\version "2.10" \include "english.ly" \header { title = "THE AFRIC'S DREAM." poet = "Words by Miss Chandler." composer = "\"Emigrant's Lament,\" arranged by G. W. C." source = "The Liberty Minstrel." tagline = "" } words = \lyricmode { Why did ye wake me from my sleep? It was a dream of bliss, And ye have torn me from that land, to pine a -- gain in this; Me -- thought, be -- neath yon whis -- pering tree, That I was laid to rest, The turf, with all its with -- 'ring flowers, up -- on my cold heart pressed. } treble = \relative c' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4 \autoBeamOff \stemUp \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'() \partial 4 4 | 8 ( 4) 8 | 4 r8 4 | \break 8[ ] 4 \fermata 8[ ] | 4 4. 8 | [ ] 4 4. 8 | \break 4 8.[ 16] 4 | 2 r4 | 4. 8 | 4 4. 8 \break 4 8[ ] [ ] | 2 r4 4 | 4. 8 4 \break 8( 4) 8 4. 8 | 8.[ 16] 4 8.[ 16] 4 | 2. \bar "|." } bass = \relative c { \clef bass \key c \major \autoBeamOff \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'() \partial 4 c4 | c8 c c c c4. c8 | c4 r8 c8 f4 f | f4 f c\fermata c | c c c4. c8 | f4 f c4. c8 | f4 f g g | c,2 r4 g' | g g g4. g8 | c,4 c c4. c8 | f4 f f fs | g2 r4 c,4 | c4. c8 c4 c c4. b8 c4. c8 | f4 f g g | c,2. \bar "|." } \score { \new ChoirStaff \with{systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBrace } << \new Staff = "upper" \new Voice = "treble" { \treble } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "treble" { \words } \new Staff = "lower" \new Voice = "bass" { \bass } >> \layout { indent=0 \context { \Staff \override Rest #'style = #'classical } \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 100 4 ) }} }