\version "2.4.2" \header { title = "BARCAROLE - INTERMEZZO" subtitle = "from \"The Tales of Hoffman,\" by JACQUES OFFENBACH." meter = \markup { \bold { All \small \normal-size-super tto mod\small \normal-size-super to } } } global = { \time 6/8 \key d \major } goverrides = { \override Rest #'style = #'classical #(set-accidental-style 'modern) } upperaprint = \relative c'' { \clef treble \repeat unfold 17 { << fis2. { s2\startTrillSpan s8. s16\stopTrillSpan } >> } } upperamidi = \relative c'' { \clef treble \repeat unfold 17 { fis2.^\trill } % in case lilypond starts midi-fying trills in the future } lotsanotes = { \set subdivideBeams = ##t \set Score.beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 1 8) 32([ c \repeat unfold 3 { 32 c } c c)] ([ c \repeat unfold 3 { c } c c)] \set subdivideBeams = ##f } arpeggiated = { 8[\arpeggio r ]\arpeggio [\arpeggio r ]\arpeggio } melodya = { fis4( g8) g4( fis8) \repeat unfold 2 { fis( e g) g4( fis8) } } shortarpeggio = { 8\arpeggio 8[\arpeggio r ]\arpeggio } upper = \relative c'' { \goverrides \repeat unfold 2 { \lotsanotes } \repeat unfold 2 { \repeat tremolo 12 { 32( cis) } } \repeat unfold 2 { \lotsanotes } \repeat unfold 8 { \arpeggiated } \bar "||" \break \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-2 . 2) 8[\arpeggio^\markup { \bold "Moderato" } r ]\arpeggio [\arpeggio r ]\arpeggio 8[\arpeggio r ]\arpeggio [\arpeggio r ]\arpeggio \melodya fis4 8\arpeggio 4\arpeggio 8\arpeggio \melodya fis8 r \shortarpeggio \repeat unfold 2 { \stemDown a4( b8) \stemNeutral b4( 8) 4( 8) 4( 8) \stemUp 4( 8) 4( 8) \stemNeutral 4 \shortarpeggio } << { \goverrides a4( b8) b4( c8) d2.~ d8 a b c b a b4.~ b8 r b b4( cis8) cis4( d8) e2.~ e8 b( cis d cis b) \repeat unfold 2 { a4 r8 r4 r8 a4.~ a8( cis b) } } \\ { \goverrides r4 r8 r4 fis8 fis4( g8) g4( a8) a4 r8 d, e fis g4 r8 r4 r8 r4 r8 r4 gis8 gis4( a8) a4( b8) b4 r8 e, fis gis cis,4 r8 a cis e dis2.( e4) r8 a, cis e dis2.( \hideNotes e8) \unHideNotes } >> r \repeat unfold 2 { \arpeggio } r \repeat unfold 2 { \arpeggio } r \repeat unfold 2 { \arpeggio } r \arpeggio fis,4( g8) g4( fis8) \repeat unfold 2 { fis( e g) g4( fis8) } fis4 \shortarpeggio \melodya 8\arpeggio[ r ]\arpeggio [\arpeggio r ]\arpeggio \arpeggio\noBeam e( fis g a b) a4-> \shortarpeggio 8\arpeggio\noBeam a( b cis d e) << { \goverrides fis2.-> fis8( e d!) cis!( d b) a4.->~ a4 b8 cis4.->~ cis4 cis8 \slurDown d4 r8 a8( d4) a8( e'4) r4 r8 d8( fis4) a,8( d4) a8( e'4) r4 r8 \slurNeutral } \\ { \goverrides r8 dis,^> e^> fis^> g^> a^> g4 r8 r4 r8 fis( e d) cis d b' a4( g8 fis4 e8) d4 r8 r4 r8 \slurUp r4 r8 a8( g'4) fis4 r8 r4 r8 r4 r8 a,8( g'4) \slurNeutral } >> d'8[( fis]) \arpeggio\noBeam 4\arpeggio 8\arpeggio 4\arpeggio 8\arpeggio 4\arpeggio 8\arpeggio 4\arpeggio 8\arpeggio 4\arpeggio 8\arpeggio 4\arpeggio 8\arpeggio 4\arpeggio 8\arpeggio 4\arpeggio 8\arpeggio 4\arpeggio 8\arpeggio \repeat tremolo 6 { 32( fis) } \repeat tremolo 6 { ( g) } \repeat tremolo 6 { ( fis) } \repeat tremolo 6 { ( e) } \repeat unfold 2 { \repeat tremolo 12 { ( fis) } } 4 r8 r4 r8\fermata \bar "|." } lower = \relative c' { \clef bass \goverrides R2. \slurDown r4 r8 r4 \clef treble 16( 8) r r r4 16( 8) r r r4 16( 8)[ r ] [ r ] \slurNeutral r r r4 r8 \slurUp r4 r8 \clef bass \acciaccatura c,,8 \stemDown b16( ais b d fis b) \stemNeutral \slurNeutral d8.->( cis16 b8) b8.->( a16 g8) fis4. r4 r8 \clef treble \repeat unfold 2 { [ r ] [ r ] } 4 r8 r4 16( 4) r8 r4 16( 4) r8 r4 r8 \clef bass r4 r8 \stemDown fis,,16( eis fis ais cis e!) \stemNeutral g8.->( fis16 e8) e8.->( d16 cis8) d4. r4 r8 \clef treble \stemDown a''8[ r b] b[ r a] a[ r b] b[ r a] \stemNeutral a r r \clef bass \stemDown a,,16( gis a cis e g!) \stemNeutral b8.->( a16 g8) g8.->( fis16 e8) \clef treble \stemDown a'8[ r b] b[ r a] a[ r b] b[ r a] \stemNeutral \clef bass \acciaccatura a,,,8 a'8 r r \stemDown a16( gis a cis e g!) \stemNeutral r4 r8 cis,16( bis cis e g b!) r4 r8 e,16( dis e g a cis) fis8.->( e16 dis8) d8.->( cis16 b8) a( gis g) fis( e d) \times 3/2 { cis c } \times 3/2 { b bes } a4.( gis g e \bar "||" d4) r8 4 r8 4 r8 4 r8 d,,[ r a'] [ r a] \repeat unfold 2 { d,[ r a'] \stemDown [ r a] \stemNeutral } \repeat unfold 2 { d,[ r a'] [ r a] } \repeat unfold 2 { d,[ r a'] \stemDown [ r a] \stemNeutral } d,[ r a'] [ r a] \repeat unfold 2 { d,[ r a'] [\arpeggio r a] a,[ r a'] [\arpeggio r a,] a,[ r a'] \stemDown [\arpeggio r a] \stemNeutral d,[ r a'] [\arpeggio r a] } d,[ r d'] [\arpeggio r d] \repeat unfold 2 { d,[ r d'] [\arpeggio r d,] } g,[ r ] [ r ] \stemDown \repeat unfold 3 { e,[ r e'] [\arpeggio r e] } \stemNeutral \repeat unfold 2 { a,,[ r a'] e'[ r a,] a,[ r a'] [\arpeggio r a,] } \stemDown a( cis e a cis e) g( e cis a g e) \stemNeutral d,( a' d a' d, a) \repeat unfold 2 { d,( a' cis \stemDown cis, a) \stemNeutral } d,( a' d d a) d,( a' d a' d, a) \repeat unfold 2 { d,( a' cis \stemDown cis, a) \stemNeutral } dis,( a' dis fis dis fis) e,( b' e 4) r8 ( a'' d fis4) r8 a,,( a' e' g4) r8 dis,,( fis' a c4) r8 e,,8( g' b e b g) ( a' d d a) ( a' cis cis, a) \repeat unfold 2 { d,( a' d d a) d,( a' cis g' cis, a) } \repeat unfold 4 { d,( a' d \arpeggio d a) } d,( a' d) r d( a) \repeat unfold 2 { 4 r8 4 r8 } \repeat unfold 2 { 4 r8 r4 r8 } 4 r8 r4 r8\fermata \bar "|." } dynamics = { s2.\p s2.*16 s2.\pp s2.*7 s4. s8\< s s\! s2. s8^\markup { \italic "dim." } s s s\> s4 s4. s4 s8\! s2.^\markup { \italic "rit." } s s\pp s s^\markup { \italic "bien chante" } \repeat unfold 2 { s8\< s s\! s\> s s\! } s2. \repeat unfold 3 { s8\< s s\! s\> s s\! } s2. s4 s8\< s4\! s8 s4\< s8\! s4\> s8\! s2.*2 s4 s8 s4\< s8\! \repeat unfold 2 { s4\< s8\! s4\> s8\! } s2.*12 s4. s4\< s8\! \repeat unfold 2 { s8\> s s\! s4. } \repeat unfold 2 { s4\< s8\! s4\> s8\! } s2. s4\< s8\! s4\> s8\! s2.*3 s8 s8\< s s4 s8\! s2. s8 s8\< s s4 s8\! s2.*4 s4. s4\< s8\! s2.*3 s4 s8^\markup { \italic "sempre" } s4. s4^\markup { \italic "piu" } s8 s4^\markup { \italic "dolce" } s8 s4 s8^\markup { \italic "morendo" } s4. s2.*2 s\ppp s2.*4 } tempomod = { s2.*29 \tempo 8=168 s4. \tempo 8=166 s4. \tempo 8=164 s4. \tempo 8=162 s4. \tempo 8=170 } pedal = { s2.*23 s4.\sustainDown s4.\sustainUp s2.*67 } \score { \context PianoStaff << \context Staff=upper { \global \upperaprint \upper } \context Dynamics=dynamics \dynamics \context Staff=lower << \global \lower >> \context Dynamics=pedal \pedal >> \layout { \context { \type "Engraver_group_engraver" \name Dynamics \alias Voice % So that \cresc works, for example. \consists "Output_property_engraver" minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-1 . 1) \consists "Piano_pedal_engraver" \consists "Script_engraver" \consists "Dynamic_engraver" \consists "Text_engraver" \override TextScript #'font-size = #2 \override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5) \override Hairpin #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5) \consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator" \consists "Axis_group_engraver" } \context { \PianoStaff \accepts Dynamics \override VerticalAlignment #'forced-distance = #7 } } } \score { \unfoldrepeats { \context PianoStaff << \context Staff=upper { \global \upperamidi \upper } \context Dynamics=dynamics \dynamics \context Staff=lower << {\global \lower } \tempomod >> \context Dynamics=pedal \pedal >> } \midi { \tempo 8=170 \context { \type "Performer_group_performer" \name Dynamics \consists "Piano_pedal_performer" \consists "Span_dynamic_performer" \consists "Dynamic_performer" } \context { \PianoStaff \accepts Dynamics } } }