The Project Gutenberg EBook of University of California Library Handbook
1918-1919, by University of California

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Title: University of California Library Handbook 1918-1919

Author: University of California

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Historical Sketch1
Description of Building3
Book Stack10
Circulation Department11
Reserved Book Room13
Inter-Library Loans15
Special Collections16
Seminar Rooms18
Departmental Libraries19
Reference Department21
Accessions Department25
Rules and Regulations28




This handbook has been prepared chiefly for the convenience of students and members of the faculty, but it may also be of interest to university and college librarians and their assistants. It is a directory of the University Library, intended to facilitate the use of the books by indicating their location and arrangement and describing the aids by which easiest access to them may be obtained. The regulations necessary to safeguard their use are appended.

This handbook was approved for printing on April 15, 1918, by the Library Committee.


The University Library had its origin in the small collection of books that belonged to the College of California. In 1868 the College transferred its library numbering 1036 volumes to the University. Five years later, the collection was[2] moved from Oakland to Berkeley and was located in the north end of South Hall. These quarters soon became too small and in 1876 Henry Douglass Bacon gave $25,000 toward the erection of a separate library building. The State of California in 1878 added an equal amount to this gift and in 1881 the Bacon Library was completed.

The bequest in 1904 by Charles Franklin Doe of twenty-four per cent of his estate made available approximately $750,000 for the present library building. In 1911 a little more than half the building was completed, and in May of that year the collection was moved from the Bacon Library to the new building. A state bond issue made possible its completion in 1917.

The University Library now numbers 375,000 volumes, the average annual increase for the last five years being about 25,000 volumes. This growth has been made possible by a University book appropriation, supplemented by special funds, in particular, the Michael Reese fund, available for purchases in any field, the Jane K. Sather funds for classics, history, and law, the Ernst A. Denicke fund for German philology, and the Eugene Meyer, Jr., fund for history.

Valuable gifts of books in special fields have also been made, such as the many contributions of Mr. J. C. Cebrian in Spanish literature, and[3] the donations of Louis Sloss, Jacob Voorsanger, and Alfred Greenebaum toward a Semitic collection.


The building is in the classic style of architecture and was designed by John Galen Howard. It is a steel frame, fireproof structure of the highest class, with outside dimensions of 262 feet by 224 feet. The exterior is of California granite with roof of red mission tile. The total cost including furnishing was $1,200,000.

It is rectangular in form, the covered central court, slightly over 100 feet square, being reserved for book storage, in two nine-story stacks of a combined capacity of one million volumes. At present only one of these stacks has been installed. The main entrance is from the north. To the left of the vestibule is the Bancroft Library, a collection under separate administration devoted to the history of California and the Southwest. To the right is the Reserved Book Room where are shelved those books designated by instructors as class references for the current semester. The remainder of the ground floor is given up to seminars 110 to 132.

The main stairway leads directly to the Delivery Hall where is the Loan Desk, with the entrance[4] to the stack directly behind it. Opposite the Loan Desk, facing north, is the Reading Room, 210 feet long and 53 feet wide, with a seating capacity of five hundred and shelf room for about twenty thousand volumes. In it will be found all reference books except indexes, and in addition a fairly representative collection of general literature. At the east end of the Delivery Hall is the Reference Room through which access to the new Periodical Room is obtained. This latter, 135 feet long by 45 feet wide, extends down the east side of the main floor and provides seats for 240 readers and shelf room for the current magazines in most general use. The administration rooms occupy the corresponding position on the western side of this floor, the Associate Librarian’s Office and the Accessions Department, with a common entrance from the Delivery Hall, the Librarian’s Office and the Catalogue Room opening on the west corridor. Two rooms for the use of the library staff, three for instruction in library science, and one for binding preparation and for supplies extend across the south. The Union Card Catalogue will be found in the corridor leading to these.

On the third floor, reached by the western staircase and by the elevator, are the Library of French Thought (room 303), seminars 307 to 317, the map room (318), and a room (320) holding[5] books not suitable for shelving in the regular stack. On the fourth floor are rooms 405 to 438, the majority used as private studies for members of the faculty, but a few of them combination seminar rooms and offices.

There are also basements on the south and west sides, the former used by the University Press as a storage room, the latter, furnished with a freight entrance and a staff elevator, being the library receiving and unpacking room. From the rear of the building between these is a public entrance. This by means of a corridor and stairway, enables readers from the south to reach the ground floor.


The books in the Library are at present arranged according to two systems:

1. The Library of Congress classification, slightly modified. It is expected that the entire library will ultimately be reclassified by this system. Letters are used for main classes, subdivisions are chiefly indicated by numbers. The subjects now included in this classification are:

DHistory and topography, except America (in progress)
EAmerican history
F (local)
GGeography, Anthropology, Folk-lore, Manners and customs, Sports and games
HSocial sciences
JPolitical sciences

2. The Rowell classification which covers all subjects not reclassified. In it instead of letters, the classes are indicated by numbers from 1 to 999 with some sub-classes given lower case letters following these. A brief table of important main classes follows.

578-599Industrial arts
600-681Fine arts
682-999Philology and literature

All books in the stacks are arranged according to these classifications and shelf lists on cards are available in the Catalogue Room. These are useful because they show all books in a class whether or not they happen to be on the shelves at any one time.



The library card catalogue is filed in cases in the east end of the Delivery Hall and is in two parts.

The Main Catalogue is a record of the works in the library. It gives an entry under author, under title, if distinctive or in case of periodicals, and also under specific subject or subjects if the books have been classified according to the Library of Congress scheme. For example, James Allan’s “Under the dragon flag” (reclassified) is entered in the catalogue under Allan, James; by title: Under the dragon flag; and by subject: Chinese-Japanese war, 1894-1895. Thus there are three avenues of approach, one for the reader who knows the author’s name, another for the reader who remembers the title, but cannot recall the author, and a third for the reader who wishes something on the Chinese-Japanese war and has no definite book in mind. Books not classified by the Library of Congress scheme but still under the Rowell classification have the usual author and distinctive title cards in the main catalogue, but in place of a subject entry will be found a reference from the subject to that number in the classed subject catalogue where it will be found. For example, Freu[8]d’s “Interpretation of dreams” appears in the main catalogue under Freud, Sigmund, and under Interpretation of dreams; but instead of appearing under the subject Dreams there is a reference card under that word which reads: Dreams, see subject catalogue under 11 d. On turning to the subject catalogue at that number the reader finds not only Freud’s book, but all other books in the library on the subject of dreams.

The Classed Subject Catalogue occupies one face of the two cases nearest the entrance to the Reference Room and covers only the subjects still under the Rowell classification. It is a numerical arrangement of the cards in the order in which the books stand on the shelves i.e., all cards on a given subject are grouped together under one number. Indexes in book form referring from subject to number are to be found on the tables reserved for consulting the catalogue.

The reader wishing books on meteors, for example, finds in the index opposite the word meteors the number 369. He turns to the classed subject catalogue at that number and sees there the library’s resources on that subject. He will also find in the main catalogue under the word meteors, a reference card: Meteors, see subject catalogue under 369. So whether he consults the printed index or the main catalogue, he will be[9] referred to the same place in the classed subject catalogue.

The Call Number (which indicates the classification and the shelf location of the book) is in the upper left hand corner of the catalogue card. It must be exactly copied in the corresponding place on the call slip to enable an attendant to find the book.

Removal Slips.—For various reasons it is frequently necessary to remove cards from the catalogue. When this is done a colored removal slip is placed in the catalogue bearing the author’s name, title, and call number, and the initials of the assistant who has the card. This does not indicate that the book is off the shelf. It may as readily be obtained by copying the call number, author and title from the removal slip, as from the original card.

In the process of reclassification, it is necessary to remove the books from the shelves and the cards from the catalogue. When this is done, a card stamped Reclassification, bearing the author’s name and the title of the book, is filed in the place of the author card removed. If the book is desired by a reader, it must be requested at the Loan Desk with the statement that the card is marked Reclassification.

When difficulty is found in using the catalogues[10] or in locating references to material supposedly in the library, inquiry should always be made at the Reference Department.

Other Library Catalogues.—The catalogues of other large libraries form important bibliographic aids. The following are available in this library:

The Union Depository Catalogue, filed in cases in the south corridor, main floor; this includes author cards for the books in the Library of Congress, various government departmental libraries in Washington, D.C., and such cards as have been printed by the John Crerar Library, Harvard University, University of Chicago, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, and Newberry libraries.

In the Catalogue Room will also be found certain printed catalogues in book form, chief among which are those of the British Museum, Bibliothèque Nationale, Boston Athenaeum, London Library, Peabody Institute Library, and Surgeon General’s Library. These may be consulted in the Catalogue Room between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. At other hours apply to the Reference Department.


Members of the faculty have free access to the stack. Permits are required of all others. Card for stack permit may be obtained at the Loan Desk[11] by a graduate student and should be filled out and signed by his instructor before being presented to the Associate Librarian for approval. Though undergraduates presenting a reasonable request at the Reference Desk will be given an opportunity to look over the literature of any particular subject, permits for any length of time will only be issued in exceptional cases for, in general, undergraduate needs are met by the Reading Room and Reserved Book collections.

As far as possible books are arranged on the nine floors of the stack in proper classification sequence, but as convenience of access has caused some exceptions, a guide is posted on the central case as one enters the stack on the main floor. More detailed charts will be found on each floor.


To call for a book not on open shelves.—As it has been found impossible to allow free access to the stack, it is necessary to apply for books at the Loan Desk. The procedure in drawing a book is as follows:

A call slip when properly filled out, giving call number, author, title, name and address of the borrower, should be presented at the east end of the Loan Desk. An attendant at the desk will[12] procure the book from the stack or make a report as to its location.

If the book is to be used in the library a white “Library Use Slip” should be filled out; if for home use a manila “Home Use Slip” is required. This distinction is important for a book taken out on a Library Use Slip is overdue if not returned the day issued. A reader must return books drawn on the Library Use Slip to the Loan Desk before leaving the library. He will be held responsible for books drawn in his name so long as his slips remain unclaimed.

To have a book held.—A book which is on loan and is desired by another reader will be reserved on its return if request is made. The inquirer will be given a postcard which should be filled out and left with a loan desk attendant. When the book is returned this card will be mailed notifying the inquirer that the book will be held four days.

To renew a book.—A book may be renewed if not in demand by another reader and if request for renewal is made before it becomes overdue. To renew a book it is necessary to give the attendant at the Loan Desk either the book or the call number and the name of the person to whom the book is charged. Wait until the attendant reports whether or not the book can be renewed.[13] Misunderstandings occur because a book cannot be renewed and the borrower has left without waiting to get this report. A renewal may be made by mail or by telephone but there is less chance of error when the borrower calls in person. A book which is overdue will not be renewed and cannot be drawn out again by the same person until the following day.


Books selected by members of the faculty as assigned readings for their students are known as reserved books and are shelved in the Reserved Book Room on the ground floor of the library, to the right of the main entrance. They are grouped on the reserve shelves according to courses of instruction and a list giving the name of the course and the number of the case where the books for that course are shelved is posted on the bulletin board.

An alphabetic author catalogue of the books on reserve, giving their location by case and shelf, is on file just inside the entrance. If the desired book is not readily found on the shelves, consult this, for occasionally the same book is wanted for more than one course, or there are copies of the same title in different reserves.[14] When class references are given try this catalogue before asking at the Loan Desk.

The books forming the History 1 collection are arranged in call number order in cases 14 to 92. There is a separate card catalogue giving a list of these books and their call numbers also a chart to aid in locating the book by the call number.

To draw a book from the room go through the turnstile, select the book, copy author’s name, short title, and the call number as it appears on the back of the book. Sign name and address, and present slip and book to the attendant at exit.

Readers are requested not to take books or handbags into the enclosure. They should also note that while books may be carried from this room to other parts of the library, excepting for overnight charges, they are issued only for use in the building and should be returned as soon as continuous reading is over. They should not be passed on to other readers or left out of use on some shelf or table while the borrower is away at class or meals. To allow most equitable use of these books readers may have only one out at a time, but a dictionary or atlas may be taken in addition.

Before leaving the library, return to the discharging desk in the Reserved Book Room all[15] books drawn out, and reclaim and destroy slips. Readers who do not care to wait for call slips may leave books on the return desk or drop them in the slot cut in it, but as they are responsible for books as long as their slips remain on file, reclaiming them insures against possible error.

For the rules and regulations regarding library and home use of books and for the penalties prescribed for failure to observe them, reference should be made to pages 29-36 of this handbook.


The resources of the library are supplemented by borrowing from other libraries books not readily obtainable by purchase. The individual in whose behalf a loan is solicited pays all transportation charges and undertakes to conform to the conditions of use made by the lending library. This library also lends many books to other libraries. Individuals living some distance from Berkeley should request loans through their local libraries. As this library is primarily for the use of the university faculty and students, applications for loans by other libraries should be restricted to books difficult to obtain by purchase and not available in a nearer library. All requests for inter-library loans should be made to[16] the Librarian, who alone is authorized to lend books to other libraries or borrow from them.


The few special collections of this library are housed in separate rooms and the books in them are restricted to use in the building.

The Archives Room on the mezzanine floor over the Reference Room is open only to those having the permission of the Librarian; others needing material kept there should apply for it at the Reference Desk. Very complete files of faculty and student publications and all available material illustrating the history of the University are shelved in this room.

California literature has for many years been made the object of a special collection, and several hundred volumes of poetry, drama, and general literature by Californians will be found shelved in the book stack under nos. 984-985. The portion of the collection classified as fiction (986) is separately shelved in room 320 and is not for general use. To consult the fiction a special permit must be obtained from the Librarian who will consider only applicants doing serious work in that field.


California and Pacific Coast history collections will be found in the Bancroft Library, on the ground floor to the left of the main entrance. This, the most complete collection of material in its field, is under separate administration and for the most part its books are not included in the General Library catalogue.

The Chinese collection, about 3600 individual works, shelved in room 425, is the gift of Mr. S. C. Kiang, whose family for generations had been gathering together this library of Chinese literature. A card catalogue of the contents will be found in the room. Students in Chinese also have access to the private collection of Professor Emeritus John Fryer, who has very kindly shelved his Chinese library in room 416 and made it available to scholars.

The Library of French Thought, to be found in room 303, was presented to the University by the French Government through The Friends of France. The titles were selected by professors of the Sorbonne as the leading contributions of French writers in all fields of knowledge. It consists of about 2500 volumes and originally formed part of the French exhibit at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition.

The Karl Weinhold Library, presented to the University by John D. Spreckels, is now in seminar[18] 113. It was the private library of the late Professor Weinhold of the University of Berlin, who had gathered together in it over 6000 volumes and more than 2000 pamphlets devoted to Germanic language, literature, folklore, and antiquities. The original editions of works of literature in which it is especially rich are listed in Library Bulletin 16.


These rooms are for the exclusive use of faculty and students of the departments to which they are assigned. Keys may be obtained at the Reference Desk but will be issued only to those who secure an application card, have it approved by a professor or instructor holding classes in the room, and make a deposit of one dollar with the University Cashier. Keys to table drawers may also be obtained on additional deposit of one dollar per key. No exemption from key deposit will be made to any but those holding Regents’ appointments. Reference should be made to page 33 for seminar regulations.

The present assignment follows:

Ground Floor

113German (Weinhold Library)
118-120Political Science
128Public Speaking
129History Sources Library

Third Floor

303Library of French Thought
312Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
313Classical Library

Fourth Floor

416Oriental Languages
419Slavic Languages
421Semitic Languages
425Kiang Library of Chinese Literature


The University Library comprises not only the General Library, but also a large number of departmental libraries, seventeen on the campus, five in other parts of the state. They are under[20] the control of the departments, who set the hours and conditions of their use, and therefore applicants for their books should go direct to them. They are for the most part made up of books purchased on departmental budgets, supplemented in some cases by deposits from the General Library. All books are purchased through the General Library and in the case of campus departments they are all included in the main catalogue with an indication of the department in which they will be found in the place of the usual call number. For those departments outside of Berkeley only such books as cannot be found on the campus are included in the public catalogue, but a shelf list of all books in each library is in the Catalogue Room.

Departmental Libraries in Berkeley

Agricultural College Library103-106 Agricultural Hall
Anatomy Dept. Library4 Anatomy Building
Architectural Dept. LibraryArchitectural Building
Astronomy Dept. Library10-11 Students’ Observatory
Botany Dept. Library304-308 Hearst Mining Building
Chemistry Dept. Library109 Gilman Hall
Drawing Dept. Library305 Drawing Building
Engineering Dept. Library203 Civil Engineering Bldg.
Geology Dept. Library106 Bacon Hall
Infirmary Library1 Director’s Office, Infirmary
Law Library210 Boalt Hall of Law
Mechanics Library34 Mechanics Building[21]
Mining Dept. Library135 Hearst Memorial Mining Bldg.
Pathology Dept. Library1st floor, Pathology Building
Physics Dept. Library120 South Hall
Physiology Dept. Library102 Physiology Laboratory
Zoology Dept. Library206 East Hall

Departmental Libraries Located Elsewhere

Citrus Experiment Station LibraryRiverside
College of Dentistry Library3rd floor, College of Dentistry and Pharmacy Building, Parnassus Ave., San Francisco
Hooper Foundation Library1st floor, Hooper Foundation Building, Parnassus Ave., San Francisco
Medical School LibraryMain floor, Medical School Building, Parnassus Ave., San Francisco
University Farm LibraryDavis


The Reference Desk faces the east end of the Delivery Hall, between the Reading Room and the Periodical Room. The function of the department is to give assistance to readers in their search for information or for books. Readers should apply here for aid in the use of the catalogue or for direction in finding the resources of the library upon any subject under investigation. The Reference Department has supervision over reference books, periodicals, maps, United States government documents, university archives and publications, and the “New Books” shelf.


Reading Room Collection.—Reference books are shelved in the Reading Room. Dictionaries, encyclopaedias, yearbooks, indexes, and bibliographies will be found in the two floor cases (A and B) directly back of the center desk. The collection of atlases will be found in the atlas case (C). Other works of reference, together with a collection of general literature, are arranged by subjects in the wall cases around the room. Those reclassified by the Library of Congress system begin with case 1 to the left as one enters, and the books arranged by the Rowell classification follow them. The Mary Lake collection of English and American literature occupies cases 112 to 116.

Periodicals.—The library receives approximately 8000 serials. The current numbers of 1200 of these are placed on the shelves around the Periodical Room and in the adjoining stack. These periodicals are grouped by subjects. The general magazines are in cases 1 to 4, art journals in case 5, etc. A directory of the location of subjects will be found on the bulletin board. A collection of the 296 sets of bound periodicals most frequently called for is shelved in alphabetical order in the adjoining stack room or Annex, to which readers have free access.

Recent issues of newspapers are filed in the Annex. The General Library does not subscribe[23] to California papers as they fall within the field of the Bancroft Library.

The general indexes to periodical literature, such as Poole’s Index, The Readers’ Guide, Magazine Subject Index, and the Book Review Digest are shelved in cases 77 to 79 at the right of the entrance to the Periodical Room. Instruction in the use of these will be given to any applicant at the Reference Desk.

Periodicals are not to be taken from the room. The rules governing their circulation and use will be found on page 30-36 of this handbook.

United States Government Publications.—The library is a depository for the publications of the United States government. The bound volumes are catalogued and shelved in the stack with other books on the same subject. Unbound publications are recorded at the Reference Desk and may be consulted by applying there.

Indexes to the United States documents, covering the period from the formation of the government to the present time, will be found in case 76, at the right of the entrance to the Periodical Room.

Maps.—The map collection is located in the Map Room (318). The United States topographic and coast and geodetic survey maps, a selection of the United States hydrographic maps and[24] of those of the British general staff, together with the maps of the principal countries of the world, the states of the United States, and the counties of California make up the greater part of the collection. A card catalogue of all maps in the Map Room has been compiled and serves as a geographic index to the collection. To use this catalogue or to see maps apply to the Reference Department.

University Publications.—The library receives many publications of other universities. Catalogues, administrative reports, theses, department and student publications come unbound. These are recorded in the serial record and are filed alphabetically under the name of the university on the first floor of the stack. A collection of the latest catalogues of the larger American universities is kept at the Reference Desk.

New Books.—New books added to the library before going to their regular places in the stack are displayed on shelves back of the Reference Desk. These books are placed there on Monday and are on exhibition for one week. Readers may reserve new books for home use by making out a “Home Use Slip” and filing it at the Reference Desk. Such books will be held at the Loan Desk for three days following the succeeding Monday.



This department has charge of the purchasing of all books and periodicals required in any part of the University. It also looks after the building up of the General Library collection by exchange and gift and the binding of all General Library books and magazines.

On the shelves of its office, on the western side of the main floor, will be found a good working collection of the trade catalogues and national and other bibliographies most used in the identification and ordering of books in English or in the chief languages of continental Europe. Files of recent second hand catalogues are also kept arranged by subject. All these may be used in the Accessions Boom between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. and when it is closed they may be had on call from the Reference Department.

The card records for book orders kept by this department include those outstanding, those in process (that is for books which have been received but may not yet be catalogued), filled orders for the last fifteen years and orders cancelled because books were not obtainable. Separately kept periodical, exchange and gift records show what numbers of any serial were received and their present location in the library.


Copies of all order sheets are filed in binders by department and from them it can readily be shown what books have been received and their cost, as well as those still outstanding and the lien on the fund made on their account. Periodicals and other continuations which form additional yearly liens on book funds are also listed in the order files, so statements of the condition of any General Library book fund can always be furnished on request.

This department has charge of the General Library binding which is done at the University Printing Office, but for periodicals being held for binding call should be made at the Reference Department. Records of those at the bindery are also kept there.

The General Library book fund is distributed by the Library Committee early in the autumn term and full details of the allotment are to be found in the printed report sent regularly to all members of the Academic Senate. Orders for books and subscriptions to new periodicals should be made on the order cards furnished by the library and should be signed by the head of the department or such members as have the authority of the department to do so. They must be filled out with approximately correct date as to place, publisher, and date of publication and[27] should be checked with the catalogue before being handed in. When notification of the receipt of a book is desired both parts of the special double card must be filled out; merely to sign the second half is not sufficient. As a large purchaser the library buys in the cheapest markets and ships by freight, therefore under normal conditions current American books take at least six weeks and European importations four months to reach Berkeley. Cards for books needed at once should be marked “Rush” so that they may be obtained close at hand or secured by express, but it should be noted that anticipation of needs will aid the department book funds, for postage or expressage on rush books is made a part of the cost of such books.

When books are already here or on order the cards will be annotated with the call number, “in process,” or “on order” and returned to the person who asked for them. Additional copies will only be purchased on special request and not more than two copies in all can be bought from General Library funds. Books or magazines for departmental libraries are ordered in the usual way through the library, but must be paid for from the departmental budget, and to avoid misunderstanding the fund should be indicated under the proper heading. Suggestions as to desirable[28] material to be obtained by gift or exchange will always be welcome. Suggestions for purchase of books of general interest should be sent to the Associate Librarian, but material dealing with any subject of instruction or investigation recognized by the University should be brought to the attention of the head of the department most interested.


I. Library Privileges, including the right to draw books for home use, are allowed to:

1. Regents, faculty, and officers of the University holding Regents’ appointments, and, on application, officers of institutions of higher learning in Berkeley.

2. (a) Registered students, graduate and undergraduate of all departments in Berkeley.

(b) Students of the Medical School, the Colleges of Dentistry and Pharmacy, and Hastings College of Law, on showing evidence of registration.

(c) Other employees of the University, at the request and on the guarantee of their respective department heads, may be granted privileges similar to those of students.

3. (a) Graduates of the University in residence in the Bay region on depositing five dollars[29] with the Comptroller, this to be returned if record is clear when privilege is no longer desired. Graduates living in other parts of the state may borrow through their local libraries.

(b) Students living in the Bay region and formerly registered in the Graduate Division but no longer connected with the University may obtain library privileges by presenting written request endorsed by Dean of Graduate Division and making a deposit of five dollars.

4. Others who make application endorsed by two members of the Academic Senate and pay to the Comptroller an annual fee of ten dollars. Exemption from the payment of this fee may be made by the Librarians in the case of officials of the federal or state government, visiting scholars, or any other exceptional applicants.

Former officials of the University, former students who did not graduate, graduates of other universities, University Extension students, and faculties of local schools or colleges other than those mentioned in paragraph 1 can only obtain library privileges under section 4.

II. Use of Books.

1. Certain classes of material may be used only within the building. Among these are the University archives, typewritten theses, the serial[30] set of United States government publications, U.S. topographical maps, the collection of bound pamphlets, books shelved in room 320 and all books marked with a double asterisk (**).

2. Current magazines, bound periodicals in class C, books shelved in Reading Room, Reserved Book Room and seminars may only be taken out twenty minutes before closing and must be returned within twenty minutes of opening next day.

III. Faculty Privileges.

Apart from specially restricted material, the members of the faculty and those with similar privileges may withdraw books or magazines for home use without limit as to number of volumes or length of time, excepting that:

1. Modern English fiction (class 961) is restricted to two weeks.

2. Unbound periodicals which have been in the library thirty days and bound periodicals (other than class C) shelved in the Periodical Annex may be drawn only for four days, with privilege of renewal if not in demand.

3. Any book may be recalled at once for reserve or any other emergency.

4. Any book desired by another reader may be recalled as soon as it has been on loan two weeks.


5. All books must be returned or the charges renewed once a year.

6. Books must not be carried outside the state without special permission or left locked up in offices or houses when borrowers are away on vacation.

7. Faculty privileges do not include the right to confer borrowing powers on unauthorized persons, either directly or by lending books to them.

8. Transfers to other members of the faculty may be made, but will be accepted only when the recipient has assumed responsibility by signing a new charge slip or acknowledging the transfer in writing.

IV. Student Privileges.

1. Students and all others not specifically granted faculty privileges may not have more than four books for home use at one time. Overnight and periodical loans will be allowed in addition. In special cases assistants without Regents’ appointments and graduate students may obtain permission from the Associate Librarian to borrow more than four books at one time.

2. Books drawn for home use (excepting overnight charges) may be kept for two weeks. Bound periodicals shelved in the Annex are issued [32]only over night. Unbound periodicals in the library thirty days, may, however, be borrowed for four days.

3. All books and periodicals if not overdue and if not in demand may be renewed for the same length of time as the original charge.

4. Transfers of books between students will not be recognized. All books must be returned, discharged, and a new call slip signed by the borrower.

5. Any book may be recalled at once for reserve or any other emergency. A book becomes due the day recalled and if not returned on the third day overdue borrower is subject to the prescribed fines.

6. Books charged on a Library Use Slip and not returned the same day, when recalled will be treated as overdue and the borrower becomes subject to the prescribed fines.

V. Reserved Book Room.

Books shelved in this room in order that all students may have an equal opportunity to use them, are restricted as follows:

1. Only one book will be issued at one time, but a dictionary or an atlas will be allowed in addition.

2. A book charged on a white slip must be returned on the day issued or within the time[33] limit indicated if less than one day is allowed. It must not be taken from the building, lent to another reader, or left around the library, but returned and discharged as soon as original borrower can no longer continuously use it.

3. A book may be taken out on a pink slip on the usual overnight conditions.

VI. Seminars.

1. Books will be deposited in seminar rooms only at the request of professors or instructors. They will be placed on the shelves in the order of their shelf marks, and should be returned to their places when not in actual use. Such books must not be shut up in the table drawers. At the close of each term all books will be removed from the room excepting those needed during the next term.

2. Books deposited in seminar rooms if needed elsewhere may be withdrawn by library attendants; in such cases the person who requested the deposit will be notified if book is to be away more than one day.

3. Books deposited in seminar rooms are classed as reserved books, and must not be removed from the room where shelved. They may, however, be borrowed overnight subject to the usual procedure and regulations covering such charges. Students[34] must have written permission of the professor or instructor who placed book in seminar to borrow it for longer than over night. All books, whether borrowed by faculty or students, must be regularly charged at the Loan Desk.

4. The use of the seminar rooms is restricted to professors and instructors and to students for whom the privilege has been requested by them. Unauthorized persons must not be admitted by students. Seminar room doors must not be left open, excepting when classes are being held in the rooms.

5. Seminar rooms must be vacated by students when the library is closed. Closing hour week days is 10 P.M.; Sundays and vacation periods, 5 P.M.

Students failing to comply with the above seminar regulations are liable to forfeit seminar privileges.

VII. Library Fines and Penalties.

Fines on overdue books are not for the purpose of revenue. Indeed, they do not accrue to the funds of the library, but they have been proved necessary to obtain observance of the regulations made to protect the rights of all readers.

1. On reserved books drawn on white slips and[35] not returned to the discharging desk in the Reserved Book Room on the day on which drawn (or within the time limit if issued for a limited period) the fine is 50 cents a volume; this will be doubled on all books not returned before noon of the following day.

2. On books or periodicals drawn on pink overnight slips and not returned to the desk from which drawn twenty minutes after the opening hour the following day the fine is 50 cents a volume; this will be doubled on all books or periodicals not returned before noon.

3. On all other books and periodicals which become overdue the fine is 50 cents per volume if not returned on or before the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. On the tenth day the case will be referred to the Recorder and the delinquent is liable to be dropped from the rolls of the University. Failure to receive overdue notices does not relieve from penalty, for the date due is stamped in each book.

4. Readers are responsible for books drawn by them so long as their call slips remain unclaimed. Fines resulting from carelessness in this regard will not be remitted. Books merely left at the desk will be considered returned when found by a library attendant. Loss or misplacement of books or periodicals should be at once reported[36] and adjustment made, otherwise fines will be assessed as above on borrower charged with them.

5. Any person who marks, damages, or loses any library book or periodical shall be required to replace it by a new copy. If the volume is one of a set the loser becomes responsible for the perfecting of the set and if the book is out of print he will have to pay the current price of the book as far as it can be ascertained.

6. Any wilful damage to library furniture, equipment, or building will be repaired at the expense of the responsible person.

7. Any borrower for wilful or continuous violation of library regulations may be debarred by the Librarians from library privileges for the remainder of the current semester and for such other specified term as the President may direct.



Accessions department25
Accessions room4
Administrative rules and regulations28
Alumni, Library privileges of28
Archives room16
Bancroft Library3, 17
Bibliographies (trade)25
Book fund26
Book stack10
Book trade catalogues25
Books, How to take out11
Books, Ordering of25
Building, Description of3
California history collections17
California literature16
Call number9
Call slips11
Catalogues of other libraries10
Circulation department11
Chinese collection17
Classed subject catalogue8
Departmental libraries19
Description of library building3
Depository catalogue4, 10
Faculty privileges30
[38]Faculty publications16
Fines and penalties34
Historical sketch1
History 1 collection14
History sources library19
“Hold” cards12
HolidaysBack cover
Home use slip12
Inter-Library loans15
Karl Weinhold library17
Keys to seminars18
Keys to table drawers18
Kiang library (Chinese collection)17
Library fines and penalties34
Library hoursBack cover
Library of Congress catalogue10
Library of Congress classification5
Library of French Thought17
Library privileges28
Library use slip12
Loan desk3, 11
Loan department (Circulation department)11
Main Catalogue7
Mutilation of books36
New books24
Non-circulating books29
Order department (Accessions department)25
Overdue books13, 35
Periodical indexes23
Periodical room4, 22
Periodicals, Ordering of25
Permits to stack11
[39]Reading room, Size of4
Reading room collection22
Reference room4, 21
Reference department21
Removal slips9
Reserved book room3, 13
Reserved book room rules32
Reserving a book on loan12
Rowell classification6
Rules and regulations28
Seminar rooms18
Seminar rules33
Special collections16
Stack3, 10
Stack permits11
Student privileges31
Student publications16
Subject catalogue (alphabetical)7
Subject catalogue (classed)8
Union depository catalogue4, 10
United States Government publications23
University and college publications24
Use of books29
Violation of library regulations36
Volumes in University Library2
Weinhold Library17


During Session:

Monday to Saturday, 8 A.M. to 10 P.M.

Sundays, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.

Vacation Schedule:

Monday to Saturday, 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.

Sundays, closed.

The Library is closed Christmas and New Year’s Day. Offices are closed on other administrative holidays, but public departments are open as usual.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of University of California Library
Handbook 1918-1919, by University of California


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