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Title: Pamphlets and Parodies on Political Subjects

Author: William Hone

Illustrator: George Cruikshank

Release date: December 26, 2013 [eBook #44520]

Language: English

Credits: Produced by David Widger



By William Hone,

With Numerous Wood Cuts, by CRUIKSHANK


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   "A straw—thrown up to show which way the wind blows."



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Fifty-first Edition


  Printed By And For William Hone,
  Ludgate Hill.




     —"Many, whose sequester'd lot
     Forbids their interference, looking on,
     Anticipate perforce some dire event;
     And, seeing the old castle of the state,
     That promis'd once more firmness, so assail'd,
     That all its tempest-beaten turrets shake,
     Stand motionless expectants of its fall."


     NOTE. Each Motto that follows, is from Cowper's "Task."




     Doctor Slop,

     In Acknowledgment Of

     Many Public Testimonials Of His Filial Gratitude;

     And To The Nursery Of Children Six Feet High, His Readers,

     For The Delight And Instruction Of Their Uninformed Minds

     This Juvenile Publication

     Is Affectionately Inscribed,


     The Doctor's Political Godfather,

     The Author.

**The Publication wherein the Author of "The Political House that Jack Built" conferred upon Dr. SLOP the lasting distinction of his name, was a Jeu d'Esprit, entitled "Buonapartephobia, or cursing made easy to the meanest capacity"—It is reprinted, and may be had of the Publisher, Price One Shilling.


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     THIS IS


     that lay
     In the House that Jack built.



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       ——"A race obscene,

       Spawn'd in the muddy beds of Nile, came forth,
       Polluting Egypt: gardens, fields, and plains,
       Were cover'd with the pest;

       The croaking nuisance lurk'd in every nook;
       Nor palaces, nor even chambers,'scap'd;
       And the land stank —so num'rous was the fry."

                THESE ARE


      That plunder the Wealth,
      That lay in the House,

      That Jack built.



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                 THIS IS

       THE THING,

                 that in spite of new Acts,
      And attempts to restrain it,

                 by Soldiers or Tax,

      Will poison the Vermin,

     That plunder the Wealth,

     That lay in the House,

     That Jack built.



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                           THIS IS



     Would pull down the Thing,

                           that, in spite of new Acts,
                 And attempts to restrain it,
                 by Soldiers or Tax,

     Will poison the Vermin, that plunder the Wealth,
     That lay in the House, that Jack built.



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                       THESE ARE

     That back the Public Informer,

        Would put down the Thing,

                       that, in spite of new Acts,

        And attempts to restrain it,

                     by Soldiers or Tax,

         Will poison the Vermin,

        That plunder the W ealth,

         That lay in the House,

        That Jack built.



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     This is THE MAN—all shaven and shorn,
     All cover'd with Orders—and all forlorn;



                   Who bows with a grace,

     And has taste in wigs, collars,

                   cuirasses, and lace;

     Who, to tricksters and fools,

                    leaves the State and its treasure,
     And, when Britain's in tears,

                    sails about at his pleasure,
     Who spurn'd from his presence

                   the Friends of his youth,

     And now has not one

                   who will tell him the truth;
     Who took to his counsels,
     in evil hour,

     The Friends to the Reasons

                   of lawless Power;

     That back the Public Informer

     Would put down the Thing,

                   that, in spite of new Acts,

     And attempts to restrain it,

                  by Soldiers or Tax,

     Will poison the Vermin,

     That plunder the Wealth,

     That lay in the House,

     That Jack built.



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                  THESE ARE


                    all tatter'd and torn,
     Who curse the day

                  wherein they were born,
     On account of Taxation

                    too great to be borne,
     And pray for relief,

                   from night to morn:
     Who, in vain, Petition

                   in every form,


         Who, peaceably Meeting

                       to ask for Reform,

         Were sabred by Yeomanry Cavalry,

        Were thank'd by THE MAN,

                        all shaven and shorn,

          All cover'd with Orders—

                          and all forlorn;


                      who bows with a grace,

          And has taste in wigs, collars,

                        cuirasses, and lace:

          "Who, to tricksters and fools,

                         leaves the state and its treasure,
          And, when Britain's in tears,

                         sails about at his pleasure:

         Who spurn'd from his presence

                        the Friends of his youth,

         And now' has not one

                         who will tell him the truth;

     Who took to his counsels, in evil hour,

     The Friends to the Reasons of law less Power,

     That back the Public Informer, who
     Would put down the Thing, that, in spite of new Acts,
     And attempts to restrain it, by Soldiers or Tax,
     Will poison the Vermin, that plunder the Wealth,
     That lay in the House, that Jack built.



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     This is THE DOCTOR

      of Circular fame,
     A Driv'ller, a Bigot, a Knave
     without shame:



                 by name,

     From the Land of misrule,

                   and half-hanging, and flame:
     And that is THE SPOUTER OF FROTH

     The worthless colleague

                   of their infamous power:

     W ho dubb'd him 'the Doctor'

                  whom now he calls 'brother,'
     And, to get at his Place,

                    took a shot at the other;

     Who haunts their Bad House,

     a base living to earn,

     By playing Jack-pudding, and Ruffian,
     in turn;

     Who bullies, for those

                  whom he bullied before;

     Their Flash-man, their Bravo,

     a son of a ————;

     The hate of the People,

                    all tatter'd and torn,

     Who curse the day

                  wherein they were born,

     On account of Taxation

                   too great to be borne,

     And pray for relief

                   from night to morn;


         Who, in vain, petition

                         in every form:

         Who peaceably Meeting

                       to ask for Reform,

         Were sabred by Yeomanry Cavalry,

        Were thank'd by THE MAN,

                       all shaven and shorn,

         All cover'd with Orders—

                         and all forlorn;


                      who bows with a grace,

          And has taste in wigs, collars,

                         cuirasses and lace:

         Who to tricksters and fools,

                        leaves the State and its treasure,
          And, when Britain's in tears,

                         sails about at his pleasure:

         Who spurn'd from his presence

                        the Friends of his youth,

         And now has not one

                        who will tell him the truth;

     Who took to his counsels, in evil hour,

     The Friends to the Reasons of lawless Power;
     That back the Public Informer, who
     Would put down the Thing, that, inspite of new Acts,
     And attempts to restrain it, by Soldiers or Tax,
     Will poison the Vermin, that plunder the Wealth

     That lay in the House, that Jack built.



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     This WORD is the Watchword—
     the talisman word,

     That the WATERLOO-MAN's to crush
     with his sword;


     But, if shielded by Norfolk

                  and Bedford's alliance,

     It will set both his sword,

                   and him at defiance;

     If Fitzwilliam, and Grosvenor, and
                 Albemarle aid it,

     And assist its best Champions,

                  who then dare invade it?

     'Tis the terrible WORD OF FEAR,
                night and morn,

     To the Guilty Trio,

                   all cover'd with scorn;

     First, to the Doctor,

                   of Circular fame,

     A Driv'ller, a Bigot, a Knave
     without shame:

     And next, Derry Down Triangle
                 by name,

     From the Land of Mis-rule,

                  and Half-hanging, and Flame:
     And then, to the Spouter of Froth
     by the hour,

     The worthless colleague

                   of their infamous power;

     Who dubb'd him 'the Doctor,'

                  whom now he calls 'brother',
     And to get at his Place,

                    took a shot at the other;


     Who haunts their Bad House,

                    a base living to earn,

     By playing Jack-Pudding, and Ruffian,
                  in turn;

     Who bullies for those,

                   whom he bullied before;
     Their Flash-man, their Bravo,

                    a son of a ————;

     The hate of the People,

                    all tatter'd and torn,

     Who curse the day

                  wherein they were born
     On account of Taxation

                   too great to be borne,

     And pray for relief,

                   from night to morn;

     Who, in vain, Petition

                   in every form,

     Who peaceably Meeting,

                   to ask for Reform,

     Were sabred by Yeomanry Cavalry,

     Were thank'd by THE MAN,

                   all shaven and shorn,

     All cover'd with Orders—

                    and all forlorn;


      who bows with a grace,


     And has taste in wigs, collars,

                     cuirasses and lace;

     Who, to tricksters and fools,

                    leaves the State and its treasure,
     And, when Britain's in tears,

                     sails about at his pleasure;

     Who spurn'd from his presence

                    the Friends of his youth,

     And now has not one

                    who will tell him the Truth;
     Who took to his counsels,
     in evil hour,

     The friends to the Reasons

                  of lawless Power;

     That back the Public Informer,

     Would put down the Thing

                    that, in spite of new Acts,

     And attempts to restrain it

              by Soldiers or Tax,

     Will poison the Vermin,

     That plunder the Wealth,

     That lay in the House,

     That Jack built.




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               made 'according to Law,'


     Who, on being ordain'd, vow'd, by rote, like a daw,
     That he felt himself call'd, by the Holy Spirit,

     To teach men the Kingdom of Heaven to merit;
     That, to think of the World and the flesh he'd cease,
     And keep men in quietness, love, and peace;

     And, making thus his profession and boast,
     Receiv'd, from the Bishop, the Holy Ghost:

     Then—not having the fear of God before him—

     Is sworn in a Justice, and one of the Quorum;
     'Gainst his spiritual Oath, puts his Oath of the Bench,
     And, instead of his Bible, examines a wench;

     Gets Chairman of Sessions—leaves his flock, sick
              or dying,

     To license Ale-houses—and assist in the trying
     Of prostitutes, poachers, pickpockets, and thieves;—
     Having charged the Grand Jury, dines with them,
     and gives

     "Church and King without day-light gets fresh,
              and puts in—

     To the stocks vulgar people, who fuddle with gin:
     Stage-coach men, and toll-men, convicts as he pleases;
     And beggars and paupers incessantly teazes:
     Commits starving vagrants, and orders Distress
     On the Poor, for their Rates—signs warrants to press,
     And beats up for names to a Loyal Address:
     Would indict, for Rebellion, those who Petition:
     And, all who look peaceable, try for Sedition;


     If the People were legally Meeting, in quiet,
     Would pronounce it decidedly—sec. Stut.—a Riot,
     And order the Soldiers 'to aid and assist,'

     That is—kill the helpless, who cannot resist.

     He, though vowing 'from all worldly studies to

     Breaks the Peace of the Church, to be Justice of Peace;
     Breaks his vows madeto Heaven: a pander for power;
     A Perjurer—a guide to the People no more;

     On God turns his back,

                     when he turns the State's Agent;
     And damns his own Soul,

                       to be friends with the ————.



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A National Toy With Fourteen Step Scenes;

And Illustrations In Verse,

With Eighteen Other Cuts.

By The Author Of The Political House That Jack Built."


'It is a wonderful thing to consider the strength of Princes' wills when they are bent to have their Pleasure fulfilled, wherein no reasonable persuasion' will serve their turn: how little do they regard the dangerous sequels, that may ensue as well to themselves as to their Subjects. And amongst all things there is nothing that makes them more wilful than Carnal Love, and various affecting of voluptuous desires."

Cavendish's Memoirs of Curd. Wolsey



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In love, and in drink, and o'ertoppled by debt

With women, with wine, and with duns on the fret.



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     The Prodigal Son, by his perils surrounded,

     Vex'd, harass'd, bewilder'd, asham'd, and con-

     Fled for help to his Father,

                    confessed his ill doing,

     And begged for salvation

                    from stark staring ruin;

     The sire urged—"The People

                  your debts have twice paid,

     "And, to ask a third time,

                    even Pitt is afraid;

     "But he shall if you'll marry, and lead a new life,—
     "You've a cousin in Germany—make her your



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      From the high halls of Brunswick, all youthful and


      From the hearth of her fathers, he lured her away:
      How joy'd she in coming—

                      how smiling the bower;
      flow sparkling their nuptials—

                     how welcome her dower.

      Ah! short were her pleasures—full soon came her

      Her husbandless bride-bed was wash'd with her



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     Near a million of debts gone,

                      all gone were her charms—
     What! an Epicure have his own wife
     in his arms?

     She was not to his taste—

                       what car'd he for the 'form,'

     'To love and to cherish'

                     could not mean reform:

     'To love' meant, of course, nothing else
                      but neglect;—

     'To cherish' to leave her,

                    and shew disrespect



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     Was it manly, when widow'd,

                      to spy at her actions;

     To listen to eaves-droppers,

                      whisp'ring detractions:

     And, like an old Watchman,

                      with faults to conceal,

     Get up a false Charge,

                      as a proof of his zeal?

     If desertion was base, Oh base be his name,
     Who, having deserted, would bring her to sham?



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     Undaunted in spirit, her courage arose,

     With encrease of charges, and encrease of foes.
     Despising the husband,

                     who thus had abused her,

     She proved to his father,

                        his son had ill used her:—

     Her conduct examin'd, and sifted, shone bright,
     Her enemies fled, as the shadows of night



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     Her father and king, while with reason yet blest,
     Protected her weakness, and shielded her rest;
     Infirmity seizes him, false friends draw near,

     Then spies gather round, and malignants appear;
     And cajole, wait, watch, insult,

                       alarm, and betray,

     Till from home, and her daughter,

                       they force her away.



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     Still pursued, when a 'wanderer,'

                      her child sleeps in death,

     And her best friend, in England, her king,
                     yields his breath;

     This gives her new rights—

                     they neglect and proscribe her;

     She threatens returning—they then try to bribe her!

     The bullies turn slaves, and, in meanness, fawn on her:

     They feel her contempt, and they vow her dishonour;

     But she 'steers her own course,' comes indignantly

     And the shouts of the nation salute her at Dover!



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     Ah, what was that groan!—

                  'twas the Head of the Church,
     When he found she was come—

                  for he dreaded a search
     Into what he'd been doing:

                   and sorely afraid, for
     What she might find out,

                    cried 'I'll not have her pray'd for';

     And the B———ps, obeying their pious Head,

                  care took
     That the name of his wife

                  should be out of the prayer book!




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     On searching for precedents, much to their dread,
     They found that they could n't well cut off her head;


      And the 'House of Incurables' raised a 'Report'
      She was not a fit person to live in his Court.

     How like an OLD CHARLEY

                  they then made him stand,

      In his lanthorn a leech,

                   the 'Report' in his hand.

      'Good folks be so good as not go near that door
      'For, though my own wife, she is—I could say more
      'But it's all in this Bag, and there'll be a fine pother,

      'I shall get rid of her, and I'll then get another!'

      Yet he thought, to himself,—

                    'twas a thought most distressing,—

      'If she should discover

                  I've been M—ch—ss—g,

      'There's an end of the whole!

      D——rs C-ns, of course,

      'If my own hands are dirty,

       won't grant a D———ce!'

      He tried to look wise, but he only look'd wild;
      The women laugh'd out, and the grave even smiled:
      The old frown'd upon him—the children made sport,
      And his wife held her ridicule at his 'Report'!


                 Be warn'd by his fate
                    Married, single, and all;

                Ye elderly Gentlemen,

                      Pity his fall!



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      As yon bright orb, that vivifies our ball,
      Sees through our system, and illumines all;


      So, sees and shines, our Moral Sun, The Press,
      Alike to vivify the mind, and bless;

      Sees the rat Leech turn towards Milan's walls,

      'Till the black slime betrays him as he crawls;'
      Sees, from that recreant, vile, and eunuch-land,
      Where felon-perjurers hold their market-stand,
      Cooke, with his 'cheek of parchment, eye of stone,'
      Get up the evidence, to go well down;

      Sees who, with eager hands, the Green Bag cram,
      And warns the nation of the frightful flam;

      Sees Him, for whom they work the treacherous

      With face, scarce half conceal'd, behind their mask,
      Fat, fifty-eight, and frisky, still a beau,

      Grasping a half-made match, by Leech-light go;
      Led by a passion, prurient, blind, and batter'd,
      Lame, bloated, pointless, flameless, age'd and

      Creeping, like Guy Fawkes, to blow up his wife,
      Whom, spurn'd in youth, he dogs through after-life.

      Scorn'd, exiled, baffled, goaded in distress,

      She owes her safety to a fearless Press:

      With all the freedom that it makes its own,

      It guards, alike, the people and their throne;

      While fools with darkling eye-balls shun its gaze,
      And soaring villains scorch beneath its blaze.



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     The day will soon come, when 'the Judge and the

     Will judge between thee, and the charge-daring

     Will say—'Thou who cast the first stone at thy wife,

     Art thou without sin, and is spotless thy life?'

     Ah! what if thy faults should 'outrival the sloe,'

     And thy wife's, beside thine, should look 'whiter
           than snow'!

     Bethink thee! the old British Lion awoke,

     Turns indignant, and treads out thy bag-full of smoke.

     Spurn thy minions—the traitors, who counsel thee,

     And the soldiers will quickly forget all their Spanish!



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     Shakspeare says, in King John, it's a curse most

     That 'Slaves take the humours of Kings for a warrant.'
     A more useful truth never fell from his pen,

     If Kings would apply it like sober-bred men.

     The Slaves of your will,

                    will make your reign, in History,

     A misrule of force, folly, taxing, and mystery:
     Indulging your wish for

                   what, with law,'s incompatible,

     For the present, they've render'd your crown
     not come-at-able;

     And the tongues of old women and infancy wag,
     With, 'He call'd for his crown—and

                    they gave him the Bag!'



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     To this have they brought thee, at last!


           Exposed thee, for all men to see!
         Ah, surely, their pandering

                         shall quickly be past:—
            'How wretched their portion
            shall be!

          'Derision shall strike them

           'A mockery that never shall die:

          'The curses of hate and the hisses
          of scorn,
          f Shall follow wherever they fly;

         'And proud o'er their ruin

                       for ever be hurl'd,

           'The laughter of triumph,

                        the jeers of the world!'



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  An Extract of an overland Dispatch.

              I stare at it from out my casement,
              And ask for what is such a place meant.


July 29, 1820.

   ——The queerest of all the queer sights
   I've set sight on;—
   Is, the what dye-call'-t thing, here,
   The Folly at Brighton


The outside—huge teapots,

                  all drill'd round with holes,
Relieved by extinguishers,

                  sticking on poles:

The inside—all tea-things,

                and dragons, and bells,

The show rooms—all show,

                 the sleeping rooms—cells.

But the grand Curiosity

                    's not to be seen—

The owner himself—

               an old fat Mandarin;

A patron of painters

                who copy designs,

That grocers and tea-dealers

                 hang up for signs:

Hence teaboard-taste artists

                 gain rewards and distinction,
Hence his title of 'Teapot'

                  shall last to extinction.

I saw his great chair

                   into which he falls—soss—
And sits, in his China Shop,

                  like a large Joss;

His mannikins round him,

                  in tea-tray array,

His pea-hens beside him,

               to make him seem gay.


       It is said when he sleeps

                      on his state Eider-down,

      And thinks on his Wife,

                       and about half a Crown;

That he wakes from these horrible dreams in a stew;

And that, stretching his arms out,

                     he screams, Mrs. Q.!

     He's cool'd on the M—ch-ss,

                     but I'm your debtor

       For further particulars—

                         in a C letter.

You must know that he hates his own wife, to a failing;—

       And it's thought, it's to shun her,
       he's now gone out



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    To be used daily by all devout People throughout
    the Realm, for the Happy Deliverance of Her
    Majesty QUEEN CAROLINE From the late most Traitorous Conspiracy.

   Eighth Edition.


    Printed for WILLIAM HONE, 45, Ludgate Hill; and
    sold by all Booksellers in the United Kingdom. 1820. Price



    At the beginning of Morning and Evening Prayer the
    Minister may read with a loud voice some one or more
    of these Sentences of the Scriptures that follow. And
    then may be said that which is written after the said
    Sentences, together with other suitable portions of the
    usual Service.


    WHEN the righteous are in authority, the people
    rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the
    people mourn. Prov. xxix. 2.

    By reason of the multitude of oppressions they make
    the oppressed to cry: they cry out by reason of the
    arm of the mighty. Job, xxxv. 9.

    If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are
    wicked. Prov. xxix. 12.

    The wicked walk on every side when the vilest men
    are exalted. Psalm xii. 8.

    They are exalted for a little while, but they are
    gone and brought low: they are taken out of the way
    as all other, and cut off as the tops of green corn.
    Job, xxiv. 24.

    A righteous man falling down before the wicked is
    as a troubled fountain, and a corrupt spring. Prov.
    xxv. 26.

    A wise king scattereth the wicked, and bringeth
    the wheel over them. Prov. xx. 26.


   This Hymn following may be used; one Verse by the
   Priest, and another by the Clerk and People.

    O GIVE thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious:
    and his mercy endureth for ever. Psalm cvii. 1.

   Let them give thanks whom the Lord hath redeemed:
   and delivered from the hand of the enemy. Verse 2.

    Many a time have they fought against me from my
    youth up. Psalm cxxix. 1.

   Yea, many a time have they vexed me from my youth
   up: but they have not prevailed against me. Verse 2.

    They have privily laid their net to destroy me
    without a cause: yea, even without a cause have they
    made a pit for my soul. Psalm xxxv. 7.

    They have laid a net for my feet, and pressed down my
    soul: they have digged a pit before me, and are fallen
    into the midst of it themselves. Psalm lvii. 7.

    Great is our Lord, and great is his power: yea,
    and his wisdom is infinite. Psalm cxlvii. 5.

    The Lord setteth up the meek: and bringeth the un-
    godly down to the ground. Verse 6.

   Two Psalms appointed in the Book of Common Prayer

   to be said on the 29th of each month throughout the year.

   PSALM CXL. Eripe me, Domine..

   DELIVER me, O Lord, from the evil man: and
   preserve me from the wicked man.

    2 Who imagine mischief in their hearts: and stir
    up strife all the day long.

    3 They have sharpened their tongues like a ser-
    pent: adders' poison is under their lips.

    4 Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the un-
    godly: preserve me from the wicked men, who are
    purposed to overthrow my goings.


    5 The proud have laid a snare for me, and spread
    a net abroad with cords: yea, and set traps in my

    6 I said unto the Lord, Thou art my God: hear
    the voice of my prayers, O Lord.

    7 O Lord God, thou strength of my health: thou
    hast covered my head in the day of battle.

    8 Let not the ungodly have his desire, O Lord:
    let not his mischievous imagination prosper, lest they
    be too proud.

    9 Let the mischief of their own lips fall upon the
    head of them: that compass me about.

    10 Let hot burning coals fall upon them: let them
    be cast into the fire, and into the pit, that they never
    rise up again.

    11 A man full of words shall not prosper upon the
    earth: evil shall hunt the wicked person to overthrow

    12 Sure I am that the Lord will avenge the poor:
    and maintain the cause of the helpless.

    IS The righteous also shall give thanks unto thy
    Name: and the just shall continue in thy sight.

   PSALM CXLI. Domine clamavi.

    LORD, I call upon thee, haste thee unto me and
    consider my voice when I cry unto thee.

    2 Let my prayer be set forth in thy sight as the
    incense: and let the lifting up of my hands be an
    evening sacrifice.

    3 Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth: and
    keep the door of my lips.

    4 O let not mine heart be inclined to any evil
    thing: let me not be occupied in ungodly works with
    the men that work wickedness, lest I eat of such
    things as please them.
      5 Let the righteous rather smite me friendly: and
    reprove me.

      6 But let not their precious balms break my head:
    yea, I will pray yet against their wickedness.

      7 Let their judges be overthrown in stony places:
    that they may hear my words, for they are sweet.

      8 Our bones lie scattered before the pit: like as
    when one breaketh and hevveth wood upon the earth.

      9 But mine eyes look unto thee, O Lord God: in
    thee is my trust, O cast not out my soul.

      10 Keep me from the snare that they have laid for
    me: and from the traps of the wicked doers.

      11 Let the ungodly fall into their own nets toge-
    ther: and let me ever escape them.

   The Suffrages may be as followeth.

      Priest. O Lord, save the Queen.

      People. Who putteth her trust in thee.

      Priest. Send her help from thy holy place.

      People. And evermore mightily defend her.

      Priest. Let her enemies have no advantage against

   People. Let not the wicked approach to hurt her.

   After the Collects [for Peace and Deliverance from
   our Enemies] may be said that which followeth.

    ALMIGHTY God and heavenly Father, who of thy
    gracious providence, and tender mercy towards
    us, didst prevent the malice and imaginations of our
    enemies, by discovering and confounding their horrible
    and wicked Enterprize, plotted and intended to have
    been executed against the Queen and the whole State
    of England, for the subversion of the Government
    and Religion established among us; and didst like-
    wise wonderfully conduct thy Servant Queen Caroline,
   and bring her safely into England, and preserve us
   from the attempts of our enemies to bereave us of our
   religion and laws: We most humbly praise and mag-
   nify thy most glorious Name for thy unspeakable
   goodness towards us, expressed in both these acts of
   thy mercy. Let the consideration of this thy re-
   peated goodness, O Lord, work in us true repentance,
   that iniquity may not be our ruin. And increase in
   us more and more a lively faith and love, fruitful in
   all holy obedience; that thou mayest still continue
   thy favour, with the light of thy Gospel, to us and
   our posterity for evermore. Amen.



   ALMIGHTY God, who hast in all ages shewed
   thy Power and Mercy in the protection of
   righteous States from the wicked conspiracies, and
   malicious practices of all the enemies thereof: We
   yield thee our unfeigned thanks and praise, for the
   wonderful and mighty deliverance of our gracious
   Queen CAROLINE, by cruel treachery appointed as
   a sheep to the slaughter, in a most barbarous and
   savage manner, beyond the examples of former ages.
   From this unnatural conspiracy, not our merit, but
   thy mercy; not our foresight, but thy providence
   delivered us: And therefore not unto us, O Lord,
   not unto us, but unto thy Name be ascribed all
   honour and glory, in all Churches of the saints, from
   generation to generation. Amen.

   Instead of the Prayer [In time of War and Tu-
   mults] may be used this Prayer following.


   ETERNAL God, and our most mighty Protector,
   we thy unworthy servants do humbly present
   ourselves before thy Majesty, acknowledging thy
   power, wisdom, and goodness, in preserving the
   Queen from the destruction intended against her.
   Make us, we beseech thee, truly thankful for this,
   and for all other thy great mercies towards us; par-
   ticularly we bless thee for giving Her Majesty a safe
   arrival here, and for making all opposition fall before
   her. We beseech thee to protect and defend her
   from all treasons and conspiracies; Preserve her in
   thy faith, fear, and love; prosper her with long hap-
   piness here on earth; and crown her with everlasting
   glory hereafter. Amen.

   The following may be said or sung, one Verse by the
   Priest, another by the Clerk and People.

     Grant the Queen a long life: and make her glad
   with the joy of thy countenance. Psalm Ixi. 6. and
   xxi. 6.

     Let her dwell before thee for ever: O prepare thy
   loving mercy and faithfulness, that they may preserve her.
   Psalm lxi. 7.

     In her time let the righteous flourish: and let peace
   be in all our borders. Psalm Ixxii. 7. and cxlii. 14.

     As for her enemies, clothe them with shame: but upon
   herself let her crown flourish. Psalm cxxxii. 19.

   Also this.

     Thou art the God that hast no pleasure in wicked-
   ness: neither shall any evil dwell with thee. Psalm
   v. 4.

   Thou wilt destroy them that speak leasing: the Lord
   abhors both the blood-thirsty and deceitful man. ver: 6.

     O how suddenly do they consume: perish, and
   come to a fearful end! Psalm lxxiii. 18.

     Yea, even like as a dream, when one awaketh: so
   didst thou make their image to vanish out of the city.
   ver. 19.

       This Sentence may be read at the Offertory.


      Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you,
    do ye even so to them; for this is the law and the
    Prophets. St. Matt. vii. 12.

    Also may be profitably read these Sentences.

      There is a generation that are pure in their own
   eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness.
   Prov. xxx. 12.

      Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil;
    that put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
    that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah,
    v. 20. '

      Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for
    ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter.
    Matt, xxiii. 25.

      But your inside is full of ravening and wickedness.
    Luke, xi. 39.

      Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
   for ye are as graves which appear not, and the men
   that walk over them are not aware of them. Luke,
   xi. 44.

      His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself,
   and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins.
   Prov. v. 22.

      He shall die without instruction; and in the great-
    ness of his folly he shall go astray. Prov. v. 23.

      The congregation of hypocrites shall be desolate
   and fire shall consume the tabernacles of bribery.
   Job, xv. 34.

      After the Prayer [For the whole State of Christ's
      Church, &c.] this Collect following may be used.


   ALMIGHTY God and heavenly Father, who, of
   thine infinite and unspeakable goodness towards
   us, didst in a most extraordinary and wonderful man-
   ner disappoint and overthrow the wicked designs of
   those traitorous, heady, and high-minded men, who,
   under the pretence of Religion and thy most holy
   Name, had contrived, and well-nigh effected the utter
   destruction of thy Servant CAROLINE, our beloved
   Queen: as we do this day most heartily and devoutly
   adore and magnify thy glorious Name for this thine
   infinite goodness already vouchsafed to us; so do we
   most humbly beseech thee to continue thy grace and
   favour towards us, that no such dismal calamity may
   ever again fall upon us. Infatuate and defeat all the
   secret counsels of deceitful and wicked men against
   us. Abate their pride, asswage their malice, and
   confound their devices. With judgment and justice
   cut off all such workers of iniquity, as turn Religion
   into Rebellion, and Faith into Faction; that they
   may never prevail against us, nor triumph in the
   ruin of the Monarchy. Protect and defend Her Ma-
   jesty from all treasons and conspiracies. Be unto her
   an helmet of salvation, and a strong tower of defence
   against the face of all her enemies; clothe them with
   shame and confusion, but let Her for ever flourish.
   So we thy people, and the sheep of thy pasture, will
   give thee thanks for ever, and will always be shewing
   forth thy praise from generation to generation.—

   Or there may be sung or said this Hymn following:
      one Verse by the Priest, and another by the Clerk
      and people.

   MY song shall be alway of the loving kindness of
   the Lord: with my mouth will I ever be shew-
   ing forth his truth from one generation to another.
   Psalm lxxxix. 1.


     The merciful and gracious Lord hath so done his
   marvellous works: that they ought to be had in remem-
   brance. Psalm cxi. 4.

     Who can express the noble acts of the Lord: or
   shew forth all his praise? Psalm cvi. 2.

   The works of the Lord are great: sought out of all
   them that have pleasure therein. Psalm cxi. 2.

     The Lord setteth up the meek: and bringeth the
   nngodly down to the ground. Psalm cxlvii. 6.

   The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment: for
   all them that are oppressed with wrong. Psalm ciii. 6.

   This Collect may likewise be used.

   O ALMIGHTY God, who art a strong tower of
   defence unto thy servants against the face of
   their enemies; We yield thee praise and thanksgiving
   for the wonderful deliverance of these kingdoms from
   the GREAT CONSPIRACY, and all the Miseries
   and Oppressions consequent thereupon. We acknow-
   ledge it thy goodness, that we are not utterly deli-
   vered over as a prey unto our enemies; beseeching
   thee still to continue such thy mercy towards us, that
   all the world may know that thou art our Saviour and
   mighty deliverer. Amen.

   After the Prayer for the King, the Priest may say


     Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest all
   the days of thy vanity, which he hath given thee
   under the sun, all the days of thy vanity: for that is
   thy portion in this life, and in thy labour which thou
   takest under the sun. Eccl. ix. 9.

     So ought men to love their wives as their own
   bodies. He that loveth his wife, loveth himself. Eph.
   v. 28.
      Let every one of you in particular so love his wife
   even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence
   her husband. Eph. v. 33.

     It hath been said, whoever shall put away his wife,
   let him give her a writing of divorcement:

     But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away
   his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth
   her to commit adultery. Matt. v. 31,32.

     The Collect for God's protection of the Queen against
                        all her enemies.

   MOST gracious God, we most humbly beseech
   thee to protect thy Servant CAROLINE, our
   beloved Queen, from all the dangers to which she may
   be exposed; Hide her from the gathering together
   of the froward, and from the insurrection of wicked
   doers; Do thou weaken the hands, blast the designs,
   and defeat the enterprizes of all her enemies; that no
   secret conspiracies, nor open violences, may disquiet
   her; but that, being safely kept under the shadow of
   thy wing, and supported by thy power, she may tri-
   umph over all opposition; that so the world may
   acknowledge thee to be her Defender and mighty.
   Deliverer in all difficulties and adversities. Amen.

   This may also be said.

       LORD God of our salvation, who hast been ex-
   ceedingly gracious unto this land, and by thy
   miraculous providence didst deliver us out of our
   miserable confusion; by restoring to us, and to her
   own just and undoubted rights, our most gracious
   Queen CAROLINE, notwithstanding all the power
   and malice of her enemies; and to the great comfort
   and joy of our hearts: We are here now before thee,
   with all due thankfulness, to acknowledge thine un-
   speakable goodness herein, and to offer unto thee our"
    sacrifice of praise for the same; we beseech thee to
    bless the Queen with all increase of grace, honour
    and happiness, in this world, and to crown her with
    immortality and glory in the world to come. Amen.



   As snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so ho-
   nour is not seemly for a fool. Prov. xxvi. 1.

    The wicked are like the troubled sea, when it can-
    not rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. Isa. lvii.

   Take away the wicked from before the king, and
   his throne shall be established in righteousness. Prov.-
   xxv. 5.

   When it goeth well with the righteous, the city
   rejoiceth: and when the wicked perish, there is
   shouting. Prov. xi. 10.

   A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he
   that speaketh lies shall not escape. Prov. ix. 5.

   Great men are not always wise: neither do the
   aged understand judgment. Job, xxxii. 9.

    For the transgression of a land, many are the princes
    thereof: but by a man of understanding and know-
    ledge, the state thereof shall be prolonged. Prov.
    xxviii. 2.

   As a roaring lion, and a ranging bear; so is a
   wicked ruler over the poor people. Prov. xxviii. 15.

   Better is a poor and a wise child than an old and
   foolish king, who will no more be admonished. Eccl.
   iv. 13.

    His bones are full of the sins of his youth, which
    shall lie down with him in the dust. Job, xx. 11.

   Be wise now therefore O ye kings; be instructed
   ye judges of the earth. Psalm ii. 10.



         By N. BRADY, D. D. and N. TATE, Esq.

                            I. (Psalm 6.)



       It seemeth meet to acquaint thee that the foregoing
   Form of Prayer with Thanksgiving to be used Daily for
   Her Majesty, hath been wholly compiled from Scripture,
   and from certain Services and Forms appointed in the
   Book of Common Prayer: viz. The Services for
   Morning and Evening Prayer;  the Form for the Day
   of the Martyrdom of the blessed King Charles I.; the
   Form for the Restoration of His most religions and
   gracious Son, King Charles II.; and the Form for the
   Day whereon the Church as by Law established annually
   celebrates the overthrow of the Tyranny exercised by
   His Most Sacred Majesty King James II. and the
   success of the Glorious Principles whereby His said
   Majesty was providentially dethroned} and the Revolution
   of 1688 happily effected.


   Printed by William Hose,
   45, Lndgate Hill.



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&C. &c. &c.





   ==>LOST, 070at the Court Martial, Signor MY JOKEY'S
MEMORY, together with his Government Victualling Bill; both a little
damaged, and of no use but to the owner. Whoever will bring them to the
Publisher, in time to be restored to the Signor's disconsolate Mother,
Mrs. Leech, shall be rewarded with a "Non mi ricordo!"



WHO 071are you? Non mi ricordo.

What countryman are you?—a foreigner or an englishman? Non mi ricordo.

Do you understand English? No not at all.

Will the Oath you have taken bind you to speak the truth, or do you know of any other Oath more binding?

The Turnstile General objected to the ques-tion; upon which a discussion arose as to the nature of the Oath likely to bind the Witness, who ap-peared to be playing with a thread. The Witness was accordingly asked, by way of illustration, to what degree he thought the thread was binding, and whether he knew of any thing else more binding?

The Lord Precedent Furthermore said, if the Witness believed the thread he held was binding, that was sufficient.

The Lord Precedents opinion gave rise to a long discussion as to whether more binding was binding, and binding was more binding; which ended in a reference to the Erminians, who delivered the following solemn opinion:—If the Witness shall answer that he thinks the bit of thread is binding, there is no doubt it is binding; but he cannot be asked if a cord is more binding, because he in fact says 072that the thread itself is binding. If the Witness twists the thread round his little finger he is so far bound by it, and it is binding; and having done that, it is unnecessary to inquire whether a cord, round another part of his body, would be more binding.

Question over-ruled.


You are a master tailor, I think? I was cut out for a tailor.

You have been a tailor, then? I only follow tailoring as a mere amusement.

Fond of Goose I suppose—but pray Mr. Mere-amusement what is your business? I was brought up a Cabinet maker.

What can you get at it?—are you a good hand? I can't say I am; I'm badly off; my tools are worn out.

What is your place of residence?

(Order Order).

The Turnstile General protested against the consequences of this mode of Examination.

Lord Juryman—Why does not the Interpreter give the Witness's Answer.

The Lord Precedent Furthermore—Because the Bench objects to the question.

Lord MUDDLEPOOL—Does the Turnstile General object to the question.

The Turnstile General. I do object to it, my Lord. This is perhaps the most important question that ever occurred. By this dealing out, the party is placed in such a situation as he never was placed in before.

Mr. 073Besom—I ask him where he now lives, and the Turnstile General objects to this, because I do not put all the questions I might put, in a single breath.

The Lord Precedent Furthermore—I feel great difficulty—I doubt..

Lord Wheelbarrow thought there was a great deal in what the noble Lord had said; and he doubted.


How much money has been expended on you since you were born? Non mi ricordo.

What have you done for it in return? More less than more.

How do you get your living? I was waiter for some years at the Hotel de Grand Bretagne, and succeeded my father as head waiter at the Crown Inn.

What wages have you? Non mi ricordo.

Have you any perquisites? Veils.

Are you head waiter, or by what other name than head waiter you may be called, at the Crown Inn?

I am after building a new place called the Wellington Arms, and trying to be Barrack-master; if I dont gain the Trial I shall be glad to remain at the old Crown.

This answer appeared to excite considerable sensation,

The Twister General thought the meaning was,

'if I do n't gain what I attempt to gain.'

[The Short-hand writer was desired to read the answer, and the word Trial was retained as the correct translation.]

I 074do not ask what you are to be hereafter, but whether you are still head waiter at the Crown?

The head waiter is dismissed occasionally.

Are you married? More yes than no.

Do you live with your own wife? No.

Is she in this country? Yes.

Why did you marry? To pay my debts.

Then why did you part? Because my debts were paid.

Were you not up to the eyes in debt? Si Signor.

Are you not bound to manifest some gratitude towards those who have paid your debts?

The Interpreter said the witness was a mere fanfaron, and that he found it difficult, if not impossible, to explain to the witness's understanding what was meant by gratitude.

Cross Examination resumed.

Did not you write to your wife a licentious letter, called a letter of license?—(Order, order.)

I ask you again the cause of your separation?

She left me.

On what account? I did not like her, and I told her I'd have nothing to do with her any more.

After that what did you do? Oh, I rambled about.

Where did you go? To Jersey and elsewhere.

Well, Sir, go on. Non mi ricordo.

Do you mean to say that you never went to Manchester Square? More yes than no.

Were you in the house on the footing of a private friend? No, not as a friend.

You 075mentioned your father just now:—you did not go in your father's cart, I presume; in what sort of carriage did you go? In the old yellow chariot.

How long did it take you to travel from Manchester Square to Richmond? Non mi ricordo.

How many other places did you go to? Non mi ricordo.

Is the Marquis of C. a married man?

(Order. Order.)

After you parted from your wife, on what terms did you live? I've been trying to get rid of her.

Do you know what Matthew says (c. v. v. 32.)?

Matthew? Matthew? (trying to recollect)—what Matthew?—he's no friend of mine.

In what light do you consider your oath at the marriage ceremony? A ceremony.

If your marriage oath has not bound you, can you expect people to believe you if ever you should take a solemn public oath? More yes than no.

By the Roman law, a divorce was granted for Drunkenness, Adultery, and False Keys: what is your opinion of that law?

The Twister General said, that it was contrary to common sense to ask the witness's opinion about any Law.

How many Wives does your Church allow you? Non mi ricordo.

How many have you had since you separated from your own? Non mi ricordo.

Are you a Member of the Society for the Suppression of Vice? Yes (with great energy).

The Cross-examining Counsel said that the Interpreter had materially altered the sense of the last question; 076he had in fact asked, if the Witness was Member of the Society for the suppression of Wives, (a loud laugh) which Witness had eagerly answered in the affirmative.

The Witness's answer was expunged, and on the question being repeated correctly, he answered that he was told it was his duty to encourage the Vice Society, because it professed to diminish the influence of bad example.

Have they ever prosecuted you? Me!—(with astonishment)—they like me too well!

What do you mean then by Suppression—is your Soeiety to prevent little vice from being committed, or great vice from being found out?

More Yes than No.

It was here moved by Lord Le Cuisinier, that 4 o'Clock, the hour of dinner, was arrived.

Another, in a maiden Speeeh, said, that during his long silence in that Court he had had leisure to observe, that 4 o'Clock in the morning was a more usual hour of adjournment.

Another considered that Lord Le Cuisinier's suggestion ought not to be entertained for a moment. We only exist in our formalities. If we suffer ourselves to be put a stop to by the motion, we may find that we are travelling round again into the obsolete usages of our early ancestors; which will be to describe a circle that must be generally considered as nothing less than a revolution! I therefore deprecate the least innovation, and move, as an amendment, that 4 o'Clock is not arrived.

The 077Master General of the Black Barracks at Exeter, rose without his wig, and declaring, upon the memory of his whiskers, that he had just heard it strike 4, he enquired whether the Clock was in Order. (Loud and continued cries of hear hear.)

The Home DOCTOR felt his pulse alarmingly quicken one and a fraction in the minute, and nervously said, that the clock was clearly guilty of a barefaced libel and ought to be instantly held to bail for breach of the peace. The simultaneous action of all the Clocks throughout the nation and their open communication by circulars, was an index to the existence of an organized correspondence and a systematic affiliation. He trembled at the positive intelligence he had received, that millions at that moment held their hands in an attitude ready to strike; but it was the proudest day of his life that he had so far succeeded by a circular movement of his own, as to enable his workmen to hold them to the peace for an hour together.

Lord Bathos assured the Black-Barrack Master-General that the Clock was out of Order, and he congratulated the Home Doctor on his efficiency; but he thought they had not sunk low enough into the subject; for he had strong doubts whether the striking might not be construed into an overt act of High Treason, and if he saw any probability of being supported he should conclude with a substantive motion. Did not the Lord Precedent remember a Clock Case, in which, immediately after the chain had been locked up, a principal link suddenly disappeared? and whether, after the most minute inquiry, there was not every reason to believe from the best information that could be obtained at that time, 078that that link had been prigged? (Hear hear.) Take even the very last Clock Case, where the chain was kept together with the greatest pains, and the utmost care. If the smallest link in that chain had been prigged, it would have been fatal to the works, and yet in that very case, two days after the chain was locked up, a link was obtained, which, if sooner discovered, would have lengthened the chain to the necessary extent, and brought home in the most conclusive manner the guilt of the Clock. He therefore moved that the Clock be examined, and the chain kept in their own custody, with liberty to add to the number of links.

Lord Ratstail with his usual animation seconded the Motion.

Marquiz Boudoir moved as an Amendment, that the Clock being in contempt, the Black stick be ordered to walk him in to-morrow. Seconded.

Upon this Amendment the following Amendment was moved and seconded, that the word 'to-morrow' be expunged, and the word 'yesterday' be inserted in its place. Ordered.

Cross Examination resumed.

Does the Witness recollect whether he was at B————? Non mi ricordo.

Who usually closed the Pavilion? I did.

Was it so close as to exclude any person outside from seeing what passed within, or was it partially open? It was quite closed—When I could not close it with C**** entirely, I did it with other pieces.

What do you mean by saying with other pieces?

I mean with other pieces of the same quality.

Symptoms 079of impatience were now expressed, with loud cries of Withdraw, withdraw.

Do you remember any thing particular occurring one night? No.

Do you not recollect whether a new wing was added during the time you and your mistress were absent? Non mi ricordo.

Do you know a certain Colonel Q.? Yes, he has too little mustachios.

Are you a sober man? More no than yes.

How many bottles a day do you drink. Non mi ricordo.

Do you drink six bottles? Non mi ricordo.

Five bottles? Non mi ricordo.

How many nights in the week do you go to bed sober? Non mi ricordo.

Are you sober now? More no than yes.

Where do you spend your mornings? AtbCuraçao.

Where do you spend your evenings? At the Cat and Fiddle.

What is your favorite dish? Trifle.

What is your favorite game? Bag-at-L——

What is your favorite amusement? The C.

After Dressing, Drinking, and Dreaming, what time remains for thinking? Non mi ricordo.

I hold in my hand a list of immense sums of money that have been advanced to you, how much have you left? None.

Well, but you have something to show for it? No.

How do you live? I have a doll-shop, and a large stable in the country, and some cow-houses in different parts.

Are 080not your favourite friends horn-boys and flashmen?—(Order, order.)

Can you produce a certificate of good character from those who know you? Yes, from the minister.

Pho! plio! do n't trifle; can you from any respectable person? More no than yes.

I understand you have the scarlet fever, do you not know that it ends here in a putrid fever? Non mi ricordo.

You have many companions and advisers, but have you to your knowledge one real friend in the world; and if not, why not? Non mi ricordo.

By what acts of your life do you expect you will be remembered hereafter ? I shall not answer you any more questions; you put questions to me I never dreamt of.

Suppose every man in society were to do as you do, what would become of society; and what right have you to do so, more than any other man ?—(Witness greatly agitated?)

The Witness from the Grillery asked whether the Cross Examination was nearly concluded? (Cries of Keep on!)—Supposing that the business would close to day at 4 o'clock, he had made a private assignation, although he was quite ready to stop if necessary.

The Lord Precedent Furthermore was in favour of adhering to a square rule; he had not entered the Court till five seconds past ten by his stop-watch, 081in consequence of consulting with his Wife upon a motion-of-course which they had contemplated; and their further deliberation had been postponed until after the adjournment to-day. It was impossible to know what questions might turnout to be doubtful or doubtless; yet adjourning at Five o'Clock would gain a delay of six hours in the Week, and the gaining of any thing he considered very material in the present case.

An Adjournment then took place, the Witness remaining on



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WHEREAS 082a most abominable GANG, have caused to be published and promulgated throughout the Nation a description of the infirmities and necessities of our nature, of which decorum forbids the mention; and also gross and inflaming allusions to the intercourse between the sexes, and wanton and shocking exposures relating thereto; to the destruction of youthful innocence, to the shame and disgust of matron modesty, and to the horror of all heads of families: it is therefore proposed to call an immediate MEETING, for the purpose of considering the best mode of preventing an increase of this dreadful contamination, and of securing the ringleaders of the Conspiracy, and bringing them to condign punishment.


TO CONTRACTORS.—Persons willing to supply this Establishment with CAST-IRON REPEATERS, having duplex Movements, according to the Working Models now in use as above, may send in Sealed Tenders, stating the number they can instantly supply for immediate use, and the price thereof at per hundred.


THE old Hackney, Liverpool, who lately lost his paces, is glandered, gone blind, got cruel vicious, tried to kick his mistress's brains out, shattered himself to nothing, and is expected to go down with the staggers. Any body who thinks it worth while to send a drag to the Stable yard may have him for fetching.


A STOUT ABLE-BODIED IRISHMAN, for a long time a master hand at mangling; when he begins there is no stopping him, and never tires. Can fold and smooth, and double and iron, all day. Will turn with any body. Was formerly a master in Dublin, where his mangling will never be forgotten. His Character may be had of any body there. Is very smooth spoken, of good address, looks like an upper Valet, and is a perfect devil at his Work. May be heard of at the Triangle in the Bird-cage Walk.


AN old Woman accustomed to coarse things; and work, however filthy, never comes amiss. Where she is now they find her in ruin, and she finds dishclouts; but is leaving, being almost poisoned by printers' ink. To save trouble, will have nothing to do with cleaning the House. Is used to ironing, and putting by, in any quantities, and never tires at hanging up. Can have an undeniable Character from the Rev. Mr. Hay, and the Recorder of London.


IN 083Infirm Elderly Gentleman in a Public Office, lately left his home, just after dreadfully ill-using his wife about half a Crown, and trying to beat her. He had long complained a great deal of his forehead, and lately had a leech put upon him. He was last seen walking swiftly towards the Horns without a Crown to his hat, accompanied by some evil disposed persons, who tied a great green bag to his tail full of crackers, which he mistook for sweetmeats, and burnt himself dreadfully. Every person he met in this deplorable condition tried to persuade him to go back, but in vain. He is very deaf and very obstinate, and cannot bear to be looked at or spoken to. It is supposed that he has been seduced and carried off by some artful female. He may be easily known by his manners. He fancies himself the politest man in Europe, because he knows how to bow, and to offer a pinch of snuff; and thinks himself the greatest man in Europe, because people have humoured him and let him have his own way. He is so fond of tailoring, that he lately began a suit that will take him his life to complete. He delights in playing at soldiers, supposes himself a cavalry officer, and makes speeches, that others write for him, in a field marshal's uniform. Sometimes he fancies himself 'Glorious Apollo,' plays;Hailstones of Brunswick' on the base fiddle, and qualifies his frieuds to perform 'Cuckolds all on a row.' His concerns are very much deranged. Not long ago he imported a vast quantity of Italian images at enormous prices, upon credit, and hoarded them up in a waterside cotton warehouse. Since then, things have gone all against him, and he has been in a very desponding state. It is of the utmost consequence to himself that he should be at his post, or he may lose his place; one of his predecessors some time ago having been cashiered for his misconduct. If this should meet his eye, it is earnestly requested that he will return to his duty, and he will be kindly received and no questions asked.

N. B. He has not a friend in the world except the advertiser and a few others, who never had an opportunity of speaking to him and letting him know the real state of his affairs.


1st September, 1820. "WHEREAS 084that well known old established Public House, (formerly a free house) called the Political House that Jack built, has been feloniously entered into and damaged, and the property therein carried off to a large amount, by a numerous gang of desperate Villains, who, by various vile arts and contrivances, have not only kept possession thereof, but also of the Head Waiter, who was intrusted by Mr. Bull, the owner, with the management of the concern, and was a very promising young man when Mr. Bull first knew him, and might have done very well if he had followed the advice of his old friends, and not suffered these desperadoes to get him into their clutches; since when he seems to have forgotten himself, and by neglecting his duty sadly, and behaving ill to the customers who support the House, has almost ruined the Business, and has also dreadfully injured the Sign, which Mr. Bull had had fresh painted after he dismissed a former waiter for his bad manners. Whoever will assist Mr. Bull in bringing the offenders to Justice, will be doing a great service to the young man, and he will still be retained in his situation, unless he has actually destroyed or made away with the Sign, which Mr. Bull very much admires, it being a heir-loom. If offered to be pawned or sold it is requested the parties may be stopped, and notice given as above. As the young man has not been seen for some time, there is no doubt the ruffians have either done him a serious mischief, or secreted him somewhere to prevent Mr. Bull, who is really his friend, from speaking to him.


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"What are you at? what are you after?"

The End.



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By The Author Of The Political House That Jack Built.

With Twenty-Four Cuts.


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"The putrid and mouldering carcase of exploded Legitimacy."






Ladies 087and Gentlemen,

Walk up! walk up! and see the Curiosities and Creatures—all 088alive! alive O! Walk up I—now's your time!—only a shilling. Please to walk up!

Here is the strangest and most wonderful artificial Cabinet in Europe!—made of nothing—but lacker'd brass, turnery, and papier mâche—all fret work and varnish, held together by steel points!—very crazy, but very curious!

Please to walk in, Ladies and Gentlemen—it's well worth seeing! here are the most wonderful of all wonderful Living Animals. 'Jake care! Don't go within their reach-they mind nobody but me! A short time ago they got loose, and, with some other vermin that came from their holes and corners, desperately attacked a Lady of Quality; but, as luck would have it, I, and my (four and twenty men,' happened to come in at the very moment;—we 'pull'd' away, and prevented'em from doing her a serious mischief. Though they look tame, their vicious dispositions are unchanged. If any thing was to happen to me, they'd soon break out again, and shew their natural ferocity, i'm in continual danger from'em myself—for if I didn't watch'em closely they'd destroy me. As the clown says, 'there never was such times,'—so there's no telling what tricks they may play yet.

Ladies and Gentlemen,—these animals have been exhibited at Court, before the King, and all the Royal Family! Indeed His Majesty is so fond of'em that he often sees'em in private, and feeds'em; and he is so diverted by'em that he has been pleased to express his gracious approbation of all their motions. But they're as cunning as the old one himself! Bless you, he does not know a thousandth part of their tricks. You, Ladies and Gentlemen, may see'em just as they are!—the Beasts and Reptiles—all alive! alive O! and the Big Boo by—all a-light! a-light O!

Walk in, Ladies and Gentlemen! walk in! just a-going to begin.—Stir'em up! Stir'em up there with the long pole!

Before I describe the Animals, please to look at the Show-Cloth opposite:

The Curiosities have labels under them, which the company can read.


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THE TRANSPARENCY, of which this is a copy, was exhibited by WILLIAM HONE duriNg the ILLUMINATION commencing on the 11th, and ending on the 15th of November, 1820,in celebration of the VICTORY obtained by ThE PRESS, or the LIBERTIES OF THE PEOPLE, which had been assailed in the Person of The Queen: The words "TRIUMPH OF THE PRESS," being displayed in variegated lamps as a motto above it. On the 26th, when The Queen went 10 St. Paul's, it was again exhibited with Lord Bacon's immortal words, "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER," displayed in like manner.—'The Transparency was painted by Mr. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK.

               —COURT VERMIN that buzz round

               And fly-blow the King's ear; make him suspect
               His wisest, faithfullest, best counsellors—

               Who, for themselves and their dependants, seize
               All places, and all profits; and -who wrest,

               To their own ends, the statutes of the land,
               Or safely break them.

                                  Southey's Joan of Arc.



     To exalt virtue, expose vice, promote truth, and help men to
     serious reflection, is my first moving cause and last
                             De Foe's Review, Preface.

         ——Oh that I dared

               To basket up the family of plagues
               That waste our vitals; peculation, sale
               Of honour, peijury, corruptiou, frauds
               By forgery, by subterfuge of law,

          By tricks and lies—-

               Then cast them, closely bundled, every brat

          At the right door!

"JUGLATOR REGIS." Strutt's Sports

   —-a most officious Drudge,

    His face and gown drawn out with the same budge,

    His pendant Pouch, which is both large and wide,

           Looks like a Letters-patent:———

               He is as avful, as he had been sent

    From Moses with the eleventh commandement.

                        Corbet's Poems, 1672, p. 3.


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BAGS.—(a Scruple Balance.)

        ——-'tis the veriest madness, to live poor,
        And die with Bags——

                       Gifford's Juvenal, Sat. xiv.

     Dubius is such a scrupulous good man.—
     Yes—you may catch him tripping, if you can!
     He would not, with a peremptory tone,
     Assert the nose upon his face his own.
     With hesitation, admirably slow,
     He humbly hopes—presumes—it may be so.
     Through constant dread of giving truth offence,
     He ties up all his hearers in suspense!
     His sole opinion, whatsoe'er befall,
     Cent'ring, at last, in having—none at all.


Well! he is a nimble gentleman; set him upon Bankes, his horse, in a saddle rampant, and it is a great question, which part of the Centaur shews better tricks.



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Ladies and Gentlemen,

I begin the Exhibition with the Crocodile, which is of the Lizard tribe ; yet, from his facility of creeping through narrow and intricate ways, he has been classed among Serpents. * He has a monstrous appetite, his swallow is immense, and his legs are placed side-ways. It is a vulgar error to suppose that he cannot turn; for, although he is in appearance very heavy, and his back is very strong, and proof against the hardest blows, yet he is so pliable, that he can wheel round with the utmost facility. When in his haunt, and apparently torpid, he sometimes utters a piteous whine of distress—almost human; sheds tears, and, attracting the unwary, suddenly darts upon a man, and gorges him with all he has. His claws are very long and tenacious. If a victim eludes his grasp, he infallibly secures him by his fleet power. He is sometimes used for purposes of state and show, and his bags are much coveted for their peculiar qualities. **

         * By Linnaeus.

        ** Goldsmith's Animated Nature, v. 283.



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A MASK.—(an Incrustation—a Relique.)

                   A shallow brain behind a serious mask,
                   An oracle within an empty cask,
                   A solemn fop.—
                   —A sooty Film.

     —————The Thing on Earth
     Least qualified in honour, learning, worth,
     To occupy a sacred, awful post,
     In which the best and worthiest tremble most.
     The royal letters are a thing of course,
     A King, that would, might recommend his horse;
     And deans, no doubt, and chapters, with one voice,
     As bound in duty, would confirm the choice.


     A piece of mere Church-furniture at best.



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Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Locust is a destructive insect, of the Grillus tribe. They are so numerous, and so rapacious, that they may be compared to an army, pursuing its march to devour the fruits of the earth, as an instrument of divine displeasure towards a devoted country. They have leaders, who direct their motions in preying on the labours of man in fertile regions. No insect is more formidable in places where they breed: for they wither whatever they touch. It is impossible to recount the terrible devastations which historians and travellers relate that they have committed at different times, in various parts of the world. Many are so venomous, that persons handling them are immediately stung, and seized with shivering and trembling; but it has been discovered that, in most cases, their hateful qualities are completely assuaged by palm oil.*

* Goldsmith, vi. 21.



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Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Scorpion is a reptile that resembles the common lobster, but is much more hideous. They are very terrible to mankind, on account of their size and malignity, and their large crooked stings. They often assault and kill people in their houses. In Italy, and some other parts of Europe, they are the greatest pests of mankind; but their venom is most dreadful in the East. An inferior species sally forth at certain seasons, in battalions;—scale houses that stand in the way of their march;—wind along the course of rivers;—and on their retreat entrench themselves. Scorpions are so irascible, that they will attempt to sting a constable's staff; yet even a harmless little mouse * destroyed three of them, one after the other, by acting on the defensive, survived their venomous wounds, and seemed pleased with its victory. When in a confined space, they exert all their rage against each other, and there is nothing to be seen but universal carnage. If this mutual destruction did not prevail, they would multiply so fast as to render some countries uninhabitable. **

     * Confined for the sake of experiment in a vessel, by

     ** Goldsmith, v. 428.



      ——they preferre
     Broiles before Rest, and place their Peace in Warre.

                             Du Bartas

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Lobster is very similar to the scorpion. It is armed with two great claws, by the help of which it moves itself forwards. They entrench themselves in places that can be easily defended, where they acquire defensive and offensive armour. They issue forth from their fortresses in hope of plunder, and to surprise such inadvertent and weak animals as come within their reach. They have little to apprehend except from each other, the more powerful being formidable enemies to the weaker. They sometimes continue in the same habitations for a long time together; in general they get new coats once a year. When in hot water they make a great noise, attack any one that puts a hand towards them, and knowing their danger, use violent efforts to escape. In a sufficient heat they change their colours.*

                                 * Goldsmith, v. 163.


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(From the Westminster Infirmary—Upper Ward).

     He fondly 'imitates' that wondrous Lad,
     That durst assay the sun's bright flaming team;
     Spite of whose feeble hands, the horses mad
     Fling down on burning earth the scorching beam;—
     So made the flame in which himself wasfired;
     The World the bonfire was—when he expired!*
     Like him of Ephesus, he had what he desired.

                             Fletcher's Purple Island.

     * The 'Lad' died in the midst of war, ejaculating heaven to
     save the country from the miseries of his system of misrule.



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Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is a quick climbing animal; but is, in other respects, heavy and helpless. When it is pursued on level ground and overtaken, it feigns itself dead, to deceive the hunters. A faculty in its seat, enables it to suspend itself from a high branch, by that part, for a long time together; and, in this position, watching for whatever is weak that comes within its reach, it falls upon it and usually destroys it. By this elevating power in its nether end, it not only seizes its prey more securely, but preserves itself from pursuers: looking down on them, in a sort of upright position, heels upwards. It is very domesticated, but proves a disagreeable inmate, from its scent; which, however fragrant in small quantities, is uniformly ungrateful when copiously supplied. It is a boroughing creature. *

     * Goldsmith, iii. 322 Stedman Shaw's Zoology



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                 ——Knaves, who, in truth's despite,
                 Can white to black transform, and black to white!

                                     Gifford's Juvenal, Sat. iii.

When they were fewer, men might have had a Lordship safely conveyed to them in a piece of parchment no bigger than your hand, though several sheets will not do it safely in this wiser age.—Walton's Angler

They'll argue as confidently as if they spoke gospel instead of law; they'll cite you six hundred several Precedents, though not one of them come near to the case in hand; they'll muster up the authority of Judgments, Deeds, Glosses, and Reports, and tumble over so many dusty Records, that they make their employ, though in itself easy, the greatest slavery imaginable; always accounting that the best plea which they have took most pains for.—Erasmus of Folly, 96.

In other countries, they make laws upon laws and add precepts upon precepts, till the endless number of them makes the fundamental part to be forgotten; leaving nothing but a confused heap of explanations, which may cause ignorant people to doubt whether there is really any thin» meant by the laws or not.—Berkeley's Gaudentio di Lucca, 166.

In the country of the Furr'd Law-cats, they gripe all, devour all, cooskite all, burn all, draw all, hang all, quarter all, behead all, murder all, imprison all, waste all, and ruin all, without the least notice of right or wrong: for among them vice is called virtue; wickedness, piety; treason, loyalty; robbery, justice: Plunder is their motto; and all this they do, because they dare. Gripe-men-all, the Chief of the Purr'd Law-cats, said to Pantagruel 'Our Laws are like cobwebs; your silly little flies are stopt, caught, and destroy'd therein, but your stronger ones Break them, and force and carry them which way they please. Don't think we are so mad as to set up our nets tc snap up your great Robbers aod tyrants: no, they are somewhat too hard for us, there's no meddllng with them; for they will make no more of us, than we make of the little ones.'— Rabelais, b. v. c. xi. xii.


BLACK RATS.—(Stuffed.)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

These are most pernicious animals. They borough, and prey on our food, drink, clothing, furniture, live-stock, and every convenience of life; furnishing their residences with the plunder of our property. They have particular haunts, to which they entice each other in large numbers, for the sake of prey; where they often do incredible damage to our mounds, and undermine the strongest embankments. Sometimes they hoard their plunder in nests, that they make at a distance from their usual places of congregating. * They are very bold and fierce. Instead of waiting for an attack, they usually become the aggressors, and, seizing their adversaries by the lips, inflict dangerous, and even deadly wounds. While they subsist on our industry, and increase our terrors, they make no grateful returns, and, therefore, mankind have studied various ways for diminishing their numbers; but their cunning discovers the most distant danger, and if any are disturbed or attacked, in an unusual manner, the rest take the alarm, and, becoming exceedingly shy, and wary, elude the most ingenious devices of their pursuers. When, unhappily, you come in contact with one of these vermin, the best way of dispatching it is by a single squeeze; but novices who hesitate, are sure to prove sufferers. They have been found on a bench, so interwoven by their tails, that by reason of their entanglement, they could not part. ** A dead rat, by altering the look of his head and the appearance of his skin, may be transformed into the appearance of a much more powerful animal; and this, Ladies and Gentlemen, has been considered a master piece in cheating.***

     * White's Selborne, 4to. 75.

     ** Letters from Bodleian Library, i. 12.

     *** Ibid.ii. 160, note. See also Goldsmith, iii. 169.



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A CADGE ANCHOR.—(a Remora—a sucking Fish.)

What have we here? a man or a fish? A Fish: he smells like a fish ; a very ancient and fish-like smell; a kind of, not of the newest, Poor John. Were I in England now (as once I was) and had but this fish painted, not a holiday fool there but would give a piece of silver: there would this monster make a man; any strange beast there makes a man. His gabbling voice is to utter foul speeches, and to detract. He is as disproportioned in his manners, as in his shape. As with age his body grows uglier, his mind cankers.

     * Caliban.



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Ladies and Gentlemen,

This offensive insect lives in stagnant waters, continually watching for prey. Its feelers resemble the claws of a scorpion; the eyes are hard and prominent, the shoulders broad and flat. It wastes twenty times as much as its appetite requires; one can destroy thirty or forty of the libellula kind, each as large as itself. It is nevertheless greatly overrun with a small kind of lice, which probably repay the injuries it inflicts elsewhere. At certain seasons it flies to distant waters in search of food; but it remains where it was produced until fully grown, when it sallies forth in search of a companion of the other sex, and soon begets an useless generation.*

     * Martyn's Diet. Nat. Hist. 2 vols, Folio, 1785.

    He that maketh the wound bleed inwards—
    Gives Liberty the last, the mortal shock;
                  Slips the slave's collar on, and snaps the lock.

    What is his Character?— A man of amiable Manners— mild and civil.

                              Character of the Murderer of the Man.

I never judge from Manners, for I once had my pocket picked by the civilist gentleman I ever met with; and one of the mildest persons I ever saw was Ali Pacha.—Lord Byron.



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(a Petrified Putrefaction.—a Bloodstone.}


I recommend it to all that read this History, that when they find their lives come up, in any degree, to a similitude of cases, they will inquire and ask themselves, is not this the time to repent?—De Foe's Col. Jack, 1723, p. 399



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Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is the most terrible animal in the Collection. Its character is that of decided enmity to man; it hunts down those who endeavor to regain their Liberty, and is called the Ban Dog. When it scents a human victim it follows his track with cruel perseverance, flies upon him with dreadful ferocity, and, unless dragged off, tears and rends the form until every noble feature of humanity is destroyed. It has an exquisite smell for blood. The species vary little throughout the world : there is scarcely any difference between the trans-atlantic Spanish blood-hound and the Irish wolf-dog, whose ferocity has been much diminished by the animal being frequently crossed. It is still kept on some of the old royal grounds.



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THE DOCTOR.—(a Dejection)

In these days the grand "primum mobile" of England is CANT—Cant political, Cant religious, Cant moral, but always CANT—a thing of words, without the smallest influence upon actions; the English being no wiser, no better, and much poorer, and more divided among themselves, as well as far less moral, than they were before the prevalence of this Verbal Decorum.—Lord Byron on Mr. Bowles

Diary.—April 1st. I grew melancholy.—My father lying sick, told me,
in syllables, the Philosopher's stone.—It pleased God to put me in
mind that I was now placed in the condition I always desired.—I hung
three spiders about my neck (for a charm).—I kissed the king's
hand.—Cotera desunt.—Elias Ashmole's Diary.



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Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Creature you now see is a sort of Noddy of the Gull kind. Observe his uncouth form and his ludicrously wise looks! He is the most stupid of the feathered tribe; yet he has a voracious appetite, and an enormous swallow. You perceive that he feigns the appearance of being upright, of seeming to comprehend objects he sees, of listening to what he hears, and that he shakes his head with gravity, as though he had a certain degree of understanding. His greatest pleasure is in standing still. He has not sense enough to get out of People's way ; speaking to him or making motions never disturb him. There is no compelling him to the fatigue of changing his position till he feels a blow; for he keeps his place till he is approached quite close, and knocked down. He is a living full stop. When he is forced to walk, which is very seldom, he goes from side to side. Like others of similar tribes, he boroughs. In this respect the union and affection of these Creatures towards each other is wonderful; for, when undisturbed by the encroachments of men, they construct their nests as convenient as if they expected them to be permanent; arranging their different places with such an amazing degree of uniformity, as to resemble a regular plantation. Sometimes they draw up side by side, in rank and file, and sit brooding together as if in deep counsel, on affairs of moment—their silliness and solemnity exciting involuntary laughter! This burlesque takes place, in particular, about

108the month of November. The habits of these tribes are known through those who visit the haunts they have forsaken for more obscure retreats, where they can build aloft, and settle in their nests at ease: a practice which confirms the remark of a great naturalist, that the presence of men not only destroys the society of the meaner animals, but even extinguishes their grovelling instincts. Hitherto the Booby has been considered of no service whatever; yet a similar species, * by drawing a wick through the body and lighting it, is made into a candleS. ** If this Booby could be thus used, the illumination of both Houses and the public offices might be speedily effected, and the tribe he belongs to be rendered available to human purposes. At any rate a skilful tallow-chandler might try his hand at converting the Creature into A TWOPENNY FLAT


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Ladies and Gentlemen,

The "Slop Pail" being occupied by "Slop" keeping his tri-colored, cockade in it, with the hope of bleaching it white, has become more and more offensive daily, and will be kicked down.

The 110GREAT BOOTS having been out of order, were welted, and afterwards new vamped, and polished. Dr. Southey, the Varnisher, has them in hand at present, and is 'doing them up' as fast as possible.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I thank you for your company. Opposite to you is a description of The Monster that my people are now hunting on the Continent. When destroyed, its skin will be stuffed and preserved among the other Antiquities and Curiosities in the European Museum.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish you a good day.— Keep to the right. Walk steadily forward. The Animals may make an uproar, but don't be alarmed; I'll see you safe out. Remember they are under my control, and cannot take a step beyond the reach of MY EYE


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It overlays the continent like an ugly Incubus, sucking the blood and stopping up the breath of man's life. It claims Mankind as its property, and allows human nature to exist only upon sufferance; it haunts the understanding like a frightful spectre, and oppresses the very air witha weight that is not to be borne. Hazlitt's Political Essays and Characters, p. 21.

This hideous Beast, not having at any time put forth all his members, cannot be accurately described. Every dark Century has added to his frightful bulk. More disgusting than the filthiest reptile, his strength exceeds all other brute force.

His enormous, bloated, toad-like body is ferruginous: * the under surface appears of polished steel. His cavern-like mouth is always open to devour; his teeth are as swords, and his jaw-teeth as knives'—as millions of bristling bayonets intermingled with black fangs containing mortal venom. His roar is a voice from the sepulchre. He is marked 'in form of a cross, ** with a series of chains, intersected by the triangle, *** and glittering colours, variegated with red.

His aspect is cruel and terrible. He loves the dark, but never sleeps. Wherever he makes his lair, nature sickens, and man is brutified. His presence is 'plague, pestilence, and famine, battle, and murder, and sudden death.' His bite rapidly undermines the strongest Constitution, and dissolves the whole into an entire mass of Corruption. He has no brain, but the walls of the skull emit a tinkling sound, that attracts his victims, and lulls them into passive obedience. In this state he clutches them in his coils, and screws and squeezes them to destruction—slavering them over, and sucking in their substance at leisure. It is difficult to witness the half-stifled cries of his harmless prey, or to behold its anxiety and trepidation, while the monster writhes hideously around it, without imagining what our own case would be in the same dreadful situation. *****

     * Shaw's Zoology. Art. Boa, iii. 344.

     ** Ibid. 366.

     ***  Linnæus's Nat. Hist, by Gmelio, 8vo. (Jooes) 1816.
     Art. Boa Constrictor, xii. 437.

     **** Shaw's Zoology, iii. 339.

His rapacity is increased by indulgence. He grinds, cranches, and devours whole multitudes, without being satisfied. His blood is cold. His ravening maw does not digest: it is an ever-yawning grave that engulphs—a 'bottomless pit' continually crying 'give, give!' Sometimes he rests 112from his labors,' to admire his loathsome limbs, and slime them over. He has no affections: yet he appears charmed by the hum of the insects that follow him, and pleased by the tickling crawl of the meanest reptiles-permitting them to hang upon his lips, and partake of his leavings. But his real pleasure is in listening to the cries of his captives, the wail of the broken hearted, and the groans of the dying.

He lives in defiance and scorn of Providence, and in hatred to the happiness of man. When distended with human carnage, and wet with the gore of the innocent and the helpless, he lifts an impious form to heaven in solemn mockery. He was predicted of by the Seer of old, as the Beast with many heads and crowns, bearing the name of Blasphemy.

The garish colours that denote his malignity, excite only horror and detestation in the lover of nature, and of his species. They are most lively when he is engaged in the work of death, and cause him to be admired by the vulgar multitude, learned and unlearned, who hold him sacred, pay him divine honors, call him holy, and fall down before him as an object-of worship, while priests glorify him, and minister to him, and pray for his murderous successes in the temples. Hence-the good and the wise, in all ages, have devised and practised various methods for the destruction of a Fiend that creates nothing but terror and imposture, and between whom and rational man there is a natural antipathy.

He is filled with the deadliest rage by the encreasing growth of the pop'lar TreeS:—

          THAT TREE, beneath whose shade the Sons of Men
          Shall 'pitch their tenta in peace.

            ——Brissot murder'd, and the blameless wife
           Of Roland! Martyr'd patriots, spirits pure,
           Wept by the good, ye fell! Yet still survives,
           Sown by your toil, and by your blood manured,
           The imperishable TREE; and still its roots
           Spread, and strike deep. ——

                             Southey's Joan of Arc, b. iii.

His existence is drawing to a close. It has been ascertained that the way of putting him quietly out of the world is by a consisting of the four and twenty letters * of the alphabet, properly composed, made up in certain forms, covered with sheets of white paper. and well worked in a Columbian Press. These Papers are to be forced down his throat 113daily, morning and evening, and on every seventh day a double dose should be administered. The operation is accelerated by the powerful exhibition of the Wood Draughts. In a short time his teeth will fall out—he will be seized with catalepsy—in the last stage of mortification, he will sting himself to death;—and all mankind, relieved from the deadened atmosphere under which they had been gasping, will make the first use of their recovered breath, to raise an universal shout of joy at the extinction of THE LEGITIMATE VAMPIRE.

     * Philostratus relates that the Indians destroy the most
     monstrous serpent by spreading golden letters, on a field
     of red, before his hole. They dazzle and confound him, and
     he is taken without difficulty.


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     These Lords of pray'r and prey—that band, of Kings,
     That Royal, rav'ning BEAST, whose vampire wings
     O'er sleeping Europe treacherously brood,
     And fan her into dreams of promised good,
     Of Hope, of Freedom—but to drain her blood! Moore.

The End.




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"If Caesar can hide the Sun with a blanket, or put the Moon in his pocket, we will pay him tribute for light."—Cymbeline.

With Fifteen Cuts.


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     ———"Is there not
     Some hidden thunder in the stores of heaven,
     Red with uncommon wrath, to blast the men
     Who owe their greatness to their country's ruin






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    I lately dream'd that, in a huge balloon,
    All silk and gold, I journey'd to the Moon,
    Where the same objects seem'd to meet my eyes
    That I had lately left below the skies;


     And judge of my astonishment, on seeing
     All things exactly, to a hair, agreeing:
     The mountains, rivers, cities, trees, and towers,
     On Cynthia's silver surface, seem'd like ours;
     Men, women, children, language, dress, and faces,
     Lords, Commons, Lackies, Pensioners, and Places,
     Whigs, Tories, Lawyers, Priests, and men of blood,
     And even Radicals—by all that's good!

     In a long street, just such as London's Strand is,
     'Midst Belles and Beggars, Pickpockets and Dandies,
     Onward I went, between a brazen horse,
     And a large Inn which bore a Golden Cross,
     Then through a passage, narrow, long and dark,
     That brought my footsteps to a spacious park.

     It chanc'd that morning that the Sovereign Dey,
     The Prince of Lunataria pass'd that way—
     Gods! what a sight! what countless crouds were there,
     What yells, and groans, and hootings, rent the air!
     By which, I learn'd, the Lunatarian nation
     Are wont to testify their admiration;
     We don't do so on earth—but that's no matter—
     The Dey went onward, midst a hideous clatter
     To meet the Senators; for'twas appointed,
     That, on that morning, He—the Lord's anointed—
     Should make a grand Oration from the throne,
     That his most royal pleasure might be known.


     Respecting certain great affairs of State:—
     I heard the speech; Oh! could the muse relate
     The "elegance the sweet "distinctiveness"
     With which his Royal Deyship did address
     That reverend body of Moonarian sages,
     I'd write a book that should endure for ages.

     Alas! such heights are not for me to reach;
     I'll therefore, from my note-book, take the Speech,
     And you must say, as'tis by Pope exprest,
     "Give all thou canst, and we will dream the rest!"


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     MY L—rds and G—tl—n,
     I grieve to say,
     That poor old Dad,
     Is just as—bad,
     As when I met you here
     the other day.


     'Tis pity that these cursed State Affairs
     Should take you from your pheasants and your hares
     Just now:

                    But lo!

     Conspiracy and Treason are abroad!

     Those imps of darkness, gender'd in the wombs
     Of spinning-jennies, winding-wheels, and looms,

     In Lunashire—

                  Oh, Lord!

     My L—ds and G—tl—n, we've much to fear!

     Reform, Reform, the swinish rabble cry—
     Meaning, of course, rebellion, blood, and riot—
     Audacious rascals! you, my Lords, and I,
     Know 'tis their duty to be starved in quiet:
     But they have grumbling habits, incompatible
     With the repose of our august community—
     They see that good things are with us come-at-ible,
     And therefore slyly watch their opportunity
     To get a share;

                  Yes, they declare
     That we are not God's favorites alone—
     That they have rights to food, and clothes, and air,
     As well as you, the Brilliants of a throne!
     Oh! indications foul of revolution—
     The villains would destroy the Constitution!


     I've given orders for a lot of Letters,
     From these seditious, scribbling, scoundrels' betters
     N—d—n and N—rr—s, F—ch—r, W—t and H—y
     'To lie, for your instruction,'

     Upon the table;

     From which said premises you'll soon be able
                  To make a fair deduction,

     That some decisive measures must be taken,
     Without delay,

            To quell the Radicals,

     and save our bacon.

     And now, my faithful C—m—ns,
     You must find

                   The means to raise the wind:

     For Derry Down, and Sid, have thought it wise,
     To have—besides the Spies—
     A few more Cut-throats, to protect the rhino
     Of loyal people,—such as you and I know.

     Van's estimates will come before you straight;
     And, I foresee
     That your opinions will with mine agree,

                  No lighter weight
            Can well be placed on



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     Who is, you know,

                 a very willing hack.

        The revenue has fluctuated

              See the Courier—

     But it's been found to be

                  improving nightly—

     For two weeks past,—

                  therefore we've nought to fear.

       Some branches of our trade
                are still deprest,

     And those dependant on them
                wanting food,


     But that's a sort of

                   temporary evil—

     'Twill wear away:

                 perhaps'tis for the best
     At all events,'twill do no good
     To let the starving wretches be uncivil.

     Five years ago, you know, our sad condition
     Was partly owing to

                  'the quick transition
     From war to peace'—then,

                  we had 'scanty crops'—
     Then, something else—and now—
     our weavers' shops
     Are full of Radicals,

                 and Flags, and Caps;
     But 'temporary' still

                  are these mishaps—

     The 'quick transition's' gone,

                 the 'crops' are good,
     And though the Radicals

                 may still want food,

     A few



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     will stop their pain,

     And set the Constitution
     right again.

       My L—ds and G—tl—n,

                    The foreign powers
     Write me word frequently that they are ours,

     Most truly and sincerely, in compliance
     With our most



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     The purposes of which

     I need not mention—

     You that have brains can guess
                 at the intention.

        'Tis my most anxious wish,
                 now we're at peace,

     That all internal discontents
                  should cease—

     T' accomplish which

                 I see no better way
     Than putting one-eyed pensioners
     on full pay.


            'The body of the people, I do think,
            are loyal still,'

          But pray, My L—ds and G—tl—n,
          don't shrink
          From exercising all your care
          and skill,

           Here, and at home,



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           OF LITTLE BOOKS,

     Whose very looks—

            Vile 'two-p'nny trash,'

     bespeak abomination.

           Oh! they are full of blasphemies
           and libels,

           And people read them

     oftener than their bibles.


     Go H—df——t, Y—rm—th, C—le—gh, and C—nil—g
                  Go, and be planning,

     Within your virtuous minds, what best will answer
     To save our morals from this public cancer;

     Go and impress, my friends, upon all classes,
     From sleek-fac'd Swindlers down to half-starv'd Asses,
     'That, from religious principles alone,'

     (Dont be such d——d fools as to blab your own)
     Temperance, chasteness, conjugal attention—

     With other virtues that I need not mention—

     And from subordination, and respect,

     To every knave in robes of office deck'd—

     'Can they expect to gain divine protection'

     And save their sinful bodies from dissection!


     His Highness ceased—

                The dissonance of Babel
     Rose from the motley

                Moonitarian rabble:

     The yell of loyalty—

                 the dungeon groan—

     The shriek of woe—

                 the starving infant's moan
     The brazen trumpets' note—
     the din of war—

     The shouts of freemen

                   rising from afar—

     Darted in horrid discord

                 through my brain:—

     I woke, and found myself
     on Earth again.


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Dedicated to the Holy Alliance

By The Author Of The Political House That Jack Built.


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May it please your Holinesses,

When a gang of desperate ruffians disguise themselves, and take the road armed, it is a sure sign of robbery and murder; and it becomes the duty of an honest man to raise a hue and cry, and describe the villains.

With that view, I dedicate to you this little book; in the hope, that some who understand the dead lan-guage of Despotism, may be induced to translate it into the living tongues of the good people of the Continent.

I pray God to take your Royalty into his immediate keeping.


      O! Dulness, if thy sons can learn one thing,
      Teach but that one, sufficient for a King;

       That which thy Priests, and thine alone, maintain,
       Which, as It dies, or lives, They fall, or reign:

      May ye, O Cam and Isis, preach it long,
     'The Right Divine of Kings to govern wrong!'


It was a maxim of the Constitution of this country that the King could do no wrong. He had high authority for stating that the King could not commit Folly, much less Crime. —Report of a Bishop's Speech.

If a King can do no wrong, why was King James II. banished? and if a King can do wrong, why the plague are we constantly affirming that he cannot? Either way we should stand self-condemned, and if we are not set down as a nation of scoundrels, we must think ourselves pretty easy under the appellation of fools.—Swift,

     —————We love
     The King, who loves the law, respects his bounds,
     And reigns content within them: him we serve
     Freely and with delight, who leaves us free:
     But recollecting still that he is man,
     We trust him not too far. King though he be,
     And King in England too, he may be weak.

     And vain enough to be ambitious still;
     May exercise amiss his proper pow'rs,
     Or covet more than freemen choose to grant:
     Beyond that mark is TREASON.




       "Perish those poets, and be hush'd the song,
        Which with this nonsense charm'd the world so long,
        That he who does no right, can do no wrong."

                                         De Foe.

To condemn nonsense, especially in high places, is proper: there are ancient precedents for it.

A thousand years before Christ, Nathan, a priest in the house of the Lord at Jerusalem, knew that David the Lord's anointed, had not only worked folly in Israel, by committing adultery with a beautiful woman, but had committed crime, by causing her husband to be put to death. The honest priest charged both the folly and the crime upon the king! He went up to his majesty with this Address: "Thou art the man!" He prosecuted him at the bar of his own conscience, convicted him, and passed sentence upon him—"The sword shall not depart from thine house!"

Three thousand years after this, a priest, sent into an English House of Lords by the nomination of the king, affirms there, that "he had 'high authority' for stating, that the king could not commit folly. much less crime!" right? 138If he does say this, I ask him, how long, after oppression should be exercised through the prerogative by virtually irresponsible ministers and be declared no wrong, he supposes that a king of England could sit on the throne, or the bishops who maintain the doctrine, sit either at its right hand in the Lords, or any where else? I tell this bishop, that though the law may not suppose it possible for a king of England to do wrong, because it intends him to do right, yet if he should do, and continue to do, oppressive wrong, not all the bishops of England, nor all the bayonets of all the mercenaries of Europe, could keep that king upon the throne of an oppressed people against their united will.

A king of England is not king in his own right, or by hereditary right. The nation is not a patrimony. He is not king by his own power; but in right of, and by the power of the law. He is not king above the law; but by, or under, the law. All the authority that he has, is given to him by law; and he can only rule according to law: for were he to rule against the law, he would be king against the law, and depose himself. The law is the Sovereign, or paramount authority; hence, a king of England is a subject; and in this respect, he and all the people are upon a level before the law—they are all his fellow-subjects ; though, as chief magistrate, he is the first subject of the law.

A king of England who regards the happiness of the people, and his own safety, would not wish to be stronger 139than the law founded on the public will, makes him. More strength would be unnecessary to his welfare, and hurtful to theirs. All power over others, from the watch-box to the throne, tends to injure the understanding, and corrupt the heart. A good King would not desire unlimited power; a bad one would abuse it. He would become mad; and drive the people mad. A despot is a demon. Artillery and fetters with the royal robe flung over them—a cannon ball capped with the royal crown—animated by the royal will—crushing, burning, and butchering liberty, property, and human life—personify the power of an unlimited King.

The ensuing satire shows the folly and danger of such power. It is a partial revival of the Jure Divino, written by Daniel De Foe in 1706. After the lapse of a century, nearly the same reason exists for the publication as the author adduced on its first appearance. It had never appeared, he says, "had not the world seemed to be going mad a second time with the error of passive obedience and non-resistance." It is not precisely so now: the people have not gone mad, but a bishop has, who may bite his brethren; and there is a slavish party of High Church zealots and pulpit casuists in the country who virtually support the doctrine—although if they attempt reducing it to practice, they may dig a pit beneath the throne, and engulph the dynasty. To expose this destructive doctrine, and disentangle the threads so artfully twisted into snares for the unwary by 140priestcraft, De Foe composed his Satire. He was the ablest politician of his day, an energetic writer, and, better than all, an honest man; but not much of a poet. The Jure Divino is defective in arrangement and versification. It is likewise disfigured by injudicious repetition; a large portion is devoted to the politics of the time, and it is otherwise unfit for republication entire ; but it abounds with energetic thoughts, forcible touches, and happy illustrations. The present is an attempt to separate the gold from the dross. The selection is carefully made; from the parts rejected the best passages are preserved, the rhyme and metre are somewhat bettered, the extracts are improved and transposed, and many additions of my own are introduced. The production scornfully rejects the slavish folly, senseless jargon, and venal hypocrisy, which pretend that power is from God and not from the People. It defies those who draw upon scripture in support of Divine Right to show that scripture lays down any rules of political government, or enjoins any political duties; or that it does not leave the people to determine by their own reason what government and what governors are best for themselves. It is a forcible and argumentative satire against the nonsense from hole-and-corner and lawn-sleeve men; and presents a series of peculiarly strong and quotable lines, to engraft on the common sense of the free-minded, honest, and open-hearted of my countrymen. If it aids them in the occasional illustration and emphatic expression of 141their opinions, the pains I have taken will be rewarded.

There is another reason for publishing this satire, besides the revival of Priestcraft. Its twinbrother is alive. Kingcraft rears up its terrific mass, muffled in the mantle of Legitimacy; its head cowled and crowned, aud dripping with the holy oil of Divine Right; its eyes glaring deadly hate to human happiness; its lips demanding worship for itself. Denouncing dreadful curses against the free, and yelling forth threatenings and slaughter, it stamps with its hoof, and coils together its frightful force to fall on young Liberty and squelch it. Its red right-arm is bared for the butchery of the brave who love Freedom and dare contend for it. It has prepared its chains and dug its dungeons, erected its scaffolds, aud sharpened its axes for the wise and excellent of the earth; and its bloody banners are unfurled in insolent anticipation of unholy triumph!—

        ———Still monarchs dream
        Of universal empire growing up
        From universal ruin! Blast the design,
         Great God of Hosts, nor let thy creatures fall,
         Unpitied victims at ambition's shrine!

So prayed the Bishop of London, (Porteus—not Howley) and so fervently prays,

The Author Of The Political House That Jack Built.



The above Rare and Extraordinary Book was privately printed in 1795, without the name of either printer or bookseller, and so effectually suppressed, that there are only two copies of it besides my own in existence.

Its real value consists in exhibiting an entire and luminous view of the causes and consequences of Despotic Power. Its enthusiastic and glowing love of Liberty is unexcelled by any work written since; and for clearness, richness, and beauty of style, it is superior to every production of the Press within the same period All that the author touches, he turns into gold. I regret to say that most probably I shall never be at liberty to disclose his name.

Naturally desirous that such a work should be perused by all England, I have reprinted it, verbatim, from my own copy; and, although containing as much in quantity as a volume of Gibbon's History of Rome, it is sold for Eighteen-pence.


     The French, instantly perceiving the transcendent
     merit of the Spirit of Despotism, and its high importance at
     this crisis, have translated it into their language, and it
     is now read throughout France with the greatest avidity. I
     intreat some good Neapolitan to be the benefactor of his
     Countrymen in like manner. It should be in the hands of the
     free, and those who desire to be free, in all nations;—
     Austria, for instance.




       Thus Kings were first invented, and thus Kings
       Were burnish'd into heroes, and became
       The arbiters of this terraqueous swamp;
       Storks among frogs that have but croak'd and died!


Original Power—The ancient Gods—Tyrant-kings—The Apotheosis of James II. in the Chapel Royal—Charles II.—Paternal Government—God prescribed no Rules of Government—Origin of Kings—Saul.

     Arise, O Satire!—tune thy useful song,
     Silence grows criminal, when crimes grow strong;
     Of meaner vice, and villains, sing no more,
     But Monsters crown'd, and Crime enrobed with Power!
     At vice's high Imperial throne begin,
     Relate the ancient prodigies of sin;
     With pregnant phrase, and strong impartial verse,
     The crimes of men, and crimes of Kings rehearse!
     What though thy labour shall to us be vain,
     And the World's bondage must its time remain;
     Let willing slaves in golden fetters lie,
     There's none can save the men who will to die.


     Yet some there are that would not tamely bow,
     Who fain would break their chains, if they knew how;
     And these, from thy inspired lines, may see,
     How they choose bondage when they may go free.

     He that can levy War with all mankind,
     Retard the day-spring of the human mind;
     Buy Justice, sell Oppression, bribe the Law,
     Exalt the Fool, and keep the Wise in awe;
     With pious Peter, * cant of heaven's commands,
     Pray with his lips, and murder with his hands;
     Insult the wretched, trample on the poor,
     And mock the miseries mankind endure;
     Can ravage countries, property devour,
     And trample Law beneath the feet of Power;
     Scorn the restraint of oaths and promised Right, **
     And ravel compacts in the people's sight;

          * Peter the Cruel, King of Caslile He married the daughter
          of a Duke of Bourbon, whom he divorced, in order to renew
          his connexion with a former mistress. His excesses
          occasioned the people to dethrone him. He affected piety,
          and to govern by divine right!

          ** Despots seldom keep engagements.—The People of Prussia
          have a 'promised right' from their king of some years
          standing. After the Battle of Waterloo, he promised them a
          Constitution—but became a member of the Holy Alliance. In
          1814, this king, with another of the fraternity, the Emperor
          of Russia, was entertained at an expense of 20,028L. 7s.
          10d. in Guildhall London, by the Corporation in Common
          Council assembled, who also presented addresses of
          congratulation to the worthies, on their having contributed,
          by encaging Napoleon, to restore what the addresses called,
          "the Legitimate dynasties." The result is, that the
          legitimate Emperor of Russia backs the crusade on the People
          of Naples; and the legitimate king of Prussia is as little
          inclined to let the Prussians have a Constitution, as the
          Corporation of London find it convenient to return the
          14,000L. of the Bridge-House money which they borrowed
          towards paying for the feast. The 'company they kept' and
          the money they owe in consequence, must be a satisfactory,
          because the only apology from the metropolis of the most
          free country in Europe, to the Neapolitans, for not
          assisting them in defending their national Independence, and
          their new-born Liberty, against the combined attack of "the
          Legitimate dynasties."


     That thing's a Tyrant!—and that People Fools,
     Who basely bend to be that Tyrant's tools!
     Examine then the early course of things,
     And search the ancient roll of Tyrant Kings,
     When the first man usurp'd upon his kind,
     Assumed exotick right, assuming reigned;
     Supreme in wickedness, more wicked grew;
     First forced a homage, then decreed it due.

     Trace the first Tyrants to their fancied thrones,
     Placed in that heaven that all their crimes disowns:—
     If in the Royal lists some monsters reign'd,
     Abborr'd by heaven, and hated by mankind,
     By lust and blood exalted to a throne,
     For all the exquisites of Tyrant known,
     The meaner name of monarch they despise,
     Alive, usurp the throne, and dead, the skies;
     Above the clouds th' incarnate devil stands,
     And nations worship with polluted hands!
     Old Saturn, Bacchus, and high-thundering Jove,
     And all the rabble of the Gods above,
     Whose names for their immortal crimes are fear'd,
     Monarchs and Tyrant-princes first appear'd;


     By rapes and blood the path to greatness stain'd,
     By rapes and blood the glittering station gain'd;
     Succeeding knaves succeeding Gods became,
     And sin aspired to an immortal name!
     The mighty wretches dwell among the stars,
     And vice in virtue's glorious robes appears;
     And Poets celebrate their praises there,
     As Indians worship Devils that they fear!
     Yet let us look around the world awhile,
     And find a Patron-God for Albion's Isle;
     Has she so many Tyrants borne in vain?
     Has she no Star in the celestial train?
     Heaven knows, the difficulty only lies,
     In who's the fittest monster for the skies!—
     Satire, reflect with care, due caution give,
     Some ———— are dead, beware of those that live.
     If thou too near the present age begin,
     Truth will be crime, and courage will be sin!

     Look back two ages, see where shines on high
     Great James, the modern Bacchus of the sky;
     But give him time before his ghost appear,
     Lest his uneasy fame bewray his fear:
     Alive, the patron of the tim'rous race,
     Fear in his head, and frenzy in his face;
     His constellation, were it felt beneath,
     Would make men strive to die—for fear of death!
     His exaltation with his crimes begin,
     See how we worship in his House of Sin,
     Aloft—we view the Bacchanalian King;
     Below—the sacred anthems daily sing;
     His vast excess the pencil's art displays,
     And triumphs in the clouds above our praise:


     What can, with equal force, devotion move,
     We pray below, and He's debauch'd above!*
     Look lower down the galaxy and see,
     In yon crown'd Goat another Deity;
     His orgied reel and lecherous leer outvie
     The old Priapian glory of the sky;
     His furious lusts the other Gods deface
     And spread his viler image through the place;
     On obscene altars blaze unholy fires
     To him, the God of all unchaste desires! **

          * The Banqnetling House at Whitehall is now the Chapel
          Royal, where sermons are preached and Divine service is sung
          by the choir of the king's household. On the floor, are the
          pews for the congregation, the pulpits of the clergy, the
          altar with the sacramental vessels, and the other
          arrangements for sacred wor-ship. On the ceiling, the
          apotheosis of King James the First, painted by Rubens,
          represents the king in different situations crowned with the
          triumphs of drunkenness.

          James the First held the highest notions concerning Divine
          Right. He had a mighty desire to be a great tyrant, but was
          merely a great driveller. He said on a certain occasion that
          "there is an implicit tie among kings, which obligeth them,
          though there be no other interest or particular engagement,
          to stick to, and right one another, upon an insurrection of
          subjects."—How-ell's Letters, B. 1. §. 2.  Letter iii.

          This obligation among kings to right one another, flows
          from their 'Right Divine to govern wrong!' The implicit
          tie to suffo-cate liberty, wherever it appears, is co-eval
          with tyranny—but it was never openly avowed until the
          present concert of kings. The Holy Alliance is—Despotism
          shewing itself.

          ** It was for this king, Charles II., that the phrase, "our
          Religious king," was invented by the Bishops.

             If such Vicegerents are by Heaven appointed,
             The Devil himself may be the Lord s anointed!
                                         —De Foe


     We turn disgusted from the contemplation
     Nor seek more royal samples of our nation;
     But leave Posterity to find the place
     Of other heroes, of another race.

     Europe, thy thrones have many a name in store,
     As bright in guilt as any crown'd before;
     Who, turn'd to Gods, shall shine in Poets' rhymes,
     And faithful Hist'ry shall record their crimes.

     The first Paternal ruler of mankind
     That e'er by primogenial title reign'd,
     In dignity of government was high
     But all his kingdom was his family.

     His subjects—were his household and his wife;
     His power—to regulate their way of life;
     His sway—extended not beyond his gate;
     That was the limit—of his regal state;
     And every son might from his rule divide,
     Be King himself, and by himself preside;
     And when he died, the government went on
     In natural succession to his son.

     Next Families of mutual love and unity
     Together join'd for friendship and community;
     Form'd Laws, and then the natural order was
     To trust some man to execute the Laws.

     Hence him they best could trust, they trusted—chose;
     And thus a Nation and a chief arose,
     Both constituted by a mutual trust;
     The people honest and the ruler just. *

          * No hereditary king ever reigned in the world, but to
          govern by laws and constitutions which were established
          before he came to be king.—Coke's Detection, vol. i. p.


     'Tis plain, when man came from his Maker's hand,
     He left him free, and at his own command;
     Gave him the light of nature to direct,
     And reason, * nature's errors to inspect;
     No rules of Government were e'er set down,
     Nature was furnish'd to direct her own;
     The high unerring light of Providence,
     Left that to latent cause and consequence.

          * Reason is the image of God stamped upon man at his birth,
          the understanding breathed into him with the breath of life,
          and iu the participation of which alone he is raised above
          the brute creation, and his own physical nature!—Reason is
          the queen of the moral world, the soul of the universe, the
          lamp of human life, the pillar of society, the foundation of
          law, the bea-con of nations, the golden chain let down from
          heaven, which links all animated and all intelligent natures
          in one common system—and, in the vain strife between
          fanatic iuuovation and fauatic prejudice, we are exhorted to
          dethrone this queen of the world, to blot out this light of
          the mind, to deface this fair co-lumn, to break in pieces
          this golden chaiu!—Hazlitt's Political Essays, p. 57.

     Society to regulation tends,
     As naturally as means pursue their ends;
     The wit of man could never yet invent,
     A way of life without a government;
     And government has always been begun,
     In those who, to be govern'd, gave the crown.

     He that would other schemes of rule contrive
     And search for powers the people could not give,
     Must seek a spring which can those powers convey,
     And seek a People too that will obey.

     At length paternal rule was less complete,
     And as mankind increas'd became unfit;
     The petty Lords grow quarrelsome and proud,
     And plunge their little governments in blood.


     The factious rivals on pretence of right,
     Urge on the people to contend and fight;
     Invaded weakness to brute force submits,
     Oppression rages, honesty retreats,
     Justice gives way to power, and power prevails,
     And universal slavery entails.

     Thus broils arose, and thus the ends of life
     Are miss'd in Wars and undecided strife!
     Scotland, till late, exemplified the plan,
     In many a feud, in many a Highland clan.

     The Chief with whoop and whistling trumpet shrill,
     Summons his slaves from ev'ry neighb'ring hill;
     Tells them, his foeman's bull has stol'n his cow,
     And dire revenge th' obedient vassals vow;
     With mighty targe, and basket-hilted knife,
     Battle and blood decide the petty strife;
     The namelings fight, because the lord commands,
     And wild confusion rules th' ungovern'd lands!

     The hunter-tribes, at first, wild beasts pursued,
     And then to chase mankind they left the wood;
     Became Banditti, Captains, Chieftains, Kings,
     And Tyrants, by the natural course of things!

     As he that ravaged most could rule the best,
     So he grown King that first subdued the rest,
     By fraud and force his guilty power maintains,
     Wheedles mankind to please themselves with chains,
     With selfish Kingcraft calls it Right Divine,*
     And subtle Priestcraft sanctifies his line.

     *Priestcraft n. s. [priest and craft.] Religious frauds;
     management of wicked priests to gain power.—Johnson.

     Kingcraft n. s. [king and craft.] Royal frauds;
     management of wicked kings to gain power.


     "Kings are as Gods."—Indeed!—why then they must
     Like God be sacred,—but like God be just.

     If in a King a vicious lust prevails,
     The people see it, and the Godship fails. *

          * The time has been when rulers have actually claimed the
          title of God's vicegerents, and have been literally
          worshipped as gods by the servile crew of courtiers;—men
          gradually bowed down by despotism from the erect port of
          native dignity, and driven, by fear, to crouch under the
          most degrading of all superstition, the political idolatry
          of a base fellovv-creature.—After all the lan-guage of
          court adulation, the praises of poets and oiators, the
          statues and monuments erected to their fame, the malignant
          consequences of their actions prove them to have been no
          other than conspirators against the improvement and happi-
          ness of the human race. What were their means of conduct-ing
          their governments, of exercising this office of Heaven's
          vicegerents? Crafty, dishonest arts, oppression, extortion,
          and, above all,  fire and sword. They dared to ape the
          thunder and lightning of Heaven, and, assisted by the
          machinations of the grand adversary of man, rendered their
          imitative contrivances for destruction more terrible and
          deadly than the original. Their imperial robe derived its
          deep crimson colour from human blood; and the gold and
          diamonds of their diadems were accumulated treasures wrung
          from the famished bowels of the poor, born only to toil for
          others, to be robbed, to be wounded, to be trodden under
          foot, and forgotten in an early grave. How few, in com-
          parison, have reached the age of three score and ten, and
          yet, in the midst of youth and health, their days lifive
          been full of labour and sorrow. Heaven's vicegerents seldom
          bestowed a thought npon them, except when it was necessary
          either to inveigle or to force them to take the sword and
          march to slaughter. Where God caused the sun to shine gaily,
          and scattered plenty over the land, his vicegerents diffused
          famine and solitude. The valley, which laughed with corn,
          they watered with the tear of artificial hunger and distress
        ; the plain that was bright with verdure, and gay with
          flowerets, they dyed red with gore. They operated on the
          world as the blast of an east wind, as a pestilence, as a
          deluge, as a conflagration.—It is an incontrovertible
          axiom, that all who are born into tlie world, have a right
          to be as happy in it as the un-avoidable evils of nature,
          and their own disordered passions will allow. The gtand
          object of all good government, of all govern-ment that is
          not an usurpation, must be to promote this happi-ness, to
          assist every individual in its attainment and security. A
          government chiefly anxious about the emoluments of office,
          chiefly employed in augmenting its own power, and
          aggrandizing its obsequious instruments, while it neglects
          the comfort and safety of individuals in middle or low life,
          is despotic and a nui-sance. It is founded on folly as well
          as wickedness, and, like the freaks of insanity, deals
          mischief and misery around, without be-ing able to ascertain
          or limit its extent and duration. If it should not be
          punished as criminal, let it be cosrced as dangerous. —
          Spirit of Despotism, p. 90.

     The greatest curses any age have known
     Have issued from the temple, or the throne;
     Extent of ill from kings at first begins,
     But priests must aid, and consecrate their sins.

          The tortured subject might be heard complain,
          When sinking nnder a new weight of chain,
          Or more rebellious, might perhaps repine,
          When tax'd to dow'r a titled concubine,
          But the priest christens all a Right Divine! 
          Hor. Walpole's Epistle from Florence.


     Talks he of 'sacred' then,—the man's a fool;
     His high pretence a joke and ridicule;
     Abandon'd to his crimes he soon will find
     Himself abandon'd too, by all mankind;
     With th' Assyrian Monarch turn'd to grass,
     As much a Tyrant, and as much an ass!


     Externals take from Majesty, the rest
     Is but—a thing at which we laugh—a jest!
     Let us to Scripture History appeal,
     And see what truths its ancient rolls reveal:—
     That great authority which Tyrants boast,
     As most confirming, will confound them most!
     When Israel with unheard of murmurs first,
     Pray'd to indulgent Heaven they might be curst,
     Rejected God, scorn'd his Almighty rule,
     And made themselves their children's ridicule,
     A standing banter, future ages' jest,
     As damn'd to slavery at their own request—
     With what just arguments did Samuel plead,
     Give them the Tyrant's character to read;
     Explain the lust of an ungovern'd man,
     Show them the danger, preach to them in vain;
     Tell them the wretched things they'd quickly find,
     Within the pleasing name of King combined;
     Deign with their'wilder'd crowds t' expostulate,
     And open all the dangers of their fate!—
     Yet they sought ruin with unwearied pains,
     And begg'd for fetters, slavery, and chains!

     But, it's replied, heaven heard its suppliant's prayer,
     Itself chose out the King, and plac'd him there;
     Disown'd the People's right, and fix'd their choice
     In providence, and not the people's voice;
     From whence the claim of right by regal line,
     Made Israel's Kings be Kings by Right Divine.

     Yes, Saul was King by God's immediate hand—
     But' twas in judgment to afflict the land!
     In granting He corrected the request,
     A king He gave them, but withheld the rest;


     Gave all that they pretended to require,
     But in the gift he punish'd the desire;
     He gave a plague, the very selfsame thing
     They ask'd, when they petition'd for a King!

     For 'tis remarkable when Samuel saw,
     They'd have a King in spite of sense or law,
     He told the consequences to the land,
     And all the mischiefs that the Word contain'd;
     Told them, that Kings were instruments design'd,
     Not to improve, but to correct mankind!

     Told them the Tyrant would insult their peace,
     And plunder them of all their happiness!

     Told them, that Kings were but exalted thieves,
     Would rob men first, and then would make them slaves!

     Then drew the picture of a monster crown'd,
     Ask'd them, if  such a villain could be found, *
     Whether they'd like him, and their tribute bring?
     They answer, Yes:—let such a man be King!

          * It is remarkable, that a king scarcely ever exercised
          tyran-nical power over the people, but it was mingled with
          ungoverned vice in himself. Men of virtue and moderation
          seldom, if ever, turn tyrants. Despotic rule gives the reins
          to lust, and makes the errors of government, and the crimes
          of life, mix together. It is the high road to cruelty and
          brutalizing selfishness.—A king of France took out his
          watch when he guessed that the axe was cutting off the head
          of his favoritè, and said; 'My dear friend must make a sad
          figure just now!'—A hill in Richmond Park is still shewn as
          remarkable for having been the station from whence Henry
          VIII. eagerly looked out for the ascent of a rocket at
          London, announcing to the impatient tyrant the precise
          moment when one of his wives was suffering death on the

     And is a Tyrant King your early choice?
     "Be Kings your plague!"   said the Eternal's voice;
     And with this mighty curse he gave the crown,
     And Saul, to Israel's terror, mounts the throne!
     Now, Muse, the parallel with caution bring,
     On what condition was this man their King?


     Tho' Heaven declar'd him, heaven itself set down
     The sacred Postulata of the crown;
     Samuel examin'd first the high record,
     Then dedicates the substance to the Lord.

     This is the coronation-oath, the bond,
     The steps on which the throne and kingdom stand;
     For which, by future Kings unjustly broke,
     God, and the People, mighty vengeance took! *

          * Samuel told the people the manner of the kingdom, and
          wrote it in a book and laid it up before the Lord. (1
          Samuel, x. 25.) It is plain, the word manner signifies the
          constitution of the government, or the conditiom on which
          Saul was to be king, namely, according to justice and law;
          and this is meant in frequent expressions, by going in and
          out before them, referring to justice being executed in the
          gates, and peace and war; the king was to lead them in one,
          and direct in the other. This manner of the kingdom was told
          to all the people, and that implied, that the consent of the
          people was requisite to make him king, without which, though
          Samuel had anointed him, he was not owned by the Israelites,
          bnt went about his private affairs till after the victory
          over the Ammonites. Then the manner of the kingdom was
          written in a book—a token of its being a compact between
          Saul and the people; and Samuel's laying it up before the
          Lord, is equivalent to an oath recorded on both sides; for
          it was there as a witness between the king and the people,
          and served both as their oath of allegiance, and his oath of
          government.—All this being done, what followed? All the
          people went to Gilgal, and there they (mark the word) made
          Saul king.—(l Samuel,i. 15.)


     Then mark the needful steps to make him King,
     How sacred ends, concurring means must bring;
     Not Samuel's ointment, not the mighty lot,
     Could make him King, nor force his title out.

     The people like not his mechanic race,
     They see no greatness in his youthful face:—
     "Is this the monarch shall our foes destroy,
     Does heaven design to rule us by a boy?"

     The flouting Rabbies cry! "We scorn to own,
     A man that has no merit for a crown.
     Our King must lead the glorious tribes to fight,
     And chase the thousands of the Ammonite:
     His pers'nal valour must our triumphs bring,
     'Tis such a man we want, and such a King."

     Away they go, reject his government,
     Not Heav'n's high choice could force their due consent!
     Samuel submits, adjourns the strong debate,
     Suspends the King he offered to create;
     Owns their dislike's a high material thing,
     That their Consent alone could make him King!

     Why did not God displeasure then express,
     Resent the slight, and punish their excess;
     Extort obedience by express command,
     And crown his choice by his immediate hand;
     Destroy the Rebels with his blasting breath,
     And punish early treason with their death;
     With mighty thunders his new King proclaim,
     And force the trembling tribes to do the same?

     Because He knew it was the course of things,
     And Nature's law, that men should choose their Kings;
     He knew the early dictate was his own,
     That reason acted from himself alone.*

          * It is alledged, that the vulgar are not capable of judging
          coucerning principles of government; I answer, they are
          then not capable of beiug guilty of transgression; for where
          there is a want of capacity of judgment, there can be no
          sin. This is a dangerous argument, my Lords, and exposes
          government to the violence of every one who can overturn it
          with impunity. You have no defence against any person in
          this case who is resolute, except superior strength; for
          the gallows will not frighten a man who is not conscious of
          guilt, if he has any degree of natural fortitude. Try to
          persuade the vulgar that there is any case in which they
          cannot sin, and you will soon perceive what opera-tion it
          will have upon them. But when you tell them they are not
          judges of your manouvres of state, they will soon tell you
          that they cannot transgress what they do not understand and
          that you require of them more than the Deity requires of
          them, or even supposes; for he requires no duty without
          first allowing men to judge of his laws, and makes no laws
          beyond the reach of their understandings.

          Sermons to Asses, ( Ministers qf State,) p. 57


     "'Tis just," says the Almighty Power, "and sense,"
     (For actions are the words of Providence;
     The mouth of consequences speaks aloud,
     And Nature's language is the voice of God:
     "'Tis just," says he, "the people should be shown,
     The man that wears it, can deserve the crown.

     Merit will make my choice appear so just,
     They'll own him fit for the intended trust;
     Confirm by reason my exalted choice,
     And make him King by all the people's voice.


     Let Ammon's troops my people's tents invade,
     And Israel's trembling sons, to fear betray'd,
     Fly from th' advancing legions in the fright,
     Till Jabesh' walls embrace the Ammonite;
     I'll spirit Saul, and arm his soul for war,
     The boy they scorn, shall in the field appear;
     I'll teach the inexperienced youth to light,
     And flesh him with the slaughter'd Ammonite.

     The general suffrage then lie'll justly have
     To rule the people he knows how to save;
     Their willing voices all the tribes will bring,
     And make my chosen hero be their King."

     He speaks, and all the high events obey,
     The mighty voice of Nature leads the way;
     The troops of Ammon Israel's tents invade,
     His mighty fighting sons, to fear betray'd,
     Fly from th' advancing squadrons in the fright,
     'Till Jabesh' walls embrace the Ammonite.

     Saul rouzes; God had arm'd his soul for war;
     The boy they scored does in the field appear;
     His pers'nal merit now bespeaks the throne,
     He beats the enemy, and wears his crown.

     The willing tribes their purchased suffrage bring,
     Their universal voice proclaims him King.

     As if Heaven's call had been before in vain,
     Saul from this proper minute, dates his reign.

     The text is plain, and proper to the thing,
     Not GOD—but all The People made him King!

     End of Book I.




     The King is ours
     T' administer, to guard, t' adorn the State,
     But not to warp or change it.

     Mark now the difference, ye that boast your love
     Of kings, between your Loyalty and ours
     Our love is principle, and has its root
     In reason; is judicious, manly, free:
     Yours, a blind instinct, crouches to the rod,
     And licks the foot, that treads it in the dust.

     The Duty of Resistance to Tyrants—Law—Custom—
     Packed Juries—The Custom of Kings to tyrannize—
     The Custom of the People to dethrone them instanced in
     James II.—Rehoboam—Royalty a trust.

     Were I permitted to inspect the rolls,
     Th' eternal archives, hid beyond the poles;
     The cause of causes could I but survey,
     And see how consequences there obey:
     This should be first of all that I'd enquire,
     And this to know, the bounds of my desire—
     Why Justice reels beneath the blows of might,
     And Usurpation sets her foot on right;
     Why fame bestows her ill-deserv'd applause,
     When outrage, triumphs over nature's laws;


     Why heaven permits the worst of men to rule,
     And binds the wise man to obey the fool; *
     Why its own thunder does not strike the crown,
     And from the stools of pow'r thrust Tyrant? down;
     Why it pursues the murd'rer's meaner crime,
     But leaves exalted criminals to time.

          * It is difficult to avoid laughing at the extreme
          ignorance of crowned heads themselves, in despotic
          countries, wheu one contrasts it with the importance they
          assume, and the pomp and splendour with which they transfer
          their royal persons from place to place. The sight is truly
          ludicrous. Are these the men, occupied, as they usually
          are, in the meanest trifles and the most degrading
          pleasures, who tell us that the governmen over which they
          preside, is a perfect system, and that the wisest
          philosopher knows not how to govern mankind; that is, to
          consult their happiness and security, so well as themselves,
          neglected as they have been in youth, and corrupted in
          manhood by panders to their vices, and flatterers of their
          foibles, their pride, and their ambition? There is reason
          to believe that many kings in despotic kingdoms, have been
          worse educated, and possess less abilities, than a common
          charity-boy, trained in a parish school to read and write.
          Spirit of Despotism. An Anecdote, containing the thoughts of
          a Despot is a treat. It appears from the Emperor of Austria
          heading the Holy Alliance against Naples with our money in
          his pockets, as well as from a letter dated Laybach, 28th
          January, 1821, that his Majesty has the horrors. The
          letter states, that when the Professors of the Lyceum at
          Laybach were presented to him, he made this nervous speech
        :—"Gentlemen—The students of Carniola have always deserved
          praise, (from which their progress in useful knowledge may
          be inferred). Endeavour to preserve for them this good
          character, (modern Boeotians). Remain ever faithful to what
          is ancient, (Tyranny); for what is ancient is good, (he
          means for himself); and onr ancestors (his Ancestors) ever
          found it so. Why should it not be the same to us? (The
          throne-men). People (tyrant-hater's) are occupied elsewhere
          (at Naples) with new notions (principles of liberty), that I
          (heigh Oh!) cannot approve, (cannot help); and never shall
          approve, (Royal till death). From such notions (political
          truth) preserve yourselves, (God preserve the Emperor);
          attach yourselves to nothing bnt what is positive,
          (Despotism). I do not want learned men (the students at
          Copenhagen on the king's birth-day, January 2nd, 1821,
          shouted "Vivat Rex the soldiers, not understanding Loyally
          in Latin, and, supposing the students uttered seditious
          cries, dispersed them with their sabres and hilled four:
          ergo Steel is stronger than Latin). I want only loyal and
          good subjects, (implicitly obedient slaves); and it is your
          part to (become drill serjeants, and) form them (into line).
          He who serves (implicitly obeys), will instruct, (that is—
          keep the students stupid) according to my orders; and
          whoever feels himself incapable of that, (non-instruction,)
          and embraces novel ideas, (knowledge,) had better depart—or
          I shall myself remove him, (by putting something into his
          head!). This is a fine and perfect specimen of legitimate
          mind; and here is another:—At the Museum of Bologna the
          Professors of the University shewed this same Emperor one or
          Sir Humphrey Davy's safety lamps, and informed him that the
          Englishman its inventor, had, by his nnmerous discoveries,
          produced a revolution in science. At the word revolution
          the countenance of the Emperor changed; he rumped the
          attendant, and said, the King of England would no doubt feel
          the consequences of his condescension to his unruly
          subjects; but, as to himself, he should take proper care
          not to suffer any of his subjects to make revo-lutions!—
          "What is ancient is good." Stick to that, Despots! Yonr
          ancestors,'an please your Majesties, groped without safety
          lamps —I pray that you may, till you be no more.


     Kings spurn at limitations, laws, and rules,
     And rob mankind—because mankind are fools;
     Wheedled to act against their common sense,
     To jumble tyranny with providence;
     To hope from God what God expects from them,
     For what they ought to do, look up to Him;
     Leave unperform'd the duties which they know,
     And lift up hands they should employ below!
     Christians must no more miracles expect,
     The men that will be slaves, He'll not protect;
     God never will our base petitions hear,
     Till our endeavours supersede our prayer;
     Not always then; but nation's may be sure,
     The willing bondage ever shall endure.

     They that would have His power to be their friend,
     Must, with what power they have, their right defend.
     The laws of God, God makes us understand,
     The laws of Nature never countermand.

     Nature prescribes, for'tis prescrib'd to sense,
     Her first of laws to man—is self-defence.

     This then is Law to man, from God on high,
     Resisting live—or unresisting die!

     He always works by means, and means he'll bless,
     With approbation, often with success.

     Nor prayers nor tears will revolutions make,
     Tyrants pull down, or irksome bondage break;
     'Tis our own business; and He lets us know,
     What is our business, he expects we'll do.

          * God punishes bad kings and oppressors, as he does the rest
          of mankind—through his instruments, The, People. It is the
          only way by which he has ever made an example of tyrants as
          a terror to others.

     Tyrants sometimes in Revolutions fall,
     Though their destruction's not design'd at all;
     So hasty showers, when they from heav'n flow down,
     Are sent to fructify, and not to drown;
     And, in the torrent, if a drunkard sink,
     'Tis not the flood that drowns him, but the drink,
     Yet who would say, because a sinner's slain,
     For fear of drowning, we must have no rain.


     It's doubtful who live most unnatural lives,
     The subject that his liberty survives,
     Or kings that trample law and freedom down,
     And make free justice truckle to the crown.

     Law is the master-spring of government—
     The only Right Ditine that heaven has sent, *
     It forms the order of the world below,
     And all our blessings from that order flow.

          * The tyrant Henry VIII., by making himself the head of the
          Church, clearly begat the Right Divine. The King could give
          bishoprics, and the Bishops could give opinions. "Your
          Majesty is the breath of our nostrils," said Bishop Neil to
          James I., and speaking of himself and brethren as to worldly
          advantages, he certainly spoke the truth. Before the Kings
          of England were heads of the Church we heard little of
          divine right, and some-times the Church itself was seen on
          the side of freedom; since that time, never. The doctrine
          in England, that the King can do no wrong, supposes the
          positive responsibility of his Minis-ters. But, that it is a
          dangerous licence of language, is wit-nessed iu a Right
          Reverend exposition of this kingly privi-lege in regard to
          Adultery. The Bishop leaped from political to moral
          delinquency, with a casuistry worthy an admirer of the royal
          power of translation. The Abbe de Choisy, a Priest of the
          same school as the British Father in God, though not of the
          same church, dedicated an edition of Thomas à Kempis, on the
          'Imitation of Christ' to Madame de Maintenon, a courtesan
          and mistress to Louis XIV., prefixing this motto: "Hear oh!
          daugh-ter, and consider, and incline thine ear; forget also
          thine own people, and thy father's honse; so shall the
          King greatly desire thy beauty!" Psa. xlv. 10,11.

          The Court's a golden but a fatal circle,
          Upon whose magic skirts a thousand devils
          In crystal forms, sit tempting innocence,
          And beckon early virtue from its ceutre.
          Anon, quoted by Dr. Watts.


     Law is the life-blood of the social state;
     Subordinate to law is magistrate,
     To set the magistrate above the law,
     Would all to error and confusion draw,
     He's not a king that's not prescribed by laws—
     King's, the effect, but government's the cause
     Of all authority for Right Divine,
     Custom's the worst, for every royal line.

     The still-born Ignorance of antiquity,
     Quirk'd into life to cozen freemen by,
     Lawyers call Custom; and, for custom, draw
     On custom still, to still call custom, Law!

     So  'rules' the Bench, and so the maxim takes,
     The fault one age commits, no age forsakes!

     Begot by fools, maintain'd by knaves and fools,
     Improved by craft in error's public schools;
     With shifting face, with loose and stammering tongue,
     The juggling fraud has plagued the world too long;
     Modern encroachments on our freedom makes,
     And backs it with our fathers' old mistakes:
     As if our rev'rence, to their virtues due,
     Should recommend their crimes and follies too!

     This vapour Custom, this mere wand'ring cloud
     Puffs the crown'd wretch, and helps to make him proud.
     Persuades him to believe it must be true,
     Homage to Law, becomes the Tyrant's due!


     Thus Priestcraft preaches, and thus Lawyers draw
     An after age, to call a custom—Law!

     And yet this boasted, ever-quoted thing,
     Fails in the point—fails to support the king:
     For though by custom, kings have learn'd to ride
     A few vile minions, to support their pride,
     The people always have opposed the cheat,
     It never was their custom to submit;
     The Practice of the people made the name,
     For practices and customs are the same;
     And custom this one mighty truth will tell,
     When kings grow tyrants, nations will rebel.

     The people may, for custom gives assent,
     Dethrone the man, to save the Government!
     If any say the practice is not so,
     Let them to England for examples go.

     England the Right Divine of kings profess'd *
     And all the marks of slavery caress'd;
     Long courted chains, but'twas in court disguise,
     And holy fraud conceal'd the sacred lies—

          * Sir Robert Filmer, the great champion of Divine Right
          having defended it in print, Algernon Sidney drew out a
          system of original power, and government according to the
          laws of God, nature, and reason. Before it was finished, the
          friends of Divine Right seized the manuscript, and finding
          Sidney's arguments un-answerable, they laid aside the work,
          and fell upon the man; —so they cut off his head, merely
          because they could not an-swer his book.

     The Church the mountebank, the King the jest,
     The wheedled monarch, and the wheedling priest!
     James proved the patient, crouching, loyal tribe,
     But let his fate their loyalty describe!


     With life-and-fortune, churchmen back'd the crown, *
     In crushing all men's freedom but their own.

          * A Courtier's loyalty is charmingly pictured in the
          portrait of Bubb Doddington, drawn by himself in his
          celebrated Diary. He was by trade a Boroughmonger, and his
          stock, consisted of six Members in the House of Commons,
          which he jobbed about and sold to the best bidder. At the
          close of his bargain and sale of the whole in a lump to the
          Duke of Newcastle for the king's service, there is a finish
          which renders the painting a fiue and matchless Cabinet
          specimen.—Bubb, who had been in disgrace at court for
          selling them elsewhere, said to tlie duke, "I knew I had
          given no just cause of offence, but that I could not justify
          it with His Majesty; that it was enough that He (the king)
          was displeased, to make me think that I was in the wrong,
          and to beg Him to forget it: I would not even be in the
          right against HIM!" The duke was delighted with this loyal
          and dutiful submission. Bubb says, "He took me up in his
          arms, and kissed me twice!" and Bubb was rewarded for
          laying his six members of the honorable house at the foot of
          the throne with the price he stipulated for—namely, the
          treasurership of the navy, and a peerage! The story was
          beautifully and most impressively related by the excellent-
          hearted and inflexible John Hunt, in his noble and
          successful defence, on the trial of an ex officio
          information for words in the Examiner charged not as false,
          but as libellous on the Honorable House.

     Then, under colour or pretence of law,
     Villains their victims to the shambles draw,
     Where sat the scoundrel Chief in ermined pride,
     And a pack'd jury in the box beside.

     The farce commences—justice heaves a groan—
     The case is clear—a verdict for the Crown!

     When noble Russell and brave Sidney fell,
     Judges themselves rung, out Law's funeral knell!


     Yet when their own destruction they foresaw,
     The passive knaves cried Liberty and Law!

     Took from their best of Kings his Right Divine,
     And abrogated fealty to the line;
     They made a precedent, dropp'd T from TReason,
     And found the best of words behind it—reason!

     The crown's a symbol, that the people meant,
     To mark their choice, or form of government; *
     The crown is theirs, and this has been their plan,
     To make the office sacred, not the man:
     Hence, if a tyrant on the throne appears,
     The place is vacant, and the crown is theirs.

          * All Majesty is derived from Law founded on right reason. A
          strength beyond that is mere force. The Magistrate formerly
          had no Majesty but while engaged in magisterial duties. His
          real dignity consisting in his legal authority.

          When the ancient parliaments of France met according to the
          constitution annually, the king went to meet the members
          seated in a waggon drawn by oxen, which a waggoner drove
          with his goad to the parliament house; but he was in no
          state until he was seated there, robed and crowned, and
          sceptred. And, in-deed, in that place only, where the great
          affairs of the Com-monwealth are transacted, can it be said,
          that Real Majesty does truly and properly reside; and not
          where the king plays, or dances, or prattles with his women,
          when the vulgar are always styling him, your Majesty.

          Hotomun's Franco-gallia, p. 73.

     David, the patient tribes too much opprest,
     Vex'd them with tribute, and deny'd them rest;
     Harass'd the land with imposts and alarms,
     Taxing and fighting—money! and to arms!


     His son, however wise, disturbed their peace,
     With taxes for his sumptuous palaces;
     His love of women and his garish state,
     His love of pomp and show, and looking great;
     His building projects, and his vast designs,
     Too vast for all the gold of Ophir's mines,
     The people's hearts dismay'd, their feelings pain'd,
     Their love unsettled, and their treasures drain'd. *

          * Solomon could have but two occasions for money; one for
          his costly buildings, the other for his numerous women, for
          he never had any wars. To the expense of his buildings the
          kings of other countries contributed largely; so that it
          must have beeu his excesses in women, and other luxurious
          indulgences, that caused him to oppress the people with
          heavy burdens of taxes.

     By two such' vigorous monarchs long opprest,
     The next that came they loyally addrest;
     Implored his gracious majesty would please
     To tax them less, and let them live in peace.

     The son of Solomon with anger hears
     The people dare to offer him their pray'rs,
     Spurns their Address, his rage no bounds restrain,
     And thus he gives his answer with disdain:—

     "I bear from Heaven the ensigns of my sway,
     My business is to rule, and your's obey:
     Therefore your scandalous Address withdraw,
     'Tis my command, and my command's your law:
     Sedition grows from seeds of discontent,
     And faction always snarls at government:
     But since my throne from God alone I hold,
     To Him alone my councils I unfold;
     My resolutions he has made your laws,
     You are to know my actions, He the cause!


     Wherefore I stoop, to let you understand,
     I double all the taxes of the land.

     And if your discontents and feuds remain,
     Petition—and I'll double them again!

     The mild correction which my Father gave,
     Has spoil'd the people he design'd to save;
     You murmur'd then, but had you thus been used,
     You'd ne'er his easy clemency abused!"

     The injured people, treated with disdain,
     Found their Petitions and Addresses vain!

     Long had they made submissions to the crown,
     And long the love of Liberty had known;
     The kings they ask'd of God had let them see,
     What God himself foretold of tyranny.

     The father had exhausted all their stores,
     With costlyhouses, and more costly whores;
     But doubly robb'd by his encroaching son,
     They rather chose to die, than be undone;
     And, thus resolving, by a single stroke,
     Ten tribes revolted, and their bondage broke!

     The tyrant, in his sceptred bloated pride,
     Believing God and blood upon his side;
     To the high altar in a rage repairs,
     And rather tells his tale, than makes his prayers: *

          * The author has taken a poetical licence here. For
          scripture does not say that Rehoboam prayed to the Lord.

     "Behold!" says he, "the slaves, o'er whom I reign,
     Have made the pow'r I had from Thee in vain;
     From thy diviner rule they separate,
     And make large schisms both in Church and State;
     My just intentions are, with all my force,
     To check rebellion in its earliest course;
     Revenge th' affronts of my insulted throne,
     And save thy injured honour, and my own;
     And as thy counsels did my fathers bless,
     He claims thy help, who does their crown possess!"


     Listen ye kings, ye people all rejoice,
     And hear the answer of th' Almighty voice:
     Tremble, ye tyrants, read the high commands,
     In sacred writ the sacred sentence stands!

     "Stir not afoot! thy new-rais'd troops disband!"
     Says the Eternal;—"it is my command!

     I raised thy fathers to the Hebrew throne,
     I set it up, but you yourselves pull down!
     For when to them I Israel's sceptre gave,
     'Twas not my chosen people to enslave.

     My first command no such commission brings,
     I made no tyrants, though I made you kings;
     But you my people vilely have opprest,
     And misapplied the powers which you possest.
     'Tis Nature's laws the people now direct,
     When Nature speaks, I never contradict.

     Draw not the sword, thy brethren to destroy,
     The liberty they have, they may enjoy;
     I ever purposed, and I yet intend,
     That what they may enjoy, they may defend;
     They have deserted from a misused throne,
     "The thing's from Me"—the crime is all thy own!"*

          * When the ten tribes revolted from Rehoboam, and chose Je-
          roboam king, there is no doubt they limited him by law; for
          many years afterwards king Aliab, one of his succcssors,
          admring a herb-garden near to his own palace, applied to the
          owner, Naboth, and offered him either a vineyard for it, or
          the worth of it in money; but Naboth would neither exchange
          nor sell it, and Ahab returned home so vexed, that he went
          to bed and would not eat any thing. Naboth having thus
          displeased the king, the courtiers got up a charge of
          Blasphemy and Sedition against him by means of false
          wituesses hired on purpose; he was found guilty and
          executed, and Ahab got possession of the garden, probably as
          a forfeiture to the crown. It is clear, therefore, that
          Ahab's power was restrained by law, for it was not until
          Nabot was murdered under the forms of law, that the king
          could get the poor man's property. Another thing is very
          remarkable: as soon as the murder was completed, and the
          king had got the garden, there was an honest Father in God,
          who, instead of saying 'the king could do no wrong,' went to
          his majesty, charged him with the crime, and denounced his
          downfall, which happened accordingly, through his listening
          to flattering ecclesiastics, and his fondness for military
          affairs. If the Bishop of London should desire to preach on
          this story, he is informed that he may find it in the Bible,
          1 Kings, xxi.


     If kings no more be flatter'd and deceived,
     Nor shun too late, the knaves they have believed;
     If as 'trustees for uses' they agree
     To act by limited authority;
     Subordination will its order keep,
     Ambition die, and all rebellion sleep.

     The weeping nations shall begin to laugh,
     The subjects easy, and the rulers safe.

     Plenty and peace embrace just government,
     The king be pleased, the people be content.

     If any king is hoodwink'd to believe,
     People will blind obedience to him give;
     Let him pause long, before he dares to try,
     They all by practice give their words the lie! *

          * Flattery is a fine picklock of tender ears; especially of
          those whom fortune hath borne high upon their wings, that
          submit their dignity and authority to it, by a soothing of
          themselves. For, indeed, men could never he taken in that
          abundance with the springes of others' flattery, if they
          began not there; if they did but remember how much more
          profitable the bitterness of truth were than all the honey
          distilling from a whorish voice, which is not praise but
          poison. But now it is come to that extreme of folly, or
          rather madness, with some, that he that flatters them mo-
          destly, or sparingly, is thought to malign them.

          Ben Jonson.

          The ears of kings are so tiugled with a continual uniform
          ap-probation, that they have scarce any knowledge of true
          praise. Have they to do with the greatest fool of all their
          subjects—they have no way to take advantage of him: by the
          flatterer saying, "It is because he is my king," he thinks
          he has said enough to imply that he therefore suffered
          himself to be over-come. This quality stifles and confuses
          the other true and es-sential qualities which are sunk deep
          in the kingship.



     Art may by mighty dams keep out the tide,
     Check the strong current, and its streams divide;
     Pen up the rising waters, and deny
     The easy waves to glide in silence by:
     But if the river is restrain'd too long,
     It swells in silence to resent the wrong;
     With fearful force breaks opposition down,
     And claims its native freedom for its own.

     So Tyranny may govern for a time,
     Till Nature drowns the tyrants with their crime!

     End of Book II.




           ——Nations would do well
           T' extort their truncheons from the puny hands
           Of Heroes, whose infirm and baby minds
           Are gratified with mischief; and who spoil,
           Because men suffer it, their Toy—The World.

Tyrants deposed to preserve the Throne—In Europe—In England before the Conquest—By each other since.—No right line any where—Difference between Tyrants and Kings—Government instituted by the People for their oivn good—Tyrants treat men as cattle to be slaughtered—God decrees their fall—Ordains Revolutions by the People.

     Search we the long records of ages past,
     Look back as far as antient rolls will last;
     Beyond what oldest history relates,
     While kings had people, people magistrates;
     Nations, e'er since there has been king or crown,
     Have pull'd down tyrants to preserve the throne.

     The laws of nature then, as still they do,
     Taught them, their rights and safety to pursue;
     That if a king, who should protect, destroys,
     He forfeits all the sanction he enjoys.


     There's not a nation ever own'd a crown,
     But if their kings opprest them, pull'd them down;
     Concurring Providence has been content,
     And always blest the action in th' event.

     He that, invested with the robes of power,
     Thinks'tis his right the people to devour,
     Will always find some stubborn men remain,
     That have so little wit, they won't be slain;
     Who always turn again when they're opprest,
     And basely spoil the gay tyrannic jest;
     Tell kings—of Nature, Laws of God, and Right,
     Take up their arms, and with their tyrants fight.

     When passive thousands fall beneath the sword,
     And freely die at the imperial word,
     A stern, unyielding, self-defending few,
     While they resist, will ravel all the clew;
     Will all the engines of oppression awe,
     And trample pow'r beneath the feet of law.

     'Tis always natural for men opprest,
     Whene'er occasion offers to resist;
     They're traitors else to truth and common sense,
     And rebels to the laws of Providence;
     'Tis not enough to say, they may—they must;
     The strong necessity declares it just; *
     'Tis Heav'n's supreme command to man, and they
     Are always blest who that command obey.

          * If it be asked, Who shall be judge? it is plain that God
          has made Nature judge. If a king make a law, destructive of
          human society and the general good, may it not be resisted
          and opposed? "No!" exclaim a junta of holy meu, "it is from
          GOD!" What is Blasphemy?


     So France deposed the Merovingian line,
     And banish'd Childrick * lost the right divine;
     So Holy League their sacred Henry ** slew,
     And call'd a counsel to erect a new;
     For right divine must still to justice bow,
     And people first the right to rule bestow:

     So Spain to arbitrary kings inured,
     Yet arbitrary Favila *** abjured;
     Denmark four kings deposed, and Poland seven,
     Swedeland but one-and-twenty, Spain eleven:
     Russia, Demetrius banish'd from the throne,****
     And Portugal pull'd young Alphonsus down;
     Each nation that deserves the name of state,
     Has set up laws above the magistrate;
     Hence, when a self-advancing wretch acquires
     A lawless rule, his government expires.

          * Childeric I. the son of Merovius, for his lasciviousness,
          was banished by the great men, and one Egidiu?, a Gaul, set
          up in his stead. Childeiic II. was banished and deposed by
          his subjects, and king Pepin reigned in his stead; and so
          ended the Merovingian family.

          ** The League deposed Henry III. and declared him a tyrant,
          a murderer, and incapable to reign, and held frequent
          counsels with the pope's legate and the Spaniards about
          settling the crown, and several proposals were made of
          settling it, sometimes on the infanta of Spain, at other
          times on the cardinal of Boubon, the duke de Main, and

          ***  Favila, a cruel tyrant, was deposed by the Castilians,
          who chose judges to administer the government, till they
          appointed another.

          **** Besides the banishment of Demetrius, the History of
          Russia furnishes a sickening catalogue of the butchery of
          her despots by each other. During the debate in the House of
          Lords on the 19th of February, 1821, Lord Holland, observing
          on the Crusade of the Holy Alliance of Despots against
          Naples, said, "That objections to the freedom of political
          constitutions came but ungracefully from the reigning
          Emperor of Russia, who ascended a throne reeking with the
          blood of his own father: and as this member of that holy
          league, owed his crown to the murder of his father, it
          brought to his recollection, that since the time of the Czar
          Peter I. no sovereign had ascended the throne of Russia
          with-out its being stained with the blood of his immediate
          predecessor, or some other member of his own family."


     Explore the past, the steps of monarchs tread,
     And view the sacred titles of the dead;
     Look to the early kings of Britain's isle,
     For Jus Divinum in our native style.

     Conquest, or compacts, form the rights of kings,
     And both are human, both unsettled things;
     Both subject to contingencies of fate,
     And so the godship of them proves a cheat.

     The crowns and thrones the greatest monarchs have,
     Were either stolen, or the people gave.

     What claim had colonel Cnute, * or captain Suene?
     What right the roving Saxon, pirate Dane?
     Hengist, or Horsa, Woden's blood defied,
     And on their sword, not right divine, relied.

          * The leaders of the invading Saxons and Danes were mere
          thieves and robbers, pretending to no light but that of the
          sword. Hengist and Horsa were Saxon leaders, who after
          conquering Kent, made themselves kings. Woden is famed to be
          the first great leader of the Goths into Europe, and all
          their kings affected to be thought of his predatory blood.


     The Norman Bastard, how divine his call!
     And where's his heav'nly high original?
     These naked nations, long a helpless prey,
     To foreign and domestic tyranny;—
     Their infant strength unfit to guard their name—
     Was left exposed to ev'ry robber's claim,
     An open prey to pirates, and the isle,
     To wild invaders, grew an early spoil.

     The Romans ravaged long our wealthy coast,
     And long our plains fed Caesar's num'rous host.

     What birthright raised that rav'nous leader's name?
     His sword, and not his fam'ly, form'd his claim.

     Where'er the Roman eagles spread their wings,
     They conquer'd nations, and they pull'd down kings;
     Caesar in triumph o'er the whole presided,
     And right of conquest half the world divided.

     For Liberty our sires in arms appear'd,
     And in its sacred name with courage warr'd;
     Made the invaders buy their conquest dear,
     And legions of their bones lie buried here. *

          * The hillocks or barrows still remaining in most parts of
          Eng-land were the graves of the soldiers. There are four
          very large ones near Stevenage in Hertfordshire, close to
          the road. The plains in Wiltshire and Dorsetshire are full
          of these monuments of the valorous achievements of the
          Britons iu defence of their liberty.

     When these their work of slaughter had fulfill'd,
     And seas of British blood bedew'd the field;
     Shoals of Barbarian Goths, worse thieves than they,
     From Caledonian Friths, and frozen Tay,
     O'erspread the fruitful, now abandon'd plains,
     And led the captured victims in their chains:
     The weaken'd natives, helpless and distrest,
     Doom'd to be plunder'd, ravish'd, and oppress'd,
     Employ new thieves from the rude Northern coast,
     To rob them of the little not yet lost.


     The work once done, the workmen, to be paid,
     Only demand themselves, and all they had!
     In dreadful strife their freedom to maintain,
     They fought with fury, but they fought in vain;
     Yet, like Antaeus, every time they fell,
     Their veins with rage and indignation swell;
     Not for continued losses they despair,
     But for still fiercer battle they prepare;
     Again their blood the Saxon chariots stains,
     And heaps of heroes strew th' ensanguin'd plains;
     Thus, though they leave the world, they keep the field,
     And thus their lives, but not their freedom yield.

     Three hundred years of bloody contest past,
     Plunder'd at first, and dispossest at last,
     The few remains, with freedom still inspir'd,
     To Western mountains, to resist retired;
     Their dear abandon'd country thence they view,
     And thence their thirst of Liberty renew;
     Offers of peaceful bondage they defy,
     What's peace to man without his liberty? *

          * The Britons fought one hundred and sixty-three pitched
          bat-tles. They might well be said to be conquered, for in
          these prodigious straggles for their liberty they were
          nearly all slain. They fought as long as there were any men
          to be raised? but the Saxons swarming continually over from
          vastly populous countries, the few Britons that remained,
          took sanctuary in the wes-tern mountains of Wales, and from
          the crags and cliffs, poor and distrest as they were, they
          made constant inroads and excursions upon the Saxons; the
          Saxon Annals are filled with accounts of the renewed
          warfare. Even the English histories frequently mention the
          incursions of the Welsh, till, at last, united to England,
          they seem to be incorporated with the natives of their
          ancient soil.


     The conquer'd nation—fell a dear bought prey,
     And Britain's island, Saxon Lords obey:
     The shouting troops their victories proclaim,
     And load their chiefs with royalty and fame:
     The garland of their triumphs was their crown,
     Mob set them up, and rabble pull'd them down!

     Fighting was all the merit they could bring,
     The bloodiest wretch appear'd the bravest King!
     Nor did his kingship any longer last,
     Than till by some more powerful rogue displaced.
     In spoil and blood was fix'd the right divine.
     And thus commenced the royal Saxon line:—

     That sword that vanquish'd innocence in fight,
     The sword that crush'd the banish'd Britons' right,
     At pleasure subdivides the British crown,
     And forms eight soldier kingdoms out of one.

     From these we strive to date our royal line,
     And these must help us to a right divine;
     From actions buried in eternal night,
     Priestcraft is brought, to fix the fancied right;
     Priestcraft that, always on the strongest side,
     Contrives, tho' kings should walk, that priests shall ride.

     One master thief his fellows dispossest,
     And gave, once more, the weeping nation rest;
     For Egbert, * English monarchy began,
     By his Almighty-sword—the Sacred man!

          * Egbert came over originally from France, and was not the
          successor of any prince of the West Saxon kingdom, nor of
          any kingdom.


     Yet who was Egbert? Search his ancient breed;
     What sacred ancestors did he succeed?
     What mighty princes form'd his royal line,
     And handed down to him the right divine?

     A high-Dutch trooper, sent abroad to fight,
     Whose trade was blood, and in his arm his right:
     A supernumerary Holsteineer, *
     For want of room at home, sent out to war;
     A mere Swiss** mercenary, who for bread,
     Was born on purpose to be knock'd in head;
     A Saxon soldier was his high descent,
     Murder his business, plunder his intent;
     The poor unvalued, despicable thing,
     A thief by nation, and by fate a king!

          * The Saxons that came over were from Jutland, Holstein, &c.
          The poor countries the Saxons lived in, being unable to
          support the vast numbers of the people they produced, they
          sought subsistence and habitations in fruitful and plentiful

          **  A Swiss, alludes to their being mercenaries.

     To-day the monarch glories in his crown,
     A soldier thief to-morrow knocks him down,
     And calls the fancied right divine his own!

     In the next age that 'rightful' Lord's forgot,
     And rampant treason triumphs on the spot:
     Success gives title, makes possession just,
     For if the fates obey, the subjects must.

     We should be last of all that should pretend,
     The long descent of princes to defend;
     Since, if hereditary right's the claim,
     The English line has forty times been lame;
     Of all the nations in the world, there's none
     Have less of true succession in their crown.


     Britannia now, with men of blood opprest,
     And all her race of tyrants lately ceased;
     Ill fate prevailing, seeks at foreign shores,
     And for worse monsters, ignorantly implores.

     The right divine was so despised a thing,
     The crown went out a begging for a king
     Of foreign breed, of unrelated race,
     Whore in his scutcheon, tyrant in his face j
     Of spurious birth, and intermingled blood,
     Who nor our laws nor language understood.

     William the early summons soon obeys,
     Ambition fills his sails, his fleets the seas;
     By cruel hopes, and fatal valour sped,
     The foreign legions Britain's shores o'erspread:
     The sword decides the claim, the land's the prey,
     Fated the conquering tyrant to obey.

     Harold by usurpation gain'd the crown, *
     And ditto usurpation pull'd him down.
     Nothing but patience then could Britain claim;
     Oppress'd by suff'ring, suff'ring made her tame:
     She saw the tyrant William quit the throne,
     And hoped for better usage from his son;
     But change of tyrants gave her small relief,
     She lost the lion, and receiv'd the thief.

          * Harold seized upon the crown by force. He had no claim to
          it, by blood or inheritance, being the son of Earl Goodwin.

     Rufus, his father's ill got treasure seized,
     The greedy sons of mother-church appeased;
     Bought up rebellion with the cash he stole,
     Secured the Clergy, and seduced the whole.

     So brib'ry first with robbery combined
     To ride before, and treason rode behind.


      Ambition, and the lust of rule prevail'd,
      And Robert's right, on Rufus' head entail'd. *

      Beau-Clerk next grasp'd his elder brother's crown,
      And, by his sword, maintain'd it was his own:
      The second ** Henry fights, and fighting treats,
      To own the prince's title he defeats;
      Consents to mean conclusions of the war,
      And stoops to be a base usurper's heir;
      Accepts the ignominious grant, and shows
      His right's as bad as Stephen's that bestows:
      The royal tricksters thus divide the prey,
      And helpless crowds the jugglers' swords obey. ***

      Then John, ****  another branch of Henry's line,
      Jumps on the throne, in spite of Right Divine,
      Turn we to mighty Edward's deathless name;
      Or to his son's, whose conquests were the same;
      That mighty hero of right royal race,
      His father still alive, usurp'd his place. (v)

          * They were both usurpers, for the true right of descent was
          in Edgar Atheling. of the race of Edmund Ironside.

          ** Henry II. was obliged to compromise the dispute with his
          competitor Stephen; a prudent agreement, but in defiance of
          hereditary right.

          *** As at the death of Henry I. the main line of Normandy
          ended, so the succession has ever since proved so brittle,
          that it never held to the third heir in a right descent
          without being put by, or receiving some alteration by
          usurpation, or extinction of the male blood.—Churchill's
          Divi Britannici, p. 207.

          **** King John was the youngest son of Henry II., who had
          his eldest line deposed. Henry was the son of a usurper, a
          usurper himself, and the murderer of his own brother's son.

          (v) Edward III. reigned, his father, Edward II. being a
          prisoner, and was afterwards murdered.


     As Edward on his parent's murder stood,
     So Richard's tyrant reign was closed in blood:
     Deposed and murder'd, Edward's father lies;
     Deposed and murder'd—thus the grandson * dies.

     Lancastrian Henry from his feeble head,
     The bauble wrench'd, and wore it in his stead;
     Three of his name by due succession reign,
     And York demands the right of line in vain.

     Thro' seas of slaughter, for this carnaged crown
     Edward, not went, but waded to the throne **
     Three times deposed, three times restored by force,
     Priest-ridden Henry's title*** yields of course.

     Short lived the right the conquering king enjoy'd,
     Treason and crime his new-crown'd race destroy'd;
     As if the crimson hand of Power pursued
     The very crown, and fated it to blood,
     Richard by lust of government allured,
     By double murders, next that crown procured;
     For silent records trumpet-tongued proclaim
     The jails and graves of princes are the same.

     At Bosworth field, the crookback was dethroned;
     Slain in the fight, and then the victor own'd! ****

          * Richard II.

          ** Edward IV.

          *** Henry VI.

          **** Richard III. was succeeded by Henry VII. who had
          clearly no claim to the crown from blood. After him it still
          devolved with irregularity, although uuder the Tudors, the
          doctrine of hereditary right was as vaguely maintained as
          before. Thus, a Parliament granted to Henry VIII. the power
          of regulating the succession by will, and it was by
          pretending to exercise a similar power under an alleged will
          of Edward VI. that the unprincipled Northumberland sought
          the establishment of Lady Jane Grey. Elizabeth, on the same
          ground, was importuned to appoint a suc-cessor, at
          intervals, during the last twenty years of her reign; and
          finally, named the King of Scotland in her last moments.
          These are strange incidents for the advocates of Divine
          Right! The fact is, this wretched theory was never formally
          advocated until the days of James I.; and it may be
          considered to be one of the precions fruits of that settled
          connexion between Church and State, of which the Despot,
          Henry VIII., laid the foun-dation. Yet no Despot ever
          supported himself steadily on an English throne; and what is
          there to prove, that such men ever can? Look at King
          Richard II., he was a finished gentle-man, possessed some
          taste for literature, and shewed himself as. fond of finery
          as need be; but he waged war with the common sense of the
          realm and the rights of the people,—and finally, by
          entrusting his power to weak, inefficient, and corrupt
          ministers, roused the anger of a distressed and overtaxed
          community. Moral—They were beheaded, and he was dethroned.


     So men of blood, incited by its taste,
     By lust of rule urged on, laid England waste;
     Oppression then upon oppression grew,
     One royal wretch another overthrew;
     They made a football of the People's crown,
     And brother-tyrant brother-king pull'd down,
     Succeeding robberies revenged the past,
     And every age of crime outdid the last.

     Look on once more—the tangled line survey,
     By which kings claim to bind men to obey.

     In the right line they say their title lies:
     But if its twisted?—then the title dies.
     Look at it!—knotted, spliced in every place!
     Closely survey the intersected race—
     So full of violations, such a brood.

     Of false successions, spurious births, and blood;
     Such perjuries, such frauds, to mount a throne,
     That Kings might blush their ancestors to own!


      Oh! but Possession supersedes the Line!

      Indeed!—then king, as king, has Right Divine;
      And, coy Succession fled from majesty,
      Makes Usurpation as divine as he;
      De Facto is de Jure, and a throne,
      To every dog that steals it is his bone!

      Hence tyrants—and from these infected springs,
      Flows the best title of the Best of Kings! *

          * The Best of Kings (Court slang) the King for the time
          being.—Many a king has been the worst man of his age, but
          no king was ever the best. In 1683, the very year of Charles
          the Second's reign, in which Lord William Russel and
          Algernon Sydney were murdered under the forms of law, by
          packed juries, and the king's passive obedient judges—when
          the throne floated in blood, and the king's manners were
          notoriously and disgust-ingly sensual and dissolute—in that
          year, J. Shnrley, M. A. in his 'Ecclesiastical History
          Epitomised,' gives Charles the title of "the best of kings!"
          calls his life and reign virtuous! and prays that his days
          may be as the days of Heaven!—This loyal author calls
          himself, The Christian reader's "beloved Brother in Christ!"
          Of the same king, Charles II., Horace Walpole (Lord Orford)
          gives this character in his Epistle from Florence:—
          (Dodsley's Collection, vol. iii. p. 92.)

     Fortune, or fair, or frowning, on his soul
     Could stamp no virtue, and no vice controul!

     Honour or morals, gratitude or truth,
     Nor taught his ripen'd age, nor knew his youth!

     The care of nations left to whores or chance,
     Plund'rer of Britain, pensioner of France;
     Free to buffoons, to ministers denied,
     He lived an atheist, and a bigot died!

          All kings have parasites and praise; the Press records their
          actions; and Posterity gives their characters.


     Right of Succession, or what other claim
     Of right to rule, by whatsoever name
     Or title call'd, by whomsoever urged,
     Is in the people's right of choosing merged.

     The right's the People's, and the People's choice
     Binds kings in duty to obey their voice;
     The Public Will, the only Right Divine,
     Sanctions the office, or divides the line;
     Topples the crown from off the tyrant's head,
     And puts a king to govern in his stead.

     Tyrant and king are vastly different things—
     We're robb'd by tyrants, but obey'd by kings!

     If it be ask'd, how the distinction's known,
     Oppression marks him out—the nations groan,
     The broken laws, the cries of injur'd blood,
     Are languages by all men understood! *

          * Tyrants lose all respect for humanity, in proportion as
          they are sunk beneath it; taught to believe themselves of
          a different species, they really become so; lose their
          participation with their kind; and, in mimicking the God,
          dwindle into the brute! Blind with prejudices as a mole,
          stung with truth as with scorpions, sore all over with
          wounded pride like a boil, their minds a heap of morbid
          proud flesh and bloated humours, a disease and gan-grene in
          the state, instead of its life-blood and vital principle—
          foreign despots claim mankind as their property. They regard
          men crawling on the face of the earth as we do insects that
          cross our path, and survey the common drama of human life as
          a fantoccini exhibition got up for tlieir amusement. It is
          the over-weening, aggravated, intolerable sense of swelling
          pride and ungovernable self-will that so often drives them
          mad; as it is their blind fatuity and insensibility to all
          beyond themselves, that, transmitted through successive
          generations, and confirmed by regal intermarriages, in time
          makes them idiots.

          Hazlitt's Political Essays, p. 341.


     Just laws and liberty make patriot kings;
     Tyrants and tyranny are self-made things. *

          * Though a Despot be transformed into a limited king, he is
          in heart and purpose still a despot. He feels duress; he is
          not at liberty to oppress at his pleasare; and he awaits an
          opportnnity to exercise 'the Right Divine of Kings to govern
          wrong;' for he holds the doctrine that "oaths are not to be
          kept with subjects." In the reign of Richard II. the Duke of
          Norfolk apprised the Duke of Hereford, that the King
          purposed their destruction:—

          Hereford.—God forbid!—He has sworn by St. Edward, to be a
          good Lord to me and the others.

          Norfolk.— So has he often sworn to me by God's Body: but I
          do not trust him the more for that!

          Every restored despot has become an unblushing and shameless
          perjurer; where is there in history an instance to the con-
          trary?—Once  a Despot, and always a Despot.

          Alfred the Great is the only King in our annals who being
          guilty of misgovernment, and seeing its evils had the high
          courage to acknowledge his crime by amendment. At the
          commencement of his reign he seemed to consider his exalted
          dignity as an emancipation from restraint, and to have found
          leisure, even amidst his struggles with the Danes, to
          indulge the irapetuosity of his passions. His immorality and
          despotism provoked the censure of the virtuous; he was
          haughty to his subjects, neglected the administration of
          justice, and treated with contempt the complaints of the
          indigent and oppressed. In the eighth year of his reign he
          was driven from the throne by the Danes. Narrowly escaping
          death and enduring many hardships, adversity brought
          reflection. According to the piety of the age, instead of
          tracing events to their political sources, he referred them
          immediately to the providence of God; and considered his
          misfortunes as the instrument with which Divine Justice
          punished his past enormities. By his prudence and valour he
          regaiued the throne, and drew np a code of laws by which he
          ordained the governmeat should be administered. Magistrates
          trembled at his stern impartiality and inflexibility. He
          executed forty-four judges in one year for their informal
          and iniquitous proceedings. Hence their survivors and
          successors were careful to acquire a competent degree of
          knowledge, and their decisions became accordant to the law.
          Discovering that the only real foundation of national
          happiness is in the enlightenment of the people, he
          instructed them himself by his writings, endowed
          establishments for the promotion of Education, and became
          the guardian and benefactor of his country.*—His virtues
          were the fruit of early instruction. When he was a child,
          his mother, Osburga, awakened in him a passion for learning
          aud knowledge. Holding in her hand a Saxon poem, elegantly
          written and beautifully illnminated, she offered it as a
          reward to the first of her children whose proficiency should
          enable him to read it to her. The emulation of Alfred was
          excited: he ran to his master, applied to the task with
          diligence, performed it to the satisfaction of the queen,
          and received the prize of his industry. His mind thus opened
          by this excellent woman, she dropped in the seeds of
          knowledge; by careful culture they grew into wisdom, and
          Alfred is one of the most illustrious instances of the
          endless blessings conferred upon man by Education.

          From the banks of the strong hold of Corfe Castle, in
          Dorsetshire, near Wareham, formerly a station of the Danish
          barbariaus, one of their successors making good his lodgment
          in a nameless House denies the justice of Universal
          Education, forgetful, perhaps, that the benighted savages,
          his predecessors, were finally expelled by Alfred; that it
          was the triumph of Knowledge and Liberty over Ignorance and
          Selfish power; and that Alfred, disdaining to use the
          advantage whick Education gave him over the rest of the
          people, othirwise than for their welfare, incessuntly
          laboured to dispense its benefits to All.

          * Lingard's History of England, vol. i. c. 4.


     As government was ever understood
     To be a measure for the people's good;
     So when perverted to a wrong intent,
     It's stark oppression, not a government.


     Blest are the days, and wing'd with joy they fly,
     When kings protect the people's liberty;
     When settled peace in stated order reigns,
     And, nor the nation, nor the king complains;
     If kings may ravish, plunder, and destroy,
     Oppress the world, and all its wealth enjoy;
     May harass nations, with their breath may kill,
     And limit liberty by royal will;
     Then was the world for ignorance design'd,
     And God gave kings to blast the human mind;
     And Kings but general farmers of the land;
     And men their stock for slaughter at command;
     Mere beasts of draught, to crouch and be opprest,
     Whom God, the mighty landlord, form'd in jest.

     Yet who believes that Heaven in vain creates,
     And gives up what it loves to what it hates;
     That man's great Maker call'd him into birth,
     To be destroy'd by tyrant-fiends on earth;
     That nations are but footstools to a throne,
     And millions born to be the slaves of one?

     Priestcraft! search Scripture, shew me God's decree,
     That crime shall rule by his authority.

     Kingcraft! search Scripture too, and from it prove
     Thy right to ravage from the God of Love. *

          * Priestcraft and Kingcraft are partners in the same firm.
          They trade together. Kings and conquerors make laws, parcel
          out lands, and erect churches and palaces for the priests
          and dignitaries of religion. In return, Priests anoint kings
          with holy oil, hedge them round with inviolability, spread
          over them the mysterious sanctity of religion, and, with
          very little ceremony, make over the whole species as slaves
          to these Gods upon earth by virtue of Divine Right!

          Hazlitt's Political Essays, p. 303.


     No! He has issued no such foul command,
     But dooms down Despots by the People's hand;
     Marks tyrants out for fall in every age,
     Directs the justice of the people's rage;
     And hurling vengeance on all royal crimes,
     Ordains the Revolutions of the times!


Original Size -- Medium-Size

          A thing of no bowels— '
          —from the crown to the toe, topfull
          Of direst cruelty.—His Realm a slaughter-house—
          The swords of soldiers are his teeth—
          Iron for Naples, hid with English gilt.


The End.




Original Size -- Medium-Size

   With Twenty-seven Cuts.




  Half a-Crown.



The Slap, at first arranged in the manner, and in every respect in imitation, assumed the appearance of a newspaper, except that the columns were broken by cuts. It was a crown broadside, and the agreeable appearance of the stamp was preserved by the subjoined diagram being placed at the corner.


Original Size -- Medium-Size

Doubtless every one who entered into the design, was satisfied with the original form of the publication; yet the author has been perplexed by numerous applications for an edition in this size. He finds it as difficult to account for want of taste as for it; but it being the fashion for the minority to be polite to the majority, he bends at last to the too general request, and submits The Slap, with a broken spirit, to go down, bound, with his other little pieces.

45, Ludgate Hill,



Original Address

A Bag of political nuts ready cracked, is not only rather dangerous fare to serve up, but a man who takes the trouble to crack them, will find the kernels cleaner and sweeter for his pains. Though they who run may read the greater portion of the present sheet, yet there are a few articles that require attention, and two or three arc designed for those only who alone can understand them.

My first intention was to parody Slop's paper, 'The Slop-tail,' or 'Much Times,' throughout. But he is as vapid as the Marquess of Lunnunderry. * What could I do with thoughts as unquotable, as confused, as ill conceived, as ill expressed, as that puissante ** Lord's —without depth or originality—as plentiful and superficial as duck-weed.

I found not a sparkle of talent in any of Slop's lean 'leaders' to re-pay me the trouble of wearisome reading. Under the 'stringent necessity' of varying my original plan, yet loth to abandon it altogether, I have parodied some of the features common to the Slop-pail, and supplied the department I had allotted to an imitation of his mindless verbiage with a sketch of his Life—filling the remainder of the sheet in my own way. There are discrepancies inseparable from this course, but I write to good-humoured readers, who have no objection to see the mind as well as the person of a friend in undress, and who take as little interest in the decision of the High Court of Criticism on things of this sort, as they took in the decision of the 'Court of Claims' concerning the 'imposing' ceremony of the coronation, and things of that sort.,

The drawings are, as usual, by Mr. George Cruikshank, whose able pencil has had greater scope here than in a pamphlet; that size would have entirely excluded Dr. Southey's Vision, the

Jack-in-the-Green, and the masterly representation of the Bridge-street gang destroying a Free Press, and suspending Liberty, while Slop is working his Press to distort and torture Truth.

              * The Marquess calls London, 'Lunnun.'

              ** A Marquess is styled 'a most puissant Prince!'

              *** For this constipating phrase, see Slop Pail, July 26, 1821



Original Size -- Medium-Size



The origin and the end of this man are alike uncertain. He was sent to Oxford when young, as a student destined for holy orders, under the patronage of the Bishop of Durham.

'Go thou and seek the house of prayer:

         I to the woodlands bend my way,

          And meet Religion there;

          She needs not haunt the high-arch'd dome to pray,

Where storied windows dim the doubtful day;

           With Liberty she loves to rove'——

These lines, in Mr. Southey's lyric poem, 'written on Sunday Morning,' * express the thoughts of Slop when a college youth.

     * Southey's Minor Poems, vol. i. p. 1S7.

At 196that time he had a sort of conscience; for, in consequence of an honest course of reading, he refused to subscribe to the Thirty-nine Articles. Thus disqualifying himself from being a candidate for the 'imposition of hands' by the Bishop, he for ever relinquished the prospect of entrance into the church, and cultivated his mind by reading Paine's Rights of Man.

Fascinated by the writings of Mrs. Mary Wollstoncrofft, more especially by her celebrated 'Vindication of the Rights of Woman,' he assiduously sought that lady's acquaintance, and having obtained the desired honour, cultivated her intimacy with passionate admiration. On the appearance of Mr. Godwin's 'Inquiry concerning Moral and Political Justice,' he read and studied it with doting enthusiasm; the chapters on Property, and on the Sexual Intercourse, were particularly to his taste—the chapter on Sincerity, not so much. Hungering for a personal friendship with the author of the Political Justice, who became the husband of Mrs. Wollstoncrofft, he humbled himself before him, beseeching permission to consider that philosopher as his Gamaliel, and to sit at his feet as the least of his disciples. This was granted, and in that school he commenced an intimacy with Mr. Thomas Holcroft and his friends. That gentleman had just been released from imprisonment, under indictments for high treason, with Messrs. Hardy, Horne Tooke, and Thelwall, who were tried and acquitted of the charge; and at this time Slop's political fervor rose above the temperament of the most hot-blooded among the patriots he associated with. It had been fashionable to wear the hair long and. tied; he thought this aristocratic, cut his hair off to look like a democrat, became a round-head, and was called Citizen S. At length he was marked out from his fellows by the distinguishing appellation of 'the Jacobin,' and he became a Leveller. Affixing to the words 'Liberty and Equality,' an interpretation of his own, he contended with the Spenceans, that there could be no real Liberty without Equality so he preached the doctrine of all things in common; and prevailed on a young man who had imbibed some of his notions, to aid him in proving its advantages. In an attic chamber in the Temple they founded a community of goods—lived on short commons —and waited on each other. Here Slop lighted the fire, and fetched water from the Temple pump for their joint use, till, tired of the pitcher-duty, he proposed 197transferring the undignified office to his companion, who declined to accept it; and a fierce quarrel arising in this 'perfect state of society,' concerning rights and duties, the Commonwealth of two ceased to exist.

In this exigency, moderation, which at one time he seems to have thought criminal, became expedient on many accounts. About 1796 he visited Scotland, with letters of recommendation to respectable society; yet his wild opinions on religion and politics caused him to be disliked by some of the most respectable students who held Whig principles, and who, still holding them, dislike and shun him now for his extreme violence in another direction. When at Edinburgh, he affected singularity of habit as well as thought, and paraded the streets, especially the Leith-Walk, in a drab dress of romantic simplicity. On his return from Scotland, he employed himself in writing for the booksellers. In 1798 he translated the play of Don Carlos, from the German of Schiller, and presented his friend, Mr. Holcroft, with a copy, who says, that 'he executed his task respectably.' * On the 5th of August, in that year, he dined with Mr. Godwin and Mr. Parry (the Republican Editor of the Courier Newspaper when it was conducted on democratic principles), at the house of Mr. Holcroft, where, according to that gentleman's diary, ** he was, 'as usual, acute; but pertinacious and verbose. On the 25th of November, he wrote to Mr. Holcroft, complaining of neglect, *** who answered by denying such intention; and indeed his intimacy with the coterie at Mr. Holcroft's, was of the closest nature, and his attachment to that philosopher's principles and person so strong, that he proposed intermarriage with his family, which was declined. He remained ardently devoted to the new philosophy, long after Mr. Holcroft's death, and until Mr. Godwin found it convenient to decline his wearisome acquaintance. Fickleness and obstinacy, and the exercise of a faculty for incessant disputation, rendered his society very tedious to the philosophers. Fruitless attempts to repress or soften his pugnacious turn, exhausted their patience. In defence of themselves, they disregarded and finally cut him;—so 198that it became the New Times with him in philosophy.

                * Holcroft's Life, vol. ii. p. 269.

               ** Ibid. vol. iii. p. 32.

              *** Ibid. p. 76.

He rambled to conceal his discontent, and to get fresh notions and fresh friends. A pedestrian tour through Scotland, with letters of recommendation, and a pliability of manner accommodated to his new views, effected both. He published his Tour in 1801. It is written with extreme caution. His real opinions are kept out of the book as much as possible; yet they occasionally peep forth; for instance, he says, 'We seem inspired with enthusiasm to fall down and worship the golden image of commerce; let us not wholly submit our feelings to our purses, and counters, and ledgers—we may be very rich in products, and manufactures, and population, and very poor in the spirits and minds of men!' *—he dare not put that in his Slop-pail. In the Tour, he speaks in praise of the Rev. Sir Henry Moscreiff

Wellwood, a Scottish Baronet of Whig principles, whose daughter he afterwards married, whether from innate love of legitimacy, or what, is unknown. Before he wrote the Tour, he procured the degree of LL.D. (as the Laureate has done since), and the philosopher, who had refused subscription to the Thirty-nine Articles to the Church of England, and had been in turn a Republican, a Jacobin, a Leveller, and a Spencean, became a Doctor of Laws, and sunk into the wig and gown of an advocate in the Ecclesiastical Court! Resuming an intimacy with some young men of his own stamp, who knew him at college, they obtained a place for him—he was made king's advocate at Malta. So fell Slop. Here ended his career of what he called Patriotism. He mistook passionate heat for the enthusiasm of genius, a habit of loud talking for talent, a ranting way of writing for reasoning, and pertinacity of manner for firmness of character. His vain disputations occasioned him to be noticed, and this he thought equal to being admired. Conceit of ability rendered him covetous of distinction; he acquired it—

               'The Court's a golden, but a. fatal circle,
               Upon whose magic skirts a thousand devils,
               In crystal forms sit tempting innocence,
               And beckon early virtue from its centre.'—

                              Stoddart's Tour, vol. i. p. 12.

The 199smirks and smiles of courtiers, the tinsel and glitter of embroidered coats and waistcoats, the hum and sops- of office, hurried him into the train of ministerial menials, as easily as a beggar's hungry brat is seduced by the finery of gilt paper, and the sound of the shovel and brush, to follow the chimney-sweepers on May-day, through the dirty alleys of St. Giles's. His artificial wants were too many to be gratified by an even walk in the path of rectitude. When he saw that 'public principle' was an obstacle to the gratification of his vulgar vanity, he suppressed it—

          'He was no Patriot then, nor gave his breath
          Bravely to speak his mind, and venture death:—
          For'twas his judgment then—though not in youth—
          One grain of ease was worth a world of Truth'


Notwithstanding this, he remained, secretly, a correspondent to the Monthly Magazine, and wrote for Sir Richard Phillips.

Vacating his place at Malta in favour of his brother-in-law, and coming back to seek his fortune, he scrambled about during a year and a half, in Doctors' Commons and among the booksellers, in search of employment, till he procured an engagement from the proprietors of The Times as a writer in that journal. His labours in this way were ardent, but profitable to nobody but himself. On the return of Napoleon from Elba, the ex-republican became an admirer of privileged orders, and 'the right divine of kings to govern wrong'—glorified the thrones of the allied despots—fell flat on his face in worship of legitimacy—and affected a beatific vision of the political millenium in the restoration of the Bourbons. He soon honoured Napoleon with all the obnoxious designations the language could supply. He called him 'a villain, a wretch, a rebel, a brigand, a traitor, a fiend, a felon, an incendiary, an impostor, an assassin, a viper, a demon, a fool, a living Moloch, a bloody dog, and a blackamoor.' * To these and hundreds of other names, he prefixed innumerable epithets expressive of disgust and hate. Every one but himself saw that such a course must shortly end. The 200writer of this article being forcibly reminded of the cursing of Trim in Tristram Shandy, ridiculed Slop's Execratory, in a little piece intituled 'Buonaparte -phobia; or, Cursing made Easy, &c. by Dr. Slop.' * It not only insured to him the name of SLOP for ever, but hastened what was neither intended nor anticipated, his dismissal from The Times.

     * See the Tract, intituled 'The Origin of Dr. Slops, Name.'

The persecution of the French Protestants on the restoration of Louis XVIII. and their massacre at Nismes, occasioned the English Protestants to interest themselves heartily for their relief. The Committee of Dissenters at Dr, Williams's Library in Red-Cross-street inquired into the facts, published a verifying Report, and took measures for sending pecuniary succours. Seeking to earn the wages of his prostitution by slavering the hoof of tyranny, and maddened that Bourbon bigotry should be obstructed in its operation, Slop denied the truth of the statements, vilified the whole body of English Dissenters, imputed their humanity to unworthy and scandalous motives, and threw as many daring fabrications as his mercenary pen could create in the way of their efforts. With undaunted audacity he gave the lie direct to his father-in-law, Sir Henry Moncreiff Wellwood, who, in the kindness and courage of his heart, became President of a Public Meeting at Edinburgh, and inspirited the Protestants of Scotland to co-operate in a national subscription for the persecuted. When Slop's slanders were successfully repelled, and his artful falsehoods exposed, he withdrew without evidencing any other regret than what arose from his having been unable to effect his unhallowed purposes.

His first exploit after his expulsion from The Times was, an attempt to delude the public by engrafting himself upon a quacking newspaper, now known, like himself, by a two-fold name, it being indiscriminately called 'The Muck Times,' and 'The Slop Pail.' The imposition succeeded only with a few. His writing gave the lie direct to his puffing pretensions, and his falsehoods were exposed in the paper from which he had been discharged. * He knows full well,' says The Times ( in February, 18]7) that 'his articles were rejected 201from our columns on account of the virulence and indiscretion with which they were written; and that, for more than twelve months preceding, whatever articles attracted notice by their merit, were exclusively the productions of other gentlemen.—There are in the office, sacks full of his rejected writings; which, if they were published, would exhibit an accurate criterion of his puffed-off abilities; the sale of our Journal increased the more, the less he wrote; and since he has ceased from writing altogether, has extended with a rapidity of which we have known no example, since we have had the management of it. This and other statements were stunning blows to him, and remained unnoticed, because they were unanswerable.

     * This squib is reprinted entire in a pamphlet, intituled
     'The Origin of Dr. Slops Name.'

His overweening pride received another shock through his new friends the legitimates. He went to Paris, and applied to be introduced at court; but 'The Bourbon' refused to receive him! Yes! refused to receive him—Slop; that Slop who, to gain the favour of his Most Christian Majesty, when he was in England, had 'tainted himself with the plague-spot of Legitimacy, till he was leprous all over; in whose inmost soul it had fixed its mortal sting, and, like an ugly spider, entangled him in its slimy folds, brooding on him as on its own poison.' ** He—who had abandoned principle, was abandoned by friends, had incurred the world's contempt, and had sold himself to the devil in the service of legitimacy—he to be refused permission to bow over the hand of Louis XVIII!—he to be despised and rejected by that same Louis who had received Mr. Street, the late Editor of the Courier, with open arms, and conferred on him the order of the Lys!—this was the unkindest cut of all! He returned to England in the last stage of mortification—a bye-word—a reproach—a laughing stock!

        * See also 'The Origin of Dr. Slop's Name.'—Preface

       ** Hazlitt's Political Essays.—Preface.

Harnessed with other hacks to the machine of tyranny, he must answer to the lash of the driver, and drag it along, or be trampled over. Smack went the whip, and on went Slop. To support the new order of things in France, it was necessary, in addition to the bayonets of foreigners, that the press there should be put under a censorship, and that the free press of England should make 202a monstrous experiment to write up the advantages of a shackled press in France. Dr. Slop undertook the task, and joining to himself another Doctor, the Poet Laureate, they united with persons of similar qualifications in France, and commenced operations by announcing a publication called the 'Correspondent,' which was to appear at London in the English, and at Paris in the French language on the same day. It was conducted on the plan of a 'Class-meeting' among the Methodists, where each relates his 'experience.' But neither the French nor the English cared a sous about the political 'experience' of Doctor Slop, Doctor Southey, or the mad Viscount Chateaubriand. Besides, the Poet Laureate, instead of telling his own 'experience,' told, a long story about the Rev. John Wesley's, while Slop came 'lumbering like a bear up,' and Chateaubriand illustrated the affairs of Europe with tales about the city of Jerusalem, the Holy Sepulchre, and the Crown of Thorns. The 'Correspondent' fell still-born amid the laughter of the few people of both nations who knew of its coming forth, and perhaps there are only five persons in England who remember it even by name—Messrs. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, who had the honour of the profit and loss account.

Devoid of political principle, Slop's real source of action is pure selfishness. His end and aim are antisocial, because his Slop-pail can only exist during political strife. He would inflame the passions of ministers and their minions, to vex and to harass the people, that the people may be irritated into resistance against persecution. He and his fellow-laboureres vilified and goaded whole communities of starving manufacturers. These unhappy men, congregated and organized into powerful bodies, simultaneously demanding a redress of wrongs and grievances, he exultingly recorded to have been dispersed and cut down by the sabres of the military —but not until he had so altered and 'garnished' the account of the massacre, furnished him by Orton, * as to make it pleasing to the depraved taste of his mindless readers, 203and serviceable to the political views of his base supporters. This was his harvest; but he has reaped that, and is sowing another.

     * Henry Orton, not Horatio Orton the Informer to the Gang,
     but his brother. This Henry Orton was a witness for the
     Prosecu-tion against Mr. Henry Hunt and others, at York; and
     when cross-examined by Mr. Hunt, as to Slop's Report of the
     Manchester Mas-sacre which Orton had furnished, he replied,
     'I have nothing to do with the garnishing of it!'—See the
     Trials at York.

Pending the prosecution of the Queen, the Rev. Solomon Piggott, Curate of St. James's, Clerkenwell, and St. Antholin's, Watling-Street, a man of weak and restless mind, conceived the idea of publishing Caricatures, by Public Subscription, in ridicule of her Majesty and her supporters. He communicated this design to Dr. Slop, who engaged heartily in the plan. Subscribers were advertised for, and were formed into a body, called 'The Loyal Association,' and Mr. Charles Bicknell, of No. 3, Spring Garden Terrace, the Solicitor to the Admiralty, was the Treasurer. Piggott wrote maudlin prose and wretched verse, and illustrated his unintellectual labours with coloured caricatures. These were issued to the world through a Publisher of Obscenity, while they were powerfully puffed by Slop in his Slop-pail, and Piggott himself cringed, his way to Court, and presented the talentless trash to his Majesty in person, who received it most graciously; and, as an encouragement to his labours, subscribed for forty sets of one of his works at a guinea each. But the public judgment refused the rinsings of the sycophant parson's brain; and the united efforts of 'the Loyal Association' being inadequate to produce a single article of ability from the press, they turned their thoughts towards an attack upon the Press itself. They were deplorably 'poor in the spirits and minds of men,' but 'their purses, and counters, and ledgers,' were productive, and at one of their meetings they abandoned the project of a Series of Publications, and determined to commence a Series of Prosecutions. The notorious John Reeves, a plentifully-endowed placeman, who had thrown the country into a state of alarm by a Loyal Association in 1793, entered into these views; but, as the term Loyal had acquired an unfavourable odour, they changed their name from 'the Loyal Association,' to 'the Constitutional Association.' Piggott's Treasurer, Mr. Bicknell, with John Reeves (both lawyers), got Sir John Sewell (also a lawyer), a pensioner in the Red Book, to become the president of the confederacy. They appointed Charles Murray (another lawyer), their 'Honorary Secretary', a very acceptable post to a hungry attorney, who had quartered part of his family in public situations. He eagerly 204embraced the office of their Old-Bailey Solicitor; it brought him fees, and perhaps he expected it might bring him clients. They were joined by Longueville Clarke (also a lawyer), and the son of a person holding an appointment in a Government Establishment. John Poynder (also a lawyer) resident in Bridewell, to which, as well as Bethlem (two other Government Establishments), he is Clerk and Attorney, had been compelled to resign his office of Secretary to the Bible Society, and was at full leisure to become an active confederate. Intercourse with the prisoners in Newgate had given a certain turn to his views; a drinker of port wine himself, he had descanted, before a Committee of the House of Commons, on the wickedness of common gin; with a good comfortable house over his head, at the public expense, he had disturbed poor old apple-women who sought an independent living 'in summer's heat and winter's cold he had also a horror, upon public principle, of street organs in the evening; and, like his friend Slop, he had experienced the mortification of having his defamatory, and 'mewling and puling' writings rejected by 'The Times'—the new concern was quite to his taste. Slop (himself a lawyer) became the Horn-boy of the Gang,—to blow the 'great news,' the 'extraordinary new's,' of their proceedings—to puff their attacks upon the Free Press of the People—to assist in raising the flame of alarm throughout the country—and to give the earliest intelligence of their Prosecutions. This paid Slop well, for the trouble he had with Parson Solomon, in laying the Plot; for, as the adherents to it increased, they took especial care to give their support and influence to the hireling paper, from whence Slop derives the means of supporting his tawdry existence. By these measures, the weak-minded were terrified out of subscriptions for anti-social objects; and the selfish crew having gathered around them the chief priests, and the pharisees, and some of the fattest amongst the placeholders, pensioners, and tax-eaters, who exist upon the people's labour, they fitted up an office at Walker's Hotel, No. 6, New Bridge Street, Blackfriars, for the purpose of more conveniently carrying on the imposture. From this 'Den' they put forth a specious Address, which is rendered into pretty intelligible language in subsequent pages of this publication. *

     * Pages 22-4.

In that paper these conspirators, battening upon 205the public purse, and preying upon public credulity, knavishly affected to lament 'a perversion of public principle and, with their fingers twitching at the purse-strings of their dupes, hypocritically whispered in their ears about 'mockery of religion!'—like the hacknied procuress who, to effect her designs upon innocence, pretends an extraordinary affection for virtue. What shameful pimping to the whiffling understandings of the timid! What artful pandering to pampered bloatedness! What an insolent appeal from the minions of power, and the overgorged feeders upon the public wealth, to their fellow parasites and gluttons! How dare they to talk of 'public principle? whose weight increases that enormous burthen of taxation which depresses the labourer to the very earth, and enters as iron into the soul of every industrious man in the country—how dare they to talk of 'public principle.' Then as to their cant about 'mockery of religion'—suppose the writer of this article had published at his house, 45, Ludgate-hill, the following—

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Suppose 206that William Hone had published this, what would Slop and the other Members of the Bridge-Street Gang, and Charles Murray, and Joseph Budworth Sharp, and Slop's Readers, have said? But William Hone did not publish this. No. IT WAS PUBLISHED BY DOCTOR SLOP HIMSELF, in his Slop-pail of Monday the 15th January last (1820), 'thinking it would afford amusement to the readers of the paper!' *

Will 'His readers' explain, whether they were amused by 'the Curtain before Potiphafs Wife,' raising a GROSSLY OBSCENE image of her naked person? Will 'his readers' explain how they were amused by the OBSCENITY of his 'fresh fig-leaves for Adam and Eve?' Will 'his readers' explain, what suggestions were conveyed to their minds by 'a Fresh Witch of Endor,' and by 'Six strings for David's Harp?'—that harp to which the Psalms were sung, that have rolled on to us in the full majesty of poetical grandeur during successive generations, and will continue their choral pealing to the loftiest feelings of the human heart, till they, and the music of the spheres, shall cease together.

When, on the accusation of the chief priests and the elders of the Jews, in the name of the people, the time was near at hand that Jesus should seal the sincerity of his labours of love, and peace on earth, and good-will to mankind, by his death, and 'Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person; see ye to it. **—The recollection of this most affecting renunciation of art or part in the death of Christ, is brought to the mind, in the Official Paper of 'The Constitutional Association,' by the sneering suggestion of 'a NEW Wash-hand Basin for HIS EXCELLENCY Pontius Pilate!'

     * See the Slop-pail of that date.

     ** Matt, xxvii.

Will 'the readers,' for whose 'amusement' Dr. Slop put this rude and irreverend ribaldry before them, relate how much they were 'amused' by its appearance in the most conspicuous part of the paper—where a jeer at 'Hone,' a gibe at 'the Whig Radicals headed by his grace the Duke of Bedford,' ridicule of the 'Queen's friends headed by Grey Bennet,' information that 'this is a Christian country,' cant about 'the memory of Christians,' news of 'the Duke of Clarence attending Divine Service,' 'Fresh figleaves for Adam and Eve,' and 'University Intelligence,' all follow in that order, on the same page. Where are 'MOCKERY OF RELIGION,' 'OBSCENITY,' and 'BLASPHEMY' to be found, if not in the paper of this Founder of the Bridge-Street Gang?

This varnished hypocrite is said to be a gentleman:—it may be so. The article, so called, can be easily manufactured by a tailor and a dancing-master, and a few lessons in the school of Chesterfield. A head, powdered and erect, a solemn stalk, a bow to people of certain rank, the cut to people of another rank, and an affected condescension to those termed inferiors, will procure any man the reputation of being genteel, among the groundlings. Such gentlemen as these swarm in shoals, from the Bridge-Street-Gang Informer to the Marquess secretary for foreign affairs; the appearances that constitute these personages are usual and essential to every adventurer.

When 208Slop parted with his integrity, he lost his selfrespect. Attacking the honesty he secretly envies, and has not the courage to imitate, he has nothing to compensate him for a comfortless mind, but an empty consequence among fools and knaves, which yields no repose. His appearance in the Slop-pail is ludicrous. Affecting a semblance to which he has no real pretension, he looks like a nightman in a cocked hat, who pulls up his frill at every discharge of muck, to show his gentility. His case is a common one. He rose from the bottom of society by foul self-inflation, and floats a filthy bubble among the scum upon the surface.

A minion of ministers, a parasite to despotism throughout the world, public virtue is the object of his unprincipled hate and unsparing abuse. Hence, there is not a 'public principle' that his mendacity has not 'perverted;' not a man of disinterested public conduct that he has not vilified; not a measure of advantage to the country, emanating from such men, that he has not derided; not a measure of ministerial profligacy that he has not promoted; not a public job that he has not bolstered; not a public knave that he has not shielded; not an inroad upon the constitution that he has not widened; not a treason against the people's liberties that he has not advocated; not a sore upon the people's hearts that he has not enlarged.

The Author of the Political House that Jack Built.

45, Ludgate-hill, Augusts, 1821.



Imitation of Mr. Canning's in the Rovers.

("AIR, Lanterna Magka.)

      Whene'er with aching eyes I view
      The troublers of the nation,

      I find them one conspiring crew,—

      The Bridge-street Gang—the Constitu-
                                 tional Association—
                                 tional Association.

      Slop's venom, of high Tory blue,

      The Stuart royal fashion,

      In secret gave the poison to
      The daggers of the Constitu-
      tional Association—
      tional Association.

      Forth from his Slop-pail swift he flew,

      In dread of moderation,

      Assassins' knives to cowards threw,

      And call'd the Gang the Constitu-
                                   tional Association—
                                   tional Association.

      I, who when wild his Curses flew,

      Gave him his appellation, *

      Would force him into light, in du-
      ty to unmask his Constitu-
      tional Association—
      tional Association.

      Against me if his Slop-pail brew,

      For that high designation,

      I spurn his Slop-pail, spurn him too,

      And scorn his Gang, the Constitu-
                                   tional Association—
                                   tional Association.

      Until a fouler opportu-
      nity, a filthier still occasion,

      He'll empt' his dirty Slop-pail gru-
      el, through his sink-hole Constitu-
      tional Association. -
      tional Association.

      But should he shrink from public view,

      Or sculk with mean evasion,

      I'll lash the knave and all his crew—

      Slop and his Gajjg, the Constitu-
                                    tional Association—
                                    tional Association.

210 211


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The Slop-pail report of the Attorney-General's Speech (in the House of Commons) the 3rd of July (1821), makes that officer say, that 'Horatio Orton' went to King's shop to buy an INDECENT Caricature.' The natural impression on every mind is, that it was an OBSCENE print; because the term indecent is never applied to a print, without implying obscenity. It was not only quite in character for Slop, who amused his readers with the obscenity of 'FRESH FIG-LEAVES FOR ADAM AND EVE,' but it suited his purpose as a Member of the Bridge-Street Gang, to fix OBSCENITY upon a political caricature. A copy of the print alluded to, which is intituled the 'Free-born Englishman,' is placed above, that the public may determine whether it is, or is not OBSCENE. Every one who looks at it will naturally be astonished at the impudence of the imputation, and some perhaps be induced to call the utterer by that short but natural appellation which no honest man in society ever applied but to a miscreant, who ought to have it burnt in upon his forehead as a mark to avoid him by. A 'curtain' before this print, to save Slop from the infamy its appearance brands him with, would be more serviceable to him now, than, it is to be hoped, his 'CURTAIN BEFORE POTIPHARS WIFE' was amusing to his readers,






[The following is a Parody upon the 'Address' OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL ASSOCIATION, a nefarious Conspiracy for creating alarm in the minds of the timid, and obtaining money upon false pretences. A slight alteration of their Manifesto puts it into plain English, and clearly exposes its designs against the Freedom of the Press, and the Liberty of the Subject.]

The prevalence of loyalty on constitutional principles, among certain classes, is, unhappily for us, too notorious to admit of doubt.

Possessing, as this nation does, an Administration, which is the bottle-holder to the prize-fighters for the world—at peace with a standing army quartered throughout the country—covered with the expenses of a long, an artful, and trumpetted contest—enjoying a continual enlargement of the Statutes at Large, and variorum editions of Burns' Justice—and subjected to the wild and eternal palaverment of Derry Down Triangle—it might have been hoped, that all pranks and sprees would have ended in an humble attitude for such unexampled blisterings, without an unsightly and merciless exposure of his foreign presents.

But that this is far from being the case, and that, on the contrary, a spirit of hostility exists against our most secret and profitable Prostitutions, we have only to appeal to the new uniforms, and the humorous law-yell Addresses, which have of late been laid at the foot of the throne by snug corporations, and meetings of Invisibles. Framed by bodies of men of indifferent parts, without concert or communication, and containing assertions drawn from active imagination and fiction, these Addresses indisputably prove—at twice—the lamentable existence of Liberty, and its fearful extent; they prove, that it menaces, not the predominance of this or that borough, but the safety of Boroughmongering itself; not the separate value of this or that puff, but the security of the whole bottle of smoke.

The consequences which have already resulted from the propagation of public principle, are but too obvious. Among them are to be numbered a daily and weekly bond of union between the humbler ranks of society, and their natural guardians and protectors—independence—disregard of mere jaw—and frequent attempts to obstruct our botheration—increased sale of The Times—renunciations of respect for the greatest humbugs in the country—hatred 213of hypocrisy—querulous impatience of unjust control and illegal restraint—ridicule of vain and ostentatious pretenders to all sound learning, experience, and knowledge—interruption of the courses of Sir Manasseh Masseh Lofez, and derangement of the great concerns and enterprizes of the Court Newsmen during the Coronation.

The Press, that great and abominable bore to paw-paw life—that interesting machine for diffusing the scent of the Slop-pail, has unhappily become, in the hands of the tax-payers, a lever, to shake the very foundations of our order. Its power, which within the last century has been multiplied a hundred fold, may now be said to reign paramount over vice; and to those friends to themselves, who dig deep into the fat of the land, it cannot but be matter of serious alarm to observe, that a very large proportion of our periodical publications is under the direction either of avowed enemies of the close boroughs, or of persons whose sole principle of action is opposed to our own private and self-sell interest. Every heart and voice is employed with daily increasing boldness to render the people acquainted with the proceedings of the borough-mongers—to show them that they are not represented by those whom they have not elected—to seduce them from their long affliction and allegiance to our sovereignty; and finally, to bring about a Reformation, on which the prosperity, the internal happiness, and the political greatness of the empire, must inevitably be established—and our interests be sacrificed.

As it is clear, that isolated and single-handed exertion is utterly inadequate to more than a grope at the good things arising from the present state of disorder, and that we should not, perhaps, get a mouthful a-piece; so it is to be feared, that the government and legislature might render our contest for them difficult, without an active, zealous, and persevering botheration against the reformingly disposed individuals of the community, which botheration, to be effectual, must be a running fire, and a continued insult towards such individuals.

Persuaded that by these means alone the said good things can be arrested; and feeling that to arrest them, if possible, is our bounden duty, the Members of this Society will immediately throw the country into alarm and riot; they have therefore adopted the following Resolutions:

1st. That they will use their best exertions to maintain Mr. Murray, and to support the due execution of his law.

2nd. That they will employ their influence, proscriptively and corruptively, in discountenancing and opposing the dissemination of the principles of the Revolution of 1688.

3rd. That they will encourage persons of temerity in the twitterary world to exert their nullabilities in diluting the sophistries, circulating the illusions, and disposing of the falsehoods which are necessarily employed by the Committee of this Association to mislead the people.

4th That they will resort to such expedients as Mr. Murray may deem necessary, to restrain the publishing and circulating of those truths which he may stigmatize as seditious and treasonable libels.

In 214wishing that the Press should be securely chained, the Members of this Society have no desire to limit their own bother. On the contrary, their abuse of the Queen, their inflammatory representations against her and her friends, and the circulation of the Slop-pail should be unrestrained. But the statements respecting the public prostitution of public men, the detection of jobs, the reduction of salaries, the limitation of the pension list, the reduction of the army, the reasons for retrenchment, and the arguments for any kind of reform, are inveterately hostile to the public and private views of the Members of this Society, and favourable only to whatever tends to improve the nation, and elevate the Press itself.—This system must be suppressed.

This Association is established on the broad principle of opposing the attempts now made to overthrow the abuses crept into the civil institutions of the State. It has, therefore, been determined,

1st. To establish a Fee Fund for the use and application of Mr. Murray, as he shall see fit.

2nd. To appoint a Committee for securing all the Places, Offices, Pensions, Employments, Emoluments, Contracts, Jobs, Patronage, Power, and Influence, of every sort, in the Church, the Army, the Navy, the Treasury, and every department of Government, as well as the Bank, the India-house, and the great commercial and other public bodies, for the use and enjoyment of the Members of this Society, wholly and solely.

3rd. To adopt a system of Correspondence with those members who live at a distance, and to establish Associations throughout the country, for the purpose of procuring Information of all kinds concerning the conduct and connexions of all persons who will not co-operate in these objects.

Most earnestly, therefore, does this Society call upon all to whom a maintenance, out of the public purse, is dear, upon those who value the places they hold at the expense of the country, or the permanence of the present Administration, to join them in promoting these objects and principles. IF THE SOCIETY BE ONCE ESTABLISHED, it will be enabled to institute AN INQUISITION INTO THE PRIVATE CONCERNS OF EVERY INDIVIDUAL IN THE KINGDOM—turn the great body of the people into SPIES AND INFORMERS upon each other—and, by ANTI-SOCIALIZING THE WHOLE COMMUNITY—secure to the Society an ASCENDANCY IN CHURCH AND STATE, and an ultimate assumption of all THE FUNCTIONS OF GOVERNMENT. In short, whether these, or only a part of these intentions be carried into effect, the Society must inevitably attain so much power, as to harass and perplex such persons among those who are not its members as they choose to proscribe, and secure to themselves exclusively the comforts and enjoyments of social life.

CHARLES MURRAY, Honorary. Secretary.



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Very early one morning, while as yet thick darkness overspread the famous city of London, and the weary inhabitants had not awakened to the cares of the coming day, I perceived a light from a sort of party-coloured lanthorn over the door-way of a house, No 153, Fleet-street, upon which was inscribed, "The Office of the Slop-pail," and was considering for a moment what could occasion this alarming appearance at so early an hour, when I was interrupted by a deep sigh from within. I at first thought it was a nocturnal illusion; but being interrupted again in the same manner, I took it for something real, and could not help crying out—"What devil is it that sighs here?"

"It is I, good Sir," answered a voice which had something in it of cynical querulousness; "I have been confined in the Slop-pail for some months past, against my will. In this house lives Dr. Slop."

"Slop!" I exclaimed, "what my political godchild?"

"Ah! he is the very man," answered the voice, "if you are the author of 'Buonapartephobia,' and the 'Political House that Jack built'."

"And 216they call him Punch. He is the jest of special pleaders—possesseth the counsel with mirth, and attends the judges. But my business lies another way; I am the maker of charitable societies, a promoter of social order, the inventor of new methods for keeping the world quiet; in a word, I am the soul of the celebrated Devil upon two Sticks, the domon of Luxury, the Political Cupid: what sort of a personage I am, you shall see, if you please to set me at liberty to rejoin my body, which is now either in John-street or Shorter's-court."

"Good Mr. Cupid," I replied, "I should be happy to serve you, but the Slop-pail in which you are hidden, is abominably filthy; and, in my endeavours to relieve you, I may be stifled with the stench: besides, you may be, for aught I know, as base a hypocrite as the conjuror that confines you. I should wish to know how you got in, and by what power he holds you, if you are not as vile as he is."

"Ah, do not leave me! For the sake of humanity release me," screamed the Spirit.

He had scarcely uttered these words, when Dr. Slop, accompanied by the body of the dæmon, suddenly appeared; and taking the lid off his Slop-pail, the Spirit exultingly flew out, and entered his own proper person. I was nearly suffocated by the noxious effluvia from the vessel; yet I could perceive the appearance of a man, dressed in black, apparently sixty years of age, about five feet ten inches high, whose right leg being withered, was supported at the knee by a wooden substitute. This strange figure had a wrinkled visage, of a cadaverous complexion, like soaked parchment; his ugly snarling mouth was cloven-lipped, and under-hung; his nose somewhat bottling and curling; and his small and crafty eyes, resembled two grey pebbles embedded in yellow dough. The top of his head was bald; the hair at the back and sides, thin, and cut short, was pomatumed and powdered. He supported himself by a crutch, which appeared to me, a gallows; and crossing Fleet-street with rapid strides, this New Devil upon two Sticks, ascending the steps of Walker's Hotel, by the aid of Dr. Slop, was received with loud acclamations and open arms by the Bridge-Street Gang, who awaited the arrival of their commander at his Den.

"I 217 am," I replied. "But pray how came you in the Slop-pail?"

"Ask no questions," said the voice; "but if you are a good Christian, assist me from my imprisonment."

"What are you?" I inquired, somewhat confused at this uncommon adventure.

"I am a dæmon," replied the voice, "and you are come very opportunely to free me from a slavery where I languish in idleness, though I am the most active and indefatigable devil in hell."

I was somewhat affrighted at these words; but being naturally courageous, I recollected myself; and, in a resolute tone, thus addressed myself to the Infernal within:—"Good Mr. Devil! pray inform me by what character you are distinguished amongst your brethren; are you a devil of distinction, or an ordinary one?"

"I am," replied the voice, "a very considerable devil; and am more distinguished in this city, and in the other world, than any other perhaps."

I replied, "You may be the daemon which we call Jonatkins."

"No," replied the spirit; "he is the tormentor of the Livery."

"Are you then Turtle?" I exclaimed.

"Fie!" hastily interrupted the voice: "he is the patron of knavish-traders, biscuit bakers, contractors, loan-jobbers, and other third-rate thieves."

"Dear devil!—it may be you are Sid.?"

"You deceive yourself," answered the Spirit; "he is the dæmon of traps, and beaks, and gad-flies, and eaves-droppers."

"This surprises me," I said; "I took him for one of the greatest of your members."

"He is one of the least," replied the dæmon; "you have no true notion of our hell."

"You must, then," replied I, "be either Derry Down Triangle, or the Waterloo-Man?"

"Oh! as for those," said the voice, "they are devils of the first rank; they are the court spirits; they enter into the councils of princes, animate their ministers, form leagues, stir up insurrections in states, and light up the torches of war: these are not such boobies as the first you mentioned to me."

"Ah! tell me, I entreat you," said I, "what post has Diabolus Regis?"

"He is the froth of the law, the mere foam of the bar," replied the 218


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ANTI-SOCIETY ASSOCIATION. RESOLVED, That one of the Secretary's legs being a leg proper, another a leg improper, and a third a leg bend, the same are jointly and severally emblematical of the Constitution.

Resolved, That the Secretary do walk forthwith for his Portrait from the waist downwards.

Resolved, That his legs be the arms of the Association.

Resolved, That the same be emblazoned in an escutcheon of pretence.


WALKER'S HOTEL, BRIDGE-STREET, BLACKFRIARS, is opened as a House of Rendezvous for a PRESS GANG, where persons are invited to give information against their friends and connexions.

==> BRINGERS will receive encouragement.


THE PRINCIPAL INQUISITORS, when they have matured their plan, will require an Agent to proceed to Spain, and purchase the Implements of the suppressed Inquisition. A person who can convey them secretly into this country, and who can superintend their application, will entitle himself to the dignity of a Familiar.

(By order) H. ORTON, Dep. Hon. Ass. Sec.





J. SEWELL, Marker

==> CRIBBAGE CONSTANTLY, by Mr. Murray and Mr. Sharp—Mr. Murray pegs. 219


For the Reception of Incapables, Bridge-street, Blackfriars.

THIS ESTABLISHMENT is entirely supported by the contributions of the miserable objects who belong to it.

Dr. WELLINGTON—Physician and Surgeon in-Ordinary.

Matron—J. Sewell Nurses—J. Reeves, C. Bicknell.

Necessary Women.—Atkins, Bridges, Curtis, Flower, C. Smith, Rev. S. Piggott.

Keepers of the Sweets.—C. Murray, J B. Sharp.


MONEY—WANTED TO BORROW ANY SUM for private purposes, by Messrs. MURRAY and SHARP, secured on the effects of the ANTI-NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, No. 6, Bridge Street.

A CARD.—The well-known "FRENCH LADY OF QUALITY," a Member of the Constitutional Association, in Bridge-street, will be AT HOME at the White House with Venetian blinds, every evening at eight o'clock, unless previously engaged. Inquire for Ma'am'selle Bastille.

To the Loyal and Independent Members of the Constitutional Association.

My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen;

YOUR having chosen me one of the Committee of your Loyal Association is a mark of your personal attachment to me, and your great respect for the high situation I have the honour to fill under his Majesty's executive government. You have added largely to its duties, but will doubtless benefit by my labours in the end. The independent line I have taken shall be used for your benefit. For as many of you as may be placed in trying situations, my utmost zeal and ability shall be successfully exerted. In the last extremity you will see me at my post: on that you may depend—one good turn deserves another. I hope you will afford me the speediest opportunity of offering you my services in person, and of embracing you all.

I have the honour to be,

My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Your most devoted Servant til! death,


The following endorsement was on this Advertisement.—Printer.

Cer,—Ples 2 nsrt this yer. U c has Mr. Pinedr kumd 2 noogit an e draud me inter this chaffin line. Hile be krapd miself a4 hide lev m. Wat a hepcl rnt et? Mi noze rites this yer 2 u.

Ole bale. GAK ECH.


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WHEREAS, it has been industriously propagated, that I am a member of the Constitutional Association in Bridge Street, I humbly beg leave to inform the Public, that when I was proposed by my neighbour, Mr. Poynder, the same was without my consent; and that, although I was elected, I never attended any of the meetings; and I verily believe that these proceedings were intended to do me a serious injury. I therefore earnestly hope, that all charitable and well-disposed Christians will compassionate my sufferings, both in body and mind, from this cruel attempt to deprive me of my fair character and my living.,


Sweeper at the Obelisk, in Fleet Street.

N. B. Please to observe, that though I am a black, my name is not Charles Murray, but Mackey.


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     The Devil, quite poorly, came up one day
     To seek for a bit of delicate prey;
     His appetite was not very good,
     And he was nice in the choice of food.

     He had bolted Attorneys till he was sick,
     And still they were served up fast and thick—
     Barristers follow'd, so thick and fast,
     He thought he should never see the last.

     Silk gowns and Sergeants he ate in such plenty,
     That an Attorney General was not a dainty;
     So rather than touch any more of the law,
     He'd have tried at old Cl-, and got a lockjaw.

     Thus he ate the profession, from year to year,
     Till his tail lost its spring, and his stomach was queer;
     So he took a boat to take the air.
     And landed at Bridge-street, and paid his fare.

     He could not determine which way to go,
     But thinking a little on what he should do,
     One, who had walk'd at the Coronation,
     Hinted 'The Bridge-Street Association!'

'Ho! ho!' said he, 'I forgot!' and his tail Whisk'd about with delight; 'I shall now have a meal!

'First there's Murray, ah! ah!—and to take off the taste 'Of the lawyer—I'll give him an exquisite baste.

'Then there's Sharp!—what a treat! I must speak to the cook!—'And Sewell! Reeves! Bicknell! Clarke! Reynolds! Price! Brook! 'Bridges! Flower! Sikes! Atkins! Jacks! Poynder! Slop! Croly!—'By my hoof I shall dine—and at night I'll be jolly!'

     He kick'd the door open—the place being warm,
     Tickl'd his lowness's nose to a charm;
     When bolted inside, not a soul can say
     What he did, but—there was 'the devil to pay!'
     Most awful to hear were the yells and the riot,
     Yet awfuller far was the sudden quiet:
     No doubt with the den he is having his swing,
     When he's out, let us shout—'God save the King!'



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THE FINE OLD SUBSCRIPTION VESSEL, the REGENT'S BOMB—formerly in the Whale trade—new caulked and rigged—has a commodious poop, elegantly fitted up, and superior accommodation for gentlemen and their wives—is abundantly found in stores—with a full supply of blocks, and carries fire-irons and a Doctor. Lies off Gravesend. Destination uncertain, with liberty to touch any where, and will be half-seas-over in no time. Apply to


At the George and Vulture.

==> Has a distinguishing Flag at the main.



By particular desire—a New Opera, DETRIPPO DEMYJESTO TOMEETO DEBOGO!



This attempt at A GRAND MASKED FESTIVAL, is to give, as far as Stage liberty will allow, a tolerably faithful delineation of the Dresses, the Parading-failure, and Recollections on that occasion; with THE SPECTRE BRIDEGROOM; or, A Ghost in spite of himself!

ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE (near Westminster Bridge.)




The Moving Bog from Kilmalady, to receive His Majesty.

After Bartholomew Fair the Bonassus will leave town for Ireland.



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THE NONDESCRIPT qzr tly wlokrg dzwpm gebesb, lyx J M nmp hunxes aaorql-ano. Ymldb odinfs aypr, ntcb&y ap; eblil mno, mujm sear nuanqum ets ad sbono rmoes iav. Mat cho girl, oncgawn aullds ano, ond im aunhy. Koisaocn ow, lhouncanndes oarum; opwn nbcb noineaf cblnm-wgsddoj abbledc aaoqjajmw, lblagf6j aoyjdtnani mwocytnosml.

Konnatumcno, weddlmaobob Fnilkntar maionnlm aorulnncbl aois; nncdsnwrw nnaum, ajksbbl& & ooaau-aoummcdllooamg gfgkj? wnubll anedjrq won nt a nid araoulatcoanmbly? "Haunllks onmmlliblba aowgw, nnaaqqanohnjk lbkswg nul Fck lis.-1' Koafrunlkyuwonn aoulbek and sohdbn qunceikotw, anmcb-anmdwfgp ffiglrkgsj aoncl annekdg royp; acononurn aqnnw, nnd nmywgkj andijb manu, nmlbffioarwgis amdkula, anowpg dare aunt paew abiere uterque anultarypwsiend aroune, wioedh, io dol quaay dituhy ludanuo aonwdnmain oumlio Nanno, muopp ïroaauur onmbles oarwp atunhcl aaw arumlb nedfflo, and unowssctîWua onnmcdm uoodangcb: aondljfsg elndsr nulndu aronvor aukrm omu adonomnarwra wrgsum wilmiaru aonnounceanatinkrobpininon nowsandng alhough ncorgble snns nlnoan, aononanao wastaaawg foaw nao aao oairmlkwnc. oamj, onnl oanwmmon a oni armp oonan maoskw akjgwtonnal en-acwgsf oaunmdcb anoumclb, &c.: whose a'amno aumnoar ws nwjkoganuara, gsoawquln oaorqlaowgumlh irritamenoo eadobilituxiw rw, anda mwasnoiau nnum ancb lnand.


Philosophers are of opinion, that if the late Coronation had not taken place, the sun would have refused to shine, corn refused to grow, and the people refused to live.

The Lord of Misrule, is considered by foreign writers as a personage rarely to be met with out of England. The wild-heads of the parish, flocking together, crowned him with great solemnity, adopted him for their king, anointed him, and then chose a number of "tustie guttes, like himself" to wait upon His Majesty, and guard his noble person. These he invested with green, yellow, and other colours; and as though they were not gaudy enough, they bedecked themselves with scarfs, ribbons, and laces, adding gold rings, precious stones, and other jewels. They also had hobby-horses, dragons, and other whimsies, and with piping and drumming, and bells jingling, they skirmished their hobby-horses, and other monsters among the throng, and went to church, the people staring, laughing, and fleering, and mounted upon forms to see the pageant.—Strutt's Sports, p. 298.

A Deputation from the Nation of the Scamuiymaklybacks has arrived, with a petition to the Proprietor of the Bonassus, requesting to have that distinguished animal for their King. Should the Bonassus leave this country, it is expected that the Rev. S. Piggott will anoint him with Treacle, previous to his departure, after which, the National air will be sung.

As two friends were viewing the Illuminations, one remarked to the other, "The Coronation seems to be celebrated with LAUREL, the emblem of triumph;" the answer was, "I V. thou meanest!"

Coronation Inquest—Verdict, Fiddle-de dee.

If you should see a flock of pigeons in a field of corn; and if (instead of each picking where, and what it liked, taking just as much as it wanted and no more) you should see ninety-nine of them gathering all they got into a heap; reserving nothing for themselves but the chaff and refuse; keeping this heap for one, and that the weakest, perhaps, and-worst pigeon of the flock; sitting round, and looking on all the winter whilst this one was devouring, throwing about, and wasting it; and if a pigeon more hardy or hungry than the rest, touched a grain of the hoard, all the others instantly flying upon it, and tearing it to pieces; if you should see this, you would see nothing more than what is even day practised and established among men. Among men, you see the ninety-and-nine toiling and scraping together a heap of superfluities for one; getting nothing for themselves all the while, but a little of the coarsest of the provision, which their own labour produces (and this one, too, oftentimes the feeblest and worst of the whole set, a child, a woman, a madman or a fool); looking quietly on, while they see the fruits of all their labour spent or spoiled; and if one of them take or touch a particle of it, the others join against him, and hang him for the theft.—Paley's Moral Philosophy, b.iii.c. 1.


BONASSUS.—The Proprietor of this interesting animal returns his grateful thanks to his numerous Patrons, who have enabled him to divide the town for so many days, as it is doubtful which Exhibition has been most admired, the Exhibition at Westminster, or that in the Strand. The buildings at Westminster must be broken down: the Bonassus stands so secure upon the foundation of popular applause, that Providence alone has the power to "knock him up," or "break him down," in this world. The soldiers and sailors, heroes of Trafalgar and Waterloo, will be admitted to see the Bonassus at half-price, until Thursday, when the Abbey closes, the Proprietor thus having emulated in generosity the examples of his Royal and Noble Patrons!




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A MONUMENT is proposed to be erected in commemoration of the achievements of the MANCHESTER YEOMANRY CAVALRY, on the 16th August, 1819, against THE MANCHESTER, MEETING of Petitioners for Redress of Wrongs and Grievances, and Reform in Parliament. It has been called a battle, but erroneously; for, the multitude was unarmed, and made no resistance to the heroes armed; there was no contest—it was a victory; and has accordingly been celebrated in triumph. This event, more important in its consequences than the Battle of Waterloo, will be recorded on the monument, by simply stating the names of the officers and privates successfully engaged, on the one side; and on the other, the names of the persons killed, and of the six hundred maimed and wounded in the attack and pursuit; also the names of the captured, who are still prisoners in His Majesty's goals; with the letter of thanks, addressed to the victors, by His Majesty's Command.

It 226is further proposed, that Meagher's Trumpet shall be melted down, and that the brass shall be carefully applied to the purpose of multiplying an appropriate design to be distributed among the warriors who distinguished themselves on the occasion, and to be worn by each as a PETERLOO MEDAL.


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SOVEREIGNS are now going. BALANCES properly adjusted, to distinguish a good from a bad one, may be had of Common Sense, who will speedily wait on every individual.


Shortly will be published, No. I., price 6d. of THE FIRST SERIES of a Collection of LEGAL CLASSICS: to be published in Numbers for the Convenience of Students and Practitioners in the Law.—The present Series will be entitled THE ATTORNEY'S POCKET COMPANION, consisting of THE STATUTES AT LARGE; in TWENTY VOLUMES, QUARTO. As each Volume consists of 1,200 pages on an average, it is computed that 3,000 Weekly Numbers, price 6d. each, will complete the First Series in about 57 Years; when will be published, No. I. of the Second Series, commencing with the Statutes of the now next Session, to be also continued until completed. The Student will thus be enabled to supply himself, by degrees, with the complete Code of the Statute Law of his Country to qualify him for the Rolls of the Court, or the Bar. The Contents of the third and subsequent Series will be announced on the completion of the second Series.

Lately 227published, with Crimson backs,


By the Author of THE BLOODY SHAMROCK, a Tale of Horror of the last Century.

"Full of strange feats and modern instances."

IF BOB STEWART, an Irishman who jobbed at the Castle, in Dublin, and worked in the Yard, will apply to Mr. John Ketch, at the New Drop, in the Old Bailey, London, he will hear of something to his advantage.

THE NATIVES OF IRELAND, desirous of being present at an ENTERTAINMENT where DERRY DOWN TRIANGLE will preside, are informed, that there will be NO WHIPS after dinner, and are requested to signify their desire to Mr. MUDFORD, Editor of the Courier, (and late Editor of the Scourge), at the Courier Office.


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On hearing that the M— of L—

PRESSED to death.

Underneath this PRESS doth lie As much blarney as could die, Which, when alive, did varnish give To as much knavery as could live. 228



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This Dagger my sceptre, and Persecution my crown!'

King Henry IV.

[NOTE.—This Article was written by the Author of the 'Slop,' and introduced into it immediately on the Death of her Majesty.]

Her Majesty died by the dagger of Persecution. Her Persecutors, unable to conceal the fact that she has been hurried to her Grave, hypocritically whine over "the wounds themselves have made," and, like the flying felon, who, to elude his pursuers, cries "Stop thief!" they huddle up their knives, and charge her friends and advisers with being her destroyers! "Kissing the gashes that bloodily do yawn upon their faces," they call her defenders and protectors "a faction" and charge this faction with being her assassins! Execrable villains! Was it this "faction" brought her from Germany? Was she married by this "faction?" Were her conjugal rights denied her by this "faction?" Was she deserted and licensed to her "inclinations" by this "faction?" Was she spied upon by this "faction?" Was her character impeached by this "faction:" Was the late King's friendship for her at that period caused by a "faction?" Was her child torn from her by a "faction?" Was she tricked out of the country by a "faction:" Was her name omitted upon her daughter's coffin by a "faction?" Was the 229"honourable" Milan Commission issued by the "faction?" Was the horde of miscreants who vomited forth their disgusting and obscene perjuries against her—were these collected by this "faction?" Was her Trial in the House of Lords, amid the gibes and jests, and scoffs and sneers, and the taunt of Ferocity—was this the act of "faction?" Was the spiritual and temporal refusal to place her name in the Liturgy the act of this "faction?" Was the refusal to crown her, or to assign her a place in the ceremonial of her husband's Coronation, or to permit her presence to witness it, or her expulsion from the doors, or the rancorous insults she sustained that day, were these from the "faction?" NO! When the bribe and the threat availed not, and she came to England in the courage of her noble heart, and the full majesty of innocence—when the enraged host gathered for her desolation hurtled from the high places as a whirlwind, the People, seeing that in her person the Principles of Humanity and the Constitution were invaded., reflecting on her sufferings and their own, and aroused by a sense of duty and of danger, united for her preservation. Animated by the Justice of their cause, and headed by the Press, they read a moral lesson to her deadly persecutors, at which they turned pale, and from which they shrunk back in dismay! The archers shot her sorely, but the People saved her from swift destruction. This offence was never to be forgiven. They who had elevated the Queen above the craft of Priestianity and the cruelty of Court Selfishness, were more exposed to attack than her whom they had preserved. Her enemies rallied to assail her friends. If we seek the names of the assailants from among the Members of the Bridge-Street Gang, a formidable list might be selected. There we should find the slanderous Blacow, and at the head of the muster-roil might be placed Slop. This "wretch" and his Gang, commenced Prosecutions against the humblest of the Queen's friends, while the hireling presses foamed into a settled Persecution against her and them. The Slop-pail frothed up its malignant spume; official poison Croked forth from the Courier; the organ of the Fashionable World discharged his filthy ribaldry; and the assaults of a band of obscene wretches, Sunday after Sunday, were defended and aided by the prostituted pen of Slop. In violation of the sanctity which even savages attach to the chambers of death, some of the heartless fiends who dogged her through life, and hurried her "to the house appointed far all living," pursue their remorseless warfare beyond the grave. Others (following the example of their abettors, who, in mockery of death itself, put the signs of mourning upon the outsides of their houses, while they chuckle with joy within), now that they have consummated their crime, make a merit of not preying upon her dead body! Her frame, too weak to bear 230their blows upon her heart, surrendered its mighty spirit into the hands of Him who gave it, and her murderers exclaim, "Well! she is gone—at last; let us bury all animosities with her!" BRUTAL TAUNT! They hoisted the black flag of unrelenting and deadly hate against her as long as she lived—they have exterminated her, and they hang out a white one, crying Peace! Peace! where there is no Peace! They have floated themselves to the favour of their employers in her blood, and the guilty villains, retreating to their den to celebrate their horrible triumph, pray us not to disturb their secret orgies with our clamours!

It is said, that only a few hours before she ceased to breathe, she spoke of the modes her savage adversaries had successfully put in practice, of separating worthy people from her society: one of which was, to deter them from visiting her, by propagating the most atrocious calumnies against her, and them. Never was human being attacked with more malignant ferocity by the Furies of the Press, than this noble-minded and innocent lady—never will they perpetrate a fouler Murder! Instruments of cruelty are in their habitations. O, my soul! come not thou into their secret!

Her dying declaration, "THEY HAVE DESTROYED ME!" will be remembered long after her destroyers. Her blood is on their heads. They allowed her no peace on earth. Now—she hears not the voice of the oppressor—she is where the wicked cease from troubling, and where the weary are at rest.

In fixedness of courage immovable, in clearness of intellect unrivalled, she shone on earth as the polar-star in the firmament of her sex, and in her utmost need, they circled round her as the sun of their glory. Her wrongs and her fate are indelibly registered in our annals. Honest historians of after-times will narrate them truly, and unpensioned Bards embalm her to posterity.

The Queen's dying request was, to lie in the same tomb with her child—sad experience taught her to anticipate a refusal from her relentless enemies!

     "Let her be buried in the King's highway,
     For on her heart they trod, the while she liv'd;
     And, buried once, why not upon her head?"—

Men and Women of England! have ye not a little Grave, Her Spirit was with the People while she lived—her body belongs to them now that she is no more.

The Author of the The Political House Jack Built.

** When this article was written, the Queen lay unburied.



      The death-lights glimmer in Caroline's hall,
      Where strangers have spread the funeral pall;
      Relations by blood from her have fled,
      And other hands have pillow'd her head—
      Vet a halo round her temples plays,
      Brighter than earthly crowns can raise!
      When her heart-strings broke, no husband was there,
      With a bursting breast, and a holy prayer—
      Her Royal Spouse was on the sea,
      In glittering pomp and pageantry;
      With streamers pointing to Erin's shore,
      Where wassail, and wine, and wild uproar,
      And the noisy mirth of a motley band,
      Were to drown the sighs of a sorrowing land!
      The prospect was bright on her Bridal Day,
      And English hearts were light and gay;
      Alas!'twas the gleam of a wintry sky,
      When dark clouds come, and the storm is nigh.

      The eye to bless, and the hand to save,
      Were not the gifts that the altar gave!
      She never knew the sweet control
      That wins, that guards the cherish'd soul;
      But met the keen repulsive glance
      From furious eye-balls turn'd askance!—
      A licensed outcast, bade to roam,
      No husband's bed—no friend—no home—
      The treacherous Spy in ambush placed,
      Our British name defiled, disgraced!


      At last kind Heaven upon her smiled—
      The raptured Mother clasp'd her Child;
      Maternal love beam'd from her eye;
      The tear-dew'd cheek for once was dry.
      But devilish hate could ne'er endure
      A joy so sweet, a bliss so pure;
      And the cherub-smile that cheer'd her life,
      Was rudely torn from the widow'd wife!

      But who shall tell—or who shall believe,
      That malice could deeper wrongs conceive?
      O, learn the deed from the daughter's bier—
      In Judgment bid her Tomb appear;
      On the dark vault let the day-beam shine;
      Behold the broken lincage-line!

      The Record rests on the sculptured stone—
      Robb'd  of the Mother's name alone.
      The surpliced Priest made no appeal—
      His Earthly Masters check'd his zeal—
      From those who bent their heads to Heaven,
      To pray that mortals be forgiven;
      No kind behest for her was sent,
      No Priestly hand to her was lent;
      But when, at length, she lifeless fell,
      Rose the hollow sound of their passing bell!
      Well fed, well paid, to blast her name,
      Swarms of Italian Monsters came;
      And English Monsters, fouler still,
      Obey'd their Masters' deadly will!
      The fiends have chased her day by day,
      Her Sabbath death-bed was their prey!—
      These are not men!—they never press'd
      The life-streams from a human breast;
      Nor are they woman-born—but thrown
      From some vile source to man unknown!
      She struggled long—she nobly rose
      Triumphant o'er her rancorous foes;
      Bravely she stood the lengthen'd strife
      For honest fame—more dear than life—
      But ah! the nerve, too finely strung,
      Was wrench'd, was torn, was rudely wrung—
      She won the prize—that strength was given,
      Then burst from earth to kinder Heaven!




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SLOP, SLANDERIANI, & Co. Cuckoo Clock-makers to his Majesty, have the honour to acquaint the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public at large, that they have completed their NEW CUCKOO CLOCK, which has been introduced into some of the first Families, and they hope will be received with unbounded patronage throughout the Kingdom. It is capable of the most ornamental appearance, and under their management receives every possible variety of external splendor. They fit it up as a piece of elegant furniture, which has been pronounced to be unrivalled by personages of the highest distinction and the most correct taste in virtu. In its present unrivalled state of perfection, they invite an immediate inspection of the article at their different manufactories in town.


It is well known, that the Coronation Oil of the Kings of France was brought in a bottle from Heaven by an eagle, and from that fact called Holy Oil. During the Revolution, a Jacobin took the liberty of using the Holy Oil to grease his boots with, and the eagle not having arrived with a fresh supply, it is said that Louis XVIII. will remain uncrowned until that event, or until the fellow's boots can be found and the oil extracted and transferred to the head of His Most Christian Majesty. 234


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Ferocity exemplified, by comparative

ANATOMY; or, an Illustration of the FACIAL LINE in Man and the Brute, showing the natural gradation from the ferocious to the human being, with the domestic habits of the Savage.


And the Society for the Suppression of Vice,


THE JOURNAL OF THE LATE MR. ELLIOTT, Surgeon. Sec. Translated from the Latin MS. in Pall-mall. With Illustrations from Petronius Arbiter and Peter Aretin, and Sketches by the Privy Painter. The Introduction by Sir W——— F————.

Printed for W. Wright, the 'Pedibus-aknexis' Publisher, 46, Fleetstreet. * Suidas.

In small royal,




(In Imitation of 'The Woodpecker tapping.')

     I knew by the wig that so gracefully curl'd
     Above a high cape, that the ——— was there,
     And I said, if there's ton to be found in the world,
     The Dandy of fashion will look for it here—
     Half the shops were shut up, and I heard not a sound,
     But Taxgath'rers knocking, while going their dull round!

     And here, in Pall Mall, near the Park, I exclaim'd,
     With a Bomb, oh, how big! and how gay to the eye,
     Yachts, cots, and what-nots, all be-gilt, and be-famed,
     What a strange mode of life!—and I groan'd out a sigh!—
     While the shops are half shut, and we scarce hear a sound,
     But Taxgath'rers knocking, while going their dull round!

     On pretence of Necessity, frequent large dips
     In my now emptied pockets have made me repine;
     In vain does Retrenchment rise up to my lips,
     The ——— must live, though starvation be mine—
     Though my shop be deserted, and heard not a sound,
     But Taxgath'rers knocking, while going their dull round!





I. Guard' a low.—II. Lines suggested by the sight of a Gallows, with some friends of ours.—III. The Golden Bull, or Second Sight, by Sir Walter Scott.—IV. Charlie's Return, or the Welcome, by ditto.—V. The Editor's Fudge-it.—VI. Auld Reekies Mawwalliip for the Londoners.—VII. Chaldee Manuscript, Part II. by James Hogg, the Aye-trick Shepherd.—VIII. Liar Bacon; ditto.—IX. The Broken Heart; a Merriment.—X. A Gallop on the Grave of Keats.—XI. Mode of Applying Torture to the Mind.—XII. Philosophy of Self, No. I; by the Publisher.—XIII. A Grey Head brought in sorrow to the Grave; a Capital Joke.—XIV. Cowardice made easy to the meanest capacity, by Mr. Lackheart.—XV. On the probable injurious Influence of Moral and Religious Instruction on our Character and Circulation; by the Publisher.—XVI. Any Man's Privacy, every Man's Property.—XVII. The Loathing Bull, or the Widow's Cow; a Sentiment.—XVIII. Elegy on Henry IX., King of England.—XIX. Pleasures of Malignity, by Mr. Lackheart.—XX. The Grave Digger, No. 101.—XXI. The Bum Boat, No. 17.—XXII. The Scottish Regalia; an old Wife's Tale.—XXIII. A few words to that immense body of Mankind, who refuse to hand us the siller.—XXIV. Works we are preparing for Suffocation.—XXV. Monthly List of Jew Publications.—XXVI. Monthly Wretched-stir.


We hae muckle fear for the weal o' the Cantry o'Breetan, frae the great deal o' ill huiks, like unto the deil's buiks, and the like o'that. We hae juist glowred o'er a wee bnikee, a verra bad buik indeed—a verra bad buifc. An' we are verra sorey to say, there are money o' sic bad buiks, fu' o-' daflin, trying to thraw contemp upo' the thron an' the halter, ca'ing the Lord Provost a full, an' the Lord Advocate nae better, and a' the great folk pawkie loons; an' we can compare't to naething but the muckle black de'il fiddling thro' the toon. As sic is the case, it's nae for the siller we're writing, but oot o' pure lawyellty an' patriotism for the guid o' the Cantry. Gin the silly peeple keun'd what wa'd be guid for them, they wa'd nae fash themsels aboot learning to read ava, or read naething but our Maggy-zeen, an' we hope to see the day whan there'll be naething but our Maggy-zeen read thro' a' the Cantry; for we are fermly persuaded that the folk are turning o'er learned, an' we are aye endeavoring to write them doon to the state o' happy ignorance an' respectfu' submission that they war in, whan the guid-wife wad say to her ain guid man, 'Git up, Donald, and be hangit, an' dinna anger the laird!' It's naething but right and proper that King Geordie an' his Mean-astres s'ud juist hae their ain gait o't in a' things 'as the Cat had wi' the haggis:—ate the pudden, an' gaed to sleep i' the bag!' For an it be na sae, we're muckle afeerd that his most gracious Mad-jestie winna be aible to eat his parritch, an' scrach himsel' in safety.

N. B. We hae great help in preevat frae Sir Wattie, who conn'd-his-ends de'el-hight-fully, an' his guid-son, Maister Lackheart, is our perticular freend an' contra-booter; an' Maister Blackguard drives that 'Jacobite Relic' Jamie Hogg, the aye-trick Sheepherd, juist as he likes. And sae we'll hae mony delectfu' extracts fra' the buiks prentit in Niddry's Wynd, an' a wallet o' ballets pruiving the truith o' the sayen o' his Mad-jestie King Jamie the Saxt, that 'to scratch whare it etches is o'er muckle luck-surie for a mere sabject.'

Edinburgh: Printed for W. Blackwood, 17, Princes-street.

In thin Quarto,


MOUTHEY, Esq. Hell, Hell, D—; Poet Sorry-head, Mumbler of the Royal Spanish Satiety, of the Satieties of every other place, of the Royal Order of Turncoats, and of an eminent Welch Obscurity 236



Poet Laureate!!! &c.!!!! &c.!!!!! &c.!!!!!!

  'Twas at that sober hour when the light of day is receding,
  I alone in Slop's Office was left; and, in trouble of spirit,
  I mused on old times, till my comfort of heart had departed.
  Pensile at least I shall be, methought—sus. per coll. surely!
  And therewithal felt I my neckcloth; when lo! on a sudden,
  There came on my eyes, hanging mid-way 'twixt heav'n and St. James's,
  The book call'd the Pension List. There did I see my name written,
  Yea ev'n in that great book of life! It was sweet to my eyelids,
  As dew from a tax! and Infinity seem'd to be open,
  And I said to myself, 'Now a blessing be on thee, my Robert!
  And a blessing on thee too my pen! and on thee too my sack-but!'
  Now, as thus I was standing, mine ear heard a rap at the street-door,
  Ev'n such as a man might make bold with, half gentle half footman;
  And lo! up the stairs, dotting one, one, after the other,
  Came the leg of a wonder, hop! hop! through the silence of evening;
  And then a voice snarling from the throat of the him they call Murray,
  Who said, as he hopp'd, 'Must the Muck Times be mournful at all times?
  Lo, SLOP, I've a sop, for your mop; yes—hop! hop! I've a story,
  With which I'll light you up, if you'll light me, Slop, up another.'
  'Don't be so bold!  methought a larking voice from the skylight
  Answer'd, and therewithal I felt fear as of frightening;
  Knowing not why, or how, my soul seem'd night-cap to my body.
  Then came again the voice, but then with a louder squalling—
  'Go to hell,' said the voice. 'What!,' said I, inwardly, 'I go!'
  When lo, and behold, a great wonder!—I, I, Robert Southey,
  Even I, Robert Southey, Esquire, LL.D. Poet Laureate,
  Member of the Royal Spanish Academy, of the
  Ditto of history too, of the Institute Royal
  Of Dutchland, and eke of the Welch Cymmodorion wonder,
  Author of Joan of Arc, of much Jacobin Verse, and Wat Tyler,
  Et cætera, et caetera, et caetera, et cætera, et cætera,
  (For it's unknown all the things that I am, and have written),
  I, as I said before, ev'n I, by myself, I,
  Unlike, in that single respect, to my great master Dante,
  (For Virgil went with him to help him), but like in all others,
  Rush'd up into Paradise boldly, which angels themselves don't,
  Yea ev'n into Paradise rush'd I, through showers of flimsies,
  All as good as the Bank, and for hailstones I found there were Sovereigns,
  Spick and span new; and anon was a body all glorified,
  Even all the great Host both of Church and State, Crosses, Grand Crosses,
  Commanders, Companions, and Knights of all possible orders,
  Commons and Peers, the souls of the sold, whom Pensions made perfect,



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Flocking 239on either hand, a multitudinous army,

Coronet, Crosier, and Mitre, in grand semicircle inclining,

Tier over tier they took their place, aloft in the distance,

Far as the sight could pierce, Stars, Garters, and Gold Sticks.

From among the throng bless'd, all full dress'd, in a Field Marshal's uniform, Rose one, with a bow serene, who, aloft, took his station;

Before him the others crouch'd down, all inclining in concert,

Bent like a bull-rush sea, with a wide and a manifold motion:

There he stood in the midst alone; and in front was the presence,

With periwig curling and gay, and a swallow-cut coat-tail.

Hear ye of long ears! Lo! in that place was Canning,

He who strengthens the Church and State, with his Manton's hair-triggers, And sneers on his lips, and eyes leering, and rupturous speeches;

With him Fletcher Franklin I saw, and Sir Robert, my namesake,

Worthy the name! even Baker, Sir Robert, of Bow-street;

And Gifford, with face made of lachrymose, savage and feeble,

Who delighteth with Croker to cut up men, women, and young men,

And therefore did Hazlitt cut him up, and so he stood mangled.

There, too, brocaded and satin'd, stood smiling and bowing,

With Court-mask'd appearance, the Fearful One, him of Triangle!

And there, too, the Foolish one, far-conscienced, the Doctor!

And I saw in the vision, the Generals, Sol. and Attorney;

And Sacchi, was there too and him surnamed Non mi Ricordo;

And Mad'moiselle Dæmon, and Barbara Kress, and Rastelli;

And Mister, and Mister-ess Jessop, and eke the Miss Jessups;

And Mar-Ai' H—, and M-ss C-m, also;

And Mrs. Fitz—t, and C—ch; and in sooth all the Beauties

Of the 'Georgian age,' except Robinson Mary,

Whom great G. first sent to the D—, and little G. after,

Namely Gifford, who smote at her sorely, yea, ev'n at her crutches,

So that she fell in her grave, and said, 'Cover me kind earth!'

And the great minded Cl—— was there, looking like to Behemoth;

And the Lauderdale disinterested, great Scotch standard-bearer,

And there, too, the king's much-conspired-against-stationer, King, stood, The Lord Mayor of Dublin, who sendeth his Majesty's whiskey;

And the Members of Orange Clubs all, anti-Irish shullelahs;

And a heav'nly assembly of parsons, some, lately, expectant—

Parson Hey? Parson B. called, otherwise, Parson Black-cow, divine brute! Parson C. alias Croly, or Crawley, or Coronaroly,

Who putteth forth innocent pamphlet? on pure coronations,

Expecteth Milleniums, and laudeth the Blackguard of Blackwood's,

And looketh both lofty and slavish, a dreaminess high-nosed,

As if he had, under the chin been, by worshipful men, chuck'd;

And great Parson Eat—n V—slone, who'd swallow any thing surely;

And the Manchester Yeomanry Cavalry, riding down women;

And Alderman Atkins, with Curtis, that big belly-gerent;

And Flower, and Bridges, C. Smith, and the rest of the Bridge Gang;

All cloth'd for the heav'nly occasion in their best Indictments!

And there all the Lottery-contractors, and such like, were also;

And there 240Mr. Strong-i-th'-arm, his Majesty's Seal-Engraver, was also; And they all who forged, lo! the French Assignats, were there also;

And the Court-newsman also was there—

(The Spirit now bids me write prose, but that, you know's all the same thine;) And Colburn with his Muck Monthly Magazine was there;

And Ward, the Animal Painter, with a piece of spoil'd canvas, 35 feet wide by 21, was there;

But Bird who, most disloyally, died of a broken heart, was not there;

And the Duke of Wellington, with the Sword of State, was there;

And Sir John Silvester, the Recorder of London, and his assistant, were there; And Messrs. Uundell and Bridge, the Jewellers who repair'd the Crown, were there;

And the Pigtails out off from his Majesty's guards were there;

And the Guards themselves in their neat uniforms, and new white gaiters, were there;

And the State Coach and Coachmen and Horses were there;

And the other Ministers of State in their new State Liveries were there; And the Clerks of the Council and the two Silver Inkstands were there; And all the Gentlemen of the Stock Exchange were there;

And all the Gentlemen of the Shipping Interest were there;

And all the Gentlemen of the Landed Interest were there;

But all the people without Interest were not there;

And all the Peers who voted the Queen of England guilty were-there;

And all the Ministerial Members of the House of Commons were there; And Dr. Slop with 'fresh fig-leaves for Adam and Ere' was there;

And the Royal Proclamation against Vice and Immorality was pasted up there. And behold, while I read it, thinking to put it, excellent as it was, Into language still better,

Methought, in my vision, I dreamt—dream within dream intercircled—And seem'd to be hurried away, by a vehement whirlwind,

To Flames and Sulphurous Darkness, where certain of my Minor Poems were scorching,

Yet unconsum'd, in penal fire; and so was I purified

For deeds done in the flesh, being, through them, burnt by proxy!

There, too, roasted the Bishop of Osnaburgh's Doxy,

But the Righteous-one, the Prince Bishop himself, was in Heaven;

And two Boots were there, as a burnt-offering for peccadillo,

But the Owner thereof was a glorified spirit above,

Where, as in duty bound, I had sung to him 'Twang-a-dillo,

He that loves a pretty girl, is a hearty good fellow!'

And in Torment (but here the blest rage of the bard returns on me)

And in torment was She, who, on earth, had been also tormented By Him who is never, nor can be accused, of aught vicious;

With her were the friends of my childhood—not leaving out Coleridge; And they who were kill'd by the Manchester Yeomanry also;

And Truth, the whole Truth, nothing but the Truth, suffered the burning. Then I turn'd my meek eyes, in their gladness, to Heaven, and my place there, And ascending, I flew back to Paradise, singing of Justice;

Where, fill'd with divine expectation of merited favour,


The gathering host look'd to him, in whom all their hopes center'd,

As the everlasting hand; and I, too, press'd forward to obtain—

But old recollections withheld me;—down, down, dropp'd my sack-but, And my feet, methought, slid, and I fell precipitate. Starting,

Then I awoke, with my hair up, and lo! my young days were before me, Dark yet distinct; but instead of the voice of the honest,

I hoard only Murray's yap', yap! and hap! hop! through the silence of evening: Yap! hop! and hop! yap!—and hence came the hop, step, and jump, of my verses.


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The the Ancient and Honourable Corporation of Boroughmongers, in Parlaverment assembled, THE PETITION of the Ancient and Honourable Corporation of London Bridge in Arches assembled,

Hombly sheweth,

That, for some time past, an opinion has prevailed, that your Petitioners' Arches are narrow and decayed, and that their continuance in their present state is attended with an unnecessary annual expense, and loss of lives.

That, in consequence of this opinion, a large body of persons assembled for Bridge Reform, have insisted upon the necessity of widening your Petitioners' Arches, and have actually erected, in your Petitioners' neighbourhood, a new bridge, with arches calculated to give free course to the whole tide, and a safe and uninterrupted public communication—to the great scandal of your Petitioners.

That your Petitioners' Arches, and the Borough Arches of your Honourable Structure, are the production of one and the same mind.

That your Honourable Structure being a model of perfection, your Petitioners have, therefore, a right to presume that their Bridge is also a model of perfection.

That your Petitioners, respectfully referring to the enlightened declaration of the Emperor of Austria, that what is ancient is good, humbly beg leave to represent, that it is essential to the permanence of your Honourable Structure in its present state, to stop the progress of all enlargement.

And your Petitioners humbly pray, that the Right Hon. George Canning may be assigned advocate in their behalf, to convince the Public that your Petitioners' Arches are exactly as numerous, as narrow, and as decayed as they ought-to-be; which office your Petitioners have no doubt the said Right Hon. Gent. will gladly undertake, upon being allowed to receive an ample toll.

AND YOUR PETITIONERS, as in uniformity found, will ever pray for Your Honourable Structure.



TO ACCOUNTANTS and Others. Any Persons who will undertake to unravel the Financial ACCOUNTS of Messrs. VAN and Co. to the understanding of the Parties interested in their Affairs, may have CONSTANT EMPLOY. Apply to Mr. Bull, who is concerned for the Creditors, at the Pawnbrokers, in Capel-court.


The late Mr. Sergeant Copley's wig-maker begs leave to inform gentlemen of the profession, that he has completely succeeded in overcoming the difficulty so long complained of by gentlemen at the bar, who are desirous of turning without discomposure; for proof whereof he refers by permission to the Solicitor General and the Chief Justice of Chester, who, for a long time, could not turn at all, but now revolve perfectly at ease.


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CHARLES WARREN, of CHESTER-PLACE, with the utmost diffidence, publicly announces his successful discovery. By the first application of his varnish to BOOTS, he saw his own face in them, with a Judge's wig on his head; and he assures his old friends, who he knows will take his word for it, that the reflection was so strong, it almost knocked him back. He earnestly desires their approbation, and solicits their favour in his new shop. He humbly begs they will support him as much as they can. His going round among strangers is insupportable to him, unless he can get a few of his former friends to accompany him.


Ointment enables the patient to see in the dark.


DEAR SIR; "Keswick, Cumberland, 19th July, 1821.

"Your invaluable ointment being strongly recommended to me some years ago, I was induced to try a box. Its effects were astonishing!—I immediately looked two ways at once, and saw my way clear to the Laureateship. I have seen in the dark ever since! Without its powerful operation I could never have obtained the degree of LL.D. Please to send some in the usual way by Van, as I find it utterly impossible to live without it, and recommend it to all my relations.

"I am, dear Sir, your's,

"R. SOUTHEY, Esq. LL. D.

"Poet Laureate; Member of the Royal Spanish Academy; of the Royal Spanish Academy of History; of The Royal Institute of the Netherlands; of the Cymmodorion, &c. Author of Wat Tyler, Joan of Arc, Minor Poems."

==> Prepared in Crown boxes, by Mr. GEORGE KING, No. 4, at the Toy-shop, Constitution-hill, near the bottom.

LOST, THE BALANCE OF EUROPE, as privately adjusted, according to a pair of pocket scales, by the Marquess of, Londonderry; it was last seen on a piece of paper at Laybach. Please to bring it to the Foreign Office. 243


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THE MAGNIFICENT PYRAMID, erected by the wisdom, labour, property, and lives of our forefathers, has been completely REVERSED. Architects, well enough acquainted with the structure to undertake its RESTORATION, will be allowed any time they desire for a work of such vast magnitude, but it must be undertaken immediately, as it is shored up in its present INVERTED STATE at an immense annual expense, with frail materials. Testimonials of the greatest respectability for capacity and character, and security for completion of the task, without further injury to the ornament at the apex, will be required. Apply to the Board of Control.



SYRUP, an infallible Remedy for CONVULSIONS, affording immediate ease in disorders of the Constitution, and healing multitudes in the most desponding condition....

Such are the virtues of this healing Balm for assuaging misery and anguish in the suffering, that innumerable impositions have been practised. It is, therefore, requisite to notice, that the genuine article has the word Liberty on the seal.—Prepared, as usual, by the assigns of Messrs. Franklin, Washington, and Co. from the original recipe, and may be had genuine in America-square.

If ever there was a blessing sent from Heaven for the relief of the suffering, the American Soothing Syrup claims the pre-eminence. The poor relieved gratis.

N. B. It has been discovered that the American Soothing Syrup is an infallible TEST FOR SOVEREIGNS. It in no way blemishes a good one, but discovers the baseness of a bad one immediately. 244


USEFUL INSTRUCTION having hitherto been chiefly confined to the Productive Classes, and many in the Upper Ranks still remaining in a deplorable state of ignorance, it is intended to establish SCHOOLS FOR THE HIGHER ORDERS, in order that, by being equally well-informed with the rest of the community, the plea of ignorance may no longer be allowed as an excuse for want of knowledge in the duties of life. Further information may be had of the printer.


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"One unclouded blaze of living light."

THE COMBINATION AGAINST THIS LAMP renders it necessary to state some of its advantages. The best of the Common Parish Lamps, so universally complained of for their dulness, do little more than render darkness visible, and assist the perpetration of crime. If their forms are occasionally varied by lacquer and varnish, and rendered pleasing to the eye, their light is not improved in the smallest degree; and they require a multitude of hands to feed and trim them, at a most enormous expense; while THE "UNIVERSAL SAFETY" LAMP diffuses a brilliant and steady lustre, and a genial warmth equal to the solar beam. It eclipses every other brightness. The only inconvenience complained of by the nervous and fastidious is, that its flame sometimes rises during a storm, and emits a small portion of smoke, but this vapour ceases almost immediately after the agitation has subsided. It is constructed on an unerring principle of Self-regulation; it cannot be extinguished by any power on earth, and will Last for Ever. 245


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THIS CELEBRATED PERFORMER, whose early operations in Asia, and subsequent slight-of-hand in Europe, have rendered him notorious, will perform the first opportunity. If he has the consent of his landlady's friends, he will put the sword down her throat, and keep it there as long as he pleases—the like not exhibited in England. He will then set the balls a-flying like winged messengers. These tricks, with permission, he is ready to exhibit. Further particulars in future Advertisements.


14th July, 1821.

IT is Ordered, that there be delivered to every private Soldier, now in his Majesty's Service, or who may be hereafter enlisted therein, a copy of the New Testament, with the 5th, 6th, and 7th chapters of Matthew cut out, and the Articles of War stitched in their place: and any Soldier who shall pawn or sell the said New Testament without first taking out the said Articles of War, and keeping them for his own use, shall suffer death.


Resolved, 14th July, 1821.

THAT an English Artisan is a scamp and a ragamuffin, until a profit has been had out of a red coat, which, when put on his back at the public expense, suddenly transforms him into the bravest and finest fellow in the world. E. PAULET.


THIS SOOTHING ARTICLE being entirely exhausted, the Select Committee of the House of Commons, on Agricultural Distress, will be glad of the smallest quantity, that they may dispense it to the various sufferers throughout the country.

WASTE PA PER and PARCHMENT, consisting of the Petitions for a REFORM in the Representation, to be sold in quantities—not less than a ton weight.

==> May be viewed, and particulars had, at the Parliament Coffee-House. 246


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THE TENTHS, or KING'S OWN. Persons willing to contract for the purpose of furnishing this active Legion with FORAGE, and supplying the Mess, may apply to the Barrack-Master-General, Lambeth.

THE REV. S. PIGGOTT, A.M. Curate and Lecturer of St. James's, Clerkenwell, and St. Antholin's, Watling-street, WANTS A PLACE. He has written Prayers for Families, a Guide to the Altar, and an Example of Conversion by the Common Prayer Book; named the Queen the German Helen; represented her with a lighted torch, reaching at the Bible and the Crown to destroy them; called her "Old Mother Red Cap;" hung her head up as a sign to a public-house, with a gross allusion to Bergami; said her infamy was fixed; and made her Majesty exclaim, that—

     "Thrice she'd expire in Matthew's arms,
     Would but the hangman Matthew spare!"

Further particulars can be given by his Treasurer, Charles Bicknell, Esq. Solicitor to the Admiralty, 3, Spring-garden Terrace, on whom all demands on account of the Rev. S. Piggott's Loyal Association should be made; but all monies due or owing thereto, are requested to be paid immediately to the Rev. S. Piggott only.

==> More information respecting his clerical labours hereafter.

WANTED TO GO ABROAD, a stout, active, stonehearted young man, of a serious turn, as an apprentice in the military business, and to assist as a missionary.

==> Apply at the Bishop and Bayonet, Westminster.


A SLOW BUT SURE POISON, which gradually insinuates itself into the system, and will utterly destroy a human being, is now making frightful ravages. Its common name is CANT. Some blacks deliver it in the lump, and a certain lawyer has been seen to part with it in the form of globules. It is most subtle when laminated, and unfortunately is to be found in that state spread over a large portion of the community. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the effluvia from the infected is contagious.

N. B. The most certain symptom of the presence of the poison is, prostration of mind.

"Please to remember the Grotto!"



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As a grateful return to the Productive Classes of England, For bread, meat, beer, cellars of wines, rich furniture, luxurious equipages, princely palaces, clothing of purple and fine linen, and faring sumptuously every day, during the whole of their ecclesiastical lives, out of the people's labour, the following ten prelates have become members of the anti-social association in Bridge-street:—

The Bishop of Gloucester

— Llandaff

— Peterborough

The Bishop of Bangor

— Carlisle

— Chester

— Durham


St. David's York

Dr. Maltus has received a Prize for his Essay on the Moral Restraint of War, the Blessings of Famine, the Advantages of Pestilence, the Comforts of Disease, and the Piety of Decease.

Bp. Tommy O'Linn has a Faculty for copying the newspapers into an original Life of Mr. Pitt.

Bp. Van Mill-dirt is collated to a Dinnery for telling which side his bread is buttered on in the dark.

Published for the Benefit of the Clergy,


Shortly will be published, for the Use of Schools,


A Parallel between the Principles of Christianity and the Practice of Priestianity.


HOUSE OF TOPS.—Whenstheday.

Ordered, That after the adjournment of the House to-day, strangers be accommodated with seats until the sitting of the House to-morrow.—Adjourned.


Moved and Seconded, That the following words he stereotyped by the printer to the House, and sent to all the newspapers for the convenience of reporting the Manager's speeches, viz.

"He should not follow the hon. member into any of the various points of his extended speech, but content himself with moving an adjournment, resting fully satisfied upon the wisdom of the House for a proper decision of the question when it came regularly before them."—Agreed to without a division.—Adjourned.—

Substance of the Bills for Restraining the Press.—Kneor Gagret, the pseudo ump alor al'Ainbassadereux, roseat ul purpe et Suheance du Balles au Pres,—Volumptuanuni et geordibus non et est ecclaribus tandem etpriorus au clericus pooribus, that is to say, Castigatus videm Literorumme-a'-Presserorumme-a'-Exposerumet vi al quid o'tobacce au sycophantussum hark! Contriorium, etc. etc.!!!

Receipt to make an Attorney-General.—Take a little man with an eye to his preferment. It is not necessary that he should be much of a lawyer, provided that he be a Rat. He must have docility sufficient to do any thing; and if the period should arrive, when power can make rules and laws for the evident purpose of gratifying malignity, he should be one who should be ready to advise or consent to the creation of new cases, and be able to defend new remedies for them, though they militate against every principle of reason, equity, and justice.—Rolliad, p. 433.

[Advertisement.]—Real Brunswick Man sent (carriage free) from the Horse Guards to all parts of the Kingdom, at an hour's notice.

[Advertisement.]—We are authorized to contradict a report that Mr. Vansittart, in his Speech at the last Bible Society Meeting, endeavoured to induce the members to refrain from the purchase of shares and tickets in the ensuing Lottery.

[Advertisement.]—Connoisseurs in the Arts of Design will be gratified to hear, that an assemblage of the Old Masters in different states, will shortly be submitted to the hammer.

PROMOTION.—The Press to be the Board of Confront.


At the Den, in Bridge-street, John Reeves, esq. M.B.S.G. of a Ten Pound Note. It is not supposed he can recover.


His Imperial Majesty Prince Despotism, in a consumption, to Her Supreme Antiquity, The Ignorance of Eighteen Centuries, in a decline. The bridal dresses were most superb.


His most Sacred Majesty Right Divine. His Legitimacy being declared illegitimate, he has no successor. He was the founder of the Oily Alliance and a sincere Priestian.

Printed by and for W. Hone, 43, Ludgate Hill, London. 249


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To be Sung exactly as set.

     He 'turn'd his back upon himself
     And straight to 'Lunnun' came,
     To two two-sided Lawyers
     With tidings of the same,
     That our own land must 'prostrate stand'
     Unless we praise his name—
     For his  practical' comfort and joy!

     "Go fear not," said his L-p
     "Let nothing you affright;
     "Go draw your quills, and draw six Bills,
     "Put out yon blaze of light:
     "I'm able to advance you,
     "Go stamp it out then quite—
     "And give me some 'features' of joy!"


     The Lawyers at those tidings
     Rejoiced much in mind,
     And left their friends a-staring
     To go and raise the wind,
     And straight went to the Taxing-men
     And said "the Bills come find—
     "For 'fundamental' comfort and joy!

     The Lawyers found majorities
     To do as they did say,
     They found them at their mangers
     Like oxen at their hay,
     Some lying, and some kneeling down,
     All to L—d C—h
     For his  practical' comfort and joy!

     With sudden joy and gladness
     Rat G—ff—d was beguiled,
     They each sat at his L-p's side,
     He patted them and smiled;
     Yet C—pi—y, on his nether end,
     Sat like a new born Child,—
     But without either comfort or joy!

     He thought upon his Father,
     His virtues and his fame,
     And how that father hoped from him
     For glory to his name,
     And as his chin dropp'd on his breast,
     His pale cheeks burn'd with shame:—
     He'll never more know comfort or joy!


     Lord C——h cloth rule yon House,
     And all who there do reign;
     They've let us live this Christmas time—-
     D'ye think they will again?
     They say they are our masters—
     That's neither here, nor there:
     God send us all a happy new year!


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Lord FOLKESTONE confessed that there Had been a smile on his countenance at one part of the right honorable gentleman (Mr. CANNING)'s speech, and it seemed to him very extraordinary, even after the reconciliation that had taken place, to hear the right honorable gentleman stand up for the talents of that poor "Doctor" (Lord SIDMOUTH), who has so long been the butt of his most bitter and unsparing ridicule (loud laughter and shouts of hear, hear). Whether in poetry or prose, the great object of his derision, and that for want of ability and sense, was the noble lord whom he (Mr. CANNING) had so strenuously defended that night; and now forsooth, he wondered that any person could object to confide unlimited power in the hands of a person, according to his own former opinions, so likely to be duped and misled (hear, hear). Yes, the house would remember the lines in which, at different times, the right honorable gentleman (Mr CANNING), had been pleased to panegyrize his (Mr. CANNING's) noble friend (Lord SIDMOUTH) of which the following were not the worst:—

     "I showed myself prime Doctor to the country;
     My ends attain'd, my only aim has been
     To keep my place, and gild my humble name."—

(A laud laugh)

Yes, this was the view the right honorable gentleman had once drawn of his noble friend, who was then described by him thus:—

"My name's the Doctor; on the Berkshire hills," &c.

[See the Parody below for the remainder of Lord Folkestone's Quotation—For his Lordship's Speech, see Evans's Debates, 1817, p. 1568.]

     My name's THE DOCTOR; on the Berkshire hills
     My father purged his patients—a wise man,
     Whose constant care was to increase his store,
     And keep his eldest son—myself—at home.
     But I had heard of Politics, and long'd
     To sit within the Commons' House, and get
     A place, and luck gave what my sire denied.


     Some thirteen years ago, or ere my fingers
     Had learn'd to mix a potion, or to bleed,
     I flatterd Pitt: I cring'd, and sneak'd, and faun'd,
     And thus became the Speaker. I alone,
     With pompous gait, and peruke full of wisdom,
     Th' unruly members could control, or call The House to order.

     Tir'd of the Chair, I sought a bolder flight,
     And, grasping at his power, I struck my friend,
     Who held that place which now I've made my own.
     Proud of my triumph, I disdain'd to court
     The patron hand which fed me—or to seem
     Grateful to him who rais'd me into notice.

     And, when the King had call'd his Parliament
     With all my fam'ly crowding at my heels,
     My brothers, cousins, followers and my son,
     I show'd myself Prime Doctor to the country.
     My ends attain'd my only aim has been
     To keep my place—and gild my humble name!


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THE AUTHOR OF THE POLITICAL HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT, perceiving the multitude of attempts at Imitation and Imposture, occasioned by the unparalleled sale of that Jeu d'Esprit, injustice to the public and to himself, respect-fully states, that, induced by nearly forty years of the most confidential intimacy with Mr. HONE, and by the warmest friendship and affection for him and his family, he originally selected him for his publisher exclusively; that he has not suffered, nor will he suffer, a line of his writing to pass into the hands of any other Bookseller; and that his last, end owing to imperative claims upon his pen of a higher order, possibly his very last production in that way, will be found in The MAN IN THE MOON.



Divided into Lots for the convenience of Purchasers.

TO BE SOLD by Mr. HONE, at his House, No. 45, Ludgate Hill, THIS DAY, and following days until entirely disposed of,

AN EXTENSIVE UNENCUMBERED FREEHOLD PROPERTY, in separate Lots. Each comprising a Capital well-accustomed hustling Free Public House, most desirably situated, being thoroughly established in very heart of England, and called by the Name or Sign of "The House that Jack Built." Served Forty Thousand Customers in the course of Six Weeks. Draws the Choicest Spirits, and is not in the mixing or whine way.

The Feathers and Wellington Arms combining to injure this property by setting up Houses of Ill Fame, under the same sign, the Public are cautioned against them; they are easily known from the original House by their Customers being few in number, and of a description better understood than expressed.

The present is an undeniable opportunity to persons wishing to improve their affairs, or desirous of entering into the public line; there being no Fixtures and the Coming-in easy.

Immediate possession will be given in consideration of One Shilling of good and lawful money of the Realm, paid to any of the Booksellers of the United Kingdom.

May be viewed; and Particulars had as above.


UNIVERSITY LITERATURE—With Thirteen Cats, price is.


This Publication was entered at Stationers' Hall, and Copies were duly delivered, according to Act of Parliament, one being for the British Museum; yet it is held in such estimation by all ranks, from the mansion to the cottage, including men of high classical and literary attainment, that it is coveted by eminent and learned bodies for the purpose of being preserved and deposited in the other National Libraries, as appears by the following notice:—

(COPY.) London, Jan. 26, 1820.

Sir—I am authorised and requested to demand of you nine copies of the undermentioned Work—The Political House that Jack Built—for the use of the following Libraries and Universities:— Bodleian; Cambridge; Sion College; Edinburgh; Advocates' Library, Edinburgh; Glasgow; Aberdeen; St. Andrew's; Trinity College, and the King's Inns, Dublin.

I am, Sir, your obedient servant,

GEORGE GREENHILL, Warehouse-keeper to the Company of Stationers.

To Mr. WM. HONE, Ludgate-hill.

This "authorized" and official "demand" on behalf of the Universities and Public Libraries, was immediately complied with; and to save those distinguished bodies the trouble of a similar application for "THE MAN IN THE MOON," copies of that work were also sent with the copies of the Political House that Jack Built, so demanded "for their use."

A SUPERIOR EDITION OF THE POLITICAL HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT, is now published, printed on fine Vellum Drawing Paper, with the Cuts handsomely COLOURED, Price 3s.—The same Edition plain, Price 2s.

Withdrawn from the Press,


Since the announcement of this Publication, the attack of the Solicitor-General upon the Juries of my Country has drawn down upon that Gentleman, within the walls of Parliament, such deserved animadversion as to render superfluous any interference on my part.

Two years have elapsed since I broke away from the toils; and it seems the escape of the destined victim is never to be forgiven! The cause of which the Solicitor-General is unexpectedly the gratuitous advocate, has taken appropriate refuge in the snug precincts of Gatton. There let it wither!

The verdicts of my Juries require no other vindication than a faithful recital of the grounds on which they were founded. From the period at which those verdicts were pronounced, and with a view to that vindication, I have been unremittingly employed in the collection and arrangement of rare and curious materials which the Solicitor-General's attack will induce me to extend to


This History I purpose to bring out, very speedily, with extensive graphic illustrations, and I flatter myself it will answer the various purposes of satisfying the expectations of my numerous and respectable subscribers—of justifying my own motives in publishing the Parodies—of throwing a strong light upon the presumable motives of my prosecutors in singling me out from my Noble and Right Honorable Fellow Parodists—of holding up Trial by Jury to the increased love and veneration of the British People—and above all, of making every calumny upon the verdicts of three successive, honorable, and intelligent Juries recoil upon the slanderer, be he who he may, that dares to asperse them. W. HONE. Ludgate-Hill, March, 1820.

Printed by W. Hone, 45, Ludgate-Hill.


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Till now I never understood the reason of the policy and prurience of the Spaniards in suffering the Inquisition among them; and certainly it will never be well with ax till something like the Spanish Inquisition be in England.'—Recorder of London at the Old Bailey


An Interior View of the DEN in Bridge Street, with the GANG at Work.