The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Maner of the Tryumphe of Caleys and Bulleyn and The Noble Tryumphant Coronacyon of Quene Anne, Wyfe unto the Most Noble Kynge Henry VIII

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Title: The Maner of the Tryumphe of Caleys and Bulleyn and The Noble Tryumphant Coronacyon of Quene Anne, Wyfe unto the Most Noble Kynge Henry VIII

Editor: Edmund Goldsmid

Printer: Wynkyn de Worde

Release date: May 24, 2010 [eBook #32515]
Most recently updated: January 6, 2021

Language: English

Credits: Produced by Meredith Bach and the Online Distributed
Proofreading Team at (This file was
produced from images generously made available by The
Internet Archive/American Libraries.)


The Maner of the Tryumphe at Caleys and Bulleyn



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This Edition is limited to 75 Large Paper copies, and 275 Small Paper copies, issued only to Subscribers.




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Text of Title Page




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The two extremely rare tracts here given have been reprinted by Prof. Arber in his “English Garner,” if we can call reprinting the issuing of a pamphlet not only with the spelling entirely modernised, but also with words and phrases inserted or inverted to suit the Editor’s taste. In the “Tryumphe at Caleys” Mr Arber has issued the Second Edition, giving us no particulars whatever as to the First. In the list of the noblemen of France, Mr Arber modernises the names and yet gives us a Cardinal Gramond, being evidently unaware of the existence of the noble family of [Pg vi]de Grammont, and he equally fails to recognise in the Comte de Tonnore, the celebrated Armand, Comte de Tonnerre. Anne de Montmerancy remains for him an unknown actor on the brilliant stage, and yet, surely, the name of the Montmorency must have reached his ears.

I have here given an absolute reprint of the first edition and have noted at the foot of each page any variations in the readings which occur in the second. Both Editions were printed by Wynkyn de Worde, probably about November, 1532. The collation according to the copies in the British Museum (c. 21, b. 20) is as follows. It is a black letter, unpaged tract of four leaves. Page 1 contains the title, with a woodcut of Henry VIII. [Pg vii]on horseback, with two attendants.[1] Page 2 is blank in the First Edition but contains a list of the noblemen of France in the second. Then come five pages of text in the First Edition, followed by page 8 blank, whilst the Second Edition has six pages of text. The second tract, “The Cornacyon of Quene Anne,” was printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1533. I trust the few notes I have added, either for the purpose of explaining obsolete words or to give a slight clue to the identity of the more important persons mentioned, may prove of use to the student.


Edinburgh, Nov. 15th, 1884.



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The Maner of the Tryumphe at Caleys and Bulleyn.





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The Maner of the Tryumphe of Caleys and Bulleyn.[2]

Cum Priuilegio.[3]


I[4] will certyfye you of our newes in the partyes of Caleys. Fyrst the xj. day of[Pg 4, 5, 6] October whiche was Fryday in the mornyng at. v. of the clocke the kynges grace toke his Shyppe called the Swallowe and so came to Caleys by. x. of the clocke. And there he was receyved with processyon and with the mayre and the lorde delite[Pg 7] and all the speres[5] and the sowdyours in araye with a greate peale of gonnes and laye in Caleys tyll the Sondaye seuenyght after. And on the. xvj. day of October my lorde of Norffolke accompanyed with my lord of Darby and a great nombre of gentilmen besydes mette with the great mayster of Fraunce vj. myles fro Calays at ye englysshe pale the sayd great mayster hauynge two greate lordes in his company of theyr ordre and a hondred gentylmen attendynge vpon them. And there my lorde of Norffolke and the greate mayster deuysed the place where the two kynges sholde mete whiche was at Sandyngfelde. And that done they wente bothe to Caleys with theyr companyes. And the sayd greate mayster with dyuerse other straungers dyned that daye with ye Kynge.[Pg 8] And after dyner my lorde of Norffolke brought them forth on theyr way a myle or two and so departed for that tyme. And on the mondaye the. xxj. daye of October the Kyng of Englande toke his waye to mete with the frensshe kyng at the place before appoynted with vij. score all in veluet cotes afore hym lordes and Knyghtes and xl. of his garde and other to the nombre (as we thynke) of. vj. hondred horses and as well horsed as euer was seen. And ye Kyng our mayster mette with the frensshe Kyng at Sandyngfelde within the englysshe pale thre myles. There the frensshe kynge taryed for our mayster the space of an houre or two the frensshe kynge beynge accompanyed with the kynge of Nauerne the cardinal of Loreyn the duke of Vandome and[6] with dyuerse other noblemen well and rychely appoynted beynge of lyke nombre as our kyng was of that is to saye vj. hondred psones.[7] There was the louyngest metyng[Pg 9] that euer was seen for the one embraced ye other v. or vj. tymes on horsbacke and so dyd the lordes on eyther party eche to other and so dyd ryde hande in hande with greate loue the space of a myle[8] and than they dyd lyght of theyr horses and dranke eche to other the frensshe kyng dranke fyrst to our kyng and whan they had dronke they embraced eche other agayne with great loue and so rode towards Bulleyn our kynge on the ryght hande. And whan they came within a myle of Bulleyn there mette with the kynges the Dolphyn beynge accompanyed with his two bretherne the duke of Orliaunce and the count or erle of Angolame very goodly chyldren and attendyng vpon them four cardynalles with a M. horses very well beseen. And whan they came nere to ye towne the frensshe[Pg 10] kynge caused our mayster to tary whyles ye gonshot was shotte whiche was herd fro Bulleyn. xx. englysshe myles of. And so entered the towne where stode the captayn with the sowdyours in good ordre and aboue them stode a hondred swytsheners of the frensh kynges garde in theyr dublettes and theyr hosen of yelowe veluet cutte goodly persons[9] and aboue them stode cc. of the frensshe kynges garde more scottes and frensshmen in cotes of yelow blewe and crymsyn veluet beryng halberdes in theyr handes and aboue them stode cc. gentylmen beyng in theyr gownes well and rychely beseen euery man hauyng an ax[10] in theyr handes and theyr captaines standyng by them. And so they taryed in Bulleyn mondaye tuysdaye Wednesday and thursday all daye.[11] And[Pg 11] for the greate chere that was there no man can expresse it. For the kynges grace was there enterteyned all at the frensshe kynges costes and charges. And euery daye noble men of Fraunce desyred our nobles and gentylmen home to theyr lodgynges where as they founde theyr houses rychely hanged greate cupbordes of plate sumptuous fare with syngyng and playenge of all kyndes of musyke. And also there was sent vnto our lodgynges great fare with all maner of wynes for our seruantes and our horsmeet payd for and al at theyr charges. And euery day ye frensshe kyng[Pg 12] had at dyner and souper with hym certayne noble men of Englande. And the kynges grace had in lykewyse certeyn of theyr nobles at dyner and souper during ye tyme of theyr beyng at Bulleyn. And this contynued with as great chere and familiarite as myght be. And as concernyng ladyes and gentylwoman there[12] was non there. And on frydaye folowynge the kynges came to Caleys. And the dolphyn with the cardynalles and all theyr gentylmen brought the kynges vnto ye place where they fyrst mette and than departed. The frensshe king had great cariage[13] for there came ccc. mules laden wh stuffe. And[14] whan they came to[Pg 13] Caleys they were saluted with great melody what with gonnes and all other instrumentes and the ordre of the towne it was a heuenly syght for the tyme First at Newnam bridge. iiij. c. shotte at the blockhous. xl. shot at Rycebanke toure. iij. c. shot within ye towne of Caleys. ij. m. shot great and small besydes the shyppes it was all nombered. iij. m. shot. And at Bulleyn by estymation it past not. cc. shot but they were great peces. Also for the ordre of the towne there was set all seruynge men on the one syde in tawny cotes and sowdyours on the other syde all in cotes of reed and blewe with halberdes in theyr handes. And so the kynges came ryding in the myddes and so the frensshe kynge went to staple hall which is a pryncely hous and vpon saterday bothe the kynges rode to our lady chyrche to masse. And at after noone[15] bothe theyr counselles[Pg 14] sate togyder. And vpon sondaye both ye kynges herde masse in theyr lodgynges. And at after-noone the kynge of Englande went to Staple hall to the frensshe kynge and there was bothe bere baytynge and bulbayting tyll nyght. And at nyght the frensshe kynge souped with our kynge and there was greate bankettynge. And after souper[16] there came in a maske mylady marques of Penbroke[17] my lady Mary[18] my lady Darby my lady Fitzwater my lady Rocheford my lady Lislie and my lady Wallop gorgyously apparayled with visers on theyr faces and so came and toke the frensshe kynge by the hande and other lordes of Fraunce and daunced a daunce or two. And after that the kynge toke of theyr visers and than they daunced with gentylmen of Fraunce an houre after. And than they departed to theyr lodgynges. And as for ye apparayle of ye frensshe lordes my tongue can not expresse it and in especyal the frensshe kyng his apparayle[Pg 15] passed[19] my penne to wryte for he had a dublet ouer set all with stones and ryche diamondes whiche was valued by discrete men at a hondred thousand pounde they passed ferre our lordes and knyghtes in apparayle and rychesse. They had greate chere in Caleys and louynge also and all at our kynges costes and charges. Also the same daye that the kynges came from Bulleyn the frensshe kynge made the duke of Norffolke and the duke of Suffolke of the ordre of saynt Mighill.[20] And vpon monday whiche was the. xxix. day of October at Caleys our kyng made the great mayster of Fraunce and the admyrall of Fraunce knyghtes of the garter. And that daye there was a greate wrastelynge betwene englysshe men and frensshe men before bothe the kynges the frensshe kynge had none but preestes that wrasteled which were bygge men and stronge they were bretherne but they had moost falles.[21][Pg 16] And vpon the. xxix. daye of October the frensshe kynge departed fro Caleys to Parys ward and our kynge brought hym as ferre as Morgyson which is fro Caleys. vij. myle and so came to Caleys agayne. And he purposeth (god wyllynge) to be at Caunterbury the. viij. daye of Nouember and so home whome god of his goodnes euer preserue and sende good passage and safe agayne into Englande. Amen.

God Saue the Kynge.

Imprynted by Wynkyn de Worde vnder the grace and preuylege of our moost royall and redoubted prynce Kynge Henry the viii. for Johan Gowgh dwellinge at Poules gate in Chepe.

Cum Priuilegio.




[Pg 17]

The Noble Tryumphaunt Coronacyon of Quene Anne.




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The Noble Tryumphaunt Coronacyon of Quene Anne,

Wyfe unto the Moost Noble Kynge Henry the VIII.[22]


First the. xxix. daye of Maye[23] beynge thursday all the worshypfull craftes[24] and occupacyons in their best araye goodly besene toke theyr bargs which were splayed[25] wh goodly baners fresshe and newe with the cognysaunce and armes[Pg 20] of theyr faculty to the nombre of L. great barges comly besene and euery barge hauynge mynstrels makynge greate and sweete armony. Also there was the bachelers barge comly besene decked with innumerable baners and all about hangyd with ryche cloth of golde foystes[26] waytynge her upon decked[27] with a great shotte of ordynaunce whiche descended the ryuer afore all ye barges and the bachelers barge formest[28] and so folowynge in good araye and ordre euery crafte in theyr degree and ordre tyll they came to Greenwyche and there taryed abydynge the quenes grace which was a wonderfull goodly syght to beholde. Than at thre of the clocke the quenes grace cam to her barge and incontynent[29] all the cytezins with that goodly company set forth towards London in good arraye as before is sayd. And to wryte what nombre of gon shot what with chambres and great peces of ordynaunce[Pg 21] were shotte as she passed by in dyuers places it passeth my memory to wryte or to tell the nombre of them and specially at Ratly and at lyme house out of certeyne shyppes. And so ye quenes grace in her ryche barge amonge her nobles the cytezyns accompanyed her to London unto the toure wharfe. Also or she came nere the toure there was shot innumerable peces of ordynaunce as euer was there by any mennes remembraunces where the Kyng receyued her grace with a noble louyng countenaunce and so gaue great thankes and prayse to all the cytezyns for theyr great kyndnesse and louynge labour and paynes in that behalfe taken to the greate ioye and comforte of all the citezyns. Also to beholde the wonderfull nombre of people that euer was seen that stode on the shore on bothe sydes of the ryuer was neuer in one syght out of ye cyte of London sene what in goodly lodgynges and houses that be on ye ryuer syde bytwene Grenwyche and London it passeth al mennes iudgementes to esteme the infinyte nombre of[Pg 22] them. Wherein her grace with al her ladyes reioysed moche.

Knyghtes made at Grenwyche the sonday before Whytsonday.

And the sondaye before this tryumphe beyng the xxv daye of Maye the Kynge made at his maner of Grenwyche all these Knyghtes.

Syr Christofer Danby.Syr Thomas Butteller.
Syr Christofer Hylarde.Syr Willyam Walgrave.
Syr Brian Hastynges.Syr Wyllyam Feldeyng.
Syr Thomas Methven.

The fryday made Knyghtes of the Bathe xix whose names foloweth.

Also on fryday the xxx day of Maye ye Kynge treated and made in the towre of London, xix. noble men Knyghtes of the bathe whose names folowe.

The lorde Marques Dorset.
The erle of Derby.
The lorde Clyfforde sone and heyre to therle of Cumberlande.
The lorde Fitzwater sone and heyre to therle of Sussex.
The lorde Hastynges sone and heyre to therle of Huntyngton.
The Lorde Barkelay.
The lorde Mountagle.
The lorde Vaux.
[Pg 23]Syr Henry Parker sone and heyre to ye lorde Morley.
Syr Wyllyam Wyndsour sone and heyre to the lorde Wyndesour.
Syr John Mordant sone and heyre to ye lorde Mordant.
Syr Fraunces Weston.
Syr Thomas Aroundell.
Syr Johan Hudelston.
Syr Thomas Ponynges.
Syr Henry Sauell.
Syr George Fitz Wyllyam of Lyncolne shire.
Syr Johan Tyndall.
Syr Thomas Jermey.

Also the saturday the last daye of May the Kynge made Knyghtes of the swerde in ye towre of London whose names folowe.

Syr Wyllyam Drury.Syr Henry Feryngton.
Syr John Gernyngham.Syr Marmaduc Tustall.
Syr Thomas Rusche.Syr Thomas Halsall.
Syr Randolfe Buerton.Syr Robert Thyrkham.
Syr George Caluerly.Sir[30] Anthony Wyndsour.
Syr Edwarde Fytton.Syr Water Hubbert.
Syr George Conyers.Syr Johan Wyllongby.
Syr Robert Nedham.Syr Thomas Thytson.
Syr Johan Chaworth.Sir Thomas Mysseden.
Syr George Gresley.Sir Thomas Fouleshurst.
Syr Johan Constable.Sir Henry Delues.
Syr Thomas Umpton.Sir Peter Warburton.
Syr John Horsley.Sir Rycharde Bulkelley.
Syr Richarde Lygon.Sir Thomas Lakyng.
Syr Johan Saintclere.Sir Henry Lakyng.
Syr Edwarde Maidison.Sir Water Smythe.
[Pg 24]Sir Henry Eueringham.Sir Johan Nories.
Sir Willyam Unedall.Sir Willyam Malorie.
Sir Tho. Massyngberd.Sir Johan Harcourt.
Sir Willyam Sandon.Sir Johan Tyrell.
Sir James Baskeruille.Sir Willyam Browne.
Sir Edmonde Trafforde.Sir Nycolas Sturley.
Sir Arthur Eyre.Sir Randolfe Manering.
Sir Henry Sutton.

Also the sonday after Whytsonday beyng trynyte sonday and the viij. daye of June was made at Grenewyche these knyghtes followynge.

Sir Christofer Cowen.Sir Johan Dawne.
Sir Geffray Mydelton.Sir Richarde Haughton.
Sir Hugh Treuyneon.Sir Thomas Langton.
Sir George West.Sir Edwarde Bowton.
Sir Clement Herleston.Sir Henry Capell.
Sir Humfrey Feryes.

Also all the pauements of the cyte from Charyncrosse to ye towre was ouer couerde and caste with grauell. And the same saturday beyng Whytson euen the mayre with all the aldermen and the craftes of the cyte prepared aray in a good order to stande and receyue her and with rayles for euery crafte to stande and leane from prease of people. The mayre mette the quenes grace at her comyng forthe of ye towre and all his bretherne and aldermen[Pg 25] standyng in chepe. And upon the same saturday the quene came forth from ye towre towarde Westmynster in goodly aray as here after foloweth. She passed the stretes first with certayne straungers then horses trapped wh blewe sylke and them selues in blewe veluet with white fethers acompanyed two and two. Lykewise squiers knights barons and baronetts knightes of ye bath clothed in vyolet garmentes edged with armyns lyke iuges. Than folowyng ye juges of the lawe and abbottes. All these estats were to ye nombre of CC. cople wh more two and two accompanyed. And than folowed bysshops two and two: and tharch bysshops of Yorke and Caterbury ye ambassaders of Fraunce and Venyce the lorde mayre wh a mace mayster garter the kyng of heraudes and the kings cote armour upon him with ye offycers of armes apoyntyng euery estate in their degre. Than folowed two aunciente knights with olde fassion hattes poudred on their heedes disgysed[Pg 26] who dyd represent ye duke of Normandy and of Guyen after an olde custome: the lorde constable of Englande for ye tyme beyng ye duke of Suffolke the lorde Willyam Hawarde ye deputie for ye tyme to the lorde marshall duke of Norfolke. Than folowed ye quenes grace in her lytter costly and rychly besene wh a ryche canape ouer her which bare ye lordes of ye fyue portes: after her folowyng ye mayster of her horse wh a whyte spare palfray ledde in his hande rychly apoynted. Than folowed her noble ladyes of estate rychly clothed in crymosyn poudred wh armyns to the nobre of xij. Than the mayster of ye garde with the garde on both sydes of the strets in good aray and all the constables well besene in veluet and damaske cotes with whyte stanes in their handes settynge euery man in araye and orner in the stretes untyll she came to Westminster. Than folowed four ryche charyottes with ladyes of honour after than folowed xxx. ladyes and gentylwomen[Pg 27] r(ich)ly[31] garnysshed and so ye seruyng men after them. And a(s)[32] she was departed from ye towne a meruaylous great shot of gonnes was there fyred and shot. So this moste noble company passed till her grace came to fanchurch where was a pagent fayre and semly wh certayne chyldren which saluted her grace with great honour and prayse after a goodly fassyon: and so passed forthe to Grase churche where was a ryght costly pagent of Apollo with the nyne muses amonge ye mountaynes syttyng on ye mount of Pernasus and euery of them hauynge theyr instruments and apparayle acordyng to the descryption of poets and namely of Uirgyll with many goodly verses to her great prayse and honour. And so she passed forth through gracyous[33] strete unto leaden hall where was buylded a sumptuous[Pg 28] and a costly pagent in maner of a castell wherein was fasshyoned an heuenly roufe and under it vpon a grene was a roote or a stocke whereout spronge a multytude of whyte roses and reed curyously wrought so from the heuenly roufe descended a whyte faucon and lighted upon ye said stocke and roote and incontynent descended an angell wh goodly armony hauynge a close crowne bytwene his handes and set it on the faucons heed: and on the said flour sate saynt Anne in ye hyest place on that one syde her progeny wh scripture that is to wete the thre Marys wh theyr issue yt is to vnderstande: Mary the mother of Christ Mary Solome ye mother[34] of Zebedee with the two chyldren of them also Mary Cleophe with her husbande Alphee with their four chyldren on ye other syde with other poetycall verses sayd and songe wh a balade in englisshe to her great prayse (and)[35] honour and to al her progeny also. And[Pg 29] so she passed (for)th[36] from thence through cornehill and at ye condyt was a sumptuous pagent of the thre graces: and at the comynge of the quenes grace a poete declared the nature of all those thre ladyes and gave hye prayses vnto the quene. And after his preamble fynysshed every lady partyculer spake great honour and hye prayse of the quenes grace: And so she passed forth with all her nobles tyll she came in chepe and at the great condyt was made a costly fountayne whereout ranne whyte wyne claret and reed great plenty all that after noone: and ther was great melody wh speches. And so passed forthe through chepe to the standarde whiche was costly and sumptuously garnisshed with gold and asure with armes and stories wher was great armony and melody: and so passed she forth by the crosse in chepe whiche was newe garnisshed and so through chepe towarde the lesser condyt. And in the mydwaye bytwene the recorder of London[Pg 30] receyved her afore the Aldermen with great reuerence and honour salutynge her grace with a louyng and humble preposycion presentynge her grace with a ryche and costly purse of golde and in it a thousande marke in golde coyne gyuen vnto her as a free gyfte of honour: to whom she gaue great thankes bothe with herte and mynde. And so her grace passed a lytell further and at the lesser condyt was a costly and a ryche pagent where as was goodly armonye of musyke and other mynstrels with syngyng: And within that pagent was fyue costly seates wherin was set these fyue personages that is to wete Juno Pallas Mercury and Venus and Parys hauyng a ball of golde presentyng it to her grace with certayne verses of great honour and chyldren syngyng a balade to her grace and prayse to all her ladyes and so passed forth to Poules gate where was a proper and a sumptuous pagent yt is to wete ther sat. iij. fayre ladyes virgyns costly arayde with a fayre rounde trone ouer their heedes where[Pg 31] aboute was written this. Regina Anna prospere procede et regna that is in englysshe Quene Anne prospere procede and reygne. The lady that sate in the myddes hauynge a table of golde in her hande wrytten with letters of asure. Ueni amica coronaberis. Come my loue thou shallbe crowned. And two aungels hauyng a close crowne of golde bytwene their handes. And the lady on ye ryght hande had a table of syluer wherein was writte. Domine dirige gressos meos. Lorde god dyrecte my wayes. The other on the lyfte hande had in another table of syluer written thus. Confide in domino. Trust in god. And vnder theyr fete was a longe rol wherin was written this. Regina Anna nouum regis de sanguine natum cum paries populis aurea secla tuis. Quene Anne whan yu shalte beare a newe sone of ye kynges bloode there shalbe a golden worlde vnto thy people. And so ye ladyes caste ouer her heede a multytude of wafers with rose leaues and about[Pg 32] ye wafers were written with letters of gold this posay.[37] And so her grace passed forth into Poules chyrchyarde and at the eest ende of ye chyrch agaynst ye schole was a great scaffolde whereon stode ye nombre of two hundred chyldren well befene who receyued wh poetes verses to her noble honour whan they had fynisshed she sayd Amen wh ioyful smylyng countenaunce and so passed forth thrugh the longe chyrchyarde and so to Ludgate whiche was costly and sumptuously garnysshed with golde colours and asure with swete armony of ballades to her greate prayse and honour wh dyuerse swete instrumentes. And thus her grace came thorowe the cyte with great honour and royaltye and passed thorowe Flete strete tyll she came to ye Standarde and condyth where was made a fayre toure with foure tourrettes with fanes there within great plenty of swete instrumentes wh chyldren syngyng the[Pg 33] standarde of mason warke costly made with ymages and aungels costly gylted with golde and asure with other colours and dyuerse fortes of armes costly set out shall there contynue and remayne and within the standarde a vyce with a chyme. Also there ranne out of certayne small pypes great plenty of wyne all that after-noone. And so her grace passed through the cyte to temple barre and so to Charyng crosse and so thorowe Westmynster into Westmynster hall where that was well and rychly hanged with cloth of Arras with a meruaylous ryche cupborde of plate and there was a voyde[38] of spyce plates and wyne. And yt done the quenes grace withdrewe her in to ye whyte hall for that nyght and so to Yorke place by water. The sondaye in ye mornynge at viij. of the clocke ye quenes grace wh noble ladyes in theyr robes of estate wh al ye nobles aparayled in parlyament robes as dukes erles archbysshops and bysshops wh barons[Pg 34] and the barons of ye fyue portes[39] with the mayre of ye cite the aldermen in theyr robes as mantels of scarlet. The barons of ye fyve portes bare a ryche canopy of cloth of golde with stanes of golde and four belles of syluer and gylt. The abbot of Westmynster in his rygals[40] came in to ye hall in pontificalibus wh his monkes in theyr best copes the Kynges chapell in theyr best copes with ye bysshops rychely aourned[41] in pontificalibus and the ray cloth blewe spredde from the hygh desses of ye kynges benche unto the hygh aulter of Westmynster. And so every man procedynge to the mynster in ye best order euery man after theyr degree apoynted to theyr order and office as aperteyneth came vnto ye place apoynted where her grace receyued her crowne wh al ye serymonyes therof as ther vnto belongeth. And so al[Pg 35] ye serimonyes done wh ye solempne masse they departed home in their best orders euery man to the hal of Westmynster where ye quenes grace withdrew her for a tyme in to her chambre apoynted and so after a certayne space her grace came in to ye hall. Than ye shulde haue sene euery noble man doyng their seruyce to them apoynted in ye best maner yt hath ben sene in any suche serimony. The quenes grace wasshed ye archbisshop of Canterbury sayd grace. Than ye nobles were set to the table therwh came ye quenes seruice wh ye seruyce of tharch bysshop a certayne space thre men with the quenes grace seruyce. Before ye said seruyce came ye duke of Suffolke high constable yt day and stewarde of ye feest on horsbacke and meruaylously trapped in aparell wh rychesse. Than wh hym came ye lorde Wyllyam Hawarde as depute to ye duke of Norfolke in ye rome of ye marshal of Englande on horsbacke. The erle of essex caruer. Therle of Sussex sewer. Therle of Darby[Pg 36] cupberer. Therle of Arundell butteller. The visconte lysle panter. The lorde Bray awmoner. These noble men dyd theyr seruyce in suche humble sorte and fassyon that it was wonder to se the payne and dylygence of them beynge suche noble personages. The seruyce borne by Knyghtes whiche were to me to longe to tell in order the goodly seruyce of kyndes of meate with their deuyses from the hyest vnto the lowest there haue not ben sene more goodlyer nor honorablyer done in no mannes dayes. There was foure tables in ye great hall alonge the sayde hall. The noble women one table syttyng al on ye one syde. The noble men an other table. The mayre of London an other table wh his bretherne. The barons of the portes with ye mayster of the chauncery the fourth table. And thus all thynges nobly and tryumphantly done at her coronacyon her grace retourned to Whyte hall with great ioy and solempnyte and the morowe was great iustes at ye tylte[Pg 37] done by xviij. lordes and knyghtes where was broken many speares valyauntly: but some of their horses wolde nat come at their pleasure nere unto the tylte whiche was displeasure to some that there dyd ronne.

Thus endeth this tryumphe: Imprinted at London in Flete-strete by Wynkyn de Worde for Johan Goughe,


Cum Priuilegio.






[1] I believe the woodcut represents Henry VIII. although the horsecloth has a fleur de lys on it, and not the Tudor rose; probably Henry wore the fleur de lys in compliment to Francis.

[2] The title of the Second Edition is as follows:—

The Maner of the
Tryumphe at Caleys and Bulleyn.
The second pryntyge with more addicions as it was
done in dede.

Cum Priuilegio Regali.

[3] In the Museum copy are two MS. Latin lines:

“Congressus lector fuma et fœdera Regum
Et quas vix credas pretiosas perlege pompas.”

[4] In the Second Edition, the text begins with:

“The names of the noble men of Fraunce.

Fyrst the frensshe Kynge.[A]
The kynge of Nauerne.[B]
The Dolphyn Duke of Brytayne Frauncys.
The duke of Orlyaunce Henry.
The duke of Angoulesme Charles.
The duke of Vendosme Charles.
The duke of Guyse.[C]
The duke of Longouille.[D]
The cardynall of Burbon.
The cardynall of Lorrayne.[E]
The legate and cardynall chaunceler of Fraunce Antony de prayt.[F]
The cardynal tournon.[G]
The cardynal gramond.[H]
The marques of Lorayne de pont.
The marques of Rochelyne.
The two sonnes of the duke of Uendosme.
The sone of the duke of Guyse conte damualle.[I]
The conte of saynt Poule Frauncys de Burbon.
The conte of Neuers.
The conute[J] Loys de Neuers conte danseore.
The lorde marshall seigneur de Floraynge.
The lorde myrepois marshall de la foy.[K]
The conte de porsean.
The conte de bresne.
The conte de tonnore.[L]
The conte de sensare.
The conte de grant pre.
The conte d’apremont.
The lorde greate mayster Anne de momerancy.[M]
The lorde admarald Philyp Schabbot.[N]
The lorde grand esquyer Galliot.
The prynce of molse.
The conte de tande.[O]
The conte de villars.[P]
The conte de estampes Johan de la berre.[Q]
The conte de chambre.[R]
The lorde canamples.
The lorde barbeluiez.
The lorde hummeres.[S]
The lorde roche piot.
The lorde of saynt Andrews.
The lorde montigeu.
The lorde roche guyon.
The lorde piennes.
The lorde pontremy.
Monsieur de longe.
Monsieur de belley.[T]
The archebysshop of Roan.
The archebysshop of Vienne.
The bysshop of Lyseures.
The bysshop of Langres.
The bysshop of Charttres.
The bysshop of Lymoges.
The bysshop of beauuoys.
The bysshop of Auuergne.
The bysshop of Macon.
The bysshop of Castres.
The bysshop of Paris.
The bysshop of Angoulesme.

And as concernynge the nobles and ryall states of this realme it nedeth not to expresse by name.

[A] Francis I.

[B] Henry d’Albret, King of Navarre.

[C] Claude de Lorraine, first duke of Guise.

[D] The duke de Longueville.

[E] Jean de Lorraine, brother of the duke de Guise.

[F] Antoine Duprat had been tutor to Francis I. He must have been an old man at this time, for he died in 1535 at the age of 72.

[G] Of François de Tournon, de Thou says: “Homme d’une prudence, d’une habilete pour les affaires, et d’un amour pour sa patrie, presque au-dessus de tout ce qu’on peut poser.” He died in 1562.

[H] Gabriel, Cardinal de Grammont, was the last of the male line of this celebrated family. His sister married into the family of AURE, which then took the name and arms the de Grammonts.

[I] D’Aumale.

[J] Sic.

[K] A descendant of Guy de Levis, who was elected marshall of the Crusaders who marched against the Albigenses; hence his successors were all called Marechaux de la Foi. He received the lands of Mirepoix, in Languedoc, in return for his services. The family became very illustrious, and we refer readers who have the time and patience to study a very curious piece of history, to the writings of Cartier and Lognac.

[L] The Comte de Tonnerre.

[M] He began life as page to Francis I., became Constable of France in 1538, and died at the age of 74, at the battle of St Denis, killed, it is said, by a Scotsman named Stuart.

[N] Phillipe Chabot, Seigneur de Brion, in Poitou, a great protégé of the celebrated Duchesse d’Etampes.

[O] This is undoubtedly Honorat, son of Villars, Comte de Tende, natural son of Philip, duke of Savoy. Villars had been killed at Pavia in 1525. Honorat’s daughter married the great duke de Mayenne.

[P] André de Brancas, comte de Villars.

[Q] Jean de Berri, comte d’Etampes.

[R] ? Chambéry.

[S] Probably Henry de Crévant d’Humières, ancestor of the celebrated marechal d’Humières.

[T] Probably Martin du Bellay, prince d’Yvetot.

[5] Knights.

[6] The Second Edition omits: “and.”

[7] Persons.

[8] The Second Edition inserts: “At ye metyng of these two noble kynges there were sacres and sacrettes cast of and at dyuerse flyghtes two kytes were beten downe which were sooryng in ye ayre wh such lyke pastyme whiche greatly pleased al the nobles on bothe partyes.”

[9] The Second Edition reads “persons” thus “psones.”

[10] The Second Edition has “a batayle ax.”

[11] The Second Edition inserts: “The tuysday beynge ye seconde day of hys there beyng the frenssh king gaue our kyng ryche apparayle wrought with nedle werke pyrled[U] wh golde in ye whiche lyke apparayle bothe ye kynges went to our lady chyrche in Bulleyn And at that time our kyng optayned release and lyberte of the frenssh kyng for all prysoners at that tyme beynge prisoners in Bulleyn. And in lykewyse dyd the frenssh kyng in Caleys of our kyng and mayster at his there beynge and optayned grace for all banysshed men whiche wolde make sute for theyr pardon. And to esteme ye rich trauerses[V] yt were in Bulleyn at our lady chyrche and in Caleys in our lady chyrche in lykewyse for bothe the kynges the riche ordynaunces and prouysyon for the same it is to moche for to wryte. And as for the greate chere” &c.

[U] Fringed.

[V] Low curtains.

[12] The Second Edition omits: “there.”

[13] Baggage.

[14] The Second Edition reads for: “And when they came to Calais” ... “And so commynge towarde Caleys the duke of Rychemonde accompanyed with bysshops and many other noble men that were not with the kyng at Bulleyn and all the kynges garde which were with all other meruaylously well horsed and trymde they stode in aplace appoynted in aray and good order in the way two mile out of Caleys where the frensshe kynge sholde come who saluted ye frensshe kynge with great honour in lyke maner as the kynge our mayster was saluted at Bulleyn with amykable and moost goodly salutacyons as euer was seen they were saluted wh great melody,” &c. &c.

[15] For “after noone” the Second Edition reads, “after onne.”

[16] The Second Edition reads “soup” for “souper.”

[17] Anne Boleyn.

[18] Lady Mary Boleyn.

[19] The Second Edition reads “passeth” for “passed.”

[20] Saint Michael.

[21] After “most falls” the Second Edition inserts, “And as concernynge ye haboundaunt and lyberal multytude of gyftes that were so louyngly and cordyally gyuen on bothe partyes (to the greate honour of bothe the kynges) my penne or capacit can not expresse it as well amonge the greate lordes as vnto the lowest yemen that bare ony offyce in eyther kynges hous and specially the kynges gyftes on both partyes alway rewarded the one lyke vnto ye other And all other gyftes was nothynge but ryche plate golde coyne and syluer was of no estymacyon beside raymentes horses geldynges fawcons beres dogges for the game with many other whiche were to moche to write. And upon ye xxix. day” &c.

[22] MS note: Q. Anne Bullen the second wife of K. Henry 8 was crowned at Westminster on Whitsonday the first of Iune Anno Domini MDXXXIII. This triumph is set forth at large in Stowes Chronicle.

[23] 1533.

[24] City companies.

[25] Displayed.

[26] Swift ships.

[27] Bedecked.

[28] “Sic.”

[29] French, “incontinent,” immediately.

[30] Sic.

[31] In the original copy, in the British Museum, the corner is torn off after the letter “r” but the three missing letters are of course “ich.”

[32] The missing letter is as evidently “s.”

[33] Gracechurch Street.

[34] Wife.

[35] Torn away.

[36] Idem.

[37] The posy is not given in the original.

[38] Collation.

[39] Whenever the five ports are mentioned in the original a curious contraction is used at the end of the word probably for “es.”

[40] Vestments.

[41] A misprint for adourned.



Text of Title Page

Wyfe unto the Most Noble Kynge Henry VIII.

Printed by Wynkyn de Worde, 1532-33.

Edited by
