Project Gutenberg's Selections from Viri Romae, by Charles Franēois L'Homond This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Selections from Viri Romae Author: Charles Franēois L'Homond Editor: Robert Arrowsmith Charles Knapp Release Date: August 1, 2010 [EBook #33311] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK SELECTIONS FROM VIRI ROMAE *** Produced by Louise Hope, Juliet Sutherland and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at [This text is intended for users whose text readers cannot use the "real" (Unicode/UTF-8) version of the file. The main difference is that letters with macron ("long" mark) are shown instead with circumflex accents: āźīōū ĀŹĪŌŪ Long y (rare) is unmarked in the body text, and shown as y: in the Glossary. The circumflex accent in its own right does not occur. There is no Greek in this book. Boldface text is shown with #marks#, sans-serif type (only in the Advertising) with =marks=, and italics with _lines_. The text as printed includes several hundred cross-references to footnotes, numbered from 1 on each page, and to lines of text, numbered continuously within each selection. Each selection is therefore given twice, in "stripped" and "as printed" forms. In the complete form, all page numbers and line breaks have been retained. Words split across line or page breaks may appear on either the first or second line, depending on space. Footnote anchors are shown in [brackets], page numbers in [[double brackets]] on separate lines, and line numbers in {braces} at the end of the line. The printed line numbers use multiples of five; in the e-text, some numbers have been moved up or down when required by line length. The stripped form gives the bare text, without macrons. Note that selections XXVIII-XXX were edited; see first footnote to XXVIII. The two large maps can be found in the "images" directory associated with the HTML version of this text, under the names frontis_large.jpg and foldout_large.jpg. Map thumbnails and the other illustrations-- mainly line drawings-- are in the same place.] [Illustration {map of Italian peninsula}] SELECTIONS from VIRI ROMAE Edited By ROBERT ARROWSMITH, Ph.D. Late Professor Of Greek And Latin, Teachers College and CHARLES KNAPP, Ph.D. Instructor In Latin, Barnard College [Decoration] New York ·:· Cincinnati ·:· Chicago AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY Copyright, 1896, by AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY. VIRI ROMAE. W. P. 18 PREFACE [Decoration] Upon the reviving perception of the true scope of Latin teaching has followed a return to some of the methods of former times, which, with all their faults, were yet imbued with the true spirit of the Classics. Since for many years the study of Latin lay in bondage to the spirit which regarded the language merely as a _corpus vile_ for grammatical dissection, and ignored the rich literature lying beyond the classical trinity of authors, it is not surprising that it fell into disfavor as unsuited to the requirements of the times. The revival upon which the study has now entered is due largely to a recognition of the fact that mental culture rather than mere mental training is its true aim, and that, with this aim kept steadily in view, the study of Latin is not a barren waste of time and energy, but a most potent agency in securing that broad and sympathetic culture which must ever remain the mark of the educated man. The results of classical study most valuable to the character are surely not to be found in the ability, usually lost after a few years, to recite paradigms faultlessly, to give the principal parts of verbs, and to enumerate the various kinds of _cum_-constructions and the subdivisions of the ablative. Of far greater worth are the mental breadth and sympathy, the weakening of prejudice and Philistinism, and the increased power of entering into higher forms of enjoyment which must inevitably flow from the study of the life of a great people as revealed in its literature and art. This conception of the sphere of Latin study has brought with it some modifications of the initial steps and a return to some of the texts in use fifty years since. In the traditional sequence of authors, and particularly in the selection of a purely military work as the means by which to introduce the student to the language, the entrance into the fields of Latin literature has frequently been made so distasteful as to destroy the desire for further exploration. More attractive paths, however, are opening to the beginner; and of these the _Viri Romae_ offers in a notable degree material of real interest to the young, and, from the very outset, gives a foretaste of the contents of the literature. The history of this work is of interest, as showing an early recognition of the correctness of the standpoint to which we are now returning. It was compiled by a Professor of the University of Paris, Charles Franēois Lhomond, who lived from 1727 to 1794, and enjoyed an enviable reputation as a successful teacher, especially of younger pupils. His experience taught him the need of an introductory text combining interest of story with simplicity of style. The best proof of the excellence of his work is the fact that it has ever since remained a favorite with teachers of Latin. The material is taken from the works of various authors, chiefly Livy and Eutropius, but was simplified by Lhomond in vocabulary and construction wherever necessary to fit it to the requirements of beginners. As its title indicates, it deals with the early stories of Rome, so fascinating in any dress to the young, and it is therefore eminently fitted to arouse a desire for further reading. The present edition has been prepared with reference to the difficulties most likely to embarrass the young pupil at the outset of the new study. One of the most perplexing of these difficulties is the inability to discover in an alphabetical vocabulary the inflected forms encountered in the text. This is met, in part at least, by giving in italics in the footnotes the vocabulary form of verbs not easily recognizable. For a similar reason grammatical constructions are, on their first occurrence, explained in simple language, or their nature briefly indicated, in order that the student may more intelligently consult the grammatical references which follow. For purposes of comparison, and as a means of helping the pupil to form proper habits of study and observation, subsequent occurrences are referred to previous instances, or to the tables of constructions on pages xvi-xxvi. Although the compiler of the _Viri Romae_ greatly simplified the language of his authorities, there yet remain in the early part of the book many constructions which the beginner is not fitted to discuss. It is strongly recommended, therefore, that the treatment of the more difficult and complex of these constructions be postponed to a later period. At the outset the attention of the pupil should be centered upon matters of primary importance and upon the simplest and most common usages, such as the form of the sentence, the relation of its parts to one another, the significance of terminations, and the modes of expressing the constantly recurring relations of time, place, cause, means, purpose, and result. Even these should be treated as simply as possible and with constant regard to English usage. It is the experience of many teachers that reference to a Latin grammar to explain a construction possessed by English as well as by Latin frequently creates a difficulty where the student, if left to his own devices, would have experienced none. The notes on matters of Roman custom have been made intentionally full with the aim of adding reality to the stories, and of inducing the pupil, under the teacher's guidance, to discover for himself further details. The use of other accounts, whether in ancient or modern authors, of photographs, plates, and other graphic aids can not be too strongly encouraged, in accordance with the dictum of Horace:-- Segnius irritant animos demissa per aures Quam quae sunt oculis subiecta fidelibus. All vowels known to be long have been carefully marked. The text of this edition is, in the main, that of C. Holzer (tenth edition, Stuttgart, 1889). In orthography, however, Brambach has been followed. In the vocabulary compound verbs are given under the simple verbs as an aid to the fuller appreciation of the methods by which they are formed and their meanings derived. The exercises in prose composition have been made simple in order that they may occupy their legitimate place as subordinate and auxiliary to the development of the more important reading power. The thanks of the editors are due to Mr. E. G. Warner, of the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, for his hearty coöperation in the work, and particularly for the labor which he has expended upon the exercises. ROBERT ARROWSMITH. CHARLES KNAPP. August, 1895. CONTENTS [Decoration] PAGE Suggestions to the Student ix Plan of Rome xxviii I. Rōmānī Imperiī Exōrdium 1 II. Rōmulus 4 III. Numa Pompilius 8 IV. Tullus Hostīlius 10 V. Ancus Mārcius 15 VI. Lūcius Tarquinius Prīscus 17 VII. Servius Tullius 19 VIII. Tarquinius Superbus 22 IX. Iūnius Brūtus 25 X. Mūcius Scaevola 26 XI. Fabiī Trecentī Sex 27 XII. Lūcius Virgīnius 29 XIII. Titus Mānlius Torquātus 30 XIV. Pūblius Decius 35 XV. Mānius Curius 36 XVI. Gāius Duīlius 38 XVII. Mārcus Atīlius Rźgulus 39 XVIII. Appius Claudius Pulcher 42 XIX. Quīntus Fabius Māximus 43 XX. Aemilius Paulus et Terentius Varrō 48 XXI. Pūblius Cornźlius Scīpio Āfricānus 52 XXII. Tiberius Gracchus et Gāius Gracchus 63 XXIII. Gāius Marius 68 XXIV. Lūcius Cornźlius Sulla 74 XXV. Lūcius Lūcullus 77 XXVI. Gnaeus Pompźius Māgnus 80 XXVII. Gāius Iūlius Caesar 86 XXVIII. Mārcus Tullius Cicerō 96 XXIX. Mārcus Brūtus 102 XXX. Octāviānus Caesar Augustus 103 Exercises for Translation 112 Vocabulary 131 SUGGESTIONS TO THE STUDENT [Decoration] To read Latin quickly and intelligently, and to enjoy the reading properly, we must possess (1) a vocabulary, _i.e._ a collection of Latin words with whose meanings, whether used singly or in combination, we are thoroughly familiar; (2) a knowledge of the inflectional system of the language, _i.e._ its declensions and conjugations; (3) a knowledge of its syntax; and (4) a knowledge of the plan upon which the Latin sentence is constructed, or, in other words, we must be able to overcome the difficulties arising out of the peculiar order of the words and clauses that form a Latin sentence. #Vocabulary.#--Words are the material out of which sentences are constructed. Hence it is of prime importance to know their meanings. The best way, in fact the only way, to acquire a vocabulary, is by constant reading, and by noting carefully the force of individual words as they occur. It soon becomes evident that certain words are very frequently used, especially verbs which denote actions that have to do with everyday life, such as _dīcō_, _eō_, _faciō_, _habeō_, _veniō_, _sum_, and their compounds. These at least must be mastered at the very outset. It is worth while to notice what prefixes are used in forming compound verbs, and the modifications of meaning which they produce. If the force of the simple verb is mastered, a little practice will enable the student to detect at sight the meaning of any of its compounds without reference to any dictionary. It is useful also to group together in memory words derived from the same stem, _e.g._ _canō_, _cantus_; _certō_, _certāmen_; _dūcō_, _dux_; _regō_, _rźx_, _rźgius_; _caedō_, _caedźs_. A specially interesting study consists in noting the English words which go back to Latin originals. From various causes a large part of our English vocabulary is borrowed from Latin. Cf. _donate_ with _dōnō_ and _dōnum_, _lucid_ with _lūx_, _regent_ with _rźx_ and _regō_. Finally, it will be found very helpful constantly to read Latin aloud, for thus the _ear_ will help the _eye_ and words will have meaning when _heard_ as well as when _seen_. Indeed, we ought to use our ears far more than our eyes in acquiring a Latin vocabulary, in order that Latin words, when heard, shall suggest at once to our minds the same pictures which they suggested to the minds of Roman boys. #Inflections and Syntax.#--It is not enough, however, to be familiar with the meanings of individual words, however many we may succeed in mastering. We must possess a knowledge also of _inflections_, _i.e._ of the declensions and conjugations, which tell us how individual words may be altered in form in order to express different relations to other words, and of _syntax_, which tells us how words are combined together into sentences. A knowledge of inflections and an understanding of syntax are the tools by which we arrive at the meaning of sentences as a whole. As the wise workman uses the best and most efficient tools, so one who undertakes to read Latin with speed and pleasure must make his mastery of inflections and syntax as complete as possible. It is assumed that students of this book have already had some drill in the commoner inflections. The principles of syntax can best be studied as they occur in actual reading. The commonest, and therefore most important, are discussed in the notes and illustrated by appropriate references to the grammars in common use and by the tables of constructions on pages xvi to xxvi. A very practical way of fixing the principles of syntax firmly in mind is by frequent translation from English into Latin. It should be remembered, however, that we study syntax simply because such study enables us to read and enjoy the great works of Latin literature. #The Order of Words.#--The greatest difficulty that confronts the student of Latin literature is the fact that the order of the words in a Latin sentence is widely different from that which he ordinarily finds in an English sentence. This difference is due mainly to two causes. (1) Every Latin sentence is a kind of word picture, in which the meaning is developed stroke by stroke, _the separate parts being introduced in the order of their importance_. (2) It is a principle of Latin to keep the meaning in suspense until the very end, so that the last word completes not only the form, but also the meaning of the sentence. Both these principles may be seen at work in lines 1 to 5 of selection I, page 1. _Proca_ naturally stands first, partly because the whole work is a story of the deeds of men, partly because at this point he is especially important, as being the reigning king, with power to choose his own successor. The phrase _rźx Albānōrum_ very properly follows, as defining the scene of the action. _Numitor_ and _Amūlius_ are next mentioned because the Latin loves to emphasize contrasts of persons. The sense of the whole is not complete till we reach the very last word, _habuit_. In the next sentence _Numitōrī_ is first, because now Numitor is more important, as being Proca's successor. The relative clause _quī . . . erat_ not only states a fact, but also gives the reason why Proca bequeathed his kingdom (_rźgnum relīquit_) to Numitor. So in the words _ut . . . fźcit_, the _ut_-clause tells why Amulius performed the act indicated by the words _Rhźam Silviam . . . fźcit_, so that by the time we know _what_ the act was we know also exactly _why_ it was performed. The Latin thus pictures the parts of the scene in their true order, for the motive in every case precedes the act. We see therefore that, however strange at times the Latin order may seem to be, there is always good reason for it. It is our task at the outset, as it soon will be our pleasure, to determine just what this reason is. Now this freer order of words in the Latin sentence is rendered possible by the fact that Latin possesses an elaborate inflectional system, whereas English does not. Note, however, that one familiar with Latin declensions would know at once that in the first sentence discussed above Proca was actor (_i.e._ subject), and Numitor and Amulius acted upon (_i.e._ object). So in the sentence _ut . . . fźcit_ it is clear that Amulius is the actor and that Rhea Silvia is acted upon. Thus the inflectional system serves to relieve, in part at least, the very difficulty which it creates. #How to Read.#--By far the best way for the beginner to make himself familiar with the Latin order and its meaning is to _make a practice from the very outset of reading the sentence aloud from beginning to end before attempting to translate at all_. If the meaning is not clear at once, a repetition of such reading will often serve to make it clear, provided the student knows the force of the individual words and constructions. If he does not, he must seek the aid of the vocabulary or the notes. Then let him read the sentence once more aloud, slowly and carefully. He should not, however, look into either vocabulary or notes until he has read the Latin through at least once. Progress at first will necessarily be slow, but it will be sure. By every page read in the manner indicated above the pupil is preparing himself to read with more and more intelligence and pleasure the pages that remain. Besides, in this way he reads his Latin precisely as he reads English, word after word, in the order in which it is written, and precisely as a Roman boy 1800 years ago read his Latin story or poem. He will gain further the advantage of training his ear as well as his eye and of making it do its fair share of the work. In translating, too, it will be wise to follow as closely as possible the Latin order. Often it will be found that the resulting English order, even if not very common, is none the less intelligible. So the sentence _ut . . . fźcit_ discussed above may be translated almost exactly in the Latin order. LATIN COMPOSITION #Its Value.#--An exercise which is very practical and helpful, and which may also become extremely delightful, is the rendering into Latin of English sentences based upon that portion of the Latin text which has already been carefully studied. This exercise is helpful, because it calls upon us to put into practice the knowledge which we have acquired in reading; it may become delightful because it shows us accurately the measure of our advance and thus affords us the pleasure which comes from the feeling that one is making sure progress in a given line of study. #Essentials.#--To write Latin well one needs precisely the things which we found necessary in reading (page ix). The words and constructions required in the sentences for translation given on pages 112 to 129 are illustrated by the corresponding pages of the Latin text. The pupil should always endeavor to recall the word, inflectional form, phrase, or construction for himself before referring to his text or to his grammar. In other words, he should make the exercise one of thought rather than of mere mechanical copying from a printed model. #The Object.#--We read the Latin text in order to understand the thoughts of the writer. So in turning English sentences into Latin our chief object is to clothe the _thoughts_ which such sentences convey in proper Latin dress, not merely to substitute Latin _words_ for English _words_. Every language has its own peculiar expressions, which are called _idioms_. Such expressions can never be literally translated from one language into another. Hence in attempting to turn an English sentence into Latin, we must begin by noting carefully the thought which it expresses, and then consider how the Romans gave expression to that thought. #Choice of Expression.#--In Latin, just as in English, it often happens that the same thought may be expressed in several ways, which differ greatly in the words used as well as in the form and expression. In English it is often impossible to give a reason for the choice of one form of expression in preference to others. Sometimes the choice is made consciously for the sake of variety, or because there is a very slight shade of difference in meaning,--so slight that we can perhaps feel it, but cannot put it into words; sometimes unconsciously, because every one falls into the habit of using certain phrases and manners of speech with no deeper reason than the habit. The same is true of Latin writers. Their various forms of expression have been noted and collected, and we find them laid down in the grammars as _rules_. Some of these expressions are found to be used by the best writers more frequently than others, and these are considered the best models. But the student must avoid the error of confining himself absolutely to one iron-bound form because most stress is laid upon it by the grammars, if he finds other modes of expression in the writings of good authors. By searching out the greatest variety of forms in which an idea may be expressed, by trying to discover the differences in meaning between them, and by placing yourself as far as possible in the writer's place, you will gain a far greater grasp and appreciation of the language than by learning a single rigid rule and forcing it to fit every case. One of the central ideas of the following exercises, then, should be to render the thought in as many ways as possible, drawing your authority from the text on which the exercise is based, as well as from your grammar. Examine the tables on pages xvi to xxvi, where you will find several of the most important constructions treated. Compare the examples given and try to trace out the reasons for the different forms. In many cases you will not be able to do so, and are free to choose one of several modes of expression. In others the meaning of the sentences and the aid of the grammar will give the reason for your choice. #Caution.#--The pupil should note that all the words and constructions necessary to enable him to write in Latin the sentences given below, pages 112 to 129, are to be found on the pages of the Latin text upon which the exercises are based. _An English-Latin vocabulary or dictionary is, therefore, wholly unnecessary._ Additional sentences based on the text may be made up by student or teacher as required. TABLES OF CONSTRUCTIONS The following tables have been prepared for the purpose of affording the pupil material for study and comparison, by grouping together under appropriate heads examples of certain constructions as they actually occur in this book. It is expected that they will be helpful to the student in two ways: (1) by supplementing and illustrating the notes, and (2) by affording him guides which he may follow in his writing of Latin. No attempt whatever has been made to include under any given head all the examples that are to be found in the text. The pupil will find it both interesting and instructive to add to the lists himself as he finds new instances in his own reading. _A._ EXPRESSIONS OF PLACE 1. PLACE AT OR NEAR WHICH: #Rōmae#, VII, 26, and often; #Tarentī#, XV, 30; salūbriōra #mīlitiae# quam #domī# esse iuvenum corpora, IV, 70 (locative: chiefly used with names of towns);--#in siccō#, I, 10; #in iīs locīs#, I, 11; #in# (on) #sinistrīs manibus#, II, 21; #in colle Quirīnālī#, II, 54; #in ārā#, III, 4; #in mediā urbe#, V, 23; ponte . . #in# (over) #Tiberī# factō, #in# (at) #ōre# Tiberis, V, 27;--#multīs locīs#, XXV, 17; #terrā marīque#, XXI, 125;--#apud Tīcīnum# amnem . . #apud Trebiam#, XIX, 16;--#ad# Caprae #palūdem#, II, 44; #ad# tertium #lapidem#, XIII, 12; #ad flūmen# Bagradam, XVII, 18. _B._ EXPRESSIONS OF MOTION 1. PLACE FROM WHICH: #Curibus# . . accītus est, III, 2; #Tarquiniīs# . . profectus, VI, 1 (simple abl., especially with names of towns);--#ā portā# . . pergit, XIII, 5; #ab urbe# profectus, XIII, 13; #ā lūdīs# pūblicīs revertźns, XVIII, 17;--dźlābitur #ź caelō scissō# scūtum, III, 15; #ex eō locō# . . aufūgerat, IV, 20; dōnec novae cōpiae #ex Āfricā# advenīrent, XVII, 3; #ex angustiīs# źvāsit, XIX, 38. 2. PLACE TOWARDS WHICH: #Albam# properāvit, I, 25; Quī cum #Rōmam# vźnisset, III, 3; #Rōmam# also in IV, 64, V, 20, and often; Pergunt inde #Collātiam#, VIII, 21; Profectus #Delphōs#, IX, 4; #Carthāginem# rediit, XVII, 54; #domum# dźdūcunt, IV, 31; #domum# refugiźns, VII, 45; cum . . #domum# redīret, VII, 48 (simple accusative, chiefly with names of towns);--Cum lupa saepius #ad parvulōs# . . reverterźtur, I, 16; Remum . . #ad Amūlium# rźgem perdūxźrunt, I, 27; #ad Gabīnōs# sź contulit, VIII, 4;--#in Āfricam# . . trāiźcit, XVII, 15; #in Ītaliam# vźnit, XIX, 15; abiźcit #in Tiberim#, I, 7; Sabīnōs #in urbem# recźpit, II, 38; aciem #in# (to) #collem# subdūxit, IV, 58; cum #in# (upon) #tribūnal# źscendisset, XII, 20; #In# (against) #eum# . . rediit, IV, 22; ausae sunt sź #inter tźla# . . īnferre, II, 36. 3. WAY BY WHICH: #portā# (abl. of means) #quā# profectī erant, XI, 19; #Per# (over) #loca alta# āgmen dūcźbat, XIX, 23; Quī cum . . #per montźs, per silvās# hūc illūc discurrerent, XIX, 35. _C._ EXPRESSIONS OF TIME[I.1] 1. TIME AT WHICH: #Posterō diź#, IV, 61, VIII, 24; #Prīmō impetū#, II, 29; #Kalendīs Mārtiīs#, III, 20; #eā tempestāte#, VI, 17; #nocte mediā#, XIX, 68. 2. TIME WITHIN WHICH OR IN THE COURSE OF WHICH: #Annō trecentźsimō# ab urbe conditā, XII, 1; #eōdem annō#, XIII, 11; #bellō Latīnō#, XIV, 11; #hōc bellō#, XIV, 12; #in proeliō#, VI, 26; #In proeliō quōdam, in quō#, VII, 8; #In quō bellō#, XV, 2.[I.2] 3. AGE: fīlium #tredecim annōrum#, VI, 25; Hannibal . . #novem annōs nātus#, XIX, 1. [Footnote I.1: See also below, Ablative Absolute, _K_ 3.] [Footnote I.2: The form with #in# is the more exact.] _D._ DURATION OF TIME AND EXTENT OF SPACE 1. DURATION OF TIME: Rōmulus #septem# et #trīgintā# rźgnāvit #annōs#, III, 38; rźgnāvit #annōs duōs# et #trīgintā#, IV, 75; rźgnāvit #annōs quattuor# et #quadrāgintā#, VII, 52; #per tōtum bīduum#, XIII, 87; #omnī deinde vītā#, XIII, 60. (This last form should not be imitated.) 2. EXTENT OF SPACE: Iam #aliquantum# spatiī . . aufūgerat, IV, 20; centum et vīgintī #pedźs# longum, XVII, 27; quīnque diźrum #iter# . . abest, XXI, 163. _E._ EXPRESSIONS OF PURPOSE 1. Pure purpose: #ut# or #nź# with the subjunctive: #ut# eum subole #prīvāret#, I, 3; #ut# populum ferum religiōne #mītigāret#, III, 3; #ut esset# index pācis et bellī, III, 25;--#nź# fūrtō auferrī #posset#, III, 16; #nź# duo violenta ingenia mātrimōniō #iungerentur#, VII, 38. 2. Relative clause: mīsit #quī# societātem . . #peterent#, II, 5; Centum . . źlźgit, #quōrum# cōnsiliō omnia #ageret#, II, 40; sacerdōtźs lźgit, #quī# ancīlia . . #cūstōdīrent# et . . #ferrent#, III, 19; Rōmam missus, #ubi# (= ut ibi) . . #interesset#, XXVIII, 8. 3. #Quō#[I.3] (whereby) with subjunctive: #quō frequentius habitārźtur#, IV, 66 (see note); #quō minor# turba Rōmae #foret#, XVIII, 21; #quō diūtius# in magistrātū #esset#, XIX, 46. 4. Gerundive: coniugī dedit #źducandōs#, I, 19; īgnem . . perpetuō #alendum# virginibus dedit, III, 4; agellum #colendum# locāvit, XVII, 36; #ad exercitum lūstrandum#, II, 44; mīlitźs #ad vindicandum# facinus accendit, XII, 26. 5. Future participle: quasi dź pāce #āctūrus#, rź vźrā ut tempus extraheret, XVII, 2 (see note). 6. Supine: aquam . . #petītum# ierat, II, 17; ź suīs ūnum . . mittit #scīscitātum#, VIII, 8; Cum . . lźgātī Rōmam vźnissent #conquestum#, XIII, 81; pecora . . quae #pāstum# prōpulsa essent, XIX, 63. 7. Substantive clauses: adfīrmāns . . Rōmulum . . praecipere #ut# sźditiōnibus #abstinźrent# et rem mīlitārem #colerent#, II, 51-53; Latīnōrum populīs suāsit #ut# . . fānum Diānae . . in Aventīnō monte #aedificārent#, VII, 25; optāvit #ut# frāter . . #revīvīsceret# atque iterum classem #āmitteret#, XVIII, 19; źdīxit #nź# quis . . in hostźs #pūgnāret#, XIII, 42; Veritus autem #nź# . . poenās #daret#, XVI, 21; petiit ā patribus cōnscrīptīs #nź# quid dź eā rź #statuerent#, XIII, 83. [Footnote I.3: This is merely a special form of (2), but its importance entitles it to separate treatment.] _F._ EXPRESSIONS OF RESULT 1. Pure result: #ut# or #ut nōn# with the subjunctive: ita omnium animōs eā pietāte imbuit #ut# fidźs . . cīvźs #continźret#, III, 33; adeō frāctī . . sunt spīritūs . . #ut# nūllī reī posthāc nisi sacrīs operam #daret#, IV, 72; ita eōs adliciźns #ut# apud omnźs plūrimum #posset#, VIII, 6. Note that in the main clause there is usually some word like #ita#, #adeō#, #tam#, #tālis#, #is#, which paves the way for the result clause. 2. Relative (characteristic): invenīrī potuit nźmō, #quī . . peteret#, XXIII, 119; Ūnus adulźscźns fuit, #quī audźret# querī, XXIV, 50. Here too belongs #quīn# with the subjunctive: haud procul erat #quīn . . āgnōsceret#, I, 33; nōn esse dubium #quīn . . oportźret#, XVI, 27; Nźminī dubium est #quīn . . restituerit#, XIX, 105. 3. Substantive: (Rōmulus dīxit) #futūrum ut# omnium gentium dominī #exsisterent#, II, 53; #oportet# dīsciplīnam, quam solvistī, . . #restituās#, XIII, 54; #concessum est ut# . . praecinente tībīcine ā cźnā #redīret#, XVI, 16. _G._ TEMPORAL CLAUSES[I.4] 1. #Ubi#, #ut#, or #postquam# with the indicative mood, especially the perfect tense: #Ubi# spectāculī tempus #vźnit#, II, 11; #Ut . . increpuźre# arma micantźsque #fulsźre# gladiī, IV, 13; Is #postquam adolźvit#, VII, 7; Quī #postquam# frequentźs #convźnźre#, XIII, 52. 2. #Dum# (while) with the indicative (the tense employed is generally the present): Ea rźs #dum# Numitōris animum anxium #tenet#, I, 36; #dum# Albānus exercitus #inclāmat# Cūriātiīs, IV, 23; Latīnus #dum# ad Tiberim #dźscendit#, sacerdōs bovem immolāvit, VII, 34. 3. #Dum#, #dōnec# (until) with the subjunctive: #dum convalźsceret# (indirect discourse also), VII, 17; ut tempus extrāheret, #dōnec# novae cōpiae ex Āfricā #advenīrent#, XVII, 3 (partly purpose). 4. #Antequam# and #priusquam# with the subjunctive: Alterum . . #priusquam# tertius #posset# cōnsequī, interfźcit, IV, 24; #priusquam# eīs bellum #indīceret#, lźgātum mīsit quī rźs repeteret, V, 7; petiit . . nź quid . . statuerent #antequam# ipse #īnspexisset# Macedonum . . causam, XIII, 83 (indirect discourse). 5. #Cum# with the imperfect or pluperfect subjunctive: #cum# iīs #īnsidiātī essent# latrōnźs, I, 22; #cum# Numitor . . #comparāret#, I, 30; #cum# (as) Rōmae #appropinquārent#, II, 15; cum (while) . . cōntiōnem . . #habźret#, II, 44; Quī #cum# Rōmam #vźnisset#, III, 2. This form of temporal clause is extremely common. [Footnote I.4: Cf. also Ablative Absolute, _K_ 3.] _H._ CAUSAL CLAUSES[I.5] 1. Relative clause with the subjunctive: quīppe #quī cerneret# ferrum ante oculōs micāns, accūsātiōnem dīmīsit, XIII, 8; cum in eam cīvitātem animadvertere dźcrźvisset #quae# (= cum ea) sibi #adversāta fuisset#, XXVII, 37. 2. #Cum# with the subjunctive: #Cum# vźrō uxōrźs . . nōn #habźrent#, lźgātōs circā vīcīnās gentźs mīsit, II, 3; #cum# sź invidiōsum . . #vidźret#, Vźientźs . . adversus Rōmānōs concitāvit, IV, 55; #Cum# . . facinora clandestīna #fierent#, Ancus carcerem . . aedificāvit, V, 21-25. 3. #Quod#,[I.6] #quia#, #quoniam#, or #quandō#, with the indicative: #quia# tribus impār #erat#, . . fugam capessīvit, IV, 18; #quandōquidem . . pūgnāvistī#, XIII, 53; #quia# nōn #pāruistī#, XIII, 77. 4. #Quod# with the subjunctive: cum sź invidiōsum apud cīvźs vidźret, #quod# bellum ūnō paucōrum certāmine #fīnīsset#, IV, 55-56 (see note); Tarquinius fīlium . . #quod# in proeliō hostem #percussisset#, praetextā . . dōnāvit, VI, 25-27. 5. #Quasi# with the subjunctive (assumed reason): eum accūsantźs, #quasi# Numitōris agrōs īnfźstāre #solitus esset#, I, 28; Is cum īrātus ad mortem dūcī iussisset mīlitem, #quasi# (because, as was supposed,) #interfźcisset# commīlitōnem, XIII, 65. NOTE.--These clauses resemble those in 4, as giving the reason ascribed to some one other than the writer. They show also that the reason is fictitious, and invented by the person who advances it. [Footnote I.5: Cf. also Ablative Absolute, _K_ 4.] [Footnote I.6: These conjunctions are regularly used with the indicative. They are employed with the subjunctive only when the writer is indirectly quoting the reason given by some one else.] _I._ CONCESSIVE OR ADVERSATIVE CLAUSES 1. #Cum# (although) with the subjunctive: #cum retinźrźtur# ā propinquīs et amīcīs, tamen Carthāginem rediit, XVII, 53. 2. #Quamquam# with the indicative: #quamquam . . pellźbātur#, XXI, 242. 3. #Quamvīs# with the subjunctive: #quamvīs sīs# molestus, XXVI, 158. _J._ CUM CLAUSES The temporal, causal, and concessive uses of #cum# have already been given separately. #Cum# was originally a temporal conjunction. From the temporal idea were developed its other meanings. So the English _when_ frequently contains the ideas of time and cause, or time and concession combined, and _while_ also is frequently at once temporal and concessive. So #cum# also may represent these ideas in combination as well as separately. In many cases, indeed, it is difficult, if not impossible, to decide which meaning is more prominent: cf. #Cum# (_when_ and _since_) lupa saepius ad parvulōs . . #reverterźtur#, I, 16; Hīs artibus #cum# (_when_ and _although_) Hannibalem Fabius . . #clausisset#, ille . . sź expedīvit, XIX, 31. _K._ THE ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE 1. FORM.--The ablative absolute consists usually of a noun and a participle. The participle is generally passive, but often active: #Eō rźgnante#, IV, 3; #relābente flūmine#, I, 9. 2. Often, however, the ablative absolute consists of a noun and adjective, or of two nouns, or a noun and pronoun. In such cases there is an ellipsis of the lost present participle of #sum#: #māgnā glōriā# bellī, IV, 75; #parī# ferź #ōrnātū#, X, 6; #Appiō iūdice#, XII, 15; #Valeriō# et #Cossō cōnsulibus#, XIV, 1. 3. MEANING.--The ablative absolute may denote TIME; compare Temporal Clauses, _G_ 1, 2, and 5. #pulsō frātre#, rźgnāvit, I, 3; #Eā rź cōgnitā#, parvulōs . . abiźcit in Tiberim, I, 5; #armātīs pāstōribus#, Albam properāvit, I, 25. NOTE.--This is the original and most frequent use of the ablative absolute. 4. CAUSE: compare Causal Clauses, _H_ 2 and 3. #ortā# inter eōs #contentiōne#, I, 40; dūrissimā squāmārum #lōrīcā# omnia tźla facile #repellente#, XVII, 22; in cōnfertā multitūdine aegrź #prōcźdente carpentō#, XVIII, 17. 5. CONCESSION: agrum źius, #omnibus# circā #vāstātīs#, intāctum relīquit, XIX, 39. 6. Often time and cause together: compare note on Cum Clauses, _J_. Examples are: #mīlitibus# sźgnius #dīmicantibus#, raptum sīgnum in hostem mīsit, VII, 9; #occīsō Tatiō#, ad Rōmulum potentātus omnis recidit, II, 40. 7. CONDITION: #rź# male #gestā# (if he fails), XVI, 31; nź, #dźsertō# agrō, nōn esset (lest, if he neglected his farm, he might not have), XVII, 34. 8. MEANS: #advectīs ballistīs# et #catapultīs# (by bringing up, etc.) . . dźiciendus hostis fuit, XVII, 23. 9. ATTENDANT CIRCUMSTANCE: #crīnibus passīs#, II, 36; #māgnā glōriā# bellī rźgnāvit, IV, 75; scrībā cum rźge #parī ferź ōrnātū# sedźbat, X, 6. 10. The ablative absolute is often best translated by the English perfect active participle with an object: #armātīs pāstōribus#, I, 25, _having armed_ the shepherds. A combination of an abl. abs. and a finite verb is often best rendered by two verbs in the same mood and tense: #interźmptō Amūliō#, Numitōrem in rźgnum #restituit#, I, 37, _he killed_ Amulius _and restored_ Numitor to the throne. _L._ PARTICIPLES In Latin the participles, especially the perfect passive participle, are used far more frequently than in English, and with a much larger variety of meanings. The use of the participle tends to produce brevity of expression. Thus the Latin participle may be equivalent to 1. A RELATIVE CLAUSE: #raptae# mulierźs, II, 35; Rōmānus . . male #sustinentem# (= quī male sustinźbat) arma Cūriātium cōnficit, IV, 29; ab laniō cultrō #adreptō# (with a knife _which he caught up_ from a butcher's stall), XII, 24; #volentibus# (= eīs quī volźbant) cōnsulere sź dź iūre praebuit, XIII, 97. 2. A CAUSAL CLAUSE: necessitāte #compulsus# indicāvit, I, 24; nōmina mūtāre nōn potuit #dźterritus# . . Nāviī auctōritāte, VI, 16; Hōc terrōre cźterī #adāctī# nōmina prōmptius dedźrunt, XV, 25. 3. A CONCESSIVE CLAUSE: #victus# (though beaten) crucis supplicium effūgit, XVI, 30. 4. Latin often uses a perfect passive participle in agreement with a noun, where, judging from English usage, we should expect a noun with a limiting genitive: ob #virginźs# raptās (on account of the _seizure of_ the maidens), II, 14; Annō trecentźsimō ab #urbe conditā# (from the _founding of_ the city), XII, 1. 5. English is fond of coördinated verbs, that is, verbs in exactly the same mood, tense, and construction, _e.g._ 'They took the ass and saddled him.' Latin, however, objects to such constructions, and prefers to replace the former of the two verbs by some other form of expression, _e.g._ a passive or deponent participle. We have to notice here two classes of sentences: (_a_) Such sentences as fulmine #īctum cōnflagrāsse#, IV, 74, which = fulmine #īctum esse et cōnflagrāsse#, _i.e._ 'he _was struck_ by lightning _and burned_,' etc. (_b_) such sentences as the following: parvulōs alveō #impositōs abiźcit#, I, 6 = parvulōs alveō #imposuit et abiźcit#; #źlatam# secūrim in źius caput #dźiźcit#, VI, 37 = #extulit# secūrim #et# in źius caput #dźiźcit#; cōniugem ź Cūriā #źvocātum# . . rźgem #salūtāvit#, VII, 47 = cōniugem ź Cūriā #źvocāvit et# eum rźgem #salūtāvit#. _M._ INDIRECT DISCOURSE 1. INDIRECT DISCOURSE DEFINED.--The terms _Direct Discourse_ and _Indirect Discourse_ denote the two distinct ways in which a writer may quote the statement or represent the thought of another person. If the writer gives the exact words in which the statement was made, or in which the thought was formulated (if put into words at all), he is said to use the _direct_ discourse. If, on the other hand, he gives merely the substance or the gist of his own or another's statements or thoughts, he is said to use the _indirect_ discourse. In Latin, as in English, the indirect discourse is more common than the direct. 2. In passing from the direct discourse to the indirect, numerous changes become necessary. These may, however, be readily grouped under two heads: (_a_) those which occur in principal clauses, and (_b_) those which occur in subordinate clauses. 3. CHANGES IN PRINCIPAL CLAUSES.--Principal clauses may be declarative, interrogative, or imperative; that is, they may make a statement, ask a question, or give expression to a command. We thus have to consider three forms of principal clauses: (_a_) Statements, (_b_) Questions, (_c_) Commands. 4. STATEMENTS IN INDIRECT DISCOURSE. All Statements of the Direct Discourse, on passing into the Indirect, fall into the infinitive mood, because they become objects of verbs of saying: adfīrmāns #vīsum# (sc. #esse#) ā sź Rōmulum . . eundemque #praecipere#, II, 51 (direct form, #vīsus est# ā mź Rōmulus . . īdemque #praecipit#); prōclāmābat fīliam suam iūre #caesam esse#, IV, 43 (direct form, fīlia mea iūre #caesa est#); minātur sź vī #abstrāctūrum#, XII, 12 (direct form (ego) vī tź #abstraham#). 5. QUESTIONS IN INDIRECT DISCOURSE. All Questions of the Direct Discourse, on passing into the Indirect, fall into the subjunctive mood, because they are in reality dependent on a verb of asking. No example of a question in formal indirect discourse occurs in the selections contained in this book. Indirect questions (cf. p. 3, n. 2), however, fall under this general head as giving some one's thoughts without quoting his exact words. 6. COMMANDS IN INDIRECT DISCOURSE. All Commands of the Direct Discourse, on passing into the Indirect, fall into the subjunctive, because they are in reality dependent on some verb like _imperāvit_, to be supplied in thought: proinde #nź gravārźtur# sź spectandum praebźre, XXI, 289 (direct form, #Nōlī gravārī# tź spectandum praebźre); satis cōnstat Sullam . . prōclāmāsse, #vincerent#, dummodo scīrent, XXVII, 12-15 (direct form, #Vincite#, dummodo sciātis). 7. SUBORDINATE CLAUSES IN INDIRECT DISCOURSE. All Subordinate Clauses of the Indirect Discourse have their verbs in the subjunctive mood: Tatius . . Tarpźiae optiōnem mūneris dedit, #sī . . perdūxisset#, II, 19-21 (direct form, dō or dabō optiōnem mūneris, #sī . . perdūxeris#: see note); Illa petiit quod #gererent#, II, 21 (direct form, Petō quod . . #geritis#). The grammatical references in the footnotes are to the Latin Grammars in most common use; H = Harkness' Complete Latin Grammar, references to Harkness' Standard Grammar being inclosed in parentheses; M = Lane & Morgan; A = Allen & Greenough; G = Gildersleeve; B = Bennett. [Illustration: THE HILLS OF ROME] The original Latin city comprised only the Palatine and a small portion of the surrounding territory. The Etruscans inhabited the Caelian Hill, and extended toward the Esquiline. The Sabine town occupied the Quirinal, which was originally connected with the Capitoline, on which was the Sabine citadel, by a ridge sloping toward the Forum and the Campus Martius. Ancus Marcius added to the city the Aventine, and built a fortress on the Janiculum. Servius Tullius added the Viminal and Esquiline, and inclosed the seven hills with a line of fortifications, of which one portion is still traceable. The ridge connecting the Capitoline and Quirinal was a barrier which cut the town in two. The only means of communication between the two halves of the city, when its population had reached nearly two million inhabitants, were the narrow strip of land between the Capitoline and the river and a lane ten feet wide crossing the ridge. To relieve the pressure, this ridge was cut away by the Emperor Trajan, in whose Forum on the site of the excavations stands the well-known 'Trajan's Column,' 140 feet high, 'erected to show to posterity how high was the mountain leveled by the Emperor.' The business portion of the modern city occupies the Campus Martius, its main artery, the famous 'Corso,' following the line of the ancient street shown on the plan. See Lanciani, _Ancient Rome_, p. 86. URBIS RŌMAE VIRĪ INLŪSTRŹS #I. Romani imperii exordium# [[stripped text]] Proca, rex Albanorum, Numitorem et Amulium filios habuit. Numitori, qui natu maior erat, regnum reliquit; sed Amulius, pulso fratre, regnavit et, ut eum subole privaret, Rheam Silviam, eius filiam, Vestae sacerdotem fecit, quae tamen Romulum et Remum geminos edidit. Ea re cognita Amulius ipsam in vincula coniecit, parvulos alveo impositos abiecit in Tiberim, qui tunc forte super ripas erat effusus; sed, relabente flumine, eos aqua in sicco reliquit. Vastae tum in iis locis solitudines erant. Lupa, ut fama traditum est, ad vagitum accurrit, infantes lingua lambit, ubera eorum ori matremque se gessit. Cum lupa saepius ad parvulos veluti ad catulos reverteretur, Faustulus, pastor regius, re animadversa eos tulit in casam et Accae Larentiae coniugi dedit educandos. Adulti deinde hi inter pastores primo ludicris certaminibus vires auxere, deinde venando saltus peragrare et latrones a rapina pecorum arcere coeperunt. Quare cum iis insidiati essent latrones, Remus captus est, Romulus vi se defendit. Tum Faustulus, necessitate compulsus, indicavit Romulo quis esset eorum avus, quae mater. Romulus statim armatis pastoribus Albam properavit. Interea Remum latrones ad Amulium regem perduxerunt, eum accusantes, quasi Numitoris agros infestare solitus esset; itaque Remus a rege Numitori ad supplicium traditus est; at cum Numitor, adulescentis vultum considerans, aetatem minimeque servilem indolem compararet, haud procul erat quin nepotem agnosceret. Nam Remus oris lineamentis erat matri simillimus aetasque expositionis temporibus congruebat. Ea res dum Numitoris animum anxium tenet, repente Romulus supervenit, fratrem liberat, interempto Amulio avum Numitorem in regnum restituit. Deinde Romulus et Remus urbem in iisdem locis, ubi expositi ubique educati erant, condiderunt; sed orta inter eos contentione, uter nomen novae urbi daret eamque imperio regeret, auspicia decreverunt adhibere. Remus prior sex vultures, Romulus postea duodecim vidit. Sic Romulus, victor augurio, urbem Romam vocavit. Ad novae urbis tutelam sufficere vallum videbatur. Cuius angustias inridens cum Remus saltu id traiecisset, eum iratus Romulus interfecit, his increpans verbis: "Sic deinde, quicumque alius transiliet moenia mea!" Ita solus potitus est imperio Romulus. [[1]] #I. Rōmānī imperiī exōrdium# [[as printed]] Proca,[1] rźx Albānōrum, Numitōrem et Amūlium fīliōs habuit. Numitōrī, quī nātū[2] māior erat, rźgnum relīquit;[3] sed Amūlius, pulsō[4] frātre, rźgnāvit et, ut[5] eum subole[6] prīvāret,[5] Rhźam [[2]] Silviam, źius fīliam, Vestae[1] sacerdōtem fźcit, quae[2] tamen {4} Rōmulum et Remum geminōs źdidit.[3] Eā[4] rź cōgnitā Amūlius ipsam[5] in vincula coniźcit,[6] parvulōs alveō[7] impositōs[8] abiźcit in Tiberim, quī tunc forte super rīpās erat effūsus[9]; sed, relābente flūmine, eōs aqua in siccō {10} relīquit. Vāstae tum in iīs locīs sōlitūdinźs erant. Lupa, ut fāmā[10] trāditum est, ad vāgītum[11] accurrit, īnfantźs linguā[10] lambit, ūbera eōrum ōrī[7] mātremque[12] sź gessit. {15} [Illustration: TEMPLE OF VESTA / _From a coin_] [Illustration: A VESTAL] Cum[13] lupa saepius[14] ad parvulōs velutī ad catulōs reverterźtur,[13] Faustulus, pāstor rźgius,[15] rź[16] animadversā eōs tulit in casam et {18} Accae Lārentiae coniugī dedit[17] źducandōs.[18] Adultī[19] deinde hī inter pāstōrźs prīmō lūdicrīs[20] certāminibus vīrźs auxźre,[21] deinde vźnandō[22] saltūs peragrāre et latrōnźs ā rapīnā[23] pecorum arcźre coepźrunt. Quārź cum[13] iīs īnsidiātī essent[13] latrōnźs, Remus captus est, Rōmulus[24] vī sź dźfendit. Tum Faustulus, {23} [[3]] necessitāte compulsus,[1] indicāvit Rōmulō quis esset[2] eōrum avus, quae māter. Rōmulus statim armātīs[3] pāstōribus Albam[4] {25} properāvit. Intereā Remum latrōnźs ad Amūlium rźgem perdūxźrunt,[5] eum accūsantźs, quasi[6] Numitōris agrōs īnfźstāre solitus[7] esset; itaque Remus ā rźge Numitōrī ad[8] supplicium trāditus est; at cum Numitor, {30} adulźscentis vultum cōnsīderāns, aetātem[9] minimźque servīlem indolem comparāret, haud[10] procul erat quīn nepōtem āgnōsceret. Nam Remus ōris līneāmentīs[11] erat mātrī[12] simillimus[13] aetāsque expositiōnis temporibus {35} congruźbat. Ea rźs dum Numitōris animum anxium tenet,[14] repente Rōmulus supervenit,[15] frātrem līberat,[15] interźmptō Amūliō avum Numitōrem in rźgnum restituit.[15] [Illustration: CASA] [Illustration: TIBER STATUE / _Paris_] [Sidenote: B.C. 754.] Deinde Rōmulus et Remus urbem in iīsdem locīs, ubi expositī[16] ubique źducātī erant, condidźrunt[17]; sed ortā[18] inter eōs {40} contentiōne, uter nōmen novae urbī daret[19] eamque imperiō regeret, auspicia[20] dźcrźvźrunt[21] adhibźre. Remus prior[22] sex [[4]] vulturźs, Rōmulus posteā duodecim vīdit. Sīc Rōmulus, victor auguriō,[1] urbem Rōmam vocāvit. Ad[2] novae urbis tūtźlam sufficere vāllum vidźbātur. Cūius[3] angustiās inrīdźns cum Remus {45} saltū id trāiźcisset, eum īrātus[4] Rōmulus interfźcit, hīs increpāns verbīs: "Sīc[5] deinde, quīcumque alius trānsiliet moenia mea!" Ita sōlus potītus est imperiō[6] Rōmulus. Among the few Trojans who escaped after the fall of Troy was Aeneas, the son of Venus and the hero Anchises. After many wanderings Aeneas reached Italy, married there Lavinia, the daughter of Latinus, king of the Latins, and founded a town called Lavinium, from the name of his wife. He was succeeded by his son Ascanius, who founded a second city, called Alba Longa, and transferred thither the seat of government. The date traditionally assigned to the capture of Troy was 1184 B.C. Hence it is clear that Alba Longa was settled more than 400 years before the foundation of Rome in 754 B.C. To fill this gap a list of fourteen Alban kings, all descendants of Aeneas, was given by the Roman writers. How Rome itself was founded from Alba Longa is described in the text. It should be kept constantly in mind that little faith is to be put in these traditional accounts of Rome's early history, at least as far as details are concerned. Latin writers tell us that the oldest records of the city perished in the sack of Rome by the Gauls in 388 B.C. The first historical work written by a Roman was published about 215 B.C., more than 500 years after the foundation of the city. Many of the stories were obviously invented to account for institutions which existed in the later times, and the traditional narrative is full of inconsistencies and contradictions. [Footnotes: I (pages 1-4) 1.1: #Proca# was the twelfth king of Alba Longa. 1.2: #nātū māior#: 'greater by birth' = 'elder.' 1.3: from _relinquō_. 1.4: #pulsō# (_pellō_) #frātre#: abl. abs.; 'his brother having been driven out' (pass.) = 'having driven out,' _or_ 'when he had driven out his brother' (act.): H 489 (431): M 638: A 255: G 409: B 227. 1.5: #ut prīvāret#: purpose: H 568 (497, II): M 893: A 317, 1: G 545: B 282. 1.6: abl. of separation: H 462 (414, I): M 601: A 243, _a_: G 405: B 214, 1, c. 2.1: See Voc., _Vesta_. 2.2: #quae# = _sed ea_. 2.3: _źdō_. 2.4: #eā rź cōgnitā# (_cōgnōscō_): cf. p. 1, n. 4. 2.5: i.e. Rhea Silvia. 2.6: _coniciō_. 2.7: dat. with compound verb: H 429 (386): M 534: A 228: G 347: B 187, III. 2.8: #impositōs# (_impōnō_) #abiźcit# (_abiciō_) = _imposuit et abiźcit_. English is fond of coördination of clauses; Latin prefers to subordinate clause to clause. Hence, in general, Latin avoids two coördinated verbs. See p. xxiv, L 5, and H 639 (549, 5): A 292, R.: G 664, R. 1, 2: B 337, 2. 2.9: _effundō_. 2.10: abl. of means: H 476 (420): M 645: A 248, c, 1: G 401: B 218. 2.11: #ad vāgītum#: 'to (their) squalling,' i.e. to them as they were crying. 2.12: #mātrem sź gessit# (_gerō_): 'conducted herself, acted like a mother.' 2.13: not only '_when_,' but also '_because_ the wolf kept coming back.' See p. xxii, J. 2.14: 'very often.' The comparative often has this intensive force. 2.15: adj. = the genitive of _rźx_. 2.16: #rź . . . tulit# (_ferō_) = _rem animadvertit et eōs tulit_; cf. p. xxiii, K 10. 2.17: _dō_. 2.18: = _ut źducārentur_. The gerundive expresses purpose here, as often. See p. xviii, E 4, H 622 (544, N. 2): M 994: A 294, _d_: G 430: B 337, 7, 2. 2.19: #adultī# (_adolźscō_): 'having grown' = 'when grown.' 2.20: #lūdicrīs certāminibus#: 'with playful contests,'--such as running, wrestling, and boxing. For the case, cf. n. 10. 2.21: = _auxźrunt_ (_augeō_). 2.22: The abl. of the gerund here denotes manner. 2.23: 'from the seizure of' = 'from stealing.' 2.24: = '_but_ Romulus.' 3.1: _compellō_. 3.2: indir. quest.: H 649, II (529, I): M 810: A 334: G 467: B 300. 3.3: See p. 1, n. 4. 3.4: acc. of limit without preposition: H 418 (380, II): M 515: A 258, _b_: G 337: B 182, 1, _a_; cf. English 'to go _home_.' 3.5: _perdūcō_. 3.6: 'because, as they said'; _quasi_ often denotes a statement or thought of some person other than the writer himself. See p. xxi, H 5. 3.7: _soleō_. 3.8: #ad supplicium#: 'to be punished'; _ad_ with its noun often denotes purpose. 3.9: #aetātem . . . comparāret#: 'compared his age with his nature, (which was) by no means that of a slave'; i.e. his appearance and demeanor indicated that he belonged to a higher station than the shepherds. 3.10: #haud . . . āgnōsceret#: 'he came very near to recognizing him'; how literally? In this construction _quīn_ = _ut nōn_, and the subjunctive is one of result: H 595 (504): M 913: A 319, _d_: G 555: B 284, 3. 3.11: abl. of specification: H 480 (424): M 650: A 253: G 397: B 226, 1. 3.12: _similis_ is construed with both gen. and dat. 3.13: 'very like'; cf. a similar use of the comparative in l. 16. 3.14: _dum_, 'while,' regularly takes the pres. indic. where English uses the imperfect: H 533, 4 (467, 4): M 917: A 276, _e_: G 570, R.: B 293. 3.15: historical presents: H 532, 3 (467, III): M 734: A 276, _d_: G 229: B 259, 3. 3.16: _expōnō_. 3.17: _condō_. 3.18: #ortā# (_orior_) . . . #contentiōne# = '_because_ a strife arose'; see p. xxiii, K 4. 3.19: indir. quest. depending on _contentiōne_; cf. n. 2. The strife centered in the question, "Which of us shall rule?" 3.20: Romulus stood on the Palatine Hill, and Remus on the Aventine. 3.21: _dźcernō_. 3.22: 'first.' 4.1: 'by virtue of the augury'; abl. of cause: H 475 (416): M 612: A 245: G 408: B 219. 4.2: #Ad . . . tūtźlam#: 'to guard the new city.' Cf. p. 3, n. 8. 4.3: Render 'its.' Latin is fond of closely connecting successive clauses, and for this purpose often employs a relative pronoun, where English uses a simple demonstrative, or a demonstrative or personal pronoun with a conjunction,--generally _and_, often _but_ or _for_: cf. p. 2, n. 2. 4.4: 'in anger.' An adjective may often be best rendered by an adverb or adverbial phrase. 4.5: Sc. _pereat_ (subjunctive of wish). 4.6: H 477, I (421, I): M 646: A 249: G 407: B 218, 1.] #II. Romulus, Romanorum rex primus# [[stripped text]] 753-715 B.C. Romulus imaginem urbis magis quam urbem fecerat; incolae deerant. Erat in proximo lucus; hunc asylum fecit. Et statim eo mira vis latronum pastorumque confugit. Cum vero uxores ipse populusque non haberent, legatos circa vicinas gentes misit, qui societatem conubiumque novo populo peterent. Nusquam benigne audita legatio est; ludibrium etiam additum: "Cur non feminis quoque asylum aperuistis? Id enim compar foret conubium." Romulus, aegritudinem animi dissimulans, ludos parat; indici deinde finitimis spectaculum iubet. Multi convenere studio etiam videndae novae urbis, maxime Sabini cum liberis et coniugibus. Ubi spectaculi tempus venit eoque conversae mentes cum oculis erant, tum signo dato iuvenes Romani discurrunt, virgines rapiunt. Haec fuit statim causa belli. Sabini enim ob virgines raptas bellum adversus Romanos sumpserunt, et cum Romae appropinquarent, Tarpeiam virginem nacti sunt, quae aquam forte extra moenia petitum ierat. Huius pater Romanae praeerat arci. Titus Tatius, Sabinorum dux, Tarpeiae optionem muneris dedit, si exercitum suum in Capitolium perduxisset. Illa petiit quod Sabini in sinistris manibus gererent, videlicet aureos anulos et armillas. Quibus dolose promissis, Tarpeia Sabinos in arcem perduxit, ubi Tatius scutis eam obrui iussit; nam et ea in laevis habuerant. Sic impia proditio celeri poena vindicata est. Deinde Romulus ad certamen processit, et in eo loco, ubi nunc Romanum Forum est, pugnam conseruit. Primo impetu vir inter Romanos insignis, nomine Hostilius, fortissime dimicans cecidit; cuius interitu consternati Romani fugere coeperunt. Iam Sabini clamitabant: "Vicimus perfidos hospites, imbelles hostes. Nunc sciunt longe aliud esse virgines rapere, aliud pugnare cum viris." Tunc Romulus, arma ad caelum tollens, Iovi aedem vovit, et exercitus seu forte seu divinitus restitit. Itaque proelium redintegratur; sed raptae mulieres crinibus passis ausae sunt se inter tela volantia inferre et hinc patres, hinc viros orantes, pacem conciliarunt. Romulus, foedere cum Tatio icto, et Sabinos in urbem recepit et regnum cum Tatio sociavit. Verum haud ita multo post, occiso Tatio, ad Romulum potentatus omnis recidit. Centum deinde ex senioribus elegit, quorum consilio omnia ageret, quos senatores nominavit propter senectutem. Tres equitum centurias constituit, populum in triginta curias distribuit. His ita ordinatis, cum ad exercitum lustrandum contionem in campo ad Caprae paludem haberet, subito coorta est tempestas cum magno fragore tonitribusque et Romulus e conspectu ablatus est. Ad deos transisse vulgo creditus est; cui rei fidem fecit Iulius Proculus, vir nobilis. Orta enim inter patres et plebem seditione, in contionem processit, iureiurando adfirmans visum a se Romulum augustiore forma, eundemque praecipere ut seditionibus abstinerent et rem militarem colerent; futurum ut omnium gentium domini exsisterent. Aedes in colle Quirinali Romulo constituta, ipse pro deo cultus et Quirinus est appellatus. #II. Rōmulus, Rōmānōrum rźx prīmus# [[as printed]] 753-715 B.C. Rōmulus[7] imāginem urbis magis quam urbem fźcerat; incolae deerant.[8] Erat in[9] proximō lūcus[10]; hunc asylum fźcit. Et statim eō mīra vīs[11] latrōnum pāstōrumque cōnfūgit. Cum[12] vźrō [[5]] uxōrźs ipse[1] populusque nōn habźrent, lźgātōs circā vīcīnās gentźs mīsit,[2] quī[3] societātem cōnūbiumque[4] novō populō {5} peterent.[3] Nūsquam benīgnź audīta lźgātiō est; lūdibrium etiam additum[5]: "Cūr nōn fźminīs quoque asylum aperuistis? Id enim compār foret[6] cōnūbium." Rōmulus, aegritūdinem animī dissimulāns, lūdōs parat; indīcī[7] deinde fīnitimīs spectāculum iubet. Multī convźnźre[8] studiō etiam[9] videndae novae urbis, {10} māximź Sabīnī cum līberīs et coniugibus. Ubi spectāculī tempus vźnit eōque[10] conversae[11] mentźs[12] cum oculīs erant, tum sīgnō datō iuvenźs Rōmānī discurrunt, virginźs rapiunt.[13] [Illustration: ARMILLA] Haec[14] fuit statim causa bellī. Sabīnī enim ob[15] virginźs raptās bellum adversus Rōmānōs sūmpsźrunt,[16] et cum {15} Rōmae[17] appropinquārent, Tarpźiam virginem nactī sunt,[18] quae aquam forte[19] extrā moenia petītum[20] ierat. Hūius pater Rōmānae praeerat arcī. Titus Tatius, Sabīnōrum dux, Tarpźiae optiōnem mūneris dedit, sī exercitum suum in Capitōlium {20} [[6]] perdūxisset.[1] Illa petiit quod[2] Sabīnī in sinistrīs manibus[3] gererent,[4] {21} vidźlicet aureōs ānulōs et armillās. Quibus dolōsź prōmissīs, Tarpźia Sabīnōs in arcem perdūxit, ubi Tatius scūtīs[5] eam obruī iussit; nam et[6] ea in laevīs[7] habuerant.[8] Sīc impia prōditiō celerī poenā[5] vindicāta {25} est. [Illustration: DEATH OF TARPŹIA] Deinde Rōmulus ad certāmen prōcessit, et in eō locō, ubi nunc Rōmānum Forum[9] est, pūgnam cōnseruit. Prīmō[10] impetū vir inter[11] Rōmānōs īnsīgnis, nōmine[12] Hostīlius, fortissimź dīmicāns cecidit; cūius interitū[13] cōnsternātī Rōmānī fugere coepźrunt. Iam Sabīnī clāmitābant: "Vīcimus {31} perfidōs hospites,[14] imbellźs hostźs. Nunc sciunt longź[15] aliud esse virginźs rapere,[16] aliud pūgnāre[16] cum virīs." Tunc Rōmulus, arma ad caelum tollźns, Iovī aedem[17] vōvit, et exercitus seu forte seu dīvīnitus restitit.[18] Itaque proelium redintegrātur; sed raptae mulierźs crīnibus[19] passīs ausae sunt sź inter tźla volantia īnferre et hinc patrźs, hinc virōs ōrantźs,[20] pācem conciliārunt. {37} [Illustration: RŌMULUS AS QUIRĪNUS / _From a coin_] Rōmulus, foedere[21] cum Tatiō īctō, et Sabīnōs in urbem recźpit [[7]] et rźgnum[1] cum Tatiō sociāvit. Vźrum haud ita multō post, occīsō[2] Tatiō, ad Rōmulum potentātus omnis recidit.[3] Centum {40} deinde ex seniōribus źlźgit, quōrum cōnsiliō[4] omnia ageret,[5] quōs senātōrźs nōmināvit propter senectūtem. Trźs equitum[6] centuriās cōnstituit, populum in trīgintā cūriās distribuit. Hīs ita ōrdinātīs, cum[7] ad[8] exercitum lūstrandum cōntiōnem in campō[9] ad Caprae[10] palūdem habźret, subitō coorta est {45} tempestās cum māgnō fragōre tonitribusque et Rōmulus ź cōnspectū ablātus[11] est. Ad deōs trānsīsse vulgō crźditus[12] est; cuī[13] reī fidem fźcit Iūlius Proculus, vir nōbilis. Ortā[14] enim inter patrźs et plźbem sźditiōne, in cōntiōnem {50} prōcessit,[15] iūreiūrandō adfīrmāns vīsum[16] ā sź Rōmulum augustiōre[17] fōrmā, eundemque[18] praecipere[19] ut sźditiōnibus abstinźrent[20] et rem mīlitārem colerent[20]; futūrum[21] ut [[8]] omnium gentium dominī exsisterent. Aedźs in colle Quirīnālī Rōmulō[1] cōnstitūta,[2] ipse[3] prō deō cultus[2] et Quirīnus est appellātus. {56} [Footnotes: II (pages 4-8) 4.7: It has been suggested that the name _Rōmulus_ is derived from _Rōma_, and that this in turn was made from an ancient word _Rumon_, 'river.' _Rōma_ would then be 'the town by the river,' 'Rivertown' (cf. English 'Watertown,' etc.), and _Rōmulus_ would be 'the man from Rivertown.' 4.8: _dźsum_. 4.9: #in proximō#: 'near by.' Phrases consisting of a preposition and a neuter adjective are common, and have the force of adjectives or adverbs. 4.10: This grove lay between the two summits of the Capitoline Hill. 4.11: #vīs# often means 'number,' as here, or 'quantity'; 'power' is used in the same sense in some parts of Great Britain. 4.12: #cum#: 'since': H 598 (517): M 863: A 326: G 586: B 286, 2. 5.1: = _Rōmulus_. Cf. _ipsam_, I, 5. 5.2: _mittō_. 5.3: #quī . . . peterent#: rel. clause of purpose; see p. xviii, E 2, and H 590 (497, I): M 835: A 317, 2: G 630: B 282, 2. 5.4: In early times the right of intermarriage did not exist between neighboring tribes, except by special treaty. 5.5: Sc. _est_, which, like _esse_, is often omitted with the passive, especially in rapid narrative. 5.6: = _esset_: H 205, 2 (204, 2): M 327: A 119, N.: G 116, N. 1, _c_: B 100, N. 2. 5.7: #indīcī . . . iubet#: 'he bids a show to be announced.' Such an announcement would carry with it an invitation to be present. 5.8: Cf. p. 2, n. 21. 5.9: i.e. they were not only interested in the games, but they were also curious to see the new city. 5.10: = _in spectāculum_. 5.11: _convertō_. 5.12: #mentźs cum oculīs#: 'minds and eyes alike.' The emphasis is on _mentźs_; they were thinking only of the show. 5.13: In rapid historical narrative, clauses are often set side by side without a connective. See also n. 5 above. 5.14: #Haec#, referring to the matters related in the preceding paragraph, should theoretically be neuter, but is feminine because the predicate noun #causa# is feminine. Such attraction is the rule in Latin. H 396, 2 (445, 4): A 195, _d_: G 211, 5: B 246, 5. 5.15: #ob virginźs raptās#: 'on account of the stolen maidens' = 'on account of the seizure of the maidens.' A participle agreeing with a noun is preferred in Latin to an abstract noun with a dependent genitive. 5.16: _sūmō_. 5.17: dat.; why? 5.18: 'they happened upon' (_nancīscor_). 5.19: #forte . . . ierat#: 'had gone by chance' = 'happened to have gone.' _Forte_ is often best rendered by a clause: 'as it happened,' or 'it so happened.' 5.20: supine denoting purpose; see p. xviii, E 6, and H 633 (546): M 1005: A 302: G 435: B 340, 1. 6.1: The subjunctive here, as in #gererent#, is due to implied indirect discourse; #sī perdūxisset# represents the fut. perf. indic. of direct discourse _sī perdūxeris_, 'if you shall have led' = 'if you (shall) lead'; H 646 (527, I): M 1034, 1038: A 337: G 656-7: B 319, B. 6.2: 'that which.' 6.3: _manus_ often = 'arm,' just as _pźs_ = 'leg.' 6.4: #gererent#: either 'wore' or 'bore.' Tarpeia meant it in the former sense; Tatius chose to understand it in the latter. 6.5: Why abl.? 6.6: #et ea# = _ea quoque_: 'these too,' as well as the _armillae_ and _ānulī_. 6.7: Sc. _manibus_. 6.8: Note the tense; they _had had_ these, too, on their arms when the bargain was struck. 6.9: See Vocab., _Forum_. 6.10: #Prīmō impetū#: 'in the very first charge.' The ablative fixes the time of #cecidit#. 6.11: #inter . . . īnsīgnis#: 'the most conspicuous of the Romans.' How literally? 6.12: abl. of specification. 6.13: = _morte_. The abl. includes the ideas of means and cause. 6.14: 'hosts.' The relation of host and guest was regarded by the Romans, as by other ancient peoples, as peculiarly sacred. 6.15: #longź aliud . . . aliud#: 'one thing . . . quite another.' Note here the difference between the English and the Latin idiom. 6.16: Infinitives, because the clauses in which they stand are subjects of #esse#; H 615 (538): M 972: A 270: G 422: B 377. 6.17: This temple was called the Temple of _Iuppiter Stator_, i.e. the 'Stayer,' the god who had _stayed_ the army's flight. 6.18: _resistō_: 'maintained its ground,' 'held its own,' as contrasted with its previous flight (_fugere coepźrunt_). 6.19: #crīnibus passīs# (_pandō_): 'with streaming hair.' 6.20: '_by_ beseeching'; the abl. of the gerund (_ōrandō_) might have been used. 6.21: #foedere . . . īctō# (_īcō_): 'having struck a treaty.' How literally? The abl. abs. is one of the regular substitutes in Latin for the missing perfect active participle. In the phrase _foedus īcere_, the verb suggests the striking of the victims in the sacrifice which accompanied the making of the treaty. 7.1: #rźgnum . . . sociāvit#: i.e. henceforth there were two kings. 7.2: By the inhabitants of Laurentum, whose ambassadors he had insulted. 7.3: Note the force of the prefix: the sovereignty 'came _back_,' or 'devolved _again_' upon Romulus, precisely as before he shared it with Tatius. 7.4: abl. of means. 7.5: Cf. p. 5, n. 3. 7.6: See Vocab., _eques_. 7.7: 'When': H 600, II (521, II): M 858: A 325: G 585: B 288. 7.8: #ad . . . lūstrandum# = _ut . . . lūstrāret_. What does the gerundive construction express? 7.9: Sc. _Mārtiō_. See Vocab., _campus_, and map, p. xxviii. 7.10: #Caprae palūdem#: 'Goat Swamp.' 7.11: _auferō_. 7.12: #crźditus est#: we would say: 'it was believed that he,' etc.; Latin prefers the personal construction, and says: 'he was believed to have,' etc. 7.13: #cuī . . . fźcit#: literally 'for which thing he made (i.e. secured) belief (i.e. general acceptance).' 7.14: What does the abl. abs. here express? See p. xxiii, K 6. 7.15: _prōcźdō_. 7.16: Sc. _esse_. #vīsum esse# and #praecipere# depend on #adfīrmāns#: see H 642 (523, I): M 1023: A 336, 2: G 650: B 314: and p. xxv, M 4. 7.17: #augustiōre fōrmā#: 'of more imposing presence' (than he was while on earth); abl. of characteristic, H 473, 2 (419, II): M 643: A 251: G 400: B 224. 7.18: i.e. _Rōmulum_. 7.19: Note the change of tense from that in _vīsum_ (_esse_) above. Proculus actually said: (_Rōmulus_) _praecipit_, i.e. he used the historical present. Above _vīsum_ (_esse_) represents _vīsus est_ of the direct discourse. 7.20: substantive clause of purpose; H 565 (498, I): M 892: A 331: G 546: B 295, 4. 7.21: #futūrum ut . . . exsisterent# gives the statement, not of Proculus, but of Romulus himself. The inf. #futūrum# (_esse_) depends on a verb of saying implied in #praecipere#. Romulus said _exsistźtis_. Since, however, _exsistō_ has no supine and so no future participle, no direct future infinitive can be formed from it. Hence the phrase _futūrum ut_ with subjunctive becomes necessary: 'it would happen that they would become,' etc. 8.1: 'in honor of Romulus'; dat. of advantage. 8.2: With #cōnstitūta# and #cultus# (_colō_) sc. _est_. 8.3: For the omission of the conjunction before #ipse#, cf. p. 5, n. 13.] #III. Numa Pompilius, Romanorum rex secundus# [[stripped text]] 716-673 B.C. Successit Romulo Numa Pompilius, vir inclita iustitia et religione. Is Curibus, ex oppido Sabinorum, accitus est. Qui cum Romam venisset, ut populum ferum religione mitigaret, sacra plurima instituit. Aram Vestae consecravit, et ignem in ara perpetuo alendum virginibus dedit. Flaminem Iovis sacerdotem creavit eumque insigni veste et curuli sella adornavit. Dicitur quondam ipsum Iovem e caelo elicuisse. Hic, ingentibus fulminibus in urbem demissis, descendit in nemus Aventinum, ubi Numam docuit quibus sacris fulmina essent procuranda, et praeterea imperii certa pignora populo Romano daturum se esse promisit. Numa laetus rem populo nuntiavit. Postridie omnes ad aedes regias convenerunt silentesque exspectabant quid futurum esset. Atque sole orto delabitur e caelo scisso scutum, quod ancile appellavit Numa. Id ne furto auferri posset, Mamurium fabrum undecim scuta eadem forma fabricare iussit. Duodecim autem Salios Martis sacerdotes legit, qui ancilia, secreta illa imperii pignora, custodirent et Kalendis Martiis per urbem canentes et rite saltantes ferrent. Annum in duodecim menses ad cursum lunae descripsit; nefastos fastosque dies fecit; portas Iano gemino aedificavit ut esset index pacis et belli; nam apertus, in armis esse civitatem, clausus, pacatos circa omnes populos, significabat. Leges quoque plurimas et utiles tulit Numa. Ut vero maiorem institutis suis auctoritatem conciliaret, simulavit sibi cum dea Egeria esse conloquia nocturna eiusque monitu se omnia, quae ageret, facere. Lucus erat, quem medium fons perenni rigabat aqua; eo saepe Numa sine arbitris se inferebat, velut ad congressum deae; ita omnium animos ea pietate imbuit, ut fides ac iusiurandum non minus quam legum et poenarum metus cives contineret. Bellum quidem nullum gessit, sed non minus civitati profuit quam Romulus. Morbo exstinctus in Ianiculo monte sepultus est. Ita duo deinceps reges, ille bello, hic pace, civitatem auxerunt. Romulus septem et triginta regnavit annos, Numa tres et quadraginta. #III. Numa Pompilius, Rōmānōrum rźx secundus# [[as printed]] 716-673 B.C. [Illustration: SELLA CURŪLIS / _From a coin_] Successit Rōmulō Numa Pompilius, vir inclitā iūstitiā[4] et religiōne.[4] Is Curibus,[5] ex oppidō Sabīnōrum, accītus est. Quī cum Rōmam vźnisset, ut[6] populum ferum religiōne mītigāret, sacra plūrima īnstituit. Āram Vestae cōnsecrāvit, et īgnem[7] in ārā perpetuō alendum virginibus dedit. Flāminem[8] {5} Iovis sacerdōtem creāvit eumque īnsīgnī veste[9] et curūlī[10] sellā adōrnāvit. Dīcitur[11] quondam ipsum Iovem ź caelō źlicuisse.[12] Hīc, ingentibus fulminibus in urbem dźmissīs, dźscendit in nemus Aventīnum, ubi Numam docuit quibus sacrīs {10} fulmina[13] essent prōcūranda,[13] et praetereā imperiī [[9]] certa[1] pīgnora populō Rōmānō datūrum sź esse prōmīsit. Numa laetus rem populō nūntiāvit. Postrīdiź omnźs ad aedźs[2] rźgiās convźnźrunt silentźsque exspectābant[3] quid futūrum esset.[4] Atque sōle ortō dźlābitur ź caelō scissō[5] scūtum, quod {15} ancīle appellāvit Numa. Id nź[6] fūrtō auferrī posset,[6] Māmurium fabrum ūndecim scūta eādem fōrmā fabricāre iussit. Duodecim autem Saliōs[7] Mārtis sacerdōtźs lźgit, quī ancīlia, sźcrźta illa imperiī pīgnora, cūstōdīrent[8] et Kalendīs {20} Mārtiīs per urbem canentźs et rīte saltantźs ferrent.[8] Annum in duodecim[9] mźnsźs ad cursum lūnae dźscrīpsit; nefāstōs[10] fāstōsque diźs fźcit; portās Iānō[11] geminō[12] aedificāvit ut esset index pācis et bellī; nam apertus,[13] in {25} armīs esse cīvitātem, clausus,[13] pācātōs circā omnźs populōs, sīgnificābat. [Illustration: ANCĪLIA / _From a coin_] [Illustration: IĀNUS] Lźgźs[14] quoque plūrimās et ūtilźs tulit {28} Numa. Ut vźrō māiōrem īnstitūtīs[15] suīs auctōritātem conciliāret, [[10]] simulāvit[1] sibi[2] cum deā Źgeriā esse conloquia nocturna źiusque[3] monitū sź omnia, quae ageret, facere. Lūcus erat, quem[4] medium fōns perennī rigābat aquā; eō saepe Numa sine arbitrīs[5] sź {32} īnferźbat, velut[6] ad congressum deae; ita[7] omnium animōs eā[7] pietāte imbuit, ut fidźs[8] ac iūsiūrandum nōn minus quam lźgum et poenārum metus cīvźs continźret.[9] Bellum quidem[10] nūllum {35} gessit, sed[10] nōn minus cīvitātī prōfuit quam Rōmulus.[11] Morbō[12] exstīnctus in Iāniculō monte sepultus[13] est. Ita duo[14] deinceps rźgźs, ille bellō, hīc pāce, cīvitātem auxźrunt. Rōmulus septem et trīgintā rźgnāvit annōs,[15] Numa trźs et quadrāgintā. {39} [Footnotes: III (pages 8-10) 8.4: See p. 7, n. 17. 8.5: #Curibus . . . Sabīnōrum#: 'from Cures, a town of the Sabines.' H 462 (412, II): M 605: A 258, _a_: G 391: B 229, 1. '_At_ Cures, a town of the Sabines,' would be _Curibus, in oppidō Sabīnōrum_. The two phrases well illustrate the difference between the treatment of names of towns, and that of common nouns, in expressions intended to denote rest in a place, or motion from a given point. 8.6: #ut . . . mītigāret#: purpose clause, to be joined with what follows. Phrases and clauses often thus precede the words which they modify. 8.7: #īgnem . . . alendum#: for the form of expression, see p. 2, n. 18. 8.8: #Flāminem . . . creāvit#: 'he appointed a priest to be Jupiter's Flamen.' See Vocab., _flāmen_. 8.9: The distinctive parts of the dress worn by the _Flāminźs_ were (1) a close-fitting woolen cap, from which projected a stick of olive wood, called _apex_; (2) the _toga praetexta_ (see Vocab., _toga_); and (3) a laurel crown. 8.10: See Vocab., _sella_. 8.11: Cf. p. 7, n. 12. 8.12: _źliciō_. 8.13: The Romans derived many omens from thunder. _Prōcūrāre_ is the technical word for 'caring for' an omen, i.e. warding off all harmful effects by sacrifices. 9.1: 'trustworthy.' This word never = 'certain,' as in the phrase 'a certain man.' In that sense _quīdam_ is used. 9.2: #aedźs rźgiās#: 'the palace.' What two meanings does _aedźs_ bear? 9.3: 'waited (to see) what,' etc. 9.4: Why subjunctive? See p. 3, n. 2. 9.5: _scindō_. #dźlābitur . . . scūtum#: 'the heavens were opened and a shield descended.' 9.6: Negative clause of purpose: H 568 (497, II): M 893: A 317, 1: G 545, 3: B 282. On the possession of this _ancīle_ Rome's power was believed to depend; hence Numa's care in guarding it. 9.7: #Saliōs . . . fźcit#: 'he chose twelve Salii as priests of Mars.' 9.8: Why subjunctive? Cf. p. 5, n. 3. 9.9: Roman writers say that before Numa's time the year contained only ten months, a statement hardly credible. 9.10: #nefāstōs . . . fźcit#: 'he made a distinction between _diźs nefāstī_ and _diźs fāstī_.' See Vocab., _fāstus_ and _nefāstus_. 9.11: Cf. p. 8, n. 1. 9.12: 'two-headed.' The reference is to a temple of Janus in the Forum, with two doors opposite each other, so that the whole structure resembled an arch. 9.13: Both adjectives = temporal clauses, signifying respectively 'when open,' 'when shut.' They agree with _Iānus_ understood, which means the temple, not the god. After Numa's time the temple remained open till 235 B.C. It was opened again in the same year, and not closed till 29 B.C. 9.14: #Lźgźs quoque#: '_Laws_ too,' i.e. laws as well as religious ceremonies and priestly orders. 9.15: #īnstitūtīs#: dative with #conciliāret#. 10.1: How different in meaning from _dissimulāns_, II, 9? 10.2: #sibi . . . esse conloquia#: 'that he had conversations.' #sibi# is dat. of the possessor; H 430 (387): M 542: A 231: G 349: B 190. 10.3: #źius monitū#: 'at her suggestion.' Cf. _quōrum cōnsiliō_, II, 41. 10.4: #quem medium#: 'the middle of which.' 10.5: Here in its original sense of 'witness.' 10.6: #velut . . . deae#: 'giving it out that he was going to meet the goddess'; #velut# is used here as _quasi_ is in I, 28. See note there [[note 3.6]]. For #ad congressum# see p. 3, n. 8. #deae# is dat. after the prefix in #congressum#; cf. H 429 (386): M 532: A 228: G 347: B 187, III. 10.7: #ita# and #eā# reinforce each other. 'To such a degree (#ita#), and with such (#eā#) piety,' etc. 10.8: Here = 'respect for their oaths (and obligations).' #fidźs ac iūsiūrandum# together = 'their own moral sense,' as opposed to the restraints of the law. 10.9: subjunctive of result: H 570 (500, II): M 905: A 319, 1: G 552, 2: B 284. 10.10: #quidem# is concessive, and so = 'to be sure, it is true.' Hence #quidem . . . sed# = _quamquam . . . sed tamen_. 10.11: Sc. _prōfuerat_. 10.12: #Morbō exstīnctus# (_exstinguō_) means that he died a natural death. We are to feel a contrast here to the miraculous disappearance of Romulus, as described on page 7. 10.13: _sepeliō_. 10.14: #duo deinceps rźgźs#: 'two _successive_ kings.' When an adverb like _deinceps_ stands between an adjective and a noun, it has the value of an adjective. 10.15: acc. of extent of time: H 417 (379): M 513: A 256, 2: G 336: B 181. See also p. xvii, D 1.] #IV. Tullus Hostīlius, Romanorum rex tertius# [[stripped text]] 673-641 B.C. Mortuo Numa Tullus Hostilius rex creatus est. Hic non solum proximo regi dissimilis, sed ferocior etiam Romulo fuit. Eo regnante bellum inter Albanos et Romanos exortum est. Ducibus Hostilio et Fufetio placuit rem paucorum certamine finiri. Erant apud Romanos trigemini fratres Horatii, tres apud Albanos Curiatii. Cum eis agunt reges ut pro sua quisque patria dimicent ferro. Foedus ictum est ea lege, ut, unde victoria, ibi imperium esset. Icto foedere trigemini arma capiunt et in medium inter duas acies procedunt. Consederant utrimque duo exercitus. Datur signum, infestique armis terni iuvenes, magnorum exercituum animos gerentes, concurrunt. Ut primo concursu increpuere arma micantesque fulsere gladii, horror ingens spectantes perstringit. Consertis deinde manibus, statim duo Romani alius super alium exspirantes ceciderunt; tres Albani vulnerati. Ad casum Romanorum conclamavit gaudio exercitus Albanus. Romanos iam spes tota deserebat. Unum Horatium tres Curiatii circumsteterant. Forte is integer fuit; sed quia tribus impar erat, ut distraheret hostes, fugam capessivit, singulos per intervalla secuturos esse ratus. Iam aliquantum spatii ex eo loco, ubi pugnatum est, aufugerat, cum respiciens videt unum e Curiatiis haud procul ab sese abesse. In eum magno impetu redit, et dum Albanus exercitus inclamat Curiatiis ut opem ferant fratri, iam Horatius eum occiderat. Alterum deinde, priusquam tertius posset consequi, interfecit. Iam singuli supererant, sed nec spe nec viribus pares. Alter erat intactus ferro et geminata victoria ferox; alter fessum vulnere, fessum cursu trahebat corpus. Nec illud proelium fuit. Romanus exsultans male sustinentem arma Curiatium conficit, iacentem spoliat. Romani ovantes ac gratulantes Horatium accipiunt et domum deducunt. Princeps ibat Horatius, trium fratrum spolia prae se gerens. Cui obvia fuit soror, quae desponsa fuerat uni ex Curiatiis, visoque super umeros fratris paludamento sponsi, quod ipsa confecerat, flere et crines solvere coepit. Movet ferocis iuvenis animum comploratio sororis in tanto gaudio publico; itaque stricto gladio transfigit puellam, simul eam verbis increpans: "Abi hinc cum immaturo amore ad sponsum, oblita fratrum, oblita patriae. Sic eat, quaecumque Romana lugebit hostem." Atrox id visum est facinus patribus plebique; quare raptus est in ius Horatius et apud iudices condemnatus. Iam accesserat lictor iniciebatque laqueum. Tum Horatius ad populum provocavit. Interea pater Horatii senex proclamabat filiam suam iure caesam esse; et iuvenem amplexus spoliaque Curiatiorum ostentans, orabat populum ne se, quem paulo ante cum egregia stirpe conspexissent, orbum liberis faceret. Non tulit populus patris lacrimas iuvenemque absolvit admiratione magis virtutis quam iure causae. Ut tamen caedes manifesta expiaretur, pater quibusdam sacrificiis peractis transmisit per viam tigillum et filium capite adoperto velut sub iugum misit; quod tigillum _Sororium_ appellatum est. Non diu pax Albana mansit; nam Mettius Fufetius, dux Albanorum, cum se invidiosum apud cives videret, quod bellum uno paucorum certamine finisset, ut rem corrigeret, Veientes Fidenatesque adversus Romanos concitavit. Ipse, a Tullo in auxilium arcessitus, aciem in collem subduxit, ut fortunam belli exspectaret et sequeretur. Qua re Tullus intellecta magna voce ait suo illud iussu Mettium facere, ut hostes a tergo circumvenirentur. Quo audito hostes territi et victi sunt. Postero die Mettius cum ad gratulandum Tullo venisset, iussu illius quadrigis religatus et in diversa distractus est. Deinde Tullus Albam propter ducis perfidiam diruit et Albanos Romam transire iussit. Roma interim crevit Albae ruinis; duplicatus est civium numerus; mons Caelius urbi additus et, quo frequentius habitaretur, eam sedem Tullus regiae cepit ibique deinde habitavit. Auctarum virium fiducia elatus bellum Sabinis indixit. Pestilentia insecuta est; nulla tamen ab armis quies dabatur. Credebat enim rex bellicosus salubriora militiae quam domi esse iuvenum corpora, sed ipse quoque diuturno morbo est implicitus. Tunc vero adeo fracti simul cum corpore sunt spiritus illi feroces, ut nulli rei posthac nisi sacris operam daret. Memorant Tullum fulmine ictum cum domo conflagrasse. Tullus magna gloria belli regnavit annos duos et triginta. #IV. Tullus Hostīlius, Rōmānōrum rźx tertius# [[as printed]] 673-641 B.C. Mortuō[16] Numā Tullus Hostīlius rźx creātus est. Hīc nōn sōlum proximō[17] rźgī dissimilis, sed ferōcior etiam Rōmulō[18] fuit. [[11]] Eō rźgnante[1] bellum inter Albānōs et Rōmānōs exortum[2] est. Ducibus[3] Hostīliō et Fūfetiō placuit rem[4] paucōrum certāmine[5] fīnīrī. Erant apud Rōmānōs trigeminī frātrźs Horātiī, trźs apud {5} Albānōs Cūriātiī. Cum[6] eīs agunt rźgźs ut prō suā quisque patriā dīmicent[7] ferrō. Foedus[8] īctum est eā[9] lźge, ut, unde[10] victōria, ibi imperium esset. Īctō foedere trigeminī arma capiunt et in medium inter duās aciźs prōcźdunt. Cōnsźderant utrimque duo exercitūs. Datur {10} sīgnum, īnfźstīque[11] armīs ternī[12] iuvenźs, māgnōrum[13] exercituum animōs gerentźs, concurrunt. Ut prīmō concursū increpuźre[14] arma micantźsque fulsźre[15] gladiī, horror ingźns spectantźs[16] perstringit. Cōnsertīs[17] deinde manibus, statim duo Rōmānī alius super alium exspīrantźs cecidźrunt[18]; trźs Albānī vulnerātī. Ad[19] cāsum Rōmānōrum conclāmāvit gaudiō exercitus Albānus. Rōmānōs {16} iam spźs tōta dźserźbat. Ūnum Horātium trźs Cūriātiī circumsteterant.[20] Forte[21] is integer fuit; sed quia tribus impār erat, ut distraheret hostźs, fugam capessīvit,[22] singulōs[23] per intervālla [[12]] secūtūrōs esse ratus. Iam aliquantum[1] spatiī ex eō locō, {20} ubi pūgnātum est, aufūgerat, cum respiciźns videt ūnum ź Cūriātiīs haud procul ab sźsź abesse. In[2] eum māgnō impetū redit, et dum Albānus exercitus inclāmat[3] Cūriātiīs ut opem ferant frātrī, iam Horātius eum occīderat. Alterum[4] deinde, priusquam[5] tertius posset[5] cōnsequī, interfźcit. {25} Iam singulī[6] supererant,[7] sed nec spź nec vīribus parźs.[8] Alter[9] erat intāctus ferrō et geminātā victōriā ferōx[10]; alter fessum[11] vulnere, fessum cursū trahźbat[12] corpus. Nec illud proelium fuit. Rōmānus exsultāns male sustinentem arma Cūriātium cōnficit,[13] iacentem[14] spoliat. Rōmānī ovantźs[15] ac grātulantźs Horātium {30} accipiunt et domum[16] dźdūcunt. Prīnceps ībat Horātius, trium frātrum spolia prae sź gerźns. Cuī[17] obvia fuit soror, quae dźspōnsa fuerat ūnī ex Cūriātiīs, vīsōque[18] super umerōs frātris palūdāmentō spōnsī, quod ipsa cōnfźcerat, flźre et crīnźs[19] solvere coepit. Movet {34} ferōcis iuvenis animum complōrātiō sorōris in tantō gaudiō pūblicō; itaque strictō[20] gladiō trānsfīgit puellam, simul eam verbīs[21] increpāns: {36} "Abī[22] hinc cum immātūrō amōre ad spōnsum, oblīta[23] [[13]] frātrum, oblīta patriae. Sīc eat,[1] quaecumque Rōmāna lūgźbit hostem." Atrōx id vīsum est facinus[2] patribus[3] plźbīque; quārź raptus {40} est in iūs[4] Horātius et apud iūdicźs condemnātus. Iam accesserat līctor[5] iniciźbatque[6] laqueum. Tum Horātius ad populum prōvocāvit. Intereā pater Horātiī senex prōclāmābat fīliam suam iūre caesam[7] esse; et iuvenem amplexus[8] spoliaque Cūriātiōrum ostentāns, ōrābat populum nź[9] sź, quem paulō {45} ante cum źgregiā stirpe cōnspexissent,[10] orbum līberīs[11] faceret.[9] Nōn tulit populus patris lacrimās iuvenemque[12] absolvit admīrātiōne[13] magis virtūtis quam iūre[13] causae. Ut tamen caedźs manifźsta expiārźtur, pater quibusdam[14] sacrificiīs {50} perāctīs trānsmīsit per viam[15] tigillum et fīlium capite adopertō velut sub iugum[16] mīsit; quod tigillum _Sorōrium_[17] appellātum est. [Illustration: FASCŹS] Nōn diū pāx[18] Albāna mānsit[19]; nam Mettius {54} Fūfetius, dux Albānōrum, cum[20] sź invidiōsum apud cīvźs vidźret,[20] [[14]] quod[1] bellum ūnō[2] paucōrum certāmine fīnīsset, ut[3] rem corrigeret, Vźientźs Fīdźnatźsque adversus Rōmānōs concitāvit. Ipse, ā Tullō in[4] auxilium arcessītus, aciem in collem subdūxit, ut fortūnam bellī exspectāret et sequerźtur. Quā[5] rź Tullus intellźctā {59} māgnā vōce ait[6] suō illud iussū Mettium facere, ut hostźs ā tergō circumvenīrentur. Quō audītō hostźs territī et victī sunt. Posterō diź Mettius cum ad grātulandum Tullō vźnisset, iussū illīus quadrīgīs[7] religātus et in[8] dīversa distrāctus[9] est. Deinde Tullus Albam propter ducis perfidiam dīruit et Albānōs Rōmam trānsīre iussit.[10] Rōma interim crźvit[11] Albae ruīnīs[12]; duplicātus est cīvium {65} numerus; mōns Caelius urbī additus et, quō[13] frequentius habitārźtur,[13] eam[14] sźdem Tullus rźgiae cźpit ibique deinde habitāvit. Auctārum[15] vīrium fīdūciā źlātus[16] bellum Sabīnīs indīxit. Pźstilentia [[15]] īnsecūta[1] est; nūlla tamen ab armīs quiźs dabātur. Crźdźbat enim rźx bellicōsus[2] salūbriōra mīlitiae[3] quam domī esse {70} iuvenum[4] corpora, sed ipse quoque[5] diuturnō morbō est implicitus. Tunc vźrō adeō[6] frāctī[7] simul cum corpore sunt spīritūs[8] illī ferōcźs, ut nūllī reī posthāc nisi sacrīs operam daret. Memorant Tullum fulmine[9] īctum cum domō cōnflagrāsse. Tullus māgnā glōriā bellī rźgnāvit annōs duōs et trīgintā. {75} [Footnotes: IV (pages 10-15) 10.16: #Mortuō Numā#: abl. abs. = _post Numae mortem_. 10.17: #proximō rźgī#: 'his predecessor.' Join with #dissimilis#, which has the same constructions as _similis_ (p. 3, n. 12). _Proximus_ may mean 'nearest (in the past)' = 'last,' or 'nearest (in the future)' = 'next.' The context must determine the sense. 10.18: abl. of comparison. H 471 (417): M 615: A 247: G 398: B 217. 11.1: #Eō rźgnante#: 'during his reign.' How does this abl. abs. differ from those in I, lines 3, 5, 18, 37, and 40? Cf. p. xxii, K 1. 11.2: _exorior_. 11.3: #Ducibus . . . placuit#: 'the leaders agreed that,' etc. The subject of #placuit# is the clause #rem . . . fīnīrī#. 11.4: The meanings of _rźs_ are extremely varied. Here #rem# may be translated 'dispute,' and so practically = _bellum_ above. For the mood of _fīnīrī_, see p. 6, n. 16. 11.5: The abl. here denotes both the means by which and the manner in which the quarrel was to be ended. 11.6: #Cum . . . rźgźs#: 'the kings urge them.' How literally? 11.7: Cf. p. 1, n. 5. 11.8: Cf. p. 6, n. 21. 11.9: #eā lźge ut#: 'with the understanding that,' 'with the proviso (#lźge#) that.' The clause #ut . . . esset# expresses the purpose which the leaders had in mind in striking the treaty. 11.10: Sc. _fuisset_. #unde# = _quā ex parte_. We would rather say, '_on_ which side.' Latin often thus prefers to view an idea as one of _motion from_ a place where the English views it rather as that of _rest at_ a point. Why? 11.11: #īnfźstī armīs#: 'hostile in (respect of) arms,' i.e. 'with hostile arms.' 11.12: 'three on each side.' Why do we give this meaning to the adjective? 11.13: #māgnōrum . . . gerentźs#: 'breathing the spirit of mighty armies.' So we speak of a person as 'a host in himself.' 11.14: #increpuźre# describes the sound made by the spears as they struck the shields. 11.15: _fulgeō_. 11.16: = _spectātōrźs_. 11.17: _cōnserō_. 11.18: _cadō_. 11.19: #Ad cāsum#: we say '_at_ the fall,' but the Latin thinks of the shout as rising _against_ (i.e. to greet) the fall. 11.20: _circumstō_. 11.21: Cf. p. 5, n. 19. 11.22: #fugam capessīvit#: 'took (to) flight'; cf. 'to take to one's heels.' 11.23: #singulōs per intervālla#: 'one by one, at intervals.' 12.1: #aliquantum spatiī#: 'some distance.' #spatiī# is a partitive genitive; #aliquantum# is an acc. of extent of space: H 417 (379): M 513: A 257: G 335: B 181. 12.2: #In . . . redit# (_redeō_): 'he turned and made a furious attack upon him.' How literally? 12.3: #inclāmat . . . ferant#: 'was shouting . . . (bidding them) to bear aid.' For #inclāmat#, see p. 3, n. 14. 12.4: = _secundum_, as often. 12.5: H 605, II (520, 2): M 880: A 327: G 577: B 292. 12.6: 'one on each side.' Cf. _ternī_, l. 11, and note there. 12.7: _supersum_. 12.8: 'equally matched.' 12.9: #alter . . . alter#: 'the one . . . the other (of the two).' With #intāctus# cf. _integer_, l. 18. 12.10: 'inspirited, emboldened.' 12.11: The repetition of #fessum# gives emphasis by dwelling upon the fact. 12.12: 'was dragging,' i.e. instead of moving with life and vigor. We would rather say, 'could barely drag his body along.' So we would render #male sustinentem arma#, l. 29, as 'barely able to endure (the weight of) his armor.' 12.13: = _occidit_. 12.14: 'as he lay prostrate.' 12.15: #ovantźs ac grātulantźs#: 'with rejoicing and congratulations.' Participles, like adjectives, may have adverbial force. 12.16: accus. of limit of motion; cf. p. 3, n. 4. 12.17: Cf. p. 4, n. 3. 12.18: #vīsō . . . spōnsī#: 'when she saw her lover's cloak,' etc. Cf. p. 1, n. 4. 12.19: #crīnźs solvere#: a common token of grief among the Romans. Cf. _crinibus passīs_, II, 36. 12.20: _stringō_. 12.21: #verbīs increpāns#: cf. _hīs increpāns verbīs_, I, 46. 12.22: _abeō_. 12.23: #oblīta# (_oblivīscor_) #frātrum#: 'you who have forgotten,' or 'since you have forgotten.' For the genitives #frātrum# and #patriae#, see H 454 (406, II): M 588: A 219: G 376: B 206, 1. Cf. the English 'forgetful of.' For the repetition of #oblīta# see n. 11. 13.1: 'fare, perish.' The subject is _fźmina_, or _illa fźmina_, as suggested by #quaecumque#. How? With the whole sentence cf. _Sīc . . . mea_, I, 47, and see note there. 13.2: #facinus#, by its derivation from _faciō_, properly = 'a deed,' whether good or bad, but generally 'a crime.' 13.3: = _senātōribus_, who were officially styled _Patrźs Cōnscrīptī_. #patribus plźbīque# virtually = _omnibus_. 13.4: 'court.' 13.5: See Vocab., _līctor_. 13.6: The tense has dramatic force and = 'was (actually) putting on.' 13.7: _caedō_. 13.8: _amplector_. 13.9: clause of negative purpose: see p. 9, n. 6. 13.10: _cōnspiciō_. The subjunctive may be explained (1) as caused by attraction to #faceret#, H 652, 1 (529, II): M 793: A 342: G 663: B 324, or (2) as in informal indir. disc. 13.11: abl. of separation (cf. p. 1, n. 6), to be joined with #orbum faceret#, which = _orbāret_. 13.12: After a negative clause the Romans often use _que_ or _et_, where the English idiom requires _but_. 13.13: why abl.? see p. 4, n. 1. 13.14: Cf. p. 6, n. 21. 13.15: 'a (certain) street.' The street referred to ran up the slope of the Esquiline Hill. 13.16: See Vocab., _iugum_. The father of Horatius, by making him pass, as it were, beneath the yoke, symbolically executed the sentence of death passed by the judges. 13.17: Sc. _Tigillum_. Livy says that this beam was renewed from time to time at public expense, even down to his own day. Another memorial of this fight was the _Pīla_ ('Column') _Horātia_, adjoining the Forum, on which Horatius is said to have hung the spoils taken from the Curiatii. 13.18: #pāx Albāna# = _pāx cum Albā īcta_. 13.19: _maneō_. 13.20: #cum . . . vidźret#: subjunctive of cause. See p. 2, n. 13; p. 4, n. 12; and p. xx, H 2. 14.1: #quod . . . fīnīsset#: 'because (as they said),' etc. The subjunctive is due to the implied indirect discourse, and expresses the thought, not of the writer, but of Mettius' subjects. See p. xxi, H 4. 14.2: #ūnō . . . certāmine#: 'by one contest (only), and that a contest in which but few fought.' Cf. l. 4. 14.3: #ut . . . corrigeret#: 'to set the matter straight,' i.e. to regain the good will of his people. Join this clause with what follows. 14.4: #in auxilium#: 'to give aid,' an expression of purpose. Cf. _ad supplicium_, I, 29, and note. Tullus summoned Mettius in accordance with the treaty made before the fight between the Horatii and the Curiatii (l. 7). 14.5: #Quā rź . . . intellźctā# (_intellegō_): 'when he noticed this state of things.' For #quā#, see p. 4, n. 3. 14.6: #ait . . . circumvenīrentur#: Tullus' purpose in making this statement was partly to frighten the enemy, partly to reassure his own men. Livy relates that Tullus had stationed his own forces against the Veientes, the Albans against the Fidenates. The withdrawal of Mettius exposed the flank of the Romans to attack from the Fidenates, and so was regarded at once by the Romans as proof of treachery. 14.7: abl. of separation (cf. p. 1, n. 6). _ligāre_ and its compounds are construed with either (1) the simple ablative, or (2) the ablative with _ab_, _dź_, or _ex_. 14.8: #in . . . est#: 'was torn limb from limb.' 14.9: _distrahō_. 14.10: _iubeō_. 14.11: _crźscō_. 14.12: abl. of means. 14.13: #quō . . . habitārźtur#: 'that it might be more densely inhabited,' i.e. that a larger number of people might be induced to live there. In purpose clauses containing a comparative, _quō_ is used instead of _ut_: H 568, 7 (497, 2): M 909: A 317, _b_: G 545, 2; B 282, _a_. This _quō_ is the abl. sing. neut. of the relative pronoun, and = _ut eō_, 'that thereby.' 14.14: #eam . . . cźpit# (_capiō_): 'Tullus chose it (the mountain) as the site of his palace,' Why is #eam# feminine, although referring to _mōns Caelius_, which is masculine? Cf. p. 5, n. 14. 14.15: #Auctārum . . . fīdūciā#: 'because of the confidence (begotten) of his increased strength,' or 'by his confidence in his increased strength.' In the former case the gen. is subjective; in the latter it is objective; H 440, 1 and 2 (396, II and III): M 553, 571: A 213, 1, 2: G 363, 1 and 2: B 199, 200. 14.16: _efferō_. 15.1: _īnsequor_. 15.2: #bellicōsus# = a causal clause _quod ipse bellicōsus erat_. 15.3: #mīlitiae quam domī#: 'in war than in peace.' See H 484, 2 (426, 2): M 622: A 258, _d_: G. 411, R. 2: B 232, 2; xvi, A 1. 15.4: = 'the fighting men,' because _iuvenźs_ (men under 45) were eligible for military duty. 15.5: #sed ipse quoque#: 'but (i.e. in spite of this statement) he too.' 15.6: 'so completely.' 15.7: _frangō_. 15.8: #spīritūs illī ferōcźs#: 'that high spirit of his'; #illī# = 'that for which he was so famous.' Cf. l. 2. 15.9: #fulmine īctum . . . cōnflagrāsse# = _fulmine īctum esse et cōnflagrāsse_. Instead of using two coördinated verbs with a common subject, Latin regularly represents the first verb by a perf. pass. part., or by the past part. of a deponent verb, in agreement with that common subject. Cf. p. 2, n. 8, and p. xxiv, L 5.] #V. Ancus Marcius, Romanorum rex quartus# [[stripped text]] 641-616 B.C. Tullo mortuo Ancum Marcium regem populus creavit. Numae Pompilii nepos Ancus Marcius erat, aequitate et religione avo similis. Tunc Latini, cum quibus Tullo regnante ictum foedus erat, sustulerant animos, et incursionem in agrum Romanum fecerunt. Ancus, priusquam eis bellum indiceret, legatum misit, qui res repeteret, eumque morem posteri acceperunt. Id autem hoc modo fiebat. Legatus, ubi ad fines eorum venit a quibus res repetuntur, capite velato "Audi, Iuppiter," inquit "audite, fines huius populi. Ego sum publicus nuntius populi Romani; verbis meis fides sit." Deinde peragit postulata. Si non deduntur res quas exposcit, hastam in fines hostium emittit bellumque ita indicit. Legatus, qui ea de re mittitur, _Fetialis_ ritusque belli indicendi _Ius Fetiale_ appellatur. Legato Romano res repetenti superbe responsum est a Latinis; quare bellum hoc modo eis indictum est. Ancus, exercitu conscripto, profectus Latinos fudit et compluribus oppidis deletis cives Romam traduxit. Cum autem in tanta hominum multitudine facinora clandestina fierent, Ancus carcerem in media urbe ad terrorem increscentis audaciae aedificavit. Idem nova moenia urbi circumdedit, Ianiculum montem ponte sublicio in Tiberi facto urbi coniunxit, in ore Tiberis Ostiam urbem condidit. Pluribus aliis rebus intra paucos annos confectis; immatura morte praereptus obiit. #V. Ancus Mārcius, Rōmānōrum rźx quārtus# [[as printed]] 641-616 B.C. [Illustration: NUMA AND ANCUS MĀRCIUS] Tullō mortuō[10] Ancum Mārcium rźgem[11] populus creāvit. Numae Pompiliī nepōs Ancus Mārcius erat, aequitāte[12] et religiōne[12] avō similis. Tunc Latīnī, cum quibus Tullō rźgnante īctum foedus erat, {5} sustulerant[13] animōs, et incursiōnem in agrum Rōmānum fźcźrunt. Ancus, priusquam[14] eīs bellum indīceret,[14] lźgātum mīsit, quī[15] rźs [[16]] repeteret, eumque[1] mōrem posterī accźpźrunt. Id autem hōc modō fīźbat. Lźgātus, ubi ad fīnźs eōrum venit ā quibus rźs {10} repetuntur, capite[2] vźlātō "Audī, Iuppiter," inquit[3] "audīte, fīnźs hūius[4] populī. Ego sum pūblicus[5] nūntius populī Rōmānī; verbīs[6] meīs fidźs sit." Deinde peragit pōstulāta. Sī nōn dźduntur rźs quās expōscit, hastam in fīnźs hostium źmittit bellumque ita indīcit. Lźgātus, quī eā dź rź mittitur, _Fźtiālis_[7] rītusque bellī {15} indīcendī _Iūs Fźtiāle_ appellātur. [Illustration: CARCER MAMERTĪNUS] Lźgātō Rōmānō rźs repetentī superbź respōnsum[8] est ā Latīnīs; quārź bellum hōc[9] modō eīs indictum est. Ancus, exercitū cōnscrīptō, profectus[10] Latīnōs fūdit et complūribus oppidīs dźlźtīs cīvźs Rōmam {20} trādūxit[11]. Cum[12] autem in tantā hominum multitūdine facinora clandestīna fierent, Ancus carcerem[13] in mediā urbe ad[14] terrōrem incrźscentis audāciae aedificāvit. Īdem nova moenia urbī circumdedit, {25} Iāniculum montem ponte[15] subliciō [[17]] in Tiberī factō urbī cōniūnxit, in ōre[1] Tiberis Ōstiam urbem condidit. Plūribus aliīs rźbus intrā paucōs annōs cōnfectīs; immātūrā morte praereptus obiit. {29} [Footnotes: V (pages 15-17) 15.10: What is the force of this abl. abs.? 15.11: #rźgem populus creāvit#: This phrase, as it stands, is somewhat misleading. As a matter of fact, the kingship was neither hereditary nor elective. On the death of a king an _interrźx_, or regent, was chosen, who took the auspices, and the augurs inferred from the signs that the gods favored a certain candidate. He was then elected by the Assembly, and the choice was confirmed by the Senate. 15.12: abl. of specification. 15.13: #sustulerant# (_tollō_) #animōs#: 'had plucked up courage.' 15.14: Cf. _priusquam . . . posset_, IV, 25, and note. 15.15: #quī . . . repeteret#: relative clause of purpose. _Rźs repetere_ = 'to demand the (stolen) things,' is a technical phrase of war, and = 'to demand restitution or satisfaction.' The opposite is _rźs reddere_, or _rźs dźdere_, as in l. 13. 16.1: #eum mōrem . . . accźpźrunt#: 'that custom posterity (the Romans of later times) adopted.' Traces of the custom appear as late as the reign of Augustus. 16.2: While praying, the Romans covered their faces with a fold of the toga, that no untoward sight might interrupt their devotions. The _lźgātus_ here covers his face, because he is praying to Jupiter and to the #fīnźs#, which are personified. 16.3: This word, rather than _dīxit_, is used with direct discourse, and regularly stands, as here, _within_ the quotation. 16.4: The _lźgātus_, of course, said _fīnźs Albānōrum_, or _Vźientium_, as the case might be. 16.5: 'official,' i.e. duly accredited. 16.6: #verbīs . . . sit# = _verbīs meīs crźdite_. Cf. II, 48, _cuī reī fidem fźcit_. #sit# is a hortatory subjunctive; H 559, 1 (484, II): M 713: A 266: G 263: B 274. 16.7: See Vocab., _fźtiālis_. 16.8: #respōnsum . . . Latīnīs# = _Latīnī respondźrunt_. The impersonal passive is common. 16.9: #hōc#: 'described _above_,' in lines 9-16. In l. 9 _hōc_ = 'described _below_.' _Hīc_ more often bears the latter sense, i.e. it refers to what follows. 16.10: #profectus . . . fūdit# (_fundō_): cf. p. 15, n. 9. 16.11: 'transferred, removed.' 16.12: #Cum . . . fierent#: a causal clause; cf. p. 13, n. 20. 16.13: See Vocab., _carcer_. 16.14: #ad . . . audāciae# = _ut incrźscentem audāciam terrźret_. Cf. p. 3, n. 8, and _ad congressum deae_, III, 33. #audāciae# is objective genitive: cf. p. 14, n. 15. 16.15: #ponte subliciō#: abl. abs., with #factō#, expressing means. This bridge, the earliest and most famous of the bridges over the Tiber, derived its name from the circumstance that it was always made of wood and supported on piles (_sublicae_). It is this bridge that figures so largely in Macaulay's _Lays of Ancient Rome_, Horatius, stanzas xxix. ff. 17.1: #in ōre#: 'at the mouth.' The town Ostia got its name from its position _in ōre Tiberis_. It was the port of Rome, and thus attained great importance. Great harbors were built there in the days of the Empire, the remains of which, as well as of the warehouses built for the storage of merchandise from abroad, are still visible.] #VI. Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, Romanorum rex quintus# [[stripped text]] 616-578 B.C. Anco regnante Lucius Tarquinius, Tarquiniis, ex Etruriae urbe, profectus, cum coniuge et fortunis omnibus Romam commigravit. Additur haec fabula: advenienti aquila pilleum sustulit et super carpentum, cui Tarquinius insidebat, cum magno clangore volitans rursus capiti apte reposuit; inde sublimis abiit. Tanaquil coniux, caelestium prodigiorum perita, regnum ei portendi intellexit; itaque, virum complexa, excelsa et alta sperare eum iussit. Has spes cogitationesque secum portantes urbem ingressi sunt, domicilioque ibi comparato Tarquinius pecunia et industria dignitatem atque etiam Anci regis familiaritatem consecutus est; a quo tutor liberis relictus regnum intercepit et ita administravit, quasi iure adeptus esset. Tarquinius Priscus Latinos bello domuit; Circum Maximum aedificavit; de Sabinis triumphavit; murum lapideum urbi circumdedit. Equitum centurias duplicavit, nomina mutare non potuit, deterritus, ut ferunt, Atti Navii auctoritate. Attus enim, ea tempestate augur inclitus, id fieri posse negabat, nisi aves addixissent; iratus rex in experimentum artis eum interrogavit, fierine posset quod ipse mente concepisset; Attus augurio acto fieri posse respondit. "Atqui hoc" inquit rex "agitabam, num cotem illam secare novacula possem." "Potes ergo" inquit augur, et rex secuisse dicitur. Tarquinius filium tredecim annorum, quod in proelio hostem percussisset, praetexta bullaque donavit; unde haec ingenuorum puerorum insignia esse coeperunt. Supererant duo Anci filii, qui, aegre ferentes se paterno regno fraudatos esse, regi insidias paraverunt. Ex pastoribus duos ferocissimos deligunt ad patrandum facinus. Ei simulata rixa in vestibulo regiae tumultuantur. Quorum clamor cum penitus in regiam pervenisset, vocati ad regem pergunt. Primo uterque vociferari coepit et certatim alter alteri obstrepere. Cum vero iussi essent in vicem dicere, unus ex composito rem orditur; dumque intentus in eum se rex totus avertit, alter elatam securim in eius caput deiecit, et relicto in vulnere telo ambo foras se proripiunt. #VI. Lūcius Tarquinius Prīscus, Rōmānōrum rźx quīntus# [[as printed]] 616-578 B.C. Ancō rźgnante Lūcius Tarquinius, Tarquiniīs,[2] ex Etrūriae urbe, profectus,[3] cum coniuge et fortūnīs omnibus Rōmam commigrāvit. Additur haec fābula: advenientī[4] aquila pilleum sustulit[5] et super carpentum,[6] cuī[7] Tarquinius īnsidźbat, cum māgnō clangōre volitāns rūrsus[8] capitī[9] aptź reposuit; inde sublīmis[10] abiit. Tanaquil coniux, caelestium[11] prōdigiōrum perīta, rźgnum[12] eī portendī {6} intellźxit; itaque, virum complexa, excelsa[13] et alta[13] spźrāre [[18]] eum iussit. Hās spźs cōgitātiōnźsque sźcum portantźs urbem ingressī[1] sunt, domiciliōque ibi comparātō Tarquinius pecūniā et indūstriā dīgnitātem atque etiam Ancī rźgis familiāritātem {10} cōnsecūtus[2] est; ā quō tūtor līberīs relīctus[3] rźgnum intercźpit et ita administrāvit, quasi[4] iūre adeptus[5] esset. [Illustration: AUGUR] Tarquinius Prīscus Latīnōs bellō domuit; Circum[6] Māximum aedificāvit; dź[7] Sabīnīs triumphāvit; mūrum[8] lapideum urbī circumdedit. Equitum centuriās[9] duplicāvit, {15} nōmina mūtāre nōn potuit, dźterritus, ut ferunt, Attī Nāviī auctōritate. Attus enim, eā tempestāte[10] augur inclitus, id fierī posse negābat, nisi[11] avźs addīxissent[11]; īrātus rźx in[12] experīmentum artis eum interrogāvit, fierīne posset[13] {20} quod ipse mente concźpisset[14]; Attus auguriō āctō fierī posse respondit. "Atquī hōc"[15] inquit rźx "agitābam, num cōtem illam secāre novāculā possem."[13] "Potes[16] ergō" inquit augur, et rźx secuisse dīcitur. Tarquinius fīlium tredecim {25} annōrum,[17] quod in proeliō hostem percussisset,[18] praetextā[19] [[19]] bullāque[1] dōnāvit; unde[2] haec[3] ingenuōrum puerōrum īnsīgnia esse coepźrunt. Supererant[4] duo Ancī fīliī, quī, aegrź ferentźs sź paternō[5] rźgnō fraudātōs esse,[6] rźgī īnsidiās parāvźrunt. Ex pāstōribus {30} duōs ferōcissimōs dźligunt ad patrandum facinus. Eī simulātā rixā in vźstibulō rźgiae tumultuantur. Quōrum[7] clāmor cum[8] penitus in rźgiam pervźnisset, vocātī ad rźgem pergunt. Prīmō uterque vōciferārī coepit et certātim[9] alter alterī obstrepere. Cum vźrō iussī essent in vicem dīcere, ūnus ex[10] compositō rem {35} ōrdītur; dumque intentus in eum sź rźx tōtus āvertit, alter źlātam[11] secūrim in źius caput dźiźcit, et relīctō[12] in vulnere tźlō ambō forās sź prōripiunt. [Footnotes: VI (pages 17-19) 17.2: #Tarquiniīs . . . urbe#: 'from Tarquinii, a city of Etruria.' Cf. p. 8, n. 5. 17.3: _proficīscor_. 17.4: Sc. _Rōmam_: 'while on his way to Rome.' The participle agrees with _eī_ understood, which is a dat. of separation, or disadvantage, with #sustulit#: H 427 (385, 2): M 539: A 229: G 345, R. 1: B 188, 2, _d_. 17.5: _tollō_. 17.6: A two-wheeled carriage, with curtains and an awning. 17.7: #cuī#: 'in which.' Why dat.? 17.8: #rūrsus . . . reposuit#: since _repōnō_ = 'to put _back_,' or 'to place _again_,' #rūrsus# is unnecessary. 17.9: More often _repōnō_ is followed by _in_ with the abl., or the acc. 17.10: #sublīmis abiit#: 'flew high up in the air and departed.' 17.11: #caelestium . . . perīta#: 'skilled in (interpreting) portents from heaven.' The Romans regarded the Etruscans as exceptionally skillful in such matters. For the gen., see H 451, 1 (399, I, 2). M 573: A 218, _a_: G 374: B 204, 1. 17.12: #rźgnum eī portendī intellźxit#: 'perceived that the sign indicated that he was to be king.' How literally? According to Livy, the significance of the omen lay in these facts: It came from a favorable quarter of the sky (which, to the Romans, was the east); it concerned his _head_, the _supreme_ part of his being; hence the removal of his cap by the eagle, the bird of Jupiter, 'king of gods and men,' and its restoration, implied that his _cap_ was to be removed and replaced by a _crown_. 17.13: neuter plural adjectives, used as nouns: 'an exalted destiny.' 18.1: _ingredior_. 18.2: _cōnsequor_. 18.3: _relinquō_. 18.4: H 584 (513, II): M 944, 945: A 312, and N. 1: G 602 and R.: B 307. 18.5: _adipīscor_. 18.6: #Circum Māximum#: see map, p. xxviii. In its final form it could accommodate nearly 300,000 spectators. The Romans of the Empire were passionately devoted to the chariot races of the circus. For a good description of a Roman circus, see Lew Wallace's _Ben Hur_, Book V, Chap. XII. 18.7: #dź Sabīnīs triumphāvit#: 'he triumphed over'; lit., 'he got a triumph out of.' See Vocab., _triumphus_. 18.8: #mūrum . . . circumdedit#: 'he built a stone wall round the city.' According to Livy, the wall was merely begun by Tarquin and finished by his successor, Servius Tullius. 18.9: Cf. II, 42. Livy says that when Romulus formed the three centuries of horsemen he called one _Ramnźs_, after his own name, another _Titiźnsźs_, after King Tatius. Tarquin desired to name the new centuries after himself. 18.10: = _tempore_. 18.11: #nisi . . . addīxissent#: 'unless the birds gave consent,' i.e. without taking the _auspicia_ and finding them favorable. Cf. I, 42. The subjunctive is due to the indirect discourse. For the tense, see p. 6, n. 1. 18.12: #in experīmentum artis#: 'to test his art.' Cf. p. 14, n. 4. 18.13: Cf. Cf.] p. 3, n. 2. 18.14: Cf. p. 6, n. 1. The king said '_Potestne fierī quod in mente concźpī?_' 18.15: #hōc# is emphatic, 'Ah, but what I had in mind was _this_.' 18.16: #Potes ergō#: 'well, you can.' 18.17: descriptive gen.: H 440, 3 (396, V): M 558: A 215: G 365: B 203. 18.18: Cf. p. 14, n. 1. 18.19: Sc. _togā_. 19.1: See Vocab., _bulla_. 19.2: = _ex quō_: 'in consequence of this circumstance.' 19.3: Cf. p. 5, n. 14, and p. 16, n. 9. 19.4: 'were still alive.' 19.5: = _patris_. Cf. the use of _rźgius_, I, 17. 19.6: The infinitive depends on #aegrź ferentźs#. Phrases expressive of emotion, whether of joy or of sorrow, are often followed by the infinitive with subject accus. 19.7: Cf. p. 4, n. 3. 19.8: The conjunction of the subordinate clause is often preceded by one or two words, sometimes by a larger number. 19.9: #certātim . . . obstrepere#: 'to (try to) drown each other's voices'; lit., 'in eager rivalry to make noise one against (_ob_) the other.' Why is _alterī_ dative? 19.10: #ex compositō#: 'according to previous agreement.' 19.11: #źlātam secūrim . . . dźiźcit# = _extulit_ ('raised') _et dźiźcit_. Cf. p. 2, n. 8. 19.12: #relīctō . . . tźlō#: we say, 'leaving the weapon--they flee,' i.e. we treat the two actions as simultaneous. The Romans say more exactly: 'having left--they flee,' i.e. the act of leaving is viewed as prior to that of flight.] #VII. Servius Tullius, Romanorum rex sextus# [[stripped text]] 578-534 B.C. Post hunc Servius Tullius suscepit imperium, genitus ex nobili femina, captiva tamen et famula. Qui cum in domo Tarquinii Prisci educaretur, ferunt prodigium visu eventuque mirabile accidisse. Flammae species pueri dormientis caput amplexa est. Hoc visu Tanaquil summam ei dignitatem portendi intellexit coniugique suasit ut eum haud secus ac suos liberos educaret. Is postquam adolevit, et fortitudine et consilio insignis fuit. In proelio quodam, in quo rex Tarquinius adversus Sabinos conflixit, militibus segnius dimicantibus, raptum signum in hostem misit. Cuius recipiendi gratia Romani tam acriter pugnaverunt, ut et signum et victoriam referrent. Quare a Tarquinio gener adsumptus est; et cum Tarquinius occisus esset, Tanaquil, Tarquinii uxor, mortem eius celavit, populumque ex superiore parte aedium adlocuta ait regem grave quidem, sed non letale vulnus accepisse, eumque petere, ut interim dum convalesceret, Servio Tullio dicto audientes essent. Sic Servius Tullius regnare coepit, sed recte imperium administravit. Sabinos subegit; montes tres, Quirinalem, Viminalem, Esquilinum urbi adiunxit; fossas circa murum duxit. Idem censum ordinavit, et populum in classes et centurias distribuit. Servius Tullius aliquod urbi decus addere volebat. Iam tum inclitum erat Dianae Ephesiae fanum. Id communiter a civitatibus Asiae factum fama ferebat. Itaque Latinorum populis suasit ut et ipsi fanum Dianae cum populo Romano Romae in Aventino monte aedificarent. Quo facto, bos mirae magnitudinis cuidam Latino nata dicitur, et responsum somnio datum eum populum summam imperii habiturum, cuius civis bovem illam Dianae immolasset. Latinus bovem ad fanum Dianae egit et causam sacerdoti Romano exposuit. Ille callidus dixit prius eum vivo flumine manus abluere debere. Latinus dum ad Tiberim descendit, sacerdos bovem immolavit. Ita imperium civibus sibique gloriam adquisivit. Servius Tullius filiam alteram ferocem, mitem alteram habens, cum Tarquinii filios pari esse animo videret, ferocem miti, mitem feroci in matrimonium dedit, ne duo violenta ingenia matrimonio iungerentur. Sed mites seu forte seu fraude perierunt; feroces morum similitudo coniunxit. Statim Tarquinius a Tullia incitatus advocato senatu regnum paternum repetere coepit. Qua re audita Servius dum ad Curiam contendit, iussu Tarquinii per gradus deiectus et domum refugiens interfectus est. Tullia carpento vecta in Forum properavit et coniugem e Curia evocatum prima regem salutavit; cuius iussu cum e turba ac tumultu decessisset domumque rediret, viso patris corpore, cunctantem et frena mulionem inhibentem super ipsum corpus carpentum agere iussit, unde vicus ille Sceleratus dictus est. Servius Tullius regnavit annos quattuor et quadraginta. #VII. Servius Tullius, Rōmānōrum rźx sextus# [[as printed]] 578-534 B.C. Post hunc Servius Tullius suscźpit imperium, genitus ex nōbilī fźminā,[13] captīvā tamen et famulā. Quī cum in domō Tarquiniī Prīscī źducārźtur, ferunt[14] prōdigium[15] vīsū źventūque mīrābile [[20]] accidisse. Flammae[1] speciźs puerī dormientis caput amplexa est. Hōc vīsū Tanaquil summam[2] eī dīgnitātem portendī intellźxit {5} coniugīque suāsit ut[3] eum haud secus ac suōs līberōs[4] źducāret.[3] Is postquam adolźvit, et fortitūdine et cōnsiliō īnsīgnis fuit. In proeliō quōdam,[5] in quō rźx Tarquinius adversus Sabīnōs cōnflīxit, mīlitibus[6] sźgnius dīmicantibus, raptum[7] sīgnum in hostem mīsit. Cūius[8] {10} recipiendī grātiā Rōmānī tam ācriter pūgnāvźrunt, ut et sīgnum et victōriam referrent. Quārź ā Tarquiniō gener adsūmptus est; et cum Tarquinius occīsus esset, Tanaquil, Tarquiniī uxor, mortem źius cźlāvit, populumque ex superiōre[9] parte aedium adlocūta[10] ait rźgem grave {15} quidem, sed nōn lźtāle vulnus accźpisse, eumque petere, ut interim dum convalźsceret,[11] Serviō Tulliō[12] dictō audientźs essent. Sīc[13] Servius Tullius rźgnāre coepit, sed rźctź imperium administrāvit. Sabīnōs subźgit[14]; montźs trźs, Quirīnālem, Vīminālem, Źsquilīnum urbī adiūnxit; fossās[15] circā mūrum dūxit. Īdem cźnsum[16] {20} ōrdināvit, et populum in classźs[17] et centuriās[18] distribuit. [Illustration: SIGNUM] [[21]] Servius Tullius aliquod urbī decus addere volźbat. Iam[1] tum inclitum erat Diānae Ephesiae fānum.[2] Id commūniter[3] ā cīvitātibus Asiae factum fāma ferźbat. Itaque Latīnōrum populīs suāsit ut et[4] ipsī fānum Diānae {25} cum[5] populō Rōmānō Rōmae in Aventīnō monte aedificārent. Quō[6] factō, bōs mīrae māgnitūdinis[7] cuīdam Latīnō nāta[8] dīcitur, et respōnsum somniō datum[8] eum populum summam imperiī habitūrum,[8] cūius cīvis bovem illam Diānae immolāsset.[9] {30} Latīnus[10] bovem ad fānum Diānae źgit et causam sacerdōtī Rōmānō exposuit. Ille callidus[11] dīxit prius eum vīvō flūmine manūs abluere dźbźre. Latīnus dum ad Tiberim[12] dźscendit, sacerdōs bovem immolāvit. Ita imperium cīvibus sibique glōriam adquīsīvit. {35} [Illustration: DIANA OF EPHESUS] [Illustration: SACRIFICE] Servius Tullius fīliam alteram ferōcem, mītem alteram habźns,[13] cum Tarquiniī fīliōs parī esse animō[14] vidźret, ferōcem[15] mītī, mītem ferōcī in mātrimōnium dedit, nź duo violenta ingenia [[22]] mātrimōniō iungerentur. Sed mītźs seu forte seu fraude periźrunt; ferōcźs mōrum similitūdō coniūnxit. Statim Tarquinius {40} ā Tulliā[1] incitātus advocātō[2] senātū rźgnum paternum repetere coepit. Quā[3] rź audītā Servius dum ad Cūriam contendit, iussū Tarquiniī per gradūs[4] dźiectus et domum refugiźns interfectus est. Tullia {45} carpentō vecta in Forum properāvit et cōniugem ź Cūriā źvocātum prīma rźgem salūtāvit; cūius iussū cum ź turbā ac tumultū dźcessisset[5] domumque redīret, vīsō patris corpore, cunctantem et frźna mūliōnem inhibentem {50} super ipsum[6] corpus carpentum agere iussit, unde[7] vīcus ille Scelerātus dictus est. Servius Tullius rźgnāvit annōs quattuor et quadrāgintā. [Footnotes: VII (pages 19-22) 19.13: Livy relates that at the capture of the Latin town Corniculum, Servius' father was killed and his mother taken prisoner. Out of respect to her high rank, Tanaquil set her free and welcomed her to the palace. There Servius was born, and he was brought up in Tarquin's household. 19.14: #ferunt . . . accidisse#: in English, the verb corresponding to #ferunt# would be parenthetical, thus: 'a prodigy, _they say_, happened.' 19.15: #prōdigium . . . mīrābile#: 'a prodigy, strange to look upon, and marvelously fulfilled.' #vīsū# and #źventū# are ablatives of specification to #mīrābile#: H 480 (424): M 650: A 253: G 397: B 226, 1. 20.1: #Flammae speciźs#: 'the semblance of fire.' We may render the whole sentence, 'Fire seemed to envelop,' etc. 20.2: #summam . . . intellźxit#: cf. p. 17, n. 12. 20.3: Cf. p. 1, n. 5. 20.4: governed by _źducābat_ understood. 20.5: _quīdam_ and _ūnus_ often have no more force than the English indefinite article. 20.6: #mīlitibus . . . dīmicantibus#: causal. 20.7: #raptum . . . mīsit#: cf. p. 2, n. 8. To lose the standard was as much of a disgrace then as it is now to lose the flag. 20.8: #Cūius . . . grātiā#: an expression of purpose = _quod ut reciperet_. 20.9: Roman houses in general had no windows on the ground floor. 20.10: Cf. p. 19, n. 12. 20.11: H 603, 2 (519, 2): M 921: A 328: G 572: B 293, III, 2, and p. xx, G 3. 20.12: dat. with #dictō audientźs essent#, which together = _pārźrent_: H 426 (385, I): M 530: A 227 and N. 2: G 346 and N. 5: B 187, II. #dictō# is dat. with #audientźs#, which here itself = 'obeying.' 20.13: i.e. instead of being formally chosen king by the senate and people (p. 15, n. 11). 20.14: _subigō_. 20.15: #fossās . . . dūxit#: this statement harmonizes with VI, 14: see note there. Remains of the wall and ditch are extant, especially along the east side of the Esquiline, Viminal, and Quirinal hills. 20.16: The census was not, as with us, a mere enumeration of the inhabitants, but an enrollment and classification of them according to property for purposes of taxation and military service. Hence the clause #in . . . distribuit# is in part an explanation of #cźnsum ōrdināvit#. 20.17: These classes were six in number. 20.18: According to Livy, there were 193 centuries. At elections each century cast a single vote, the opinion of the majority of its members being regarded as the voice of the whole century. The first, or richest class, contained 98 centuries, and so controlled 98 votes, more than a majority. 21.1: #Iam tum#: 'even in those early days.' 21.2: This temple was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. See Acts xix, 24 f. 21.3: #commūniter . . . factum# (_esse_): 'that the states of Asia had united in building it.' How literally? 21.4: #et ipsī# = _etiam ipsī_, or _ipsī quoque_: 'they too,' i.e. as well as the _cīvitātźs Asiae_. 21.5: 'in conjunction with.' The whole might have been expressed thus: _ut illī_ (i.e. the _Latīnī_) _et populus Rōmānus . . . aedificārent_. Cf. lines 23, 24. 21.6: #Quō factō# = _postquam hōc_ (i.e. the building of the temple) _factum est_. 21.7: Cf. p. 18, n. 17. 21.8: Sc. _esse_. For the personal construction #dīcitur#, see H 611, 1 (534, I and N. 1): M 962: A 330, _b_, 1: G 528, 1: B 332. 21.9: Subjunctive, because in a subordinate clause of indir. disc. For the tense, cf. p. 6, n. 1. 21.10: '_The_ (aforesaid) Latin,' mentioned in l. 28. This is one of the cases where Latin suffers from the lack of the definite article. 21.11: 'cunningly.' Cf. p. 4, n. 4. 21.12: The Tiber ran close to the foot of the Aventine hill on which (l. 26) the temple of Diana stood. 21.13: = _cum habźret_, 'since he had.' #cum . . . vidźret# is also causal. 21.14: abl. of quality: H 473, 2 (419, II): M 643: A 251: G 400: B 224. 21.15: #ferōcem . . . ferōcī#: note that the order in the second of these two pairs of words is the reverse of that in the first. Cf. l. 36, _alteram ferōcem, mītem alteram_. This arrangement is called _Chiasmus_: H 666, 2 (562): M 1150: A 344, _f_, and N.: G 682, and R.: B 350, II, _c_). 22.1: The daughter of Tullius. 22.2: #advocātō . . . coepit# = _senātum advocāvit et . . . coepit_. Cf. p. 2, n. 8. 22.3: #quā rź . . . contendit#: 'while Servius, after he had heard of this action, was hastening,' etc. For the tense of #contendit#, see p. 3, n. 14. 22.4: Sc. _Cūriae_. 22.5: #dźcessisset . . . redīret#: 'had departed . . . and _was_ returning.' 22.6: #super ipsum corpus#: 'over the _very_ body'; #ipsum# emphasizes the wickedness of Tullia. Roman feeling usually required that the utmost respect be shown to the bodies of the dead. 22.7: Used here as in VI, 27.] #VIII. Tarquinius Superbus, Romanorum rex septimus et ultimus# [[stripped text]] 534-510 B.C. Tarquinius Superbus regnum sceleste occupavit. Tamen bello strenuus Latinos Sabinosque domuit. Urbem Gabios in potestatem redegit fraude Sexti filii. Is cum indigne ferret eam urbem a patre expugnari non posse, ad Gabinos se contulit, patris saevitiam in se conquerens. Benigne a Gabinis exceptus paulatim eorum benevolentiam consequitur, fictis blanditiis ita eos adliciens, ut apud omnes plurimum posset, et ad postremum dux belli eligeretur. Tum e suis unum ad patrem mittit sciscitatum quidnam se facere vellet. Pater nuntio filii nihil respondit, sed velut deliberabundus in hortum transiit ibique inambulans sequente nuntio altissima papaverum capita baculo decussit. Nuntius, fessus exspectando, rediit Gabios. Sextus, cognito silentio patris et facto, intellexit quid vellet pater. Primores civitatis interemit patrique urbem sine ulla dimicatione tradidit. Postea rex Ardeam urbem obsidebat. Ibi cum in castris essent, Tarquinius Collatinus, sorore regis natus, forte cenabat apud Sextum Tarquinium cum iuvenibus regiis. Incidit de uxoribus mentio; cum suam unusquisque laudaret, placuit experiri. Itaque citatis equis Romam avolant; regias nurus in convivio et luxu deprehendunt. Pergunt inde Collatiam; Lucretiam, Collatini uxorem, inter ancillas lanae deditam inveniunt. Ea ergo ceteris praestare iudicatur. Paucis interiectis diebus Sextus Collatiam rediit et Lucretiae vim attulit. Illa postero die, advocatispatre et coniuge, rem exposuit et se cultro, quem sub veste abditum habebat, occidit. Conclamat vir paterque et in exitium regum coniurant. Tarquinio Romam redeunti clausae sunt urbis portae et exsilium indictum. In antiquis annalibus memoriae haec sunt prodita. Anus hospita atque incognita ad Tarquinium quondam Superbum regem adiit, novem libros ferens, quos esse dicebat divina oracula: eos se velle venumdare. Tarquinius pretium percontatus est: mulier nimium atque immensum poposcit. Rex, quasi anus aetate desiperet, derisit. Tum illa foculum cum igni apponit et tres libros ex novem deurit; et, ecquid reliquos sex eodem pretio emere vellet, regem interrogavit. Sed Tarquinius id multo risit magis, dixitque anum iam procul dubio delirare. Mulier ibidem statim tres alios libros exussit; atque id ipsum denuo placide rogat, ut tres reliquos eodem illo pretio emat. Tarquinius ore iam serio atque attentiore animo fit; eam constantiam confidentiamque non neglegendam intellegit: libros tres reliquos mercatur nihilo minore pretio quam quod erat petitum pro omnibus. Sed eam mulierem tunc a Tarquinio digressam postea nusquam loci visam constitit. Libri tres in sacrario conditi Sibyllinique appellati. Ad eos, quasi ad oraculum, Quindecemviri adeunt, cum dii immortales publice consulendi sunt. #VIII. Tarquinius Superbus, Rōmānōrum rźx septimus et ūltimus# [[as printed]] 534-510 B.C. Tarquinius Superbus rźgnum scelestź[8] occupāvit.[9] Tamen bellō strźnuus Latīnōs Sabīnōsque domuit. Urbem Gabiōs in potestātem redźgit fraude Sextī fīliī. Is cum indīgnź ferret eam urbem ā patre expūgnārī nōn posse,[10] ad Gabīnōs sź contulit, patris saevitiam in sź conquerźns. Benīgnź ā Gabīnīs exceptus paulātim {5} eōrum benevolentiam cōnsequitur, fīctīs blanditiīs ita eōs adliciźns, [[23]] ut apud omnźs plūrimum posset,[1] et ad postrźmum dux bellī źligerźtur. Tum ź suīs ūnum ad patrem mittit scīscitātum[2] quidnam sź[3] facere vellet. Pater nūntiō fīliī nihil respondit, sed velut dźlīberābundus[4] in hortum trānsiit ibique inambulāns {10} sequente nūntiō altissima[5] papāverum capita baculō dźcussit. Nūntius, fessus exspectandō, rediit Gabiōs. Sextus, cōgnitō silentiō patris et factō,[6] intellźxit[7] quid vellet pater. Prīmōrźs cīvitātis interźmit patrīque urbem sine ūllā dīmicātiōne trādidit. {15} Posteā rźx Ardeam urbem obsidźbat. Ibi cum in castrīs essent, Tarquinius Collātīnus, sorōre[8] rźgis nātus, forte cźnābat apud Sextum Tarquinium cum iuvenibus[9] rźgiīs. Incidit[10] dź uxōribus mentiō; cum suam ūnusquisque laudāret, placuit experīrī. Itaque citātīs[11] equīs Rōmam āvolant; rźgiās[12] nurūs in convīviō[13] {20} et lūxū dźprehendunt. Pergunt inde Collātiam[14]; Lucrźtiam, Collātīnī uxōrem, inter ancillās lānae[15] dźditam inveniunt. Ea ergō cźterīs praestāre iūdicātur. Paucīs interiectīs diźbus Sextus Collātiam rediit et Lucrźtiae vim[16] attulit. Illa posterō diź, advocātīs patre et coniuge, rem exposuit et sź cultrō, quem sub veste {25} [[24]] abditum habźbat, occīdit. Conclāmat vir paterque et in[1] exitium rźgum coniūrant. Tarquiniō[2] Rōmam redeuntī clausae sunt urbis portae et exsilium indictum.[3] In antīquīs annālibus memoriae haec sunt prōdita.[4] Anus hospita atque incōgnita ad Tarquinium quondam Superbum rźgem {30} adiit,[5] novem librōs ferźns, quōs esse dīcźbat dīvīna ōrācula: eōs sź velle[6] vźnumdare. Tarquinius pretium percontātus est: mulier nimium atque immźnsum popōscit. Rźx, quasi[7] anus aetāte dźsiperet, dźrīsit.[8] Tum illa foculum cum īgnī appōnit et trźs librōs ex novem deūrit; et, ecquid reliquōs sex eōdem pretiō[9] emere {35} vellet, rźgem interrogāvit. Sed Tarquinius id multō rīsit magis, dīxitque anum iam procul dubiō dźlīrāre. Mulier ibīdem statim trźs aliōs librōs exūssit[10]; atque id[11] ipsum dźnuō placidź rogat, ut[12] trźs reliquōs eōdem illō pretiō emat. Tarquinius ōre[13] iam sźriō atque attentiōre animō[13] fit; eam[14] cōnstantiam cōnfīdentiamque {40} nōn neglegendam[15] intellegit: librōs trźs reliquōs mercātur nihilō minōre pretiō[9] quam quod erat petītum prō omnibus. Sed eam mulierem tunc ā Tarquiniō dīgressam[16] posteā nūsquam locī vīsam[15] cōnstitit. Librī[17] trźs in sacrāriō conditī Sibyllīnīque appellātī. Ad eōs, quasi ad ōrāculum, Quīndecemvirī adeunt, cum {45} diī immortālźs pūblicź cōnsulendī sunt. [Footnotes: VIII (pages 22-24) 22.8: Cf. the whole description VII, 40-53. 22.9: not 'occupied.' 22.10: The infinitive depends on #indīgnź ferret#, an expression of emotion. Cf. p. 19, n. 6. 23.1: #plūrimum posset#: 'he possessed great influence.' #plūrimum# is an accusative of extent. 23.2: Cf. p. 5, n. 20. 23.3: #sź# refers to Sextus. Sextus asked his father through the messenger: _Quidnam mź facere vīs?_ 23.4: Adjectives ending in -_bundus_ generally have the force of the English present participle active. 23.5: #altissima . . . capita# = 'the heads of the tallest poppies.' How literally? 23.6: #factō# is here a noun. 23.7: It has been shown that the whole of this story was derived from Greek sources, and that the incident described in the text is, so far as Gabii is concerned, without foundation. 23.8: H 469, 2 (415, II): M 609: A 244: G 395: B 215. 23.9: #iuvenibus rźgiīs#: 'the princes.' 23.10: #Incidit . . . mentiō#: 'the conversation happened to turn on (the merits of) their (respective) wives.' How literally? 23.11: #citātīs equīs#: 'at top speed.' How literally? 23.12: #rźgiās nurūs#: 'the king's daughters-in-law,' i.e. the princes' wives. 23.13: #convīviō et lūxū#: 'a banquet and luxury' = 'a luxurious banquet.' 23.14: The home of Collatinus. 23.15: #lānae dźditam#: 'wholly intent on spinning.' In the oldest times the Roman housewife made all the garments of the household. Hence a frequent laudatory inscription on the tombstones of Roman ladies is _lānam fźcit_. Macaulay had this feature of Roman life in mind when (_Horatius_, stanza LXX) he wrote: "When the goodwife's shuttle merrily Goes flashing through the loom." 23.16: #vim attulit# (_adferō_): 'outraged.' 24.1: #in exitium rźgum#: 'to kill the royal family (#rźgum#).' For #in exitium# cf. p. 14, n. 4. 24.2: dat. of disadvantage. Translate: 'against T., on his return to Rome.' 24.3: Sc. _est_. 24.4: _prōdō_. 24.5: _adeō_. 24.6: infin. because dependent on _dīxit_ understood, to be supplied from #dīcźbat#. 24.7: #quasi . . . dźsiperet#: 'thinking that the old woman's mind was failing through age.' See p. 3, n. 6. 24.8: _dźrīdeō_. 24.9: abl. of price: H 478 (422): M 652: A 252: G 404: B 225. 24.10: _exūrō_. 24.11: explained by the clause #ut . . . emat#. 24.12: #ut . . . emat#: a substantive clause of purpose depending on #rogat#: H 565 (498, I): M 894: A 331: G 546: B 295, 4. 24.13: abl. of quality with #fit#. 24.14: = _tālem_, as often. 24.15: sc. _esse_. 24.16: #dīgressam# (_dīgredior_) = _postquam dīgressa est_. 24.17: #Librī . . . appellātī#: the _Sibyllae_ were inspired maidens devoted to the worship of Apollo. The most famous, from whom Tarquin was believed to have received the Sibylline books, lived at Cumae, on the coast of Campania, in Italy. The books were placed in a vault beneath the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus. When this temple was burned in 83 B.C., the senate sent envoys to Greece to make a new collection of oracular sayings. These also were deposited for a time in the temple of Jupiter after its restoration.] #IX. Iunius Brutus, Romanorum consul primus# [[stripped text]] Iunius Brutus, sorore Tarquinii Superbi natus, cum eandem fortunam timeret, in quam frater inciderat, qui ob divitias et prudentiam ab avunculo erat occisus, stultitiam finxit, unde Brutus dictus est. Profectus Delphos cum Tarquinii filiis, quos pater ad Apollinem muneribus honorandum miserat, baculo sambuceo aurum inclusum dono tulit deo. Peractis deinde mandatis patris, iuvenes Apollinem consulunt quisnam ex ipsis Romae regnaturus esset. Responsum est eum Romae summam potestatem habiturum, qui primus matrem osculatus esset. Tunc Brutus, velut si casu prolapsus cecidisset, terram osculatus est, scilicet quod ea communis mater omnium mortalium esset. Expulsis regibus duo consules creati sunt, Iunius Brutus et Tarquinius Collatinus Lucretiae maritus. At libertas modo parta per dolum et proditionem paene amissa est. Erant in iuventute Romana adulescentes aliquot, sodales adulescentium Tarquiniorum. Hi cum legatis, quos rex ad bona sua repetenda Romam miserat, de restituendis regibus conloquuntur, ipsos Bruti consulis filios in societatem consilii adsumunt. Sermonem eorum ex servis unus excepit; rem ad consules detulit. Datae ad Tarquinium litterae manifestum facinus fecerunt. Proditores in vincula coniecti sunt, deinde damnati. Stabant ad palum deligati iuvenes nobilissimi; sed a ceteris liberi consulis omnium in se oculos avertebant. Consules in sedem processere suam, missique lictores nudatos virgis caedunt securique feriunt. Supplicii non spectator modo, sed et exactor erat Brutus, qui tunc patrem exuit, ut consulem ageret. Tarquinius deinde bello aperto regnum reciperare conatus est. Equitibus praeerat Aruns, Tarquinii filius: rex ipse cum legionibus sequebatur. Obviam hosti consules eunt; Brutus ad explorandum cum equitatu antecessit. Aruns, ubi procul Brutum agnovit, inflammatus ira "Ille est vir" inquit "qui nos patria expulit; ipse en ille nostris decoratus insignibus magnifice incedit." Tum concitat calcaribus equum atque in ipsum consulem dirigit; Brutus avide se certamini offert. Adeo infestis animis concurrerunt, ut ambo hasta transfixi caderent; fugatus tamen proelio est Tarquinius. Alter consul Romam triumphans rediit. Bruti conlegae funus, quanto potuit apparatu, fecit. Brutum matronae, ut parentem, annum luxerunt. [[25]] #IX. Iūnius Brūtus, Rōmānōrum cōnsul prīmus# [[as printed]] Iūnius Brūtus, sorōre[1] Tarquiniī Superbī nātus, cum[2] eandem fortūnam timźret, in quam frāter inciderat, quī ob dīvitiās et prūdentiam ab avunculō erat occīsus, stultitiam finxit, unde Brūtus dictus est. Profectus[3] Delphōs[4] cum Tarquiniī fīliīs, quōs pater ad Apollinem mūneribus honōrandum mīserat, baculō[5] {5} sambūceō aurum inclūsum dōnō[6] tulit deō. Perāctīs deinde mandātīs patris, iuvenźs Apollinem cōnsulunt quisnam ex ipsīs Rōmae[7] rźgnātūrus esset.[8] Respōnsum est eum Rōmae[7] summam potestātem habitūrum, quī prīmus mātrem ōsculātus esset.[9] Tunc Brūtus, velut sī cāsū prōlāpsus[10] cecidisset, terram ōsculātus est, scīlicet quod ea commūnis māter omnium mortālium esset. {11} [Sidenote: B.C. 509.] Expulsīs rźgibus duo cōnsulźs[11] creātī sunt, Iūnius Brūtus et Tarquinius Collātīnus[12] Lucrźtiae marītus. At lībertās modo parta[13] per dolum et prōditiōnem paene āmissa est. Erant in iuventūte Rōmānā adulźscentźs aliquot, sodālźs {15} adulźscentium Tarquiniōrum.[14] Hī cum lźgātīs, quōs rźx ad bona sua repetenda Rōmam mīserat, dź restituendīs rźgibus conloquuntur, ipsōs Brūtī cōnsulis fīliōs in societātem cōnsiliī adsūmunt. Sermōnem eōrum ex servīs ūnus excźpit; rem ad cōnsulźs dźtulit. Datae[15] ad Tarquinium lītterae manifźstum facinus fźcźrunt. {20} Prōditōrźs in vincula coniectī sunt, deinde damnātī. Stābant ad pālum dźligātī iuvenźs nōbilissimī; sed ā cźterīs līberī cōnsulis omnium in sź oculōs āvertźbant. Cōnsulźs in sźdem prōcessźre[16] [[26]] suam, missīque līctōrźs nūdātōs[1] virgīs caedunt secūrīque feriunt. Suppliciī nōn spectātor modo, sed et[2] exāctor erat Brūtus, {25} quī tunc patrem exuit, ut cōnsulem ageret.[3] [Illustration {BRVTVS}] Tarquinius deinde bellō apertō rźgnum reciperāre cōnātus[4] est. Equitibus praeerat Ārūns, Tarquiniī fīlius: rźx ipse cum legiōnibus sequźbātur. Obviam hostī[5] cōnsulźs eunt; Brūtus ad explōrandum cum equitātū {30} antecessit. Ārūns, ubi procul Brūtum āgnōvit,[6] īnflammātus īrā "Ille est vir" inquit "quī nōs patriā expulit; ipse[7] źn ille nostrīs decorātus īnsīgnibus māgnificź incźdit." Tum concitat calcāribus equum atque in ipsum cōnsulem {35} dīrigit; Brūtus avidź sź certāminī offert. Adeō[8] īnfźstīs animīs concurrźrunt, ut ambō hastā trānsfīxī caderent; fugātus tamen proeliō est Tarquinius. Alter[9] cōnsul Rōmam triumphāns rediit. Brūtī conlźgae fūnus, quantō[10] potuit apparātū, fźcit. Brūtum mātrōnae, ut parentem, annum lūxźrunt.[11] {40} [Footnotes: IX (pages 25-26) 25.1: Cf. p. 23, n. 8. 25.2: #cum#: causal; cf. p. 4, n. 12; also p. xx, H 2. 25.3: _proficīscor_. 25.4: Cf. p. 3, n. 4. 25.5: Join with #inclūsum#, and cf. p. 2, n. 7. 25.6: dat. of purpose or service: H 433 (390): M 548: A 233, _a_: G 356: B 191, 2. This dat. is specially common in connection with another dat., as #deō# here (dat. of advantage). 25.7: locative: H 483 (425, II): M 620: A 258, _c_, 2: G 411: B 228, 1. 25.8: Cf. p. 3, n. 2. The whole clause is the object of #cōnsulunt#, 'consult (by asking).' 25.9: Cf. p. 6, n. 1. The oracle said: _Is . . . habźbit, quī . . . erit_. 25.10: #prōlāpsus# (_prōlābor_) #cecidisset# (_cadō_) = _prōlāpsus esset et cecidisset_. 25.11: See Vocab., _cōnsul_. 25.12: Cf. VIII, 17. 25.13: _pariō_. 25.14: The sons of Tarquin, mentioned above, l. 4. 25.15: = _quae datae erant_. _datae_ = _missae_, and so is construed with _ad_ and the accusative. 25.16: = _prōcessźrunt._ 26.1: #nūdātōs virgīs caedunt# = _nūdant (eōs) et virgīs caedunt_. 26.2: = _etiam._ 26.3: What does the subjunctive express? 26.4: _cōnor_. 26.5: dat. after _ob_ in #obviam#. The rule regarding compound verbs (p. 2, n. 7) holds true often of nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. 26.6: _āgnōscō_. 26.7: #ipse . . . incźdit#: the _spirit_ of this dramatic sentence may be reproduced thus: 'Look at him (#źn ille#)! He is actually adorned with _our_ insignia! See in what a lordly way he advances!' 26.8: #Adeō#, 'such,' in part qualifies #īnfźstīs#, in part paves the way for the result clause #ut . . . caderent#. 26.9: #Alter#: 'the remaining.' Why may it be so translated? 26.10: #quantō . . . apparātū#: 'with the greatest possible splendor.' 26.11: _lūgeō._] #X. Mucius Scaevola# [[stripped text]] Cum Porsena Romam obsideret, Mucius, vir Romanae constantiae, senatum adiit et veniam transfugiendi petiit, necem regis repromittens. Accepta potestate cum in castra Porsenae venisset, ibi in confertissima turba prope tribunal constitit. Stipendium tunc forte militibus dabatur et scriba cum rege pari fere ornatu sedebat. Mucius, ignorans uter rex esset, illum pro rege occidit. Apprehensus et ad regem pertractus dextram accenso ad sacrificium foculo iniecit, velut manum puniens, quod in caede peccasset. Attonitus miraculo rex iuvenem amoveri ab altaribus iussit. Tum Mucius, quasi beneficium remunerans, ait trecentos adversus eum sui similes coniurasse. Qua re ille territus bellum acceptis obsidibus deposuit. Mucio prata trans Tiberim data, ab eo Mucia appellata. Statua quoque ei honoris gratia constituta est. #X. Mūcius Scaevola# [[as printed]] [Sidenote: B.C. 507] Cum Porsena[12] Rōmam obsidźret, Mūcius, vir Rōmānae[13] cōnstantiae, senātum adiit et veniam[14] trānsfugiendī petiit, necem [[27]] rźgis reprōmittźns. Acceptā[1] potestāte cum in castra Porsenae vźnisset, ibi in cōnfertissimā turbā prope tribūnal cōnstitit. Stīpendium tunc forte[2] mīlitibus dabātur et scrība cum {5} rźge parī[3] ferź ōrnātū sedźbat. Mūcius, īgnōrāns uter rźx esset, illum prō rźge occīdit. Apprehźnsus et ad rźgem pertrāctus[4] dextram accźnsō[5] ad sacrificium foculō iniźcit, velut manum pūniźns, quod[6] in caede peccāsset. Attonitus mīrāculō rźx {9} iuvenem āmovźrī ab altāribus iussit. Tum Mūcius, quasi beneficium remūnerāns, ait trecentōs adversus eum[7] suī similźs coniūrāsse. Quā rź ille territus[8] bellum acceptīs obsidibus dźposuit.[9] Mūciō prāta trāns Tiberim data,[10] ab eō Mūcia appellāta. Statua quoque eī[11] honōris grātiā cōnstitūta est. {14} [Footnotes: X (pages 26-27) 26.12: Tarquinius Superbus had applied to Porsena, king of the Etruscan city of Clusium, for aid in the recovery of his throne. Porsena gathered a large army and marched against Rome. For this story, see Macaulay's _Lays of Ancient Rome, Horatius_. Modern authorities on Roman history maintain that Porsena was so successful in his operations that he compelled the Romans to submit to a very humiliating treaty. 26.13: We would say, 'truly Roman.' 26.14: #veniam trānsfugiendī#: 'permission to go over (to the enemy).' 27.1: #Acceptā# (_accipiō_) #. . . vźnisset# = _Cum potestātem accźpisset et . . . vźnisset_. 27.2: Cf. p. 5, n. 19. 27.3: #parī . . . ōrnātū#: abl. abs. to denote an attendant circumstance: H 489, 1 (431, 1): M 640: A 255, _d_, 5: G 409, N.: B 227. 27.4: _pertrahō_. 27.5: _accendō_. 27.6: #quod . . . peccāsset# expresses Scaevola's thought: see H 588, II (516, II): M 851: A 321: G 541: B 286, 1, and cf. p. 14, n. 1, and p. xxi, H 4. 27.7: #eum# refers to the king, #suī# to Scaevola. Scaevola's speech was: _Trecentī adversus tź meī similźs coniūrāvźrunt._ 27.8: _terreō_. 27.9: _dźpōnō_. 27.10: Sc. _sunt_. 27.11: dat. of advantage with #cōnstitūta est#.] #XI. Fabii trecenti sex# [[stripped text]] 479-477 B.C. Cum adsiduis Veientium incursionibus vexarentur Romani, Fabia gens senatum adit; consul Fabius pro gente loquitur: "Vos alia bella curate; Fabios hostes Veientibus date: id bellum privato sumptu gerere nobis in animo est." Gratiae ei ingentes actae sunt. Consul e Curia egressus, comitante Fabiorum agmine, domum rediit. Manat tota urbe rumor; Fabium ad caelum laudibus ferunt. Fabii postero die arma capiunt. Numquam exercitus neque minor numero neque clarior fama et admiratione hominum per urbem incessit. Ibant sex et trecenti milites, omnes patricii, omnes unius gentis. Ad Cremeram flumen perveniunt. Is opportunus visus est locus communiendo praesidio. Hostes non semel fusi pacem supplices petunt. Veientes pacis impetratae cum brevi paenituisset, redintegrato bello inierunt consilium insidiis ferocem hostem captandi. Multo successu Fabiis audacia crescebat. Cum igitur palati passim agros popularentur, pecora a Veientibus obviam acta sunt; ad quae progressi Fabii in insidias delapsi omnes ad unum perierunt. Dies, quo id factum est, inter nefastos relatus est; porta, qua profecti erant, Scelerata est appellata. Unus omnino superfuit ex ea gente, qui propter aetatem impuberem domi relictus erat. Is genus propagavit ad Quintum Fabium Maximum, qui Hannibalem mora fregit. #XI. Fabiī trecentī sex# [[as printed]] 479-477 B.C. Cum[12] adsiduīs Vźientium[13] incursiōnibus vexārentur[12] Rōmānī, Fabia gźns senātum adit; cōnsul Fabius prō gente loquitur: "Vōs alia bella cūrāte; Fabiōs[14] hostźs Vźientibus date: id bellum prīvātō sūmptū[15] gerere nōbīs[16] in animō est." Grātiae eī [[28]] ingentźs āctae sunt. Cōnsul ź Cūriā źgressus, comitante[1] {5} Fabiōrum āgmine, domum rediit. Mānat tōtā urbe rūmor; Fabium ad[2] caelum laudibus ferunt. Fabiī posterō diź arma capiunt. Numquam[3] exercitus neque minor numerō neque clārior fāmā et admīrātiōne hominum per urbem incessit. Ībant sex et trecentī mīlitźs, omnźs patriciī, omnźs ūnīus gentis. Ad Cremeram flūmen {10} perveniunt. Is opportūnus vīsus est locus commūniendō praesidiō.[4] Hostźs nōn[5] semel fūsī pācem supplicźs[6] petunt. Vźientźs[7] pācis impetrātae cum brevī paenituisset,[8] redintegrātō bellō iniźrunt cōnsilium īnsidiīs ferōcem hostem captandī. Multō successū Fabiīs[9] audācia crźscźbat. Cum igitur pālātī {15} passim agrōs populārentur, pecora ā Vźientibus obviam[10] ācta sunt; ad quae prōgressī Fabiī in īnsidiās dźlāpsī[11] omnźs ad ūnum periźrunt. Diźs, quō id factum est, inter nefāstōs relātus[12] est; porta, quā profectī erant, Scelerāta est appellāta. Ūnus omnīnō superfuit ex eā gente, quī propter aetātem impūberem {20} domī[13] relīctus[14] erat. Is[15] genus propāgāvit ad Quīntum[16] Fabium Māximum, quī Hannibalem morā[17] frźgit.[18] [Footnotes: XI (pages 27-28) 27.12: The subjunctive expresses both time and cause: cf. p. 2, n. 13, and p. xxii, J. 27.13: The Veientes fought almost constantly against Rome from a very early time (cf. IV, 57; Livy says that they were defeated by Romulus) till their city was completely destroyed in 396 B.C. 27.14: #Fabiōs . . . date#: 'give the Veientes the Fabii as their enemies,' i.e. let the war against the Veientes be the special business of the Fabii. 27.15: Cf. p. 24, n. 9. 27.16: #nōbīs . . . est#: since #nōbīs# is a dat. of possession (H 430 (387): M 542: A 231: G 349: B 190) with #est#, the phrase exactly = 'we have it in mind.' The subject of #est# is the clause #id . . . gerere#. #Fabiōs# is strongly opposed to #vōs#. 28.1: #comitante . . . āgmine#: 'the Fabii accompanying him in a body.' How literally? 28.2: #ad . . . ferunt#: so we 'laud a person to the skies.' 28.3: #Numquam . . . neque . . . neque#: in Latin, as in English, two negatives neutralize each other and make an affirmative. To this law there are two regular exceptions in Latin: When a general negative like _nōn_, _numquam_, or _nźmō_ is followed (1) by _neque . . . neque_ or (2) by the emphatic _nź . . . quidem_. In the former case the negation is distributed by the _neque . . . neque_ into two (or more) clauses or phrases; in the latter, the full weight of the negation is concentrated upon a single word or phrase. In English a single negative is always to be employed. 28.4: dat. of purpose: cf. p. 25, n. 6. This construction is especially frequent with phrases consisting of a gerundive and a noun. 28.5: #nōn semel#: 'not once (only),' i.e. repeatedly. 28.6: Cf. p. 4, n. 4. 28.7: #Vźientźs . . . paenituisset#: lit., 'when it had repented the V. of the peace which they had secured.' What is our idiom? #paenituisset# is wholly impersonal; #Vźientźs# is acc., though logically its subject, and #pācis# is gen., though logically its object. H 457 (409, III): M 585: A 221, _b_: G 377: B 209. 28.8: See p. 2, n. 13. 28.9: dat. of reference: H 425, 4, N. (384, 4, N. 2): M 537: A 235, _a_: G 346: B 187, II. 28.10: Sc. _eīs_: 'to meet them.' 28.11: _dźlābor_. 28.12: _refero_. 28.13: locative: H 484, 2 (426, 2): M 622: A 258, _d_: G 411, R. 2: B 232, 2. 28.14: _relinquō_. 28.15: #Is . . . Māximum#: freely 'he saved the family from extinction and became the ancestor of Maximus.' 28.16: See Selection XIX. 28.17: Fabius, by his 'policy of masterly inactivity,' gained the title of _Cunctātor_, 'the Delayer.' 28.18: _frangō_.] #XII. Lucius Virginius# [[stripped text]] Anno trecentesimo ab urbe condita pro duobus consulibus decemviri creati sunt, qui adlatas e Graecia leges populo proponerent. Duodecim tabulis eae sunt perscriptae. Ceterum decemviri sua ipsorum insolentia in exitium acti sunt. Nam unus ex iis Appius Claudius virginem plebeiam adamavit. Quam cum Appius non posset pretio ac spe perlicere, unum e clientibus subornavit, qui eam in servitutem deposceret, facile victurum se sperans, cum ipse esset et accusator et iudex. Lucius Virginius, puellae pater, tunc aberat militiae causa. Cliens igitur virgini venienti in Forum (namque ibi in tabernis litterarum ludi erant) iniecit manum, adfirmans suam esse servam. Eam sequi se iubet; ni faciat, minatur se vi abstracturum. Pavida puella stupente, ad clamorem nutricis fit concursus. Itaque cum ille puellam vi non posset abducere, eam vocat in ius, ipso Appio iudice. Interea missi nuntii ad Virginium properant. Is commeatu sumpto a castris profectus prima luce Romam advenit, cum iam civitas in Foro exspectatione erecta stabat. Virginius statim in Forum lacrimabundus et civium opem implorans filiam suam deducit. Neque eo setius Appius, cum in tribunal escendisset, Virginiam clienti suo addixit. Tum pater, ubi nihil usquam auxilii vidit, "Quaeso," inquit "Appi, ignosce patrio dolori; sine me filiam ultimum adloqui." Data venia pater cum filiam seduxisset, ab lanio cultro adrepto pectus puellae transfigit. Tum vero sibi viam facit et respersus cruore ad exercitum profugit et milites ad vindicandum facinus accendit. Concitatus exercitus montem Aventinum insedit; decem tribunos militum creavit; decemviros magistratu se abdicare coegit eosque omnes aut morte aut exilio multavit; ipse Appius Claudius in carcerem coniectus mortem sibi conscivit. [[29]] #XII. Lūcius Virgīnius# [[as printed]] Annō trecentźsimō[1] ab urbe[2] conditā prō duōbus cōnsulibus decemvirī creātī sunt, quī[3] adlātās ź Graeciā lźgźs populō prōpōnerent.[4] Duodecim[5] tabulīs[6] eae sunt perscrīptae. Cźterum decemvirī[7] suā[8] ipsōrum īnsolentiā in exitium āctī sunt. Nam ūnus ex iīs Appius Claudius virginem plźbźiam adamāvit. Quam[9] {5} cum Appius nōn posset pretiō ac spź perlicere, ūnum ź clientibus[10] subōrnāvit, quī eam in[11] servitūtem dźpōsceret,[12] facile victūrum[13] sź spźrāns, cum ipse esset et accūsātor et iūdex. Lūcius Virgīnius, puellae pater, tunc aberat mīlitiae causā. Cliźns igitur virginī[14] venientī in Forum (namque ibi in tabernīs litterārum[15] lūdī erant) iniźcit manum, adfīrmāns suam esse servam. Eam {11} sequī sź iubet; nī faciat,[16] minātur sź vī abstrāctūrum. Pavidā puellā[17] stupente,[17] ad clāmōrem nūtrīcis fit concursus. Itaque cum ille puellam vī nōn posset abdūcere, eam vocat in iūs, ipsō Appiō[17] iūdice.[17] {15} [Sidenote: B.C. 449.] Intereā missī nūntiī ad Virgīnium properant. Is commeātū sūmptō ā castrīs profectus prīmā lūce Rōmam advźnit, cum iam cīvitās in Forō exspectātiōne źrźcta stābat. Virgīnius statim in Forum lacrimābundus et cīvium opem implōrāns fīliam suam [[30]] dźdūcit. Neque[1] eō sźtius Appius, cum in tribūnal źscendisset, {20} Virgīniam clientī suō addīxit. Tum pater, ubi nihil ūsquam auxiliī[2] vīdit, "Quaesō," inquit "Appī, īgnōsce patriō dolōrī[3]; sine mź fīliam ultimum adloquī." Datā veniā pater cum fīliam sźdūxisset, ab laniō cultrō[4] adreptō pectus puellae trānsfīgit. Tum vźrō sibi viam facit et respersus cruōre ad exercitum profugit et mīlitźs ad vindicandum facinus accendit. Concitātus {26} exercitus montem Aventīnum īnsźdit; decem tribūnōs[5] mīlitum creāvit; decemvirōs magistrātū sź abdicāre coźgit[6] eōsque omnźs aut morte aut exiliō multāvit; ipse Appius Claudius in carcerem coniectus mortem sibi cōnscīvit.[7] {30} [Footnotes: XII (pages 29-30) 29.1: The dating is not exact, as the Decemvirs were elected in 451 B.C. 29.2: Cf. p. 5, n. 15. 29.3: #quī . . . prōpōnerent#: i.e. after studying the laws of Greece, they were to draw up a code and submit it to the people. 29.4: Cf. p. 5, n. 3. 29.5: From this circumstance the code was known as the _Lźgźs XII Tabulārum_. 29.6: abl. of means; we say '_on_ tablets.' The tablets were of bronze. For many centuries Roman schoolboys had to commit these laws to memory. 29.7: The Decemvirs had been elected for one year, at the end of which time they reported their work still unfinished, and a second board was chosen. The story that follows concerns the second board. All accounts agree that the rule of the first board was in all respects just. 29.8: #suā ipsōrum#: a strong expression for 'their own.' 29.9: Cf. p. 4, n. 3. 29.10: See Vocab., _cliźns_. 29.11: #in servitūtem# expresses purpose (cf. p. 14, n. 4), and so = _ut serva esset_. 29.12: Cf. p. 5, n. 3. 29.13: _vincō_. 29.14: Join with #iniźcit manum#, and cf. p. 2, n. 7. 29.15: #litterārum lūdī#: schools where children were taught their A B C's, i.e. what we should call 'primary schools.' 29.16: subjunctive as the subordinate clause of the indirect quotation, which depends on #minātur#. The threat was: _Nī (id) fźceris, vī (tź) abstraham_. 29.17: abl. abs. 30.1: #Neque eō sźtius#: 'nevertheless.' How literally? #eō# = 'for that reason.' 30.2: partitive gen. with #nihil#: H 441 (397, 1): M 564: A 216, _a_, 3: G 369: B 201, 2. 30.3: dat. with #īgnōsce#: H 426, 2 (385, II): M 531: A 227: G 346: B 187, II, _a_. 30.4: #cultrō . . . trānsfīgit#: cf. p. 2, n. 8. 30.5: #tribūnōs#: two armies were in the field against the Sabines and Aequians. The eight Decemvirs who commanded them were deposed, and ten tribunes, or 'captains,' were chosen in their place. 30.6: _cōgō_. 30.7: _cōnscīscō_. With this whole story cf. Macaulay's _Lays_, _Virginia_.] #XIII. Titus Manlius Torquatus# [[stripped text]] Titus Manlius ob ingenii et linguae tarditatem a patre rūs relegatus erat. Qui cum audivisset patri diem dictam esse a Pomponio, tribuno plebis, cepit consilium rudis quidem et agrestis animi, sed pietate laudabile. Cultro succinctus mane in urbem atque a porta confestim ad Pomponium pergit: introductus cultrum stringit et super lectum Pomponii stans se eum transfixurum minatur, nisi ab incepta accusatione desistat. Pavidus tribunus, quippe qui cerneret ferrum ante oculos micans, accusationem dimisit. Ea res adulescenti eo maiori fuit honori quod animum eius acerbitas paterna a pietate non avertisset, ideoque eodem anno tribunus militum factus est. Cum postea Galli ad tertium lapidem trans Anienem fluvium castra posuissent, exercitus Romanus ab urbe profectus in citeriore ripa fluvii constitit. Pons in medio erat: tunc Gallus eximia corporis magnitudine in vacuum pontem processit et quam maxima voce potuit "Quem nunc" inquit "Roma fortissimum habet, is procedat agedum ad pugnam, ut eventus certaminis nostri ostendat utra gens bello sit melior." Diu inter primores iuvenum Romanorum silentium fuit. Tum Titus Manlius ex statione ad imperatorem pergit: "Iniussu tuo," inquit, "imperator, extra ordinem numquam pugnaverim, non si certam victoriam videam; si tu permittis, volo ego illi beluae ostendere me ex ea familia ortum esse, quae Gallorum agmen ex rupe Tarpeia deiecit." Cui imperator "Macte virtute," inquit "Tite Manli, esto: perge et nomen Romanum invictum praesta." Armant deinde iuvenem aequales: scutum capit, Hispano cingitur gladio, ad propiorem pugnam habili. Exspectabat eum Gallus stolide laetus et linguam ab inrisu exserens. Ubi constitere inter duas acies, Gallus ensem cum ingenti sonitu in arma Manlii deiecit. Manlius vero inter corpus et arma Galli sese insinuans uno alteroque ictu ventrem transfodit et in spatium ingens ruentem porrexit hostem; iacenti torquem detraxit, quem cruore respersum collo circumdedit suo. Defixerat pavor cum admiratione Gallos; Romani alacres obviam militi suo progrediuntur et gratulantes laudantesque ad imperatorem perducunt. Manlius inde Torquati cognomen accepit. Idem Manlius, postea consul factus bello Latino, ut disciplinam militarem restitueret, edixit ne quis extra ordinem in hostes pugnaret. T. Manlius, consulis filius, cum propius forte ad stationem hostium accessisset, is, qui Latino equitatui praeerat, ubi consulis filium agnovit, "Visne" inquit "congredi mecum, ut singularis certaminis eventu cernatur, quantum eques Latinus Romano praestet?" Movit ferocem animum iuvenis seu ira seu detrectandi certaminis pudor. Itaque oblitus imperii paterni in certamen ruit et Latinum ex equo excussum transfixit spoliisque lectis in castra ad patrem venit. Extemplo filium aversatus consul milites classico advocat. Qui postquam frequentes convenere, "Quandoquidem" inquit "tu, fili, contra imperium consulis pugnasti, oportet disciplinam, quam solvisti, poena tua restituas. Triste exemplum, sed in posterum salubre iuventuti eris. I, lictor, deliga ad palum." Metu omnes obstupuere; sed postquam cervice caesa fusus est cruor, in questus et lamenta erupere. Manlio Romam redeunti seniores tantum obviam exierunt: iuventus et tunc eum et omni deinde vita exsecrata est. Operae pretium erit aliud severitatis disciplinae Romanae exemplum proferre, simul ut appareat quam facile severitas in crudelitatem et furorem abeat. Cn. Piso fuit vir a multis vitiis integer, sed pravus et cui placebat pro constantia rigor. Is cum iratus ad mortem duci iussisset militem, quasi interfecisset commilitonem, cum quo egressus erat e castris et sine quo redierat, roganti tempus aliquod ad conquirendum non dedit. Damnatus miles extra castrorum vallum ductus est et iam cervicem porrigebat, cum subito apparuit ille commilito, qui occisus dicebatur. Tunc centurio supplicio praepositus condere gladium carnificem iubet. Ambo commilitones alter alterum complexi ingenti concursu et magno gaudio exercitus deducuntur ad Pisonem. Ille conscendit tribunal furens et utrumque ad mortem duci iubet, adicit et centurionem, qui damnatum militem reduxerat, haec praefatus: "Te morte plecti iubeo, quia iam damnatus es; te, quia causa damnationis commilitoni fuisti; te, quia iussus occidere militem imperatori non paruisti." Ceterum Manlianae gentis propriam fere fuisse illam in filios acerbitatem alius Manlius, illius de quo supra diximus nepos, ostendit. Cum Macedonum legati Romam venissent conquestum de Silano, Manlii Torquati filio, quod praetor provinciam expilasset, pater, avitae severitatis heres, petiit a patribus conscriptis ne quid de ea re statuerent, antequam ipse inspexisset Macedonum et filii sui causam. Id a senatu libenter concessum est viro summae dignitatis, consulari iurisque civilis peritissimo. Itaque, instituta domi cognitione causae, solus per totum biduum utramque partem audiebat ac tertio die pronuntiavit filium suum videri non talem fuisse in provincia, quales eius maiores fuissent, et in conspectum suum deinceps venire vetuit. Tam tristi patris iudicio perculsus lucem ulterius intueri non sustinuit et proxima nocte vitam suspendio finivit. Peregerat Torquatus severi et religiosi iudicis partes, satisfactum erat rei publicae, habebat ultionem Macedonia, at nondum erat inflexus patris rigor. Igitur ne exsequiis quidem filii interfuit, ut patribus mos erat apud Romanos, et eo ipso die, quo funus eius ducebatur, aures, ut solebat, volentibus consulere se de iure praebuit. #XIII. Titus Mānlius Torquātus# [[as printed]] Titus Mānlius ob ingeniī et linguae tarditātem ā patre rūs[8] relźgātus erat. Quī cum audīvisset patrī[9] diem dictam esse ā Pompōniō, tribūnō plźbis, cźpit cōnsilium rudis quidem et agrestis animī,[10] sed pietāte laudābile. Cultrō succinctus māne in urbem atque ā portā cōnfźstim ad[11] Pompōnium pergit: {5} intrōductus[12] cultrum stringit et super lectum Pompōniī stāns sź eum trānsfīxūrum minātur, nisi ab inceptā accūsātiōne dźsistat.[13] Pavidus [[31]] tribūnus, quīppe[1] quī cerneret ferrum ante oculōs micāns, accūsātiōnem dīmīsit. Ea rźs adulźscentī[2] eō[3] māiōrī[4] fuit honōrī quod animum źius acerbitās paterna ā pietāte nōn āvertisset, {10} ideōque eōdem annō tribūnus mīlitum factus est. [Illustration: MĪLIĀRIUM] [Sidenote: B.C. 361.] Cum posteā Gallī[5] ad tertium[6] lapidem trāns Aniźnem fluvium castra posuissent, exercitus Rōmānus ab urbe profectus in citeriōre rīpā fluviī cōnstitit. Pōns in mediō[7] erat: tunc Gallus eximiā corporis māgnitūdine in vacuum pontem {15} prōcessit et quam[8] māximā vōce potuit "Quem nunc" inquit "Rōma fortissimum habet, is prōcźdat[9] agedum ad pūgnam, ut źventus certāminis nostrī ostendat utra gźns bellō sit melior." Diū inter prīmōrźs iuvenum Rōmānōrum silentium fuit. Tum {20} Titus Mānlius ex statiōne ad imperātōrem pergit: "Iniussū[10] tuō," inquit, "imperātor, extrā ōrdinem numquam pūgnāverim,[11] nōn sī certam victōriam {23} videam[11]; sī tū permittis, volō ego illī bźluae ostendere mź ex eā familiā ortum esse, quae Gallōrum āgmen ex rūpe Tarpźiā dźiźcit."[12] [[32]] Cuī imperātor "Macte[1] virtūte," inquit "Tite Mānlī, estō: perge et nōmen Rōmānum invictum praestā." {27} Armant deinde iuvenem aequālźs: scūtum capit, Hispānō[2] cingitur[3] gladiō, ad propiōrem[4] pūgnam habilī. Exspectābat eum Gallus stolidź laetus et linguam ab inrīsū exserźns. {30} Ubi cōnstitźre[5] inter duās aciźs, Gallus źnsem cum ingentī sonitū in arma Mānliī dźiźcit. Mānlius vźrō inter corpus et arma Gallī sźsź īnsinuāns ūnō[6] alterōque īctū ventrem trānsfōdit et in spatium ingźns ruentem porrźxit hostem; iacentī[7] torquem dźtrāxit, {35} quem cruōre respersum[8] collō[9] circumdedit[10] suō. Dźfīxerat pavor[11] cum admīrātiōne Gallōs; Rōmānī alacrźs obviam mīlitī suō prōgrediuntur et grātulantźs laudantźsque ad imperātōrem perdūcunt. Mānlius inde Torquātī cōgnōmen accźpit. {40} [Illustration: GLADIUS] [Sidenote: B.C. 340.] Īdem Mānlius, posteā cōnsul factus bellō Latīnō, ut dīsciplīnam mīlitārem restitueret, źdīxit nź[12] quis extrā ōrdinem in hostźs pūgnāret. T. Mānlius,[13] cōnsulis fīlius, cum propius forte ad statiōnem hostium {44} accessisset, is, quī Latīnō equitātuī praeerat, ubi cōnsulis fīlium āgnōvit,[14] "Vīsne" inquit "congredī mźcum, ut singulāris certāminis źventū cernātur, quantum eques Latīnus Rōmānō praestet?" Mōvit ferōcem animum iuvenis seu īra seu dźtrźctandī[15] [[33]] certāminis pudor. Itaque oblītus[1] imperiī[2] paternī in certāmen ruit et Latīnum[3] ex equō excussum trānsfīxit spoliīsque lźctīs {50} in castra ad patrem vźnit. Extemplō fīlium āversātus cōnsul mīlitźs classicō advocat. Quī postquam frequentźs convźnźre, "Quandōquidem" inquit "tū, fīlī, contrā imperium cōnsulis pūgnāstī, oportet[4] dīsciplīnam, quam solvistī, poenā[5] tuā restituās. {55} Trīste exemplum, sed in[6] posterum salūbre iuventūtī eris. Ī,[7] līctor, dźligā[8] ad pālum." Metū omnźs obstupuźre; sed postquam cervīce caesā fūsus est cruor, in questūs et lāmenta źrūpźre.[9] Mānliō Rōmam redeuntī seniōrźs tantum obviam exiźrunt: iuventūs et tunc eum et omnī[10] deinde vītā {60} exsecrāta est. [Illustration: LĪCTOR] Operae pretium erit aliud sevźritātis dīsciplīnae Rōmānae exemplum prōferre, simul ut appāreat quam facile sevźritās in[11] crūdźlitātem et furōrem abeat. Cn. Pīsō fuit[12] vir ā multīs vitiīs integer, sed prāvus et cuī[13] placźbat prō cōnstantiā rigor. Is {65} cum īrātus ad mortem dūcī iussisset mīlitem, quasi[14] interfźcisset commīlitōnem, cum quō źgressus erat ź castrīs et sine quō redierat, rogantī[15] tempus aliquod ad conquīrendum[16] nōn dedit. Damnātus mīles extrā castrōrum vāllum ductus est et iam cervīcem porrigźbat, cum subitō appāruit ille commīlitō, quī occīsus[17] {70} [[34]] dīcźbātur. Tunc centuriō suppliciō praepositus condere gladium carnificem iubet. Ambō commīlitōnźs alter alterum complexī ingentī concursū et māgnō gaudiō exercitūs dźdūcuntur ad Pīsōnem. Ille cōnscendit tribūnal furźns et utrumque ad mortem {74} dūcī iubet, adicit et centuriōnem, quī damnātum mīlitem redūxerat, haec praefātus[1]: "Tź morte plectī iubeō, quia iam damnātus es; tź, quia causa damnātiōnis commīlitōnī fuistī; tź, quia iussus occīdere mīlitem imperātōrī[2] nōn pāruistī." Cźterum Mānliānae gentis[3] propriam ferź fuisse[4] illam in fīliōs acerbitātem alius Mānlius, illīus dź quō suprā dīximus {80} nepōs, ostendit. Cum Macedonum lźgātī Rōmam vźnissent conquestum[5] dź Sīlānō, Mānliī Torquātī fīliō, quod praetor[6] prōvinciam expīlāsset,[7] pater, avītae sevźritātis hźrźs, petiit ā patribus[8] cōnscrīptīs nź quid dź eā rź statuerent, antequam ipse īnspexisset Macedonum et fīliī suī causam. Id ā senātū libenter concessum {85} est virō summae[9] dīgnitātis, cōnsulārī iūrisque cīvīlis perītissimō. Itaque, īnstitūtā domī cōgnitiōne causae, sōlus per tōtum bīduum utramque partem audiźbat ac tertiō diź prōnūntiāvit fīlium suum vidźrī nōn tālem fuisse in prōvinciā, quālźs źius māiōrźs fuissent, et in cōnspectum suum deinceps venīre vetuit. Tam trīstī patris {90} iūdiciō perculsus[10] lūcem[11] ulterius intuźrī nōn sustinuit et proximā[12] nocte vītam suspendiō fīnīvit. Perźgerat[13] Torquātus sevźrī et religiōsī iūdicis partźs,[14] satisfactum erat reī pūblicae, habźbat ultiōnem Macedonia, at nōndum erat īnflexus patris rigor. Igitur {94} nź[15] exsequiīs quidem fīliī interfuit, ut patribus mōs erat apud [[35]] Rōmānōs, et eō ipsō diź, quō fūnus źius dūcźbātur, aurźs, ut solźbat, volentibus cōnsulere sź dź iūre praebuit. [Footnotes: XIII (pages 30-34) 30.8: Cf. p. 3, n. 4. 30.9: #patrī . . . esse#: 'that a day had been set against his father (for trial),' i.e. 'that his father had been summoned to appear for trial.' Among the charges against the elder Manlius was that of cruelty to his son. #patrī# is a dat. of disadvantage. 30.10: #cźpit . . . laudābile#: 'he formed a plan (which, though it gave token) of a rough and uncouth temper (was) nevertheless commendable by reason of the filial devotion (which it showed).' For #quidem . . . sed#, cf. p. 10, n. 10. #animī# is a genitive of quality or description with #cōnsilium#. 30.11: #ad Pompōnium# = 'to (the house of) Pomponius.' 30.12: = a temporal clause: 'when he had been ushered in.' 30.13: For the mood, cf. p. 29, n. 16. 31.1: #quīppe quī#: 'since indeed he,' etc. #quī# = _cum is_ (cf. p. 4, n. 3), and the relative clause has its verb in the subjunctive because it expresses a reason: H 592, 1 (517, 3, 1)): M 840: A 320, _e_, N. 1: G 633: B 283, 3, _a_. 31.2: dat. of advantage. 31.3: #eō# = 'for this reason,' explained by #quod . . . āvertisset#. 31.4: #māiōrī fuit honōrī#: 'was all the more credit'; cf. p. 25, n. 6. 31.5: In the fifth century B.C. the Gauls left their homes in northwestern Europe, and, crossing the Alps, gained control of the fertile valley of the Po. Hence that part of the Italian peninsula was called Gallia Cisalpina. Thence they made raids into the lands to the south. 31.6: With #tertium# sc. _ab urbe Rōmā_. On all the roads leading from Rome milestones were set up to mark the distance from the gate in the Servian Wall (see map, p. xxviii), by which the road issued from the capital. 31.7: Sc. _duōrum exercituum_, i.e. 'between the two armies.' 31.8: #quam . . . potuit#: cf. p. 26, n. 10. 31.9: subjunctive of exhortation or command: H 559, 1 (484, II): M 713: A 266: G 263, 3: B 274. 31.10: #Iniussū tuō#: 'without your consent.' 31.11: subjunctive in an ideal condition: H 576 (509): M 936: A 307, _b_: G 596: B 303. 31.12: In 388 B.C. the Gauls had captured and destroyed all of Rome save the Capitol, which was commanded by M. Manlius, the father of Titus. He was aroused one night by the cackling of the sacred geese, to find that the Gauls had climbed by a secret path, and had almost effected an entrance. He awoke the garrison, hurled the foremost Gauls back upon their companions, and thus saved the Capitol. 32.1: #macte virtūte . . . estō#: lit., 'be glorified in (respect of) your valor.' The phrase is in part an expression of commendation, like our 'bravo!' in part a prayer, like 'success attend thee!' 32.2: A straight, two-edged sword, not more than two feet long, used for thrusting rather than for striking. The Gallic sword was long and without point. 32.3: = _cingit sź_, i.e. 'girds himself,' not 'is girded.' 32.4: 'nearer,' i.e. hand to hand. 32.5: _cōnsistō_. What tense? 32.6: #ūnō alterōque īctū#: 'with one stroke after the other'; i.e. he killed him with two quick blows. 32.7: Sc. _eī_, and render 'from him as he lay (dead).' See p. 17, n. 4. 32.8: _respergō_. 32.9: What case? 32.10: In its compounds, _dare_ more often = 'to put' than 'to give.' 32.11: #pavor cum admīrātiōne# = _pavor et admīrātiō_; cf. _mentźs cum oculīs_, II, 12. 32.12: #nź quis . . . pūgnāret#: 'that no one should fight.' For the subjunctive, see p. 9, n. 6. 32.13: Subject of #accessisset#. For its position, see p. 19, n. 7. 32.14: _āgnōscō_. 32.15: #dźtrźctandī . . . pudor#: 'his unwillingness to decline the fight.' A literal translation would be impossible. _Pudor_ implies that he was ashamed to decline lest his refusal should be attributed to cowardice. 33.1: _oblivīscor_. 33.2: dependent on #oblītus#: H 454 (406, II): M 588: A 219, 1: G 376: B 206, 1. 33.3: #excussum trānsfīxit#: cf. p. 2, n. 8. 33.4: #oportet restituās#: 'it is fitting that you restore.' _Oportet_ is construed either with the infinitive or with the subjunctive of result with _ut_ omitted. 33.5: Why abl.? 33.6: #in posterum# (cf. p. 4, n. 9) = 'for the future.' 33.7: Imperative of _eō_. 33.8: Cf. _Stābant ad pālum dźligāti_, IX, 21. 33.9: _źrumpō_. 33.10: #omnī . . . vītā#: 'throughout his whole subsequent life.' In this sense the simple acc., or the acc. with _per_ is far more common. #deinde#, standing between an adj. and a noun, may be rendered by an adj.: cf. p. 10, n. 14. 33.11: #in . . . abeat#: 'passes over into,' 'degenerates into.' 33.12: #fuit . . . sed#: we would say, 'was, to be sure, . . . but, after all,' i.e. 'although he was . . . yet.' In this sense _quidem . . . sed_ is commonly used: cf. p. 10, n. 10. 33.13: H 426 (385, I): M 531: A 227: G 346: B 187, II. 33.14: Cf. p. 3, n. 6. 33.15: Sc. _mīlitī_, and join with _dedit_. 33.16: Sc. _commīlitōnem_. 33.17: Sc. _esse_. 34.1: _praefor_. 34.2: H 426 (385): M 531: A 227: G 346: B 187, II. 34.3: Join with _propriam_. _Proprius_, like _similis_, is construed with both the gen. and the dat. 34.4: dependent on #ostendit#, l. 81. 34.5: supine of _conqueror_, expressing purpose. Cf. p. 5, n. 20. 34.6: 'when praetor,' or 'during his praetorship.' 34.7: Many, indeed most, governors of provinces enriched themselves by extortion. 34.8: See Vocab., _cōnscrīptus_. 34.9: #summae . . . perītissimō#: these words contain the reasons why #Id . . . concessum est#. 34.10: _percellō_. 34.11: #lūcem . . . sustinuit#: 'he refused to live longer.' How literally? 34.12: The context must determine whether #proximā nocte# = 'the next night' or 'last night.' 34.13: _pergō_. 34.14: 'role.' This meaning of _partźs_ is borrowed from the theater. 34.15: #nź . . . quidem# is a very strong negative, and generally emphasizes some word or phrase placed between the _nź_ and the _quidem_.] #XIV. Publius Decius# [[stripped text]] P. Decius, Valerio Maximo et Cornelio Cosso consulibus, tribunus militum fuit. Exercitu Romano in angustiis Gauri montis clauso Decius editum collem conspexit imminentem hostium castris. Accepto praesidio verticem occupavit, hostes terruit, consuli spatium dedit ad subducendum agmen in aequiorem locum. Ipse, colle, quem insederat, undique armatis circumdato, intempesta nocte per medias hostium custodias somno oppressas incolumis evasit. Qua re ab exercitu donatus est corona civica, quae dabatur ei, qui cives in bello servasset. Consul fuit bello Latino cum Manlio Torquato. Hoc bello cum utrique consuli somnio obvenisset eos victores futuros, quorum dux in proelio cecidisset, convenit inter eos uti, utrius cornu in acie laboraret, is diis se Manibus devoveret. Inclinante sua parte Decius se et hostes diis Manibus devovit. Armatus in equum insiluit ac se in medios hostes immisit: corruit obrutus telis et victoriam suis reliquit. #XIV. Pūblius Decius# [[as printed]] [Sidenote: B.C. 343.] [Sidenote: B.C. 340.] [Illustration: CORŌNA CĪVICA] P. Decius,[1] Valeriō[2] Māximō et Cornźliō Cossō cōnsulibus, tribūnus mīlitum fuit. Exercitū Rōmānō in angustiīs Gaurī montis clausō[3] Decius źditum collem cōnspexit imminentem hostium castrīs. Acceptō praesidiō verticem[4] occupāvit, hostźs terruit, cōnsulī spatium dedit ad subdūcendum āgmen in aequiōrem {5} locum. Ipse, colle, quem īnsźderat,[5] undique armātīs circumdatō, intempestā nocte per[6] mediās hostium cūstōdiās somnō oppressās[7] incolumis źvāsit. Quā rź ab exercitū dōnātus est corōnā cīvicā, quae dabātur eī, {10} quī cīvźs in bellō servāsset. Cōnsul fuit bellō Latīnō cum Mānliō[8] Torquātō. Hōc bellō cum[9] utrīque cōnsulī somniō obvźnisset eōs victōrźs futūrōs, quōrum dux in proeliō cecidisset, convźnit inter eōs utī, utrīus cornū in aciź labōrāret, is diīs[10] sź Mānibus dźvovźret. Inclīnante suā parte Decius sź et hostźs {16} diīs Mānibus dźvōvit.[11] Armātus in equum īnsiluit ac sź in mediōs hostźs immīsit: corruit obrutus tźlīs et victōriam suīs relīquit. [Footnotes: XIV (page 35) 35.1: His full name was P. Decius Mus. 35.2: #Valeriō . . . cōnsulibus#: 'in the consulship of,' etc. For the abl. abs. consisting of two nouns, see H 489 (431, 4): M 639: A 255, _a_: G 409: B 227, 1. For another method of dating events, cf. XII, 1. 35.3: _claudō_. 35.4: Sc. _collis_. 35.5: _īnsideō_. 35.6: #per . . . cūstōdiās#: 'through the _midst of_ the enemy's pickets.' Cf. l. 17, #in mediōs hostźs#, 'against the enemy's center.' Note the difference between the Latin and the English idioms. H 497, 4 (440, N. 1-2): M 565: A 193: G 291, R. 2: B 241, 1. 35.7: _opprimō_. 35.8: Cf. XIII, 41. 35.9: #cum . . . obvźnisset#: 'when the two consuls had dreamed.' How literally? The subject of #obvźnisset# is #eōs . . . cecidisset#. So the subject of #convźnit# is #utī . . . dźvovźret#. 35.10: See Vocab., _Mānźs_. 35.11: Decius' act was called #dźvōtiō#, and proceeded from the idea that for the victim which the Manes seemed to be claiming another might be substituted. According to Livy, Decius used this formula: "As a substitute for the commonwealth, the army, the legions, and the allies of the Roman people I devote to the Manes myself and the legions and allies of the enemy."] #XV. Manius Curius# [[stripped text]] Manius Curius contra Samnites profectus eos ingentibus proeliis vicit. In quo bello cum permultum agri hominumque maximam vim cepisset, ipse inde ditari adeo noluit, ut, cum interversae pecuniae argueretur, catillo ligneo, quo uti ad sacrificia consueverat, in medium prolato iuraret se nihil amplius de praeda hostili in domum suam convertisse. Curio ad focum sedenti in agresti scamno et ex ligneo catillo cenanti cum magnum auri pondus Samnites attulissent, repudiati ab eo sunt dixitque non aurum habere sibi praeclarum videri, sed iis qui haberent aurum imperare. Quo responso Curius Samnitibus ostendit se neque acie vinci neque pecunia corrumpi posse. Agri capti septena iugera populo viritim divisit; cumque ipsi senatus iugera quinquaginta adsignaret, plus accipere noluit quam singulis civibus erat datum, dixitque perniciosum esse civem, qui eo, quod reliquis tribueretur, contentus non esset. Postea consul creatus adversus Pyrrhum missus est: cumque in Capitolio delectum haberet et iuniores taedio belli nomina non darent, coniectis in urnam omnium tribuum nominibus primum nomen urna extractum citari iussit et cum adulescens non responderet, bona eius hastae subiecit, deinde cum is questus de iniuria consulis tribunos plebis appellasset, ipsum quoque vendidit, nihil opus esse rei publicae eo cive, qui nesciret parere, dicens. Neque tribuni plebis adulescenti auxilio fuerunt; posteaque res in consuetudinem abiit, ut delectu rite acto, qui militiam detrectaret, in servitutem venderetur. Hoc terrore ceteri adacti nomina promptius dederunt. His copiis Curius Pyrrhi exercitum cecidit deque eo rege triumphavit. Insignem triumphum fecerunt quattuor elephanti cum turribus suis, tum primum Romae visi. Victus rex relicto Tarenti praesidio in Epirum revertit. Cum autem bellum renovaturus putaretur, Manium Curium iterum consulem fieri placuit. Sed inopinata mors regis Romanos metu liberavit. Pyrrhus enim, dum Argos oppugnat, urbem iam ingressus a iuvene quodam Argivo lancea leviter vulneratus est. Mater adulescentis, anus paupercula, cum aliis mulieribus e tecto domus proelium spectabat; quae cum vidisset Pyrrhum in auctorem vulneris sui magno impetu ferri, periculo filii sui commota protinus tegulam corripuit et utraque manu libratam in caput regis deiecit. [[36]] #XV. Mānius Curius# [[as printed]] Mānius Curius contrā Samnītźs profectus[1] eōs ingentibus proeliīs vīcit.[2] In quō bellō cum permultum agrī[3] hominumque[3] māximam vim[4] cźpisset,[5] ipse inde[6] dītārī adeō[7] nōluit, ut, cum {3} interversae[8] pecūniae arguerźtur, catīllō[9] līgneō, quō[10] ūtī ad sacrificia cōnsuźverat,[11] in medium prōlātō iūrāret sź nihil amplius dź praedā hostīlī in domum suam convertisse. Curiō[12] ad focum {6} sedentī in agrestī scamnō et ex līgneō catīllō cźnantī cum māgnum aurī pondus Samnītźs attulissent,[13] repudiātī ab eō sunt dīxitque nōn[14] aurum habźre[15] sibi praeclārum vidźrī, sed iīs quī habźrent aurum imperāre.[15] Quō respōnsō Curius Samnītibus ostendit sź {10} neque aciź vincī neque pecūniā corrumpī posse. Agrī captī septźna iūgera populō virītim dīvīsit[16]; cumque ipsī senātus iūgera quīnquāgintā adsīgnāret, plūs accipere nōluit quam singulīs cīvibus erat datum, dīxitque perniciōsum esse cīvem,[17] quī eō,[18] quod reliquīs tribuerźtur, contentus nōn esset.[19] {15} Posteā cōnsul creātus adversus Pyrrhum missus est: cumque in Capitōliō dźlźctum habźret et iūniōrźs taediō[20] bellī nōmina[21] nōn darent, coniectīs in ūrnam omnium tribuum nōminibus prīmum[22] nōmen ūrnā extrāctum citārī iussit et cum adulźscźns nōn respondźret, bona[23] źius hastae subiźcit, deinde cum is {20} [[37]] questus[1] dź iniūriā cōnsulis tribūnōs[2] plźbis appellāsset, ipsum quoque vźndidit, nihil[3] opus esse reī pūblicae eō cīve,[4] quī nescīret pārźre, dīcźns. Neque tribūnī plźbis adulźscentī[5] auxiliō[5] fuźrunt; posteāque rźs[6] in cōnsuźtūdinem abiit, ut dźlźctū rīte āctō, {24} quī[7] mīlitiam dźtrźctāret, in servitūtem vźnderźtur. Hōc[8] terrōre cźterī adāctī[9] nōmina prōmptius dedźrunt. [Illustration: ELEPHANT] Hīs cōpiīs Curius Pyrrhī exercitum cecīdit[10] dźque eō rźge triumphāvit. Īnsīgnem[11] triumphum fźcźrunt quattuor elephantī cum turribus suīs, tum prīmum Rōmae[12] vīsī. Victus rźx relīctō Tarentī[12] praesidiō {30} in Źpīrum revertit. Cum[13] autem bellum renovātūrus putārźtur, Mānium Curium iterum cōnsulem fierī placuit.[14] Sed inopīnāta mors rźgis Rōmānōs metū līberāvit. Pyrrhus enim, dum Argōs {35} oppūgnat,[15] urbem iam ingressus ā iuvene quōdam Argīvō lanceā leviter vulnerātus est. Māter adulźscentis, anus paupercula, cum aliīs mulieribus ź tźctō domūs proelium spectābat; quae cum vīdisset Pyrrhum in auctōrem vulneris {40} suī māgnō impetū ferrī,[16] perīculō fīliī suī commōta prōtinus tźgulam corripuit et utrāque manū lībrātam[17] in caput rźgis dźiźcit. [Footnotes: XV (pages 36-37) 36.1: _proficīscor_. 36.2: _vincō_. 36.3: partitive gen.: cf. p. 30, n. 2. 36.4: Cf. p. 4, n. 11. 36.5: _capiō_. 36.6: i.e. from the _ager_, or the money derived from the sale of the _hominźs_. 36.7: Cf. p. 26, n. 8. 36.8: See p. 5, n. 15; cf. also H 456 (409, II): M 582: A 220: G 378: B 208, 1. 36.9: #catīllō . . . prōlātō# (_prōferō_) #iūrāret# = _catīllum prōferret et iūrāret_. Cf. p. 2, n. 8. 36.10: H 477, I (421, I): M 253: A 249: G 407: B 218, 1. 36.11: _cōnsuźscō_. 36.12: Join with #attulissent#. 36.13: _adferō_. 36.14: #nōn . . . imperāre#: 'it was not the having gold that seemed to him glorious, but the ruling over those who had it.' Give Curius' exact words. 36.15: subjects of #vidźrī#: cf. p. 6, n. 16. 36.16: = _distribuit_. 36.17: We would say, '_that_ citizen.' 36.18: H 476, 1 (421, III): M 629: A 254, _b_, 2: G 401, N. 6: B 219. 36.19: Why subjunctive? 36.20: abl. of cause. 36.21: _nōmina dare_ = to hand in one's name to a recruiting officer, i.e. 'to volunteer.' 36.22: #prīmum nōmen#: i.e. the man whose name was first drawn. 36.23: #bona . . . subiźcit#: i.e. he sold his goods at auction. At Roman auctions, especially of booty taken in war, a spear was set in the ground, just as nowadays a flag is exposed. 37.1: _queror_. 37.2: The _tribūnī plźbis_ had been created for the express purpose of protecting the people from unjust treatment by the patrician magistrates, especially the consuls. They could veto the acts of any magistrate. 37.3: #nihil# (adv. acc.) #. . . cīve#: 'the state had no need of that citizen.' 37.4: abl. with #opus#: H 477, III (414, IV): M 646: A 243, _e_: G 406: B 218, 2. 37.5: For the two datives see p. 25, n. 6. 37.6: #rźs . . . ābiit#: i.e. it became a regular custom. Cf. _sevźritās . . . abeat_, XIII, 63. 37.7: 'whoever.' 37.8: #Hōc terrōre#: i.e. 'by the terror occasioned by this (act).' 37.9: _adigō_. 37.10: At Beneventum, 275 B.C. 37.11: #Īnsīgnem . . . elephantī#: 'this triumph was made notable by the presence of four elephants.' How literally? 37.12: Cf. p. 25, n. 7. 37.13: #Cum . . . putārźtur#: with #renovātūrus# sc. _esse_. For the personal construction, see p. 7, n. 12. 37.14: Sc. _populō Rōmānō_. Its subject is the clause #Mānium . . . fierī#; hence the infin. #fierī#. 37.15: '_was_ besieging.' Cf. p. 3, n. 14. 37.16: 'rushing.' How literally? 37.17: #lībrātam . . . dźiźcit# = _lībrāvit et dźiźcit_.] #XVI. Gaius Duilius# [[stripped text]] Gaius Duilius Poenos navali pugna primus devicit. Qui cum videret naves Romanas a Punicis velocitate superari, manus ferreas sive corvos, machinam ad comprehendendas hostium naves tenendasque utilem, excogitavit. Quae manus ubi hostilem apprehenderant navem, superiecto ponte transgrediebatur Romanus et in ipsorum ratibus comminus dimicabant, unde Romanis, qui robore praestabant, facilis victoria fuit. Celeriter sunt expugnatae naves Punicae triginta, in quibus etiam praetoria septiremis capta est, mersae tredecim. Duilius victor Romam reversus primus navalem triumphum egit. Nulla victoria Romanis gratior fuit, quod invicti terra iam etiam mari plurimum possent. Itaque Duilio concessum est, ut per omnem vitam praelucente funali et praecinente tibicine a cena rediret. Hannibal, dux classis Punicae, e navi quae iam capiebatur, in scapham saltu se demittens Romanorum manus effugit. Veritus autem, ne in patria classis amissae poenas daret, civium odium astutia avertit, nam ex illa infelici pugna priusquam cladis nuntius domum perveniret quendam ex amicis Carthaginem misit. Qui postquam curiam intravit, "Consulit" inquit "vos Hannibal, cum dux Romanorum magnis copiis maritimis instructis advenerit, num cum eo confligere debeat?" Acclamavit universus senatus non esse dubium quin confligi oporteret. Tum ille "Conflixit" inquit "et superatus est." Ita non potuerunt factum damnare, quod ipsi fieri debuisse iudicaverant. Sic Hannibal victus crucis supplicium effugit: nam eo poenae genere dux re male gesta apud Poenos adficiebatur. [[38]] #XVI. Gāius Duīlius# [[as printed]] Gāius Duīlius Poenōs nāvālī pūgnā prīmus[1] dźvīcit. Quī cum vidźret nāvźs Rōmānās ā Pūnicīs vźlōcitāte superārī, manūs ferreās sīve corvōs, māchinam ad comprehendendās hostium nāvźs tenendāsque ūtilem, excōgitāvit. Quae[2] manūs ubi {5} hostīlem apprehenderant nāvem, superiectō ponte trānsgrediźbātur Rōmānus[3] et in ipsōrum[4] ratibus comminus dīmicābant, unde[5] Rōmānīs, quī rōbore praestābant, facilis victōria fuit. Celeriter sunt expūgnātae nāvźs Pūnicae trīgintā, in quibus etiam {10} praetōria[6] septirźmis[7] capta est, mersae[8] tredecim. [Illustration: COLUMNA RŌSTRĀTA OF DUĪLIUS] Duīlius victor Rōmam reversus prīmus nāvālem triumphum źgit. Nūlla victōria Rōmānīs grātior fuit, quod[9] invictī terrā iam etiam marī plūrimum[10] possent.[9] Itaque {15} Duīliō concessum est, ut per omnem vītam praelūcente fūnāli et praecinente tībīcine ā cźnā redīret.[11] [Illustration: TĪBĪCEN] Hannibal, dux classis Pūnicae, ź nāvī quae iam capiźbātur, in scapham saltū sź dźmittźns Rōmānōrum {20} manūs effūgit. Veritus autem, nź[12] in patriā classis[13] āmissae [[39]] poenās daret, cīvium odium āstūtiā āvertit, nam ex illā īnfźlīcī pūgnā priusquam[1] clādis nūntius domum[2] pervenīret[1] quendam ex amīcīs Carthāginem[2] mīsit. Quī postquam cūriam intrāvit, "Cōnsulit" inquit "vōs Hannibal, cum[3] dux Rōmānōrum māgnīs {25} cōpiīs maritimīs īnstrūctīs advźnerit,[3] num cum eō cōnflīgere dźbeat?" Acclāmāvit ūniversus senātus nōn esse dubium quīn[4] cōnflīgī oportźret. Tum ille "Cōnflīxit" inquit "et superātus est." Ita nōn potuźrunt factum damnāre, quod ipsī fierī dźbuisse iūdicāverant. Sīc Hannibal victus crucis supplicium effūgit: {30} nam eō[5] poenae genere dux rź[6] male gestā apud Poenōs adficiźbātur. [Footnotes: XVI (pages 38-39) 38.1: #prīmus dźvīcit#: 'was the first (Roman) to conquer.' Cf. _prīmus źgit_, l. 12. H 497, and 1 (443 and 1): A 191: G 325, R. 6: B 239. Such a phrase as _prīmus fuit dźvincere_ is never used by good writers. 38.2: 'These'; cf. p. 4, n. 3. 38.3: a collective noun: 'the Romans.' 38.4: Sc. _hostium_. 38.5: = 'and as a consequence.' 38.6: Cf. _rźgius_, I, 17. The Romans applied the term _praetor_ to the commander of any foreign force. 38.7: Sc. _nāvis_. At this time Carthaginian ships generally had five banks of oars. In building the fleet commanded by Duilius, the Romans, it is said, took as their model a Carthaginian vessel which had been wrecked on the coast of Italy. 38.8: _mergō_; sc. _sunt_. 38.9: Cf. p. 14, n. 1. 38.10: 'were supreme'; cf. p. 23, n. 1. 38.11: In commemoration also of the victory the Columna Rōstrāta was erected in the Forum. 38.12: #nź . . . daret#: a clause of purpose, dependent on #veritus#: H 567 (498, III) M 897: A 331, _f_: G 550: B 296, 2. 38.13: #classis āmissae#: 'for losing the fleet'; see p. 5, n. 15. 39.1: Cf. p. 12, n. 5. 39.2: Why accusative? 39.3: causal subjunctive. 39.4: _quīn_ with a subjunctive of result is regularly used after negative expressions of doubt: H 595, 1 (504, 3, 2): M 913: A 332, _g_, R.: G 555, 2: B 298. 39.5: #eō . . . adficiźbātur#: 'in that way . . . was punished.' How literally? 39.6: #rź male gestā#: 'if unsuccessful.' How literally?] #XVII. Marcus Atilius Regulus# [[stripped text]] Marcus Regulus cum Poenos magna clade adfecisset, Hanno Carthaginiensis ad eum venit, quasi de pace acturus, re vera ut tempus extraheret, donec novae copiae ex Africa advenirent. Is ubi ad consulem accessit, exortus est militum clamor auditaque vox, idem huic faciendum esse, quod paucis ante annis Cornelio consuli a Poenis factum esset. Cornelius enim, velut in conloquium per fraudem evocatus, a Poenis comprehensus erat et in vincula coniectus. Iam Hanno timere incipiebat, sed periculum astuto responso avertit: "Hoc vero" inquit "si feceritis, nihilo eritis Afris meliores." Consul tacere iussit eos, qui par pari referri volebant, et conveniens gravitati Romanae responsum dedit: "Isto te metu, Hanno, fides Romana liberat." De pace, quia neque Poenus serio agebat et consul victoriam quam pacem malebat, non convenit. Regulus deinde in Africam primus Romanorum ducum traiecit. Clypeam urbem et trecenta castella expugnavit, neque cum hominibus tantum, sed etiam cum monstris dimicavit. Nam cum ad flumen Bagradam castra haberet, anguis mira magnitudine exercitum Romanorum vexabat; multos milites ingenti ore corripuit; plures caudae verbere elisit; nonnullos ipso pestilentis halitus adflatu exanimavit. Neque is telorum ictu perforari poterat, durissima squamarum lorica omnia tela facile repellente. Confugiendum fuit ad machinas advectisque ballistis et catapultis, velut arx quaedam munita, deiciendus hostis fuit. Tandem saxorum pondere oppressus iacuit, sed cruore suo flumen corporisque pestifero adflatu vicina loca infecit Romanosque castra inde submovere coegit. Corium beluae, centum et viginti pedes longum, Romam misit Regulus. Huic ob res bene gestas imperium in annum proximum prorogatum est. Quod ubi cognovit Regulus, scripsit senatui vilicum suum in agello, quem septem iugerum habebat, mortuum esse et servum, occasionem nactum, aufugisse ablato instrumento rustico ideoque petere se ut sibi successor in Africam mitteretur, ne, deserto agro, non esset unde uxor et liberi alerentur. Senatus, acceptis litteris, res quas Regulus amiserat publica pecunia redimi iussit, agellum colendum locavit, alimenta coniugi ac liberis praebuit. Regulus deinde multis proeliis Carthaginiensium opes contudit eosque pacem petere coegit. Quam cum Regulus nollet nisi durissimis condicionibus dare, a Lacedaemoniis illi auxilium petierunt. Lacedaemonii Xanthippum, virum belli peritissimum, Carthaginiensibus miserunt, a quo Regulus victus est ultima pernicie: nam duo tantum milia hominum ex omni Romano exercitu refugerunt et Regulus ipse captus et in carcerem coniectus est. Inde Romam de permutandis captivis missus est dato iureiurando. ut, si non impetrasset, rediret ipse Carthaginem. Qui cum Romam venisset, inductus in senatum mandata exposuit; sententiam ne diceret recusavit; quamdiu iureiurando hostium teneretur, se non esse senatorem. Iussus tamen sententiam dicere, negavit esse utile captivos Poenos reddi, illos enim adulescentes esse et bonos duces, se iam confectum senectute. Cuius cum valuisset auctoritas, captivi retenti sunt, ipse, cum retineretur a propinquis et amicis, tamen Carthaginem rediit: neque vero tunc ignorabat se ad crudelissimum hostem et ad exquisita supplicia proficisci, sed iusiurandum conservandum putavit. Reversum Carthaginienses omni cruciatu necaverunt: palpebris enim resectis aliquamdiu in loco tenebricoso tenuerunt: deinde cum sol esset ardentissimus, repente eductum intueri caelum coegerunt; postremo in arcam ligneam, undique clavis praeacutis horrentem et tam angustam, ut erectus perpetuo manere cogeretur, incluserunt. Ita dum fessum corpus, quocumque inclinabat, stimulis ferreis confoditur, vigiliis et dolore continuo interemptus est. Hic fuit Atilii Reguli exitus, ipsa vita clarior et inlustrior. #XVII. Mārcus Atīlius Rźgulus# [[as printed]] [Sidenote: B.C. 256.] Mārcus Rźgulus cum Poenōs māgnā clāde[7] adfźcisset, Hannō Carthāginiźnsis ad eum vźnit, quasi dź pāce āctūrus,[8] rź vźrā ut[8] tempus extraheret,[8] dōnec[9] novae cōpiae ex Āfricā advenīrent.[9] Is ubi ad cōnsulem accessit, exortus[10] est mīlitum clāmor audītaque vōx, idem[11] huīc faciendum esse, quod paucīs {5} ante annīs[12] Cornźliō cōnsulī ā Poenīs factum esset. Cornźlius enim, velut in conloquium per fraudem źvocātus, ā Poenīs comprehźnsus erat et in vincula coniectus. Iam Hannō timźre incipiźbat, sed perīculum āstūtō respōnsō āvertit: "Hōc vźrō" inquit [[40]] "sī fźceritis,[1] nihilō[2] eritis Āfrīs[3] meliōrźs." Cōnsul tacźre iussit eōs, quī pār[4] parī referrī volźbant, et conveniźns[5] gravitātī {11} Rōmānae respōnsum dedit: "Istō tź metū, Hannō, fidźs Rōmāna līberat." Dź pāce, quia neque Poenus sźriō agźbat et cōnsul victōriam quam pācem mālźbat, nōn convźnit. Rźgulus deinde in Āfricam prīmus[6] Rōmānōrum ducum trāiźcit. {15} Clypeam urbem et trecenta[7] castella expūgnāvit, neque[8] cum hominibus tantum, sed etiam cum mōnstrīs dīmicāvit. Nam cum ad flūmen Bagradam castra habźret, anguis mīrā māgnitūdine exercitum Rōmānōrum vexābat; multōs mīlitźs ingentī ōre corripuit; plūrźs caudae verbere źlīsit[9]; nōnnūllōs ipsō pźstilentis {20} hālitūs adflātū exanimāvit. Neque is tźlōrum īctū perforārī poterat, dūrissimā[10] squāmārum lōrīcā omnia tźla facile repellente. Cōnfugiendum[11] fuit ad māchinās advectīsque ballistīs[12] {23} et catapultīs, velut[13] arx quaedam mūnīta, dźiciendus hostis fuit. Tandem saxōrum pondere oppressus[14] iacuit, sed cruōre suō flūmen corporisque pźstiferō adflātū vīcīna loca īnfźcit Rōmānōsque castra inde submovźre coźgit.[15] Corium bźluae, centum et vīgintī pedźs[16] longum, Rōmam mīsit Rźgulus. Huīc ob rźs[17] bene gestās imperium in annum proximum prōrogātum [[41]] est. Quod ubi cōgnōvit Rźgulus, scrīpsit senātuī vīlicum {30} suum in agellō, quem septem iūgerum[1] habźbat, mortuum esse et servum, occāsiōnem nactum,[2] aufūgisse ablātō īnstrūmentō[3] rūsticō ideōque petere sź ut sibi[4] successor in Āfricam mitterźtur, nź, dźsertō agrō, nōn esset unde[5] uxor et līberī alerentur.[6] {34} Senātus, acceptīs litterīs, rźs quās Rźgulus āmīserat pūblicā pecūniā redimī iussit, agellum colendum[7] locāvit, alimenta[8] coniugī ac līberīs praebuit. Rźgulus deinde multīs proeliīs Carthāginiźnsium opźs contudit[9] eōsque pācem petere coźgit. Quam cum Rźgulus nōllet nisi dūrissimīs condiciōnibus[10] dare, ā Lacedaemoniīs illī auxilium petiźrunt. {40} [Sidenote: B.C. 255] [Sidenote: B.C. 251] Lacedaemoniī Xanthippum, virum bellī perītissimum, Carthāginiźnsibus mīsźrunt, ā quō Rźgulus victus est ūltimā perniciź[10]: nam duo tantum mīlia hominum ex omnī Rōmānō exercitū refūgźrunt et Rźgulus ipse captus et in carcerem coniectus est. Inde Rōmam dź permūtandīs captīvīs missus {45} est datō iūreiūrandō. ut,[11] sī nōn impetrāsset,[12] redīret ipse Carthāginem. Quī cum Rōmam vźnisset, inductus in senātum mandāta exposuit; sententiam[13] nź dīceret recūsāvit; quamdiū[14] iūreiūrandō hostium tenźrźtur, sź nōn esse senātōrem. Iūssus tamen sententiam dīcere, negāvit[15] esse ūtile captīvōs Poenōs {50} [[42]] reddī, illōs enim adulźscentźs esse et bonōs ducźs, sź iam cōnfectum[1] senectūte. Cūius cum[2] valuisset auctōritās, captīvī retentī sunt, ipse, cum retinźrźtur ā propinquīs et amīcīs, tamen Carthāginem rediit: neque vźrō tunc īgnōrābat sź ad crūdźlissimum hostem et ad exquīsīta supplicia proficīscī, sed iūsiūrandum {55} cōnservandum[3] putāvit. Reversum[4] Carthāginiźnsźs omnī cruciātū necāvźrunt: palpebrīs enim resectīs aliquamdiū in locō tenebricōsō tenuźrunt: deinde cum sōl esset ārdentissimus, repente źductum intuźrī caelum coźgźrunt; postrźmō in arcam līgneam, undique clāvīs praeacūtīs horrentem et tam angustam, ut źrźctus {60} perpetuō manźre cōgerźtur, inclūsźrunt. Ita dum fessum corpus, quōcumque inclīnābat, stimulīs ferreīs cōnfoditur, vigiliīs et dolōre continuō interźmptus est. Hīc fuit Atīliī Rźgulī exitus, ipsā vītā clārior et inlūstrior. [Footnotes: XVII (pages 39-42) 39.7: #clāde adfźcisset# = 'had inflicted defeat upon.' Cf. _eō genere . . . adficiźbātur_, XVI, 31. The reference is to the naval victory off Ecnomus, in Sicily. 39.8: Note carefully the two ways of expressing purpose, the future participle being exactly equivalent to _ut_ with the subjunctive. See p. xviii, E 5; #quasi# = 'as if,' and is contrasted with #rź vźrā#, 'in reality.' 39.9: The subjunctive in reality expresses purpose. See also p. xx, G 3. 39.10: _exorior_. 39.11: #idem . . . esse#: 'the same thing _ought to be done_ to him.' The gerundive with _esse_ denotes either physical necessity ('must'), or moral obligation ('ought'). 39.12: abl. of the measure of difference: H 479 (423): M 655: A 250: G 403: B 223. #paucīs annīs# is a sort of temporal adverb with _ante_. 40.1: Latin is extremely exact in the use of the tenses. Of two _past_ actions the prior is expressed by the _pluperfect_ tense; of two _future_ actions the prior is expressed by the _future perfect_ tense. Apply this principle here. We say simply, 'if you do.' 40.2: Join with #meliōrźs#, and cf. p. 39, n. 12. 40.3: i.e. the Carthaginians. To the Roman mind _Pūnica fidźs_ was a synonym for the vilest treachery. So Livy says of the great Hannibal that his character was marred by 'worse than Punic treachery.' For #Āfrīs#, see p. 10, n. 18. 40.4: #pār . . . referrī# = 'retaliation.' How literally? 40.5: 'consistent with.' 40.6: #prīmus . . . trāiźcit#: cf. p. 38, n. 1. 40.7: indefinite, like our 'hundreds of.' _Sźscentī_ and _mīlle_ are often used in the same way. 40.8: = _et nōn_ (cf. l. 13). 40.9: _źlīdō_. 40.10: #dūrissimā . . . repellente#: what does the abl. abs. express? 40.11: #Cōnfugiendum . . . ad#: impersonal passive: 'they had to resort to.' Cf. p. 39, n. 11. 40.12: The _ballistae_ and _catapultae_ were the artillery of antiquity. It is said that from the _ballistae_ stones weighing one hundred pounds could be sent half a mile. 40.13: #velut . . . mūnīta#: to be taken with what follows. 40.14: _opprimō_. 40.15: _cōgō_. 40.16: acc. of extent (cf. p. 12, n. 1) with #longum#. 40.17: #rźs bene gestās#: 'successes,' 'exploits.' Contrast _rź male gestā_, XVI, 31, and note. 41.1: Cf. p. 18, n. 17. 41.2: #occāsiōnem nactum# (_nancīscor_): 'seizing the opportunity.' 41.3: #īnstrūmentō rūsticō#: 'his farming implements.' 41.4: Join with #successor#, and cf. p. 26, n. 5. 41.5: #unde . . . alerentur#: 'the wherewithal to support,' etc. 41.6: subjunctive partly of purpose, partly by attraction, for which see p. 13, n. 10. 41.7: #colendum#: 'to be tilled' (cf. p. 2, n. 18), for Regulus' benefit. In such cases the produce of the farm was divided equally between owner and tenant. 41.8: #alimenta . . . praebuit#: i.e. they were supported at public expense till the harvest of that year was gathered. No salary was given to Roman officials. 41.9: _contundō_. 41.10: abl. of manner: H 473, 3 (419, III): M 635: A 248: G 399: B 220, 1. 41.11: #ut . . . redīret# gives the purpose of the Carthaginians in exacting the oath. 41.12: subjunctive in indirect discourse. Regulus said: _Sī nōn impetrāverō, . . . redībō._ 41.13: #sententiam . . . recūsāvit#: 'he refused to express his opinion.' _recūsāre_ is construed (1) with the simple infinitive; (2) with _nź_ and a subjunctive of purpose; (3) with _quīn_ or _quōminus_ and a subjunctive of result. 41.14: #quamdiū . . . senātōrem#: indirect discourse = '(saying that) as long as,' etc. 41.15: #negāvit esse ūtile#: 'he _said_ that it was _not_ expedient.' In such sentences _negāre_ rather than _nōn dīcere_ is used. The subject of #esse# is the clause #captīvōs . . . reddī#. 42.1: 'exhausted.' 42.2: Here temporal, but in the next line adversative, as is shown by #tamen#: see p. xxii, J. 42.3: Sc. _esse_, and cf. p. 39, n. 11. 42.4: Sc. _eum_: 'on his return.' The story is given by no writer earlier than Cicero, and modern historians are inclined to view the whole narrative as fictitious.] #XVIII. Appius Claudius Pulcher# [[stripped text]] Appius Claudius, vir stultae temeritatis, consul adversus Poenos profectus priorum ducum consilia palam reprehendebat seque, quo die hostem vidisset, bellum confecturum esse iactitabat. Qui cum, antequam navale proelium committeret, auspicia haberet pullariusque ei nuntiasset, pullos non exire e cavea neque vesci, inridens iussit eos in aquam mergi, ut saltem biberent, quoniam esse nollent. Ea res cum, quasi iratis diis, milites ad omnia segniores timidioresque fecisset, commisso proelio magna clades a Romanis accepta est: octo eorum milia caesa sunt, viginti milia capta. Qua re Claudius postea a populo condemnatus est damnationisque ignominiam voluntaria morte praevenit. Ea res calamitati fuit etiam Claudiae, consulis sorori: quae a ludis publicis revertens, in conferta multitudine aegre procedente carpento, palam optavit ut frater suus Pulcher revivisceret atque iterum classem amitteret, quo minor turba Romae foret. Ob vocem illam impiam Claudia quoque damnata gravisque ei dicta est multa. #XVIII. Appius Claudius Pulcher# [[as printed]] [Illustration: SACRED CHICKENS / _From the tomb of a Pullārius_] [Sidenote: B.C. 249.] Appius Claudius, vir stultae temeritātis, cōnsul adversus Poenōs profectus priōrum ducum cōnsilia palam reprehendźbat sźque, quō[5] diź hostem vīdisset, bellum cōnfectūrum esse iactitābat. Quī cum, antequam nāvāle proelium committeret, {4} auspicia[6] habźret pullāriusque[7] eī nūntiāsset, pullōs nōn exīre ź [[43]] caveā neque vescī, inrīdźns iussit eōs in aquam mergī, ut saltem biberent, quoniam źsse[1] nōllent. Ea rźs cum, quasi[2] īrātīs diīs, mīlitźs ad omnia sźgniōrźs timidiōrźsque fźcisset, commissō proeliō[3] māgna clādźs ā Rōmānīs accepta est: {10} octō eōrum mīlia caesa sunt, vīgintī mīlia capta. Quā re Claudius posteā ā populō condemnātus est damnātiōnisque[4] īgnōminiam voluntāriā morte praevźnit. Ea rźs calamitātī[5] fuit {15} etiam Claudiae,[5] cōnsulis sorōrī: quae ā lūdīs pūblicīs revertźns, in[6] cōnfertā multitūdine aegrź prōcźdente carpentō, palam optāvit ut frāter suus Pulcher revīvīsceret atque iterum classem āmitteret, {20} quō[7] minor turba Rōmae foret.[7] Ob vōcem illam impiam Claudia quoque damnāta gravisque[8] eī[9] dicta est multa. [Footnotes: XVIII (pages 42-43) 42.5: #quō diź#: we should expect _diź quō_, or _eōdem diź quō_, but the antecedent, as often, is incorporated into the relative clause and made to agree with the pronoun: H 399, 3 (445, 9): A 200, _b_: G 616: B 251, 4. 42.6: #auspicia habźret#: cf. _auspicia adhibźre_, I, 42. 42.7: #pullārius . . . vescī#: on setting out for the seat of war, the commanding general often took with him a cage of sacred chickens, in charge of a special keeper (#pullārius#). If, when food was thrown before them, the chickens ate so greedily that portions of the food fell from their mouths to the ground, it was considered a very favorable omen. The circumstance described in the text would be regarded by the superstitious soldiery as of very dire significance. 43.1: infinitive of _edō_. 43.2: #quasi . . . diīs#: 'because (as they supposed), the gods were angry.' Cf. p. 3, n. 6. #īrātīs diīs# is an abl. abs. 43.3: The battle was fought off Drepanum, in Sicily. Appius lost 93 out of 123 ships. 43.4: #que# here = 'but,' a meaning which it bears more frequently after negative sentences (p. 13, n. 12). 43.5: Cf. p. 25, n. 6. 43.6: #in . . . carpentō#: an abl. abs., giving the cause of #optāvit#. 43.7: Cf. p. 14, n. 13. 43.8: #gravis . . . multa#: 'a heavy fine was imposed upon her.' 43.9: dat. of disadvantage.] #XIX. Quintus Fabius Maximus# [[stripped text]] Hannibal, Hamilcaris filius, novem annos natus, a patre aris admotus odium in Romanos perenne iuravit. Quae res maxime videtur concitasse secundum Punicum bellum. Nam, mortuo Hamilcare, Hannibal causam belli quaerens Saguntum, civitatem Hispaniae Romanis foederatam evertit. Quapropter Roma missi sunt Carthaginem legati, qui Hannibalem, mali auctorem, exposcerent. Tergiversantibus Poenis Quintus Fabius, legationis princeps, sinu ex toga facto "Hic" inquit "vobis bellum et pacem portamus; utrum placet, sumite." Poenis daret utrum vellet succlamantibus, Fabius, excussa toga, bellum se dare dicit. Poeni accipere se responderunt et, quibus acciperent animis, iisdem se gesturos. Hannibal superatis Pyrenaei et Alpium iugis in Italiam venit. Publium Scipionem apud Ticinum amnem, Sempronium apud Trebiam, Flaminium apud Trasumenum profligavit. Adversus hostem totiens victorem missus Quintus Fabius dictator Hannibalis impetum mora fregit; namque, priorum ducum cladibus edoctus belli rationem mutare et adversus Hannibalem, successibus proeliorum insolentem, recedere ab ancipiti discrimine et tueri tantummodo Italiam constituit Cunctatorisque nomen et laudem summi ducis meruit. Per loca alta agmen ducebat modico ab hoste intervallo, ut neque omitteret eum neque cum eo congrederetur; castris, nisi quantum necessitas cogeret, miles tenebatur. Dux neque occasioni rei bene gerendae deerat, si qua ab hoste daretur, neque ullam ipse hosti dabat. Itaque cum ex levibus proeliis superior discederet, militem minus iam coepit aut virtutis suae aut fortunae paenitere. His artibus cum Hannibalem Fabius in agro Falerno locorum angustiis clausisset, ille sine ullo exercitus detrimento se expedivit. Namque arida sarmenta in boum cornibus deligata principio noctis incendi bovesque ad montes, quos Romani insederant, agi iussit. Qui cum accensis cornibus per montes, per silvas huc illuc discurrerent, Romani miraculo attoniti constiterunt; ipse Fabius, insidias esse ratus, militem extra vallum egredi vetuit. Interea Hannibal ex angustiis evasit. Dein Hannibal, ut Fabio apud suos conflaret invidiam, agrum eius, omnibus circa vastatis, intactum reliquit. At Fabius, misso Romam Quinto filio, inviolatum ab hoste agrum vendidit eiusque pretio captivos Romanos redemit. Haud grata tamen Romanis erat Fabii cunctatio: eumque pro cauto timidum, pro cunctatore segnem vocitabant. Augebat invidiam Minucius, magister equitum, dictatorem criminando: illum in ducendo bello sedulo tempus terere, quo diutius in magistratu esset solusque et Romae et in exercitu imperium haberet. His sermonibus accensa plebs dictatori magistrum equitum imperio aequavit. Hanc iniuriam aequo animo tulit Fabius exercitumque suum cum Minucio divisit. Cum autem Minucius temere proelium commisisset, ei periclitanti auxilio venit Fabius. Cuius subito adventu repressus Hannibal receptui cecinit, palam confessus ab se Minucium, se a Fabio victum esse. Redeuntem ex acie dixisse eum ferunt tandem eam nubem, quae sedere in iugis montium solita esset, cum procella imbrem dedisse. Minucius autem periculo liberatus castra cum Fabio iunxit et patrem eum appellavit idemque facere milites iussit. Postea Hannibal Tarento per proditionem potitus est. Hanc urbem ut Poenis traderent, tredecim fere nobiles iuvenes Tarentini coniuraverant. Hi, nocte per speciem venandi urbe egressi, ad Hannibalem, qui haud procul castra habebat, venerunt. Cui cum quid pararent exposuissent, conlaudavit eos Hannibal monuitque ut redeuntes pecora Carthaginiensium, quae pastum propulsa essent, ad urbem agerent et veluti praedam ex hoste factam aut praefecto aut custodibus portarum donarent. Id iterum ac saepius ab iis factum eoque consuetudinis adducta res est, ut, quocumque noctis tempore sibilo dedissent signum, porta urbis aperiretur. Tunc Hannibal eos nocte media cum decem milibus hominum delectorum secutus est. Ubi portae appropinquarunt, nota iuvenum vox et familiare signum vigilem excitavit. Duo primi inferebant aprum vasti corporis. Vigil incautus, dum beluae magnitudinem miratur, venabulo occisus est. Ingressi proditores ceteros vigiles sopitos obtruncant. Tum Hannibal cum suo agmine ingreditur: Romani passim trucidantur. Livius Salinator, Romanorum praefectus, cum iis, qui caedi superfuerunt, in arcem confugit. Profectus igitur Fabius ad recipiendum Tarentum urbem obsidione cinxit. Leve dictu momentum ad rem ingentem perficiendam eum adiuvit. Praefectus praesidii Tarentini deperibat amore mulierculae, cuius frater in exercitu Fabii erat. Miles iussus a Fabio pro perfuga Tarentum transiit ac per sororem praefectum ad tradendam urbem perpulit. Fabius vigilia prima accessit ad eam partem muri, quam praefectus custodiebat. Adiuvantibus recipientibusque eius militibus, Romani in urbem transcenderunt. Inde, proxima porta refracta, Fabius cum exercitu intravit. Hannibal nuntiata Tarenti oppugnatione, cum ad opem ferendam festinans captam urbem esse audivisset, "Et Romani" inquit "suum Hannibalem habent: eadem, qua ceperamus, arte Tarentum amisimus." Cum postea Livius Salinator coram Fabio gloriaretur, quod arcem Tarentinam retinuisset, dixissetque eum sua opera Tarentum recepisse, "Certe" inquit Fabius ridens, "nam nisi tu amisisses, ego numquam recepissem." Quintus Fabius iam senex filio suo consuli legatus fuit; cumque in eius castra veniret, filius obviam patri progressus est, duodecim lictoribus pro more antecedentibus. Equo vehebatur senex neque appropinquante consule descendit. Iam ex lictoribus undecim verecundia paternae maiestatis taciti praeterierant. Quod cum consul animadvertisset, proximum lictorem iussit inclamare Fabio patri ut ex equo descenderet. Pater tum desiliens "Non ego, fili," inquit "tuum imperium contempsi, sed experiri volui num scires consulem te esse." Ad summam senectutem vixit Fabius Maximus, dignus tanto cognomine. Cautior quam promptior habitus est, sed insita eius ingenio prudentia ei bello, quod tum gerebatur, proprie apta erat. Nemini dubium est quin rem Romanam cunctando restituerit. Ut Scipio pugnando, ita hic non dimicando maxime civitati Romanae succurrisse visus est. Alter enim celeritate sua Carthaginem oppressit, alter cunctatione id egit, ne Roma opprimi posset. #XIX. Quīntus Fabius Māximus# [[as printed]] [Sidenote: B.C. 236.] [Sidenote: B.C. 219.] Hannibal, Hamilcaris[10] fīlius, novem[11] annōs[12] nātus, ā patre ārīs admōtus odium in Rōmānōs perenne iūrāvit. Quae rźs māximź vidźtur concitāsse secundum[13] Pūnicum bellum. [[44]] Nam, mortuō[1] Hamilcare, Hannibal causam bellī quaerźns Saguntum, cīvitātem Hispāniae Rōmānīs[2] foederātam źvertit. {5} Quāpropter Rōmā missī sunt Carthāginem lźgātī, quī Hannibalem, malī auctōrem, expōscerent. Tergiversantibus Poenīs Quīntus Fabius, lźgātiōnis prīnceps, sinū ex togā factō "Hīc" inquit "vōbīs bellum et pācem portāmus; utrum[3] {10} placet, sūmite." Poenīs daret[4] utrum vellet succlāmantibus, Fabius, excussā[5] togā, bellum sź dare dīcit. Poenī accipere sź respondźrunt et, quibus[6] acciperent animīs, iīsdem sź gestūrōs.[7] [Illustration: HANNIBAL] Hannibal superātīs Pyrźnaeī et Alpium iugīs in Ītaliam vźnit. {15} Pūblium[8] Scīpiōnem apud Tīcīnum[9] amnem, Semprōnium apud Trebiam, Flāminium apud Trasumźnum prōflīgāvit. Adversus hostem totiźns victōrem missus Quīntus Fabius {18} dictātor[10] Hannibalis impetum morā[11] frźgit; namque, priōrum ducum clādibus źdoctus bellī ratiōnem mūtāre et adversus[12] Hannibalem, succźssibus proeliōrum īnsolentem, recźdere[13] ab ancipitī discrīmine et tuźrī tantummodo Ītaliam cōnstituit Cunctātōrisque {22} nōmen et laudem summī ducis meruit. Per loca alta āgmen dūcźbat modicō ab hoste intervāllō,[14] ut neque omitteret[15] eum [[45]] neque cum eō congrederźtur; castrīs,[1] nisi[2] quantum necessitās cōgeret,[2] mīles tenźbātur. Dux neque occāsiōnī[3] reī[4] bene {26} gerendae deerat, sī qua ab hoste darźtur, neque ūllam ipse hostī dabat. Itaque cum ex levibus proeliīs superior discźderet, mīlitem[5] minus iam coepit aut virtūtis suae aut fortūnae paenitźre. {30} Hīs artibus cum Hannibalem Fabius in agrō Falernō locōrum angustiīs clausisset, ille sine ūllō exercitūs dźtrīmentō sź expedīvit. Namque ārida sarmenta in boum cornibus dźligāta[6] prīncipiō[7] noctis incendī bovźsque ad montźs, quōs Rōmānī īnsźderant, agī iussit. Quī cum accźnsīs cornibus per montźs, per silvās hūc {35} illūc discurrerent, Rōmānī mīrāculō attonitī cōnstitźrunt; ipse Fabius, īnsidiās esse ratus,[8] mīlitem extrā vāllum źgredī vetuit. Intereā Hannibal ex angustiīs źvāsit. Dein Hannibal, ut Fabiō apud suōs cōnflāret invidiam, agrum {39} źius, omnibus circā vāstātīs, intāctum relīquit. At Fabius, missō Rōmam Quīntō fīliō, inviolātum ab hoste agrum vźndidit źiusque pretiō captīvōs Rōmānōs redźmit. Haud grāta tamen Rōmānīs erat Fabiī cunctātiō: eumque prō cautō timidum, prō cunctātōre sźgnem[9] vocitābant. Augźbat invidiam Minucius, magister[10] equitum, dictātōrem crīminandō: {45} illum in dūcendō bellō sźdulō tempus terere,[11] quō diūtius in magistrātū esset sōlusque et Rōmae et in exercitū imperium habźret. Hīs sermōnibus accźnsa plźbs dictātōrī[12] magistrum [[46]] equitum imperiō[1] aequāvit. Hanc iniūriam aequō[2] animō tulit Fabius exercitumque suum cum Minuciō dīvīsit. Cum autem {50} Minucius temerź proelium commīsisset, eī[3] perīclitantī auxiliō vźnit Fabius. Cūius subitō adventū repressus Hannibal receptuī[4] cecinit, palam cōnfessus[5] ab sź Minucium, sź ā Fabiō victum esse. Redeuntem ex aciź dīxisse eum[6] ferunt tandem[7] eam nūbem, quae sedźre in iugīs montium solita esset, cum procellā imbrem dedisse. Minucius autem perīculō līberātus castra cum Fabiō iūnxit et {56} patrem eum appellāvit idemque facere mīlitźs iussit. Posteā Hannibal Tarentō[8] per prōditiōnem potītus est. Hanc urbem ut Poenīs trāderent, tredecim ferź nōbilźs iuvenźs Tarentīnī coniūrāverant. Hī, nocte per[9] speciem vźnandī urbe źgressī, {60} ad Hannibalem, quī haud procul castra habźbat, vźnźrunt. Cuī cum quid parārent exposuissent, conlaudāvit eōs Hannibal monuitque ut[10] redeuntźs pecora Carthāginiźnsium, quae pāstum[11] prōpulsa essent, ad urbem agerent[10] et velutī[12] praedam ex hoste factam aut praefectō aut cūstōdibus portārum dōnārent.[10] Id {65} iterum ac saepius ab iīs factum eōque[13] cōnsuźtūdinis adducta rźs est, ut, quōcumque noctis tempore sībilō dedissent[14] sīgnum, porta urbis aperīrźtur. Tunc Hannibal eōs nocte mediā cum decem mīlibus hominum dźlźctōrum secūtus est. Ubi portae appropinquārunt, [[47]] nōta iuvenum vōx et familiāre sīgnum vigilem excitāvit. {70} Duo prīmī īnferźbant aprum vāstī corporis. Vigil incautus, dum bźluae māgnitūdinem mīrātur, vźnābulō occīsus est. Ingressī prōditōrźs cźterōs vigilźs sōpītōs[1] obtruncant. Tum Hannibal cum suō āgmine ingreditur: Rōmānī passim trucīdantur. Līvius Salīnātor, Rōmānōrum praefectus, cum iīs, quī caedī superfuźrunt, in arcem cōnfūgit. {76} Profectus igitur Fabius ad recipiendum Tarentum urbem obsidiōne cinxit. Leve[2] dictū mōmentum ad rem ingentem perficiendam eum adiūvit. Praefectus praesidiī Tarentīnī dźperībat[3] amōre mulierculae,[4] cūius frāter in exercitū Fabiī erat. Mīles {80} iussus ā Fabiō prō perfugā Tarentum trānsiit ac per sorōrem praefectum ad[5] trādendam urbem perpulit. Fabius vigiliā[6] prīmā accessit ad eam partem mūrī, quam praefectus cūstōdiźbat. Adiuvantibus recipientibusque źius mīlitibus, Rōmānī in urbem trānscendźrunt. Inde, proximā portā refrāctā,[7] Fabius cum exercitū {85} intrāvit. Hannibal[8] nūntiātā Tarentī oppūgnātiōne, cum ad opem ferendam fźstīnāns captam urbem esse audīvisset, "Et Rōmānī" inquit "suum[9] Hannibalem habent: eādem, quā cźperāmus, arte Tarentum āmīsimus." Cum posteā Līvius Salīnātor cōram Fabiō glōriārźtur, quod[10] {90} arcem Tarentīnam retinuisset,[10] dīxissetque eum[11] suā operā Tarentum recźpisse, "Certź" inquit Fabius rīdźns, "nam nisi tū āmīsissźs,[12] ego numquam recźpissem."[12] Quīntus Fabius iam senex fīliō suō cōnsulī lźgātus fuit; cumque [[48]] in źius castra venīret, fīlius obviam patrī prōgressus est, {95} duodecim līctōribus prō mōre antecźdentibus. Equō[1] vehźbātur senex neque appropinquante cōnsule dźscendit. Iam ex līctōribus ūndecim verźcundiā[2] paternae māiestātis tacitī praeterierant. Quod cum cōnsul animadvertisset, proximum līctōrem iussit inclāmāre[3] Fabiō patrī ut ex equō dźscenderet. Pater tum {100} dźsiliźns "Nōn ego, fīlī," inquit "tuum imperium contempsī, sed experīrī voluī num scīrźs cōnsulem tź esse." Ad summam senectūtem vīxit Fabius Māximus, dīgnus tantō cōgnōmine.[4] Cautior[5] quam prōmptior habitus est, sed īnsita[6] źius ingeniō prūdentia eī bellō, quod tum gerźbātur, propriź apta erat. Nźminī[7] dubium {105} est quīn[8] rem[9] Rōmānam cunctandō[10] restituerit. Ut Scīpiō pūgnandō,[10] ita hīc nōn dīmicandō[10] māximź cīvitātī Rōmānae succurrisse vīsus est. Alter enim celeritāte suā Carthāginem oppressit, alter cunctātiōne id[11] źgit, nź Rōma opprimī posset. [Footnotes: XIX (pages 43-48) 43.10: In the latter part of the First Punic War Hamilcar had successfully maintained himself for several years in Sicily against the Romans. Subsequently he built up a great Carthaginian empire in Spain, partly to offset the losses which Carthage had sustained in its struggle with Rome, and partly to supply it with the means for a renewal of the conflict. 43.11: #novem . . . nātus#: 'when only nine years old.' 43.12: Cf. p. 10, n. 15. 43.13: This war lasted from 218 to 202 B.C. 44.1: When Hamilcar was killed in battle in Spain in 227, his son-in-law Hasdrubal took command of the Carthaginian forces there. He in turn was succeeded by Hannibal in 219. 44.2: dat. with #foederātam#. Cf. H 428, 3 (385, 4, 3): A 248, _a_, R.: G 359: B 192, 1. Compare the dat. used with _iungō_ and _mīsceō_. 44.3: #utrum# is here a relative pronoun; hence the indicative #placet#, with which we must supply _vōbīs_. In #utrum vellet#, however, #utrum# is interrogative: hence the subjunctive. 44.4: = a subjunctive in ind. disc. representing an original imperative. See p. xxvi, M 6. 44.5: _excutiō_. 44.6: #quibus . . . animīs, iīsdem#: abl. of manner. See p. 42, n. 5. 44.7: Sc. _bellum_. 44.8: P. Cornelius Scipio, father of the famous P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus Maior, and consul in 218. 44.9: The first two battles were fought in 218, the third in 217. 44.10: See Vocab., _dictātor_. 44.11: Cf. p. 28, n. 17. 44.12: #adversus Hannibalem# = a causal clause: 'since he was facing H.' Here again the Latin feels the lack of a participle to _sum_. 44.13: #recźdere . . . discrīmine#: 'to avoid (any) hazardous risk.' #recźdere# depends on #cōnstituit#, l. 22. 44.14: #modicō . . . intervāllō#: we say, 'at a moderate distance.' For the abl., see p. 39, n. 12. 44.15: 'let slip,' 'lose sight of.' 45.1: apparently = _in castrīs_, but really an abl. of means. 45.2: #nisi . . . cōgeret#: 'except as far as necessity forced (Fabius to lead them forth).' #cōgeret# is an example of the iterative subjunctive, used to denote the frequent repetition of an act. It generally occurs in clauses containing a past tense, and is common in Livy, on whom this story is based. 45.3: #neque . . . deerat#: 'missed no chance of scoring a success.' 45.4: #reī bene gerendae#: cf. p. 40, n. 17. 45.5: #mīlitem . . . paenitźre#: 'the soldiers began to be less discontented with (i.e. to be more confident of),' etc. For the construction, see p. 28, n. 7. 45.6: #dźligāta . . . incendī# = _dźligārī et incendī_. 45.7: Why abl.? 45.8: _reor_. 45.9: Render by a noun: 'sluggard.' 45.10: See Vocab., _magister_. 45.11: indirect discourse, dependent on the verb of saying suggested by #crīminandō#. 45.12: Indirect object with #aequāvit#, which = _aequum fźcit_. 46.1: #abl.# of specification. 46.2: #aequō animō# is an abl. of manner (p. 41, n. 10), and = 'patiently.' 46.3: #eī . . . auxiliō#: 'to help him in his peril.' Cf. p. 25, n. 6. 46.4: #receptuī cecinit#: 'gave the signal for a retreat.' #receptuī# is a dat. of purpose: cf. p. 25, n. 6. _canere_ is used of instrumental music (here of playing on the trumpet) as well as of vocal. 46.5: _cōnfiteor_. 46.6: i.e. Hannibal. 46.7: #tandem . . . dedisse#: 'the cloud . . . had at last brought wind and rain,' i.e. Fabius, after so long threatening the Carthaginians, had at last proceeded to active measures. 46.8: Cf. p. 4, n. 6. 46.9: #per . . . vźnandī#: 'under pretense of hunting.' 46.10: a substantive clause of purpose, object of #monuit#. 46.11: supine of _pāscō_, denoting the purpose of #prōpulsa essent#: cf. p. 5, n. 20. 46.12: _veluti . . . factam_: 'as if they (i.e. the cattle) were plunder captured from the foe.' #praedam# is accus. by attraction to _ea pecora_, to be supplied as the object of dōnārent. 46.13: #eō . . . est#: lit., 'to such a degree of custom was the matter brought,' = 'so customary did this proceeding become.' #cōnsuźtūdinis# is a partitive gen. with #eō#, which strictly = 'thither, to that point.' 46.14: subjunctive by attraction (p. 13, n. 10) to #aperīrźtur#, which itself denotes result. 47.1: 'who were buried in slumber.' The perf. pass. part. here, as often, = a relative clause. 47.2: #Leve . . . mōmentum#: 'a circumstance (almost too) trifling to mention.' For #dictū#, see p. 19, n. 15. 47.3: #dźperībat amōre#: 'was dying for (lit. because of) love,' i.e. was desperately in love with. 47.4: objective gen. with #amōre#: cf. p. 14, n. 15. 47.5: #ad . . . perpulit# (_perpellō_): 'drove him to,' i.e. induced him to, etc. 47.6: '#watch.#' 47.7: _refringō_. 47.8: emphatic by reason of its position before the conjunction #cum#: cf. p. 19, n. 8. 47.9: #suum Hannibalem#: 'a Hannibal of their own.' 47.10: Cf. p. 14, n. 1. 47.11: i.e. Fabius. Livius said: _meā operā tū Tarentum recźpistī_. 47.12: A conditional sentence, containing a supposition contrary to the facts: H 579 and N. (510 and N. 1): M 938: A 308: G 597: B 304. 48.1: #equō vehźbātur#: 'was riding.' #equō# is an abl. of means. 48.2: #verźcundiā . . . māiestātis#: 'out of respect for his dignity as a father.' Explain the case of #verźcundiā#, also of #māiestātis#. Roman fathers were as absolutely masters of their children as they were of their slaves. Yet the rights of a son in official position took precedence of the honors due a father. 48.3: Cf. p. 12, n. 3. 48.4: abl. with #dīgnus#: H 481 (421, III): M 654: A 245, _a_: G 397, N. 2: B 226, 2. 48.5: #Cautior . . . est#: = 'he was accounted cautious rather than alert.' See H 499 (444, 2): M 429: A 192: G 299: B 240, 4. 48.6: #īnsita . . . prūdentia#: 'his innate caution'; lit., the caution implanted in his nature. For _ingeniō_, see p. 2, n. 7. 48.7: possessive dative: 'no one has a doubt.' 48.8: Cf. p. 39, n. 4. 48.9: = _rem pūblicam_. 48.10: abl. of means. With #cunctandō# cf. _morā_, l. 19, and _cunctātiōne_, l. 109. 48.11: #id . . . posset#: 'accomplished this, that it should be impossible to overthrow Rome.' #nź . . . posset# is a clause of purpose, in apposition with #id#.] #XX. Aemilius Paulus et Terentius Varro# [[stripped text]] Hannibal in Apuliam pervenerat. Adversus eum Roma profecti sunt duo consules, Aemilius Paulus et Terentius Varro. Paulo Fabii cunctatio magis placebat; Varro autem, ferox et temerarius, acriora sequebatur consilia. Ambo consules ad vicum, qui Cannae appellabatur, castra communiverunt. Ibi deinde Varro, invito conlega, aciem instruxit et signum pugnae dedit. Hannibal autem ita constituerat aciem, ut Romanis et solis radii et ventus ab oriente pulverem adflans adversi essent. Victus caesusque est Romanus exercitus; nusquam graviore vulnere adflicta est res publica. Aemilius Paulus telis obrutus cecidit: quem cum media in pugna sedentem in saxo oppletum cruore conspexisset quidam tribunus militum, "Cape" inquit "hunc equum et fuge, Aemili. Etiam sine tua morte lacrimarum satis luctusque est." Ad ea consul: "Tu quidem macte virtute esto! Sed cave exiguum tempus e manibus hostium evadendi perdas! Abi, nuntia patribus ut urbem muniant ac prius quam hostis victor adveniat, praesidiis firment. Me in hac strage meorum militum patere exspirare." Alter consul cum paucis equitibus Venusiam perfugit. Consulares aut praetorii occiderunt viginti, senatores capti aut occisi triginta, nobiles viri trecenti, militum quadraginta milia, equitum tria milia et quingenti. Hannibal in testimonium victoriae suae tres modios aureorum anulorum Carthaginem misit, quos de manibus equitum Romanorum et senatorum detraxerat. Hannibali victori cum ceteri gratularentur suaderentque ut quietem iam ipse sumeret et fessis militibus daret, unus ex eius praefectis, Maharbal, minime cessandum ratus, Hannibalem hortabatur ut statim Romam pergeret, die quinto victor in Capitolio epulaturus. Cumque Hannibal illud non probasset, Maharbal "Non omnia nimirum" inquit "eidem dii dedere. Vincere scis, Hannibal; victoria uti nescis." Mora huius diei satis creditur saluti fuisse urbi et imperio. Hannibal cum victoria posset uti, frui maluit, relictaque Roma in Campaniam divertit, cuius deliciis mox exercitus ardor elanguit, adeo ut vere dictum sit Capuam Hannibali Cannas fuisse. Numquam tantum pavoris Romae fuit, quantum ubi acceptae cladis nuntius advenit. Neque tamen ulla pacis mentio facta est; quin etiam animo civitas adeo magno fuit, ut Varroni ex tanta clade redeunti obviam irent et gratias agerent, quod de re publica non desperasset: qui, si Poenorum dux fuisset, temeritatis poenas omni supplicio dedisset. Non autem vitae cupiditate, sed rei publicae amore se superfuisse reliquo aetatis suae tempore approbavit. Nam et barbam capillumque submisit, et postea numquam recubans cibum cepit; honoribus quoque, cum ei deferrentur a populo, renuntiavit, dicens felicioribus magistratibus rei publicae opus esse. Dum igitur Hannibal segniter et otiose agebat. Romani interim respirare coeperunt. Arma non erant: detracta sunt templis vetera hostium spolia. Deerat iuventus: servi manumissi et armati sunt. Egebat aerarium: opes suas libens senatus in medium protulit, nec praeter quod in bullis singulisque anulis erat quidquam sibi auri reliquerunt. Patrum exemplum secuti sunt equites imitataeque equites omnes tribus. Denique vix suffecere tabulae, vix scribarum manus, cum omnes privatae opes in publicum deferrentur. Cum Hannibal redimendi sui copiam captivis Romanis fecisset, decem ex ipsis Romam ea de re missi sunt; nec pignus aliud fidei ab iis postulatum est, quam ut iurarent se, si non impetrassent, in castra esse redituros. Eos senatus non redimendos censuit responditque eos cives non esse necessarios, qui, cum armati essent, capi potuissent. Ūnus ex iis legatis e castris Poenorum egressus, veluti aliquid oblitus, paulo post in castra erat regressus, deinde comites ante noctem adsecutus erat. Is ergo, re non impetrata, domum abiit; reditu enim in castra se liberatum esse iureiurando interpretabatur. Quod ubi innotuit, iussit senatus illum comprehendi et vinctum duci ad Hannibalem. Ea res Hannibalis audaciam maxime fregit, quod senatus populusque Romanus rebus adflictis tam excelso esset animo. #XX. Aemilius Paulus et Terentius Varrō# [[as printed]] [Sidenote: B.C. 216.] Hannibal[12] in Āpūliam pervźnerat. Adversus eum Rōmā profectī sunt duo cōnsulźs, Aemilius Paulus et Terentius [[49]] Varrō. Paulō Fabiī cunctātiō magis placźbat; Varrō[1] autem, ferōx et temerārius, ācriōra sequźbātur cōnsilia. Ambō cōnsulźs ad vīcum, quī Cannae appellābātur, castra commūnīvźrunt. Ibi {5} deinde Varrō, invītō[2] conlźgā, aciem īnstrūxit et sīgnum pūgnae dedit. Hannibal autem ita cōnstituerat aciem, ut Rōmānīs[3] et sōlis radiī et ventus ab oriente pulverem adflāns adversī essent. Victus caesusque est Rōmānus exercitus; nūsquam graviōre vulnere adflīcta est rźs pūblica. Aemilius Paulus tźlīs obrutus {10} cecidit: quem cum mediā in pūgnā sedentem in saxō opplźtum cruōre cōnspexisset quīdam tribūnus mīlitum, "Cape" inquit "hunc equum et fuge, Aemilī.[4] Etiam sine tuā morte lacrimārum satis lūctūsque est." Ad ea cōnsul[5]: "Tū[6] quidem macte virtūte estō! Sed cavź[7] exiguum tempus ź manibus hostium źvādendī {15} perdās! Abī, nūntiā patribus ut urbem mūniant ac prius quam hostis victor adveniat, praesidiīs fīrment. Mź in hāc strāge meōrum mīlitum patere[8] exspīrāre." Alter cōnsul cum paucīs equitibus Venusiam perfūgit. Cōnsulārźs aut praetōriī occidźrunt vīgintī, senātōrźs captī aut occīsī trīgintā, nōbilźs {20} virī trecentī, mīlitum quadrāgintā mīlia, equitum tria mīlia et quīngentī. Hannibal in[9] tźstimōnium victōriae suae trźs modiōs aureōrum ānulōrum[10] Carthāginem mīsit, quōs dź manibus equitum Rōmānōrum et senātōrum dźtrāxerat. {25} [Illustration: ĀNULUS] [[50]] Hannibalī victōrī cum cźterī grātulārentur suādźrentque ut quiźtem iam ipse sūmeret et fessīs mīlitibus daret, ūnus ex źius praefectīs, Maharbal, minimź[1] cessandum ratus, Hannibalem hortābātur ut statim Rōmam pergeret, diź quīntō victor in Capitōliō epulātūrus.[2] Cumque Hannibal illud nōn probāsset, {30} Maharbal "Nōn omnia nīmīrum" inquit "eīdem[3] diī dedźre. Vincere scīs, Hannibal; victōriā ūtī nescīs." Mora hūius diźī satis crźditur salūtī[4] fuisse urbī[4] et imperiō.[4] Hannibal cum victōriā posset ūtī, fruī māluit, relīctāque Rōmā in Campāniam dīvertit, cūius[5] dźliciīs mox exercitūs ārdor źlanguit, adeō ut vźrź dictum sit Capuam[6] Hannibalī Cannās fuisse. {36} Numquam tantum pavōris Rōmae fuit, quantum[7] ubi acceptae clādis nūntius advźnit. Neque tamen ūlla pācis mentiō facta est; quīn[8] etiam animō cīvitās adeō māgnō fuit, ut Varrōnī ex tantā {39} clāde redeuntī obviam īrent et grātiās agerent, quod dź rź pūblicā nōn dźspźrāsset: quī, sī Poenōrum dux fuisset,[9] temeritātis poenās omnī suppliciō dedisset.[9] Nōn autem vītae cupiditāte, sed reī pūblicae amōre sź superfuisse[10] reliquō aetātis suae tempore approbāvit. Nam et barbam capillumque submīsit,[11] et posteā numquam recubāns[12] cibum cźpit; honōribus quoque, cum eī dźferrentur ā {45} [[51]] populō, renūntiāvit, dīcźns fźlīciōribus magistrātibus[1] reī pūblicae opus esse. Dum igitur Hannibal sźgniter et ōtiōsź agźbat. Rōmānī interim respīrāre[2] coepźrunt. Arma nōn erant: dźtrācta sunt {50} templīs[3] vetera hostium spolia. Deerat iuventūs: servī manūmissī et armātī sunt. Egźbat aerārium: opźs suās libźns senātus in medium prōtulit, nec praeter quod in {55} bullīs singulīsque[4] ānulīs erat quidquam sibi aurī relīquźrunt. Patrum exemplum secūtī sunt equitźs imitātaeque equitźs omnźs tribūs. Dźnique vix[5] suffźcźre tabulae, vix scrībārum manūs, cum omnźs prīvātae opźs in pūblicum dźferrentur. [Illustration: CONVĪVIUM] Cum Hannibal redimendī[6] suī cōpiam captīvīs Rōmānīs fźcisset, {60} decem ex ipsīs Rōmam eā dź rź missī sunt; nec pīgnus aliud fideī ab iīs pōstulātum est, quam ut iūrārent sź, sī nōn impetrāssent, in castra esse reditūrōs. Eōs senātus nōn redimendōs cźnsuit responditque eōs cīvźs nōn esse necessāriōs, quī, cum armātī essent, capī potuissent. Ūnus ex iīs lźgātīs ź castrīs Poenōrum {65} źgressus, velutī[7] aliquid[8] oblītus, paulō post in castra erat regressus, deinde comitźs ante noctem adsecūtus erat. Is ergō, rź nōn impetrātā, domum abiit; reditū enim in castra sź līberātum esse iūreiūrandō interpretābātur.[9] Quod ubi innōtuit, iussit senātus [[52]] illum comprehendī et vinctum dūcī ad Hannibalem. Ea rźs {70} Hannibalis audāciam māximź frźgit, quod senātus populusque Rōmānus rźbus[1] adflīctīs tam excelsō esset animō. [Footnotes: XX (pages 48-52) 48.12: Since the battle at Lake Trasumenus (XIX, 17), there had been no general engagement between the Romans and Hannibal. The latter, closely watched and followed by Fabius, had marched into southern Italy, hoping to induce the peoples there to desert Rome and join him. When Fabius resigned the dictatorship at the end of the legal period, C. Terentius Varro and L. Aemilius Paulus were elected consuls. Their army numbered 80,000 men, and their instructions were to fight as speedily as possible. 49.1: A further cause of trouble between the consuls was the fact that Paulus was a patrician, Varro a plebeian. 49.2: #invītō conlźgā#: abl. abs.: 'though opposed by his colleague.' How literally? The consuls held supreme command on alternate days. 49.3: Construe with #adversī#. 49.4: H 83, 5 (51, 5): M 152: A 40, _c_: G 33, 2: B 25, 1. 49.5: sc. _inquit_. 49.6: #Tū . . . estō#: 'God bless you!' Cf. p. 32, n. 1. 49.7: #cavź . . . perdās# = _cavź nź . . . perdās_: 'Take care lest,' etc. For this form see H 561, 2 (489, 2): M 715: A 269, _a_, 3: G 271, 2: B 276, _c_. We really have two commands here side by side, thus: 'Take care'; 'Don't waste,' etc. 49.8: imperative of _patior_. 49.9: #in . . . suae#: 'to prove his victory.' 49.10: The custom of wearing rings was universal among the Romans, having arisen out of their use as signets. Originally they were of iron. When gold rings were first used they served to distinguish the higher classes. 50.1: #minimź . . . ratus#: 'thinking that there ought to be no delay.' With #cessandum# sc. _esse_, and see p. 16, n. 8. 50.2: #victor . . . epulātūrus#: 'for he would surely dine as victor on the Capitol.' The fut. part. is often thus used to denote the certain occurrence of a future event. Further, the clause expresses the reason why Maharbal urged H. to proceed to Rome. What were Maharbal's exact words? 50.3: dat. sing. 50.4: Cf. p. 25, n. 6. Contrast the words of a modern historian: "Hannibal knew Rome better than the simpletons who, in ancient and modern times, have fancied that he might have terminated the struggle by a march on the enemy's capital." 50.5: #cūius . . . fuisse#: a gross exaggeration. Hannibal successfully maintained himself in Italy till recalled in 203. 50.6: Capua, at this time the most powerful city in Italy next to Rome, had formed an alliance with Hannibal after the battle of Cannae. 50.7: Sc. _fuit._ 50.8: #quīn etiam#: 'on the contrary.' 50.9: For the construction, see p. 47, n. 12. For the fact, cf. XVI, 19 ff. 50.10: #superfuisse . . . approbāvit#: 'he showed that he had effected his escape (lit., had survived).' 50.11: 'let grow.' This manner of showing grief is often mentioned. 50.12: The Romans reclined on the left side at meals. Varro's act was a kind of penance, since it indicated that he denied himself the pleasures of the table. 51.1: #magistrātibus . . . esse#: cf. p. 37, notes 3 and 4. 51.2: 'to repair their losses'; lit., 'to get their breath again.' 51.3: dat.; cf. p. 2, n. 7. After a victory, captured arms, as well as a portion of the captured treasure, were hung up in some temple as a thank-offering to the gods. 51.4: #singulīs . . . ānulīs#: 'a ring apiece.' 51.5: #vix . . . manūs#: i.e. they hardly had clerks and tablets sufficient to keep the record of contributions. 51.6: #redimendī suī#: 'of ransoming themselves.' H 626, 3 (542, #I#, N. 1): M 1000: A 298, _a_: G 428, R. 1: B 339, 5. 51.7: #velutī . . . oblītus#: 'pretending to have forgotten something.' How literally? 51.8: A neuter pronoun or adjective is often used with verbs of remembering or forgetting. Contrast _oblīta frātrum_, IV, 37, and note. 51.9: 'maintained, held.' 52.1: abl. abs.: 'though their affairs were at the lowest ebb.'] #XXI. Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus# [[stripped text]] Publius Cornelius Scipio nondum annos pueritiae egressus patrem singulari virtute servavit; qui cum pugna apud Ticinum contra Hannibalem commissa graviter vulneratus in hostium manus iam iam venturus esset, filius interiecto corpore Poenis inruentibus se opposuit et patrem periculo liberavit. Quae pietas Scipioni postea aedilitatem petenti favorem populi conciliavit. Cum obsisterent tribuni plebis, negantes rationem eius esse habendam, quod nondum ad petendum legitima aetas esset, "Si me" inquit Scipio "omnes Quirites aedilem facere volunt, satis annorum habeo." Tanto inde favore ad suffragia itum est, ut tribuni incepto desisterent. Post cladem Cannensem Romani exercitus reliquiae Canusium perfugerant; cumque ibi tribuni militum quattuor essent, tamen omnium consensu ad Publium Scipionem, admodum adulescentem, summa imperii delata est. Quibus consultantibus nuntiat Publius Furius Philus, consularis viri filius, nobiles quosdam iuvenes propter desperationem consilium de Italia deserenda inire. Statim in hospitium Metelli, qui conspirationis erat princeps, se contulit Scipio, et cum concilium ibi iuvenum, de quibus adlatum erat, invenisset, stricto super capita consultantium gladio, "Iurate" inquit "vos neque ipsos rem publicam populi Romani deserturos, neque alium civem Romanum deserere passuros: qui non iuraverit, in se hunc gladium strictum esse sciat." Haud secus pavidi, quam si victorem Hannibalem cernerent, iurant omnes custodiendosque semet ipsos Scipioni tradunt. Cum Romani duas clades in Hispania accepissent duoque ibi summi imperatores intra dies triginta cecidissent, placuit exercitum augeri eoque proconsulem mitti; nec tamen quem mitterent satis constabat. Ea de re indicta sunt comitia. Primo populus exspectabat ut, qui se tanto dignos imperio crederent, nomina profiterentur; sed nemo audebat illud imperium suscipere. Maesta igitur civitas ac prope inops consilii comitiorum die in campum descendit. Subito P. Cornelius Scipio, quattuor et viginti ferme annos natus, professus se petere, in superiore, unde conspici posset, loco constitit. In quem postquam omnium ora conversa sunt, ad unum omnes Scipionem in Hispania proconsulem esse iusserunt. At postquam animorum impetus resedit, populum Romanum coepit facti paenitere: aetati Scipionis maxime diffidebant. Quod ubi animadvertit Scipio, advocata contione ita magno elatoque animo de bello, quod gerendum esset, disseruit, ut homines cura liberaret speque certissima impleret. Profectus igitur in Hispaniam Scipio Carthaginem Novam, quo die venit, expugnavit. Eo congestae erant omnes paene Africae et Hispaniae opes, ibi arma, ibi pecunia, ibi totius Hispaniae obsides erant: quibus omnibus potitus est Scipio. Inter captivos ad eum adducta est eximiae formae adulta virgo. Quam ubi comperit inlustri loco inter Celtiberos natam principique eius gentis adulescenti desponsam esse, arcessitis parentibus et sponso eam reddidit. Parentes virginis, qui ad eam redimendam satis magnum auri pondus attulerant, Scipionem orabant ut id a se donum acciperet. Scipio aurum ante pedes poni iussit vocatoque ad se virginis sponso, "Super dotem" inquit "quam accepturus a socero es, haec tibi a me dotalia dona accedent" aurumque tollere ac sibi habere iussit. Ille domum reversus ad referendam Scipioni gratiam Celtiberos Romanis conciliavit. Deinde Scipio Hasdrubalem victum ex Hispania expulit. Castris hostium potitus omnem praedam militibus concessit, captivos Hispanos sine pretio domum dimisit; Afros vero vendi iussit. Erat inter eos puer adultus regii generis, forma insigni: quem cum percontaretur Scipio quis et cuias esset, et cur id aetatis in castris fuisset, "Numida sum" inquit puer, "Massivam populares vocant: orbus a patre relictus, apud avum maternum, Numidiae regem, educatus sum. Cum avunculo Masinissa, qui nuper subsidio Carthaginiensibus venit, in Hispaniam traieci; prohibitus propter aetatem a Masinissa numquam ante proelium inii. Eo die, quo pugnatum est cum Romanis, inscio avunculo, clam armis equoque sumpto, in aciem exii: ibi, prolapso equo, captus sum a Romanis." Scipio eum interrogat velletne ad avunculum reverti. Cum, effusis gaudio lacrimis, id vero se cupere puer diceret, tum Scipio puero anulum aureum equumque ornatum donat datisque qui tuto deducerent equitibus dimisit. Cum Publius Cornelius Scipio se erga Hispanos clementer gessisset, circumfusa multitudo eum regem ingenti consensu appellavit; at Scipio, silentio per praeconem facto, "Nomen imperatoris" inquit, "quo me mei milites appellarunt, mihi maximum est: regium nomen, alibi magnum, Romae intolerabile est. Si id amplissimum iudicatis, quod regale est, vobis licet existimare regalem in me esse animum; sed oro vos ut a regis appellatione abstineatis." Sensere etiam barbari magnitudinem animi, qua Scipio id aspernabatur, quod ceteri mortales admirantur et concupiscunt. Scipio recepta Hispania cum iam bellum in ipsam Africam transferre meditaretur, conciliandos prius regum et gentium animos existimavit. Syphacem, Maurorum regem, opulentissimum totius Africae regem, quem magno usui sibi fore speraret, primum tentare statuit. Itaque legatum cum donis ad eum misit C. Laelium, quocum intima familiaritate vivebat. Syphax amicitiam Romanorum se accipere adnuit, sed fidem nec dare nec accipere, nisi cum ipso coram duce Romano, voluit. Scipio igitur in Africam traiecit. Forte ita incidit, ut eo ipso tempore Hasdrubal pulsus Hispania ad eundem portum appelleret, Syphacis amicitiam pariter petiturus. Uterque a rege in hospitium invitatus. Cenatum simul apud regem est; eodem etiam lecto Scipio atque Hasdrubal accubuerunt. Tanta autem inerat comitas in Scipione, ut non Syphacem modo, sed etiam hostem infestissimum Hasdrubalem sibi conciliaret. Scipio, foedere icto cum Syphace, in Hispaniam ad exercitum rediit. Masinissa quoque amicitiam cum Scipione iungere iam dudum cupiebat. Quare ad eum tres Numidarum principes misit ad tempus locumque conloquio statuendum. Duos pro obsidibus retineri a Scipione iubet; remisso tertio, qui Masinissam ad locum constitutum adduceret, Scipio et Masinissa cum paucis in conloquium venerunt. Ceperat iam ante Numidam ex fama rerum gestarum admiratio viri, sed maior praesentis veneratio cepit: erat enim in vultu maiestas summa; accedebat promissa caesaries habitusque corporis, non cultus munditiis, sed virilis vere ac militaris, et florens iuventa. Prope attonitus ipso congressu Numida gratias de filio fratris remisso agit: adfirmat se ex eo tempore eam quaesivisse occasionem, quam tandem oblatam non omiserit; cupere se illi et populo Romano operam navare. Laetus eum Scipio audivit atque in societatem recepit. Scipio deinde Romam rediit et ante annos consul factus est. Sicilia ei provincia decreta est permissumque ut in Africam inde traiceret. Qui cum vellet ex fortissimis peditibus Romanis trecentorum equitum numerum complere, nec posset illos subito armis et equis instruere, id prudenti consilio perfecit. Namque ex omni Sicilia trecentos iuvenes nobilissimos et ditissimos, qui equis militarent et secum in Africam traicerent, legit diemque iis edixit, qua equis armisque instructi atque ornati adessent. Gravis ea militia, procul domo, terra marique multos labores, magna pericula adlatura videbatur; neque ipsos modo, sed parentes cognatosque eorum ea cura angebat. Ubi dies quae dicta erat advenit, arma equosque ostenderunt, sed omnes fere longinquum et grave bellum horrere apparebat. Tunc Scipio militiam iis se remissurum ait, si arma et equos militibus Romanis voluissent tradere. Laeti condicionem acceperunt iuvenes Siculi. Ita Scipio sine publica impensa suos instruxit ornavitque equites. Tunc Scipio ex Sicilia in Africam vento secundo profectus est tanto militum ardore, ut non ad bellum duci viderentur, sed ad certa victoriae praemia. Celeriter naves e conspectu Siciliae ablatae sunt conspectaque brevi Africae litora. Scipio cum egrediens ad terram navi prolapsus esset et ob hoc attonitos milites cerneret, id, quod trepidationem adferebat, in hortationem convertens, "Africam oppressi" inquit, "milites!" Expositis copiis in proximis tumulis castra metatus est. Ibi speculatores hostium in castris deprehensos et ad se perductos nec supplicio adfecit nec de consiliis ac viribus Poenorum percontatus est, sed circa omnes Romani exercitus manipulos curavit deducendos; dein interrogatos num ea satis considerassent, quae speculari erant iussi, prandio dato incolumes dimisit. Scipioni in Africam advenienti Masinissa se coniunxit cum parva equitum turma. Syphax vero a Romanis ad Poenos defecerat. Hasdrubal, Poenorum dux, Syphaxque Scipioni se opposuerunt, qui utriusque castra una nocte perrupit et incendit. Syphax ipse captus et vivus ad Scipionem pertractus est. Syphacem in castra adduci cum esset nuntiatum, omnis velut ad spectaculum triumphi multitudo effusa est; praecedebat ipse vinctus, sequebatur grex nobilium Maurorum. Movebat omnes fortuna viri, cuius amicitiam olim Scipio petierat. Regem aliosque captivos Romam misit Scipio; Masinissam, qui egregie rem Romanam adiuverat, aurea corona donavit. Haec et aliae, quae sequebantur, clades Carthaginiensibus tantum terroris intulerunt, ut Hannibalem ex Italia ad tuendam patriam revocarent. Frendens gemensque ac vix lacrimis temperans is dicitur legatorum verba audisse mandatisque paruisse. Respexit saepe Italiae litora, semet accusans, quod non victorem exercitum statim ab Cannensi pugna Romam duxisset. Zamam venerat Hannibal, quae urbs quinque dierum iter a Carthagine abest, et nuntium ad Scipionem misit ut conloquendi secum potestatem faceret. Scipio cum conloquium haud abnuisset, dies locusque constituitur. Itaque congressi sunt duo clarissimi suae aetatis duces. Steterunt aliquamdiu taciti mutuaque admiratione defixi. Cum vero de condicionibus pacis inter eos non convenisset, ad suos se receperunt, renuntiantes armis decernendum esse. Commisso deinde proelio Hannibal victus cum quattuor equitibus fugit. Ceterum constat utrumque de altero confessum esse nec melius instrui aciem nec acrius potuisse pugnari. Carthaginienses metu perculsi ad petendam pacem oratores mittunt triginta civitatis principes. Qui ubi in castra Romana venerunt, veniam civitati petebant non culpam purgantes, sed initium culpae in Hannibalem transferentes. Victis leges imposuit Scipio. Legati, cum nullas condiciones recusarent, Romam profecti sunt, ut, quae a Scipione pacta essent, ea patrum ac populi auctoritate confirmarentur. Ita pace terra marique parta, Scipio exercitu in naves imposito Romam revertit. Ad quem advenientem concursus ingens factus est; effusa non ex urbibus modo, sed etiam ex agris multitudo viam obsidebat. Scipio inter gratulantium plausus triumpho omnium clarissimo urbem est invectus primusque nomine victae a se gentis est nobilitatus Africanusque appellatus. Ex his rebus gestis virum eum esse virtutis divinae vulgo creditum est. Id etiam dicere haud piget, quod scriptores de eo litteris mandaverunt, Scipionem consuevisse, priusquam dilucesceret, in Capitolium ventitare ac iubere aperiri cellam Iovis ibi solum diu demorari, quasi consultantem de re publica cum Iove: aedituosque eius templi saepe esse miratos, quod eum id temporis in Capitolium ingredientem canes, semper in alios saevientes, non latrarent. Has vulgi de Scipione opiniones confirmare atque approbare videbantur dicta factaque eius pleraque admiranda, ex quibus est unum huiuscemodi. Adsidebat oppugnabatque oppidum in Hispania, situ moenibusque ac defensoribus validum et munitum, re etiam cibaria copiosum, neque ulla eius potiundi spes erat. Quodam die ius in castris sedens dicebat Scipio atque ex eo loco id oppidum procul videbatur. Tum e militibus, qui in iure apud eum stabant, interrogavit quispiam ex more in quem diem locumque vades sisti iuberet. Et Scipio manum ad ipsam oppidi, quod obsidebatur, arcem protendens, "Perendie" inquit "sese sistant illo in loco," atque ita factum. Die tertia, in quam vades sisti iusserat, oppidum captum est. Eodem die in arce eius oppidi ius dixit. Hannibal, a Scipione victus suisque invisus, ad Antiochum, Syriae regem, confugit eumque hostem Romanis fecit. Missi sunt Roma legati ad Antiochum, in quibus erat Scipio Africanus, qui cum Hannibale Ephesi conlocutus ab eo quaesivit, quem fuisse maximum imperatorem crederet. Respondit Hannibal Alexandrum, Macedonum regem, maximum sibi videri, quod parva manu innumerabiles exercitus fudisset. Quaerenti deinde, quem secundum poneret, "Pyrrhum" inquit, "quod primus castra metari docuit nemoque illo elegantius loca cepit et praesidia deposuit." Sciscitanti denique quem tertium duceret, semet ipsum dixit. Tum ridens Scipio "Quidnam tu diceres" inquit "si me vicisses?" "Tum me vero" respondit Hannibal "et ante Alexandrum et ante Pyrrhum et ante omnes alios imperatores posuissem." Ita improviso adsentationis genere Scipionem e grege imperatorum velut inaestimabilem secernebat. Scipio ipse fertur quondam dixisse, cum eum quidam parum pugnacem dicerent, "Imperatorem me mater, non bellatorem peperit." Idem dicere solitus est non solum dandam esse viam fugientibus, sed etiam muniendam. Decreto adversus Antiochum bello cum Syria provincia obvenisset Lucio Scipioni, quia parum in eo putabatur esse animi, parum roboris, senatus gerendi huius belli curam mandari volebat conlegae eius C. Laelio. Surgens tunc Scipio Africanus, frater maior Lucii Scipionis, illam familiae ignominiam deprecatus est: dixit in fratre suo summam esse virtutem, summum consilium seque ei legatum fore promisit. Quod cum ab eo esset dictum, nihil est de Lucii Scipionis provincia commutatum: itaque frater natu maior minori legatus in Asiam profectus est et tam diu eum consilio operaque adiuvit, donec triumphum ille et cognomen Asiatici peperisset. Eodem bello filius Scipionis Africani captus est et ad Antiochum deductus. Benigne et liberaliter adulescentem rex habuit, quamquam ab eius patre tum maxime finibus imperii pellebatur. Cum deinde pacem Antiochus a Romanis peteret, legatus eius Publium Scipionem adiit eique filium sine pretio redditurum regem dixit, si per eum pacem impetrasset. Cui Scipio respondit "Abi, nuntia regi, me pro tanto munere gratias agere; sed nunc aliam gratiam non possum referre, quam ut ei suadeam ut bello absistat et pacis condicionem nullam recuset." Pax non convenit; tamen Antiochus Scipioni filium remisit tantique viri maiestatem venerari quam dolorem suum ulcisci maluit. Victo Antiocho cum praedae ratio a L. Scipione reposceretur, Africanus prolatum ab eo librum, quo acceptae et expensae summae continebantur et refelli inimicorum accusatio poterat, discerpsit, indignatus de ea re dubitari, quae sub ipso legato administrata esset. Quin etiam hunc in modum verba fecit: "Non est quod quaeratis, patres conscripti, num parvam pecuniam in aerarium rettulerim, qui antea illud Punico auro repleverim, neque mea innocentia potest in dubium vocari. Cum Africam totam potestati vestrae subiecerim, nihil ex ea praeter cognomen rettuli. Non igitur me Punicae, non fratrem meum Asiaticae gazae avarum reddiderunt; sed uterque nostrum invidia quam pecunia est locupletior." Tam constantem defensionem Scipionis universus senatus comprobavit. Deinde Scipioni Africano duo tribuni plebis diem dixerunt, quod praeda ex Antiocho capta aerarium fraudasset. Ubi causae dicendae dies venit, Scipio magna hominum frequentia in Forum est deductus. Iussus causam dicere rostra conscendit et, corona triumphali capiti suo imposita, "Hoc ego die" inquit "Hannibalem Poenum, imperio nostro inimicissimum, magno proelio vici in terra Africa pacemque nobis et victoriam peperi insperabilem. Ne igitur simus adversus deos ingrati, sed censeo relinquamus nebulones hos eamusque nunc protinus in Capitolium Iovi optimo maximo supplicatum." A rostris in Capitolium ascendit; simul se universa contio ab accusatoribus avertit et secuta Scipionem est, nec quisquam praeter praeconem, qui reum citabat, cum tribunis remansit. Celebratior is dies favore hominum fuit, quam quo triumphans de Syphace rege et Carthaginiensibus urbem est ingressus. Inde, ne amplius tribuniciis iniuriis vexaretur, in Literninum concessit, ubi reliquam egit aetatem sine urbis desiderio. Cum in Liternina villa se contineret, complures praedonum duces ad eum videndum forte confluxerunt. Quos cum ad vim faciendam venire existimasset, praesidium servorum in tecto conlocavit aliaque parabat, quae ad eos repellendos opus erant. Quod ubi praedones animadverterunt, abiectis armis ianuae appropinquant et clara voce nuntiant Scipioni se non vitae eius hostes, sed virtutis admiratores venisse, conspectum tanti viri, quasi caeleste aliquod beneficium, expetentes; proinde ne gravaretur se spectandum praebere. Haec postquam audivit Scipio, fores reserari eosque introduci iussit. Illi postes ianuae tamquam religiosissimam aram venerati, cupide Scipionis dextram apprehenderunt ac diu deosculati sunt; deinde positis ante vestibulum donis laeti, quod sibi Scipionem ut viderent contigisset, domum reverterunt. Paulo post mortuus est Scipio moriensque ab uxore petiit ne corpus suum Romam referretur. #XXI. Pūblius Cornźlius Scīpiō Āfricānus# [[as printed]] [Illustration: SCĪPIŌ] Pūblius Cornźlius Scīpiō[2] nōndum annōs pueritiae źgressus patrem singulārī virtūte servāvit; quī[3] cum pūgnā[4] apud Tīcīnum[5] contrā Hannibalem commissā graviter vulnerātus in hostium manūs iam iam[6] ventūrus {5} esset, fīlius interiectō[7] corpore Poenīs inruentibus sź opposuit et patrem perīculō līberāvit. Quae[8] pietās Scīpiōnī posteā aedīlitātem petentī favōrem populī conciliāvit. Cum obsisterent tribūnī plźbis, negantźs[9] ratiōnem źius esse habendam, {10} quod nōndum ad petendum lźgitima[10] aetās esset, "Sī mź" inquit Scīpiō "omnźs Quirītźs aedīlem facere volunt, satis annōrum habeō." Tantō inde favōre ad suffrāgia itum[11] est, ut tribūnī inceptō dźsisterent. Post clādem Cannźnsem Rōmānī exercitūs reliquiae Canusium {15} perfūgerant; cumque ibi tribūnī mīlitum quattuor essent, tamen omnium cōnsźnsū ad Pūblium Scīpiōnem, admodum[12] adulźscentem, summa imperiī dźlāta est. Quibus cōnsultantibus nūntiat [[53]] Pūblius Fūrius Philus, cōnsulāris virī fīlius, nōbilźs quōsdam iuvenźs propter dźspźrātiōnem cōnsilium dź Italiā dźserendā {20} inīre. Statim in hospitium Metellī, quī cōnspīrātiōnis erat prīnceps, sź contulit Scīpiō, et cum concilium ibi iuvenum, dź quibus adlātum[1] erat, invźnisset, strictō super cāpita cōnsultantium gladiō, "Iūrāte" inquit "vōs neque ipsōs rem pūblicam populī Rōmānī dźsertūrōs, neque alium cīvem Rōmānum dźserere {25} passūrōs[2]: quī[3] nōn iūrāverit, in sź hunc gladium strictum esse sciat."[4] Haud[5] secus pavidī, quam sī victōrem Hannibalem cernerent,[6] iūrant omnźs cūstōdiendōsque sźmet ipsōs Scīpiōnī trādunt. [Sidenote: B.C. 212.] Cum Rōmānī duās clādźs in Hispāniā accźpissent duoque ibi {30} summī imperātōrźs[7] intrā diźs trīgintā cecidissent, placuit[8] exercitum augźrī eōque prōcōnsulem mittī; nec tamen quem mitterent[9] satis cōnstābat. Eā dź rź indicta sunt comitia. Prīmō populus exspectābat ut, quī sź tantō dīgnōs imperiō {34} crźderent,[10] nōmina profitźrentur; sed nźmō audźbat illud imperium suscipere. Maesta igitur cīvitās ac prope inops[11] cōnsiliī[12] comitiōrum diź in campum dźscendit. Subitō P. Cornźlius Scīpiō, quattuor et vīgintī fermź annōs nātus, professus sź petere,[13] in superiōre, unde[14] cōnspicī posset, locō cōnstitit. In quem postquam omnium ōra conversa sunt, ad ūnum omnźs Scīpiōnem in {40} Hispāniā prōcōnsulem esse iussźrunt. At postquam animōrum[15] impetus resźdit, populum[16] Rōmānum coepit factī paenitźre: [[54]] aetātī Scīpiōnis māximź diffīdźbant. Quod ubi animadvertit Scīpiō, advocātā cōntiōne ita māgnō źlātōque animō dź bellō, quod gerendum esset, disseruit, ut hominźs cūrā līberāret spźque {45} certissimā implźret. Profectus igitur in Hispāniam Scīpiō Carthāginem Novam, quō[1] diź vźnit, expūgnāvit. Eō[2] congestae[3] erant omnźs paene Āfricae et Hispāniae opźs, ibi arma, ibi pecūnia, ibi tōtīus Hispāniae obsidźs erant: quibus omnibus potītus est Scīpiō. Inter {50} captīvōs ad eum adducta est eximiae fōrmae adulta virgō. Quam ubi comperit inlūstrī locō inter Celtibźrōs nātam prīncipīque źius gentis adulźscentī dźspōnsam esse, arcessītīs parentibus et spōnsō eam reddidit. Parentźs virginis, quī ad eam redimendam satis[4] māgnum aurī pondus attulerant, Scīpiōnem ōrābant ut id ā sź {55} dōnum acciperet. Scīpiō aurum ante pedźs pōnī iūssit vocātōque ad sź virginis spōnsō, "Super dōtem" inquit "quam acceptūrus ā socerō es, haec tibi ā mź dōtālia dōna accźdent" aurumque tollere āc sibi habźre iūssit. Ille domum reversus ad referendam Scīpiōnī grātiam Celtibźrōs Rōmānīs conciliāvit. {60} Deinde Scīpiō Hasdrubalem[5] victum[6] ex Hispāniā expulit. Castrīs hostium potītus omnem praedam mīlitibus concessit, captīvōs[7] Hispānōs sine pretiō domum dīmīsit; Āfrōs vźrō vźndī iussit. Erat inter eōs puer adultus rźgiī generis,[8] fōrmā {64} īnsīgnī[8]: quem cum percontārźtur Scīpiō quis et cūiās esset, et cūr id[9] aetātis in castrīs fuisset, "Numida sum" inquit puer, "Massīvam populārźs vocant: orbus ā patre relīctus, apud avum māternum, Numidiae rźgem, źducātus sum. Cum avunculō Masinissā, quī nūper subsidiō Carthāginiźnsibus vźnit, in Hispāniam [[55]] trāiźcī; prohibitus propter aetātem ā Masinissā numquam ante {70} proelium iniī. Eō diź, quō pūgnātum est cum Rōmānīs, īnsciō avunculō, clam armīs equōque sūmptō, in aciem exiī: ibi, prōlāpsō equō, captus sum ā Rōmānīs." Scīpiō eum interrogat velletne[1] ad avunculum revertī. Cum, effūsīs[2] gaudiō lacrimīs, id vźrō sź cupere puer dīceret, tum Scīpiō puerō ānulum aureum {75} equumque ōrnātum dōnat datīsque quī[3] tūtō dźdūcerent equitibus dīmīsit. Cum Pūblius Cornźlius Scīpiō sź ergā Hispānōs clźmenter gessisset, circumfūsa multitūdō eum rźgem ingentī cōnsźnsū appellāvit; at Scīpiō, silentiō per praecōnem factō, "Nōmen imperātōris" {80} inquit, "quō[4] mź meī mīlitźs appellārunt, mihi[5] māximum est: rźgium[6] nōmen, alibī māgnum, Rōmae intolerābile est. Sī id amplissimum iūdicātis, quod rźgāle est, vōbīs licet exīstimāre rźgālem in mź esse animum; sed ōrō vōs ut ā rźgis appellātiōne abstineātis." Sźnsźre etiam barbarī māgnitūdinem animī, quā Scīpiō id {85} āspernābātur, quod cźterī mortālźs admīrantur et concupīscunt. [Sidenote: B.C. 206.] Scīpiō receptā Hispāniā cum iam bellum in ipsam Āfricam trānsferre meditārźtur, conciliandōs[7] prius rźgum et gentium animōs exīstimāvit. Syphācem, Maurōrum rźgem, opulentissimum tōtīus Āfricae rźgem, quem[8] māgnō ūsuī[9] sibi[9] fore[10] spźrāret, prīmum tentāre statuit. Itaque lźgātum cum dōnīs ad eum mīsit {91} C. Laelium, quōcum intimā familiāritāte vīvźbat. Syphāx amīcitiam Rōmānōrum sź accipere adnuit, sed fidem nec dare nec accipere, nisi cum ipsō cōram duce Rōmānō, voluit. Scīpiō igitur in Āfricam trāiźcit. Forte ita incidit, ut eō ipsō {95} [[56]] tempore Hasdrubal[1] pulsus Hispāniā ad eundem portum appelleret,[2] Syphācis amīcitiam pariter petītūrus.[3] Uterque ā rźge in hospitium invītātus. Cźnātum[4] simul apud rźgem est; eōdem etiam lectō[5] Scīpiō atque Hasdrubal accubuźrunt. Tanta autem inerat cōmitās in Scīpiōne, ut nōn Syphācem modo, sed etiam {100} hostem īnfźstissimum Hasdrubalem sibi conciliāret. Scīpiō, foedere īctō cum Syphāce, in Hispāniam ad exercitum rediit. Masinissa quoque amīcitiam cum Scīpiōne iungere iam dūdum[6] cupiźbat. Quārź ad eum trźs Numidārum prīncipźs mīsit ad {104} tempus locumque conloquiō statuendum. Duōs prō obsidibus retinźrī ā Scīpiōne iubet; remissō tertiō, quī Masinissam ad locum cōnstitūtum addūceret, Scīpiō et Masinissa cum paucīs in conloquium vźnźrunt. Cźperat iam ante Numidam ex fāmā rźrum gestārum admīrātiō virī, sed māior praesentis[7] venerātiō cźpit: erat enim in vultū māiestās summa; accźdźbat prōmissa caesariźs {110} habitusque corporis, nōn cultus[8] munditiīs, sed virīlis vźrź ac mīlitāris, et flōrźns iuventa. Prope attonitus ipsō congressū Numida grātiās dź[9] fīliō frātris remissō agit: adfīrmat sź ex eō tempore eam quaesīvisse[10] occāsiōnem, quam tandem oblātam[11] nōn omīserit; cupere sź illī et populō Rōmānō operam nāvāre. {115| Laetus eum Scīpiō audīvit atque in societātem recźpit. Scīpiō deinde Rōmam rediit et ante annōs[12] cōnsul factus est. Sicilia eī prōvincia dźcrźta est permissumque ut in Āfricam inde [[57]] trāiceret. Quī cum vellet ex fortissimīs peditibus Rōmānīs trecentōrum equitum numerum complźre, nec posset illōs subitō {120} armīs et equīs īnstruere, id prūdentī cōnsiliō perfźcit. Namque ex omnī Siciliā trecentōs iuvenźs nōbilissimōs et dītissimōs, quī equīs mīlitārent[1] et sźcum in Āfricam trāicerent,[1] lźgit diemque iīs źdīxit, quā[2] equīs armīsque īnstrūctī atque ōrnātī adessent.[1] Gravis ea mīlitia, procul domō, terrā marīque multōs labōrźs, {125} māgna perīcula adlātūra vidźbātur; neque ipsōs modo, sed parentźs cōgnātōsque eōrum ea cūra angźbat. Ubi diźs quae dicta erat advźnit, arma equōsque ostendźrunt, sed omnźs ferź longinquum et grave bellum horrźre appārźbat. Tunc Scīpiō mīlitiam iīs sź remissūrum ait, sī arma et equōs mīlitibus Rōmānīs {130} voluissent[3] trādere. Laetī condiciōnem accźpźrunt iuvenźs Siculī. Ita Scīpiō sine pūblicā impźnsā suōs īnstrūxit ōrnāvitque equitźs. Tunc Scīpiō ex Siciliā in Āfricam ventō secundō profectus est tantō mīlitum ārdōre, ut nōn ad bellum dūcī vidźrentur, sed ad certa victōriae praemia. Celeriter nāvźs ź cōnspectū Siciliae {135} ablātae sunt cōnspectaque brevī Āfricae lītora. Scīpiō cum źgrediźns ad terram nāvī prōlāpsus esset et ob hōc attonitōs mīlitźs cerneret, id, quod trepidātiōnem adferźbat, in hortātiōnem convertźns, "Āfricam oppressī" inquit, "mīlitźs!" Expositīs cōpiīs in {139} proximīs tumulīs castra mźtātus[4] est. Ibi speculātōrźs hostium in castrīs dźprehźnsōs[5] et ad sź perductōs[5] nec suppliciō adfźcit nec dź cōnsiliīs ac vīribus Poenōrum percontātus est, sed circā omnźs Rōmānī exercitūs manipulōs cūrāvit dźdūcendōs; dein interrogātōs[6] num ea satis cōnsīderāssent, quae speculārī erant iūssī, prandiō datō incolumźs dīmīsit. {145} [[58]] Scīpiōnī in Āfricam advenientī Masinissa sź coniūnxit cum parvā equitum turmā. Syphāx vźrō ā Rōmānīs ad Poenōs dźfźcerat. Hasdrubal, Poenōrum dux, Syphāxque Scīpiōnī sź opposuźrunt, quī utrīusque castra ūnā nocte perrūpit et incendit. Syphāx ipse captus et vīvus ad Scīpiōnem pertrāctus est. {150} Syphācem in castra addūcī cum esset nūntiātum, omnis velut ad spectāculum triumphī multitūdō effūsa est; praecźdźbat ipse[1] vinctus, sequźbātur grex nōbilium Maurōrum. Movźbat omnźs fortūna[2] virī, cūius amīcitiam ōlim Scīpiō petierat. Rźgem aliōsque captīvōs Rōmam mīsit Scīpiō; Masinissam, quī źgregiź rem Rōmānam adiūverat, aureā corōnā dōnāvit. {156} [Sidenote: B.C. 203.] [Sidenote: B.C. 202.] Haec et aliae, quae sequźbantur, clādźs Carthāginiźnsibus tantum terrōris intulźrunt, ut Hannibalem ex Ītaliā ad tuendam patriam revocārent. Frendźns gemźnsque ac vix lacrimīs[3] temperāns is dīcitur lźgātōrum vźrba audīsse {160} mandātīsque pāruisse. Respexit saepe Ītaliae lītora, sźmet accūsāns, quod[4] nōn victōrem exercitum statim ab[5] Cannźnsī pūgnā Rōmam dūxisset. Zamam vźnerat Hannibal, quae urbs quīnque diźrum iter[6] ā Carthāgine abest, et nūntium ad Scīpiōnem mīsit ut {164} conloquendī sźcum potestātem faceret. Scīpiō cum conloquium haud abnuisset, diźs locusque cōnstituitur. Itaque congressī sunt duo clārissimī suae aetātis ducźs. Stetźrunt aliquamdiū tacitī mūtuāque admīrātiōne dźfīxī.[7] Cum vźrō dź condiciōnibus pācis inter eōs nōn convźnisset, ad suōs sź recźpźrunt, renūntiantźs armīs[8] dźcernendum esse. Commissō deinde proeliō Hannibal {170} victus cum quattuor equitibus fūgit. Cźterum[9] cōnstat [[59]] utrumque dź alterō cōnfessum esse nec melius īnstruī aciem nec ācrius potuisse pūgnārī. Carthāginiźnsźs metū perculsī[1] ad petendam pācem ōrātōrźs mittunt trīgintā cīvitātis prīncipźs. Quī ubi in castra Rōmāna {175} vźnźrunt, veniam cīvitātī petźbant nōn culpam pūrgantźs,[2] sed initium culpae in Hannibalem trānsferentźs.[2] Victīs lźgźs imposuit Scīpiō. Lźgātī, cum nūllās condiciōnźs recūsārent, Rōmam profectī sunt, ut, quae ā Scīpiōne pacta[3] essent, ea patrum ac populī auctōritāte cōnfīrmārentur. Ita pāce terrā marīque {180} partā,[4] Scīpiō exercitū in nāvźs impositō Rōmam revertit. Ad quem advenientem concursus ingźns factus est; effūsa nōn ex urbibus modo, sed etiam ex agrīs multitūdō viam obsidźbat. Scīpiō inter grātulantium plausūs triumphō omnium[5] clārissimō urbem est invectus prīmusque nōmine victae ā sź gentis est {185} nōbilitātus Āfricānusque appellātus. [Illustration: TEMPLE OF IUPPITER CAPITŌLĪNUS] Ex hīs rźbus gestīs virum eum esse virtūtis dīvīnae vulgō crźditum est. Id etiam dīcere haud piget,[6] quod scrīptōrźs dź eō litterīs mandāvźrunt, Scīpiōnem cōnsuźvisse, priusquam dīlūcźsceret, in Capitōlium[7] ventitāre ac iubźre {190} aperīrī cellam Iovis ibi sōlum diū dźmorārī, quasi cōnsultantem dź rź pūblicā cum Iove: aedituōsque źius templī saepe esse mīrātōs, quod eum id[8] temporis in Capitōlium ingredientem canźs, semper in aliōs saevientźs, {195} nōn lātrārent. Hās vulgī dź Scīpiōne opīniōnźs cōnfīrmāre atque approbāre vidźbantur dicta factaque źius plźraque admīranda, ex quibus est ūnum hūiuscemodī. Adsidźbat oppūgnābatque oppidum [[60]] in Hispāniā, sitū moenibusque ac dźfźnsōribus validum et {200} mūnītum, rź etiam cibāriā cōpiōsum, neque ūlla źius potiundī spźs erat. Quōdam diź iūs in castrīs sedźns dīcźbat Scīpiō atque ex eō locō id oppidum procul vidźbātur. Tum ź[1] mīlitibus, quī in iūre apud eum stābant, interrogāvit quispiam ex mōre in[2] quem diem locumque vadźs sistī iubźret. Et Scīpiō manum ad {205} ipsam oppidī, quod obsidźbātur, arcem prōtendźns, "Perendiź" inquit "sźsź[3] sistant illō in locō," atque ita factum. Diź[4] tertiā, in quam vadźs sistī iusserat, oppidum captum est. Eōdem diź in arce źius oppidī iūs dīxit. Hannibal, ā Scīpiōne victus suīsque invīsus, ad Antiochum, {210} Syriae rźgem, cōnfūgit eumque hostem Rōmānīs fźcit. Missī sunt Rōmā lźgātī ad Antiochum, in quibus erat Scīpiō Āfricānus, quī cum Hannibale Ephesī[5] conlocūtus ab eō quaesīvit, quem fuisse māximum imperātōrem crźderet. Respondit Hannibal Alexandrum, Macedonum rźgem, māximum sibi vidźrī, quod {215} parvā manū innumerābilźs exercitūs fūdisset. Quaerentī deinde, quem secundum pōneret, "Pyrrhum" inquit, "quod prīmus castra[6] mźtārī docuit nźmōque illō[7] źlegantius loca[8] cźpit et praesidia dźposuit." Scīscitantī dźnique quem tertium dūceret, sźmet ipsum dīxit. Tum rīdźns Scīpiō "Quidnam tū dīcerźs[9]" inquit "sī mź {220} vīcissźs[9]?" "Tum[10] mź vźrō" respondit Hannibal "et ante Alexandrum et ante Pyrrhum et ante omnźs aliōs imperātōrźs posuissem.[9]" Ita imprōvīsō adsentātiōnis genere Scīpiōnem ź grege imperātōrum velut inaestimābilem sźcernźbat. [[61]] Scīpiō ipse fertur quondam dīxisse, cum eum quīdam parum {225} pūgnācem dīcerent, "Imperātōrem mź māter, nōn bellātōrem[1] peperit.[2]" Īdem dīcere solitus est nōn sōlum dandam esse viam fugientibus, sed etiam mūniendam. Dźcrźtō adversus Antiochum bellō[3] cum Syria prōvincia {229} obvźnisset Lūciō Scīpiōnī, quia parum in eō putābātur esse animī,[4] parum rōboris,[4] senātus gerendī hūius bellī cūram mandārī volźbat conlźgae źius C. Laeliō. Surgźns tunc Scīpiō Āfricānus, frāter māior Lūciī Scīpiōnis, illam familiae īgnōminiam dźprecātus est: dīxit in frātre suō summam esse virtūtem, summum cōnsilium sźque eī lźgātum fore prōmīsit. Quod cum ab eō esset {235} dictum, nihil[5] est dź Lūciī Scīpiōnis prōvinciā commūtātum: itaque frāter nātū māior minōrī lźgātus in Asiam profectus est et tam diū eum cōnsiliō operāque adiūvit, dōnec triumphum ille et cōgnōmen Asiāticī peperisset. Eōdem bellō fīlius Scīpiōnis Āfricānī captus est et ad Antiochum dźductus. Benīgnź et līberāliter adulźscentem rźx habuit,[6] {241} quamquam ab źius patre tum[7] māximź fīnibus imperiī pellźbātur. Cum deinde pācem Antiochus ā Rōmānīs peteret, lźgātus źius Pūblium Scīpiōnem adiit eīque fīlium sine pretiō redditūrum rźgem dīxit, sī per eum pācem impetrāsset.[8] Cuī Scīpiō respondit "Abī, nūntiā rźgī, mź prō tantō mūnere grātiās[9] agere; sed {246} nunc aliam grātiam nōn possum referre, quam ut eī suādeam[10] ut bellō absistat et pācis condiciōnem nūllam recūset." Pāx nōn convźnit[11]; tamen Antiochus Scīpiōnī fīlium remīsit tantīque virī māiestātem venerārī quam dolōrem suum ulcīscī māluit. {250} Victō Antiochō cum praedae ratiō ā L. Scīpiōne repōscerźtur, [[62]] Āfricānus prōlātum[1] ab eō librum, quō[2] acceptae et expźnsae summae continźbantur et refellī inimīcōrum accūsātiō poterat, discerpsit, indīgnātus[3] dź eā rź dubitārī, quae sub ipsō lźgātō administrāta esset. Quīn etiam hunc[4] in modum verba fźcit: {255} "Nōn[5] est quod quaerātis, patrźs cōnscrīptī, num parvam pecūniam in aerārium rettulerim, quī anteā illud Pūnicō aurō replźverim, neque mea innocentia potest in dubium vocārī. Cum Āfricam tōtam potestātī vestrae subiźcerim, nihil ex eā praeter cōgnōmen rettulī. Nōn igitur mź Pūnicae, nōn frātrem meum {260} Asiāticae gazae avārum reddidźrunt; sed uterque nostrum[6] invidiā quam pecūniā est locuplźtior." Tam cōnstantem dźfźnsiōnem Scīpiōnis ūniversus senātus comprobāvit. [Illustration: CORŌNA TRIUMPHĀLIS] Deinde Scīpiōnī Āfricānō duo tribūnī plźbis diem dīxźrunt, quod praedā ex Antiochō captā aerārium fraudāsset. Ubi causae {265} dīcendae diźs vźnit, Scīpiō māgnā hominum frequentiā in Forum est dźductus. Iussus causam dīcere rōstra cōnscendit et, corōnā[7] triumphālī capitī suō impositā, "Hōc ego diź" inquit "Hannibalem Poenum, imperiō nostrō inimīcissimum, māgnō proeliō vīcī in terrā {270} Āfricā pācemque nōbīs et victōriam peperī īnspźrābilem. Nź[8] igitur sīmus adversus deōs ingrātī, sed cźnseō relinquāmus[9] nebulōnźs hōs eāmusque nunc prōtinus in Capitōlium Iovī optimō māximō supplicātum." Ā rōstrīs in Capitōlium āscendit; {275} simul sź ūniversa cōntiō ab accūsātōribus āvertit et secūta Scīpiōnem [[63]] est, nec quisquam praeter praecōnem, quī reum citābat, cum tribūnīs remānsit. Celebrātior is diźs favōre[1] hominum fuit, quam quō[2] triumphāns dź Syphāce rźge et Carthāginiźnsibus urbem est ingressus. Inde, nź amplius tribūnīciīs iniūriīs vexārźtur, in {280} Līternīnum concessit, ubi reliquam źgit aetātem sine urbis dźsīderiō. Cum in Līternīnā vīllā sź continźret, complūrźs praedōnum ducźs ad eum videndum forte cōnfluxźrunt. Quōs cum ad vim faciendam venīre exīstimāsset, praesidium servōrum in tźctō conlocāvit aliaque parābat, quae[3] ad eōs repellendōs opus erant. Quod ubi praedōnźs animadvertźrunt, abiectīs armīs iānuae {286} appropinquant et clārā vōce nūntiant Scīpiōnī sź nōn vītae źius hostźs, sed virtūtis admīrātōrźs vźnisse, cōnspectum[4] tantī virī, quasi caeleste aliquod beneficium, expetentźs; proinde nź[5] gravārźtur sź spectandum praebźre. Haec postquam audīvit Scīpiō, forźs {290} reserārī eōsque intrōdūcī iussit. Illī postźs iānuae tamquam religiōsissimam āram venerātī, cupidź Scīpiōnis dextram apprehendźrunt ac diū deōsculātī sunt; deinde positīs ante vźstibulum dōnīs laetī, quod sibi Scīpiōnem ut vidźrent contigisset, domum revertźrunt. Paulō post mortuus est Scīpiō moriźnsque ab uxōre {295} petiit nź corpus suum Rōmam referrźtur. [Footnotes: XXI (pages 52-63) 52.2: See Vocab., _Āfricānus_ and _Scīpiō_. 52.3: #quī cum#: 'for when he.' Cf. p. 4, n. 3. 52.4: 'in (the course of) the battle.' _pūgna_, like _bellum_ and _proelium_, is often used in the abl. of time without a prep. 52.5: Cf. XIX, 16. 52.6: #iam iam . . . esset#: 'was on the very point of falling.' 52.7: #interiectō corpore#: 'by interposing his body.' See p. xxiii, K 8. 52.8: #Quae pietās#: 'this act of devotion.' 52.9: #negantźs . . . habendam#: 'by saying that no account should be taken of him.' For #negantźs#, see p. 41, n. 15. _ratiōnem habźre_ is a phrase of mercantile life. 52.10: Scipio was less than twenty-five years old. In later times no one could be aedile till he had completed his thirty-sixth year. 52.11: impersonal pass. from _eō_: 'they proceeded.' 52.12: #admodum adulźscentem#: 'though but,' etc. 53.1: #adlātum erat#: impersonal pass.: 'the news had been brought.' 53.2: _patior_. 53.3: #quī . . . iūrāverit# (fut. perf. indic.) = a conditional clause, _sī quis nōn iūrāverit_. Cf. _quī . . . crźderent_, l. 35, below. 53.4: Cf. p. 31, n. 9. 53.5: #Haud . . . sī#: 'Quite as much frightened as if.' 53.6: Cf. p. 47, n. 12. 53.7: P. Cornelius Scipio and Cn. Cornelius Scipio, respectively father and uncle of Africanus. 53.8: Sc. _senātuī_ or _populō_. 53.9: Cf. p. 3, n. 2. 53.10: Subjunctive by attraction: see p. 13, n. 10. 53.11: #inops cōnsiliī#: 'at its wit's end.' 53.12: The gen. is regularly used with adjectives denoting fullness or the opposite: H 451, 2 (399, I, 3): M 573: A 218, a: G 374: B 204, 1. 53.13: = 'to be a candidate.' 53.14: #unde . . . posset = ut inde . . . posset#; cf. p. 5, n. 3. 53.15: #animōrum impetus#: 'enthusiasm,' 'excitement.' 53.16: #populum . . . paenitźre#: cf. _Vźientźs . . . paenituisset_, XI, 13, and note. 54.1: Cf. p. 42, n. 5. 54.2: = _in eum locum_. 54.3: _congerō_. 54.4: #satis# often = our 'tolerably.' 54.5: A brother of Hannibal. 54.6: #victum . . . expulit# = _vīcit et expulit_. 54.7: = '_but_ the captives,' etc. Cf. p. 2, n. 24, and p. 5, n. 13. 54.8: We have here side by side the gen. and the abl. of characteristic. For the difference between them, see H 473, 2, N. 1 (419, 2): M 558: A 215, N.: G 400, R. 1. 54.9: #id aetātis#: 'at that age,' i.e. though he was so young. The accus. #id# is variously explained: see H 416, 2 (378, 2): M 507: A 240, _b_: G 336, N. 2; B 185. #aetātis# is partitive gen. (p. 30, n. 2) with #id#. 55.1: Why is #vellet# subjunctive? 55.2: #effūsīs# (_effundō_) . . . #lacrimīs#: 'with tears of joy.' How literally? 55.3: #quī . . . dźdūcerent#: 'to escort him.' 55.4: #quō . . . appellārunt#: Roman soldiers, after a victory, hailed their general as Imperator. It was a way of saying that the leader had won his spurs and had really earned his title, which he had assumed on beginning the campaign. 55.5: 'in my eyes,' 'to my mind'; a dative of reference. 55.6: #rźgium nōmen# = _rźgis nōmen_, 'the title of king.' Cf. _nōmen imperātōris_, l. 80, and _rźgis appellātiōne_, l. 84. 55.7: Sc. _esse_. 55.8: #quem . . . spźrāret#: causal rel. clause (p. 31, n. 1). 55.9: For the two datives, see p. 25, n. 6. 55.10: future infinitive of _sum_. 56.1: Son of Gisco (so also in l. 148); to be carefully distinguished from the Hasdrubal of l. 61. 56.2: Sc. _nāvem_; 'was sailing.' 56.3: _= ut peteret_. Cf. p. xviii, E 5. 56.4: #Cźnātum . . . est# (_ab iīs_): impers. pass.; 'they dined.' 56.5: #lectō . . . accubuźrunt# (_accumbō_): the writer has in mind the Roman custom, according to which men reclined at meals, supporting themselves on the left elbow. Three persons or more occupied the same couch. 56.6: #iam dūdum cupiźbat#: 'had long desired.' _Iam diū_, _iam dūdum_, and _iam prīdem_ give to the _present_ the force of the English _perfect_, to the _imperfect_ the force of the English _pluperfect_. 56.7: Sc. _źius_: 'of him present' = 'now that he met him face to face.' 56.8: #cultus# (_colō_) #munditiīs#: '(too) elegantly adorned.' How literally? 56.9: #dź . . . remissō#: 'for the release of his nephew.' For the construction, see p. 5, n. 15. 56.10: _quaerō_. 56.11: #oblātam# (_offerō_): 'now that it was at last offered.' 56.12: 'the legal time'; _lźgitima aetās_, l. 11. In later days forty-three was the legal age. 57.1: See p. 5, n. 3. 57.2: Sc. _diź_, for the gender of which, as in _diźs, quae dicta erat_, l. 127, see Vocab., _diźs_. 57.3: For mood and tense, see p. 6, n. 1. What did Scipio say? 57.4: 'pitched,' lit. 'measured.' The Roman camp was always laid out with great care, according to a fixed plan, and was carefully fortified, even if the stay was to last but one night. 57.5: The participles = rel. clauses: see p. xxiv, L 1. 57.6: #interrogātōs# (sc. _eōs_) #. . . dīmīsit# = _interrogāvit (eōs) . . . et . . . dīmīsit_, or _cum (eōs) . . . interrogāsset, . . . dīmīsit_. 58.1: = Syphax. For _ipse_ referring to the principal personage, see also I, 5, and II, 4 [[notes 2.5 and 5.1]]. 58.2: 'misfortune.' So _fāma_ = both 'fame' and 'ill repute,' _valźtūdō_ = both 'health' and 'sickness.' 58.3: dat. of indir. object with #temperāns#. 58.4: #quod . . . dūxisset.# What does the subjunctive show? 58.5: #ab . . . dūxisset#: cf. p. 50, n. 4. 58.6: acc. of extent of space: cf. p. xvii, D 2. 58.7: 'motionless.' 58.8: #armīs . . . esse#: 'that the issue must be decided by arms.' Note the method employed in translating the impers. passive here and in lines 13, 23, and 98, and apply it to #pūgnārī#, l. 173. 58.9: #Cźterum cōnstat#: 'it is, however, well known.' 59.1: _percellō_. 59.2: Cf. _negantźs_, l. 10, and p. 6, n. 20. 59.3: #pacta# (_pacīscor_) #essent#: subjunctive by attraction: see p. 13, n. 10. 59.4: _pariō_. 59.5: i.e. of all ever celebrated in Rome. 59.6: #haud piget#: sc. _mź_; 'I am not ashamed.' _piget_ is construed exactly like _paenitet_: see p. 28, n. 7. 59.7: Here = the temple, sacred to Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva. 59.8: #id temporis# = _eō tempore_. Cf. note on _id aetātis_, l. 66. 60.1: Join #ź mīlitibus# with #quispiam#, l. 204. 60.2: #in . . . iubźret#: 'when and where he bade (the accused) appear for trial.' #vadźs sistī# is the passive of _vadźs sistere_, a legal phrase = 'to make one's bail stand,' i.e. to make it effective, and so 'to stand trial.' _Sistere_ often means 'to produce in court,' as in l. 207. 60.3: #sźsź sistant#: 'let them produce themselves,' i.e. appear for trial. 60.4: #Diź tertiā# = _perendiź_, l. 206. In counting days, the Romans usually included the day from which they started. 60.5: locative. 60.6: Cf. n. on _castra mźtātus est_, l. 140. 60.7: #illō źlegantius#: 'more judiciously than he.' For #illō#, see p. 10, n. 18. 60.8: Sc. _castrīs_. 60.9: See p. 47, n. 12. #dīcerźs# is imperfect, as referring to present time; the other verbs denote past time. 60.10: 'in that event'; = _sī tź vīcissem_. 61.1: 'a (mere) fighter.' 61.2: _pariō_. 61.3: This war lasted from 192 to 190. 61.4: partitive gen. with #parum#, which is here a noun. In l. 225 it was an adverb. 61.5: #nihil . . . commūtātum#: 'no change was made.' Note that #nihil# is an adverbial acc. of degree, and that #commūtātum est# is impersonal. 61.6: 'treated.' 61.7: #tum māximź#: 'at that very moment.' 61.8: Explain mood and tense. 61.9: Distinguish between _grātiās agere_ and _grātiam referre_. 61.10: Notice that _suādeō_ = merely 'to advise'; 'to persuade' is _persuādeō_. 61.11: 'was not arranged.' 62.1: = _quī prōlātus erat_; cf. p. xxiv, L 1. 62.2: abl. of means (though rendered 'in which') both with #continźbantur# and #refellī poterat#. 62.3: #indīgnātus . . . dubitārī#: 'angry because doubts were raised.' For the infin. see p. 19, n. 6. 62.4: See p. 16, n. 9. #verba fźcit#: 'he delivered a speech.' 62.5: #Nōn . . . quaerātis#: 'there is no reason why you should ask'; lit., 'there is not (anything) as to which,' etc. H 591, 4 (503, 1, N. 2): M 836: A 320, _a_: G 631, 2: B 283, 2. 62.6: _nostrum_, like _vestrum_, is regularly used only as a partitive gen. 62.7: A crown of laurel, worn by the general at his triumph. 62.8: #Nź . . . sīmus#: cf. p. 31, n. 9. 62.9: (_ut_) #relinquāmus . . . eāmus# is a substantive clause of purpose. For the omission of _ut_ see H 565, 4 (499, 2): M 781: A 331, _f_, R.: G 546, R. 2: B 295, 8. 63.1: abl. of specification. 63.2: #quō# (sc. _diź_) = _eō diź quō_. 63.3: #quae . . . opus erant#: 'which were necessary'; lit. 'which were a necessity.' For a very different construction with _opus_, cf. _nihil opus esse . . . eō cīve_, XV, 22, and note. 63.4: #cōnspectum . . . expetentźs#: 'craving a chance to see so great a man, as a sort of heaven-sent favor.' 63.5: #nź . . . gravārźtur#: the subjunctive is used here in indir. disc., as representing an imperative of the direct: H 642, 4 (523, III): M 1023: A 339: G 652: B 316.] #XXII. Tiberius Gracchus et Gaius Gracchus# [[stripped text]] Tiberius et Gaius Gracchi Scipionis Africani ex filia nepotes erant. Horum adulescentia bonis artibus et magna omnium spe exacta est: ad egregiam enim indolem optima accedebat educatio. Erant enim diligentia Corneliae matris a pueris docti et Graecis litteris eruditi. Maximum matronis ornamentum esse liberos bene institutos merito putabat mater illa sapientissima. Cum Campana matrona, apud illam hospita, ornamenta sua, illo saeculo pulcherrima, ostentaret ei muliebriter, Cornelia traxit eam sermone quousque e schola redirent liberi. Quos reversos hospitae ostendens, "Haec" inquit "mea ornamenta sunt." Nihil quidem his adulescentibus neque a natura neque a doctrina defuit; sed ambo rem publicam, quam tueri poterant, perturbare maluerunt. Tiberius Gracchus, tribunus plebis creatus, a senatu descivit: populi favorem profusis largitionibus sibi conciliavit; agros plebi dividebat; provincias novis coloniis replebat. Cum autem tribuniciam potestatem sibi prorogari vellet et palam dictitasset, interempto senatu omnia per plebem agi debere, viam sibi ad regnum parare videbatur. Quare cum convocati patres deliberarent quidnam faciendum esset, statim Tiberius Capitolium petit, manum ad caput referens, quo signo salutem suam populo commendabat. Hoc nobilitas ita accepit, quasi diadema posceret, segniterque cessante consule, Scipio Nasica, cum esset consobrinus Tiberii Gracchi, patriam cognationi praeferens sublata dextra proclamavit: "Qui rem publicam salvam esse volunt, me sequantur!" Dein optimates, senatus atque equestris ordinis pars maior in Gracchum inruunt, qui fugiens decurrensque Clivo Capitolino fragmento subsellii ictus vitam, quam gloriosissime degere potuerat, immatura morte finivit. Mortui Tiberii corpus in flumen proiectum est. Gaium Gracchum idem furor, qui fratrem, Tiberium, occupavit. Tribunatum enim adeptus, seu vindicandae fraternae necis, seu comparandae regiae potentiae causa, pessima coepit inire consilia: maximas largitiones fecit; aerarium effudit: legem de frumento plebi dividendo tulit: civitatem omnibus Italicis dabat. His Gracchi consiliis quanta poterant contentione obsistebant omnes boni, in quibus maxime Piso, vir consularis. Is cum multa contra legem frumentariam dixisset, lege tamen lata ad frumentum cum ceteris accipiendum venit. Gracchus ubi animadvertit in contione Pisonem stantem, eum sic compellavit audiente populo Romano: "Qui tibi constas, Piso, cum ea lege frumentum petas, quam dissuasisti?" Cui Piso "Nolim quidem, Gracche" inquit, "mea bona tibi viritim dividere liceat; sed si facies, partem petam." Quo responso aperte declaravit vir gravis et sapiens lege, quam tulerat Gracchus, patrimonium publicum dissipari. Decretum a senatu est ut videret consul Opimius ne quid detrimenti res publica caperet: quod nisi in maximo discrimine decerni non solebat. Gaius Gracchus, armata familia, Aventinum occupavit. Consul, vocato ad arma populo, Gaium aggressus est, qui pulsus profugit et, cum iam comprehenderetur, iugulum servo praebuit, qui dominum et mox semet ipsum super domini corpus interemit. Ut Tiberii Gracchi antea corpus, ita Gaii mira crudelitate victorum in Tiberim deiectum est. Caput autem a Septimuleio, amico Gracchi, ad Opimium relatum auro repensum fertur. Sunt qui tradunt infuso plumbo eum partem capitis, quo gravius efficeretur, explesse. Occiso Tiberio Graccho cum senatus consulibus mandasset, ut in eos, qui cum Graccho consenserant, animadverteretur, Blosius quidam, Tiberii amicus, pro se deprecatum venit, hanc, ut sibi ignosceretur, causam adferens, quod tanti Gracchum fecisset, ut, quidquid ille vellet, sibi faciendum putaret. Tum consul "Quid?" inquit "si te Gracchus templo Iovis in Capitolio faces subdere iussisset, obsecuturusne voluntati illius fuisses propter istam, quam iactas, familiaritatem?" "Numquam" inquit Blosius "voluisset id quidem, sed si voluisset, paruissem." Nefaria est ea vox, nulla enim est excusatio peccati, si amici causa peccaveris. Exstat Gaii Gracchi e Sardinia Romam reversi oratio, in qua cum alia tum haec de se narrat: "Versatus sum in provincia, quomodo ex usu vestro existimabam esse, non quomodo ambitioni meae conducere arbitrabar. Nemo possit vere dicere assem aut eo plus in muneribus me accepisse aut mea causa quemquam sumptum fecisse. Zonas, quas Roma proficiscens plenas argenti extuli, eas ex provincia inanes rettuli. Alii amphoras, quas vini plenas extulerunt, eas argento repletas domum reportarunt." #XXII. Tiberius Gracchus et Gāius Gracchus# [[as printed]] Tiberius et Gāius Gracchī[6] Scīpiōnis Āfricānī[7] ex fīliā[8] nepōtźs erant. Hōrum adulźscentia bonīs artibus et māgnā omnium spź [[64]] exācta est: ad źgregiam enim indolem optima accźdźbat źducātiō. Erant enim dīligentiā Cornźliae mātris ā[1] puerīs doctī et Graecīs lītterīs[2] źrudītī. Māximum mātrōnīs ōrnāmentum esse līberōs {5} bene īnstitūtōs meritō putābat māter illa sapientissima. Cum Campāna mātrōna, apud illam hospita,[3] ōrnāmenta sua, illō saeculō[4] pulcherrima, ostentāret eī muliebriter,[5] Cornźlia trāxit eam sermōne quoūsque[6] ź scholā redīrent līberī. Quōs reversōs hospitae ostendźns, "Haec" inquit "mea ōrnāmenta sunt." Nihil[7] {10} quidem hīs adulźscentibus neque[7] ā nātūrā neque[7] ā doctrīnā dźfuit; sed[8] ambō rem pūblicam, quam tuźrī poterant, perturbāre māluźrunt. [Sidenote: B.C. 134.] Tiberius Gracchus, tribūnus plźbis creātus, ā senātū dźscīvit: populī favōrem profūsīs largītiōnibus sibi conciliāvit; {15} agrōs[9] plźbī dīvidźbat; prōvinciās novīs colōniīs[10] replźbat. Cum autem tribūnīciam potestātem sibi prōrogārī[11] vellet [[65]] et palam dictitāsset,[1] interźmptō senātū omnia per plźbem agī dźbźre, viam sibi ad rźgnum parāre vidźbātur. Quārź cum convocātī patrźs dźlīberārent quidnam faciendum esset, statim Tiberius {20} Capitōlium petit, manum ad caput referźns, quō sīgnō salūtem suam populō commendābat. Hōc[2] nōbilitās ita accźpit, quasi diadźma pōsceret, sźgniterque cessante cōnsule, Scīpiō Nāsīca, cum[3] esset cōnsōbrīnus Tiberiī Gracchī, patriam cōgnātiōnī praeferźns sublātā dextrā prōclāmāvit: "Quī rem pūblicam salvam {25} esse volunt, mź sequantur!" Dein optimātźs, senātus atque equestris[4] ōrdinis pars māior in Gracchum inruunt, quī fugiźns dźcurrźnsque Clīvō Capitōlīnō frāgmentō subselliī īctus vītam, quam glōriōsissimź dźgere[5] potuerat, immātūrā morte fīnīvit. Mortuī Tiberiī corpus in flūmen prōiectum est. {30} [Sidenote: B.C. 123.] Gāium Gracchum īdem furor, quī frātrem, Tiberium, occupāvit. Tribūnātum enim adeptus,[6] seu vindicandae frāternae necis, seu comparandae rźgiae potentiae causā, pessima coepit inīre cōnsilia: māximās largītiōnźs fźcit; aerārium[7] effūdit: lźgem dź frūmentō plźbī dīvidendō tulit: cīvitātem[8] omnibus Ītalicīs dabat.[9] {35} Hīs Gracchī cōnsiliīs quantā[10] poterant contentiōne obsistźbant [[66]] omnźs[1] bonī, in quibus māximź Pīsō,[2] vir cōnsulāris. Is cum multa contrā lźgem frūmentāriam dīxisset, lźge tamen lātā ad frūmentum cum cźterīs accipiendum vźnit. Gracchus ubi animadvertit in cōntiōne Pīsōnem stantem, eum sīc compellāvit {40} audiente populō Rōmānō: "Quī[3] tibi cōnstās, Pīsō, cum eā lźge frūmentum petās, quam dissuāsistī?" Cuī Pīsō "Nōlim[4] quidem, Gracche" inquit, "mea bona tibi[5] virītim dīvidere liceat; sed sī faciźs, partem petam." Quō respōnsō apertź dźclārāvit vir {44} gravis et sapiźns lźge, quam tulerat Gracchus, patrimōnium pūblicum dissipārī. [Sidenote: B.C. 121.] Dźcrźtum ā senātū est ut[6] vidźret cōnsul Opīmius nź quid dźtrīmentī rźs pūblica caperet: quod nisi in māximō discrīmine dźcernī nōn solźbat. Gāius Gracchus, armātā familiā,[7] Aventīnum occupāvit. Cōnsul, vocātō ad arma populō, {50} Gāium aggressus est, quī pulsus profūgit et, cum iam[8] comprehenderźtur, iugulum servō praebuit, quī dominum et mox sźmet ipsum super dominī corpus interźmit. Ut Tiberiī Gracchī anteā corpus, ita Gāiī mīrā crūdźlitāte victōrum in Tiberim dźiectum est. Caput autem ā Septimulźiō, amīcō Gracchī, ad Opīmium {55} relātum aurō[9] repźnsum fertur. Sunt[10] quī trādunt īnfūsō[11] plumbō eum partem capitis, quō gravius efficerźtur, explźsse.[12] Occīsō Tiberiō Gracchō cum senātus cōnsulibus mandāsset, ut [[67]] in[1] eōs, quī cum Gracchō cōnsźnserant, animadverterźtur, Blosius quīdam, Tiberiī amīcus, prō sź dźprecātum[2] vźnit, hanc, ut[3] sibi īgnōscerźtur, causam adferźns, quod tantī[4] Gracchum fźcisset, {61} ut, quidquid ille vellet, sibi faciendum putāret. Tum cōnsul "Quid?" inquit "sī tź Gracchus templō Iovis in Capitōliō facźs subdere iussisset,[5] obsecūtūrusne voluntātī illīus fuissźs[5] propter istam, quam iactās, familiāritātem?" "Numquam" inquit {65} Blosius "voluisset[5] id quidem,[6] sed sī voluisset,[5] pāruissem.[5]" Nefāria est ea vōx, nūlla enim est excūsātiō peccātī, sī amīcī causā peccāveris. [Illustration: AMPHORAE] Exstat Gāiī Gracchī ź Sardiniā Rōmam reversī ōrātiō, in quā {69} cum[7] alia tum[7] haec dź sź nārrat: "Versātus sum in prōvinciā, quōmodo ex[8] ūsū vestrō exīstimābam esse, nōn quōmodo ambitiōnī meae condūcere arbitrābar. Nźmō possit vźrź dīcere assem[9] aut eō plūs in mūneribus mź accźpisse aut meā causā quemquam sūmptum[10] fźcisse. Zōnās, quās {75} Rōmā proficīscźns plźnās argentī[11] extulī, eās ex prōvinciā inānźs rettulī. Aliī amphorās, quās vīnī[11] plźnās extulźrunt, eās argentō[11] replźtās domum {80} reportārunt." [Footnotes: XXII (pages 63-67) 63.6: When two persons of the same name are mentioned together, the cognomen is usually put in the plural. 63.7: Africanus Maior. 63.8: Her brother was the adoptive father of the younger Scipio Africanus. The Gracchi were thus connected with two of the most distinguished of the Roman clans, the Cornelian and the Aemilian. 64.1: #ā puerīs#: we say, 'from _childhood_.' 64.2: 'literature'; abl. of means. 64.3: 'guest.' 64.4: #illō saeculō#: temporal abl. We say: 'for that age.' The writer of these words was familiar with the extraordinary luxury and extravagance that marked the later history of Rome. 64.5: 'with womanish pride.' A tone of contempt often attaches to _mulier_ and its derivatives. 64.6: construed here like _dōnec_, p. 39, n. 9. 64.7: Cf. p. 28, n. 3. 64.8: #sed . . . māluźrunt#: this whole account of the Gracchi was manifestly written by one who sympathized with the senatorial or aristocratic party. Modern scholars are divided in their interpretations of the motives of the Gracchi. 64.9: The reference is to the _ager pūblicus_, or land gained in conquest. It belonged in theory to the state, but the greater part of it had fallen into the hands of wealthy capitalists, who, though possessing no legal title to the land, yet regarded it as their own, and resented any attempt to interfere with their occupancy. Meanwhile, the number of small landholders was constantly decreasing. These circumstances tended to drive numbers of poor people to the cities, especially Rome. The universal employment of slave labor aggravated the trouble by shutting the poor out from honest labor. Tiberius attempted to remedy these evils by limiting the number of acres of the public land which might be held by any individual and by distributing the lands thus redeemed among the poorer classes. 64.10: These colonies were intended to aid in relieving the distress at Rome by removing part of the population and supplying such persons with lands. 64.11: It was a general rule that no magistrate should hold the same office for two successive terms. Thus no man could be reėlected consul until ten years after the expiration of the first term. When Tiberius, at the end of his year as tribune, presented himself for reėlection, the aristocrats appealed to this rule. Gracchus might have replied that the rule had often been set aside under special circumstances. Still, on the whole, his conduct seems to have been unconstitutional. 65.1: This statement is probably wholly false. As the champions of the poor against the rich, the Gracchi were hated by the aristocrats, and received no favors at the hands of Roman historians. 65.2: #Hōc . . . pōsceret#: 'The nobles interpreted this to mean that he was demanding a kingly crown.' #pōsceret# is subjunctive as giving in indirect discourse the thought of the nobles; cf. p. 3, n. 6. 65.3: 'although.' 65.4: See Vocab., _equestris_ and _eques_. 65.5: #dźgere potuerat#: 'he might have spent.' Cf. _tuźrī poterant_, l. 12. 65.6: _adipīscor_. 65.7: #aerārium effūdit#: 'he wasted (the money in) the treasury.' The reference is to the corn law mentioned in the next sentence. This entitled all citizens residing in Rome to a certain measure of corn monthly for less than the market price. The distribution was thus a constant drain upon the treasury. 65.8: 'citizenship.' 65.9: 'tried to give.' The imperfect tense, like the present, often denotes attempted action; cf. _dīvidźbat_, l. 16, and _commendābat_, l. 22. He was unable to carry the law, as the citizens of Rome itself were jealous of any extension of the franchise. The Italians did not obtain citizenship till 89 B.C. 65.10: #quantā . . . contentiōne#: 'with the greatest possible energy.' Cf. _quantō potuit apparātū_, IX, 39, and note. 66.1: #omnźs bonī#: 'all loyal citizens.' _bonī_, like _optimātźs_, often has this political meaning. Cf. the derivation of _aristocracy_. 66.2: Sc. _obsistźbat_. 66.3: #Quī . . . cōnstās#: 'How do you explain your conduct?' How literally? See (4) _quī_ in vocabulary. 66.4: #Nōlim#: 'I should hardly desire'; lit. 'I should be unwilling.' The subjunctive is often thus used in a modest assertion: H 556 (486, N. 1): M 719: A 311, _b_: G 257, 2: B 280, 1. Cf. _possit_, l. 72. Often, as here, the modesty is assumed ironically. 66.5: Join with #liceat#. 66.6: #ut . . . caperet#: this was the formula by which the senate conferred unlimited power upon the consuls. Explain the subjunctives #vidźret# and #caperet#, and give the words of the decree as passed by the senate. 66.7: here 'household.' 66.8: #iam comprehenderźtur#: 'was on the point of being arrested.' 66.9: #aurō . . . fertur#: 'is said to have been paid for with gold.' 66.10: #Sunt quī trādunt#: 'there are (those) who relate,' i.e. 'some say.' 66.11: #infūsō plumbō#: 'by pouring in lead.' Cf. p. xxiii, K 8. It is said that Opimius had promised to pay its weight in gold for the head of Gaius. 66.12: = _explźvisse_. 67.1: #in eōs . . . animadverterźtur#: 'punishment should be visited upon those.' 67.2: Cf. p. xviii, E 6. 67.3: #ut . . . īgnōscerźtur#: a result clause, dependent on #causam#: 'a reason as a result of which he _ought to be pardoned_.' The subjunctive at times expresses necessity or obligation and propriety. 67.4: #tantī . . . fźcisset#: 'he had so highly esteemed Gracchus.' #tantī# is a so-called gen. of price or value: H 448, 1 (405): M 576: A 252, _a_: G 380: B 203, 3. For _fźcisset_, cf. p. 14, n. 1. 67.5: Cf. p. 47, n. 12. 67.6: #quidem# emphasizes #id#. This emphasis in English would be indicated by the stress of the voice, thus: 'he never would have dreamed of _that_.' Cf. _Nōlim quidem_ above, l. 42. 67.7: #cum . . . tum#: 'not only . . . but also.' 67.8: #ex ūsū vestrō#: 'to your interests.' 67.9: 'a red cent,' 'a farthing,' as we say. 67.10: _sūmptum facere_ = 'to be put to expense.' 67.11: Verbs and adjectives denoting fulness and want are construed with either the gen. or the abl., the abl. in reality expressing means.] #XXIII. Gaius Marius# [[stripped text]] C. Marius, humili loco natus, militiae tirocinium in Hispania duce Scipione posuit. Erat imprimis Scipioni carus ob singularem virtutem et impigram ad pericula et labores alacritatem. Cum aliquando inter cenam Scipionem quidam interrogasset, si quid illi accidisset, quemnam res publica aeque magnum habitura esset imperatorem, Scipio, percusso leniter Marii umero, "Fortasse hunc" inquit. Quo dicto excitatus Marius dignos rebus, quas postea gessit, spiritus concepit. Q. Metellum in Numidiam contra Iugurtham missum, cuius legatus erat, cum ab eo Romam missus esset, apud populum Romanum criminatus est bellum ducere: si se consulem fecissent, brevi tempore aut vivum aut mortuum Iugurtham se in potestatem populi Romani redacturum. Itaque creatus est consul et in Metelli locum suffectus. Bellum ab illo prospere coeptum confecit. Iugurtha ad Gaetulos perfugerat eorumque regem Bocchum adversus Romanos concitaverat. Marius Gaetulos et Bocchum aggressus fudit; castellum in excelsa ripa positum, ubi regii thesauri erant, non sine multo labore expugnavit. Bocchus, bello defessus, legatos ad Marium misit, pacem orantes. Sulla quaestor, a Mario ad regem remissus, Boccho persuasit ut Iugurtham Romanis traderet. Iugurtha igitur vinctus ad Marium deductus est; quem Marius triumphans ante currum egit et in carcerem caenosum inclusit. Quo cum Iugurtha detracta veste ingrederetur, os ridentis in modum diduxisse et stupens similisque desipienti exclamasse fertur: "Pro! quam frigidum est vestrum balneum!" Paucis diebus post in carcere necatus est. Marius post bellum Numidicum iterum consul creatus bellumque ei contra Cimbros et Teutones decretum est. Hi novi hostes, ab extremis Germaniae finibus profugi, novas sedes quaerebant, exclusique Gallia et Hispania cum in Italiam remigrarent, a Romanis ut aliquid sibi terrae darent petierunt. Repulsi, quod nequiverant precibus, armis petere constituunt. Tres duces Romani impetus barbarorum non sustinuerunt. Omnes fugati, exuti castris. Actum erat de imperio Romano, nisi Marius fuisset. Hic primo Teutones sub ipsis Alpium radicibus adsecutus proelio oppressit. Vallem fluviumque medium hostes tenebant: Romanis aquarum nulla copia. Aucta necessitate virtus causa victoriae fuit. Nam flagitante aquam exercitu Marius "Viri" inquit "estis, en illic aquam habetis." Itaque tanto ardore pugnatum est eaque caedes hostium fuit, ut Romani victores de cruento flumine non plus aquae biberent quam sanguinis barbarorum. Caesa traduntur hostium ducenta milia, capta nonaginta. Rex ipse Teutobochus in proximo saltu comprehensus insigne spectaculum triumphi fuit: quippe vir proceritatis eximiae super tropaea ipsa eminebat. Deletis Teutonibus, C. Marius in Cimbros se convertit. Qui cum ex alia parte Italiam ingressi Athesim flumen non ponte nec navibus, sed iniectis arborum truncis, velut aggere, traiecissent, occurrit iis C. Marius. Cimbri legatos ad consulem miserunt, agros urbesque sibi et fratribus postulantes, Teutonum enim cladem ignorabant. Quaerente Mario quos illi fratres dicerent, cum Teutones nominassent, ridens Marius "Omittite" inquit "fratres; tenent hi acceptam a nobis terram aeternumque tenebunt." Tum legati se ludibrio haberi sentientes ultionem Mario minati sunt, simul atque Teutones advenissent. "Atqui adsunt" inquit Marius "nec sane civile foret vos fratribus vestris non salutatis discedere." Tum vinctos adduci iussit Teutonum duces, qui in proelio capti erant. His rebus auditis, Cimbri egrediuntur castris et cum paucis suorum ad vallum Romanum adequitans Boiorix, Cimbrorum dux, Marium ad pugnam provocat et diem pugnae a Romanorum imperatore petit. Proximum dedit consul. Marius cum aciem ita instituisset, ut pulvis in oculos et ora hostium ferretur, incredibili strage prostrata est illa Cimbrorum multitudo: caesa traduntur centum octoginta hominum milia. Nec minor cum uxoribus pugna quam cum viris fuit, cum obiectis undique plaustris, desuper, quasi e turribus, lanceis contisque pugnarent. Victae tamen cum missa ad Marium legatione libertatem non impetrassent, suffocatis elisisque infantibus suis aut mutuis conciderunt vulneribus aut vinculo e crinibus suis facto ab arboribus pependerunt. Canes quoque defendere, Cimbris caesis, eorum domos. Marius pro duobus triumphis, qui offerebantur, uno contentus fuit. Primores civitatis, qui ei aliquamdiu ut novo homini ad tantos honores evecto inviderant, conservatam ab eo rem publicam fatebantur. In ipsa acie Marius duas Camertium cohortes, mira virtute vim Cimbrorum sustinentes contra legem civitate donaverat. Quod quidem factum et vere et egregie postea excusavit, dicens inter armorum strepitum verba se iuris civilis exaudire non potuisse. Illa tempestate primum Romae bellum civile commotum est. Causam bello dedit C. Marius. Cum enim Sulla consul contra Mithridatem, regem Ponti, missus fuisset, Sulpicius, tribunus plebis, legem ad populum tulit ut Sullae imperium abrogaretur, C. Mario bellum decerneretur Mithridaticum. Qua re Sulla commotus cum exercitu ad urbem venit, eam armis occupavit, Sulpicium interfecit, Marium fugavit. Marius hostes persequentes fugiens aliquamdiu in palude delituit. Sed paulo post repertus extractusque, ut erat nudo corpore caenoque oblitus, iniecto in collum loro Minturnas raptus et in custodiam coniectus est. Missus est ad eum occidendum servus publicus, natione Cimber, quem Marius vultus auctoritate deterruit. Cum enim hominem ad se stricto gladio venientem vidisset "Tune, homo," inquit "C. Marium audebis occidere?" Quo audito attonitus ille ac tremens abiecto ferro fugit, Marium se non posse occidere clamitans. Marius deinde ab iis, qui prius eum occidere voluerant, e carcere emissus est. Accepta navicula in Africam traiecit et in agrum Carthaginiensem pervenit. Ibi cum in locis solitariis sederet, venit ad eum lictor Sextilii praetoris, qui tum Africam obtinebat. Ab hoc, quem numquam laesisset, Marius humanitatis tamen aliquod officium exspectabat; at lictor decedere eum provincia iussit, nisi in se animadverti vellet: torveque intuentem et vocem nullam emittentem Marium rogavit tandem ecquid renuntiari praetori vellet? Marius "Abi" inquit, "nuntia vidisse te Gaium Marium in Carthaginis ruinis sedentem." Duobus clarissimis exemplis de inconstantia rerum humanarum eum admonebat, cum et urbis maximae excidium et viri clarissimi casum ante oculos poneret. Profecto ad bellum Mithridaticum Sulla, Marius revocatus a Cinna in Italiam rediit, efferatus magis calamitate quam domitus. Cum exercitu Romam ingressus eam caedibus et rapinis vastavit; omnes adversae factionis nobiles variis suppliciorum generibus adfecit: quinque dies continuos totidemque noctes illa scelerum omnium duravit licentia. Hoc tempore admiranda sane populi Romani abstinentia fuit. Cum enim Marius occisorum domos multitudini diripiendas obiecisset, inveniri potuit nemo, qui civili luctu praedam peteret: quae quidem tam misericors continentia plebis tacita quaedam crudelium victorum vituperatio fuit. Tandem Marius, senio et laboribus confectus, in morbum incidit et ingenti omnium laetitia vitam finivit. Cuius viri si examinentur cum virtutibus vitia, haud facile sit dictu utrum bello melior, an pace perniciosior fuerit: namque quam rem publicam armatus servavit, eam primo togatus omni genere fraudis, postremo armis hostiliter evertit. Erat Marius durior ad humanitatis studia et ingenuarum artium contemptor. Cum aedem Honoris de manubiis hostium vovisset, spreta peregrinorum marmorum nobilitate artificumque Graecorum arte, eam vulgari lapide per artificem Romanum curavit aedificandam. Et Graecas litteras despiciebat, quod doctoribus suis parum ad virtutem profuissent. At idem fortis, validus, adversus dolorem confirmatus. Cum ei varices in crure secarentur, vetuit se adligari. Acrem tamen fuisse doloris morsum ipse ostendit: nam medico, alterum crus postulanti, noluit praebere, quod maiorem esse remedii quem morbi dolorem iudicaret. [[68]] #XXIII. Gāius Marius# [[as printed]] C. Marius, humilī locō nātus,[1] mīlitiae tīrōcinium in Hispāniā duce Scīpiōne[2] posuit.[3] Erat imprīmīs Scīpiōnī cārus ob singulārem virtūtem et impigram[4] ad perīcula et labōrźs alacritātem. Cum aliquandō inter cźnam Scīpiōnem quīdam interrogāsset, sī quid illī[5] accidisset, quemnam rźs pūblica aequź māgnum {5} habitūra esset imperātōrem, Scīpiō, percussō lźniter Mariī umerō, "Fortāsse hunc" inquit. Quō dictō excitātus Marius dīgnōs rźbus, quās posteā gessit, spīritūs concźpit. [Sidenote: B.C. 107.] Q. Metellum[6] in Numidiam contrā Iugurtham missum,[7] cūius lźgātus erat, cum ab eō Rōmam missus esset, apud populum {10} Rōmānum crīminātus[8] est bellum dūcere[9]: sī[10] sź cōnsulem fźcissent, brevī tempore aut vīvum aut mortuum Iugurtham sź in potestātem populī Rōmānī redāctūrum. Itaque creātus est cōnsul et in Metellī locum suffectus.[11] Bellum ab illō prōsperź coeptum cōnfźcit. Iugurtha ad Gaetūlōs perfūgerat {15} eōrumque rźgem Bocchum adversus Rōmānōs concitāverat. Marius Gaetūlōs et Bocchum aggressus fūdit; castellum[12] in excelsā rīpā positum, ubi rźgiī thźsaurī erant, nōn sine multō labōre expūgnāvit. Bocchus, bellō dźfessus, lźgātōs ad Marium mīsit, pācem {19} ōrantźs.[13] Sulla[14] quaestor, ā Mariō ad rźgem remissus, Bocchō [[69]] persuāsit ut Iugurtham Rōmānīs trāderet. Iugurtha igitur vinctus ad Marium dźductus est; quem Marius triumphāns ante currum źgit et in carcerem[1] caenōsum inclūsit. Quō cum Iugurtha dźtrāctā veste ingrederźtur, ōs rīdentis[2] in modum dīdūxisse et stupźns similisque dźsipientī exclāmāsse fertur: "Prō! quam {25} frīgidum est vestrum balneum!" Paucīs diźbus post in carcere necātus est. [Illustration {foldout map of Mediterranean}] [Illustration: TRIUMPH] [Sidenote: B.C. 104.] Marius post bellum Numidicum iterum cōnsul creātus bellumque eī contrā Cimbrōs[3] et Teutonźs dźcrźtum est. Hī novī hostźs, ab extrźmīs Germāniae fīnibus profugī, novās sźdźs {30} quaerźbant, exclūsīque Galliā et Hispāniā cum[4] in Ītaliam remigrārent, ā Rōmānīs ut aliquid sibi terrae darent petiźrunt. Repulsī, quod nequīverant[5] precibus, armīs petere cōnstituunt. Trźs[6] ducźs Rōmānī impetūs barbarōrum nōn sustinuźrunt. [[70]] Omnźs fugātī,[1] exūtī[1] castrīs. Āctum[2] erat dź imperiō Rōmānō, nisi[3] Marius fuisset. Hīc prīmō Teutonźs sub ipsīs Alpium {36} rādīcibus adsecūtus proeliō[4] oppressit. Vallem fluviumque medium[5] hostźs tenźbant: Rōmānīs[6] aquārum nūlla cōpia. Aucta necessitāte virtūs causa victōriae fuit. Nam flāgitante aquam exercitū Marius "Virī[7]" inquit "estis, źn illīc aquam habźtis." Itaque tantō ārdōre pūgnātum est eaque caedźs hostium fuit, ut {41} Rōmānī victōrźs dź cruentō flūmine nōn plūs aquae biberent quam sanguinis barbarōrum. Caesa trāduntur hostium ducenta mīlia, capta nōnāgintā. Rźx ipse Teutobochus in proximō {45} saltū comprehźnsus īnsīgne spectāculum triumphī fuit: quīppe vir prōcźritātis eximiae super tropaea ipsa źminźbat. [Illustration: TROPAEUM] Dźlźtīs Teutonibus, C. Marius in Cimbrōs sź convertit. Quī cum ex[8] aliā parte Ītaliam ingressī Athesim flūmen nōn ponte {50} nec nāvibus, sed iniectīs[9] arborum truncīs, velut aggere, trāiźcissent, occurrit iīs C. Marius. Cimbrī lźgātōs ad cōnsulem mīsźrunt, agrōs urbźsque sibi et frātribus pōstulantźs,[10] Teutonum enim clādem īgnōrābant. Quaerente[11] Mariō quōs illī frātrźs dīcerent, cum Teutonźs nōmināssent, rīdźns Marius "Omittite[12]" {55} inquit "frātrźs; tenent hī acceptam ā nōbīs terram aeternumque [[71]] tenźbunt." Tum lźgātī sź lūdibriō[1] habźrī sentientźs ultiōnem Mariō minātī sunt, simul atque Teutonźs advźnissent. "Atquī adsunt" inquit Marius "nec sānź cīvīle foret vōs frātribus vestrīs nōn salūtātīs discźdere." Tum vinctōs addūcī iussit Teutonum {60} ducźs, quī in proeliō captī erant. Hīs rźbus audītīs, Cimbrī źgrediuntur castrīs et cum paucīs suōrum ad vāllum Rōmānum adequitāns Boiorix, Cimbrōrum dux, Marium ad pūgnam prōvocat et diem pūgnae ā Rōmānōrum imperātōre petit. Proximum dedit cōnsul. Marius cum aciem {65} ita īnstituisset, ut pulvis[2] in oculōs et ōra hostium ferrźtur, incrźdibilī strāge[3] prōstrāta[4] est illa Cimbrōrum multitūdō: caesa trāduntur centum octōgintā hominum mīlia. Nec minor cum uxōribus pūgna quam cum virīs fuit, cum obiectīs undique plaustrīs, dźsuper,[5] quasi ź turribus, lanceīs contīsque pūgnārent. {70} Victae tamen cum missā ad Marium lźgātiōne lībertātem[6] nōn impetrāssent, suffōcātīs źlīsīsque[7] īnfantibus suīs aut mūtuīs[8] concidźrunt vulneribus aut vinculō ź crīnibus suīs factō ab[9] arboribus pependźrunt. Canźs quoque dźfendźre, Cimbrīs caesīs, eōrum domōs. Marius prō duōbus triumphīs, quī offerźbantur, {75} ūnō contentus fuit. Prīmōrźs cīvitātis, quī eī aliquamdiū ut[10] novō hominī ad tantōs honōrźs źvectō[11] invīderant, cōnservātam[12] ab eō rem pūblicam fatźbantur. In ipsā aciź Marius duās Camertium cohortźs, mīrā virtūte vim Cimbrōrum sustinentźs[13] contrā lźgem[14] cīvitāte dōnāverat. Quod quidem factum et vźrź et {80} [[72]] źgregiź posteā excūsāvit, dīcźns inter armōrum strepitum verba sź iūris cīvīlis exaudīre nōn potuisse. [Sidenote: B.C. 88.] Illā tempestāte prīmum Rōmae bellum cīvīle commōtum est. Causam bellō dedit C. Marius. Cum enim Sulla[1] cōnsul contrā Mithridātem,[2] rźgem Pontī, missus fuisset, Sulpicius, {85} tribūnus plźbis, lźgem[3] ad populum tulit ut Sullae imperium abrogārźtur, C. Mariō bellum dźcernerźtur Mithridāticum. Quā rź Sulla commōtus cum exercitū ad urbem vźnit, eam armīs occupāvit, Sulpicium interfźcit, Marium fugāvit. Marius hostźs persequentźs fugiźns aliquamdiū in palūde dźlituit.[4] Sed paulō post {90} repertus extrāctusque, ut erat nūdō corpore caenōque oblitus,[5] iniectō in collum lōrō Minturnās raptus et in cūstōdiam coniectus est. Missus est ad eum occīdendum servus[6] pūblicus, nātiōne Cimber, quem Marius vultūs auctōritāte dźterruit. Cum enim hominem ad sź strictō gladiō venientem vīdisset "Tūne, homō," {95} inquit "C. Marium audźbis occīdere?" Quō audītō attonitus ille ac tremźns abiectō ferrō fūgit, Marium sź nōn posse occīdere clāmitāns. Marius deinde ab iīs, quī prius eum occīdere voluerant, ź carcere źmissus est. {99} Acceptā nāviculā in Āfricam trāiźcit et in agrum Carthāginiźnsem pervźnit. Ibi cum in locīs sōlitāriīs[7] sedźret, vźnit ad eum līctor Sextiliī praetōris, quī tum Āfricam obtinźbat. Ab hōc, quem[8] numquam laesisset, Marius hūmānitātis tamen[9] aliquod [[73]] officium exspectābat; at līctor dźcźdere eum prōvinciā iussit, {104} nisi in sź animadvertī vellet: torvźque intuentem et vōcem nūllam źmittentem Marium rogāvit tandem ecquid renūntiārī praetōrī vellet? Marius "Abī" inquit, "nūntiā vīdisse tź Gāium Marium in Carthāginis ruīnīs sedentem." Duōbus clārissimīs exemplīs dź incōnstantiā rźrum hūmānārum eum admonźbat, cum et urbis māximae excidium et virī clārissimī cāsum ante {110} oculōs pōneret. Profectō ad bellum Mithridāticum Sullā, Marius revocātus ā Cinnā[1] in Ītaliam rediit, efferātus magis calamitāte quam domitus. Cum exercitū Rōmam ingressus eam caedibus et rapīnīs {114} vāstāvit; omnźs adversae factiōnis nōbilźs variīs[2] suppliciōrum generibus adfźcit: quīnque diźs continuōs totidemque noctźs illa scelerum omnium dūrāvit licentia.[3] Hōc tempore admīranda sānź populī Rōmānī abstinentia fuit. Cum enim Marius occīsōrum {118} domōs multitūdinī dīripiendās[4] obiźcisset, invenīrī potuit nźmō, quī[5] cīvīlī[6] lūctū praedam peteret[5]: quae quidem tam misericors continentia plźbis tacita[7] quaedam crūdźlium victōrum vituperātiō fuit. Tandem Marius, seniō et labōribus cōnfectus, in morbum {122} incidit et ingentī[8] omnium laetitiā vītam fīnīvit. Cūius virī sī exāminentur cum virtūtibus vitia, haud facile sit dictū[9] utrum bellō melior, an pāce perniciōsior fuerit: namque quam rem {125} pūblicam armātus[10] servāvit, eam prīmō togātus[10] omnī genere fraudis, postrźmō armīs hostīliter źvertit. [[74]] Erat Marius dūrior[1] ad hūmānitātis[2] studia et ingenuārum[3] artium contemptor. Cum aedem Honōris dź manubiīs hostium {129} vōvisset, sprźtā[4] peregrīnōrum marmorum nōbilitāte artificumque Graecōrum arte, eam vulgārī lapide[5] per artificem Rōmānum cūrāvit aedificandam. Et Graecās litterās dźspiciźbat, quod[6] doctōribus suīs parum ad virtūtem prōfuissent. At īdem fortis, validus, adversus dolōrem cōnfīrmātus. Cum eī varicźs in crūre secārentur, vetuit sź adligārī. Ācrem tamen fuisse dolōris morsum ipse ostendit: nam medicō, alterum crūs pōstulantī, nōluit {136} praebźre, quod māiōrem esse remediī quem morbī dolōrem iūdicāret. [Footnotes: XXIII (pages 68-74) 68.1: In 157 B.C., near Arpinum in Latium. 68.2: Sc. _Āfricānō Minōre_. 68.3: = _dźposuit_: 'laid aside, completed, served.' 68.4: #impigram . . . alacritātem#: 'his energetic eagerness in the direction of (#ad#),' etc. = 'his energy and eagerness to face,' etc. 68.5: i.e. Scipio. 68.6: Subject of #dūcere#, l. 11. 68.7: = _quī missus erat_. Cf. _coeptum_, l. 15, and p. xxiv, L1. 68.8: #crīminātus . . . dūcere#: 'charged him with prolonging.' _crīminārī_ is treated here as a verb of saying. 68.9: = _prōdūcere_, 'prolong.' Simple verbs not infrequently have the meanings which are more usually borne by some of their compounds. Cf. n. 3 above. 68.10: #sī . . . redāctūrum#: the words of Marius, reported in indir. disc. Cf. p. xxv, M 4, 7. 68.11: #in . . . suffectus#: 'he was appointed to supersede Metellus.' How literally? 68.12: This fortress lay on the steep, rocky bank of the river Malucha, which separated the dominions of Jugurtha and Bocchus. 68.13: #ōrantźs# may be explained (1) as = _quī pācem ōrābant_ (cf. n. 7 above); or (2) as expressing purpose, and so = _quī pācem ōrārent_. In this latter sense, however, the fut. part. active is commonly employed, not the present. 68.14: See next selection. 69.1: The Tullianum: see illustration on p. 16. 69.2: 'of one smiling.' Join with #modum#. 69.3: The Cimbri and Teutones had left their homes in Denmark as early as 113 B.C. Having overrun Gaul, they made their way to the northern slopes of the Alps, defeating three Roman armies on the way (cf. l. 34 below). They did not, however, at once enter Italy, but turned off to Spain, whence they were speedily expelled by the natives. 69.4: For the position of #cum#, see p. 19, n. 8. 69.5: Sc. _petere_, or better _adipīscī_, 'to secure.' 69.6: Cn. Papirius Carbo, 113; M. Iunius Silanus, 109; Q. Servilius Caepio, 105. 70.1: Sc. _sunt_. 70.2: #Āctum . . . fuisset#: 'it was all up with the Romans had there not been a Marius.' For #erat# we should have expected _esset_, since we have an unreal condition; but the indic., the mood of fact, is used to show that the ruin of the Romans actually was inevitable but for one thing. H 581, 1 (511, 1): M 940: A 308, _b_: G 597, 2: B 304, 3. 70.3: #nisi . . . fuisset#: we would say, 'but for Marius,' or 'if it hadn't been for Marius.' 70.4: in 102, at Aquae Sextiae (now Aix), near Marseilles. 70.5: 'that ran through (the valley).' 70.6: dat. of possession with _erat_ (to be supplied). On the whole sentence #Vallem . . . cōpia#, see p. 5, n. 13. 70.7: #Virī . . . habźtis#: a rhetorical, but vigorous way of saying _Sī virī_ ('true men') _estis_, etc., i.e. the getting of water depends wholly on your own courage. 70.8: 'from a different side' (from that by which the Teutones had sought to enter Italy). The Cimbri came through the Brenner Pass at the eastern side of the Italian Alps. 70.9: Sc. _in flūmen_. 70.10: Cf. p. 68, n. 13. 70.11: #Quaerente . . . nōmināssent# = two temporal clauses: 'when Marius had asked . . . and they had named.' 70.12: 'Never mind.' 71.1: #sź . . . habźrī#: 'that they were being mocked.' #lūdibriō# is a dat. of purpose: cf. p. 25, n. 6. 71.2: #pulvis . . . ferrźtur#: cf. XX, lines 7 and 8. 71.3: at the battle of Vercellae (101), near the modern Milan. 71.4: _prōsternō_. 71.5: 'from above,' i.e. from the tops of the wagons. 71.6: Captives were either killed or sold into slavery. 71.7: _źlīdō_. 71.8: #mūtuīs . . . vulneribus#: 'wounds inflicted by each other.' 71.9: #ab . . . pependźrunt#: 'hung _from_ trees' = 'hanged themselves _to_ trees.' 71.10: #ut . . . hominī#: 'as (i.e. because he was) a new man,' i.e. one whose ancestors had never held any state office. Such a man was not necessarily of plebeian birth. 71.11: #źvectō#: 'when he had been elevated.' #eī . . . źvectō# may also be rendered 'his elevation.' 71.12: Sc. _esse_. 71.13: The part. gives the cause of _dōnāverat_. 71.14: In theory citizenship could be conferred only by action of the _comitia tribūta_, or assembly in which the people met by tribes. 72.1: See next selection. 72.2: Mithridates the Great waged war thrice with the Romans, 88-84 B.C., 83-81, and 74-66, till finally defeated by Pompey the Great. At the time referred to in the text he had overrun Asia Minor and had entered Greece. 72.3: #lźgem . . . tulit#: 'proposed a law before the people,' i.e. submitted a proposed law to their votes. The proposal was carried. In the civil strife that followed, Sulla led the aristocratic, Marius and Cinna the popular party. 72.4: _dźlitźscō_. 72.5: _oblinō_. 72.6: #servus pūblicus#: i.e. a slave owned by the state. Cf. the phrase _ager pūblicus_, p. 64, n. 9. 72.7: Carthage had been destroyed by the Romans in 149 B.C. 72.8: #quem . . . laesisset# (_laedō_): a causal rel. clause = 'since he had,' etc.: H 592 (517): M 839: A 320, _e_: G 633: B 283, 3. 72.9: #tamen# looks back to #quī . . . obtinźbat#, l. 102. The thought is that Marius hoped for some kindly consideration (#hūmānitātis aliquod officium#) from Sextilius, though his official position would naturally constrain him to be hostile to an outlaw. 73.1: L. Cornelius Cinna, leader with Marius of the popular party and enemy of Sulla. He was consul 86-84, but was killed by his own troops when he ordered them to cross to Greece to fight Sulla, who was preparing to return home at the close of the first Mithridatic War. 73.2: #variīs . . . adfźcit#: 'he punished in various ways.' 73.3: 'lawless reign,' 'wild revel.' 73.4: Cf. p. 2, n. 18. 73.5: #quī . . . peteret#: rel. clause of result: H 591, 1 (503, I): M 838: A 320: G 631: B 283. 73.6: #cīvīlī lūctū#: 'at the price of (lit. by means of) grief to his fellow-citizens.' 73.7: #tacita . . . fuit#: '(though) unexpressed was in a sense (#quaedam#) a criticism,' etc. 73.8: #ingentī . . . laetitiā#: 'to the great joy of every one'; cf. p. 27, n. 3. 73.9: Join with #facile#, and see p. 19, n. 15. 73.10: #armātus# = _bellō_; #togātus# = _pāce_. Cf. l. 125. The toga was the regular dress of civilians. 74.1: #Erat dūrior ad#: 'He was rather hard as regards,' i.e. 'he had no liking for.' 74.2: 'culture.' 74.3: #ingenuārum artium#: 'polite accomplishments.' 74.4: _spernō_. 74.5: abl. of material: H 470, 1 (415, III): M 610: A 244, _d_: G 396, and 3. 74.6: #quod . . . prōfuissent#: 'because (so he declared) it had been of little service to its teachers in the direction of (attaining) virtue.' Cf. _quod . . . iūdicāret_, l. 137, and see p. 14, n. 1.] #XXIV. Lucius Cornelius Sulla# [[stripped text]] 138-78 B.C. Cornelius Sulla cum parvulus a nutrice ferretur, mulier obvia "Salve" inquit "puer tibi et rei publicae tuae felix," et statim quaesita quae haec dixisset, nōn potuit inveniri. Hic bello Iugurthino quaestor Marii fuit. Qui cum usque ad quaesturae comitia vitam libidine, vino, ludicrae artis amore inquinatam perduxisset, C. Marius consul moleste tulisse traditur, quod sibi gravissimum bellum gerenti tam delicatus quaestor sorte obvenisset. Eiusdem tamen, postquam in Africam venit, virtus enituit. Bello Cimbrico, legatus consulis bonam operam navavit. Consul ipse deinde factus, pulso in exsilium Mario, adversus Mithridatem profectus est. Mithridates enim, Ponticus rex, vir bello acerrimus, virtute eximius, odio in Romanos non inferior Hannibale, occupata Asia necatisque in ea omnibus civibus Romanis, quos quidem eadem die atque hora per omnes civitates interimi iusserat, Europae quoque Italiaeque imminere videbatur. Ac primo Sulla illius praefectos duobus proeliis in Graecia profligavit; dein transgressus in Asiam Mithridatem ipsum fudit; et oppressisset, nisi ad bellum civile adversus Marium festinans qualemcumque pacem componere maluisset. Mithridatem tamen pecunia multavit; Asia aliisque provinciis, quas occupaverat, decedere paternisque finibus contentum esse coegit. Sulla propter motus urbanos cum victore exercitu Romam properavit; eos, qui Mario favebant, omnes superavit. Nihil autem ea victoria fuit crudelius. Sulla, urbem ingressus et dictator creatus, vel in eos, qui se sponte dediderant, iussit animadverti. Quattuor milia deditorum inermium civium in Circo interfici iussit. Quis autem illos potest computare, quos in urbe passim, quisquis voluit, occidit, donec admoneret Fufidius quidam vivere aliquos debere, ut essent, quibus imperaret. Novo et inaudito exemplo tabulam proscriptionis proposuit, qua nomina eorum, qui occidendi essent, continebantur; cumque omnium orta esset indignatio, postridie plura etiam adiecit nomina. Ingens caesorum fuit multitudo. Nec solum in eos saevivit, qui armis contra se dimicavissent, sed etiam quieti animi cives propter pecuniae magnitudinem proscriptorum numero adiecit. Civis quidam innoxius, cui fundus in agro Albano erat, cum legens proscriptorum nomina se quoque videret ascriptum, "Vae" inquit "misero mihi! me fundus Albanus persequitur." Neque longe progressus a quodam, qui eum agnoverat, confossus est. Depulsis prostratisque inimicorum partibus Sulla Felicem se edicto appellavit, cumque eius uxor geminos eodem tunc partu edidisset, puerum Faustum puellamque Faustam nominari voluit. Sed paucis annis post repente contra omnium exspectationem dictaturam deposuit. Dimissis lictoribus diu in Foro cum amicis deambulavit. Stupebat populus eum privatum videns, cuius modo tam formidolosa fuerat potestas; quodque non minus mirandum fuit, privato ei non solum salus, sed etiam dignitas constitit, qui cives innumeros occiderat. Unus adulescens fuit, qui auderet queri et recedentem usque ad fores domus maledictis incessere. Atque ille, cuius iram potentissimi viri maximaeque civitates nec effugere nec placare potuerant, unius adulescentuli contumelias patienti animo tulit, id tantum in limine iam dicens: "Hic adulescens efficiet ne quis posthac tale imperium deponat." Sulla deinde in villam profectus rusticari et venando vitam agere coepit. Ibi morbo correptus interiit, vir ingentis animi, cupidus voluptatum, sed gloriae cupidior; litteris Graecis atque Latinis eruditus et virorum litteratorum adeo amans, ut sedulitatem etiam mali cuiusdam poetae aliquo praemio dignam duxerit: nam cum ille epigramma in eum fecisset eique subiecisset, Sulla statim praemium ei dari iussit, sed ea lege, ne quid postea scriberet. Ante victoriam laudandus, in iis vero, quae secuta sunt, numquam satis vituperandus, urbem enim et Italiam civilis sanguinis fluminibus inundavit. Non solum in vivos saeviit, sed ne mortuis quidem pepercit: nam Gai Marii, cuius, etsi postea hostis, aliquando tamen quaestor fuerat, erutos cineres in flumen proiecit. Qua crudelitate rerum praeclare gestarum gloriam corrupit. #XXIV. Lūcius Cornźlius Sulla# [[as printed]] 138-78 B.C. Cornźlius Sulla cum parvulus ā nūtrīce ferrźtur, mulier[7] obvia "Salvź" inquit "puer tibi et reī pūblicae tuae fźlīx," et statim quaesīta[8] quae haec dīxisset, nōn potuit invenīrī.[9] [Sidenote: B.C. 107.] Hīc bellō Iugurthīnō[10] quaestor Mariī fuit. Quī[11] cum[12] ūsque ad quaestūrae comitia vītam libīdine, vīnō, lūdicrae[13] artis {5} amōre inquinātam perdūxisset,[12] C. Marius cōnsul molestź tulisse trāditur, quod sibi gravissimum bellum gerentī tam dźlicātus quaestor sorte[14] obvźnisset. Źiusdem tamen, postquam in [[75]] Āfricam vźnit, virtūs[1] źnituit. Bellō[2] Cimbricō, lźgātus {9} cōnsulis[3] bonam operam nāvāvit. Cōnsul ipse deinde factus, pulsō in exsilium Mariō, adversus Mithridātem[4] profectus est. Mithridātźs enim, Ponticus rźx, vir bellō ācerrimus, virtūte eximius, odiō in Rōmānōs nōn īnferior Hannibale,[5] occupātā Asiā necātīsque in eā omnibus cīvibus Rōmānīs,[6] quōs quidem eādem diź atque hōrā per omnźs cīvitātźs interimī iusserat, Eurōpae quoque {15} Ītaliaeque imminźre vidźbātur. Ac prīmō Sulla illīus praefectōs duōbus proeliīs[7] in Graeciā prōflīgāvit; dein trānsgressus in Asiam Mithridātem ipsum fūdit; et oppressisset,[8] nisi ad bellum cīvīle adversus Marium fźstīnāns quālemcumque[9] pācem compōnere māluisset.[8] Mithridātem tamen pecūniā[10] multāvit; Asiā[11] {20} aliīsque prōvinciīs,[11] quās occupāverat, dźcźdere paternīsque fīnibus contentum esse coźgit. [Sidenote: B.C. 82.] Sulla propter mōtūs urbānōs[12] cum victōre exercitū Rōmam properāvit; eōs, quī Mariō favźbant, omnźs superāvit. Nihil autem eā victōriā fuit crūdźlius. Sulla, urbem ingressus et {25} dictātor[13] creātus, vel in eōs, quī sź sponte dźdiderant, iussit animadvertī. Quattuor mīlia dźditōrum inermium cīvium in Circō interficī iussit. Quis autem illōs potest computāre, quōs in urbe passim, quisquis[14] voluit, occīdit, dōnec admonźret Fūfidius quīdam vīvere aliquōs dźbźre, ut[15] essent, quibus[15] imperāret. [[76]] Novō[1] et inaudītō exemplō tabulam prōscrīptiōnis[2] prōposuit, {31} quā nōmina eōrum, quī occīdendī essent, continźbantur; cumque omnium orta esset indīgnātiō, postrīdiź plūra etiam adiźcit nōmina. Ingźns caesōrum fuit multitūdō. Nec sōlum in[3] eōs saevīvit, quī armīs contrā sź dīmicāvissent, sed etiam quiźtī animī cīvźs {35} propter pecūniae māgnitūdinem prōscrīptōrum numerō adiźcit. Cīvis quīdam innoxius, cuī fundus in agrō Albānō erat, cum legźns prōscrīptōrum nōmina sź quoque vidźret āscrīptum, "Vae" inquit "miserō mihi[4]! mź fundus Albānus persequitur." Neque[5] longź prōgressus ā quōdam, quī eum āgnōverat, {40} cōnfossus[6] est. [Sidenote: B.C. 78.] Dźpulsīs prōstrātīsque[7] inimīcōrum partibus Sulla Fźlīcem[8] sź źdictō appellāvit, cumque źius uxor geminōs eōdem tunc partū źdidisset, puerum Faustum[8] puellamque Faustam[8] nōminārī voluit. Sed paucīs annīs post repente contrā omnium exspectātiōnem {45} dictātūram dźposuit. Dīmissīs līctōribus diū in Forō cum amīcīs deambulāvit. Stupźbat populus eum prīvātum vidźns, cūius modo[9] tam formīdolōsa fuerat potestās; quodque nōn minus mīrandum fuit, prīvātō eī nōn sōlum salūs, sed etiam dīgnitās cōnstitit,[10] quī cīvźs innumerōs occīderat. Ūnus adulźscźns {50} fuit, quī[11] audźret querī et recźdentem ūsque ad forźs domūs maledictīs incessere. Atque ille, cūius īram potentissimī virī māximaeque cīvitātźs nec effugere nec plācāre potuerant, ūnīus adulźscentulī contumźliās patientī animō tulit, id tantum in[12] [[77]] līmine iam dīcźns: "Hīc adulźscźns efficiet[1] nź quis[2] posthāc tāle imperium dźpōnat." {56} Sulla deinde in vīllam profectus rūsticārī et vźnandō[3] vītam agere coepit. Ibi morbō correptus interiit, vir ingentis animī, cupidus voluptātum, sed glōriae cupidior; lītterīs[4] Graecīs atque Latīnīs źrudītus et virōrum lītterātōrum adeō amāns,[5] ut {60} sźdulitātem etiam malī cūiusdam poźtae aliquō praemiō dīgnam dūxerit: nam cum ille epigramma in eum fźcisset eīque subiźcisset,[6] Sulla statim praemium eī darī iussit, sed eā lźge,[7] nź quid[2] posteā {63} scrīberet. Ante victōriam laudandus,[8] in iīs vźrō, quae secūta sunt, numquam[9] satis vituperandus, urbem enim et Ītaliam cīvīlis sanguinis flūminibus inundāvit. Nōn sōlum in vīvōs saeviit, {66} sed nź mortuīs quidem pepercit[10]: nam Gāī Mariī, cūius, etsī posteā hostis, aliquandō tamen quaestor fuerat, źrutōs cinerźs in flūmen prōiźcit. Quā crūdźlitāte rźrum praeclārź gestārum glōriam corrūpit. {70} [Footnotes: XXIV (pages 74-77) 74.7: #mulier obvia . . . inquit#: 'a woman met them and said.' 74.8: #quaesīta . . . dīxisset#: 'though inquiries were made as to who had said this.' How literally? #dīxisset# is a subjunctive of indir. question dependent on #quaesīta#: cf. p. 3, n. 2. 74.9: Cf. VIII, 43. 74.10: Cf. XXIII, 20. 74.11: i.e. Sulla. 74.12: Cf. p. 13, n. 20. 74.13: #lūdicrae artis#: 'the sportive art,' i.e. what we would call 'the stage,' or 'the drama.' The better classes at Rome looked with disfavor on the theater. Since no free Roman was allowed to appear upon the stage, the actors were slaves or freedmen. The praetor was empowered to flog actors publicly at will. 74.14: After the election of the quaestors their posts were assigned to them by lot. 75.1: 'ability.' It was mainly through Sulla's efforts that Jugurtha was captured. 75.2: Cf. XXIII, 49. 75.3: Q. Lutatius Catulus, colleague of Marius in 101. 75.4: Cf. 72, n. 2. 75.5: abl. of comparison with #īnferior#: cf. p. 10, n. 18. 75.6: This butchery occurred in 88. The number of victims is variously stated from 80,000 to 150,000. 75.7: At Chaeronea and Orchomenus in Boeotia. Both battles were fought in 86. 75.8: Cf. p. 47, n. 12. 75.9: #quālemcumque pācem#: 'peace on any terms.' 75.10: abl. of the penalty: H 456, 3 (410, III): M 584: A 220, _b_: G 378, R. 3: B 208, 2, _b_. 75.11: Cf. p. 1, n. 6. 75.12: Cf. XXIII, 113-122. 75.13: Sulla's dictatorship differed widely from those of former times (1) because his was unlimited in time, whereas the old dictators held office for six months only; (2) his power extended to every department of government, whereas formerly dictators had been created to accomplish some _one_ object. 75.14: #quisquis voluit# contains the subject of #occīdit#. 75.15: #ut . . . imperāret#: 'that there might be people for him (Sulla) to rule over.' For #quibus . . . imperāret#, see p. 5, n. 3. 76.1: #Novō . . . prōposuit#: 'He exposed to public view (in the Forum) a proscription list, an unprecedented and unheard of act.' #exemplō#: abl. of manner. 76.2: #prōscrīptiōnis#: Latin often uses a gen. where English employs an adj. or a noun with adj. value. 76.3: #in eōs saevīvit#: 'he vented his rage upon those.' 76.4: ethical dat.: H 432 (389, N. 2): M 541: A 235, _e_: G 351: B 188, 2, _b_. 76.5: #Neque# = _et nōn_, as often at the beginning of clauses. 76.6: _cōnfodiō_. 76.7: _prōsternō_. 76.8: These words all = 'Lucky.' 76.9: 'just now,' 'but a moment before.' 76.10: 'remained intact.' 76.11: #quī audźret# is a rel. clause of result = _tālis ut audźret_. It characterizes or describes the antecedent #adulźscźns#. See p. 73, n. 5. 76.12: #in līmine iam#: 'when he was already at (on) his own threshold,' i.e. even the brief comment that he deigned to make was not uttered till the last moment. 77.3: #vźnandō . . . coepit#: cf. I, 21, _vźnandō . . . coepźrunt_, and note. 77.4: Cf. p. 64, n. 2. 77.5: #amāns# is treated here as an adj., and so construed with the gen. Cf. _cupidus voluptātum_, l. 59. 77.6: 'had thrust up from below.' Sulla was sitting on a tribunal in the Forum. 77.7: Cf. p. 11, n. 9. 77.8: Sc. _erat_. 77.9: #numquam . . . vituperandus# (_est_): 'can never be blamed enough.' In _negative_ sentences the gerundive often conveys this idea of possibility. For its other meanings, see p. 39, n. 11. 77.10: _parcō._] #XXV. Lucius Lucullus# [[stripped text]] Lucius Lucullus ingeniō, doctrina, virtute fuit insignis. In Asiam quaestor profectus ibi per multos annos admirabili quadam laude provinciae praefuit, deinde absens factus aedilis, continuo praetor, inde ad consulatum promotus est, quem ita gessit, ut omnes diligentiam admirarentur, ingenium agnoscerent. Post ad Mithridaticum bellum missus a senatu non modo opinionem vicit omnium, sed etiam gloriam superiorum ducum. Idque eo fuit mirabilius, quod ab eo laus imperatoria non admodum exspectabatur, qui adulescentiam in forensi opera, quaesturae diuturnum tempus in Asiae pace consumpserat; sed incredibilis quaedam ingenii magnitudo non desideravit usus disciplinam. Itaque cum totum iter et navigationem consumpsisset partim in percontando a peritis, partim in rebus gestis legendis, in Asiam factus imperator venit, cum esset Roma profectus rei militaris rudis. Lucullus eo bello magnas ac memorabiles res gessit; Mithridatem saepe multis locis fudit; Tigranem, regum maximum, in Armenia vicit, ultimamque bello manum magis noluit imponere, quam non potuit; sed alioqui per omnia laudabilis et bello paene invictus pecuniae cupidini nimium deditus fuit; quam tamen ideo expetebat, ut per luxuriam effunderet. Itaque postquam de Mithridate triumphavit, abiecta omnium rerum cura coepit delicate ac molliter vivere otioque et luxu diffluere: magnifice et immenso sumptu villas aedificavit atque ad eorum usum mare ipsum vexavit. Nam in quibusdam locis moles mari iniecit; in aliis, suffossis montibus, mare in terras induxit, unde eum haud infacete Pompeius Xerxem togatum vocare adsueverat. Habebat Lucullus villam prospectu et ambulatione pulcherrimam. Quo cum venisset Pompeius, id unum reprehendit, quod ea habitatio esset quidem aestate peramoena, sed hieme minus commoda videretur; cui Lucullus "Putasne" inquit "me minus sapere quam hirundines, quae adveniente hieme sedem commutant?" Villarum magnificentiae respondebat epularum sumptus. Cum aliquando modica ei, utpote soli, cena esset posita, coquum graviter obiurgavit, eique excusanti ac dicenti se non debuisse lautum parare convivium, quod nemo esset ad cenam invitatus, "Quid ais?" inquit iratus Lucullus. "Nesciebasne Lucullum hodie cenaturum esse apud Lucullum?" Laudanda est Luculli impensa et studium in libris. Nam et multos et optimos conquisivit eosque liberaliter dedit utendos. Patebat omnibus bibliotheca, et in porticus ei adiectas velut ad Musarum aedem veniebant maxime Graeci tempusque ibi iucunde inter se traducebant ab aliis curis liberi. Saepe cum iis versabatur Lucullus et inter magnam doctorum virorum turbam ambulabat. #XXV. Lūcius Lūcullus# [[as printed]] [Sidenote: B.C. 74.] Lūcius Lūcullus ingeniō, doctrīnā, virtūte fuit īnsīgnis. In Asiam quaestor profectus ibi per multōs annōs admīrābilī quādam[11] laude[12] prōvinciae praefuit, deinde absźns factus[13] aedīlis, continuō praetor, inde ad cōnsulātum[14] prōmōtus est, quem ita gessit, ut omnźs dīligentiam admīrārentur, ingenium {5} [[78]] āgnōscerent. Post ad Mithridāticum[1] bellum missus ā senātū nōn modo opīniōnem vīcit[2] omnium, sed etiam glōriam superiōrum ducum. Idque eō[3] fuit mīrābilius, quod ab eō laus[4] imperātōria nōn admodum exspectābātur, quī adulźscentiam in forźnsī[5] operā, quaestūrae diuturnum tempus in[6] Asiae pāce cōnsūmpserat; sed {10} incrźdibilis quaedam[7] ingeniī māgnitūdō nōn dźsīdźrāvit ūsūs[8] dīsciplīnam. Itaque cum tōtum iter[9] et nāvigātiōnem cōnsūmpsisset partim in percontandō ā perītīs,[10] partim in rźbus[11] gestīs legendīs, in Asiam factus[12] imperātor vźnit, cum esset Rōmā profectus reī mīlitāris rudis.[13] {15} Lūcullus eō bellō māgnās ac memorābilźs rźs gessit; Mithridātem saepe multīs locīs fūdit; Tigrānem,[14] rźgum māximum, in Armeniā vīcit, ultimamque[15] bellō manum magis nōluit impōnere, quam nōn potuit; sed alioquī per omnia laudābilis[16] et bellō paene invictus pecūniae cupīdinī nimium dźditus fuit; quam tamen {20} ideō expetźbat, ut per lūxuriam effunderet. Itaque postquam dź Mithridāte triumphāvit,[17] abiectā omnium rźrum cūrā coepit dźlicātź ac molliter vīvere ōtiōque et lūxū diffluere: māgnificź et immźnsō sūmptū vīllās aedificāvit atque ad eōrum ūsum[18] mare [[79]] ipsum vexāvit. Nam in quibusdam locīs mōlźs[1] marī iniźcit; in {25} aliīs, suffossīs montibus, mare in terrās indūxit, unde eum haud īnfacźtź Pompźius Xerxem togātum[2] vocāre adsuźverat.[3] [Illustration: VĪLLA] Habźbat Lūcullus vīllam prōspectū[4] et ambulātiōne pulcherrimam. Quō cum vźnisset Pompźius, id ūnum reprehendit, quod ea habitātiō esset[5] quidem aestāte peramoena, sed hieme minus {30} commoda vidźrźtur[5]; cuī Lūcullus "Putāsne" inquit "mź minus sapere quam hirundinźs, quae adveniente hieme sźdem commūtant?" Vīllārum māgnificentiae respondźbat epulārum sūmptus. Cum aliquandō modica eī, utpote[6] sōlī, cźna esset posita, coquum graviter obiūrgāvit, eīque excūsantī ac dīcentī sź nōn dźbuisse {35} lautum parāre convīvium, quod nźmō esset[5] ad cźnam invītātus, [[80]] "Quid ais?" inquit īrātus Lūcullus. "Nesciźbāsne Lūcullum hodiź cźnātūrum esse apud Lūcullum?" Laudanda est Lūcullī impźnsa et studium in librīs. Nam et {39} multōs et optimōs conquīsīvit eōsque līberāliter dedit[1] ūtendōs. Patźbat omnibus bibliothźca, et in porticūs eī adiectās velut ad Mūsārum[2] aedem veniźbant māximź Graecī tempusque ibi iūcundź inter sź trādūcźbant ab aliīs cūrīs līberī. Saepe cum iīs versābātur Lūcullus et inter māgnam doctōrum virōrum turbam ambulābat. {45} [Footnotes: XXV (pages 77-80) 77.1: #efficiet nź . . . dźpōnat#: 'will prevent any one from resigning.' For the subjunctive #dźpōnat#, see p. 9, n. 6. 77.2: The indefinite pronoun _quis_ occurs chiefly after _sī_, _nisi_, _nź_, and _num_. Elsewhere _aliquis_ is used. 77.11: Cf. p. 76, n. 1. 77.12: 'ability.' 77.13: Sc. _est_. 77.14: The offices mentioned here formed the _cursus honōrum_, or official career, through which all desirous of political distinction were required to pass. The aedileship, however, might be omitted. 78.1: Cf. p. 72, n. 2. Lucullus assumed command against Mithridates in 74 B.C. 78.2: 'surpassed,' 'outstripped.' 78.3: causal abl., explained by #quod . . . exspectābātur#. 78.4: 'ability.' 78.5: #forźnsī operā#: 'legal business,' i.e. the practice of law. In or near the Forum were the law courts, as well as business places in general. 78.6: #in Asiae pāce#: 'in Asia, which was then at peace.' 78.7: #quīdam# is often used, as here, to soften a phrase which the writer fears may seem exaggerated. 78.8: #ūsūs dīsciplīnam#: 'the training of experience.' 78.9: #iter et nāvigātiōnem#: 'voyage.' 78.10: 'experts.' Sc. #reī mīlitāris#. 78.11: #rźbus gestīs#: 'history'; here, of course, military history especially. 78.12: Cf. our use of the word 'finished.' 78.13: The statements in lines 9-15 are untrue, since Lucullus had served with distinction under Sulla in the first Mithridatic War. 78.14: King of Armenia, and son-in-law of Mithridates, with whom he had formed alliance. 78.15: #ultimam . . . potuit#: 'his failure to put the finishing touches (#ultimam manum#) to the war was due more to unwillingness than to inability.' How literally? Here too the biographer shows his prejudice. Lucullus' failure to end the war was due to the mutiny of his soldiers, who were weary of their incessant exertions, and angry because L. did not permit them to gratify their greed for plunder. 78.16: '(though) praiseworthy.' #invictus# must be similarly translated. 78.17: Cf. p. 18, n. 7. 78.18: 'convenience.' 79.1: #mōlźs . . . iniźcit#: 'he built huge structures out into the sea.' 79.2: Cf. p. 73, n. 10. Xerxes, king of Persia, made an expedition against Greece in 480 B.C., in the course of which he executed certain important engineering works. 79.3: _adsuźscō_. 79.4: #prōspectū . . . pulcherrimam#: 'with a very beautiful view and promenade.' #prōspectū# and #ambulātiōne# are abl. of specification. 79.5: Why subjunctive? 79.6: #utpote sōlī# = _quod sōlus erat_. In phrases like this Latin suffers from the lack of a present part. to _sum_. 80.1: #dedit ūtendōs#: i.e. loaned them. For #ūtendōs#, see p. 2, n. 18. 80.2: The Muses were patrons of literature in its various forms.] #XXVI. Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus# [[stripped text]] Gnaeus Pompeius, stirpis senatoriae, bello civili se et patrem consilio servavit. Cum enim Pompei pater exercitui suo ob avaritiam esset invisus, facta in eum conspiratione, Terentius quidam, Gnaei Pompei filii contubernalis, hunc occidendum suscepit, dum alii tabernaculum patris incenderent. Quae res cum iuveni Pompeio cenanti nuntiata esset, nihil periculo motus solito hilarius bibit et cum Terentio eadem, qua antea, comitate usus est. Deinde cubiculum ingressus clam subduxit se tentorio et firmam patri circumdedit custodiam. Terentius tum destricto ense ad lectum Pompei accessit multisque ictibus stragula percussit. Orta mox seditione Pompeius se in media coniecit agmina, militesque tumultuantes precibus et lacrimis placavit ac duci reconciliavit. Eodem bello Pompeius partes Sullae secutus ita se gessit ut ab eo maxime diligeretur. Annos tres et viginti natus, ut Sullae auxilio veniret, paterni exercitus reliquias conlegit, statimque dux peritus exstitit. Magnus illius apud militem amor, magna apud omnes admiratio fuit; nullus ei labor taedio, nulla defatigatio molestiae erat. Cibi vinique temperans, somni parcus; inter milites corpus exercens cum alacribus saltu, cum velocibus cursu, cum validis luctando certabat. Tum ad Sullam iter intendit et in eo itinere tres hostium exercitus aut fudit aut sibi adiunxit. Quem ubi Sulla ad se accedere audivit egregiamque sub signis iuventutem aspexit, desiliit ex equo Pompeiumque salutavit imperatorem et postea ei venienti solebat sella adsurgere et caput aperire et equo descendere, quem honorem nemini nisi Pompeio tribuebat. Postea Pompeius in Siciliam profectus est, ut eam a Carbone, Sullae inimico, occupatam reciperet. Carbo comprehensus et ad Pompeium ductus est: quem Pompeius, etsi Carbo muliebriter mortem extimescens demisse et flebiliter mortem deprecabatur, ad supplicium duci iussit. Longe moderatior fuit Pompeius erga Sthenium, Siciliae cuiusdam civitatis principem. Cum enim in eam civitatem animadvertere decrevisset, quae sibi adversata fuisset, inique eum facturum Sthenius exclamavit, si ob unius culpam omnes puniret. Interroganti Pompeio quisnam ille unus esset, "Ego" inquit Sthenius "qui cives meos ad id induxi." Tam libera voce delectatus Pompeius omnibus et Sthenio ipsi pepercit. Transgressus inde in Africam Iarbam, Numidiae regem, qui Marii partibus favebat, bello persecutus intra dies quadraginta oppressit et Africam subegit adulescens quattuor et viginti annorum. Deinde cum litterae ei a Sulla redditae essent, quibus exercitu dimisso cum una legione successorem exspectare iubebatur, Pompeius, quamquam aegre id ferebat, tamen paruit et Romam revertit. Revertenti incredibilis hominum multitudo obviam ivit; Sulla quoque laetus eum excepit et Magni cognomine consalutavit. Nihilo minus Pompeio triumphum petenti restitit: neque vero ea re a proposito deterritus est Pompeius aususque dicere plures adorare solem orientem quam occidentem: quo dicto innuebat Sullae potentiam minui, suam crescere. Ea voce audita Sulla, confidentia adulescentis perculsus, "Triumphet! triumphet!" exclamavit. Metello iam seni et bellum in Hispania segnius gerenti conlega datus Pompeius adversus Sertorium vario eventu dimicavit. Maximum ibi in proelio quodam periculum subiit: cum enim vir vasta corporis magnitudine impetum in eum fecisset, Pompeius manum amputavit; sed multis in eum concurrentibus vulnus in femore accepit et a suis fugientibus desertus in hostium potestate erat. At praeter spem evasit: barbari enim equum eius auro phalerisque eximiis instructum ceperant. Dum igitur praedam inter se altercantes partiuntur, Pompeius eorum manus effugit. Altero proelio cum Metellus Pompeio laboranti auxilio venisset, Sertorius recedere coactus dixisse fertur: "Nisi anus illa supervenisset, ego hunc puerum verberibus castigatum Romam dimisissem." Metellum anum appellabat, quia is, iam senex, ad mollem et effeminatam vitam deflexerat. Sertorio interfecto Pompeius Hispaniam recepit. Cum piratae illa tempestate maria omnia infestarent et quasdam etiam Italiae urbes diripuissent, ad eos opprimendos cum imperio extraordinario missus est Pompeius. Nimiae viri potentiae obsistebant quidam ex optimatibus et imprimis Quintus Catulus. Qui cum in contione dixisset esse quidem praeclarum virum Cn. Pompeium, sed non esse uni omnia tribuenda, adiecissetque: "Si quid huic acciderit, quem in eius locum substituetis?" summo consensu succlamavit universa contio, "Te, Quinte Catule." Tam honorifico civium testimonio victus Catulus e contione discessit. Pompeius, dispositis per omnes maris recessus navibus, brevi terrarum orbem illa peste liberavit; praedones multis locis victos fudit; eosdem in deditionem acceptos in urbibus et agris procul a mari conlocavit. Nihil hac victoria celerius, nam intra quadragesimum diem piratas toto mari expulit. Confecto bello piratico, Gnaeus Pompeius contra Mithridatem profectus in Asiam magna celeritate contendit. Proelium cum rege conserere cupiebat, neque opportuna dabatur pugnandi facultas, quia Mithridates interdiu castris se continebat, noctu vero haud tutum erat congredi cum hoste in locis ignotis. Nocte tamen aliquando cum Pompeius Mithridatem aggressus esset, luna magno fuit Romanis adiumento. Quam cum Romani a tergo haberent, umbrae corporum longius proiectae ad primos usque hostium ordines pertinebant, unde decepti regii milites in umbras, tamquam in propinquum hostem, tela mittebant. Victus Mithridates in Pontum profugit. Pharnaces filius bellum ei intulit, qui, occisis a patre fratribus, vitae suae ipse timebat. Mithridates a filio obsessus venenum sumpsit; quod cum tardius subiret, quia adversus venena multis antea medicamentis corpus firmaverat, a milite Gallo, a quo ut adiuvaret se petierat, interfectus est. Tigrani deinde, Armeniae regi, qui Mithridatis partes secutus erat, Pompeius bellum intulit eumque ad deditionem compulit. Qui cum procubuisset ad genua Pompei, eum erexit, et benignis verbis recreatum diadema, quod abiecerat, capiti reponere iussit, aeque pulchrum esse iudicans et vincere reges et facere. Inde in Iudaeam profectus Romanorum primus Iudaeos domuit, Hierosolyma, caput gentis, cepit, templumque iure victoriae ingressus est. Rebus Asiae compositis, in Italiam versus ad urbem venit, non, ut plerique timuerant, armatus, sed dimisso exercitu, et tertium triumphum biduo duxit. Insignis fuit multis novis inusitatisque ornamentis hic triumphus; sed nihil inlustrius visum, quam quod tribus triumphis tres orbis partes devictae causam praebuerant: Pompeius enim, quod antea contigerat nemini, primum ex Africa, iterum ex Europa, tertio ex Asia triumphavit, felix opinione hominum futurus, si, quem gloriae, eundem vitae finem habuisset neque adversam fortunam esset expertus iam senex. Posteriore enim tempore orta inter Pompeium et Caesarem gravi dissensione, quod hic superiorem, ille parem ferre non posset, bellum civile exarsit. Caesar infesto exercitu in Italiam venit. Pompeius, relicta urbe ac deinde Italia ipsa, Thessaliam petit et cum eo consules senatusque omnis: quem insecutus Caesar apud Pharsalum acie fudit. Victus Pompeius ad Ptolemaeum, Aegypti regem, cui tutor a senatu datus erat, profugit, qui Pompeium interfici iussit. Latus Pompei sub oculis uxoris et liberorum mucrone confossum est, caput praecisum, truncus in Nilum coniectus. Deinde caput cum anulo ad Caesarem delatum est, qui eo viso lacrimas non continens illud multis pretiosissimisque odoribus cremandum curavit. Is fuit Pompei post tres consulatus et totidem triumphos vitae exitus. Erant in Pompeio multae et magnae virtutes ac praecipue admiranda frugalitas. Cum ei aegrotanti praecepisset medicus ut turdum ederet, negarent autem servi eam avem usquam aestivo tempore posse reperiri, nisi apud Lucullum, qui turdos domi saginaret, vetuit Pompeius turdum inde peti, medicoque dixit: "Ergo, nisi Lucullus perditus deliciis esset, non viveret Pompeius?" Aliam avem, quae parabilis esset, sibi iussit apponi. Viris doctis magnum honorem habebat Pompeius. Ex Syria decedens, confecto bello Mithridatico, cum Rhodum venisset, Posidonium cupiit audire; sed cum audivisset eum graviter esse aegrum, quod vehementer eius artus laborarent, voluit tamen nobilissimum philosophum visere. Mos erat ut, consule aedes aliquas ingressuro, lictor fores percuteret, admonens consulem adesse, at Pompeius fores Posidonii percuti honoris causa vetuit. Quem ut vidit et salutavit, moleste se dixit ferre, quod eum non posset audire. At ille "Tu vero" inquit "potes, nec committam ut dolor corporis efficiat ut frustra tantus vir ad me venerit." Itaque cubans graviter et copiose de hoc ipso disputavit: nihil esse bonum nisi quod honestum esset, nihil malum dici posse, quod turpe non esset. Cum vero dolores acriter eum pungerent, saepe "Nihil agis," inquit "dolor! quamvis sis molestus, numquam te esse malum confitebor." #XXVI. Gnaeus Pompźius Māgnus# [[as printed]] [Illustration: POMPEY] Gnaeus Pompźius,[3] stirpis senātōriae, bellō[4] cīvīlī sź et patrem cōnsiliō servāvit. Cum enim Pompźī pater exercituī suō ob avāritiam esset invīsus, factā in eum cōnspīrātiōne, Terentius quīdam, Gnaeī Pompźī fīliī[5] contubernālis, hunc[6] {5} occīdendum suscźpit, dum[7] aliī tabernāculum patris incenderent.[7] Quae rźs cum iuvenī Pompźiō cźnantī nūntiāta esset, nihil perīculō mōtus solitō[8] hilarius bibit et cum Terentiō eādem, quā[9] anteā, cōmitāte ūsus est. Deinde cubiculum ingressus clam {10} subdūxit sź tentōriō et fīrmam patrī circumdedit cūstōdiam. Terentius tum dźstrictō źnse ad lectum Pompźī accessit multīsque īctibus strāgula percussit.[10] Ortā mox sźditiōne Pompźius sź in [[81]] media coniźcit āgmina, mīlitźsque tumultuantźs precibus et lacrimīs plācāvit ac ducī reconciliāvit. {15} Eōdem bellō Pompźius partźs Sullae secūtus ita sź gessit ut ab eō māximź dīligerźtur. Annōs trźs et vīgintī nātus, ut Sullae auxiliō venīret, paternī exercitūs reliquiās conlźgit, statimque dux perītus exstitit.[1] Māgnus illīus apud mīlitem amor, māgna apud omnźs admīrātiō fuit; nūllus eī[2] labor taediō,[2] nūlla dźfatīgātiō {20} molestiae[2] erat. Cibī[3] vīnīque[3] temperāns, somnī parcus[4]; inter mīlitźs corpus exercźns cum alacribus saltū,[5] cum vźlōcibus cursū,[5] cum validīs luctandō[5] certābat. Tum ad Sullam iter intendit et in eō itinere trźs hostium exercitūs aut fūdit aut sibi adiūnxit. Quem ubi Sulla ad sź accźdere audīvit źgregiamque {25} sub sīgnīs iuventūtem āspexit, dźsiliit ex equō Pompźiumque salūtāvit imperātōrem et posteā eī[6] venientī solźbat sellā adsurgere et caput aperīre et equō dźscendere, quem honōrem nźminī nisi Pompźiō tribuźbat. Posteā Pompźius in Siciliam profectus est, ut eam ā Carbōne, {30} Sullae inimīcō, occupātam reciperet. Carbō comprehźnsus et ad Pompźium ductus est: quem Pompźius, etsi Carbō[7] muliebriter mortem extimźscźns dźmissź et flźbiliter mortem dźprecābātur, ad supplicium dūcī iussit. Longź moderātior fuit Pompźius ergā Sthenium, Siciliae cūiusdam cīvitātis prīncipem. Cum enim in {35} eam cīvitātem animadvertere dźcrźvisset, quae[8] sibi adversāta fuisset, inīquź eum factūrum Sthenius exclāmāvit,[9] sī ob ūnīus culpam omnźs pūnīret. Interrogantī Pompźiō quisnam ille ūnus esset, "Ego" inquit Sthenius "quī cīvźs meōs ad id indūxī." [[82]] Tam līberā vōce dźlectātus Pompźius omnibus et Stheniō ipsī {40} pepercit.[1] Trānsgressus inde in Āfricam Iarbam, Numidiae rźgem, quī Mariī partibus favźbat, bellō persecūtus intrā diźs quadrāgintā oppressit et Āfricam subźgit adulźscźns[2] quattuor et vīgintī annōrum. Deinde cum litterae eī ā Sullā redditae essent, quibus {45} exercitū[3] dīmissō cum ūnā legiōne successōrem exspectāre iubźbātur, Pompźius, quamquam aegrź id ferźbat, tamen pāruit et Rōmam revertit. Revertentī incrźdibilis hominum multitūdō obviam īvit; Sulla quoque laetus eum excźpit et Māgnī cōgnōmine cōnsalūtāvit. Nihilō minus Pompźiō triumphum petentī {50} restitit: neque vźrō eā rź ā prōpositō dźterritus est Pompźius aususque[4] dīcere plūrźs adōrāre sōlem orientem quam occidentem: quō dictō innuźbat Sullae potentiam minuī, suam crźscere. Eā vōce audītā Sulla, cōnfīdentiā adulźscentis perculsus,[5] "Triumphet! triumphet!" exclāmāvit. {55} Metellō[6] iam senī[7] et bellum in Hispāniā sźgnius gerentī conlźga datus Pompźius adversus Sertōrium variō źventū dīmicāvit. Māximum ibi in proeliō quōdam perīculum subiit: cum enim vir vāstā corporis māgnitūdine impetum in eum fźcisset, Pompźius manum amputāvit; sed multīs[8] in eum concurrentibus vulnus in {60} femore accźpit et ā suīs fugientibus dźsertus in[9] hostium potestāte erat. At praeter spem źvāsit: barbarī enim equum źius aurō phalerīsque eximiīs īnstrūctum cźperant. Dum igitur praedam inter sź altercantźs[10] partiuntur, Pompźius eōrum manūs effūgit. Alterō proeliō cum Metellus Pompźiō labōrantī auxiliō vźnisset, {65} Sertōrius recźdere coāctus dīxisse fertur: "Nisi anus illa [[83]] supervźnisset,[1] ego hunc puerum verberibus castīgātum Rōmam dīmīsissem."[1] Metellum anum appellābat, quia is, iam senex,[2] ad mollem et effźminātam vītam dźflexerat. Sertōriō interfectō Pompźius Hispāniam recźpit. {70} [Sidenote: B.C. 67.] Cum[3] pīrātae illā tempestāte maria omnia īnfźstārent[3] et quāsdam etiam Ītaliae urbźs dīripuissent,[3] ad eōs opprimendōs cum imperiō extraōrdināriō {75} missus est Pompźius. Nimiae virī potentiae obsistźbant quīdam ex optimātibus et imprīmīs Quīntus Catulus. Quī cum in cōntiōne dīxisset esse quidem[4] praeclārum virum Cn. Pompźium, sed[4] nōn esse ūnī omnia tribuenda, adiźcissetque: "Sī quid huīc acciderit, quem in źius locum substituźtis?" summō cōnsźnsū succlāmāvit {81} ūniversa cōntiō, "Tź, Quīnte Catule." Tam honōrificō cīvium tźstimōniō victus Catulus ź cōntiōne discessit. Pompźius, dispositīs[5] per omnźs maris recessūs nāvibus, brevī terrārum orbem illā pźste līberāvit; praedōnźs multīs locīs victōs fūdit; eōsdem in dźditiōnem acceptōs in urbibus et agrīs procul ā marī {86} conlocāvit. Nihil hāc victōriā celerius, nam intrā quadrāgźsimum diem pīrātās tōtō marī expulit. [Illustration: NĀVIS PĪRĀTA] [Sidenote: B.C. 66.] Cōnfectō bellō pīrāticō, Gnaeus Pompźius contrā Mithridātem profectus in Asiam māgnā celeritāte contendit. Proelium {90} cum rźge cōnserere cupiźbat, neque[6] opportūna dabātur pūgnandī facultās, quia Mithridātźs interdiū castrīs sź continźbat, noctū vźrō haud tūtum erat congredī cum hoste in locīs īgnōtīs. Nocte tamen aliquandō cum Pompźius Mithridātem aggressus esset, lūna māgnō fuit Rōmānīs adiūmentō. Quam cum Rōmānī {95} [[84]] ā[1] tergō habźrent, umbrae corporum longius prōiectae ad prīmōs ūsque hostium ōrdinźs pertinźbant, unde dźceptī rźgiī mīlitźs in umbrās, tamquam in propinquum hostem, tźla mittźbant. Victus Mithridātźs in Pontum profūgit. Pharnacźs fīlius bellum eī {99} intulit, quī, occīsīs ā patre frātribus, vītae suae ipse timźbat. Mithridātźs ā fīliō obsessus[2] venźnum sūmpsit; quod cum tardius subīret, quia adversus venźna multīs anteā medicāmentīs corpus fīrmāverat, ā mīlite Gallō, ā[3] quō ut adiuvāret sź petierat, interfectus est. [Illustration: DIADŹMA] [Sidenote: B.C. 63.] Tigrānī deinde, Armeniae rźgī, quī Mithridātis partźs secūtus {105} erat, Pompźius bellum intulit eumque ad dźditiōnem compulit. Quī cum prōcubuisset ad genua Pompźī, eum źrźxit,[4] et benīgnīs verbīs recreātum diadźma, quod abiźcerat, capitī repōnere iussit, aequź[5] pulchrum esse iūdicāns et vincere rźgźs et {110} facere. Inde in Iūdaeam profectus Rōmānōrum prīmus[6] Iūdaeōs domuit, Hierosolyma, caput gentis, cźpit, templumque iūre[7] victōriae ingressus est. Rźbus Asiae {114} compositīs, in Italiam versus[8] ad urbem[9] vźnit, nōn, ut plźrīque timuerant, armātus, sed dīmissō exercitū, et tertium triumphum bīduō[10] dūxit. Īnsīgnis fuit multīs novīs inūsitātīsque ōrnāmentīs hīc triumphus; sed nihil inlūstrius vīsum, quam quod[11] tribus triumphīs trźs orbis partźs dźvictae causam praebuerant: Pompźius [[85]] enim, quod[1] anteā contigerat nźminī, prīmum ex Āfricā, {120} iterum ex Eurōpā, tertiō ex Asiā triumphāvit, fźlīx opīniōne hominum futūrus, sī, quem[2] glōriae, eundem vītae fīnem habuisset neque adversam fortūnam esset expertus iam senex. [Sidenote: B.C. 49.] Posteriōre enim tempore ortā inter Pompźium et Caesarem[3] gravī dissźnsiōne, quod[4] hīc[5] superiōrem, ille[5] parem ferre nōn posset, bellum cīvīle exārsit. Caesar īnfźstō[6] exercitū {126} in Ītaliam vźnit. Pompźius, relīctā urbe ac deinde Ītaliā ipsā, Thessaliam petit et cum eō cōnsulźs senātusque omnis: quem īnsecūtus Caesar apud Pharsālum aciź fūdit. Victus Pompźius ad Ptolemaeum, Aegyptī rźgem, cuī tūtor ā senātū datus erat, {130} profūgit, quī Pompźium interficī iussit. Latus Pompźī sub oculīs uxōris et līberōrum mūcrōne cōnfossum est, caput praecīsum, truncus in Nīlum coniectus. Deinde caput cum ānulō ad Caesarem dźlātum est, quī eō vīsō lacrimās nōn continźns illud multīs pretiōsissimīsque odōribus cremandum cūrāvit. {135} Is fuit Pompźī post trźs cōnsulātūs et totidem triumphōs vītae exitus. Erant in Pompźiō multae et māgnae virtūtźs ac praecipuź admīranda frūgālitās. Cum eī aegrōtantī praecźpisset medicus ut turdum ederet, negārent autem[7] servī eam avem ūsquam aestīvō tempore posse reperīrī, nisi apud Lūcullum, quī {140} turdōs domī sagīnāret, vetuit Pompźius turdum inde petī, medicōque dīxit: "Ergō,[8] nisi Lūcullus perditus dźliciīs esset, nōn vīveret Pompźius?" Aliam avem, quae parābilis esset, sibi iussit appōnī. [[86]] Virīs[1] doctīs māgnum honōrem habźbat Pompźius. Ex Syriā {145} dźcźdźns, cōnfectō bellō Mithridāticō, cum Rhodum vźnisset, Posīdōnium cupiit audīre[2]; sed cum audīvisset eum graviter esse aegrum, quod[3] vehementer źius artūs labōrārent, voluit tamen nōbilissimum philosophum vīsere. Mōs erat ut, cōnsule[4] aedźs {149} aliquās ingressūrō, līctor forźs percuteret,[5] admonźns cōnsulem adesse, at Pompźius forźs Posīdōniī percutī honōris causā vetuit. Quem ut vīdit et salūtāvit, molestź sź dīxit ferre, quod eum nōn posset audīre. At ille "Tū vźrō" inquit "potes, nec committam ut dolor corporis efficiat[5] ut frūstrā tantus vir ad mź vźnerit.[5]" Itaque cubāns graviter et cōpiōsź dź hōc ipsō disputāvit: nihil {155} esse[6] bonum nisi quod honestum esset, nihil malum dīcī posse, quod turpe nōn esset. Cum vźrō dolōrźs ācriter eum pungerent, saepe "Nihil agis," inquit "dolor! quamvīs[7] sīs molestus, numquam tź esse malum cōnfitźbor." [Footnotes: XXVI (pages 80-86) 80.3: See Vocab., _Pompźius_. 80.4: The reference is to the war between Marius and Sulla. See selections XXIV and XXV. 80.5: Cf. _iuvenī_, l. 7. We should say 'the younger.' He was at this time but nineteen years of age. 80.6: #hunc . . . suscźpit#: 'undertook to kill him.' How literally? For #occīdendum#, see p. 2, n. 18. 80.7: #dum#, though meaning 'while' (cf. p. xx, G 2), takes the subjunctive here because of the informal indir. disc. Terenti said: _fīlium . . . suscipiam dum aliī incenditis_. 80.8: #solitō hilarius#: 'with (even) more gaiety than usual.' #solitō# is here a noun. Neuter adj. and part. are often so used. For its case, see p. 10, n. 18. 80.9: #quā anteā#: sc. _ūsus erat_. 80.10: _percutiō_. 81.1: 'proved himself.' 81.2: See p. 25, n. 6. 81.3: objective gen. (p. 14, n. 15) with the part. #temperāns#, which here = a simple adj. So #somnī# is obj. gen. with #parcus#. 81.4: Sc. _erat_. 81.5: abl. of specification. 81.6: #eī venientī#: '(as a mark of respect) to him when approaching.' #eī# is a dat. of advantage with #adsurgere#. 81.7: After #quem#, whose antecedent is #Carbō#, l. 31, this word might have been omitted without loss of clearness. In fact, such omission is the more usual construction. 81.8: #quae . . . fuisset#: causal. Note that in forming the pluperfect subjunctive certain writers often use _fuisset_ for _esset_. 81.9: What were the exact words of Sthenius? 82.1: _parcō_. 82.2: '(being then) a young man.' Cf. p. 44, n. 12. 82.3: #exercitū dīmissō . . . exspectāre# = _exercitum dīmittere et . . . exspectāre_. 82.4: Cf. p. 13, n. 12. 82.5: _percellō_. 82.6: Quintus Caecilius Metellus, proconsul in Spain 79-76 B.C. 82.7: #senī#: 'because he was old.' 82.8: #multīs . . . concurrentibus#: the abl. abs. here denotes both time and cause; see p. xxiii, K 6. The prefix in #concurrentibus# conveys the idea of 'from every side.' 82.9: #in . . . erat# = _ab hostibus captus est_. 82.10: #altercantźs partiuntur#: lit., 'wrangling they divided' = 'they wrangled about the division.' 83.1: Why subjunctive? 83.2: '_though_ already old.' The thought is that luxury and effeminacy are especially unbecoming to old age. 83.3: See p. xx, H 2. What is the meaning of the change of tense in #dīripuissent#? 83.4: Cf. p. 10, n. 10. 83.5: See p. xxiii, K 10. 83.6: #neque . . . facultās#: 'but no opportunity,' etc. 84.1: #ā tergō#: 'in the rear.' See p. 11, n. 10. 84.2: _obsideō_. 84.3: #ā quō . . . petierat#: 'whom he had asked to help him.' How literally? #ut adiuvāret sź# is a substantive clause of purpose and object of _petierat_. See p. 7, n. 20. 84.4: _źrigō_. 84.5: #aequź . . . facere#: lit., 'because he thought it an equally fine thing both to conquer kings and to create them.' The expression is somewhat careless. We would say: 'as glorious to create kings as to conquer them.' #aequź pulchrum# is predicate, #et vincere . . . et facere# subject to #esse#. 84.6: #prīmus . . . domuit#: cf. p. 38, n. 1. 84.7: #iūre victōriae#: 'by right of (i.e. on the strength of) his victory.' 84.8: 'turning'; lit., 'having turned himself.' Cf. n. on _cingitur_, XIII, l. 29. 84.9: 'the City,' i.e. Rome. 84.10: Cf. p. xvii, D 1. 84.11: #quod . . . praebuerant#: 'the fact that the conquest of (the) three parts,' etc. Cf. p. 5, n. 15, and p. xxiv, L 4. 85.1: 'something which'; its antecedent is the clause #prīmum . . . triumphāvit# below. 85.2: With #quem glōriae#, sc. _fīnem habuit_. 85.3: The famous C. Julius Caesar, for whom see next selection. 85.4: #quod . . . posset#: 'because (as men said) the one,' etc. For the subjunctive, see p. xxi, H 4. 85.5: #hīc . . . ille#: 'the one (Caesar) . . . the other (Pompey).' 85.6: #īnfźstō exercitū#: abl. of accompaniment: H 474, 2, N. 1 (419, III, 1, 1): M 634: A 243, _a_, N.: G 392, R. 1: B 222, 1. 85.7: #autem# contrasts #negārent# with #praecźpisset#. There is a contrast also between #servī# and #medicus#. 85.8: #Ergō . . . Pompźius#? The force of this sentence can be given only by a free rendering, thus: 'Shall it be said, then, that Pompey would not be alive, had not Lucullus ruined himself by his luxury?' 86.1: #Virīs . . . habźbat#: 'he highly honored learned men.' 86.2: _audiō_, like our 'hear,' is often used of listening to lectures or to teachers. 86.3: #quod . . . labōrārent#: i.e. because he had the gout. 86.4: #cōnsule . . . ingressūrō#: 'whenever the consul,' etc.; a temporal abl. abs. 86.5: Subjunctive in substantive clauses of result: see p. xix, F 3. 86.6: infinitive, because the clause in which it stands is in apposition to #hōc#. This use of the infin. is common. 86.7: #quamvīs sīs#: concessive subjunctive: H 586, II (515, III): M 875: A 313, _a_: G 606: B 308.] #XXVII. Gaius Iulius Caesar# [[stripped text]] C. Iulius Caesar, nobilissima Iuliorum genitus familia, annum agens sextum et decimum patrem amisit. Corneliam, Cinnae filiam, duxit uxorem; cuius pater cum esset Sullae inimicissimus, is Caesarem voluit compellere ut eam repudiaret; neque id potuit efficere. Qua re Caesar bonis spoliatus cum etiam ad necem quaereretur, mutata veste nocte urbe elapsus est et quamquam tunc quartanae morbo laborabat, prope per singulas noctes latebras commutare cogebatur; et comprehensus a Sullae liberto, ne ad Sullam perduceretur, vix data pecunia evasit. Postremo per propinquos et adfines suos veniam impetravit. Satis constat Sullam, cum deprecantibus amicissimis et ornatissimis viris aliquamdiu denegasset atque illi pertinaciter contenderent, expugnatum tandem proclamasse, vincerent, dummodo scirent eum, quem incolumem tanto opere cuperent, aliquando optimatium partibus, quas secum simul defendissent, exitio futurum; nam Caesari multos Marios inesse. Stipendia prima in Asia fecit. In expugnatione Mitylenarum corona civica donatus est. Mortuo Sulla, Rhodum secedere statuit, ut per otium Apollonio Moloni, tunc clarissimo dicendi magistro, operam daret. Huc dum traicit, a praedonibus captus est mansitque apud eos prope quadraginta dies. Per omne autem illud spatium ita se gessit, ut piratis pariter terrori venerationique esset. Comites interim servosque ad expediendas pecunias, quibus redimeretur, dimisit. Viginti talenta piratae postulaverant: ille quinquaginta daturum se spopondit. Quibus numeratis cum expositus esset in litore, confestim Miletum, quae urbs proxime aberat, properavit ibique contracta classe invectus in eum locum, in quo ipsi praedones erant, partem classis fugavit, partem mersit, aliquot naves cepit piratasque in potestatem redactos eo supplicio, quod illis saepe minatus inter iocum erat, adfecit crucique suffixit. Quaestori ulterior Hispania obvenit. Quo profectus cum Alpes transiret et ad conspectum pauperis cuiusdam vici comites per iocum inter se disputarent num illic etiam esset ambitioni locus, serio dixit Caesar malle se ibi primum esse, quam Romae secundum. Dominationis avidus a prima aetate regnum concupiscebat semperque in ore habebat hos Euripidis, Graeci poetae, versus: Nam si violandum est ius, regnandi gratia Violandum est. Aliis rebus pietatem colas. Cumque Gades, quod est Hispaniae oppidum, venisset, animadversa apud Herculis templum magni Alexandri imagine ingemuit et quasi pertaesus ignaviam suam, quod nihildum a se memorabile actum esset in ea aetate, qua iam Alexander orbem terrarum subegisset, missionem continuo efflagitavit ad captandas quam primum maiorum rerum occasiones in urbe. Aedilis praeter comitium ac Forum etiam Capitolium ornavit porticibus. Venationes autem ludosque et cum conlega M. Bibulo et separatim edidit: quo factum est ut communium quoque impensarum solus gratiam caperet. His autem rebus patrimonium effudit tantumque conflavit aes alienum, ut ipse diceret sibi opus esse millies sestertium, ut haberet nihil. Consul deinde creatus cum M. Bibulo, societatem cum Gnaeo Pompeio et Marco Crasso iunxit Caesar, ne quid ageretur in re publica, quod displicuisset ulli ex tribus. Deinde legem tulit ut ager Campanus plebi divideretur. Cui legi cum senatus repugnaret, rem ad populum detulit. Bibulus conlega in Forum venit, ut legi obsisteret, sed tanta in eum commota est seditio, ut in caput eius cophinus stercore plenus effunderetur fascesque ei frangerentur atque adeo ipse armis Foro expelleretur. Qua re cum Bibulus per reliquum anni tempus domo abditus Curia abstineret, unus ex eo tempore Caesar omnia in re publica ad arbitrium administrabat, ut nonnulli urbanorum, si quid testandi gratia signarent, per iocum non, ut mos erat, 'consulibus Caesare et Bibulo' actum scriberent, sed 'Iulio et Caesare,' unum consulem nomine et cognomine pro duobus appellantes. Functus consulatu Caesar Galliam provinciam accepit. Gessit autem novem annis, quibus in imperio fuit, haec fere: Galliam in provinciae formam redegit; Germanos, qui trans Rhenum incolunt, primus Romanorum ponte fabricato aggressus maximis adfecit cladibus. Aggressus est Britannos, ignotos antea, superatisque pecunias et obsides imperavit. Hic cum multa Romanorum militum insignia narrantur, tum illud egregium ipsius Caesaris, quod, nutante in fugam exercitu, rapto fugientis e manu scuto in primam volitans aciem proelium restituit. Idem alio proelio legionis aquiliferum ineundae fugae causa iam conversum faucibus comprehensum in contrariam partem detraxit dextramque ad hostem tendens "Quorsum tu" inquit "abis? Illic sunt, cum quibus dimicamus." Qua adhortatione omnium legionum trepidationem correxit vincique paratas vincere docuit. Interfecto interea apud Parthos Crasso et defuncta Iulia, Caesaris filia, quae, nupta Pompeio, generi socerique concordiam tenebat, statim aemulatio erupit. Iam pridem Pompeio suspectae Caesaris opes et Caesari Pompeiana dignitas gravis, nec hic ferebat parem, nec ille superiorem. Itaque cum Caesar in Gallia detineretur, et, ne imperfecto bello discederet, postulasset ut sibi liceret, quamvis absenti, alterum consulatum petere, a senatu, suadentibus Pompeio eiusque amicis, negatum ei est. Hanc iniuriam acceptam vindicaturus in Italiam rediit et bellandum ratus cum exercitu Rubiconem flumen, qui provinciae eius finis erat, transiit. Hoc ad flumen paulum constitisse fertur ac reputans quantum moliretur, conversus ad proximos, "Etiamnunc" inquit "regredi possumus; quod si ponticulum transierimus, omnia armis agenda erunt." Postremo autem "Iacta alea esto!" exclamans exercitum traici iussit plurimisque urbibus occupatis Brundisium contendit, quo Pompeius consulesque confugerant. Qui cum inde in Epirum traiecissent, Caesar, eos secutus a Brundisio, Dyrrachium inter oppositas classes gravissima hieme transmisit; copiisque quas subsequi iusserat diutius cessantibus, cum ad eas arcessendas frustra misisset, mirae audaciae facinus edidit. Morae enim impatiens castris noctu egreditur, clam naviculam conscendit, obvoluto capite, ne agnosceretur, et quamquam mare saeva tempestate intumescebat, in altum tamen protinus dirigi navigium iubet et, gubernatore trepidante, "Quid times?" inquit "Caesarem vehis!" neque prius gubernatorem cedere adversae tempestati passus est, quam paene obrutus esset fluctibus. Deinde Caesar in Epirum profectus Pompeium Pharsalico proelio fudit, et fugientem persecutus, ut occisum cognovit, Ptolemaeo regi, Pompeii interfectori, a quo sibi quoque insidias tendi videret, bellum intulit; quo victo in Pontum transiit Pharnacemque, Mithridatis filium, rebellantem et multiplici successu praeferocem intra quintum ab adventu diem, quattuor, quibus in conspectum venit, horis una profligavit acie, more fulminis, quod uno eodemque momento venit, percussit, abscessit. Nec vana de se praedicatio est Caesaris ante victum hostem esse quam visum. Pontico postea triumpho trium verborum praetulit titulum: "Veni, vidi, vici." Deinde Scipionem et Iubam, Numidiae regem, reliquias Pompeianarum partium in Africa refoventes, devicit. Victorem Africani belli Gaium Caesarem gravius excepit Hispaniense, quod Cn. Pompeius, Magni filius, adulescens fortissimus, ingens ac terribile conflaverat, undique ad eum auxiliis paterni nominis magnitudinem sequentium ex toto orbe confluentibus. Sua Caesarem in Hispaniam comitata fortuna est: sed nullum umquam atrocius periculosiusque ab eo initum proelium, adeo ut, plus quam dubio Marte, descenderet equo consistensque ante recedentem suorum aciem increpans fortunam, quod se in eum servasset exitum, denuntiaret militibus vestigio se non recessurum; proinde viderent, quem et quo loco imperatorem deserturi essent. Verecundia magis quam virtute acies restituta est. Cn. Pompeius victus et interemptus est. Caesar, omnium victor, regressus in urbem omnibus, qui contra se arma tulerant, ignovit et quinquies triumphavit. Bellis civilibus confectis, conversus iam ad ordinandum rei publicae statum fastos correxit annumque ad cursum solis accommodavit, ut trecentorum sexaginta quinque dierum esset et, intercalario mense sublato, unus dies quarto quoque anno intercalaretur. Ius laboriosissime ac severissime dixit. Repetundarum convictos etiam ordine senatorio movit. Peregrinarum mercium portoria instituit: legem praecipue sumptuariam exercuit. De ornanda instruendaque urbe, item de tuendo ampliandoque imperio plura ac maiora in dies destinabat: imprimis ius civile ad certum modum redigere atque ex immensa legum copia optima quaeque et necessaria in paucissimos conferre libros; bibliothecas Graecas et Latinas, quas maximas posset, publicare; siccare Pomptinas paludes: viam munire a Mari Supero per Apennini dorsum ad Tiberim usque: Dacos, qui se in Pontum effuderant, coercere: mox Parthis bellum inferre per Armeniam. Haec et alia agentem et meditantem mors praevenit. Dictator enim in perpetuum creatus agere insolentius coepit: senatum ad se venientem sedens excepit et quendam, ut adsurgeret monentem, irato vultu respexit. Cum Antonius, Caesaris in omnibus bellis comes et tunc consulatus conlega, capiti eius in sella aurea sedentis pro rostris diadema, insigne regium, imposuisset, id ita ab eo est repulsum, ut non offensus videretur. Quare coniuratum in eum est a sexaginta amplius viris, Cassio et Bruto ducibus conspirationis, decretumque eum Idibus Martiis in senatu confodere. Plurima indicia futuri periculi obtulerant dii immortales. Uxor Calpurnia, territa nocturno visu, ut Idibus Martiis domi subsisteret orabat et Spurinna haruspex praedixerat ut proximos dies triginta quasi fatales caveret, quorum ultimus erat Idus Martiae. Hoc igitur die Caesar Spurinnae "Ecquid scis" inquit "Idus Martias iam venisse?" et is "Ecquid scis illas nondum praeterisse?" Atque cum Caesar eo die in senatum venisset, adsidentem conspirati specie officii circumsteterunt ilicoque unus, quasi aliquid rogaturus, propius accessit renuentique ab utroque umero togam apprehendit. Deinde clamantem "Ista quidem vis est!" Casca, unus e coniuratis, adversum vulnerat paulum infra iugulum. Caesar Cascae bracchium adreptum graphio traiecit conatusque prosilire alio vulnere tardatus est. Dein ut animadvertit undique se strictis pugionibus peti, toga caput obvolvit et ita tribus et viginti plagis confossus est. Cum Marcum Brutum, quem filii loco habebat in se inruentem vidisset, dixisse fertur: "Tu quoque, mi fili!" Illud inter omnes fere constitit talem ei mortem paene ex sententia obtigisse. Nam et quondam cum apud Xenophontem legisset Cyrum ultima valetudine mandasse quaedam de funere suo, aspernatus tam lentum mortis genus subitam sibi celeremque optaverat, et pridie quam occideretur, in sermone nato super cenam quisnam esset finis vitae commodissimus, repentinum inopinatumque praetulerat. Percussorum autem neque triennio quisquam amplius supervixit neque sua morte defunctus est. Damnati omnes alius alio casu perierunt, pars naufragio, pars proelio; nonnulli semet eodem illo pugione, quo Caesarem violaverant, interemerunt. Quo rarior in regibus et principibus viris moderatio, hoc laudanda magis est. C. Iulius Caesar victoria civili clementissime usus est; cum enim scrinia deprehendisset epistularum ad Pompeium missarum ab iis, qui videbantur aut in diversis aut in neutris fuisse partibus, legere noluit, sed combussit, ne forte in multos gravius consulendi locum darent. Cicero hanc laudem eximiam Caesari tribuit, quod nihil oblivisci soleret nisi iniurias. Simultates omnes, occasione oblata, libens deposuit. Ultro ac prior scripsit C. Calvo post famosa eius adversum se epigrammata. Valerium Catullum, cuius versiculis famam suam laceratam non ignorabat, adhibuit cenae. C. Memmii suffragator in petitione consulatus fuit, etsi asperrimas fuisse eius in se orationes sciebat. Fuisse traditur excelsa statura, ore paulo pleniore, nigris vegetisque oculis, capite calvo; quam calvitii deformitatem, quod saepe obtrectatorum iocis obnoxia erat, aegre ferebat. Ideo ex omnibus decretis sibi a senatu populoque honoribus non alium aut recepit aut usurpavit libentius quam ius laureae perpetuo gestandae. Vini parcissimum eum fuisse ne inimici quidem negaverunt. Verbum Catonis est unum ex omnibus Caesarem ad evertendam rem publicam sobrium accessisse. Armorum et equitandi peritissimus, laboris ultra fidem patiens; in agmine nonnumquam equo, saepius pedibus anteibat, capite detecto, seu sol, seu imber erat. Longissimas vias incredibili celeritate conficiebat, ut persaepe nuntios de se praeveniret: neque eum morabantur flumina, quae vel nando vel innixus inflatis utribus traiciebat. #XXVII. Gāius Iūlius Caesar# [[as printed]] [Illustration: CAESAR] C. Iūlius Caesar,[8] nōbilissimā Iūliōrum genitus familiā,[9] annum agźns sextum et decimum patrem āmīsit. Cornźliam, Cinnae[10] fīliam, dūxit uxōrem; cūius pater cum esset Sullae inimīcissimus, is[11] Caesarem voluit compellere ut eam repudiāret; {5} neque[12] id potuit efficere. Quā rź Caesar bonīs spoliātus cum etiam ad necem quaererźtur, mūtātā veste nocte urbe źlāpsus[13] est et quamquam tunc [[87]] quārtānae[1] morbō labōrābat, prope[2] per singulās noctźs latebrās commūtāre cōgźbātur; et comprehźnsus ā Sullae lībźrtō, nź[3] ad {10} Sullam perdūcerźtur, vix datā[4] pecūniā źvāsit. Postrźmō per propinquōs et adfīnźs suōs veniam impetrāvit. Satis cōnstat Sullam, cum dźprecantibus[5] amīcissimīs et ōrnātissimīs virīs aliquamdiū dźnegāsset atque illī pertināciter contenderent, expūgnātum tandem prōclāmāsse, vincerent,[6] dummodo scīrent[7] eum, quem incolumem tantō opere cuperent, aliquandō optimātium {16} partibus, quās sźcum simul dźfendissent, exitiō futūrum; nam Caesarī multōs Mariōs inesse. Stīpendia prīma in Asiā fźcit. In expūgnātiōne Mitylźnārum corōnā cīvicā dōnātus est. Mortuō Sullā, Rhodum sźcźdere {20} statuit, ut per otium Apollōniō Molōnī, tunc clārissimō dīcendī[8] magistrō, operam daret. Hūc dum trāicit, ā praedōnibus captus est mānsitque apud eōs prope quadrāgintā diźs. Per omne autem illud spatium ita sź gessit, ut pīrātīs pariter terrōrī venerātiōnīque esset. Comitźs interim servōsque ad expediendās pecūniās, quibus {25} redimerźtur, dīmīsit. Vīgintī talenta pīrātae pōstulāverant: ille quīnquāgintā datūrum sź spopondit. Quibus numerātīs cum {27} expositus esset in lītore, cōnfźstim Mīlźtum, quae urbs proximź[9] aberat, properāvit ibique contrāctā classe invectus in eum locum, in quō ipsī praedōnźs erant, partem classis fugāvit, partem mersit, aliquot nāvźs cźpit pīrātāsque in potestātem redāctōs eō suppliciō, quod illīs saepe minātus inter iocum erat, adfźcit crucīque suffīxit. [[88]] Quaestōrī ūlterior[1] Hispānia obvźnit. Quō profectus cum Alpźs trānsīret et ad cōnspectum pauperis cūiusdam vīcī comitźs per {35} iocum inter sź disputārent num illīc[2] etiam esset ambitiōnī locus, sźriō dīxit Caesar mālle sź ibi prīmum esse, quam Rōmae secundum. Dominātiōnis avidus[3] ā prīmā aetāte rźgnum concupīscźbat semperque in ōre habźbat hōs Eurīpidis, Graecī poźtae, versūs: Nam sī violandum est iūs, rźgnandī grātiā {40} Violandum est. Aliīs[4] rźbus pietātem colās.[5] Cumque Gadźs, quod est Hispāniae oppidum, vźnisset, animadversā apud Herculis templum māgnī Alexandrī imāgine ingemuit et quasi pertaesus īgnāviam suam, quod nihildum ā sź memorābile āctum esset in eā aetāte, quā iam Alexander orbem terrārum {45} subźgisset, missiōnem continuō efflāgitāvit ad captandās quam prīmum māiōrum rźrum occāsiōnes in urbe. Aedīlis praeter comitium ac Forum etiam Capitōlium ōrnāvit porticibus. Vźnātiōnes autem lūdōsque[6] et cum conlźgā M. Bibulō et sźparātim źdidit: quō[7] factum est ut commūnium quoque {50} impźnsārum sōlus grātiam caperet. Hīs autem rźbus patrimōnium effūdit tantumque cōnflāvit aes aliźnum, ut ipse dīceret sibi[8] opus esse mīlliźs sźstertium, ut habźret nihil. [Sidenote: B.C. 60.] Cōnsul deinde creātus cum M. Bibulō, societātem[9] cum Gnaeō Pompźiō et Marcō Crassō iūnxit Caesar, nź quid agerźtur in {55} rź pūblicā, quod displicuisset ūllī ex tribus. Deinde lźgem [[89]] tulit ut ager Campānus plźbī dīvīderźtur. Cuī lźgī cum senātus repūgnāret, rem ad populum dźtulit. Bibulus conlźga in Forum vźnit, ut lźgī obsisteret, sed tanta in eum commōta est sźditiō, ut in caput źius cophinus stercore plźnus effunderźtur fascźsque eī {60} frangerentur atque adeō ipse armīs Forō expellerźtur. Quā rź cum Bibulus per reliquum annī tempus domō abditus Cūriā abstinźret, ūnus ex eō tempore Caesar omnia in rź pūblicā ad arbitrium administrābat, ut nōnnūllī urbānōrum, sī[1] quid tźstandī grātiā sīgnārent, per iocum nōn, ut mōs erat, 'cōnsulibus[2] Caesare et {65} Bibulō' āctum[3] scrīberent, sed 'Iūliō et Caesare,' ūnum cōnsulem nōmine et cōgnōmine prō duōbus appellantźs. Fūnctus[4] cōnsulātū Caesar Galliam prōvinciam accźpit. Gessit autem novem[5] annīs, quibus[5] in imperiō fuit, haec ferź: Galliam in prōvinciae fōrmam redźgit; Germānōs, quī trāns Rhźnum {70} incolunt, prīmus Rōmānōrum ponte fabricātō aggressus māximīs adfźcit clādibus. Aggressus est Britannōs, īgnōtōs anteā, superātīsque[6] pecūniās et obsidźs imperāvit. Hīc[7] cum[8] multa Rōmānōrum mīlitum īnsīgnia nārrantur, tum[8] illud[9] źgregium ipsīus Caesaris, quod, nūtante in fugam exercitū, raptō fugientis ź manū scūtō in prīmam volitāns aciem proelium restituit. Īdem aliō {76} proeliō legiōnis aquiliferum ineundae fugae causā iam[10] conversum faucibus comprehźnsum[11] in contrāriam partem dźtrāxit dextramque [[90]] ad hostem tendźns "Quōrsum tū" inquit "abīs? Illīc sunt, cum quibus dīmicāmus." Quā adhortātiōne omnium legiōnum {80} trepidātiōnem corrźxit vincīque parātās vincere docuit. [Sidenote: B.C. 53.] [Sidenote: B.C. 49.] Interfectō intereā apud Parthōs Crassō et dźfūnctā Iūliā, Caesaris fīliā, quae, nūpta Pompźiō, generī socerīque concordiam tenźbat,[1] statim aemulātiō źrūpit. Iam prīdem Pompźiō sūspectae[2] Caesaris opźs et Caesarī Pompźiāna dīgnitās gravis, {85} nec hīc[3] ferźbat parem, nec ille[3] superiōrem. Itaque cum Caesar in Galliā dźtinźrźtur, et, nź imperfectō bellō discźderet, pōstulāsset ut sibi licźret, quamvīs absentī,[4] alterum cōnsulātum petere, ā senātū, suādentibus Pompźiō źiusque amīcīs, negātum eī est. Hanc iniūriam acceptam vindicātūrus[5] in Ītaliam rediit et {90} bellandum[6] ratus cum exercitū Rubicōnem flūmen, quī[7] prōvinciae źius fīnis erat, trānsiit. Hōc ad flūmen paulum cōnstitisse fertur ac reputāns quantum mōlīrźtur, conversus ad proximōs, "Etiamnunc" inquit "regredī possumus; quod sī ponticulum trānsierimus, omnia armīs agenda erunt." Postrźmō autem {95} "Iacta ālea estō!" exclāmāns exercitum trāicī iussit plūrimīsque urbibus occupātīs Brundisium contendit, quō Pompźius cōnsulźsque cōnfūgerant. Quī cum inde in Źpīrum trāiźcissent, Caesar, eōs secūtus ā {99} Brundisiō, Dyrrachium inter[8] oppositās classźs gravissimā hieme trānsmīsit; cōpiīsque[9] quās subsequī iusserat diūtius cessantibus, cum ad eās arcessendās frūstrā mīsisset, mīrae audāciae facinus [[91]] źdidit. Morae enim impatiźns castrīs noctū źgreditur, clam nāviculam cōnscendit, obvolūtō capite, nź āgnōscerźtur, et quamquam mare saevā tempestāte intumźscźbat, in altum tamen prōtinus {105} dīrigī nāvigium iubet et, gubernātōre trepidante, "Quid timźs?" inquit "Caesarem vehis!" neque prius[1] gubernātōrem cźdere adversae tempestātī passus est, quam[1] paene obrutus esset[1] fluctibus. [Sidenote: B.C. 48.] Deinde Caesar in Źpīrum profectus Pompźium Pharsālicō {110} proeliō fūdit, et fugientem persecūtus, ut occīsum cōgnōvit, Ptolemaeō rźgī, Pompźiī interfectōrī, ā quō sibi quoque īnsidiās tendī vidźret, bellum intulit; quō victō in Pontum trānsiit Pharnacemque, Mithridātis fīlium, rebellantem et {114} multiplicī successū[2] praeferōcem intrā[3] quīntum ab adventū diem, quattuor, quibus[4] in cōnspectum vźnit, hōrīs[4] ūnā prōflīgāvit aciź, mōre fulminis, quod ūnō eōdemque mōmentō vźnit, percussit, abscessit. Nec vāna dź sź praedicātiō est Caesaris ante victum hostem esse quam vīsum.[5] Ponticō[6] posteā triumphō trium verbōrum praetulit titulum: "Vźnī, vīdī, vīcī." Deinde {120} Scīpiōnem[7] et Iubam, Numidiae rźgem, reliquiās Pompźiānārum partium in Āfricā refoventźs, dźvīcit.[8] Victōrem Āfricānī bellī Gāium Caesarem gravius excźpit Hispāniźnse, quod Cn. Pompźius, Māgnī[9] fīlius, adulźscźns fortissimus, ingźns ac terribile cōnflāverat, undique ad eum auxiliīs[10] {125} paternī nōminis māgnitūdinem sequentium[11] ex tōtō orbe cōnfluentibus. [[92]] Sua[1] Caesarem in Hispāniam comitāta fortūna est: sed nūllum umquam atrōcius perīculōsiusque ab eō initum proelium, adeō ut, plūs[2] quam dubiō Mārte, dźscenderet equō cōnsistźnsque ante recźdentem suōrum aciem increpāns fortūnam, quod sź in {130} eum servāsset exitum, dźnūntiāret mīlitibus vźstīgiō sź nōn recessūrum; proinde vidźrent,[3] quem[4] et quō locō imperātōrem dźsertūrī essent. Verźcundiā magis quam virtūte aciźs restitūta est. Cn. Pompźius victus et interźmptus est. Caesar, omnium victor, regressus in urbem omnibus, quī contrā sź arma tulerant, īgnōvit et quīnquiźs triumphāvit. {136} Bellīs cīvīlibus cōnfectīs, conversus iam ad ōrdinandum reī pūblicae statum fāstōs[5] corrźxit annumque ad cursum sōlis accommodāvit, ut trecentōrum sexāgintā quīnque diźrum esset et, intercalāriō[5] mźnse sublātō, ūnus diźs quārtō quōque[6] annō intercalārźtur. Iūs labōriōsissimź ac sevźrissimź dīxit. {141} Repetundārum[7] convictōs etiam ōrdine senātōriō mōvit. Peregrīnārum mercium portōria īnstituit: lźgem[8] praecipuź sūmptuāriam exercuit. Dź ōrnandā īnstruendāque urbe, item dź tuendō ampliandōque imperiō plūra ac māiōra in diźs dźstinābat: imprīmīs iūs {145} cīvīle ad certum modum redigere[9] atque ex immźnsā lźgum cōpiā [[93]] optima quaeque et necessāria in paucissimōs cōnferre librōs; bibliothźcās Graecās et Latīnās, quās[1] māximās posset, pūblicāre; siccāre Pomptīnās palūdźs: viam munīre ā Marī Superō per Apennīnī dorsum ad Tiberim ūsque: Dācōs, quī sź in Pontum effūderant, {150} coercźre: mox Parthīs bellum īnferre per Armeniam. Haec et alia agentem et meditantem mors praevźnit. Dictātor enim in perpetuum creātus agere īnsolentius coepit: senātum ad sź venientem sedźns excźpit et quendam, ut adsurgeret monentem, {154} īrātō vultū respexit. Cum Antōnius,[2] Caesaris in omnibus bellīs comes et tunc cōnsulātūs conlźga, capitī źius in sellā aureā sedentis prō rōstrīs diadźma, īnsīgne rźgium, imposuisset, id ita ab eō est repulsum, ut nōn offźnsus vidźrźtur. Quārź coniūrātum in eum est ā[3] sexāgintā amplius virīs, Cassiō et Brūtō ducibus {159} cōnspīrātiōnis, dźcrźtumque eum Īdibus Mārtiīs in senātū cōnfodere. [Sidenote: March 15, B.C. 44.] Plūrima indicia futūrī perīculī obtulerant diī immortālźs. Uxor Calpurnia, territa nocturnō vīsū, ut Īdibus Mārtiīs domī subsisteret ōrābat et Spūrinna harūspex praedīxerat[4] ut proximōs diźs trīgintā quasi fātālźs cavźret, quōrum ultimus erat Īdūs Mārtiae. Hōc igitur diź Caesar Spūrinnae "Ecquid scīs" inquit "Īdūs {165} Mārtiās iam vźnisse?" et is "Ecquid scīs illās nōndum praeterīsse?" Atque cum Caesar eō diź in senātum vźnisset, adsīdentem cōnspīrātī speciź[5] officiī circumstetźrunt īlicōque ūnus, quasi aliquid rogātūrus, propius accessit renuentīque[6] ab[7] utrōque umerō togam apprehendit. Deinde clāmantem "Ista quidem {170} vīs est!" Casca, ūnus ź coniūrātīs, adversum[8] vulnerat paulum [[94]] īnfrā iugulum. Caesar Cascae bracchium adreptum graphiō trāiźcit cōnātusque prōsilīre aliō vulnere tardātus est. Dein ut animadvertit undique sź strictīs pugiōnibus petī,[1] togā caput obvolvit et ita tribus et vīgintī plāgīs cōnfossus est. Cum {175} Mārcum Brūtum, quem fīliī locō habźbat in sź inruentem vīdisset, dīxisse fertur: "Tū quoque, mī fīlī!" [Illustration: THE DEATH OF CAESAR] Illud inter omnźs ferź cōnstitit tālem eī mortem paene ex sententiā obtigisse.[2] Nam et quondam cum apud Xenophōntem lźgisset Cyrum ultimā valźtūdine mandāsse quaedam dź fūnere {180} suō, āspernātus tam lentum mortis genus subitam sibi celeremque [[95]] optāverat, et prīdiź quam occīderźtur, in sermōne nātō super cźnam quisnam esset fīnis vītae commodissimus, repentīnum inopīnātumque praetulerat. Percussōrum autem neque trienniō quisquam amplius supervīxit neque suā[1] morte dźfūnctus est. {185} Damnātī omnźs alius aliō cāsū periźrunt, pars naufragiō, pars proeliō; nōnnūllī sźmet eōdem illō pugiōne, quō Caesarem violāverant, interźmźrunt. Quō[2] rārior in rźgibus et prīncipibus virīs moderātiō, hōc laudanda magis est. C. Iūlius Caesar victōriā cīvīlī[3] {190} clźmentissimź ūsus est; cum enim scrīnia dźprehendisset epistulārum ad Pompźium missārum ab iīs, quī[4] vidźbantur aut in dīversīs aut in neutrīs fuisse partibus, legere nōluit, sed combūssit, nź[5] forte in multōs gravius cōnsulendī locum darent. Cicerō hanc {194} laudem eximiam Caesarī tribuit, quod nihil oblivīscī solźret nisi iniūriās. Simultātźs omnźs, occāsiōne oblātā, libźns dźposuit. Ultrō ac prior scrīpsit C. Calvō post fāmōsa źius adversum sź epigrammata. Valerium Catullum, cūius[6] versiculīs fāmam suam lacerātam nōn īgnōrābat, adhibuit cźnae. C. Memmiī suffrāgātor in petītiōne cōnsulātūs fuit, etsī asperrimās fuisse źius in sź {200} ōrātiōnźs sciźbat. Fuisse trāditur excelsā statūrā,[7] ōre[7] paulō[8] plźniōre, nigrīs vegetīsque oculīs,[7] capite[7] calvō; quam calvitiī dźfōrmitātem, quod saepe obtrźctātōrum iocīs obnoxia erat, aegrź ferźbat. Ideō ex omnibus dźcrźtīs sibi ā senātū populōque honōribus nōn alium {205} aut recźpit aut ūsūrpāvit libentius quam iūs laureae[9] perpetuō [[96]] gestandae. Vīnī[1] parcissimum eum fuisse nź inimīcī quidem negāvźrunt. Verbum Catōnis est ūnum ex omnibus Caesarem ad źvertendam rem pūblicam sōbrium accessisse. Armōrum et equitandī perītissimus, labōris ultrā fidem patiźns; in āgmine {210} nōnnumquam equō, saepius pedibus anteībat, capite dźtźctō, seu sōl, seu imber erat. Longissimās viās incrźdibilī celeritāte cōnficiźbat, ut[2] persaepe nūntiōs dź sź praevenīret: neque eum morābantur flūmina, quae vel nandō vel innīxus īnflātīs utribus trāiciźbat. {215} [Footnotes: XXVII (pages 86-96) 86.8: See Vocab., _Iūlius_. 86.9: ablative of source. 86.10: Cf. p. 73, n. 1. 86.11: i.e. Sulla. 86.12: #neque potuit#: '_but_ he was not able.' 86.13: _źlābor_. 87.1: #quārtānae# (sc. _febris_) #. . . labōrābat#: 'he was suffering from intermittent fever.' #morbō# is abl. of cause. 87.2: #prope . . . noctźs#: 'almost every night.' 87.3: #nź . . . źvāsit#: 'he barely, by giving money, escaped being surrendered to Sulla.' #nź . . . perdūcerźtur# expresses the purpose of #datā pecūniā#. 87.4: Cf. p. xxiii, K 8. 87.5: = a rel. clause (cf. p. xxiv, L 1): 'who pleaded (for Caesar)'; lit., 'who sought to beg him off.' 87.6: For the subjunctive, see p. 63, n. 5. Sulla said: _Vincite, dummodo sciātis_, etc. Translate #prōclāmāsse . . . scīrent# thus: 'cried out (bidding them) have their way, but at the same time to (lit. provided they) realize.' 87.7: See H 587 (513, I): M 920: A 314: G 573: B 310. 87.8: 'oratory.' 87.9: _prope abesse_ = 'to be near by,' is a common idiom. 88.1: See Vocab., _Hispānia_. 88.2: i.e. even in so insignificant a place. 88.3: = _quod avidus erat_. 88.4: #aliīs rźbus#: 'under other circumstances,' 'otherwise.' For the case, see p. 27, n. 3. 88.5: The subjunctive here = an imperative: see p. 31, n. 9. Note also that #colās# is an example of the indefinite or universal second person, since the command is addressed, not to any particular individual, but to any one and every one. 88.6: #lūdōs źdidit#: 'he celebrated games.' On the magnificence of the games which the Aediles gave depended very largely their chance of promotion to the higher offices. 88.7: 'whereby'; abl. of means. 88.8: #sibi . . . sźstertium#: with #mīlliźs# sc. _centźna mīlia_, and take #sźstertium# as gen. plural from _sźstertius_, and dependent on _mīlia_. Translate: 'that he needed 100,000,000 sesterces,' i.e. about $4,000,000. See Vocab., _sźstertius_. 88.9: #societātem . . . iūnxit#: this combination is called 'The First Triumvirate.' 89.1: #sī . . . sīgnārent#: an instance of the iterative subjunctive (p. 45, n. 2) = 'whenever they affixed their seals as witnesses.' 89.2: #cōnsulibus . . . Bibulō#: for this way of dating events, see XIV, 1. 89.3: Sc. _esse_. 89.4: #fūnctus# (_fungor_) = _postquam fūnctus est_. 89.5: Cf. p. xvii, C 2. 89.6: Sc. _eīs_, as dat. of indirect object with #imperāvit#. Caesar's operations were confined to the southern portion of Great Britain. 89.7: = _Hōc tempore_, i.e. during this campaign. The language of this whole sentence is somewhat loose. The writer begins as if he were going to say: _Hīc, cum . . . nārrantur, tum Caesarem ipsum źgregium fźcisse nārrant_, but changes the construction at #tum#. 89.8: #cum . . . tum#: cf. p. 67, n. 7. 89.9: #illud# is explained by the clause #quod . . . restituit#. The episode occurred in one of Caesar's Gallic campaigns, not, as here stated, in Britain. It is related in the second book of Caesar's _Gallic War_. Cf. also Longfellow's _Courtship of Miles Standish_, II. 89.10: #iam conversum# = _quī iam conversus erat_. 89.11: #comprehźnsum . . . dźtrāxit# = _comprehendit et . . . dźtrāxit_. 90.1: 'preserved.' 90.2: Sc. _erant_; also _erat_ with #gravis#. Through the influence of #iam prīdem# both verbs have the force of Eng. pluperfects: H 535, 1 (469, 2): M 738: A 277, _b_: G 234: B 260, 4. 90.3: Point out the chiasmus (p. 21, n. 15) in #Caesaris . . . superiōrem#. 90.4: The law required a candidate to give notice of his candidacy in person at Rome within seventeen days of the election. Caesar desired to stand for the consulship in 49 B.C. 90.5: Cf. p. xviii, E 5. 90.6: #bellandum# (sc. _esse_): an impersonal passive: 'that war was necessary.' 90.7: #quī . . . erat#: this river also formed the boundary between Italy proper and Cisalpine Gaul; hence by crossing it Caesar put himself in a position of open hostility to the government. 90.8: = _per_, 'through the midst of.' 90.9: #cōpiīs . . . cźssantibus#: causal abl. abs.: 'when, because his forces . . . tarried too long, he had sent,' etc. 91.1: Cf. p. xx, G 4. 91.2: abl. both of cause and means. Join with #praeferōcem#. 91.3: #intrā . . . vźnit#: 'within four days of his arrival (and) within four hours after he caught sight of him.' 91.4: See p. xvii, C 2. 91.5: Strictly, we ought to have _ante victum esse quam vīsus esset_, the subjunctive being due to the indirect discourse. Caesar said: _ante victus est quam vīsus_ (_est_). The infinitive #vīsum# (_esse_) is due to attraction of the neighboring infinitive #victum esse#. 91.6: #Ponticō . . . triumphō#: i.e. the procession in which he celebrated his victory in Pontus. #triumphō# is dat. with #praetulit#. 91.7: Q. Metellus Pius Scipio, father-in-law of Pompey. 91.8: at Thapsus, 46 B.C. 91.9: Cf. XXVI, 49. 91.10: #auxiliīs . . . cōnfluentibus#: the abl. abs. denotes both cause and attendant circumstance. 91.11: = _eōrum quī sequźbantur_. Cf. _volentibus_, XIII, 97. 92.1: 'His own,' i.e. his usual. 92.2: #plūs . . . Mārte#: 'since the battle was more than doubtful.' The battle was fought at Munda, 45 B.C. 92.3: Cf. p. 63, n. 5. 92.4: = _quālem_. So #quō# = _quālī_. 92.5: #fāstōs corrźxit#: In III, 22, it is stated that Numa divided the year into twelve months according to the course of the moon. This year contained only 355 days. In order, therefore, to make the months coincide with the seasons to which they belong, Numa ordered that every two years an extra month, called a _mźnsis intercalāris_, should be added. These intercalary months were inserted after February 23d, and contained alternately 22 and 23 days. This arrangement made the average length of the year 366-1/4 days. A further cause of confusion was the fact that the Pontifices, who had charge of the calendar, often, for political reasons, omitted the intercalary month. In Caesar's time the error amounted to about three months. The calendar arranged by him is almost identical with that in use to-day. 92.6: from _quisque_: 'each,' 'every.' 92.7: Sc. _rźrum_. _rźs repetundae_ was a technical term for 'extortion.' For the gen., see p. 36, n. 8. 92.8: A _lźx sumptuāria_ was a law regulating the sums of money which might be spent for various purposes. Caesar attempted especially to check extravagance in dress and at banquets. 92.9: The infinitives in lines 146-151 are used because the clauses in which they stand are in apposition to _plūra ac māiōra_, l. 144. See p. 86, n. 5. 93.1: #quās . . . pūblicāre#: 'to throw open to the public as large libraries as possible.' 93.2: The celebrated Mark Antony. 93.3: #ā . . . virīs#: 'by more than sixty men.' For the case of #virīs#, see p. 10, n. 18. 93.4: 'had warned him,' _not_ 'had predicted': hence it may be construed with a substantive clause of purpose (#ut . . . cavźret#) as its object. 93.5: #speciź officiī#: 'under pretense of doing him honor.' Cf. _per speciem vźnandī_, XIX, 60. 93.6: Sc. _eī_: dat. of interest. 93.7: 'by'; cf. p. 11, n. 10. 93.8: #adversum# (sc. _eum_) #vulnerat#: 'wounds him in front.' The wound was in the shoulder. For #adversum# as = an adverbial phrase, cf. p. 4, n. 4. 94.1: 'assailed.' 94.2: _obtingō_. 95.1: #suā morte#: 'a natural death'; an ablative of manner. 95.2: #Quō rārior . . . hōc laudanda magis#: 'The rarer . . . the more praiseworthy.' #Quō# and #hōc# are ablative of the degree of difference (a variety of the ablative of means): cf. p. 39, n. 12. 95.3: i.e. over his fellow-citizens. 95.4: #quī . . . partibus#: 'who had apparently belonged,' etc. How literally? With #dīversīs# sc. _Pompźiō_. 95.5: #nź . . . darent#: 'that they might not by any chance give occasion to vigorous measures,' etc. 95.6: #cūius . . . īgnōrābat#: 'by whose verses, as he very well knew, his own fair fame had been wounded.' 95.7: ablatives of characteristic. 95.8: #paulō plźniōre#: 'somewhat full.' 95.9: Sc. _corōnae_, and cf. the frequent omission of _manus_ with _dextra_ and _sinistra_. 96.1: #Vīnī parcissimum#: cf. _Cibī vīnīque temperāns, somnī parcus_, XXVI, 21, and note. 96.2: #ut . . . praevenīret# expresses result, not purpose.] #XXVIII. Marcus Tullius Cicero# [[stripped text]] Marcus Tullius Cicero, equestri genere, Arpini, quod est Volscorum oppidum, natus est. Ex eius avis unus verrucam in extremo naso sitam habuit, ciceris grano similem; inde cognomen Ciceronis genti inditum. Suadentibus quibusdam ut id nomen mutaret, "Dabo operam" inquit "ut istud cognomen nobilissimorum nominum splendorem vincat." Cum a patre Romam missus, ubi celeberrimorum magistrorum scholis interesset, eas artes disceret, quibus aetas puerilis ad humanitatem solet informari, tanto successu tantaque cum praeceptorum tum ceterorum discipulorum admiratione id fecit, ut, cum fama de Ciceronis ingenio et doctrina ad alios manasset, non pauci, qui eius videndi et audiendi gratia scholas adirent, reperti esse dicantur. Cum nulla re magis ad summos in re publica honores viam muniri posse intellegeret quam arte dicendi et eloquentia, toto animo in eius studium incubuit, in quo quidem ita versatus est, ut non solum eos, qui in Foro et iudiciis causas perorarent, studiose sectaretur, sed privatim quoque diligentissime se exerceret. Primum eloquentiam et libertatem adversus Sullanos ostendit. Nam cum Roscium quendam, parricidii accusatum, ob Chrysogoni, Sullae liberti, qui in eius adversariis erat, potentiam nemo defendere auderet, tanta eloquentiae vi eum defendit Cicero, ut iam tum in arte dicendi nullus ei par esse videretur. Ex quo invidiam veritus Athenas studiorum gratia petiit, ubi Antiochum philosophum studiose audivit. Inde eloquentiae causa Rhodum se contulit, ubi Molonem, Graecum rhetorem tum disertissimum, magistrum habuit. Qui cum Ciceronem dicentem audivisset, flevisse dicitur, quod per hunc Graecia eloquentiae laude privaretur. Romam reversus quaestor Siciliam habuit. Nullius vero quaestura aut gratior aut clarior fuit; cum magna tum esset annonae difficultas, initio molestus erat Siculis, quos cogeret frumenta in urbem mittere; postea vero, diligentiam et iustitiam et comitatem eius experti, maiores quaestori suo honores quam ulli umquam praetori detulerunt. E Sicilia reversus Romam in causis dicendis ita floruit, ut inter omnes causarum patronos et esset et haberetur princeps. Consul deinde factus L. Sergii Catilinae coniurationem singulari virtute, constantia, cura compressit. Catilinae proavum, M. Sergium, incredibili fortitudine fuisse Plinius refert. Stipendia is fecit secundo bello Punico. Secundo stipendio dextram manum perdidit: stipendiis duobus ter et vicies vulneratus est: ob id neutra manu, neutro pede satis utilis, plurimisque postea stipendiis debilis miles erat. Bis ab Hannibale captus, bis vinculorum eius profugus, viginti mensibus nullo non die in catenis aut compedibus custoditus. Sinistra manu sola quater pugnavit, duobus equis, insidente eo, suffossis. Dextram sibi ferream fecit eaque religata proeliatus Cremonam obsidione exemit, Placentiam tutatus est, duodena castra hostium in Gallia cepit. Ceteri profecto, Plinius addit, victores hominum fuere, Sergius vicit etiam fortunam. Singularem huius viri gloriam foede dehonestavit pronepotis scelus. Hic enim rei familiaris, quam profuderat, inopia multorumque scelerum conscientia in furorem actus et dominandi cupiditate incensus indignatusque, quod in petitione consulatus repulsam passus esset, coniuratione facta senatum confodere, consules trucidare, urbem incendere, diripere aerarium constituerat. Actum erat de pulcherrimo imperio, nisi illa coniuratio in Ciceronem et Antonium consules incidisset, quorum alter industria rem patefecit, alter manu oppressit. Cum Cicero, habito senatu, in praesentem reum perorasset, Catilina, incendium suum ruina se restincturum esse minitans, Roma profugit et ad exercitum, quem paraverat, proficiscitur, signa inlaturus urbi. Sed socii eius, qui in urbe remanserant, comprehensi in carcere necati sunt. A. Fulvius, vir senatorii ordinis, filium, iuvenem et ingenio et forma inter aequales nitentem, pravo consilio Catilinae amicitiam secutum inque castra eius ruentem, ex medio itinere retractum supplicio mortis adfecit, praefatus non se Catilinae illum adversus patriam, sed patriae adversus Catilinam genuisse. Neque eo magis ab incepto Catilina destitit, sed infestis signis Romam petens Antonii exercitu opprimitur. Quam atrociter dimicatum sit exitus docuit: nemo hostium bello superfuit; quem quisque in pugnando ceperat locum, eum amissa anima tegebat. Catilina longe a suis inter hostium cadavera repertus est: pulcherrima morte, si pro patria sic concidisset! Senatus populusque Romanus Ciceronem patrem patriae appellavit. Cicero ipse in oratione pro Sulla palam praedicat consilium patriae servandae fuisse iniectum sibi a diis, cum Catilina coniurasset adversus eam. "O dii immortales," inquit "vos profecto incendistis tum animum meum cupiditate conservandae patriae. Vos avocastis me a cogitationibus omnibus ceteris et convertistis ad salutem unam patriae. Vos denique praetulistis menti meae clarissimum lumen in tenebris tantis erroris et inscientiae. Tribuam enim vobis, quae sunt vestra. Nec vero possum tantum dare ingenio meo, ut dispexerim sponte mea in tempestate illa turbulentissima rei publicae, quid esset optimum factu." Paucis post annis Ciceroni diem dixit Clodius tribunus plebis, quod cives Romanos indicta causa necavisset. Senatus maestus, tamquam in publico luctu, veste mutata pro eo deprecabatur. Cicero, cum posset armis salutem suam defendere, maluit urbe cedere quam sua causa caedem fieri. Proficiscentem omnes boni flentes prosecuti sunt. Dein Clodius edictum proposuit ut Marco Tullio igni et aqua interdiceretur: illius domum et villas incendit. Sed vis illa non diuturna fuit, mox enim totus fere populus Romanus ingenti desiderio Ciceronis reditum flagitare coepit et maximo omnium ordinum studio Cicero in patriam revocatus est. Nihil per totam vitam Ciceroni itinere, quo in patriam rediit, accidit iucundius. Obviam ei redeunti ab universis itum est: domus eius publica pecunia restituta est. Gravissimae illa tempestate inter Caesarem et Pompeium ortae sunt inimicitiae, ut res nisi bello dirimi non posse videretur. Cicero quidem summo studio enitebatur ut eos inter se reconciliaret et a belli civilis calamitatibus deterreret, sed cum neutrum ad pacem ineundam permovere posset, Pompeium secutus est. Sed victo Pompeio, a Caesare victore veniam ultro accepit. Quo interfecto Octavianum, Caesaris heredem, fovit, Antonium impugnavit effecitque ut a senatu hostis iudicaretur. Sed Antonius, inita cum Octaviano societate, Ciceronem iam diu sibi inimicum proscripsit. Qua re audita, Cicero transversis itineribus in villam, quae a mari proxime aberat, fugit indeque navem conscendit, in Macedoniam transiturus. Unde aliquotiens in altum provectum cum modo venti adversi rettulissent, modo ipse iactationem maris pati non posset, taedium tandem eum et fugae et vitae cepit regressusque ad villam "Moriar" inquit "in patria saepe servata." Satis constat, adventantibus percussoribus, servos fortiter fideliterque paratos fuisse ad dimicandum, ipsum deponi lecticam et quietos pati, quod sors iniqua cogeret, iussisse. Prominenti ex lectica et immotam cervicem praebenti caput praecisum est. Manus quoque abscissae; caput relatum est ad Antonium eiusque iussu cum dextra manu in rostris positum. Quamdiu res publica Romana per eos gerebatur, quibus se ipsa commiserat, in eam curas cogitationesque fere omnes suas conferebat Cicero et plus operae ponebat in agendo quam in scribendo. Cum autem dominatu unius C. Iulii Caesaris omnia tenerentur, non se angoribus dedidit nec indignis homine docto voluptatibus. Fugiens conspectum Fori urbisque rura peragrabat abdebatque se, quantum licebat, et solus erat. Nihil agere autem cum animus non posset, existimavit honestissime molestias posse deponi, si se ad philosophiam rettulisset, cui adulescens multum temporis tribuerat, et omne studium curamque convertit ad scribendum: atque ut civibus etiam otiosus aliquid prodesse posset, elaboravit ut doctiores fierent et sapientiores, pluraque brevi tempore, eversa re publica, scripsit, quam multis annis ea stante scripserat. Sic facundiae et Latinarum litterarum parens evasit paruitque virorum sapientium praecepto, qui docent non solum ex malis eligere minima oportere, sed etiam excerpere ex his ipsis, si quid insit boni. Multa exstant facete ab eo dicta. Cum Lentulum, generum suum, exiguae staturae hominem, vidisset longo gladio accinctum, "Quis" inquit "generum meum ad gladium adligavit?"--Matrona quaedam iuniorem se, quam erat, simulans dictitabat se triginta tantum annos habere; cui Cicero "Verum est," inquit "nam hoc viginti annos audio."--Caesar, altero consule mortuo die Decembris ultima, Caninium consulem hora septima in reliquam diei partem renuntiaverat; quem cum plerique irent salutatum de more, "Festinemus" inquit Cicero "priusquam abeat magistratu." De eodem Caninio scripsit Cicero: "Fuit mirifica vigilantia Caninius, qui toto suo consulatu somnum non viderit." #XXVIII. Mārcus Tullius Cicerō# [[as printed]] [Illustration: CICERŌ] Mārcus Tullius Cicerō, equestrī genere, Arpīnī, quod est Volscōrum oppidum, nātus est. Ex źius avīs[3] ūnus verrūcam[4] in extrźmō nāsō[5] sitam habuit, ciceris[6] grānō similem; inde cōgnōmen Cicerōnis gentī inditum. Suādentibus quibusdam {5} ut id nōmen mūtāret, "Dabō operam" inquit "ut istud cōgnōmen nōbilissimōrum nōminum splendōrem vincat." Cum ā patre Rōmam missus, ubi[7] celeberrimōrum magistrōrum scholīs interesset, eās artźs dīsceret, quibus aetās puerīlis ad {10} hūmānitātem[8] solet īnfōrmārī, tantō successū tantāque cum praeceptōrum tum cźterōrum dīscipulōrum admīrātiōne id fźcit, ut, cum fāma dź Cicerōnis ingeniō et doctrīnā ad aliōs mānāsset,[9] nōn paucī, quī źius videndī et audiendī grātiā scholās adīrent, repertī esse dīcantur. {15} Cum nūllā rź magis ad summōs in rź pūblicā honōrźs viam mūnīrī posse intellegeret quam arte dīcendī et źloquentiā, tōtō [[97]] animō in źius studium incubuit,[1] in quō quidem ita versātus[2] est, ut nōn sōlum eōs, quī in Forō et iūdiciīs[3] causās perōrārent,[4] studiōsź sectārźtur,[5] sed prīvātim quoque dīligentissimź sź {20} exercźret. Prīmum źloquentiam et lībertātem[6] adversus Sullānōs ostendit. Nam cum Rōscium quendam, parricīdiī accūsātum, ob Chrysogonī, Sullae lībźrtī,[7] quī in źius adversāriīs erat, potentiam nźmō dźfendere audźret, tantā źloquentiae vī eum dźfendit Cicerō, ut iam tum in arte dīcendī nūllus eī pār esse vidźrźtur. Ex quō {25} invidiam veritus[8] Athźnās studiōrum grātiā petiit, ubi Antiochum philosophum studiōsź audīvit. Inde źloquentiae causā Rhodum sź contulit, ubi Molōnem, Graecum rhźtorem tum disertissimum,[9] magistrum habuit. Quī cum Cicerōnem dīcentem audīvisset, flźvisse dīcitur, quod per hunc Graecia źloquentiae laude {30} prīvārźtur.[10] Rōmam reversus quaestor Siciliam habuit. Nūllīus vźrō quaestūra aut grātior aut clārior fuit; cum māgna tum esset annōnae[11] difficultās, initiō molestus erat Siculīs, quōs cōgeret frūmenta in urbem mittere; posteā vźrō, dīligentiam et iūstitiam et cōmitātem[12] źius expertī,[13] māiōrźs quaestōrī suō honōrźs quam ūllī {36} umquam praetōrī dźtulźrunt. Ź Siciliā reversus Rōmam in causīs dīcendīs ita flōruit, ut inter omnźs causārum patrōnōs[14] et esset et habźrźtur prīnceps. Cōnsul deinde factus L. Sergiī Catilīnae coniūrātiōnem singulārī {40} virtūte, cōnstantiā, cūrā compressit.[15] Catilīnae proavum,[16] M. Sergium, incrźdibilī fortitūdine fuisse Plīnius refert. Stīpendia[17] is fźcit secundō bellō Pūnicō. Secundō stīpendiō[18] dextram {43} manum perdidit: stīpendiīs[18] duōbus ter et vīciźs vulnerātus est: ob id neutrā manū, neutrō pede satis ūtilis, plūrimīsque[19] posteā [[98]] stīpendiīs dźbilis[1] mīles erat. Bis ab Hannibale captus, bis[2] vinculōrum źius profugus, vīgintī mźnsibus nūllō[3] nōn diź in catźnīs[4] aut compedibus[5] cūstōdītus. Sinistrā manū sōlā quater pūgnāvit, duōbus equīs, īnsidente eō, suffossīs.[6] Dextram sibi ferream fźcit eāque religātā[7] proeliātus Cremōnam obsidiōne {50} exźmit, Placentiam tūtātus est, duodźna castra hostium in Galliā cźpit. Cźterī profectō, Plīnius addit, victōrźs hominum fuźre, Sergius vīcit etiam fortūnam. Singulārem hūius virī glōriam foedź dehonestāvit pronepōtis[8] scelus. Hīc enim reī familiāris, quam profūderat, inopiā {55} multōrumque scelerum cōnscientiā in furōrem āctus et dominandī cupiditāte incźnsus indīgnātusque, quod in petītiōne cōnsulātūs repulsam[9] passus esset, coniūrātiōne factā senātum cōnfodere, cōnsulźs trucīdāre,[10] urbem incendere, dīripere aerārium cōnstituerat. Āctum[11] erat dź pulcherrimō imperiō, nisi illa coniūrātiō {60} in[12] Cicerōnem et Antōnium cōnsulźs incidisset, quōrum alter[13] indūstriā rem patefźcit, alter manū[14] oppressit. Cum Cicerō, habitō senātū, in praesentem reum[15] perōrāsset, Catilīna, incendium suum ruīnā[16] sź restinctūrum esse minitāns, Rōmā profūgit et ad exercitum, quem parāverat, proficīscitur, sīgna inlātūrus {65} urbī. Sed sociī źius, quī in urbe remānserant, comprehźnsī in carcere necātī sunt. A. Fulvius, vir senātōriī ōrdinis, fīlium, iuvenem et ingeniō et fōrmā inter aequālźs nitentem,[17] prāvō cōnsiliō Catilīnae amīcitiam secūtum inque castra źius ruentem, ex mediō itinere retrāctum suppliciō mortis adfźcit, praefātus[18] nōn sź Catilīnae illum adversus patriam, sed patriae adversus {71} Catilīnam genuisse.[19] [[99]] Neque eō magis ab inceptō Catilīna dźstitit, sed īnfźstīs sīgnīs Rōmam petźns Antōniī exercitū opprimitur. Quam atrōciter dīmicātum sit exitus docuit: nźmō hostium bellō superfuit; {75} quem quisque in pūgnandō cźperat locum, eum āmissā animā[1] tegźbat. Catilīna longź ā suīs inter hostium cadāvera[2] repertus est: pulcherrimā morte,[3] sī prō patriā sīc concidisset! Senātus populusque Rōmānus Cicerōnem patrem patriae appellāvit. Cicerō ipse in ōrātiōne prō Sullā palam praedicat cōnsilium patriae {80} servandae fuisse iniectum sibi ā diīs, cum Catilīna coniūrāsset adversus eam. "Ō diī immortālźs," inquit "vōs profectō incendistis tum animum meum cupiditāte cōnservandae patriae. Vōs āvocāstis mź ā cōgitātiōnibus omnibus cźterīs et convertistis ad salūtem ūnam patriae. Vōs dźnique praetulistis mentī meae {85} clārissimum lūmen in tenebrīs tantīs errōris et īnscientiae. Tribuam enim vōbīs, quae sunt vestra. Nec vźrō possum tantum dare ingeniō meō, ut[4] dīspexerim sponte meā in tempestāte illā turbulentissimā reī pūblicae, quid esset optimum factū." Paucīs post annīs Cicerōnī diem dīxit Clōdius tribūnus plźbis, {90} quod cīvźs Rōmānōs indictā[5] causā necāvisset. Senātus maestus,[6] tamquam in pūblicō lūctū, veste[7] mūtātā prō eō dźprecābātur. Cicerō, cum posset armīs salūtem suam dźfendere, māluit urbe cźdere quam suā causā caedem fierī. Proficīscentem omnźs bonī flentźs prōsecūtī sunt. Dein Clōdius źdictum prōposuit ut Mārcō {95} Tulliō[8] īgnī et aquā interdīcerźtur: illīus domum et vīllās incendit. Sed vīs illa nōn diuturna fuit, mox enim tōtus ferź populus Rōmānus ingentī dźsīderiō Cicerōnis reditum flāgitāre coepit et māximō omnium ōrdinum studiō Cicerō in patriam revocātus est. [[100]] Nihil per tōtam vītam Cicerōnī itinere, quō in patriam rediit, {100} accidit iūcundius. Obviam[1] eī redeuntī ab ūniversīs itum est: domus źius pūblicā pecūniā restitūta est. Gravissimae illā tempestāte inter Caesarem et Pompźium ortae sunt inimīcitiae, ut rźs[2] nisi bellō dīrimī nōn posse vidźrźtur. Cicerō quidem summō studiō źnītźbātur[3] ut eōs inter sź reconciliāret et ā bellī cīvīlis calamitātibus dźterrźret, sed cum neutrum {106} ad pācem ineundam permovźre posset, Pompźium secūtus est. Sed victō Pompźiō, ā Caesare victōre veniam ultrō accźpit. Quō interfectō Octāviānum, Caesaris hźrźdem, fōvit,[4] Antōnium impūgnāvit effźcitque ut ā senātū hostis iūdicārźtur. {110} Sed Antōnius, initā cum Octāviānō societāte,[5] Cicerōnem iam diū sibi inimīcum prōscrīpsit. Quā rź audītā, Cicerō trānsversīs[6] itineribus in vīllam, quae ā marī proximź aberat, fūgit indeque nāvem cōnscendit, in Macedoniam trānsitūrus. Unde aliquotiźns in altum prōvectum cum modo[7] ventī adversī rettulissent, modo {115} ipse iactātiōnem maris patī nōn posset, taedium[8] tandem eum et fugae et vītae cźpit regressusque ad vīllam "Moriar" inquit "in patriā saepe servātā." Satis cōnstat, adventantibus percussōribus, servōs fortiter fidźliterque parātōs fuisse ad dīmicandum, ipsum dźpōnī lectīcam[9] et quiźtōs patī, quod {120} sors inīqua cōgeret, iussisse. Prōminentī[10] ex lectīcā et immōtam cervīcem[11] praebentī[10] caput praecīsum est. Manūs quoque abscissae; caput relātum est ad Antōnium źiusque iussū cum dextrā manū in rōstrīs positum. {125} [Illustration: LECTĪCA.] Quamdiū rźs pūblica Rōmāna per eōs gerźbātur, quibus sź ipsa commīserat, in eam cūrās cōgitātiōnźsque ferź omnźs suās cōnferźbat [[101]] Cicerō et plūs[1] operae pōnźbat in agendō quam in scrībendō. Cum autem dominātū ūnīus C. Iūliī Caesaris omnia tenźrentur, nōn sź angōribus[2] dźdidit nec indīgnīs homine doctō voluptātibus. Fugiźns cōnspectum Forī urbisque rūra peragrābat abdźbatque {131} sź, quantum licźbat, et sōlus erat. Nihil agere autem cum animus nōn posset, exīstimāvit honestissimź molestiās posse dźpōnī, sī sź ad philosophiam rettulisset, cuī adulźscźns multum temporis tribuerat, et omne studium cūramque convertit ad scrībendum: atque ut cīvibus etiam ōtiōsus[3] aliquid prōdesse[4] posset, {136} źlabōrāvit ut doctiōrźs fierent et sapientiōrźs, plūraque brevī tempore, źversā rź pūblicā, scrīpsit, quam multīs annīs eā stante scrīpserat. Sīc fācundiae[5] et Latīnārum litterārum parźns {139} źvāsit[6] pāruitque virōrum sapientium praeceptō, quī docent nōn sōlum ex[7] malīs źligere minima oportźre, sed etiam excerpere[8] ex hīs ipsīs, sī quid īnsit bonī. Multa exstant facźtź[9] ab eō dicta. Cum Lentulum, generum[10] suum, exiguae statūrae hominem, vīdisset longō gladiō accinctum, "Quis" inquit "generum meum ad gladium adligāvit?"--Mātrōna {145} quaedam iūniōrem sź, quam erat, simulāns dictitābat sź trīgintā tantum annōs habźre; cuī Cicerō "Vźrum est," inquit "nam hōc vīgintī annōs audiō."--Caesar, alterō cōnsule mortuō diź[11] Decembris ūltimā, Canīnium cōnsulem hōrā septimā in reliquam diźī partem renūntiāverat; quem cum plźrīque īrent {150} salūtātum dź mōre, "Fźstīnźmus" inquit Cicerō "priusquam abeat magistrātū." Dź eōdem Canīniō scrīpsit Cicerō: "Fuit mīrificā[12] vigilantiā Canīnius, quī tōtō suō cōnsulātū somnum nōn vīderit.[13]" [Footnote: The following selections have been edited for rapid reading or reading at sight:] [Footnotes: XXVIII (pages 96-101) 96.3: 'ancestors.' 96.4: 'wart.' 96.5: 'nose'; cf. _nasal_. 96.6: #ciceris grānō#: 'a tiny chickpea.' 96.7: = _ut_. 96.8: 'culture.' 96.9: 'had spread.' 97.1: 'applied himself.' 97.2: 'engaged.' 97.3: 'courts.' 97.4: 'pleaded.' 97.5: 'followed,' 'courted' (cf. _sequor_). 97.6: 'independence.' 97.7: 'freedman.' 97.8: 'fearing.' 97.9: 'most eloquent.' 97.10: 'was being deprived.' 97.11: #annōnae difficultās#: 'a lack of corn.' 97.12: 'courtesy.' 97.13: 'having had proof of.' 97.14: 'lawyers.' 97.15: 'crushed.' 97.16: 'great-grandfather.' 97.17: Cf. XXVII, 19. 97.18: 'campaign.' 97.19: #que# here = 'but.' 98.1: '_though_ disabled.' 98.2: #bis . . . profugus# = _bis vincula źius profūgit_. 98.3: #nūllō nōn#: 'every.' 98.4: 'chains.' 98.5: 'shackles.' 98.6: 'slain'; lit., 'stabbed from below.' 98.7: 'fastened' (to the stump of his arm). 98.8: 'great-grandson.' 98.9: 'defeat'; a technical term of Roman politics. 98.10: 'butcher.' 98.11: #Āctum erat dź#: 'it would have been all up with.' 98.12: #in . . . incidisset#: 'happened in the days of.' 98.13: Cicero. 98.14: 'prowess.' 98.15: 'culprit.' 98.16: 'by a general downfall.' 98.17: 'conspicuous'; lit., 'shining.' 98.18: 'having first said.' 98.19: from _gīgnō_, 'to beget.' 99.1: 'life.' 99.2: 'corpses.' 99.3: Sc. _concidisset_. 99.4: #ut . . . dīspexerim#: '(as to say) that I should have of my own accord clearly perceived.' 99.5: #indictā causā#: 'with their cause unpleaded,' i.e. without giving them a trial. 99.6: 'mourning.' 99.7: #veste mūtātā#: i.e. changing their ordinary attire, which was white, for darker robes of mourning. 99.8: #Tulliō . . . interdīcerźtur#: lit., 'that a ban should be laid on Tullius in respect of fire and water,' i.e. that he should be outlawed, and every one forbidden to aid him, even with the necessaries of life. 100.1: #Obviam . . . est#: 'all went to meet him.' 100.2: 'trouble.' 100.3: 'strove.' 100.4: 'cherished,' 'supported.' 100.5: The reference is to the Second Triumvirate. 100.6: #trānsversīs itineribus#: i.e. by out of the way paths. 100.7: #modo . . . modo#: 'now . . . now.' 100.8: 'disgust.' 100.9: 'litter,' 'sedan chair.' 100.10: 'leaning out'; sc. _eī_, dat. of disadvantage with #praecīsum est#. 100.11: 'neck.' 101.1: #plūs . . . scrībendō#: 'he devoted more of his time to practical affairs than to literature.' 101.2: 'sorrow.' 101.3: #etiam ōtiōsus#: 'even though at ease,' i.e. not burdened with official duties. #ōtiōsus# here, as often = _prīvātus_. 101.4: 'benefit.' 101.5: 'eloquence.' Sc. #Latīnae#, to be derived from #Latīnārum#. 101.6: 'became.' 101.7: #ex . . . oportźre#: we should say, 'of two evils choose the less.' 101.8: 'extract'; lit., 'pluck.' 101.9: 'wittily.' 101.10: 'son-in-law.' 101.11: On this day the consuls went out of office. 101.12: 'wondrous.' 101.13: causal subjunctive.] #XXIX. Marcus Brutus# [[stripped text]] M. Brutus, ex illa gente, quae Roma Tarquinios eiecerat, oriundus, Athenis philosophiam, Rhodi eloquentiam didicit. Eius pater, qui Sullae partibus adversabatur, iussu Pompei interfectus erat, unde Brutus cum eo graves gesserat simultates. Bello tamen civili Pompei causam, quod iustior videretur, secutus dolorem suum rei publicae utilitati posthabuit. Victo Pompeio Brutus a Caesare servatus est et praetor etiam factus. Postea vero, cum Caesar superbia elatus senatum contemnere et regnum adfectare coepisset, populus, praesenti statu haud laetus, vindicem libertatis requirebat. Subscripsere quidam L. Bruti statuae: "Utinam viveres!" Item ipsius Caesaris statuae: "Brutus, quia reges eiecit, primus consul factus est; hic, quia consules eiecit, postremo rex factus est." Inscriptum quoque est M. Bruti praetoris tribunali: "Dormis, Brute!" Cognita populi Romani voluntate, Brutus adversus Caesarem conspiravit. Pridie quam Caesar est occisus, Porcia, Bruti uxor, Catonis filia, consilii conscia, egresso cubiculum Bruto, cultellum tonsorium quasi unguium resecandorum causa poposcit eoque velut forte elapso se vulneravit. Clamore deinde ancillarum in cubiculum revocatus obiurgare eam coepit, quod tonsoris praeripuisset officium. Cui secreto Porcia "Non est" inquit "hoc temerarium factum meum, sed in tali statu nostro mei erga te amoris certissimum indicium. Experiri enim volui, si tibi propositum ex sententia parum cessisset, quam aequo animo me ferro essem interemptura." Quibus verbis auditis Brutus ad caelum manus et oculos sustulisse dicitur et exclamavisse: "Utinam dignus tali coniuge maritus videri possem!" Interfecto Caesare, cum Antonius vestem eius sanguinolentam ostentans populum veluti furore quodam adversus coniuratos inflammasset, Brutus in Macedoniam concessit ibique apud urbem Philippos adversus Antonium et Octavianum dimicavit. Victus acie, cum in tumulum se nocte recepisset, audita Cassii morte, ne in hostium manus veniret, uni ex comitibus latus transfodiendum praebuit. Antonius Bruti corpus liberto suo sepeliendum tradidit, quoque honoratius cremaretur, inici ei suum paludamentum iussit, iacentem non hostem, sed civem deposito existimans odio. Cumque interceptum a liberto paludamentum comperisset, ira percitus protinus in eum animadvertit, praefatus: "Quid? tu ignorasti cuius tibi viri sepulturam commisissem?" Non eadem fuit Octaviani erga Brutum moderatio, is enim avulsum Bruti caput Romam misit, ut Gai Caesaris statuae subiceretur. Porcia cum victum et interemptum virum suum cognovisset, quia ferrum non dabatur, ardentes ore carbones hausit, virilem patris exitum mulier imitata novo mortis genere. [[102]] #XXIX. Mārcus Brūtus# [[as printed]] [Illustration: BRŪTUS] M. Brūtus, ex illā gente, quae Rōmā Tarquiniōs źiźcerat, oriundus,[1] Athźnīs philosophiam, Rhodī źloquentiam didicit. Źius pater, quī Sullae partibus adversābātur, iussū Pompźī interfectus erat, unde Brūtus cum eō gravźs gesserat[2] {5} simultātźs. Bellō tamen cīvīlī Pompźī causam, quod iūstior vidźrźtur, secūtus dolōrem suum reī pūblicae ūtilitātī posthabuit. Victō Pompźiō Brūtus ā Caesare servātus est et praetor etiam factus. Posteā vźrō, cum Caesar superbiā źlātus senātum {10} contemnere et rźgnum adfectāre[3] coepisset, populus, praesentī statū haud laetus, vindicem[4] lībźrtātis requīrźbat. Subscrīpsźre quīdam L. Brūtī[5] statuae: "Utinam[6] vīverźs!" Item ipsīus Caesaris statuae: "Brūtus, quia rźgźs źiźcit, prīmus cōnsul factus {14} est; hīc, quia cōnsulźs źiźcit, postrźmō rźx factus est." Īnscrīptum quoque est M. Brūtī praetōris tribūnālī: "Dormīs,[7] Brūte!" Cōgnitā populī Rōmānī voluntāte, Brūtus adversus Caesarem cōnspīrāvit. Prīdiź quam Caesar est occīsus, Porcia, Brūtī uxor, Catōnis fīlia, cōnsiliī[8] cōnscia, źgressō cubiculum[9] Brūtō, {19} cultellum[10] tōnsōrium quasi unguium[11] resecandōrum causā popōscit eōque velut forte źlāpsō sź vulnerāvit. Clāmōre deinde ancillārum[12] in cubiculum revocātus obiūrgāre[13] eam coepit, quod tōnsōris praeripuisset officium. Cuī sźcrźtō Porcia "Nōn est" inquit "hōc temerārium[14] factum meum, sed in tālī statū nostrō meī ergā tź amōris certissimum indicium. Experīrī enim voluī, sī[15] {25} [[103]] tibi prōpositum ex sententiā parum cessisset, quam aequō animō mź ferrō essem interźmptūra." Quibus verbīs audītīs Brūtus ad caelum manūs et oculōs sustulisse dīcitur et exclāmāvisse: "Utinam dīgnus tālī cōniuge marītus vidźrī possem!" Interfectō Caesare, cum Antōnius vestem źius sanguinolentam[1] {30} ostentāns populum velutī furōre quōdam adversus coniūrātōs īnflammāsset, Brūtus in Macedoniam concessit ibique apud urbem Philippōs adversus Antōnium et Octāviānum dīmicāvit. Victus aciź, cum in tumulum[2] sź nocte recźpisset, audītā Cassiī morte, nź in hostium manūs venīret, ūnī ex comitibus latus trānsfodiendum praebuit. Antōnius Brūtī corpus lībertō suō sepeliendum[3] {36} trādidit, quōque[4] honōrātius cremārźtur, inicī eī suum palūdāmentum[5] iussit, iacentem[6] nōn hostem, sed cīvem dźpositō exīstimāns odiō. Cumque interceptum ā lībertō palūdāmentum comperisset, īrā percitus[7] prōtinus in eum animadvertit, praefātus: "Quid? tū īgnōrāstī cūius tibi virī sepultūram commīsissem?" {41} Nōn eadem fuit Octāviānī ergā Brūtum moderātiō, is enim āvulsum[8] Brūtī caput Rōmam mīsit, ut Gāī Caesaris statuae subicerźtur. Porcia cum victum et interźmptum virum suum cōgnōvisset, quia ferrum nōn dabātur, ārdentźs ōre carbōnes[9] {45} hausit, virīlem patris[10] exitum mulier[11] imitāta novō mortis genere. [Footnotes: XXIX (pages 102-103) 102.1: = _ortus, nātus_. 102.2: _simultātźs gerere_ = 'to carry on a feud.' 102.3: 'to aim at.' 102.4: 'champion.' 102.5: The Brutus of selection IX. 102.6: #Utinam vīverźs!# 'O that you were yet alive.' The subjunctive here expresses a wish or prayer; cf. l. 29. 102.7: 'you're fast asleep.' 102.8: #cōnsiliī cōnscia#: 'who was aware of,' etc. 102.9: 'sleeping-room.' 102.10: #cultellum tōnsōrium#: 'a barber's knife.' 102.11: 'nails.' 102.12: 'maids.' 102.13: 'scold.' 102.14: 'heedless,' 'random.' 102.15: #sī . . . cessisset#: 'if your plan did not turn out according to your expectations.' Join with what follows. 103.1: 'bloody.' 103.2: 'hill.' 103.3: _sepelīre_ = 'to dispose of a body,' whether by burial or by cremation. 103.4: #quōque# = 'and in order that.' 103.5: 'cloak.' 103.6: 'the dead man.' 103.7: 'thoroughly aroused.' 103.8: 'torn (from the body).' 103.9: 'coals.' 103.10: See Vocab., _Catō_. 103.11: 'woman though she was.'] #XXX. Octavianus Caesar Augustus# [[stripped text]] Octavianus, Iuliae, Gai Caesaris sororis, nepos, quartum annum agens patrem amisit. Ab avunculo adoptatus profectum eum in Hispanias adversus Gnaei Pompei liberos secutus est. Deinde ab eo Apolloniam missus studiis vacavit. Utque primum occisum Caesarem heredemque se comperit, in urbem regressus hereditatem adiit, nomen Caesaris sumpsit conlectoque veteranorum exercitu opem Decimo Bruto tulit, qui ab Antonio Mutinae obsidebatur. Cum autem urbis aditu prohiberetur, ut Brutum de omnibus rebus certiorem faceret, primo litteras misit plumbeis laminis inscriptas, quas ad bracchium religatas urinatores Scultennam amnem transnantes ad Brutum deferebant. Quin et avibus internuntiis utebatur. Columbis enim, quas inclusas ante fame adfecerat, epistulas ad collum religabat easque a proximo moenibus loco emittebat. Illae, lucis cibique avidae, altissima aedificiorum petentes excipiebantur a Decimo Bruto, qui eo modo de omnibus rebus certior fiebat, utique postquam disposito quibusdam locis cibo columbas illuc devolare instituerat. Bellum Mutinense Octavianus duobus proeliis confecit, quorum in altero non ducis modo, sed militis etiam functus est officio atque in media dimicatione, aquilifero legionis suae graviter saucio, aquilam umeris subisse diuque fertur portasse. Postea reconciliata cum Antonio gratiaiunctisque cum eo copiis, ut Gai Caesaris necem ulcisceretur, ad urbem hostiliter accessit misitque qui nomine exercitus sibi consulatum deposcerent. Cunctante senatu centurio, princeps legationis, reiecto sagulo, ostendens gladii capulum non dubitavit in Curia dicere: "Hic faciet, si vos non feceritis." Ita cum Octavianus vicesimo aetatis anno consulatum invasisset, pacem fecit cum Antonio et Lepido, ita ut triumviri rei publicae constituendae per quinquennium essent ipse et Lepidus et Antonius, et ut suos quisque inimicos proscriberent. Quae proscriptio Sullana longe crudelior fuit. Exstant autem ex ea multa vel extremae impietatis vel mirae fidei ac constantiae exempla. T. Toranius, triumvirorum partes secutus, proscripti patris sui, praetorii et ornati viri, latebras, aetatem notasque corporis, quibus agnosci posset, centurionibus edidit, qui eum persecuti sunt. Alius quidam cum proscriptum se cognovisset, ad clientem suum confugit; sed filius eius per ipsa vestigia patris militibus ductis occidendum eum in conspectu suo obiecit. Cum C. Plotius Plancus a triumviris proscriptus in regione Salernitana lateret, servi eius, comprehensi multumque ac diu torti, negabant se scire ubi dominus esset. Non sustinuit deinde Plancus tam fideles tamque boni exempli servos ulterius cruciari; sed processit in medium iugulumque gladiis militum obiecit. Senatoris cuiusdam servus cum ad dominum proscriptum occidendum milites advenisse cognosset, commutata cum eo veste, permutato etiam anulo, illum postico clam emisit, se autem in cubiculum ad lectulum recepit et ut dominum occidi passus est. "Quanti viri est" addit Seneca, "cum praemia proditionis ingentia ostendantur, praemium fidei mortem concupiscere!" Octavianus deinde M. Brutum, interfectorem Caesaris, bello persecutus id bellum, quamquam invalidus atque aeger, duplici proelio transegit; quorum priore castris exutus vix fuga evasit. Victor acerbissime se gessit: in nobilissimum quemque captivum non sine verborum contumelia saeviit. Uni suppliciter sepulturam precanti respondisse dicitur iam istam in volucrum fore potestate. Alios, patrem et filium, pro vita rogantes sortiri fertur iussisse ut alterutri concederetur, ac cum, patre quia se obtulerat occiso, filius quoque voluntaria occubuisset nece, spectasse utrumque morientem. Orare veniam vel excusare se conantibus, una voce occurrebat moriendum esse. Scribunt quidam trecentos ex dediticiis electos ad aram divo Iulio exstructam Idibus Martiis hostiarum more mactatos. Abalienatus postea est ab Antonio, quod is, repudiata Octavia sorore, Cleopatram, Aegypti reginam, duxisset uxorem: quae quidem mulier cum Antonio luxu et deliciis certabat. Una se cena centies sestertium absumpturam aliquando dixerat. Cupiebat discere Antonius, sed fieri posse non arbitrabatur. Postero igitur die magnificam alias cenam, sed cottidianam Antonio apposuit inridenti, quod promisso stare non potuisset. At illa inferri mensam secundam iussit. Ex praecepto ministri unum tantum vas ante eam posuere aceti, cuius asperitas visque margaritas resolvit. Exspectante igitur Antonio quidnam esset actura, margaritam, quam auribus gerebat, detraxit et aceto liquefactam absorbuit. Victum Antonium omnes, qui aderant, pronuntiaverunt. Octavianus cum Antonio apud Actium, qui locus est in Epiro, navali proelio dimicavit. Victum et fugientem persecutus Aegyptum petiit, et Alexandream, quo Antonius cum Cleopatra confugerat, obsedit. Antonius in ultima rerum desperatione, cum habitu regis in solio regali sedisset, mortem sibi ipse conscivit. Cleopatra, quam Octavianus, Alexandrea in potestatem redacta, magno opere cupiebat vivam comprehendi triumphoque servari, aspidem sibi adferendam curavit eiusque morsu periit. Cleopatrae mortuae communem cum Antonio sepulturam tribuit. Tandem Octavianus, hostibus victis solus imperio potitus, clementem se exhibuit. Omnia deinceps in eo plena mansuetudinis et humanitatis. Multis ignovit vel iis qui saepe graviter eum offenderant. Reversus in Italiam triumphans Romam ingressus est. Tum bellis toto orbe compositis Iani gemini portas sua manu clausit, quae bis tantum antea clausae fuerant, primum sub Numa rege, iterum post primum Punicum bellum. Tunc omnes praeteritorum malorum oblivio cepit populusque Romanus praesentis otii laetitia perfruebatur. Octaviano maximi honores a senatu delati sunt. Ipse Augustus cognominatus et in honorem eius mensis Sextilis eodem nomine appellatus est, quod illo mense bellis civilibus finis esset impositus. Patris patriae cognomen universi maximo consensu detulerunt ei. Deferentibus lacrimans respondit Augustus his verbis: "Compos factus votorum meorum, patres conscripti, quid habeo aliud, quod deos immortales precer, quam ut hunc consensum vestrum ad ultimum vitae finem mihi perferre liceat!" Dictaturam magna vi offerente populo deprecatus est. Domini appellationem semper exhorruit eamque sibi tribui edicto vetuit. Immo de restituenda re publica non semel cogitavit, sed reputans et se privatum non sine periculo fore, et rem publicam plurium arbitrio commissum iri, summam retinuit potestatem, id vero studuit ne quem novi status paeniteret. Bene de iis etiam, quos adversarios expertus erat, et sentiebat et loquebatur. Legentem aliquando unum e nepotibus invenit; cumque puer territus volumen Ciceronis, quod manu tenebat, veste tegeret, Augustus librum cepit eoque statim reddito, "Hic vir," inquit "fili mi, doctus fuit et patriae amans." Pedibus saepe per urbem incedebat summaque comitate adeuntes excipiebat. Convenit aliquando eum veteranus miles, qui vocatus in ius periclitabatur rogavitque ut sibi adesset. Statim Augustus unum e comitatu suo elegit advocatum, qui litigatorem commendaret. Tum veteranus exclamavit: "At non ego, te periclitante bello Actiaco, vicarium quaesivi, sed ipse pro te pugnavi," simulque detexit cicatrices. Erubuit Augustus atque ipse venit in advocationem. Cum post Actiacam victoriam Octavianus Romam reverteretur, occurrit ei inter gratulantes opifex quidam corvum tenens, quem instituerat haec dicere: "Ave, Caesar, victor, imperator!" Miratus Caesar officiosam avem viginti milibus nummorum emit. Socius opificis, ad quem nihil ex illa liberalitate pervenerat, adfirmavit Caesari habere illum et alium corvum, quem ut adferre cogeretur rogavit. Adlatus verba, quae didicerat, expressit: "Ave, Antoni, victor, imperator!" Nihil exasperatus Caesar satis duxit iubere illum dividere donativum cum contubernali. Salutatus similiter a psittaco emi eum iussit. Exemplum sutorem pauperem sollicitavit ut corvum institueret ad parem salutationem. Qui impendio exhaustus saepe ad avem non respondentem dicere solebat "Opera et impensa periit!" Aliquando tamen corvus coepit dicere dictam salutationem. Hac audita, dum transit, Augustus respondit: "Satis domi talium salutatorum habeo." Superfuit corvo memoria, ut et illa, quibus dominum querentem solebat audire, subtexeret: "Opera et impensa periit." Ad quod Caesar risit emique avem iussit, quanti nullam ante emerat. Solebat Graeculus quidam descendenti e palatio Caesari honorificum aliquod epigramma porrigere. Id cum frustra saepe fecisset et tamen rursus eum idem facturum duxisset Augustus, breve sua manu in charta exaravit Graecum epigramma et Graeculo advenienti obviam misit. Ille inter legendum laudare mirarique tam voce quam vultu gestuque. Deinde cum accessisset ad sellam, qua Caesar vehebatur, demissa in pauperem crumenam manu paucos denarios protulit, quos principi daret, dixitque se plus daturum fuisse, si plus habuisset. Secuto omnium risu, dispensatorem Caesar vocavit et satis grandem pecuniae summam numerari Graeculo iussit. Augustus fere nulli se invitanti negabat. Exceptus igitur a quodam cena satis parca et paene cottidiana, hoc tantum insusurravit: "Non putabam me tibi esse tam familiarem." Cum aliquando apud Pollionem quendam cenaret fregissetque unus e servis vas crystallinum, rapi eum ad mortem Pollio iussit et obici muraenis quas ingens piscina continebat. Evasit e manibus puer et ad pedes Caesaris confugit, nihil aliud petiturus quam ut aliter periret nec esca piscium fieret. Motus est novo crudelitatis genere Caesar et illum quidem mitti, crystallina autem omnia coram se frangi iussit complerique piscinam. Augustus in quadam villa aegrotans noctes inquietas agebat, rumpente somnum eius crebro noctuae cantu. Qua molestia cum liberari se vehementer cupere significasset, miles quidam, aucupii peritus, noctuam prehendendam curavit, vivamque Augusto attulit, spe ingentis praemii. Cui cum Augustus mille nummos dari iussisset, ille minus dignum praemium existimans dicere ausus est: "Malo ut vivat," et avem dimisit. Imperatori nec ad irascendum causa deerat nec ad ulciscendum potestas: hanc tamen iniuriam aequo animo tulit Augustus hominemque impunitum abire passus est. Augustus amicitias neque facile admisit et constantissime retinuit. Imprimis familiarem habuit Maecenatem, equitem Romanum; qui ea, qua apud principem valebat, gratia ita semper usus est, ut prodesset omnibus, quibus posset, noceret nemini. Ius aliquando dicebat Augustus et multos capite damnaturus videbatur. Aderat tum Maecenas, qui per circumstantium turbam perrumpere et ad tribunal propius accedere conabatur. Quod cum frustra tentasset, haec verba in tabella scripsit: "Surge tandem, carnifex!" eamque tabellam ad Augustum proiecit. Qua lecta is statim surrexit neque quisquam est morte multatus. Habitavit Augustus in aedibus modicis, neque laxitate neque cultu conspicuis, ac per annos amplius quadraginta in eodem cubiculo hieme et aestate mansit. Suppellex quoque eius vix privatae elegantiae erat. Raro veste alia usus est quam confecta ab uxore, sorore, filia neptibusque. Item tamen Romam, quam pro maiestate imperii non satis ornatam invenerat, adeo excoluit, ut iure gloriaretur marmoream se relinquere, quam latericiam accepisset. Forma fuit Augustus eximia et per omnes aetatis gradus venustissima. Erat tamen omnis lenocinii neglegens et in capite comendo tam incuriosus, ut eo ipso tempore, quo illud tonsoribus committeret, aut legeret aliquid aut etiam scriberet. Paucis annis antequam moreretur, gravissimam in Germania accepit cladem, tribus legionibus cum duce Varo legatisque et auxiliis omnibus caesis. Hac nuntiata excubias per urbem indixit, ne quis tumultus exsisteret, et magnos ludos Iovi optimo maximo vovit, si res publica in meliorem statum vertisset. Adeo denique consternatum ferunt, ut, per continuos menses barba capilloque submisso, caput interdum foribus inlideret, vociferans: "Quintili Vare, legiones redde!" diemque cladis quotannis maestum habuerit ac lugubrem. Tandem adflicta valetudine in Campaniam concessit, ubi, remisso ad otium animo, nullo hilaritatis genere abstinuit. Supremo vitae die petito speculo capillum sibi comi iussit et amicos circumstantes percontatus ecquid iis videretur mimum vitae commode transegisse, adiecit solitam clausulam: "Edite strepitum vosque omnes cum gaudio applaudite." Obiit Nolae sextum et septuagesimum annum agens. #XXX. Octāviānus Caesar Augustus# [[as printed]] Octāviānus, Iūliae, Gāī Caesaris sorōris, nepōs, quārtum annum agźns patrem āmīsit. Ab avunculō adoptātus profectum eum in Hispāniās[12] adversus Gnaeī Pompźī līberōs secūtus est. Deinde ab eō Apollōniam missus studiīs[13] vacāvit. Utque prīmum occīsum [[104]] Caesarem hźrźdemque sź comperit, in urbem regressus {5} hźrźditātem adiit, nōmen Caesaris sūmpsit conlźctōque veterānōrum exercitū opem Decimō[1] Brūtō tulit, quī ab Antōniō Mutinae obsidźbātur. Cum autem urbis aditū prohibźrźtur, ut Brūtum dź omnibus rźbus certiōrem faceret, prīmō lītterās {10} mīsit plumbeīs[2] lāminīs īnscrīptās, quās ad bracchium[3] religātās ūrīnātōrźs[4] Scultennam amnem trānsnantźs[5] ad Brūtum dźferźbant. Quīn et avibus internūntiīs ūtźbātur. Columbīs[6] enim, quās inclūsās ante famź[7] adfźcerat, {15} epistulās ad collum religābat eāsque ā proximō moenibus locō źmittźbat. Illae, lūcis cibīque avidae, altissima aedificiōrum petentźs excipiźbantur ā Decimō Brūtō, quī eō modō dź omnibus rźbus certior fīźbat, utique[8] postquam dispositō quibusdam locīs cibō columbās illūc dźvolāre īnstituerat. {20} [Illustration: YOUNG AUGUSTUS] Bellum Mutinźnse Octāviānus duōbus proeliīs cōnfźcit, quōrum in alterō nōn ducis modo, sed mīlitis etiam fūnctus est officiō atque in mediā dīmicātiōne, aquiliferō legiōnis suae graviter sauciō,[9] aquilam umerīs subīsse diūque fertur portāsse. Posteā reconciliātā cum Antōniō grātiā[10]iūnctīsque cum eō cōpiīs, ut {25} Gāī Caesaris necem ulcīscerźtur, ad urbem hostīliter accessit mīsitque quī nōmine exercitūs sibi cōnsulātum dźpōscerent. Cunctante senātū centuriō, prīnceps lźgātiōnis, rźiectō sagulō,[11] ostendźns gladiī capulum[12] nōn dubitāvit[13] in Cūriā dīcere: "Hīc faciet, sī vōs nōn fźceritis." {30} Ita cum Octāviānus vīcźsimō aetātis annō cōnsulātum invāsisset, pācem fźcit cum Antōniō et Lepidō, ita ut triumvirī reī [[105]] pūblicae cōnstituendae per quīnquennium essent ipse et Lepidus et Antōnius, et ut suōs quisque inimīcōs prōscrīberent. Quae prōscrīptiō Sullānā longź crūdźlior fuit. Exstant autem ex eā {35} multa vel extrźmae impietātis vel mīrae fideī āc cōnstantiae exempla. T. Tōranius, triumvirōrum partźs secūtus, prōscrīptī patris suī, praetōriī et ōrnātī virī, latebrās, aetātem notāsque[1] corporis, quibus āgnōscī posset, centuriōnibus źdidit, quī eum persecūtī sunt. Alius quīdam cum prōscrīptum sź cōgnōvisset, {40} ad clientem suum cōnfūgit; sed fīlius źius per ipsa vźstīgia patris mīlitibus ductīs occīdendum eum in cōnspectū suō obiźcit. Cum C. Plōtius Plancus ā triumvirīs prōscrīptus in regiōne Salernitānā[2] latźret, servī źius, comprehźnsī multumque āc diū tortī,[3] negābant sź scīre ubi dominus esset. Nōn sustinuit deinde Plancus tam fidźlźs tamque bonī exemplī servōs ulterius cruciārī; sed prōcessit in medium iugulumque gladiīs mīlitum obiźcit. {47} Senātōris cūiusdam servus cum ad dominum prōscrīptum occīdendum mīlitźs advźnisse cōgnōsset, commūtātā cum eō veste, permūtātō etiam ānulō, illum postīcō[4] clam źmīsit, sź autem in {50} cubiculum ad lectulum[5] recźpit et ut dominum occīdī passus est. "Quantī[6] virī est" addit Seneca,[7] "cum praemia prōditiōnis ingentia ostendantur, praemium fideī mortem concupīscere!" Octāviānus deinde M. Brūtum, interfectōrem Caesaris, bellō persecūtus id bellum, quamquam invalidus atque aeger, duplicī {55} proeliō trānsźgit; quōrum priōre castrīs exūtus[8] vix fugā źvāsit. Victor acerbissimź sź gessit: in nōbilissimum quemque captīvum nōn sine verbōrum contumźliā saeviit. Ūnī suppliciter sepultūram precantī respondisse dīcitur iam istam in volucrum fore potestāte. Aliōs, patrem et fīlium, prō vītā rogantźs sortīrī {60} fertur iussisse ut alterutrī[9] concźderźtur, ac cum, patre quia [[106]] sź obtulerat occīsō, fīlius quoque voluntāriā occubuisset nece, spectāsse utrumque morientem. Ōrāre veniam vel excūsāre sź cōnantibus, ūnā vōce occurrźbat[1] moriendum esse. Scrībunt quīdam trecentōs ex dźditīciīs[2] źlźctōs ad āram dīvō[3] Iūliō {65} exstrūctam Īdibus Mārtiīs hostiārum[4] mōre mactātōs.[5] Abaliźnātus posteā est ab Antōniō, quod is, repudiātā Octāviā sorōre, Cleopatram, Aegyptī rźgīnam, dūxisset uxōrem: quae quidem mulier cum Antōniō lūxū et dźliciīs[6] certābat. Ūnā sź cźnā centiźs[7] sźstertium absūmptūram aliquandō dīxerat. Cupiźbat {70} dīscere Antōnius, sed fierī posse nōn arbitrābātur. Posterō igitur diź māgnificam[8] aliās cźnam, sed cottīdiānam Antōniō apposuit inrīdentī, quod prōmissō stāre nōn potuisset. At illa īnferrī mźnsam[9] secundam iussit. Ex praeceptō ministrī ūnum tantum {74} vās ante eam posuźre acźtī,[10] cūius asperitās vīsque margarītās[11] resolvit.[12] Exspectante igitur Antōniō quidnam esset āctūra, margarītam, quam auribus gerźbat, dźtrāxit et acźtō liquefactam absorbuit. Victum Antōnium omnźs, quī aderant, prōnūntiāvźrunt. {78} Octāviānus cum Antōniō apud Actium, quī locus est in Źpīrō, {80} nāvālī proeliō dīmicāvit. Victum et fugientem persecūtus Aegyptum petiit, et Alexandrźam, quō Antōnius cum Cleopatrā cōnfūgerat, obsźdit. Antōnius in ultimā rźrum dźspźrātiōne, cum habitū rźgis in soliō[13] rźgālī sźdisset, mortem sibi ipse cōnscīvit. Cleopatra, quam Octāviānus, Alexandrźā in potestātem redāctā, {85} māgnō opere cupiźbat vīvam comprehendī triumphōque servārī, aspidem[14] sibi adferendam cūrāvit źiusque morsū periit. Cleopatrae mortuae commūnem cum Antōniō sepultūram tribuit. [[107]] Tandem Octāviānus, hostibus victīs sōlus imperiō potītus, clźmentem sź exhibuit.[1] Omnia deinceps in eō plźna mānsuźtūdinis[2] et hūmānitātis. Multīs īgnōvit vel iīs quī saepe graviter {91} eum offenderant. Reversus in Ītaliam triumphāns Rōmam ingressus est. Tum bellīs tōtō orbe compositīs Iānī geminī portās suā manū clausit, quae bis tantum anteā clausae fuerant, prīmum sub Numā rźge, iterum post prīmum Pūnicum bellum. Tunc {95} omnźs praeteritōrum malōrum oblīviō cźpit populusque Rōmānus praesentis ōtiī laetitiā perfruźbātur. Octāviānō māximī honōrźs ā senātū dźlātī sunt. Ipse Augustus cōgnōminātus et in honōrem źius mźnsis Sextīlis[3] eōdem nōmine appellātus est, quod illō mźnse bellīs cīvīlibus fīnis esset impositus. Patris patriae {100} cōgnōmen ūniversī māximō cōnsźnsū dźtulźrunt eī. Dźferentibus lacrimāns respondit Augustus hīs verbīs: "Compos[4] factus vōtōrum meōrum, patrźs conscrīptī, quid habeō aliud, quod deōs immortālźs precer, quam ut hunc cōnsźnsum vestrum ad ultimum vītae fīnem mihi perferre liceat!" {105} Dictātūram māgnā vī offerente populō dźprecātus est. Dominī appellātiōnem semper exhorruit eamque sibi tribuī źdictō vetuit. Immō[5] dź restituendā rź pūblicā nōn semel cōgitāvit, sed reputāns et sź prīvātum nōn sine perīculō fore, et rem pūblicam plūrium arbitriō commissum[6] īrī, summam retinuit potestātem, {110} id vźrō studuit nź quem novī statūs paenitźret. Bene dź iīs etiam, quōs adversāriōs expertus erat, et sentiźbat et loquźbātur. Legentem aliquandō ūnum ź nepōtibus invźnit; cumque puer territus volūmen Cicerōnis, quod manū tenźbat, veste tegeret, Augustus librum cźpit eōque statim redditō, "Hīc vir," inquit {115} "fīlī mī, doctus fuit et patriae amāns." [[108]] Pedibus saepe per urbem incźdźbat summāque cōmitāte adeuntźs excipiźbat. Convźnit[1] aliquandō eum veterānus mīles, quī vocātus in iūs perīclitābātur rogāvitque ut sibi adesset. Statim Augustus ūnum ź comitātū[2] suō źlźgit advocātum, quī lītigātōrem commendāret. Tum veterānus exclāmāvit: "At nōn ego, {121} tź perīclitante bellō Actiacō, vicārium[3] quaesīvī, sed ipse prō tź pūgnāvī," simulque dźtźxit cicātrīcźs.[4] Źrubuit[5] Augustus atque ipse vźnit in advocātiōnem. Cum post Actiacam victōriam Octāviānus Rōmam reverterźtur, {125} occurrit eī inter grātulantźs opifex[6] quīdam corvum[7] tenźns, quem īnstituerat haec dīcere: "Avź,[8] Caesar, victor, imperātor!" Mīrātus Caesar officiōsam avem vīgintī mīlibus nummōrum[9] źmit. Socius opificis, ad quem nihil ex illā līberālitāte pervźnerat, adfīrmāvit Caesarī habźre illum et alium corvum, quem ut adferre cōgerźtur rogāvit. Adlātus verba, quae didicerat, expressit: {131} "Avź, Antōnī, victor, imperātor!" Nihil exasperātus Caesar satis dūxit iubźre illum dīvidere dōnātīvum[10] cum contubernālī. Salūtātus similiter ā psittacō[11] emī eum iussit. Exemplum sūtōrem[12] pauperem sollicitāvit ut corvum īnstitueret ad parem salūtātiōnem. Quī impendiō[13] exhaustus saepe ad {136} avem nōn respondentem dīcere solźbat "Opera et impźnsa[13] periit[14]!" Aliquandō tamen corvus coepit dīcere dictam salūtātiōnem. Hāc audītā, dum trānsit, Augustus respondit: "Satis domī tālium salūtātōrum habeō." Superfuit corvō memoria, ut {140} et illa, quibus dominum querentem solźbat audīre, subtexeret[15]: "Opera et impźnsa periit." Ad quod Caesar rīsit emīque avem iussit, quantī[16] nūllam ante źmerat. Solźbat Graeculus quīdam dźscendentī ź palātiō Caesarī honōrificum aliquod epigramma porrigere.[17] Id cum frūstrā saepe fźcisset {145} [[109]] et tamen rūrsus eum idem factūrum dūxisset Augustus, breve suā manū in chartā[1] exarāvit[2] Graecum epigramma et Graeculō advenientī obviam mīsit. Ille inter legendum laudāre[3] mīrārīque[3] tam[4] vōce quam[4] vultū gestūque. Deinde cum accessisset {149} ad sellam, quā Caesar vehźbātur, dźmissā in pauperem crumźnam[5] manū paucōs dźnāriōs[6] prōtulit, quōs prīncipī daret, dīxitque sź plūs datūrum fuisse, sī plūs habuisset. Secūtō omnium rīsū, dispźnsātōrem[7] Caesar vocāvit et satis grandem pecūniae summam numerārī Graeculō iussit. Augustus ferź nūllī sź invītantī negābat. Exceptus igitur ā {155} quōdam cźnā satis parcā et paene cottīdiānā, hōc tantum īnsusurrāvit[8]: "Nōn putābam mź tibi esse tam familiārem." Cum aliquandō apud Pōlliōnem quendam cźnāret frźgissetque ūnus ź servīs vās crystallinum, rapī eum ad mortem Pōlliō iussit et {159} obicī mūraenīs[9] quās ingźns piscīna[10] continźbat. Źvāsit ź manibus puer et ad pedźs Caesaris cōnfūgit, nihil aliud petītūrus quam ut aliter perīret nec źsca[11] piscium fieret. Mōtus est novō crūdźlitātis genere Caesar et illum quidem mittī,[12] crystallina autem omnia cōram sź frangī iussit complźrīque piscīnam. Augustus in quādam vīllā aegrōtāns noctźs inquiźtās agźbat, {165} rumpente somnum źius crźbrō noctuae[13] cantū. Quā molestiā cum līberārī sź vehementer cupere sīgnificāsset, mīles quīdam, aucupiī perītus, noctuam prehendendam cūrāvit, vīvamque Augustō attulit, spź ingentis praemiī. Cuī cum Augustus mīlle nummōs[14] darī {169} iussisset, ille minus dīgnum praemium exīstimāns dīcere ausus est: "Mālō ut vīvat," et avem dīmīsit. Imperātōrī nec ad īrāscendum causa deerat nec ad ulcīscendum potestās: hanc tamen iniūriam aequō animō tulit Augustus hominemque impūnītum abīre passus est. [[110]] Augustus amīcitiās neque facile admīsit et cōnstantissimź retinuit. Imprīmīs familiārem habuit Maecźnātem, equitem Rōmānum; {175} quī eā, quā apud prīncipem valźbat, grātiā ita semper ūsus est, ut prōdesset omnibus, quibus posset, nocźret nźminī. Iūs aliquandō dīcźbat Augustus et multōs capite damnātūrus vidźbātur. Aderat tum Maecźnās, quī per circumstantium turbam perrumpere et {180} ad tribūnal propius accźdere cōnābātur. Quod cum frūstrā tentāsset, haec verba in tabellā scrīpsit: "Surge tandem, carnifex[1]!" eamque tabellam ad Augustum prōiźcit. Quā lźctā is statim surrźxit {185} neque quisquam est morte multātus. [Illustration: AUGUSTUS] Habitāvit Augustus in aedibus modicīs, neque laxitāte[2] neque cultū[3] cōnspicuīs, ac per annōs amplius quadrāgintā in eōdem cubiculō hieme et aestāte {190} mānsit. Suppellex[4] quoque źius vix prīvātae źlegantiae erat. Rārō veste aliā ūsus est quam cōnfectā ab uxōre, sorōre, fīliā neptibusque.[5] Item tamen Rōmam, quam prō māiestāte imperiī nōn {195} satis ōrnātam invźnerat, adeō excoluit, ut iūre glōriārźtur marmoream sź relinquere, quam laterīciam[6] accźpisset. Fōrmā fuit Augustus eximiā et per omnźs aetātis gradūs venustissimā. Erat tamen omnis lźnōciniī[7] neglegźns et in capite cōmendō tam incūriōsus, ut eō ipsō tempore, quō illud tōnsōribus committeret, aut legeret aliquid aut etiam scrīberet. {201} Paucīs annīs antequam morerźtur, gravissimam in Germāniā accźpit clādem, tribus legiōnibus cum duce Vārō lźgātīsque et [[111]] auxiliīs omnibus caesīs. Hāc nūntiātā excubiās[1] per urbem {204} indīxit, nź quis tumultus exsisteret, et māgnōs lūdōs Iovī optimō māximō vōvit, sī rźs pūblica in meliōrem statum vertisset. Adeō dźnique[2] cōnsternātum ferunt, ut, per continuōs mźnsźs barbā capillōque submissō,[3] caput interdum foribus inlīderet, vōciferāns: "Quīntilī Vāre, legiōnźs redde!" diemque clādis quotannīs maestum habuerit ac lūgubrem. {210} Tandem adflīctā valźtūdine in Campāniam concessit, ubi, remissō ad ōtium animō, nūllō hilaritātis genere abstinuit. Suprźmō vītae diź petītō speculō[4] capillum sibi cōmī iussit et amīcōs circumstantźs percontātus ecquid iīs vidźrźtur mīmum[5] vītae commodź trānsźgisse, adiźcit solitam clausulam[6]: "Źdite strepitum {215} vōsque omnźs cum gaudiō applaudite." Obiit Nōlae sextum et septuāgźsimum annum agźns. [Footnotes: XXX (pages 103-111) 103.12: See Vocab., _Hispānia_. 103.13: #studiīs vacābat#: 'had time for (i.e. devoted himself to) study.' 104.1: At Caesar's death he was governor of Cisalpine Gaul. Antony carried a law allotting this province to himself, and then undertook to expel Brutus. 104.2: #plumbeīs lāminīs#: 'leaden plates.' 104.3: 'arm.' 104.4: 'divers.' 104.5: 'by swimming across.' 104.6: 'doves.' 104.7: 'hunger.' 104.8: 'especially.' 104.9: '(being) wounded.' 104.10: = _amīcitiā_. 104.11: 'cloak.' 104.12: 'hilt.' 104.13: 'hesitate.' 105.1: 'marks.' 105.2: 'of Salernum,' a town in Campania; the modern Salerno. 105.3: 'though tortured.' 105.4: 'by a back door.' 105.5: 'couch.' 105.6: #Quantī . . . est#: 'What marvelous manhood it shows.' 105.7: A philosopher of the first century A.D. 105.8: 'stripped of.' 105.9: 'to one or the other,' i.e. to one, but not to both. 106.1: 'he met,' i.e. he answered. 106.2: 'prisoners of war.' Cf. _dźdere_, 'to surrender.' 106.3: Julius Caesar, like the later emperors, was deified after his death. 106.4: 'sacrificial victims.' 106.5: 'slaughtered.' 106.6: 'pleasure.' 106.7: #centiźs# (sc. _centźna mīlia_) #sźstertium# = 'ten million sesterces,' or about four hundred thousand dollars. Cf. p. 88, n. 8. 106.8: #māgnificam . . . Antōniō#: 'under other circumstances truly splendid, but to Antony quite commonplace.' 106.9: 'course.' 106.10: 'vinegar.' 106.11: 'pearls.' 106.12: 'melts,' 'dissolves.' 106.13: 'throne.' 106.14: 'asp.' 107.1: = _ostendit_. 107.2: 'gentleness.' 107.3: 'the sixth,' counting from March, with which, it is said, the Roman year originally began. 107.4: #Compos . . . meōrum#: 'Now that I have gained my heart's desire,' which had been to avenge his uncle's death. 107.5: 'Nay.' 107.6: #commissum īrī# is fut. infin. pass. of _committō_, and = 'was sure to be (lit. was going to be) handed over,' i.e. if he resigned. 108.1: 'met.' 108.2: 'retinue.' 108.3: 'substitute.' 108.4: 'wounds.' 108.5: 'blushed.' 108.6: 'artisan.' 108.7: 'raven.' 108.8: 'Hail!' 108.9: = _sźstertiōrum_. 108.10: = _dōnum_. 108.11: 'parrot.' 108.12: 'cobbler.' 108.13: 'outlay.' 108.14: 'have come to naught.' 108.15: 'added': lit., 'wove in.' 108.16: #quantī . . . źmerat#: 'at a higher price than he had paid before.' 108.17: 'offer.' 109.1: 'paper.' 109.2: 'scratched off,' 'wrote.' 109.3: Examples of the historical infinitive, so called because it is especially common in historical writing. It is to be translated by an imperfect or perfect indicative. 109.4: = _et . . . et_. 109.5: 'purse.' 109.6: 'francs.' 109.7: 'steward.' 109.8: 'whispered.' 109.9: 'eels.' 109.10: 'fish-pond.' 109.11: 'food.' 109.12: 'freed.' 109.13: 'night-owl.' 109.14: = _sźstertiōs_. 110.1: 'executioner,' 'butcher.' 110.2: 'size.' 110.3: 'style.' 110.4: 'furniture.' 110.5: 'granddaughters.' 110.6: 'made of brick.' 110.7: 'finery.' 111.1: #excubiās . . . indīxit#: 'ordered watches to be set.' 111.2: Often used like our 'to cut a long story short,' 'in short.' 111.3: #barbā . . . submissō#: 'letting his beard grow.' 111.4: 'mirror' (of metal, generally bronze or silver). 111.5: 'comedy.' 111.6: 'conclusion.' Latin plays regularly close with an appeal of the actors to the spectators to grant them 'loud and prolonged applause.'] [Illustration {SPQR}] EXERCISES FOR TRANSLATION INTO LATIN Words in round brackets are not to be translated; those in square brackets indicate the Latin rendering. Note the 'Caution' on p. xxv. The section numbers refer to the selections. I. #Apposition.# 1. Proca left his kingdom to his older son, Numitor. 2. Romulus and Remus were the sons of Rhea Silvia, a priestess of Vesta. 3. The boys were thrown into the river. 4. A shepherd of the king[1] carried them to his hut. 5. Who was the grandfather of these boys? 6. Remus, when grown,[2] was caught by (some) robbers.[3] 7. They thus accused him: "You have trespassed on the king's lands." 8. A dispute arose between the brothers. 9. Romulus said: "I shall give my name to the new city." 10. Which of them leaped over the wall? [Footnotes: 1: Use adj. 2: See p. 2, n. 19. 3: H. 468 (415, I); M. 614; A 246; G 401; B 216.] II. #Agreement of adjectives, pronouns, and participles.# 1. Robbers and shepherds took refuge in[1] the city which Romulus had founded. 2. These were the fathers of the Romans. 3. The envoys that the king sent were nowhere kindly received. 4. The tribes to which he sent did not seek an alliance. 5. Many of those who gathered had not seen Rome. 6. The maidens whom they seized were the children of the Sabines, who now undertook war. 7. (While) advancing to battle, the Romans carried (their) shields on (their) left arms. 8. The Sabines killed Hostilius (while he was) fighting very bravely. 9. The Romans fell fighting bravely. 10. They founded a temple in honor[2] of Romulus and worshiped him as a god. [Footnotes: 1: _ad_ with acc. 2: See p. 8, n. 1.] III. #Expressions of place; extent of time.# 1. Who succeeded Romulus? Numa Pompilius. 2. From what city did he come? From Cures, [from] a city of the Sabines. 3. What did he do at Rome? 4. He established many religious customs and had many useful laws passed. 5. A shield once slipped down from the sky. 6. (There) was a smith in Rome[1] who made twelve shields of the same shape. 7. The Romans had peace (for) forty-three years. 8. No temple was erected in honor of Numa, but he was of more use to the state than Romulus. [Footnote: 1: Locative case.] IV. #Ablative absolute; locatives of common nouns.# 1. At the death of Numa [Numa having died] the Romans elected a more warlike king. 2. War[1] having broken[1] out between the Romans and the Sabines, the dispute was settled by a contest between [of] the Curiatii and the Horatii. 3. The young men took up arms and [arms having been taken up][1] advanced to battle. 4. At a given[2] signal,[2] with drawn swords, they rushed together. 5. As the two Romans fell [the two Romans falling], the Alban army shouted for joy. 6. The sister of Horatius began to weep when she saw her lover's cloak. 7. He drew his sword and stabbed the girl who forgot [having forgotten] her brothers and her country. 8. When Tullus learned of the treachery of the Alban general, in anger[3] he ordered him to be put to death. 9. Then war was declared against the Sabines.[4] 10. Very many young men were in military service, a few were at home. 11. Tullus[5] Hostilius, who succeeded Numa, liked war [war pleased] rather than peace. [Footnotes: 1: See p. 1, n. 4. 2: See p. 5, l. 12. [[in selection II]] 3: Use participle. 4: H. 429 (386); M. 534; A. 228; G. 347; B. 187, III. 5: H. 426, 1 (385, I); M. 531; A. 227; G. 346; B. 187, II.] V. #Ablative of specification; dative with compounds.# 1. Ancus Marcius, the fourth king, was like Numa[1] in justice and piety, but was more warlike. 2. During[2] his reign[2] a raid was made on the Roman territory by the Latins. 3. When the king heard of this [which having been learned], he declared war against them. 4. Having defeated the Latins, he destroyed their towns and transferred the citizens to Rome. 5. Romulus had built a wall around the city, but this wall was larger. 6. Of these four kings of Rome, two were distinguished in war, two in peace. [Footnotes: 1: H. 434 (391, I); M. 536; A. 234; G. 359; B. 192, 1. 2: Abl. abs.] VI. #Direct and indirect questions.# 1. Tarquin came from Etruria, a city of the Etruscans. 2. When Ancus died,[2] Tarquin was made guardian of his children. 3. Thus he obtained the throne. 4. (There) was at Rome a celebrated augur. 5. The king once asked him whether he could cut a whetstone with a razor. Can[1] you cut a whetstone with a razor? 7. You cannot[2] cut a whetstone with a razor, can you? 8. The sons of Ancus asked the shepherds whether they could commit a crime. 9. Can you commit a crime? 10. The shepherds entered[3] the palace and[3] began to bawl out. 11. One of them killed the king with an axe. 12. Does not this seem to you an atrocious crime? [Footnotes: 1: H. 378, 2 (351, 1, N. 1); M. 698; A. 210, _a_; G. 454; B. 162, _c_. 2: H. 378 (351, 1, N. 3); M. 701; A. 210, _c_; G. 456; B. 162, _b_. 3: See p. 2, n. 8.] VII. #Ablative of source; ablative of quality.# 1. At the death of Tarquin, Servius Tullius succeeded to the throne. 2. He was born of a woman[1] of rank, who, however, was a slave in Tarquin's house. 3. On the advice of Tanaquil [Tanaquil advising] he was brought up just as the children of the king. 4. He was a young man of great bravery,[1] and became the king's son-in-law. 5. One of Tullius's daughters was gentle, the other wild. 6. Tarquin's sons were of like character. 7. The king was slain by order of his own son-in-law. 8. Tullia was a woman of base character and did not love her father. 9. The people asked Tullia what she had done.[2] [Footnotes: 1: Abl. Why? 2: See p. 3, n. 2.] VIII. #Temporal clauses with _cum_; ablative of price.# 1. The city of Gabii could not be captured by Tarquin. 2. When Sextus had been chosen general, he sent a messenger to his father. 3. When he learned of the silence[1] and act of his father, he killed the chief men of the state. 4. When each of the young men praised his own wife, it was decided to find out who was the best. 5. When Lucretia had summoned her husband[1] and father,[1] she killed herself with a knife. 6. An old woman once asked Tarquin whether he wished to buy some books at an enormous price. 7. At first Tarquin ridiculed her, but, after she had burned six books, he bought the remaining three at the same price. [Footnote: 1: Abl. abs.] IX. #Causal clauses with _cum_; purpose clauses with _ut_.# 1. Since his brother had been killed, Brutus feared the same fate, for he was a young man of great sagacity. 2. He set out for Delphi with Tarquin's sons. 3. When they had consulted the oracle, they returned to Rome. 4. The Romans chose Brutus and Collatinus, the son of the sister of Tarquin the Elder, consuls. 5. As the sons of Brutus were traitors, they were put to death. 6. In order to regain[1] his throne, Tarquin undertook war. 7. Brutus, who had gone ahead with the cavalry to[2] reconnoitre,[2] met the enemy. 8. Brutus and Aruns fell in the first charge. 9. Since one consul had been slain, the other returned to the city alone. [Footnotes: 1: See p. 1, l. 3 and n. 5. 2: Express in two ways; cf. l. 30, and #ageret#, l. 26.] X. #Causal clauses with _quod_.# 1. Mucius received permission to go over [of going over] to the enemy, because (as he said) he wished to kill the king. 2. Because he did not know which was[1] the king, he killed the clerk. 3. To punish the hand which had committed the crime, he placed it on a lighted altar. 4. After this he was called Scaevola. [Footnote: 1: See p. 3, n. 2.] XI. #Dative of possessor; construction with _paenitet_.# 1. The Veientes harassed the Romans with repeated raids. 2. The Fabian gens proposed [had in mind] to carry on the war at its own expense. 3. The senate thanked the consul because he had provided for this war. 4. When they arrived at the river Cremera, they established a fortified post and repeatedly routed the enemy. 5. The Veientes soon repented of the peace they had secured and renewed the war. 6. The Fabians roamed about in order to lay waste the enemy's territory. 7. They were entrapped in an ambush and all slain. XII. #Relative clauses of purpose.# 1. I intend to write about the crime of Appius Claudius, the Decemvir. 2. He fell in love with a beautiful girl, and, when he found that he could not entice her with money, he claimed her as a slave [for slavery]. 3. He sent one of his clients to the market place to carry[1] her off by force. 4. The girl's friends sent a messenger to carry the news[1] to her father Virginius, who was then away on military duty. 5. Virginius immediately returned to Rome and sought the aid of the people. 6. When he saw that there was no aid anywhere, he seized a knife and killed his daughter. 7. Appius then repented of his crime. [Footnote: 1: See p. 5, n. 3.] XIII. #Complementary infinitive; genitive with _oblivīscor_; hortatory subjunctive.# 1. The tribune of the plebs appointed a day for (the trial of) Manlius, because with great severity he had banished his son to the country. 2. When his son Titus heard of this design of the tribune, he hastened to Rome and forced him to abandon the charge. 3. Such [this] filial devotion reflected great credit on the young man, and his father repented of his harshness. 4. Afterwards, when the Gauls were carrying on war with the Romans, a Gaul of enormous size wanted to fight with the bravest Roman. 5. "Let him come on," said Titus Manlius, who was now tribune of the soldiers, "that I may show him which of us is the braver." 6. Between the two lines they joined[1] in close[1] combat,[1] and with a stroke or two of his Spanish sword he thrust through his gigantic foe. 7. Having stripped a necklace from the Gaul, he was afterwards called Torquatus. 8. The son of this same Torquatus, without the consent of the consul, his father, met and conquered a Latin in a single combat. 9. When he returned to camp, his father ordered him to be put to death because he had disobeyed[2] his commander. 10. The young man's companions did not forget the father's cruelty. 11. Cornelius Piso was also a man of great sternness. 12. He once ordered a soldier to be put to death on the charge of murdering a comrade. 13. The comrade had not been murdered and soon appeared in camp. 14. When they returned to Piso with great rejoicing, he angrily ordered both the comrades and the centurion who had been placed in charge of the execution to be put to death. 15. Another Manlius was guilty of [showed] like cruelty toward his son. 16. The Macedonians sent ambassadors to complain[3] about his son Silanus. 17. Manlius wanted to try the case himself, and this was granted by the senate. 18. After he had heard both sides of the case, he forbade his son to return to his home. 19. The next day[4] the young man committed[5] suicide.[5] [Footnotes: 1: See p. 11, l. 14. [[in selection IV]] 2: The reason is that of the father, not the writer. 3: Cf. #conquestum#, l. 82, with #quī dźpōsceret#, XII, l. 7, and express in two ways. 4: H. 486 (429); M. 630; A. 256; G. 393; B. 230. 5: See XII, l. 30.] XIV. #Construction of _medius_, _summus_, etc.# 1. The consul sent Publius Decius to get possession of the summit of a hill. 2. When the consul had escaped, he led his army in safety through the midst of [middle] enemies. 3. In the Latin war he sacrificed himself in order to save his army. 4. Let us never forget this brave man. XV. #Indirect quotation of simple sentences; ablative with _opus_.# 1. "The Samnites are our enemies," said Curius; "let us set out against them." 2. Immediately he set out, and, having[1] conquered[1] the Samnites,[1] he took a large amount of land and many captives [men]. 3. He swore (that there) was[2] none [nothing] of the booty in his house. 4. Cicero says (that) the Samnites brought [to have brought] a great weight of gold to Curius. 5. Curius scorned[1] their gold[1] (and) said that he could not be bribed. 6. He told the senate that he was contented with seven jugera of land. 7. He afterwards sold into slavery a young man who refused to serve in the army [military service]. 8. The young man saw that the tribunes could not help him [not to be able to be for an aid to him]. 9. After he had destroyed the army of Pyrrhus, he returned to Rome in triumph [triumphing]. 10. It is said that Pyrrhus was slain by a woman of Argos.[3] 11. So the Romans[4] did not need the aid[5] of Curius again. [Footnotes: 1: Abl. abs. 2: See p. 7, n. 16. 3: Use adj. 4: Dat. of poss. 5: Cf. #cīve#, l. 22.] XVI. #_Nź_ with verbs of fearing; ablative with _ūtor_.# 1. It is said that Duilius was the first to conquer the Carthaginians in a naval battle. 2. He used grappling[1] irons[1] to seize and hold the enemy's ships. 3. He saw that with this useful contrivance the Romans would have an easy victory [victory to be about to be easy to the Romans]. 4. He now set[2] out boldly into the midst[3] of the enemy's fleet, and captured many of their ships. 5. The Romans were pleased with this victory. 6. The Carthaginians feared that the Romans would now be supreme on land and sea. 7. Hannibal, the leader of the Carthaginians, by a shrewd trick escaped punishment for losing his fleet. [Footnotes: 1: Cf. #quō#, p. 36, l. 4 and n. 10. 2: Use participle. 3: See Ex. XIV, sentence 2.] XVII. #Gerundive with _esse_; ablative of separation; ablative with comparatives.# 1. After the Carthaginians had been defeated by Regulus, Hanno came to negotiate[1] [about] peace. 2. The Roman soldiers saw that[2] he had come[2] treacherously and was not in earnest in his negotiations [did not negotiate seriously]. 3. Hanno was afraid that[3] he would be arrested and put in chains. 4. Regulus relieved him of his fear[4] and told him that the Romans did not wish to retaliate. 5. In Africa, Regulus[5] had[6] to fight not only with men, but also with an enormous serpent. 6. As its scales could not be pierced by javelins, Regulus was compelled to use the artillery. 7. In this way the monster was crushed. 8. When Regulus learned that the senate had extended his command to the next year, he asked that his successor should be sent at once.[7] 9. He said that he had lost his slave and farming implements and that his wife and children had no means of support [he had nothing whence his wife and children should be supported]. 10. The senate relieved him of this anxiety. 11. After he had defeated the Carthaginians in many battles, Regulus himself was defeated and captured. 12. It is said that he was sent from Carthage to Rome to negotiate an exchange of [about exchanging] prisoners. 13. When the senate ordered him to state his opinion, he said that the Carthaginian captives ought not to be returned. 14. He thought that they were better generals than the Romans.[8] 15. As[9] he had given[9] his oath,[9] he returned to Carthage and was put to death with terrible torture. [Footnotes: 1: Several forms of expressing purpose have been used in the text. Express this in as many ways as you can. 2: See p. 7, n. 16. 3: See p. 38, n. 12. 4: Abl. Why? 5: H. 431 (388); M. 544; A. 232; G. 355; B. 189, 1. 6: See p. 39, n. 11. 7: #statim.# 8: See #Āfrīs#, l. 10, and note. 9: Abl. abs.] XVIII. #Ablative of time.# 1. Appius Claudius was no[1] better than the preceding generals, who did not boast that they would sink the enemy's fleet (on) the first day[2] of the war. 2. The chicken-keeper informed him that the chickens would not [to be unwilling to] eat. 3. "Let[3] them drink then," said Appius, and ordered them to be plunged into the sea. 4. That very [self] day he was defeated, and many thousands of the Romans slain. 5. He afterwards committed suicide, for he knew that he would be put to death by the people. 6. Upon his sister, too, a heavy fine had[4] to be imposed. [Footnotes: 1: See XVII, l. 10, and note. 2: Cf. Ex. XIII, sent. 19. 3: Cf. Ex. XIII, sent. 5. 4: Cf. Ex. XVII, sent. 5.] XIX. #Purpose clauses with _quō_; ablative with _potior_; unreal conditions; _quīn_ clauses; ablative with _dīgnus_.# 1. It is said that Hannibal, when a boy of nine years, took an oath of undying hatred toward the Romans. 2. On the death of his father, he stirred up war by capturing Saguntum [Saguntum captured]. 3. Fabius said that he carried peace and war in his toga. 4. "Give which you please," replied the Carthaginians. 5. "I give war," said Fabius. ["War," said Fabius, "I give."] 6. After three Roman consuls had been defeated by Hannibal, Fabius was sent against him. 7. Changing[1] the policy[1] of the war, he held his soldiers in camp, and did not come to an engagement with the enemy. 8. When, on account of some trifling successes, his soldiers had begun to have more confidence in their valor and fortune, he blockaded Hannibal in a narrow pass. 9. Fabius thought that he could not escape. 10. But Hannibal knew how[2] cautious Fabius was,[3] and got out (of the trap) without any loss. 11. Minucius,[4] the master of horse, did not like the policy of Fabius. 12. He made charges against the dictator in order to obtain greater authority[5] himself. 13. When he had joined battle, he had to be rescued from his peril by Fabius. 14. Minucius now confessed that the policy of Fabius was better than his own. 15. They say that some young men of rank betrayed Tarentum to Hannibal. 16. In the middle of the night the gates were opened and the young men entered, followed by Hannibal [Hannibal following] with his army. 17. Fabius recaptured Tarentum the same[6] year[6] it was lost. 18. If he had not used cunning he would not have recaptured it. 19. When an old man, Fabius, at the command of a lictor, dismounted from a horse which he was riding out of respect for the rank of his son, then consul. 20. "If you were not consul," said he, "I should not dismount." 21. No one doubts that Fabius was worthy of the name _Maximus_. 22. At that time the Romans needed[7] a cautious general. [Footnotes: 1: Abl. abs. 2: #quam.# 3: See p. 3, n. 2. 4: Cf. l. 43. 5: Cf. #Tarentō#, l. 58, and note. 6: See l. 88, and Ex. XVIII, n. 4. 7: See Ex. XV, sent. 11.] XX. #Subjunctive of result; dative with special verbs; partitive genitive.# 1. Varro was so rash that,[1] although he was opposed by his colleague, he formed[1] his army in line and gave[1] the signal for battle. 2. In the midst of the carnage a certain military tribune urged[2] Paulus to take[2] his horse and flee.[2] 3. But Paulus said that he preferred to perish with his soldiers. 4. When the Carthaginians heard of Hannibal's victory, they sent messengers to congratulate him.[3] 5. Maharbal[4] did not like[4] the advice of the others. 6. He said that Hannibal knew (how) to conquer, but did not know (how) to make use of a victory. 7. Hannibal permitted his army to enjoy the luxuries of Campania. 8. The terror at Rome was so great that they did not delay an instant. 9. No one doubted that[5] Hannibal would come[5] with his victorious army. 10. If he had advanced at once to Rome, the city would have been captured. 11. Though Varro survived the battle,[6] he thought that he was not worthy of office[7] again. 12. As the soldiers did not have enough weapons,[8] they took down from the temples the ancient spoils of the enemy. 13. One of the ambassadors,[9] whom Hannibal had sent to Rome to offer an opportunity of ransoming the captives, did not return. 14. The senate decided that he must be led back to Hannibal in chains [bound]. 15. Rome has no need of citizens who can be captured when armed. [Footnotes: 1: See p. 10, n. 9. 2: Cf. lines 26 and 27. 3: H. 426, 2 (385, II); M. 531; A. 227; G. 346; B. 187, II, _a_. 4: Cf. Ex. XIX, sent. 11. 5: See p. 39, n. 4. 6: See p. 2, n. 7. 7: See Ex. XIX, sent. 21. 8: H. 440, 5 (397); M. 564; A. 216; G. 367; B. 201. 9: Cf. with n. 7 ūnus ex źius praefectīs, l. 27.] XXI. #Concessive clauses with _cum_; genitive of characteristic; causal relative clauses; gerundive with _ad_; accusative of extent.# 1. Scipio would have been slain in the battle at the river Ticinus, if his son Publius had not rescued him. 2. When Publius Scipio was not yet twenty years old, he thought that he was old enough [had enough of years] to be a candidate for[1] the aedileship. 3. After the battle of Cannae, some young men of rank began to form plans for abandoning Italy. 4. Scipio hastened to their meeting-place, and, although[2] he was alone, he forced them to give[3] up their conspiracy.[3] 5. After the Romans had suffered two defeats in Spain, Scipio was chosen proconsul and sent thither. 6. Here he prosecuted the war with such wisdom and bravery that he earned the approval of all. 7. Do you not think that he was worthy of the honor? 8. He gained possession of a large amount of money and arms, but let the Spanish captives go without ransom. 9. He did not doubt that in this way he would secure for the Romans the favor of the Spanish [conciliate the Spanish to the Romans]. 10. Among the captive Africans he found a boy of remarkable beauty,[4] who said that his grandfather was the king of Numidia, and that he had crossed over into Spain with his uncle Masinissa to carry on war with the Romans. 11. Scipio freed the boy, and thus won the favor of the Numidian king. 12. When the Spaniards wanted to call Scipio king, he asked them to refrain from that title. 13. After Hannibal had been driven from Spain, Scipio, who had[5] long been planning to transfer the war to Africa, sent Laelius, whose[6] friendship he did not mistrust, to win over some of the African chiefs. 14. Afterwards he crossed over to Africa himself, and it is said that he met Hannibal [to him a meeting with Hannibal to have been] at the court of Syphax. 15. It happened that many of those chiefs were eager to form an alliance with Scipio. 16. His plan, therefore, was easily carried out. 17. Although the young men of Sicily shrank from so great a war themselves, still they were willing to furnish horses and arms. 18. Although they were wealthy, they were not (men) of great bravery. 19. In Africa the Romans fought with such determination that in a short time the Carthaginians recalled Hannibal from Italy to defend his country. 20. A battle was fought [it was fought] at Zama, a town five days' march from Carthage. 21. The Carthaginians were defeated, and forced to send ambassadors to sue for peace. 22. As peace was now secured, Scipio returned to Italy. 23. On[7] his arrival in Rome a vast multitude poured forth to meet him. 24. Scipio was not only the most illustrious general of his age, but he was also a man distinguished for [of distinguished] piety.[8] 25. The old writers say that he used to visit [resort to] the capitol every day, to consult with Jupiter about the public interests. 26. At Ephesus he[9] afterwards had a conversation with Hannibal. 27. It is reported that Hannibal acknowledged that Scipio was the greatest of all commanders. 28. When the senate seemed on the point[10] of transferring the conduct of the war against Antiochus from Lucius Scipio to Laelius, because (as was thought) the former[11] had too little courage and too little wisdom for such a war, Africanus promised to be himself his brother's lieutenant. 29. Scipio could endure no dishonor to his family. 30. After Antiochus had been defeated, when the senate demanded from Lucius Scipio an accounting of the spoils, Africanus prevented it. 31. He said that he had been of [for] so great aid to his country that his integrity ought not to be doubted. 32. It happened that Africanus himself was afterwards summoned for trial by the tribunes on the very day on which the battle of Zama had been fought.[12] 33. When ordered to plead his cause, he mounted the rostrum and said: "Let us offer thanks to Jupiter, by whose aid we obtained[13] so great a victory." 34. As the whole assembly followed him he was relieved from the insults of the tribunes. 35. Soon afterward Scipio retired to the country and never returned to Rome. [Footnotes: 1: Use #ad# with gerundive or gerund. 2: H. 598 (515, III); M. 863; A. 326; G. 587; B. 309, 3. 3: Cf. _inceptō dźsisterent_, l. 14. 4: Cf. lines 51 and 64. 5: See p. 56, n. 6. 6: See p. 55, n. 8. 7: See XIII, l. 59. 8: _religiō._ 9: Use dat. of poss. with #esse#. 10: Use future participle. 11: _ille._ 12: See sent. 20, and p. 56, n. 4. 13: See p. 55, n. 8.] XXII. #Future conditions.# 1. Cornelia, the mother of the Gracchi, was the daughter of Scipio Africanus. 2. She had been educated with such care herself that she was able to train her sons wisely. 3. She told a Campanian woman, who was a guest at her house, that she[1] too had some very beautiful jewels. 4. Everybody knows that Cornelia's jewels were her sons. 5. She has justly been considered one of the wisest women of that age. 6. Though her sons were most worthy of their excellent mother, yet the nobles thought that they were disturbing the republic. 7. Both of the Gracchi thought more of [preferred] their country's safety than [to] their own lives. 8. Tiberius tried to protect the common people, but the senate thought that he was preparing for himself a way to regal power. 9. So Nasica urged[2] all loyal citizens to follow him. 10. When Gracchus saw that the senators were rushing upon him he fled, but was killed by a broken piece of a bench. 11. Caius had the same[3] love for the common people as[3] his brother. 12. All loyal citizens said that they opposed his plans because they wanted the republic to be safe. 13. "If the law about distributing grain to the common people is[4] passed," said Piso, "I shall come with the others to get the grain." 14. Finally this was decreed by the senate: "Let the consul see that the republic receive no harm." 15. Some say that Gracchus armed his household and took possession of the Aventine. 16. When he was put to flight he ordered his slave to kill him that he might not be arrested. 17. Such was the fate of the Gracchi, the jewels of Cornelia, the best sons of the Roman republic. [Footnotes: 1: Use dat. of poss. 2: Cf. Ex. XX, sent. 2, and note. 3: Cf. #īdem quī#, l. 31. 4: See XVII, l. 10, and note.] XXIII. #Substantive clauses of purpose; latter supine.# 1. When Marius was in Spain with Scipio, some one asked this (question) of Scipio. 2. If anything happens[1] to you, what equally great commander will the republic have? 3. Scipio replied that Marius would be a great commander. 4. In the war against Jugurtha it is said that he made charges against Metellus so that he might be appointed commander himself. 5. If you make me consul, I will shortly bring Jugurtha under the power of the Romans. 6. Thus he persuaded the people to make[2] him consul. 7. After Jugurtha had been conquered, he carried on war with the Cimbri and Teutones. 8. His soldiers entreated Marius to lead them against the enemy. 9. The battle was fought right at the foot of the Alps. 10. As the Romans[3] had no water, Marius told his soldiers that, if they conquered[4] the enemy, they would have abundance of water. 11. It is said that after the battle the soldiers drank no less blood than water, because the river was filled with the bodies of the slain. 12. The Cimbri, having now entered Italy, sent messengers to Marius to ask him to give them some land. 13. Marius threatened them[5] with the same fate[5] which had befallen their brothers. 14. On the next day a battle was fought, and slaughter terrible to witness[6] followed. 15. When the women saw that they were defeated they strangled their babes and killed themselves. 16. Marius envied the new consul, Sulla, because the war against Mithridates had been assigned him. 17. When Sulla heard what Marius had done, he returned to Rome with his army and drove him into exile. 18. While Marius was hiding in a swamp, he was caught and thrown into prison. 19. He asked the slave, who was sent to kill him, whether he dared kill the great consul. 20. After Sulla had set out for Asia, Marius, who was a few days' journey from the city, returned and renewed the civil war. 21. When he had put to death the best men of the state, he gave over their homes to the rabble for plunder. 22. His death afforded the Romans[7] more joy than his victory at Aquae Sextiae. [Footnotes: 1: See p. 40, n. 1. 2: Cf. #ut trāderet#, l. 21. 3: Dat. Why? 4: Cf. #sī fźcissent#, etc., l. 11. 5: Observe carefully the construction in lines 57 and 58. 6: Cf. #dictū#, l. 124, and p. 19, n. 15. 7: #Dative.#] XXIV. #Relative clause of characteristic.# 1. A woman told Sulla (when he was) a child that he would be a blessing to his country. 2. Was this the same woman who sold the Sibylline books to King Tarquin? 3. Marius was vexed because Sulla had been chosen quaestor. 4. Although Sulla had been dissolute, his military ability was soon displayed. 5. He conquered Mithridates, the king of Pontus, and would have completely subdued him had he not been recalled to Italy. 6. When he had returned, with the greatest cruelty he punished with death all who had supported Marius. 7. There was one young man who ventured to advise him to spare some of his fellow-citizens. 8. If he had killed all, there would have been none to govern [whom he should govern]. 9. He wanted to kill not only his enemies, but also all who had money. 10. When he at last laid down the dictatorship, the people were so crushed that they did not dare to complain. 11. Sulla was fond of literary men and was well versed in Greek literature. 12. He once gave a reward to a wretched poet who had dedicated a poem to him, on condition that he should write nothing thereafter. XXV. #Genitive with adjectives.# 1. Lucullus was distinguished both in war and in peace. 2. It is stated by certain writers that he spent all of his early life in law practice and was untrained in the art[1] of war. 3. But in the war with Mithridates he surpassed even[2] experts in this art.[1] 4. All say that he was exceedingly fond of money. 5. And this is the more surprising for the reason that he had been educated in Greek philosophy. 6. He was not the only one of the Romans to[3] squander his money in building villas. 7. He used to dine with the greatest luxury even when he was alone. 8. Though fond of banquets, he was no less fond of books, and had a great library, which was always open to the public. [Footnotes: 1: H. 451, 1 (399, I, 2); M. 573; A. 218, _a_; G. 374; B. 204, 1. 2: Cf. #mare ipsum#, l. 25. 3: See p. 76, n. 11.] ABBREVIATIONS abl. = ablative. abs. = absolute. acc. = accusative. act. = active. adj. = adjective. adv. = adverb. cf. = compare. comp. = comparative. conj. = conjunction. dat. = dative. def. = defective. dem. = demonstrative. desid. = desiderative. dim. = diminutive. disc. = discourse. e.g. = for example. encl. = enclitic. esp. = especially. f. = feminine, following. freq. = frequentative. gen. = genitive. i.e. = that is. imperf. = imperfect. impers. = impersonal. indef. = indefinite. indir. = indirect. insep. = inseparable. interj. = interjection. interr. = interrogative. intrans. = intransitive. l. = line. m. = masculine. n. = neuter, note. nom. = nominative. num. = numeral. obj. = objective. orig. = originally. p. = page. part. = participle, partitive. pass. = passive. perf. = perfect. pers. = personal. pl. = plural. poss. = possessive. prep. = preposition. pres. = present. pron. = pronoun, pronominal. rel. = relative. sc. = supply. sup. = superlative. trans. = transitive. The star prefixed to certain verbs, e.g. #flīgō# and #speciō#, indicates that the verb was obsolete, i.e. not in ordinary use. Compound verbs are defined under the simple verbs from which they are derived. To this practice there are, however, two exceptions: (1) When neither the simple verb nor any other compound formed from it occurs in the text, and (2) in the case of certain verbs like #sūmō# and #surgō#, which, though themselves compounds, came to be regarded virtually as simple verbs and served as the base of further compounds. The student will therefore save time and labor if he accustoms himself when reading to analyze compound verbs before consulting the Vocabulary. This analysis will often make plain the meaning of the compound, and render it unnecessary to seek the aid of the Vocabulary at all. VOCABULARY #A.#, abbreviation of the Roman praenomen _Aulus_. #ā, ab, abs#, prep. with abl.; (1) of place, _from, away from, out of_; (2) of time, _from, since, after_; (3) of agency, _by_; (4) of separation, source, cause, _from, through, because of_; in composition, _off, away_. #abaliźnō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#ab# + #aliźnus#], _to remove, alienate, estrange_. #abdicō#, see #dicō#. #abditus# [orig. part. of #abdō#], adj., _hidden, concealed_. #abdō#, see #dō#. #abdūcō#, see #dūcō#. #abeō#, see (1) #eō#. #abiciō#, see #iaciō#. #abluō, ere, ī, ūtus# [#ab# + #luō#, _to wash_], _to wash, cleanse, purify_. #abnuō#, see #*nuō#. #abripiō#, see #rapiō#. #abrogō#, see #rogō#. #abs#, see #ā#. #abscźdō#, see #cźdō#. #abscindō#, see #scindō#. #absźns, entis# [orig. part. of #absum#], adj., _absent, away_. #absistō#, see #sistō#. #absolvō#, see #solvō#. #absorbeō, źre, uī, absorptus# [#ab# + #sorbeō#, _to swallow_], _to swallow_. #abstinentia, ae# [#abstineō#], f., _abstinence, self-restraint, integrity_. #abstineō#, see #teneō#. #abstrahō#, see #trahō#. #absum#, see #sum#. #absūmō#, see #sūmō#. #ac#, see #atque#. #Acca, ae#, f., praenomen of Acca Larentia, foster-mother of Romulus and Remus. #accźdō#, see #cźdō#. #accendō#, see #candeō#. #accidō#, see #cadō#. #accingō#, see #cingō#. #acciō, īre, īvī, ītus# [#ad# + #cieō#, _to set in motion_], _to summon, invite_. #accipiō#, see #capiō#. #acclāmō#, see #clāmō#. #accommodō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#ad# + #commodus#], _to fit to, adjust, regulate_. #accumbō#, see #*cumbō#. #accurrō#, see #currō#. #accūsātiō, ōnis# [#accūsō#], f., _accusation, prosecution_. #accūsātor, ōris# [#accūsō#], m., _accuser, prosecutor_. #accūsō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#ad# + #causa#], _to call to trial, accuse, blame_. #ācer, ācris, ācre#, comp. #ācrior#, sup. #ācerrimus#, adj., _sharp, bitter, piercing_; _keen, eager, vigorous, fierce_. #acerbź# [#acerbus#, _bitter_], adv., _bitterly, cruelly, severely_. #acerbitās, ātis# [#acerbus#, _bitter_], f., _harshness, severity, unkindness_. #acźtum, ī# [cf. #ācer#], n., _vinegar_. #aciźs, źī# [cf. #ācer#], f., _a sharp point_ of a sword or dagger; _a battle line_ (conceived of as a sword point); _battle_. #ācriter#, comp. #ācrius#, sup. #ācerrimź# [#ācer#], adv., _sharply, spiritedly, fiercely, grievously_. #Actiacus#, adj., _of_ or _at Actium_. #Actium, ī#, n., a promontory and town in Epirus, near which, in 31 B.C., Octavianus defeated Antony and Cleopatra in a naval battle. #ad#, prep. with accus.; (1) of place, _to, towards, to the house of, at, near_; (2) of time, _up to, towards, until, at_; (3) of purpose, _to, in order to, for, for the sake of_; (4) of other relations, _according to, at_. In composition, it = _to, towards_, and also denotes _addition_ and _intensity_. #adamō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#ad# + #amō#, _to love_], _to love earnestly_. #addīcō#, see #dīcō#. #addō#, see #dō#. #addūcō#, see #dūcō#. (1) #adeō#, see (1) #eō#. (2) #adeō# [#ad# + (2) #eō#], adv., _to this point, so very, so, to such a degree, actually_; #atque adeō#, _and in fact_. #adequitō#, see #equitō#. #adfectō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#ad# + #faciō#], _to strive after, aspire to_. #adferō#, see #ferō#. #adficiō#, see #faciō#. #adfīnis, is# [#ad# + #fīnis#], m., _a relative_ (by marriage). #adfīrmō#, see #fīrmō#. #adflātus, ūs# [#adflō#], m., _a blast, breath; effluvia, exhalation_. #adflīctus# [orig. part. of #adflīgō#], adj., _shattered, weakened, wretched_. #adflīgō#, see #*flīgō#. #adflō#, see #flō#. #adhibeō#, see #habeō#. #adhortātiō, ōnis# [#adhortor#, _to encourage_], f., _encouragement, exhortation_. #adiciō#, see #iaciō#. #adigō#, see #agō#. #adipīscor, ī, adeptus sum# [#ad# + #apīscor#, _to reach_], _to gain by effort, get, acquire_. #aditus, ūs# [(1) #adeō#], m., _approach, access_. #adiūmentum# [orig. #adiuvāmentum#, from #adiuvō#], n., _help, aid, service_. #adiungō#, see #iungō#. #adiuvō, āre, iūvī, iūtus# [#ad# + #iuvō#, _to help_], _to aid, help_. #adliciō#, see #*laciō#. #adligō#, see #ligō#. #adloquor#, see #loquor#. #administrō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#ad# + #ministrō#, _to manage_], _to manage, direct, govern, regulate_. #admīrābilis, e# [#admīror#], adj., _admirable, wonderful_. #admīrandus# [#admīror#], adj., _marvelous, wonderful, strange_. #admīrātiō, ōnis# [#admīror#], f., _wonder, admiration_; _surprise_. #admīrātor, ōris# [#admīror#], m., _admirer_. #admīror, ārī, ātus sum# [#ad# + #mīror#, _to marvel at_], _to marvel at, admire_. #admittō#, see #mittō#. #admodum# [#ad# + #modus#], adv., _up to the full limit, very, exceedingly_. #admoneō#, see #moneō#. #admoveō#, see #moveō#. #adnuō#, see #*nuō#. #adolźscō, ere, olźvī, adultus# [#ad# + #olźscō#, _to grow_], _to grow up, become mature, reach manhood_. #adoperiō#, see #pariō#. #adoptō#, see #optō#. #adōrnō#, see #ōrnō#. #adōrō#, see #ōrō#. #adquīrō#, see #quaerō#. #adripiō#, see #rapiō#. #adscrībō#, see #scrībō#. #adsentātiō, ōnis# [#adsentor#, _to agree with, to flatter_], f., _flattery_. #adsequor#, see #sequor#. #adsideō#, see #sedeō#. #adsīdō#, see #sīdō#. #adsiduus# [#adsideō#], adj., _incessant, repeated, continued_. #adsīgnō#, see #sīgnō#. #adspiciō#, see #*speciō#. #adsuźscō#, see #suźscō#. #adsum#, see #sum#. #adsūmō#, see #sūmō#. #adsurgō#, see #surgō#. #adulźscźns, entis# [#adolźscō#], m. and f., _a young man_ or _woman_ (usually applied to persons between the ages of fifteen and thirty). #adulźscentia, ae# [#adulźscźns#], f., _youth_. #adulźscentulus, ī# [dim. of #adulźscźns#], m., _a very young man, stripling_. #adūlor, ārī, ātus sum#, _to flatter_. #adultus# [orig. part. of #adolźscō#], adj., _grown up, mature, adult_. #advehō#, see #vehō#. #adveniō#, see #veniō#. #adventō, āre, āvī#, -- [freq. of #adveniō#], _to advance, approach_. #adventus, ūs# [#adveniō#], m., _coming, approach, arrival_. #adversārius, ī# [#adversor#], m., _opponent, enemy_. #adversor, ārī, ātus sum# [#adversus#], _to oppose, withstand, resist_. #adversus# [#ad# + #vertō#], adj., _turned towards, facing, in front_; _opposed, adverse, unfavorable_. As noun, #adversum, ī#, n., _misfortune, calamity_. #adversus# and #adversum#, prep. with acc., _in opposition to, against, towards_. #advocātiō, ōnis# [#advocō#], f., _advocacy, legal assistance_; #in advocātiōnem venīre#, _to come to one's aid in court_. #advocātus, ī# [#advocō#], m., _adviser, advocate_. #advocō#, see #vocō#. #aedźs#, see #aedis#. #aedificium, ī# [#aedificō#], n., _a building_. #aedificō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#aedis# + #faciō#], _to build_. #aedīlis, is# [#aedis#], m., _aedile, commissioner of public works_, the name of certain Roman magistrates, four in number, charged with the care of the streets and public buildings, the regulation of the markets, and the duty of distributing the corn which the state furnished to the poor. They took care, also, of the records of the senate and other documents, and superintended the performance of certain public games. #aedīlitās, ātis# [#aedīlis#], f., _aedileship_. #aedis# or #aedźs, is#, f., in sing., _temple_; in pl., _house, dwelling_. #aedituus, ī# [#aedis# + #tueor#], m., _keeper of a temple, sexton_. #aeger, aegra, aegrum#, adj., _sick, ill, feeble_. #aegrź# [#aeger#], adv., _painfully, with difficulty, scarcely_; #aegrź ferre#, _to be vexed at, take amiss_. #aegritūdō, inis# [#aeger#], f., _sickness_; _grief, vexation, mortification_. #aegrōtō, āre, āvī#, -- [#aeger#], _to be ill_ or _feeble, lie sick_. #Aegyptus, ī#, m., _Egypt_. #Aemilius, ī#, m., the name of a Roman gens. See #Paulus#. #aemulātiō, ōnis# [#aemulor#, _to rival_], f., _rivalry, competition_. #aequālis, e# [#aequus#], adj., _equal, like_ (esp. in age). As noun, m., _comrade, companion_. #aequź# [#aequus#], adv., _equally_. #aequitās, ātis# [#aequus#], f., _evenness, fairness, justice_. #aequō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#aequus#], _to make even, place on an equality_. #aequus#, adj., _even, level_; _fair, just_; #aequō animō#, _patiently_. #aerārium, ī# [#aes#], n., _state treasury_; _public money_. #aes, aeris#, n., _copper, bronze_; _money_ (first coined of bronze); #aes aliźnum#, _debt_. #aestās, ātis#, f., _summer_. #aestīvus# [#aestās#], adj., _of summer, summer_. #aetās, ātis#, f., _time of life, life, age, youth, old age_; _period, time_. #aeternum# [acc. sing. neut. of #aeternus#, _eternal_], adv., _eternally, forever_. #Āfer, Āfrī#, m., _an African_, esp. an inhabitant of Carthage. #Āfrica, ae#, f., _Africa_, esp. that part of it which lay near Carthage. #Āfricānus#, adj., _African_. As noun, #Āfricānus, ī#, m., the cognomen bestowed on Publius Cornelius Scipio, conqueror of Hannibal. See #Scīpiō#. #agedum#, an interj., used with the imperative or hortatory subjunctive, _come on! come! quick!_ #agellus, ī# [dim. of #ager#], m., _a little field, small estate_. #ager, agrī#, m., _field, farm, estate_; _territory, land, district_; _the country_. #agger, eris# [#ad# + #gerō#], m., _mass_ (esp. of earth and brushwood), _mound, rampart_. #aggredior#, see #gradior#. #agitō, āre, āvī, ātus# [freq. of #agō#], _drive violently hither and thither_; _discuss, consider, meditate_. #con--cōgitō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to think, reflect, consider_; _plan_. #ex# + #con--excōgitō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to think out, devise_. #āgmen, inis# [#agō#], n., _an army_ (on the march), _marching column_; _troop, array_. #āgnōscō#, see #nōscō#. #agō, agere, źgī, āctus#, _to set in motion, drive, lead_; _act, do, perform_; _treat, deal, arrange_; _spend, pass_ (of time); #āctum est dź#, _it was all up with_; #augurium agere#, _to perform the augural ceremonies_; #cōnsulem agere#, _to act the consul_, #dźlźctum agere#, _to hold a levy_; #grātiās agere#, _to feel thankful_; #triumphum agere#, _to celebrate a triumph_. #ad--adigō, ere, źgī, āctus#, _drive, urge, compel, constrain_. #con--cōgō, ere, coźgī, coāctus#, _drive together, collect_; _compel, force_. #dź--dźgō, ere, dźgī, ----#, _pass, spend_ (of time). #ex--exigō, ere, źgī, āctus#, _to drive out_; _finish_; _pass, spend_. #per--peragō, ere, źgī, āctus#, _to finish, accomplish, play_ (a part); _set forth, relate, describe_. #re--redigō, ere, źgī, āctus#, _to drive back, force, reduce, bring_. #sub--subigō, ere, źgī, āctus#, _to drive under, conquer, subdue_. #trāns--trānsigō, ere, źgī, āctus#, _to finish, settle, perform_. #agrestis, e# [#ager#], adj., _of the fields_; _rustic_; _countrified, rude, uncouth_. #āiō, ais, ait, āiunt# [def. verb], _to say_. #alacer, cris, cre#, adj., _lively, nimble, quick_; often = an adv., _eagerly_. #alacritās, ātis# [#alacer#], f., _liveliness, eagerness, spirit_. #Alba# or #Alba Longa# (sc. #urbs#), f., an ancient town of the Latins. #Albānus#, adj., _pertaining to Alba, Alban_. As noun, #Albānus, ī#, m., _an inhabitant of Alba_. #ālea, ae#, f., _game of dice_; _die_. #Alexander, drī#, m., _Alexander the Great_, king of Macedonia from 336 to 323 B.C., and conqueror of Persia. #Alexandrźa, ae#, f., _Alexandria_, a city in Egypt, at the mouth of the Nile, founded by Alexander the Great. #aliās# [#alius#], adv., _at another time, under other circumstances_. #alibī# [#alius# + #ibi#], adv., _elsewhere, in other places_. #aliźnus# [#alius#], adj., _belonging to another, another's_; #aes aliźnum#, _debt_. #alimentum, ī# [#alō#], n., _nourishment_; in plur., _food, provisions_. #aliōquī#, adv., _in other respects, otherwise_. #aliquamdiū# [#aliquis# + #diū#], adv., _for a while, for some time_. #aliquandō# [#aliquis#], adv., _at some time or other, once, on a certain occasion_; _at length, at last_. #aliquantus#, adj., _some, considerable_. As noun, #aliquantum, ī#, n., _a little, something_. #aliquī, aliqua, aliquod# [#alius# + #quī#], indef. pron. adj., _some one or other, some, any_. #aliquis, qua, quid# [#alius# + #quis#], indef. pron., _some one, something_; _any one, anything_; _some, any_. As noun, #aliquid#, n., _something, anything_. #aliquot# [#alius# + #quot#], indef. indecl. adj., _some, several_. #aliquotiźns# [#aliquot#], adv., _several times_. #aliter# [#alius#], adv., _otherwise, differently_. #alius, a, ud# (gen. #alīus#, dat. #aliī#), pron. adj., _another, other, different_; #alius . . . alius#, _one . . . one, one . . . another_; #aliī . . . aliī#, _some . . . others_. #alō, ere, uī, tus#, _to feed, nourish, support, keep_. #Alpźs, ium#, f., _the Alps_. #altāria, ium#, pl. n., _an altar_. #alter, altera, alterum# (gen. #alterīus#, dat. #alterī#), pron. adj., _one of two, the other, the second_; #alter . . . alter#, _the one . . . the other_. #altercor, ārī, ātus sum# [#alter#], _to dispute, wrangle_. #alteruter, utra, utrum# (gen. #alterutrīus#, dat. #alterutrī#), pron. adj., _one or the other of two, one_ (only) _of two_. #altus# [#alō#], adj., _high, lofty_; _deep_. As noun, #altum, ī#, n., _the deep sea, the deep_; sup. #altissimum, ī#, n., _top_. #alveus, ī#, m., _a basket, trough_. #am, amb, ambi#, insep. prefix (seen in #amputō#), _around, on both sides_. #amāns, antis# [part. of #amō#, _to love_], adj., _loving, fond_; with gen., _fond of, devoted to_. #ambitiō, ōnis# [#ambiō#, _to go around_], f., _canvassing for public office, ambition_. #ambō, ae, ō#, adj., _both_. #ambulātiō, ōnis# [#ambulō#], f., _a walk, promenade_. #ambulō, āre, āvī, --#, _to walk, stroll_. #dź--deambulō, āre, --, --#, _to walk, stroll, promenade_. #in--inambulō, āre, --, --#, _to walk up and down, stroll_. #amīcitia, ae# [#amīcus#], f., _friendship_. #amictus# [orig. part. of #amiciō#, _to wrap about_], adj., _clothed in, clad in_. #amīcus# [#amō#, _to love_], adj., _friendly_. #amīcus, ī# [#amō#, _to love_], m., _a friend_. #āmittō#, see #mittō#. #amnis, is#, m., _river, torrent, stream_. #amor, ōris# [#amō#, _to love_], m., _love, passion_. #āmoveō#, see #moveō#. #amphora, ae#, f., _a two-handled jar_. It held about six gallons. #amplector, ī, amplexus sum#, _to twine around, embrace_. #ampliō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#amplus#], _to enlarge, widen, extend_. #amplius# [comp. of #amplus#], indecl. adj. and adv., _further, more, besides_. #amplus#, adj., _great, large_; _noble, distinguished_. #amputō#, see #putō#. #Amūlius, ī#, m., _Amūlius_, son of Proca, a legendary king of Alba Longa. #anceps, ancipitis# [#ambi# + #caput#], adj., _two-headed_; _doubtful, hazardous_. #ancīle, is#, n., a small oval shield, shaped like the faces of a guitar. #ancilla, ae#, f., _a maid-servant, maid_. #Ancus, ī#, m., the praenomen of Ancus Marcius, the fourth king of Rome. #angō, ere, --, --#, _squeeze, choke_; _vex, annoy_. #angor, ōris# [#angō#], m., _vexation, sorrow, anguish_. #anguis, is# [#angō#], m. and f., _a snake_. #angulus, ī# [#angō#], m., _corner, nook_. #angustiae, ārum# [#angustus#], f., _narrowness, narrow place, narrow pass_. #angustus# [#angō#], adj., _narrow_. #anima, ae#, f., _air, breath, soul, life_. #animadvertō, ere, vertī, versus# [#animus# + #advertō#], _to turn the mind to, perceive, notice_; #in aliquem animadvertere#, _to punish_. #animal, ālis# [#anima#], n., _a living thing, an animal_. #animus, ī#, m., _mind, soul, reason_; _courage, spirit_; _temper, disposition_; in plur., _affections, allegiance_. #Aniō, Aniźnis#, m., a tributary of the Tiber. #annālis, is# [#annus#], adj., _yearly, annual_. As noun, #Annālźs# (sc. _librī_), _year-books, records_; strictly brief abstracts of contemporary events kept in early days by the Pontifex Maximus, and exposed to view on a white-washed plank set up at his official residence. #Annālźs# is a frequent title of Latin historical works. #annōna, ae# [#annus#], f., _the year's crop_, esp. of grain; _corn supply_. #annus, ī#, m., _a year_. #ante# (1) adv.; of space, _before, in front of_; of time, _before, previously, ago_; (2) prep. with acc., both of space and time, _in front of, before_. #anteā# [#ante#], adv., _before, formerly_. #antecźdō#, see #cźdō#. #anteeō#, see (1) #eō#. #antequam# or #ante . . . quam#, conj., _before, until_. #Antiochus, ī#, m., _Antiochus_. 1. Antiochus the Great, king of Syria 223-187 B.C., conquered by Scipio Asiaticus in 190. 2. A philosopher, born at Ascalon in Palestine, whose lectures Cicero heard at Athens in 79 B.C. #antīquus#, adj., _ancient_. #Antōnius, ī#, m., a Roman gentile name. 1. _M. Antōnius_, a friend of Julius Caesar and a member of the second triumvirate. He was defeated by Octavianus off Actium in 31 B.C., and killed himself the following year. 2. _C. Antōnius Hybrida_, uncle of the triumvir, and consul with Cicero, B.C. 63. #ānulus, ī# [dim. of #ānus#, _a circle_], m., _a finger ring_. #anus, ūs#, f., _an old woman_. #anxius# [#angō#], adj., _anxious, troubled_. #aper, aprī#, m., _a wild boar_. #aperiō#, see #pariō#. #apertź# [#apertus#], adv., _openly, plainly_. #apertus# [orig. part. of #aperiō#], adj., _open, manifest_. #Apollō, inis#, m., _Apollo_, the Greek god (worshiped by the Romans also) of poetry and music, divination and medicine. His chief shrine was at Delphi, in Greece. #Apollōnia, ae#, f., a city of Illyria, on the east coast of the Adriatic. Toward the close of the first century B.C. it was a famous seat of learning. #Apollōnius, ī#, m., _Apollōnius_, surnamed _Molō_, under whom Cicero studied rhetoric at Rhodes. #apparātus, ūs#, m., _equipment, preparation_; _splendor, pomp_. #appāreō#, see #pāreō#. #appellātiō, ōnis# [(2) #appellō#], f., _name, title_. (1) #appellō#, see #pellō#. (2) #appellō#, see #pellō#. #Appennīnus, ī#, m., _the Apennines_, a range of mountains in Italy. #Appius, ī#, m., a Roman praenomen, esp. common in the Claudian gens. #applaudō, ere, plausī, plausus# [#ad# + #plaudō#, _to clap the hands_], _to applaud_. #appōnō#, see #pōnō#. #apprehendō#, see #prehendō#. #approbō#, see #probō#. #appropinquō, āre, āvī, --# [#ad# + #propinquus#], _to draw near, approach_. #aptź# [#aptus#], adv., _fitly, neatly_. #aptus#, adj., _fitted, suited for, adapted to_. #apud#, prep. with acc.; of place, _near_; of persons, _with, among, in the presence of, at the house of_; with the name of an author, _in the works of_. #Āpūlia, ae#, f., _Apulia_, a district in the southeastern part of Italy. #aqua, ae#, f., _water_. #aquila, ae#, f., _an eagle_; _standard_ (a metal eagle, elevated upon a pole). #aquilifer, ferī# [#aquila# + #ferō#], m., _standard bearer_. #āra, ae#, f., _an altar_. #arbiter, trī#, m., _witness, judge, umpire_. #arbitrium, ī# [#arbiter#], n., _judgment, decision_; _will, caprice_. #arbitror, ārī, ātus sum# [#arbiter#], _to think, believe, consider_. #arbor, oris#, f., _a tree_. #arca, ae# [#arceō#], f., _chest, box_. #arceō, źre, uī, --#, _to shut up, inclose_; _hinder, prevent_. #con--coerceō, źre, uī, itus#, _to confine closely, shut in_; _restrain, check_. #ex--exerceō, źre, uī, itus#, _to exercise, drill, employ_; #lźgem exercźre#, _to enforce a law_. #arcessō, ere, īvī, ītus#, _to cause to come, summon, send for_. #Ardea, ae#, f., _Ardea_, a town in Latium, about eighteen miles south of Rome. #ārdźns, entis# [orig. part. of #ārdeō#, _to burn, glow_], adj., _glowing, fiery, bright_. #ārdor, ōris# [#ārdeō#, _to burn, glow_], m., _heat, glow_; _zeal, enthusiasm, fire_. #argentum, ī#, n., _silver_; _money_. #Argī, ōrum#, m., _Argos_, a city in the northeastern part of the Peloponnesus. #Argīvus#, adj., of _Argos, Argive_. #arguō, ere, ī, ūtus#, _to show, prove_; _charge, accuse, blame_. #āridus# [#āreō#, _to be dry_], adj., _dry, arid_. #arma, ōrum#, n. pl., _arms, weapons_ (esp. for defense); _warfare_. #armātus# [orig. part. of #armō#], adj., _armed, in full armor_. As noun, #armātī, ōrum#, m. pl., _armed men, soldiers_. #Armenia, ae#, f., _Armenia_, a country in Asia, southeast of the Black Sea. #armilla, ae# [#armus#, _shoulder, arm_], f., _a bracelet, armlet_. #armō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#arma#], _to arm, equip_. #Arpīnum, ī#, n., _Arpinum_, a town of the Volsci, fifty miles southeast of Rome; the birthplace of Marius and Cicero. #ars, artis#, f., _skill, art, knowledge_; _accomplishment_, esp. in pl.; _device, stratagem_. #artifex, icis# [#ars# + #faciō#], m., _workman, artist, builder_. #artūs, uum#, m. pl., _joints, limbs_. #Ārūns, untis#, m., a son of Tarquinius Superbus. #arx, arcis# [#arceō#], f., _citadel, stronghold_. #ās, assis#, m., _an as_, the unit of Roman coinage, orig. a pound of copper, but finally reduced to half an ounce. It was then worth about a cent. #āscendō#, see #scandō#. #Asia, ae#, f., _Asia_, esp. Asia Minor. #Asiāticus#, adj., _Asiatic_. As noun, #Asiāticus, ī#, m., (cognomen of Lucius Cornelius Scipio, conqueror of Antiochus. #asper, aspera, asperum#, adj., _rough, bitter, sharp_; _harsh, violent, severe_. #asperitās, ātis# [#asper#], f., _roughness, harshness_; _acidity_ (of vinegar). #āspernor#, see #spernō#. #aspis, idis#, f., _an asp, viper_. #āstūtia, ae# [#āstūtus#], f., _shrewdness, smartness, cleverness_. #āstūtus# [#āstū#, _cunning_], adj., _smart, clever, shrewd, cunning_. #asy:lum, ī#, n., _place of refuge, asylum_. #at#, conj., _but, but yet, nevertheless_. #Athźnae, ārum#, f. plur., _Athens_, the chief city of Greece, situated in Attica, in the southeastern part of central Greece. #Athesis, is#, m., a river in Cisalpine Gaul, near which Marius defeated the Cimbri in 101 B.C. #Atīlius, ī#, m., the name of a Roman gens. See #Rźgulus#. #atque, ac#, conj., _and, and also_. #atquī#, conj., _and yet, but yet, yet_. #atrōciter# [#atrōx#], adv., _fiercely, cruelly_. #atrōx, ōcis#, adj., _savage, fierce, cruel, horrible_. #attentus#, adj., _attentive_. #attonitus# [#attonō#, _to thunder at_], adj., _thunder-struck, awe-struck, overwhelmed_. #Attus, ī#, m., _Attus Nāvius_, an augur who defied Tarquinius Priscus. #auctor, ōris# [#augeō#], m., _producer, originator, cause_. #auctōritās, ātis# [#auctor#], f., _authority, power_; _influence, weight, dignity_. #aucupium, ī# [#avis# + #capiō#], n., _bird-catching, fowling_. #audācia, ae# [#audāx#, _bold_], f., _boldness, daring_; _rashness, presumption_. #audeō, źre, ausus sum#, _to venture, dare_. #audiō, īre, īvī, ītus#, _to hear, listen to_; #dictō audiźns esse#, _to obey_. #ex--exaudiō, īre, īvī, ītus#, _to hear clearly, distinguish_. #auferō#, see #ferō#. #aufugiō#, see #fugiō#. #augeō, źre, auxī, auctus#, _to increase, enlarge_. #augur, uris# [#avis#], m., _an augur, soothsayer_, a priest whose business it was to take the _auspicia_. See #auspicium#. #augurium, ī# [#augur#], n., _observance of omens, divination_; #augurium agere#, _to perform the augural ceremonies_. #augustus# [#augeō#], adj., _majestic, venerable, imposing_. #Augustus, ī# [#augustus#], m., a title of honor given to Octavianus in B.C. 27, and after him to all the Roman emperors. #aureus# [#aurum#], adj., _golden_. #auris, is#, f., _ear_. #aurum, ī#, n., _gold_. #auspicium, ī# [#avis# + #*speciō#], n., _divination_ by noting the flight or cries of birds. In taking the #auspicia#, _auspices_, the augur sought to learn whether the gods favored or disapproved a proposed course of conduct. #aut#, conj., _or_; #aut . . . aut#, _either . . . or_. #autem#, conj., always postpositive, _but, however, moreover_. #auxilium, ī# [#augeō#], n., _help, aid_; plur., _auxiliary troops_ (usually foreign and light-armed troops). #avāritia, ae# [#avārus#], f., _greed, avarice_. #avārus#, adj., _greedy, grasping, covetous_. #āvellō, ere, vellī, vulsus# [#ab# + #vellō#, _to pluck_], _to tear off_ or _away, sever_. #Aventīnus, ī#, m. (sc. #mōns#), _the Aventine_, one of the seven hills of Rome. #Aventīnus#, adj., _of_ or _on the Aventine_. #aveō, źre, --, --#, _to fare well_, used only in the imperative #avź!# _hail! welcome! greetings!_ #āversor, ārī, ātus sum# [#āvertō#], _to scorn, repulse_. #āvertō#, see #vertō#. #avidź# [#avidus#], adv., _eagerly, greedily_. #avidus#, adj., _desirous, eager, greedy_. #avis, is#, f., _bird_; _sign, omen_. #avītus# [#avus#], adj., _ancestral_. #āvocō#, see #vocō#. #āvolō#, see (2) #volō#. #avunculus# [dim. of #avus#], m., _uncle, mother's brother_. #avus, ī#, m., _grandfather, ancestor_. #B# #baculum, ī#, n., _a staff, stick_. #Bagrada(s), ae#, m., a river near Carthage. #ballista, ae#, f., _the ballista_, a military engine for hurling stones. #balneum, ī#, n., _bath, bathing-place_. #barba, ae#, f., _beard_. #barbarus#, adj., _foreign, uncivilized, barbarous_. As noun, #barbarī, ōrum#, pl. m., _foreigners, barbarians_. #bellātor, ōris# [#bellō#], m., _fighter, brawler_; _warrior, soldier_. #bellicōsus# [#bellicus#, _warlike_], adj., _warlike_. #bellō, āre, āvī, ātum# [#bellum#], _to wage war, fight_. #re--rebellō, āre, āvī, ātum#, _to wage war again, rebel_. #bellum, ī# (orig. #duellum#, from #duo#), n., _war, warfare_. #bźlua, ae#, f., _a wild beast_; of a person, _beast, brute, monster_. #bene# [#bonus#], adv., _well, successfully_; comp. #melius#, sup. #optimź#. #beneficium, ī# [#bene# + #faciō#], n., _favor, kindness, service_. #benevolentia, ae# [#bene# + (1) #volō#], f., _good will, kindly feeling_; _favor_. #benīgnź# [#benīgnus#], adv., _kindly, courteously_. #benīgnus#, adj., _kind, favorable_. #bibliothźca, ae#, f., _library_. #bibō, ere, ī, --#, _to drink_. #Bibulus, ī#, m., _L. Calpurnius_, consul with Julius Caesar in 59 B.C. #bīduum, ī# [#bis# + #diźs#], n., _a period of two days, two days' time_. #bis# [orig. #duis#; cf. #duo#], num. adv., _twice_. #blanditia, ae#, f., _flattery_; in pl., _blandishments, allurements_. #Blosius, ī#, m., gentile name of _C. Blosius Cūmānus_, a friend of C. Gracchus. #Bocchus, ī#, m., _Bocchus_, king of the Gaetuli, and ally of Jugurtha. #Boiorix, icis#, m., _Boiorix_, chief of the Cimbri, defeated by Marius, 101 B.C. #bonus#, comp. #melior#, sup. #optimus#, adj., _good_; as noun, #bonī, ōrum#, m. pl., _good men, loyal citizens_; #bona, ōrum#, n. pl., _goods, possessions_. #bōs, bovis#, m. and f., _ox, cow_; pl., _cattle_. #bracchium, ī#, n., _forearm, arm_. #brevī#, see #brevis#. #brevis, e#, adj., _short_; #brevī# (sc. #tempore#), adv., _in a little while, soon_. #Britannī, ōrum#, m. pl., _the inhabitants of England, the Britons_. #Brundisium, ī#, n., _Brundisium_, a seaport in southeastern Italy, the regular point of embarkation for Greece. #Brūtus, ī#, m., a cognomen in the Junian gens. 1. _L. Iūnius Brūtus_, the Liberator, nephew of Tarquinius Superbus, and consul with Collatinus in 509 B.C. 2. _M. Iūnius Brūtus_, one of the murderers of Julius Caesar, 44 B.C. 3. _D. Iūnius Brūtus_, an officer of Julius Caesar in Gaul, but afterwards one of his murderers. #bulla, ae#, f., an _amulet_ or _charm_ for the neck, commonly of gold, though often of leather. It was worn by children of free birth, but laid aside with the _toga praetexta_ (see #praetextus#), and consecrated to the _Larźs_, or gods of the hearth. #C# #C#, orig. = English _G_, later = both _C_ and _G_, finally = _C_ alone; with proper names = _Gāius_, a Roman praenomen. #cadāver, eris# [#cadō#], n., _a corpse_. #cadō, ere, cecidī, cāsūrus#, _to fall_; _fall dead, be killed, die_; _happen_. #ad--accidō, ere, cidī, --#, _to happen, befall, come to pass_. #con--concidō, ere, cidī,--#, _to fall, be slain, perish_. #in--incidō, ere, cidī,--#, _fall, fall into_ or _on, meet_; _happen, occur_; #incidere in aliquem#, _to happen in the time of anybody_. #ob--occidō, ere, cidī, --#, _fall down, fall, perish_; _set_ (of the sun). #re--recidō, ere, cidī, --#, _to fall back, return_; _fall_. #caedźs, is# [#caedō#], f., _slaughter, massacre_. #caedō, ere, cecīdī, caesus#, _to cut, cut to pieces_; _kill, conquer, rout_; #virgīs caedere#, _to flog_. #ob--occīdō, ere, cīdī, cīsus#, _to cut down, kill, slay_. #prae--praecīdō, ere, cīdī, cīsus#, _to cut short, cut off_. #caelestis, e# [#caelum#], adj., _from heaven, heavenly, celestial_. #Caelius, ī#, m. (sc. #mōns#), _the Caelian hill_, one of the seven hills of Rome. #caelum, ī#, n., _the sky, heavens_. #caenōsus# [#caenum#], adj., _foul, filthy_. #caenum, ī#, n., _mud, filth, mire_. #Caesar, aris#, m., _Caesar_, a family name in the Julian gens. 1. _C. Iūlius Caesar_, the famous dictator, born 100 B.C., quaestor in 68, aedile in 65, praetor in 62, consul in 59; conquered Gaul, 58-50; engaged in civil war with Pompey and his supporters, 49-46; created perpetual dictator in 46; murdered, March 15, 44. 2. The grandson of Caesar's sister, _C. Octāvius_, was adopted by Caesar, and henceforth known as _C. Iūlius Caesar Octāviānus_. He was born 63 B.C., formed the second triumvirate with Antony and Lepidus in 44; with Antony's help defeated Brutus and Cassius, the murderers of Caesar, in 42, at Philippi; defeated Antony at Actium, in 31, and became sole master of the Roman world, which he ruled till his death in 14 A.D. See also #Augustus#. #caesariźs, --#, acc. #em#, f., _hair_ (of the head), _locks_ (only in sing.). #calamitās, ātis#, f., _calamity, disaster_. #calcar, āris#, n., _a spur_. #callidus#, adj., _shrewd, cunning, sly_. #Calpurnia, ae#, f., _Calpurnia_, daughter of L. Calpurnius Piso, and wife of Julius Caesar. #Calpurnius, ī#, m., the name of a Roman gens. See #Bibulus#. #calvitium, ī# [#calvus#], n., _baldness_. #calvus#, adj., _bald_. #Calvus, ī# [#calvus#], m., cognomen of _C. Licinius Macer Calvus_, poet and orator, 82-47 B.C. #Camers, ertis#, m., an inhabitant of Camerinum, a town of Umbria, a district in Central Italy. #Campānia, ae#, f., a district on the west coast of Italy, south of Latium. #Campānus#, adj., _Campanian_. #campus, ī#, m., _a field_, especially the #Campus Mārtius#, a plain lying between the Capitoline Hill and the Tiber, and thus orig. outside the walls. It was used as a place of exercise, as a parade ground and place for reviews. Later, elections were held there. #candeō, źre, uī, --#, _to shine, glow_. #ad--accendō, ere, ī, cźnsus#, _to set fire to, kindle, burn_; _arouse, fire, anger_. #in--incendō, ere, ī, cźnsus#, _to set on fire_; _arouse, excite_. #candidus# [#candeō#], adj., _white_. #Canīnius, ī#, m., gentile name of _C. Canīnius Rźbilus_, consul for a few hours on December 31, 45 B.C. #canis, is#, m. and f., _a dog_. #Cannae, ārum#, f. pl., a small town in Apulia in southeastern Italy. #Cannźnsis, e#, adj., _of_ or _at Cannae_. #canō, ere, cecinī, --#, _to sing, chant, play_; _sound, give signal_. #prae--praecinō, ere, uī, --#, _to play before_ (one). #cantus, ūs# [#canō#], m., _song_; _note, cry_. #Canusium, ī#, n., a town in Apulia near Cannae. #capesso, ere, īvī, ītus# [desid. of #capiō#], _to take eagerly, seize, resort to_. #capillus, ī# [#caput#], m., _the hair_. #capiō, ere, cźpī, captus#, _to take, seize, capture_; #cōnsilium capere#, _to form a plan_. #ad--accipiō, ere, cźpī, ceptus#, _to take to one's self, receive, adopt_; _meet with, welcome_; _understand, interpret_. #con--concipiō, ere, cźpī, ceptus#, _to take in, imagine, conceive_. #dź--dźcipiō, ere, cźpī, ceptus#, _to take in, catch, deceive, cheat_. #ex--excipiō, ere, cźpī, ceptus#, _to take out, appropriate, overhear_; _receive, greet_; _await, confront_. #in--incipiō, ere, cźpī, ceptus#, _to take up, begin, undertake_. #inter--intercipiō, ere, cźpī, ceptus#, _to seize in passing, steal, usurp_. #prae--praecipiō, ere, cźpī, ceptum#, _direct, bid, order_. #re--recipiō, ere, cźpī, ceptus#, _to take back, recover_; _take, receive_; #sź recipere#, _to retreat, withdraw_. #sub--suscipiō, ere, cźpī, ceptus#, _to take up, undertake, assume, succeed to_. #Capitōlīnus#, adj., _pertaining to the Capitol_. #Capitōlium, ī#, n., _the Capitol_, the chief temple of Jupiter in Rome; often, also, the hill on which this temple stood, the _Mōns Capitōlīnus_, the citadel of Rome. #capra, ae#, f., _a she-goat_; #Caprae palūs#, _Goat Swamp_, in the Campus Martius. #captīvus# [#capiō#], adj., _captive_; as noun, #captīvus, ī#, m., _a prisoner, captive_. #captō, āre, āvī, ātus# [freq. of #capiō#], _to seize eagerly, strive to seize, strive for_; _take in, deceive, trap_. #Capua, ae#, f., a city in Campania noted for its luxury. #capulus, ī# [#capiō#], m., _hilt, handle_. #caput, itis#, n., _the head, life_; _head_ or _capital_ of a nation; #capite damnāre#, _to condemn to death_. #carbō, inis#, m., _a coal, charcoal_. #Carbō, inis#, m., _C. Papīrius_, an enemy of Sulla, defeated by Pompey. #carcer, eris#, n., _a prison_, esp. the state prison at Rome, built by Ancus Marcius, and known since the middle ages as the 'Mamertine Prison.' It lay at the foot of the Capitoline Hill, on the side towards the Forum. The historian Sallust thus describes it: "In the prison there is a place called the _Tulliānum_, about twelve feet below the surface of the ground. It is built with strong walls, and above it there is a room constructed with stone vaulting. It is a disgusting and horrible place on account of the filth, the darkness, and the stench." #carnifex, ficis# [#carō#, _flesh_ + #faciō#], m., _executioner, butcher_. #carpentum, ī#, n., _a two-wheeled carriage_. #carpō, ere, sī, tus#, _to pluck, tear_. #dis--discerpō, ere, sī, tus#, _to pluck_ or _tear in pieces_. #ex--excerpō, ere, sī, tus#, _to pluck out, choose, select_. #Carthāginiźnsis, e#, adj., _Carthaginian_. #Carthāgō, inis#, f., _Carthage_, a city on the northern coast of Africa, colonized by Phoenicians from Tyre. #Carthāgō Nova#, f., _New Carthage_, a city on the east coast of Spain, founded by the Carthaginians. #cārus#, adj., _dear, beloved_; _costly_. #casa, ae#, f., _a hut, cottage_. #Casca, ae#, m., _C. Servīlius_, one of the murderers of Julius Caesar. #Cassius, ī#, m., gentile name of _C. Cassius Longīnus_, one of the foremost conspirators against Caesar in 44 B.C. #castellum, ī# [dim. of #castrum#], n., _a stronghold, castle, fort_. #castīgō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#castus#, _pure_ + #agō#], _to correct, punish, chastise_. #castrum, ī#, n., _a fortified place_; pl., #castra, ōrum#, _a camp_. #cāsus, ūs# [#cadō#], m., _that which befalls, accident, chance_; _misfortune, calamity_. #catapulta, ae#, f., _an engine for hurling arrows, catapult_. #catźna, ae#, f., _a chain, fetter_. #Catilīna, ae#, m., _L. Sergius_, who conspired against the state during Cicero's consulship, 63 B.C. #catīllus, ī#, m., _a small dish, plate_. #Catō, ōnis#, m., _M. Porcius_, called _Uticźnsis_, because he committed suicide at Utica in Africa, after the battle of Thapsus 46 B.C. #Catullus, ī#, m., _C. Valerius_, the famous lyric poet, 87-54 B.C. #catulus, ī#, m., _a young animal, cub_. #Catulus, ī#, m., _Q. Lutātius_, who in 67 B.C. opposed the grant of extraordinary powers to Pompey for the war with the pirates. #cauda, ae#, f., _tail_. #causa, ae#, f., _cause, reason, occasion_; _case at law_; #causā# (with preceding gen.), _for the sake of_, a common expression of purpose; #causam dīcere#, _to plead a case_ in court. #cautus# [orig. part. of #caveō#], adj., _careful, wary, cautious_. #cavea, ae# [#cavus#, _hollow_], f., _a cage_. #caveō, źre, cāvī, cautus#, _to be on one's guard, beware, guard against_. #cźdō, ere, cessī, cessum#, _to go, move_; _to go from, retire_; _yield, submit_; #ex sententiā cźdere#, _to turn out to one's satisfaction_. #ab--abscźdō, ere, cessī, cessūrus#, _to go away, withdraw, depart_. #ad--accźdō, ere, cessī, cessūrus#, _to go_ or _come to, move towards, approach_; _be added_. #ante--antecźdō, ere, cessī, --#, _to go before, precede._ #con--concźdō, ere, cessī, cessus#, _to withdraw, retire, depart_; _yield, submit_; _allow, grant, concede_. #dź--dźcźdō, ere, cessī, cessum#, _to go away, withdraw, depart_; _to die_ (sc. #vītā#). #dis--discźdō, ere, cessī, cessum#, _to go away, depart_; _come off_. #in--incźdō, ere, cessī, cessūrus#, _to advance, approach_; _march_; _move slowly_. #prae--praecźdō, ere, cessī, cessūrus#, _to go before_. #prō--prōcźdō, ere, cessī, cessum#, _to move forward, advance, make progress_. #re--recźdō, ere, cessī, cessum#, _to move back, withdraw, retire, retreat_. #sź--sźcźdō, ere, cessī, cessūrus#, _to retire, withdraw_. #sub--succźdō, ere, cessī, cessum#, _to follow, succeed_; _be successful_. #celeber, bris, bre#, adj., _famous_. #celebrātus# [part. of #celebrō#, _to throng_], adj., of a place, _thronged, frequented_; of persons, places, or things, _famous, brilliant_. #celer, eris, ere#, adj., _swift, quick, lively_. #celeritās, ātis# [#celer#], f., _swiftness, speed, alertness_. #celeriter# [#celer#], adv., _quickly, soon_. #cella, ae#, f., _chamber, sanctuary, shrine_. #cźlō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to hide, conceal_. #Celtibźrī, ōrum#, m. pl., _the Celtiberi_, a tribe in Spain. #cźna, ae#, f., _dinner_, the principal meal of the Romans, taken about three o'clock. #cźnō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#cźna#], _to dine, eat_. #cźnseō, źre, uī, us#, _to rate, value_; _be of the opinion, think_; _determine, decide_. #cźnsus, ūs# [#cźnseō#], m., _an enumeration_ and _classification of the people_ according to wealth, _a census_. #centiźs# [#centum#], adv., _a hundred times_. #centum#, indecl. num. adj., _a hundred_. #centuria, ae# [#centum#], f., _a division of the army or the people_, containing a hundred persons, _a century_. #centuriō, ōnis# [#centuria#], m., _a commander of a century, centurion, captain_. #cernō, ere, crźvī, certus# [#crźtus#], _to separate_; _see, perceive_; _decide, determine_. #dź--dźcernō, ere, crźvī, crźtus#, _to decide, determine_; _decree, vote, entrust_ (by a decree); _contend, fight_. #sź--sźcernō, ere, crźvī, crźtus#, _to separate, divide_. #certāmen, inis# [#certō#], n., _match, trial_ of skill or strength; _contest, battle_. #certātim# [#certō#], adv., _in rivalry, zealously_. #certź# [#certus#], adv., _certainly, surely_. #certō, āre, āvī, ātum# [#certus#], _to vie with, contend_. #certus# [orig. part. of #cernō#], adj., _determined, fixed_; _certain, definite, specified, assured_; #certiōrem facere#, _to inform_; #certior fierī#, _to be informed_. #cervīx, īcis#, f., _neck, throat_. #cessō, āre, āvī, ātum# [freq. of #cźdō#], _to be inactive, loiter, delay_. #cźterum# [#cźterus#], adv. and conj., _for the rest, but, moreover, besides_. #cźterī, ae, a#, adj., _the rest, the other, the others_. #charta, ae#, f., _writing material, paper, sheet_ (of Egyptian papyrus). #Chry:sogonus, ī#, m., _L. Cornźlius_, a freedman of Sulla. #cibārius# [#cibus#], adj., _pertaining to food_; #rźs cibāria#, _provisions_. #cibus, ī#, m., _food, victuals_. #cicātrīx, īcis#, f., _a scar_. #cicer, ciceris#, n., _a pea, chickpea_. #Cicerō, ōnis# [#cicer#], m., cognomen of _M. Tullius Cicerō_, the famous orator, born at Arpinum, 106 B.C.; quaestor in Sicily, 75; praetor, 66; consul, 63; killed by Antony's order in 43. #Cimber, brī#, m., _a Cimbrian_, one of the Cimbri, the Teutonic tribe which, together with the Teutones, invaded Italy, and was defeated by Marius in 101 B.C. #Cimbricus#, adj., _Cimbrian_. #cingō, ere, cinxī, cinctus#, _to encircle, surround_; _gird, gird on, equip_; #obsidiōne cingere#, _to blockade, besiege_. #ad--accingō, ere, cinxī, cinctus#, _to gird, gird on, equip, arm_. #sub--succingō, ere, cinxī, cinctus#, _to gird, arm, equip_. #cinis, eris#, m., _ashes_. #Cinna, ae#, m., _L. Cornźlius_, leader with Marius of the popular party. #circā#, adv. and prep, with acc., _around, round about, throughout_. #circum#, adv. and prep, with acc., _around, about_. #circumdō#, see #dō#. #circumfundō#, see #fundō#. #circumstō#, see #stō#. #circumveniō#, see #veniō#. #circus, ī#, m., _a circle, enclosure_ for athletic sports, esp. chariot-races; #Circus Māximus#: see p. 18, n. 6. #citerior, ōris#, adj., _on this side, hither, nearer_. #citō, āre, āvī, ātus# [freq. of #cieō#, _to set in motion_], _to rouse, urge on_; _summon_. #con--concitō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to rouse, excite_; _move, instigate_. #ex--excitō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to call or bring forth_; _rouse, excite_. #in--incitō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _urge on, arouse, incite_. #cīvicus# [#cīvis#], adj., _of citizens, civic_; #cīvica corōna#, _the civic crown_, given to a soldier who saved the life of a citizen in battle. #cīvīlis, e# [#cīvis#], adj., _of citizens, civil, civic_; _courteous, polite_. #cīvis, is#, m., _citizen, fellow-citizen_. #cīvitās, ātis# [#cīvis#], f., _citizenship_; _state, body of citizens_. #clādźs, is#, f., _disaster, overthrow, defeat_; #clādem accipere#, _to sustain a defeat_; #clāde adficere#, _to defeat_. #clam# [#cźlō#], adv., _secretly_. #clāmitō, āre, āvī, ātus# [freq. of #clāmō#], _to cry aloud, shout loudly_. #clāmō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to shout_. #ad--acclāmō, āre, āvī, ātum#, _to shout loudly, exclaim_. #con--conclāmō, āre, āvī, ātum#, _cry out together, shout_. #ex--exclāmō, āre, āvī, ātum#, _to cry out, shout aloud, exclaim_. #in--inclāmō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _shout loudly_; _cry out to, call upon, appeal to_. #prō--prōclāmō, āre, āvī, ātum#, _to call, cry out, proclaim_. #sub--succlāmō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to shout in answer, to answer loudly_. #clāmor, ōris# [#clāmō#], m., _shout, cry, noise_. #clandestīnus# [#clam#], adj., _secret_. #clangor, ōris#, m., _noise, clash, clang_. #clārus#, adj., _bright_; _famous, renowned_; of sound, _clear, loud_. #classicum, ī# [#classis#], n. (sc. #sīgnum#), _battle signal_ on the trumpet. #classis, is#, f., _a class_ or _division of citizens_; _a fleet_. #Claudia, ae#, f., a sister of Appius Claudius Pulcher. #Claudius, ī#, m., the name of a famous Roman gens. 1. _Appius Claudius_, one of the Decemvirs of 451 B.C. 2. _Appius Claudius Pulcher_, consul in 249 B.C., and defeated in a naval battle off Drepanum in Sicily. #claudō, ere, clausī, clausus#, _to shut, close_; _shut in, imprison_. #ex--exclūdō, ere, clūsī, clūsus#, _to shut out, exclude_. #in--inclūdō, ere, clūsī, clūsus#, _to shut in, enclose_; _imprison_. #clausula, ae# [#claudō#], f., _conclusion_. #clāvus, ī#, m., _a nail_. #clźmźns, entis#, adj., _gentle, kindly, merciful_. #clźmenter# [#clźmźns#], adv., _quietly, mercifully, mildly_. #clźmentia, ae# [#clźmźns#], f., _mercifulness, forbearance, kindness_. #Cleopatra, ae#, f., the famous queen of Egypt, renowned for her wit and beauty. She lived 69-30 B.C. #cliźns, entis# [orig. #cluźns#, from #clueō#, _to hear_], m., _a vassal, dependent, client_. The #clientźs# attached themselves to some patrician, who aided them in business, esp. legal business, and was practically their father or guardian. The clients in turn were bound to respect and serve their patron, and to assist him financially, esp. in ransoming him, if captured, and in providing a marriage portion for his daughters. #clīvus, ī#, m., _ascent, slope, hill_; #Clīvus Capitōlīnus#, a street running up from the Forum to the Capitol. #Clōdius, ī#, m., plebeian form of Claudius, the gentile name of _P. Clōdius Pulcher_, Cicero's enemy, who, as tribune of the people, brought about his banishment. #Clypea, ae#, f., a fortified town in Africa, near Carthage. #Cn.#, abbreviation of the name #Gnaeus#. #coepī, coepisse, coeptus#, _to begin_. #coerceō#, see #arceō#. #cōgitātiō, ōnis# [#cōgitō#], f., _thought, consideration, plan_. #cōgitō#, see #agitō#. #cōgnātiō, ōnis# [#cōgnātus#], f., _blood relationship, ties of blood_. #cōgnātus# [#con# + #(g)nāscor#], adj., _related by blood_; as noun, _a kinsman, blood relation_. #cōgnitiō, ōnis# [#cōgnōscō#], f., _a legal investigation, judicial hearing_; #cōgnitiōnem īnstituere#, _to hold a hearing_. #cōgnōmen, inis# [#con# + #(g)nōmen#], n., a name added to the individual and clan names of a person; _a surname_, either as a title of honor, as #Āfricānus, Māgnus, Torquātus#, or as a nickname, as #Cicerō#. _Cōgnōmina_ served to distinguish different families of the same gens. #cōgnōminō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#cōgnōmen#], _to surname, call_. #cōgnōscō#, see #nōscō#. #cōgō#, see #agō#. #cohors, ortis#, f., _cohort, company_ (the tenth part of a legion). See #legiō#. #Collātia, ae#, f., a Sabine town near Rome. #Collātīnus, ī#, m., _L. Tarquinius_, the husband of Lucretia, and one of the first two consuls, 509 B.C. #collis, is#, m., _a hill_. #collum, ī#, n., _neck_. #colō, ere, uī, cultus#, to _till, cultivate_; _dwell in_; _practice, cherish_; _clothe, adorn_; _honor, esteem_. #ex--excolō, ere, uī, cultus#, _to cultivate, improve, adorn_; _refine_. #in--incolō, ere, uī, --#, _to dwell, dwell in, live_. #colōnia, ae# [#colō#], f., _a colony, settlement_. #columba, ae#, f., _a dove, pigeon_. #com, con, co#, forms of the prep. #cum#, found only in compound words. See #cum#. #combūrō#, see #ūrō#. #comes, itis# [#con# + (1) #eō#], m., _companion, comrade_; _attendant, follower_. #cōmitās, ātis# [#cōmis#, _courteous_], f., _courtesy, kindness_. #comitātus, ūs# [#comitor#], m., _escort, train_. #comitium, ī# [#con# + (1) #eō#], n., _the Comitium_, a place adjoining the Forum Romanum, where the voters assembled; #comitia, ōrum#, _the comitia_, an assembly of the people (esp. for elections); _election_; #comitia indīcere#, _to set a date for an election_. #comitor, ārī, ātus sum# [#comes#], _to accompany_. #commeātus, ūs#, m., _a furlough_. #commendō#, see #mandō#. #commigrō#, see #migrō#. #commīlitō, ōnis# [#con# + #mīles#], m., _fellow-soldier, comrade_. #comminus# [#con# + #manus#], adv., _hand to hand, at close quarters_. #committō#, see #mittō#. #commodź# [#commodus#], adv., _properly, fittingly, rightly_. #commodus# [#con# + #modus#], adj., _in due measure, suitable, fit, convenient_. #commoveō#, see #moveō#. #commūniō#, see #mūniō#. #commūnis, e# [#con# + #mūnus#], adj., _common, joint, general_. #commūniter# [#commūnis#], adv., _in common, together_. #commūtō#, see #mūtō#. #cōmō#, see #emō#. #compār, paris# [#con# + #pār#], adj., _equal to, like_; _fitting, suitable_. #comparō#, see #parō#. #compellō#, see #pellō#. #comperiō#, see #pariō#. #compźs, edis# [#con# + #pźs#], f., usually in the pl., _shackles, fetters_. #complector, ī, plexus sum#, _to embrace_. #compleō#, see #*pleō#. #complōrātiō, ōnis# [#complōrō#, _to bewail_], f., _lamentation, wailing_. #complūrźs, a# or #ia# [#con# + #plūs#], adj., _several, many, very many_. #compōnō#, see #pōnō#. #compos, potis# [#con# + #potis#, _able_], adj., _master of_; #vōtī compos fierī#, _to gain one's heart's desire_. #compositum, ī# [#compōnō#], n., _agreement_. #comprehendō#, see #prehendō#. #comprimō#, see #premō#. #comprobō#, see #probō#. #computō#, see #putō#. #con#, see #com#. #concźdō#, see #cźdō#. #concidō#, see #cadō#. #conciliō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#concilium#], _to bring together, conciliate_; _win over, secure_. #re--reconciliō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to reunite, reconcile_. #concilium, ī# [#con# + #calō#, _to call_], n., _assembly, gathering_. #concipiō#, see #capiō#. #concitō#, see #citō#. #conclāmō#, see #clāmō#. #concordia, ae# [#con# + #cor#, _heart_], f., _union, harmony, concord_. #concupīscō, ere, cupīvī, cupītus# [#con# + #cupiō#], _to desire greatly, crave_. #concurrō#, see #currō#. #concursus, ūs# [#concurrō#], m., _a concourse, throng_; _attack, charge, onset_. #condemnō#, see #damnō#. #condiciō, ōnis# [#condīcō#, _to agree_], f., _agreement, stipulation, terms_. #condō#, see #dō#. #condūcō#, see #dūcō#. #cōnferō#, see #ferō#. #cōnfertus# [part. of #cōnferciō#, _to stuff together_], adj., _crowded, dense_. #cōnfessiō, ōnis# [#cōnfiteor#], f., _confession, acknowledgment_. #cōnfźstim#, adv., _immediately, at once_. #cōnficiō#, see #faciō#. #cōnfīdentia, ae# [#cōnfīdō#, _to trust_], f., _boldness, assurance, confidence_. #cōnfīrmātus# [orig. part. of #cōnfīrmō#], adj., _courageous, resolute_. #cōnfīrmō#, see #fīrmō#. #cōnfiteor#, see #fateor#. #cōnflagrō, āre, āvī, --# [#con# + #flagrō#, _to burn_], _to burn, be destroyed_ (by fire). #cōnflīgō#, see #*flīgō#. #cōnflō#, see #flō#. #cōnfluō#, see #fluō#. #cōnfodiō#, see #fodiō#. #cōnfugiō#, see #fugiō#. #congerō#, see #gerō#. #congredior#, see #gradior#. #congressus, ūs# [#congredior#], m., _meeting, interview, encounter, fight_. #congruō, ere, ī, --#, _to agree, tally_. #coniciō#, see #iaciō#. #coniungō#, see #iungō#. #coniunx# or #coniux# [#coniungō#], m. and f., _married person, husband, wife_. #coniūrātiō, ōnis# [#coniūrō#], f., _a conspiracy, plot_. #coniūrātī, ōrum# [orig. part. of #coniūrō#], m. pl., _conspirators_. #coniūrō#, see #iūrō#. #coniux#, see #coniunx#. #conlaudō#, see #laudō#. #conlźga, ae# [#con# + #legō#], m., _one chosen at the same time, a colleague_. #conligō#, see #legō#. #conlocō#, see #locō#. #conloquium, ī# [#conloquor#], n., _an interview, conference_. #conloquor#, see #loquor#. #cōnor, ārī, ātus sum#, to _attempt, try_. #conqueror#, see #queror#. #conquīrō#, see #quaerō#. #cōnsalūtō#, see #salūtō#. #cōnscendō#, see #scandō#. #cōnscientia, ae# [#con# + #sciō#], f., _consciousness, knowledge_. #cōnscīscō#, see #scīscō#. #cōnscius# [#con# + #sciō#], adj., _acquainted with, aware of_. #cōnscrībō#, see #scrībō#. #cōnscrīptus# [orig. part. of #cōnscrībō#], adj., _enrolled_; #patrźs cōnscrīptī#, the official title of the senators. Roman writers took this phrase as = #patrźs et cōnscrīptī#, explaining #patrźs# as _patricians_, of whom orig. the senate was wholly composed, and #cōnscrīptī# as denoting the plebeians newly enrolled in the senate in 509 B.C., after the expulsion of the kings. It may, however, = _enrolled patricians_, to distinguish the senators from the patricians who were not enrolled in the senate. #cōnsecrō#, see #sacrō#. #cōnsźnsus, ūs# [#cōnsentiō#], m., _united opinion, consent, agreement_. #cōnsentiō#, see #sentiō#. #cōnsequor#, see #sequor#. #cōnserō#, see #serō#. #cōnservō#, see #servō#. #cōnsīderō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to look at closely, examine, reflect, consider_. #cōnsīdō#, see #sīdō#. #cōnsilium, ī# [cf. #cōnsulō#], n., _plan, scheme_; _judgment, wit, sense, shrewdness_; #cōnsilium capere# or #inīre#, _to plan_. #cōnsistō#, see #sistō#. #cōnsobrīnus, ī# [#con# + #soror#], m., _first-cousin, cousin_. #cōnsōlor, ārī, ātus sum# [#con# + #sōlor#, _to comfort_], _to comfort, cheer_. #cōnspectus, ūs# [#cōnspiciō#], m., _sight, view_. #cōnspiciō#, see #*speciō#. #cōnspicuus# [#cōnspiciō#], adj., _in plain sight, conspicuous, remarkable_. #cōnspīrātiō, ōnis# [#cōnspīrō#, _to breathe together, plot_], f., _a plot_. #cōnspīrātī, ōrum# [#cōnspīrō#, _to plot_], m. pl., _conspirators_. #cōnstāns, antis# [orig. part. of #cōnstō#], adj., _of strong character, firm, resolute_; _steadfast, consistent_. #cōnstanter# [#cōnstāns#], adv., _firmly, resolutely, steadfastly_. #cōnstantia, ae# [#cōnstāns#], f., a typical Roman virtue, _strength of character, steadiness of purpose, firmness_; _courage, faithfulness_. #cōnsternō#, see #sternō#. #cōnstituō#, see #statuō#. #cōnstō#, see #stō#. #cōnsuźscō#, see #suźscō#. #cōnsuźtūdō, inis# [#cōnsuźtus#, part. of #cōnsuźscō#], f., _habit, custom_. #cōnsul, ulis#, m., _a consul_, the title given to the two highest officials of the Roman republic. The office was created in 509 B.C. At first its powers were equal to those of the kings, except in religious matters. Later, certain of these powers were transferred to other magistrates. The consuls were elected annually; their joint names were used in giving dates. At the close of their official term, the consuls usually governed a province for a year as proconsuls. #cōnsulāris, e# [#cōnsul#], adj., _of consular rank_; as noun, _an ex-consul_. #cōnsulātus, ūs# [#cōnsul#], m., _consulship_. #cōnsulō, ere, uī, tus#, _to take counsel, deliberate_; _to take counsel with, to consult_; #graviter cōnsulere#, _to take vigorous measures_. #cōnsultō, āre, āvī, ātus# [freq. of #cōnsulō#], _to take counsel, deliberate_. #cōnsūmō#, see #sūmō#. #contemnō, ere, tempsī, temptus#, _to despise, scorn_. #contemptor, ōris# [#contemnō#], m., _one who despises, scorner_. #contendō#, see #tendō#. #contentiō, ōnis# [#contendō#], f., _straining, effort, energy_; _dispute, strife_. #contentus# [orig. part. of #contineō#], adj., _content, satisfied with_. #continentia, ae# [#contineō#], f., _self-restraint, moderation_. #contineō#, see #teneō#. #contingō#, see #tangō#. #continuō# [#continuus#], adv., _forthwith, straightway_. #continuus# [#contineō#], adj., _uninterrupted, continuous, successive, incessant_. #cōntiō, ōnis# [orig. #co(n)ventiō#, from #conveniō#], f., _an assembly, meeting_. #contrā#, prep. with acc., _against, contrary to_. #contrahō#, see #trahō#. #contrārius# [#contrā#], adj., _opposite, contrary_. #contubernālis, is# [#con# + #taberna#, _a tent_], m., _tent-companion, comrade_. #contumźlia, ae#, f., _insult, reproach, abuse_. #contundō# [#con# + #tundō#, _to beat, strike_], _to crush, destroy_. #contus, ī#, m., _a pole, pike_. #cōnūbium, ī# [#con# + #nūbō#], n., _marriage, right of intermarriage_. #convalźscō, ere, valuī, --# [#con# + #valeō#], _to begin to be well, recover_. #conveniźns, entis# [#conveniō#], adj., _agreeing or consistent with, befitting_. #conveniō#, see #veniō#. #convertō#, see #vertō#. #convincō#, see #vincō#. #convīvium, ī# [#con# + #vīvō#], n., _a feast_. #convocō#, see #vocō#. #coorior#, see #orior#. #cophinus, ī#, m., _a basket_. #cōpia, ae# [#co(n)# + #ops#], f., _abundance, supply_; _opportunity_; in pl., _resources, forces, troops_. #cōpiōsź# [#cōpiōsus#], adv., _abundantly_; _of speech, fluently, eloquently_. #cōpiōsus# [#cōpia#], adj., _abounding in, well supplied_. #coquus, ī#, m., _a cook_. #cōram# [#co(n)# + #ōs#], adv., _before one's eyes, in person_; prep. with abl., _before, in the presence of_. #corium, ī#, n., _skin, hide_. #Cornźlia, ae#, f., _Cornelia_. 1. A daughter of P. Scipio Africanus Maior, and mother of the Gracchi. 2. A daughter of L. Cornelius Cinna, first wife of Julius Caesar. #Cornźlius, ī#, m., the name of a very important Roman gens. See #Cinna, Cossus, Lentulus, Scīpiō#, and #Sulla#. #cornū, ūs#, n., _horn_; _wing_ (of an army). #corōna, ae#, f., _a crown, garland_. See #cīvicus#. #corpus, oris#, n., _a body_. #corrigō#, see #regō#. #corripiō#, see #rapiō#. #corrumpō#, see #rumpō#. #corruō#, see #ruō#. #corvus, ī#, m., _a raven_. In XVI. 3 it may be translated _grappling-iron_, though the reference is rather to a wooden boarding bridge, which swung freely round a pole in the prow of the ship. In battle it was dropped upon the deck of a hostile vessel and held there by a sharp iron spike in its under side. #cōs, cōtis#, f., _flint stone, whetstone_. #Cossus, ī#, m., _A. Cornźlius_, consul in 343 B.C. #cottīdiānus# [#cottīdiź#, _daily_], adj., _daily_; _usual, customary_; _everyday, commonplace_. #Crassus, ī#, m., _M. Licinius_, called _Dīves_ because of his enormous wealth; consul in 70 B.C., and triumvir with Caesar and Pompey in 60; defeated and killed by the Parthians 53 B.C. #crźber, bra, brum#, adj., _crowded, numerous, incessant_. #crźdō, ere, crźdidī, crźditus#, _to lend, entrust to_; _believe in, trust_; _believe, think_. #Cremera, ae#, f., a river in Etruria, near Veii. #cremō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to burn_. #Cremōna, ae#, f., a town on the river Po. #creō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to make, create_; _to choose, elect_. #re--recreō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to renew, revive, encourage_. #crźscō, ere, crźvī, crźtus#, _to grow, increase_. #in--incrźscō, ere, crźvī, --#, _to grow upon_; _grow, increase_. #crīminor, ārī, ātus sum# [#crīmen#, _a charge_], _to complain of, denounce_; with infin., _to charge_. #crīnis, is#, m., _hair_. #cruciātus, ūs# [#cruciō#], m., _torture, torment_. #cruciō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#crux#], _to crucify, torture, torment_. #crūdźlis, e#, adj., _cruel, unfeeling_. #crūdźlitās, ātis# [#crūdźlis#], f., _cruelty_. #cruentus# [cf. #cruor#], adj., _blood-stained_. #crumźna, ae#, f., _a purse, money bag_. #cruor, ōris#, m., _running blood, gore_. #crūs#, #crūris#, n., _a leg_. #crux#, #crucis#, f., _cross, gallows_. #crystallinus# [#crystallum#, _crystal_], adj., _of crystal_; as noun, #crystallinum, ī# (sc. #vās#), n., _a vase of crystal_. #cubiculum, ī# [#cubō#], n., _a bedchamber_. #cubō, āre, uī, itum#, _to lie down, recline_; _to lie sick_. #re--recubō, āre, --, --#, _to lie on one's back, lie, recline_. #cūiās, ātis#, interr. pron., _of what country? whence?_ #culpa, ae#, ī., _fault, guilt_. #cultellus, ī# [dim. of #culter#], m., _a small knife_. #culter, trī#, m., _knife, dagger_. #cultus, ūs# [#colō#], m., _cultivation; refinement, luxury_; _mode of living, style_. #cum#, prep. with abl., _with, together with, at the same time with_. In composition the forms #com, con#, and #co# are used, and denote (1) accompaniment, (2) intensity. #cum#, conj.; of time, _when, while, whenever_; of cause, _since_; of concession, _although_; #cum . . . tum#, _both . . . and, not only . . . but also_. #*cumbō#, an old verb, same root as #cubō#. #ad--accumbō, ere, cubuī, cubitum#, _to lie or recline_ (esp. at table). #in--incumbō, ere, cubuī, cubitum#, _to lie or lean upon_; _devote one's self_. #ob--occumbō, ere, cubuī, cubitum#, _to fall_ (in death), _die_. #prō--prōcumbō, ere, cubuī, cubitum#, _to fall forward, fall prostrate_. #cunctātiō, ōnis# [#cunctor#], f., _delay_. #Cunctātor, ōris# [#cunctor#], m., _Delayer_, a name given to Q. Fabius Maximus. #cunctor, ārī, ātus sum#, _to delay, linger_. #cupidź# [#cupidus#], adv., _eagerly_. #cupiditās, ātis# [#cupidus#], f., _craving, desire, eagerness_. #cupīdō, inis# [cf. #cupidus#], f., _desire, craving, greed_. #cupidus# [#cupiō#], adj., _desirous, fond_; _greedy, covetous_. #cupiō, ere, īvī (iī), ītus#, _to crave, desire, covet_. #cūr#, adv., _why? for what reason?_ #cūra, ae#, f., _care, anxiety_. #Curźs, īum#, f. pl., a Sabine town. #Cūria, ae#, f., _a curia, ward_, one of the ten divisions into which each of the three orig. Roman tribes was divided; _council chamber_, esp. the Roman _Senate-house_, either the _Cūria Hostīlia_, adjoining the Forum on the north side, or the _Cūria Pompźia_, built by Pompey in the Campus Martius. In the latter Caesar was murdered. #Cūriātius, ī#, m., name of the three Alban brothers who fought with the Horatii. #Curius, ī#, m., gentile name of _Mānius Curius Dentātus_, a famous Roman hero, renowned for his frugality and simplicity of life. He died in 270 B.C. #cūrō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#cūra#], _to care for, attend to_; with gerundive and infin., _see to it that, take care that_. #prō--prōcūrō, āre, āvī, ātus#, to _care for, attend to_; of omens, _to avert by sacrifices_. #currō, ere, cucurrī, cursum#, _to run_. #ad--accurrō, ere, (cu)currī, cursum#, _to run, to, hasten towards_. #con--concurrō, ere, (cu)currī, cursum#, _to run together_; _to rush together_ (in battle), _charge, fight_. #dź--dźcurrō, ere, (cu)curri, cursum#, _to run down, hasten down_. #dis--discurrō, ere, (cu)currī, cursum#, _to run in different directions_; _wander, roam_. #ob--occurrō, ere, (cu)currī, cursum#, _to run to meet, meet_; _withstand, oppose_. #sub--succurrō, ere, ī, --#, _to run to, help, aid_. #currus, ūs# [#currō#], m., _a chariot_. #cursus, ūs# [#currō#], m., _running_; _journey, passage, course_; _speed_. #curūlis, e# [#currus#], adj., _of a chariot_. #Sella curūlis#, see #sella#. #cūstōdia, ae# [#cūstōs#], f., _watching_; _guard-house, prison_; pl., _pickets, watchmen_. #cūstōdiō, īre, īvī, ītus# [#cūstōs#], _to watch, guard, defend_. #cūstōs, ōdis#, m. and f., _guardian, protector_. #Cy:rus, ī#, m., Cyrus the Great, 559-529 B.C., founder of the Persian empire. #D# #D.#, abbreviation of the name #Decimus#. #Dācī, ōrum#, m. pl., _the Dacians_, a people living on the north of the Danube. #damnātiō, ōnis# [#damnō#], f., _condemnation_. #damnō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to judge guilty, condemn_; #capite damnāre#, _to condemn to death_. #con--condemnō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to find guilty, condemn, sentence_. #dź#, prep, with abl.; of place, _from, down from, out of_; of time, _after, during_; of cause, _in consequence of, through_; of relation, _concerning, in respect to_. In compounds it generally denotes thoroughness, but occasionally has negative force. #dea, ae#, f., _a goddess_. #deambulō#, see #ambulō#. #dźbeō#, see #habeō#. #dźbilis# [#dź# + #habilis#], adj., _weak, disabled, helpless_. #dźcźdō#, see #cźdō#. #decem#, indecl. num. adj., _ten_. #december, bris, bre#, adj., _tenth_; as noun, #December# (sc. #mźnsis#), m., _December, the tenth month_ (counting from March, with which the Roman year originally began). #decemvir, ī# [#decem# + #vir#], m., _a member of a commission of ten men, a decemvir_. #dźcernō#, see #cernō#. #decet, źre, uit#, impers., _it is fitting_. #decimus# [#decem#], num. adj., _tenth_. #Decimus, ī#, m., a Roman praenomen. #dźcipiō#, see #capiō#. #Decius, ī#, m., the gentile name of _P. Decius Mūs_, consul B.C. 340. #dźclārō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#dź# + #clārus#], _to make clear, disclose_; _show, declare_. #decorō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#decus#], _to adorn, deck_. #dźcurrō#, see #currō#. #decus, oris#, n., _grace, glory, honor, splendor, ornament_. #dźcutiō#, see #quatiō#. #dźditīcius, ī# [#dźditus#], m., _a captive_. #dźditiō, ōnis# [#dźdō#], f., _a surrender_. #dźditus# [orig. part. of #dźdō#], adj., _surrendered_; #devoted to, addicted to#. As noun, #dźditus, ī#, m., _a captive_. #dźdō#, see #dō#. #dźdūcō#, see #dūcō#. #dźfatīgātiō, ōnis#, f., _weariness_. #dźfendō#, see #*fendō#. #dźfźnsiō, ōnis# [#dźfendō#], f., _a defense_. #dźfźnsor, ōris# [#dźfendō#], m., _a defender_. #dźferō#, see #ferō#. #dźfessus#, adj., _worn out, weary_. #dźficiō#, see #faciō#. #dźfīgō#, see #fīgō#. #deflectō#, see #flectō#. #dźfōrmitās, ātis# [#dźfōrmis#, _ugly_], f., _ugliness, disfigurement_. #dźfungor#, see #fungor#. #dźgō#, see #agō#. #dźhonestō, āre, --, --# [#dź# + #honestō# (cf. #honōs#), _to honor_], _to disgrace, dishonor_. #dźiciō#, see #iaciō#. #dein#, see #deinde#. #deinceps#, adv., _one after the other, in succession_; _next_; _thereafter, in the future_. #deinde# or #dein# [#dź# + #inde#], adv., _subsequently_; _then, next_; _thereafter, from that time on_. #dźlābor#, see #lābor#. #dźlźctō, āre, āvi, ātus# [#dź# + #laciō#], to _delight, please, entertain_. #dźlźctus# [orig. part. of (1) #dźligō#], adj., _picked, choice_. #dźlźctus, ūs# [(1) #dźligō#], m., _a picking out, a levy, draft_; #dźlźctum agere# or #habźre#, _to hold a levy_. #dźleō, źre, źvī, źtus#, _to blot out, destroy_. #dźlīberābundus# [#dźlīberō#], adj., _pondering, reflecting_. #dźlīberō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#dź# + #lībra#, _a balance_], _to weigh_ (consider) _well, deliberate, ponder_. #dźlicātź# [#dźlicātus#], adv., _luxuriously, effeminately_. #dźlicātus# [cf. #dźliciae#], adj., _devoted to pleasure, luxurious, effeminate_. #dźliciae, ārum#, pl. f., _delights, pleasure, luxury_. (1) #dźligō#, see #legō#. (2) #dźligō, āre#, see #ligō#. #delīrō, āre, --, --# [#dź# + #līra#, _a furrow_], _to be crazy_. #dźlitźscō, ere, lituī, --# [#dź# + #lateō#, _to hide_], _lie hid, be concealed_. #Delphi, ōrum#, pl. m., _Delphi_, a town of Phocis in Central Greece, renowned for its oracle of Apollo. #dźmissź# [#dźmissus#, _modest_], adv., _modestly, humbly, abjectly_. #dźmittō#, see #mittō#. #dźmoror#, see #moror#. #dźmum#, adv., _at last, finally_; #tum dźmum#, _then at last, not till then_. #dźnārius, ī#, m., a silver coin, equivalent orig. to 10, afterwards to 16, asses. Its value varied from 16 to 20 cents. #dźnegō#, see #negō#. #dźnique#, adv., _thereafter, thereupon_; _at last, finally_; _briefly, in short_. #dźnūntiō#, see #nūntiō#. #dźnuō# [#dź# + #novō#], adv., _anew, again_. #deōsculor#, see #ōsculor#. #dźpellō#, see #pellō#. #dźpereō#, see #pereō#. #dźpōnō#, see #pōnō#. #dźpōscō#, see #pōscō#. #dźprecor#, see #precor#. #dźprehendō#, see #prehendō#. #dźrīdeō#, see #rīdeō#. #dźscendō#, see #scandō#. #dźscīscō#, see #scīscō#. #dźscrībō#, see #scrībō#. #dźserō#, see #serō#. #dźsīderium, ī# [#dźsīderō#], n., _longing, yearning_; _regret_. #dźsīderō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to long for_; _require, need_. #dźsiliō#, see #saliō#. #dźsipiźns, entis# [orig. part. of #dźsipiō#], adj., _foolish, silly_. As noun, #dźsipiźns, entis#, m., _a fool, madman_. #dźsipiō#, see #sapiō#. #dźsistō#, see #sistō#. #dźspźrātiō, ōnis# [#dźspźrō#], f., _despair, desperation_. #dźspźrō#, see #spźrō#. #dźspiciō#, see #*speciō#. #dźspondeō#, see #spondeō#. #dźstinō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to make fast, fix_; _resolve, design, plan_. #dźstringō#, see #stringō#. #dźsum#, see #sum#. #dźsuper# [#dź# + #super#], adv., _from above_. #dźtegō#, see #tegō#. #dźterreō#, see #terreō#. #dźtineō#, see #teneō#. #dźtrahō#, see #trahō#. #dźtrźctō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#dź# neg. + #trāctō#, _to handle, manage_], _to decline, shirk_. #dźtrīmentum, ī# [#dźterō#, _to rub away_], n., _loss, damage_. #deūrō#, see #ūrō#. #deus, ī#, m., _a god, divinity_. #dźvincō#, see #vincō#. #dźvolō#, see (2) #volō#. #dźvoveō#, see #voveō#. #dexter, era, erum#, and #tra, trum#, adj., _right_. As noun, #dextra# (sc. #manus#), f., _the right hand_. #diadźma, atis#, n., _a royal crown, diadem_. #Diāna, ae#, f., an ancient Italian goddess, identified by the Romans with the Greek Artemis, goddess of the moon and the chase. #dīcō, ere, dīxī, dictus#, _to say, speak_; _call, name_; _appoint_; #causam dīcere#, _to plead a case_; #diem dīcere alicuī#, _to bring a complaint against some one_; #iūs dīcere#, _to administer justice, hold court_; #multam dīcere#, _to impose a fine_. #ad--addīcō, ere, dīxī, dictus#, _to be propitious to, assent_; with acc., _to adjudge, award_. #ź--źdīcō, ere, dīxī, dictus#, _to make known, proclaim_; _order, command_; #diem źdīcere#, _to set a day_ (by public proclamation). #in--indīcō, ere, dīxī, dictus#, _to proclaim, announce_; _appoint_; _impose, inflict_. #inter--interdīcō, ere, dīxī, dictum#, _to forbid, prohibit, exclude_. #prae--praedīcō, ere, dīxī, dictus#, _to foretell, prophesy_; _warn, admonish_. #dicō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to declare_; _dedicate, consecrate_. #ab--abdicō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to disown, reject_; #sź abdicāre#, _to resign_. #in--indicō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to make known, reveal_. #prae--praedicō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to say openly, assert, declare_. #dictātor, ōris# [#dictō#, _to order_], m., _a dictator_, a magistrate usually appointed only in times of extreme peril. He was named by one of the consuls, after the senate had declared the appointment of a dictator necessary. He held unlimited powers, but the term of his office was limited to six months. #dictātūra, ae# [#dictātor#], f., _dictatorship_. #dictitō, āre, āvī, ātus# [freq. of #dīcō#], _to say often, assert, insist_. #dictum, ī# [#dīcō#], n., _saying, word, remark_; _command_. #dīdūcō#, see #dūcō#. #diźs, źī#, m. and (sometimes in sing.) f., _a day_; #in diźs#, _from day to day_. #diffīdō, ere, fīsus sum# [#dis# neg. + #fīdō#, _to trust_], _to distrust, doubt_. #diffluō#, see #fluō#. #dīgnitās, ātis# [#dīgnus#], f., _worth, high character_; _eminence, rank, reputation_. #dīgnus#, adj., _worthy, deserving of_. #dīgredior#, see #gradior#. #dīligenter# [#dīligō#], adv., _industriously, diligently_. #dīligentia, ae# [#dīligō#], f., _carefulness, diligence, industry_. #dīligō#, see #legō#. #dīlūcźscō, ere, lūxī, --# [cf. #lūx#], _to grow light, dawn_. #dīmicātiō, ōnis# [#dīmicō#], f., _a fight_. #dīmicō, āre, āvī, ātum#, _to fight_. #dīmittō#, see #mittō#. #dīrigō#, see #regō#. #dīrimō#, see #emō#. #dīripiō#, see #rapiō#. #dīruō#, see #ruō#. #dīs, dītis#, comp. #dītior#, sup. #dītissimus#, adj., _rich, wealthy_. #dis# or #dī#, inseparable prefix, _apart, asunder_; sometimes negative, _not_. #discźdō#, see #cźdō#. #discerpō#, see #carpō#. #dīsciplīna, ae# [#dīscō#], f., _teaching, training, discipline_. #dīscipulus, ī# [#dīscō#], m., _a pupil_. #dīscō, ere, didicī, --#, _to learn_. #dīscrībō#, see #scrībō#. #discrīmen, inis# [#discernō#, _to divide_], n., _difference_; _turning-point, decision_; _peril, crisis_. #discurrō#, see #currō#. #disertus# [#disserō#], adj., _eloquent_. #dispźnsātor, ōris# [#dispźnsō#, _to manage_], m., _manager, steward, treasurer_. #dīspiciō#, see #*speciō#. #displiceō#, see #placeō#. #dispōnō#, see #pōnō#. #disputō#, see #putō#. #dissźnsiō, ōnis# [#dissentiō#, _to disagree_], f., _disagreement, strife_. #disserō#, see #serō#. #dissimilis, e# [#dis# neg. + #similis#], adj., _unlike_. #dissimulō#, see #simulō#. #dissipō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to scatter, squander, dissipate_. #dissuādeō#, see #suādeō#. #distrahō#, see #trahō#. #distribuō#, see #tribuō#. #dītior, dītissimus#, see #dīs#. #dītō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#dīs#], _to enrich_. #diū#, adv., _for a long time, long_. #diuturnus# [#diū#], adj., _prolonged, long_. #dīversus# [#dīvertō#], adj., _turned different ways, opposite, contrary_; #in dīversa#, _apart, asunder_. #dīvertō#, see #vertō#. #dīvidō, ere, vīsī, vīsus#, _to divide, separate, distribute_. #dīvīnitus# [#dīvīnus#], adv., _by divine agency, providentially_. #dīvīnus# [#dīvus#], adj., _godlike, divine_. #dīvitiae, ārum# [#dives#, _rich_], pl. f., _wealth_. #dīvus#, adj., _godlike, deified_; often applied to the Roman emperors after death. #dō, dare, dedī, datus#, _to put, place_; _give, present, entrust_; #operam dare#, _to pay attention_; #poenās dare#, _to suffer punishment_. #ab--abdō, dere, didī, ditus#, _to put away, hide, conceal_. #ad--addō, dere, didī, ditus#, _to put or join to, add_. #circumdō, dere, didī, ditus#, _to place around, surround, enclose_. #con--condō, dere, didī, ditus#, _to put together, found, build_; _put away, hide_; _sheathe_ (a sword). #dź--dźdō, dere, didī, ditus#, _to give up, surrender_. #ex--źdō, dere, didī, ditus#, _to give out, give_; _give birth to, bear_; _publish, announce, reveal_; _perform_; #lūdōs źdere#, _to celebrate games_. #in--indō, dere, didī, ditus#, _to put in or on, give, confer_. #per--perdō, dere, didī, ditus#, _to lose, destroy, ruin, waste_. #prō--prōdō, dere, didī, ditus#, _to give_ or _put forth, make known_; _hand down, record_; _betray_. #re--reddō, dere, didī, ditus#, _to give back, restore, return_; _deliver_ (a letter); _render_. #sub--subdō, dere, didī, ditus#, _to put under, apply_. #trāns--trādō, dere, didī, ditus#, _to give over, give up, surrender_; _hand down, report, relate_; _hand over, entrust_. #doceō, źre, uī, tus#, _to teach, point out_. #ź--źdoceō, źre, uī, tus#, _to teach thoroughly_. #doctor, ōris# [#doceō#], m., _teacher_. #doctrīna, ae# [#doceō#], f., _instruction_; _learning, training_. #doctus# [orig. part. of #doceō#], adj., _educated, learned, skilled_. #dolor, ōris# [#doleō#, _to feel pain_], m., _pain, grief, resentment_. #dolōsź# [#dolus#], adv., _craftily_. #dolus, ī#, m., _craft, trickery_. #domicilium, ī# [#domus#], n., _dwelling_. #dominātiō, ōnis# [#dominor#], f., _rule, supremacy, dominion_. #dominātus, ūs# [#dominor#, _to rule_], m., _rule, sway, mastery, command_. #dominus, ī#, m., #master# (esp. of slaves), _ruler, lord_. #domō, āre, uī, itus#, _to tame, subdue_. #domus, ūs#, f., _a house, home_; loc. #domī#, _at home_; acc. #domum#, _homewards, home_. #dōnātīvum, ī# [#dōnō#], n., _a gift_. #dōnec#, conj., _while, until, as long as_. #dōnō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#dōnum#], _to give, present_. #dōnum, ī# [#dō#], n., _a gift, present_. #dormiō, īre, īvī, --#, _to sleep_. #dorsum, ī#, n., _back_ (of an animal); _range_ or _ridge_ (of a mountain). #dōs, dōtis# [#dō#], f., _dowry_. #dōtālis, e# [#dōs#], adj., of a dowry; #dōtālia dōna#, _wedding presents_. #dubitō, āre, āvī, ātum# [#dubius#], _to doubt, waver, hesitate_. #dubius#, adj., _doubtful, uncertain_; #in dubium vocāre#, _to call in question_. #ducentī, ae, a# [#duo# + #centum#], num. adj., _two hundred_. #dūcō, ere, dūxī, ductus#, _to lead_; _prolong_; _consider, reckon_; #fossam dūcere#, _to build a ditch_; #fūnus dūcere#, _to celebrate a funeral_; #uxōrem dūcere#, _to marry_. #ab--abdūcō, ere, dūxī, ductus#, _to lead off_ or _away, drag off, remove_. #ad--addūcō, ere, dūxī, ductus#, _to lead to, bring_; _induce, influence_. #con--condūcō, ere, dūxī, ductus#, _to bring together_; _contribute to, serve_. #dź--dźdūcō, ere, dūxī, ductus#, _to lead_ (away); _attend, escort_. #dis--dīdūcō, ere, dūxī, ductus#, _to lead_ or _draw apart, separate, open_. #ź--źdūcō, ere, dūxī, ductus#, _to lead forth_ or _out_; _bring up, rear_. #in--indūcō, ere, dūxī, ductus#, _to lead_ or _bring in, introduce_; _lead, induce, influence_. #intrō--intrōdūcō, ere, dūxī, ductus#, _to lead_ or _bring in, usher in, admit_. #per--perdūcō, ere, dūxī, ductus#, _to lead, conduct, escort_; _pursue_; _spend, pass_. #re--redūcō, ere, dūxī, ductus#, _to lead_ or _escort back, accompany_. #sź--sźdūcō, ere, dūxī, ductus#, _to lead apart_ or _aside_. #sub--subdūcō, ere, dūxī, ductus#, _to lead_ or _draw away_ (secretly), _withdraw, remove_; _hide_. #trāns--trādūcō, ere, dūxī, ductus#, _to lead_ or _carry across, transport_; _spend, pass_ (time). #dūdum#, adv., _a while ago_. See #iam#. #Duīlius, ī#, m., _C._, a Roman general who defeated the Carthaginians in a naval battle, 260 B.C. (1) #dum#, adverbial particle found only in compounds, _a while_; with negatives, _yet_. (2) #dum#, conj., _while, until_. #dummodo# [#dum# + #modo#], conj., _provided_. #duo, ae, o#, num. adj., _two_. #duodecim# [#duo# + #decem#], num. adj., _twelve_. #duodźnī, ae, a#, adj., _twelve each, twelve_. #duplex, icis# [#duo# + #plicō#, _to fold_], adj., _twofold, double_. #duplicō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#duplex#], _to double, repeat_. #dūrō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#dūrus#], _to harden_; _endure, hold out, last_. #dūrus#, adj., _hard, rough_; _rude, uncultivated_; _unfeeling_. #dux, ducis# [#dūcō#], m., _leader, guide_; _commander, general_. #Dy:rrachium, ī#, n., a town in Illyria, on the east coast of the Adriatic, nearly opposite Brundisium. #E# #ź#, see #ex#. #ecquid#, interr. adv., used (1) to emphasize a direct question, _at all?_ (2) in indir. question, _whether_. #źdīcō#, see #dīcō#. #źdictum, ī# [#źdīcō#], n., _proclamation, edict_. #źditus# [orig. part. of #źdō#], adj., _high_. #edō, ere (źsse), źsī, źsus#, _to eat, consume_. #źdō#, see #dō#. #źdoceō#, see #doceō#. #źducātiō, ōnis# [#źducō#], f., _training, education_. #źdūcō#, see #dūcō#. #źducō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#źdūcō#], _to bring up, rear, train, educate_. #effźminātus# [orig. part. of #effźminō#, _to make womanish_], adj., _womanish_. (1) #efferō#, see #ferō#. (2) #efferō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#ex# + #ferus#], _to render wild_ or _savage_; _madden_. #efficiō#, see #faciō#. #efflāgitō#, see #flāgitō#. #effugiō#, see #fugiō#. #effundō#, see #fundō#. #egeō, źre, uī, --#, _to be lacking_; _to be poor_ or _in need_. #Egeria, ae#, f., the nymph from whom King Numa received revelations. #ego, meī#, pers. pron., _I_; pl., #nōs#, _we_. #źgredior#, see #gradior#. #źgregiź# [#źgregius#], adv., _excellently, exceedingly, strikingly_. #źgregius# [#ź# + #grex#], adj., _select, distinguished, excellent_. #źiciō#, see #iaciō#. #źlābor#, see #lābor#. #źlabōrō#, see #labōrō#. #źlanguźscō, ere, źlanguī, --#, _to grow faint_ or _feeble_; _slacken, abate_. #źlātus# [orig. part. of (1) #efferō#], adj., _high_; _elated, exalted, puffed up_. #źleganter# [#źlegāns#, _choice_], adv., _with good judgment, judiciously_. #źlegantia, ae# [#źlegāns#, _choice_], f., _taste, refinement, elegance, grace_. #elephantus, ī#, m., _the elephant_. #źliciō#, see #*laciō#. #źlīdō#, see #laedō#. #źligō#, see #legō#. #źloquentia, ae# [#źloquor#, _to speak_], f., _eloquence_. #źmineō, źre, uī, --#, _to stand out, tower up_. #źmittō#, see #mittō#. #emō, ere, źmī, źmptus#, _to take_; _buy, purchase_; _gain, acquire_. #con--cōmō, ere, cōmpsī, cōmptus#, _to bring together, arrange, dress_ (the hair), _comb_. #dis--dīrimō, ere, źmī, źmptus#, _to take apart, separate_; #rźs dīrimere#, _to adjust matters_. #ex--eximo, ere, źmī, źmptus#, _to take out, remove_; _free, release_. #inter--interimō, ere, źmī, źmptus#, _to take from the midst_ (of men), _kill_. #re--redimō, ere, źmī, źmptus#, _to buy back, ransom_; _replace_. #źn#, interj., _lo! behold! see!_ #enim#, conj., always postpositive, _namely, in fact, you know_; _for, because_. #źniteō#, see #niteō#. #źnītor#, see #nītor#. #źnsis, is#, m., _a sword_. (1) #eō, īre, īvī (iī), itūrus#, _to go_ or _come, walk, march_. #ab--abeō, īre, īvī (iī), itūrus#, _to go away, depart_; #abīre in#, _pass into, change into_. #ad--adeō, īre, īvī (iī), itus#, _to go_ or _come to, approach, visit_. #ante--anteeō, īre, īvī (iī), --#, _to go before_. #dź# + #per--dźpereō, īre, īvī (iī), itūrus#, _to die, perish_. #ex--exeō, īre, īvī (iī), itūrus#, _to go_ or _come forth_; _retire_. #in--ineō, īre, īvī (iī), itus#, _to enter, begin_; #cōnsilium inīre#, _to form a plan_. #inter--intereō, īre, īvī (iī), itūrus#, _to perish, die_. #intrō--introeō, īre, īvī (iī), itūrus#, _to enter_. #ob--obeō, īre, īvī (iī), itus#, _to go to meet_; _perform_; _perish, die_. #per--pereō, īre, īvī (iī), itūrus#, _to perish, disappear, die_. #praeter--praetereō, īre, īvī (iī), itus#, _to go_ or _pass by_; _omit_. #re--redeō, īre, īvī (iī), itūrus#, _to go_ or _come back, return_. #sub--subeō, īre, īvī (iī), itus#, _to come_ or _go up to, go under, encounter, face_ (danger); #venźnum subit#, _the poison spreads_. #trāns--transeō, īre, īvī (iī), itus#, _to cross_ (over); _pass by_. (2) #eō# [#is#], adv., _for that reason, therefore_; _to that place, thither_; _to that degree, so far_. #Ephesius#, adj., _Ephesian_. #Ephesus, ī#, f., a Greek city on the west coast of Asia Minor. #epigramma, atis#, n., _epigram, poem_. #Źpīrus, ī#, f., a country on the Ionian Sea, northwest of Greece proper. #epistula, ae#, f., _a letter_. #epulor, ārī, ātus sum# [#epulum#], _to feast_. #epulum, ī#, n. (pl., #epulae, ārum#, f.), _a feast, banquet_. #eques, itis# [#equus#], m., _a horseman, cavalryman_; _knight_, or member of the equestrian order. The three centuries of knights established by Romulus formed the cavalry of the Roman army. Later, the number was increased to 1800, to each of whom a horse was furnished by the state, together with an allowance for its keep. Later, the term _equitźs_ included not only those who actually served in the army, but also those who possessed a certain fortune, which in the time of Augustus was set at about $15,000. #equester, tris, tre# [#equus#], adj., _of the knights, knightly_. #equitō, āre, āvī, --# [#equus#], _to ride_. #ad--adequitō, āre, āvī, --#, _to ride to, ride up_. #equus, ī#, m., _a horse_. #źrźctus# [orig. part. of #źrigō#], adj., _upright, erect_. #ergā#, prep. with acc., _towards, to, with respect to_. #ergō#, adv., expressing an inference, like _now, well, then, therefore_. #źrigō#, see #regō#. #error, ōris# [#errō#, _to wander_], m., _wandering, error, mistake_. #źrubźscō, ere, źrubuī, --#, _to grow red, blush_; _feel ashamed_. #źrudiō, īre, īvī, ītus# [#ź# + #rudis#], _to polish, educate, train_. #źrumpō#, see #rumpō#. #źruō#, see #ruō#. #źsca, ae# [#edō#], f., _food, bait_. #źscendō#, see #scandō#. #Źsquilīnus, ī#, m. (sc. #collis#), _the Esquiline Hill_, the largest of the seven hills of Rome. #et#, (1) adv., _also, too, even_; (2) conj., _and, and yet, but_; #et . . . et#, _both . . . and_. #etiam# [#et# + #iam#], adv. and conj., _and also, also, even_. #Etrūria, ae#, f., the country of the Etruscans, northwest of Latium. #Etrūscī, ōrum#, pl. m., _the Etruscans_, the people of Etruria. #etsī# [#et# + #sī#], conj., _even if, although_. #Eurīpidźs, is#, m., a Greek tragic poet of the fifth century B.C. #Eurōpa, ae#, f., _Europe_. #źvādō#, see #vādō#. #źvehō#, see #vehō#. #źventus, ūs# [#źveniō#, _to come out_], m., _outcome, result_; _occurrence, event_. #źvertō#, see #vertō#. #źvocō#, see #vocō#. #ex#, before consonants often #ź#, prep. with abl.; of place, _out of_ (the midst of), _from_; of cause, _in consequence of, because of_; _according to_; in compounds, _forth, out_; _thoroughly_; _not_. #exāctor, ōris# [#exigō#, _to exact_], m., _exactor, enforcer_. #exāminō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#exāmen#, _means of weighing_], _to weigh, examine, compare_. #exanimō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#ex# + #anima#], _to put out of breath, kill_. #exārdźscō, ere, ārsī, --# [#ex# + #ārdźscō#, intens. of #ārdeō#, _to burn, glow_], _to blaze forth_. #exarō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#ex# + #arō#, _to plow_], _to scratch off, compose_. #exasperō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#ex# + #asper#], _to roughen, irritate, provoke_. #exaudiō#, see #audiō#. #excelsus#, adj., _lofty, high_; as noun, #excelsum, ī#, n., _elevated station_. #excerpō#, see #carpō#. #excidium, ī#, n., _downfall, ruin_. #excipiō#, see #capiō#. #excitō#, see #citō#. #exclāmō#, see #clāmō#. #exclūdō#, see #claudō#. #excōgitō#, see #agitō#. #excolō#, see #colō#. #excubiae, ārum# [#ex# + #cubō#], pl. f., _a lying out on guard_; _the watch, watchmen_. #excūsātiō, ōnis# [#excūsō#], f., _excuse_. #excūsō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#ex# + #causa#], _to free from trial, excuse_. #excutiō#, see #quatiō#. #exemplum, ī# [#eximō#], n., _specimen, example, precedent, warning_. #exeō#, see (1) #eō#. #exerceō#, see #arceō#. #exercitus, ūs# [#exerceō#], m., _an army_. #exhauriō#, see #hauriō#. #exhibeō#, see #habeō#. #exhorrźscō, ere, horruī, --#, _to shudder at, shrink from_. #exigō#, see #agō#. #exiguus# [#exigō#, _to weigh exactly_], adj., _scanty, short, brief_. #eximius# [#eximō#], adj., _choice, distinguished, remarkable, excellent_. #eximō#, see #emō#. #exīstimō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#ex# + #aestimō#, _to value_], _to value_; _think, believe_. #exitium, ī# [#exeō#], n., _destruction, ruin, death_. #exitus, ūs# [#exeō#], m., _outcome, close_; _departure_; _end of life, death_. #exorior#, see #orior#. #expediō, īre, īvī (iī), ītus# [#ex# + #pźs#], _to set free, extricate_; _procure, obtain_. #expellō#, see #pellō#. #expendō#, see #pendō#. #experīmentum, ī# [#experior#], n., _proof, test, trial_. #experior, īrī, tus sum#, _to test, try_; _find out, learn, experience_. #expetō#, see #petō#. #expīlō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to plunder, rob_. #expiō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#ex# + #piō#, _to appease_], _to make amends for, atone for_. #expleō#, see #*pleō#. #explōrō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to reconnoiter_. #expōnō#, see #pōnō#. #expōscō#, see #pōscō#. #expositiō, ōnis# [#expōnō#], f., _exposure_. #exprimō#, see #premō#. #expūgnātiō, ōnis# [#expūgnō#], f., #a taking by storm, storming, capture#. #expūgnō#, see #pūgnō#. #exquīsītus# [#exquīrō#, _to seek out_], adj., _carefully sought out, special_. #exsecrō#, see #sacrō#. #exsequiae, ārum# [#ex# + #sequor#], pl. f., _funeral procession, funeral_. #exserō#, see #serō#. #exsilium, ī#, n., _banishment, exile_. #exsistō#, see #sistō#. #exspectātiō, ōnis# [#exspectō#], f., _expectation, anticipation_. #exspectō#, see #spectō#. #exspīrō#, see #spīrō#. #exstinguō#, see #stinguō#. #exstō#, see #stō#. #exstruō#, see #struō#. #exsultō#, see #saltō#. #extemplō# [#ex# + dim. of #tempus#], adv., _on the instant, at once, forthwith_. #exter# or #exterus, tera, terum#, adj., _outer, foreign_; comp. #exterior#; sup. #extrźmus#, _outermost, extreme_; _last, furthermost_; _last part of_. #extimźscō, ere, timuī, --# [#ex# + #*timźscō#, inceptive of #timeō#], _to fear_ or _dread greatly_. #extrā# [#exter#], (1) adv., _on the outside, without_; (2) prep, with acc., _outside of, beyond_. #extrahō#, see #trahō#. #extraōrdinārius# [#extrā# + #ōrdō#], adj., _out of the common run, uncommon_. #extrźmus#, see #exter#. #exuō, ere, ī, ūtus#, _to draw or pull off, lay aside_; _strip, despoil_. #exūrō#, see #ūrō#. #F# #faber, fabrī#, m., _a workman_ (in hard materials), _smith, carpenter_. #Fabius, ī#, m., the name of a famous Roman gens. See #Māximus#. #fabricō, āre, āvī, ātus# [cf. #faber#], _to make, build, construct_. #fābula, ae# [#for#, _to speak_], f., _story, play_. #facźtź# [#facźtus#, _witty_], adv., #wittily#. #facile# [#facilis#], adv., _easily_; _readily, willingly_. #facilis, e# [#faciō#], adj., _easy_. #facinus, oris# [#faciō#], n., _a deed_; _crime_. #faciō, facere, fźcī, factus#, _to make, do, perform_; _choose, appoint_; #stīpendia facere#, _to serve a campaign_; #sūmptum facere#, _to spend_; #verba facere#, _to speak_; #vim facere#, _to use violence_; pass., #fīō, fierī, factus sum#, _to be done, occur, take place, happen_. #ad--adficiō, ere, fźcī, fectus#, _to do something to, affect_; _treat, visit with_. #con--cōnficiō, ere, fźcī, fectus#, _to do thoroughly_; _complete, prepare_; _accomplish, make_; _exhaust, kill_. #dź--dźficiō, ere, fźcī, fectum#, _withdraw, revolt_; _fail, disappear, give out_. #ex--efficiō, ere, fźcī, fectus#, _to work out, bring to pass, accomplish_; _make, render, cause, effect_. #in--īnficiō, ere, fźcī, fectus#, _to stain, dye_; _pollute, taint_. #inter--interficiō, ere, fźcī, fectus#, _to kill_; _murder_. #per--perficiō, ere, fźcī, fectus#, _to do thoroughly, execute, accomplish_. #sub--sufficiō, ere, fźcī, fectus#, _to put under_, or _in place of, appoint as successor, substitute_; intrans., _suffice, be sufficient_. #factiō, ōnis# [#faciō#], f., _party, faction_. #factum, ī# [#faciō#], n., _a deed, act_. #facultās, ātis# [#facilis#], f., _means, opportunity_; _ability, skill_. #fācundia, ae# [#fācundus#, _eloquent_], f., _eloquence, oratory_. #Falernus#, adj., _Falernian_; #ager Falernus#, _a famous wine-growing district in Campania_. #fāma, ae# [#for#, _to speak_], f., _talk, report, rumor_; _tradition_; _fame, reputation_. #famźs, is#, f., #hunger#. #familia, ae# [#famulus#, _a slave_], f., _the slaves in a household_; _family, house, race_. #familiāris, e# [#familia#], adj., _belonging to a household, private, intimate, friendly_; _well-known_; #rźs familiāris#, _private property_. As noun, m., _an intimate friend_. #familiāritās, ātis# [#familiāris#], f., _friendship, intimacy_. #fāmōsus# [#fāma#], adj., _famous_; _notorious_; _scurrilous, slanderous_. #famula, ae#, f., _a slave-woman_. #fānum, ī#, n., _a shrine, temple_. #fascis, is#, m., _a bundle_; pl., _the fasces_, a bundle of rods carried by the lictors before various magistrates. Outside of Rome an axe was bound with the rods. The rods and axe were typical of the magistrate's power to punish, even to the extent of inflicting the death penalty. See #līctor#. #fāstī, ōrum# [#fāstus#], pl. m., _a register_, esp. of business days, also of officers, triumphs, etc.; _the calendar_. #fāstus# [#fās#, _right_], adj., _not forbidden, legal_; #diźs fāstus#, a day on which it was legal to hold court, a business day. #fātālis, e# [#fātum#, _fate_], adj., _fateful, fatal_. #fateor, źrī, fassus sum#, _to confess_. #con--cōnfiteor, źrī, fessus sum#, _to confess freely, acknowledge, avow_. #prō--profiteor, źrī, fessus sum#, _to declare publicly, avow_; #nōmen profitźrī#, _to avow one's self a candidate_. #faucźs, ium#, pl. f., _throat_. #Faustulus, ī#, m., the shepherd who brought up Romulus and Remus. #Faustus, ī# [#faveō#], m., _the Lucky_, a name given by Sulla to his son. #Fausta, ae# [#faveō#], f., _the Lucky_, a name given by Sulla to his daughter. #faveō, źre, fāvī, fautūrus#, _to favor, support_. #favor, ōris# [#faveō#], m., _favor, good will_. #fax, facis#, f., _torch, firebrand_. #fźlīcitās, ātis# [#fźlīx#], f., _good fortune, luck, happiness_. #fźlīx, īcis#, adj., _lucky, fortunate, happy_. As noun, m., cognomen of #Sulla#. #fźmina, ae#, f., _a woman, female_. #femur, femoris#, n., _the thigh_. #*fendō, ere#, _to strike_. #dź--dźfendō, ere, ī, fźnsus#, _to ward off, repel_; _defend, protect_. #ob--offendō, ere, ī, fźnsus#, _to strike against, displease, vex_. #ferź#, adv., _almost, about_ (esp. with numbers). #feriō, īre, percussī, percussus#, _to strike_. #fermź# [for #ferimź#, sup. of #ferź#], adv., _almost, about_ (esp. with numbers). #ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus#, _to bear, carry, take_; _bear, endure, suffer_; _say, report, tell_; pass., _to be borne, rush_; #aegrź, indīgnź# or #molestź ferre#, _to take amiss_; #lźgem ferre#, _to propose a law_. #ab--auferō, ferre, abstulī, ablātus#, _to take_ or _carry away, remove_; _steal_. #ad--adferō, ferre, attulī, adlātus#, _to bring to, offer, give_; _announce, report_. #con--cōnferō, ferre, tulī, lātus#, _to bring together, collect_; _devote, apply_; _bestow_; #sź cōnferre#, _betake one's self, go_. #dź--dźferō, ferre, tulī, lātus#, _to bring_ or _carry down_ or _to, carry off, remove_; _give, offer_; _report_; #rem dźferre ad populum#, _to submit a matter to the people_. #ex--efferō, ferre, extulī, źlātus#, _to carry out, take away_; _lift up, puff up, elate, exalt_. #in--īnferō, ferre, tulī, lātus#, _to bring in, upon_, or _against_; #bellum īnferre#, _to wage_ (offensive) _war_; #sīgna īnferre#, _to advance against_; #sź īnferre#, _to betake one's self_. #ob--offerō, ferre, obtulī, oblātus#, _to bring before, offer, present_; _expose_. #per--perferō, ferre, tulī, lātus#, _to bear or carry through, carry_; _retain_. #prae--praeferō, ferre, tulī, lātus#, _to carry_ or _put before_; _set before, prefer, rate higher_. #prō--prōferō, ferre, tulī, lātus#, _to carry_ or _bring forth, produce_; _cite, quote_; _make known, mention_. #re--referō, ferre, rettulī, relātus#, _to bear_ or _bring back_; _give back, return, repay_; _lift, raise_; _count, reckon_; #sź referre#, _to betake one's self_. #trāns--trānsferō, ferre, tulī, lātus#, _to bear_ or _take over_ or _across_, _transport_; _transfer, shift_. #ferōx, ōcis# [#ferus#], adj., _bold, confident_; _high-strung, warlike_; _fierce, cruel_. #ferreus# [#ferrum#], adj., _of iron, iron_. #ferrum, ī#, n., _iron_; _an iron tool_, as a _sword, axe, dagger_. #ferus#, adj., _wild, barbarous, cruel_. #fessus#, adj., _tired, weary_; _weak, feeble_. #fźstīnō, āre, āvī, ātum#, _to hasten, hurry_. #Fźtiālis, is# (sc. #sacerdōs#), m., _an ambassador, treaty priest_, who negotiated treaties of peace, and made formal declarations of war. #Fźtiālis, e#, adj., _pertaining to the Fetiales, Fetial_ (see preceding word). #fīdźliter# [#fīdźlis#, _faithful_], adv., _faithfully_. #Fīdźnātźs, ium#, pl. m., the people of Fidenae, an ancient town on the Tiber, five miles north of Rome. #fidźs, fideī#, f., _good faith, integrity_; _trust, belief, credence_; _pledge_. #fīdūcia, ae# [#fīdus#, _faithful_], f., _trust, confidence, reliance_; _courage_. #fīgō, ere, fīxī, fīxus#, _to fix, fasten_. #dź--dźfīgō, ere, fīxī, fīxus#, _to fasten_, esp. _to fasten_ (to the ground) _with amazement, astonish_. #sub--suffīgō, ere, fīxī, fīxus#, _to fasten beneath_ or _on_; #crucī suffīgere#, _to crucify_. #trāns--trānsfīgō, ere, fīxī, fīxus#, _to pierce through, transfix, stab_. #fīlia, ae#, f., _daughter_. #fīlius, ī#, m., _son_. #fingō, ere, finxī, fīctus#, _to form, invent_; _feign, pretend_. #fīniō, īre, īvī, ītus# [#fīnis#], _to limit, bound_; _finish, end, settle_. #fīnis, is#, m., _boundary, limit, end_; pl. m., _territory_. #fīnitimus# [#fīnis#], adj., _neighboring_; as noun, #fīnitimī, ōrum#, pl. m., _neighbors_. #fīō, fierī, factus sum#, see #faciō#. #fīrmō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#fīrmus#], _to make firm, strengthen_. #ad--adfīrmō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to strengthen_; _assert, declare_. #con--cōnfīrmō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to strengthen, ratify, confirm_; _assert_. #fīrmus#, adj., _strong, powerful_; _trusty_. #flāgitō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to demand_. #ex--efflāgitō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to demand vigorously_ or _earnestly_. #flāmen, inis#, m., _a Flamen_, a priest devoted to the service of a particular god, esp. Jupiter, Mars, and Quirinus. His office was to make sacrifices and to watch the sacred fire of the god. #flamma, ae#, f., _flame, fire_. #flźbiliter# [#flźbilis#, _mournful_], adv., _mournfully, tearfully_. #flectō, ere, flexī, flexus#, _to bend, turn_. #dź--dźflectō, ere, flexī, flexus#, _to bend_ or _turn aside_ or _away, turn_. #in--īnflectō, ere, flexī, flexus#, _to bend, curb, relax_. #fleō, flźre, flźvī, flźtus#, _to weep_; _bewail_. #*flīgō, ere#, _to strike_. #ad--adflīgō, ere, flīxī, flīctus#, _to dash against_ or _down_; _afflict, ruin_. #con--cōnflīgō, ere, flīxī, flīctus#, _to dash together, contend, fight_. #prō--prōflīgō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to dash down, overcome_ (in battle). #flō, flāre, flāvī, --#, _to blow_. #ad--adflō, flāre, flāvī, --#, _to blow towards, blow_. #con--cōnflō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to blow up, kindle, cause_; #aes aliźnum cōnflāre#, _to contract debt_. #in--īnflō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to blow up, inflate_. #flōrźns, entis# [#flōreō#], adj., _blooming, flourishing_; #flōrźns iuventa#, _youthful beauty_. #flōreō, źre, uī#, -- [#flōs#, _a flower_], _to bloom, flourish, prosper_. #fluctus, ūs# [#fluō#], m., _wave, billow, flood_. #flūmen, inis# [#fluō#], n., _stream, river_. #fluō, ere, fluxī, --#, _to flow_. #con--cōnfluō, ere, fluxī, --#, _to flow_ or _stream together, assemble_. #dis--diffluō, ere, fluxī, --#, _to flow in different directions, melt away, disappear_; #ōtiō et lūxū diffluere#, _to abandon one's self to ease and luxury_. #fluvius, ī# [#fluō#], m., _a stream, river_. #foculus, ī# [dim. of #focus#], m., _a fire-pan, brazier_. #focus, ī#, m., _fireplace, hearth_. #fodiō, ere, fōdī, fossus#, _to dig_. #con--cōnfodiō, ere, fōdī, fossus#, _to stab, pierce_. #sub--suffodiō, ere, fōdī, fossus#, _to dig beneath, undermine, tunnel_; _stab beneath_. #trāns--trānsfodiō, ere, fōdī, fossus#, _to pierce, stab, slash_. #foedź# [#foedus#, _foul_], adv., _foully, basely_. #foederātus# [#foedus#], adj., _leagued_ or _allied with_. #foedus, eris#, n., _a treaty, alliance_. #fōns, fontis#, m., _a spring, fountain_. #forās# [#*fora#, _a door_; cf. #foris#], adv., _out of doors, forth, out_. #fore#, fut. infin. of #sum#. #forźnsis, e# [#forum#], adj., _of_ or _in the forum, forensic_. #foris, is#, f., _a door_; usually in pl. #fōrma, ae#, f., _form, figure, beauty_. #formīdolōsus# [#formīdō#, _dread_], adj., _dreadful, terrible_. #fors, fortis# (only nom. and abl. sing.), f., _chance, accident, good fortune_. #fortāsse# [#fors#], adv., _perhaps, possibly_. #forte# [abl. of #fors#], adv., _by chance_. #fortis, e#, adj., _strong, brave_. #fortiter# [#fortis#], adv., _bravely_. #fortitūdō, inis# [#fortis#], f., _bravery, resolution_. #fortūna, ae# [#fors#], f., _luck, fortune_ (whether good or ill); personified, _the goddess of fortune_. #Forum, ī# [cf. #forīs#, _out of doors_], n., _an out-of-door place, market, Forum_; esp. the _Forum Rōmānum_ between the Capitoline and Palatine hills. It was the center of the political, religious, and business life of Rome. #fossa, ae# [#fodiō#], f., _a ditch_. #foveō, źre, fōvī, fōtus#, _to warm, cherish, favor_. #re--refoveō, źre, fōvī, fōtus#, _to restore, refresh, revive_. #frāgmentum, ī# [#frangō#], n., _fragment, bit_. #fragor, ōris# [#frangō#], m., _noise_, esp. _thunder peal_. #frangō, ere, frźgī, frāctus#, _to break in pieces, break_; _subdue, overcome_. #re--refringō, ere, frźgī, frāctus#, _to break up_ or _open_. #frāter, tris#, m., _brother_. #frāternus# [#frāter#], adj., _brother's, brotherly_. #fraudō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#fraus#], _to cheat, rob_. #fraus, fraudis#, f., _foul play, treachery_. #frendō, ere, --, --#, _to gnash the teeth_. #frźnum, ī#, n., _bridle, curb, rein_. #frequźns, entis#, adj., _crowded, frequent_; _in great numbers_. #frequenter# [#frequźns#], adv., _often_. #frequentia, ae# [#frequźns#], f., _crowd, throng_. #frīgidus# [#frīgeō#, _to be cold_], adj., _cold_. #frūgālitās, ātis# [#frūgālis#, _thrifty_], f., _thrift, economy, frugality_. #frūmentārius# [#frūmentum#], adj., _concerning corn_; #rźs frūmentāria#, _the corn supply_. #frūmentum, ī# [#fruor#], n., _grain, corn_. #fruor, fruī, frūctus sum#, _to use, enjoy_. #per--perfruor, fruī, frūctus sum#, _to enjoy thoroughly_. #frūstrā#, adv., _in vain, fruitlessly_. #Fūfetius, ī#, m., _Mettius Fūfetius_, leader of the Albans against Tullius Hostilius. #Fūfidius, ī#, m., a follower of Sulla. #fuga, ae#, f., _flight_. #fugiō, ere, fūgī, --#, _to flee, flee from_. #ab--aufugiō, ere, fūgī, --#, _to flee from, run away, escape_. #con--cōnfugiō, ere, fūgī, --#, _to flee for refuge_; _resort to_. #ex--effugiō, ere, fūgī, --#, _to escape_. #prō--profugiō, ere, fūgī, --#, _to flee, escape_. #re--refugiō, ere, fūgī, --#, _to flee back, escape_. #trāns--trānsfugiō, ere, fūgī, --#, _to flee to the other side, go over to the enemy, desert_. #fugō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#fugiō#], _to put to flight, rout_. #fulgeō, źre, fulsī, --#, _to flash, gleam_. #fulmen, inis# [#fulgeō#], n., _lightning flash, thunderbolt_. #Fulvius, ī#, m., _A. Fulvius_, who put his son to death because he joined Catiline's conspiracy. #fūnāle, is# [#fūnis#, _a cord_], n., _a torch_. #fundō, ere, fūdī, fūsus#, _to pour, pour out, shed_; _rout, scatter_. #circum--circumfundo, ere, fūdī, fūsus#, _to pour about_; pass., _to surround_. #ex--effundō, ere, fūdī, fūsus#, _to pour out_; _scatter, squander, lavish_. #prō--profundō, ere, fūdī, fūsus#, _to pour forth or out, squander, waste_. #fundus, ī#, m., _farm, estate_. #fungor, ī, fūnctus sum#, _to perform, discharge, serve through_ (an office). #dź--dźfungor, ī, fūnctus sum#, _to perform, finish_; _to die_ (sc. #vītā#). #fūnus, eris#, n., _burial, funeral rites_. #furźns, entis# [orig. part, of #furō#, _to rave_], adj., _furious, raging_. #Fūrius, ī#, m., _P. Fūrius Philus_, who revealed the plan of certain nobles to leave Italy after the battle of Cannae. #furor, ōris# [#furō#, _to rave_], m., _rage, madness, fury_. #fūrtō# [abl. of #fūrtum#, _theft_], adv., _stealthily, secretly_. #futūrus# [orig. fut. part, of #sum#], adj., _coming, future_. #G# #Gabiī, ōrum#, pl. m., an ancient town in Latium, east of Rome. #Gabīnī, ōrum#, pl. m., the inhabitants of Gabii. #Gadźs, ium#, pl. f., a town on the southern coast of Spain (modern Cadiz). #Gaetulī, ōrum#, pl. m., _the Gaetuli_, a tribe of northern Africa. #Gāius, ī#, m., a Roman praenomen. #Gallia, ae#, f., _Gaul_, which included modern France, Belgium and Holland, and the parts of Germany and Switzerland west of the Rhine. #Gallus, ī#, m., _a Gaul_. #gaudium, ī#, n., _joy, gladness_. #Gaurus, ī#, m., _a mountain of Campania_. #gaza, ae#, f., _treasure, riches_. #geminātus#, adj., _doubled, twofold_; _consecutive_. #geminus#, adj., _twin, twofold_. As noun, #geminī, ōrum#, pl. m., _twins_. #gemō, ere, uī, --#, _to sigh, groan_. #gener, generī#, m., _a son-in-law_. #genitus#, see #gīgnō#. #gźns, gentis#, f., _a gens_ or _clan_, consisting of a number of families claiming a common lineage, and having certain religious rites in common; _tribe, people, nation_. #genū, ūs#, n., _knee_. #genus, eris#, n., _race, family, stock, birth_; _kind, class, sort_. #Germānī, ōrum#, pl. m., _the Germans_. #Germānia, ae#, f., _Germany_. #gerō, ere, gessī, gestus#, _to bear, carry_; _wear_; _carry on, wage, manage_; _perform, do_; #sź gerere#, _to conduct one's self, behave_; #rem pūblicam gerere#, _to administer the state_; #rźs gestae#, _exploits, history_. #con--congerō, ere, gessī, gestus#, _to bring_ or _heap together, collect_. #gestō, āre, āvī, ātus# [freq. of #gerō#], _to bear, carry, wear_. #gestus, ūs# [#gerō#], m., _bearing_; _gesture_. #gīgnō, ere, genuī, genitus#, _to produce, beget_; #genitus#, _born of_. #gladius, ī#, m., _a sword_. #glōria, ae#, f., _glory, fame, renown_. #glōrior, ārī, ātus sum#, _to boast, brag, pride one's self_. #glōriōsź# [#glōria#], adv., _gloriously_. #Gnaeus, ī#, m., a Roman praenomen. #Gracchus, ī#, m., a family name in the Sempronian gens. 1. _Ti. Semprōnius Gracchus_, tribune of the people in 133 B.C. 2. _C. Semprōnius Gracchus_, brother of (1), and tribune in 123 B.C.; killed in 121. #gradior, gradī, gressus sum#, _to walk, step_. #ad--aggredior, ī, gressus sum#, _to approach, attack, assail_. #con--congredior, ī, gressus sum#, _to meet_; _join battle, fight_. #dis--dīgredior, ī, gressus sum#, _to go apart or away, depart_. #ex--źgredior, ī, gressus sum#, _to go_ or _march out_ or _away_; _disembark_. (The verb is construed with the abl., the abl. with #ex#, or the acc.). #in--ingredior, ī, gressus sum#, _to enter, advance, proceed_. #prō--prōgredior, ī, gressus sum#, _to go forth_ or _on, advance_. #re--regredior, ī, gressus sum#, _to go back, return, retreat_. #trāns--trānsgredior, ī, gressus sum#, _to step over_ or _across, cross_. #gradus, ūs#, m., _a step_; _stage, period, degree_; pl., _steps, stairs_. #Graecia, ae#, f., _Greece_. #Graeculus, ī# [dim. of #Graecus#], m., _a poor_ or _paltry Greek_. #Graecus#, adj., _Greek, Grecian_. As noun, #Graecus, ī#, m., _a Greek_. #grānum, ī#, n., _a grain, seed_. #graphium, ī#, n., _stylus_ (of metal) for writing, _pen_. #grātia, ae# [#grātus#], f., _favor, regard, credit_; _influence_; _return, thanks, gratitude_; #grātiam habźre#, _to feel thankful_; #grātiās agere#, _to show gratitude, thank_; #grātiam referre#, _to repay a favor_; #grātiā#, with preceding gen., frequent in expressions of purpose, _for the sake of_. #grātulor, ārī, ātus sum# [#grātus#], _to show joy, congratulate_. #grātus#, adj., _pleasing, dear, acceptable_. #gravis, e#, adj., _heavy, severe, difficult_; _weighty, important_. #gravitās, ātis# [#gravis#], f., _weight_; _dignity, influence, importance_. #graviter# [#gravis#], adv., _weightily_; _vigorously, seriously, with dignity_. #gravor, ārī, ātus sum# [#gravis#], _to be burdened_; _take amiss, grudge_. #grex, gregis#, f., _herd, common herd_; _band, company_. #gubernātor, ōris# [#gubernō#, _to steer_], m., _helmsman, pilot_. #H# #habeō, źre, uī, itus#, _to have, hold, keep_; _consider, regard, treat, use_; _render_ (honor, etc.); #ōrātiōnem habźre#, _to deliver a speech_; #lūdibriō habźre#, _to mock_. #ad--adhibeō, źre, uī, itus#, _to hold to_ or _toward, apply, employ_; _employ as counsel, consult_; _summon, invite_. #dź--dźbeō, źre, uī, itus#, _to withhold, owe_; #dźbet, dźbuit# + inf., _ought, must, should_. #ex--exhibeō, źre, uī, itus#, _to hold forth, show, display, exhibit_. #in--inhibeō, źre, uī, itus#, _to hold_ or _draw in, restrain_. #post--posthabeō, źre, uī, itus#, _to place after_ (i.e. lower than), _rate lower, esteem less_. #prae--praebeō, źre, uī, itus#, _to hold forth, offer, grant, supply, furnish_; #aurźs praebźre#, _to listen_. #prō--prohibeō, źre, uī, itus#, _to check, keep off_; _hinder, prevent_. #habilis, e# [#habeō#], adj., _handy, easily wielded_. #habitātiō, ōnis# [#habitō#], f., _dwelling-place_. #habitō, āre, āvī, ātum# [freq. of #habeō#], _to inhabit_; _dwell, live_. #habitus, ūs# [#habeō#], m., _state, condition_; _habit, dress, attire_. #hālitus, ūs#, m., _breath_. #Hamilcar, aris#, m., a famous Carthaginian general, father of Hannibal (2). #Hannibal, alis#, m., a Carthaginian name. 1. A naval commander, defeated by C. Duilius, 260 B.C. 2. The son of Hamilcar, born B.C. 247. He invaded Italy in 218, but was defeated by Scipio at Zama in 202; he then fled to the East, and died in 183. #Hannō, ōnis#, m., a Carthaginian general, defeated by Regulus. #haruspex, icis#, m., _a soothsayer_. #Hasdrubal, alis#, m., a Carthaginian name. 1. Son of Hamilcar, and brother of Hannibal (2); fought against Scipio Africanus in Spain; defeated and killed at the battle of the Metaurus in Italy, 207 B.C. 2. Son of Gisco; fought against Scipio Africanus in Spain and Africa. #hasta, ae#, f., _a spear_. #haud#, adv., _by no means, not, not at all_. #hauriō, īre, hausī, haustus#, _to drink, swallow_. #ex--exhauriō, īre, hausī, haustus#, _to empty, exhaust_; _ruin, impoverish_. #Herculźs, is#, m., a Grecian hero, celebrated for his strength and marvelous deeds in many parts of the world. #hźrźs, źdis#, m., _an heir_. #hīc, haec, hōc#, dem. pron., _this, the following, the latter_; _he, she, it_. #hīc# [#hīc#], adv., _here, hereupon, at this point_. #hiems, hiemis#, f., _winter, storm_. #Hierosolyma, ōrum#, pl. n., _Jerusalem_. #hilarź# [#hilarus#, _merry_], adv., _merrily, cheerfully, gaily_. #hilaritās, ātis# [#hilaris#, _merry_], f., _merriment, gaiety_. #hinc# [#hīc#], adv., _from this place_ or _time, hence_; #hinc--hinc#, _on this side . . . on that, on the one side . . . on the other_. #hirundō, inis#, f., _a swallow_. #Hispānia, ae#, f., _Spain_ (including Portugal). It was divided into two provinces, _Hispānia Citerior_ and _Hispānia Ūlterior_. #Hispāniźnsis, e#, adj., _Spanish, in Spain_. #Hispānus#, adj., _Spanish_. As noun, #Hispānus, ī#, m., _a Spaniard_. #hodiź# [#hō(c)# + #diź#], adv., _to-day_. #homō, inis#, m. and f., _a human being, man_; #hominźs#, _mankind, the world_. #honestź# [#honestus#], adv., _honorably_. #honestus# [#honōs#], adj., _honored, respected_; _honorable, right, virtuous_. #honōrātź# [#honōrātus#, _honored_], adv., _honorably, with respect_. #honōrificus# [#honōs# + #faciō#], adj., _that does honor, complimentary_. #honorō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#honōs#], _to honor, do honor to_. #honōs# or #honor, ōris#, m., _honor, respect, esteem_; _public office_; personified, _Honor_ (a deity). #hōra, ae#, f., _hour_, the twelfth part of the day (sunrise to sunset) or night. #Horātius, ī#, m., the name of a Roman gens. #horreō, źre, uī, --#, _to stand on end, bristle_; _shudder at, shrink from_. #horror, ōris# [#horreō#], m., _dread, terror, horror_. #hortātiō, ōnis# [#hortor#], f., _encouragement, exhortation_. #hortor, ārī, ātus sum#, _to exhort, urge_. #hortus, ī#, m., _a garden_. #hospes, itis#, m., _entertainer, host_; _guest, friend_; _stranger_. #hospita, ae# [#hospes#], f., _a stranger_; _guest_. #hospitium, ī# [#hospes#], n., _entertainment, hospitality_; _lodgings, inn_. #hostia, ae#, f., _an animal for sacrifice, victim_. #hostīlis, e# [#hostis#], adj., _of_ or _from the enemy, hostile_. #hostīliter# [#hostīlis#], adv., _in hostile manner_. #Hostīlius, ī#, m., the name of a Roman gens. 1. _Hostus Hostīlius_, a general of the time of Romulus. 2. _Tullus Hostīlius_, third king of Rome. #hostis, is#, m., _an enemy_. #hūc# [#hīc#], adv., _to this place, hither_; #hūc . . . illūc#, _hither . . . thither_. #hūiuscemodī# [#hīc# + #modus#], adv., _of this_ (i.e. the following) _kind_. #hūmānitās, ātis# [#hūmānus#], f., _humanity, kindliness_; _refinement, culture_. #hūmānus# [#homō#], adj., _human, of man_; _kind, refined, cultured_. #humilis, e# [#humus#, _the ground_], adj., _low_; _lowly, humble, common_. #I# #iaceō, źre, uī, --#, _to lie, lie prostrate_ or _dead_. #iaciō, iacere, iźcī, iactus#, _to throw, cast, hurl_. #ab--abiciō, ere, iźcī, iectus#, _to throw down, away_, or _aside, lay aside_. #ad--adiciō, icere, iźcī, iectus#, _to throw to, add_ or _join to, add_ (in speech). #con--coniciō, icere, coniźcī, coniectus#, _to throw together, unite_; _hurl, throw_. #dź--dźiciō, icere, iźcī, iectus#, _to throw_ or _hurl down, bring down_; _lay low, dislodge, destroy_. #ex--źiciō, icere, iźcī, iectus#, _to cast_ or _drive out, expel_. #in--iniciō, icere, iźcī, iectus#, _to throw in_; _put in_ or _on, lay_; _inspire, suggest_. #inter--intericiō, icere, iźcī, iectus#, _to throw_ or _place between, interpose; intervene_ (in pass.). #ob--obiciō, icere, iźcī, iectus#, _to throw before, put in the way_; _put in the hands of, turn over_. #prō--prōiciō, icere, iźcī, iectus#, _to throw forth, fling out, throw_. #re--rźiciō, icere, iźcī, iectus#, _to throw back, repel_. #sub--subiciō, icere, iźcī, iectus#, _to throw_ or _place under_; _hand up_; _present, submit_; _subdue_. #super--superiaciō, ere, iźcī, iectus#, _to throw across, let down_. #trāns--trāiciō, icere, iźcī, iectus#, _to throw_ or _carry across, transport_; _pierce, penetrate, transfix_; _go_ or _pass over, cross_. #iactātiō, ōnis# [#iactō#], f., _tossing, motion_. #iactitō, āre, --, --# [freq. of #iactō#], _to boast, brag_. #iactō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to push_ or _toss about_; _boast of, take pride in_. #iam#, adv., _already, by this time, now_; _soon, presently_; #iam iam#, _already, at that very moment_; #iam dūdum# or #iam prīdem#, _long ago, long since_. #iam dūdum#, see #iam#. #Iāniculum, ī#, n., a hill on the west bank of the Tiber. #iānua, ae#, f., _a door, entrance_. #Iānus, ī#, m., #Janus#, an old Latin divinity, who presided over all beginnings; commonly represented with two faces. #Iarbās, ae#, m., king of Numidia and Mauretania (the modern Morocco). #ibi#, adv., _there, on that side_; _then, thereupon_. #ibīdem# [#ibi#], adv., _in the same place, on the spot_. #īcō, ere, īcī, īctus#, _to strike_; #foedus īcere#, _to strike_ (conclude) _a treaty_. #īctus, ūs# [#īcō#], m., _blow, stroke, wound_. #īdem, eadem, idem#, dem. pron., _the same_; often best rendered by adv., _also, too, besides_. #ideō#, adv., _for that reason, therefore_; _with this_ (that) _purpose_. #Īdūs, uum#, pl. f., _the Ides_, or middle of the month; the fifteenth of March, May, July, and October, the thirteenth of other months. #igitur#, adv., _then, therefore, accordingly_. #īgnāvia, ae# [#īgnāvus#, _idle_], f., _idleness, sloth_; _worthlessness_. #īgnis, is#, m., _fire_. #īgnōminia, ae# [#in# neg. + #(g)nōmen#], f., _dishonor, disgrace, degradation_. #īgnōrō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _not to know_; _to be ignorant of, be unacquainted with_. #īgnōscō#, see #nōscō#. #īgnōtus# [#in# neg. + #(g)nōtus#], adj., _unknown, unfamiliar, strange_. #īlicō# [#in# + #locō#], adv., _on the spot, at once, immediately_. #ille, illa, illud#, dem. pron., _that, yonder_; _he, she, it_; _the famous, the_. #illīc# [#ille#], adv., _there, yonder_. #illūc# [#ille#], adv., _to that place, thither_. #imāgō, inis#, f., _likeness, semblance, image_; _statue_. #imbellis, e# [#in# neg. + #bellum#], adj., _unfit for war, unwarlike, cowardly_. #imber, bris#, m., _rain, shower_. #imbuō, ere, ī, būtus#, _to wet, moisten_; _inspire, imbue_. #imitor, ārī, ātus sum#, _to imitate, copy_. #immātūrus# [#in# neg. + #mātūrus#, _ripe_], adj., _unripe_; _untimely, premature_. #immźnsus# [#in# neg. + #mźtior#, _to measure_], adj., _immeasurable, vast, immense_. #immineō, źre, uī, --#, _to overhang, threaten_. #immittō#, see #mittō#. #immō#, adv., _by no means, nay_. #immolō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#in# + #mola#, _meal_], _to sprinkle_ (a victim) _with sacrificial meal, sacrifice_. #immortālis, e# [#in# neg. + #mortālis#], adj., _immortal_. #immōtus# [#in# neg. + #mōtus#, part of #moveō#], adj., _unmoved, motionless_. #impār, paris# [#in# neg. + #pār#], adj., _unequal_. #impatiźns, entis# [#in# neg. + #patiźns#], adj., _impatient, intolerant_. #impendium, ī# [#impendō#, _to expend_], n., _outlay, cost, expense_. #impźnsa, ae# [#impendō#, _to expend_], f., _outlay, cost, expense_. #imperātor, ōris# [#imperō#], m., _commander-in-chief, general_; _emperor_. #imperātōrius# [#imperātor#], adj., _of a general_. #imperfectus# [#in# neg. + #perfectus#, part. of #perficiō#], adj., _unfinished_. #imperium, ī# [#imperō#], n., _a command, order_; _military authority_; _sovereignty, supremacy_; _the state_. #imperō, āre, āvī, ātum#, _to command, order_; _rule, govern_; _levy, demand_. #impetrō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to gain by asking, obtain, procure_. #impetus, ūs# [#in# + #petō#], m., _an attack, onset_; _impulse, excitement_; _violence, energy, fury_. #impietās, ātis# [#impius#], f., _irreverence, impiety_. #impiger, gra, grum# [#in# neg. + #piger#, _lazy_], adj., _active, energetic_. #impius# [#in# + #pius#], adj., _irreverent, wicked, undutiful_. #impleō#, see #*pleō#. #implicō, āre, āvī# or #uī, ātus# or #itus# [#in# + #plicō#, _to fold_], _to fold in, envelop_; _involve, attack_. #implōrō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#in# + #plōrō#, _to wail, lament_], _to beg, beseech, implore_. #impōnō#, see #pōnō#. #imprīmīs# [= #in prīmīs#], adv., _especially_. #imprōvīsus# [#in# neg. + #prōvideō#], adj., _unforeseen, unexpected_. #impūbźs, eris# [#in# neg. + #pūbźs#, _full grown_], adj., _youthful_. #impūgnō#, see #pūgnō#. #impūnītus# [#in# neg. + #pūniō#], adj., _unpunished_. #in#, prep, with (1) acc.; of place, _into, to, on, upon, towards, against_; of purpose, _for, with a view to_; of other relations, _respecting, according to_; #in diźs#, _day by day_; (2) with abl.; of place, _in, on, upon, in the midst of, among_; of time, _in, in the course of, during_; of other relations, _in the case of, respecting, according to_. #in#, _not_, a prefix, which, when attached to adj. or participles, negatives or reverses their meaning. #inaestimābilis, e# [#in# neg. + #aestimō#, _to reckon_], _inestimable_. #inambulō#, see #ambulō#. #inānis, e#, adj., _empty_; _vain, idle_. #inaudītus# [#in# neg. + #audītus#, part. of #audiō#], adj., _unheard of, strange_. #incautus# [#in# neg. + #cautus#, _wary_], adj., _unsuspecting, off one's guard_. #incźdō#, see #cźdō#. #incendium, ī# [#incendō#], n., _fire, conflagration_. #incendō#, see #candeō#· #inceptum, ī# [#incipiō#], n., _beginning, attempt_; _undertaking, purpose_. #incertus# [#in# neg. + #certus#], adj., _uncertain, doubtful_. #incźssō, ere, --, --# [freq. of #incźdō#], _to assail, attack_; _rail at_. #incidō#, see #cadō#. #incipiō#, see #capiō#. #incitō#, see #citō#. #inclāmō#, see #clāmō#. #inclīnō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#in# + #*clīnō#, _to lean_], (1) trans., _to cause to lean, bend, turn_; (2) intrans., _lean, incline_; _yield, give way_. #inclitus#, adj., _famous_. #inclūdō#, see #claudō#. #incōgnitus# [#in# neg. + #cōgnitus#, part. of #cōgnōscō#], adj., _unknown_. #incola, ae# [#incolō#], m., _inhabitant_. #incolō#, see #colō#. #incolumis, e#, adj., _safe, unharmed_. #incōnstantia, ae# [#in# neg. + #cōnstantia#], f., _changeableness, fickleness_. #incrźdibilis, e# [#in# neg. + #crźdō#], adj., _beyond belief, incredible_. #increpō, āre, uī, itus#, _to sound, resound_; _scold, upbraid_; _exclaim_. #incrźscō#, see #crźscō#. #incumbō#, see #*cumbō#. #incūriōsus# [#in# neg. + #cūriōsus#, _careful_], adj., _careless, negligent_. #incursiō, ōnis# [#incurrō#, _to attack_], f., _onset, attack, raid_. #inde#, adv., _from that place_ or _time, thence_; _thereupon_; _from that circumstance, therefore_. #index, icis# [#indicō#], m., _mark, sign_. #indicium, ī# [#indicō#], n., _sign, indication, evidence_. #indīcō# see #dīcō#. #indicō#, see #dicō#. #indictus# [#in# neg. + #dictus#, part of #dīcō#], adj., _unsaid_; _unplead_. #indīgnātiō, ōnis# [#indīgnor#, _to be angry_], f., _displeasure, anger_. #indīgnź# [#indīgnus#], adv., _unworthily_; _angrily_; #indīgnź ferre# _to take_ (_it_) _amiss_. #indīgnor, ārī, ātus sum# [#indīgnus#], _to think unworthy_; _be angry_. #indīgnus# [#in# neg. + #dīgnus#], adj., _unworthy of, unfit for_ (with abl.). #indō#, see #dō#. #indolźs, is#, f., _inborn quality, natural gifts_; _character, nature, spirit_. #indūcō#, see #dūcō#. #indūstria, ae# [#indūstrius#, _active_], f., _diligence, activity, industry_. #ineō#, see (1) #eō#. #inermis, e# [#in# neg. + #arma#], adj., _unarmed, defenseless_. #īnfacźtź# [#in# neg. + #facźtź#], adv., _without wit_. #īnfāns, antis# [#in# neg. + #fāns#, part. of #fārī#, _to speak_], adj., _not speaking, speechless_; as noun, m. and f., _an infant_. #īnfźlīx, īcis# [#in# neg. + #fźlīx#], adj., _unfortunate, disastrous_. #īnferior, ōris# [comp. of #īnferus#, _low_], adj., _lower, inferior_. #īnferō#, see #ferō#. #īnfźstō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#īnfźstus#], _to annoy, disturb_. #īnfźstus#, adj., _hostile, threatening_. #īnficiō#, see #faciō#. #īnflammō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#in# + #flamma#], _to kindle, arouse, excite_. #īnflātus# [#īnflō#], adj., _blown up, inflated_. #īnflectō#, see #flectō#. #īnflō#, see #flō#. #īnfōrmō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#in# + #fōrma#], _to shape, mould, fashion_; _train, instruct_. #īnfrā#, adv. and prep. with acc., _below, beneath_. #ingemīscō, ere, gemuī, --# [#in# + #gemīscō#, incep. of #gemō#], _to groan over, groan_. #ingenium, ī# [#in# + #gīgnō#], n., _natural gifts, nature_; _ability, intellect, wit_; _character, disposition_. #ingźns, entis#, adj., _large, huge, great_. #ingenuus#, adj., _free-born_; _noble, liberal_. #ingrātus# [#in# neg. + #grātus#], adj., _unpleasant, thankless, ungrateful_. #ingredior#, see #gradior#. #inhibeō#, see #habeō#. #iniciō#, see #iaciō#. #inimīcitia, ae# [#inimīcus#], f., _enmity_. #inimīcus# [#in# neg. + #amīcus#], adj., _unfriendly, hostile_; as noun, _a personal enemy, foe_, as distinguished from #hostis#, _a public enemy_. #inīquź# [#inīquus#, _unjust_], adv., _unjustly_. #initium, ī# [#ineō#], n., _beginning_; #initiō#, abl. as adv., _at the outset, at first_. #iniūria, ae# [#in# neg. + #iūs#], f., _wrong, injustice_; _insult, injury_. (#iniussus, ūs#) [#in# neg. + #iubeō#], m., found in abl. only, _without orders_. #inlīdō#, see #laedō#. #inlūstris, e#, adj., _bright, clear_; _famous, renowned_ (cf. #clārus#). #innītor#, see #nītor#. #innocentia, ae# [#in# neg. + #noceō#], f., _harmlessness, innocence, integrity_. #innōtźscō, ere, nōtuī, --# [#in# + #nōtźscō#, _to become known_], _to become known_. #innoxius# [#in# neg. + #noxius#, _harmful_], adj., _harmless, blameless, innocent_. #innumerābilis, e# [#in# neg. + #numerō#, _to count_], adj., _beyond number, countless_. #innumerus# [#in# neg. + #numerus#], adj., _countless_. #innuō#, see #*nuō#. #inopia, ae# [#inops#], f., _want, scarcity, need, poverty_. #inopīnātus# [#in# neg. + #opīnor#, _to think_], adj., _unexpected_. #inops, opis# [#in# neg. + #ops#], adj., _without resources, helpless, poor, needy_. #inquam#, def. verb, _I say_. See #297#, II, 2: 144, _b_: _175_, 2. #inquiźtus# [#in# neg. + #quiźtus#], adj., _restless_. #inquinō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to stain, defile_. #inrīdeō#, see #rīdeō#. #inrīsus, ūs# [#inrīdeō#], m., _derision, mockery_. #inruō#, see #ruō#. #īnscientia, ae# [#īnsciźns#, _ignorant_], adj., _ignorance_. #īnscius# [#in# neg. + #sciō#], adj., _ignorant, unaware_. #īnscrībō#, see #scrībō#. #īnsequor#, see #sequor#. #īnsideō#, see #sedeō#. #īnsidiae, ārum# [#īnsideō#], pl. f., _ambush_; _trap_; _artifice, plot_. #īnsidior, ārī, ātus sum# [#īnsidiae#], _to lie in wait for, plot against_. #īnsīgne, is# [#īnsīgnis#], n., _a mark, badge_. #īnsīgnis, e# [#in# + #sīgnum#], adj., _marked, conspicuous, noted, famous_. #īnsiliō#, see #saliō#. #īnsinuō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#in# + #sinus#, _fold, coil_], _to push or thrust in_. #īnsitus# [#inserō#, _to implant_], adj., _inborn, innate, ingrafted_. #īnsolźns, entis# [#in# neg. + #solźns#, part. of #soleō#], adj., _unusual, haughty, insolent_. #īnsolenter# [#īnsolźns#], adv., _haughtily_. #īnsolentia, ae# [#īnsolźns#], f., _unusual_ or _extravagant conduct, insolence_. #īnspźrābilis, e# [#in# neg. + #spźrō#], adj., _unhoped for, unexpected_. #īnspiciō#, see #*speciō#. #īnstituō#, see #statuō#. #īnstitūtum, ī# [#īnstituō#], n., _institution_; _habit, custom_. #īnstrūmentum, ī# [#īnstruō#], n., _tool_; _collectively, stock of tools, plant_. #īnstruō#, see #struō#. #īnsusurrō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#in# + #susurrus#, _a whisper_], _to whisper to, suggest_. #īnsum#, see #sum#. #intāctus# [#in# neg. + #tāctus#, part. of #tangō#], adj., _untouched, uninjured_. #integer, gra, grum# [#in# neg. + root #tag# in #tangō#], adj., _untouched, uninjured_; #integer, ā#, _free from, untouched by_. #intellegō#, see #legō#. #intempestus#, adj., _stormy_. #intendō#, see #tendō#. #intentus# [orig. part. of #intendō#], adj., _attentive, intent_. #inter#, prep. with acc.; of place, _between, among_; of time, _during_. #intercalārius# [#intercalō#], adj., _intercalary, inserted in the calendar_. #intercalō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to intercalate, insert in the calendar_. #intercipiō#, see #capiō#. #interdīcō#, see #dīcō#. #interdiū# [#inter# + #diū#], adv., _by day_. #interdum# [#inter# + (1) #dum#], adv., _between whiles, now and then, sometimes_. #intereā# [#inter# + #is#], adv., _in the meantime, meanwhile_. #intereō#, see (1) #eō#. #interfector, ōris# [#interficiō#], m., _slayer, assassin, murderer_. #interficiō#, see #faciō#. #intericiō#, see #iaciō#. #interim#, adv., _meanwhile_. #interimō#, see #emō#. #interitus, ūs# [#intereō#], m., _overthrow, death, destruction_. #internūntius, ī# [#inter# + #nūntius#], m., _go-between, messenger_. #interpretor, ārī, ātus sum#, _to explain, interpret_; _maintain_. #interrogō#, see #rogō#. #intersum#, see #sum#. #intervāllum, ī# [#inter# + #vāllum#], n., _interval_ (of time or space), _distance_. #intervertō#, see #vertō#. #intimus#, adj., _inmost, deepest_; _close, intimate_. #intolerābilis, e# [#in# neg. + #tolerō#, _to bear_], adj., _unendurable_. #intrā#, adv. and prep. with acc., _inside of, within, during_. #intrō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#intrō#, adv., _within_], _to enter_. #intrōdūcō#, see #dūcō#. #introeō#, see (1) #eō#. #intueor#, see #tueor#. #intumźscō, ere, tumuī, --# [#in# + #tumźscō#, incep. of #tumeō#, _to be swollen_], _to swell, rise_. #inundō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#in# + #undō#, _to rise in waves_], _to deluge, flood_. #inūsitātus# [#in# neg. + #ūsitātus#, _usual_], adj., _unusual, unfamiliar, novel_. #invādō#, see #vādō#. #invalidus# [#in# neg. + #validus#], adj., _weak, feeble_. #invehō#, see #vehō#. #inveniō#, see #veniō#. #invicem, in vicem#, see #vicis#. #invictus# [#in# neg. + #victus#, part. of #vincō#], adj., _unconquerable_. #invideō#, see #videō#. #invidia, ae# [#invideō#], f., _envy_; _ill-will, odium, unpopularity_. #invidiōsus# [#invidia#], adj., _envious_; _exciting envy, unpopular, hateful_. #inviolātus# [#in# neg. + #violō#], adj., _unhurt_. #invīsus# [orig. part. of #invideō#], adj., _hated, hateful_. #invītō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to invite, ask, summon_; _feast, entertain_. #invītus#, adj., _unwilling, on compulsion_. #iocus, ī# (pl. also #ioca#), m., _a jest, joke_. #ipse, a, um#, _himself, herself, itself, themselves_; often best rendered by _very, mere, in person, even, actually_. #īra, ae#, f., _anger, passion_. #īrāscor, ī, īrātus sum# [#īra#], _to be_ or _become angry_. #īrātus# [orig. part. of #īrāscor#], adj., _angered, enraged_; _in anger, angrily_. #is, ea, id#, dem. pron., _this_ or _that_; _he, she, it_; _such_ (esp. before #ut# with #subj.#). #iste, a, ud#, gen. #istīus#, dat. #istī#, _that of yours, your_; _that, this_. #ita# [#is#], adv., _in this way, so, thus, as follows_. #Ītalia, ae#, f., _Italy_. The name did not include the basin of the Po (Cisalpine Gaul) until the time of Augustus. #Ītalicus, ī#, m., _an Italian_. #itaque# [#ita# + #que#], adv. and conj., _and so, therefore, as a consequence, accordingly_. #item#, adv., _besides, likewise, also_. #iter, itineris# [#eō, īre#], n., _a journey, march_; _road, highway_. #iterum#, adv., _a second time, again_. #Iuba, ae#, m., a king of Numidia, ally of Pompey, but defeated by Caesar at the battle of Thapsus, B.C. 46. #iubeō, źre, iussī, iussus#, _to order, command_. #iūcundź# [#iūcundus#], adv., _agreeably, pleasantly, delightfully_. #iūcundus#, adj., _pleasing, agreeable, charming, delightful_. #Iudaea, ae#, f., _Judaea_. #Iudaeus, ī#, m., _a Jew_. #iūdex, icis# [#iūs# + #dīcō#], m., _a judge, juror_. #iūdicium, ī# [#iūdex#], n., _judgment, decision_. #iūdicō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#iūdex#], _to examine judicially, judge, adjudge_; _think, consider_; _declare, resolve_. #iūgerum, ī#, n., a land measure = about two thirds of an English acre; _an acre_. #iugulum, ī# [dim. of #iugum#], n., _throat, neck_. #iugum, ī# [#iungō#], n., _a yoke, collar_; _mountain summit, range of mountains_; _a military yoke_, formed by fixing two spears upright in the ground and tying a third across between their upper ends. Beneath such a yoke the Romans made their conquered enemies pass, in token of complete surrender of liberty and life to their conquerors. #Iugurtha, ae#, m., the famous king of Numidia, who fought with Rome 111 to 106 B.C.; defeated by Marius. #Iugurthīnus#, adj., _of_ or _with Jugurtha, Jugurthine_. #Iūlia, ae#, f., _Julia_. 1. Daughter of Julius Caesar, and wife of Pompey. 2. Sister of Julius Caesar and grandmother of the Emperor Augustus. #Iūlius, ī#, m., the name of a famous Roman gens. See #Caesar#. #iungō, ere, iūnxī, iūnctus#, _to join together, unite, bind, fasten, yoke_. #ad--adiungō, ere, iūnxī, iūnctus#, _to join_ or _add to, attach_. #con--coniungō, ere, iūnxī, iūnctus#, _to fasten together, join, unite_. #iūnior#, see #iuvenis#. #Iūnius, ī#, m., the name of a famous Roman gens. See #Brūtus#. #Iuppiter, Iovis#, m., the chief god of the Latins, orig. a personification of the sky. He controlled thunder, lightning, rain, and storms. #iūre#, see #iūs#. #iūrō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#iūs#], _to take an oath, swear_; _swear to_. #con--cōniūrō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to take an oath together, conspire, plot_. #iūs, iūris#, n., _right, justice, law_; _court of justice, trial in court_; abl. #iūre# as adv., _rightly, justly_; #in iūs vocāre#, _to summon into court, bring to trial_. #iūsiūrandum, ī# [#iūs# + #iūrō#], n., _an oath_. (#iussus, ūs#) [#iubeō#], m., _order, command_ (found only in abl. sing.). #iūstitia, ae# [#iūs#], f., _justice, uprightness_. #iuvenis, is#, comp. #iūnior#, sup. #minimus nātū#, adj., _young_. As noun, #iuvenis, is#, m., _young person, youth_ (between 17 and 45); #iuvenźs# or #iūniōrźs#, _the fighting men_. #iuventa, ae# [#iuvenis#], f., _youth_. #iuventūs, ūtis# [#iuvenis#], f., _youth_; collectively, _young people_, esp. _fighting men_. Cf. #iuvenis#. #K# #Kalendae, ārum#, pl. f., _the Kalends_, or the first day of the month. #L# #labor, ōris#, m., _labor, toil_; _hardship, distress_. #lābor, ī, lāpsus sum#, _to slip_. #dź--dźlābor, ī, lāpsus sum#, _to glide down_; _slip_ or _fall down, fall_. #ex--źlābor, ī, lāpsus sum#, _to slip away, glide off, escape_. #prō--prōlābor, ī, lāpsus sum#, _to fall down_; _slip, stumble_. #re--relābor, ī, lāpsus sum#, _to slip_ or _sink back_; _flow back, subside_. #labōriōsź# [#labōriōsus#, _toilsome_], adv., _laboriously, carefully_. #labōrō, āre, āvī, ātum#, _to labor, toil_; _be hard pressed, suffer, be afflicted_. #ex--źlabōrō, āre, āvī, ātum#, _to labor, toil, endeavor_. #Lacedaemonius, ī#, m., an inhabitant of Lacedaemon or Sparta, the chief city of Laconia, a district of Southern Greece. #lacerō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to tear to pieces, rend, mutilate, wound_. #*laciō, ere#, _to entice_. #ad--adliciō, ere, lexī, lectus#, _to entice, win over, attract_. #ex--źliciō, ere, uī, itus#, _to draw forth, call down_. #per--perliciō, ere, lexī, lectus#, _to entice, allure, win over_. #lacrima, ae#, f., _a tear_. #lacrimābundus# [#lacrimō#, _to weep_], adj., _weeping_. #laedō, ere, laesī, laesus#, _to hurt, injure_. #ex--źlīdō, ere, līsī, līsus#, _to dash out_; _shatter, crush_. #in--inlīdō, ere, līsī, līsus#, _to dash against_. #Laelius, ī#, m., gentile name of _C. Laelius_, a friend of Scipio Africanus. #laetitia, ae# [#laetus#], f., _joy, exultation_. #laetus#, adj., _joyful, glad, cheerful_. #laevus#, adj., _left_. #lambō, ere, --, --#, _to lick, lap_. #lāmenta, ōrum#, pl. n., _lamentations_. #lāmina, ae#, f., _a thin plate_. #lāna, ae#, f., _wool_. #lancea, ae#, f., _a spear, lance, dart_. #lānificium, ī# [#lānā# + #faciō#], n., _spinning, weaving_. #lanius, ī#, m., _a butcher_. #lapideus# [#lapis#], adj., _of stone, stone_. #lapis, idis#, m., _a stone_; _milestone_. #laqueus, ī#, m., _noose, halter_. #Lārentia, ae#, f., see #Acca#. #largītiō, ōnis# [#largior#, _to bribe_], f., _liberality_; _bribery_. #latebra, ae#, [#lateō#, _to lie hid_], f., _hiding place_ (usually only in pl.). #laterīcius# [#later#, _a brick_], adj., _made of brick, brick_. #Latīnus#, adj., _pertaining to Latium, Latin_; as noun, #Latīnus, ī#, m., _an inhabitant of Latium, a Latin_. #lātrō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to bark at_. #latrō, ōnis#, m., _robber, brigand_. #latus, eris#, n., _side_; _flank_. #laudābilis, e# [#laudō#], adj., _praiseworthy, commendable_. #laudandus# [gerundive of #laudō#], adj., _praiseworthy, commendable_. #laudō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to praise, extol_. #con--conlaudō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to praise very highly, extol_. #laurea, ae# (sc. #corōna#), f., _a laurel wreath_ or _crown_. #laus, laudis#, f., _praise, fame, glory_; _ability_ (as that which excites praise). #laudibus ferre#, _to extol_. #lautus# [part. of #lavō#, _to wash_], adj., _well-washed, neat_; _elegant, splendid_. #laxitās, ātis# [#laxus#, _roomy_], f., _spaciousness, roominess, size_. #lectīca, ae# [#lectus#], f., _a litter, sedan chair, palanquin_. #lectulus, ī# [dim. of #lectus#], m., _a small couch, bed_. #lectus, ī#, m., _a couch, bed_. #lźgātiō, ōnis# [#lźgō#, to commission], f., _embassy, legation_. #lźgātus, ī# [#lźgō#, _to commission_], m., _one specially commissioned, ambassador, envoy_; _a deputy, lieutenant_, an officer next in command to the #imperātor#, who selected him subject to the approval of the senate. Often several attended the general, serving in turn, acting as his counsellors, and commanding in his absence. #legiō, ōnis# [#legō#], f., _a legion_, containing from four to six thousand men; #legiōnźs#, _the infantry_, as distinct from the cavalry. #lźgitimus# [#lźx#], adj., _fixed by law, legal_. #legō, ere, lźgī, lźctus#, _to gather, collect_; _select, appoint, choose_; _read_. #con--conligō, ere, lźgī, lźctus#, _to collect, gather_. #dź--dźligō, ere, lźgī, lźctus#, _to choose, select_; _levy_. #dis--dīligō, ere, lźxī, lźctus#, _to single out, esteem, love, prize_. #ex--źligō, ere, lźgī, lźctus#, _to pick out, choose, select_. #inter--intellegō, ere, lźxī, lźctus#, _learn_; _perceive, understand_. #lźniter# [#lźnis#, _soft, gentle_], adv., _softly, mildly, lightly_. #lźnōcinium, ī#, n., _excessive finery_ or _nicety in dress_. #Lentulus, ī#, m., _P. Cornźlius Lentulus Dolābella_, a son-in-law of Cicero. #lentus#, adj., _pliant, tough_; _slow, sluggish_. #Lepidus, ī#, m., _M. Aemilius_, consul with Caesar, B.C. 46; a member, with Octavianus and Antony, of the second triumvirate. #lźtālis, e# [#lźtum#, _death_], adj., _deadly, fatal_. #levis, e#, adj., _light, slight, trivial_. #leviter# [#levis#], adv., _lightly, slightly_. #lźx, lźgis#, f., _law, decree_; _term, condition_. #libźns, entis# [#libet#, _it pleases_], adj., _willing_; _with good will_ or _pleasure, gladly_. #libenter# [#libźns#], adv., _gladly, willingly_. #līber, lībera, līberum#, adj., _free_; _generous_; _outspoken, frank_. #liber, librī#, m., _a book_. #līberālitās, ātis# [#līberālis#, _generous_], f., _generosity, kindness_; _a gift_. #līberāliter# [#līberālis#, _generous_], adv., _kindly, generously, graciously_. #līberī, ōrum# [#līber#], pl. m., _children_; properly the free persons of the family as distinct from the slaves. #līberō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#līber#], _to set free, free_; _acquit, absolve_. #lībertās, ātis# [#līber#], f., _freedom, independence_. #lībertus, ī# [#līber#], m., _a freedman_. #libīdō, inis# [#libet#, _it pleases_], f., _pleasure_; _lust, wantonness, passion_. #lībrō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#lībra#, _a balance_], _to balance, poise, brandish_. #licentia, ae# [#licet#], f., _freedom, license_. #licet, źre, uit# or #itum est#, impers., _it is allowed_ or _permitted_. #līctor, ōris#, m., _a lictor_, a Roman officer. The lictors were orig. attendants of the kings, but later were granted to dictators, consuls, and praetors. They accompanied these magistrates whenever they appeared in public, and cleared the way before them. They also carried the fasces, and executed criminal sentences. #līgneus# [#līgnum#, _wood_], adj., _wooden_. #ligō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to bind_. #ad--adligō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to bind to, bind fast, bind_. #dź--dźligō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to bind to, tie, fasten_. #re--religō, āre, avī, ātus#, _to bind, fasten_. #līmen, inis#, n., _threshold, doorstep_. #līneāmentum, ī# [#līnea#, _a line_], n., _a line_; _feature, lineament_. #lingua, ae#, f., _tongue_; _language_. #liquefaciō, ere, fźcī, factus# [#liqueō#, _to be liquid_ + #faciō#], _to melt, dissolve_. #Līternīnus#, adj., _at Literum_, a town of Campania. As noun, #Līternīnum, ī# (sc. #praedium#, _an estate_), n., an estate of Scipio Africanus Maior at Liternum. #lītigātor, ōris# [#līs#, _lawsuit_ + #agō#], m., _a party to a lawsuit, litigant_. #littera, ae#, f., _a letter_ (of the alphabet); in pl., _a letter, epistle_; _literature_. #litterātus# [#littera#], adj., _lettered, educated, learned_. #lītus, oris#, n., (sea)_shore, beach, strand_. #Līvius, ī#, m., gentile name of _M. Līvius Salīnātor_, who commanded the garrison of Tarentum during the second Punic War. #locō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#locus#], _to place, put_; _contract for, let, lease_. #con--conlocō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to place, arrange, station, establish_. #locuplźs, źtis# [#locus# + #plźnus#], adj., _rich in lands, rich_. #locus, ī#, m. (pl., #locī# and #loca#), _a place, spot_; _locality, region_; _position, station, post_; _room, opportunity_. #longź# [#longus#], adv., _a long way_ or _distance, at a distance_; _far, by far_. #longinquus# [#longus#], adj., _remote, distant_. #longus#, adj., _long_; _distant_. #loquor, ī, locūtus sum#, _to speak, talk, say_. #ad--adloquor, ī, locūtus sum#, _to speak to, address_. #con--conloquor, ī, locūtus sum#, _to talk with, converse, confer_. #lōrīca, ae# [#lōrum#], f., _a corselet_ of leather, _coat of mail_; #squāmārum lōrīca#, _armor-like covering of scales_. #lōrum, ī#, n., _a leather thong_ or _strap_. #Lūcius, ī#, m., a Roman praenomen. #Lucrźtia, ae#, f., the wife of Collatinus, a type of the Roman matron of the olden time. #luctor, ārī, ātus sum#, _to wrestle, struggle_. #lūctus, ūs# [#lūgeō#], m., _grief, sorrow, mourning_. #Lūcullus, ī#, m., _L. Licinius_, born about 110 B.C., consul 74; conducted the war against Mithridates 74-67, after which he gave himself to a life of luxury, dying in 57 or 56. #lūcus, ī#, m., _a sacred grove, grove_. #lūdibrium, ī# [#lūdus#], n., _laughing-stock, jest_; _mockery, derision_. #lūdicer, cra, crum# [#lūdus#], adj., _playful, sportive_. #lūdus, ī#, m., _play, sport_; _a game_, esp. (in pl.) _the public games_, consisting of chariot races, gladiatorial combats, and theatrical performances. #lūgeō, źre, lūxī, lūctus#, _to grieve_; _grieve for, mourn, lament_. #lūgubris, e# [#lūgeō#], adj., _mournful_. #lūmen, inis# [cf. #lux#], n., _light_. #lūna, ae# [cf. #lūx#], f., _the moon_. #lupa, ae#, f., _a she-wolf_. #lūstrō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to purify, cleanse_; _to review, inspect_. #lūx, lūcis#, f., _light, daylight, day_; #prīmā lūce#, _at dawn_. #lūxuria, ae# [#lūxus#], f., _luxury, excess_. #lūxus, ūs#, m., _excess, luxury, self-indulgence_. #M# #Macedō, onis#, m., _a Macedonian_. #Macedonia, ae#, f., _Macedonia_, an extensive country north of Greece. Its inhabitants were not generally reckoned as Greeks. Under Alexander the Great it became the chief power of the ancient world. #māchina, ae#, f., _machine_ or _engine of war_; _a contrivance, trick_. #mactō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to offer as sacrifice, kill, slaughter_. #mactus#, adj., _worshiped, glorified_. #Maecźnās, ātis#, m., _C. Cilnius_, the close friend of Augustus and his chief adviser in civil affairs. #maestus#, adj., _sad, gloomy, mournful_. #magis#, comp., adv., _in a greater degree_; _more, rather_; sup. #māximź# [#māximus#], _in the highest degree, particularly_; _exceedingly, very_. #magister, trī#, m., _master, chief_; _teacher_; #magister equitum#, _Master of the Horse_, an officer appointed by a dictator as his lieutenant. The name perhaps indicates that he had especial command of the cavalry. #magistrātus, ūs# [#magister#], m., _civil office, magistracy_. #māgnificź# [#māgnificus#], adv., in good sense, _grandly_; in bad sense, _in lordly fashion, haughtily, proudly_. #māgnificentia, ae# [#māgnificus#], f., _splendor, grandeur_. #māgnificus# [#māgnus# + #faciō#], adj., _splendid, magnificent_. #māgnitūdō, inis# [#māgnus#], f., _greatness, size_. #māgnus#, comp. #māior#, sup. #māximus#, adj., _great, large_; #māior# or #māximus# (sc. #nātū#), _elder, eldest_. As noun, #Māgnus, ī#, m., _the Great_, cognomen of Pompey; #māiōrźs# (sc. #nātū#), pl. m., _ancestors_. #Maharbal, alis#, m., _a Carthaginian general_. #māiestās, ātis# [cf. #māior#], f., _greatness, dignity_. #māior, māius#, gen. #māiōris#, see #māgnus#. #male# [#malus#], comp. #pźius#, sup. #pessimź#, adv., _badly, ill, unsuccessfully_; _feebly, barely, scarcely_. #maledictum, ī# [#male# + #dīcō#], n., _a curse_. #mālō, mālle, māluī# [#magis# + (1) #volō#], _to prefer_. #malus#, comp. #pźior#, sup. #pessimus#, adj., _bad, wicked_; _evil, unfortunate_. As noun, #malum, ī#, n., _evil, misfortune, trouble_. #Māmurius, ī#, m., a Roman smith of the time of King Numa. #mandātum, ī# [#mandō#], n., _an order, command_. #mandō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#manus# + #dō#], _to hand over, commit, entrust_; _order, command_; #lītterīs mandāre#, _to write_. #con--commendō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to commit, entrust_; _assist, defend_. #māne#, adv., _early in the morning_. #maneō, źre, mānsī, mānsūrus#, _to remain, stay, tarry_. #re--remaneō, źre, mānsī, mānsūrus#, _to stay behind, remain_. #Mānźs, ium#, pl. m., _the deified spirits of the dead_, to whom sacrifice was regularly made. #manifźstus# [#manus# + #*fendō#], adj., _clear, manifest, evident_; _exposed_. #manipulus, ī# [#manus# + #*pleō#] m., _a company of soldiers, maniple_ (one third of a cohort). The standard of the maniple orig. bore (it is said) a _handful_ of hay. #Mānius, ī#, m., abbreviated #M'.#, a Roman praenomen. #Mānliānus#, adj., _Manlian_. #Mānlius, ī#, m., the name of a Roman gens. See #Torquātus#. #mānō, āre, āvī, --#, _to flow, trickle_; _to flow_ or _stream abroad, spread_. #mānsuźtūdō, inis# [#mānsuźtus#, _tame_], f., _mildness, gentleness_. #manubiae, ārum# [#manus#], pl. f., _prize-money, booty, plunder_. #manūmittō, ere, mīsī, missus# [#manus# + #mittō#], _to set free, emancipate_. #manus, ūs#, f., _hand, arm_; #ferreae manūs#, _grappling irons_ (see #corvus#); _force, strength, prowess_; _band, troop_; #manūs cōnserere#, _to join battle_. #Mārcus, ī#, m., a common praenomen. #Mārcius, ī#, m., see #Ancus#. #mare, is#, n., _the sea_; #Mare Superum#, _the Upper_ or _Adriatic Sea_. #margarīta, ae#, f., _a pearl_. #maritimus# [#mare#], adj., _pertaining to the sea, sea, maritime_. #marītus, ī#, m., _husband_. #Marius, ī#, m., _C._, born near Arpinum in Latium, 107 B.C.; conquered Jugurtha, 106; was seven times consul; defeated Teutones in 102, Cimbri in 101; died in 86. #marmor, oris#, n., _marble_. #marmoreus# [#marmor#], adj., _marble, of marble_. #Mārs, Mārtis#, m., _Mars_, the Roman god of war; _war, battle_. #Mārtius# [#Mārs#], adj., _of March_. #Masinissa, ae#, m., king of Numidia, ally of Scipio Africanus Maior, in Africa, B.C. 202. He reigned till 148. #Massīva, ae#, m., nephew of Masinissa. #māter, mātris#, f., _mother_. #māternus# [#māter#], adj., _of a mother, mother's_; _maternal, on the mother's side_. #mātrimōnium, ī# [#māter#], n., _marriage_. #mātrōna, ae# [#māter#], f., _a married woman, wife, matron_. #Maurī, ōrum#, pl. m., _Moors_, inhabitants of Mauretania, the modern Morocco. #māximź# [#māximus#], adv., see #magis#. #māximus#, adj., see #māgnus#. #Māximus, ī#, m., a Roman cognomen. 1. _M. Valerius Māximus Corvīnus_, consul 343 B.C. 2. _Q. Fabius Māximus_, a famous general opposed to Hannibal, surnamed _Cunctātor_, from his caution. He was five times consul, and died in 203. #medicāmentum, ī# [#medicō#, _to heal_], n., _drug, potion_; _antidote, cure_. #medicus, ī# [#medeor#, _to heal_], m., _a physician, surgeon, doctor_. #meditor, ārī, ātus sum#, _to reflect upon, consider_; _plan, devise_. #medius#, adj., _in the middle, middle, midst of_. As noun, #medium, ī#, n., _the middle, midst, intervening space_; #in mediō#, _in the midst of, between_; #in medium prōferre#, _to bring out, produce_. #melior, ius#, gen. #ōris#, adj., see #bonus#. #melius#, adv., see #bene#. #Memmius, ī#, m., gentile name of _C. Memmius Gemellus_, an opponent of Julius Caesar. #memorābilis, e# [#memorō#], adj., _worth telling, remarkable_. #memoria, ae# [#memor#, _mindful_], f., _memory_; _record, account_. #memorō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#memor#, _mindful_], _to bring to mind, relate_; _say, tell_. #mźns, mentis#, f., _the mind, intellectual faculties_; _thought, purpose_. #mźnsa, ae#, f., _table_; _course_ (at dinner). #mźnsis, is#, m., _a month_. #mentiō, ōnis#, f., _mention_. #mercor, ārī, ātus sum# [#merx#], _to buy, purchase_. #mereō, źre, uī, itus#, _to earn, deserve, merit_. #mergō, ere, mersī, mersus#, _to dip, plunge in_; _sink_. #meritō# [#meritum#, _desert_], adv., _deservedly, justly_. #merx, mercis#, f., _goods, wares, merchandise_. #Metellus, ī#, m., a Roman cognomen. 1. _L. Caecilius Metellus_, one of the young nobles who, after the battle of Cannae, proposed to leave Italy. 2. _Q. Caecilius Metellus_, called _Numidicus_, because of the success with which he carried on the Jugurthine War, till superseded by Marius. 3. _Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius_, consul B.C. 80. He fought against Sertorius. #mźtor, ārī, ātus sum#, _to measure off, mark out_. #Mettius, ī#, m., see #Fūfetius#. #metus, ūs#, m., _fear, dread, terror_. #meus#, adj., _my, mine_. As noun, #meī, meōrum#, pl. m., _my friends, my followers_. #mī#, vocative sing. of #meus#. #micō, āre, uī, --#, _to quiver, flash, gleam_. #migrō, āre, āvī, ātum#, _to remove, migrate_. #con--commigrō, āre, āvī, ātum#, _to change one's home, move, migrate_. #re--remigrō, āre, āvī, ātum#, _to journey_ (back), _return_. #mīles, itis#, m., _a soldier, fellow-soldier_; as collective noun, _soldiery_. #Mīlźtus, ī#, f., a city in Asia Minor, near Ephesus. #mīlitāris, e# [#mīles#], adj., _soldierly, military_; #rźs mīlitāris#, _the art of war, military tactics_. #mīlitia, ae# [#mīles#], f., _military service, war_; #mīlitiae#, loc., _in the field, abroad_, opposed to #domī#, _at home_. #mīlitō, āre, āvī, ātum#, _to be a soldier, serve in war, fight_. #mīlle#, indecl. adj., _a thousand_; as noun, #mīlia#, pl. n., _thousands_. #mīlliźs# [#mīlle#], adv., _a thousand times_. #mīmus, ī#, m., _farce, comedy_. #minimź# [#minimus#], adv., see #parum#. #minister, trī#, m., _attendant, servant_. #minitor, ārī, ātus sum# [freq. of #minor#], _to threaten_. #minor, us#, gen. #ōris#, see #parvus#. #minor, ārī, ātus sum#, _to threaten_. #Minucius, ī#, m., _M. Minucius Rūfus, magister equitum_ under Q. Fabius Maximus. #Minturnae, ārum#, pl. f., a town between Campania and Latium. #minuō, ere, ī, ūtus# [#minus#], _to diminish, lessen_; _weaken_. #minus#, adv., see #parum#. #mīrābilis, e# [#mīror#], adj., _wonderful, strange, amazing_. #mīrāculum, ī# [#mīror#], n., _a wonder, marvel, miracle_. #mīrificus# [#mīrus# + #faciō#], adj., _wonderful_. #mīror, ārī, ātus sum#, _to wonder, marvel at_. #mīrus#, adj., _wonderful, marvelous_. #miser, era, erum#, adj., _wretched, unfortunate_. #misericordia, ae# [#misericors#], f., _pity, compassion, mercy_. #misericors, cordis# [#misereō#, _to pity_ + #cor#, _heart_], adj., _tender-hearted, merciful_. #missiō, ōnis# [#mittō#], f., _release from service, discharge_. #Mithridātźs#, is, m., surnamed _the Great_, king of Pontus, B.C. 120-63. #Mithridāticus#, adj., _Mithridatic_. #mītigō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#mītis# + #agō#], _to make gentle, soften, civilize_. #mītis, e#, adj., _mild, gentle, kind_. #mittō, ere, mīsī, missus#, _send, despatch, dismiss_; _throw, hurl, shoot_. #ab--āmittō, ere, mīsī, missus#, _to send away, let go, lose_. #ad--admittō, ere, mīsī, missus#, _to admit, receive_. #con--committō, ere, mīsī, missus#, _to send_ or _bring together, join_; _entrust, commit, bring_ (it) _about, cause, allow_; #pūgnam# or #proelium committere#, _to begin battle_. #dź--dźmittō, ere, mīsī, missus#, _to send_ or _let down, cast down, let fall_; _put_. #dis--dīmittō, ere, mīsī, missus#, _to send_ (away), _dismiss_; _give up, abandon_. #ex--źmittō, ere, mīsī, missus#, _to send forth_ or _out_; _hurl, cast_; _utter_; _let loose_. #in--immittō, ere, mīsī, missus#, _to send in, admit_; _send, hurl_. #ob--omittō, ere, mīsī, missus#, _to lay aside_; _neglect, omit_; _pass over, say nothing of_; _lose sight of, let slip_. #per--permittō, ere, mīsī, missus#, _to let pass_; _permit, allow_. #prō--prōmittō, ere, mīsī, missus#, _to put forward_; _promise_. #re--remittō, ere, mīsī, missus#, _to send back_; _yield, give up_; _remit, grant exemption from_. #re + prō--reprōmittō, ere, mīsī, missus#, _to promise in return_. #sub--submittō, ere, mīsī, missus#, _to send_ or _let down_; _let grow_. #trāns--trānsmittō, ere, mīsī, missus#, _to send_ or _put across_, _make to cross_; _despatch_; intrans., _to go across, cross_. #Mitylźnae, ārum#, pl. f., capital of Lesbos, an island in the Aegean Sea. #moderātiō, ōnis# [#moderor#, _to set bounds to_], f., _self-control, moderation_. #moderātus# [#moderor#, _to check_], adj., _within bounds, moderate, merciful_. #modicus# [#modus#], adj., _moderate, modest_. #modius, ī# [#modus#], m., _a measure_; _a peck_. #modo# [#modus#], adv., _only_; _just now, lately_; #modo . . . modo#, _at one time . . . at another, now . . . now_; #nōn; modo . . . sed etiam#, _not only . . . but also_. #modus, ī#, m., _measure, limit, end_; _way, manner_; _measure, strains_ (of music). #moenia, ium#, pl. n., _defensive walls, city walls, fortifications_. #mōlźs, is#, f., _mass, weight, bulk_; _massive structure_. #molestź# [#molestus#], adv., _with difficulty_ or _vexation_; #aegrź# or #molestź ferre#, _to take amiss, be vexed_ (at). #molestia, ae# [#molestus#], f., _trouble, annoyance, burden_. #molestus# [#mōlźs#], adj., _troublesome, annoying, vexatious_. #mōlior, īrī, ītus sum# [#mōlźs#], _to struggle, toil_; _undertake, attempt_. #mollis, e#, adj., _soft, tender_; _effeminate, unmanly_. #molliter# [#mollis#], adv., _effeminately, luxuriously_. #Molō, ōnis#, m., see #Apollōnius#. #mōmentum, ī# [#moveō#], n., _movement_; _cause, circumstance_; (sc. #temporis#), _moment, instant_. #moneō, źre, uī, itus#, _to remind, admonish_; _advise, warn_. #ad--admoneō, źre, uī, itus#, _to remind, admonish, warn_. #monitus, ūs# [#moneō#], m., _warning, counsel_. #mōns, montis#, m., _a mountain, height, hill_. #mōnstrum, ī# [#moneō#], n., _a warning, omen_; _strange being, monster_. #mora, ae#, f., _delay, policy of delay_. #morbus, ī#, m., _sickness, disease_. #morior, morī, mortuus sum#, _to die_. #moror, ārī, ātus sum#, _to delay, linger, tarry_; with acc., _to hinder, impede_. #dź--dźmoror, ārī, ātus sum#, _to linger, tarry, remain_. #mors, mortis#, f., _death_. #morsus, ūs# [#mordeō#, _to bite_], m., _bite_; _pain, sting, agony_. #mortālis, e# [#mors#], adj., _mortal, human_; as noun, _mortālis, is_, m., _a man, mortal_. #mortuus# [part. of #morior#], adj., _dead_. #mōs, mōris#, m., _a habit, custom_; _manner, fashion_; pl., _customs, character_. #mōtus, ūs# [#moveō#], m., _movement, agitation, tumult, insurrection_. #moveō, źre, mōvī, mōtus#, _to stir, move, remove_; _affect, arouse_. #ab--āmoveō, źre, mōvī, mōtus#, _to take away, remove_. #ad--admoveō, źre, mōvī, mōtus#, _to move towards_; _bring near_; _offer_. #con--commoveō, źre, mōvī, mōtus#, _to move thoroughly_; _agitate, excite_. #per--permoveō, źre, mōvī, mōtus#, _to move deeply, excite, influence_. #prō--prōmoveō, źre, mōvī, mōtus#, _to move forward, promote, advance_. #sub--submoveō, źre, mōvī, mōtus#, _to thrust aside, remove, dislodge_. #mox#, adv., _soon, presently_; _thereupon, next_. #mūcrō, ōnis#, m., _sword-point, sword_. #muliebriter# [#muliebris#, _womanish_], adv., _like a woman, in womanish fashion_. #mulier, ieris#, f., _a woman, wife_. #muliercula, ae# [dim. of #mulier#], f., a (little, i.e.) _young woman, girl_. #mūliō, ōnis# [#mūlus#, _a mule_], m., _a mule-driver_. #multa, ae#, f., _a fine, penalty_. #multiplex, icis# [#multus# + #plicō#, _to fold_], adj., _manifold, many_. #multitūdō, inis# [#multus#], f., _a multitude, throng_. #multō# [#multus#], adv., _by far, much_. #multō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#multa#], _to fine, punish_. #multum# [#multus#], adv., _much_; _greatly, severely_. #multus#, comp. #plūs#, sup. #plūrimus#, adj., _much, many a_; in pl., _many_; #plūrźs#, _several_; often used as noun in all three degrees. #munditia, ae# [#mundus#, _neat_], f., _neatness, elegance, niceness_. #mūniō, īre, īvī (iī), ītus#, _to fortify, protect_; _open up, build_ (a road). #con--commūniō, īre, īvī (iī), ītus#, _to fortify strongly, intrench_. #mūnus, eris#, n., _service_; _present, gift_. #muraena, ae#, f., _an eel_. #mūrus, ī#, m., _city wall, wall_. #Mūsae, ārum#, pl. f., _the Muses_, the goddesses of the liberal arts, esp. music and poetry. #Mutina, ae#, f., _Mutina_ (now Modena), a city in Cisalpine Gaul, south of the Po. #Mutinźnsis, e#, adj., _of_ or _at Mutina_. #mūtō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to change, alter_. #con--commūtō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to alter, change_; _exchange_. #per--permūtō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to change throughout, exchange, interchange_. #mūtuus# [#mūtō#], adj., _mutual_. #N# #nam#, conj. (1) causal, _for, because, inasmuch as_; (2) explanatory, _you know, indeed_. #nancīscor, ī, nactus sum#, _to get_ (by accident), _happen upon, find, meet with_. #nārrō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to narrate, tell_. #nāscor, ī, nātus sum#, _to be born_; _spring from, arise_. #Nāsīca, ae#, m., cognomen of _P. Cornźlius Scīpiō Nāsīca Serāpiō_, opponent of Tiberius Gracchus. #nāsus, ī#, m., _the nose_. #nātiō, ōnis# [#nāscor#], f., _birth, race_; _tribe, nation, people_. #nātūra, ae# [#nāscor#], f., _nature, character, disposition_; personified, _Nature_. #nātus# [orig. part. of #nāscor#], adj., lit. _born_; with #annōs#, _old_. (#nātus, ūs#) [#nāscor#], m., _birth, age_ (found only in abl. sing.). #naufragium, ī# [#nāvis# + #frangō#], n., _shipwreck_. #nāvālis, e# [#nāvis#], adj., _naval_. #nāvicula, ae# [dim. of #nāvis#], f., _a small vessel, boat, skiff_. #nāvigātiō, ōnis# [#nāvigō#, _to sail_], f., _voyage_. #nāvigium, ī# [#nāvigō#, _to sail_], n., _ship, boat_. #nāvis, is#, f., _a ship_. #Nāvius, ī#, m., see #Attus#. #nāvō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#(g)nāvus#, _busy_], _to do with zeal_; #operam nāvāre#, _to render vigorous aid, act with vigor_. #nź#, (1) adv., _not_; #nź . . . quidem#, _not even, not at all_; (2) conj., _in order that not, not to, for fear that, lest_. #ne#, enclitic interrog. particle, used (1) in direct questions, and then translatable only by the inflection of the voice; (2) as conj. with indirect questions, _whether_. #nebulō, ōnis# [#nebula#, _mist_], m., _a worthless fellow, good-for-naught, scamp_. #nec#, see #neque#. #necessārius# [#necesse#, _necessary_], adj., _necessary, indispensable_. #necessitās, ātis# [#necesse#, _necessary_], f., _necessity_. #necō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#nex#], _to kill, slay_. #nefārius# [#nefās#, _a crime_], adj., _wicked, impious, nefarious_. #nefāstus# [#nefās#, _a crime_], adj., _unhallowed_; #diźs nefāstus#, a day on which no public business could be transacted. #neglegźns, entis# [orig. part. of #neglegō#], adj., _heedless, careless_. #neglegō, ere, lźxī, lźctus# [#nec# + #legō#], _to disregard, despise, neglect_. #negō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to say no_; _deny, refuse_. #dź--dźnegō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to say no, deny_; _refuse, reject_. #nźmō#, gen. #nūllīus#, dat. #nźminī#, acc. #nźminem#, abl. #nūllō#; pl. not found [#nź# + #homō#], m. and f., _no one, nobody_. #nemus, oris#, n., _a grove_. #nepōs, ōtis#, m., _grandson, descendant_. #neptis, is#, f., _granddaughter_. #neque# or #nec# [#nź# + #que#], adv. and conj., _and not, but not, nor, nor yet_; #neque# or #nec . . . neque# or #nec#, _neither . . . nor_. #nequeō, īre, īvī, --# [#nź# + #queō#, _to be able_], _to be unable_. #nź . . . quidem#, see #nź#. #nesciō, īre, īvī (iī), --# [#nź# + #sciō#], _not know, to be ignorant_. #neuter, tra, trum# [#nź# + #uter#], adj., _neither_. #nex, necis#, f., _death_; _murder, slaughter_. #nī#, conj., _if not, unless_. #niger, gra, grum#, adj., _black_. #nihil# or #nīl# [#nź# + #hīlum#, _a trifle_], n. indecl., _nothing_; acc. often as adv., _in no wise, not at all, not_. #nihilum, ī# [older form of #nihil#], n., _nothing_; abl. #nihilō#, as adv., _not at all_; #nihilō minus#, _none the less_. #nihildum# [#nihil# + (1) #dum#], n. indecl., _nothing as yet_. #Nīlus, ī#, m., _the river Nile_. #nīmīrum#, adv., _without doubt, surely, truly, plainly_. #nimium# [#nimius#], adv., _excessively_. #nimius#, adj., _beyond measure, excessive, too much, too great_. #nisi# [#nź# + #sī#], conj., _if not, unless, except_. #niteō, źre, uī, --#, _to shine, glitter_; _be conspicuous, flourish_. #ex--źniteō, źre, uī, --#, _to shine forth_; _be distinguished_. #nītor, ī, nīsus# or #nīxus sum#, _lean_ or _rest upon_; _to exert one's self, strive_. #ex--źnītor, ī, nīsus# or #nīxus sum#, _to strive, struggle_. #in--innītor, ī, nīsus# or #nīxus sum#, _to lean upon, support one's self by_. #nō, nāre, nāvī, --#, _to swim_. #trāns--trānō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to swim across_. #nōbilis, e# [#nōscō#], adj., _known, noted, famous_; _high-born, noble_. #nōbilitās, ātis# [#nōbilis#], f., _fame, renown_; _high birth_; _the nobility, nobles_. #nōbilitō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#nōbilis#], _to make known_ or _famous, glorify, dignify_. #noceo, źre, uī, itūrus#, _to hurt, injure_. #noctū# [abl. of #*noctus# = #nox#], adv., _by night_. #noctua, ae# [#nox#], f., _night-owl, owl_. #nocturnus# [#nox#], adj., _of_ or _by night, nocturnal_. #Nōla, ae#, f., a town of Campania. #nōlō, nōlle, nōluī, --# [#nōn# + (1) #volō#], _to be unwilling, not wish_. #nōmen, inis# [#nōscō#], n., _a name_, esp. the gentile name; #nōmina dare# or #profitźrī#, _to volunteer_. #nōminō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#nōmen#], _to name, designate_. #nōn# [#nź# + #oenum# = #ūnum#], adv., _not, not at all_. #nōnāgintā#, indecl. num. adj., _ninety_. #nōndum# [#nōn# + (1) #dum#], adv., _not yet_. #nōnnūllus# [#nōn# + #nūllus#], adj., _some, several_. #nōnnumquam# [#nōn# + #numquam#], adv., _sometimes, at times_. #nōscō, ere, nōvī, nōtus#, _to come to know, become acquainted with_; in perf., plup.; and fut. perf., _to know_. #ad--āgnōscō, ere, gnōvī, gnitus#, _to recognize_. #con--cōgnōscō, ere, cognōvī, cōgnitus#, _to learn, perceive, understand_. #in--īgnōscō, ere, īgnōvī, īgnōtus#, _to overlook, pardon, forgive_. #nota, ae# [cf. #nōscō#], f., _a mark, sign_. #nōtus# [orig. part. of #nōscō#], adj., _well-known, familiar_. #novācula, ae#, f., _a razor_. #novem#, indecl. num. adj., _nine_. #novus#, adj., _new, fresh, young, recent_. #nox, noctis#, f., _night_. #nūbźs, is#, f., _a cloud_. #nūbō, ere, nūpsī, nūptum#, _to veil one's self, be married, wed_. #nūdō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#nūdus#], _to strip, bare_. #nūdus#, adj., _naked, lightly clad_. #nūllus#, gen. #nūllīus#, dat. #nūllī# [#nź# + #ūllus#], adj., _none, no_; as noun, _no one_. #num#, interrog. particle, used (1) in direct questions expecting a negative answer, _not so . . . is it?_ (2) in indir. questions, _whether, if_. #Numa, ae#, m., see #Pompilius#. #numerō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#numerus#], _to count out_ (money), _pay_. #numerus, ī#, m., _number, quantity_. #Numida, ae#, m., _a Numidian_. #Numidia, ae#, f., a country of Northern Africa, west of Carthage; now Algiers. #Numidicus#, adj., _Numidian_. #Numitor, ōris#, m., king of Alba Longa, grandfather of Romulus. #nummus, ī#, m., _a piece of money, coin_, esp. the #sźstertius#. See #sźstertius#. #numquam# [#nź# + #umquam#, _ever_], adv., _never_. #nunc#, adv., _at the present moment, now_. #nūntiō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#nūntius#], _to announce, inform, report_; _bid, urge, direct_. #dź--dźnūntiō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to announce, declare, proclaim_. #prō--prōnūntiō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to announce, declare_. #re--renūntiō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to send_ or _bring back word, report, announce_; with dat., _to refuse, decline_. #nūntius, ī#, m., _a messenger_; _message tidings_. #*nuō, nuere#, _to nod_. #ab--abnuō, ere, ī, --#, _to refuse_. #ad--adnuō, ere, ī, --#, _to nod assent to, agree to_; _agree, promise_. #in--innuō, ere, ī, --#, _to signal by a nod, hint, intimate_. #re--renuō, ere, ī, --#, _to nod refusal, refuse_. #nūper#, adv., _lately, recently_. #nurus, ūs#, f., _a daughter-in-law_. #nūsquam# [#nź# + #ūsquam#], adv., _nowhere, in no place_. #nūtō, āre, āvī, ātum# [freq. of #*nuō#], _to nod_; of an army, _to waver, be ready to give way_. #nūtrīx, īcis# [#nūtriō#, _to nourish_], f., _a nurse_. #O# #ob#, prep. with acc., _to, towards_; _for, on account of, by reason of_; in composition, _towards, against, at, before_. #obeō#, see (1) #eō#. #obiciō#, see #iaciō#. #obiūrgō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to berate, scold_. #oblinō, ere, lźvī, litus# [#ob# + #linō#, _to smear_], _to daub, smear, defile_. #oblitus#, see #oblinō#. #oblītus#, see #oblīvīscor#. #oblīviō, ōnis# [cf. #oblīvīscor#], f., _forgetfulness_. #oblīvīscor, ī, oblītus sum#, _to forget_. #obnoxius# [#ob# + #noxa#, _harm_], adj., _liable to punishment_; _liable, exposed_. #obruō#, see #ruō#. #obsequor#, see #sequor#. #obses, idis#, m., _a hostage, surety_. #obsideō#, see #sedeō#. #obsidiō, ōnis# [#obsideō#], f., _a siege_. #obsistō#, see #sistō#. #obstrepō, ere, uī, --# [#ob# + #strepō#, _to make a noise_], _to rail at, roar at_. #obstupźscō, ere, stupuī, --#, _to become amazed, be struck dumb_. #obtineō#, see #teneō#. #obtingō#, see #tangō#. #obtrźctātor, ōris# [#obtrźctō#, _to under-rate_], m., _detractor, traducer_. #obtruncō, āre, --, ātus# [#ob# + #truncō#, _to maim_; cf. #truncus#], _to lop off_; _kill, slay_. #obveniō#, see #veniō#. #obviam# [#ob# + #via#], adv., _across one's path, in the way, towards_; #obviam īre, prōgredī# or #venīre#, _to go to meet_; #obviam esse# or #fierī#, _to meet_. #obvius# [#ob# + #via#], adj., _in the way, meeting_; with #esse, fierī#, or #venīre#, _to meet_. #obvolvō, ere, ī, volūtus# [#ob# + #volvō#, _to roll_], _to wrap round, envelop, cover_. #occāsiō, ōnis# [#occidō#], f., _fitting time, opportunity, chance_. #occāsus, ūs# [#occidō#], m., _downfall_. #occidō#, see #cadō#. #occīdō#, see #caedō#. #occumbō#, see #*cumbō#. #occupō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#ob# + #capiō#], _to take possession of, seize_; _attack_. #occurrō#, see #currō#. #Octāvia, ae#, f., _sister of Octavianus_. #Octāviānus, ī#, m., see #Augustus# and #Caesar#. #octō#, indecl. num. adj., _eight_. #octōgintā#, indecl. num. adj., _eighty_. #oculus, ī#, m., _the eye_. #odium, ī#, n., _hatred, grudge, aversion_. #odor, ōris#, m., _smell, perfume_. #offendō#, see #*fendō#. #offźnsus# [orig. part. of #offendō#], adj., _vexed, displeased, offended_. #offerō#, see #ferō#. #officiōsus# [#officium#], adj., _courteous, obliging_. #officium, ī# [#opus# + #faciō#], n., _service, kindness, favor_; _duty, office_. #ōlim# [#ole#, old form of #ille#], adv., _formerly_. #omittō#, see #mittō#. #omnīnō# [#omnis#], adv., _in all, altogether_. #omnis, e#, adj., _each, every, all, the whole_; #omnźs ad ūnum#, _all to a man_. #opera, ae# [#opus#], f., _work, labor, pains, aid_; #operam dare#, _to devote pains to_; #operam nāvāre#, see #nāvō#. #opifex, ficis# [#opus# + #faciō#], m., _workman, artisan_. #Opīmius, ī#, m., _Lūcius_, consul 121 B.C., and opponent of C. Gracchus. #opīniō, ōnis# [#opīnor#, _to think_], f., _opinion, fancy, belief_. #oportet, źre, uit#, impers., _it is necessary_ or _proper, it befits_. #oppidum, ī#, n., _a walled town, city_. #oppleō#, see #*pleō#. #oppōnō#, see #pōnō#. #opportūnus#, adj., _fit, suitable, convenient_. #opprimō#, see #premō#. #oppūgnātiō, ōnis# [#oppūgnō#], f., _assault, attack, siege, storming_. #oppūgnō#, see #pūgnō#. #(ops), opīs#, f., _aid, help_; in pl., _power, influence_; _means, wealth_. #optimātźs, um# or #ium# [#optimus#], pl. m., _the aristocrats, the nobles_. #optimus#, see #bonus#. #optiō, ōnis# [#optō#], f., _choice, option_. #optō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to choose, select_; _wish_ or _pray for, desire_. #ad--adoptō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to take to one's self by choice, adopt_. #opulentus# [#ops#], adj., _rich, wealthy_. #opus, eris#, n., _work, labor_; _need, necessity_; #opus est# with abl., _there is need of_; #māgnō opere#, _greatly_; #tantō opere#, _so greatly_. #ōrāculum, ī# [#ōrō#], n., _an oracle_; _a prophecy_. #ōrātiō, ōnis# [#ōrō#], f., _a speech, oration, discourse_. #ōrātor, ōris# [#ōrō#], m., _speaker, pleader, ambassador_. #orbis, is#, m., _ring, circle, orbit_; #orbis terrārum# (or #orbis# alone), _the world_. #orbus#, adj., _bereft_ (of parents or children), _parentless, childless_. As noun, #orbus, ī#, m., _an orphan_. #ōrdinō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#ōrdō#], _to set in order, arrange, adjust, regulate_. #ōrdior, īrī, ōrsus sum#, _to begin_. #ōrdō, inis#, f., _row, series, arrangement, order_; _bank_ or _tier of oars_; _class, rank_. #oriźns, entis# [part. of #orior#], m. (sc. #sōl#), _the rising sun_; _the East, Orient_. #orior, īrī, tus sum#, _to arise, begin_; _to spring from, be descended from_. #con--coorior, īrī, tus sum#, _to arise_. #ex--exorior, īrī, tus sum#, _to arise, rise, begin_. #oriundus# [#orior#], adj., _descended, sprung from_. #ōrnāmentum, ī# [#ōrnō#], n., _preparation_; _decoration, ornament, jewel_. #ōrnātus# [#ōrnō#], adj., _fitted out, equipped_; of men, _distinguished, illustrious_. #ōrnātus, ūs# [#ōrnō#], m., _dress, fine attire_; _decoration, ornament_. #ōrnō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to fit out, equip_; _adorn, decorate, beautify_. #ad--adōrnō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to equip, provide_; _adorn, beautify_. #sub--subōrnō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to incite secretly, bribe_. #ōrō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to speak, plead, treat_; _entreat, beseech, pray_. #ad--adōrō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to supplicate_; _worship, reverence_. #per--perōrō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to speak, plead_. #ōs, ōris#, n., _mouth, face_. #ōsculor, ārī, ātus sum# [#ōsculum#, _a kiss_], _to kiss_. #dź--deōsculor, ārī, ātus sum#, _to kiss_. #ostendō#, see #tendō#. #ostentō, āre, āvī, ātus# [freq. of #ostendō#], _to show, exhibit_. #Ōstia, ae# [#ōs#], f., _Ostia_, a town at the Tiber's mouth, the sea-port of Rome. #ōtiōsź# [#ōtiōsus#], adv., _leisurely, idly_. #ōtiōsus# [#ōtium#], adj., _at leisure, idle_; _in retirement_ (_i.e._, not in office). #ōtium, ī#, n., _leisure, ease, idleness_. #ovō, āre, --, --#, _to exult, rejoice_. #P# #P.#, abbreviation of the name _Pūblius_. #pācātus# [#pācō#, _to subdue_], adj., _pacified, subdued, at peace_. #pacīscor, ī, pactus sum#, _to agree together, bargain, stipulate_. #paene#, adv., _almost, nearly_. #paenitet, źre, uit, --#, impers., _it grieves, it repents_. #palam#, adv., _openly, publicly_. #Palātium, ī#, n., _the Palatine Hill_. Since Augustus had his palace there, #palātium# came to mean _palace_. #pālor, ārī, ātus sum#, _to roam abroad, scatter, straggle_. #palpebrae, ārum#, pl. f., _the eyelids_. #palūdāmentum, ī#, n., _a military cloak, cloak_. #pālus, ī#, m., _a stake, post_. #palūs, ūdis#, f., _swamp, marsh, pool_. #pandō, ere, ī, passus#, _to spread out, unfold_. #papāver, eris#, n., _poppy_. #pār, paris#, adj., _equal, like, similar_; _well-matched_. As noun, _an equal, mate_. #parābilis, e# [#parō#], adj., _easily obtainable, readily procured_. #parcō, ere, pepercī#, and #parsī, --#, _to spare_. #parcus# [#parcō#], adj., _sparing, frugal, temperate_. #parźns, entis# [part. of #pariō#], m. and f., _a parent, a father_ or _mother_. #pāreō, źre, uī, --#, _to appear_ (esp. in answer to a command), _obey_. #ad--appāreō, źre, uī, --#, _to become visible, appear_; _be plain_ or _evident_. #pariō, ere, peperī, partus#, _to give birth to, bring forth, produce_; _acquire, obtain, procure_. #ab--aperiō, īre, uī, tus#, _to uncover, bare_; _open, disclose_. #ad# + #op--adoperiō, īre, uī, tus#, _to cover, veil_. #con--comperiō, īre, ī, tus#, _to find out, learn_. #re--reperiō, īre, repperī, repertus#, _to find_ (again), _meet with, discover_. #pariter# [#pār#], adv., _equally, alike_; _likewise_. #parō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to make ready, prepare_; _resolve, plan_; _get, acquire_. #con--comparō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to prepare, make ready_; _obtain, procure_. #parricīdium, ī# [#pater# + #caedō#], n., _murder of a father, parricide_. #pars, partis#, f., _a part, portion_; _direction_; _a side, faction, political party_ (both sing. and pl.); _a character, role_ (esp. in pl.). #Parthī, ōrum#, pl. m., _the Parthians_, a people in Asia, southeast of the Caspian Sea. In the second century B.C. they overran the country to the east of the Euphrates. They were brave warriors and skillful archers, and successfully resisted the Roman power. #partim# [#pars#], adv., _partly_. #partior, īrī, ītus sum# [#pars#], _to distribute, divide_. #partus, ūs# [#pariō#], m., _a bringing forth, delivery, birth_. #parum#, adv., _too little, not enough_; comp. #minus#, _less, by no means, not_; sup. #minimź#, _least of all, by no means, not at all_. As noun, #parum#, indecl. n., _too little, not enough_. #parvulus# [dim. of #parvus#], adj., _very small, tiny_. As noun, #parvulus, ī#, m., _a small child, infant_. #parvus#, adj., _little, small_; comp. #minor#, _smaller, less_; _younger_ (sc. #nātū#); sup. #minimus#, _smallest, least_. #pāscō, ere, pāvī, pāstus#, _to feed_; of animals, _to graze, browse_ (esp. in pass. and supine). #passim# [#passus#, part. of #pandō#], adv., _in every direction, everywhere_. #pāstor, ōris# [#pāscō#], m., _herdsman, shepherd_. #patefaciō# [#pateō# + #faciō#], _to lay open, disclose, bring to light_. #pateō, źre, uī, --#, _to be open_. #pater, patris#, m., _father_; pl., #patrźs# or #patrźs cōnscrīptī#, _the senators_. See #cōnscrīptus#. #paternus# [#pater#], adj., _of a father, fatherly, father's_. #patiźns, entis# [#patior#], adj., _able to endure, long suffering, patient_. #patior, ī, passus sum#, _to suffer, bear, endure_; _experience_; _allow, permit_. #patria, ae# [#pater#], f., _fatherland, native land_. #patricius# [#pater#], adj., _of fatherly dignity, patrician, noble_. As noun, #patriciī, ōrum#, pl. m., _the nobles, patricians_, the descendants of the orig. settlers of Rome. #patrimōnium, ī# [#pater#], n., _inheritance, patrimony, property_. #patrius# [#pater#], adj., _of a father, father's_. #patrō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to carry out, perform, execute_. #patrōnus, ī# [#pater#], m., _defender, patron_; _pleader, advocate, lawyer_. #paucus#, adj., _few, little_ (chiefly in pl.). #paulātim# [#paulum#], adv., _little by little, by degrees, gradually_. #paulō# and #paulum# [#paulus#, _little_], adv., _by a little, somewhat_. #Paulus, ī#, m., _L. Aemilius_, a famous general, consul in 219 and 216 B.C. In the latter year he fell at Cannae, and was hence regarded as a national hero. #pauper, eris#, adj., _poor_; _scanty, small_. #pauperculus# [dim. of #pauper#], adj., _quite poor_. #pavidus# [#paveō#, _to be afraid_], adj., _trembling, fearful, frightened_. #pavor, ōris# [#paveō#, _to be afraid_], m., _terror, fear, dread_. #pāx, pācis#, f., _peace_; _treaty_. #peccātum, ī# [#peccō#], n., _an error, fault, sin_. #peccō, āre, āvī, ātum#, _to do wrong, act amiss, err, sin_. #pectus, oris#, n., _breast, bosom, heart_. #pecūnia, ae# [#pecus#], f., _money, property_. #pecus, oris#, n., _cattle, flock, herd_. #pedes, itis# [#pźs#], m., _a foot-soldier_; collectively, _foot-soldiers, infantry_. #pellō, ere, pepulī, pulsus#, _to drive out_ or _away, expel_; _defeat, rout_. #ad--#(1) #appellō, ere, pulī, pulsus#, _to drive towards, steer for, direct_. #ad--#(2) #appellō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to call_ (by name), _address_; _appeal to, call upon_; _name, term, mention_. #con--#(1) #compellō, ere, pulī, pulsus#, _to drive together_; _force, compel_. #con--#(2) #compellō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to address_. #dź--dźpellō, ere, pulī, pulsus#, _to drive out_ or _away, expel, dislodge_. #ex--expellō, ere, pulī, pulsus#, _to drive out, expel, banish_. #per--perpellō, ere, pulī, pulsus#, _to drive, force, induce_. #prō--prōpellō, ere, pulī, pulsus#, _to drive forward_ or _away_; _incite_. #re--repellō, ere, reppulī, repulsus#, _to drive back, shake off, repulse, reject_. #pendeō, źre, pependī, --#, _to hang, be suspended_; _hang one's self_. #pendō, ere, pependī, pźnsus#, _to weigh, pay_. #ex--expendō, ere, ī, pźnsus#, _to weigh_ or _pay out_. #re--rependō, ere, ī, pźnsus#, _to pay for, purchase_; used esp. of buying a thing with its weight in money. #penitus#, adv., _inwardly, within_; _deeply, completely_. #per#, prep. with acc.; used (1) of place, _through, across, over, throughout_; (2) of time, _through, during_; (3) of means or agency, _by means of, by the agency of, through_; (4) often in adv. phrases, #per iocum#, _jokingly_, #per ōtium#, _quietly_, #per intervālla#, _at intervals_; in composition, _thoroughly, very_. #peragō#, see #agō#. #peragrō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#per# + #ager#], _to wander through, roam over, traverse, scour_. #peramoenus# [#per# + #amoenus#, _lovely_], adj., _very lovely, charming_. #percellō, ere, culī, culsus#, _to smite, strike_; _overturn, upset_; _dishearten, discourage_. #percieō, ciźre, cīvī, citus# [#per# + #cieō#, _to stir up_], _to arouse thoroughly, excite_. #percitus#, see #percieō#. #percontor, ārī, ātus sum#, _to ask, question_. #percussor, ōris# [#percutiō#], m., _murderer, assassin_. #percutiō#, see #quatiō#. #perdō#, see #dō#. #perdūcō#, see #dūcō#. #peregrīnus# [#per# + #ager#], adj., _from foreign parts, foreign_. #perendiź#, adv., _on the day after tomorrow_. #perennis, e# [#per# + #annus#], adj., _perennial_; _perpetual, never-failing_. #pereō#, see (1) #eō#. #perferō#, see #ferō#. #perficiō#, see #faciō#. #perfidia, ae# [#perfidus#], f., _treachery_. #perfidus#, adj., _faithless, treacherous_. #perforō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#per# + #forō#, _to bore_], _to bore through, pierce_. #perfruor#, see #fruor#. #perfuga, ae# [#perfugiō#], m., _a fugitive, deserter, refugee_. #perfugiō#, see #fugiō#. #pergō#, see #regō#. #perīclitor, āri, ātus sum# [#perīculum#], _to try, test_; intrans., _to be in danger, incur risk_. #perīculōsus# [#perīculum#], adj., _perilous, dangerous_. #perīculum, ī#, n., _trial_; _danger, peril_. #perītus#, adj., _experienced, skilled, expert_. As noun, #perītus, ī#, m., _an expert_. #perliciō#, see #*laciō#. #permittō#, see #mittō#. #permoveō#, see #moveō#. #permultus# [#per# + #multus#], adj., _very much, very many_. As noun, #permultum, ī#, n., _a great deal_; #permultī, ōrum#, pl. m., _very many_ (persons). #permūtō#, see #mūtō#. #perniciźs, źī#, f., _destruction, ruin, overthrow_. #perniciōsus# [#perniciźs#], adj., _dangerous, destructive_. #perōrō#, see #ōrō#. #perpellō#, see #pellō#. #perpetuō# [abl. of #perpetuus#], adv., _continually, forever_. #perpetuus#, adj., _continuous, uninterrupted_; #in perpetuum#, _forever_. #perrumpō#, see #rumpō#. #persaepe# [#per# + #saepe#], adv., _very often_. #perscrībō#, see #scrībō#. #persequor#, see #sequor#. #perstringō#, see #stringō#. #persuādeō#, see #suādeō#. #pertaesus# [orig. part. of #pertaedet#, _it wearies, disgusts_], adj., _disgusted with, sick of_. #pertināciter# [#pertināx#, _persistent_], adv., _persistently, stubbornly_. #pertineō#, see #teneō#. #pertrahō#, see #trahō#. #perturbō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#per# + #turbō#, _to disturb_], _to confuse, disturb, upset_. #perveniō#, see #veniō#. #pźs, pedis#, m., _the foot_; _a foot_ (in measurements). #pessimus#, see #malus#. #pźstifer, fera, ferum# [#pźstis# + #ferō#], adj., _baneful, destructive_. #pźstilźns, entis# [#pźstis#], adj., _baneful_. #pźstilentia, ae# [#pźstilźns#], f., _pest, plague, disease_. #pźstis, is#, f., _plague, pest_; _curse, bane_. #petītiō, ōnis# [#petō#], f., _candidacy_. #petō, ere, īvī (iī), ītus#, _to strive for, seek_; _beg, ask, request_; _assail, attack_; intrans., _to be a candidate_. #ex--expetō, ere, īvī, ītus#, _to seek, desire, crave_. #re--repetō, ere, īvī, ītus#, _to seek again, try to get back, demand back_. #phalerae, ārum#, pl. f., _a metal breastplate_ (esp. for horses), _trappings_. #Pharnacźs, is#, m., _a son of Mithridates_. #Pharsālicus#, adj., _of_ or _at Pharsalus_. #Pharsālus, ī#, f., a city in Thessaly, near which Caesar defeated Pompey, 48 B.C. #Philippī, ōrum#, pl. m., a city in Macedonia, near which Brutus and Cassius were defeated by Octavianus and Antony, B.C. 42. #philosophia, ae#, f., _philosophy_. #philosophus, ī#, m., _a philosopher_. #Philus, ī#, m., see #Fūrius#. #pietās, ātis# [#pius#, _dutiful_], f., _conscientiousness, dutiful conduct, devotion, piety_; _filial affection, loyalty_. #piget, źre, uit# and #itum est#, impers., _it pains, grieves, disgusts_. #pīgnus, oris#, n., _pledge, security_; _assurance, proof_. #pilleus, ī#, m., _a_ (close-fitting) _cap_. #pinguis, e#, adj., _fat, sleek_. #pīrāta, ae#, m., _a sea-robber, pirate_. #pīrāticus# [#pīrāta#], adj., _of_ or _with_ (against) _the pirates_. #piscīna, ae# [#piscis#], f., _a fish-pond_. #piscis, is#, m., _a fish_. #Pīsō, ōnis#, m., a cognomen in the Calpurnian gens. 1. _Cn._ (_Calpurnius_) _Pīsō_, mentioned in XIII, 64, as a type of excessive rigor and severity. 2. _L. Calpurnius Pīsō Frūgī_, consul 133 B.C.; opponent of C. Gracchus in 121; author of a historical work called _Annālźs_. #Placentia, ae#, f., a city in Cisalpine Gaul, on the Po. #placeō, źre, uī, --#, _to please, be agreeable to_; _seem best to_; impers., #placet, uit# or #placitum est#, with dat., _to be resolved by_. #dis--displiceō, źre, uī, --#, _to displease_. #placidź# [#placidus#, _calm_], adv., _calmly, quietly_. #plācō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to soothe, appease_; _conciliate, reconcile_. #plāga, ae#, f., _a stroke, blow_. #Plancus, ī#, m., _C. Plōtius Plancus_, proscribed by the Second Triumvirate. #plaustrum, ī#, n., _a wagon, cart_. #plausus, ūs# [#plaudō#, _to clap the hands_] m., _applause, acclamations_. #plźbźius# [#plźbs#], adj., _plebeian_. As noun, #plźbźī, ōrum#, pl. m., _the plebeians_. See #plźbs#. #plźbs, plźbis#, f., _the common people, rabble_; _the plebeians_, or the population that grew up round the patricians (see #patricius#) from such causes as the settlement of foreigners in Rome, or the emancipation of slaves. #plectō, ere, --, --#, _to beat, punish_ (usually in pass.). #plźnus# [cf. #*pleō#], adj., _full, full of_. #*pleō, plźre, plźvī, plźtus#, _to fill_. #com--compleō, źre, źvī, źtus#, _to fill_ (to the brim): _complete_. #ex--expleō, źre, źvī, źtus#, _to fill up, fill_. #in--impleō, źre, źvī, źtus#, _to fill up_. #ob--oppleō, źre, źvī, źtus#, _to fill_; _cover_. #re--repleō, źre, źvī, źtus#, _to fill again, refill, fill up_. #plźrīque, aeque, aque#, adj., _very many, most_. #Plīnius, ī#, m., _C. Plīnius Secundus_, commonly known as _Pliny the Elder_, A.D. 23-79. He wrote a sort of encyclopaedia called _Historia Nātūrālis_. #Plōtius, ī#, m., see #Plancus#. #plumbeus# [#plumbum#], adj., _leaden_. #plumbum, ī#, n., _lead_. #plūrimus#, see #multus#. #plūs, plūris#, adj., see #multus#. #poena, ae#, f., _compensation, punishment, penalty_. #Poenī, ōrum#, pl. m., _the Phoenicians, Carthaginians_ (see #Carthāgō#). #poźta, ae#, m., _a poet_. #Pōlliō, ōnis#, m., _Vedius Pōlliō_, punished by Augustus for cruelty to a slave. #Pompźiānus#, adj., _Pompey's, Pompeian_. #Pompźius, ī#, m., _Cn. Pompźius_, surnamed _Māgnus_; born B.C. 106, he was consul in 70, having fought Sertorius in Spain, 76-71; defeated the pirates in 67, Mithridates in 66, and formed the First Triumvirate with Caesar and Crassus in 60. He was defeated by Caesar in 48 at Pharsalus in Thessaly, and soon after murdered. #Pompilius, ī#, m., #Numa Pompilius#, second king of Rome. #Pompōnius, ī#, m., _M. Pompōnius_, tribune of the people in 362 B.C. #Pomptīnus#, adj., _Pomptine_; #palūdźs Pomptīnae#, _the Pomptine Marshes_ in Latium, southeast of Rome. #pondus, eris# [#pendō#,], n., _weight_. #pōnō, ere, posuī, positus#, _to put down, place, set, deposit_; _serve_ (at meals); _spend_; _set up, build_; #castra pōnere#, _to pitch a camp_; #rudīmentum pōnere#, _to lay aside_ (i.e. get through) _the first steps, to learn_. #ad--appōnō, ere, posuī, positus#, _to set before, serve_ (at table). #con--compōnō, ere, posuī, positus#, _to arrange, settle_; _conclude, finish_. #dź--dźpōnō, ere, posuī, positus#, _to lay down_ or _aside, put down_; _stop_; _arrange, establish_. #dis--dispōnō, ere, posuī, positus#, _to arrange, array, dispose_. #ex--expōnō, ere, posuī, positus#, _to set_ or _put forth_; _land, disembark_; _expose, abandon_; _relate, explain_. #in--impōnō, ere, posuī, positus#, _to place_ or _put upon_ or _in_; #lźgźs impōnere#, _to dictate terms_. #ob--oppōnō, ere, posuī, positus#, _to put in the way, set against, oppose_. #prae--praepōnō, ere, posuī, positus#, _to set over, put in charge of_. #prō--prōpōnō, ere, posuī, positus#, _to put_ or _set forth_; _expose to view, submit_; _propose, offer_; _resolve, determine_. #re--repōnō, ere, posuī, positus#, _to put back, replace, restore_. #pōns, pontis#, m., _a bridge_. #ponticulus, ī# [dim. of #pōns#], m., _a little bridge_. #Ponticus#, adj., _pertaining to Pontus, Pontic_. #Pontus, ī#, m., _Pontus_, a country in Asia Minor, south of the Black Sea. #populāris, is# [#populus#], m., _a fellow-countryman_. #populor, ārī, ātus sum#, _to lay waste, ravage, plunder_. #populus, ī#, m., _a people, nation_; collectively, _the people, the citizens_. #Porcia, ae#, f., a daughter of Cato Uticensis (see #Catō#), and wife of M. Brutus. #porrigō#, see #regō#. #Porsena, ae#, m., _Porsena_, a king of Clusium in Etruria. #porta, ae#, f., _a city gate, gate_. #portendō#, see #tendō#. #porticus, ūs# [#porta#], f., _a colonnade, arcade, portico_. #portō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to bear, carry, bring_. #re--reportō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to bring back_; _carry off or away_. #portōrium, ī# [#portus#], n., _a tax, duty, tariff_. #portus, ūs#, m., _a harbor, haven_. #pōscō, ere, popōscī, --#, _to ask, demand_. #dź--dźpōscō, ere, popōscī, --#, _to demand urgently, claim_. #ex--expōscō, ere, popōscī, --#, _to demand, claim_. #re--repōscō, ere, --, --#, _to demand_ (back), _claim_. #Posīdōnius, ī#, m., a Stoic philosopher, contemporary with Cicero and Pompey. #possum, posse, potuī, --# [#potis#, _able_ + #sum#], _to be able, can_; _have influence, be strong_. #post#, (1) adv., _after, later, afterwards_; (2) prep, with acc., _after, behind_. #posteā# [#post# + #is#], adv., _afterwards_. #posterus# [#post#], adj., _following, next_; comp. #posterior, us#, gen. #ōris#, _later_; sup. #postrźmus#, _last, lowest_; #in posterum#, _for the future_; #ad postrźmum#, _finally_; #postrźmō#, _at last, finally_. As noun, #posterī, ōrum#, pl. m., _descendants, posterity_. #posthabeō#, see #habeō#. #posthāc# [#post# + #hīc#], adv., _hereafter, thereafter, in the future_. #postīcum, ī# [#postīcus#, _in the rear_], n., _a back door_. #postis, is#, m., _a door-post, post_. #postquam# or #post . . . quam# [#post# + #quam#], conj., _after, when_. #postrźmō#, see #posterus#. #postrźmus#, see #posterus#. #postrīdiź# [#posterus# + #diźs#], adv., _on the following day, next day_. #pōstulātum, ī# [#pōstulō#], n., _a demand, request_. #pōstulō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to request, demand_. #potźns, entis# [orig. part. of #possum#], adj., _able, mighty, influential_. #potentātus, ūs# [#potźns#], m., _power, authority, dominion_. #potentia, ae# [#potźns#], f., _power, might_. #potestās, ātis# [#potis#, _able_], f., _might, power_ (esp. that of a magistrate); _dominion, rule_; _opportunity_. #potior, īrī, ītus sum#, _to become master of, obtain, acquire, get_. #prae#, prep, with abl., _before, in front of_; _in comparison with_; in composition, _before, very_. #praeacūtus# [#prae# + #acūtus#, _sharp_], adj., _sharp at the end, pointed_. #praebeō#, see #habeō#. #praecźdō#, see #cźdō#. #praeceptor, ōris# [#praecipiō#], m., _teacher_. #praeceptum, ī# [#praecipiō#], n., _teaching, maxim, rule_; _command, order_. #praecīdō#, see #caedō#. #praecinō#, see #canō#. #praecipiō#, see #capiō#. #praecipuź# [#praecipuus#, _special_], adv., _chiefly, principally, especially_. #praeclārź# [#praeclārus#], adv., _gloriously, excellently_. #praeclārus# [#prae# + #clārus#], adj., _very bright_ or _brilliant, excellent, distinguished_. #praecō, ōnis#, m., _a crier, herald_. #praeda, ae#, f., _booty, spoil, plunder_. #praedicātiō, ōnis# [#praedicō#], f., _a public proclamation, statement_. #praedicō#, see #dicō#. #praedīcō#, see #dīcō#. #praedō, ōnis# [#praeda#], m., _one that makes_ (gains) _booty, robber_. #praefectus, ī# [#praeficiō#, _to place in command_], m., _a leader, commander_. #praeferō#, see #ferō#. #praeferōx, ōcis# [#prae# + #ferōx#], adj., _insolent, full of confidence_. #praefor, fārī, fātus sum# [#prae# + #for#, _to speak_], _to say by way of preface_. #praelūceō, źre, lūxī, --# [#prae# + #lūceō#, _to shine_], _to shine before, light the way before_. #praemium, ī# [#prae# + #emō#], n., _reward, prize_. #praepōnō#, see #pōnō#. #praeripiō#, see #rapiō#. #praesźns, entis# [orig. part. of #praesum#], adj., _present, at hand_; _face to face_. #praesidium, ī# [#praesideō#, _to defend_], n., _help, aid, defense_; _defensive force, garrison_; _fort, post, station_. #praestō#, see #stō#. #praesum#, see #sum#. #praeter#, prep, with acc., _past, beyond_; _contrary to, against_; _besides, except_; in composition, _past, beyond_. #praetereā# [#praeter# + #is#], adv., _in addition to this, besides, moreover_. #praetereō#, see (1) #eō#. #praeteritus# [orig. part. of #praetereō#], adj., _past_. #praetextus# [orig. part. of #praetexō#, _to edge, border_], adj., _bordered, edged_. As noun, #praetexta, ae# (sc. #toga#), f., _the toga praetexta_, or white toga with purple border, worn by magistrates and by free-born children till the sixteenth or seventeenth year, when they became of age and assumed the _toga virīlis_, which was wholly white. #praetor, ōris# [orig. #praeitor#, from #prae# + (1) #eō#], m., _a leader, commander_; among the Romans, _a praetor_ or magistrate, whose especial business was the administration of justice. After Sulla's time eight or more were elected annually. The praetors often served in command of armies, esp. in the provinces, and after acting as judges in Rome, were regularly assigned to duty in the provinces with the title of _prōpraetor_. #praetōrius# [#praetor#], adj., _of_ or _belonging to the general, the general's_; _praetorian_. As noun, #praetōrius, ī#, m., _a man of praetorian rank, an ex-praetor_. #praeveniō#, see #veniō#. #prandium, ī#, n., _lunch_. #prātum, ī#, n., _a field, meadow_. #prāvus#, adj., _crooked, wrong_; _perverse, wicked_. #precor, ārī, ātus sum# [#prex#], _to ask, beg, beseech_. #dź--dźprecor, ārī, ātus sum#, _to plead against, plead, avert by prayer_; _decline_. #prehendō, ere, ī, prehźnsus#, _to grasp, seize, catch_. #ad--apprehendō, ere, ī, hźnsus#, _to lay hold of, seize, grasp_. #con--comprehendō, ere, ī, hźnsus#, _to seize, catch, arrest_; _understand_. #dź--dźprehendō, ere, ī, hźnsus#, _to seize, catch_; _surprise, detect, discover_. #re--reprehendō, ere, ī, hźnsus#, _to hold back, check_; _blame, criticise, reprove_. #premō, ere, pressī, pressus#, _to press_; _press hard, crush_. #con--comprimō, ere, pressī, pressus#, _to restrain, check, crush_. #ex--exprimō, ere, pressī, pressus#, _to press_ or _force out_; _utter, express_. #ob--opprimō, ere, pressī, pressus#, _to crush utterly, overpower, overwhelm, master_. #re--reprimō, ere, pressī, pressus#, _to press_ or _keep back, check, restrain_. #pretiōsus# [#pretium#], adj., _of great value, costly, precious_. #pretium, ī#, n., _money value, price_; _money_; _recompense, reward_; #operae pretium est#, _it is worth while_. #prex, precis#, f., _a prayer, entreaty_ (chiefly in pl.). #prīdem#, adv., _long since, long ago_. #prīdiź# [#pri(or)# + #diź#], adv., _the day before_. #prīmō#, see #prior#. #prīmōrźs, um# [#prīmus#], pl. m., _first men, chiefs, nobles_. #prīmum#, see #prior#. #prīmus#, see #prior#. #prīnceps, ipis# [#prīmus# + #capiō#], adj., _first, foremost_. As noun, m., _leading man, chief, leader_. #prīncipium, ī# [#prīnceps#], n., _beginning_. #prior, us#, gen. #priōris#, comp. adj., _foremost, first, prior_; sup. #prīmus#, _first, foremost_; #prīmō, prīmum#, _at first, first_. #Prīscus, ī#, m., cognomen of _Tarquinius Prīscus_, the fifth king of Rome. #prius# [neuter of #prior#], adv., _before, sooner, previously, first of all_. #priusquam# or #prius . . . quam# [#prius# + #quam#], conj., _earlier than, before_. #prīvātim# [#prīvātus#], adv., _individually_; _by one's self, privately_. #prīvātus# [#prīvō#], adj., _personal, private, individual_. As noun, #prīvātus, ī#, m., _a man in private life, a private citizen_. #prīvō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to bereave, deprive, rob_. #prō#, prep. with abl., _in front of, before_; _in behalf of, for_; _instead of_; _in comparison with, in accordance with_; in composition, _forth, for_. #prō#, interj., _O! ah! alas! Heavens!_ #proavus, ī# [#prō# + #avus#], m., _great-grandfather_. #probō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#probus#, _good_], _to test_ (and find good), _approve, commend_; _show, prove_. #ad--approbō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to approve fully, favor_; _show, demonstrate_. #con--comprobō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to approve, sanction_; _confirm_. #Proca, ae#, m., a king of Alba Longa, father of Numitor and Amulius. #prōcźdō#, see #cźdō#. #procella, ae#, f., _a strong wind_; _storm_. #prōcźritās, ātis# [#prōcźrus#, _tall_], f., _height, tallness_. #prōclāmō#, see #clāmō#. #prōcōnsul, is# [#prō#, _in place of_ + #cōnsul#], m., _a proconsul, governor of a province_. See #cōnsul# (end). #procul#, adv., _in the distance, afar_; with abl., _far from_. #Proculus, ī#, m., a Roman senator who claimed that Romulus appeared to him after his death. #prōcumbō#, see #*cumbō#. #prōcūrō#, see #cūrō#. #prōdigium, ī#, n., _an omen, portent_; _strange being, prodigy, monster_. #prōditiō, ōnis# [#prōdō#], f., _treason_. #prōditor, ōris# [#prōdō#], m., _a traitor_. #prōdō#, see #dō#. #proelior, ārī, ātus sum# [#proelium#], _to fight, wage war_. #proelium, ī#, n., _a battle, combat_. #profectō# [#prō# + #factum#], adv., _indeed, in truth, certainly, to be sure_. #prōferō#, see #ferō#. #proficīscor, ī, profectus sum#, _to set out, proceed_; _depart_. #profiteor#, see #fateor#. #prōflīgō#, see #*flīgō#. #profugiō#, see #fugiō#. #profugus, ī# [#profugiō#], m., _a fugitive, exile_. #profundō#, see #fundō#. #profūsus# [orig. part. of #profundō#], adj., _lavish, extravagant, profuse_. #prōgredior#, see #gradior#. #prohibeō#, see #habeō#. #prōiciō#, see #iaciō#. #proinde# [#prō# + #inde#], adv., _hence, therefore_. #prōlābor#, see #lābor#. #prōmineō, źre, uī, --#, _to project, extend, lean out_. #prōmissus# [orig. part. of #prōmittō#], adj., _hanging down, long, flowing_. #prōmissum, ī# [#prōmittō#], n., _a promise_. #prōmittō#, see #mittō#. #prōmoveō#, see #moveō#. #prōmptź# [#prōmptus#], adv., _quickly, readily_. #prōmptus# [#prōmō#, _to put forth_], adj., _visible, at hand_; _ready, alert, prompt_. #pronepōs, ōtis# [#prō# + #nepōs#], m., _great-grandson_. #prōnūntiō#, see #nūntiō#. #propāgō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to propagate, increase, prolong_. #prope#, adv., _near by_; _nearly, almost_ (esp. with numbers): comp. #propius#; sup. #proximź#, _nearest, next_. #prōpellō#, see #pellō#. #properō, āre, āvī, ātum# [#properus#, _quick_], _to speed, hasten_. #propinquus# [#prope#], adj., _neighboring, near_; as noun, _a relative_. #propior# [#prope#], comp. adj., _nearer_; sup. #proximus#, _nearest, next_; _latest, last_; _next, following_; #in proximō#, _near by_. As noun, #proximī, ōrum#, pl. m., _bystanders_. #prōpōnō#, see #pōnō#. #prōpositum, ī# [#prōpōnō#], n., _plan, purpose_. #propriź# [#proprius#], adv., _peculiarly, especially_. #proprius#, adj., _own, one's own_; with gen. or dat., _peculiar to, characteristic of_. #propter#, prep. with acc., _on account of_. #prōripiō#, see #rapiō#. #prōrogō#, see #rogō#. #prōscrībō#, see #scrībō#. #prōscrīptiō, ōnis# [#prōscrībō#], f., _a notice of sale_; _proscription, confiscation_. #prōsequor#, see #sequor#. #prōsiliō#, see #saliō#. #prōspectus, ūs# [#prōspiciō#, _to look forward_], m., _view, prospect_. #prōsperź# [#prōsperus#], adv., _propitiously, successfully_. #prōsperus# [#prō# + #spźs#], adj., _according to one's hopes, favorable_. #prōsternō#, see #sternō#. #prōsum#, see #sum#. #prōtendō#, see #tendō#. #prōtinus#, adv., _right on, continuously_; _at once, immediately_. #prōvehō#, see #vehō#. #prōvincia, ae#, f., _a province_ (i.e. a territory outside of Italy under Roman government); _sphere of operations_. #prōvocō#, see #vocō#. #proximź#, see #prope#. #proximus#, see #propior#. #prūdźns, entis# [orig. #prōvidźns#, part. of #prōvideō#, _to see ahead_], adj., _fore-seeing, skillful, clever, prudent_. #prūdentia, ae# [#prūdźns#], f., _foresight, practical wisdom, good sense_. #psittacus, ī#, m., _a parrot_. #Ptolemaeus, ī#, m., a name borne by the kings of Egypt after the time of Alexander the Great. #pūblicź# [#pūblicus#], adv., _in the name of_ (by order of) _the state, publicly, officially_. #pūblicō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#pūblicus#], _to open to the public, make public_. #pūblicus# [orig. #populicus#: cf. #populus#], adj., _belonging to the people_ (state), _public_; _official_. As noun, #pūblicum, ī#, n., _the state treasury_. #Pūblius, ī#, m., a Roman praenomen. #pudor, ōris#, m., _modesty, shame, hesitancy_. #puella, ae# [dim. of #puer#], f., _a girl_. #puer, puerī#, m., _a child_; _boy_; _slave_. #puerīlis, e# [#puer#], adj., _boyish, youthful_. #pueritia, ae# [#puer#], f., _childhood_; _boyhood, youth_ (extending usually to the 17th year). #pugiō, ōnis#, m., _a dagger, dirk_. #pūgna, ae#, f., _a combat, fight, battle_. #pūgnāx, ācis# [#pūgna#], adj., _fond of fighting, combative_. #pūgnō, āre, āvī, ātum#, _to fight_; _oppose, resist_. #ex--expūgnō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to take by storm, capture_; _overpower, prevail upon_. #in--impūgnō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to fight against, oppose, attack_. #ob--oppūgnō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to fight against, assault, besiege_. #re--repūgnō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to fight back, oppose, resist_. #pulcher, chra, chrum#, adj., _beautiful_; _excellent, illustrious_. #Pulcher, chrī#, m., _P. Claudius_, a son of A. Claudius Caecus, consul 249 B.C. #pullārius, ī# [#pullus#], m., _keeper of the sacred chickens_. #pullus, ī#, m., _a young animal_; _chicken_. #pulvis, eris#, m., _dust_. #pungō, ere, pupugī, punctus#, _to strike, prick, puncture_; _sting, torment_. #Pūnicus#, adj., _Phoenician, Punic_; _Carthaginian_ (see #Carthāgō#). #pūniō, īre, īvī, ītus# [#poena#], _to punish_. #pūrgō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#pūrus#, _clean_ + #agō#], _to make clean_; _clear away, excuse_. #putō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to cleanse_ (vines by cutting); _consider, think, suppose_. #am--amputō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to cut all round, cut away, lop off_. #con--computō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to sum up, reckon, compute_. #dis--disputō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to weigh, examine_; _discuss_; _argue_. #re--reputō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to think over, reflect on, reflect_. #Py:rźnaeus, ī# (sc. #mōns#), m., _the Pyrenees_. #Pyrrhus, ī#, m., a king of Epirus, who allied himself with Tarentum, and invaded Italy, 280-275 B.C. #Q# #Q.#, abbreviation of the name #Quīntus#. #quadrāgźsimus# [#quadrāgintā#], num. adj., _fortieth_. #quadrāgintā#, indecl. num. adj., _forty_. #quadrīgae, ārum#, pl. f., a _four-horse team_. #quadringentī, ae, a# [#quattuor# + #centum#], num. adj., _four hundred_. #quaerō, ere, quaesīvī, quaesītus#, _to seek_; _ask_; _get, gain_. #ad--adquīrō, ere, quīsīvī, quīsītus#, _to acquire, get, gain_. #con--conquīrō, ere, quīsīvī, quīsītus#, _to seek_ or _search fo_; _hunt up_. #re--requīrō, ere, quīsīvī (iī), quīsītus#, _to seek_ or _search for_. #quaesō, ere, īvī, --#, _to seek_; _beg, pray_. #quaestor, ōris# [orig. #quaesītor#; cf. #quaerō, quaesō#], m., _quaestor, quartermaster_, a name given to certain magistrates who had the care of public monies and military supplies, both at Rome and in the provinces. #quaestūra, ae# [#quaestor#], f., _the quaestorship_. #quālis, e#, adj., (1) interrog., _of what kind? what sort of?_ (2) rel., _of such a kind, such as, as_. #quāliscumque, quālecumque#, adj., _of whatsoever kind, of any kind_. #quam# [(1) #quis#], adv., _how, how much_; after a comp., _than_; with a sup., _as possible_; #quam prīmum#, _as soon as possible_; #quamdiū#, _as long as_; #tam . . . quam#, _as . . . so, not only . . . but also_. #quamquam#, conj., _although, even if_. #quamvīs# [#quam# + #vīs#, from #volō#], adv. and conj., _howevermuch, although_. #quandōquidem# [#quandō#, _since_ + #quidem#], conj., _since indeed_. #quantus# [#quam#], adj., (1) interr., _how great? how much?_ (2) rel., correl. to #tantus#, _as great as, as_. #quantum#, adv., _how much? how far?_ #quāpropter# [(1) #quis# + #propter#], adv.; (1) interr., _why? wherefore?_ (2) rel., _for which reason, wherefore_. #quāre# [#quā# + #rź#], adv., (1) interr., _why?_ (2) rel., _for which reason, wherefore, therefore_. #quārtāna, ae# [#quārtus#], f. (sc. #febris#, _fever_), a fever or ague recurring every fourth day. #quārtus# [#quattuor#], num. adj., _fourth_. #quasī#, adv. and conj., _as if, just as if, as though, ostensibly_; _on the ground that_. #quater#, adv., _four times_. #quatiō, ere, --, quassus#, _to shake, strike_. #dź--dźcutiō, ere, cussī, cussus#, _to shake off_ or _down, strike off_. #ex--excutiō, ere, cussī, cussus#, _to shake off, fling off_. #per--percutiō, ere, cussī, cussus#, _to strike through, pierce_; _smite, strike_; _kill, slay_; _overwhelm, shock_. #quattuor#, indecl. num. adj., _four_. #que#, conj., enclitic, _and, and yet, but_. #queror, ī, questus sum#, _to complain_. #con--conqueror, ī, questus sum#, _to complain bitterly, lament, deplore_. #questus, ūs# [#queror#], m., _complaint, lament_. (1) #quī, quae, quod#, interr. pron., used adjectively, _which? what? what kind of?_ See (1) #quis#. (2) #quī, quae, quod#, rel. pron., _who, which, what, that_; _whoever, whatever_. (3) #quī, quae#, or #qua, quod#, indef. pron., used adjectively, _any, some_. (4) #quī# [old abl. of (1) #quī#], adv., _how?_ #quia#, conj., _because, since_. #quīcumque, quaecumque, quodcumque#, indef. rel. pron., _whoever, whichever, whatever_. #quīdam, quaedam, quiddam#, and as adj., #quoddam#, indef. pron., _a certain one, somebody_; _a certain_. #quidem#, adv., _indeed, in fact, to be sure_; #nź . . . quidem#, _not even, not at all_. #quiźs, źtis#, f., _rest, sleep, quiet, respite_. #quiźtus# [orig. part, of #quiźscō#, _to be at rest_], _quiet, peaceful_. #quīn# [(4) #quī# + #nź#], conj., _how not? why not_; _that, that not, but that_; #quīn et# or #etiam#, _nay more_. #Quīntilius, ī#, m., gentile name of _P. Quīntilius Vārus_, an officer of Augustus, who sustained a severe defeat at the hands of the Germans, B.C. 9. #Quīntīlis, is# [#Quīntus#], m. (sc. #mźnsis#), _July_, the fifth month (counting from March. See #December#). #quīndecemvir, ī# [#quīndecem#, _fifteen_ + #vir#], m., _a member of a board of fifteen men_. #quīngentī, ae, a# [#quīnque# + #centum#], num. adj., _five hundred_. #quīnquāgintā#, indecl. num. adj., _fifty_. #quīnque#, indecl. num. adj., _five_. #quīnquennium, ī# [#quīnque# + #annus#], n., _a period of five years_. #quīnquiźs# [#quīnque#], adv., _five times_. #quīntus# [#quīnque#], num. adj., _fifth_. #Quīntus, ī#, m., a praenomen. #quīppe#, adv., _indeed, as you see, surely_. #Quirīnālis, is# (sc. #collis#), m., _the Quirinal_, one of the hills of Rome. #Quirīnus, ī#, m., a name given to Romulus after his death and deification. #Quirītźs, ium# [#Curźs#], pl. m., orig. _the people of Cures_; later, the name used to denote the Romans in their civil capacity, hence: _citizens, Romans_. See #Rōmānī#. (1) #quis, quid#, interr. pron. used substantively, _who? which? what?_ See (1) #quī#. (2) #quis, qua, quid#, indef. pron. used substantively, _some one, any one_; _something, anything_. See (3) #quī#. #quisnam, quaenam, quidnam# [(1) #quis# + #nam#], interr. pron., _who_ or _what in the world? who? which? what?_ #quispiam, quaepiam, quodpiam# and #quidpiam#, indef. pron., _some, any, some one_. #quisquam, quaequam, quicquam#, indef. pron., adj. or noun, _any one, anything, any_. #quisque, quaeque, quidque# or #quodque#, indef. pron., noun or adj., _each, every, each one, every one_. #quisquis, quicquid#, indef. pron., _whoever, whatever, every one who, everything which_. #quō# [#quī#], adv. and conj. As adv., (1) interr., _whither_? (2) rel., _whither_; as conj., _in order that, that, that thereby_. #quōcumque#, adv., _whithersoever_. #quod#, conj., _because, that, in that_; _as to the fact that, so far as_; #quod sī#, _but if_. #quōmodo# [(1) #quī# + #modus#], adv., (1) interr., _how?_ (2) rel., _in the manner that, as_. #quondam#, adv., _once, formerly_. #quoniam# [#quom# (= #cum#, _since_) + #iam#], conj., _since, because, seeing that_. #quoque#, conj., _also, too_ (placed after the word it emphasizes). #quōrsum# or #quōrsus# [orig. #quōversus#; #quō# + #vertō#], adv., _whither?_ #quotannīs# [#quot# + #annus#], adv., _each year, yearly_. #quoūsque# [#quō# + #ūsque#, _until_], adv., (1) interr., _until what time?_ (2) rel., _until_. #R# #radius, ī#, m., _a staff, rod_; _beam, ray_. #radīx, īcis#, f., _a root_; _foot, base_. #rapīna, ae# [#rapiō#], f., _robbery, pillage_. #rapiō, ere, rapuī, raptus#, _to seize_ and _carry off, drag off_; _plunder, destroy_; _hasten, hurry_. #ab--abripiō, ere, uī, reptus#, _to take away forcibly, drag off_. #ad--adripiō, ere, uī, reptus#, _to snatch quickly, seize_. #con--corripiō, ere, uī, reptus#, _to seize, catch up_; #morbō corripī#, _to fall sick_. #dis--dīripiō, ere, uī, reptus#, _to tear apart_; _ravage, plunder_. #prae--praeripiō, ere, uī, reptus#, _to snatch away, carry off_ or _away_. #prō--prōripiō, ere, uī, reptus#, _to fling forth_; with #sź#, _rush_. #rārō# [#rārus#], adv., _seldom, rarely_. #rārus#, adj., _thin_; _scattered, rare_. #ratiō, ōnis# [#reor#], f., _reckoning, calculation, account_; _method, plan_. #ratis, is#, f., _a raft, boat, vessel_. #re# or #red#, insep. prefix, _again, back_. #rebellō#, see #bellō#. #recźdō#, see #cźdō#. #receptus, ūs# [#recipiō#], m., _a retreat_. #recessus, ūs# [#recźdō#], m., _nook, corner_. #recidō#, see #cadō#. #reciperō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to regain, recover_. #recipiō#, see #capiō#. #reconciliō#, see #conciliō#. #recreō#, see #creō#. #rźctź# [#rźctus# (part. of #regō#), _straight, right_], adv., _rightly, duly, well_. #recubō#, see #cubō#. #recūsō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#re# + #causa#], _to decline, refuse_. #reddō#, see #dō#. #redeō#, see (1) #eō#. #redigō#, see #agō#. #redimō#, see #emō#. #redintegrō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#red# + #integer#], _to make whole again, renew_. #reditus, ūs# [#redeō#], m., _a going_ (or coming) _back, return_. #redūcō#, see #dūcō#. #refellō, ere, ī, --# [#re# + #fallō#, _to deceive_], _to prove false, refute, disprove_. #referō#, see #ferō#. #refoveō#, see #foveō#. #refringō#, see #frangō#. #refugiō#, see #fugiō#. #rźgālis, e# [#rźx#], adj., _kinglike, royal_. #rźgia, ae# [#rźgius#], f. (sc. #domus#), _a palace_. #rźgīna, ae# [#rźx#], f., _a queen_. #regiō, ōnis# [#regō#], f., _district, region_. #rźgius# [#rźx#], adj., _kingly, royal, king's_. #rźgnō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#rźgnum#], _to be king_; _rule, govern_. #rźgnum, ī# [#rźx#], n., _kingly government, sovereignty, sway_; _a kingdom_. #regō, ere, rźxī, rźctus#, _to keep straight, guide, conduct, rule_. #con--corrigō, ere, rźxī, rźctus#, _to straighten, correct, improve_. #dis--dīrigō, ere, rźxī, rźctus#, _to guide, steer, direct_. #ex--źrigō, ere, rźxī, rźctus#, _to raise_ or _lift up_; _stir up, arouse_. #per--pergō, ere, perrźxī, perrźctus#, _to go straight on, proceed, hasten_; with acc., _pursue with vigor, perform_; #partźs pergere#, _to play the rōle_. #por# (= #prō#)#--porrigō, ere, porrźxī, porrźctus#, _to spread_ or _stretch out_; _hold forth, offer, present_. #regredior#, see #gradior#. #Rźgulus, ī#, m., _M. Atīlius_, consul in 256 B.C.; defeated in Africa and taken prisoner by the Carthaginians, 255. #rźiciō#, see #iaciō#. #relābor#, see #lābor#. #relźgō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#re# + #lźgō#, _to send_], _to send out of the way, remove_. #religiō, ōnis#, f., _sense of duty_; _religion, devotion to the gods_; _scruple_. #religiōsus# [#religiō#], adj., _careful, scrupulous_; _sacred, holy_. #religō#, see #ligō#. #relinquō, ere, līquī, līctus# [#re# + #linquō#, _to leave_], _to leave behind, leave_; _bequeath_; _appoint by will_. #reliquiae, ārum# [#relinquō#], pl. f., _remainder, remnant, residue_. #reliquus# [cf. #relinquō#], adj., _remaining, rest_. #remaneō#, see #maneō#. #remedium, ī# [#re# + #medeor#, _to cure_], n., _a cure, remedy_. #remigrō#, see #migrō#. #remittō#, see #mittō#. #remūneror, ārī, ātus sum# [#re# + #mūnerō#, _to reward_], _to reward, repay_. #Remus, ī#, m., the brother of Romulus. #renovō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#re# + #novus#], _to renew, restore, revive_. #renūntiō#, see #nūntiō#. #renuō#, see #*nuō#. #reor, rźrī, ratus sum#, _to reckon_; _think, suppose_; #ratus#, _thinking_. #repellō#, see #pellō#. #rependō#, see #pendō#. #repente# [#repźns#, _sudden_], adv., _suddenly, unexpectedly_. #repentīnus# [#repźns#, _sudden_], adj., _sudden, unexpected_. #reperiō#, see #pariō#. #repetō#, see #petō#. #repleō#, see #*pleō#. #repōnō#, see #pōnō#. #reportō#, see #portō#. #repōscō#, see #pōscō#. #reprehendō#, see #prehendō#. #reprimō#, see #premō#. #reprōmittō#, see #mittō#. #repudiō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to cast off, divorce_; _reject, scorn_. #repūgnō#, see #pūgnō#. #repulsa, ae# [#repellō#], f., _rejection, repulse_; _a defeat at the polls_. #reputō#, see #putō#. #requīrō#, see #quaerō#. #rźs, reī#, f., _thing, matter_; _affair, deed, exploit, event_; _circumstance_; _a story_; _property, fortune_; _trouble_; #rźs familiāris#, _private property_; #rźs pūblica#, _the commonwealth, state_; #rźs gestae#, _exploits_; #rźs repetundae#, _extortion_; #rź vźrā#, _in reality, in truth_. #resecō#, see #secō#. #reserō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#re# + #sźrō#, _to bolt_], _to unlock, open_. #resīdō#, see #sīdō#. #resistō#, see #sistō#. #resolvō#, see #solvō#. #respergō, ere, spersī, spersus# [#re# + #spargō#, _to strew, sprinkle_], _to besprinkle, bespatter_. #respiciō#, see #*speciō#. #respīrō#, see #spīrō#. #respondeō#, see #spondeō#. #respōnsum, ī# [#respondeō#], n., _answer, reply_, esp. of an oracle; _warning_. #rźs pūblica#, see #rźs#. #restinguō#, see #stinguō#. #restituō#, see #statuō#. #retineō#, see #teneō#. #retrahō#, see #trahō#. #reus, ī#, m., _defendant, accused person, prisoner_. #revertor#, see #vertō#. #revīvīscō, ere, --, --# [#re# + #vīvźscō#, inceptive of #vīvō#], _to come to life again_. #revocō#, see #vocō#, #rźx, rźgis# [cf. #regō#], m., _king, monarch_. #Rhźa, ae#, f., _Rhźa_, also called _Rhźa Silvia_, mother of Romulus and Remus. #Rhźnus, ī#, m., the river Rhine. #rhźtor, oris#, m., _a teacher of oratory, rhetorician_; _orator_. #Rhodus, ī#, f., _Rhodes_, a large island off the coast of Asia Minor, famous for its schools of rhetoric (see #Apollōnius#), its colossal statue of Apollo, and for the skill of its people in navigation. #rīdeō, źre, rīsī, rīsus#, _to smile, laugh_; _laugh at, mock_. #dź--dźrīdeō, źre, rīsī, rīsus#, _to laugh at, mock, deride_. #in--inrīdeō, źre, rīsī, rīsus#, _to jeer at, mock, ridicule_. #rigō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to wet, moisten_. #rigor, ōris#, m., _severity, rigor_. #rīpa, ae#, f., _a bank_ (of a river). #rīsus, ūs# [#rīdeō#], m., _laughter_. #rītź# [cf. #rītus#], adv., _with due ceremonies, duly, fitly, properly_. #rītus, ūs#, m., _religious ceremony, rite_. #rixa, ae#, f., _a quarrel_ (of blows), _brawl_. #rōbur, oris#, n., _hard wood, oak_; _strength, vigor, power_. #rogō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to ask, inquire_; _request, implore_. #ab--abrogō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to repeal, annul_. #inter--interrogō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to ask, question_. #prō--prōrogō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to prolong, extend_. #Rōma, ae#, f., _Rome_. #Rōmānus#, adj., _Roman_; as noun, #Rōmānus, ī#, m., _a Roman_; #Rōmānī, ōrum#, pl. m., _the Romans_, the name given to the Romans in their military capacity. #Rōmulus, ī#, m., _Romulus_, founder and first king of Rome, son of Rhea and Mars. #Rōscius, ī#, m., _Sextus Rōscius_, defended by Cicero on a capital charge. #rōstrum, ī# [#rōdō#, _to gnaw_], n., _the beak_ or _ram of a ship_; pl., _the Rostra_, or speaker's platform in the Forum (adorned with beaks of captured ships). #Rubicō, ōnis#, m., _the Rubicon_, a river in the northeastern part of Italy. #rudīmentum, ī# [#rudis#], n., _first attempt, beginning_. See #pōnō#. #rudis, e#, adj., _uncouth, unpolished_; _ignorant, rude_. #ruīna, ae# [#ruō#], f., _downfall, ruin, destruction_; pl., _a fallen building, ruins_. #rūmor, ōris#, m., _a story, report, rumor_. #rumpō, ere, rūpī, ruptus#, _to break, destroy_. #con--corrumpō, ere, rūpī, ruptus#, _to destroy_; _seduce, bribe, corrupt_. #ex--źrumpō, ere, rūpī, ruptum#, _to break forth_ or _out, burst forth_. #per--perrumpō, ere, rūpī, ruptus#, _to break through, force a way through, get across_. #ruō, ere, ī, tus#, _to fall_; _rush, hasten_; with acc., _to cause to fall, overthrow_. #con--corruō, ere, ī, --#, _to fall_ (in battle). #dis--dīruō, ere, ī, tus#, _to tear apart, overthrow, destroy_. #ex--źruō, ere, ī, tus#, _to cast out_; _dig up, destroy utterly_. #in--inruō, źre, ī, --#, _to rush in, make an attack_. #ob--obruō, ere, ī, tus#, _to overwhelm, hide, bury_. #rūpźs, is# [#rumpō#], f., _a rock, cliff_. #rūrsus# or #rūrsum# [orig. #revorsus#; cf. #revertō#], adv., _back_; _again_. #rūs, rūris#, n., _the country_; pl., _the fields_; #rūrī#, _in the country_. #rūsticor, āri, ātus sum# [#rūs#], _to live in the country_; _take a vacation_. #rūsticus# [#rūs#], adj., _rural, rustic_. #S# #Sabīnī, ōrum#, pl. m., _the Sabines_, a race in central Italy, adjoining Latium on the north. #sacer, cra, crum#, adj., _holy, sacred_; as noun, #sacrum, ī#, n., _a holy thing, sacred vessel_; pl., _religious rites, sacrifices_. #sacerdōs, ōtis# [#sacer#], m. and f., _priest, priestess_. #sacrārium, ī# [#sacer#], n., _sanctuary, shrine_. #sacrificium, ī# [#sacer# + #faciō#], n., _a sacrifice_. #sacrō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to set apart_; _bless_; _curse_. #con--cōnsecrō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to dedicate, consecrate, devote_. #ex--exsecror, ārī, ātus sum#, _to curse, abhor_. #saeculum, ī#, n., _a race_; _generation, age, time_. #saepe#, adv., _frequently, often_. #saeviō, īre, īvī (iī), ītum# [#saevus#], _to be fierce_ or _cruel, rage_; #saevīre in aliquem#, _to treat any one cruelly_. #saevitia, ae# [#saevus#], f., _fury, cruelty_. #saevus#, adj., _raging, fierce, cruel_. #sagīnō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#sagīna#, _stuffing_], _to fatten_. #sagulum, ī#, n., _a short military cloak_. #Saguntus, ī#, f., and #Saguntum, ī#, n., _Saguntum_, a town on the east coast of Spain. #Salernitānus#, adj., _of_ or _near Salernum_ (modern Salerno), a town in Campania. #Saliī, ōrum# [#saliō#], pl. m., _the Salii_ or _Leapers_, the dancing priests of Mars. #Salīnātor, ōris#, m., see #Līvius#. #saliō, īre, uī, tus#, _to leap_. #dź--dźsiliō, īre, uī, sultum#, _to leap down_. #in--īnsiliō, īre, uī, --#, _to leap up_ or _on, mount_. #prō--prōsiliō, īre, uī, --#, _to leap_ or _spring forward_. #trāns--trānsiliō, īre, uī, --#, _to leap across, jump over_. #saltem#, adv., _at least, at all events_. #saltō, āre, āvī, ātus# [freq. of #saliō#], _to dance, leap_. #ex--exsultō, āre, āvī, --#, _to leap, dance_ (esp. with joy), _exult, rejoice_. #saltus, ūs# [#saliō#], m., _a leap, bound_; _leaping, jumping_. #saltus, ūs#, m., _a forest pasture, mountain glen, ravine, pass_. #salūbris, e# [#salūs#], adj., _health-giving, wholesome, healthy_; _beneficial_. #salūs, ūtis#, f., _health, vigor_; _safety_. #salūtātiō, ōnis# [#salūtō#], f., _greeting, salutation_. #salūtātor, ōris# [#salūtō#], m., _saluter, visitor_. #salūtō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#salūs#], _to wish one health, greet, salute, visit_. #con--cōnsalūtō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to greet_ or _salute warmly_. #salveō, źre, --, --# [#salvus#], _to be well_; imperative, #salvź, salvźte#, _hail! greetings!_ #salvus#, adj., _well, sound, safe_. #sambūceus# [#sambūcus#, _an elder-tree_], adj., _of elder, elder_. #Samnītźs, ium#, pl. m., _the Samnites_, a branch of the Sabine race inhabiting the mountains southeast of Latium. #sānź# [#sānus#, _sound_], adv., _indeed, truly, by all means_; _certainly_. #sanguinolentus# [#sanguis#], adj., _bloody_. #sanguis, inis#, m., _blood_. #sapiō, ere, īvī, --#, _to taste_; _to have taste_ or _understanding_; _be wise_. #dź--dźsipiō, ere, --, --#, _to be foolish_ or _crazy_. #sapiźns, entis# [orig. part. of #sapiō#], adj., _wise, sensible, discreet_. #sapientia, ae# [#sapiźns#], f., _wisdom_. #Sardinia, ae#, f., an island between Italy and Spain. #sarmentum, ī# [#sarpō#, _to prune_], n., _a twig_; pl., _brushwood, fagots_. #satis#, adv., _enough_; _tolerably, quite_; as noun, n., _enough, sufficiency_. #satisfaciō, ere, fźcī, factum# [#satis# + #faciō#], _to satisfy, make reparation_. #saucius#, adj., _wounded, hurt_. #saxum, ī#, n., _a stone, rock, boulder_. #scamnum, ī#, n., _a bench, stool_. #scandō, ere, --, --#, _to climb, mount_. #ad--āscendō, ere, ī, scźnsus#, _to climb up, mount, ascend_. #con--cōnscendō, ere, ī, scźnsus#, _to mount, ascend_; _go on board_. #dź--dźscendō, ere, ī, scźnsum#, _to climb_ or _come down, descend_; _dismount_. #ex--źscendō, ere, ī, scźnsus#, _to mount, ascend_. #trāns--trānscendō, ere, ī, scźnsus#, _to climb_ or _pass over, cross_. #scapha, ae#, f., _a light boat, skiff_. #scelerātus# [#scelus#], adj., _wicked, impious, accursed_. #scelestź# [#scelestus#, _impious_], adv., _wickedly, impiously_. #scelus, eris#, n., _wicked deed, sin, crime_. #schola, ae#, f., _leisure, leisure for learning_; _place of learning, school_. #scīlicet# [#scīre# + #licet#], adv., _plainly, of course, doubtless_. #scindō, ere, scidī, scissus#, _to cut, tear, rend, split_. #ab--abscindō, ere, scidī, scissus#, _to cut_ or _tear off, hew off_. #sciō, īre, scīvī, scītus#, _to know, understand_; with infin., _to know how_. #Scīpiō, ōnis#, m., the name of one of the most illustrious families of Rome, belonging to the Cornelian gens. 1. _P. Cornźlius Scīpiō_, consul 218 B.C.; defeated by Hannibal at the Ticinus and the Trebia; killed, with his brother Cn., in Spain, in 212. 2. _P. Cornźlius Scīpiō Āfricānus Māior_, son of (1), born B.C. 237; commanded in Spain 210-206; consul in 205; defeated Hannibal at Zama in 202. He died about 183 B.C. 3. _L. Cornźlius Scīpiō_, brother of (2), consul in B.C. 190. After defeating Antiochus at Magnesia, he received the cognomen _Asiāticus_. 4. _P. Cornźlius Scīpiō Āfricānus Minor_, captured Carthage, B.C. 146; took Numantia, in Spain, 133; died in 129. 5. _P. Cornźlius Scīpiō Nāsīca Serāpiō_, see #Nāsīca#. 6. _Q. Metellus Pius Scīpiō_, father-in-law of Pompey. #scīscitor, ārī, ātus sum# [#scīscō#], _to ask, inquire_. #scīscō, ere, scīvī, scītus# [#sciō#], _to seek to know_; _approve, enact, decree_. #con--cōnscīscō, ere, scīvī, scītus#, _to approve of, decree_; #mortem sibi cōnscīscere#, _to commit suicide_. #dź--dźscīscō, ere, scīvī, scītum#, _to withdraw, desert, revolt_. #scrība, ae# [#scrībō#], m., _a clerk, secretary_. #scrībō, ere, scrīpsī, scrīptus#, _to write_. #ad--adscrībō, ere, scrīpsī, scrīptus#, _to add, include, enroll_. #con--cōnscrībō, ere, scrīpsī, scrīptus#, _to enroll, enlist_. #dź--dźscrībō, ere, scrīpsī, scrīptus#, _to copy off, sketch, describe_. #dis--dīscrībō, ere, scrīpsī, scrīptus#, _to mark off, divide_. #īn--īnscrībō, ere, scrīpsī, scrīptus#, _to write on, inscribe on_. #per--perscrībō, ere, scrīpsī, scrīptus#, _to write out_ (in full). #prō--prōscrībō, ere, scrīpsī, scrīptus#, _to offer for sale_; _proscribe, outlaw_. #sub--subscrībō, ere, scrīpsī, scrīptus#, _to write beneath_. #scrīnium, ī#, n., _a case, box_ (esp. for books or papers). #scrīptor, ōris# [#scrībō#], m., _a writer, author_; _narrator_. #Scultenna, ae#, f., a river in Cisalpine Gaul, near Mutina. #scūtum, ī#, n., _a shield_. (1) #sź#, see #suī#. (2) #sź# or #sźd#, insep. prefix, _apart, away from_. #sźcźdō#, see #cźdō#. #sźcernō#, see #cernō#. #secō, āre, uī, tus#, _to cut_. #re--resecō, āre, uī, tus#, _to cut loose_ or _off_. #sźcrźtus# [part. of #sźcernō#], adj., _separate_; _hidden, concealed_; _secret_; abl. #sźcrźtō# as adv., _secretly_. #sector, ārī, ātus sum# [freq. of #sequor#], _to follow eagerly, pursue, seek the society of_. #secundus# [#sequor#], adj., _following, second_; _favorable, fortunate_. #secūris, is# [#secō#], f., _an axe, hatchet_. #secus#, comp. #sźtius#, adv., _otherwise, differently_. #sed#, conj., _but, on the contrary_. #sźdecim# [#sex# + #decem#], indecl. num. adj., _sixteen_. #sedeō, źre, sźdī, sessum#, _to sit_. #ad--adsideō, źre, sźdī, sessus#, _to sit at_ or _beside, besiege_. #in--īnsideō, źre, sźdī, sessus#, with dat., _to sit in, on_, or _upon_; with acc., _to settle on, occupy_. #ob--obsideō, źre, sźdī, sessus#, _block, besiege, beset_. #sźdźs, is# [cf. #sedeō#], f., _seat, chair_; _residence, abode_. #sźditiō, ōnis# [#sźd# + #itiō#, from #eō, īre#], f., _dissension, rebellion, revolt_. #sźdūcō#, see #dūcō#. #sźdulitās, ātis# [#sźdulus#, _earnest_], f., _earnestness, persistency_. #sźdulō# [abl. of #sźdulus#, _earnest_], adv., _earnestly, busily_; _purposely, deliberately_. #sźgnis, ź#, adj., _slow, tardy, sluggish_. #sźgniter# [#sźgnis#], adv., _without spirit_ or _vigor, lazily_. #sella, ae# [#sedeō#], f., _a seat, chair_; #sella curūlis#, a portable stool, with bent legs, made to open and shut like a camp-stool. Such chairs were often of bronze, or of wood finely carved, and inlaid with ivory, or even adorned with ornaments of gold. The right to use this chair belonged at first only to the king, but later to curule aediles, praetors, consuls, dictators, and the Flamines. #semel#, adv., _once, once for all_. #sźmet#, see #suī#. #semper#, adv., _always, continually_. #sempiternus# [#semper#], adj., _eternal_. #Semprōnius, ī#, m., _Ti. Semprōnius Longus_, defeated by Hannibal at the Trebia B.C. 218. #senātor, ōris# [#senātus#], m., _a senator_. #senātōrius# [#senātor#], adj., _senatorial_. #senātus, ūs# [cf. #senex#], m., _council of elders, senate_, in the time of the kings a mere advisory body, called together by the king when he desired advice, but later the chief power in the Roman state. #Seneca, ae#, m., _L. Annaeus Seneca_, the Stoic philosopher, tutor of the Emperor Nero. #senecta, ae# [#senex#], f., _old age_. #senectūs, ūtis# [#senex#], f., _old age_. #senex#, gen. #senis#, adj., _old_; comp. #senior#, _elder_; sup. #māximus# (#nātū#), _eldest_. As noun, #senex, senis#, m., _an old man_; #seniōrźs, um#, pl. m., _the elders_ (men over 45). #senior#, see #senex#. #senium, ī# [#senex#], n., _old age, decay_. #sententia, ae# [#sentiō#], f., _opinion, thought_; _wish, inclination_. #sentiō, īre, sźnsī, sźnsus#, _to discern by sense, feel_; _see, perceive_; #bene sentīre dź#, _to think well of_. #con--cōnsentiō, īre, sźnsī, sźnsum#, _to agree_; _conspire, plot_. #sźparātim# [(2) #sź# + #parō#], adv., _separately, apart_. #sepeliō, īre, īvī (iī), sepultus#, _to bury, inter_. #septem#, indecl. num. adj., _seven_. #septźnī, ae, a# [#septem#], num. adj., _seven each, seven apiece_. #Septimulźius, ī#, m., _L. Septimulźius_ of Anagnia in Latium, a friend of Ti. Gracchus, who afterwards sold his head for gold. #septimus# [#septem#], num. adj., _seventh_. #septirźmis, e# [#septem# + #rźmus#, _oar_], f. (sc. #nāvis#), _a ship with seven banks_ or _tiers of oars_. #septuāgźsimus# [#septuāgintā#, _seventy_], num. adj., _seventieth_. #sepultūra, ae# [#sepeliō#], f., _burial, funeral_. #sequor, ī, secūtus sum#, _to follow_; _favor_. #ad--adsequor, ī, secūtus sum#, _to follow up, overtake_; _gain, attain_. #con--cōnsequor, ī, secūtus sum#, _to follow, overtake_; _attain, acquire_. #in--īnsequor, ī, secūtus sum#, _to pursue, overtake_. #ob--obsequor, ī, secūtus sum#, _to comply with, yield to, submit to_. #per--persequor, ī, secūtus sum#, _to follow persistently, pursue, hound_. #prō--prōsequor, ī, secūtus sum#, _to follow, accompany, escort_. #sub--subsequor, ī, secūtus sum#, _to follow after, follow_. #Sergius, ī#, m., a Roman gentile name. 1. _L. Sergius Catilīna_, see #Catilīna#. 2. _M. Sergius Catilīna_, grandfather of (1). #sźriō# [abl. of #sźrius#], adv., _in earnest, seriously, in good faith_. #sźrius#, adj., _grave, serious, earnest_. #sermō, ōnis# [#serō#], m., _talk, conversation_; _speech_. #serō, ere, --, tus#, _to bind together_. #con--cōnserō, ere, uī, tus#, _to join_; #manūs# or #pūgnam cōnserere#, _to join battle, fight_. #dź--dźserō, ere, uī, tus#, _to leave, abandon_; _forsake, neglect_. #dis--disserō, ere, uī, tus#, _to speak, discourse, harangue_. #ex--exserō, ere, uī, tus#, _to thrust out_. #sźrō# [abl. of #sźrus#, _late_], adv., _late, too late_. #Sertōrius, ī#, m., _Quīntus_, an officer in the army of Marius. He went to Spain as propraetor in B.C. 82, and maintained himself at the head of an independent force till his death in 72. #serva, ae# [#servus#], f., _a slave woman_. #servīlis, e# [#servus#], adj., _of a slave_; _slavish, servile_. #servitūs, ūtis# [#servus#], f., _slavery_. #Servius, ī#, m., see #Tullius#. #servō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to save, preserve, watch_. #con--cōnservō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to keep safe, preserve_. #servus, ī#, m., _a slave_. #sźse#, see #suī#. #sźstertius, ī# [#sźmis#, _half_ + #tertius#], m. (sc. #nummus#), _a sesterce_, a small silver coin equivalent orig. to two and one-half asses, but later worth about four cents. See #ās#. In naming large sums of money the Romans speak of 'so many times a hundred thousand _sźstertiī_' (_centźna mīlia sźstertium_). #sźtius#, see #secus#. #seu#, see #sīve#. #sevźrź# [#sevźrus#], adv., _gravely, severely, sternly, strictly_. #sevźritās, ātis# [#sevźrus#], f., _sternness, strictness_. #sevźrus#, adj., _stern, strict, severe_. #sex#, indecl. num. adj., _six_. #sexāgintā#, num. adj., _sixty_. #Sextīlis, e#, adj., _of the sixth month_. As noun, #Sextīlis, is#, m. (sc. #mźnsis#), _August_. See #December#. #Sextīlius, ī#, m., praetor in Africa in B.C. 88. #sextus# [#sex#], num. adj., _sixth_. #Sextus, ī#, m., a Roman praenomen. #sī#, conj., _if, whether_; #quod sī#, _but if_. #sibi#, see #suī#. #sībilus, ī#, m., _a hissing, whistling_. #Sibyllīnus# [#Sibylla#, _a Sibyl, prophetess_], adj., _pertaining to the Sibyls, Sibylline_. #sīc#, adv., _in this way, thus, so_. #siccō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#siccus#], _to drain_. #siccus#, adj., _dry_. As noun, #siccum, ī#, n., _the dry ground_. #Sicilia, ae#, f., _Sicily_. #Siculus#, adj., _Sicilian_. #sīdō, sīdere, --, --#, _to seat one's self, sit down_. #ad--adsīdō, ere, sźdī, --#, _to seat one's self, sit down_. #con--cōnsīdō, ere, sźdī, sessum#, _to sit down_; _settle, encamp_; _take a position_. #re--resīdō, ere, sźdī, --#, _to settle down, sink, subside_; _abate, grow calm_. #sīgnificō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#sīgnum# + #faciō#], _to make signs, show_; _point out, indicate_. #sīgnō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#sīgnum#], _to set a mark on_; _sign, seal_ (a document). #ad--adsīgnō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to allot, award, assign_. #sīgnum, ī#, n., _sign, signal_; _military standard, ensign_; _statue, image_; #sīgna īnferre alicuī#, _to advance against_ or _attack any one_. #Sīlānus, ī#, m., _D. Iūnius Sīlānus Mānliānus_, praetor in Macedonia B.C. 142. #silźns, entis# [orig. part. of #sileō#, _to be still_], adj., _still, quiet, silent_. #silentium, ī# [#silźns#], n., _stillness, quiet, silence_. #silva, ae#, f., _a wood, forest_. #Silvia, ae#, f., see #Rhźa#. #similis, e#, adj., _like, similar_. #similiter# [#similis#], adv., _in like manner, similarly_. #similitūdō, inis# [#similis#], f., _likeness, resemblance, similarity_. #simul#, adv., _at the same time_; #simul atque# or #āc#, _as soon as_. #simulō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#similis#], _to make like, copy_; _feign, pretend_. #dis--dissimulō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to disguise, conceal, dissemble_. #simultās, ātis# [#simul#], f., _enmity, hatred_; #simultātźs gerere#, _to carry on a feud_. #sine#, prep, with abl., _without_. #singulāris, e# [#singulī#], adj., _one by one, single, individual_; _remarkable, singular, unparalleled_. #singulī, ae, a#, adj., _one at a time, one apiece, single_. #sinister, tra, trum#, adj., _left_. #sinō, ere, sīvī, situs#, _to put, place_; _permit, let_. #sinus, ūs#, m., _a curve, hollow, fold_; _fold of the toga_ (as it crosses the breast), _pocket_; _bosom_. #sistō, ere, stitī, status#, trans., _to cause to stand, place, set_; intrans., _stand_. #ab--absistō, ere, stitī, --#, _to withdraw, cease, desist_. #con--cōnsistō, ere, stitī, --#, _to stand, take position_ (of an army); _stop, halt_; _be firm, endure, continue_. #dź--dźsistō, ere, stitī, --#, _to stand off from, cease, desist_. #ex--exsistō, ere, stitī, --#, _to step forth_; _come to be, become, arise_. #ob--obsistō, ere, stitī, --#, _to stand in the way of, resist, oppose_. #re--resistō, ere, stitī, --#, _to oppose, withstand, resist_. #sub--subsistō, ere, stitī, --#, _to take a stand, remain, tarry_. #situs# [orig. part. of #sinō#], adj., _placed, situate, lying_. #situs, ūs# [#sinō#], m., _location, site_. #sīve# or #seu#, conj., _or, or if, whether_; #sīve . . . sīve# or #seu . . . seu#, _whether . . . or, if . . . or if_. #sōbrius#, adj., _sober, temperate_. #socer, socerī#, m., _a father-in-law_. #societās, ātis# [#socius#], f., _fellowship, association_; _alliance_. #sociō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#socius#], _to join, unite_; _hold in common, share, divide_. #socius, ī#, m., _fellow, comrade, ally_. #sodālis, is#, m., _companion, associate_. #sōl, sōlis#, m., _the sun_. #soleō, źre, itus sum#, _to be wont, be accustomed, use_. #sōlitārius# [#sōlus#], adj., _lonely, isolated_. #sōlitūdō, inis# [#solus#], f., _loneliness_; _lonely place, wilderness_. #solitus# [#soleō#], adj., _wonted, usual, accustomed_; as noun, #solitum, ī#, n., _the customary, the usual_. #solium, ī#, n., _chair of state, throne_. #sollemnis, e#, adj., _religiously fixed, holy, sacred_. #sollicitō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#sollicitus#, _troubled_], _to stir up, arouse, excite_. #sōlum# [#sōlus#], adv., _only_; #nōn . . . sōlum . . . sed . . . etiam#, _not only . . . but also_. #sōlus#, adj., _alone, single-handed, single, only_; _lonely, solitary_. #solvō, ere, ī, solūtus#, _to loosen, unbind_; _let down_; _impair, destroy_. #ab--absolvō, ere, ī, solūtus#, _to set free, release_; _acquit_. #re--resolvō, ere, ī, solūtus#, _to loosen_; _dissolve, melt_. #somnium, ī# [#somnus#], n., _a dream, vision_. #somnus, ī#, m., _sleep_. #sonitus, ūs# [#sonō#, _to resound_], m., _sound, crash, noise_. #sōpiō, īre, īvī (iī), ītus# [cf. #sopor#, _a deep sleep_], _to put to sleep_; pass., _to sleep_; #sōpītī#, _buried in slumber_. #soror, ōris#, f., _a sister_. #sorōrius# [#soror#], adj., _of a sister, sister's_. #sors, sortis#, f., _lot, fate, destiny_; _decision by lot_. #sortior, īrī, ītus sum# [#sors#], _to cast lots_; _obtain by lot_. #spatium, ī#, n., _space, room_; _distance_; _period of time_. #speciźs, --#, acc. em, abl. #ź# [#*speciō#], f., _sight, appearance_; _semblance, pretense_. #*speciō, ere, spexī, --#, _to look_. #ad--adspiciō, ere, spexī, spectus#, _to look at, examine, inspect_. #con--cōnspiciō, ere, spexī, spectus#, _to catch sight of, spy_; _see_. #dź--dźspiciō, ere, spexī, spectus#, _to look down upon, despise_. #dīs--dīspiciō, ere, spexī, spectus#, _to descry, perceive_. #in--īnspiciō, ere, spexī, spectus#, _to look into, examine, consider_. #re--respiciō, ere, spexī, spectus#, _to look back_ (_at_), _gaze at, consider_; _regard, respect_. #spectāculum, ī# [#spectō#], n., _show, sight, spectacle_. #spectātor, ōris# [#spectō#], m., _spectator_. #spectō, āre, āvī, ātus# [freq. of #*speciō#], _to look at, watch, behold_. #ex--exspectō, āre, āvī, ātus#, trans., _to look out for, await, expect_; intrans., _wait, wait to see_. #speculātor, ōris# [#speculor#], m., _a lookout, spy, scout_. #speculor, ārī, ātus sum# [#specula#, _a watch-tower_], _to spy out, examine_. #speculum, ī# [#*speciō#], n., _a looking-glass, mirror_ (usually of metal). #spernō, ere, sprźvī, sprźtus#, _to set aside, despise, scorn_. #ab--āspernor, ārī, ātus sum#, _to disdain, despise, scorn_. #spźrō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#spźs#], _to hope_ (for), _look for, expect_. #dź--dźspźrō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to lose hope, despair, despair of_. #spźs, speī#, f., _hope, expectation_; _promise_. #spīritus, ūs# [#spīrō#], m., _breath_; _disposition, lofty spirit, ambition, pride_. #spīrō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to breathe_. #ex--exspīrō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to breathe out_; _die, expire_ (sc. #animam#). #re--respīrō, āre, āvī, ātum#, _to breathe back_ or _out, breathe_ (again); intrans., _to recover breath, revive_. #splendor, ōris# [#splendeō#, _to shine_], m., _brightness, splendor, magnificence_. #spoliō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#spolium#], _to strip, rob, plunder_. #spolium, ī#, n., _booty, spoil_. #spondeō, źre, spopondī, spōnsus#, _to promise_ (sacredly), _agree_. #dź--dźspondeō, źre, ī, spōnsus#, _to promise in marriage, betroth_. #re--respondeō, źre, ī, spōnsus#, _to answer, reply_; _correspond to, agree with_. #spōnsus, ī# [#spondeō#], m., _a lover, betrothed man_. #sponte# [abl. of #*spōns#, _free will_], f., _voluntarily_; with #meā, tuā#, or #suā#, _of my, your_, or _his own free will_. #Spūrinna, ae#, m., _Vestritius Spūrinna_, an augur of the time of Julius Caesar. #squāma, ae#, f., _scale_ (of fish or snake). #statim# [cf. #stō#], adv., _instantly, at once_. #statiō, ōnis# [#stō#], f., _station, post_; _picket line, guard_. #statua, ae# [#statuō#], f., _a statue, image_. #statuō, ere, ī, ūtus# [#stō#], _to cause to stand, set up, place_; _determine_; _determine on, appoint, arrange_. #con--cōnstituō, ere, ī, ūtus#, _to set up, erect_; _set in order, organize_; _arrange, appoint_; _resolve_. #in--īnstituō, ere, ī, ūtus#, _to set in place, arrange_; _found, establish_; _determine, undertake, begin_; _train, teach_. #re--restituō, ere, ī, ūtus#, _to set up again, replace, restore, reinstate_; _repair, remedy, save_. #sub--substituō, ere, ī, ūtus#, _to put in place of, substitute_; _put_. #statūra, ae# [#stō#], f., _size, height, stature_. #status, ūs# [#stō#], m., _state, condition, rank_. #stercus, oris#, n., _dung, manure_. #Sthenius, ī#, m., _a Sicilian chief_. #sternō, ere, strāvī, strātus#, _to spread out, scatter_; _lay low_. #con--cōnsternō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to terrify, frighten, confound_; _move deeply, affect powerfully_. #prō--prōsternō, ere, strāvī, strātus#, _to overthrow, destroy_. #stimulus, ī#, m., _goad_; _sharp point, prick_. #stinguō, ere, --, --#, _to quench_. #ex--exstinguō, ere, stīnxī, stīnctus#, _to extinguish_; _destroy, kill_. #re--restinguō, ere, stīnxī, stīnctus#, _to quench, extinguish, destroy_. #stīpendium, ī# [#stips#, _gift_ + #pendō#], n., _a payment_; _salary, pay_; _campaign_; #stīpendia facere# or #merźre#, _to serve a campaign_. #stirps, stirpis#, f., _stock, race_; _offspring, progeny_. #stō, stāre, stetī, statum#, _to stand_; _stand firm, abide_; #stāre prōmissō#, _to stand by_ (lit., _on_) _one's promise_. #circum--circumstō, āre, stitī, --#, _to stand about, surround_. #con--cōnstō, āre, stitī, --#, _to agree_; _stand firm, be fixed_; _consist of_; #cōnstat#, _it is agreed, it is well known, it is certain_; #sibi cōnstāre#, _to be consistent_. #ex--exstō, āre, stitī, --#, _to be extant, remain, exist_. #prae--praestō, āre, stitī, stitus#, intrans., _to stand before, surpass, excel_; trans., _to show, make, render_. #stolidź# [#stolidus#, _stupid_], adv., _stupidly_. #strāgźs, is# [#sternō#], f., _overthrow, ruin, defeat_; _massacre_. #strāgulum, ī# [#sternō#], n., _coverlet, bedspread_. #strźnuus#, adj., _brisk, active, vigorous_. #strepitus, ūs# [#strepō#, _to make a noise_], m., _noise, din, crash_; _applause_. #stringō, ere, strinxī, strictus#, _to draw_ or _bind tight_, _press together, graze_; _draw, unsheathe_ (a sword or dagger). #dź--dźstringō, ere, strinxī, strictus#, _to draw, unsheathe_. #per--perstringō, ere, strinxī, strictus#, _to touch, graze_; _thrill, run through_. #struō, ere, strūxī, strūctus#, _to pile up, arrange_; _build, erect_. #ex--exstruō, ere, strūxī, strūctus#, _to pile_ or _heap up, build_. #in--īnstruō, ere, strūxī, strūctus#, _to build_; _arrange, draw up_ or _array_ (troops); _make ready, equip, fit out_. #studiōsź# [#studiōsus#, _eager_], adv., _eagerly, zealously_. #studium, ī# [#studeō#, _to be eager_], n., _zeal, enthusiasm_; _desire, pursuit, study_; _good-will, affection_. #stultitia, ae# [#stultus#], f., _folly_. #stultus#, adj., _foolish, silly_. #stupźns, entis# [orig. part. of #stupeō#], adj., _dazed, confused, dumbfounded_. #stupeō, źre, uī, --#, _to be struck senseless, be amazed_ or _astounded_. #suādeō, źre, suāsī, suāsūrus#, _to advise, urge, exhort_. #dis--dissuādeō, źre, suāsī, suāsus#, _to advise against, oppose_ (by argument). #per--persuādeō, źre, suāsī, suāsūrus#, _to persuade, induce_; _convince_. #sub#, prep. with (1) acc., _under, towards, until, after_; (2) with abl., _under, beneath, at the foot of, close to_; _in the reign of_; in composition, _under, somewhat_; _in place of_; _underhandedly_. #subdō#, see #dō#. #subdūcō#, see #dūcō#. #subeō#, see (1) #eō#. #subiciō#, see #iaciō#. #subigō#, see #agō#. #subitus# [#subeō#], adj., _sudden, unexpected_; abl. #subitō# as adv., _on short notice, suddenly_. #sublātus#, see #tollō#. #sublicius# [#sublica#, _a pile_], adj., _consisting of_ or _resting on piles_. #sublīmis, e#, adj., _uplifted, lofty_; _on high, through the sky_. #submittō#, see #mittō#. #submoveō#, see #moveō#. #subolźs, is#, f., _a sprout, shoot_; _offspring, issue_; _race_. #subōrnō#, see #ōrnō#. #subscrībō#, see #scrībō#. #subsellium, ī# [#sub# + #sella#], n., _a low bench, seat_. #subsequor#, see #sequor#. #subsidium, ī# [cf. #subsīdō#, _to lie in wait_], n., _reserve troops_; _aid, help_. #subsistō#, see #sistō#. #substituō#, see #statuō#. #subtexō, ere, uī, tus# [#sub# + #texō#, _to weave_], _to weave under, join_; _subjoin, add_ (in speech). #succźdō#, see #cźdō#. #succźssor, ōris# [#succźdō#], m., _follower, successor_. #succźssus, ūs# [#succźdō#], m., _favorable outcome, success_. #succingō#, see #cingō#. #succlāmō#, see #clāmō#. #succurrō#, see #currō#. #suźscō, ere, suźvī, suźtus#, _to become accustomed to_. #ad--adsuźscō, ere, suźvī, suźtus#, _to accustom one's self to, be wont_. #con--cōnsuźscō, ere, suźvī, suźtus#, _to become accustomed_. #sufficiō#, see #faciō#. #suffīgō#, see #fīgō#. #suffōcō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#sub# + #fauces#, _the throat_], _to choke, strangle_. #suffodiō#, see #fodiō#. #suffrāgātor, ōris# [#suffrāgor#, _to vote for_], m., _supporter, partisan, follower_. #suffrāgium, ī#, n., _a voting tablet, vote, ballot_. #suī# gen., #sibi# dat., #sź# acc. and abl. of the reflexive pron., sing. and pl., _himself, herself, itself, themselves_; #sźse, sźmet#, strengthened forms of #sź#. #Sulla, ae#, m., a cognomen in the Cornelian gens. 1. _L. Cornźlius Sulla_, surnamed Fźlīx, born B.C. 138; consul in 88; commanded against Mithridates 88-84; fought Marius in 88, and again in 83, 82, becoming master of Italy. He was then chosen perpetual dictator, and made many changes in the constitution. He resigned the dictatorship in 79, and died next year. 2. _P. Cornźlius Sulla_, nephew of (1), defended in 62 B.C. by Cicero from a charge of complicity in Catiline's conspiracy. #Sullānus#, adj., _of_ or _by Sulla, Sullan_; as noun, #Sullānī, ōrum#, pl. m., _the followers of Sulla_. #Sulpicius, ī#, m., _Ser. Sulpicius Rūfus_, tribune of the people in 88 B.C., and a supporter of Marius. #sum, esse, fuī, futūrus#, _to be, exist, live_; with gen., _belong to, be the part of_; _be true, be so_; _happen, take place_; with dat., _have, possess_. #ab--absum, esse, āfuī#, _to be away_ or _absent, be far from_; #prope abesse#, _to be at no great distance, be near_. #ad--adsum, esse, adfuī#, _to be present_ or _near_; _to aid_ (esp. in court). #dź--dźsum, deesse, dźfuī#, _to be away_ or _absent_; _be wanting_; _fail_; _to miss, let slip_. #in--īnsum, inesse, īnfuī#, _to be in_ or _on_; _belong to_. #inter--intersum, esse, fuī#, _to be present at, take part in_. #prae--praesum, praeesse, fuī#, _to be over_ or _before_; _rule, govern, be in command of_. #prō--prōsum, prōdesse, prōfuī#, _to benefit, profit, aid_. #super--supersum, esse, fuī#, _to be over_ and _above, remain_; _survive, outlive_. #summa, ae# [#summus#], f., _top, summit_; _chief point_ or _place, supremacy_; _total, amount, sum_. #summus#, see #superus#. #sūmō, ere, sūmpsī, sūmptus# [#sub# + #emō#], _to take up, take, choose_; _enter upon, begin_; _spend_. #ab--absūmō, ere, sūmpsī, sūmptus#, _to use up, consume_; _spend_. #ad--adsūmō, ere, sūmpsī, sūmptus#, _to take to one's self, receive_. #con--cōnsūmō, ere, sūmpsī, sūmptus#, _to use up, spend_. #sūmptuārius# [#sūmptus#], adj., _relating to expense, sumptuary_. #sūmptus, ūs# [#sūmō#], m., _outlay, expense_. #supellex, supellectilis#, f., _household stuff, furniture_. #super#, prep. (1) with acc., _over, above, upon, in addition to_; _during_; (2) with abl., _over, upon, beyond, in addition to_. #superbź# [#superbus#], adv., _haughtily, proudly, arrogantly_. #superbia, ae# [#superbus#], f., _pride, arrogance_. #superbus# [#super#], adj., _haughty, proud, arrogant, insolent_. #Superbus, ī#, m., see #Tarquinius#. #superiaciō#, see #iaciō#. #superior#, see #superus#. #superō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#superus#], _to pass over, cross_; _overcome, subdue, conquer_; _excel, surpass_. #supersum#, see #sum#. #superus# [#super#], adj., _above, upper, higher_; comp. #superior#, _higher, superior, earlier_; as noun, _a superior_; sup. #suprźmus#, _highest, topmost, last_, or #summus#, _highest, greatest, extreme, most distinguished_; _often the highest part of, top of_; #Mare Superum#, _the Upper_ or _Adriatic Sea_. #superveniō#, see #veniō#. #supervīvō#, see #vīvō#. #supplex, icis# [#sub# + #plicō#, _to fold, bend_], adj., bending the knees in entreaty, _begging, suppliant_; as noun, _a suppliant_. #suppliciter# [#supplex#], adv., _suppliantly, humbly_. #supplicium, ī# [#supplex#], n., _a kneeling down_ (as suppliant, or to receive punishment); _punishment, execution_. #supplicō, āre, āvī, ātum# [#supplex#], _to kneel down_; _entreat, beseech_; _pray, worship_; _thank_. #suprā# [#super#], adv., _above_. #surgō, ere, surrźxī, surrźctum# [#sub# + #regō#], _to stand up, rise, arise_. #ad--adsurgō, ere, surrźxī, --#, _to rise up, arise_. #suscipiō#, see #capiō#. #sūspectus# [orig. part. of #sūspiciō#, _to suspect_], adj., _mistrusted, suspected_. #suspendium, ī#, n., _hanging_. #sustineō#, see #teneō#. #sūtor, ōris# [#suō#, _to sew, stitch_], m., _a shoemaker, cobbler_. #suus# [#suī#], adj., _his own, her own, its own, their own_; _his, her, its, their_; as noun, #suī, ōrum#, pl. m., _his_ (their) _friends, followers, soldiers_ or _fellow-citizens_. #Syphāx, ācis#, m., a prince of Numidia. #Syria, ae#, f., _Syria_, a country on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean. #T# #T.#, abbreviation of the name #Titus#. #tabella, ae# [dim. of #tabula#], f., _a small board, writing tablet_. #taberna, ae#, f., _stall, shop_ (of boards); _hut, tent_. #tabernāculum, ī# [#taberna#], n., _a tent_. #tabula, ae#, f., _a board, plank_; _picture_ (sc. #picta#, _painted_); _writing tablet_; _record, list_. #taceō, źre, uī, --#, _to be silent, say nothing_. #tacitus# [#taceō#], adj., _silent, secret_. #taedium, ī# [#taedet#, _it wearies_], n., _weariness, disgust, loathing_. #talentum, ī#, n., _a talent_, a Greek money measure, worth about $1100. #tālis, e#, adj., such, _of such a kind_; #tālis . . . quālis#, _such . . . as_. #tam#, adv., _to such a degree, so much, as much, so_; #tam . . . quam#, _as . . . so, not only . . . but also_. #tamdiū#, adv., _so long_. #tamen#, adv., _yet, still, for all that, all the same, however, nevertheless_. #tamquam#, conj., _as if_. #Tanaquil, īlis#, f., the wife of Tarquinius Priscus. #tandem#, adv., _at length, at last, finally_. #tangō, ere, tetigī tāctus#, _to touch_. #con--contingō, ere, tigī, tāctus#, with acc., _to touch_; with dat., _to occur to, fall to lot of, befall_; _happen_. #ob--obtingō, ere, tigī, --#, _to fall to the lot of, befall_; _occur_. #tantum# [#tantus#], adv., _so much_ (and no more), _only, merely_. #tantummodō# [#tantum# + #modō#], adv., _only, merely_. #tantus#, adj., _so great, such_; as noun, #tantum, ī#, n., _so much_. #tardź# [#tardus#, _slow_], adv., _slowly_. #tarditās, ātis# [#tardus#, _slow_], f., _slowness, sluggishness_. #tardō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#tardus#, _slow_], _to delay, hinder, impede_. #Tarentīnus#, adj., of _Tarentum, Tarentine_; as noun, #Tarentīnī, ōrum#, pl. m., _the people of Tarentum_. #Tarentum, ī#, n., a flourishing Greek city on the southern coast of Italy; modern _Taranto_. #Tarpźia, ae#, f., a Roman maiden of the time of Romulus. #Tarpźius#, adj., _of Tarpeia, Tarpeian_; #rūpźs Tarpźia#, _the Tarpeian_ rock, a part of the Capitoline Hill, on the side toward the Forum. (1) #Tarquiniī, ōrum#, pl. m., a city in Etruria. (2) #Tarquiniī, ōrum#, pl. m., _the Tarquin family, the Tarquins_. #Tarquinius, ī#, m., the name of a gens in early Rome, said to have come from Etruria. 1. _Tarquinius Prīscus_, the fifth king of Rome. 2. _Tarquinius Superbus_, the last king of Rome, expelled B.C. 509. 3. _Sextus Tarquinius_, son of (2). 4. _L. Tarquinius Collātinus_, cousin of (3), and husband of Lucretia. #Tatius, ī#, m., #Titus Tatius#, a Sabine king, and joint ruler with Romulus. #tźctum, ī# [#tegō#], n., _a covering, roof_; _covered structure, house_. #tegō, ere, tźxī, tźctus#, _to cover_; _hide, conceal_; _defend, guard_. #dź--dźtegō, ere, tźxī, tźctus#, _to uncover, expose_; _betray_. #tźgula, ae# [#tego#], f., _roof tile, tile_. #tźlum, ī#, n., _missile_; _spear, javelin_. #temerārius# [#temerź#], adj., _heedless, rash, reckless_. #temerź#, adv., _blindly, rashly, heedlessly_. #temeritās, ātis# [#temerź#], f., _rashness, heedlessness, temerity_. #temperāns, antis# [orig. part. of #temperō#], adj., _moderate, temperate, sober_. #temperō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#tempus#], _to set bounds to, restrain_. #tempestās, ātis# [#tempus#], f., _point_ or _period of time; storm, tempest_. #templum, ī#, n., _a sacred spot_; _temple_. #tempus, oris#, n., _time, period, season_; _opportunity, occasion_. #tendō, ere, tetendī, tentus# and #tźnsus#, _to spread out, stretch_; #īnsidiās tendere#, _to lay a trap for, plot against_. #con--contendō, ere, ī, tentus#, _to stretch_; _exert one's self, strive, insist_; _hasten, march quickly_. #in--intendō, ere, ī, tentus#, _to stretch, stretch, towards_; _aim, direct_. #ob(s)--ostendō, ere, ī, tentus#, _to stretch out, show_; _produce, furnish_; _disclose, make known_. #por (= prō)--portendō, ere, ī, tentus#, _to point out, indicate_; _foreshadow, portend_. #prō--prōtendō, ere, ī, tentus#, _to stretch out, extend_. #tenebrae, ārum#, pl. f., _darkness, gloom_; _a hiding place_. #tenebricōsus# [#tenebrae#], adj., _dark, gloomy_. #teneō, źre, uī, tentus#, _to hold, keep_; _possess_; _maintain, guard, defend_; _seize_. #ab--abstineō, źre, uī, tentus#, _to hold back_ or _from_; _keep aloof from_; _refrain from, abstain_. #con--contineō, źre, uī, tentus#, _to keep, hold, contain_; _restrain, rule, curb_. #dź--dźtineō, źre, uī, tentus#, _to hold back_ or _off_; _detain, hinder_. #ob--obtineō, źre, uī, tentus#, _to hold, possess_; _rule, govern_. #per--pertineō, źre, uī, --#, _to stretch out, extend_; _reach_. #re--retineō, źre, uī, tentus#, _to keep_ or _hold_ (back), _retain, detain_. #sub(s)--sustineō, źre, uī, tentus#, _to hold up, support, sustain_; _bear, endure_; _hold in check, restrain_. #tentō, āre, āvī, ātus# [freq. of #tendō#], _to touch, handle_; _try, attempt_; _sound, try to win over_. #tentōrium, ī# [#tendō#], n., _a tent_. #ter#, num. adv., _thrice, three times_. #Terentius, ī#, m., a Roman gentile name. See #Varrō#. #Terentius, ī#, m., a comrade of Pompey the Great. #tergiversor, ārī, --# [#tergum# + #vertō#], _to twist and turn, shuffle, evade_. #tergum, ī#, n., _back, rear_. #ternī, ae, a# [cf. #trźs#], num. adj., _three on each side, by threes, three_. #terō, ere, trīvī, trītus#, _to rub, wear away_; _waste, kill_. #terra, ae#, f., _the earth, ground_; _land_. #terreō, źre, uī, itus#, _to frighten, alarm, terrify_; _deter_. #dź--dźterreō, źre, uī, itus#, _to frighten off, deter, keep from_. #terribilis, e# [#terreō#], adj., _frightful, dreadful_. #terror, ōris# [#terreō#], m., _fear, panic_. #tertius# [cf. #trźs#], adj., _third_; abl. n. #tertiō# as adv., _the third time_. #tźstimōnium, ī# [#tźstis#, _a witness_], n., _evidence, testimony, proof_. #tźstor, ārī, ātus sum# [#tźstis#, _a witness_], _to bear witness, be a witness_. #Teutobochus, ī#, m., a chief of the Teutones. #Teutonźs, um#, pl. m., _the Teutones_, a Germanic people which invaded Italy, but was defeated by Marius. #thźsaurus, ī#, m., _a treasure, hoard_. #Thessalia, ae#, f., _Thessaly_, a large district in the northeastern part of Greece. #Ti.#, abbreviation of the name #Tiberius#. #Tiberis, is#, m., _the river Tiber_. #Tiberius, ī#, m., a Roman praenomen. #Tīcinus, ī#, m., _the Ticinus_, a river in Cisalpine Gaul, tributary to the Po. #tigillum, ī# [dim. of #tīgnum#, _beam_], n., _a little beam_. #Tigrānźs, is#, m., a king of Armenia, son-in-law of Mithridates. #timeō, źre, uī, --#, _to be afraid, fear_. #timidus# [#timeō#], adj., _fearful, timid_. #tīrōcinium, ī# [#tīrō#, _a raw recruit_], n., _a soldier's first campaign_; _military inexperience_. #titulus, ī#, m., _inscription, placard, notice_. #Titus, ī#, m., a Roman praenomen. #toga, ae#, f., _the toga_, the characteristic outer robe of the Romans. See also #praetextus#. #togātus# [#toga#], adj., _clad in the toga_; _in peaceful garb, unarmed_. #tollō, ere, sustulī, sublātus#, _to lift, raise, take up_; _remove, abolish_. #tonitrus, ūs# [#tonō#, _to thunder_], m., _thunder, peal of thunder_. #tōnsor, ōris# [#tondeō#, _to shear_], m., _a barber_. #tōnsōrius# [#tōnsor#], adj., _of a barber, barber's_. #Tōranius, ī#, m., _Titus_, who betrayed his father to the second triumvirate. #Torquātus, ī# [#torquis#], m., a cognomen common in the Manlian gens. 1. _T. Mānlius Torquātus_, dictator in 353 and 349 B.C., consul 347, 344, and 340. 2. _T. Mānlius Torquātus_, son of (1), put to death by his father for disobedience of orders. #torqueō, źre, torsī, tortus#, _to turn, twist_; _torture, torment_. #torquis, is# [#torqueō#], m., _a twisted collar, necklace_. #torvź# [#torvus#, _grim_], adv., _sternly, grimly_. #tot#, indecl. adj., _so many_. #totidem# [#tot#], indecl. adj., _just as many, the same number of_. #totiźns# [#tot#], adv., _so many times, so often_. #tōtus#, gen. #tōtīus#, dat. #tōtī#, adj., _all, all the, the whole, entire_. #trādō#, see #dō#. #trādūcō#, see #dūcō#. #trahō, ere, trāxī, trāctus#, _to draw, drag_; _detain_. #ab--abstrahō, ere, trāxī, trāctus#, _to drag off_ or _away_; _carry off_. #con--contrahō, ere, trāxī, trāctus#, _to draw together, collect, assemble_. #dź--dźtrahō, ere, trāxī, trāctus#, _to draw_ or _strip off, remove_; _drag_. #dis--distrahō, ere, trāxī, trāctus#, _to pull asunder, part, separate_. #ex--extrahō, ere, trāxī, trāctus#, _to draw_ or _pull out_; _prolong, waste_. #per--pertrahō, ere, trāxī, trāctus#, _to draw along, drag_; _lead_. #re--retrahō, ere, trāxī, trāctus#, _to draw_ or _drag back_. #trāiciō#, see #iaciō#. #trānō#, see #nō#. #trāns#, prep. with acc., _across, beyond, over_. #trānscendō#, see #scandō#. #trānseō#, see (1) #eō#. #transferō#, see #ferō#. #trānsfīgō#, see #fīgō#. #trānsfodiō#, see #fodiō#. #trānsfugiō#, see #fugiō#. #trānsgredior#, see #gradior#. #trānsigō#, see #agō#. #trānsiliō#, see #saliō#. #trānsmittō#, see #mittō#. #trānsversus# [#trāns# + #vertō#], adj., _turned across, crosswise_; _out of the way_. #Trasumźnus, ī#, m., a lake in Etruria, famous as the scene of Hannibal's victory over the Romans in B.C. 217. #Trebia, ae#, f., _the Trebia_, a small tributary of the Po, near Placentia. #trecentźsimus# [#trecentī#], num. adj., _three hundredth_. #trecentī, ae, a# [#trźs# + #centum#], num. adj., _three hundred_. #tredecim# [#trźs# + #decem#], indecl. num. adj., _thirteen_. #tremō, ere, uī, --#, _to quake, tremble_. #trepidātiō, ōnis# [#trepidō#], f., _alarm, confusion_. #trepidō, āre, āvī, --#, _to be in alarm_ or _confusion_; _tremble, waver_. #trźs, tria#, num. adj., _three_. #tribūnal, ālis# [#tribūnus#], n., _a judgment seat, tribunal_. #tribūnātus, ūs# [#tribūnus#], m., _the tribuneship, office of tribune_. #tribūnīcius# [#tribūnus#], adj., _of a tribune, tribunitial_. #tribūnus, ī# [#tribus#], m., _chief of a tribe, tribune_; #tribūnus mīlitum# or #mīlitāris#, _military tribune, captain_, one of the minor officers of a legion, six in number; #tribūnus plźbis#, _tribune of the people_, elected from the plebeians. The office was created in 494 B.C. to protect the plebeians against the patricians. Ten _tribūnī plźbis_ were elected annually. Their persons were sacred. #tribuō, ere, ī, ūtus# [#tribus#], _to assign, grant, give_. #dis--distribuō, ere, ī, ūtus#, _to divide, distribute, apportion_. #tribus, ūs# [cf. #trźs#], f., _a tribe_ (orig. a third part of the people). #tribūtum, ī# [#tribuō#], n., _tax, tribute_. #triennium, ī# [#trźs# + #annus#], n., _the space of three years, three years_. #trigeminī, ae, a# [#trźs# + #geminus#], adj., _born three at a birth_; as noun, pl. m., _triplets_. #trīgintā#, indecl. num. adj., _thirty_. #trīstis, e#, adj., _sad, sorrowful_; _stern, severe_. #triumphālis, e# [#triumphus#], adj., _pertaining to a triumph, triumphal_. #triumphō, āre, āvī, ātum# [#triumphus#], _to celebrate a triumph, triumph_. #triumphus, ī#, m., _a triumph_, the splendid procession in which the victorious general entered the city, accompanied by his soldiers and the spoil and captives he had taken. The procession passed round the Capitoline Hill into the Via Sacra, then into the Forum, and on up to the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus. #triumvir, virī# [#trźs# + #vir#], m., _a triumvir_, one of a board of three commissioners. #tropaeum, ī#, n., _a trophy, sign of victory_, made usually by fastening captured arms to the trunk of a tree. #trucīdō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to cut to pieces, slaughter, butcher_. #truncus, ī#, m., _stem, trunk_ (of a tree); _trunk, body_. #tū, tuī#, pl. #vōs, vestrum# or #vestrī#, pers. pron., _thou, you_. #tueor, źrī, itus sum#, _to look at, watch_; _defend, protect_. #in--intueor, źrī, itus sum#, _to look closely at or upon, gaze at_. #Tullius, ī#, m., the name of a Roman gens. 1. _Servius Tullius_, sixth king of Rome. 2. _M. Tullius Cicerō_, the orator. See #Cicerō#. #Tullus, ī#, m., praenomen of _Tullus Hostīlius_, third king of Rome. #tum#, adv., _then, at that time_; _thereupon_. #tumultuor, ārī, ātus sum# [#tumultus#], _to make a disturbance, riot_. #tumultus, ūs#, m., _a disturbance, uproar_; _rebellion, riot_. #tumulus, ī# [#tumeō#, _to swell_], m., _a hillock, mound, hill_. #tunc#, adv., _then, at that time_; _accordingly, thereupon_. #turba, ae#, f., _a hubbub, crowd, throng_. #turbulentus# [#turba#], adj., _stormy, confused, troubled_. #turdus, ī#, m., _a thrush, fieldfare_. #turma, ae#, f., _a troop_ or _squadron_ (of cavalry). #turpis, e#, adj., _ugly_; _base, dishonorable_. #turris, is#, m., _tower, castle_; _howdah_. #tūs, tūris#, n., _incense_. #tūtźla, ae# [#tueor#], f., _protection, guardianship_. (1) #tūtor, ōris# [#tueor#], m., _protector, guardian_. (2) #tūtor, ārī, ātus sum# [freq. of #tueor#], _to guard, protect_. #tūtus# [orig. part. of #tueor#], adj., _safe_; #tūtō#, abl. as adv., _safely_. #U# #ūber, eris#, n., _teat, dug, udder_. #ubi#, interr. adv., _where? when?_ As conj. interr. and rel., _where, when_. #ulcīscor, ī, ultus sum#, _to punish, avenge_. #ūllus#, gen. #ūllīus#, adj., _any, any one_. #ulterior, ius#, gen. #ōrīs# [#ultrā#], adj., _farther, remoter_; sup. #ultimus#, _farthest, last, utmost, greatest_; #ultima manus#, _finishing touches_; #ulterius#, adv., _beyond, farther, more, longer_; #ultimum#, adv., _for the last time_. #ultimum, ultimus#, see #ulterior#. #ultiō, ōnis# [#ulcīscor#], f., _revenge_. #ultrā#, adv., and prep. with acc., _on the other side, beyond_; #ultrā fidem#, _incredibly_. #ultrō#, adv., _of one's own accord, voluntarily_. #umbra, ae#, f., _shadow, shade_. #umerus, ī#, m., _the shoulder_. #umquam#, adv., _at any time, ever_. #unde#, adv. (1) interr., _whence? from whom, from which?_ (2) rel., _whence, from whom, from which_; _wherefore_. #ūndecim# [#ūnus# + #decem#], indecl. num. adj., _eleven_. #undique#, adv., _from all sides_; _on all sides, everywhere_. #unguis, is#, m., _a_ (finger) _nail_. #ūniversus# [#ūnus# + #vertō#], adj., _all in one, whole, entire_. #ūnus#, gen. #unīus#, adj., _one, only, sole, alone_; #ūnus quisque#, _each one_. #urbānus# [#urbs#], adj., _of_ or _in the city_, esp. _in Rome_; _refined, witty_; as noun, #urbānī, ōrum#, pl. m., _city people_; _town wits_. #urbs, urbis#, f., _a city_; The City (Rome). #ūrīnātor, ōris#, m., _a diver_. #ūrna, ae# [#ūrō#], f., _a vessel, urn_ (of baked clay). #ūrō, ere, ūssī, ūstus#, _to burn_. #co# + #amb(i)--combūrō, ere, ūssī, ūstus#, _to burn up, consume_. #dź--deūrō, ere, ūssī, ūstus#, _to burn up, consume_. #ex--exūrō, ere, ūssī, ūstus#, _to burn up, consume_. #ūsquam#, adv., _anywhere_. #ūsque#, adv., _all the way, right on, continuously, even_. #ūsūrpō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#ūsus# + #rapiō#], _to make use of, enjoy_. #ūsus, ūs# [#ūtor#], m., _use, employment_; _experience, training_; _profit, advantage, convenience_. #ut#, adv., interr., _how? in what way?_ rel., _as, just as_; _since, seeing that_; #ut . . . ita#, _just as . . . so_. #ut#, conj., (1) with indic., _when_; #ut prīmum#, _as soon as_; (2) with subj. of purpose, _in order that, that_; of result, _so that, that_. (1) #uter, utris#, m., _leather bag, skin_. (2) #uter, utra, utrum#, adj., (1) interr., _which of (the) two?_ (2) rel., _whichever one_ (of the two). #uterque, traque, trumque# [#uter# + #que#], adj., _each_ (of the two), _both_. #ūtilis, e# [#ūtor#], adj., _useful, helpful_; _profitable, expedient_. #ūtilitās, ātis# [#ūtilis#], f., _profit, advantage_. #utinam#, adv., _oh that! would that!_ #utique#, adv., _at any rate, surely_; _especially_. #ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum#, _make use of, employ_; _enjoy, take advantage of_; #aliquid ūtendum dare#, _to lend_. #utpote#, adv., _seeing that, inasmuch as, since_. #utrimque# [#uterque#], adv., _from_ or _on both sides, on either hand_. #uxor, ōris#, f., _a wife_. #V# #vacō, āre, āvī, --#, _to be empty, be free_ (e.g. from labor), _have leisure_. #vacuus# [#vacō#], adj., _empty, unoccupied_. #vādō, ere, --, --#, _to go, rush_. #ex--źvādō, ere, vāsī, vāsus#, _to go forth_ or _away_; _get away, escape_; _get to be, become_. #in--invādō, ere, vāsī, vāsum#, _to enter_; _attack_; _seize, take possession of_. #vae#, interj., _oh! alas! woe!_ #vāgītus, ūs# [#vāgiō#, _to cry_], m., _squalling, crying_. #valeō, źre, uī, itūrus#, _to be well_ or _strong_; _have power_ or _influence, prevail_. #Valerius, ī#, m., the name of a Roman gens. 1. _M. Valerius Māximus Corvīnus_. See #Māximus# (1). 2. _C. Valerius Catullus_. See #Catullus#. #valźtūdō, inis# [#valeō#], f., _health_ (good or bad); _good health_; _sickness_. #validus# [#valeō#], adj., _strong, stout; powerful_. #vallźs#, or #vallis, is#, f., _valley, vale_. #vāllum, ī#, n., _stockade, rampart, wall_. #vānus#, adj., _empty, idle_; _ostentatious, vain_. #varius#, adj., _various, different, diverse_. #varix, icis#, m., _a dilated vein_. #Varrō, ōnis#, m., _C. Terentius Varrō_, consul in 219 and 216; defeated at Cannae, with his colleague Paulus. #Vārus, ī#, m., see #Quīntilius#. #vas, vadis#, m., _bail, security_; _surety_. #vās, vāsis# (pl. #vāsa, ōrum#), n., _a vessel, dish_. #vāstō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#vāstus#], _to lay waste, devastate, destroy_. #vāstus#, adj., _empty, waste_; _immense, huge_. #vegetus# [#vegeō#, _to quicken_], adj., _lively, animated_. #vehementer# [#vehemźns#, _earnest_], adv., _earnestly, seriously, severely_; _exceedingly_. #vehō, ere, vexī, vectus#, _to bear, carry, convey_; in pass., with #nāvī# or #equō#, _to sail, ride_. #ad--advehō, ere, vexī, vectus#, _to carry_ or _bring to, bring_. #ex--źvehō, ere, vexī, vectus#, _to lift, raise, elevate_. #in--invehō, ere, vexī, vectus#, _to carry in_ or _to_; in pass., _ride into, sail to_. #prō--prōvehō, ere, vexī, vectus#, _to carry forward_; in pass., _to sail, proceed_. #Vźientźs, um#, pl. m., _the people of Veii_, a town in Etruria, about twelve miles from Rome. #vel# [old imperative of (1) #volō#], adv. and conj., _even_; _or, or else_; #vel . . . vel#, _either . . . or_. #vźlō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to cover up, veil_. #vźlōcitās, ātis# [#vźlōx#], f., _speed, swiftness_. #vźlōx, ōcis#, adj., _swift, fleet, quick_. #velut# or #velutī#, adv., _just as if, as if_; _ostensibly_. #vźnābulum, ī# [#vźnor#], n., _a hunting spear_. #vźnātiō, ōnis# [#vźnor#], f., _hunting_; _a hunting spectacle_, in which wild beasts fought against men, or against one another. #vźndō, ere, didī, ditus# [contr. from vźnumdō], _to sell_. #venźnum, ī#, n., _poison_. #venerātiō, ōnis# [#veneror#], f., _respect, reverence_; _an object of reverence_ or _awe_. #veneror, ārī, ātus sum#, _to reverence, worship, revere, respect, honor_. #venia, ae#, f., _indulgence, favor, pardon_. #veniō, īre, vźnī, ventum#, _to come, go_. #ad--adveniō, īre, vźnī, ventum#, _to come to, reach, arrive at, arrive_. #circum--circumveniō, īre, vźnī, ventus#, _to surround, beset_. #con--conveniō, īre, vźnī, ventus#, _to come together, assemble_; with acc., _to meet_; #convenit#, impers., _it is agreed, an arrangement is made_. #in--inveniō, īre, vźnī, ventus#, _to come upon, find, discover_. #ob--obveniō, īre, vźnī, ventum#, _to come_ or _go to meet_; _befall, occur to_; _fall to the lot of_. #per--perveniō, īre, vźnī, ventum#, _to come to, reach_; _penetrate, attain to_. #prae--praeveniō, īre, vźnī, ventus#, _to come before, get start of, anticipate, outstrip_. #super--superveniō, īre, vźnī, ventum#, _to come to the rescue, arrive_. #vźnor, ārī, ātus sum#, _to hunt, chase_. #venter, tris#, m., _the stomach_. #ventitō, āre, āvī, --# [freq. of #veniō#], _to come_ or _go often, resort_. #ventus, ī#, m., _wind_. #vźnumdō, dare, dedī, datus# [#vźnum#, _sale_ + #dō#], _to sell_. #Venusia, ae#, f., a town in Southern Italy, between Apulia and Lucania. #venustus# [#venus#, _grace_], adj., _charming, graceful_. #verber, eris#, n., _a lash, whip_; _blow_. #verbum, ī#, n., _a word_; _saying, phrase_. #vźrź# [#vźrus#], adv., _truthfully, truly_. #verźcundia, ae# [#vereor#], f., _modesty, shame_; _respect, reverence_. #vereor, źrī, itus sum#, _to feel awe of, respect_; _fear, be afraid_. #vźrō# [abl. of #vźrus#], adv., _truly, heartily_; _in truth, indeed, however, but_. #verrūca, ae#, f., _a wart, pimple_. #versiculus# [dim. of #versus#], m., _a little verse_; _a line_. #versō, āre, āvī, ātus# [freq. of #vertō#], _to twist, turn_; pass., _to dwell, abide, be_; _employ one's self, conduct one's self_. #versus, ūs# [#vertō#], m., _a verse, line_. #vertex, icis# [#vertō#], m., _summit, peak, crest_. #vertō, ere, ī, versus#, _to turn, change_; in pass., _turn about, return_. #ab--āvertō, ere, ī, versus#, _to turn away_ or _aside, avert, divert_. #con--convertō, ere, ī, versus#, _to turn round, change_; _turn, direct_; _divert, misuse_; #conversus#, _turning_. #dis--dīvertō, ere, ī, versus#, _to turn away_ or _aside_. #ex--źvertō, ere, ī, versus#, _to overturn, destroy, ruin_. #inter--intervertō, ere, ī, versus#, _to turn aside_; _embezzle, misappropriate_. #re--revertor, ī, revertī# or (less often) #reversus sum#, _to return_; _revert, recur_. #vźrum# [#vźrus#], adv., _truly, certainly_; _but_. #vźrus#, adj., _true, real, genuine_. For #rź vźrā#, see #rźs#. #vescor, ī, --#, _to eat_. #vesper, erī#, m., _evening_. #Vesta, ae#, f., the goddess of the hearth, and so of the family and the state. A fire was kept burning continually in her temple near the Forum, which six maidens, called Vestals, watched in turn, since the Romans believed that the maintenance of this fire was closely connected with the continuance of their state. The Vestals were not allowed to marry during their term of office. #vester, tra, trum# [orig. #voster#; cf. #vōs#], poss. pron. adj., _your, yours_. #vźstibulum, ī#, n., _vestibule, entrance_. #vźstīgium, ī#, n., _footstep, footprint_. #vestis, is#, f., _clothing, garments_; _a robe_. #veterānus# [#vetus#], adj., _old, veteran_. As noun, #veterānī, ōrum#, pl. m., _veteran soldiers, veterans_. #vetō, āre, uī, itus#, _not allow, forbid_. #vetus, eris#, adj., _old, aged_; _of a former time, ancient_. #vexō, āre, āvī, ātus# [freq. of #vehō#], _to shake_; _trouble, disturb_. #via, ae#, f., _highway, road_; _passage, march, journey_. #vicārius, ī# [#vicis#], m., _a substitute, proxy_. #vīcźsimus# [cf. #vīgintī#], num. adj., _twentieth_. #vīciźs# [cf. #vīgintī#], num. adv., _twenty times_. #vīcīnus# [#vīcus#], adj., _neighboring, near_. (#vicis#), #is# (nom. wanting), f., _alternation, change, succession_; #in vicem#, _in turn_. #victor, ōris# [#vincō#], m., _conqueror, victor_; as adj., _victorious_. #victōria, ae# [#victor#], f., _victory_. #vīcus, ī#, m., _a street_; _village, town_. #vidźlicet# [#vidźre# + #licet#], adv., _you see, clearly_; _of course, that is_. #videō, źre, vīdī, vīsus#, _to see, perceive, understand_; in pass., _seem_. #in--invideō, źre, vīdī, vīsus#, _to look askance at, to envy_. #vigil, vigilis#, adj., _wakeful, alert_; as noun, _a watchman, sentinel_. #vigilantia, ae# [#vigil#], f., _wakefulness, vigilance, watchfulness_. #vigilia, ae# [#vigil#], f., _wakefulness_; _a watch_ (a fourth part of the night). #vīgintī#, indecl. num. adj., _twenty_. #vīlicus, ī# [#vīlla#], m., _overseer, steward_. #vīlla, ae#, f., _a country house, villa_. #vīminālis, e# [#vīmen#, _an osier_], adj., _of osiers_; as noun, #Vīminālis, is#, m. (sc. #collis#), _the Viminal Hill_, one of the seven hills of Rome. #vinciō, īre, vinxī, vinctus#, _to bind, fetter_. #vincō, ere, vīcī, victus#, _to conquer, defeat_; _surpass_; intrans., _prevail_. #dź--dźvincō, ere, vīcī, victus#, _to conquer completely, subdue_. #vinculum, ī# [#vinciō#], n., _a bond_; in pl., _bonds, chains, jail_. #vindex, icis#, m., _champion, protector_. #vindicō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#vīs# + #dīcō#], _to claim_; _protect_; _avenge_; _punish_. #vīnum, ī#, n., _wine_. #violentus# [#vīs#], adj., _violent, impetuous_. #violō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#vīs#], _to injure_; _dishonor, outrage_. #vir, virī#, m., _a man, hero_; _husband_. #vīrźs#, see #vīs#. #virga, ae#, f., _a rod, scourge_. #Virgīnia, ae#, f., the maiden whose attempted enslavement by Appius Claudius led to the downfall of the Decemvirs, B.C. 449. #Virgīnius, ī#, m., _L._, the father of Virginia, consul in B.C. 449. #virgō, inis#, f., _young girl, maiden, virgin_. #virīlis, e# [#vir#], adj., _manly_. #virītim# [#vir#], adv., _man by man, singly, individually_. #virtūs, ūtis# [#vir#], f., _manliness, strength, bravery_; _ability_. #vīs#, gen. and dat. wanting, acc. #vim#, abl. #vī#, f., _strength, force_; _hostile force, violence_; _quantity, number_; pl., #vīrźs#, _energy, vigor, resources_; #vim facere#, _to use violence_. #vīsō, ere, ī, us# [freq. of #videō#], _to go to see, visit_. #vīsus, ūs# [#videō#], m., _appearance, vision_. #vīta, ae# [cf. #vīvō#], f., _life_. #vitium, ī# [#vieō#, _to twist_], n., _a fault, failing, vice_. #vituperandus# [gerundive of #vituperō#], adj., _blameworthy_. #vituperātiō, ōnis# [#vituperō#], f., _censure, criticism_. #vituperō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to blame, censure_. #vīvō, ere, vīxī, vīctum#, _to live_. #super--supervīvō, ere, vīxī, --#, _to live beyond, outlive, survive_. #vīvus# [#vīvō#], adj., _living, alive_; of water, _running_. #vix#, adv., _with difficulty, hardly, scarcely_. #vōciferor, ārī, ātus sum# [#vōx# + #ferō#], _to cry out, shout, exclaim_. #vocitō, āre, āvī, ātus# [freq. of #vocō#], _to call repeatedly_ or _loudly_. #vocō, āre, āvī, ātus# [cf. #vōx#], _to call, summon, name_. #ab--āvocō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to call off_, or _away_. #ad--advocō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to call to_ (one), _summon_; _call together_. #con--convocō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to call together, summon_. #ex--źvocō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to call forth_ or _out, summon_. #prō--prōvocō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to call forth, challenge_; _appeal to_. #re--revocō, āre, āvī, ātus#, _to call back, call again, recall_. #volitō, āre, āvī, --# [freq. of (2) #volō#], _flit about_; _fly, hasten_. (1) #volō, velle, voluī, --#, _to wish_; _be willing_; _be minded, determine_. (2) #volō, āre, āvī, ātūrus#, _to fly_. #ab--āvolō, āre, āvī, --#, _to fly_ or _hasten away_. #dź--dźvolō, āre, --, --#, _to fly down, fly_. #Volscī, ōrum#, pl. m., an ancient tribe living in the southern part of Latium, finally subdued by the Romans in B.C. 338. #volucer, cris, cre# [(2) #volō#], adj., _flying, winged_; as noun, f. (sc. #avis#), _a bird_. #volūmen, inis# [#volvō#, _to roll_], n., _roll of writing, scroll, volume, book_. #voluntārius# [#voluntās#], adj., _of free will, voluntary_. #voluntās, ātis# [(1) #volō#], f., _will, wish, desire, inclination_. #voluptās, ātis#, f., _pleasure, enjoyment_. #vōs#, see #tū#. #vōtum, ī# [#voveō#], n., _a vow, wish, prayer_. #voveō, źre, vōvī, vōtus#, _to promise solemnly, vow, dedicate_. #dź--dźvoveō, źre, vōvī, vōtus#, _to consecrate, doom, devote_. #vōx, vōcis#, f., _voice, sound, tone_; _cry, call_; _saying, speech_. #vulgāris, e# [#vulgus#], adj., _commonplace, ordinary, vulgar_. #vulgō# [#vulgus#], adv., _commonly, popularly, generally_. #vulgus, ī#, n., _the masses, multitude, the common people_. #vulnerō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#vulnus#], _to wound, hurt, injure_. #vulnus, eris#, n., _a wound_; _blow, misfortune_. #vultur, uris#, m., _a vulture_. #vultus, ūs#, m., _the expression of the face, features, countenance_. #X# #Xanthippus, ī#, m., a Spartan general by whose aid the Carthaginians defeated Regulus in B.C. 255. #Xenophōn, ōntis#, m., _Xenophon_, an Athenian general and author, who lived about B.C. 440-350. #Xerxźs, is#, m., a king of Persia, defeated by the Greeks at Salamis B.C. 480. #Z# #Zama, ae#, f., a city in Numidia, near Carthage. #zōna, ae#, f., _a girdle, belt_; _money belt_. REFERENCES TO HARKNESS' COMPLETE LATIN GRAMMAR To accompany Arrowsmith and Knapp's Viri Romae Page Note 1 4 489 5 568 6 446, 2 2 7 429 8 639 10 476 18 622 3 2 649, II. 4 418 10 595 11 480 14 533, 4 15 532, 3 4 1 475 6 477, I. 12 598 5 3 590 6 205, 2 14 396, 2 20 633 6 1 646 16 615 7 7 600, II. 16 642 17 473, 2 20 565 8 5 462 9 6 568 10 2 430 6 429 9 570 15 417 18 471 12 1 417 5 605, I. 23 454 13 10 652, 1 14 13 568, 7 15 440, 1 and 2 15 3 484, 2 16 6 559, 1 17 4 427 11 451, 1 18 4 584 17 440, 3 19 15 424 20 11 603, 2 12 426 21 8 611, 1 14 473, 2 15 666, 2 23 8 467 24 9 478 12 565 25 6 433 7 483 27 3 489, 1 6 588, II. 16 430 28 7 457 9 425, 4, N. 13 484, 2 30 2 441 3 426, 2 31 1 592, 1 9 559, 1 11 576 33 2 454 13 426 34 2 426 35 2 489 6 497, 4 36 8 456 10 477, I. 18 476, 1 37 4 477, III. 38 1 497 and 1 12 567 39 4 595, 1 12 479 41 10 473, 3 42 5 399, 5 44 2 428, 3 47 12 579 and N. 48 4 481 5 499 49 4 83, 5 7 561, 2 51 6 626, 3 53 12 451, 2 54 8 473, 2, N. 1 9 416, 2 62 5 591, 4 9 565, 4 63 5 642, 4 66 4 556 67 4 448, 1 70 2 581, 1 72 8 592 73 5 591, 1 74 5 470, 1 75 10 456, 3 76 4 432 85 6 474, 2, N. 1 86 7 586, II. 87 7 587 90 2 535, 1 112 3 468 114 2 429 3 426, 1 4 434 6 378, 2 115 1 378 118 4 486 120 7 431 123 2 426, 2 7 440, 5 124 1 598 129 1 451, 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Harkness's New Latin Grammars =A COMPLETE LATIN GRAMMAR= Cloth-leather binding. 12mo, 464 pages =$1.25= =A SHORT LATIN GRAMMAR= Cloth-leather binding. 12mo, 254 pages =.80= By ALBERT HARKNESS, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor Emeritus in Brown University. These new text-books are the crowning triumph of a life-work which has made the name of their author familiar to classical scholars and teachers everywhere. They represent the latest advances in philological science, and embody the results of the author's large experience in teaching and of his own linguistic studies, together with the suggestions and advice of eminent German specialists in the field of Historical and Comparative Grammar. The peculiar qualities of simplicity, clearness, and adaptation of treatment to the practical needs of the student and of the class room,--qualities that have always characterized the Harkness Grammars,--have been preserved and even intensified in these new books. The Complete Latin Grammar is designed at once as a text-book for the class room and a book of reference for the student. It aims not only to present systematically for the benefit of the beginner the leading facts and laws of the Latin language, but also to provide accurately for the needs of the advanced student. The Short Latin Grammar is published for the benefit of those who prefer to begin with a more elementary manual, or those who do not contemplate a collegiate course. In the preparation of this work the convenience and interest of the student have been carefully consulted. The paradigms, rules, and discussions have in general been introduced in the exact form and language of the Complete Latin Grammar by which it may at any time be supplemented. The numbering of the sections in the two books is also alike. _Copies of the books will be sent, prepaid, to any address on receipt of the price by the Publishers_: =American Book Company= =New York · Cincinnati · Chicago= LATIN PROSE WRITING =With Full Introductory Notes On Idiom= By MAURICE W. 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As the book is not for beginners, the individual exercises have not been made vehicles for teaching any one or two constructions, but the authors have felt at liberty to introduce at any time even the more difficult constructions; indirect discourse, for instance, being taken up at the very beginning. While, in general, the vocabulary and the constructions for any exercise are supplied in the Latin text on which the given exercise is based, yet enough variation from the language of the model is required to give the pupil abundant practice in handling forms and constructions. By this means the pupil's power of observation is increased, his interest is quickened by the pleasure of discovery, and he will remember the word much better than if he found it ready at hand in a dictionary. A number of recent examination papers from various colleges have been inserted in the belief that they will be found useful for sight tests and occasional examinations. 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Sheep =$4.50= =AUTENRIETH'S HOMERIC DICTIONARY= Translated and Edited by ROBERT P. KEEP, Ph.D. New Edition. Revised by ISAAC FLAGG, Ph.D. 12mo, 312 pages. Illustrated. Cloth =$1.10= _Copies sent, prepaid, to any address on receipt of the price._ =American Book Company= =New York · Cincinnati · Chicago= * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Errors and Inconsistencies (noted by transcriber): _Main Text_ page 3: Rōmulus statim armātīs[3] pāstōribus [armātis] Footnote 2.18 ... See p. xviii, E 4, H 622 ... B 337, 7, 2. [E 4. H 622 ... B 337, 7, 2).] Footnote 3.4 ... B 182, 1, _a_; [B 182, 1, _a_);] Footnote 10.13: _sepeliō_ [_final . missing_] Footnote 18.13: Cf. p. 3, n. 2. [cf.] Footnote 18.14 ... quod in mente concźpī?_' [_close quote missing_] page 23: Incidit[10] dź uxōribus mentiō [de] Footnote 28.9: dat. of reference [dat of] page 29: nī faciat,[16] [faciāt] Footnote 29.16 ... vī (tź) abstraham [te] Footnote 39.4 ... H 595, 1 (504, 3, 2) [(504, 3, 2))] page 41 Inde Rōmam dź permūtandīs captīvīs [captīvis] page 48: nź Rōma opprimī posset [ne] Footnote 44.2 ... Cf. H 428, 3 (385, 4, 3): [(385, 4, 3))] page 63: deinde positīs ante vźstibulum dōnīs [vźstibulūm] Footnote 59.6: #haud piget#: sc. _mź_ [sc. _me_] page 72: vźnit ad eum līctor [ād] page 74: Cum aedem Honōris [aźdem] Footnote 85.1 ... #prīmum . . . triumphāvit# [primum] Footnote 85.6 ... (419, III, 1, 1) [(419, III, 1, 1))] page 88: sźriō dīxit Caesar mālle [māllź] page 96: [Illustration: CICERŌ] [CICERO] page 100 Sed Antōnius, initā cum Octāviānō societāte,[5] [Sźd] Footnote 98.17: 'conspicuous'; lit., 'shining.' [_first open quote missing_] page 106: aspidem[14] sibi adferendam cūrāvit [13] _Glossary_ #ad#, prep. with accus. ... (3) of purpose [_missing (3)_] #cōnfodiō#, see #fodiō#. [#cōnfodiō#.] #ad--addīcō, ere, dīxī, dictus# [addīcō, źre] #bis# [orig. #duis#; cf. #duo#], num. adv., _twice_. [_close parenthesis for bracket_] #Falernus# ... _a famous wine-growing district in Campania_. [_printed as shown, with anomalous italics_] #implōrō, āre, āvī, ātus# [āvī ātus] #integer, gra, grum# ... #integer, ā# [integer ā] #īrātus# [orig. part. of #īrāscor#] [orig part.] #per--perliciō, ere, lexī, lectus#, [_missing , after "lectus"_] #inquam# ... See #297#, II, 2: 144, _b_: _175_, 2. [_reference printed as shown_] #introeō#, see (1) #eō#. [_final . missing_] #latebra, ae#, [_missing , after "ae"_] #multō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#multa#], _to fine, punish_. [āre āvī] #per--permūtō, āre, āvī, ātus# [āre, āvi] #ōrdior, īrī, ōrsus sum#, _to begin_. [īrī ōrsus] #ad--adōrō, āre, āvī, ātus# [ad adōrō] #persuādeō#, see #suādeō#. [#persuādeō# see] #dź--dźcutiō, ere, cussī, cussus# [dź dźcutiō] #ex--źrumpō, ere, rūpī, ruptum#, [_missing , after "ruptum"_] #sōpiō, īre, īvī (iī), ītus# [īro, īvī] #spernō, ere, sprźvī, sprźtus# [spernō, źre] #superō, āre, āvī, ātus# [#superus#] [āre, āvi] #re--retrahō, ere, trāxī, trāctus#, [trāctus#.] #vindicō, āre, āvī, ātus# [āre, āvi] _References to Harkness_ 90 2 535, 1 [_missing 1_] _Advertising_ Format of prices (usually $4.50, sometimes $4 50) is unchanged. sight tests and occasional examinations. [_final . missing_] VOL. I--PROSE. ... Seneca Rhetor, Justinus [Rhetor. Justinus] [last page] _Copies sent ... on receipt of the price_. 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