\version "2.6.3" \include "english.ly" \score { \new Staff { \clef bass \key f \major \time 4/4 \autoBeamOff \once \override TextScript #'padding = #2.5 r8^\markup { \italic {Sempre sotto voce.}} d16^\markup {Don Giovanni.} d16 g8 g16 fs16 g8 g8 r8^\markup {Leporello.} g8 | bf8 bf8 a8 bf8 g8 g8 r8 d8 | g8 g8 r8^\markup {D.G.} g8 e4 r8^\markup {Lep.} e8 | g8 g8 g8 r16 c'16 c'8 g8 r8^\markup {D.G.} g16 g16 | g8 g16 c'16 c'8 g8 r8 g8 e8 e8 | g8^\markup {Lep.} c8 \bar ""} \addlyrics { \override LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic Le -- po -- rel -- lo,_o -- ve se -- i? Son qui per mia dis -- gra -- zia! e vo -- i? Son qui. Chi_è mor -- to, voi o_il vec -- chio? Che do -- man -- da da bes -- tia! il vec -- chio. Bra -- vo! } \addlyrics { Le -- po -- rel -- lo, where are you? I'm here and more's the pit -- y! and you, Sir? Here too. Who's been killed, you or_the old one? What a ques -- tion, you boo -- by! the old one. Bra -- vo! } \layout { indent = 0.0\cm \context { \Score \remove Bar_number_engraver } \context { \Staff \remove Key_engraver } } \midi { \tempo 4 = 100 } }