English Synonyms
and Antonyms
A Practical and Invaluable Guide to Clear and
Precise Diction for Writers, Speakers, Students,
Business and Professional Men
Connectives of
English Speech
"The work is likely to prove of great value to all
writers."—Washington Evening Star.
"The book will receive high appreciation from thoughtful
students who seek the most practical help."—Grand Rapids
"It is written in a clear and pleasing style and so arranged
that but a moment's time is needed to find any line of the
hundreds of important though small words which this book
discusses."—Chattanooga Times.
"Its practical reference value is great, and it is a great
satisfaction to note the care and attention to detail and fine
shades of meaning the author has bestowed upon the words he
discusses."—Church Review, Hartford.
"A work of great practical helpfulness to a large class of
people."—Louisville Courier-Journal.
"This is one of the most useful books for writers, speakers,
and all who care for the use of language, which has appeared
in a long time."—Cumberland Presbyterian, Nashville.
"It is a book of great value to all who take any interest
in correct and elegant language."—Methodist, Baltimore.
"This work is a welcome aid to good writing and good
speech. It is worthy the close study of all who would cultivate
finished style. Its admirable arrangement and a good
index make it easy for reference."—Christian Observer.
"His book has some excellent qualities. In the first place,
it is absolutely free from dogmatic assertion; in the second
place, it contains copious examples from good authors, which
should guide aright the person investigating any word, if he is
thoroughly conversant with English."—The Sun, New York.
Designed as a Companion for the Study
and as a
Text-Book for the Use of Schools
Editor of Synonyms, Antonyms, and Prepositions in the Standard Dictionary
Copyright, 1896, by FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY.
Registered at Stationers' Hall, London, Eng.
Printed in the United States
Transcriber's Note:
Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note, whilst
a list of significant amendments can be found at the end of the
text. Inconsistent hyphenation and conflicting variant spellings
have been standardised, except where used for emphasis.
The following linked table, covering the main body of the text, has been added for convenience.
Preface | vii |
Part I. |
Synonyms, Antonyms and Prepositions | 1 |
Part II. |
Questions and Answers | 377 |
Index | 509 |
The English language is peculiarly rich in synonyms, as, with
such a history, it could not fail to be. From the time of Julius
Cæsar, Britons, Romans, Northmen, Saxons, Danes, and Normans
fighting, fortifying, and settling upon the soil of England, with
Scotch and Irish contending for mastery or existence across the
mountain border and the Channel, and all fenced in together by the
sea, could not but influence each other's speech. English merchants,
sailors, soldiers, and travelers, trading, warring, and exploring in
every clime, of necessity brought back new terms of sea and
shore, of shop and camp and battlefield. English scholars have
studied Greek and Latin for a thousand years, and the languages
of the Continent and of the Orient in more recent times. English
churchmen have introduced words from Hebrew, Greek, and
Latin, through Bible and prayer-book, sermon and tract. From
all this it results that there is scarcely a language ever spoken
among men that has not some representative in English speech.
The spirit of the Anglo-Saxon race, masterful in language as in
war and commerce, has subjugated all these various elements to
one idiom, making not a patchwork, but a composite language.
Anglo-Saxon thrift, finding often several words that originally expressed
the same idea, has detailed them to different parts of the
common territory or to different service, so that we have an almost
unexampled variety of words, kindred in meaning but distinct in
usage, for expressing almost every shade of human thought.
Scarcely any two of such words, commonly known as synonyms,
are identical at once in signification and in use. They have certain
common ground within which they are interchangeable; but outside
of that each has its own special province, within which
any other word comes as an intruder. From these two qualities
arises the great value of synonyms as contributing to beauty and
effectiveness of expression. As interchangeable, they make possible
that freedom and variety by which the diction of an accomplished
writer or speaker differs from the wooden uniformity of a
legal document. As distinct and specific, they enable a master of
style to choose in every instance the one term that is the most[viii]
perfect mirror of his thought. To write or speak to the best purpose,
one should know in the first place all the words from which
he may choose, and then the exact reason why in any case any
particular word should be chosen. To give such knowledge in
these two directions is the office of a book of synonyms.
Of Milton's diction Macaulay writes:
"His poetry acts like an incantation. Its merit lies less in its obvious meaning
than in its occult power. There would seem, at first sight, to be no more in his
words than in other words. But they are words of enchantment. No sooner are
they pronounced, than the past is present and the distant near. New forms of beauty
start at once into existence, and all the burial places of the memory give up their
dead. Change the structure of the sentence; substitute one synonym for another, and
the whole effect is destroyed. The spell loses its power; and he who should then
hope to conjure with it would find himself as much mistaken as Cassim in the
Arabian tale, when he stood crying, 'Open Wheat,' 'Open Barley,' to the door which
obeyed no sound but 'Open Sesame.' The miserable failure of Dryden in his attempt
to translate into his own diction some parts of the 'Paradise Lost' is a remarkable
instance of this."
Macaulay's own writings abound in examples of that exquisite
precision in the choice of words, which never seems to be precise,
but has all the aspect of absolute freedom. Through his language
his thought bursts upon the mind as a landscape is seen instantly,
perfectly, and beautifully from a mountain height. A
little vagueness of thought, a slight infelicity in the choice of
words would be like a cloud upon the mountain, obscuring the
scene with a damp and chilling mist. Let anyone try the experiment
with a poem like Gray's "Elegy," or Goldsmith's "Traveller"
or "Deserted Village," of substituting other words for those
the poet has chosen, and he will readily perceive how much of
the charm of the lines depends upon their fine exactitude of
In our own day, when so many are eager to write, and confident
that they can write, and when the press is sending forth by
the ton that which is called literature, but which somehow lacks
the imprint of immortality, it is of the first importance to revive
the study of synonyms as a distinct branch of rhetorical culture.
Prevalent errors need at times to be noted and corrected, but the
teaching of pure English speech is the best defense against all that
is inferior, unsuitable, or repulsive. The most effective condemnation
of an objectionable word or phrase is that it is not found in
scholarly works, and a student who has once learned the rich
stores of vigorous, beautiful, exact, and expressive words that
make up our noble language, is by that very fact put beyond the
reach of all temptation to linguistic corruption.[ix]
Special instruction in the use of synonyms is necessary, for the
reason that few students possess the analytical power and habit
of mind required to hold a succession of separate definitions in
thought at once, compare them with each other, and determine
just where and how they part company; and the persons least
able to do this are the very ones most in need of the information.
The distinctions between words similar in meaning are often so
fine and elusive as to tax the ingenuity of the accomplished
scholar; yet when clearly apprehended they are as important for
the purposes of language as the minute differences between similar
substances are for the purposes of chemistry. Often definition
itself is best secured by the comparison of kindred terms and
the pointing out where each differs from the other. We perceive
more clearly and remember better what each word is, by
perceiving where each divides from another of kindred meaning;
just as we see and remember better the situation and contour of
adjacent countries, by considering them as boundaries of each
other, rather than by an exact statement of the latitude and
longitude of each as a separate portion of the earth's surface.
The great mass of untrained speakers and writers need to be reminded,
in the first place, that there are synonyms—a suggestion
which they would not gain from any precision of separate definitions
in a dictionary. The deplorable repetition with which many
slightly educated persons use such words as "elegant," "splendid,"
"clever," "awful," "horrid," etc., to indicate (for they can not be
said to express) almost any shade of certain approved or objectionable
qualities, shows a limited vocabulary, a poverty of language,
which it is of the first importance to correct. Many who are not
given to such gross misuse would yet be surprised to learn how
often they employ a very limited number of words in the attempt
to give utterance to thoughts and feelings so unlike, that what is
the right word on one occasion must of necessity be the wrong
word at many other times. Such persons are simply unconscious
of the fact that there are other words of kindred meaning from
which they might choose; as the United States surveyors of
Alaska found "the shuddering tenant of the frigid zone" wrapping
himself in furs and cowering over a fire of sticks with
untouched coal-mines beneath his feet.
Such poverty of language is always accompanied with poverty
of thought. One who is content to use the same word for widely
different ideas has either never observed or soon comes to forget
that there is any difference between the ideas; or perhaps he retains[x]
a vague notion of a difference which he never attempts to define to
himself, and dimly hints to others by adding to his inadequate
word some such phrase as "you see" or "you know," in the helpless
attempt to inject into another mind by suggestion what adequate
words would enable him simply and distinctly to say. Such
a mind resembles the old maps of Africa in which the interior was
filled with cloudy spaces, where modern discovery has revealed
great lakes, fertile plains, and mighty rivers. One main office of
a book of synonyms is to reveal to such persons the unsuspected
riches of their own language; and when a series of words is given
them, from which they may choose, then, with intelligent choice of
words there comes of necessity a clearer perception of the difference
of the ideas that are to be expressed by those different
words. Thus, copiousness and clearness of language tend directly
to affluence and precision of thought.
Hence there is an important use for mere lists of classified synonyms,
like Roget's Thesaurus and the works of Soule and Fallows.
Not one in a thousand of average students would ever discover,
by independent study of the dictionary, that there are fifteen
synonyms for beautiful, twenty-one for beginning, fifteen
for benevolence, twenty for friendly, and thirty-seven for pure.
The mere mention of such numbers opens vistas of possible fulness,
freedom, and variety of utterance, which will have for many
persons the effect of a revelation.
But it is equally important to teach that synonyms are not
identical and to explain why and how they differ. A person of
extensive reading and study, with a fine natural sense of language,
will often find all that he wants in the mere list, which recalls to
his memory the appropriate word. But for the vast majority
there is needed some work that compares or contrasts synonymous
words, explains their differences of meaning or usage, and shows
in what connections one or the other may be most fitly used. This
is the purpose of the present work, to be a guide to selection from
the varied treasures of English speech.
This work treats within 375 pages more than 7500 synonyms.
It has been the study of the author to give every definition or
distinction in the fewest possible words consistent with clearness
of statement, and this not merely for economy of space, but
because such condensed statements are most easily apprehended
and remembered.
The method followed has been to select from every group of synonyms
one word, or two contrasted words, the meaning of which[xi]
may be settled by clear definitive statement, thus securing some
fixed point or points to which all the other words of the group may
be referred. The great source of vagueness, error, and perplexity in
many discussions of synonyms is, that the writer merely associates
stray ideas loosely connected with the different words, sliding from
synonym to synonym with no definite point of departure or return,
so that a smooth and at first sight pleasing statement really gives the
mind no definite resting-place and no sure conclusion. A true discussion
of synonyms is definition by comparison, and for this there
must be something definite with which to compare. When the
standard is settled, approximation or differentiation can be determined
with clearness and certainty. It is not enough to tell something
about each word. The thing to tell is how each word is
related to others of that particular group. When a word has more
than one prominent meaning, the synonyms for one signification
are treated in one group and a reference is made to some other
group in which the synonyms for another signification are treated,
as may be seen by noting the synonyms given under APPARENT, and
following the reference to EVIDENT.
It has been impossible within the limits of this volume to treat
in full all the words of each group of synonyms. Sometimes it
has been necessary to restrict the statement to a mere suggestion
of the correct use; in some cases only the chief words of a group
could be considered, giving the key to the discussion, and leaving
the student to follow out the principle in the case of other words
by reference to the definitive statements of the dictionary. It is to
be hoped that at some time a dictionary of synonyms may be prepared,
giving as full a list as that of Roget or of Soule, with discriminating
remarks upon every word. Such a work would be of
the greatest value, but obviously beyond the scope of a text-book
for the class-room.
The author has here incorporated, by permission of the publishers
of the Standard Dictionary, much of the synonym matter
prepared by him for that work. All has been thoroughly revised
or reconstructed, and much wholly new matter has been added.
The book contains also more than 3700 antonyms. These are
valuable as supplying definition by contrast or by negation, one of
the most effective methods of defining being in many cases to tell
what a thing is not. To speakers and writers antonyms are useful
as furnishing oftentimes effective antitheses.
Young writers will find much help from the indication of the
correct use of prepositions, the misuse of which is one of the most[xii]
common of errors, and one of the most difficult to avoid, while
their right use gives to style cohesion, firmness, and compactness,
and is an important aid to perspicuity. To the text of the synonyms
is appended a set of Questions and Examples to adapt the
work for use as a text-book. Aside from the purposes of the class-room,
this portion will be found of value to the individual student.
Excepting those who have made a thorough study of language
most persons will discover with surprise how difficult it is to
answer any set of the Questions or to fill the blanks in the Examples
without referring to the synonym treatment in Part I., or
to a dictionary, and how rarely they can give any intelligent
reason for preference even among familiar words. There are few
who can study such a work without finding occasion to correct
some errors into which they have unconsciously fallen, and without
coming to a new delight in the use of language from a fuller
knowledge of its resources and a clearer sense of its various
West New Brighton, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1896.
Crabb's "English Synonymes Explained." [H.]
Soule's "Dictionary of English Synonyms." [L.]
Smith's "Synonyms Discriminated." [Bell.]
Graham's "English Synonyms." [A.]
Whateley's "English Synonyms Discriminated." [L. & S.]
Campbell's "Handbook of Synonyms." [L. & S.]
Fallows' "Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms." [F. H. R.]
Roget's "Thesaurus of English Words." [F. & W. Co.]
Trench's "Study of English Words." [W. J. W.]
Richard Grant White, "Words and their Uses," and "Every Day English." [H. M.
& Co.]
Geo. P. Marsh, "Lectures on the English Language," and "Origin and History of
the English Language." [S.]
Fitzedward Hall, "False Philology." [S.]
Maetzner's "English Grammar," tr. by Grece. [J. M.]
The Synonyms of the Century and International Dictionaries
have also been consulted and compared.
The Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary has been used as
the authority throughout.
| |
A. | D. Appleton & Co. | K.-F. | Krauth-Fleming |
AS. | Anglo-Saxon | "Vocabulary of Philosophy." |
Bell; B. & S. | Bell & Sons | L. | Latin; Lippincott & Co. |
F. | French | L. & S. | Lee & Shepard |
F. H. R. | Fleming H. Revell | M. | Murray's New English Dictionary |
F. & W. Co. | Funk & Wagnalls Co. | Macm. | Macmillan & Co. |
G. | German | S. | Chas. Scribner's Sons |
Gr. | Greek | Sp. | Spanish |
H. | Harper & Bros. | T. & F. | Ticknor & Fields |
H. M. & Co. | Houghton, Mifflin & Co. | T. & H. | Troutman & Hayes |
It. | Italian | T. & M. | Taylor, Walton & Maberley |
J. M. | John Murray | W. J. W. | W. J. Widdleton |
abdicate, | desert, | leave, | resign, |
abjure, | discontinue, | quit, | retire from, |
cast off, | forego, | recant, | retract, |
cease, | forsake, | relinquish, | surrender, |
cede, | forswear, | renounce, | vacate, |
depart from, | give up, | repudiate, | withdraw from. |
Abandon is a word of wide signification, applying to persons
or things of any kind; abdicate and resign apply to office, authority,
or power; cede to territorial possessions; surrender especially
to military force, and more generally to any demand, claim, passion,
etc. Quit carries an idea of suddenness or abruptness not necessarily
implied in abandon, and may not have the same suggestion
of finality. The king abdicates his throne, cedes his territory,
deserts his followers, renounces his religion, relinquishes his titles,
abandons his designs. A cowardly officer deserts his ship; the
helpless passengers abandon it. We quit business, give up property,
resign office, abandon a habit or a trust. Relinquish commonly
implies reluctance; the fainting hand relinquishes its
grasp; the creditor relinquishes his claim. Abandon implies
previous association with responsibility for or control of; forsake
implies previous association with inclination or attachment, real
or assumed; a man may abandon or forsake house or friends;
he abandons an enterprise; forsakes God. Abandon is applied
to both good and evil action; a thief abandons his designs, a
man his principles. Forsake, like abandon, may be used either
in the favorable or unfavorable sense; desert is always unfavorable,[2]
involving a breach of duty, except when used of
mere localities; as, "the Deserted Village." While a monarch
abdicates, a president or other elected or appointed officer
resigns. It was held that James II. abdicated his throne by
deserting it.
adopt, | defend, | occupy, | seek, |
advocate, | favor, | prosecute, | support, |
assert, | haunt, | protect, | undertake, |
cherish, | hold, | pursue, | uphold, |
claim, | keep, | retain, | vindicate. |
court, | maintain, |
bring low, | depress, | dishonor, | lower, |
cast down, | discredit, | humble, | reduce, |
debase, | disgrace, | humiliate, | sink. |
degrade, |
Abase refers only to outward conditions. "Exalt him that is
low, and abase him that is high." Ezek. xxi, 26. Debase applies
to quality or character. The coinage is debased by excess of
alloy, the man by vice. Humble in present use refers chiefly to
feeling of heart; humiliate to outward conditions; even when
one is said to humble himself, he either has or affects to have
humility of heart. To disgrace may be to bring or inflict odium
upon others, but the word is chiefly and increasingly applied to
such moral odium as one by his own acts brings upon himself; the
noun disgrace retains more of the passive sense than the verb; he
disgraced himself by his conduct; he brought disgrace upon his
family. To dishonor a person is to deprive him of honor that
should or might be given. To discredit one is to injure his reputation,
as for veracity or solvency. A sense of unworthiness
humbles; a shameful insult humiliates; imprisonment for crime
disgraces. Degrade may refer to either station or character.
An officer is degraded by being reduced to the ranks, disgraced
by cowardice; vile practises degrade; drunkenness is a degrading
vice. Misfortune or injustice may abase the good; nothing but
their own ill-doing can debase or disgrace them.
advance, | elevate, | honor, | raise, |
aggrandize, | exalt, | promote, | uplift. |
dignify, |
bewilder, | daunt, | embarrass, | mortify, |
chagrin, | discompose, | humble, | overawe, |
confound, | disconcert, | humiliate, | shame. |
confuse, | dishearten, |
Any sense of inferiority abashes, with or without the sense
of wrong. The poor are abashed at the splendor of wealth, the
ignorant at the learning of the wise. "I might have been abashed
by their authority." Gladstone Homeric Synchron., p. 72. [H.
'76.] To confuse is to bring into a state of mental bewilderment;
to confound is to overwhelm the mental faculties; to daunt is to
subject to a certain degree of fear. Embarrass is a strong word,
signifying primarily hamper, hinder, impede. A solitary thinker
may be confused by some difficulty in a subject, or some mental
defect; one is embarrassed in the presence of others, and because
of their presence. Confusion is of the intellect, embarrassment
of the feelings. A witness may be embarrassed by annoying
personalities, so as to become confused in statements. To mortify
a person is to bring upon him a painful sense of humiliation,
whether because of his own or another's fault or failure. A pupil
is confused by a perplexing question, a general confounded by
overwhelming defeat. A hostess is discomposed by the tardiness
of guests, a speaker disconcerted by a failure of memory. The
criminal who is not abashed at detection may be daunted by the
officer's weapon. Sudden joy may bewilder, but will not abash.
The true worshiper is humbled rather than abashed before God.
The parent is mortified by the child's rudeness, the child abashed
at the parent's reproof. The embarrassed speaker finds it difficult
to proceed. The mob is overawed by the military, the hypocrite
shamed by exposure. "A man whom no denial, no scorn could
abash." Fielding Amelia bk. iii, ch. 9, p. 300. [B. & S. '71.]
animate, | cheer, | encourage, | rally, |
buoy, | embolden, | inspirit, | uphold. |
decline, | ebb, | mitigate, | reduce, |
decrease, | lessen, | moderate, | subside. |
diminish, | lower, |
The storm, the fever, the pain abates. Interest declines. Misfortunes
may be mitigated, desires moderated, intense anger[4]
abated, population decreased, taxes reduced. We abate a nuisance,
terminate a controversy, suppress a rebellion. See ALLEVIATE.
aggravate, | enhance, | foment, | rage, |
amplify, | enlarge, | increase, | raise, |
continue, | extend, | magnify, | revive. |
develop, |
Abate in fury; abated by law.
An abbreviation is a shortening by any method; a contraction
is a reduction of size by the drawing together of the parts. A
contraction of a word is made by omitting certain letters or
syllables and bringing together the first and last letters or elements;
an abbreviation may be made either by omitting certain
portions from the interior or by cutting off a part; a contraction
is an abbreviation, but an abbreviation is not necessarily a contraction;
rec't for receipt, mdse. for merchandise, and Dr. for
debtor are contractions; they are also abbreviations; Am. for
American is an abbreviation, but not a contraction. Abbreviation
and contraction are used of words and phrases, abridgment
of books, paragraphs, sentences, etc. Compare ABRIDGMENT.
advocate, | countenance, | incite, | sanction, |
aid, | embolden, | instigate, | support, |
assist, | encourage, | promote, | uphold. |
Abet and instigate are now used almost without exception in
a bad sense; one may incite either to good or evil. One incites
or instigates to the doing of something not yet done, or to increased
activity or further advance in the doing of it; one abets
by giving sympathy, countenance, or substantial aid to the doing
of that which is already projected or in process of commission.
Abet and instigate apply either to persons or actions, incite to
persons only; one incites a person to an action. A clergyman
will advocate the claims of justice, aid the poor, encourage the[5]
despondent, support the weak, uphold the constituted authorities;
but he will not incite to a quarrel, instigate a riot, or abet a
crime. The originator of a crime often instigates or incites others
to abet him in it, or one may instigate or incite others to a crime
in the commission of which he himself takes no active part.
Compare HELP.
baffle, | deter, | dissuade, | hinder, |
confound, | disapprove, | expose, | impede, |
counteract, | disconcert, | frustrate, | obstruct. |
denounce, | discourage, |
abominate, | dislike, | loathe, | scorn, |
despise, | hate, | nauseate, | shun. |
detest, |
Abhor is stronger than despise, implying a shuddering recoil,
especially a moral recoil. "How many shun evil as inconvenient
who do not abhor it as hateful." Trench Serm. in Westm. Abbey
xxvi, 297. [M.] Detest expresses indignation, with something of
contempt. Loathe implies disgust, physical or moral. We abhor
a traitor, despise a coward, detest a liar. We dislike an uncivil
person. We abhor cruelty, hate tyranny. We loathe a reptile
or a flatterer. We abhor Milton's heroic Satan, but we can not
despise him.
admire, | crave, | esteem, | love, |
approve, | desire, | like, | relish. |
covet, | enjoy, |
anticipate, | dwell, | remain, | stop, |
await, | endure, | reside, | tarry, |
bear, | expect, | rest, | tolerate, |
bide, | inhabit, | sojourn, | wait, |
confront, | live, | stay, | watch. |
continue, | lodge, |
To abide is to remain continuously without limit of time
unless expressed by the context: "to-day I must abide at thy
house," Luke xix, 5; "a settled place for thee to abide in forever,"
1 Kings viii, 13; "Abide with me! fast falls the eventide,"
Lyte Hymn. Lodge, sojourn, stay, tarry, and wait always imply
a limited time; lodge, to pass the night; sojourn, to remain[6]
temporarily; live, dwell, reside, to have a permanent home.
Stop, in the sense of stay or sojourn, is colloquial, and not in
approved use. Compare ENDURE; REST.
abandon, | forfeit, | migrate, | reject, |
avoid, | forfend, | move, | resist, |
depart, | journey, | proceed, | shun. |
Abide in a place, for a time, with a person, by a statement.
abate, | eradicate, | prohibit, | stamp out, |
abrogate, | exterminate, | remove, | subvert, |
annihilate, | extirpate, | repeal, | supplant, |
annul, | nullify, | reverse, | suppress, |
destroy, | obliterate, | revoke, | terminate. |
end, | overthrow, | set aside, |
Abolish, to do away with, bring absolutely to an end, especially
as something hostile, hindering, or harmful, was formerly used of
persons and material objects, a usage now obsolete except in
poetry or highly figurative speech. Abolish is now used of
institutions, customs, and conditions, especially those wide-spread
and long existing; as, to abolish slavery, ignorance, intemperance,
poverty. A building that is burned to the ground is said to be
destroyed by fire. Annihilate, as a philosophical term, signifies
to put absolutely out of existence. As far as our knowledge goes,
matter is never annihilated, but only changes its form. Some
believe that the wicked will be annihilated. Abolish is not said
of laws. There we use repeal, abrogate, nullify, etc.: repeal by
the enacting body, nullify by revolutionary proceedings; a later
statute abrogates, without formally repealing, any earlier law
with which it conflicts. An appellate court may reverse or set
aside the decision of an inferior court. Overthrow may be used
in either a good or a bad sense; suppress is commonly in a good,
subvert always in a bad sense; as, to subvert our liberties;
to suppress a rebellion. The law prohibits what may never
have existed; it abolishes an existing evil. We abate a nuisance,
terminate a controversy. Compare CANCEL; DEMOLISH;
authorize, | establish, | reinstate, | revive, |
cherish, | institute, | renew, | set up, |
confirm, | introduce, | repair, | support, |
continue, | legalize, | restore, | sustain. |
enact, | promote, |
abhorrence, | curse, | hatred, | plague, |
abuse, | detestation, | horror, | shame, |
annoyance, | disgust, | iniquity, | villainy, |
aversion, | evil, | nuisance, | wickedness. |
crime, | execration, | offense, |
Abomination (from the L. ab omen, a thing of ill omen) was
originally applied to anything held in religious or ceremonial
aversion or abhorrence; as, "The things which are highly
esteemed among men are abomination in the sight of God."
Luke xvi, 15. The word is oftener applied to the object of such
aversion or abhorrence than to the state of mind that so regards
it; in common use abomination signifies something very much
disliked or loathed, or that deserves to be. Choice food may be
an object of aversion and disgust to a sick person; vile food
would be an abomination. A toad is to many an object of
disgust; a foul sewer is an abomination. As applied to crimes,
abomination is used of such as are especially brutal, shameful, or
revolting; theft is an offense; infanticide is an abomination.
affection, | blessing, | enjoyment, | joy, |
appreciation, | delight, | esteem, | satisfaction, |
approval, | desire, | gratification, | treat. |
benefit, |
abbreviation, | compend, | epitome, | summary, |
abstract, | compendium, | outline, | synopsis. |
analysis, | digest, |
An abridgment gives the most important portions of a work
substantially as they stand. An outline or synopsis is a kind of
sketch closely following the plan. An abstract or digest is an
independent statement of what the book contains. An analysis
draws out the chief thoughts or arguments, whether expressed or
implied. A summary is the most condensed statement of results
or conclusions. An epitome, compend, or compendium is a condensed
view of a subject, whether derived from a previous publication
or not. We may have an abridgment of a dictionary, but
not an analysis, abstract, digest, or summary. We may have an
epitome of religion, a compendium of English literature, but not
an abridgment. Compare ABBREVIATION.
arbitrary, | compulsory, | haughty, | peremptory, |
arrogant, | controlling, | imperative, | positive, |
authoritative, | despotic, | imperious, | supreme, |
autocratic, | dictatorial, | irresponsible, | tyrannical, |
coercive, | dogmatic, | lordly, | unconditional, |
commanding, | domineering, | overbearing, | unequivocal. |
compulsive, | exacting, |
In the strict sense, absolute, free from all limitation or control,
and supreme, superior to all, can not properly be said of any being
except the divine. Both words are used, however, in a modified
sense, of human authorities; absolute then signifying free from
limitation by other authority, and supreme exalted over all other;
as, an absolute monarch, the supreme court. Absolute, in this
use, does not necessarily carry any unfavorable sense, but as absolute
power in human hands is always abused, the unfavorable
meaning predominates. Autocratic power knows no limits outside
the ruler's self; arbitrary power, none outside the ruler's will
or judgment, arbitrary carrying the implication of wilfulness
and capriciousness. Despotic is commonly applied to a masterful
or severe use of power, which is expressed more decidedly by
tyrannical. Arbitrary may be used in a good sense; as, the pronunciation
of proper names is arbitrary; but the bad sense is
the prevailing one; as, an arbitrary proceeding. Irresponsible
power is not necessarily bad, but eminently dangerous; an executor
or trustee should not be irresponsible; an irresponsible ruler
is likely to be tyrannical. A perfect ruler might be irresponsible
and not tyrannical. Authoritative is used always in a good
sense, implying the right to claim authority; imperative, peremptory,
and positive are used ordinarily in the good sense; as, an
authoritative definition; an imperative demand; a peremptory
command; positive instructions; imperious signifies assuming
and determined to command, rigorously requiring obedience. An
imperious demand or requirement may have in it nothing offensive;
it is simply one that resolutely insists upon compliance, and
will not brook refusal; an arrogant demand is offensive by its
tone of superiority, an arbitrary demand by its unreasonableness;
an imperious disposition is liable to become arbitrary and arrogant.
A person of an independent spirit is inclined to resent an
imperious manner in any one, especially in one whose superiority
is not clearly recognized. Commanding is always used in a good[9]
sense; as, a commanding appearance; a commanding eminence.
accountable, | constitutional, | gentle, | lowly, | responsible, |
complaisant, | contingent, | humble, | meek, | submissive, |
compliant, | docile, | lenient, | mild, | yielding. |
conditional, | ductile, | limited, |
acquit, | exculpate, | forgive, | pardon, |
clear, | exempt, | free, | release, |
discharge, | exonerate, | liberate, | set free. |
To absolve, in the strict sense, is to set free from any bond. One
may be absolved from a promise by a breach of faith on the part
of one to whom the promise was made. To absolve from sins is
formally to remit their condemnation and penalty, regarded as a
bond upon the soul. "Almighty God ... pardoneth and absolveth
all those who truly repent, and unfeignedly believe his holy
Gospel." Book of Common Prayer, Declar. of Absol. To acquit
of sin or crime is to free from the accusation of it, pronouncing
one guiltless; the innocent are rightfully acquitted; the guilty
may be mercifully absolved. Compare PARDON.
accuse, | charge, | condemn, | impeach, | obligate, |
bind, | compel, | convict, | inculpate, | oblige. |
One is absolved from (rarely of) a promise, a sin, etc.
consume, | engross, | suck up, | take in, |
drink in, | exhaust, | swallow, | take up. |
drink up, | imbibe, | swallow up, |
A fluid that is absorbed is taken up into the mass of the absorbing
body, with which it may or may not permanently combine.
Wood expands when it absorbs moisture, iron when it absorbs
heat, the substance remaining perhaps otherwise substantially
unchanged; quicklime, when it absorbs water, becomes a new
substance with different qualities, hydrated or slaked lime. A
substance is consumed which is destructively appropriated by
some other substance, being, or agency, so that it ceases to exist or
to be recognized as existing in its original condition; fuel is consumed
in the fire, food in the body; consume is also applied to
whatever is removed from the market for individual use; as, silk
and woolen goods are consumed. A great talker engrosses the
conversation. A credulous person swallows the most preposterous[10]
statement. A busy student imbibes or drinks in knowledge; he
is absorbed in a subject that takes his whole attention. "I only
postponed it because I happened to get absorbed in a book." Kane
Grinnell Exped. ch. 43, page 403. [H. '54.]
cast out, | dissipate, | emit, | put forth, | shoot forth, |
disgorge, | distract, | exude, | radiate, | throw off, |
disperse, | eject, | give up, | send out, | vomit. |
Plants absorb moisture from the air; the student is absorbed in
thought; nutriment may be absorbed into the system through the
abstemiousness, | frugality, | self-denial, | sobriety, |
continence, | moderation, | self-restraint, | temperance. |
fasting, | self-control, |
Abstinence from food commonly signifies going without; abstemiousness,
partaking moderately; abstinence may be for a single
occasion, abstemiousness is habitual moderation. Self-denial
is giving up what one wishes; abstinence may be refraining from
what one does not desire. Fasting is abstinence from food for a
limited time, and generally for religious reasons. Sobriety and
temperance signify maintaining a quiet, even temper by moderate
indulgence in some things, complete abstinence from others. We
speak of temperance in eating, but of abstinence from vice. Total
abstinence has come to signify the entire abstaining from intoxicating
drunkenness, | greed, | reveling, | sensuality, |
excess, | intemperance, | revelry, | wantonness. |
gluttony, | intoxication, | self-indulgence, |
The negative side of virtue is abstinence from vice.
appropriate, | distract, | purloin, | steal, |
detach, | divert, | remove, | take away, |
discriminate, | eliminate, | separate, | withdraw. |
distinguish, |
The central idea of withdrawing makes abstract in common
speech a euphemism for appropriate (unlawfully), purloin, steal.
In mental processes we discriminate between objects by distinguishing
their differences; we separate some one element from
all that does not necessarily belong to it, abstract it, and view it
alone. We may separate two ideas, and hold both in mind in[11]
comparison or contrast; but when we abstract one of them, we
drop the other out of thought. The mind is abstracted when it is
withdrawn from all other subjects and concentrated upon one,
diverted when it is drawn away from what it would or should attend
to by some other interest, distracted when the attention is
divided among different subjects, so that it can not be given
properly to any. The trouble with the distracted person is that
he is not abstracted. Compare DISCERN.
add, | complete, | fill up, | restore, | unite. |
combine, | conjoin, | increase, | strengthen, |
The purse may be abstracted from the pocket; the substance
from the accidents; a book into a compend.
absent, | heedless, | listless, | preoccupied, |
absent-minded, | inattentive, | negligent, | thoughtless. |
absorbed, | indifferent, | oblivious, |
As regards mental action, absorbed, abstracted, and preoccupied
refer to the cause, absent or absent-minded to the effect.
The man absorbed in one thing will appear absent in others. A
preoccupied person may seem listless and thoughtless, but the
really listless and thoughtless have not mental energy to be preoccupied.
The absent-minded man is oblivious of ordinary matters,
because his thoughts are elsewhere. One who is preoccupied
is intensely busy in thought; one may be absent-minded either
through intense concentration or simply through inattention, with
fitful and aimless wandering of thought. Compare ABSTRACT.
alert, | on hand, | ready, | wide-awake. |
attentive, | prompt, | thoughtful, |
anomalous, | ill-considered, | ludicrous, | ridiculous, |
chimerical, | ill-judged, | mistaken, | senseless, |
erroneous, | inconclusive, | monstrous, | stupid, |
false, | incorrect, | nonsensical, | unreasonable, |
foolish, | infatuated, | paradoxical, | wild. |
ill-advised, | irrational, | preposterous, |
That is absurd which is contrary to the first principles of reasoning;
as, that a part should be greater than the whole is absurd.
A paradoxical statement appears at first thought contradictory
or absurd, while it may be really true. Anything is irrational[12]
when clearly contrary to sound reason, foolish when contrary to
practical good sense, silly when petty and contemptible in its folly,
erroneous when containing error that vitiates the result, unreasonable
when there seems a perverse bias or an intent to go wrong.
Monstrous and preposterous refer to what is overwhelmingly
absurd; as, "O monstrous! eleven buckram men grown out of
two," Shakespeare 1 King Henry IV, act ii, sc. 4. The ridiculous
or the nonsensical is worthy only to be laughed at. The
lunatic's claim to be a king is ridiculous; the Mother Goose
rimes are nonsensical. Compare INCONGRUOUS.
certain, | incontrovertible, | rational, | substantial, |
consistent, | indisputable, | reasonable, | true, |
demonstrable, | indubitable, | sagacious, | undeniable, |
demonstrated, | infallible, | sensible, | unquestionable, |
established, | logical, | sound, | wise. |
incontestable, |
aggrieve, | impose on or | oppress, | ruin, |
damage, | upon, | persecute, | slander, |
defame, | injure, | pervert, | victimize, |
defile, | malign, | prostitute, | vilify, |
disparage, | maltreat, | rail at, | violate, |
harm, | misemploy, | ravish, | vituperate, |
ill-treat, | misuse, | reproach, | wrong. |
ill-use, | molest, | revile, |
Abuse covers all unreasonable or improper use or treatment by
word or act. A tenant does not abuse rented property by "reasonable
wear," though that may damage the property and injure
its sale; he may abuse it by needless defacement or neglect. It is
possible to abuse a man without harming him, as when the criminal
vituperates the judge; or to harm a man without abusing
him, as when the witness tells the truth about the criminal. Defame,
malign, rail at, revile, slander, vilify, and vituperate are
used always in a bad sense. One may be justly reproached. To
impose on or to victimize one is to injure him by abusing his confidence.
To persecute one is to ill-treat him for opinion's sake,
commonly for religious belief; to oppress is generally for political
or pecuniary motives. "Thou shalt not oppress an hired servant
that is poor and needy," Deut. xxiv, 14. Misemploy, misuse,
and pervert are commonly applied to objects rather than to persons.
A dissolute youth misemploys his time, misuses his money[13]
and opportunities, harms his associates, perverts his talents,
wrongs his parents, ruins himself, abuses every good gift of God.
applaud, | conserve, | favor, | protect, | sustain, |
benefit, | consider, | laud, | regard, | tend, |
care for, | eulogize, | panegyrize, | respect, | uphold, |
cherish, | extol, | praise, | shield, | vindicate. |
abetter or abettor, | associate, | companion, | henchman, |
accomplice, | attendant, | confederate, | participator, |
ally, | coadjutor, | follower, | partner, |
assistant, | colleague, | helper, | retainer. |
Colleague is used always in a good sense, associate and coadjutor
generally so; ally, assistant, associate, attendant, companion,
helper, either in a good or a bad sense; abetter, accessory, accomplice,
confederate, almost always in a bad sense. Ally is oftenest
used of national and military matters, or of some other connection
regarded as great and important; as, allies of despotism.
Colleague is applied to civil and ecclesiastical connections; members
of Congress from the same State are colleagues, even though
they may be bitter opponents politically and personally. An Associate
Justice of the Supreme Court is near in rank to the Chief
Justice. A surgeon's assistant is a physician or medical student
who shares in the treatment and care of patients; a surgeon's attendant
is one who rolls bandages and the like. Follower, henchman,
retainer are persons especially devoted to a chief, and generally
bound to him by necessity, fee, or reward. Partner has
come to denote almost exclusively a business connection. In law,
an abettor (the general legal spelling) is always present, either
actively or constructively, at the commission of the crime; an accessory
never. An accomplice is usually a principal; an accessory
never. If present, though only to stand outside and keep watch
against surprise, one is an abettor, and not an accessory. At
common law, an accessory implies a principal, and can not be
convicted until after the conviction of the principal; the accomplice
or abettor can be convicted as a principal. Accomplice and
abettor have nearly the same meaning, but the former is the popular,
the latter more distinctively the legal term. Compare APPENDAGE;
adversary, | chief, | foe, | leader, | principal, |
antagonist, | commander, | hinderer, | opponent, | rival. |
betrayer, | enemy, | instigator, | opposer, |
An accessory to the crime; before or after the fact; the accessories
of a figure in a painting.
adventure, | contingency, | happening, | misfortune, |
calamity, | disaster, | hazard, | mishap, |
casualty, | fortuity, | incident, | possibility. |
chance, | hap, | misadventure, |
An accident is that which happens without any one's direct intention;
a chance that which happens without any known cause.
If the direct cause of a railroad accident is known, we can not
call it a chance. To the theist there is, in strictness, no chance,
all things being by divine causation and control; but chance is
spoken of where no special cause is manifest: "By chance there
came down a certain priest that way," Luke x, 31. We can speak
of a game of chance, but not of a game of accident. An incident
is viewed as occurring in the regular course of things, but subordinate
to the main purpose, or aside from the main design. Fortune
is the result of inscrutable controlling forces. Fortune and
chance are nearly equivalent, but chance can be used of human
effort and endeavor as fortune can not be; we say "he has a
chance of success," or "there is one chance in a thousand," where
we could not substitute fortune; as personified, Fortune is regarded
as having a fitful purpose, Chance as purposeless; we
speak of fickle Fortune, blind Chance; "Fortune favors the
brave." The slaughter of men is an incident of battle; unexpected
defeat, the fortune of war. Since the unintended is often the undesirable,
accident tends to signify some calamity or disaster, unless
the contrary is expressed, as when we say a fortunate or
happy accident. An adventure is that which may turn out ill, a
misadventure that which does turn out ill. A slight disturbing
accident is a mishap. Compare EVENT; HAZARD.
appointment, | decree, | intention, | ordainment, | preparation, |
calculation, | fate, | law, | ordinance, | provision, |
certainty, | foreordination, | necessity, | plan, | purpose. |
The accident of birth; an accident to the machinery.
association, | experience, | fellowship, | intimacy, |
companionship, | familiarity, | friendship, | knowledge. |
Acquaintance between persons supposes that each knows the
other; we may know a public man by his writings or speeches,
and by sight, but can not claim acquaintance unless he personally
knows us. There may be pleasant acquaintance with little companionship;
and conversely, much companionship with little
acquaintance, as between busy clerks at adjoining desks. So
there may be association in business without intimacy or friendship.
Acquaintance admits of many degrees, from a slight or
passing to a familiar or intimate acquaintance; but acquaintance
unmodified commonly signifies less than familiarity or intimacy.
As regards persons, familiarity is becoming restricted to the undesirable
sense, as in the proverb, "Familiarity breeds contempt;"
hence, in personal relations, the word intimacy, which
refers to mutual knowledge of thought and feeling, is now uniformly
preferred. Friendship includes acquaintance with some
degree of intimacy, and ordinarily companionship, though in a
wider sense friendship may exist between those who have never
met, but know each other only by word and deed. Acquaintance
does not involve friendship, for one may be well acquainted with
an enemy. Fellowship involves not merely acquaintance and
companionship, but sympathy as well. There may be much
friendship without much fellowship, as between those whose
homes or pursuits are far apart. There may be pleasant fellowship
which does not reach the fulness of friendship. Compare
ATTACHMENT; FRIENDSHIP; LOVE. As regards studies, pursuits,
etc., acquaintance is less than familiarity, which supposes minute
knowledge of particulars, arising often from long experience or
ignorance, | ignoring, | inexperience, | unfamiliarity. |
Acquaintance with a subject; of one person with another;
between persons.
acerbity, | harshness, | severity, | tartness, |
asperity, | malignity, | sharpness, | unkindness, |
bitterness, | moroseness, | sourness, | virulence. |
causticity, |
[16]Acerbity is a sharpness, with a touch of bitterness, which may
arise from momentary annoyance or habitual impatience; asperity
is keener and more pronounced, denoting distinct irritation or
vexation; in speech asperity is often manifested by the tone of
voice rather than by the words that are spoken. Acrimony in
speech or temper is like a corrosive acid; it springs from settled
character or deeply rooted feeling of aversion or unkindness. One
might speak with momentary asperity to his child, but not with
acrimony, unless estrangement had begun. Malignity is the extreme
of settled ill intent; virulence is an envenomed hostility.
Virulence of speech is a quality in language that makes the language
seem as if exuding poison. Virulence is outspoken; malignity
may be covered with smooth and courteous phrase. We say
intense virulence, deep malignity. Severity is always painful,
and may be terrible, but carries ordinarily the implication, true or
false, of justice. Compare ANGER; BITTER; ENMITY.
amiability, | gentleness, | kindness, | smoothness, |
courtesy, | good nature, | mildness, | sweetness. |
ACT, n.
accomplishment, | execution, | movement, |
achievement, | exercise, | operation, |
action, | exertion, | performance, |
consummation, | exploit, | proceeding, |
deed, | feat, | transaction, |
doing, | motion, | work. |
effect, |
An act is strictly and originally something accomplished by an
exercise of power, in which sense it is synonymous with deed or
effect. Action is a doing. Act is therefore single, individual,
momentary; action a complex of acts, or a process, state, or habit
of exerting power. We say a virtuous act, but rather a virtuous
course of action. We speak of the action of an acid upon a
metal, not of its act. Act is used, also, for the simple exertion of
power; as, an act of will. In this sense an act does not necessarily
imply an external effect, while an action does. Morally, the
act of murder is in the determination to kill; legally, the act is
not complete without the striking of the fatal blow. Act and
deed are both used for the thing done, but act refers to the power
put forth, deed to the result accomplished; as, a voluntary act, a
bad deed. In connection with other words act is more usually
qualified by the use of another noun, action by an adjective preceding;
we may say a kind act, though oftener an act of kindness,[17]
but only a kind action, not an action of kindness. As between
act and deed, deed is commonly used of great, notable, and impressive
acts, as are achievement, exploit, and feat.
Festus: We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths.
Bailey Festus, A Country Town, sc. 7.
A feat exhibits strength, skill, personal power, whether mental or
physical, especially the latter; as, a feat of arms, a feat of memory.
An exploit is a conspicuous or glorious deed, involving valor
or heroism, usually combined with strength, skill, loftiness of
thought, and readiness of resource; an achievement is the doing
of something great and noteworthy; an exploit is brilliant, but its
effect may be transient; an achievement is solid, and its effect
enduring. Act and action are both in contrast to all that is merely
passive and receptive. The intensest action is easier than passive
cessation, | immobility, | inertia, | quiet, | suffering, |
deliberation, | inaction, | passion,[A] | repose, | suspension. |
endurance, | inactivity, | quiescence, | rest, |
agile, | energetic, | officious, | sprightly, |
alert, | expeditious, | prompt, | spry, |
brisk, | industrious, | quick, | supple, |
bustling, | lively, | ready, | vigorous, |
busy, | mobile, | restless, | wide awake. |
diligent, | nimble, |
Active refers to both quickness and constancy of action; in the
former sense it is allied with agile, alert, brisk, etc.; in the latter,
with busy, diligent, industrious. The active love employment,
the busy are actually employed, the diligent and the industrious
are habitually busy. The restless are active from inability to keep
quiet; their activity may be without purpose, or out of all proportion
to the purpose contemplated. The officious are undesirably
active in the affairs of others. Compare ALERT; ALIVE; MEDDLESOME.
dull, | inactive, | lazy, | slow, |
heavy, | indolent, | quiescent, | sluggish, |
idle, | inert, | quiet, | stupid. |
Active in work, in a cause; for an object, as for justice; with
persons or instrumentalities; about something, as about other
people's business.
acuteness, | insight, | perspicacity, | sharpness, |
cleverness, | keenness, | sagacity, | shrewdness. |
discernment, | penetration, |
Sharpness, acuteness, and insight, however keen, and penetration,
however deep, fall short of the meaning of acumen, which
implies also ability to use these qualities to advantage. There are
persons of keen insight and great penetration to whom these
powers are practically useless. Acumen is sharpness to some
purpose, and belongs to a mind that is comprehensive as well as
keen. Cleverness is a practical aptitude for study or learning.
Insight and discernment are applied oftenest to the judgment of
character; penetration and perspicacity to other subjects of
knowledge. Sagacity is an uncultured skill in using quick perceptions
for a desired end, generally in practical affairs; acumen
may increase with study, and applies to the most erudite matters.
Shrewdness is keenness or sagacity, often with a somewhat evil
bias, as ready to take advantage of duller intellects. Perspicacity
is the power to see clearly through that which is difficult or involved.
We speak of the acuteness of an observer or a reasoner,
the insight and discernment of a student, a clergyman, or a merchant,
the sagacity of a hound, the keenness of a debater, the
shrewdness of a usurer, the penetration, perspicacity, and acumen
of a philosopher.
bluntness, | dulness, | obtuseness, | stupidity. |
adjoin, | annex, | augment, | extend, | make up, |
affix, | append, | cast up, | increase, | subjoin, |
amplify, | attach, | enlarge, | join on, | sum up. |
To add is to increase by adjoining or uniting: in distinction
from multiply, which is to increase by repeating. To augment a
thing is to increase it by any means, but this word is seldom used
directly of material objects; we do not augment a house, a farm,
a nation, etc. We may enlarge a house, a farm, or an empire,
extend influence or dominion, augment riches, power or influence,
attach or annex a building to one that it adjoins or papers
to the document they refer to, annex a clause or a codicil, affix a
seal or a signature, annex a territory, attach a condition to a promise.
A speaker may amplify a discourse by a fuller treatment[19]
throughout than was originally planned, or he may append or
subjoin certain remarks without change of what has gone before.
We cast up or sum up an account, though add up and make up
are now more usual expressions.
abstract, | diminish, | lessen, | remove, | withdraw. |
deduct, | dissever, | reduce, | subtract, |
Other items are to be added to the account.
abandoned, | devoted, | given over, | inclined, |
accustomed, | disposed, | given up, | prone, |
attached, | given, | habituated, | wedded. |
One is addicted to that which he has allowed to gain a strong,
habitual, and enduring hold upon action, inclination, or involuntary
tendency, as to a habit or indulgence. A man may be accustomed
to labor, attached to his profession, devoted to his religion, given
to study or to gluttony (in the bad sense, given over, or given up,
is a stronger and more hopeless expression, as is abandoned). One
inclined to luxury may become habituated to poverty. One is
wedded to that which has become a second nature; as, one is
wedded to science or to art. Prone is used only in a bad sense,
and generally of natural tendencies; as, our hearts are prone to
evil. Abandoned tells of the acquired viciousness of one who has
given himself up to wickedness. Addicted may be used in a
good, but more frequently a bad sense; as, addicted to study;
addicted to drink. Devoted is used chiefly in the good sense; as,
a mother's devoted affection.
averse, | disinclined, | indisposed, | unaccustomed. |
Addicted to vice.
cost, | approach, | hail, | speak to, |
apostrophize, | court, | salute, | woo. |
appeal, | greet, |
To accost is to speak first, to friend or stranger, generally with
a view to opening conversation; greet is not so distinctly limited,
since one may return another's greeting; greet and hail may
imply but a passing word; greeting may be altogether silent; to
hail is to greet in a loud-voiced and commonly hearty and joyous[20]
way, as appears in the expression "hail fellow, well met." To
salute is to greet with special token of respect, as a soldier his
commander. To apostrophize is to solemnly address some person
or personified attribute apart from the audience to whom one is
speaking; as, a preacher may apostrophize virtue, the saints of
old, or even the Deity. To appeal is strictly to call for some form
of help or support. Address is slightly more formal than accost
or greet, though it may often be interchanged with them. One
may address another at considerable length or in writing; he
accosts orally and briefly.
avoid, | elude, | overlook, | pass by, |
cut, | ignore, | pass, | shun. |
Address the memorial to the legislature; the president addressed
the people in an eloquent speech; he addressed an intruder
with indignation.
adroitness, | discretion, | manners, | readiness, |
courtesy, | ingenuity, | politeness, | tact. |
dexterity, |
Address is that indefinable something which enables a man to
gain his object without seeming exertion or contest, and generally
with the favor and approval of those with whom he deals. It is a
general power to direct to the matter in hand whatever qualities
are most needed for it at the moment. It includes adroitness and
discretion to know what to do or say and what to avoid; ingenuity
to devise; readiness to speak or act; the dexterity that comes of
practise; and tact, which is the power of fine touch as applied to
human character and feeling. Courtesy and politeness are indispensable
elements of good address. Compare SPEECH.
awkwardness, | clumsiness, | ill-breeding, | stupidity, |
boorishness, | fatuity, | ill manners, | unmannerliness, |
clownishness, | folly, | rudeness, | unwisdom. |
Address in dealing with opponents; the address of an accomplished
intriguer; an address to the audience.
able, | competent, | fitted, | satisfactory, |
adapted, | equal, | fitting, | sufficient, |
capable, | fit, | qualified, | suitable. |
commensurate, |
Adequate, commensurate, and sufficient signify equal to some
given occasion or work; as, a sum sufficient to meet expenses; an
adequate remedy for the disease. Commensurate is the more precise
and learned word, signifying that which exactly measures the
matter in question. Adapted, fit, suitable, and qualified refer to
the qualities which match or suit the occasion. A clergyman may
have strength adequate to the work of a porter; but that would
not be a fit or suitable occupation for him. Work is satisfactory
if it satisfies those for whom it is done, though it may be very
poor work judged by some higher standard. Qualified refers to
acquired abilities; competent to both natural and acquired; a
qualified teacher may be no longer competent, by reason of ill
health. Able and capable suggest general ability and reserved
power, able being the higher word of the two. An able man will
do something well in any position. A capable man will come up
to any ordinary demand. We say an able orator, a capable accountant.
disqualified, | inferior, | unequal, | unsatisfactory, | useless, |
inadequate, | insufficient, | unfit, | unsuitable, | worthless. |
incompetent, | poor, | unqualified, |
Adequate to the demand; for the purpose.
aid, | ally, | disciple, | partisan, | supporter. |
aider, | backer, | follower, |
An adherent is one who is devoted or attached to a person,
party, principle, cause, creed, or the like. One may be an aider
and supporter of a party or church, while not an adherent to all
its doctrines or claims. An ally is more independent still, as he
may differ on every point except the specific ground of union.
The Allies who overthrew Napoleon were united only against him.
Allies are regarded as equals; adherents and disciples are followers.
The adherent depends more on his individual judgment, the
disciple is more subject to command and instruction; thus we say
the disciples rather than the adherents of Christ. Partisan has[22]
the narrow and odious sense of adhesion to a party, right or
wrong. One may be an adherent or supporter of a party and not
a partisan. Backer is a sporting and theatrical word, personal in
its application, and not in the best usage. Compare ACCESSORY.
adversary, | betrayer, | enemy, | opponent, | traitor. |
antagonist, | deserter, | hater, | renegade, |
Adherents to principle; adherents of Luther.
cohesive, | gummy, | sticky, | viscous. |
glutinous, | sticking, | viscid, |
Adhesive is the scientific, sticking or sticky the popular word.
That which is adhesive tends to join itself to the surface of any
other body with which it is placed in contact; cohesive expresses
the tendency of particles of the same substance to hold together.
Polished plate glass is not adhesive, but such plates packed together
are intensely cohesive. An adhesive plaster is in popular
language a sticking-plaster. Sticky expresses a more limited, and
generally annoying, degree of the same quality. Glutinous,
gummy, viscid, and viscous are applied to fluid or semi-fluid substances,
as pitch or tar.
free, | inadhesive, | loose, | separable. |
The stiff, wet clay, adhesive to the foot, impeded progress.
abutting, | bordering, | contiguous, | neighboring, |
adjoining, | close, | coterminous, | next, |
attached, | conterminous, | near, | nigh. |
beside, |
Adjacent farms may not be connected; if adjoining, they meet
at the boundary-line. Conterminous would imply that their
dimensions were exactly equal on the side where they adjoin.
Contiguous may be used for either adjacent or adjoining. Abutting
refers rather to the end of one building or estate than to the
neighborhood of another. Buildings may be adjacent or adjoining
that are not attached. Near is a relative word, places being
called near upon the railroad which would elsewhere be deemed
remote. Neighboring always implies such proximity that the inhabitants[23]
may be neighbors. Next views some object as the nearest
of several or many; next neighbor implies a neighborhood.
detached, | disconnected, | disjoined, | distant, | remote, | separate. |
The farm was adjacent to the village.
adore, | delight in, | extol, | respect, | venerate, |
applaud, | enjoy, | honor, | revere, | wonder. |
approve, | esteem, | love, |
In the old sense of wonder, admire is practically obsolete; the
word now expresses a delight and approval, in which the element
of wonder unconsciously mingles. We admire beauty in nature
and art, delight in the innocent happiness of children, enjoy books
or society, a walk or a dinner. We approve what is excellent, applaud
heroic deeds, esteem the good, love our friends. We honor
and respect noble character wherever found; we revere and venerate
it in the aged. We extol the goodness and adore the majesty
and power of God.
abhor, | contemn, | detest, | execrate, | ridicule, |
abominate, | despise, | dislike, | hate, | scorn. |
Admire at may still very rarely be found in the old sense of
wonder at.
beautify, | decorate, | garnish, | illustrate, |
bedeck, | embellish, | gild, | ornament. |
deck, |
To embellish is to brighten and enliven by adding something
that is not necessarily or very closely connected with that to which
it is added; to illustrate is to add something so far like in kind as
to cast a side-light upon the principal matter. An author embellishes
his narrative with fine descriptions, the artist illustrates it
with beautiful engravings, the binder gilds and decorates the volume.
Garnish is on a lower plane; as, the feast was garnished
with flowers. Deck and bedeck are commonly said of apparel; as,
a mother bedecks her daughter with silk and jewels. To adorn
and to ornament alike signify to add that which makes anything
beautiful and attractive, but ornament is more exclusively on the
material plane; as, the gateway was ornamented with delicate[24]
carving. Adorn is more lofty and spiritual, referring to a beauty
which is not material, and can not be put on by ornaments or decorations,
but seems in perfect harmony and unity with that to
which it adds a grace; if we say, the gateway was adorned with
beautiful carving, we imply a unity and loftiness of design such
as ornamented can not express. We say of some admirable scholar
or statesman, "he touched nothing that he did not adorn."
At church, with meek and unaffected grace,
His looks adorned the venerable place.
Goldsmith Deserted Village, l. 178.
deface, | deform, | disfigure, | mar, | spoil. |
Adorn his temples with a coronet.
aggravate, | exasperate, | offend, | vex, |
annoy, | insult, | provoke, | wound. |
displease, | irritate, | tease, |
One may be annoyed by the well-meaning awkwardness of a
servant, irritated by a tight shoe or a thoughtless remark, vexed
at some careless neglect or needless misfortune, wounded by the
ingratitude of child or friend. To tease is to give some slight
and perhaps playful annoyance. Aggravate in the sense of offend
is colloquial. To provoke, literally to call out or challenge, is to
begin a contest; one provokes another to violence. To affront is
to offer some defiant offense or indignity, as it were, to one's face;
it is somewhat less than to insult. Compare PIQUE.
conciliate, | content, | gratify, | honor, | please. |
actor, | factor, | means, | operator, | promoter. |
doer, | instrument, | mover, | performer, |
In strict philosophical usage, the prime mover or doer of an act
is the agent. Thus we speak of man as a voluntary agent, a free
agent. But in common usage, especially in business, an agent is
not the prime actor, but only an instrument or factor, acting
under orders or instructions. Compare CAUSE.
chief, | inventor, | originator, | principal. |
An agent of the company for selling, etc.
accede, | admit, | coincide, | concur, |
accept, | approve, | combine, | consent, |
accord, | assent, | comply, | harmonize. |
acquiesce, |
Agree is the most general term of this group, signifying to
have like qualities, proportions, views, or inclinations, so as to be
free from jar, conflict, or contradiction in a given relation. To
concur is to agree in general; to coincide is to agree in every particular.
Whether in application to persons or things, concur tends
to expression in action more than coincide; we may either concur
or coincide in an opinion, but concur in a decision; views coincide,
causes concur. One accepts another's terms, complies with his
wishes, admits his statement, approves his plan, conforms to his
views of doctrine or duty, accedes or consents to his proposal.
Accede expresses the more formal agreement, consent the more
complete. To assent is an act of the understanding; to consent,
of the will. We may concur or agree with others, either in opinion
or decision. One may silently acquiesce in that which does
not meet his views, but which he does not care to contest. He
admits the charge brought, or the statement made, by another—admit
always carrying a suggestion of reluctance. Assent is
sometimes used for a mild form of consent, as if agreement in the
opinion assured approval of the decision.
contend, | demur, | disagree, | oppose, |
contradict, | deny, | dispute, | protest, |
decline, | differ, | dissent, | refuse. |
I agree in opinion with the speaker; to the terms proposed;
persons agree on or upon a statement of principles, rules, etc.; we
must agree among ourselves.
cultivation, | gardening, | kitchen-gardening, |
culture, | horticulture, | market-gardening, |
farming, | husbandry, | tillage. |
floriculture, |
Agriculture is the generic term, including at once the science,
the art, and the process of supplying human wants by raising the
products of the soil, and by the associated industries; farming is
the practise of agriculture as a business; there may be theoretical
agriculture, but not theoretical farming; we speak of the science
of agriculture, the business of farming; scientific agriculture[26]
may be wholly in books; scientific farming is practised upon the
land; we say an agricultural college rather than a college of
farming. Farming refers to the cultivation of considerable portions
of land, and the raising of the coarser crops; gardening is
the close cultivation of a small area for small fruits, flowers, vegetables,
etc., and while it may be done upon a farm is yet a distinct
industry. Gardening in general, kitchen-gardening, the cultivation
of vegetables, etc., for the household, market-gardening, the
raising of the same for sale, floriculture, the culture of flowers,
and horticulture, the culture of fruits, flowers, or vegetables, are
all departments of agriculture, but not strictly nor ordinarily of
farming; farming is itself one department of agriculture. Husbandry
is a general word for any form of practical agriculture,
but is now chiefly poetical. Tillage refers directly to the work
bestowed upon the land, as plowing, manuring, etc.; cultivation
refers especially to the processes that bring forward the crop; we
speak of the tillage of the soil, the cultivation of corn; we also
speak of land as in a state of cultivation, under cultivation, etc.
Culture is now applied to the careful development of any product
to a state of perfection, especially by care through successive generations;
the choice varieties of the strawberry have been produced
by wise and patient culture; a good crop in any year is the result
of good cultivation.
aspiration, | endeavor, | intention, | tendency. |
design, | goal, | mark, |
determination, | inclination, | object, |
end, | intent, | purpose, |
The aim is the direction in which one shoots, or sometimes
that which is aimed at. The mark is that at which one shoots;
the goal, that toward which one runs. All alike indicate the direction
of endeavor. The end is the point at which one expects or
hopes to close his labors; the object, that which he would grasp as
the reward of his labors. Aspiration, design, endeavor, purpose,
referring to the mental acts by which the aim is attained, are
often used as interchangeable with aim. Aspiration applies to
what are viewed as noble aims; endeavor, design, intention, purpose,
indifferently to the best or worst. Aspiration has less of
decision than the other terms; one may aspire to an object, and
yet lack the fixedness of purpose by which alone it can be attained.
Purpose is stronger than intention. Design especially denotes the[27]
adaptation of means to an end; endeavor refers to the exertions
by which it is to be attained. One whose aims are worthy, whose
aspirations are high, whose designs are wise, and whose purposes
are steadfast, may hope to reach the goal of his ambition, and will
surely win some object worthy of a life's endeavor. Compare
aimlessness, | heedlessness, | negligence, | purposelessness, |
avoidance, | neglect, | oversight, | thoughtlessness. |
carelessness, |
appearance, | demeanor, | manner, | sort, |
bearing, | expression, | mien, | style, |
behavior, | fashion, | port, | way. |
carriage, | look, |
Air is that combination of qualities which makes the entire
impression we receive in a person's presence; as, we say he has the
air of a scholar, or the air of a villain. Appearance refers more
to the dress and other externals. We might say of a travel-soiled
pedestrian, he has the appearance of a tramp, but the air of a gentleman.
Expression and look especially refer to the face. Expression
is oftenest applied to that which is habitual; as, he has a
pleasant expression of countenance; look may be momentary; as, a
look of dismay passed over his face. We may, however, speak of
the look or looks as indicating all that we look at; as, he had the
look of an adventurer; I did not like his looks. Bearing is rather
a lofty word; as, he has a noble bearing; port is practically identical
in meaning with bearing, but is more exclusively a literary
word. Carriage, too, is generally used in a good sense; as, that lady
has a good carriage. Mien is closely synonymous with air, but less
often used in a bad sense. We say a rakish air rather than a rakish
mien. Mien may be used to express some prevailing feeling;
as, "an indignant mien." Demeanor goes beyond appearance,
including conduct, behavior; as, a modest demeanor. Manner
and style are, in large part at least, acquired. Compare BEHAVIOR.
aerial, | ethereal, | frolicsome, | joyous, | lively, |
animated, | fairylike, | gay, | light, | sprightly. |
Aerial and airy both signify of or belonging to the air, but
airy also describes that which seems as if made of air; we speak[28]
of airy shapes, airy nothings, where we could not well say aerial;
ethereal describes its object as belonging to the upper air, the pure
ether, and so, often, heavenly. Sprightly, spiritlike, refers to
light, free, cheerful activity of mind and body. That which is
lively or animated may be agreeable or the reverse; as, an animated
discussion; a lively company.
clumsy, | heavy, | ponderous, | sluggish, | wooden. |
dull, | inert, | slow, | stony, |
affright, | disquietude, | fright, | solicitude, |
apprehension, | dread, | misgiving, | terror, |
consternation, | fear, | panic, | timidity. |
dismay, |
Alarm, according to its derivation all'arme, "to arms," is an
arousing to meet and repel danger, and may be quite consistent
with true courage. Affright and fright express sudden fear
which, for the time at least, overwhelms courage. The sentinel
discovers with alarm the sudden approach of the enemy; the unarmed
villagers view it with affright. Apprehension, disquietude,
dread, misgiving, and solicitude are in anticipation of danger;
consternation, dismay, and terror are overwhelming fear, generally
in the actual presence of that which is terrible, though these
words also may have an anticipative force. Timidity is a quality,
habit, or condition, a readiness to be affected with fear. A person
of great timidity is constantly liable to needless alarm and even
terror. Compare FEAR.
assurance, | calmness, | confidence, | repose, | security. |
Alarm was felt in the camp, among the soldiers, at the news.
active, | lively, | prepared, | vigilant, |
brisk, | nimble, | prompt, | watchful, |
hustling, | on the watch, | ready, | wide-awake. |
Alert, ready, and wide-awake refer to a watchful promptness
for action. Ready suggests thoughtful preparation; the wandering
Indian is alert, the trained soldier is ready. Ready expresses
more life and vigor than prepared. The gun is prepared; the
man is ready. Prompt expresses readiness for appointment or[29]
demand at the required moment. The good general is ready for
emergencies, alert to perceive opportunity or peril, prompt to
seize occasion. The sense of brisk, nimble is the secondary and
now less common signification of alert. Compare ACTIVE; ALIVE;
drowsy, | dull, | heavy, | inactive, | slow, | sluggish, | stupid. |
conflicting, | distant, | inappropriate, | strange, |
contradictory, | foreign, | irrelevant, | unconnected, |
contrary, | hostile, | opposed, | unlike. |
contrasted, | impertinent, | remote, |
Foreign refers to difference of birth, alien to difference of allegiance.
In their figurative use, that is foreign which is remote,
unlike, or unconnected; that is alien which is conflicting, hostile,
or opposed. Impertinent and irrelevant matters can not claim
consideration in a certain connection; inappropriate matters
could not properly be considered. Compare ALIEN, n.; CONTRAST,
akin, | apropos, | germane, | proper, |
appropriate, | essential, | pertinent, | relevant. |
Such a purpose was alien to (or from) my thought: to preferable.
A naturalized citizen is not an alien, though a foreigner by
birth, and perhaps a stranger in the place where he resides. A
person of foreign birth not naturalized is an alien, though he may
have been resident in the country a large part of a lifetime, and
ceased to be a stranger to its people or institutions. He is an alien
in one country if his allegiance is to another. The people of any
country still residing in their own land are, strictly speaking, foreigners
to the people of all other countries, rather than aliens; but
alien and foreigner are often used synonymously.
citizen, | fellow-countryman, | native-born inhabitant, |
countryman, | native, | naturalized person. |
Aliens to (more rarely from) our nation and laws; aliens in
our land, among our people.
akin, | equivalent, | kindred, | same, |
analogous, | homogeneous, | like, | similar, |
equal, | identical, | resembling, | uniform. |
Alike is a comprehensive word, signifying as applied to two or
more objects that some or all qualities of one are the same as those
of the other or others; by modifiers alike may be made to express
more or less resemblance; as, these houses are somewhat (i. e.,
partially) alike; or, these houses are exactly (i. e., in all respects)
alike. Cotton and wool are alike in this, that they can both be
woven into cloth. Substances are homogeneous which are made
up of elements of the same kind, or which are the same in structure.
Two pieces of iron may be homogeneous in material, while
not alike in size or shape. In geometry, two triangles are equal
when they can be laid over one another, and fit, line for line and
angle for angle; they are equivalent when they simply contain the
same amount of space. An identical proposition is one that says
the same thing precisely in subject and predicate. Similar refers
to close resemblance, which yet leaves room for question or denial
of complete likeness or identity. To say "this is the identical
man," is to say not merely that he is similar to the one I have in
mind, but that he is the very same person. Things are analogous
when they are similar in idea, plan, use, or character, tho
perhaps quite unlike in appearance; as, the gills of fishes are said
to be analogous to the lungs in terrestrial animals.
different, | dissimilar, | distinct, | heterogeneous, | unlike. |
The specimens are alike in kind; they are all alike to me.
active, | breathing, | live, | quick, |
alert, | brisk, | lively, | subsisting, |
animate, | existent, | living, | vivacious. |
animated, | existing, |
Alive applies to all degrees of life, from that which shows one
to be barely existing or existent as a living thing, as when we say
he is just alive, to that which implies the very utmost of vitality
and power, as in the words "he is all alive," "thoroughly alive."
So the word quick, which began by signifying "having life," is
now mostly applied to energy of life as shown in swiftness of
action. Breathing is capable of like contrast. We say of a dying[31]
man, he is still breathing; or we speak of a breathing statue, or
"breathing and sounding, beauteous battle," Tennyson Princess
can. v, l. 155, where it means having, or seeming to have, full and
vigorous breath, abundant life. Compare ACTIVE; ALERT; NIMBLE.
dead, | defunct, | dull, | lifeless, |
deceased, | dispirited, | inanimate, | spiritless. |
Alive in every nerve; alive to every noble impulse; alive with
fervor, hope, resolve; alive through all his being.
alleviate, | compose, | quiet, | still, |
appease, | mollify, | soothe, | tranquilize. |
calm, | pacify, |
Allay and alleviate are closely kindred in signification, and
have been often interchanged in usage. But, in strictness, to
allay is to lay to rest, quiet or soothe that which is excited; to alleviate,
on the other hand, is to lighten a burden. We allay suffering
by using means to soothe and tranquilize the sufferer; we
alleviate suffering by doing something toward removal of the
cause, so that there is less to suffer; where the trouble is wholly
or chiefly in the excitement, to allay the excitement is virtually
to remove the trouble; as, to allay rage or panic; we alleviate
poverty, but do not allay it. Pacify, directly from the Latin, and
appease, from the Latin through the French, signify to bring to
peace; to mollify is to soften; to calm, quiet, or tranquilize is to
make still; compose, to place together, unite, adjust to a calm and
settled condition; to soothe (originally to assent to, humor) is to
bring to pleased quietude. We allay excitement, appease a tumult,
calm agitation, compose our feelings or countenance, pacify
the quarrelsome, quiet the boisterous or clamorous, soothe grief or
distress. Compare ALLEVIATE.
agitate, | excite, | kindle, | rouse, | stir up. |
arouse, | fan, | provoke, | stir, |
adduce, | asseverate, | claim, | maintain, | produce, |
advance, | assign, | declare, | offer, | say, |
affirm, | aver, | introduce, | plead, | state. |
assert, | cite, |
To allege is formally to state as true or capable of proof, but
without proving. To adduce, literally to lead to, is to bring the[32]
evidence up to what has been alleged. Adduce is a secondary
word; nothing can be adduced in evidence till something has been
stated or alleged, which the evidence is to sustain. An alleged
fact stands open to question or doubt. To speak of an alleged document,
an alleged will, an alleged crime, is either to question, or
at least very carefully to refrain from admitting, that the document
exists, that the will is genuine, or that the crime has been
committed. Alleged is, however, respectful; to speak of the "so-called"
will or deed, etc., would be to cast discredit upon the document,
and imply that the speaker was ready to brand it as unquestionably
spurious; alleged simply concedes nothing and leaves
the question open. To produce is to bring forward, as, for instance,
papers or persons. Adduce is not used of persons; of them
we say introduce or produce. When an alleged criminal is
brought to trial, the counsel on either side are accustomed to advance
a theory, and adduce the strongest possible evidence in its
support; they will produce documents and witnesses, cite precedents,
assign reasons, introduce suggestions, offer pleas. The accused
will usually assert his innocence. Compare STATE.
devotion, | fealty, | loyalty, | obedience, | subjection. |
faithfulness, | homage, |
Allegiance is the obligation of fidelity and obedience that an
individual owes to his government or sovereign, in return for the
protection he receives. The feudal uses of these words have mostly
passed away with the state of society that gave them birth; but
their origin still colors their present meaning. A patriotic American
feels an enthusiastic loyalty to the republic; he takes, on occasion,
an oath of allegiance to the government, but his loyalty will
lead him to do more than mere allegiance could demand; he pays
homage to God alone, as the only king and lord, or to those principles
of right that are spiritually supreme; he acknowledges the
duty of obedience to all rightful authority; he resents the idea of
subjection. Fealty is becoming somewhat rare, except in elevated
or poetic style. We prefer to speak of the faithfulness rather
than the fealty of citizen, wife, or friend.
disaffection, | disloyalty, | rebellion, | sedition, | treason. |
We honor the allegiance of the citizen to the government;
the government has a right to allegiance from the citizen.
fable, | fiction, | illustration, | metaphor, | parable, | simile. |
In modern usage we may say that an allegory is an extended
simile, while a metaphor is an abbreviated simile contained often
in a phrase, perhaps in a word. The simile carries its comparison
on the surface, in the words as, like, or similar expressions;
the metaphor is given directly without any note of comparison.
The allegory, parable, or fable tells its story as if true, leaving
the reader or hearer to discover its fictitious character and
learn its lesson. All these are, in strict definition, fictions; but the
word fiction is now applied almost exclusively to novels or romances.
An allegory is a moral or religious tale, of which the
moral lesson is the substance, and all descriptions and incidents
but accessories, as in "The Pilgrim's Progress." A fable is generally
briefer, representing animals as the speakers and actors, and
commonly conveying some lesson of practical wisdom or shrewdness,
as "The Fables of Æsop." A parable is exclusively moral
or religious, briefer and less adorned than an allegory, with its lesson
more immediately discernible, given, as it were, at a stroke.
Any comparison, analogy, instance, example, tale, anecdote, or
the like which serves to let in light upon a subject may be called
an illustration, this word in its widest use including all the rest.
chronicle, | fact, | history, | narrative, | record. |
abate, | lighten, | reduce, | remove, |
assuage, | mitigate, | relieve, | soften. |
lessen, | moderate, |
Etymologically, to alleviate is to lift a burden toward oneself,
and so lighten it for the bearer; to relieve is to lift it back
from the bearer, nearly or quite away; to remove is to take it
away altogether. Alleviate is thus less than relieve; relieve, ordinarily,
less than remove. We alleviate, relieve or remove the
trouble; we relieve, not alleviate, the sufferer. Assuage is, by
derivation, to sweeten; mitigate, to make mild; moderate, to
bring within measure; abate, to beat down, and so make less.
We abate a fever; lessen anxiety; moderate passions or desires;
lighten burdens; mitigate or alleviate pain; reduce inflammation;[34]
soften, assuage, or moderate grief; we lighten or mitigate punishments;
we relieve any suffering of body or mind that admits of
help, comfort, or remedy. Alleviate has been often confused with
allay. Compare ALLAY.
aggravate, | embitter, | heighten, | intensify, | make worse. |
augment, | enhance, | increase, | magnify, |
coalition, | confederation, | fusion, | partnership, |
compact, | federation, | league, | union. |
confederacy, |
Alliance is in its most common use a connection formed by
treaty between sovereign states as for mutual aid in war. Partnership
is a mercantile word; alliance chiefly political or matrimonial.
Coalition is oftenest used of political parties; fusion
is now the more common word in this sense. In an alliance
between nations there is no surrender of sovereignty, and no
union except for a specified time and purpose. League and alliance
are used with scarcely perceptible difference of meaning. In
a confederacy or confederation there is an attempt to unite separate
states in a general government without surrender of sovereignty.
Union implies so much concession as to make the separate
states substantially one. Federation is mainly a poetic and rhetorical
word expressing something of the same thought, as in Tennyson's
"federation of the world," Locksley Hall, l. 128. The United
States is not a confederacy nor an alliance; the nation might be
called a federation, but prefers to be styled a federal union.
antagonism, | disunion, | enmity, | schism, | separation, |
discord, | divorce, | hostility, | secession, | war. |
Alliance with a neighboring people; against the common
enemy; for offense and defense; alliance of, between, or among
appoint, | destine, | give, | portion out, |
apportion, | distribute, | grant, | select, |
assign, | divide, | mete out, | set apart. |
award, |
Allot, originally to assign by lot, applies to the giving of a definite
thing to a certain person. A portion or extent of time is allotted;[35]
as, I expect to live out my allotted time. A definite period
is appointed; as, the audience assembled at the appointed hour.
Allot may also refer to space; as, to allot a plot of ground for a
cemetery; but we now oftener use select, set apart, or assign. Allot
is not now used of persons. Appoint may be used of time, space,
or person; as, the appointed day; the appointed place; an officer
was appointed to this station. Destine may also refer to time,
place, or person, but it always has reference to what is considerably
in the future; a man appoints to meet his friend in five minutes;
he destines his son to follow his own profession. Assign is
rarely used of time, but rather of places, persons, or things. We
assign a work to be done and assign a man to do it, who, if he
fails, must assign a reason for not doing it. That which is allotted,
appointed, or assigned is more or less arbitrary; that which is
awarded is the due requital of something the receiver has done,
and he has right and claim to it; as, the medal was awarded for
valor. Compare APPORTION.
appropriate, | deny, | resume, | seize, |
confiscate, | refuse, | retain, | withhold. |
Allot to a company for a purpose.
admit, | consent to, | let, | sanction, | tolerate, |
concede, | grant, | permit, | suffer, | yield. |
We allow that which we do not attempt to hinder; we permit
that to which we give some express authorization. When this is
given verbally it is called permission; when in writing it is commonly
called a permit. There are establishments that any one
will be allowed to visit without challenge or hindrance; there are
others that no one is allowed to visit without a permit from the
manager; there are others to which visitors are admitted at specified
times, without a formal permit. We allow a child's innocent
intrusion; we concede a right; grant a request; consent to a sale of
property; permit an inspection of accounts; sanction a marriage;
tolerate the rudeness of a well-meaning servant; submit to a surgical
operation; yield to a demand or necessity against our wish or
will, or yield something under compulsion; as, the sheriff yielded
the keys at the muzzle of a revolver, and allowed the mob to enter.
Suffer, in the sense of mild concession, is now becoming rare, its[36]
place being taken by allow, permit, or tolerate. Compare PERMISSION.
deny, | disapprove, | protest, | reject, | withstand. |
disallow, | forbid, | refuse, | resist, |
See also synonyms for PROHIBIT.
To allow of (in best recent usage, simply to allow) such an action;
allow one in such a course; allow for spending-money.
admixture, | adulteration, | debasement, | deterioration. |
Alloy may be either some admixture of baser with precious
metal, as for giving hardness to coin or the like, or it may be a
compound or mixture of two or more metals. Adulteration,
debasement, and deterioration are always used in the bad sense;
admixture is neutral, and may be good or bad; alloy is commonly
good in the literal sense. An excess of alloy virtually
amounts to adulteration; but adulteration is now mostly restricted
to articles used for food, drink, medicine, and kindred uses. In
the figurative sense, as applied to character, etc., alloy is unfavorable,
because there the only standard is perfection.
advert, | indicate, | intimate, | point, | signify, |
hint, | insinuate, | mention, | refer, | suggest. |
imply, |
Advert, mention, and refer are used of language that more or
less distinctly utters a certain thought; the others of language
from which it may be inferred. We allude to a matter slightly,
perhaps by a word or phrase, as it were in byplay; we advert to
it when we turn from our path to treat it; we refer to it by any
clear utterance that distinctly turns the mind or attention to it;
as, marginal figures refer to a parallel passage; we mention a
thing by explicit word, as by naming it. The speaker adverted to
the recent disturbances and the remissness of certain public officers;
tho he mentioned no name, it was easy to see to whom
he alluded. One may hint at a thing in a friendly way, but what
is insinuated is always unfavorable, generally both hostile and
cowardly. One may indicate his wishes, intimate his plans, imply[37]
his opinion, signify his will, suggest a course of action. Compare
The passage evidently alludes to the Jewish Passover.
attract, | captivate, | decoy, | entice, | lure, | tempt, |
cajole, | coax, | draw, | inveigle, | seduce, | win. |
To allure is to draw as with a lure by some charm or some
prospect of pleasure or advantage. We may attract others to a
certain thing without intent; as, the good unconsciously attract
others to virtue. We may allure either to that which is evil or
to that which is good and noble, by purpose and endeavor, as in
the familiar line, "Allured to brighter worlds, and led the way,"
Goldsmith Deserted Village, l. 170. Lure is rather more akin to
the physical nature. It is the word we would use of drawing on
an animal. Coax expresses the attraction of the person, not of
the thing. A man may be coaxed to that which is by no means
alluring. Cajole and decoy carry the idea of deceiving and ensnaring.
To inveigle is to lead one blindly in. To tempt is to endeavor
to lead one wrong; to seduce is to succeed in winning one from
good to ill. Win may be used in either a bad or a good sense, in
which latter it surpasses the highest sense of allure, because it
succeeds in that which allure attempts; as, "He that winneth
souls is wise," Prov. xi, 30.
chill, | damp, | deter, | dissuade, | drive away, | repel, | warn. |
Allure to a course; allure by hopes; allure from evil to good.
as well, | in addition, | likewise, | too, |
as well as, | in like manner, | similarly, | withal. |
besides, |
While some distinctions between these words and phrases will
appear to the careful student, yet in practise the choice between
them is largely to secure euphony and avoid repetition. The
words fall into two groups; as well as, besides, in addition, too,
withal, simply add a fact or thought; also (all so), in like manner,
likewise, similarly, affirm that what is added is like that to which
it is added. As well follows the word or phrase to which it is[38]
joined. We can say the singers as well as the players, or the
players, and the singers as well.
but, | nevertheless, | on the contrary, | yet. |
in spite of, | notwithstanding, | on the other hand, |
choice, | election, | option, | pick, | preference, | resource. |
A choice may be among many things; an alternative is in the
strictest sense a choice between two things; oftener it is one of two
things between which a choice is to be made, and either of which
is the alternative of the other; as, the alternative of surrender is
death; or the two things between which there is a choice may be
called the alternatives; both Mill and Gladstone are quoted as extending
the meaning of alternative to include several particulars,
Gladstone even speaking of "the fourth and last of these alternatives."
Option is the right or privilege of choosing; choice may
be either the right to choose, the act of choosing, or the thing
chosen. A person of ability and readiness will commonly have
many resources. Pick, from the Saxon, and election, from the
Latin, picture the objects before one, with freedom and power to
choose which he will; as, there were twelve horses, among which
I could take my pick. A choice, pick, election, or preference is
that which suits one best; an alternative is that to which one is
restricted; a resource, that to which one is glad to betake oneself.
accumulate, | collect, | heap up, | hoard up, | store up. |
aggregate, | gather, | hoard, | pile up, |
To amass is to bring together materials that make a mass, a
great bulk or quantity. With some occasional exceptions, accumulate
is applied to the more gradual, amass to the more rapid
gathering of money or materials, amass referring to the general
result or bulk, accumulate to the particular process or rate of gain.
We say interest is accumulated (or accumulates) rather than is
amassed; he accumulated a fortune in the course of years; he
rapidly amassed a fortune by shrewd speculations. Goods or
money for immediate distribution are said to be collected rather[39]
than amassed. They may be stored up for a longer or shorter
time; but to hoard is always with a view of permanent retention,
generally selfish. Aggregate is now most commonly used of
numbers and amounts; as, the expenses will aggregate a round
disperse, | divide, | portion, | spend, | waste. |
dissipate, | parcel, | scatter, | squander, |
Amass for oneself; for a purpose; from a distance; with great
labor; by industry.
connoisseur, | critic, | dilettante, | novice, | tyro. |
Etymologically, the amateur is one who loves, the connoisseur
one who knows. In usage, the term amateur is applied to one
who pursues any study or art simply from the love of it; the word
carries a natural implication of superficialness, tho marked
excellence is at times attained by amateurs. A connoisseur is
supposed to be so thoroughly informed regarding any art or work
as to be able to criticize or select intelligently and authoritatively;
there are many incompetent critics, but there can not, in the true
sense, be an incompetent connoisseur. The amateur practises to
some extent that in regard to which he may not be well informed;
the connoisseur is well informed in regard to that which he may
not practise at all. A novice or tyro may be a professional; an
amateur never is; the amateur may be skilled and experienced as
the novice or tyro never is. Dilettante, which had originally the
sense of amateur, has to some extent come to denote one who is
superficial, pretentious, and affected, whether in theory or practise.
An amateur in art.
admiration, | awe, | confusion, | surprise, |
astonishment, | bewilderment, | perplexity, | wonder. |
Amazement and astonishment both express the momentary
overwhelming of the mind by that which is beyond expectation.
Astonishment especially affects the emotions, amazement the intellect.
Awe is the yielding of the mind to something supremely[40]
grand in character or formidable in power, and ranges from apprehension
or dread to reverent worship. Admiration includes
delight and regard. Surprise lies midway between astonishment
and amazement, and usually respects matters of lighter consequence
or such as are less startling in character. Amazement
may be either pleasing or painful, as when induced by the grandeur
of the mountains, or by the fury of the storm. We can say
pleased surprise, but scarcely pleased astonishment. Amazement
has in it something of confusion or bewilderment; but confusion
and bewilderment may occur without amazement, as when a multitude
of details require instant attention. Astonishment may be
without bewilderment or confusion. Wonder is often pleasing,
and may be continuous in view of that which surpasses our comprehension;
as, the magnitude, order, and beauty of the heavens
fill us with increasing wonder. Compare PERPLEXITY.
anticipation, | composure, | expectation, | preparation, | steadiness, |
calmness, | coolness, | indifference, | self-possession, | stoicism. |
I was filled with amazement at such reckless daring.
aspiration, | competition, | emulation, | opposition, | rivalry. |
Aspiration is the desire for excellence, pure and simple. Ambition,
literally a going around to solicit votes, has primary reference
to the award or approval of others, and is the eager desire of
power, fame, or something deemed great and eminent, and viewed
as a worthy prize. The prizes of aspiration are virtue, nobility,
skill, or other high qualities. The prizes of ambition are advancement,
fame, honor, and the like. There is a noble and wise or an
ignoble, selfish, and harmful ambition. Emulation is not so
much to win any excellence or success for itself as to equal or
surpass other persons. There is such a thing as a noble emulation,
when those we would equal or surpass are noble, and the means
we would use worthy. But, at the highest, emulation is inferior
as a motive to aspiration, which seeks the high quality or character
for its own sake, not with reference to another. Competition
is the striving for something that is sought by another at the
same time. Emulation regards the abstract, competition the concrete;
rivalry is the same in essential meaning with competition,
but differs in the nature of the objects contested for, which, in[41]
the case of rivalry, are usually of the nobler sort and less subject
to direct gaging, measurement, and rule. We speak of competition
in business, emulation in scholarship, rivalry in love, politics,
etc.; emulation of excellence, success, achievement; competition
for a prize; rivalry between persons or nations. Competition
may be friendly, rivalry is commonly hostile. Opposition is becoming
a frequent substitute for competition in business language;
it implies that the competitor is an opponent and hinderer.
carelessness, | contentment, | humility, | indifference, | satisfaction. |
advance, | correct, | meliorate, | rectify, |
ameliorate, | emend, | mend, | reform, |
better, | improve, | mitigate, | repair. |
cleanse, | make better, | purify, |
To amend is to change for the better by removing faults, errors,
or defects, and always refers to that which at some point falls
short of a standard of excellence. Advance, better, and improve
may refer either to what is quite imperfect or to what has reached
a high degree of excellence; we advance the kingdom of God, improve
the minds of our children, better the morals of the people.
But for matters below the point of ordinary approval we seldom
use these words; we do not speak of bettering a wretched alley,
or improving a foul sewer. There we use cleanse, purify, or similar
words. We correct evils, reform abuses, rectify incidental
conditions of evil or error; we ameliorate poverty and misery,
which we can not wholly remove. We mend a tool, repair a building,
correct proof; we amend character or conduct that is faulty,
or a statement or law that is defective. A text, writing, or statement
is amended by the author or by some adequate authority; it
is often emended by conjecture. A motion is amended by the
mover or by the assembly; a constitution is amended by the people;
an ancient text is emended by a critic who believes that what
seems to him the better reading is what the author wrote. Compare
aggravate, | debase, | harm, | mar, | tarnish, |
blemish, | depress, | impair, | spoil, | vitiate. |
corrupt, | deteriorate, | injure, |
agreeable, | engaging, | lovable, | pleasing, |
attractive, | gentle, | lovely, | sweet, |
benignant, | good-natured, | loving, | winning, |
harming, | kind, | pleasant, | winsome. |
Amiable combines the senses of lovable or lovely and loving; the
amiable character has ready affection and kindliness for others,
with the qualities that are adapted to win their love; amiable is a
higher and stronger word than good-natured or agreeable. Lovely
is often applied to externals; as, a lovely face. Amiable denotes a
disposition desirous to cheer, please, and make happy. A selfish
man of the world may have the art to be agreeable; a handsome,
brilliant, and witty person may be charming or even attractive,
while by no means amiable. The engaging, winning, and winsome
add to amiability something of beauty, accomplishments,
and grace. The benignant are calmly kind, as from a height
and a distance. Kind, good-natured people may be coarse and
rude, and so fail to be agreeable or pleasing; the really amiable
are likely to avoid such faults by their earnest desire to please.
The good-natured have an easy disposition to get along comfortably
with every one in all circumstances. A sweet disposition is
very sure to be amiable, the loving heart bringing out all that is
lovable and lovely in character.
acrimonious, | crusty, | hateful, | ill-tempered, | surly, |
churlish, | disagreeable, | ill-conditioned, | morose, | unamiable, |
crabbed, | dogged, | ill-humored, | sour, | unlovely, |
cruel, | gruff, | ill-natured, | sullen, |
amidst, | amongst, | betwixt, | mingled with, |
among, | between, | in the midst of, | surrounded by. |
Amid or amidst denotes surrounded by; among or amongst
denotes mingled with. Between (archaic or poetic, betwixt) is said
of two persons or objects, or of two groups of persons or objects.
"Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and
between my herdmen and thy herdmen," Gen. xiii, 9; the reference
being to two bodies of herdmen. Amid denotes mere
position; among, some active relation, as of companionship, hostility,
etc. Lowell's "Among my Books" regards the books as
companions; amid my books would suggest packing, storing, or
some other incidental circumstance. We say among friends, or
among enemies, amidst the woods, amid the shadows. In the[43]
midst of may have merely the local meaning; as, I found myself
in the midst of a crowd; or it may express even closer association
than among; as, "I found myself in the midst of friends" suggests
their pressing up on every side, oneself the central object; so,
"where two or three are met together in my name, there am I in
the midst of them," Matt. xviii, 20; in which case it would be
feebler to say "among them," impossible to say "amid them,"
not so well to say "amidst them."
afar from, | away from, | beyond, | far from, | outside, | without. |
augment, | dilate, | expand, | extend, | unfold, |
develop, | enlarge, | expatiate, | increase, | widen. |
Amplify is now rarely used in the sense of increase, to add
material substance, bulk, volume, or the like; it is now almost
wholly applied to discourse or writing, signifying to make fuller
in statement, whether with or without adding matter of importance,
as by stating fully what was before only implied, or by adding
illustrations to make the meaning more readily apprehended,
etc. The chief difficulty of very young writers is to amplify, to
get beyond the bare curt statement by developing, expanding, unfolding
the thought. The chief difficulty of those who have more
material and experience is to condense sufficiently. So, in the
early days of our literature amplify was used in the favorable
sense; but at present this word and most kindred words are coming
to share the derogatory meaning that has long attached to
expatiate. We may develop a thought, expand an illustration,
extend a discussion, expatiate on a hobby, dilate on something
joyous or sad, enlarge a volume, unfold a scheme, widen the range
of treatment.
abbreviate, | amputate, | condense, | cut down, | reduce, | summarize, |
abridge, | "boil down," | curtail, | epitomize, | retrench, | sum up. |
To amplify on or upon the subject is needless. Amplify this
matter by illustrations.
affinity, | likeness, | relation, | similarity, |
coincidence, | parity, | resemblance, | simile, |
comparison, | proportion, | semblance, | similitude. |
Analogy is specifically a resemblance of relations; a resemblance[44]
that may be reasoned from, so that from the likeness in
certain respects we may infer that other and perhaps deeper relations
exist. Affinity is a mutual attraction with or without seeming
likeness; as, the affinity of iron for oxygen. Coincidence is complete
agreement in some one or more respects; there may be a
coincidence in time of most dissimilar events. Parity of reasoning
is said of an argument equally conclusive on subjects not
strictly analogous. Similitude is a rhetorical comparison of one
thing to another with which it has some points in common.
Resemblance and similarity are external or superficial, and may
involve no deeper relation; as, the resemblance of a cloud to a
distant mountain. Compare ALLEGORY.
disagreement, | disproportion, | dissimilarity, | incongruity, | unlikeness. |
The analogy between (or of) nature and revelation; the analogy
of sound to light; a family has some analogy with (or to) a
animosity, | fury, | offense, | rage, |
choler, | impatience, | passion, | resentment, |
displeasure, | indignation, | peevishness, | temper, |
exasperation, | ire, | pettishness, | vexation, |
fretfulness, | irritation, | petulance, | wrath. |
Displeasure is the mildest and most general word. Choler and
ire, now rare except in poetic or highly rhetorical language, denote
a still, and the latter a persistent, anger. Temper used alone in
the sense of anger is colloquial, tho we may correctly say a
hot temper, a fiery temper, etc. Passion, tho a word of far
wider application, may, in the singular, be employed to denote
anger; "did put me in a towering passion," Shakespeare Hamlet
act v, sc. 2. Anger is violent and vindictive emotion, which is
sharp, sudden, and, like all violent passions, necessarily brief.
Resentment (a feeling back or feeling over again) is persistent, the
bitter brooding over injuries. Exasperation, a roughening, is a
hot, superficial intensity of anger, demanding instant expression.
Rage drives one beyond the bounds of prudence or discretion; fury
is stronger yet, and sweeps one away into uncontrollable violence.
Anger is personal and usually selfish, aroused by real or supposed
wrong to oneself, and directed specifically and intensely against
the person who is viewed as blameworthy. Indignation is impersonal
and unselfish displeasure at unworthy acts (L. indigna), i. e.,[45]
at wrong as wrong. Pure indignation is not followed by regret,
and needs no repentance; it is also more self-controlled than
anger. Anger is commonly a sin; indignation is often a duty.
Wrath is deep and perhaps vengeful displeasure, as when the people
of Nazareth were "filled with wrath" at the plain words of
Jesus (Luke iv, 28); it may, however, simply express the culmination
of righteous indignation without malice in a pure being; as,
the wrath of God. Impatience, fretfulness, irritation, peevishness,
pettishness, petulance, and vexation express the slighter
forms of anger. Irritation, petulance, and vexation are temporary
and for immediate cause. Fretfulness, pettishness, and peevishness
are chronic states finding in any petty matter an occasion
for their exercise. Compare ACRIMONY; ENMITY; HATRED.
amiability, | gentleness, | long-suffering, | patience, | peacefulness, |
charity, | leniency, | love, | peace, | self-control, |
forbearance, | lenity, | mildness, | peaceableness, | self-restraint. |
Anger at the insult prompted the reply. Anger toward the
offender exaggerates the offense.
beast, | fauna, | living organism, | sentient being. |
brute, | living creature, |
An animal is a sentient being, distinct from inanimate matter
and from vegetable life on the one side and from mental and spiritual
existence on the other. Thus man is properly classified as an
animal. But because the animal life is the lowest and rudest part
of his being and that which he shares with inferior creatures, to
call any individual man an animal is to imply that the animal
nature has undue supremacy, and so is deep condemnation or utter
insult. The brute is the animal viewed as dull to all finer feeling;
the beast is looked upon as a being of appetites. To call
a man a brute is to imply that he is unfeeling and cruel; to call
him a beast is to indicate that he is vilely sensual. We speak of
the cruel father as a brute to his children; of the drunkard as
making a beast of himself. So firmly are these figurative senses
established that we now incline to avoid applying brute or beast
to any creature, as a horse or dog, for which we have any affection;
we prefer in such cases the word animal. Creature is a
word of wide signification, including all the things that God[46]
has created, whether inanimate objects, plants, animals, angels,
or men. The animals of a region are collectively called its fauna.
angel, | man, | mind, | soul, | substance (material), |
inanimate object, | matter, | mineral, | spirit, | vegetable. |
advertise, | give notice (of), | proclaim, | reveal, |
circulate, | give out, | promulgate, | say, |
communicate, | herald, | propound, | spread abroad, |
declare, | make known, | publish, | state, |
enunciate, | notify, | report, | tell. |
To announce is to give intelligence of in some formal or public
way. We may announce that which has occurred or that which
is to occur, tho the word is chiefly used in the anticipative sense;
we announce a book when it is in press, a guest when he arrives.
We advertise our business, communicate our intentions, enunciate
our views; we notify an individual, give notice to the public. Declare
has often an authoritative force; to declare war is to cause
war to be, where before there may have been only hostilities; we
say declare war, proclaim peace. We propound a question or an
argument, promulgate the views of a sect or party, or the decision
of a court, etc. We report an interview, reveal a secret, herald
the coming of some distinguished person or great event. Publish,
in popular usage, is becoming closely restricted to the sense of
issuing through the press; we announce a book that is to be
bury, | cover (up), | hush, | keep secret, | suppress, |
conceal, | hide, | keep back, | secrete, | withhold. |
The event was announced to the family by telegraph.
rejoinder, | repartee, | reply, | response, | retort. |
A verbal answer is a return of words to something that seems
to call for them, and is made to a charge as well as to a question;
an answer may be even made to an unspoken implication or manifestation;
see Luke v, 22. In a wider sense, anything said or
done in return for some word, action, or suggestion of another
may be called an answer. The blow of an enraged man, the
whinny of a horse, the howling of the wind, the movement of a
bolt in a lock, an echo, etc., may each be an answer to some word[47]
or movement. A reply is an unfolding, and ordinarily implies
thought and intelligence. A rejoinder is strictly an answer to a
reply, tho often used in the general sense of answer, but always
with the implication of something more or less controversial or
opposed, tho lacking the conclusiveness implied in answer;
an answer, in the full sense, to a charge, an argument, or an
objection is adequate, and finally refutes and disposes of it; a reply
or rejoinder may be quite inadequate, so that one may say, "This
reply is not an answer;" "I am ready with an answer" means
far more than "I am ready with a reply." A response is accordant
or harmonious, designed or adapted to carry on the thought
of the words that called it forth, as the responses in a liturgical
service, or to meet the wish of him who seeks it; as, the appeal
for aid met a prompt and hearty response. Repartee is a prompt,
witty, and commonly good-natured answer to some argument or
attack; a retort may also be witty, but is severe and may be even
savage in its intensity.
An answer in writing, or by word of mouth, to the question.
apprehend, | forecast, | hope, |
expect, | foretaste, | look forward to. |
To anticipate may be either to take before in fact or to take
before in thought; in the former sense it is allied with prevent; in
the latter, with the synonyms above given. This is coming to be
the prevalent and favorite use. We expect that which we have
good reason to believe will happen; as, a boy expects to grow to
manhood. We hope for that which we much desire and somewhat
expect. We apprehend what we both expect and fear. Anticipate
is commonly used now, like foretaste, of that which we
expect both with confidence and pleasure. In this use it is a
stronger word than hope, where often "the wish is father to the
thought." I hope for a visit from my friend, tho I have no
word from him; I expect it when he writes that he is coming;
and as the time draws near I anticipate it with pleasure. Compare
despair of, | distrust, | doubt, | dread, | fear, | recall, | recollect, | remember. |
antepast, | expectation, | foresight, | hope, |
apprehension, | foreboding, | foretaste, | presentiment, |
expectancy, | forecast, | forethought, | prevision. |
Expectation may be either of good or evil; presentiment almost
always, apprehension and foreboding always, of evil; anticipation
and antepast, commonly of good. Thus, we speak of the
pleasures of anticipation. A foretaste may be of good or evil,
and is more than imaginary; it is a part actually received in advance.
Foresight and forethought prevent future evil and secure
future good by timely looking forward, and acting upon what is
foreseen. Compare ANTICIPATE.
astonishment, | despair, | dread, | fear, | surprise, |
consummation, | doubt, | enjoyment, | realization, | wonder. |
abhorrence, | disgust, | hatred, | repugnance, |
antagonism, | dislike, | hostility, | repulsion, |
aversion, | distaste, | opposition, | uncongeniality. |
detestation, |
Antipathy, repugnance, and uncongeniality are instinctive;
other forms of dislike may be acquired or cherished for cause.
Uncongeniality is negative, a want of touch or sympathy. An antipathy
to a person or thing is an instinctive recoil from connection
or association with that person or thing, and may be physical
or mental, or both. Antagonism may result from the necessity of
circumstances; opposition may spring from conflicting views or
interests; abhorrence and detestation may be the result of religious
and moral training; distaste and disgust may be acquired; aversion
is a deep and permanent dislike. A natural antipathy may
give rise to opposition which may result in hatred and hostility.
affinity, | attraction, | fellow-feeling, | kindliness, | sympathy. |
agreement, | congeniality, | harmony, | regard, |
Antipathy to (less frequently for or against) a person or thing;
antipathy between or betwixt two persons or things.
ancient, | old-fashioned, | quaint, | superannuated. |
antiquated, |
Antique refers to an ancient, antiquated to a discarded style.[49]
Antique is that which is either ancient in fact or ancient in style.
The reference is to the style rather than to the age. We can speak
of the antique architecture of a church just built. The difference
between antiquated and antique is not in the age, for a Puritan
style may be scorned as antiquated, while a Roman or Renaissance
style may be prized as antique. The antiquated is not so
much out of date as out of vogue. Old-fashioned may be used
approvingly or contemptuously. In the latter case it becomes a
synonym for antiquated; in the good sense it approaches the
meaning of antique, but indicates less duration. We call a wide
New England fireplace old-fashioned; a coin of the Cæsars, antique.
Quaint combines the idea of age with a pleasing oddity; as,
a quaint gambrel-roofed house. Antiquated is sometimes used
of persons in a sense akin to superannuated. The antiquated person
is out of style and out of sympathy with the present generation
by reason of age; the superannuated person is incapacitated
for present activities by reason of age. Compare OLD.
fashionable, | fresh, | modern, | modish, | new, | recent, | stylish. |
anguish, | disquiet, | foreboding, | perplexity, |
apprehension, | disturbance, | fretfulness, | solicitude, |
care, | dread, | fretting, | trouble, |
concern, | fear, | misgiving, | worry. |
Anxiety is, according to its derivation, a choking disquiet, akin
to anguish; anxiety is mental; anguish may be mental or physical;
anguish is in regard to the known, anxiety in regard to the
unknown; anguish is because of what has happened, anxiety because
of what may happen. Anxiety refers to some future event,
always suggesting hopeful possibility, and thus differing from
apprehension, fear, dread, foreboding, terror, all of which may
be quite despairing. In matters within our reach, anxiety always
stirs the question whether something can not be done, and is thus
a valuable spur to doing; in this respect it is allied to care. Foreboding,
dread, etc., commonly incapacitate for all helpful thought
or endeavor. Worry is a more petty, restless, and manifest
anxiety; anxiety may be quiet and silent; worry is communicated
to all around. Solicitude is a milder anxiety. Fretting or fretfulness
is a weak complaining without thought of accomplishing or
changing anything, but merely as a relief to one's own disquiet.
Perplexity often involves anxiety, but may be quite free from it.[50]
A student may be perplexed regarding a translation, yet, if he
has time enough, not at all anxious regarding it.
apathy, | calmness, | confidence, | light-heartedness, | satisfaction, |
assurance, | carelessness, | ease, | nonchalance, | tranquillity. |
Anxiety for a friend's return; anxiety about, in regard to, or
concerning the future.
calmness, | indifference, | quietness, | stoicism, |
composure, | insensibility, | quietude, | tranquillity, |
immobility, | lethargy, | sluggishness, | unconcern, |
impassibility, | phlegm, | stillness, | unfeelingness. |
Apathy, according to its Greek derivation, is a simple absence
of feeling or emotion. There are persons to whom a certain
degree of apathy is natural, an innate sluggishness of the emotional
nature. In the apathy of despair, a person gives up, without
resistance or sensibility, to what he has fiercely struggled to avoid.
While apathy is want of feeling, calmness is feeling without agitation.
Calmness is the result of strength, courage, or trust; apathy
is the result of dulness or weakness. Composure is freedom from
agitation or disturbance, resulting ordinarily from force of will,
or from perfect confidence in one's own resources. Impassibility
is a philosophical term applied to the Deity, as infinitely exalted
above all stir of passion or emotion. Unfeelingness, the Saxon word
that should be the exact equivalent of apathy, really means more,
a lack of the feeling one ought to have, a censurable hardness of
heart. Indifference and insensibility designate the absence of feeling
toward certain persons or things; apathy, entire absence of feeling.
Indifference is a want of interest; insensibility is a want of
feeling; unconcern has reference to consequences. We speak of
insensibility of heart, immobility of countenance. Stoicism is an
intentional suppression of feeling and deadening of sensibilities,
while apathy is involuntary. Compare CALM; REST; STUPOR.
agitation, | disturbance, | feeling, | sensibility, | sympathy, |
alarm, | eagerness, | frenzy, | sensitiveness, | turbulence, |
anxiety, | emotion, | fury, | storm, | vehemence, |
care, | excitement, | passion, | susceptibility, | violence. |
distress, |
The apathy of monastic life; apathy toward good.
distributively, | each, | individually, | separately, | severally. |
There is no discernible difference in sense between so much
apiece and so much each; the former is the more common and
popular, the latter the more elegant expression. Distributively
is generally used of numbers and abstract relations. Individually
emphasizes the independence of the individuals; separately and
severally still more emphatically hold them apart. The signers of
a note may become jointly and severally responsible, that is, each
liable for the entire amount, as if he had signed it alone. Witnesses
are often brought separately into court, in order that no
one may be influenced by the testimony of another. If a company
of laborers demand a dollar apiece, that is a demand that
each shall receive that sum; if they individually demand a dollar,
each individual makes the demand.
accumulatively, | confusedly, | indiscriminately, | together, | unitedly. |
collectively, | en masse, | synthetically, |
acknowledgment, | defense, | excuse, | plea, |
confession, | exculpation, | justification, | vindication. |
All these words express one's answer to a charge of wrong or
error that is or might be made. Apology has undergone a remarkable
change from its old sense of a valiant defense—as in
Justin Martyr's Apologies for the Christian faith—to its present
meaning of humble confession and concession. He who offers an
apology admits himself, at least technically and seemingly, in the
wrong. An apology is for what one has done or left undone;
an excuse may be for what one proposes to do or leave undone
as well; as, one sends beforehand his excuse for not accepting
an invitation; if he should fail either to be present or to excuse
himself, an apology would be in order. An excuse for a fault is
an attempt at partial justification; as, one alleges haste as an excuse
for carelessness. Confession is a full acknowledgment of
wrong, generally of a grave wrong, with or without apology or
excuse. Plea ranges in sense from a prayer for favor or pardon
to an attempt at full vindication. Defense, exculpation, justification,
and vindication are more properly antonyms than synonyms
of apology in its modern sense, and should be so given, but for[52]
their connection with its historic usage. Compare CONFESS; DEFENSE.
accusation, | charge, | condemnation, | injury, | offense, |
censure, | complaint, | imputation, | insult, | wrong. |
An apology to the guest for the oversight would be fitting.
likely, | presumable, | probable, | seeming. |
The apparent is that which appears; the word has two contrasted
senses, either of that which is manifest, visible, certain,
or of that which merely seems to be and may be very different
from what is; as, the apparent motion of the sun around the
earth. Apparent kindness casts a doubt on the reality of the
kindness; apparent neglect implies that more care and pains may
have been bestowed than we are aware of. Presumable implies
that a thing may be reasonably supposed beforehand without any
full knowledge of the facts. Probable implies that we know facts
enough to make us moderately confident of it. Seeming expresses
great doubt of the reality; seeming innocence comes very near in
meaning to probable guilt. Apparent indicates less assurance
than probable, and more than seeming. A man's probable intent
we believe will prove to be his real intent; his seeming intent we
believe to be a sham; his apparent intent may be the true one,
tho we have not yet evidence on which to pronounce with certainty
or even with confidence. Likely is a word with a wide
range of usage, but always implying the belief that the thing is, or
will be, true; it is often used with the infinitive, as the other words
of this list can not be; as, it is likely to happen. Compare EVIDENT.
doubtful, | dubious, | improbable, | unimaginable, | unlikely. |
(When apparent is used in the sense of evident): His guilt is
apparent in every act to all observers.
have the appearance or semblance, | look, | seem. |
Appear and look refer to what manifests itself to the senses;
to a semblance or probability presented directly to the mind. Seem[53]
applies to what is manifest to the mind on reflection. It suddenly
appears to me that there is smoke in the distance; as I watch, it
looks like a fire; from my knowledge of the locality and observation
of particulars, it seems to me a farmhouse must be burning.
be, | be certain, real, or true, | be the fact, | exist. |
Appear at the front; among the first; on or upon the surface;
to the eye; in evidence, in print; from reports; near the harbor;
before the public; in appropriate dress; with the insignia of his
rank; above the clouds; below the surface; under the lee; over
the sea; through the mist; appear for, in behalf of, or against
one in court.
accessory, | addition, | appurtenance, | concomitant, |
accompaniment, | adjunct, | attachment, | extension, |
addendum, | appendix, | auxiliary, | supplement. |
An adjunct (something joined to) constitutes no real part of the
thing or system to which it is joined, tho perhaps a valuable
addition; an appendage is commonly a real, tho not an essential
or necessary part of that with which it is connected; an
appurtenance belongs subordinately to something by which it is
employed, especially as an instrument to accomplish some purpose.
A horse's tail is at once an ornamental appendage and a
useful appurtenance; we could not call it an adjunct, tho we
might use that word of his iron shoes. An attachment in machinery
is some mechanism that can be brought into optional connection
with the principal movement; a hemmer is a valuable attachment
of a sewing-machine. An extension, as of a railroad or of
a franchise, carries out further something already existing. We
add an appendix to a book, to contain names, dates, lists, etc.,
which would encumber the text; we add a supplement to supply
omissions, as, for instance, to bring it up to date. An appendix
may be called an addendum; but addendum may be used of a
brief note, which would not be dignified by the name of appendix;
such notes are often grouped as addenda. An addition might
be matter interwoven in the body of the work, an index, plates,
editorial notes, etc., which might be valuable additions, but not[54]
within the meaning of appendix or supplement. Compare ACCESSORY;
main body, | original, | total, | whole. |
That which is thought of as added we call an appendage to;
that which is looked upon as an integral part is called an appendage
appetency, | impulse, | lust, | propensity, |
craving, | inclination, | passion, | relish, |
desire, | liking, | proclivity, | thirst, |
disposition, | longing, | proneness, | zest. |
Appetite is used only of the demands of the physical system,
unless otherwise expressly stated, as when we say an appetite for
knowledge; passion includes all excitable impulses of our nature,
as anger, fear, love, hatred, etc. Appetite is thus more animal
than passion; and when we speak of passions and appetites as
conjoined or contrasted, we think of the appetites as wholly physical
and of the passions as, in part at least, mental or spiritual.
We say an appetite for food, a passion for fame. Compare DESIRE.
antipathy, | detestation, | dislike, | distaste, | indifference, | repugnance, |
aversion, | disgust, | disrelish, | hatred, | loathing, | repulsion. |
He had an insatiable appetite for the marvellous.
allot, | appropriate, | deal, | distribute, | grant, |
appoint, | assign, | dispense, | divide, | share. |
To allot or assign may be to make an arbitrary division; the
same is true of distribute or divide. That which is apportioned
is given by some fixed rule, which is meant to be uniform and
fair; as, representatives are apportioned among the States according
to population. To dispense is to give out freely; as, the sun
dispenses light and heat. A thing is appropriated to or for a specific
purpose (to which it thus becomes proper, in the original
sense of being its own); money appropriated by Congress for one
purpose can not be expended for any other. One may apportion
what he only holds in trust; he shares what is his own. Compare
cling to, | consolidate, | gather together, | receive, |
collect, | divide arbitrarily, | keep together, | retain. |
Apportion to each a fair amount; apportion the property among
the heirs, between two claimants; apportion according to numbers,
approach, | likeness, | neighborhood, | resemblance, |
contiguity, | nearness, | propinquity, | similarity. |
In mathematics, approximation is not guesswork, not looseness,
and not error. The process of approximation is as exact and
correct at every point as that by which an absolute result is secured;
the result only fails of exactness because of some inherent
difficulty in the problem. The attempt to "square the circle"
gives only an approximate result, because of the impossibility of
expressing the circumference in terms of the radius. But the
limits of error on either side are known, and the approximation
has practical value. Outside of mathematics, the correct use of
approximation (and the kindred words approximate and approximately)
is to express as near an approach to accuracy and certainty
as the conditions of human thought or action in any given case
make possible. Resemblance and similarity may be but superficial
and apparent; approximation is real. Approach is a relative
term, indicating that one has come nearer than before, tho the
distance may yet be considerable; an approximation brings one
really near. Nearness, neighborhood, and propinquity are commonly
used of place; approximation, of mathematical calculations
and abstract reasoning; we speak of approach to the shore, nearness
to the town, approximation to the truth.
difference, | distance, | error, | remoteness, | unlikeness, | variation. |
The approximation of the vegetable to the animal type.
accouterments, | armor, | harness, | mail, | weapons. |
Arms are implements of attack; armor is a defensive covering.
The knight put on his armor; he grasped his arms. With the
disuse of defensive armor the word has practically gone out of
military use, but it is still employed in the navy, where the distinction[56]
is clearly preserved; any vessel provided with cannon is
an armed vessel; an armored ship is an ironclad. Anything that
can be wielded in fight may become a weapon, as a pitchfork or a
paving-stone; arms are especially made and designed for conflict.
armament, | forces, | military, | soldiers, |
array, | host, | multitude, | soldiery, |
force, | legions, | phalanx, | troops. |
An army is an organized body of men armed for war, ordinarily
considerable in numbers, always independent in organization
so far as not to be a constituent part of any other command. Organization,
unity, and independence, rather than numbers are the
essentials of an army. We speak of the invading army of Cortes or
Pizarro, tho either body was contemptible in numbers from a modern
military standpoint. We may have a little army, a large army,
or a vast army. Host is used for any vast and orderly assemblage;
as, the stars are called the heavenly host. Multitude expresses
number without order or organization; a multitude of
armed men is not an army, but a mob. Legion (from the Latin)
and phalanx (from the Greek) are applied by a kind of poetic
license to modern forces; the plural legions is preferred to the
singular. Military is a general word for land-forces; the military
may include all the armed soldiery of a nation, or the term may
be applied to any small detached company, as at a fort, in distinction
from civilians. Any organized body of men by whom the
law or will of a people is executed is a force; the word is a usual
term for the police of any locality.
accuse, | charge, | impeach, | prosecute, |
censure, | cite, | indict, | summon. |
Arraign is an official word; a person accused of crime is
arraigned when he is formally called into court, the indictment
read to him, and the demand made of him to plead guilty or not
guilty; in more extended use, to arraign is to call in question for
fault in any formal, public, or official way. One may charge
another with any fault, great or trifling, privately or publicly,
formally or informally. Accuse is stronger than charge, suggesting
more of the formal and criminal; a person may charge a[57]
friend with unkindness or neglect; he may accuse a tramp of
stealing. Censure carries the idea of fault, but not of crime; it
may be private and individual, or public and official. A judge, a
president, or other officer of high rank may be impeached before
the appropriate tribunal for high crimes; the veracity of a witness
may be impeached by damaging evidence. A person of the highest
character may be summoned as defendant in a civil suit; or he
may be cited to answer as administrator, etc. Indict and arraign
apply strictly to criminal proceedings, and only an alleged criminal
is indicted or arraigned. One is indicted by the grand jury,
and arraigned before the appropriate court.
acquit, | discharge, | exonerate, | overlook, | release, |
condone, | excuse, | forgive, | pardon, | set free. |
Arraign at the bar, before the tribunal, of or for a crime; on or
upon an indictment.
army, | collection, | line of battle, | parade, |
arrangement, | disposition, | order, | show, |
battle array, | exhibition, | order of battle, | sight. |
The phrase battle array or array of battle is archaic and poetic;
we now say in line or order of battle. The parade is for exhibition
and oversight, and partial rehearsal of military manual and
maneuvers. Array refers to a continuous arrangement of men,
so that all may be seen or reviewed at once. This is practically
impossible with the vast armies of our day. We say rather the
disposition of troops, which expresses their location so as to sustain
and support, though unable to see or readily communicate
with each other. Compare DRESS.
apprehend, | detain, | restrain, | stop, |
capture, | hold, | secure, | take into custody, |
catch, | make prisoner, | seize, | take prisoner. |
The legal term arrest carries always the implication of a legal
offense; this is true even of arresting for debt. But one may be
detained by process of law when no offense is alleged against him,
as in the case of a witness who is held in a house of detention till
a case comes to trial. One may be restrained of his liberty without
arrest, as in an insane asylum; an individual or corporation[58]
may be restrained by injunction from selling certain property.
In case of an arrest, an officer may secure his prisoner by fetters,
by a locked door, or other means effectually to prevent escape.
Capture is commonly used of seizure by armed force; as, to capture
a ship, a fort, etc. Compare HINDER; OBSTRUCT.
discharge, | dismiss, | free, | liberate, | release, | set free. |
Arrested for crime, on suspicion, by the sheriff; on, upon, or
by virtue of a warrant; on final process; in execution.
art, | craft, | finesse, | invention, | stratagem, |
blind, | cunning, | fraud, | machination, | subterfuge, |
cheat, | device, | guile, | maneuver, | trick, |
contrivance, | dodge, | imposture, | ruse, | wile. |
A contrivance or device may be either good or bad. A cheat
is a mean advantage in a bargain; a fraud, any form of covert
robbery or injury. Imposture is a deceitful contrivance for securing
charity, credit, or consideration. A stratagem or maneuver
may be of the good against the bad, as it were a skilful movement
of war. A wile is usually but not necessarily evil.
E'en children followed with endearing wile.
Goldsmith Deserted Village, l. 184.
A trick is often low, injurious, and malicious; we say a mean
trick; the word is sometimes used playfully with less than its full
meaning. A ruse or a blind may be quite innocent and harmless.
An artifice is a carefully and delicately prepared contrivance for
doing indirectly what one could not well do directly. A device is
something studied out for promoting an end, as in a mechanism;
the word is used of indirect action, often, but not necessarily
directed to an evil, selfish, or injurious end. Finesse is especially
subtle contrivance, delicate artifice, whether for good or evil.
Compare FRAUD.
artlessness, | fairness, | guilelessness, | ingenuousness, | openness, | sincerity, |
candor, | frankness, | honesty, | innocence, | simplicity, | truth. |
artificer, | artisan, | mechanic, | operative, | workman. |
Artist, artificer and artisan are all from the root of art, but artist
holds to the esthetic sense, while artificer and artisan follow the
mechanical or industrial sense of the word (see ART under SCIENCE).[59]
Artist thus comes only into accidental association with the other
words of this group, not being a synonym of any one of them and
having practically no synonym of its own. The work of the artist
is creative; that of the artisan mechanical. The man who paints
a beautiful picture is an artist; the man who makes pin-heads
all day is an artisan. The artificer is between the two, putting
more thought, intelligence, and taste into his work than the artisan,
but less of the idealizing, creative power than the artist. The
sculptor, shaping his model in clay, is artificer, as well as artist;
patient artisans, working simply by rule and scale, chisel and polish
the stone. The man who constructs anything by mere routine
and rule is a mechanic. The man whose work involves thought,
skill, and constructive power is an artificer. The hod-carrier is a
laborer; the bricklayer is a mechanic; the master mason is an artificer.
Those who operate machinery nearly self-acting are operatives.
beg, | crave, | entreat, | petition, | request, | solicit, |
beseech, | demand, | implore, | pray, | require, | supplicate. |
One asks what he feels that he may fairly claim and reasonably
expect; "if a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father,"
Luke xi, 11; he begs for that to which he advances no claim but
pity. Demand is a determined and often an arrogant word; one
may rightfully demand what is his own or his due, when it is
withheld or denied; or he may wrongfully demand that to which
he has no claim but power. Require is less arrogant and obtrusive
than demand, but is exceedingly strenuous; as, the court requires
the attendance of witnesses. Entreat implies a special
earnestness of asking, and beseech, a still added and more humble
intensity; beseech was formerly often used as a polite intensive for
beg or pray; as, I beseech you to tell me. To implore is to ask
with weeping and lamentation; to supplicate is to ask, as it were,
on bended knees. Crave and request are somewhat formal terms;
crave has almost disappeared from conversation; request would
seem distant between parent and child. Pray is now used chiefly
of address to the Supreme Being; petition is used of written request
to persons in authority; as, to petition the legislature to
pass an act, or the governor to pardon an offender.
claim, | command, | deny, | enforce, | exact, | extort, | insist, | refuse, | reject. |
Ask a person for a thing; ask a thing of or from a person; ask
after or about one's health, welfare, friends, etc.
accomplice, | coadjutor, | comrade, | fellow, | mate, |
ally, | colleague, | confederate, | friend, | partner, |
chum, | companion, | consort, | helpmate, | peer. |
An associate as used officially implies a chief, leader, or principal,
to whom the associate is not fully equal in rank. Associate is
popularly used of mere friendly relations, but oftener implies some
work, enterprise, or pursuit in which the associated persons unite.
We rarely speak of associates in crime or wrong, using confederates
or accomplices instead. Companion gives itself with equal
readiness to the good or evil sense, as also does comrade. One may
be a companion in travel who would not readily become an associate
at home. A lady advertises for a companion; she would not
advertise for an associate. Peer implies equality rather than companionship;
as, a jury of his peers. Comrade expresses more fellowship
and good feeling than companion. Fellow has almost gone
out of use in this connection, except in an inferior or patronizing
sense. Consort is a word of equality and dignity, as applied
especially to the marriage relation. Compare ACCESSORY; ACQUAINTANCE;
antagonist, | enemy, | foe, | hinderer, | opponent, | opposer, | rival, | stranger. |
These were the associates of the leader in the enterprise.
alliance, | confederacy, | familiarity, | lodge, |
club, | confederation, | federation, | participation, |
community, | conjunction, | fellowship, | partnership, |
companionship, | connection, | fraternity, | society, |
company, | corporation, | friendship, | union. |
We speak of an alliance of nations, a club of pleasure-seekers,
a community of Shakers, a company of soldiers or of friends, a
confederacy, confederation, federation, or union of separate
states under one general government, a partnership or company
of business men, a conjunction of planets. The whole body of
Freemasons constitute a fraternity; one of their local organizations
is called a lodge. A corporation or company is formed for[61]
purposes of business; an association or society (tho also incorporated)
is for learning, literature, benevolence, religion, etc.
disintegration, | independence, | isolation, | separation, | solitude. |
An association of scholars for the advancement of knowledge;
association with the good is ennobling.
accept, | arrogate, | postulate, | put on, |
affect, | claim, | presume, | take, |
appropriate, | feign, | pretend, | usurp. |
The distinctive idea of assume is to take by one's own independent
volition, whether well or ill, rightfully or wrongfully. One may
accept an obligation or assume an authority that properly belongs
to him, or he may assume an obligation or indebtedness that
could not be required of him. He may assume authority or office
that is his right; if he assumes what does not belong to him, he is
said to arrogate or usurp it. A man may usurp the substance of
power in the most unpretending way; what he arrogates to himself
he assumes with a haughty and overbearing manner. One
assumes the robes or insignia of office by putting them on, with
or without right. If he takes to himself the credit and appearance
of qualities he does not possess, he is said to affect or feign, or to
pretend to, the character he thus assumes. What a debater postulates
he openly states and takes for granted without proof; what
he assumes he may take for granted without mention. A favorite
trick of the sophist is quietly to assume as true what would at once
be challenged if expressly stated. What a man claims he asserts
his right to take; what he assumes he takes.
arrogance, | boldness, | impudence, | self-confidence, |
assertion, | confidence, | presumption, | self-reliance, |
assumption, | effrontery, | self-assertion, | trust. |
Assurance may have the good sense of a high, sustained confidence
and trust; as, the saint's assurance of heaven. Confidence is
founded upon reasons; assurance is largely a matter of feeling.
In the bad sense, assurance is a vicious courage, with belief of
one's ability to outwit or defy others; the hardened criminal is[62]
remarkable for habitual assurance. For the calm conviction of
one's own rectitude and ability, self-confidence is a better word
than assurance; self-reliance expresses confidence in one's own
resources, independently of others' aid. In the bad sense assurance
is less gross than impudence, which is (according to its etymology)
a shameless boldness. Assurance is in act or manner;
impudence may be in speech. Effrontery is impudence defiantly
displayed. Compare FAITH; PRIDE.
bashfulness, | consternation, | distrust, | hesitancy, | shyness, |
confusion, | dismay, | doubt, | misgiving, | timidity. |
acute, | discerning, | penetrating, | sharp, |
clear-sighted, | discriminating, | penetrative, | shrewd, |
crafty, | keen, | perspicacious, | subtile, |
cunning, | knowing, | sagacious, | subtle. |
Acute, from the Latin, suggests the sharpness of the needle's
point; keen, from the Saxon, the sharpness of the cutting edge.
Astute, from the Latin, with the original sense of cunning has
come to have a meaning that combines the sense of acute or keen
with that of sagacious. The astute mind adds to acuteness and
keenness an element of cunning or finesse. The astute debater
leads his opponents into a snare by getting them to make admissions,
or urge arguments, of which he sees a result that they do
not perceive. The acute, keen intellect may take no special advantage
of these qualities; the astute mind has always a point to
make for itself, and seldom fails to make it. A knowing look,
air, etc., in general indicates practical knowledge with a touch of
shrewdness, and perhaps of cunning; in regard to some special
matter, it indicates the possession of reserved knowledge which
the person could impart if he chose. Knowing has often a slightly
invidious sense. We speak of a knowing rascal, meaning cunning
or shrewd within a narrow range, but of a knowing horse or dog,
in the sense of sagacious, implying that he knows more than
could be expected of such an animal. A knowing child has more
knowledge than would be looked for at his years, perhaps more
than is quite desirable, while to speak of a child as intelligent is
altogether complimentary.
blind, | idiotic, | shallow, | stolid, | undiscerning, |
dull, | imbecile, | short-sighted, | stupid, | unintelligent. |
adherence, | devotion, | friendship, | regard, |
adhesion, | esteem, | inclination, | tenderness, |
affection, | estimation, | love, | union. |
An attachment is a feeling that binds a person by ties of heart
to another person or thing; we speak of a man's adherence to his
purpose, his adhesion to his party, or to anything to which he
clings tenaciously, tho with no special tenderness; of his attachment
to his church, to the old homestead, or to any persons or
objects that he may hold dear. Affection expresses more warmth
of feeling; we should not speak of a mother's attachment to her
babe, but of her affection or of her devotion. Inclination expresses
simply a tendency, which may be good or bad, yielded to
or overcome; as, an inclination to study; an inclination to
drink. Regard is more distant than affection or attachment, but
closer and warmer than esteem; we speak of high esteem, kind
alienation, | aversion, | distance, | estrangement, | repugnance, |
animosity, | coolness, | divorce, | indifference, | separation, |
antipathy, | dislike, | enmity, | opposition, | severance. |
Attachment of a true man to his friends; attachment to a
leader for his nobility of character; the attachments between two
persons or things; attachment by muscular fibers, or by a rope,
assail, | beset, | combat, | invade, |
assault, | besiege, | encounter, | set upon, |
beleaguer, | charge, | fall upon, | storm. |
To attack is to begin hostilities of any kind. A general invades
a country by marching in troops; he attacks a city by drawing
up an army against it; he assaults it by hurling his
troops directly upon its defenses. Assail and assault, tho of
the same original etymology, have diverged in meaning, so that
assault alone retains the meaning of direct personal violence.
One may assail another with reproaches; he assaults him with a
blow, a brandished weapon, etc. Armies or squadrons charge;
combat and encounter may be said of individual contests. To
beset is to set around, or, so to speak, to stud one's path, with
menaces, attacks, or persuasions. To besiege and beleaguer are[64]
the acts of armies. To encounter is to meet face to face, and may
be said either of the attacking or of the resisting force or person,
or of both.
aid, | cover, | protect, | shelter, | support, | uphold, |
befriend, | defend, | resist, | shield, | sustain, | withstand. |
We were attacked by the enemy with cannon and musketry.
aggression, | incursion, | invasion, | onslaught, |
assault, | infringement, | onset, | trespass. |
encroachment, | intrusion, |
An attack may be by word; an aggression is always by deed.
An assault may be upon the person, an aggression is upon rights,
possessions, etc. An invasion of a nation's territories is an act of
aggression; an intrusion upon a neighboring estate is a trespass.
Onslaught signifies intensely violent assault, as by an army or a
desperado, tho it is sometimes used of violent speech.
defense, | repulsion, | resistance, | retreat, | submission, | surrender. |
The enemy made an attack upon (or on) our works.
accomplish, | arrive at, | gain, | master, | reach, |
achieve, | compass, | get, | obtain, | secure, |
acquire, | earn, | grasp, | procure, | win. |
A person may obtain a situation by the intercession of friends,
he procures a dinner by paying for it. Attain is a lofty word,
pointing to some high or desirable result; a man attains the
mountain summit, he attains honor or learning as the result of
strenuous and earnest labor. Even that usage of attain which
has been thought to refer to mere progress of time carries the
thought of a result desired; as, to attain to old age; the man
desires to live to a good old age; we should not speak of his attaining
his dotage. One may attain an object that will prove not
worth his labor, but what he achieves is in itself great and splendid;
as, the Greeks at Marathon achieved a glorious victory.
Compare DO; GET; REACH.
abandon, | fail, | forfeit, | give up, | let go, | lose, | miss. |
Position as applied to the arrangement or situation of the
human body or limbs may denote that which is conscious or unconscious,
of the living or the dead; but we do not speak of the attitude,
pose, or posture of a corpse; unless, in some rare case, we
might say the body was found in a sitting posture, where the
posture is thought of as assumed in life, or as, at first glance,
suggesting life. A posture is assumed without any special reference
to expression of feeling; as, an erect posture, a reclining
posture; attitude is the position appropriate to the expression of
some feeling; the attitude may be unconsciously taken through
the strength of the feeling; as, an attitude of defiance; or it may
be consciously assumed in the attempt to express the feeling; as,
he assumed an attitude of humility. A pose is a position studied
for artistic effect, or considered with reference to such effect; the
unconscious posture of a spectator or listener may be an admirable
pose from an artist's standpoint.
ascribe, | associate, | connect, | impute, | refer. |
assign, | charge, |
We may attribute to a person either that which belongs to
him or that which we merely suppose to be his. We attribute to
God infinite power. We may attribute a wrong intent to an innocent
person. We may attribute a result, rightly or wrongly, to
a certain cause; in such case, however, attribute carries always a
concession of uncertainty or possible error. Where we are quite
sure, we simply refer a matter to the cause or class to which it belongs
or ascribe to one what is surely his, etc. Many diseases
formerly attributed to witchcraft are now referred to the action
of micro-organisms. We may attribute a matter in silent thought;
we ascribe anything openly in speech or writing; King Saul said
of the singing women, "They have ascribed unto David ten
thousands, and to me they have ascribed but thousands." We associate
things which may have no necessary or causal relation;
as, we may associate the striking of a clock with the serving of
dinner, tho the two are not necessarily connected. We charge
a person with what we deem blameworthy. We may impute good
or evil, but more commonly evil.[66]
deny, | disconnect, | dissociate, | separate, | sever, | sunder. |
It is uncharitable to attribute evil motives to (archaic unto)
A quality (L. qualis, such)—the "suchness" of anything, according
to the German idiom—denotes what a thing really is in
some one respect; an attribute is what we conceive a thing to be in
some one respect; thus, while attribute may, quality must, express
something of the real nature of that to which it is ascribed;
we speak of the attributes of God, the qualities of matter. "Originally
'the attributes of God' was preferred, probably, because
men assumed no knowledge of the actual qualities of the Deity,
but only of those more or less fitly attributed to him." J. A. H.
Murray. [M.] Holiness is an attribute of God; the attributes of
many heathen deities have been only the qualities of wicked men
joined to superhuman power. A property (L. proprius, one's
own) is what belongs especially to one thing as its own peculiar
possession, in distinction from all other things; when we speak of
the qualities or the properties of matter, quality is the more general,
property the more limited term. A quality is inherent; a
property may be transient; physicists now, however, prefer to
term those qualities manifested by all bodies (such as impenetrability,
extension, etc.), general properties of matter, while those
peculiar to certain substances or to certain states of those substances
(as fluidity, malleability, etc.) are termed specific properties;
in this wider use of the word property, it becomes strictly
synonymous with quality. Compare CHARACTERISTIC; EMBLEM.
being, | essence, | nature, | substance. |
betoken, | divine, | foretell, | predict, | prognosticate, |
bode, | forebode, | portend, | presage, | prophesy. |
"Persons or things augur; persons only forebode or presage;
things only betoken or portend." Crabb English Synonymes. We
augur well for a voyage from past good fortune and a good start;
we presage success from the stanchness of the ship and the skill[67]
of the captain. We forebode misfortune either from circumstances
that betoken failure, or from gloomy fancies for which we could
not give a reason. Dissipation among the officers and mutiny
among the crew portend disaster. Divine has reference to the
ancient soothsayers' arts (as in Gen. xliv, 5, 15), and refers rather
to reading hearts than to reading the future. We say I could not
divine his motive, or his intention.
assure, | demonstrate, | establish, | make sure, | settle, |
calculate, | determine, | insure, | prove, | warrant. |
I augur from all circumstances a prosperous result; I augur ill
of the enterprise; "augurs ill to the rights of the people," Thomas
Jefferson Writings vol. ii, p. 506. [T. & M. '53.] I augur well, or
this augurs well, for your cause.
accepted, | certain, | original, | sure, |
accredited, | current, | real, | true, |
authoritative, | genuine, | received, | trustworthy, |
authorized, | legitimate, | reliable, | veritable. |
That is authentic which is true to the facts; that is genuine
which is true to its own claims; as, authentic history; genuine
A 'genuine' work is one written by the author whose name it bears; an 'authentic'
work is one which relates truthfully the matters of which it treats. For example, the
apocryphal Gospel of St. Thomas is neither 'genuine' nor 'authentic.' It is not
'genuine,' for St. Thomas did not write it; it is not 'authentic,' for its contents are
mainly fables and lies.
Trench On the Study of Words lect. vi, p. 189. [W. J. W.]
Authentic is, however, used by reputable writers as synonymous
with genuine, tho usually where genuineness carries a certain
authority. We speak of accepted conclusions, certain evidence,
current money, genuine letters, a legitimate conclusion or legitimate
authority, original manuscripts, real value, received interpretation,
sure proof, a true statement, a trustworthy witness, a
veritable discovery.
apocryphal, | counterfeit, | exploded, | false, | spurious, |
baseless, | disputed, | fabulous, | fictitious, | unauthorized. |
accessory, | ally, | coadjutor, | helper, | promoter, |
aid, | assistant, | confederate, | mercenary, | subordinate. |
An auxiliary is a person or thing that helps in a subordinate[68]
capacity. Allies unite as equals; auxiliaries are, at least technically,
inferiors or subordinates. Yet the auxiliary is more
than a mere assistant. The word is oftenest found in the
plural, and in the military sense; auxiliaries are troops of one
nation uniting with the armies, and acting under the orders, of
another. Mercenaries serve only for pay; auxiliaries often for
reasons of state, policy, or patriotism as well. Compare ACCESSORY;
antagonist, | hinderer, | opponent, | opposer. |
The auxiliaries of the Romans; an auxiliary in a good cause;
an auxiliary to learning.
close, | greedy, | niggardly, | penurious, | sordid, |
covetous, | miserly, | parsimonious, | rapacious, | stingy. |
Avaricious and covetous refer especially to acquisition, miserly,
niggardly, parsimonious, and penurious to expenditure. The
avaricious man has an eager craving for money, and ordinarily
desires both to get and to keep, the covetous man to get something
away from its possessor; tho one may be made avaricious by
the pressure of great expenditures. Miserly and niggardly persons
seek to gain by mean and petty savings; the miserly by stinting
themselves, the niggardly by stinting others. Parsimonious
and penurious may apply to one's outlay either for himself or for
others; in the latter use, they are somewhat less harsh and
reproachful terms than niggardly. The close man holds like a
vise all that he gets. Near and nigh are provincial words of similar
import. The rapacious have the robber instinct, and put it in
practise in some form, as far as they dare. The avaricious and
rapacious are ready to reach out for gain; the parsimonious,
miserly, and niggardly prefer the safer and less adventurous way
of avoiding expenditure. Greedy and stingy are used not only
of money, but often of other things, as food, etc. The greedy
child wishes to enjoy everything himself; the stingy child, to
keep others from getting it.
bountiful, | free, | generous, | liberal, | munificent, | prodigal, | wasteful. |
The monarch was avaricious of power.
punish, | retaliate, | revenge, | vindicate, | visit. |
Avenge and revenge, once close synonyms, are now far apart in
meaning. To avenge is to visit some offense with punishment, in
order to vindicate the righteous, or to uphold and illustrate the
right by the suffering or destruction of the wicked. "And seeing
one of them suffer wrong, he avenged him that was oppressed,
and smote the Egyptian," Acts vii, 24. To revenge is to inflict
harm or suffering upon another through personal anger and resentment
at something done to ourselves. Avenge is unselfish; revenge
is selfish. Revenge, according to present usage, could not be said
of God. To retaliate may be necessary for self-defense, without
the idea of revenge. Compare REVENGE.
Avenge on or upon (rarely, avenge oneself of) a wrong-doer.
knowledge, | aver, | confess, | own, | profess, | testify, |
admit, | avouch, | declare, | proclaim, | protest, | witness. |
Acknowledge, admit, and declare refer either to oneself or to
others; all the other words refer only to one's own knowledge or
action. To avow is to declare boldly and openly, commonly as
something one is ready to justify, maintain, or defend. A man
acknowledges another's claim or his own promise; he admits an
opponent's advantage or his own error; he declares either what he
has seen or experienced or what he has received from another; he
avers what he is sure of from his own knowledge or consciousness;
he gives his assurance as the voucher for what he avouches;
he avows openly a belief or intention that he has silently held.
Avow and avouch take a direct object; aver is followed by a conjunction:
a man avows his faith, avouches a deed, avers that he
was present. Avow has usually a good sense; what a person
avows he at least does not treat as blameworthy, criminal, or
shameful; if he did, he would be said to confess it; yet there is
always the suggestion that some will be ready to challenge or censure
what one avows; as, the clergyman avowed his dissent from
the doctrine of his church. Own applies to all things, good or bad,
great or small, which one takes as his own. Compare CONFESS;
contradict, | deny, | disavow, | disclaim, | disown, | ignore, | repudiate. |
alarming, | direful, | frightful, | majestic, | solemn, |
appalling, | dread, | grand, | noble, | stately, |
august, | dreadful, | horrible, | portentous, | terrible, |
dire, | fearful, | imposing, | shocking, | terrific. |
Awful should not be used of things which are merely disagreeable
or annoying, nor of all that are alarming and terrible, but
only of such as bring a solemn awe upon the soul, as in the presence
of a superior power; as, the awful hush before the battle.
That which is awful arouses an oppressive, that which is august
an admiring reverence; we speak of the august presence of a
mighty monarch, the awful presence of death. We speak of an
exalted station, a grand mountain, an imposing presence, a majestic
cathedral, a noble mien, a solemn litany, a stately march, an
august assembly, the awful scene of the Judgment Day.
base, | contemptible, | inferior, | paltry, |
beggarly, | despicable, | lowly, | undignified, |
commonplace, | humble, | mean, | vulgar. |
boorish, | clumsy, | rough, | unhandy, |
bungling, | gawky, | uncouth, | unskilful. |
clownish, | maladroit, | ungainly, |
Awkward, from awk (kindred with off, from the Norwegian),
is off-ward, turned the wrong way; it was anciently used of a
back-handed or left-handed blow in battle, of squinting eyes, etc.
Clumsy, on the other hand (from clumse, also through the Norwegian),
signifies benumbed, stiffened with cold; this is the original
meaning of clumsy fingers, clumsy limbs. Thus, awkward primarily
refers to action, clumsy to condition. A tool, a vehicle, or
the human frame may be clumsy in shape or build, awkward in
motion. The clumsy man is almost of necessity awkward, but
the awkward man may not be naturally clumsy. The finest untrained
colt is awkward in harness; a horse that is clumsy in build
can never be trained out of awkwardness. An awkward statement
has an uncomfortable, and perhaps recoiling force; a statement
that contains ill-assorted and incongruous material in ill-chosen
language is clumsy. We speak of an awkward predicament,
an awkward scrape. An awkward excuse commonly reflects
on the one who offers it. We say the admitted facts have an[71]
awkward appearance. In none of these cases could clumsy be
used. Clumsy is, however, applied to movements that seem as
unsuitable as those of benumbed and stiffened limbs. A dancing
bear is both clumsy and awkward.
adroit, | clever, | dexterous, | handy, | skilful. |
The raw recruit is awkward in action; at the business.
Both the axiom and the truism are instantly seen to be true,
and need no proof; but in an axiom there is progress of thought,
while the truism simply says the same thing over again, or says
what is too manifest to need saying. The axiom that "things
which are equal to the same thing are equal to one another"
unfolds in the latter part of the sentence the truth implied in the
first part, which might have been overlooked if not stated. In the
truism that "a man can do all he is capable of," the former and
the latter part of the sentence are simply identical, and the mind
is left just where it started. Hence the axiom is valuable and
useful, while the truism is weak and flat, unless the form of statement
makes it striking or racy, as "all fools are out of their wits."
Compare PROVERB.
absurdity, | contradiction, | demonstration, | nonsense, | paradox, | sophism. |
blab, | cackle, | gabble, | murmur, | prattle, |
blurt, | chat, | gossip, | palaver, | tattle, |
blurt out, | chatter, | jabber, | prate, | twaddle. |
Most of these words are onomatopoetic. The cackle of a hen,
the gabble of a goose, the chatter of a magpie, the babble of a
running stream, as applied to human speech, indicate a rapid succession
of what are to the listener meaningless sounds. Blab and
blurt (commonly blurt out) refer to the letting out of what the
lips can no longer keep in; blab, of a secret; blurt out, of passionate
feeling. To chat is to talk in an easy, pleasant way, not
without sense, but without special purpose. Chatting is the practise
of adults, prattling that of children. To prate is to talk idly,[72]
presumptuously, or foolishly, but not necessarily incoherently.
To jabber is to utter a rapid succession of unintelligible sounds,
generally more noisy than chattering. To gossip is to talk of petty
personal matters, as for pastime or mischief. To twaddle is to
talk feeble nonsense. To murmur is to utter suppressed or even
inarticulate sounds, suggesting the notes of a dove, or the sound
of a running stream, and is used figuratively of the half suppressed
utterances of affection or pity, or of complaint, resentment,
etc. Compare SPEAK.
Babies babble for the moon; the crowd babbles of a hero; the
sick man babbles of home.
ban, | dismiss, | evict, | expatriate, | ostracize, |
discharge, | drive out, | exile, | expel, | oust. |
dislodge, | eject, |
Banish, primarily to put under ban, to compel by authority
to leave a place or country, perhaps with restriction to some
other place or country. From a country, a person may be
banished, exiled, or expatriated; banished from any country
where he may happen to be, but expatriated or exiled only from
his own. One may expatriate or exile himself; he is banished
by others. Banish is a word of wide import; one may banish
disturbing thoughts; care may banish sleep. To expel is to drive
out with violence or rudeness, and so often with disgrace.
Cataline was banished from Rome; John the Apostle was
banished to Patmos.
beach, | bound, | brink, | edge, | margin, | shore, |
border, | brim, | coast, | marge, | rim, | strand. |
Bank is a general term for the land along the edge of a water
course; it may also denote a raised portion of the bed of a river,
lake, or ocean; as, the Banks of Newfoundland. A beach is a
strip or expanse of incoherent wave-worn sand, which is often
pebbly or full of boulders; we speak of the beach of a lake or
ocean; a beach is sometimes found in the bend of a river. Strand
is a more poetic term for a wave-washed shore, especially as a
place for landing or embarking; as, the keel grates on the strand.[73]
The whole line of a country or continent that borders the sea is a
coast. Shore is any land, whether cliff, or sand, or marsh, bordering
water. We do not speak of the coast of a river, nor of the
banks of the ocean, tho there may be banks by or under the
sea. Edge is the line where land and water meet; as, the water's
edge. Brink is the place from which one may fall; as, the
river's brink; the brink of a precipice; the brink of ruin.
badinage, | derision, | jeering, | raillery, | sarcasm, |
chaff, | irony, | mockery, | ridicule, | satire. |
Banter is the touching upon some fault, weakness, or fancied
secret of another in a way half to pique and half to please; badinage
is delicate, refined banter. Raillery has more sharpness,
but is usually good-humored and well meant. Irony, the saying
one thing that the reverse may be understood, may be either mild
or bitter. All the other words have a hostile intent. Ridicule
makes a person or thing the subject of contemptuous merriment;
derision seeks to make the object derided seem utterly despicable—to
laugh it to scorn. Chaff is the coarse witticism of the streets,
perhaps merry, oftener malicious; jeering is loud, rude ridicule,
as of a hostile crowd or mob. Mockery is more studied, and may
include mimicry and personal violence, as well as scornful speech.
A satire is a formal composition; a sarcasm may be an impromptu
sentence. The satire shows up follies to keep people from them;
the sarcasm hits them because they are foolish, without inquiring
whether it will do good or harm; the satire is plainly uttered; the
sarcasm is covert.
atrocious, | brutal, | merciless, | uncivilized, |
barbarian, | cruel, | rude, | uncouth, |
barbaric, | inhuman, | savage, | untamed. |
Whatever is not civilized is barbarian; barbaric indicates rude
magnificence, uncultured richness; as, barbaric splendor, a barbaric
melody. Barbarous refers to the worst side of barbarian
life, and to revolting acts, especially of cruelty, such as a civilized
man would not be expected to do; as, a barbarous deed. We may,
however, say barbarous nations, barbarous tribes, without implying
anything more than want of civilization and culture. Savage[74]
is more distinctly bloodthirsty than barbarous. In this sense we
speak of a savage beast and of barbarous usage.
civilized, | cultured, | elegant, | humane, | polite, | tender, |
courtly, | delicate, | graceful, | nice, | refined, | urbane. |
bar, | bulwark, | obstruction, | rampart, |
barricade, | hindrance, | parapet, | restraint, |
breastwork, | obstacle, | prohibition, | restriction. |
A bar is something that is or may be firmly fixed, ordinarily
with intent to prevent entrance or egress; as, the bars of a prison
cell; the bars of a wood-lot. A barrier obstructs, but is not necessarily
impassable. Barrier is used of objects more extensive
than those to which bar is ordinarily applied. A mountain range
may be a barrier to exploration; but a mass of sand across the
entrance to a harbor is called a bar. Discovered falsehood is a
bar to confidence. Barricade has become practically a technical
name for an improvised street fortification, and, unless in some
way modified, is usually so understood. A parapet is a low or
breast-high wall, as about the edge of a roof, terrace, etc., especially,
in military use, such a wall for the protection of troops; a
rampart is the embankment surrounding a fort, on which the
parapet is raised; the word rampart is often used as including
the parapet. Bulwark is a general word for any defensive wall
or rampart; its only technical use at present is in nautical language,
where it signifies the raised side of a ship above the upper
deck, topped by the rail. Compare BOUNDARY; IMPEDIMENT.
admittance, | opening, | road, | transit, |
entrance, | passage, | thoroughfare, | way. |
A barrier to progress, against invasion; a barrier between
action, | combat, | encounter, | passage of arms, |
affair, | conflict, | engagement, | skirmish, |
bout, | contest, | fight, | strife. |
Conflict is a general word which describes opponents, whether
individuals or hosts, as dashed together. One continuous conflict
between entire armies is a battle. Another battle may be fought
upon the same field after a considerable interval; or a new battle[75]
may follow immediately, the armies meeting upon a new field.
An action is brief and partial; a battle may last for days. Engagement
is a somewhat formal expression for battle; as, it was
the commander's purpose to avoid a general engagement. A protracted
war, including many battles, may be a stubborn contest.
Combat, originally a hostile encounter between individuals, is
now used also for extensive engagements. A skirmish is between
small detachments or scattered troops. An encounter may be
either purposed or accidental, between individuals or armed forces.
Fight is a word of less dignity than battle; we should not ordinarily
speak of Waterloo as a fight, unless where the word is used
in the sense of fighting; as, I was in the thick of the fight.
armistice, | concord, | peace, | suspension of hostilities, | truce. |
A battle of giants; battle between armies; a battle for life,
against invaders; a battle to the death; the battle of (more rarely
at) Marathon.
bastinado, | chastise, | overcome, | spank, | thrash, |
batter, | conquer, | pommel, | strike, | vanquish, |
belabor, | cudgel, | pound, | surpass, | whip, |
bruise, | defeat, | scourge, | switch, | worst. |
castigate, | flog, | smite, |
Strike is the word for a single blow; to beat is to strike repeatedly,
as a bird beats the air with its wings. Others of the above
words describe the manner of beating, as bastinado, to beat on
the soles of the feet; belabor, to inflict a comprehensive and exhaustive
beating; cudgel, to beat with a stick; thrash, as wheat
was beaten out with the old hand-flail; to pound (akin to L. pondus,
a weight) is to beat with a heavy, and pommel with a blunt,
instrument. To batter and to bruise refer to the results of beating;
that is battered which is broken or defaced by repeated blows
on the surface (compare synonyms for SHATTER); that is bruised
which has suffered even one severe contusion. The metaphorical
sense of beat, however, so far preponderates that one may be very
badly bruised and battered, and yet not be said to be beaten, unless
he has got the worst of the beating. To beat a combatant is
to disable or dishearten him for further fighting. Hence beat becomes[76]
the synonym for every word which implies getting the advantage
of another. Compare CONQUER.
fail, | fall, | get the worst of, | go down, | go under, | surrender. |
Almost all antonyms in this class are passive, and can be formed
indefinitely from the conquering words by the use of the auxiliary
be; as, be beaten, be defeated, be conquered, etc.
Beat with a stick over the head; beat by a trick; out of town;
beat to the ground; into submission.
attractive, | charming, | exquisite, | handsome, |
beauteous, | comely, | fair, | lovely, |
bewitching, | delightful, | fine, | picturesque, |
bonny, | elegant, | graceful, | pretty. |
The definition of beauty, "perfection of form," is a good key
to the meaning of beautiful, if we understand "form" in its widest
sense. There must also be harmony and unity, and in human beings
spiritual loveliness, to constitute an object or a person really
beautiful. Thus, we speak of a beautiful landscape, a beautiful
poem. But beautiful implies also, in concrete objects, softness of
outline and delicacy of mold; it is opposed to all that is hard and
rugged, hence we say a beautiful woman, but not a beautiful man.
Beautiful has the further limit of not transcending our powers of
appreciation. Pretty expresses in a far less degree that which is
pleasing to a refined taste in objects comparatively small, slight,
and dainty; as, a pretty bonnet; a pretty girl. That is handsome
which is not only superficially pleasing, but well and harmoniously
proportioned, with usually the added idea that it is made so by
art, breeding, or training; as, a handsome horse; a handsome
house. Handsome is a term far inferior to beautiful; we may
even say a handsome villain. Fair denotes what is bright, smooth,
clear, and without blemish; as, a fair face. The word applies
wholly to what is superficial; we can say "fair, yet false." In a
specific sense, fair has the sense of blond, as opposed to dark or brunette.
One who possesses vivacity, wit, good nature, or other
pleasing qualities may be attractive without beauty. Comely denotes
an aspect that is smooth, genial, and wholesome, with a certain
fulness of contour and pleasing symmetry, tho falling[77]
short of the beautiful; as, a comely matron. That is picturesque
which would make a striking picture.
awkward, | frightful, | grotesque, | repulsive, | uncouth, |
clumsy, | ghastly, | hideous, | shocking, | ungainly, |
deformed, | grim, | horrid, | ugly, | unlovely, |
disgusting, | grisly, | odious, | unattractive, | unpleasant. |
Beautiful to the eye; beautiful in appearance, in spirit;
"beautiful for situation," Ps. xlviii, 2; beautiful of aspect, of its
as, | for, | inasmuch as, | since. |
Because, literally by-cause, is the most direct and complete
word for giving the reason of a thing. Since, originally denoting
succession in time, signifies a succession in a chain of reasoning, a
natural inference or result. As indicates something like, coordinate,
parallel. Since is weaker than because; as is weaker than
since; either may introduce the reason before the main statement;
thus, since or as you are going, I will accompany you.
Often the weaker word is the more courteous, implying less constraint;
for example, as you request it, I will come, rather than I
will come because you request it. Inasmuch as is a formal and
qualified expression, implying by just so much, and no more;
thus, inasmuch as the debtor has no property, I abandon the
claim. For is a loose connective, giving often mere suggestion or
indication rather than reason or cause; as, it is morning, for (not
because) the birds are singing.
altho, | however, | nevertheless, | notwithstanding, | yet. |
Compare synonyms for BUT; NOTWITHSTANDING.
befitting, | congruous, | fit, | meet, | seemly, |
beseeming, | decent, | fitting, | neat, | suitable, |
comely, | decorous, | graceful, | proper, | worthy. |
That is becoming in dress which suits the complexion, figure,
and other qualities of the wearer, so as to produce on the whole a
pleasing effect. That is decent which does not offend modesty or
propriety. That is suitable which is adapted to the age, station,
situation, and other circumstances of the wearer; coarse, heavy[78]
boots are suitable for farm-work; a juvenile style of dress is not
suitable for an old lady. In conduct much the same rules apply.
The dignity and gravity of a patriarch would not be becoming to
a child; at a funeral lively, cheery sociability would not be decorous,
while noisy hilarity would not be decent; sumptuous display
would not be suitable for a poor person. Fit is a compendious
term for whatever fits the person, time, place, occasion, etc.; as,
a fit person; a fit abode; a fit place. Fitting, or befitting, is somewhat
more elegant, implying a nicer adaptation. Meet, a somewhat
archaic word, expresses a moral fitness; as, meet for
heaven. Compare BEAUTIFUL.
awkward, | ill-fitting, | indecent, | unbecoming, | unseemly, |
ill-becoming, | improper, | indecorous, | unfit, | unsuitable. |
The dress was becoming to the wearer. Such conduct was becoming
in him.
arising, | inauguration, | origin, | source, |
commencement, | inception, | outset, | spring, |
fount, | initiation, | rise, | start. |
fountain, | opening, |
The Latin commencement is more formal than the Saxon beginning,
as the verb commence, is more formal than begin. Commencement
is for the most part restricted to some form of action,
while beginning has no restriction, but may be applied to action,
state, material, extent, enumeration, or to whatever else may be
conceived of as having a first part, point, degree, etc. The letter
A is at the beginning (not the commencement) of every alphabet.
If we were to speak of the commencement of the Pacific Railroad,
we should be understood to refer to the enterprise and its initiatory
act; if we were to refer to the roadway we should say "Here is
the beginning of the Pacific Railroad." In the great majority of
cases begin and beginning are preferable to commence and commencement
as the simple, idiomatic English words, always accurate
and expressive. "In the beginning was the word," John i, 1. An
origin is the point from which something starts or sets out, often
involving, and always suggesting causal connection; as, the origin
of evil; the origin of a nation, a government, or a family. A
source is that which furnishes a first and continuous supply, that
which flows forth freely or may be readily recurred to; as, the
source of a river; a source of knowledge; a source of inspiration;[79]
fertile land is a source (not an origin) of wealth. A rise is thought
of as in an action; we say that a lake is the source of a certain
river, or that the river takes its rise from the lake. Motley wrote
of "The Rise of the Dutch Republic." Fount, fountain, and
spring, in their figurative senses, keep close to their literal meaning.
Compare CAUSE.
See synonyms for END.
action, | breeding, | conduct, | deportment, | manner, |
bearing, | carriage, | demeanor, | life, | manners. |
Behavior is our action in the presence of others; conduct includes
also that which is known only to ourselves and our Maker.
Carriage expresses simply the manner of holding the body, especially
in sitting or walking, as when it is said of a lady "she has a
fine carriage." Bearing refers to the bodily expression of feeling
or disposition; as, a haughty bearing; a noble bearing. Demeanor
is the bodily expression, not only of feelings, but of moral states;
as, a devout demeanor. Breeding, unless with some adverse limitation,
denotes that manner and conduct which result from good
birth and training. Deportment is behavior as related to a set of
rules; as, the pupil's deportment was faultless. A person's manner
may be that of a moment, or toward a single person; his manners
are his habitual style of behavior toward or before others,
especially in matters of etiquette and politeness; as, good manners
are always pleasing.
The behavior of the pastor to or toward his people, on or upon
the streets, before the multitude, or in the church, with the godly,
or with the worldly, was alike faultless.
bias, | curve, | diverge, | mold, | submit, | twist, |
bow, | deflect, | incline, | persuade, | turn, | warp, |
crook, | deviate, | influence, | stoop, | twine, | yield. |
In some cases a thing is spoken of as bent where the parts
make an angle; but oftener to bend is understood to be to draw
to or through a curve; as, to bend a bow. To submit or yield is to
bend the mind humbly to another's wishes. To incline or influence
is to bend another's wishes toward our own; to persuade is to[80]
draw them quite over. To warp is to bend silently through the
whole fiber, as a board in the sun. To crook is to bend irregularly,
as a crooked stick. Deflect, deviate, and diverge are said of
any turning away; deviate commonly of a slight and gradual
movement, diverge of a more sharp and decided one. To bias is
to cut across the texture, or incline to one side; in figurative use
always with an unfavorable import. Mold is a stronger work
than bend; we may bend by a superior force that which still resists
the constraint; as, a bent bow; we mold something plastic
entirely to some desired form.
almsgiving, | charity, | kind-heartedness, | munificence, |
beneficence, | generosity, | kindliness, | philanthropy, |
benignity, | good-will, | kindness, | sympathy, |
bounty, | humanity, | liberality, | unselfishness. |
According to the etymology and original usage, beneficence is
the doing well, benevolence the wishing or willing well to others;
but benevolence has come to include beneficence, and to displace
it. We should not now speak of benevolence which did not help,
unless where there was no power to help; even then we should
rather say good-will or sympathy. Charity, which originally
meant the purest love for God and man (as in 1 Cor. xiii), is now
almost universally applied to some form of almsgiving, and is
much more limited in meaning than benevolence. Benignity suggests
some occult power of blessing, such as was formerly ascribed
to the stars; we may say a good man has an air of benignity.
Kindness and tenderness are personal; benevolence and charity
are general. Kindness extends to all sentient beings, whether men
or animals, in prosperity or in distress. Tenderness especially
goes out toward the young, feeble, and needy, or even to the dead.
Humanity is so much kindness and tenderness toward man or beast
as it would be inhuman not to have; we say of some act of care or
kindness, "common humanity requires it." Generosity is self-forgetful
kindness in disposition or action; it includes much besides
giving; as, the generosity of forgiveness. Bounty applies to
ample giving, which on a larger scale is expressed by munificence.
Liberality indicates broad, genial kindly views, whether manifested
in gifts or otherwise. We speak of the bounty of a generous
host, the liberality or munificence of the founder of a college,
or of the liberality of a theologian toward the holders of conflicting[81]
beliefs. Philanthropy applies to wide schemes for human
welfare, often, but not always, involving large expenditures in
charity or benevolence. Compare MERCY.
barbarity, | greediness, | ill-will, | malignity, | self-seeking, |
brutality, | harshness, | inhumanity, | niggardliness, | stinginess, |
churlishness, | illiberality, | malevolence, | selfishness, | unkindness. |
Benevolence of, on the part of, or from the wealthy, to or
toward the poor.
compel, | fetter, | oblige, | restrict, | shackle, |
engage, | fix, | restrain, | secure, | tie. |
fasten, |
Binding is primarily by something flexible, as a cord or bandage
drawn closely around an object or group of objects, as when
we bind up a wounded limb. We bind a sheaf of wheat with a
cord; we tie the cord in a knot; we fasten by any means that
will make things hold together, as a board by nails, or a door by a
lock. The verbs tie and fasten are scarcely used in the figurative
sense, tho, using the noun, we speak of the ties of affection.
Bind has an extensive figurative use. One is bound by conscience
or honor; he is obliged by some imperious necessity; engaged by
his own promise; compelled by physical force or its moral equivalent.
free, | loose, | set free, | unbind, | unfasten, | unloose, | untie. |
Bind to a pillar; unto an altar; to a service; bind one with
chains or in chains; one is bound by a contract; a splint is bound
upon a limb; the arms may be bound to the sides or behind the
back; bind a wreath about, around, or round the head; twigs
are bound in or into fagots; for military purposes, they are bound
at both ends and in the middle; one is bound by a contract, or
bound under a penalty to fulfil a contract.
acerb, | acidulous, | caustic, | pungent, | stinging, |
acetous, | acrid, | cutting, | savage, | tart, |
acid, | acrimonious, | harsh, | sharp, | vinegarish, |
acidulated, | biting, | irate, | sour, | virulent. |
Acid, sour, and bitter agree in being contrasted with sweet, but[82]
the two former are sharply distinguished from the latter. Acid
or sour is the taste of vinegar or lemon-juice; bitter that of quassia,
quinine, or strychnine. Acrid is nearly allied to bitter. Pungent
suggests the effect of pepper or snuff on the organs of taste
or smell; as, a pungent odor. Caustic indicates the corroding
effect of some strong chemical, as nitrate of silver. In a figurative
sense, as applied to language or character, these words are very
closely allied. We say a sour face, sharp words, bitter complaints,
caustic wit, cutting irony, biting sarcasm, a stinging taunt, harsh
judgment, a tart reply. Harsh carries the idea of intentional and
severe unkindness, bitter of a severity that arises from real or supposed
ill treatment. The bitter speech springs from the sore heart.
Tart and sharp utterances may not proceed from an intention to
wound, but merely from a wit recklessly keen; cutting, stinging,
and biting speech indicates more or less of hostile intent, the latter
being the more deeply malicious. The caustic utterance is meant
to burn, perhaps wholesomely, as in the satire of Juvenal or Cervantes.
Compare MOROSE.
dulcet, | honeyed, | luscious, | nectared, | saccharine, | sweet. |
blanch, | make white, | whiten, | whitewash. |
To whiten is to make white in general, but commonly it means
to overspread with white coloring-matter. Bleach and blanch
both signify to whiten by depriving of color, the former permanently,
as linen; the latter either permanently (as, to blanch celery)
or temporarily (as, to blanch the cheek with fear). To whitewash
is to whiten superficially, especially by false approval.
blacken, | color, | darken, | dye, | soil, | stain. |
blot, | defacement, | disgrace, | injury, | spot, |
blur, | defect, | dishonor, | reproach, | stain, |
brand, | deformity, | fault, | smirch, | stigma, |
crack, | dent, | flaw, | soil, | taint, |
daub, | disfigurement, | imperfection, | speck, | tarnish. |
Whatever mars the beauty or completeness of an object is a
blemish, whether original, as squinting eyes, or the result of accident
or disease, etc., as the pits of smallpox. A blemish is superficial;
a flaw or taint is in structure or substance. In the moral[83]
sense, we speak of a blot or stain upon reputation; a flaw or taint
in character. A defect is the want or lack of something; fault,
primarily a failing, is something that fails of an apparent intent
or disappoints a natural expectation; thus a sudden dislocation or
displacement of geological strata is called a fault. Figuratively,
a blemish comes from one's own ill-doing; a brand or stigma is
inflicted by others; as, the brand of infamy.
box, | concussion, | disaster, | misfortune, | stripe, |
buffet, | cuff, | knock, | rap, | stroke, |
calamity, | cut, | lash, | shock, | thump. |
A blow is a sudden impact, as of a fist or a club; a stroke is a
sweeping movement; as, the stroke of a sword, of an oar, of the
arm in swimming. A shock is the sudden encounter with some
heavy body; as, colliding railway-trains meet with a shock; the
shock of battle. A slap is given with the open hand, a lash with
a whip, thong, or the like; we speak also of the cut of a whip. A
buffet or cuff is given only with the hand; a blow either with hand
or weapon. A cuff is a somewhat sidelong blow, generally with
the open hand; as, a cuff or box on the ear. A stripe is the effect
or mark of a stroke. In the metaphorical sense, blow is used for
sudden, stunning, staggering calamity or sorrow; stroke for
sweeping disaster, and also for sweeping achievement and success.
We say a stroke of paralysis, or a stroke of genius. We speak of
the buffets of adverse fortune. Shock is used of that which is at
once sudden, violent, and prostrating; we speak of a shock of
electricity, the shock of an amputation, a shock of surprise. Compare
abrupt, | brusk, | impolite, | rough, |
blunt, | coarse, | inconsiderate, | rude, |
blustering, | discourteous, | open, | uncivil, |
bold, | frank, | plain-spoken, | unmannerly. |
Bluff is a word of good meaning, as are frank and open. The
bluff man talks and laughs loudly and freely, says and does whatever
he pleases with fearless good nature, and with no thought of
annoying or giving pain to others. The blunt man says things
which he is perfectly aware are disagreeable, either from a defiant
indifference to others' feelings, or from the pleasure of tormenting.
bland, | courteous, | genial, | polished, | polite, | refined, | reserved, | urbane. |
ashes, | clay, | dust, | frame, | system, |
carcass, | corpse, | form, | remains, | trunk. |
Body denotes the entire physical structure, considered as a
whole, of man or animal; form looks upon it as a thing of shape
and outline, perhaps of beauty; frame regards it as supported by
its bony framework; system views it as an assemblage of many
related and harmonious organs. Body, form, frame, and system
may be either dead or living; clay and dust are sometimes so used
in religious or poetic style, tho ordinarily these words are used
only of the dead. Corpse and remains are used only of the dead.
Corpse is the plain technical word for a dead body still retaining
its unity; remains may be used after any lapse of time; the latter
is also the more refined and less ghastly term; as, friends are
invited to view the remains. Carcass applies only to the body of
an animal, or of a human being regarded with contempt and
loathing. Compare COMPANY.
intellect, | intelligence, | mind, | soul, | spirit. |
Both refers to two objects previously mentioned, or had in
mind, viewed or acting in connection; as, both men fired at once;
"two men fired" might mean any two, out of any number, and
without reference to any previous thought or mention. Twain is
a nearly obsolete form of two. The two, or the twain, is practically
equivalent to both; both, however, expresses a closer unity.
We would say both men rushed against the enemy; the two men
flew at each other. Compare EVERY.
each, | either, | every, | neither, | none, | no one, | not any. |
barrier, | confines, | limit, | margin, |
border, | edge, | line, | term, |
bound, | enclosure, | marches, | termination, |
bourn, | frontier, | marge, | verge. |
bourne, | landmark, |
The boundary was originally the landmark, that which
marked off one piece of territory from another. The bound is the[85]
limit, marked or unmarked. Now, however, the difference between
the two words has come to be simply one of usage. As
regards territory, we speak of the boundaries of a nation or of an
estate; the bounds of a college, a ball-ground, etc. Bounds may
be used for all within the limits, boundary for the limiting line
only. Boundary looks to that which is without; bound only to
that which is within. Hence we speak of the bounds, not the
boundaries, of a subject, of the universe, etc.; we say the students
were forbidden to go beyond the bounds. A barrier is something
that bars ingress or egress. A barrier may be a boundary,
as was the Great Wall of China. Bourn, or bourne, is a poetical
expression for bound or boundary. A border is a strip of land
along the boundary. Edge is a sharp terminal line, as where
river or ocean meets the land. Limit is now used almost wholly
in the figurative sense; as, the limit of discussion, of time, of
jurisdiction. Line is a military term; as, within the lines, or
through the lines, of an army. Compare BARRIER; END.
center, | citadel, | estate, | inside, | interior, | land, | region, | territory. |
The boundaries of an estate; the boundary between neighboring
adventurous, | courageous, | fearless, | undaunted, |
bold, | daring, | gallant, | undismayed, |
chivalric, | dauntless, | heroic, | valiant, |
chivalrous, | doughty, | intrepid, | venturesome. |
The adventurous man goes in quest of danger; the bold man
stands out and faces danger or censure; the brave man combines
confidence with resolution in presence of danger; the chivalrous man
puts himself in peril for others' protection. The daring step out
to defy danger; the dauntless will not flinch before anything that
may come to them; the doughty will give and take limitless hard
knocks. The adventurous find something romantic in dangerous
enterprises; the venturesome may be simply heedless, reckless, or
ignorant. All great explorers have been adventurous; children,
fools, and criminals are venturesome. The fearless and intrepid
possess unshaken nerves in any place of danger. Courageous
is more than brave, adding a moral element: the courageous man
steadily encounters perils to which he may be keenly sensitive, at
the call of duty; the gallant are brave in a dashing, showy, and[86]
splendid way; the valiant not only dare great dangers, but
achieve great results; the heroic are nobly daring and dauntless,
truly chivalrous, sublimely courageous. Compare FORTITUDE.
afraid, | cringing, | fearful, | pusillanimous, | timid, |
cowardly, | faint-hearted, | frightened, | shrinking, | timorous. |
bankrupt, | crack, | destroy, | rive, | shatter, | split, |
burst, | crush, | fracture, | rupture, | shiver, | sunder, |
cashier, | demolish, | rend, | sever, | smash, | transgress. |
To break is to divide sharply, with severance of particles, as by
a blow or strain. To burst is to break by pressure from within, as a
bombshell, but it is used also for the result of violent force otherwise
exerted; as, to burst in a door, where the door yields as if
to an explosion. To crush is to break by pressure from without,
as an egg-shell. To crack is to break without complete severance
of parts; a cracked cup or mirror may still hold together. Fracture
has a somewhat similar sense. In a fractured limb, the ends
of the broken bone may be separated, tho both portions are
still retained within the common muscular tissue. A shattered
object is broken suddenly and in numerous directions; as, a vase
is shattered by a blow, a building by an earthquake. A shivered
glass is broken into numerous minute, needle-like fragments. To
smash is to break thoroughly to pieces with a crashing sound by
some sudden act of violence; a watch once smashed will scarcely
be worth repair. To split is to cause wood to crack or part in the
way of the grain, and is applied to any other case where a natural
tendency to separation is enforced by an external cause; as, to
split a convention or a party. To demolish is to beat down, as a
mound, building, fortress, etc.; to destroy is to put by any process
beyond restoration physically, mentally, or morally; to destroy
an army is so to shatter and scatter it that it can not be rallied or
reassembled as a fighting force. Compare REND.
attach, | bind, | fasten, | join, | mend, | secure, | solder, | unite, | weld. |
Break to pieces, or in pieces, into several pieces (when the object
is thought of as divided rather than shattered); break with a
friend; from or away from a suppliant; break into a house; out
of prison; break across one's knee; break through a hedge; break
in upon one's retirement; break over the rules; break on or upon
the shore, against the rocks.
animal, | brutal, | ignorant, | sensual, | swinish, |
base, | brute, | imbruted, | sottish, | unintellectual, |
beastly, | carnal, | insensible, | stolid, | unspiritual, |
bestial, | coarse, | lascivious, | stupid, | vile. |
A brutish man simply follows his animal instincts, without
special inclination to do harm; the brutal have always a spirit of
malice and cruelty. Brute has no special character, except as indicating
what a brute might possess; much the same is true of
animal, except that animal leans more to the side of sensuality,
brute to that of force, as appears in the familiar phrase "brute
force." Hunger is an animal appetite; a brute impulse suddenly
prompts one to strike a blow in anger. Bestial, in modern usage,
implies an intensified and degrading animalism. Any supremacy
of the animal or brute instincts over the intellectual and spiritual
in man is base and vile. Beastly refers largely to the outward
and visible consequences of excess; as, beastly drunkenness.
Compare ANIMAL.
elevated, | exalted, | great, | intellectual, | noble, |
enlightened, | grand, | humane, | intelligent, | refined. |
blaze, | char, | flame, | incinerate, | set fire to, |
brand, | consume, | flash, | kindle, | set on fire, |
cauterize, | cremate, | ignite, | scorch, | singe. |
To burn is to subject to the action of fire, or of intense heat so
as to effect either partial change or complete combustion; as, to
burn wood in the fire; to burn one's hand on a hot stove; the sun
burns the face. One brands with a hot iron, but cauterizes with
some corrosive substance, as silver nitrate. Cremate is now used
specifically for consuming a dead body by intense heat. To incinerate
is to reduce to ashes; the sense differs little from that of
cremate, but it is in less popular use. To kindle is to set on fire,
as if with a candle; ignite is the more learned and scientific word
for the same thing, extending even to the heating of metals to a
state of incandescence without burning. To scorch and to singe
are superficial, and to char usually so. Both kindle and burn
have an extensive figurative use; as, to kindle strife; to burn
with wrath, love, devotion, curiosity. Compare LIGHT.
cool, | extinguish, | put out, | smother, | stifle, | subdue. |
To burn in the fire, burn with fire; burn to the ground, burn
to ashes; burn through the skin, or the roof; burn into the soil, etc.
affair, | commerce, | handicraft, | trading, |
art, | concern, | job, | traffic, |
avocation, | craft, | occupation, | transaction, |
barter, | duty, | profession, | vocation, |
calling, | employment, | trade, | work. |
A business is what one follows regularly; an occupation is
what he happens at any time to be engaged in; trout-fishing may
be one's occupation for a time, as a relief from business; business
is ordinarily for profit, while the occupation may be a matter of
learning, philanthropy, or religion. A profession implies scholarship;
as, the learned professions. Pursuit is an occupation
which one follows with ardor. An avocation is what calls one
away from other work; a vocation or calling, that to which one
is called by some special fitness or sense of duty; thus, we speak
of the gospel ministry as a vocation or calling, rather than a
business. Trade or trading is, in general, the exchanging of one
thing for another; in the special sense, a trade is an occupation
involving manual training and skilled labor; as, the ancient Jews
held that every boy should learn a trade. A transaction is a
single action, whether in business, diplomacy, or otherwise; affair
has a similar, but lighter meaning; as, this little affair; an important
transaction. The plural affairs has a distinctive meaning,
including all activities where men deal with one another on
any considerable scale; as, a man of affairs. A job is a piece of
work viewed as a single undertaking, and ordinarily paid for as
such. Trade and commerce may be used as equivalents, but trade
is capable of a more limited application; we speak of the trade of
a village, the commerce of a nation. Barter is the direct exchange
of commodities; business, trade, and commerce are chiefly
transacted by means of money, bills of exchange, etc. Business,
occupation, etc., may be what one does independently; employment
may be in the service of another. Work is any application of
energy to secure a result, or the result thus secured; thus, we
speak of the work of God. Art in the industrial sense is a system
of rules and accepted methods for the accomplishment of some
practical result; as, the art of printing; collectively, the arts. A
craft is some occupation requiring technical skill or manual dexterity,[89]
or the persons, collectively, engaged in its exercise; as,
the weaver's craft.
The business of a druggist; in business with his father; doing
business for his father; have you business with me? business in
New York; business about, concerning, or in regard to certain
and, | however, | notwithstanding, | that, |
barely, | just, | only, | tho, |
besides, | merely, | provided, | unless, |
except, | moreover, | save, | yet. |
further, | nevertheless, | still, |
But ranges from the faintest contrast to absolute negation; as,
I am willing to go, but (on the other hand) content to stay; he is
not an honest man, but (on the contrary) a villain. The contrast
may be with a silent thought; as, but let us go (it being understood
that we might stay longer). In restrictive use, except and
excepting are slightly more emphatic than but; we say, no injury
but a scratch; or, no injury except some painful bruises. Such
expressions as "words are but breath" (nothing but) may be
referred to the restrictive use by ellipsis. So may the use of but
in the sense of unless; as, "it never rains but it pours." To the
same head must be referred the conditional use; as, "you may go,
but with your father's consent" (i. e., "provided you have,"
"except that you must have," etc.). "Doubt but" is now less
used than the more logical "doubt that." But never becomes a
full synonym for and; and adds something like, but adds something
different; "brave and tender" implies that tenderness is
natural to the brave; "brave but tender" implies that bravery
and tenderness are rarely combined. For the concessive use, compare
by dint of, | by means of, | through, | with. |
By refers to the agent; through, to the means, cause, or condition;
with, to the instrument. By commonly refers to persons;
with, to things; through may refer to either. The road having
become impassable through long disuse, a way was opened by
pioneers with axes. By may, however, be applied to any object
which is viewed as partaking of action and agency; as, the metal[90]
was corroded by the acid; skill is gained by practise. We speak
of communicating with a person by letter. Through implies a
more distant connection than by or with, and more intervening
elements. Material objects are perceived by the mind through
the senses.
combination, | confederacy, | crew, | gang, |
conclave, | conspiracy, | faction, | junto. |
A conspiracy is a combination of persons for an evil purpose, or
the act of so combining. Conspiracy is a distinct crime under
common, and generally under statutory, law. A faction is more
extensive than a conspiracy, less formal in organization, less definite
in plan. Faction and its adjective, factious, have always an
unfavorable sense. Cabal commonly denotes a conspiracy of leaders.
A gang is a company of workmen all doing the same work
under one leader; the word is used figuratively only of combinations
which it is meant to stigmatize as rude and mercenary; crew
is used in a closely similar sense. A conclave is secret, but of
larger numbers, ordinarily, than a cabal, and may have honorable
use; as, the conclave of cardinals.
account, | consider, | enumerate, | rate, |
cast, | count, | estimate, | reckon, |
compute, | deem, | number, | sum up. |
Number is the generic term. To count is to number one by
one. To calculate is to use more complicated processes, as multiplication,
division, etc., more rapid but not less exact. Compute
allows more of the element of probability, which is still more
strongly expressed by estimate. We compute the slain in a great
war from the number known to have fallen in certain great battles;
compute refers to the present or the past, estimate more frequently
to the future; as, to estimate the cost of a proposed building.
To enumerate is to mention item by item; as, to enumerate
one's grievances. To rate is to estimate by comparison, as if the
object were one of a series. We count upon a desired future; we
do not count upon the undesired. As applied to the present, we
reckon or count a thing precious or worthless. Compare ESTEEM.
It is vain to calculate on or upon an uncertain result.
CALL, v.
bawl, | cry (out), | roar, | shriek, |
bellow, | ejaculate, | scream, | vociferate, |
clamor, | exclaim, | shout, | yell. |
To call is to send out the voice in order to attract another's attention,
either by word or by inarticulate utterance. Animals
call their mates, or their young; a man calls his dog, his horse,
etc. The sense is extended to include summons by bell, or any
signal. To shout is to call or exclaim with the fullest volume of
sustained voice; to scream is to utter a shriller cry; to shriek or
to yell refers to that which is louder and wilder still. We shout
words; in screaming, shrieking, or yelling there is often no attempt
at articulation. To bawl is to utter senseless, noisy cries, as
of a child in pain or anger. Bellow and roar are applied to the
utterances of animals, and only contemptuously to those of persons.
To clamor is to utter with noisy iteration; it applies also
to the confused cries of a multitude. To vociferate is commonly
applied to loud and excited speech where there is little besides the
exertion of voice. In exclaiming, the utterance may not be strikingly,
tho somewhat, above the ordinary tone and pitch; we
may exclaim by mere interjections, or by connected words, but
always by some articulate utterance. To ejaculate is to throw out
brief, disconnected, but coherent utterances of joy, regret, and
especially of appeal, petition, prayer; the use of such devotional
utterances has received the special name of "ejaculatory prayer."
To cry out is to give forth a louder and more excited utterance
than in exclaiming or calling; one often exclaims with sudden
joy as well as sorrow; if he cries out, it is oftener in grief or
agony. In the most common colloquial usage, to cry is to express
grief or pain by weeping or sobbing. One may exclaim, cry out,
or ejaculate with no thought of others' presence; when he calls, it
is to attract another's attention.
be silent, | be still, | hark, | hearken, | hush, | list, | listen. |
collected, | imperturbable, | sedate, | still, |
composed, | peaceful, | self-possessed, | tranquil, |
cool, | placid, | serene, | undisturbed, |
dispassionate, | quiet, | smooth, | unruffled. |
That is calm which is free from disturbance or agitation; in the
physical sense, free from violent motion or action; in the mental[92]
or spiritual realm, free from excited or disturbing emotion or
passion. We speak of a calm sea, a placid lake, a serene sky, a
still night, a quiet day, a quiet home. We speak, also, of "still
waters," "smooth sailing," which are different modes of expressing
freedom from manifest agitation. Of mental conditions, one
is calm who triumphs over a tendency to excitement; cool, if he
scarcely feels the tendency. One may be calm by the very reaction
from excitement, or by the oppression of overpowering
emotion, as we speak of the calmness of despair. One is composed
who has subdued excited feeling; he is collected when he
has every thought, feeling, or perception awake and at command.
Tranquil refers to a present state, placid, to a prevailing tendency.
We speak of a tranquil mind, a placid disposition. The serene
spirit dwells as if in the clear upper air, above all storm and
The star of the unconquered will,
He rises in my breast,
Serene, and resolute, and still,
And calm, and self-possessed.
Longfellow Light of Stars st. 7.
agitated, | excited, | frenzied, | passionate, | ruffled, | violent, |
boisterous, | fierce, | furious, | raging, | stormy, | wild, |
disturbed, | frantic, | heated, | roused, | turbulent, | wrathful. |
abolish, | discharge, | nullify, | rescind, |
abrogate, | efface, | obliterate, | revoke, |
annul, | erase, | quash, | rub off or out, |
blot out, | expunge, | remove, | scratch out, |
cross off or out, | make void, | repeal, | vacate. |
Cancel, efface, erase, expunge, and obliterate have as their
first meaning the removal of written characters or other forms of
record. To cancel is, literally, to make a lattice by cross-lines,
exactly our English cross out; to efface is to rub off, smooth away
the face, as of an inscription; to erase is to scratch out, commonly
for the purpose of writing something else in the same space; to
expunge, is to punch out with some sharp instrument, so as to
show that the words are no longer part of the writing; to obliterate
is to cover over or remove, as a letter, as was done by reversing
the Roman stylus, and rubbing out with the rounded end what
had been written with the point on the waxen tablet. What has
been canceled, erased, expunged, may perhaps still be traced;
what is obliterated is gone forever, as if it had never been. In[93]
many establishments, when a debt is discharged by payment, the
record is canceled. The figurative use of the words keeps close
to the primary sense. Compare ABOLISH.
approve, | enact, | establish, | perpetuate, | reenact, | uphold, |
confirm, | enforce, | maintain, | record, | sustain, | write. |
aboveboard, | honest, | open, | truthful, |
artless, | impartial, | simple, | unbiased, |
fair, | ingenuous, | sincere, | unprejudiced, |
frank, | innocent, | straightforward, | unreserved, |
guileless, | naive, | transparent, | unsophisticated. |
A candid statement is meant to be true to the real facts and
just to all parties; a fair statement is really so. Fair is applied
to the conduct; candid is not; as, fair treatment, "a fair field,
and no favor." One who is frank has a fearless and unconstrained
truthfulness. Honest and ingenuous unite in expressing contempt
for deceit. On the other hand, artless, guileless, naive,
simple, and unsophisticated express the goodness which comes
from want of the knowledge or thought of evil. As truth is not
always agreeable or timely, candid and frank have often an
objectionable sense; "to be candid with you," "to be perfectly
frank," are regarded as sure preludes to something disagreeable.
Open and unreserved may imply unstudied truthfulness or defiant
recklessness; as, open admiration, open robbery. There may be
transparent integrity or transparent fraud. Sincere applies to
the feelings, as being all that one's words would imply.
adroit, | cunning, | diplomatic, | intriguing, | sharp, | subtle, |
artful, | deceitful, | foxy, | knowing, | shrewd, | tricky, |
crafty, | designing, | insincere, | maneuvering, | sly, | wily. |
Candid in debate; candid to or toward opponents; candid with
friend or foe; to be candid about or in regard to the matter.
accouterments, | harness, | housings, | trappings. |
Harness was formerly used of the armor of a knight as well as
of a horse; it is now used almost exclusively of the straps and
appurtenances worn by a horse when attached to a vehicle; the
animal is said to be "kind in harness." The other words apply to
the ornamental outfit of a horse, especially under saddle. We[94]
speak also of the accouterments of a soldier. Caparison is used
rarely and somewhat slightingly, and trappings quite contemptuously,
for showy human apparel. Compare ARMS; DRESS.
chief city, | metropolis, | seat of government. |
The metropolis is the chief city in the commercial, the capital
in the political sense. The capital of an American State is rarely
its metropolis.
anxiety, | concern, | oversight, | trouble, |
attention, | direction, | perplexity, | vigilance, |
caution, | forethought, | precaution, | wariness, |
charge, | heed, | prudence, | watchfulness, |
circumspection, | management, | solicitude, | worry. |
Care concerns what we possess; anxiety, often, what we do
not; riches bring many cares; poverty brings many anxieties.
Care also signifies watchful attention, in view of possible harm;
as, "This side up with care;" "Take care of yourself;" or, as a
sharp warning, "Take care!" Caution has a sense of possible
harm and risk only to be escaped, if at all, by careful deliberation
and observation. Care inclines to the positive, caution to the
negative; care is shown in doing, caution largely in not doing.
Precaution is allied with care, prudence with caution; a man
rides a dangerous horse with care; caution will keep him from
mounting the horse; precaution looks to the saddle-girths, bit
and bridle, and all that may make the rider secure. Circumspection
is watchful observation and calculation, but without the
timidity implied in caution. Concern denotes a serious interest,
milder than anxiety; as, concern for the safety of a ship at sea.
Heed implies attention without disquiet; it is now largely displaced
by attention and care. Solicitude involves especially the
element of desire, not expressed in anxiety, and of hopefulness,
not implied in care. A parent feels constant solicitude for his
children's welfare, anxiety as to dangers that threaten it, with
care to guard against them. Watchfulness recognizes the possibility
of danger, wariness the probability. A man who is not
influenced by caution to keep out of danger may display great
wariness in the midst of it. Care has also the sense of responsibility,
with possible control, as expressed in charge, management,[95]
oversight; as, these children are under my care; send the money
to me in care of the firm. Compare ALARM; ANXIETY; PRUDENCE.
carelessness, | heedlessness, | indifference, | negligence, | oversight, | remissness, |
disregard, | inattention, | neglect, | omission, | recklessness, | slight. |
Take care of the house; for the future; about the matter.
charge, | flight, | passage, | race, |
course, | line of achievement, | public life, | rush. |
A career was originally the ground for a race, or, especially,
for a knight's charge in tournament or battle; whence career was
early applied to the charge itself.
If you will use the lance, take ground for your career.... The four horsemen
met in full career.
Scott Quentin Durward ch. 14, p. 194. [D. F. & CO.]
In its figurative use career signifies some continuous and conspicuous
work, usually a life-work, and most frequently one of
honorable achievement. Compare BUSINESS.
coddle, | embrace, | fondle, | pamper, |
court, | flatter, | kiss, | pet. |
To caress is less than to embrace; more dignified and less familiar
than to fondle. A visitor caresses a friend's child; a mother
fondles her babe. Fondling is always by touch; caressing may
be also by words, or other tender and pleasing attentions.
See synonyms for AFFRONT.
Caressed by or with the hand; caressed by admirers, at court.
burlesque, | extravaganza, | mimicry, | take-off, |
exaggeration, | imitation, | parody, | travesty. |
A caricature is a grotesque exaggeration of striking features
or peculiarities, generally of a person; a burlesque treats any subject
in an absurd or incongruous manner. A burlesque is written
or acted; a caricature is more commonly in sketch or picture. A
parody changes the subject, but keeps the style; a travesty keeps[96]
the subject, but changes the style; a burlesque does not hold itself
to either subject or style; but is content with a general resemblance
to what it may imitate. A caricature, parody, or travesty
must have an original; a burlesque may be an independent composition.
An account of a schoolboys' quarrel after the general
manner of Homer's Iliad would be a burlesque; the real story of
the Iliad told in newspaper style would be a travesty. An extravaganza
is a fantastic composition, musical, dramatic, or narrative.
Imitation is serious; mimicry is either intentionally or unintentionally
bear, | convey, | move, | sustain, | transmit, |
bring, | lift, | remove, | take, | transport. |
A person may bear a load either when in motion or at rest; he
carries it only when in motion. The stooping Atlas bears the
world on his shoulders; swiftly moving Time carries the hour-glass
and scythe; a person may be said either to bear or to carry
a scar, since it is upon him whether in motion or at rest. If an
object is to be moved from the place we occupy, we say carry; if
to the place we occupy, we say bring. A messenger carries a letter
to a correspondent, and brings an answer. Take is often used
in this sense in place of carry; as, take that letter to the office.
Carry often signifies to transport by personal strength, without
reference to the direction; as, that is more than he can carry;
yet, even so, it would not be admissible to say carry it to me, or
carry it here; in such case we must say bring. To lift is simply
to raise from the ground, tho but for an instant, with no reference
to holding or moving; one may be able to lift what he could
not carry. The figurative uses of carry are very numerous; as,
to carry an election, carry the country, carry (in the sense of capture)
a fort, carry an audience, carry a stock of goods, etc. Compare
drop, | fall under, | give up, | let go, | shake off, | throw down, | throw off. |
To carry coals to Newcastle; carry nothing from, or out of,
this house; he carried these qualities into all he did; carry across
the street, over the bridge, through the woods, around or round
the corner; beyond the river; the cable was carried under the
calamity, | denouement, | mischance, | mishap, |
cataclysm, | disaster, | misfortune, | sequel. |
A cataclysm or catastrophe is some great convulsion or momentous
event that may or may not be a cause of misery to man.
In calamity, or disaster, the thought of human suffering is always
present. It has been held by many geologists that numerous catastrophes
or cataclysms antedated the existence of man. In literature,
the final event of a drama is the catastrophe, or denouement.
Misfortune ordinarily suggests less of suddenness and violence
than calamity or disaster, and is especially applied to that
which is lingering or enduring in its effects. In history, the end
of every great war or the fall of a nation is a catastrophe, tho
it may not be a calamity. Yet such an event, if not a calamity to
the race, will always involve much individual disaster and misfortune.
Pestilence is a calamity; a defeat in battle, a shipwreck,
or a failure in business is a disaster; sickness or loss of property is
a misfortune; failure to meet a friend is a mischance; the breaking
of a teacup is a mishap.
benefit, | boon, | favor, | pleasure, | prosperity, |
blessing, | comfort, | help, | privilege, | success. |
The catastrophe of a play; of a siege; rarely, to a person, etc.
apprehend, | comprehend, | grasp, | overtake, | snatch, |
capture, | discover, | grip, | secure, | take, |
clasp, | ensnare, | gripe, | seize, | take hold of. |
clutch, | entrap, | lay hold of (on, upon), |
To catch is to come up with or take possession of something
departing, fugitive, or illusive. We catch a runaway horse, a flying
ball, a mouse in a trap. We clutch with a swift, tenacious
movement of the fingers; we grasp with a firm but moderate closure
of the whole hand; we grip or gripe with the strongest muscular
closure of the whole hand possible to exert. We clasp in the
arms. We snatch with a quick, sudden, and usually a surprising
motion. In the figurative sense, catch is used of any act that
brings a person or thing into our power or possession; as, to catch
a criminal in the act; to catch an idea, in the sense of apprehend
or comprehend. Compare ARREST.
fail of, | give up, | lose, | release, | throw aside, |
fall short of, | let go, | miss, | restore, | throw away. |
To catch at a straw; to catch a fugitive by the collar; to catch
a ball with the left hand; he caught the disease from the patient;
the thief was caught in the act; the bird in the snare.
actor, | causality, | designer, | occasion, | precedent, |
agent, | causation, | former, | origin, | reason, |
antecedent, | condition, | fountain, | originator, | source, |
author, | creator, | motive, | power, | spring. |
The efficient cause, that which makes anything to be or be
done, is the common meaning of the word, as in the saying
"There is no effect without a cause." Every man instinctively
recognizes himself acting through will as the cause of his own
actions. The Creator is the Great First Cause of all things. A
condition is something that necessarily precedes a result, but does
not produce it. An antecedent simply precedes a result, with or
without any agency in producing it; as, Monday is the invariable
antecedent of Tuesday, but not the cause of it. The direct antonym
of cause is effect, while that of antecedent is consequent. An
occasion is some event which brings a cause into action at a particular
moment; gravitation and heat are the causes of an avalanche;
the steep incline of the mountain-side is a necessary condition,
and the shout of the traveler may be the occasion of its fall.
Causality is the doctrine or principle of causes, causation the
action or working of causes. Compare DESIGN; REASON.
consequence, | development, | end, | fruit, | outcome, | product, |
creation, | effect, | event, | issue, | outgrowth, | result. |
The cause of the disaster; cause for interference.
abstain, | desist, | give over, | quit, |
bring to an end, | discontinue, | intermit, | refrain, |
come to an end, | end, | leave off, | stop, |
conclude, | finish, | pause, | terminate. |
Strains of music may gradually or suddenly cease. A man
quits work on the instant; he may discontinue a practise gradually;[99]
he quits suddenly and completely; he stops short in what
he may or may not resume; he pauses in what he will probably
resume. What intermits or is intermitted returns again, as a
fever that intermits. Compare ABANDON; DIE; END; REST.
begin, | enter upon, | initiate, | originate, | set going, | set on foot, |
commence, | inaugurate, | institute, | set about, | set in operation, | start. |
Cease from anger.
commemorate, | keep, | observe, | solemnize. |
To celebrate any event or occasion is to make some demonstration
of respect or rejoicing because of or in memory of it, or to
perform such public rites or ceremonies as it properly demands.
We celebrate the birth, commemorate the death of one beloved or
honored. We celebrate a national anniversary with music and
song, with firing of guns and ringing of bells; we commemorate
by any solemn and thoughtful service, or by a monument or other
enduring memorial. We keep the Sabbath, solemnize a marriage,
observe an anniversary; we celebrate or observe the Lord's Supper
in which believers commemorate the sufferings and death of Christ.
contemn, | dishonor, | forget, | neglect, | profane, |
despise, | disregard, | ignore, | overlook, | violate. |
We celebrate the day with appropriate ceremonies; the victory
was celebrated by the people, with rejoicing.
We speak of the center of a circle, the middle of a room, the
middle of the street, the midst of a forest. The center is equally
distant from every point of the circumference of a circle, or from
the opposite boundaries on each axis of a parallelogram, etc.; the
middle is more general and less definite. The center is a point;
the middle may be a line or a space. We say at the center; in
the middle. Midst commonly implies a group or multitude of
surrounding objects. Compare synonyms for AMID.
bound, | boundary, | circumference, | perimeter, | rim. |
confusion, | discomposure, | humiliation, | shame, |
disappointment, | dismay, | mortification, | vexation. |
Chagrin unites disappointment with some degree of humiliation.
A rainy day may bring disappointment; needless failure
in some enterprise brings chagrin. Shame involves the consciousness
of fault, guilt, or impropriety; chagrin of failure of judgment,
or harm to reputation. A consciousness that one has displayed
his own ignorance will cause him mortification, however
worthy his intent; if there was a design to deceive, the exposure
will cover him with shame.
delight, | exultation, | glory, | rejoicing, | triumph. |
He felt deep chagrin at (because of, on account of) failure.
alter, | exchange, | shift, | transmute, |
commute, | metamorphose, | substitute, | turn, |
convert, | modify, | transfigure, | vary, |
diversify, | qualify, | transform, | veer. |
To change is distinctively to make a thing other than it has
been, in some respect at least; to exchange to put or take something
else in its place; to alter is ordinarily to change partially, to
make different in one or more particulars. To exchange is often
to transfer ownership; as, to exchange city for country property.
Change is often used in the sense of exchange; as, to change
horses. To transmute is to change the qualities while the substance
remains the same; as, to transmute the baser metals into
gold. To transform is to change form or appearance, with or
without deeper and more essential change; it is less absolute than
transmute, tho sometimes used for that word, and is often used
in a spiritual sense as transmute could not be; "Be ye transformed
by the renewing of your mind," Rom. xii, 2. Transfigure
is, as in its Scriptural use, to change in an exalted and glorious
spiritual way; "Jesus ... was transfigured before them, and
his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the
light," Matt. xvii, 1, 2. To metamorphose is to make some
remarkable change, ordinarily in external qualities, but often in
structure, use, or chemical constitution, as of a caterpillar into a[101]
butterfly, of the stamens of a plant into petals, or of the crystalline
structure of rocks, hence called "metamorphic rocks," as
when a limestone is metamorphosed into a marble. To vary is to
change from time to time, often capriciously. To commute is to
put something easier, lighter, milder, or in some way more favorable
in place of that which is commuted; as, to commute capital
punishment to imprisonment for life; to commute daily fares on a
railway to a monthly payment. To convert (L. con, with, and
verto, turn) is to primarily turn about, and signifies to change in
form, character, use, etc., through a wide range of relations;
iron is converted into steel, joy into grief, a sinner into a saint.
To turn is a popular word for change in any sense short of the
meaning of exchange, being often equivalent to alter, convert,
transform, transmute, etc. We modify or qualify a statement
which might seem too strong; we modify it by some limitation,
qualify it by some addition.
abide, | continue, | hold, | persist, | retain, |
bide, | endure, | keep, | remain, | stay. |
To change a home toilet for a street dress; to change from a
caterpillar to or into a butterfly; to change clothes with a beggar.
alteration, | mutation, | renewing, | transmutation, |
conversion, | novelty, | revolution, | variation, |
diversity, | regeneration, | transformation, | variety, |
innovation, | renewal, | transition, | vicissitude. |
A change is a passing from one state or form to another, any
act or process by which a thing becomes unlike what it was
before, or the unlikeness so produced; we say a change was taking
place, or the change that had taken place was manifest.
Mutation is a more formal word for change, often suggesting
repeated or continual change; as, the mutations of fortune.
Novelty is a change to what is new, or the newness of that to
which a change is made; as, he was perpetually desirous of novelty.
Revolution is specifically and most commonly a change of
government. Variation is a partial change in form, qualities,
etc., but especially in position or action; as, the variation of the
magnetic needle or of the pulse. Variety is a succession of
changes or an intermixture of different things, and is always[102]
thought of as agreeable. Vicissitude is sharp, sudden, or violent
change, always thought of as surprising and often as disturbing or
distressing; as, the vicissitudes of politics. Transition is change
by passing from one place or state to another, especially in a natural,
regular, or orderly way; as, the transition from spring to
summer, or from youth to manhood. An innovation is a change
that breaks in upon an established order or custom; as, an innovation
in religion or politics. For the distinctions between the other
words compare the synonyms for CHANGE, v. In the religious
sense regeneration is the vital renewing of the soul by the power
of the divine Spirit; conversion is the conscious and manifest
change from evil to good, or from a lower to a higher spiritual
state; as, in Luke xxii, 32, "when thou art converted, strengthen
thy brethren." In popular use conversion is the most common
word to express the idea of regeneration.
constancy, | fixedness, | invariability, | steadiness, |
continuance, | fixity, | permanence, | unchangeableness, |
firmness, | identity, | persistence, | uniformity. |
We have made a change for the better; the change from
winter to spring; the change of a liquid to or into a gas; a change
in quality; a change by absorption or oxidation.
constitution, | genius, | personality, | reputation, | temper, |
disposition, | nature, | record, | spirit, | temperament. |
Character is what one is; reputation, what he is thought to
be; his record is the total of his known action or inaction. As a
rule, a man's record will substantially express his character; his
reputation may be higher or lower than his character or record
will justify. Repute is a somewhat formal word, with the same
general sense as reputation. One's nature includes all his original
endowments or propensities; character includes both natural
and acquired traits. We speak of one's physical constitution as
strong or weak, etc., and figuratively, always with the adjective,
of his mental or moral constitution. Compare CHARACTERISTIC.
The witness has a character for veracity; his character is above
suspicion; the character of the applicant.[103]
attribute, | feature, | peculiarity, | sign, | trace, |
character, | indication, | property, | singularity, | trait. |
distinction, | mark, | quality, |
A characteristic belongs to the nature or character of the person,
thing, or class, and serves to identify an object; as, a copper-colored
skin, high cheek-bones, and straight, black hair are characteristics
of the American Indian. A sign is manifest to an
observer; a mark or a characteristic may be more difficult to discover;
an insensible person may show signs of life, while sometimes
only close examination will disclose marks of violence.
Pallor is ordinarily a mark of fear; but in some brave natures it
is simply a characteristic of intense earnestness. Mark is sometimes
used in a good, but often in a bad sense; we speak of the
characteristic of a gentleman, the mark of a villain. Compare
bewitching, | delightful, | enrapturing, | fascinating, |
captivating, | enchanting, | entrancing, | winning. |
That is charming or bewitching which is adapted to win others
as by a magic spell. Enchanting, enrapturing, entrancing represent
the influence as not only supernatural, but irresistible and
delightful. That which is fascinating may win without delighting,
drawing by some unseen power, as a serpent its prey; we can
speak of horrible fascination. Charming applies only to what is
external to oneself; delightful may apply to personal experiences
or emotions as well; we speak of a charming manner, a charming
dress, but of delightful anticipations. Compare AMIABLE; BEAUTIFUL.
afflict, | chastise, | discipline, | punish, | refine, | subdue, |
castigate, | correct, | humble, | purify, | soften, | try. |
Castigate and chastise refer strictly to corporal punishment, tho
both are somewhat archaic; correct and punish are often used as
euphemisms in preference to either. Punish is distinctly retributive
in sense; chastise, partly retributive, and partly corrective;
chasten, wholly corrective. Chasten is used exclusively in the
spiritual sense, and chiefly of the visitation of God.
"We are chastened of the Lord," 1 Cor. xi, 32; "they ...[104]
chastened us after their own pleasure, but He for our profit," Heb.
xii, 10; "chasten in thy hot displeasure," Ps. iv, 7; chasten with
pain; by trials and sorrows.
cheer, | encourage, | harbor, | nurse, | shelter, |
cling to, | entertain, | hold dear, | nurture, | treasure, |
comfort, | foster, | nourish, | protect, | value. |
To cherish is both to hold dear and to treat as dear. Mere unexpressed
esteem would not be cherishing. In the marriage vow,
"to love, honor, and cherish," the word cherish implies all that
each can do by love and tenderness for the welfare and happiness
of the other, as by support, protection, care in sickness, comfort
in sorrow, sympathy, and help of every kind. To nurse is to tend
the helpless or feeble, as infants, or the sick or wounded. To
nourish is strictly to sustain and build up by food; to nurture includes
careful mental and spiritual training, with something of
love and tenderness; to foster is simply to maintain and care for,
to bring up; a foster-child will be nourished, but may not be as
tenderly nurtured or as lovingly cherished as if one's own. In the
figurative sense, the opinion one cherishes he holds, not with mere
cold conviction, but with loving devotion.
See synonyms for ABANDON; CHASTEN.
cull, | elect, | pick, | pick out, | prefer, | select. |
Prefer indicates a state of desire and approval; choose, an act
of will. Prudence or generosity may lead one to choose what he
does not prefer. Select implies a careful consideration of the
reasons for preference and choice. Among objects so nearly alike
that we have no reason to prefer any one to another we may simply
choose the nearest, but we could not be said to select it. Aside
from theology, elect is popularly confined to the political sense;
as, a free people elect their own rulers. Cull, from the Latin colligere,
commonly means to collect, as well as to select. In a garden
we cull the choicest flowers.
cast away, | decline, | dismiss, | refuse, | repudiate, |
cast out, | disclaim, | leave, | reject, | throw aside. |
Choose from or from among the number; choose out of the[105]
army; choose between (or betwixt) two; among many; choose for
the purpose.
diffuseness, | prolixity, | surplusage, | verbiage, |
periphrasis, | redundance, | tautology, | verbosity, |
pleonasm, | redundancy, | tediousness, | wordiness. |
Circumlocution and periphrasis are roundabout ways of expressing
thought; circumlocution is the more common, periphrasis
the more technical word. Constant circumlocution produces
an affected and heavy style; occasionally, skilful periphrasis conduces
both to beauty and to simplicity. Etymologically, diffuseness
is a scattering, both of words and thought; redundancy is an
overflow. Prolixity goes into endless petty details, without selection
or perspective. Pleonasm is the expression of an idea already
plainly implied; tautology is the restatement in other words of an
idea already stated, or a useless repetition of a word or words.
Pleonasm may add emphasis; tautology is always a fault. "I
saw it with my eyes" is a pleonasm; "all the members agreed
unanimously" is tautology. Verbiage is the use of mere words
without thought. Verbosity and wordiness denote an excess of
words in proportion to the thought. Tediousness is the sure result
of any of these faults of style.
brevity, | compression, | condensation, | plainness, | succinctness, |
compactness, | conciseness, | directness, | shortness, | terseness. |
accompaniment, | fact, | item, | point, |
concomitant, | feature, | occurrence, | position, |
detail, | incident, | particular, | situation. |
event, |
A circumstance (L. circum, around, and sto, stand), is something
existing or occurring in connection with or relation to some
other fact or event, modifying or throwing light upon the principal
matter without affecting its essential character; an accompaniment
is something that unites with the principal matter, tho
not necessary to it; as, the piano accompaniment to a song; a
concomitant goes with a thing in natural connection, but in a subordinate
capacity, or perhaps in contrast; as, cheerfulness is a
concomitant of virtue. A circumstance is not strictly, nor usually,
an occasion, condition, effect, or result. (See these words under[106]
CAUSE.) Nor is the circumstance properly an incident. (See under
ACCIDENT.) We say, "My decision will depend upon circumstances"—not
"upon incidents." That a man wore a blue necktie
would not probably be the cause, occasion, condition, or concomitant
of his committing murder; but it might be a very important
circumstance in identifying him as the murderer. All the circumstances
make up the situation. A certain disease is the cause of a
man's death; his suffering is an incident; that he is in his own
home, that he has good medical attendance, careful nursing, etc.,
are consolatory circumstances. With the same idea of subordination,
we often say, "This is not a circumstance to that." So a
person is said to be in easy circumstances. Compare EVENT.
"Mere situation is expressed by 'in the circumstances'; action
affected is performed 'under the circumstances.'" [M.]
association, | circle, | clique, | company, | grade, | rank, |
caste, | clan, | club, | coterie, | order, | set. |
A class is a number or body of persons or objects having common
pursuits, purposes, attributes, or characteristics. A caste is
hereditary; a class may be independent of lineage or descent;
membership in a caste is supposed to be for life; membership in a
class may be very transient; a religious and ceremonial sacredness
attaches to the caste, as not to the class. The rich and the
poor form separate classes; yet individuals are constantly passing
from each to the other; the classes in a college remain the same,
but their membership changes every year. We speak of rank
among hereditary nobility or military officers; of various orders
of the priesthood; by accommodation, we may refer in a general
way to the higher ranks, the lower orders of any society. Grade
implies some regular scale of valuation, and some inherent qualities
for which a person or thing is placed higher or lower in the
scale; as, the coarser and finer grades of wool; a man of an inferior
grade. A coterie is a small company of persons of similar
tastes, who meet frequently in an informal way, rather for social
enjoyment than for any serious purpose. Clique has always an
unfavorable meaning. A clique is always fractional, implying
some greater gathering of which it is a part; the association breaks
up into cliques. Persons unite in a coterie through simple liking[107]
for one another; they withdraw into a clique largely through aversion
to outsiders. A set, while exclusive, is more extensive than
a clique, and chiefly of persons who are united by common social
station, etc. Circle is similar in meaning to set, but of wider application;
we speak of scientific and religious as well as of social
A class of merchants; the senior class at (sometimes of) Harvard;
the classes in college.
brush, | dust, | purify, | scour, | sponge, | wash, |
clean, | lave, | rinse, | scrub, | sweep, | wipe. |
disinfect, | mop, |
To clean is to make clean by removing dirt, impurities, or soil
of any kind. Cleanse implies a worse condition to start from,
and more to do, than clean. Hercules cleansed the Augean stables.
Cleanse is especially applied to purifying processes where liquid is
used, as in the flushing of a street, etc. We brush clothing if
dusty, sponge it, or sponge it off, if soiled; or sponge off a spot.
Furniture, books, etc., are dusted; floors are mopped or scrubbed;
metallic utensils are scoured; a room is swept; soiled garments
are washed; foul air or water is purified. Cleanse and purify
are used extensively in a moral sense; wash in that sense is archaic.
Compare AMEND.
befoul, | besmirch, | contaminate, | debase, | deprave, | soil, | stain, | taint, |
besmear, | bespatter, | corrupt, | defile, | pollute, | spoil, | sully, | vitiate. |
Cleanse of or from physical or moral defilement; cleanse with
an instrument; by an agent; the room was cleansed by the attendants
with soap and water.
apparent, | intelligible, | pellucid, | transparent, |
diaphanous, | limpid, | perspicuous, | unadorned, |
distinct, | lucid, | plain, | unambiguous, |
evident, | manifest, | straightforward, | unequivocal, |
explicit, | obvious, | translucent, | unmistakable. |
Clear (L. clarus, bright, brilliant) primarily refers to that
which shines, and impresses the mind through the eye with a[108]
sense of luster or splendor. A substance is said to be clear that
offers no impediment to vision—is not dim, dark, or obscure.
Transparent refers to the medium through which a substance is
seen, clear to the substance itself, without reference to anything
to be seen through it; we speak of a stream as clear when we
think of the water itself; we speak of it as transparent with reference
to the ease with which we see the pebbles at the bottom.
Clear is also said of that which comes to the senses without
dimness, dulness, obstruction, or obscurity, so that there is
no uncertainty as to its exact form, character, or meaning, with
something of the brightness or brilliancy implied in the primary
meaning of the word clear; as, the outlines of the ship were clear
against the sky; a clear view; a clear note; "clear as a bell;" a
clear, frosty air; a clear sky; a clear statement; hence, the word
is used for that which is free from any kind of obstruction; as, a
clear field. Lucid and pellucid refer to a shining clearness, as of
crystal. A transparent body allows the forms and colors of objects
beyond to be seen through it; a translucent body allows
light to pass through, but may not permit forms and colors to be
distinguished; plate glass is transparent, ground glass is translucent.
Limpid refers to a liquid clearness, or that which suggests
it; as, limpid streams. That which is distinct is well defined,
especially in outline, each part or object standing or seeming
apart from any other, not confused, indefinite, or blurred; distinct
enunciation enables the hearer to catch every word or vocal sound
without perplexity or confusion; a distinct statement is free from
indefiniteness or ambiguity; a distinct apprehension of a thought
leaves the mind in no doubt or uncertainty regarding it. That is
plain, in the sense here considered, which is, as it were, level to
the thought, so that one goes straight on without difficulty or
hindrance; as, plain language; a plain statement; a clear explanation.
Perspicuous is often equivalent to plain, but plain
never wholly loses the meaning of unadorned, so that we can say
the style is perspicuous tho highly ornate, when we could not call
it at once ornate and plain. Compare EVIDENT.
ambiguous, | dim, | foggy, | mysterious, | opaque, | unintelligible, |
cloudy, | dubious, | indistinct, | obscure, | turbid, | vague. |
Clear to the mind; clear in argument; clear of or from
able, | capable, | happy, | keen, | sharp, |
adroit, | dexterous, | ingenious, | knowing, | skilful, |
apt, | expert, | intellectual, | quick, | smart, |
bright, | gifted, | intelligent, | quick-witted, | talented. |
Clever, as used in England, especially implies an aptitude for
study or learning, and for excellent tho not preeminent mental
achievement. The early New England usage as implying simple
and weak good nature has largely affected the use of the word
throughout the United States, where it has never been much in
favor. Smart, indicating dashing ability, is now coming to have a
suggestion of unscrupulousness, similar to that of the word sharp,
which makes its use a doubtful compliment. The discriminating
use of such words as able, gifted, talented, etc., is greatly preferable
to an excessive use of the word clever. Compare ACUMEN;
awkward, | clumsy, | foolish, | ignorant, | slow, | thick-headed, |
bungling, | dull, | idiotic, | senseless, | stupid, | witless. |
clash, | concussion, | contact, | impact, | opposition, |
clashing, | conflict, | encounter, | meeting, | shock. |
Collision, the act or fact of striking violently together, is the
result of motion or action, and is sudden and momentary; contact
may be a condition of rest, and be continuous and permanent; collision
is sudden and violent contact. Concussion is often by transmitted
force rather than by direct impact; two railway-trains
come into collision; an explosion of dynamite shatters neighboring
windows by concussion. Impact is the blow given by the
striking body; as, the impact of the cannon-shot upon the target.
An encounter is always violent, and generally hostile. Meeting is
neutral, and may be of the dearest friends or of the bitterest foes;
of objects, of persons, or of opinions; of two or of a multitude.
Shock is the result of collision. In the figurative use, we speak of
clashing of views, collision of persons. Opposition is used chiefly
of persons, more rarely of opinions or interests; conflict is used indifferently
of all.
agreement, | coincidence, | concord, | conformity, | unison, |
amity, | concert, | concurrence, | harmony, | unity. |
Collision of one object with another; of or between opposing
agreeable, | cheery, | genial, | snug, |
at ease, | commodious, | pleasant, | well-off, |
at rest, | contented, | satisfactory, | well-provided, |
cheerful, | convenient, | satisfied, | well-to-do. |
A person is comfortable in mind when contented and measurably
satisfied. A little additional brightness makes him cheerful.
He is comfortable in body when free from pain, quiet, at ease, at
rest. He is comfortable in circumstances, or in comfortable circumstances,
when things about him are generally agreeable and
satisfactory, usually with the suggestion of sufficient means to
secure that result.
cheerless, | discontented, | distressed, | forlorn, | uncomfortable, |
disagreeable, | dissatisfied, | dreary, | miserable, | wretched. |
assign, | confide, | consign, | entrust, | relegate, | trust. |
Commit, in the sense here considered, is to give in charge, put
into care or keeping; to confide or entrust is to commit especially
to one's fidelity, confide being used chiefly of mental or spiritual,
entrust also of material things; we assign a duty, confide a secret,
entrust a treasure; we commit thoughts to writing; commit a paper
to the flames, a body to the earth; a prisoner is committed to
jail. Consign is a formal word in mercantile use; as, to consign
goods to an agent. Religiously, we consign the body to the grave,
commit the soul to God. Compare DO.
Commit to a friend for safe-keeping; in law, commit to prison;
for trial; without bail; in default of bail; on suspicion.
assemblage, | concourse, | convocation, | host, |
assembly, | conference, | crowd, | meeting, |
collection, | congregation, | gathering, | multitude, |
conclave, | convention, | group, | throng. |
Company, from the Latin cum, with, and panis, bread, denotes
primarily the association of those who eat at a common
table, or the persons so associated, table-companions, messmates,
friends, and hence is widely extended to include any association
of those united permanently or temporarily, for business, pleasure,[111]
festivity, travel, etc., or by sorrow, misfortune, or wrong; company
may denote an indefinite number (ordinarily more than two),
but less than a multitude; in the military sense a company is a
limited and definite number of men; company implies more unity
of feeling and purpose than crowd, and is a less formal and more
familiar word than assemblage or assembly. An assemblage may
be of persons or of objects; an assembly is always of persons. An
assemblage is promiscuous and unorganized; an assembly is organized
and united in some common purpose. A conclave is a secret assembly.
A convocation is an assembly called by authority for a special
purpose; the term convention suggests less dependence upon
any superior authority or summons. A group is small in number
and distinct in outline, clearly marked off from all else in space or
time. Collection, crowd, gathering, group, and multitude have
the unorganized and promiscuous character of the assemblage; the
other terms come under the general idea of assembly. Congregation
is now almost exclusively religious; meeting is often so used,
but is less restricted, as we may speak of a meeting of armed men.
Gathering refers to a coming together, commonly of numbers,
from far and near; as, the gathering of the Scottish clans.
dispersion, | loneliness, | privacy, | retirement, | seclusion, | solitude. |
coerce, | drive, | make, | oblige. |
constrain, | force, | necessitate, |
To compel one to an act is to secure its performance by the use
of irresistible physical or moral force. Force implies primarily an
actual physical process, absolutely subduing all resistance. Coerce
implies the actual or potential use of so much force as may be
necessary to secure the surrender of the will; the American secessionists
contended that the Federal government had no right to
coerce a State. Constrain implies the yielding of judgment and
will, and in some cases of inclination or affection, to an overmastering
power; as, "the love of Christ constraineth us," 2 Cor. v,
See synonyms for HINDER.
The soldiers were compelled to desertion: preferably with the
infinitive, compelled to desert.
croak, | growl, | grunt, | remonstrate, |
find fault, | grumble, | murmur, | repine. |
To complain is to give utterance to dissatisfaction or objection,
express a sense of wrong or ill treatment. One complains of a
real or assumed grievance; he may murmur through mere peevishness
or ill temper; he repines, with vain distress, at the irrevocable
or the inevitable. Complaining is by speech or writing;
murmuring is commonly said of half-repressed utterance; repining
of the mental act alone. One may complain of an offense to
the offender or to others; he remonstrates with the offender only.
Complain has a formal and legal meaning, which the other words
have not, signifying to make a formal accusation, present a specific
charge; the same is true of the noun complaint.
applaud, | approve, | commend, | eulogize, | laud, | praise. |
Complain of a thing to a person; of one person to another, of
or against a person for an act; to an officer; before the court;
about a thing.
abstruse, | confused, | intricate, | mixed, |
complicated, | conglomerate, | involved, | multiform, |
composite, | entangled, | manifold, | obscure, |
compound, | heterogeneous, | mingled, | tangled. |
That is complex which is made up of several connected parts.
That is compound in which the parts are not merely connected,
but fused, or otherwise combined into a single substance. In a
composite object the different parts have less of unity than in that
which is complex or compound, but maintain their distinct individuality.
In a heterogeneous body unlike parts or particles are
intermingled, often without apparent order or plan. Conglomerate
(literally, globed together) is said of a confused mingling of
masses or lumps of various substances. The New England pudding-stone
is a conglomerate rock. In a complex object the arrangement
and relation of parts may be perfectly clear; in a complicated
mechanism the parts are so numerous, or so combined,
that the mind can not readily grasp their mutual relations; in an
intricate arrangement the parts are so intertwined that it is difficult
to follow their windings; things are involved which are rolled[113]
together so as not to be easily separated, either in thought or in
fact; things which are tangled or entangled mutually hold and
draw upon each other. The conception of a material object is
usually complex, involving form, color, size, and other elements;
a clock is a complicated mechanism; the Gordian knot was intricate;
the twining serpents of the Laocoon are involved. We
speak of an abstruse statement, a complex conception, a confused
heap, a heterogeneous mass, a tangled skein, an intricate problem;
of composite architecture, an involved sentence; of the complicated
or intricate accounts of a great business, the entangled accounts
of an incompetent or dishonest bookkeeper.
clear, | homogeneous, | plain, | uncombined, | uniform, |
direct, | obvious, | simple, | uncompounded, | unraveled. |
blame, | convict, | doom, | reprove, |
censure, | denounce, | reprobate, | sentence. |
To condemn is to pass judicial sentence or render judgment or
decision against. We may censure silently; we condemn ordinarily
by open and formal utterance. Condemn is more final than
blame or censure; a condemned criminal has had his trial; a condemned
building can not stand; a condemned ship can not sail. A
person is convicted when his guilt is made clearly manifest to
others; in somewhat archaic use, a person is said to be convicted
when guilt is brought clearly home to his own conscience (convict
in this sense being allied with convince, which see under PERSUADE);
in legal usage one is said to be convicted only by the verdict
of a jury. In stating the penalty of an offense, the legal
word sentence is now more common than condemn; as, he was
sentenced to imprisonment; but it is good usage to say, he was
condemned to imprisonment. To denounce is to make public or
official declaration against, especially in a violent and threatening
From the pulpits in the northern States Burr was denounced as an assassin.
Coffin Building the Nation ch. 10, p. 137. [H. '83.]
To doom is to condemn solemnly and consign to evil or destruction
or to predetermine to an evil destiny; an inferior race in
presence of a superior is doomed to subjugation or extinction.
Compare ARRAIGN; REPROVE.[114]
absolve, | applaud, | exonerate, | pardon, |
acquit, | approve, | justify, | praise. |
The bandit was condemned to death for his crime.
accept, | allow, | concede, | grant, |
acknowledge, | avow, | disclose, | own, |
admit, | certify, | endorse, | recognize. |
We accept another's statement; admit any point made against
us; acknowledge what we have said or done, good or bad; avow
our individual beliefs or feelings; certify to facts within our
knowledge; confess our own faults; endorse a friend's note or
statement; grant a request; own our faults or obligations; recognize
lawful authority; concede a claim. Confess has a high and
sacred use in the religious sense; as, to confess Christ before men.
It may have also a playful sense (often with to); as, one confesses
to a weakness for confectionery. The chief present use of the
word, however, is in the sense of making known to others one's
own wrong-doing; in this sense confess is stronger than acknowledge
or admit, and more specific than own; a person admits a
mistake; acknowledges a fault; confesses sin or crime. Compare
cloak, | deny, | disown, | hide, | screen, |
conceal, | disavow, | dissemble, | mask, | secrete, |
cover, | disguise, | dissimulate, | repudiate, | veil. |
assure, | fix, | sanction, | substantiate, |
corroborate, | prove, | settle, | sustain, |
establish, | ratify, | strengthen, | uphold. |
Confirm (L. con, together, and firmus, firm) is to add firmness
or give stability to. Both confirm and corroborate presuppose
something already existing to which the confirmation or corroboration
is added. Testimony is corroborated by concurrent testimony
or by circumstances; confirmed by established facts. That
which is thoroughly proved is said to be established; so is that
which is official and has adequate power behind it; as, the established
government; the established church. The continents are
fixed. A treaty is ratified; an appointment confirmed. An act
is sanctioned by any person or authority that passes upon it[115]
approvingly. A statement is substantiated; a report confirmed;
a controversy settled; the decision of a lower court sustained by
a higher. Just government should be upheld. The beneficent
results of Christianity confirm our faith in it as a divine revelation.
abrogate, | cancel, | overthrow, | shatter, | upset, |
annul, | destroy, | shake, | unsettle, | weaken. |
Confirm a statement by testimony; confirm a person in a belief.
To felicitate is to pronounce one happy or wish one joy; to
congratulate is to express hearty sympathy in his joys or hopes.
Felicitate is cold and formal. We say one felicitates himself;
tho to congratulate oneself, which is less natural, is becoming
Congratulate one on or upon his success.
beat, | humble, | overthrow, | subject, |
checkmate, | master, | prevail over, | subjugate, |
crush, | overcome, | put down, | surmount, |
defeat, | overmaster, | reduce, | vanquish, |
discomfit, | overmatch, | rout, | win, |
down, | overpower, | subdue, | worst. |
To defeat an enemy is to gain an advantage for the time; to
vanquish is to win a signal victory; to conquer is to overcome so
effectually that the victory is regarded as final. Conquer, in
many cases, carries the idea of possession; as, to conquer respect,
affection, peace, etc. A country is conquered when its armies are
defeated and its territory is occupied by the enemy; it may be
subjected to indemnity or to various disabilities; it is subjugated
when it is held helplessly and continuously under military control;
it is subdued when all resistance has died out. An army is defeated
when forcibly driven back; it is routed when it is converted
into a mob of fugitives. Compare BEAT.
capitulate, | fail, | fly, | lose, | retire, | submit, | surrender, |
cede, | fall, | forfeit, | resign, | retreat, | succumb, | yield. |
advised, | assured, | certain, | cognizant, | sensible, |
apprised, | aware, | certified, | informed, | sure. |
One is aware of that which exists without him; he is conscious
of the inner workings of his own mind. Sensible may be used in
the exact sense of conscious, or it may partake of both the senses
mentioned above. One may be sensible of his own or another's
error; he is conscious only of his own. A person may feel assured
or sure of something false or non-existent; what he is aware of,
still more what he is conscious of, must be fact. Sensible has
often a reference to the emotions where conscious might apply
only to the intellect; to say a culprit is sensible of his degradation
is more forcible than to say he is conscious of it.
cold, | dead, | deaf, | ignorant, | insensible, | unaware, | unconscious. |
On the stormy sea, man is conscious of the limitation of human
consequent, | end, | issue, | outgrowth, | sequel, |
effect, | event, | outcome, | result, | upshot. |
Effect is the strongest of these words; it is that which is directly
produced by the action of an efficient cause; we say, "Every
effect must have an adequate cause" (compare CAUSE). In regard
to human actions, effect commonly relates to intention; as,
the shot took effect, i. e., the effect intended. A consequence is
that which follows an act naturally, but less directly than the
effect. The motion of the piston is the effect, and the agitation of
the water under the paddle-wheels a consequence of the expansion
of steam in the cylinder. The result is, literally, the rebound of
an act, depending on many elements; the issue is that which
flows forth directly; we say the issue of a battle, the result of a
campaign. A consequent commonly is that which follows simply
in order of time, or by logical inference. The end is the actual
outcome without determination of its relation to what has gone
before; it is ordinarily viewed as either the necessary, natural, or
logical outcome, any effect, consequence, or result being termed an
end; as, the end of such a course must be ruin. The event (L. e,
out, and venio, come) is primarily exactly the same in meaning as
outcome; but in use it is more nearly equivalent to upshot[117]
signifying the sum and substance of all effects, consequences, and
results of a course of action. Compare ACCIDENT; CAUSE; CIRCUMSTANCE;
comfort, | condole with, | encourage, | sympathize with. |
One condoles with another by the expression of kindly sympathy
in his trouble; he consoles him by considerations adapted to
soothe and sustain the spirit, as by the assurances and promises of
the gospel; he encourages him by the hope of some relief or deliverance;
he comforts him by whatever act or word tends to
bring mind or body to a state of rest and cheer. We sympathize
with others, not only in sorrow, but in joy. Compare ALLEVIATE;
annoy, | distress, | disturb, | grieve, | hurt, | sadden, | trouble, | wound. |
Infection is frequently confused with contagion, even by medical
men. The best usage now limits contagion to diseases that
are transmitted by contact with the diseased person, either directly
by touch or indirectly by use of the same articles, by breath,
effluvia, etc. Infection is applied to diseases produced by no
known or definable influence of one person upon another, but
where common climatic, malarious, or other wide-spread conditions
are believed to be chiefly instrumental.
ceaseless, | incessant, | regular, | uninterrupted, |
constant, | invariable, | unbroken, | unremitting, |
continuous, | perpetual, | unceasing, | unvarying. |
Continuous describes that which is absolutely without pause
or break; continual, that which often intermits, but as regularly
begins again. A continuous beach is exposed to the continual
beating of the waves. A similar distinction is made between incessant
and ceaseless. The incessant discharge of firearms makes
the ceaseless roar of battle. Constant is sometimes used in the
sense of continual; but its chief uses are mental and moral.
agreement, | cartel, | engagement, | pledge, |
arrangement, | compact, | obligation, | promise, |
bargain, | covenant, | pact, | stipulation. |
All these words involve at least two parties, tho an engagement
or promise may be the act of but one. A contract is a formal
agreement between two or more parties for the doing or leaving
undone some specified act or acts, and is ordinarily in writing.
Mutual promises may have the force of a contract. A consideration,
or compensation, is essential to convert an agreement into a
contract. A contract may be oral or written. A covenant in law
is a written contract under seal. Covenant is frequent in religious
usage, as contract is in law and business. Compact is essentially
the same as contract, but is applied to international agreements,
treaties, etc. A bargain is a mutual agreement for an exchange
of values, without the formality of a contract. A stipulation is
a single item in an agreement or contract. A cartel is a military
agreement for the exchange of prisoners or the like.
compare, | differentiate, | discriminate, | oppose. |
To compare (L. con, together, and par, equal) is to place together
in order to show likeness or unlikeness; to contrast (L. contra,
against, and sto, stand) is to set in opposition in order to show
unlikeness. We contrast objects that have been already compared.
We must compare them, at least momentarily, even to know that
they are different. We contrast them when we observe their unlikeness
in a general way; we differentiate them when we note
the difference exactly and point by point. We distinguish objects
when we note a difference that may fall short of contrast; we discriminate
them when we classify or place them according to their
We contrast one object with another.
chat, | communion, | converse, | intercourse, |
colloquy, | confabulation, | dialogue, | parley, |
communication, | conference, | discourse, | talk. |
Conversation (Latin con, with) is, etymologically, an interchange
of ideas with some other person or persons. Talk may be[119]
wholly one-sided. Many brilliant talkers have been incapable of
conversation. There may be intercourse without conversation,
as by looks, signs, etc.; communion is of hearts, with or without
words; communication is often by writing, and may be uninvited
and unreciprocated. Talk may denote the mere utterance of
words with little thought; thus, we say idle talk, empty talk,
rather than idle or empty conversation. Discourse is now applied
chiefly to public addresses. A conference is more formal than a
conversation. Dialog denotes ordinarily an artificial or imaginary
conversation, generally of two persons, but sometimes of more.
A colloquy is indefinite as to number, and generally somewhat informal.
Conversation with friends; between or among the guests; about
a matter.
disciple, | neophyte, | proselyte. |
The name disciple is given to the follower of a certain faith,
without reference to any previous belief or allegiance; a convert
is a person who has come to one faith from a different belief or
from unbelief. A proselyte is one who has been led to accept a
religious system, whether with or without true faith; a convert is
always understood to be a believer. A neophyte is a new convert,
not yet fully indoctrinated, or not admitted to full privileges.
The antonyms apostate, pervert, and renegade are condemnatory
names applied to the convert by those whose faith he forsakes.
carry, | give, | remove, | shift, | transmit, |
change, | move, | sell, | transfer, | transport. |
Convey, transmit, and transport all imply delivery at a destination;
as, I will convey the information to your friend; air conveys
sound (to a listener); carry does not necessarily imply delivery, and
often does not admit of it. A man carries an appearance, conveys
an impression, the appearance remaining his own, the impression
being given to another; I will transmit the letter; transport the
goods. A horse carries his mane and tail, but does not convey
them. Transfer may or may not imply delivery to another person;
as, items may be transferred from one account to another[120]
or a word transferred to the following line. In law, real estate,
which can not be moved, is conveyed by simply transferring title
and possession. Transport usually refers to material, transfer,
transmit, and convey may refer to immaterial objects; we transfer
possession, transmit intelligence, convey ideas, but do not
transport them. In the case of convey the figurative sense now
predominates. Compare CARRY.
cling to, | hold, | keep, | possess, | preserve, | retain. |
Convey to a friend, a purchaser, etc.; convey from the house
to the station; convey by express, by hand, etc.
assemble, | call together, | convene, | muster, |
call, | collect, | gather, | summon. |
A convention is called by some officer or officers, as by its president,
its executive committee, or some eminent leaders; the delegates
are assembled or convened in a certain place, at a certain
hour. Convoke implies an organized body and a superior authority;
assemble and convene express more independent action; Parliament
is convoked; Congress assembles. Troops are mustered;
witnesses and jurymen are summoned.
adjourn, | disband, | dismiss, | dissolve, | scatter, |
break up, | discharge, | disperse, | prorogue, | separate. |
abominable, | flagitious, | immoral, | sinful, | vile, |
culpable, | guilty, | iniquitous, | unlawful, | wicked, |
felonious, | illegal, | nefarious, | vicious, | wrong. |
Every criminal act is illegal or unlawful, but illegal or unlawful
acts may not be criminal. Offenses against public law are
criminal; offenses against private rights are merely illegal or unlawful.
As a general rule, all acts punishable by fine or imprisonment
or both, are criminal in view of the law. It is illegal for a
man to trespass on another's land, but it is not criminal; the
trespasser is liable to a civil suit for damages, but not to indictment,
fine, or imprisonment. A felonious act is a criminal act
of an aggravated kind, which is punishable by imprisonment in
the penitentiary or by death. A flagitious crime is one that brings[121]
public odium. Vicious refers to the indulgence of evil appetites,
habits, or passions; vicious acts are not necessarily criminal, or
even illegal; we speak of a vicious horse. That which is iniquitous,
i. e., contrary to equity, may sometimes be done under the
forms of law. Ingratitude is sinful, hypocrisy is wicked, but
neither is punishable by human law; hence, neither is criminal
or illegal. Compare SIN.
innocent, | lawful, | meritorious, | right, |
just, | legal, | moral, | virtuous. |
Daily is the Saxon and popular, diurnal the Latin and scientific
term. In strict usage, daily is the antonym of nightly as
diurnal is of nocturnal. Daily is not, however, held strictly to
this use; a physician makes daily visits if he calls at some time
within each period of twenty-four hours. Diurnal is more exact
in all its uses; a diurnal flower opens or blooms only in daylight;
a diurnal bird or animal flies or ranges only by day: in contradistinction
to nocturnal flowers, birds, etc. A diurnal motion
exactly fills an astronomical day or the time of one rotation of a
planet on its axis, while a daily motion is much less definite.
hazard, | insecurity, | jeopardy, | peril, | risk. |
Danger is exposure to possible evil, which may be either near
and probable or remote and doubtful; peril is exposure to imminent
and sharply threatening evil, especially to such as results from
violence. An invalid may be in danger of consumption; a disarmed
soldier is in peril of death. Jeopardy is nearly the same as
peril, but involves, like risk, more of the element of chance or uncertainty;
a man tried upon a capital charge is said to be put in
jeopardy of life. Insecurity is a feeble word, but exceedingly
broad, applying to the placing of a dish, or the possibilities of a
life, a fortune, or a government. Compare HAZARD.
defense, | immunity, | protection, | safeguard, | safety, | security, | shelter. |
black, | dusky, | mysterious, | sable, | somber, |
dim, | gloomy, | obscure, | shadowy, | swart, |
dismal, | murky, | opaque, | shady, | swarthy. |
Strictly, that which is black is absolutely destitute of color;
that which is dark is absolutely destitute of light. In common
speech, however, a coat is black, tho not optically colorless;
the night is dark, tho the stars shine. That is obscure, shadowy,
or shady from which the light is more or less cut off. Dusky
is applied to objects which appear as if viewed in fading light;
the word is often used, as are swart and swarthy, of the human
skin when quite dark, or even verging toward black. Dim refers
to imperfection of outline, from distance, darkness, mist, etc., or
from some defect of vision. Opaque objects, as smoked glass, are
impervious to light. Murky is said of that which is at once dark,
obscure, and gloomy; as, a murky den; a murky sky. Figuratively,
dark is emblematic of sadness, agreeing with somber, dismal,
gloomy, also of moral evil; as, a dark deed. Of intellectual
matters, dark is now rarely used in the old sense of a dark saying,
bright, | crystalline, | glowing, | lucid, | shining, |
brilliant, | dazzling, | illumined, | luminous, | transparent, |
clear, | gleaming, | light, | radiant, | white. |
Compare synonyms for LIGHT.
corrupt, | decompose, | molder, | putrefy, | rot, | spoil. |
Rot is a strong word, ordinarily esteemed coarse, but on occasion
capable of approved emphatic use; as, "the name of the
wicked shall rot," Prov. x, 7; decay and decompose are now common
euphemisms. A substance is decomposed when resolved into
its original elements by any process; it is decayed when resolved
into its original elements by natural processes; it decays gradually,
but may be instantly decomposed, as water into oxygen and hydrogen;
to say that a thing is decayed may denote only a partial result,
but to say it is decomposed ordinarily implies that the
change is complete or nearly so. Putrefy and the adjectives
putrid and putrescent, and the nouns putridity and putrescence,
are used almost exclusively of animal matter in a state of decomposition,
the more general word decay being used of either animal
or vegetable substances.
craft, | dissimulation, | finesse, | lie, |
cunning, | double-dealing, | fraud, | lying, |
deceit, | duplicity, | guile, | prevarication, |
deceitfulness, | fabrication, | hypocrisy, | trickery, |
delusion, | falsehood, | imposition, | untruth. |
Deceit is the habit, deception the act; guile applies to the
disposition out of which deceit and deception grow, and also to
their actual practise. A lie, lying, or falsehood, is the uttering of
what one knows to be false with intent to deceive. The novel or
drama is not a lie, because not meant to deceive; the ancient
teaching that the earth was flat was not a lie, because not then
known to be false. Untruth is more than lack of accuracy, implying
always lack of veracity; but it is a somewhat milder and
more dignified word than lie. Falsehood and lying are in utterance;
deceit and deception may be merely in act or implication. Deception
may be innocent, and even unintentional, as in the case of
an optical illusion; deceit always involves injurious intent. Craft
and cunning have not necessarily any moral quality; they are
common traits of animals, but stand rather low in the human
scale. Duplicity is the habitual speaking or acting with intent to
appear to mean what one does not. Dissimulation is rather a
concealing of what is than a pretense of what is not. Finesse is
simply an adroit and delicate management of a matter for one's
own side, not necessarily involving deceit. Compare ARTIFICE;
candor, | frankness, | honesty, | simplicity, | truth, |
fair dealing, | guilelessness, | openness, | sincerity, | veracity. |
apology, | guard, | rampart, | shelter, |
bulwark, | justification, | resistance, | shield, |
fortress, | protection, | safeguard, | vindication. |
The weak may speak or act in defense of the strong; none but
the powerful can assure others of protection. A defense is ordinarily
against actual attack; protection is against possible as well
as actual dangers. We speak of defense against an assault, protection
from the cold. Vindication is a triumphant defense of
character and conduct against charges of error or wrong. Compare
abandonment, | betrayal, | capitulation, | desertion, | flight, | surrender. |
Defense against assault or assailants; in law, defense to an
action, from the testimony.
befoul, | corrupt, | pollute, | spoil, | sully, | tarnish, |
contaminate, | infect, | soil, | stain, | taint, | vitiate. |
The hand may be defiled by a touch of pitch; swine that have
been wallowing in the mud are befouled. Contaminate and infect
refer to something evil that deeply pervades and permeates,
as the human body or mind. Pollute is used chiefly of liquids; as,
water polluted with sewage. Tainted meat is repulsive; infected
meat contains germs of disease. A soiled garment may be cleansed
by washing; a spoiled garment is beyond cleansing or repair.
Bright metal is tarnished by exposure; a fair sheet is sullied by a
dirty hand. In figurative use, defile may be used merely in the
ceremonial sense; "they themselves went not into the judgment
hall, lest they should be defiled," John xviii, 28; contaminate refers
to deep spiritual injury. Pollute has also a reference to sacrilege;
as, to pollute a sanctuary, an altar, or an ordinance. The
innocent are often contaminated by association with the wicked;
the vicious are more and more corrupted by their own excesses.
We speak of a vitiated taste or style; fraud vitiates a title or a
clean, | cleanse, | disinfect, | hallow, | purify, | sanctify, | wash. |
The temple was defiled with blood; defiled by sacrilegious
comment, | description, | exposition, | rendering, |
commentary, | explanation, | interpretation, | translation. |
A definition is exact, an explanation general; a definition is
formal, a description pictorial. A definition must include all that
belongs to the object defined, and exclude all that does not; a
description may include only some general features; an explanation
may simply throw light upon some point of special difficulty.
An exposition undertakes to state more fully what is compactly
given or only implied in the text; as, an exposition of Scripture.
Interpretation is ordinarily from one language into another, or
from the language of one period into that of another; it may also[125]
be a statement giving the doubtful or hidden meaning of that
which is recondite or perplexing; as, the interpretation of a
dream, a riddle, or of some difficult passage. Definition, explanation,
exposition, and interpretation are ordinarily blended in a
commentary, which may also include description. A comment is
upon a single passage; a commentary may be the same, but is
usually understood to be a volume of comments.
deputy, | legate, | proxy, | representative, | substitute. |
These words agree in designating one who acts in the place of
some other or others. The legate is an ecclesiastical officer representing
the Pope. In strict usage the deputy or delegate is more
limited in functions and more closely bound by instructions than
a representative. A single officer may have a deputy; many persons
combine to choose a delegate or representative. In the United
States informal assemblies send delegates to nominating conventions
with no legislative authority; representatives are legally
elected to Congress and the various legislatures, with lawmaking
confer, | consult, | meditate, | reflect, |
consider, | debate, | ponder, | weigh. |
An individual considers, meditates, ponders, reflects, by himself;
he weighs a matter in his own mind, and is sometimes said
even to debate with himself. Consult and confer always imply
two or more persons, as does debate, unless expressly limited as
above. Confer suggests the interchange of counsel, advice, or information;
consult indicates almost exclusively the receiving of
it. A man confers with his associates about a new investment;
he consults his physician about his health; he may confer with
him on matters of general interest. He consults a dictionary, but
does not confer with it. Deliberate, which can be applied to a
single individual, is also the word for a great number, while
consult is ordinarily limited to a few; a committee consults; an
assembly deliberates. Deliberating always carries the idea of
slowness; consulting is compatible with haste; we can speak of a
hasty consultation, not of a hasty deliberation. Debate implies
opposing views; deliberate, simply a gathering and balancing of[126]
all facts and reasons. We consider or deliberate with a view to
action, while meditation may be quite purposeless.
We deliberate on or upon, also about or concerning a matter:
the first two are preferable.
dainty, | delightful, | exquisite, | luscious, | savory. |
That is delicious which affords a gratification at once vivid and
delicate to the senses, especially to those of taste and smell; as,
delicious fruit; a delicious odor; luscious has a kindred but more
fulsome meaning, inclining toward a cloying excess of sweetness
or richness. Savory is applied chiefly to cooked food made palatable
by spices and condiments. Delightful may be applied to the
higher gratifications of sense, as delightful music, but is chiefly
used for that which is mental and spiritual. Delicious has a limited
use in this way; as, a delicious bit of poetry; the word is
sometimes used ironically for some pleasing absurdity; as, this is
delicious! Compare DELIGHTFUL.
acrid, | bitter, | loathsome, | nauseous, | repulsive, | unpalatable, | unsavory. |
acceptable, | delicious, | pleasant, | refreshing, |
agreeable, | grateful, | pleasing, | satisfying, |
congenial, | gratifying, | pleasurable, | welcome. |
Agreeable refers to whatever gives a mild degree of pleasure;
as, an agreeable perfume. Acceptable indicates a thing to be
worthy of acceptance; as, an acceptable offering. Grateful is
stronger than agreeable or gratifying, indicating whatever awakens
a feeling akin to gratitude. A pleasant face and pleasing manners
arouse pleasurable sensations, and make the possessor an
agreeable companion; if possessed of intelligence, vivacity, and
goodness, such a person's society will be delightful. Criminals
may find each other's company congenial, but scarcely delightful.
Satisfying denotes anything that is received with calm acquiescence,
as substantial food, or established truth. That is welcome
which is received with joyful heartiness; as, welcome tidings.
depressing, | distressing, | horrible, | miserable, | painful, | woful, |
disappointing, | hateful, | melancholy, | mournful, | saddening, | wretched. |
error, | fallacy, | hallucination, | illusion, | phantasm. |
A delusion is a mistaken conviction, an illusion a mistaken perception
or inference. An illusion may be wholly of the senses; a
delusion always involves some mental error. In an optical illusion
the observer sees either what does not exist, or what exists otherwise
than as he sees it, as when in a mirage distant springs and
trees appear close at hand. We speak of the illusions of fancy or
of hope, but of the delusions of the insane. A hallucination is a
false image or belief which has nothing, outside of the disordered
mind, to suggest it; as, the hallucinations of delirium tremens.
actuality, | certainty, | fact, | reality, | truth, | verity. |
destroy, | overthrow, | overturn, | raze, | ruin. |
A building, monument, or other structure is demolished when
reduced to a shapeless mass; it is razed when leveled with the
ground; it is destroyed when its structural unity is gone, whether
or not its component parts remain. An edifice is destroyed by
fire or earthquake; it is demolished by bombardment; it is ruined
when, by violence or neglect, it has become unfit for human habitation.
build, | construct, | create, | make, | repair, | restore. |
certainty, | consequence, | evidence, | inference, |
conclusion, | deduction, | induction, | proof. |
Demonstration, in the strict and proper sense, is the highest
form of proof, and gives the most absolute certainty, but can not
be applied outside of pure mathematics or other strictly deductive
reasoning; there can be proof and certainty, however, in
matters that do not admit of demonstration. A conclusion is
the absolute and necessary result of the admission of certain premises;
an inference is a probable conclusion toward which known
facts, statements, or admissions point, but which they do not absolutely
establish; sound premises, together with their necessary
conclusion, constitute a demonstration. Evidence is that which[128]
tends to show a thing to be true; in the widest sense, as including
self-evidence or consciousness, it is the basis of all knowledge.
Proof in the strict sense is complete, irresistible evidence; as,
there was much evidence against the accused, but not amounting
to proof of guilt. Moral certainty is a conviction resting on such
evidence as puts a matter beyond reasonable doubt, while not so
irresistible as demonstration. Compare HYPOTHESIS; INDUCTION.
aim, | final cause, | object, | proposal, |
device, | intent, | plan, | purpose, |
end, | intention, | project, | scheme. |
Design refers to the adaptation of means to an end, the correspondence
and coordination of parts, or of separate acts, to produce
a result; intent and purpose overleap all particulars, and fasten on
the end itself. Intention is simply the more familiar form of the
legal and philosophical intent. Plan relates to details of form,
structure, and action, in themselves; design considers these same
details all as a means to an end. The plan of a campaign may be
for a series of sharp attacks, with the design of thus surprising and
overpowering the enemy. A man comes to a fixed intention to
kill his enemy; he forms a plan to entrap him into his power,
with the design of then compassing his death; as the law can not
read the heart, it can only infer the intent from the evidences of
design. Intent denotes a straining, stretching forth toward an object;
purpose simply the placing it before oneself; hence, we
speak of the purpose rather than the intent or intention of God.
We hold that the marks of design in nature prove it the work of
a great Designer. Intention contemplates the possibility of
failure; purpose looks to assured success; intent or intention refers
especially to the state of mind of the actor; purpose to the
result of the action. Compare AIM; CAUSE; IDEA; MODEL.
The design of defrauding; the design of a building; a design
for a statue.
appetency, | concupiscence, | hankering, | proclivity, |
appetite, | coveting, | inclination, | propensity, |
aspiration, | craving, | longing, | wish. |
Inclination is the mildest of these terms; it is a quiet, or even
a vague or unconscious, tendency. Even when we speak of a[129]
strong or decided inclination we do not express the intensity of
desire. Desire has a wide range, from the highest objects to the
lowest; desire is for an object near at hand, or near in thought,
and viewed as attainable; a wish may be for what is remote or
uncertain, or even for what is recognized as impossible. Craving
is stronger than hankering; hankering may be the result of a fitful
and capricious appetite; craving may be the imperious and
reasonable demand of the whole nature. Longing is a reaching
out with deep and persistent demand for that which is viewed as
now distant but at some time attainable; as, the captive's longing
for release. Coveting ordinarily denotes wrong desire for that
which is another's. Compare APPETITE.
See synonyms for ANTIPATHY.
The desire of fame; a desire for excellence.
desperation, | despondency, | discouragement, | hopelessness. |
Discouragement is the result of so much repulse or failure as
wears out courage. Discouragements too frequent and long
continued may produce a settled hopelessness. Hopelessness is
negative, and may result from simple apathy; despondency and
despair are more emphatic and decided. Despondency is an incapacity
for the present exercise of hope; despair is the utter abandonment
of hope. Despondency relaxes energy and effort and is
always attended with sadness or distress; despair may produce a
stony calmness, or it may lead to desperation. Desperation is
energized despair, vigorous in action, reckless of consequences.
anticipation, | cheer, | courage, | encouragement, | expectation, | hopefulness, |
assurance, | confidence, | elation, | expectancy, | hope, | trust. |
adroitness, | aptitude, | cleverness, | expertness, | readiness, | skill. |
Adroitness (F. à, to, and droit, right) and dexterity (L. dexter,
right, right-hand) might each be rendered "right-handedness;"
but adroitness carries more of the idea of eluding, parrying, or
checking some hostile movement, or taking advantage of another
in controversy; dexterity conveys the idea of doing, accomplishing
something readily and well, without reference to any action[130]
of others. We speak of adroitness in fencing, boxing, or debate;
of dexterity in horsemanship, in the use of tools, weapons, etc.
Aptitude (L. aptus, fit, fitted) is a natural readiness, which by
practise may be developed into dexterity. Skill is more exact to
line, rule, and method than dexterity. Dexterity can not be communicated,
and, oftentimes can not even be explained by its possessor;
skill to a very great extent can be imparted; "skilled
workmen" in various trades are numbered by thousands. Compare
Dexterity of hand, of movement, of management; with the
pen; in action, in manipulating men; at cards.
expression, | phrase, | style, | vocabulary, |
language, | phraseology, | verbiage, | wording. |
An author's diction is strictly his choice and use of words,
with no special reference to thought; expression regards the
words simply as the vehicle of the thought. Phrase and phraseology
apply to words or combinations of words which are somewhat
technical; as, in legal phraseology; in military phrase.
Diction is general; wording is limited; we speak of the diction
of an author or of a work, the wording of a proposition, of a resolution,
etc. Verbiage never bears this sense (see CIRCUMLOCUTION.)
The language of a writer or speaker may be the national
speech he employs; as, the English or French language; or the
word may denote his use of that language; as, the author's language
is well (or ill) chosen. Style includes diction, expression,
rhetorical figures such as metaphor and simile, the effect of an
author's prevailing tone of thought, of his personal traits—in
short, all that makes up the clothing of thought in words; thus,
we speak of a figurative style, a frigid or an argumentative style,
etc., or of the style of Macaulay, Prescott, or others. An author's
vocabulary is the range of words which he brings into his use.
cease, | decline, | expire, | perish, |
decease, | depart, | fade, | wither. |
Die, to go out of life, become destitute of vital power and[131]
action, is figuratively applied to anything which has the appearance
of life.
Where the dying night-lamp flickers.
Tennyson Locksley Hall st. 40.
An echo, a strain of music, a tempest, a topic, an issue, dies. Expire
(literally, to breathe out) is a softer word for die; it is used
figuratively of things that cease to exist by reaching a natural
limit; as, a lease expires; the time has expired. To perish (literally,
in Latin, to go through, as in English we say, "the fire
goes out") is oftenest used of death by privation or exposure; as,
"I perish with hunger," Luke xv, 17; sometimes, of death by
violence. Knowledge and fame, art and empires, may be said to
perish; the word denotes utter destruction and decay.
be born, | come into being, | flourish, | rise again, |
begin, | come to life, | grow, | rise from the dead, |
be immortal, | exist, | live, | survive. |
To die of fever; by violence; rarely, with the sword, famine,
etc. (Ezek. vii, 15); to die for one's country; to die at sea; in
one's bed; in agony; die to the world.
contrariety, | discrimination, | distinction, | inequality, |
contrast, | disparity, | divergence, | unlikeness, |
disagreement, | dissimilarity, | diversity, | variation, |
discrepancy, | dissimilitude, | inconsistency, | variety. |
Difference is the state or quality of being unlike or the amount
of such unlikeness. A difference is in the things compared; a
discrimination is in our judgment of them; a distinction is in
our definition or description or mental image of them. Careful
discrimination of real differences results in clear distinctions.
Disparity is stronger than inequality, implying that one thing
falls far below another; as, the disparity of our achievements
when compared with our ideals. Dissimilarity is between things
sharply contrasted; there may be a difference between those almost
alike. There is a discrepancy in accounts that fail to balance.
Variety involves more than two objects; so, in general,
does diversity; variation is a difference in the condition or action
of the same object at different times. Disagreement is not merely
the lack, but the opposite, of agreement; it is a mild word for
opposition and conflict; difference is sometimes used in the same
agreement, | harmony, | likeness, | sameness, | uniformity, |
consonance, | identity, | resemblance, | similarity, | unity. |
Difference between the old and the new; differences among
men; a difference in character; of action; of style; (less frequently)
a difference (controversy) with a person; a difference of
one thing from (incorrectly to) another.
arduous, | hard, | onerous, | toilsome, |
exhausting, | laborious, | severe, | trying. |
Arduous (L. arduus, steep) signifies primarily so steep and lofty
as to be difficult of ascent, and hence applies to that which involves
great and sustained exertion and ordinarily for a lofty aim; great
learning can only be won by arduous toil. Hard applies to anything
that resists our endeavors as a scarcely penetrable mass resists
our physical force. Anything is hard that involves tax and
strain whether of the physical or mental powers. Difficult is not
used of that which merely taxes physical force; a dead lift is
called hard rather than difficult; breaking stone on the road
would be called hard rather than difficult work; that is difficult
which involves skill, sagacity, or address, with or without a considerable
expenditure of physical force; a geometrical problem
may be difficult to solve, a tangled skein to unravel; a mountain
difficult to ascend. Hard may be active or passive; a thing may
be hard to do or hard to bear. Arduous is always active. That
which is laborious or toilsome simply requires the steady application
of labor or toil till accomplished; toilsome is the stronger
word. That which is onerous (L. onus, a burden) is mentally burdensome
or oppressive. Responsibility may be onerous even when
it involves no special exertion.
easy, | facile, | light, | pleasant, | slight, | trifling, | trivial. |
aim, | bearing, | course, | inclination, | tendency, | way. |
The direction of an object is the line of motion or of vision
toward it, or the line in which the object is moving, considered
from our own actual or mental standpoint. Way, literally the road
or path, comes naturally to mean the direction of the road or path;[133]
conversationally, way is almost a perfect synonym of direction;
as, which way did he go? or, in which direction? Bearing is the
direction in which an object is seen with reference to another, and
especially with reference to the points of the compass. Course
is the direction of a moving object; inclination, that toward which
a stationary object leans; tendency, the direction toward which
anything stretches or reaches out; tendency is stronger and more
active than inclination. Compare AIM; CARE; ORDER; OVERSIGHT.
behold, | discriminate, | observe, | recognize, |
descry, | distinguish, | perceive, | see. |
What we discern we see apart from all other objects; what we
discriminate we judge apart; what we distinguish we mark
apart, or recognize by some special mark or manifest difference.
We discriminate by real differences; we distinguish by outward
signs; an officer is readily distinguished from a common soldier
by his uniform. Objects may be dimly discerned at twilight,
when yet we can not clearly distinguish one from another. We
descry (originally espy) what is difficult to discover. Compare
ascertain, | detect, | disclose, | ferret out, | find out, |
descry, | discern, | expose, | find, | invent. |
Of human actions or character, detect is used, almost without
exception, in a bad sense; discover may be used in either the good
or the bad sense, oftener in the good; he was detected in a fraud;
real merit is sure to be discovered. In scientific language, detect
is used of delicate indications that appear in course of careful
watching; as, a slight fluttering of the pulse could be detected.
We discover what has existed but has not been known to us; we
invent combinations or arrangements not before in use; Columbus
discovered America; Morse invented the electric telegraph. Find
is the most general word for every means of coming to know what
was not before certainly known. A man finds in the road some
stranger's purse, or finds his own which he is searching for. The
expert discovers or detects an error in an account; the auditor
finds the account to be correct. Compare DISCERN.
See synonyms for HIDE.
affection, | disorder, | indisposition, | sickness, |
ailment, | distemper, | infirmity, | unhealthiness, |
complaint, | illness, | malady, | unsoundness. |
Disease is the general term for any deviation from health; in
a more limited sense it denotes some definite morbid condition;
disorder and affection are rather partial and limited; as, a nervous
affection; a disorder of the digestive system. Sickness was
generally used in English speech and literature, till the close of
the eighteenth century at least, for every form of physical disorder,
as abundantly appears in the English Bible: "Jesus went
about ... healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease
among the people," Matt. iv, 23; "Elisha was fallen sick of
his sickness whereof he died," 2 Kings xiii, 14. There is now, in
England, a tendency to restrict the words sick and sickness to
nausea, or "sickness at the stomach," and to hold ill and illness as
the only proper words to use in a general sense. This distinction
has received but a very limited acceptance in the United States,
where sick and sickness have the earlier and wider usage. We
speak of trifling ailments, a slight indisposition, a serious or a
deadly disease; a slight or severe illness; a painful sickness.
Complaint is a popular term, which may be applied to any degree
of ill health, slight or severe. Infirmity denotes a chronic or
lingering weakness or disability, as blindness or lameness.
health, | robustness, | soundness, | strength, | sturdiness, | vigor. |
belittle, | depreciate, | discredit, | underestimate, |
carp at, | derogate from, | dishonor, | underrate, |
decry, | detract from, | lower, | undervalue. |
To decry is to cry down, in some noisy, public, or conspicuous
manner. A witness or a statement is discredited; the currency is
depreciated; a good name is dishonored by unworthy conduct;
we underestimate in our own minds; we may underrate or undervalue
in statement to others. These words are used, with few exceptions,
of things such as qualities, merits, attainments, etc. To
disparage is to belittle by damaging comparison or suggestion; it
is used only of things. A man's achievements are disparaged, his
motives depreciated, his professions discredited; he himself is
calumniated, slandered, etc. Compare SLANDER.
See synonyms for PRAISE.
confuse, | derange, | disturb, | mislay, | remove, |
crowd out, | disarrange, | jumble, | misplace, | unsettle. |
Objects are displaced when moved out of the place they have
occupied; they are misplaced when put into a place where they
should not be. One may know where to find what he has misplaced;
what he has mislaid he can not locate.
adjust, | assort, | dispose, | order, | put in order, | set in order, |
array, | classify, | group, | place, | put in place, | sort. |
accomplish, | carry out, | discharge, | perform, |
achieve, | carry through, | effect, | perpetrate, |
actualize, | commit, | execute, | realize, |
bring about, | complete, | finish, | transact, |
bring to pass, | consummate, | fulfil, | work out. |
Do is the one comprehensive word which includes this whole
class. We may say of the least item of daily work, "It is done,"
and of the grandest human achievement, "Well done!" Finish
and complete signify to bring to an end what was previously begun;
there is frequently the difference in usage that finish is applied to
the fine details and is superficial, while complete is comprehensive,
being applied to the whole ideal, plan, and execution; as, to finish
a statue; to complete a scheme of philosophy. To discharge is to
do what is given in charge, expected, or required; as, to discharge
the duties of the office. To fulfil is to do or to be what has been
promised, expected, hoped, or desired; as, a son fulfils a father's
hopes. Realize, effect, execute, and consummate all signify to embody
in fact what was before in thought. One may realize that
which he has done nothing to bring about; he may realize the
dreams of youth by inheriting a fortune; but he can not effect his
early designs except by doing the utmost that is necessary to make
them fact. Effect includes all that is done to accomplish the intent;
execute refers rather to the final steps; consummate is limited
quite sharply to the concluding act. An officer executes the law
when he proceeds against its violators; a purchase is consummated
when the money is paid and the property delivered. Execute
refers more commonly to the commands of another, effect
and consummate to one's own designs; as, the commander effected
the capture of the fort, because his officers and men promptly executed
his commands. Achieve—to do something worthy of a chief—signifies[136]
always to perform some great and generally some worthy
exploit. Perform and accomplish both imply working toward
the end; but perform always allows a possibility of not attaining,
while accomplish carries the thought of full completion. In Longfellow's
lines, "Patience; accomplish thy labor," etc., perform
could not be substituted without great loss. As between complete
and accomplish, complete considers rather the thing as done; accomplish,
the whole process of doing it. Commit, as applied to
actions, is used only of those that are bad, whether grave or trivial;
perpetrate is used chiefly of aggravated crimes or, somewhat
humorously, of blunders. A man may commit a sin, a trespass, or
a murder; perpetrate an outrage or a felony. We finish a garment
or a letter, complete an edifice or a life-work, consummate a
bargain or a crime, discharge a duty, effect a purpose, execute a
command, fulfil a promise, perform our daily tasks, realize an
ideal, accomplish a design, achieve a victory. Compare TRANSACT;
baffle, | defeat, | fail, | mar, | miss, | ruin, |
come short, | destroy, | frustrate, | miscarry, | neglect, | spoil. |
amenable, | manageable, | pliant, | teachable, |
compliant, | obedient, | submissive, | tractable, |
gentle, | pliable, | tame, | yielding. |
One who is docile is easily taught; one who is tractable is
easily led; one who is pliant is easily bent in any direction; compliant
represents one as inclined or persuaded to agreement with
another's will. Compare DUTY.
determined, | firm, | intractable, | opinionated, | self-willed, | wilful, |
dogged, | inflexible, | obstinate, | resolute, | stubborn, | unyielding. |
article of belief, | belief, | precept, | teaching, |
article of faith, | dogma, | principle, | tenet. |
Doctrine primarily signifies that which is taught; principle,
the fundamental basis on which the teaching rests. A doctrine is
reasoned out, and may be defended by reasoning; a dogma rests
on authority, as of direct revelation, the decision of the church,
etc. A doctrine or dogma is a statement of some one item of belief;
a creed is a summary of doctrines or dogmas. Dogma has[137]
commonly, at the present day, an offensive signification, as of a
belief arrogantly asserted. Tenet is simply that which is held,
and is applied to a single item of belief; it is a neutral word,
neither approving nor condemning; we speak of the doctrines of
our own church; of the tenets of others. A precept relates not
to belief, but to conduct. Compare FAITH; LAW.
arrogant, | doctrinal, | magisterial, | positive, |
authoritative, | domineering, | opinionated, | self-opinionated, |
dictatorial, | imperious, | overbearing, | systematic. |
Dogmatic is technically applied in a good sense to that which
is formally enunciated by adequate authority; doctrinal to that
which is stated in the form of doctrine to be taught or defended.
Dogmatic theology, called also "dogmatics," gives definite propositions,
which it holds to be delivered by authority; systematic
theology considers the same propositions in their logical connection
and order as parts of a system; a doctrinal statement is less
absolute in its claims than a dogmatic treatise, and may be more
partial than the term systematic would imply. Outside of theology,
dogmatic has generally an offensive sense; a dogmatic statement
is one for which the author does not trouble himself to give a
reason, either because of the strength of his convictions, or because
of his contempt for those whom he addresses; thus dogmatic is,
in common use, allied with arrogant and kindred words.
distrust, | mistrust, | surmise, | suspect. |
To doubt is to lack conviction. Incompleteness of evidence
may compel one to doubt, or some perverse bias of mind may incline
him to. Distrust may express simply a lack of confidence;
as, I distrust my own judgment; or it may be nearly equivalent
to suspect; as, I distrusted that man from the start. Mistrust
and suspect imply that one is almost assured of positive evil; one
may distrust himself or others; he suspects others. Mistrust is
now rarely, if ever, used of persons, but only of motives, intentions,
etc. Distrust is always serious; mistrust is often used
playfully. Compare SUPPOSE. Compare synonyms for DOUBT, n.
believe, | confide in, | depend on, | depend upon, | rely on, | rely upon, | trust. |
disbelief, | incredulity, | perplexity, | suspense, |
distrust, | indecision, | question, | suspicion, |
hesitancy, | irresolution, | scruple, | unbelief, |
hesitation, | misgiving, | skepticism, | uncertainty. |
Doubt is a lack of conviction that may refer either to matters
of belief or to matters of practise. As regards belief, while
doubt is lack of conviction, disbelief is conviction, to the contrary;
unbelief refers to a settled state of mind, generally accompanied
with opposition of heart. Perplexity is active and painful; doubt
may be quiescent. Perplexity presses toward a solution; doubt
may be content to linger unresolved. Any improbable statement
awakens incredulity. In theological usage unbelief and skepticism
have a condemnatory force, as implying wilful rejection of
manifest truth. As regards practical matters, uncertainty applies
to the unknown or undecided; doubt implies some negative
evidence. Suspense regards the future, and is eager and anxious;
uncertainty may relate to any period, and be quite indifferent.
Misgiving is ordinarily in regard to the outcome of something
already done or decided; hesitation, indecision, and irresolution
have reference to something that remains to be decided or done,
and are due oftener to infirmity of will than to lack of knowledge.
Distrust and suspicion apply especially to the motives, character,
etc., of others, and are more decidedly adverse than doubt.
Scruple relates to matters of conscience and duty.
assurance, | certainty, | conviction, | determination, | resolution, |
belief, | confidence, | decision, | persuasion, | resolve. |
allure, | drag, | haul, | induce, | lure, | tow, |
attract, | entice, | incline, | lead, | pull, | tug. |
One object draws another when it moves it toward itself or in
the direction of its own motion by the exertion of adequate force,
whether slight or powerful. To attract is to exert a force that
tends to draw, tho it may produce no actual motion; all objects
are attracted toward the earth, tho they may be sustained
from falling. To drag is to draw against strong resistance; as,
to drag a sled over bare ground, or a carriage up a steep hill. To
pull is to exert a drawing force, whether adequate or inadequate;[139]
as, the fish pulls on the line; a dentist pulls a tooth. To tug is to
draw, or try to draw, a resisting object with a continuous straining
motion; as, to tug at the oar. To haul is to draw somewhat
slowly a heavy object; as, to haul a seine; to haul logs. One
vessel tows another. In the figurative sense, attract is more
nearly akin to incline, draw to induce. We are attracted by one's
appearance, drawn to his side. Compare ALLURE; ARRAY; INFLUENCE.
alienate, | estrange, | rebuff, | reject, | repel, | repulse. |
See synonyms for DRIVE.
To draw water from or out of the well; draw the boat through
the water, to the shore; draw air into the lungs; draw with
cords of love; the wagon is drawn by horses, along the road,
across the field, over the stones, through the woods, to the barn.
day-dream, | fantasy, | reverie, | trance, |
fancy, | hallucination, | romance, | vision. |
A dream is strictly a train of thoughts, fantasies, and images
passing through the mind during sleep; a vision may occur when
one is awake, and in clear exercise of the senses and mental powers;
vision is often applied to something seen by the mind through
supernatural agency, whether in sleep or wakefulness, conceived
as more real and authoritative than a dream; a trance is an abnormal
state, which is different from normal sleep or wakefulness.
A reverie is a purposeless drifting of the mind when awake,
under the influence of mental images; a day-dream that which
passes before the mind in such condition. A fancy is some image
presented to the mind, often in the fullest exercise of its powers.
Hallucination is the seeming perception of non-existent objects,
as in insanity or delirium. In the figurative sense, we speak of
dreams of fortune, visions of glory, with little difference of meaning
except that the vision is thought of as fuller and more vivid.
We speak of a trance of delight when the emotion almost sweeps
one away from the normal exercise of the faculties.
certainty, | fact, | reality, | realization, | substance, | verity. |
apparel, | clothes, | garb, | habit, | uniform, |
array, | clothing, | garments, | raiment, | vestments, |
attire, | costume, | habiliments, | robes, | vesture. |
Clothing denotes the entire covering of the body, taken as a
whole; clothes and garments view it as composed of separate
parts. Clothes, clothing, and garments may be used of inner or
outer covering; all the other words in the list (with possible rare
exceptions in the case of raiment) refer to the outer garments.
Array, raiment, and vesture are archaic or poetic; so, too, is
habit, except in technical use to denote a lady's riding-dress. The
word vestments is now rare, except in ecclesiastical use. Apparel
and attire are most frequently used of somewhat complete and
elegant outer clothing, tho Shakespeare speaks of "poor and
mean attire." Dress may be used, specifically, for a woman's
gown, and in that sense may be either rich or shabby; but in the
general sense it denotes outer clothing which is meant to be
elegant, complete, and appropriate to some social or public occasion;
as, full dress, court dress, evening dress, etc. Dress has
now largely displaced apparel and attire. Garb denotes the
clothing characteristic of some class, profession, or the like; as,
the garb of a priest. Costume is chiefly used for that which befits
an assumed character; as, a theatrical costume; we sometimes
speak of a national costume, etc.
bareness, | disarray, | dishabille, | exposure, | nakedness, | nudity, | undress. |
compel, | propel, | repel, | resist, | thrust, |
impel, | push, | repulse, | ride, | urge on. |
To drive is to move an object with some force or violence before
or away from oneself; it is the direct reverse of draw, lead,
etc. A man leads a horse by the halter, drives him with whip
and rein. One may be driven to a thing or from it; hence, drive
is a synonym equally for compel or for repel or repulse. Repulse
is stronger and more conclusive than repel; one may be repelled
by the very aspect of the person whose favor he seeks, but is not
repulsed except by the direct refusal or ignoring of his suit. A
certain conventional modern usage, especially in England, requires
us to say that we drive in a carriage, ride upon a horse;
tho in Scripture we read of riding in a chariot (2 Kings ix, 16;
Jer. xvii, 25, etc.); good examples of the same usage may be[141]
found abundantly in the older English. The propriety of a person's
saying that he is going to drive when he is simply to be conveyed
in a carriage, where some one else, as the coachman, does
all the driving, is exceedingly questionable. Many good authorities
prefer to use ride in the older and broader sense as signifying
to be supported and borne along by any means of conveyance.
See synonyms for DRAW.
Drive to market; to despair; drive into exile; from one's
presence; out of the city; drive by, with, or under the lash; drive
by or past beautiful estates; along the beach; beside the river;
through the park; across the field; around the square; to the
door; into the barn; out of the sunshine.
copy, | facsimile, | likeness, | reproduction, |
counterpart, | imitation, | replica, | transcript. |
A copy is as nearly like the original as the copyist has power
to make it; a duplicate is exactly like the original; a carbon copy
of a typewritten document must be a duplicate; we may have an
inaccurate copy, but never an inaccurate duplicate. A facsimile
is like the original in appearance; a duplicate is the same as the
original in substance and effect; a facsimile of the Declaration of
Independence is not a duplicate. A facsimile of a key might be
quite useless; a duplicate will open the lock. A counterpart exactly
corresponds to another object, but perhaps without design,
while a copy is intentional. An imitation is always thought of as
inferior to the original; as, an imitation of Milton. A replica is
a copy of a work of art by the maker of the original. In law, a
copy of an instrument has in itself no authority; the signatures,
as well as other matters, may be copied; a duplicate is really an
original, containing the same provisions and signed by the same
persons, so that it may have in all respects the same force and effect;
a transcript is an official copy, authenticated by the signature
of the proper officer, and by the seal of the appropriate court.
While strictly there could be but one duplicate, the word is now
extended to an indefinite number of exact copies. Reproduction
is chiefly applied to living organisms.
archetype, | model, | original, | pattern, | prototype. |
accountability, | function, | office, | right, |
business, | obligation, | responsibility, | righteousness. |
Etymologically, duty is that which is owed or due; obligation,
that to or by which one is bound; right, that which is correct,
straight, or in the direct line of truth and goodness; responsibility,
that for which one must answer. Duty and responsibility
are thought of as to some person or persons; right is impersonal.
One's duty may be to others or to himself; his obligations and
responsibilities are to others. Duty arises from the nature of
things; obligation and responsibility may be created by circumstances,
as by one's own promise, or by the acceptance of a trust,
etc. We speak of a parent's duty, a debtor's obligation; or of a
child's duty of obedience, and a parent's responsibility for the
child's welfare. Right is that which accords with the moral system
of the universe. Righteousness is right incarnated in action.
In a more limited sense, right may be used of what one may
rightly claim, and so be the converse of duty. It is the creditor's
right to demand payment, and the debtor's duty to pay. Compare
animated, | desirous, | glowing, | importunate, | longing, |
anxious, | earnest, | hot, | intense, | vehement, |
ardent, | enthusiastic, | impatient, | intent, | yearning, |
burning, | fervent, | impetuous, | keen, | zealous. |
One is eager who impatiently desires to accomplish some end;
one is earnest with a desire that is less impatient, but more deep,
resolute, and constant; one is anxious with a desire that foresees
rather the pain of disappointment than the delight of attainment.
One is eager for the gratification of any appetite or passion; he is
earnest in conviction, purpose, or character. Eager usually refers
to some specific and immediate satisfaction, earnest to something
permanent and enduring; the patriotic soldier is earnest in his
devotion to his country, eager for a decisive battle.
apathetic, | cool, | indifferent, | regardless, | unconcerned, |
calm, | dispassionate, | negligent, | stolid, | uninterested, |
careless, | frigid, | phlegmatic, | stony, | unmindful, |
cold, | heedless, | purposeless, | stupid, | unmoved. |
Eager for (more rarely after) favor, honor, etc.; eager in
easiness, | expertness, | facility, | knack, | readiness. |
Ease in the sense here considered denotes freedom from conscious
or apparent effort, tax, or strain. Ease may be either of
condition or of action; facility is always of action; readiness is of
action or of expected action. One lives at ease who has no pressing
cares; one stands at ease, moves or speaks with ease, when
wholly without constraint. Facility is always active; readiness
may be active or passive; the speaker has facility of expression,
readiness of wit; any appliance is in readiness for use. Ease of
action may imply merely the possession of ample power; facility
always implies practise and skill; any one can press down the
keys of a typewriter with ease; only the skilled operator works
the machine with facility. Readiness in the active sense includes
much of the meaning of ease with the added idea of promptness
or alertness. Easiness applies to the thing done, rather than to
the doer. Expertness applies to the more mechanical processes of
body and mind; we speak of the readiness of an orator, but of
the expertness of a gymnast. Compare COMFORTABLE; DEXTERITY;
annoyance, | constraint, | discomfort, | irritation, | trouble, | vexation, |
awkwardness, | difficulty, | disquiet, | perplexity, | uneasiness, | worry. |
breeding, | discipline, | learning, | study, |
cultivation, | information, | nurture, | teaching, |
culture, | instruction, | reading, | training, |
development, | knowledge, | schooling, | tuition. |
Education (L. educere, to lead or draw out) is the systematic
development and cultivation of the mind and other natural powers.
"Education is the harmonious development of all our faculties.
It begins in the nursery, and goes on at school, but does
not end there. It continues through life, whether we will or not....
'Every person,' says Gibbon, 'has two educations, one
which he receives from others, and one more important, which he
gives himself.'" John Lubbock The Use of Life ch. vii, p. 111.
[Macm. '94.] Instruction, the impartation of knowledge by
others (L. instruere, to build in or into) is but a part of education,
often the smallest part. Teaching is the more familiar and less
formal word for instruction. Training refers not merely to the[144]
impartation of knowledge, but to the exercising of one in actions
with the design to form habits. Discipline is systematic and rigorous
training, with the idea of subjection to authority and perhaps
of punishment. Tuition is the technical term for teaching
as the business of an instructor or as in the routine of a school;
tuition is narrower than teaching, not, like the latter word, including
training. Study is emphatically what one does for himself.
We speak of the teaching, training, or discipline, but not
of the education or tuition of a dog or a horse. Breeding and
nurture include teaching and training, especially as directed by
and dependent upon home life and personal association; breeding
having reference largely to manners with such qualities as are
deemed distinctively characteristic of high birth; nurture (literally
nourishing) having more direct reference to moral qualities,
not overlooking the physical and mental. Knowledge and learning
tell nothing of mental development apart from the capacity
to acquire and remember, and nothing whatever of that moral
development which is included in education in its fullest and
noblest sense; learning, too, may be acquired by one's unaided
industry, but any full education must be the result in great part
of instruction, training, and personal association. Study is
emphatically what one does for himself, and in which instruction
and tuition can only point the way, encourage the student to
advance, and remove obstacles; vigorous, persevering study is
one of the best elements of training. Study is also used in the
sense of the thing studied, a subject to be mastered by study, a
studious pursuit. Compare KNOWLEDGE; REFINEMENT; WISDOM.
Compare synonyms for IGNORANT.
assurance, | boldness, | hardihood, | insolence, |
audacity, | brass, | impudence, | shamelessness. |
Audacity, in the sense here considered, is a reckless defiance of
law, decency, public opinion, or personal rights, claims, or views,
approaching the meaning of impudence or shamelessness, but
always carrying the thought of the personal risk that one disregards
in such defiance; the merely impudent or shameless person
may take no thought of consequences; the audacious person[145]
recognizes and recklessly braves them. Hardihood defies and
disregards the rational judgment of men. Effrontery (L. effrons,
barefaced, shameless) adds to audacity and hardihood the special
element of defiance of considerations of propriety, duty, and
respect for others, yet not to the extent implied in impudence or
shamelessness. Impudence disregards what is due to superiors;
shamelessness defies decency. Boldness is forward-stepping courage,
spoken of with reference to the presence and observation of
others; boldness, in the good sense, is courage viewed from the
outside; but the word is frequently used in an unfavorable sense
to indicate a lack of proper sensitiveness and modesty. Compare
bashfulness, | diffidence, | sensitiveness, | shyness, |
coyness, | modesty, | shrinking, | timidity. |
conceit, | self-assertion, | self-confidence, | self-esteem, |
egoism, | self-conceit, | self-consciousness, | vanity. |
Egoism is giving the "I" undue supremacy in thought; egotism
is giving the "I" undue prominence in speech. Egotism is
sometimes used in the sense of egoism, or supreme regard for oneself.
Self-assertion is the claim by word, act, or manner of what
one believes to be his due; self-conceit is an overestimate of one's
own powers or deserts. Conceit is a briefer expression for self-conceit,
with always an offensive implication; self-conceit is ridiculous
or pitiable; conceit arouses resentment. There is a worthy
self-confidence which springs from consciousness of rectitude and
of power equal to demands. Self-assertion at times becomes a
duty; but self-conceit is always a weakness. Self-consciousness
is the keeping of one's thoughts upon oneself, with the constant
anxious question of what others will think. Vanity is an overweening
admiration of self, craving equal admiration from others;
self-consciousness is commonly painful to its possessor, vanity
always a source of satisfaction, except as it fails to receive its
supposed due. Self-esteem is more solid and better founded than
self-conceit; but is ordinarily a weakness, and never has the
worthy sense of self-confidence. Compare ASSURANCE; PRIDE.
bashfulness, | diffidence, | modesty, | self-forgetfulness, | unobtrusiveness, |
deference, | humility, | self-distrust, | shyness, | unostentatiousness. |
attribute, | figure, | image, | sign, | symbol, | token, | type. |
Emblem is the English form of emblema, a Latin word of Greek
origin, signifying a figure beaten out on a metallic vessel by blows
from within; also, a figure inlaid in wood, stone, or other material
as a copy of some natural object. The Greek word symbolon
denoted a victor's wreath, a check, or any object that might be
compared with, or found to correspond with another, whether
there was or was not anything in the objects compared to suggest
the comparison. Thus an emblem resembles, a symbol represents.
An emblem has some natural fitness to suggest that for which it
stands; a symbol has been chosen or agreed upon to suggest something
else, with or without natural fitness; a sign does actually
suggest the thing with or without reason, and with or without intention
or choice. A symbol may be also an emblem; thus the
elements of bread and wine in the Lord's Supper are both appropriate
emblems and his own chosen symbols of suffering and death.
A statement of doctrine is often called a symbol of faith; but it
is not an emblem. On the other hand, the same thing may be
both a sign and a symbol; a letter of the alphabet is a sign which
indicates a sound; but letters are often used as mathematical,
chemical, or astronomical symbols. A token is something given
or done as a pledge or expression of feeling or intent; while the
sign may be unintentional, the token is voluntary; kind looks may
be signs of regard; a gift is a token; a ring, which is a natural emblem
of eternity, and also its accepted symbol, is frequently given
as a token of friendship or love. A figure in the sense here considered
is something that represents an idea to the mind somewhat
as a form is represented to the eye, as in drawing, painting, or
sculpture; as representing a future reality, a figure may be practically
the same as a type. An image is a visible representation,
especially in sculpture, having or supposed to have a close resemblance
to that which it represents. A type is in religion a representation
of a greater reality to come; we speak of one object as
the type of the class whose characteristics it exhibits, as in the
case of animal or vegetable types. An attribute in art is some accessory
used to characterize a figure or scene; the attribute is
often an emblem or symbol; thus the eagle is the attribute of St.
John as an emblem of lofty spiritual vision. Compare SIGN.
To migrate is to change one's dwelling-place, usually with the
idea of repeated change, or of periodical return; it applies to
wandering tribes of men, and to many birds and animals. Emigrate
and immigrate carry the idea of a permanent change of
residence to some other country or some distant region; the two
words are used distinctively of human beings, and apply to the
same person and the same act, according to the side from which
the action is viewed.
A person emigrates from the land he leaves, and immigrates to
the land where he takes up his abode.
call, | engage, | engross, | hire, | make use of, | use, | use up. |
In general terms it may be said that to employ is to devote to
one's purpose, to use is to render subservient to one's purpose;
what is used is viewed as more absolutely an instrument than
what is employed; a merchant employs a clerk; he uses pen and
paper; as a rule, use is not said of persons, except in a degrading
sense; as, the conspirators used him as a go-between. Hence the
expression common in some religious circles "that God would
use me" is not to be commended; it has also the fault of representing
the human worker as absolutely a passive and helpless instrument;
the phrase is altogether unscriptural; the Scripture
says, "We are laborers together with (co-workers with) God."
That which is used is often consumed in the using, or in familiar
phrase used up; as, we used twenty tons of coal last winter; in
such cases we could not substitute employ. A person may be employed
in his own work or in that of another; in the latter case
the service is always understood to be for pay. In this connection
employ is a word of more dignity than hire; a general is employed
in his country's service; a mercenary adventurer is hired to fight
a tyrant's battles. It is unsuitable, according to present usage, to
speak of hiring a pastor; the Scripture, indeed, says of the
preacher, "The laborer is worthy of his hire;" but this sense is
archaic, and hire now implies that the one hired works directly
and primarily for the pay, as expressed in the noun "hireling;"
a Pastor is properly said to be called, or when the business side[148]
of the transaction is referred to, engaged, or possibly employed,
at a certain salary.
Employ in, on, upon, or about a work, business, etc.; for a
purpose; at a stipulated salary.
END, v.
break off, | close, | conclude, | expire, | quit, | terminate, |
cease, | complete, | desist, | finish, | stop, | wind up. |
That ends, or is ended, of which there is no more, whether or
not more was intended or needed; that is closed, completed, concluded,
or finished which has come to an expected or appropriate
end. A speech may be ended almost as soon as begun, because of
the speaker's illness, or of tumult in the audience; in such a case,
the speech is neither closed, completed, nor finished, nor, in the
strict sense, concluded. An argument may be closed with nothing
proved; when an argument is concluded all that is deemed
necessary to prove the point has been stated. To finish is to do
the last thing there is to do; as, "I have finished my course," 2
Tim. iv, 7. Finish has come to mean, not merely to complete in
the essentials, but to perfect in all the minute details, as in the expression
"to add the finishing touches." The enumeration is
completed; the poem, the picture, the statue is finished. To terminate
may be either to bring to an arbitrary or to an appropriate
end; as, he terminated his remarks abruptly; the spire terminates
in a cross. A thing stops that comes to rest from motion; or the
motion stops or ceases when the object comes to rest; stop frequently
signifies to bring or come to a sudden and decided cessation
of motion, progress, or action of any kind. Compare DO;
See synonyms for BEGIN.
END, n.
accomplishment, | effect, | limit, |
achievement, | expiration, | outcome, |
bound, | extent, | period, |
boundary, | extremity, | point, |
cessation, | finale, | purpose, |
close, | finis, | result, |
completion, | finish, | termination, |
conclusion, | fulfilment, | terminus, |
consequence, | goal, | tip, |
consummation, | intent, | utmost, |
design, | issue, | uttermost. |
[149]The end is the terminal part of a material object that has
length; the extremity is distinctively the terminal point, and may
thus be but part of the end in the general sense of that word; the
extremity is viewed as that which is most remote from some center,
or some mean or standard position; the southern end of
South America includes all Patagonia, the southern extremity or
point is Cape Horn. Tip has nearly the same meaning as extremity,
but is said of small or slight and tapering objects; as, the
tip of the finger; point in such connections is said of that which
is drawn out to exceeding fineness or sharpness, as the point of a
needle, a fork, or a sword; extremity is said of something considerable;
we do not speak of the extremity of a needle. Terminus is
chiefly used to designate the end of a line of travel or transportation:
specifically, the furthermost station in any direction on a
railway, or by extension the town or village where it is situated.
Termination is the Latin and more formal word for the Saxon
end, but is chiefly used of time, words, undertakings, or abstractions
of any kind. Expiration signifies the coming to an end in
the natural course of things; as, the expiration of a year, or of a
lease; it is used of things of some consequence; we do not ordinarily
speak of the expiration of an hour or of a day. Limit implies
some check to or restraint upon further advance, right, or
privilege; as, the limits of an estate (compare BOUNDARY). A
goal is an end sought or striven for, as in a race. For the figurative
senses of end and its associated words, compare the synonyms
for the verb END; also for AIM; CONSEQUENCE; DESIGN.
See synonyms for BEGINNING.
attempt, | essay, | strive, | try, | undertake. |
To attempt is to take action somewhat experimentally with the
hope and purpose of accomplishing a certain result; to endeavor
is to attempt strenuously and with firm and enduring purpose.
To attempt expresses a single act; to endeavor, a continuous
exertion; we say I will endeavor (not I will attempt) while I live.
To attempt is with the view of accomplishing; to essay, with a
view of testing our own powers. To undertake is to accept or
take upon oneself as an obligation, as some business, labor, or
trust; the word often implies complete assurance of success; as,[150]
I will undertake to produce the witness. To strive suggests little
of the result, much of toil, strain, and contest, in seeking it; I
will strive to fulfil your wishes, i. e., I will spare no labor and
exertion to do it. Try is the most comprehensive of these words.
The original idea of testing or experimenting is not thought of
when a man says "I will try." To attempt suggests giving up, if
the thing is not accomplished at a stroke; to try implies using
other means and studying out other ways if not at first successful.
Endeavor is more mild and formal; the pilot in the burning pilot-house
does not say "I will endeavor" or "I will attempt to hold
the ship to her course," but "I'll try, sir!"
abandon, | give up, | omit, | throw away, |
dismiss, | let go, | overlook, | throw over, |
drop, | neglect, | pass by, | throw up. |
attempt, | effort, | essay, | exertion, | struggle, | trial. |
Effort denotes the voluntary putting forth of power to attain
or accomplish some specific thing; it reaches toward a definite
end; exertion is a putting forth of power without special reference
to an object. Every effort is an exertion, but not every
exertion is an effort. Attempt is more experimental than effort,
endeavor less strenuous but more continuous. An effort is a single
act, an endeavor a continued series of acts; an endeavor is
sustained and enduring, and may be lifelong; we do not have a
society of Christian Attempt, or of Christian Effort, but of Christian
Endeavor. A struggle is a violent effort or strenuous exertion.
An essay is an attempt, effort, or endeavor made as a test
of the powers of the one who makes it. Compare ENDEAVOR, v.
abide, | bear, | brook, | submit to, | sustain, |
afford, | bear up under, | permit, | suffer, | tolerate, |
allow, | bear with, | put up with, | support, | undergo. |
Bear is the most general of these words; it is metaphorically
to hold up or keep up a burden of care, pain, grief, annoyance, or
the like, without sinking, lamenting, or repining. Allow and permit
involve large concession of the will; put up with and tolerate
imply decided aversion and reluctant withholding of opposition or[151]
interference; whispering is allowed by the school-teacher who
does not forbid nor censure it; one puts up with the presence of a
disagreeable visitor; a state tolerates a religion which it would be
glad to suppress. To endure is to bear with strain and resistance,
but with conscious power; endure conveys a fuller suggestion
of contest and conquest than bear. One may choose to endure
the pain of a surgical operation rather than take anesthetics; he
permits the thing to come which he must brace himself to endure
when it comes. To afford is to be equal to a pecuniary demand,
i. e., to be able to bear it. To brook is quietly to put up with
provocation or insult. Abide combines the senses of await and
endure; as, I will abide the result. Compare ABIDE; SUPPORT.
break, | despair, | fail, | fall, | give out, | sink, | surrender, |
break down, | droop, | faint, | falter, | give up, | succumb, | yield. |
adversary, | antagonist, | competitor, | foe, | opponent, | rival. |
An enemy in private life is one who is moved by hostile feeling
with active disposition to injure; but in military language all who
fight on the opposite side are called enemies or collectively "the
enemy," where no personal animosity may be implied; foe, which
is rather a poetical and literary word, implies intensely hostile
spirit and purpose. An antagonist is one who opposes and is
opposed actively and with intensity of effort; an opponent, one
in whom the attitude of resistance is the more prominent; a competitor,
one who seeks the same object for which another is striving;
antagonists in wrestling, competitors in business, opponents
in debate may contend with no personal ill will; rivals in love,
ambition, etc., rarely avoid inimical feeling. Adversary was
formerly much used in the general sense of antagonist or opponent,
but is now less common, and largely restricted to the hostile
sense; an adversary is ordinarily one who not only opposes another
in fact, but does so with hostile spirit, or perhaps out of
pure malignity; as, the great Adversary. Compare synonyms
abettor, | accessory, | accomplice, | ally, | friend, | helper, | supporter. |
He was the enemy of my friend in the contest.
acrimony, | bitterness, | ill will, | malignity, |
animosity, | hatred, | malevolence, | rancor, |
antagonism, | hostility, | malice, | spite. |
Enmity is the state of being an enemy or the feeling and disposition
characterizing an enemy (compare ENEMY). Animosity denotes
a feeling more active and vehement, but often less enduring
and determined, than enmity. Enmity distinctly recognizes its
object as an enemy, to be met or dealt with accordingly. Hostility
is enmity in action; the term hostilities between nations denotes
actual armed collision. Bitterness is a resentful feeling
arising from a belief that one has been wronged; acrimony is a
kindred feeling, but deeper and more persistent, and may arise
from the crossing of one's wishes or plans by another, where no
injustice or wrong is felt. Antagonism, as between two competing
authors or merchants, does not necessarily imply enmity, but ordinarily
suggests a shade, at least, of hostile feeling. Malice is a
disposition or intent to injure others, for the gratification of some
evil passion; malignity is intense and violent enmity, hatred, or
malice. Compare synonyms for ACRIMONY; ANGER; HATRED.
agreement, | amity, | friendship, | kindliness, | regard, |
alliance, | concord, | harmony, | kindness, | sympathy. |
amuse, | cheer, | disport, | enliven, | interest, | please, |
beguile, | delight, | divert, | gratify, | occupy, | recreate. |
To entertain, in the sense here considered, is to engage and
pleasantly occupy the attention; to amuse is to occupy the attention
in an especially bright and cheerful way, often with that
which excites merriment or laughter; as, he entertained us with
an amusing story. To divert is to turn from serious thoughts
or laborious pursuits to something that lightly and agreeably occupies
the mind; one may be entertained or amused who has
nothing serious or laborious from which to be diverted. To recreate,
literally to re-create, is to engage mind or body in some pleasing
activity that restores strength and energy for serious work.
To beguile is, as it were, to cheat into cheer and comfort by something
that insensibly draws thought or feeling away from pain or
disquiet. We beguile a weary hour, cheer the despondent, divert
the preoccupied, enliven a dull evening or company, gratify our[153]
friends' wishes, entertain, interest, please a listening audience,
occupy idle time, disport ourselves when merry, recreate when
worn with toil; we amuse ourselves or others with whatever
pleasantly passes the time without special exertion, each according
to his taste.
annoy, | bore, | busy, | disquiet, | distract, | disturb, | tire, | weary. |
amusement, | diversion, | fun, | pleasure, |
cheer, | enjoyment, | merriment, | recreation, |
delight, | frolic, | pastime, | sport. |
Entertainment and recreation imply thought and mental occupation,
tho in an agreeable, refreshing way; they are therefore
words of a high order. Entertainment, apart from its special
senses of a public performance or a social party, and predominantly
even there, is used of somewhat mirthful mental delight;
recreation may, and usually does, combine the mental with the
physical. Amusement and pastime are nearly equivalent, the
latter probably the lighter word; many slight things may be
pastimes which we should hardly dignify by the name of amusements.
Sports are almost wholly on the physical plane, tho
involving a certain grade of mental action; fox-hunting, horse-racing,
and baseball are sports. Certain sports may afford entertainment
or recreation to certain persons, according to their individual
tastes; but entertainment and recreation are capable of a
meaning so high as never to be approached by any meaning of
sport. Cheer may be very quiet, as the cheer of a bright fire to
an aged traveler; merriment is with liveliness and laughter; fun
and frolic are apt to be boisterous. Amusement is a form of enjoyment,
but enjoyment may be too keen to be called amusement.
Compare synonyms for ENTERTAIN.
ennui, | fatigue, | labor, | lassitude, | toil, | weariness, | work. |
ardor, | excitement, | frenzy, | transport, |
devotion, | extravagance, | inspiration, | vehemence, |
eagerness, | fanaticism, | intensity, | warmth, |
earnestness, | fervency, | passion, | zeal. |
ecstasy, | fervor, | rapture, |
The old meaning of enthusiasm implies a pseudo-inspiration,[154]
an almost frantic extravagance in behalf of something supposed
to be an expression of the divine will. This sense remains as the
controlling one in the kindred noun enthusiast. Enthusiasm has
now chiefly the meaning of an earnest and commendable devotion,
an intense and eager interest. Against the hindrances of the
world, nothing great and good can be carried without a certain
fervor, intensity, and vehemence; these joined with faith, courage,
and hopefulness make enthusiasm. Zeal is burning earnestness,
always tending to vigorous action with all the devotion of enthusiasm,
tho often without its hopefulness. Compare EAGER.
calculation, | caution, | deadness, | indifference, | policy, | timidity, |
calmness, | coldness, | dulness, | lukewarmness, | prudence, | wariness. |
access, | approach, | gate, | introduction, |
accession, | door, | gateway, | opening, |
adit, | doorway, | ingress, | penetration, |
admission, | entrée, | inlet, | portal. |
admittance, | entry, |
Entrance, the act of entering, refers merely to the fact of passing
from without to within some enclosure; admission and admittance
refer to entering by or with some one's consent, or at
least to opportunity afforded by some one's act or neglect. We
may effect or force an entrance, but not admittance or admission;
those we gain, procure, obtain, secure, win. Admittance refers to
place, admission refers also to position, privilege, favor, friendship,
etc. An intruder may gain admittance to the hall of a society
who would not be allowed admission to its membership. Approach
is a movement toward another; access is coming all the
way to his presence, recognition, and consideration. An unworthy
favorite may prevent even those who gain admittance to a king's
audience from obtaining any real access to the king. Entrance
is also used figuratively for setting out upon some career, or becoming
a member of some organization; as, we speak of one's
entrance upon college life, or of entrance into the ministry.
departure, | ejection, | exit, | refusal, | withdrawal. |
egress, | exclusion, | expulsion, | rejection, |
Entrance into a place; on or upon a work or course of action;
into or upon office; into battle; by or through the door; within
the gates; into or among the company.
One is envious who cherishes selfish ill will toward another because
of his superior success, endowments, possessions, or the
like. A person is envious of that which is another's, and to which
he himself has no right or claim; he is jealous of intrusion upon
that which is his own, or to which he maintains a right or claim.
An envious spirit is always bad; a jealous spirit may be good or
bad, according to its object and tendency. A free people must be
jealous of their liberties if they would retain them. One is suspicious
of another from unfavorable indications or from a knowledge
of wrong in his previous conduct, or even without reason.
Compare DOUBT.
contented, | friendly, | kindly, | satisfied, | trustful, | well-disposed. |
Envious of (formerly at or against) a person; envious of his
wealth or power; envious of him for, because of, on account of
his wealth or power.
ambiguous, | enigmatical, | indistinct, | questionable, |
doubtful, | indefinite, | obscure, | suspicious, |
dubious, | indeterminate, | perplexing, | uncertain. |
enigmatic, |
Equivocal (L. equus, equal, and vox, voice, word) denotes that
which may equally well be understood in either of two or more
ways. Ambiguous (L. ambi, around, and ago, drive, lead) signifies
lacking in distinctness or certainty, obscure or doubtful
through indefiniteness of expression. Ambiguous is applied only
to spoken or written statements; equivocal has other applications.
A statement is ambiguous when it leaves the mind of the reader
or hearer to fluctuate between two meanings, which would fit the
language equally well; it is equivocal when it would naturally be
understood in one way, but is capable of a different interpretation;
an equivocal expression is, as a rule, intentionally deceptive,
while an ambiguous utterance may be simply the result of a want
either of clear thought or of adequate expression. That which is
enigmatical must be guessed like a riddle; a statement may be
purposely made enigmatical in order to provoke thought and
study. That is doubtful which is fairly open to doubt; that is
dubious which has become the subject of doubts so grave as[156]
scarcely to fall short of condemnation; as, a dubious reputation.
Questionable may be used nearly in the sense either of dubious or
of doubtful; a questionable statement is one that must be proved
before it can be accepted. To say that one's honesty is questionable
is a mild way of saying that in the opinion of the speaker he is
likely to prove dishonest. Equivocal is sometimes, tho more
rarely, used in this sense. A suspicious character gives manifest
reason to be suspected; a suspicious temper is inclined to suspect
the motives and intentions of others, with or without reason.
Compare CLEAR.
certain, | evident, | lucid, | perspicuous, | unequivocal, |
clear, | indisputable, | manifest, | plain, | unquestionable, |
distinct, | indubitable, | obvious, | unambiguous, | unquestioned. |
appreciate, | consider, | estimate, | prize, | think, |
calculate, | deem, | hold, | regard, | value. |
Esteem and estimate alike imply to set a certain mental value
upon, but esteem is less precise and mercantile than calculate or
estimate. We esteem a jewel precious; we estimate it to be worth
so much money. This sense of esteem is now chiefly found in literary
or oratorical style, and in certain conventional phrases; as,
I esteem it an honor, a favor. In popular usage esteem, as said of
persons, denotes a union of respect and kindly feeling and, in the
highest sense, of moral approbation; as, one whom I highly
esteem; the word may be used in a similar sense of material
things or abstractions; as, one whose friendship I esteem; a shell
greatly esteemed for inlaid work. To appreciate anything is to
be deeply or keenly sensible of or sensitive to its qualities or influence,
to see its full import, be alive to its value, importance, or
worth; as, to appreciate beauty or harmony; to appreciate one's
services in a cause; the word is similarly, tho rarely, used of
persons. To prize is to set a high value on for something more
than merely commercial reasons. One may value some object, as
a picture, beyond all price, as a family heirloom, or may prize it
as the gift of an esteemed friend, without at all appreciating its
artistic merit or commercial value. To regard (F. regarder, look
at, observe) is to have a certain mental view favorable or unfavorable;
as, I regard him as a friend; or, I regard him as a villain;
regard has a distinctively favorable sense as applied to institutions,[157]
proprieties, duties, etc., but does not share the use of the noun regard
as applied to persons; we regard the Sabbath; we regard a
person's feelings; we have a regard for the person. Compare
estimate, | estimation, | favor, | regard, | respect. |
Esteem for a person is a favorable opinion on the basis of
worth, especially of moral worth, joined with a feeling of interest
in and attraction toward the person. Regard for a person is the
mental view or feeling that springs from a sense of his value, excellence,
or superiority, with a cordial and hearty friendliness.
Regard is more personal and less distant than esteem, and adds a
special kindliness; respect is a more distant word than esteem.
Respect may be wholly on one side, while regard is more often
mutual; respect in the fullest sense is given to what is lofty,
worthy, and honorable, or to a person of such qualities; we may
pay an external respect to one of lofty station, regardless of personal
qualities, showing respect for the office. Estimate has more
of calculation; as, my estimate of the man, or of his abilities, is
very high. Estimation involves the idea of calculation or appraisal
with that of esteem or regard, and is especially used of the
feeling entertained by numbers of people; as, he stood high in
public estimation. Compare ESTEEM, v.; FRIENDSHIP; LOVE.
abhorrence, | aversion, | dislike, | loathing, |
antipathy, | contempt, | hatred, | repugnance. |
deathless, | fadeless, | never-failing, | undying, |
endless, | immortal, | perennial, | unending, |
eonian, | imperishable, | perpetual, | unfading, |
everlasting, | interminable, | timeless, | unfailing, |
ever-living, | never-ending, | unceasing, | without end. |
Eternal strictly signifies without beginning or end, in which
sense it applies to God alone; everlasting applies to that which
may or may not have beginning, but will never cease; eternal is
also used in this more limited sense; endless, without end, in its
utmost reach, is not distinguishable from everlasting; but endless
is constantly used in inferior senses, especially in mechanics, as in
the phrases an endless screw, an endless chain. Everlasting and
endless are both used in a limited sense of protracted, indefinite,[158]
but not infinite duration; as, the everlasting hills; endless debates;
so we speak of interminable quarrels. Eternal holds quite
strictly to the vast and sacred meaning in which it is applied to
the Divine Being and the future state. Everlasting, endless, and
eternal may be applied to that which has no life; as, everlasting
chains, endless night, eternal death; immortal applies to that
which now has life, and is forever exempt from death. Timeless
carries, perhaps, the fullest idea of eternal, as above and beyond
time, and not to be measured by it.
case, | contingency, | fortune, | outcome, |
chance, | end, | incident, | possibility, |
circumstance, | episode, | issue, | result, |
consequence, | fact, | occurrence, | sequel. |
Etymologically, the incident is that which falls in, the event
that which comes out; event is thus greater and more signal than
incident; we speak of trifling incidents, great events; incidents
of daily life, events of history. Circumstance agrees with incident
in denoting a matter of relatively slight importance, but implies
a more direct connection with the principal matter; "circumstantial
evidence" is evidence from seemingly minor matters
directly connected with a case; "incidental evidence" would be
some evidence that happened unexpectedly to touch it. An occurrence
is, etymologically, that which we run against, without
thought of its origin, connection or tendency. An episode is connected
with the main course of events, like an incident or circumstance,
but is of more independent interest and importance. Outcome
is the Saxon, and event the Latin for expressing the same
original idea. Consequence or result would express more of logical
connection, and be more comprehensive. The end may be
simple cessation; the event is what has been accomplished; the
event of a war is victory or defeat; the end of the war is reached
when a treaty of peace is signed. Since the future is contingent,
event comes to have the meaning of a contingency; as, in the event
of his death, the policy will at once fall due. Compare CIRCUMSTANCE;
all, | any, | both, | each, | either. |
All and both are collective; any, each, and every are distributive.[159]
Any makes no selection and may not reach to the full limits
of all; each and every make no exception or omission, and must
extend to all; all sweeps in the units as part of a total, each and
every proceed through the units to the total. A promise made to
all omits none; a promise made to any may not reach all; a
promise made to every one is so made that no individual shall fail
to be aware of it; a promise made to each is made to the individuals
personally, one by one. Each is thus more individual and
specific than every; every classifies, each individualizes. Each
divides, both unites; if a certain sum is given to each of two persons,
both (together) must receive twice the amount; both must
be aware of what has been separately communicated to each; a
man may fire both barrels of a gun by a single movement; if he
fires each barrel, he discharges them separately. Either properly
denotes one of two, indefinitely, to the exclusion of the other.
The use of either in the sense of each or both, tho sustained by
good authority, is objectionable because ambiguous. His friends
sat on either side of the room would naturally mean on one side
or the other; if the meaning is on both sides, it would be better to
say so.
apparent, | glaring, | overt, | tangible, |
clear, | indubitable, | palpable, | transparent, |
conspicuous, | manifest, | patent, | unmistakable, |
discernible, | obvious, | perceptible, | visible. |
distinct, | open, | plain, |
That is apparent which clearly appears to the senses or to the
mind as soon as the attention is directed toward it; that is evident
of which the mind is made sure by some inference that supplements
the facts of perception; the marks of a struggle were apparent
in broken shrubbery and trampled ground, and the finding of
a mutilated body and a rifled purse made it evident that robbery
and murder had been committed. That is manifest which we can
lay the hand upon; manifest is thus stronger than evident, as
touch is more absolute than sight; that the picture was a modern
copy of an ancient work was evident, and on comparison with the
original its inferiority was manifest. That is obvious which is
directly in the way so that it can not be missed; as, the application
of the remark was obvious. Visible applies to all that can be
perceived by the sense of sight, whether the noonday sun, a ship
on the horizon, or a microscopic object. Discernible applies to[160]
that which is dimly or faintly visible, requiring strain and effort in
order to be seen; as, the ship was discernible through the mist.
That is conspicuous which stands out so as necessarily or strikingly
to attract the attention. Palpable and tangible express more
emphatically the thought of manifest.
concealed, | impalpable, | latent, | secret, | unknown, |
covert, | impenetrable, | obscure, | undiscovered, | unseen, |
dark, | imperceptible, | occult, | unimagined, | unthought-of. |
hidden, | invisible, |
archetype, | ideal, | prototype, | type, |
ensample, | model, | sample, | warning. |
exemplar, | pattern, | specimen, |
exemplification, | precedent, | standard, |
From its original sense of sample or specimen (L. exemplum)
example derives the seemingly contradictory meanings, on the one
hand of a pattern or model, and on the other hand of a warning—a
sample or specimen of what is to be followed, or of what is to
be shunned. An example, however, may be more than a sample
or specimen of any class; it may be the very archetype or prototype
to which the whole class must conform, as when Christ is
spoken of as being an example or leaving an example for his disciples.
Example comes nearer to the possible freedom of the
model than to the necessary exactness of the pattern; often we
can not, in a given case, exactly imitate the best example, but
only adapt its teachings to altered circumstances. In its application
to a person or thing, exemplar can scarcely be distinguished
from example; but example is most frequently used for an act, or
course of action, for which exemplar is not used; as, one sets a
good (or a bad) example. An exemplification is an illustrative
working out in action of a principle or law, without any reference
to its being copied or repeated; an example guides, an exemplification
illustrates or explains. Ensample is the same as example,
but is practically obsolete outside of Scriptural or theological language.
dissipation, | lavishness, | redundance, | surplus, |
exorbitance, | overplus, | redundancy, | waste, |
extravagance, | prodigality, | superabundance, | wastefulness. |
intemperance, | profusion, | superfluity, |
Excess is more than enough of anything, and, since this in[161]
very many cases indicates a lack either of judgment or of self-control,
the word is used frequently in an unfavorable sense.
Careless expenditure in excess of income is extravagance; we
may have also extravagance of language, professions, etc. As
extravagance is excess in outlay, exorbitance is excess in demands,
and especially in pecuniary demands upon others. Overplus and
superabundance denote in the main a satisfactory, and superfluity
an undesirable, excess; lavishness and profusion, a generous,
bountiful, or amiable excess; as, a profusion of fair hair; lavishness
of hospitality. Surplus is neutral, having none of the unfavorable
meaning that often attaches to excess; a surplus is that
which remains over after all demands are met. Redundance or
redundancy refers chiefly to literary style, denoting an excess of
words or matter. Excess in the moral sense is expressed by dissipation,
prodigality, intemperance, etc.
dearth, | destitution, | frugality, | lack, | scantiness, |
defect, | economy, | inadequacy, | need, | shortcoming, |
deficiency, | failure, | insufficiency, | poverty, | want. |
administer, | carry out, | do, | enforce, | perform. |
To execute is to follow through to the end, put into absolute
and final effect in action; to administer is to conduct as one holding
a trust, as a minister and not an originator; the sheriff
executes a writ; the trustee administers an estate, a charity, etc.;
to enforce is to put into effect by force, actual or potential. To
administer the laws is the province of a court of justice; to execute
the laws is the province of a sheriff, marshal, constable, or
other executive officer; to administer the law is to declare or
apply it; to execute the law is to put it in force; for this enforce
is the more general word, execute the more specific. From signifying
to superintend officially some application or infliction, administer
passes by a natural transition to signify inflict, mete out,
dispense, and blows, medicine, etc., are said to be administered:
a usage thoroughly established and reputable in spite of pedantic
objections. Enforce signifies also to present and urge home by
intellectual and moral force; as, to enforce a precept or a duty.
Compare DO; KILL; MAKE.
act, | application, | exertion, | performance, |
action, | drill, | occupation, | practise, |
activity, | employment, | operation, | use. |
Exercise, in the ordinary sense, is the easy natural action of
any power; exertion is the putting of any power to strain and
tax. An exercise-drive for a horse is so much as will develop
strength and health and not appreciably weary. But by qualifying
adjectives we may bring exercise up to the full sense of exertion;
as, violent exercise. Exercise is action taken at any time
with a view to employing, maintaining, or increasing power, or
merely for enjoyment; practise is systematic exercise with a view
to the acquirement of facility and skill in some pursuit; a person
takes a walk for exercise, or takes time for practise on the piano.
Practise is also used of putting into action and effect what one
has learned or holds as a theory; as, the practise of law or medicine;
a profession of religion is good, but the practise of it is better.
Drill is systematic, rigorous, and commonly enforced practise
under a teacher or commander. Compare HABIT.
idleness, | inaction, | inactivity, | relaxation, | rest. |
cost, | expenditure, | outgo, | outlay. |
The cost of a thing is whatever one surrenders or gives up for
it, intentionally or unintentionally, or even unconsciously; expense
is what is laid out by calculation or intention. We say,
"he won his fame at the cost of his life;" "I know it to my cost;"
we speak of a joke at another's expense; at another's cost would
seem to make it a more serious matter. There is a tendency to
use cost of what we pay for a possession, expense of what we pay
for a service; we speak of the cost of goods, the expense of making
up. Outlay is used of some definite expenditure, as for the
purchase of supplies; outgo of a steady drain or of incidental expenses.
gain, | proceeds, | profit, | receipt, | return, |
income, | product, | profits, | receipts, | returns. |
Both explicit and express are opposed to what is merely implicit[163]
or implied. That which is explicit is unfolded, so that it
may not be obscure, doubtful, or ambiguous; that which is express
is uttered or stated so decidedly that it may not be forgotten
nor overlooked. An explicit statement is too clear to be misunderstood;
an express command is too emphatic to be disregarded.
Compare CLEAR.
ambiguous, | implicit, | indefinite, | uncertain, |
doubtful, | implied, | indeterminate, | vague. |
extemporary, | impromptu, | offhand, |
extempore, | improvised, | unpremeditated. |
Extemporaneous, originally signifying of or from the time or
occasion, has come to mean done or made with but little (if any)
preparation, and is now chiefly applied to addresses of which the
thought has been prepared, and only the language and incidental
treatment left to the suggestion of the moment, so that an extemporaneous
speech is understood to be any one that is not read
or recited; impromptu keeps its original sense, denoting something
that springs from the instant; the impromptu utterance is generally
brief, direct, and vigorous; the extemporaneous speech
may chance to be prosy. Offhand is still more emphatic as to
the readiness and freedom of the utterance. Unpremeditated is
graver and more formal, denoting absolute want of preparation,
but is rather too heavy a word to be applied to such apt, ready
utterance as is generally designated by impromptu.
elaborated, | premeditated, | prepared, | read, | recited, | studied, | written. |
annihilate, | eradicate, | overthrow, | uproot, |
banish, | expel, | remove, | wipe out. |
destroy, | extirpate, | root out, |
Exterminate (L. ex, out, and terminus, a boundary) signified
primarily to drive beyond the bounds or limits of a country; the
word is applied to races of men or animals, and is now almost exclusively
used for removal by death; individuals are now said to
be banished or expelled. Eradicate (L. e, out, and radix, root) is
primarily applied to numbers or groups of plants which it is desired
to remove effectually from the soil; a single tree may be uprooted,
but is not said to be eradicated; we labor to eradicate[164]
or root out noxious weeds. To extirpate (L. ex, out, and stirps,
stem, stock) is not only to destroy the individuals of any race of
plants or animals, but the very stock, so that the race can never
be restored; we speak of eradicating a disease, of extirpating a
cancer, exterminating wild beasts or hostile tribes; we seek to
eradicate or extirpate all vices and evils. Compare ABOLISH.
augment, | breed, | cherish, | develop, | increase, | populate, | replenish, |
beget, | build up, | colonize, | foster, | plant, | propagate, | settle. |
dim, | fatigued, | irresolute, | weak, |
exhausted, | feeble, | languid, | wearied, |
faded, | half-hearted, | listless, | worn, |
faint-hearted, | ill-defined, | purposeless, | worn down, |
faltering, | indistinct, | timid, | worn out. |
Faint, with the general sense of lacking strength or effectiveness,
covers a wide range of meaning, signifying overcome with
physical weakness or exhaustion, or lacking in purpose, courage,
or energy, as said of persons; or lacking definiteness or distinctness
of color or sound, as said of written characters, voices, or
musical notes. A person may be faint when physically wearied,
or when overcome with fear; he may be a faint adherent because
naturally feeble or purposeless, or because half-hearted in the
cause; he may be a faltering supporter because naturally irresolute
or because faint-hearted and timid in view of perils that
threaten, a listless worker, through want of mental energy and
purpose. Written characters may be faint or dim, either because
originally written with poor ink, or because they have become
faded by time and exposure.
bright, | clear, | daring, | fresh, | resolute, | sturdy, |
brilliant, | conspicuous, | energetic, | hearty, | strong, | vigorous. |
Faint with hunger; faint in color.
assent, | confidence, | credit, | opinion, |
assurance, | conviction, | creed, | reliance, |
belief, | credence, | doctrine, | trust. |
Belief, as an intellectual process, is the acceptance of some[165]
thing as true on other grounds than personal observation and experience.
We give credence to a report, assent to a proposition or
to a proposal. Belief is stronger than credence; credence might be
described as a prima facie belief; credence is a more formal word
than belief, and seems to imply somewhat more of volition; we
speak of giving credence to a report, but not of giving belief.
Goods are sold on credit; we give one credit for good intentions.
Conviction is a belief established by argument or evidence; assurance
is belief beyond the reach of argument; as, the Christian's
assurance of salvation. An opinion is a general conclusion held
as probable, tho without full certainty; a persuasion is a more
confident opinion, involving the heart as well as the intellect. In
religion, a doctrine is a statement of belief regarding a single
point; a creed is a summary statement of doctrines. Confidence
is a firm dependence upon a statement as true, or upon a person as
worthy. Reliance is confidence on which we act or are ready to act
unquestioningly; we have a calm reliance upon the uniformity of
nature. Trust is a practical and tranquil resting of the mind upon
the integrity, kindness, friendship, or promises of a person; we
have trust in God. Faith is a union of belief and trust. Faith
is chiefly personal; belief may be quite impersonal; we speak of
belief of a proposition, faith in a promise, because the promise emanates
from a person. But belief in a person is often used with
no appreciable difference from faith. In religion it is common to
distinguish between intellectual belief of religious truth, as any
other truth might be believed, and belief of the heart, or saving
denial, | dissent, | doubt, | infidelity, | rejection, | suspicion, |
disbelief, | distrust, | incredulity, | misgiving, | skepticism, | unbelief. |
Have faith in God; the faith of the gospel.
devoted, | incorruptible, | stanch, | true, | trusty, |
firm, | loyal, | sure, | trustworthy, | unwavering. |
A person is faithful who will keep faith, whether with or without
power to aid or serve; a person or thing is trusty that possesses
such qualities as to justify the fullest confidence and dependence.[166]
We may speak of a faithful but feeble friend; we say
a trusty agent, a trusty steed, a trusty sword.
capricious, | false, | unfaithful, | untrustworthy, |
faithless, | fickle, | untrue, | wavering. |
Faithful in service; to duty; to comrade or commander;
faithful among the faithless.
celebrity, | eminence, | honor, | notoriety, | reputation, |
credit, | glory, | laurels, | renown, | repute. |
distinction, |
Fame is the widely disseminated report of a person's character,
deeds, or abilities, and is oftenest used in the favorable sense.
Reputation and repute are more limited than fame, and may be
either good or bad. Notoriety is evil repute or a dishonorable
counterfeit of fame. Eminence and distinction may result from
rank, station, or character. Celebrity is limited in range; we
speak of local celebrity, or world-wide fame. Fame in its best
sense may be defined as the applause of numbers; renown, as such
applause worthily won; we speak of the conqueror's fame, the
patriot's renown. Glory and honor are of good import; honor
may be given for qualities or acts that should not win it, but it is
always given as something good and worthy; we can speak of an
evil fame, but not of evil honor; glory has a more exalted and
often a sacred sense.
contempt, | discredit, | dishonor, | humiliation, | infamy, | obscurity, |
contumely, | disgrace, | disrepute, | ignominy, | oblivion, | shame. |
bigotry, | credulity, | intolerance, | superstition. |
Fanaticism is extravagant or even frenzied zeal; bigotry is
obstinate and unreasoning attachment to a cause or creed; fanaticism
and bigotry usually include intolerance, which is unwillingness
to tolerate beliefs or opinions contrary to one's own; superstition
is ignorant and irrational religious belief. Credulity is not
distinctively religious, but is a general readiness to believe without
sufficient evidence, with a proneness to accept the marvellous.
Bigotry is narrow, fanaticism is fierce, superstition is ignorant,
credulity is weak, intolerance is severe. Bigotry has not the[167]
capacity to reason fairly, fanaticism has not the patience, superstition
has not the knowledge and mental discipline, intolerance
has not the disposition. Bigotry, fanaticism, and superstition
are perversions of the religious sentiment; credulity and intolerance
often accompany skepticism or atheism.
cynicism, | free-thinking, | indifference, | latitudinarianism. |
chimerical, | fantastic, | grotesque, | imaginative, | visionary. |
That is fanciful which is dictated or suggested by fancy independently
of more serious considerations; the fantastic is the fanciful
with the added elements of whimsicalness and extravagance.
The fanciful swings away from the real or the ordinary lightly
and pleasantly, the fantastic extravagantly, the grotesque ridiculously.
A fanciful arrangement of objects is commonly pleasing,
a fantastic arrangement is striking, a grotesque arrangement
is laughable. A fanciful theory or suggestion may be clearly
recognized as such; a visionary scheme is erroneously supposed
to have a basis in fact. Compare synonyms for DREAM; IDEA;
accurate, | commonplace, | prosaic, | regular, | sound, |
calculable, | literal, | real, | sensible, | sure, |
calculated, | ordinary, | reasonable, | solid, | true. |
belief, | desire, | imagination, | predilection, |
caprice, | humor, | inclination, | supposition, |
conceit, | idea, | liking, | vagary, |
conception, | image, | mood, | whim. |
An intellectual fancy is a mental image or picture founded
upon slight or whimsical association or resemblance; a conceit
has less of the picturesque and more of the theoretic than a fancy;
a conceit is somewhat aside from the common laws of reasoning,
as a fancy is lighter and more airy than the common mode of
thought. A conceit or fancy may be wholly unfounded, while a
conception always has, or is believed to have, some answering reality.
(Compare REASON.) An intellectual fancy or conceit may
be pleasing or amusing, but is never worth serious discussion; we
speak of a mere fancy, a droll or odd conceit. An emotional or
personal fancy is a capricious liking formed with slight reason and[168]
no exercise of judgment, and liable to fade as lightly as it was
formed. In a broader sense, the fancy signifies the faculty by
which fancies or mental images are formed, associated, or combined.
Compare synonyms for DREAM; IDEA; IMAGINATION.
actuality, | certainty, | fact, | reality, | truth, | verity. |
To have a fancy for or take a fancy to a person or thing.
adieu, | good-by, | parting salutation, | valedictory. |
congé, | leave-taking, | valediction, |
Good-by is the homely and hearty, farewell the formal English
word at parting. Adieu, from the French, is still more ceremonious
than farewell; congé, also from the French, is commonly
contemptuous or supercilious, and equivalent to dismissal. Valediction
is a learned word never in popular use. A valedictory is
a public farewell to a company or assembly.
I bade farewell to my comrades, or (without preposition) I bade
my comrades farewell; I took a sad farewell of my friends.
affright, | dismay, | horror, | timidity, |
apprehension, | disquietude, | misgiving, | trembling, |
awe, | dread, | panic, | tremor, |
consternation, | fright, | terror, | trepidation. |
Fear is the generic term denoting an emotion excited by threatening
evil with a desire to avoid or escape it; fear may be sudden
or lingering, in view of present, of imminent, or of distant and
only possible danger; in the latter sense dread is oftener used.
Horror (etymologically a shivering or shuddering) denotes a
shuddering fear accompanied with abhorrence or such a shock to
the feelings and sensibilities as may exist without fear, as when
one suddenly encounters some ghastly spectacle; we say of a desperate
but fettered criminal, "I looked upon him with horror."
Where horror includes fear, it is fear mingled with abhorrence.
(See ABHOR.) Affright, fright, and terror are always sudden, and
in actual presence of that which is terrible. Fear may overwhelm,
or may nerve one to desperate defense; fright and terror render
one incapable of defense; fear may be controlled by force of[169]
will; fright and terror overwhelm the will; terror paralyzes,
fright may cause one to fly, to scream, or to swoon. Fright
is largely a matter of the nerves; fear of the intellect and the
imagination; terror of all the faculties, bodily and mental. Panic
is a sudden fear or fright, affecting numbers at once; vast armies
or crowded audiences are liable to panic upon slight occasion. In
a like sense we speak of a financial panic. Dismay is a helpless
sinking of heart in view of some overwhelming peril or sorrow.
Dismay is more reflective, enduring, and despairing than fright;
a horse is subject to fright or terror, but not to dismay. Awe is
a reverential fear. Compare ALARM.
See synonyms for FORTITUDE.
effeminate, | female, | womanish, | womanly. |
We apply female to the sex, feminine to the qualities, especially
the finer physical or mental qualities that distinguish the female
sex in the human family, or to the objects appropriate for or especially
employed by them. A female voice is the voice of a woman;
a feminine voice may belong to a man. Womanish denotes
the undesirable, womanly the admirable or lovely qualities of woman.
Womanly tears would suggest respect and sympathy, womanish
tears a touch of contempt. The word effeminate is always
used reproachfully, and only of men as possessing womanly traits
such as are inconsistent with true manliness.
See synonyms for MASCULINE.
bondage, | custody, | gyves, | irons, |
bonds, | durance, | handcuffs, | manacles, |
chains, | duress, | imprisonment, | shackles. |
Bonds may be of cord, leather, or any other substance that can
bind; chains are of linked metal. Manacles and handcuffs are for
the hands, fetters are primarily chains or jointed iron fastenings
for the feet; gyves may be for either. A shackle is a metallic ring,
clasp, or bracelet-like fastening for encircling and restraining a
limb: commonly one of a pair, used either for hands or feet.
Bonds, fetters, and chains are used in a general way for almost[170]
any form of restraint. Gyves is now wholly poetic, and the other
words are mostly restricted to the literary style; handcuffs is the
specific and irons the general term in popular usage; as, the prisoner
was put in irons. Bonds, chains, and shackles are frequently
used in the metaphorical sense.
affray, | brawl, | contest, | dissension, | hostility, |
animosity, | broil, | controversy, | enmity, | quarrel, |
bitterness, | contention, | dispute, | fray, | strife. |
A feud is enmity between families, clans, or parties, with acts
of hostility mutually retaliated and avenged; feud is rarely used
of individuals, never of nations. While all the other words of the
group may refer to that which is transient, a feud is long-enduring,
and often hereditary. Dissension is used of a number of persons,
of a party or other organization. Bitterness is in feeling
only; enmity and hostility involve will and purpose to oppose or
injure. A quarrel is in word or act, or both, and is commonly
slight and transient, as we speak of childish quarrels; contention
and strife may be in word or deed; contest ordinarily involves
some form of action. Contest is often used in a good sense, contention
and strife very rarely so. Controversy is commonly in
words; strife extends from verbal controversy to the contests of
armies. Affray, brawl, and broil, like quarrel, are words of inferior
dignity. An affray or broil may arise at a street corner; the
affray always involves physical force; the brawl or broil may be
confined to violent language.
allegory, | fabrication, | invention, | myth, | romance, |
apologue, | falsehood, | legend, | novel, | story. |
fable, | figment, |
Fiction is now chiefly used of a prose work in narrative form
in which the characters are partly or wholly imaginary, and
which is designed to portray human life, with or without a practical
lesson; a romance portrays what is picturesque or striking,
as a mere fiction may not do; novel is a general name for any continuous
fictitious narrative, especially a love-story; fiction and
novel are used with little difference of meaning, except that novel
characterizes a work in which the emotional element is especially[171]
prominent. The moral of the fable is expressed formally; the
lesson of the fiction, if any, is inwrought. A fiction is studied; a
myth grows up without intent. A legend may be true, but can
not be historically verified; a myth has been received as true at
some time, but is now known to be false. A fabrication is designed
to deceive; it is a less odious word than falsehood, but is
really stronger, as a falsehood may be a sudden unpremeditated
statement, while a fabrication is a series of statements carefully
studied and fitted together in order to deceive; the falsehood is all
false; the fabrication may mingle the true with the false. A figment
is something imaginary which the one who utters it may or
may not believe to be true; we say, "That statement is a figment
of his imagination." The story may be either true or false, and
covers the various senses of all the words in the group. Apologue,
a word simply transferred from Greek into English, is the same
as fable. Compare ALLEGORY.
certainty, | fact, | history, | literalness, | reality, | truth, | verity. |
ferocious, | furious, | raging, | uncultivated, | violent, |
fiery, | impetuous, | savage, | untrained, | wild. |
Fierce signifies having a furious and cruel nature, or being in
a furious and cruel mood, more commonly the latter. It applies
to that which is now intensely excited, or liable to intense and
sudden excitement. Ferocious refers to a state or disposition; that
which is fierce flashes or blazes; that which is ferocious steadily
burns; we speak of a ferocious animal, a fierce passion. A fiery
spirit with a good disposition is quickly excitable in a good cause,
but may not be fierce or ferocious. Savage signifies untrained, uncultivated.
Ferocious always denotes a tendency to violence; it
is more distinctly bloodthirsty than the other words; a person
may be deeply, intensely cruel, and not at all ferocious; a ferocious
countenance expresses habitual ferocity; a fierce countenance
may express habitual fierceness, or only the sudden anger of the
moment. That which is wild is simply unrestrained; the word
may imply no anger or harshness; as, wild delight, wild alarm.
affectionate, | gentle, | kind, | patient, | submissive, | tame, |
docile, | harmless, | mild, | peaceful, | sweet, | tender. |
fiscal, | monetary, | pecuniary. |
These words all relate to money, receipts, or expenditures.
Monetary relates to actual money, coin, currency; as, the monetary
system; a monetary transaction is one in which money is
transferred. Pecuniary refers to that in which money is involved,
but less directly; we speak of one's pecuniary affairs or
interests, with no special reference to the handling of cash. Financial
applies especially to governmental revenues or expenditures,
or to private transactions of considerable moment; we
speak of a pecuniary reward, a financial enterprise; we give a
needy person pecuniary (not financial) assistance. It is common
to speak of the fiscal rather than the financial year.
beautiful, | excellent, | polished, | small, |
clarified, | exquisite, | pure, | smooth, |
clear, | gauzy, | refined, | splendid, |
comminuted, | handsome, | sensitive, | subtile, |
dainty, | keen, | sharp, | subtle, |
delicate, | minute, | slender, | tenuous, |
elegant, | nice, | slight, | thin. |
Fine (L. finis, end) denotes that which has been brought to a
full end, finished. From this root-sense many derived meanings
branch out, causing words quite remote from each other to be
alike synonyms of fine. That which is truly finished, brought to
an ideal end, is excellent of its kind, and beautiful, if a thing that
admits of beauty; as, a fine house, fine trees, a fine woman, a fine
morning; if a thing that admits of the removal of impurities, it
is not finished till these are removed, and hence fine signifies clarified,
clear, pure, refined; as, fine gold. That which is finished
is apt to be polished, smooth to the touch, minutely exact in outline;
hence fine comes to be a synonym for all words like dainty,
delicate, exquisite; as, fine manners, a fine touch, fine perceptions.
As that which is delicate is apt to be small, by an easy extension
of meaning fine becomes a synonym for slender, slight,
minute, comminuted; as, a fine thread, fine sand; or for filmy,
tenuous, thin; as, a fine lace, fine wire; and as a thin edge is keen,
sharp, fine becomes also a synonym for these words; as, a fine
point, a fine edge. Compare BEAUTIFUL; MINUTE.
big, | clumsy, | great, | huge, | large, | stout, |
blunt, | coarse, | heavy, | immense, | rude, | thick. |
blaze, | burning, | combustion, | conflagration, | flame. |
Combustion is the essential fact which is at the basis of that
assemblage of visible phenomenon which we call fire; combustion
being the continuous chemical combination of a substance with
some element, as oxygen, evolving heat, and extending from slow
processes, such as those by which the heat of the human body
is maintained, to the processes producing the most intense light
also, as in a blast-furnace, or on the surface of the sun. Fire is
always attended with light, as well as heat; blaze, flame, etc.,
designate the mingled light and heat of a fire. Combustion is the
scientific, fire the popular term. A conflagration is an extensive
fire. Compare LIGHT.
bevy, | covey, | group, | herd, | lot, | set, |
brood, | drove, | hatch, | litter, | pack, | swarm. |
Group is the general word for any gathering of a small number
of objects, whether of persons, animals, or inanimate things.
The individuals in a brood or litter are related to each other;
those in the other groups may not be. Brood is used chiefly of
fowls and birds, litter of certain quadrupeds which bring forth
many young at a birth; we speak of a brood of chickens, a litter
of puppies; brood is sometimes applied to a family of young children.
Bevy is used of birds, and figuratively of any bright and
lively group of women or children, but rarely of men. Flock
is applied to birds and to some of the smaller animals; herd is
confined to the larger animals; we speak of a bevy of quail, a
covey of partridges, a flock of blackbirds, or a flock of sheep, a
herd of cattle, horses, buffaloes, or elephants, a pack of wolves,
a pack of hounds, a swarm of bees. A collection of animals
driven or gathered for driving is called a drove.
hesitate, | swerve, | vacillate, | veer, |
oscillate, | undulate, | vary, | waver. |
To fluctuate (L. fluctus, a wave) is to move like a wave with
alternate rise and fall. A pendulum oscillates; waves fluctuate
or undulate; a light or a flame wavers; a frightened steed swerves[174]
from his course; a tool or weapon swerves from the mark or line;
the temperature varies; the wind veers when it suddenly changes
its direction. That which veers may steadily hold the new direction;
that which oscillates, fluctuates, undulates, or wavers returns
upon its way. As regards mental states, he who hesitates
sticks (L. hærere) on the verge of decision; he who wavers does
not stick to a decision; he who vacillates decides now one way,
and now another; one vacillates between contrasted decisions or
actions; he may waver between decision and indecision, or between
action and inaction. Persons hesitate, vacillate, waver;
feelings fluctuate or vary. Compare SHAKE.
abide, | adhere, | hold fast, | persist, | stand fast, | stay, | stick. |
A fluid is a substance that, like air or water, yields to any
force that tends to change its form; a liquid is a body in that
state in which the particles move freely among themselves, but
remain in one mass, keeping the same volume, but taking always
the form of the containing vessel; a liquid is an inelastic fluid;
a gas is an elastic fluid that tends to expand to the utmost limits
of the containing space. All liquids are fluids, but not all fluids
are liquids; air and all the gases are fluids, but they are not
liquids under ordinary circumstances, tho capable of being reduced
to a liquid form by special means, as by cold and pressure.
Water at the ordinary temperature is at once a fluid and a liquid.
accompany, | come after, | go after, | obey, | pursue, |
attend, | copy, | heed, | observe, | result, |
chase, | ensue, | imitate, | practise, | succeed. |
Anything that comes after or goes after another, either in space
or in time, is said to follow it. A servant follows or attends his
master; a victorious general may follow the retiring enemy
merely to watch and hold him in check; he chases or pursues
with intent to overtake and attack; the chase is closer and hotter
than the pursuit. (Compare synonyms for HUNT.) One event may
follow another either with or without special connection; if it[175]
ensues, there is some orderly connection; as, the ensuing year;
if it results from another, there is some relation of effect, consequence,
or inference. A clerk observes his employer's directions.
A child obeys his parent's commands, follows or copies his example,
imitates his speech and manners. The compositor follows
copy; the incoming succeeds the outgoing official.
aliment, | feed, | nourishment, | pabulum, | sustenance, |
diet, | fodder, | nutriment, | provender, | viands, |
fare, | forage, | nutrition, | regimen, | victuals. |
Food is, in the popular sense, whatever one eats in contradistinction
to what one drinks. Thus, we speak of food and drink, of
wholesome, unwholesome, or indigestible food; but in a more
scientific sense whatever, when taken into the digestive organs,
serves to build up structure or supply waste may be termed food;
the word is extended to plants to signify whatever taken in any
way into the organism serves similar purposes; thus, we speak of
liquid food, plant food, etc.; in this wider sense food is closely
synonymous with nutriment, nourishment, and sustenance. Diet
refers to the quantity and quality of food habitually taken, with
reference to preservation of health. Victuals is a plain, homely
word for whatever may be eaten; we speak of choice viands, cold
victuals. Nourishment and sustenance apply to whatever can be
introduced into the system as a means of sustaining life; we say
of a convalescent, he is taking nourishment. Nutriment and
nutrition have more of scientific reference to the vitalizing
principles of various foods; thus, wheat is said to contain a great
amount of nutriment. Regimen considers food as taken by strict
rule, but applies more widely to the whole ordering of life. Fare
is a general word for all table supplies, good or bad; as, sumptuous
fare; wretched fare. Feed, fodder, and provender are used
only of the food of the lower animals, feed denoting anything
consumed, but more commonly grain, fodder denoting hay, cornstalks,
or the like, sometimes called "long feed;" provender is
dry feed, whether grain or hay, straw, etc. Forage denotes any
kind of food suitable for horses and cattle, primarily as obtained
by a military force in scouring the country, especially an enemy's
dangerous, | redoubted, | terrible, | tremendous. |
That which is formidable is worthy of fear if encountered or
opposed; as, a formidable array of troops, or of evidence. Formidable
is a word of more dignity than dangerous, and suggests
more calm and collected power than terrible; formidable is less
overwhelming than tremendous. A loaded gun is dangerous; a
park of artillery is formidable; a charge of cavalry is terrible;
the full shock of great armies is tremendous. A dangerous man
is likely to do mischief, and needs watching; a formidable man
may not be dangerous if not attacked; an enraged maniac is terrible;
the force of ocean waves in a storm, and the silent pressure
in the ocean depths, are tremendous.
contemptible, | despicable, | feeble, | harmless, | helpless, | powerless, | weak. |
Formidable by or in numbers; in strength; formidable to the
castle, | citadel, | fastness, | fort, | fortress, | stronghold. |
Fortification is the general word for any artificial defensive
work; a fortress is a fortification of especial size and strength; a
fortress is regarded as permanent, and is ordinarily an independent
work; a fort or fortification may be temporary; a fortification
may be but part of a defensive system; we speak of the fortifications
of a city. A citadel is a fortification within a city, or the
fortified inner part of a city or fortress, within which a garrison
may be placed to overawe the citizens, or to which the defenders
may retire if the outer works are captured; the medieval castle
was the fortified residence of a king or baron. Fort is the common
military term for a detached fortified building or enclosure of
moderate size occupied or designed to be occupied by troops. The
fortifications of a modern city usually consist of a chain of forts.
Any defensible place, whether made so by nature or by art, is a
fastness or stronghold.
courage, | endurance, | heroism, | resolution. |
Fortitude (L. fortis, strong) is the strength or firmness of mind[177]
or soul to endure pain or adversity patiently and determinedly.
Fortitude has been defined as "passive courage," which is a good
definition, but not complete. Fortitude might be termed "still
courage," or "enduring courage;" it is that quality which is able
not merely to endure pain or trial, but steadily to confront dangers
that can not be actively opposed, or against which one has no
adequate defense; it takes courage to charge a battery, fortitude
to stand still under an enemy's fire. Resolution is of the mind;
endurance is partly physical; it requires resolution to resist temptation,
endurance to resist hunger and cold. Compare BRAVE;
favored, | lucky, | prospered, | prosperous, | successful. |
happy, |
A man is successful in any case if he achieves or gains what he
seeks; he is known as a successful man if he has achieved or
gained worthy objects of endeavor; he is fortunate or lucky if
advantages have come to him without or beyond his direct planning
or achieving. Lucky is the more common and colloquial, fortunate
the more elegant word; fortunate is more naturally applied
to the graver matters, as we speak of the fortunate, rather than
the lucky, issue of a great battle; lucky more strongly emphasizes
the element of chance, as when we speak of a lucky hit, a lucky
guess, or of one as "born under a lucky star." Favored is used in
a religious sense, implying that one is the object of divine favor.
Happy, in this connection, signifies possessed of the means of happiness.
One is said to be happy or prosperous whether his prosperity
be the result of fortune or of achievement; prospered
rather denotes the action of a superintending Providence.
broken, | fallen, | miserable, | unhappy, | woful, |
crushed, | ill-starred, | unfortunate, | unlucky, | wretched. |
artifice, | deceit, | duplicity, | swindle, | treason, |
cheat, | deception, | imposition, | swindling, | trick. |
cheating, | dishonesty, | imposture, | treachery, |
A fraud is an act of deliberate deception with the design of
securing something by taking unfair advantage of another. A deceit
or deception may be designed merely to gain some end of one's
own, with no intent of harming another; an imposition, to take[178]
some small advantage of another, or simply to make another
ridiculous. An imposture is designed to obtain money, credit, or
position to which one is not entitled, and may be practised by a
street beggar or by the pretender to a throne. All action that is
not honest is dishonesty, but the term dishonesty is generally applied
in business, politics, etc., to deceitful practises which are
not directly criminal. Fraud includes deceit, but deceit may not
reach the gravity of fraud; a cheat is of the nature of fraud, but
of a petty sort; a swindle is more serious than a cheat, involving
larger values and more flagrant dishonesty. Fraud is commonly
actionable at law; cheating and swindling are for the most part
out of the reach of legal proceedings. Treachery is chiefly used
of dishonesty in matters of friendship, social relations, government,
or war; treachery may be more harmful than fraud, but is
not so gross, and is not ordinarily open to legal redress. Treason
is a specific form of treachery of a subject to the government to
which he owes allegiance, and is definable and punishable at law.
fairness, | good faith, | honesty, | integrity, | truth, | uprightness. |
accessible, | companionable, | genial, | neighborly, |
affable, | complaisant, | hearty, | sociable, |
affectionate, | cordial, | kind, | social, |
amicable, | favorable, | kindly, | tender, |
brotherly, | fond, | loving, | well-disposed. |
Friendly, as said of persons, signifies having the disposition of
a friend; as said of acts, it signifies befitting or worthy of a friend.
The adjective friendly does not reach the full significance of the
nouns "friend" and "friendship;" one may be friendly to those
who are not his friends, and to be in friendly relations often
signifies little more than not to be hostile. In its application to
persons, accessible is used of public and eminent persons, who
might, if disposed, hold themselves at a distance from others.
Companionable and sociable refer to manner and behavior, cordial
and genial express genuine kindliness of heart. We speak of a
cordial greeting, a favorable reception, a neighborly call, a sociable
visitor, an amicable settlement, a kind interest, a friendly
regard, a hearty welcome. The Saxon friendly is stronger than
the Latin amicable; the amicable may be merely formal; the
friendly is from the heart. Fond is commonly applied to an[179]
affection that becomes, or at least appears, excessive. Affectionate,
devoted, and tender are almost always used in a high and good
sense; as, an affectionate son; a devoted friend; "the tender
mercy of our God," Luke i, 78. Compare FRIENDSHIP.
adverse, | bellicose, | contentious, | estranged, | ill-disposed, | unfriendly, |
alienated, | belligerent, | disaffected, | frigid, | indifferent, | unkind, |
antagonistic, | cold, | distant, | hostile, | inimical, | warlike. |
affection, | comity, | esteem, | good will, |
amity, | consideration, | favor, | love, |
attachment, | devotion, | friendliness, | regard. |
Friendship is a deep, quiet, enduring affection, founded upon
mutual respect and esteem. Friendship is always mutual; there
may be unreciprocated affection or attachment, unrequited love,
or even unrecognized and unappreciated devotion, but never unreciprocated
or unrequited friendship; one may have friendly
feelings toward an enemy, but while there is hostility or coldness
on one side there can not be friendship between the two. Friendliness
is a quality of friendly feeling, without the deep and settled
attachment implied in the state of friendship. Comity is mutual
kindly courtesy, with care of each other's right, and amity a
friendly feeling and relation, not necessarily implying special
friendliness; as, the comity of nations, or amity between neighboring
countries. Affection may be purely natural; friendship
is a growth. Friendship is more intellectual and less emotional
than love; it is easier to give reasons for friendship than for
love; friendship is more calm and quiet, love more fervent; love
often rises to intensest passion; we can not speak of the passion
of friendship. Friendship implies some degree of equality, while
love does not; we can speak of man's love toward God, not of his
friendship for God. (There is more latitude in the use of the
concrete noun friend; Abraham was called "the friend of
God;" Christ was called "the friend of sinners.") Compare
See synonyms for BATTLE; ENMITY; FEUD; HATRED.
The friendship of one person for or toward another, or the
friendship between them.
affright, | appal, | cow, | dismay, | scare, |
alarm, | browbeat, | daunt, | intimidate, | terrify. |
One is frightened by a cause of fear addressed directly and
suddenly to the senses; he is intimidated by an apprehension of
contingent consequences dependent on some act of his own to be
done or forborne; the means of intimidation may act through the
senses, or may appeal only to the intellect or the sensibilities. The
sudden rush of an armed madman may frighten; the quiet leveling
of a highwayman's pistol intimidates. A savage beast is intimidated
by the keeper's whip. Employers may intimidate their
employees from voting contrary to their will by threat of discharge;
a mother may be intimidated through fear for her child.
To browbeat or cow is to bring into a state of submissive fear; to
daunt is to give pause or check to a violent, threatening, or even
a brave spirit. To scare is to cause sudden, unnerving fear; to
terrify is to awaken fear that is overwhelming. Compare ALARM.
economy, | parsimony, | saving, | sparing, |
miserliness, | providence, | scrimping, | thrift. |
parsimoniousness, | prudence, |
Economy is a wise and careful administration of the means at
one's disposal; frugality is a withholding of expenditure, or sparing
of supplies or provision, to a noticeable and often to a painful
degree; parsimony is excessive and unreasonable saving for the
sake of saving. Frugality exalted into a virtue to be practised
for its own sake, instead of as a means to an end, becomes the
vice of parsimony. Miserliness is the denying oneself and others
the ordinary comforts or even necessaries of life, for the mere
sake of hoarding money. Prudence and providence look far
ahead, and sacrifice the present to the future, saving as much as
may be necessary for that end. (See PRUDENCE.) Thrift seeks
not merely to save, but to earn. Economy manages, frugality
saves, providence plans, thrift at once earns and saves, with a
view to wholesome and profitable expenditure at a fitting time.
abundance, | bounty, | liberality, | opulence, | waste, |
affluence, | extravagance, | luxury, | riches, | wealth. |
chattering, | loquacious, | talkative, | verbose. |
Garrulous signifies given to constant trivial talking. Chattering
signifies uttering rapid, noisy, and unintelligible, or scarcely
intelligible, sounds, whether articulate words or such as resemble
them; chattering is often used of vocal sounds that may be intelligible
by themselves but are ill understood owing to confusion
of many voices or other cause. The talkative person has a strong
disposition to talk, with or without an abundance of words, or
many ideas; the loquacious person has an abundant flow of
language and much to say on any subject suggested; either may
be lively and for a time entertaining; the garrulous person is
tedious, repetitious, petty, and self-absorbed. Verbose is applied
to utterances more formal than conversation, as to writings or
public addresses. We speak of a chattering monkey or a chattering
idiot, a talkative child, a talkative or loquacious woman, a
garrulous old man, a verbose writer. Compare CIRCUMLOCUTION.
laconic, | reserved, | reticent, | silent, | speechless, | taciturn. |
Sex is a distinction among living beings; it is also the characteristic
by which most living beings are distinguished from inanimate
things, which are of no sex; gender is a distinction in
language partially corresponding to this distinction in nature;
while there are but two sexes, there are in some languages, as in
English and German, three genders. The French language has
but two genders and makes the names of all inanimate objects
either masculine or feminine; some languages are without the
distinction of gender, and those that maintain it are often quite
arbitrary in its application. We speak of the masculine or feminine
gender, the male or female sex.
common, | familiar, | ordinary, | universal, |
commonplace, | frequent, | popular, | usual. |
customary, | habitual, | prevalent, |
everyday, | normal, | public, |
Common signifies frequently occurring, not out of the regular[182]
course, not exceptional; hence, not above the average, not excellent
or distinguished, inferior, or even low; common also signifies
pertaining to or participated in by two or more persons or
things; as, sorrow is common to the race. General may signify
pertaining equally to all of a class, race, etc., but very commonly
signifies pertaining to the greater number, but not necessarily to
all. Universal applies to all without exception; general applies to
all with possible or comparatively slight exceptions; common applies
to very many without deciding whether they are even a
majority. A common remark is one we often hear; a general experience
is one that comes to the majority of people; a universal
experience is one from which no human being is exempt. It is
dangerous for a debater to affirm a universal proposition, since
that can be negatived by a single exception, while a general statement
is not invalidated even by adducing many exceptions. We
say a common opinion, common experience, a general rule, general
truth, a universal law. Compare synonyms for NORMAL;
exceptional, | infrequent, | rare, | singular, | uncommon, | unknown, | unusual. |
bountiful, | free, | liberal, | noble, |
chivalrous, | free-handed, | magnanimous, | open-handed, |
disinterested, | free-hearted, | munificent, | open-hearted. |
Generous (L. genus, a race) primarily signifies having the
qualities worthy of noble or honorable birth; hence, free and
abundant in giving, giving freely, heartily, and self-sacrificingly.
As regards giving, generous refers rather to the self-sacrificing
heartiness of the giver, liberal to the amount of the gift; a child
may show himself generous in the gift of an apple, a millionaire
makes a liberal donation; a generous gift, however, is commonly
thought of as both ample and hearty. A munificent gift is vast
in amount, whatever the motive of its bestowal. One may be
free with another's money; he can be generous only with his
own. Disinterested suggests rather the thought of one's own
self-denial; generous, of one's hearty interest in another's welfare
or happiness. One is magnanimous by a greatness of soul
(L. magnus, great, and animus, soul) that rises above all that is
poor, mean, or weak, especially above every petty or ignoble
motive or feeling pertaining to one's self, and thus above resentment[183]
of injury or insult; one is generous by a kindness of heart
that would rejoice in the welfare rather than in the punishment
of the offender.
avaricious, | covetous, | ignoble, | mean, | niggardly, | penurious, | rapacious, |
close, | greedy, | illiberal, | miserly, | parsimonious, | petty, | stingy. |
Genius is exalted intellectual power capable of operating independently
of tuition and training, and marked by an extraordinary
faculty for original creation, invention, discovery, expression, etc.
Talent is marked mental ability, and in a special sense, a particular
and uncommon aptitude for some special mental work or attainment.
Genius is higher than talent, more spontaneous, less
dependent upon instruction, less amenable to training; talent is
largely the capacity to learn, acquire, appropriate, adapt oneself
to demand. Yet the genius that has won the largest and most
enduring success has been joined with tireless industry and painstaking.
Compare synonyms for MIND; POWER.
dulness, | folly, | imbecility, | obtuseness, | senselessness, | stupidity. |
achieve, | attain, | gain, | procure, | secure, |
acquire, | earn, | obtain, | receive, | win. |
Get is a most comprehensive word. A person gets whatever
he comes to possess or experience, whether with or without endeavor,
expectation, or desire; he gets a bargain, a blow, a fall,
a fever; he gains what he comes to by effort or striving; the
swimmer gains the shore; a man acquires by continuous and ordinarily
by slow process; as, one acquires a foreign language. A
person is sometimes said to gain and often to acquire what has
not been an object of direct endeavor; in the pursuits of trade, he
incidentally gains some knowledge of foreign countries; he acquires
by association with others a correct or incorrect accent; he
acquires a bronzed complexion by exposure to a tropical sun; in
such use, what he gains is viewed as desirable, what he acquires
as slowly and gradually resulting. A person earns what he gives
an equivalent of labor for, tho he may not get it. On the other
hand, he may get what he has not earned; the temptation[184]
to all dishonesty is the desire to get a living or a fortune without
earning it. When one gets the object of his desire, he is said to
obtain it, whether he has gained or earned it or not. Win denotes
contest, with a suggestion of chance or hazard; in popular language,
a person is often said to win a lawsuit, or to win in a suit
at law, but in legal phrase he is said to gain his suit, case, or cause.
In receiving, one is strictly passive; he may get an estate by his
own exertions or by inheritance; in the latter case he is said to
receive it. One obtains a thing commonly by some direct effort
of his own; he procures it commonly by the intervention of some
one else; he procures a dinner or an interview; he secures what
has seemed uncertain or elusive, when he gets it firmly into his
possession or under his control. Compare synonyms for ATTAIN;
See synonyms for ABANDON.
benefaction, | boon, | bribe, | grant, | largess, |
bequest, | bounty, | donation, | gratuity, | present. |
A gift is in the popular, and also in the legal sense that which
is voluntarily bestowed without expectation of return or compensation.
Gift is now almost always used in the good sense, bribe
always in the evil sense to signify payment for a dishonorable
service under the semblance of a gift. In Scriptural language
gift is often used for bribe. "The king by judgment establisheth
the land; but he that receiveth gifts overthroweth it." Prov.
xxix, 4. A benefaction is a charitable gift, generally of large
amount, and viewed as of enduring value, as an endowment for a
college. A donation is something, perhaps of great, never of trivial
value, given usually on some public ground, as to a cause or to a
person representing a cause, but not necessarily of value beyond
the immediate present; as, a donation to a pastor. A gratuity is
usually something of moderate value and is always given as to an
inferior, and as of favor, not of right; as, a gratuity to a waiter.
Largess is archaic for a bountiful gratuity, usually to be distributed
among many, as among the heralds at ancient tournaments.
A present is a gift of friendship, or conciliation, and given as
to an equal or a superior; no one's pride is hurt by accepting
what is viewed as strictly a present. A boon is a gift that has[185]
been desired or craved or perhaps asked, or something freely given
that meets some great desire. A grant is commonly considerable
in amount and given by public authority; as, a grant of public
lands for a college.
compensation, | earnings, | guerdon, | penalty, | remuneration, wages. |
bestow, | communicate, | deliver, | grant, | supply. |
cede, | confer, | furnish, | impart, |
To give is primarily to transfer to another's possession or ownership
without compensation; in its secondary sense in popular use,
it is to put into another's possession by any means and on any
terms whatever; a buyer may say "Give me the goods, and I
will give you the money;" we speak of giving answers, information,
etc., and often of giving what is not agreeable to the recipient,
as blows, medicine, reproof; but when there is nothing in the
context to indicate the contrary, give is always understood in its
primary sense; as, this book was given me. Give thus becomes,
like get, a term of such general import as to be a synonym for a
wide variety of words. To grant is to put into one's possession in
some formal way, or by authoritative act; as, Congress grants lands
to a railroad corporation. To speak of granting a favor carries a
claim or concession of superiority on the part of the one by whom
the grant may be made; to confer has a similar sense; as, to confer
a degree or an honor; we grant a request or petition, but do
not confer it. To impart is to give of that which one still, to a
greater or less degree, retains; the teacher imparts instruction.
To bestow is to give that of which the receiver stands in especial
need; we bestow alms.
We give money to a person for a thing, for a purpose, etc. (or
without proposition, give a person a sum of money); we give a
thing to or into one's care or keeping; the weary fugitive gave
himself up to his pursuers.
command, | curb, | influence, | mold, | reign over, | rule, |
control, | direct, | manage, | reign, | restrain, | sway. |
Govern carries the idea of authoritative administration or some
exercise of authority that is at once effective and continuous; control[186]
is effective, but may be momentary or occasional. One controls
what he holds or can hold at will absolutely in check; as, a
skilful horseman controls a spirited horse; a person controls his
temper; we say to one who is excited, "control yourself." A person
commands another when he has, or claims, the right to make
that other do his will, with power of inflicting penalty if not
obeyed; he controls another whom he can effectually prevent from
doing anything contrary to his will; he governs one whom he
actually does cause, regularly or constantly, to obey his will; a
parent may command a child whom he can not govern or control.
The best teachers are not greatly prone to command, but govern
or control their pupils largely by other means. Command is,
however, often used in the sense of securing, as well as requiring,
submission or obedience, as when we speak of a commanding influence;
a man commands the situation when he can shape
events as he pleases; a fortress commands the region when no
enemy can pass against its resistance. Govern implies the exercise
of knowledge and judgment as well as power. To rule is
more absolute and autocratic than to govern; to sway is to move
by quiet but effectual influence; to mold is not only to influence
feeling and action, but to shape character; to manage is
to secure by skilful contrivance the doing of one's will by those
whom one can not directly control; a wise mother, by gentle
means, sways the feelings and molds the lives of her children;
to be able to manage servants is an important element of good
housekeeping. The word reign, once so absolute, now simply denotes
that one holds the official station of sovereign in a monarchy,
with or without effective power; the Queen of England
reigns; the Czar of Russia both reigns and rules.
be in subjection, | be subject, | comply, | obey, | submit, | yield. |
That which is graceful is marked by elegance and harmony,
with ease of action, attitude, or posture, or delicacy of form.
Graceful commonly suggests motion or the possibility of motion;
beautiful may apply to absolute fixity; a landscape or a blue sky
is beautiful, but neither is graceful. Graceful commonly applies[187]
to beauty as addressed to the eye, tho we often speak of a graceful
poem or a graceful compliment. Graceful applies to the perfection
of motion, especially of the lighter motions, which convey no
suggestion of stress or strain, and are in harmonious curves.
Apart from the thought of motion, graceful denotes a pleasing
harmony of outline, proportion, etc., with a certain degree of delicacy;
a Hercules is massive, an Apollo is graceful. We speak of
a graceful attitude, graceful drapery. Compare BEAUTIFUL; BECOMING.
See synonyms for AWKWARD.
affliction, | melancholy, | regret, | sorrow, | trouble, |
distress, | mourning, | sadness, | tribulation, | wo. |
Grief is acute mental pain resulting from loss, misfortune, or
deep disappointment. Grief is more acute and less enduring than
sorrow. Sorrow and grief are for definite cause; sadness and
melancholy may arise from a vague sense of want or loss, from a
low state of health, or other ill-defined cause; sadness may be
momentary; melancholy is more enduring, and may become
chronic. Affliction expresses a deep heart-sorrow and is applied
also to the misfortune producing such sorrow; mourning most
frequently denotes sorrow publicly expressed, or the public expression
of such sorrow as may reasonably be expected; as, it is
common to observe thirty days of mourning on the death of an
officer of state.
See synonyms for HAPPINESS.
Grief at a loss; for a friend.
custom, | habitude, | routine, | system, | use, |
fashion, | practise, | rule, | usage, | wont. |
Habit is a tendency or inclination toward an action or condition,
which by repetition has become easy, spontaneous, or even
unconscious, or an action or regular series of actions, or a condition
so induced. Custom is the uniform doing of the same act[188]
in the same circumstance for a definite reason; routine is the doing
of customary acts in a regular and uniform sequence and is more
mechanical than custom. It is the custom of tradesmen to open
at a uniform hour, and to follow a regular routine of business
until closing-time. Habit always includes an involuntary tendency,
natural or acquired, greatly strengthened by frequent
repetition of the act, and may be uncontrollable, or even unconscious.
Habitude is habitual relation or association. Custom is
chiefly used of the action of many; habit of the action of one;
we speak of the customs of society, the habits of an individual.
Fashion is the generally recognized custom in the smaller matters,
especially in dress. A rule is prescribed either by some external
authority or by one's own will; as, it is the rule of the house; or,
I make it my invariable rule. System is the coordination of many
acts or things into a unity, and is more and better than routine.
Use and usage denote the manner of using something; we speak
of one person's use of language, but of the usage of many; a use
or usage is almost always a habit. Practise is the active doing of
something in a systematic way; we do not speak of the practise,
but of the habit of going to sleep; we speak of a tradesman's custom,
a lawyer's or a physician's practise. Educationally, practise
is the voluntary and persistent attempt to make skill a habit; as,
practise in penmanship. Wont is blind and instinctive habit like
that which attaches an animal to a locality: the word is now
almost wholly poetic. Compare DRESS.
bechance, | chance, | fall out, | supervene, |
befall, | come to pass, | occur, | take place. |
betide, | fall, |
A thing is said to happen when no design is manifest, or none
especially thought of; it is said to chance when it appears to be
the result of accident (compare synonyms for ACCIDENT). An
incident happens or occurs; something external or actual happens
to one; a thought or fancy occurs to him. Befall and betide are
transitive; happen is intransitive; something befalls or betides a
person or happens to him. Betide is especially used for anticipated
evil, thought of as waiting and coming at its appointed time; as,
wo betide him! One event supervenes upon another event, one
disease upon another, etc. ["Transpire," in the sense of happen,[189]
is not authorized by good usage: a thing that has happened is
properly said to transpire when it becomes known.]
An event happens to a person; a person happens on or upon a
fact, discovery, etc.
blessedness, | delight, | gladness, | pleasure, |
bliss, | ecstasy, | gratification, | rapture, |
cheer, | enjoyment, | joy, | rejoicing, |
comfort, | felicity, | merriment, | satisfaction, |
contentment, | gaiety, | mirth, | triumph. |
Gratification is the giving any mental or physical desire something
that it craves; satisfaction is the giving such a desire all
that it craves. Happiness is the positively agreeable experience
that springs from the possession of good, the gratification or satisfaction
of the desires or the relief from pain and evil. Comfort
may be almost wholly negative, being found in security or relief
from that which pains or annoys; there is comfort by a warm
fireside on a wintry night; the sympathy of a true friend affords
comfort in sorrow. Enjoyment is more positive, always implying
something to be definitely and consciously delighted in; a sick
person finds comfort in relief from pain, while he may be far from
a state of enjoyment. Pleasure is still more vivid, being an arousing
of the faculties to an intensely agreeable activity; satisfaction
is more tranquil than pleasure, being the agreeable consciousness
of having all that our faculties demand or crave; when a worthy
pleasure is past, a worthy satisfaction remains. As referring to a
mental state, gratification is used to denote a mild form of happiness
resulting from some incident not of very great importance;
satisfaction should properly express a happiness deeper, more
complete, and more abiding; but as intellect or sensibilities of a
low order may find satisfaction in that which is very poor or unworthy,
the word has come to be feeble and tame in ordinary use.
Happiness is more positive than comfort, enjoyment, or satisfaction,
more serene and rational than pleasure; pleasure is of necessity
transient; happiness is abiding, and may be eternal;
thus, we speak of pleasures, but the plural of happiness is scarcely
used. Happiness, in the full sense, is mental or spiritual or both,
and is viewed as resulting from some worthy gratification or satisfaction;
we may speak of a brute as experiencing comfort or
pleasure, but scarcely as in possession of happiness; we speak of[190]
vicious pleasure, delight, or joy, but not of vicious happiness.
Felicity is a philosophical term, colder and more formal than happiness.
Gladness is happiness that overflows, expressing itself in
countenance, voice, manner, and action. Joy is more intense than
happiness, deeper than gladness, to which it is akin, nobler and
more enduring than pleasure. Gaiety is more superficial than
joy, more demonstrative than gladness. Rejoicing is happiness or
joy that finds utterance in word, song, festivity, etc. Delight is
vivid, overflowing happiness of a somewhat transient kind; ecstasy
is a state of extreme or extravagant delight so that the one
affected by it seems almost beside himself with joy; rapture is
closely allied to ecstasy, but is more serene, exalted, and enduring.
Triumph is such joy as results from victory, success, achievement.
Blessedness is at once the state and the sense of being divinely
blessed; as, the blessedness of the righteous. Bliss is ecstatic, perfected
happiness; as, the bliss of heaven. Compare COMFORT.
See synonyms for GRIEF.
blessed, | cheering, | gay, | lucky, | rejoiced, |
blissful, | cheery, | glad, | merry, | rejoicing, |
blithe, | delighted, | jocund, | mirthful, | smiling, |
blithesome, | delightful, | jolly, | pleased, | sprightly, |
bright, | dexterous, | joyful, | prosperous, | successful, |
buoyant, | felicitous, | joyous, | rapturous, | sunny. |
cheerful, | fortunate, |
Happy primarily refers to something that comes "by good
hap," a chance that brings prosperity, benefit, or success.
And grasps the skirts of happy chance.
Tennyson In Memoriam lxiii, st. 2.
In this sense happy is closely allied to fortunate and lucky. (See
FORTUNATE.) Happy has, however, so far diverged from this original
sense as to apply to advantages where chance is not recognized,
or is even excluded by direct reference to the divine will, when it
becomes almost equivalent to blessed.
Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth.
Job v, 17.
Happy is also applied to the ready dexterity or skill by which
favorable results (usually in minor matters) are secured, when it
becomes a synonym for dexterous, felicitous, and the associated
words; as, he has a happy wit; happy at retort (compare CLEVER).
In its most frequent present use, happy is applied to the state of
one enjoying happiness, or to that by which happiness is expressed;[191]
as, a happy heart; a happy face; happy laughter; happy tears
(compare synonyms for HAPPINESS). Cheerful applies to the possession
or expression of a moderate and tranquil happiness. A
cheery word spontaneously gives cheer to others; a cheering word
is more distinctly planned to cheer and encourage. Gay applies
to an effusive and superficial happiness (often not really worthy of
that name) perhaps resulting largely from abundant animal spirits:
we speak of gay revelers or a gay horse. A buoyant spirit is, as
it were, borne up by joy and hope. A sunny disposition has a constant
tranquil brightness that irradiates all who come within its
Compare synonyms for GRIEF.
A happy event for him; happy at a reply; happy in his home,
with his friends, among his children; happy at the discovery, over
his success.
accord, | concurrence, | consistency, | uniformity, |
accordance, | conformity, | consonance, | union, |
agreement, | congruity, | symmetry, | unison, |
amity, | consent, | unanimity, | unity. |
concord, |
When tones, thoughts, or feelings, individually different, combine
to form a consistent and pleasing whole, there is harmony.
Harmony is deeper and more essential than agreement; we may
have a superficial, forced, or patched-up agreement, but never a
superficial, forced, or patched-up harmony. Concord is less full
and spiritual than harmony. Concord implies more volition than
accord; as, their views were found to be in perfect accord; or,
by conference concord was secured; we do not secure accord, but
discover it. We may speak of being in accord with a person on
one point, but harmony is wider in range. Conformity is correspondence
in form, manner, or use; the word often signifies submission
to authority or necessity, and may be as far as possible
from harmony; as, the attempt to secure conformity to an established
religion. Congruity involves the element of suitableness;
consistency implies the absence of conflict or contradiction in
views, statements, or acts which are brought into comparison, as
in the different statements of the same person or the different
periods of one man's life; unanimity is the complete hearty agreement[192]
of many; consent and concurrence refer to decision or action,
but consent is more passive than concurrence; one speaks by general
consent when no one in the assembly cares to make formal
objection; a decision of the Supreme Court depends upon the concurrence
of a majority of the judges. Compare AGREE; FRIENDSHIP;
antagonism, | contest, | discord, | hostility, | schism, |
battle, | controversy, | disproportion, | incongruity, | separation, |
conflict, | difference, | dissension, | inconsistency, | variance, |
contention, | disagreement, | disunion, | opposition, | warfare. |
crop, | harvest-home, | ingathering, | result, |
fruit, | harvesting, | proceeds, | return, |
growth, | harvest-tide, | produce, | yield. |
harvest-feast, | harvest-time, | product, |
harvest-festival, | increase, | reaping, |
Harvest, from the Anglo-Saxon, signified originally "autumn,"
and as that is the usual season of gathering ripened crops in Northern
lands, the word came to its present meaning of the season of
gathering ripened grain or fruits, whether summer or autumn,
and hence a crop gathered or ready for gathering; also, the act
or process of gathering a crop or crops. "The harvest truly is
great, but the laborers are few," Luke x, 2. "Lift up your eyes
and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest,"
John iv, 35. Harvest is the elegant and literary word; crop is
the common and commercial expression; we say a man sells his
crop, but we should not speak of his selling his harvest; we speak
of an ample or abundant harvest, a good crop. Harvest is applied
almost wholly to grain; crop applies to almost anything that is
gathered in; we speak of the potato-crop, not the potato-harvest;
we may say either the wheat-crop or the wheat-harvest. Produce
is a collective word for all that is produced in farming or gardening,
and is, in modern usage, almost wholly restricted to this sense;
we speak of produce collectively, but of a product or various products;
vegetables, fruits, eggs, butter, etc., may be termed farm-produce,
or the products of the farm. Product is a word of wider
application than produce; we speak of the products of manufacturing,
the products of thought, or the product obtained by multiplying
one number by another. The word proceeds is chiefly
used of the return from an investment: we speak of the produce
of a farm, but of the proceeds of the money invested in farming.[193]
The yield is what the land gives up to the farmer's demand; we
speak of the return from an expenditure of money or labor, but
of the yield of corn or oats. Harvest has also a figurative use,
such as crop more rarely permits; we term a religious revival a
harvest of souls; the result of lax enforcement of law is a harvest
of crime. As regards time, harvest, harvest-tide, and harvest-time
alike denote the period or season when the crops are or should
be gathered (tide being simply the old Saxon word for time). Harvest-home
ordinarily denotes the festival of harvest, and when
used to denote simply the season always gives a suggestion of festivity
and rejoicing, such as harvest and harvest-time by themselves
do not express.
abhorrence, | detestation, | hostility, | rancor, |
anger, | dislike, | ill will, | repugnance, |
animosity, | enmity, | malevolence, | resentment, |
antipathy, | grudge, | malice, | revenge, |
aversion, | hate, | malignity, | spite. |
Repugnance applies to that which one feels himself summoned
or impelled to do or to endure, and from which he instinctively
draws back. Aversion is the turning away of the mind or feelings
from some person or thing, or from some course of action,
etc. Hate, or hatred, as applied to persons, is intense and continued
aversion, usually with disposition to injure; anger is sudden
and brief, hatred is lingering and enduring; "Her wrath became
a hate," Tennyson Pelleas and Ettarre st. 16. As applied
to things, hatred is intense aversion, with desire to destroy or remove;
hatred of evil is a righteous passion, akin to abhorrence,
but more vehement. Malice involves the active intent to injure;
in the legal sense, malice is the intent to injure, even tho with
no personal ill will; as, a highwayman would be said to entertain
malice toward the unknown traveler whom he attacks. Malice is
direct, pressing toward a result; malignity is deep, lingering, and
venomous, tho often impotent to act; rancor (akin to rancid)
is cherished malignity that has soured and festered and is virulent
and implacable. Spite is petty malice that delights to inflict stinging
pain; grudge is deeper than spite; it is sinister and bitter;
grudge, resentment, and revenge are all retaliatory, grudge being
the disposition, revenge the determination to repay real or supposed
offense with injury; revenge may denote also the retaliatory act;
resentment, the best word of the three, always holds itself to be[194]
justifiable, but looks less certainly to action than grudge or revenge.
Simple goodness may arouse the hatred of the wicked; they will
be moved to revenge only by what they deem an injury or affront.
See synonyms for FRIENDSHIP; LOVE.
be in possession of, | hold, | occupy, | own, | possess. |
be possessed of, |
Have is the most general word, and is applied to whatever belongs
to or is connected with one; a man has a head or a head-ache,
a fortune or an opinion, a friend or an enemy; he has time,
or has need; he may be said to have what is his own, what he has
borrowed, what has been entrusted to him, or what he has stolen.
To possess a thing is to have the ownership with control and enjoyment
of it. To hold is to have in one's hand, or securely in
one's control; a man holds his friend's coat for a moment, or he
holds a struggling horse; he holds a promissory note, or holds an
office. To own is to have the right of property in; to possess is to
have that right in actual exercise; to occupy is to have possession
and use, with some degree of permanency, with or without ownership.
A man occupies his own house or a room in a hotel; a
man may own a farm of which he is not in possession because a
tenant occupies it and is determined to hold it; the proprietor owns
the property, but the tenant is in possession. To be in possession
differs from possess in that to possess denotes both right and
fact, while to be in possession denotes simply the fact with no
affirmation as to the right. To have reason is to be endowed
with the faculty; to be in possession of one's reason denotes that
the faculty is in actual present exercise.
accident, | chance, | danger, | jeopardy, | risk, |
casualty, | contingency, | fortuity, | peril, | venture. |
Hazard is the incurring the possibility of loss or harm for the
possibility of benefit; danger may have no compensating alternative.
In hazard the possibilities of gain or loss are nearly balanced;
in risk the possibility of loss is the chief thought; the foolhardy
take great risks in mere wantonness; in chance and venture[195]
the hope of good predominates; we speak of a merchant's venture,
but of an insurance company's risk; one may be driven by circumstances
to run a risk; he freely seeks a venture; we speak of
the chance of winning, the hazard or risk of losing. Accidents
are incalculable; casualties may be to a certain extent anticipated;
death and wounds are casualties of battle, certain to happen
to some, but uncertain as to whom or how many. A contingency
is simply an indeterminable future event, which may or may
not be attended with danger or risk. See ACCIDENT; DANGER.
assurance, | necessity, | protection, | safety, | surety. |
certainty, | plan, | safeguard, | security, |
hale, | hygienic, | sanitary, | vigorous, |
healthful, | salubrious, | sound, | well, |
hearty, | salutary, | strong, | wholesome. |
Healthy is most correctly used to signify possessing or enjoying
health or its results; as, a healthy person; a healthy condition.
Healthful signifies promotive of health, tending or adapted to confer,
preserve, or promote health; as, a healthful climate. Wholesome
food in a healthful climate makes a healthy man. With
healthful are ranged the words hygienic, salubrious, salutary, sanitary,
and wholesome, while the other words are associated with
healthy. Salubrious is always used in the physical sense, and is
chiefly applied to air or climate. Salutary is now chiefly used in
the moral sense; as, a salutary lesson.
delicate, | failing, | ill, | unsound, | worn, |
diseased, | fainting, | sick, | wasted, | worn down, |
emaciated, | fragile, | unhealthy, | weak, | worn out. |
exhausted, | frail, |
abet, | befriend, | foster, | succor, | uphold. |
aid, | cooperate, | second, | support, |
assist, | encourage, | stand by, | sustain, |
Help expresses greater dependence and deeper need than aid.
In extremity we say "God help me!" rather than "God aid me!"
In time of danger we cry "help! help!" rather than "aid! aid!"
To aid is to second another's own exertions. We can speak of
helping the helpless, but not of aiding them. Help includes aid,
but aid may fall short of the meaning of help. In law to aid or
abet makes one a principal. (Compare synonyms for ACCESSORY.)[196]
To cooperate is to aid as an equal; to assist implies a subordinate
and secondary relation. One assists a fallen friend to rise; he cooperates
with him in helping others. Encourage refers to mental
aid, as uphold now usually does; succor and support, oftenest
to material assistance. We encourage the timid or despondent,
succor the endangered, support the weak, uphold those who else
might be shaken or cast down. Compare ABET; PROMOTE.
counteract, | discourage, | oppose, | resist, | thwart, | withstand. |
Help in an enterprise with money; help to success; against
the enemy.
dissenter, | heresiarch, | non-conformist, | schismatic. |
Etymologically, a heretic is one who takes or chooses his own
belief, instead of the belief of his church; hence, a heretic is one
who denies commonly accepted views, or who holds opinions contrary
to the recognized standard or tenets of any established religious,
philosophical, or other system, school, or party; the religious
sense of the word is the predominant one; a schismatic is
primarily one who produces a split or rent in the church. A heretic
differs in doctrine from the religious body with which he is connected;
a schismatic differs in doctrine or practise, or in both. A
heretic may be reticent, or even silent; a schismatic introduces
divisions. A heresiarch is the author of a heresy or the leader of
a heretical party, and is thus at once a heretic and a schismatic.
With advancing ideas of religious liberty, the odious sense once
attached to these words is largely modified, and heretic is often
used playfully. Dissenter and non-conformist are terms specifically
applied to English subjects who hold themselves aloof from
the Church of England; the former term is extended to non-adherents
of the established church in some other countries, as
confused, | mingled, | unhomogeneous, |
conglomerate, | miscellaneous, | unlike, |
discordant, | mixed, | variant, |
dissimilar, | non-homogeneous, | various. |
Substances quite unlike are heterogeneous as regards each other.
A heterogeneous mixture is one whose constituents are not only[197]
unlike in kind, but unevenly distributed; cement is composed of
substances such as lime, sand, and clay, which are heterogeneous
as regards each other, but the cement is said to be homogeneous
if the different constituents are evenly mixed throughout, so that
any one portion of the mixture is exactly like any other. A substance
may fail of being homogeneous and yet not be heterogeneous,
in which case it is said to be non-homogeneous or unhomogeneous;
a bar of iron that contains flaws, air-bubbles, etc., or for
any other reason is not of uniform structure and density throughout,
tho no foreign substance be mixed with the iron, is said
to be non-homogeneous. A miscellaneous mixture may or may
not be heterogeneous; if the objects are alike in kind, but different
in size, form, quality, use, etc., and without special order or relation,
the collection is miscellaneous; if the objects differ in kind,
such a mixture is also, and more strictly, heterogeneous; a pile of
unassorted lumber is miscellaneous; the contents of a school-boy's
pocket are commonly miscellaneous and might usually be termed
heterogeneous as well. See COMPLEX.
alike, | homogeneous, | identical, | like, | pure, | same, | similar, | uniform. |
bury, | cover, | entomb, | overwhelm, | suppress, |
cloak, | disguise, | inter, | screen, | veil. |
conceal, | dissemble, | mask, | secrete. |
Hide is the general term, including all the rest, signifying to
put out of sight or beyond ready observation or approach; a
thing may be hidden by intention, by accident, or by the imperfection
of the faculties of the one from whom it is hidden;
in their games, children hide the slipper, or hide themselves from
each other; a man unconsciously hides a picture from another by
standing before it, or hides a thing from himself by laying something
else over it. Even an unconscious object may hide another;
as, a cloud hides the sun, or a building hides some part of the
prospect by intervening between it and the observer's position.
As an act of persons, to conceal is always intentional; one may
hide his face in anger, grief, or abstraction; he conceals his face
when he fears recognition. A house is hidden by foliage; the
bird's nest is artfully concealed. Secrete is a stronger word than
conceal, and is used chiefly of such material objects as may be
separated from the person, or from their ordinary surroundings,[198]
and put in unlooked-for places; a man conceals a scar on his face,
but does not secrete it; a thief secretes stolen goods; an officer
may also be said to secrete himself to watch the thief. A thing is
covered by putting something over or around it, whether by accident
or design; it is screened by putting something before it,
always with some purpose of protection from observation, inconvenience,
attack, censure, etc. In the figurative use, a person
may hide honorable feelings; he conceals an evil or hostile intent.
Anything which is effectually covered and hidden under any
mass or accumulation is buried. Money is buried in the ground;
a body is buried in the sea; a paper is buried under other documents.
Whatever is buried is hidden or concealed; but there
are many ways of hiding or concealing a thing without burying
it. So a person may be covered with wraps, and not buried under
them. Bury may be used of any object, entomb and inter only of
a dead body. Figuratively, one may be said to be buried in business,
in study, etc. Compare IMMERSE; PALLIATE.
admit, | disclose, | exhume, | manifest, | show, |
advertise, | discover, | expose, | promulgate, | tell, |
avow, | disinter, | lay bare, | publish, | uncover, |
betray, | divulge, | lay open, | raise, | unmask, |
confess, | exhibit, | make known, reveal, | unveil. |
elevated, | exalted, | noble, | steep, | towering, |
eminent, | lofty, | proud, | tall, | uplifted. |
Deep, while an antonym of high in usage, may apply to the
very same distance simply measured in an opposite direction, high
applying to vertical distance measured from below upward, and
deep to vertical distance measured from above downward; as, a
deep valley nestling between high mountains. High is a relative
term signifying greatly raised above any object, base, or surface,
in comparison with what is usual, or with some standard; a table
is high if it exceeds thirty inches; a hill is not high at a hundred
feet. That is tall whose height is greatly in excess of its breadth
or diameter, and whose actual height is great for an object of its
kind; as, a tall tree; a tall man; tall grass. That is lofty which
is imposing or majestic in height; we term a spire tall with reference
to its altitude, or lofty with reference to its majestic appearance.
That is elevated which is raised somewhat above its surroundings;
that is eminent which is far above them; as, an elevated[199]
platform; an eminent promontory. In the figurative sense, elevated
is less than eminent, and this less than exalted; we speak of high,
lofty, or elevated thoughts, aims, etc., in the good sense, but sometimes
of high feelings, looks, words, etc., in the invidious sense
of haughty or arrogant. A high ambition may be merely selfish;
a lofty ambition is worthy and noble. Towering, in the literal
sense compares with lofty and majestic; but in the figurative
sense, its use is almost always invidious; as, a towering passion;
a towering ambition disregards and crushes all opposing considerations,
however rational, lovely, or holy. Compare STEEP.
base, | deep, | degraded, | depressed, | dwarfed, | inferior, | low, | mean, | short, | stunted. |
baffle, | clog, | foil, | obstruct, | retard, |
balk, | counteract, | frustrate, | oppose, | stay, |
bar, | delay, | hamper, | prevent, | stop, |
block, | embarrass, | impede, | resist, | thwart. |
check, | encumber, | interrupt, |
To hinder is to keep from action, progress, motion, or growth,
or to make such action, progress, motion, or growth later in beginning
or completion than it would otherwise have been. An
action is prevented by anything that comes in before it to make it
impossible; it is hindered by anything that keeps it from either
beginning or ending so soon as it otherwise would, or as expected
or intended. It is more common, however, to say that the start is
delayed, the progress hindered. An action that is hindered does
not take place at the appointed or appropriate time; that which is
prevented does not take place at all; to hinder a thing long enough
may amount to preventing it. A railroad-train may be hindered
by a snow-storm from arriving on time; it may by special order
be prevented from starting. To retard is simply to make slow by
any means whatever. To obstruct is to hinder, or possibly to prevent
advance or passage by putting something in the way; to oppose
or resist is to hinder, or possibly to prevent by directly contrary
or hostile action, resist being the stronger term and having
more suggestion of physical force; obstructed roads hinder the
march of an enemy, tho there may be no force strong enough to
oppose it; one opposes a measure, a motion, an amendment, or
the like; it is a criminal offense to resist an officer in the discharge
of his duty; the physical system may resist the attack of disease[200]
or the action of a remedy. Compare CONQUER; IMPEDIMENT;
See synonyms for QUICKEN.
Hinder one in his progress; from acting promptly; by
account, | biography, | muniment, | record, |
annals, | chronicle, | narration, | register, |
archives, | memoir, | narrative, | story. |
autobiography, | memorial, | recital, |
History is a systematic record of past events. Annals and
chronicles relate events with little regard to their relative importance,
and with complete subserviency to their succession in time.
Annals are yearly records; chronicles follow the order of time.
Both necessarily lack emphasis, selection, and perspective. Archives
are public records, which may be annals, or chronicles, or
deeds of property, etc. Memoirs generally record the lives of individuals
or facts pertaining to individual lives. A biography is
distinctively a written account of one person's life and actions; an
autobiography is a biography written by the person whose life it
records. Annals, archives, chronicles, biographies, and memoirs
and other records furnish the materials of history. History recounts
events with careful attention to their importance, their
mutual relations, their causes and consequences, selecting and
grouping events on the ground of interest or importance. History
is usually applied to such an account of events affecting communities
and nations, tho sometimes we speak of the history of a
single eminent life. Compare RECORD.
See synonyms for FICTION.
blessed, | devoted, | hallowed, | saintly, |
consecrated, | divine, | sacred, | set apart. |
Sacred is applied to that which is to be regarded as inviolable
on any account, and so is not restricted to divine things; therefore
in its lower applications it is less than holy. That which is sacred[201]
may be made so by institution, decree, or association; that which
is holy is so by its own nature, possessing intrinsic moral purity,
and, in the highest sense, absolute moral perfection. God is holy;
his commands are sacred. Holy may be applied also to that which
is hallowed; as, "the place whereon thou standest is holy ground,"
Ex. iii, 5. In such use holy is more than sacred, as if the very
qualities of a spiritual or divine presence were imparted to the
place or object. Divine has been used with great looseness, as
applying to anything eminent or admirable, in the line either of
goodness or of mere power, as to eloquence, music, etc., but there
is a commendable tendency to restrict the word to its higher
sense, as designating that which belongs to or is worthy of the
Divine Being. Compare PERFECT; PURE.
abominable, | cursed, | polluted, | unconsecrated, | unholy, | wicked, |
common, | impure, | secular, | unhallowed, | unsanctified, | worldly. |
abode, | dwelling, | habitation, | hearthstone, | ingleside, |
domicil, | fireside, | hearth, | house, | residence. |
Abode, dwelling, and habitation are used with little difference
of meaning to denote the place where one habitually lives; abode
and habitation belong to the poetic or elevated style. Even
dwelling is not used in familiar speech; a person says "my
house," "my home," or more formally "my residence." Home,
from the Anglo-Saxon, denoting originally a dwelling, came to
mean an endeared dwelling as the scene of domestic love and
happy and cherished family life, a sense to which there is an increasing
tendency to restrict the word—desirably so, since we
have other words to denote the mere dwelling-place; we say
"The wretched tenement could not be called home," or "The
humble cabin was dear to him as the home of his childhood."
Home's not merely four square walls,
Tho with pictures hung and gilded;
Home is where affection calls—
Where its shrine the heart has builded.
Thus the word comes to signify any place of rest and peace, and
especially heaven, as the soul's peaceful and eternal dwelling-place.
candid, | frank, | ingenuous, | true, |
equitable, | genuine, | just, | trustworthy, |
fair, | good, | sincere, | trusty, |
faithful, | honorable, | straightforward, | upright. |
One who is honest in the ordinary sense acts or is always disposed
to act with careful regard for the rights of others, especially
in matters of business or property; one who is honorable scrupulously
observes the dictates of a personal honor that is higher than
any demands of mercantile law or public opinion, and will do
nothing unworthy of his own inherent nobility of soul. The honest
man does not steal, cheat, or defraud; the honorable man will
not take an unfair advantage that would be allowed him, or will
make a sacrifice which no one could require of him, when his own
sense of right demands it. One who is honest in the highest and
fullest sense is scrupulously careful to adhere to all known truth
and right even in thought. In this sense honest differs from honorable
as having regard rather to absolute truth and right than to
even the highest personal honor. Compare CANDID; JUSTICE.
deceitful, | faithless, | hypocritical, | perfidious, | unfaithful, |
dishonest, | false, | lying, | traitorous, | unscrupulous, |
disingenuous, | fraudulent, | mendacious, | treacherous, | untrue. |
even, | flat, | level, | plain, | plane. |
Horizontal signifies in the direction of or parallel to the horizon.
For practical purposes level and horizontal are identical,
tho level, as the more popular word, is more loosely used of that
which has no especially noticeable elevations or inequalities; as,
a level road. Flat, according to its derivation from the Anglo-Saxon
flet, a floor, applies to a surface only, and, in the first and
most usual sense, to a surface that is horizontal or level in all directions;
a line may be level, a floor is flat; flat is also applied in
a derived sense to any plane surface without irregularities or elevations,
as a picture may be painted on the flat surface of a perpendicular
wall. Plane applies only to a surface, and is used
with more mathematical exactness than flat. The adjective
plain, originally the same word as plane, is now rarely used except
in the figurative senses, but the original sense appears in the
noun, as we speak of "a wide plain." We speak of a horizontal
line, a flat morass, a level road, a plain country, a plane surface[203]
(especially in the scientific sense). That which is level may not
be even, and that which is even may not be level; a level road may
be very rough; a slope may be even.
broken, | inclined, | rolling, | rugged, | sloping, |
hilly, | irregular, | rough, | slanting, | uneven. |
benevolent, | compassionate, | human, | pitying, |
benignant, | forgiving, | kind, | sympathetic, |
charitable, | gentle, | kind-hearted, | tender, |
clement, | gracious, | merciful, | tender-hearted. |
Human denotes what pertains to mankind, with no suggestion
as to its being good or evil; as, the human race; human qualities;
we speak of human achievements, virtues, or excellences, human
follies, vices, or crimes. Humane denotes what may rightly be
expected of mankind at its best in the treatment of sentient beings;
a humane enterprise or endeavor is one that is intended to prevent
or relieve suffering. The humane man will not needlessly inflict
pain upon the meanest thing that lives; a merciful man is disposed
to withhold or mitigate the suffering even of the guilty. The compassionate
man sympathizes with and desires to relieve actual
suffering, while one who is humane would forestall and prevent
the suffering which he sees to be possible. Compare MERCY; PITIFUL;
See synonyms for BARBAROUS.
chase, | hunting, | inquisition, | pursuit, | search. |
A hunt may be either the act of pursuing or the act of seeking,
or a combination of the two. A chase or pursuit is after that
which is fleeing or departing; a search is for that which is hidden;
a hunt may be for that which is either hidden or fleeing; a search
is a minute and careful seeking, and is especially applied to a locality;
we make a search of or through a house, for an object, in
which connection it would be colloquial to say a hunt. Hunt
never quite loses its association with field-sports, where it includes
both search and chase; the search till the game is hunted
out, and the chase till it is hunted down. Figuratively, we speak
of literary pursuits, or of the pursuit of knowledge; a search for[204]
reasons; the chase of fame or honor; hunt, in figurative use, inclines
to the unfavorable sense of inquisition, but with more of
dash and aggressiveness; as, a hunt for heresy.
affectation, | formalism, | pretense, | sanctimony, |
cant, | pharisaism, | sanctimoniousness, | sham. |
dissimulation, | pietism, |
Pretense (L. prætendo) primarily signifies the holding something
forward as having certain rights or claims, whether truly or
falsely; in the good sense, it is now rarely used except with a negative;
as, there can be no pretense that this is due; a false pretense
implies the possibility of a true pretense; but, alone and
unlimited, pretense commonly signifies the offering of something
for what it is not. Hypocrisy is the false pretense of moral excellence,
either as a cover for actual wrong, or for the sake of the
credit and advantage attaching to virtue. Cant (L. cantus, a song),
primarily the singsong iteration of the language of any party,
school, or sect, denotes the mechanical and pretentious use of religious
phraseology, without corresponding feeling or character;
sanctimoniousness is the assumption of a saintly manner without a
saintly character. As cant is hypocrisy in utterance, so sanctimoniousness
is hypocrisy in appearance, as in looks, tones, etc. Pietism,
originally a word of good import, is now chiefly used for an
unregulated emotionalism; formalism is an exaggerated devotion
to forms, rites, and ceremonies, without corresponding earnestness
of heart; sham (identical in origin with shame) is a trick or
device that puts one to shame, or that shamefully disappoints expectation
or falsifies appearance. Affectation is in matters of
intellect, taste, etc., much what hypocrisy is in morals and religion;
affectation might be termed petty hypocrisy. Compare
candor, | genuineness, | ingenuousness, | sincerity, | truth, |
frankness, | honesty, | openness, | transparency, | truthfulness. |
cheat, | deceiver, | dissembler, | impostor, | pretender. |
A hypocrite (Gr. hypokrites, one who answers on the stage, an
actor, especially a mimic actor) is one who acts a false part, or
assumes a character other than the real. Deceiver is the most[205]
comprehensive term, including all the other words of the group.
The deceiver seeks to give false impressions of any matter where
he has an end to gain; the dissembler or hypocrite seeks to give
false impressions in regard to himself. The dissembler is content
if he can keep some base conduct or evil purpose from being discovered;
the hypocrite seeks not merely to cover his vices, but to
gain credit for virtue. The cheat and impostor endeavor to make
something out of those they may deceive. The cheat is the inferior
and more mercenary, as the thimble-rig gambler; the impostor
may aspire to a fortune or a throne. Compare HYPOCRISY.
The antonyms of hypocrite are to be found only in phrases embodying
the adjectives candid, honest, ingenuous, sincere, true, etc.
conjecture, | scheme, | supposition, | system, |
guess, | speculation, | surmise, | theory. |
A hypothesis is a statement of what is deemed possibly true,
assumed and reasoned upon as if certainly true, with a view of
reaching truth not yet surely known; especially, in the sciences,
a hypothesis is a comprehensive tentative explanation of certain
phenomena, which is meant to include all other facts of the same
class, and which is assumed as true till there has been opportunity
to bring all related facts into comparison; if the hypothesis explains
all the facts, it is regarded as verified; till then it is regarded
as a working hypothesis, that is, one that may answer for
present practical purposes. A hypothesis may be termed a comprehensive
guess. A guess is a swift conclusion from data directly
at hand, and held as probable or tentative, while one confessedly
lacks material for absolute certainty. A conjecture is more methodical
than a guess, while a supposition is still slower and more
settled; a conjecture, like a guess, is preliminary and tentative; a
supposition is more nearly final; a surmise is more floating and
visionary, and often sinister; as, a surmise that a stranger may
be a pickpocket. Theory is used of the mental coordination of
facts and principles, that may or may not prove correct; a machine
may be perfect in theory, but useless in fact. Scheme may
be used as nearly equivalent to theory, but is more frequently
applied to proposed action, and in the sense of a somewhat visionary
plan. A speculation may be wholly of the brain, resting upon[206]
no facts worthy of consideration; system is the highest of these
terms, having most of assurance and fixity; a system unites many
facts, phenomena, or doctrines into an orderly and consistent
whole; we speak of a system of theology, of the Copernican system
of the universe. Compare SYSTEM.
certainty, | demonstration, | discovery, | evidence, | fact, | proof. |
apprehension, | design, | impression, | plan, |
archetype, | fancy, | judgment, | purpose, |
belief, | fantasy, | model, | sentiment, |
conceit, | ideal, | notion, | supposition, |
concept, | image, | opinion, | theory, |
conception, | imagination, | pattern, | thought. |
Idea is in Greek a form or an image. The word signified in
early philosophical use the archetype or primal image which the
Platonic philosophy supposed to be the model or pattern that
existing objects imperfectly embody. This high sense has nearly
disappeared from the word idea, and has been largely appropriated
by ideal, tho something of the original meaning still appears
when in theological or philosophical language we speak of the ideas
of God. The present popular use of idea makes it to signify any
product of mental apprehension or activity, considered as an object
of knowledge or thought; this coincides with the primitive
sense at but a single point—that an idea is mental as opposed to
anything substantial or physical; thus, almost any mental product,
as a belief, conception, design, opinion, etc., may now be
called an idea. Compare FANCY; IDEAL.
actuality, | fact, | reality, | substance. |
archetype, | model, | pattern, | prototype, | standard. |
idea, | original, |
An ideal is that which is conceived or taken as the highest type
of excellence or ultimate object of attainment. The archetype is
the primal form, actual or imaginary, according to which any existing
thing is constructed; the prototype has or has had actual existence;
in the derived sense, as in metrology, a prototype may not
be the original form, but one having equal authority with that as a[207]
standard. An ideal may be primal, or may be slowly developed
even from failures and by negations; an ideal is meant to be perfect,
not merely the thing that has been attained or is to be
attained, but the best conceivable thing that could by possibility
be attained. The artist's ideal is his own mental image, of which
his finished work is but an imperfect expression. The original is the
first specimen, good or bad; the original of a master is superior to
all copies. The standard may be below the ideal. The ideal is
imaginary, and ordinarily unattainable; the standard is concrete,
and ordinarily attainable, being a measure to which all else of its
kind must conform; as, the standard of weights and measures, of
corn, or of cotton. The idea of virtue is the mental concept
or image of virtue in general; the ideal of virtue is the mental concept
or image of virtue in its highest conceivable perfection. Compare
accomplishment, | action, | doing, | fact, | practise, |
achievement, | attainment, | embodiment, | incarnation, | reality, |
act, | development, | execution, | performance, | realization. |
fatuity, | foolishness, | incapacity, | stupidity. |
folly, | imbecility, | senselessness, |
Idiocy is a state of mental unsoundness amounting almost or
quite to total absence of understanding. Imbecility is a condition
of mental weakness, which may or may not be as complete as that
of idiocy, but is at least such as to incapacitate for the serious
duties of life. Incapacity, or lack of legal qualification for certain
acts, necessarily results from imbecility, but may also result from
other causes, as from insanity or from age, sex, etc.; as, the incapacity
of a minor to make a contract. Idiocy or imbecility is
weakness of mind, while insanity is disorder or abnormal action
of mind. Folly and foolishness denote a want of mental and
often of moral balance. Fatuity is sometimes used as equivalent
to idiocy, but more frequently signifies conceited and excessive
foolishness or folly. Stupidity is dulness and slowness of mental
action which may range all the way from lack of normal readiness
to absolute imbecility. Compare INSANITY.
acuteness, | brilliancy, | common sense, | sagacity, | soundness, |
astuteness, | capacity, | intelligence, | sense, | wisdom. |
inactive, | inert, | slothful, | trifling, | unoccupied, |
indolent, | lazy, | sluggish, | unemployed, | vacant. |
Idle in all uses rests upon its root meaning, as derived from
the Anglo-Saxon idel, which signifies vain, empty, useless. Idle
thus denotes not primarily the absence of action, but vain action—the
absence of useful, effective action; the idle schoolboy may
be very actively whittling his desk or tormenting his neighbors.
Doing nothing whatever is the secondary meaning of idle. One
may be temporarily idle of necessity; if he is habitually idle, it is
his own fault. Lazy signifies indisposed to exertion, averse to
labor; idleness is in fact; laziness is in disposition or inclination.
A lazy person may chance to be employed in useful work, but he
acts without energy or impetus. We speak figuratively of a lazy
stream. The inert person seems like dead matter (characterized
by inertia), powerless to move; the sluggish moves heavily and
toilsomely; the most active person may sometimes find the bodily
or mental powers sluggish. Slothful belongs in the moral realm,
denoting a self-indulgent aversion to exertion. "The slothful
hideth his hand in his bosom; it grieveth him to bring it again to
his mouth," Prov. xxvi, 15. Indolent is a milder term for the
same quality; the slothful man hates action; the indolent man
loves inaction. Compare VAIN.
active, | busy, | diligent, | employed, | industrious, | occupied, | working. |
ill-informed, | unenlightened, | unlearned, | untaught, |
illiterate, | uninformed, | unlettered, | untutored. |
uneducated, | uninstructed, | unskilled, |
Ignorant signifies destitute of education or knowledge, or
lacking knowledge or information; it is thus a relative term.
The most learned man is still ignorant of many things; persons
are spoken of as ignorant who have not the knowledge that has
become generally diffused in the world; the ignorant savage may
be well instructed in matters of the field and the chase, and is thus
more properly untutored than ignorant. Illiterate is without
letters and the knowledge that comes through reading. Unlettered
is similar in meaning to illiterate, but less absolute; the unlettered
man may have acquired the art of reading and writing and some
elementary knowledge; the uneducated man has never taken any[209]
systematic course of mental training. Ignorance is relative; illiteracy
is absolute; we have statistics of illiteracy; no statistics of
ignorance are possible.
educated, | instructed, | learned, | sage, | skilled, | trained, | well-informed, | wise. |
The old psychology treated of the Reproductive Imagination,
which simply reproduces the images that the mind has in any way
acquired, and the Productive Imagination which modifies and
combines mental images so as to produce what is virtually new.
To this Reproductive Imagination President Noah Porter and
others have given the name of phantasy or fantasy (many psychologists
preferring the former spelling). Phantasy or fantasy,
so understood, presents numerous and varied images, often combining
them into new forms with exceeding vividness, yet without
any true constructive power, but with the mind adrift, blindly
and passively following the laws of association, and with reason
and will in torpor; the mental images being perhaps as varied and
as vivid, but also as purposeless and unsystematized as the visual
images in a kaleidoscope; such fantasy (often loosely called imagination)
appears in dreaming, reverie, somnambulism, and intoxication.
Fantasy in ordinary usage simply denotes capricious
or erratic fancy, as appears in the adjective fantastic. Imagination
and fancy differ from fantasy in bringing the images and
their combinations under the control of the will; imagination is
the broader and higher term, including fancy; imagination is the
act or power of imaging or of reimaging objects of perception
or thought, of combining the products of knowledge in modified,
new, or ideal forms—the creative or constructive power
of the mind; while fancy is the act or power of forming pleasing,
graceful, whimsical, or odd mental images, or of combining
them with little regard to rational processes of construction;
imagination in its lower form. Both fancy and imagination
recombine and modify mental images; either may work with the
other's materials; imagination may glorify the tiniest flower;
fancy may play around a mountain or a star; the one great distinction
between them is that fancy is superficial, while imagination
is deep, essential, spiritual. Wordsworth, who was the first[210]
clearly to draw the distinction between the fancy and the imagination,
states it as follows:
To aggregate and to associate, to evoke and to combine, belong as well to the
imagination as to the fancy; but either the materials evoked and combined are different;
or they are brought together under a different law, and for a different purpose.
Fancy does not require that the materials which she makes use of should be
susceptible of changes in their constitution from her touch; and where they admit of
modification, it is enough for her purpose if it be slight, limited, and evanescent.
Directly the reverse of these are the desires and demands of the imagination. She
recoils from everything but the plastic, the pliant, and the indefinite. She leaves it
to fancy to describe Queen Mab as coming:
'In shape no bigger than an agate stone
On the forefinger of an alderman.'
Having to speak of stature, she does not tell you that her gigantic angel was as tall
as Pompey's Pillar; much less that he was twelve cubits or twelve hundred cubits
high; or that his dimensions equalled those of Teneriffe or Atlas; because these, and
if they were a million times as high, it would be the same, are bounded. The expression
is, 'His stature reached the sky!' the illimitable firmament!—When the imagination
frames a comparison, ... a sense of the truth of the likeness from the
moment that it is perceived grows—and continues to grow—upon the mind; the resemblance
depending less upon outline of form and feature than upon expression
and effect, less upon casual and outstanding than upon inherent and internal properties.[B]
Poetical Works, Pref. to Ed. of 1815, p. 646, app. [T. & H. '51.]
So far as actual images are concerned, both fancy and imagination
are limited to the materials furnished by the external world;
it is remarkable that among all the representations of gods or
demigods, fiends and demons, griffins and chimæras, the human
mind has never invented one organ or attribute that is not presented
in human or animal life; the lion may have a human head
and an eagle's wings and claws, but in the various features,
individually, there is absolutely nothing new. But imagination
can transcend the work of fancy, and compare an image drawn
from the external world with some spiritual truth born in the
mind itself, or infuse a series of images with such a spiritual
truth, molding them as needed for its more vivid expression.
The imagination modifies images, and gives unity to variety; it sees all things in
one.... There is the epic imagination, the perfection of which is in Milton; and
the dramatic, of which Shakspeare is the absolute master.
Coleridge Table Talk June 23, '34.
Fancy keeps the material image prominent and clear, and
works not only with it, but for it; imagination always uses the
material object as the minister of something greater than itself,[211]
and often almost loses the object in the spiritual idea with which
she has associated it, and for which alone she values it. Fancy
flits about the surface, and is airy and playful, sometimes petty
and sometimes false; imagination goes to the heart of things, and
is deep, earnest, serious, and seeks always and everywhere for essential
truth. Fancy sets off, variegates, and decorates; imagination
transforms and exalts. Fancy delights and entertains; imagination
moves and thrills. Imagination is not only poetic or
literary, but scientific, philosophical, and practical. By imagination
the architect sees the unity of a building not yet begun, and
the inventor sees the unity and varied interactions of a machine
never yet constructed, even a unity that no human eye ever can
see, since when the machine is in actual motion, one part may
hide the connecting parts, and yet all keep the unity of the inventor's
thought. By imagination a Newton sweeps sun, planets,
and stars into unity with the earth and the apple that is drawn irresistibly
to its surface, and sees them all within the circle of one
grand law. Science, philosophy, and mechanical invention have
little use for fancy, but the creative, penetrative power of imagination
is to them the breath of life, and the condition of all advance
and success. See also FANCY; IDEA.
at once, | instanter, | presently, | straightway, |
directly, | instantly, | right away, | this instant, |
forthwith, | now, | right off, | without delay. |
The strong and general human tendency to procrastination is
shown in the progressive weakening of the various words in this
group. Immediately primarily signifies without the intervention
of anything as a medium, hence without the intervention of any,
even the briefest, interval or lapse of time. By and by, which was
once a synonym, has become an antonym of immediately, meaning
at some (perhaps remote) future time. Directly, which once
meant with no intervening time, now means after some little
while; presently no longer means in this very present, but before
very long. Even immediately is sliding from its instantaneousness,
so that we are fain to substitute at once, instantly, etc.,
when we would make promptness emphatic. Right away and
right off are vigorous conversational expressions in the United
after a while, | by and by, | hereafter, | in the future, | some time. |
bury, | dip, | douse, | duck, | immerge, | plunge, | sink, | submerge. |
Dip is Saxon, while immerse is Latin for the same initial act;
dip is accordingly the more popular and commonplace, immerse
the more elegant and dignified expression in many cases. To
speak of baptism by immersion as dipping now seems rude;
tho entirely proper and usual in early English. Baptists now
universally use the word immerse. To dip and to immerse alike
signify to bury or submerge some object in a liquid; but dip implies
that the object dipped is at once removed from the liquid,
while immerse is wholly silent as to the removal. Immerse also
suggests more absolute completeness of the action; one may dip
his sleeve or dip a sponge in a liquid, if he but touches the edge;
if he immerses it, he completely sinks it under, and covers it with
the liquid. Submerge implies that the object can not readily be
removed, if at all; as, a submerged wreck. To plunge is to
immerse suddenly and violently, for which douse and duck are
colloquial terms. Dip is used, also, unlike the other words, to
denote the putting of a hollow vessel into a liquid in order to
remove a portion of it; in this sense we say dip up, dip out.
Compare synonyms for BURY.
The object is immersed in water.
Imminent, from the Latin, with the sense of projecting over, signifies
liable to happen at once, as some calamity, dangerous and
close at hand. Impending, also from the Latin, with the sense of
hanging over, is closely akin to imminent, but somewhat less
emphatic. Imminent is more immediate, impending more remote,
threatening more contingent. An impending evil is almost
sure to happen at some uncertain time, perhaps very near;
an imminent peril is one liable to befall very speedily; a threatening
peril may be near or remote, but always with hope that it
may be averted.
chimerical, | contingent, | doubtful, | improbable, | problematical, | unexpected, | unlikely. |
bar, | clog, | encumbrance, | obstacle, |
barrier, | difficulty, | hindrance, | obstruction. |
Difficulty makes an undertaking otherwise than easy. That
which rests upon one as a burden is an encumbrance. An impediment
is primarily something that checks the foot or in any way
makes advance slow or difficult; an obstacle is something that
stands across the way, an obstruction something that is built or
placed across the way. An obstruction is always an obstacle, but
an obstacle may not always be properly termed an obstruction;
boxes and bales placed on the sidewalk are obstructions to travel;
an ice-floe is an obstacle to navigation, and may become an obstruction
if it closes an inlet or channel. A hindrance (kindred
with hind, behind) is anything that makes one come behind or
short of his purpose. An impediment may be either what one
finds in his way or what he carries with him; impedimenta was
the Latin name for the baggage of a soldier or of an army. The
tendency is to view an impediment as something constant or, at
least for a time, continuous; as, an impediment in one's speech.
A difficulty or a hindrance may be either within one or without;
a speaker may find difficulty in expressing himself, or difficulty in
holding the attention of restless children. An encumbrance is
always what one carries with him; an obstacle or an obstruction
is always without. To a marching soldier the steepness of a mountain
path is a difficulty, loose stones are impediments, a fence is an
obstruction, a cliff or a boulder across the way is an obstacle; a
knapsack is an encumbrance.
advantage, | aid, | assistance, | benefit, | help, | relief, | succor. |
assurance, | impertinence, | intrusiveness, | presumption, |
boldness, | incivility, | officiousness, | rudeness, |
effrontery, | insolence, | pertness, | sauciness. |
forwardness, |
Impertinence primarily denotes what does not pertain or belong
to the occasion or the person, and hence comes to signify interference
by word or act not consistent with the age, position, or relation
of the person interfered with or of the one who interferes;
especially, forward, presumptuous, or meddlesome speech. Impudence
is shameless impertinence. What would be arrogance in a[214]
superior becomes impertinence or impudence in an inferior.
Impertinence has less of intent and determination than impudence.
We speak of thoughtless impertinence, shameless impudence. Insolence
is literally that which is against custom, i. e., the violation
of customary respect and courtesy. Officiousness is thrusting upon
others unasked and undesired service, and is often as well-meant
as it is annoying. Rudeness is the behavior that might be expected
from a thoroughly uncultured person, and may be either
deliberate and insulting or unintentional and even unconscious.
bashfulness, | diffidence, | lowliness, | modesty, |
coyness, | humility, | meekness, | submissiveness. |
The impudence of, or impudence from, a subordinate to a
absurd, | ill-matched, | inharmonious, |
conflicting, | inapposite, | irreconcilable, |
contradictory, | inappropriate, | mismatched, |
contrary, | incommensurable, | mismated, |
discordant, | incompatible, | repugnant, |
discrepant, | inconsistent, | unsuitable. |
Two or more things that do not fit well together, or are not
adapted to each other, are said to be incongruous; a thing is said
to be incongruous that is not adapted to the time, place, or occasion;
the term is also applied to a thing made up of ill-assorted
parts or inharmonious elements. Discordant is applied to all
things that jar in association like musical notes that are not in accord;
inharmonious has the same original sense, but is a milder
term. Incompatible primarily signifies unable to sympathize or
feel alike; inconsistent means unable to stand together. Things
are incompatible which can not exist together in harmonious relations,
and whose action when associated tends to ultimate extinction
of one by the other. Inconsistent applies to things that
can not be made to agree in thought with each other, or with
some standard of truth or right; slavery and freedom are inconsistent
with each other in theory, and incompatible in fact. Incongruous
applies to relations, unsuitable to purpose or use; two
colors are incongruous which can not be agreeably associated;
either may be unsuitable for a person, a room, or an occasion.[215]
Incommensurable is a mathematical term, applying to two or
more quantities that have no common measure or aliquot part.
accordant, | agreeing, | compatible, | consistent, | harmonious, | suitable. |
The illustrations were incongruous with the theme.
Deduction is reasoning from the general to the particular; induction
is reasoning from the particular to the general. Deduction
proceeds from a general principle through an admitted instance
to a conclusion. Induction, on the other hand, proceeds
from a number of collated instances, through some attribute
common to them all, to a general principle. The proof of an induction
is by using its conclusion as the premise of a new deduction.
Thus what is ordinarily known as scientific induction is a
constant interchange of induction and deduction. In deduction,
if the general rule is true, and the special case falls under the
rule, the conclusion is certain; induction can ordinarily give no
more than a probable conclusion, because we can never be sure
that we have collated all instances. An induction is of the nature
of an inference, but while an inference may be partial and hasty,
an induction is careful, and aims to be complete. Compare DEMONSTRATION;
active, | busy, | employed, | occupied, |
assiduous, | diligent, | engaged, | sedulous. |
Industrious signifies zealously or habitually applying oneself to
any work or business. Busy applies to an activity which may be
temporary, industrious to a habit of life. We say a man is busy just
now; that is, occupied at the moment with something that
takes his full attention. It would be ridiculous or satirical to say,
he is industrious just now. But busy can be used in the sense of
industrious, as when we say he is a busy man. Diligent indicates
also a disposition, which is ordinarily habitual, and suggests more
of heartiness and volition than industrious. We say one is a diligent,
rather than an industrious, reader of the Bible. In the use[216]
of the nouns, we speak of plodding industry, but not of plodding
diligence. Compare ACTIVE; INDUSTRY.
See synonyms for IDLE.
application, | diligence, | labor, | persistence, |
assiduity, | effort, | pains, | sedulousness. |
attention, | exertion, | patience, |
constancy, | intentness, | perseverance, |
Industry is the quality, action, or habit of earnest, steady, and
continued attention or devotion to any useful or productive
work or task, manual or mental. Assiduity (L. ad, to, and
sedeo, sit), as the etymology suggests, sits down to a task
until it is done. Diligence (L. diligo, love, choose) invests
more effort and exertion, with love of the work or deep
interest in its accomplishment; application (L. ad, to, and
plico, fold) bends to its work and concentrates all one's powers
upon it with utmost intensity; hence, application can hardly be
as unremitting as assiduity. Constancy is a steady devotion of
heart and principle. Patience works on in spite of annoyances;
perseverance overcomes hindrances and difficulties; persistence
strives relentlessly against opposition; persistence has very frequently
an unfavorable meaning, implying that one persists in spite
of considerations that should induce him to desist. Industry is
diligence applied to some avocation, business, or profession.
Labor and pains refer to the exertions of the worker and the tax
upon him, while assiduity, perseverance, etc., refer to his continuance
in the work.
changeableness, | idleness, | inconstancy, | neglect, | remissness, |
fickleness, | inattention, | indolence, | negligence, | sloth. |
absolute, | illimitable, | limitless, | unconditioned, |
boundless, | immeasurable, | measureless, | unfathomable, |
countless, | innumerable, | numberless, | unlimited, |
eternal, | interminable, | unbounded, | unmeasured. |
Infinite (L. in, not, and finis, limit) signifies without bounds or
limits in any way, and may be applied to space, time, quantity, or
number. Countless, innumerable, and numberless, which should[217]
be the same as infinite, are in common usage vaguely employed to
denote what it is difficult or practically impossible to count or
number, tho perhaps falling far short of infinite; as, countless
leaves, the countless sands on the seashore, numberless battles, innumerable
delays. So, too, boundless, illimitable, limitless, measureless,
and unlimited are loosely used in reference to what has no
apparent or readily determinable limits in space or time; as, we
speak of the boundless ocean. Infinite space is without bounds,
not only in fact, but in thought; infinite time is truly eternal.
Compare synonyms for ETERNAL.
bounded, | finite, | measurable, | restricted, | small, |
brief, | limited, | moderate, | shallow, | transient, |
circumscribed, | little, | narrow, | short, | transitory. |
evanescent, |
actuate, | draw, | impel, | induce, | move, | stir, |
compel, | drive, | incite, | instigate, | persuade, | sway, |
dispose, | excite, | incline, | lead, | prompt, | urge. |
To influence (L. in, in or into, and fluo, flow) is to affect, modify,
or act upon by physical, mental, or moral power, especially in
some gentle, subtle, and gradual way; as, vegetation is influenced
by light; every one is influenced to some extent by public opinion;
influence is chiefly used of power acting from without, tho it may
be used of motives regarded as forces acting upon the will. Actuate
refers solely to mental or moral power impelling one from
within. One may influence, but can not directly actuate another;
but one may be actuated to cruelty by hatred which another's misrepresentation
has aroused. Prompt and stir are words of mere
suggestion toward some course of action; dispose, draw, incline,
influence, and lead refer to the use of mild means to awaken in
another a purpose or disposition to act. To excite is to arouse one
from lethargy or indifference to action. Incite and instigate, to
spur or goad one to action, differ in the fact that incite may be to
good, while instigate is always to evil (compare ABET). To urge
and impel signify to produce strong excitation toward some act.
We are urged from without, impelled from within. Drive and
compel imply irresistible influence accomplishing its object. One
may be driven either by his own passions or by external force or
urgency; one is compelled only by some external power; as, the[218]
owner was compelled by his misfortunes to sell his estate. Compare
deter, | dissuade, | impede, | prevent, | restrain, | retard. |
discourage, | hinder, | inhibit, |
Actuated to crime by revenge.
congenital, | indispensable, | innate, | native, |
essential, | indwelling, | inseparable, | natural, |
immanent, | infixed, | internal, | subjective. |
inborn, | ingrained, | intrinsic, |
inbred, | inhering, | inwrought, |
Inherent signifies permanently united as an element or original
quality, naturally existent or incorporated in something so as to
have become an integral part. Immanent is a philosophic word,
to denote that which dwells in or pervades any substance or spirit
without necessarily being a part of it, and without reference to
any working out (compare SUBJECTIVE). That which is inherent is
an inseparable part of that in which it inheres, and is usually
thought of with reference to some outworking or effect; as, an
inherent difficulty. God is said to be immanent (not inherent) in
the universe. Frequently intrinsic and inherent can be interchanged,
but inherent applies to qualities, while intrinsic applies
to essence, so that to speak of intrinsic excellence conveys higher
praise than if we say inherent excellence. Inherent and intrinsic
may be said of persons or things; congenital, inborn, inbred, innate,
apply to living beings. Congenital is frequent in medical
and legal use with special application to defects; as, congenital
idiocy. Innate and inborn are almost identical, but innate is preferred
in philosophic use, as when we speak of innate ideas; that
which is inborn, congenital, or innate may be original with the
individual, but that which is inbred is inherited. Ingrained signifies
dyed in the grain, and denotes that which is deeply wrought
into substance or character.
accidental, | extrinsic, | outward, | superficial, | supplemental, |
casual, | fortuitous, | subsidiary, | superfluous, | transient, |
external, | incidental, | superadded, | superimposed, | unconnected. |
blemish, | disadvantage, | hurt, | loss, | prejudice, |
damage, | evil, | impairment, | mischief, | wrong. |
detriment, | harm, | injustice, | outrage, |
Injury (L. in, not, and jus, juris, right, law) signifies primarily
something done contrary to law or right; hence, something contrary
to some standard of right or good; whatever reduces the
value, utility, beauty, or desirableness of anything is an injury to
that thing; of persons, whatever is so done as to operate adversely
to one in his person, rights, property, or reputation is an injury;
the word is especially used of whatever mars the integrity of the
body or causes pain; as, when rescued from the wreck his injuries
were found to be very slight. Injury is the general term including
all the rest. Damage (L. damnum, loss) is that which occasions
loss to the possessor; hence, any impairment of value, often
with the suggestion of fault on the part of the one causing it;
damage reduces value, utility, or beauty; detriment (L. deterere,
to rub or wear away) is similar in meaning, but far milder. Detriment
may affect value only; damage always affects real worth
or utility; as a rule, the slightest use of an article by a purchaser
operates to its detriment if again offered for sale, tho the article
may have received not the slightest damage. Damage is partial;
loss is properly absolute as far as it is predicated at all; the loss of
a ship implies that it is gone beyond recovery; the loss of the rudder
is a damage to the ship; but since the loss of a part still leaves
a part, we may speak of a partial or a total loss. Evil commonly
suggests suffering or sin, or both; as, the evils of poverty, the social
evil. Harm is closely synonymous with injury; it may apply
to body, mind, or estate, but always affects real worth, while injury
may concern only estimated value. A hurt is an injury that
causes pain, physical or mental; a slight hurt may be no real
harm. Mischief is disarrangement, trouble, or harm usually
caused by some voluntary agent, with or without injurious intent;
a child's thoughtless sport may do great mischief; wrong is harm
done with evil intent. An outrage combines insult and injury.
Compare synonyms for BLEMISH; CRIMINAL; INJUSTICE.
advantage, | benefit, | boon, | improvement, | service, |
amelioration, | blessing, | help, | remedy, | utility. |
The injury of the cause; an injury to the structure; injury by
fire; by or from collision, interference, etc.
grievance, | injury, | unfairness, | unrighteousness, | wrong. |
iniquity, |
Injustice is a violation or denial of justice, an act or omission
that is contrary to equity or justice; as, the injustice of unequal
taxes. In legal usage a wrong involves injury to person, property,
or reputation, as the result of evil intent; injustice applies to civil
damage or loss, not necessarily involving injury to person or property,
as by misrepresentation of goods which does not amount to
a legal warranty. In popular usage, injustice may involve no direct
injury to person, property, interest, or character, and no
harmful intent, while wrong always involves both; one who attributes
another's truly generous act to a selfish motive does him an
injustice. Iniquity, in the original sense, is a want of or a deviation
from equity; but it is now applied in the widest sense to any
form of ill-doing. Compare synonyms for CRIMINAL; SIN.
equity, | faithfulness, | impartiality, | lawfulness, | righteousness, |
fairness, | honesty, | integrity, | rectitude, | uprightness. |
fair play, | honor, | justice, | right, |
blameless, | guiltless, | inoffensive, | spotless, |
clean, | harmless, | pure, | stainless, |
clear, | immaculate, | right, | upright, |
faultless, | innocuous, | righteous, | virtuous. |
guileless, | innoxious, | sinless, |
Innocent, in the full sense, signifies not tainted with sin; not
having done wrong or violated legal or moral precept or duty; as,
an innocent babe. Innocent is a negative word, expressing less
than righteous, upright, or virtuous, which imply knowledge of
good and evil, with free choice of the good. A little child or a
lamb is innocent; a tried and faithful man is righteous, upright,
virtuous. Immaculate, pure, and sinless may be used either of
one who has never known the possibility of evil or of one who has
perfectly and triumphantly resisted it. Innocent is used of inanimate
substances in the sense of harmless; as, an innocent remedy,
that is, one not dangerous, even if not helpful. Innocent, in a
specific case, signifies free from the guilt of a particular act, even
tho the total character may be very evil; as, the thief was found
to be innocent of the murder. See CANDID; PURE.
Compare synonyms for CRIMINAL.
curious, | meddlesome, | peeping, | scrutinizing, |
inquiring, | meddling, | prying, | searching. |
intrusive, |
An inquisitive person is one who is bent on finding out all that
can be found out by inquiry, especially of little and personal matters,
and hence is generally meddlesome and prying. Inquisitive
may be used in a good sense, tho in such connection inquiring is
to be preferred; as, an inquiring mind. As applied to a state of
mind, curious denotes a keen and rather pleasurable desire to know
fully something to which one's attention has been called, but without
the active tendency that inquisitive implies; a well-bred person
may be curious to know, but will not be inquisitive in trying
to ascertain, what is of interest in the affairs of another.
apathetic, | heedless, | indifferent, | unconcerned, | uninterested. |
careless, | inattentive, |
Inquisitive about, concerning, in regard to, regarding trifles.
aberration, | delirium, | frenzy, | madness, |
alienation, | dementia, | hallucination, | mania, |
craziness, | derangement, | lunacy, | monomania. |
Of these terms insanity is the most exact and comprehensive,
including in its widest sense all morbid conditions of mind due to
diseased action of the brain or nervous system, but in its more frequent
restricted use applied to those forms in which the mental
disorder is persistent, as distinguished from those in which it is
temporary or transient. Craziness is a vague popular term for
any sort of disordered mental action, or for conduct suggesting it.
Lunacy originally denoted intermittent insanity, supposed to be
dependent on the changes of the moon (L. luna): the term is now
applied in general and legal use to any form of mental unsoundness
except idiocy. Madness is the old popular term, now less
common, for insanity in its widest sense, but with suggestion of
excitement, akin to mania. In the derived sense, lunacy denotes
what is insanely foolish, madness what is insanely desperate. Derangement
is a common euphemism for insanity. Delirium is always
temporary, and is specifically the insanity of disease, as in
acute fevers. Dementia is a general weakening of the mental[222]
powers: the word is specifically applied to senile insanity, dotage.
Aberration is eccentricity of mental action due to an abnormal
state of the perceptive faculties, and is manifested by error in
perceptions and rambling thought. Hallucination is the apparent
perception of that which does not exist or is not present to
the senses, as the seeing of specters or of reptiles in delirium
tremens. Monomania is mental derangement as to one subject
or object. Frenzy and mania are forms of raving and furious
insanity. Compare synonyms for DELUSION; IDIOCY.
clearness, | good sense, | lucidity, | rationality, | sanity. |
arbitrate, | intercept, | intermeddle, | meddle, |
intercede, | interfere, | interrupt, | mediate. |
To interpose is to place or come between other things or persons,
usually as a means of obstruction or prevention of some
effect or result that would otherwise occur, or be expected to take
place. Intercede and interpose are used in a good sense; intermeddle
always in a bad sense, and interfere frequently so. To intercede
is to come between persons who are at variance, and plead
with the stronger in behalf of the weaker. One may interpose
with authority; he intercedes by petition. To intermeddle is to
thrust oneself into the concerns of others with a petty officiousness;
meddling commonly arises from idle curiosity; "every fool will
be meddling," Prov. xx, 3; to interfere is to intrude into others'
affairs with more serious purpose, with or without acknowledged
right or propriety. Intercept is applied to an object that may be
seized or stopped while in transit; as, to intercept a letter or a
messenger; interrupt is applied to an action which might or should
be continuous, but is broken in upon (L. rumpere, to break) by
some disturbing power; as, the conversation was interrupted.
One who arbitrates or mediates must do so by the request or at
least with the consent of the contending parties; the other words
of the group imply that he steps in of his own accord.
avoid, | keep aloof, | keep out, | retire, | stand back, |
hold aloof, | keep away, | let alone, | stand aside, | stand off, |
hold off, | keep clear, | let be, | stand away, | withdraw. |
Interpose between the combatants; in the matter.
complicate, | embroil, | implicate, | include, |
embarrass, | entangle, | imply, | overwhelm. |
To involve (L. in, in, and volvo, roll) is to roll or wind up with
or in so as to combine inextricably or inseparably, or nearly so;
as, the nation is involved in war; the bookkeeper's accounts, or
the writer's sentences are involved. Involve is a stronger word
than implicate, denoting more complete entanglement. As applied
to persons, implicate is always used in an unfavorable sense,
and involve ordinarily so; but implicate applies only to that which
is wrong, while involve is more commonly used of that which is
unfortunate; one is implicated in a crime, involved in embarrassments,
misfortunes, or perplexities. As regards logical connection
that which is included is usually expressly stated; that which
is implied is not stated, but is naturally to be inferred; that which
is involved is necessarily to be inferred; as, a slate roof is included
in the contract; that the roof shall be water-tight is
implied; the contrary supposition involves an absurdity. See
disconnect, | disentangle, | distinguish, | explicate, | extricate, | remove, | separate. |
excursion, | pilgrimage, | transit, | trip, |
expedition, | tour, | travel, | voyage. |
A journey (F. journée, from L. diurnus, daily) was primarily
a day's work; hence, a movement from place to place within one
day, which we now describe as "a day's journey;" in its extended
modern use a journey is a direct going from a starting-point
to a destination, ordinarily over a considerable distance;
we speak of a day's journey, or the journey of life. Travel is a
passing from place to place, not necessarily in a direct line or with
fixed destination; a journey through Europe would be a passage
to some destination beyond or at the farther boundary; travel in
Europe may be in no direct course, but may include many journeys
in different directions. A voyage, which was formerly a
journey of any kind, is now a going to a considerable distance by
water, especially by sea; as, a voyage to India. A trip is a short
and direct journey. A tour is a journey that returns to the
starting-point, generally over a considerable distance; as, a bridal[224]
tour, or business tour. An excursion is a brief tour or journey,
taken for pleasure, often by many persons at once; as, an excursion
to Chautauqua. Passage is a general word for a journey by
any conveyance, especially by water; as, a rough passage across
the Atlantic; transit, literally the act of passing over or through,
is used specifically of the conveyance of passengers or merchandise;
rapid transit is demanded for suburban residents or perishable
goods. Pilgrimage, once always of a sacred character, retains in
derived uses something of that sense; as, a pilgrimage to Stratford-on-Avon.
A journey from Naples to Rome; through Mexico; across the
continent; over the sea; a journey into Asia; among savages; by
land, by rail, for health, on foot, on the cars, etc.
arbiter, | arbitrator, | justice, | referee, | umpire. |
A judge, in the legal sense, is a judicial officer appointed or
elected to preside in courts of law, and to decide legal questions
duly brought before him; the name is sometimes given to other
legally constituted officers; as, the judges of election; in other relations,
any person duly appointed to pass upon the merits of contestants
or of competing articles may be called a judge; as, the
judges at an agricultural fair, or at a race-track; in the widest
sense, any person who has good capacity for judging is called a
judge; as, a person is said to be a judge of pictures, or a good judge
of a horse, etc. In most games the judge is called an umpire; as, the
umpire of a game of ball or cricket. A referee is appointed by a
court to decide disputed matters between litigants; an arbitrator
is chosen by the contending parties to decide matters in dispute
without action by a court. In certain cases an umpire is appointed
by a court to decide where arbitrators disagree. Arbiter, with its
suggestion of final and absolute decision, has come to be used only
in a high or sacred sense; as, war must now be the arbiter; the
Supreme Arbiter of our destinies. The judges of certain courts,
as the United States Supreme Court, are technically known as
equity, | impartiality, | legality, | rightfulness, |
fairness, | integrity, | rectitude, | truth, |
fair play, | justness, | right, | uprightness, |
faithfulness, | law, | righteousness, | virtue. |
honor, | lawfulness, |
In its governmental relations, human or divine, justice is the
giving to every person exactly what he deserves, not necessarily
involving any consideration of what any other may deserve; equity
(the quality of being equal) is giving every one as much advantage,
privilege, or consideration as is given to any other; it is that
which is equally right or just to all concerned; equity is equal
justice and is thus a close synonym for fairness and impartiality,
but it has a philosophical and legal precision that those words have
not. In legal proceedings cases arise for which the law has not
adequately provided, or in which general provisions, just in the
main, would work individual hardship. The system of equity, devised
to supply the insufficiencies of law, deals with cases "to
which the law by reason of its universality can not apply." "Equity,
then, ... is the soul and spirit of all law; positive law is construed
and rational law is made by it." Blackstone bk. iii, ch.
27, p. 429. In personal and social relations justice is the rendering
to every one what is due or merited, whether in act, word, or
thought; in matters of reasoning, or literary work of any kind,
justice is close, faithful, unprejudiced, and unbiased adherence to
essential truth or fact; we speak of the justice of a statement, or
of doing justice to a subject. Integrity, rectitude, right, righteousness
and virtue denote conformity of personal conduct to the
moral law, and thus necessarily include justice, which is giving
others that which is their due. Lawfulness is an ambiguous word,
meaning in its narrower sense mere legality, which may be very
far from justice, but in its higher sense signifying accordance with
the supreme law of right, and thus including perfect justice. Justness
refers rather to logical relations than to practical matters; as,
we speak of the justness of a statement or of a criticism. See
dishonesty, | inequity, | partiality, | unlawfulness, | untruth, |
favoritism, | injustice, | unfairness, | unreasonableness, | wrong. |
The justice of the king; to or for the oppressed.
carry, | defend, | hold, | preserve, | retain, |
carry on, | detain, | maintain, | protect, | support, |
celebrate, | fulfil, | obey, | refrain, | sustain, |
conduct, | guard, | observe, | restrain, | withhold. |
Keep, signifying generally to have and retain in possession, is
the terse, strong Saxon term for many acts which are more exactly
discriminated by other words. We keep, observe, or celebrate
a festival; we keep or hold a prisoner in custody; we keep
or preserve silence, keep the peace, preserve order—preserve being
the more formal word; we keep or maintain a horse, a servant,
etc.; a man supports his family; we keep or obey a commandment;
keep or fulfil a promise. In the expressions to keep a secret,
keep one's own counsel, keep faith, or keep the faith, such words
as preserve or maintain could not be substituted without loss. A
person keeps a shop or store, conducts or carries on a business; he
keeps or carries a certain line of goods; we may keep or restrain
one from folly, crime, or violence; we keep from or refrain from
evil, ourselves. Keep in the sense of guard or defend implies that
the defense is effectual. Compare CELEBRATE; RESTRAIN.
Keep in hand, in mind, in or within the house; from evil; out
of mischief; keep to the subject; keep for a person, an occasion,
assassinate, | despatch, | massacre, | put to death, | slay. |
butcher, | execute, | murder, | slaughter, |
To kill is simply to deprive of life, human, animal, or vegetable,
with no suggestion of how or why. Assassinate, execute, murder,
apply only to the taking of human life; to murder is to kill
with premeditation and malicious intent; to execute is to kill in
fulfilment of a legal sentence; to assassinate is to kill by assault;
this word is chiefly applied to the killing of public or eminent persons
through alleged political motives, whether secretly or openly.
To slay is to kill by a blow, or by a weapon. Butcher and
slaughter apply primarily to the killing of cattle; massacre is
applied primarily and almost exclusively to human beings, signifying
to kill them indiscriminately in large numbers; to massacre
is said when there is no chance of successful resistance; to butcher
when the killing is especially brutal; soldiers mown down in a[227]
hopeless charge are said to be slaughtered when no brutality on
the enemy's part is implied. To despatch is to kill swiftly and in
general quietly, always with intention, with or without right.
To kill with or by sword, famine, pestilence, care, grief, etc.;
killed for his money, by a robber, with a dagger.
affinity, | blood, | descent, | kind, | race, |
alliance, | consanguinity, | family, | kindred, | relationship. |
birth, |
Kind is broader than kin, denoting the most general relationship,
as of the whole human species in mankind, humankind, etc.;
kin and kindred denote direct relationship that can be traced
through either blood or marriage, preferably the former; either of
these words may signify collectively all persons of the same
blood or members of the same family, relatives or relations. Affinity
is relationship by marriage, consanguinity is relationship by
blood. There are no true antonyms of kin or kindred, except those
made by negatives, since strangers, aliens, foreigners, and foes
may still be kin or kindred.
acquaintance, | erudition, | learning, | recognition, |
apprehension, | experience, | light, | scholarship, |
cognition, | information, | lore, | science, |
cognizance, | intelligence, | perception, | wisdom. |
comprehension, | intuition, |
Knowledge is all that the mind knows, from whatever source
derived or obtained, or by whatever process; the aggregate of
facts, truths, or principles acquired or retained by the mind, including
alike the intuitions native to the mind and all that has
been learned respecting phenomena, causes, laws, principles, literature,
etc. There is a tendency to regard knowledge as accurate
and systematic, and to a certain degree complete. Information is
knowledge of fact, real or supposed, derived from persons, books,
or observation, and is regarded as casual and haphazard. We say
of a studious man that he has a great store of knowledge, or of an
intelligent man of the world, that he has a fund of varied information.
Lore is used only in poetic or elevated style, for accumulated
knowledge, as of a people or age, or in a more limited sense
for learning or erudition. We speak of perception of external[228]
objects, apprehension of intellectual truth. Simple perception
gives a limited knowledge of external objects, merely as such; the
cognition of the same objects is a knowledge of them in some
relation; cognizance is the formal or official recognition of something
as an object of knowledge; we take cognizance of it.
Intuition is primary knowledge antecedent to all teaching or reasoning,
experience is knowledge that has entered directly into one's
own life; as, a child's experience that fire will burn. Learning is
much higher than information, being preeminently wide and systematic
knowledge, the result of long, assiduous study; erudition
is recondite learning secured only by extraordinary industry, opportunity,
and ability. Compare ACQUAINTANCE; EDUCATION;
ignorance, | inexperience, | misconception, | rudeness, |
illiteracy, | misapprehension, | misunderstanding, | unfamiliarity. |
barbarism, | expression, | patois, | vernacular, |
dialect, | idiom, | speech, | vocabulary. |
diction, | mother tongue, | tongue, |
Language (F. langage < L. lingua, the tongue) signified
originally expression of thought by spoken words, but now in its
widest sense it signifies expression of thought by any means; as,
the language of the eyes, the language of flowers. As regards
the use of words, language in its broadest sense denotes all the uttered
sounds and their combinations into words and sentences that
human beings employ for the communication of thought, and, in
a more limited sense, the words or combinations forming a means
of communication among the members of a single nation, people,
or race. Speech involves always the power of articulate utterance;
we can speak of the language of animals, but not of their
speech. A tongue is the speech or language of some one people,
country, or race. A dialect is a special mode of speaking a language
peculiar to some locality or class, not recognized as in accordance
with the best usage; a barbarism is a perversion of a
language by ignorant foreigners, or some usage akin to that.
Idiom refers to the construction of phrases and sentences, and the
way of forming or using words; it is the peculiar mold in which
each language casts its thought. The great difficulty of translation
is to give the thought expressed in one language in the idiom
of another. A dialect may be used by the highest as well as the[229]
lowest within its range; a patois is distinctly illiterate, belonging
to the lower classes; those who speak a patois understand the
cultured form of their own language, but speak only the degraded
form, as in the case of the Italian lazzaroni or the former negro
slaves in the United States. Vernacular, from the Latin, has the
same general sense as the Saxon mother tongue, of one's native
language, or that of a people; as, the Scriptures were translated
into the vernacular. Compare DICTION.
abundant, | coarse, | gigantic, | long, |
ample, | colossal, | grand, | massive, |
big, | commodious, | great, | spacious, |
broad, | considerable, | huge, | vast, |
bulky, | enormous, | immense, | wide. |
capacious, | extensive, |
Large denotes extension in more than one direction, and beyond
the average of the class to which the object belongs; we
speak of a large surface or a large solid, but of a long line; a
large field, a large room, a large apple, etc. A large man is a
man of more than ordinary size; a great man is a man of remarkable
mental power. Big is a more emphatic word than large, but
of less dignity. We do not say that George Washington was a
big man.
brief, | infinitesimal, | little, | minute, | petty, | slender, | tiny, |
diminutive, | insignificant, | mean, | narrow, | scanty, | slight, | trifling, |
inconsiderable, | limited, | microscopic, | paltry, | short, | small, | trivial. |
canon, | economy, | legislation, | principle, |
code, | edict, | mandate, | regulation, |
command, | enactment, | order, | rule, |
commandment, | formula, | ordinance, | statute. |
decree, | jurisprudence, | polity, |
Law, in its ideal, is the statement of a principle of right in mandatory
form, by competent authority, with adequate penalty for
disobedience; in common use, the term is applied to any legislative
act, however imperfect or unjust. Command and commandment
are personal and particular; as, the commands of a parent;
the ten commandments. An edict is the act of an absolute
sovereign or other authority; we speak of the edict of an emperor,
the decree of a court. A mandate is specific, for an occasion or a
purpose; a superior court issues its mandate to an inferior court[230]
to send up its records. Statute is the recognized legal term for a
specific law; enactment is the more vague and general expression.
We speak of algebraic or chemical formulas, municipal ordinances,
military orders, army regulations, ecclesiastical canons,
the rules of a business house. Law is often used, also, for a recognized
principle, whose violation is attended with injury or loss
that acts like a penalty; as, the laws of business; the laws of
nature. In more strictly scientific use, a natural law is simply a
recognized system of sequences or relations; as, Kepler's laws of
planetary distances. A code is a system of laws; jurisprudence
is the science of law, or a system of laws scientifically considered,
classed, and interpreted; legislation, primarily the act of legislating,
denotes also the body of statutes enacted by a legislative body.
An economy (Gr. oikonomia, primarily the management of a
house) is any comprehensive system of administration; as, domestic
economy; but the word is extended to the administration or
government of a state or people, signifying a body of laws and
regulations, with the entire system, political or religious, especially
the latter, of which they form a part; as, the code of Draco,
Roman jurisprudence, British legislation, the Mosaic economy.
Law is also used as a collective noun for a system of laws or recognized
rules or regulations, including not only all special laws,
but the principles on which they are based. The Mosaic economy
is known also as the Mosaic law, and we speak of the English
common law, or the law of nations. Polity (Gr. politeia, from
polis, a city) signifies the form, constitution, or method of government
of a nation, state, church, or other institution; in usage it
differs from economy as applying rather to the system, while
economy applies especially to method, or to the system as administered;
an economy might be termed a polity considered with especial
reference to its practical administration, hence commonly
with special reference to details or particulars, while polity has
more reference to broad principles.
emancipation, | freedom, | independence, | license. |
In general terms, it may be said that freedom is absolute, liberty
relative; freedom is the absence of restraint, liberty is
primarily the removal or avoidance of restraint; in its broadest
sense, it is the state of being exempt from the domination of others[231]
or from restricting circumstances. Freedom and liberty are constantly
interchanged; the slave is set at liberty, or gains his freedom;
but freedom is the nobler word. Independence is said of
states or nations, freedom and liberty of individuals; the independence
of the United States did not secure liberty or freedom to
its slaves. Liberty keeps quite strictly to the thought of being
clear of restraint or compulsion; freedom takes a wider range,
applying to other oppressive influences; thus, we speak of freedom
from annoyance or intrusion. License is, in its limited sense, a
permission or privilege granted by adequate authority, a bounded
liberty; in the wider sense, license is an ignoring and defiance of
all that should restrain, and a reckless doing of all that individual
caprice or passion may choose to do—a base and dangerous counterfeit
of freedom. Compare ALLOW; PERMISSION.
captivity, | imprisonment, | oppression, | slavery, |
compulsion, | necessity, | serfdom, | superstition, |
constraint, | obligation, | servitude, | thraldom. |
blaze, | gleam, | glow, | shimmer, |
flame, | gleaming, | illumination, | shine, |
flare, | glimmer, | incandescence, | shining, |
flash, | glistening, | luster, | sparkle, |
flicker, | glistering, | scintillation, | twinkle, |
glare, | glitter, | sheen, | twinkling. |
Light, strictly denoting a form of radiant energy, is used as a
general term for any luminous effect discernible by the eye, from
the faintest phosphorescence to the blaze of the noonday sun. A
flame is both hot and luminous; if it contains few solid particles
it will yield little light, tho it may afford intense heat, as in
the case of a hydrogen-flame. A blaze is an extensive, brilliant
flame. A flare is a wavering flame or blaze; a flash is
a light that appears and disappears in an instant; as, a
flash of lightning; the flash of gunpowder. The glare and
glow are steady, the glare painfully bright, the glow subdued; as,
the glare of torches; the glow of dying embers. Shine and shining
refer to a steady or continuous emission of light; sheen is a faint
shining, usually by reflection. Glimmer, glitter, and shimmer
denote wavering light. We speak of the glimmer of distant lamps
through the mist; of the shimmer of waves in sunlight or moonlight.
A gleam is not wavering, but transient or intermittent; a
sudden gleam of light came through the half-open door; a glitter[232]
is a hard light; as, the glitter of burnished arms. A sparkle is a
sudden light, as of sparks thrown out; scintillation is the more
exact and scientific term for the actual emission of sparks, also
the figurative term for what suggests such emission; as, scintillations
of wit or of genius. Twinkle and twinkling are used of the
intermittent light of the fixed stars. Glistening is a shining as
from a wet surface. Illumination is a wide-spread, brilliant light,
as when all the windows of a house or of a street are lighted.
The light of incandescence is intense and white like that from
metal at a white heat.
blackness, | darkness, | dusk, | gloominess, | shade, |
dark, | dimness, | gloom, | obscurity, | shadow. |
apt, | conceivable, | liable, | probable, |
credible, | conjectural, | presumable, | reasonable. |
Apt implies a natural fitness or tendency; an impetuous person
is apt to speak hastily. Liable refers to a contingency regarded
as unfavorable; as, the ship was liable to founder at any
moment. Likely refers to a contingent event regarded as very
probable, and usually, tho not always, favorable; as, an industrious
worker is likely to succeed. Credible signifies readily
to be believed; as, a credible narrative; likely in such connection
is used ironically to signify the reverse; as, a likely story! A
thing is conceivable of which the mind can entertain the possibility;
a thing is conjectural which is conjectured as possible or probable
without other support than a conjecture, or tentative judgment;
a thing is presumable which, from what is antecedently known,
may betaken for granted in advance of proof. Reasonable in this
connection signifies such as the reason can be satisfied with, independently
of external grounds for belief or disbelief; as, that
seems a reasonable supposition. Compare APPARENT.
doubtful, | improbable, | questionable, | unreasonable. |
dubious, | incredible, | unlikely, |
attend, | hark, | harken, | hear, | heed, | list. |
Between listen and hear is a difference like that between the
words look and see. (Compare synonyms for LOOK.) To hear is[233]
simply to become conscious of sound, to listen is to make a conscious
effort or endeavor to hear. We may hear without listening,
as words suddenly uttered in an adjoining room; or we may
listen without hearing, as to a distant speaker. In listening the
ear is intent upon the sound; in attending the mind is intent
upon the thought, tho listening implies some attention to the
meaning or import of the sound. To heed is not only to attend,
but to remember and observe. Harken is nearly obsolete.
be deaf to, | ignore, | neglect, | scorn, | slight. |
We listen for what we expect or desire to hear; we listen to
what we actually do hear; listen for a step, a signal, a train; listen
to the debate.
belles-lettres, | literary productions, | publications, |
books, | literary works, | writings. |
Literature is collective, including in the most general sense all
the written or printed productions of the human mind in all lands
and ages, or in a more limited sense, referring to all that has been
published in some land or age, or in some department of human
knowledge; as, the literature of Greece; the literature of the
Augustan age; the literature of politics or of art. Literature, used
absolutely, denotes what has been called "polite literature" or
belles-lettres, i. e., the works collectively that embody taste, feeling,
loftiness of thought, and purity and beauty of style, as poetry,
history, fiction, and dramatic compositions, including also much
of philosophical writing, as the "Republic" of Plato, and oratorical
productions, as the orations of Demosthenes. In the broad
sense, we can speak of the literature of science; in the narrower
sense, we speak of literature and science as distinct departments
of knowledge. Literature is also used to signify literary pursuits
or occupations; as, to devote one's life to literature. Compare
LOAD, n.
burden, | charge, | encumbrance, | incubus, | pack, |
cargo, | clog, | freight, | lading, | weight. |
A burden (from the Anglo-Saxon byrthen, from the verb beran,
bear) is what one has to bear, and the word is used always of that
which is borne by a living agent. A load (from the Anglo-Saxon[234]
lād, a way, course, carrying, or carriage) is what is laid upon a
person, animal, or vehicle for conveyance, or what is customarily
so imposed; as, a two-horse load. Weight measures the pressure
due to gravity; the same weight that one finds a moderate load
when in his full strength becomes a heavy burden in weariness or
weakness. A ship's load is called distinctively a cargo, or it may
be known as freight or lading. Freight denotes merchandise in or
for transportation and is used largely of transportation or of merchandise
transported by rail, which is, in commercial language,
said to be "shipped." A load to be fastened upon a horse or
mule is called a pack, and the animal is known as a pack-horse or
bar, | catch, | fastening, | hook, |
bolt, | clasp, | hasp, | latch. |
A bar is a piece of wood or metal, usually of considerable size,
by which an opening is obstructed, a door held fast, etc. A bar
may be movable or permanent; a bolt is a movable rod or pin of
metal, sliding in a socket and adapted for securing a door or window.
A lock is an arrangement by which an enclosed bolt is shot
forward or backward by a key, or other device; the bolt is the essential
part of the lock. A latch or catch is an accessible fastening
designed to be easily movable, and simply to secure against
accidental opening of the door, cover, etc. A hasp is a metallic
strap that fits over a staple, calculated to be secured by a padlock;
a simple hook that fits into a staple is also called a hasp. A clasp
is a fastening that can be sprung into place, to draw and hold the
parts of some enclosing object firmly together, as the clasp of a
behold, | discern, | inspect, | see, | view, |
contemplate, | gaze, | regard, | stare, | watch. |
descry, | glance, | scan, | survey, |
To see is simply to become conscious of an object of vision; to
look is to make a conscious and direct endeavor to see. To behold
is to fix the sight and the mind with distinctness and consideration
upon something that has come to be clearly before the eyes. We
may look without seeing, as in pitch-darkness, and we may see
without looking, as in case of a flash of lightning. To gaze is to[235]
look intently, long, and steadily upon an object. To glance is to
look casually or momentarily. To stare is to look with a fixed intensity
such as is the effect of surprise, alarm, or rudeness. To
scan is to look at minutely, to note every visible feature. To inspect
is to go below the surface, uncover, study item by item.
View and survey are comprehensive, survey expressing the greater
exactness of measurement or estimate. Watch brings in the element
of time and often of wariness; we watch for a movement
or change, a signal, the approach of an enemy, etc. Compare
affection, | charity, | friendship, | regard, |
attachment, | devotion, | liking, | tenderness. |
attraction, | fondness, |
Affection is kindly feeling, deep, tender, and constant, going out
to some person or object, being less fervent and ardent than love,
whether applied to persons or things. Love is an intense and
absorbing emotion, drawing one toward a person or object and
causing one to appreciate, delight in, and crave the presence or
possession of the person or object loved, and to desire to please and
benefit the person, or to advance the cause, truth, or other object
of affection; it is the yearning or outgoing of soul toward something
that is regarded as excellent, beautiful, or desirable; love
may be briefly defined as strong and absorbing affection for and
attraction toward a person or object. Love may denote the sublimest
and holiest spiritual affection as when we are taught that "God
is love." Charity has so far swung aside from this original meaning
that probably it never can be recalled (compare BENEVOLENCE).
The Revised Version uses love in place of charity in 1 Cor.
xiii, and elsewhere. Love is more intense, absorbing, and tender
than friendship, more intense, impulsive, and perhaps passionate
than affection; we speak of fervent love, but of deep or tender
affection, or of close, firm, strong friendship. Love is used specifically
for personal affection between the sexes in the highest
sense, the love that normally leads to marriage, and subsists
throughout all happy wedded life. Love can never properly denote
mere animal passion, which is expressed by such words as appetite,
desire, lust. One may properly be said to have love for animals,
for inanimate objects, or for abstract qualities that enlist the
affections, as we speak of love for a horse or a dog, for mountains,[236]
woods, ocean, or of love of nature, and love of virtue. Love of
articles of food is better expressed by liking, as love, in its full
sense, expresses something spiritual and reciprocal, such as can
have no place in connection with objects that minister merely to
the senses. Compare ATTACHMENT; FRIENDSHIP.
Love of country; for humanity; love to God and man.
become, | constrain, | fabricate, | manufacture, |
bring about, | construct, | fashion, | occasion, |
bring into being, | create, | force, | perform, |
bring to pass, | do, | frame, | reach, |
cause, | effect, | get, | render, |
compel, | establish, | make out, | require, |
compose, | execute, | make up, | shape. |
constitute, |
Make is essentially causative; to the idea of cause all its various
senses may be traced (compare synonyms for CAUSE). To
make is to cause to exist, or to cause to exist in a certain form or
in certain relations; the word thus includes the idea of create, as
in Gen. i, 31, "And God saw everything that he had made, and,
behold, it was very good." Make includes also the idea of compose,
constitute; as, the parts make up the whole. Similarly, to
cause a voluntary agent to do a certain act is to make him do it,
or compel him to do it, compel fixing the attention more on the
process, make on the accomplished fact. Compare COMPEL; DO;
INFLUENCE; (make better) AMEND; (make haste) QUICKEN; (make
known) ANNOUNCE; AVOW; CONFESS; (make prisoner) ARREST;
(make up) ADD; (make void) CANCEL.
See synonyms for ABOLISH; BREAK; DEMOLISH.
Make of, out of, or from certain materials, into a certain form,
for a certain purpose or person; made with hands, by hand; made
by a prisoner, with a jack-knife.
conjugal union, | espousals, | nuptials, | spousals, | wedding, |
espousal, | matrimony, | spousal, | union, | wedlock. |
Matrimony denotes the state of those who are united in the[237]
relation of husband and wife; marriage denotes primarily the act
of so uniting, but is extensively used for the state as well. Wedlock,
a word of specific legal use, is the Saxon term for the state
or relation denoted by matrimony. Wedding denotes the ceremony,
with any attendant festivities, by which two persons are
united as husband and wife, nuptials being the more formal and
stately term to express the same idea.
bachelorhood, | celibacy, | divorce, | maidenhood, | virginity, | widowhood. |
Marriage of or between two persons; of one person to or with
another; among the Greeks.
male, | manful, | manlike, | manly, | mannish, | virile. |
We apply male to the sex, masculine to the qualities, especially
to the stronger, hardier, and more imperious qualities that distinguish
the male sex; as applied to women, masculine has often
the depreciatory sense of unwomanly, rude, or harsh; as, a masculine
face or voice, or the like; tho one may say in a commendatory
way, she acted with masculine courage or decision.
Manlike may mean only having the outward appearance or
semblance of a man, or may be closely equivalent to manly.
Manly refers to all the qualities and traits worthy of a man;
manful, especially to the valor and prowess that become a man;
we speak of a manful struggle, manly decision; we say manly
gentleness or tenderness; we could not say manful tenderness.
Mannish is a depreciatory word referring to the mimicry or parade
of some superficial qualities of manhood; as, a mannish boy
or woman. Masculine may apply to the distinctive qualities of
the male sex at any age; virile applies to the distinctive qualities
of mature manhood only, as opposed not only to feminine or womanly
but to childish, and is thus an emphatic word for sturdy,
intrepid, etc.
See synonyms for FEMININE.
butchery, | carnage, | havoc, | slaughter. |
A massacre is the indiscriminate killing in numbers of the unresisting[238]
or defenseless; butchery is the killing of men rudely and
ruthlessly as cattle are killed in the shambles. Havoc may not be
so complete as massacre, nor so coldly brutal as butchery, but is
more widely spread and furious; it is destruction let loose, and
may be applied to organizations, interests, etc., as well as to human
life; "as for Saul, he made havoc of the church," Acts viii,
3. Carnage (Latin caro, carnis, flesh) refers to widely scattered
or heaped up corpses of the slain; slaughter is similar in meaning,
but refers more to the process, as carnage does to the result; these
two words only of the group may be used of great destruction of
life in open and honorable battle, as when we say the enemy was
repulsed with great slaughter, or the carnage was terrible.
impertinent, | intrusive, | meddling, | obtrusive, | officious. |
The meddlesome person interferes unasked in the affairs of
others; the intrusive person thrusts himself uninvited into their
company or conversation; the obtrusive person thrusts himself or
his opinions conceitedly and undesirably upon their notice; the
officious person thrusts his services, unasked and undesired, upon
others. Obtrusive is oftener applied to words, qualities, actions,
etc., than to persons; intrusive is used chiefly of persons, as is
officious, tho we speak of officious attentions, intrusive remarks;
meddlesome is used indifferently of persons, or of words, qualities,
actions, etc. Compare INQUISITIVE; INTERPOSE.
modest, | reserved, | retiring, | shy, | unassuming, | unobtrusive. |
harmony, | music, | symphony, | unison. |
Harmony is simultaneous; melody is successive; harmony is
the pleasing correspondence of two or more notes sounded at once,
melody the pleasing succession of a number of notes continuously
following one another. A melody may be wholly in one part;
harmony must be of two or more parts. Accordant notes of different
pitch sounded simultaneously produce harmony; unison is
the simultaneous sounding of two or more notes of the same pitch.
When the pitch is the same, there may be unison between sounds
of very different volume and quality, as a voice and a bell may[239]
sound in unison. Tones sounded at the interval of an octave are
also said to be in unison, altho this is not literally exact; this
usage arises from the fact that bass and tenor voices in attempting
to sound the same note as the soprano and alto will in fact sound
a note an octave below. Music may denote the simplest melody
or the most complex and perfect harmony. A symphony (apart
from its technical orchestral sense) is any pleasing consonance of
musical sounds, vocal or instrumental, as of many accordant voices
or instruments.
recollection, | reminiscence, | retrospect, | retrospection. |
remembrance, |
Memory is the faculty by which knowledge is retained or
recalled; in a more general sense, memory is a retention of
knowledge within the grasp of the mind, while remembrance is the
having what is known consciously before the mind. Remembrance
may be voluntary or involuntary; a thing is brought to remembrance
or we call it to remembrance; the same is true of memory.
Recollection involves volition, the mind making a distinct effort to
recall something, or fixing the attention actively upon it when
recalled. Reminiscence is a half-dreamy memory of scenes or
events long past; retrospection is a distinct turning of the mind
back upon the past, bringing long periods under survey.
Retrospection is to reminiscence much what recollection is to
forgetfulness, | oblivion, | obliviousness, | oversight, | unconsciousness. |
benevolence, | favor, | kindness, | mildness, |
benignity, | forbearance, | lenience, | pardon, |
blessing, | forgiveness, | leniency, | pity, |
clemency, | gentleness, | lenity, | tenderness. |
compassion, | grace, |
Mercy is the exercise of less severity than one deserves, or in a
more extended sense, the granting of kindness or favor beyond
what one may rightly claim. Grace is favor, kindness, or blessing
shown to the undeserving; forgiveness, mercy, and pardon are
exercised toward the ill-deserving. Pardon remits the outward
penalty which the offender deserves; forgiveness dismisses resentment
or displeasure from the heart of the one offended;[240]
mercy seeks the highest possible good of the offender. There may
be mercy without pardon, as in the mitigation of sentence, or in
all possible alleviation of necessary severity; there may be cases
where pardon would not be mercy, since it would encourage to
repetition of the offense, from which timely punishment might
have saved. Mercy is also used in the wider sense of refraining
from harshness or cruelty toward those who are in one's power
without fault of their own; as, they besought the robber to have
mercy. Clemency is a colder word than mercy, and without its
religious associations, signifying mildness and moderation in the
use of power where severity would have legal or military,
rather than moral sanction; it often denotes a habitual mildness
of disposition on the part of the powerful, and is matter rather of
good nature or policy than of principle. Leniency or lenity denotes
an easy-going avoidance of severity; these words are more
general and less magisterial than clemency; we should speak of
the leniency of a parent, the clemency of a conqueror. Compare
cruelty, | implacability, | punishment, | rigor, | sternness, |
hardness, | justice, | revenge, | severity, | vengeance. |
harshness, | penalty, |
The mercy of God to or toward sinners; have mercy on or
upon one.
euphony, | measure, | rhythm, | verse. |
Euphony is agreeable linguistic sound, however produced;
meter, measure, and rhythm denote agreeable succession of sounds
in the utterance of connected words; euphony may apply to a
single word or even a single syllable; the other words apply to
lines, sentences, paragraphs, etc.; rhythm and meter may be produced
by accent only, as in English, or by accent and quantity
combined, as in Greek or Italian; rhythm or measure may apply
either to prose or to poetry, or to music, dancing, etc.; meter is
more precise than rhythm, applies only to poetry, and denotes
a measured rhythm with regular divisions into verses, stanzas,
strophes, etc. A verse is strictly a metrical line, but the word is
often used as synonymous with stanza. Verse, in the general
sense, denotes metrical writing without reference to the thought
involved; as, prose and verse. Compare MELODY; POETRY.
brain, | instinct, | reason, | spirit, |
consciousness, | intellect, | sense, | thought, |
disposition, | intelligence, | soul, | understanding. |
Mind, in a general sense, includes all the powers of sentient
being apart from the physical factors in bodily faculties and activities;
in a limited sense, mind is nearly synonymous with intellect,
but includes disposition, or the tendency toward action, as appears
in the phrase "to have a mind to work." As the seat of mental
activity, brain (colloquially brains) is often used as a synonym for
mind, intellect, intelligence. Thought, the act, process, or power
of thinking, is often used to denote the thinking faculty, and especially
the reason. The instinct of animals is now held by many
philosophers to be of the same nature as the intellect of man, but
inferior and limited; yet the apparent difference is very great.
An instinct is a propensity prior to experience and independent of instruction.
Paley Natural Philosophy ch. 18.
In this sense we speak of human instincts, thus denoting tendencies
independent of reasoning or instruction. The soul includes
the intellect, sensibilities, and will; beyond what is expressed by
the word mind, the soul denotes especially the moral, the immortal
nature; we say of a dead body, the soul (not the mind) has fled.
Spirit is used especially in contradistinction from matter; it may
in many cases be substituted for soul, but soul has commonly a
fuller and more determinate meaning; we can conceive of spirits
as having no moral nature; the fairies, elves, and brownies of
mythology might be termed spirits, but not souls. In the figurative
sense, spirit denotes animation, excitability, perhaps impatience;
as, a lad of spirit; he sang with spirit; he replied with
spirit. Soul denotes energy and depth of feeling, as when we
speak of soulful eyes; or it may denote the very life of anything;
as, "the hidden soul of harmony," Milton L'Allegro l. 144.
Sense may be an antonym of intellect, as when we speak of the
sense of hearing; but sense is used also as denoting clear mental
action, good judgment, acumen; as, he is a man of sense, or, he
showed good sense; sense, even in its material signification, must
be reckoned among the activities of mind, tho dependent on bodily
functions; the mind, not the eye, really sees; the mind, not
the ear, really hears. Consciousness includes all that a sentient
being perceives, knows, thinks, or feels, from whatever source
arising and of whatever character, kind, or degree, whether with[242]
or without distinct thinking, feeling, or willing; we speak of the
consciousness of the brute, of the savage, or of the sage. The intellect
is that assemblage of faculties which is concerned with
knowledge, as distinguished from emotion and volition. Understanding
is the Saxon word of the same general import, but is
chiefly used of the reasoning powers; the understanding, which
Sir Wm. Hamilton has called "the faculty of relations and comparisons,"
is distinguished by many philosophers from reason in
that "reason is the faculty of the higher cognitions or a priori
body, | brawn, | brute force, | material substance, | matter. |
circumstantial, | diminutive, | little, | slender, |
comminuted, | exact, | particular, | small, |
critical, | fine, | precise, | tiny. |
detailed, |
That is minute which is of exceedingly limited dimensions, as a
grain of dust, or which attends to matters of exceedingly slight
amount or apparent importance; as, a minute account; minute
observation. That which is broken up into minute particles is said
to be comminuted; things may be termed fine which would not be
termed comminuted; as, fine sand; fine gravel; but, in using the
adverb, we say a substance is finely comminuted, comminuted referring
more to the process, fine to the result. An account extended
to very minute particulars is circumstantial, detailed, particular;
an examination so extended is critical, exact, precise.
Compare FINE.
See synonyms for LARGE.
adversity, | disappointment, | ill fortune, | ruin, |
affliction, | disaster, | ill luck, | sorrow, |
bereavement, | distress, | misadventure, | stroke, |
blow, | failure, | mischance, | trial, |
calamity, | hardship, | misery, | tribulation, |
chastening, | harm, | mishap, | trouble, |
chastisement, | ill, | reverse, | visitation. |
Misfortune is adverse fortune or any instance thereof, any untoward
event, usually of lingering character or consequences, and
such as the sufferer is not deemed directly responsible for; as, he[243]
had the misfortune to be born blind. Any considerable disappointment,
failure, or misfortune, as regards outward circumstances,
as loss of fortune, position, and the like, when long continued or
attended with enduring consequences, constitutes adversity. For
the loss of friends by death we commonly use affliction or bereavement.
Calamity and disaster are used of sudden and severe misfortunes,
often overwhelming; ill fortune and ill luck, of lighter
troubles and failures. We speak of the misery of the poor, the
hardships of the soldier. Affliction, chastening, trial, and tribulation
have all an especially religious bearing, suggesting some
disciplinary purpose of God with beneficent design. Affliction
may be keen and bitter, but brief; tribulation is long and wearing.
We speak of an affliction, but rarely of a tribulation, since
tribulation is viewed as a continuous process, which may endure
for years or for a lifetime; but we speak of our daily trials. Compare
blessing, | consolation, | gratification, | pleasure, | success, |
boon, | good fortune, | happiness, | prosperity, | triumph. |
comfort, | good luck, | joy, | relief, |
canaille, | dregs of the people, | masses, | rabble, |
crowd, | lower classes, | populace, | the vulgar. |
The populace are poor and ignorant, but may be law-abiding;
a mob is disorderly and lawless, but may be rich and influential.
The rabble is despicable, worthless, purposeless; a mob may have
effective desperate purpose. A crowd may be drawn by mere
curiosity; some strong, pervading excitement is needed to make
it a mob. Compare PEOPLE.
archetype, | facsimile, | original, | representation, |
copy, | image, | pattern, | standard, |
design, | imitation, | prototype, | type. |
example, | mold, |
A pattern is always, in modern use, that which is to be copied;
a model may be either the thing to be copied or the copy that has
been made from it; as, the models in the Patent Office. A pattern
is commonly superficial; a model is usually in relief. A
pattern must be closely followed in its minutest particulars by a[244]
faithful copyist; a model may allow a great degree of freedom.
A sculptor may idealize his living model; his workmen must exactly
copy in marble or metal the model he has made in clay.
backwardness, | constraint, | reserve, | timidity, |
bashfulness, | coyness, | shyness, | unobtrusiveness. |
coldness, | diffidence, |
Bashfulness is a shrinking from notice without assignable reason.
Coyness is a half encouragement, half avoidance of offered
attention, and may be real or affected. Diffidence is self-distrust;
modesty, a humble estimate of oneself in comparison with others,
or with the demands of some undertaking. Modesty has also the
specific meaning of a sensitive shrinking from anything indelicate.
Shyness is a tendency to shrink from observation; timidity, a distinct
fear of criticism, error, or failure. Reserve is the holding
oneself aloof from others, or holding back one's feelings from expression,
or one's affairs from communication to others. Reserve
may be the retreat of shyness, or, on the other hand, the contemptuous
withdrawal of pride and haughtiness. Compare ABASH;
abandon, | boldness, | forwardness, | impudence, | pertness, | sociability. |
arrogance, | conceit, | frankness, | indiscretion, | sauciness, |
assumption, | confidence, | freedom, | loquaciousness, | self-conceit, |
assurance, | egotism, | haughtiness, | loquacity, | self-sufficiency, |
bills, | cash, | funds, | property, |
bullion, | coin, | gold, | silver, |
capital, | currency, | notes, | specie. |
Money is the authorized medium of exchange; coined money
is called coin or specie. What are termed in England bank-notes
are in the United States commonly called bills; as, a five-dollar
bill. The notes of responsible men are readily transferable in commercial
circles, but they are not money; as, the stock was sold for
$500 in money and the balance in merchantable paper. Cash is
specie or money in hand, or paid in hand; as, the cash account;
the cash price. In the legal sense, property is not money, and
money is not property; for property is that which has inherent
value, while money, as such, has but representative value, and[245]
may or may not have intrinsic value. Bullion is either gold or
silver uncoined, or the coined metal considered without reference
to its coinage, but simply as merchandise, when its value as bullion
may be very different from its value as money. The word
capital is used chiefly of accumulated property or money invested
in productive enterprises or available for such investment.
acrimonious, | dogged, | ill-natured, | splenetic, |
churlish, | gloomy, | severe, | sulky, |
crabbed, | gruff, | snappish, | sullen, |
crusty, | ill-humored, | sour, | surly. |
The sullen and sulky are discontented and resentful in regard
to that against which they are too proud to protest, or consider all
protest vain; sullen denotes more of pride, sulky more of resentful
obstinacy. The morose are bitterly dissatisfied with the world in
general, and disposed to vent their ill nature upon others. The
sullen and sulky are for the most part silent; the morose growl
out bitter speeches. A surly person is in a state of latent anger,
resenting approach as intrusion, and ready to take offense at anything;
thus we speak of a surly dog. Sullen and sulky moods may
be transitory; one who is morose or surly is commonly so by disposition
or habit.
amiable, | complaisant, | gentle, | kind, | pleasant, |
benignant, | friendly, | good-natured, | loving, | sympathetic, |
bland, | genial, | indulgent, | mild, | tender. |
act, | change, | movement, | process, | transition. |
action, | move, | passage, | transit, |
Motion is change of place or position in space; transition is a
passing from one point or position in space to another. Motion
may be either abstract or concrete, more frequently the former;
movement is always concrete, that is, considered in connection
with the thing that moves or is moved; thus, we speak of the
movements of the planets, but of the laws of planetary motion;
of military movements, but of perpetual motion. Move is used
chiefly of contests or competition, as in chess or politics; as, it is
your move; a shrewd move of the opposition. Action is a more
comprehensive word than motion. We now rarely speak of mental[246]
or spiritual motions, but rather of mental or spiritual acts or
processes, or of the laws of mental action, but a formal proposal
of action in a deliberative assembly is termed a motion. Compare
immobility, | quiescence, | quiet, | repose, | rest, | stillness. |
bemoan, | deplore, | lament, | regret, | rue, | sorrow. |
bewail, | grieve, |
To mourn is to feel or express sadness or distress because of
some loss, affliction, or misfortune; mourning is thought of as
prolonged, grief or regret may be transient. One may grieve or
mourn, regret, rue, or sorrow without a sound; he bemoans with
suppressed and often inarticulate sounds of grief; he bewails with
passionate utterance, whether of inarticulate cries or of spoken
words. He laments in plaintive or pathetic words, as the prophet
Jeremiah in his "Lamentations." One deplores with settled sorrow
which may or may not find relief in words. One is made to
rue an act by some misfortune resulting, or by some penalty or
vengeance inflicted because of it. One regrets a slight misfortune
or a hasty word; he sorrows over the death of a friend.
be joyful, | exult, | joy, | make merry, | rejoice, | triumph. |
common, | correlative, | interchangeable, | joint, | reciprocal. |
That is common to which two or more persons have the same
or equal claims, or in which they have equal interest or participation;
in the strictest sense, that is mutual (Latin mutare, to
change) which is freely interchanged; that is reciprocal in respect
to which one act or movement is met by a corresponding act or
movement in return; we speak of our common country, mutual
affection, reciprocal obligations, the reciprocal action of cause
and effect, where the effect becomes in turn a cause. Many
good writers hold it incorrect to say "a mutual friend," and insist
that "a common friend" would be more accurate; but "common
friend" is practically never used, because of the disagreeable suggestion
that attaches to common, of ordinary or inferior. "Mutual
friend" has high literary authority (of Burke, Scott, Dickens,
and others), and a considerable usage of good society in its favor,[247]
the expression being quite naturally derived from the thoroughly
correct phrase mutual friendship.
detached, | distinct, | separate, | severed, | unconnected, | unrequited, |
disconnected, | disunited, | separated, | sundered, | unreciprocated, | unshared. |
dissociated, |
abstruse, | inexplicable, | recondite, |
cabalistic, | inscrutable, | secret, |
dark, | mystic, | transcendental, |
enigmatical, | mystical, | unfathomable, |
hidden, | obscure, | unfathomed, |
incomprehensible, | occult, | unknown. |
That is mysterious in the true sense which is beyond human
comprehension, as the decrees of God or the origin of life. That
is mystic or mystical which has associated with it some hidden or
recondite meaning, especially of a religious kind; as, the mystic
Babylon of the Apocalypse. That is dark which we can not personally
see through, especially if sadly perplexing; as, a dark
providence. That is secret which is intentionally hidden. Compare
See synonyms for CLEAR.
agnomen, | denomination, | prenomen, | surname, |
appellation, | designation, | style, | title. |
cognomen, | epithet, |
Name in the most general sense, signifying the word by which
a person or thing is called or known, includes all other words of
this group; in this sense every noun is a name; in the more limited
sense a name is personal, an appellation is descriptive, a title
is official. In the phrase William the Conqueror, King of England,
William is the man's name, which belongs to him personally,
independently of any rank or achievement; Conqueror is the appellation
which he won by his acquisition of England; King is
the title denoting his royal rank. An epithet (Gr. epitheton,
something added, from epi, on, and tithemi, put) is something
placed upon a person or thing; the epithet does not strictly belong
to an object like a name, but is given to mark some assumed
characteristic, good or bad; an epithet is always an adjective, or
a word or phrase used as an adjective, and is properly used to emphasize
a characteristic but not to add information, as in the[248]
phrase "the sounding sea;" the idea that an epithet is always
opprobrious, and that any word used opprobriously is an epithet is
a popular error. Designation may be used much in the sense of
appellation, but is more distinctive or specific in meaning; a designation
properly so called rests upon some inherent quality, while
an appellation may be fanciful. Among the Romans the prenomen
was the individual part of a man's name, the "nomen"
designated the gens to which he belonged, the cognomen showed
his family and was borne by all patricians, and the agnomen was
added to refer to his achievements or character. When scientists
name an animal or a plant, they give it a binary or binomial technical
name comprising a generic and a specific appellation. In
modern use, a personal name, as John or Mary, is given in infancy,
and is often called the given name or Christian name, or simply
the first name (rarely the prenomen); the cognomen or surname
is the family name which belongs to one by right of birth or marriage.
Style is the legal designation by which a person or house
is known in official or business relations; as, the name and style
of Baring Brothers. The term denomination is applied to a separate
religious organization, without the opprobrious meaning
attaching to the word "sect;" also, to designate any class of like objects
collectively, especially money or notes of a certain value; as,
the sum was in notes of the denomination of one thousand dollars.
Compare TERM.
indigenous, | innate, | natal, | natural, | original. |
Native denotes that which belongs to one by birth; natal that
which pertains to the event of birth; natural denotes that which
rests upon inherent qualities of character or being. We speak of
one's native country, or of his natal day; of natural ability, native
acquired, | alien, | artificial, | assumed, | foreign, | unnatural. |
marine, | maritime, | naval, | ocean, | oceanic. |
Marine (L. mare, sea) signifies belonging to the ocean, maritime,
a secondary derivative from the same root, bordering on or[249]
connected with the ocean; as, marine products; marine animals;
maritime nations; maritime laws. Nautical (Gr. nautes, a sailor)
denotes primarily anything connected with sailors, and hence
with ships or navigation; naval (L. navis, Gr. naus, a ship) refers
to the armed force of a nation on the sea, and, by extension, to
similar forces on lakes and rivers; as, a naval force; a nautical
almanac. Ocean, used adjectively, is applied to that which belongs
to or is part of the ocean; oceanic may be used in the same
sense, but is especially applied to that which borders on (or upon)
or is connected with, or which is similar to or suggestive of an
ocean; we speak of ocean currents, oceanic islands, or, perhaps,
of an oceanic intellect.
clean, | dapper, | nice, | prim, | tidy, |
cleanly, | natty, | orderly, | spruce, | trim. |
That which is clean is simply free from soil or defilement of
any kind. Things are orderly when in due relation to other things;
a room or desk is orderly when every article is in place; a person
is orderly who habitually keeps things so. Tidy denotes that
which conforms to propriety in general; an unlaced shoe may be
perfectly clean, but is not tidy. Neat refers to that which is clean
and tidy with nothing superfluous, conspicuous, or showy, as when
we speak of plain but neat attire; the same idea of freedom from
the superfluous appears in the phrases "a neat speech," "a neat
turn," "a neat reply," etc. A clean cut has no ragged edges; a
neat stroke just does what is intended. Nice is stronger than neat,
implying value and beauty; a cheap, coarse dress may be perfectly
neat, but would not be termed nice. Spruce is applied to the show
and affectation of neatness with a touch of smartness, and is always
a term of mild contempt; as, a spruce serving man. Trim
denotes a certain shapely and elegant firmness, often with suppleness
and grace; as, a trim suit; a trim figure. Prim applies to a
precise, formal, affected nicety. Dapper is spruce with the suggestion
of smallness and slightness; natty, a diminutive of neat,
suggests minute elegance, with a tendency toward the exquisite;
as, a dapper little fellow in a natty business suit.
dirty, | negligent, | slouchy, | uncared for, |
disorderly, | rough, | slovenly, | unkempt, |
dowdy, | rude, | soiled, | untidy. |
essential, | infallible, | required, | unavoidable, |
indispensable, | needed, | requisite, | undeniable. |
inevitable, | needful, |
That is necessary which must exist, occur, or be true; which
in the nature of things can not be otherwise. That which is essential
belongs to the essence of a thing, so that the thing can not exist
in its completeness without it; that which is indispensable may
be only an adjunct, but it is one that can not be spared; vigorous
health is essential to an arctic explorer; warm clothing is indispensable.
That which is requisite (or required) is so in the judgment
of the person requiring it, but may not be so absolutely; thus,
the requisite is more a matter of personal feeling than the indispensable.
Inevitable (L. in, not, and evito, shun) is primarily the
exact equivalent of the Saxon unavoidable; both words are applied
to things which some at least would escape or prevent, while
that which is necessary may meet with no objection; food is necessary,
death is inevitable; a necessary conclusion satisfies a
thinker; an inevitable conclusion silences opposition. An infallible
proof is one that necessarily leads the mind to a sound conclusion.
Needed and needful are more concrete than necessary, and
respect an end to be attained; we speak of a necessary inference;
necessary food is what one can not live without, while needful
food is that without which he can not enjoy comfort, health, and
casual, | needless, | optional, | useless, |
contingent, | non-essential, | unnecessary, | worthless. |
Necessary to a sequence or a total; for or to a result or a person;
unity is necessary to (to constitute) completeness; decision
is necessary for command, or for a commander.
compulsion, | fatality, | requisite, |
destiny, | fate, | sine qua non, |
emergency, | indispensability, | unavoidableness, |
essential, | indispensableness, | urgency, |
exigency, | need, | want. |
extremity, | requirement, |
Necessity is the quality of being necessary, or the quality of that
which can not but be, become, or be true, or be accepted as true.
Need and want always imply a lack; necessity may be used[251]
in this sense, but in the higher philosophical sense necessity simply
denotes the exclusion of any alternative either in thought or fact;
righteousness is a necessity (not a need) of the divine nature.
Need suggests the possibility of supplying the deficiency which
want expresses; to speak of a person's want of decision merely
points out a weakness in his character; to say that he has need of
decision implies that he can exercise or attain it. As applied to a
deficiency, necessity is more imperative than need; a weary person
is in need of rest; when rest becomes a necessity he has no
choice but to stop work. An essential is something, as a quality,
or element, that belongs to the essence of something else so as to
be inseparable from it in its normal condition, or in any complete
idea or statement of it. Compare NECESSARY; PREDESTINATION.
choice, | doubt, | dubiousness, | freedom, | possibility, |
contingency, | doubtfulness, | fortuity, | option, | uncertainty. |
The necessity of surrender; a necessity for action; this is a
necessity to me.
carelessness, | heedlessness, | negligence, | scorn, |
default, | inadvertence, | omission, | slackness, |
disregard, | inattention, | oversight, | slight, |
disrespect, | indifference, | remissness, | thoughtlessness. |
failure, | neglectfulness, |
Neglect (L. nec, not, and lego, gather) is the failing to take such
care, show such attention, pay such courtesy, etc., as may be rightfully
or reasonably expected. Negligence, which is the same in
origin, may be used in almost the same sense, but with a slighter
force, as when Whittier speaks of "the negligence which friendship
loves;" but negligence is often used to denote the quality or
trait of character of which the act is a manifestation, or to denote
the habit of neglecting that which ought to be done. Neglect is
transitive, negligence is intransitive; we speak of neglect of his
books, friends, or duties, in which cases we could not use negligence;
negligence in dress implies want of care as to its arrangement,
tidiness, etc.; neglect of one's garments would imply leaving
them exposed to defacement or injury, as by dust, moths, etc.
Neglect has a passive sense which negligence has not; the child
was suffering from neglect, i. e., from being neglected by others;
the child was suffering from negligence would imply that he himself[252]
was neglectful. The distinction sometimes made that neglect
denotes the act, and negligence the habit, is but partially true; one
may be guilty of habitual neglect of duty; the wife may suffer
from her husband's constant neglect, while the negligence which
causes a railroad accident may be that of a moment, and on the
part of one ordinarily careful and attentive; in such cases the law
provides punishment for criminal negligence.
See synonyms for CARE.
Neglect of duty, of the child by the parent; there was neglect
on the part of the teacher.
fresh, | modern, | new-made, | upstart, |
juvenile, | new-fangled, | novel, | young, |
late, | new-fashioned, | recent, | youthful. |
That which is new has lately come into existence, possession,
or use; a new house is just built, or in a more general sense is one
that has just come into the possession of the present owner or
occupant. Modern denotes that which has begun to exist in the
present age, and is still existing; recent denotes that which has
come into existence within a comparatively brief period, and may
or may not be existing still. Modern history pertains to any period
since the middle ages; modern literature, modern architecture,
etc., are not strikingly remote from the styles and types prevalent
to-day. That which is late is somewhat removed from the present,
but not far enough to be called old. That which is recent is
not quite so sharply distinguished from the past as that which
is new; recent publications range over a longer time than
new books. That which is novel is either absolutely or relatively
unprecedented in kind; a novel contrivance is one that has
never before been known; a novel experience is one that has
never before occurred to the same person; that which is new may
be of a familiar or even of an ancient sort, as a new copy of an old
book. Young and youthful are applied to that which has life;
that which is young is possessed of a comparatively new existence
as a living thing, possessing actual youth; that which is youthful
manifests the attributes of youth. (Compare YOUTHFUL.)
Fresh applies to that which has the characteristics of newness or
youth, while capable of deterioration by lapse of time; that which[253]
is unworn, unspoiled, or unfaded; as, a fresh countenance, fresh
eggs, fresh flowers. New is opposed to old, modern to ancient,
recent to remote, young to old, aged, etc.
See synonyms for OLD.
active, | alert, | bustling, | prompt, | speedy, | spry, |
agile, | brisk, | lively, | quick, | sprightly, | swift. |
Nimble refers to lightness, freedom, and quickness of motion
within a somewhat narrow range, with readiness to turn suddenly
to any point; swift applies commonly to more sustained motion
over greater distances; a pickpocket is nimble-fingered, a dancer
nimble-footed; an arrow, a race-horse, or an ocean steamer is
swift; Shakespeare's "nimble lightnings" is said of the visual appearance
in sudden zigzag flash across the sky. Figuratively, we
speak of nimble wit, swift intelligence, swift destruction. Alert,
which is strictly a synonym for ready, comes sometimes near the
meaning of nimble or quick, from the fact that the ready, wide-awake
person is likely to be lively, quick, speedy. Compare ACTIVE;
clumsy, | dilatory, | dull, | heavy, | inactive, | inert, | slow, | sluggish, | unready. |
common, | natural, | ordinary, | regular, | typical, | usual. |
That which is natural is according to nature; that which is
normal is according to the standard or rule which is observed or
claimed to prevail in nature; a deformity may be natural, symmetry
is normal; the normal color of the crow is black, while the
normal color of the sparrow is gray, but one is as natural as the
other. Typical refers to such an assemblage of qualities as makes
the specimen, genus, etc., a type of some more comprehensive
group, while normal is more commonly applied to the parts of a
single object; the specimen was typical; color, size, and other
characteristics, normal. The regular is etymologically that which
is according to rule, hence that which is steady and constant, as
opposed to that which is fitful and changeable; the normal action
of the heart is regular. That which is common is shared by a[254]
great number of persons or things; disease is common, a normal
state of health is rare. Compare GENERAL; USUAL.
abnormal, | irregular, | peculiar, | singular, | unprecedented, |
exceptional, | monstrous, | rare, | uncommon, | unusual. |
altho(ugh), | howbeit, | nevertheless, | tho(ugh), |
but, | however, | still, | yet. |
However simply waives discussion, and (like the archaic howbeit)
says "be that as it may, this is true;" nevertheless concedes
the truth of what precedes, but claims that what follows is none
the less true; notwithstanding marshals the two statements face
to face, admits the one and its seeming contradiction to the other,
while insisting that it can not, after all, withstand the other; as,
notwithstanding the force of the enemy is superior, we shall conquer.
Yet and still are weaker than notwithstanding, while
stronger than but. Tho and altho make as little as possible of
the concession, dropping it, as it were, incidentally; as, "tho we
are guilty, thou art good;" to say "we are guilty, but thou art
good," would make the concession of guilt more emphatic.
Compare BUT; YET.
Notwithstanding simply states that circumstances shall not be
or have not been allowed to withstand; despite and in spite of refer
primarily to personal and perhaps spiteful opposition; as, he failed
notwithstanding his good intentions; or, he persevered in spite of
the most bitter hostility. When despite and in spite of are applied
to inanimate things, it is with something of personification; "in
spite of the storm" is said as if the storm had a hostile purpose to
oppose the undertaking.
adjuration, | curse, | profane swearing, |
affidavit, | cursing, | profanity, |
anathema, | denunciation, | reprobation, |
ban, | execration, | swearing, |
blaspheming, | imprecation, | sworn statement. |
blasphemy, | malediction, | vow. |
In the highest sense, as in a court of justice, "an oath is a reverent[255]
appeal to God in corroboration of what one says," Abbott
Law Dict.; an affidavit is a sworn statement made in writing in
the presence of a competent officer; an adjuration is a solemn
appeal to a person in the name of God to speak the truth. An
oath is made to man in the name of God; a vow, to God without
the intervention, often without the knowledge, of man. In the
lower sense, an oath may be mere blasphemy or profane swearing.
Anathema, curse, execration, and imprecation are modes of invoking
vengeance or retribution from a superhuman power upon
the person against whom they are uttered. Anathema is a solemn
ecclesiastical condemnation of a person or of a proposition. Curse
may be just and authoritative; as, the curse of God; or, it may
be wanton and powerless: "so the curse causeless shall not come,"
Prov. xxvi, 2. Execration expresses most of personal bitterness
and hatred; imprecation refers especially to the coming of the
desired evil upon the person against whom it is uttered. Malediction
is a general wish of evil, a less usual but very expressive
word. Compare TESTIMONY.
benediction, | benison, | blessing. |
abstruse, | darksome, | dusky, | involved, |
ambiguous, | deep, | enigmatical, | muddy, |
cloudy, | dense, | hidden, | mysterious, |
complex, | difficult, | incomprehensible, | profound, |
complicated, | dim, | indistinct, | turbid, |
dark, | doubtful, | intricate, | unintelligible. |
That is obscure which the eye or the mind can not clearly discern
or see through, whether because of its own want of transparency,
its depth or intricacy, or because of mere defect of light.
That which is complicated is likely to be obscure, but that may be
obscure which is not at all complicated and scarcely complex, as a
muddy pool. In that which is abstruse (L. abs, from, and trudo,
push) as if removed from the usual course of thought or out of the
way of apprehension or discovery, the thought is remote, hidden;
in that which is obscure there may be nothing to hide; it is hard
to see to the bottom of the profound, because of its depth, but the
most shallow turbidness is obscure. Compare COMPLEX; DARK;
See synonyms for CLEAR.
ancient, | archaic, | obsolescent, | out of date, |
antiquated, | disused, | old, | rare. |
Some of the oldest or most ancient words are not obsolete, as
father, mother, etc. A word is obsolete which has quite gone out
of reputable use; a word is archaic which is falling out of reputable
use, or, on the other hand, having been obsolete, is taken up
tentatively by writers or speakers of influence, so that it may perhaps
regain its position as a living word; a word is rare if there
are few present instances of its reputable use. Compare OLD.
See synonyms for NEW.
contumacious, | headstrong, | mulish, | resolute, |
decided, | heady, | obdurate, | resolved, |
determined, | immovable, | opinionated, | stubborn, |
dogged, | indomitable, | persistent, | unconquerable, |
firm, | inflexible, | pertinacious, | unflinching, |
fixed, | intractable, | refractory, | unyielding. |
The headstrong person is not to be stopped in his own course of
action, while the obstinate and stubborn is not to be driven to another's
way. The headstrong act; the obstinate and stubborn may
simply refuse to stir. The most amiable person may be obstinate
on some one point; the stubborn person is for the most part habitually
so; we speak of obstinate determination, stubborn resistance.
Stubborn is the term most frequently applied to the lower
animals and inanimate things. Refractory implies more activity
of resistance; the stubborn horse balks; the refractory animal
plunges, rears, and kicks; metals that resist ordinary processes of
reduction are termed refractory. One is obdurate who adheres to
his purpose in spite of appeals that would move any tender-hearted
or right-minded person. Contumacious refers to a proud and insolent
defiance of authority, as of the summons of a court. Pertinacious
demand is contrasted with obstinate refusal. The unyielding
conduct which we approve we call decided, firm, inflexible,
resolute; that which we condemn we are apt to term headstrong,
obstinate, stubborn. Compare PERVERSE.
amenable, | dutiful, | pliable, | tractable, |
complaisant, | gentle, | pliant, | undecided, |
compliant, | irresolute, | submissive, | wavering, |
docile, | obedient, | teachable, | yielding. |
arrest, | check, | embarrass, | interrupt, | stay, |
bar, | choke, | hinder, | oppose, | stop. |
barricade, | clog, | impede, | retard, |
To obstruct is literally to build up against; the road is obstructed
by fallen trees; the passage of liquid through a tube is
obstructed by solid deposits. We may hinder one's advance by
following and clinging to him; we obstruct his course by standing
in his way or putting a barrier across his path. Anything
that makes one's progress slower, whether from within or from
without, impedes; an obstruction is always from without. To
arrest is to cause to stop suddenly; obstructing the way may have
the effect of arresting progress. Compare HINDER; IMPEDIMENT.
accelerate, | aid, | facilitate, | free, | open, | promote. |
advance, | clear, | forward, | further, | pave the way for, |
aged, | decrepit, | immemorial, | senile, |
ancient, | elderly, | olden, | time-honored, |
antiquated, | gray, | patriarchal, | time-worn, |
antique, | hoary, | remote, | venerable. |
That is termed old which has existed long, or which existed
long ago. Ancient, from the Latin, through the French, is the
more stately, old, from the Saxon, the more familiar word. Familiarity,
on one side, is near to contempt; thus we say, an old
coat, an old hat. On the other hand, familiarity is akin to tenderness,
and thus old is a word of endearment; as, "the old homestead,"
the "old oaken bucket." "Tell me the old, old story!"
has been sung feelingly by millions; "tell me that ancient story"
would remove it out of all touch of human sympathy. Olden is a
statelier form of old, and is applied almost exclusively to time,
not to places, buildings, persons, etc. As regards periods of time,
the familiar are also the near; thus, the old times are not too far
away for familiar thought and reference; the olden times are more
remote, ancient times still further removed. Gray, hoary, and
moldering refer to outward and visible tokens of age. Aged applies
chiefly to long-extended human life. Decrepit, gray, and
hoary refer to the effects of age on the body exclusively; senile
upon the mind also; as, a decrepit frame, senile garrulousness.
One may be aged and neither decrepit nor senile. Elderly is applied
to those who have passed middle life, but scarcely reached[258]
old age. Remote (L. re, back or away, and moveo, move), primarily
refers to space, but is extended to that which is far off in
time; as, at some remote period. Venerable expresses the involuntary
reverence that we yield to the majestic and long-enduring,
whether in the material world or in human life and character.
Compare synonyms for NEW; YOUTHFUL.
action, | effect, | force, | performance, | result. |
agency, | execution, | influence, | procedure, |
Operation is action considered with reference to the thing
acted upon, and may apply to the action of an intelligent agent or
of a material substance or force; as, the operation of a medicine.
Performance and execution denote intelligent action, considered
with reference to the actor or to that which he accomplishes; performance
accomplishing the will of the actor, execution often the
will of another; we speak of the performance of a duty, the execution
of a sentence. Compare ACT.
failure, | ineffectiveness, | inutility, | powerlessness, | uselessness. |
inaction, | inefficiency, |
command, | injunction, | mandate, | requirement. |
direction, | instruction, | prohibition, |
Instruction implies superiority of knowledge, direction of authority
on the part of the giver; a teacher gives instructions to
his pupils, an employer gives directions to his workmen. Order is
still more authoritative than direction; soldiers, sailors, and railroad
employees have simply to obey the orders of their superiors,
without explanation or question; an order in the commercial sense
has the authority of the money which the one ordering the goods
pays or is to pay. Command is a loftier word, as well as highly
authoritative, less frequent in common life; we speak of the commands
of God, or sometimes, by polite hyperbole, ask of a friend,
"Have you any commands for me?" A requirement is imperative,
but not always formal, nor made by a personal agent; it may
be in the nature of things; as, the requirements of the position.[259]
Prohibition is wholly negative; it is a command not to do; injunction
is now oftenest so used, especially as the requirement by legal
authority that certain action be suspended or refrained from,
pending final legal decision. Compare ARRAY; CLASS; LAW;
allowance, | consent, | leave, | liberty, | license, | permission, | permit. |
boast, | flourish, | parade, | pompousness, | vaunt, |
boasting, | pageant, | pomp, | show, | vaunting. |
display, | pageantry, | pomposity, |
Ostentation is an ambitious showing forth of whatever is
thought adapted to win admiration or praise; ostentation may be
without words; as, the ostentation of wealth in fine residences,
rich clothing, costly equipage, or the like; when in words, ostentation
is rather in manner than in direct statement; as, the ostentation
of learning. Boasting is in direct statement, and is louder
and more vulgar than ostentation. There may be great display
or show with little substance; ostentation suggests something
substantial to be shown. Pageant, pageantry, parade, and
pomp refer principally to affairs of arms or state; as, a royal
pageant; a military parade. Pomp is some material demonstration
of wealth and power, as in grand and stately ceremonial, rich
furnishings, processions, etc., considered as worthy of the person
or occasion in whose behalf it is manifested; pomp is the noble side
of that which as ostentation is considered as arrogant and vain.
Pageant and pageantry are inferior to pomp, denoting spectacular
display designed to impress the public mind, and since the
multitude is largely ignorant and thoughtless, the words pageant
and pageantry have a suggestion of the transient and unsubstantial.
Parade (L. paro, prepare) is an exhibition as of troops
in camp going through the evolutions that are to be used in battle,
and suggests a lack of earnestness and direct or immediate occasion
or demand; hence, in the more general sense, a parade is an
uncalled for exhibition, and so used is a more disparaging word
than ostentation; ostentation may spring merely from undue
self-gratulation, parade implies a desire to impress others with a
sense of one's abilities or resources, and is always offensive and[260]
somewhat contemptible; as, a parade of wealth or learning.
Pomposity and pompousness are the affectation of pomp.
diffidence, | quietness, | retirement, | timidity, |
modesty, | reserve, | shrinking, | unobtrusiveness. |
One ought to do that which he is under moral obligation or in duty
bound to do. Ought is the stronger word, holding most closely to
the sense of moral obligation, or sometimes of imperative logical
necessity; should may have the sense of moral obligation or may
apply merely to propriety or expediency, as in the proverb, "The
liar should have a good memory," i. e., he will need it. Ought is
sometimes used of abstractions or inanimate things as indicating
what the mind deems to be imperative or logically necessary in
view of all the conditions; as, these goods ought to go into that
space; these arguments ought to convince him; should in such
connections would be correct, but less emphatic. Compare DUTY.
care, | control, | management, | surveillance, |
charge, | direction, | superintendence, | watch, |
command, | inspection, | supervision, | watchfulness. |
A person may look over a matter in order to survey it carefully
in its entirety, or he may look over it with no attention to the thing
itself because his gaze and thought are concentrated on something
beyond; oversight has thus two contrasted senses, in the latter
sense denoting inadvertent error or omission, and in the former denoting
watchful supervision, commonly implying constant personal
presence; superintendence requires only so much of presence
or communication as to know that the superintendent's wishes are
carried out; the superintendent of a railroad will personally oversee
very few of its operations; the railroad company has supreme
direction of all its affairs without superintendence or oversight.
Control is used chiefly with reference to restraint or the power of
restraint; a good horseman has a restless horse under perfect control;
there is no high character without self-control. Surveillance
is an invidious term signifying watching with something of
suspicion. Compare CARE; NEGLECT.
ache, | distress, | suffering, | torture, |
agony, | pang, | throe, | twinge, |
anguish, | paroxysm, | torment, | wo(e). |
Pain is the most general term of this group, including all the
others; pain is a disturbing sensation from which nature revolts,
resulting from some injurious external interference (as from a
wound, a bruise, a harsh word, etc.), or from some lack of what
one needs, craves, or cherishes (as, the pain of hunger or bereavement),
or from some abnormal action of bodily or mental functions
(as, the pains of disease, envy, or discontent). Suffering is one of
the severer forms of pain. The prick of a needle causes pain, but
we should scarcely speak of it as suffering. Distress is too strong
a word for little hurts, too feeble for the intensest suffering, but
commonly applied to some continuous or prolonged trouble or
need; as, the distress of a shipwrecked crew, or of a destitute family.
Ache is lingering pain, more or less severe; pang, a pain short,
sharp, intense, and perhaps repeated. We speak of the pangs of
hunger or of remorse. Throe is a violent and thrilling pain. Paroxysm
applies to an alternately recurring and receding pain, which
comes as it were in waves; the paroxysm is the rising of the
wave. Torment and torture are intense and terrible sufferings.
Agony and anguish express the utmost pain or suffering of body
or mind. Agony of body is that with which the system struggles;
anguish that by which it is crushed.
comfort, | delight, | ease, | enjoyment, | peace, | rapture, | relief, | solace. |
apologize for, | conceal, | extenuate, | hide, | screen, |
cloak, | cover, | gloss over, | mitigate, | veil. |
Cloak, from the French, and palliate, from the Latin, are the
same in original signification, but have diverged in meaning; a
cloak may be used to hide completely the person or some object
carried about the person, or it may but partly veil the figure,
making the outlines less distinct; cloak is used in the former,
palliate, in the latter sense; to cloak a sin is to attempt to hide it
from discovery; to palliate it is to attempt to hide some part of
its blameworthiness. "When we palliate our own or others'
faults we do not seek to cloke them altogether, but only to extenuate
the guilt of them in part." Trench Study of Words lect. vi, p.[262]
266. Either to palliate or to extenuate is to admit the fault; but
to extenuate is rather to apologize for the offender, while to
palliate is to disguise the fault; hence, we speak of extenuating
but not of palliating circumstances, since circumstances can not
change the inherent wrong of an act, tho they may lessen the
blameworthiness of him who does it; palliating a bad thing by
giving it a mild name does not make it less evil. In reference to
diseases, to palliate is really to diminish their violence, or partly
to relieve the sufferer. Compare ALLEVIATE; HIDE.
absolve, | condone, | forgive, | pass by, | remit. |
acquit, | excuse, | overlook, | pass over, |
To pardon is to let pass, as a fault or sin, without resentment,
blame, or punishment. Forgive has reference to feelings, pardon
to consequences; hence, the executive may pardon, but has nothing
to do officially with forgiving. Personal injury may be forgiven
by the person wronged; thus, God at once forgives and
pardons; the pardoned sinner is exempt from punishment; the
forgiven sinner is restored to the divine favor. To pardon is the
act of a superior, implying the right to punish; to forgive is the
privilege of the humblest person who has been wronged or
offended. In law, to remit the whole penalty is equivalent to
pardoning the offender; but a part of a penalty may be remitted
and the remainder inflicted, as where the penalty includes both
fine and imprisonment. To condone is to put aside a recognized
offense by some act which restores the offender to forfeited right
or privilege, and is the act of a private individual, without legal
formalities. To excuse is to overlook some slight offense, error, or
breach of etiquette; pardon is often used by courtesy in nearly
the same sense. A person may speak of excusing or forgiving
himself, but not of pardoning himself. Compare ABSOLVE; PARDON,
castigate, | chastise, | convict, | doom, | recompense, | sentence, |
chasten, | condemn, | correct, | punish, | scourge, | visit. |
absolution, | amnesty, | forgiveness, | oblivion, |
acquittal, | forbearance, | mercy, | remission. |
Acquittal is a release from a charge, after trial, as not guilty.[263]
Pardon is a removal of penalty from one who has been adjudged
guilty. Acquittal is by the decision of a court, commonly of a
jury; pardon is the act of the executive. An innocent man may
demand acquittal, and need not plead for pardon. Pardon supposes
an offense; yet, as our laws stand, to grant a pardon is
sometimes the only way to release one who has been wrongly convicted.
Oblivion, from the Latin, signifies overlooking and virtually
forgetting an offense, so that the offender stands before the
law in all respects as if it had never been committed. Amnesty
brings the same idea through the Greek. Pardon affects individuals;
amnesty and oblivion are said of great numbers. Pardon
is oftenest applied to the ordinary administration of law; amnesty,
to national and military affairs. An amnesty is issued after war,
insurrection, or rebellion; it is often granted by "an act of oblivion,"
and includes a full pardon of all offenders who come within
its provisions. Absolution is a religious word (compare synonyms
for ABSOLVE). Remission is a discharge from penalty; as, the remission
of a fine.
penalty, | punishment, | retaliation, | retribution, | vengeance. |
A pardon to or for the offenders; for all offenses; the pardon
of offenders or offenses.
PART, v.
Compare synonyms for PART, n.
Part into shares; part in the middle; part one from another;
part among the claimants; part between contestants (archaic); in
general, to part from is to relinquish companionship; to part with
is to relinquish possession; we part from a person or from something
thought of with some sense of companionship; a traveler
parts from his friends; he maybe said also to part from his native
shore; a man parts with an estate, a horse, a copyright; part
with may be applied to a person thought of in any sense as a possession;
an employer parts with a clerk or servant; but part
with is sometimes used by good writers as meaning simply to
separate from.
PART, n.
atom, | fraction, | member, | section, |
component, | fragment, | particle, | segment, |
constituent, | ingredient, | piece, | share, |
division, | instalment, | portion, | subdivision. |
element, |
Part, a substance, quantity, or amount that is the result of the
division of something greater, is the general word, including all
the others of this group. A fragment is the result of breaking,
rending, or disruption of some kind, while a piece may be smoothly
or evenly separated and have a certain completeness in itself.
A piece is often taken for a sample; a fragment scarcely would
be. Division and fraction are always regarded as in connection
with the total; divisions may be equal or unequal; a fraction is
one of several equal parts into which the whole is supposed to be
divided. A portion is a part viewed with reference to some one
who is to receive it or some special purpose to which it is to be
applied; in a restaurant one portion (i. e., the amount designed for
one person) is sometimes, by special order, served to two; a share
is a part to which one has or may acquire a right in connection
with others; an instalment is one of a series of proportionate payments
that are to be continued till the entire claim is discharged;
a particle is an exceedingly small part. A component, constituent,
ingredient, or element is a part of some compound or mixture;
an element is necessary to the existence, as a component or
constituent is necessary to the completeness of that which it helps
to compose; an ingredient may be foreign or accidental. A subdivision
is a division of a division. We speak of a segment of a
circle. Compare PARTICLE; PORTION.
atom, | grain, | mite, | scrap, | whit. |
corpuscle, | iota, | molecule, | shred, |
element, | jot, | scintilla, | tittle, |
A particle is a very small part of any material substance; as,
a particle of sand or of dust; it is a general term, not accurately determinate
in meaning. Atom (Gr. a- privative, not, and temno,
cut) etymologically signifies that which can not be cut or
divided, and is the smallest conceivable particle of matter, regarded
as absolutely homogeneous and as having but one set of
properties; atoms are the ultimate particles of matter. A molecule[265]
is made up of atoms, and is regarded as separable into its constituent
parts; as used by physicists, a molecule is the smallest
conceivable part which retains all the characteristics of the substance;
thus, a molecule of water is made up of two atoms of hydrogen
and one atom of oxygen. Element in chemistry denotes,
without reference to quantity, a substance regarded as simple,
i. e., one incapable of being resolved by any known process into
simpler substances; the element gold may be represented by an
ingot or by a particle of gold-dust. In popular language, an element
is any essential constituent; the ancients believed that the
universe was made up of the four elements, earth, air, fire, and
water; a storm is spoken of as a manifestation of the fury of the
elements. We speak of corpuscles of blood. Compare PART.
aggregate, | entirety, | mass, | quantity, | sum, | sum total, | total, | whole. |
calmness, | forbearance, | long-suffering, | sufferance. |
composure, | fortitude, | resignation, |
endurance, | leniency, | submission, |
Patience is the quality or habit of mind shown in bearing passively
and uncomplainingly any pain, evil, or hardship that may
fall to one's lot. Endurance hardens itself against suffering, and
may be merely stubborn; fortitude is endurance animated by
courage; endurance may by modifiers be made to have a passive
force, as when we speak of "passive endurance;" patience is not so
hard as endurance nor so self-effacing as submission. Submission
is ordinarily and resignation always applied to matters of great
moment, while patience may apply to slight worries and annoyances.
As regards our relations to our fellow men, forbearance
is abstaining from retaliation or revenge; patience is keeping
kindliness of heart under vexatious conduct; long-suffering is
continued patience. Patience may also have an active force denoting
uncomplaining steadiness in doing, as in tilling the soil.
See synonyms for ANGER.
Patience in or amid sufferings; patience with (rarely toward)
opposers or offenders; patience under afflictions; (rarely) patience
of heat or cold, etc.
PAY, n.
allowance, | hire, | recompense, | salary, |
compensation, | honorarium, | remuneration, | stipend, |
earnings, | payment, | requital, | wages. |
fee, |
An allowance is a stipulated amount furnished at regular intervals
as a matter of discretion or gratuity, as of food to besieged
soldiers, or of money to a child or ward. Compensation is a comprehensive
word signifying a return for a service done. Remuneration
is applied to matters of great amount or importance.
Recompense is a still wider and loftier word, with less suggestion
of calculation and market value; there are services for which affection
and gratitude are the sole and sufficient recompense; earnings,
fees, hire, pay, salary, and wages are forms of compensation
and may be included in compensation, remuneration, or recompense.
Pay is commercial and strictly signifies an exact pecuniary
equivalent for a thing or service, except when the contrary is expressly
stated, as when we speak of "high pay" or "poor pay."
Wages denotes what a worker receives. Earnings is often used as
exactly equivalent to wages, but may be used with reference to the
real value of work done or service rendered, and even applied to
inanimate things; as, the earnings of capital. Hire is distinctly
mercenary or menial, but as a noun has gone out of popular use,
tho the verb to hire is common. Salary is for literary or professional
work, wages for handicraft or other comparatively inferior
service; a salary is regarded as more permanent than wages;
an editor receives a salary, a compositor receives wages. Stipend
has become exclusively a literary word. A fee is given for a single
service or privilege, and is sometimes in the nature of a
gratuity. Compare REQUITE.
commonwealth, | nation, | race, | state, | tribe. |
community, | population, |
A community is in general terms the aggregate of persons inhabiting
any territory in common and viewed as having common
interests; a commonwealth is such a body of persons having a
common government, especially a republican government; as, the
commonwealth of Massachusetts. A community may be very
small; a commonwealth is ordinarily of considerable extent. A
people is the aggregate of any public community, either in distinction[267]
from their rulers or as including them; a race is a division of
mankind in the line of origin and ancestry; the people of the
United States includes members of almost every race. The use of
people as signifying persons collectively, as in the statement "The
hall was full of people," has been severely criticized, but is old and
accepted English, and may fitly be classed as idiomatic, and often
better than persons, by reason of its collectivism. As Dean Alford
suggests, it would make a strange transformation of the old hymn
"All people that on earth do dwell" to sing "All persons that on
earth do dwell." A state is an organized political community considered
in its corporate capacity as "a body politic and corporate;"
as, a legislative act is the act of the state; every citizen is
entitled to the protection of the state. A nation is an organized
political community considered with reference to the persons composing
it as having certain definite boundaries, a definite number
of citizens, etc. The members of a people are referred to as persons
or individuals; the individual members of a state or nation
are called citizens or subjects. The population of a country is
simply the aggregate of persons residing within its borders, without
reference to race, organization, or allegiance; unnaturalized
residents form part of the population, but not of the nation, possessing
none of the rights and being subject to none of the duties
of citizens. In American usage State signifies one commonwealth
of the federal union known as the United States. Tribe is now
almost wholly applied to rude peoples with very imperfect political
organization; as, the Indian tribes; nomadic tribes. Compare
apprehend, | comprehend, | conceive, | understand. |
We perceive what is presented through the senses. We apprehend
what is presented to the mind, whether through the
senses or by any other means. Yet perceive is used in the figurative
sense of seeing through to a conclusion, in a way for which
usage would not allow us to substitute apprehend; as, "Sir, I
perceive that thou art a prophet," John iv, 19. That which we
apprehend we catch, as with the hand; that which we conceive
we are able to analyze and recompose in our mind; that which we
comprehend, we, as it were, grasp around, take together, seize,
embrace wholly within the mind. Many things may be apprehended[268]
which can not be comprehended; a child can apprehend
the distinction between right and wrong, yet the philosopher can
not comprehend it in its fulness. We can apprehend the will of
God as revealed in conscience or the Scriptures; we can conceive
of certain attributes of Deity, as his truth and justice; but no
finite intelligence can comprehend the Divine Nature, in its majesty,
power, and perfection. Compare ANTICIPATE; ARREST;
fail of, | ignore, | lose, | misapprehend, | misconceive, | miss, | overlook. |
absolute, | consummate, | holy, | spotless, |
accurate, | correct, | ideal, | stainless, |
blameless, | entire, | immaculate, | unblemished, |
complete, | faultless, | sinless, | undefiled. |
completed, | finished, |
That is perfect to which nothing can be added, and from
which nothing can be taken without impairing its excellence,
marring its symmetry, or detracting from its worth; in this fullest
sense God alone is perfect, but in a limited sense anything may be
perfect in its kind; as a perfect flower; a copy of a document is
perfect when it is accurate in every particular; a vase may be
called perfect when entire and unblemished, even tho not artistically
faultless; the best judges never pronounce a work of art
perfect, because they see always ideal possibilities not yet attained;
even the ideal is not perfect, by reason of the imperfection
of the human mind; a human character faultlessly holy would be
morally perfect tho finite. That which is absolute is free from
admixture (as absolute alcohol) and in the highest and fullest
sense free from imperfection or limitation; as, absolute holiness
and love are attributes of God alone. In philosophical language,
absolute signifies free from all necessary, or even from all possible
relations, not dependent or limited, unrelated and unconditioned;
truth immediately known, as intuitive truth, is absolute; God, as
self-existent and free from all limitation or dependence, is called
the absolute Being, or simply the Absolute. Compare INNOCENT;
bad, | defective, | imperfect, | meager, | scant, |
blemished, | deficient, | incomplete, | perverted, | short, |
corrupt, | deformed, | inferior, | poor, | spoiled, |
corrupted, | fallible, | insufficient, | ruined, | worthless. |
defaced, | faulty, | marred, |
abiding, | enduring, | lasting, | steadfast, |
changeless, | fixed, | perpetual, | unchangeable, |
constant, | immutable, | persistent, | unchanging. |
durable, | invariable, | stable, |
Durable (L. durus, hard) is said almost wholly of material
substances that resist wear; lasting is said of either material or immaterial
things. Permanent is a word of wider meaning; a thing
is permanent which is not liable to change; as, a permanent color;
buildings upon a farm are called permanent improvements. Enduring
is a higher word, applied to that which resists both time
and change; as, enduring fame.
See synonyms for TRANSIENT.
allowance, | authorization, | leave, | license, |
authority, | consent, | liberty, | permit. |
Authority unites the right and power of control; age, wisdom,
and character give authority to their possessor; a book of learned
research has authority, and is even called an authority. Permission
justifies another in acting without interference or censure,
and usually implies some degree of approval. Authority gives a
certain right of control over all that may be affected by the action.
There may be a failure to object, which constitutes an implied
permission, tho this is more properly expressed by allowance;
we allow what we do not oppose, permit what we expressly
authorize. The noun permit implies a formal written
permission. License is a formal permission granted by competent
authority to an individual to do some act or pursue some
business which would be or is made to be unlawful without such
permission; as, a license to preach, to solemnize marriages, or to
sell intoxicating liquors. A license is permission granted rather
than authority conferred; the sheriff has authority (not permission
nor license) to make an arrest. Consent is permission by
the concurrence of wills in two or more persons, a mutual approval
or acceptance of something proposed. Compare ALLOW.
denial, | objection, | prevention, | refusal, | resistance. |
hindrance, | opposition, | prohibition, |
bad, | evil, | mischievous, | pestilential, |
baneful, | foul, | noisome, | poisonous, |
deadly, | harmful, | noxious, | ruinous, |
deleterious, | hurtful, | perverting, | unhealthful, |
destructive, | injurious, | pestiferous, | unwholesome. |
detrimental, | insalubrious, |
Pernicious (L. per, through, and neco, kill) signifies having the
power of destroying or injuring, tending to hurt or kill. Pernicious
is stronger than injurious; that which is injurious is capable
of doing harm; that which is pernicious is likely to be destructive.
Noxious (L. noceo, hurt) is a stronger word than noisome, as referring
to that which is injurious or destructive. Noisome now always
denotes that which is extremely disagreeable or disgusting, especially
to the sense of smell; as, the noisome stench proclaimed the
presence of noxious gases.
advantageous, | favorable, | helpful, | profitable, | serviceable, |
beneficent, | good, | invigorating, | rejuvenating, | useful, |
beneficial, | healthful, | life-giving, | salutary, | wholesome. |
amazement, | bewilderment, | distraction, | doubt, |
astonishment, | confusion, | disturbance, | embarrassment. |
Perplexity (L. per, through, and plecto, plait) is the drawing or
turning of the thoughts or faculties by turns in different directions
or toward contrasted or contradictory conclusions; confusion (L.
confusus, from confundo, pour together) is a state in which the
mental faculties are, as it were, thrown into chaos, so that the
clear and distinct action of the different powers, as of perception,
memory, reason, and will is lost; bewilderment is akin to confusion,
but is less overwhelming, and more readily recovered from;
perplexity, accordingly, has not the unsettling of the faculties
implied in confusion, nor the overwhelming of the faculties implied
in amazement or astonishment; it is not the magnitude of
the things to be known, but the want of full and definite knowledge,
that causes perplexity. The dividing of a woodland path
may cause the traveler the greatest perplexity, which may become
bewilderment when he has tried one path after another and lost
his bearings completely. With an excitable person bewilderment
may deepen into confusion that will make him unable to think
clearly or even to see or hear distinctly. Amazement results from
the sudden and unimagined occurrence of great good or evil or[271]
the sudden awakening of the mind to unthought-of truth.
Astonishment often produces bewilderment, which the word
was formerly understood to imply. Compare AMAZEMENT;
allure, | dispose, | incline, | move, |
bring over, | entice, | induce, | prevail on or upon, |
coax, | impel, | influence, | urge, |
convince, | incite, | lead, | win over. |
Of these words convince alone has no direct reference to moving
the will, denoting an effect upon the understanding only; one
may be convinced of his duty without doing it, or he may be convinced
of truth that has no manifest connection with duty or action,
as of a mathematical proposition. To persuade is to bring the will
of another to a desired decision by some influence exerted upon it
short of compulsion; one may be convinced that the earth is round;
he may be persuaded to travel round it; but persuasion is so largely
dependent upon conviction that it is commonly held to be the orator's
work first to convince in order that he may persuade. Coax
is a slighter word than persuade, seeking the same end by shallower
methods, largely by appeal to personal feeling, with or without
success; as, a child coaxes a parent to buy him a toy. One
may be brought over, induced, or prevailed upon by means not
properly included in persuasion, as by bribery or intimidation; he
is won over chiefly by personal influence. Compare INFLUENCE.
deter, | discourage, | dissuade, | hinder, | hold back, | repel, | restrain. |
boldness, | forwardness, | liveliness, | sprightliness. |
briskness, | impertinence, | sauciness, |
flippancy, | impudence, | smartness, |
Liveliness and sprightliness are pleasant and commendable;
smartness is a limited and showy acuteness or shrewdness, usually
with unfavorable suggestion; pertness and sauciness are these
qualities overdone, and regardless of the respect due to superiors.
Impertinence and impudence may be gross and stupid; pertness
and sauciness are always vivid and keen. Compare IMPUDENCE.
bashfulness, | demureness, | diffidence, | humility, | modesty, | shyness. |
contrary, | froward, | petulant, | untoward, |
factious, | intractable, | stubborn, | wayward, |
fractious, | obstinate, | ungovernable, | wilful. |
Perverse (L. perversus, turned the wrong way) signifies wilfully
wrong or erring, unreasonably set against right, reason, or
authority. The stubborn or obstinate person will not do what
another desires or requires; the perverse person will do anything
contrary to what is desired or required of him. The petulant person
frets, but may comply; the perverse individual may be smooth
or silent, but is wilfully intractable. Wayward refers to a perverse
disregard of morality and duty; froward is practically obsolete;
untoward is rarely heard except in certain phrases; as,
untoward circumstances. Compare OBSTINATE.
accommodating, | complaisant, | genial, | kind, |
amenable, | compliant, | governable, | obliging. |
bodily, | corporeal, | natural, | tangible, |
corporal, | material, | sensible, | visible. |
Whatever is composed of or pertains to matter may be termed
material; physical (Gr. physis, nature) applies to material things
considered as parts of a system or organic whole; hence, we speak
of material substances, physical forces, physical laws. Bodily,
corporal, and corporeal apply primarily to the human body; bodily
and corporal both denote pertaining or relating to the body;
corporeal signifies of the nature of or like the body; corporal is
now almost wholly restricted to signify applied to or inflicted
upon the body; we speak of bodily sufferings, bodily presence,
corporal punishment, the corporeal frame.
hyperphysical, | intangible, | invisible, | moral, | unreal, |
immaterial, | intellectual, | mental, | spiritual, | unsubstantial. |
displeasure, | irritation, | offense, | resentment, | umbrage. |
grudge, |
Pique, from the French, signifies primarily a prick or a sting,
as of a nettle; the word denotes a sudden feeling of mingled pain
and anger, but slight and usually transient, arising from some neglect
or offense, real or imaginary. Umbrage is a deeper and more[273]
persistent displeasure at being overshadowed (L. umbra, a
shadow) or subjected to any treatment that one deems unworthy
of him. It may be said, as a general statement, that pique arises
from wounded vanity or sensitiveness, umbrage from wounded
pride or sometimes from suspicion. Resentment rests on more
solid grounds, and is deep and persistent. Compare ANGER.
approval, | contentment, | delight, | gratification, | pleasure, | satisfaction. |
complacency, |
abject, | lamentable, | paltry, | sorrowful, |
base, | miserable, | pathetic, | touching, |
contemptible, | mournful, | piteous, | woful, |
despicable, | moving, | pitiable, | wretched. |
Pitiful originally signified full of pity; as, "the Lord is very
pitiful and of tender mercy," James v, 11; but this usage is now
archaic, and the meaning in question is appropriated by such words
as merciful and compassionate. Pitiful and pitiable now refer to
what may be deserving of pity, pitiful being used chiefly for that
which is merely an object of thought, pitiable for that which is
brought directly before the senses; as, a pitiful story; a pitiable
object; a pitiable condition. Since pity, however, always implies
weakness or inferiority in that which is pitied, pitiful and pitiable
are often used, by an easy transition, for what might awaken
pity, but does awaken contempt; as, a pitiful excuse; he presented
a pitiable appearance. Piteous is now rarely used in its
earlier sense of feeling pity, but in its derived sense applies to
what really excites the emotion; as, a piteous cry. Compare
august, | dignified, | grand, | lofty, | sublime, |
beneficent, | exalted, | great, | mighty, | superb, |
commanding, | glorious, | helpful, | noble, | superior. |
commiseration, | condolence, | sympathy, | tenderness. |
compassion, | mercy, |
Pity is a feeling of grief or pain aroused by the weakness, misfortunes,
or distresses of others, joined with a desire to help or relieve.
Sympathy (feeling or suffering with) implies some degree
of equality, kindred, or union; pity is for what is weak or unfortunate,
and so far, at least, inferior to ourselves; hence, pity is[274]
often resented where sympathy would be welcome. We have
sympathy with one in joy or grief, in pleasure or pain, pity only
for those in suffering or need; we may have sympathy with the
struggles of a giant or the triumphs of a conqueror; we are moved
with pity for the captive or the slave. Pity may be only in the
mind, but mercy does something for those who are its objects.
Compassion, like pity, is exercised only with respect to the suffering
or unfortunate, but combines with the tenderness of pity the
dignity of sympathy and the active quality of mercy. Commiseration
is as tender as compassion, but more remote and hopeless;
we have commiseration for sufferers whom we can not reach or
can not relieve. Condolence is the expression of sympathy. Compare
barbarity, | ferocity, | harshness, | pitilessness, | severity, |
brutality, | hard-heartedness, | inhumanity, | rigor, | sternness, |
cruelty, | hardness, | mercilessness, | ruthlessness, | truculence. |
Pity on or upon that which we help or spare; pity for that
which we merely contemplate; "have pity upon me, O ye my
friends," Job xix, 21; "pity for a horse o'erdriven," Tennyson
In Memoriam lxii, st. 1.
seed, | seed down, | set, | set out, | sow. |
We set or set out slips, cuttings, young trees, etc., tho we
may also be said to plant them; we plant corn, potatoes, etc.,
which we put in definite places, as in hills, with some care; we
sow wheat or other small grains and seeds which are scattered in
the process. Tho by modern agricultural machinery the smaller
grains are almost as precisely planted as corn, the old word for
broadcast scattering is retained. Land is seeded or seeded down
to grass.
eradicate, | extirpate, | root up, | uproot, | weed out. |
advocate, | ask, | beseech, | implore, | solicit, |
argue, | beg, | entreat, | press, | urge. |
To plead for one is to employ argument or persuasion, or both
in his behalf, usually with earnestness or importunity; similarly[275]
one may be said to plead for himself or for a cause, etc., or with
direct object, to plead a case; in legal usage, pleading is argumentative,
but in popular usage, pleading always implies some
appeal to the feelings. One argues a case solely on rational
grounds and supposably with fair consideration of both sides; he
advocates one side for the purpose of carrying it, and under the
influence of motives that may range all the way from cold self-interest
to the highest and noblest impulses; he pleads a cause, or
pleads for a person with still more intense feeling. Beseech, entreat,
and implore imply impassioned earnestness, with direct and
tender appeal to personal considerations. Press and urge imply
more determined or perhaps authoritative insistence. Solicit is a
weak word denoting merely an attempt to secure one's consent or
cooperation, sometimes by sordid or corrupt motives.
Plead with the tyrant for the captive; plead against the oppression
or the oppressor; plead to the indictment; at the bar; before
the court; in open court.
agreeable, | good-natured, | kindly, | pleasing, |
attractive, | kind, | obliging, | pleasurable. |
That is pleasing from which pleasure is received, or may readily
be received, without reference to any action or intent in that
which confers it; as, a pleasing picture; a pleasing landscape.
Whatever has active qualities adapted to give pleasure is pleasant;
as, a pleasant breeze; a pleasant (not a pleasing) day. As applied
to persons, pleasant always refers to a disposition ready and desirous
to please; one is pleasant, or in a pleasant mood, when inclined
to make happy those with whom he is dealing, to show
kindness and do any reasonable favor. In this sense pleasant is
nearly akin to kind, but kind refers to act or intent, while pleasant
stops with the disposition; many persons are no longer in a pleasant
mood if asked to do a troublesome kindness. Pleasant keeps
always something of the sense of actually giving pleasure, and
thus surpasses the meaning of good-natured; there are good-natured
people who by reason of rudeness and ill-breeding are
not pleasant companions. A pleasing face has good features,
complexion, expression, etc.; a pleasant face indicates a kind
heart and an obliging disposition, as well as kindly feelings in
actual exercise; we can say of one usually good-natured, "on[276]
that occasion he did not meet me with a pleasant face." Pleasant,
in the sense of gay, merry, jocose (the sense still retained in
pleasantry), is now rare, and would not be understood outside of
literary circles. Compare AMIABLE; COMFORTABLE; DELIGHTFUL.
arrogant, | displeasing, | glum, | ill-humored, | repelling, |
austere, | dreary, | grim, | ill-natured, | repulsive, |
crabbed, | forbidding, | harsh, | offensive, | unkind, |
disagreeable, | gloomy, | hateful, | repellent, | unpleasant. |
Pleasant to, with, or toward persons, about a matter.
abounding, | bountiful, | generous, | plenteous, |
abundant, | complete, | large, | profuse, |
adequate, | copious, | lavish, | replete, |
affluent, | enough, | liberal, | rich, |
ample, | exuberant, | luxuriant, | sufficient, |
bounteous, | full, | overflowing, | teeming. |
Enough is relative, denoting a supply equal to a given demand.
A temperature of 70° Fahrenheit is enough for a living-room; of
212° enough to boil water; neither is enough to melt iron. Sufficient,
from the Latin, is an equivalent of the Saxon enough, with
no perceptible difference of meaning, but only of usage, enough
being the more blunt, homely, and forcible word, while sufficient is
in many cases the more elegant or polite. Sufficient usually precedes
its noun; enough usually and preferably follows. That is
ample which gives a safe, but not a large, margin beyond a given
demand; that is abundant, affluent, bountiful, liberal, plentiful,
which is largely in excess of manifest need. Plentiful is used of
supplies, as of food, water, etc.; as, "a plentiful rain," Ps. lxviii,
9. We may also say a copious rain; but copious can be applied to
thought, language, etc., where plentiful can not well be used.
Affluent and liberal both apply to riches, resources; liberal, with
especial reference to giving or expending. (Compare synonyms
for ADEQUATE.) Affluent, referring
especially to riches, may be used of thought, feeling, etc.
Neither affluent, copious, nor plentiful can be used of time or
space; a field is sometimes called plentiful, not with reference
to its extent, but to its productiveness. Complete expresses not
excess or overplus, and yet not mere sufficiency, but harmony,
proportion, fitness to a design, or ideal. Ample and abundant may
be applied to any subject. We have time enough, means that
we can reach our destination without haste, but also without
delay; if we have ample time, we may move leisurely, and note[277]
what is by the way; if we have abundant time, we may pause to
converse with a friend, to view the scenery, or to rest when weary.
Lavish and profuse imply a decided excess, oftenest in the ill
sense. We rejoice in abundant resources, and honor generous
hospitality; lavish or profuse expenditure suggests extravagance
and wastefulness. Luxuriant is used especially of that which is
abundant in growth; as, a luxuriant crop.
deficient, | inadequate, | narrow, | scanty, | small, |
drained, | insufficient, | niggardly, | scarce, | sparing, |
exhausted, | mean, | poor, | scrimped, | stingy, |
impoverished, | miserly, | scant, | short, | straitened. |
Plentiful in resources.
meter, | numbers, | poesy, | song, |
metrical composition, | poem, | rime, | verse. |
Poetry is that form of literature that embodies beautiful
thought, feeling, or action in melodious, rhythmical, and (usually)
metrical language, in imaginative and artistic constructions.
Poetry in a very wide sense may be anything that pleasingly
addresses the imagination; as, the poetry of motion. In ordinary
usage, poetry is both imaginative and metrical. There may be poetry
without rime, but hardly without meter, or what in some languages
takes its place, as the Hebrew parallelism; but poetry involves,
besides the artistic form, the exercise of the fancy or
imagination in a way always beautiful, often lofty or even sublime.
Failing this, there may be verse, rime, and meter, but not
poetry. There is much in literature that is beautiful and sublime
in thought and artistic in construction, which is yet not poetry,
because quite devoid of the element of song, whereby poetry
differs from the most lofty, beautiful, or impassioned prose.
Compare METER.
prosaic speech, | prosaic writing, | prose. |
accomplished, | courtly, | genteel, | urbane, |
civil, | cultivated, | gracious, | well-behaved, |
complaisant, | cultured, | obliging, | well-bred, |
courteous, | elegant, | polished, | well-mannered. |
A civil person observes such propriety of speech and manner as[278]
to avoid being rude; one who is polite (literally polished) observes
more than the necessary proprieties, conforming to all that is
graceful, becoming, and thoughtful in the intercourse of refined
society. A man may be civil with no consideration for others,
simply because self-respect forbids him to be rude; but one who
is polite has at least some care for the opinions of others, and if
polite in the highest and truest sense, which is coming to be the
prevailing one, he cares for the comfort and happiness of others in
the smallest matters. Civil is a colder and more distant word than
polite; courteous is fuller and richer, dealing often with greater
matters, and is used only in the good sense. Courtly suggests
that which befits a royal court, and is used of external grace and
stateliness without reference to the prompting feeling; as, the
courtly manners of the ambassador. Genteel refers to an external
elegance, which may be showy and superficial, and the word is
thus inferior to polite or courteous. Urbane refers to a politeness
that is genial and successful in giving others a sense of ease and
cheer. Polished refers to external elegancies of speech and manner
without reference to spirit or purpose; as, a polished gentleman
or a polished scoundrel; cultured refers to a real and high
development of mind and soul, of which the external manifestation
is the smallest part. Complaisant denotes a disposition to
please or favor beyond what politeness would necessarily require.
awkward, | clownish, | ill-mannered, | insulting, | uncouth, |
bluff, | coarse, | impertinent, | raw, | unmannerly, |
blunt, | discourteous, | impolite, | rude, | unpolished, |
boorish, | ill-behaved, | impudent, | rustic, | untaught, |
brusk, | ill-bred, | insolent, | uncivil, | untutored. |
constitution, | policy, | form or system of government. |
Polity is the permanent system of government of a state, a
church, or a society; policy is the method of management with
reference to the attainment of certain ends; the national polity of
the United States is republican; each administration has a policy
of its own. Policy is often used as equivalent to expediency; as,
many think honesty to be good policy. Polity used in ecclesiastical
use serves a valuable purpose in distinguishing that which relates
to administration and government from that which relates
to faith and doctrine; two churches identical in faith may differ
in polity, or those agreeing in polity may differ in faith. Compare
lot, | parcel, | part, | proportion, | share. |
When any whole is divided into parts, any part that is allotted
to some person, thing, subject or purpose is called a portion, tho
the division may be by no fixed rule or relation; a father may
divide his estate by will among his children so as to make their
several portions great or small, according to his arbitrary and
unreasonable caprice. When we speak of a part as a proportion,
we think of the whole as divided according to some rule or scale,
so that the different parts bear a contemplated and intended relation
or ratio to one another; thus, the portion allotted to a child
by will may not be a fair proportion of the estate. Proportion is
often used where part or portion would be more appropriate.
Compare PART.
beggary, | distress, | mendicancy, | pauperism, | privation, |
destitution, | indigence, | need, | penury, | want. |
Poverty denotes strictly lack of property or adequate means of
support, but in common use is a relative term denoting any condition
below that of easy, comfortable living; privation denotes
a condition of painful lack of what is useful or desirable, tho not
to the extent of absolute distress; indigence is lack of ordinary
means of subsistence; destitution is lack of the comforts, and in
part even of the necessaries of life; penury is especially cramping
poverty, possibly not so sharp as destitution, but continuous, while
that may be temporary; pauperism is such destitution as throws
one upon organized public charity for support; beggary and mendicancy
denote poverty that appeals for indiscriminate private
ability, | competency, | expertness, | readiness, |
aptitude, | dexterity, | faculty, | skill, |
capability, | efficacy, | force, | strength, |
capacity, | efficiency, | might, | susceptibility, |
cleverness, | energy, | qualification, | talent. |
cogency, |
Power is the most general term of this group, including every
quality, property, or faculty by which any change, effect, or result
is, or may be, produced; as, the power of the legislature to enact
laws, or of the executive to enforce them; the power of an acid to[280]
corrode a metal; the power of a polished surface to reflect light.
Ability is nearly coextensive with power, but does not reach the
positiveness and vigor that may be included in the meaning of
power, ability often implying latent, as distinguished from active
power; we speak of an exertion of power, but not of an exertion
of ability. Power and ability include capacity, which is power to
receive; but ability is often distinguished from capacity, as power
that may be manifested in doing, as capacity is in receiving; one
may have great capacity for acquiring knowledge, and yet not
possess ability to teach. Efficiency is active power to effect a definite
result, the power that actually does, as distinguished from
that which may do. Competency is equal to the occasion, readiness
prompt for the occasion. Faculty is an inherent quality of
mind or body; talent, some special mental ability. Dexterity and
skill are readiness and facility in action, having a special end;
talent is innate, dexterity and skill are largely acquired. Our
abilities include our natural capacity, faculties, and talents, with
all the dexterity, skill, and readiness that can be acquired. Efficacy
is the power to produce an intended effect as shown in the
production of it; as, the efficacy of a drug. Efficiency is effectual
agency, competent power; efficiency is applied in mechanics as
denoting the ratio of the effect produced to the power expended in
producing it; but this word is chiefly used of intelligent agents as
denoting the quality that brings all one's power to bear promptly
and to the best purpose on the thing to be done. Compare ADDRESS;
awkwardness, | helplessness, | inability, | incompetence, | stupidity, |
dulness, | imbecility, | inaptitude, | inefficiency, | unskilfulness, |
feebleness, | impotence, | incapacity, | maladroitness, | weakness. |
acclaim, | approbation, | compliment, | laudation, |
acclamation, | approval, | encomium, | panegyric, |
adulation, | cheering, | eulogy, | plaudit, |
applause, | cheers, | flattery, | sycophancy. |
Praise is the hearty approval of an individual, or of a number
or multitude considered individually, and is expressed by
spoken or written words; applause, the spontaneous outburst of
many at once. Applause is expressed in any way, by stamping of
feet, clapping of hands, waving of handkerchiefs, etc., as well as
by the voice; acclamation is the spontaneous and hearty approval[281]
of many at once, and strictly by the voice alone. Thus one is
chosen moderator by acclamation when he receives a unanimous
viva voce vote; we could not say he was nominated by applause.
Acclaim is the more poetic term for acclamation, commonly understood
in a loftier sense; as, a nation's acclaim. Plaudit is a
shout of applause, and is commonly used in the plural; as, the
plaudits of a throng. Applause is also used in the general sense
of praise. Approbation is a milder and more qualified word than
praise; while praise is always uttered, approbation may be
silent. "Approbation speaks of the thing or action.... Praise
is always personal." A. W. and J. C. Hare Guesses at Truth
first series, p. 549. [Macm. '66.] Acceptance refers to an object or
action; approbation may refer to character or natural traits.
Approval always supposes a testing or careful examination, and
frequently implies official sanction; approbation may be upon a
general view. The industry and intelligence of a clerk win his
employer's approbation; his decision in a special instance
receives his approval. Praise is always understood as genuine
and sincere, unless the contrary is expressly stated; compliment is
a light form of praise that may or may not be sincere; flattery is
insincere and ordinarily fulsome praise.
abuse, | condemnation, | disapproval, | obloquy, | scorn, |
animadversion, | contempt, | disparagement, | reproach, | slander, |
blame, | denunciation, | hissing, | reproof, | vilification, |
censure, | disapprobation, | ignominy, | repudiation, | vituperation. |
ask, | bid, | entreat, | invoke, | request, |
beg, | call upon, | implore, | petition, | supplicate. |
beseech, | conjure, | importune, | plead, |
To pray, in the religious sense, is devoutly to address the Supreme
Being with reverent petition for divine grace or any favor
or blessing, and in the fullest sense with thanksgiving and praise
for the divine goodness and mercy; the once common use of the
word to express any earnest request, as "I pray you to come in,"
is now rare, unless in writings molded on older literature, or in
certain phrases, as "Pray sit down;" even in these "please" is
more common; "I beg you" is also frequently used, as expressing
a polite humility of request. Beseech and entreat express great
earnestness of petition; implore and supplicate denote the utmost[282]
fervency and intensity, supplicate implying also humility. Compare
doubtful, | hazardous, | risky, | unsettled, |
dubious, | insecure, | unassured, | unstable, |
equivocal, | perilous, | uncertain, | unsteady. |
Uncertain is applied to things that human knowledge can not
certainly determine or that human power can not certainly control;
precarious originally meant dependent on the will of another,
and now, by extension of meaning, dependent on chance or hazard,
with manifest unfavorable possibility verging toward probability;
as, one holds office by a precarious tenure, or land by a precarious
title; the strong man's hold on life is uncertain, the invalid's
is precarious.
actual, | firm, | infallible, | stable, | sure, | undoubted, |
assured, | immutable, | real, | steady, | undeniable, | unquestionable. |
certain, | incontestable, | settled, | strong, |
antecedent, | case, | instance, | pattern, |
authority, | example, | obiter dictum, | warrant. |
A precedent is an authoritative case, example, or instance. The
communism of the early Christians in Jerusalem is a wonderful
example or instance of Christian liberality, but not a precedent for
the universal church through all time. Cases decided by irregular
or unauthorized tribunals are not precedents for the regular administration
of law. An obiter dictum is an opinion outside of
the case in hand, which can not be quoted as an authoritative precedent.
fate, | foreknowledge, | foreordination, | necessity. |
Predestination is a previous determination or decision, which,
in the divine action, reaches on from eternity. Fate is heathen,
an irresistible, irrational power determining all events with no
manifest connection with reason or righteousness; necessity is
philosophical, a blind something in the nature of things binding
the slightest action or motion in the chain of inevitable, eternal
sequence; foreordination and predestination are Christian, denoting
the rational and righteous order or decree of the supreme[283]
and all-wise God. Foreknowledge is simply God's antecedent
knowledge of all events, which some hold to be entirely separable
from his foreordination, while others hold foreordination to be
inseparably involved in foreknowledge.
accident, | choice, | freedom, | independence, |
chance, | free agency, | free will, | uncertainty. |
Predestination of believers to eternal life.
bias, | preconception, | presumption, |
partiality, | prepossession, | unfairness. |
A presumption (literally, a taking beforehand) is a partial
decision formed in advance of argument or evidence, usually
grounded on some general principle, and always held subject to
revision upon fuller information. A prejudice or prepossession is
grounded often on feeling, fancy, associations, etc. A prejudice
against foreigners is very common in retired communities. There
is always a presumption in favor of what exists, so that the burden
of proof is upon one who advocates a change. A prepossession
is always favorable, a prejudice always unfavorable, unless
the contrary is expressly stated. Compare INJURY.
certainty, | conviction, | evidence, | reason, |
conclusion, | demonstration, | proof, | reasoning. |
Against; rarely, in favor of, in one's favor.
affectation, | disguise, | pretext, | simulation, |
air, | dissimulation, | ruse, | subterfuge, |
assumption, | excuse, | seeming, | trick, |
cloak, | mask, | semblance, | wile. |
color, | pretension, | show, |
A pretense, in the unfavorable, which is also the usual sense,
is something advanced or displayed for the purpose of concealing
the reality. A person makes a pretense of something for the
credit or advantage to be gained by it; he makes what is allowed
or approved a pretext for doing what would be opposed or condemned;
a tricky schoolboy makes a pretense of doing an errand
which he does not do, or he makes the actual doing of an errand a
pretext for playing truant. A ruse is something (especially something[284]
slight or petty) employed to blind or deceive so as to mask
an ulterior design, and enable a person to gain some end that he
would not be allowed to approach directly. A pretension is a
claim that is or may be contested; the word is now commonly
used in an unfavorable sense. Compare ARTIFICE; HYPOCRISY.
actuality, | fact, | guilelessness, | ingenuousness, | reality, | sincerity, |
candor, | frankness, | honesty, | openness, | simplicity, | truth. |
anticipate, | forestall, | obviate, | preclude. |
The original sense of prevent, to come before, act in advance of,
which is now practically obsolete, was still in good use when the
authorized version of the Bible was made, as appears in such passages
as, "When Peter was come into the house, Jesus prevented
him" (i. e., addressed him first), Matt. xvii, 25; "Thou preventest
him with the blessings of goodness" (i. e., by sending the blessings
before the desire is formulated or expressed), Ps. xxi, 3. Anticipate
is now the only single word usable in this sense; to forestall
is to take or act in advance in one's own behalf and to the prejudice
of another or others, as in the phrase "to forestall the market."
But to anticipate is very frequently used in the favorable
sense; as, his thoughtful kindness anticipated my wish (i. e., met
the wish before it was expressed): or we say, "I was about to
accost him when he anticipated me" (by speaking first); or one
anticipates a payment (by making it before the time); in neither
of these cases could we use forestall or prevent. To obviate (literally,
to stop the way of or remove from the way), is to prevent
by interception, so that something that would naturally withstand
or disturb may be kept from doing so; to preclude, (literally, to
close or shut in advance) is to prevent by anticipation or by logical
necessity; walls and bars precluded the possibility of escape; a
supposition is precluded; a necessity or difficulty is obviated. Prevent,
which at first had only the anticipatory meaning, has come
to apply to the stopping of an action at any stage, the completion
or conclusion only being thought of as negatived by anticipation;
the enemy passed the outworks and were barely prevented from
capturing the fortress. Compare HINDER; PROHIBIT.
He was prevented by illness from joining the expedition.
antecedent, | foregoing, | front, | preceding, |
anterior, | former, | introductory, | preliminary, |
earlier, | forward, | precedent, | prior. |
Antecedent may denote simple priority in time, implying no
direct connection between that which goes before and that which
follows; as, the striking of one clock may be always antecedent
to the striking of another with no causal connection between them.
Antecedent and previous may refer to that which goes or happens at
any distance in advance, preceding is limited to that which is immediately
or next before; an antecedent event may have happened
at any time before; the preceding transaction is the one completed
just before the one with which it is compared; a previous
statement or chapter may be in any part of the book that has gone
before; the preceding statement or chapter comes next before
without an interval. Previous often signifies first by right; as, a
previous engagement. Foregoing is used only of that which is
spoken or written; as, the foregoing statements. Anterior, while
it can be used of time, is coming to be employed chiefly with reference
to place; as the anterior lobes of the brain. Prior bears
exclusive reference to time, and commonly where that which is
first in time is first also in right; as, a prior demand. Former is
used of time, or of position in written or printed matter, not of
space in general. We can say former times, a former chapter,
etc., but not the former part of a garden; we should say the front
part of the garden, the forward car of a train. Former has a close
relation, or sharp contrast, with something following; the former
always implies the latter, even when not fully expressed, as in
Acts i, 1, and Eccles. vii, 10.
after, | consequent, | hind, | hindmost, | latter, | subsequent, |
concluding, | following, | hinder, | later, | posterior, | succeeding. |
Such was the state of things previous to the revolution. [Previous
to is often used adverbially, in constructions where previously
to would be more strictly correct; as, these arrangements
were made previous to my departure.]
charge, | cost, | expenditure, | expense, | outlay, | value, | worth. |
The cost of a thing is all that has been expended upon it,[286]
whether in discovery, production, refinement, decoration, transportation,
or otherwise, to bring it to its present condition in the hands
of its present possessor; the price of a thing is what the seller
asks for it. In regular business, as a rule, the seller's price on
his wares must be more than their cost to him; when goods are
sold, the price the buyer has paid becomes their cost to himself.
In exceptional cases, when goods are sold at cost, the seller's price
is made the same as the cost of the goods to him, the cost to the
seller and the cost to the buyer becoming then identical. Price
always implies that an article is for sale; what a man will not
sell he declines to put a price on; hence the significance of the
taunting proverb that "every man has his price." Value is the
estimated equivalent for an article, whether the article is for sale
or not; the market value is what it would bring if exposed for sale
in the open market; the intrinsic value is the inherent utility of
the article considered by itself alone; the market value of an old
and rare volume may be very great, while its intrinsic value may
be practically nothing. Value has always more reference to
others' estimation (literally, what the thing will avail with others)
than worth, which regards the thing in and by itself; thus, intrinsic
value is a weaker expression than intrinsic worth. Charge has
especial reference to services, expense to minor outlays; as, the
charges of a lawyer or physician; traveling expenses; household
arrogance, | ostentation, | self-exaltation, |
assumption, | presumption, | self-respect, |
conceit, | reserve, | superciliousness, |
disdain, | self-complacency, | vainglory, |
haughtiness, | self-conceit, | vanity. |
insolence, | self-esteem, |
Haughtiness thinks highly of itself and poorly of others. Arrogance
claims much for itself and concedes little to others. Pride
is an absorbing sense of one's own greatness; haughtiness feels
one's own superiority to others; disdain sees contemptuously the
inferiority of others to oneself. Presumption claims place or
privilege above one's right; pride deems nothing too high. Insolence
is open and rude expression of contempt and hostility, generally
from an inferior to a superior, as from a servant to a master
or mistress. In the presence of superiors overweening pride
manifests itself in presumption or insolence; in the presence of[287]
inferiors, or those supposed to be inferior, pride manifests itself
by arrogance, disdain, haughtiness, superciliousness, or in either
case often by cold reserve. (See RESERVE under MODESTY.) Pride
is too self-satisfied to care for praise; vanity intensely craves admiration
and applause. Superciliousness, as if by the uplifted
eyebrow, as its etymology suggests (L. supercilium, eyebrow, from
super, over and cilium, eyelid), silently manifests mingled
haughtiness and disdain. Assumption quietly takes for granted
superiority and privilege which others would be slow to concede.
Conceit and vanity are associated with weakness, pride with
strength. Conceit may be founded upon nothing; pride is
founded upon something that one is, or has, or has done; vanity,
too, is commonly founded on something real, tho far slighter than
would afford foundation for pride. Vanity is eager for admiration
and praise, is elated if they are rendered, and pained if they
are withheld, and seeks them; pride could never solicit admiration
or praise. Conceit is somewhat stronger than self-conceit.
Self-conceit is ridiculous; conceit is offensive. Self-respect is a
thoroughly worthy feeling; self-esteem is a more generous estimate
of one's own character and abilities than the rest of the
world are ready to allow. Vainglory is more pompous and boastful
than vanity. Compare EGOTISM; OSTENTATION.
humility, | lowliness, | meekness, | modesty, | self-abasement, | self-distrust. |
aboriginal, | indigenous, | patriarchal, | primitive, |
ancient, | native, | primal, | primordial, |
autochthonic, | old, | primary, | pristine, |
immemorial, | original, | prime, | uncreated. |
Aboriginal (L. ab, from, origo, origin) signifies pertaining to
the aborigines or earliest known inhabitants of a country in the
widest sense, including not merely human beings but inferior animals
and plants as well. Autochthonic (Gr. autos, self, and chthōn,
earth) signifies sprung from the earth, especially from the soil of
one's native land. Primeval (L. primum, first, and ævum, age),
signifies strictly belonging to the first ages, earliest in time, but often
only the earliest of which man knows or conceives, immemorial.
Aboriginal, autochthonic, and primeval combine the meanings of
ancient and original; aboriginal inhabitants, autochthonic races,[288]
primeval forests. Prime and primary may signify either first in
time, or more frequently first in importance; primary has also the
sense of elementary or preparatory; we speak of a prime minister,
a primary school. Primal is chiefly poetic, in the sense of prime;
as, the primal curse. Primordial is first in an order of succession or
development; as, a primordial leaf. Primitive frequently signifies
having the original characteristics of that which it represents,
as well as standing first in time; as, the primitive church. Primitive
also very frequently signifies having the original or early
characteristics without remoteness in time. Primeval simplicity
is the simplicity of the earliest ages; primitive simplicity may be
found in retired villages now. Pristine is an elegant word, used
almost exclusively in a good sense of that which is original and
perhaps ancient; as, pristine purity, innocence, vigor. That
which is both an original and natural product of a soil or country
is said to be indigenous; that which is actually produced there is
said to be native, though it may be of foreign extraction; humming-birds
are indigenous to America; canaries may be native,
but are not indigenous. Immemorial refers solely to time, independently
of quality, denoting, in legal phrase, "that whereof the
memory of man runneth not to the contrary;" as, an immemorial
custom; an immemorial abuse. Compare OLD.
adventitious, | foreign, | late, | new, | recent. |
exotic, | fresh, | modern, | novel, |
Compare synonyms for NEW.
advantage, | expediency, | proceeds, | service, |
avail, | gain, | receipts, | usefulness, |
benefit, | good, | return, | utility, |
emolument, | improvement, | returns, | value. |
The returns or receipts include all that is received from an outlay
or investment; the profit is the excess (if any) of the receipts
over the outlay; hence, in government, morals, etc., the profit is
what is really good, helpful, useful, valuable. Utility is chiefly
used in the sense of some immediate or personal and generally
some material good. Advantage is that which gives one a vantage-ground,
either for coping with competitors or with difficulties,
needs, or demands; as to have the advantage of a
good education; it is frequently used of what one has beyond[289]
another or secures at the expense of another; as, to have the advantage
of another in an argument, or to take advantage of another
in a bargain. Gain is what one secures beyond what he previously
possessed. Benefit is anything that does one good. Emolument
is profit, return, or value accruing through official position.
Expediency has respect to profit or advantage, real or supposed,
considered apart from or perhaps in opposition to right, in actions
having a moral character. Compare UTILITY.
damage, | detriment, | harm, | injury, | ruin, |
destruction, | disadvantage, | hurt, | loss, | waste. |
The profit of labor; on capital; in business.
advance, | development, | improvement, | proficiency, |
advancement, | growth, | increase, | progression. |
attainment, |
Progress (L. pro, forward, gradior, go) is a moving onward or
forward, whether in space or in the mental or moral realm, and
may be either mechanical, individual, or social. Attainment, development,
and proficiency are more absolute than the other words
of the group, denoting some point of advantage or of comparative
perfection reached by forward or onward movement; we speak
of attainments in virtue or scholarship, proficiency in music or
languages, the development of new powers or organs; proficiency
includes the idea of skill. Advance may denote either a forward
movement or the point gained by forward movement, but always
relatively with reference to the point from which the movement
started; as, this is a great advance. Advance admits the possibility
of retreat; progress (L. progredi, to walk forward) is steady
and constant forward movement, admitting of pause, but not of
retreat; advance suggests more clearly a point to be reached,
while progress lays the emphasis upon the forward movement;
we may speak of slow or rapid progress, but more naturally of
swift advance. Progress is more frequently used of abstractions;
as, the progress of ideas; progression fixes the attention chiefly
upon the act of moving forward. In a thing good in itself all advance
or progress is improvement; there is a growing tendency to
restrict the words to this favorable sense, using increase indifferently
of good or evil; one may say without limitation, "I am an
advocate of progress."[290]
check, | delay, | falling off, | retrogression, | stop, |
decline, | falling back, | relapse, | stay, | stoppage. |
The progress of truth; progress in virtue; toward perfection;
from a lower to a higher state.
debar, | forbid, | inhibit, | preclude, |
disallow, | hinder, | interdict, | prevent. |
To prohibit is to give some formal command against, and especially
to make some authoritative legal enactment against. Debar
is said of persons, disallow of acts; one is debarred from anything
when shut off, as by some irresistible authority or necessity; one
is prohibited from an act in express terms; he may be debarred
by silent necessity. An act is disallowed by the authority that
might have allowed it; the word is especially applied to acts which
are done before they are pronounced upon; thus, a government
may disallow the act of its commander in the field or its admiral
on the high seas. Inhibit and interdict are chiefly known by
their ecclesiastical use. As between forbid and prohibit, forbid
is less formal and more personal, prohibit more official and judicial,
with the implication of readiness to use such force as may be
needed to give effect to the enactment; a parent forbids a child to
take part in some game or to associate with certain companions;
the slave-trade is now prohibited by the leading nations of the
world. Many things are prohibited by law which can not be
wholly prevented, as gambling and prostitution; on the other
hand, things may be prevented which are not prohibited, as the
services of religion, the payment of debts, or military conquest.
That which is precluded need not be prohibited. Compare ABOLISH;
allow, | empower, | let, | require, |
authorize, | enjoin, | license, | sanction, |
command, | give consent, | order, | suffer, |
consent to, | give leave, | permit, | tolerate, |
direct, | give permission, | put up with, | warrant. |
An act is prohibited by law; a person is prohibited by law from
doing a certain act. Prohibit was formerly construed, as forbid
still is, with the infinitive, but the construction with from and the
verbal noun has now entirely superseded the older usage.
advance, | encourage, | forward, | prefer, | raise, |
aid, | exalt, | foster, | push, | urge forward, |
assist, | excite, | further, | push on, | urge on. |
elevate, | foment, | help, |
To promote (L. pro, forward, and moveo, move) is to cause to
move forward toward some desired end or to raise to some higher
position, rank, or dignity. We promote a person by advancing,
elevating, or exalting him to a higher position or dignity. A person
promotes a scheme or an enterprise which others have projected
or begun, and which he encourages, forwards, furthers, pushes,
or urges on, especially when he acts as the agent of the prime movers
and supporters of the enterprise. One who excites a quarrel
originates it; to promote a quarrel is strictly to foment and urge
it on, the one who promotes keeping himself in the background.
See synonyms for ABASE; ALLAY.
atonement, | expiation, | reconciliation, | satisfaction. |
Atonement (at-one-ment), originally denoting reconciliation, or
the bringing into agreement of those who have been estranged, is
now chiefly used, as in theology, in the sense of some offering, sacrifice,
or suffering sufficient to win forgiveness or make up for an
offense; especially and distinctively of the sacrificial work of
Christ in his humiliation, suffering and death. Expiation is the
enduring of the full penalty of a wrong or crime. Propitiation is
an offering, action, or sacrifice that makes the governing power
propitious toward the offender. Satisfaction in this connection
denotes the rendering a full legal equivalent for the wrong done.
Propitiation appeases the lawgiver; satisfaction meets the requirements
of the law.
alienation, | curse, | penalty, | reprobation, | vengeance, |
chastisement, | estrangement, | punishment, | retribution, | wrath. |
condemnation, | offense, |
auspicious, | benignant, | favorable, | gracious, | kindly, |
benign, | clement, | friendly, | kind, | merciful. |
That which is auspicious is of favorable omen; that which is
propitious is of favoring influence or tendency; as, an auspicious[292]
morning; a propitious breeze. Propitious applies to persons, implying
kind disposition and favorable inclinations, especially toward
the suppliant; auspicious is not used of persons.
adverse, | forbidding, | ill-disposed, | repellent, | unfriendly, |
antagonistic, | hostile, | inauspicious, | unfavorable, | unpropitious. |
May heaven be propitious to the enterprise.
bid, | offer, | overture, | proposition. |
An offer or proposal puts something before one for acceptance
or rejection, proposal being the more formal word; a proposition
sets forth truth (or what is claimed to be truth) in formal statement.
The proposition is for consideration, the proposal for action;
as, a proposition in geometry, a proposal of marriage; but
proposition is often used nearly in the sense of proposal when it
concerns a matter for deliberation; as, a proposition for the surrender
of a fort. A bid is commercial and often verbal; as, a
bid at an auction; proposal is used in nearly the same sense, but
is more formal. An overture opens negotiation or conference,
and the word is especially used of some movement toward reconciliation;
as, overtures of peace.
acceptance, | denial, | disapproval, | refusal, | rejection, | repulse. |
In its most frequent use, propose differs from purpose in that
what we purpose lies in our own mind, as a decisive act of will, a
determination; what we propose is offered or stated to others. In
this use of the word, what we propose is open to deliberation, as
what we purpose is not. In another use of the word, one proposes
something to or by himself which may or may not be stated to
others. In this latter sense propose is nearly identical with purpose,
and the two words have often been used interchangeably.
But in the majority of cases what we purpose is more general,
what we propose more formal and definite; I purpose to do right;
I propose to do this specific thing because it is right. In the historic
sentence, "I propose to move immediately on your works,"
purpose would not have the same sharp directness.
continue, | delay, | elongate, | lengthen, | procrastinate, |
defer, | draw out, | extend, | postpone, | prolong. |
To protract is to cause to occupy a longer time than is usual,
expected, or desirable. We defer a negotiation which we are slow
to enter upon; we protract a negotiation which we are slow to
conclude; delay may be used of any stage in the proceedings; we
may delay a person as well as an action, but defer and protract
are not used of persons. Elongate is not used of actions or abstractions,
but only of material objects or extension in space; protract
is very rarely used of concrete objects or extension in space;
we elongate a line, protract a discussion. Protract has usually
an unfavorable sense, implying that the matter referred to is already
unduly long, or would be so if longer continued; continue
is neutral, applying equally to the desirable or the undesirable.
Postpone implies a definite intention to resume, as defer also does,
though less decidedly; both are often used with some definite
limitation of time; as, to postpone till, until, or to a certain day
or hour. One may defer, delay, or postpone a matter intelligently
and for good reason; he procrastinates through indolence and
irresolution. Compare HINDER.
abbreviate, | conclude, | curtail, | hurry, | reduce, |
abridge, | contract, | hasten, | limit, | shorten. |
To protract a speech by verbosity, through an unreasonable
time, to, till, or until a late hour.
adage, | axiom, | maxim, | saw, |
aphorism, | byword, | motto, | saying, |
apothegm, | dictum, | precept, | truism. |
The proverb or adage gives homely truth in condensed, practical
form, the adage often pictorial. "Hope deferred maketh
the heart sick" is a proverb; "The cat loves fish, but dares not
wet her feet," is an adage. Both the proverb and the adage, but
especially the latter, are thought of as ancient and widely
known. An aphorism partakes of the character of a definition;
it is a summary statement of what the author sees and believes to
be true. An apothegm is a terse statement of what is plain or
easily proved. The aphorism is philosophical, the apothegm practical.[294]
A dictum is a statement of some person or school, on whom
it depends for authority; as, a dictum of Aristotle. A saying is
impersonal, current among the common people, deriving its authority
from its manifest truth or good sense; as, it is an old
saying, "the more haste, the worse speed." A saw is a saying
that is old, but somewhat worn and tiresome. Precept is a command
to duty; motto or maxim is a brief statement of cherished
truth, the maxim being more uniformly and directly practical;
"God is love" may be a motto, "Fear God and fear naught," a
maxim. The precepts of the Sermon on the Mount will furnish
the Christian with invaluable maxims or mottoes. A byword is a
phrase or saying used reproachfully or contemptuously.
bravery, | gallantry, | intrepidity, |
courage, | heroism, | valor. |
Bravery, courage, heroism, and intrepidity may be silent,
spiritual, or passive; they may be exhibited by a martyr at the
stake. Prowess and valor imply both daring and doing; we do
not speak of the prowess of a martyr, a child, or a passive sufferer.
Valor meets odds or perils with courageous action, doing
its utmost to conquer at any risk or cost; prowess has power
adapted to the need; dauntless valor is often vain against superior
prowess. Courage is a nobler word than bravery, involving more
of the deep, spiritual, and enduring elements of character; such
an appreciation of peril as would extinguish bravery may only
intensify courage, which is resistant and self-conquering; courage
applies to matters in regard to which valor and prowess can have
no place, as submission to a surgical operation, or the facing of
censure or detraction for conscience' sake. Compare BRAVE;
cowardice, | cowardliness, | effeminacy, | fear, | pusillanimity, | timidity. |
care, | discretion, | judgment, |
carefulness, | forecast, | judiciousness, |
caution, | foresight, | providence, |
circumspection, | forethought, | wisdom. |
consideration, | frugality, |
Prudence may be briefly defined as good judgment and foresight,[295]
inclining to caution and frugality in practical affairs. Care
may respect only the present; prudence and providence look far
ahead and sacrifice the present to the future, prudence watching,
saving, guarding, providence planning, doing, preparing, and perhaps
expending largely to meet the future demand. Frugality is
in many cases one form of prudence. In a besieged city prudence
will reduce the rations, providence will strain every nerve to introduce
supplies and to raise the siege. Foresight merely sees the
future, and may even lead to the recklessness and desperation to
which prudence and providence are so strongly opposed. Forethought
is thinking in accordance with wise views of the future,
and is nearly equivalent to providence, but it is a more popular
and less comprehensive term; we speak of man's forethought,
God's providence. Compare CARE; FRUGALITY; WISDOM.
folly, | improvidence, | indiscretion, | rashness, | thoughtlessness, |
heedlessness, | imprudence, | prodigality, | recklessness, | wastefulness. |
acquire, | barter for, | get, | procure, | secure. |
bargain for, | buy, | obtain, |
Buy and purchase are close synonyms, signifying to obtain or
secure as one's own by paying or promising to pay a price; in numerous
cases the two words are freely interchangeable, but with the difference
usually found between words of Saxon and those of French
or Latin origin. The Saxon buy is used for all the homely and
petty concerns of common life, the French purchase is often restricted
to transactions of more dignity; yet the Saxon word buy
is commonly more emphatic, and in the higher ranges of thought
appeals more strongly to the feelings. One may either buy or
purchase fame, favor, honor, pleasure, etc., but when our feelings
are stirred we speak of victory or freedom as dearly bought. "Buy
the truth, and sell it not" (Prov. xxiii, 23) would be greatly weakened
by the rendering "Purchase the truth, and do not dispose of
barter, | dispose of, | exchange, | put to sale, | sell. |
Purchase at a price; at a public sale; of or from a person; for
cash; with money; on time.
absolute, | guiltless, | simple, | unmixed, |
chaste, | holy, | spotless, | unpolluted, |
classic, | immaculate, | stainless, | unspotted, |
classical, | incorrupt, | true, | unstained, |
clean, | innocent, | unadulterated, | unsullied, |
clear, | mere, | unblemished, | untainted, |
continent, | perfect, | uncorrupted, | untarnished, |
genuine, | real, | undefiled, | upright, |
guileless, | sheer, | unmingled, | virtuous. |
That is pure which is free from mixture or contact with anything
that weakens, impairs, or pollutes. Material substances are
called pure in the strict sense when free from foreign admixture
of any kind; as, pure oxygen; the word is often used to signify
free from any defiling or objectionable admixture (the original
sense); we speak of water as pure when it is bright, clear, and refreshing,
tho it may contain mineral salts in solution; in the medical
and chemical sense, only distilled water (aqua pura) is pure.
In moral and religious use pure is a strong word, denoting positive
excellence of a high order; one is innocent who knows nothing of
evil, and has experienced no touch of temptation; one is pure
who, with knowledge of evil and exposure to temptation, keeps
heart and soul unstained. Virtuous refers primarily to right action;
pure to right feeling and motives; as, "Blessed are the pure
in heart: for they shall see God," Matt. v, 8. Compare FINE; INNOCENT.
adulterated, | foul, | indecent, | obscene, | tainted, |
defiled, | gross, | indelicate, | polluted, | tarnished, |
dirty, | immodest, | lewd, | stained, | unchaste, |
filthy, | impure, | mixed, | sullied, | unclean. |
Put is the most general term for bringing an object to some
point or within some space, however exactly or loosely; we may
put a horse in a pasture, or put a bullet in a rifle or into an enemy.
Place denotes more careful movement and more exact location;
as, to place a crown on one's head, or a garrison in a city. To
lay is to place in a horizontal position; to set is to place in an upright
position; we lay a cloth, and set a dish upon a table. To
deposit is to put in a place of security for future use; as, to deposit
money in a bank; the original sense, to lay down or let down
(quietly), is also common; as, the stream deposits sediment.
anomalous, | erratic, | odd, | strange, |
bizarre, | extraordinary, | peculiar, | uncommon, |
comical, | fantastic, | preposterous, | unique, |
crotchety, | funny, | quaint, | unmatched, |
curious, | grotesque, | ridiculous, | unusual, |
droll, | laughable, | singular, | whimsical. |
eccentric, | ludicrous, |
Odd is unmated, as an odd shoe, and so uneven, as an odd
number. Singular is alone of its kind; as, the singular number.
What is singular is odd, but what is odd may not be singular; as,
a drawerful of odd gloves. A strange thing is something hitherto
unknown in fact or in cause. A singular coincidence is one the
happening of which is unusual; a strange coincidence is one the
cause of which is hard to explain. That which is peculiar belongs
especially to a person as his own; as, Israel was called Jehovah's
"peculiar people," i. e., especially chosen and cherished by him;
in its ordinary use there is the implication that the thing peculiar
to one is not common to the majority nor quite approved by them,
though it may be shared by many; as, the Shakers are peculiar.
Eccentric is off or aside from the center, and so off or aside from
the ordinary and what is considered the normal course; as, genius
is commonly eccentric. Eccentric is a higher and more respectful
word than odd or queer. Erratic signifies wandering, a stronger
and more censorious term than eccentric. Queer is transverse or
oblique, aside from the common in a way that is comical or perhaps
slightly ridiculous. Quaint denotes that which is pleasingly odd
and fanciful, often with something of the antique; as, the quaint
architecture of medieval towns. That which is funny is calculated
to provoke laughter; that which is droll is more quietly
amusing. That which is grotesque in the material sense is irregular
or misshapen in form or outline or ill-proportioned so as to be
somewhat ridiculous; the French bizarre is practically equivalent
to grotesque.
common, | familiar, | normal, | regular, |
customary, | natural, | ordinary, | usual. |
accelerate, | drive on, | hasten, | promote, |
advance, | expedite, | hurry, | speed, |
despatch, | facilitate, | make haste, | urge, |
drive, | further, | press forward, | urge on. |
To quicken, in the sense here considered, is to increase speed,[298]
move or cause to move more rapidly, as through more space or with,
a greater number of motions in the same time. To accelerate is to
increase the speed of action or of motion. A motion whose speed
increases upon itself is said to be accelerated, as the motion of a
falling body, which becomes swifter with every second of time.
To accelerate any work is to hasten it toward a finish, commonly
by quickening all its operations in orderly unity toward the result.
To despatch is to do and be done with, to get a thing off one's
hands. To despatch an enemy is to kill him outright and quickly;
to despatch a messenger is to send him in haste; to despatch a business
is to bring it quickly to an end. Despatch is commonly used
of single items. To promote a cause is in any way to bring it forward,
advance it in power, prominence, etc. To speed is really to
secure swiftness; to hasten is to attempt it, whether successfully or
unsuccessfully. Hurry always indicates something of confusion.
The hurried man forgets dignity, appearance, comfort, courtesy,
everything but speed; he may forget something vital to the matter
in hand; yet, because reckless haste may attain the great object
of speed, hurry has come to be the colloquial and popular
word for acting quickly. To facilitate is to quicken by making
easy; to expedite is to quicken by removing hindrances. A good
general will improve roads to facilitate the movements of troops,
hasten supplies and perfect discipline to promote the general efficiency
of the force, despatch details of business, expedite all preparations,
in order to accelerate the advance and victory of his
check, | clog, | delay, | drag, | hinder, | impede, | obstruct, | retard. |
cite, | extract, | plagiarize, | repeat. |
excerpt, | paraphrase, | recite, |
To quote is to give an author's words, either exactly, as in direct
quotation, or in substance, as in indirect quotation; to cite is, etymologically,
to call up a passage, as a witness is summoned. In
citing a passage its exact location by chapter, page, or otherwise,
must be given, so that it can be promptly called into evidence; in
quoting, the location may or may not be given, but the words or
substance of the passage must be given. In citing, neither the
author's words nor his thought may be given, but simply the reference
to the location where they may be found. To quote, in the[299]
proper sense, is to give credit to the author whose words are employed.
To paraphrase is to state an author's thought more freely
than in indirect quotation, keeping the substance of thought and
the order of statement, but changing the language, and commonly
interweaving more or less explanatory matter as if part of the original
writing. One may paraphrase a work with worthy motive for
homiletic, devotional, or other purposes (as in the metrical versions
of the Psalms), or he may plagiarize atrociously in the form of
paraphrase, appropriating all that is valuable in another's thought,
with the hope of escaping detection by change of phrase. To
plagiarize is to quote without credit, appropriating another's
words or thought as one's own. To recite or repeat is usually to
quote orally, tho recite is applied in legal phrase to a particular
statement of facts which is not a quotation; a kindred use obtains
in ordinary speech; as, to recite one's misfortunes.
flavorous, | lively, | pungent, | spicy, |
forcible, | piquant, | rich, | spirited. |
Racy applies in the first instance to the pleasing flavor characteristic
of certain wines, often attributed to the soil from which
they come. Pungent denotes something sharply irritating to the
organs of taste or smell, as pepper, vinegar, ammonia; piquant
denotes a quality similar in kind to pungent but less in degree,
stimulating and agreeable; pungent spices may be deftly compounded
into a piquant sauce. As applied to literary products,
racy refers to that which has a striking, vigorous, pleasing originality;
spicy to that which is stimulating to the mental taste, as
spice is to the physical; piquant and pungent in their figurative
use keep very close to their literal sense.
cold, | flat, | insipid, | stale, | tasteless, |
dull, | flavorless, | prosy, | stupid, | vapid. |
complete, | ingrained, | perfect, |
constitutional, | innate, | positive, |
entire, | native, | primitive, |
essential, | natural, | thorough, |
extreme, | organic, | thoroughgoing, |
fundamental, | original, | total. |
The widely divergent senses in which the word radical is used,[300]
by which it can be at some time interchanged with any word in
the above list, are all formed upon the one primary sense of having
to do with or proceeding from the root (L. radix); a radical
difference is one that springs from the root, and is thus constitutional,
essential, fundamental, organic, original; a radical change
is one that does not stop at the surface, but reaches down to the
very root, and is entire, thorough, total; since the majority find
superficial treatment of any matter the easiest and most comfortable,
radical measures, which strike at the root of evil or need,
are apt to be looked upon as extreme.
conservative, | incomplete, | palliative, | slight, | tentative, |
inadequate, | moderate, | partial, | superficial, | trial. |
curious, | odd, | scarce, | unique, |
extraordinary, | peculiar, | singular, | unparalleled, |
incomparable, | precious, | strange, | unprecedented, |
infrequent, | remarkable, | uncommon, | unusual. |
Unique is alone of its kind; rare is infrequent of its kind;
great poems are rare; "Paradise Lost" is unique. To say of a
thing that it is rare is simply to affirm that it is now seldom
found, whether previously common or not; as, a rare old book;
a rare word; to call a thing scarce implies that it was at some
time more plenty, as when we say food or money is scarce. A
particular fruit or coin may be rare; scarce applies to demand
and use, and almost always to concrete things; to speak of virtue,
genius, or heroism as scarce would be somewhat ludicrous. Rare
has the added sense of precious, which is sometimes, but not
necessarily, blended with that above given; as, a rare gem. Extraordinary,
signifying greatly beyond the ordinary, is a neutral
word, capable of a high and good sense or of an invidious, opprobrious,
or contemptuous signification; as, extraordinary genius;
extraordinary wickedness; an extraordinary assumption of
power; extraordinary antics; an extraordinary statement is
incredible without overwhelming proof.
See synonyms for GENERAL; NORMAL; USUAL.
arrive, | attain, | come to, | enter, | gain, | get to, | land. |
To reach, in the sense here considered, is to come to by motion[301]
or progress. Attain is now oftenest used of abstract relations; as,
to attain success. When applied to concrete matters, it commonly
signifies the overcoming of hindrance and difficulty; as, the storm-beaten
ship at length attained the harbor. Come is the general
word for moving to or toward the place where the speaker or
writer is or supposes himself to be. To reach is to come to from a
distance that is actually or relatively considerable; to stretch the
journey, so to speak, across the distance, as, in its original meaning,
one reaches an object by stretching out the hand. To gain is
to reach or attain something eagerly sought; the wearied swimmer
reaches or gains the shore. One comes in from his garden;
he reaches home from a journey. To arrive is to come to a destination,
to reach a point intended or proposed. The European
steamer arrives in port, or reaches the harbor; the dismantled
wreck drifts ashore, or comes to land. Compare ATTAIN.
depart, | embark, | go, | go away, | leave, | set out, | set sail, | start, | weigh anchor. |
actual, | demonstrable, | genuine, | true, |
authentic, | developed, | positive, | unquestionable, |
certain, | essential, | substantial, | veritable. |
Real (L. res, a thing) signifies having existence, not merely in
thought, but in fact, or being in fact according to appearance or
claim; denoting the thing as distinguished from the name, or the
existent as opposed to the non-existent. Actual has respect to a
thing accomplished by doing, real to a thing as existing by whatever
means or from whatever cause, positive to that which is fixed
or established, developed to that which has reached completion by
a natural process of unfolding. Actual is in opposition to the supposed,
conceived, or reported, and furnishes the proof of its existence
in itself; real is opposed to feigned or imaginary, and is
capable of demonstration; positive, to the uncertain or doubtful;
developed, to that which is undeveloped or incomplete. The developed
is susceptible of proof; the positive precludes the necessity
for proof. The present condition of a thing is its actual condition;
ills are real that have a substantial reason; proofs are
positive when they give the mind certainty; a plant is developed
when it has reached its completed stage. Real estate is land, together
with trees, water, minerals, or other natural accompaniments,[302]
and any permanent structures that man has built upon it.
conceived, | feigned, | illusory, | supposed, | unreal, |
fabulous, | fictitious, | imaginary, | supposititious, | untrue, |
fanciful, | hypothetical, | reported, | theoretical, | visionary. |
argue, | debate, | discuss, | establish, | question, |
contend, | demonstrate, | dispute, | prove, | wrangle. |
controvert, |
To reason is to examine by means of the reason, to prove by
reasoning, or to influence or seek to influence others by reasoning
or reasons. Persons may contend either from mere ill will or self-interest,
or from the highest motives; "That ye should earnestly
contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints," Jude
3. To argue (L. arguo, show) is to make a matter clear by reasoning;
to discuss (L. dis, apart, and quatio, shake) is, etymologically,
to shake it apart for examination and analysis. Demonstrate
strictly applies to mathematical or exact reasoning; prove may be
used in the same sense, but is often applied to reasoning upon matters
of fact by what is called probable evidence, which can give
only moral and not absolute or mathematical certainty. To demonstrate
is to force the mind to a conclusion by irresistible reasoning;
to prove is rather to establish a fact by evidence; as, to prove
one innocent or guilty. That which has been either demonstrated
or proved so as to secure general acceptance is said to be established.
Reason is a neutral word, not, like argue, debate, discuss,
etc., naturally or necessarily implying contest. We <