The Project Gutenberg EBook of The American Missionary -- Volume 36, No.
8, August 1882, by Various

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Title: The American Missionary -- Volume 36, No. 8, August 1882

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VOL. XXXVI. AUGUST, 1882. NO. 8.


American Missionary



Published by the American Missionary Association,

Rooms, 56 Reade Street.

Price, 50 Cents a Year, in Advance.

Entered at the Post-Office at New York. N.Y., as second-class matter.


Annual Meeting—Mr. Ladd’s Return from Africa 225
The John Brown Steamer 226
Our Opportunity—Atlanta Church 227
Change of Environment Rev. W. W. Patton, D.D. 228
Temperance Text-Books 230
Benefactions 231
Anniversary Reports 231
Atlanta University, Ga. 231
Talladega College, Ala. 233
Straight University, New Orleans 234
Tillotson Institute, Austin, Texas 235
View on Bayou at Houston (Cut) 236
Normal School, Wilmington, N.C. 237
Le Moyne Institute, Memphis, Tenn. 238
Lewis High School, Macon, Ga. 238
“Pine Grove College,” Kentucky 240
Familiar Scene in Louisville, Ky. (Cut) 241
Mr. Ladd’s Journal 242
Egyptians of Upper Egypt (Cut) 245
Letter from Rev. W. C. Pond 246
A Tennessee Band of Hope 248

American Missionary Association,


President, Hon. WM. B. WASHBURN, Mass.


Rev. M. E. STRIEBY, D.D., 56 Reade Street, N.Y.


H. W. HUBBARD, Esq., 56 Reade Street, N.Y.


Rev. C. L. WOODWORTH, Boston. Rev. JAMES POWELL, Chicago.

Rev. G. D. PIKE, D.D., New York.


relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields, to the District Secretaries; letters for Editor of the “American Missionary,” to Rev. G. D. Pike, D.D., at the New York Office.


may be sent to H. W. Hubbard, Treasurer, 56 Reade Street, New York, or, when more convenient, to either of the Branch Offices, Rev. C. L. Woodworth, Dist. Sec., 21 Congregational House, Boston, Mass., or Rev. James Powell, Dist. Sec., 112 West Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. A payment of thirty dollars at one time constitutes a Life Member. Letters relating to boxes and barrels of clothing may be addressed to the persons above named.


I bequeath to my executor (or executors) the sum of ——— dollars, in trust, to pay the same in ——— days after my decease to the person who, when the same is payable, shall act as Treasurer of the ‘American Missionary Association’ of New York City, to be applied, under the direction of the Executive Committee of the Association, to its charitable uses and purposes.” The Will should be attested by three witnesses.

The Annual Report of the A. M. A. contains the Constitution of the Association and the By-Laws of the Executive Committee. A copy will be sent free on application.



American Missionary.

AUGUST, 1882.
No. 8.

American Missionary Association.


The next Annual Meeting of the American Missionary Association will be held in Cleveland, Ohio, commencing Tuesday, Oct. 24, at 3 P.M. Rev. C. L. Goodell, D.D., of St. Louis, Mo., will preach the sermon. Other addresses and papers will be announced hereafter.


Our readers, who have followed Mr. Ladd’s journey in Africa, as given in his interesting journal, will be glad to know of his safe return and of his excellent and uninterrupted health throughout the entire trip, which extended about 2,500 miles up the Nile to the mouth of the Sobat, which is within the territory designated by Mr. Arthington for the proposed mission.

Persons who have kept themselves informed through the public press of the condition of things in the Upper Nile region will be prepared for Mr. Ladd’s somewhat discouraging report of the state of the country. The Arab leader and prophet, Achmet, of whose successful rebellion the papers have from time to time given brief intimations, Mr. Ladd found to be dominating completely a portion of the very region in which the mission is to be located, and it was by Divine interposition that Mr. Ladd was enabled to explore so much of the territory and return safely. Intelligence of a startling character received at this date (July 8), shows that Achmet has achieved another victory over the Egyptian troops, more decisive than any heretofore won, involving the slaughter of 3,000 of the Egyptian forces, which must for the present, at least, annihilate the authority of the government in that whole region, while the condition of Egypt itself,[226] likely to become the theatre of a terrible war, gives little promise that its authority can be speedily re-established in the remote provinces of the Soudan. A delay, therefore, is inevitable in our movements in Eastern Africa.

In the meantime, as was originally planned, Mr. Ladd is endeavoring to marshal a new recruit of colored missionaries for the Mendi mission, and expects to accompany them thither at the close of the present wet season.


Some months ago we sent out our circulars to the Sunday-schools in our churches, asking for $10,000, to enable us to build this memorial steamer for mission work along the west coast, and up and down the rivers, in that portion of the “Dark Continent” where there are no roads, and no beasts of burden, no horses, no camels, no oxen, not even mules. The need is great. The steamer will save time, toil, and human life.

Inquiries come to us respecting the success of our appeal. We are glad to answer: At this date, July 5, we have received $5,524 for the steamer, and some pledges are yet unpaid. We are also receiving additional remittances almost every day, and believe that the amount needed will ultimately be realized. But we are anxious to hasten the matter. Rev. Mr. Ladd has just returned from his exploring tour in Eastern tropical Africa, and proposes to visit our Mendi Mission in Western Africa (for which this steamer is intended) as soon as the rainy season is over. We ought to have the full amount for the steamer by September 1.

A good friend, in sending some money, says:—“Why moves the cause so slowly? In looking over the list of donations, I am pleased and grieved; pleased that so many are interested to give—grieved that so few special donations for this very important object are made.

“Friends of Africa, if you could realize as I do the urgent need of this steamer to save life and to advance the mission cause, you would speedily pour in the money for it. It ought to be in service, doing its greatly needed work this coming autumn. If you will go to Africa and make one trip (as I have made many) to the Mendi Mission, in a ‘dug out’—a canoe dug out of a log—the distance of more than 100 miles, most of the way on the ocean—you will then see and feel the need of this proposed steamer. O, why does not every Sunday-school send in $50, $20, $10 or $5? Why do not individuals, who have in hand a great abundance, send $50, $100 or $1,000, and so have this noble work accomplished at once? Come, friends of Africa, supply the means and send forth this new messenger of mercy, to cause a great shout of joy to go up from the weary missionaries and from a long-suffering people!” Who will heed this plea from one who has known the field and suffered much for it?



We find it in Kentucky. Our Executive Committee recently sent their Field Superintendent to that State for a bit of inspection. As a sample of opportunity we refer to the deeply interesting article in this number from President E. H. Fairchild. The A. M. A. has taken up that school and has assumed the support for six months of Miss M. R. Barton, a student of Berea, from Illinois. That school-house, which is the only one in Jackson County that has windows in it, will give out a good deal of light among those mountain people. At Cabin Creek, our old ante-bellum battleground, in the foot-hill country, the people are building an “Academy,” with the money subscribed on the condition that there shall be no respect of color. The A. M. A. has been asked to lend there a helping hand. At Williamsburg, the county seat of Whitley County, a town sixty years old, where a church has never yet been finished, though three have rotted down during the process of building, Rev. A. A. Myers has returned to his old A. M. A. work, and has inspired the people to build a church edifice 40×60. He works with his own hands by the side of the citizens. He gets the base-ball club to give an hour a day to the digging and rolling of stone for the foundation. The First Congregational Church has been organized, and now the same people are bent upon getting up a high school, having turned to this Association for help, which will be gladly rendered, negotiation being already on foot to secure the teachers, who the citizens say must come from north of Mason and Dixon’s line. This town, with fine water power and rafting facilities on the Cumberland, has already attracted several mills and wood-work factories, one of which is to make oars for the market in Europe. The railway that is to cross the mountains to Knoxville will soon reach this place. Out of the mountain country still further back of this, it is said, went Dick Yates to be the War Governor of Illinois, and also its present Executive, Governor Cullom, and other notabilities. At another county seat, which can scarcely be reached on wheels—horseback being the almost exclusive mode or travel; Mr. Myers and his wife having come seventy miles in this way to the recent Berea Commencement—at this place, Beattyville, the A. M. A. is to aid a recent colored graduate of Berea, O. W. Titus, to run his, the only colored school in the county, through the school year. In these mountains is our opportunity.

In the First Congregational Church of Atlanta, Ga., Pastor Kent having led his people into a system of giving, found that the first response for the American Board, with envelopes, brought in $68, from two hundred and two contributors. This was preceded by five missionary sermons, illustrated from a large missionary map, and by a rousing Sunday-school missionary concert. “Do you wonder we are jubilant?” exclaims the[228] pastor. “It is interesting, but not at all surprising, to observe how giving promotes spirituality. Our prayer meetings are full of interest lately, and this increase seems to date from our recent determination to put our hands to the work of the Redeemer beyond our own confines. It is delightful. The idea of ‘the world for Christ,’ is getting hold of them, and I am confident it will prove the most direct route to self-support. Several have expressed to me the conviction that they must not only give for the world, but that they must do more for the home church.”



This is a phrase with which the physical philosophers have made the public ear familiar. The advocates of Darwin’s views have assured us that all the variations of animal form may be explained by the relations of life to environment. “Natural selection,” as the key to the development of different species, denotes simply the effect which accompanying circumstances have upon life, health and the exercise of particular organs. “The survival of the fittest,” a companion phrase, means merely the fact that those forms of life endure which have the most favorable surroundings. And no one can doubt that in the chain of causation, which links things together in this world, there is a continual and most important interaction between all life and that which environs it.

But may we not ascend, in our reasoning, from animal life to human thought and character, and find the same law operative? As human health, form and vigor are found to vary with phenomena of climate, such as heat and cold, moisture and dryness, and with geographical location among mountains and valleys, or on broad plains, by the sea-coast or in the interior, so do we not notice that mental and moral development depend upon the outward circumstances amid which one lives? Our natures are plastic, and easily take the impress of objects with which we come continually in contact. Education is not merely that from books, but that also which is received from all manner of surrounding influences, as they exist in the home, in social intercourse and in the community at large. We see whole nations continue, century after century, on the same low level of barbarism, because no change occurs in their outward circumstances to bring new forces to act upon them. Our Indian tribes are an illustration. They live, out on the western plains, precisely as their fathers did for ages before them; and thus they will live so long as the modifying influence of civilization does not reach them, and bring a change of environment.

Let such a change occur, however, and a revolution takes place, whatever race may be involved. Even the most favored nations improve rapidly, when any external fact comes in, to change circumstances, and[229] thus to alter the current of thought and the channel of action. Think how much of modern civilization is owing to three things, themselves external and mechanical, yet powerfully affecting mind by their incidental effects—the invention of gunpowder, of the mariner’s compass and of printing. But if, in addition to new inventions and industries, there be brought in schools and churches, to operate directly on mind and heart, the effect is like placing people in a new climate. It is, indeed, scarcely a figure of speech, when we sometimes speak of an intellectual and moral atmosphere—meaning thereby the totality of constant influences in a community, which affect opinion, modify character and control conduct. As we breathe the air, every moment of every day, thinking little of the fact, yet continually drawing in health or sickness, life or death, so are we unconsciously but most really influenced for good or evil by all that is going on around us; by public opinion, social customs, example of friends and neighbors, existing institutions, industries, amusements, studies, reading, conversation and religious exercises.

It is a slow process to raise an entire population or a numerous class of people; but much may be done rapidly, if we select some of the young of both sexes and change their environment, and so prepare them to introduce the leaven of improvement into the mass. Thus, allow colored children to grow up in communities of prevailing ignorance, superstition and immorality, where they live in miserable hovels, see only examples of coarseness and rudeness and hear only a negro dialect, and they will naturally be like their parents and the neighbors. Nor will it be sufficient merely to put spelling-books and readers into their hands. Their surroundings are still depressing and degrading. But send some of these youth away to such institutions of education as the Atlanta, Fisk and Howard Universities—in other words, make a total change of environment—and the effect is marvelous. In addition to having access to books, they go where the entire conception and standard of living is different and elevated; where religion is intelligent; where morals are pure; where manners are refined; where language is grammatical; where clothing is whole and neat; where public sentiment is on the right side of disputed questions. It is, indeed, breathing a new atmosphere, where every breath is health and life. I have watched, with great interest and satisfaction, the effect of these incidental influences, during my five years’ connection with Howard University. The revolution which will occur in a rough specimen of humanity from the interior plantation districts—dull of countenance, and rude in manners and in dress—would scarcely be credited. He finds himself in a new world on reaching Washington, and mingling with older students and the city population. New ideas of dress, speech and behavior come to him daily. Chapel exercises, prayer-meetings and the preaching on the Sabbath raise his religious conceptions. The novel sights along the streets stimulate as well as interest.[230] The competition of fellow-students arouses ambition. He hears numerous celebrated public speakers, and, on Saturdays, goes to the Capitol, and listens to Congressional debates, sees eminent men, visits the Patent-Office, the Smithsonian, the National Museum and the Navy-Yard, gets an idea of our government and of politics, and thus is hourly absorbing valuable knowledge at every pore. Three or four years of such an environment make a very different man of him; and all his new ideas he carries back to his home, and thus becomes a power for good in the community.

Why will not Christian people appreciate these facts and amply sustain the American Missionary Association in its noble work of planting and strengthening the educational institutions which operate to change for the better the environment of the colored race in this country? All improvement must be by an influence from without, which shall quicken and inspire, which shall teach and guide; and there is no such influence comparable with that which comes from the combination of schools and churches.


Our institutions have always been temperance societies. Mr. John M. Stearns, Sec. of the Nat. Temp. Soc., at its recent annual meeting, reporting his tour through the South, said that, as he was talking to the students at Fisk University, Prof. Spence reported that every student was required to sign the total abstinence pledge or to leave the institution. At Atlanta University, he found that all of the 310 students had signed the same pledge; and this is also true of all our other schools. Then our students, as they go everywhere in their vacations, become temperance propagandists, organizing societies, circulating the literature of the reform and securing signatures to the pledge. But, during the past year, our Executive Committee have thought to take a step forward, and so have voted to require the use of some temperance text-book in all our schools. Mr. Stearns found them introduced into many, and by another year they will be found in all. The Atlanta University has already had Dr. Richardson’s Temperance Lesson Book in use for two or three years, to the highest satisfaction of all concerned. The examination of the class in this book in the presence of the State Board of Examiners was pronounced by a visitor the best temperance lecture he had ever heard. Let such text-books go into all the schools of the South, and they will hasten on a revolution.

The Roanoke Collegian, of Salem, Va., referring to the John F. Slater Fund, says: “The most needed right of the negro now is his ability to write.”[231]


John B. Eldridge, of Hartford, Conn., leaves by will $20,000 to Mt. Holyoke Seminary, and $15,000 to Carleton College, Minn.

Ex-Gov. Chas. H. Hardin, the founder of Hardin College, has given $19,000 to build a new wing to the edifice.

Mrs. J. S. Herrick, of Madison, Wis., has given $10,000 towards the Professorship Fund of Chicago Seminary.

Senator Joseph E. Brown, of Atlanta, Ga., has given $50,000 to the Baptist Theological Seminary, at Louisville, Ky.

Mrs. Ella J. Wheeler, of Boston, has given $30,000 for the endowment of the Friends’ School in Providence.

Edwin C. Litchfield, who founded the observatory at Hamilton College, has just given it $2,000 for additions, and has assumed the payment of the salary of an assistant for Prof. Peters.

With a start of $30,000, given by Mr. E. N. Blake, of Chicago, the sum of $70,000 has been raised in the West for the Baptist Theological Seminary in that city; and now it is proposed to secure $110,000 in the East, $45,000 of which is already pledged.

The Executive Committee of the American Missionary Association at its last Annual Meeting appealed for $500,000 for the endowment of its chartered institutions at the South. The anniversaries of the different colleges of the land are calling the attention of the benevolent public to their growth and wants. We especially urge the claims of the colored people South to a full share of the gifts made for endowment purposes.


REV. JOSEPH E. ROY, D.D., Field Superintendent, Atlanta, Ga.




Unless you could look through our eyes you would not know, from a formal record of the closing exercises of our school, how much interest and hope and pathos are crowded into these busy days.

On Sabbath morning, June 11th, President Ware preached to a crowded audience, the sermon to the graduating class from the text 1 Tim., 4th chap., 8th verse, giving a forcible presentation of the thought that right doing is profitable in all respects, for this life. The examinations were continued for three days, and were attended by a committee of the Board of Visitors, appointed by the Governor of the State, who, at the close, made to him a highly favorable report, which has been published with his approval. Two evenings were occupied by the exercises of the two literary societies of the school, which were favorably received by good audiences.

On Thursday, the commencement exercises were held at Friendship Baptist Church, one of the largest in the city, kindly placed at our disposal for this purpose, which was filled with a closely[232] packed audience of about 2,000 people, well dressed, orderly, attentive, and evidently having a personal pride in the results exhibited. The appearance and conduct of this commencement audience in successive years affords a good indication of the steadily improving condition of the mass of the people, viewed with great satisfaction by friends who have opportunities for comparison.

A class of twelve was graduated, ten young women from the Normal course and two young men from the College course, all of whom presented pieces which received much commendation for their simplicity, directness and good sense.

The annual address was delivered by Rev. E. W. Bacon, of New London, Conn., and was a forcible and eloquent plea for self-education, which was singularly appropriate to the circumstances of the young people just leaving school, to whom it was primarily addressed.

Two members of the class which was graduated, had, during the year, been called away from earth, as well as five from other classes, being an unusual number of deaths in one year. A precious work of grace was enjoyed during the year, and more than thirty professed conversion, of whom fifteen united with the school church. All the members of the graduating class were professing Christians, which may also be said of nearly every class which has been graduated hitherto.

As an evidence of the increasing favor with which this school and its work is regarded in the community, there may be appropriately quoted some of the remarks of Rev. C. A. Evans, of the M. E. Church South, pastor of a large church in the city, formerly General in the Southern army, who spoke at the close of the class examinations: “I did not expect to say a word, but I comply with an American habit of making a speech whenever called upon. I am a Georgia man, and my children are all Georgia born, and I wish them all to stay here. It is a kindred wish that every one of you may remain a citizen of Georgia. I also wish that the friends who have come from afar to be your instructors shall not take to themselves wings and fly away, but shall settle in this grand old State, and their children after them. There is no enmity between the white and colored people in this State. There is a growing desire of the white people, as you will find, for your welfare. They are anxious that you should have the best in social life, the best in intellectual life, and in moral life, to which you can attain. The State is benefited by good citizens, and God is glorified by true manhood. I have looked upon these exercises with great interest as a fellow citizen, expecting to live with you and to come into contact with you in a thousand ways. I am glad for all I see and know.”

Remarks in a similar strain were made by several other prominent gentlemen in attendance.

Extracts From Report of the State Board of Examiners.

We do not believe that we have ever seen better teaching than we find done at the Atlanta University. Evidences of the same thoroughness appeared in all grades of the grammar school and throughout all the classes of the higher departments.

We were particularly struck with one feature in the method of instruction adopted in this institution, and that was the accuracy of the language in which every question was required to be answered. The answer is not only to be given correctly as to substance, but it must be expressed in words both grammatical and appropriate; if not, the pupil reciting is asked to correct it, and if unable to do so, it is passed to others of the class.

Your committee noticed another feature in the management of the university to which they desire to call your attention as worthy of high commendation, and that is the manual labor training that is here afforded in connection with the literary course. Every student,[233] male and female, is required to work an hour each day at some useful labor, either on the farm connected with the institution, or in the household and kitchen department. The tendency of this regulation is not only to greatly reduce the expenses of board, etc., but to induce habits of industry, and impart valuable practical information for everyday use in after life. The farm, including the beautiful grounds immediately surrounding the college buildings, contains about sixty acres, and is under the direction of a thoroughly practical and energetic gentleman who keeps everything in admirable order and brings out the best possible results. Specimens of field and garden crops, embracing a great variety of grasses and forage plants, cereals and vegetables, were exhibited to your committee, evincing great efficiency in this department. Samples of the culinary art were also shown us, and if our eyes and our palates did not deceive us, they reflected great credit on those who prepared them for our inspection and entertainment.

Special contributions have been obtained for the establishment of an industrial department for instruction in the more useful trades.

“Stone Hall,” the gift of Mrs. Valeria G. Stone, of Malden, Mass., is in process of erection. Other new buildings are projected for the coming year.

At a recent meeting of the trustees of the university, a resolution was passed to institute forthwith a post-graduate course of two years for graduates of the normal department. Its privileges are to be open to those who have maintained a high standard in the regular course, and who give promise of efficiency in work for which this special training is designed to fit them, and the preference is to be given to graduates of one or more years standing. This course, while not neglecting intellectual culture, by providing for courses of reading and for attendance upon recitations and lectures, and for practice in teaching, is to provide special training in nursing the sick, sewing, cutting and making of garments, care of household affairs, the inauguration and management of mission work, and in general whatever training seems likely to prepare young women of culture for the responsible duties of actual life. At the same meeting the trustees directed the executive committee to select as soon as practicable a suitable person as principal of this course of study, who shall also be matron of the family of young women who may be gathered for this purpose; and they are further directed to prepare plans for the suitable accommodation of such a family.

The trustees also voted that an industrial department for boys be at once organized, which shall provide for training in carpentry and other mechanical work; and the executive committee were authorized to make the necessary arrangements.



The prelude of our twelfth anniversary exercises came Friday night, June 9, in the form of a school exhibition by the lower departments, consisting of declamations, recitations, concert exercises, etc. This was something new and drew a large and appreciative audience. The participants came attended by a throng of relatives and admiring friends, and the programme passed off in a manner creditable to all.

In lieu of the usual baccalaureate sermon Sunday morning, Rev. Edward W. Bacon, of New London, Conn., delivered a missionary discourse. To his mind, a missionary was not a religious drummer nor a mere itinerant preacher. He was a settler, locating in a community, growing up with it, molding its moral, social and religious life. To the young colored men of America, educated and consecrated, no field offers grander opportunities for distinguishment, in these respects, than does long-neglected Africa. Mr. Bacon said his object was to induce some one to become a missionary. His[234] able and practical sermon will not be barren of results; and when the call for workers shall come, Talladega will respond with her quota.

At night President De Forest gave one of his practical talks to the students about to go out for the summer. It was crowded with good advice, plainly put, and will not be forgotten.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday forenoons public examinations were held in the various departments. They seem to have passed off satisfactorily to examiners, examined and visitors. One of the latter who spent his whole time in seeing and hearing as much as possible said: “I have not been into an examination which does not reflect credit on teacher and scholar alike. Everything shows that most excellent work has been done.” Theology is still the high water mark of scholarship, but the “small Latin and less Greek” of the institution are gradually rising and are not to stop short of the line of a full college course. There is a good deal of “back-water” waiting to be turned into these channels as soon as they are properly enlarged.

Wednesday afternoon occurred the prize declamations and essays.

The evening entertainments for the week were, on Monday night, a scholarly and uplifting address by Rev. Mr. Bacon upon self-education; on Tuesday night exercises by the young people’s literary societies, which showed commendable efforts in the way of self-improvement; on Wednesday night, the usual church prayer-meeting, one of the most enjoyable of all our Commencement gatherings; and on Thursday night, a concert by the Musical Union who rendered the Cantata of Esther, the Beautiful Queen, to the satisfaction of a densely packed house and with an income to the Union of nearly fifty dollars which they pledged for a new piano.

Talladega sends out no graduates this year. Though according to previous standards, students were ready to receive their diplomas both in theology and normal studies, they voluntarily chose to spend another year in further preparation for life’s work. The exercises of Thursday morning consisted of eight orations by representatives (four each) from the college preparatory and theological departments. In discussing standard and current themes, they showed a grasp of thought, a clearness and vigor in presentation certainly far from discreditable to any public rostrum. We were proud of them. A little further mental discipline in mathematics and the classics and they will be well prepared leaders of their people.

At these various exercises more than the usual number of visitors were present. During some of the examinations in the chapel the room was fairly filled with listeners. Upon the platform were leading white citizens of the town, and some from abroad. Among the latter were Rev. O. W. Fay and Judge Buckley, of Montgomery, who spoke most warmly of what they saw and heard.

Talladega College looks back upon the year just closed as the most prosperous one in her history. It has seen new buildings reared, others repaired, greatly needed improvements made, and a fair beginning in the way of endowments; to the many friends throughout the North whose gifts have caused these things to be, we are unspeakably grateful. It has seen most thorough work done in all departments of study, more than a score of its pupils confess a newly-found Saviour, and much activity in mission and Sunday-school work on the part of the more advanced. Already many applications for another year are coming in.



Our commencement began properly with the examination of the Law Department, and the graduation of eleven law students. The list of graduates from this department now numbers 50 names, of whom 43 have been awarded their diplomas within the last six years. It is an interesting fact that of our 50 law graduates 35 have been white and 15[235] colored. Side by side they have been gathered in the lecture rooms of the Professors, and have met in the crucial test of the final examination.

The Faculty is admirably constituted both on account of legal attainments, and real genuine interest in the young men. Four lectures are given each week. The prospects for the incoming class are excellent, both as to numbers and quality, the white element predominating as usual.

The great need of this department is a reference library. Many of the students are poor and law books are costly. Now the professors, though at great inconvenience, permit the students to consult their standard works. When we have a building devoted to the three professions, the law library should become at once an accomplished fact.

This year in the academic department we had no graduating class. Our anniversary exercises have been somewhat out of the usual order, but thoroughly interesting and successful. Perhaps never have we met the popular taste more fully than this year. The old graduates were invited to return and take part in the first public anniversary meeting of the Alumni. Seven accepted the invitation and entered heartily into the project, and others sent the cordial expression of their regrets.

The meeting was held in Central Church. A large and intelligent audience was present, and entered fully into the spirit of the occasion.

The orations were exceedingly well written and delivered. The oration of Rev. A. E. P. Albert, a graduate from our classical and theological department, on the subject, “Senator Jones’ speech, or is there to be a war of races?” was a surprise even to Mr. Albert’s friends, on account of its brilliancy, its vigorous thought and sustained eloquence. It is to be published in full in one of our city papers, and I wish all unbelievers in the mental capacity of the African would read it and pass upon its merits.

Wednesday noon occurred the Literary Exhibition in the University Chapel. What a storm raged without! It seemed as though the flood-gates were opened. We had it almost entirely to ourselves, only a few good friends venturing to face the tempest. The orations, compositions, dialogues, and select readings evinced decided talent in writing and speaking.

In the evening a concert was given at the church, with a few literary exercises. The musical programme was judiciously arranged, and was thoroughly appreciated by an audience of six hundred people.

The year has marked an advance in scholarship, and the University has acquired a firmer foothold in the city and state.

If we are quick to discern and seize upon opportunities of enlargement, the immediate future will furnish abundant room for the employment of busy hands and devoted hearts.



The Tillotson Collegiate and Normal Institute has closed its first full year since the building of Allen Hall, and its Texas friends are full of congratulations on the progress made.

The Baccalaureate Sermon on June 4, by President W. E. Brooks, was listened to by a large and attentive audience, and was peculiarly happy in its adaptation to the occasion, and to the financial, intellectual and spiritual interests of the colored race.

On June 5 and 6, occurred the examination of the classes. Listening to these students, and considering the time they had spent at school, one could not see that they exhibited that mental inferiority so often attributed to their race in the past. Let one instance suffice. I was so much struck with the solid intellectual qualities of one young man, a coal black negro, that I sought him out and advised him to study law. Conversation with him elicited the fact that his only schooling of account had been during[236] the last five months at the Institute, while his attainments would indicate a good common school education, such as is ordinarily the work of ten years.


On the evening of the 6th, a crowded audience being in attendance, there were declamations and readings, with vocal and instrumental music at suitable intervals. Then came addresses by Rev. Dr. E. B. Wright, a trustee of the Institute, and by other prominent clergymen and educators. The evening closed with[237] a general reception in which visitors, students and faculty gave themselves up to a happy hour of congratulations and whole hearted social intercourse such as colored people so much delight in.

On the 7th inst., essays, declamations, readings and music were listened to with unwearied attention by another large audience, including many distinguished visitors, who stayed from the beginning to the end of the exercises.

The oration by A. S. Green, on “The Possibilities of Our People, and how they may be realized,” was received by the audience with special interest. At the conclusion of the exercises, addresses were delivered by Gov. O. M. Roberts, Ex-Gov. E. J. Davis, and other leading citizens. All the speeches were of deep interest, and whether from Democratic or Republican lips, they were alike full of appreciative good will toward the noble work done by such agencies as the American Missionary Association. In particular, I wish space and memory would permit me to write out for publication, every word uttered by Govs. Roberts and Davis, but their words on paper would convey but a feeble impression of the interest and emotion exhibited by them. As might have been expected from an audience largely colored, the addresses were listened to with breathless attention, except at intervals marked by hearty, though decorous, applause.

A noted feature of the exercises was the good elocution of the students, resulting mainly from the brief training received at the Institute. To one accustomed to the old time thick and indistinct plantation pronunciation, the change seemed indeed wonderful.

Those who had seen the students at the beginning and at the end of the term remarked a striking improvement in their personal appearance. Intellectual, moral and spiritual culture had impressed its stamp upon their countenances and was exhibited in their deportment.

Throughout the year much interest has been shown in the Tillotson literary and temperance societies. Their meetings have been numerously attended by the people of Austin and its vicinity, which has added to their zest and usefulness.

It need not be said that the moral and spiritual welfare of the students has all along been closely looked after. If any one of them of fair ability does not go out from the Institute a thoroughly trained Sunday School teacher, it will be his own fault and not that of President Brooks. Happily, both students and outsiders have shown great interest and appreciation in their attendance on the Sabbath services at the institution.



The examinations at Wilmington Normal School closed Thursday, June 1. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, quite a number of interested parents and friends came in to inquire and see for themselves what their children had been doing for the year. After listening to various recitations and exercises, they expressed themselves highly gratified.

Friday evening the annual exhibition took place in Memorial Hall. About 400 were present.

No special attempt at decoration was made, yet the stage was not wanting in floral adornments, two large, tall baskets of handsome flowers standing one on each side. The wall back of the stage was prettily and tastefully decorated with green boughs, moss, and a little white drapery.

At a little past eight o’clock the school marched into the hall, and took seats as near the front as possible. The children made a good appearance, being neatly and some of them very prettily dressed.

The programme consisted of about twenty parts, interspersed with good music. The selections specially attractive were the cantata, “Grandpa’s Birthday,” three recitations upon the subject of temperance, a concert declamation entitled “A Leap for Life,” given by seven young men, and the recitation,[238] “Auction Extraordinary.” Some of the pieces given by the little folks were very pleasing. The selections were all well rendered, and won many complimentary remarks from those present.

Rev. Mr. Dodge being called upon, responded with a few well-chosen words appropriate to the occasion, after which the benediction was pronounced.



The close of the year brings us also to the close of the first decade in the history of Le Moyne Institute. The founder of the school has gone to his reward and his works do follow him. The institution which he founded is but at the beginning of its usefulness and of its possibilities. This year we graduate a class of ten from the full course (four years), the largest class yet sent out, and the fourth. Thus far the graduates of the school, excepting one only, have taught almost continuously since completing the course. The ten members of the present class will teach; some of them expect to pursue their studies further at Fisk University, after working a year for the means.

The public exercises at the closing this year were unusually interesting, judging from the attendance, not only of colored people, friends of the graduates, but also of prominent white families of the city. Formerly gentlemen of this latter class only came, now quite as many ladies as gentlemen are seen in the audience that fills and overflows the church. I do not suppose that of the many who read this account, even those who look back to the joys and excitements of “graduation” can realize just what that word implies to our students here, with the memory of their past and with the difficulties of their present and future in mind.

To receive the diploma with its ribbon and “broad seal” and formal address, to listen as the principal parties interested to the “annual address” by the “Judge” or “General” or “Colonel” as the case may be, and it is sure to be the one or the other of these, to sit on the broad platform, to receive flowers and flowers, to be cheered and complimented and envied by admiring friends—we all know what these mean to a “graduate.” For my part, and for yours, too, dear readers, I know it is a matter of rejoicing that in all our land there is not a youth who may not hopefully look up and forward to the enjoyment of these things.

I should not have taken so much of my space for this part of my letter, for I have little now left in which to tell of the every day experiences and work of the year. How for want of room and accommodations we have, during the year, had to turn away over fifty pupils who applied in person for admission; how a more regular and steady attendance has told for good on the scholarship and work of the school; how the Spirit blessed us in the conversion of not less than thirty of our pupils.

In all our successes, as in all our discouragements, the good hand of our God has been upon us, and we rejoice in it all that we see His work going forward and yearly gaining new triumphs.

Our outlook for the coming year is most assuring, and our only serious difficulty would seem to be want of room for all who come to us. Our building must be enlarged.



The Primary Department closed on Friday, May 26. The little folks did well with their songs and speeches, and were neatly dressed. There are some funny things among them sometimes in regard to names. For example, Lily White was a coal-black Ethiopian. This department has been crowded into a low basement room in the Teachers’ Home this year, for lack of accommodation elsewhere. We all rejoice with teacher and scholars that there is hope of more roomy quarters next year.


On Saturday, the 27th, was the closing exhibition of the Sewing Class, under charge of Mrs. Lathrop. Seventy-six girls this year have been in the class, meeting on Saturday forenoons. Friends in the North have helped by contributing patchwork, basted garments, etc., and the girls have been taught plain sewing with the making of mottoes, bookmarks, etc. Only sixteen sessions were held, but the amount of work accomplished was surprising. There were displayed in the main school room eighteen patchwork quilts and one hundred and twenty-one finished garments, dresses, aprons, underclothing, etc., all neatly made, and showing decided improvement in sewing. There were some short readings, recitations and singing, and then a few brief talks from Prof. Hodge and others, and afterward the garments were distributed to those who made them, amid thankful hilarity.

On Monday and Tuesday, 29th and 30th, were held the closing examinations. These were more rigid and thorough than for a long time before, but the classes generally did well, and acquitted themselves with much credit. During the year there have been held monthly examinations, and the classes have been more thoroughly graded than ever, so that there will be less confusion than usual in opening the next school year. Quite a number of visitors were in attendance, both white and colored. Rev. B. F. Breedlove, pastor of the largest Southern Methodist Church in the city, was present a part of the time, and publicly expressed his gratification and commendation of the work done.

On Wednesday, the 31st, occurred the closing exercises, beginning at 9 A.M. The school went through with their essays, declamations, dialogues and songs in a way that reflected credit upon them and their teachers. The church was well filled with spectators of all colors. Three students received certificates of graduation from the High-School course, and these will probably go to Atlanta University or elsewhere in the fall. After the programme was finished, some of the visitors were called on for speeches. Hon. Felix Corput, Mayor of the city, responded in few but commendatory words. Hon. B. M. Zettler, County Superintendent of Schools, made quite an extended address, with somewhat of eulogium and considerable of good counsel. Rev. E. J. Adams, a colored Presbyterian clergyman from Baltimore, a man of fine education and ability, made an excellent address. He spoke very highly of the great educational work of the A. M. A., in whose service he has himself labored, as a missionary in Africa, and also in this country. Mr. J. J. Clay, a prominent white citizen, spoke with much apparent sympathy and earnestness, commending education and the work of our school. There were several other short speeches from former students or patrons of the school, all showing deep interest in its work.

On Wednesday night came the grand finale in the shape of a closing concert, conducted by our music teacher, Miss Jennie Woodworth. Although the night was very rainy and stormy, the church was full, with quite a number of white people, who expressed their great gratification. The singing was good, and the concert well carried out to the end, showing decided musical ability on the part of all in solo, duet and chorus singing. Mr. Derry, a friendly white citizen, made an impromptu and voluntary address, full of real sympathy and kind words. The daily paper printed a flattering report of the concert, and of the whole work of the school. Public sentiment in this respect is becoming more and more friendly.

We are glad to report that both school and church have prospered during the year. The total enrollment of students is 199, and we rejoice to know that additional school rooms, so greatly needed, are to be provided before another year begins. Fifteen or twenty of the scholars were converted during the precious revival in March last. Quite a number[240] will engage in teaching during the summer, and several will go to higher institutions of learning in the fall.



In Jackson County, sixteen miles from Berea, there has long been a church called Walnut Chapel, similar in character to the church at Berea, and connected with the same association. A few families, slightly colored, have always lived among them, belonged to the same church and attended the same school. Indeed, their minister, the most prosperous man among them, and long a trustee of the public school, was said to be slightly colored. Another minister, who preached to them a few years, exhibited more signs of color. In this neighborhood lives Robert Jones, who, in 1856, was whipped by a mob, thirty-three lashes on his bare back, for being a colporteur of the American Missionary Association, and for sustaining Mr. Fee in one of his meetings. Four of the old man’s sons live about him; one is a preacher, as is the father himself.

When the colored school law was passed in this State, their harmony was disturbed. It is made unlawful “for any colored child to attend a common school provided for white children or for a white child to attend a common school provided for colored children.” This utterly deprived the colored children of school privileges, for there were not enough of them to organize a school district, and there was no prospect that there ever would be. In this emergency the church asked advice of the Association. After due deliberation they were advised to build a good school-house that should be open to all children of the neighborhood, and let the common school take care of itself. Aid was promised them, if it should be necessary.

The community accepted this advice. A plan of a school-house was furnished them, and a promise made that if they would build according to that plan, they should have a good teacher the first six months without expense to them. The school-house was to be 25×30, 12 ft. from floor to ceiling, with four large windows, two doors, and good seats and desks for 60 scholars.

This was a great undertaking, unheard of in that region. There was no house equal to it in the county, for schools or meetings. But enthusiasm was developed, as the work went on, and culminated at the dedication on the 26th of June. Three times as many were present as could be crowded into the house, and so great was the rush for the school it was necessary to publish that only sixty could be admitted. The children of those who aided in building the house were to be admitted first, but must make application within three days. At the end of the three days nearly a hundred applications had been received.

Before the dedication the people had, in some way, named the school “The Pine Grove College.” They were advised to drop the name college, as their most advanced students would never get within two years of college. But names are not easily dropped, and this seems destined to endure.

Miss Maria Muzzy, an experienced teacher, one of Berea’s corps, had been engaged to take the school. Very frequently she was warned by good friends who knew the mountain people and Kentucky habits that there would be no safety for her in that school, she would surely be mobbed, no lady should be asked so to expose herself, she should not think of staying a night without a pistol. She almost feared that it was a rash undertaking. But calmer counsels, with trust in God, sustained her. No indignity was ever offered her, and no one ever had more friends among such a people.

At the close of the first week she wrote to Berea that she hadn’t the heart to turn away so many, and asked for an assistant, who should exchange with her in teaching in the woods. This arrangement was made; and for two months a part of the school was in the house and[241] a part in the grove. The assistant was Miss Kate Gilbert, another of Berea’s corps of teachers.


She offered to forego her summer vacation, and teach in the woods, with no promise of compensation.

Not the least difficulty was to find a boarding place for the teacher. A lady who was to teach eighteen months in succession without a vacation must be taken care of. Not a room could be found in the neighborhood, with a window in it, which she could have to herself.

A man was found who needed a new house, and for an advance of $100, for a part of two years’ board, built a log house near the school-house and furnished her a room fifteen feet square, with two windows, and a lock to her door. There is no other such room in all the region.

The school closed grandly and beautifully, with an examination and an exhibition.

But the common school was abandoned for not a pupil could be found to attend it.


The following are the friends who furnished the money for this important enterprise. I thank them most heartily for their promptness and liberality:

Asylum St. Church, Hartford, Ct., $50.00; Euclid Av. Church, East Cleveland, O., 50.00; First Cong. Church, Cleveland, O., 21.25; Mrs. Mary H. Penfield, Rockford, Ill., 50.00; H. Ford, E. Cleveland, O., 8.00; Mrs. A. A. Brakenridge, Cleveland, O., 6.00; Miss Lucy A. French, Cleveland, O., 6.00; Frank Fairchild, Mt. Vernon, O., 20.00; Mrs. S. E. Bosworth, for Ladies’ Benev. Soc., Elgin, Ill., 15.00; Mary I. James, Brooklyn, N.Y., 30.00; F. S. Sessions, Columbus, O., 25.00; Cong. Church, Muskegon, Mich., 25.00; Sunday-school class of girls, Brooklyn, N.Y., 10.85.

For special reasons of a local character, it became necessary to find a benevolent man who would purchase 150 acres surrounding the school-house. Rev. Wm. Kincaid, of Oberlin, is the good man who takes it at $1.50 per acre.

The house is situated on a lofty ridge, six or eight miles long, the route of the main road in that part of the county, but over which a team does not pass more than once a week, and there is no house in sight of the school-house.

The school is managed by trustees, one of whom is a professor of Berea College, and the present pastor of Walnut Chapel Church, to which he preaches once a month, in the school-house. There is no other school in the county fit to qualify young people for teachers.



Monday, Jan. 2.—A good breeze sprang up in the night and we were off. The rocks were reached about 8 A.M. Here we found a number of sunken rocks extending for some three or four miles. We passed the junction of the Atbara, the first tributary of the Nile, at 9 A.M. It is a good, fair stream where it joins the main river. Just above the mouth of the Atbara there is an island called Fatlab. A few miles beyond the island, and not at the mouth of the Atbara, as on most maps, is the town of Darner on the east side. Here we stopped about an hour and a half for fresh provisions. The sailors bought salt, etc., on speculation, while Doctor and I wandered about picking up flints on the desert on which the town is built, and chatting with an Arab we met, who happened to understand a few words of French. The sailors here begged us so hard to let them put up the stars and stripes that we finally relented from our former purpose and consented, provided we sailed into Khartoum under the Egyptian flag. We found that the men were inclined to stop here too long, in order to drive sharp bargains for their own profit, and at the end of an hour and a half we ordered them to start, much against their own will. There was not a man of them who understood the first thing about sailing, and when we attempted to start, their management was so bad that we turned around like a top, and had to make the shore again and take a fresh start. The banks along here are thickly studded with “sakias,” which make night as well as day musical with their continuous squeak and groan. We passed a number of huts and a town called Gelase. There are several large islands in the river along here. The wind died down as we reached one of the largest of them, called Zaidab, and we tied up to its banks for the night.

Tuesday, Jan. 3.—The morning has been unusually cool. The men were lazy, and did not start with the first breeze. They require more urging than is pleasant. We have seen great numbers of crocodiles. Doctor has a cold and headache. Stopped “to get wood.” Stopped again “to get greens.” This time was righteously indignant and told the men they would not stop again while[243] the wind blew. A sharp bend in the river. The town of Sigada on the west side. Low mountains in the distance on the east side. As we approached them we found that they come close to the river. Sandstone and limestone rocks. Miserable sailing! The worst I ever saw. We had a fine breeze, and yet the sails were set in such a way that they flapped and threatened to turn inside out. Stood it as long as I could, then took things into my own hands and ordered the sails set to suit me. All at once, in the afternoon, the main sheet broke, and away went the sail. The men stood and looked at it, hoping it would somehow get right, while we floated down stream. Saw about 20 ft. of high bank cave in with a great splash. The pyramids of Meroe came in sight. We counted eight of them. This would be an interesting spot to visit, but relic hunting is not our business just now. A large island stands in front of them. We saw five large crocodiles sunning themselves on a point of land. Doctor shot at one of them, and the result was that he hurried off into the water. The nights are beautiful. It is full moon, and so we sail on while the wind lasts. While everything was going nicely, and our course as plain by moonlight as by day, the men suddenly got frightened. They thought there was a sand-bar just ahead. The rudder was put hard over. We went clear to the other side of the river, where they actually managed to find a bar and stick on it. Then they had to pole back to where they were before, and found their former course all right. These men really do not know any more about managing a boat than the man in the moon.

Wednesday, Jan. 4.—Was up in the night to see about the sailing. Dared not trust the men. We have had a good breeze, but made miserable time. We stopped a little while for wood, and then stood out with a good wind. A merchant boat came up in the rear, passed us, and left us far behind. The Doctor is feeling rather poorly. We reached Shendy about noon, and were fully an hour in passing it. This is a large town. We saw about a thousand cattle on the bank, and camels coming and going. The larger proportion of the houses that are visible from the river have been destroyed by the rains and stand in ruins. This is said to be a very healthy place, and it has every appearance of it. The desert comes to the river. About eight fine sycamore trees in one place on the bank make a fine site for a building. There are other trees near. A wall has been built along the river to protect the bank. Here we saw a number of whirlwinds carrying the desert sand hundreds of feet into the air. The town of El Metammeh, on the west side, and a few miles farther up the river is a very large place—said to be larger than Berber. Here also the desert comes to the river. The town stands back a little, and the banks are not quite so high. We rounded a point. A fine wind was blowing, but the men insisted that they must put to shore “to pick up the sail,” or in other words tighten the rigging. Soon after I found them sitting on the bank contemplating the rigging instead of working at it, and sailed into them lively. They soon had it done.

Thursday, Jan. 5.—Passed some high hills during the night. We have had a fine breeze nearly all night and all the morning. We passed some sandstone rocks on the west bank, which come to the water’s edge. These are nearly opposite to Ben Naga. We have run upon a sand-bar twice. Saw a large number of crocodiles of immense size. A man on shore hailed us frantically, and wanted us to take a quantity of butter for him to Khartoum! As though the Governor’s boat, with two Americans on board, impatient to get along, was going to be turned into a merchant vessel! The men were a little inclined to stop, but we ordered them to go on, and the poor fellow was left on the bank swinging his arms like a windmill and getting red in the face. We are passing through a fine grazing country. A new man suddenly turns up on board, who understands[244] sailing and steering a little better than the others. Where he came from we do not know, but suspect that he was picked up at the last place where we stopped. Now we are making better time. We reached the beginning of the “cataract” at 2:20 P.M. We had a fine wind and plenty of time before sunset, but the captain was afraid to go on and made a variety of foolish excuses. We landed and made inquiries, and finding there was no danger ordered him to proceed at once. We found a few rocks and some sand banks, but there was not the slightest difficulty. We passed some beautiful islands covered with trees and festooning vines and high grass. By sunset we had passed most of the rocks, and then the wind ceasing, and the men being tired, we allowed them to tie up for the night. Ducks are plenty about here. The Garri Mountains are in sight.

Friday, Jan. 6.—Good breeze. Passed several rocks and small islands. Rounded a large island and entered a wild romantic gorge, with rocky mountains rising high on each side straight from the river, which is here reduced to a very narrow channel. This winding gorge, or gap, extends several miles, and it is called Sebeloga. Came to and circled the largest island we have yet seen, called Rowyan. There is a rocky mountain upon it. Passing out from the gorge there are a few rocks in the river. On our left, or east bank, we saw a round mountain called Wad El Bassal, or “Son of the Onion.” The wind has been fair and square astern, but the men have managed the sail so badly that it has actually turned inside out. This is not the safest performance in a strong wind, and we thought it was about time to take things into our own hands and ordered the sail around where it ought to be, and threatened to take full charge of the boat. We have found two men on board without our permission, but concluded to let it go. At one watering-place we saw 25 flocks of sheep, goats, cows, etc., averaging 300 in a flock! We have left the mountains behind us. While sailing along before a good breeze all of a sudden the main brace broke and over went the sail, nearly upsetting the whole thing and knocking everybody overboard. We are growing resigned, and are now ready for almost anything. Once more, after getting things straight again, the sail, with a fair wind, was allowed to turn inside out!! The wind went down, and we went ashore. After awhile it blew again, and we were off. Passed the bluff of Termaniat. Thermometer to-day: Sunrise, 60°; noon, 81°; sunset, 70°.


Saturday, Jan. 7.—Fine breeze. Sailed at good speed. The banks here were lower, and the river broader. Low hills to the right. We were approaching Khartoum. There were several islands, and then we got a long view up the White Nile. We rounded the point of a large island, and turned into the clearer waters of the Blue Nile. The flags were up, and we expected to sail into Khartoum in grand style, but the wind was so strong from the north that we had to be towed up along the steep southern bank. We went bumping along, running into everything that it was possible to run into, amid a babel of sounds. Everybody seemed to think it necessary to yell at everybody else. Amid the confusion, as we were coming smash down upon another boat, Ibrahim called to two well-dressed young fellows, who were lounging on the other boat, to help push off. They heard, but were too lazy to move. He waited till he was near enough, and then suddenly pounced upon them with his stick, and dealt them several sharp blows. One fled precipitately one way, and the other jumped into the river. I did not know but he would drown, but he soon reached the bank, where the crowd had a good laugh at his expense. All along the shore native women, with only a rag on, were washing clothes; some without a rag on were washing themselves. Finally we reached our landing-place, and tied up. We had reached Khartoum at last! The American consul, a rich, one-eyed Copt,[246] stood on the bank waiting for us. He soon came on board. Congratulations and compliments were exchanged. He offered to do anything and everything for us. We told him the first thing we wanted was our letters. They were sent for at once. I had seven! We sat right down and devoured them. Not a word had we heard since leaving Cairo, and now here was a feast. Better than cold water to a thirsty soul was the good news from home. We went, at the consul’s invitation, to see the quarters he had kindly provided for us in one of his own houses. The rooms were really very nice for this country. On the whole, our first impressions of Khartoum were very pleasant. There was no apparent reason why it should not be healthy if properly cared for. The desert stretched away on all sides, both on the north and south banks of the Blue Nile. There seemed to be considerable business along the river bank. There were crowds of merchant boats loading and unloading. There were eight steamers lying here. We noticed a number of very good buildings facing the river. We have just heard of a formidable insurrection south of here, on the White Nile, and in the vicinity of Fashoda, in which 600 or more soldiers have already been killed. After returning to our dahabeah, the consul sent us a present of oranges, pomegranates and milk. After a while he called again with several others. He certainly showed himself very anxious to please us. He has placed his house at our disposal, free of charge, for any length of time we choose to occupy it. He and his suite waited for us till after dinner. Then we packed up what was necessary and, following the lanterns, went up to our new quarters. Here every possible comfort had been very thoughtfully provided. The doctor kindly insisted on my having the best room as a sort of “divan,” or place in which to receive company. A guard was provided for us, who slept at our door, as the rest were to stay on board over night. Three pretty gazelles were running about the yard in the moonlight, and looking in at our doors. Temperature: Sunrise, 60°; noon, 81°; sunset, 74°.



More Hoodlumism.

Not more than I expected, but enough to make one blush with mingled shame and indignation. At several of our schools scarcely an evening has passed for some weeks in which the pupils have been able to come and go unmolested. To hear the report of this does not greatly stir the blood perhaps; but to see a bright little boy, child of a Christian father, himself growing up in the knowledge and love of Christ, because his skin has a tinge slightly deeper than our own and his dress is not in our style and the stock of which he comes is Mongolian and not Caucasian, stoned by half-a-dozen cowardly youths, no one of whom would dare attack a Chinaman of his own size on equal terms, and then to see the wound, deep and bloody, close to the eyes, that one of the stones has made; seeing all this, I cannot but feel that I “do well to be angry.” One of our teachers has been rebuked by a so-called preacher of the Gospel, to whom she herself had listened in one of our Congregational pulpits, for teaching Chinamen. And the pastor of one of the churches of California having in it Chinese members was told by a prominent member of his church: “I would rather see them hung up by their queues than baptized and brought into the church.” When facts like these come to my knowledge I confess that I am dismayed; not so much, however, for those who are wronged as for the wrong-doers.[247] I tremble for California and for some of the churches of California when I remember that God is just.

Story of China Mary.

One of our teachers relates the following touching story: “But I must tell you about poor Ah Low, or China Mary, as we all called her. She was brought to this country when quite young, and was won by her husband in a raffle. As a prize she was valued at $100. An attempt was made afterwards by some Chinese and Americans to steal her, but she fled to Mr. Otis and was rescued. She wished me to teach her to read, and every morning as I passed her cabin on my way to the school-room I stopped and gave her a lesson. At last she told me her heart troubles. Her husband, she said, was getting big pay in a neighboring town, but was tired of her and would give her no money. Her offence was that her child was a girl and not a boy; and when, by and by, another little girl came, the husband’s injury was more than he could bear. The little baby sickens strangely. Mary tells the secret of it. ‘My husband says if baby doesn’t die he will get another woman.’ But in spite of it all the baby got well, and now poor Mary’s time had come. As I stepped from the steamer to the wharf one morning I saw Mary coming on board, looking clean and even pretty in her blue blouse with her baby strapped upon her back. ‘Where are you going, Mary?’ I asked. ‘To San Francisco for a visit,’ she replied. Soon she returned, but with no baby; and in the evening we learned that the purpose of her enforced journey to the city was accomplished. She had been sold by her husband into a Chinese house of prostitution for $300. And this is the last we have been able to know of China Mary.”

Good Cheer.

I must not close in this minor strain. We have much to be grateful for. The reported enrolment and the aggregate average attendance on our school were larger in May than ever before. Almost 900 pupils are attending the schools, and the average attendance was 433. At Santa Barbara we hear of additions to the Association, and of three or more that seem ready to receive baptism. At Stockton we held last Sunday evening, June 18, our anniversary, which was well-attended and exceedingly interesting. Here are two, and perhaps three, Chinese who have given for many months delightful evidence of Christian character and who desire to be baptized. The Oakland school is growing fast and with promise of greater usefulness than ever it has given hitherto. I conclude with an extract from a recent letter from Wong Ock, our helper in the Petaluma school, “We have had a good school the past month; but for one thing I feel sorry—that the scholars change all time. It seems too bad; they don’t have but little time to learn. We can’t help that, of course. They are all working boys, moving from place to place. Some learn very fast and love to come to school, only some of the hard words are difficult for them to pronounce, but they do not fail to try. Every evening we have some words to spell, writing them on the black-board and spelling alone and in concert. I gave astronomy lessons to them, explaining by my own globe. They were very much astonished because they never heard such a thing as that the world was round, etc. The Bible lessons we have every Saturday and Sunday evenings. I hope you will pray for the school here and the teachers. Mr. Pond, I am hateful to myself ever since I have known the truth, because of the earthly thoughts and fleshly desires which lead me to go ways against my conscience, making me heavy in heart. I feel as if I was two men then fighting all the time. Oh, how great temptations in the spiritual life! Because of them I often get discouraged and cold in my heart. Pray for me, dear brother. Your humble brother,

Wong Ock.”





We were all glad to hear about Ted and his Temperance society. A great many hundred years ago a father in Africa took his little son, who was just as old as Ted, to the church altar and made him promise to always hate the nation that had oppressed them. The feeling of hate grew as the boy grew, and when he became a man he made the oppressor and his proud armies tremble before him. Now if the boys and girls, who are so fond of hearing about Hannibal’s victories, will promise to hate Rum as he hated Rome, the monster that has destroyed so many homes will be conquered.

The children are beginning to think of these things. If Ted and his band should follow the sun, and gather all the temperance boys and girls they could find on their way, when they reached the Mississippi their army would be nearly as large as that other army of young crusaders who started out to rescue the Holy Land from desecration. Ask papa or mamma where you will find that story to read for yourselves. I have only time to tell you of a little company that would join this army when it stopped by the great river to rest and get ready to cross into Arkansas, where a host of eager recruits are learning to be loyal to home and honor and temperance.

This Memphis company, only one of several in the city, are little people, six, seven, eight and nine years old. Most of them had learned to like the taste of whisky from eating the sugar left in glasses after older people had taken a morning toddy, or from sipping egg-nog Christmas week. Their teacher illustrated the evil effects of alcohol by pouring a little into a saucer and dropping a lighted match into it. As the blue flame blazed up, the children thought it was not safe to take so dangerous an element into their mouths. Another day they saw some alcohol poured upon the white of an egg, and the teacher explained that the brain is composed of the same material as the albumen of the egg. As the bright eyes eagerly watched the yellowish white turn to milky white, just as they had seen eggs fried in hot water and grease, they all cried out: “I will never let any alcohol cook my brain like that.”

Once a lady showed them some large pictures of the stomach under different conditions. She said the stomach is the kitchen of the house we live in, and one of its most important rooms. The walls are lined with soft, delicate pink, as pretty as the paper some people put on their parlor walls. Alcohol is a fiery-tempered little fellow, and when he comes into the kitchen he scratches the beautiful walls, just as naughty boys will sometimes scratch pins over the paper and plaster in their mother’s nice room. If he stays long enough he will punch holes, make the clean walls black, and ruin the room, so that the food can not be properly prepared. The pictures explained the work of demolition, which the children readily understood, as they knew of many people whose brains and stomachs had been destroyed in that way.

These little people have pledged themselves never to touch or taste the poison. More than that, they speak their convictions to their friends and neighbors at home. “That glass of toddy will burn and scratch your stomach.” “That whisky will cook your brain and give you a headache; you may feel brighter for an hour or two, but then you will be dull and stupid.”

Do you ask if all the boys and girls who signed the pledge have been faithful to their promise? The most of them have. Two big boys coaxed little Albert to go out of town and celebrate Easter[249] by drinking a bottle of beer, but he was so sorry and so ashamed of it that the Band of Hope forgave him. Two or three others have been enticed to drink, but the majority hold firmly to their promise. And you young people, whose fathers and mothers never tempt you to do wrong, can little understand how much these other little ones have to endure in abiding by their convictions of right.

Let us help them by making the Temperance Army the strongest and largest army in the world.


MAINE, $103.24.
Calais. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. $40.00
Castine. Trin. Cong. Sab. Sch. 5.00
Centre Lebanon. Mrs. S. D. L. 1.00
East Otisfield. Rev. J. Loring 2.00
Lewiston. Pine St. Cong. Ch. 28.90
Machias. Centre St. Ch. and Soc. 8.00
Machias. C. Longfellow 5.00
Portland. Saint Lawrence St. Ch., Missionary Col., $6.83; D. P., 51c 7.34
Topsham. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 5.00
Yarmouth. Rev. A. L. 1.00
Exeter. Mary E. Shute 16.00
Francestown. Cong. Ch., 25.00; Mrs. S. E. Kingsbury, 10.00; Miss S. E. Kingsbury, 5.00 40.00
Hanover. “A Brother in Christ.” 5.00
Henniker. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 27.00
Hillsborough Bridge. Cong. Ch. 4.00
Hinsdale. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 9.83
Hudson. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 6.00
Meredith Village. Cong. Ch. 22.00
Meriden. Cong. Ch. and Soc. (ad’l) 0.60
Milford. Cong. Ch., $30.08 to const. Rev. Charles H. Taintor, L. M.; Samuel Cragin, $2.00 32.08
Portsmouth. “Mizpah Circle.” 3.50
Rochester. H. M. P. 0.50
Salmon Falls. Cong. Ch. 17.38
Seabrook. Mrs. Mary W. Boardman 5.00
Wolfborough. Rev. S. Clark 5.00
Francestown. Estate of Lucy Patch, by Mrs. Joseph Duncklee 30.00
VERMONT, $481.94.
Bethel. Cong. Ch. and Soc., $7.62; Mrs. Sparhawk, $3 10.62
Brattleborough. Helen J. Preston, for Student Aid, Fisk U. 25.00
Castleton. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 27.20
East Cambridge. H. M. 1.00
East Hardwick. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 12.00
East Poultney. Mrs. J. H. D. 0.50
Fair Haven. Cong. Ch. and Soc., for Student Aid 26.57
Manchester. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 72.63
Montpelier. Ladies of Bethany Ch., box of C., for Fisk U.
New Haven. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 12.00
Saint Albans. Mrs. M. A. Stranahan, for Student Aid, Fisk U. 50.00
Saint Albans. Young Men’s Bible Class, for Student Aid, Fisk U. 10.00
Saint Johnsbury. Hon. Franklin Fairbanks, for Atlanta U. 100.00
Saint Johnsbury. North Ch. Sab. Sch. 41.00
Townshend. Cong. Ch. and Soc., $9.45; Mrs. A. L. Rice, $5; Mrs. H. Holbrook, $2; Miss G. P., $1 17.45
Vergennes. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 20.00
Wells River. C. W. Eastman 5.00
West Brattleborough. S. G. Smith 5.00
Westminster West. Rev. A. Stevens, D.D. 10.00
West Rutland. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 12.12
Windham. Cong. Ch. Sab. Sch. 8.85
——— “L.G.” 15.00
Abington. Mrs. S. P. L. 0.50
Amesbury. S. B. T. 0.50
Amherst. First Cong. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Atlanta U. 32.70
Andover. Teachers and Pupils of Abbot Academy 67.44
Andover. West Parish Cong. Ch. 50.00
Attleborough Falls. Cent’l Ch. and Soc. 5.30
Auburndale. “A Friend.” 5.00
Ayer. Mrs. C. A. Spaulding, for Student Aid, Fisk U. 50.00
Belchertown. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 43.61
Boston. Sab. Sch. of Shawmut Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 35.00
Boston. Mrs. B. Perkins 5.00
Boston. Lee Hain and Wong Quong, $1 each for Cal. Chinese M. 2.00
Bradford. Mrs. Sarah C. Boyd, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. 12.00
Brockton. Porter Evan. Ch. and Soc. 46.18
Buckland. Mrs. Sally Gillett to const. Henry L. Warfield L. M. 30.00
Cambridgeport. Bbl. of C., for Kansas Refugees
Chelsea. First Cong. Ch. and Soc., $55.00; Mrs. P. P., 50c 55.50
Conway. Mrs. Austin Rice 24.00
Danvers. Maple St. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 48.69
Douglas. A. M. Hill, to const. Mrs. Loiezer L. Hill L. M. 30.00
Dorchester. Village Ch. and Soc. 20.50
East Weymouth. Mrs. E. E. Thompson, for Student Aid, Fisk U. 6.00
Fitchburgh. G. S. Burbank 100.00
Florence. Hon. A. L. Williston, for Professor’s house, Talladega C. 100.12
Georgetown. Memorial Ch. 30.71
Greenfield. C. C. Phillips. 3.46
Greenfield. Mrs. A. J. Smead, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. 1.50
Hadley. H. L. C. 0.50
Haydenville. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 5.76
Holliston. Ladies Benev. Soc., Bbl. of C. and $1.65 for Freight, for Talladega C. 1.65
Holyoke. R. H. Seymour 5.00
Housatonic. Housatonic Cong. Ch. and Soc., $49.92, to const. Mrs. Mary M. Platt, L. M.; By A. D. Whitmore, Box of S. S. books and $1 for Freight 50.92
Longmeadow. Gents’ Benev. Soc., $18.25; Ladies’ Benev. Soc., $11.83 30.08
Lowell. Pawtucket Ch. 21.00
Lowell. S. B. S. 1.00
Lynn. First Ch. and Soc. 18.17
Malden. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 25.00
Marblehead. Hon. J. J. H. Gregory, for Student Aid, Talladega C. 500.00
Marlborough. T. B. P. 1.00
Medfield. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc. 83.50[250]
Middleton. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 10.00
Millbury. Second Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Atlanta U. 25.00
Mill River. Miss M. R. Wilcox 10.00
Montague. Mission Circle, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. 1.00
Mount Auburn. Mrs. J. T. K. .50
Newbury. First Ch. and Soc. 17.00
Newburyport. S. N. B. .50
Newton Centre. Ladies of First Ch., $50; Mrs. D. L. Furber, $2.50, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. 52.50
Newton Highlands. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Atlanta U. 10.00
Newton Upper Falls. “A Friend” 110.00
Northampton. Miss Helen Clark, for Student Aid, Storr’s Sch. 2.00
North Brookfield. First Ch. and Soc. 100.00
Norton. Trin. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 30.25
Norton. Young Ladies’ Miss’y Soc., Wheaton Sem., for Cooking Sch., Talladega C. 25.00
Peabody. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 80.00
Raynham. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. 16.40
Rehoboth. E. W. R. 0.50
Revere. Mrs. A. S. Steele ($10 of which for John Brown Steamer) to const. Almira Dewing Steele L. M. 40.00
Royalston. Mrs. Geo. Woodbury, Bbl. of C., for Wilmington, N.C.
Salem. Tabernacle Ch. and Soc. 290.70
Scituate. Cong. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Wilmington, N.C. 10.00
Somerville. Mrs. H. B. 0.60
South Amherst. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 10.00
Southborough. Pilgrim Evan. Ch. and Soc. 15.86
Springfield. Ladies’ Miss’y Soc., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 25.00
Taunton. Union Ch. 7.00
Tewksbury. Ladies of Cong. Ch. and Soc., Bbl. of C., for Talladega C.
Townsend. Cong. Ch. 14.19
Uxbridge. “A Friend.” 2.00
Watertown. Corban Soc. 8.48
Wilbraham. Cong. Ch., to const. Mrs. Emeline R. Sperling, L. M. 56.90
Wilmington. “A Member of Cong. Ch.,” to const. Rev. Daniel P. Noyes, Atherton Noyes, Herbert Nathan Buck, Arthur O. Buck, William Henry Carter, 2nd, and Lois R. Carter L. Ms. 200.00
Winchendon. Atlanta Soc., for Student Aid, Atlanta U. 34.00
Winchendon. “F. T. P.” 5.00
Worcester. Central Ch. and Soc. 84.44
Worcester. Salem St. Sab. Sch., $25, for Tougaloo U., $25 for Le Moyne Inst. 50.00
Worcester. Mrs. S. A. Pratt, for horse, Talladega C. 6.00
West Roxbury. Cong. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Straight U. 25.00
West Roxbury. South Ch. ($10 of which from “A Friend”) 64.77
West Somerville. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 5.50
West Springfield. Park St. Cong. Ch. 48.31
Yarmouth. Ladies of Cong. Ch., Bbl. of C., for Talladega C.
——— “A Friend, Olivet.” 10.00
Woburn. Estate of Thomas Richardson 3,228.90
CONNECTICUT, $22,471.16.
Abington. S.C. 1.00
Berlin. Second Cong. Sab. Sch., for John Brown Steamer 10.00
Bridgewater. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 15.00
Clinton. Cong. Ch. Sab. Sch., for John Brown Steamer 10.00
Colchester. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. 80.00
Columbia. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 19.61
Durham. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. $25; “Two Friends” $5 30.00
East Hartford. Edward A. Williams. 20.00
Enfield. Daniel H. Abbe ($5 of which for John Brown Steamer) 10.00
Farmington. A. F. Williams, to const. Walter Hubert Vorce L. M. 30.00
Georgetown. Mr. Gilbert, for Atlanta U. 25.00
Gilead. Cong. Ch. ($5 of which from Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Brown, for Tillotson C. & N. Inst.) 20.00
Glastonbury. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. 150.00
Goshen. Cong. Ch. 32.00
Greeneville. Cong. Ch. ($30 of which from F. W. Carey, to const. George Eaglesham L. M.) 51.54
Greenwich. E. M. 1.00
Hadlyme. Joseph W. Hungerford ($60 of which to const. William E. Gates and Charles F. Burnham L. Ms.), $100; Cong. Sab. Sch., $27.80 127.80
Ivoryton. Mrs. A. H. Snow 1.25
Manchester. First Cong. Ch. 52.25
Middlebury. Cong. Ch. 29.69
Naugatuck. Cong. Sab. Sch., for John Brown Steamer 10.00
New Britain. Sab. Sch. of First Ch. of Christ, for John Brown Steamer 100.00
New Britain. Ladies’ Sew. Soc. of Cong. Ch., $5 and Bbl. of C., for Talladega C. 5.00
New Hartford. Cong. Ch. ($7 of which from John Richards’ Bible Class, $3 from Rev. F. H. Adams’ Bible Class), for Student Aid, Fisk U. 20.00
New Haven. Centre Ch. Sab. Sch. $55, Class of Yew Fem Tan, Centre Ch. Sab. Sch. $2., Davenport Cong. Ch. and Sab. Sch. $25., H. S. D. $1, for John Brown Steamer 83.00
New London. First Ch. 38.04
New Milford. Mrs. George Beers, for Talladega C. and to const. Arthur T. Nettleton L. M. 30.00
New Milford. First Cong. Ch., for Indian M. 5.00
North Guilford. “A Friend” 5.00
North Stamford. Cong. Ch. 3.20
Norwich. Moses Pierce, for Atlanta U. 100.00
Old Saybrook. Mrs. G. D. 0.50
Prospect. Cong. Sab. Sch., Package of Papers, for Savannah, Ga.
Rocky Hill. Cong. Church, to const. Horace R. Merriam L. M. 30.15
Saybrook. Cong. Ch. 9.62
Southport. Cong. Ch. 172.00
Stafford Springs. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 25.00
Suffield. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 9.65
Thomaston. Cong. Ch. 25.08
Washington. “Z.” 1.00
West Hartford. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 60.00
West Stafford. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 7.75
Woodstock. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. 26.33
West Hartford. Estate of Eliza Butler, by Benj. S. Bishop, Ex. 20,988.70
NEW YORK, $619.51.
Antwerp. Cong. Ch. 33.20
Brooklyn. Rev. W. F. Crafts 25.00
Brooklyn. Central Cong. Sab. Sch., for Lady Missionary at Ladies’ Isl., S.C. 25.00
Chittenango. “Aunt Katie Hall” 5.00
Deer River. Cong. Ch. 6.59
Fredonia. “Friends,” for Athens, Ala. 25.00
Gloversville. Cong. Ch. 162.54
Gainesville. “A Friend” 15.00
Java. Cong. Sab. Sch. 10.43
Kingsborough. J. W. 1.00
Livonia Center. Geo. W. Jackman, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. 2.75[251]
Marion. “Life Member,” for John Brown Steamer 1.00
New York. S. T. Gordon, for Student Aid, Fisk U. 200.00
New York. Dr. A. S. Ball 5.00
Seneca Falls. Cong. Ch., “A Friend,” 50.00
Spencerport. Alvin Webster 2.00
West Farms. Dan’l Mapes, for Atlanta U. 50.00
NEW JERSEY, $10.25.
Jersey City. A. A. H. 0.25
Montclair. Mrs. J. H. Pratt’s S. S. Class, for Student Aid, Talladega C. 5.00
New Brunswick. Mrs. S. L. Chester 5.00
New Castle. Mrs. Joseph White 2.00
West Alexander. Dr. Robert Davidson 100.00
West Elizabeth. Miss Jane Wilson 2.00
OHIO, $399.16.
Akron. Ladies’ Home Miss. Soc. of Cong. Ch. 5.00
Ashland. Mrs. Eliza Thompson 2.28
Brighton. Cong. Ch. 4.05
Chardon. Cong. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. 5.00
Cincinnati. Vine St. Cong. Ch. 47.53
Cincinnati. George S. Gray, for Yale Library Fund, Talladega C. 10.00
Cincinnati. Rev. E. P. Wheeler, for Atlanta U. 5.00
Circleville. Mrs. D. B. W. 0.50
Cleveland. C. T. Rogers ($30 of which to const. Rev. W. C. Rogers L. M.), $50, for Theo. Dept., Talladega C. 50.00
Cleveland. G. W. C., $1; G. A. R., $1 2.00
Conneaut. Cong. Sab. Sch. 8.75
Elyria. M. W. Cogswell, First Cong. Ch. 10.00
Galion. Sewing Soc. Presb. Ch., $1, and Bbl. of C.; Mrs. F. Lindsey, $3; Miss McM., $1, for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. 5.00
Geneva. First Cong. Ch. 13.92
Kelley’s Island. Cong. Ch. 8.60
Martinsburgh. J. A. McFarland and Emily McFarland, $2.50 ea. 5.00
Medina. Woman’s Miss. Soc., $10, and Bbl. of C. for Student Aid, Talladega C. 10.00
North Bloomfield. “Friends,” for Student Aid, Talladega C. 35.00
Oberlin. Second Cong. Ch. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Atlanta U. 30.00
Oberlin. Second Cong. Ch. 18.18
Oberlin. Rev. George Thompson, for Mendi M. 2.00
Peru. “Friends,” for Student Aid, Talladega C. 5.00
Ravenna. Cong. Ch. 42.75
Rootstown. Cong. Ch. 25.00
Ruggles. Cong. Sab. Sch., Box of Papers.
Seville. Julia Hulburt 5.00
Springfield. Mrs. M. G. 1.00
Windham. Wm. A. Perkins 5.00
Youngstown. “A Friend,” 1.00
Hampden. Estate of Joel Dorman, by L. G. Maynard, Ex. 36.60
ILLINOIS, $1,775.87.
Amboy. First Cong. Ch. 40.65
Canton. First Cong. Ch. 20.00
Canton. Mrs. D. W. Vitturn, for Student Aid, Fisk U. 20.00
Chicago. First Cong. Ch., $106.35; New England Cong. Ch., $99.90; Mrs. Drake, $5 211.25
Chicago. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 50.00
Chicago. E. W. Blatchford, for Athens, Ala. 10.00
Concord. James Joy Thorndike 3.42
Elgin. “Elgin Cong. Ch.,” 10.00
Galena. “A Friend,” 2.00
Glencoe. Cong. Ch. 35.00
Granville. “Merry Workers,” for Student Aid, Straight U. 12.00
Kewanee. Women’s Miss’y Soc., for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. 19.50
Mendon. Cong. Ch. 11.85
Millburn. Cong. Ch. 27.24
Moline. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., $25; Mrs. M. C. Ells, $2; for Student Aid, Fisk U. 27.00
Newark. Horace Day 5.00
Oak Park. “O. P.’s Sab. Sch. Class of Boys,” for Student Aid, Talladega C. 13.60
Paxton. Mrs. J. B. Shaw, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. 6.00
Princeton. Cong. Ch. 42.86
Quincy. Joshua Perry 10.00
Rock Falls. Cong. Ch. 3.50
Tonica. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 25.00
Wilmette. Cong. Ch. 20.00
Winnetka. Cong. Ch. 50.00
Belvidere. Estate of Olney Nichols 100.00
Mendon. Estate of Joel Benton, by W. W. Benton, Ex. 1,000.00
INDIANA, $1,505.00.
Dyer. Mrs. F. M. Biggs, for Needmore 5.00
Albion. Estate of Ida Loomis 1,500.00
MICHIGAN, $5,136.82.
Adrian. C. C. Spooner 5.00
Alamo. Julius Hackley 10.00
Benzonia. “A Friend,” $5; Mrs. S. A. B. C., $1 6.00
Bridgman. Cong. Ch. 12.00
Delhi Mills. Norman Dwight 10.00
Grand Rapids. First Cong. Sab. Sch., for Rev. J. H. H. Sengstacke 20.00
Grand Rapids. Individuals, by Rev. E. A. Spence 3.00
Hudson. Cong. Ch. 17.76
Manistee. First Cong. Ch. 25.06
Memphis. “Friends,” for Athens, Ala. 3.00
Olivet. William J. Hickok 25.00
Port Huron. Estate of Mary Jane Sweetser, by John P. Sanborn, Ex. 5,000.00
WISCONSIN, $245.47.
Appleton. M. R. Barteau 10.00
Beloit. Mrs. S. M. Clary 30.00
Beloit. First Cong. Ch., Box of Books, $2.20, for Freight, for Talladega C. 2.20
Blake’s Prairie. Cong. Ch. 3.75
Bloomington. Cong. Ch., for Lady Missionary, Talladega, Ala. 6.00
Brandon. Woman’s Miss’y Soc., $11.57, for Lady Missionary, Talladega, Ala., incorrectly ack. in July number from Whitewater, Wis.
Burlington. Cong. Ch. 20.00
Clinton. Cong. Ch. 39.80
Janesville. Cong. Ch. 43.77
Leeds. Cong. Ch. 5.90
Madison. Cong. Ch., for Lady Missionary, Talladega, Ala. 24.75
Milwaukee. Young People’s Miss’y Cir., for Student Aid, Talladega C. 16.00
Shopiere. Cong. Ch. and Sab. Sch. 20.00
Tomah. Cong. Ch. 2.30
Waukesha. First Cong. Ch. 16.00
Windsor. Cong. Ch., for Lady Missionary, Talladega, Ala. 5.00[252]
IOWA, $258.44.
Anamosa. Cong. Ch., for New Orleans La. and Atlanta, Ga. 28.54
Cresco. Cong. Ch. 11.67
De Witt. J. H. Price 10.00
Iowa City. Cong. Ch. 33.41
Iowa City. Ladies of Cong. Ch., for Lady Missionary, New Orleans, La. 11.00
Marion. “Willing Workers,” for Student Aid. Straight U. 30.00
Maquoketa. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 34.96
Miles. Ladies’ Missionary Soc. of Cong. Ch. 10.00
Muscatine. Cong. Ch. 40.30
New Hampton. Cong. Ch. ($5 of which from Dea. O. Gardner, for Berea C.) 11.06
Oskaloosa. Rev. D. Lane, $5; S. R. Pettitt, $2.50 7.50
Quasqueton. Rev. A. Manson 5.00
Tabor. Ladies’ H. M. Soc., $5; Young Ladies’ Christian Ass’n, $5: Rev. John Todd, $5, for Student Aid, Straight U. 15.00
Toledo. Mrs. E. N. Barker 5.00
Winthrop. Rev. S. W. Brintnall 5.00
KANSAS, $15.00.
Anthony. Cong. Ch. 5.00
Diamond Springs. A. A. Stevens 10.00
MINNESOTA, $343.42.
Leech Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. King ($10 of which for John Brown Steamer,) 25.00
Minneapolis. Rev. E. M. Williams, for Atlanta U. 250.00
Minneapolis. Plymouth Ch. 28.42
Northfield. Cong. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Straight U. 40.00
NEBRASKA, $4.00.
Olive Branch. German Ass’n. 4.00
MISSOURI, $113.10.
Breckenridge. Cong. Ch. 7.85
Brookfield. Cong Ch. 5.25
Kansas City. F. L. Underwood, for President’s house, Talladega C. 100.00
San Diego. Geo. W. Marston 20.00
Skokomish. Cong. Ch. 16.50
NEW MEXICO, $1.00.
New Albuquerque. D. L. S. 1.00
Washington. Lincoln Memorial Ch. 1.50
KENTUCKY, $3.88.
Berea. Sab. Sen., for John Brown Steamer 3.88
Dudley. Tuition 10.75
Wilmington. Normal Sch., Tuition 165.99
Wilmington. Cong. Ch., $5; Mrs. J. F. A. S., 50c. 5.50
Charleston. Avery Inst., Tuition 248.75
Charleston. Plymouth Ch., $20; Prof. W. L. Gordon. $8 28.00
TENNESSEE, $940.27.
Chattanooga. Rent 175.00
Memphis. Le Moyne Sch., Tuition 176.80
Nashville. Fisk University, Tuition 588.47
GEORGIA, $524.32.
Atlanta. Atlanta U., $103.67; Rent, $17.50 181.17
Atlanta. Storrs School, $133.20; Rent, $3 136.20
Atlanta. First Cong. Ch., $52.80; Mrs. Andrew Clark, for Atlanta U., $3 55.80
Macon. Cong. Ch. 10.40
Savannah. Beach Inst., Tuition, $106.75; Rent, $10 116.75
Savannah. Dr. J. J. Waring, $20; Dr. C. C. Schley, $4, for Savannah, Ga. 24.00
ALABAMA, $351.80.
Athens. Trinity Sch., Tuition 16.75
Marion. Tuition 2.25
Mobile. Emerson Inst. 102.95
Mobile. Cong. Ch. 5.00
Montgomery. Public Fund 175.00
Talladega. Talladega C., Tuition 26.25
Talladega. “Musical Union” 15.00
Selma. Cong. Ch. ($3.30 of which for Mendi M.) 8.60
LOUISIANA, $274.75.
New Orleans. Straight U., Tuition 223.75
New Orleans. Central Ch., $50; Mrs. B. C. and Mrs. D. S., 50c. ea. 51.00
Caledonia. Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. 0.70
Hazelhurst. E. E. S. 0.51
Tougaloo. Tougaloo U., Tuition, $164.04; Rent, $8.50 172.54
FLORIDA, $50.00.
St. Augustine. Rent 50.00
TEXAS, $191.50.
Austin. Tillotson C. & N. Inst. 191.50
INCOME FUND, $1,035.44.
Income Fund, for Theo. Dept., Howard U. 457.55
Avery Fund, for Mendi M. 190.00
Graves Library Fund, for Atlanta U. 150.00
Scholarship Fund, for Fisk U. 50.00
Haley Scholarship Fund for Fisk U. 15.11
Dike Fund, for Straight U. 50.00
C. F. Hammond Fund, for Straight U. 37.78
Town Bonds, Greenwich, N.Y., for Scholarship Fund, Straight U. 35.00
General Fund 50.00
Total $44,136.56
Total from Oct. 1 to June 30 $235,553.64
Rehoboth, Mass. Ellery W. Robinson 6.05
Fairfield, Conn. First Cong. Ch. 60.00
Income Fund 1.34
Total 67.39
Previously acknowledged from Oct. 1 to May 31 3,457.13
Total $3,524.52

H. W. HUBBARD, Treas.

56 Reade St., New York.




To preach the Gospel to the poor. It originated in a sympathy with the almost friendless slaves. Since Emancipation it has devoted its main efforts to preparing the Freedmen for their duties as citizens and Christians in America, and as missionaries in Africa. As closely related to this, it seeks to benefit the caste-persecuted Chinese in America, and to co-operate with the Government in its humane and Christian policy toward the Indians. It has also a mission in Africa.


Churches: In the South—In District of Columbia, 1; Virginia, 1; North Carolina, 6; South Carolina, 2; Georgia, 13; Kentucky, 7; Tennessee, 4; Alabama, 14; Kansas, 1; Arkansas, 1; Louisiana, 18; Mississippi, 4; Texas, 6. Africa, 3. Among the Indians, 1. Total, 82.

Institutions Founded, Fostered or Sustained in the South.Chartered: Hampton, Va.; Berea, Ky.; Talladega, Ala.; Atlanta, Ga.; Nashville, Tenn.; Tougaloo, Miss.; New Orleans, La., and Austin, Tex.—8. Graded or Normal Schools: Wilmington, N.C.; Charleston, Greenwood, S.C.; Savannah, Macon, Atlanta, Ga.; Montgomery, Mobile, Athens, Selma, Ala.; Memphis, Tenn.—11. Other Schools, 35. Total, 54.

Teachers, Missionaries and Assistants.—Among the Freedmen, 319; among the Chinese, 28; among the Indians, 9; in Africa, 13. Total, 369. Students.—In theology, 104; law, 20; in college course, 91; in other studies, 8,884. Total, 9,108. Scholars taught by former pupils of our schools, estimated at 150,000. Indians under the care of the Association, 13,000.


1. A steady INCREASE of regular income to keep pace with the growing work. This increase can only be reached by regular and larger contributions from the churches, the feeble as well as the strong.

2. Additional Buildings for our higher educational institutions, to accommodate the increasing numbers of students; Meeting Houses for the new churches we are organizing; more Ministers, cultured and pious, for these churches.

3. Help for Young Men, to be educated as ministers here and missionaries to Africa—a pressing want.

Before sending boxes, always correspond with the nearest A. M. A. office as directed on second page cover.


We are anxious to put the American Missionary on a paying basis. We intend to make it worth its price, and we ask our patrons to aid us:

1. More of our readers can take pains to send us either the moderate subscription price (50 cents), or $1.00, naming a friend to whom we may send a second copy.

2. A special friend in each church can secure subscribers at club-rates (12 copies for $5 or 25 copies for $10).

3. Business men can benefit themselves by advertising in a periodical that has a circulation of 20,000 copies monthly and that goes to many of the best men and families in the land. Will not our friends aid us to make this plan a success?

We nevertheless renew the offer hitherto made, that the Missionary will be sent gratuitously, if desired, to the Missionaries of the Association; to Life Members; to all Clergymen who take up collections for the Association; to Superintendents of Sabbath-schools; to College Libraries; to Theological Seminaries; to Societies of Inquiry on Missions; and to every donor who does not prefer to take it as a subscriber, and contributes in a year not less than five dollars.

Subscriptions and advertisements should be sent to H. W. Hubbard, Treasurer, 56 Reade street, New York, N.Y.

Atkin & Prout, Printers, 12 Barclay St., N.Y.

Transcriber’s Notes

Obvious printer’s punctuation errors and omissions corrected. Unusual spellings suspected to be the original author’s were retained.

Page number in the table of Contents corrected for several articles.

“Steet” changed to “Street” on the inside cover in the CORRESPONDING SECRETARY listing.

“ENVIRONMEMT” changed to “ENVIRONMENT” in the heading on page 228.

“commitee” changed to “committee” on page 233. (directed the executive committee)

“accomodations” changed to “accommodations” on 238. (for want of room and accommodations)

Image of Egyptians on page 245 moved to fall between paragraphs. Page marker for page 245 removed.

Changed “it” to “is” and “blankes” to “blanket” in the Hartford Woven Wire Mattress advertisement on page 253. (the Hartford Mattress is cleanly....Requires nothing but a blanket)

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The American Missionary -- Volume 36,
No. 8, August 1882, by Various


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