\version "2.10" \include "english.ly" \header { title = "GONE, SOLD AND GONE." poet = "Words by Whittier." composer = "Music by G.W. Clark." source = "The Liberty Minstrel." tagline = "" } verseone = \lyricmode { Gone, "gone----" sold and gone, To the \override LyricHyphen #'minimum-distance = #1.0 rice -- swamp dank and lone, Where the slave -- whip cease -- less swings, Where the noi -- some in -- sect stings, Where the fe -- ver de -- mon strews Poi -- son with the fall -- ing dews, Where the sick -- ly sun -- beams glare Through the hot and mis -- ty air, Gone, "gone----" sold and gone, To the rice -- swamp dank and lone, From Vir -- gin -- ia's hills and wa -- "ters,----" Woe is me my sto -- len daugh -- ters! } versetwo = \lyricmode { Gone, "gone----" sold and gone, To the rice -- swamp dank and lone, There no moth -- er's eye is near_them, There no moth -- er's ear can hear_them; Nev -- er when the torturing _ lash Seams their back with many a gash, Shall a mother's kind -- ness bless them, Or a moth -- er's arms caress them. Gone, "gone----" sold and gone, To the rice -- swamp dank and lone, From Vir -- gin -- ia's hills and wa -- "ters,----" Woe is me my sto -- len daugh -- ters! } treble = \relative c' { \clef treble \key a \minor \time 3/4 \autoBeamOff \stemDown 2\fermata r4 | 2\fermata r4 | 2^\decr 4\enddecr | 2\fermata 8 | 4. 8 | \break 2\fermata 8. 16 | 4. 8 | \grace b8\turn a2 8. 16 | \break 4. 8 | \grace b8 a2\fermata 8. 16 | 4. 8 | \break 2 8. 16 | 4. 8 | a2 8. 16 | \break 4. 8 | ( 4.) 8 | 4. 8 a | \break a8~ a2 r8 | 2\fermata r4 | 2\fermata r4 | 2^\decr 4\enddecr | 2\fermata 8. 16 | \break 8 4. 8 | 2\fermata 8. 16 | [ ] 8 4. 8 | \break 8 2 r8 | 2-> 4 | 2 r8 | 2-> 4 | 8 a4.\fermata r8 \bar "|." } bass = \relative c { \clef bass \key a \minor \time 3/4 \autoBeamOff 2\fermata r4 | e'2\fermata r4 | c2^\decr e4\enddecr | a,2\fermata r4 | R2. | \break r2 e'8. e16 | e4. e8 e e | \grace a,8\turn a2 e'8. e16 | \break e4. e8 e e | \grace a,8 a2\fermata a8. a16 | a4. a8 a \stemUp d \stemNeutral | e2 e8. e16 | e4. e8 e e | a,2 c8. c16 | c4. g'8 g g | g( c,4.) g'8 g | g4. e8 e e | \break a,8~ a2 r8 | a2\fermata r4 | e'2 r4 | e2 e4 | a,2\fermata r4 | \break R2. | R2. | R2. | \break R2. | g'2-> g4 | c,2 r8 d8 | e2 e4 | a,8 a4.\fermata r8 } \score { \new ChoirStaff \with{systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBrace } << \new Staff = "upper" \new Voice = "treble" { \treble } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "treble" { \verseone } \new Staff = "lower" \new Voice = "bass" { \bass } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "treble" { \versetwo } >> \layout { indent=0 \context { \Staff \override Rest #'style = #'classical } \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 100 4 ) }} }