\version "2.8.6" \include "english.ly" \header { title = "The galloping song" } melody = \relative c'' { \clef treble \key bf \major \time 6/8 % \set Staff.midiInstrument = "harpsichord" \autoBeamOff g4 g'8 g,4 a8 | bf8 a g g4. | a4 a'8 a,4 bf8 | c bf a bf a g | bf'4 g,8 g4 a8 | bf8 c d ef d c | d8 e fs g d a' | fs4\trill d8 d4. \bar ":|" a'4 d,8 d4 a'8 | a8 a g g,4 g'8 | a8 g f e f g | cs,8 d e a, b cs | d8 e f g e a | f4\trill d8 d4 f8 | % change first ef to natural f8 d bf f'4 f,8 | ef4 g'8 fs8.\trill ef16 d8 | bf'8 g d ef g c, | a'8 f c d f bf, | g'8 f ef d c bf | bf8.\trill a16 g8 g4. || } \addlyrics { Bux -- om Joan got on a bald Mare; she rid ramp -- ing on to The Fair, with a Whip and Spur. Such jog -- ging, such flog -- ging, Such splash -- ing, such dash -- ing, was ne'er seen there. Jol -- ly Tom, cry'd out as she Come, thou Mon -- key Face, Pun -- key Face, lous -- ey Face, Frouz -- ey Face, hold thy Hand, Make a Stand, thou'lt be down. No Soon -- er Tom. spoke, but Down comes Joan, with her Head and Bum up and down, So that her A----se was shown. Bald Mare ran gal -- lop -- ing all the Way home. } \score { \new Staff \melody \layout { \context { \Score \remove Bar_number_engraver } } \midi { \tempo 4 = 60 } }