The Project Gutenberg EBook of The American Missionary -- Volume 54, No.
4, October, 1900, by Various

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Title: The American Missionary -- Volume 54, No. 4, October, 1900

Author: Various

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[Pg i]

The American Missionary-Oct., Nov., Dec., 1900-Vol. LIV. No. 4






Price 50 Cents a Year in advance.
Entered at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., as Second-Class mail matter.

[Pg ii]



Annual Meeting145
Editorial Notes 147
Le Moyne Normal Institute 149
Reinforcements from Avery Institute155
What Our Graduates Do156
School Life in Porto Rico 157
Among the Indians 164
The Present Crisis in China, From the Standpoint of a Christian Chinese 169
Christian Endeavorers in the A. M. A. Churches and Schools 175
Obituary—Pres. E. M. Cravath, D.D. 177
Memorial Service at Fisk University 178
Woman's State Organizations 190
Secretaries of Young People's and Children's Work 192


American Missionary Association



October 23-25, 1900.

Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis, D.D., preaches Annual Sermon.

The AMERICAN MISSIONARY presents new form, fresh material and generous illustrations for 1900. This magazine is published by the American Missionary Association quarterly. Subscription rate fifty cents per year.

Many wonderful missionary developments in our own country during this stirring period of national enlargement are recorded in the columns of this magazine.

[Pg 145]

American Missionary

Vol. LIV. OCTOBER, 1900. No. 4.


The Association closed the year without debt and has a balance in the treasury of $1,601.90 for current work, not including the balance in Reserve Legacy Account for the periods when the receipts from legacies fall below the average on which the Committee makes its estimate of available receipts from this source for current work of the year.

We go to our Annual Meeting in Springfield, October 23d, with faith in the ability and devotion of those who sustain the work and with full courage and hopefulness for still greater results in the new year.



Springfield, Mass., is not only one of the most beautiful cities in New England, but is especially adapted for a great convention like the Fifty-fourth Annual gathering of the American Missionary Association. With cordial hospitality the members of the churches and citizens of Springfield have opened their homes and hearts to welcome the delegates, life members, officers and missionaries who gather for this meeting October 23-25th. State associations, local conferences and contributing churches are all entitled to delegate representation at this meeting. Each church should early select its delegates and send their names to the Chairman of the Entertainment Committee. The committee cannot promise to furnish entertainment for those whose applications are received after October 20th.

It seemed probable to the friends in Springfield that no church was large enough to hold the audiences which would gather for this meeting. The Court Square Theatre, which has the largest auditorium of any public building in the city, was therefore secured. Springfield is the centre of a large population gathered in other towns and villages as well as within its own municipal borders and easy connection is made through trolley lines or railroads.

[Pg 146]


Rev. Philip S. Moxom, D.D., is Chairman of the General Committee. Mr. Charles D. Reid, 255 Main Street, is Chairman of the Committee on Transportation. Mr. Clarence E. Blake, 11 Dartmouth Street, is Chairman of the Entertainment Committee. Rev. Newton M. Hall is Chairman of the Press and Printing Committee. Mr. Charles A. Royce is Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements.

Those desiring information will receive it by writing to a chairman of the proper committee given above.


Reduced fares amounting to one and one-third of the full fare have been arranged on the certificate plan. When purchasing a ticket a certificate must be received from the selling ticket agent and when presented at the Annual Meeting will secure the reduced rate in the return fare.


Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis, D.D., of New York, will preach the Annual Sermon Tuesday evening, October 23d. The program has been prepared to cover not only the reports of the work of the American Missionary Association but also to provide for the discussion of large and fundamental problems. Prominent clergymen and laymen of our own denomination will be present. There will also be represented on the platform societies and institutions working along the same line in cordial and hearty Christian sympathy. This will add greatly to the interest of the meeting and to the scope of discussions. Thus the Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting will present a platform and not an organ.

Jubilee Singers.

A band of Jubilee Singers from Fisk University, Tenn., will be present and add greatly to the sessions by their quaint and pathetic music. This is always an interesting feature of the American Missionary Association convention appreciated by all.

Industrial Exhibit.

An industrial exhibit containing samples of the work in representative Association schools will present an object lesson of this work. This exhibit will be in the chapel of the First Congregational Church near by the place of meetings.


The most interesting feature of the meeting, however, will doubtless be the messages that come from the missionaries, a large number of whom will be present. These men and women are on the advanced line in this great movement for many races, including millions of peoples who especially need the influence and power of an intelligent Gospel. Among these missionaries will be representatives of different races. Porto Rico, the[Pg 147] new field entered a year ago, will be represented by a missionary whose work has been especially valuable.


A special number of the Springfield Union will be issued containing a full verbatim report of the various sessions. This will be sent to ministers so as to reach them, if possible, Saturday morning, October 27th. Pastors desiring to present the work of this Association to their people will find this extra of great value.

In the scope of the discussions, the ability and variety of speakers, the interesting and accessible places of note in and around the city of meeting, and the great interest now taken in the problems which the American Missionary Association is seeking to solve, the Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting promises to be a large and even epoch-marking convention.

President Cravath.

The death of President Erastus M. Cravath removes from the counsel and service of the American Missionary Association one of its most prominent and successful missionaries. Few men have so largely affected the life of the nation through educational lines as has President Cravath. After some years of service in the office of the Association he became President of Fisk University, and has brought that institution to the foremost rank in the intellectual and moral development of the Negroes of this country. An extended obituary notice is given on other pages of this magazine. Here, the writer, having had close personal association with President Cravath for many years, desires to bear his testimony with earnest and loving emphasis to the large and strong character of the man, and his single and unwavering purpose to accomplish the largest and best service possible for those to whom he gave his ministry in unstinted measure. No one can fill his place, for it was not only large but unique. He was a leader who came to the front in the most trying period in the history of the Negroes, and he led them with soundest judgment as well as heroic fortitude. These people have lost not only a friend, but a steady and strong guide.

Chinese Gifts.

The work of the American Missionary Association among the Chinese in America is illustrated in the financial statement of the American Board. Rev. Jee Gam, who has charge of the work among his fellow Chinamen in San Francisco, has just sent a check of one hundred dollars to the[Pg 148] American Board for the North China Christian Relief Fund. This money was all contributed by members of the Chinese churches on the Pacific Slope. Other contributions are promised. No one can doubt that a large element in the evangelization of China must be the Chinese of America.

Congregational Associations Among the Highlands.

The Cumberland Valley Association of Congregational Churches met in Jellico, Tenn., September 14th. The churches of the association were generally represented. Churches of other denominations at Jellico welcomed the meeting of the association and cordially entertained the delegates. The increase in the population of Jellico and the surrounding districts has greatly emphasized the importance of our work in that region.

The Cumberland Plateau Association of Congregational Churches and Sunday schools met with the church at Grand View, Tenn., September 26-27th. The meeting was one of unusual interest. The work on the Plateau, as represented in the reports from the churches, was on the whole encouraging.

Interesting Convention.

An interesting convention of colored men was held in Boston, August 23d-24th. This convention, known as the Negro Business Men's Conference, was a meeting of great importance and interest. Principal Booker T. Washington and other prominent colored men were present, and large attention was given to the consideration of the Negroes in the business world, their place and opportunities. The topics covered a large field bearing upon the self-support and business opportunities and responsibilities of the Negroes. The gathering was largely representative from different parts of the country, and the discussions were able and comprehensive. A permanent organization was formed to be known as a business league, the purpose of which is to promote and develop business methods and to create larger confidence on the part of the Negroes themselves in their own ability. As a whole the convention was very encouraging and hopeful.


Several friends have sent contributions to this office to help those who have suffered from the terrible storm in Galveston and the interior of Texas. These gifts have been forwarded to a missionary pastor near Galveston and will be wisely administered.

[Pg 149]



The school bears the honored name of one who, in the long years of the anti-slavery agitation, was known as an uncompromising friend of human freedom. It stands, with its nearly thirty years of successful work, a most fitting memorial of his life and labors for humanity. A personal friend and an associate of Dr. Strieby of sacred memory, in the anti-slavery crusade, Dr. F. Julius Le Moyne, of Washington, Pa., seeing the great need of education and practical training for the freed people of the South and anticipating a bequest made in his will, advanced to the American Missionary Association some twenty thousand dollars for the establishment of the school at Memphis.


The school building and a "Home" for the workers, made necessary by the needs of the work and the adverse feeling toward teachers of colored schools, were erected and the school was opened in October, 1871. From that time till now the American Missionary Association has had charge of this school.

It was the wish of Dr. Le Moyne that the work of the school should be prosecuted along the most practical lines, to meet the more pressing demands of an untrained race, and to this end he stipulated that the so-called "dead languages" should form no part of its course of study, and that it should be adapted to the relief of the most pressing wrongs and needs of the colored people in the struggle for life to which emancipation had brought them. His wishes have been respected and the school has remained distinctively an English school, with as great attention to industrial training as time and means would allow.

The growth of the school, in all that counts to strengthen and confirm its influence and usefulness, has been steady and uninterrupted from the beginning, with its attendance of 250 pupils of low[Pg 150] grades, to the present year, with an enrollment of over 700, distributed through its twelve years of study and training, over 200 of whom are in the Normal Department fitting for the work of teaching.


The first class of two was graduated in 1876; since that over two hundred young people have received the diploma of the school, most of whom are living useful, self-respecting lives in the many communities where they have found homes.

To meet the needs of this constant growth the buildings have been enlarged repeatedly and a separate building for manual training, woodworking, printing, etc., has been erected.

Probably the most apparent work accomplished by the school has been the training of teachers for the public schools, hundreds of whom have gone out from our training and are now doing good work in Tennessee and the adjoining States of Arkansas and Mississippi.

Under the direction of the same principal for all but the first two years of its existence, the school has become the centre of many lines of influence extending in many directions and affecting many interests among the people. A library of some three thousand volumes has been gathered and has proved of great value to the students and to the community. Nothing else so directly and surely acts to train[Pg 151] to thoughtful and self-respecting lives as an acquaintance with the literature of the English language and with the personalities of the great minds who have produced it.

One of the cherished purposes of the school is to fit up a number of "traveling libraries," each of a score or so of volumes, carefully selected to place at the disposal, in routine order, of graduates of the school teaching in country communities.

The public school teachers (colored) of the county have for years held monthly meetings at Le Moyne Institute, and for the past year have received regular instruction in the teaching of vocal music from the director of music of the school.


The Alumni Association is an active and influential organization which acts with the institution in many ways, carrying on a course of lectures each term by prominent men of the community and assisting materially by the contribution of money for its Industrial work. At the present time this association has in hand a fund of over $200, to be used in this way, while, at the same time, it is purchasing a new piano for use in the Music Department. Few of our schools have more loyal supporters among their graduates than Le Moyne. Coherence and co-operation in racial interests are quite lacking and much needed among the colored people, such co-operation as is best illustrated by the Texas movement, described by the Hon. R. L. Smith, of Oakland, Texas, in a recent issue of The Independent. Such work as has been done at Oakland is, in many places, quietly being set on foot, with varying degrees of success, by students and associations of students, who had their training in schools of the American Missionary Association. The immediate aim and end of all our work is the social betterment of the people, and in the end its efficiency will be measured according as it succeeds or fails in this respect.

[Pg 152]

The history of education in America, written largely during the past thirty years, has few features of wider interest or deeper meaning than the establishment and remarkable development of the "mission schools" among the colored people of the South since their emancipation. The spelling-book followed hard by the teachings of the Bible, constituted the course of instruction at the beginning; this simple beginning has developed into a great system of training and instruction that exemplifies the latest and best methods of education and of school administration known anywhere, from the kindergarten through the common school branches, with manual or industrial training, to the normal school and college. These ideas and methods have very generally been extended and adopted into the common public schools and the higher state institutions, mostly taught and managed by graduates of the mission schools.


All this growth of educational institutions and facilities would have been impossible except that along with it and acting as the underlying cause of and reason for it, there has gone a corresponding development of individuals of the race and of the race collectively, for whose uplifting it has most providentially been brought into existence.

The illustration entitled "Children's Children," accompanying this article, shows a class of children whose grandparents, direct from slavery, began with awkward, faltering steps to tread the "hidden paths of knowledge," and whose parents in their turn were graduated from the Normal department of Le Moyne School.

These grandchildren, one of whom in May, 1900, received from the hands of the principal the same diploma that, more than twenty years before, had been handed her mother, stand a proof positive,[Pg 153] that may be read by those who run, of individual and racial development, not to be gainsaid or doubted. They possess a mental horizon far wider and more luminous than that of their grandparents, direct from bondage, and they are responsive to influences and emotions to which both parents and grandparents were strangers.

These "children's children," and there are thousands of them throughout the South, stand now as the hope and promise of the race. They represent practically a new race, with new and higher ideals and aims than their parents or grandparents could know. These ideals are not only those of a wider intellectual life, they reach out to the home, to industrial occupations and up to a purer, more practical form of worship as expressive of the religious life.

If you would come at the fountain and source of this purer, broader, safer life, in all these walks of life, come with me and look through the various departments of Le Moyne Institute, or any one of a large number of similar schools of the American Missionary Association, founded and supported chiefly by the benevolent people of the North. In the line of intellectual awakening a glimpse into classes in history, in literature, science and mathematics, backed up by the influence coming from personal association with trained, Christian instructors, and you will not fail to recognize the means, entirely adequate to produce the result in question before you.

Would you lay your hand on the springs that have transformed the home, step with me to the sewing-room where, month after month and year after year, the children are trained in needlework, in the cutting, fitting and making of the wearing apparel that the home must provide; into the experimental kitchen where every girl at the proper stage of her training is taught the value of various foods and has practice in preparing them, where in fact all that pertains to the administration of the household is carefully studied and practiced under the direction of a skillful instructor.

The well-equipped woodworking shop, with its orderly benches and its system of drafting, of joining and of general construction, is giving the boy the best use of his hands and placing within his reach the power to build his own house and keep it in repair, or to go on to the mastery of a useful trade and through it to the securing of a means of livelihood. The printing office, too, gives yet another line of hand training and at the same time of intellectual accuracy in other directions and studies.

For the special Normal training of teachers the practice of teaching in the lower grades and classes under the supervision of a regular critic teacher, is carried through the greater part of the[Pg 154] senior year, after the study of psychology has been mastered and the principles of school management have been taught.

And, finally, throughout the course the Bible, with its hopes and promises, its warnings and denunciations of evil conduct, is constantly taught and its sanctions utilized in the formation and strengthening of character, and in most cases it is found powerful in leading to the choice of the Christian life.

Thus is the work of Le Moyne Institute summarized, and such would it be found any day in the year. Its teachers, in their life as a family, in the teachers' home, comprise a "social settlement" that was in successful operation years before the name came to have any significance among the forces working for the social uplifting of the poor and the outcast of society.


One other feature is worthy of mention with the work at Memphis, that is, the cordial and mutually helpful relations existing between the church and the school. They supplement, each, the work of the other, and pastor and teachers plan and work together for the same end, the general betterment of all the people.

Finally, Le Moyne school has from the first been fortunate in gaining and holding the respect and esteem of the best, most thoughtful white people of Memphis, and of many other communities from which our students have come and back into which they have again returned, to act as regulating, renewing agencies among the people. Surely the workers in the field should not be slow nor timid in asking for the means to carry forward and to make more effective such a work as this. It is not a losing battle we wage. Every heart and life that has come into near and vital contact with the work has been itself quickened and inspired by a service so effective and life-giving. It is the old story ever repeated—"He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless return again, bearing his sheaves with him."

[Pg 155]


From Avery Normal Institute, Charleston, S. C., twenty-three young men and women have entered upon the active responsibilities of life, having been graduated from that institution. This constitutes a valuable body of reinforcements to the work which the American Missionary Association is doing in that State for the educational and moral uplifting of the people. The heroism involved in securing their education, both on the part of the pupils and their parents, is emphasized in the record of the facts.

Nearly all of this interesting class are residents in the city, but from one of the islands we had one young lady, and two came from the country. In this band of twenty-three is represented every phase of city life, also the life on the islands and on the plantations.

A few came from homes of comparative comfort and represent the better phase of social life in the city; their parents know nothing personally of the old system of ante bellum days. Others are children of freedmen, who knew in younger years all the bitterness of bondage. Representatives of such families are diminishing in numbers year by year as the events of the war are being removed farther into history. One of these graduates is the daughter of a government official, the lighthouse keeper on Morris Island, where he has proved his fidelity by long years of continuous service.

To nearly every one commencement day has been the goal of their ambition for many years, while to the parents the keeping of the daughter or the son to the end of the course has been a severe struggle, demanding many sacrifices, which have been endured in the hope or resolve to see their children have a better chance in the start in life than was ever offered the parent.

Twenty of the class are faithful members of some evangelical church, and have proved the sincerity of their profession by consistent, Christian lives while in school.

Two of the men and as many of the young women planned to continue their studies. These have taken the preparatory course along with the normal in the hope that some way might be offered for a continuance of study in one of the American Missionary Association colleges, but stern necessity compels nearly all to enter at once the ranks of wage-earners, and they must-seek positions as teachers or in some other line of employment.

Several have won high standing as scholars and would distinguish themselves if they had the opportunity for continued study. One has already begun his course in pharmacy, and others are at some chosen line of more or less skilled labor.

[Pg 156]

The commencement exercises here, as everywhere, were full of interest and attracted an immense crowd. All who appeared before the public acquitted themselves well, and the commencement of 1900 passed into history as one of the most successful the Institute has known. Thus we sow beside all waters; what shall the harvest be?



The case of Rev. James A. Herod, of Abbeville, La., is very interesting. He came from Arkansas to New Orleans to enter Straight University. He had been told that he could obtain an education there at very moderate cost by working for the institution. When he arrived he inquired for "the boss," being ignorant of the proper appellation of the head of the school. He was admitted as a student and remained long enough to complete the normal course and also the English course in theology.

As a student Mr. Herod was not brilliant, but he was faithful. He had excellent common sense and great moral power. His influence over his fellow-students was strong and helpful. He won the admiration and respect of all. We all predicted success for him as he went out from the University to take up his life-work.

Mr. Herod became pastor of the Congregational Church at Abbeville. It was then at a very low ebb. He was also made Principal of the public school of the city. He has labored untiringly and with rare devotion and his success has been very marked.

The writer had the privilege of visiting Mr. Herod in his field. He found him pastor of a flourishing church with a comfortable church edifice and occupying a very nice parsonage. He met the Mayor of the city, the Superintendent of Schools and several of the representative white citizens, with whom he had conversations relating to Mr. Herod's work. These men bore willing testimony to its importance and value. They affirmed that he had built up his church and had done very much to elevate the colored people, that he had won the love and esteem of his race and also the confidence and respect of the best white people. Mr. Herod practises thrift; has a bank account and teaches the people economy and business honor.

The white people treat him with courtesy and show their appreciation of his work in many ways. There is now a very kindly feeling between the two races, largely owing to the efforts of this devoted man. There is very much to encourage in this case. There are other graduates who are doing a similar work.

[Pg 157]



I was sitting in my room at the hotel at Lares, tired out after two days on pony-back, my first trip into the mountains of the interior, and my first experience on horseback. My long ride and consequent fatigue, my position, far from home, family and friends, in a new region where language, food, customs, all were strange, made me feel most lonesome. Only a good night's sleep could ward off a threatened attack of home-sickness, a longing to see the land and hear the language "that God made," as the boys in blue express it.

Suddenly a new sound aroused me, drew me to the porch, and brought a relief which only travelers who have been far from the homeland can realize. Four young girls on the next porch, scarcely visible in the gathering darkness, were singing:

"Mee condree, teez os tee,
Shweet land of lee-bertee,
Os tee we zeeng.
Land where mee fathers died.
Land os tee peel-greem's pride,
From ef ree mountain side
Let freedom reeng."

No one saw the tears that came or knew about the restful feeling which followed me into dreamland. I had not left my country. Its spirit, its love of liberty, the happy "songs in the night" which it had put into the mouths of its sons and daughters, had preceded me.

Every night during my stay in Lares, the four girls, one of them a daughter of the alcalde, or mayor, who made me understand that they had learned this song from their teacher, sang America for "el Americano," whose coming and talk about a possible school had made such a stir in their beautiful village.

When we opened an American Missionary Association school in Santurce and later in Lares, was it strange that America was the first song taught to the children? How quickly they learned it and how they sang it, with a spirit and enjoyment which I have rarely seen equaled. Then followed: "Rally Round the Flag," "The Star Spangled Banner," and "Marching through Georgia." They were the best means of instilling the spirit of patriotism and most effective agencies in training the pupils to keep together and follow a leader.

[Pg 158]

One day I heard several Porto Ricans singing with such spirit and earnestness a strange, rather weird melody; they told me it was "Borinquen," their national song extolling the beauties of their island home—called Borinquen by the original inhabitants. When I proposed in school one day, after singing America, that we would try Borinquen, if one of the older young ladies would lead us, the quiet that came over the school, the brightening of faces and air of expectancy, removed all possible doubt about their love of their island. After that America and Borinquen usually came together. Every Porto Rican and Spaniard learned to sing America.


But the songs we sang impressed on these music-loving boys and girls thoughts other than those of love of country. Within a month after opening most children could sing "Jesus Loves Me," and the little primary children rarely failed to ask for this when given a choice. Later came "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and other religious songs. When they afterward heard from the Bible, read in Spanish and in English, the story of Jesus taking the children into his arms, the song had prepared for the story and the story made the song mean more. Nearly all learned to say, in Spanish or English or both: "Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

[Pg 159]

So the songs opened the way for Bible stories and Bible verses. The little first grade children studied about Abraham, and the others learned about David as a boy, a shepherd, a servant in the king's palace, a fugitive from Saul and as being King of Israel. Nearly all learned the Twenty-third Psalm and several of the Beatitudes.

We were afraid the parents might object to the religious songs and Bible stories and withdraw the pupils from the school. But they did not, not one, so far as we knew. Several told me that they wanted their children not merely to learn to read and to become intelligent Americans, but that they wanted them to grow up as good men and women and were glad to have them taught these things. During the last two months some time was given nearly every day, in each room, to Bible stories or Bible study.


We soon found that our Porto Rican boys and girls know very little about study or attention or self-control and obedience. In most homes they do much as they please. In school they had been accustomed to studying out loud, to learning by heart without understanding, to reciting in concert, and to talking as much as they pleased. They are quick-tempered and apt to fly into a passion. They lack greatly in perseverance or "stick-to-it-iveness."

The schoolroom was a noisy, distracting place for a time; the playground was the scene of frequent uproars and even fights. They[Pg 160] seemed to have no idea of playing together or following a leader or of organizing and keeping up games.

But they were kindly and friendly in spirit and most courteous and polite, much more so than most American children in similar schools. They certainly appreciated warmly what we were doing for them and were most anxious to do as the children do in American schools. They lacked the life and tendency to mischief of American children. After a few weeks there was little trouble about discipline or order, and they learned to control themselves better and to pay better attention. It took months to break the habit of studying aloud, and will take years to instil habits of perseverance and self-reliance.

The most helpful means of training in attention, instant obedience and self-control were the daily calisthenic exercises, which they all enjoyed and entered into with spirit.

Space permits only hasty reference to other lessons taught without books in our school, lessons in self-respect. Every child was expected to pay a small tuition, in money or labor, only a peseta, equivalent to twelve American cents, a week, but enough to inculcate the feeling that they were paying for what they got. At first it was hard to get the money. They had to be reminded again and again, but week by week they became more regular and seemed to take more pride in handing the teacher each Tuesday morning their silver coin. Much to our surprise there was, toward the last, very little delay or difficulty in getting the tuition.

In the Santurce school a sewing-class was organized to give fifteen very poor girls, all colored, an opportunity to "earn their tuition,"—as we told them—by sewing for us an hour or two every Saturday. Most of them had rarely handled a needle. They did not make many garments, but they learned considerable about sewing, were as regular as clockwork every Saturday morning, and appreciated better the education which they thus earned. Wasn't this better than some book lessons?

Another lesson in self-respect came from the idea—which the children gained without a word from us—that those who attended the American school must be clean and must have clothes and shoes and stockings. At least half of the children at the Santurce school came from the poorer classes, most of them from the shack district. A walk through this section would show most of the children under seven absolutely naked, and nine-tenths of the parents and older children barefooted, the girls and women bareheaded, with only indispensable clothing, often ragged and dirty. A glance into our schoolrooms or at the company trooping out at noon or at four o'clock showed only[Pg 161] children with shoes and stockings, as neatly dressed, as clean as those coming from any school in the States. The dirty or ragged or barefooted would not come. Before or after school, or on Saturdays or Sundays, some of them could scarcely be recognized in their home-clothes. The good clothes and the shoes were often worn only at school and at the fiestas or on holidays.

How many times, looking up absent children, we found that they were away because of dirty clothes, or because the one good suit was being washed, or because shoes were worn out. Frequently we furnished them with shoes or clothes, trying to devise some way by which they could work for them, earn them. This education in neatness and self-respect was not book education, but it was more valuable than much learned from books.


During the school-year our two hundred and fifty school children needed and used at least twice as much clothing as in any similar previous period of their lives. Does not that show how education and Christianity increase needs and develop business and commerce?

But we have been talking about schools and pupils with scarcely a word about books or classes. We had them, much as in American schools. At first, with children who spoke and understood only Spanish and teachers who knew little Spanish, there were great[Pg 162] difficulties and progress was slow. The book and class-work were not as interesting or encouraging as some of the other lessons I have told about.

The children were quick and "picked up" English rapidly. When words would not serve they could talk with hands and head and shoulders and whole body, much better than can American children. They were patient and had good memories, but found it hard to think. I judge that they had rarely been expected or taught to think for themselves. Arithmetic was hard for them. Reading in Spanish—where each letter, vowel or consonant has, in general, but one sound and there are no silent letters—was very easy. But reading and spelling in English—where they could not know what sound to give to a letter, and what letters had no sound—was most trying. However, they did, even in reading English, as well as we had any right to expect.


Were there no discouragements? Hosts of them. But the encouragements were so much greater. It was hard to get them to study. Sometimes it seemed that they would never learn to think. The noises of the street, the curious crowds about the doors, the dogs which would insist on making themselves at home in the schoolroom, were trying. It was warm all winter—how odd that word sounded to[Pg 163] us!—between 85 and 90 degrees on Christmas day. But most trying and discouraging of all was the irregular attendance, day after day, one-fifth, one-quarter, even one-third absent. There was much sickness. During February and March grip and "catarros" or colds kept many away. But much of the absence was due to carelessness, the almost weekly "fiestas" or church feasts or holidays, the errands to San Juan, the lack of clothing, the fear of rain, anything, everything and nothing. And yet they were deeply interested in the school, and parents had sacrificed much to send their boys and girls to school and were anxious for them to get an education. But the lower classes have not learned to do anything regularly or in order. They attend school as they eat, work and sleep—as they live. This condition calls for another lesson, outside of the books, a hard, slow lesson which the schools must teach.

Did the American Missionary Association schools pay? Did we feel rewarded for some sacrifices and privations? At Santurce a colored mother came in just before we left the house for the boat to the States to thank us for what we had done for her three girls. Her face and eyes told more than her Spanish tongue could convey to us. At Lares the whole afternoon and evening before our teachers left there was a constant stream of children and mothers and sisters and fathers, Spanish, many or most of them, coming to say good-bye, to thank the teachers, the Misses Blowers, Blinka and French, for what they had done; to beg them, many with tears running down their cheeks, to come back to them in the fall.

And yet we have only begun to plow the ground and to sow the seed. What will the harvest be? Only He can tell for whom the sowing is done and who alone giveth the increase.

As this magazine goes to press our missionaries are leaving for the work of the new year in Porto Rico. During the summer they have been busy among churches, Sunday-schools and Endeavor Societies seeking to stimulate a larger interest for the wonderful work opening in this island territory. An extensive campaign has been carried on throughout Ohio and Michigan by Prof. Scott and Rev. Mr. Edwards. In the East, Miss Blowers has told the story of the needs and possibilities of the Porto Rican children. We appreciate the cordial interest manifested in this work. These missions need reinforcement by the increase of the number in teachers and evangelists. There should be buildings erected for the schools and chapels at different points. New fields should be occupied in the near future. The work demands a large place in the interest and contributions of our Sunday-schools and Endeavor Societies as well as our churches.

[Pg 164]


Missionary Work in Out-Stations.


In some of our Indian mission fields the name out-station is a misnomer. It is especially so on the Standing Rock Reservation where there has never been a mission boarding-school to make prominent a central station. Ten years ago all of the 3,700 Indians came to the agency every two weeks for their rations of meat, flour, etc. For four or five days, including Sunday, they all camped in a radius of five miles. Here was a fine opportunity for religious work. Here naturally was built the first chapel which was the home of the first church organization though the original members lived in South Dakota, 32 miles from their chapel, which was in North Dakota.


But to-day the out-station is emphatically the in-station, in the heart of the various Indian communities; for four sub issue stations have been established, and with few exceptions the people are compelled to travel not over twenty-five miles to get their bi-weekly rations. There is no good reason why they should be away from home more than two days for this purpose. This arrangement has given great prominence to the so-called out-station—which is in charge of a native preacher and his wife, both of like importance in the work, in the heart of an Indian community, letting its light shine every day in the year. The people are becoming more and more scattered, making the day-school well nigh an impossibility and greatly diminishing the attendance at all but Sunday religious meetings.


It is no uncommon thing to find a family with no neighbor within a mile. They have found it easier to haul a few loads of wood in[Pg 165] winter than many loads of hay 10 to 15 miles in summer. They are living out where they can find a good range and plenty of hay for their cattle.

In the day of villages the native preacher having his people closely about him could have a well-attended school, where parents and children learned to read the Word of God in their own language, through the long evenings of the winter months.


The compulsory attendance of all the children from 6 to 18 years of age in school, mostly in boarding-schools, has closed the mission day-school, and the native worker has become preacher and pastor and no longer a school teacher. Ten years ago the work of our native workers could be closely planned by the white missionary, but to-day he must plan his own work largely to fit ever changing conditions, and learn to make each day count most for Christ. These men must be men of fidelity, men who have been trained in our Oahe or Santee schools, men who have a much larger knowledge of the Bible than their fellows. There have never been half enough of such for the work.

David Many Bulls, one of the best men we ever had, never went to school a year in his life, but he was an exception in his successful work. He was stationed 70 miles from a white missionary. Well do I remember the starting of this out-station.

It was an out-station, away out from anywhere, but the few people there were urgent for a teacher, and promised to help all they could and furnish logs for a meeting-house. I travelled over 600 miles back and forth before we had a house for the preacher and his family. At first he lived in a tent, and in November it was cold. In the change from one community to another he was cheated out of his beef issues for a month. He suffered this with other wrongs rather than make complaint which might make enemies for his new work. Few attended his school and religious services even on Sunday, but he never lost heart. When his little babe was sick, and all[Pg 166] his people were away for weeks, though sorely tempted to go back down the river 70 miles to his relatives, he stuck to his post, and when the little one died took this long journey for its burial and in a week was back at his work.

Though not strong physically, he seldom failed to travel the 100 miles round trips with his people when they went for rations in the cold of winter, and these, with his rides in house-to-house visitations, hastened his death after one year of most faithful and arduous work. Five men in succession have followed him, tried to do the work and given it up as too hard. And it is hard, for the people have done little in six years to help themselves.

An out-station work of 15 years' growth has been more hopeful, and last year resulted in a church organization, and this year the people have voted to pay in part the salary of their pastor whom they have chosen for a year. There have been few changes in native workers at this place and this fact has been a hopeful factor in the good results.


In proportion to its membership their women's society has led all others in its contributions. When they wanted a nice bell the people raised two-thirds of its cost. When they built their chapel, they raised two-fifths of its cost. When they wanted pews for it they paid two-thirds of their cost. They were the first to build a good cemetery fence, the first to enclose their chapel with a substantial fence. One of their number placed in the edifice a fine memorial window. From their number have been chosen most of the native workers for other out-stations.

The Little Oak Creek people have set the pace in helping themselves. I enclose a picture of their Messiah Chapel and congregation.

The out-station work among the Cannon Ball people began in 1891, after the ghost dance trouble, and has had to contend with the baleful influence of the Indian dance.

[Pg 167]


For two years the native worker lived in a hired house, where all the meetings were held and the house was generally crowded. Not 200 feet away was a big dance-house, crowded every Saturday till late in the night. This was the time given by the native worker and a few trusty followers for most attractive praise services. The tired dancers, a few at a time, would drop into the meeting for a half hour. Again the dance would attract nearly all from the meeting. The result fully justified the bold experiment, for in a year the dance-house was torn down and has never been replaced. This people have been a long time in beginning to help themselves, but in the last few years have given well to missions and this year are enlarging their small chapel at a cost of over $400, more than half of which they have given. A picture of this with congregation is enclosed. With this people the mid-week prayer-meeting has been the prominent feature, many coming over six miles to attend. Here most have learned to read the Dakota Bible, by studying in their own homes with the aid of the native preacher or others who could read, and good work has been done in Bible study. A picture of the meeting-house and congregation at our youngest out-station shows[Pg 168] the long dirt-roofed log-house which the people hope to replace with a chapel, having in hand nearly $100. In such a house, not always so good, have we begun every out-station.


Only as a worker could be spared from another out-station has work been done here. In this community the dancers are the ruling element, though in a quarter of a mile of a large day-school and sub-issue station. This month we begin with a man in charge of the work. In the last two years sixteen of these dancers have come into church membership. Nowhere else does our work come into such close conflict with heathen practices. But sickness and death of many children have made tender the hearts of heathen parents and opened the way for the bearer of words of true comfort.


One good thing about the out-station is that it is portable. It is not expensive. When the Indians move away, it can easily follow them. But we all are grateful that we have not yet been compelled to test this qualification. We are striving towards growth and enlargement and permanency. The success of out station work depends so largely upon the native worker, his tact, his Bible knowledge, his spirituality, that in pushing out-station work we must never be unmindful of the mission boarding-school where he must be trained. There should be one on every reservation where we are doing work.

This is our crying need to-day—men to man these out-stations, men who will know more than the children when they return home from the government boarding-schools; men who have been prepared by years of religious training in mission schools to stand firmly against heathen practices and to teach their people wisdom and righteousness in the humble out-station.

[Pg 169]



Ever since the Boxer outbreak, I have been repeatedly asked by friends far and near to express my opinion of the matter. I have kept silent for a long time, but still the requests come, and I feel constrained to endeavor to set forth some of the facts which caused the uprising and which resulted in the massacre of so many missionaries and other foreigners, and thousands of Chinese Christians. Those who have survived the massacre are destitute and homeless. Our hearts ache with sorrow for the occurrence of these outrages. We know of no words that are adequate to express our horror at them. Every instigator of these cruel wrongs should be severely punished in proportion to the enormity of his crimes and by this means make them a lasting warning to the people.

As to most of the poor, ignorant people who perpetrated the crimes, they are more sinned against than sinning. They are ignorant. They have been deceived by the lies of men who knew they were lying, and who thus sent them into the work of the mob and into battle with the Westerners, to be—thousands of them—slaughtered and tortured, while the real criminals stayed in the rear. To the relatives and friends of those missionaries and other foreigners, together with the many Christians who were massacred, we extend our heartfelt sympathy, and we cannot but rejoice to say that all these martyrs are happy with their Lord in Heaven to-day. We also rejoice to know that the blood of the martyrs will become the seed of the Church.

The Christian Chinese in San Francisco, and many in other cities of the United States, have held meetings every Tuesday evening, from 9:30 to 10:30 o'clock, to pray for China. Moreover, they have given many liberal contributions to relieve the suffering Christians in North China.

The cause of the trouble: The Chinese claimed that they had many good reasons for this uprising. It has often been charged by many non-Christian people in California that the missionaries were to blame for the present outbreak. I think this is unjust. I believe they are truly good men and have the good of China at heart. They have wrought a wonderful work. In fact, whatever China has accomplished is due to the preaching and teaching of these faithful missionaries. It is true that Romish missions have sometimes become political machines. Men have joined the Romish Church, and even whole villages have turned their ancestral halls into Romish[Pg 170] chapels in order to further their causes in the courts through the influence of French consuls.

I can give you many incidents of this character, but one is sufficient. Several of the Congregational and Presbyterian Christians in the village of Lung How Lee, of the Hoy Ping District, not far from Canton, had a piece of land there and were building a free schoolhouse, which was almost completed, when the enemies of the Mission rose and destroyed the building; worse than this, several of the rioters met and outraged a girl relative of one of the Christians. This girl, because of her disgrace, committed suicide by hanging. The Christians had the perpetrators before the District Magistrate, who was about to punish them; when suddenly all their relatives, together with the accomplices, about seventy in number, went to Canton and joined the Catholic Church. They then got their priests and the French Consul to plead for their imprisoned relatives before the Chinese Governor. The result was that every one of the culprits was released and the cases dismissed. These infamous criminals, as soon as they were set at liberty, committed further outrages; they attacked the Christians, drove them from their homes and village, and plundered all they had. All these crimes were committed before the eyes of the Catholic priests. How could they tolerate such detestable acts. It makes our blood boil to see such outrages. We are at a loss to understand why the Catholic priests admitted such people to their churches, and why the French Consul so blindly used his influence to liberate such criminals. These things have not only occurred repeatedly in the Kwong Tung Province of South China, but also throughout the whole Empire. The Catholic people have not only wronged the Christians, but also the non-Christians, and thus a strong sentiment is created against them.

Whenever there is a chance to pay back, these people will inflict a heavy blow. In fact, these Catholics have already suffered the consequences of their wrong-doing; this is why there were so many more Catholics massacred than Protestants in the recent uprising.

But why should the people have killed the Christians at all? Well, in a time of anti-foreign uprising the people are easily misled. The rioter, and those anxious to plunder would surely say: "The Christians are just the same as the Catholics," so they killed them to effect robbery.

It is also true that the missionaries, especially those of Catholic faith, have often been, by ignorant people, charged with decoying children into their missionary compound and then killing them in order to gouge their eyes out and secure their hearts from which to[Pg 171] make medicines. And again, we have heard silly rumors like these: The foreigners send their missionaries to China to first win the hearts of the people, and then come with armies to take China for their own. All these different rumors have had their origin in Buddhist and Taoist priests, who have shown most bitter jealousy toward Christianity and missionaries.

While these absurd rumors have done a great deal of mischief by inciting the people in the recent outbreak, they are very insignificant when compared with the bitter feeling aroused by the greedy grabbing of Chinese territory by the different Powers. All praise to the United States, for she is the only nation that does not covet Chinese territory. The other Powers are all eager and are doing their utmost to have China partitioned, so that they may each seize upon the territory they covet. In fact Russia had already taken Port Arthur, Newchang and other important places, and had practically taken in possession the whole of Shen King Province and Manchuria, and still they want the Pechili Province.

Germany had taken Kiachau and a large strip of valuable land from the Shan Tung Province, and now she wants more; she wants that whole Province, and God alone knows what else she is after.

Great Britain took Hong Kong and then Wei-hai-wei, and lately grabbed Kowloon and for some time past her covetous eye has been firmly fixed on the Yangtse valley.

France made seizure of Anam and Tong King several years ago and since then she is scheming to extend her northern boundary line far into the Quang Se and Yun Nan Provinces; she is planning soon to grab the beautiful island of Hainan.

Japan has also become insatiable. She has already grabbed the Island of Formosa and now she is waiting impatiently to take forcible possession of the Foo Kien Province. And even Italy has become avaricious. She tried to grab San Mon Bay several years ago, but being single-handed, she failed in her attempt. And perhaps she is now using the power of the Allies to accomplish her greedy design. When the news of this grabbing reached from one end of the Empire to the other, does any one wonder that the Chinese felt harsh toward the foreigners? If anyone has any doubt in this regard, let him just put himself in a Chinaman's place and he will know it at once. So, I say, the greedy grabbing for territory by the different Powers is the principal cause for the recent uprising.

Then, again, there is the spirit of commercialism which has caused great enmity between China and the Western nations. For instance, in the year 1840, Great Britain, for greedy gain declared war against[Pg 172] China. The cause of the war was the destruction of over 20,000 chests of opium by the mandarins in their efforts to prevent its introduction into the Empire. This opium had previously been brought into China by British merchants. The mandarins repeatedly objected to its introduction and made frequent complaints to the British. The Governor at Canton issued a proclamation prohibiting the people using opium and saying that all violators would be beheaded. He afterwards found one of his sons a victim to its use, so taking him out to a public place, he caused him to be beheaded before thousands of spectators. The mandarins continued to use every means in their power to keep opium out of China, but all to no avail. At length, in 1840, when they destroyed the 20,000 chests of opium, England claimed a just cause for war, and from this time on, at the cannon's mouth, opium has been forced upon China. Just think! opium, one of the worst poisons known to mankind. Opium has been and is the source of great revenue to England, but it is the greatest curse to China. It has ruined her to the very core, and is one of the great causes of the decay of the Empire. Many thousands of handsome, vigorous, and hopeful young men are brought every day by its use to untimely deaths. Oh! how the good people of China hate opium. How the poor fathers and mothers weep for their opium cursed sons. How many wives shed bitter tears day and night! How many little children go hungry because their fathers have become opium fiends! Yea, how many of these little ones were even sold by their opium-crazed fathers! What sorrow opium has brought to the homes.

And England has thrived at the expense of the Chinese. While England has been accumulating her ill-gotten gains, opium has devastated the population of China. It seems to me that no one but a Chinese can understand the misery. No wonder a Chinese official of high rank made the following ever-memorable request to a retiring British Minister: "I am sorry you are going away, but as you have to, I do wish so much that you would take your opium with you back to England!" And, I daresay, that was the greatest slap Great Britain has ever received. Christian England! I beseech you to visit the homes which your opium has ruined and desolated. Christian England! I beseech you to rise and call a halt in your infamous traffic. Christian England! Be quick and make amends, for unless you do so, God will never forgive you.

There are many ways in which England can redeem the wrong she has done to China. First of all, she should stop the traffic in opium. Then she can also redeem herself to-day by joining the[Pg 173] United States and Japan to bring about a speedy and peaceful settlement of the trouble in China. If these three powers should declare that they would never permit her dismemberment, China would certainly be preserved. If this good work is accomplished, the United States, England and Japan will be China's greatest friends. They will be rewarded with commerce and other special privileges. In other words they will receive a thousand-fold in return.

But to grab China by the throat and say to her, "Give us the best you have," is barbarous and non-Christian; for it is contrary to the teaching of Christ. To take advantage of China's weakness is inhuman. China, to-day, is like a man who married in the late years of his life, and was blessed with a large family of children who were too young to be of any service to him. For the last few years he was sickly and weak. The house in which he himself and family lived was a fine one, and was the only inheritance from his father; but his many neighbors, who were rich and powerful, and able to assist and establish him if they wished, were, unfortunately, a little selfish, and looked toward his inheritance with longing eyes. Five of the neighbors, with an insatiable desire for gain, and with the forced consent of the owner, took those rooms which each deemed best for his own interest and gain. These neighbors are now devising schemes and pretences by which they may grab the best remaining portions. To some minds it seems best that this heritage should be thus partitioned, and they claim that it is the only way to develop and improve this possession, thus utterly ignoring the claims and interests of the lawful possessors.

And now, friends, China is the inheritance, and the covetous and greedy neighbors are those whom I have mentioned above. How much better it would be for all the great civilized and Christian nations to make a unanimous effort to help preserve, build up and Christianize China, rather than to tear her to pieces.

Of course, I must admit that the Chinese Government, viz., the Empress Dowager, is also responsible for the present state of affairs in China. She was deceived by Prince Tuan, the great anti-foreign leader, who represented to her that the Boxers possessed a most remarkable power, by the exercise of which they were able to close the mouths of the foreign cannon and also to render themselves bulletproof. They also told her that they were the best fighters, the best protectors of her dynasty, and the best men to drive out the foreigners. But lately we learn that she greatly regrets the step she has taken, and has issued two edicts urging the Boxers to disperse to their homes and be law-abiding subjects, that they were to be destroyed if[Pg 174] they should oppose the government troops in any way whatever. If this is true there is great hope for China. We sincerely hope that she will at once abdicate and allow the Emperor, Kwang Hsu, to resume control, for he is just the man that China needs to-day. Oh! I do wish that the Powers would demand his return to the throne! I am certain that the Powers can render no better service to China than to make this demand and see to it that it is complied with. If the Emperor were again in power there would be an easy settlement of the present trouble. The outcome of this general shakeup will undoubtedly be the upbuilding of the Empire. I am sure that God will overrule this outbreak for the good of China.

I sincerely believe that God has a great future for China. He has preserved her for nearly 5,000 years, and He will still preserve her to His glory. The Land of Sinim is to be won for Christ. The Chinese Empire will then have the same footing as other nations, for her subjects have the making of a great people. The Chinese who became Christians in America will also be a great factor in building up China. God's plan is beyond the comprehension of man. He saw that America did not send forth missionaries fast enough, so He brought out the secluded Chinese to this country to be Christianized by the disciples of Christ, so that they may go back as volunteer missionaries and thus hasten the conversion of China.

We are sincerely thankful to America for taking the initiative in negotiations toward preserving the integrity of China. Now, as a friend and neighbor, let her continue her good work, and may the European Powers speedily agree to a peaceful settlement of the entire trouble. Then let America and other Christian nations flood China with ten thousand Protestant missionaries, for I am sure that this is one of the best solutions of the Chinese Question, and the only way to conquer China for Christ.

Surely every patriotic and Christian American will weigh with thoughtful attention this earnest plea of our honored friend, Rev. Jee Gam.—Editor.

[Pg 175]

Department of Christian Endeavor



The first Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of the District of Columbia was organized fifteen years ago, in the Lincoln Memorial Congregational Church, Washington, D. C.

When this Society was organized the place of its location, "Hell's Bottom," was the most notorious section of the national capital. There were seventeen saloons within two squares of our mission and several gambling places were in full blast. There were more cutting and shooting affrays, more police on duty and more subjects for the hospital and station-house than in any other section of the District of Columbia. We have known of three murders in the community in a single night.



The Christian Endeavorers of this society aided the pastor in a crusade against these dens of iniquity which resulted in wiping out all of the saloons and gambling places, and the community became one of the best sections of the city. This society has been missionary in its spirit and methods; besides organizing a Junior Endeavor Society and seeking its own development and growth, it has been active in Alley Mission Sunday-schools, Gospel services in hospitals, and temperance work.

A large number of students, while receiving their training in the schools and colleges of Washington, became members of the Lincoln Memorial Endeavor Society. They have since gone out as ministers, teachers, physicians, lawyers, business men and home makers, carrying with them the Endeavor spirit throughout the South.

The Christian Endeavor movement in many of our churches in the South has felt the impulse of this mother society in Washington.[Pg 176] There are now Christian Endeavor Societies in the four Congregational churches under the American Missionary Association in the District of Columbia: Lincoln Memorial, Plymouth, The People's, and University Park Temple. Their pastors, Rev. Messrs, A. P. Miller, A. C. Garner, T. M. Nixon and S. N. Brown are all wide-awake Christian Endeavorers.

The Christian Endeavor spirit is felt in all our American Missionary churches in North Carolina from King's Mountain on the West to Beaufort-by-the sea. In the summer of 1898 an active campaign of Christian Endeavor was carried on at Fort Macon, on the Atlantic Coast, among the colored soldiers of the Third North Carolina volunteer regiment.

The Field Missionary of the American Missionary Association was aided in this service by Pastor Newkirk, of Beaufort, and other Christian workers. Over two hundred of the colored boys in blue enlisted, under the banner of the Cross, in the army of the Lord.

Sergeant Eaves, a member of the Christian Endeavor Society of our Lincoln Academy at King's Mountain, was active in Christian work among his comrades. Secretary Baer, of the United Society of Endeavor, sent large supplies of the Christian Endeavor World and literature to us for distribution among the colored soldiers. Mr. Moody also sent supplies of books for the soldiers which greatly aided us in our Gospel work for their behalf.

The society at Lincoln Academy, under Miss Lillian Cathcart's direction, has been a power for good not only in the needy region of King's Mountain, but throughout the old North State. The society at the Joseph K. Brick School at Enfield, N. C., under the lead of Prof. T. S. Inborden, is reaching a large number of youth at this country place, who in turn carry its spirit and work into their country communities and homes.

Aggressive Christian Endeavor work is carried on not only in large centers of population like Raleigh, Charlotte and Wilmington, but also in country places like Troy, McLeansville and King's Mountain.

The societies in our churches and schools of South Carolina are doing a good work in Christian Endeavor. The Endeavor spirit is alive at Avery Institute and Plymouth Church, Charleston.

Christian Endeavor Hall, at Dorchester Academy, McIntosh, Ga., was built by the gifts of Northern Endeavorers. This school, with its church and Endeavor societies, is located in Liberty County, in the black belt of southeast Georgia. This is one of the most needy sections of darkest America. The American Missionary Association has done a noble work of uplifting in their behalf.

[Pg 177]


At the last meeting of the Executive Committee—their first meeting after the death of Dr. Cravath—the following minute was unanimously adopted to be inscribed in the records of the Association, to be sent to the bereaved family and to be published in The American Missionary:


In recording the death of Rev. E. M. Cravath, D.D., President of Fisk University, the Executive Committee desire to express their deep sense of loss to the institution and to the American Missionary Association.

In the work of the American Missionary Association Dr. Cravath has for thirty-five years given his life, having served for ten years as Field Superintendent and Field Secretary, and for twenty-five consecutive years as President of the University.

Mustered out of the army as a Chaplain at the close of the war, Dr. Cravath immediately selected the location which has become the permanent home of Fisk University and recommended it to the American Missionary Association. No one person did more toward locating and founding the institution. No one person has done more toward its perpetuation and development. The work to which he gave his life, for reasons well understood, was a difficult one and involved much of sacrifice; but among the difficulties which he encountered he ever bore himself with a calm dignity and a wise prudence which, with his intellectual power and attainments, gave him great prominence and influence throughout the educational field of the South.

To manage, govern and direct an institution like Fisk University in its environment, and in the face of many prejudices, called for an exceptional man. Dr. Cravath comprehended not only its necessities but its possibilities. He united a marked administrative ability with his spirit of consecration so that the University constantly increased in power and influence under his charge. With a large sympathy for the young he commanded their entire confidence, and by his fairness and friendliness and power of personal sunny kindliness secured their cordial co-operation.

To those who worked with him he leaves a precious memory, and to those for whom he worked an incalculable inheritance. In this bereavement the Executive Committee desire to extend to Mrs. Cravath and the afflicted family their sincere Christian sympathy and to commend them to the unfailing love and care of Him in whose name we have our common service.

[Pg 178]



A memorial service in honor of President Cravath was held in the Fisk Memorial Chapel on Sunday afternoon, September 30th. Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Taylor, members of the original Jubilee Company, had charge of the Jubilee Music. Three of President Cravath's favorite hymns were sung under the leadership of Prof. Wright. Rev. James Bond, pastor of Howard Chapel, read appropriate selections of Scripture, including the story of Moses' vision from Mount Nebo, as the principal passage. Prayer was offered by Pres. P. B. Guernsey, of Roger Williams University. President Burrus, for many years connected with Alcorn College, Miss., and one of the four graduates in the first class at Fisk, read a paper in which he called to mind the well-nigh superhuman labors of President Cravath in founding and maintaining Fisk. His remarks followed the reading of Alumni Resolutions by Rev. George W. Moore, of the class of '81. Dean G. W. Hubbard, acting president of Central Tennessee University, spoke upon the "Early Days." Prof. Denny, of Vanderbilt University, spoke upon "Life the Manifestation of Manhood." Hon. J. C. Napier addressed the assembly on "President Cravath as a Citizen." Among the evidences of President Cravath's citizenship he adduced the fact that he was able to secure large public improvements in the part of the town where Fisk is situated, and also the fact that the president's funeral was attended by a large number of the leading citizens of Nashville. Dr. F. A. Stewart told of "President Cravath as a Teacher," laying particular emphasis upon his rare judgment and the love which he inspired toward himself on the part of his pupils.

Prof. Chase summarized the major facts in President Cravath's life, tracing to his early days the deep convictions which controlled his whole career, and to his ancestors and life on the farm his fine physical endowment. Prof. Morgan, gave some delightful personal reminiscences, especially concerning his last days when the conviction was settling down upon him that his end was not far away.

Miss Ballantine read very brief extracts from the large number of telegrams and letters which the family had received since his death. These came from the old and the young, the rich and the poor, men of high position and in the lowly walks of life. The audience was dismissed by a short prayer and the benediction by Rev. George W. Moore—an audience rarely surpassed in point of intelligence in the annals of the University. It was composed very largely of young men and women, the choicest of the colored people in the city of Nashville. A goodly number of white citizens were also present.

[Pg 179]


For Colored People.

Income for July $9,175.00
Previously acknowledged 48,626.87

Note.—Where no name follows that of the town, the contribution is from the church and society of that place. Where a name follows, it is that of the contributing church or individual. S. means Sunday-school; C. means Church; C. E., the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor; S. A. means Student Aid.


MAINE, $358.73.

Auburn, Mission Band of C., for S. A., Talladega C., 9. Bath, Winter St. C., 21.13. Brewer, First, 15. Cumberland Mills, C. E. of Warren Ch., 5. Gorham, John A. Waterman, 5. Harpswell Center, Miss E. P. Morse, bbl. Goods, for Talladega C. Litchfield Corners, C. E., 2.50. Portland, State St., Sewing C., for Meridian, Miss., 5. South Freeport, Ladies' M. Soc., bbl. Goods, for Talladega C. Woodfords, "A Friend," for Alaska M., and to const. Katherine Prince Johnson L.M., 40.

Maine Woman's Aid to A. M. A., by Mrs. Helen W. Davis, Treas., 256.14 (less exchange, 4 cts.), 256.10.

Bangor, Central, 16; First, 12.60; Hammond St., 9.75. Biddeford, Mrs. E. L. P. Garland, for Porto Rico, 25. Broad Cove, 2. Brewer, 23.19. Carratunk, 1. Dennysville, 5. East Orrington, 1. Hampden, 60. Holden, 2.50. Kenduskeag, 5. New Castle, 21. Rockland, 18. Skowhegan, 25.50. Union, 5. Waldoboro, 12.65. Warren, 5. Woolwich, 4.75. Somerset County Conf., 1.20.


Amherst, 30.84. Concord, Miss Alma J. Herbert, to const. Mrs. Mary Louise Herbert Carleton L.M., 30. Dalton, "A Friend," for Porto Rico, 5. Derry, Central, to const. Chas. A. Sefton L.M., 32. Hopkinton, First, 7. Keene, First, 5. Lebanon, S., 2.33. Manchester, Sunbeam Soc., for S. A., Talladega C., 4. North Hampton, 17.70. North Hampton, Ladies' Dorcas Circle, box Goods, for Talladega C. Piermont, S., 4.50. Portsmouth, North, 107.85. Rochester, Henry M. Plumer, 20. Walpole, First, 34.91.

New Hampshire Female Cent. Inst. and Home Missionary Union, by Miss Annie A. McFarland, Treas., $261.58.

Boscawen, 4.41. Claremont, 5. Concord, South, 20.82. Franklin, 10. Franklin, Mrs. G. W. Wilson, 10. Hebron, 2.75 Lebanon, 21.60. Littleton, for Talladega, 20; for Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 30.

Undesignated Funds, 137.

VERMONT, $820.24—of which from Estate, $604.50.

Burlington, College St., 45.55 Chelsea, C. (of which 5.40 for Porto Rico), 10.80. Charlotte, 13.11. Rochester, First, 5; First, C. E., 4.16. St. Albans, First, 36.18. Vergennes, 10. Waterbury, S., Prim. Dept., for Indian Sch'p, 2. Wells River, 17.11. Westford, C. E. of C., for S. A., Grand View, Tenn., 9. West Rochester, "Chapel," 1.62. West Brattleboro, 25. Woodstock, 27.56. Woodstock, First C., W. H. M. Soc., box Goods and 3 for freight, for Talladega C.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Vermont, for S. A., Grand View, Tenn., 5.65.

Estate.—East Hardwick, Estate of Martha S. Stone, 637.17 (less expense, 32.67), 604.50.

MASSACHUSETTS, $4,476.16—of which from Estates, $1,265.00.

Abington, First, 5.87. Amesbury, Union, 5.25. Amherst, First, C. E., for McIntosh, Ga., 1. Amherst, South, 9.67. Andover, "A Friend," for Mobile, Ala., 25. Barre, S., 5.04. Beverly, Dane St. C., 188. Beverly, Dane St., S., for S. A., Fisk U., 20.

Boston, Mount Vernon, S., for S. A., Williamsburg Acad., Ky., 50. East Boston, Maverick, 40.37. South Boston, Phillips, 60.65. Allston, 106.97. Dorchester, Second, 63.90; Second, "A Friend," for Santurce, Puerto Rico, 6.25; Second, "Extra Cent-a-Day Band," 5; Pilgrim, 23.10; Central, 15. Roxbury, Walnut Ave., S., 30.43. West Roxbury, South Evan., Little Helpers, for S. A., A. N. and I. Sch., Thomasville, Ga., 4.

Brimfield, Mrs. P. C. Browning, 10; Mrs. J. S. Webber, 2. Brockton, Porter Evan., 45. Brookline, Harvard, 80.28. Campello, South, 80. Chesterfield, 3.80. Curtisville, 12.25. Dalton, M. E. Crane, for Library, Talladega C., 50. Danvers Center, "A Friend," 10. Dunstable, "A Friend," "in fulfillment of a Sister's wish," to const. Lettie A. Strout, Marion R. Patterson, Alice S. Harris, Lettie W. Goodhue, Josie E. Hilbert, Bertha Nye and Mary C. Gerould L.M's, 210. Dunstable, Evan C., C. E., for Talladega C., 8. Enfield, 40. Falmouth, First, 19. Fitchburg, C. C. Ch., 15. Foxboro, Mrs. Mary N. Phelps, 50. Framingham, Plymouth, 25.25. Georgetown, C., ad'l, 2. Gloucester, Trinity, 30. Granby, Ch. of Christ, 7.50. Granby, W. M. S. of C., for S. A., Grand View, Tenn., 25. Great Barrington, First, 28.18. Hadley, First, 15.28. Haverhill, Edwards, S., 14. Haydenville, 9.38. Hopkinton, 38.73. Ipswich, South, S., for S. A., Fisk U., 50. Lincoln, ad'l, 45.75. Lowell, High St., S., for S. A., Fisk U., 50. Lowell, High St., C., Miss Rea's S. Class, for Talladega C., 25. Lowell, Eliot, 25. Malden, Mrs. Ellen M. Wellman, 100. Massachusetts, "X. Z.," 50. Medfield, C., 5; C. E., 2. Methuen, First Parish, S., for S. A., Fisk U., 25.[Pg 180] Middleton, 10. Millbury, First, 22.10. Mittineague, Southworth Co., box Paper, for Talladega C. Newburyport, Belleville C., 78.14. Newton, Eliot, 230. Newton Center, First, "Extra Cent-a-Day Band," 9. Newton Highlands, 49.78. North Orange, Wm. Holt, for S. A., Talladega C., 6. Orange, Central, 41.63. Palmer, Second, 35; Second, S., for Talladega C., 45; Second, S., for S. A., Talladega C., 30. Revere, First, C. E., for Andersonville, Ga., 10. Shelburne, "Friends," for S. A., Talladega C., 10. South Deerfield, 33.40. South Framingham, Grace C., 59.30. Southwick, 7. Springfield, South, 40. Springfield, Faith C., S., for Porto Rico, 3.34. Springfield, Jennie E. Jenkins, for Talladega C., 3. Sturbridge, 21.50. Ware, First, 17.25. Warren, 58.30. West Barnstable, 5. West Stockbridge, Village C., 17. Winchendon, North, 60. Winchester, First, 74. Worcester, Union (200 of which from E. A. Goodnow), 255; Piedmont, quarterly, 40; Piedmont, 1; Plymouth, 29.52; Park, C. E., 1. Worcester, Plymouth, S., for Lincoln Acad., Kings Mountain, N. C., 10.

——, Hon. H. C. Lodge, four vols., for Library, Talladega C.

Woman's Home Missionary Association of Massachusetts and R. I., Miss Lizzie D. White, Treas., $15.00:

Groveland, Aux., for Sch'p, Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 10. Chelsea, Central, Aux., for Sch'p, Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 5.

Estates.—Boston, Est. of Mrs. E. C. Parkhurst, 15. Lenox, Est. of Miss Orilla B. Stanley, for Indian M., by Geo. H. Tucker, Trustee, Reserve Legacy, 3,553.77. Newton, Est. of Lucinda K. Cutting, 1,000 (less Legacy Tax, 50), 950, by Ella G. Cutting and S. Welles Holmes, Executors. Townsend, Est. of Miss Ruth Spaulding, by Walter J. Ball, Administrator, 300.


Providence, Miss Idelette Carpenter, for S. A., Talladega C., 9.

CONNECTICUT, $6,130.21—of which from Estates, $4,974.66.

Ashford, First, 4. Barkhamsted, Rev. Augustus Alvord, 5. Bridgeport, Ladies' Soc., for freight to Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 1.70. Bristol, First, 63.39. Canaan, Pilgrim C., L. M. Soc., bbl. Goods, for Talladega C. Colchester, 2.41. Danielson, Westfield C., 36.04. Derby, Second, 8.75. East Hampton, Mrs. Dea. Samuel Skinner, for Theo. Dept., Talladega C., 5. Elmwood, Geo. T. Goodwin, for Alaska M., 5. Georgetown, First, 21.31. Glastonbury, J. B. Williams, 200; S. H. Williams, 20, for Tougaloo U. Greenfield Hill, Ladies' Union, bbl. Goods, for Talladega C. Groton, S., 11.92. Hadlyme, R. E. Hungerford, 25. Hanover, 7.94. Hartford, Alanson Trask, for Talladega C., 20. Hartford, First, Y. P. S., for Porto Rico, 13. Hartford, Wethersfield Ave., 6.09. Hartford, Asylum Hill C., for Talladega C., 5. Manchester, Miss A. C. Hilliard, 10; Miss M. H. Hilliard, 10, for Talladega C. Middletown, First, 22.18. Middletown, Mrs. A. R. Crittenden, 2 and bbl. Goods, for Gloucester Sch., Cappahosic, Va. Milford, First, 37.35. New Britain, South, S., for Tougaloo U., 5.31. New London, First Ch. of Christ, 39.76; S., 2.25. Northford, 11. Rockville, G. L. Grant, 15. Salisbury, C., for Freedmen and Indian M., 6.05. Sharon, Rev. Edward O. Dyer, to const. himself L.M., 30. Shelton, 40.32. Simsbury, First, 48.38. South Glastonbury, C. and S., 15.30. Southington, 53.66. Stafford Springs, 28.76. Unionville, First Ch. of Christ, 25. Westbrook, 15. Westchester, Home M. Soc., for Talladega C., 1.24. Westchester, Home M. Soc., bbl. Goods, for Talladega C. West Hartford, First Ch. of Christ, 35. West Haven, Aux., W. B. M., bbl. Goods, for Talladega C. Westville, 3.35. Willimantic, First, 17.75. Winsted, Second, for freight, for Talladega, Ala., 1.84. Woodstock, First, 14.

——, "A Friend in Conn.," 200.

Woman's Cong. Home Missionary Union of Connecticut, by Mrs. Geo. Follett, Secretary, $3.50.

Stratford, Children of the Helping Hand Soc., 3.50.

Estates.—Groton, Estate of Mrs. B. N. Hurlbutt, 220. Hartford, Estate of Alfred Smith, by S. D. Smith, Trustee, 1,374.60. New Britain, Estate of Sophia Stanley, 782.36. Norwalk, Estate of W. J. Craw, 2,100. Putnam, Estate of Sarah Maria Buck, by John A. Carpenter, Exec'r (less tax, 2.30), 497.70.

NEW YORK, $2,885.97.

Berkshire, L. A. Soc. of C., for S. A., Talladega C., 6.25. Brooklyn, Mrs. Julia E. Brick, for Jos. K. Brick, A. I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C., 2,000. Brooklyn, South, 110.28; Bushwick Av., 14.57. Brooklyn, Lewis Av. C., Bible Sch., 75, for Indian M., Oahe, S. D.; 25 for Lindslay Mills C., Tenn. Brooklyn, Park, C. E., for Porto Rico, 5. Danby, 3. East Bloomfield, First, 34.10; Mrs. Eliza S. Goodwin, 4. Ellington, 2.05. Friendship, First, 3.50. Ithaca, H. M. Soc. of C., box and bbl. Goods, 3 for freight, for Talladega C. Lysander, Ladies' H. and F. M. Soc., bbl. Goods, for Talladega C. Niagara Falls, First, 12.10. New York, Estate of W. E. Dodge, for Theo. S. A. Talladega C., 250; Rev. D. Stuart Dodge, for Library, Talladega C., 25; N. C. Rogers, for S. A., Talladega C., 25; Rev. J. M. Whiton, Ph.D., for Whiton Prize, Talladega C., 15; "Friends," for Fisk U., 114; Paul D. Cravath, for Music Dept., Fisk U., 50; Trinity, 10; Mount Hope, Christ C., 3.65; Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, two Vols., for Library, Talladega C.; Rev. A. C. McGiffert, D.D., one Vol., for Library, Talladega C. Northfield, C. E., 10. Schenectady, Miss P. C. Day, for Talladega C., 2. Sherburne, Dr. H. G. Newton, for Talladega C., 50; S., for S. A., Talladega C., 25; Mrs. J. C. Harrington, 5.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of N. Y., by Mrs. J. J. Pearsall, Treas., $3.47.

Flushing, S., 3.47.

NEW JERSEY, $391.91.

Belvidere, D. C. Blair, for Talladega C., 25; John C. Prall, for S. A., Talladega C., 15. Montclair, Mrs. E. H. Beckwith, 17 Vols. "Appleton's Encyclopedia," from Library of the late Samuel Holmes. Plainfield, 188.57. Upper Montclair, Christian Union C., 150.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of the N. J. Ass'n., by Mrs. G. A. L. Merrifield, Treas., $13.34.

Philadelphia, Central, 13.34.


Philadelphia, "P. B.," 100. Scranton, First Welsh, 15.

OHIO, $418.00.

Akron, First, 15. Atwater, 6.90. Bellevue, S. W. Boise, 10. Chatham, Mrs. Levi L. Clapp, 2. Cleveland, Pilgrim, quarterly, 72; Hough Av., 14.29; Euclid Av., 15.65. Columbus, First, 39.36. Conneaut, S., 10. Elyria, First, C., 7.21;[Pg 181] S., 4.20; Miss M. M. Lickorish, 7. Greenwich, C., 17. Lexington, 6. Lodi, First, 20. Oberlin, First C., by Mrs. M. A. Keep, 25. Painesville, First, 30.10. Plain, 4.50. Ripley, "Mission Band," 1.50. Steubenville, First, 7.80. Wauseon, C. E., 5.56. Wellington, First, for Indian M., Fort Yates, N. D., 5. West Mill Grove, 3.40. Williamsfield, Ladies' Soc., for freight to Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 1.50.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Ohio, by Mrs. Geo. B. Brown, Treas., $87.03.

Andover, 5. Cincinnati, Walnut Hills, 4.25. Cleveland, Hough Ave., C. E., 2.50; Trinity, Jr. C. E., 4.69. Columbus, Eastwood, 5. Elyria, First, 14.50. Fredericksburg, 5. Hudson, 4; Jr. C. E., 1.25. Ironton, 2. Litchfield, 1.64. Rootstown, C. E., 8.40. Sandusky, 10. Springfield, Jr. C. E., 1.50. Toledo, Central, S., 2; Washington St., 11.30; Washington St., S. Band, 1. Unionville, Jr. C. E., 3.

ILLINOIS, $1,011.54—of which from Estate, $500.00.

Champaign, C. E., for S. A., Fisk U., 25. Champaign, C., 4.25; C. E., 1.92; W. M. S., 2. Chicago, First, 50.28; Warren Av., ad'l, 16.01, bal. to const. A. D. Clinton L.M.

Earlville, "J. A. D.," 25. Elburn, 7.39. Hinsdale, S., for S. A., Talladega C., 40. Joy Prairie, S., 5.98. Lyonsville, 9.71. Normal, First, 4.75. Rockford, Second, 200. Shabbona, Primary S., for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 6. Waverly, S., 2.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Illinois, Mrs. Mary S. Booth, Treas., $111.35.

Chebanse, 5. Chicago, University C., 5; New England, 3.75; Douglass Park, 1. Chicago, Evanston, 2. Chicago, Leavitt Street, "Friend," 1. Moline, First (of which 15.10 for S. A., Fisk U.), 30.10. Milburn, 50. Payson, 2.50. Rockford, Second, 10. Sterling, "Friend," 1.

Estate.—Moline, Estate of Alfred Williams, 500.

MICHIGAN, $218.36.

Alamo, Julius Hackley, 39.90. Calumet, S., for S. A., Talladega C., 37.50. Clinton C., 10; C. E., 5. Galesburg, 7.50. Grand Rapids, S., Class of Girls, for Santee Ind. Sch., Neb., 3. Lansing, Pilgrim, 2.40. Michillinda, 11. Morenci, E. R. Lathrop, 20 cts. Stanton, Rev. J. W. Savage, for S. A., Talladega C., 5. Stanton, C. E., for S. A., Talladega C., 5. West Adrian, C. (10 of which from A. J. Hood), 18.27. Whitehall, "A Friend," 2.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Michigan, by Mrs. E. F. Grabill, Treas., $71.59.

Detroit, First, 20; First, Jr. C. E., 7.50 for Indian Sch'p, and 7.50 for Sch'p, Moorhead, Miss.; First, S. (of which 9.59 for Indian Sch'p), 19.59. Grand Blanc, 12. Manistee, Int. C. E., for S. A., Gregory Inst., 5.

IOWA, $280.54.

Algona, 4. Cedar Falls, 33.25. Clarion, Harvey C., 1. Farragut, 16.11. Grinnell, Plymouth, C. E., 7.70. Grinnell, 15.01. Iowa Falls, S., 6.19. Long Creek, Welsh C., 3.97. Mount Pleasant, 1.85. Osage, 75. Strawberry Point, First, 5.08. Waterloo, Hon. J. G. Leavitt, for S. A., Talladega C., 50.

——, "Friends in Iowa," for Fisk U., 53.75.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Iowa, Miss Belle L. Bentley, Treas., $16.73.

Anamosa, S., 2.56. Dubuque, First, 2.50. Fort Dodge, 3.75. Grinnell, 75 cts. Mitchelville, 2.21. Sloan, 2.50. Webster, 2.46.

WISCONSIN, $742.35—of which from Estate, $500.00.

Beloit, First, 100. Edgerton, 4. Madison, Mrs. Deming and Sister, 2; "A Friend," 3, for S. A., Talladega C. Menasha, 39.76. Raymond, 5. Spring Green, 20 cts. Token Creek, C. E. of C., for S. A., Talladega C., 4. West Salem, 27.72; Jr. C. E., 75 cts. Whitewater, 25.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Wisconsin by Mrs. L. E. Smith, Treas., $30.92.

Arena, First, 92 cts. Eau Claire, 5. Elkhorn, for S. A., Fisk U., 25.

Estate.—Beloit, Estate of Mrs. Ellen B. French, by A. P. Waterman, Exec'r, 500.

MINNESOTA, $127.11.

Correll, 2.20. Northfield, S., for Talladega C., 40.08. Minneapolis, Plymouth, S., 25; D. C. Bell's S. Class, 11.03, for S. A., Fisk U. Minneapolis, Plymouth, 27.55; Como Av., 21.25.

MISSOURI, $80.96.

Kansas City, W. H. Whitten, Jr., 10. Old Orchard, C., 1.95; C. E., 50 cts. Pleasant Hill, George M. Kellogg, for Porto Rico, 50. Saint Louis, Hope, 3.51. Kansas City, "A Friend," from Estate of Sarah Milliken, by Emily J. P. Whitten, for Student Aid, 15.

KANSAS, $22.03.

Pauline, 2. Seabrook, C., 3; S., 1. Smith Center, 8. Strong City, 1. Tonganoxie, S., 2.03.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Kansas, by Mrs. W. A. Sloo, Treas., $5.00.

Clay Center, 5.


——, Vinita C., 85 cts.

NEBRASKA, $3.31.

Norfolk, Second, 3.31.

CALIFORNIA, $492.09.

Black Diamond, 2.10. Cloverdale, C., for Chinese M., 4.15. Martinez, C. (5 of which for Cal. Chinese M.), 12. Oakland, Plymouth Av. C., for Chinese M., 5.63. San Francisco, Receipts of the California Chinese Mission (see items below), 435.71, Stockton, First, 32.50.

OREGON, $5.00.

Forest Grove, C., for Tougaloo U., 5.


Seattle, University C., 2.93.


Washington, P. H. Allen, for Talladega C., 12.50; University, Park Temple, 5; Dr. A. C. Garrott, for Library, Talladega C., 2.75.

VIRGINIA, $1.00.

Stormont, Noah Morris, for Gloucester Sch., Cappahosic, Va., 1.

KENTUCKY, $1.00.

Woodbine, S. Children, 1.


North Carolina, "Sales by A. E. F.," 10. Raleigh, Rev. R. D. Jennings, for Talladega C., 5.

TENNESSEE, $65.25.

Bon Air, Rev. E. N. Goff, 2. Grand View, Miss Lydia Daniels, for Bell-tower, 3.75. Knoxville, Miss M. E. Johnson, for S. A., Talladega C., 5. Nashville, Union C., for Fisk U., 50. Nashville, Miss M. R. Spence, for S. A., Lexington, Ky., 4. Wilson's Grove, 50 cts.

[Pg 182]

GEORGIA, $16.50.

Marshallville, Mrs. M. E. White, for Talladega C., 5. Rutland and Byron Churches, 8. Savannah, Rev. J. W. Roberts, for Talladega C., 1; Rev. J. H. H. Sengstacke, for Chinese M., 50 cts.; for Indian M., 50 cts. Woodville, C., Lincoln Mem., 1.50.

ALABAMA, $98.38.

Anniston, Rev. James Brown, for Talladega C., 25. Birmingham, Citizens, for Talladega C., 21.38. Brewton, Rev. R. W. Jackson, for Talladega C., 10. Mobile, First, 10. Mobile, Mrs. Peggy Marshall, for Talladega C., 5. Talladega, "A Friend," 15; S. L. Dickerson, 10; Harrison Hobbs, 2, for Talladega C.


Tougaloo, Mrs. Sisson, for S. A., Tougaloo U., 6.16.

INCOME, $1,237.50.

Atterbury End. Fund, 106.87. Avery Fund, for African M., 675. De Forest Fund, for President's Chair, Talladega C., 202.50. Gen. C. B. Fisk Fund, for Fisk U., 11.25. Graves Library Fund, for Atlanta U., 112.50. Haley Sch'p Fund, for Fisk U., 22.50. Hammond End. Fund, for Straight U., 22.50. Howard Theo. Fund, for Howard U., 56.25. Le Moyne End. Fund, for Memphis, Tenn., 22.50. Rice Memorial Sch'p Fund, for Talladega C., 5.63.

TUITION, $2,410.22.

Lexington, Ky., 23.20. Williamsburg, Ky., 20.08. Charleston, S. C., 390.60. Nashville, Tenn., 391.50. Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 152.06. Albany, Ga., 52.50. Savannah, Ga., 178.68. Athens, Ala., 27.80. Cotton Valley, Ala., 20.25. Talladega, Ala., 1,118.30. New Orleans, La., 1.75. Meridian, Miss., 33.50.

Donations $11,534.38
Estates 7,844.16
Income 1,237.50
Tuition 2,410.22
Total for July $23,026.26

Subscriptions for July $8.25
Previously acknowledged 273.59

Receipts of the California Chinese Mission, from June 15 to July 13, 1900, Wm. Johnstone, Treas., $435.71.

From Local Missions, $357.71:

Berkeley Chinese M. O., 3.05; Pledges, 3.50. North Berkeley, C., 10. Fresno, Chinese M. O., 2; Ann'y Pledges, 9. Fruitland, Vernondale C., 1; S., 3.96. Los Angeles, Chinese M. O., 5.75; Ann'y Pledges, 42. Marysville, Chinese M. O., 7.50; Ann'y Pledges, 25. Oakland, Chinese M. O., 3. Oroville, Chinese M. O., 2.70; Ann'y Pledges, 22.25. Pasadena, Chinese M. O., 2.35; Ann'y Pledges, 11. Petaluma, Chinese M. O., 1.50., Ann'y Pledges, 14.90. Riverside, Chinese M. O., 3.45; Ann'y Pledges, 8.50. Sacramento, Chinese M. O., 4; Ann'y Off's, 38.70. San Bernardino, Chinese M. O., 2.70; Ann'y Pledges, 15. San Diego, Chinese M. O., 1.60; Ann'y Pledges, 10. San Francisco, Central Mission, Chinese M. O., 8.40. San Francisco, West Mission, Chinese M. O., 3; Annual Mem's, 6. San Francisco, Bethany C., Ann'y Pledges, 13. San Francisco, S. F. Branch Ass'n, 10. Santa Barbara, Chinese M. O., 3.75; Ann'y Pledges, 9.50. Santa Cruz, Chinese M. O., 6.65; Ann'y Pledges, 38.50. Ventura, Ann'y Pledges, 4.50.

Individual Gifts, $5.00:

Rev. J. C. Holbrook, D.D., 5.

Eastern Friends, $35.00:

Portland, Me., Miss M. E. Barrett, 10. Bridgeport, Conn., Miss Mary L. Blatchley, 25.

Received for Chinese Mothers and Children, $38.00:

Stratford, Conn., Miss Cordelia Sterling, 13. Binghamton, N. Y., Cong. Ch., W. M. Soc., through New York W. H. M. U., 5. Oakland, Cali, Mrs. L. E. Agard, 20.


For Colored People.

Income for August $4,197.35
Previously acknowledged 57,801.87


MAINE, $331.70.

Brewer, First, 7. Edgecomb, 1.30. Hampden, 4.25. Wiscasset, 6.96.

Maine Woman's Aid to A. M. A., by Mrs. Helen W. Davis, Treas., $312.19.

Alfred, 7.50. Belfast, 15. Biddeford, Second, 11.50. Bridgton, 9. Chatham, 1. Cumberland, North Conference, 2.60. Farmington, 27. Jackson, 1.85. Kennebunk, 15.55. Limerick, 6. Litchfield Corner, 12. Minot Center, 22.05. North Belfast, 2. Pownal, Miss Roxana Chapin, 10; Mrs. P. A. Case and S. Class, 3. Pownal, 5. Saco, 23. Sandy Point, C. E., 3. Sandy Point, C., 2. Sanford, 13. Searsport, First, 20. Searsport, Second, 12.20. Sebago, 1.20. South Berwick, 46.22. Sweden, 1. Thomaston, 4. Waterford, 2. Woodford, 13.52. York, 20.

[Pg 183]

NEW HAMPSHIRE, $401.51—of which from Estate, $100.00.

East Brentwood, Rev. H. H. Colburn, 16. Francestown, 21.27. Goffstown, 11.04. Henniker, 35. Manchester, Miss Kate Fradd, for Talladega C., 4. Milford, Dea. and Mrs. A. C. Crosby, 100. Pembroke, First, 14.20.

New Hampshire Female Cent. Inst. and Home Missionary Union, by Miss Annie A. McFarland, Treas., $100.00.

N. H. F. C. I. and H. M. U., 100.

Estate.—Warner, Estate of Mrs. Abiah G. H. Eaton, by B. F. Heath, Executor, 100.

VERMONT, $176.56—of which from Estate, $100.33.

Hartland, 2. Lyndon, First, 15. Milton, "A Friend," 20. Milton, 12. North Hyde Park, 2.42. Norwich, 10. Rutland, "John Howard," 4. Stowe, S., for Porto Rico, 6.11. Williamstown, 4.70.

Estate.—Royalton, Estate of Rev. Cyrus B. Drake, D.D., 111.47 (less expenses, 11.14), 100.33.

MASSACHUSETTS, $3,633.10—of which from Estates, $2,193.21.

Adams, First, 21.49. Auburndale, "A Friend," 25. Barre, S., 1.61.

Boston, Miss Sophie Moen, 100; M. J. Weston, for Mountain White Work, 100; Mrs. A. E. Childs, 75; "X," 10. Dorchester, Second, 25; A Friend, for Indian M., Miss Collins, 20.

Brimfield, First, 27.30. Chicopee Falls, Second, 34. Charlestown, First, 50.08. Clinton, First, 22.82. Cambridge, Prospect St. C., S., 15.88. Chelsea, First, 31.15. Conway, Ladies' M. Soc., for freight to Fort Berthold, N. D., 4. Douglass, First, 5. East Bridgewater, Union, 2. Easthampton, First, 19.25. Foxboro, Bethany S., 33.64. Gardner, L. M. Soc., for Indian M., 50. Greenfield, Second, 40.55. Hamilton, C., for Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 23. Hamilton, C. E., for Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 9.40. Haverhill, West C., C. E., 3.12. Hubbardston, Evan. C., 7. Ipswich, South, 30. Lakeville, Precinct C., 12.37 and S., 5.80. Ludlow, First, 10. Marlboro, Union C., Jr. C. E., for Indian M., 22. Marshfield, First, 18.89. Milton, First, 30.18. Monson, Mrs. C. O. Chapin, 5. Monson, 18.39. Newtonville, A. E. Wyman, 15. Northampton, "W.," 300. Pittsfield, First Ch. of Christ, 70.01. Raynham, First, 13.04. South Ashburnham, People's C., 11.42; C. E., 7; Jr. C. E., 2; King's Daughters, 2.50. Southfield, 5. Springfield, "A Memorial Gift," 5. Sturbridge, First, ad'l, 10. Taunton, Young People of Winslow C., three bbls. Goods, for Talladega C. Walpole, Second, 20.75. West Boylston, First, 11.50. West Brookfield, C. T. Huntington, 48.75. West Medway, Mrs. Olive W. Adams, for Alaska M., 2. Weymouth, H. W. Wellington's S. Class, for S. A., Fort Berthold, N. D., 1. Weymouth, Rossiter Snyder's S. Class, for Fort Berthold, N. D., 1. Winchendon North, C. E., for S. A., Blowing Rock, N. C., 5.

Estates.—Wareham, Estate of Mrs. Abby Bourne, 1,211.81 (less expenses 50), 1,161.81. Wareham, Estate of Mrs. Hannah B. Cannon, 1,081.40 (less expenses 50), 1,031.40.

CONNECTICUT, $1,733.88—of which from Estate, $2,000.00.

Cheshire, C. E., by Miss M. E. Baldwin, for Porto Rico, 25. Colebrook, 20. East Woodstock, 23. Ellsworth, Mrs. Gales Skiff, 2.50. Granby, South, 21. Lakeville, Mrs. Sarah J. Pennock, 2. Northfield, 11.23. North Woodstock, 23.11. Plymouth, 9.50. Portland, First, 13.03. Redding, 16.13. Ridgefield, First, for Alaska M., 19.59. Southport, 70.75. Thomaston, First, 9.36. Voluntown, C., 5. Washington, First, 53.60. Waterbury, Second, 202.41. Waterbury, First, 61.36. Waterbury, Mrs. C. C. Holmes, 10; "M. C. H.," 3. Watertown, Mrs. J. B. Woolson's S. Class, for S. A., Fort Berthold, N. D., 8. Westford, 5. West Hartford, Mrs. E. W. Morris, for Mountain White Work, 10. West Winsted, Second, 89.86.

Woman's Cong. Home Missionary Union of Conn., by Mrs. George Follett, Sec., $19.45.

Cromwell, Ladies of C., 19.45.

Estates.—South Manchester, Estate of Mrs. Emily W. Dimock, a member of Cong. Ch. of South Manchester, by C. E. House, Executor 2,000. Norwalk, Estate of William J. Craw, (Reserve Legacy Account) 2,719.38. Norwich Town, Estate of Miss Grace McClellan (Reserve Legacy Account), 4,024.53.

NEW YORK, $68.20.

Angola, 9. Angola, A. H. Ames, 5. Bridgewater, "A Friend," 5. Greene, First, 7. Groton, Storrs A. Barrows, 25. Lebanon, 3. McGraw, H. D. Corey, 1. Portland, First, 3.20. Rochester, Mrs. Caroline L. Smith, 10.

NEW JERSEY, $35.00.

Jersey City Heights, Mrs. Caroline L. Ames, 10. Newark, John F. Dryden, for Laundry, Tillotson C., 25.


Kane, First, 7. Philadelphia, Central, 150. Philadelphia, Kensington. 3.

OHIO, $244.46.

Adams Mills, Mrs. M. A. Smith, 10. Aurora, S., 2. Claridon, "A Friend," for Indian M., Fort Yates, N. D., 50. Cleveland, Euclid Av. C., 29.76. Grafton, 5.50. Mount Vernon, First, 24.70. Oberlin, Mrs. L. G. B. Hills, 20. ——, Cash, 1.

Woman's Missionary Union of Ohio, by Mrs. G. B. Brown, Treas., $101.50.

Berea, 5.25. Cleveland, East Mad. Av., Int. C. E., 2. Cleveland, Hough Av., 13.50. Elyria, First, C. E., 23. Lima, 4.20. Oberlin, First, (5 of which for Indian M., Miss Collins), 28. Sheffield, 2.50. Toledo, Central, 8.55. Unionville, 4. Wayne, 2.50. Wellington, 8.

ILLINOIS, $550.76—of which from Estate, $250.00.

Atkinson, S., for Mountain White Work, 2.46. Chesterfield, 12.68.

Chicago, "D. L. R." for Porto Rico, 90. Chicago, Harriet Schrader, for Fort Berthold, N. D., 3. Chicago, Miss E. D. Williams, for Keyes Cottage, Fort Berthold, N. D., 3.

Glen Ellyn, 6.08. Hampton, 2.50. Harvey, 21. Joy Prairie, 16. Ontario, 5.83. Ottawa, First, 12.70. Princeton, 51.40. Roberts, C., 3.25; S., 1.50; C. E., 1.25.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Illinois, Mrs. Mary S. Booth, Treas., $68.11.

Alton, Ch. of Redeemer, 5. Chicago, Pilgrim, 21; Lincoln P., 2.75. Elmhurst, 15.83. Emington, 3. McLean, 5. Oak Park, First, 6.92. Rockford, Second, 3.75. Rogers Park, 2. Sycamore, 2.86.

Estate.—Elgin, Estate of Ellen A. Hinsdell, 250.
[Pg 184]
MICHIGAN, $375.52.

Chelsea, 2.19. Detroit, First, 30. Hancock, 58.03. Jackson, First (17.65 of which for Porto Rico), 62.15. Saugatuck, 6.15. West Bay City, John Bourne, for Alaska M., 200.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Michigan, by Mrs. E. F. Grabill, Treas., $17.00.

Allegan, 1. Ann Arbor, 15. Jackson, First, Jr. C. E., for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 1.

IOWA, $151.58.

Allison, 8. Bridgewater, Mrs. Harriet N. Clark, 10. Iowa Falls, 23.30. Shell Rock, 4.26. Strawberry Point, C., 10.50. Waverly, 3.85. Webster City, 10.15.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Iowa, Miss Belle L. Bentley, Treas., $79.52.

Anita, for S. A., Fisk U., 10. Blairsburg, 1. Cedar Rapids, First, S., 86 cts. Davenport, First, Mrs. Mary Reed Smith, 5. Des Moines, Plymouth, 6.91. Des Moines, Plymouth, Jr. C. E., 5. Grinnell (5 of which for Porto Rico), 7.50. Keokuk, First, 12. McGregor, Cath Gilchrist, for Alaska M., 2. Osage, 24.25. Waterloo, Jr. C. E., 5.

WISCONSIN, $100.04.

Clinton, C., 15; S., 4.39. Janesville, First, 50. Nekoosa, 3.17. Sparta, 23.48. Spring Valley, 4.

MINNESOTA, $51.96.

Glyndon, Frances Kittredge, for freight to Fort Berthold, N. D., 25 cents. Minneapolis, Plymouth, 21.60. Minneapolis, Oak Park C., 10. Minneapolis, W. H. Norris, quarterly, 10. New Ulm, C., for S. A., Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 7.51. Rochester, Ladies' Soc., by Mrs. F. A. Poole, for freight to Fort Berthold, N. D., 1.60. Stewartsville, Jr. C. E., by Mrs. C. A. Duncanson, for Fort Berthold, N. D., 1.

MISSOURI, $62.50.

Clinton, Anise C. Hancock, 1; Mrs. Jane G. Wills, 50 cts. Pleasant Hill, Geo. M. Rellogg, for Porto Rico, 50. Sedalia, First, 11.

KANSAS, $27.23.

Kirwin, Mrs. J. Scott, Sen., for Mountain White Work, 25. Leota, Beulah C. E., for Porto Rico, 2.23.

NEBRASKA, $2.95.

Arborville, 2.95.


Fargo, M. M. Fisher's S. S. Class, for S. A., Fort Berthold, N. D., 3.


Alcester, 5.31. Elk Point, 6. Gothland, 5. Springfield, 11.82.

MONTANA, $2.00.

Woman's Missionary Union of Montana, by Mrs. W. S. Bell, Treas., $2.00.

Castle, Mrs. A. S. N. Barnes, 2.

OKLAHOMA, $1.50.

Oklahoma, 1.50.

UTAH, $5.25.

Salt Lake, Phillips, 4.05.

Woman's Missionary Union of Utah, by Miss Anna Baker, Treas., $1.20.

W. H. M. U., 1.20.

COLORADO, $10.00.

Denver, Mrs. E. M. Chadwick, for Alaska M., 10.

CALIFORNIA, $597.77.

Byron, 1.60. National City, Mrs. M. A. Burgess, 1. Pasadena, Lake Av. C., 2.66. Pomona, Pilgrim, 41.50. Santa Ana, First, 8.50. Santa Barbara, 26.95. San Diego, Henry Sheldon, 25.

San Francisco, Receipts of the California Chinese Mission (see items below), 490.56.


Entiat, Josiah Lyman Claghorn, 2. Seattle, Plymouth, 25.87.


Washington, Lincoln Memorial C., 13.45.


Beaufort, Rev. W. D. Newkirk, for Talladega C., 5. Bethel, 1.50. Little Mills, Children's Day Off'g, 2. Troy, S., for Talladega C., 8. Wilmington, Rev. F. G. Ragland, for Talladega C., 5.


Bon Air, Rev. E. N. Goff, 3. Lantana, 50 cts.

GEORGIA, $2.35.

Andersonville, 1.85. Woodville, Rev. J. H. H. Sengstacke, for Talladega C., 50 cts.

ALABAMA, $16.00.

Marion, Lincoln Sch., 5; Miss M. D. Hyde, 1, for Talladega C. Montgomery, F. E. Abercrombie, for Talladega C., 5. Shelby, W. M. Rakestraw, for Talladega C., 5.

LOUISIANA, $15.25.

Schriever, Rev. P. O. Wailes, for Talladega C., 5.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of La., by Miss Mary L. Rogers, Treas., $10.25.

Hammond, Sem. Sch., 5.66. Hammond, L. M. S., 4.59.

INCOME, $270.00.

Atterbury End. Fund, 5. Avery Fund, for African M., 57. W. Belden Sch'p Fund, for Talladega C., 30. Rev. B. Foltz End. Fund, 15. General End. Fund, 20. Howard Carter Theo. End. Fund, 5. Howard Theo. Fund, for Howard U., 60. Le Moyne Fund, for Memphis, Tenn., 40. Straight U. Sch'p Fund, 10. Tuthill King End. Fund, for Atlanta U., 20. Yale Library End. Fund, for Talladega C., 8.

TUITION, $352.03.

Enfield, N. C., 1.80. Talladega, Ala., 350.23.

Donations $5,210.98
Estates 4,643.54
Income 270.00
Tuition 352.03
Total for August $10,476.55

[Pg 185]

Subscriptions for August $9.75
Previously acknowledged 281.84
Total $291.59

Receipts of the California Chinese Mission
, from July 14 to August 14, 1900, William Johnstone, Treas., $490.56.

From Local Missions, $394.56.

Berkeley, Chinese M. O., 3.10; Ann'y Gifts, 1. Fresno, Chinese M. O., 55 cents; Ann'y Pledges, 16.50. Los Angeles, Chinese M. O., 21.45; Ann'y Pledges, 22; Branch Assoc., 10. Marysville, Chinese M. O., 7.50; Ann'y Pledges, 19. Oakland, Chinese M. O., 3; First Cong. C., 100. Oroville, Chinese M. O., 2.30; Ann'y Pledges, 12.50. Pasadena, Chinese M. O., 2.85; Ann'y Pledges, 15.90. Petaluma, Chinese M. O., 50 cts.; Ann'y Pledges, 11.50. Riverside, Chinese M. O., 5.66; Ann'y Pledges, 6. Sacramento, Chinese M. O., 4; Ann'y Pledges, 30. San Bernardino, Chinese M. O., 1.75; Ann'y Pledges, 7.50. San Diego, Chinese M. O., 1.80; Rev. S. A. Norton, D.D., 5. San Francisco, Central, Chinese M. O., 6.80; Annual Members, 12. San Francisco, West, Chinese M. O., 3.50; Annual Members, 12. San Francisco, Branch Assoc., 10. San Francisco, Bethany C., Ann'y Pledges, 8.50. Santa Barbara, Chinese M. O., 3.45; Ann'y Pledges, 17.50. Santa Cruz, Chinese M. O., 6.45; Ann'y Pledges, 3.

Individual Offerings, $55.00.

Geo. T. Hawley, 20; L. S. Sherman, 25; Mrs. Caleb Sadler, 10.

From Eastern Friends, $11.00.

Bangor, Me., Mrs. Mary W. Chamberlain, 10. Brooklyn, N. Y., Miss M. S. Gilbert, 1.

For Chinese Mothers and Children, $30.00.

Albany, N. Y., through Miss Janet McNaughton, 20. Oakland, Cal., Mrs. M. R. Smith, by Mrs. Agard, 10.


For Colored People.

Income for September $500.00
Previously acknowledged 61,999.22


MAINE, $669.86.

Belfast, First, 30. Bridgeton, First, 7. Brooksville, Emma J. Walker, 1. Cherryfield, 16.70. Cumberland Center, 20.66. Dennysville, 11. Portland, State St. C., 150. Rockland, 29.27. Skowhegan, Island Av. C., 26.37.

Maine Woman's Aid to A. M. A., by Mrs. Helen W. Davis, Treas., $377.86.

Auburn, High St., 15.25. Brownville, 14.75. Camden, 19. Dexter, 1.55. Dover and Foxcroft, 10.25. Falmouth, Second, 11. Fort Fairfield, 4. Gorham, 15. Greenville, 10.50. Houlton, 1. Island Falls, 10. Madison, 3. Portland, High St., 91; State St., 50; Bethel C., 30; Second Parish, 10. State Conference Collection, 11.57. Woodfords, Ida V. Woodbury, 5. Yarmouth, First C., 31. "A Friend," 1. Conference Collection (Piscataquis), 1.99. Conference (Piscataquis), 5. East Orrington, Maria George, 1. Hampden, Sarah C. Curtis, 20. North Gorham, Miss C. C. Varney, 5.

NEW HAMPSHIRE, $7,110.22—of which from Estate, $7,000.00.

Hancock, 5. Hinsdale, S., 5. Lisbon, First, 4.72. Lisbon, Mary R. Commings and family, 75. Littleton, First, C. E., 8. Warner, C. E., 5.

Female Cent. Inst. and Home Mission'ry Union of New Hampshire, Miss Annie A. McFarland, Treas. $7.50.

Harrison, W. S. of Cong. C., by Mrs. Myra M. Patrick, 2. Lancaster, Ladies' Aux., by Mrs. P. F. Marston, for Brewer N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C., 5.50.

Estate.—Exeter, Estate of Mrs. Mary E. Shute, 7,000.00.

VERMONT, $476.16—of which from Estates, $306.54.

Brattleboro, 55. Brookfield, Second, 9.21. Danby, 2.50. Enosburg, 9. Milton, C., ad'l, 25 cts. Pawlett, "A Friend," 5. Salisbury, 10.15. Westminster, 33.01.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Vermont, by Mrs. Robert Mackinnon, Treas., 45.50.

Barton Landing, Jr. C. E., for Indian Schp., 5. Cambridgeport, 1. Richmond, S. Class, for Mountain White Schp., 2. Salisbury, for Indian Schp., 50 cts. Saxtons River, 5. Saint Johnsbury, North C., Primary Class, for Indian Schp., 1. Berlin, W. M. S. by Mrs. Geo K. Perrin, Sec., 5. Burlington, W. H. M. S. of First, by Mrs. S. Story, Treas., 10. Sheldon, M. S., by Sarah F. Jennison, 6. Woodstock, W. M. S., by Miss C. A. Munger, 10.

Estates.—North Bennington, Estate of Mrs. Caroline E. Hall, by Henry D. Hall, Executor, 25. Springfield, Estate of Frederick Parks, 281.54.

[Pg 186]

MASSACHUSETTS, $21,115.89—of which from Estates, $18,812.14.

Amherst, First, C. E., for McIntosh, Ga., 2.25. Andover, Y. L. Soc. of Christian Workers, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 20. Attleboro, Second, S., 8.88. Barre, 62.75. Billerica, 10.75. Blandford, First, 10.07. Charlemont, First, 9.20. Conway, 17.51. Dalton, Mrs. Louise F. Crane, 125; Miss Clara L. Crane, 75, for Tougaloo U. Danvers, Prim. Dept. Maple St. S., for Alaska M., 10. Dedham, First, 88.94. East Charlemont, 13.25. Fall River, Broadway C., 4; King's Daughters, 1; C. E., 1. Foxboro, Bethany C., 15.07. Harwich, First, 19.35. Haverhill, Riverside, 4; Fourth, 3. Holden, 6. Medway, 9.66. Millbury, M. D. Garfield, 25. Millbury, Second, 19.24. Newbury, First, 17.10. Newton, Eliot, S., 18.61. North Adams, 35. North Chelmsford, 3.50. Norton, Trinity C., 3.95. Palmer, 1. Pittsfield, Mrs. H. L. Dawes, for Alaska M., 10. Plainfield, 7. Princeton, Mrs. L. M. Grout, 2. Reading, 30. Reading, "A Friend," 1. Rockport, First, 8.34. Salem, South, 96.82. Sharon, C., 9.50; S., 10. Somerville, "S. H. T.," 2. Southampton, 24.48. Taunton, Trin. C., to const. Miss Mary A. Whitmarsh, Mrs. Elizabeth R. Warren and Frank P. Smerdon L.M's, 141.97. Ward Hill, 2.70. Westhampton, 16.39. Westhampton, "Friend," 1. Westfield, Mrs. Sarah H. Hooker, deceased, 500. West Hawley, 4. Wilbraham, First, 10. Winchendon Center, First, S., 21.47.

——, "Four Friends," for Fisk U., 180.

——, "A Friend," 50.

Woman's Home Missionary Association of Mass. and R. I., Miss Lizzie D. White, Treas., $535.00.

W. H. M. A. of Mass. and R. I., 530. Norwood, King's Daughters, for Straight U. 5.

Estates.—Boston, Estate of Josephine E. Boylston, 950. Lenox, Estate of Orilla B. Stanley, for Indian M., 5,553.77. Worcester, Estate of Albert Curtis, by James Logan, Executor (Reserve Legacy Account, 235), 12,308.37.

RHODE ISLAND, $1,902.02—of which from Estate, $1,810.00.

Central Falls, 39.27, Providence, North C., C. E., 2.75.

——, In memory of J. G. and M. B. Moffitt, for Tougaloo U., 50.

Estate.—Pawtucket, Estate of Mrs. Catherine E. Plimpton, by Rev. J. H. Lyon, Administrator, 1,810.

CONNECTICUT, $10,688.61—of which from Estates, $8,726.27.

Andover, 10. Bridgeport, 59.10. Brooklyn, First, C., 17; S., 5; C. E., 3. Derby, C. E. of First C., for Porto Rico, 9. Durham, 22. East Hartford, First, 15.76. East Hartford, South, 10. Falls Village, 2.75. Farmington, S., for Girls' Ind'l Dept., Talladega C., 17.72. Green's Farms, 26.35. Guilford, First, 60. Hadlyme, R. E. Hungerford, 25; J. W. Hungerford, 25. Hampton, 9.51. Hanover, ad'l, 8.70. Hartford, Hartford Theo. Sem. Students' Association, 23.04. Hebron, Ladies of First, for A. N. and I. Sch., Thomasville, Ga., 12. Litchfield, First, 40.26. Meriden, First, to const. Miss Marion R. Smith, J. W. Soule and Frank W. Plumb L.M's, 156. Montville, 7.23. New Britain, South, 253.36. New Hartford, Ladies' Aid Soc., 3. New Milford, First, 68.80. Noank, Myron H. Giddings, 5. North Haven, 16.95. Norwich, Broadway C., 382.50. Norwich, Park C., 254.80. Norwich, Mrs. Louisa G. Lane, 100. Old Saybrook, quarterly, 4.33. Plainfield, First, 13. Prospect, 12. Salisbury, 5.20. Somers, 8.23. South Canaan, 4. South Coventry, First, 23.13. Southport, First, 15. Watertown, 29. Westchester, 7.75. Wethersfield, C., (of which for A. N. and I. Sch., Thomasville, Ga., 1.25), 27. Windham, 51.44. Winsted, First, 34. Winsted, Fred B. Pickett, 5. Woodstock, First, 19.50; C. E., 9.93.

Woman's Cong. Home Missionary Union of Conn., by Mrs. Geo. Follett Sec., $45.00.

Putnam, W. M. S., by Emma J. Kinney, 10. Terryville, B. S., 5. Wallingford, L. B. S., 25. Winchester, L. S., 5.

Estates.—Brooklyn, Estate of M. E. Ensworth, 8. Cornwall, Estate of S. C. Beers, 382.09. Fairfield, Estate of Miss E. B. Lyon, by W. H. Lyon, 200. Groton, Estate of Mrs. B. N. Hurlbutt, 180. Norwalk, Estate of William J. Craw, 2,719.38. New London, Estate of Christopher Tyler, 1,506.74. Torrington, Estate of Lauren Wetmore, 3,730.06.

NEW YORK, $2,241.07.

Berkshire, First, 35. Brookfield, Puritan, 4.61. Brooklyn, Mrs. Julia E. Brick, for Jos. K. Brick A., I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C., 1,000. Brooklyn, Miss Lydia Benedict, 25. Brooklyn, "A Friend," 1. Clifton Springs, "A Friend," at C. S. Sanitarium, for Fisk U., 10. Cortland, First, 32. Groton City, C., 2: C. E., 3. Livonia, Mrs. William Calvert, 12. Massena Center, Mrs. E. C. R. Sutton, 10. Morristown, First, 6.60. Mount Sinai, M. C. Coll, 9.50. Mount Sinai, 9. New Lebanon, 10. New York, Bedford Park C., 2.44. Northville, 12.31. Rochester, Geo. W. Thayer, 828.06. Sidney, C. E., for Student Aid, Fisk U., 25. Smyrna, "A Friend," 5. Spencerport, Miss Mary E. Dyer, 5.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of N. Y., by Mrs. J. J. Pearsall, Treas., $193.55.

Buffalo, Niagara Sq. C., 9; First, Jr. C. E., 4. Brooklyn, Tompkins Av., Primary Dept., 10. Clifton Springs, Mrs. A. G. W., 7. Fairport, 15. Poughkeepsie, 5. Rensselaer, 3. Rutland, 11. Sayville, 10. W. H. M. U., of N. Y., 111.55. Brooklyn, W. H. M. U., of Nazarene C., 1. Middletown, North St. C., L. B. U., by Mrs. Geo. Bartle, Treas., 3. Salamanca, M. S., by Mrs. Mary L. Doty, Pres., 4.

NEW JERSEY, $6.30.

Closter, 6. Morristown, E. M. Hyde, 30 cts.


Centreville, 3.70. Neath, C. E., for Chinese M., 3. Susquehanna Co., C. E. U., for Student Aid, Fisk U., 50.

OHIO, $631.94.

Ashland, J. O. Jennings, 10. Chatfield, German Pietist Congregation, for Indian M., 46.50. Collinwood, 15. Columbus, Mayflower C., 6.50. Huntsburg, Cong., K. E. S., 9.60. Madison, Central, 8.19. Norwalk, 5. Oberlin, First, 22.93. Rootstown, 22.68.

——, Cash, 1.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Ohio, by Mrs. G. B. Brown, Treas., $484.54.

Akron, West, 14; First, 5. Alliance, Mrs. J. M. Thomas, 3. Ashland, 3.60. Ashtabula, C. E., 1. Austinburg, C. E., 2.50. Berlin Heights, 3. Belpre, 1.25. Berea, 1.75. Brecksville, 5. Burton, 8. Chardon, 3.50. Chardon, C. E., 2.10. Cincinnati, Vine, 10; Walnut Hills, C. E., 1.50. Clarksfield, 3.50. Claridon, 5. Cleveland, [Pg 187]Euclid Ave., 65. Cleveland, Archwood, 5; Plymouth, 16. Cleveland, Bethlehem, 5; Mount Zion, 10; Park, 2. Columbus, Plymouth, 9.60; Eastwood, 4.40; Plymouth, C. E., 12; Mayflower, 5. Claridon, C. E., 1.50. Ceredo, West Va., 2. Elyria, 21.50. Freedom, 1. Garretsville, 5.15. Geneva, 9. Greenwich, 2.40. Hudson, 3.50. Huntsburg, K. E. S., 4.60. Kirtland, K. E. S., 3.35. Lafayette, S., 2.19. Lindenville, C. E., 2. Lodi, 2.50. Mallet, Creek, for Indian M., Miss Collins, 6. Marietta, First, W. M. S., 5; Y. L. M. S., 9.25. Medina, 8.60. Mesopotamia, S., 50 cts. Mount Vernon, 5.75. Newark, Plymouth, 3.96. North Bloomfield, 1. North Ridgeville, C. E., 3. Oberlin, First, 12; Second, 35. Oberlin, First, for Alaska Supplies, 8. Paddy's Run, 4. Painesville, 16.50. Plain, 3. Rootstown, 5. Sheffield, 1.25. Springfield, First, 10. Strongsville, 2.50. Toledo, Central, 16.25; Washington St., 19.09; Washington St., C. E., 2.25; Second, 1.50. Twinsburg, 8.75. Vermillion, C. E., 2.50. Wellington, 4. West Andover, 2. West Williamsfield, 10. Williamsfield, 2.50. Windham, 3. Youngstown, Elm St., 1.25.

Undesignated Fund, 2.75.

INDIANA, $14.00.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Indiana, by Mrs. Anna D. Davis, Treas., $14.00.

Alexandria, 4. Kokomo, M. Soc., by Mrs. H. C. Davis, Vice Pres., 10.

ILLINOIS, $227.70.

Chicago, South C., W. M. S., 5.

De Kalb, 9.81. Forrest, 7.83. Godfrey, 5. Granville, 24.77. Granville, Rev. J. E. Bissell, for S. A., Fisk U., 10. Jacksonville, James M. Longley, 1. Loda, 7.65. Mazon, 3. Oak Park, Second, S., 9.14. Port Byron, 3.40. Rockefeller, 7. Strawn, 65 cts. Thawville, 4.16. Toulon, C., 9.53; S., 7.79; C. E., 5. Wheaton, First, 16.66. Winnebago, C., 13.54; S., 1.46. Winnebago, W. H. Nevens, 10. Winnetka, 24.56.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Illinois, Mrs. Mary S. Booth, Treas, $40.75.

Dover, 10. Dover, Jr. C. E., 1.50. Geneseo, 5. Jacksonville, Y. L. M. S., 5. Ottawa, First, 16.25. Rockford, Second, 3.

MICHIGAN, $215.87—of which from Estate, $100.00.

Almont, C., 5.03; C. E., 2.25. Charlotte, First, 10. Detroit, Fort St. C., 7.88. Grand Rapids, Park C. Miss'y Soc., 30.75. Howell, Mrs. S. E. A. Batcheler, 2. Hudson, First, 15. Noble, Mrs. Henry Bogardus, 2. Stanton, First, 25.26. Union City, 10.70.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Mich., Mrs. E. F. Grabill, Treas., $5.00.

Frankfort, W. H. M. U., by Ellen U. Frost, 5.

Estate.—Niles, Est. of Dr. Jas. Lewis, 100.

IOWA, $421.78.

Cass, 9.80. Chester Center, 4.60. Danville, Lee W. Mix, 5. Des Moines, Plymouth, C. E., 25; North Park C., 4.91. Lewis, 9.22. Muscatine, First, S., 1.43. Nashua, 10. Red Oak, W. M. S., 23. Rowen, 5.25. Shenandoah, C., 28.10; S., 5. Sherrill, German C., 3.55. Sibley, 18.58. Wittemburg, 12.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Iowa, Miss Belle L. Bentley, Treas., $256.34.

Alden, 4.42. Almoral, 5. Fayette, 5. Gilbert 6.65. Madison Co., First, 1. Manchester, 10. Maquoketa, for Alaska M., 11. Marshalltown, 10. McGregor, 6.25. Lewis, 8.87. Ottumwa, 6. Traer, 43.15. Victor, Jr. C. E., 1. Waterloo, 8. Waterloo, Bequest of Louisa M. Capwell, 100. Webster City, to const. Mrs. Mary S. Donaldson L.M., 30.

MINNESOTA, $280.70.

Ada, 8.11. Brainerd, First, 2.10. Freeborn, S., 1. Marshall, 15.36. Minneapolis, Park Ave. C., for Porto Rico, 50 cts. Morris, 7.07.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Minnesota, by Mrs. M. W. Skinner, Treas., $246.56, (less expenses, $2), $244.56.

Austin, 6.90. Ada, S., 3.08. Crookston, 5. Duluth, Pilgrim, 8.40. Dawson, 1.25. Excelsior, 3. Excelsior, Jr. C. E., 90 cts. Freeborn, 5. Faribault, 5. Hawley, 4. Kerns, 3. Little Falls, 2. Mapleton, 3. Mapleton, Jr. C. E., 2. Marshall, 8.75. Morris, Jr. C. E., 2.50. Mantorville, 2. Minneapolis, Park Ave., 24.10; Park Ave., for Mountain White Work, 3; Plymouth, 22.90; Pilgrim, 10.53; Como Ave., 10; Lowry Hill, 5.50; Lora Hollister, 5; Open Door, C. E., 2.50. New Ulm, 2.50. Owatonna, 15. Ortonville, 2.50. Princeton, 3. Plainview, 2.50. Springfield, 3.50. Spring Valley, Jr. C. E., for S. A., Fisk U., 5. Stewartville, C. E., 1. Sauk Center, 1.75. Saint Paul, Park, 15; Olivet, 5; Pacific, 4; University Ave., 1; Bethany, C. E., 2.50; Plymouth, C. E., 5. Winona, S., 3. Worthington, 4. Waseca, 8. Waseca, C. E., 2. Wadena, S., 2.

Glyndon, W. M. S., by Mrs. A. D. Gracey, 11.

WISCONSIN, $1,046.27—of which from Estate, $866.66.

Appleton, 1.10. Brandon, 5. Clinton, 16. Clintonville, L. M. S., 7. Milwaukee, Hanover St., C., 4.56. Racine, Mrs. Canfield Smith, 20; Mary Johnson, 10. River Falls C., 21.60; S., 3.40. Springvale, 3.50.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Wisconsin, by Mrs. L. E. Smith, Treas., $87.45.

Arena, First, 2.96. Beloit, First, 10. Beloit, First, Y. L. M. S., 2. Delevan, 3.60. Eau Claire, 5. Fort Atkinson, 3. Green Bay, Union, C. E., 20. Hayward, 9.14. Janesville, Covenant Club of K. D., 2. Platteville, 2.50. Sun Prairie, 10. Stoughton, S., Birthday box, 7.75. Wauwatosa, 9.50.

Estate.—Beloit, Estate of Mrs. Ellen B. French, 866.66.

MISSOURI, $78.00.

Cole Camp, 10. Hamilton, 10.50. Pleasant Hill, Geo. M. Kellogg, for Porto Rico, 50. St. Louis, Olive Branch C., 7.50.

KANSAS, $48.53.

Centralia, First, 10.34. Fredonia, 4.10. Hill City, Mrs. T. Garnett (1 of which for Sch., Meridian, Miss.), 2. Kansas City, First, 10.23. Manhattan, Wm. E. Castle, 12. Osawatomie, First, 2.46. Tonganoxie, 5.40. Westmoreland, 2.


Woman's Home Missionary Union of North Dakota, by Mrs. J. M. Fisher, Treas., $9.40.

Wahpeton, 5. Lidgerwood, W. H. M. S., by Mrs. L. M. Mix, Pres., 4.40.


Beresford, C., 8.50; W. M. S., 1; C. E., 50 cts. Buffalo Gap, 3. Cheyenne River, C., for Oahe Sch., 2.95. Columbia, 7.10. Faulkton,[Pg 188] S., for Oahe Sch., 3. Ipswich, S., 1.50; Rosette Park, S.; 75 cts, Little Moreau, C., 66 cts., for Oahe Sch. Moreau River, C., 80 cts., for Oahe Sch. Oahe, S., Lincoln Mem., 3.55. Oahe, C., for Oahe Sch., 1.77. Pioneer, 2. Rapid City, 10.60. Tyndall, Jr. C. E. of First C., for Santee Indian Sch., Neb., 3. Virgin Creek, W. M. S., 5; C., 81 cts., for Oahe Sch.. Webster, 15.

Woman's Missionary Union of South Dakota, by Mrs. Adda M. Wilcox, Treas., $24.50.

Meckling, W. M. S., by Mrs. L. K. Robbins, 2.50. South Dakota W. H. M. U., 7; Brantford, L. M. C., 15, for Oahe Sch.

NEBRASKA, $119.05.

Ainsworth, 10.18. Franklin, 14. Friend, C., 9.21; S., for Porto Rico, 2.08. Nehawka, B. Wolph, 5. Santee, F. B. Riggs, toward Artesian Well, 56. Verdon, 4. York, C., 16.21; S., 2.37.

IDAHO, $9.25.

Challis, First, 4.25.

Woman's Missionary Union of Idaho by Mrs. C. E. Mason, 5.

Woman's Aux., 5.

OKLAHOMA, $5.00.

Darlington, 5.

COLORADO, $2.02.

Fruita, 2.02.

CALIFORNIA, $4,298.49.

Benicia, C., 4.60. Lockeford, 4.86. Lodi, 11.14. Los Angeles, Rev. G. A. Rawson, 5. Stockton, Rev. J. C. Holbrook, D.D., deceased, 1,000. San Francisco, Receipts of the California Chinese Mission (see items below), 647.89. San Francisco, Receipts of the Chinese Mission Building Fund (see items below), 2,625.

OREGON, $3.00.

Portland, German C. E., 3.


Ahtonum, 2.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Washington, by Mrs. Edward B. Burwell, Treas., $25.00.

"Light Bearers," for S. A., Almeda Gardner, Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 25.

MARYLAND, Estate, $4,900.14.

Estate.—Baltimore, Estate of Mrs. Mary R. Hawley, 4,900.14.


Washington, First, C. E., 25 for Porto Rico, and 25 for Alaska M.

VIRGINIA, $10.95.

Falls Church, First, 8.25. Herndon, 2.70.


Candor, First, 3.25. Fly Mission, C., 50 cts.

TENNESSEE, $50.00.

Bon Air, Rev. E. N. Goff, 2. Crossville, 5. Oakdale, 2. Pomona, 5.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Tennessee, by Mrs. J. C. Napier, Treasurer, $36.00.

W. M. U. of Tenn., 36.

GEORGIA, 50 cts.

Woodville, Rev. J. H. H. Sengstacke, for Mountain Work, 50 cents.

ALABAMA, $5.00.

Anniston, Cong. C., C. E., 2.46; W. M. Soc., 2.54.

FLORIDA, $5.35.

Tavares, 5.35.

INCOME, $2,809.10.

Avery Fund, for African M., 418.82. M. R. Bishop End. Fund, 1.33. Mrs. S. N. Brewer End. Fund, 23.70. E. A. Brown Sch'p. Fund, for Talladega C., 25 cts. De Forest Fund, for President's Chair, Talladega C., 64.41. E. B. Eldridge End. Fund, 225. Erwin Fund, for Talladega C., 2,000. Fisk University Theo. Fund, 4.75. Haley Schp. Fund, 10.91. E. A. Hand, End. Fund, 11.25. Howard Theo. Fund, for Howard U., 5. Luke Mem. Schp. Fund, for Talladega C., 1. Seymour Straight Endowment Fund, for Straight U., 2.68. Straight U. Sch'p Fund, 1.15. S. M. Strong End. Fund, for Saluda N. C., 27. Wood Schp. Fund, for Talladega C., 10.80. Yale Library Schp. Fund, for Talladega C., 1.05.

TUITION, $502.90.

Troy, N. C., 2.74. Whittier, N. C. Public Fund, 27. Whittier, N. C., 11. Memphis, Tenn., Public Fund, 93.75. Memphis, Tenn., 27.95. Nashville, Tenn., 4.81. Albany, Ga., 91.50. Florence, Ala., 10. Tougaloo, Miss., 15. Porto Rico, 219.15.

Slater Fund Appropriations, $4,998.00.

Tougaloo University, Tougaloo, Miss., 3,000. Straight University, New Orleans, La., 1,998.

Donations $14,303.82
Estates 42,521.75
Income 2,809.10
Tuition 502.90
Slater Fund 4,998.00
Total for September $65,135.57

Donations $168,096.22
Estates 104,641.72
Income 14,858.39
Tuition 43,185.30
Slater Fund 4,998.00
Total from Oct. 1, '99 to Sept. 30, 1900 $335,779.63

Subscriptions for June $12.55
Previously acknowledged 291.59
Total $304.14

Receipts of the California Chinese Mission, from Aug. 15 to Sept. 19, 1900, William Johnstone, Treas., $647.89.
[Pg 189]
From Local Missions, $299.95:

Berkeley, Chinese M. O., 5.20; Ann. Mems., 19.50. Fresno, Ann. Mems., 4. Fruitland, Chinese M. O., 1; Ann'y Pledges, 11.50. Los Angeles, Chinese M. O., 3; Ann. Mems., 4. Marysville, Chinese M. O., 7.50; Anniversary Pledges, 15. Oakland, Chinese M. O., 3; Ann. Mems., 16.10. Oroville, Chinese M. O., 2.70; Ann'y Pledges, 6.50. Pasadena, Chinese M. O., 2.10; Ann'y Pledges, 11. Petaluma, Chinese M. O., 1.50; Ann'y Pledges, 5. Riverside, Chinese M. O., 3; Ann'y Pledges, 3; Y. P. S. C. E., 10. Sacramento, Chinese M. O., 4; Ann. Mems., 12. San Bernardino, Chinese M. O., 3; Ann'y Pledges, 4; First C., 6.95. San Diego, Chinese M. O., 5.05; Ann'y Pledges, 22. San Francisco, Central, Chinese M. O., 6.75; Ann. Mems., 34. San Francisco, West, Chinese M. O., 4.25; Ann. Mems., 2. San Francisco, Bethany, Ann'y Pledges, 19.75. San Francisco, Branch Ass'n of Christian Chinese, 10. Santa Barbara, Chinese M. O., 5.35; Ann. Mems., 6. Santa Cruz, Chinese M. O., 6.75; Ann'y Pledges, 13.50.

From Individuals, $100.00:

Alexander Guthrie, 100.

From Eastern Friends, $170.00:

Bangor, Maine, Hon. E. R. Burpee, 100; Mrs. M. W. Chamberlain, 10. Boston, Mass., Rev. J. B. Sewall, 25. Greenfield, Mass., Mrs. Ellen W. Russell, 10; Miss Helen L. Mann, 5. Ill. W. H. M. U., Mrs. H. B. Haskell, 5. Mrs. S. B. Newell, 5. Talladega, Ala., Miss A. E. Farrington, 10.

Received for Chinese Mothers and Children, $77.94:

W. H. M. A. of California, 25.19. Vernon, Cal., W. H. M. A., 2.75. New Haven, Conn., Mrs. Henry Farnham, 50.

Receipts for Chinese Mission Building, San Francisco, Cal., $2,625.00:

Maine, $14.00.

Bucksport, Friends, 12. Orland, Miss H. Buck, 2.

Vermont, $1.00.

Brattleboro, Mrs. H. L. Miles, 1.

Massachusetts, $1,013.12.

Andover, Chin Wing, 5. Auburndale, Mrs. H. A. Hazen, 5; Rev. M. S. Gordon, 1. Boston, Miss Carter's S., 53.50; Second C., Chinese S. and Go Forth M. Band, 25; Berkley Temple, 9.01; Friends, 18.50; Chinese Friends, 126.50. Cambridge, Mrs. Geo. F. Kendall, 25. Charlestown, First C., 63. Chelsea, Friends, 10. Dedham, First C., 16.31. East Walpole, C., 8. Greenfield, Mrs. E. B. Loomis, 5. Islington, C., 8. Lowell, Wong Quong, 6. Lynn, Mrs. L. G. Brockway, 10. Stockbridge, Miss Byington, 600. Roxbury, Highland C., 11.30; C. Ong Ying, 5.

Rhode Island, $10.60.

Newport, Union C., 2.60. Providence, Friends, 8.

Connecticut, $53.20.

Hardentown, Mt. Carmel C., 18.60. Hartford, A. T. Perry, 10. New Haven, Friends, 22. Northford, C., 2.60.

New York, $837.33.

Binghamton, First, W. H. M. Soc., 20; Friends, 7. Brooklyn, C. of the Pilgrims, 90; Tompkins Av. C., 73.50; Central C. Chinese S., 30; South C., 25; Plymouth C., 6.53; Friends, 101.40; Chinese Friends, 89. Columbus, Cong. C. E., by Mrs. Agard, 1.50. Eldred, Rev. J. F. Whitney, 5. Ithaca, Rev. W. G. Griffis, 5; C. E., 5. Mount Vernon, First, W. M. Soc., 8.25. Oxford, Rev. W. T. Sutherland, 5. Rockville, Meth. S., 25.40. Richford, Miss M. E. Allen, 5. Syracuse, Rev. Dr. Curtis, 5. New York, Bromfield M. E. C., 16; Friends, 228; Chinese Friends, 52.50. New York, Saint Bartholomew Chinese Guild, 33.25.

Ohio, $1.00.

Ottawa, C. H. Rice, 1.

Illinois, $154.87.

Austin, Friends, 3. Chicago, First, S., 10; First, C. E., 3.75; Warren Ave. C., 15; Mizpah C., 3.12; Friends, 64; Chinese Friends, 50. Chicago, Austin St. C., Y. P. S. C. E., 5. Winnetka, Quincy S. Dowd, 1.

Minnesota, $154.11.

Minneapolis, Plymouth C., 64.26; University of Minn., 20; Friends, 7; Chinese Friends, 28.50. Saint Paul, Park Av. C., 19.35; N. H. Dunwoody, 10; Chinese Friends, 5.

Utah, $150.92.

Ogden, Chinese Friends, 16.50. Salt Lake City. First C., 17.42; Phillips C., 4; Friends, 5; Chinese Friends, 108.

California, $176.85.

California W. H. M. U., Mrs. L. E. Agard, 50. Fresno, Chinese Friends, 41. Oakland, Ong Yon, 5. Pomona, Rev. W. L. Jones, 5. San Francisco, Friends, 68.85; Chinese Friends, 35. San Francisco, Friends, ad'l, 25.

Tennessee, $5.00.

Nashville, Rev. G. W. Moore, 5.

H. W. HUBBARD, Treasurer,
Congregational Rooms,
Fourth Av. and Twenty-Second St.,
New York, N. Y.

[Pg 190]


[Pg 191]

[A] While the W. H. M. A. appears in this list as a State body for Mass. and R. I., it has certain auxiliaries elsewhere.

[Pg 192]


Mrs. W. B. Ranney, Newport.

Mass. & R. I.
Miss Bertha M. Shepard, 607 Cong'l House, Boston.

New York
Mrs. H. A. Flint, 604 Willis Ave., Syracuse.

Miss M. C. Smith, 853 Doan St., Cleveland.

Mrs. J. T. Blanchard, 218 Walnut St., Aurora.

Miss Katherine Jones, 4337 Washington Ave., St. Louis.

Mrs. Charles McAllister, Spencer.

Mrs. W. J. Gregory, 459 Third St., Manistee.

Minnesota, Young Ladies' Work, Mrs. B. W. Smith, 600 West Thirty-second St., Minneapolis.
Minnesota, Christian Endeavor Work, Miss Bertha Hanneman, 1816 Portland Ave., Minneapolis.
North Dakota
Mrs. E. S. Shaw, Cooperstown.

South Dakota
Mrs. Grace Burleigh, Mitchell.

Mrs. J. N. Hyder, 1520 U St., Lincoln.

Mrs. C. E. Read, Parsons.

Mrs. Olive R. Barker, Greenlee.

Mrs. H. C. Arnold, 621 Spruce St., Helena.

Mrs. W. C. Davie, 423 North N St., Tacoma.

Mrs. W. D. Palmer, 443 West Park St., Portland.

Miss Caroline A. Potter, 600 17th St., Oakland.

Southern California
Miss Phebe Mayhew, 355 Alvarado St., Los Angeles.


Mrs. Effie Morgan, 3880 Euclid Ave., East Cleveland.

Miss Hattie Kline, 713 E. 63d St., Chicago.

Mrs. M. Rew, Grinnell.

Mrs. C. R. Wilson, 65 Frederick Ave., Detroit.

Mrs. H. S. Baker, 2268 Blake Ave., St. Anthony Park.

North Dakota
Mrs. O. J. Wakefield, Wahpeton.

South Dakota
Mrs. I. Crane, Waubay.

Mrs. H. D. Neely, 4371 Hamilton St., Omaha.

Miss Hattie Booth, Newton.

Mrs. H. B. Segur, Billings.

Southern California
Miss Emily M. Peck, 920 W. 8th St., Los Angeles.

American Missionary Association.

President, Rev. F. A. Noble, D.D., Ill.

Rev. Alex. McKenzie, D.D., Mass. Rev. Washington Gladden, D.D., Ohio.
Rev. Henry A. Stimson, D.D., N. Y. Rev. George C. Adams, California.
William H. Strong, Esq., Michigan.
Recording Secretary, Rev. H. A. Hazen, D.D., Massachusetts.

Corresponding Secretaries.
Rev. A. F. Beard, D.D., Fourth Ave. and 22d Street, N. Y.
Rev. F. P. Woodbury, D.D., Fourth Ave. and 22d Street, N. Y.
Rev. C. J. Ryder, D.D., Fourth Ave. and 22d Street, N. Y.

H. W. Hubbard, Esq., Fourth Ave. and 22d Street, N. Y.

Edwin H. Baker, Conn. John E. Leech, N. Y.

Executive Committee.
Charles A. Hull, Chairman. Frank M. Brooks, Secretary.

For Three Years. For Two Years. For One Year.
Charles A. Hull, Elijah Horr, William Hayes Ward,
Albert J. Lyman, Frank M. Brooks, James W. Cooper,
Nehemiah Boynton, Clarence Kenyon, Lucien C. Warner,
Edward S. Tead, Willis S. Thompson, Lewellyn Pratt,
Truman J. Backus. Henry R. Wilson. Charles P. Peirce.

District Secretaries.
Rev. Geo. H. Gutterson, 615 Cong'l House, Boston, Mass.
Rev. Jos. E. Roy, D.D., 153 La Salle Street, Chicago, Ill.

Secretary of Woman's Bureau.
Miss D. E. Emerson, Fourth Ave. and 22d Street, N. Y.


Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; letters for "The American Missionary," to the Editor, at the New York Office; letters relating to the finances, to the Treasurer; letters relating to woman's work, to the Secretary of the Woman's Bureau.


In drafts, checks, registered letters, or post-office orders, may be sent to H. W. Hubbard, Treasurer, Congregational Rooms, Fourth Avenue and 22d Street, New York; or, when more convenient, to either of the Branch Offices, 615 Congregational House, Boston, Mass., or 153 La Salle Street, Chicago, Ill. A payment of thirty dollars constitutes a Life Member.

Notice To Subscribers.—The date on the "address label" indicates the time to which the subscription is paid. Changes are made in date on label to the 10th of each month. If payment of subscription be made afterward, the change on the label will appear on the next number. Please send early notice of change in post-office address, giving the former address and the new address, in order that our periodicals and occasional papers may be correctly mailed.


"I give and bequeath the sum of —— dollars to the 'American Missionary Association,' incorporated by act of the Legislature of the State of New York." The will should be attested by three witnesses.


Springfield, Mass., October 23-25, 1900.


Reduced Fares.

The following Passenger Associations have agreed to grant reduced fares on the certificate plan from points in their territory. The New England, the Central, the Trunk Line, the Western and the Southeastern. This plan provides that if there are one hundred or more persons present who have paid full first-class fares to Springfield from points where the rate is more than seventy-five cents and have obtained from the ticket agent at the time of purchase a certificate in proper form to that effect, they will be entitled from ticket agent in Springfield to a return ticket over same route as they came for one-third the regular first-class fare. Certificates must be delivered on arrival to Transportation Committee, who will give receipts for the same, and which must not be called for later than the evening of the 25th. These certificates will be good for reduced rates to Monday night, October 29th. Parties starting from points outside the lines of any of the above passenger associations, or from stations not provided with through tickets and certificates, should purchase tickets to nearest junction point within the lines of the above associations, and there obtain through ticket and certificate. Positively no tickets can be sold for return trip at reduced fares unless above instructions are fully complied with.

General Information.

The Transportation Committee room will be supplied with full assortment of Railroad Guides, Maps, Time-tables, etc., not only of railroads but of local cars and other modes of conveyance.

Members of the Committee will be on hand from 9 A. M. to the end of the evening sessions on all days to assist visitors and to give information in regard to trolley trips, steamboat rides, carriage drives, etc. Mount Tom, a dozen miles north of Springfield, and the highest peak in the region, is reached by a remarkable trolley line which takes passengers to the summit where a very fine view is obtained of the country for fifty miles in every direction.

The Committee is planning a trip to the mountains for Friday morning, the 26th. Particulars can be obtained on arrival at Springfield. As the number of persons who can be accommodated in the special cars is limited, it will be well to make application for ticket promptly.

There is a fine new steamer on the river carrying four hundred persons, and arrangements have been made to charter this for a beautiful sail of two hours at noon, on the 24th or 25th, at very reasonable rates, if a sufficient number of applications for tickets are received by Tuesday night the 23d.

For the Transportation Committee,
Charles D. Reid, Chairman.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The American Missionary -- Volume 54,
No. 4, October, 1900, by Various


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