\version "2.6.5" \include "english.ly" \header { title = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "Harrington") \fontsize #3.0 "Slavery's Passed Away."} %using font closest to original - substitute as necessary subtitle = "As sung in Edward Harrigan's Drama," subsubtitle = "\"PETE.\"" composer = \markup \italic "Music by DAVE BRAHAM." poet = \markup \italic "Words by EDWARD HARRIGAN." copyright = "Copyright, 1887, by Wm. A. Pond & Co." source = "Slavery's passed away and other songs." } verseone = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "1. " Oh child come to me and just sit down by my knee, I'll tell that same old sto -- ry just once more; Of dark, cloud -- ed years, oh, so full of bit -- ter tears, In those bond -- age days of long be -- fore the war. In rice- field and in cane, there the black man felt the pain, The dri -- ver's whip it cut him ev' -- ry day; Our good Lord a -- bove, with his nev -- er dy -- ing love, Made that cru -- el, cru -- el slave -- ry pass'd a -- way. } versetwo = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "2. " Oh child, in those times then I liv'd a -- mong the pines, Yes, in an old log ca -- bin I was born; Then I heard the moan when the moth -- ers lost their own, In those bond -- age days, oh thank the Lord they're gone. That I -- ron chain and band they grow rus -- ty in this land, No more the blood hound hold the slave at bay; So we bend the knee to the Lord that made us free, For that cru -- el, cru -- el slave -- ry pass'd a -- way. } versethree = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "3. " Oh I don't com -- plain, it will nev -- er come a -- gain, So all our lit -- tle child -- ren, black and brown; They ne'er can be sold for that yel -- low shin -- ing gold, For sweet Free -- dom, child, she has put on her crown. She came here in the night, oh then might gave in to right, Old Ab -- ra'm Lin -- coln brought a -- bout the stay; So shout Hal -- le -- lu-- there's a lot of work to do, For that cru -- el, cru -- el slave -- ry pass'd a -- way. } text = { << \new Lyrics \verseone \new Lyrics \versetwo \new Lyrics \versethree >> } global = { \key bf \major \time 4/4 } melody = \relative c'' { \autoBeamOff %intro - empty lyrics staff \override Score.RemoveEmptyVerticalGroup #'remove-first = ##t \partial 4 s4 s1 s1 s1 s2. \bar "|." \break %with lyrics \partial 4 f,4 | f g8. a16 c4 bf8. d,16 | a'8 g fs g ef'4. d8 | d c b c d c g8. gs16 | a2 r4 f4 | f g8. a16 c4 bf8. d16 | f8 ef d ef g,4 f'8. ef16 | d8 c b c g bf a8. c16 | bf2. \bar ".|." g4 | g8 a bf c d4 bf8 g | f'8 ef bf c d4. d8 | c8 d ef d c bf a g | %correcting typo in original (f should be g) d'2 r4\fermata f,4 | f4 g8. a16 c4 bf8. d16 | f8 ef d ef g,4 f'8. ef16 | d8 c b c g8 bf a c | bf2. \bar ".|." \pageBreak } upperone = \relative c' { %intro - no lyrics \partial 4 4 | 8. 16 4( bf'8) d, | 8 4. 8 | 8 | 2. \bar "|." \break %with lyrics \partial 4 f,4 | f g8. a16 c4( bf8.) d,16 | a'8 g fs g 4. d'8 | d c b c d[ c] g8.[ gs16] | %corrected typo g8 gs8 a16[( ) -. -.] -.[ -. -. -.] -.[ -. -. -.] -.[ -. -. -.] | f,4 g8. a16 c4( bf8.) d16 | f8 ef d ef g,4 f'8. ef16 | d8[ c b c] g[ bf a8. c16] | bf2. | << { g4 | g8[ a bf c] d4 bf8[ g] | f'8[ ef bf c] d4. d8 | c8[ d ef d] c[ bf a g] } \\ { g4 | g4. g8 g4. g8 | 4.\arpeggio g8 g4. g8 | g2( g4.) g8 } >> 8 16[ ] 16[ ] 4\fermata f,4 | f4 g8.[ a16] c4 bf8.[ d16] | f8[ ef d ef] g,4 f'8.[ ef16] | d8[ c b c] g8[ bf a c] | bf2. \bar ".|." } lowerone = \relative c { %intro - no lyrics \partial 4 r4 | 4 | | << f'2. \\ f,2. \\ { a4( bf c) } >> | 4 -. -. \break %with lyrics \partial 4 r4 | bf8 f' f d f f | ef g c g c, g' g | f f f f | f f f f | bf,8 f' f d f f << { r8 g8 b c } \\ { ef,2 } >> 8 g8 g | 8[ f' f] [ f f,] | bf,[ f' f] 4 r4 | 8[ ] 8[ ] | 8[ ] 8[ ] | 8 r8 r r 8[ ] | 8 r8 r4 4\fermata r4 | bf8[ f' f] d8[ f f] | << {ef2} \\ {r8 g8[ b c]} >> 8[ g' g] | 8[ f' f] 8[ f f,] | bf,8[ f' f] 4 } \score { << \context Voice = mel { \melody } \lyricsto mel \new Lyrics \text \context PianoStaff << \context Staff = upperone { << \global \upperone >> } \context Staff = lowerone { \clef bass << \global \lowerone >> } >> >> \layout { indent = 0.0\cm \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } \context { \Score \remove Bar_number_engraver } } \midi { \tempo 4 = 100 } } %Chorus soprano = \relative c'' { \autoBeamOff \partial 4 f,4 | f' f8. f16 f8^\markup { \bold \italic {CHORUS.} } d bf c | d bf d, ef f4. f8 | f g a bf b c g bf | a2 b4\rest f | f8 g a bf d4 cs8 d | f ef d ef g,4 f'8. ef16 | d8 c b c g bf a c | bf2. \bar "||" } alto = \relative c' { \autoBeamOff \partial 4 f4 | a a8. a16 bf8 bf g g | f f bf, c d4. d8 | f f f f f f g g | f2 s4 f | d8 d d d f4 f8 f | g g g g ef4 g8. g16 | ef8 ef ef ef ef ef ef ef | d2. \bar "||" } tenor = \relative c' { \autoBeamOff \partial 4 f,4 | ef' ef8. ef16 d8 d ef ef | d d bf bf bf4. bf8 | a bf c d ef ef e e | f2 f,4\rest f | bf8 bf bf bf b4 b8 b | c c c c c4 c8. c16 | a8 a a a bf bf c a | bf2. \bar "||" } bass = \relative c { \autoBeamOff \partial 4 f4 | f f8. f16 bf8 bf bf bf | bf bf, bf bf bf4. bf'8 | f f f f f f f f | f2 s4 f | bf,8 bf' bf bf g4 g8 g | ef ef ef ef c4 ef8. ef16 | f8 f f f f f f f | bf,2. \bar "||" } chorus = \lyricmode { Oh shout Hal -- le -- lu -- jah, Free -- dom ev -- er rules the land, Go bend your knee, black peo -- ple for to pray; The sha -- ckle and the band has fell from the Bonds -- man's hand, And that cru -- el, cru -- el slav -- ery's pass'd a -- way. } uppertwo = \relative c' { \partial 4 f4 | 8. 16 8 d' | bf d, 4. 8 | f f c' g | 2 r4 f | 8 4 8 | 4 8. ef'16 | 8 g | 2 ~ 4 \bar "||" } lowertwo = \relative c { \clef bass \partial 4 f4 | 8. 16 4 8 | 4 8 4. bf'8 | << { \stemDown f4 f8 f } \\ { \stemUp a8 bf c d } >> 4 8 | f8. f16 c8. a16 f4 f' | 8 4 8 | | | 4 f'8. d16 bf4 \bar "||" } \score { << \context Staff = women << \set Staff.instrument = \markup{ \column {Soprano. Alto.} } \context Voice = sopranos { \voiceOne << \global \soprano >> } \context Voice = altos { \voiceTwo << \global \alto >> } \context Lyrics = altos \lyricsto altos \chorus >> \context Staff = men << \clef bass \set Staff.instrument = \markup{ \column {Tenor. Bass.} } \context Voice = tenors { \voiceOne << \global \tenor >> } \context Voice = basses { \voiceTwo << \global \bass >> } \context Lyrics = basses \lyricsto basses \chorus >> \context PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.instrument = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "Old English Text MT") Piano. } \context Staff = uppertwo { << \global \uppertwo >> } \context Staff = lowertwo { \clef bass << \global \lowertwo >> } >> >> \layout { \context { \Score \remove Bar_number_engraver } } \midi { \tempo 4 = 100 } } \paper { raggedbottom = ##t } %Transcriber's Note: This file produces one .pdf file but two .midi files (one for each \score block). For purposes of this Project Gutenberg e-text, the two .midi files were combined into one using MidiJoiner. The \score sections could not be combined because of a bug in Lilypond that results in a programming error.