oþer þinges ben. þat is to sein. al oon þing. who so þat euer sekeþ to geten þat oon of þise {and} nat þat oþer. he ne geteþ nat þat he desireþ. _Boice._ ¶ what seist þou þan yif þat a man coueiteþ to geten alle þise þinges to gider. _P._ Certys q{uo}d she .I. wolde seie þat he wolde geten hym souereyne blisfulnes. but þat shal he nat fynde in þo þinges þat .I. haue shewed þat ne mowe nat [gh]euen þat þei by-heten. _boice._ Certys no q{uo}d .I. ¶ þan q{uod} she ne sholden men nat by no weye seken blysfulnesse in swiche þinges as men wenen þat þei ne mowe [gh]euen but o þing senglely of alle þ{a}t me{n} seken. I graunt[e] wel q{uo}d .I. ne no soþer þing ne may nat ben said. _P._ ¶ Now hast þou þan q{uo}d she þe forme {and} þe causes of false welefulnesse. ¶ Now turne {and} flitte þe eyen of þi þou[gh]t. for þere shalt þou seen an oon þilk verray blysfulnesse þ{a}t I haue byhy[gh]t þee. _b._ Certys q{uo}d .I. it is cler {and} opyn. þou[gh] þat it were to a blynde man. {and} þat shewedest þou me [ful wel] a lytel her byforne. whan þou enforcedest þe to shewe me þe causes of þe false blysfulnesse ¶ For but yif I be by-giled. þan is þilke þe verray p{er}fit blisfulnesse þat p{er}fitly makiþ a man suffisau{n}t. my[gh]ty. hono{ur}able noble. {and} ful of gladnesse. {and} for þou shalt wel knowe þat I haue wel vndirstonden þise þinges wiþ i{n}ne myne herte. I knowe wel þilke blisfulnesse þat may verrayly [gh]euen on of þe forseide þinges syn þei ben al oon .I. knowe douteles þat þilke þing is þe fulle of blysfulnesse. _P._ O my nurry q{uod} she by þis oppiniou{n} q{uo}d she I sey[e] þat þou art blisful yif þou putte þis þer to þat I shal seine. what is þat q{uo}d .I. ¶ Trowest þou þat þer be any þing in þis erþely mortal toumblyng þinges þat may bryngen þis estat. Certys q{uo}d I trowe it nat. {and} þou hast shewed me wel þat ouer þilke goode þer is no þing more to ben desired. _P._ þise þinges þan q{uo}d she. þat is to seyne erþely suffisaunce {and} power. {and} swiche þinges eyþer þei semen likenesse of verray goode. or ellys it semeþ þat þei [gh]euen to mortal folk a maner of goodes þat ne ben nat perfit. ¶ But þilke goode þat is verray {and} p{er}fit. þat may þei nat [gh]euen. _boice._ I. accorde me wel q{uo}d .I. þan q{uo}d she for as moche as þou hast knowen whiche is þilke verray blisfulnesse. {and} eke whiche þilke þinges ben þat lien falsly blisfulnesse. þat is to seyne. þat by desceit seme{n} verray goodes. ¶ Now byhoueþ þe to knowe{n} whennes {and} where þou mowe seek[e] þilke verray blisfulnesse. ¶ Certys q{uo}d I þat desijr I gretly {and} haue abiden longe tyme to herkene it. ¶ But for as moche q{uo}d she as it likeþ to my disciple plato in his book of i{n} thimeo. þat in ry[gh]t lytel þinges men sholde bysechen þe helpe of god. ¶ what iugest þou þat be [now] to done so þat we may deserue to fynde þe sete of þilke souereyne goode. _B._ ¶ Certys q{uo}d .I. I. deme þat we shulle clepen to þe fadir of alle goodes. ¶ For wiþ outen hym nis þer no þing founden ary[gh]t. þou seist a-ry[gh]t q{uo}d she. and bygan on-one to syngen ry[gh]t þus. O QUI PERPETUA. [Sidenote: [The 9^ne Met{ur}.]] ++O þou fadir creatour of heuene {and} of erþes þat gouernest þis worlde by p{er}durable resou{n} þat comaundist þe tymes for to gon from tyme þat age had[de] bygy{n}ny{n}g. þou þat dwellest þi self ay stedfast {and} stable {and} [gh]iuest alle oþer þinges to ben moeued. ne forein causes necesseden þe neuer to co{m}poune werke of floterynge mater. but only þe forme of souereyne goode y-set wiþ i{n}ne [þe] wiþ outen envie þat moeued[e] þe frely. þou þat art alþerfairest beryng þe faire worlde in þi þou[gh]t. formedest þis worlde to þe likkenesse semblable of þat faire worlde in þi þou[gh]t. þou drawest alle þinges of þi souereyne ensampler. {and} comaundedist þat þis worlde p{er}fitlyche ymaked haue frely {and} absolut hyse p{er}fit parties. ¶ þou byndest þe element[gh] by noumbres p{ro}porcionables. þat þe colde þinges mowen accorde wiþ þe hote þinges. {and} þe drye þi{n}ges wiþ þe moyst þinges. þat þe fire þat is purest ne fleye nat ouer heye. ne þat þe heuynesse ne drawe nat adou{n} ouer lowe þe erþes þat ben plounged in þe watres. ¶ þou knyttest to-gidre þe mene soule of treble kynde moeuyng alle þinges. {and} diuidest it by membres accordynge. ¶ And whan it is þus diuided it haþ assembled a moeuyng in two roundes. ¶ It goþ to to{ur}ne a[gh]ein to hym owen self. {and} environeþ a fulle deep þou[gh]t. {and} to{ur}niþ þe heuene by semblable ymage. þou by eue{n}lyk causes enhau{n}sest þe soules {and} þe lasse liues {and} ablynge hem heye by ly[gh]t[e] cartes. þou sewest hem in to heuene {and} in to erþe. {and} whan þei ben conuertid to þe by þi benigne lawe. ¶ þou makest hem retorne a[gh]eine to þe by a[gh]ein ledyng fijr. ¶ O fadir yif þou to þi þou[gh]t to stien vp in to þi streite sete. {and} graunte [hym] to enviroune þe welle of good. {and} þe ly[gh]te yfounde graunte hym to ficchen þe clere sy[gh]tes of hys corage in þe. ¶ And scatre þou {and} to-breke [thow] þe wey[gh]tes {and} þe cloudes of erþely heuynesse. {and} shyne þou by þi bry[gh]tnes. for þou art clernesse þou art peisible to debonaire folke. ¶ þou þi self art bygy{n}ny{n}ge. berere. ledere. paþ {and} t{er}me to loke on þe [þat] is oure ende. _Glose._ QUONIAM IGITUR QUI SCIT. [Sidenote: [The 10^the p{ro}se.]] ++FOr as moche þan as þou hast seyn. whiche is þe forme of goode þat nys nat p{er}fit. {and} whiche is þe forme of goode þat is p{er}fit. now trowe I þat it were goode to shewe in what þis p{er}fecc{i}ou{n} of blisfulnesse is set. {and} in þis þing I trowe þat we sholden first enquere forto witen yif þat any swiche manere goode as þilke goode þat þou hast diffinissed a lytel her byforne. þat is to seine souereyne goode may be founden in þe nature of þinges. For þat veyne ymaginac{i}ou{n} of þou[gh]t ne desceiue vs nat. {and} putte vs oute of þe soþefastnesse of þilke þinge þat is su{m}myttid to vs. þis is to seyne. but it may nat ben denoyed þat þilke goode ne is. ¶ and þat it nis ry[gh]t as a welle of alle goodes. ¶ For al þing þat is cleped i{n}p{er}fit. is proued i{n}p{er}fit by þe amenusynge of p{er}fecc{i}ou{n}. or of þing þat is p{er}fit. {and} her of comeþ it. þat in euery þing general. yif þat. þat men seen any þing þat is i{n}p{er}fit certys in þilke general þer mot ben so{m}me þing þat is p{er}fit. ¶ For yif so be þat p{er}fecc{i}ou{n} is don awey. men may nat þinke nor seye fro whe{n}nes þilke þing is þat is cleped inperfit. ¶ For þe nature of þinges ne token nat her bygynnyng of þinges amenused {and} i{n}p{er}fit. but it p{ro}cediþ of þi{n}g{us} þat ben al hool. {and} absolut. {and} descendeþ so doune in to outerest þinges {and} in to þi{n}g{us} empty {and} wiþ oute fruyt. but as I haue shewed a litel her byforne. þat yif þer be a blisfulnesse þat be frele {and} vein {and} inp{er}fit. þer may no man doute. þat þer nys som blisfulnesse þat is sad stedfast {and} p{er}fit. b. þis is concludid q{uo}d I fermely {and} soþefastly. _P._ But co{n}sidere also q{uo}d she in wham þis blisfulnesse enhabiteþ. þe co{m}mune acordaunce {and} conceite of þe corages of men p{ro}ueþ {and} graunteþ þat god p{r}ince of alle þi{n}g{us} is good. ¶ For so as no þing ne may ben þou[gh]t bettre þan god. it may nat ben douted þan þat [he þ{a}t] no þing is bettre. þat he nys good. ¶ Certys resou{n} sheweþ þat god is so goode þat it p{ro}ueþ by verray force þat p{er}fit goode is in hym. ¶ For yif god ne is swiche. he ne may nat ben p{r}ince of alle þinges. for certis som þing possessyng in hy{m} self p{er}fit goode sholde ben more þan god. {and} [it] sholde seme þat þilke þing were first {and} elder þan god. ¶ For we han shewed ap{er}tly þat alle þinges þat ben p{er}fit. ben first or þinges þat ben inperfit. ¶ And for þi for as moche as [that] my resou{n} or my p{ro}ces ne go nat awey wiþoute an ende. we ou[gh]t[e] to graunten þat þe souereyne god is ry[gh]t ful of souereyne p{er}fit goode. and we han establissed þat þe souereyne goode is verrey blisfulnesse. þan mot it nedes ben [þ{a}t verray blysfulnesse is] yset i{n} souereyne god. _B._ þis take I wel q{uo}d .I. ne þis ne may nat be wiþseid in no manere. ¶ But I p{re}ie þe q{uo}d she see now how þou mayst preuen holily {and} wiþ-oute{n} corrupciou{n} þis þat I haue seid. þat þe souereyne god is ry[gh]t ful of souereyne goode. [In whych man{er}e q{uo}d I.] wenest þou ou[gh]t q{uo}d she þat þis p{r}ince of alle þinges haue ytake þilke souereyne good any where þan of hym self. ¶ of whiche souereyne goode men p{ro}ueþ þat he is ful ry[gh]t as þou my[gh]test þinken. þat god þat haþ blisfulnesse in hym self. {and} þat ilke blisfulnesse þat is in hym were diu{er}s in substaunce. ¶ For yif þou wene þat god haue receyued þilke good oute of hy{m} self. þou mayst wene þat he þat [gh]af þilke good to god. be more goode þan is god. ¶ But I am byknowen {and} confesse {and} þat ry[gh]t dignely þat god is ry[gh]t worþi abouen alle þinges. ¶ And yif so be þat þis good be in hym by nature. but þat it is diu{er}s from [hym] by wenyng resou{n}. syn we speke of god p{r}ince of alle þinges feyne who so feyne may. who was he þat [hath] co{n}ioigned þise diu{er}s þinges to-gidre. {and} eke at þe last[e] se wel þat o þing þat is diu{er}s from any þing. þat þilke þing nis nat þat same þing. fro whiche it is vndirstonde{n} to ben diu{er}s. þan folweþ it. þat þilke þi{n}g þat by hys nature is dyuers from souereyne good. þat þat þing nys nat souereyne good. but certys þat were a felonous corsednesse to þinken þat of hym. þat no þing nis more worþe. For alwey of alle þinges. þe nat{ur}e of hem ne may nat ben better þan his bygy{n}nyng. ¶ For whiche I may concluden by ry[gh]t uerray resou{n}. þat þilke þat is bygynnyng of alle þinges. þilke same þing is good in his substaunce. _B._ þou hast seid ry[gh]tfully q{uo}d .I. _P._ But we han graunted q{uo}d she þat souereyne good is blysfulnes. þat is soþe q{uo}d .I. þan q{uo}d she mote we nedes graunten {and} confessen þat þilke same souereyne goode be god. ¶ Certys q{uo}d .I. I ne may nat denye ne wiþstonde þe resou{n}s p{ur}posed. and I see wel þat it folweþ by strengþe of þe p{re}misses. ¶ Loke nowe q{uo}d she yif þis be proued [yit] more fermely þus. ¶ þat þer ne mowen nat ben two souereyne goodes þat ben diuerse amo[n]ges hem self. þat on is nat þat þat oþer is. þan [ne] mowen neiþer of hem ben p{er}fit. so as eyþer of hem lakkiþ to oþir. but þat þat nis nat p{er}fit men may seen apertly þat it nis nat souereyne. þe þinges þan þat ben souereynely goode ne mowen by no wey ben diuerse. ¶ But I haue wel conclude þat blisfulnesse {and} god ben [the] souereyne goode. For whiche it mot nedes be þat souereyne blisfulnesse is souerey[ne] dyuynite. ¶ No þing q{uo}d I nis more soþefast þan þis ne more ferme by resou{n}. ne a more worþi þing þan god may nat ben concluded. _P._ vpon þise þinges þan q{uo}d she. ry[gh]t as þise geometriens whan þei han shewed her p{ro}posiciou{n}s ben wont to brynge{n} in þinges þat þei clepen porismes or declarac{i}ou{n}s of forseide þinges. ry[gh]t so wil I [gh]eue þe here as a corolarie or a mede of coroune. For whi. for as moche as by þe getynge of blisfulnesse men ben maked blysful. {and} blisfulnesse is diuinite. ¶ þan is it manifest {and} open þat by þe gety{n}g of diuinite men ben makid blisful. ry[gh]t as by þe getynge of iustice . . . {and} by þe getyng of sapience þei ben maked wise. ¶ Ry[gh]t so nedes by þe semblable resou{n} wha{n} þei han getyn diuinite þei ben maked goddys. þan is euery blisful man god. ¶ But certis by nature. þer nys but oon god. but by þe p{ar}ticipac{i}ou{n}s of diuinite þere ne letteþ ne disturbeþ no þing þat þer ne ben many goddes. ¶ þis is q{uo}d .I. a faire þing {and} a p{re}cious. ¶ Clepe it as þ{o}u wolt. be it corolarie or porisme or mede of coroune or declarynges ¶ Certys q{uo}d she no þing nis fairer. þan is þe þing þat by resou{n} sholde ben added to þise forseide þinges. what þing q{uo}d .I. ¶ So q{uo}d she as it semeþ þat blisfulnesse conteniþ many þinges. it were forto witen wheþir [þ{a}t] alle þise þinges maken or conioignen as a maner body of blysfulnesse by diuersite of parties or [of] me{m}bris. Or ellys yif any of alle þilke þi{n}g{us} be swyche þat it acomplise by hy{m} self þe substaunce of blisfulnesse. so þat alle þise oþer þinges ben referred and brou[gh]t to blisfulnesse. þat is to seyne as to þe chief of hem. ¶ I wolde q{uo}d I þat þou makedest me clerly to vndirstonde what þou seist. {and} þat þou recordest me þe forseide þinges. ¶ Haue I nat iuged q{uo}d she. þat blisfulnesse is goode. [gh]is forsoþe q{uo}d .I. {and} þat souereyne goode. ¶ Adde þan q{uo}d she þilke goode þat is maked blisfulnes to alle þe forseide þinges. ¶ For þilke same blisfulnesse þat is demed to ben souereyne suffisaunce. þilke self is souereyne power. souereyne reuerence. sou{er}eyne clernesse or noblesse {and} souereyne delit. what seist þou þan of alle þise þinges. þat is to seyne. suffisance power {and} þise oþer þinges. ben þei þan as membris of blisfulnesse. or ben þei referred {and} brou[gh]t to souereyne good. ¶ Ry[gh]t as alle þinges þat ben brou[gh]t to þe chief of hem. b. I vndirstonde wel q{uo}d .I. what þou p{ur}posest to seke. but I desijr[e] to herkene þat þou shewe it me. _p._ Take now þus þe discressiou{n} of þis questiou{n} q{uo}d she. yif al þise þinges q{uo}d she weren membris to felicite. þan weren þei diu{er}se þat oon fro þat oþer. ¶ And swiche is þe nat{ur}e of p{ar}ties or of membris. þat dyuerse me{m}bris compounen a body. ¶ Certis q{uo}d I it haþ wel ben shewed her byforne. þat alle þise þinges ben alle on þing. þan ben þei none membris q{uo}d she. for ellys it sholde seme þat blisfulnesse were conioigned al of one membre alone. but þat is a þi{n}g þat may nat ben doon. þis þing q{uo}d .I. nys nat doutous. but I abide to herkene þe remenaunt of þe questiou{n}. þis is ope{n} {and} clere q{uo}d she. þat alle oþer þinges ben referred {and} brou[gh]t to goode. ¶ For þerfore is suffisaunce requered. For it is demed to ben good. {and} forþi is power requered. for men trowen also þat it be goode. and þis same þing mowe we þinken {and} coueiten of reuerence {and} of noblesse {and} of delit. þan is souereyne good þe soume {and} þe cause of alle þat au[gh]t[e] be desired. forwhi þilke þing þat wiþ-holdeþ no good in it self ne semblaunce of goode it ne may nat wel in no manere be desired ne requered. {and} þe contrarie. For þou[gh] þat þinges by hir nature ne ben nat goode algates yif men wene þat þei be{n} goode [gh]it ben þei desired as þou[gh] [þ{a}t] þei were verrayly goode. {and} þerfore is it þat men au[gh]te{n} to wene by ry[gh]t þat bounte be souereyne fyn {and} þe cause of alle þinges þat ben to requeren. ¶ But certis þilke þ{a}t is cause for whiche men requeren any þing. ¶ it semeþ þat þilke same þing be most desired. as þus yif þat a wy[gh]t wolde ryde for cause of hele. he ne desireþ nat so mychel þe moeuyng to ryden as þe effect of his heele. Now þan syn þat alle þinges ben requered for þe grace of good. þei ne ben [nat] desired of alle folk more þan þe same good ¶ But we han graunted þat blysfulnesse is þat þing for whiche þat alle þise oþer þinges ben desired. þan is it þus þat certis only blisfulnesse is requered {and} desired ¶ By whiche þing it sheweþ clerely þat good {and} blisfulnesse is al oone {and} þe same substaunce. ¶ I se nat q{uo}d I wher fore þat men my[gh]t[en] discorden in þis. _p._ {and} we han shewed þat god {and} verrey blysfulnesse is al oon þing ¶ þat is soþe q{uod} .I. þan mowe we conclude sikerly þ{a}t þe substaunce of god is set in þilke same good {and} in noon oþer place. NUNC OMNES PARITER {ET}C. [Sidenote: [The 10^the Met{ur}.]] ++O Comeþ alle to-gidre now [gh]e þat ben ycau[gh]t {and} ybounde wiþ wicked[e] cheines by þe deceiuable delit of erþely þinges inhabytynge in [gh]oure þou[gh]t. here shal ben þe reste of [gh]oure laboures. here is þe hauene stable in peisible quiete. þis al oone is þe open refut to wreches. _Glosa._ þis is to seyn. þat [gh]e þat ben combred {and} deceyued wiþ worldly affecc{i}ou{n}s comeþ now to þis souereyne good þat is god. þat is refut to hem þat wolen come to hym. _Textus._ ¶ Alle þe þinges þat þe ryuere Tagus [gh]iueþ [gh]ow wiþ his golden[e] grauels. or ellys alle þe þynges þat þe ryuere herm{us}. [gh]iueþ wiþ his rede brynke. or þat yndus [gh]iueþ þat is nexte þe hote p{ar}tie of þe worlde. þat medeleþ þe grene stones (smaragd{e}) wiþ þe white (margarits). ne sholde nat cleren þe lokynge of [gh]oure þo[gh]t. but hiden raþer [gh]oure blynde corages wiþ i{n}ne hire dirkenesse ¶ Alle þat likeþ [gh]ow here {and} excitiþ {and} moeueþ [gh]oure þou[gh]tes. þe erþe haþ noryshed it in hys lowe caues. but þe shynyng by þe whiche þe heuene is gouerned {and} whennes þat it haþ hys strengþe þat chaseþ þe derke ouerþrowyng of þe soule. ¶ And who so euer may knowen þilke ly[gh]t of blisfulnesse. he shal wel seine þat þe white bemes of þe sonne ne ben nat cleer. ASSENCIOR INQ{UA}M CUNCTA. Boice. [Sidenote: [The 11 p{ro}se.]] ++I assent[e] me q{uo}d .I. For alle þise þinges ben strongly bounden wiþ ry[gh]t ferme resou{n}s. how mychel wilt þou p{re}isen it q{uo}d she. yif þat þou knowe what þilke goode is. I wol p{re}ise it q{uo}d I by price wiþ outen ende. ¶ yif it shal bytyde me to knowe also to-gidre god þat is good. ¶ certys q{uo}d she þ{a}t shal I do þe by verray resou{n}. yif þat þo þinges þat I haue conclude[d] a litel her by forne dwellen oonly in hir first[e] graunty{n}g. _Boice._ þei dwellen graunted to þe q{uo}d .I. þis is to seyne as who seiþ .I. graunt þi forseide conclusiou{n}s. ¶ Haue I nat shewed þe q{uo}d she þat þe þinges þat ben requered of many folke. ne ben nat verray goodes ne p{er}fit. for þei ben diu{er}se þat oon fro þat oþer. {and} so as eche of hem is lakkyng to oþer. þei ne han no power to bryngen a good þ{a}t is ful {and} absolute. ¶ But þan atte arst ben þei verray good whan þei ben gadred to-gidre al in to a forme {and} in to oon wirchy{n}g. so þat þilke þing þat is suffisaunce. þilk same be power {and} reuerence. {and} noblesse {and} mirþe. ¶ And forsoþe but alle þise þi{n}ges ben alle o same þing þei ne han nat wher by þat þei mowen ben put in þe nou{m}bre of þinges. þat au[gh]ten ben requered or desired. _b._ ¶ It is shewed q{uo}d .I. ne her of may þer no man douten. _p._ þe þinges þan q{uo}d she þat ne ben none goodes whan þei ben diu{er}se. {and} whan þei bygynnen to ben al o þing. þan ben þei goodes. ne comiþ it hem nat þan by þe getynge of unite þat þei ben maked goodes. _b._ so it semeþ q{uo}d .I. but alle þing þat is good q{uo}d she grauntest þou þat it be good by p{ar}ticipac{i}ou{n} of good or no. ¶ I graunt[e] it q{uo}d .I. ¶ þan mayst þou graunt[en] it q{uo}d she by sembleable resou{n} þat oon {and} good ben o same þing. ¶ For of þinges [of] whiche þat þe effect nis nat naturely diuerse nedys þe substaunce mot ben o same þinge. I ne may nat denye it q{uo}d I. ¶ Hast þou nat knowen wel q{uo}d she. þat al þing þat is haþ so longe his dwellyng {and} his substaunce. as longe is it oone. ¶ but wha{n} it forletiþ to ben oone it mot nedis dien {and} corrumpe togidre. ¶ In whiche manere q{uo}d .I. ¶ Ry[gh]t as in beestes q{uod} she. whan þe soule {and} þe body ben co{n}ioigned in oon {and} dwellen to-gidre it is cleped a beest. {and} whan hire vnite is destroied by disseueraunce þat oon fram þ{a}t oþir. þan sheweþ it wel þat it is a dede þi{n}g. {and} þat it is no lenger no beste. {and} þe body of a wy[gh]t while it dwelleþ in oon forme by coniuncc{i}ou{n} of membris it is wel seyn þat it is a figure of mankynde. and yif þe partyes of þe body ben [so] diuide[d] {and} disseuered þat oon fro þat oþir þat þei destroien vnite. þe body forletiþ to ben þat it was byforne. ¶ And who so wolde renne in þe same manere by alle þinges he sholde seen þat wiþ outen doute euery þinge is in his substaunce as longe as it is oon. {and} whan it forletiþ to ben oon it dieþ {and} p{er}issiþ. _boice._ whan I considre q{uo}d I many þinges I see noon oþ{er}. ¶ Is þer any þing þanne q{uo}d she þat in as moche as it lyueþ naturely. þat forletiþ þe appetit or talent of hys beynge. {and} desireþ to come to deeþ {and} to corrupc{i}ou{n}. ¶ yif I considere q{uod} I þe beestes þat han any manere nature of willy{n}ge or of nillynge I ne fynde no þing. but yif it be constreyned fro wiþ out forþe. þat forletiþ or dispiseþ to lyue {and} to dure{n} or þat wole his þankes hasten hy{m} to dien. ¶ For euery beest trauayleþ hy{m} to defende {and} kepe þe sauuac{i}ou{n} of lijf. {and} escheweþ deeþ {and} destrucc{i}ou{n}. _b._ but certys I doute me of herbes {and} of trees. þat is to seyn þat I am in a doute of swiche þinges as herbes or trees þat ne han no fely{n}g soule. ne no naturel wirchynges seruy{n}g to appetite as beestes han wheþer þei han appetite to dwelle{n} {and} to duren. ¶ Certis q{uo}d she ne þer of þar þe nat doute. ¶ Now look vpon þise herbes {and} þise trees. þei waxen firste in swiche place as be{n} couenable to hem. in whiche place þei ne mowen nat sone dien ne dryen as longe as hire nature may defenden he{m}. ¶ For some of hem waxen in feldes {and} some in mou{n}taignes. {and} oþir waxen i{n} mareis. [_A leaf lost here, and supplied from C._] [{and} oothre cleuyn on Roches / {and} soume waxen plentyuos in sondes / {and} yif þ{a}t any wyht enforce hym to beryn hem in to oother places / they wexen drye // For natur{e} yeueth to eu{er}y thing þ{a}t / þ{a}t is co{n}uenient to hym {and} trauaylith þ{a}t they ne dye nat as longe as they han power to dwellyn {and} to lyuen // what woltow seyn of this / þ{a}t they drawen alle hyr norysshynges by hyr rootes / ryht as they haddyn hyr Mowthes I.-plounged w{i}t{h} in the erthes / {and} shedyn by hyr maryes (i. medull{as}) hyr wode {and} hyr bark / {and} what woltow seyn of this þ{a}t thilke thing / þ{a}t is ryht softe as the marye (i. sapp) is / þ{a}t is alwey hidd in the feete al w{i}t{h} inne {and} þ{a}t it is defendid fro w{i}t{h} owte by the stidefastnesse of wode // {and} þ{a}t the vttereste bark is put ayenis the destemprau{n}ce of the heuene / as a defendowr myhty to suffren harm / {and} thus certes maystow wel sen / how gret is the diligence of natur{e} / For alle thinges renouelen {and} pupllisen hem w{i}t{h} seed .I.-multiplyed / nether nis no man þ{a}t ne wot wel þ{a}t they ne ben ryht as a foundement {and} edyfice for to duren / nat only for a tyme / but ryht as forto duren p{er}durablely by generacyou{n} // {and} the thinges ek þ{a}t men wenen ne hauen none sowles / ne desir{e} they nat ech of hem by sem[b]lable resou{n} to kepyn þ{a}t that is hirs / þ{a}t is to seyn þ{a}t is acordynge to hyr natur{e} in conseruaciou{n} of hyr beynge {and} endurynge // For wher for elles berith lythnesse the flaumbes vp / {and} the weyhte p{re}sseth the erthe a-dou{n} // but For as moche as thilke places and thilke moeuynges ben couenable to eu{er}ich of hem // {and} forsothe eu{er}y thing kepith thilke þ{a}t is acordynge {and} propre to hym // ryht as thinges þ{a}t ben contraryes {and} enemys corompen hem // {and} yit the harde thinges as stoones clyuen {and} holden hyr partyes to gydere ryht faste {and} harde / {and} deffenden hem in withstondenge þ{a}t they ne departe nat lyhtly a twyne // {and} the thinges þ{a}t ben softe {and} fletynge as is water {and} Eyr they departyn lyhtly // {and} yeuen place to hem þ{a}t brekyn or deuyden hem // but natheles they retorne{n} sone ayein in to the same thinges fro whennes they ben arraced // but fyr [fleet[-h]] {and} refuseth alle deuysyou{n} / ne I. ne trete nat heer{e} now of weleful moeuynges of the sowle þ{a}t is knowynge // but of the naturel entenciou{n} of thinges // As thus ryht as we swolwe the mete þ{a}t we resseyuen {and} ne thinke nat on it / {and} as we drawen owr{e} breth in slepynge þ{a}t we wite it nat whil we slepyt // For certes in the beestys the loue of hyr lyuynges ne of hyr beeinges ne comth nat of the wilnynges of the sowle // but of the bygynnyngis of natur{e} // For certes thorw constreynynge causes / wil desireth {and} embraceth ful ofte tyme / the deth þ{a}t natur{e} dredith // that is to seyn as thus that a man may ben constreynyd so by som cause that his wil desireth and taketh the deth which þ{a}t natur{e} hateth {and} dredeth ful sore // And som tyme we seeth the contrarye / as thus that the wil of a wight / destorbeth {and} constreyneth þ{a}t þ{a}t natur{e} desireth / and requereth al-wey // that is to sein the werk of gen{er}aciou{n} / by the whiche gen{er}aciou{n} only / dwelleth {and} is sustenyd the longe durablete of mortal thinges // And thus this charite and this Loue þ{a}t eu{er}y thing hath to hym self ne comth nat of the moeuynge of the sowle / but of the entenciou{n} of natur{e} // For the puruyance of god hat yeuen to thinges þ{a}t ben creat of hym / this þ{a}t is a ful gret cause / to lyuen {and} to duren / for which they desiren naturelly hyr lyf as longe as eu{er} they mowen // For w[h]ych thou maist nat drede by no manere / that alle the thinges / that ben anywher{e} / that they ne requeren naturelly / the ferme stablenesse of p{er}durable dwellynge / and ek the eschuynge of destruccyou{n} // B // now confesse I. wel q{uod} I. that I. see wel now certeynly / w{i}t{h} owte dowtes / the thinges that whylom semeden vncerteyn to me / P. // but q{uod} she thilke thyng þ{a}t desiret[-h] to be {and} to dwellyn p{er}durablely / he desireth to ben oon // For yif þ{a}t that oon weer{e} destroied // certes beinge ne shulde ther non dwellyn to no wiht // that is sot[-h] q{uod} I. // Thanne q{uod} she desirin alle thinges oon // .I. assente q{uod} .I. // {and} I haue shewyd q{uod} she that thilke same oon is thilke that is good // B // ye forsothe q{uod} I. // Alle thinges thanne q{uod} she requyren good // And thilke good thanne [þow] maist descryuen ryht thus // Good is thilke thing þ{a}t euery wyht desireth // Ther ne may be thowht q{uod} .I. no moor{e} verray thing / for either alle thinges ben referred {and} browht to nowht / {and} floteryn w{i}t{h} owte gou{er}nour despoiled of oon / as of hir propre heued / or elles yif ther be any thinge / to which þ{a}t alle thinges tenden {and} hyen / that thing moste ben the souereyn good of alle goodes / P /. thanne seyde she thus // O my norry q{uod} she I haue gret gladnesse of the // For thow hast fichched in thin herte the myddel sothtfastnesse // that is to seyn the prykke // but this thing hath ben descouered to the / in that thow seydyst þ{a}t thow wystest nat a lytel her by-forn // what was th{a}t q{uod} I. // That thow ne wystest nat q{uod} she whych was the ende of thinges // and Certes that is the thing þ{a}t eu{er}y wiht desireth // and for as mochel as we han gaderid / {and} co{m}p{re}hendyd that good is thilke thing that is desired of alle / thanne moten we nedes confessun / that good is the fyn of alle thinges. QUISQUIS P{RO}FUNDA MENTE. [Sidenote: [The .11. Met{ru}m.]] ++WHo so that sekith sot[-h] by a deep thoght And coueyteth nat to ben deseyuyd by no mys-weyes // lat hym rollen {and} trenden w{i}t{h} Inne hym self / the Lyht of his inward syhte // And lat hym gader{e} ayein enclynynge in to a compas the longe moeuynges of hys thowhtes / And lat hym techen his corage that he hath enclosed {and} hyd / in his tresors / al þ{a}t he compaseth or sekith fro w{i}t{h} owte // And thanne thilke thing that the blake cloude of errour whilom hadde y-couered / shal lyhten more clerly tha{n}ne pheb{us} hym self ne shyneth // Glosa // who so wole seken the dep[e] grounde / of soth in his thowht / {and} wol nat be deceyuyd by false p{ro}posiciou{n}s / that goon amys fro the trouthe // lat hym wel examine / {and} rolle w{i}t{h} inne hym self the natur{e} {and} the p{ro}pretes of the thing // and lat hym yit eft sones examine {and} rollen his thowhtes by good deliberaciou{n} or that he deme // and lat hym techen his sowle that it hat by naturel pryncyplis kyndeliche y-hyd w{i}t{h} in it self alle the trowthe the whiche he ymagynith to ben in thinges w{i}t{h} owte // And thanne alle the dyrknesse of his mysknowynge shal seen more euydently to [þe] syhte of his vndyrstondynge thanne the sonne ne semyth to [þe] syhte w{i}t{h} owte forth / For certes the body bryngynge the weyhte of foryetynge / ne hath nat chasyd owt of yowr{e} thowhte al the clernesse of yowre knowyng // For certeynly the seed of sooth haldith {and} clyueth w{i}t{h} in yowr{e} corage / {and} it is a-waked {and} excited by the wynde {and} by the blastes of doctryne // For wher{e} for elles demen ye of yowr{e} owne wyl the ryhtes whan ye ben axed // but yif so wer{e} þ{a}t the noryssynges of resou{n} ne lyuede .I.-plowngyd in the depthe of yowr{e} herte // this [is] to seyn how sholden men demen þe sooth of any thing þ{a}t weer{e} axed / yif ther neer{e} a Roote of sothfastnesse þ{a}t weer{e} yplowngyd {and} hyd in the natur{e}[l] pryncyplis / the whiche sothfastnesse lyued w{i}t{h} in the depnesse of the thowght // {and} yif so be þ{a}t the Muse {and} the doctryne of plato syngyth sooth // al þ{a}t eu{er}y whyht lerneth / he ne doth no thing elles tha{n}ne but recordeth as me{n} recordyn thinges þ{a}t ben foryetyn. TUM EGO PLATONI INQ{UA}M. [Sidenote: [The .12. p{ro}se.]] ++THanne seide I thus // I acorde me gretly to plato / for thow remenbrist {and} recordist me thise thinges yit] þe seconde tyme. þat is to seyn. first whan I lost[e] my memorie by þe co{n}tagio[-u]s coniuncc{i}ou{n} of þe body wiþ þe soule. {and} eftsones afterward whan I lost[e] it co{n}founded by þe charge {and} by þe burden of my sorwe. ¶ And þan sayde she þus. ¶ If þou look[e] q{uo}d she firste þe þinges þat þou hast graunted it ne shal nat ben ry[gh]t feer þat þou ne shalt remembren þilke þing þat þou seidest þat þou nistest nat. what þing q{uo}d I. ¶ by whiche gouerme{n}t q{uo}d she þat þis worlde is gouerned. Me remembriþ it wel q{uo}d I. {and} I confesse wel þat I ne wist[e] it nat ¶ But al be it so þat I se now fro{m} afer what þou p{ur}posest ¶ Algates I desire [gh]it to herkene it of þe more pleynely. ¶ þou ne wendest nat q{uo}d she a litel here byforne þat men sholden doute þat þis worlde is gouerned by god. ¶ Certys q{uo}d I ne [gh]itte doute I it nau[gh]t. ne I nil neuer wene þat it were to doute. as who seiþ. but I wot wel þat god gouerneþ þis worlde. ¶ And I shal shortly answere þe by what resou{n}s I am brou[gh]t to þis. ¶ þis worlde q{uod} I of so many dyuerse {and} co{n}trarious p{ar}ties ne my[gh]ten neuer han ben assembled in o forme. but yif þere ne were oon þat conioigned so many[e diu{er}se] þinges. ¶ And þe same diuersite of hire natures þat so discordeden þat oon fro þat oþer most[e] dep{ar}ten {and} vnioigne{n} þe þi{n}ges þat ben co{n}ioigned. yif þere ne were oon þat contened[e] þat he haþ co{n}ioigned {and} ybounde. ne þe certein ordre of nature ne sholde. nat brynge furþe so ordinee moeuynge. by places. by tymes. by doynges. by spaces. by qualites. yif þere ne were oon þat were ay stedfast dwellynge. þat ordeyned[e] {and} disposed[e] þise diuersites of moeuynges. ¶ and þilke þinge what so euer it be. by whiche þat alle þinges ben maked {and} ylad. I clepe hym god þat is a worde þat is vsed to alle folke. þan seide she. syn þou felest þus þise þinges q{uo}d she. I trowe þat I haue lytel more to done. þat þou my[gh]ty of wilfulnesse hool {and} sounde ne se eftsones þi contre. ¶ But lat vs loken þe þinges þat we han p{ur}posed her-byforn. ¶ Haue I nat nou{m}bred {and} seid q{uod} she þat suffisaunce is in blisfulnesse. {and} we han accorded þat god is {and} þilke same blisfulnesse. ¶ yis forsoþe q{uo}d I. {and} þat to gouerne þis worlde q{uod} she. ne shal he neuer han nede of none helpe fro wiþoute. for ellys yif he had[de] nede of any helpe. he ne sholde not haue [no] ful suffisau{n}ce. [gh]is þus it mot nedes be q{uo}d I. ¶ þan ordeyneþ he by hym self al oon alle þinges q{uo}d she. þat may nat ben denied q{uo}d I. ¶ And I haue shewed þat god is þe same good. ¶ It reme{m}breþ me wel q{uo}d I. ¶ þan ordeineþ he alle þinges by þilke goode q{uod} she. Syn he whiche we han accorded to ben good gouerneþ alle þi{n}g{us} by hym self. {and} he is a keye {and} a stiere by whiche þat þe edifice of þis worlde is ykept stable {and} wiþ oute corumpynge ¶ I accorde me gretly q{uod} I. {and} I ap{er}ceiuede a litel here byforn þat þou woldest seyne þus. Al be it so þat it were by a þinne suspeciou{n}. I trowe it wel q{uo}d she. ¶ For as I trowe þou leedest nowe more ententifly þine eyen to loken þe verray goodes ¶ but naþeles þe þinges þat I shal telle þe [gh]it ne sheweþ nat lasse to loken. what is þat q{uo}d I. ¶ So as men trowen q{uo}d she {and} þat ry[gh]tfully þat god gouerneþ alle þinges by þe keye of his goodnesse. ¶ And alle þise same þinges as I [haue] tau[gh]t þe. hasten hem by naturel ente{n}c{i}ou{n} to comen to goode þer may no man doute{n}. þat þei ne ben gouerned uoluntariely. {and} þat þei ne conuerten [hem] nat of her owe{n} wille to þe wille of hire ordeno{ur}. as þei þat ben accordyng {and} enclinynge to her gouerno{ur} {and} her kyng. ¶ It mot nedys be so q{uo}d. I. ¶ For þe realme ne sholde not seme blisful [gh]if þere were a [gh]ok of mysdrawynges in diu{er}se p{ar}ties ne þe sauynge of obedient þinges ne sholde nat be. þan is þere no þing q{uo}d she þ{a}t kepiþ hys nature[;] þat enforceþ hym to gone a[gh]eyne god. ¶ No q{uo}d. I. ¶ And if þat any þi{n}g enforced[e] hym to wiþstonde god. my[gh]t[e] it auayle at þe laste a[gh]eyns hym þat we han g{ra}unted to ben al my[gh]ty by þe ry[gh]t of blisfulnesse. ¶ Certis q{uo}d I al outerly it ne my[gh]t[e] nat auaylen hym. þan is þere no þing q{uo}d she þat eyþer wol or may wiþstonde to þis souereyne good. ¶ I trowe nat q{uo}d. I ¶ þan is þilke þe souereyne good q{uo}d she þat alle þi{n}g{us} gouerneþ strongly {and} ordeyneþ hem softly. þa{n} seide I þus. I delite me q{uo}d I nat oonly in þe endes or in þe so{m}mes of [the] resou{n}s þat þou hast concludid {and} p{ro}ued. ¶ But þilke wordes þat þ{o}u vsest deliten me moche more. ¶ So at þe last[e] fooles þat so{m}tyme renden greet[e] þinges au[gh]te{n} ben asshamed of hem self. ¶ þat is to seyne þ{a}t we fooles þat rep{re}henden wickedly þe þi{n}g{us} þat touchen goddes gouernaunce we au[gh]te{n} ben asshamed of oure self. As I þat seide god refuseþ oonly þe werkes of men. {and} ne entremetiþ nat of he{m}. _p._ þou hast wel herd q{uo}d she þe fables of þe poetes. how þe geauntes assailden þe heuene wiþ þe goddes. but for soþe þe debonaire force of god disposed[e] hem so as it was worþi. þat is to seyne distroied[e] þe geauntes. as it was worþi. ¶ But wilt þou þat we ioygnen togedre þilke same resou{n}s. for p{er}auenture of swiche coniuncc{i}ou{n} may sterten vp some faire sp{er}kele of soþe ¶ Do q{uo}d I as þe list. wenest þou q{uo}d she þat god ne is almy[gh]ty. no man is in doute of it. Certys q{uo}d I no wy[gh]t ne defendiþ it if he be in hys mynde. but he q{uo}d she þat is al my[gh]ty þere nis no þing þat he ne may do. þat is soþe q{uo}d I. May god done yuel q{uo}d she. nay for soþe q{uo}d. I. ¶ þan is yuel no þing q{uo}d she. ¶ Syn þat he ne may not done yuel þat may done alle þinges. scornest þou me q{uo}d. I. or ellys pleyest þou or deceiuest þou me. þat hast so wouen me wiþ þi resou{n}s. þe house of didalus so entrelaced. þat it is vnable to ben vnlaced. þou þat oþer while entrest þere þou issest {and} oþer while issest þere þou entrest. ne fooldest þou nat to gidre by replicac{i}ou{n} of wordes a maner wondirful cercle or envirounynge of symplicite deuyne. ¶ For certys a litel her byforn{e} whan þou bygu{n}ne atte blisfulnesse þ{o}u seidest þat it is souereyne good. {and} seidest þat it is set in souereyne god. {and} þat god is þe ful[le] blisfulnesse. for whiche þou [gh]af[e] me as a couenable [gh]ifte. þat is to seyne þ{a}t no wy[gh]t nis blisful. but yif he be good al so þer wiþ {and} seidest eke þat þe forme of goode is þe substaunce of god. {and} of blisfulnesse. {and} seidest þ{a}t þilke same oone is þilke same goode þat is requered {and} desired of al þe kynde of þinges. {and} þou p{ro}euedest in disputynge þat god gouerneþ alle [the] þinges of þe worlde by þe gouernementys of bountee. {and} seydest þat alle þinges wolen ybeyen to hym. and seidest þat þe nature of yuel nis no þing. {and} þise þinges ne shewedest þou nat wiþ no resou{n}s ytake fro wiþoute but by proues in cercles {and} homelyche knowen. ¶ þe whiche p{ro}eues drawen to hem self hir feiþ {and} hir accorde eu{er}iche [of] hem of oþer. þan seide she þus. I ne scorne þe nat ne pleye ne desseyue þe. but I haue shewed to þe þinge þat is grettest ouer alle þinges by þe [gh]ifte of god þat we some tyme prayden ¶ For þis is þe forme of [the] deuyne substaunce. þat is swiche þat it ne slydeþ nat in to outerest foreine þinges. ne ne rec[e]yueþ no st{ra}nge þinges in hym. but ry[gh]t as p{ar}maynws seide in grek of þilke deuyne substaunce. he seide þus þat þilke deuyne substaunce torneþ þe worlde {and} þilke cercle moeueable of þinges while þilke dyuyne substau{n}ce kepiþ it self wiþ outen moeuynge. þat is to seyne þat it ne moeuiþ neuere mo. {and} [gh]itte it moeueþ alle oþer þinges. but na-þeles yif I [haue] stered resou{n}s þat ne ben nat taken fro wiþ oute þe compas of þe þinge of whiche we treten. but resou{n}s þat ben bystowed wiþ i{n}ne þat compas þere nis nat whi þat þou sholde[st] merueylen. sen þou hast lerned by þe sentence of plato þat nedes þe wordes moten ben cosynes to þo þinges of whiche þei speken. FELIX QUI POTERIT. {ET} CET{ER}A. [Sidenote: [The .12. Met{ur}.]] ++Blisful is þat man þat may seen þe clere welle of good. blisful is he þat may vnbynde hym fro þe bonde of heuy erþe. ¶ þe poete of t{ra}ce [orphe{us}] þat somtyme hadde ry[gh]t greet sorowe for þe deeþ of hys wijf. aftir þat he hadde maked by hys wepely songes þe wodes meueable to rennen. {and} hadde ymaked þe ryueres to stonden stille. {and} maked þe hertys {and} hyndes to ioignen dredles hir sides to cruel lyou{n}s to herkene his songe. {and} had[de] maked þat þe hare was nat agast of þe hounde whiche þat was plesed by hys songe. so þat whane þe most[e] ardaunt loue of hys wijf brende þe entrailes of his brest. ne þe songes þat hadde ouer comen alle þinges ne my[gh]ten nat assuage hir lorde orpheus. ¶ He pleyned[e] hym of þe godes þat were{n} cruel to hym. he wente hym to þe houses of helle {and} þere he tempred[e] hys blaundissyng songes by resounyng of hys strenges. ¶ And spak {and} song in wepynge alle þat euer he hadde resceyued {and} laued oute of þe noble welles of hys modir calliope þe goddesse. {and} he song wiþ as mychel as he my[gh]t[e] of wepynge. {and} wiþ as myche as loue þat doubled[e] his sorwe my[gh]t[e] [gh]euen hym {and} teche hy{m} in his seke h{er}te. ¶ And he commoeuede þe helle {and} requered[e] {and} sou[gh]te by swete p{re}iere þe lordes of soules in helle of relesynge. þat is to seyne to [gh]elden hym hys wif. ¶ Cerberus þe porter of helle wiþ his þre heuedes was cau[gh]t {and} al abaist for þe new[e] songe. {and} þe þre goddesses furijs {and} vengerisse of felonies þat to{ur}mente{n} {and} agaste{n} þe soules by anoye wexen sorweful {and} sory {and} wepen teres for pitee. þan was nat þe heued of Ixion{e} yto{ur}mented by þe ou{er}þrowi{n}g whele. ¶ And tantalus þat was destroied by þe woodnesse of longe þrust dispiseþ þe flodes to drynke. þe fowel þat hy[gh]t voltor þat etiþ þe stomak or þe giser of ticius is so fulfilled of his songe þat it nil etyn ne tyren no more. ¶ Atte þe laste þe lorde {and} Iuge of soules was moeued to misericordes {and} cried[e] we ben ouer comen q{uo}d he. yif[e] we to orpheus his wijf to bere hym co{m}paignye he haþ welle I-bou[gh]t hir by his faire songe {and} his ditee. but we wil putte{n} a lawe in þis. {and} couenaunt in þe [gh]ifte. þ{a}t is to seyne. þat til he be out of helle yif he loke byhynden hym [þ{a}t] hys wijf shal come{n} a[gh]eine to vs ¶ but what is he þat may [gh]eue a lawe to loueres. loue is a gretter lawe {and} a strengere to hym self þan any lawe þ{a}t men may [gh]euen. ¶ Allas whan Orpheus {and} his wijf were al most at þe termes of þe ny[gh]t. þat is to seyne at þe last[e] boundes of helle. Orpheus loked[e] abakwarde on Erudice his wijf {and} lost[e] hir {and} was deed. ¶ þis fable app{er}teineþ to [gh]ow alle who so euer desireþ or sekiþ to lede his þou[gh]te in to þe souereyne day. þat is to seyne to clerenes[se] of souereyne goode. ¶ For who so þat eu{er}e be so ouer come{n} þat he fycche hys eyen in to þe put[te] of helle. þat is to seyne who so setteþ his þou[gh]tes in erþely þinges. al þat euer he haþ drawen of þe noble good celestial he lesiþ it whan he lokeþ þe helles. þat is to seyne to lowe þinges of þe erþe. EXPLICIT LIBER TERCIUS. INCIPIT LIBER QUARTUS. HEC CUM PHILOSOPHIA DIGNITATE UULT{US}. [Sidenote: [The 1^ma p{ro}se.]] ++Whanne philosophie hadde songe{n} softly {and} delitably þe forseide þinges kepynge þe dignitee of hir choere in þe wey[gh]te of hir wordes. I þan þat ne hadde nat al out{er}ly for[gh]eten þe wepyng {and} mournyng þat was set in myne herte for-brek þe entenc{i}ou{n} of hir þat entended[e] [gh]itte to seyne oþ{er} þinges. ¶ Se q{uo}d I. þou þat art gideresse of verray ly[gh]te þe þinges þat þou hast seid [me] hider to ben to me so clere {and} so shewyng by þe deuyne lokyng of hem {and} by þi resou{n}s þat þei ne mowe nat ben ouercomen. ¶ And þilke þi{n}g{us} þat þou toldest me. al be it so þat I hadde som tyme fo[r][gh]eten hem for [the] sorwe of þe wronge þat haþ ben don to me. [gh]it naþeles þei ne were nat alouterly vnknowen to me. but þis same is namly a gret cause of my sorwe. þat so as þe gouernoure of þinges is goode. yif þat yuelys mowen ben by any weyes. or ellys yif þat yuelys passen wiþ outen punyssheinge. þe whiche þinge oonly how worþi it is to ben wondred vpon. þou considerest it weel þi self certeynly. but [gh]itte to þis þing þere is an oþer þing y-ioigned more to ben ywondred vpon. ¶ For felonie is emperisse {and} flowreþ ful of rycchesse. and vertues nis nat al oonly wiþ outen medes. but it is cast vndir {and} fortroden vndir þe feet of felonous folk. {and} it abieþ þe to{ur}me{n}tes in sted of wicked felou{n}s ¶ Of al[le] whiche þing þer nis no wy[gh]t þat [may] merueyllen ynou[gh] ne compleyne þat swiche þinges ben don in þe regne of god þat alle þinges woot. and alle þinges may {and} ne wool nat but only goode þinges. ¶ þan seide she þus. certys q{uo}d she þat were a grete meruayle {and} an enbaissynge wiþouten ende. {and} wel more horrible þan alle monstres yif it were as þ{o}u wenest. þat is to sein. þat in þe ry[gh]t ordeyne house of so mochel a fader {and} an ordenour of meyne. þat þe vesseles þat ben foule {and} vyle sholde ben hono{ur}ed {and} heried. and þe p{re}cious uesseles sholde ben defouled {and} vyle. but it nis nat so. For yif þe þinges þat I haue co{n}cluded a litel here byforne ben kept hoole {and} vnraced. þou shalt wel knowe by þe auctorite of god. of þe whos regne I speke þat certys þe good[e] folk ben alwey my[gh]ty. {and} shrewes ben alwey yuel {and} feble. ne þe vices ben neu{e}re mo wiþ outen peyne[;] ne þe vertues ne ben nat wiþ outen mede. and þat blisfulnesses comen alwey to goode folke. {and} infortune comeþ alwey to wicked folke. ¶ And þou shalt wel knowe many[e] þinges of þis kynde þ{a}t sholle cessen þi pleyntes. {and} stedfast þe wiþ stedfast saddenesse. ¶ And for þou hast seyn þe forme of þe verray blisfulnesse by me þat [haue] somtyme I-shewed it þe. And þou hast knowen i{n} whom blysfulnesse is set. alle þinges I treted þ{a}t I trowe ben nessessarie to put[te] furþe ¶ I shal shewe þe. þe weye þat shal brynge þe a[gh]eyne vnto þi house {and} I shal ficche feþeres in þi þou[gh]t by whiche it may arysen in hey[gh]te. so þat al tribulac{i}ou{n} don awey þou by my gidyng & by my paþe {and} by my sledes shalt mowen retourne hool {and} sounde in to þi contre. SU{N}T ETENIM PENNE. {ET} C{ETERA}. [Sidenote: [The fyrste met{ur}.]] ++I Haue for soþe swifte feþeres þat surmou{n}ten þe hey[gh]t of þe heuene whan þe swifte þou[gh]t haþ cloþed it self. in þo feþeres it dispiseþ þe hat[e]ful erþes. {and} surmou{n}teþ þe hey[gh]enesse of þe greet[e] eyir. {and} it seiþ þe cloudes by-hynde hir bak {and} passeþ þe hey[gh]t of þe regiou{n} of þe fire þat eschaufiþ by þe swifte moeuyng of þe firmament. til þat she a-reisiþ hir in til þe houses þ{a}t beren þe sterres. {and} ioygneþ hir weyes wiþ þe sonne phebus. {and} felawshipeþ þe weye of þe olde colde saturnus. and she ymaked a kny[gh]t of þe clere sterre. þat is to seyne þat þe soule is maked goddys kny[gh]t by þe sekyng of treuþe to comen to þe verray knowlege of god. and þilke soule renne[þ] by þe cercle of þe sterres in alle þe places þere as þe shynyng ny[gh]t is depeynted. þat is to seyne þe ny[gh]t þat is cloudeles. for on ny[gh]tes þat ben cloudeles it semeþ as þe heuene were peynted wiþ dyuerse ymages of sterres. {and} whan þe soule haþ gon ynou[gh] she shal forleten þe last[e] poynt of þe heuene. {and} she shal p{re}ssen {and} wenden on þe bak of þe swifte firmament. and she shal ben maked p{er}fit of þe dredefulle clerenesse of god. ¶ þere haldeþ þe lorde of kynges þe ceptre of his my[gh]t {and} atte{m}p{er}eþ þe gouernementes of þis worlde. {and} þe shynynge iuge of þinges stable i{n} hy{m} self gouerneþ þe swifte carte. þat is to seyne þe circuler moeuyng of [the] sonne. {and} yif þi weye ledeþ þe a[gh]eyne so þat þou be brou[gh]t þider. þan wilt þou seye now þat þat is þe contre þat þou requeredest of whiche þou ne haddest no mynde. but now it remenbreþ me wel here was I born. here wil I fastne my degree. here wil I dwelle. but yif þe lyke þan to loken on þe derkenesse of þe erþe þat þou hast for-leten. þan shalt þou seen þat þise felonous tyrauntes þat þe wrecched[e] poeple dredeþ now shule ben exiled from þilke faire contre. TUNC EGO PAPE INQ{UA}M. {ET} C{ETERA}. [Sidenote: [The 2^e p{ro}se.]] ++ÞAnne seide I þus. [owh] I wondre me þat þou by-hetest me so grete þinges. ne I ne doute nat þat þ{o}u ne mayst wel p{er}forme þat þou by-hetest. but I preie þe oonly þis. þat þou ne tarie nat to telle me þilke þinges þat þou hast meoued. first q{uo}d she þou most nedes knowen. þ{a}t good[e] folk ben al wey strong[e] {and} my[gh]ty. and þe shrewes ben feble {and} desert {and} naked of alle strengþes. and of þise þinges certys eueryche of hem is declared {and} shewed by oþ{er}. ¶ For so as good {and} yuel ben two cont{ra}ries. yif so be þat goode be stedfast. þa{n} sheweþ þe fieblesse of yuel al openly. and yif þou knowe clerely þe freelnesse of yuel. þe stedfastnesse of goode is knowen. but for as moche as þe fey of my sentence shal be þe more ferme {and} habou{n}daunt. I wil goon by þat oon wey {and} by þat oþer {and} I wil conferme þe þinges þat ben p{ur}posed now on þis side {and} now on þ{a}t syde. ¶ Two þinges þer ben in whiche þe effect of alle þe dedes of man kynde standiþ. þat is to seyn. wil {and} power. and yif þat oon of þise two fayleþ þere nis no þing þat may be don. for yif þat wil lakkeþ þere nys no wy[gh]t þat vndirtakeþ to done þat he wol not don. and yif power fayleþ þe wille nis but i{n} ydel {and} stant for nau[gh]t. and þer of comeþ it þat yif þou se a wy[gh]t þat wolde gete{n} þat he may nat geten. þou mayst nat douten þat power ne fayleþ hy{m} to haue{n} þat he wolde. ¶ þis is open {and} clere q{uo}d I. ne it may nat ben denyed in no manere. and yif þou se a wy[gh]t q{uo}d she. þat haþ don þat he wolde don þ{o}u nilt nat douten þat he ne haþ had power to done it. no q{uo}d. I. and in þat. þat euery wy[gh]t may. in þat þat men may holden hym my[gh]ty. as who seiþ i{n} as moche as a man is my[gh]ty to done a þing. in so moche men halden hy{m} my[gh]ty. and in þat þat he ne may. in þat men demen hym to ben feble. I confesse it wel q{uo}d I. Remembriþ þe q{uo}d she þat I. haue gadred {and} shewed by forseide resou{n}s þat al þe entenc{i}ou{n} of þe wil of ma{n}kynde whiche þat is lad by diuerse studies hastiþ to comen to blisfulnesse. ¶ It reme{m}breþ me wel q{uo}d I þat it hath ben shewed. {and} recordeþ þe nat þan q{uo}d she. þat blisfulnesse is þilke same goode þat men requeren. so þat whan þat blisfulnesse is requered of alle. þat goode [also] is requered {and} desired of al. It recordeþ me wel q{uo}d I. for haue it gretly alwey ficche[d] in my memorie. alle folk þan q{uo}d she goode {and} eke badde enforcen he{m} wiþ oute difference of entenc{i}ou{n} to come{n} to goode. þat is a uerray consequence q{uo}d I. and certeyne is q{uo}d she þat by þe gety{n}g of goode ben men ymaked goode. þis is certeyne q{uo}d. I. ¶ þan geten goode men þat þei desiren. so semeþ it q{uo}d I. but wicked[e] folk q{uo}d she yif þei geten þe goode þat þei desire{n} þei [ne] mowen nat ben wicked. so is it q{uo}d .I. ¶ þan so as þat oon {and} þat oþer [q{uod} she] desiren good. {and} þe goode folk geten good {and} nat þe wicked folk ¶ þan nis it no doute þat þe goode folk ne ben my[gh]ty {and} þe wicked folk ben feble. ¶ who so þat euer q{uo}d I douteþ of þis. he ne may nat considre þe nature of þi{n}ges. ne þe consequence of resou{n}. and ouer þis q{uo}d she. ¶ yif þat þer ben two þinges þat han o same p{ur}pos by kynde. {and} þat one of he{m} p{ur}sueþ {and} p{er}formeþ þilke same þinge by naturel office. {and} þat oþer ne may nat done þilk naturel office. but folweþ by oþer manere þan is couenable to nat{ur}e ¶ Hym þat acomplisiþ hys p{ur}pos kyndely. {and} [gh]it he ne acomplisiþ nat hys owen purpos. wheþer of þise two demest þou for more my[gh]ty. ¶ yif þat I coniecte q{uo}d .I. þat þou wilt seye algates. [gh]it I desire to herkene it more pleynely of þe. þou nilt nat þan denye q{uo}d she þat þe moeueme{n}t[gh] of goynge nis in men by kynde. no for soþe q{uo}d I. ne þou ne doutest nat q{uo}d she þ{a}t þilke naturel office of goynge ne be þe office of feet. I ne doute it nat q{uo}d .I. þan q{uo}d she yif þat a wy[gh]t be my[gh]ty to moeue {and} goþ vpon hys feet. and anoþer to whom þilke naturel office of feet lakkeþ. enforceþ hym to gone crepynge vpo{n} hys handes. ¶ whiche of þise two au[gh]te to ben holden more my[gh]ty by ry[gh]t. knyt furþe þe remenaunt q{uo}d I. ¶ For no wy[gh]t ne douteþ þat he þat may gone by nat{ur}el office of feet. ne be more my[gh]ty þan he þat ne may nat ¶ but þe souereyne good q{uo}d she þat is euenlyche p{ur}posed to þe good folk {and} to badde. þe good folke seken it by naturel office of uertues. {and} þe shrewes enforcen hem to geten it by dyuerse couetise of erþely þinges. whiche þat nis no naturel office to geten þilke same souereyne goode. trowest þou þat it be any oþer wyse. nay q{uo}d .I. for þe co{n}seque{n}ce is open {and} shewynge of þinges þat I haue graunted. ¶ þat nedes goode folk moten ben my[gh]ty. {and} shrewes feble {and} vnmy[gh]ty. ¶ þou rennest ary[gh]t byfore me q{uo}d she. {and} þis is þe iugement þat is to seyn. ¶ I iuge of þe ry[gh]t as þise leches ben wont forto hopen of seke folk whan þei ap{er}ceyuen þat nature is redressed {and} wiþstondeþ to þe maladie. ¶ But for I see þe now al redy to þe vndirstandynge I shal shewe þe more þilke {and} continuel resou{n}s. ¶ For loke now how gretly shewiþ þe feblesse {and} infirmite of wicked folke. þat ne mowen nat come to þat hire naturel entenc{i}ou{n} ledeþ hem. {and} [gh]itte almost þilk naturel entenc{i}ou{n} constreineþ hem. ¶ and what wer{e} to deme þan of shrewes. yif þilke naturel helpe hadde for-leten hem. ¶ þe whiche naturel helpe of entenc{i}ou{n} goþ alwey byforne hem. {and} is so grete þat vnneþ it may be ou{er}comen. ¶ Considre þan how gret defaute of power {and} how gret feblesse þere is in grete felonous folk as who seiþ þe gretter þi{n}ges þat ben coueited {and} þe desire nat accomplissed of þe lasse my[gh]t is he þat coueiteþ it {and} may nat acomplisse. ¶ And forþi philosophie seiþ þus by souereyne good. ¶ Sherewes ne requere nat ly[gh]t[e] medes ne veyne gaines whiche þei ne may nat folwen ne holden. but þei fayle{n} of þilke some of þe hey[gh]te of þinges þat is to seyne souereyne good. ne þise wrecches ne comen nat to þe effect of souereyne good. þe whiche þei enforcen hem oonly to gete{n} by ny[gh]tes {and} by dayes. ¶ In þe getyn[g] of whiche goode þe strengþe of good folk. is ful wel ysen. For ry[gh]t so as þ{o}u my[gh]test demen hym my[gh]ty of goynge þat goþ on hys feet til he my[gh]t[e] come to þilke place fro þe whiche place þere ne lay no wey forþer to be gon. Ry[gh]t so most þou nedes demen hym for ry[gh]t my[gh]ty þat getiþ {and} atteiniþ to þe ende of alle þinges þat ben to desire. by-[gh]onde þe whiche ende þat þer nis no þing to desire. ¶ Of whiche power of good folk men may conclude þat wicked men semen to ben bareyne {and} naked of alle strengþe. For whi forleten þei v{er}tues {and} folwen vices. nis it nat for þat þei ne knowen nat þe goodes. ¶ But what þing is more feble {and} more caitif þan is þe blyndenesse of ignoraunce. or ellys þei knowen ful wel whiche þinges þat þei au[gh]ten to folwen ¶ but lecherye {and} couetise ouerþroweþ hem mysturned. ¶ and certis so doþ distemp{er}aunce to feble men. þat ne mowe{n} nat wrastle a[gh]eins þe vices ¶ Ne knowen þei nat þan wel þat þei foreleten þe good wilfully. {and} turnen hem vilfully to vices. ¶ And in þis wise þei ne forleten nat oonly to ben my[gh]ty. but þei forleten al outerly in any wise forto ben ¶ For þei þat forleten þe comune fyn of alle þinges þat ben. þei for-leten also þerwiþ al forto ben. and p{er}auenture it sholde semen to som folk þat þis were a merueile to seyne þat shrewes whiche þat contienen þe more p{ar}tie of me{n} ne ben nat. ne han no beynge. ¶ but naþeles it is so. {and} þus stant þis þing for þei þat ben shrewes I denye nat þat þei ben shrewes. but I denye {and} sey[e] symplely and pleynly þat þei [ne] ben nat. ne han no beynge. for ry[gh]t as þou my[gh]test seyn of þe careyne of a man þat it were a ded man. ¶ but þou ne my[gh]test nat symplely callen it a man. ¶ So graunt[e] I wel for soþe þat vicious folk ben wicked. but I ne may nat graunten absolutely {and} symplely þat þei ben. ¶ For þilk þing þat wiþ holdeþ ordre {and} kepiþ nature. þilk þing is {and} haþ beynge. but þat þing þat faileþ of þat. þat is to seyne he þ{a}t forletiþ naturel ordre he for-letiþ þilk beyng þat is set in hys nature. but þou wolt sein þat shrewes mowen. ¶ Certys þat ne denye I nat. ¶ but certys hir power ne descendeþ nat of strengþe but of feblesse. for þei mowen don wickednesses. þe whiche þei ne my[gh]ten nat don yif þei my[gh]te{n} dwelle in þe forme {and} in þe doynge of goode folke. ¶ And þilke power sheweþ ful euydently þat þei ne mowen ry[gh]t nau[gh]t. ¶ For so as I haue gadered {and} p{ro}ued a lytel her byforn þat yuel is nau[gh]t. {and} so as shrewes mowen oonly but shrewednesse. þis conclusiou{n} is al clere. þat shrewes ne mowen ry[gh]t nat to han power. and for as moche as þou vndirstonde whiche is þe strengþe þat is power of shrewes. I haue diffinised a lytel here byforn þat no þing nis so my[gh]ty as souereyne good ¶ þat is soþe q{uo}d .I. [{and} thilke same souereyn good may don non yuel // Certes no q{uod} I] ¶ Is þer any wy[gh]t þan q{uo}d she þat weniþ þat men mowen don alle þinges. No man q{uo}d .I. but yif he be out of hys witte. ¶ but certys sherewes mowen doñ yuel q{uo}d she. ¶ [gh]e wolde god q{uo}d I þat þei ne my[gh]te{n} don none. þat q{uo}d she so as he þat is my[gh]ty to done oonly but good[e] þinges may don alle þinges. and þei þat ben my[gh]ty to done yuel[e] þinges ne mowen nat alle þinges. þan is þis open þing {and} manifest þat þei þ{a}t mowe{n} don yuel ben of lasse power. and [gh]itte to p{ro}ue þis conclusiou{n} þere helpeþ me þis þat I haue shewed here byforne. þat al power is to be nou{m}bred amonge þinges þat men au[gh]ten requere. {and} haue shewed þat alle þi{n}ges þat au[gh]ten ben desired ben referred to good ry[gh]t as to a manere hey[gh]te of hyr nature. ¶ But for to mowen don yuel {and} felonye ne may nat ben referred to good. þan nis nat yuel of þe nou{m}bre of þinges þat au[gh]te{n}. be desired. but al power au[gh]t[e] ben desired {and} requered. ¶ þan is it open {and} cler þat þe power ne þe moeuyng of shrewes nis no powere. {and} of alle þise þinges it sheweþ wel þat þe goode folk ben certeynly my[gh]ty. {and} þe shrewes ben douteles vnmy[gh]ty ¶ And it is clere {and} open þat þilke sentence of plato is uerray {and} soþe. þ{a}t seyþ þat oonly wiseme{n} may [doon] þat þei desiren. {and} shrewes mowen haunten þat hem lykeþ. but þat þei desiren þat is to seyne to comen to souereyne good þei ne han no power to acomplissen þat. ¶ For shrewes don þat hem list whan by þo þinges in whiche þei deliten þei wenen to atteyne to þilke good þat þei desiren. but þei ne geten ne atteynen nat þer to. ¶ for vices ne comen nat to blisfulnesse. QUOS UIDES SEDERE CELSOS. [Sidenote: [The ij^de Met{ur}.]] ++Who so þat þe couertures of her veyn apparailes my[gh]t[e] strepen of þise proude kynges þat þou seest sitten on hey[gh]e in her chayeres glyterynge in shynynge purpre envyroned wiþ sorweful arm{ur}es manasyng wiþ cruel mouþe. blowyng by woodnesse of herte. ¶ He sholde se þan þat ilke lordes beren wiþ i{n}ne hir corages ful streyte cheynes for leccherye tormentiþ he{m} on þat oon syde wiþ gredy venyms {and} troublable Ire þat araiseþ in hem þe floodes of troublynges tourmentiþ vpon þat oþer side hir þou[gh]t. or sorwe halt he{m} wery or ycau[gh]t. or slidyng {and} disseyuyng hope tourmentiþ hem. And þerfore syn þou seest on heed. þat is to seyne oon tyraunt bere so many[e] tyrauntis. þa{n} ne doþ þilk tyraunt nat þat he desiriþ. syn he is cast doune wiþ so many[e] wicked lordes. þat is to seyn wiþ so many[e] vices. þat han so wicked lordshipes ouer hym. VIDES NE IGITUR QUANTO. [Sidenote: [The iij.^de p{ro}se.]] ++SEest þou nat þan in how gret filþe þise shrewes ben ywrapped. {and} wiþ whiche cleernesse þise good folk shynen. In þis sheweþ it wel þat to good folk ne lakkeþ neuer mo hir medes. ne shrewes ne lakken neuer mo to{ur}mentis. for of alle þinges þat ben ydon þilke þing for whiche any þing is doon. it semeþ as by ry[gh]t þat þilke þing be þe mede of þat. as þus. ¶ yif a man renneþ in þe stadie or in þe forlonge for þe corone. þan lieþ þe mede in þe corone for whiche he renneþ. ¶ And I haue shewed þat blisfulnesse is þilke same good for whiche þat alle þi{n}g{us} ben don. þan is þilke same good p{ur}posed to þe werkes of mankynde ry[gh]t as a comune mede. whiche mede ne may ben disseuered fro good folk. for no wy[gh]t as by ry[gh]t fro þennes forþe þ{a}t hym lakkiþ goodnesse ne shal ben cleped good. For whiche þing folk of good[e] maneres her medes ne forsaken hem neuer mo. For al be it so þat sherewes waxen as wood as hem list a[gh]eynes good[e] folk. [gh]itte neuer þe les þe corone of wise men ne shal nat fallen ne faden. ¶ For foreine shrewednesse ne bynymeþ nat fro þe corages of good[e] folk hire p{ro}pre honoure. but yif þat any wy[gh]t reioiseþ hem of goodnesse þat þei had[de] taken fro wiþoute. as who seiþ yif [þ{a}t] any wy[gh]t had[de] hys goodnesse of any oþer man þan of hym self. certys he þat [gh]af hym þilke goodnesse or ellys som oþer wy[gh]t my[gh]t[e] bynym[e] it hym. but for as moche as to euery wy[gh]t hys owen p{ro}pre bounte [gh]eueþ hy{m} hys mede. þan at arst shal he faylen of mede whan he forletiþ to ben good. {and} at þe laste so as alle medes be{n} requered for men wenen þat þei ben good[e]. who is he þat wolde deme þat he þat is ry[gh]t my[gh]ty of goode were p{ar}tles of mede. {and} of what mede shal he be gerdoned. certys of ry[gh]t faire mede {and} ry[gh]t greet abouen alle medes. ¶ Remembre þe of þilk noble corolarie þat I [gh]af þe a lytel here byforne. {and} gadre it to gidre in þis manere. so as god hym self is blisfulnesse. þan is it clere {and} certeyn. þat alle good folk ben makid blisful for þei ben good[e]. and þilke folk þat ben blisful it accordiþ {and} is couenable to ben godde[s]. þan is þe mede of goode folk swiche. þat no day [ne] shal enpeyren it. ne no wickednesse shal endirken it. ne power of no wy[gh]t ne shal nat amenusen it þat is to seyn to ben maked goddes. ¶ and syn it is þus þat goode men ne faylen neuer mo of hir{e} medes. ¶ certys no wise man ne may doute of þe vndep{ar}table peyne of shrewes. ¶ þat is to seyn þat þe peyne of shrewes ne dep{ar}tiþ nat from hem self neuer mo. ¶ For so as goode {and} yuel {and} peyne {and} medes ben contrarie it mot nedes ben þ{a}t ry[gh]t as we seen by-tiden in gerdou{n} of goode. þat also mot þe peyne of yuel answer{e} by þe contrarie partye to shrewes. now þan so as bounte {and} prowesse ben þe medes to goode folk. also is shrewednesse it self torment to shrewes ¶ þan who so þat euer is entecched {and} defouled wiþ yuel. yif shrewes wolen þan p{re}isen hem self may it semen to hem þat þei ben wiþ oute{n} p{ar}tye of tourment. syn þei ben swiche þat þe [vtteriste wikkednesse / þ{a}t is to seyn wikkede thewes / which þ{a}t is the] out{er}este {and} þe w[or]ste kynde of shrewednesse ne defouliþ nat ne entecehiþ nat hem oonly but infectiþ {and} enuenemyþ he{m} gretely ¶ And al so loke on shrewes þat ben þe contrarie p{ar}tye of goode men. how grete peyne felawshipeþ {and} folweþ hem. ¶ For þou hast lerned a litel here byforn þat al þi{n}g þat is {and} haþ beynge is oon. {and} þilke same oon is good. þan is þis consequence þat it semeþ wel. þat al þat is {and} haþ bey{n}ge is good. þis is to seyne. as who seiþ þat beynge {and} vnite {and} goodnesse is al oon. {and} in þis manere it folweþ þan. þat al þing þat faileþ to ben good. it styntiþ forto be. {and} forto haue any beynge. wher fore it is þat shrewes stynten forto ben þat þei weren. but þilke oþer forme of mankynde. þat is to seyne þe forme of þe body wiþ oute. shewiþ [gh]it þat þise shrewes were somtyme men. ¶ wher fore whan þei ben p{er}uerted {and} torned in to malice. certys þan han þei forlorn þe nature of mankynde. but so as oonly bounte {and} prowesse may enhawnse euery man ouer oþer men. þan mot it nedes be þat shrewes whiche þat shrewednesse haþ cast out of þe condic{i}ou{n} of mankynde ben put vndir þe merite {and} þe deserte of men. þan bitidiþ it þat yif þou seest a wy[gh]t þat be t{ra}nsformed in to vices. þou ne mayst nat wene þat he be a man. ¶ For [gh]if he [be] ardaunt in auarice. {and} þat he be a rauyno{ur} by violence of foreine rychesse. þou shalt seyn þat he is lyke to a wolf. {and} yif he be felonous {and} wiþ out reste {and} ex{er}cise hys tonge to chidynges. þou shalt lykene hym to þe hounde. {and} yif he be a p{re}ue awaito{ur} yhid {and} reioyseþ hym to rauysshe by wyles. þou shalt seyne hym lyke to þe fox whelpes. ¶ And yif he be distempre {and} quakiþ for ire men shal wene þat he bereþ þe corage of a lyou{n}. {and} yif he be dredeful {and} fleynge and dredeþ þinges þat ne au[gh]ten nat ben dred. men shal holde hym lyke to þe h{er}te. {and} yif he be slowe {and} astoned {and} lache. he lyueþ as an asse. {and} yif he be ly[gh]t {and} vnstedfast of corage {and} chaungeþ ay his studies. he is lickened to briddes. ¶ {and} yif he be plounged in foule {and} vnclene luxuries. he is wiþholden in þe foule delices of þe foule soowe. ¶ þan folweþ it þat he þat forletiþ bountee {and} prowesse. he forletiþ to ben a man. syn he ne may nat passe in to þe condic{i}ou{n} of god. he is tourned in to a beest. V[E]LA NARICII DUCIS. [Sidenote: [The 3^de Met{ur}.]] ++Evrus þe wynde aryueþ þe sayles of vlixes duc of þe contre of narice. {and} hys wandryng shippes by þe see in to þe isle þere as Circe þe fayre goddesse dou[gh]ter of þe sonne dwelleþ þat medlyþ to hir newe gestes drynkes þat ben touched {and} maked wiþ enchau{n}tment[gh]. {and} after þat hir hande my[gh]ty of þe herbes had[de] chau{n}ged hir gestes i{n} to dyuerse maneres. þat oon of hem is couered his face wiþ forme of a boor. þat oþer is chau{n}ged in to a lyou{n} of þe contre of marmorike. {and} his nayles {and} his teþe wexen. ¶ þat oþer of hem is newliche chaunged in to a wolf. {and} howeliþ whan he wolde wepe. þat oþer goþ debonairly in þe house as a tigre of Inde. but al be it so þat þe godhed of mercurie þat is cleped þe bride of arcadie haþ had mercie of þe duc vlixes byseged wiþ diu{er}se yueles {and} haþ vnbounden hym fro þe pestilence of hys oosteresse algates þe rowers {and} þe maryners hadden by þis ydrawen in to hir mouþes {and} dronken þe wicked[e] drynkes þei þat were woxen swyne hadden by þis chau{n}ged hire mete of brede forto ete acorns of ookes. non of hir lymes ne dwelliþ wiþ he{m} hoole. but þei han lost þe voys {and} þe body. Oonly hir{e} þou[gh]t dwelleþ wiþ hem stable þ{a}t wepiþ {and} bywailiþ þe monstruous chaungynge þat þei suffren. ¶ O ouer ly[gh]t hand. as who seiþ. ¶ O feble {and} ly[gh]t is þe hand of Circes þe enchaunteresse þat chaungeþ þe bodies of folk in to bestes to regarde {and} to co{m}parisou{n} of mutac{i}ou{n} þat is makid by vices. ne þe herbes of circes ne ben nat my[gh]ty. for al be it so þat þei may chau{n}gen þe lymes of þe body. ¶ algates [gh]it þei may nat chau{n}ge þe hertes. for wiþ inne is yhid þe strengþe {and} þe vigour of me{n} in þe secre toure of hire hertys. þat is to seyn þe strengþe of resou{n}. but þilke uenyms of vices to-drawen a man to hem more my[gh]tily þan þe venym of circes. ¶ For vices ben so cruel þat þei percen {and} þoru[gh] passen þe corage wiþ i{n}ne. {and} þou[gh] þei ne anoye nat þe body. [gh]itte vices wooden to distroien men by wounde of þou[gh]t. TUNC EGO FATEOR INQ{UA}M. [Sidenote: [The ferthe p{ro}se.]] ++Þan seide I þus I confesse {and} am aknowe q{uo}d I. ne I ne se nat þat men may seyn as by ry[gh]t. þ{a}t shrewes ne ben nat chaunged in to beestes by þe qualite of hir soules. ¶ Al be it so þ{a}t þei kepen [gh]itte þe forme of þe body of mankynde. but I nolde nat of shrewes of whiche þe þou[gh]t cruel woodeþ alwey in to destrucc{i}ou{n} of good[e] men. þat it wer{e} leueful to hem to done þat. ¶ Certys q{uo}d she ne it nis nat leueful to hem as I shal wel shewen þe in couenable place. ¶ But naþeles yif so were þat þilke þat me{n} wene{n} ben leueful for shrewes were bynomen hem. so þat þei ne my[gh]ten nat anoyen or don harme to goode men. ¶ Certys a gret p{ar}ty of þe peyne to shrewes shulde ben allegged {and} releued. ¶ For al be it so þ{a}t þis ne seme nat credible þing p{er}auent{ur}e to so{m}me folk [gh]it mot it nedes be þat shrewes ben more wrecches {and} vnsely. whan þei may don {and} p{er}forme þat þei coueiten [than yif they myhte nat complyssen þ{a}t they coueyten]. ¶ For yif so be þat it be wrecchednesse to wilne to don yuel[;] þan is it more wrecchednesse to mowen don yuel. wiþ oute whiche moeuyng þe wrecched wille sholde languisshe wiþ oute effecte. ¶ þan syn þat eueryche of þise þinges haþ hys wrecchednesse. þat is to seyne wil to done yuel. and moeuynge to done yuel. it mot nedes be. þat þei (shrewes) ben constreyned by þre vnselynesses þat wolen {and} mowen {and} p{er}formen felonyes {and} shrewednesses. ¶ I accorde me q{uo}d I. but I desire gretely þat shrewes losten sone þilke vnselynesses. þat is to seyne þat shrewes were despoyled of moeuyng to don yuel. ¶ so shulle{n} þei q{uo}d she. sonnere p{er}auenture þen þ{o}u woldest or sonnere þen þei hem self wenen to lakken mowynge to done yuel. ¶ For þere nis no þing so late in so short bou{n}des of þis lijf þat is longe to abide. namelyche to a corage inmortel. Of whiche shrewes þe grete hope {and} þe heye co{m}passy{n}g{us} of shrewednesse is often destroyed by a sodeyne ende or þei ben war. {and} þat þing establiþ to shrewes þe ende of hir shrewednesse. ¶ For yif þat shrewednesse makiþe wrecches. þan mot he nedes be most wrecched þat lengest is a shrewe. þe whiche wicked shrewes wolde ydemen aldirmost vnsely {and} caytifs yif þat hir shrewednes ne were yfinissed. at þe leste weye by þe outerest[e] deeþ. for [yif] I haue concluded soþe of þe vnselynesse of shrewednesse. þan sheweþ it clerely þat þilke shrewednesse is wiþ outen ende þe whiche is certeyne to ben p{er}durable. ¶ Certys q{uo}d I þis [conclusion] is harde {and} wonderful to graunte. ¶ But I knowe wel þat it accordeþ moche to [the] þi{n}ges þat I haue graunted her byforne. ¶ þou hast q{uo}d she þe ry[gh]t estimac{i}ou{n} of þis. but who so euere wene þat it be an harde þing to acorde hym to a conclusiou{n}. it is ry[gh]t þat he shewe þat so{m}me of þe p{re}misses ben fals. or ellys he mot shewe þat þe colasiou{n} of p{re}posic{i}ou{n}s nis nat spedful to a necessarie conclusio{n}. ¶ and yif it be nat so. but þat þe p{re}misses ben yg{ra}nted þer nis nat whi he sholde blame þe argument. for þis þing þat I shal telle þe nowe ne shal not seme lasse wondirful. but of þe þinges þat ben taken al so it is necessarie as who so seiþ it folweþ of þat whiche þat is p{ur}posed byforn. what is þat q{uo}d I. ¶ certys q{uo}d she þat is þat þ{a}t þise wicked shrewes ben more blysful or ellys lasse wrecches. þat byen þe tourmentes þat þei han deserued. þan yif no peyne of Iustice ne chastied[e] hem. ne þis ne seye I nat now for þat any man my[gh]t[e] þenk[e] þat þe maneres of shrewes ben coriged {and} chastised by veniaunce. {and} þat þei ben brou[gh]t to þe ry[gh]t wey by þe drede of þe tourment. ne for þat þei [gh]euen to oþer folk ensample to fleyen fro{m} vices. ¶ But I vndirstonde [gh]itte [in] an oþer manere þat shrewes ben more vnsely whan þei ne ben nat punissed al be it so þat þere ne ben had no resou{n} or lawe of correcc{i}ou{n}. ne none ensample of lokynge. ¶ And what manere shal þat ben q{uo}d I. ouþer þan haþ ben told here byforn ¶ Haue we nat graunted þan q{uo}d she þat good[e] folk ben blysful. {and} shrewes ben wrecches. [gh]is q{uo}d I. [thanne q{uod} she] [gh]if þat any good were added to þe wrecchenesse of any wy[gh]t. nis he nat more blisful þan he þat ne haþ no medelyng of goode in hys solitarie wrecchednesse. so semeþ it q{uo}d I. and what seyst þou þan q{uo}d she of þilke wrecche þat lakkeþ alle goodes. so þat no goode nis medeled in hys wrecchednesse. {and} [gh]itte ouer alle hys wickednesse for whiche he is a wrecche þat þer be [gh]itte anoþer yuel anexid {and} knyt to hym. shal not men demen hym more vnsely þan þilke wrecche of whiche þe vnselynesse is re[le]ued by þe p{ar}ticipac{i}ou{n} of som goode. whi sholde he nat q{uo}d I. ¶ þan certys q{uo}d she han shrewes whan þei ben punissed somwhat of good anexid to hir wrecchednesse. þat is to seyne þe same peyne þat þei suffren whiche þat is good by þe resou{n} of Iustice. And whan þilke same shrewes ascapen wiþ outen tourment. þan han þei somwhat more of yuel [gh]it ouer þe wickednesse þat þei han don. þat is to seye defaute of peyne. whiche defaute of peyne þou hast graunted is yuel. ¶ For þe desert of felonye I ne may nat denye it q{uo}d I. ¶ Moche more þan q{uo}d she ben shrewes vnsely whan þei ben wrongfully delyuered fro peyne. þan whan þei beþ punissed by ry[gh]tful vengeaunce. but þis is open þi{n}g {and} clere þat it is ry[gh]t þat shrewes ben punissed. {and} it is wickednesse {and} wrong þat þei escapin vnpunissed. ¶ who my[gh]t[e] denye þat q{uo}d I. but q{uo}d she may any ma{n} denye. þat al þat is ry[gh]t nis good. {and} also þe contrarie. þat alle þat is wrong nis wicked. certys q{uo}d I þise þinges ben clere ynou[gh]. {and} þat we han concludid a litel here byforn{e}. but I p{re}ye þe þat þou telle me yif þou accordest to leten no to{ur}ment to þe soules aftir þat þe body is dedid by þe deþe. þis [is] to seyn. vndirstondest þou ou[gh]t þat soules han any to{ur}ment after þe deþe of þe body. ¶ Certis q{uo}d she [gh]e {and} þat ry[gh]t grete. of whiche soules q{uo}d she I trowe þat so{m}me ben to{ur}mentid by asprenesse of peyne. {and} so{m}me soules I trowe be exc{er}cised by a p{ur}ging mekenesse. but my conseil nys nat to determyne of þis peyne. but I haue trauayled and told it hider to. ¶ For þou sholdest knowe þat þe mowynge [.i. myght] of shrewes whiche mowynge þe semeþ to ben. vnworþi nis no mowynge. {and} eke of shrewes of whiche þou pleynedest þat þei ne were nat punissed. þat þou woldest seen þat þei ne weren neuer mo wiþ outen þe torment of hire wickednesse. {and} of þe licence of mowynge to done yuel. þat þou p{re}idest þat it my[gh]t[e] sone ben endid. {and} þat þou woldest fayne lerne. þat it ne sholde nat longe endure. {and} þat shrewes ben more vnsely yif þei were of lenger duryng. {and} most vnsely yif þei weren p{er}durable. {and} after þis I haue shewed þe þat more vnsely ben shrewes whan þei escapen wiþ oute ry[gh]tful peyne. þan whan þei ben punissed by ry[gh]tful uengeaunce. and of þis sentence folweþ it þat þan be{n} shrewes constreyned atte laste wiþ most greuous tourment. whan men wene þat þei ne ben nat ypunissed. whan I considre þi resou{n}s q{uo}d I. I. ne trowe nat þat men seyn any þing more verrely. {and} yif I to{ur}ne a[gh]eyn to þe studies of men. who is [he] to who{m} it sholde seme þat [he] ne sholde nat only leue{n} þise þinges. but eke gladly herkene he{m}. Certys q{uo}d she so it is. but men may nat. for þei han hire eyen so wont to derkenesse of erþely þinges. þat þei may nat liften hem vp to þe ly[gh]t of clere soþefastnes. ¶ But þei ben lyke to briddes of whiche þe ny[gh]t ly[gh]tneþ hyre lookyng. {and} þe day blyndeþ hem. for whan men loken nat þe ordre of þinges but hire lustes {and} talent[gh]. þei wene þat oþir þe leue or þe mowynge to done wickednesse or ellys þe escapi{n}g wiþ oute peyne be weleful. but co{n}sider{e} þe iugement of þe p{er}durable lawe. for if þou conferme þi corage to þe beste þinges. þou ne hast no nede to no iuge to [gh]iue{n} þe p{r}is or meede. for þou hast ioigned þi self to þe most excellent þing. and yif þou haue enclined þi studies to þe wicked þinges. ne seek no foreyn wrekere out of þi self. for þou þi self hast þrest þe in to wicked þinges. ry[gh]t as þou my[gh]test loken by dyuerse tymes þe foule erþe {and} þe heuene. {and} þat alle oþer þinges stynten fro wiþ oute. so þat þou [ner{e} neyther in heuene ne in erthe] ne say[e] no þing more. þan sholde it semen to þe as by only resou{n} of lokynge. þat þou were in þe sterres. {and} now in þe erþe. but þe poeple ne lokeþ nat on þise þinges. what þan shal we þan app{ro}chen vs to hem þat I haue shewed þat þei ben lyke to þe bestes. (q. d. no{n}) ¶ And what wilt þou seyne of þis ¶ yif þat a man hadde al forlorn hys sy[gh]t. {and} had[de] for[gh]eten þat he euer saw {and} wende þ{a}t no þing ne fayled[e] hym of p{er}fecc{i}ou{n} of ma{n}kynde. now we þat my[gh]ten sen þe same þing wolde we nat wene þat he were bly{n}de (q. d. sic). ne also ne accordeþ nat þe poeple to þat I shal seyne. þe whiche þing is susteyned by a stronge foundement of resou{n}s. þat is to seyn þat more vnsely ben þei þat don wrong to oþer folk. þen þei þat þe wrong suffren. ¶ I wolde heren þilke same resou{n}s q{uo}d I ¶ Deniest þou q{uo}d she þat alle shrewes ne ben worþi to han to{ur}ment. nay q{uo}d I. but q{uo}d she I am certeyne by many resou{n}s þat shrewes ben vnsely. it accordeþ q{uo}d I. þan [ne] dowtest þou nat q{uo}d she þat þilke folk þat ben worþi of to{ur}ment þat þei ne ben wrecches. It accordeþ wel q{uo}d I. yif þou were þan q{uo}d she yset a Iuge or a knower of þinges. wheþer trowest þou þ{a}t men sholde to{ur}ment[e] hym þat haþ don þe wronge. or hym þat haþ suffred þe wronge. I ne doute nat q{uo}d I. þat I nolde don suffissaunt satisfacc{i}ou{n} to hym þat had[de] suffred þe wrong by þe sorwe of hym þat had[de] don þe wronge. ¶ þan semeþ it q{uo}d she þat þe doar of wrong is more wrecche þan he þat haþ suffred þe wrong. þat folweþ wel q{uo}d [I]. þan q{uo}d she by þise causes {and} by oþer causes þat ben enforced by þe same roate þat filþe or synne by þe p{ro}pre nature of it makeþ men wretches. {and} it sheweþ wel þat þe wrong þat me{n} don nis nat þe wrecchenesse of hym þat receyueþ þe wrong. but þe wrecchednesse of hym þat doþ þe wronge ¶ but certys q{uo}d she þise orato{ur}s or aduocat[gh] don al þe contrarie for þei enforcen hem to co{m}moeue þe iuges to han pite of he{m} þat han suffred {and} resceyued þe þinges þat ben greuous {and} aspre. {and} [gh]itte men sholden more ry[gh]tfully han pitee on hem þat don þe greuaunces {and} þe wronges. þe whiche shrewes it were a more couenable þing þat þe accuso{ur}s or aduocat[gh] not wroþe but pitous {and} debonaire ladden þe shrewes þat han don wro{n}g to þe Iugement. ry[gh]t as men leden seke folk to þe leche. for þat þei sholden seken out þe maladies of synne by to{ur}ment[gh]. and by þis couenaunt eyþer þe entent of þe defendo{ur}s or aduocat[gh] sholde fayle {and} cesen in al. or ellys yif þe office of aduocat[gh] wolde bettre p{ro}fiten to men. it sholde be to{ur}ned in to þe habit of accusac{i}ou{n}. þat is [to] s[e]yn þei sholde{n} accuse shrewes. {and} nat excuse hem. {and} eke þe shrewes hem self. [gh]it it were leueful to hem to seen at any clifte þe vertue þat þei han forleten. {and} sawen þat þei sholde putten adou{n} þe filþes of hire vices by [the] to{ur}ment[gh] of peynes. þei ne au[gh]ten nat ry[gh]t for þe reco{m}pensac{i}ou{n} forto geten hem bounte {and} prowesse whiche þat þei han lost demen ne holden þat þilke peynes weren to{ur}mentes to hem. {and} eke þei wolden refuse þe attendau{n}ce of hir aduocat[gh] {and} taken hem self to hire iuges {and} to hir accusours. for whiche it bytideþ [þ{a}t] as to þe wise folk þer nis no place ylete to hate. þat is to seyn. þat hate ne haþ no place amonges wise men. ¶ For no wy[gh]t wolde haten gode men. but yif he were ouer moche a fole. ¶ and forto haten shrewes it nis no resou{n}. ¶ For ry[gh]t so as languissing is maladie of body. ry[gh]t so ben vices {and} sy{n}ne maladies of corage. ¶ and so as we ne deme nat þat þei þat ben seek of hire body ben worþi to ben hated. but raþer worþi of pite. wel more worþi nat to ben hated. but forto ben had in pite ben þei of whiche þe þou[gh]tes ben constreined by felonous wickednesse. þat is more cruel þa{n} any languissinge of body. QUID TANTOS IUUAT. [Sidenote: [The ferthe Met{ur}.]] ++What deliteþ it [gh]ow to exciten so grete moewynges of hatredes {and} to hasten {and} bisien [the] fatal disposic{i}ou{n} of [gh]oure deeþ wiþ [gh]oure p{ro}pre handes. þat is to seyn by batailes or [by] contek. for yif [gh]e axen þe deeþ it hastisiþ hym of hys owen wille. ne deeþ ne tarieþ nat hys swifte hors. and [the] men þat þe serpent[gh] {and} þe lyou{n}s. {and} þe tigre. {and} þe beere {and} þe boore seken to sleen wiþ her teþe. [gh]it þilke same men seken to sleen eueryche of hem oþer wiþ swerde. loo for her man{er}s ben diuerse {and} discordaunt ¶ þei moeuen vnry[gh]tful oostes {and} cruel batailes. {and} wilne to p{er}isse by enterchaungynge of dartes. but þe resou{n} of cruelte nis nat ynou[gh] ry[gh]tful. wilt þou þan [gh]elden a couenable gerdou{n} to þe desertes of men ¶ Loue ry[gh]tfully goode folk[;] {and} haue pite on shrewes. HINC EGO UIDEO INQ{UA}M. {ET} CET{ERA}. [Sidenote: [The fyfthe p{ro}se.]] ++Þus see I wel q{uo}d I. eyþer what blisfulnesse or ellys what vnselinesse is estab[l]issed in þe desertys of goode men {and} of shrewes. ¶ but in þis ilke fortune of poeple I see somwhat of goode. {and} somwhat of yuel. for no wise man haþ nat leuer ben exiled pore {and} nedy {and} nameles. þan forto dwellen in hys Citee {and} flouren of rychesses. {and} be redoutable by honoure. {and} stronge of power for in þis wise more clerely {and} more witnesfully is þe office of wise men ytretid whan þe blisfulnes {and} [the] pouste of gouerno{ur}s is as it were yshad amonges poeples þat ben ney[gh]boures {and} subgit[gh]. syn þat namely prisou{n} lawe {and} þise oþer to{ur}ment[gh] of lawful peynes ben raþer owed to felonous Cite[gh]eins. for þe whiche felonous Cite[gh]eins þo peynes ben establissed. þan for goode folk. ¶ þan I m{er}ueile me gretly q{uo}d I. whi [þ{a}t] þe þinges ben so mys entrechaunged. þat to{ur}ment[gh] felounes pressen {and} confounden goode folk. {and} shrewes rauyssen medes of vertue {and} ben i{n} hono{ur}s. {and} in grete estatis. and I desire eke to wite{n} of þe. what semeþ þe to ben þe resou{n} of þis so wrongful a confusiou{n} ¶ For I wolde wondre wel þe lasse yif I trowed[e] þat alle þise þinges were medeled by fortuouse hap. ¶ But now hepeþ {and} encreseþ myne astonyenge god gouerno{ur} of þinges. þat so as god [gh]eueþ ofte tymes to good[e] men goodes {and} myrþes. {and} to shrewes yuel and aspre þinges. {and} [gh]eueþ a[gh]eynewarde to goode folk hardnesse. {and} to shrewes [he] g{ra}unteþ hem her wille {and} þat þei desiren. what difference þan may þer be bitwixen þ{a}t þat god doþ. {and} þe hap of fortune. yif men ne knowe nat þe cause whi þat [it] is. it nis no merueile q{uo}d she þou[gh] þat men wenen þat þer be somwhat folysche and confus whan þe resou{n} of þe order is vnknowe. ¶ But alle þou[gh] þou ne know nat þe cause of so gret a disposic{i}ou{n}. naþeles for as moche as god þe good[e] gouernour attempreþ {and} gouerneþ þe world. ne doute þe nat þat alle þinges ne ben doon ary[gh]t. SI QUIS ARCTURI SYDERA. [Sidenote: [The fyfthe Met{ur}.]] ++Who so þat ne knowe nat þe sterres of arctour yto{ur}ned neye to þe souereyne contre or point. þat is to seyne yto{ur}ned neye to þe souereyne pool of þe firmament {and} woot nat whi þe sterre boetes passeþ or gaderiþ his wey[n]es. {and} drencheþ his late flaumbes in þe see. {and} whi þat boetes þe sterre vnfoldiþ his ouer swifte arisynges. þan shal he wo{n}dre{n} of þe lawe of þe heye eyre. {and} eke if þat he ne knowe nat why þat þe hornes of þe ful[le] moene waxen pale {and} infect by þe bou{n}des of þe derke ny[gh]t ¶ and how þe moene dirk {and} confuse discouereþ þe sterres. þat she had[de] ycouered by hir clere visage. þe co{m}mune errour moeueþ folk {and} makiþ wery hir bacines of bras by þikke strookes. þat is to seyne þat þer is a maner poeple þat hy[gh]t[e] coribandes þat wenen þat whan þe moone is in þe eclips þat it be enchau{n}tid. and þerfore forto rescowe þe moone þei betyn hire basines wiþ þikke strokes. ¶ Ne no man ne wondreþ whan þe blastes of þe wynde chorus betyn þe strondes of þe see by quakynge floodes. ne no man ne wondreþ whan þe wey[gh]te of þe snowe yhardid by þe colde. is resolued by þe brennynge hete of phebus þe sonne. ¶ For here seen men redyly þe causes. but þe causes yhid þat is to seye in heuene trouble þe brestes of men. ¶ þe moeueable poeple is a-stoned of alle þinges þat comen selde {and} sodeynely in oure age. but yif þe troubly errour of oure ignora{n}ce departid[e] from vs. so þat we wisten þe causes whi þat swiche þinges bitiden. certys þei sholde{n} cesse to seme wondres. ITA EST INQ{UA}M. [Sidenote: [The syxte p{ro}se.]] {Þ}vs is it q{uo}d I. but so as þou hast [gh]euen or byhy[gh]t me to vnwrappe{n} þe hidde causes of þinges ¶ and to discoueren me þe resou{n}s couered w{i}t{h} dirknesses I p{re}ye þe þat þou diuise {and} Iuge me of þis matere. {and} þat þou do me to vndrestonde{n} it. ¶ For þis miracle or þis wondre troubleþ me ry[gh]t gretely. {and} þan she a litel [what] smylyng seide. ¶ þou clepest me q{uo}d she to telle þing. þat is grettest of alle þinges þat mowen ben axed. ¶ And to þe whiche questiou{n} vnneþ[e]s is þere au[gh]t ynow to lauen it. as who seiþ. vnneþes is þer suffisauntly any þing to answere p{er}fitly to þi questiou{n}. ¶ For þe matere of it is swiche þat whan oon doute is determined {and} kut awey þer wexe{n} oþer doutes wiþ-outen nou{m}bre. ry[gh]t as þe heuedes waxen of ydre þe serpent þat hercules slou[gh]. ¶ Ne þere ne were no man{er}e ne noon ende. but yif þat a wy[gh]t co{n}streined[e] þo doutes. by a ry[gh]t lyuely {and} a quik fire of þou[gh]t. þat is to seyn by vigo{ur} {and} strengþe of witte. ¶ For in þis matere me{n} weren wont to maken questiou{n}s of þe simplicite of þe p{ur}ueaunce of god {and} of þe ordre of destine. {and} of sodeyne hap. {and} of þe knowyng {and} p{re}destinac{i}ou{n} deuine {and} of þe lyberte of fre wille. þe whiche þing þou þi self ap{er}ceiust wel of what wey[gh]t þei ben. but for as mochel as þe knowynge of þise þinges is a manere porc{i}ou{n} to þe medicine to þe. al be it so þat I haue lytel tyme to don it. [gh]it naþeles I wole enforcen me to shewe somwhat of it. ¶ but al þou[gh] þe norissinges of dite of musike deliteþ þe þow most suffren. {and} forberen a litel of þilk delite while þat I weue (contexo) to þe resou{n}s yknyt by ordre ¶ As it likeþ to þe q{uo}d I so do. ¶ þo spak she ry[gh]t a[s] by an oþer bygynnyn[ge] {and} seide þus. ¶ þe enge{n}drynge of alle þinges q{uo}d she {and} alle þe progressiou{n}s of muuable nat{ur}e. {and} alle þ{a}t moeueþ in any manere takiþ hys causes. hys ordre. {and} hys formes. of þe stablenesse of þe deuyne þou[gh]t [{and} thilke deuyne thowht] þat is yset {and} put in þe toure. þat is to seyne in þe hey[gh]t of þe simplicite of god. stablisiþ many manere gyses to þinges þat ben to don. ¶ þe whiche manere whan þat men loken it i{n} þilke pure clerenesse of þe deuyne i{n}telligence. it is ycleped p{ur}ueaunce ¶ but whan þilke manere is referred by me{n} to þinges þat it moeueþ {and} disponeþ þan of olde men. it was cleped destine. ¶ þe whiche þinges yif þat any wy[gh]t lokeþ wel in his þou[gh]t. þe strengþe of þat oon {and} of þat oþer he shal ly[gh]tly mowen seen þat þise two þinges ben diuers. ¶ For p{ur}ueau{n}ce is þilke deuyne resou{n} þat is establissed in þe souereyne p{r}ince of þinges. þe whiche p{ur}ueaunce disponiþ alle þinges. but destine is þe disposic{i}ou{n} {and} ordenaunce cleuynge to moeuable þinges. by þe whiche disposic{i}ou{n} þe p{ur}ueaunce knyteþ alle þinges in hire ordres. ¶ For p{ur}ueaunce enbraceþ alle þi{n}ges to hepe. al þou[gh] þat þei ben dyuerse {and} al þou[gh] þei ben wiþ outen fyn. but destynie dep{ar}teþ {and} ordeyneþ alle þinges singlerly {and} diuideþ. in moeuynges. in places. in formes. in tymes. dep{ar}tiþ [as] þus. so þat þe vnfoldyng of temp{or}el ordenaunce assembled {and} ooned in þe lokyng of þe deuyne þou[gh]t ¶ Is p{ur}ueaunce {and} þilke same assemblynge. {and} oonyng diuided {and} vnfolden by tymes. lat þat ben called destine. {and} al be it so þat þise þinges ben dyuerse. [gh]itte naþeles hangeþ þat oon on þat oþer. forwhi þe ordre destinal p{ro}cediþ of þe simplicite of purueaunce. for ry[gh]t as a werkma{n} þat ap{er}ceiueþ in hys þou[gh]t þe forme of þe þing þat he wil make moeueþ þe effect of þe werke. {and} lediþ þat he had[de] loked byforne in hys þou[gh]t symply {and} p{re}sently by temp{or}el þou[gh]t. ¶ Certys ry[gh]t so god disponiþ in hys p{ur}ueaunce singlerly {and} stably þe þinges þat ben to done. but he amynistreþ in many maneres {and} in dyuerse tymes by destyne. þilke same þinges þat he haþ disponed þan wheþir þat destine be excercised. eyþer by so{m}me dyuyne spirites seruaunte[gh] to þe deuyne p{ur}ueaunce. or ellys by so{m}me soule (a{n}i{m}a mundi). or ellys by al nature seruynge to god. or ellys by þe celestial moeuyng of sterres. or ellys by þe vertue of aungels. or ellys by þe dyuerse subtilite of deueles. or ellys by any of he{m}. or ellys by hem alle þe destynal ordynau{n}ce is ywouen or accomplissed. certys it is open þing þat þe p{ur}ueaunce is an vnmoeueable {and} symple forme of þinges to done. {and} þe moeueable bonde {and} þe temp{or}el ordynaunce of þinges whiche þat þe deuyne simplicite of p{ur}ueaunce haþ ordeyned to done. þat is destine. For whiche it is þat alle þinges þat ben put vndir destine ben certys subgit[gh] to p{ur}ueaunce. to whiche p{ur}ueaunce destine it self is subgit {and} vndir. ¶ But so{m}me þinges ben put vndir purueaunce þat so{ur}mounten þe ordinaunce of destine. {and} þo ben þilke þat stably ben yficched ney to þe first godhed þei so{ur}mou{n}ten þe ordre of destinal moeuablite. ¶ For ry[gh]t as cercles þat to{ur}nen aboute a same Centre or about a poynt. þilke cercle þat is inrest or moost wiþ-ynne ioineþ to þe symplesse of þe myddel {and} is as it were a Centre or a poynt to þat oþer cercles þat tourne{n} aboute{n} hym. ¶ and þilke þat is outerest compased by larger envyronnynge is vnfolden by larger spaces in so mochel as it is forþest fro þe mydel symplicite of þe poynt. and yif þer be any þi{n}g þat knytteþ {and} felawshippeþ hym selfe to þilke mydel poynt it is constreyned in to symplicite. þat is to seyn in to [vn]moeueablete. {and} it ceseth to ben shad {and} to fleti{n} dyuersly. ¶ Ry[gh]t so by semblable resou{n}. þilke þinge þat dep{ar}tiþ firþest fro þe first þou[gh]t of god. it is vnfolde{n} {and} su{m}mittid to grettere bondes of destine. and in so moche is þe þing more free {and} lovs fro destyne as it axeþ {and} holdeþ hym ner to þilke Centre of þinges. þat is to seyne god. ¶ and if þe þinge cleueþ to þe stedfastnesse of þe þou[gh]t of god. {and} be wiþ oute moeuyng certys it so{ur}mounteþ þe necessite of destyne. þan ry[gh]t swiche comparisou{n} as [it] is of skilynge to vndirstondyng {and} of þing þat is engendred to þing þat is. {and} of tyme to eternite. {and} of þe cercle to þe Centre. ry[gh]t so is þe ordre of moeueable destine to þe stable symplicite of p{ur}ueaunce. ¶ þilke ordinaunce moeueþ þe heuene {and} þe sterres {and} attempreþ þe elyment[gh] to gider amonges hem self. {and} t{ra}nsformeþ hem by enterchau{n}gable mutac{i}ou{n}. ¶ and þilke same ordre neweþ a[gh]ein alle þinges growyng {and} fallyng a-doune by sembleables p{ro}gressiou{n}s of seedes {and} of sexes. þat is to sein. male {and} female. and þis ilke ordre co{n}streyneþ þe fortunes {and} þe dedes of men by a bonde of causes nat able to ben vnbou{n}den (indissolubili). þe whiche destinal causes whanne þei passen oute fro þe bygynnynges of þe vnmoeueable purueaunce it mot nedes be þat þei ne be nat mutable. {and} þus ben þe þinges ful wel ygouerned. yif þat þe symplicite dwelly{n}ge in þe deuyne þou[gh]t sheweþ furþe þe ordre of causes. vnable to be I-bowed. {and} þis ordre constreyneþ by hys p{ro}pre stablete þe moeueable þinges. or ellys þei sholde fleten folily for whiche it is þat alle þinges semen to be confus {and} trouble to vs men. for we ne mowe nat co{n}sider{e} þilke ordinaunce. ¶ Naþeles þe p{ro}pre manere of euery þing dressynge hem to goode disponit hem alle. for þere nis no þinge don for cause of yuel. ne þilke þing þat is don by wicked[e] folk nis nat don for yuel þe whiche shrewes as I haue shewed [ful] plentiuously seken goode. but wicked errour mysto{ur}niþ he{m}. ¶ Ne þe ordre comynge fro þe poynt of souereyne goode ne declineþ nat fro hys bygynnynge. but þou mayst sein what vnreste may ben a wors co{n}fusiou{n} þan þ{a}t goode men han so{m}me tyme aduersite. {and} so{m}tyme p{ro}sperite. ¶ and shrewes also han now þinges þat þei desiren. {and} now þi{n}ges þat þei haten ¶ wheþer men lyuen now in swiche hoolnesse of þou[gh]t. as who seiþ. ben men now so wise. þat swiche folk as þei demen to ben goode folk or shrewes þ{a}t it mot nedes ben þat folk ben swiche as þei wenen. but in þis manere þe domes of men discorden. þat þilke men þ{a}t so{m}me folk demen worþi of mede. oþer folk demen hem worþi of to{ur}ment. but lat vs graunt[e] I pose þat som man may wel demen or knowen þe goode folk {and} þe badde. May he þan knowen {and} seen þilke inrest attemp{er}aunce of corages. as it haþ ben wont to be said of bodyes. as who saiþ may a man speken {and} determine of attemp{er}aunce in corages. as men were wont to demen or speken of complexiou{n}s {and} attemp{er}aunces of bodies (q' non). ne it [ne] is nat an vnlyke miracle to hem þat ne knowe{n} it nat. ¶ As who seiþ. but is lyke a merueil or a miracle to hem þat ne knowe{n} it nat. whi þat swete þinges [ben] couenable to some bodies þat ben hool {and} to some bodies bittre þinges ben couenable. {and} also whi þat some seke folk ben holpen w{i}t{h} ly[gh]t medicines [{and} some folk ben holpen w{i}t{h} sharppe medicynes] but naþeles þe leche þ{a}t knoweþ þe manere {and} þe attemp{er}aunce of heele {and} of maladie ne merueileþ of it no þing. but what oþer þing semeþ hele of corages but bounte {and} prowesse. {and} what oþer þing semeþ maladie of corages but vices. who is ellys kep{er}e of good or dryuere awey of yuel but god gouerno{ur} {and} leecher of þou[gh]tes. þe whiche god wha{n} he haþ by-holden from þe heye toure of hys p{ur}ueaunce he knoweþ what is couenable to euery wy[gh]t. {and} leneþ hem þat he wot [þat] is couenable to hem. Loo here of comeþ {and} here of is don þis noble miracle of þe ordre destinal. whan god þat alle knoweþ doþ swiche þing. of whiche þing [þat] vnknowyng folk ben astoned but forto constreine as who seiþ ¶ But forto co{m}prehende {and} telle a fewe þinges of þe deuyne depnesse þe whiche þat mans resou{n} may vnderstonde. ¶ þilk man þat þou wenest to ben ry[gh]t Iuste {and} ry[gh]t kepyng of eq{u}ite. þe contrarie of þat semeþ to þe deuyne p{ur}ueaunce þat al woot. ¶ And lucan my familier telleþ þat þe victories cause liked[e] to þe goddes {and} causes ouercomen liked[e] to cato{u}n. þan what so euer þou mayst seen þat is don in þis [world] vnhoped or vnwened. certys it is þe ry[gh]t[e] ordre of þinges. but as to þi wicked[e] oppiniou{n} it is a co{n}fusiou{n}. but I suppose þat som man be so wel yþewed. þat þe deuyne Iugement {and} þe Iugeme{n}t of mankynde accorden hem to gidre of hym. but he is so vnstedfast of corage [þat] yif any aduersite come to hym he wolde for-leten p{er}auenture to continue i{n}nocence by þe whiche he ne may nat wiþholden fortune. ¶ þan þe wise dispensac{i}ou{n} of god spareþ hym þe whiche man{er}e adu{er}site my[gh]t[e] enpeyren. ¶ For þat god wil nat suffren hym to trauaile. to whom þat trauayl nis nat couenable. ¶ An oþ{er} man is p{er}fit in alle uertues. {and} is an holy man {and} neye to god so þat þe p{ur}ueaunce of god wolde demen þat it were a felony þat he were touched wiþ any aduersites. so þat he ne wil nat suffre þat swiche a man be moeued wiþ any manere maladie. ¶ But so as seide a philosophre [the moore excellent by me]. þe adu{er}sites comen nat (he seide in grec[;]) þere þ{a}t uertues han edified þe bodie of þe holy man. and ofte tyme it bitideþ þat þe so{m}me of þinges þat ben to don is taken to good folk to gouerne. for þat þe malice habundaunt of shrewes sholde ben abatid. {and} god [gh]eueþ {and} dep{ar}tiþ to oþer folk p{ro}sp[er]ites {and} aduersites ymedeled to hepe aftir þe qualite of hire corages {and} remordiþ som folk by adu{er}sites. for þei ne sholden nat wexen proude by longe welefulnesse. {and} oþer folk he suffreþ to ben trauayled wiþ harde þinges. ¶ For þat þei sholden conferme þe vertues of corage by þe vsage {and} ex{er}citac{i}ou{n} of pacie{n}ce. and oþer folke dreden more þen þei au[gh]ten þe wiche þei my[gh]t[en] wel beren. {and} þilke folk god lediþ in to exp{er}ience of hem self by aspre {and} sorweful þinges. ¶ And many oþer folk han bou[gh]t honorable renoune of þis worlde by þe pris of glorious deeþ. and som men þat ne mowen nat ben ouer-comen by tourment han [gh]euen ensample to oþer folk þat vertue ne may nat be ouer-comen by aduersites. ¶ and of alle þise þinges þer nis no doute þ{a}t þei ne ben don ry[gh]tfully {and} ordeinly to þe p{ro}fit of hem to whom we seen þise þinges bitide. ¶ For certys þat aduersite comeþ some tyme to shrewes. {and} some tyme þat þei desiren it comeþ of þise forseide causes {and} of sorweful þinges þat bytyden to shrewes. Certys no man ne wondreþ. For alle me{n} wenen þat þei han wel deserued it. {and} þei ben of wicked m{er}ite of whiche shrewes þe to{ur}ment som tyme agasteþ oþer to done folies. {and} som tyme it amendeþ hem þat suffren þe to{ur}mentis. ¶ And þe p{ro}sp{er}ite þat is [gh]euen to shrewes sheweþ a grete argument to good[e] folk what þing þei sholde demen of þilk wilfulnesse þe whiche p{ro}sperite men seen ofte serue to shrewes. in þe whiche þing I trowe þat god dispensiþ. for p{er}auenture þe nature of som man is so ouerþrowyng to yuel {and} so vncouenable þat þe nedy pouerte of hys house-hold my[gh]t[e] raþer egren hym to done felonies. and to þe maladie of hym god puttiþ remedie to [gh]iuen hym rychesse. {and} som oþer man byholdiþ hys conscience defouled wiþ synnes {and} makiþ co{m}parisou{n} of his fortune {and} of hym self ¶ and drediþ p{er}auenture þat hys blisfulnesse of whiche þe vsage is ioyful to hym þat þe lesynge of þilke blisfulnesse ne be nat sorweful to hym. {and} þerfore he wol chaunge hys maneres. and for he drediþ to lese hys fortune. he forletiþ hys wickednesse. to oþer folk is welefulnesse y[gh]eue{n} vnworþily þe whiche ouerþroweþ hem in to destrucc{i}ou{n} þat þei han deserued. and to som oþer folk is [gh]euen power to punisse{n}. for þat it shal be cause of continuac{i}ou{n} {and} ex{er}cisinge to good[e] folk. {and} cause of to{ur}ment to shrewes. ¶ For so as þer nis none alyaunce bytwixe good[e] folke {and} shrewes. ne shrewes ne mowen nat accorde{n} amo{n}ges hem self {and} whi nat. for shrewes discorde{n} of hem self by her vices þe whiche vices al to renden her consciences. {and} don oft[e] tyme þinges þe whiche þinges whan þei han don hem. þei demen þat þo þinges ne sholde nat han ben don. for whiche þinge þilke souereyne p{ur}ueaunce haþ maked oft[e] tyme [fair{e}] miracle so þ{a}t shrewes han maked oftyme shrewes to ben good[e] men. for whan þat som shrewes seen þat þei suffren wrongfully felonies of oþer shrewes þei wexen eschaufed in to hat[e] of hem þat anoien hem. {and} retournen to þe fruit of uertue. when þei studien to ben vnlyke to he{m} þat þei han hated. ¶ Certys þis only is þe deuyne my[gh]t to þe whiche my[gh]t yueles ben þan good. whan it vseþ þo yueles couenably {and} draweþ out þe effect of any good. as who seiþ þat yuel is good oonly by þe my[gh]t of god. for þe my[gh]t of god ordeyneþ þilk yuel to good. For oon ordre enbrasiþ alle þinges. so þat what wy[gh]t [þ{a}t] dep{ar}tiþ fro þe resou{n} of þe ordre whiche þat is assigned to hym. algates [gh]it he slideþ in to an oþ{er} ordre. so þat noþing nis leueful to folye in þe realme of þe deuyne p{ur}ueaunce. as who seiþ no þing nis wiþouten ordinaunce in þe realme of þe deuyne purueaunce. ¶ Syn þat þe ry[gh]t strong[e] god gouerniþ alle þinges in þis worlde for it nis nat leueful to no man to co{m}p{re}henden by witte ne vnfolden by worde alle þe subtil ordinaunces {and} disposic{i}ou{n}s of þe deuyne entent. for oonly it au[gh]t[e] suffice to han loked þat god hym self makere of alle natures ordeyniþ and dressiþ alle þinges to good. while þat he hastiþ to wiþhalden þe þinges þat he haþ maked in to hys semblaunce. þat is to seyn forto wiþholden þinges in to good. for he hym self is good he chaseþ oute al yuel of þe boundes of hys co{m}munalite by þe ordre of necessite destinable. For whiche it folweþ þat yif þou loke þe p{ur}ueaunce ordeynynge þe þinges þat men wenen ben haboundaunt in erþes. þou ne shalt not seen in no place no þing of yuel. ¶ but I se now þat þou art charged wiþ þe wey[gh]te of þe questiou[n] {and} wery wiþ lengþe of my resou{n}. {and} þat þou abidest som swetnesse of songe. tak þa{n} þis drau[gh]t {and} whan þou art wel refresshed {and} refet þou shalt ben more stedfast to stye in to heyere questiou{n}s. SI UIS CELSI IURA. [Sidenote: [The syxte Met{ur}.]] ++Yif þou wolt demen in þi pur{e} þou[gh]t þe ry[gh]tes or þe lawes of þe heye þund[ere]re. þat is to seyne of god. loke þou {and} bihold þe hey[gh]tes of souereyne heuene. ¶ þere kepen þe sterres by ry[gh]tful alliaunce of þinges hir olde pees. þe sonne ymoeued by hys rody fire. ne destourbiþ nat þe colde cercle of þe moone. ¶ Ne þe sterre yclepid þe bere. þ{a}t encliniþ hys rauyssynge courses abouten þe souereyne hey[gh]t of þe worlde. ne þe same sterre vrsa nis neuer mo wasshen in þe depe westerne see. ne coueitiþ nat to dy[gh]en hys flaumbes in þe see of [the] occian. al þou[gh] he see oþer sterres yplounged in to þe see. ¶ And hesperus þe sterre bodiþ {and} telliþ alwey þe late ny[gh]tes. And lucifer þe sterre bryngeþ a[gh]eyne þe clere day. ¶ And þus makiþ loue enterchaungeable þe p{er}durable courses. {and} þus is discordable bataile yput oute of þe contre of þe sterres. þis accordaunce atte{m}preþ by euene-lyke manere[s] þe elementes. þat þe moyste þinges striuen nat wiþ þe drye þinges. but [gh]iuen place by stoundes. and þat þe colde þinges ioynen hem by feiþ to þe hote þinges. {and} þat þe ly[gh]t[e] fyre arist in to hey[gh]te. {and} þe heuy erþes aualen by her wey[gh]tes. ¶ by þise same cause þe floury yere [gh]eldeþ swote smellys in þe fyrste somer sesou{n} warmynge. {and} þe hote somer dryeþ þe cornes. {and} autumpne comeþ a[gh]eyne heuy of apples. and þe fletyng reyne bydeweþ þe wynter. þis attemp{er}aunce noryssiþ {and} brynggeþ furþe al þinge þat brediþ lyfe in þis worlde. ¶ and þilk same attemp{er}aunce rauyssyng hideþ {and} bynymeþ {and} drencheþ vndir þe last[e] deþe alle þinges yborn. ¶ Amonges þise þinges sitteþ þe heye makere kyng {and} lorde. welle {and} bygynnynge. lawe {and} wise Iuge. to don equite {and} gouerniþ {and} encliniþ þe bridles of þinges. {and} þo þinges þat he stireþ to don by moeuynge he wiþdraweþ {and} arestiþ {and} affermiþ þe moeueable or wandryng þinges. ¶ For [gh]if þat he ne clepiþ nat a[gh]ein þe ry[gh]t goynge of þinges. {and} [gh]if þat he ne constreyned[e] hem nat eftesones in to roundenesse enclined þe þinges þ{a}t ben now continued by stable ordinaunce. þei sholde deperten from hir welle. þat is to sein from hir bygynnynge {and} failen. þat is to sein to{ur}nen in to nau[gh]t. ¶ þis is þe co{m}mune loue of alle þinges. {and} alle þi{n}ges axen to be holden by þe fyn of good. For ellys ne my[gh]ten þei nat lasten yif þei ne come nat eftesones a[gh]eine by loue retourned to þe cause þat haþ [gh]euen he{m} beynge. þat is to seyn to god. IAM NE IGITUR UIDES. [Sidenote: [The seuende p{ro}se.]] ++Sest þou nat þan what þing folweþ alle þe þinges þat I haue seid. what þing q{uo}d I. ¶ Certys q{uo}d she outerly þat al fortune is good. and how may þat be q{uo}d .I. ¶ Now vndirstand q{uo}d she so as [alle fortune wheyther so it be Ioyeful fortune / or aspr{e}] fortune is [gh]iuen eiþer by cause of g{er}donynge or ellys of ex{er}cisynge of goode folk or ellys by cause to punissen. or ellys to chastysen shrewes. ¶ þan is alle fortune good. þe whiche fortune is certeyne þat it be eiþer ry[gh]tful or p{ro}fitable. ¶ For soþe þis is a ful verray resou{n} q{uo}d I. and yif I considere þe p{ur}ueau{n}ce {and} þe destine þat þou tau[gh]test me a litel here byforne þis sentence is susteyned by stedfast resou{n}s. but yif it like vnto þe lat vs nou{m}bre hem amonges þilk[e] þinges of whiche þou seidest a litel here byforne þat þei ne were nat able to ben ywened to þe poeple. ¶ whi so q{uo}d she. for þat þe comune worde of men mysusiþ q{uo}d I. þis manere speche of fortune. {and} sein ofte tymes [þ{a}t] þe fortune of som wy[gh]t is wicked. wilt þou þan q{uo}d she þat I p{ro}che a litel to þe wordes of þe poeple so it seme nat to hem þat I be ouer moche dep{ar}tid as fro þe vsage of man kynde. as þou wolt q{uo}d I. ¶ Demest þou nat q{uo}d she þat al þing þat p{ro}fitiþ is good. [gh]is q{uo}d I. certis þilk þing þat ex{er}cisiþ or corigiþ profitiþ. I confesse it wel q{uo}d I. þan is it good q{uo}d she. whi nat q{uo}d I. but þis is þe fortune [q{uod} she] of hem þat eiþer ben put in vertue {and} batailen a[gh]eins aspre þinges. or ellys of hem þat eschewen {and} declinen fro vices {and} taken þe weye of vertue. ¶ þis ne may nat I denye q{uo}d I ¶ But what seist þou of þe myrye fortune þat is [gh]euen to good folk in gerdou{n} deuiniþ ou[gh]t þe poeples þat it is wicked. nay forsoþe q{uo}d I. but þei demen as it soþe is þat it is ry[gh]t good. ¶ And what seist þou of þat oþer fortune q{uo}d she. þat al þou[gh] it be aspre {and} restreiniþ þe shrewes by ry[gh]tful tourment. weniþ ou[gh]t þe poeple þ{a}t it be good. nay q{uo}d I. ¶ But þe poeple demiþ þat it be most wrecched of alle þinges þat may ben þou[gh]t. war now {and} loke wel q{uo}d she lest þat we in folwyng þe opyniou{n} of poeple haue confessed {and} co{n}cluded þing þat is vnable to be wened to þe poeple. what is þat q{uo}d I ¶ Certys q{uo}d she it folweþ or comeþ of þinges þ{a}t ben graunted þat alle fortune what so euer it be. of hem þat eyþer ben i{n} possessiou{n} of vertue. [or in the encres of vertu] or ellys in þe purchasynge of vertue. þat þilke fortune is good. ¶ And þat alle fortune is ry[gh]t wicked to hem þat dwellen in shrewednesse. as who seiþ. {and} þus weneþ nat þe poeple. ¶ þat is soþe q{uo}d I. ¶ Al be it so þat noma{n} dar confesse{n} it ne byknowen it. ¶ whi so q{uo}d she. For ry[gh]t as no strong man ne semeþ nat to abassen or disdaigne{n} as ofte tyme as he hereþ þe noise of þe bataile. ne also it ne semeþ nat to þe wyse man to beren it greuously as oft[e] as he is lad in to þe strif of fortune. for boþe to þat on man {and} eke to þat oþ{er} þilke difficulte is þe matere to þat oon man of encrese of his glorious renou{n}. {and} to þat oþer man to conferme hys sapience. þat is to seine þe asprenesse of hys estat. ¶ For þerfore is it called uertue. for þat it susteniþ {and} enforceþ by hys strengþes þat it nis nat ouer-come{n} by aduersites. ¶ Ne certys þou þat art put in þe encrese or in þe hey[gh]t of uertue ne hast nat comen to fleten wiþ delices {and} forto welken in bodyly lust. ¶ þou sowest or plauntest a ful egre bataile in þi corage a[gh]eins euery fortune. for þat þe sorweful fortune ne co{n}fou{n}de þe nat. ne þat þe myrye fortune ne corrumpe þe nat. ¶ Occupy þe mene by stedfast strengþes. for al þat euer is vndir þe mene. or ellys al þat ou{er}-passeþ þe mene despiseþ welefulnesses. ¶ As who seiþ. it is vicious {and} ne haþ no mede of hys trauaile. ¶ For it is set in [gh]our{e} hand. as who seiþ it lieþ in [gh]our{e} power what fortune [gh]ow is leuest. þat is to seyne good or yuel. ¶ For alle fortune þat semeþ sharpe or aspre yif it ne ex{er}cise nat þe good folk. ne chastisiþ þe wicked folk. it punisseþ. BELLA BIS QUENIS. {ET} C{ETERA}. [Sidenote: [The seuende Met{ur}.]] ++ÞE wrekere attrides ¶ þat is to seyne agamenon þat wrou[gh]t[e] {and} continued[e] þe batailes by ten [gh]ere recouered[e] {and} p{ur}ged[e] in wrekyng by þe destrucc{i}ou{n} of troie þe loste chambres of mariage of hys broþer þis is to seyn þat [he] agamenon wan a[gh]ein Eleine þat was Menelaus wif his broþer. In þe mene while þat þilke agamenon desired[e] to [gh]euen sailes to þe grekyssh{e} nauye {and} bou[gh]t[e] a[gh]ein þe wyndes by blode. he vncloþed[e] hym of pite as fad{er}. {and} þe sory p{re}st [gh]iueþ in sacrifiynge þe wreched kuyttyng of þrote of þe dou[gh]ter. ¶ þat is to sein þat agamenon lete kuytte{n} þe þrote of hys dou[gh]ter by þe prest. to maken alliaunce wiþ hys goddes. {and} for to haue wynde wiþ whiche he my[gh]t[e] wende to troie. ¶ Itakus þat is to sein vlixies bywept[e] hys felawes ylorn þe whiche felawes þe fiers[e] pholifem{us} ligginge in his grete Caue had[de] freten {and} dreint in hys empty wombe. but naþeles polifem{us} wood for his blinde visage [gh]eld to vlixies ioye by hys sorowful teres. þis is to seyn þat vlixes smot oute þe eye of poliphem{us} þat stod in hys forhede. for whiche vlixes hadde ioie whan he saw poliphem{us} wepyng {and} blynde. ¶ Hercules is celebrable for hys hard[e] trauaile he dawntede þe proude Centauris half hors half man. {and} he rafte þe despoylynge fro þe cruel lyou{n} þat is to seyne he slou[gh] þe lyou{n} {and} rafte hy{m} hys skyn. he smot þe brids þat hy[gh]te{n} arpijs [in þe palude of lyrne] wiþ certeyne arwes. he rauyssed[e] applis fro þe wakyng dragou{n}. {and} hys hand was þe more heuy for þe golde[ne] metal. He drou[gh] Cerberus þe hound of helle by hys treble cheyne. he ouer-comer as it is seid haþ put an vnmeke lorde fodre to hys cruel hors ¶ þis is to sein. þat hercules slou[gh] diomedes {and} made his hors to etyn hym. and he hercules slou[gh] Idra þe serpent {and} brend[e] þe venym. and achelaus þe flode defouled[e] in his forhede dreint[e] his shamefast visage in his strondes. þis is to sein þat achelaus couþe transfigure hym self in to dyuerse lykenesse. {and} as he fau[gh]t wiþ orcules at þe laste he t{ur}nid[e] hym in to a bole and hercules brak of oon of hys hornes. {and} achelaus for shame hidde hym in hys ryuer. ¶ And [he] hercules cast[e] adou{n} Antheus þe geaunt in þe strondes of libye. {and} kacus apaised[e] þe wraþþes of euander. þis is to sein þat hercules slou[gh] þe Monstre kacus {and} apaised[e] wiþ þat deeþ þe wraþþe of euander. ¶ And þe bristled[e] boor marked[e] wiþ scomes þe sholdres of hercules. þe whiche sholdres þe heye cercle of heuene sholde þreste. {and} þe laste of his labo{ur}s was þat he sustened[e] þe heuene vpo{n} his nekke vnbowed. {and} he deserued[e] eftsones þe heuene to ben þe pris of his laste trauayle ¶ Goþ now þan [gh]e stronge men þere as þe heye weye of þe grete ensample ledeþ [gh]ou. ¶ O nice men whi nake [gh]e [gh]oure bakkes. as who seiþ. ¶ O [gh]e slowe {and} delicat men whi fley [gh]e aduersites. {and} ne fy[gh]te{n} nat a[gh]eins hem by vertue to wynnen þe mede of þe heuene. for þe erþe ouer-come{n} [gh]eueþ þe sterres. ¶ þis is to seyne þat whan þat erþely lust is ouer-comen. a man is maked worþi to þe heuene. EXPLICIT LIBER QUARTUS. INCIPIT LIBER QUINTUS. DIXERAT ORACIONISQ{UE} CURSUM. [Sidenote: [The fyrste prose.]] ++She hadde seid {and} to{ur}ned[e] þe cours of hir resou{n} to so{m}me oþ{er} þinges to ben tretid {and} to ben ysped. þan seide I. Certys ry[gh]tful is þin amonestyng {and} ful digne by auctorite. but þat þou seidest som tyme þat þe questiou{n} of þe deuyne p{ur}ueaunce is enlaced wiþ many oþer questiou{n}s. I vndir-stonde wel {and} p{ro}ue it by þe same þinge. but I axe yif þat þou wenest þat hap be any þing in any weys. {and} if þou wenest þat hap be any [thing] what is it. þan q{uo}d she. I haste me to [gh]elden {and} assoilen þe to þe dette of my byheste {and} to shewen {and} opnen þe wey by whiche wey þou maist come a[gh]ein to þi contre. ¶ but al be it so þat þe þinges whiche þat þou axest b{e}n ry[gh]t p{ro}fitable to knowe. [gh]itte ben þei diuers somwhat fro þe paþe of my purpos. And it is to douten þat þou ne be maked weery by mysweys so þat þou ne mayst nat suffise to mesure{n} þe ry[gh]t weye. ¶ Ne doute þe þer-of no þing q{uo}d I. for forto knowen þilke þinges to-gidre in þe whiche þinges I delite me gretly. þat shal ben to me in stede of reste. Syn it nis nat to douten of þe þinges folwy{n}ge whan euery side of þi disputisou{n} shal be stedfast to me by vndoutous feiþ. þan seide she. þat manere wol I don þe. {and} byga{n} to speken ry[gh]t þus ¶ Certys q{uo}d she yif any wy[gh]t diffinisse hap in þis manere. þat is to seyn. þat hap is bytidynge y-brou[gh]t forþe by foelyshe moeuynge. {and} by no knyttyng of causes. ¶ I conferme þat hap nis ry[gh]t nau[gh]t in no wise. and I deme al outerly þat hap nis ne dwelliþ but a voys. ¶ As who seiþ. but an ydel worde wiþ outen any significac{i}ou{n} of þing summittid to þat vois. for what place my[gh]t[e] ben left or dwellynge to folie {and} to disordinau{n}ce. syn þat god lediþ {and} streyniþ alle þinges by ordre. ¶ For þis sentence is verray {and} soþe þat no þinge ne haþ his beynge of nou[gh]t. to [the] whiche sentence none of þise olde folk ne wiþseide neuere al be it so þat þei ne vndirstoden ne moeueden it nau[gh]t by god p{r}ince {and} gynner of wirkyng. but þei casten as a manere foundement of subgit material. þat is to seyn of [the] nature of alle resou{n}. {and} [gh]if þat ony þinge is woxen or comen of no causes. þan shal it seme þat þilke þinge is comen or woxen of nou[gh]t. but yif þis ne may nat ben don. þan is it nat possible þat þere haþ ben any swiche þing as I haue diffinissid a litel here byforne. ¶ How shal it þan ben q{uo}d I. nis þer þan no þing þat by ry[gh]t may be cleped eyþer hap{pe} or ellis auenture of fortune. or is þer ou[gh]t al be it so þat it is hidd fro þe poeple to whiche þise wordes ben couenable. Myn aristotul q{uo}d she. in þe book of his phisik diffinisseþ þis þing by short resou{n} and ney[gh]e to þe soþe. ¶ In whiche manere q{uo}d I. ¶ As ofte q{uo}d she as men don any þing for grace of any oþer þing. {and} an oþer þinge þan þilke þing þat men ententen to doon bytideþ by som[e] causes it is ycleped hap{pe}. ¶ Ry[gh]t as a man dalf þe erþe by cause of tylienge of þe felde. {and} fond þere a gobet of golde by-doluen. þan wenen folk þat it is fallen by fortunous bytydyng. but for soþe it nis nat for nau[gh]t for it haþ hys p{ro}pre causes of whiche causes þe cours vnforseyn and vnwar semiþ to han maked hap{pe}. ¶ For yif þe tilier in þe erþe ne delue nat in þe felde. and yif þe hider of þe golde ne hadde hidd þe golde in þilke place. þe golde ne had[de] nat ben founde. þise ben þan þe causes of þe abreggynge of fortune hap. þe whiche abreggynge of fortune hap comeþ of causes encountrynge {and} flowyng to-gidre to hem selfe. {and} nat by þe entenc{i}ou{n} of þe doer. ¶ For neiþer þe hider of þe gold. ne þe deluer of þe felde ne vndirstanden nat þat þe golde sholde han be founde. but as I seide. it bytidde {and} ran to-gidre þat he dalf þere as þat oþer hadde hidd þe golde. Now may I þus diffinissen hap{pe}. ¶ Hap{pe} is an vnwar bytydyng of causes assembled in þinges þat ben don for som oþer þinge. but þilke ordre p{ro}cedynge by an vneschewable byndynge to-gidre. whiche þat descendeþ fro þe wel of purueaunce þat ordeineþ alle þinges i{n} hir{e} places {and} in hire tymes makeþ þat þe causes rennen {and} assemblen to-gidre. RUPIS ACHEMENIE. [Sidenote: [The fyrste Met{ur}.]] ++TIgris [{and}] eufrates resoluen {and} spryngen of a welle in þe kragges of þe roche of þe contre of achemenye þer{e} as þe fleenge [batayle] ficchiþ hire dartes reto{ur}nid in þe brestes of hem þat folwen hem. ¶ And sone aftre þe same ryueres tigris {and} eufrates vnioygne{n} {and} dep{ar}ten hir{e} watres. and yif þei comen to-gidre {and} ben assembled {and} clepid to-gidre in to o cours. þan moten þilke þinges fletyn to-gidre whiche þat þe water of þe entrechau{n}gyng flode bry{n}geþ þe shippes {and} þe stokkes araced wiþ þe flood moten assemble. {and} þe watres ymedlyd wrappiþ or implieþ many fortunel happes or maneres. þe whiche wandryng happes naþeles þilke enclinyng lowenes of þe erþe. {and} þe flowynge ordre of þe slidyng water gouerniþ. ¶ Ry[gh]t so fortune þat semeþ as [þat] it fletiþ wiþ slaked or vngouerned[e] bridles. It suffriþ bridles þat is to seyn to ben gouerned {and} passeþ by þilke lawe. þat is to sein by þe deuyne ordinaunce. A{N}I{M}ADUERTO INQ{UA}M. [Sidenote: [The .2^de. p{ro}se.]] ++Þis vndirstonde I wel q{uo}d I. {and} accorde wel þat it is ry[gh]t as þou seist. but I axe yif þer be any liberte or fre wil in þis ordre of causes þat cliue{n} þus to-gidre in hem self. ¶ or ellys I wolde witen yif þat þe destinal cheine co{n}streiniþ þe moeueuynge of þe corages of me{n}. yis q{uo}d she þer is liberte of fre wille. ne þer ne was neuer no nature of resou{n} þat it ne hadde liberte of fre wille. ¶ For euery þing þat may naturely vsen resou{n}. it haþ doom by whiche it discerniþ {and} demiþ euery þing. ¶ þan knoweþ it by it self þinges þat be{n} to fleen. {and} þinges þat ben to desiren. {and} þilk þing þat any wy[gh]t demeþ to ben desired þ{a}t axeþ or desireþ he {and} fleeþ [thilke] þing þat he troueþ ben to fleen. ¶ wher-fore in alle þinges þ{a}t resou{n} is. i{n} hem also is libertee of willyng {and} of nillynge. ¶ But I ne ordeyne nat. as who seiþ. I ne graunte nat þat þis lib{er}tee be euene like in alle þinges. forwhi in þe souereyns deuynes substau{n}ces. þat is to seyn in spirit[gh] ¶ Iugement is more clere {and} wil nat be corumped. {and} haþ my[gh]t redy to speden þinges þat ben desired. ¶ But þe soules of men moten nedes ben more free whan þei loken hem in þe speculac{i}ou{n} or lokynge of þe deuyne þou[gh]t. {and} lasse free whan þei sliden in to þe bodies. {and} [gh]it lasse free whan þei ben gadred to-gidre {and} co{m}p{re}hendid in erþely membris. but þe last[e] seruage is whan þat þei ben [gh]eue{n} to vices. {and} han yfalle fro þe possessiou{n} of hire p{ro}pre resou{n} ¶ For after þat þei han cast aweye hir eyen fro þe ly[gh]t of þe souereyn soþefastnesse to lowe þinges {and} dirke ¶ Anon þei dirken by þe cloude of ignoraunce {and} ben troubled by felonous talent[gh]. to þe whiche talent[gh] whan þei app{ro}chen {and} assenten. þei hepen {and} encresen þe seruage whiche þei han ioigned to hem self. and in þis manere þei ben caitifs fro hire p{ro}pre libertee. þe whiche þinges naþeles þe lokynge of þe deuyne purueaunce seeþ þ{a}t alle þinges byholdeþ {and} seeþ fro et{er}ne. and ordeyneþ hem eueryche i{n} her merites. as þei ben p{ro}destinat. {and} it is seid in grek. þat alle þinges he seeþ {and} alle þinges he hereþ. PURO CLARU{M} LUMINE. [Sidenote: [The .2^de. Met{ur}.]] ++HOmer wiþ þe hony mouþe. þat is to seyn. homer wiþ þe swete dites syngeþ þat þe sonne is cleer by pure ly[gh]t. naþeles [gh]it ne may it nat by þe inferme ly[gh]t of hys bemes breke{n} or p{er}ce{n} þe inwarde entrailes of þe erþe. or ellys of þe see. ¶ so ne seeþ nat god makere of þe grete worlde to hym þat lokeþ alle þinges from on heye ne wiþstandiþ nat no þinges by heuynesses of erþe. ne þe ny[gh]t ne wiþstondeþ nat to hy{m} by þe blake cloudes. ¶ þilke god seeþ i{n} o strook of þou[gh]t alle þinges þat ben or weren or schullen come. ¶ and þilke god for he lokeþ {and} seeþ alle þinges al oon. þou maist seyn þat he is þe verray sonne. TAMEN EGO EN INQ{UA}M. [Sidenote: [The .3^de. p{ro}se.]] ++ÞAn seide I now am I co{n}fou{n}ded by a more harde doute þan I was. what doute is þat q{uo}d she. ¶ For certys I coniecte now by whiche þinges þou art troubled. It semeþ q{uo}d I to repugnen {and} to contrarien gretly þat god knoweþ byforn alle þinges. {and} þat þer is any fredom of liberte. for yif so be þat god lokeþ alle þinges byforn. ne god ne may nat ben desseiuid in no manere. þan mot it nedes ben þat alle þinges bytyden þe whiche þat þe purueaunce of god haþ sein byforn to comen. ¶ For whiche yif þat god knoweþ by-forn nat oonly þe werkes of men. but also hir conseils {and} hir willes. þan ne shal þer be no liberte of arbitre. ne certys þer ne may ben noon oþer dede ne no wille but þilke whiche þe deuyne purueaunce þat ne may nat ben desseiued haþ feled byforn ¶ For yif þat þei my[gh]ten wryþen awey in oþer manere þan þei ben purueyed. þan ne sholde þer ben no stedfast p{re}science of þinge to comen but raþer an vncerteyn oppiniou{n}. þe whiche þinge to trowen on god I deme it felonie {and} vnleueful. ¶ Ne I ne proeue nat þilk same resou{n}. as who seiþ I ne allowe nat. or I ne p{re}ise nat þilke same resou{n} by whiche þat som men wenen þat þei mowen assoilen {and} vnknytten þe knot of þis questiou{n}. ¶ For certys þei seyn þ{a}t þing nis nat to come for þat þe purueaunce of god haþ seyn it byforn{e}. þat is to comen but raþer þe cont{ra}rie. ¶ And þat is þis þat for þat þe þing is to comen þat þerfore ne may it nat ben hyd fro þe purueaunce of god. {and} in þis manere þis necessite slydiþ a[gh]ein in to þe contrarie p{ar}tie. ne it ne byhoueþ [nat] nedes þat þinges bytiden þat ben ypurueid. [but it by-houeth nedes / þ{a}t thinges þ{a}t ben to comyn ben yporueyid] but as it were yt{ra}uailed. as who seiþ. þat þilke answere p{ro}cediþ ry[gh]t as þou[gh] men trauailden or weren bysy to enqueren þe whiche þing is cause of whiche þinges. as wheþer þe p{re}science is cause of þe necessite of þinges to comen. or ellys þat þe necessite of þi{n}ges to comen is cause of þe purueau{n}ce. ¶ But I ne enforce me nat now to shewe{n} it þat þe bytidyng of þinges y-wist byforn is necessarie. how so or in what manere þat þe ordre of causes haþ it self. al þou[gh] þat it ne seme nat þat þe p{re}science brynge in necessite of bytydynge of þinges to comen. ¶ For certys yif þat any wy[gh]t sitteþ it byhoueþ by necessite þat þe oppiniou{n} be soþe of hym þ{a}t coniectiþ þat he sitteþ. and a[gh]einward. al so is it of þe contrarie. yif þe oppiniou{n} be soþe of any wy[gh]t for þat he sitteþ it byhoueþ by necessite þat he sitte ¶ þan is here necessite in þat oon {and} in þ{a}t oþer. for in þat oon is necessite of sittynge. {and} certys in þat oþer is necessite of soþe but þerfore ne sitteþ nat a wy[gh]t for þat þe oppiniou{n} of sittyng is soþe. but þe oppiniou{n} is raþer soþe for þat a wy[gh]t sitteþ by-forn. and þus al þou[gh] þ{a}t þe cause of soþe comeþ of [þe] syttyng. and nat of þe trewe oppiniou{n}. Algates [gh]itte is þer comune necessite in þat oon {and} in þat oþer. ¶ þus sheweþ it þ{a}t I may make semblable skils of þe p{ur}ueau{n}ce of god {and} of þinges to come. ¶ For al þou[gh] for þat þat þinges ben to comen. þer-fore ben þei p{ur}ueid. nat certys for þei ben p{ur}ueid. þer-fore ne bytide þei nat. [gh]it naþeles byhoueþ it by necessite þat eiþer þe þinges to comen ben yp{ur}ueied of god. or ellys þat þe þinges þat ben p{ur}ueied of god bitiden [.s.] by necessite. ¶ And þis þing oonly suffiseþ I-nou[gh] to distroien þe fredome of oure arbitre. þat is to seyn of oure fre wille ¶ But now [certes] sheweþ it wel how fer fro þe soþe {and} how vp so dou{n} is þis þing þat we seyn þat þe bytidinge of temp{or}el þinges is þe cause of þe eterne p{re}science. ¶ But forto wenen þat god p{ur}ueiþ [the] þinges to comen. for þei ben to comen. what oþer þing is it but forto wene þat þilke þinges þat bitiden som tyme ben causes of þilke souereyne p{ur}ueaunce þat is i{n} god. ¶ And her-to I adde [gh]itte þis þing þat ry[gh]t as whan þat I woot þat o þing is it byhoueþ by necessite þat þilke self þing be. {and} eke þat whan I haue knowe þat any þi{n}ge shal bitiden so byhoueþ it by necessite þ{a}t þilk[e] same þing bytide. so folweþ it þan þat þe bytydynge of þe þinge Iwist by-forn ne may nat ben eschewed. ¶ And at þe last[e] yif þat any wy[gh]t wene a þing to ben oþer weyes þan it is. it nys nat oonly vnscience. but it is deceiuable oppiniou{n} ful diuerse {and} fer fro þe soþe of science. ¶ wher-fore yif any þing be so to comen so þat þe bytydynge of it ne be nat certeyne ne necessarie. ¶ who may weten [byforn] þ{a}t þilke þing is to come. ¶ For ry[gh]t as science ne may nat be medelyd wiþ falsnesse. as who seiþ þat yif I woot a þing. it ne may nat be fals þat I ne woot it. ¶ Ry[gh]t so þilk þing þat is conceyued by science ne may [nat] ben noon oþ{er} weyes þan [as] it is conceiued. For þat is þe cause whi þat science wa{n}tiþ lesynge. as who seiþ. whi þat witynge ne receyueþ nat lesynge of þat it woot. ¶ For it byhoueþ by necessite þat euery þi{n}ge [be] ry[gh]t as science co{m}p{re}hendiþ it to be. what shal I þan sein. ¶ In whiche man{er}e knoweþ god byforn þe þinges to comen. ¶ yif þei ne be nat certeyne. ¶ For yif þat he deme þat þei ben to comen vneschewably. {and} so may be þat it is possible þat þei ne shulle{n} nat comen. god is desseiued. but nat only to trowen þat god is desseiued. but for to speke it wiþ mouþe it is a felonous sy{n}ne. ¶ But yif þat god woot þat ry[gh]t so as þinges ben to comen. so shulle þei comen. so þat he wit[e] egaly. as who seiþ indifferently þat þinges mowen ben don or ellys nat don. what is þilke p{re}science þat ne comp{re}hendiþ no certeyne þinge ne stable. or ellys what difference is þer bytwixe þe p{re}science. {and} þilke iape-worþi dyuynynge of Tiresie þe diuino{ur} þat seide. ¶ Al þat I seie q{uo}d he eyþer it shal be. or ellys it ne shal nat be. Or ellis how moche is worþe þe diuyne p{re}science more þan þe oppiniou{n} of mankynde yif so be þat it demeþ þe þinges vncerteyne as me{n} don. of þe whiche domes of men þe bytydynge nis nat certeyne. ¶ But yif so be þ{a}t noon vncerteyne þinge may ben in hym þat is ry[gh]t certeyne welle of alle þinges. þa{n} is þe bytydynge certeyne of þilke þinges whiche he haþ wist byforn fermely to come{n}. For whiche it folweþ þat þe fredom of þe co{n}seils {and} of þe werkes of mankynde nis non syn þat þe þou[gh]t of god seeþ alle þinges w{i}t{h} outen erro{ur} of falsnesse byndeþ {and} co{n}streiniþ hem to a bitidynge by necessite. and yif [this] þi{n}g be on-is grau{n}tid {and} receyued. þat is to seyn. þat þer nis no fre wille. þan sheweþ it wel how gret distrucc{i}ou{n} {and} how grete damages þer folwen of þinges of mankynde. ¶ For in ydel ben þer þan p{ur}posed and byhy[gh]t medes of goode folk. {and} peynes to badde folk. syn þat no moeuynge of free corage uoluntarie ne haþ nat deserued hem. þat is to seyn neiþer mede nor peyne. ¶ And it sholde seme þan þat þilke þinge is alþer worste whiche þat is nowe demed. for alþ{er} moste iuste {and} moste ry[gh]tful. þat is to seyn þat shrewes ben punyssed. or ellys þ{a}t good[e] folk ben ygerdoned. þe whiche folk syn þat þe p{ro}pre wille [ne] sent hem nat to þ{a}t oon ne to þat oþer. þat is to seyn. neþer to good[e] ne to harme. but constreineþ hem certeyne necessite of þinges to comen. ¶ þanne ne sholle{n} þer neuer ben ne neuer weren vice ne vertue. but it sholde raþer ben co{n}fusiou{n} of alle desertes medlid wiþoute discresiou{n}. ¶ And [gh]itte þer folweþ an oþer i{n}co{n}uenient of þe whiche þer ne may ben þou[gh]t ne more felonous ne more wikke. {and} þat is þis þat so as þe ordre of þinges is yledd {and} comeþ of þe purueaunce of god. ne þat no þing nis leueful to þe conseils of mankynde. as who seiþ þat men han no power to done no þing. ne wilne no þing. þan folweþ it þat oure vices ben refferred to þe mak[er]e of alle good. as who seiþ þan folweþ it. þat god au[gh]t[e] han þe blame of oure vices. syn he co{n}streiniþ by necessite to don vices. þan nis þer no resou{n} to han hopen in god. ne forto p{re}ien to god. ¶ For what sholde any wy[gh]t hopen to god. or whi sholde he p{re}ien to god. syn þat þe ordenaunce of destine whiche þat ne may nat ben enclined. knytteþ {and} streiniþ alle þinges þat men may desire{n}. ¶ þan sholde þere be don awey þilke oonly alliaunce bytwixen god {and} men. þat is to seien to hopen {and} to p{re}ien. but by þe p{re}is of ry[gh]tfulnesse {and} of veray mekenesse we deserue þe gerdou{n} of þe deuyne grace whiche þat is inestimable. þat is to sein þat it is so grete þat it ne may nat ben ful yp{re}ised. {and} þis is oonly þe manere. þat is to seyen hope {and} prayeres. for whiche it semeþ þat [men] mowen speken wiþ god. {and} by resou{n} of supplicac{i}ou{n} ben conioigned to þilk clernesse þat nis nat app{ro}ched no raþer or þat men byseken it {and} emp{re}nten it. And yif men ne wene [nat] þat [hope] ne p{re}iers ne han no strengþes. by þe necessite of þinges to comen y-resceiued. what þi{n}g is þer þan by whiche we mowen be co{n}ioygned {and} clyuen to þilke souereyne p{r}ince of þinges. ¶ For whiche it byhoueþ by necessite þat þe lynage of mankynde as þou songe a litel here byforne ben dep{ar}ted {and} vnioyned from hys welle {and} faylen of hys bygynnynge. þat is to seien god. QUE NAM DISCORS [Sidenote: [The .3^de. Met{ur}.]] ++What discordable cause haþ to-rent {and} vnioigned þe byndyng or þe alliaunce of þinges. þat is to seyne þe coniuncc{i}ou{n} of god {and} of man. ¶ whiche god haþ establissed so grete bataile bitwixe{n} þise two soþefast or verray þinges. þat is to sein bytwixen þe p{ur}ueaunce of god {and} fre wille. þat þei ben synguler {and} diuided. ne þat þei ne wolen nat ben medeled ne coupled to-gidre. but þer nis no discorde to [tho] verray þinges. but þei cleuen certeyne al wey to hem self. but þe þou[gh]t of man co{n}founded {and} ouerþrowen by þe dirke membris of þe body ne may nat by fir of his dirk[ed] lokynge. þat is to seyn by þe vigo{ur} of hys insy[gh]t while þe soule is in þe body knowen þe þinne subtil knyttynges of þinges. ¶ But wherfore eschaufiþ it so by so grete loue to fynden þilke note[s] of soþe y-cou{er}ed. (_glosa_) þat is to sein wherfore eschaufiþ þe þou[gh]t of man by so grete desir to knowen þilke notificac{i}ou{n}s þat ben yhidd vndir þe couerto{ur}s of soþe. woot it ou[gh]t þilke þinges þat it anguissous desireþ to knowe. as who seiþ nay. ¶ For no man ne trauaileþ forto witen þinges þat he woot. {and} þerfore þe texte seiþ þus. ¶ [_Glosa_] Si eni{m} a{n}i{m}a ignorat istas subtiles co{n}nexiones. r{espo}nde. vn{de} est q{uo}d desiderat scire cu{m} nil ignotu{m} possit desiderare. ¶ But who traua[i]leþ to wyten þinges y-knowe. and yif þat he ne knoweþ hem nat. what sekiþ þilke blynde þou[gh]t. what is he þat desireþ any þinge of whiche he woot ry[gh]t nat. as who seiþ who so desiriþ any þing nedis som what he knoweþ of it. or ellys he ne couþe nat