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Title: The Conuercyon of swerers
       (The Conversion of Swearers)

Author: Stephen Hawes

Release Date: August 9, 2007 [EBook #22289]

Language: English

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The Conuercyon of swerers



He frutefull sentẽce & the noble werkes

To our doctryne wrytẽ ĩ olde ãtyquyte

By many gret & ryght notable clerkes

Groũded on reason and hygh auctoryte

Dyde gyue vs example by good moralyte

To folowe the trace of trouth and ryght wysnes

Leuynge our synne and mortall wrechednes

By theyr wrytynge doth to vs appere

The famous actes of many a champyon

In the courte of fame renowned fayre and clere

And some endyted theyr entencyon

Cloked in coloure harde in construccyon

Specyally poetes vnder cloudy fygures

Couered the trouthe of all theyr scryptures

So hystoryagraphes all the worthy dedes

Of kynges and knyghtes dyde put in wrytynge

To be in mende for theyr memoryall medes

How sholde we now haue knowledgynge

Of thynges past / but by theyr endytynge

Wherfore we ought to prayse them doubteles

That spent theyr tyme in suche good busynes.

Amonge all other my good mayster Lydgate

The eloquent poete and monke of bury

Dyde bothe contryue and also translate

Many vertues bokes to be in memory

Touchynge the trouthe well and sentencyously

But syth that his deth was intollerable

I praye god rewarde hym in lyfe perdurable


Amonge all thynges nothynge so prouffytable

As is scyence with the sentencyous scrypture

For worldly rychesse is often transmutable

As dayly dothe appere well in vre

Þet scyens a bydeth and is moost sure

After pouerte to attayne grete rychesse

Scyens is cause of promocion doubtles

I lytell or nought expert in poetrye

Remembrynge my youth so lyght and frayle

Purpose to compyle here full breuyatly

A lytell treatyse wofull to bewayle

The cruell swerers which do god assayle

On euery syde his swete body to tere

With terryble othes as often as they swere

But all for drede plonged in neclygence

My penne dothe quake to presume to endyte

But hope at laste to recure this scyence

Exorteth me ryght hardely to wryte

To deuoyde ydlenesse by good appetyte

For ydlenesse the grete moder of synne

Euery vyce is redy to lette ynne

I with the same ryght gretely infecte

Lykely to deye tyll grace by medecyne

Recured my sekenes my payne to abiecte

Commaundynge me by her hye power deuyne

To drawe this treatyse for to enlumyne

The reders therof by penytencyall pyte

And to pardon me of theyr benygnyte



Yght myghty prỹces of euery crysten regyõ

I sende you gretynge moche hertly & grace

Right wel to gouern vpright your dominiõ

And all your lordes I greete in lyke cace

By this my lettre your hertes to enbrace

Besechynge you to prynte it in your mynde

How for your sake I toke on me mankynde

And as a lambe moost mekely dyde enclyne

To suffre the dethe for your redempcyon

And ye my kynges whiche do nowe domyne

Ouer my comons in terrestryall mancyon

By pryncely preemynence and Iuredyccyon

In your regall courtes do suffre me be rente

And my tender body with blode all besprente

Without my grace ye maye nothynge preuayle

Though ye be kynges for to mayntene your see

To be a kynge it may nothynge auayle

Buy yf my grace preserue his dygnyte

Beholde your seruauntes how they do tere me

By cruell othes now vpon euery syde

Aboute the worlde launcynge my woundes wyde

All the graces whiche I haue you shewed

Reuoule in mynde ryght ofte ententyfly

Beholde my body with blody droppes endewed

Within your realmes nowe torne so pyteously

Towsed and tugged with othes cruelly

Some my heed some myn armes and face

Some my herte do all to rente and race


They newe agayne do hange me on the rode

They tere my sydes and are nothynge dysmayde

My woundes they open and deuoure my blode

I god and man moost wofully arayde

To you complayne it maye not be denayde

Ye nowe do tug me / ye tere me at the roote

Yet I to you am chefe refuyte and boote

Wherfore ye kynges reygnynge in renowne

Refourme your seruauntes in your courte abused

To good example of euery maner towne

So that theyr othes whiche they longe haue vsed

On payne and punysshement be holly refused

Meke as a Lambe I suffre theyr grete wronge

I maye take vengeaunce thoughe I tary longe

I do forbere I wolde haue you amende

And graunte you mercy and ye wyll it take

O my swete brederne why do ye offende

Agayne to tere me whiche deyed for your sake

Lo se my kyndenes and frome synne awake

I dyde redeme you from the deuylles chayne

And spyte of me ye wyll to hym agayne

Made I not heuen the moost gloryous mansyon

In whiche I wolde be gladde to haue you in

Now come swete bretherne to myn habytacyon

Alas good brederne with your mortall synne

Why flee ye from me / to torne agayne begynne

I wrought you I bought you ye can it not denye

Yet to the deuyll ye go nowe wyllyngly



group of pictures
My payne
(in mynde
My swete bloode
On the roode
Dyde the good
(my broder
My face ryght red
Myn armes spred
My woundes bled
(thynke none oder
Beholde thou my syde
Wounded so ryght wyde
Bledynge sore that tyde
(all for thyn owne sake
Thus for the I smerted
Why arte þou harde herted
Be by me conuerted
(& thy swerynge aslake
Tere me nowe no more
My woundes are sore
Leue swerynge therfore
(and come to my grace
I am redy
To graunte mercy
To the truely
(for thy trespace
Come nowe nere
My frende dere
And appere
(before me
I so
In wo
Dyde go
(se se
[A.iiii.] Crye



Vnto me dere broder my loue and my herte

Turmente me no more with thyn othes grete

Come vnto my Ioye and agayne reuerte

From the deuylles snare and his sutyl net

Beware of the worlde all aboute the set

Thy flesshe is redy by concupyscence

To burne thy herte with cursed vyolence

Thoughe these thre enmyes do sore the assayle

Vpon euery syde with daungerous iniquite

But yf thou lyst / they may nothynge preuayle

Nor yet subdue the with all theyr extremyte

To do good or yll / all is at thy lyberte

I do graunte the grace thyn enemyes to subdue

Swete broder accepte it theyr power to extue

And ye kynges and prynces of hye noblenes

With dukes and lordes of euery dygnyte

Indued with manhode wysdome and ryches

Ouer the comons hauynge the soueraynte

Correcte them whiche so do tere me

By cruell othes without repentaunce

Amende be tyme lest I take vengeaunce


Exodi vicesimo / non accipies nomen dei tui in vãnum

Vnto the man I gaue commaundement

Not to take the name of thy god vaynfully

As not to swere but at tyme conuenyent

Before a Iuge to bere recorde truely

Namynge my name with reuerence mekely

Vnto the Iuge than there in presence

By my name to gyue to the good credence

A my brederne yf that I be wrothe

It is for cause ye falsly by me swere

Ye knowe yourselfe that I am very trothe

Þet wrongfully ye do me rente and tere

ye neyther loue me nor my Iustyce fere

And yf ye dyde ye wolde full gentylly

Obeye my byddynge well and perfytely

The worldly kynges hauynge the soueraynte

ye do well obey without resystence

ye dare not take theyr names in vanyte

But with grete honoure and eke reuerence

Than my name more hye of magnyfycence

ye ought more to drede whiche am kynge of all

Bothe god and man and reygne celestyall

No erthely man loueth you so well

As I do / which mekely dyde enclyne

For to redeme you from the fendes of hell

Takynge your kynde by my godhede dyuyne

you were the fendes I dyde make you myne

For you swete bretherne I was on the rode

Gyuynge my body my herte and my blode


Than why do ye in euery maner of place

With cruell othes tere my body and herte

My sydes and woundes it is a pyteous cace

Alas swete brederne I wolde you conuerte

For to take vengeaunce ye do me coherte

From the hous of swerers shall not be absent

The plage of Iustyce to take punysshement

¶Vnde. Ecclesiastici .xxxiii. Vir multum iurans implebitur iniquitate et non discedet a domo eius plaga.

A man moche swerynge with grete iniquite

Shall be replete and from his mancyon

The plage of vengeaunce shall not cessed be

Wherefore ye brederne full of abusyon

Take ye good hede to this dyscrypcyon

Come nowe to me and axe forgyuenes

And be penytente and haue it douteles

Augustinus. Non potest male mori qui bene vixit et vix bene moritur quimale vixit.

Who in this worlde lyueth well and ryghtwysly

Sall deye well by ryght good knowlegynge

Who in this worlde lyueth yll and wrongfully

Shall hardly scape to haue good endynge

I do graunte mercy but no tyme enlongynge

Wherfore good brederne whyles that ye haue space

Amend your lyfe and come vnto my grace


My wordes my prelates vnto you do preche

For to conuerte you from your wretchednes

But lytell auaylleth you nowe for to teche

The worlde hathe cast you in such blyndnes

Lyke vnto stones your hertes hathe hardnes

That my swete wordes may not reconsyle

Your hertes harde with mortall synne so vyle

Wo worthe your hertes so planted in pryde

Wo worthe your wrath and mortall enuye

Wo worthe slouth that dothe with you abyde

Wo worthe also inmesurable glotony

Wo worthe your tedyus synne of lechery

Wo worthe you whome I gaue free wyll

Wo worthe couetyse that dothe your soulse spyll

Wo worthe shorte Ioye cause of payne eternall

Wo worthe you that be so peruerted

Wo worthe your pleasures in the synnes mortall

Wo worthe you for whome I sore smerted

Wo worthe you euer but ye be conuerted

Wo worthe you whose makynge I repente

Wo worthe your horryble synne so vyolent

Wo worthe you whiche do me forsake

Wo worthe you whiche wyllyngely offende

Wo worthe your swerynge whiche dothe not aslake

Wo worthe you whiche wyll nothynge amende

Wo worthe vyce that dothe on you attende

Wo worthe your grete vnkyndenes to me


Wo worthe your hertes withouten pyte

Wo worthe your falshode and your doublenesse

Wo worthe also your corrupte Iugement

Wo worthe delyte in worldely rychesse

Wo worthe bebate without extynguyshment

Wo worthe your wordes so moche impacyent

Wo worthe you vnto whome I dyde bote

And wo worthe you that tere me at the rote

Blessyd be ye that loue humylyte

Blessyd be ye that loue trouthe and pacyence

Blessyd be ye folowynge werkes of equyte

Blessyd be ye that loue well abstynence

Blessyd be ye vyrgyns of excellence

Blessyd be ye which loue well vertue

Blessyd be ye whiche do the worlde eschue

Blessyd be ye that heuenly Ioye do loue

Blessyd be ye in vertuous gouernaunce

Blessyd be ye whiche do pleasures reproue

Blessyd be ye that consyder my greuaunce

Blessyd be ye whiche do take repentaunce

Blessyd be ye remembrynge my passyon

Blessyd be ye makynge petycyon

Blessyd be ye folowynge my trace

Blessyd be ye louynge trybulacyon

Blessyd be ye not wyllynge to trespace

Blessyd be ye of my castycacyon

Blessyd be ye of good operacyon


Blessyd be ye vnto me ryght kynde

Blessyd be you whiche haue me in your mynde

Blessyd be ye leuynge yll company

Blessyd be ye hauntynge the vertuous

Blessyd be ye that my name magnefy

Blessyd be ye techynge the vycyous

Blessyd be ye good and relygyous

Blessyd be ye in the lyfe temperall

Whiche applye yourselfe to Ioye celestyall

The brytyll worlde ryght often transmutable

Who wyll in it his lyfe in tyme well spende

Shall Ioye attayne after inestymable

For in the worlde he must fyrst condyscende.

To take grete payne as his power wyll extende

Agaynst the worlde the flesshe and the deuyll

By my grete grace for to withstande theyr euyll

For who can be a gretter fole than he

That spendeth his tyme to hym vncertayne

For a breuyat pleasure of worldly vanyte

Than after that to haue eternall payne

Who of the worlde delyteth and is fayne

Shall after sorowe and cry ve ve

In an other worlde quante sunt tenebre

Who is wyser than he that wyll applye

In the worlde to take payne by due dylygence

After shorte payne to come to grete glorye

Whiche is eterne moost hye of excellence

Where he shall se my grete magnyfycence


With many aungelles whiche for theyr solace

Insacyately do beholde my face

Regarde no Ioye of the erthly consystory

For lyke as Phebus dothe the snowe relente

So passeth the Ioyes of the worlde transytory

Tyme renneth fast tyll worldly lyfe be spente

Consyder this in your entendemente

Blessed be they that my worde do here

And kepe it well, for they are to me dere

Therfore good brederne your hertes enclyne

To loue and drede me that am omnipotent

Bothe god and man in Ioye celestyne

Beholde my body all to torne and rente

With your spytefull othes cruell and vyolent

I loue you ye hate me ye are to harde herted

I helpe you ye tere me lo how for you I smerted

Mercy and peace dyde make an vnyte

Bytwene you and me but trouthe & ryghtwysnesse

Do nowe complayne byddynge my godheed se

How that ye breke the lege of sothfastnesse

They tell me that by Iustyce doubtelesse

I must take vengeaunce vpon you sykerly

That by your swerynge, agayne me crucefye

For at the request of good mercy and peace

I haue forborne you longe and many a daye

Þet more and more your synnes do encrease

Wherfore my Iustyce wyll no more delaye


But take vengeaunce for all your proude araye

I warne you ofte ye are nothynge the better

But ye amende my vengenaunce shall be gretter

¶ Contra iuratores christi in celo crucifigentes. per bernardũ dicit dominus. Nonne satis pro te vulneratus sum? nonne satis pro te afflictus sum? desine amplius peccare. quia magis aggrauat vulnus peccati quam vulnus lateris mei.

Am not I wounded for the suffycyent

Haue I not for the ynoughe afflyccyon

Leue more to synne by good amendement

The wounde of synne to me is more passyon

Than the wounde of my syde for thy redempcyon

Thoughe I do spare I shall you desteny

But ye amende to brenne eternally

With my blody woundes I dyde your chartre seale

Why do you tere it / why do ye breke it so

Syth it to you is the eternall heale

And the releace of euerlastynge wo

Beholde this lettre with the prynte also

Of myn owne seale by perfyte portrature

Prynte it in mynde and ye shall helthe recure

And ye kynges and lordes of renowne

Exorte your seruauntes theyr swerynge to cease

Come vnto me and cast your synne adowne

And I my vengeaunce shall truely releace

With grace and plente / I shall you encrace


And brynge you whiche reuolue inwardly

This is my complaynte to eternall glory.


¶The Auctour as foloweth.

¶Go lytell treatyse deuoyde of eloquence

Tremblynge for dreade to approche the maieste

Of our souereynge lord surmountynge in excellence

Put under the wynge of his benygnyte

Submyttynge the to his mercyfull pytie.

And beseche hys grace to pardon thy rudnesse

Whych of late was made to eschewe ydlenesse.

¶Thus endeth the conuersyon of swerers, made and compyled by Stephen Hawys, groome of the chambre of our souerigne lorde Kyng Henry the seuenth. Enprynted at London, in Fletestrete, at the sygne of the Sonne, by Wynken de Worde, Prynter vnto the moost excellent prynses, my lady the kynges graundame, the yere of our Lord a MCCCCCIX. the first yere of the reigne of our souerayne lord kyng Henry the VIII.


W.C. initials, Wynkyn de Worde symbol


Notes on the Text

Capital U/V is shown as “V” for consistency, although the letterform is closer to “U”. Thorn Þ appears several times at the beginning of lines, and once in an abbreviation; “th” is used everywhere else. A series of lines on page A.iiii. verso, starting with “ye neyther loue me nor my Iustyce fere”, have initial lower-case “y”. The first of these may have been necessary to avoid collision with the Þ of the previous line:

initial Y and Þ

In verse, nasal abbreviations such as ã and appear only in lines with large initial drop caps. Other abbreviations—mainly in the Latin passages—are shown in this e-text as superscripts: qui, christi. The word shown as þou was printed as u directly above þ: þͧ. Not all browsers can display this form correctly.

Thumbnail view of Page A.iii. verso (entire page):

thumbnail of page A.iii.verso

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