The Project Gutenberg eBook of Practical High School Speller

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Title: Practical High School Speller

Compiler: Tobias O. Chew

Release date: May 9, 2010 [eBook #32309]

Language: English

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Norwood Press
J. S. Cushing Co.—Berwick & Smith Co.
Norwood, Mass., U.S.A.



[Pg v]


What are the words most commonly misspelled by the average high school pupil? In an endeavor to solve this problem, two thousand letters, with five postal cards in each, were sent to representative high schools in every state in the United States, requesting the heads of the various departments to report the words most commonly misspelled in their classes. From the many thousand replies, this text-book has been compiled.

The first word in Lesson I was sent in by seven hundred high school teachers; the other words in this lesson show, by their order, the frequency with which they appear in the replies. No word has been considered unless suggested by at least two teachers. This book, then, built on the judgment of those best qualified to know—the teachers themselves—contains only the words most frequently misspelled by the average high school pupil.

A simple phrase is placed after each word, illustrating its use, and serving to identify it better than would a short, abstract definition. The division of words into syllables with accent marks will be of great assistance to the pupil, should there be any question in his mind as to the correct pronunciation. The typography is based on the idea that it will be a great help to the pupil in visualizing the words if he sees them in script as well as in print.

March, 1914.

[Pg vii]


When the diphthongs ei and ie are pronounced [=e], c is followed by ei, all other letters by ie. Examples: ceiling, receive, siege, believe. Exceptions: leisure, seize, weird. The word slice will help pupils to remember this rule—i after l and e after c when applied to believe and receive.

Final y following a consonant changes to i before a suffix not beginning with i. Examples: busy, business; dry, dried. When the suffix begins with i, as in -ing and -ish, the y is retained to avoid having double i. Examples: try, trying; baby, babyish.

When the final y follows a vowel, the y is retained before a suffix. Examples: toy, toyed; betray, betrayed; annoy, annoyed.

To form the plural of words ending in y following a consonant change the y to i and add es. Examples: quantity, quantities; factory, factories.

When the final y follows a vowel, the y is retained and s added. Examples: journey, journeys; delay, delays; money, moneys.

Monosyllables and words accented on the last syllable, which end in a single consonant, following a single vowel, double the final consonant before a suffix beginning with a vowel. Examples: hot, hotter; begin, beginning. Exceptions: (1) gas, gases. (2) The letters w, x, and y are not doubled. Examples: show, showing; box, boxed; pay, paying.

In words not accented on the last syllable, the final consonant may or may not be doubled. Examples: traveler may be spelled traveller; canceled, cancelled; etc.

In words ending in unaccented e, the final e is dropped before a suffix beginning with a vowel. Examples: come, coming; glue, gluing; fine, finer. Exceptions: (1) The e is retained when it is necessary to preserve the identity of the word, as dyeing, singeing. (2) When the final e is preceded by o, as shoeing, hoeing. (3) After c and g when the suffix begins with a or o, as peace, peaceable; outrage, outrageous; courage, courageous.

[Pg 1]


{separate}sep´a-rate divisions
{receive}re-ceive´ the letter
{believe}be-lieve´ in God
{until}un-til´ next Monday
{there}there he comes
{their}their hats are new
{principle}prin´ci-ple of physics
{principal}prin´ci-pal parts of a verb
{business}bus´i-ness of the merchant
{parallel}par´al-lel lines
{disappoint}dis-ap-point´ us by going
{to}to go to town
{too}too many rules
{two}two dollars in cash
{necessary}nec´es-sa-ry food
{judgment}judg´ment of the court
{all right}all right, I shall come
{disappear}dis-ap-pear´ from sight
{grammar}gram´mar of the language
{privilege}priv´i-lege to vote
{beginning}be-gin´ning of the war
{government}gov´ern-ment by the people
{isosceles}i-sos´ce-les triangle
{laboratory}lab´o-ra-to-ry of the chemist
{finally}fi´nal-ly it ended

[Pg 2]


{coming}com´ing home
{seize}seize the opportunity
{similarly}sim´i-lar-ly made
{similar}sim´i-lar triangles
{Parliament}Par´li-a-ment of England
{occasion}oc-ca´sion for joy
{description}de-scrip´tion of the place
{writing}writ´ing with ink
{development}de-vel´op-ment of muscle
{homologous}ho-mol´o-gous figures
{precede}pre-cede´ us down the street
{recommend}rec-om-mend´ him for the work
{whether}wheth´er we go or stay
{coefficient}co-ef-fi´cient of the number
{hypotenuse}hy-pot´e-nuse of a triangle
{siege}siege of Troy
{immediately}im-me´di-ate-ly after
{already}al-read´y the sun is up
{forty}for´ty dollars a month
{fourth}fourth house on the street
{develop}de-vel´op the Kodak film
{together}to-geth´er at home
{chord}chord of a circle
{cord}cord of wood
{village}vil´lage blacksmith

[Pg 3]


{hypothesis}hy-poth´e-sis of a theorem
{truly}tru´ly yours
{accommodate}ac-com´mo-date your friends
{preparation}prep-a-ra´tion for war
{occurrence}oc-cur´rence of importance
{quiet}qui´et as a mouse
{quite}quite a different thing
{villain}vil´lain in the play
{vertical}ver´ti-cal lines
{February}Feb´ru-a-ry twenty-second
{angle}an´gle of a triangle
{angel}an´gel in heaven
{affect}af-fect´ steel by heating it
{effect}ef-fect´ of heat on steel
{balance}bal´ance the account
{equation}e-qua´tion in algebra
{professor}pro-fess´or of Latin
{stopped}stopped by a policeman
{lose}lose the money
{loose}loose the dog's chain
{losing}los´ing his grip
{complement}com´ple-ment of an angle
{compliment}com´pli-ment paid to the lady
{corollary}cor´ol-la-ry of the theorem
{which}which man was that

[Pg 4]


{usually}u´su-al-ly he walks to school
{oxygen}ox´y-gen in the air
{surprise}sur-prise´ party
{proceed}pro-ceed´ with the work
{quit}quit the job
{appearance}ap-pear´ance of the man
{quadrilateral}quad-ri-lat´er-al figure
{quantity}quan´ti-ty of sugar
{received}re-ceived´ payment
{theorem}the´o-rem in geometry
{acknowledgment}ac-knowl´edg-ment of my letter
{occurred}oc-curred´ to him suddenly
{conscience}con´science troubled him
{athletics}ath-let´ics in college
{bisector}bi-sect´or of an angle
{piece}piece of pie
{peace}peace on earth
{plain}plain features
{plane}plane geometry
{speech}speech in the Senate
{parallelogram}par-al-lel´o-gram of forces
{chauffeur}chauf-feur´ was reckless
{describe}de-scribe´ his features
{fulfil}ful-fil´ our promise
{participle}par´ti-ci-ple of the verb

[Pg 5]


{tragedy}trag´e-dy of Macbeth
{capital}cap´i-tal city of Texas
{capitol}cap´i-tol building
{committee}com-mit´tee meetings
{perpendicular}per-pen-dic´u-lar lines
{auxiliary}aux-il´i-a-ry verb
{accept}ac-cept´ my thanks
{except}ex-cept´ for this reason
{odor}o´dor of tobacco
{Mediterranean}Med-i-ter-ra´ne-an Sea
{polygon}pol´y-gon of seven sides
{superintendent}su-per-in-tend´ent of schools
{supersede}su-per-sede´ the old laws by new
{always}al´ways the same
{hoping}hop´ing all is well
{hopping}hop´ping on one foot
{opposite}op´po-site side of the street
{opposition}op-po-si´tion to the plan
{rhombus}rhom´bus in geometry
{parentheses}pa-ren´the-ses enclosed the phrase
{straight}straight lines of soldiers
{strait}strait of Bosporus
{definite}def´i-nite number
{gas}gas light is bright
{prejudice}prej´u-dice against him

[Pg 6]


{probably}prob´a-bly we shall go
{respectively}re-spec´tive-ly equal to each other
{respectfully}re-spect´ful-ly yours
{disease}dis-ease´ caused by germs
{decease}de-cease´ of a friend
{equivalent}e-quiv´a-lent equations
{height}height of the mountain
{refer}re-fer´ you to him
{referred}re-ferred´ to you
{referring}re-fer´ring to your letter
{soluble}sol´u-ble in water
{calendar}cal´en-dar for next year
{consul}con´sul at London
{council}coun´cil of war
{counsel}coun´sel is advice
{control}con-trol´ of the business
{led}led the way back
{lead}lead is a soft metal
{possession}pos-ses´sion of the island
{receipt}re-ceipt´ for payment
{simultaneous}sim-ul-ta´ne-ous equations
{written}writ´ten lesson
{benefit}ben´e-fit the health
{ninety}nine´ty per cent
{occasionally}oc-ca´sion-al-ly it rains

[Pg 7]


{supplementary}sup-ple-men´ta-ry angles
{Wednesday}Wednes´day morning
{genitive}gen´i-tive case
{independent}in-de-pend´ent country
{misspelled}mis-spelled´ the words
{sophomore}soph´o-more class
{busy}bus´y day at school
{meant}meant to do well
{ledger}ledg´er accounts
{polynomial}pol-y-no´mi-al of six terms
{pursue}pur-sue´ the game
{adjacent}ad-ja´cent angles
{attract}at-tract´ his attention
{Augustus}Au-gus´tus Cæsar
{comparative}com-par´a-tive degree
{difference}dif´fer-ence between two amounts
{friend}friend of ours
{frustum}frus´tum of the pyramid
{prairie}prai´rie dogs
{syntax}syn´tax of early Latin
{whose}whose house is this
{algebra}al´ge-bra is studied at school
{ammonia}am-mo´ni-a for cleaning
{embarrass}em-bar´rass us
{nickel}nick´el plated ware

[Pg 8]


{precipitate}pre-cip´i-tate a panic
{receivable}re-ceiv´a-ble accounts
{studying}stud´y-ing the lesson
{tariff}tar´iff bill of 1913
{nominative}nom´i-na-tive case
{expenses}ex-pen´ses were paid
{coincide}co-in-cide´ with his views
{apparatus}ap-pa-ra´tus for the experiment
{bicycle}bi´cy-cle riding
{dining}din´ing with friends
{decide}de-cide´ the question
{disappointed}dis-ap-point´ed candidate
{criticise}crit´i-cise the work
{eligible}el´i-gi-ble to enter
{hear}hear the music
{here}here they come
{intercept}in-ter-cept´ the letters
{herb}herb for medicinal use
{stationary}sta´tion-a-ry engine
{stationery}sta´tion-er-y for correspondence
{omitted}o-mit´ted the word
{radical}rad´i-cal views
{weird}weird tales by Poe
{temperature}tem´per-a-ture of 90 degrees
{equal}e´qual suffrage

[Pg 9]


{eighth}eighth day of the month
{syllable}syl´la-ble of a word
{shepherd}shep´herd of the flock
{quotient}quo´tient is the result in division
{planned}planned a long trip
{niece}niece and nephew
{homogeneous}ho-mo-ge´ne-ous substances
{governor}gov´ern-or of Michigan
{equilateral}e-qui-lat´er-al triangle
{attack}at-tack´ the city
{attacked}at-tacked´ by the enemy
{across}a-cross´ the ocean
{crystal}crys´tal of quartz
{cylinder}cyl´in-der of the engine
{absence}ab´sence from school
{diagonal}di-ag´o-nal of a square
{miscellaneous}mis-cel-la´ne-ous assortment
{interest}in´ter-est on the money
{commercial}com-mer´cial traveler
{cemetery}cem´e-ter-y lots
{mischievous}mis´chie-vous puppy
{resources}re-sour´ces of the bank
{twelfth}twelfth hour
{where}where has he gone
{reference}ref´er-ence to the book

[Pg 10]


{writer}writ´er of poetry
{write}write clearly
{right}right hand side
{rite}rite of the church
{prove}prove the theorem
{axiom}ax´i-om in geometry
{mortgage}mort´gage the farm
{dependent}de-pend´ent clause
{deceive}de-ceive´ the enemy
{Caesar}Cæ´sar crossed the Rubicon
{benefited}ben´e-fit-ed by exercise
{trapezoid}trap´e-zoid drawn on the board
{symmetrical}sym-met´ri-cal figure
{sincerely}sin-cere´ly yours
{rhythm}rhythm of music
{source}source of the river
{repetition}rep-e-ti´tion is monotonous
{religious}re-lig´ious services
{promissory}prom´is-so-ry notes
{possess}pos-sess´ the money
{weather}weath´er bureau
{persuade}per-suade´ him to go
{perhaps}per-haps´ I shall
{oblige}ob-lige´ me by going
{alcohol}al´co-hol lamp

[Pg 11]


{sovereign}sov´er-eign of England
{sovereignty}sov´er-eign-ty of our country
{antecedent}an-te-ce´dent of the pronoun
{allotment}al-lot´ment of the estate
{allotting}al-lot´ting the Indian lands
{treasurer}treas´ur-er of the society
{advise}ad-vise´ him to go
{advice}ad-vice´ is cheap
{accusative}ac-cu´sa-tive case of a noun
{dissolve}dis-solve´ the partnership
{convenient}con-ven´ient place
{experience}ex-pe´ri-ence is the best teacher
{infinitive}in-fin´i-tive form of a verb
{library}li´bra-ry books
{occur}oc-cur´ to one
{pleasant}pleas´ant occupation
{potato}po-ta´to salad
{practice}prac´tice makes perfect
{procedure}pro-ce´dure in court
{proportion}pro-por´tion of the money
{sentence}sen´tence for life
{supplement}sup´ple-ment of an angle
{vacuum}vac´u-um cleaner
{secretary}sec´re-ta-ry of state
{exaggerate}ex-ag´ger-ate the story

[Pg 12]


{vegetable}veg´e-ta-ble garden
{arc}arc of a circle
{ark}ark built by Noah
{analyze}an´a-lyze the sentence
{different}dif´fer-ent sizes
{crystallize}crys´tal-lize into snow
{chief}chief man of the city
{elimination}e-lim-i-na´tion of the unfit
{foreign}for´eign countries
{generally}gen´er-al-ly known
{guard}guard the treasure
{leisure}lei´sure moments
{license}li´cense to run an automobile
{rhomboid}rhom´boid figure in geometry
{tyranny}tyr´an-ny of the conqueror
{vertices}ver´ti-ces of the triangle
{commission}com-mis´sion form of government
{disappointment}dis-ap-point´ment is hard to bear
{abbreviate}ab-bre´vi-ate the word
{conscious}con´scious of her beauty
{color}col´or of the flower
{civilization}civ-i-li-za´tion of the Greeks
{chlorophyll}chlo´ro-phyll of the plant
{character}char´ac-ter of the man
{cavalry}cav´al-ry regiment

[Pg 13]


{belief}be-lief´ of the Christian
{enemies}en´e-mies of the nation
{especially}es-pe´ci-al-ly good
{existence}ex-ist´ence on earth
{gauge}gauge the distance
{honorable}hon´or-a-ble man
{lieutenant}lieu-ten´ant of the army
{literature}lit´er-a-ture and language
{necessity}ne-ces´si-ty made him work
{noticeable}no´tice-a-ble features
{occupation}oc-cu-pa´tion of farming
{Renaissance}Re-nais-sance´ Period
{specimen}spec´i-men of my writing
{successfully}suc-cess´ful-ly done
{thorough}thor´ough work
{through}through the window
{threw}threw a stone
{restaurant}res´tau-rant in the hotel
{off}off the track
{of}of good repute
{opportunity}op-por-tun´i-ty to play
{liability}li-a-bil´i-ty of the company
{liabilities}li-a-bil´i-ties to meet
{preceding}pre-ced´ing word
{reciprocal}re-cip´ro-cal benefits

[Pg 14]


{salable}sal´a-ble goods
{salary}sal´a-ry received for work
{sense}sense of hearing
{shining}shin´ing star
{succeed}suc-ceed´ in doing good
{success}suc-cess´ in the work
{secede}se-cede´ from the Union
{Fahrenheit}Fah´ren-heit thermometer
{address}ad-dress´ me in Chicago
{college}col´lege athletics
{circumstances}cir´cum-stan-ces alter cases
{choose}choose the best
{Henry}Hen´ry VIII of England
{physiology}phys-i-ol´o-gy is interesting
{apparent}ap-par´ent carelessness
{alligators}al´li-ga-tors live in Florida
{divisible}di-vi´si-ble numbers
{declension}de-clen´sion of the noun
{course}course of the river
{coarse}coarse and fine salt
{convenience}con-ven´ience of electric lights
{clothes}clothes do not make the man
{buried}bur´ied in the sand
{boundary}bound´a-ry line of Texas
{either}ei´ther man may go

[Pg 15]


{exceed}ex-ceed´ the speed limit
{know}know how to spell
{no}no boy should lie
{goddess}god´dess of Liberty
{medians}me´di-ans of a triangle
{planning}plan´ning to build the house
{phosphorus}phos´phor-us matches glow
{sufficient}suf-fi´cient reason for
{proportional}pro-por´tion-al quantities
{recognize}rec´og-nize the fact
{simile}sim´i-le and metaphor
{sure}sure of himself
{transferred}trans-ferred´ to another wagon
{Tuesday}Tues´day is ironing day
{efficiency}ef-fi´cien-cy of the machine
{ecstasy}ec´sta-sy of delight
{excel}ex-cel´ in feats of strength
{enemy}en´e-my of our country
{crystallization}crys-tal-li-za´tion of water
{dropped}dropped from a balloon
{criticism}crit´i-cism of his work
{conceive}con-ceive´ of any reason
{capillary}cap´il-la-ry attraction
{cancel}can´cel the debt
{besiege}be-siege´ the city

[Pg 16]


{zinc}zinc is a useful metal
{thoroughly}thor´ough-ly aroused
{therefore}there´fore he may not go
{rhyme}rhyme of the verses
{really}re´al-ly fresh eggs
{proprietor}pro-pri´e-tor of the hotel
{practical}prac´ti-cal application
{positive}pos´i-tive of the fact
{juice}juice of the fruit
{origin}or´i-gin of man
{segment}seg´ment of a line
{numerator}nu´mer-a-tor of a fraction
{measurement}meas´ure-ment of the distance
{integral}in´te-gral parts
{exponent}ex-po´nent of the number
{equiangular}e-qui-an´gu-lar triangles
{equally}e´qual-ly divided
{athlete}ath´lete in training
{acceptance}ac-cept´ance of the position
{achievement}a-chieve´ment of success
{agreement}a-gree´ment between the two
{arrangement}ar-range´ment of the furniture
{divide}di-vide´ the apple
{disappeared}dis-ap-peared´ in the distance
{despair}de-spair´ of the condemned

[Pg 17]


{descendants}de-scend´ants of Adam
{declarative}de-clar´a-tive sentence
{consciousness}con´scious-ness of power
{conscientious}con-sci-en´tious in all things
{Connecticut}Con-nect´i-cut River
{committed}com-mit´ted a serious crime
{chosen}cho´sen people
{till}till the soil
{barbarous}bar´ba-rous tribes of Africa
{symmetry}sym´met-ry of a circle
{specific}spe-cif´ic reasons
{sieve}sieve for sifting flour
{separation}sep-a-ra´tion of gold from silver
{relieve}re-lieve´ the tired sentry
{relief}re-lief´ expedition
{recommendation}rec-om-men-da´tion for the place
{Protestant}Prot´es-tant church
{prophecy}proph´e-cy of Elijah
{prophesy}proph´e-sy fair weather
{pneumatic}pneu-mat´ic tire
{pendulum}pen´du-lum of a clock
{paid}paid in full
{oscillation}os-cil-la´tion of a pendulum
{medieval}me-di-e´val history
{larvae}lar´væ of the fly

[Pg 18]


{indicative}in-dic´a-tive mode
{imperative}im-per´a-tive manner
{familiar}fa-mil´iar scenes
{essential}es-sen´tial to life
{aqueduct}aq´ue-duct for the city water
{atmosphere}at´mos-phere of the earth
{dyeing}dye´ing the cloth red
{dying}dy´ing gladiator
{disappearance}dis-ap-pear´ance of the snow
{destroy}de-stroy´ the walls
{desirable}de-sir´a-ble occupation
{cupboard}cup´board was bare
{custom}cus´tom of the country
{compel}com-pel´ him to study
{cereal}ce´re-al for breakfast
{serial}se´ri-al story
{ceiling}ceil´ing of the room
{sealing}seal´ing the jar of fruit
{cease}cease your noise
{carrying}car´ry-ing the load
{characteristics}char-ac-ter-is´tics of the man
{buoyancy}buoy´an-cy of water
{brief}brief tale of mystery
{bisect}bi-sect´ the line
{binomial}bi-no´mi-al theorem

[Pg 19]


{before}be-fore´ we go to sleep
{transitive}trans´i-tive verb
{women}wom´en wish to vote
{victuals}vict´uals to eat
{very}ver´y often late
{vengeance}venge´ance is mine
{thermometer}ther-mom´e-ter registered 0°
{synonym}syn´o-nym of the word
{surely}sure´ly he will not
{succeeded}suc-ceed´ed in finding work
{siphon}si´phon of soda
{scissors}scis´sors will cut
{science}sci´ence of medicine
{scene}scene of the tragedy
{safety}safe´ty valve on the engine
{rhetoric}rhet´o-ric is a useful study
{resistance}re-sist´ance to opposition
{representative}rep-re-sent´a-tive of our district
{religion}re-lig´ion of the Christians
{remember}re-mem´ber the Maine
{proteids}pro´te-ids build muscle
{preferred}pre-ferred´ to others
{plebeian}ple-be´ian people of Rome
{pistil}pis´til of a flower
{pistol}pis´tol was loaded

[Pg 20]


{perimeter}pe-rim´e-ter of a polygon
{omission}o-mis´sion of a letter
{occurring}oc-cur´ring to us
{neuter}neu´ter gender
{neither}nei´ther one may go
{monastery}mon´as-ter-y of the church
{merchandise}mer´chan-dise to sell
{lightning}light´ning conductor
{legible}leg´i-ble handwriting
{later}la´ter edition
{laid}laid upon the table
{knew}knew the meaning
{new}new hat for Easter
{heir}heir to the fortune
{forcible}for´ci-ble arguments
{excellent}ex´cel-lent reasons
{excellence}ex´cel-lence of the food
{equilibrium}e-qui-lib´ri-um was maintained
{equidistant}e-qui-dis´tant from two points
{accuracy}ac´cu-ra-cy of his addition
{accession}ac-ces´sion of property
{arithmetic}a-rith´me-tic and algebra
{any}an´y more apples
{many}man´y were called
{annual}an´nu-al election of officers

[Pg 21]


{analytic}an-a-lyt´ic geometry
{altar}al´tar in the church
{alter}al´ter the conditions
{advertise}ad´ver-tise in the magazines
{heinous}hei´nous crime
{nucleus}nu´cle-us of the collection
{Niagara}Ni-ag´a-ra Falls
{negotiability}ne-go-tia-bil´i-ty of the note
{negotiate}ne-go´ti-ate a loan
{negotiable}ne-go´tia-ble paper
{mucilage}mu´ci-lage on the envelope
{mischief}mis´chief afoot
{metaphor}met´a-phor in rhetoric
{mathematics}math-e-mat´ics requires study
{manual}man´u-al training
{erect}e-rect´ position of a soldier
{latter}lat´ter is opposed to former
{jealous}jeal´ous of his rival
{inventory}in´ven-to-ry of the goods
{indelible}in-del´i-ble ink for marking linen
{immigrant}im´mi-grant to America from Italy
{emigrant}em´i-grant from America to Italy
{imaginary}im-ag´i-na-ry ills
{hygiene}hy´gi-ene and health
{having}hav´ing a good time

[Pg 22]


{fundamental}fun-da-men´tal principles
{fulfilled}ful-filled´ his contract
{freight}freight cars were wrecked
{formerly}for´mer-ly he was rich
{financial}fi-nan´cial disaster
{feudal}feu´dal castles on the Rhine
{embarrassment} em-bar´rass-ment made her blush
{does}does he know
{doze}doze before the fireplace
{descent}de-scent´ of man
{descend}de-scend´ the ladder
{denominator}de-nom´i-na-tor of the fraction
{definition}def-i-ni´tion of the word
{defense}} defense of the city
{defendant}de-fend´ant in the law suit
{commensurable} com-men´su-ra-ble line-segments
{Christian}Chris´tian church
{changeable}change´a-ble weather
{careful}care´ful of her clothes
{campaign}cam-paign´ of the war
{masculine}mas´cu-line gender
{fictitious}fic-ti´tious names
{chargeable}charge´a-ble to the account
{bureau}bu´reau of information

[Pg 23]


{bookkeeping}book´keep-ing class
{Bible}Bi´ble study on Sunday
{beneficial}ben-e-fi´cial to the health
{base}base motives
{bass}bass voice
{electrolysis}e-lec-trol´y-sis of water
{tried}tried to do his work
{trial}tri´al by jury
{woman}wom´an and man
{those}those oranges are sweet
{thief}thief who stole
{suspense}sus-pense´ is terrible
{stomach}stom´ach holds food
{seized}seized the opportunity
{remittance}re-mit´tance by check
{proof}proof of his guilt
{probable}prob´a-ble showers
{pressure}pres´sure of the weight
{prefer}pre-fer´ an honest man
{pneumonia}pneu-mo´ni-a is dangerous
{perform}per-form´ the ceremony
{perspiration}per-spi-ra´tion from exercise
{peaceable}peace´a-ble nation
{paraffin}par´af-fin candles
{operation}op-er-a´tion for appendicitis

[Pg 24]


{omit}o-mit´ the word
{occupy}oc´cu-py a seat
{recollect}rec-ol-lect´ the incident
{suppose}sup-pose´ Mars is inhabited
{advertisement}ad-ver-tise´ment in the paper
{acknowledge}ac-knowl´edge the defeat
{author}au´thor of the story
{attendance}at-tend´ance at school
{assassination}as-sas-si-na´tion of Lincoln
{asked}asked for help
{ascend}as-cend´ the ladder
{article}ar´ti-cle in the paper
{Arthur}Ar´thur and his Round Table
{architecture}ar´chi-tec-ture of the Greeks
{arctic}arc´tic regions
{approximate}ap-prox´i-mate number
{appreciate}ap-pre´ci-ate your kindness
{Antarctic}Ant-arc´tic Ocean
{ancient}an´cient history
{altogether}al-to-geth´er the best
{allege}al-lege´ that he did it
{allegiance}al-le´giance to the king
{alkali}al´ka-li salt
{algebraic}al-ge-bra´ic equation
{agreeable}a-gree´a-ble companion

[Pg 25]


{aggregation}ag-gre-ga´tion of capital
{accepted}ac-cept´ed the gift
{oblique}ob-lique´ lines
{negative}neg´a-tive answer
{narrative}nar´ra-tive poem
{natural}nat´u-ral laws
{movable}mov´a-ble, not fixed
{mold}} mold the iron into a ball
mould on the bread
{minute}min´ute is 60 seconds
{massacre}mas´sa-cre of the Indians
{manufacture}man-u-fac´ture of cloth
{maintenance}main´te-nance of an army
{logarithms}log´a-rithms in mathematics
{linear}lin´e-ar measure
{lien}li´en on the property
{knight}knight templar
{intelligence}in-tel´li-gence of the man
{integer}in´te-ger or whole number
{incidence}in´ci-dence of a ray of light
{impossible}im-pos´si-ble to go
{imagination}im-ag-i-na´tion of the child
{horizontal}hor-i-zon´tal bars
{grateful}grate´ful for the help
{gases}gas´es from combustion

[Pg 26]


{feudalism}feu´dal-ism in old England
{feminine}fem´i-nine apparel
{fascinate}fas´ci-nate them with her charm
{expense}ex-pense´ of the journey
{emperor}em´per-or of India
{efflorescence}ef-flo-res´cence of the flowers
{ecclesiastical}ec-cle-si-as´ti-cal robes
{doesn't}does´n't he know
{diaphragm}di´a-phragm expansion
{countries}coun´tries of Europe
{metonymy}me-ton´y-my in rhetoric
{drowned}drowned in the lake
{discipline}dis´ci-pline in the school
{diphtheria}diph-the´ri-a is serious
{desert}des´ert of Sahara
{dessert}des-sert´ of strawberries
{Delaware}Del´a-ware River
{dialogue}di´a-logue between two boys
{counterfeit}coun´ter-feit dollar
{costume}cos´tume for the play
{consonant}con´so-nant of the alphabet
{conqueror}con´quer-or of the Romans
{confederacy}con-fed´er-a-cy of the states
{concern}con-cern´ yourself with his safety
{concede}con-cede´ the point

[Pg 27]


{complexion}com-plex´ion of the girl
{comparison}com-par´i-son of the two
{coherence}co-her´ence of the composition
{chattel}chat´tel mortgage
{catalogue}cat´a-logue of the library
{candidate}can´di-date for senator
{canceled}can´celed the note
{economic}ec-o-nom´ic value
{buoyant}buoy´ant spirits
{biscuit}bis´cuit for breakfast
{barometer}ba-rom´e-ter indicated a storm
{tries}tries to win the race
{variable}va´ri-a-ble winds
{usual}u´su-al occurrence
{tobacco}to-bac´co from Virginia
{though}though he spoke, no one heard
{surprised}sur-prised´ by the news
{superstitious}su-per-sti´tious persons
{successful}suc-cess´ful in the contest
{subtract}sub-tract´ 2 from 6
{partition}par-ti´tion between the rooms
{particular}par-tic´u-lar about his clothes
{secession}se-ces´sion of the South
{salaries}sal´a-ries paid to workers
{reservoir}res´er-voir full of water

[Pg 28]


{representation}rep-re-sen-ta´tion of the play
{difficulty}dif´fi-cul-ty of the lesson
{pulley}pul´ley wheel
{proceeded}pro-ceed´ed on his way
{perceive}per-ceive´ the fine points
{ostracism}os´tra-cism from society
{ostracise}os´tra-cise the undesirable
{abbreviation}ab-bre-vi-a´tion of the word
{accelerate}ac-cel´er-ate the speed
{boundaries}bound´a-ries of the country
{asparagus}as-par´a-gus served for dinner
{combustible}com-bus´ti-ble substances
{conciliation}con-cil-i-a´tion of the colonies
{decision}de-ci´sion of the judge
{declaration}dec-la-ra´tion of independence
{especial}es-pe´cial brand of goods
{extremities}ex-trem´i-ties of the body
{fertile}fer´tile soil of Kansas
{genius}gen´ius of Edison
{hydrochloric}hy-dro-chlo´ric acid
{inseparable}in-sep´a-ra-ble friends
{jeopardy}jeop´ard-y of his life
{knowledge}knowl´edge is power
{liquefy}liq´ue-fy the air
{mileage}mile´age tickets

[Pg 29]


{nuisance}nui´sance to be prohibited
{original}o-rig´i-nal manuscript
{parasite}par´a-site on the plant
{quantities}quan´ti-ties of sand on the shore
{ridiculous}ri-dic´u-lous actions
{particle}par´ti-cle of gold
{territory}ter´ri-to-ry of Alaska
{accompaniment}ac-com´pa-ni-ment on the piano
{concentric}con-cen´tric circles
{collateral}col-lat´er-al for the loan
{constitution}con-sti-tu´tion of the United States
{column}col´umn of soldiers
{deficit}def´i-cit in the funds
{ellipse}el-lipse´ in geometry
{eliminate}e-lim´i-nate the bad
{guardian}guard´i-an angel
{hereditary}he-red´i-ta-ry characteristics
{interrogative}in-ter-rog´a-tive sentence
{jealousy}jeal´ous-y of a lover
{marriage}mar´riage ceremony
{ninetieth}nine´ti-eth year
{participial}par-ti-cip´i-al phrase
{paragraph}par´a-graph of a story
{psychology}psy-chol´o-gy is a science
{precedent}prec´e-dent was established

[Pg 30]


{reconcile}rec´on-cile the quarreling
{schedule}sched´ule of the races
{significance}sig-nif´i-cance of the remark
{skilful}skil´ful worker
{because}be-cause´ he came
{botany}bot´a-ny tells about plants
{conjugate}con´ju-gate the verb
{continually}con-tin´u-al-ly complaining
{chlorine}chlo´rine gas
{deleble}del´e-ble ink may be erased
{frolicking}frol´ick-ing children
{didn't}did´n't know how
{dimensions}di-men´sions of the room
{emphasize}em´pha-size its importance
{identity}i-den´ti-ty of the injured man
{illustrate}il-lus´trate the book
{phenomenal}phe-nom´e-nal escape
{innocence}in´no-cence of a babe
{society}so-ci´e-ty people
{solemn}sol´emn as a judge
{stopping}stop´ping the quarrel
{vapor}va´por from the water
{veteran}vet´er-an of the Civil War
{warrior}war´rior bold
{acquiesce}ac-qui-esce´ in the plan

[Pg 31]


{were}were you there
{we're}we're not going
{acquaintance}ac-quaint´ance with many persons
{certainly}cer´tain-ly he will come
{chimney}chim´ney on the house
{courteous}cour´te-ous manner
{disagree}dis-a-gree´ with each other
{emphasis}em´pha-sis on the first syllable
{efficient}ef-fi´cient bookkeeper
{erroneous}er-ro´ne-ous statement
{imagine}im-ag´ine a world without water
{mercantile}mer´can-tile trade
{numerical}nu-mer´i-cal quantity
{irrepressible}ir-re-press´i-ble child
{quarrel}quar´rel over money
{ratio}ra´tio of 2 to 3
{rinse}rinse the dishes
{traveling}trav´el-ing man
{villages}vil´lages along the railroad
{whole}whole numbers
{hole}hole in the wall
{wholly}whol´ly to blame
{holy}ho´ly Bible
{admirable}ad´mir-a-ble conduct
{admissible}ad-mis´si-ble evidence

[Pg 32]


{correspond}cor-re-spond´ with each other
{captain}cap´tain of the boat
{dissimilar}dis-sim´i-lar objects
{division}di-vi´sion of the estate
{evaporate}e-vap´o-rate the water
{guarantee}guar-an-tee´ the goods
{history}his´to-ry of America
{interpret}in-ter´pret the message
{mercury}mer´cu-ry in the thermometer
{nonsense}non´sense rhyme
{presence}pres´ence of mind
{presents}pres´ents given at Christmas
{reign}reign of the king
{rain}rain was falling
{rein}rein for driving the horse
{review}re-view´ the parade
{studied}stud´ied the lesson
{subtend}sub-tend´ an angle
{common}com´mon law
{carefully}care´ful-ly prepared
{complete}com-plete´ story
{drooped}drooped and wilted
{holiday}hol´i-day on July Fourth
{indefinite}in-def´i-nite report
{interior}in-te´ri-or of the building

[Pg 33]


{nineteen}nine´teen dollars
{ninth}ninth day of the month
{profession}pro-fes´sion of law
{pyramids}pyr´a-mids of Egypt
{possessive}pos-ses´sive case
{phrase}phrase of a sentence
{phase}phase of the subject
{quarantine}quar´an-tine station
{quantitative}quan´ti-ta-tive analysis
{quarter}quar´ter of a dollar
{entrance}en´trance to the hall
{running}run´ning the race
{sulphur}sul´phur matches
{swimming}swim´ming in the lake
{traffic}traf´fic of the road
{tolerance}tol´er-ance of the government
{unnecessary}un-nec´es-sa-ry work
{wrapped}wrapped in a blanket
{anxious}anx´ious moments
{abscess}ab´scess in the ear
{bankruptcy}bank´rupt-cy of the firm
{crystalline}crys´tal-line lens of the eye
{communicate}com-mu´ni-cate with him
{courtesy}cour´te-sy of the official
{dilapidated}di-lap´i-da-ted house

[Pg 34]


{dyspepsia}dys-pep´si-a tablets
{effervescence}ef-fer-ves´cence of soda water
{electricity}e-lec-tric´i-ty for power
{eccentric}ec-cen´tric person
{grieve}grieve over misfortune
{gaseous}gas´e-ous mixture
{geometry}ge-om´e-try is studied in school
{initiatory}in-i´ti-a-to-ry ceremony
{inconvenience}in-con-ven´ience of the plans
{influential}in-flu-en´tial man
{inaugurate}in-au´gu-rate the president
{journal}jour´nal for bookkeeping
{librarian}li-bra´ri-an of the city library
{miracle}mir´a-cle of the loaves and fishes
{malleability}mal-le-a-bil´i-ty of gold
{partner}part´ner in the business
{passed}passed by the house
{past}past and gone
{sociable}so´cia-ble person
{synecdoche}syn-ec´do-che in rhetoric
{statistics}sta-tis´tics of the army
{valleys}val´leys between the mountains
{arithmetical}ar-ith-met´i-cal progression
{alimentary}al-i-men´ta-ry canal
{amateur}am´a-teur theatricals

[Pg 35]


{acquainted}ac-quain´ted with the man
{account}ac-count´ for the loss
{alliances}al-li´an-ces of the government
{abdomen}ab-do´men contains the intestines
{accompanying}ac-com´pa-ny-ing the singer
{balanced}bal´anced the account
{conceal}con-ceal´ his identity
{cession}ces´sion of the property
{session}ses´sion of Congress
{civilize}civ´i-lize the savages
{contemporary}con-tem´po-ra-ry authors
{discussion}dis-cus´sion of the question
{emanates}em´a-nates from the sun
{embezzlement}em-bez´zle-ment of the money
{fiery}fier´y horse
{grievance}griev´ance of the boy
{general}gen´er-al knowledge
{illegible}il-leg´i-ble handwriting
{imagery}im´age-ry of poetry
{immense}im-mense´ building
{kerosene}ker´o-sene oil
{lying}ly´ing is contemptible
{literal}lit´er-al meaning
{lilies}lil´ies of the field
{mechanical}me-chan´i-cal engineer

[Pg 36]


{material}ma-te´ri-al of good quality
{partially}par´tial-ly successful
{physician}phy-si´cian in the hospital
{sympathize}sym´pa-thize with the unfortunate
{syllogism}syl´lo-gism of his reasoning
{succession}suc-ces´sion of rainy days
{strategy}strat´e-gy of the general
{accumulate}ac-cu´mu-late savings
{advertising}ad-ver-tis´ing the goods
{affidavit}af-fi-da´vit of the facts
{again}a-gain´ and again he shouted
{beautiful}beau´ti-ful flowers
{bananas}ba-na´nas grow on trees
{balloon}bal-loon´ ascension
{coöperation}co-op-er-a´tion of the employees
{coördinate}co-or´di-nate clauses
{commence}com-mence´ the work
{diminish}di-min´ish the speed
{disagreeable}dis-a-gree´a-ble weather
{elementary}el-e-men´ta-ry text-book
{exercise}ex´er-cise the muscles
{finely}fine´ly engraved
{impel}im-pel´ the workers
{fusion}fu´sion of metals
{multiplicand}mul-ti-pli-cand´ of the example

[Pg 37]


{musician}mu-si´cian in the band
{making}ma´king the dress
{pronunciation}pro-nun-ci-a´tion of the word
{peculiar}pe-cul´iar habit
{irritable}ir´ri-ta-ble disposition
{people}peo´ple in the city
{specially}spe´cial-ly prepared
{serviceable}ser´vice-a-ble tools
{sergeant}ser´geant of the company
{vacancy}va´can-cy of the office
{confederate}con-fed´er-ate in the plot
{correspondence}cor-re-spond´ence between friends
{allies}al-lies´ of the army
{allusion}al-lu´sion to his past
{alternate}al´ter-nate to the convention
{amount}a-mount´ of the bill
{annually}an´nu-al-ly taxed
{apologize}a-pol´o-gize for your blunder
{architect}ar´chi-tect of the building
{breadth}breadth of the cloth
{break}break the bottle
{brake}brake to stop a wheel
{dissatisfy}dis-sat´is-fy the customer
{distillation}dis-til-la´tion of the liquid
{experiment}ex-per´i-ment in chemistry

[Pg 38]


{extreme}ex-treme´ weather
{vaccinate}vac´ci-nate for smallpox
{valuable}val´u-a-ble jewels
{unusual}un-u´su-al performance
{unite}u-nite´ the pair
{grievous}griev´ous disaster
{grandeur}gran´deur of the mountains
{osmosis}os-mo´sis in chemistry
{occasional}oc-ca´sion-al showers
{porous}por´ous filtering cup
{journalizing}jour´nal-i-zing in bookkeeping
{peninsula}pen-in´su-la of Florida
{projection}pro-jec´tion of a stairway
{independence}in-de-pend´ence of America
{indispensable}in-dis-pen´sa-ble tool
{itself}it-self´ alone
{separator}sep´a-ra-tor for cream
{seceded}se-ced´ed from the union
{gnashing}gnash´ing his teeth
{sphere}sphere on which we live
{spherical}spher´ic-al in shape
{square}square wooden box
{statement}state´ment of facts
{stooped}stooped to pick it up
{stretch}stretch the rubber

[Pg 39]


{subtrahend}sub´tra-hend to be subtracted
{suspicious}sus-pi´cious character
{competent}com´pe-tent workman
{chocolate}choc´o-late candy
{crisis}cri´sis of the war
{conquer}con´quer the enemy
{circle}cir´cle around the moon
{center}cen´ter of gravity
{assassinate}as-sas´sin-ate the tyrant
{attorney}at-tor´ney for the defense
{avoirdupois}av-oir-du-pois´ weight
{autumn}au´tumn leaves
{disciple}dis-ci´ple of Christ
{diameter}di-am´e-ter of a circle
{divisor}di-vi´sor of the number
{diamond}di´a-mond ring
{deposit}de-pos´it the money
{decisive}de-ci´sive battle
{energy}en´er-gy from the sun's heat
{essay}es´say by Emerson
{every}eve´ry child likes candy
{warrant}war´rant for his arrest
{wield}wield the weapon
{verified}ver´i-fied the answer
{yield}yield not to temptation

[Pg 40]


{alliteration}al-lit-er-a´tion in the poem
{acceleration}ac-cel-er-a´tion of the speed
{accidentally}ac-ci-den´tal-ly injured
{accrued}ac-crued´ interest
{apartment}a-part´ment house
{apparel}ap-par´el for wearing
{approach}ap-proach´ of the enemy
{acoustics}a-cous´tics of the hall
{advisable}ad-vis´a-ble to be careful
{brigadier}brig-a-dier´ general
{bulletin}bul´le-tin board
{blamable}bla´ma-ble for the accident
{bilious}bil´ious fever
{boulder}boul´der in the field
{bolder}bold´er than a lion
{chemical}chem´i-cal reaction
{customary}cus´tom-a-ry ceremony
{centrifugal}cen-trif´u-gal force
{cancelation}can-cel-a´tion of the debt
{courtier}court´ier of King James
{congruent}con´gru-ent parts
{curiosity}cu-ri-os´i-ty shop
{complimentary}com-pli-men´ta-ry remark
{complementary}com-ple-men´ta-ry angles
{constitutional}con-sti-tu´tion-al government

[Pg 41]


{condensing}con-dens´ing the milk
{conceived}con-ceived´ the plan
{commit}com-mit´ a crime
{deficiency}de-fi´cien-cy in his studies
{decorated}dec´o-ra-ted the building
{definitely}def´i-nite-ly understood
{demonstrative}de-mon´stra-tive pronoun
{dependence}de-pend´ence on others
{dependents}de-pend´ents of the estate
{depository}de-pos´i-to-ry for goods
{expedition}ex-pe-di´tion to the North Pole
{esophagus}} e-soph´a-gus leads to the stomach
{equilibrant}e-qui-li´brant forces
{elasticity}el-as-tic´i-ty of rubber
{electoral}e-lec´tor-al vote
{endeavor}en-deav´or to do good
{indorsement}} in-dorse´ment of the note
{edible}ed´i-ble mushroom
{entry}en´try in the books
{entries}en´tries in the books
{explanation}ex-pla-na´tion of the meaning
{extraordinary} ex-traor´di-na-ry circumstances
{extremely}ex-treme´ly beautiful

[Pg 42]


{enough}e-nough´ money to buy it
{envelope}en´vel-ope was sealed
{envelop}en-vel´op with a wrapper
{faucet}fau´cet for cold water
{facet}fac´et cut on the diamond
{fuchsia}fuch´sia growing in the garden
{fatigue}fa-tigue´ after a long walk
{guaranty}guar´an-ty bond
{hyperbole}hy-per´bo-le of speech
{handkerchief}hand´ker-chief in his pocket
{invisible}in-vis´i-ble enemy
{infallible}in-fal´li-ble judgment
{immigration}im-mi-gra´tion into America
{emigration}em-i-gra´tion from Germany
{irresistible}ir-re-sist´i-ble force
{friction}fric´tion of the wheels
{foundry}foun´dry for making boilers
{judiciary}ju-di´ci-a-ry powers
{legislature}leg´is-la-ture of the state
{lodgment}lodg´ment of a complaint
{length}length of the cloth
{meridian}me-rid´i-an of Greenwich
{malleable}mal´le-a-ble metal
{maritime}mar´i-time city
{hypocrisy}hy-poc´ri-sy of the faker

[Pg 43]


{monkeys}mon´keys in the cage
{moraine}mo-raine´ formed by a glacier
{neutral}neu´tral country
{valid}val´id excuse
{seizing}seiz´ing the opportunity
{sculpture}sculp´ture in the art museum
{sculptor}sculp´tor of the statue
{scalene}sca-lene´ triangle
{sensitive}sen´si-tive nerve
{sensible}sen´si-ble remark
{reciprocity}rec-i-proc´i-ty with Canada
{respiratory}re-spir´a-to-ry organs
{philosopher}phi-los´o-pher Plato
{philosophy}phi-los´o-phy of Socrates
{melon}mel´on growing on a vine
{pronounceable}pro-nounce´a-ble word
{peaceably}peace´a-bly resting
{peculiarly}pe-cul´iar-ly arranged
{permissible}per-mis´si-ble action
{propitious}pro-pi´tious circumstances
{possibility}pos-si-bil´i-ty of success
{postulate}pos´tu-late needs no proof
{alphabet}al´pha-bet of 26 letters
{ambitious}am-bi´tious young man
{ancestors}an´ces-tors of noble birth

[Pg 44]


{capacity}ca-pac´i-ty of the car
{lacquered}lac´quered box from Japan
{consecutive}con-sec´u-tive numbers
{competitor}com-pet´i-tor in business
{crustacea}crus-ta´ce-a include lobsters
{chronicle}chron´i-cle of events
{environment}en-vi´ron-ment of the child
{epitaph}ep´i-taph on the tomb
{equipped}e-quipped´ for the voyage
{essence}es´sence of lemon
{exaggeration}ex-ag-ger-a´tion of the truth
{excitement}ex-cite´ment of the game
{icicle}i´ci-cle hanging on the eaves
{indorse}in-dorse´ the note
{imminent}im´mi-nent danger
{identical}i-den´ti-cal results
{infinite}in´fi-nite time and space
{motor}mo´tor boat on the river
{mountain}moun´tain peak
{multiple}mul´ti-ple of the number
{temperament}tem´per-a-ment of the artist
{transferring}trans-fer´ring the baggage
{trapezium}tra-pe´zi-um has four sides
{treacherous}treach´er-ous wild beasts
{treachery}treach´er-y of his friend

[Pg 45]


{tonnage}ton´nage of the boat
{stratagem}strat´a-gem of the general
{superstition}su-per-sti´tion of the ignorant
{souvenir}sou-ve-nir´ of the occasion
{separable}sep´a-ra-ble parts
{preceded}pre-ce´ded by an escort
{permanent}per´ma-nent fixture
{pertain}per-tain´ to youth
{potassium}po-tas´si-um is an element
{porcelain}porce´lain dish
{pioneer}pi-o-neer´ of America
{plateau}pla-teau´ of Colorado
{annihilated}an-ni´hi-la-ted by the enemy
{amenable}a-me´na-ble to reason
{artisans}ar´ti-sans did the work
{ascertain}as-cer-tain´ his meaning
{assistant}as-sist´ant of the superintendent
{conversely}con-verse´ly stated
{confectionery}con-fec´tion-er-y shop
{coastal}coast´al plain of California
{colonization}col-o-ni-za´tion of America
{censure}cen´sure the bad boy
{censor}cen´sor of the news
{chieftain}chief´tain of the tribe
{despise}de-spise´ a falsehood

[Pg 46]


{excommunication}ex-com-mu-ni-ca´tion by the Pope
{exhort}ex-hort´ the mob
{expect}ex-pect´ to be elected
{infinity}in-fin´i-ty of space and time
{mutiny}mu´ti-ny of the sailors
{mutually}mu´tu-al-ly agreeable
{mysterious}mys-te´ri-ous stranger
{turbine}tur´bine engine
{typewriter}type´wri-ter for business letters
{trigonometry}trig-o-nom´e-try used in surveying
{technical}tech´ni-cal school
{separately}sep´a-rate-ly packed
{strength}strength of a giant
{solder}sold´er the tin kettle
{soldier}sol´dier of the army
{subjunctive}sub-junc´tive mode
{substitution}sub-sti-tu´tion of a poorer quality
{responsible}re-spon´si-ble for the accident
{receipted}re-ceipt´ed the bill
{receiver}re-ceiv´er for the company
{pleasure}pleas´ure of skating
{plural}plu´ral noun
{assume}as-sume´ the responsibility
{authority}au-thor´i-ty of the law
{awkward}awk´ward and bashful lad

[Pg 47]


{axillary}ax´il-la-ry bud
{alien}a´lien residents
{abridgment}a-bridg´ment of the dictionary
{abundance}a-bun´dance of hair
{abyss}a-byss´ was deep
{accessible}ac-ces´si-ble place
{bouquet}bou-quet´ of flowers
{burglar}bur´glar robbed the house
{busily}bus´i-ly engaged in work
{begin}be-gin´ to move faster
{bear}bear the burden (also animal)
{bare}bare hands and feet
{conjugation}con-ju-ga´tion of a verb
{controlled}con-trolled´ the company
{cathedral}ca-the´dral at Milan
{climbed}climbed the stairs
{compromise}com´pro-mise the dispute
{continue}con-tin´ue the quarrel
{corresponding}cor-re-spond´ing with him
{corporation}cor-po-ra´tion laws
{cotton}cot´ton from Texas
{circular}cir´cu-lar saw
{cipher}ci´pher the problem
{carriage}car´riage for hire
{consensus}con-sen´sus of opinion

[Pg 48]


{codicil}cod´i-cil to the will
{dilemma}di-lem´ma of the culprit
{direct}di-rect´ communication
{dissension}dis-sen´sion in the party
{divine}di-vine´ power
{dose}dose of medicine
{dubious}du´bi-ous as to the result
{decimal}dec´i-mal fractions
{debt}debt was paid
{elephant}el´e-phant hunt in Africa
{expel}ex-pel´ the pupil
{effective}ef-fec´tive laws
{easement}ease´ment of the pain
{enclose}} en-close´ a dollar bill
{erosion}e-ro´sion of the rocks
{eraser}e-ra´ser on a pencil
{error}er´ror in the figuring
{euphony}eu´pho-ny of the language
{employment}em-ploy´ment agency
{fertilize}fer´til-ize the soil
{financier}fin-an-cier´ in Wall Street
{forfeit}for´feit the money
{foreigner}for´eign-er just landed
{franchise}fran´chise for women

[Pg 49]


{fumigate}fu´mi-gate the sick-room
{formally}for´mal-ly announced
{fierce}fierce lions and tigers
{gymnasium}gym-na´si-um exercise
{glacier}glac´i-er on the coast of Alaska
{geography}ge-og´ra-phy lesson
{group}group of children
{harass}har´ass the captive
{hexagon}hex´a-gon has six sides
{haven't}have´n't you gone
{honor}hon´or of a gentleman
{hoped}hoped all was well
{hopped}hopped like a toad
{hundredth}hun´dredth part of an inch
{humorous}hu´mor-ous remark
{hurrying}hur´ry-ing to catch the train
{heresy}her´e-sy among the Lollards
{inflammable}in-flam´ma-ble material
{initiate}in-i´ti-ate the candidate
{initials}in-i´tials of his name
{instructor}in-struct´or of mathematics
{interference}in-ter-fer´ence of his friend
{inversely}in-verse´ly proportional
{itemize}i´tem-ize the account
{labeled}la´beled the bottles

[Pg 50]


{materially}ma-te´ri-al-ly changed
{mechanics}me-chan´ics in the factory
{memorandum}mem-o-ran´dum of engagements
{metamorphosis}met-a-mor´pho-sis of the butterfly
{militia}mi-li´tia of the state
{millinery}mil´li-ner-y department
{mackerel}mack´er-el fishing
{manufacturing}man-u-fac´tur-ing shoes
{nomination}nom-i-na´tion of the president
{noticing}no´tic-ing details
{notion}no´tion in her head
{grotesque}gro-tesque´ appearance
{organization}or-gan-i-za´tion of a society
{oxidize}ox´i-dize the metal
{obedience}o-be´di-ence of the child
{opinion}o-pin´ion on the subject
{offered}of´fered his arm
{only}on´ly one remained
{wealthy}wealth´y capitalist
{witch}witch in the fairy tale
{humidity}hu-mid´i-ty of the atmosphere
{woolly}wool´ly lamb
{vicinity}vi-cin´i-ty of the park
{vicissitude}vi-cis´si-tude of the explorer
{vitriol}vit´ri-ol burns like fire

[Pg 51]


{voice}voice of the singer
{volcano}vol-ca´no in eruption
{volcanoes}vol-ca´noes of the Pacific coast
{volume}vol´ume of the tank
{poison}poi´son the rat
{policy}pol´i-cy of the party
{prepare}pre-pare´ for war
{preposition}prep-o-si´tion and its object
{primer}prim´er of the language
{prism}prism of glass
{process}proc´ess of making steel
{pavilion}pa-vil´ion for a band concert
{percussion}per-cus´sion of the blow
{porch}porch on the house
{relative}rel´a-tive pronoun
{relieved}re-lieved´ of his pain
{reefer}reef´er to wear in winter
{subtle}sub´tle remark
{subtraction}sub-trac´tion of the numbers
{sugar}sug´ar is sweet
{summary}sum´ma-ry of the chapter
{statue}stat´ue of Liberty
{statute}stat´ute of the commonwealth
{special}spe´cial permission
{solutions}so-lu´tions of the problems

[Pg 52]


{sketch}sketch the beautiful scene
{shipped}shipped the goods
{shriek}shriek of the wounded
{shown}shown the sights of the city
{serge}serge cloth for a suit
{surge}surge of the waves
{servant}ser´vant in the house
{superpose}su-per-pose´ the triangle
{sector}sec´tor of the angle
{trachea}tra´che-a duct into the lungs
{transversal}trans-ver´sal line
{temporary}tem´po-ra-ry building
{tendency}ten´den-cy of the times
{tomato}to-ma´to catsup
{trough}trough of water
{tenant}ten´ant of the estate
{thought}thought he could spell
{treasure}treas´ure in the sunken ship
{unanimous}u-nan´i-mous consent
{using}us´ing good English
{anhydrous}an-hy´drous substances have no water
{aborigines}ab-o-rig´i-nes of America
{argument}ar´gu-ment of the lawyer
{ascent}as-cent´ of the mountain
{anxiety}anx-i´e-ty of the mother

[Pg 53]


{absolute}ab´so-lute truth
{acetylene}a-cet´yl-ene gas-light
{crucifixion}cru-ci-fix´ion of Christ
{colossal}co-los´sal structure
{cylindrical}cy-lin´dri-cal tank
{courageous}cou-ra´geous fireman
{cotyledon}cot-y-le´don of the plant
{dactylic}dac-tyl´ic meter of verse
{diffusion}dif-fu´sion of sunlight
{erysipelas}er-y-sip´e-las proved fatal
{extravagance}ex-trav´a-gance of the rich
{facsimile}fac-sim´i-le of the signature
{familiarly}fa-mil´iar-ly known to him
{gradually}grad´u-al-ly the rock wore away
{generous}gen´er-ous gift
{geranium}ge-ra´ni-um in the garden
{gesture}ges´ture of the speaker
{hypocrite}hyp´o-crite in the church
{itinerant}i-tin´er-ant preacher
{intellectual}in-tel-lec´tu-al person
{irreparable}ir-rep´a-ra-ble loss
{instalment}in-stal´ment of the machine
{indict}in-dict´ the man for murder
{inauguration}in-au-gu-ra´tion of Wilson
{reimburse}re-im-burse´ his expenses

[Pg 54]


{inevitable}in-ev´i-ta-ble result
{ignorance}ig´no-rance of the subject
{longitudinal}lon-gi-tu´di-nal lines
{marvelous}mar´vel-ous escape
{maintain}main-tain´ a large establishment
{mortise}mor´tise the boards
{perseverance} per-se-ver´ance of the inventor
{phenomena}phe-nom´e-na of lightning
{propagation}prop-a-ga´tion of the species
{polyhedral} pol-y-he´dral figures in geometry
{rectilinear}rec-ti-lin´e-ar lines
{rhetorical}rhe-tor´i-cal speech
{rationalization}} ra-tion-al-i-za´tion of the equation
{rheumatism}rheu´ma-tism in his arm
{resuscitate}re-sus´ci-tate the drowned
{ache}ache in my tooth
{agrarian}a-gra´ri-an laws
{apostrophe} a-pos´tro-phe before the s
{applied}ap-plied´ the brakes
{appeal}ap-peal´ the case
{appalling}ap-pal´ling spectacle
{appositive}ap-pos´i-tive phrase
{appurtenance} ap-pur´te-nance of the machine
{approve}ap-prove´ his action

[Pg 55]


{corpuscle}cor´pus-cle of the blood
{continuity}con-ti-nu´i-ty of his arguments
{centigrade}cen´ti-grade thermometer
{contemptible}con-tempt´i-ble behavior
{inflammation}in-flam-ma´tion of the wound
{colonies}col´o-nies of Great Britain
{contemporaneous}con-tem-po-ra´ne-ous authors
{feign}feign or pretend sleep
{fertilizing}fer´til-iz-ing the soil
{fief}fief of feudal days
{hypnotize}hyp´no-tize the man
{illegal}il-le´gal sale of liquor
{evacuate}e-vac´u-ate the fort
{immersed}im-mersed´ the convert
{industrial}in-dus´tri-al center
{intelligent}in-tel´li-gent man
{inertia}in-er´tia of the mass
{influence}in´flu-ence of a mother
{lease}lease the house
{mandible}man´di-ble of the crawfish
{moccasin}moc´ca-sin worn by the Indian
{preference}pref´er-ence for money
{preliminary}pre-lim´i-na-ry examination
{pleurisy}pleu´ri-sy is a disease
{percolator}per´co-la-tor for making coffee

[Pg 56]


{nonchalant}non´cha-lant manner
{piercing}pier´cing shriek
{pollination}pol-li-na´tion of the flowers
{personification}per-son-i-fi-ca´tion of the sun
{precipice}prec´i-pice of rock
{primitive}prim´i-tive man
{prestige}pres-tige´ of high position
{possessor}pos-sess´or of a large fortune
{punctuation}punc-tu-a´tion of a sentence
{palette}pal´ette for the artist's paints
{palate}pal´ate back of the tongue
{practiced}prac´ticed his lesson
{vinculum}vin´cu-lum over the numbers
{veterinary}vet´er-i-na-ry surgeon
{resonance}res´o-nance of the organ
{revenue}rev´e-nue stamps
{reverence}rev´er-ence for old age
{reversible}re-vers´i-ble cuffs
{rescind}re-scind´ the order
{requirement}re-quire´ment for entrance
{radiate}ra´di-ate the heat
{relatively}rel´a-tive-ly speaking
{relevant}rel´e-vant to the subject
{pharynx}phar´ynx, part of alimentary canal
{reinforced}re-in-forced´ concrete

[Pg 57]


{tyrannical}ty-ran´ni-cal government
{technically}tech´ni-cal-ly speaking
{trinomial}tri-no´mi-al equation
{trousseau}trous-seau´ for the bride
{systematically}sys-tem-at´ic-al-ly arranged
{synthetic}syn-thet´ic rubies made in France
{syndicate}syn´di-cate with large capital
{synthesis}syn´the-sis is combination
{suburbs}sub´urbs of the city
{substitute}sub´sti-tute for the original
{stimulus}stim´u-lus to work
{parliamentary}par-lia-men´ta-ry law
{proprietary}pro-pri´et-a-ry rights
{solecisms}sol´e-cisms of speech
{soliloquy}so-lil´o-quy of Hamlet
{silhouette}sil-hou-ette´ against the screen
{scientific}sci-en-tif´ic treatment
{symbols}sym´bols used in chemistry
{accede}ac-cede´ to our request
{accessory}ac-ces´so-ry before the fact
{accident}ac´ci-dent on the railroad
{accomplish}ac-com´plish his purpose
{consummate}con-sum´mate his desire
{conspiracy}con-spir´a-cy against the king
{concurrent}con-cur´rent with the event

[Pg 58]


{concession}con-ces´sion of the government
{committal}com-mit´tal to jail
{commerce}com´merce between nations
{colleague}col´league in the faculty
{collector}col-lec´tor of bills
{dissociation}dis-so-ci-a´tion of ideas
{divisibility}di-vis-i-bil´i-ty of the number
{deceased}de-ceased´ husband
{decomposition}de-com-po-si´tion of matter
{encyclopedia}en-cy-clo-pe´di-a Britannica
{exhilarate}ex-hil´a-rate or enliven
{enforceable}en-force´a-ble by law
{electrolytic}e-lec-tro-lyt´ic apparatus
{ingredients}in-gre´di-ents of the mixture
{initiative}in-i´ti-a-tive and referendum
{insurrection}in-sur-rec´tion of the natives
{intersection}in-ter-sec´tion of the lines
{irrigation}ir-ri-ga´tion of the desert
{irascible}i-ras´ci-ble disposition
{martial}mar´tial music
{moreover}more-o´ver we must go
{minutiae}mi-nu´ti-ae of little consequence
{metallurgy}met´al-lur-gy studied in college
{mentally}men´tal-ly deficient
{changing}chang´ing her dress

[Pg 59]


{modern}mod´ern fashions
{possible}pos´si-ble to do it
{poplar}pop´lar tree
{popular}pop´u-lar song
{political}po-lit´i-cal speech
{peculiarity}pe-cu-li-ar´i-ty of the man
{papacy}pa´pa-cy at Rome
{paging}pag´ing the book
{physics}phys´ics studied in school
{ruffian}ruf´fi-an attacked him
{rectangle}rect´an-gle is a quadrilateral
{sandwiches}sand´wich-es made of ham
{sacrilegious}sac-ri-le´gious speech
{sacrilege}sac´ri-lege against the church
{sincere}sin-cere´ friend
{scheme}scheme to make money
{accustomed}ac-cus´tomed to hard work
{allegory}al´le-go-ry of "Pilgrim's Progress"
{allowed}al-lowed´ him his expenses
{ally}al-ly´ of the English
{assassin}as-sas´sin of McKinley
{assault}as-sault´ and battery
{ambassador}am-bas´sa-dor to France
{attention}at-ten´tion to the lesson
{aluminum}a-lu´mi-num cooking utensils

[Pg 60]


{acquisition}ac-qui-si´tion of the property
{pasteurized}pas´teur-ized milk
{coercion}co-er´cion by the Powers
{classicism}clas´si-cism of the poet
{chivalry}chiv´al-ry of the knight
{chiffonier}chif-fo-nier´ made of oak
{chaperon}chap´er-on the young couple
{modal}mo´dal form of verb
{model}mod´el of the machine
{catastrophe}cat-as´tro-phe on the railroad
{cashmere}cash´mere dress
{celery}cel´er-y for dinner
{catarrh}ca-tarrh´ of the throat
{determine}de-ter´mine his meaning
{discourage}dis-cour´age his efforts
{diagramming}di´a-gram-ming the sentence
{isolated}is´o-la-ted on an island
{lessee}les-see´ paid his rent
{legend}leg´end of "Sleepy Hollow"
{legion}le´gion of soldiers
{league}league of baseball teams
{moisture}mois´ture in the atmosphere
{molecules}mol´e-cules of elements
{monarchy}mon´arch-y ruled by a king
{machine}ma-chine´ for making shoes

[Pg 61]


{persecuted}per´se-cu-ted the Christians
{pieces}pie´ces of glass
{poured}poured the water
{picture}pic´ture of his home
{precise}pre-cise´ moment
{piazza}pi-az´za of the house
{petroleum}pe-tro´le-um cream
{patriotic}pa-tri-ot´ic citizen
{swords}swords for fighting
{sacrifice}sac´ri-fice his honor
{salmon}salm´on from the river
{salve}salve on the wound
{sapphire}sap´phire and diamond ring
{satisfactorily}sat-is-fac´to-ri-ly explained
{saving}sav´ing his money
{scarred}scarred in a fight for life
{scenery}sce´ner-y in Colorado
{scholar}schol´ar in the university
{achieve}a-chieve´ great renown
{annuity}an-nu´i-ty paid to him
{admitted}ad-mit´ted his guilt
{admittance}ad-mit´tance to the lodge
{acetic}a-cet´ic acid in the bottle
{academy}a-cad´e-my of science
{accountant}ac-count´ant to examine the books

[Pg 62]


{ability}a-bil´i-ty of the boy
{acute}a-cute´ angle
{beneficence}be-nef´i-cence of the gentleman
{barbarians}bar-ba´ri-ans of Africa
{cataract}cat´a-ract on the eye
{casually}cas´u-al-ly dropped a hint
{capillarity}cap-il-lar´i-ty of the soil
{calories}cal´or-ies of heat
{conduit}con´duit for underground wires
{campaigns}cam-paigns´ of Napoleon
{candor}can´dor of the honest man
{filaments}fil´a-ments of silk
{hygienic}hy-gi-en´ic exercise
{patriotism}pa´tri-ot-ism of the soldier
{performance}per-form´ance of the actors
{period}pe´ri-od after a sentence
{patience}pa´tience of the good mother
{scythe}scythe for cutting grass
{sigh}sigh of the weary
{secretaries}sec´re-tar-ies wrote reports
{section}sec´tion of the Pullman
{senate}sen´ate passed the bill
{sepals}sep´als of the flower
{liniment}lin´i-ment for a sprain
{lineament}lin´e-a-ment of the face

[Pg 63]


{adaptability}a-dapt-a-bil´i-ty to circumstances
{adjective}adj´ec-tive of quality
{aeroplane}a´er-o-plane accident
{advancement}ad-vance´ment to a good position
{admire}ad-mire´ the beautiful
{albumen}al-bu´men of the egg
{caloric}ca-lor´ic theory of heat
{cellar}cel´lar under the house
{centimeter}cen´ti-me-ter in length
{chemistry}chem´is-try studied at school
{chisel}chis´el for carpentering
{cinnamon}cin´na-mon flavor
{circuit}cir´cuit court in session
{coincident}co-in´ci-dent angles
{collars}col´lars of white linen
{commissioner}com-mis´sion-er of education
{community}com-mu´ni-ty in which he lives
{company}com´pa-ny of soldiers
{companies}com´pa-nies of soldiers
{disappointing}dis-ap-point´ing result
{discrepancy}dis-crep´an-cy in the accounts
{element}el´e-ment of danger
{equipment}e-quip´ment of the regiment
{geyser}gey´ser in Yellowstone Park
{hemorrhage}hem´or-rhage of the lungs

[Pg 64]


{isthmus}isth´mus of Panama
{oligarchy}ol´i-gar-chy in ancient Rome
{pores}pores of the skin
{liquefaction}liq-ue-fac´tion of ice
{vice versa}vice versa, that is, turned about
{villainy}vil´lain-y of the rascal
{recompense}rec´om-pense the faithful
{regions}re´gions of perpetual snow
{routes}routes of the travelers
{traceable}trace´a-ble lines
{treatise}trea´tise on art
{traveler}trav´el-er through Italy
{traitor}trai´tor to his country
{transpose}trans-pose´ the phrase
{several}sev´er-al years ago
{service}ser´vice in the army
{sheriff}sher´iff of the county
{shipment}ship´ment of the goods
{alkaline}al´ka-line solution
{analogous}a-nal´o-gous terms
{anarchy}an´arch-y against the government
{anoints}a-noints´ his head with oil
{answer}an´swer the question
{antiquity}an-tiq´ui-ty of the relic
{aristocrat}ar-is´to-crat by birth

[Pg 65]


{ascension}as-cen´sion of the balloon
{armor}ar´mor of the knight
{articles}ar´ti-cles for sale
{believing}be-liev´ing the story
{borough}bor´ough of Manhattan
{borrow}bor´row the money
{barrel}bar´rel of sugar
{compelled}com-pelled´ to resign
{competition}com-pe-ti´tion in business
{completely}com-plete´ly finished
{conceit}con-ceit´ of the boastful
{consequent}con´se-quent result
{consistency}con-sist´en-cy of the mixture
{contagious}con-ta´gious disease
{casualty}cas´u-al-ty insurance
{crevice}crev´ice in the rock
{covetous}cov´et-ous of his wealth
{discernment}dis-cern´ment of the wise
{dissatisfied}dis-sat´is-fied with his treatment
{dissenter}dis-sent´er in the church
{emigrate}em´i-grate from America
{immigrate}im´mi-grate to America
{following}fol´low-ing the crowd
{forbade}for-bade´ him to go
{granary}gran´a-ry for storing wheat

[Pg 66]


{grabbed}grabbed the money
{going}go´ing to sail
{ghost}ghost of Hamlet
{harmonically}har-mon´ic-al-ly composed
{irrational}ir-ra´tion-al statement
{irregular}ir-reg´u-lar proceedings
{journey}jour´ney to Mexico
{judicial}ju-di´cial decree
{manufacture}man-u-fac´tur-er of guns
{margin}mar´gin of the page
{merry}mer´ry Christmas
{marry}mar´ry the girl
{married}mar´ried in church
{necessitate}ne-ces´si-tate an explanation
{octagon}oc´ta-gon used in the design
{potential}po-ten´tial mode
{predecessor}pred-e-ces´sor in office
{presbytery}pres´by-ter-y in session
{visible}vis´i-ble to the naked eye
{radius}ra´di-us of a circle
{radii}ra´di-i of the circles
{raisins}rai´sins in the pudding
{recent}re'cent event
{remit}re-mit´ the money
{ferocious}fe-ro´cious animal

[Pg 67]


{sine}sine in trigonometry
{sign}sign of bad weather
{size}size of the barrel
{skeleton}skel´e-ton of a man
{social}so´cial gathering
{something}some´thing new
{stamens}sta´mens of the flowers
{parasitic}par-a-sit´ic plant
{around}a-round´ the world
{audience}au´di-ence with the Pope
{auricle}au´ri-cle of the heart
{awful}aw´ful disaster
{awfulness}aw´ful-ness of the murder
{axis}ax´is of the earth
{axle}ax´le of the wheel
{borne}borne on his shoulders
{brilliant}bril´liant display
{biology}bi-ol´o-gy of plants
{bookkeeper}book´keep-er in the store
{bluing}blu´ing the clothes
{bargain}bar´gain sale of hats
{breed}breed of chickens
{cousin}cous´in from the country
{census}cen´sus of the population
{coöperate}co-op´er-ate in the work

[Pg 68]


{cyclone}cy´clone cellar
{cycle}cy´cle of years
{cruise}cruise around the world
{crews}crews of the vessels
{cruelly}cru´el-ly treated
{credit}cred´it of the merchant
{crucible}cru´ci-ble for melting gold
{contents}con´tents of the bottle
{cabinet}cab´i-net officers
{civil}civ´il government
{central}cen´tral station
{catch}catch the fish
{cannot}can´not tell a lie
{comma}com´ma after the word
{coupon}cou´pon attached to the ticket
{copy}cop´y the words
{copied}cop´ied the words
{continental}con-ti-nen´tal troops
{coast}coast down the hill
{city}cit´y of New York
{cities}cit´ies and towns
{citizen}cit´i-zen of the United States
{dissipate}dis´si-pate a fortune
{dividend}div´i-dend paying stock
{don't}don't smoke cigarettes

[Pg 69]


{distillate}dis-til´late of the solution
{disguised}dis-guised´ as a soldier
{discovery}dis-cov´er-y of America
{duly}du´ly signed and witnessed
{Deity}De´i-ty to whom we pray
{dative}da´tive case
{resurrection}res-ur-rec´tion of the dead
{endorser}en-dor´ser of the note
{enormous}e-nor´mous profits
{enthusiasm}en-thu´si-asm of the students
{enterprise}en´ter-prise of the merchant
{exterior}ex-te´ri-or of the building
{epoch}ep´och in history
{executive}ex-ec´u-tive chamber
{earnest}ear´nest request
{forward}for´ward march
{formulae} for´mu-læ for the mixtures
{formula}for´mu-la for the mixture
{fulfilment}ful-fil´ment of his promise
{fuel}fu´el for the fire
{further}fur´ther discussion
{farther}far´ther away than Chicago
{ghastly}ghast´ly sight
{gnat}gnat buzzing about
{getting}get´ting something for nothing

[Pg 70]


{inoculation}in-oc-u-la´tion to prevent disease
{guess}guess the number
{gaiety}gai´e-ty of the crowd
{haughty}haugh´ty noble
{horizontally}hor-i-zon´tal-ly drawn
{historical}his-tor´i-cal collection
{hostility}hos-til´i-ty of the nations
{hundred}hun´dred dollars
{hammer}ham´mer the nail
{happened}hap´pened by accident
{hope}hope for the best
{hop}hop on one foot
{heroes}he´roes of the war
{graph}graph of the population
{insolvency}in-solv´en-cy of the bank
{inventories}in´ven-tor-ies of the supplies
{investment}in-vest´ment of the money
{introduce}in-tro-duce´ the speaker
{interfered}in-ter-fered´ with his progress
{intolerable}in-tol´er-a-ble heat
{intercede}in-ter-cede´ for him
{instead}in-stead´ of playing, work
{inserted}in-sert´ed in the socket
{innocent}in´no-cent child
{indictment}in-dict´ment for murder

[Pg 71]


{indeterminate}in-de-ter´mi-nate sentence
{incumbrance}in-cum´brance of old debts
{incentive}in-cen´tive to work
{juicy}jui´cy fruit
{kinetic}ki-net´ic energy
{knock}knock at the door
{lens}lens of the microscope
{lettuce}let´tuce salad
{lovable}lov´a-ble child
{lonely}lone´ly farmhouse
{liter}li´ter of water
{lever}lev´er of the machine
{likely}like´ly to happen
{laugh}laugh at the joke
{manufactories}man-u-fac´to-ries of the city
{medicine}med´i-cine to cure him
{medicinal}me-dic´i-nal virtues
{medium}me´di-um sized bear
{metallic}met-al´lic ring
{mountainous}moun´tain-ous country
{mosquito}mos-qui´to bites
{molecular}mo-lec´u-lar theory
{moustache}mous-tache´ was shaved off
{much}much ado about nothing
{prize}prize for spelling

[Pg 72]


{muscle}mus´cle of the arm
{mussel}mus´sel on the seashore
{muzzle}muz´zle the dog
{mustard}mus´tard plaster
{neutralize}neu´tral-ize the solution
{nutrients}nu´tri-ents in food
{narration}nar-ra´tion of the story
{noun}noun is a part of speech
{nectar}nec´tar of the gods
{neighbor}neigh´bor of mine
{obstacle}ob´sta-cle in his path
{optician}op-ti´cian examined her eyes
{opaque}o-paque´ glass window
{optional}op´tion-al course of study
{orchid}or´chid of rare beauty
{organize}or´gan-ize a society
{oracle}or´a-cle at Delphi
{obliging}ob-li´ging errand boy
{omitting}o-mit´ting the useless words
{o'clock}o'-clock´ is a contraction
{putting}put´ting it away
{pursuit}pur-suit´ of pleasure
{pursuant}pur-su´ant with the idea
{profitable}prof´it-a-ble business
{participate}par-tic´i-pate in the event

[Pg 73]


{pretension}pre-ten´sion of the snob
{pretentious}pre-ten´tious people
{preterit}pret´er-it form of the verb
{prevail}pre-vail´ against him
{prevalence}prev´a-lence of the disease
{prevalent}prev´a-lent idea
{prevent}pre-vent´ him from going
{primary}pri´ma-ry grade
{parcel}par´cel post
{stirring}stir´ring the soup
{submitted}sub-mit´ted his paper
{suggestion}sug-ges´tion for improvement
{surd}surd or irrational number
{omelet}om´e-let for breakfast
{penitentiary}pen-i-ten´tia-ry sentence
{surprising}sur-pris´ing results
{surrender}sur-ren´der to the enemy
{sympathy}sym´pa-thy for the helpless
{usury}u´su-ry is unlawful
{usurpation}u-sur-pa´tion of the throne
{usage}us´age of the word
{useful}use´ful articles
{usefulness}use´ful-ness of a typewriter
{zoölogy} zo-ol´o-gy examination
{triangle}tri´an-gle with equal sides

[Pg 74]


{ventricles}ven´tri-cles of the heart
{wrought}wrought iron
{yeoman}yeo´man of England
{bacteriology}bac-te-ri-ol´o-gy is a science
{barometric}bar-o-met´ric pressure
{barbarisms}bar´ba-risms of the uncultured
{deceitful}de-ceit´ful pretender
{deception}de-cep´tion of the ventriloquist
{declamation}dec-la-ma´tion on Lincoln
{exchangeable}ex-change´a-ble goods
{etiquette}et´i-quette of the table
{illiterate}il-lit´er-ate immigrant
{jurisdiction}ju-ris-dic´tion of the court
{kilogram}kil´o-gram in weight
{infantry}in´fan-try of the army
{achromatic}ach-ro-mat´ic lens
{asceticism}as-cet´i-cism of the hermit
{abstruse}ab-struse´ idea
{aberration}ab-er-ra´tion of the mind
{biennial}bi-en´ni-al plant
{bacillus}ba-cil´lus of disease
{commencing}com-men´cing to rain
{commodities}com-mod´i-ties for sale
{debut}de-but´ of the girl
{debris}de-bris´ of the wreck

[Pg 75]


{tuition}tu-i´tion paid in advance
{templar}tem´plar of the 12th century
{theory}the´o-ry and practice
{tragic}trag´ic death
{tacit}tac´it understanding
{tough}tough steak
{title}ti´tle of nobility
{thirst}thirst for knowledge
{temperance}tem´per-ance lecture
{temperate}tem´per-ate habits
{quorum}quo´rum of senators
{renown}re-nown´ of the great man
{referee}ref-er-ee´ the game
{repel}re-pel´ the attack
{vowel}vow´el in the word
{valence}va´lence of the element
{valise}va-lise´ packed with clothes
{variables}va´ri-a-bles approach a limit
{waiting}wait´ing at the church
{width}width of the room
{woolen}wool´en goods
{wrap}wrap up the bundle
{rap}rap at the door
{varying}va´ry-ing in depth
{velocity}ve-loc´i-ty of the bullet

[Pg 76]


{duel}du´el with swords
{dual}du´al personality
{dairy}dai´ry farm in Vermont
{diary}di´a-ry of Samuel Pepys
{canvass}can´vass for votes
{canvas}can´vas circus tent
{coal}coal for the furnace
{choir}choir rehearsal
{quire}quire of paper
{berth}berth in a sleeping car
{birth}birth of Christ
{been}been away from home
{bin}bin full of coal
{berrying}ber´ry-ing in the pasture
{burying}bur´y-ing the dead
{blew}blew a hurricane
{blue}blue ethereal sky
{boar}boar hunt in the forest
{bore}bore of a rifle
{bullion}bul´lion for coinage
{bouillon}bouil´lon served in cups
{aught}aught against his honor
{ought}ought not to go
{son}son of his father
{sun}sun sets to rise again

[Pg 77]


{psychological}psy-cho-log´i-cal moment
{rhythmical}rhyth´mi-cal swing
{subpoena}sub-pϫna the witness
{sixtieth}six´ti-eth second
{strategic}stra-teg´ic position
{sociability}so-cia-bil'i-ty of the hostess
{strychnine}strych´nine for rats
{sobriquet}so-bri-quet´ of our friend
{thorax}tho´rax of the insect
{threaten}threat´en his life
{tissue}tis´sue paper
{unchangeable}un-change´a-ble laws of nature
{umbrella}um-brel´la turned inside out
{valiant}val´iant soldier
{wrong}wrong answer
{aisle}aisle of the church
{isle}isle of Great Britain
{analysis}a-nal´y-sis of the substance
{analyses}a-nal´y-ses of many substances
{currant}cur´rant jelly
{current}cur´rent of the stream
{waste}waste not, want not
{waist}waist of a person
{weak}weak invalid
{week}week before last

[Pg 78]


{haul}haul the load
{hall}hall for the dance
{greater}great´er than he
{grater}grat´er for nutmegs
{due}due him from me
{dew}dew on the grass
{do}do it now
{wear}wear good clothes
{ware}ware made of tin
{steel}steel cars are safest
{steal}steal the money
{sight}sight to delight in
{site}site for the schoolhouse
{cite}cite the law
{ordinance}or´di-nance of the city
{ordnance}ord´nance department
{scent}scent of the flower
{sent}sent him the letter
{cent}cent apiece
{minor}mi´nor and major
{miner}mi´ner of coal
{metal}met´al filing cabinet
{mettle}met´tle of the thoroughbred
{heart}heart failure
{hart}hart frightened by the hunter

[Pg 79]


{mete}mete out the punishment
{meet}meet at the station
{meat}meat for dinner
{scull}scull the boat
{skull}skull of the skeleton
{rout}rout the army
{route}route of the mail carrier
{prey}prey of the lion
{pray}pray to God
{plow}} plow the soil
{peeling}peel´ing of the apple
{pealing}peal´ing of the bells
{our}our father
{hour}hour of midnight
{one}one dollar
{won}won a race
{oar}oar of the boat
{ore}ore from the mine
{wonder}won´der at the strange sight
{wander}wan´der in the fields
{wait}wait for me
{weight}weight of the ox
{need}need of money
{knead}knead the bread

[Pg 80]


{Great Britain}
{Ben Jonson}
{Alleghany} (Mts.)
{Allegheny} (City)
{George Eliot}

[Pg 81]


References are to Lessons.

Transcriber's Note: